Capítol 1: Una xica tan neta

À Punt Mèdia


Capítol 1: Una xica tan neta


Vas a escoltar la ficció sonora Júlia,

You are going to listen to the audio fiction Julia,

adaptació de Gemma Miralles i Miquel Pedro,

adaptation by Gemma Miralles and Miquel Pedro,

de la novel·la homònima d'Isabel Clara Simó.

from the homonymous novel by Isabel Clara Simó.

Un viatge a la revolució del petroli del coi,

A trip to the oil revolution of the heck,

un moment històric en la nostra cultura.

a historic moment in our culture.

Capítol 1. Una xica tan neta.

Chapter 1. A girl so clean.

Capítol 2. Una xica tan neta.

Chapter 2. A girl so clean.

De fusta treballada.

Carved wood.

La llum era escassa a les 7 del matí,

The light was scarce at 7 in the morning,

encara que fora primavera,

even though it was spring,

però tan matinet la fresqueta entrava per sota la porta

but so early the chill was coming in under the door

i pels badalls de la finestra

and for the yawns of the window

al primer pis del número 13 del carrer Sant Francesc.

on the first floor of number 13 on Sant Francesc street.

Va al serer rinxols de tos cap amunt

Go to the serer curls of all heads up.

i els va anar fixant amb els ganxos del moño.

And he fastened them with the hairpin hooks.

El collet blanc de cretona tenia les vores gastades

The white cretonne collar had worn edges.

de tanta planxa i tant de lleixiu,

from so much ironing and so much bleach,

però així de lluny...

but from this far away...

Júlia pensava en la senyora Cecília, la dona de l'amo,

Julia was thinking about Mrs. Cecilia, the owner's wife,

que portava unes faldes tan amples

that wore such wide skirts

que no podia traspassar la porta de la fàbrica

that could not cross the factory door

oberta a dues fulles, sinó es posava de costat.

open on two leaves, otherwise it would lay sideways.

I amb la capa de vellut que tenia un collàs folgat

And with the velvet cape that had a tight collar.

com si no saberen què fer-ne de tanta tela sobrera.

as if they didn't know what to do with so much leftover fabric.

Però ella feia un rinxols més espesos

But she made thicker curls.

i un castany brillant i vermellós

and a shiny reddish chestnut

i la cintura prima i les cuixes de seda fina

and the slim waist and the fine silk thighs

que deia la senyora Cecília.

that said Mrs. Cecília.

I la mare, que les acariciava els domenges

And the mother, who used to pet them on Sundays.

quan la despertava a les dotze

when I woke her up at twelve

i li feia cosconelles com si fos una xiqueta.

and he would tickle her as if she were a little girl.

Va mirar desconsolada les espardenyes

She looked hopelessly at the espadrilles.

que ja no tenien adobador

that they no longer had a tanner

i la brutícia que les amarava

and the dirt that soaked them

de l'espart de la sola a la tela cimera.

from the esparto grass of the sole to the upper cloth.

I les cintes, hornades de nusos tan trencades,

And the ribbons, baked with such broken knots,

reposaven paral·leles a sota del llit.

They rested parallel to each other under the bed.

La mare, que entossejava a la cuina.

The mother, who was coughing in the kitchen.

I n'escalona llarga del port al fins al primer...

And in the long staircase from the port to the first...

Va descansar els peus sobre les rajoles,

He rested his feet on the tiles,

fredes com el marbre.

cold as marble.

I d'una corredissa es va ficar a la cambra de la mare.

And in a hurry, she entered her mother's room.

La porta de l'armari de lluna va fer un renou de grinyols

The door of the moon closet made a creaking noise.

com una barcassa que bufa llevant.

like a barge that blows eastward.

Però la mare, entre que sordejava i cantava, va continuar.

But the mother, between being half-deaf and singing, continued.

I va trobar les calces de cotó blanc

He found the white cotton panties.

sargides pel taló i la puntera,

stitched at the heel and the toe,

però noves fins la cuixa.

but new up to the thigh.

Es va posar també els lligacames

She also put on the garters.

que li venien massa amplis.

that were too loose for him.

De nou a la seva cambra

Back to her room.

es va posar una agulla d'agafa en cada lligacama

She put a safety pin on each garter.

per sostindre-les.

to sustain them.

I es va calçar les botes dels dies de festa.

And she put on her party boots.

Va recordar, però,

He remembered, however,

que la del peu dret tenia el taló balder.

that the right foot had the heel worn out.

Així que, colp a colp,

So, blow by blow,

el va anar rebland

he softened it

contra el pal del capçal del llit.

against the bed headboard.

El va fixar malament,

He looked at him wrong.

però aguantava.

but he/she held on.

Va mirar cap avall,

He looked down,

les faldilles una miqueta alçades per veure's els peus.

the skirts a little lifted to see the feet.

Després va tancar els ulls.

Then he/she closed his/her eyes.

Va prendre aire,

He took a breath,

i es va posar les mans a les anques.

and she put her hands on her hips.



es va veure amb un brial

he was seen with a waistcoat

que feia les faldilles tan amples

that made the skirts so wide

com la porta de la fàbrica,

like the factory door,

i un vestit que, en comptes de gris i sarjà,

and a dress that, instead of gray and twill,

era de vellut vermell,

it was made of red velvet,

fosc i clar,

dark and light,

com si fes aigües.

as if it were leaking.

I les puntes del brial

And the ends of the bodice.

traurien un resplendor de blanc

they would shine with a white glow

que esclatant a sota els plecs del capdavall.

that bursts beneath the folds of the bottom.

Ai, un barret?

Oh, a hat?

No, massa jove.

No, too young.

I fa dir?

What does it mean?

Quina faria d'onassa s'hi emportarà?

Which one would the she-bear take with her?

Pot ser un velet?

Can it be a whistle?

No, massa tapet, que es veren els ulls.

No, too much carpet, it shows the eyes.

I les obreres?

And the female workers?

Bon dia, senyora Júlia.

Good morning, Mrs. Júlia.

Ai, ai, ai,

Oh, oh, oh,

no s'acoste, que es pot embrutar.

Don't get too close, it might get dirty.

Servidora, avisarà el senyoret.

I will inform the gentleman.



Mira la llet, que no se nisca!

Watch the milk, don't let it spill!

Jo vaig a drenar el carrer!

I am going to drain the street!

Però les mans encara a les anques,

But the hands still on the hips,

i el cervell,

and the brain,

entervolit de somnis,

entangled in dreams,

va esperar que la porta petara.

He waited for the door to knock.

I vaig ir de la cambra.

I went out of the room.

Que se n'hi ciria la llet!

What would become of the milk!

N'hi havia un mare sobre els foguers!

There was a mother over the fires!

Va apartar el perol del foc,

He removed the pot from the fire,

amb un drap, per no cremar-se,

with a cloth, so as not to burn oneself,

i va recollir tot el suc blanc,

and gathered all the white juice,

ardent, que va poder

ardent, who was able

arreplegar amb una valleta.

gather with a little shovel.

Ai, ai, ai, ai!

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

A la taula, que ja no tenia potes,

At the table, which no longer had legs,

primes, con fils de tant refregades,

primes, like threads of so much rubbing,

l'esmorzar de la mare.

the mother's breakfast.

El va mirar amb fàstic.

He looked at him with disgust.

Amb quatre grans de sal

With four grains of salt.

i un regim de vinagre.

and a vinegar regime.

I una arengada que empodeïa la cuina.

And a herring that empowered the kitchen.

Un rosegó de pa.

A bite of bread.

I mig got de vi d'aquell aspre.

And half a glass of that harsh wine.

Que roi!

How annoying!

Va baixar el tassó de l'armari.

He took the cup down from the cupboard.

Va estirar el calaix de la taula

He pulled out the drawer of the table.

i en va treure un altre

and took out another one

rosegó de pa.

bread crust.

El va anar esbocinant a dins la llet,

He was tearing it inside the milk.

bufant i bufant.

blowing and blowing.



Que ho és, Domenge?

What is it, Domenge?

No l'havia sentida.

I hadn't heard it.

La llet se n'ha eixit una altra volta.

The milk has spilled again.

He eixugat els foguers,

He extinguished the fires,

no massa perquè em cremava.

not too much because it was burning me.

I les meues calces? I les botetes?

And my panties? And the little shoes?

És que et creus que duraran tota la vida

Do you really think they will last a lifetime?

si les portes cada dia?

Do you wear them every day?

I quan s'hagin trencat, què?

And when they have broken, what?

Ai! Re, conyó!

Oh! Damn it!

Eres la xica més rara que he vist en la vida.

You are the weirdest girl I have ever seen in my life.

M'ha fet il·lusió.

It has delighted me.

I el breal? Què et posaràs el diumenge?

And the bracelet? What will you wear on Sunday?

Aniré amb compte.

I will be careful.

A la fàbrica?

To the factory?

O a casa Coloms?

Or at Coloms' house?

Allà tinc un davantal.

There I have an apron.

I no li traspassa el greix, veritat?

And it doesn't transfer the fat, right?

I si vas una miqueta espai?

And if you go a little bit slow?

No m'he empastifat mai. Que li ho digui a Glòria.

I have never gotten dirty. Let Gloria know.

A Glòria? Deixa-la tranquil·la,

Leave Glòria alone.

que ningú no l'ha cridada.

that no one has called her.

No és cap mal voler ser una xica neta.

It's not a bad thing to want to be a clean girl.

Neta és una cosa.

Neta is one thing.

I mudada, com si fos a festa,

I dressed up, as if it were a party,

és una altra cosa.

it's another thing.

Jo sordetxe, Júlia,

I deaf, Júlia,

però tinc uns ulls

but I have some eyes

que no se m'escapa res.

nothing gets past me.

Esmorzar amb mare? Quan jo ho diga.

Breakfast with mom? When I say so.

Pues que ya no manejo en esta casa.

Well, I no longer manage in this house.

No ho dic per manar jo, sinó perquè

I don't say it to command you, but because

farem tard si no ens afanyem.

We'll be late if we don't hurry.

La mare va remugar tot l'esmorzar.

The mother grumbled throughout breakfast.

Mastegava més

I chewed more.

amb les genives que amb les dents,

with the gums than with the teeth,

perquè tenia la mala sort

because I had bad luck

que li faltaven de baix els de l'esquerra.

that they were missing from below the left ones.

Així, doncs,

Thus, then,

ni a un costat ni a un altre

neither one side nor the other

podia mastegar.

I could chew.



agafava el bol amb les puntetes desdits

I took the bowl with the tips of my fingers.

i feia glopets curts,

and took short sips,

sense soroll, com fan les senyoretes.

without noise, as the ladies do.

No s'eixugava els llavis

She didn't wipe her lips.

més que amb el drap de cuina.

more than with the kitchen cloth.

I si mai no tenia mocs,

And if I never had a cold,

acuitava de treure un mocadoret

I was hurrying to take out a handkerchief.

net com un núvol de cel d'estiu

clean as a summer sky cloud

de la boca màniga.

from the mouth of the sleeve.

I si li venia la tos,

And if he/she got a cough,

un badall o un estornut,

a yawn or a sneeze,

posava la mà davant la boca.

I put my hand in front of my mouth.

Sense trencar un ou,

Without breaking an egg,

com li deien a la fàbrica.

what they called him at the factory.

No t'ho faré llevar,

I won’t make you take it off.

perquè prou t'ho trobaràs per Sant Jordi

because you'll find it in Sant Jordi

que ho tindràs tot rebregat.

that you will have it all crumpled.

Però a la nit ho vull llet, eh?

But at night I want milk, okay?

Així que cansada o no,

So tired or not,

a la pica a fregar brials, calces i botes.

in the sink to wash drawers, panties, and boots.

I si se't trenca un sol fil,

And if a single thread breaks,

per Sant Jordi

for Saint George's Day

em portes unes calces noves,

you bring me some new panties,

que jo no aniré a descalçar.

that I will not go barefoot.

Sí, mare.

Yes, mother.

Ni mare ni pare.

Neither mother nor father.

Tu a callar, gòvid.

You be quiet, idiot.

Que els 18 anys no són anys de criatura,

That 18 years are not childhood years,

sinó de dona feta.

but rather of a made woman.

I havies nascut tu quan jo en tenia 18.

You were born when I was 18.

Bé, que em vull la llet cada matí, mare.

Well, I want milk every morning, mother.

Sí, com si fossis una xiqueta.

Yes, as if you were a little girl.

Però casa't.

But get married.

Casa't i veuràs que el vull la llet.

Get married and you'll see that I want the milk.

No se'n fa de mare, que ho portaré tan net

Don't worry about mother, I'll keep it so clean.

com si haguera eixit de casa

as if he had just left home

i ho deixaré com ho he agafat.

And I will leave it as I have taken it.

Però la llet al matí és bona per a la panxa.

But milk in the morning is good for the stomach.

Que bé que ho va dir el metge

How well the doctor said it.

quan vaig patir les febres.

when I suffered from the fevers.

Vicenta va tancar els ulls un instant

Vicenta closed her eyes for a moment.

i va negar amb el cap

and shook his head

en un gest de fatiga

in a gesture of fatigue

i de no voler discutir més.

and not wanting to argue anymore.

Ho negava per ho negar.

I denied it for the sake of denying it.

La filla llepafils

The sticky-fingered daughter

de mira'm i no em toques

look at me and don't touch me

és l'enveja de les altres mares.

She is the envy of the other mothers.

Arriben tan cansades a casa

They arrive home so tired.

que no les fan rentar

that they don't make them wash

ni els renecs dels homes,

nor the curses of men,

que és una cosa que no es pot suportar.

that is something that cannot be tolerated.

Anem, mare!

Let's go, mom!

Jo ja estic al carrer!

I'm already on the street!

Van baixar la costera.

They went down the slope.

No t'entretingues,

Don't get distracted,

que ara el dia és llarg

that now the day is long

i hi ha molt de mussol a les 9 de la nit.

And there are a lot of owls at 9 in the evening.

No gaste lleixiu,

Don't waste bleach,

que no se li curaran les mans.

that his hands will not heal.

Posa sabó!

Put soap!

I si els senyors protesten?

And what if the gentlemen protest?

Els tira el mal d'ull!

They cast the evil eye on him/her!

Amb el pas lleuger

With the light step

es podia arribar en mitja hora a la fàbrica.

It could be reached in half an hour to the factory.

I la primavera era una mitja hora que enamorava.

And spring was half an hour that enchanted.

De tants refilets de pardals

From so many chirps of sparrows

i de tantes llums de coloraines

and of so many colorful lights

a baix de la vista.

below the sight.

Júlia portava amb precaució

Julia was carrying carefully.

les faldes i el brial un poc arromangat

the skirts and the slightly rumpled bodice

per no arrossegar el terra

to avoid dragging the floor

es humida i deixa unes taques

it is damp and leaves some stains

de deixar-se els dits fregant.

from rubbing your fingers.

Sóc una dama

I am a lady.

que va d'excursió.

going on an excursion.



Que s'ha perdut en una excursió!

That has gotten lost on a trip!

Va travessar el pont de Bargell.

He crossed the Bargell bridge.

Ara arriba el Casalici.

Now the Casalici arrives.

Les fadrines

The maidens

m'han preparat catifes de flors

They have prepared flower carpets for me.

per arrebrem.

to take away.

Quan es va lligar el davantal

When the apron was tied.

ja sorollaven les màquines.

the machines were already making noise.

Esta mera nova

This mere new one.

que portava glòria,

that brought glory,

no la va mancar de dol.

she did not lack sorrow.

Quan l'encarregat va fer la primera ronda

When the manager made the first round.

Júlia feia anar el teler

Julia was operating the loom.

a tota màquina.

at full speed.

Júlia alentia ara i adés

Júlia was encouraging now and then.

l'esta mera vella

the old lady

i s'eixugava amb draps les manetes.

and he/she was drying his/her little hands with cloths.

El suc, però, es ficava

The juice, however, was getting in.

des les ungles. Ni draps ni sosa

from the nails. Neither cloths nor soda

no les borraven.

they didn't erase them.

I ella tractava d'impedir-ho.

She was trying to prevent it.

Alentia però no parava

She encouraged but did not stop.

perquè Rafael l'hauria abonegada.

because Rafael would have disowned her.

Vicenta, la pigada,

Vicenta, the little pig,

al front per front de Júlia,

at the front for Julia's front,

alçava els ullets i el nas pigat

raised his little eyes and his freckled nose

per fer una llambregada

to take a glance

a la veïna.

to the neighbor.

Avui tampoc es tacarà

Today it won't be stained either.

encara que la tinc gaudiosa.

although I have it enjoyable.

Olor a la fortor del greix, Júlia.

Smell of rancid fat, Júlia.

Que no pises ahí

Don't step there.

que per això està al pati.

that is why he is in the yard.

No poden ser més porques

They cannot be more filthy.

filles de la gran mare.

daughters of the great mother.

Otilia, dona,

Otilia, woman,

que no veus que la tua filla torna a estar descalça

Don't you see that your daughter is barefoot again?

i puc més que el formatge francès?

Can I do more than French cheese?

Ai, ai,

Oh, oh,

me cago en to. Ai, ai, ai.

I shit on everything. Oh, oh, oh.

No pareu les màquines, adeu. No les pareu, gandules.

Don't stop the machines, goodbye. Don't stop them, slackers.

Maldita suerte tengo, Dios.

I have such bad luck, God.

Ai, ai, ai, ai. Va, a la farmaciola.

Oh, oh, oh, oh. Come on, to the first aid kit.

Vinga, va, no pareu.

Come on, keep going.

Que maldita suerte tengo.

What awful luck I have.

Eh, senyorete, eh, tinga bon dia.

Hey, miss, hey, have a nice day.

Portem bon ritme. Un sol accident

We're keeping up a good pace. Just one accident.

en tot el matí.

all morning.

Josep Romeu, l'amo, havia entrat

Josep Romeu, the owner, had entered.

a la nau de les dones,

to the women's ship,

les estameres, però no feien

the stamps, but they didn't make

mantes ni draps, sinó cretona

No blankets or cloths, but cretonne.

fina de colors estampats.

fine of printed colors.

I venia amb la capa i amb el

I came with the cape and with the

bastó, com de visita,

stick, like on a visit,

amb el senyor de la barba grisa, com ahir.

with the man with the gray beard, like yesterday.

Ja me'l va ensenyar ahir

He showed it to me yesterday.

aquest departament, Josep.

this department, Josep.

És que n'estic orgullós.

It's just that I'm proud of it.

M'ha de creure. No trobarà

You have to believe me. You won't find.

altres cretones com les meues.

other crests like mine.

La maquinària és anglesa.

The machinery is English.

Llevat de les dos

Except for the two.

estameres velles, que són

old beams, what are they



Quan les vaig portar en tot el coll,

When I wore them all around my neck,

encara no hi havien sentit

they had not heard it yet

ni parlar. Encara

neither speak. Still

vivia el pare. I mai, ni un sol

The father lived. And never, not a single one.

dia, no han deixat de funcionar.

day, they have not stopped working.

Però jo d'això, Josep,

But I, about this, Josep,

no n'he de fer res. El que

I don't have to do anything. What

vull és que parlem de la

I want is that we talk about the

devanadora. Que això sí que és una novetat

winder. Now that's really a novelty.

i no de fa 15 anys, sinó

and not from 15 years ago, but

d'ara mateix. A Barcelona s'ha

right now. In Barcelona, there has been

imposat. Si vol, pot escriure qui

imposed. If he wants, he can write who

vulgui. I ja sap com som els catalans.

want. And you already know how we Catalans are.

Bones xiques

Good girls

i bones obreres.

And good workers.

Segura. Millors

Safe. Better.

que els homes. Aquestes

that the men. These

no és que fiquen en teories de sumiatruites.

it's not that they get into theories of wishful thinking.

Va continuar caminant,

He continued walking,

timbant la figura entre els telers.

timbaling the figure among the looms.

Josep Romeu era

Josep Romeu was

un home alt, de cabell fosc, que

a tall man with dark hair, who

començava a grissejar. Partit

it was starting to grey. Departed

per una clenxa al mig del cap.

for a parting in the middle of the head.

Una barba discreta, amb pocs

A discreet beard, with few.

fils blancs. De lluny

white threads. From afar

encara tenia bona estampa, als seus

he still had a good appearance, at his

45 anys.

45 years.

De prop era una altra cosa.

Up close it was something else.

Perquè ell, com li havia passat a

Because he, as had happened to him

son pare, era obès. Sobretot

his father was obese. Above all

de cintura. I el pap prominent.

at the waist. And the prominent belly.

Tanque la barba i descansava

He was closing his beard and resting.

com si no tinguera coll.

as if he/she had no balls.

El més curiós del seu rostre

The most curious thing about his/her face.

és que no tenia celles.

It's just that I didn't have eyebrows.

Quatre pelets de mala sort, que de lluny

Four little unlucky ones, that from afar

no es distinguien.

they could not be distinguished.

Semblava... més vell.

He seemed... older.

Un angelot des de l'església

A little angel from the church

de Sant Agustí. Tenia les mans

of Saint Augustine. He had the hands

blanques, com de dona, i les ungles

whites, like a woman, and the nails

polides i repolides, que semblaven

polished and refined, that seemed

nacre. I el segell d'or

mother-of-pearl. And the gold seal

relluïa, recollint els reflexos

shone, collecting the reflections

de les finestres polsoses.

from the dusty windows.

Vostè és Júlia.

You are Julia.

Júlia Solves, si no

Júlia Solves, if not

vaig errat. Ella confosa,

I was wrong. She is confused.

roja com una bajoca, i sense

red as a bean, and without

alçar els ulls, assenteix.

to raise the eyes, nods.

M'agrada conèixer-les.

I like getting to know them.

Com una família.

Like a family.

Sé els maldecaps

I know the headaches.

de quasi totes.

of almost all.

Crec que s'ha de fer així.

I believe it should be done this way.

I així ho faig.

And that's how I do it.

I la mare

And the mother



el senyor Leandre, el de

Mr. Leandre, the one from

la foneria, no?

the foundry, right?

Júlia va sentir de nou, i va alçar

Julia felt again, and raised

la mirada un instant.

the gaze for a moment.

No li agradaria

He/She wouldn't like it.

més portar-li esta mera nova?

Can you bring her this new one?

No, senyor.

No, sir.

Estic acostumada a la 15.

I am used to the 15.

Vostè, Júlia,

You, Julia,

està contenta? M'agradaria

Are you happy? I would like to.

que ho sentís a este senyor.

I hope this gentleman feels it.

Júlia va pensar en l'ama

Júlia thought of the mistress.

i en les faldes que no se'n

and in the skirts that don't.

trobien per la porta de la fàbrica

they found through the factory door

si no es posava de costat.

if he/she did not move aside.

I les arrues i el quiixal d'or.

And the deposits and the golden tooth.

I va atibar el cosset i va mirar

He grabbed the bodice and looked.

valenta la cara de l'amo.

the owner's face is brave.

Estic contenta, senyoret.

I am happy, sir.

A l'hivern fa fred ací dins,

In winter it is cold in here,

però ara sí està bé.

but now it is fine.

Vol dir que a l'hivern

It means that in winter

no treballa a gust en ma casa?

Doesn't he/she work comfortably in my house?

Sí, senyoret.

Yes, sir.

Ai, jo no volia dir això.

Oh, I didn't mean to say that.

Ens acompanya per ací,

It accompanies us around here,

per favor, ens acompanya.

Please, accompany us.

No seria el major avantatge?

Wouldn't it be the biggest advantage?

Que som els primers,

That we are the first,

no només en la fabricació,

not just in manufacturing,

també en les peces de recanvi.

also in the spare parts.

L'estamera ja la tindria reparada.

The pantry would already be repaired.

Quan van marxar,

When they left,

les dones es van precipitar

the women rushed

fora dels estrets corredors

outside the narrow corridors

que hi havia entre les màquines

that was between the machines

i van anar a les Carbanyoles.

And they went to the Carbanyoles.

Una hora per a dinar,

An hour for lunch,

més que enlloc.

more than anywhere.

Avui només tres quarts.

Today only three quarters.

Júlia seia al Pedrís

Julia sat on the Pedrís.

i Glòria.

and Glòria.

I encara no havien encetat les paraules

And they still hadn't started the words.

si va acostar el senyor Rafael.

Mr. Rafael approached.

Que t'has begut l'enteniment, mocosa?

Have you lost your mind, brat?

O és que creus que l'amo ve ací

Or do you think the owner comes here?

per escoltar les teues gràcies?

to listen to your thanks?

No, senyor.

No, sir.

No, ni senyor ni collons.

No, neither sir nor bullshit.

Que és això que a l'hivern la senyora té fred a la fàbrica?

What is this that in winter the lady feels cold at the factory?

O és que creus que venim ací a escalfar-nos?

Or do you think we come here to warm up?

No, no, no, no ho he dit amb eixa intenció,

No, no, no, I didn't say it with that intention,

però l'amo...

but the master...

Vols que li posi una ratlla a la llibreta?

Do you want me to put a line in the notebook?

Això vols?

Is this what you want?

Sí, però totes, senyoraça.

Yes, but all of them, madam.

No hem d'amagar certes coses.

We must not hide certain things.

Jo no m'amagué de res, senyor Rafael.

I did not hide anything from you, Mr. Rafael.

Ja en parlarem d'això, ja.

We'll talk about that later, yes.

O és que creus que t'hauria acollit

Or do you think I would have welcomed you?

com una filla, com una filla, sí, senyor,

like a daughter, like a daughter, yes, sir,

l'amo, amb un pare criminal?

the owner, with a criminal father?

Mon pare no era cap criminal.

My father was not a criminal.

I deixa'm estar

And leave me alone.

que jo no he dit res que pogués ofendre ningú.

that I haven't said anything that could offend anyone.

Tu ets una descarada

You are a shameless person.

i una desagraïda, que és la pitjor cosa

and an ungrateful person, which is the worst thing

que pot ser una persona.

that can be a person.

Digues a la gitana de ta mare

Tell your mother’s gypsy.

que talla la llengua o ho faré jo.

cut the tongue or I will do it.

No és cap gitana.

She is not a gypsy.

A callar. Llavors, si aprens que quan ve

To be quiet. Then, if you learn that when it comes.

l'amo se'l respecta. Entesos?

The master is to be respected. Understood?

Déu la senyoreta d'escollons.

God, the young lady of choices.

No plores, dona.

Don't cry, woman.

Això és el que hi vol.

This is what he/she wants.

És que no ho comprens?

Don't you understand it?

Li fa més goig que tu plores

It makes him happier that you are crying.

que un col de ventre de la Remellot.

that a cabbage from Remellot's belly.

És que no me'n passa cap. Em té mania.

It's just that none comes to me. He/She has a grudge against me.

Enveja, això és el que té.

Jealousy, that's what it brings.

No pot aguantar que l'amo s'adreça a una de nosaltres.

He can't stand that the master addresses one of us.

No me s'adreça a ella.

I am not addressing her.

També la punxaràs tu?

Will you also poke it?

A la fi,

At last,

va menjar el silenci.

he ate the silence.

El sol picava de valent.

The sun was beating down hard.

Caminaven algunes abraçades de la cintura

They walked some embraces at the waist.

fins a la font.

to the fountain.

No sols hi van veure.

They didn't only see it.

Les més joves ruixaven les lentes

The youngest were spraying the lenses.

que arribaven les últimes

that the last ones were arriving

amb les espardenyes esbratenades.

with the torn espadrilles.

Reien com a botges.

They laughed like donkeys.

I Júlia es va apartar

And Júlia stepped aside.

per no embrutar-se.

to avoid getting dirty.

Però ja tenia els ulls reposats i serens.

But he already had his eyes calm and serene.

El xiulet les va cridar.

The whistle called them.

L'atenció del matí amb la visita de l'amo

The morning attention with the visit of the owner.

i l'escalforeta del sol

and the warmth of the sun

les havia animades. I xerraven

They had cheered them up. And they were chatting.

enmig dels improperis del senyor Rafael.

amidst the insults of Mr. Rafael.

Ei, ei, ei!

Hey, hey, hey!

Deixeu-nos de barcelles

Leave us alone.

i a la faena. Calla!

And to work. Quiet!

Calçasses! Llepaculls!

Shut up! Ass licker!

Què ha dit això?

What has said this?

I les rialles i les paraulotes

And the laughter and the swear words.

gruixudes. El soroll

thick. The noise

infernal. Les mosques

infernal. The flies

que enguany matinejaven

that this year they were waking up early

les malparides.

the foul-mouthed ones.

Però ja no se sentia ni un ànima.

But there wasn't a soul to be heard anymore.

Els peus els tenien

They had their feet.

un flaig tantes hores dretes.

a flag so many hours upright.

Les velles renegaven.

The old women were renouncing.

Es queixaven a crits.

They were screaming complaints.

Júlia tenia els turmells de pedra

Julia had stone ankles.

i els canells de goma.

and the rubber cuffs.

No sentia dolor. Només fatiga.

I felt no pain. Only fatigue.

El gran sospir

The big sigh

de les nou. Va ser

of the nine. It was

aquell dia llarguíssim.

that very long day.

Ja és l'hora.

It is already time.

Ja hem acabat avui.

We have finished today.

Ja està.

That's it.

En Júlia es van passar els cordons

Julia had her shoelaces tied.

de les botes que havia afluixat

of the boots that I had loosened

a mitja vesprada. Mil agulles

in the middle of the afternoon. A thousand needles

a l'esquena.

on the back.

Les cares eren ara belleges.

The faces were now beautiful.

Les de les velles

The old ones.



Ja no van tan netes.

They no longer go so clean.

Però l'orgull a la sang

But pride in the blood

sense cridar o molar.

without shouting or making noise.

Has escoltat l'adaptació

Have you listened to the adaptation?

a radioteatre de la novel·la

a radio play of the novel

Júlia d'Isabel Claracimó.

Júlia of Isabel Claracimó.

Una producció de la Dependent

A production by La Dependent.

amb el suport de la Conselleria

with the support of the Ministry

de Cultura i Esport, Ajuntament d'Alcoi,

of Culture and Sport, City Council of Alcoi,

Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua,

Valencian Language Academy,

Unió Alcoiana Seguros,

Alcoi Union Insurance,

Ràdio Alcoi i A.

Radio Alcoi and A.

Intèrprets principals

Main interpreters

Pepa Miralles, Glòria Roman,

Pepa Miralles, Glòria Roman,

Juan Salloret, Pau Bercher

Juan Salloret, Pau Bercher

i Pilar Martínez.

I Pilar Martínez.

Grabació de Luis Vélez i

Recording of Luis Vélez and

Gonzalo Berenguer. Editat per

Gonzalo Berenguer. Edited by

Adrià Sempere i Luis Vélez amb música

Adrià Sempere and Luis Vélez with music

de Cofre Antic i Rafael Arnal.

of Cofre Antic and Rafael Arnal.

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