Capítol 20: Avinença

À Punt Mèdia

Les cinc llunes

Capítol 20: Avinença

Les cinc llunes

5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

Viatge a les cinc llunes en cercles radials.

Journey to the five moons in radial circles.

Avui arrenquem corrent al voltant de les cinc llunes donant-vos les gràcies.

Today we start running around five moons thanking you.

Ah, i també hem instal·lat la carpa del circ del Gran Fele en la redacció de les cinc llunes.

Ah, and we have also installed the Big Fele's circus tent in the office of the five moons.

Estem en evidència, en bona intel·ligència, harmonia en tots els aspectes.

We are in evidence, in good intelligence, harmony in all aspects.

No hi ha paranyos ni notes falses.

There are no traps or false notes.

Així de bé estem en les cinc llunes.

This is how well we are in the five moons.

Qui vol pujar al nostre sistema lunar?

Who wants to climb onto our lunar system?

Hola, em dic Sol Picó.

Hello, my name is Sol Picó.

I ja no sé si balla per viure o visc per ballar.

And I no longer know if I dance to live or I live to dance.

Perquè els temps que corren cada vegada celebre més el pujar a un escenari,

Because in these times I celebrate more and more going up on a stage,

ja que no sé si serà l'últim ball.

since I don't know if it will be the last dance.

La veritat és que espero que no.

The truth is that I hope not.

I em posa molt, molt contenta iniciatives amb noms tan bonics com aquests, les cinc llunes,

It makes me very, very happy to see initiatives with such beautiful names as these, the five moons.

perquè jo sé que hi ha molta gent que no podem viure sense cultura.

because I know that there are many people who cannot live without culture.

Per això sempre hem de lluitar per tindre-la present a les nostres vides.

That is why we must always fight to have it present in our lives.

Cultura radial.

Radial culture.

Me digáis que me calle, padre, no os atreváis.

Don't you dare tell me to be quiet, father.

O seguiréis paseando vuestra sotana por los campos verdes

Or you will continue walking your cassock through the green fields.

mientras yo me empudro en la tierra de este maldito reino.

while I rot in the land of this cursed kingdom.

¡No, no voy a rezar más!

No, I'm not going to pray anymore!

Soy Luis García Berlanga

I am Luis García Berlanga.

y para hacer un autorretrato mío

and to make a self-portrait of me

diría que el rasgo más característico sería el de la contradicción.

I would say that the most characteristic feature would be that of contradiction.

Ser o no ser.

To be or not to be.

Podemos así y cuando lo empiece así.

We can do it like this and when I start it like this.

Vale, Isabel, no sé qué, no sé cuánto.

Okay, Isabel, I don't know what, I don't know how much.

Vale, eso, nos ponemos así.

Okay, we'll go like this.

Posar en marcha una obra de teatre és bàsicament un treball d'equip,

Putting on a play is basically a team effort,

un procés meticulós,

a meticulous process,

on cada element ha d'encaixar a la perfecció amb els altres,

each element must fit perfectly with the others,

com si es tractara d'un engranatge de precisió.

as if it were a precision gear.

I clar, a l'hora de fer funcionar este mecanisme,

And of course, when it comes to making this mechanism work,

l'experiència és un grau.

Experience is a degree.

No només cal saber quines històries contar al públic,

Not only is it necessary to know which stories to tell the audience,

sinó també quina és la millor forma de portar-les a escena.

but also what is the best way to bring them to the stage.

Conta'ns, Guillem Nicolás.

Tell us, Guillem Nicolás.

De propostes, quan parlem de teatre,

Of proposals, when we talk about theater,

en podem trobar de tota classe,

we can find all kinds of them,

però en esta ocasió ens hem colat en un assalt general

but on this occasion we have slipped into a general assault

d'una obra d'aquelles que s'anomenen de repertori,

of a work of those that are called repertoire,


of authors,

d'aquelles en què els intèrprets centren tota l'atenció

of those in which the performers focus all the attention

i en què la comunicació amb el públic és total.

and in which communication with the public is total.

L'elecció no ha sigut a l'esart.

The choice was not at the esart.

Amb esta obra, titulada Las siete reinas,

With this work, titled The Seven Queens,

la companyia Arden celebra un doble esdeveniment.

The company Arden is celebrating a double event.

El seu 25è aniversari

His 25th anniversary

i els primers deu anys de vida de la sala Russafa,

...and the first ten years of the Russafa room's life,

un lloc que gestiona la mateixa empresa

a place that is managed by the same company

i on el teatre es viu en primera persona.

And in the theater, one experiences it in the first person.

Que se vaya el diablo.

Let the devil go.

Descobrim com va començar la seua història.

Let's discover how his story began.

Que, tot siga dit, té molta vora amb el temps passat.

That, all being said, has a lot to do with the past.

Hola, jo sóc Joan Carles Garés,

Hello, I am Joan Carles Garés.

el 50 d'Arden.

the 50 of Arden.

I jo sóc Xema Cardinya, l'altre 50.

And I am Xema Cardinya, the other 50.

Arden va néixer un poquet

Arden was born a little.

per les ganes que tenien, tant Xema com jo,

for the eagerness that both Xema and I had,

de posar en peu textos que d'alguna forma

to put in place texts that in some way

poguessin donar una alternativa al consum del teatre clàssic.

could provide an alternative to the consumption of classic theater.

Però, òbviament,

But, obviously,

amb el temps que va passar,

with the time that passed,

amb una contemporaneïtat absolutament rabiosa.

with an absolutely rabid contemporaneity.

El que passa és que, realment,

What happens is that, really,

Arden va néixer d'una anècdota.

Arden was born from an anecdote.

Una anècdota que era que ell i jo,

An anecdote is that he and I,

semblàvem mogolló,

we looked like a crowd,

tota la gent es confonia,

everyone was confused,

i jo vaig escriure un text per a ell

And I wrote a text for him.

perquè la gent, per fi,

because people, finally,

pogués separar-se d'un altre.

could separate from another.

...y que se han apoderado de mi cuerpo

...and that have taken over my body.

con sus infernales maleficios.

with their infernal spells.

Miló, el tierno cariño que os profeso

Milo, the tender affection that I have for you.

me autoriza más que ningún otro

he authorizes me more than anyone else

a condenar los culpables,

to condemn the guilty,

quienes quieran.

whoever wants.

Quiera que fueren, digo que merecen.

Whatever they may be, I say they deserve it.

En aquell moment, realment, no estava de moda.

At that moment, it really wasn't in fashion.

Es deien...

They were called...

Ahí nos aneu a menjar un colín.

There you are going to eat a little bun.

Vull dir,

I mean,

ahí se expirimaron en escena

there they expired on stage

vestits d'època, això...

period costumes, this...

Precisament per això, perquè no hi havia res.

Exactly for that reason, because there was nothing.

D'això, en aquell moment,

At that moment,

va quallar

it took shape

i va agradar molt.

I liked it a lot.

No me juzgues, pequeño potro,

Don't judge me, little colt,

no te atrevas a juzgarme.

don't you dare judge me.

¿Acaso no vivimos en paz?

Don't we live in peace?

No hay riqueza en el imperio,

There is no wealth in the empire,

no he conseguido que las más grandes mentes del mundo

I have not managed to get the greatest minds in the world.

vengan a esta Rusia triste y paupérrima.

Come to this sad and impoverished Russia.

Todo el mundo nos respeta.

Everyone respects us.

Esa es la labor de una reina.

That is the work of a queen.

Yo la verdad es que entré en Arden al principio

Actually, I entered Arden at first.

para hacer la tarea de distribución.

to do the distribution task.

Entonces estuve unos años distribuyendo

So I spent a few years distributing.

y luego ya pasé a hacer otras mil tareas.

and then I moved on to do a thousand other tasks.

Nos hicimos socios,

We became partners,

empezamos con la sala Rusafa

We start with the Rusafa room.

y de ahí hasta ahora.

and from there until now.

Han pasado 16 años para mí volando.

Sixteen years have flown by for me.

Aquí hem escoltat és David Campillos,

Here we have heard it is David Campillos,

la tercera pota en la família d'Arden,

the third leg in the Arden family,

un suport fonamental per a la companyia

a fundamental support for the company

perquè el món del teatre

because the world of theater

avui va molt més enllà del que passa damunt de l'escenari.

Today goes far beyond what happens on stage.

Puedo hacer lo que siempre he hecho.

I can do what I have always done.

Tengo ganas de reír, de cantar, de llorar,

I feel like laughing, singing, crying,

de vivir, de gozar.

to live, to enjoy.

Pero este puto espejo me grita

But this damn mirror screams at me.



¡Es mi vida!

It's my life!



Sí, era una aspiració des del principi.

Yes, it was an aspiration from the beginning.

Des que començàvem a treballar

Since we started working

algun dia tindrem un teatre.

One day we will have a theater.

I ahí estem, és un bacalao.

And there we are, it's a cod.

D'això si em preguntes si ho tornaria a fer

If you ask me if I would do it again.

no ho tinc tan clar.

I don't have it that clear.

No està tan clar, és de veritat.

It's not so clear, it is true.

Perquè nosaltres, al canvi de la fi,

Because we, at the end of the change,

som creadors.

we are creators.

I portar un teatre és realment

To carry a theater is really

la gestió d'un teatre privat

the management of a private theatre

i les condicions en què estem a València

and the conditions we are in Valencia

és prou complicat.

it's quite complicated.

Ens vam veure obligats, d'alguna manera,

We felt compelled, in some way,

a ser empresaris.

to be entrepreneurs.

Molt entre cometes, però empresaris.

Very much in quotes, but businessmen.

Aleshores, jo crec que avui en dia

So, I believe that nowadays

som les dues coses alhora.

we are both things at once.

Som creatius, som creadors,

We are creative, we are creators,

som intèrprets i som també gestors,

we are interpreters and we are also managers,



Quan començàvem nosaltres

When we began

estava quasi tot per fer.

there was almost everything to do.

S'ha creat

It has been created.

un teixit fràgil,

a fragile fabric,

feble, vulnerable,

weak, vulnerable,

per supòs.

of course.

Això és el que jo dic, l'evolució.

This is what I call evolution.

En aquest sentit...

In this sense...

Ara, els sistemes

Now, the systems

són molt semblants, però no han millorat.

They are very similar, but they have not improved.

No, i és molt greu perquè fa 38 anys

No, and it's very serious because it's been 38 years.

i realment, sí, es va crear teatre,

and really, yes, theater was created,

però als 10 anys

but at the age of 10

es va destruir.

It was destroyed.

Estem sempre començant.

We are always starting.

Avançar, insistir, treballar,

Advance, insist, work,

construir, refer.

to build, to refer.

I quan sembla que has arribat allà

And when it seems that you have arrived there

on volies estar,

where you wanted to be,

mirar enrere i tornar a començar,

look back and start over,

amb la convicció que el més important

with the conviction that the most important

és el camí recorregut.

it's the path traveled.

Ixa és, precisament,

That is precisely

una de les claus de l'èxit d'Arden,

one of the keys to Arden's success,

de Joan Carles, de Txema i de David,

of Joan Carles, of Txema and of David,

que no tenen por de mirar al passat

that are not afraid to look at the past

per a pensar un futur millor.

for thinking of a better future.

Això no tots ho poden dir.

Not everyone can say this.

L'últim exemple és

The last example is

la reestrena d'esta obra,

the reopening of this work,

que repassa la història d'algunes de les dones

that reviews the history of some women

més poderoses

more powerful

de tots els temps.

of all time.

¿No ha llegado el perdón?

Has forgiveness not arrived?

¡Maldita puta hereje!

Damn whore heretic!

No me pila la designación cristiana, padre.

The Christian designation doesn't fit me, father.

No quiero tenerla.

I don't want to have her.

No me da la gana.

I don't feel like it.

Me la he cortado en mi cabeza

I have cut it on my head.

como si fuese un pavo, viejo.

Like a turkey, old man.

Nosaltres sempre ho hem dit.

We have always said it.

Nosaltres el que hem fet és parlar-ne des del passat.

What we have done is talk about it from the past.

Però perquè és un truco.

But because it's a trick.

Tu captes més l'atenció del públic

You capture the audience's attention more.

quan estàs posant situacions quotidianes,

when you are setting everyday situations,

però tu estàs datant-les

but you are dating them

fa quatre o cinc segles.

four or five centuries ago.

Això és molt més interessant.

This is much more interesting.

Nosaltres tenim una cosa molt bona

We have something very good.

que hem tingut sempre.

that we have always had.

És el públic.

It's the audience.

El públic mai ens ha fallat.

The audience has never let us down.

¿Dónde está el Papa?

Where is the Pope?

¿Y dónde está Dios?

And where is God?

No, yo no las veo, padre.

No, I don't see them, father.

Yo solo le pido cuentas a Dios.

I only ask God for answers.

Me lo debe.

He owes it to me.

En las luchas de católicos y protestantes

In the struggles between Catholics and Protestants

fui fiel a la fe de mis padres.

I was faithful to my parents' faith.

Y ahora Dios me recompensa con la muerte

And now God rewards me with death.

mientras que ayuda a esa hereje.

while she helps that heretic.

El tema dels Borbons, per exemple,

The topic of the Bourbons, for example,

es que el padre Juan estaba muy bien,

It's just that Father Juan was very well.

pero es que hoy en día ha agarrado un cariz

but nowadays it has taken on a character

que es muy mal actuado.

that is very poorly acted.

Y es increíble, pero es que sí que funciona en el China.

And it's incredible, but it really does work in China.

El primer formatatge fue Siete reinas,

The first format was Seven Queens,

luego ya vino Ocho reinas,

then came Eight Queens,

luego Revolución, Alicia en Wonderland,

then Revolution, Alice in Wonderland,

ya cada año hemos hecho un espectáculo nuevo,

every year we have created a new show,

y pues llevamos así diez años,

and well, we've been this way for ten years,

haciendo teatro con música en directo,

doing theater with live music,

cosa que realmente es un lujo poder hacer eso.

thing that is really a luxury to be able to do that.

En esta función, en Siete reinas,

In this play, in Seven queens,

además el formato musical es bastante marciano,

furthermore, the musical format is quite unusual,

porque somos solamente un bajo eléctrico y una voz.

because we are just a bass guitar and a voice.

Y con eso intentamos hacer versiones de clásicos

And with that we try to make versions of classics.

que todo el mundo reconoce

that everyone recognizes

y que siempre tienen que ver en algo

and that they always have to relate to something

con lo que está pasando o con lo que va a pasar.

with what is happening or with what is going to happen.

Y rindo.

And I surrender.

Eres la perra más veloz del mundo.

You are the fastest dog in the world.

Pero no te lo creas mucho.

But don't take it too seriously.

La culpa ha sido de esta puta corona.

The blame has been on this damn crown.

Se empeñan en que la lleve puesta.

They insist that I wear it.

Piensan que soy tonta.

They think I'm foolish.

Me debo llevarla para no olvidar que soy reina.

I must take her with me so I don't forget that I am a queen.



Solo es una corona.

It's just a crown.

¿Y sabes para qué sirve?

And do you know what it's for?

Para que todos se inclinen a mi paso.

So that everyone bows at my passing.

Para obedecer y servirme.

To obey and serve me.

Teatre, música, dansa, dramatúrgia...

Theatre, music, dance, dramaturgy...

Tota pedra fa paret a l'hora d'aconseguir

Every stone makes a wall when it comes to achieving.

l'objectiu de qualsevol creador.

the objective of any creator.

Que el públic entenga la seva obra

That the public understands his work.

i puga disfrutar amb ella.

and I can enjoy it with her.

Un objectiu per al qual, tot siga dit,

A goal for which, it must be said,

Arden sembla haver trobat la seva pròpia recepta.

Arden seems to have found her own recipe.

I tant de bo seguisca funcionant

I hope it continues to work.

almenys durant 25 anys més.

at least for another 25 years.

Els espectadors i espectadores ho agrairan.

The spectators will appreciate it.

Que se vayan a la mierda.

They can go to hell.


Your Majesty.

Majestat, deveis elegir esposo.

Your Majesty, you must choose a husband.

Majestat, deveis dar un heredero al rei.

Your Majesty, you must provide an heir to the king.

No queríamos que esto fuera solamente un teatro,

We didn't want this to just be a theater,

porque tenemos también cursos de formación durante todo el año,

because we also have training courses throughout the year,

programas de residencias y de todo.

residency programs and everything.

O sea, es que yo creo que no sé lo que no hemos hecho,

So, I mean, I think I don't know what we haven't done,

porque hemos hecho de todo.

because we have done everything.

O sea, que no es solamente una sala donde la gente venga,

In other words, it's not just a room where people come.

se sienta y vea una obra de teatro y ya está,

sit down and watch a play and that's it,

sino que fuera mucho más que eso.

but rather much more than that.

Algo que dinamizará también el barrio,

Something that will also energize the neighborhood,

que la gente lo considere como su casa,

that people consider it as their home,

su segunda casa.

her second home.

Si algun sector ha eixit vencedor,

If any sector has emerged victorious,

per dir-ho d'alguna manera,

to put it somehow,

no en quan a l'econòmic,

not in terms of the economic,

però sí en valor, és el teatre.

but indeed in value, it is the theater.

Crec que la gent se n'ha adonat que el teatre és insubstituïble.

I believe that people have realized that theater is irreplaceable.

I avui en dia és un tipus d'oferta cultural

And nowadays it is a type of cultural offer.

que la gent vol tindre.

that people want to have.

Una part de la cultura irrepetible,

An irreplaceable part of culture,

cada funció és única,

each function is unique,

i això el públic ho sap,

and the audience knows this,

se fa en eixe moment, en eixe lloc,

it is done at that moment, in that place,

i per a eixos.

and for those.

Les cinc llunes vibrants.

The five vibrating moons.

Les cinc llunes.

The five moons.

Les cinc llunes ofereixen les sonoritats del circ.

The five moons offer the sounds of the circus.

La vida en un circ.

Life in a circus.


Oh dear.



Bienvenidos, señoras y señores.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.

Bienvenidos, niñas y niños.

Welcome, girls and boys.

Bienvenidos al circo.

Welcome to the circus.

El espectáculo que vamos a interpretar hoy

The show that we are going to perform today.

es un pequeño homenaje a esa gente.

It is a small tribute to those people.

El gran Fellé fue nuestro padre.

The great Fellé was our father.

Llevaba un par de muñecos, el Fellón y el Fellín,

I had a couple of dolls, the Fellón and the Fellín,

y hacía chistes, cantaba canciones...

and made jokes, sang songs...

Humor, en realidad.

Humor, actually.

Él llevaba una compañía de payasos,

He led a troupe of clowns,

y ahí es cuando mi hermano y yo empezamos a ayudarle,

and that's when my brother and I started to help him,

a llevarle las maletas, a estar con ellos,

to take the suitcases away, to be with them,

a ver cómo actuaban los payasos,

let's see how the clowns acted,

y poco a poco, poco a poco,

and little by little, little by little,

fuimos creciendo al lado de la compañía esta

We grew up alongside this company.

que llevaba mi padre.

that my father wore.

Llegó un momento en que la compañía,

There came a time when the company,

el grupo de payasos, decidió hacer compañía propia,

the group of clowns decided to make their own company,

y en ese momento mi padre nos cogió y dijo,

and at that moment my father took us and said,

vosotros, al espectáculo.

you all, to the show.

Señor Pla!

Mr. Pla!

¿Yo por qué?

Why me?

Hay 28 ahí dentro, tengo que ser yo.

There are 28 in there, it has to be me.

Nosotros actuábamos en los viveros,

We performed in the nurseries,

y ahí hacíamos comuniones,

and there we held communions,

pero una detrás de otra, una detrás de otra.

but one after another, one after another.

Y ahí es cuando nos empezamos a formar como payasos.

And that is when we start to train as clowns.

No pensábamos tener un premio Max a las artes escénicas,

We didn't think we would win a Max Award for the performing arts.

ni tener un premio nacional de circo,

nor have a national circus award,

ni hacer giras por Latinoamérica, por Cuba, por Colombia...

nor to tour Latin America, Cuba, Colombia...

ni tener el premio Caleoscopio Europeo.

nor to have the Caleoscopio European award.

Esto es...

This is...

Un embudo de toda la vida.

A funnel for life.



Esto es...

This is...

¿Verdad que es un embudo?

Isn't it a funnel?

Hombre, es un embudo como una catedral.

Man, it's a funnel as big as a cathedral.



Falleció nuestro padre, y no nos quedó otra que continuar.

Our father passed away, and we had no choice but to carry on.

Yo iba para dibujante publicitario, mi hermano bombero,

I was going to be an advertising illustrator, my brother a firefighter,

decidimos dejarlo todo para poder continuar con la saga de mi padre.

we decided to leave everything to be able to continue with my father's saga.

Así fue como continuamos con el espectáculo.

This is how we continued with the show.

¡Puedes viajar por las estrellas!

You can travel through the stars!

¡Es más!

It's even more!

¡Puedes desaparecer!

You can disappear!

¡Es más!

It's more!

¡Esquivo yo!

I dodge!

L'espectacle ha de continuar.

The show must go on.

Aixa és una de les màximes més conegudes del món del circ.

This is one of the most famous sayings in the world of circus.

Sí, i defineix molt bé

Yes, and it defines very well.

a una de les companyies més destacades dels últims anys,

to one of the most notable companies in recent years,

la del Gran Fele.

the one of the Great Fele.

Acabem de sentir la veu de José Manuel Pla Albiach,

We just heard the voice of José Manuel Pla Albiach.

o el Sr. Pla, com se'l coneix a la pista.

or Mr. Pla, as he is known on the track.

Ell és un dels dos fills d'aquell personatge

He is one of the two sons of that character.

que en la dècada dels 50 esquivava la censura

that in the 1950s circumvented censorship

per omplir de rialles i alegria les places de València.

to fill the squares of Valencia with laughter and joy.

Un pallasso dels de tota la vida,

A clown like those from way back.

la labor del qual els seus fills van voler continuar.

the work that his children wanted to continue.

Quanta raó tens, Guillem Nicolás.

How right you are, Guillem Nicolás.

D'aquell relleu generacional ja fa més de 45 anys,

That generational change happened more than 45 years ago,

és a dir, quasi mig segle de vida, sembla que tot ha canviat.

That is to say, almost half a century of life, it seems that everything has changed.

I ha canviat tant que aquell espectacle de pallassos

It has changed so much that that clown show

ha esdevingut un referent a escala mundial,

has become a global benchmark,

portant els seus números de trapezistes i acrobacos,

carrying their trapeze and acrobatic acts,

fins a països com Cuba o Colòmbia.

up to countries like Cuba or Colombia.

I tot sota la figura omnipresent del seu líder, el Gran Fele,

And all under the omnipresent figure of their leader, the Great Fele,

que va deixar de costat la disfressa

that left the costume aside

per a fer de la seva barba, del seu bastó

to make of his beard, of his cane

i del seu tarannà particular una senya d'identitat pròpia.

and from its particular nature, a distinctive identity mark.

Rafa Pla ens va deixar el passat octubre de 2020.

Rafa Pla passed away in October 2020.

Però el seu llegat i l'estima dels qui van treballar amb ell

But his legacy and the love of those who worked with him

servixen per a recordar la vitalitat d'un home

they serve to remind of a man's vitality

que va saber revolucionar el seu món.

that knew how to revolutionize its world.

Per això,

For that reason,

volem retre el nostre homenatge lunar i radiofònic

we want to pay our lunar and radio tribute

a una de les persones que més ha fet per valorar el circ modern,

to one of the people who has most contributed to valuing modern circus,

el Gran Fele.

the Great Fele.

Por favor, los mayores que no se muevan.

Please, the elderly should not move.

Y los niños tampoco.

And the children neither.

Los mayores que no respiren.

The elders who do not breathe.

Y los niños, sí, que si no, os ahogaréis.

And the children, yes, or else you will drown.

Preparados, grandes y pequeños.

Ready, big and small.

Aparte de decir, esto tiene que quedar bien,

Besides saying, this has to look good,

tiene que quedar bonito, técnicamente casi perfecto,

It has to look nice, technically almost perfect,

muy limpio, muy tal, pero diferente.

very clean, very so, but different.

O sea, porque trapecios, hay muchos trapecios,

I mean, because trapezes, there are many trapezes,

hay muchos números de patines.

There are many skate sizes.

La diferencia está en cómo lo hagas, qué personaje vas a crear

The difference lies in how you do it, what character you are going to create.

y qué sentido tienes que darle a ese personaje

And what meaning do you want to give to that character?

que durante el número no se pierda.

that it should not get lost during the show.

Dainé Álvarez.

Dainé Álvarez.

Era lo que lo hacía especial.

It was what made it special.

Bueno, Dainé y yo trabajábamos con Rafa...

Well, Dainé and I were working with Rafa...

Víctor Lafita.

Víctor Lafita.

Imprescindibles del Gran Fele.

Essentials of the Great Fele.

Día y noche, todo el tiempo estábamos con él.

Day and night, we were with him all the time.

Y nada, aquí mismo, donde estamos sentados,

And nothing, right here, where we are sitting,

era todo el tiempo anotaciones y esto qué se puede hacer aquí,

it was all the time notes and what can be done here,

qué se puede hacer allá.

What can be done there?

Todo el tiempo investigando, buscando.

All the time researching, searching.

La verdad es que a nosotros nos ha cambiado mucho la manera de trabajar.

The truth is that our way of working has changed a lot.

Nos ha abierto mucho la imaginación,

It has opened up our imagination a lot.

la manera de hacer distinto algo que puede ser común.

the way to make something that can be common different.

Y eso se lo tenemos que agradecer siempre.

And we always have to be grateful for that.

Estaban haciendo un número de una especie de silla eléctrica ficticia

They were doing a skit about a kind of fictional electric chair.

y yo siempre he sido muy manitas

and I have always been very handy

y les fallaban cosas que no sabían cómo hacer.

and they were failing at things they didn’t know how to do.

Javi Vega.

Javi Vega.

Música y música del Gran Fele.

Music and music of the Great Fele.

...incender la bombilla cuando le trompetaban al señor. light the bulb when they trumpeted to the gentleman.

Era un número muy humorístico.

It was a very humorous number.

Y nada, y mi hermano dijo,

And nothing, and my brother said,

ah, pues mi hermano es manita, seguro que sí.

Ah, well my brother is a little hand, I'm sure of it.

Entonces fui y bueno, arreglamos ese número,

So I went and well, we fixed that number,

les ayudé ahí y tal.

I helped them there and so on.

Y bueno, ya sabéis cómo era Rafa,

And well, you already know what Rafa was like,

que no le cuesta nada engancharse a hablar

that it doesn't take anything for him to start talking

con cuanto de cualquiera un poco medio friki como él.

with someone a bit of a nerd like him.

Y empezamos a hablar,

And we started to talk,

me impresionó bastante como un normal y un chavalillo.

It impressed me quite a bit as a normal person and a little kid.

Y el señor ese ahí grande y hablando de eso,

And that big man over there talking about that,

porque es tan grande, pero hablando como si fuera un niño.

Why is it so big?

O sea, era muy divertido.

In other words, it was very fun.

Era muy curioso.

He was very curious.

Hicimos bastantes ligas y tal.

We made quite a few leagues and such.

Y es que terminó esa Navidad y ya me ofreció,

And it was that after that Christmas, she already offered me,

bueno, pues si quedara, si pudiéramos hacer cosas aquí.

Well, if we could meet, if we could do things here.

Pero no había música en directo aún, era un tema más.

But there was no live music yet, it was just a topic.

Y entré ahí como eso, como técnico de sonido.

And I entered there as that, as a sound technician.

Hemos sido precursores con llevar circos sin animales.

We have been pioneers in bringing circuses without animals.

Hemos llevado la música en directo.

We have brought live music.

Nuestros espectáculos siempre han contado algo

Our shows have always told a story.

a base de números circenses.

based on circus numbers.

Pero siempre ha tenido una pequeña historia.

But it has always had a little story.

Por eso a la gente le gustaba tanto venir a nuestro circo.

That's why people loved coming to our circus so much.

Estamos dando una vuelta por todo lo que es el casco viejo de La Habana

We are taking a walk around the entire old town of Havana.

buscando imágenes que nos puedan inspirar para la hora de la creencia.

looking for images that can inspire us for the hour of belief.

Nosotros veníamos, bueno, del circo cubano,

We were coming, well, from the Cuban circus,

que es un circo muy técnico, un circo puro y duro.

It is a very technical circus, a pure and hard circus.



Aquí en el Feles se conjugaba la técnica, el teatro, la danza,

Here in the Feles, technique, theater, and dance were combined,

todo era una mezcla.

everything was a mixture.

Nos gustó mucho porque era un circo diferente.

We liked it a lot because it was a different circus.

Entonces la función no era de un circo tradicional,

So the function was not of a traditional circus,

de un número ahora, con su presentador.

of a number now, with its host.

Y ahora viene el lanzafuegos.

And now comes the fire breather.

Contaba como una historia y entonces todo se desenvolvía

It was told like a story and then everything unfolded.

a través de un hilo conductor y de una historia que iba sucediendo.

through a common thread and a story that was unfolding.

Era muy diferente a lo que estábamos acostumbrados.

It was very different from what we were used to.

Siempre te dicen, es que el circo es como una familia.

They always tell you, the circus is like a family.

Pero es que realmente es como una familia.

But it's really like a family.

Te pasas con esas personas toda la mañana, toda la tarde, creando.

You spend the whole morning and the whole afternoon with those people, creating.

Que si ahora luego en la noche te llamo,

That if later tonight I call you,

porque necesito, se me ha ocurrido una idea

because I need to, an idea has come to me

y vamos a concretarla porque no me puedo esperar a mañana.

And let's finalize it because I can't wait until tomorrow.

Y más en este circo,

And more in this circus,

porque en este circo no es que yo hago mi número y ya termino.

because in this circus it's not just that I do my act and I'm done.

Es un conjunto.

It is a set.



Lo importante es el conjunto, no lo particular,

The important thing is the whole, not the particular.

lo importante es el conjunto.

The important thing is the whole.

Todo eso lo hacía Rafa, pensaba en su historia,

All of that Rafa did, he thought about his story,

y cuando la tenía creada nos la trasladaba

And when she had created it, she would transfer it to us.

y dentro de lo que él había pensado,

and within what he had thought,

pues nosotros empezábamos a pensar ya,

well, we were starting to think already,

este número puede quedar bien con este personaje porque tal.

This number could go well with this character because such.

Entonces ya empezabas a trabajar sobre ese número.

So you were already starting to work on that number.

Pero es que claro, una vez que ya estabas dentro de ese número,

But of course, once you were already in that number,

qué hacía del personaje tal, de la historia tal,

what did the character such and such do, from such and such story,

había que complicarlo.

It had to be complicated.

Señores y señores, el Oriente Express era un tren de lujo

Ladies and gentlemen, the Orient Express was a luxury train.

que realizaba el trayecto Londres-Estanbul,

that traveled the route London-Istanbul,

en aquella época conocido como Constantinopla.

at that time known as Constantinople.

Un tren de lujo que unía Oriente con Occidente.

A luxury train that connected the East with the West.

O Occidente con Oriente, era lo mismo.

Oh, the West with the East, it was the same.

Era un tren que tenía salones, restaurantes,

It was a train that had lounges, restaurants,

cocinas de tres estrellas Michelin, por lo menos,

three Michelin star kitchens, at least,

miradores, zonas de relax...

viewpoints, relaxation areas...

El psico se ha vuelto más moderno, más contemporáneo,

The psycho has become more modern, more contemporary,

se utiliza más la danza, la actuación...

dance, acting is used more...

¿Sabes? Esto, progresivamente, va a ir creciendo así,

You know? This is going to keep growing like this, progressively.

porque ya no es el psico antiguo, aquel bruto de...

because he is no longer the old psycho, that brute from...

Venga, nos subimos cinco de arriba y ¡uh, ja está!

Come on, we go up five from the top and oh, there it is!



Ahora es como más bonito, se adorna todo.

Now it's more beautiful, everything is adorned.

Entonces, esto, poquito a poco, va a ir desapareciendo.

So, this, little by little, is going to disappear.

Sí es verdad que le queda un tiempo,

Yes, it is true that he has some time left,

pero sí que se está progresando mucho.

but we are making a lot of progress.

Las nuevas generaciones vienen con otra manera de pensar.

The new generations come with a different way of thinking.

¿Hay llamar al cerrajero?

Is it necessary to call the locksmith?

Llámalo, ¿eh? Llámalo.

Call him, okay? Call him.



¡Llamazo también!

What a call too!

Aquí tenemos...

Here we have...

Desde siempre han habido animales.

Animals have always existed.

Tenemos leones a tamaño normal,

We have lions at a normal size.

o sea, tigres a tamaño normal.

I mean, normal-sized tigers.

Tenemos caballos, tenemos...

We have horses, we have...

Y todo eso, el número tradicional de circo de antiguamente,

And all that, the traditional circus number from long ago,

un número de equitación sobre un caballo dándole vuelta a una pista

a horseback riding routine on a horse going around a track

y haciendo acrobacias, el acróbata encima del caballo,

and doing acrobatics, the acrobat on top of the horse,

nosotros lo tenemos, pero con un caballo...

we have it, but with a horse...

Artificial. Artificial.

Artificial. Artificial.

Y queda muy bonito también.

And it looks very nice too.

Y a la gente le gusta.

And people like it.



Bueno, ¿ahora qué va? ¿Qué va ahora?

Well, what's going to happen now? What's going to happen now?

A ver, ven para acá. A ver.

Let's see, come over here. Let's see.

Vamos a tocar este...

Let's play this one...

¡Esa! ¡Cuatro kilos de patatas!

That! Four kilos of potatoes!



Una pieza compuesta para los ejercicios de mástil,

A piece composed for mast exercises,

que es un palo así muy largo,

it's a stick that's very long,

para los de trapecio o para los charivaris de acrobacia.

for trapeze artists or for acrobatic charivaris.

La pieza se llama...

The piece is called...

Un palo.

A stick.

¡Un palo! ¡Un palo!

A stick! A stick!

Y vamos a empezar. ¿Preparado?

And let's get started. Ready?



Tú ahí y yo voy a por las partituras. ¡Venga!

You stay there and I’ll go get the sheet music. Come on!

El más difícil todavía en este circo

The toughest yet in this circus.

siempre venía desde todos los ámbitos.

it always came from all areas.

Es decir, qué instrumento es lo más raro que me pueda imaginar,

In other words, what instrument is the most unusual thing I can imagine,

pues ese es el que quiero.

Well, that's the one I want.

Que siempre hay discusiones, pero que eso no puede ser.

That there are always arguments, but that can't be.

Y él, pues que sí.

And he, well, yes.

Pues eso, instrumentos con una garrafa

Well, that's it, instruments with a jug.

o no solo creados de la nada,

or not only created from nothing,

como el de la garrafa, que hay un contrabajo ahí

like the one in the jug, there's a double bass there

que nunca llegó a salir con una botella de agua,

that never left with a bottle of water,

de estas de maquinita de agua.

of these little water machines.

Sí, instrumentos que sí que existen,

Yes, instruments that do exist,

pero que es casi como si no existieran.

but it's almost as if they didn't exist.

El violinofón, por ejemplo,

The violophone, for example,

que es uno de una o dos cuerdas,

that is one of one or two strings,

que tiene como una trompetilla abajo.

that has a little trumpet at the bottom.

O sea, al aspecto parece un saxo,

I mean, in appearance it looks like a saxophone,

es como una mezcla entre un saxo y un violín,

it's like a mix between a saxophone and a violin,

no sabes qué es cuando lo estás viendo.

you don’t know what it is when you are watching it.

O una armónica que salen unas trompetas por los lados.

Or a harmonica from which trumpets emerge from the sides.

O sea, mil cosas de esas que era...

In other words, a thousand things like that were...

que cuando llegaba algún músico aquí pues era...

that when a musician arrived here it was...

Claro, no, yo es que estoy a favor.

Of course, no, I'm actually in favor.

Bueno, mira a ver si puedes hacer...

Well, see if you can do...

sonar esto.

sound this.

Y claro, los músicos que vienen de clásico o algo,

And of course, the musicians who come from classical or something,

pues no están acostumbrados a eso.

Well, they are not used to that.

Entonces yo creo que conmigo tenía un poco esa salida,

So I think that with me, he had a bit of that outlet.

de como yo, que soy un músico autodidacta desde siempre,

of how I, who have always been a self-taught musician,

tenía ese juego conmigo de decir,

I had that game with me of saying,

pues eso, Javi.

Well, that's it, Javi.

Es un espectáculo que puede durar dos horas

It is a show that can last two hours.

y apenas hay 15 minutos en las dos horas

and there are barely 15 minutes in the two hours

donde no hay música sonando.

where there is no music playing.

Y antes de haber música en directo,

And before there was live music,

el sello un poquito en el Circo Arancel,

the stamp a little bit in the Tariff Circus,

y creo que lo que más me atrajo a mí,

and I think what attracted me the most,

era las músicas que elegía Rafa Pla.

It was the music that Rafa Pla chose.

O sea, mientras en otros circos se estaban poniendo

I mean, while in other circuses they were putting on

el éxito del verano y cosas así,

the success of the summer and things like that,

que ponían una canción y se acababa,

that they played a song and it ended,

pues ponían otra, ¿sabes?

Well, they put another one on, you know?

O sea, aquí, sin embargo,

I mean, here, however,

aquí tenía una importancia crucial

here it had crucial importance

que música se elegía para el principio,

what music was chosen for the beginning,

o sea, un concepto más escénico de todo.

I mean, a more scenic concept of everything.

Mira, yo soy un hombre de camisa blanca.

Look, I am a man in a white shirt.

Siempre he sido de camisa blanca.

I have always been a white shirt person.

Y ahora me ponen una camiseta,

And now they put a t-shirt on me,

nada más y mejor en el anuncio nuestro.

nothing more and better in our ad.

Pero ¿cómo me pueden poner una camiseta?

But how can they put a T-shirt on me?

Se me van a ofegar.

They are going to drown me.

Yo no quiero una camiseta.

I don't want a t-shirt.

Yo quiero ir con mi camisa blanca y anunciar.

I want to go with my white shirt and announce.

Y no quiero la gorra para nada.

And I don't want the cap at all.

Quiero anunciar, señoras y señores,

I want to announce, ladies and gentlemen,

con ustedes,

with you,

el Circo Gran Fele presenta...

the Gran Fele Circus presents...

Este va ser un dels últims vídeos

This was one of the last videos.

que Rafa Pla va gravar en vida.

that Rafa Pla recorded during his lifetime.

El Gran Fele va estar fins a l'últim moment

The Great Fele was there until the last moment.

allà on s'havia fet gran, al circ,

there where he had grown up, at the circus,

buscant la forma de sorprendre a grans i menuts

looking for a way to surprise both big and small

amb els números més espectaculars

with the most spectacular numbers

i els moments més imprevistos.

and the most unexpected moments.

Se'n va anar sense poder presentar al públic

He left without being able to present it to the public.

la seua última creació.

his/her last creation.



Un món de fantasia que els seus companys de viatge,

A world of fantasy that their traveling companions,

la família del circ,

the circus family,

es va encarregar de fer realitat

took charge of making it a reality

a l'espera d'un retrobament futur.

in anticipation of a future reunion.

Quien conozca a Rafa lo sabe,

Anyone who knows Rafa knows it,

no había un día normal.

there wasn't a normal day.

Es una persona muy especial

She is a very special person.

y eso era para lo malo y para lo bueno.

and that was for the bad and for the good.

Hasta el último día de su vida

Until the last day of his life

era como un niño que había que sujetarle las ideas,

he was like a child whose ideas had to be held back,

porque salían por sus poros todas las ideas

because all the ideas were coming out through their pores

y necesitaba gente a su alrededor

and needed people around him

que las sujetara un poquito

that will hold them a little bit

para poder desarrollar alguna,

in order to develop some,

porque antes de terminar una idea ya estaba con otra

because before finishing one idea I was already on another

y era como...

and it was like...

con él no había un día normal.

With him, there was no normal day.

Mi hermano tenía una cosa que yo no tengo

My brother had something that I don't have.

y mucha gente no tiene

and many people do not have

y es don de gentes.

and is a person of the people.

Es que cuando pasa sin hablar,

It’s that when it happens without speaking,

cuando habla contigo,

when he/she talks with you,

cuando se gira,

when it turns,

cuando tose,

when you cough,

cuando aplaude,

when he/she applauds,

siempre la gente está esperando más.

People are always expecting more.

Habla y la gente se calla.

He speaks and people become silent.

Y no dice que se calle, no, no, no.

And it doesn't say to be quiet, no, no, no.

La gente lo escucha.

People listen to it.

Particularmente me sorprendía

I was particularly surprised.

que en un momento de despiste,

that in a moment of distraction,

de que sucede algo que no esperas en el espectáculo,

that something unexpected happens in the show,

que se traba un cable o que no sé qué,

that a cable gets stuck or I don't know what,

su manera de salvar el momento, ¿no?

His way of saving the moment, right?

Su manera de salvar el momento podía ser coherente o no.

Their way of salvaging the moment could be coherent or not.

Podía tener sentido con lo que estaba pasando

It could make sense with what was happening.

o con otra historia.

or with another story.

Pero su idea desparatada quedaba tan perfectamente bien

But her crazy idea turned out so perfectly fine.

que nadie se enteraba de lo que había sucedido.

that no one found out what had happened.

Ese poder que él tenía,

That power he had,

porque eso le salía natural,

because that came naturally to him.

eso a mí siempre me sorprendió.

That has always surprised me.

Yo sé que donde quiera que él esté

I know that wherever he is

estará orgulloso de lo que hemos hecho.

He will be proud of what we have done.

¡Un aplauso!

A round of applause!

Señoras y señores,

Ladies and gentlemen,

niñas y niños,

girls and boys,

esperemos que la Asunción os haya gustado.

We hope that the Asunción pleased you.

Si es así,

If so,

díganselo a los amigos

tell it to the friends

para que vengan al circo a pasarlo bien con nosotros.

so that they come to the circus to have a good time with us.

Y si no les ha gustado,

And if they didn't like it,

díganselo a los enemigos

tell it to the enemies

y que vengan de igual modo.

and let them come in the same way.

¡Hasta otro día!

See you another day!

¡Adiós a todos!

Goodbye everyone!

Les sonoritats del circ.

The sounds of the circus.

Les cicliones.

The cyclones.

Vibracions a cau d'orella.


Notes de so.

Sound notes.

Un espai dedicat als paisatges sonors i l'escolta.

A space dedicated to soundscapes and listening.

De la mà de Duco Melles.

By the hand of Duco Melles.

Nota de so número 5.

Sound note number 5.

Sons xicotets.

Small sounds.

Noixirem de casa.

We will leave home.



a diferència d'anteriors edicions de notes de so,

unlike previous editions of sound notes,

noixirem de casa.

We will leave home.

En concret,

In particular,

noixirem de la meua.

We will get out of my way.

Després d'un any de pandèmia,

After a year of the pandemic,

la vida ens ha canviat a tots

Life has changed us all.

i ens hem hagut d'adaptar a un nou escenari de confinament

and we have had to adapt to a new confinement scenario

on la proximitat i els llocs xicotets

where proximity and small places

se'ns han desvelat com un nou espai de convivència.

it has been revealed to us as a new space for coexistence.

El nostre paisatge sonor

Our soundscape

ha canviat també,

it has also changed,

com tantes coses en la nostra vida.

like so many things in our life.

Avui farem un xicotet recorregut

Today we will take a short tour.

per a eixos paisatges quotidians

for those everyday landscapes

de distàncies curtes i d'horitzons sonors.

of short distances and sound horizons.

De portes endins,


la majoria hem hagut d'aprendre

most of us have had to learn

a conviure amb paisatges sonors reduïts,

to coexist with reduced soundscapes,

a uns pocs metres quadrats.

in just a few square meters.


Please provide the text you would like me to translate from Catalan to English.

De distàncies curtes en sabem prou

We know enough about short distances.

els que no es poden permetre terrasses,

those who cannot afford terraces,

jardins o grans balcons,

gardens or large balconies,

els que per les circumstàncies

those who due to the circumstances

viuen en pisos plens fins al límit,

they live in apartments full to the limit,

en blocs de pisos massificats

in massified apartment blocks

on amb prou faenes en tenim per a tirar endavant.

We hardly have enough to get by.

Fins i tot els que tenim xiquets

Even those of us who have small children.

sabem perfectament que les distàncies curtes

we know perfectly well that short distances

i la falta d'espai ha sigut una batalla en el dia a dia.

And the lack of space has been a daily battle.

A tots nosaltres el que ens ha passat

What has happened to all of us

és que se'ns ha reduït l'horitzó sonor.

Our sonic horizon has been reduced.

Què és això de l'horitzó sonor?

What is this about the sound horizon?

Doncs l'horitzó sonor és la distància màxima

Well, the sound horizon is the maximum distance.

que ens separa a nosaltres com a oients

what separates us as listeners

del so més llunyà que podem escoltar.

of the farthest sound we can hear.

Per això, si ens ha tocat passar el confinament

Therefore, if we have to go through the confinement

en un pis xicotet,

in a small apartment,

el nostre horitzó sonor

our sonic horizon

difícilment arriba als 40 metres,

it hardly reaches 40 meters,

per posar una xifra.

to put a figure.

En este horitzó reduït

In this reduced horizon

els sons no són menys que en l'exterior,

the sounds are no less than in the outside,

però sí que són més xicotets,

but they are indeed smaller,

petits i propers.

small and close.

I en ells, com a consol,

And in them, as a consolation,

hi podem trobar una musicalitat,

there we can find a musicality,

una bellesa o, si més no,

a beauty or, at least,

una riquesa de colors, timbres i textures.

a wealth of colors, timbres, and textures.

Com ja sabeu els oients benvinguts d'esta secció,

As you already know, the welcome listeners of this section,

així el so està per gaudir-lo.

thus the sound is meant to be enjoyed.

De fet, si vos fixeu,

In fact, if you pay attention,

per xicotet que sigui el vostre domicili,

no matter how small your home is,

ja hi teniu un paisatge únic i irrepetible.

You already have a unique and unrepeatable landscape.

Ple de sons que vos són familiars.

Full of sounds that are familiar to you.

Ara mateix esteu escoltant

Right now you are listening.

sons que s'escolten a casa meua

sounds that can be heard in my home

i, per tant, són sons prou reconeixibles

and, therefore, they are sufficiently recognizable sounds

per la meva bombolla de convivència.

for my living bubble.

Però si en acabar d'escoltar la secció

But if after finishing listening to the section

i el programa vos pareu en silenci

and the program you stop in silence

i penseu en eixos sons

And think about those sounds.

que fa la vostra casa,

How is your home?

immediatament vos adonareu que eixes sonoritats

you will immediately notice that those sound qualities

són l'assignatura acústica del vostre espai.

They are the acoustic subject of your space.

Tota eixa sinfonia és un paisatge únic

That entire symphony is a unique landscape.

que de vegades pot ser reconfortant recordar-lo

that sometimes it can be comforting to remember it

si poguem estar lluny d'ell

if we could be far from him

i de vegades, per a molta gent,

and sometimes, for many people,

es torna una dura realitat.

it becomes a hard reality.

Però no per això deixa de ser interessant

But that doesn't make it any less interesting.

que escoltem o simplement que hi reflexionem.

that we listen to or simply that we reflect on.

Però no només ha canviat el paisatge sonor

But not only has the sound landscape changed.

de les nostres coses i cases, veritat?

of our things and houses, right?

No, no. De fet, el paisatge sonor

No, no. In fact, the soundscape

que més ha canviat durant el confinament dur,

what else has changed during the strict lockdown,

dels 45 dies de la primavera de 2020,

of the 45 days of spring 2020,

va ser el de les ciutats.

it was the one of the cities.

Així que tothom coincideix a dir

So everyone agrees to say

que és un paisatge sonor silenciat.

what is a silenced soundscape.

Ei, però de silenci res, no?

Hey, but no silence, right?



El que passa amb el paisatge sonor urbà

What happens with the urban soundscape

no és que les ciutats en mudiren o se silenciaren,

it's not that the cities changed or fell silent,

sinó que, tot d'una, el paisatge sonor

but suddenly, the soundscape

és netejar de dos elements que regnen per damunt de tot.

It is to cleanse of two elements that reign above all.

El primer, el trànsit rodat,

The first, road traffic,

i el segon, nosaltres i tot el que hi aportem a la ciutat,

and the second, us and everything we contribute to the city,

des de les celebracions fins a les manifestacions,

from celebrations to demonstrations,

passant pel guirigall al qual solíem aferrar-nos.

passing through the commotion we used to cling to.

En desaparèixer la gent i els vehicles,

As the people and vehicles disappeared,

tothom s'afanya a dir que les ciutats

everyone rushes to say that cities

s'havien quedat en silenci,

they had remained silent,

però no podria estar més en desacord amb eixa descripció.

but I couldn't disagree more with that description.

Recordeu que hem parlat d'eixe horitzó sonor

Remember that we talked about that sonic horizon.

reduït de les nostres cases?

reduced from our homes?

Doncs bé, al carrer,

Well, on the street,

l'horitzó sonor s'ha expandit d'una forma extraordinària

The sound horizon has expanded in an extraordinary way.

durant el confinament.

during the lockdown.

Tot el que el trànsit no ens deixava sentir,

Everything that traffic did not allow us to hear,

de sobte era audible.

suddenly it was audible.

De colp, de finestres en fora,

Suddenly, from windows outside,

podíem escoltar a moltíssima distància.

we could hear from a great distance.

I no sols podíem escoltar

And we could not only listen

a moltíssima distància,

at a great distance,

sinó que tot el que ens envoltava

but everything that surrounded us

ens arribava a les orelles,

it reached our ears,

clarament i de forma cristal·lina.

clearly and in a crystal clear manner.

Durant 45 dies, malgrat les circumstàncies,

For 45 days, despite the circumstances,

hem pogut gaudir d'un pagès et sonor

we have been able to enjoy a sonorous countryside

ric i de qualitat,

rich and of quality,

on l'únic que trencava la netedat dels sons

where the only thing breaking the purity of the sounds

era el macabre anar i venir de les ambulàncies

it was the macabre coming and going of the ambulances

i, per altra banda,

and, on the other hand,

la cita ineludible de les 8 de la vesprada.

the unmissable appointment at 8 in the evening.

Tota eixa experiència sensitiva única

All that unique sensory experience

va tindre el seu punt àlgid

had its peak

el diumenge 26 d'abril de 2020.

Sunday, April 26, 2020.

Els privilegiats de tindre xiquets

The privileged ones of having children

recordareu que va ser el primer dia

you will remember that it was the first day

que ens van deixar així a passejar una estona.

that they left us like this to stroll for a while.

Eixe dia, de tots els dies,

That day, of all days,

era el que m'haguerà tocat treure la gravadora

it was what I should have taken out the recorder

i registrar l'experiència,

and record the experience,

però la veritat és que no ho vaig fer.

but the truth is that I didn't do it.

El que sí que conserve és un xicotet text

What I do have is a small text.

que vaig escriure,

that I wrote,

havent tornat del passeig.

haven't returned from the walk.

I, si em permeteu, el llit

And, if you'll allow me, the bed.

i ja vosaltres imagineu els sons.

And now you can imagine the sounds.

Visquen al Boralla, en l'Horta Nord,

They live in Boralla, in the Horta Nord,

i avui hem pogut caminar fins al Barranc del Carreixet,

and today we were able to walk to the Carreixet Ravine,

un espai natural que tenim ací.

a natural space that we have here.

La presència de fauna és exagerada.

The presence of wildlife is exaggerated.

El paisatge nítid et deixa escoltar

The clear landscape lets you listen.

tots i cadascun dels elements que et protegeixen.

all and each of the elements that protect you.

Una parella xerrant en una teulada

A couple chatting on a rooftop.

mentre tenen la roba.

while they have the clothes.

Unes campanes de dos pobles més enllà.

Bells from two villages beyond.

Amb prou faenes, un sol cotxe durant tot el recorregut.

With great difficulty, just one car throughout the entire journey.

Converses de balcons en tots els carrers.

Balcony conversations in all the streets.

Fulles mogudes pel vent,

Leaves moved by the wind,

les meues passes i el sou de les rodes del cotxet.

my steps and the sound of the wheels of the stroller.

Un fum de sons, nítids, cristal·lins, precisos,

A smoke of sounds, clear, crystalline, precise,

únics, variats i complexes.

unique, varied, and complex.

Sons d'una societat de portes endins

Sounds of a society behind closed doors.

que ha deixat que els més menuts regnen per una estona.

that has allowed the little ones to reign for a while.

I on la velocitat, la rugositat,

And the speed, the roughness,

i la duresa del nostre paisatge sonor urbà no hi té lloc.

And the hardness of our urban soundscape has no place in it.

Per a molts, un anhel, una sospita confirmada,

For many, a longing, a confirmed suspicion,

un horitzó al qual aspirar.

a horizon to aspire to.

Un paisatge sonor possible que hem pogut gaudir

A possible sound landscape that we have been able to enjoy.

a canvi i, per desgràcia, a un cost humà inimaginable.

in exchange and, unfortunately, at an unimaginable human cost.

Alboralla, diumenge 26 d'abril de 2020.

Alboralla, Sunday, April 26, 2020.

I fins ací, eixos són els petits i xicotets,

And up to here, these are the small and tiny ones,

que no són, potser, de mida,

that are perhaps not of size,

però sí en proximitat i en quotidianitat.

but yes in proximity and in everyday life.

Són eixos sons que ens han acompanyat

They are those sounds that have accompanied us.

des de les nostres cases, grans o xicotetes.

from our houses, big or small.

I en sons petits i xicotets començàvem.

And in small and tiny sounds we began.

I en ells acabem,

And in them we end.

de la mà d'un expert en sons a cau d'orella,

from the hand of an expert in whispers,

un alquimista del silenci

an alchemist of silence

i la calidesa de les coses reduïdes,

and the warmth of reduced things,

l'argentí Federico Durant.

the Argentine Federico Durant.

Gràcies per escoltar i fins la propera.

Thank you for listening and until next time.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

tot el món vol insertar la definició més precisa i exacta

Everyone wants to insert the most precise and exact definition.

del que és berlanguià, un terme ja reconegut oficialment.

of what is berlanguià, a term already officially recognized.

Siga com siga, i siga el que siga berlanguià,

Be it as it may, and whatever it may be berlanguià,

del que sí que tenim certesa és que Luis García Berlanga

What we are certain of is that Luis García Berlanga

és reconegut per una amplíssima majoria

he is recognized by a vast majority

com un dels nostres cineastes més importants de tots els temps.

as one of our most important filmmakers of all time.

La seva filmografia està farcideta de títols imprescindibles

His filmography is filled with essential titles.

en la història del cine espanyol.

in the history of Spanish cinema.

Tot i que va desenvolupar la seva obra des de Madrid,

Although he/she developed his/her work from Madrid,

Valencià de Naiximent,

Native Valencian,

sempre ha guardat el vincle amb la ciutat i la seva gent

he has always maintained the bond with the city and its people

i ha sigut un dels ambaixadors més importants del nostre tarannà.

He has been one of the most important ambassadors of our character.

Des de les 5 llunes, en la ràdio d'A Punt,

Since the 5 moons, on the A Punt radio,

li retem el nostre homenatge sonor.

we pay him our sonic tribute.

Tienen muchas aristas y tienen muchas caras.

They have many edges and many faces.

Y ese es el trabajo que tiene que decir,

And that is the job that has to be said,

tanto de la herencia berlanguiana

so much of the Berlanguian inheritance

como cuál es lo berlanguiano en relación al contexto donde...

like what is the Berlanguian in relation to the context where...

Berlanga estaba trabajando y estaba produciendo su obra.

Berlanga was working and producing his work.

Hem escoltat José Antonio Hurtado,

We have heard José Antonio Hurtado,

cap de programació de la Filmoteca Valenciana.

head of programming at the Valencian Film Archive.

El responsable de l'agenda de projeccions de la Filmo

The person in charge of the projection schedule of the Filmo.

ens parla també de l'objectiu que han perseguit

It also tells us about the goal they have pursued.

en el programa especial per a la celebració de l'Aim Berlanga.

in the special program for the celebration of Aim Berlanga.

Berlanga, en estos 30 años de Filmoteca, ha estado muy presente.

Berlanga has been very present in these 30 years of the Film Archive.

Queremos darle un enfoque, lo más novedoso, lo más interesante,

We want to give it a focus, the most innovative, the most interesting.

no repetir el ciclo canónico de todas sus películas,

not to repeat the canonical cycle of all their films,

sino ver en torno a la figura de Berlanga y de lo berlanguiano

but to see around the figure of Berlanga and the Berlanguian.

cómo organizamos, armamos y articulamos unas propuestas

how we organize, assemble, and articulate some proposals

que sean llamativas y que atraigan al público.

that are eye-catching and attract the public.

Más que nada,

More than anything,

més enllà de veure les seves pròpies pel·lícules.

beyond watching their own movies.

Aure Ortig, professora d'Història del Cinema.

Aure Ortig, professor of Film History.

La seva sobreestima és una càrrega de profunditat enorme.

His overestimation is a burden of enormous depth.

Quan la gent jove les veu en classe quan posa les pel·lícules de Berlanga,

When young people see them in class when he shows Berlanga's films,

els que no han vist impressionen molt.

Those who haven't seen are very impressive.

Com és possible fer això en aquesta època

How is it possible to do this in this time?

quan totes aquestes coses tan brutals que compten

when all these brutal things that matter

no són plàcido o en verdugo.

they are neither placid nor executioner.

Què passa, Sió?

What's happening, Sió?

Em fan riure els que diuen que el Garrot és inhumà.

It makes me laugh those who say that the Garrot is inhumane.

És millor la guillotina?

Is the guillotine better?

Vostè creu que hi ha dret a enterrar un home fet a pedaços?

Do you believe there is a right to bury a man torn to pieces?

Jo d'això no entenc.

I don't understand this.

Vostè és un home de bé.

You are a good man.

Cal respectar l'ajusticiador, que té bastanta desgràcia.

We must respect the adjuster, who has quite a bit of misfortune.

Jo crec que la gent ha de morir a la seva cama.

I believe that people should die on their feet.



Si existeix la pena, algú ha d'aplicar-la.

If there is a punishment, someone must apply it.

Això és com el gran nom de referència

This is like the great name of reference.

No solo es de cinema valencià, de todo el cinema.

It's not just about Valencian cinema, it's about all cinema.

El Sálguez de la Iglesia, Santiago Segura,

The Sálguez of the Church, Santiago Segura,

Diego San José, Jorge Acobéaga,

Diego San José, Jorge Acobéaga,

no existirían sin ser obra de Berlanga, seguro.

They wouldn't exist without being a work of Berlanga, for sure.

¡Tranquilo, bonita, tranquilo!

"Calm down, beautiful, calm down!"

¡Que soy policía! ¡Tranquilo!

I'm a cop! Calm down!

¡Tranquilo! ¡Vamos a llevarlo bien, muchachos!

Calm down! We're going to handle it well, guys!

¿Qué es lo que está diciendo?

What is he/she saying?

¡Señor, señor, no da paso! ¡Adelanto, si no, el mato!

"Sir, sir, don't move! I'm getting ahead, or I'll kill him!"

¡Pero un hasard! ¡Vamame! ¡No digas tontas, hombre!

But what a coincidence! Come on! Don't say silly things, man!

¿Cómo vas a matar a ese hombre con un teneo de plástico, hombre?

How are you going to kill that man with a plastic teneo, man?

¿No se puede?

Is it not possible?

¿O sí que se puede?

Or can it be done?

Begoña Siles, directora de la càtedra Luis García Berlanga

Begoña Siles, director of the Luis García Berlanga chair.

de la Universitat Seu Cardenal Herrera de València,

from the Cardenal Herrera University of Valencia,

coincideix pel que fa a la petzada que ha deixat el cine de Berlanga,

it coincides with the mark that Berlanga's cinema has left,

amb alguns dels noms que assenyala Áurea.

with some of the names pointed out by Áurea.

I n'afegeix també un altre,

And it adds another one as well,

el d'un dels directors més internacionals

the one of the most international directors

del panorama del cine espanyol.

of the panorama of Spanish cinema.

Pedro Almodóvar, Álex de la Iglesia y Santiago Segura

Pedro Almodóvar, Álex de la Iglesia, and Santiago Segura

han reconocido la cita

they have recognized the quote

i l'admiració cap a l'obra de Berlanga i cap a la seva persona.

and the admiration for Berlanga's work and for his person.

Pedro Almodóvar reconeix afinitats amb l'humor de Berlanga,

Pedro Almodóvar acknowledges affinities with Berlanga's humor.

sobretot en les seves primeres pel·lícules.

especially in his early films.

Berlanga, juntament amb Buñuel,

Berlanga, together with Buñuel,

són els dos grans mestres del cine espanyol.

They are the two great masters of Spanish cinema.

Tot el cine espanyol ve d'aquests dos autors.

All Spanish cinema comes from these two authors.

¿Quins són aquests rascs característics

What are these characteristic scratches?

de l'obra de Luis García Berlanga

from the work of Luis García Berlanga

perquè certes situacions quotidianes

because certain everyday situations

les qualifiquem com a berlanguianes?

Do we qualify them as berlanguian?

Jo destacaria tres rascs del seu estil cinematogràfic.

I would highlight three aspects of his cinematic style.

Els plans corals, els plans seqüència,

The choral plans, the sequence plans,

aquesta càmera que segueix els múltiples i variats personatges

this camera that follows the multiple and varied characters

que parlen i es mouen sense parar.

that talk and move without stopping.

El segon rasc, aquests personatges,

The second scratch, these characters,

pícaros, miserables, però entrenyables.

Rascals, miserable, but lovable.

Y mi padre me dijo a mí, no cedas nunca nada en vida.

And my father told me, never give in to anything in life.

Y eso para mí es sagrado, y lo tengo que cumplir.

And that is sacred to me, and I have to fulfill it.

Así que ni Marquesado, ni Baronía de Valencia, ni Pollas Envinable.

So neither Marquessate, nor Barony of Valencia, nor Enviable Penises.

¡No te puedo dar nada!

I can't give you anything!

Y el tercero, una trama con situaciones esperpénticas,

And the third, a plot with absurd situations,

absurdas, caóticas,

absurd, chaotic

reflejadas con tonos de humor negro y satíricos.

reflected with tones of black humor and satire.

El gran nom que eix primer és Berlanga,

The big name that comes first is Berlanga,

però insistís que Berlanga fa la seua carrera a Madrid.

but he insisted that Berlanga is making his career in Madrid.

Sí que és cert que en la seua obra,

It is true that in his work,

ja molt de component valencià,

already a lot of Valencian component,

el tòpic este que parla Benadés,

the topic discussed by Benadés,

era la mediterraneïtat, el sentit de l'humor, la festa, la falla,

it was the Mediterranean spirit, the sense of humor, the celebration, the bonfire,

la cosa estafallera, la pirotècnia,

the firework, the pyrotechnics,

però en una mirada social i política importantíssima,

but in a very important social and political perspective,

una capacitat de contar les fallides de la societat,

an ability to account for the failures of society,

com no funciona el sistema.

how the system does not work.

Berlanguià o Berlanguiana és tot un univers.

Berlanguià or Berlanguiana is a whole universe.

Berlanguiana és també el títol del llibre

"Berlanguiana" is also the title of the book.

que ha editat el Consell Valencià de Cultura,

that has been published by the Valencian Council of Culture,

institució de la qual Lluís García Berlanga

institution of which Lluís García Berlanga

va ser membre entre el 1985 i el 1998.

he was a member between 1985 and 1998.

El volum ofereix una visió més personal del cineasta,

The volume offers a more personal view of the filmmaker,

més enllà de les anècdotes puntuals.

beyond the specific anecdotes.

El candidat a escriure este llibre era quasi obvi

The candidate to write this book was almost obvious.

per la seua relació pràcticament familiar amb Berlanga

for his practically familial relationship with Berlanga

i per la relació també amb la institució

and for the relationship with the institution as well

de la qual en va formar part entre el 1999 i el 2018.

of which he was a part between 1999 and 2018.

Vicente Muñoz Pueyes n'és l'autor.

Vicente Muñoz Pueyes is the author.

Conocí a Luis García Berlanga desde niño,

I met Luis García Berlanga as a child,

desde los 5 o 6 años,

since the age of 5 or 6,

cuando mi tío Ricardo Muñoz Pueyes venía a Valencia

when my uncle Ricardo Muñoz Pueyes came to Valencia

e íbamos a visitarle al Hotel Londres.

and we were going to visit him at the Hotel Londres.

Era el hotel de la família Berlanga.

It was the Berlanga family's hotel.

Entonces era habitual encontrar a Luis García Berlanga,

So it was common to find Luis García Berlanga,

que acababa de venir de Madrid, como mi tío,

who had just come from Madrid, like my uncle,

y esa relación familiar luego se prolongó durante mucho tiempo

and that family relationship then extended for a long time

y se renovó.

and it was renewed.

En los años 80, cuando me concedieron el premio

In the 80s, when I was awarded the prize.

de la Sonrisa Vertical en una colección que él dirigía,

from the Vertical Smile in a collection that he directed,

renovar la literatura erótica en España era algo

renewing erotic literature in Spain was something

que él tenía muy en cuenta. Bueno, le interesaba mucho.

that he took very into account. Well, he was very interested in it.

Hi ha pel·lícules com Tamaño Natural que a mi m'agrada molt.

There are films like Tamaño Natural that I really like.

No és una comèdia en absolut,

It is not a comedy at all,

però crec que té molta enjuntia sobre la condició humana mateixa.

but I think it has a lot of insight into the human condition itself.

I això és lo berlanguià,

And this is the berlanguià,

una forma d'entendre la societat i les persones.

a way of understanding society and people.

La Jai me mò la castidad.

Jai moved my chastity.



No, la maniquí, que está que...

No, the mannequin, that is...

Ah, sí, sí, la estoy pintando.

Ah, yes, yes, I am painting it.

Ah, que a usted le da el pincel. Sí, adiós, gràcies.

Ah, so you have the paintbrush. Yes, goodbye, thank you.

Adiós, adiós.

Goodbye, goodbye.

Per la definició que em fan,

For the definition they give me,

podem dir que ja hem viscut anys ben berlanguians,

we can say that we have already lived quite a few years of a true Berlangian nature,

però enguany ho és molt malament.

but this year is very bad.

Per la definició que m'ha donat la Jai me mò tu pròpio.

According to the definition Jai has given me, move your own.

Parlem amb la persona encarregada

Let's talk to the person in charge.

de coordinar tot el que s'està preparant al llarg d'este 2021

to coordinate everything that is being prepared throughout this 2021

pel Centenari del Cineasta.

For the Centenary of the Filmmaker.

Rosana Pastor és la comissionada de l'any Berlanga.

Rosana Pastor is the commissioner of the Berlanga year.

Pel que fa a les celebracions de l'any Berlanga,

Regarding the celebrations of the Berlanga year,

dir-vos que he rebut com a comissionada l'encàrrec amb molta il·lusió

I want to tell you that I have received the assignment as a commissioner with great excitement.

i esperant que la commemoració del Centenari del Naiximent

and hoping that the commemoration of the Centenary of Birth

de Luis García Berlanga

by Luis García Berlanga

servisca per a difondre i extendre

may it serve to disseminate and extend

el coneixement de la seua obra

the knowledge of his work

entre tots els valencians i valencianes,

among all Valencians

per descomptat i en primer lloc,

of course and first of all,

però també continuar impulsant el coneixement i el reconeixement

but also continue to promote knowledge and recognition

de la seua obra fora de les nostres fronteres.

of his work outside our borders.

La meua intenció és que tinguem activitats molt lúdiques,

My intention is that we have very playful activities,

com no podria ser d'altra manera.

as it could not be otherwise.

Americanos con alegría...

Americans with joy...

Jo crec que allò berlanguia té molt a veure amb el caràcter

I believe that what berlanguiano has a lot to do with character.

i la capacitat que valencians tenen

and the capability that Valencians have

i que valencianes i valencians tenim per a ironitzar sobre nosaltres mateixes,

and that we Valencians have to ironize about ourselves,

la nostra capacitat per a la sàtira,

our capacity for satire,

i jo crec que té a veure allò berlanguià

And I believe it has to do with that Berlangian thing.

amb una mirada que ens permet riure'ns de nosaltres mateixes

with a look that allows us to laugh at ourselves

i del que ens està passant, fins i tot, en les situacions més dramàtiques.

And of what is happening to us, even in the most dramatic situations.

Així seria una mirada tragicòmica a la nostra realitat.

Thus it would be a tragicomic look at our reality.

Americanos, tierra en campaña como un milagro.

Americans, land in campaign like a miracle.

Jo crec que a Berlanga li agradaria molt

I think Berlanga would really like it.

que deixàrem les llums de les cinc llunes enceses.

that we left the lights of the five moons on.

La llum de les cinc llunes és el nostre far.

The light of the five moons is our lighthouse.

Hola, sóc Cristina Blasco, cantant, artista plàstica

Hello, I am Cristina Blasco, singer, visual artist.

i també formo part del grup Canta Tàtico.

I also belong to the group Canta Tàtico.

Estic així, junt als meus companys.

I am here, next to my companions.

Tenéis razón.

You are right.

Hola a todas y a todas, yo soy Carlos Luna,

Hello everyone, I am Carlos Luna,

músico, compositor para teatro, poeta escénico y ser imposible.

musician, composer for theater, scenic poet, and impossible being.

Hola, yo soy Iris Almenara, cantante lírica y también poeta,

Hello, I am Iris Almenara, a lyrical singer and also a poet.

y formo parte de Canta Tàtico.

and I am part of Canta Tàtico.

Y yo soy Jesús G., poeta escénico y director y responsable

And I am Jesús G., stage poet and director and person in charge.

de juntar a estos cuatro monstruos en Canta Tàtico.

of bringing together these four monsters in Canta Tàtico.

Canta Tàtico.

Sing Tàtico.

El espectáculo Quiero y no puedo del coro poético Canta Tàtico

The show I Want to and I Can't by the poetic choir Canta Tàtico

estaría marcado dentro de lo que llamamos poesía escénica

it would be marked within what we call scenic poetry

o también llamado spoken word.

or also called spoken word.

Es un recital poético porque parte de la palabra cotidiana,

It is a poetic recital because it starts from everyday language,

pero tiene muchos componentes musicales.

but it has many musical components.

De ahí que podríamos también decir

Hence we could also say

que estaríamos hablando de músicas habladas.

that we would be talking about spoken music.

Sonidos, ritmos...

Sounds, rhythms...

melodías, rasgar fonemas, percutir palabras...

melodies, strumming phonemes, striking words...

Todos los elementos que se puedan hacer con la voz.

All the elements that can be done with the voice.

Tic-tic-tac, tic-tic-tac, tic-tic-tac, tic-tic-tac...

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock...

No hay ninguna intervención sobre las voces,

There is no intervention on the voices.

no hay máquinas que deformen la sonoridad de la voz,

there are no machines that distort the sound of the voice,

sino que todo está trabajado con nuestras voces propias.

but everything is worked with our own voices.

Tiene también un componente crítico, componente de crítica social,

It also has a critical component, a component of social critique,

presente en nuestros textos

present in our texts

que es intentar que el espectador reflexione

that is trying to make the viewer reflect

y se cuestione el discurso imperante,

and question the prevailing discourse,

el discurso que nos tragamos en el día a día.

the speech that we swallow in our day-to-day lives.

Tic-tac, tic-tac, tic-tac, tic-tac, tic-tac, tic-tac, tic-tac, tic-tac...

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock...

Amàlia, que estem així assajant i estem tots aixina,

Amàlia, we are all here rehearsing like this,

que te volem donar les gràcies.

we want to thank you.

Moltes gràcies. Moltes gràcies, Mónica.

Thank you very much. Thank you very much, Mónica.

Canta Tàtico

Sing Tàtico

Gràcies, gràcies, gràcies, gràcies.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Gràcies, gràcies, gràcies.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Thank you.

Broadcasting live from the heart of the city

Broadcasting live from the heart of the city.

on AM, FM and DAB.

on AM, FM and DAB.

Stay tuned to the sensational swinging sounds of Radio Wonderful.

Stay tuned to the sensational swinging sounds of Radio Wonderful.

Lesi Llúries.

Lesi Llúries.

En la redacció...

In the writing...

Sarai Puigades, Guillem Nicolàs i Cristina Quírez.

Sarai Puigades, Guillem Nicolàs, and Cristina Quírez.

En la producció, Estela Martínez.

In production, Estela Martínez.

En l'edició i sonorització, Francesc Bosch.

In the editing and sound design, Francesc Bosch.

En la realització, Arnau Múria.

In the realization, Arnau Múria.

Dirigís, Amàlia Garrigós.

Directed by, Amàlia Garrigós.

Continua explorant l'univers de les cinc llunes

Continue exploring the universe of the five moons.

a la pàgina web a

on the website

Fins aquí el programa d'avui.

That concludes today's program.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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