Rusquejant amb RNA - juny 2024

Ràdio i televisió d'Andorra S.A.

Rusquejant amb RNA

Rusquejant amb RNA - juny 2024

Rusquejant amb RNA

Aquí comença Rusquejant amb RNA.

Here begins Rusquejant with RNA.

El programa per a joves fet pels adolescents del Rusc d'Andorra a la vella.

The program for young people created by the adolescents of Rusc in Andorra la Vella.

Nosaltres som així i així t'explicarem tot el que ens preocupa i ens diverteix a Ràdio Nacional.

We are like this, and we will tell you everything that concerns us and entertains us at National Radio.

Benvinguts a l'últim programa de Rusquejant amb Ràdio Nacional.

Welcome to the last episode of Rusquejant with National Radio.

Sí, com has sentit, aquestes rialles i crítiques s'estan acabant.

Yes, as you've heard, these laughs and criticisms are coming to an end.

Però aquest programa els recordarem i els comentarem gràcies a les següents seccions.

But we will remind and discuss this program thanks to the following sections.

Un concurs amb el qual descobrirem qui s'ha escoltat tots els programes.

A contest with which we will find out who has listened to all the programs.

Seguidament tenim un consultori com el de normalment.

Next, we have a consultation like the usual one.

I per acabar bé la temporada farem un petit repàs dels best moments d'aquesta primera temporada.

And to wrap up the season well, we will take a brief look back at the best moments of this first season.

Doncs, trobeu alguna cosa a faltar?

So, do you find anything missing?

Sí, no, mentira.

Yes, no, lie.

Esclar, falta introduir les nostres veus amb la següent pregunta.

Of course, we need to introduce our voices with the following question.

Què fareu?

What will you do?

Ho fareu aquests divendres de la setmana de juliol-agost, o sigui, del mes de juliol-agost,

You will do it on these Fridays of the July-August week, that is, in the month of July-August.

però recordeu que al setembre tornem, eh?

But remember that we come back in September, okay?

Ah, ai, Déu meu.

Ah, oh, my God.

Crec que et refereixes a l'absència de gravació del programa.

I think you are referring to the absence of the program's recording.

Sí, de les reunions.

Yes, about the meetings.

Uf, no ho sé.

Phew, I don't know.

Anar al vòlei i platjar al central.

Go to volleyball and sunbathe at the central.

Probablement, videojocs.

Probably, video games.

O era socialitzar, fer alguna cosa amb la meva vida.

Or it was to socialize, to do something with my life.

Meet shadow legends.

Meet Shadow Legends.

Soc el Nil, com sempre, un cop més aquí, em vull tirar per un pont, i jo, què faré?

I am Nil, as always, once again here, I want to throw myself off a bridge, and me, what will I do?

Doncs estic fora, estic de vacances, yeeeah.

Well, I'm out, I'm on vacation, yeeeah.

Hola, soc la Nayara i segurament tot menys socialitzar, perquè és una merda.

Hello, I'm Nayara and probably everything except socializing, because it's shit.

Jo soc l'Emma i gaudiu de les vacances.

I am Emma and enjoy the holidays.

Jo soc la Inoa i possiblement res.

I am Inoa and possibly nothing.

Absolutament res.

Absolutely nothing.

Jo soc la...

I am the...



Jo soc la Karen i, bueno, no tinc res planejat.

I am Karen and, well, I have nothing planned.

Que surgi lo que surgi.

Whatever happens, happens.

I ja està.

And that's it.

I morir-me de calor.

I'm dying of heat.

Bueno, i com heu sentit, i crec que ja ens coneixeu a tots, ja que som els que hem estat durant aquest temps el rusquejant,

Well, as you have heard, and I think you already know us all, as we are the ones who have been buzzing around during this time.

eh, doncs, arrenquem.

Well, let's get started.


Let's get started.


Very rare.

Don, jo he decidit carencies de cordura de mil i Jota

Well, I have decided on the shortcomings of sanity of a thousand and Jota.

perquè és und els meus cantants preferits

because he is one of my favorite singers

preferits i és un temazo.

favorites and it's a great track.

Som el rusc.

We are the hive.

I un cop al mes, rusquegem a RNA.

And once a month, we gather at RNA.

En aquest programa tan especial,

In this very special program,

volem posar a prova els vostres coneixements

we want to test your knowledge

sobre el programa més top d'RNA,

about RNA's top program,

que és, sense dubte, rusquejant amb RNA.

what it is, without a doubt, rustling with RNA.

Amb aquest concepte,

With this concept,

en aquest concurs veurem qui s'ha escoltat

In this contest, we will see who has been listened to.

als programes i qui no.

to the programs and who not.

I, sobretot, sabrem qui són les persones

I, above all, we will know who the people are.

amb més memòria.

with more memory.

Aquest concurs té unes nombres...

This contest has certain numbers...

Ja com estem, tio.

We're already doing well, man.

Molt bé, Nil.

Very good, Nil.

Aquest concurs té unes normes

This contest has rules.

bastant simples.

quite simple.

Us llegim una pregunta i,

We read you a question and,

si no sabeu la resposta, podeu utilitzar

if you don't know the answer, you can use

el comodí de la truquera.

the joker of the trickster.



Amb aquest comodí podeu optar

With this wildcard, you can choose.

a trucar a un dels tres dinamitzadors

to call one of the three facilitators

del rus, que són

from Russian, which are

l'Òscar, l'Eli i la Carme.

Oscar, Eli, and Carme.

Si no teniu memòria,

If you don't have memory,

però sou intel·ligents, sabreu a qui trucar.

But you are intelligent, you will know who to call.

És a dir que...

That is to say that...


Let's get started!

A l'Òscar no.

Not to Oscar.

Nayara, primera pregunta, sisplau.

Nayara, first question, please.

Aquesta pregunta

This question

va per el Maikel

It goes for Maikel.

i volia preguntar-te

I wanted to ask you.

quantes entrevistes hem fet al programa

how many interviews have we done on the program

i a qui.

and to whom.


I remember.



No m'acordo si era la primera,

I don’t remember if it was the first.

però amb el Marc Vila

but with Marc Vila

després hem fet

after we have done

no sé si una entrevista

I don't know if an interview.

a la psicòloga, o m'estic equivocant.

to the psychologist, or am I mistaken.


I remember.

Malament, Maikel.

Bad, Maikel.

La supermàquina ha dit que no.

The supermachine has said no.



Solament una.

Only one.

Vols utilitzar el comodí de la trucada?

Do you want to use the phone-a-friend lifeline?

O fem rebot.

Either we bounce back.

Què tal?

How are you?

Vale, utilitzo el comodín.

Okay, I use the wildcard.



A qui trucarem ara, Maikel?

Who are we going to call now, Maikel?

A la Eli.

To Eli.

Doncs truquem a la Eli.

Well, let's call Eli.



Hola, Eli.

Hello, Eli.

Suposo que saps que et truquem

I suppose you know that we are calling you.

des del programa de ràdio rusquejant a RNA.

from the radio program rustling at RNA.

Bueno, a veure.

Well, let's see.

Doncs el Maikel

Well, Maikel.

ha decidit demanar

has decided to ask

el comodí de la trucada

the joker of the call

i ara et fem la pregunta

And now we ask you the question.

que no s'ha pogut respondre el Maikel.

that Maikel could not be answered.

A veure, Michael, si et puc ajudar.

Let's see, Michael, if I can help you.

Per favor, la pregunta era, quantes entrevistes hem fet al programa? I a qui?

Please, the question was, how many interviews have we done on the program? And with whom?

Jo he dit, jo m'acordo solament d'una que era del Marc Vila.

I said, I only remember one that was from Marc Vila.

Te'n recordes d'alguna més?

Do you remember any more?

Bueno, ara fa poc, fa dos programes, li vau fer una entrevista a algú que us acompanya sempre a la ràdio.

Well, just recently, two programs ago, you did an interview with someone who always accompanies you on the radio.

Li vau fer una entrevista al Marc Vila al principi, una entrevista a la Pati.

You interviewed Marc Vila at the beginning, an interview with Pati.

Sí, sí, ara em recordo.

Yes, yes, now I remember.

No sé si comptaria una mica el programa especial que vau fer a Palestina.

I don't know if the special program you did in Palestine would count for a bit.

Quants convidats vau tenir, Michael?

How many guests did you have, Michael?

Ah, sí.

Ah, yes.


Do you remember?

Ah, sí. Estic rascant.

Ah, yes. I'm scratching.

Jo diria que eren tres.

I would say there were three.



És que soc molt mal amb noms.

It's just that I'm very bad with names.

Hi havia un profe d'història.

There was a history teacher.

Sí, ja em recordo, però no me'n recordo dels noms.

Yes, I remember, but I don't remember the names.

D'acord, es deia Quim.

Alright, his name was Quim.

Després, la nomada...

Later, the nomad...

La noia d'Unicef.

The girl from UNICEF.

És que ja ho he dit, no?

I already said it, didn't I?

Mercè i el noi israelí que estava a Nova York.

Mercè and the Israeli boy who was in New York.

Aquí potser sí que no et puc ajudar. Pensa, era un nom curtet.

Here maybe I can't help you. Think, it was a short name.

No sé, estic molt mal.

I don't know, I am very unwell.

Bueno, doncs donem per mig resposta a la pregunta.

Well, let's consider the question half answered.

Gràcies, Eli.

Thank you, Eli.

Gràcies, Michael. Espero que la pròxima la sàpiguis.

Thank you, Michael. I hope you know the next one.

Moltes gràcies, Eli.

Thank you very much, Eli.


Thank you.

Adéu, bon programa.

Goodbye, nice program.

Llavors, les respostes eren...

Then, the answers were...

Marc Vila, correcte.

Marc Vila, correct.



Quim Torreda, el professor d'història.

Quim Torreda, the history teacher.

Mercè Miguel, sí.

Mercè Miguel, yes.

De Unicef, del programa Amidar, l'israelià.

From Unicef, the Amidar program, the Israeli one.

I, per últim, la Pati.

And finally, Pati.

La dic molt malament, Michael.

I say it very badly, Michael.

Guap, guap, guap, guap, guap, guap, guap, guap, guap, guap, guap.

Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty.

Vinga, següent pregunta.

Come on, next question.

Ah, va. Jo mateix.

Ah, come on. I'll do it myself.

Tudor, nombra totes les psicòlegues que han passat pel programa.

Tudor, name all the female psychologists who have participated in the program.

Totes les psicòlogues?

All the psychologists?





A veure, està la...

Let's see, there is the...



No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

La Marta Albert.

Marta Albert.



Està la... la Naila.

It's the... Naila.



Està... on hi ha... és que va venir una... em sembla que el segon o tercer...

It's... where there is... it's that a... I think it was the second or third...

em sembla que el segon o tercer programa.

I think it's the second or third program.

Però és que no me'n recordo el nom perquè només va venir una vegada.

But I don't remember the name because they only came once.

Rebot o trucada?

Bounce or call?



Jo crec que trucada, eh.

I think it's a call, huh.

Trucada? Fem trucada?

Call? Shall we make a call?

Doncs, a qui vols trucar?

So, who do you want to call?

Jo, a la Carme.

Me, to Carme.

A la Carme.

To Carme.

Doncs, truquem a la Carme.

Well, let's call Carme.

A la Cuqui.

To Cuqui.

La Cuqui.

The Cuqui.

A la Cuqui.

To Cuqui.

La Cuqui.

The Cuqui.

La Flor.

The Flower.

Està comunicant.

He/She is communicating.



Hola, Carme.

Hello, Carme.



Soc el Nil.

I am Nil.

Et truco des de l'estudi de Radio Nacional d'Andorra.

I'm calling you from the Radio Nacional d'Andorra studio.

Hola, Nil.

Hello, Nil.

Com estàs?

How are you?

Estem gravant el rusquejant.

We are recording the rustling.

A veure.

Let's see.

El Tudor no ha sabut, per incompetència, no ha sabut respondre la pregunta que li hem

The Tudor has not been able, due to incompetence, to answer the question that we have asked him.

proposat al nostre concurs de rusquejant sobre quines psicòlogues...

proposed to our competition of rusquejant about which psychologists...



D'acord i doncs

Alright then.

els psicòlogues han assistit al nostre programa.

The psychologists have attended our program.



Hi ha un.

There is one.

Falten dues.

Two are missing.

Hi ha una que va venir al principi al seryn.

There is one that came at the beginning to the seryn.

i no m'estiquen recordant

And they don't bother me remembering.

del seu nom.

of his name.

Que clar, m'he ficat ara...

How clear, I've gotten into it now...

Com que no?

Of course not?

Bastant incorrecte.

Quite incorrect.

En sèrio?


A veure, Carme, depenc de tu ara.

Let's see, Carme, I depend on you now.

O sigui...


Si no respons bé,

If you don't respond well,

assassina'm al tutor.

murder me at the tutor.

Però a quin programa va venir?

But which program did he/she come to?

Perquè és que no me'n recordo.

Because I don’t remember.

Va venir dos programes abans de la Naila.

Two programs before Naila came.

Uala, sí.

Wow, yes.

És que ara amb el nom...

It's just that now with the name...

Sé qui és, però...

I know who it is, but...

M'ha oblidat el nom.

I have forgotten his/her name.

Això és un no, eh?

This is a no, right?

Jo crec que és un no.

I think it's a no.



Ho sento, ho sento.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Moltes gràcies, Carme.

Thank you very much, Carme.

A la pròxima ja...

Next time, then...

Gràcies, Carme.

Thank you, Carme.

Passem a la següent pregunta.

Let's move on to the next question.

No, no, però contesta, tio.

No, no, but answer, dude.

Ah, hòstia.

Ah, damn.

Nil, sisplau.

Nil, please.

Ho sento.

I'm sorry.

Tenim Marta Albert, Naila Gómez,

We have Marta Albert, Naila Gómez,

Anna Verdaguer,

Anna Verdaguer,

Sònia Vigordà i Sara García.

Sònia Vigordà and Sara García.

Un dia.

One day.

Un dia, la Sònia.

One day, Sonia.

Un dia.

One day.

A ser part d'ella.

To be a part of it.

Uala, bombo, clar.

Wow, drum, of course.

Ara sí, següent pregunta.

Now, yes, next question.

Naila, ara.

Naila, now.

Chloe, sincerament, crec que és una de les preguntes més fàcils que hem escrit.

Chloe, honestly, I think it's one of the easiest questions we've written.

Qui va presentar el primer programa?

Who presented the first program?

El primer programa, quan vaig arribar, o el primer programa?

The first program, when I arrived, or the first program?

No, el primer programa de la temporada.

No, the first program of the season.

Pensa, pensa.

Think, think.







El Tudor?

The Tudor?



Sí, el Tudor.

Yes, the Tudor.

El Tudor.

The Tudor.

És correcte.

It is correct.



Ah, nena, que està bé.

Ah, girl, that it's okay.



Per fi hi ha algú que ens queda.

Finally, there is someone left for us.

A la tercera va la vençuda.

The third time's the charm.



Molt bé, Tudor.

Very well, Tudor.

És que realment...

It's just that really...

Com que molt bé, Tudor?

How are you, Tudor? l'havia escoltat, però va ser dels primers que vaig escoltar abans de vindre aquí.

...had listened to me, but he was one of the first I listened to before coming here.

Home, no.

No, not home.

No, menys mal, perquè...

No, thank goodness, because...

És mentida.

It's a lie.

Però és que sempre s'estava queixant que ja havia presentat, llavorenç...

But he was always complaining that he had already presented, you know...

Ah, bueno.

Ah, well.

Vinga, doncs, passem a la següent pregunta.

Come on, then, let's move on to the next question.

Quantes reunions hem fet en total durant la temporada d'arròs quejam, per preparar-nos?

How many meetings have we had in total during the rice season that we complain, to prepare ourselves?

D'arròs quejam per preparar els nostres programes.

We complain about rice to prepare our programs.

Karen, la pregunta és teva.

Karen, the question is yours.

Això és pura matemàtica.

This is pure mathematics.

Ja, ja, ja, la que sap més de matemàtiques.

Ha, ha, ha, the one who knows more about math.

És estoncs.

It's quite a while.

Jo sospenc mates, eh.

I suspect math, huh.

Doncs que bé.

Well, that's good.

Calcula, calcula.

Calculate, calculate.

Quants mesos hem fet? A veure.

How many months have we done? Let's see.

Des del setembre.

Since September.

A veure, tenim deu programes.

Let's see, we have ten programs.



Deu mesos.

Ten months.



Però sense comptar la gravació.

But without counting the recording.

Una segona.

One second.

Si sense comptar la gravació.

If not counting the recording.



Divideix aquel resultat entre dos i resta-n'hi quatre.

Divide that result by two and subtract four from it.

A veure si ben mates som bons.

Let's see if we're good at math.

Karen, si no vols fer matemàtiques, pots fer el rebot o pots rebotar.

Karen, if you don't want to do math, you can do the rebound or you can bounce.

Rebotem a...

We bounce to...

Ara són...

Now they are...

Ai, no, eh.

Oh no, huh.

Bé, sí, a veure, tampoc som bons en matemàtiques, però anem a comptar.

Well, yes, let's see, we're not good at math either, but let's count.

Hem tingut deu programes, més o menys, per cada mes.

We have had about ten programs for each month.

A més, més o menys, per cada mes fem tres o quatre sessions per, més o menys, preparar

In addition, more or less, for each month we hold three or four sessions to, more or less, prepare.

el programa.

the program.

No es poden calcular exactament perquè ja hi ha mesos que fem tres o quatre.

They cannot be calculated exactly because we have already been doing three or four for months.

Depèn de les vacances, o sigui, més o menys...

It depends on the holidays, that is, more or less...

No, però que has de donar un número exacte.

No, but you have to give an exact number.

Entre 40 i 30, perquè més...

Between 40 and 30, because more...

Digues un número.

Say a number.



Digues un número.

Say a number.

Un número.

A number.

One number.

One number.

És que no es pot dir exacte amb càlculs.

It cannot be stated exactly with calculations.

Molt bé.

Very good.









Us direm ja la resposta perquè sou molt pesats.

We'll tell you the answer now because you are very annoying.

4 per 4.

4 by 4.

Són setze reunions.

There are sixteen meetings.

No més.

No more.

No més?

No more?

I semblen 40.

I look 40.

I ho he exagerat molt.

I have exaggerated it a lot.



És que...

It's just that...



Vinga, doncs passem a l'última pregunta.

Alright, let's move on to the last question.

Hem fet una correcta.

We have made a correct one.

Emma, com es deia el programa on van participar en directe a Barcelona?

Emma, what was the name of the program they participated in live in Barcelona?

Ah, sí, sí, sí.

Ah, yes, yes, yes.

Doncs no me'n recorda, sincerament.

Well, I honestly don't remember.

Li hem fet la pregunta a la persona més indicada.

We have asked the question to the most suitable person.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Vols fer...

Do you want to do...

I vas participar.

And you participated.





Sí, sí, però no me'n recordo.

Yes, yes, but I don't remember.

Aquí vols trucar.

Here you want to call.

A l'Òscar.

To Oscar.

És que queda una persona.

There is one person left.

Ah, és verda.

Ah, it's true.

O truques a l'Òscar o truques a l'Òscar.

Either you call Òscar or you call Òscar.

Doncs truquem a l'Òscar.

So let's call Òscar.

Ens contesta.

He/She answers us.

A l'Òscar.

To Oscar.

A l'Òscar contesta, sisplau.

Please respond to Óscar.

Estan amb les andròmines.

They are with the gadgets.



Estan amb les andròmines.

They are with the gadgets.

Va, doncs sembla que l'Òscar no respon.

Come on, it seems that Òscar is not responding.

L'Òscar t'ha abandonat.

Óscar has left you.

Per tant, ens queda el rebot.

Therefore, we are left with the rebound.

A qui rebotarà?

Who will it bounce back to?



A la...

To the...

Pito, pito, cocorito.

"Whistle, whistle, rooster."





Crec que era Xavi Fornia.

I think it was Xavi Fornia.







No, que tinc victòria.

No, I have victory.

Quina ràdio era?

Which radio station was it?

La ràdio nacional espanyola.

The Spanish national radio.

Però una secció.

But a section.

Una secció.

A section.

Una secció de la ràdio nacional d'Espanya.

A section of the national radio of Spain.

És un número.

It is a number.


Holy shit.

És un número.

It's a number.



Mira, pots...

Look, you can...

Ves probant.

Keep trying.

És un número.

It is a number.





Molt bé, doncs hem arribat al final d'aquesta secció, és correcte, Nayar?

Very well, then we have reached the end of this section, is that correct, Nayar?



Home, hem comprovat que solament la Karen i la Chloe se escoten els programes.

At home, we have checked that only Karen and Chloe listen to the programs.

A veure, les preguntes eren molt fàcils.

Let's see, the questions were very easy.

No parlis, Tudor, no parlis.

Don't speak, Tudor, don't speak.

Tudor, no plorem.

Tudor, don't cry.

Heu escoltat els programes.

You have listened to the programs.



Bueno, doncs he escoltat aquesta cançó

Well, I've listened to this song.

ja que és una cançó que m'agrada bastant

since it is a song that I quite like

té un bon ritme

has a good rhythm

i té una lletra bastant

and has a quite a letter

bonica que, bueno, la pots dedicar

Beautiful that, well, you can dedicate it.

i això, que la recomano bastant

and this, that I recommend it quite a lot

Estem aprenent a fer ràdio

We are learning to do radio.

però no tenim por de res

but we are not afraid of anything

Conecta amb nosaltres

Connect with us

l'últim diumenge de cada mes

the last Sunday of each month

i a la setmana que ve

and next week

Rusquejant ARNA

Rumbling ARNA

Molt bé, ara passem a la secció del consultori

Very well, now let's move on to the advice section.

on normalment

where normally

intentem donar resposta

we try to provide an answer

a les vostres preguntes

to your questions

acompanyats d'una psicòloga

accompanied by a psychologist

Avui ens torna a acompanyar

Today it accompanies us again.

la nostra psicòloga de confiança

our trusted psychologist

la Marta Albert

Marta Albert

Hola Marta

Hello Marta

Gràcies per haver-nos acompanyat

Thank you for accompanying us.

més d'un programa

more than one program

Gràcies a vosaltres per convidar-me

Thank you for inviting me.

I també volia agrair

And I also wanted to thank.

i recordar la col·laboració d'UNICEF

and recall UNICEF's collaboration

per als que no sàpiguen

for those who do not know

què és UNICEF

What is UNICEF?

és una agència encarregada

it is an agency responsible

de defensar els drets dels infants

to defend the rights of children

i ara sí, avui comencem

And now yes, today we begin.

amb algunes preguntes un tant diferents

with some slightly different questions

i una mica raretes

and a bit strange

a les que estem

to which we are


used to

Ui, aquestes mirades

Oh, those looks!

que esteu fent aquí

What are you doing here?

que no es veuen per la ràdio

they can't be seen on the radio

Comencem per la que no entenc

Let's start with the one I don't understand.

quan la vaig veure

when I saw her

El Novita té algun trastorn?

Does Novita have any disorder?

Trastorn no

Disorder no

Novita Doraemon

Doraemon's News

Ai, el Novita

Oh, Novita

La pregunta és si el Novita té algun trastorn

The question is whether Novita has any disorder.

Esquizofrènia potser

Schizophrenia maybe

per veure un gat robòtic

to see a robotic cat

El problema és que

The problem is that

el veuen tots aquest gat

Everyone sees this cat.

Ja, ja, però és que a lo millor

Yeah, yeah, but maybe

i com el Novita no té amics

And as Novita has no friends.

Esquizofrènia grupal

Group schizophrenia

Potser el Novita pensa que tothom veu

Maybe Novita thinks everyone sees.

el Doraemon

the Doraemon



Una altra cosa que

Another thing that

no sé si molts de vosaltres

I don't know if many of you

heu vist la pel·lícula que van fer a Japó

Have you seen the movie they made in Japan?

que la van haver d'eliminar

that they had to remove it

o cancel·lar

or cancel



És a dir, que tot el que havia passat

That is to say, everything that had happened

totes aquestes aventures

all these adventures

eren per unes

they were for some

un somni o alguna cosa així

a dream or something like that

de a causa d'una coma

due to a comma

Eren flashes

Eren flashes

Bueno, era la sa imaginació mentre estava en coma

Well, it was his imagination while he was in a coma.

Jo què sé

I don't know.

Imaginació, eh

Imagination, huh.

La mana que...

The hand that...

Marta, tu què hi penses?

Marta, what do you think about it?

Ai, el Novita

Oh, the Novita.

També, també

Also, also

És que és clar, si ens remetem

It's just that of course, if we refer to

Digues, Nil, digues

Tell me, Nil, tell me.

També crec que té bastant

I also think it has quite a bit.

o dislexia o TDAH

either dyslexia or ADHD

perquè treure zero a cada examen

why get zero on every exam

El que fas és tot i ja està

What you do is everything and that's it.



Un respecte al Novita

A respect for Novita.

Només pots treure zero si et saps el examen

You can only get zero if you know the exam.

de memòria

by heart

Si estudiessin i costés, et diria que sí

If they studied and it cost, I would say yes.

El pitjor és que no repeteix de curs

The worst part is that he doesn't repeat the year.

És això el pitjor, mare meva

Is this the worst, my goodness?

El sistema educatiu japonès

The Japanese educational system

Podem pensar que el Novita no té massa carisma

We might think that Novita doesn't have much charisma.

És un personatge que els seus amics no el tracten massa bé

He is a character that his friends don't treat too well.

que no aconsegueix, és molt patós

he doesn't succeed, he's very clumsy

Al final apareix aquest gat còsmic

In the end, this cosmic cat appears.

em sembla que era, no?

I think it was, wasn't it?

que li ha de resoldre tot allò amb el que es troba

that has to resolve everything it encounters

Cada problema que té, ell el que fa, el Novita

Every problem he has, he deals with it, the Novita.

és anar a buscar el gat còsmic

it's going to get the cosmic cat

perquè li resolgui els problemes

to solve his problems

És així o no?

Is it so or not?

Sí, sí

Yes, yes



Potser té dependència

Maybe he/she is dependent.



Què penseu?

What do you think?

A veure, és un gat

Let's see, it's a cat.

Jo crec que més que res té carencies afectives familiars

I believe that more than anything, he/she has emotional deficiencies in the family.

perquè dependre més d'un gat còsmic

because to depend more on a cosmic cat

que d'aixadar-se d'ajuda en comptes dels teus pares

that you should turn to help instead of your parents

crec que és més carencia afectiva familiar

I think it is more of a lack of family affection.

Però si el gat et treu portes per viatjar a la Lluna

But if the cat takes you doors to travel to the Moon.



Però si has de viatjar a la Lluna sol

But if you have to travel to the Moon alone.

També és cert que

It is also true that

Està molt enamorat d'una noia

He is very much in love with a girl.

La Shizuka

The Shizuka

Tot ho fa per la Shizuka? Creieu que és per amor?

Does he do it all for Shizuka? Do you think it's for love?



És tòxic

It is toxic.

Fa por

It is frightening.

Però poc es parla de quan apareixia al lavabo

But little is said about when she would appear in the bathroom.

quan la Shizuka s'estava banyant

when Shizuka was bathing



Una mica tu per mi

A little bit you for me

Bueno, tots els dibuixos japonesos són així

Well, all Japanese drawings are like that.




No em pots negar

You can't deny it to me.

Crec que podem resumir que el Novita és un gat còsmic

I think we can summarize that Novita is a cosmic cat.

El Novita li passen moltes coses

Many things happen to Novita.

No sé si té un trastorn així que el poguéssim definir

I don't know if he/she has a disorder that we could define.

Però li passen moltes coses

But many things happen to him/her.

I finalment ha de recórrer a un gat

And finally, he has to resort to a cat.

Bé, passem a la segona pregunta que és

Well, let's move on to the second question which is

Com podem acompanyar el Calamardo amb la seva depressió?

How can we support Squidward with his depression?

El Calamardo de l'Opistó

The Squid of the Opisto

Ah, tenia un nom el Patricio

Ah, Patricio had a name.

El de la nàutica

The one about boating.

No, no, no

No, no, no



I tenia una depressió?

Did I have a depression?

Ai, expliqueu-me una mica

Oh, tell me a little bit.

És que és molt cascarràvies

It's just that he's very grumpy.

Sí, té a veure la depressió amb el cascarràvies

Yes, it has to do with the grumpiness.

Recordem que es va intentar suïcidar

Let us remember that he/she tried to commit suicide.



Nunca s'ha de la seva casa

Never leave your home.

Vam presentar que es volia suïcidar però volia penjar una... com es diu?

We reported that he wanted to commit suicide but wanted to hang a... what is it called?

Una jaula

A cage

Una gàbia

A cage

Però ho va intentar

But he/she tried.

O sigui que alguna cosa li passa

So something is happening to him/her.

Però, més que res per exemple

But, more than anything for example

Anem a analitzar la vida del Calamardo

Let's analyze Squidward's life.

La seva vida al món de la sèrie animada

His life in the world of the animated series.

es viu enmig de dues cases

it lives between two houses

que aquestes dues hi ha dos suposats adults

that in these two there are two supposed adults

els quals tenen una mentalitat infantil

who have a childish mentality

i els seus actes són els mateixos

and their actions are the same

Li agrada molt la seva música

He/she really likes his/her music.

se li agrada molt tocar el clarinet

He/She really enjoys playing the clarinet.

però és que no té reconeixement cap

but it has no recognition whatsoever

no sé, no té res de reconeixement

I don't know, it has nothing to do with recognition.

i treballa a una hamburgueseria

and works at a hamburger restaurant

la qual el seu cap és una mica tacaño

whose boss is a bit stingy

I poc es parla de que les hamburgueses són de cangrejos

Little is said about the fact that the hamburgers are made of crabs.

i que el director d'aquell restaurant és una mica caníbal

And that the director of that restaurant is a bit of a cannibal.

i que l'edifici directament de l'hamburgueseria

And that the building directly from the hamburger restaurant.

és una trampa per gambes

it's a trap for shrimp

Per crancs

For crabs

Per crancs i gambes

For crabs and prawns

Per marisc

For seafood

Llavors, podem dir que els seus veïns

Then we can say that their neighbors

tenen síndrome de Peter Pan?

do they have Peter Pan syndrome?



No, però també es va dir amb un cap...

No, but it was also said with a head...

Són la causa de la depressió

They are the cause of depression.

És com un nou nom per al síndrome de Down

It is like a new name for Down syndrome.

Jo crec que ja no confia en la humanitat directament

I believe that he/she no longer trusts humanity directly.

Però humanitat si són peixos

But humanity, they are fish.

A veure, una esponja no és un peix

Let's see, a sponge is not a fish.

No, però es va confi...

No, but it was confi...

O sea, en un capítol el Calamardo ja va dir

In other words, in one episode Squidward already said.

que sí que tenia depressió o algo així

that yes, he had depression or something like that

Viu sol

Live alone

No té un entorn favorable

It does not have a favorable environment.

No l'ajuden

They do not help him/her.

Viu en una ruïna

Lives in a ruin.

Està sol

He is alone.

Com el podem ajudar?

How can we help you?

Potser sí que està molt deprimit

Maybe he is very depressed.

Va, com el podem ajudar?

Come on, how can we help him?

Com el podem ajudar?

How can we help you?

Què faríeu per ajudar-lo?

What would you do to help him?

Fer-lo famós

Make him famous.

Una calamarca

A calamarca

Fer desaparèixer molts peixos

Make many fish disappear.

Mover-se de casa, tipus...

Moving out of the house, like...

Que socialitzi

Let it socialize.

Si les úniques persones amb què vius els odies

If the only people you live with you hate.

per què no mover-se de casa?

Why not move out of the house?

Que tingui èxit amb la música

I wish you success with your music.

Que el recolzi amb la música

Let him support it with music.

Fer calamar a la planxa

Grilled squid



Busquem-li una calamarda

Let's look for a calamari.

Una calamarda

A calamity

Que canviï de treball

That he/she changes jobs.

Que canviï de feina

Let him change jobs.

Que l'únic amic calamar que té

That the only squid friend he has

el va pujar a tema música

he brought it up about music

i com que el va deixar menor que ell

and since he left him younger than him

Us veig molt preocupats

I see you very worried.

i preocupades pel calamar

and worried about the squid

Alguna cosa?


Per què?


És que pobret

It's just so poor.

Us veig preocupades

I see you worried.

Haurem de fer una...

We will have to make a...

És que a la infància tens gent així

It's that in childhood you have people like that.

Si tens depressió pots estar alegre algunes vegades

If you have depression, you can be happy sometimes.

però el que calamardo nunca está alegre

but the squid is never happy



Molt pocs capítols

Very few chapters

I molt poc temps

In very little time

Quan el bobe esponja pateix

When SpongeBob suffers

Què més tenim?

What else do we have?

Doncs parlant d'amics

Well, speaking of friends

El Mic de Mac Mac Mic no tens cap amic

The Mic of Mac Mac Mic has no friend.

Què creieu que li ha passat?

What do you think has happened to him/her?

A veure

Let's see.

Què creus que li ha passat?

What do you think has happened to him/her?

Primer de tot aquell que deu tenir algun tipus de diversitat funcional perquè li costa molt parlar

First of all, someone who must have some type of functional diversity because it is very difficult for them to speak.

Que veu uns ulls de mulleres i una boca que floten amb unes mans

That sees the eyes of women and a mouth that floats with hands.

No és normal

It's not normal.

I a part què és el Mic?

And apart from what is Mic?

És un humà?

Is he a human?

Què és?

What is it?

És un peluix

It's a stuffed animal.

És un micu

He is a little boy.

És un peluix

It's a stuffed toy.

Amb qui es relaciona el Mic?

Who is Mic associated with?

Amb una persona

With a person

No sé si una persona

I don't know if a person

Amb la foscor

With the darkness

Amb la mosca

With the fly

Clar, què hi ha darrere d'ell?

Of course, what is behind him?

Els cinc segons

The five seconds

Què hi ha darrere d'això?

What is behind this?

Hi ha mirades?

Are there looks?

Hi ha cares?

Are there faces?

Hi ha somriures?

Are there smiles?

És veritat

It's true.

Sempre està amb la mateixa expressió

He/She is always wearing the same expression.

Perquè és un peluix

Because it is a plush toy.

Ja la té

She/He already has it.

De per si és natural aquesta expressió

This expression is natural in itself.

No la puc canviar

I can't change it.

Però la que troba ell en els altres?

But the one he finds in others?

És la mateixa

It is the same.

Que trist, no?

How sad, right?

No penseu que

Don't you think that

És molt monòton

It's very monotonous.



Vale, passem a la següent

Okay, let's move on to the next one.

A la Dora Exploradora

To Dora the Explorer

Passem a la següent

Let's move on to the next one.

A la Dora Exploradora

To Dora the Explorer

Si creieu que necessita alguna ajuda

If you think it needs any help.

Sí, sí, ja hem dit que

Yes, yes, we have already said that

És una mica estrany, vale?

It's a bit strange, okay?

Jo crec que la Dora Exploradora

I think that Dora the Explorer

Sí que necessita ajuda

Yes, he does need help.



Ulleres, operació, prismàtics, telescopis

Glasses, operation, binoculars, telescopes

I tot el que tingui a veure amb l'ull

And everything that has to do with the eye.

I d'això de parlar amb animals, sisplau

And about this speaking with animals, please.

Perquè no la pots

Because you can't.

Jo també parlo amb els animals

I also talk to animals.

Què passa?

What's happening?

Sí, no?

Yes, no?

A tu et roben

They steal from you.

Intenta robar, no?

Trying to steal, right?

I que matin el que li roba

And let them kill whoever steals from him.

Perquè, que pesat

Because, how annoying.



I perdona

And forgive



Però sempre parla però mai li ha contestat?

But he always talks, but has he ever answered him?

Tipo, tot està en el seu cervell?

Dude, is everything in his head?

Trenca la quarta paret

Break the fourth wall.

És que us imagineu ser els seus pares

Can you imagine being their parents?

I estar amb ella tranquils

And be with her calmly.

I que de sobte li parli a una paret?

And what if suddenly I talk to a wall?

No heu vist el meme aquest d'internet

Haven't you seen this meme on the internet?

Que surt una disfressada a la Dora

That a disguised Dora comes out.

I comença a parlar

And starts to speak

I els seus pares diuen

And their parents say

Però què passa?

But what happens?

I passem a la cinquena i última pregunta

And we move on to the fifth and last question.

Michael, aquesta pregunta és teva

Michael, this question is yours.

Tens el paper al costat

You have the paper next to you.


Go ahead

Volia preguntar per context

I wanted to ask about the context.

He nascut a Lituània, he crescut a Lituània

I was born in Lithuania, I grew up in Lithuania.

I Lituània abans formava part de la Unió Soviètica

Lithuania used to be part of the Soviet Union.

I volia preguntar

I wanted to ask.

Pot haver tingut un efecte?

Could it have had an effect?

He tingut un efecte en la meva salut mental

It has had an effect on my mental health.

Que tot el que he vist de petit era contrabanda soviètica

That everything I saw as a child was Soviet contraband.



No, no contrabanda

No, no smuggling.



Propaganda, perdona

Propaganda, excuse me.

Contrabanda soviètica

Soviet smuggling

Propaganda soviètica, tipus antisocialisme

Soviet propaganda, type anti-socialism

Es porto gana

I am hungry.



Què penseu?

What do you think?

Què li diríeu al vostre amic Michael?

What would you say to your friend Michael?

Michael, us sento molt

Michael, I am very sorry.

Però si penseu que creixeu sempre rodejats d'una mateixa propaganda

But if you think that you are always surrounded by the same propaganda

Podem pensar, per exemple, un adoctrinament

We can think, for example, of indoctrination.

Sempre la mateixa informació

Always the same information.

Sempre seguíeu el mateix canal d'informació

You always followed the same information channel.

Sempre rebéssiu el mateix tipus de notícies

You always received the same type of news.

No hi hagués varietat

There would be no variety.

No us ajudessin a crear criteri

They wouldn't help you to create a criterion.

Creieu que això afectaria d'alguna manera en la vostra manera de pensar?

Do you think this would affect your way of thinking in some way?

Mira tots els habitants de Corea del Nord

Look at all the inhabitants of North Korea.

Només els posen propaganda, propaganda i propaganda

They only put propaganda, propaganda, and propaganda on them.

Clar, però...

Sure, but...

Depèn de com es tracti ni de qui és la propaganda

It depends on how it is handled and who the propaganda is from.

Ell parla d'una propaganda que venia de la Unió Soviètica

He talks about propaganda that came from the Soviet Union.

Bàsicament són com els personatges que veieu vosaltres

Basically, they are like the characters you see.

Era com una còpia però una mica diferent per a mi

It was like a copy but a little different for me.

I com no és que tots els personatges sempre estaven com antisocialisme

And it's not that all the characters were always like antisocialism.

Però també...

But also...

Com ensenyava?

How did he/she teach?

Ensenyava als nens petits com viure la seva vida

He taught the little children how to live their life.

I la seva vida és com...

And her life is like...



Com visca el comunisme, no?

How come communism is alive, right?

Tots vivien junts, tots menjaven a la mateixa cafeteria

They all lived together, they all ate in the same cafeteria.

No existia propietat, era tot de tots

There was no ownership, everything belonged to everyone.

Marta, tu què en penses respecte a això?

Marta, what do you think about this?

Penso que s'ha d'educar en la diversitat

I think we need to educate in diversity.

S'ha d'educar en la varietat

One must be educated in variety.

S'ha de generar criteri

Criteria must be generated.

S'ha de poder afavorir

It should be possible to favor.

Una mica tard

A bit late

El pugueu pensar per vosaltres mateixos

You can think for yourselves.

I en aquestes educacions el que fan és que algú en aquest model et digui com has de pensar

And in this education, what they do is have someone in this model tell you how you should think.

I possiblement el Michael sí, puguis tenir alguna afectació sobre això

And possibly Michael could have some impact on this.

Però tens aquí una varietat d'amics que t'ofereixen altres criteris, altres maneres de pensar, altres propostes

But you have here a variety of friends who offer you different criteria, other ways of thinking, other proposals.

La persona ha de saber decidir

The person must know how to decide.

Ha de decidir entre tot el que té

He has to decide between everything he has.

Si t'ho ofereixen, sí

If they offer it to you, yes.

Marta, us sento molt i gràcies per haver vingut

Marta, I'm very sorry and thank you for coming.

T'esperem fins l'any que ve

We look forward to seeing you next year.

I també volia recordar que ens podeu enviar les vostres consultes a través de l'Instagram

I also wanted to remind you that you can send us your inquiries via Instagram.

Que és arroba joventut e alv o al whatsapp 611 842

What is the youth arroba and in whatsapp 611 842?

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Jo he escullit aquesta cançó

I have chosen this song.

Ja que en tots els programes que m'he escoltat

Since in all the programs that I have listened to

No he sentit ni una cançó en català

I haven't heard a single song in Catalan.

Llavors he pensat que era una bona oportunitat

Then I thought it was a good opportunity.

Ja que és una de les meves més joves

Since she is one of my youngest.

les cançons preferides, i que aquí poc venen aquí a Andorra,

the favorite songs, and that here they rarely come to Andorra,

per als que li agrada també figaflava o mosca,

for those who also like fig and fly,

que sàpiguen que aquest estiu tenen concerts aquí a Andorra.

Let them know that this summer there are concerts here in Andorra.

Doncs ara passem a l'última secció del programa.

Well, now we move on to the last section of the program.

I no, no és la mateixa, hem canviat,

And no, it’s not the same, we have changed.

que aquí us recordarem els millors moments de la temporada

that here we will remind you of the best moments of the season

i potser alguns dels millors errors que hem tingut.

and perhaps some of the best mistakes we've made.

Bé, anirem passant d'un a un dels nostres participants

Well, we will go through each of our participants one by one.

i us aniré demanant quins han sigut els vostres millors moments.

And I will be asking you what your best moments have been.

Bé, és el mateix.

Well, it’s the same.

Els millors millors moments.

The best best moments.

Els millors millors moments de la temporada

The best moments of the season.

i alguna cosa que voldríeu millorar.

And something that you would like to improve.

Comencem amb tu, Karen.

Let's start with you, Karen.

Quin ha sigut el teu best moment de tota aquesta temporada?

What has been your best moment of this entire season?

Jo encara me'n recordo, que crec que va ser la Chloe,

I still remember, I think it was Chloe,

que va fer una pregunta...

that asked a question...

No, el Michael, perdó, el Michael,

No, Michael, sorry, Michael,

va fer la pregunta de què menjaríeu pel resto de la vostra vida.

He asked the question of what you would eat for the rest of your life.



Se'm va ocurrir en Siam,

It occurred to me in Siam,

pensant en amanida, d'acord?

thinking about salad, okay?

I vaig dir en Siam.

I said in Siam.

L'etxuga, d'acord?

The screw, okay?

I bueno...

And well...

Jo és que, quan m'ho va dir, no entenia per què la gent reia,

I, when he told me, didn't understand why people were laughing.

perquè, o sigui, jo també vaig entendre amanida,

because, I mean, I also understood salad,

i jo, bueno, ni tan mal.

And me, well, not so bad.

Bé, m'agradaria dir Nil, però un segon Nil.

Well, I would like to say Nil, but a second Nil.

A tu t'escoltarem directament els teus best moments,

We will listen to your best moments directly.

no fa falta que els expliquis.

You don't need to explain them.

I, per últim, tractarem un tema que és molt tabú.

And finally, we will address a topic that is very taboo.

En aquesta ocasió presentem una nova idea.

On this occasion, we present a new idea.

Parla bé el català amb Rusquejan.

Speak Catalan well with Rusquejan.

Per concloure el programa,

To conclude the program,

farem recomanacions de pel·lícules i llibres.

we will make recommendations for movies and books.

Dit això, presentem els nostres tertulians i tertulianes.

That said, we present our commentators.

Vinga, doncs la nostra última parada és aquí, al consultori.

Come on, then our last stop is here, at the clinic.

Bueno, doncs moltes gràcies per venir.

Well, thank you very much for coming.

La teva parella t'ha deixat,

Your partner has left you.

se t'ha mort el hamster perquè se l'ha empassat el vàter.

Your hamster has died because it was swallowed by the toilet.

Nosaltres, juntament amb l'Anna,

We, together with Anna,

ens encarregarem de donar el superemocionament

We will take care of providing the super excitement.

al pertinent.

to the relevant.

Vols dir alguna cosa, Nil?

Do you want to say something, Nil?

No tinc res a dir al respecte.

I have nothing to say about it.

Només que...

Only that...



I també...

And also...



Va dir...

He said...

Hola i benvinguts a la Seccció de Gen Z,

Hello and welcome to the Gen Z Section,

on explorem totes les coses que fem,

we explore all the things we do,

que fem, que algunes vegades

what we do, that sometimes

són més bestupideses.

They are more nonsense.

Bueno, tu també dius

Well, you say it too.

pues vale, i vols parar de fer

Well, okay, and do you want to stop doing?

errors en català, com alguns de nosaltres,

errors in Catalan, like some of us,

fins i tot jo mateix.

even myself.

Doncs, si no haguessis dirigit

Well, if you hadn't directed

el rus, quina professió t'hauria agradat

Russian, what profession would you have liked?

exercir? Dictadora.

to exercise? Dictator.



Tu ho veus així?

Do you see it this way?

Però de govern.

But of government.

Això ha de ser així, sí o sí.

This has to be this way, whether you like it or not.

Moltes gràcies a la Pati

Thank you very much to Pati.

per com

for how

acaba de dir, suportar-nos i

just said, support each other and

participar en aquesta

participate in this

entrevista, sí.

interview, yes.

Bé, ens hem colat, però

Well, we sneaked in, but

igualment, Maikel, vols dir alguna cosa?

Likewise, Maikel, do you want to say something?

Al respecte

In this regard

del que acaba de jugar,

of what just played,

el de dictadora ho he dit

I said it in a dictatorial manner.

al moment...

at the moment...

Espontani. Espontani, no volia dir-ho.

Spontaneous. Spontaneous, I didn't mean to say it.

I ara

And now

em persigueix per

it chases me for

totes parts de la meva vida, la Chloe

All parts of my life, Chloe.

no em para de recordar

it keeps reminding me

tot. Tu tranquil, quan arribem a la segona temporada

Everything. You be calm, when we get to the second season.

seguirem igual. Visca la dictadura

We will continue the same. Long live the dictatorship.

de la Pati.

from the Pati.



suposo que ara podrem tirar

I suppose that now we can go ahead.

més del Tudor.

more of the Tudor.

No, és que tinc jo gaires consells,

No, it's just that I have too many pieces of advice.

però el primer de tot, començar

but first of all, start

per lo bàsic, jo trobo que

basically, I find that

primer aconsellar amb aquella

first advise with her

noia que, sisplau, que

girl who, please, that

no se'n siguin i faci coses d'aquestes

don't be like that and do things like this

coses, sisplau, que estem en

things, please, that we are in

un programa aquí per venir a arreglar coses

a program here to come and fix things

així. I bé, Tudor, que en soms

so. And well, Tudor, what are we like

i així.

and so.

I bé, Tudor, que en soms i així.

And well, Tudor, that's how we are.

Què ens pots dir tu?

What can you tell us?

Me'n recordo com si l'hagués gravat ahir el programa.

I remember it as if I had recorded the program yesterday.

A veure, tinc

Let's see, I have

alguna cosa a dir. I és que la Pati

something to say. And it's that Pati

em va dir una cosa, però jo ho vaig entendre

He told me something, but I understood it.

malament. O sigui, jo ho tenia

bad. I mean, I had it

tot controlat i m'ho va...

everything is under control and he/she told me...

I se't va descontrolar. I se'm va descontrolar.

It got out of control for you. And it got out of control for me.

Però bé, m'ha donat un best moment per avui, així

But well, it has given me a best moment for today, like this.

que no em puc queixar.

that I can't complain.

Doncs bé, jo abans que res

Well, I before anything else

diré un que acaba de passar.

I will say one that just happened.

Portem... Som

We bring... We are

un programa de ràdio català

a Catalan radio program

i portem molt temps dient-ho.

We have been saying it for a long time.

A vegades que volem que ens

Sometimes we want someone to help us.

contacteu, diem...

contact us, we say...

Podeu dir a l'arroba

You can say to the at sign

joventut, a l, b,

youth, to the, b,

que ho acaba de fer l'Emma,

that Emma just did it,

i portem molts programes dient...

And we have brought many programs saying...

Podeu contactar-nos a arroba

You can contact us at arroba.

joventut, a l, b,

youth, to the, b,

en comptes.


No és l'Emma, és l'Emma.

It's not Emma, it's Emma.

Ja comencem!

We're starting now!



Bé, hi ha vegades que no porta apostrofes.

Well, there are times when it doesn't have apostrophes.

I tu, Emma, tens alguna cosa a dir-nos

And you, Emma, do you have anything to tell us?

de Verge Moment?

of Virgin Moment?

Bé, a mi em feia molta gràcia

Well, I found it very amusing.

quan el Nil no sap

when Nil doesn't know



Ah, no sap vocalitzar!

Ah, he/she can't vocalize!





I bé, m'he colat, així que ara

And well, I slipped in, so now

què voldríeu millorar vosaltres

What would you like to improve?

de tota aquesta temporada?

of this whole season?

Comencem una altra vegada amb la Karen.

Let's start again with Karen.

Les reunions.

The meetings.

Que siguin

Let them be.

productives, sisplau.

productive, please.

D'acord. Gràcies.

Okay. Thank you.



Què m'hauria agradat...

What I would have liked...

Pua, jo què sé...

Well, I don't know...



Vocalitzar millor.

Vocalize better.



No fer tant catanyol.

Don't be so Catalan-Spanish.

No estaria malament.

It wouldn't be bad.

Bé, jo crec que ens podríem llançar

Well, I think we could jump.

ja a les xarxes socials

already on social media

si fem un bon treball i tal

if we do a good job and such

i si ens organitzem bé

and if we organize ourselves well

ens podríem...

we could...

Bé, fer conèixer

Well, to let know.

el programa a més gent.

the program to more people.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



Parlar el català, punt.

Speak Catalan, period.



A veure, és que tu ets de Lituània, fill meu.

Let's see, it's just that you are from Lithuania, my son.

Clar que costa parlar el català.

Of course it’s hard to speak Catalan.

Nil, que millor.

Nil, that's better.

Jo, no entrebancar-me.

Me, not to trip myself up.

No fer...

Not doing...

emparbuixaments cada cop.

chock absorbers more and more.

O sigui, simplificar

That is to say, simplify.

pot ser el meu llenguatge i no

it can be my language and not

dir... no sé, qualsevol cosa.

say... I don't know, anything.



A veure, jo diria que les reunions de rusquejants

Let's see, I would say that the meetings of the rustlers.

siguin més productives perquè no tinguem

be more productive so that we do not have

que estar una hora i mitja allà dins.

to be there for an hour and a half.

I Emma?

And me, Emma?

Aprendre a vocalitzar.

Learn to vocalize.

A boca...

To mouth...

Ja ho enteneu.

You already understand.



Primer, aprendre la paraula a vocalitzar

First, learn to vocalize the word.

i després fer-ho.

and then do it.

I finalment jo haig de dir que

And finally, I have to say that

vosaltres no ho veieu, però

you don't see it, but

no fer tants talls i preparar més coses.

not make so many cuts and prepare more things.

I bueno...

And well...

Sí, ahir us dic una altra cosa

Yes, yesterday I told you something else.

que possiblement no ho sabeu.

that you possibly do not know.

Hem de fer els Oscars

We have to do the Oscars.

radiofònics que tenim per vosaltres.

radio broadcasts that we have for you.

Comencem amb...

Let's start with...

Clar, un aplaudiment.

Sure, a round of applause.

Comencem amb el Michael

Let's start with Michael.

i ens explicaràs tu per què et diem així.

And you will explain to us why we call you that.

Michael, Mr. Catanyol.

Michael, Mr. Catanyol.

Estic bastant segur que això

I am quite sure that this

s'explica a si mateix, que...

he explains to himself that...

Amb aquest programa

With this program

inclús, és que...

even, it's that...

Clar, abans

Of course, before.

tenia que pensar molt

I had to think a lot.

en què hauria de dir... Catanyol.

in what I should say... Catanyol.

Exacte, Catanyol.

Exactly, Catanyol.

I bé, Nil, per què et diem

And well, Nil, why do we tell you?

això de català?

Is this in Catalan?

Perquè corregeixo...

Because I correct...

Moltes gràcies

Thank you very much.

pels aplaudiments sintètics.

for the synthetic applause.

Perquè corregeixo constantment

Because I constantly correct.

al Michael.

to Michael.

Em dóna molt toc veure faltes d'ortografia

It really bothers me to see spelling mistakes.

i sobretot a la Chloe

and especially to Chloe

amb el post. A veure, no les pots veure

with the post. Let's see, you can't see them.

si estan parlant. No facis espòilers.

If they are talking. Don't make spoilers.



senyora Rises.

Mrs. Rises.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Li ha donat un atac de riure molt bé.

He has had a very good laughing fit.

Bé, ho he fet

Well, I have done it.

amb exemple i tot, perquè em ric de tot.

with example and all, because I laugh at everything.



Tudor, el millor

Tudor, the best

salvavides, per què? A veure,

lifebuoy, why? Let's see,

jo crec que no cal explicar per què, però

I believe that there is no need to explain why, but

bé, pels que vegin els programes,

well, for those who watch the programs,

bé, sempre m'estan

well, they are always on my mind

explotant per ocupar

exploiting to occupy

un lloc així que, bé...

a place like this that, well...

No passa res. Emma, per què

It's okay. Emma, why?

diem la psicòloga?

Are we talking about the psychologist?



Ja t'ho dic jo. Que digui el Nil.

I'll tell you. Let Nil say it.

Perquè portes com

Because you wear like

tres programes seguits fent de

three consecutive programs doing as

la secció del consultori.

the consulting section.

És cert. Bé...

It's true. Well...

Nayara, a la teoria no li falta

Nayara, the theory is not lacking.

calle. Per què?

Street. Why?

Perquè sempre m'invento

Because I always make things up.

comparacions molt rares pels temes

very rare comparisons for the topics

que tenim. O sigui, comparacions que et passen

that we have. I mean, comparisons that happen to you.

diàriament. Bé...

daily. Well...

Chloe, la senyora

Chloe, the lady

Post. No, com

Post. No, like.

que Post?

what Post?

La senyora Post Malone.

Mrs. Post Malone.



Directament pels mítics

Directly for the mythics.

Post. Ho acabes de dir. Ai...

Post. You just said it. Oh...

Ho estàs dient. Molt bé. No,

You're saying it. Very good. No,

pels mítics Post, com ha passat abans

for the mythical Post, as has happened before

i ja m'heu funat bastant amb els

And you have already bothered me quite a lot with the

Post. Arranquem. I bé,

Post. Let's get started. And well,

i bé, finalment jo mateixa,

And well, finally me myself,

l'advocada del diable, no fa falta

the devil's advocate, it's not necessary

recordar quan vam parlar de l'abort a

remember when we talked about the abortion at

Andorra, jo vaig tindre que defensar la

Andorra, I had to defend it.

Iglesia, perquè si no ningú no ho feia, que no estic d'acord.

Church, because if nobody did it, I don't agree.

Però bé. Doncs també

But well. So also.

hem de passar a una cosa que ens

we have to move on to something that we

ficarà el nostre tècnic, que li donem moltes

Our technician will take care of it, we thank you very much.

gràcies a l'Oriol, gràcies per haver-nos acompanyat

thanks to Oriol, thank you for accompanying us

aquest any.

this year.

Per més gotes. I...

For more drops. And...

Ens passarà uns quants... No crideu

It will take us a few... Don't shout.

a ningú. Un remix de Best Moment que ens ha fet

to no one. A remix of Best Moment that has made us

ell, i moltes gràcies Oriol, un aplaudiment

him, and thank you very much Oriol, a round of applause

per tu.

for you.

Que comenci el caos

Let the chaos begin.

i la música.

and the music.


Please provide the text you would like me to translate from Catalan to English.

Allà també una miqueta de

There a little bit of

dilèmica... Què dic, vostè? Una miqueta

dilemma... What do I say, you? A little bit

de dilèmica... Bravo,

of dilemmas... Bravo,

bravo! Amb Piqué

Bravo! With Piqué.

i l'estadi del FC Andorra,

and the stadium of FC Andorra,

que segur que pinti malament, que

that it surely paints badly, that

segur que aquí haestu encerats,

surely you have been locked up here,

tu, Dorens, podríeu donar una miqueta més d'informació?

You, Dorens, could you provide a little more information?

Hi ha hagut conflictes entre Governy

There have been conflicts between the Government.

i Piqué.

and Piqué.

També vull aclarir una cosa, que valer que ara a lo millor

I also want to clarify one thing, that it may be worth it now.

volem participar a la segona divisió, però i si perden?

We want to participate in the second division, but what if they lose?

Ups, spoiler, hem creat un camp de futbol

Oops, spoiler, we have created a football field.

que per començar no cap en aquest país,

that does not fit in this country to begin with,

per després no utilitzar-lo.

to not use it afterwards.

Presidenta! Presidenta! Presidenta!

President! President! President!

No és només pel futbol, és dir, hi ha rugbi, hi ha...

It's not just about football, it's to say, there is rugby, there is...

etres, voleibol, també es fa, n'estic molt segura.

You are, volleyball, it is also done, I am very sure of it.

Però què hi ha amb les trisses?

But what about the tears?

Camp d'herba, no.

Grass field, no.

Jo no sé d'esport, això.

I don't know about sports, that.

Jo no sé gaire d'esport a Andorra.

I don't know much about sports in Andorra.

Sí, hola, hola!

Yes, hello, hello!

Truita de patates amb ceba o sense ceba?

Potato omelette with onion or without onion?

Hola, em dic la Yara i prefereixo la...

Hello, my name is Yara and I prefer the...

No m'agrada la truita.

I don't like omelette.



Yo soy Elliot.

I am Elliot.

Amb ceba, però genèticament, és a dir,

With onion, but genetically, that is,

la meva mare ho feia amb ceba com la seva mare al darrere seu

my mother did it with onion like her mother behind her

i la seva mare encara.

and your mother still.

Se las recomiendo, mi gente.

I recommend them to you, my people.

La cebolla es muy nutritiva y sabrosa, miren, miren.

The onion is very nutritious and tasty, look, look.

Així que amb ceba per sempre i des de sempre.

So, with onion forever and from always.

Hola, em dic Tudor, tinc 14... No, tinc 15 anys.

Hello, my name is Tudor, I am 14... No, I am 15 years old.

Ole, tu! Ole, tu!

Hooray, you! Hooray, you!





I, sincerament, no noto gaire la diferència entre ceba o sense ceba.

I, honestly, don't notice much of a difference between with onion or without onion.

Que portava dues hores cuinant una truita de patates

I had been cooking a potato omelette for two hours.

i se m'ha caigut tot al girar-la.

And everything fell out when I turned it.

No va haver psicòlogo que te cure.

There was no psychologist to cure you.

És el dia de l'acció global per l'avortament legal

It is the day of global action for legal abortion.

i aquí, a Andorra, és el dia de l'acció global per l'avortament legal.

And here, in Andorra, it is the day of global action for legal abortion.

A Andorra es va celebrar una manifestació.

In Andorra, a demonstration was held.

Què tenim per dir, què tenim per pensar, què tenim per compartir avui?

What do we have to say, what do we have to think, what do we have to share today?

La miqueta, també és verda.

The little bit is also green.

Platform per començar.

Platform to start.

No sé muy bien cómo empezar esto.

I'm not quite sure how to start this.

Y yo volía decir que el derecho al avortament...

And I wanted to say that the right to abortion...

¿Pero qué te pasa hoy?

But what's wrong with you today?

Al avortament. A Andorra no existeix.

On abortion. It does not exist in Andorra.

Digo que tenim un cop...

I say that we have a blow...

¡No puedes, Bruce!

You can't, Bruce!

Un copríncep, que és el copríncep episcopal.

A co-prince, who is the episcopal co-prince.

¡In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit!

Clar, és a dir, a aquest món ja hi ha molta gent, és a dir...

Sure, that is to say, there are already a lot of people in this world, that is to say...

Estoy harto de la tierra, de las personas.

I'm fed up with the earth, with people.

El meu millor amic em fa molta mala olor.

My best friend smells very bad.

¡Ah, qué peste!

Ah, what a stench!

Com li dic? No vull que s'ofengui, però crec que tothom se n'adona

How do I tell him? I don't want him to get offended, but I think everyone notices it.

i els altres no volen compartir espai amb ell o ella.

and the others do not want to share space with him or her.

M'agradaria ajudar-lo. Com li puc dir?

I would like to help him. How can I tell him?

Que se vaya lejos

Let them go far away.

Aunque se me rompa todo el corazón

Even if my heart breaks completely.

O li ajudes insistint-lo de que se'n vaigui ja a la dutxa, per favor,

Either you help him by insisting that he goes to the shower already, please,

perquè està intoxicant tota la ciutat.

because it is poisoning the whole city.

Passo 4. Dúixate.

Step 4. Shower.

Y ten cuidado de que no te entre jabón en los ojos.

And be careful not to get soap in your eyes.

O que es faci veure el problema que té amb el tema de les olors.

Or let it be made clear the problem he has with the issue of odors.

Yo necesito su ayuda porque yo no aguanto más.

I need your help because I can't take it anymore.

¿Halloween o castañada?

Halloween or Castañada?

¡Uy, qué peligro!

Oh, how dangerous!


Let's enter.

Amb aquest tema que s'ha debatit tants anys i tants vegades.

With this topic that has been debated for so many years and so many times.

I comencem per aquí.

And let's start here.

Bueno, vamos a llevarnos bien, porque si no van a haber hondonadas de hostias aquí.

Well, let's get along, because if not, there are going to be heaps of punches here.

Molt bona pregunta.

Very good question.

És molt difícil contestar.

It's very difficult to answer.

¡Qué difícil me la puso, diàleg!

How difficult you made it for me, dialogue!

I després d'anys d'estudis...

And after years of studies...

Estudis per la Universitat d'Oxford ho ha estat investigant.

Studies by the University of Oxford have been investigating it.

La Universitat Tudor.

Tudor University.

I hem arribat a la conclusió de que...

We have come to the conclusion that...

L'Ido no el torna a la meva amiga.

Ido does not return it to my friend.

Cara dura, cara dura,

Hard face, hard face,

¿por qué vas prometiendo la luna?

Why do you promise the moon?

A veure, sí, diem que, per exemple,

Let's see, yes, we say that, for example,

castanyada sempre ha sigut una festa típica per als nostres avis, diem-ho.

The Castanyada has always been a typical holiday for our grandparents, let's say.

Yo soy demasiado viejo para esto.

I am too old for this.

I Halloween ho estem introduint ara més perquè som joves

We are now introducing Halloween more because we are young.

i ens agrada més aquesta temàtica.

And we like this theme more.

Sé que esto da bastante miedo, me incluyo,

I know this is quite scary, I include myself,

pero yo creo que a la meva avia no li agrada molt que surti per el carrer

but I think my grandmother doesn't really like me going out on the street

i li tirin un ganivet amb sang falsa.

and they throw a knife with fake blood at him.

Me gusta, me encanta.

I like it, I love it.

Pero ¿quién te puso Halloween?

But who named you Halloween?

Un día de caos, un día en que el cielo se desplomaba.

A day of chaos, a day when the sky was collapsing.

Un panorama terrible, apocalíptico.

A terrible, apocalyptic panorama.

Yo, cap de les dues.

Me, neither of the two.

No me agradezc castanyes, no me agradezc faixar-me, res de res, vinga.

Don't thank me for chestnuts, don't thank me for getting injured, nothing at all, come on.

Aprendre pel sac.

Learn the hard way.



Whisky a dormir.

Whisky to sleep.

Ens han arribat informacions

We have received information.

de una noia que va fer un get-ready-with-me per anar a un funeral.

of a girl who did a get-ready-with-me for a funeral.

I, clar, ara ens preguntem, quant és massa?

I, of course, now we ask ourselves, how much is too much?

Demasié para mi body.

Too much for my body.

És com una tendència molt poc seria,

It's like a very unserious trend,

però aquesta noia la va utilitzar per donar tota la informació sobre l'amor del suavi.

but this girl used it to give all the information about the love of the soft one.

Les disparatades aventures d'un cadavere.

The outrageous adventures of a corpse.

Una perdida i volta altament perillosa.

A highly dangerous loss and turn.

I aquí entra el debat de quanta exposició és massa de xerxes.

And here comes the debate of how much exposure is too much for networks.

Este huerto está muy vivo.

This garden is very alive.

Mañana por la noche, la película de la semana.

Tomorrow night, the movie of the week.

Atención, guionistas, que aquí hay películas.

Attention, screenwriters, there are movies here.

Benvinguts ara a la secció de curiositats de la ciutat.

Welcome now to the city's section of curiosities.


That's it!

Continua, Karen, tu pots.

Keep going, Karen, you can do it.

Perdó, és que estic molt nerviosa.

Sorry, I’m just very nervous.

Bueno, va.

Well, come on.

Fem com si res.

Let's pretend it's nothing.

Ets un pare o mare comú.

You are an ordinary father or mother.

No, espera, espera.

No, wait, wait.

Karen, Karen, concentració.

Karen, Karen, concentration.





¡Es tú!

It's you!


Party girl!

¡No, no!

No, no!

¡Tía, que no es la primera vez gana!

Aunt, it's not the first time she wins!

¡Karen, Karen!

Karen, Karen!

¡La cara de angustia de la Carmen!

The face of anguish of Carmen!

¡No ha tenido precio ni luz la Carmen!

Carmen has had neither price nor light!

Elegí un mal día para dejar de oler pegamento.

I chose a bad day to stop smelling glue.

Anirem a estrenar-nos amb una enrevista amb un convidat molt especial

We will be premiering with an interview with a very special guest.

i del que se n'ha parlant molt últimament al Principat.

and of what has been talked about a lot lately in the Principality.

¡Miren allá en el cielo!

Look over there in the sky!

¡Es un ave!

It's a bird!

¡Es un avión!

It's a plane!

És el raó nadó del ciutadà d'Andorra, en Marc Vila.

He is the newborn son of the citizen of Andorra, Marc Vila.

Nascut el 1961, per tant creiem que té 62 anys.

Born in 1961, so we believe he is 62 years old.

Se ha dado cuenta de que no sabe ni sumar ni...

He has realized that he doesn't even know how to add or...

No, no.

No, no.

Ni restar ni dividir.

Neither subtract nor divide.

Bones, és un plaer tenir-te per aquí.

Hello, it's a pleasure to have you here.

Bones, és un plaer compartir una estona amb vosaltres.

Hello, it's a pleasure to share some time with you.

Digue'ns, com estàs? Estàs bé?

Tell us, how are you? Are you okay?

Estic bé, perquè d'aquí dos mesos plego.

I'm fine because in two months I'm quitting.

¡Ya he esperado bastante!

I've waited long enough!

¡12 años encerrado!

12 years locked up!

Parlant també de vacances, a Cap Pondela Puríssima han entrat 117.000 vehicles.

Speaking of holidays, 117,000 vehicles have entered Cap Pondela Puríssima.

El más osado grupo de pilotos de carreras del mundo en sus autos locos.

The boldest group of racecar drivers in the world in their crazy cars.

Un país amb una població de 80.000.

A country with a population of 80,000.

Així que, si no em fallen les matemàtiques,

So, if my math doesn't fail me,

això significa que hem duplicat la població del país

this means that we have doubled the country's population

durant un període de tres dies.

for a period of three days.

¡Vamos a pal mar!

Let's go to the sea!

En quin punt ens dominaran els turistes,

At what point will tourists dominate us,

a quin punt utilitzarem les cases per donar-los el cafè i la cervesa,

to what extent will we use the houses to give them coffee and beer,

una mica, però...

a little bit, but...

Y con todo eso, hoy tenemos un país, un país de pandereta.

And with all that, today we have a country, a country of tambourines.

Tu penses que, de mitja, dos o tres vehicles per persona...

Do you think that, on average, two or three vehicles per person...

¡Este tío es un campeón!

This guy is a champion!

Molt bé, Nil!

Very good, Nil!

Tres persones per vehicle, de mitja, més o menys,

Three people per vehicle, on average, more or less.

es quadruplica la xifra.

the figure is quadrupled.



¿Y las matemáticas?

And the mathematics?



Las matemáticas, Nil.

Mathematics, Nil.

¡El diablo!

The devil!

¿Cómo es nota el nivel de preparación del programa?

How is the level of preparation of the program noted?



Muy profesional.

Very professional.

Mira, yo lo que pienso es que en vez de tardar una hora

Look, what I think is that instead of taking an hour

en arribar a la mía casa, tardo tres horas y mitja.

Upon arriving at my house, it takes me three and a half hours.

Esto es una catatrofe.

This is a catastrophe.

En arribar a la mía casa, y no es normal.

Upon arriving at my house, and it is not normal.

Esto es muy duro, eso lo lleva a uno a sufrir.

This is very hard, it makes one suffer.

Porque cuando arriba a la mía casa ya es fa de nit,

Because when it arrives at my house, it's already getting dark,

y bueno, ya está de nit.

Well, it's already night.

Camiones cruzados y conductores atrapados y desesperados.

Crossed trucks and trapped, desperate drivers.

¡Parante, no!

Stop, no!

¡Os quedáis aquí parados!

You stay here standing!

¡Montamos una mesa y ya está!

Let's set up a table and that's it!

He trobat aquest episodi molt més, sí que és verdad,

I found this episode much more, yes, it is true.

molt més fluid.

much more fluid.

Però tot aquest experiment social de posar tanta gent en una sala

But all this social experiment of putting so many people in a room

i fer-los un programa de ràdio no està sortint del tot mal.

And making them a radio program is not going entirely badly.

Alguna associació psiquiàtrica que vulgui fer l'estudi us invito.

Any psychiatric association that wants to conduct the study is invited.

I doncs...

And so...


Come on!

Som el Rusk!

We are the Rusk!

I un cop al mes rusquegem a R.N.A.

And once a month we jam at R.N.A.

Bueno, espero que us hagi agradat molt aquest últim programa.

Well, I hope you all really liked this last program.

Però l'hem fet per...

But we did it for...

No l'hem fet per despedir-nos, sinó per celebrar cada moment compartit.

We haven't done it to say goodbye, but to celebrate every shared moment.

Cada rialla, cada llàgrima que hem viscut junts.

Every laugh, every tear we have lived together.

Aquest no és el final, sinó el començament d'una nova etapa a les nostres vides.

This is not the end, but the beginning of a new chapter in our lives.

Hem recorregut un camí ple d'aprenentatges, reptes i victòries.

We have traveled a path full of learnings, challenges, and victories.

I avui, en tancar aquest capítol, portem amb nosaltres records imborrables i cors plens de gratitud.

And today, as we close this chapter, we carry with us indelible memories and hearts full of gratitude.

Al llarg d'aquest viatge hem estat una família, una comunitat unida per un somni comú.

Throughout this journey, we have been a family, a community united by a common dream.

Ens hem recolzat en els moments difícils i hem celebrat junts cada èxit.

We have supported each other in difficult times and celebrated each success together.

Hem creat llaços que transcendeixen el temps i l'espai.

We have created bonds that transcend time and space.

I aquests llaços sempre ens mantindran units, sempre important on ens porti la vida.

And these ties will always keep us united, always important wherever life takes us.

Vull agrair a cadascun de vosaltres, i a l'Èlio, la Laura i no me'n recordo qui més no va ser...

I want to thank each of you, and Èlio, Laura, and I can't remember who else it was...

Samuel i el Gustavo.

Samuel and Gustavo.

Ah, el Samuel i el Gustavo, que aquests llaços ens mantindran units.

Ah, Samuel and Gustavo, for these bonds will keep us united.

I gràcies per creure, per lluitar, per no rendir-vos mai.

And thank you for believing, for fighting, for never giving up.

A mesura que avancem cap als nous horitzons, recordem sempre que no estem sols.

As we move towards new horizons, let us always remember that we are not alone.

Portem amb nosaltres les ensenyances, les experiències i el més important, l'amor i l'amistat que hem creat aquí.

We carry with us the teachings, the experiences, and most importantly, the love and friendship that we have created here.

Cadascun de nosaltres, una peça invaluable d'aquest gran trencaclosques,

Each of us, an invaluable piece of this great puzzle,

i encara que avui ens separem, sempre serem part d'alguna cosa més gran.

And even though we part today, we will always be part of something greater.

Que aquest no sigui un adeu, sinó un fins aviat.

May this not be a goodbye, but a see you soon.

Continuem somiant, continuem creixent i mai oblidarem que junts vam aconseguir l'impossible.

We continue dreaming, we continue growing, and we will never forget that together we achieved the impossible.

Tindre el programa fet pels més joves de la ràdio andorrana.

To have the program made by the youngest of the Andorran radio.

Gràcies a l'Uri, Carme i Pati, s'ha pogut realitzar.

Thanks to Uri, Carme, and Pati, it has been possible to carry out.

Fins aviat, estimats amics, i que la vida us doni noves oportunitats.

See you soon, dear friends, and may life bring you new opportunities.

Ja podeu plorar.

You can cry now.

Que ñoño.

How cheesy.

Ha semblat el pel·lícula en què la protagonista supera la depressió.

It seemed like the film in which the protagonist overcomes depression.

Bueno, i dit això, ens veiem a la segona temporada de Rusquejant.

Well, having said that, we'll see each other in the second season of Rusquejant.

Però, espera, que vols participar-hi l'any que ve?

But wait, do you want to participate next year?

Tranqui, nosaltres t'esperem.

Don't worry, we'll wait for you.

L'únic que tens que fer és anar al Rusc i deixar constància

The only thing you have to do is go to the Rusc and leave a record.

o no.

oh no.

O trucar al 611-842.

Or call 611-842.

O també, si no tens número o qualsevol cosa, a les xarxes socials també pots avisar.

Or also, if you don't have a number or anything, you can also let us know on social media.

Que tal com ha dit l'Emma abans...

How about, as Emma said earlier...

Xarxes, xarxes, sisplau.

Networks, networks, please.

Vale, vale.

Okay, okay.

Ens pots trobar a arrobajoventut.

You can find us at arrobajoventut.

A lbbaixa.

To the bottom.



I que aquí us anunciem que més o menys per l'any que ve,

And here we announce that more or less for next year,

la propera segona temporada, farem una petita playlist amb totes les cançons que han sonat al programa.

In the next second season, we will make a small playlist with all the songs that have played on the show.

Si voleu recuperar alguna cosa que us hagi agradat o tal.

If you want to recover something that you liked or such.

I dit això, ens veiem a la segona temporada de Rusquejant.

That said, we'll see you in the second season of Rusquejant.

Bon estiu!

Have a great summer!



Que bé que has sortit el discurs.

How well your speech turned out.

returned with on

returned with on



nuestra ani

our ani

de Josh Klein, que és un dels participants d'Eurovisió d'aquest any, representant els

by Josh Klein, who is one of the participants in this year's Eurovision, representing the

Països Baixos, i el van desqualificar per raons que no m'hi ficaré ara i no tinc gaire

Netherlands, and they disqualified him for reasons that I won't get into now and I don't have much.

clar. Però bueno, aquest és un dels temes més recents seus.

Sure. But well, this is one of their most recent topics.

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