15.06.2019 | La Travessa

À Punt Mèdia

La travessa

15.06.2019 | La Travessa

La travessa

Paco Cabanes Pastor, el genoès. Benvingut a La Travesa.

Paco Cabanes Pastor, the Genoese. Welcome to La Travesa.

Hola, bon dia.

Hello, good morning.

Com definim allò que ens deixa sense paraules?

How do we define that which leaves us speechless?

Assumint deixar de rota,

Assuming to leave the route,

avui ens acostem al pilotari que es va convertir en emoció.

Today we get closer to the pilot who became emotion.

Per sort, tenim ajuda.

Fortunately, we have help.

Maria Lluïsa i José, la seu allar.

Maria Lluïsa and José, their home.

I també Paco i Alberto, narradors de la partida del segle.

And also Paco and Alberto, narrators of the game of the century.

I sí, també comptem amb ell, amb Paco Cabanes,

And yes, we also count on him, with Paco Cabanes,

el culpable de la llegenda més gran mai escrita sobre les llors d'un trinquet.

the culprit of the greatest legend ever written about the tears of a trinquet.

Paco és Paco.

Paco is Paco.

No hi ha comparació possible ni definició encertada.

There is no possible comparison or accurate definition.

Els que l'han vist,

Those who have seen him.

els que l'han viscut al trinquet quan l'escala sempre estava plena,

those who experienced it at the trinquet when the stands were always full,

mai troben la resposta quan se'ls pregunta per aquell pilotari del genoès del que tots parlen.

They never find the answer when asked about that Genoese pilot that everyone is talking about.

Paco és Paco, diuen.

Paco is Paco, they say.

A més d'un jugador de pilota, qui és Paco Genoès? Paco?

In addition to being a pelota player, who is Paco Genoès? Paco?

Bé, doncs si m'he de definir jo,

Well, if I have to define myself,

jo al llarg d'aquesta trajectòria m'he sentit amb el carinyo,

I have felt the affection throughout this journey,

amb el respecte de la gent, però la vida que la posa Déu.

With the respect of the people, but life is given by God.



Francesc Cabanes Pastor, 1954, el genoès.

Francesc Cabanes Pastor, 1954, the Genoese.

Va néixer al número 6 d'un dels carrers de la pilota del poble.

He was born at number 6 on one of the streets of the ball in the village.

Va debutar a l'escala i corda i va viure als teus capets.

He made his debut in the scale and string and lived at your heads.

de Benissa. Va ser el primer

from Benissa. He was the first

campió de la pilota moderna.

modern ball champion.

Va jugar amb les mans a l'esquena,

He played with his hands behind his back.

amb colps restringits, i sempre

with restricted blows, and always

va guanyar. Va ser el millor

He won. He was the best.

i tanmateix el més estimat

and yet the most beloved



Probablement, la història

Probably, the story

de la pilota valenciana té un abans i un després

the Valencian pelota has a before and after

en aquella partida a Benissa

in that game in Benissa

en la qual es va estrenar el

in which it premiered the

xiquet de Genovés, allà per

boy from Genovés, there around

1972. Paco,

1972. Paco,

què va passar aquell dia?

What happened that day?



un plaer, no?

a pleasure, isn't it?

Buscàvem un juvenil i

We were looking for a juvenile and

per mi era molt

for me it was a lot

molt golos, no?, aquesta invitació.

Very tempting, isn't it?, this invitation.

Em vaig

I'm leaving.

agafar el carro del

take the cart from the

pantaló blanc.

white pants.

I a partir d'ahir

And starting from yesterday

va ser tot

it was everything

un desfrut

a delight

d'una vida molt bonica.

of a very beautiful life.

Fer el que

Do what

hauria agradat.

would have liked.

Crec que és

I think it is

una de les feines més boniques

one of the most beautiful jobs

de la meva vida.

of my life.

Qui te va dir?

Who told you?



I fa falta dir-ho.

It needs to be said.

El Jacinto Quincoses era

The Jacinto Quincoses was

president de la Federació

president of the Federation



va decidir en cada

he decided on each

equip que hi hagués

team that there would be

un juvenil.

a youth.

Així, en alguna manera,

Thus, in some way,

jo solia anar.

I used to go.

M'assumava allà a Benissa

I was staying there in Benissa.

i jo estava treballant d'allà

And I was working from there.

amb un xaval.

with a boy.

I va ser

It was

simple, m'han vore,

simple, they have seen me,

i la necessitat era tant

and the need was so great

que va vindre tot

that came everything

tot lligat, no?

All tied up, right?

El dic, era

The dictionary, was

un poc

a little

pensat i fet.

Thought and done.

I jo solia estar allà

And I used to be there.

quasi tota la vespre.

almost all evening.

M'han vore, però

They have seen me, but

m'han quedat un poc

I have been left a little.

amb coratge, oi?

With courage, right?

Fins llavors, jo encantat.

Until then, I am delighted.

I aquest,

And this,

així que de genovès,

so from Genoa,

com es convertís en un jugador professional?

How can you become a professional player?

Bé, m'entrà un virus,

Well, I caught a virus,

ho veieu, no?

You see it, right?

T'entrà un virus.

A virus entered you.

Sí, això és.

Yes, that is it.

Allí, al meu poble, no?

There, in my village, right?

Al meu carrer, sempre.

In my street, always.

El diumenge he sigut

On Sunday I was

per la partida

for the game

una cosa que

one thing that

ja la tenia dins de tota la vida,

I had it in me my whole life.

no? Però

No? But

el meu somni va despertar

my dream woke up

aquell dia. Jo no havia tocat

that day. I had not touched

mai sa modalitat, és que a l'ecòfono.

never the modality, it is that at the ecophone.

I va ser a partir de zero

It was from zero.

i prontament

and soon

vaig disfrutar.

I enjoyed.



l'escala de cordes és diferent.

The rope ladder is different.

És a dir, un poc més d'ofici,

That is to say, a little more expertise,

més... Primer jo va respar,

more... First I will cough,

no m'omplia, però bé,

it didn't fulfill me, but well,

em va entrar

it got to me

l'altueta, no?

the height, right?

Perquè tu, que estaves dient que en Benissa

Because you, who were saying that in Benissa

estaves treballant en l'obra, també has treballat en el camp,

you were working on the project, you have also worked in the field,

en el raïm... Sí, de tot.

In the grape... Yes, of everything.

Sí, de tot.

Yes, everything.

Somiaves o imaginaves

Did you dream or imagine?

que podies acabar seguint un pilotari,

that you could end up following a pilot.



La meva il·lusió era aquesta, però

My dream was this, but

ser un

to be a

de la meva

of mine

païsia, la meva païsia

country, my country

és Rostre Senyor, o Robello,

It is Mr. Rostre, or Robello.

o Llopis, o Serbi, o no.

Either Llopis, or Serbi, or no.

I si

And if

és a mi, doncs, no.

It's not for me, then.

I després

And then

ha resultat molt

it has been very

i jo crec que ho feia bé.

And I think I did it well.

Això diu ben, això diu ben per ahí.

This says it well, this says it well out there.

I com és quan entraves al vestidor

And how is it when you entered the dressing room?

i els veies? Perquè, clar, els teus finissis

And did you see them? Because, of course, your finishes.

tu encara no ets Paco

you are still not Paco

el Xenovés, sinó que ets això, el xiquet del Xenovés,

the Xenovés, but you are this, the boy from Xenovés,

però estàs allà en Robello, en Eusebio...

but you are there in Robello, in Eusebio...

Com era això? Cada setmana, doncs,

How was that? Every week, then,

coneixia un figura, no?

You knew a figure, right?

Toñito, Alberto, Ferrer,

Toñito, Alberto, Ferrer,

Ricardo, Soro...

Ricardo, Soro...

I, després, era

I, then, was

Antonio, no? I...

Antonio, right? I...

Ell estava en Ansem, però...

He was in Ansem, but...

Cada setmana

Every week

era un punt de més de...

it was a point more than...

El fer viure

Making a living

molt radiant, amb molta il·lusió,

very radiant, full of enthusiasm,

no? Hi havia una varietat

No? There was a variety.

molt bona, també, de pelotari,

very good, also, of pelotari,

i de les planes...

and of the plains...

Del Finestrat a Morellà,

From Finestrat to Morellà,

ja et dic, en un any

I'm telling you, in a year.



vaig trobar tots els trenquers.

I found all the breakers.

Allà va entrar, doncs,

There he entered, then,

la fantasia

the fantasy

de la morida, no?, la il·lusió.

of the bite, right?, the illusion.

Què vas aprendre en aquells anys?

What did you learn in those years?



Estar a última hora, saps?

To be up to date, you know?

Aprendent, no?

Learning, right?

Perquè coneixes la cavallers, coneixes...

Because you know the knights, you know...

El fas psicòleg, un poc.

You do a little bit of psychology.

El fas psicòleg?

Are you a psychologist?



I veus la puresa, no?,

And you see the purity, don't you?

en tota la zona.

in the whole area.

Com es viu, en iça passió...

How one lives, in such passion...

I, després,

I, then,

ja et dic,

I'm telling you.

cada dia jo m'he vist

every day I have seen myself

més respetat, més admirat,

more respected, more admired,

i en iça carinyo

And raise it, darling.

hem anat tots junts, no?

We all went together, right?

Per això el dia que ha sigut...

That's why the day that has been...

anys molt bonics, no?

very nice years, aren't they?



quan aprengues

when you learned

aquells anys dolços, no?,

those sweet years, right?

que estàs ja...

what are you already...

més en l'ofici...

more in the profession...

és una passatge.

It is a passage.

Ha canviat molt, la pilota?

Has the ball changed a lot?

Ara la veus i...

Now you see her and...

ha canviat molt?

Has it changed a lot?

No, jo crec que no.

No, I don't think so.



el potencial són...

the potential is...

crec que n'hi ha més.

I think there are more.

I això pot ser que...

And this could be that...

molts discrepi,

many disagree,

encara no n'hi ha puristes,

there are still no purists.

i això...

and this...

Bueno, el material és molt viu,

Well, the material is very lively,



i així no és difícil,

and so it's not difficult,

una pilota tan...

a ball so...

en iça xispa, en iça ràbia.

In it sparks, in it rage.

Però crec que també n'hi ha

But I think there are also some.

en puristes. Ara, potencialment,

in purists. Now, potentially,

jo crec que ha anat a més, a més.

I believe it has gone to more, moreover.

En general, eh?

In general, huh?

Antes, igual que ara,

Before, just like now,

per aquí van tenir més purisme,

over here they had more purism,

més tècnica.

more technical.

Però crec que és el...

But I think it's the...

el detall d'ixe material.

the detail of that material.

Volíem posar banda sonora

We wanted to put a soundtrack.

a la teua vida, Paco,

to your life, Paco,

i hem demanat ajuda al millor assessor,

and we have asked for help from the best advisor,

un que coneix tant Paco Cabanes

one that Paco Cabanes knows so well

com la història del rock.

like the history of rock.

Es diu José, i el coneixeràs.

His name is José, and you will meet him.

Ha buscat una cançó per a cada cara

He has searched for a song for each face.

del poliedre que és el genovès.

of the polyhedron that is the Genoese.

Com a pilotari, crec que és una cançó

As a pilot, I think it's a song.

que, bueno, pelmenys el títol,

Well, at least the title,

que ve a dir

what comes to say

el cor d'hora,

the heart of the hour,

crec que és el que representa mon pare,

I think it is what my father represents,

dins d'un trinquet com a pilotari.

inside a court like a pilotari.

Crec que una altra cançó podria dir millor

I think another song could say it better.

que ha sigut el millor, no?

that has been the best, right?

Però, com ella ha dit moltes vegades,

But, as she has said many times,

a jugar l'han guanyat, no?

They won the game, didn't they?

Però a voler-la, no.

But to want it, no.

Ell crec que és així.

He thinks it is like that.

Dins del trinquet

Inside the trinquet

ha obert el cor sempre en cada partida

He has always opened his heart in each game.

i per això, tal vegada,

and for that reason, perhaps,

és tan buigut en la pilota,

he is so empty in the ball,

pel seu cor,

for his heart,

més que per les seues mans,

more than by his hands,

que han sigut grandíssimes, no?

they have been tremendous, right?

Però ja dic, aquesta cançó,

But I already say, this song,

el títol, definix bé mon pare

the title defines my father well

el que ha sigut com a pilotari.

what has been as a pilot.

Uns diuen

Some say

que va ser el carisma, d'altres

what was the charisma, of others

la teua força sobrenatural,

your supernatural strength,

Jose parlava del cor,

Jose was talking about the heart,

però també pensa, qui pensa,

but also think, who thinks,

que va ser la teua personalitat dins

What was your personality like inside?

i fora de la canxa.

and out of the field.

Paco, per què creus que l'aficionat de la pilota

Paco, why do you think the ball fan

se va enamorar de tu?

Did he/she fall in love with you?

No ho sé,

I don't know,

i se mira, de veres, jo

And he looks at me, really, I do.

he notat, jo dic,

I have noticed, I say,

una cosa plena

a full thing

i la meva vida ha sigut ella.

and my life has been her.

I ella m'ha donat a mi.

She has given me.

Crec que

I think that

la pilota va a mi

the ball goes to me

i jo la necessito.

And I need it.

Però gairebé a diari.

But almost daily.

I viure en el món del meu fill,

And live in my son's world,

l'he deixat bé.

I have left it well.

Crec que,

I believe that,

a part de la família,

apart from the family,

jo crec que igual.

I think the same.

Vaig deixar-la ni més ni menys.

I left her, neither more nor less.

Jose parlava de les mans, anem per passos.

Jose was talking about the hands, let's go step by step.

Jose parlava de les mans que vas tindre,

Jose was talking about the hands you had,

que encara tens, però que vas tindre

that you still have, but that you had

dins del trinquet.

inside the court.

Et pregunto ara, quin era el teu punt fort?

I ask you now, what was your strong point?

Quin era el teu avantatge sobre la resta?

What was your advantage over the others?

M'empanyava bé.

It suited me well.

M'era igual.

I didn't care.

De quant en quant a l'aire, que no enganyen,

From time to time in the air, they do not deceive,

estava curi.

I was curious.

Improvisava, no portava mai.

I improvised, I never brought.

Ha nascut amb mi

It has been born with me.

i ha anat

and has gone

sobre la marxa.

on the go.

Al contrari, tenia unes particularitats,

On the contrary, it had some particularities,



quan m'entrevissava un poc,

when I was a little bit overwhelmed,

anava a l'aire.

I was going to the air.

No volia...

I didn't want to...

Ella no enganya mai, però no volia enganyar-me jo.

She never deceives, but she didn't want me to be deceived.

I el teu punt dèbil?

And your weak point?

El teu punt feble?

Your weak point?

Tot serà, no ho sé.

Everything will be, I don't know.

Està tot en un paquet.

It's all in one package.

No se li té...

He is not given...

Quan físicament

When physically

no està bé, el camp no va bé,

it's not good, the field is not doing well,

res li és bé, però

nothing is good for him, but



no sé quin.

I don't know which one.

Això està bé. No sé quin és el teu punt

This is fine. I don't know what your point is.

fort, però tampoc el feble.

strong, but not the weak either.

El cert és que tots els trinquets, tots els trinquets,

The truth is that all the trinquets, all the trinquets,

tots els pobles volien tindre una partida

All the villages wanted to have a game.

amb els genoves. Això és aixina, tot el món ho sap.

with the Genoans. This is how it is, the whole world knows it.

A Raspall, a Escala i Corda, a Frontó,

To Raspall, to Escala i Corda, to Frontó,

a Llargues, a Galotxa, com fora.

In Long, in Galotxa, as it was.

Però volien els genoves en el seu poble o el seu carrer.

But the Genoese wanted them in their village or their street.

Et queda algun poble per visitar?

Do you have any village left to visit?

No n'hi ha pocs, però

There aren't many, though.

són un grapat

they are a handful

de pobles, no?

of villages, right?

Des de vint anys i poc,

For twenty years and a little,

jo et dic, per la

I tell you, for the

plana, per la

flat, for the



en tots els llocs.


Un poble, doncs,

A village, then,

no n'hi ha, però són molt poquius.

There aren't any, but there are very few.

Entre els trinquets, carrers

Among the racks, streets

i Frontó,

and Frontó,

a més, totes les modalitats.

furthermore, all the modalities.

S'ho heu de tenir vist.

You have to keep an eye on it.

Ha tocat tots els

He has touched all the

palos. I això et passa factura?

poles. And does this take a toll on you?

El jugar a tot en tots els

Playing everything in all the



Bé, saps,

Well, you know,

ha abusat un poc.

he has abused a little.

Encara que tenia un.

Although I had one.

I crec que tinc

I think I have

un cos a agrair,

a body to thank,

però és molt difícil

but it is very difficult

avançar. Jo miro després

advance. I'll look later.

i diu, que ben parit,

and he says, what a well-born one,

és par de mare, clar.

It's the mother, of course.

Perquè no és fàcil,

Because it is not easy,

Frontó, l'Espai,

Frontón, the Space,

Recordo, Galatges,

I remember, Galatges,

els trinquets,

the trinquets,

França, Turi, tot.

France, Turi, everything.

O has tocat tot?

Or have you touched everything?

Me'n vaig pujar a l'helicòpter.

I went up to the helicopter.

Això t'hi arreglo, eh?

I'll take care of that for you, okay?

No, no, no feia l'ànimo.

No, no, I wasn't feeling up to it.

Bueno, hem sentit abans

Well, we have heard before.

el teu fill, José, parlar

your son, José, speak

del genovès, del jugador.

of the Genoese, of the player.

Però, qui és per a ell

But who is he to him?

Paco? Com a pare, tria

Paco? As a father, choose.

aquesta cançó perquè

this song because

bueno, una de les coses

well, one of the things

que mon pare

that my father

tant a mi com al meu germà

both to me and to my brother

ens ha inculcat és

what has been instilled in us is

ens agrada molt la música, no? I l'última

We really like music, don't we? And the latest one.

a la fila de xicotet era el meu gro

In the queue as a child was my group.

favorit i del meu germà. I el primer

favorite and my brother's. And the first.

concert que recorde anar va ser

the concert I remember going to was

a Bous en l'any 90 i

to Bulls in 90 and



a vore l'último de la fila. Aleshores

to see the last in line. Then

esta cançó em recorda, pues, molt

This song reminds me a lot.

aquell dia, no? La primera vegada que vaig anar a un concert

That day, right? The first time I went to a concert.

en directe amb mon pare. I

live with my father. I

també perquè al meu germà li la feien cantar, perquè

also because they made my brother sing it, because

al meu germà la R no la pronunciava

my brother didn't pronounce the R

no me la pronunciava massa bé, la feia la E

she didn't pronounce it very well for me, she made it sound like the E

aleshores la cançó, com un

then the song, like a

búho amagado, me la cantava i la veritat

hidden owl, it sang to me and the truth

que ens riem moltíssim, no? I és un record

that we laugh a lot, right? And it's a memory

carinyós de

affectionate of

d'aquells anys.

from those years.



¿Qué es eso?

What is that?

Es el

It is the





El teatro

The theater



Me dices

You tell me.

goodbye en tu nota

goodbye in your note

tan ricamente

so richly

y no me

and not me


I do

a la idea

on point

de no volver a verte.

of not seeing you again.

Si lo llego a saber

If I had known.

mi moza no te bajo el fuente

My maid won't bring you the fountain.

Sentíem a José

We heard José.

parlar del primer concert

talk about the first concert

del que va anar amb tu i amb el seu germà

of what went with you and with his brother

amb el teu altre fill

with your other son

Va ser complicat, Paco, compaginar la vida personal

It was complicated, Paco, to balance personal life.

la vida familiar amb la vida

family life with life

d'aquest jugador de pilota que jugava tots els dies

of this ball player who played every day

i que passava hores i hores en la carretera

and spent hours and hours on the road

Jo he perdut molts dies

I have lost many days.

i molts ratos bonics

and many beautiful moments

molts valors

many values

perquè la vida va pressa

because life goes fast

i dius, mira, ja són xicots

And you say, look, they are already boys.

ja són padrins

they are already grandparents



moltes nits, no?

many nights, right?

Entrar i vols dormir, ves alguna cosa

Come in and you want to sleep, see something.

és l'únic

it is the only one

és l'únic lamentable

it's the only regrettable thing

Bueno, és així en la vida

Well, that's how it is in life.



una cosa que és tan rebunica

a thing that is so ridiculous

que jo l'admirava

that I admired him/her

perquè va anar xiqueta

why did the girl go

pareix el canguro, pareix la madrastra

it looks like the kangaroo, it looks like the stepmother

pareix tot, no?

It seems everything, doesn't it?

Jo no l'enveja

I do not envy him/her.



Dia, José, que tu, a part de la pilota

Day, José, that you, apart from the ball

també els has ensenyat alguna cosa de música

You have also taught them something about music.

que també li saps ahí...

that you also know it there...

No, però m'ha passat

No, but it has happened to me.

ell ho agarra en el mòbil

he grabs it on the mobile

però sempre ha tingut

but has always had

una gran afició

a great hobby

a la música, molt, molt, molt

to the music, a lot, a lot, a lot

i, de fet, a mesit

and, in fact, at the table

a veure concerts

to see concerts

i coincidim prou

and we coincide quite a bit

Parles de la banda

You talk about the band.

la part lletja d'aquest esport

the ugly side of this sport

o d'aquesta professió

or of this profession

que és arribar tard a casa

what it is to arrive home late

perquè tu eres humà

because you are human

i, al final, totes les persones tenen moments mals

And, in the end, everyone has bad moments.

Quin ha sigut el teu mal moment en la pilota?

What has been your bad moment in football?

El teu pitjor moment?

Your worst moment?

Que pitjor ho has passat?

What was the worst you went through?

Quan t'has sigut jugador?

When were you a player?

Bueno, tens una lesió, no?

Well, you have an injury, don't you?

És quan més tormentes, no?

It's when there are more storms, isn't it?

Perquè estàs en un

Because you are in a



i un patir de cap, no?

And a headache, right?



i és un patir

and it's a suffering

seguit, seguit

followed, followed

i és el més llet

and it is the ugliest

d'aquesta professió

of this profession

quan estàs impotent

when you are impotent



i el mal és si quan proves

And the evil is if when you try

que t'has fet allò no va bé, no?

What happened to you, that's not good, right?

Llavors és

Then it is

és ratos que

it's moments that

més admires jo

more I admire you

a certes persones

to certain people



i sa lluixa

and it shines

i sa

and she

i sa valentia

and bravery

i sa voluntat

and his will

és ideal

it's ideal

són els ratos

they are the mice

i els

and the

per les circumstàncies d'aquestes, no?

Due to the circumstances of this, right?

d'una lesió

of an injury

Alguna volta has plorat

Have you ever cried?

per culpa de la pilota?

Because of the ball?

Per culpa de ràbia, sí, i d'alegria, també

Because of anger, yes, and joy, too.

Sí, i com més fàcil

Yes, and the easier the better.

de ser, doncs, a lo millor

to be, then, perhaps

valoren unes coses, però

they value some things, but

no m'estan aplorant, no?

They are not crying on me, are they?

Un dels teus fills,

One of your children,

José Cabanes, el que estem escoltant avui

José Cabanes, the one we are listening to today.

va agafar la responsabilitat

took on the responsibility

de ser Xenoversegon

to be Xenoverse 2

que, se diu fàcil, però ha de ser molt complicat

that is said to be easy, but it must be very complicated

ser Xenoversegon

be Xenoverse Second

Tu has patit molt per el teu fill?

Have you suffered a lot for your son?

Pff, he imaginat

Pff, I have imagined.

el que més vols és un fill, no?

What you want the most is a child, right?

El meu patiment era

My suffering was

no sé, jo

I don't know, me.

jo el que imagino, però

I imagine it, but

amb voluntat es poden fer moltes coses

With will, many things can be done.



encara que no sigui el més

even if it is not the most

el més objectiu

the most objective

perquè és el meu fill

because he is my son

però l'admire i el valore

but I admire him and value him



el que fa ell

what he does

té que tenir una molta voluntat

You need to have a lot of willpower.

ell no ha tingut

he has not had

lesió, no, ell ha tingut accidents

injury, no, he has had accidents

i les visc a casa, les visc a patir

And I live them at home, I live them to suffer.

i la mare i el pare

the mother and the father

ho estan bé, també

they are well, too

més que

more than

fins que no les fino

until I refine them

fins que no les pare, millor dir

until I stop them, better to say

això és el que més

this is the most

m'ha fet patir

it has made me worry

el vore que ell no realitza

the edge that he does not perform

el vore que ell no disfruta

the edge that he does not enjoy

o no patir

or not to suffer

les cuernades que puc atindre

the horns that I can have

una temporada, un dia

a season, a day

però això és la vida que ell vol

but this is the life he wants

i la que a mi m'agradaria també

and the one that I would also like

que tingués

that had

com m'havia dit abans

as I told you before

a jugar no ho sé, però a voler-la

to play I don't know, but to want her

és quasi segur que ningú vos pot guanyar

It is almost certain that no one can beat you.

no li guanyen pocs, això també

they don't win him easily, this too

i el dit

and the finger

sóc el pare

I am the father.

i tinc que ser objectiu

I have to be objective.

Déu meu

My God

jo l'he vist en casa

I have seen him at home.

i mesos i mesos

and months and months

i de tant en tant

now and then

t'has reganyat

you have been scolded

em sembla que això trenca

I feel like this is breaking.

la seguida

the following

el deporte és curt

the sport is short



i va tindre molt tropeçó

and had a lot of stumbling

però per damunt de tot

but above all

està a la seva voluntat

it is at your discretion

i està disfrutant

and is enjoying

de les limitacions que ha tingut

of the limitations it has had

els anys

the years

però jo el ritme pur

but I the pure rhythm



disfruta molt

enjoy a lot

i li queda algo

And does he/she have something left?

no hi ha qui tingui fantasia

there's no one with imagination

però el veig molt difícil

but I find it very difficult

és molt sossegat

it is very calm

disfruta com un nano

enjoy like a kid

quan està així

when it's like this

li amplia

it broadens him/her

gairebé com el veig de sa mare

almost like I see his mother

has dit

you said

has confessat

you have confessed

que has plorat de ràbia

that you have cried from anger

i també d'alegria

and also of joy

per culpa de la pilota

because of the ball

quina ha sigut la gran alegria

what has been the great joy

per a tu

for you

quina ha sigut la major alegria

what has been the biggest joy

que t'ha donat la pilota

that you have given the ball

he volgut el meu fill

I wanted my son.


i tu com ho has fet ara?

And how have you done it now?

bé, he tingut moltes

well, I have had many

però no valora

but does not value

el més bonic és voler

the most beautiful thing is to want

per mi

for me

val més

worth more

voler un rato ell

want him for a while

i tota la meva vida

and all my life

això és molt bonic el que acabes de dir

that's very beautiful what you just said

tenim els genoves al trinquet

we have the Genoves at the trinquet

i tenim a Paco a casa

And we have Paco at home.

però en falten molts

but many are missing

sobretot un

above all one

la gran icona

the great icon

com a símbol

as a symbol

molta gent no ho sap

a lot of people don't know it

però sempre li ha agradat moltíssim Camarón

but he has always really liked Camarón a lot.

i crec que

I believe that

un símbol per a parlar d'un altre símbol

a symbol for speaking about another symbol



jo no soc massa d'aquest tipus de música

I'm not really into this type of music.

però sé reconèixer

but I know how to recognize

que Camarón

that Camarón

ha sigut un cantant

he has been a singer

que ha traspassat fronteres

that has crossed borders

ha marcat un estil

has marked a style

ha marcat

he/she/it has marked

una manera de fer les coses

a way of doing things

i crec que mon pare

I believe that my father.

com a símbol en la pilota

as a symbol in the ball

crec que

I believe that

n'hi ha certs paral·lelismes

there are certain parallels

entre la màgia que han després sempre

between the magic that they have afterwards always

i eixe carisma infinit

and that infinite charisma

és dir

that is to say

aquest olan

this fabric



co immigration

co immigration



escolta que diy

listen what diy



que leadership

what leadership

absoluta pot la

absolute can it

Boya Camarón

Camarón Buoy

de la morat

of the blackberry

tan Ну

so well

No, però que te pot, te pot.

No, but it can, it can.

T'agrada molt.

You like it a lot.

Aquestes cares són molt guapes.

These faces are very beautiful.

Tant la del Brujo com la de Tomate

Both the Brujo's and the Tomate's.

són grans

they are big



De tu, Paco, el genovès,

Of you, Paco, the Genoese,

si l'heu posat per algun trinquet i heu escoltat

if you have put it for some court and you have listened

alguna conversa parlant sobre Paco,

any conversation talking about Paco,

heu sentit que Paco era el més gran,

have you heard that Paco was the oldest,

que ha sigut el més gran, que és mite entre els mites,

that has been the greatest, that is a legend among legends,

com s'ha escrit, o que és

how it has been written, or what it is

un dels herois dels valencians.

one of the heroes of the Valencians.

Per què creus que has aconseguit

Why do you think you have succeeded?

aquesta estima de tot el públic

this affection from all the audience

en general?

in general?

No m'hi diguis que no ho saps.

Don't tell me you don't know it.

Bé, no ho sé.

Well, I don't know.

Em sent que el dic

I feel like I'm saying it.

satisfeix, agraït

satisfies, grateful

i ho va donar tot, tot, tot, tot.

and he gave everything, everything, everything, everything.



això és el que serà, no?

this is what it will be, right?

Tota la meva vida és tota per ella.

All my life is all for her.

La compostura, no?,

The composure, right?

que no és fàcil.

that it is not easy.

Soc egoista,

I am selfish,

amb mi mama, respectat,

with my mom, respected,

i jo he de ser agraït.

And I have to be grateful.

M'han dit que fa poc, a Barcelona,

I have been told that recently, in Barcelona,

a presentar el còmic,

to present the comic,

que va sobre la teva vida, el còmic de Paco Chinoés,

that goes about your life, the comic by Paco Chinoés,

i que gent de 20 anys, de 25 anys,

and people who are 20 years old, 25 years old,

et paraen i et saludaven

they stopped and greeted you

i volien parlar amb tu,

and they wanted to talk to you,

i tu no et preguntes què he fet jo

And you don't ask yourself what I have done?

per aquesta gent que no m'ha vist jugar

for these people who haven't seen me play

saber de mi?

know about me?

És un poc estrany, jo, de vegades.

I'm a little strange, you know, sometimes.

Però he vist

But I have seen

la gent molt

people very



i temit just

I just feared.

per acabar ahir

to finish yesterday

amb cròniques, entrevistes,

with chronicles, interviews,

perquè molts d'ells

because many of them

no m'han vist mai jugar.

They have never seen me play.

És un poc curiós, eh?

It's a bit curious, isn't it?

Trobes a faltar la pilota?

Do you miss the ball?

Jugar, jugar a la pilota.

Play, play ball.





s'apaga el que he trobat.

What I have found is extinguished.

Si te'n creus totes les setmanes

If you believe all the weeks.

i que ens somi en ella.

and that we dream of her.

I si no veig...

And if I don't see...

Doncs pa' què?

Well, for what?

Pa' què?

For what?

Estar en casa, en la família...

Being at home, with family...

Sense ella...

Without her...

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Una ala, o dues, sense faltes.

One wing, or two, without flaws.

Però bé...

But well...

El jugar, és que

Playing is that

reconeixer humildament

humbly acknowledge

la llei de vida,

the law of life,

però ho he de dir, és que jo

but I have to say, it's that I

ens somi.

we dream.

Doncs a qui jugues?

So, who do you play?

No puc anar-hi.

I can't go there.

És una pesadilla.

It's a nightmare.

Molt, no?

A lot, right?

Perquè surt tants anys...

Why does it come out so many years...

Tampoc t'ha deixat jugar per dalt, ni res, ahir...

It didn't let you play up top, or anything, yesterday...

Patis molt, molt, molt, molt, molt, molt.

You suffer a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot.

La passa justeta i...

The exact step and...

I el germà, no, tirant-hi cap i tot,

And the brother, no, throwing everything in,

va preguir

he/she was praying

a una mida mitjana.

to a medium size.

És un patiment.

It is a suffering.

Ara vas molt d'estrinquets, vas a veure el teu fill,

Now you're very out of control, you're going to see your son,

vas a veure tres partides...

you are going to see three games...

T'agrada el que veus?

Do you like what you see?

Ara fa poc m'has dit que sí, que veus potencial,

You just told me recently that yes, you see potential,

que creus que està bé...

what do you think is fine...

Però t'agrada la pilota que veus,

But do you like the ball that you see,

els trinquets que veus, t'agrada l'ambient

the courts you see, do you like the atmosphere

que hi ha en la pilota?

What is in the ball?

Podria disfrutar més.

I could enjoy more.

Però crec que...

But I think that...

No, no, no...

No, no, no...

No estic plenament de dir...

I'm not fully saying...

Voldria més...

I would like more...

Més quantitat i més qualitat.

More quantity and more quality.

I que els trinquets siguen plens.

And may the courts be full.

Que no...


Dius, però que siga...

You say, but let it be...

La pilota està bé, no? Té una estructura que...

The ball is good, isn't it? It has a structure that...

M'agrada, m'agrada, m'agrada, no?

I like it, I like it, I like it, right?


It is...

Està més polític, fa federació...

It is more political, it creates federation...



Lo poc de televisió, no?

Not much television, right?



No, no, no...

No, no, no...

No brilla com jo ho veia.

It doesn't shine like I used to see it.

Quan els nostres fills i filles, Paco,

When our sons and daughters, Paco,

quan els nostres nets i netes ens pregunten

when our grandchildren ask us

qui era eixe tal Paco Xenovés

Who was that guy Paco Xenovés?

del que tots parlen,

what everyone is talking about,

què t'agradaria que li explicàrem?

What would you like us to explain to him/her?

Què t'agradaria que li diguérem?

What would you like us to say to him/her?

Estava loco.

I was crazy.

La pilota.

The ball.

Que era el seu ideal,

What was his ideal,

era la seva vida.

It was his life.

I jo...

And me...

Loco per ella.

Crazy for her.

Hem avisat abans

We have warned beforehand.

que este viatge per la teua vida

may this journey through your life

no el realitzaríem a soles.

we wouldn't do it alone.

Tampoc tu has estat mai a soles, Paco.

You have never been alone either, Paco.

A partir d'ara, comptarem amb ajuda.

From now on, we will have help.

La travessa.

The crossing.

Històries de pilota marxiana.

Stories of Martian ball.

La llamada se'ns porta avui

The call brings us today.

un reportatge d'una persona clau

a report on a key person

en la vida de Paco.

in Paco's life.

Una dona sense la qual ell

A woman without whom he

no hauria pogut ser qui ha arribat a ser.

I could not have become who I have become.

Hola, Pedro.

Hello, Pedro.

Abans que Paco arribara a l'estudi,

Before Paco arrived at the studio,

jo he passat pel seu poble, pel Xenovés.

I have passed through his village, Xenovés.

Parlar amb eixa persona

Talk to that person.

que de ben segur ell i la resta ja sabem qui és

that surely he and the others already know who it is

i a qui ens estem referint.

and to whom we are referring.

Maria Lluïsa Corsera, la seua dona,

Maria Lluïsa Corsera, his wife,

a qui en la travessa també volem homenatjar.

to whom we also want to pay tribute in the crossing.

Maria Lluïsa va néixer l'any 1956 a Bigoflé,

Maria Lluïsa was born in 1956 in Bigoflé.

un poble molt proper a Berçà,

a village very close to Berçà,

perquè els seus pares, que eren del Xenovés,

because his parents, who were from Xenovés,

havien emigrat allà.

they had emigrated there.

Però Maria Lluïsa i la seva família

But Maria Lluïsa and her family

tornaven cada estiu al poble,

they returned to the village every summer,

un fet que ella esperava amb ànsia any rere any.

a fact that she awaited eagerly year after year.

Veníem en estiu.

We came in summer.

Quan érem més fadrins,

When we were younger,

veníem molt més abans en juriol,

we used to come much earlier in a juriol,

en companyia de ma abuela materna,

in the company of my maternal grandmother,

i passàvem juriol i agost.

we were passing through July and August.

I era la glòria,

And it was glory,

perquè són molt diferents els països,

because the countries are very different,

i més en aquella època.

and more so at that time.

Estàvem al carrer tot el dia

We were in the street all day.

i allà en França no hi eixíem.

And there in France, we didn't go out.

L'any 1972,

In 1972,

quan Maria Lluïsa tenia uns setze anys,

when Maria Lluïsa was about sixteen years old,

el seu destí va canviar

his destiny changed

i se'n va vindre a viure a Terres Valencianes.

and he/she came to live in the Valencian Lands.

Se n'havia d'anar a París a estudiar perruqueria,

He had to go to Paris to study hairdressing.

un estudi que durava cinc anys

a study that lasted five years

i d'on així és molt preparada.

And where it is thus very prepared.

I mon pare diu

And my father says

si la xiqueta se'n va a París,

if the girl goes to Paris,

trobarà un nòvio

you will find a boyfriend

i ja no me n'anirem a Espanya.

And we will no longer go to Spain.

Així que per evitar que es fes un nòvio parisenc,

So to prevent her from getting a Parisian boyfriend,

els pares la van enviar cap ací.

The parents sent her here.

Sí, perquè sabien que París és molt París

Yes, because they knew that Paris is very Paris.

i allò podia ser perillós.

And that could be dangerous.

La van enviar cap ací

They sent her here.

amb la seva àvia

with her grandmother

i aquell any va estudiar perruqueria a València,

and that year he studied hairdressing in Valencia,

on vivia una tia.

There lived an aunt.

Mentrestant, els seus pares van tramitar tots els papers

Meanwhile, his parents processed all the paperwork.

per a tornar ja al poble definitivament.

to return to the village for good.

No sabem com hauria canviat la vida de Maria Lluïsa

We do not know how Maria Lluïsa's life would have changed.

si se n'agrana a París a estudiar perruqueria.

if he goes to Paris to study hairdressing.

Però com va conèixer Paco?

But how did Paco meet?

O ja es coneixien dels estius al poble?

Oh, did they already know each other from the summers in the village?

Fixa't que tots els estius jo venia

Notice that every summer I came.

que l'haverà pogut conèixer

that he/she will have been able to meet

i ens vam conèixer l'any que em vaig quedar.

And we met the year I stayed.

Mira, i després quan vingueren els meus pares,

Look, and then when my parents came,

com n'hi havia tradició entonces

as there was tradition back then

de demanar d'entrar des de casa,

to ask to enter from home,

que era demanar de tenir relacions amb la filla,

that was asking to have relations with the daughter,

entonces, ixe any.

so, that year.

En un any, que jo dic que és el més bonic de la meva vida.

In a year, which I say is the most beautiful of my life.

Aquell any va determinar gran part

That year determined a large part.

del que seria després la vida de Maria Lluïsa

of what would later be the life of Maria Lluïsa

i ella guarda un molt bon record de tot allò.

And she has a very good memory of all that.

L'any 1972.

The year 1972.

Què feia Paco en aquells moments?

What was Paco doing at that moment?

Ja jugava?

Were you already playing?

Doncs Paco ha jugat sempre,

Well, Paco has always played,

com la mateixa Maria Lluïsa ens va dir,

as the same Maria Lluïsa told us,

va néixer amb la pilota amb la mà,

he was born with the ball in his hand,

però en aquell moment encara no ho feia de manera professional.

but at that moment, he was still not doing it professionally.

Si no recordem malament,

If we remember correctly,

va ser aquell mateix estiu de 1972

it was that very summer of 1972.

quan va debutar com a professional a Benissa

when he/she made his/her professional debut in Benissa

i un any després jugaria la seva primera partida

and a year later he would play his first match.

al trinquet de Pelallo.

at the Pelallo court.

Crec que sí, però bé, Pedro,

I think so, but well, Pedro,

ara ens centrem en Maria Lluïsa.

Now we focus on Maria Lluïsa.

A què s'ha dedicat ella?

What has she been dedicated to?

Em vaig fer peluquera,

I became a hairdresser.

vaig obrir una peluqueria naixativa,

I opened a native hair salon.

molt propera d'aquí,

very close from here,

ha estat 35 anys treballant,

he has been working for 35 years,

quan ens casarem,

when will we get married,

després van vindre les xiquets,

then the kids came,

ja no anava tot el dia a la peluqueria

I no longer went to the hair salon all day.

perquè el meu germà també és peluquero

because my brother is also a hairdresser

i la meva cunya anava només mitja jornada.

And my sister-in-law only worked half a day.

Llavors tenia temps jo d'estar a casa,

Then I had time to be at home,

de cuidar els xiquets,

of taking care of the children,

ma mare s'esquedava de vespre,

my mother would stay in the evening,

que eren només unes hores,

that it was only a few hours,

que no és el matí que és més pesat.

it's not the morning that is the heaviest.

Parlava amb Maria Lluïsa,

I was talking to Maria Lluïsa,

que ara es parla molt del paper de les dones en la pilota,

that now there is a lot of talk about the role of women in the ball game,

que evidentment ha canviat,

which has obviously changed,

però no podem oblidar que tan poc abans,

but we cannot forget that just a little earlier,

sense l'esforç de moltes dones,

without the effort of many women,

la majoria de pilotaris no haurien arribat on van arribar,

most pilots would not have reached where they did,

perquè com ella diu,

because as she says,

eren elles les que es feien càrrec de la casa,

they were the ones who took care of the house,

de la criança,

of childhood,

cuidar les persones majors

caring for the elderly

i tot això que cal fer per tirar endavant una família.

And all of this that is necessary to move a family forward.

I un d'ells, els fills,

And one of them, the children,

que van aclarir ser Maria Lluïsa,

that they clarified to be Maria Lluïsa,



va ser també pilotari professional.

he was also a professional pilot.



Maria Lluïsa i Paco van tindre dos fills,

Maria Lluïsa and Paco had two children,

Paco i José,

Paco and José,

els dos juguen,

the two play,

però només José ho ha fet de manera professional.

but only José has done it professionally.

El meu Paco era més aficionat,

My Paco was more of an enthusiast,

però no li ha fet tant de cas.

but he hasn't paid much attention to it.

I José,

I José,

quan va decidir ja de jugar a pilota

When did he/she decide to play ball?

i anar a l'escola amb son pare,

and go to school with his father,

jo dic,

I say,

ja m'has començat a atrevegar a patir,

you have already started to make me suffer,

perquè és un patiment.

because it is a suffering.

Un patiment perquè

A suffering because

ell ha tingut la figura de son pare ahir

he had his father's figure yesterday

i jo sé que a mi no m'ho diu,

and I know that he/she is not saying it to me,

però jo sé que ha sofrit,

but I know that he/she has suffered,

perquè la gent sigueix així,

why do people keep doing this,

ai, doncs no és com son pare,

oh, so it's not like his father,

però ell ara ja ha arribat a un punt

but he has now reached a point

que ja és una persona adulta

that they are already an adult

i ara saps què?

And now, do you know what?

Està disfrutant més.

He is enjoying more.



que mai.

that never.

El fill del gran Paco Cabanes

The son of the great Paco Cabanes

ha hagut de suportar sempre eixe pes,

he has always had to bear that weight,

el de ser el fill del genovès.

the being the son of the Genoese.

Un pes que no tindria per què ser dolent,

A weight that shouldn't necessarily be bad,

però que pot convertir-se en una llosa

but can become a burden

sobretot quan entrem en el terreny de les comparacions.

especially when we enter the realm of comparisons.

I tinc entès, Laia,

I understand, Laia,

que vas arribar un dia en què Maria Lluïsa

that you arrived on a day when Maria Lluïsa

li va demanar a Paco que deixés la pilota.

He asked Paco to leave the ball.

Així és, va ser després d'aquella partida

That's right, it was after that game.

coneguda com la partida del segle,

known as the game of the century,

l'any 1995.

the year 1995.

Després teníem dinar,

After we had lunch,

com sempre en totes les finals,

as always in all finals,

en família de més d'eixe any,

in a family of more than that year,

va vindre tota la família,

the whole family came.

cosins, germans,

cousins, brothers,

en fi, una cosa bonica.

well, a beautiful thing.

Jo vaig respirar i eixe dia

I breathed and that day

un ambient molt sa i molt bonic.

a very healthy and beautiful environment.

I com si hi hagués una força ahir

And as if there was a force yesterday.

que digués avui vas a guanyar, avui vas a guanyar,

that said today you are going to win, today you are going to win,

tenia jo eixa premonició, no sé per què,

I had that premonition, I don't know why,

això que dius,

what you are saying,

vull que eixis tot arreu.

I want you to go everywhere.

I tal com preveia,

And as I anticipated,

Maria Lluïsa va eixir tot arreu

Maria Lluïsa went out everywhere.

i Paco va guanyar aquella mítica partida.

Paco won that legendary match.

Però quan es va dutxar

But when he/she took a shower

i amb on vam pujar el cotxe,

and where we parked the car,

i mosatros dos,

and us two,

li vaig dir, Paco,

I told him, Paco,

vaig a demanar-te una cosa.

I'm going to ask you something.

Dic, prou.

I say, enough.

Has tornat a guanyar l'individual,

You have won the individual again.

eres el campió ja,

you are already the champion,

ja no t'ho pot llevar ningú, carinyo.

No one can take it away from you anymore, darling.

I vaig anar entenent poquet a poquet.

I started to understand little by little.

Deixé bon gust de boca a la gent.

It left a good taste in people's mouths.

I ahir va ser eixe dia.

And yesterday was that day.

I Paco va complir el desig de la seva dona,

Paco fulfilled his wife's wish,

que després de molts anys

that after many years

al seu costat li va demanar

he asked her by his side

que abandonara un món tan exigent

that would abandon such a demanding world

com havia sigut per a ell el de la pilota.

how it had been for him with the ball.

Sí, perquè la pilota ha sigut per a Maria Lluïsa

Yes, because the ball has been for Maria Lluïsa.

moltes alegries,

many joys,

però moltes penes també.

but many sorrows too.

M'ha donat de bo i de ruïn.

It has given me both good and bad.

De bo perquè

Of good because

hem viscut molt bé.

we have lived very well.

I de ruïn perquè no he pogut

And I ruin because I couldn't.

disfrutar del meu marit

enjoy my husband

com una altra parella de novençans

like another couple of newcomers

o de recients casats,

or of newlyweds,

dels meus fills.

of my children.

Ell no ha vist els xiquets

He has not seen the children.

començar a caminar.

start walking.

El món de la pilota li ha acaparrat

The world of the ball has captivated him.

aquests moments que a mi

these moments that to me

o a una altra parella, com ara

or to another couple, such as

les meves amigues ho han tingut

my friends have had it

en la seva parella.

in their partner.

Això és el que hem viscut molt bé,

This is what we have lived very well,

però hi ha el sí i el no.

but there is the yes and the no.

Com ja hem dit, sense el paper

As we have already said, without the paper.

de moltes dones com Maria Lluïsa,

of many women like Maria Lluïsa,

molts esportistes no haurien arribat on estan.

Many athletes would not have reached where they are.

Avui en dia


la gent jove mireu el que és

young people look at what it is

construir una família molt diferent

to build a very different family

amb nosaltres.

with us.

Antes era tot per la dona.

Before it was everything for the woman.

Avui ho compartiu tot.

Today you share everything.

I jo estic encantada.

And I am delighted.

Us dono l'hora a les joves

I give you the time to the young ones.

perquè heu aconseguit el que nosaltres

because you have achieved what we have

no hem pogut aconseguir.

we have not been able to achieve.

Evidentment, això no és mèrit només

Obviously, this is not just merit.

de les dones d'ara, sinó que s'ha pogut donar

of the women of now, but it has been possible to give

gràcies a un context social molt més favorable

thanks to a much more favorable social context

que ara ens permet a més posar damunt la taula

that now allows us to put on the table

i donar-li llum al paper imprescindible

and give light to the essential paper

i al mateix temps invisible que han tingut

and at the same time invisible that they have had

moltes dones com ella, que també mereixen

many women like her, who also deserve

molts homenatges quotidians.

many daily tributes.

Maria Lluïsa,

Maria Lluïsa,

tots els que la coneixen

all those who know her

saben que és una persona humil

they know he is a humble person

i que mai ha volgut fer gala de les victòries

and has never wanted to boast about victories

i les qualitats de Paco,

and the qualities of Paco,

a pesar del reconeixement extern.

despite the external recognition.

Però ara que ja és gran,

But now that he/she is already grown up,

se sent empotestat per fer-ho.

he feels compelled to do it.

Ha fet barbaritats.

He has done terrible things.

Ui per ui no ha eixit cap com d'ell.

Oh, there hasn't been anyone like him.

I ho dic desvenida de veritat.

I say it with sincerity, truly.

I això no ho ha dit mai.

And he/she has never said that.

Ho dic ara que ja soc una persona major,

I say this now that I am an older person,

adulta, i veig

adult, and I see

el que ella ha transmitit a la pilota

what she has transmitted to the ball

i al món de la pilota

and in the world of football

i sobretot a la gent jove.

and especially to young people.

I tant que sí.

Of course.

Estar orgullosa, Maria Lluïsa.

Be proud, Maria Lluïsa.

M'explicava també, com comentàveu abans també

She was also explaining to me, as you mentioned before.

en l'entrevista, Pedro, que van estar a Barcelona

In the interview, Pedro, who was in Barcelona.

presentant-te el còmic amb David Sarasol

presenting you the comic with David Sarasol

i es van adonar de com els joves valoren

and they realized how young people value

i estimen a Paco.

and they love Paco.

Vaig veure la gent jove que miraven a Paco

I saw the young people looking at Paco.

i li feien unes preguntes.

and they were asking him some questions.

I jo dic, doncs...

And I say, then...

Doncs pot ser que aquest dia

Well, it could be that this day

em vaig adonar més content encara

I realized even happier.

del que ell volen, però no la generació

of what they want, but not the generation

de Paco, sinó la jove.

of Paco, but the young one.

I si són els majors,

And if they are the elders,

però no te digo, ells ho han viscut tot.

but I won’t tell you, they have experienced it all.

Però ho han transmetit els fills i els nens

But it has been transmitted by the children and the kids.

i això és el bonic.

and this is the beautiful part.

Ja han passat quasi 50 anys

Almost 50 years have passed.

des d'aquell 1972

since that 1972

en què Maria Lluïsa va tornar de França

in what Maria Lluïsa returned from France

al Genovès per estudiar perruqueria.

to Genoa to study hairdressing.

Aquell any en què va conèixer un Paco

That year when he met Paco.

que encara no era reconegut.

that was still not recognized.

Aquell any que va marcar el futur de la seva vida.

That year that marked the future of his life.

Nosaltres hem tingut la gran sort

We have been very lucky.

de ser la pilota, que hem viscut molt bé.

to be the ball, that we have lived very well.

Tinguem una casa preciosa,

Let's have a beautiful house,

un jardí preciós.

a beautiful garden.

Hem viscut de categoria.

We have lived in style.

Ara està la malaltia de Paco,

Now it's Paco's illness.

que és el que ens ha pegat

What is it that has hit us?

una bofeta prou gran.

a pretty big slap.

Però només desitgem

But we only wish

que puguem viure.

that we can live.

Ara que estem juntets,

Now that we are together,

que ens deixin viure uns quants anys,

let us live for a few more years,

molts anys junts encara.

many more years together.

I des del cor, també tenim

And from the heart, we also have.

i se desitja per a Maria Lluïsa i per a Paco

And it is wished for Maria Lluïsa and for Paco.

des de l'equip de la Travessa.

from the Travessa team.

Tota la sort per a ells i que puguen disfrutar

All the luck to them and may they be able to enjoy.

d'aixa vida que la pilota els ha donat

from this life that the ball has given them

i al mateix temps els ha robat.

and at the same time has robbed them.

Així acaba el nostre xicotet homenatge

Thus ends our little tribute.

a Maria Lluïsa Corsera, una dona, sens dubte,

to Maria Lluïsa Corsera, a woman, without a doubt,

també imprescindible dins el món de la pilota.

also essential within the world of the ball.

Escoltes la Travessa

Do you hear the alley?

amb Pedro Valero.

with Pedro Valero.

El primer que va sentir el genovès

The first one that the Genoese heard

quan va creuar les portes del paradís

when he crossed the gates of paradise

va ser això.

it was that.

Ahí está el rey de la pilota valencià.

There is the king of Valencian ball.

Ahí está el mito más grande.

There is the greatest myth.

Això ha començat.

This has begun.

Però retrosseguim un poc.

But let's go back a little.

Dos hores abans d'este moment.

Two hours before this moment.

Era un diumenge 9 de juliol de 1995

It was a Sunday, July 9, 1995.

i amb permís de la resta del món

"and with the permission of the rest of the world"

els valencians vam dedicar el dia

the Valencians dedicated the day

a mirar-nos amb delectació el melic.

to look at our navel with delight.

I el melic el teníem a saber

And we knew where the navel was.

a segon i a segon estaven

at second and at second they were

el genovès i Álvaro.

the Genoese and Álvaro.

De segur que ja li han posat bigot a la narració

Surely they have already added a mustache to the narration.

però en qualsevol cas, Àlex, traï-nos

but in any case, Alex, betray us

de qui és esta veu.

Whose voice is this?

Ell sabeu, Pedro, ens acompanyant

He knows, Pedro, accompanying us.

des que el món és món

since the world began

o almenys des que podem mirar el món

or at least since we can look at the world

per la televisió valenciana.

for Valencian television.

En Paco Nadal, benvingut a La Travesa.

In Paco Nadal, welcome to La Travesa.

Hola, què tal? Bon dia, benvingut.

Hello, how are you? Good morning, welcome.

Vosaltres també, gràcies per convidar-me.

You too, thank you for inviting me.

Abans de l'arribada de la tele pública

Before the arrival of public television.

Paco Nadal va evitar totes les redaccions

Paco Nadal avoided all the drafts.

possibles de diaris i ràdios valencianes.

possible Valencian newspapers and radios.

Això era un avançament del periodista

This was a scoop by the journalist.

a tot terreny que van connectar

to all terrain that they connected

i ser a Canal 9.

and to be on Canal 9.

I omnipresent com era, clar,

And omnipresent as he was, of course,

havia de formar part dels tres tenors

he was to be part of the three tenors

que narraren la final batejada

that narrated the final baptized

com la partida del segle.

like the game of the century.

Paco, què recordes,

Paco, what do you remember?

m'he referit a Paco Nadal,

I referred to Paco Nadal,

què recordes d'aquell dia a segon

What do you remember about that day in second grade?

abans de la partida?

before the match?

Primer que feia molta calor.

First, it was very hot.

Feia molta calor.

It was very hot.

Era el dia 1 de juliol que m'heu dit

It was the 1st of July that you told me.

i feia molta calor.

And it was very hot.

Però, home, recorde

But, man, remember

el que recorden tots els finals a la pilota

what everyone remembers about the endings in the game

i és que no ho eren tots tan bé

And it's that not all of them were so good.

perquè van tenir l'ocasió

because they had the opportunity

de veure la partida en directe

to watch the game live

i després la van haver de repetir

and then they had to repeat it

i no recordes una vegada o dues

and you don't remember once or twice

perquè la gent la demanava

because people were asking for it

i recorde el que segur per a mi

And I remember what is certain for me.

la millor partida,

the best game,

la més atractiva,

the most attractive,

la més interessant,

the most interesting,

la que més sabor de boca ha deixat

the one that has left the most lingering taste

els finals a la pilota

the finals in ball

i és que no l'havien vist mai

and it is that they had never seen him/her before

i no coneixien el que era el nostre esport

and they did not know what our sport was

perquè que un pilotari

because a pilot

estiga, que tinga val

be it, that it has value

i per guanyar

and to win

per primer cop a la seva vida

for the first time in his/her life

un xaval jovenet que arribava a la final

a young lad who reached the final

contra el monstruo dels trinquets

against the monster of the courts

pues a veure què tenia que ser, no?

Well, let's see what it was supposed to be, right?

I que després s'ha apareixut

And then it has appeared.

i dic pobre entre cometes, eh?

I say poor in quotes, okay?

Perquè Álvaro és un fenomen

Because Álvaro is a phenomenon.

i és molt amic meu

and he is very dear to me

però que després de tot

but that after all

no la poguera guanyar

I couldn't win it.

i que després la gent

and then the people

plorara en el trinquet

He will cry in the trinquèt.

i que més d'una persona major

and more than one elderly person

li caiguessin llàgrimes de cocodril

crocodile tears would fall from him/her

després de tot

after all

què voleu que vos diga?

What do you want me to tell you?

Encara m'emocione, jo m'emocione

I still get emotional, I get emotional.

i l'ha vist a diversos voltes

And he has seen her several times.

i m'emocione sempre

I always get emotional.

perquè no és normal,

because it is not normal,

i jo sempre dic

and I always say

que a mi em donen a triar

that they let me choose

una gran final

a great final

de qualsevol modalitat esportiva

of any sports modality

i sobretot de futbol

and especially football

que és el que més atrau a la gent

what attracts people the most

fiques els equips que et donen la gana

put in the teams that you want

i és de casa, inclús que és de casa

and it's home, even that it's home

i em dones a triar

And you give me a choice.

entre aquesta gran final

between this great final

i la de l'íxer famós nou de Juliol

and the famous river of the Ixer in July

i per supost

and of course

me'n vaig a la del nou de Juliol

I'm going to the one on July 9th.

en això crec que t'he dit tot

In this I believe I have told you everything.

Això, bé, doncs ja

Well, then, that's it.

podem acabar la secció

we can finish the section

ja ens ha contat tot

he has already told us everything

ja has dit tot, Paco

You have already said it all, Paco.

has dit que tu l'has vist moltes voltes

You said that you have seen it many times.



la final

the final

l'he vist, però no és tres voltes

I've seen it, but it's not three times.

tres voltes

three times

l'altre, Paco, Paco Avanes

the other, Paco, Paco Avanes

tu no l'has vist mai

you have never seen him/her



l'he vist a la final de Refilú

I saw him at the Refilú final.

és aixina, és aixina

It is like that, it is like that.

un altre l'he vist mil vegades

I've seen another a thousand times.

però Paco no

but Paco not

perquè Paco

because Paco

és que la veritat

it's just that the truth

no me socorrer

don't help me


put it on me

no l'he vist

I haven't seen him/her.

per obligació, no

out of obligation, no

però no li he pres

but I haven't taken it from him/her.

aquesta atenció

this attention

i ja

and already

a més no m'agrada Paco

besides, I don't like Paco.

la veritat

the truth


you see

una cosa

one thing

també amb voluntat

also with willingness

i amb passió

and with passion



s'obren anys

years open

i l'altre calor

and the other heat

per gaudir

to enjoy

aquesta pregunta va per a les dues

this question is for both of you

com va afectar l'arribada de la televisió

how did the arrival of television affect?

a la pilota

to the ball

perquè això també va ser un fenomen

because this was also a phenomenon

jo crec que jo parlarei primer

I think I will speak first.

jo era part de la televisió

I was part of the television.

i com a pilotari

and as a pilot

i el número un que ha sigut

and the number one that has been

i que serà sempre recordat

and will always be remembered

com un gran fenomen

as a great phenomenon

de la nostra esporta autòctona

of our native export

que parli

let him speak

jo tinc la meva opinió

I have my opinion.

i ara la donaré clar

And now I will make it clear.

per mi

for me



tot un regal

a real gift



la pilota necessita

the ball needs

de molts

of many

però televisió

but television

és fonamental

it is fundamental

i aconseguir allò

and achieve that

per mi

for me

és el més bonic

it is the most beautiful

que li vaig

what I am going to

a la premsa

to the press

ha estat ahir

it was yesterday



el que repercutís

the one that had an impact



crec que és el complement

I believe it is the complement.

perquè s'enganxi

so that it sticks

en el trenquet

in the small train

no deu ser molt fàcil

it must not be very easy

concebir la pilota o no

to conceive the ball or not

però ho hi ha mitjans

but there are means

i per aquesta part

and for this part

tot un detall

a whole detail

que dignificar

to dignify


to thank



el món de la pilota

the world of the ball

és el fonamental

it is fundamental


to thank

i crec que

I believe that

no ho sé

I don't know.

jo no he fet

I have not done.

un fondeo

a mooring

i hi ha molta gent

And there are a lot of people.

que està encantada

that is delighted

de veure

to see



deies que tu també

you said that you too

tens la teva

you have yours

la meva és fonamental

mine is fundamental

Paco estava parlant

Paco was talking.

de la que hi havia

of the one that there was

en premsa

in press

i en els episodis de ràdio

and in the radio episodes

no hi havia massa informació

there wasn't too much information

de la pilota valenciana

of the Valencian ball

jo m'he remetit

I have referred myself.

que quan jo començai

that when I started

Ràdio València

Valencia Radio

l'any 71

the year 71

abans havia estat

before it had been

un any abans

a year earlier

en Ràdio Popular

on Ràdio Popular

i ara em faràs

And now you will do me.

50 anys

50 years

que jo estic davant

that I am in front

o darrere d'un micròfon

or behind a microphone



m'he remetit

I have referred myself.

que jo 50 anys

that I 50 years



i Paco diu

and Paco says

a la premsa

to the press

la premsa de Paco

Paco's press

te recordarà

will remind you

que estava a la partida

that was at the game



en el diari

in the newspaper

el davant

the front

que feia Joan Esmillo

What was Joan Esmillo doing?

no se recordarà

will not be remembered

el pressupost

the budget

i poc més

and a little more

i en els episodis de ràdio

and in the radio episodes

donaven alguna ressenyeta

they gave some little notes

de pilota

of the ball

alguna columna

some column

el tio Bauset

Uncle Bauset

el Bauset feia

the Bauset was doing



durava alguna cosa

it lasted something



sí però no hi havia

yes but there wasn't

no hi havia massa

there wasn't much

i és que la feina

and it's that the work

la fem per voluntat

we do it out of will

perquè no era perquè

because it wasn't because

el director dia

the day director

o el cap de relació

or the head of relationship

dia anem a fer pilota

Today we are going to play ball.

anem a ficar

let's go to put

no sóc de pilota

I am not a ball player.

vinga va a ficar

come on, go ahead

no sóc de pilota

I am not a football (soccer) fan.

però no era

but it wasn't

i jo vaig ser

and I was

cap d'esports

head of sports

en la cadena

in the chain



i vaig fitxar

I checked in.

Alberto Soldado

Alberto Soldier

vingué a la ràdio

he came to the radio

a dir-me

to tell me

jo podia fer informació

I could provide information.

i escrivia alguna cosa

and I was writing something

en el diari

in the newspaper

el diari Levante

the Levante newspaper

i escrivia ell

and he wrote

i jo dic

and I say

com que no

of course not

i el vaig fitxar

and I signed him up



i quan arribàrem

and when we arrived

a la Canal 9

to Canal 9



José Luis Alessandre

José Luis Alessandre

que era el cap d'esports

that he was the head of sports

que havia sigut

that had been

cap de redactor



of sports



en el diari Levante

in the newspaper Levante

jo col·laborava amb ell

I collaborated with him.

jo col·laborava amb la ràdio

I was collaborating with the radio.


let's say



hi ha que fer les partides

the matches have to be played

hi ha que donar con ell

there is a need to get in touch with him

les partides

the games

de pilota

of ball

a tota la comunitat

to the entire community

i ho hem de fer

and we have to do it

a través de Canal 9

through Channel 9

i és que Canal 9

and it is that Canal 9

per a mi ha sigut

for me it has been

el vot definitiu

the final vote

perquè la gent

because people

la gent que no coneixia

the people I didn't know

el trinquet

the court

jo he d'insistir

I have to insist.

la gent que no coneixia

the people I didn't know

ja anava a conèixer

I was about to meet.

el que era un trinquet

what was a trinquet

i les diferents modalitats

and the different modalities

però igual que fem

but just like we do

escala i corda

ladder and rope

fem raspall

let's brush

fem llargues

we make long ones


let's do it

fem de tot

we do everything

és a dir

that is to say

i la tendència

and the trend

ho ha de conèixer

he must know it

tot això

all this

ja l'ha introduït

he has already introduced it



ell no contava

he did not count

sols la final

only the final

això ja ho hem dit

we have already said this

completaven el trio

they completed the trio

Alberto Soldado

Alberto Soldier

i Vicenta Mayo

and Vicenta Mayo

que vinguen els bombers

that the firefighters come

que vinguen

let them come

els de la Creu Roja

the Red Cross people

que vinguen tots

let them all come

crec que són

I think they are

els moments més forts

the strongest moments

de la pilota valenciana

of Valencian ball

des que estem fent

since we are doing



els moments més emotius

the most emotional moments



no es pot demanar més

you can't ask for more

estem sentint

we are feeling

tres pioners

three pioneers

de la pilota valenciana

of the Valencian ball

Alberto plorava

Alberto was crying.

i se dia com un xiquet

I feel like a kid.


ara sentirem

now we will hear

ara sentirem plorar

now we will hear crying

Alberto plorava

Alberto was crying.

com un xiquet i se dia

like a child and his day

com eren aquelles primeres narracions

What were those first narratives like?



com vos repartiu els rols

How do you distribute the roles?

sí mira

yes, look

entrava en cap d'un cambolia

entered into the head of a cambolia

ahir no havia

yesterday there wasn't

no havia un guió establit

there was no established script

ni molt menys

not at all

jo estava

I was



sempre la corda

always the rope



jo entrevistava

I was interviewing

els que travessaven

those who were crossing

alguna miqueta

a little bit

si anaven a travessar o no

whether they were going to cross or not

els feridors

the wounds

la gent

the people

una miqueta

a little bit

que estava a prop de la corda

that was near the rope

ells s'encarregaven

they took care

més de la narració

more of the narration

però de repente

but suddenly

jo me colava

I used to sneak in.

a la narració

to the narration

o ells me preguntaven

or they would ask me

i jo no estava atent

and I wasn't paying attention

ni se momem

neither do we move


they were in charge

més de tres

more than three

normalment anaven

usually they went

o soldado i taballo

the soldier and work

o taballo i jo

or work and I

o anaven dos

or there were two

però això al final

but this in the end

era especial

it was special

el taballo

the work

tenia un caballó

I had a horse.

que estava a Montecart

that was in Montecart

un gran amic

a great friend

que faltava en un accident

what was missing in an accident

i jo era un gran aficionat

And I was a great enthusiast.

a la pilota també

to the ball too

a nosaltres

to us

en la tele

on the TV

ni érem periodistes

neither were we journalists

ni érem redactors

neither were we editors


we were

afirmats a la pilota

affirmed to the ball

que és el que ha sigut

what has been

des de xiquet

since childhood

i ho ha fet

and it has been done

i en Catxue

and in Catxue

i s'ha fet

and has been done

i que li pegue

and let him hit it

doncs quan vols

so when do you want?

que ve una partida

that a game is coming



jo ja he fet el Paco

I have already done the Paco.

jo he fet

I have done.

ja la cordeta

the little cord


hide them

i s'ha acabat

it is finished

ja uñate

already you nail



i jo dos

and me two

me ho pensé ara

I thought about it now.

sí va

yes it goes

pensate igual

think the same

a les imatges de la partida

to the images of the game

per cert

by the way

està en Youtube

it's on YouTube

els nous aficionats

the new fans

poden veure la partida

they can see the match

sencera a internet

whole on the internet

a les imatges

to the images

veiem les càmeres

we see the cameras

cobrint diferents angles

covering different angles

de la partida

of the game

d'aquella partida

from that game

del 9 de juliol

from July 9

de 1995

from 1995

però Paco

but Paco

què era el més complicat

What was the most complicated?

de contar

of counting

d'una partida de pilota

of a ball game

de transmetre

to transmit


to teach

el més complicat

the most complicated

era ensenyar a la gent

it was to teach people

com se feia un 15

how it was done a 15

com se comptabilisaven

how they were accounted for

els 15

the 15

quan s'acabava

when it was ending

un xoc

a shock

o no s'acabava un xoc

or a crash didn't end

és que la majoria

it's that the majority

no tenia ni idea

I had no idea.

la majoria dels espectadors

the majority of the spectators

que veien

what they saw

una partida de pilota

a game of ball

per la tele

on TV

havia d'explicar-li

I had to explain it to him/her.



pas a pas

step by step

i per desgràcia

and unfortunately

la comparaven sempre

They always compared her.

per el tècnic

for the technician

que no volien

that they did not want

però ja havia de comparar-lo

but I had to compare it

d'alguna manera

in some way

però era així

but it was like this

la primera que ensenyar

the first to teach

i després

and then

la dificultat

the difficulty

tenia el realitzador

I had the director.

perquè havia de

because I had to

punxar la càmera

poke the camera

a veure qui li està

let's see who is with him/her

pegant a la pilota

hitting the ball

al pelotari

to the player

en un individual

in a single room

per exemple

for example

com s'ha fet aquesta setmana

how has this week gone

n'hi ha un pelotari

there is a pelotari

en cada banda

on each side

és més fàcil

it's easier

però buscar un trio

but looking for a trio

els realitzadors

the filmmakers

també s'acostumen

they also get used to

a aquest tipus de partides

to this type of matches

futbol és un camp gran

football is a big field

un ambol

an ambol

o un bàsquet

or a basketball

tenen facilitats

they have facilities

però la pilota

but the ball

va més ràpida

it goes faster

que el vent

that the wind

i has d'intentar

You have to try.

que la gent

that the people

que està mirant-la

that is looking at her

veja com funcionava

see how it worked

com discorreix

how it unfolds

una partida

a game

ahir va ser

yesterday was

la dificultat més gran

the greatest difficulty

i nosaltres

and we

sobre la marxa

on the go

ja a les poques partides

already in the few matches

que duiem

that we were carrying

ja era

it was already

carrer, carrer

street, street



toca recordar

it is time to remember

en concret

in particular

aquesta partida

this match

en aquesta narració

in this narration

n'hi ha alguns comentaris

there are some comments

alguns fragments

some fragments

que formen part

that are part

de la memòria audiovisual

of the audiovisual memory

de la pilota

of the ball

i de la nostra cultura

and of our culture

es produeixen quasi tots

they are produced almost all

quan l'Álvaro

when Álvaro

té uns 55

he's about 55

a 45

to 45

a favor

in favor

i Paco

and Paco

en este cas cabanes

in this case cabins

comença a capgirar

it starts to turn upside down

el seu destí

his/her destiny

anem a submergir-nos

let's dive in

en eixos instants

in those moments

i ara has atombat

and now you have bombed



en l'escala

on the scale

a descansar

to rest

i mentre

and meanwhile

així tenim una imatge

thus we have an image

a veure

let's see

ahir està

Yesterday is.

el Xenovés

the Xenovés

està fent una miqueta

it's doing a little bit

de gimnàsia

of gymnastics



Paco us diu

Paco tells you.

que està fent

what is he/she/it doing

una miqueta

a little bit

de gimnàsia

of gymnastics

a les hores

at the hours

el que estava fent

what I was doing

la debilitat

the weakness

era Álvaro

It was Álvaro.

que estava

that was

pegant bots

hitting jumps

allà a l'altura

up there

del nou

of the new

la partida

the game

està a 45-55

it is at 45-55

per Álvaro

for Álvaro

i entre punt i punt

and between point and point

el Xenovés

the Xenovés

tracta de relaxar-se

it is about relaxing



soltant les cames

letting the legs go

sembla que passava

it seems that it was happening

molt de temps

a long time

entre quinces

between quinces

això beneficiava

this benefited

algun dels dos

either of the two



jo estava

I was

morint bé

dying well

no ho sé

I don't know.

un moment

one moment

no crec que

I don't think that

es fes

it was done

fer calor

to be hot

i el DNI

and the ID card

també pesa

also weighs

jo crec que

I believe that

vaig a plegar

I'm going to quit.

a fer

to do

el justeter

the jester

estava tens

I was tense.





a mi

to me

un estat

a state



no crec que

I don't think that



molt llarg

very long



jo el necessitava

I needed him.



aquestes cames

these legs

tenia una

I had a



i l'hidro

and the hydro



tenia que treballar

I had to work.

i ja he sabut

and I have already known

a partir d'aquest punt

from this point onwards

Paco comença a remuntar

Paco starts to recover.

i igual

and the same

a 50%

at 50%

a la partida

to the game

abans del joc decisiu

before the decisive game

per cert

by the way

els dos protagonistes

the two protagonists

es creuen

they believe

baix la corda

under the rope

quinze per al Genovès

fifteen for the Genoese

igualen a 55

they equal 55

no es pot demanar més

you can't ask for more

és impressionant

it is impressive

i ara

and now

el Genovès

the Genoese

que li ha tocat

that has touched him/her

el cap a Álvaro

the head to Álvaro

el Genovès

the Genoese

li ha tocat

it has touched him/her

el cap a Álvaro

the head to Álvaro

i això

and this

se cau a terra

falls to the ground

el Genovès

the Genoese

passa la seva mà

he passes his hand

per damunt


del cap d'Àlvaro

from Álvaro's head

un gest

a gesture

que és

what is it



de diferents maneres

in different ways

Paco Cabanes

Paco Cabanes

per a tu

for you

sembla que és un gest

it seems to be a gesture

de complicitat

of complicity



el més cordial

the most cordial

i el més

and the most



i respetuós

and respectful

va ser la meva intenció

it was my intention



mirava els ulls

I was looking at the eyes.



va catxar el cap

he hit his head

i jo

and I



el vaig saludar

I greeted him.



no cola en la mà

no straw in hand

que diu aquell

what does that one say

els comentaristes

the commentators

en canvi

on the other hand

com recorden

as they remember

un documental posterior

a later documentary

Alberto Soldado

Alberto Soldier

es va semblar

it seemed

un gest

a gesture


of self-affirmation

del Genovès

from Genoa

que li deia al rival

what he was telling the opponent

bona partida

good game



el rei

the king

encara sóc jo

I am still me.

Paco Nadal

Paco Nadal

vos va semblar això

did this seem to you?

jo no

not me

jo m'he aclinat més

I have leaned more.

per lo que diu Paco

for what Paco says

ara una vegada

now once upon a time

allà en el trinquet

over there in the trinquet

també comprenc

I also understand.

Alberto lo que va dir

What Alberto said.




come over

perquè ja

because already

tinc una altra

I have another one.

que us he mort

that you have died

has tingut

you have had



no m'has banyat

you haven't bathed me



ja és lo que te toca

it's what you deserve

sufrir una miqueta

suffer a little bit

però vamos

but come on

jo crec

I believe.

que és un gest

what is a gesture

con la gent

with the people



un gest

a gesture



de complicitat

of complicity



i hasta

and until

me va voler quedar un xoc

he wanted to leave me in shock

que me puc acabar d'ell

What can I finish from him?

pocs segons després

few seconds later


of this



es produeix

it occurs

una situació

a situation



a la pilota

to the ball



del públic

of the audience

per als dos pilotaris

for the two pilots

espectacle perfecte

perfect show

55 a 55

55 to 55

i el públic

and the audience

està cridant

is shouting



sí senyor

yes sir

el públic

the audience

mai ho hem vist

we have never seen it

en una final

in a final

el públic

the audience



i Paco

and Paco

corresponent al públic

corresponding to the public



els mateixos ànims

the same spirits

està plorant

is crying


tots estem plorant

we are all crying

Estaves plorant, Paco

You were crying, Paco.

No era així llàgrimes

It wasn't like that, tears.

jo plorava

I was crying.

van així

they go like this

no us puc llançar

I can't throw you.

per dos files

for two rows

per llàgrim

for tear

i per l'arradiu

and for the radius

Van començar a acoreixar-te

They started to accuse you.

i jo voldria saber

and I would like to know

si havíeu viscut

if you had lived

una situació pareguda

a similar situation

a un trinquet

to a trinquet

Jo no

Not me.

jo la primera volta

I the first time

que vas viure

what you lived

en una situació xina

in a Chinese situation

i a més no en tenia

and moreover I didn't have any.

i aleshores

and then

després es queixava

then he/she complained

si no en eix moment

if not at that moment

jo per la tele

me on the TV

ja vaig treure altres

I already took out others.



la primera volta

the first round

que vas viure

what you lived

lamentava una miqueta

I was a little regretful.

que en el públic

that in the audience

estigués tot el trinquet

the entire trinquet was

bolcat en Paco

poured into Paco

i en excepció

and in exception

dels que vingueren

of those who came

de quart de les baix

of quarter of the lower

que són

what are they

per això de Faura

for that of Faura

que són els de Faura

who are the ones from Faura



els de Faura

those from Faura

primer anomenaven Álvaro

first they called Álvaro

però la majoria

but the majority

estava en Paco

It was Paco.

i això

and this

doncs Álvaro

well Álvaro

també ho notava

I also noticed it.

d'alguna manera


però aixina

but like this

és que

it is that

la figura que era

the figure that it was

en eix moment

at that moment

era Paco

it was Paco

ell va ser

he was

la gran figura

the great figure



durant molts anys

for many years

i ahí està Álvaro

And there is Álvaro.



jo crec que a partir d'àlvaro

I believe that starting from Álvaro

no la guanya

doesn't win it

perquè no

why not

dins del seu interior

inside of itself



no sé si heu vist la pregunta

I don't know if you have seen the question.

la teniu preparada o no

Do you have it ready or not?

que ell no li va guanyar

that he did not win it for her

el mito

the myth

que ell té el mito davant

that he has the myth in front

i que té l'oportunitat

and has the opportunity

perquè té

because it has

té moments de bo de braç

has good moments of strength

té pilotes molt clares

has very light balls

per fer el 15

to make the 15

i no remata

and I don't finish it

i no remata la feina

and does not finish the work

era un poc el destí

it was a bit of destiny

i quan

and when

i quan tu

and when you



els 18 esports

the 18 sports

esports passen el mateix

esports are the same

quan tens l'oportunitat

when you have the opportunity

de finiquitar

of finalizing

no finiquites

no severance payments

i és molt difícil

and it's very difficult


to finish

en qualsevol esport

in any sport

és molt complicat

it's very complicated


to finish

i més

and more

estos individuals

these individuals

individuals encara més

individuals even more

que grup

what a group

de fet

in fact

el deixen ja

they leave him now

Paco ja

Paco already

ja el coneguem

we already know him

però abans que es produísca

but before it occurs

tu mateix


Paco Nadal

Paco Nadal

agafes aire

you take a breath

i subratlles

and underlines

la transcendència

the transcendence

d'aquest moment

of this moment

quina final

what a final

aquesta és la millor

this is the best

de totes

of all

però en diferència

but in contrast

en diferència

in difference

la millor final

the best final

de totes les que s'han jugat

of all those that have been played

de les 10 edicions

of the 10 editions

hi ha un 15 de nou

there is a new 15

per a la glòria

for the glory

per a Paco

for Paco

que van el pastor

that goes the shepherd

una pregunta senzilla

a simple question

continua sent

continues being

la millor partida

the best game

que s'ha viscut mai

that has ever been lived

jo ja ho he dit abans

I have already said it before.

si no és la millor

if it's not the best

la millor

the best

la més emocionant

the most exciting



que antes no m'he dit

that I didn't say before


the adjective

la més emocionant

the most exciting

és el capdut

it's the headduck



si és la més emocionant

if it is the most exciting

també té que tenir

it also has to have

alguna cosa


per ser la millor

to be the best

ahí Paco

there Paco

tragué el seu manual

he took out his manual

en el moment del claus

at the moment of the closure

tragué el manual

he took out the manual

sabía que

I knew that

que Álvaro

that Álvaro

en la derecha

on the right

no li anava massa

it didn't suit him/her much

perquè era surdonato

because he was deaf-mute



después la neta

after the cleaning

la va

she goes

afilar una migueta

sharpen a little bit



y entonces

and then

me emprendí

I embarked.

a jugar de la derecha

to play from the right

me emprendí

I embarked.

tragué el manual

he took out the manual

de supercampió

of super champion

que ha segut Paco

what has Paco been



la vida




no hi haurà

there will be no

altre pelotari

another player

tan complet

so complete

ja poden parir

they can give birth now

mares pelotaris

baller moms

que no en parir

that not in childbirth

un altre com este

another one like this

que tingues una migueta

may you have a little bit

i és aixina

And it is like that.

és que és de veres

it's just that it's true

no hi ha que rendir-se

there is no need to give up


the evidence

és aixina

it is like this

i tragué el manual

and took out the manual

i Álvaro

and Álvaro



que era molt difícil

that it was very difficult

que li guanyara

that he/she will win it

se'n vingui avall

come down

i ja està

And that's it.

no hi ha més

there is no more

jo crec que és el resum

I think this is the summary.

de la partida

from the game

Paco va ser la millor?

Was Paco the best?





jo veig que

I see that

lo millor

the best

lo que desacaba Paco

what Paco was ending



el motiu

the reason



el dia concret

the specific day



que acaba

that ends

va haver qualitat

there was quality

i bueno

and good







la fa

she does it

que es transforme

that it transforms



la millor impossible

the best impossible



en els anys

in the years



que he jugat

that I have played

jo crec que

I believe that



entra tot

everything enters

dins de la lògica

within the logic

ara per mi

now for me



la que més valori

the one I value the most



i comprenc

I understand.



seria la millor

it would be the best



de cara a aquesta tensió

in light of this tension

a aquesta emoció

to this emotion

i això

and this

55 per 45

55 out of 45

que en contra

that against

la millor partida final

the best final match

que ha de jugar

who has to play

més a pilota

more to the ball

que ha de jugar molt més a pilota

he needs to play a lot more ball

no sabem

we don't know

no sabem si va a ser la millor o no

we don't know if it was the best or not



va ser un gran dia

It was a great day.

gràcies al Genovés

thanks to the Genovese

i Álvaro

and Álvaro

per construir un monument

to build a monument

a la pilota

to the ball

però també gràcies a tot l'equip

but also thanks to the whole team

d'aquella televisió valenciana

of that Valencian television

que acabava de nàixer

that had just been born

per contribuir

to contribute

que fora

that it was

la partida eterna

the eternal game

i gràcies

and thank you

Paco Nadal

Paco Nadal

per ajudar-nos

to help us

a reunir-nos

to meet us

a recuperar

to recover

aquell dia

that day

a vosaltres

to you (plural)

gràcies a vosaltres

thank you to you

jo agraïm també

I also thank.





hem sigut feliços

we have been happy

aquesta estona

this moment

sí Pedro

yes Pedro

però no podem estalviar-nos

but we cannot save ourselves

a nosaltres


i al nostre públic

and to our audience

un últim fragment

a final fragment

quan diuen

when they say

que hi ha moments

that there are moments

que no es poden explicar

that cannot be explained

en paraules

in words

no és del tot cert

it's not entirely true

l'extasi final

the final ecstasy

d'aquella partida

from that game

va ser descrit

it was described

amb aquestes paraules

with these words

ara silenci

now silence



i al cap

and at the end

del mig

from the middle







Un instant en Paco Cabanes

A moment in Paco Cabanes

és suficient

it is enough

per a recordar

to remember

la nostra sort i la nostra raó de ser.

our luck and our reason for being.

La travessa va anar a ser per a celebrar

The crossing was meant to celebrate.

la pilota. Ara, mentre suren

the ball. Now, as they float

els ecos de tots els que heu participat

the echoes of all of you who have participated

en la festa, podem dir que ho hem passat

at the party, we can say that we had a great time

bé, ho hem passat molt bé.

Well, we had a great time.

Gràcies per vindre i recordeu,

Thank you for coming and remember,

sempre queda una partida per jugar en els trinquets

there's always a game left to play in the trinquets

que somiem. Fins pronte. Salut

that we dream. See you soon. Cheers

i pilota.

and the ball.

Fins demà.

See you tomorrow.

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