El món a RAC1 - Crònica negra


El món a RAC1 - Crònica negra

De seguida en Toni Basses en aquest estudi, abans però ahir els Mossos van detenir un veí d'anglès de 60 anys per la mort de dos joves aquest estiu al plantar a Susqueda.

Soon Toni Basses will be in this study, but first yesterday the Mossos detained a 60-year-old English neighbor for the death of two young people this summer in Susqueda.

Ara me'n deia una cosa en Senauja que té tota la raó i que ho hem dit aquest matí, que és, ja hem condemnat aquest senyor de per vida.

Now I was being told something in Senauja that is absolutely true and that we said this morning, which is, we have already condemned this man for life.

És a dir, és veritat, és veritat que tot, tot, tot, tot, tot a punt.

That is to say, it is true, it is true that everything, everything, everything, everything, everything is ready.

De fet, qui posa el nom sobre la taula és els Mossos d'Esquadra, és la policia qui posa el nom sobre la taula, perquè aquest senyor no ha tingut cap judici.

In fact, it is the Mossos d'Esquadra who put the name on the table; it is the police who put the name on the table, because this gentleman has not had any trial.

I ja li hem vist la cara, ja li hem vist el nom i el cognom. I a més ell ho nega.

And we have already seen his face, we have already seen his first and last name. And moreover, he denies it.

Diguem que em va tenir un... Hola Benet, bon dia. Hola, bon dia Jordi.

Let's say that I had a... Hello Benet, good morning. Hello, good morning Jordi.

Doncs sé que em va tenir un de judici però per uns altres fets fa 21 anys.

Well, I know that I had a trial for some other events 21 years ago.

Per això va passar la condemna. I va estar 12 anys a la presó, amb la qual cosa vull dir que a mi em sorprèn avui que li hem pogut veure la cara,

That's why the sentence was passed. And he was in prison for 12 years, which means I am surprised today that we were able to see his face.

però sobretot que li hem pogut veure escrit el nom, un nom que qui dona és per als propis Mossos, per en fi.

But above all, we have been able to see his name written, a name that is given by the Mossos themselves, well.

Oficialment no, és a dir, tots els mitjans hem sabut qui era aquest home, en part perquè aquests antecedents són una de les claus per, diguem,

Officially no, that is to say, all the media have known who this man was, partly because these backgrounds are one of the keys to, let's say,

posar el focus contra ell en la investigació.

to focus on him in the investigation.

Ah, però és evident que tothom sabem qui és el detingut acusat d'aquest crim.

Ah, but it is evident that we all know who the detainee accused of this crime is.

La redactora de successos del Punt A8 també ens acompanya, l'Atura Soleu. L'Atura, bon dia.

The news editor of Punt A8 is also with us, Atura Soleu. Good morning, Atura.

Hola, bon dia. I moltes gràcies. A vosaltres.

Hello, good morning. And thank you very much. To you all.

I ja l'hem donat per... tots plegats l'hem donat per culpable abans del judici, eh? Les coses com són, eh?

And we have already given him... we've all already deemed him guilty before the trial, right? Let's be honest, right?

No, home, això no. A veure, en aquests moments el que és, és una detenció.

No, come on, not that. Let's see, at this moment what it is, is an arrest.

Nosaltres, almenys jo, l'anomeno, en aquest moment és el sospitós del crim de Susqueda.

We, at least I, call him, at this moment he is the suspect in the Susqueda crime.

Vull dir, el joc de la defensa suposa...

I mean, the game of defense involves...

Suposo que es desencadenarà a partir d'ara. Vull dir, ara els Mossos, ells van sortir ahir a dir que n'estan del tot convençuts,

I suppose it will be triggered from now on. I mean, now the Mossos, they went out yesterday to say that they are completely convinced of it,

que ell és l'autor material, però també van dir que ara, a partir d'ara, doncs, estem treballant per buscar proves.

that he is the material author, but they also said that now, from now on, we are working to find evidence.

A veure, sí que és veritat que davant de la societat és això, però la maquinària policial i judicial està en aquesta fase.

Let's see, it is true that before society this is the case, but the police and judicial machinery is in this phase.

En aquest moment, aquest home és sospitós. Llavors, no se'l podrà considerar autor fins que no hi hagi una condemna,

At this moment, this man is a suspect. Therefore, he cannot be considered the author until there is a conviction.

i el company, ara, ell sí que va ser condemnat, va ser condemnat per una altra...

And the companion, now, he was indeed convicted, he was convicted for another...

Per una altra història, sí.

For another story, yes.

Per una altra història. Ara, en aquests moments, ell es declara innocent, llavors s'ha de veure, no?, el que es diu el CSI, no?, són les proves les que parlen.

For another story. Right now, at this moment, he declares himself innocent, so we'll have to see, right? What they call the CSI, right? It's the evidence that speaks.

Tu pots dir, a vegades les declaracions es desvirtuen per una sèrie d'indicis, proves o indicis encadenats o proves que desvirtuen aquesta presumpció d'innocència.

You can say that sometimes statements are distorted by a series of signs, evidence, or linked clues, or proofs that undermine this presumption of innocence.

Ara, jo veig que, en aquests moments, està encara molt embrionari la investigació i que s'ha d'anar...

Now, I see that, at this moment, the research is still very embryonic and it needs to be...

S'ha d'anar demostrant de...

It must be demonstrated that...

De mica en mica, de moment, hi ha uns indicis que la senyalen, no? Els situen en el lloc.

Little by little, for now, there are some signs that point to her, right? They place her at the scene.

A mi em va sorprendre, si em permets, Tura, que van ser molt contundents els Mossos a l'hora de dir que n'estan convençuts,

I was surprised, if you'll allow me, Tura, that the Mossos were very emphatic in saying that they are convinced.

que sí que van parlar de presumpció, però van ser molt contundents que normalment no es mullen tant en una fase inicial.

They did talk about presumption, but they were very emphatic that normally they don't get so involved in an initial phase.

Tens tota la raó, sí, sí, sí, sí.

You are absolutely right, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Una pregunta molt... Aviam, algú pot fer una seqüència dels fets fins a la detenció d'ahir? Què va passar?

A very important question... Let's see, can someone provide a sequence of events leading to yesterday's arrest? What happened?

I una pregunta molt important. Per què els mata?

And a very important question. Why do they kill them?

Jo crec que aquesta és la pregunta que encara no té resposta.

I believe that this is the question that still has no answer.

I que és una de les claus que ha complicat tant la investigació d'aquest cas.

And that is one of the keys that has complicated the investigation of this case so much.

Recordem que tot això comença, si em demanes un resum, el 24 d'agost, que desapareixen el Marc i la Paula, la parella del Maresme.

Let's remember that all this starts, if you ask me for a summary, on August 24, when Marc and Paula, the couple from Maresme, disappear.

A partir d'aquí comença la recerca. El 26 d'agost, dos dies més tard, apareix el caia que volien fer una sortida pel pantà.

From here the search begins. On August 26, two days later, the dog appears that they wanted to take out to the swamp.

Quatre dies més tard apareix el cotxe a 7 metres de profunditat.

Four days later, the car appears 7 meters deep.

I no és fins un mes més tard, el 26 de setembre, que en troben els cossos.

And it is not until a month later, on September 26, that they find the bodies.

La unitat subaquàtica dels Mossos al pantà.

The underwater unit of the Mossos at the dam.

Què ha passat? Han passat cinc mesos des que van trobar els cossos, però ha sigut una investigació molt i molt complicada, bàsicament per dos factors.

What has happened? Five months have passed since the bodies were found, but it has been a very, very complicated investigation, mainly due to two factors.

Un és el lloc on passa el crim. És un lloc molt ferèstic, per on no hi passa gaire gent, per on no hi ha gaires càmeres, no és com una ciutat, evidentment.

One is the place where the crime happens. It is a very wild place, where not many people go, where there aren't many cameras, it's certainly not like a city.

I l'altra dificultat és la falta de mòbil.

And the other difficulty is the lack of a mobile phone.

Des d'ahir ens deien els Mossos que des del principi van tenir clar que no tenia res a veure amb l'entorn familiar o d'amistats dels joves.

Since yesterday, the Mossos have told us that from the beginning they were clear that it had nothing to do with the young people's family or friendship circles.

I, per tant, costava trobar un fil per on estirar, per intentar esbrinar què va passar, bàsicament, això ha sigut...

And, therefore, it was difficult to find a thread to pull on, to try to figure out what happened, basically, this has been...

Suposo que els Mossos van arribar a aquesta conclusió, que no tenia res a veure amb l'entorn més proper dels Mossos, després d'haver-lo investigat, també, l'entorn més proper dels Mossos.

I suppose that the Mossos came to this conclusion, that it had nothing to do with the immediate surroundings of the Mossos, after having investigated it, also, the immediate surroundings of the Mossos.

Perquè, si no, d'entrada, quan hi ha un succés d'aquestes característiques, el que marca el manual és que has d'investigar, has d'investigar tot.

Because, if not, initially, when there is an event of these characteristics, the manual states that you must investigate, you must investigate everything.

Llavors, sí que és veritat que la falta d'un...

Then, it is true that the lack of a...

Un mòbil clar converteix la investigació en una investigació molt complexa.

A clear mobile makes the investigation very complex.

Els casos que no tenen un mòbil són els més difícils de resoldre.

The cases that have no motive are the hardest to solve.

Quan no hi ha un vincle entre la víctima i l'homicida, aquests casos són aquells que tenen un nivell de probabilitats d'acabar no resolts molt més elevat que cap altre.

When there is no link between the victim and the murderer, these cases are those that have a much higher likelihood of remaining unsolved than any other.

I aquí jo crec que els Mossos, a part que hi han destinat moltes hores,

And I believe that the Mossos, apart from having dedicated many hours to it,

crec que també van tenir la fortuna de tenir uns testimonis que, inicialment, paradoxes de la vida,

I think they also had the fortune of having witnesses who, initially, paradoxes of life,

també que són de les poques persones que viuen allà, es havien convertit en sospitosos,

also that they are among the few people living there, they had become suspects,

però aquests testimonis els van portar una dada molt bona per poder acotar quin era l'escenari del crim.

but these witnesses provided a very good piece of information to help narrow down what the crime scene was.

Perquè, al principi, estaven parlant d'uns desapareguts fins que no apareixen els cadàvers.

Because, at first, they were talking about some missing persons until the bodies appear.

I el...

And the...

Acotar l'escenari...

Define the scene...

Acotar l'escenari del crim ho aconsegueixen en base al testimoni de l'amo d'aquella masia enronada del Mas Llumà, aquell noi belga,

They confine the crime scene based on the testimony of the owner of that dilapidated farmhouse at Mas Llumà, that Belgian guy.

un seu amic que en aquelles... el mes d'agost estava visquent com passant uns dies allà,

a friend of yours who at that time... in the month of August was living there for a few days,

i després un camioner que tots aquests tres testimonis, des de punts diferents del pantà, van i expliquen que han sentit trets.

And then a truck driver who all three of these witnesses, from different points of the reservoir, go and explain that they heard gunshots.

I, llavors, els Mossos fan una pericial molt complexa que consisteix...

And then, the Mossos carry out a very complex expert assessment that consists of...

en que es posen a diferents punts disparant, i llavors posen Mossos que, en els punts des d'on els testimonis relaten que ells es trobaven en el moment que havien sentit els trets,

in which they are positioned at different points shooting, and then they place Mossos at the points from where the witnesses report they were when they heard the shots,

i a partir d'aquí fan una triangulació dels sons, dels ecos, dels trets, i dedueixen que el punt des de...

And from here they triangulate the sounds, the echoes, the traits, and deduce that the point from...

el punt d'on se sent, des de tots els tres llocs que estaven situats els testimonis,

the point from which he feels, from all three places where the witnesses were situated,

coincideix amb un punt que és allà al final del barranc de la font del Borni, que s'anomena,

it coincides with a point that is there at the end of the ravine of the Borni spring, which is called,

i llavors estableixen que el crim s'ha d'haver perpetrat en aquella zona.

And then they establish that the crime must have been committed in that area.

I llavors allà és quan ells també concentren, diguéssim, els rastrejos amb la barca, per l'aigua,

And then that's when they also concentrate, let's say, the tracking with the boat, through the water,

i llavors el dia 28 de setembre finalment descobreixen els cadàvers que efectivament estaven en la zona,

And then on September 28, they finally discover the bodies that were indeed in the area.

aquesta que havien pogut delimitar a partir d'aquestes proves i a partir del testimoni dels belgues que vivien allà

this that they had been able to delimit based on these tests and the testimony of the Belgians who lived there

i del camioner que des d'una altra banda del pantà també va sentir els trets.

and of the truck driver who from the other side of the pond also heard the shots.

O sigui que aquí van treballar, s'ha de reconèixer que els Mossos van treballar molt i molt,

So here they worked, it must be acknowledged that the Mossos worked very, very hard.

llavors tenim acotat l'escenari, però falten encara molts altres elements,

then we have the scenario defined, but many other elements are still missing,

alguns dels quals encara no han aparegut, que és l'arma del crim,

some of which have not yet appeared, which is the weapon of the crime,

perquè, esclar, la mala fortuna també fa que en els...

because, of course, bad luck also means that in the...

en els cossos de les víctimes no hi queda cap projectil.

There is no projectile left in the bodies of the victims.

Llavors això és una dificultat més afegida que a l'hora de provar la implicació

So this is an added difficulty when it comes to testing the involvement.

quan tens un sospitós si no pots fer unes proves de balístiques que vinculin un arma amb el projectil.

When you have a suspect, if you can't do ballistic tests that link a weapon with the projectile.

Tot això són encara elements que els hi falta.

All of this is still elements that they lack.

Trobar l'arma és una de les claus que suposo que estan buscant a les diferents vivendes

Finding the weapon is one of the keys that I suppose they are looking for in the different houses.

que estan escorcollant ahir i avui, que ara mateix estan escorcollant els Mossos d'Esquadra,

that they are searching yesterday and today, that right now the Mossos d'Esquadra are conducting a search,

que és on vivia aquest sospitós.

that is where this suspect lived.

A casa de l'oncle.

At the uncle's house.

De l'oncle, que és on vivia, exacte.

From the uncle, that is where he lived, exactly.

I l'altra feina que han hagut de fer els Mossos és una mica anar per descarte, diríem, no?

And the other job that the Mossos have had to do is a bit of going by elimination, we would say, right?

Analitzar tothom que estava aquell dia pel pantà.

Analyze everyone who was at the swamp that day.

Clar, una feina de xinos, anar descartant de tot.

Of course, a Chinese job, discarding everything.

Un poc que veien les càmeres, que veien pocs, i anar descartant.

A little they saw the cameras, they saw few, and began to rule out.

I sí, em consta que també el que van fer van demanar a tota la gent que viu a Susqueda,

And yes, I know that what they did was ask everyone who lives in Susqueda.

la gent que hi treballa...

the people who work there...

Qui puja normalment, doncs demanar-los i tots quins vehicles tenien.

Who usually goes up, so ask them and what vehicles they had.

Tots per saber aquells vehicles que tenien un motiu per ser, per pujar o baixar aquell dia de Susqueda.

All to know those vehicles that had a reason to be, to go up or down that day in Susqueda.

I aquí és on van detectar l'en Robert Blanc, d'aquest sospitós detingut.

And this is where they detected Robert Blanc, this detained suspect.

I el que passa és que la imatge no era molt nítida, no van poder identificar ràpidament vehicle i propietari.

And what happened is that the image was not very clear, they could not quickly identify the vehicle and owner.

No es veia la matrícula.

The license plate was not visible.

Perquè no es veia la matrícula, era una imatge una mica, doncs, confosa.

Because the license plate was not visible, it was a somewhat confusing image.

A partir d'aquí han hagut d'anar rastrejant.

From here they have had to go tracking.

Per això la investigació...

Therefore, the investigation...

La investigació s'ha allargat tant, tot i que no s'ha abandonat en cap moment,

The investigation has gone on for so long, although it has not been abandoned at any moment,

doncs perquè cada pista era molt difícil de seguir i no hi havia una línia clara perquè no hi havia un mòbil clar.

Well, because each clue was very difficult to follow and there was no clear line because there was no clear mobile.

És a dir, que tot ajudava que fos complicat.

That is to say, everything contributed to it being complicated.

Van haver de creuar amb els terminals telefònics que es detectava que es havien posat en marxa

They had to cross with the telephone terminals that were detected to have been activated.

o que havien estat a la zona de Susqueda.

or that had been in the Susqueda area.

Però encara que es digui Susqueda no té cobertura, en determinades zones de Susqueda sí que hi ha cobertura.

But even though it is called Susqueda, there is no coverage; in certain areas of Susqueda, there is indeed coverage.

Jo que he estat allà, per exemple, en el lloc on van enfonsar el cotxe,

I, who have been there, for example, at the place where they sank the car,

es pot parlar, es pot passar missatges, allà hi ha cobertura.

You can talk, you can send messages, there is coverage there.

Potser en la part més avall n'hi ha menys.

Perhaps there is less at the bottom.

Vull dir que en alguns punts, depèn d'allà on es va moure el sospitós,

I mean that at some points, it depends on where the suspect moved.

doncs sí que el seu telèfon, si portava telèfon, es podia detectar.

Well, yes, his phone, if he had a phone, could be detected.

Llavors tot aquest creuament de dades, els Mossos suposo que els porta a fixar les sospites cap a aquesta persona.

Then all this data cross-referencing, I suppose the Mossos leads them to focus their suspicions on this person.

Llavors, el fet que tingui un antecedent per un delicte de sang i tot, encara fa aixecar més les orelles d'un policia.

Then, the fact that he has a background for a violent crime still raises a police officer's ears even more.

Hi ha una història, Tona, que a mi...

There is a story, Tona, that to me...

Que em té... que em té sorprès.

That it has me... that it has me surprised.

Primer, és veritat que s'han trobat uns bitllets per anar a Colòmbia del detingut, però el paper del fill...

First, it is true that some tickets to Colombia have been found belonging to the detainee, but the role of the son...

És a dir, aviam, jo no sé com és l'estructura d'aquesta família, tenint en compte...

That is to say, let's see, I don't know what the structure of this family is like, taking into account...

Avui el Jordi Nieto, que de vegades de la simpleza n'hem de fer bandera, ha dit una cosa que és...

Today Jordi Nieto, who sometimes we have to make a banner out of simplicity, said something that is...

Escolta'm, una persona estava casada, una persona que va matar la seva dona o la seva exdona feia 15 anys...

Listen to me, a person was married, a person who killed his wife or his ex-wife 15 years ago...

O sigui, hi ha aquí una... almenys a vistes de tothom, una anomalia, una...

So, there is here a... at least from everyone's perspective, an anomaly, a...

O pot ser que la seva parella hagi estat coneguda dins de la presó...

Or it could be that your partner has been known within the prison...

O sigui, no se sap exactament.

In other words, it's not exactly known.

Però havien tingut un fill, hi ha una criatura aquí.

But they had a child, there is a creature here.

I a més, aquesta criatura, aquest fill, també està en aquests moments detingut.

And furthermore, this creature, this child, is also currently detained.

És a dir, quin paper té el fill aquí?

That is to say, what role does the son have here?

Aquí no se sap encara ben bé quin paper hauria jugat, si l'haurien cobert.

Here it is still not clear what role he would have played, if they would have covered him.

Sembla que no l'acusarien, ni molt menys com a autor del crim.

It seems that they would not accuse him, let alone as the author of the crime.

Però el van detenir ahir, després del principal sospitós, a Sal, a casa seva,

But they arrested him yesterday, after the main suspect, in Sal, at his home,

en principi per un delicte contra la salut pública, és a dir,

in principle for a crime against public health, that is,

per tràfic de drogues, sembla que aquest noi estaria ficat en temes de tràfic de marihuana.

for drug trafficking, it seems that this guy would be involved in marijuana trafficking.

I, bé, l'han detingut, també l'han portat en els escorcolls,

Well, they have arrested him, they have also taken him in for questioning.

per tant, pot ser que vulguin que rebel·li alguna cosa,

therefore, they may want me to reveal something,

que potser sap alguna cosa que no ha comunicat la policia,

that maybe she knows something that the police has not communicated,

però això és una de les incògnites de les multes que queden obertes.

but this is one of the uncertainties of the fines that remain open.

O perquè en els escorcolls s'hagués trobat alguna cosa relacionada amb el tràfic de marihuana

Or because something related to marijuana trafficking had been found during the searches.

i, per tant, ell, si se l'havia d'imputar amb ell, havia d'estar present.

And therefore, if he was to be charged with him, he had to be present.

També en el lloc, com a sospitós, el noi, no sé,

Also in the place, as a suspect, the boy, I don't know,

però en tot això que comenteu el tema de la relació després d'haver matat la mare, no sé,

but in all of this that you mention about the relationship after having killed the mother, I don’t know,

jo avui feia una reflexió que dius, bueno, sempre hi ha la dita que la gent a la vida només hi som un cop,

I was reflecting today that you know, there is always the saying that people are only in life once.

però el que sembla ser és que els assassins hi són dues vegades,

but what seems to be the case is that the murderers are there twice,

perquè estem veient molts casos de gent que han estat condemnats per un assassinat,

because we are seeing many cases of people who have been convicted of murder,

compleixen la seva pena, tornen a sortir, que dius,

they serve their sentence, they come out again, what do you say,

és que ja haurien de ser vells rematats, i no, mira el cas d'en Ramon Lasso,

they should already be old and finished, and no, look at the case of Ramon Lasso,

que no ha sigut dues vegades, sinó tres, mata la dona, el condemnen, se'n surt,

that it hasn’t been twice, but three times, kills the woman, is convicted, gets away with it,

després mata el fill per cobrar l'assegurança, i al cap dels anys, quan dius,

then he kills the son to collect the insurance, and years later, when you say,

aquest home com m'ha tornat a repareixer, ha refet la seva vida, té una altra companya,

this man, as he has reappeared to me, has rebuilt his life, he has another partner,

i llavors mata i fa desaparèixer els cunyats, i dius, ostres,

and then he kills and makes the brothers-in-law disappear, and you say, wow,

i aquí al costat dels entorns de Susqueda tenim un altre cas,

and here next to the surroundings of Susqueda we have another case,

que és el cas d'en Josep Talleda, una persona que la van condemnar

that is the case of Josep Talleda, a person who was convicted

a una noia de 14 anys de Sant Hilari a Sacal,

to a 14-year-old girl from Sant Hilari to Sacal,

doncs compleix la condemna, de cop i volta, te torna a repareixer,

so he serves the sentence, suddenly, he reappears to you again,

apareix un cadàver d'una prostituta albanesa al riu,

a body of an Albanian prostitute appears in the river,

i l'assassí torna a ser en Josep Talleda, dius, com pot ser això?

And the killer is Josep Talleda again, you say, how can this be?

Compleix la pena, desapareix una altra noia a Girona,

A girl goes missing in Girona, fulfilling the sentence.

i l'última vegada que se l'havia vist, anàvem amb en Josep Talleda,

and the last time he had been seen, we were with Josep Talleda,

tenen tres vides, els homicides, a vegades et dóna la sensació.

They have three lives, homicideers, sometimes it gives you the feeling.

Anna, en el cas que...

Anna, in the case that...

El que més preocupa, recordem que li va caure una condemna per assassinat,

What is most concerning is that he was convicted of murder.

per matar l'exdona, la banda baixa, és a dir, la condemna mínima per assassinat,

to kill the ex-wife, the band lowers, that is, the minimum sentence for murder,

perquè se li va aplicar un atenuant de trastorn psicològic,

because a mitigating factor of psychological disorder was applied to him.

precisament per la depressió, l'angoixa que tenia,

precisely because of the depression, the anxiety I had,

fruit del trencament del matrimoni.

fruit of the breakdown of the marriage.

És a dir, que si podia estar entre 15 i 30 anys a la presó,

That is to say, if I could be in prison for between 15 and 30 years,

el van condemnar a 15, i n'hi va estar 12.

They sentenced him to 15, and he was there for 12.

Sí, però resulta també que quan el varen, quan va assassinar la seva dona,

Yes, but it also turns out that when he did it, when he murdered his wife,

que en aquella ocasió va confessar,

that on that occasion he confessed,

sense cap mena de problema, i va entregar l'arma allà,

without any problem, and handed over the weapon there,

davant d'uns mecanis que va matar la...

in front of some machinery that killed the...

Quan va matar la dona, ell ja portava a sobre una condemna per maltractaments a la dona,

When he killed the woman, he was already carrying a sentence for abuse against her.

i que era en un judici de faltes, però una condemna per maltractaments a la dona.

And it was in a misdemeanor trial, but a conviction for mistreatment of the woman.

Però en aquells moments continuava tinguent vigent el seu permís d'armes i les seves armes,

But at that time, he still had his weapons permit and his weapons valid.

ningú els hi havia retirat.

no one had taken them away.

Ara, en aquesta ocasió, ja no disposa de permís d'armes, ni té armes legals.

Now, on this occasion, he no longer has a weapons permit, nor does he have legal weapons.

Però esclar, això, tot això és burocràcia, sobre el paper no tens,

But of course, all this is bureaucracy, on paper you don't have it.

però l'arma ja està comprovat que avui en dia, si vols tenir una arma, la pots aconseguir.

But it is already proven that nowadays, if you want to have a weapon, you can get one.

Ara s'haurà de veure, si realment ell tenia una arma, no la tenia, on té aquesta arma,

Now it will have to be seen whether he really had a weapon, did he not have it, where does he have this weapon,

la dificultat de trobar l'arma del crim en el cas de Susqueda és un entrebanc molt greu.

The difficulty of finding the weapon of the crime in the Susqueda case is a very serious obstacle.

Alguna cosa més, Benet?

Anything else, Benet?

No, simplement dir que aquest cop l'arma no era de caça,

No, just saying that this time the weapon was not for hunting.

perquè era 9 mil·límetres o inferior, per tant, ha de ser una pistola que veurem on la va treure.

because it was 9 millimeters or less, therefore, it must be a gun that we will see where it was taken out.

És clar, és que no està ben definit encara el calibre exacte,

Of course, it's just that the exact caliber hasn't been well defined yet.

perquè per l'estat dels cossos i el no haver pogut trobar cap projectil,

because of the state of the bodies and the inability to find any projectile,

això dificulta moltíssim, perquè el forat podria correspondre a uns 9 mil·límetres,

this makes it very difficult, because the hole could correspond to about 9 millimeters,

però, esclar, amb el deteriorament dels cossos després de 32 dies a sota l'aigua,

but, of course, with the deterioration of the bodies after 32 days underwater,

és una cosa que tampoc els peris no han pogut definir amb una exactitud, saps, concisa.

It is something that the peris have also not been able to define with accuracy, you know, concisely.

Moltes gràcies a la companya del punt avui, que ha seguit, ha estat fins allà, la Tura Soler,

Thank you very much to the colleague from the point today, who has been there, Tura Soler.

que ha estat seguint fins als llocs, i tornarem a veure per reconstruir exactament què va passar,

who has been following to the places, and we will see again to reconstruct exactly what happened,

perquè ens deixa molts misteris que haurem de continuar-ne parlant en breu.

because it leaves us with many mysteries that we will have to continue discussing soon.

Gràcies, Tura, felicitats per la feina.

Thank you, Tura, congratulations on the work.

Gràcies a vosaltres per deixar-me intervenir, merci.

Thank you for letting me speak, thank you.

Només faltaria. Gràcies també, Benet i Nigo, al cap de societat de RACU.

Only needed. Thanks also, Benet and Nigo, to the head of society at RACU.

Aquest crim de plantada de Susqueda, que tot just acabem ara de començar a veure,

This crime of planting Susqueda, which we have only just begun to see now,

i ara cap on ha d'anar.

And now where should we go?

Ja, des del punt de vista de qui pot ser, qui poden ser les persones,

Yes, from the point of view of who can be, who the people can be,

de moment els Mossos acusen clarament aquesta persona que avui surt retratada

At the moment, the Mossos clearly accuse this person who is depicted today.

a tots els mitjans de comunicació, i veurem per quin motiu, quin mòbil hi havia

to all media, and we will see what reason, what motive there was.

per cometre aquest espantós assassinat.

to commit this horrifying murder.

Gràcies, Benet.

Thank you, Benet.

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