Els homes i les dones del sac


El món a RAC1 - El microrelat

Els homes i les dones del sac

El món a RAC1 - El microrelat

Mira, fill, són ells. Van arribar el divendres amb els seus millors cotxes.

Look, son, it's them. They arrived on Friday with their best cars.

No et costarà reconèixer-los.

You won't find it hard to recognize them.

S'assemblen a nosaltres, però només apareixen amb el bon temps.

They resemble us, but they only appear in good weather.

Venen amb els seus somriures treballats i la seva pell de classe alta.

They come with their crafted smiles and their upper-class skin.

Són gent simpàtica, fill. Són elegants.

They are nice people, son. They are elegant.

I alguns, fins i tot, van a aquelles universitats que tenen tant de prestigi.

And some even go to those universities that have such prestige.

Però no te'n refiïs.

But don't trust it.

Si et venen a saludar, tu a un metre de distància.

If someone comes to greet you, you stand one meter away.

Si fan alguna broma, riu exageradament.

If they make any jokes, laugh excessively.

Que pensin que la gent de poble no hi toquem.

Let them think that the people from the village don't touch it.

Dóna'ls-hi sempre la raó.

Always give them the benefit of the doubt.

Si els trobes a la carnisseria, deixa'ls passar.

If you find them at the butcher's, let them pass.

I que comprin tot el que vulguin fins que esclatin.

And let them buy everything they want until they burst.

Aplaudeix-los, engresca'ls, llença'ls-hi petons i cacauets.

Applaud them, cheer them on, throw kisses and peanuts at them.

Et diran que venen per respirar un aire més pur.

They will tell you that they come to breathe cleaner air.

Que aquí hi ha menys gent.

That there are fewer people here.

Menys perill de portar allò que ells porten.

Less danger in carrying what they carry.

I quan ja en tinguis prou, véns a casa i ens ho expliques.

And when you've had enough, you come home and tell us about it.

No els podrem fer fora.

We won't be able to get them out.

Però durant una estona podrem riure'ns d'ells.

But for a while we will be able to laugh at them.

Del seu egoisme i la seva estupidesa.

Of his egoism and his stupidity.

I saps, fill, no ens queda altre remei.

And you know, son, we have no other choice.

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