Conte d'octubre | Complet

À Punt Mèdia

Conte d'octubre

Conte d'octubre | Complet

Conte d'octubre

Comença conte d'octubre.

October story begins.

L'aeromed procedent de Barcelona Sants

The aeromed coming from Barcelona Sants.

amb destinació València Joaquim Sorolla

to Valencia Joaquim Sorolla

té prevista la seua arribada a les 11.50.

his arrival is scheduled for 11:50.



Sí, per favor.

Yes, please.

De veritat?


Són gratis.

They are free.

A casa te'ls dono.

I'll give them to you at home.

Tens 20 capsetes d'auriculars que mai has utilitzat.

You have 20 boxes of headphones that you have never used.

M'agrada escoltar música al tren.

I like to listen to music on the train.

20 auriculars, Laia.

20 headphones, Laia.

20 capsetes o emplint d'un calaix.

20 boxes or filling of a drawer.

I estos auriculars sonen fatal.

These headphones sound terrible.

Els vol?

Do you want them?

Sí, per favor.

Yes, please.


Thank you.

De res.

You're welcome.



Quina classe de persones són les que passen hores

What kind of people are those who spend hours

sense tindre res a dir-se?

without having anything to say to each other?

Els matrimonis.

The marriages.

El que més m'agrada dels viatges és mirar per la finestra d'un tren.

What I like most about traveling is looking out the window of a train.

Eixir de matinada.

To leave at dawn.

Tantes vides de persones que no coneixen i que es desperten.

So many lives of people they don't know and that awaken.

Vore com s'encén la finestra d'un quint pis

See how the window of a fifth floor lights up.

mentre passes a tota velocitat

while you pass at full speed

en un tren estrany.

in a strange train.

Cada llumeta és una història que desconeixes.

Each little light is a story you don't know.

Hi ha tantes històries per explicar.

There are so many stories to tell.

Fa 20 anys

Twenty years ago.

estàvem a les cafeteries

we were at the cafeterias

imaginant històries de gent desconeguda.

imagining stories of unknown people.

Fa 20 anys

Twenty years ago.

inventàvem històries junts.

we invented stories together.

I la mar?

And the sea?

Crec que no podria viure a Madrid.

I don't think I could live in Madrid.

És curiós.

It's curious.

A Barcelona puc passar mesos

In Barcelona, I can spend months.

sense veure la mar.

without seeing the sea.

Però saber que hi és,

But knowing that it is there,

saber que puc anar a la platja,

to know that I can go to the beach,

mirar l'horitzó

to look at the horizon

i veure la vida.

and see life.

I veure que no s'acaba.

And to see that it doesn't end.

Pot ser per això

It could be for that reason.

mai vaig voler vendre el pis de València.

I never wanted to sell the apartment in Valencia.

No m'agraden

I don't like them.

les coses que s'acaben.

the things that come to an end.

Està bé?

Are you okay?

El què?

The what?

El llibre.

The book.

Que si està bé.

Yes, it's fine.

Entretingut, però no a pensar.

Entertaining, but not to think.





Gràcies per acompanyar-me.

Thank you for accompanying me.

De res.

You're welcome.

I tornada al silenci.

And back to silence.

Si això fora una pel·lícula,

If this were a movie,

veuríem l'Aia mirant per la finestra

we would see Aia looking out the window

i Jaume embrancat en la lectura.

and Jaume engrossed in reading.

Veuríem com ella

We would see how she

el mira de reull,

he glances at him.

buscant el retorn d'una mirada.

looking for the return of a gaze.

I veuríem com Jaume

We would see how Jaume

no alça la vista del seu llibre.

does not raise her gaze from her book.

D'un temps ençà,

Since some time ago,

els silencis entre l'Aia i Jaume

the silences between Aia and Jaume

són més llargs.

they are longer.

No són incòmodes.

They are not uncomfortable.

Quan fa 20 anys

Twenty years ago.

que estàs amb una persona,

that you are with someone,

entens els silencis.

you understand the silences.

Saps interpretar-los.

You know how to interpret them.

I encara que el que hi pugues veure

And even though what you could see there

no t'agradi,

I don't like you.

aprens a conviure-hi.

you learn to live with it.

7 d'octubre.

October 7th.

L'Aia i Jaume arriben a València.

Aia and Jaume arrive in Valencia.

Està molt canviat, no?

He has changed a lot, hasn’t he?

Van fer reformes.

They made renovations.

Fa molt que no véns amb tren.

It's been a long time since you came by train.

Era una altra estació.

It was another season.

L'altra era més bonica.

The other one was more beautiful.

No? Continua estant.

No? It remains.

A on?


Hotel Palacio Valier.

Hotel Palacio Valier.

La plaça de Manises.

The Manises square.

7 d'octubre.

October 7th.

Per a algunes persones,

For some people,

les dates i els jocs

the dates and the games

són importants.

they are important.

Altres, ni tan sols,

Others, not even,

recorden els seus aniversaris.

they remember their birthdays.

Pot ser l'Aia i Jaume

It could be Aia and Jaume.

no ho han pensat molt.

they haven't thought it through much.

Però aquells esdeveniments rellevants

But those relevant events

que els han passat al llarg

that has happened to them along the way

de tot el món,

from all over the world,

a la seva vida,

in their life,

van ocórrer a l'octubre.

They occurred in October.

El 22 d'octubre de 2012,

On October 22, 2012,

l'Aia es va incorporar a la seva plaça

Aia took up her position.

com a professora de llengua castellana

as a Spanish language teacher

a l'Institut Caterin Albert de Barcelona.

at the Caterina Albert Institute in Barcelona.

I dos anys més tard,

And two years later,

l'1 d'octubre de 2014,

on October 1, 2014,

Jaume va aconseguir plaça fixa

Jaume got a permanent position.

a l'Ajuntament del Masnou.

to the Town Hall of Masnou.

13 dies més tard,

13 days later,

el 14 d'octubre de 2014,

on October 14, 2014,

va néixer la seva filla, Carla.

His daughter, Carla, was born.

L'1 d'octubre de 2001,

On October 1, 2001,

va ser la primera vegada

it was the first time

que l'Aia va besar Jaume.

that Aia kissed Jaume.

Només havien passat dos dies

Only two days had passed.

i Jaume li va confessar

and Jaume confessed to him

que estava enamorat d'ella.

that he was in love with her.

D'aquest mateix dia 3,

Of this very day 3,

l'Aia li va deixar clar

Aia made it clear to him/her.

que no volia res seriós.

that didn't want anything serious.

I només 5 dies més tard,

And just 5 days later,

el 8 d'octubre de 2001,

on October 8, 2001,

sense saber-ho,

without knowing it,

van començar una relació

they started a relationship

que els ha portat fins avui.

that has brought them to today.

A l'octubre de fa dos anys,

In October two years ago,

Jaume va descobrir l'aventura

Jaume discovered the adventure.

de l'Aia amb Rafa.

from The Hague with Rafa.

Un company de faena.

A work colleague.

I a l'octubre d'este mateix any,

And in October of this same year,

probablement en el transcurso

probably in the course

d'esta història,

of this story,

el matrimoni entre l'Aia i Jaume

the marriage between Aia and Jaume

pot ser arribar a la fi.

it could be coming to an end.

Però no, no ens posem dramàtics.

But no, let's not get dramatic.

Anem primer al 3 d'octubre del 2001.

Let's first go to October 3, 2001.

El Cafè Net.

The Clean Café.

Cafeteria de l'antiga Facultat de Filosofia.

Cafeteria of the former Faculty of Philosophy.

Ubicació que,

Location that,

com tants altres records feliços,

like so many other happy memories,

ja no existeix en l'actualitat.

no longer exists today.

L'Aia i Jaume,

The Aia and Jaume,

asseguts en una taula,

sitting at a table,

observen una parella d'ancians

they observe a couple of elderly people

que camina per Blasco i Banyes.

that walks along Blasco i Banyes.

Ella li diu que no pot seguir així.

She tells him that she can't go on like this.

L'asiàtica l'està matant.

The Asian woman is killing her.

Ell li diu que han de caminar

He tells her that they have to walk.

com a mínim 20 minuts cada dia.

at least 20 minutes every day.

Sí, però ella no pot més.

Yes, but she can't take it anymore.

Mira, l'està agafant del braç.

Look, he's holding her by the arm.

L'apreta fort.

She's squeezing it hard.

Ai, em fas mal.

Oh, you hurt me.

Eh, que no ha posat cara de dolor.

Hey, she didn't show any signs of pain.



Caram, caram, tens molta força.

Wow, wow, you have a lot of strength.



Eh, sí, clar que sí.

Oh, yes, of course.

Fidel diu paraules malsonants al bar i amb els amics.

Fidel says bad words at the bar and with his friends.

Però des de fa 45 anys

But for the past 45 years

no ha dit ni una sola paraula malsonant davant d'Amanda.

He hasn't said a single curse word in front of Amanda.

Com que Amanda?

How are you, Amanda?

M'encanta, Víctor Jara.

I love Víctor Jara.

Llavors Víctor millor que Fidel.

Then Victor is better than Fidel.

Víctor i Amanda.

Victor and Amanda.

Val, estic d'acord amb el canvi.

Okay, I agree with the change.

Amanda està tota la vida cuidant de Víctor.

Amanda has been taking care of Víctor all her life.

I esta és la primera vegada des de fa 40 anys que estan junts

And this is the first time in 40 years that they are together.

i Víctor té l'oportunitat de cuidar-la.

And Víctor has the opportunity to take care of her.

Clar, i això a Víctor el fa sentir important.

Of course, and this makes Victor feel important.

Però Amanda la rebenta deixar-se cuidar.

But Amanda hates being taken care of.

A casa ella és la que sempre ha estat a càrrec de tot.

At home, she is the one who has always been in charge of everything.

Tot i que mai van poder tindre fills.

Even though they were never able to have children.

Que cabró, però si anava a dir que tenien dos.

What a bastard, but I was going to say that they had two.

Ah, ens sap greu.

Ah, we're sorry.

I encara, encara que Víctor fa tot el que fa

And still, even though Víctor does everything he does.

pensant en el bé d'Amanda, la seua dona,

thinking about the well-being of Amanda, his wife,

des que té ciàtica ha començat a odiar-lo d'una manera atròs.

Since he has had sciatica, he has started to hate him in a terrible way.

Perquè Amanda sempre ha estat independent,

Because Amanda has always been independent,

una dona de sa casa.

a woman of her home.

Però independent.

But independent.

No, no, no, Amanda té carrera.

No, no, no, Amanda has a degree.

Amanda té carrera, va estudiar farmàcia.

Amanda has a degree; she studied pharmacy.

Però no la va exercir mai.

But she never exercised it.

Per què?


No pots canviar les regles. Amanda és una dona de sa casa.

You can't change the rules. Amanda is a woman of her home.

I l'odi que sent cap a Jaume...

And the hatred he feels towards Jaume...

Eh, xt, Víctor.

Hey, xt, Víctor.



L'odi que sent cap a Víctor per les seues atencions constants

The hate he feels towards Víctor for his constant attentions.

farà que esta nit li vinga al cap una antiga fórmula

it will make him think of an old formula tonight

dels seus anys d'estudiant a la facultat de farmàcia.

from her years as a student at the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Per això, per això li ha apretat el braç amb força.

That's why he tightened his arm with force.

Per això, el mira als ulls fixament,

That's why he looks into his eyes intently,

perquè s'ha adonat que 40 anys no valen de res

because he has realized that 40 years are worth nothing

si per una mala ira i simple ciàtica

if due to a bad anger and simple sciatica

el seu marit és capaç d'usurpar així la seua identitat,

her husband is capable of usurping her identity like this,

la seua raó de ser.

its reason for being.

Esta nit, el cafè descafeïnat amb llet i sacarina del seu home

Tonight, the decaffeinated coffee with milk and saccharin from her husband.

serà l'últim.

it will be the last.

I Amanda tornarà a ser lliure.

Amanda will be free again.

Uf, playa, era simple, cable.

Phew, beach, it was simple, cable.

Mira'ls, mira'ls com van agafats l'un a l'altre.

Look at them, look at how they are holding onto each other.

Mmm, pobre Víctor.

Mmm, poor Víctor.

Què passa?

What's happening?



Doncs no em mires així.

Well, don’t look at me like that.

Així com?

How so?

Així, així, amb eixa intensitat.

Thus, thus, with that intensity.

Com Víctor, Amanda?

Like Víctor, Amanda?

Ai, va, Jaume.

Oh, come on, Jaume.

Ho he deixat amb Marisa.

I have broken up with Marisa.

Per què?




Perquè si...

Because if...

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No, no, no serà per mi.

No, no, it won't be for me.



Va, va, Jaume.

Come on, come on, Jaume.

Va ser una borratxera, una ximpleria.

It was a drunken spree, a foolishness.

Bé, tu, deixa'm parlar i després ja dius si fas el que volgués.

Well, you, let me speak and then you can say if you do what I want.



Laia, per favor.

Laia, please.

Sense pensar-se-ho, i se dirà Jaume va anar a per totes.

Without thinking about it, it will be said that Jaume went for broke.

Repetint tot un seguit de tòpics de pel·lícules de Julia Roberts dels 90,

Repeating a whole series of clichés from 90s Julia Roberts movies,

Jaume creu recordar que va dir alguna cosa semblanta.

Jaume thinks he remembers saying something similar.

Vull, quan després de passar el dia amb tu

I want, when after spending the day with you

la meva roba fa olor al teu perfum

my clothes smell like your perfume

i vull que siguis tu l'última persona

And I want you to be the last person.

en què parli abans d'anar-me'n al llit

what to talk about before going to bed

I això no és perquè estigues soles

And this is not because you are alone.

He vingut així perquè

I have come like this because

quan t'adones que vols passar la resta de la teua vida amb algú

when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone

desitges que la resta de la teua vida

you wish that the rest of your life

comenci en aquest mateix moment

start at this very moment

Plagi brutal

Brutal plagiarism

de quan en Harry va trobar la Sally

when Harry met Sally

Malauradament en la vida real

Unfortunately in real life

les situacions romàntiques

romantic situations

no tenen sempre una resposta brillant

they don't always have a brilliant answer

ni tenen la seua correspondència

nor do they have their correspondence

Aquell 3 d'octubre de 2001

That 3rd of October 2001

una jove de 22 anys

a 22-year-old young woman

com l'Aya

like Aya

no estava preparada per un atac de sinceritat

I wasn't prepared for an attack of sincerity.

com aquell

like that

Com que has deixat a Marisa, eh?

So you have broken up with Marisa, huh?

Marisa és molt guai

Marisa is very cool.

i ja et val

and it’s already worth it for you

D'acord, doncs

Alright then.

Malse i me'n vaig, eh?

I'll take off then, okay?

Me'n vaig

I'm leaving.

Serà incòmode

It will be uncomfortable.

Molt incòmode

Very uncomfortable

Ja ens veurem d'aquí uns dies

We'll see each other in a few days.

Sí, sí, això

Yes, yes, that

Collons, Jaume, quins ous tens

Damn, Jaume, what balls you have.

Perquè som

Because we are

altre món

another world

Perquè som

Because we are

un sol món

one single world

Perquè som

Because we are

altre món

another world

Perquè som

Because we are

un sol món

one single world

Perquè som

Because we are

tu i jo

you and I


Current affairs

Tornem al 7 d'octubre

We'll be back on October 7th.

L'Aya i Jaume visiten l'antic pis de l'Aya

Aya and Jaume visit Aya's old apartment.

per última vegada

for the last time

No saps com t'ho agraeixo

You don’t know how grateful I am to you.

De veritat


No res, dona

Nothing, woman.

Estem encantats amb el pis

We are delighted with the apartment.

I tinc molts records

I have many memories.

Sou de Barcelona?

Are you from Barcelona?

No, jo de Benassau

No, I'm from Benassau.

I Jaume de Benicarló

I Jaume of Benicarló

Però els dos vam estudiar a València

But the two of us studied in Valencia.

Oh, com que els de l'immobiliària

Oh, like the ones from the real estate agency.

em van dir que viviu allí

They told me that you live there.

Sí, per faena ens vam mudar a Barcelona

Yes, we moved to Barcelona for work.

Els meus pares van comprar este pis

My parents bought this apartment.

pensant en els estudis dels seus fills

thinking about the studies of their children

I a la fi, a la fi només vaig vindre jo a estudiar

And in the end, in the end, I was the only one who came to study.

Teniu feina?

Do you have work?

Teniu feig?

Do you have work?



Disculpa, t'importa si pegueu una ullada?

Excuse me, do you mind taking a look?

No, no, clar que no

No, no, of course not.


Thank you

Em deixes provar una cosa?

Can I try something?

Clar, clar

Clear, clear.

Vine, vine, mira

Come, come, look.

Tercera ratxola

Third tile

Des de la cantonada

From the corner

Segona des del mabre

Second from the mabre

Sona buit

Sounds empty.

Així està

That's how it is.



Jaume, encara està així?

Jaume, is it still like this?

Què és?

What is it?

No res, un doble fons que va quedar d'un anticarmari

Nothing, a false bottom that was left from an old sideboard.

A Jaume i a mi ens agradava guardar records

Jaume and I liked to keep memories.

i els anàvem ficant tots en la caixa

and we were putting them all in the box

Les polseres del festival de Benicàssim

The bracelets of the Benicàssim festival

Entrades de teatre, fotos

Theater tickets, photos

La clau del cadenat

The key of the padlock

Mare meva

My goodness

I així ha estat tot el temps?

And has it been like that all the time?

Quan vam deixar el pis

When we left the apartment.

i començàrem a llogar-lo

and we began to rent it

ens va semblar divertit deixar-la així

We thought it was funny to leave it like that.

Pots guardar un record

You can keep a memory.

però no pots emportar-te un lloc

but you can't take a place with you

Pensava que algú l'hauria descobert

I thought someone would have discovered it.

però no

but no

Et fa res que me l'emporti?

Do you mind if I take it?

Sé que la casa és teua però com...

I know the house is yours but how...

No, no, tranquil·la

No, no, be calm.

Mare meva

My goodness.





Jaume gaudia per dir-ho d'alguna manera

Jaume was happy to put it that way.

dels records d'un lloc

of the memories of a place

on van ser feliços junts

where they were happy together

Una taula, dos cacires

A table, two glasses.

una paret plena de forats

a wall full of holes

taques de cinta adhesiva

adhesive tape stains

i esta plastilina valava

and this plasticine was worth

com es diu esta plastilina?

What is this modeling clay called?

El pas del temps a través dels forats

The passage of time through the holes

i les taques a la paret

and the stains on the wall

Recorde que si hi havia

I remember that if there was

un calendari de Coca-Cola de 1986

a Coca-Cola calendar from 1986

damunt del llit

on the bed

I tornem al passat

We're going back to the past.

Per què tens un calendari de 1986?

Why do you have a calendar from 1986?

Mira que feliços pareixen tots

Look how happy they all seem.

Clar, perquè beuen Coca-Cola

Sure, because they drink Coca-Cola.

No m'agrada tirar les coses

I don't like to throw things away.

que encara poden tindre un ús

that can still have a use

I per què val un calendari del 86?

And why is a calendar from '86 worth something?

Saps que només hi ha 14 tipus de calendaris?

Did you know that there are only 14 types of calendars?

Els calendaris es repeteixen cada 28 anys

Calendars repeat every 28 years.

No ho sabies, veritat?

You didn't know, did you?

28 anys?

28 years?

No, no és que no ho sàpiga

No, it's not that I don't know it.

A veure, és que no tot Déu es posa a pensar

Let's see, not everyone thinks.

a reciclar una cosa

to recycle something

que només la pot utilitzar cada 28 anys

that can only be used every 28 years



Segur que passen coses brutals al 2014

Surely amazing things are happening in 2014.

Saps què és el que caldria fer servir

Do you know what should be used?

abans que caduquera?

before it expires?



I tornem al present

We're back to the present.

14 d'octubre de 2014

October 14, 2014

28 anys després d'este punyeter pòster

28 years after this damn poster

van aixercar-la

they picked her up

Els jocs tenen memòria

Games have memory.

Ho recorden tot?

Do they remember everything?

Tots els records que haurien d'emocionar-me

All the memories that should move me.

d'esta habitació em fan ràbia

I am annoyed by this room.

Cinta adhesiva

Adhesive tape

Forats a la paret

Holes in the wall

I esta plastilina blava

And this blue modeling clay.

Eres un covard de merda, Jaume

You are a shit coward, Jaume.



Mira, mira, Jaume

Look, look, Jaume.

Estava al mateix lloc

I was in the same place.

El què?

The what?

La caixa, la caixa de la cuina

The box, the box from the kitchen

Ah, vaja

Oh, well.

Moltes gràcies per deixar-nos

Thank you very much for letting us.

veure el pis per última vegada

see the apartment for the last time

I, i, i, i, i, i, i

I, and, and, and, and, and, and, and

És estrany quedar-te un pis

It's strange to keep an apartment.

amb tants records d'unes altres persones

with so many memories of other people

M'hi sento una miqueta intrusa

I feel a little bit like an intruder.



Des que vam deixar el pis

Since we left the apartment.

deuen haver passat per així

they must have gone through like this

desenes d'estudiants

dozens of students

Sí, per nosaltres no et sentes malament

Yes, don't feel bad for us.

Espero que en gaudiu tant

I hope you enjoy it so much.

com ho vam fer nosaltres

how we did it

Bé, la veritat és que pensàvem

Well, the truth is that we thought


to reform it

i destinar-lo al lloguer turístic

and allocate it to tourist rental

com una inversió

as an investment



Per cert, recorda si hi havia

By the way, remember if there was

així un calendari de Coca-Cola

thus a Coca-Cola calendar

del 86?

from 86?

No, era important?

No, was it important?

No, no

No, no.

No com a mínim fins a 2042

Not at least until 2042.

I així està

And so it is.

Un xicotet somriure

A little smile

una mirada còmplice entre els dos

a knowing glance between the two

Ja era hora

It was about time.

Les coses no són

Things are not

ni blanques ni negres

neither white nor black

I malgrat el moment que travessa

And despite the moment you are going through

la seua relació

their relationship

Laia i Jaume també comparteixen

Laia and Jaume also share.

20 anys en què hi va haver

20 years in which there were

rialles i bons moments

laughter and good times

Deixem clar que en esta història

Let’s make it clear that in this story

no hi ha ni bons ni dolents

There are neither good nor bad people.

Excepte, és clar

Except, of course.

la propietària especuladora

the speculating owner

defensora de la gentrificació

defender of gentrification

Pot ser

It may be.

que aquest humil narrador

that this humble narrator

ha deixat caure en algun moment

has dropped at some point

una certa infidelitat per part de Laia

a certain infidelity on Laia's part

Però si hem de ser justos

But if we have to be fair

Laia no hauria tingut

Laia would not have had.

aquella insignificant aventura

that insignificant adventure

Si no farà 5 anys que Jaume

If it will not be 5 years since Jaume

estava fora d'eixe matrimoni

I was outside of that marriage.

Molta atenció, per favor

A lot of attention, please.

Com en l'abans dels informatius

Like in the previous news broadcasts

en què es resumeix el més important

what is the most important summarized in?

del dia en un minut

of the day in a minute

Ara escoltareu

Now you will listen.

un xicotet resum dels últims 14 anys

A brief summary of the last 14 years.

de la vida de Laia

of Laia's life

i Jaume

and Jaume

Octubre de 2007

October 2007

Què? Com ha anat?

What? How did it go?

Heu aprovat?

Have you passed?

Heu aprovat!

You have passed!

Eres mestre!

You are a teacher!

Sense faena, però mestre

No work, but master.

Juliol 2009

July 2009

Fran m'ha oferit una sèrie

Fran has offered me a series.

La productora està a Barcelona

The producer is in Barcelona.

Però pots escriure des d'ací, no?

But you can write from here, right?

Finals del 2010

End of 2010

Ei, què fas?

Hey, what are you doing?

No res, veure la tele

Nothing, watching TV.

I tu?

And you?

Acabant d'escriure un capítol

Just finishing writing a chapter.

Acabar bé

To end well

Laia, et trobo a faltar

Laia, I miss you.

Principis del 2011

Beginning of 2011

No arribaves demà

You weren't arriving tomorrow.

Volia donar-te una sorpresa

I wanted to give you a surprise.

I esta maleta?

And this suitcase?

Pensava que volies viure amb mi

I thought you wanted to live with me.

Maig de 2011

May 2011

Què passa?

What's happening?

No renoven la sèrie

They are not renewing the series.

Però sou un equip, no?

But you are a team, right?

Equip són ells

Who are they?

Sembla que hi ha un altre projecte

It seems there is another project.

que si funciona, entra

that if it works, enter

però ja poca pasta

but already little money

Una merda

A shit

Novembre 2011

November 2011

Me'n vaig

I'm leaving.

Vols alguna cosa?

Do you want something?

No, acaba el temari

No, finish the syllabus.

i després telefonada de repàs

and then a follow-up phone call

No et canses

Don't get tired.

Setembre 2012

September 2012

La tercera millor nota

The third-best grade.

Entré a plaça

I entered the square.

Molt lluny

Very far

Doncs crec que podria fins i tot triar ací, a Barcelona

Well, I think I could even choose here, in Barcelona.

Gener 2013

January 2013

Va, Laia, si ho fan tots

Come on, Laia, if everyone is doing it.

Saps quan poden arribar a pesar tots els cadenats uns?

Do you know how much all the padlocks can weigh?

Estem a París

We are in Paris.

És un cadenat

It is a padlock.

Una cosa que es quedarà ací per sempre

One thing that will stay here forever.

Però jo no puc voler sempre un xic tan caldós

But I can't always want such a warm guy.

Nye, nye, nye, nye, nye

Nye, nye, nye, nye, nye

Doncs et quedes la clau

So you keep the key.

Quan vulguis tornes a París i el lleves

When you want, you can return to Paris and take it off.

Febrer 2014

February 2014

Què no et dic que ho deixes, Jaume?

What did I tell you about stopping it, Jaume?

Però jo m'he tret una plaça

But I have secured a position.

No sé, es durarà alguna cosa, per si de cas

I don't know, it might last something, just in case.

Et trauré el cap

I will take your head off.

Seria un any

It would be a year.

Laia, a tu t'agraden els xiquets

Laia, do you like kids?

A mi no

Not me.

Doncs crec que hauríem de començar a agradar-te

Well, I think we should start to please you.

Setembre 2014

September 2014

Com ha anat l'examen?

How did the exam go?

Bé, crec que bé

Well, I think so.

Com estàs tu?

How are you?



Novembre 2014

November 2014

Ja, passió

Yes, passion

Gràcies, amor

Thank you, love.


I love you.

I jo a tu

And I to you

Estic al teu costat

I am by your side.

Per fil al teu perfil

Through thread to your profile.

Un dia

One day

Havia sent-s'hi el mar

I had felt the sea there.

Dos persones amb faena fixa

Two people with a fixed job

Una filla intel·ligent i adorable

An intelligent and adorable daughter.

Dos persones que s'estimen

Two people who love each other.

Quan comença a canviar la cosa?

When does the situation start to change?

És difícil dir-ho

It's hard to say.

Així no hi ha una data que cap dels dos puga recordar

So there is no date that either of them can remember.

Hi ha un moment en la vida

There is a moment in life

En què un deixa de menjar-se el món

In what one stops eating the world.

I només viu

And he/she only lives.

Hi ha persones que no tenen la necessitat

There are people who do not have the need.

D'assolir fites elevades contínuament

Achieving high goals continuously.

I unes altres

And others

Per a les quals viure sense lluitar per alguna cosa

For which living without fighting for something.

No té sentit

It makes no sense.

I això no és ni bo ni roïn

And this is neither good nor bad.

Però probablement aquells que decidixen viure

But probably those who choose to live

Sense aspirar a metes complicades

Without aspiring to complicated goals.

Tenen molt més fàcil ser feliços

They find it much easier to be happy.

I fer felices les persones que els envolten

And to make the people around them happy.

Així tan fàcil

So easy.

Una cosa és fer-ho

One thing is to do it.

I la altra, fer-ho

And the other, do it.

Una altra cosa és fer-ho

Another thing is to do it.

I això no és ni bo ni roïn

And this is neither good nor bad.

I deixa anar les coses

And let go of things.

Així tan fàcil

So easy like that.

En temps present, Laia i Jaume arriben a l'hotel.

In the present tense, Laia and Jaume arrive at the hotel.

Ostres, sabates m'estan matant.

Wow, these shoes are killing me.

Si anem a pegar una volta, em posen les sabatilles.

If we are going for a walk, put on my slippers.

Havies d'assemblar tota una propietària.

You had to assemble a whole owner.



Estàs bé?

Are you okay?

M'encanten els hotels.

I love hotels.

El silenci que mai trobes a casa.

The silence you never find at home.

Vols que fem alguna cosa?

Do you want us to do something?

Alguna cosa?


Una volta, a veure la ciutat. Fa molt que no estem així.

Once, to see the city. It's been a long time since we've been like this.





Tens gana?

Are you hungry?

No, no molta.

No, not much.

Has vist? Tenen banyera.

Have you seen? They have a bathtub.

Quasi tots els hotels ja han passat a la dutxa, però este...

Almost all the hotels have switched to showers, but this one...

Este encara té banyera.

This one still has a bathtub.

Podríem anar-la a l'Ivam. Jaume...

We could go to Ivam. Jaume...

He vist que hi ha una exposició que...

I have seen that there is an exhibition that...




I love you.

Pot ser no ens ho hagin dit molt últimament,

It may be that they haven't told us much lately,

però t'estimi.

but I love you.

No com el primer dia, això seria estúpid i mentida,

Not like the first day, that would be stupid and a lie,

però després de 20 anys,

but after 20 years,

encara vull estar amb tu.

I still want to be with you.

Tu em vols?

Do you want me?



D'ells meu?

Of them mine?


I love you.





Laia, estàs molt sensible.

Laia, you are very sensitive.

Hem tornat a València, acabes de vendre la casa.

We have returned to Valencia, you have just sold the house.

Estes coses sempre m'afecten més a mi que a tu.

These things always affect me more than they do you.

Però eres tu la que està rara.

But you're the one who's acting strange.



Vols que telefonem a Carla?

Do you want us to call Carla?



Vull que m'abracis.

I want you to hug me.

Abans o després de tocar a Carla?

Before or after touching Carla?

Ves a tenir la merda.

You're going to have trouble.

Vols que t'abraci o discutir?

Do you want me to hug you or argue?

He dit jo que vulgui discutir.

I said that I want to discuss.

Per què fas això, Laia?

Why are you doing this, Laia?

El què?


Translletar-me a alguna cosa.

Translate me to something.

una cosa que vols dir-me tu perquè te'l tregui jo.

One thing you want to tell me so that I take it off you.

Vols dir-me alguna cosa? Dins-me-la.

Do you want to tell me something? Tell it to me.

Te ho he dit. Vull que m'abraces.

I've told you. I want you to hug me.

Bé, volia fa un moment,

Well, I wanted a moment ago,

perquè la veritat és que ara ja no en tinc ganes.

because the truth is that I no longer feel like it.

Parlar amb tu és pegar-se contra un mur de cinisme i acudits.

Talking to you is like hitting a wall of cynicism and jokes.

Ho veus? Una altra volta.

Do you see it? Again.

Ho veus? Una altra cinisme.

Do you see it? Another cynicism.

Saps per què pego voltes?

Do you know why I am going in circles?

Perquè tinc por.

Because I am afraid.

Tinc por que si encara la situació i et dic el que penses de tu,

I'm afraid that if I face the situation and tell you what I think of you,

la nostra vida se'n vagi a la merda.

our life goes to hell.

La nostra vida és meravellosa, Laia.

Our life is wonderful, Laia.

Els dos tenim una filla meravellosa.

Both of us have a wonderful daughter.

Els dos tenim un treball fantàstic.

We both have a fantastic job.

Mira, Jaume, jo no tinc la culpa

Look, Jaume, I am not to blame.

que penses que la teua vida és una merda.

What do you think that your life is shit?

Em sap molt greu si la teua feina no t'ompli.

I'm very sorry if your job doesn't fulfill you.

Sent que no t'hagis convertit en el gran escriptor.

I regret that you haven't become the great writer.

Sent de veritat que la teua filla i jo

I really feel that your daughter and I

no puguem omplir el buit existencial tan gran que tens.

we cannot fill the huge existential void that you have.

Però no és culpa nostra.

But it's not our fault.

I jo ja no sé què puc fer, perquè viure amb tu és esgotador.

And I no longer know what I can do, because living with you is exhausting.

Ja, tu almenys tens més opcions, no?

Yes, at least you have more options, right?

No puc més.

I can't take it anymore.

Estic farta.

I'm fed up.

Farta de demanar-te perdó. Farta.

Tired of asking you for forgiveness. Tired.

Saps quina és la diferència entre tu i jo?

Do you know what the difference is between you and me?

Que jo he sigut totalment sincera i tu no.

That I have been totally honest and you have not.

Quan m'he sentit malament, m'he atrevit a fer alguna cosa.

When I've felt unwell, I've dared to do something.

Tu què has fet? Què has fet?

What have you done? What have you done?

Res. No has fet res.

Nothing. You have done nothing.

Vas ser tu el que em va demanar que tornara i ho vaig fer.

You were the one who asked me to come back, and I did.

Però per a què, Jaume? Per a què?

But for what, Jaume? For what?





No pots tornar als records per arreglar un present?

You can't return to memories to fix a present?

Que no funciona.

That doesn't work.

Potser tu sents nostàlgia amb el pis, València i la caixeta dels collons,

Maybe you feel nostalgic about the apartment, Valencia, and the damn little box,

però jo només sento...

but I only feel...

Què sents?

What do you feel?



Doncs di's-me-ho.

Well, tell me.

El què?

The what?

Que no vols seguir.

That you don't want to continue.

No vull seguir.

I don't want to continue.

Ho veus?

Do you see it?

No era tan difícil?

Was it not that difficult?



No era tan difícil?

Wasn't it that difficult?

Era tan difícil?

Was it that difficult?

No era tan difícil?

Wasn't it that difficult?

Si això for a una pel·lícula,

If this were a movie,

hauríeu vist com estava moblat este silenci.

you would have seen how this silence was furnished.

Hauríeu vist una mirada incòmoda entre dues persones

You would have seen an uncomfortable glance between two people.

que ja no tenen res a dir-se.

that they have nothing left to say to each other.

La derroten la cara de Jaume,

They defeat the face of Jaume,

i la decepció en la de l'Aia.

and the disappointment in The Hague.

Es podria dir que en el temps entre les mirades,

It could be said that in the time between the glances,

els passos i la porta que es tanca,

the footsteps and the door that closes,

cap dels dos no ha respirat.

neither of them has breathed.

Jaume ha eixit de l'habitació i l'Aia s'hi ha quedat dins.

Jaume has left the room and Aia has stayed inside.

I després d'este soroll, després d'esta portada,

And after this noise, after this cover,

la sensació de calma que ha emborratxat els dos

the feeling of calm that has intoxicated both of them

ha sigut estranyament semblant.

it has been strangely similar.

Deixem la porta tancada en esta habitació d'hotel en temps present

Let's keep the door closed in this hotel room in the present tense.

i tornem a obrir la porta d'aquell octubre de 2001.

And we open the door again to that October of 2001.

Vos en recordeu de l'estrepitosa declaració d'amor del jove Jaume

Do you remember the thunderous declaration of love from young Jaume?

i les caravasses de l'Aia?

And the caravans of Aia?

Com que has deixat a Marisa, eh?

So you've broken up with Marisa, huh?

Marisa és molt guai i ja et val.

Marisa is very cool and that's enough for you.

Collons, Jaume, quina por!

Damn, Jaume, what a scare!

Quins ous tens!

What balls you have!

Després d'esta portada plena de joventut i energia,

After this cover full of youth and energy,

que poc té a vore amb l'amargor de portada a la qual acabem d'assistir,

that has little to do with the bitterness of the cover we have just witnessed,

Jaume passa uns dies fotut.

Jaume is having a tough time.

Quan un és jove, el rebuig fa més mal.

When one is young, rejection hurts more.

Sembla que s'acaba el món.

It seems that the world is ending.

Cançons de Cindy López, Víctor Jara i fins i tot de Gris.

Songs by Cindy López, Víctor Jara, and even from Grease.

Una selecció variada que permet recrear-se en la pèrdua de l'amor

A varied selection that allows one to indulge in the loss of love.

i el patetisme d'una persona que no és la seva.

and the patheticness of a person who is not theirs.

L'adolescència tardana.

Late adolescence.

Després de cinc dies que podrien ser el mateix,

After five days that could be the same,

Jaume decideix donar-se una treva per a gaudir amb uns amics

Jaume decides to take a break to enjoy with some friends.

del castell de focs artificials que se celebra el dilluns 8 d'octubre.

of the fireworks display that takes place on Monday, October 8.

I a tu et van posar el nom per Jaume I?

And were you named after James I?

No, pel meu i allò Santiago.

No, for my sake and that of Santiago.

I per què no et diuen Santi?

And why don't they call you Santi?

És el mateix nom. Santiago, Jaume, Didac...

It's the same name. Santiago, Jaume, Didac...

Veus per què l'avui tant?

Do you see why today so much?

És tan sabuda que em fa mal.

It is so well-known that it hurts me.

I per què no et diuen Santi?

And why aren't you called Santi?

És tan intel·ligent.

He is so intelligent.

I mira que això és difícil.

And look, this is difficult.

Per què no ha vingut Marisa?

Why hasn't Marisa come?

Ho hem deixat.

We have broken up.

No fotis. I per això fas esta cara?

Don't be ridiculous. Is that why you're making that face?

Que també et dic jo que Marisa no et pegava gens.

I also tell you that Marisa did not suit you at all.

Massa madura.



Leave it.

És veritat. Estava molt bé, però massa per a tu.

It's true. It was very nice, but too much for you.

Para ja.

Stop now.

Si és que t'han sabut, és impossible fer-te.

If they have known you, it is impossible to make you.

Anem un poquet més avant, no?

Let's go a little further, shall we?

Jo quasi que preferís quedar-me així,

I would almost prefer to stay like this,

perquè si canvia el vent quan comenci el castell,

because if the wind changes when the castle begins,

ens cauran les restes.

the remains will fall on us.

No sigues cagueta.

Don't be a coward.

A quina hora comença això?

What time does this start?

Les dotze menys tres minuts.

Three minutes to twelve.

Passeig de l'Albereda de València.

Promenade of the Albereda of Valencia.

Tres minuts perquè comença el castell de focs artificial

Three minutes until the fireworks show begins.

a càrrec de Ricardo Caballer.

in charge of Ricardo Caballer.

Ei, pensa-nos-la ja.

Hey, think about it already.

Què? On?

What? Where?

Este tro no és el cor de Jaume.

This throne is not Jaume's heart.

És el primer avís.

This is the first warning.

Collons, Pau.

Damn, Pau.

Què sabeu?

What do you know?

Això de l'Aia?

This about The Hague?

Què passa amb l'Aia?

What’s happening with Aia?

Me ho va explicar ella.

She explained it to me.

Què et va explicar?

What did he/she tell you?

Perquè sóc l'únic que no s'ha assabentat de res.

Because I am the only one who hasn't found out anything.

I què et va dir?

And what did he/she tell you?

T'has enrotllat amb l'Aia?

Have you hooked up with Aia?

Està feta un embolic.

It's all a mess.

De veres?


T'has enrotllat amb l'Aia?

Have you hooked up with Aia?

Jaume, espera.

Jaume, wait.

On vas?

Where are you going?

Per als que no coneixeu l'Albereda de València,

For those of you who do not know the Albereda of Valencia,

imagineu una gran avinguda a la vora del riu Túria.

Imagine a wide avenue by the banks of the Túria River.

Un riu sense aigua,

A river without water,

que, des de 1986, es va convertir en jardí.

that, since 1986, has become a garden.

El pulmó verd de la ciutat.

The green lung of the city.

En el llit, un castell de focs artificials

In bed, a castle of fireworks.

per a commemorar l'entrada a València el 1238 del rei Jaume I.

to commemorate the entry into Valencia in 1238 of King James I.

Al passeig de la Ciutadella,

At the Ciutadella promenade,

Pont de la Mar, Pont del Real i l'Albereda,

Bridge of the Sea, Bridge of the Royal and the Promenade,

milers de persones que assistixen a l'espectacle.

thousands of people attending the show.

A l'Albereda, una antiga pèrgola per a fer-hi concerts de bandes de música.

In the Albereda, an old pergola for holding concerts by music bands.

Sobre la pèrgola, un grup de set o vuit persones

On the pergola, a group of seven or eight people.

que ballen al ritme d'una melodia insistent.

they dance to the rhythm of an insistent melody.

I entre estes set o vuit persones, l'Aia.

And among these seven or eight people, Aia.

Quina casualitat, no?

What a coincidence, right?

Quines possibilitats hi hauria que entre milers de persones...

What are the chances that among thousands of people...

Bé, hem de ser sincers.

Well, we have to be honest.

La sort de vegades calixera buscar-la.

Sometimes luck must be sought.

Jaume havia quedat amb Pau i Maria per a vore el castell,

Jaume had arranged to meet Pau and Maria to see the castle.

però ell sabia on devia estar l'Aia.

but he knew where Aia should be.

Sempre anava allí a vore els castells

I always went there to see the castles.

i la pèrgola és un dels jocs màgics, anacrònics,

and the pergola is one of the magical, anachronistic games,

que hi ha en qualsevol ciutat.

that exists in any city.

Jaume no estava donant-se una treva.

Jaume was not giving himself a break.

Tenia la necessitat de tornar a vore-la.

I had the need to see her again.

Veient Jaume decidit,

Seeing Jaume determined,

avançant com l'heroi de qualsevol tragèdia grega.

advancing like the hero of any Greek tragedy.

Una massa aliena.

An alien mass.

El seu objectiu fa que es mogui com en arenes moverisses.

Its goal makes it move like in quicksand.

Però Jaume segueix avançant.

But Jaume continues to advance.

Vint metres.

Twenty meters.



Què fas?

What are you doing?



No veus que està ple?

Don't you see that it's full?

Haver vingut abans.

Would have come earlier.

L'Aia, aliena a l'itinerari del suposat heroi,

The Aia, unaware of the supposed hero's itinerary,

es divertís amb els seus amics.

He had fun with his friends.

Dins de la festa lògica d'una nit com esta,

Within the logical celebration of a night like this,

esgotada pel vall,

exhausted by the valley,

sembla recolzar el cap al pit d'un amic.

it seems to rest your head on a friend's chest.




It stops.

Està a vuit metres de la pèrgola.

It is eight meters away from the pergola.

Segon avís.

Second notice.

L'Aia alça el cap, disposada a reprendre el vall,

The Aia raises her head, ready to resume the valley,

però accidentalment veu una figura estàtica

but accidentally sees a static figure

entre una massa en continu moviment.

among a constantly moving mass.

Per primera vegada aquella nit

For the first time that night

i en una localització infestada de milers d'espectadors,

and in a location infested with thousands of spectators,

les seues mirades

their looks

se'n creuen.

They believe it.

Diuen a les pel·lícules,

They say in the movies,

que quan coneixes l'amor de la teua vida,

that when you meet the love of your life,

el temps és de te.

the weather is for tea.

La vergonya encén les galtes de Jaume.

The shame flushes Jaume's cheeks.

L'Aia el mira sense immutar-se.

The grandmother looks at him without flinching.

No somriu, no sembla fer cap gest,

He doesn't smile, he doesn't seem to make any gesture,

i Jaume opta per la reacció més lògica.

And Jaume opts for the most logical reaction.

Pega mitja volta i comença a caminar en direcció contrària.

Turn halfway around and start walking in the opposite direction.

Jaume creu allunyar-se de la pèrgola,

Jaume believes he is distancing himself from the pergola,

metres que semblen quilòmetres.

meters that seem like kilometers.

No t'aclarisses.

You don't understand.

Primer a un costat i ara a un altre.

First on one side and now on the other.

Perdona. No espentis.

Sorry. Don't push.

L'excés de gent l'impedeix avançar.

The excess of people prevents him from moving forward.

De sobte, una mà es posa al seu muscle

Suddenly, a hand is placed on his shoulder.

i el temps torna a congelar-se.

and time freezes again.

Jaume estira i davant seu està l'Aia.

Jaume stretches out and in front of him is Aia.



Has vingut a buscar-me?

Have you come to get me?



Que si has vingut a buscar-me.

That you have come to look for me.

No, no, què va, he vingut amb Pau i Maria.

No, no, what are you talking about, I came with Pau and Maria.

I on estan?

And where are they?

S'estic buscant.

I am searching for myself.



Bé, fins després.

Well, see you later.

Espera, vols vindre?

Wait, do you want to come?



A la pèrgola.

At the pergola.

Amb els teus amics?

With your friends?

No, és que han vingut amb Pau i Maria i ells...

No, it's just that they have come with Pau and Maria and they...

T'he trobat a faltar.

I have missed you.



Que t'he trobat a faltar.

I have missed you.

Ignori si heu assistit a un castell de focs artificials,

Ignore if you have attended a fireworks display,

però després del tercer avís és difícil mantindre una conversa.

but after the third warning it is difficult to maintain a conversation.

Les cares s'acosten per a poder sentir el que l'altre ha de dir.

The faces come closer to hear what the other has to say.

Si l'espectacle va durar aquella nit uns 18 minuts,

If the show lasted about 18 minutes that night,

en el segon 27 del minut 3 l'Aia ja estava besant Jaume

In the 27th second of the 3rd minute, Aia was already kissing Jaume.

i Jaume besant l'Aia.

And Jaume kissing the Aia.

I des d'esta nit del 8 al 9 d'octubre,

And from this night of October 8 to 9,

en què la ciutat de València va celebrar

in which the city of Valencia celebrated

aquest inici de relació amb un castell de focs artificials,

this beginning of a relationship with a fireworks display,

l'Aia i Jaume han passat 20 anys junts.

Aia and Jaume have spent 20 years together.

Tu eres la llum incondicional.

You are the unconditional light.

Jo soc la nau que va seguint el far.

I am the ship that follows the lighthouse.

Eres com la melodia que no puc parar de cantar.

You are like the melody that I can't stop singing.

Eres una sinfonia un dia assolellat.

You are a symphony on a sunny day.

Tu eres la llum incondicional.

You are the unconditional light.

Jo soc un jove molt afortunat.

I am a very fortunate young man.

Eres com la melodia que no puc parar de cantar.

You are like the melody that I can't stop singing.

Eres una melodia, eres la llum incondicional.

You are a melody, you are the unconditional light.

Matí del 8 d'octubre, l'Aia desperta a l'habitació de l'hotel.

Morning of October 8th, Aia wakes up in the hotel room.

Un llit d'1,50. Ningú a l'altre costat.

A 1.50 bed. No one on the other side.

Soc Jaume, ara no puc atendre't.

I am Jaume, I can't assist you right now.

Deixo un missatge i et telefonaré. Gràcies.

I'll leave a message and I'll call you. Thank you.

I l'Aia es tomba al llit mirant cap al sostre

And Aia lies on the bed looking at the ceiling.

amb una certa preocupació a la cara.

with a certain concern on her face.

Cafè i croissant, per favor.

Coffee and croissant, please.

Quin rebombori, no?

What a commotion, right?

Sí, 8 d'octubre.

Yes, October 8th.

La plaça de la Mare de Déu estarà animada tot el cap de setmana.

The square of the Virgin Mary will be lively all weekend.

A primera hora, la Moixeranga.

At first light, the Moixeranga.

A la vesprada, Valls Regionals. I a la nit, Castells.

In the afternoon, Valls Regionals. And at night, Castells.

Té també el Mercat Medieval a les Torres de Serran.

There is also the Medieval Market at the Towers of Serran.


Thank you.

Li deixe la mocaorà per Sant Dionís, regal de l'hotel.

I leave the handkerchief for Sant Dionís, a gift from the hotel.

Feliz dia dels enamorats.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Gràcies. Igualment.

Thank you. Likewise.



Recorde que de xiqueta m'encantava el massapà.

I remember that as a little girl I loved marzipan.

Els feia amb la mare a casa.

I used to make them with my mother at home.

Pioletes i tronadors.

Piolets and thunderers.

Dia dels enamorats camuflat de batalla.

Valentine's Day camouflaged as a battle.

És curiós.

It's curious.

De xiquets ens encanta el dolç.

As children, we love sweets.

I a mesura que ens fem majors, ens agrada més l'amargur.

And as we get older, we like bitterness more.

No hem tingut un bon despertar.

We haven't had a good awakening.

Laia està cansada.

Laia is tired.

Jaume segueix sense agafar el telèfon.

Jaume still hasn't picked up the phone.

I després d'una primera sensació d'alliberament,

And after a first feeling of relief,

el cansament s'apodera d'ella.

Fatigue takes over her.

És estrany acostumar-se a l'essència.

It's strange to get used to the essence.

No a l'absència d'un dia,

No to the absence of a day,

sinó a la sensació que eixa absència s'allargarà en el temps.

but to the feeling that this absence will stretch out over time.

Laia eix de l'hotel i comença a caminar per la zona antiga.

Laia exits the hotel and starts walking through the old town.

Entre tota la gent, enmig de la plaça,

Among all the people, in the middle of the square,

la figura d'una xica sembla desentonar amb l'estampa general.

The figure of a girl seems out of place with the general scene.

Vestig de carrer.

Street vestige.

Amb un cartell penjat al coll que diu

With a sign hanging around the neck that says

Es regalen abraçades.

Hugs are being given away.

Vinga, va, que no mossega.

Come on, it's not going to bite.

Que no espentes, collons.

Don't push, for crying out loud.

Nena, ves alerta, que este es un calent.

Girl, be careful, this is a hot one.

Eh, eh, eh, eh!

Eh, eh, eh, eh!



Una abraçada?

A hug?



Una abraçada.

A hug.

Que si vols, una abraçada.

That if you want, a hug.

No, gràcies.

No, thank you.

No has de pagar res.

You don't have to pay anything.

I per què fas això?

And why are you doing this?

Perquè m'agrada.

Because I like it.

No s'abraça a la gent que no coneixes.

You don't hug people you don't know.

Per què?


Doncs perquè no.

Well, why not.

Per a sentir-te bé amb una abraçada

To feel good with a hug

i per no importar la persona que abraces.

and not to care about the person you embrace.

A mi m'importes.

I care about you.

No em coneixes.

You don't know me.



Massa hippie per a mi.

Too hippie for me.

Espera, què és hippie?

Wait, what is hippie?

Desitjar que la gent se senta bé?

Wanting people to feel good?

Perdona, no volia jutjar-te.

Sorry, I didn't want to judge you.

Però el xiquet abraçat i els seus amics

But the boy hugging and his friends

es burlaven de tu.

They were mocking you.

Com et dius?

What is your name?



Ostres, jo també.

Wow, me too.

De veres?


Em dic Joana. Encantada, Laia.

My name is Joana. Nice to meet you, Laia.

No et demanaré res.

I won't ask you anything.

És només una abraçada.

It's just a hug.

Si et va bé, fantàstic.

If it works for you, fantastic.

I si no, a seguir el teu camí, tu decidixes.

And if not, continue on your path, you decide.

No em mires els altres.

Don't look at the others.

Què importen?

What do they matter?

Joana obre els braços

Joana opens her arms.

i Laia s'hi acosta a poc a poc.

And Laia approaches it slowly.

Al principi se sent estranya.

At first, she feels strange.



Després la proximitat d'un cos alien

After the proximity of an alien body.

d'una manera que no entén la reconforta.

In a way that she does not understand, it comforts her.

Joana tanca la seva abraçada

Joana closes her embrace.

al voltant del cos de Laia.

around Laia's body.

I Laia sent

I Laia sent

com si les cames li fallaren.

as if his legs had failed him.

Laia deixa de ser un cos sòlid

Laia stops being a solid body.

per a convertir-se

to become

en un riu de llàgrimes.

in a river of tears.

Abraça i apreta el cos de Joana

Hug and squeeze Joana's body.

com una nàufraga

like a shipwreck survivor

s'aferraria a l'única taula surant

he would cling to the only floating table

en un oceà.

in an ocean.

No sap quant dura l'abraçada.

He doesn't know how long the hug lasts.

Tampoc li importa.

He doesn't care either.

I absurdament,

I absurdly,

i per fi,

and finally,

des de fa molt de temps,

for a long time,

pareix que troba

it seems that he/she finds

uns instants de pau.

moments of peace.



Suposo que no hauràs dormit

I suppose you haven't slept.

en un banc del parc.

on a park bench.

Torna demà a Barcelona.

Come back tomorrow to Barcelona.

Només volia saber si...

I just wanted to know if...

si estàs bé.

if you are okay.

Telefona'm, per favor.

Call me, please.

Placa del Cedre, València.

Cedar Square, Valencia.

Jaume pot pecar de romanticisme,

Jaume can be prone to romanticism,

però no ha passat la nit

but the night has not passed

al banc d'un parc,

on a park bench,

sinó en un hotel xicotet

but in a small hotel

allunyat del centre.

away from the center.

No ha dormit molt

He has not slept much.

i està nerviós, intranquil.

He is nervous, restless.

Asegut en un banc de la plaça,

Sitting on a bench in the square,

al costat d'un parc,

next to a park,

observa la conversa

observe the conversation

entre un pare i el seu fill

between a father and his son

d'uns cinc anys.

about five years.

Pere, has de respectar el torn.

Pere, you have to respect the turn.

Si la xiqueta estava primer,

If the girl was first,

estira primer pel tobogàn i després tu.

Slide down the slide first and then you.

Però s'ha colat.

But it has slipped in.

Estava jo primer.

I was first.

No estaves primer.

You weren't first.

L'has espentada.

You have scared her.

És mentida. Eres un mentider.

It's a lie. You're a liar.

S'acaba el parc.

The park ends.

Si no saps comportar-te, a casa.

If you can't behave, then at home.

Jaume comença a jugar

Jaume starts to play.

com quan jugava amb Laia fa 20 anys.

like when I played with Laia 20 years ago.

Però tu no ho entens, pare.

But you don't understand, father.

No li tocava a ella.

It wasn't her turn.

Són torns, Pere.

It's turn, Pere.

Com has de créixer si no respectes les normes?

How can you grow if you don't respect the rules?

Però qui posa les normes?

But who sets the rules?

Les normes no són justes.

The rules are not fair.

I Jaume continua imaginant.

And Jaume continues imagining.

No pots colar-te.

You can't cut in line.

Ella estava primer.

She was first.

Sempre et poses de part de Laia.

You always side with Laia.

Jaume, qui estava abans en el tobogàn?

Jaume, who was on the slide before?

Però tu li has vist la cara?

But have you seen his face?

Ella no volia pujar.

She didn't want to go up.

Estava en les engronsadores

I was in the cradles.

i ha corregut només per a colar-se.

and has only run to sneak in.

I què et costa deixar-la passar?

And what does it cost you to let it pass?

És un segon, és un tobogàn.

It's a second, it's a slide.

No es passarà dues hores al tobogàn.

He will not spend two hours on the slide.

Tu no la coneixes.

You don't know her.

Sempre que vinc amb la mare,

Whenever I come with my mother,

ella s'agafa l'engronsadora i el tobogàn

She grabs the slide and the seesaw.

i es passa les hores allà

And he/she spends hours there.

sense parar de treure'm la llengua.

without stopping to stick out my tongue.

Saps què sé el que crec?

Do you know what I think I know?

Crec que t'agrada esta xiqueta.

I think you like this girl.

Ves-te'n a la merda, pare.

Go to hell, father.

I tu a casa a llevar-te la boca amb sabó.

And you at home washing your mouth out with soap.

Ja t'has quedat sense parc

You have run out of park.

per malparlat de merda.

for foul-mouthed rubbish.

Sabó per a dos i un euro al pot a les paraulotes.

Soap for two and one euro in the pot for the swear words.

El soroll d'un carro de la compra

The noise of a shopping cart.

trau Jaume de la seva història inventada.

remove Jaume from his invented story.

Una dona d'uns 65 anys

A woman around 65 years old.

camina a poc a poc arrossegant la compra setmanal.

walks slowly dragging the weekly shopping.

No té mala presència, però li costa caminar.

He doesn't have a bad appearance, but he struggles to walk.

Jaume la segueix amb la mirada,

Jaume follows her with his gaze,

oblida el pare i el xiquet que ja s'allunyen

forget the father and the boy who are already getting farther away

i canvia d'objectiu.

and change your goal.

La dona arriba a un portal pròxim,

The woman arrives at a nearby doorway,

treu les claus de la bossa i li cauen a terra.

He takes the keys out of the bag and they fall to the ground.

Tranquil·la, tranquil·la.

Calm down, calm down.

Així l'estem.

That's how we are.

Gràcies, maleït maluc.

Thank you, cursed hip.

Jo no et veig malament.

I don't see you as bad.



No em fotis.

Don't mess with me.

Hola, Marisa.

Hello, Marisa.

Quant de temps.

How long.

Estàs fet un fàstic.

You are a mess.

Oh, querida,

Oh, dear,

se ve que soy de ánimo febril.

It seems that I am of a feverish spirit.

No aprendo de la herida.

I do not learn from the wound.

Los golpes de la vida son caricias para mí.

The blows of life are caresses for me.

¿Será que en la caída

Will it be that in the fall

hubo algo que perdí?

Was there something I lost?

Que me aten y me droguen.

Let them take care of me and drug me.

Yo sé que no soy joven, pero hago como si...

I know I'm not young, but I act as if I am...

Cafeteria prop de la plaça de la Mare de Déu.

Cafeteria near the Square of Our Lady.

Joana, la Chica de les Abraçades i Laia prenen cafè.

Joana, the Girl of Hugs, and Laia are having coffee.

Puc preguntar-te una cosa?

Can I ask you something?

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

De què ho fas?

What do you make it of?

Ja t'ho he dit.

I've already told you.

M'agrada fer que els altres se senten bé.

I like making others feel good.

Però fas més coses, no?

But you do more things, don't you?

Sí, he estudiat.

Yes, I have studied.

I també treballé a un xicotet cafè.

And he also worked at a small café.

Prou, anem a casa.

Enough, let's go home.

Què estudies?

What do you study?



De què rius?

What are you laughing at?

Res, eres una fada.

Nothing, you are a fairy.

Abraces la gent, et preocupa el medi ambient...

You embrace people, you care about the environment...

En el fons, també, sí.

In the end, yes.

Saps qui és Amma?

Do you know who Amma is?

Amma? Què és això?

Mom? What is this?

És una dona índia.

She is an Indian woman.

Es dedica a donar abraçades.

He/She is dedicated to giving hugs.

Va començar ja de xiqueta a donar-ne als altres.

She started giving to others from a young age.

El poc menjar que tenia el donava als que no tenien res.

The little food he had, he gave to those who had nothing.

Fins i tot als ocells.

Even to the birds.

Va descobrir que compartint tot el que tens amb els altres

He discovered that sharing everything you have with others

et convertisses en una persona més feliç.

you become a happier person.

Jo també era una cínica.

I was also a cynic.

Què? Creus que sóc una cínica?

What? Do you think I'm a cynic?



Hauries de conèixer el meu marit.

You should meet my husband.

El dia que vaig abraçar Amma...

The day I hugged Amma...

Vas viatjar a l'Índia?

Did you travel to India?

No, va estar a València, a la Fonteta, el 2017.

No, it was in Valencia, at La Fonteta, in 2017.

A la Fonteta.

At the little fountain.

Escolta, no te'n rigues.

Listen, don't laugh at it.

Deixa'm explicar-te.

Let me explain to you.



Va estar tot un dia repartint-te abraçades.

He spent an entire day giving you hugs.

I quan em va tocar la tanda,

And when my turn came,

et juro que em vaig sentir...

I swear I felt...

No ho puc descriure.

I can't describe it.

Des d'aquell dia sóc una altra persona.

Since that day, I am another person.

O vaig decidir ser una altra persona?

Or did I decide to be another person?

Va ser una cosa... màgica.

It was a... magical thing.

No ho sé, si va ser una cosa màgica.

I don't know, if it was a magical thing.

Et dic que sí que sé el que vaig sentir.

I tell you that yes, I know what I felt.

I el que intentes ser des d'allà.

And what you are trying to be from there.

De vegades necessitem una xicoteta espenta

Sometimes we need a little push.

per a fer el que realment volem fer,

to do what we really want to do,

però no ens hi atrevim.

but we don't dare.

Eres psicòloga?

Are you a psychologist?



Tant se val.

It doesn't matter.

Ho farà ella, o jo...

She will do it, or I will...

Em vaig convertir en millor persona.

I became a better person.

I l'esèptic?

And the skeptic?



El teu marit.

Your husband.

No, no crec que Jaume es deixi abraçar.

No, I don't think Jaume will let himself be hugged.

Tot el món necessita que l'abracin.

The whole world needs to be embraced.

Fins a quan et quedes?

How long are you staying?

A València?

To Valencia?



Tornavem demà de vesprada.

We were coming back tomorrow afternoon.

Però ja no sé si torne sola, amb Jaume...

But I don't know if I'll return alone, with Jaume...

Ei, no sé què vol.

Hey, I don't know what he/she wants.

I tu què vols?

And what do you want?


Do you know?

Quan tens una feina fixa, una filla, una vida estable,

When you have a stable job, a daughter, a stable life,

no penses a cuidar el que tens.

don't think about taking care of what you have.

Simplement vius i passen els dies.

You simply live and the days go by.

Què és això?

What is this?

El què?

The what?

Estàs tota l'estona jugant amb ella.

You are playing with her all the time.

Què és?

What is it?

És una clau.

It is a key.

Ja ho veig.

I see it now.

D'un cadenat.

Of a padlock.

És una història.

It is a story.

Vam anar a París i vam posar un cadenat al pont de les Arts.

We went to Paris and put a padlock on the Pont des Arts.

Ho feien els enamorats.

They did it, the lovers.

Potser hauria de tornar per a llevar-lo.

Maybe I should go back to take it off.

No sé si estarà.

I don't know if he/she will be there.

Crec que fa uns anys els van retirar tots,

I think they took them all away a few years ago.

perquè el pont no aguantava el pes.

because the bridge couldn't hold the weight.

Tant d'amor és insuportable.

So much love is unbearable.

I jo amb la clau a la mà.

And I with the key in hand.

Sempre pots demanar-te una excedència

You can always ask for a leave of absence.

i vindré a la plaça de la Mare de Déu a donar abraçades.

And I will come to the square of the Virgin Mary to give hugs.

Accepteu xiquets en la vostra secta?

Do you accept children in your sect?

Només xiquetes.

Only girls.

Ho pensaré.

I will think about it.

Tens alguna cosa a fer avui?

Do you have anything to do today?

Mira, tu m'acompanyes a fer una horeta d'abraçades

Look, will you come with me to have an hour of hugs?

i després et porto a fer turisme per la meva ciutat.

And then I'll take you sightseeing in my city.

Però només fins que algú em toqui el cul.

But only until someone touches my butt.





M'agrada més el meu insult.

I like my insult more.

Mentrestant, a casa de Marisa...

Meanwhile, at Marisa's house...

Para, Jaume, per favor, para.

Stop, Jaume, please, stop.

Amb el cap per davall de la samarreta

With the head under the t-shirt.

i corrents com un cavall desbocat,

and running like a runaway horse,

no te'n recordes el col que es va pegar contra la columna?

Don't you remember the cabbage that hit the column?

Sí, vam fer un estudi de l'edifici

Yes, we conducted a study of the building.

per veure si hi havia hagut danys.

to see if there had been any damage.

I què se n'ha fet, d'ell?

And whatever happened to him?

Crec que va entrar en política.

I think he/she entered politics.

Oh, catalanista, ja sé a València.

Oh, Catalanist, I already know in Valencia.

D'esquerra republicana, segur.

From the Republican Left, for sure.

Que no, que es va fer de dretes.

No, it became right-wing.

Però molt de la dreta, eh? No fotis.

But a lot of the right, huh? No way.

Que sí, el col contra la columna.

Yes, the cabbage against the column.

Ai, de veritat.

Oh, really.

Feia temps que no me'n reia tant.

I hadn't laughed like that in a long time.

Vols una miqueta més de te?

Do you want a little more tea?

No, no, no, més te no, Marisa,

No, no, no, more tea no, Marisa.

que ja tinc una edat i no vull anar al lavabo cada 5 minuts.

that I'm already of an age and I don't want to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes.

La veritat és que estàs fet un fàstic.

The truth is that you are a disgusting mess.

Tu estàs igual.

You are the same.

Igual els collons.

The same the balls.

Igual de ben parlada, volia dir.

Just as well spoken, I meant.

Sí, això sí. Els bons costums no s'han de perdre.

Yes, that's true. Good habits should not be lost.

Tenia moltes ganes de vore't.

I was really looking forward to seeing you.

No sabia si vivies a mateix lloc.

I didn't know if you lived in the same place.

De si no ens hem mogut.

Whether we have not moved.

Encara seguis llogat al pis de dalt?

Are you still renting the apartment upstairs?

Estàs buscant pis?

Are you looking for an apartment?

No, era curiositat.

No, it was curiosity.

Com va?

How are you?

Laia? Sí, Laia.

Laia? Yes, Laia.

Seguiu a Barcelona?

Are you following in Barcelona?

Sí, bé, tot bé.

Yes, well, everything is fine.

Ella allà i jo he hagut de vindre uns dies per València,

She is there and I had to come to Valencia for a few days,

i bé, se m'ha acudit passar a vore't.

And well, it occurred to me to come and see you.

Que fill de puta.

What a son of a bitch.

I el teu manuc?

And your handle?

Els 40 ja no són els 60.

The 40s are no longer the 60s.

Però bé, ja en tinc una de titani.

But well, I already have one made of titanium.

Està bé cridar l'atenció

It's okay to attract attention.

quan passes pels detectors dels aeroports.

when you go through the airport detectors.

Que malament que ho vas fer, de veritat.

How bad that you did it, truly.

Si tenies 20 anys, jo 40 i una filla de 9.

If you were 20 years old, I was 40 and had a 9-year-old daughter.

Ho vas fer com el cul, però va ser culpa meua.

You did it badly, but it was my fault.

Vas deixar que Blanca t'agafara a estimar.

You let Blanca take you to love.

Jo sabia que no podia durar i ella ho va portar pitjor que jo.

I knew it couldn't last and she handled it worse than I did.

Quan vaig anar del pis,

When I went from the apartment,

vaig pensar que tampoc voldries tindre'n prop.

I thought you wouldn't want to have them close either.

Tampoc ho vas preguntar.

You didn't ask it either.

Quin pes que et vas treure de damunt, eh, cabró?

What a weight you lifted off yourself, huh, bastard?

Però va, deixa això.

But come on, forget that.

No et poses dramàtic 20 anys després.

Don't be dramatic 20 years later.

Tu eres feliç, jo soc feliç...

You are happy, I am happy...

Tens parella?

Do you have a partner?

He dit feliç... parella?

I said happy... couple?

Hi ha una aplicació per a majors de 50

There is an application for people over 50.

i m'omple a follar quan vull.

I fill myself with fucking when I want.

Si es posen pesats o seriosos, els envia a pastar fang.

If they get heavy or serious, he sends them to hell.

Digues que sí, molt bé.

Say yes, very good.

Ara, també et dic que he parat una mica

Now, I also tell you that I have stopped a bit.

amb això de l'operació de maluc.

with this hip operation.

Però l'aplicació també preveu les parades en boxes.

But the application also provides for pit stops.

I d'aquí a unes setmanes torni a la càrrega.

And in a few weeks, I'll be back at it.

Hola, mare.

Hello, mother.

Al saló, carinyo.

In the living room, darling.


You will freak out.

Necessites que baixi a comprar alguna cosa?

Do you need me to go down to buy something?

Hola. Perdona, no sabia que tenies visita.

Hello. Sorry, I didn't know you had company.

Que no, filla, que no sé l'hour time.

No, daughter, I don't know the hour time.

Hour time?

Hour time?

El nostre temps, el Tinder dels avis.

Our time, the Tinder of grandparents.

Te'n recordes de Jaume?

Do you remember Jaume?

No. Espera, Jaume?

No. Wait, Jaume?

Com estàs, Blanca?

How are you, Blanca?

Hòstia puta.

Holy shit.

Aixa boqueta.

What a sweet mouth.

El que la xiqueta escolta a casa.

What the girl hears at home.

Mare meva, que gran estàs.

My goodness, how big you are.

I tu?

And you?

Està fet un fàstic.

It's disgusting.

A més que ja li ho he dit jo a en Vorel.

Besides, I have already told Vorel about it.

Vius a València?

Do you live in Valencia?

El molt imbècil ha vingut a demanar perdó 20 anys després.

The very foolish man has come to apologize 20 years later.

De veres.


Escolta, imbècil, et quedes a dinar i així segueixes disculpant-te

Listen, idiot, you’re staying for lunch and that way you can keep apologizing.

o tens plans per avui?

Do you have plans for today?

No, no en tinc. Estaré encantat.

No, I don't have any. I will be delighted.

Amor meu, m'ajudes a fer un arrosset per a l'imbècil?

My love, can you help me make a little rice for the idiot?

Clar, mare.

Of course, mother.

Estic així, eh?

I'm like this, right?

Una mica d'aire per una banda,

A little bit of air on one side,

una mica d'aire per una altra.

a little air for another.

A vegades és també ventilar els llençols

Sometimes it's also about airing the sheets.

i que entre una mica de frescor a les habitacions.

and that a bit of freshness comes into the rooms.

En les històries i els contes també hi ha d'haver un moment

In stories and tales, there must also be a moment.

en què el conductor de la trama

in what the plot driver

permet una xicoteta treva als protagonistes.

allows a small respite for the protagonists.

I la vesprada transcorre més o menys d'esta manera.

And the evening goes more or less like this.

Laia passa a prop d'una hora i mitja

Laia spends about an hour and a half.

amb un cartell al coll i abraçant gent.

with a sign around their neck and hugging people.

Després ella i Joana recorren el centre històric

After that, she and Joana wander through the historic center.

prenent cerveses i rient com feia temps que no reia.

having beers and laughing like I hadn't laughed in a long time.

Jaume noix de casa de Marisa en tota la vesprada.

Jaume nuts from Marisa's house all afternoon.

L'arròs dona lloc a una partida a tres al Cluedo,

The rice leads to a three-player game of Cluedo.

el joc favorit d'aquella blanca de nou anys.

the favorite game of that nine-year-old girl.

Tot i que Jaume queda totalment descartat

Although Jaume is completely ruled out.

com a usuari de l'hour time,

as a user of the hour time,

no recorda haver estat tan a gust des de fa molt de temps.

He doesn't remember feeling so comfortable in a long time.

I després del capvespre ve la nit.

And after dusk comes the night.

Ai, Joana, per favor, per favor, per favor.

Oh, Joana, please, please, please.

Vine a Barcelona i deixa que t'adaptes.

Come to Barcelona and let yourself adapt.

Sí, això em faltava.

Yes, that was missing for me.

He sortit d'una secta per acabar en una altra.

I left one cult only to end up in another.

Ai, m'encanta l'olor a pólvora.

Oh, I love the smell of gunpowder.

Uf, Barcelona és massa gran i la gent, la gent és més reservada.

Phew, Barcelona is too big and the people, the people are more reserved.

Sí, el fet que portes quatre o cinc cerveses de més

Yes, the fact that you have four or five more beers.

pot ser que t'ajudi a veure-ho tot millor.

It may help you see everything better.

Qui és la cínica ara?

Who is the cynical one now?

Escolta, i per què tu no t'ha pujat tant

Listen, and why haven't you risen so much?

si ja hi has vingut el mateix que jo?

Have you been there the same as I have?

Ah, has fet xacres?

Ah, have you made xacres?

Les xacres.

The sorrows.

Jo sí que tinc ganes d'adaptar-te.

I do want to adapt to you.

Anem, que els meus amics han d'estar per ací.

Let's go, my friends must be around here.

No, anem a la pèrgola.

No, let's go to the pergola.

La pèrgola?

The pergola?

Quina pèrgola?

Which pergola?

On era? No deuen d'haver-la llevat.

Where was she? They must not have taken her away.

Laia, vas bufada.

Laia, you're out of breath.

Ai, em pixe.

Oh, I peed myself.

Em pixe moltíssim.

I piss myself a lot.

Ai, anem a pixar i després la pèrgola.

Oh, let's go pee and then the pergola.

Laia, espera, espera.

Laia, wait, wait.

Hola, soc Laia.

Hello, I am Laia.

En estos momentos no te puedo atender.

At the moment, I cannot assist you.

Deja el teu missatge.

Leave your message.

A qui crides?

Who are you calling?

A casa.

At home.

A casa?

At home?

Encara no em puc creure com has crescut.

I still can't believe how much you've grown.

Saps que quan tenia 9 anys estava totalment boja per tu?

Did you know that when I was 9 years old I was completely crazy about you?

Vinga, va.

Come on.

M'encantava que estigueres amb ma mare,

I loved that you were with my mother,

que et quedares a dormir.

that you stayed over to sleep.

Però sobretot m'agradava quan et despertaves abans.

But above all, I loved it when you woke up earlier.

Ella continuava dormint i jugaves amb mi al cluedo.

She kept sleeping and you were playing Clue with me.

I et tenia tot per a mi.

I had you all to myself.

Ja, ja.

Yes, yes.

Però no et poses nervioseta ara, eh?

But don't get all nervous now, okay?

Això era quan tenies 20 anys.

This was when you were 20 years old.

Ara estàs...

Now you are...

Sí, he fet un fàstic.

Yes, I have made a mess.

La teua mare i tu hauríeu d'anar a classes per a recuperar el tacte.

Your mother and you should go to classes to regain your touch.

T'aguantes per deixar-nos?

Are you holding on to leave us?

Me'n recorde, de veritat.

I remember it, really.

No com un trauma, però sí que recorde ma mare passant-ho malament.

Not as a trauma, but I do remember my mother having a hard time.

Jo preguntava a tota hora per tu

I was asking about you all the time.

i li tirava la culpa que no estigueres.

and he blamed you for not being there.

Que cruels podem ser els xiquets de vegades.

How cruel children can be sometimes.

Mira, m'alegra veure que no et va generar cap trauma.

Look, I'm glad to see that it didn't cause you any trauma.

Doncs no sé jo si serà per això que els homes en duren ben poc.

Well, I don't know if that's why men last very little.

La teua filla, Carla?

Your daughter, Carla?



Jogues molt amb ella?

Do you play a lot with her?

Sí, tot el que puc.

Yes, all I can.

Saps que el cluedo és un dels seus jocs preferits?

Did you know that Cluedo is one of their favorite games?

Però no és el cluedo que tenies tu.

But it's not the Clue you had.

Han tret un cluedo júnior que no es mata ningú

They have released a junior Cluedo where nobody gets killed.

i has d'esbrinar qui ha trencat un joguet.

You have to find out who broke a toy.

Un joguet?

A toy?

Collons, estem fent xiquets idiotes.

Damn, we're having idiotic kids.

Sí, ja et dic.

Yes, I'm telling you.

Escolta, Blanca, de mare està bé, no?

Listen, Blanca, your mother is okay, right?

Pel maluc i això.

For the hip and that.

Estupenda. Xaume, no inventes. Estem bé.

Wonderful. Xaume, don't make things up. We are fine.

Ma mare ho va passar malament.

My mother had a hard time.

Jo també, però a les dues setmanes ja estàvem fent marxar.

Me too, but after two weeks we were already making them leave.

Com vos agrada als tios ser els protagonistes?

How do you like guys to be the protagonists?

Què et passa a tu amb els homes?

What's wrong with you and men?

Que sou uns pesats. Va, anem a ballar.

You are so annoying. Come on, let's go dance.

Sí, però abans acompanya'm a pixar.

Yes, but first accompany me to pee.

No puc més.

I can't take it anymore.

Que major estàs.

How old are you?

Nit del 8 d'octubre.

Night of October 8th.

Passeig de l'Albereda.

Albereda Promenade.

Falten 15 minuts perquè comença el castell.

There are 15 minutes left until the castle starts.

I sí, Laia i Jaume estan molt prop físicament l'un de l'altre.

Yes, Laia and Jaume are very close to each other physically.

200 metres els separen.

They are separated by 200 meters.

Però 200 metres de gom a gom.

But 200 meters from end to end.

Treballem-mos-hi una mica.

Let's work on it a little.

Donem-li un poc de romanticisme a l'escena.

Let's add a little romance to the scene.

No anem a ajuntar-los pixant darrere d'un cotxe.

We're not going to join them by peeing behind a car.

Vinga, avancem 10 minuts.

Come on, let's move forward 10 minutes.

Puxen el temps.

They push the time.

Vine, vine, pujo a la pèrgola.

Come, come, I'm going up to the pergola.

No és pot, Laia, està prohibit.

You can't, Laia, it's prohibited.

No veus que hi ha els plàstics?

Don't you see that there are plastics?

Fa 20 anys també ho estava.

Twenty years ago it was too.

Vinga, Joana, que sóc jo la que passa dels 40.

Come on, Joana, it's me who's over 40.

D'acord, però la multa la pagues tu.

Okay, but you pay the fine.

Si venen a tirar-nos, els fem una abraçada.

If they come to throw us out, we give them a hug.

I Laia i Joana pugen a la pèrgola.

Laia and Joana go up to the pergola.

La gent les mira malament.

People look at them poorly.

Joana sembla demanar perdó quan la gent les mira.

Joana seems to apologize when people look at her.

Uns altres decidixen emular-les i... i pugen també.

Others decide to emulate them and... and they rise as well.

La música continua sonant i, de manera màgica,

The music continues to play and, in a magical way,

unes 10 persones munten un xicotet espectacle de ball

ten people put on a small dance show

del qual gaudixen centenars d'espectadors des de baix.

which hundreds of spectators enjoy from below.

I saps què et dic?

And you know what I'm telling you?

Laia treu de la butxaca la xicoteta clau del cadenat del pont de París.

Laia takes the small key of the padlock from the pocket of the bridge in Paris.

Que li donen l'amor caldós a Jaume i als finals feliços.

May they give warm love to Jaume and to happy endings.

I la clau sobrevola diversos caps per acabar el llit del riu Llúria.

And the key hovers over several heads to finish the bed of the Llúria river.

Estàs com una xata.

You look great.

Mira, Jaume, et presenten Jordi i Mireia.

Look, Jaume, here are Jordi and Mireia.



Escolteu, ho veiem des d'ací o ens hi acostem més?

Listen, do we see it from here or do we get closer?

No sé què dir-te.

I don't know what to say to you.

Si ens acostem potser canvia el vent

If we get closer, perhaps the wind will change.

i comencen a caure les restes de les carcasses.

And the remains of the carcasses begin to fall.

Que cagueta eres, tio.

What a coward you are, dude.

Si voleu, ens hi acostem.

If you want, we can get closer to it.

S'ha muntat un bon ciri, n'han pujat uns quants a la pèrgola

A good scene has been set up, they have taken a few up to the pergola.

i s'han posat a ballar com botges.

and they have started to dance like crazy.

No, no, això no ha sigut el cor de Jaume,

No, no, this has not been Jaume's heart.

sinó el primer avís dels focs artificials.

but the first warning of the fireworks.

Falten dos minuts.

There are two minutes left.

Per on estava la pèrgola?

Where was the pergola?

Jo passé.

I pass.

Així davant, a uns 100 metres.

Thus ahead, about 100 meters.

Però això està petat, no hi arribaràs.

But this is broken, you won't get there.

Jaume, Jaume, espera.

Jaume, Jaume, wait.

I sembla que la història es repeteix.

It seems that history is repeating itself.

No se sap si per la mateixa inèrcia de la repetició,

It is not known if due to the very inertia of repetition,

però Jaume es precipita cap a la pèrgola.

but Jaume rushes towards the pergola.

Perdone, perdone.

Excuse me, excuse me.

No es pentés.

She didn't comb her hair.

Ho hagués vingut abans.

I should have come earlier.

Sobre la pèrgola, vora 20 persones ballen embotgides.

On the pergola, about 20 people are dancing crammed together.

Entre elles, Laia i Joana.

Among them, Laia and Joana.

En un moment, Laia sembla esgotada.

At one moment, Laia seems exhausted.

Recolza el cap sobre Joana, que la rep amb una càlida abraçada.

Rest your head on Joana, who receives you with a warm hug.

Les dues s'alcen el cap i es queden mirant-se.

The two lift their heads and stare at each other.

Joana s'apropa a Laia i la besa dolçament als llavis.

Joana approaches Laia and kisses her sweetly on the lips.

Segon avís.

Second notice.

Jaume està a 5 metres de la pèrgola.

Jaume is 5 meters from the pergola.

Este bes l'ha deixat sorprès.

This kiss has left him surprised.

No per a assimilar el que significa,

Not to assimilate what it means,

ara no és important.

now it is not important.

O sí?

Oh yes?

Diuen a les pel·lícules que quan coneixes l'amor de la teua vida,

They say in movies that when you meet the love of your life,

el temps és de te.

the weather is tea.

Laia gira el cap somrient, disposada a reprendre el ball,

Laia turns her head smiling, ready to resume the dance,

i accidentalment veu una figura estàtica

and accidentally sees a static figure

entre una massa en continu moviment.

among a mass in continuous motion.

Per primera vegada en molt, molt de temps,

For the first time in a very, very long time,

les mirades de Jaume i Laia tornen a increuar-se.

Jaume's and Laia's gazes cross again.

Les galtes de Jaume tornen a cremar com fa 20 anys.

Jaume's cheeks are burning again like they did 20 years ago.

És una sensació desagradablement humana tornar a sentir-se exposat,

It is an unpleasantly human feeling to feel exposed again,

tocat, una vegada més.

touched, once again.

I com fa 20 anys, la vergonya fa que pegue mitja volta

And like 20 years ago, shame makes me turn halfway.

i comenci a caminar en sentit contrari.

and start to walk in the opposite direction.

Amores, si t'aclarisses,

Lovers, if you clear up,

la primera a un costat i ara a un altre.

the first on one side and now on the other.

I continua caminant, contracorrent,

And I continue walking, against the current,

davant una marea estàtica que no el deixa avançar.

in front of a static tide that does not let him advance.

Sona el tercer avís,

The third warning sounds,

i Jaume sent que una mà es recolza sobre el seu muscle.

And Jaume feels a hand resting on his shoulder.

I una altra vegada el temps es fa etern.

And once again time becomes eternal.

Jaume tanca els ulls mentre el castell de focs artificials comença.

Jaume closes his eyes as the fireworks display begins.

No pensa.

He does not think.

No sap què desitjar.

He doesn't know what to wish for.

Ni tan sols sap si esta mà sobre el muscle és una mà real,

Not even does he know if this hand on the shoulder is a real hand,

algun colp de la gent

some blow of the people

o alguna de les carcasses que ja comencen a caure.

or some of the carcasses that are already beginning to fall.

Respira molt profundament.

Breathe very deeply.

I amb els ulls encara tancats es gira.

And with his eyes still closed, he turns.

Una festa més amb tu, amb tu, amb tu.

Another party with you, with you, with you.

Així acaba Conte d'Octubre.

Thus ends October's Tale.

Amb les veus de Marta Txiner, Juan Carlos Garés,

With the voices of Marta Txiner, Juan Carlos Garés,

Darío Torrent, Eva Bau, Daniel González, Pilar Martínez i Eva Andrés.

Darío Torrent, Eva Bau, Daniel González, Pilar Martínez, and Eva Andrés.

Guió i direcció, Manuel Valls.

Script and direction, Manuel Valls.

Realització, ambientació sonora i fòlei, José Sepúlveda, Sepul.

Production, sound design and Foley, José Sepúlveda, Sepul.

Producció executiva, Xavier Crespo.

Executive production, Xavier Crespo.

Ajudant de producció, Lucía Ros Serra.

Production assistant, Lucía Ros Serra.

Producció executiva, a punt, Inés Mengual.

Executive production, ready, Inés Mengual.

Tècnic de so, a punt, Jordi Barceló.

Sound technician, ready, Jordi Barceló.

Direcció adjunta d'arts escèniques de l'IBC, Roberto García.

Deputy Directorate of Performing Arts of the IBC, Roberto García.

Una coproducció d'A.Mèdia i l'Institut Valencià de Cultura, GDA,

A coproduction of A.Mèdia and the Valencian Institute of Culture, GDA,

amb producció delegada, Bedaxa Produccions.

with delegated production, Bedaxa Productions.

Entre vils i retrobades va sonar la nostra cançó.

Between vile and rediscovered, our song played.

Viu, viu, viu, viu, que la vida et surt.

Live, live, live, live, because life brings you joy.

Un riu, jo et cantaria si tu volguessis estar amb mi.

A river, I would sing to you if you wanted to be with me.

Jo et cantaria si tu volguessis estar amb mi.

I would sing to you if you wanted to be with me.

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