20.11.2023 | Conversa amb Robert Fernández

À Punt Mèdia

Des de la banda

20.11.2023 | Conversa amb Robert Fernández

Des de la banda

Tenim una telefonada, una veu que teníem ganes

We have a phone call, a voice that we were eager for.

de tornar a escoltar. Robert Fernández,

to hear again. Robert Fernández,

què tal? Com estàs?

How are you? How are you doing?

Què tal, companys? Com esteu?

How's it going, guys? How are you?

Tu, tu, com estàs tu?

You, you, how are you?

Jo estic fenomenal, estic per jugar.

I am fantastic, I am ready to play.

Estàs per jugar. No per comentar, però per jugar, no?

You are here to play. Not to comment, but to play, right?

Sí, estic bé, estic bé.

Yes, I am fine, I am fine.

La veritat és que estic molt bé,

The truth is that I am very well,

molt animat i

very lively and

estic perfecte, com si no hagués passat absolutament res.

I am perfect, as if absolutely nothing has happened.

Sí que tot molt ràpid,

Yes, everything very fast,

però s'ha solucionat tot molt ràpid

but everything has been resolved very quickly

també, no?

also, right?

Sí, s'ha solucionat tot ràpid perquè

Yes, everything has been resolved quickly because

estava a casa la meva dona

I was at my wife's house.

i ella és la que va crear el SAMU

And she is the one who created the SAMU.

i ja s'ha activat

and it has already been activated

tot el protocol que té

all the protocol that he/she has

i la veritat és que

and the truth is that

eren uns professionals extraordinaris.

they were extraordinary professionals.

No m'hi cansaré mai

I will never get tired of it.

de comentar això, que vaig

of commenting on this, that I am going

tenir molta sort

to be very lucky

d'encontrar aquesta gent

of finding these people

que en seguida va solucionar el problema

that immediately solved the problem

i sobretot va estabilitzar-me

and above all, it stabilized me

a casa

at home

i va anar

and went

tot bé. Vaig

All good. I'm going.

un somni, però

a dream, though



passa a moltíssima gent

it happens to a lot of people

i el més important

and the most important

és agafar-ho ràpidament.

It's to grab it quickly.

Jo des d'aquí diria que

From here I would say that

quan hi ha un problema

when there is a problem

d'aquest tipus, que la gent

of this kind, that people

que no esperi, que no esperi

don't wait, don't wait

a cridar al sendotxe

to call the pothole

i que busqui solucions ràpides

And look for quick solutions.

perquè la vida

because life

se'n va

he/she is leaving

i a més pot haver un problema

and there may be a problem too

greu de cor

heart disease

i hi ha gent que

and there are people who

s'equivoca al no cridar

he is mistaken not to call

ràpidament al sendotxe.

quickly to the path.

Suposa que, potser no és consell

It assumes that, perhaps it's not advice.

de totes les mostres d'afecte

of all the displays of affection

que has rebut, moltíssimes,

that you have received, very many,

algunes potser ni t'han arribat,

some perhaps haven't even reached you,

però les hem vist per les seves socials,

but we have seen them on their social media,

suposa que de manera directa, per telèfon, per WhatsApp,

assume that directly, by phone, by WhatsApp,

que la gent te vol molt, Robert.

That people care about you a lot, Robert.

La veritat és que has rebut

The truth is that you have received.

mostres de carinyo de moltíssima gent,

shows of affection from a lot of people,

d'ací, de fora,

from here, from outside,


from abroad,

gent que

people who

no conec

I don't know.

i de la que conec, per supòs,

and the one I know, of course,

estan contínuament

they are continuously

cridant-me i enviant-me

calling me and sending me

mostres de carinyo

signs of affection

però de gent que no conec.

but of people I don't know.

La veritat és que ha sigut

The truth is that it has been

és una

it is a

força sobrenatural

supernatural force

la que té bé

the one who has it good

i que està ahí constantment

and that is constantly there

al teu costat i te n'has comptat

by your side and you have counted on it



te n'has comptat de moltes coses, no?

You've counted on many things, haven't you?

De que no has rebut

That you have not received

moltes coses.

many things.

I la veritat és que

And the truth is that

en la vida

in life

ja que fer,

what to do,

ja que portar-se bé amb les persones,

since getting along with people,

perquè jo crec que

because I believe that

després tot torna.

after everything returns.

Tot torna.

Everything returns.

I afortunadament jo tinc

And fortunately, I have.

molts bons amics,

many good friends,

tinc una gran quantitat d'amics

I have a large number of friends.

que m'ho han tornat a demostrar.

that they have shown me again.

I bueno,

And well,

i espero que

and I hope that

es pugui veure com d'abans

it can be seen as before

i puguem estar junts una altra vegada

and we can be together again

perquè ha sigut molt

because it has been very



La veritat és que ha tingut una sensació de calor

The truth is that he has had a feeling of warmth.

i, sobretot, de gent d'estar al meu costat extraordinària.

And, above all, extraordinary people to be by my side.

Des d'aquí vull donar les gràcies a tot,

From here I want to thank everything,

de part de la meva dona, de la meva família i, per suport, de mi.

On behalf of my wife, my family, and, for support, myself.

Robert, parlem una miqueta del València,

Robert, let's talk a little about Valencia,

que, quan encara estaves així,

that, when you were still like this,

el deixàvem amb Boro en la banqueta i avui debut al Pipo.

We left him with Boro on the bench and today he debuts with Pipo.

Sí, mirad, estan a l'hospital,

Yes, look, they are in the hospital.

vaig rebre la crida dels dos, de Boro.

I received the call from both of them, from Boro.

Encara no sabia que anava a ser destituït,

I still didn't know I was going to be dismissed,

però almenys no ho sabíem.

but at least we didn't know it.

Segurament ell ja ho sabria.

Surely he would already know.

I de Pipo venim per acá, a València,

And from Pipo we come here, to Valencia,

perquè la va fer des del cotxe en mans lliures

because she did it from the car hands-free

i sabia que estava venint...

I knew you were coming...

No, bueno, sabia que estava en un cotxe,

No, well, I knew I was in a car.

doncs, possiblement, venia a firmar.

Well, perhaps, he was coming to sign.

Doncs, bueno, mira, la visita de Boro,

Well, you see, Boro's visit,

sempre quan...

as long as...

sempre a un amic o un professional

always to a friend or a professional

on les coses no han sortit com esperava,

where things did not turn out as I expected,

sempre és una situació molt complicada.

It's always a very complicated situation.

Això sols deu saber el que passa.

This must only know what happens.

I de Pipo, doncs, bueno,

And from Pipo, well,

desitjar-li el millor.

wishing him the best.

És una situació molt difícil,

It's a very difficult situation,

molt complicada,

very complicated,

perquè l'equip no està bé

because the team is not well

i he intentat parar aquesta caiguda

and I have tried to stop this fall

que dona la sensació que entra en un espai

that gives the feeling of entering a space

molt perillós.

very dangerous.

I avui és un partit també molt difícil,

And today is a very difficult match as well,

perquè la setmana passada també s'ha jugat molt.

because a lot was played last week as well.

També vaig tenir l'oportunitat de parlar amb Quique

I also had the opportunity to speak with Quique.

i ell és conscient de quina és la situació

And he is aware of what the situation is.

i el que s'ha de trobar davant.

and what has to be found in front.

Un equip que està ferit,

A team that is wounded,

que hi ha un canvi d'entrenador,

that there is a change of coach,

que possiblement això pugui tenir un error positiu.

that this may possibly have a positive error.

Però a València avui s'ha jugat molt.

But in Valencia today a lot has been played.

S'ha jugat molt perquè s'ha jugat contra un rival directe.

A lot has been played because it was played against a direct rival.

Els altres equips,

The other teams,

la xifra és que s'ha jugat contra un rival directe.

The figure is that we have played against a direct rival.

A la xorra n'ha hagut de tot.

There has been everything at the party.

Ha hagut equips que han sigut capaços de guanyar,

There have been teams that have been able to win,

com l'Espanyol.

like Espanyol.

Però també és veritat que els altres

But it is also true that the others.

han tingut problemes per guanyar.

They have had problems winning.

És molt important guanyar.

It is very important to win.

Però, clar, si tu guanyes...

But, of course, if you win...

Jo sempre em fico

I always get involved.

en el cap de l'altre.

in the other's head.

Si tu guanyes,

If you win,

el fet de fer,

the act of doing,

quasi li està sent molt de mal.

It is almost hurting him a lot.

Però si el fet de fer-te guanyar

But if the fact of making you win

t'està fent molt mal a tu.

It is hurting you a lot.

Jo crec que avui va ser un partit molt igualat.

I think that today's match was very even.

Molt igualat.

Very even.

les dues defenses o els sistemes defensius

the two defenses or the defensive systems

van estar molt preocupats

they were very worried

de no rebre cap gol, perquè saben

of not receiving any goals, because they know

que tenen moltes dificultats per guanyar partits

that have a lot of difficulties winning matches

o per finiquitar partits

or to finalize matches

favorablement, i per tant

favorably, and therefore

jo crec que li van donar molt de rigor

I think they gave him a lot of rigor.

al sistema defensiu, no tindrà problemes,

to the defensive system, he/she will not have problems,

llavors si algú

then if someone

té una sort, en aquest cas

he is lucky in this case

que sigui el que tingui la sort de poder guanyar

may the one who has the luck to win be the one

el partit, però dona la sensació

the match, however, gives the impression

que quan estàs tan mal

that when you are so unwell

els problemes són més grans

the problems are bigger

i tot

and everything

et passa a tu

it happens to you

per tant, aquesta dinàmica l'has de canviar

therefore, you need to change this dynamic

i Pipo

and Pipo

i Marcena necessiten

and Marcena needs


to stop

aquesta caiguda, si no pots guanyar

this fall, if you can't win

per lo menos has d'empatar

at least you have to tie

temps d'hiar després

time to breathe afterwards

per poder solucionar els problemes, però necessites

to be able to solve the problems, but you need

parar aquesta sangria

stop this bleeding

que desgraciadament

that unfortunately

has entrat en una espiral que és molt perillosa

you have entered a spiral that is very dangerous

Per tant, penses que la

Therefore, you think that the

clau del partit és no encaixar

The key to the game is not to fit in.

i després a veure què passa davant

and then we'll see what happens in front

Sí, sí, és que intentar

Yes, yes, it's just that trying

mantenir la porteria a zero

keep a clean sheet

que ells també van a pensar el mateix

that they will also think the same

han d'intentar mantenir la porteria a zero

they must try to keep a clean sheet

i a partir d'ahir

and starting from yesterday

intentar créixer, però

try to grow, but

donar-li molta importància

to give it a lot of importance

a la seguretat defensiva, perquè no l'has tingut

to defensive security, because you haven't had it

des del mes

since the month

abans del Mundial

before the World Cup

el Valencià ha entrat

Valencian has entered.

en una espiral amb Gattuso

in a spiral with Gattuso

i amb Boró, que no han sigut capaços

and with Boró, who have not been able

de guanyar

of winning

de parar-ho

to stop it

l'equip ha rebut sempre gols

the team has always conceded goals

i no ha sigut capaç de guanyar

and has not been able to win

si no recordem el dia del Betis

if we don't remember the day of Betis

per tant


necessites parar això

you need to stop this

i a partir d'ahir intentar

And starting from yesterday, try.

créixer de la millor manera possible

grow in the best possible way

però a nivell defensiu has de millorar

but at the defensive level you need to improve

i hi ha dues formes

and there are two forms

o millores

or improvements

a nivell defensiu en el valor

defensively at the value

de no tindre problemes

of not having problems

en la zona defensiva

in the defensive zone

o l'altra és que

or the other is that

dominar a base de tindre molta gent

to dominate by having a lot of people

en la part defensiva

in the defensive part

i que siguin solidaris a l'hora de treball

and that they be supportive when working

no hi ha una altra forma

there is no other way

Robert, te saludem ràpidament

Robert, we greet you quickly.

Josep, César i Raül

Josep, César and Raül

Raül, com estàs tu?

Raül, how are you?

Hola Robert, què tal?

Hello Robert, how are you?

M'alegra molt que estiguis bé

I'm very glad that you are well.

i amb ganes de tornar a la marxa

and looking forward to getting back to the march


I am...

han limpiat el carburador

they have cleaned the carburetor

l'han limpiat

they have cleaned it

i espero que l'hagin limpiat bé

I hope they have cleaned it well.

Has passat la ITV

Have you passed the vehicle inspection?

en el taller

in the workshop

però és que a més el que em va

but what I also like is that

no operar

do not operate

perquè realment no és una operació

because it really is not an operation

quan et posen el catèter

when they put the catheter in you

és cateterisme

it is catheterization

i t'introduïssen l'estent

and they introduce the stent to you

i t'ho limpien

and they clean it for you

t'ho limpien un poc per dins

they clean it a bit on the inside for you

on veuen que tens la dificultat

they see that you have the difficulty

però afortunadament

but fortunately

el que són les coses de la vida

the things of life

i el que estava comentant abans

and what I was commenting on before

que la vida hi ha que portar-se

that life must be lived

hi ha que intentar portar-se bé

One must try to get along.

perquè no és el que pot passar

because it is not what can happen

és com una escala

it's like a ladder

puxes, puxes, puxes

pushes, pushes, pushes

però de plegat un moment

but all together for a moment

què passa?

What's happening?

Tindré que baixar

I will have to go down.

i quan baixes

And when do you come down?

si has deixat un xen

if you have left a xen

que no t'esporta bé

that doesn't suit you well

mira, hi ha una anècdota

Look, there's an anecdote.

que és boníssima

that is very good

quan aplega a l'hospital

when he/she arrives at the hospital

bueno, jo ja estava miserat

well, I was already miserable

la veritat estava molt miserat

the truth was very miserable

i el metge que m'he rebut

and the doctor who received me

perquè és el que realment va fer

because that's what he really did

el que va haver de fer

what he had to do

era un xaval

he was a kid

que venia de vacacions

that was coming back from vacation

a casa dels seus avuelos

at his grandparents' house

a Rocafort

to Rocafort

i que quan jo jugava a València

and that when I played in Valencia

veníem a casa

we were coming home

a veure mi xirc

let's see my dear

quan era petit

when I was little

anava a entrenar

I was going to train.

era un xaval de 12 anys

he was a 12-year-old boy

mira que coses

look at these things

bueno, me diu això

Well, it tells me this.

i t'ha salvat la vida

and it has saved your life

bueno, estic salvat

well, I am saved

este, estic salvat

This, I am saved.

va a fer tot el possible

he will do his best

perquè no hi hagi cap problema

so that there are no problems

bueno, pues lo que son

well, what they are

les coses de la vida

the things of life

estic bé

I am fine.

y estoy muy animado

and I am very excited

y en ganes de tornar

and eager to return



oye, pues Robert

Hey, well Robert

bueno, aparte de que ya

well, aside from the fact that already

hemos hablado a través de WhatsApp

we have talked through WhatsApp

la verdad es que me alegra mucho oírte

The truth is that I’m very happy to hear from you.

te lo dije ya

I told you already.

que te he visto con mucha energía

I have seen you with a lot of energy.

la verdad es que me ha sorprendido

The truth is that it has surprised me.

lo rápido que te has recuperado

how quickly you have recovered

y nada

and nothing

ya está superado

it is already overcome

ahora ya pensar en pasar página

now it's time to think about turning the page

y enseguida pues a volver a la normalidad

and soon back to normality

sí, sí, totalmente

yes, yes, totally

yo también tengo muchas ganas de veros

I also can't wait to see you.

y de estar ahí con vosotros

and to be there with you

pues eso

well that

a ver si es pronto

let's see if it's early

cuando nos podemos volver a ver por aquí

When can we see each other again here?

y volvemos a discutir de arbitraje

and we discuss arbitration again

y también estás ahí

and you are also there

Josep Alcácer, Robert

Josep Alcácer, Robert

ah, Josep, ¿qué tal? ¿cómo estás?

Ah, Josep, how are you? How have you been?

muy bien, Robert

very good, Robert

no había creado ni alguno

I hadn't created any.

algun missatge

any message

l'escolte fenomenal

the phenomenal listener

com si no hagués pagat res

as if I hadn't paid anything

ganes d'escoltar-lo de nou

Looking forward to listening to him again.

a l'estudi

in the study

rodar, ¿quant et deixaran rodar?

to roll, how long will they let you roll?

rodar en bici

to ride a bike

bueno, ara

well, now

necessito un mes

I need a month.

durant un mes

for a month

pues bueno, es caminar

Well, it's walking.

caminar molt

to walk a lot

farem quants quilòmetres sempre al dia

we will do how many kilometers every day

pero bueno, hasta que no pase un mes

but well, until a month passes

y no vaya a la consulta del cardiòleg

and do not go to the cardiologist's appointment

pues lógicamente

well logically

él es el que marcará las pautas

he is the one who will set the guidelines

pero bueno, en el momento que pase el mes

but well, at the moment the month passes

yo ya podré hacer una vida normal

I will be able to live a normal life.

eso es un antes y después

that is a before and after

es un hábit

it's a habit

ya que tendré cuidado

since I will be careful

pero bueno

but well



eso es como ha nada el dentista

that's like going to the dentist

un poco de mes

a little more

y a casa

and at home

y res més

and nothing more

bueno, Robert, que ja tenim ajudadors

Well, Robert, we already have helpers.

i sinta el terreny de xoc en el Coliseu

and feels the shock ground in the Colosseum

ens alegra molt

we are very happy


to listen to you

que estàs tan bé

that you are so well

i pront, estaràs així amb nosaltres

And soon, you will be like this with us.

i a vore si guanyes València avui

Let's see if you win Valencia today.

vinga, a vore si hi ha molta sort

Come on, let's see if there's a lot of luck.

i es dona una alegria

and one is filled with joy

bona nit, Robert

Good night, Robert.

un abraç

a hug




let's go

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