Pòdcast: ‘Molta sèrie i poc sabó: Shakira i les relacions tòxiques’

Diari Ara


Pòdcast: ‘Molta sèrie i poc sabó: Shakira i les relacions tòxiques’


Criticar l'ex en públic, a favor o en contra?

Criticizing your ex in public, for or against?

És la pregunta que ens fem avui per parlar d'una cantant i d'una sèrie.

It is the question we are asking ourselves today to talk about a singer and a series.

Soc la Carla Torró i avui a l'Ara, divendres de molta sèrie i poc sabó.

I am Carla Torró and today at Ara, it's a Friday of many series and little soap.

Shakira i les relacions tòxiques.

Shakira and toxic relationships.

Alejandra Palés, Elisenda Forés, què tal? Molt bon dia.

Alejandra Palés, Elisenda Forés, how are you? Very good morning.

Hola, Carla. Hola, bon dia.

Hello, Carla. Hello, good morning.

Val, pregunta inicial. S'ha acabat la relació?

Okay, initial question. Has the relationship ended?

Això és una cosa important. Ja s'ha acabat. Ho hem deixat amb un tio, una tia, el que sigui.

This is an important thing. It's over now. We left it with a guy, a girl, whatever.

I no s'ha portat bé? Això és un detall important.

And hasn't he/she behaved well? That's an important detail.

Això és un detall importantíssim. Canvia tot.

This is a very important detail. It changes everything.

A favor de criticar-lo públicament o ser elegant i comportar-se?

In favor of criticizing him publicly or being elegant and behaving?

Ostres, no ho sé.

Wow, I don't know.

És que depèn del que hagi fet malament.

It depends on what I have done wrong.

Sempre depèn, però jo penso que...

It always depends, but I think that...

Jo penso que no parlar-ne és estar molt per damunt de tot.

I think that not talking about it is to be very above everything.

I de dir...

And to say...

Ja, i que sigui més elegant.

Yes, and let it be more elegant.

És que l'Eli és molt elegant, sempre.

It's just that Eli is very elegant, always.

A mi m'agradaria molt criticar. O sigui, jo estic molt a favor de criticar.

I would really like to criticize. I mean, I am very much in favor of criticizing.

O sigui, m'agrada ja molt en Arestajo criticar, explicar-ho tot.

I mean, I already really like Arestajo to criticize, to explain everything.

El que passa és que és veritat que després, en realitat, no s'hauria fet.

What happens is that it is true that afterwards, in reality, it wouldn't have been done.

Però això ja ho fem, no? Amb les amistats.

But we already do this, don't we? With friendships.

Sí, però jo no dic petit comitè.

Yes, but I don't say small committee.

Dic fer-ho...

I say to do it...

Molt públic.

A lot of public.


Do it...

Allò de la publicació a Instagram.

That thing about the publication on Instagram.

Fer-ho extensiu.

Make it extensive.

Ostres, jo crec que no.

Wow, I don't think so.

O sigui, jo personalment no ho faria mai.

I mean, personally, I would never do it.

Jo tampoc.

Neither do I.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Sou dones elegants.

You are elegant women.

Sí, més o menys.

Yes, more or less.

Hi ha una dona que no sé si és elegant o no, però ho va fer...

There is a woman who I don't know if she is elegant or not, but she did it...

Va exposar el que havia passat i jo crec que és difícil superar...

He outlined what had happened and I think it's difficult to overcome...

No, no.

No, no.

Tot el gran que ho va fer.

All the great things it did.

Val, no.

Okay, no.

De res ni més ni menys, ja ho sabeu.

Nothing more and nothing less, you already know.



I, a més a més, no ho sé.

I, furthermore, don't know it.



I, a més, no ho sé.

And, moreover, I don't know it.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Bàsicament tot el que va passar amb la relació.

Basically everything that happened with the relationship.

I parlem d'ella perquè avui li treu un nou disc.

And we are talking about her because today she releases a new album.



Treu 17 cançons que, bueno, és un espectacle.

Take out 17 songs that, well, it’s a show.

O sigui, aquesta va ser la primera que va treure d'alguna manera explosiva.

In other words, this was the first one that was released in some explosive manner.

i de dir, aquí s'ha acabat, i us ho vaig

And to say, here it ends, and I tell you.

explicar tot, i exacte, avui surt

explain everything, and exactly, today comes out

a les 17 cançons el nou disc

the 17 songs of the new album

i bé, és una

And well, it's a

font d'ira, de ràbia,

source of anger, of rage,

però abans de tot això, encara que no

but before all of this, even if not

ho sembli, hi havia amor.

It seems there was love.

Com et puc estimar

How can I love you?

Si de mi estàs tan lluny

If you are so far from me

Servir-li a acabar

Serve him to finish.

Vos per tu

You for you

Perquè Willell ens proposava poder fer un repàs

Because Willell suggested that we could do a review.

a través de les cançons de Shakira, és una cantant

through the songs of Shakira, she is a singer

que sempre ha narrat bastant la seva vida a través

that has always narrated quite a bit of his life through

de les seves lletres, ho va fer també amb la història

from its letters, it also did so with history

de Piqué, ara ens en recordem del final, però tu ens deies

from Piqué, now we remember the end, but you told us

fem un recorregut, tornem als inicis.

let's take a journey, let's go back to the beginnings.

Exacte, tornem als inicis, vull dir, tenim

Exactly, let's go back to the beginnings, I mean, we have

tota una història de Piqué,

a whole story of Piqué,

una història d'amor molt bonica,

a very beautiful love story,

vull dir, estàvem sentint ara el Baix Pertuno

I mean, we were just listening to Baix Pertuno now.

que és una cançó que al Piqué

What is a song that Piqué?

li encantava, ella

she loved it

la va cantar en català,

she sang it in Catalan,

una història romantiquíssima,

a very romantic story,

però d'aquest romans

but of this Romans

va acabar amb una ruptura

ended with a breakup

tremenda, i la primera pista va ser

tremendous, and the first clue was

la cançó de Te felicito, que va sortir al maig

the song Te felicito, which was released in May

i teòricament al maig encara no se sabia

and theoretically in May it was still not known

gaire cosa. Te felicito, Raúl Alejandro, no?

Not much. I congratulate you, Raúl Alejandro, right?

Exacte, el Te felicito,

Exactly, I congratulate you.

que bien actúas, jo penso que aquí ens donava

You act so well, I think it gave us here.

alguna pista que alguna cosa no anava

any hint that something was not right



Bé, després, cap al

Well, then, towards the

novembre va sortir Monotonia,

In November, Monotonia was released,

que Monotonia jo penso que és l'intent de Shakira

I think that Monotonia is Shakira's attempt.

de dir, mira, escolta, si ho hem deixat,

to say, look, listen, if we have left it,

però ho hem deixat bé,

but we have left it well,

s'ha acabat perquè, mira, la rutina ens ha

it's over because, look, the routine has us

superat, però ben aviat

overcome, but soon

va sortir la cançó que acabàvem d'escoltar

the song we had just listened to came out

i jo penso que de Monotonia no

And I don't think it's Monotony.

era només per això. Clar, perquè vam passar de no fer culpa

It was just for that. Of course, because we went from not feeling guilty.

tu i ni tampoc ho mia, fer culpa de la Monotonia,

you and neither do I, to blame Monotony,

a la cançó

to the song

en bizarrap, que crec que no té títol,

in bizarrap, which I think doesn't have a title,

perquè bizarrap tot són com sessions

because Bizarrap's are all like sessions

i llavors és un número. Sí, vam passar de no fer

And then it's a number. Yes, we went from not doing.

culpa tu i... Fue culpa tu i ja...

it's your fault and... It was your fault and already...

Fue culpa tu i ja big time

It was your fault, and big time.

i t'ho explicaré clarament.

And I will explain it to you clearly.

Quin retrat fa de Piqué en aquesta

What portrait does it make of Piqué in this?

cançó? Quines coses es diuen? Home, jo penso

Song? What things are said? Well, I think...

que el retrat de Piqué queda,

that Piqué's portrait remains,

bueno, retratat per totes bandes,

well, portrayed from all angles,

que sí, només

that yes, only

estava pels negocis, que no

I was about business, wasn't I?

diguéssim, dedicava temps

let's say, I dedicated time

a la relació, després

to the relationship, afterwards

també diu una cosa, diguéssim,

it also says one thing, let's say,

bueno, que era per culpa del

well, it was because of the

teu narcisisme,

your narcissism,

a part d'anar al gimnàs, doncs

apart from going to the gym, then

també treballa

also works

el celebro un poquito también.

I celebrate it a little too.

Clar, vull dir, això és un... Bueno...

Sure, I mean, this is a... Well...

Per mi una cosa molt forta d'aquesta cançó és el moment en què parla

For me, one very strong aspect of this song is the moment it talks about.

dels sogres

of the in-laws

directament, perquè diu

directly, because it says

te dejaste

you let yourself go

la vecina, me dejaste

the neighbor, you left me

la suegra de vecina.

the mother-in-law of the neighbor.

Bueno, és que... Te dejaste de vecina la suegra.

Well, it’s just that... You left your mother-in-law as a neighbor.

També és veritat que ella estava aquí

It is also true that she was here.

sense xarxa familiar, no?

without family network, right?

Ella es va traslladar aquí i tota la xarxa que tenies

She moved here and all the network you had.

la família d'ell, en aquest sentit.

his family, in this sense.

Doncs clar, els sogres jugaven un poc.

Of course, the in-laws were having a little fun.

És una cosa important, perquè clar,

It is an important thing, because of course,

són com la xarxa que tens.

They are like the network you have.

Que al principi, a les imatges és que

That at the beginning, in the images, it is that

es portaven superbé, cuidaven a sac

they got along great, took care of each other thoroughly

els nens i tal, i després ella va

the children and such, and then she goes

parlar en aquesta cançó, efectivament, de te dejaste de vecina

to talk in this song, indeed, about you stopped being a neighbor

la suegra.

the mother-in-law.

I no només això.

And not only that.

I la cançó de El jefe, que va sortir

And the song by El jefe, which came out.

ja més tard, que diu

never later, as it says

el suegro no pisa sepultura.

the father-in-law doesn't step on the grave.

A veure, clar. Aquesta és molt forta.

Let's see, of course. This is very strong.

Aquesta quina cançó és? El jefe.

Which song is this? The boss.

El jefe, sí, exacte. És una cançó...

The boss, yes, exactly. It's a song...

Un corrido, així, molt...

A ballad, like this, very...

Mexicà. Sí, mexicà

Mexican. Yes, Mexican.

i que com molt empoderat

and that as very empowered

i que parla dels treballadors

and that speaks of the workers

i dels treballadors

and of the workers

col aquí una frase que... Una espineta

Here put a sentence that... A little thorn.

clavada. I que ve a dir que el Palsora no treballa

Stuck. And it means that the Palsora doesn't work.



Bueno, de sepultura.

Well, of burial.

Ella ja l'enterraria.

She would already bury him.

Sí, l'enterraria. Vaja tele marinera.

Yes, I would bury it. What a sailor's television.

Ens esperen també, perquè

They are also waiting for us, because

he de dir, aquest disc, clarament,

I have to say, this disk, clearly,

totes aquestes cançons que estem dient estan en el nou disc.

All these songs we are talking about are on the new album.

Exacte, sí.

Exactly, yes.

I altres coses, perquè també hi ha un

And other things, because there is also a

espais més lluminosos.

brighter spaces.

Per exemple, la cançó que va fer, o sigui, després d'aquesta

For example, the song that he made, I mean, after this one.

retaïla de temes, va fer una cançó amb els nens, així com...

list of topics, he made a song with the children, just like...

Sí, una cançó com

Yes, a song like

molt més tranquil·la, més relaxada,

much calmer, more relaxed,

amb piano, que és...

with piano, which is...

O sigui, podem dir que és bastant

So, we can say that it's quite

pitjor que la resta que va treure.

worse than the rest that he/she pulled out.

No passa res, també. El fet

It's okay, too. The fact.

de... A mi el que em va sorprendre és el videoclip.

What surprised me was the music video.

Em sembla que surten els nens, que sempre en teoria

It seems to me that the kids come out, which always in theory.

els han... Sí, sí, això és un gran tema.

They have... Yes, yes, this is a big topic.

I surten els nens i ara

The children are coming out now.

quan fa moltes entrevistes parla

When he/she does many interviews, he/she talks.

dels nens, no? També de... Molt bé.

of the children, right? Also of... Very well.

De com estan traumatitzats

About how traumatized they are.

per la separació i com un dels fills ha trobat

for the separation and how one of the children has found

en la música el vehicle per

in music, the vehicle for

expressar... La pena que li fa que els pares

express... The sadness it causes him that the parents

s'hagin separat. No, no, però es veu que

they have separated. No, no, but it seems that

Milan, que és el fill gran d'11 anys,

Milan, who is the eldest son at 11 years old,

es veu que, no sé si apunta maneres,

it seems that, I don't know if it indicates ways,

ja ha dit, està quedant més amb el tema

He has already said, he's getting more involved with the topic.

de la mare, de les cançons, i deixa

of the mother, of the songs, and let

davant del futbol del pare, però

in front of the father's football, however

es veu que està escrivint cançons, aquest nen d'11 anys.

It seems that this 11-year-old boy is writing songs.

I ha escrit dues cançons.

He has written two songs.

I la mare diu que són... Precioses.

And the mother says they are... Beautiful.

Preciosíssimes, bueno. Sí, però jo he de dir

Very precious, well. Yes, but I have to say.

que a mi em genera molta incomoditat,

that generates a lot of discomfort for me,

el videoclip aquest, amb tots els nens al piano

the videoclip, with all the kids at the piano

i ella dient si no rompia

and she said if she didn't break

un plàton o tota la vejilla, i els nens allà...

a banana or all the dishes, and the kids there...

Vull dir que em sembla estrany que

I mean it seems strange to me that

els nens per allà al mig... Home, els nens

the kids over there in the middle... Well, the kids

fan patir una mica, jo penso tot plegat, però bueno,

they make me suffer a little, I think about it all, but well,

ara estem parlant del videoclip,

now we are talking about the music video,

però després els nens, amb tot el tema

but then the kids, with the whole thing

de la Kings League de Gerard Piqué,

of Gerard Piqué's Kings League,

també han sortit superexplotats.

they have also come out super exploited.

Vull dir que al final, per un costat

I mean that in the end, on one side

i per l'altre, els van estirant.

And for the other, they were pulling them.

El que sí que hem sabut aquests dies, perquè

What we have known these days, because

clar, aquests dies, evidentment, hi ha

sure, these days, obviously, there are

moltes entrevistes, no? Exacte.

many interviews, right? Exactly.

I hem pogut

And we have been able to

ordenar alguns mites falsos

organize some false myths

que s'havien dit. Sí, això ha sigut curiós,

what they had said. Yes, that has been curious,

perquè, bueno,

because, well,

clar, evidentment, la cascada informativa

clear, obviously, the information cascade

de detalls, de

of details, of

rancor, tot això, doncs, evidentment, es pot

resentment, all this, then, obviously, can be

col·lar alguna informació falsa, no?,

to insert some false information, right?

que no sabem fins a quin punt és

that we do not know to what extent it is

més inventada o menys, però

more invented or less, but

parlava sobre una malmelada.

he was talking about a jam.

És la història aquesta

It is this story.

que ens van explicar

that they explained to us

que ella es va adonar

that she realized

que Piqué l'estava sent infidel

that Piqué was feeling unfaithful

perquè el pot de marmelada de la nevera

because the jar of jam in the fridge

anava baixant, i Piqué

was going down, and Piqué

no pren marmelada, i ella sí, i si

she doesn't take marmalade, and she does, and if

ella no està a casa, qui s'està menjant la marmelada?

She is not home, who is eating the jam?

I perquè hi havia una nevera, a més a més, on ella anava en el videoclip

And because there was a fridge, moreover, where she went in the music video.

amb el Raül Alejandro. Exacte.

with Raül Alejandro. Exactly.

I en aquesta nevera surt el cap de Raül

And in this fridge comes out Raül's head.

Alejandro, no?, i li diuen, i en una entrevista

Alejandro, right?, and they tell him, and in an interview.

li van preguntar, qui simbolitza, no?,

They asked him, who does it symbolize, right?

aquest cap de Raül Alejandro allà a la nevera,

this head of Raül Alejandro over there in the fridge,

i ella va respondre

And she replied.

secament, però ja és

drying, but it already is

suficient, ho diu tot, jo anava a la nevera

sufficient, it says it all, I was going to the fridge.

per saber la veritat.

to know the truth.

I, doncs, mira. Clar, és que... Clar,

So, look. Well, it's just that... Well,

aquí ho has dit. Has donat peu a que aquest

here you have said it. You have given rise to this

rumor comencés, i potser

rumor started, and perhaps

s'ha fet més gran del que era,

it has grown bigger than it was,

però tu has donat peu. I ella ara diu que no.

But you have given a reason. And she is now saying no.

Ella diu que no, que jo m'imagino que

She says no, that I imagine that.

és, mira, no ho vaig saber per això,

it's, look, I didn't know it for that reason,

per això era una pisteta, vaig estirar d'aquest

that's why it was a hint, I pulled on this

fil, però jo penso que de proves

but I think that of tests

em penso que en devien haver més d'una.

I think there must have been more than one.

Però ella diu, no és veritat lo de la marmelada. Exacte,

But she says, it's not true about the jam. Exactly,

no és veritat lo de la marmelada, va dir

"It's not true about the marmalade," he said.

sí, sí, que no era veritat. Ens estranya,

yes, yes, it wasn't true. It surprises us,

perquè vull dir, si ho inclous en un videoclip, una cosa

because I mean, if you include it in a music video, one thing

similar, i a l'entrevista ho reiteres,

similar, and in the interview, you reiterate it,

és estrany. Però bé,

it's strange. But well,

si més no, ella ha volgut desmentir

at the very least, she wanted to deny

aquest mite. Una entrevista on ha parlat de Piqué

this myth. An interview where he has talked about Piqué

sense dir-li el nom. Sí, exacte.

without telling him the name. Yes, exactly.

Això ha sigut molt fort.

This has been very intense.

Vull dir, l'últim que ens esperàvem és juntar

I mean, the last thing we expected was to get together.

els dos universos de Shakira i

the two universes of Shakira and

Harry Potter, vull dir... Un somni, per mi,

Harry Potter, I mean... A dream, for me,

he de dir. És que em sembla

I have to say. It seems to me.

amb una altra dimensió. Sí, exacte, vull dir,

with another dimension. Yes, exactly, I mean,

l'entrevistador li pregunta

the interviewer asks him/her

a Piqué, sense fer referència

to Piqué, without making reference

amb el nom directament, i ella

with the name directly, and she

fa una resposta similar a

give a similar response to

si parles de

if you talk about

Voldemort, la persona que no es pot

Voldemort, the person who cannot be named.

nombrar. Bueno, clar, és que aquesta

to name. Well, of course, it’s that this

dona ja, penso que ja no es calla ni un

Come on, I think she won't be quiet for a second now.

pèl, ho ha dit tot,

hair, it has said it all,

però no ho havíem vist mai,

but we had never seen it before,

vull dir, exacte, aquest crossover de Harry Potter

I mean, exactly, this Harry Potter crossover.

i Shakira, bueno, penso,

and Shakira, well, I think,

és increïble. Clar, està molt bé, Voldemort és

It's incredible. Of course, it's very good, Voldemort is

l'innombrable, la sèrie de Harry Potter era el nom

the unnameable, the Harry Potter series was the name

del super, super dolent, que no podia ni tan sols

from the super, super bad, that could not even

ser esmentat, i ara l'he utilitzat

to be mentioned, and now I have used it

per parlar del pare dels seus fills, ni més

to talk about the father of her children, nothing more

ni menys. A tot això,

nor less. In all this,

el CD té com molta...

the CD has like a lot...

Hi ha diferents colors que simbolitzen,

There are different colors that symbolize,

no sé què ha dit, ha explicat com que té

I don't know what he/she said, he/she explained that he/she has.

tapes diferents... Bueno, hi ha tot el tema de

different tapes... Well, there's the whole issue of

les llàgrimes, que és el tema

the tears, which is the topic

de les mujeres ja no lloren, no?, i

Women no longer cry, right? And

justament la portada, el que apareix ella, són les

just the cover, what she appears on, are the

llàgrimes aquestes de cristall,

tears of crystal,

amb una estètica, sí, molt

with an aesthetic, yes, very much

polida, molt neta, no?, molt...

polished, very clean, right?, very...

I, bueno, jo penso que és, bàsicament,

Well, I think that it is, basically,

també hi ha una cosa molt sorprenent que

there is also something very surprising that

jo, personalment, no me la crec, que és que

I, personally, don't believe it, what is that.

ha dit, no tornaré mai a parlar

He said, I will never talk again.

de Piqué. Mira, això ens ho creiem,

of Piqué. Look, we believe this,

jo penso que ens ho creiem. Ens agradarà veure-ho,

I think we believe it. We will enjoy seeing it.

perquè et dic una cosa, jo crec que per la resta

because I'm telling you something, I believe that for the rest

de la sèrie de les entrevistes que faci,

of the series of interviews that I will conduct,

alguna pregunta caurà. Sí, alguna

Some question will come up. Yes, some.

pregunta caurà. Bueno, Piqué, en principi, que està feliç amb la Clara

The question will fall. Well, Piqué, in principle, is happy with Clara.

Txia. Sí, no, tenim novetats,

Txia. Yes, no, we have news,

suposem que sí. No tenim novetats al respecte.

Let's suppose so. We have no news on that matter.

A tot això, tu ens deies que la sèrie, Alejandra,

To all this, you were telling us that the series, Alejandra,

de la que ens vols parlar, té

of which you want to talk to us, has

una mica d'amor tòxic. Col·lateralment

a bit of toxic love. Collaterally

ho podríem vincular, perquè

we could link it, because

és una sèrie britànica que es diu

it's a British series called

Such Brave Girls,

Tals noies valentes,

on els protagonistes són

where the protagonists are

tres dones que parlen

three women talking

molt del seu sentiment. Parlen

a lot of their feelings. They speak

moltíssim. Veiem

very much. Let's see

el trailer.

the trailer.

¿La ropa? No, gracias. ¿Quieres que yo

The clothes? No, thank you. Do you want me to

me quite la ropa? No, gracias.

Should I take off my clothes? No, thank you.

Mamá, ¿puedes recogerme?

Mom, can you pick me up?

Tengo sentimientos fuertes. Solo pude tener

I have strong feelings. I could only have

una hija en crisis a la vez. ¿Me oyes?

a daughter in crisis at the same time. Do you hear me?

¡Puto cobarde!

Fucking coward!

Si no te ligas a esa chica, te

If you don't hook up with that girl, you

pasarás el resto de tu vida en esperar la muerte

you will spend the rest of your life waiting for death

para tener otra oportunidad en la otra

to have another chance in the other

vida. Serás una madre increíble.

Life. You will be an incredible mother.

No mostramos el miedo a estas mujeres.

We do not show fear towards these women.

Ni a Dem, ni a Josie, ni a...

Neither to Dem, nor to Josie, nor to...

Has repetido Dem.

You have repeated Dem.

¿Cuándo crees que aparece el instinto?

When do you think instinct appears?

Que parlen molt, amb un to de

They talk a lot, with a tone of

parlen massa, molesten...

they talk too much, they annoy...

Bueno, és un dels temes. La sèrie

Well, it's one of the topics. The series

va sobre una família totalment disfuncional,

it’s about a totally dysfunctional family,

una mare i dues filles.

a mother and two daughters.

La filla gran té problemes

The oldest daughter has problems.

de salut mental i és un tema

of mental health and it is a topic

del qual parla moltíssim.

of which he/she talks a lot.

Li agrada molt explicar que té problemes

He really enjoys explaining that he has problems.

de salut mental, que té depressió,

of mental health, who has depression,

que ella viu instal·lant el trauma

that she lives installing the trauma

perquè el pare les va deixar. Llavors

because the father left them. Then

a ella li agrada molt parlar d'això.

She really enjoys talking about that.

Over sharing. Un cop que li agrada, es troba

Over sharing. Once he likes it, he finds himself.

algú i l'explica. Sí. I la mare,

someone and explains it. Yes. And the mother,

la germana, n'estan molt fartes.

The sister is very fed up with them.

I no tenen cap problema per dir-li

And they have no problem telling him.



No ens importa. No ens interessa

We don't care. We're not interested.

la teva vida.

your life.

És humor totalment negre.

It's totally dark humor.

De fet, jo crec que al principi costa una mica

In fact, I believe that at first it is a bit difficult.

perquè realment és que són superdirectes

because they are really super direct

i supercrues les unes

and supercruises the ones

amb les altres, però un cop entres

with the others, but once you enter

els hi vas agafant una mica

you are gradually getting hold of them



Amor cap a elles. Amor!

Love for them. Love!

I entens una mica la mena de relació que tenen.

You understand a little the kind of relationship they have.

Sí que hi ha un punt de relacions...

Yes, there is a point of relationships...

Relació tòxica entre elles

Toxic relationship between them.

i relacions tòxiques d'elles amb les seves

and toxic relationships of them with theirs

parelles, perquè la germana petita

couples, because the little sister

està disposada a fer qualsevol cosa

she is willing to do anything

pel noi que li agrada

for the boy who likes it

fins al punt de dir-los, vale, aquí

to the point of telling them, okay, here

tenim serradures al cap.

we have sawdust in our heads.

També et dic una cosa, no em vull posar

I'll also tell you one thing, I don't want to get involved.

aquí superpsicoanalista, però si tens tots

here superpsychoanalyst, but if you have everyone

aquests eixos a casa teva que no has resolt bé

these axes in your home that you haven't resolved well

és molt difícil que et relacionis bé fora.

It's very difficult for you to socialize well outside.

Exactament. I la mare té aquest punt de

Exactly. And the mother has this point of

que el marit va marxar,

that the husband left,

elles tenen un deute important

they have a significant debt

i que necessita

and what it needs

algú que les tregui d'allà,

someone to take them out of there,

que pagui els deutes i

that he/she pays the debts and

s'enganxa el primer que troba.

it gets stuck to the first thing it finds.

És una sèrie que és això,

It's a series that is this,

l'han comparat molt amb Fleabag

They have compared it a lot with Fleabag.

perquè jo crec que entra dins d'aquest, el motlle aquest

because I believe it fits within this, this mold

de la traumèdia, que és aquesta barreja

of the trauma, which is this mixture

de drama i comèdia

of drama and comedy

que a més els britànics la fan molt bé

that besides, the British do it very well

i que normalment sempre

and that usually always

són sèries fetes per dones.

they are series made by women.

És veritat això? I per què?

Is this true? And why?

Jo crec que potser

I think that maybe

estan més obertes a compartir

they are more open to sharing

les seves experiències, perquè és veritat que moltes

their experiences, because it is true that many

d'aquestes sèries estan basades en experiències

these series are based on experiences

reals de les creadores. En aquest cas

realities of the creators. In this case

és així, de fet

it is like that, in fact

la protagonista, la que fa de germana

the protagonist, the one who plays the sister

gran, és la creadora de la sèrie també

great, she is also the creator of the series

i la que fa de germana petita

and the one who plays the little sister

és la seva germana.

She is his sister.

Ah, o sigui, les dues actrius

Oh, so the two actresses.

són germanes. Les dues actrius que fan la germana són germanes

They are sisters. The two actresses who play the sister are sisters.

a la vida real. I van començar a treballar

in real life. And they started to work

en la sèrie perquè

in the series why

em sembla que el 2021 o així es van trucar

I think they called each other in 2021 or so.

per posar-se al dia

to catch up

i se van adonar que tenien unes vides

and they realized that they had lives

horroroses. La germana gran estava a punt d'entrar

horrible. The older sister was about to enter.

en un centre psiquiàtric

in a psychiatric center

i la petita tenia un deute de, em sembla que eren

and the little one had a debt of, I think it was

20.000 lliures, i els hi va agafar

20,000 pounds, and he took them.

el riure. Diu, és que és la nostra manera

the laughter. He says, it's just our way

d'enfrontar-nos als problemes. Ens fa

to face the problems. It makes us

riure i nosaltres estem autoritzades

laugh and we are authorized

a fer bromes perquè són les nostres experiències.

to make jokes because they are our experiences.

Nosaltres no ens en podem enriure perquè

We cannot laugh about it because

ho hem passat nosaltres.

we had a great time.

Bueno, és entre... O sigui,

Well, it's between... I mean,

a mi al principi em va costar, però

it was difficult for me at first, but

està bé. M'agrada molt

It's fine. I like it a lot.

que diguis el tema de Fliva, que ara ho posava tan bé escrit

That you mention the topic of Fliva, which was written so well just now.

que està, no? Sí, Fliva.

What is it, right? Yes, Fliva.

Fliva, que diguem, o sigui...

Fliva, what we say, I mean...

Sí, però jo crec que...

Yes, but I think that...

Hi ha una diferència molt gran entre la primera i la segona temporada.

There is a very big difference between the first and second season.

La primera temporada jo crec que és més

I think the first season is more...

el que és Such Brave Girls, que és més fosca,

what Such Brave Girls is, which is darker,

és més dura,

it's harder,

i la segona tenia un punt

and the second had a dot

una mica més de llum i era una mica més

a little more light and it was a little more

relaxada. No relaxada,

relaxed. Not relaxed,

però més conciliadora.

but more conciliatory.

Sí. A la primera,

Yes. At the first one,

Fliva, o sigui, el personatge està com molt

Fliva, I mean, the character is like very

enfadat, molt enfadat. Sí, però jo he de dir

angry, very angry. Yes, but I have to say

que són aquests personatges enfadats que em cauen

What are these angry characters that are falling on me?

molt bé. Però és insuportable.

very good. But it's unbearable.

Ja, però després... Ja, és insuportable.

Yes, but then... Yes, it’s unbearable.

Jo pensava, m'agradaria molt que fos la meva amiga,

I thought, I would really like her to be my friend.

i després diria, ui, no, no, perquè riuria,

and then I would say, oh no, no, because I would laugh,

però també ploraria jo amb aquesta amiga, saps?

but I would also cry with this friend, you know?

I realment, la relació familiar

And really, the family relationship

de Fliva també és complexa,

of Fliva is also complex,

perquè també hi ha l'absència i així,

because there is also absence and thus,

però... Sí, hi ha

but... Yes, there is

moltes d'aquestes... O sigui, pots fer una llista

many of these... I mean, you can make a list

i no n'acabes, eh? De sèries

And you haven't finished them, huh? Series.

britàniques de traumèdia fetes per dones,

British trauma made by women,

uf, no te les acabes.

phew, you never run out of them.

I avui us proposem aquesta Such Brave

And today we present you this Such Brave.

Girls, que està a Filmin,

Girls, which is on Filmin,

has dit, no? Està a Filmin, i a més just

You said, right? It's on Filmin, and also just.

ahir, no, em sembla que a dimecres,

yesterday, no, I think it was on Wednesday,

a dimecres van sortir les nominacions dels BAFTA

On Wednesday, the BAFTA nominations were announced.

a televisió, i té un parell de nominacions

to television, and has a couple of nominations

de millor comèdia, ella com a guionista,

of better comedy, she as a screenwriter,

vull dir que, si us agrada estar

I mean that, if you like being

al dia del que es fa a Anglaterra, és una

on the day it is held in England, it is a

bona opció. Alejandra Pérez, Elisenda

Good option. Alejandra Pérez, Elisenda

Forés, gràcies a totes dues. Gràcies a tu.

Forés, thank you both. Thank you.

I a tots vosaltres ja ho sabeu que divendres

And you all already know that Friday.

vinent tornem amb més sèries, més gòssip

Next time we'll be back with more series, more gossip.

i coses importants que heu de saber.

and important things you need to know.

Que vagi bé el cap de setmana.

Have a good weekend.

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