Allà on naixen les cançons | Yeray Calvo (Novembre elèctric)

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Allà on naixen les cançons

Allà on naixen les cançons | Yeray Calvo (Novembre elèctric)

Allà on naixen les cançons



És hora d'omplir el silenci i viatjar allà on neixen les cançons.

It is time to fill the silence and travel where songs are born.

Hola, sóc Gerard Calvo, cantant i compositor de Novembre Elèctric

Hello, I am Gerard Calvo, singer and composer of Novembre Elèctric.

i vinc a explicar les nostres cançons i la història que amaguem.

I come to explain our songs and the story we hide.

4 discos d'estudi marquen les etapes de Novembre Elèctric,

4 studio albums mark the stages of Novembre Elèctric,

el grup on Gerard Calvo ha posat l'ànima,

the group where Gerard Calvo has poured his heart and soul,

dividida en vora 50 fragments convertits en cançons.

divided into about 50 fragments turned into songs.

Avui ens quedem amb 4 d'aquestes peces per a descobrir el seu particular univers.

Today we are left with 4 of these pieces to discover their particular universe.

Per a Gerard Calvo, almenys això assegura a ell,

According to Gerard Calvo, at least that's what he claims,

compondre és un misteri que naix de la inconsciència de la recerca, de l'atzar.

Composing is a mystery that arises from the unconsciousness of the search, from chance.

Un acord, una harmonia, un vers, obrin una porta per la qual entrar i buscar la següent.

An agreement, a harmony, a verse, open a door through which to enter and seek the next.

Cada viatge comença amb un dit polsant la corda de la guitarra o la tecla del piano

Every journey begins with a finger pressing the guitar string or the piano key.

i acaba només amb un dit polsant la corda de la guitarra o la tecla del piano.

and ending only with a finger pressing the guitar string or the piano key.

I acaba només amb un dit polsant la corda de la guitarra o la tecla del piano.

And it ends only with a finger pressing the guitar string or the piano key.

Quan troba el tresor, una emoció nova i pura.

When he finds the treasure, a new and pure emotion.

Gerard, estem escoltant Boira, del quart disc de Novembre Elèctric, publicat l'any 2022.

Gerard, we are listening to Boira, from the fourth album of Novembre Elèctric, released in 2022.

És una cançó basada en la descripció d'una jove d'on naix esta peça.

It is a song based on the description of a young woman from where this piece originates.

Doncs no és gens glamurosa l'origen de la cançó, en realitat,

Well, the origin of the song is not glamorous at all, actually.

perquè jo estava un dia buscant...

because I was looking one day...

Com fan molts músics vídeos sobre pedals de guitarra i aquestes coses,

As many musicians make videos about guitar pedals and things like that,

que fem els músics que ens agrada tant.

what we musicians who enjoy so much do.

I un dia trobant un tutorial sobre un dels pedals,

And one day finding a tutorial about one of the pedals,

vaig veure un músic que estava fent com un so molt ambiental de textures de guitarra.

I saw a musician who was creating a very ambient sound with guitar textures.

I això m'ha inspirat moltíssim.

And this has inspired me a lot.

Moltes vegades necessites, per a fer una cançó,

Many times you need, in order to make a song,

alguna cosa que faci clic emocional.

something that clicks emotionally.

I en aquest cas la inspiració va néixer a través d'un so superambiental, eteri,

And in this case, the inspiration was born through a super-ambient, ethereal sound,

i que va fer-hi ser clic, que em va durar directament al piano a treure uns acords,

and what made me click, which took me directly to the piano to play some chords,

i a partir d'ahir va néixer la cançó.

And from yesterday the song was born.

Després vindria tota la idea i el concepte, però musicalment va ser el moment.

Later, the whole idea and concept would come, but musically, it was the moment.

Moltes vegades el backline, els instruments que utilitzem,

Many times the backline, the instruments we use,

ens obre portes per a investigar.

it opens doors for us to investigate.

Totalment. Jo crec que és fonamental, perquè al final,

Totally. I believe it is essential because, in the end,

si t'acostumes a una rutina, a una dinàmica,

if you get used to a routine, to a dynamic,

i a un mateix instrument o a una mateixa tecnologia,

and to the same instrument or to the same technology,

el més probable és que acabis en el mateix camí i en el mateix lloc.

The most likely thing is that you end up on the same path and in the same place.

Si vas jugant, experimentant i buscant estímuls nous,

If you play, experiment, and seek new stimuli,

és més probable que t'educ a camins diferents.

It is more likely that I educate you on different paths.

I l'emoció jo crec que té un afegit extra quan resulta novedosa.

And the emotion, I believe, has an extra element when it is novel.

És un estímul novedós.

It's a novel stimulus.

Hi ha qui utilitza les limitacions precisament com a un al·licient compositiu

There are those who use limitations precisely as a compositional incentive.

o com a una manera de facilitar el procés compositiu,

or as a way to facilitate the compositional process,

però en el teu cas a tu no t'agrada.

but in your case you don't like it.

Sí que ho entenc i ho compartis tant,

Yes, I do understand it and I share it so much.

de fet sí que depenent del moment i depenent de la cançó

In fact, yes, depending on the moment and depending on the song.

sí que he arribat a buscar aquestes limitacions.

I have indeed come to seek these limitations.

Moltes vegades ve perquè ja tens clar el tema que vols tractar

Many times it comes because you already have a clear idea of the topic you want to address.

i això és una limitació clara i evident,

and this is a clear and evident limitation,

però a vegades és simplement una limitació d'una estructura determinada

but sometimes it is simply a limitation of a certain structure

que li pot donar a la cançó una determinada ressonància.

that can give the song a certain resonance.

Si busques una estructura que sigui una numeració en forma de martell

If you are looking for a structure that is a numbering in the shape of a hammer.

per a buscar una reacció en l'oient,

to elicit a reaction in the listener,

ja t'estàs limitant.

You are already limiting yourself.

Sí que considero que és interessant,

I do consider that it is interesting,

però alhora l'exercici de la creació i de la composició

but at the same time the exercise of creation and composition

per a mi té molt a veure amb això,

for me, it has a lot to do with this,

amb una improvisació i amb una llibertat.

with an improvisation and with a freedom.

I crec que moltes vegades el primer pas és el més important,

I believe that many times the first step is the most important.

que és atrevir-te a errar

that is daring to make mistakes

i atrevir-te a descobrir coses que no saps gaire bé cap on van.

And daring to discover things that you are not quite sure where they are going.

Perquè moltes vegades això té a veure amb molta gent que diu

Because many times this has to do with a lot of people saying

que n'hi ha persones que són creatives i persones que no.

There are people who are creative and people who are not.

Jo amb això estic totalment en desacord

I completely disagree with that.

perquè per a mi tots tenim un potencial més o menys creatiu

because for me we all have a more or less creative potential

i crec que el primer pas inevitable que no totes les persones donen

I believe that the first inevitable step that not all people take.

és atrevir-se a experimentar una cosa que no coneixes

it is daring to experiment with something you do not know

i que en un primer moment dius

and that at first you say

«bueno, no soc capaç d'escriure una cançó».

"Well, I'm not able to write a song."

I bé, potser és perquè no t'has atrevit a fer-ho

And well, maybe it's because you haven't dared to do it.

i a equivocar-te, a improvisar i a ser lliure.

to make mistakes, to improvise, and to be free.

És cert que de vegades l'aport a errar és un bloqueig absolut.

It is true that sometimes the fear of making mistakes is an absolute blockage.

Tot i que ara estiguem mantenint un perfil relativament formal,

Even though we are currently maintaining a relatively formal profile,

Gerai i jo som amics, som molt amics i som companys de projecte musical

Gerai and I are friends, we are very good friends and we are partners in a musical project.

i Gerai, amb tota la confiança del món,

and Gerai, with all the confidence in the world,

ens ha fet arribar una sèrie de notes de veu

he has sent us a series of voice notes

d'aquests fragments quasi indexifrables i inconexos

of these almost indecipherable and disconnected fragments

que els músics solem gravar quan tenim idees compositives

that musicians usually record when we have compositional ideas

i en aquest cas m'han fet arribar uns quants de la cançó de Boira

And in this case, they have sent me a few of the song Boira.

que anem a anar sentint a poc a poc

that we are going to start feeling little by little

i que ell ens expliqui una miqueta què vol dir cada cosa.

And let him explain to us a little what each thing means.

Estàveu de falsete.

You were being sarcastic.

Em fa molta vergonya perquè he compartit aquests àudios

I'm very embarrassed because I shared these audios.

sense ser molt conscient de què anava a fer.

without being very aware of what I was going to do.

Jo crec que potser desobtenia una veu de Gerai a cenar o a aquestes cases.

I think that perhaps I was hearing a Gerai voice at dinner or at those houses.

No, en aquest cas és una veu en falsete.

No, in this case it is a falsetto voice.

Suposo que això era una recerca d'alguna idea per a la part final de la cançó

I suppose this was a search for some idea for the final part of the song.

buscant alguns cors, una idea no massa definida

looking for some hearts, a not very defined idea

però és bonic perquè moltes vegades quan estàs composant

but it's nice because many times when you are composing

hi ha moltes idees que van eixint però que després no es queden en la pròpia cançó.

There are many ideas that arise but then do not remain in the song itself.

És una idea més que tu vas gravant i que...

It's one more idea that you are recording and that...

I que de vegades et porta a una altra idea també.

And sometimes it leads you to another idea as well.

Exacte, totalment. Sí, sí, això ha passat.

Exactly, totally. Yes, yes, that has happened.

Sentim la següent, a veure què passa.

We feel the following, let's see what happens.

Això ja pots pensar que dius, este xic no està massa bé.

You can already think that you say, this guy is not doing too well.

Jo no sé molt identificat amb aquest tipus d'àudios.

I don't really identify with this type of audio.

I sobretot si vas pel carrer gravant-los, fiques una cara...

And especially if you go down the street filming them, you make a face...

Bueno, bueno.

Well, well.

Estic fent alguna cosa estranya, no?

Am I doing something strange, aren't I?

Sí, sí, jo ho he arribat a fer davant de gent que és especialment...

Yes, yes, I have managed to do it in front of people who are especially...

bueno, te veuen especialment amb vergonya, no?

Well, they see you especially with shyness, right?

Però al final arriba un punt en què tu prioritzes que tu vols conservar aquesta idea

But in the end, there comes a point where you prioritize the desire to keep that idea.

i has de fer-ho.

You have to do it.

És com si fossis Batman i has de rescatar una persona que està en perill

It's like you are Batman and you have to rescue a person who is in danger.

i tu, bueno, si t'has de posar el trage en eix moment davant de tot

And you, well, if you have to put on the suit at that moment in front of everyone.

te'l poses i cap problema, no?

You put it on and no problem, right?

Doncs en eix sentit és el mateix i passa també quan estàs...

Well, in that sense it's the same and it also happens when you are...

que és molt tòpic però és veritat, quan estàs dormint a lo millor estàs allí.

It's very cliché but it's true, when you're asleep you might be there.

Que a més és un moment que jo crec que físicament,

That it is also a moment that I believe physically,

a més els científics crec que hauran d'explicar d'alguna manera això,

Moreover, I believe that scientists will have to explain this in some way.

però moltes vegades quan estàs cansat arribes a un moment de lucidesa creativa

but many times when you are tired you reach a moment of creative clarity

que no se sap explicar massa bé i a mi he experimentat moltes vegades

that cannot be explained very well and I have experienced many times

i també ha sigut això de no necessàriament despertar d'estar dormint directament,

and it has also been this about not necessarily waking up from being asleep directly,

però sí estar relaxat o que te vinga una idea i gravar-la en eix moment

but to be relaxed or to have an idea come to you and record it at that moment

i doncs sempre has de tindre el mòbil a prop, no?

So you always have to keep your phone close, right?

Però bueno, en la vida moderna que tenim...

But well, in the modern life that we have...

És fàcil això.

This is easy.

Què creus que estàs talavellant d'ahir?

What do you think you were cutting down yesterday?

Jo crec que era una idea més pensada per a una guitarra o un baix o aixina.

I think it was an idea more suited for a guitar or a bass or something like that.

Un arranjament, no?

An arrangement, right?

Sí, més pensat en un arranjament de la cançó.

Yes, more thinking about an arrangement for the song.

Anem a la següent nota.

Let's move on to the next note.

A mi m'encanten estos audios on es percep eixa investigació sonora.

I love these audios where that sound research is perceived.

Els acords encara no estan assentats, vas provant i vas assentant l'evolució dels acords.

The agreements are not yet settled, you are trying and confirming the evolution of the agreements.

Total, i en el meu cas inclús més perquè les meves nocions musicals

Overall, and in my case even more so because my musical knowledge

i tècniques de l'instrument són prou limitades.

the techniques of the instrument are rather limited.

Aleshores em moc moltíssim per la intuïció i per la prova i error.

So I move a lot by intuition and through trial and error.

Aleshores són audios amb...

So they are audios with...

plegats, trufats d'errades, algunes terribles,

together, stuffed with mistakes, some terrible,

que a l'escoltar les donen un poc de reparo.

that when they listen to them, they feel a bit of hesitation.

En este cas, heu sigut benevolents,

In this case, you have been benevolent,

jo he llegit un fragment més o menys que tenia certa coherència.

I have read a fragment that more or less had some coherence.

Jo és que no veig ni com a errades, en realitat,

I just don't see them as mistakes, really.

perquè no existeix la cançó avui.

because the song does not exist today.

És que en realitat la composició és el que parlàvem abans.

It's just that in reality, composition is what we were talking about earlier.

Jo crec que en gran part, en gran mesura, és errar.

I believe that to a large extent, it is a mistake.

I a partir d'ahir, un error pot ser un encert

And starting from yesterday, a mistake can be a success.

o simplement un camí que durarà a un encert.

or simply a path that will lead to a success.

Abraçar l'errada.

Embrace the mistake.

Exacte, totalment.

Exactly, totally.

Jo crec que és una manera molt bonica i poètica

I believe it is a very beautiful and poetic way.

de definir la composició.

to define the composition.

Anem a la següent nota,

Let's go to the next note,

que jo crec que la cançó ja va prenent forma.

I believe that the song is already taking shape.

És un fragment de lletra que jo crec que no està en la versió final de la cançó.

It is a fragment of lyrics that I believe is not in the final version of the song.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

I fins i tot n'hi ha un moment que passa de ser lletra a ser taralets.

And there is even a moment when it goes from being lyrics to being a tune.

Però és que a mi em sembla genial poder tindre accés a la cançó.

But it seems great to me to be able to access the song.

Òbviament sembla un poc com els secrets i despullar una miqueta el procés compositiu,

Obviously, it seems a bit like secrets and exposing the compositional process a little.

però jo crec que és molt bonic poder conèixer estos documents

but I think it is very nice to be able to know these documents

que al final tots els músics tenen.

that in the end all musicians have.

Sí, a mi m'encanta de la gent que admira músics

Yes, I love people who admire musicians.

dels quals soc un admirador profund.

of which I am a deep admirer.

Clar, estes interioritats...

Of course, these inner thoughts...

i tractar d'entendre d'on ha nascut la cançó.

and trying to understand where the song was born.

Moltes vegades no hi ha una explicació, no hi ha un moment concret,

Many times there is no explanation, there is no specific moment,

però és molt bonic perquè què pot haver més honest que això?

But it is very beautiful because what can be more honest than this?

Aquest accés a un moment íntim en soledat, normalment,

This access to an intimate moment in solitude, normally,

perquè normalment es composa en soledat.

because it is usually composed in solitude.

No sempre necessàriament, però moltes vegades sí.

Not always necessarily, but many times yes.

I clar, accedir, trencar aquest mur invisible

And of course, access, break this invisible wall.

i poder... és com viatjar en el temps

And to be able... it's like traveling in time.

i en una càpsula...

and in a capsule...

aïllada en l'espai

isolated in space

i poder viure des de dins.

and to be able to live from within.

I que al remat, el seguidor o la seguidora

And in the end, the follower or the following person.

veu només el final d'un procés que ha sigut llarguíssim

you only see the end of a process that has been very long

i que està farcit de notes de veu, està farcit d'hores pegant-li voltes...

and that it is packed with voice notes, it is filled with hours going around...

I això és una miqueta la mostra de la realitat

And this is a little bit of a sample of reality.

que implica fer una cançó.

what it means to make a song.

Sí, total. I també és mostrar que els principis mai són

Yes, totally. And it also shows that principles are never

glamurosos ni són estètics.

they are neither glamorous nor aesthetic.

Això és l'inici necessari per a qualsevol compositor

This is the necessary start for any composer.

però molt prou que siga, no?

but enough is enough, isn't it?

Sentim l'última nota de veu.

We hear the last voice message.

Té un vestit nou

She has a new dress.

i es veu tan guapa d'espí

and she looks so beautiful from behind

i és tan bonica que

and she is so beautiful that

no és conscient quan somriu

he is not aware when he smiles

com pares rellotges

as you wind watches

al mateix temps que riu.

while laughing.

Té un vestit nou

She/He has a new dress.

i es veu tan guapa d'espí

"And she looks so beautiful from the side."

M'agrada molt estar en relació amb l'anterior

I really like being in relation to the previous one.

perquè és fins i tot una altra seqüència d'acords.

because it is even another sequence of chords.

I la melodia té un altre aroma.

And the melody has a different scent.

Sí, en aquest cas la lletra sí que té un extracte de lletra

Yes, in this case the lyrics do have an excerpt from the lyrics.

que va acabar quedant-se en la cançó.

that ended up staying in the song.

Però, paradoxalment, el que no es manté

But, paradoxically, what is not maintained

és la roda d'acords que és diferent.

It's the chord wheel that is different.

Doncs ara sí, amb la pell.

Well now yes, with the skin.

I carregada de sensibilitat,

And loaded with sensitivity,

és hora d'escoltar esta joia que es va oir de principi a fi.

It's time to listen to this jewel that was heard from start to finish.


The previous one.

L'estreu va bé,

The stretch is good,

però a les nits quan ni m'ho veu...

but at night when I don’t see it...

I ho dona tot en els concerts de tardor

I give it my all at the autumn concerts.

i sempre balla, ella sempre canta.

And she always dances, she always sings.

S'ha enamorat d'un xic que sols vol jugar

She has fallen in love with a guy who only wants to play.

i no tremola amb els amants

and does not shake with the lovers

que troba d'un vestit nou.

what she thinks of a new dress.

I es veu tan guapa a l'espí,

And she looks so beautiful in the mirror,

és tan bonica que no és conscient

She is so beautiful that she is not aware.

quan somriu com pares rellotges

when you smile like clock faces

al mateix temps que riu.

at the same time as he/she laughs.

I sempre diu

And he always says

que es troba

that is found

a l'estreu va bé,

in the extract it is good,

però a les nits quan ni m'ho veu...

but at nights when no one sees me...

Ella plora, i plora, i plora, i somriu.

She cries, and cries, and cries, and smiles.

I plora, i plora, i plora, i somriu.

And cry, and cry, and cry, and smile.

I plora, i plora, i plora, i plora, i somriu.

And cry, and cry, and cry, and cry, and smile.

Bona nit.

Good night.

I ara, quan vas escriure la teva primera cançó?

And now, when did you write your first song?

Doncs jo crec que prou tard

Well, I think it's quite late.

per a lo que s'acostuma.

for what is customary.

No sabria dir-te exactament

I wouldn't be able to tell you exactly.

quina edat tenia, perquè a més

how old was she, because besides

tinc una memòria prou fràgil.

I have a rather fragile memory.

De fet, en les últimes cançons parla prou

In fact, in the latest songs, he talks quite a bit.

del tema de la memòria.

of the memory topic.

Crec que talvolta a set, set anys,

I think that sometimes at seven, seven years,

vaig comprar una guitarra espanyola

I bought a Spanish guitar.

a Patges amb el meu germà

the Pages with my brother

i vaig començar a tocar la guitarra.

I started playing the guitar.

De fet, tinc una anècdota molt bona

In fact, I have a very good anecdote.

i molt terrible alhora, és que vaig començar

and very terrible at the same time, is that I started

a aprendre a tocar els acords al revés.

to learn to play the chords backwards.

Jo tenia una llibreta, la típica que tens

I had a notebook, the typical one that you have.

llibreta amb el cançoner

notebook with the songbook

de les típiques cançons,

of the typical songs,

Jarabe de Palo, Joaquín Sabina, no sé què,

Jarabe de Palo, Joaquín Sabina, I don't know what,

i al principi te ve com la tablatura

And at the beginning you see it like the tablature.

de les acords.

of the agreements.

I jo no sé, clar, és que sóc prou despistadet

And I don't know, of course, it's just that I'm quite scatterbrained.

en algunes coses claus, no?

In some key things, right?

I fins que va vindre un tio a casa

And until a guy came to the house.

i em va dir que no, i era

and he told me no, and it was

i l'estàs tocant al revés, tal, que no sé quantos.

And you're playing it backwards, like, I don't know how many.

I jo dic, ah... Però imagina't com estava jo

And I say, ah... But just imagine how I was.

d'entusiasmar per fer, de composar cançons,

to be excited about doing, composing songs,

perquè jo tenia clar

because I was clear

que quan van comprar a Patges

when they bought from Patges

aquesta guitarra al meu germà jo, que jo la volia

this guitar to my brother I, that I wanted it

per composar, jo no la volia per tocar la guitarra

to compose, I didn't want it to play the guitar

ni per aprendre. I ho vaig demostrar

not even to learn. And I proved it

perquè jo tocant els acords al revés,

because I'm playing the chords backward,

imagina't com sonaven de mal. I componies.

imagine how badly they sounded. And you composed.

I tractava de composar, ja. Estava com més clar,

I was trying to compose, already. It was somehow clearer.

és com tractar de...

it's like trying to...

de nedar en el mar a contracorrent,

of swimming in the sea against the current,

és molt heroic

it is very heroic

i molt absurd alhora,

and very absurd at the same time,

però jo tractava de fer-ho.

but I was trying to do it.

I fixant-me inclús parts, imagina't, de dir

I even notice parts, imagine, of saying

bueno, esto puede ser una estrofa, tal. No, res, res.

Well, this can be a verse, like that. No, nothing, nothing.

Terrible, i al final ja se va

Terrible, and in the end, she left.

reconduir la cosa gràcies al meu oncle,

redirect the matter thanks to my uncle,

que sí, que bé.

yes, that's fine.

L'any 2014,

In the year 2014,

l'any 2014, i ara hi va debutar

in 2014, and now he debuted there.

discogràficament amb un disc que va

discographically with an album that goes

impressionar el conjunt de la nostra escena.

impress the whole of our scene.

Intacte era un retrat molt íntim

Intact was a very intimate portrait.

que semblava haver nascut d'una ferida profunda,

that seemed to have been born from a deep wound,

d'un dolor que engendrava bellesa

of a pain that engendered beauty

amb cançons com La Flama.

with songs like La Flama.

I ara, i recordes el moment

And now, do you remember the moment?

en què va sorgir esta cançó de La Flama?

What inspired this song from La Flama?

Sí, jo esta la tinc més presentada,

Yes, I am more prepared for this.

crec que va ser

I think it was.

a la tardor de l'any

in the autumn of the year

2012, probablement.

2012, probably.

I sí, recorde,

And yes, I remember,

en aquell moment vivia

at that moment I lived

a Legazpi, un barri de Madrid,

in Legazpi, a neighborhood of Madrid,

i bueno, jugant amb la guitarra

And well, playing with the guitar.

era un moment en què jo

it was a moment when I

seguia amb la meva societat secreta,

I continued with my secret society,

en què ningú sabia que

in which no one knew that

pràcticament que jo feia música,

practically I was making music,

però clar, ahí va passar

but of course, that's where it happened

una cosa, que hi hagués

one thing, that there would be

un sentiment desbordant

an overwhelming feeling

fruit d'unes vivències

fruit of experiences

que va col·lapsar

that collapsed

tot el meu plan

all my plan

de mantenir en secret

to keep secret

la composició

the composition

i va crear una necessitat

and created a necessity

que era la de no només

that was the one of not only

composar, que això ho havia fet

compose, because this is what I had done

des de molts anys enrere,

for many years now,

sinó a més deixar testic

but also to leave a testicle

que això estava passant

that this was happening

i comunicar-ho a la gent.

and communicate it to the people.

I va, diguem que en aquest context

And let's say that in this context

va néixer aquesta cançó

this song was born

i altres que van, a més,

and others that go, furthermore,

van generar-se, van composar-se

they were generated, they were composed

en un espai de temps molt reduït

in a very short period of time

fruit d'això, d'un colp,

as a result of this, suddenly,

d'una explosió emocional

of an emotional explosion

que demanava que això

that asked for this

diguem que se filtrara

let's say it will be leaked

o que deixara anar

or that it will let go

d'alguna manera com un riu

somehow like a river

que desborda

that overflows

i que va cap al mar

and it goes towards the sea

de manera inevitable.


El fet de retratar els teus sentiments

The act of portraying your feelings

d'una manera tan crua

in such a raw way

com és el cas d'Intacte,

as is the case with Intacte,

on és tot tan visceral i tan

where everything is so visceral and so

pur, et fa sentir vulnerable

pure, it makes you feel vulnerable

quan estàs escrivint?

When are you writing?

Alguna vegada has retrocedit

Have you ever taken a step back?

i has pensat

I have thought.

això no ho puc posar sobre el paper,

I can't put this on paper.

això no ho puc dir així,

I can't say that like this,

o ni tan sols puc dir-ho?

or can I not even say it?

Jo en això he sigut sempre

I have always been this way.

prou kamikaze

enough kamikaze

i és una cosa que m'honra

and it is something that honors me

en certa manera.

in a way.

Crec que al món de la música

I believe that in the world of music

no puc aportar virtuosisme,

I cannot bring virtuosity,

no puc aportar

I cannot contribute.

un valor afegit en quant a

an added value in terms of

la tècnica, el coneixement.

the technique, the knowledge.

L'únic que puc aportar personal

The only thing I can contribute personally.

és la meva manera

it's my way

de ser, ni tan sols

to be, not even

des d'un punt de vista musical, sinó el que puc

from a musical point of view, but what I can

aportar a la música, si puc aportar alguna cosa,

contribute to music, if I can contribute anything,

és aquesta sensibilitat,

it is this sensitivity,

aquesta honestedat.

this honesty.

Jo crec que tota aquesta

I believe that all this

honestedat, aquesta sinceritat, es filtra

honesty, this sincerity, seeps through.

també en la teua manera de cantar.

also in your way of singing.

M'agradaria que ens detinguem

I would like us to stop.

en la teua veu un moment.

in your voice a moment.

Si val la pena

If it's worth it

Estem en la coda de la cançó,

We are in the coda of the song,

la part on la veu més s'eleva,

the part where the voice rises the most,

on hi ha, fins i tot

where there is, even

des del punt de vista de la producció,

from the point of view of production,

una acumulació de la música,

an accumulation of music,

de capes de veu, un poc en la línia

of layers of voice, a little along the lines

de Bon Iver, per exemple,

of Bon Iver, for example,

que és segur que era un referent clar en aquella època.

It is certain that he was a clear reference in that era.

De fet, el màxim referent.

In fact, the main reference.

De fet, n'hi ha en arrenjament.

In fact, there are some in arrangement.

Sí, es percep en el so de les elèctriques

Yes, it is perceived in the sound of the electric ones.

també, pastilla de greus,

also, heavy pill,

trencadetes, les acústiques

broken pieces, the acoustics

també ho hi és nota

it is also a note

i molt ben portat.

and very well-behaved.

Però a banda d'este

But apart from this

registre més elevat, la teua veu

higher register, your voice

per a mi

for me

té una versatilitat molt gran.

it has a very great versatility.

Jo crec

I believe

que és un denominador comú

what is a common denominator

en tot intacte, tant en les parts

and everything intact, both in the parts

més tranquils com més altes,

calmer as they rise higher,

com pugui ser este final,

as it may be this end,

que es nota que cantes directament amb el cor.

It is evident that you sing directly from the heart.

Sí, jo en eixe moment estava

Yes, I was at that moment.

prou tocat i el productor, de fet,

enough touched and the producer, in fact,

també estava passant per un moment emocional

I was also going through an emotional time.



Els següents discos els vaig gravar amb la banda

The following albums were recorded with the band.

i el projecte d'una entitat

and the project of an entity

que és el meu projecte personal, en tant que

what my personal project is, in that

jo composo les cançons i al final lidero

I compose the songs and in the end, I lead.

tot això, però

all this, but

els músics sumen.

the musicians add up.

Una de les persones que ha fet este viatge

One of the people who has made this journey.

en tu, explica'ns com soleu construir les cançons.

In you, tell us how you usually build your songs.

El proceso de creación

The creation process

de una canción en Novembre Electric

from a song in November Electric

normalmente comienza con una base

it usually starts with a base

habitualmente de guitarra y voz

usually guitar and voice

de Gerai, que nos envía

of Gerai, who sends us

a veces y cada vez más

sometimes and increasingly

viene con, suele ir

comes with, usually goes

acompañado con un poquito ya más

accompanied with a little more already

de producción, de algún ritmo

of production, of some rhythm

básicamente y a lo mejor

basically and maybe

algunos arreglos de guitarra

some guitar arrangements

o incluso de sintetizadores

or even of synthesizers

y luego las vamos

and then we go them

trabajando, añadiendo cada uno sus arreglos

working, each adding their own adjustments

y después llegamos

and then we arrived

al estudio y normalmente

to the studio and normally

hasta ahora pues Pachi coge, le da la vuelta

so far Pachi picks it up, turns it around

a todo y arreglao.

everything is sorted out.

Y luego bueno,

And then well,

una de las ventajas que tiene

one of the advantages it has

Gerai como

Gerai like

compositor es que

composer is that

es bastante flexible yo creo

I think it's quite flexible.

abierto a

open to


to be able

dejar que el resto de miembros del grupo

let the other members of the group

y productor y quien

and producer and who

se precie pues pueda aportar

it is appreciated as it may contribute

a la canción

to the song



incluso pues hemos llegado

even though we have arrived

a cambios bastante

to quite a few changes

radicales en algunas canciones

radicals in some songs

de cómo nacen a como acaban

from how they are born to how they end

siendo finalmente

finally being

la versión del disco.

the album version.

Rodrigo Domínguez, Rodri Domínguez

Rodrigo Domínguez, Rodri Domínguez

es en un primer momento un baixista

he was initially a bassist

ahora más teclista-guitarrista

now more keyboardist-guitarist

de Novembre Electric

of November Electric

y apunta una cosa que

and note one thing that

yo creo que es muy interesante y es que tú estás

I think it's very interesting and it's that you are

muy abierto a los cambios en las tuyas composiciones.

very open to changes in your compositions.

no sempre passa. Sí, a mi una de les coses

not always happens. Yes, one of the things for me

que més m'agrada del procés de composició

what I like most about the composition process

però sobretot de producció, del treball a l'estudi

but above all of production, of work in the study

és la capacitat per a sorprendre'm

It is the ability to surprise me.

de la pròpia cançó. Quan veus creixer la cançó

of the song itself. When you see the song grow

inclús tenint clar

even being clear

quin va ser el guió i tot el que va succeir

what was the script and everything that happened

ja és una cosa molt emocionant veure com creix la cançó

It is already a very exciting thing to see how the song grows.

quan ja estàs gravant tres instruments amb el so adequat

when you are already recording three instruments with the right sound

i amb les freqüències adequades i tot cuidaet

and with the appropriate frequencies and everything careful

ja és molt emocionant però damunt si succeeixen

it's already very exciting but on top of that if they happen

si hi ha espais de creativitat no esperats

if there are unexpected spaces of creativity

i aporten una emoció inesperada

and they bring an unexpected emotion

aquest sentiment es multiplica

this feeling multiplies

a més d'abraçar l'error, com dèiem abans

besides embracing the mistake, as we said before

abraça la incertesa en el procés

embrace uncertainty in the process

que és la possibilitat de no donar

what is the possibility of not giving

per fet res i a més

for nothing and furthermore

aquesta manera de ser és el contingut

this way of being is the content

o el missatge més potent de l'últim disc

or the most powerful message of the latest album

d'abraçar la incertesa, abraçar el present

to embrace uncertainty, to embrace the present

i abraçar les possibilitats que sorgisquen

and embrace the possibilities that arise

aleshores a través del treball dels companys

then through the work of the colleagues

i del treball del productor

and of the producer's work

és una possibilitat molt abraçable

it's a very embraceable possibility

la de poder disfrutar d'aquestes idees externes

the ability to enjoy these external ideas

i veure la cançó a través d'altres ulls

and see the song through other eyes

i deixar-se sorprendre

and let oneself be surprised

ara viatgem als inicis de novembre elèctric

now we travel in early November electric

i escoltem completar la flama

and we hear to complete the flame

Fins aviat!

See you soon!

Però l'agost s'està acabant

But August is coming to an end.

i encara neva.

And it's still snowing.

No oblides oblidar

Don't forget to forget.

si encara crema

if it still burns

es partsen a pagar

they split the payment

la flama amb més llenya.

the flame with more firewood.

Vull que me'n recordes

I want you to remember me.

però setembre ha començat

but September has begun

i ja ningú m'espera

and now no one is waiting for me

a l'eixida del treball

at the exit of work

amb la llum

with the light

i la llum.

and the light.

I la tempesta

And the storm

no oblides congelar

don't forget to freeze

l'instant si val la pena.

The moment is worth it.

Deuries escapar de tot

You should escape from everything.

hem dit que em pena.

we said that I feel sorry.

Deuries començar de nou

You should start over.

i mai ho feia.

and I never did it.

Es partsen a pagar

They split the payment.

el foc que crema.

the fire that burns.

Es partsen congelar

They are frozen parts.

l'instant si val la pena.

The moment is worth it.

Si val la pena.

If it's worth it.

És perdre l'apparat, el foc que crema, és perdre en congelar, l'instanci val la pena.

It is losing the appearance, the fire that burns, it is losing by freezing, the instance is worth it.

L'any 2018 arribava el tercer 10 de novembre elèctric, quart milmant.

In 2018, the third electric November 10 arrived, the fourth milestone.

Ahí trobem una cançó que poc després faria un viatge

There we find a song that shortly after would go on a journey.

que marcaria també l'evolució compositiva de Gerai.

that would also mark the compositional evolution of Gerai.

Les conseqüències, cançó que estem escoltant, es convertiria en les conseqüències.

The consequences, the song we are listening to, would become the consequences.

Que es contaven d'amagat.

What they were telling each other in secret.

He mencionat en la introducció de la cançó aquesta cançó.

I mentioned in the introduction of the song this song.

Ara parlarem de com va néixer, com es va gravar primer,

Now we will talk about how it was born, how it was recorded first,

perquè hi ha un viatge curiós,

because there is a curious journey,

però anem a sentir la versió en castellà que feu de la vostra pròpia cançó

but let's listen to the Spanish version you made of your own song

i en la qual col·labora la cantant Mabu.

and in which the singer Mabu collaborates.

Però ja és tard

But it's already late.

perquè tot encaixi

to make everything fit

Però ja és tard

But it is already late.

perquè tot encaixi

so that everything fits

Com he dit abans, és curiós perquè la cançó tinc entès

As I said before, it is curious because I understand the song.

que va néixer en castellà, es va gravar primer en valencià

who was born in Spanish, was first recorded in Valencian.

i després es va fer una versió de nou en castellà, que és aquesta que estem sentint.

And then a new version was made in Spanish, which is the one we are listening to.

Sí, sí, sí. És un itinerari curiós.

Yes, yes, yes. It's an interesting itinerary.

Va néixer en castellà, però no va arribar a, diguem...

He was born in Spanish, but he didn't manage to, let's say...

Jo no vaig arribar a concloure el procés creatiu, estava la cançó escrita.

I didn't manage to complete the creative process; the song was written.

I clar, en eixe moment va ser un context de...

And of course, at that moment it was a context of...

de ser conscient, de voler fer un disc, no?

to be aware, to want to make a record, right?

I sí que volia d'alguna manera que tingués una coherència estètica

And I did want it to have some sort of aesthetic coherence.

ixe disc, no només a les cançons, sinó també al disseny, que estigués tot molt tancat.

that disc, not just in the songs, but also in the design, that everything was very closed in.

I bé, també va ser suposo un joc, m'agrada molt jugar i experimentar,

And well, I suppose it was also a game, I really like to play and experiment,

i en este cas era, bé, soc capaç de dur esta cançó i fer-la...

and in this case it was, well, I am able to carry this song and make it...

Més que traduir-la, acabar-la, no?

More than translating it, finishing it, right?

Acabar-la i donar-li un sentit...

Finish it and give it meaning...

Un sentit propi.

A sense of one’s own.

I quan va néixer la possibilitat de fer una col·laboració amb Mavo,

And when did the possibility of collaborating with Mavo arise?

que som uns amics increïbles, Maria i Charlie Solano,

that we are amazing friends, Maria and Charlie Solano,

que ell va produir esta cançó, Maria va cantar, però ell va ser el que va produir.

He produced this song, Maria sang it, but he was the one who produced.

És la nostra... Diguem que la col·laboració amb ell, clar, és molt profunda ni se sentit,

It is ours... Let's say that the collaboration with him, of course, is very deep or makes sense.

perquè va ser el que, d'alguna manera, li vam fer una proposta acústica

because it was what, in a way, we made him an acoustic proposal

totalment diferent com a joc, i és com a joc, per què no la canviem a nivell musical,

totally different as a game, and it is like a game, why don’t we change it at a musical level,

a nivell rítmic, a nivell d'instruments, i també, per què no, la fem en castellà, no?

On a rhythmic level, on an instrumental level, and also, why not, let's do it in Spanish, right?

I res, i va ser el resultat.

And nothing, and that was the result.

I la veritat és que estem molt contents, clar, Maria té una veu que és molt emocionant

And the truth is that we are very happy, of course, Maria has a voice that is very exciting.

i, clar, doncs, du la cançó, també, en este cas, una altra volta, una altra dimensió, no?

Yes, of course, so, bring the song, also, in this case, another time, another dimension, right?

Jo crec que, siga en la llengua que siga, una de les teves grans virtuts que està presenta en esta cançó,

I believe that, whatever the language, one of your great virtues that is present in this song,

vagi-ne un punt de vista, és la capacitat que tens per a fer bones melodies.

From a certain point of view, it is the ability you have to create good melodies.

Sempre m'ha tirat molt ixa part, no?

I've always been very drawn to that part, haven't I?

La melodia, i ho hem parlat alguna volta, i ho hem comentat en alguna entrevista, no?

The melody, and we have talked about it sometimes, and we have mentioned it in an interview, right?

Que la melodia és com la part física, no?

That the melody is like the physical part, right?

La bellesa teòrica d'una hipotètica persona, en este cas d'una cançó,

The theoretical beauty of a hypothetical person, in this case, of a song,

i la lletra és el contingut, és la personalitat, no?

And the lyrics are the content, they are the personality, right?

De la que, realment, si t'has d'enamorar, al final t'acabaràs enamorant per això.

Of the one that, really, if you have to fall in love, in the end, you will end up falling in love for this reason.

Però l'impuls primer sempre és la música, i jo, que em considero una persona prou impulsiva,

But the initial impulse is always the music, and I, who consider myself a rather impulsive person,

molt impacient, que, per tant, no m'agrada, no m'agrada, no m'agrada, no m'agrada, no m'agrada, no m'agrada, no m'agrada.

very impatient, which, therefore, I do not like, I do not like, I do not like, I do not like, I do not like, I do not like, I do not like.

Per cert, això és una de les coses que, conforme he sigut conscient,

By the way, this is one of the things that, as I have become aware,

he tractat de millorar perquè em considero una persona prou impacient

I have tried to improve because I consider myself a fairly impatient person.

i no era conscient fins a quin punt m'estava afectant per a mal en la composició.

And I wasn't aware of how much it was affecting me negatively in the composition.

Perquè abans parlàvem que en aquestes primeres cançons no hi havia filtre

Because earlier we said that in these first songs there was no filter.

perquè no era molt conscient del que estava fent, però també perquè no hi havia una paciència

because I wasn't very aware of what I was doing, but also because there was no patience

per a veure les coses tranquil·lament, per a provar,

to see things calmly, to try,

i quan tu t'adones de com treballen la resta de companys i aprens de referents,

and when you realize how the rest of your colleagues work and learn from role models,

en este cas, per exemple,

in this case, for example,

entrar en tardor va ser un punt d'inflexió molt gran

entering autumn was a very significant turning point

que vaig considerar en el disc de Quarmin Bang que estàvem parlant.

that I considered in the Quarmin Bang disk that we were talking about.

Una cosa que m'encanta i que ja he mencionat abans quan sentíem La Flama

One thing that I love and that I have already mentioned before when we were listening to La Flama.

és la dinàmica que imprimixes a la veu en les teves melodies.

It's the dynamics that you imprint on the voice in your melodies.

Jo crec que tens un gran domini de la interpretació dels matisos

I believe you have a great mastery of interpreting nuances.

i que això transmet moltes emocions quan se t'escolta cantar.

And that this conveys many emotions when you are heard singing.

T'agraeixo moltíssim que m'ho diguis.

I thank you very much for telling me.

Que m'ho diguis tu, em fa molta il·lusió.

That you tell me makes me very happy.

Jo faig el que puc, tracto de fer-ho el millor possible,

I do what I can, I try to do it the best I can.

sobretot tenint en compte les meves limitacions.

especially considering my limitations.

Recordo jo, per exemple, que soc periodista de música

I remember, for example, that I am a music journalist.

i vaig tenir la gran fortuna d'entrevistar una volta Jorge Drexler

I had the great fortune of interviewing Jorge Drexler once.

i en la conversa, de manera natural, superagradable i molt carinyosa,

and in the conversation, naturally, supersweet and very affectionate,

vam començar a parlar de la música. En aquell moment, Novembre Elèctric no existia.

We started talking about music. At that moment, Novembre Elèctric did not exist.

És tan bon dia com sembla.

It is as nice a day as it seems.

Sí, jo no el conec.

Yes, I don't know him.

A nivell de tracte agradable. Jo el sento en les entrevistes

At a pleasant level of interaction. I feel it in the interviews.

i passaria hores sentint este home parlar.

I could spend hours listening to this man talk.

Totalment, damunt és que té una intensitat amb la seva manera de parlar.

Totally, on top of that, he has an intensity in the way he speaks.

Parlàvem abans de la bellesa de les paraules

We were talking earlier about the beauty of words.

i també hi ha una bellesa a l'hora de comunicar

And there is also a beauty in the way of communicating.

i té eixa carisma per a comunicar i que et quedes completament embobat

And has that charisma for communicating that leaves you completely spellbound.

escoltant-lo parlar i podries estar hores.

Listening to him speak, you could be there for hours.

I ell em deia al final de l'entrevista, en aquell moment no existia Novembre Elèctric,

And he told me at the end of the interview, at that moment November Electric did not exist.

li vaig dir que tenia cancions i que m'agradaria fer alguna cosa,

I told him that I had songs and that I would like to do something.

però no m'hi atrevo perquè no controlo gaire i tinc moltes inseguritats.

but I'm not daring enough because I don't have much control and I have many insecurities.

I me'n va dir Jorge Drexler.

Jorge Drexler told me.



Les limitacions, has de conèixer-les i has de jugar a favor d'elles.

The limitations, you have to know them and you have to play in their favor.

És a dir, jo vaig entendre aquesta frase com si ets conscient d'aquestes limitacions,

That is, I understood this sentence as if you are aware of these limitations,

suposaran menys problema del que serien si no ets conscient.

They will pose less of a problem than they would if you are not aware.

I n'hi ha moltes altres capacitats que segurament pogués exercir.

There are many other abilities that he/she could surely exercise.

En aquest cas, la vocal mai l'ha entès com una possibilitat, un potencial,

In this case, the voice has never understood it as a possibility, a potential,

i a nivell de les melodies el mateix, però al final tens una forma de fer-ho

And at the level of melodies, the same, but in the end you have a way of doing it.

i tractes de fer-ho el millor possible.

I try to do it the best I can.

No és una cosa de la qual puc analitzar massa des de dins,

It is not something I can analyze too much from the inside.

però sí que em fa molt feliç que hi hagi persones que ho perceben així.

but it does make me very happy that there are people who perceive it that way.

Estic convençut que no soc l'únic.

I am convinced that I am not the only one.

I m'agrada molt el consell de Jorge.

I really like Jorge's advice.

Pense que és totalment encertat.

I think it is totally right.

I jo crec que ha arribat el moment que escoltem completament les conseqüències.

And I believe that the moment has come for us to fully listen to the consequences.

Fins aquí el programa d'avui.

That's all for today's program.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

I ara, ¿i què fas normalment amb les idees

And now, what do you usually do with ideas?

que vas acumulant

what you are accumulating

i quan comences a estirar del fil

And when do you start to pull the thread?

no acaba de fluir-les?

Doesn’t it quite flow for them?

¿Sols abandonar o sols ser cabut

Just abandon or just be stubborn.

i seguir estirant del fil fins que es convertís en cançó?

And keep pulling the thread until it became a song?

Pues mira, yo, en realidad,

Well, look, I, actually,

Mira, jo en realitat no composo massa, o sigui, no faig moltes cançons.

Look, I don't actually compose much, I mean, I don't make many songs.

De les que faig, generalment, les que treballo en seriós

Of the ones I do, generally, the ones I work on seriously.

solen ser perquè té alguna cosa que m'atrapa.

they are usually because it has something that captures me.

I utilitzo una tàctica que és molt arriscada,

I use a tactic that is very risky,

però que crec que té una essència necessària,

but I believe it has a necessary essence,

que és, jo gravo idees i si d'alguna manera la cançó es mereix ser treballada,

what it is, I record ideas and if somehow the song deserves to be worked on,

ja demanarà espai, no?

He/She will ask for space, right?

D'alguna manera en el record es mantindrà o acabaràs retrobant-te amb ella

In some way, it will stay in memory or you will end up reconnecting with her.

i diràs, vale, ostres, esta idea estava millor del que pensava

And you'll say, okay, wow, this idea was better than I thought.

i com que la pròpia cançó, la pròpia idea, t'adurà a que la treballis, no?

And since the song itself, the idea itself, will lead you to work on it, right?

Sí que n'hi ha algunes idees que, evidentment, se queden ahí en el tintero,

There are indeed some ideas that, obviously, remain there in the inkpot,

però són idees molt protoidees sense desenvolupar.

but they are very proto-ideas that are underdeveloped.

Molt rarament desenvolupa una idea que no es convertirà en cançó,

Very rarely does he develop an idea that will not become a song.

però sí que n'hi ha algunes i, bueno,

but there are some and, well,

si no han tingut el seu...

if they haven't had their...

el seu espai o el seu moment,

his space or his moment,

doncs és perquè no han tingut que...

well, it’s because they haven't had to...

ara, havia de ser així, no?

Now, it had to be like this, right?

Tornem al quart disc de novembre elèctric,

Let's return to the fourth album of electric November,

on trobem un altre salt compositiu i estilístic,

we find another compositional and stylistic leap,

un tema que trenca l'atmosfera,

a topic that breaks the atmosphere,

que és el Mauri Lavanda.

What is Mauri Lavanda?

Ho fa amb una cançó que es diu La set.

It does so with a song called La set.

Des de l'inici, Gerai, esta cançó sona diferent, no? Per què?

From the beginning, Gerai, this song sounds different, doesn't it? Why?

Bueno, es mèrit absolut del productor, en este caso de Pachi García,

Well, it is the absolute merit of the producer, in this case, Pachi García,



porque la cançó tenía un otro rollo,

because the song had a different vibe,

era más... un rollo...

it was more... a drag...

Més lent, una cadència més lenta,

Slower, a slower cadence,

per dir-te una referència més boca en tierra de Betusta Morla,

to give you one more reference mouth to the ground of Betusta Morla,

per dir-ho alguna,

to put it another way,

i, clar, ell ens va proposar canviar el ritme

Yes, of course, he suggested we change the rhythm.

i introduir d'una manera molt més contundent d'elements electrònics, no?

and introduce electronic elements in a much more forceful way, right?

Des de la base, fins i tot a, bueno, elements que estan teclats, etc.

From the base, even to, well, elements that are keyed, etc.

I, clar, en un primer moment ens va sorprendre moltíssim ixa proposta,

I, of course, at first, that proposal surprised us a lot.

però, com havíem parlat abans,

but, as we had discussed before,

estàvem abraçats a la rada...

we were embracing at the cove...

La sorpresa.

The surprise.

La incertesa, la sorpresa de tot, no?

The uncertainty, the surprise of it all, right?

I ens va tambalejar un poc en un principi,

And it did shake us a little at first,

perquè era un canvi radical i va ser molt divertit,

because it was a radical change and it was very fun,

perquè ixa nit, quan arribàrem, arribàrem un divendres a Baeza,

because that night, when we arrived, we arrived on a Friday in Baeza,

gravem en Baeza, en Pachi,

we're recording in Baeza, with Pachi,

que és una ciutat meravellosa, no sé si la conegueu,

it is a wonderful city, I don't know if you know it,

però Baeza és increïble, patrimoni de la humanitat.

but Baeza is incredible, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Baeza i Úbeda són ciutats germanes, patrimoni de la humanitat,

Baeza and Úbeda are sister cities, a UNESCO World Heritage site,

increïbles, molt boniques,

incredible, very beautiful,

i ell té l'estudi ahí, en ixe poble meravellós,

and he has the study there, in that wonderful town,

on són també supersubmarina, per cert,

Where are Supersubmarina, by the way?

i arribàrem un divendres de Madrid,

and we arrived on a Friday from Madrid,

maquetàrem com la base, no?

we mocked up like the base, right?

Era com la idea, era, bueno, com encarrelem esta cançó?

It was like the idea, it was, well, how do we steer this song?

I el divendres arribàrem i duíem una idea,

And on Friday we arrived and we had an idea,

i a més era com en l'ambient estàvem com especialment densos,

and also it was as if the atmosphere was especially dense.

d'això que dius... costarà d'arrencar.

What you say... will be hard to pull off.

I en ixe moment, ixes sensacions,

And in that moment, those sensations,

Pachi va dir, bueno...

Pachi said, well...

Vos vas fer una proposta, no?

You made a proposal, didn't you?

Què tal si fem açò?

How about we do this?

En este caso, en la set, pues lo vi clarísimo.

In this case, in the set, I saw it very clearly.

Lo vi clarísimo.

The wine was very clear.

Lo vi clarísimo porque primero me parecía que había un texto muy bueno,

I saw it very clearly because at first it seemed to me that there was a very good text,

que el texto tenía que respirar,

that the text had to breathe,

que tenía que tener un peso, la canción,

that had to have weight, the song,

para que la set, con esa textura de canción,

for the thirst, with that song-like texture,

darle protagonismo a la set, a la frase en sí,

give prominence to the thirst, to the phrase itself,

o sea, a la palabra en sí, y al texto.

that is, to the word itself, and to the text.

Es cert, el que diu, que el concepte de la cançó, la lletra,

It is true, what he says, that the concept of the song, the lyrics,

la lletra com ho diu, però també el que diu,

the lyrics as it says, but also what it means,

hi ha un missatge molt potent darrere,

there is a very powerful message behind,

i que es percep en la producció que se li ha volgut donar importància

And it is perceived in the production that importance has been wanted to be given to it.

al concepte de la set.

to the concept of thirst.

Sí, ell, per exemple, en les tornades de la cançó

Yes, he, for example, in the choruses of the song.

va proposar fer ixe recurs de com fora un crit coral de la set,

he proposed to make that appeal as if it were a choral cry of thirst,

per a precisament remarcar, supose,

to specifically emphasize, I suppose,

supose el concepte, no?,

I suppose the concept, right?

i donar-li a la cançó, digam,

and give it to the song, let's say,

un accent en una cançó que, excepte en la part C,

an accent in a song that, except in part C,

que sí que té ixe subidó en clímax increïble,

that it indeed has that incredible climax boost,

on Pachi va fer el solo de guitarra i mos quedàrem tots muts en ixe moment,

when Pachi did the guitar solo, we all became silent at that moment,

va ser un moment dels més especials que hem viscut mai,

it was one of the most special moments we have ever lived.

però és una cançó que, per lo demés, és prou lineal,

but it is a song that, for the rest, is quite linear,

dins d'ixa base electrònica i tal,

within that electronic base and such,

i té com detallets, no?,

And it has little details, right?

és com, tampoc és una cançó sobrecarregada d'elements,

it's like, it's also not a song overloaded with elements,

però és que estan ben escollits, jo crec,

but they are well chosen, I think,

en este cas perquè els va decidir Pachi García, no?,

In this case, because it was decided by Pachi García, right?

i, no sé, estem molt contents.

Yes, I don't know, we are very happy.

En quant al concepte sí que és veritat que era una cançó

As for the concept, it is true that it was a song.

que jo sentia des d'un primer moment,

that I felt from the very first moment,

d'estes que dius, sóc conscient de lo que vull parlar,

of these that you say, I am aware of what I want to talk about,

quan ja descobrisses realment de lo que vols parlar,

when you really discovered what you want to talk about,

perquè a lo millor en ixes primeres frases,

because perhaps in those first phrases,

en ixos primers àudios que escoltàvem abans,

in those first audios that we listened to before,

a lo millor no ho tens clar, però quan ja tens

maybe you don't have it clear, but when you already have

ixa frase, no?, com saber què és la set si no dejamos de beber,

that phrase, right?, how to know what thirst is if we don't stop drinking,



és la cançó del tiró, no?

It's the song of the duck, isn't it?

Musicalment, possiblement gràcies a les propostes de Pachi,

Musically, possibly thanks to Pachi's suggestions,

però també a la qualitat de la cançó original,

but also to the quality of the original song,

trobem una infinitat d'elements superinteressants

we find an infinite number of super interesting elements

a nivell instrumental.

at an instrumental level.

Ixa guitarra que sona tota la cançó per darrere en bucle,

That guitar that plays the whole song in the background on loop,

la base electrònica, l'atmosfera...

the electronic base, the atmosphere...

Sentim-ho de nou.

Sorry again.

És una cançó magnètica, no?, que atrapa.

It's a magnetic song, isn't it? That captivates.

Sí, és un mantra.

Yes, it's a mantra.

Ixe arranjament de guitarra va ser un mantra en tota la gravació.

That guitar arrangement was a mantra throughout the recording.

Recordo que per la nit quan eixívem a sopar els companys del grup

I remember that at night when we went out to dinner with the group of colleagues.

estàvem insultant, no?, per com sentirem...

We were insulting, right?, by how we feel...

De fet, sentirem mal que estava passant algo especial, no?

In fact, we will feel bad that something special was happening, right?

No sempre passa en les gravacions.

It doesn't always happen in the recordings.

Pots estar molt content i orgullós de lo que estàs fent,

You can be very happy and proud of what you are doing.

i emocionat, però hi ha moments molt especials

I'm excited, but there are very special moments.

on dius, així està passant algo especial.

As you say, something special is happening.

Ixe cap de setmana gravarem dos cançons,

This weekend we will record two songs.

que era Boira i la Set.

that was Boira and the Set.

Se gravaren juntes el mateix cap de setmana.

They were recorded together the same weekend.

La que ha obert i la que tanca el programa.

The one that opens and the one that closes the program.

Just, just, curiosament.

Just, just, curiously.

Ixa nit estàvem supercontents, supercontents.

That night we were super happy, super happy.

En Boira, per exemple, que no ho havíem comentat abans,

In Boira, for example, that we hadn't mentioned before,

però la part de final dels cors, això és també idea de Pachi,

but the ending part of the choirs, this is also an idea of Pachi,

els cors multiplicats i...

the multiplied hearts and...

Quan diu ella plora i somriu.

When she says, she cries and smiles.



I això és de Pachi, i quan vaig escoltar,

And this is from Pachi, and when I listened,

vaig eixir de la cabina i ho vaig escoltar,

I stepped out of the cabin and heard it.

vaig emocionar i vaig dir, i era molt bon híbert, també.

I got emotional and said, and he was also a very good híbert.

I en el cas de la Set era la guitarra,

And in the case of the Set, it was the guitar,

i per la nit estàvem de festa i...

and at night we were partying and...

Anàvem pel carrer de Baeza i tot,

We were walking down Baeza Street and everything,

i tots ahí convollats, increïble, en ixe motiu,

and all of you gathered there, incredible, for that reason,

que per cert, parlàvem abans de l'error,

by the way, we were talking earlier about the mistake,

ver quan va gravar la guitarra, va entrar mal, on no tocava,

to see when he recorded the guitar, he played in the wrong place, where he shouldn't have.

el tantar, és com a destemps...

the tantar is like at untimely...

Clar, va entrar a contratemps.

Of course, he/she came in at an awkward moment.

Respecte a lo que anàvem a fer, però vam dir...

Regarding what we were going to do, we said...

Estàvem dient, no, no, està mal, però...

We were saying, no, no, that's wrong, but...

Bueno, sigue, sigue, sigue.

Well, go on, go on, go on.

I va seguir, i aixina se va quedar,

And it continued, and that's how it stayed,

perquè molava més un error.

because it was cooler to make a mistake.

De vegades, de l'errada, abraçar l'errada de nou.

Sometimes, from the mistake, embracing the mistake again.

Exacte, totalment.

Exactly, totally.

Sí que és cert que és un motiu de guitarra que és molt senzill,

It is true that it is a very simple guitar riff,

però és que la història de la música està farcida

but the history of music is filled

d'elements molt senzills,

of very simple elements,

però que es queden gravats en el cervell.

but that are etched in the brain.

Sí, a més, musicalment, quan tu tens un passatge harmònic,

Yes, moreover, musically, when you have a harmonic passage,

que va variant, cada nota deixa bucle,

that varies, each note leaves a loop,

que poden ser tres notes, dues notes,

that can be three notes, two notes,

però van agafant colors diferents,

but they are taking on different colors,

però van passant pels diferents acords.

but they go through the different agreements.

La comunió de les notes és diferent

The communion of the notes is different.

i crea una cosa diferent.

And create something different.

Exacte. Totes eixes idees

Exactly. All those ideas.

condensades en una meravellosa cançó

condensed into a wonderful song

amb la qual ens acomiadem, la 7.

with which we say goodbye, the 7.

I els altres com la 5.

And the others like the 5.

Així l'entrem.

This way we enter it.

Moltes gràcies, a tots dos.

Thank you very much, both of you.

Moltes gràcies, l'Enyil.

Thank you very much, Enyil.

Moltes gràcies per ser aquí.

Thank you very much for being here.

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

Un saludo a tots dos.

Greetings to both of you.

Dime si has olvidado lo que importa

Tell me if you have forgotten what matters.

Si has de elegir entre la mentira

If you have to choose between the lie

Más dulce y la puta verdad

Sweeter and the damn truth

Dime que no has olvidado lo que importa

Tell me you haven't forgotten what matters.

Ser capaz de anudar tu voz

Be able to tie your voice.

Y conservar la sed

And keep the thirst.

Y aprender a erizar tu piel

And learn to bristle your skin.

Frente al más cruel abismo

In front of the cruelest abyss

I era i calvo.

He was bald.

Creí que era el primer.

I thought it was the first.

Creus que ens hem aproximat al lloc on naixen les teves cançons?

Do you think we have come close to the place where your songs are born?

Jo crec que sí, d'una manera molt profunda.

I believe so, in a very profound way.

A més, he de dir d'una manera molt clara i contundent

Furthermore, I must say very clearly and emphatically.

que això és un regal per a un humil músic com jo

that this is a gift for a humble musician like me

i per a Novembre Elèctric.

and for Electric November.

I ha sigut una experiència increïble poder compartir amb tu,

It has been an incredible experience to be able to share with you.

xerrar un poquet de música, de cançons

to chat a little about music, about songs

i llargar vida on naixen les cançons

and long life where songs are born

perquè crec que és un projecte superbonic

because I think it is a super beautiful project

i que fa honor al treball de música

and does honor to the work of music

i a la gent que ens ha acompanyat en aquest viatge.

and to the people who have accompanied us on this journey.

Moltes gràcies per les paraules i per haver-nos acompanyat en este viatge.

Thank you very much for the words and for accompanying us on this journey.

I ser capaç de anudar tu voz

I will be able to tie your voice.

I conservar la sed

And keep the thirst.

I aprender a erizar tu piel

I learn to bristle your skin.

Frente al más cruel abismo

In front of the cruelest abyss.

I ser capaç de anudar tu voz

"To be able to tie your voice."

Más cruel


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