21.09.2024 | El rall

À Punt Mèdia

El rall

21.09.2024 | El rall

El rall

El Rai, de poble a poble, fem xarxa.

The Rai, from town to town, we weave a network.

Bon dia, rayeres i rayers.

Good morning, rays and rayers.

Esperem que hageu començat d'este dissabte 21 de setembre

We hope you started this Saturday, September 21.

i vos donem la benvinguda al Rai del Cap de Setmana.

We welcome you to the Rai of the Weekend.

El programa d'avui volem dedicar-lo a totes les persones

We want to dedicate today's program to all the people.

que conviuen amb l'Alzheimer,

that live with Alzheimer's,

tant a pacients com a les famílies i al seu entorn,

both to patients and to families and their surroundings,

que cada dia pateixen aquesta malaltia.

that suffer from this disease every day.

Primer de tot, enviem salutacions de tot l'equip del Rai,

First of all, we send greetings from the entire Rai team,

amb Javi Domènech al capdavant,

with Javi Domènech at the helm,

també hi ha Sergi Olcina, Lucía Nadal, Joan Saboigues, Patx i Querol,

there is also Sergi Olcina, Lucía Nadal, Joan Saboigues, Patx and Querol,

i al meu costat, un cap de setmana més,

and by my side, another weekend,

dues persones que ja estan preparades,

two people who are already prepared,

Marina Perelló, per una banda, molt bon dia.

Marina Perelló, on the one hand, good morning.

Molt bon dia, com estem?

Very good morning, how are we?

A la banda dreta, Marina Perelló.

On the right side, Marina Perelló.

Que us veu partit.

That sees you divided.

Sí, sí, perquè vos heu assegut, a més, avui cadascuna a un lloc.

Yes, yes, because you have all sat down, besides, today each one in a different place.

També a la banda esquerra hi ha Abril Peidro.

Also on the left side is Abril Peidro.

Bon dia.

Good morning.

Què vos pareix?

What do you think?

Al front, jo no sé com seria en un partit de futbol.

At the front, I don't know how it would be in a football match.

Jo soc la portera, doncs l'altre porter,

I am the goalkeeper, so the other goalkeeper,

que és el tècnic que està en front de nosaltres,

who is the technician that is in front of us,

és Ximo Reboll, qui està avui al control tècnic.

It's Ximo Reboll, who is in charge of technical control today.

I com no, també ens acompanyen, com cada dia,

And of course, they also accompany us, as every day,

els companys i companyes de la Federació Valenciana

the colleagues from the Valencian Federation

de Municipis i Províncies

of Municipalities and Provinces

i de la xarxa d'emissores municipals valencianes.

and from the network of Valencian municipal broadcasters.

Xiques, abans de començar el programa d'avui,

Girls, before starting today's program,

comentem algunes dades,

let's discuss some data,

perquè avui és el Dia Mundial

because today is World Day

de l'Alzheimer i hem de dir

of Alzheimer's and we have to say

que es calcula que només a la comunitat valenciana

it is estimated that only in the Valencian community

existeixen al voltant

they exist around

de 50.000 pacients

of 50,000 patients

amb la malaltia i més

with the disease and more

de 100.000 familiars

of 100,000 relatives

afectats. Parlem d'algunes

Affected. Let's talk about some.

recomanacions audiovisuals, si vos pareix bé.

audiovisual recommendations, if you agree.

Comencem, Marina? Sí, perquè esta realitat

Shall we start, Marina? Yes, because this reality

s'ha traslladat en numeroses ocasions

it has been moved on numerous occasions

al cinema i a la gran pantalla

to the cinema and to the big screen

i jo vos porto la que és la meva recomanació personal.

And I bring you what is my personal recommendation.

Es tracta de la pel·lícula

It is about the movie.

Mentre seas tu, de la directora

As long as you are, from the director

Clàudia Pinto.

Clàudia Pinto.

Realitat de Carme Lías, que és una actriu

Reality of Carme Lías, who is an actress.

que després de 50 anys en el teatre, el cinema

that after 50 years in theater, cinema

i la televisió és diagnosticada

and the television is diagnosed

d'Alzheimer. Així que, juntament amb la directora,

of Alzheimer's. So, together with the director,

que és també així amiga seva,

that it is also your friend,

decideixen plasmar el seu últim viatge

they decide to capture their last trip

conscient. Este documental

conscient. This documentary

es va endur el Premi Goya

he took home the Goya Award

a millor pel·lícula documental en l'última

for best documentary film at the last

entrega de Desguardons

delivery of Desguardons

i vos faig un xicotet tast

I'll give you a little taste.

del que és.

of what it is.

Quina estació de l'any estem?

What season of the year are we in?

Aquest matí ho sabia.

This morning I knew it.

La memòria falla, primer

Memory fails, first.

subtilment, i molt a poc a poc, més

subtly, and very slowly, more



Carmen, Elías,

Carmen, Elias,

por camino. José María Rodero

by road. José María Rodero

me dijo hace muchos años que lo más

He told me many years ago that the most

importante en nuestro oficio es

important in our profession is

persistir. Y Rodero tenía razón.

persist. And Rodero was right.

Tú eres alguien en quien

You are someone in whom

confío plenamente en tu inteligencia

I fully trust your intelligence.

pero en tu corazón y en tu sensibilidad.

but in your heart and in your sensitivity.

Y me conoces mucho.

And you know me very well.

No sabéis lo que me ayuda esto.

You don't know how much this helps me.

No sabéis lo que me ayuda. Es de verdad un trabajo

You have no idea how much it helps me. It really is work.

audiovisual magnífic que retrata

magnificent audiovisual that portrays

molt, molt bé el que és eixe viatge conscient

very, very good what that conscious journey is

cap a la pèrdua de memòria.

towards memory loss.

Ja no només de la part dels familiars que la viuen,

Not only from the part of the relatives who live it,

sinó des de la pròpia perspectiva personal de ser

but from one's own personal perspective of being

conscient de tot el que estàs perdent.

aware of everything you are losing.

De veres que és una pel·lícula que no us podeu perdre.

It really is a movie that you can't miss.

Doncs apuntadíssima

So very pointed.

i una altra proposta, no, Abril?

And another proposal, right, Abril?

Una proposta audiovisual.

An audiovisual proposal.

Una altra proposta audiovisual. Jo vos parlo

Another audiovisual proposal. I speak to you.

d'una altra pel·lícula documental

from another documentary film

que reflecteix molt bé el dia a dia

that reflects very well everyday life

de les persones amb Alzheimer i de les seues

of people with Alzheimer's and their

famílies. És el documental

families. It's the documentary

Toda una vida, de la directora castellonenca

A lifetime, by the director from Castellón.

Marta Romero. Si voleu, escolteu

Marta Romero. If you want, listen.

primer una xicoteta part del seu tràiler.

first a small part of its trailer.

Carinyo, aguántate, si vida mía.

Honey, hold on, my dear.


Hold on.

Eres muy guapa,

You are very beautiful.

como la mielada.

like the honeycomb.

Papá, aguántate con verano en la boca.

Dad, hold on with summer in your mouth.

Ja hi ha.

Already there.

Què haces?

What are you doing?

Toma, va.

Here you go.

La veritat que impacta també

The truth that also impacts.

este final en el que graven

this ending in which they record

la pròpia neta, no sap ni

the granddaughter herself doesn't even know

tan sols que és la seua neta.

only that she is his granddaughter.

Com acabem d'escoltar, este documental

As we have just heard, this documentary

ens mostra escenes quotidianes

it shows us everyday scenes

i reals de la vida de Paco i Trini,

and the realities of the life of Paco and Trini,

que són els avis de la

what are the grandparents of the

directora. Filmada a Benicarló

director. Filmed in Benicarló.

al llarg de 12 anys, perquè no ho hem dit,

over the course of 12 years, because we haven't said so,

però Marta Romero és de

but Marta Romero is from

Benicarló, ens mostra

Benicarló shows us.

un poc l'evolució de la malaltia

a little about the progression of the disease

que patix Trini i com ho viu la família,

what Trini suffers and how the family experiences it,

però en especial Paco, que és

but especially Paco, who is

el seu home. El documental es va estrenar

her husband. The documentary premiered

l'any passat i va rebre el Premi Mirades

last year and received the Mirades Award

a la millor pel·lícula valenciana al

to the best Valencian film at the

Festival Docs València. I si voleu

Festival Docs València. And if you want

veure'l, precisament se met esta nit

to see him, precisely to be in this night

a les 10, així a la televisió d'apunt.

At 10, so on the television of Apunt.

Perfecte, doncs, eixes dos recomanacions

Perfect, then, those two recommendations.

apuntadíssimes per este

definitely marked for this

dia. I recordem,

day. And let's remember,

un últim recordatori arran d'això,

a final reminder regarding this,

és una malaltia, l'Alzheimer, que

it is a disease, Alzheimer's, that

encara no té cura. Després

still has no cure. After

d'estes recomanacions, xiques, el que cal és

from these recommendations, girls, what is needed is

anar ara amb el sumari, amb els continguts d'avui.

Let's go now with the agenda, with today's contents.

Estem preparadíssims. Vinga, fem marxar.

We are more than ready. Come on, let's go.

La primera parada d'avui

The first stop of today

la fem a la Llesa, el poble

we do it in Llesa, the town

de la comarca dels Serrans, que este

from the region of Serrans, that this

cap de setmana acull la quarta edició

the weekend hosts the fourth edition

de la Fira de la Serrania,

from the Serrania Fair,

que està organitzada per la Mancomunitat.

that is organized by the Commonwealth.

I com que hi haurà gastronomia en la

And since there will be gastronomy in the

fira, després recordarem el millor

fair, then we will remember the best

mos del dia, la secció de Carles Galletero

"Morning bug, the section of Carles Galletero"

en què ens fa soroll la panxa principal.

what does the main belly make noise about?

Així que ens porta a llocs on fer-nos

So it takes us to places where we can become.

un bon, boníssim esmorzar.

a good, very good breakfast.

Molt bé. Després farem parada al Collo

Very well. Later we will stop at Collo.

en esta nit d'estrena en Insurrecció, en un curt

on this opening night in Insurrection, in a short

en el qual ha participat de manera molt

in which he/she has participated very

activa el veïnat de la localitat.

activate the local community.

I molta atenció a este projecte, perquè

And a lot of attention to this project, because

si tot va bé, pronte es convertirà en una

if all goes well, it will soon become one

miniserie i seguirem parlant d'ell.

miniseries and we will continue talking about him.

La estrena avui. A més, també recordarem

The premiere today. In addition, we will also remember.

l'espai al front de l'Ajuntament

the space in front of the Town Hall

amb l'entrevista que esta setmana li van fer

with the interview they did with him this week

a Jorge Rodríguez, l'alcalde

to Jorge Rodríguez, the mayor

d'Ontinyent. I si tenim gastronomia

from Ontinyent. And if we have gastronomy

i cinema, què és el que no ens pot

And cinema, what is it that cannot?

faltar? El que? El ball. Home! Perquè

Miss? What? The dance. Come on! Why?

també prepararem les castanyoles per a ballar

we will also prepare the castanets for dancing

en la pleg de danses de les Marines, que

in the dance fold of the Marines, that

convoyarà demà a grups aficionats a

will escort tomorrow hobby groups to

Sabia. I com que sí, al Rally donem

Knowing. And since yes, we give at the Rally.

a tot, deixarem les castanyoles per a

to everything, we will leave the castanets for

calfar els motors amb Paula Lerín, que

warming up the engines with Paula Lerín, who

aquesta setmana, en Esports al Territori,

this week, in Sports in the Territory,

entrevistarà el campió de Motoe,

he will interview the MotoE champion,

Héctor Garzó. Doncs mireu, jo ja

Héctor Garzó. Well, you see, I already

preparada. No sé si amb el motor, amb les

prepared. I don't know if with the engine, with the

castanyoles o amb què. Amb tot. El cas és que

castanets or with what. With everything. The matter is that

ara ens n'anem de fira. Vinga.

Now we're going to the fair. Come on.

El Rally, el programa

The Rally, the program

dels pobles de la ràdio

of the villages of radio


of Apo.

A veure, Abril,

Let's see, Abril,

què dèiem que ens n'anàvem de fira?

What were we saying about going to the fair?

És que hi ha millor pla

Is there a better plan?

que anar-se de fira? Jo crec que no.

Going to the fair? I don't think so.

I a tu què és el que més t'agrada de les fires?

And what do you like the most about the fairs?

Uf! Jo, bé,

Phew! Me, good,

jo crec que l'olla, no sé si la coneixes.

I think the pot, I don't know if you know it.

Sí, però a veure, de fet,

Yes, but let's see, in fact,

hem de dir una intrahistòria personal

we have to tell a personal intrahistory

i és que,

and it is that,

bueno, personal de Marina,

well, Marina staff,

de Marina Perelló, que este matit ha dit

from Marina Perelló, who said this morning

que quan ella era jove,

that when she was young,

Marina no arriba als 30 anys, però ella

Marina is not yet 30 years old, but she

parla ja en passat. Clar, quan ella

talks already in the past. Of course, when she

era jove s'utilitzava l'olla

When I was young, the pot was used.

de la fira per a lligar. Això ho ha dit Marina,

from the fair to hook up. This is what Marina has said,

eh? No ho he dit jo. Però és que jo

Huh? I didn't say that. But it's just that I...

no em referia a aixa fira

I wasn't referring to that fair.

d'atraccions. Jo em referia a les fires

of attractions. I was referring to the fairs.

de productes de proximitat i

of local products and

tot. Les fires més artesanals.

Everything. The most artisanal fairs.

Això és, fira artesanal, sí.

This is an artisanal fair, yes.

Doncs jo crec que en eixe cas, el que més

Well, I think that in that case, the most.

m'agrada a mi, de sempre, és el menjar.

I have always liked food.

De fet, a la fira de Cosentaina, que a mi em filla

In fact, at the fair in Cocentaina, that makes me happy.

a propet de casa, jo soc d'Alcoi. Sí, i queda ja poquet, eh?

Close to home, I am from Alcoy. Yes, and there's not much left, right?

I queda ja poquet, queden només unes setmanes.

There's not much left, only a few weeks remain.

Sempre de xicoteta em comprava

Always bought me as a little girl.

una panalla torrada. Ai, que bona.

a toasted bread. Oh, how good.

Tots els anys. Doncs mira, jo crec que és moment.

Every year. Well, look, I think it's time.

La fira de Cosentaina haurem d'esperar. Sí.

We'll have to wait for the fair in Cocentaina. Yes.

A la fira de tots els anys, però

At the fair of every year, however

ara està la fira

now the fair is on

de la Serrania.

of the Serrania.

I ens n'anem a la comarca del Serran. Esteu

And we are going to the Serran region. Are you?

a l'aixabrida o què? Perfecte, anem allà. Vinga, anem

At the aïxabrida or what? Perfect, let's go there. Come on, let's go.

al municipi de la Llesa, que és on està

in the municipality of Llesa, which is where it is

celebrant-se, i allí ens atén

celebrating, and there we are attended

l'agent de desenvolupament local de la Mancomunitat

the local development agent of the Commonwealth

dels Serrans, Inmaculada Quevedo.

from the Serrans, Inmaculada Quevedo.

Hola, Inma, bon dia.

Hello, Inma, good morning.

Hola, buenos días.

Hello, good morning.

Comenta'ns un poc, perquè ho hem dit,

Comment a little, because we have said it,

esta és la quarta edició, però

this is the fourth edition, but

com va sorgir esta iniciativa per part

how did this initiative arise from

de la Mancomunitat de fer esta fira?

of the Commonwealth to hold this fair?

La verdad que es como un rescate

The truth is that it's like a rescue.

de una antigua fiesta

of an ancient festival

de la Serrania, que se hacía

from the Serrania, which was made

allá por el año

back in the year

1900 largos,

1900 yards,

y entonces ya

and then already

sobre el año 2000, ya sé que

around the year 2000, I already know that

se empezó a recuperar

he started to recover

las ferias que se hacían

the fairs that were held

por todos los municipios de la comarca de la Serranía,

throughout all the municipalities of the Serranía region,

que se llamaba Cerraltur, que unían

that was called Cerraltur, which united

los municipios de la Mancomunidad

the municipalities of the Commonwealth

de la Serranía con los de la Altoturia.

from the Serranía with those of Altoturia.

Y luego, a través,

And then, through,

se hicieron ocho o diez ediciones,

eight or ten editions were made,

luego por la crisis se paró,

then it stopped due to the crisis,

y la verdad que cogimos el relevo

And the truth is that we took over.

desde Turismo, desde Mancomunidad de la Serranía,

from Tourism, from the Serranía Commonwealth,

y recuperamos

and we recover

otra vez


esa feria, que une

that fair, which unites

a toda nuestra comarca, y es una

to our entire region, and it is a

un visor de lo que

a viewer of what

es el interior de València,

it is the interior of Valencia,

y ya llevamos la cuarta edición

And we are already on the fourth edition.

y muy contentos, porque vamos

and very happy, because we go

a más cada año, la verdad.

every year more, the truth.

Inma, en esta cuarta edición, ¿per qué

Inma, in this fourth edition, why?

heu triat, precisamente, la IESA?

why have you chosen the IESA, precisely?

Pues, digamos que un poco

Well, let's say a little.

la idea era de que los propios

the idea was that the own

municipios de la Mancomunidad se postulan

municipalities of the Commonwealth put themselves forward

a que quieren albergar la feria en su municipio,

to what they want to host the fair in their municipality,

y lo que

and what

hemos estado intentando, que pues de los

We have been trying, that well from the

municipios que se postulan,

municipalities that are nominated,

pues ver que aquellos

well see that those

que ya han albergado no anteriormente la

that have not previously hosted the

feria, y

fair, and

no hay ningún motivo así más.

There is no other reason like that.

La IESA este año dijo que

The IESA this year said that

le apetecía hacerlo con otros municipios más,

he wanted to do it with other municipalities as well,

y como otros municipios ya habían

and as other municipalities had already

participado en otras ediciones, aunque ya

participated in other editions, although already

hacía más de diez años,

more than ten years ago,

pero bueno, se decidió hacerlo en la IESA

but well, it was decided to do it at the IESA

porque sí que hay que tener en cuenta que la IESA

because it is necessary to take into account that the IESA

es un pueblo muy pequeñito

it is a very small village

del interior, nosotros montamos

from the interior, we set up

la feria donde haga falta,

the fair wherever needed,

porque no hay que discriminar

because we should not discriminate

ninguno de

none of

ellos, porque son todos menores, dos pueblos

They, because they are all minors, two towns.

así un poquito más grandes, que son

so a little bit bigger, which are

Villar y Pedralba y Casinos,

Villar and Pedralba and Casinos,

el resto, todos los municipios son menores de

the rest, all the municipalities are smaller than

800 habitantes.

800 inhabitants.

Sí, de fet, crec que en torno a

Yes, in fact, I think that around

200 habitants són

There are 200 inhabitants.

els que té la IESA, i mira,

those that the IESA has, and look,

precisament per a parlar

precisely to talk

d'este poble i del que suposa

of this town and what it represents

acollir esta quarta edició

host this fourth edition

de la fira, també saludem

from the fair, we also greet

Espe Barea, que també la tenim a l'altre

Espe Barea, whom we also have on the other side.

costat del telèfon, i és la gent de

next to the phone, and it is the people of

desenvolupament local del poble de la IESA,

local development of the village of the IESA,

que a més participa amb una parada.

who also participates with a booth.

Hola, Espe, què tal?

Hello, Espe, how are you?

Hola, què tal? Molt bé, i vosaltres?

Hello, how are you? Very well, and you?

Molt bé, així estem.

Very well, that's how we are.

Estem ja amb ganetes.

We are already eager.

Conta'ns un poquet, què suposa

Tell us a little, what does it mean?

per a un municipi com la IESA,

for a municipality like IESA,

que, com dèiem abans, té al voltant d'uns 200

that, as we said before, has around 200

habitants, ser l'escenari

inhabitants, being the stage

enguany d'esta fira?

this year's fair?

La verdad es que estamos muy contentos también

The truth is that we are very happy too.

de que se haga la

that it happens the

feria este año en la IESA.

fair this year at the IESA.

Para nosotros es un reto,

For us, it is a challenge.

aunque la organización es de la mancomunidad,

although the organization is from the Commonwealth,

pero creemos que va a venir

but we believe that he/she is going to come

bastante público, y es un

quite a lot of audience, and it is a

reto también ver que nuestras

I challenge you to see that our

instalaciones están adaptadas

The facilities are adapted.

y que van a poder acoger

and that they will be able to accommodate

a todos los visitantes

to all visitors

que quieran venir desde cualquier

that want to come from anywhere

punto de la provincia de València,

point of the province of Valencia,

de la Comunidad Valenciana y de donde

from the Valencian Community and from where



Nada, muy contentos, muy contentos de que

Nothing, very happy, very happy that

se celebre aquí. Y seguro, seguro, que

is celebrated here. And for sure, sure, that

va a salir súper bien.

It's going to turn out great.

Y, bueno, nada,

And, well, nothing,

no puedo decir más, que estamos encantados

I can't say more than that we are delighted.

y que queremos que venga a visitarnos

and we want him to come and visit us

mucha gente.

a lot of people.

Claro que sí, nosotres ens sumem a

Of course, we join in.

esa convidada que tant avui dissabte

that guest that so much today Saturday

com demà diumenge es celebrarà,

as tomorrow Sunday will be celebrated,

però, Inma, sí que ens agradaria

but, Inma, we would indeed like to

que ens farés un xicot de resum

that you will give us a kind of summary

de la programació, de tot el que podrem

from the programming, of everything we can

veure, perquè nosaltres tenim la programació

see, because we have the schedule

davant, i jo no sé com farà la gent

in front, and I don't know how people will take it

per a poder anar a tot, perquè hi ha

to be able to go everywhere, because there is

moltíssimes activitats. Conta'ns un poc

very many activities. Tell us a little.

com l'heu estructurada, esta programació

how have you structured this programming

de la fira.

from the fair.

Sí, la verdad que

Yes, the truth is that

como tocamos muchas áreas en esta

since we touch on many areas in this

feria, ¿vale?, porque como queremos

fair, okay?, because as we want

albergar todas las...

to house all the...

De todo, de todo.

Of everything, of everything.

Sí, de todo un poco, pues mira,

Yes, a bit of everything, well look,

por un lado tenemos un escenario gastronómico,

on one hand we have a gastronomic scenario,

que todo el día están haciendo cartas,

that all day they are making letters,

demostraciones culinarias,

culinary demonstrations,

conferencias de cómo se elaboran

conferences on how they are made

productos, talleres...

products, workshops...

Luego tenemos otra área,

Then we have another area,

que son 30 expositores,

that there are 30 exhibitors,

que ahí sí que convergen tanto

that there they do converge both

expositores de turismo, o sea,

tourism exhibitors, that is,

empresas de turismo, de comercio

tourism companies, commerce companies

como agencias de viaje,

like travel agencies,

de artesanía,

of craftsmanship,

y luego de productos

and then of products

gastronómicos, restaurantes,

gastronomic, restaurants,

etcétera. ¿Vale? Entonces

etcetera. Okay? So

se puede degustar durante todo el día

it can be tasted throughout the day

todos los productos que nos ofrecen

all the products they offer us

y comprar todos los artículos artesanos que hacen

and buy all the handcrafted items they make.

e informarse. Tenemos un stand

and get informed. We have a stand

de la Mancomunidad, que alberga

of the Commonwealth, which houses

todos los municipios de la

all the municipalities of the

Serranía y también de la Altoturia.

Highlands and also of the Altoturia.

Y entonces puede venir la gente a informarse

And then people can come to get information.

pues de todos los rincones tan

well from all the corners so

encantadores que tenemos en nuestra comarca,

charming ones we have in our region,

muchas joyas sin descubrirse,

many undiscovered jewels,

tenemos parques naturales,

we have natural parks,

tenemos, bueno,

we have, well,

como sabéis,

as you know,

de interés turístico, un montón

of tourist interest, a lot

de rinconcitos para que nos conozcan

from little corners so they can get to know us

y vengan a hacer senderismo,

and come to go hiking,

casitas rurales, muchas experiencias,

rural houses, many experiences,

que están maravillosas.

that they are wonderful.

Y luego, aparte de todo eso, es que como

And then, apart from all that, it's just that how

tenemos tanta riqueza, tenemos

we have so much wealth, we have

otro escenario

another scenario

que es de

what is it about

actuaciones en directo.

live performances.

Y todo esto que estoy hablando es

And all this that I am talking about is

todo de municipios de la comarca.

all municipalities of the region.

Todo, exclusivo.

Everything, exclusive.

Entonces tenemos grupos de rock,

So we have rock bands,

programas de radio en directo,

live radio programs,

porque hay emisoras de radio en nuestra comarca,

because there are radio stations in our region,

tenemos actuaciones de bailes tradicionales,

we have performances of traditional dances,

grupos de rondallas,

groups of folk tales,

grupos de teatro también,

theater groups too,

o sea, una realidad.

I mean, a reality.

Y aparte de todo eso, también

And apart from all that, also

un área de asociaciones,

an area of associations,

porque tenemos muchísimas asociaciones

because we have many associations

que participan de forma activa

that participate actively

en la sociedad

in society

de nuestros municipios,

of our municipalities,

que también vienen a hacernos talleres, a demostrar

that also come to give us workshops, to demonstrate

todo lo que hacen, porque hay culturales,

everything they do, because there are cultural aspects,

deportivas, de tradición,

sports, of tradition,

o sea, de todo un poco.

In other words, a bit of everything.

Y aparte de esto también tenemos

And apart from this, we also have.



de todo tipo, las áreas

of all kinds, the areas

de la Mancomunidad también de igualdad,

from the Commonwealth also of equality,

de dependencia,

of dependence,

de conductas agriptivas,

of aggressive behaviors,

de juventud y de educación

of youth and education

ambiental, también se dan a conocer

environmental, they are also made known

los servicios que damos.

the services we provide.

Y en un principio creo que ya

And at first, I think that's it.

no me queda nada.

I have nothing left.

Yo creo que la gente que esté escoltando

I believe that the people who are listening

se está bien en Bach,

it's good in Bach,

Capalallesa, y Punt Número 2

Capalallesa, and Point Number 2

a Boricomorganice.

to Boricomorganice.

Como ocho zonas o áreas totalmente distintas.

Like eight totally different zones or areas.

Por eso estamos súper contentos,

That's why we are super happy,

porque es un motor socioeconómico muy fuerte

because it is a very strong socioeconomic engine

para la comarca y para un municipio

for the comarca and for a municipality

también como la Yesa.

also like the Yesa.

La verdad que unificar

The truth is to unify.

en un pueblecito de 200 habitantes,

in a small village of 200 inhabitants,

19 pueblos,

19 villages,

con toda su riqueza,

with all its wealth,

es algo impresionante, la verdad.

It's truly impressive, really.

Es digno de ver.

It's worth seeing.

Digne de Boricomorganice.

Worthy of Boricomorganice.

Y de vivirlo.

And to live it.

Por eso que se venga, que se venga,

That's why it comes, it comes,

que estamos el fin de semana.

that we are on the weekend.

Ahí estem, claro que sí.

There we are, of course.

No, de fet, ganes estás fent-nos, Imma.

No, in fact, you're making us want, Imma.

Pero el que sí que es una cuestión

But what is indeed a matter

también importante, como de ella,

also important, like her,

esa grupa de 9 pobles,

that group of 9 villages,

en torno a 30 estants,

around 30 shelves,

a 30 puestos,

at 30 positions,

donde la gente puede disfrutar

where people can enjoy

tanto de los productos de las empresas locales,

as well as the products of local companies,

de las asociaciones, como comentabas,

of the associations, as you mentioned,

y uno de ellos es precisamente el d'ESPE,

and one of them is precisely that of ESPE,

que ESPE, a banda de ser

that ESPE, besides being

Agenda de Desenvolupament Local,

Local Development Agenda,

té un lloc,

it has a place,

té un estant de cervesa, no?

It has a beer shelf, doesn’t it?

Cervesa galana.

Gallant beer.

Boric, comenta'ns com participaràs, ESPE.

Boric, tell us how you will participate, ESPE.

Pues tenemos un estant,

Well, we have a shelf,

como bien dices, de nuestra cerveza.

As you rightly say, of our beer.

Bueno, yo ayudo a mi marido.

Well, I help my husband.

La cerveza es de él.

The beer is his.

Yo trabajo en el ayuntamiento, pero sí,

I work at the town hall, but yes,

pero es de los dos, una empresa pequeñita familiar,

but it's both of them, a small family business,

y hacemos cerveza artesana desde hace más de 13 años.

and we have been making craft beer for more than 13 years.

Sí, cerveza galana.

Yes, fine beer.

Que, vamos, que vengáis, que vengáis a probarla a vosotras,

That, come on, that you come, that you come to try it out for yourselves,

a todo el mundo.

to everyone.

Que vengáis a probarla, que estamos aquí para eso,

Come and try it, we're here for that.

para que la probéis esta tarde.

so that you can try it this afternoon.

Amb responsabilitat.

With responsibility.



Una degustación.

A tasting.

En el programa està.

It is in the program.

ESPE, ens comentes que és una xicoteta empresa familiar.

ESPE, you mention to us that it is a small family business.

Com és fabricar el vostre producte a una localitat com és la IESA?

How is it to manufacture your product in a location like IESA?

Quins són els, perquè entenc que hi ha avantatges,

What are they, because I understand that there are advantages,

però també alguns inconvenients.

but also some drawbacks.

Bueno, las ventajas que tenemos es que

Well, the advantages we have are that

estamos en un entorno natural,

we are in a natural environment,

no porque estemos utilizando los productos,

not because we are using the products,

los productos de aquí, que sí que nos gustaría,

the products from here, that we would indeed like,

pero para eso pues tendríamos que tener una maltería también,

but for that, we would also need to have a malt house,

tendríamos que poder producir lúpulo, etcétera.

We should be able to produce hops, etcetera.

No por eso, pero sí por trabajar en un pueblo,

Not for that, but yes for working in a village,

yo se lo recomiendo a todo el mundo.

I recommend it to everyone.

Montar un negocio pequeñito en un pueblo es una maravilla.

Setting up a small business in a village is a wonderful thing.

Facilidades, bueno, facilidades las que pueda dar el ayuntamiento,

Facilities, well, the facilities that the town hall can provide.

que no te pone impedimentos.

that does not put obstacles in your way.

A lo mejor es más sencillo que tener un polígono industrial

Maybe it's simpler than having an industrial estate.

en una gran ciudad, una fábrica.

in a big city, a factory.

Por eso los costes son a lo mejor más pequeños.

That's why the costs might be smaller.



Más pequeños.


Inconvenientes, pues que no tenemos un municipio

Disadvantages, since we do not have a municipality.

como pudiera ser Benicarló, Benicassi, Altea,

such as Benicarló, Benicassim, Altea,

donde hay fábricas de cerveza artesana

where there are craft beer breweries

y solamente con el paso de turistas,

and only with the passage of tourists,

ya con eso ya lo tienen abierto al público

With that, they already have it open to the public.

y pueden hacer un montón de visitas

and can make a lot of visits

y económicamente es mucho más rentable, claro,

and economically it is much more profitable, of course,

tener una fábrica así de cerveza artesana o de cualquier producto

to have a craft beer factory like this or any product

por donde pase mucho turista.

where many tourists go through.

La IESA no es el caso, pero sí que esperamos que con este fin de semana

The IESA is not the case, but we do hope that with this weekend


Of course.

que estamos teniendo y que vamos a tener,

that we are having and that we will have,

dar a conocer mucho más la IESA y la fábrica de cerveza

to make the IESA and the brewery much better known

y todo el resto de cosas buenas y establecimientos que tiene la IESA,

and all the other good things and establishments that IESA has,

que los tiene y muchos, desde casas rurales, restaurantes,

that have them, and many, from rural houses, restaurants,

tenemos una amplia, como podéis ver, amplias zonas deportivas,

we have a wide range, as you can see, extensive sports areas,

una piscina estupenda, senderos...

a wonderful pool, trails...

Bueno, tenemos muchas cosas que ofrecer desde la IESA.

Well, we have many things to offer from the IESA.

Sí, a ver si aumenta un poquito el turismo y viene mucha gente a visitar.

Yes, let's see if tourism increases a bit and many people come to visit.

Eixe, eixe és un dels principals objectius d'esta fira.

That, that is one of the main objectives of this fair.

A més, jo vos he de dir que si totes les persones que estan escoltant-nos

Furthermore, I must tell you that if all the people who are listening to us

van a la IESA estaran encantats perquè el vostre poble esteu venent-ho increïble.

They are going to the IESA and they will be delighted because your town is selling it incredibly.

O siga, la fira jo crec que gaudireu totes i tots

That is to say, I believe you all will enjoy the fair.

i no només per tota esta programació que estem comentant,

and not only for all this programming that we are discussing,

sinó és que també, Imma, enguany, encara que siga la quarta edició de la Fira de la Serranía,

but it is also that, Imma, this year, even though it is the fourth edition of the Serranía Fair,

però sí, enguany és la primera vegada que feu les jornades gastronòmiques, veritat?

but yes, this year is the first time you are holding the gastronomic days, right?

Sí, així és.

Yes, that's right.

Hem aprofitat que, la veritat, que cada vegada va creixent molt més la fira

We have taken advantage of the fact that, truthfully, the fair is growing much more every time.

i tenim moltíssima participació,

and we have a lot of participation,

i llavors hem pogut fer, sobretot, les jornades gastronòmiques són

and then we have been able to do, above all, the gastronomic days are

les demostracions dels propis stands

the demonstrations of the stands themselves

i alguns més que donen a conèixer, a part del seu propi stand,

and some more that are showcased, apart from their own stand,

fan una activitat per donar a conèixer més profundament el producte

they do an activity to provide a deeper understanding of the product

o contribuir a que surti tot una mica més animat.

or contribute to making everything a little more lively.

La veritat és que sí.

The truth is that yes.

I llavors ens donava joc per...

And then it gave us room to...

els dos dies, tant el dissabte com el diumenge,

both days, both Saturday and Sunday,

avui tot el dia i demà també,

today all day and tomorrow too,

d'una activitat després d'una altra,

from one activity after another,

des de cates, demostracions culinàries,

from tastings, culinary demonstrations,

projeccions audiovisuals,

audiovisual projections,

de com treballen, per exemple, aquí una associació que es diu la Dula Serrana,

about how they work, for example, here an association called la Dula Serrana,

de dones artesanes,

of women artisans,

tant de camp com d'artesania manual.

both in the field and in handcrafted arts.

I pot ser que hi hagi una exposició de fotografia a l'Ermita?

Could there be a photography exhibition at the Hermitage?

No, això és una altra.

No, this is another one.

És que no t'ho pots imaginar la riquesa que...

You can't imagine the wealth that...

Mare meua!

My goodness!

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Tenemos una asociación de mujeres que se llama Mar de la Serranía,

We have a women's association called Mar de la Serranía.

que son artistas.

that they are artists.

Y aparte tenemos otra asociación en Alto Turia,

And besides, we have another association in Alto Turia,

que es la Dula Serrana,

what is the Dula Serrana,

que son de mujeres artesanas de la alimentación, por así decirlo,

they are women artisans of food, so to speak,

diferenciarlo, cultivar sus tierras, elaborar sus mermeladas,

differentiate it, cultivate its lands, make its jams,

hacen pan de masa madre, como el trigo limpio, etcétera.

they make sourdough bread, like clean wheat, etc.

I això ens interessa moltíssim.

And this interests us a lot.

I després vos demanem telèfons, eh?

And then we'll ask you for phone numbers, okay?

Perquè ens interessa saber també eixa tasca,

Because we are also interested in knowing that task,

encara que es passa a la fira i es mostre,

even though it is passed at the fair and shown,

però després nosaltres agafarem contactes, a que sí, a abril.

But then we will make contacts, right, in April.

Sí, sí, la veritat que sí, perquè, com estem comentant,

Yes, yes, the truth is yes, because, as we are discussing,

són moltíssimes les associacions que participen en la comarca.

There are a great many associations that participate in the region.

Ima, jo crec que en este sentit estareu recebint un bon feedback, no?

Ima, I believe that in this sense you will be receiving good feedback, right?

Per part d'Iceta i Cita Associatiu.

From Iceta and Cita Associatiu.

Sí, la verdad es que, sobre todo,

Yes, the truth is that, above all,

nuestra comarca es como es por sus gentes, ¿me entiendes?

Our region is what it is because of its people, do you understand me?

Y gracias a ese tipo de personalidad que tenemos aquí en el interior,

And thanks to that type of personality that we have here inside,

de nuestro estilo de vida,

of our lifestyle,

hace que tengamos mucho asociacionismo de muchos niveles y de muchas áreas.

It has led to a lot of associations at many levels and in many areas.

Y entonces, es que no has hecho boya y no has terminado la frase,

And so, you didn't make buoy and you didn't finish the sentence,

y ya tienes un montón de asociaciones de empresas de comercio

and you already have a lot of trade business associations

que están participando,

that are participating,

pero simplemente por la retroalimentación entre nosotros,

but simply because of the feedback between us,

por el compartir, el vivir, etcétera.

for sharing, living, etc.

Aparte, ya solo nos tienes que oír hablar.

Besides, you just have to listen to us talk.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Yo le gusta escoltar vos.

I like to listen to you.

Sí, totalmente.

Yes, totally.

Para ver cómo son las gentes de...

To see what the people of... are like.

De los serranos, la verdad.

From the mountains, the truth.

Mira, està bé, teníem l'exemple d'Espè, que té eixestant,

Look, it's fine, we had the example of Espè, who has that.

però també afegim un altre exemple, en este cas,

but we also add another example, in this case,

d'una persona que va a participar a través d'un taller.

of a person who is going to participate through a workshop.

Saludem Maria Jiménez, que, com dèiem, farà un show cooking, un taller de cuina.

We greet Maria Jiménez, who, as we said, will do a show cooking, a cooking workshop.

Hola, Maria, com estem?

Hello, Maria, how are we?

Hola, buenos días, muy bien, ¿y vosotras?

Hello, good morning, very well, and you all?

Doncs mira, així apuntant, ja a vore si ens val el show cooking o no.

Well, look, just pointing it out, let's see if the show cooking is worth it or not.

Encara que hem vist que serà demà, no?

Even though we've seen that it will be tomorrow, right?

Però comenta'ns un poc en què va consistir.

But tell us a bit about what it was about.

Sí, el diumenge a les dues farem un show cooking amb cariques de Gestalgat.

Yes, on Sunday at two o'clock we will have a show cooking with cariques from Gestalgat.

És una varietat que es planta només allà, sembla una judia bobi però és més llarga.

It is a variety that is planted only there, it looks like a bobi bean but is longer.

I ara mateix estem fent l'esforç per recuperar senylles perquè la gent ho planti,

And right now we are making the effort to recover seedlings so that people can plant them.

per posar en valor aquest producte com són les cariques.

to showcase this product such as the cariques.

I a les dues començarem...

And at two o'clock we will start...

A veure, anem a ensenyar a la gent com es realitza un arròs amb cariques, com es fa,

Let's see, let's teach people how to make rice with cockles, how it's done.

i després hi haurà una pequena tastació.

And then there will be a small tasting.

Ai, que bé. I tot el món pot participar en aquest taller?

Oh, how nice. And can everyone participate in this workshop?

No, o sigui, només cuinaré jo, però la gent pot participar provant-ho, és clar, que és la millor part.

No, I mean, I will only cook, but people can participate by trying it, of course, that's the best part.

Ai, ai, molt bé, aquesta part ens agrada, no saps què és també.

Oh, oh, very good, we like this part, you don't know what it is either.

És la millor.

She is the best.

La veritat, que està molt bé tot això que comentem de posar un poquet en valor el que és el nostre taller.

The truth is, all this talk about putting a little value on our workshop is very good.

És la meitat. La veritat, que està molt bé tot això que comentem de posar un poquet en valor el que és el nostre taller.

It's half of it. The truth is, all this we are discussing about putting a little value on what our workshop is, is very good.

producte de proximitat. Què creus

local product. What do you think?

que aporten aquest tipus de fires

what this type of fair contributes

a projectes com, per exemple, el teu?

to projects like, for example, yours?



projectes com el meu

projects like mine


it means

tot, perquè donar a conèixer

everything, because to make known



treball, donar a conèixer... Jo em dedico

work, to make known... I dedicate myself to

a recuperar la memòria gastronòmica

to recover the gastronomic memory

dels pobles de la serrania.

of the villages of the mountain range.

Aquest any he començat amb el

This year I started with the

meu dècim llibre

my tenth book

de recuperació de receptes tradicionals

of recovering traditional recipes

i això

and this

fa que

it makes that

apoiï el meu treball, a més de donar a conèixer

support my work, in addition to raising awareness

al públic com s'alimentaven

to the public how they were fed

i què és el que cuinaven

And what was it that they cooked?

en els pobles de la serrania antiguament.

in the villages of the mountains in ancient times.

A mi és que aquestes coses m'encanten.

I just love these things.

Sí, a mi també, perquè

Yes, me too, because

hi ha moltes coses que encara no sabem

there are many things we still don't know

i que, jope, gràcies a

and that, wow, thanks to

aquestes iniciatives, doncs mira, ja coneixem

these initiatives, well look, we already know

les cariques de gest algar

the gestures of Algar

que jo no les havia sentit mai, però

that I had never heard them before, but

escoltar-no i provar

listen to him/her and try

ja haurem d'anar

we will have to go now

demà. A més, Maria,

tomorrow. Additionally, Maria,


we know

que, si no anem errades, acabes de

that, if we are not mistaken, you just

publicar el llibre Dos aguas

publish the book Two Waters

entre fogones, és possible?

Between stoves, is it possible?

Sí, sí, és això. El últim

Yes, yes, that's it. The last one.

que he publicat pertanyeix a la

what I have published belongs to the

comunitat de la Olla de Buñol, però

community of the Olla de Buñol, but



en la IESA hice

in the IESA I did

un libro con este

a book like this

y con las mujeres de allí.

and with the women from there.

También lo he hecho en

I have also done it in

Igueruelas, en Alpuente, en Gestalgar,

Igueruelas, in Alpuente, in Gestalgar,

en Aras

in Aras

de los Olmos, que obtuvimos

from the Olmos, which we obtained

un premio en un concurso

a prize in a contest

que nos presentamos, como mejor

that we present ourselves, as best

libro de gastronomía tradicional de España

book of traditional Spanish cuisine

y cuarto del mundo.

and a quarter of the world.

¿Cuarto del món?

Quarter of the world?

Sí, en cocina tradicional

Yes, in traditional cooking.

cuarto del mundo. Sí, y este año

fourth in the world. Yes, and this year

nos vamos a presentar con el

We are going to present ourselves with him.

de Dos aguas entre fogones.

From Two Waters Between Stoves.

La veritat és que, bueno,

The truth is that, well,

molt interessant això que ens comentes, perquè al final

very interesting what you are telling us, because in the end

cada municipi i cada zona

each municipality and each area

té les seues particularitats,

it has its peculiarities,

no? Sí, sí, sí,

no? Yes, yes, yes,

porque, mira, el plato

because, look, the plate

que tenemos en común todos

what we all have in common

los serranos, sería la olla a xurra

the serranos, it would be the pot to xurra

y en cada sitio se prepara

and in each place it is prepared

de un modo diferente.

in a different way.

Ingredientes bases tienen, pues,

The base ingredients have, then,

como es la carne de cerdo, que era lo que se tenía antiguamente,

how is the pork, which was what they used to have in ancient times,

alubias, patatas,

beans, potatoes

los cardos, todo, pero cada una de ellos

the thistles, everything, but each one of them

tiene su particular manera de elaborarlo.

It has its own particular way of preparing it.

Qué bé, que, doncs, el que

How nice, that, then, what

cal, jo crec que és fer com

Well, I think it's doing like

una xicoteta agenda i cada

a small notebook and each

cap de setmana, a banda de la fira,

weekend, besides the fair,

ens n'anem a un poble i descobrim

we are going to a village and we discover

com es fa en cada

how it is done in each

poble. I, a més, el que ens falta,

town. And, moreover, what we lack,

a nosaltres, és desitjar-vos que

to us, is to wish you that

vagi superbé, tant avui com demà,

have a great time, both today and tomorrow,

en esta quarta fira

in this fourth fair

de la comarca dels serrans,

from the Serrans region,

i per moltes edicions més.

and for many more editions.

Imma, Espe, Maria, gràcies

Imma, Espe, Maria, thank you.

i a gaudir del que queda.

and enjoy what remains.

Gràcies a vosaltres.

Thank you.

Bona nit!

Good night!

Dóna'm el teu pa

Give me your bread.

Jo ja no hi seré, tu t'hauràs fet gran

I will no longer be there, you will have grown up.

I aquesta cançó seguirà sonant

And this song will keep playing.

Bon dia, bon dia

Good morning, good morning.

Jo t'estimaré fins a l'infinit

I will love you to infinity.

Mai oblidaré el que hem compartit

I will never forget what we shared.

Bon dia, bon dia

Good morning, good morning.

I res em fa més feliç

And nothing makes me happier.

Que tenir el temps per estar junts

To have the time to be together.

Si existeix el paradís

If paradise exists.

S'assembla molt a estar amb tu

It feels a lot like being with you.

Estar amb tu

Being with you

Si em dius que no estàs bé

If you tell me that you are not well

Tot el món es para

The whole world stops.

Tot ens acosta

Everything brings us closer.

Res ens separa

Nothing separates us.

No puc més

I can't take it anymore.

Si pogués aturar el temps

If I could stop time

Per abraçar-te

To embrace you

I acaronar-te

And I'll caress you.

Tu m'has ensenyat la felicitat

You have taught me happiness.

Voldria estar per sempre al teu costat

I would like to be by your side forever.

Bon dia, bon dia

Good morning, good morning.

El Rai, edició Cap de Setmana

The Rai, Weekend Edition

Vinga, que no parem en este dissabte

Come on, we're not stopping this Saturday.

I és que a estes hores jo penso que la nostra audiència el que pensa és

And it is that at this hour I think that our audience thinks that

Si encara no he esmorzat, és hora d'esmorzar

If I haven't had breakfast yet, it's time to have breakfast.

Sempre és bona hora per esmorzar

It's always a good time for breakfast.

Sempre és hora per el millor mos del dia

It's always time for the best bite of the day.

Que és l'espai de la setmana

What is the space of the week?

En el qual Carles Galletero ens convida a un lloc concret

In which Carles Galletero invites us to a specific place.

Per a fer-se, doncs això, un bon esmorzar

To make a good breakfast, then.

Així que escoltem a on ens va dur esta setmana

So let's listen to where this week has taken us.

Que vos donem un recordatori

We give you a reminder.

És un lloc que té el cacau d'or

It is a place that has the golden cocoa.

Bé, a estes hores ja m'ha fet

Well, by this time it has already made me.

El xupito d'aigua del Carme

The shot of water from Carme

Sí, per estar relaxat i tranquil

Yes, to be relaxed and calm.

Va haver-hi una temporada

There was a time.

No s'ho creure, vaig a condenar intimitat

I won't believe it, I'm going to condemn intimacy.

Va haver-hi una temporada que sí

There was a time when yes.

Que anteriorment en una de les etapes de la ràdio

That previously in one of the stages of the radio

Tenia la meva botella d'aigua del Carme

I had my bottle of water from Carme.

Allí, Carles Galletero, de tal

There, Carles Galletero, of such

Sí, molt bé, molt bé

Yes, very well, very well.

Seria, avui he dit, de l'exorcista, no?

It would be, today I said, from the exorcist, right?

No, no, no, era aigua del Carme

No, no, no, it was water from the Carme.

Me recorda que la comprava

It reminds me that I bought it.

La farmacèutica de Sorita me la portava

The pharmacist from Sorita brought it to me.

En la seva botelleta esta vintage i tot de plàstic

In its little bottle, it is vintage and all made of plastic.

Sí, enviàvem ningú tassos, jo, d'aigua del Carme

Yes, we sent no one mugs, I, of water from the Carmelite.

Que pa què?

What for?

Aigua del Carme

Water of the Carmelite

Que no és més que un producte etílic

It's nothing more than an alcoholic product.

L'aigua del Carme

The water of the Carme.

I a beneïda

And blessed.

I per inspirar a la bondat infinita

And to inspire infinite goodness.

Sí, sí, això és el que tranquil·litzava

Yes, yes, that's what calmed me down.

I, bueno, flotava una miqueta en antena i ja està

I, well, I was floating a little on the antenna and that's it.

Bueno, per als qui no heu tingut la sort

Well, for those of you who haven't been lucky.

De parar cap a les 10 del matí

To stop around 10 in the morning.

Que això és una norma

That this is a rule.

Però només per alguns privilegis, t'ho he de dir

But only for some privileges, I have to tell you.

Buscar el bar més proper

Find the nearest bar.

I seure a taula

I will sit at the table.

Com les persones famolenques i treballadores

Like hungry and hardworking people

Ara teniu l'oportunitat de

Now you have the opportunity to

Pegar un mosset, si voleu

Take a bite, if you want.

Què dic un mosset?

What do I say, a bite?

Eh, un esmorzar de canonge

Eh, a royal breakfast.

No branx, ni possetes, ni mosseig

No branches, nor little bites, nor nibbling.

Lo del branx em dona un coratge, Carme

The branch gives me courage, Carme.

A mi? I les possetes?

Me? And the little ones?

És el panet i sé que no arriba ni a ser mig pan

It's the little bread and I know it doesn't even reach being half a loaf.

Ni a ser un pan, és una cosa que dius

Neither to be a bread, it's something you say.

M'ha d'embrutar les mans per emetre'm una posseta?

Do I have to dirty my hands to get a little bit of you?

Però aquests pepitos no penses el mateix?

But don't these kids think the same?

No, el pepito no, però el pepito està rebossat

No, not the pepito, but the pepito is breaded.

En llet, està fregit en oli, té disto

In milk, it's fried in oil, it has a taste.

Amb aquest apinyons, una altra cosa

With this bunch, another thing.

Però una posseta de... Una posseta

But a little bit of... A little bit.

Ai, lo que m'acabes de portar al cap quan has dit lo del rebossat

Oh, what you just brought to my mind when you mentioned the plastering.

Has rebossat en llet

You have coated it in milk.

Jo faig les...

I make the...

Bueno, les torrijas

Well, the French toasts.

Les faig com em va ensenyar

I do them as he taught me.

Bueno, jo també, ma abuela m'ha ensenyat coses

Well, me too, my grandmother has taught me things.



En el coi es diuen rosquetes

In the coil, they are called doughnuts.

Pollesques de pa


M'has fet una gana de menjar-ne unes quantes ara

You've made me feel hungry to eat a few of them now.

Que bé

How nice!

Estan les de llet i d'això

They are the milk ones and that.

I estan les de vi, que apunta de com estan les de vi

And there are the wine ones, which shows how they are regarding the wine.

Claro, i després estan els moderns

Of course, and then there are the modern ones.

Dels restaurants estos sofisticats

Of the sophisticated restaurants.

En l'horchata

In the horchata

En la veïna

In the neighbor.

En el gelat

In the ice cream

En el torró, en no sé què

In the nougat, in I don't know what

I acabes d'allí

And you just came from there.

Les llesques de pa nou

The slices of new bread

La mida és menjar-te'n 4 o 5

The size is to eat 4 or 5 of them.

Si li fiques una boleta

If you put a ball in it

Te'n menges una i prou

You eat one and that's enough.

Te'n menges 4 o 5 també

You eat 4 or 5 as well.

Llesques d'ou

Egg slices

Toca llesques d'ou, ni boletes, ni pepites

Touch slices of egg, neither balls nor nuggets.

Ni estreletes, no, no, no

Not strippers, no, no, no.

Canxitos i de totes

Sweet treats and all.

Canxitos d'ahí

Little scraps from there

El moño de Nico Williams

Nico Williams' bun

T'ha de dir una cosa

He/She has to tell you something.

La fusió

The fusion

La fusió té un límit

The fusion has a limit.



Sí, no tot es pot fundir en la cuina

Yes, not everything can be melted in the kitchen.

Que tu saps d'això

What do you know about this?

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Tot té una regla

Everything has a rule.

I la regla fa el convent

And the rule makes the convent.

És així

It is like that.

Exacte, és així

Exactly, that's right.

No es poden fer uns fideus en Nutella

You can't make noodles with Nutella.

No, no, no

No, no, no

Ni el cap xupa la paella

Neither does the boss lick the pan.

Encara que el diumenge passat

Although last Sunday

Vaig estar en el concurs de paelles de Sueca

I was in the paella contest in Sueca.

I vories de tot

And you would see everything.

I vaig vore de tot

I saw everything.

Vaig vore la paella d'Austràlia

I saw the paella from Australia.

Que és una de les que m'ha guanyat

That is one of the ones that has won me over.

Això ho diré el dijous

I'll say this on Thursday.

Però puc dir que no era cangur

But I can say that it wasn't a kangaroo.

Però se li semblava que era cangur

But it seemed to him that it was a kangaroo.

No sabeu lo que li van posar

You don't know what they put on him.

És conill perquè la recepta porta

It's rabbit because the recipe includes.

Però igual el conill pesava 60 quilos

But still, the rabbit weighed 60 kilos.

Era un conill gran

It was a big rabbit.

Jo sí que he vist

I have seen it.



En paelles de xocolata i tot

In chocolate pans and all.

Sí, l'he vist també

Yes, I have seen it too.

La fa un amic meu, a més la fa Guillermo

It's made by a friend of mine, and also by Guillermo.

De xocolates comes

You eat chocolates.

És molt amic meu

He is very good friend of mine.

No puc parlar mal

I cannot speak badly.

Veus per lo que dient del filtre

You see what I'm saying about the filter.

Jo he estat a punt de separar

I have been about to separate.

La paella de xocolates

The chocolate paella

Morrina, segura

Sadness, for sure.

Però ara

But now

No, no, no

No, no, no

Si dius que és paella de xocolates

If you say it's chocolate paella

Ja li lleves la màgia

You take away the magic from him/her.

Si dius que és un plat de xocolates

If you say it is a plate of chocolates



Ara dius paella de xocolates

Now you say chocolate paella.

Tu en el subconscient

You in the subconscious

En el subconscient tens que és una paella

In the subconscious, you have that it is a pan.

I llavors dius ja no

And then you say no longer.

Un dia tenim que

One day we have to

Si tu vols

If you want

Tenim que aclarir ixos conceptes

We need to clarify those concepts.

De la paella, el paeller i tot

From the paella, the paeller and everything.

Perquè la gent es confundix

Because people get confused.

Es pensa que la paella és tot

It is believed that paella is everything.

La paella no és tot

The paella is not everything.

No, no

No, no.

La paella és el que es fa dins i punto pelota

The paella is what is made inside, period.

Sí senyor

Yes sir

A més portarem a un expert

In addition, we will bring in an expert.

A dos experts

To two experts

Portarem a José Cunhat

We will take José Cunhat.

I al meu amic Pedro Mocholí

And to my friend Pedro Mocholí

Que és una de les persones que sabem molt dels arrasos de les paelles

She is one of the people who knows a lot about the risks of paellas.

I ens faran una classe didàctica

And they will give us a hands-on class.

Per no iniciar en el que és una paella

To not start with what a paella is.

I t'endurà sorpreses

It will bring you surprises.

Com es diu això ara?

What do you call this now?

Una masterclass

A masterclass

Vindran dos coaches a fer una masterclass

Two coaches will come to hold a masterclass.

De paelles

Of paellas

No fan running

No fan running

En fi


Bé, vinga

Okay, come on.

Tenim ja convidat

We already have a guest invited.

Així que quan vulguis

So whenever you want.

Ens posem en marxa

We are getting started.

Vinga, molt bones amics i amics

Come on, very good friends and friends.

Avui en el millor mos del dia

Today at the best bite of the day.

Ens anem a un barri del centre de València

We are going to a neighborhood in the center of Valencia.

Concretament al barri de Rosafa

Specifically in the Rosafa neighborhood.

On estava un local regentat per Eva Dabo a la cuina

There was a place run by Eva Dabo in the kitchen.

I Jaume Vila a la barra

And Jaume Vila at the bar.

Ui, si jo estic aquí

Oh, yes, I am here.

Sí, a veure

Yes, let's see.

Tinc que conèixer-lo

I have to meet him.

Eva, bon dia

Eva, good morning.

Hola, bon dia

Hello, good morning.

Bueno, primer de tot, a veure

Well, first of all, let's see.

Explica'ns què és això de la cantina de Rosafa

Tell us what this Rosafa canteen is about.

Com va néixer la cantina de Rosafa?

How did the Rosafa tavern originate?

Què hi havia abans en la cantina de Rosafa?

What was there before in the Rosafa canteen?

I quina és la vostra filosofia de bar?

And what is your bar philosophy?

Bé, a veure

Well, let's see.

Moltes preguntes de cop

Many questions at once.

És que de seguida que les sàpigues t'esprac

It's just that as soon as you know them I'll be waiting for you.

A mi de casa vaig a vore vos

I'm coming home to see you.

La cantina

The canteen

Bé, la cantina

Well, the canteen.



Nuestra missió és un poc representar

Our mission is to somewhat represent.

La gastronomia popular

Popular gastronomy

La gastronomia més senzilla

The simplest cuisine

Fem l'esmorzar de pataqueta

Let's make the breakfast of pataqueta.

I bé, doncs fem també

And well, let's do it too.

Els menús del dia

The daily menus

Que ahí vamos jugando con las temporades

That’s how we are playing with the seasons.

Porque trabajamos con producto fresco

Because we work with fresh product.

Del Horta al Plat

From the Garden to the Plate

Trabajamos con productores

We work with producers.

Molt bé

Very well

Y antes, pues, sí

And before, well, yes.

No, no, digues, digues

No, no, tell me, tell me.

Que treballen en quilòmetre zero

They work on zero kilometer.

Producte de quilòmetre zero

Zero kilometer product

Teniu inclús un horta, no?

You even have a garden, don't you?

Teniu horta pròpia, no?

You have your own garden, right?

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Cultiveu vosaltres

Cultivate yourselves.

Experimental, eh?

Experimental, huh?

Hay que decir que no somos expertos

It must be said that we are not experts.

Nosotros trabajamos en restauración

We work in restoration.

En eso sí somos expertos

In that, we are indeed experts.

Pero en la huerta esportiva

But in the sports garden

Porque nos gusta tocar tierra

Because we like to touch the ground.

Y estar conectados con cada temporada

And to be connected with each season.

Entonces, bueno, jugamos

So, well, we play.

En la huerta jugamos

In the garden we play.

En tot cas, Eva, si no teniu l'horta

In any case, Eva, if you don't have the garden

Que la teniu per experimentar

That you have it to experiment.

Teniu el mercat de rossafa propet

You have the Russafa market nearby.

Que és el que abastitja la majoria

What is it that encompasses the majority?

De restaurants i establiments hostalers

Of restaurants and hospitality establishments

De rossafa, això n'he de dir-ho

From Rossafa, I have to say this.

I m'agradaria assenyalar-ho

I would like to point it out.

La majoria d'hostalers de rossafa

The majority of hoteliers in Ruzafa

Tenen el detall

They have the detail.

De anar a comprar

Going shopping

I de subministrar-se en el mercat de rossafa

And to supply oneself in the market of Ruzafa.

És un compromís, oi?

It's a commitment, isn't it?

Sí, sí, no m'equivoque, veritat, Eva

Yes, yes, I'm not mistaken, right, Eva.

Bueno, quina és la màgia que té el barri de rossafa?

Well, what is the magic of the Rossafa neighborhood?

Suposa que el mercat

Assume that the market

És un dels punts que vos va atraure

Is it one of the points that attracted you?

Però què vos va enamorar del barri de rossafa

But what made you fall in love with the Ruzafa neighborhood?

Per a establir-vos allí?

To establish yourselves there?

Bueno, a ver, yo soy de Bení Maclet

Well, let's see, I am from Bení Maclet.

Pero vivíamos en Cataluña

But we lived in Catalonia.

Entonces yo tenía muchas ganas

Then I was really looking forward to it.

De venirme otra vez a la terreta

If I came back to the little land again.

Y este local

And this place

Este local yo ya hace muchos años

I have been in this place for many years.

Que lo conocía

That I knew him.

Esto fue la antigua fábrica de guitarras

This was the old guitar factory.



Bueno, pues era un local histórico

Well, it was a historic venue.

Que tenía muchísima vida

That had a lot of life.

Y había habido hasta mercadillos ecológicos

And there had even been organic markets.

Y entonces cuando supimos

And then when we knew

Que teníamos la oportunidad

That we had the opportunity.

De venir a gestionarlo

To come and manage it.

Pues vinimos de cabeza

Well, we came headfirst.

Cogimos todas las maletas y nos vinimos para acá

We took all the suitcases and came here.

Bueno, ¿qui va ser la Lleia Toniqueta?

Well, who was Lleia Toniqueta?

Perquè a mi m'ha suggerit molt

Because it has suggested a lot to me.

Això de sentir que la Lleia Toniqueta

This feeling that Lleia Toniqueta

Vos ha inspirat molts entrepans, moltes receptes

You have inspired many sandwiches, many recipes.

Bueno, la Lleia Toniqueta

Well, the Lleia Toniqueta.

És mi mare

It is my mother.

La Tónica

The Tonic

És mi Lleia

It's my Lleia.

La Lleia Toniqueta és mi mare

The lady Toniqueta is my mother.

I la Toniqueta és mi mare

And Toniqueta is my mother.

I doncs és un poc donar-li protagonisme

And so it's a bit about giving it prominence.

A les dones d'abans

To the women of the past

Que han estat un pilar

That they have been a pillar.

En totes les famílies

In all families

I són la font de coneixements

And they are the source of knowledge.

De tota aquesta cultura gastronòmica

From all this gastronomic culture

Que tenim a València

What do we have in Valencia?

És de ben

It's good.

I és curiós això que estàs dient

And it's funny what you're saying.

Perquè fa un moment el programa el començàvem

Because just a moment ago we were starting the program.

Parlant amb les dones que fan xarxes

Talking with women who network

Eva, les dones que arreglaven

Eva, the women who fixed.

I fabricaven les xarxes

They were making the nets.

Per a les seves

For their

Maridos, hijos

Husbands, children

O familiares, varones, pescadores

Or relatives, males, fishermen.

I que, bueno, tenien

And that, well, they had.

Pràcticament la mateixa importància

Practically the same importance

Que tu estàs comentant

What you are commenting.

Però en aquest cas en la cuina

But in this case in the kitchen

Perquè a més feien xarxes

Because they also made networks.

I estaven a la cuina i a la casa

They were in the kitchen and in the house.

Crec que és de justícia

I believe it is fair.

Ha dit que estàs bé

He said that you are well.

Sí, és que les dones

Yes, it's just that women

Són les que han alimentat el món

They are the ones that have nourished the world.

I han estat el motor

They have been the engine.

De les comunitats i de les famílies

Of the communities and the families

I cal que

I need to

Hay que ponerlas en su sitio

They need to be put in their place.

Bueno, Sergi, jo m'ha obert la gana

Well, Sergi, it has made me hungry.

Això de sentir-lo de la Lleia Toniqueta

This about hearing it from Lleia Toniqueta.

Jo el que vull saber és

What I want to know is

Què es pot papejar, què es pot menjar

What can be eaten, what can be eaten?

A la cantina de Rosafa

At the Rosafa canteen

Bueno, dir-nos, per exemple, alguns entrepans

Well, tell us, for example, some sandwiches.

Així, algun plat que siga significatiu

Thus, any dish that is significant.

A la cantina de Rosafa

At the Rosafa canteen

A mi se me fa la boca

I get my mouth watering.

Bueno, la gracia de la cantina de Rosafa

Well, the charm of the Rosafa canteen.

És que trabajamos con producto

It's just that we work with product.

Local y de temporada

Local and seasonal

Y tenemos un trato distinto

And we have a different deal.

Con los productores

With the producers

Entonces a nosotros nos traen lo que tienen

So they bring us what they have.

Entonces, por ejemplo, pues ahora mismo

So, for example, right now

Bueno, por supuesto, la pataqueta

Well, of course, the little leg.

Que es el pan tradicional de toda la vida

What is the traditional bread of a lifetime?

Pues nos las hacen en el horno Valencia

Well, they make them in the Valencia oven.

Que lo tenemos aquí en la esquina de la cantina

That we have it here on the corner of the canteen.

Y bueno, pues vamos jugando

And well, let's keep playing.

Con las verduras que nos traen

With the vegetables they bring us.

Con el pescado también de la lonja

With the fish also from the market.

Ahora, por ejemplo, estamos haciendo escabeches

Now, for example, we are making pickles.

Que también lo ofrecemos en el almuerzo

That we also offer it at lunch.

Entonces vamos jugando

So let's keep playing.

Esa es la gracia que tiene, ¿no?

That's the charm of it, isn't it?

Jugar con lo que tenemos

Play with what we have.

Con lo que tenemos

With what we have

Con lo que nos van trayendo

With what they are bringing us.

Y siempre mantiene

And always keeps

Mantiene también siempre un preu popular

It also always maintains a popular price.

Para almorzar almenys entre setmanes

For lunch at least during the weekdays.

Saben que el cap de setmana

They know that the weekend

Pues se venía más rebombori

Well, there was more commotion.

Pero entre setmana

But during the week

Fer un preu honest, ¿no?

Make an honest price, right?

Para que la gent pugui assistir, acudir, esmorzar

So that people can attend, go, breakfast.

Que siga un hàbit, ¿no?

Let it be a habit, right?

Sí, nuestro precio son

Yes, our price is

Siete cincuenta en el almuerzo

Seven fifty for lunch.

Y sí, pues entra la pataqueta

And yes, then the little foot comes in.

Luego, por supuesto, la picaeta

Then, of course, the tapas.

De olivas, tramusos

From olives, tramusos

Cacao del collaret

Cocoa from the necklace

En la época de habas también ponemos habas

In the season of broad beans, we also put in broad beans.



Y bueno, pues cremaet

And well, that's cremaet.

Lo tradicional

The traditional

Chara, la pregunta yo

Chara, the question is for me.

¿Cremaet de ron o de conyac?

Rum or brandy cremaet?

Es que yo no tinc a voltes

It's just that I don't have a turn.

Más alta el dubte

Higher the doubt

¿De qué lo prefieres?

What do you prefer it of?

¿De ron o de conyac?

What about rum or brandy?

Pues lo hacemos de ron

Well, we do it with rum.

Lo hacemos de ron

We do it with rum.

La vida pirata es la vida millor

The pirate life is the best life.

La vida pirata

The pirate life

El conyac, no

The cognac, no.

El més pirata és a mi que era el conyac

The most pirate is me, who was the brandy.

Jo ho veig que ho veig pel marquès

I see it because I see it for the marquis.

Ustedes saben que era muy elegantón

You know he was very elegant.

Bueno, si fem sempre un joc

Well, if we always play a game.

I és que demanem sempre

And it is that we always ask.

Que ens presenten

Let them introduce us.

Quin és l'entrepà que defendrien

Which sandwich would they defend?

En un concurs hipotètic

In a hypothetical contest

Que al final del programa tractem de votar

That at the end of the program we try to vote.

Quin és el millor entrepà

What is the best sandwich?

Eva, per a tu, quin és el millor entrepà per a esmorzar?

Eva, for you, what is the best sandwich for breakfast?

Això es diu el millor mos del dia

This is called the best bite of the day.

Anem a veure

Let's see.

Bueno, pues a ver

Well, let's see.

Aquí yo me tiraría

Here I would jump.

O por el cazador

Or for the hunter

Que lo ponemos en determinadas temporadas

We put it on during certain seasons.

Que es de jabalí

What is from wild boar

Con verduras

With vegetables

Y jabalí guisado con verdura

And stew of wild boar with vegetables.

Con verduras y huevos fritos

With vegetables and fried eggs.

O una teta berlanguiana

Or a berlanguian tit.

Que también hacemos homenajes a nuestros grandes

We also pay tribute to our greats.

Y entonces pues

And so then, well.

Con tortilla de blanquet

With blanquet omelette

Y verduretes

And little greens.


It sounded.

En lo del cazador

About the hunter.

Ya sonaba consistente

It already sounded consistent.

Yo como el jabalí del porcelana

I eat the porcelain boar.

No sé quina parte es la que ha ficado

I don't know which part it is that he/she has put in.

Yo trié la teta berlanguiana

I chose the Berlanguian tit.

Pero el jabalí

But the wild boar

A ver

Let's see

Dic jo, en lo de entre cometes

I say, in the quotes.

N'hi ha que tindre en compte lo de entre cometes

There are things to take into account that are in quotes.

Perquè és una carn, Eva, si no m'enganye, prou forta

Because it is a meat, Eva, if I am not mistaken, quite strong.



Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes.

Hay que saber cocinarla

You have to know how to cook it.

Y darle su tiempo

And give it time.

I Eva, adobar-la abans

I Eva, to prepare it beforehand.

Tindre-la en llet

Have her in milk

Llevar-li la fortor que té la carn de casera

Remove the strong smell that the homemade meat has.

O en vi

Or in wine.

És que estem traguent-te els truqueig

It's just that we are taking out your tricks.

Cada maestrillo tiene su truquillo

Every teacher has their trick.

Yo soy más de guisar mucho tiempo

I prefer to cook for a long time.



Le pongo un poco de...

I put a little bit of...

Pero no el día...

But not the day...

No la víspera antes

Not the eve before

Como hace mucha...

As it makes a lot...

Como se ha hecho tradicionalmente

As it has been traditionally done.

Sino directamente en el guiso

Or directly in the stew.

Y mucho tiempo

And a long time.

Y de un día para el otro

And from one day to the next.

No vols enganyar el jabalí

You don't want to trick the wild boar.

Que el jabalí que puga tindre una vida inteligent

May the wild boar that can have an intelligent life.

Que el puga mantenir quan parla el jabalí

That he can maintain it when the boar speaks.

Si li fiquem el vi un dia abans

If we put the wine in a day before

Ja no té conversa, el jabalí

The wild boar no longer has conversation.

No coordina

Does not coordinate.

Bueno, pues yo creo que si hem de triar

Well, I think if we have to choose.

Yo, amor de Sergi, quin dels dos?

Me, Sergi's love, which one of the two?

El cazador

The hunter

El cazador?

The hunter?


Vinga, va, pues defendem el cazador

Come on, let's defend the hunter.

El cazador

The hunter

Lo de la mamella ja m'ho deixem

Let's leave the breast thing out of it.

Lo de la mamella ho deixem ahí de Berlanga

We'll leave the thing about the breast there from Berlanga.

Que no sabem

That we do not know.

Però el de porc senglar que més té, perdona

But the wild boar one that has the most, excuse me.

Que fem memòria

Let us remember.



Y verduras de temporada

And seasonal vegetables

Ahora estamos poniendo calabacín, cebolla

Now we are putting in zucchini, onion.

Pero depende

But it depends.

Pues en otras épocas pues ponemos

Well, in other times, we put.

Home, jo a l'hora d'almorzar no arribé

At home, I didn't arrive at lunchtime.

Perquè estic així

Why am I like this?

Però igual a l'hora de berenar

But the same at snack time.

Agarres gossos

Dog grips

I ja que pegue la volta

And since I took the turn

Vaig si vos passe també

I'll go if you pass too.

I te dic

I tell you.

Te recuerdo aquello del jabalí, Eva

I remind you of that wild boar, Eva.

Bueno, Eva

Well, Eva.

No m'hauria de tener

I shouldn't have to hold back.

És perquè ve ara una amiga teua

It's because a friend of yours is coming now.

I m'agradaria que el que d'ara és

I would like what is now.

Almenys si no tens inconvenient

At least if you don't mind.

A sentir-nos

To feel ourselves

Perquè arriba el final de l'estiu

Because the end of summer is approaching.

Ve a la verema

Come to the harvest.

I és temps de menjar raïm

And it's time to eat grapes.

I acompanyar l'esmorzar

I'll have breakfast with you.

Amb un xanglot de raïm

With a grape hiccup.

És costum en molts pobles de la comarca de la Marina

It is a custom in many towns of the Marina region.

Menjar raïm

Eat grapes

Sí, a l'hora d'almorzar

Yes, at lunchtime.

Però també

But also

Explosionar el fruit en forma de gra

To explode the fruit in the form of grain.

Qualsevol moment del dia

Any time of the day

Una picadeta d'esmorzar

A small breakfast snack

Un berenar

A snack

Menjar raïm està molt bé

Eating grapes is very good.

Per a conèixer estes costums i altres

To know these customs and others.

Avui nomenarem a la meva amiga

Today we will name my friend.



Peiró Sánchez

Peiró Sánchez

Esmorzadora il·lustre del Rall

Illustrious breakfast of the Rall

De manera que Xelo a partir d'ara

So that Xelo from now on

La seva fitxa

His/Her profile.

La seva escultura

His sculpture

La seva




La seva icona

His/Her icon

Apareixerà en la orla que tenim així

It will appear in the yearbook that we have like this.

En el nostre pavelló

In our pavilion

D'esmorzadors il·lustres

Of illustrious breakfasts

No mereix poqueta pompa i circumstàncies

It does not deserve much pomp and circumstance.

No, ni res

No, nor anything.

Ai, ai, Xelo, molt bon dia

Oh, oh, Xelo, very good morning.

Hola, Carles, i aquí, molt bon dia

Hello, Carles, and here, very good morning.

Què et sembla, què et sembla

What do you think, what do you think?

Figurar o formar part de l'orla

To appear or to be part of the graduation poster.

En la que està Xelo Peiró

In which Xelo Peiró is.

En el número 3

At number 3

Del pavelló d'esmorzadores i esmorzadors il·lustres

From the pavilion of breakfast eaters and illustrious breakfast eaters.

Què et sembla?

What do you think?

Em sembla massa exagerat

It seems too exaggerated to me.

Massa exagerat, però és que

Too exaggerated, but it's just that.

Són barrocs, és tu barroc, són barrocs

They are baroque, it is you baroque, they are baroque.

Ai, que modèstia

Oh, what modesty!

Bueno, tot i que Xelo està presentada

Well, although Xelo is introduced.

Al nostre programa en pompa i circumstància

In our program in pomp and circumstance.

Cal dir que Xelo és autora de diversos llibres divulgatius

It must be said that Xelo is the author of several popular science books.

Especialitzats en gastronomia

Specialized in gastronomy

Té, mira, té, Sergi, té llibres d'arròs

Here, look, here, Sergi, here are rice books.

De cuina casolana, de cuina de la safor

From homemade cooking, from the cuisine of La Safor.

De postres, i el meu preferit

For dessert, and my favorite.

És un llibre de coques que té

It is a book of cakes that has

Ben a prop de la cuina

Close to the kitchen.

I cada dia que tinc que pastar

And every day that I have to knead.

Ve que Xelo m'il·lumina

Come that Xelo enlightens me.

Me dóna la sensació de que sóc el millor forner del món

It gives me the feeling that I am the best baker in the world.

I faig unes coques

I'm making some cakes.

Que semblen besneu, la pa beneït

What does it look like, the blessed bread?

És que les coques, Xelo, perdona'm

It's just that the cakes, Xelo, forgive me.

Encantat de saludar-te

Nice to meet you.

Crec que no se'ls ha fet 8 peces de cuina

I believe they haven't made them 8 kitchen pieces.

Avui per avui, abans crec que més

Today for today, I think more before.

Però avui per avui no se'ls fa la justícia

But today justice is not being served to them.

Que mereixen, en veritat

What they truly deserve.

A les coques

To the cakes

Bueno, en el meu poble

Well, in my village

Sí que està posant-se en el seu lloc

Yes, he is indeed putting himself in his place.

Perquè tenim el concurs nacional

Because we have the national contest.

De coques cada any

Of cakes every year.

Amb uns jurats de luxe

With some luxury jurors

I bé, està agarrant

And well, it's grabbing.

Molta dimensió

A lot of dimension

El consum de la coca

The consumption of cocaine

Perquè no sols en les safores

Because not only in the safors

També en la marina i altres llocs

Also in the navy and other places.

En altres comarques de la comunitat valenciana

In other regions of the Valencia community.

Home, jo soc del COI

Dude, I am from the IOC.

La coca amb tomàquet, la coca amb farina

The coca with tomato, the coca with flour.

La coca de farina és la vostra

The flour cake is yours.

La coca de farina és la nostra

The flour cake is ours.

Que la gent diu, però com que li poseu la farina?

What do people say, but how do you add the flour?

Sí, li posem la farina damunt

Yes, we put the flour on top.

Les mulletes

The mules

La vaig fer veure al llibre, és una coca molt curiosa

I showed it to her in the book; it's a very curious cake.

Sí, però ben bona

Yes, but very good.

Deliciosa, sí

Delicious, yes.

La veritat és que la coca no té la dimensió de la pizza

The truth is that the coca does not have the same dimension as the pizza.

Basant-se en el mateix

Based on the same

Però és molt millor que la pizza

But it is much better than pizza.


Forgive me

Estàs d'acord, Xelo? Bé, està...

Do you agree, Xelo? Well, it's...

A mi m'agrada molt la coca, sí

I really like the cake, yes.

Per això t'ho dic, jo també preferiria la coca

That's why I'm telling you, I would also prefer the cake.

Xelo, t'hem cridat perquè estem a la verema

Xelo, we called you because we are at the harvest.

Estem en el temps de la recollida del moscatell

We are in the time of the muscat grape harvest.

I ens agradaria que ens explicares

And we would like you to explain to us.

Com esmorza la gent

How do people have breakfast?

En camp de vinyes

In the vineyard

És a dir, com és així esmorzar que fan els llauradors

That is to say, what is the breakfast that the farmers have?

Allà a les 9 i mitja

There at half past nine.

A quina hora s'esmorza?

What time do you have breakfast?

I què s'esmorza?

And what is for breakfast?

Segur que els veremadors fan un bon esmorzar

Surely the grape harvesters have a good breakfast.

Perquè matinen molt

Because they get up very early.

I a mitja matí

And at mid-morning

O abans de les 10

Or before 10.

Ens plaent per aliviar el dilluni

We are pleased to relieve the burden.

Jo crec que

I think that

Amb pa i tomàquet, segur

With bread and tomato, for sure.

Després oli, embotits

After oil, sausages.

Salaons, que pot ser també sardines

Sardines, which can also be sardines.

O inclús restes del sopar

Or even leftovers from dinner.

De la nit abans, com pot ser un espencat

The night before, how can it be a mess?

I tot això

And all this

Amb un penjol de raïm

With a bunch of grapes

Sí, dius, és dolç

Yes, you say, it is sweet.

Es menja el raïm ensalat

The grape is eaten in salad.

I casa bé, coincidis bé, això?

And everything's fine, do you agree?

Jo trobo que és una mescla fantàstica

I think it's a fantastic mix.

Tant per acompanyar una coca

Just to accompany a cake.

Un entrepà, o qualsevol picadet

A sandwich, or any snack.

I jo ho aconsello molt

And I recommend it very much.

Tinc algun escrit, algun post

I have some writing, some post.

En el meu Facebook, que ho aconsello

On my Facebook, I recommend it.

Perquè trobo que és una delícia aquesta mescla

Because I find this mixture delightful.

Que bonic

How beautiful!

Perquè n'hi ha diferència entre el que és la parra

Because there is a difference between what the vine is.

I el que és la vinya

And as for the vineyard

És a dir, una cosa és la parra

That is to say, one thing is the vine.

Que és el que fa el raïm de penjoll

What does the hanging grape do?

I la vinya, que és el que es recull per al vi

And the vineyard, which is what is harvested for the wine.

I s'arrepega al mateix temps?

Does it stick at the same time?


Bueno, no sé si coincidis en el temps

Well, I don't know if we agree on the timing.

Jo diria que sí

I would say yes.

I també s'anomena vinya

It is also called vineyard.

Al camp on es cultiva

In the field where it is cultivated.

Al col·lectiu de moltes vinyes

To the collective of many vineyards.

Es diu vinya en conjunt

It is called vineyard as a whole.

I solem dir parra o parral

We usually say vine or vineyard.

Però almenos en oliva, a la vinya que creix

But at least in olive, at the vineyard that grows.

En un entremà d'alambres

In a tangle of wires

En patis i façanes de cases de camp

In courtyards and façades of country houses

I que donen ombra

And they provide shade.

I raïm i un aspecte encantador

And grapes and a charming appearance

A eixes casetes

To those little boxes.

Sí, d'això que tens que tapar en les bosses

Yes, about that thing you have to cover in the bags.

Pa' que les abelles no se'l mengen, etc, etc

So that the bees don’t eat it, etc, etc.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes.

Això ho tenim tots en la majoria de les cases

We all have this in most homes.

Sí, això en el Vinalopó

Yes, that in the Vinalopó.

Bueno, Xelo, això d'aparèixer en l'orla

Well, Xelo, this about appearing in the graduation photo.

No et va eixir-te de bades

It didn't come out of nowhere for you.

Va costar-te

It was hard for you.

Perquè anem a fer-te

Because we are going to do you.

Has fet dues proves, dos qüestionaris

You have taken two tests, two questionnaires.

El primer qüestionari és que ens digues

The first questionnaire is for you to tell us

Tres llocs de referència per anar a esmorzar

Three reference places to go for breakfast.

I ja et dic, un pot ser del teu poble

And I already tell you, one can be from your village.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Doncs mira, diré primer un del meu poble

Well, look, I'll first mention one from my village.

Que hi ha molts

That there are many.

Perquè ara té molta dimensió

Because now it has a lot of dimension.

Com una activitat festiva

As a festive activity

I d'oliva

And olive

Vos diria que el bar de bàrbara

I would tell you that Barbara's bar.

Que està a dins del mercat municipal

That is inside the municipal market.

I que especialment fa un entrepà

And especially makes a sandwich.

Que és amb cançal amagrosa, albergina i formaget

What is with mushroom, eggplant, and cheese?

Que també és boníssim

Which is also very good.

I després tinc que anomenar a Eva

And then I have to call Eva.

I la cantina de rossaf en València

And the canteen of Rossaf in Valencia

Eva la tens ahí, Eva

Eva, you have her there, Eva.

Eva, manifesta't

Eva, make yourself heard.

No sabia que...

I didn't know that...

Eva, un placer compartir este espacio

Eva, a pleasure to share this space.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

I el de Eva, el de la cantina de rossaf

And Eva's, the one from the Rossaf canteen.

El de rossaf diria, el millor

The one from Rossaf I would say, the best.

Més que el que heu anomenat

More than what you have mentioned.

Seria el de la pataqueta

It would be the one with the little leg.

Amb faves fregides i embotits

With fried broad beans and cold cuts.

I acompanyat

I accompanied

El de llonganissa

The one with sausage

El de llonganissa amb faves fregides

The one with sausage and fried broad beans.

Mira, m'has fet plorar

Look, you made me cry.

És el millor

It is the best.

De la cantina

From the canteen.

I després li diria que...

And then I would tell him/her that...

No, no, estic plorant

No, no, I am crying.

No, és que ell se cansa les llàgrimes

No, it's just that he tires the tears.

No te'n preocupes

Don't worry about it.

Està afectadíssim

He is extremely affected.

A la cantina i quedaràs molt content

At the canteen and you will be very happy.

Mira, després m'anomenaria

Look, then he would name me.


És un dels motius

It is one of the reasons.

La pèrgola de l'Albereda

The pergola of the Albereda

Que llupes que està la setmana passada

What a mess that was last week.

Que regenta una família que és d'Alzira

That runs a family that is from Alzira.

Des de 1961

Since 1961

Em va dir un dels fills

One of the sons told me.

Que és Carlos, que és una persona encantadora

Carlos is a charming person.

I que bo està tot

And how good everything is.

La pèrgola, entrepàs de calamars

The pergola, squid filling

Sí, de calamars

Yes, of squid.

I després diguem que l'estrella és

And then we say that the star is

Un superbonbon

A super candy.

Que és d'Illomello

What is from Illomello?

Crea illes fregides i champinyons

Create fried islands and mushrooms.

I és el que més existeix

And it is what exists the most.

I porta una salseta

It comes with a sauce.

La salseta no la recorde

I don't remember the sauce.

Jo he estat allí fa dos o tres dies

I was there two or three days ago.

Però vaig demanar-li calamars

But I asked him for squid.

Que també estava boníssim

That was also very delicious.

I en això ja tens prou, el record ja el tens complint

And in this you already have enough, the memory you already have fulfilled.

I els dos últims

And the last two.

La cantina i pèrgola

The canteen and pergola

Tenen el premi del cacau d'or

They have the gold cocoa award.

Això és un honor

This is an honor.

I l'altre dia serà

And the other day it will be.

Quan es lliurarà el premi cacau d'or

When will the cocoa gold award be delivered?

Que entrevistarem Paco Alonso

We will interview Paco Alonso.

Que és un dels almamates del cacau d'or

What is one of the almamates of the golden cocoa?

I vindrà Paco

Paco will come.

I ens il·lustrarà en la seva sapiència

And he will illustrate us with his wisdom.

I sabiduria

And wisdom

Perquè arriba

Because it arrives

Un altre moment

Another time

Un altre moment important

Another important moment

Jo és que tinc el cap ple de coques

I have my head full of nonsense.

Estem intentant de fer d'equip

We are trying to be a team.

El millor mos del dia

The best bite of the day

Així la cantina de Roussafa Eva

Thus the Roussafa Eva cantina

I el cacau d'or

And the golden cacao

Però volem que tu

But we want you to.

Defengues la teua candidatura

Defend your candidacy.

Amb un entrepà

With a sandwich

Quin entrepà

Which sandwich

I que no val a dir ningú descandit

And it's not worth saying anyone descended.

Pots ser una coca

You can be a cake.

Que tu eres de coques

That you are from coques.

Vaig a dir-vos

I'm going to tell you.

El que recorde des de la infància

What I remember from childhood.

I l'adolescència

And adolescence

Que és la truita francesa amb pinyons

What is the French omelette with pine nuts?

Que em feia ma mare i m'auela

What my mother and grandmother used to do for me.

Acompanyat de pebre amb samorra

Accompanied by pepper with samorra.

Però la pataqueta

But the little leg.

És que no la trobo en ningú lloc

I can't find her anywhere.

En Oliva

In Oliva

En la cantina de Roussafa

In the canteen of Roussafa

El Fort València

The Strong Valencia

Us aconsello que visiteu

I advise you to visit

La cantina d'Eva

Eva's cantina

Sergi Nosgosos

Sergi Nosgosos

És que jo estic al costat

It's that I'm on the side.

I d'un brot em plantaré allà

And from a sprout, I will plant myself there.

És que el lloc té un encamp

It's just that the place has a charm.



A mi m'agrada molt anar a la cantina

I really like going to the canteen.

Com esteu les dues en antena

How are you both on air?

I ací avui n'hi ha quàrum i tot

And here today there is a quorum and everything.

Anem a votar

Let's go to vote.

Qui proposa l'entrepà avui tu o jo Sergi?

Who proposes the sandwich today, you or me, Sergi?

Jo l'entrepà

I the sandwich.

Tinc que dir-li jo el primer

I have to tell him first.

No has de proposar un precis

You shouldn't propose a precise one.

Per a tancar el dubte

To close the doubt

Vos ha dit que tinc el cap ple de coques

You told me that my head is full of cakes.

I no estic pa bocates

I am not going to be caught off guard.



Pensa tu

Think for yourself.

Per a mi

For me

Un entrepà que me recorda la infantesa

A sandwich that reminds me of childhood.

Era el de llet de pot

It was the one with milk from a can.

En plàtan

In banana

I cacau en pols

I cocoa powder

Un de formatge blanc fregit

A fried white cheese.

Passat volta i volta

Time and again.

En el pa

In the bread

Era una miqueta d'oliet

It was a little bit of oil.

A volte les coses més senzilles

Sometimes the simplest things

Són les més bones

They are the best.

Anem a votar

Let's go vote.

Entrepà ens a votar

Let’s go vote.

Voteu Eva

Vote for Eva

Jo voto per el de Txelo

I vote for the one from Txelo.

El de la truita de pinyons

The one with the pine nut omelette

Això m'ha tocat

This has touched me.

I el samorra

And the swindle

El samorra sempre

The samorra always.

Mira, que combinació

Look, what a combination!

A veure

Let's see.

El de bocadillo lo voy a hacer

I'm going to make the sandwich one.



Jo, pa que et quedes tranquila

I, so that you can feel at ease.

Como te lo agradezco Eva

How I appreciate it, Eva.

Es que es el recuerdo de mi madre y de mi abuela

It is the memory of my mother and my grandmother.

El de cazador

The hunter's one

Dos de cazador

Two of a kind.

Y tres de cazador

And three of hunter.

Eva tu i jo ens menjarem la truita de pinyons

Eva, you and I will eat the pine nut omelet.

En el samorra

In the samorra

Per que ha guanyat el cazador

Why has the hunter won?

Ha guanyat la cantina de Rosàfa

The canteen of Rosàfa has won.

i un gol... Una victòria justa.

And a goal... A deserved victory.

Un gol en la mà, en la mà

A goal in hand, in hand.

de Déu, que va fer Maradona.

of God, who made Maradona.

S'ha notat una certa animació contra mi.

There has been a certain animosity against me.

A vosotres pensa

To you, think.

ell que va ser el rei del mambo tots els dies

he who was the king of mambo every day

quan vinga. Veritat, és veritat, m'ha repetit.

When it comes. True, it's true, he/she has repeated it to me.

Xiques, moltes gràcies.

Girls, thank you very much.

Eva, Xelo, besots.

Eva, Xelo, kisses.

Sí, les gràcies. Gràcies a vosaltres.

Yes, thank you. Thanks to you.

Adéu. Una abraçada

Goodbye. A hug.

i a veure si ens trobem en la cantina algun dia.

And let's see if we meet in the canteen someday.

O en la pèrgola, o en Oliva.

Either in the pergola or in Oliva.

En Oliva, que té una visita.

In Oliva, he has a visit.

Xelo, te la dec.

Xelo, I owe it to you.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Adéu, equip. Moltíssimes gràcies.

Goodbye, team. Thank you very much.

A vosaltres. T'has de comprometre una cosa.

To you. You have to commit to something.

És que no mos queda ja gens segons.

We don't have any seconds left.

A parlar un dia, si vols.

Let's talk one day, if you want.

Jo totes les coses són si vols. A banda de les paelles,

I all things are if you want. Aside from the paellas,

a la cuina de les sobres.

in the kitchen of leftovers.

Ah, la cuina de les... Mira, sí, m'agrada.

Ah, the kitchen of the... Look, yes, I like it.

M'agrada, perquè les sobres

I like it because the leftovers

són les coses que van per dins del frigorífic,

they are the things that go inside the refrigerator,

que de cop i a cop lleves un pot

that suddenly you take a jar

de llet i darrere apareix

of milk and behind appears

una truita de crilles de... O el del dia abans.

an omelette of... Or the one from the day before.

Això, aquest costum que s'ha perdut, crec que és interessant.

This, this custom that has been lost, I think is interesting.

Si tu vols, ho fem un dia.

If you want, we'll do it one day.



Mitjans de Carbanyola. Molt bé.

Carbanyola Media. Very good.

Galletero, Carles. Tornarem.

Galletero, Carles. We will return.

D'aquí uns dies ens vegem.

See you in a few days.

El Rai.

The Rai.

El programa dels pobles de la ràdio d'Apunt.

The program of the towns on Apunt radio.



Diuen que al mal temps dona cara.

They say that in bad times, one must show their face.

Bes i dislíu. En la Foscor.

Kiss and dismay. In the Darkness.



No pense en massa.

Don't think too much.

Que donant-li vol

That by giving it will.

pareix molt pitjor.

it seems much worse.

Bona nit.

Good night.

És sempre entre sombres i aparències.

It is always between shadows and appearances.

Fem una parada al coi per a parlar

Let's take a break at the corner to talk.

del curtmetratge Insurrección,

from the short film Insurrection,

que es presenta esta nit a les 9 i mitja

that takes place tonight at half past nine

al Teatre Calderón del Coi.

at the Calderón Theatre in Coi.

I amb este curtmetratge

And with this short film

es remuntem uns quants segles enrere.

We go back a few centuries.

Exactament, sí, uns quants segles,

Exactly, yes, a few centuries,

perquè ens n'anem fins a l'època modernista

because we are going back to the modernist era

del coi. És on es basa

of the damn. That's where it is based.

este curtmetratge, que hem de dir

this short film, what we have to say

que l'època modernista del coi va ser

that the modernist era of the pig was

superprolífica, així ja ho hem parlat

super prolific, as we have already discussed

alguna vegada. I amb qui

sometime. And with whom

comptem avui per a parlar d'este projecte?

Who are we counting on today to talk about this project?

Per a parlar d'este curtmetratge

To talk about this short film

comptem amb el seu director, amb el director

we count on your director, with the director

d'Insurrección, ell és Jorge Hinojosa. Molt bon dia, Jorge.

From Insurrection, he is Jorge Hinojosa. Good morning, Jorge.

Hola, bon dia, xiques.

Hello, good morning, girls.

I també amb Mauro García,

And also with Mauro García,

que és una de les persones que ha estat

that is one of the people who has been

present en tot el procés

present throughout the process

de creació d'este curt.

of creating this short.

Bon dia, Mauro.

Good morning, Mauro.

Bon dia a tots.

Good morning everyone.

Bé, doncs, comencem

Well then, let's begin.

contant un poc com va

telling a little about how it goes

arrencar este projecte,

kick off this project,

perquè és un curtmetratge

because it is a short film

que realment va néixer fa 8 anys

that actually was born 8 years ago

i que per fi esta vesprada

and that finally this evening

s'estrena. Jorge, com et sents?

It's a premiere. Jorge, how do you feel?

Perquè després de tant temps jo crec que hi ha una barreja

Because after so much time I believe there is a mixture.

d'emocions. Sí, una barreja

of emotions. Yes, a mix

total. A banda d'això estem sobretot

total. Besides that, we are mainly

impacients de poder compartir-lo

impatient to be able to share it

amb la gent del coi, perquè sí que

with the people from the quarry, because yes

el curtmetratge ja ha estat per diversos

the short film has already been for several

festivals de cinema,

film festivals,

però com que avui és la nit especial

but since today is the special night

per compartir-lo amb tota la gent

to share it with all the people

del coi, que en realitat va ser la que

of the damn, that was actually the one that

el va fer possible, amb la seva ajuda,

he made it possible, with his help,

la seva participació i col·laboració,

their participation and collaboration,

gràcies a ells he existit

thanks to them I have existed

i he curt. Que guai, que guai

It's short. How cool, how cool!

que es puga dir en una presentació que gràcies

What can be said in a presentation that thanks?

al veïna del teu poble, siga

to the neighbor of your village, be it

possible un projecte com este.

possible a project like this.

I a més és que, ho comentàvem també,

And also, we mentioned it as well,

que la història que hi ha darrere d'este projecte

that the story behind this project

és interessant, perquè la idea inicial,

it is interesting because the initial idea,

si no anem errades, neix d'un taller

if we are not mistaken, it comes from a workshop

de cinema que tu impartixes, Jorge,

of cinema that you teach, Jorge,

i del qual Mauro és alumne.

and of which Mauro is a student.

Mauro, com va sortir tu,

Mauro, how did you turn out?

com estàs a ventes de tota això i com decidis

How are you doing with all this sales and how do you decide?


to participate?

Sí, jo entro

Yes, I'm coming in.

en el taller de cinema de l'estudi

in the film workshop of the studio

Casa del Pavo

House of the Turkey

pel meu cosí, que ja formava part,

for my cousin, who was already part of it,

i em va recomanar

and recommended me

el projecte, vaig entrar

the project, I entered

i a partir d'ahir va començar a desenvolupar

And starting from yesterday, it began to develop.

la sèrie.

the series.

La escritura

The writing

del primer capítol, que després

from the first chapter, which later

va derivar en el curtmetratge,

it resulted in the short film,

va ser al llarg de la

it was during the

pandèmia, i després

pandemic, and after

molta feina de desenvolupament

a lot of development work

de personatges, de trames,

of characters, of plots,

de justificació, etcètera.

of justification, etcetera.

La pandèmia també va ser prolífica

The pandemic was also prolific.

per a moltes persones.

for many people.

Sí, va ser

Yes, it was.

sobretot perquè es va poder

especially because it was possible

evitar plenament a crear el projecte,

fully avoid creating the project,

que Mauro ho ha comentat,

that Mauro has commented on it,

inicialment, que la idea

initially, that the idea

inicial del projecte és fer una

The initial project is to make a



i per això van fer una campanya de

and for that reason they ran a campaign for

Berkami després de la pandèmia,

Berkami after the pandemic,

que van anar molt bé a la campanya de Berkami,

that went very well in the Berkami campaign,

però clar, amb el que van aconseguir,

but of course, with what they achieved,

van decidir, ahir ja va entrar també

they decided, yesterday it also came in

l'altre director, perquè al final és un curt que està

the other director, because in the end it's a short that is

dirigit per mi i per Daniel Caneiro,

directed by me and Daniel Caneiro,

i en ell vam decidir el fet

and in him we decided the fact

de crear aquest primer capítol,

of creating this first chapter,

convertir-lo en curtmetratge,

turn it into a short film,

perquè tingui la vida als festivals

for life to happen at the festivals

de cinema, i també perquè

of cinema, and also because

fos una carta de presentació del projecte

it was a cover letter for the project

més gran de la sèrie, que és Insurrecció.

the largest in the series, which is Insurrection.

Aquesta sèrie, jo,

This series, I,

perdoneu, no sé si la comparativa està bé,

excuse me, I don't know if the comparison is correct,

però jo quan he vist el tràiler

but when I saw the trailer

l'hi he dit a Abril. Això són els

I have told Abril. These are the

Bridgerton del coi, no sé si és

Bridgerton of the ass, I don't know if it is.

la comparativa, pues s'agrada o no.

the comparison, whether you like it or not.

Però, i ara avancem

But, now let's move forward.

de què va el curt, veritat. Fem

What is the short film about, right? Let's do it.

unes xicotetes pinzellades, Abril.

a few little strokes, April.

Sí, un poc, contar-nos

Yes, a little, tell us.

el que es puga, perquè es presenta

whatever can be done, because it is presented

esta nit, però contar-nos així un poc

Tonight, however, tell us a little like this.

la trama. Què compta Insurrecció?

the plot. What does Insurrection count?

Bé, Insurrecció

Well, Insurrection

està ambientat en el present,

it is set in the present,

tot el que es veieu vestits de modernistes

all of you are dressed in modernist style

i de més, és l'any 2023,

and furthermore, it's the year 2023,

però perquè el que van fer va ser

but because what they did was

partir d'un fet històric,

starting from a historical fact,

com va ser la revolució del petroli,

how was the oil revolution,

del coi, on el coi va ser

from the guy, where the guy was

independent de la resta del país durant

independent from the rest of the country during

tres dies. Doncs, vam pensar què passaria

three days. Well, we thought what would happen

si a dia d'avui ho continués a ser,

if it were to continue to be today,

no? Vam amurellar la ciutat

No? We walled off the city.

i de més. I el curt

and more. And the short.

el que ens conta és la història de Júlia,

what she tells us is the story of Julia,

que és una de les herederes del

that is one of the heirs of the

círcul, que és la ciutat que governa

circle, which is the city that governs

el coi, i en

the damn, and in

una de les festes de la ciutat

one of the city’s festivals

conegui a un treballador

meet a worker

que li fa qüestionar-se si

that makes him question whether

el món és tal com es pensa

The world is as it is thought.

que és, perquè ells no han sortit del

what it is, because they have not left the

coi en 150 anys.

Wow, in 150 years.

El curtmetratge va participar

The short film participated.

també l'actor Juli Mira, que ens va deixar

also the actor Juli Mira, who left us

l'any passat. I, Jorge,

last year. I, Jorge,

estàs també com una oportunitat

you are also like an opportunity

per a retre-li una espècie

to present her with a species

de xicotet homenatge, no?

A little tribute, right?

Sí, sí, clar. Volem aprofitar perquè, a banda

Yes, yes, of course. We want to take advantage because, on the one hand.

del curt, està dedicat a ell, a Juli,

from the short one, it is dedicated to him, to Juli,

i, doncs, que menys, no?,

And so, what less, right?

que és tan especial

what is so special

en la seva ciutat

in her city

que nosaltres, que vam treballar

that we, who worked

amb ell, com tot el poble que és

with him, like the whole village that he is

al teatre, el poder

in the theater, the power

rebre homenatge, que és tan

to receive tribute, which is so

merescut. Que bonic, que bonic.

deserved. How beautiful, how beautiful.

Sempre és bona oportunitat tindre projectes

It is always a good opportunity to have projects.

així, també. I, també,

so, too. And, also,

ho comentàvem abans, que l'estrena

we mentioned earlier that the premiere

és com la cirereta al pastís

it's like the cherry on the cake

de tot, de tot este treball

of everything, of everything this work

que ha dut tant de temps, però

that has taken so much time, but

també ho comentàvem, que també

we also mentioned it, that also

ha estat ja en alguns festivals

he has already been to some festivals

i certaments, i, precisament, fa

and certainly, and, precisely, it does

uns dies va ser seleccionat

one day he was selected

per el Edmonton Short Film Festival

for the Edmonton Short Film Festival

de Canadà, atenció,

from Canada, attention,

però, clar, jo no sé les primeres

but, of course, I don't know the first ones

impressions dins del que s'ha pogut,

impressions within what has been possible,

quines han sigut, quin és el feedback

what have been, what is the feedback

que heu rebut, Jorge?

What have you received, Jorge?

Doncs és un feedback molt positiu.

Well, it's very positive feedback.

Va començar el seu camí

He started his journey.

als festivals a Brasil, a Fantaspoa,

at the festivals in Brazil, at Fantaspoa,

que és un festival de cinema

what is a film festival

fantàstic, internacional, dels més famosos,

fantastic, international, among the most famous

i allà va funcionar molt bé.

And there it worked very well.

Després hem estat, també, a

Afterwards we have also been to

Cerdanya, al Puigcerdà,

Cerdanya, in Puigcerdà,

on també el vam presentar en estiu,

we also presented it in the summer,

i allà, el dia 20, es va presentar, també,

and there, on the 20th, it was also presented,

a Nova York, que també ho ha seleccionat,

in New York, which has also selected it,

i, bé, la veritat és que

and, well, the truth is that

les sensacions són molt positives, a la gent li agrada molt,

the sensations are very positive, people like it a lot,

i, sobretot, el més interessant és que

and, above all, the most interesting thing is that

queden amb ganes de més, perquè, clar,

they are left wanting more, because, of course,

al fer un curt, però que és una carta

When making a short one, but it is a letter.

de presentació, queda un final molt obert

of presentation, it ends with a very open ending.

que incita al públic a

that incites the public to

voler saber més d'aquesta història.

want to know more about this story.

Nosaltres també estem ja així, esperant

We are also already like this, waiting.

esta vesprada, esta nit.

this afternoon, this night.

Tornem un poc al que és l'elenc

Let's go back a bit to what the cast is.

d'actors i actrius que han format part,

of actors and actresses who have been part of,

perquè el curtmetratge

because the short film

també ha comptat amb la participació

it has also involved the participation

de Xavi Mira, igual que,

by Xavi Mira, just like,

de Quino Gil i de Rebeca Bou.

by Quino Gil and Rebeca Bou.

Anem a escoltar-los, perquè

Let's go listen to them, because

també ens han deixat un missatge

they have also left us a message

durant aquesta entrevista.

during this interview.

Per a fer més ganetes, per si faltaven,

To make it even more appealing, in case there were any missing.

escoltem. Recuerdo el proceso

let's listen. I remember the process.

de grabación

of recording

con muchísimo cariño, porque para mí fue

with a lot of affection, because for me it was

como un campamento, un campamento de verano,

like a camp, a summer camp,

además es rodó en verano,

in addition, it is round in summer,

y ver todo el cariño

and see all the love

de la gente,

of the people,

de Alcoy,

from Alcoy,

cómo los iba arrastrando Jorge

how Jorge was dragging them

a esta maravilla,

to this marvel,

todos iban remando a una,

everyone was rowing in unison,

y cómo todo salió

and how everything turned out

al fin, ¿no?

at last, right?

Y pues lo recuerdo así, con muchísimo

And well, I remember it like that, with a lot of

cariño, como que hicimos

Honey, what did we do?

muchísima piña desde el principio

a lot of support from the beginning

y tengo un recuerdo

and I have a memory

muy bonito, porque hay veces

very nice, because there are times

que los rodajes pues tienen

that the shoots have

estrés, tienen momentos

stress, they have moments

en los que estás mal de parón

in which you are poorly stopped

o que dices a veces

or what you sometimes say

hoy se me está haciendo un poco largo el día,

today is feeling a bit long for me.

¿no? Y allí al contrario, nunca,

No? And there, on the contrary, never,

nunca, vamos, con los compañeros,

never, come on, with the colleagues,

con todos,

with everyone,

los momentos que teníamos así, como que

the moments we had like that, as if

rodábamos altas horas de la madrugada,

we were rolling in the early hours of the morning,

empezábamos a hablar,

we started to talk,

a hacer juegos,

to play games,

y es que solo el vestuario

and it is that only the dressing room

y las localizaciones tan chulas

and the cool locations

que consiguieron para que se rodara

that they managed to have it filmed

esta historia, yo estaba flipando.

In this story, I was freaking out.

Yo digo, esto va a quedar

I say, this is going to stay.

increíble, y evidentemente ahí está

Incredible, and obviously there it is.

el resultado, la prueba,

the result, the test,

que es insurrección

what is insurrection

de cómo se mima todo

how everything is pampered

hasta el último detalle.

to the last detail.

El poder de interpretar a Julia Matthais

The power of interpreting Julia Matthais

fue un auténtico regalo por parte de Jorge,

it was a true gift from Jorge,

y le voy a estar eternamente agradecida.

and I will be eternally grateful to him/her.

Si bien es cierto que,

While it is true that,

hablando un poquito del personaje,

talking a little about the character,

aunque parece una joven vulnerable,

although she seems like a vulnerable young woman,

muy manejable por sus familiares,

very manageable by his/her family,

sobre todo por su padre,

above all for her father,

es mucho más astuta e inteligente

she is much more cunning and intelligent

de lo que creen.

of what they believe.

Y el poder darle vida trabajando

And the power to bring it to life through work.

de la mano de actores tan maravillosos

in the company of such wonderful actors

como Julie Mira,

like Julie looks,

Xavi Mira,

Xavi Mira,

o Kino Gil,

or Kino Gil,

la verdad es que fue

the truth is that it was

una auténtica pasada.

an absolute thrill.

Recuerdo cómo aquellos días de rodaje

I remember how those shooting days

todo el equipo tenía una sonrisa en su cara.

The whole team had a smile on their face.

Ver a los alumnos del taller de cine,

To see the students of the cinema workshop,

que al final son y han sido

that in the end are and have been

los creadores de este proyecto,

the creators of this project,

junto con Jorge.

together with Jorge.

Ver su felicidad,

See her happiness,

y sobre todo su profesionalidad.

and above all his professionalism.

A mí me hacía sentir una privilegiada

It made me feel privileged.

por poder estar ahí,

for being able to be there,

compartiendo todo ese tiempo

sharing all that time

con cada uno de ellos.

with each one of them.

Bueno, se ha iniciado una etapa

Well, a stage has begun.

en la que después del rodaje

in which after the shooting

y del montaje y tal,

and the assembly and such,

el resultado final

the final result

es muy satisfactorio.

It is very satisfying.

Y la prueba es que nos están

And the proof is that they are giving us

seleccionando en muchos

selecting many



alrededor del mundo.

around the world.

Y eso es señal de que

And that is a sign that


it matters.

Así que esperemos que tenga un largo recorrido

So let's hope it has a long journey.

y que

and what

y que sea un primer

and that it be a first

gran fruto,

large fruit,

digamos, porque ya había tenido

let's say, because I had already had

otros frutos todos los años.

other fruits every year.

Hacen un cert nombre de cortometralles.

They make a certain number of short films.

La primera és l'Eixample del Cotó.

The first is the Cotton Eixample.

El segon és la sèrie de color

The second is the color series.

de l'Eixample del Cotó del 2019

from the Eixample del Cotó of 2019

i, tune,

and, you,

la segunda és la sèrie del

the second is the series of

Cotó del 2019.

Cotton from 2019.

Si un cop en tot aquest llibre

If once in this whole book

es considera que hi ha hagut

it is considered that there has been

un gran avançament de producció del cotó

a major advancement in cotton production

i de la minoria,

and from the minority,

que ha estat un éxit,

that has been a success,

hem fet un salt d'equalitat importantíssim

we have made a very significant leap in quality

els alumnes de Jorge.

Jorge's students.

I la prova és això.

And the proof is this.

part de l'elenc que ha participat en Insurrección en este curtmetratge

part of the cast that participated in Insurrection in this short film

i ara precisament estem escoltant de fons Neuferri i Francisco Valor

And right now we are listening to Neuferri and Francisco Valor in the background.

que han realitzat la cançó principal del curtmetratge.

that have performed the main song of the short film.

Jorge, jo no sé com ha sigut rapidíssimament que totes aquestes persones participen

Jorge, I don't know how it has been that all these people are participating so quickly.

i sobretot també de gent de llarg recorregut.

And especially also from people with a long track record.

Com ha sigut la participació i què ens espera pròximament,

How has the participation been and what can we expect next?

més enllà de l'estrena d'esta nit?

beyond the premiere of this night?

Doncs mira, per començar per la part de la cançó d'Andreu Valor i Neusferri,

Well, look, to start with the part of the song by Andreu Valor and Neusferri,

la veritat és que va ser tot un regal.

The truth is that it was a real gift.

Ells es van involucrar completament en el projecte, es va atrapar la història

They became completely involved in the project, the story was captivating.

i van comprovar aquesta cançó que a mi personalment em sembla preciosa

And they checked this song that I personally think is beautiful.

i a la gent li agrada molt.

and people really like it.

I a banda també, després la resta de l'elenc, perquè també tenim per ahí a Neura Agulló,

And also, afterwards the rest of the cast, because we also have Neura Agulló around there.

a Xuxi Cantó, a Pau Berger, a moltíssima gent de Talcó

to Xuxi Cantó, to Pau Berger, to a lot of people from Talcó

i també hi ha gent de fora, com David Mora, Christian Canel o Núria Llosa,

and there are also people from outside, such as David Mora, Christian Canel, or Núria Llosa,

que també es van implicar en el projecte perquè creïm

that also got involved in the project because we believe

en ell, volíem fer-lo realitat.

In him, we wanted to make it a reality.

I de la mateixa forma, l'equip d'any, que al final els alumnes del taller de cine

And in the same way, the team of the year, which in the end are the students of the film workshop.

eren com els pupilos de tots els professionals que van vindre al rodatge

they were like the pupils of all the professionals who came to the filming

i els que van aprendre, i gràcies al treball en equip.

And those who learned, thanks to teamwork.

Però molt que al final diuen que has fet un curs de José Nojosa i Daniel Caneiro,

But a lot at the end they say you took a course from José Nojosa and Daniel Caneiro,

és el resultat d'un treball en equip magnífic, com ha comentat aquí,

it is the result of a magnificent team effort, as has been mentioned here,

que ha realitzat i s'ha rebut el resultat.

that has been carried out and the result has been received.

I bueno, esperem que tingui un llarg recorregut i que el dia de demà

And well, we hope it has a long journey and that tomorrow

es pugui fer realitat.

can become a reality.

Bé, Jorge, només ens queda desitjar-vos que vagi molt bé aquesta nit

Well, Jorge, all we can do is wish you a great night.

en aquesta presentació, recordem, a les 9.30, al Teatre Calderón del Coi,

in this presentation, we remember, at 9:30, at the Calderón Theatre of Coi,

i que, com comentaves abans, això és només el principi,

and that, as you mentioned before, this is just the beginning,

perquè aquest projecte, la idea és que sigui una sèrie

Because this project, the idea is for it to be a series.

que vagi molt bé i que tingui molt èxit.

I hope it goes very well and that you have a lot of success.

Mauro, Jorge, moltíssimes gràcies per haver estat amb nosaltres avui.

Mauro, Jorge, thank you very much for being with us today.

Moltes gràcies a vosaltres.

Thank you very much.

A vosaltres.

To you.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

M'agrada molt més el que és la lletra que el que és la música,

I like the lyrics much more than the music.

sempre em fixa molt més en les lletres,

I always pay much more attention to the letters,

i crec que és una de les grans lletres.

I believe it is one of the great songs.

Sí, és que és un gran lletrista.

Yes, he is a great lyricist.

Bueno, una coseta.

Well, a little thing.

Solem preguntar com és l'edifici on s'allotja l'Ajuntament d'Ontinyent.

We usually ask what the building where the Ontinyent Town Hall is like.

Ontinyent té la particularitat que l'Ajuntament abans estava d'enfront,

Ontinyent has the particularity that the Town Hall used to be facing the front.

en aquell edifici on avui en dia es munta,

in that building where it is set up nowadays,

i sempre s'ha muntat, el castell de festes de morros i cristians,

and the castle of the Moors and Christians festivities has always been set up,

aquella porta on estan els dos lleons, als costats,

that door where the two lions are, on the sides,

però des de fa uns anys fins ara,

but for the past few years until now,

està ubicat enfront.

it is located across.

Com és, d'això, l'edifici de l'Ajuntament d'Ontinyent?

What is the building of the Ontinyent Town Hall like?

Bueno, és una casa que pertanyia a la noblesa d'Ontinyent en el seu moment,

Well, it is a house that belonged to the nobility of Ontinyent in its time.

que es va adequar, ja estem parlant de vol als anys,

that was adapted, we are already talking about flight for years,

pot ser que estiguem parlant dels 90 o per ahir,

it could be that we are talking about the 90s or yesterday,

i que en aquest moment, diguem,

and at this moment, let's say,

ocupa el despatx d'alcaldia, del govern i d'un gran conjunt de serveis,

occupies the mayor's office, the government, and a large set of services,

però també el d'enfront, el que parlaves,

but also the one opposite, the one you were talking about,

en el que tradicionalment ha sigut l'Ajuntament,

in what has traditionally been the Town Hall,

continuen tenint serveis municipals, en aquest cas, sobretot, serveis socials.

They continue to have municipal services, in this case, especially social services.

Per tant, jo diria que és una casa ampla, molt bonica,

Therefore, I would say it's a spacious, very beautiful house.

i ja, a més, en aquest moment, adequada als nous temps,

and yes, also, at this moment, suitable for the new times,

perquè estem donant a terme una reforma.

because we are carrying out a reform.

Ja fa 13 anys que eres alcalde.

You have been mayor for 13 years.

Com és el teu despatx? Has ficat moltes coses personals en ell?

What is your office like? Have you included many personal things in it?

La veritat és que no, jo sempre he tingut la percepció que els despatxos d'alcaldia,

The truth is no, I have always had the perception that the mayor's offices,

eren espais institucionals, no personals,

they were institutional spaces, not personal ones,

i al final, un ha de pensar que entra d'alcalde,

And in the end, one has to think that they are becoming mayor,

però en qualsevol dia se'n pot anar,

but on any given day, he can leave,

i quan se n'ha d'anar, ha de replegar el menys possible.

And when it has to leave, it should gather as little as possible.

Realment tinc un parell de fotos personals,

I actually have a couple of personal photos,

una dels meus pares i una d'esquilanes, molts cristians,

one of my parents and one of the schismatics, many Christians,

i la resta són elements que estaven ja al despatx,

and the rest are elements that were already in the office,

o que en qualsevol cas, quan jo me'n vaig, continuaran quedant així.

or, in any case, when I leave, they will continue to remain so.

A veure què ha passat així, Jorge.

Let's see what has happened like this, Jorge.

Començares estudiant Medicina, i als 3 anys t'ho vas deixar.

You started studying Medicine, and after 3 years you dropped out.

Aquestes coses les fem molts.

We do these things a lot.

Tenim l'acostum de començar una cosa, i potser quan ens donem compte,

We have the habit of starting something, and perhaps when we realize,

m'emprendrem una altra.

We will undertake another one.

Però jo et pregunto, per què t'ho vas deixar?

But I ask you, why did you let it go?

Què li va dir a la família quan t'ho vas deixar?

What did you tell the family when you left?

Perquè Medicina és una cosa molt vocacional.

Because medicine is a very vocational thing.

També ho és la política, però la Medicina?

So is politics, but medicine?

Realment, jo crec que en el moment en què un utilitza la seva carrera,

Really, I believe that at the moment when one uses their career,

normalment no té gaire informació al voltant d'aquesta carrera.

usually doesn't have much information about this career.

Estic d'acord.

I agree.

Em va passar des del que ja o del que hem romantitzat,

It happened to me from what is already or what we have romanticized.

o del que sempre hem somiat.

or what we have always dreamed of.

Però després quan ja el fiques en l'estudi és quan eres més conscient

But then when you actually put it in the study is when you become more aware.

de si t'agrada més o t'agrada menys.

of whether you like it more or like it less.

Jo, en el meu cas, era un cas estrany,

I, in my case, was a strange case,

en el sentit que jo tenia molt clar que jo sol estudiar Medicina

In the sense that I was very clear that I wanted to study Medicine on my own.

per poder fer psiquiatria,

to be able to practice psychiatry,

que era l'única cosa que a mi des de la Medicina m'interessava.

that was the only thing that interested me from Medicine.

I pel camí, doncs, se me va creuar la política

And along the way, politics crossed my path.

i vaig decidir canviar de carrera.

I decided to change my career.

La veritat és que no va ser molt ben rebut en casa,

The truth is that it was not very well received at home,

perquè al final, diguem-ho, no?

because in the end, let's say it, right?

Això de medicina era molt senzill, no?

This medicine thing was very simple, wasn't it?

Un pare sempre em deia,

A father always told me,

bueno, si estudies medicina vas a ser metge,

Well, if you study medicine you are going to be a doctor.

però si estudies ciències polítiques, què vas a ser, no?

But if you study political science, what are you going to be, right?

Llavors, no va ser molt celebrat, tot i que, bueno...

Then, it wasn't very celebrated, although, well...

Va ser com si els hagués dit que volies ser artista, no?, més o menys.

It was like you told them you wanted to be an artist, right?, more or less.

Sí, era una cosa així, realment,

Yes, it was something like that, really.

perquè en aquell moment, la gent no...

because at that moment, people do not...

Ara, polítiques, tot el món sap què és, no?

Now, politics, everyone knows what it is, right?

Arran, sobretot, de la irrupció de Podemos,

Following, above all, the emergence of Podemos,

de Pablo Iglesias, etcètera,

of Pablo Iglesias, etcetera,

la gent sap què és ciències polítiques,

people know what political science is,

però, clar, en el moment en què jo t'estic parlant,

but, of course, at the moment I am speaking to you,

que des de fa 20 o 30 anys,

that for the past 20 or 30 years,

estudiar ciències polítiques era, pues,

studying political science was, therefore,

pràcticament considerar que la meva mare

practically consider that my mother

volia estudiar bolillos i macramé, o una cosa així.

I wanted to study lace-making and macramé, or something like that.

I, per cert, ho has deixat ja un poquet...

And, by the way, you have already let it go a little...

Has adelantat, no?, però començar...

You have advanced, right? But to start...

Te ficares en la política, precisament, en la universitària.

You will get involved in politics, precisely in the university context.

Dins de la universitat, te ficares ja en el món de la política

Within the university, you will already be immersed in the world of politics.

i, així, en el món de la política.

and, thus, in the world of politics.

I això és el que et va decidir canviar a ciències polítiques.

And this is what made you decide to switch to political science.

Què és el primer que vas fer en eixa política universitària?

What was the first thing you did in that university policy?

Bueno, en aquell moment,

Well, at that moment,

la política universitària s'organitzava, no?,

The university policy was being organized, wasn't it?

a través de les associacions de representants d'alumnes

through student representative associations

i va coincidir que hi havia unes eleccions

And it happened that there were elections.

i que hi havia una entitat, no?,

And there was an entity, right?

que en aquell moment, pues, englobava, més o menys,

that at that moment, well, encompassed, more or less,

la gent, diguem, de l'esquerra,

the people, let's say, from the left,

de l'esquerra nacionalista, etcètera,

from the nationalist left, etcetera,

i em van proposar estar en...

and they proposed that I be in...

en eixa candidatura

in that candidacy

i va ser la primera vegada que jo em presentava

It was the first time that I was presenting myself.

alguna cosa, diguem, recometes pública, no?,

something, let's say, public recommendations, right?

i a partir d'ahir vaig començar, doncs, sobretot a treballar.

And from yesterday I started, therefore, especially to work.

En aquell moment, a més, vaig coincidir en Esteban Morcillo,

At that moment, moreover, I coincided with Esteban Morcillo,

que era, en eixe moment, el de la medicina,

what was, at that moment, the one of medicine,

que després va ser el rector de la universitat

who later became the rector of the university

i amb el qual després, doncs, he mantingut ja relació com a alcalde

and with whom I have maintained a relationship as mayor since then.

i d'ahir va anar a eixer un poc eixa...

And yesterday I went to clear up a bit of that...

eixa vocació o eixa idea

that vocation or that idea

que, al final, es podia transformar el món

that, in the end, one could transform the world

des de moltes àrees,

from many areas,

però que la política, des del govern,

but that politics, from the government,

era una eina molt potent, no?, per a eixa transformació.

It was a very powerful tool, wasn't it, for that transformation?

Jorge, ens consta que sempre has tingut esperit col·laboratiu,

Jorge, we know that you have always had a collaborative spirit,

esperit d'ajuda, de servir als altres

spirit of help, of serving others

i estar al costat de la gent.

and be by the people's side.

Has estat llevant xapapote

You have been removing tar.

quan va tindre lloc l'accident del Prestige,

when did the Prestige accident take place,

has estat de voluntari per a diferents ONGs,

you have volunteered for different NGOs,

has estat en Bolívia, en Honduras,

you have been in Bolivia, in Honduras,

i em consta, perquè, bueno, tinc part de la meva família

And I know, because, well, I have part of my family.

en on tenien, que eres eixe alcalde

where they had him, that was that mayor

que està, com dic, al costat

that is, as I say, next to

de les persones que et fan servir,

of the people who use you,

de les persones.

of people.

Què té dins una persona com tu per ser així?

What does a person like you have inside to be this way?

Bueno, jo crec que, al final,

Well, I think that, in the end,

és una qüestió un poc de principis i valors, no?

It's a somewhat principled and value-based issue, isn't it?

Jo sempre pensé que la política

I always thought that politics

sol estar un objectiu, no?,

It can only be a goal, right?

que és el de fer feliç a les persones, no?

It's about making people happy, isn't it?

I dins d'això, doncs,

And within that, then,

s'intenten activar totes les, diguem-ne,

they try to activate all the, let's say,

els mecanismes que permeten, doncs,

the mechanisms that allow, therefore,

dotar a la gent de millors infraestructures,

provide people with better infrastructure,

dotar-los de millors serveis,

to provide them with better services,

dotar-los d'elements que faciliten

provide them with elements that facilitate

d'alguna manera la seva vida, no?,

somehow your life, right?

i, especialment,

and, especially,

jo crec que eixa vocació

I believe that vocation.

ha d'anar a ser en els més vulnerables,

it must go to the most vulnerable.

en les persones que més ho necessiten, no?

in the people who need it the most, right?

I jo, doncs, personalment,

And I, therefore, personally,

sempre m'he sentit més a prop, doncs,

I have always felt closer, then,

del costat dels que sempre perden, no?,

on the side of those who always lose, right?

que dic jo, no?

What I say, right?

Llavors, doncs, probablement,

Then, probably,

siga allò que ve de la pròpia educació

be that which comes from one's own education

que els meus pares m'han donat

that my parents have given me

i del món en què jo he viscut, no?

and of the world in which I have lived, right?

Atenció a una coseta.

Attention to a little thing.

Parlem de la reacció de la família

Let's talk about the family's reaction.

quan els dius que vols dedicar-te a la política,

when you tell them that you want to dedicate yourself to politics,





un altre pas important, m'imagine,

another important step, I imagine,

quan el planteges

When do you plan it?

o els planteges

or you raise them

encapçalar una candidatura per a ser alcalde.

to head a candidacy to be mayor.

I això és una altra reacció, la que tingueren, no?

And this is another reaction, the one they had, right?

O ja estaven preparats?

Oh, were they already prepared?

No, no, no, no estaven preparats

No, no, no, they were not prepared.

perquè, a més, en la meva família

because, moreover, in my family

no hi havia ningú que s'hagués dedicat

there was no one who had dedicated themselves

a la política, no? A més,

to politics, right? Besides,

la meva família era molt de...

my family was very much into...

doncs, diga per aquí, visca d'ella, i coses així, no?

So, say it around here, long live her, and things like that, right?

Llavors, no...

So, no...

tampoc es va il·lusionar massa,

he wasn't too excited either,

el que passa és que...

what happens is that...

Doncs, imagina, com tot...

Well, imagine, like everything...

Només es donava és que disgustós, Jorge.

It was only that it was distasteful, Jorge.

Efectivament, la veritat és que els pobres

Indeed, the truth is that the poor

no es va decidir per a res

he didn't decide for anything

rentable, en aquest sentit,

profitable, in this sense,

però, al final, jo crec que van acceptar

but, in the end, I think they accepted

i, de fet, van ser després uns

and, in fact, they were later some

militants, diguem,

militants, let's say,

a fer rims i van estar allà

to make rims and they were there

donant tot el que m'he costat en tot moment,

giving everything that I have earned at all times,

no? Però, no, inicialment

No? But, no, initially

em van dir, a veure, xico,

they told me, let's see, boy,

hi ha qüestions que hi ha en la vida, no pots dedicar-te a alguna cosa

There are questions in life, you cannot dedicate yourself to something.

que no estigui tan exposat

that is not so exposed

i que, d'alguna manera,

and that, in some way,

el permís de la política és que

the permission of politics is that

t'ha de fer la teva vida al teu aire

You have to live your life your way.

sense donar tanta explicació i tal,

without giving too much explanation and such,

però, bueno, quan ja els vaig dir

but, well, when I already told them

això que a mi és la meva vocació,

this is my vocation,

és el que a mi m'ha patit fer i és el que a mi m'agradaria fer,

it's what I have suffered to do and it's what I would like to do,

crec que van desistir

I think they gave up.

i van dir, bueno, si no ho pots fer amb un amic o un eti a ell,

And they said, well, if you can't do it with a friend or an ethiopian to him,

i es van ficar del meu costat.

and they got on my side.

Tots sabem que la teua trajectòria

We all know about your trajectory.

política ha tingut moments

politics has had moments

de grans èxits electorals

of great electoral successes

i moments molt complicats,

and very complicated moments,

parlem del cas Alqueria, però

let's talk about the Alqueria case, but

pensaves en algun moment que no valia la pena

Did you ever think that it wasn't worth it?



Què et fa seguir

What makes you continue?

i no deixar-te-ho tot?

And not leave it all to you?



vaig pensar moltes vegades que no valia la pena

I thought many times that it wasn't worth it.

continuar. Jo crec que en el moment

continue. I believe that at the moment

en què es va produir la detenció

in what the arrest took place



de sobte, com si fos un delinqüent,

suddenly, as if he were a delinquent,

en una situació de

in a situation of

desemparament total

total disarmament

i en una incertesa absoluta,

and in an absolute uncertainty,

uno sí que pensa, escolta, deixem-ho tot,

one does think, listen, let's leave it all,


let's defend ourselves

com a ciutadans

as citizens

i el temps dirà, no?

And time will tell, won't it?

I a mi realment el que jo sempre he dit

And to me, really what I have always said

és que a mi em va salvar el meu poble.

it was my village that saved me.

Jo vaig arribar així

I arrived like this.

el dia següent de la moa de detenció

the day after the arrest warrant

i em vaig trobar en una recepció

And I found myself at a reception.

per part del funcionari del municipal

on behalf of the municipal official



i ja vesprada,

and already in the evening,

lògicament en aquell moment el que volia era acabar-me en un forat

Logically, at that moment, what I wanted was to disappear into a hole.

i no hi circ, però em van demanar

And there is no circus, but they asked me.

que anara de vesprada a un acte

that I would go to an event in the evening

i hi havia més de 2.000 persones

and there were more than 2,000 people

que estaven esperant-me

that they were waiting for me

per donar-me el seu suport.

to give me his support.

I jo a mi des de luego sempre he dit que a mi

And I for one have always said that to me.

quan jo dic me ha salvat, no dic salvat políticament,

when I say he has saved me, I don't mean saved politically,

perquè políticament

because politically

les coses tenen la transcendència que tenen, no?

Things have the significance that they have, right?

I avui estàs dalt, demà baix, avui eres alcalde

And today you're on top, tomorrow down, today you are mayor.

i demà eres un ciutadà més

And tomorrow you are just another citizen.

i això és normal i és el que a més ha de ser, no?

And this is normal and is also what it should be, right?

Però humanament

But humanly

a mi em va salvar el vore

it saved me the edge

que la gent, malgrat tot,

that people, despite everything,

malgrat que portàvem dos dies sentint

despite having been listening for two days

barbaritats al voltant

barbarities all around

del que nosaltres havíem fet o deixat de fer,

of what we had done or left undone,

confiava plenament en la meva innocència

I fully trusted in my innocence.

i d'alguna manera també vaig pensar

And somehow I also thought

si ells creien que jo era innocent

if they believed that I was innocent

i no tenien cap prova, jo que sí que les tenia

and they had no evidence, while I did have it

tenia l'obligació

I had the obligation.

de continuar donant la cara.

of continuing to stand up.

D'ahir que decidir és anar pel teu compte

From yesterday, deciding is going on your own.

que va ser un encert, però

that was a success, though

bueno, n'hi ha alguna cosa que és destacable.

Well, there is something that is noteworthy.

Eres el càrrec d'alcalde més llongeu

You are the longest-serving mayor.

si no estic equivocat

if I'm not mistaken

i de major suport

and of greater support

per part de la ciutadania

on behalf of the citizenship

en la política municipal d'on tinguent

in the municipal policy of where having

i amb una quantitat

and with an amount

de votants increïble,

incredible voters,

fora de sèrie. Això, com a mínim,

out of the ordinary. That, at least,

em fa que estiguis molt orgullós.

It makes me very proud of you.

Sí, des de luego. Jo sempre he dit

Yes, of course. I've always said

que jo sóc un afortunat.

that I am a fortunate one.

Jo tinc moltíssima sort d'haver aconseguit

I am very lucky to have achieved.

si ser suport social.

if being social support.

Nosaltres hem arribat a tindre

We have come to have

17 dels 21 regidors,

17 of the 21 councilors,

hem tingut 14, en aquest moment en tenim 12

We have had 14, at the moment we have 12.

dels 21 i per tant sempre hem tingut

of the 21 and therefore we have always had

una majoria molt ampla, la qual cosa

a very broad majority, which

suposa que hem aconseguit

suppose we have achieved

una cosa que per a nosaltres era essencial

one thing that was essential for us

que era trencar blocs. Jo crec que estem

that it was breaking blocks. I think we are

tots massa acostumats

too used to it all

a que ens etiqueten

to what they label us

i que pareix que tot ha de ser compartiments estancos

and it seems that everything has to be watertight compartments

i tot ha de ser els vots

and everything has to be the votes

contra els roïns, la dreta contra l'esquerra,

against the bad, the right against the left,

estos contra aquells, i a vegades

these against those, and sometimes

el que hi ha que intentar és sumar, i més a nivell

What we need to try to do is to add up, especially at a higher level.

d'un poble. En un poble, al final

of a village. In a village, at the end

no estem parlant

we are not talking

de debats sobre

about debates

com legislem

how we legislate

o deixem de legislar. Estem parlant de la vida real

or we stop legislating. We are talking about real life

de la gent, que al final és molt més senzilla

of the people, which in the end is much simpler

que el que de vegades volen aparentar

than what they sometimes want to seem

els discords o els parlaments.

the discords or the parliaments.

Ho diem moltes voltes.

We say it many times.

La política més propera és la

The closest policy is the

política de servici al

service policy

ciutadà. L'altre dia ho

citizen. The other day I

comentàvem, crec que

we were commenting, I think

precisament amb l'alcalde d'Albaida,

precisely with the mayor of Albaida,

si no m'enganye, que és molt important

if I'm not mistaken, which is very important

tindre en clar que governes

to be clear about governments

per a tots.

for all.

Governes o estàs al servici de tots.

You govern or you are at the service of all.

És que t'han votat i és que no t'han votat.

It's that they have voted for you and it's that they haven't voted for you.

I que, en definitiva, n'hi ha que fer

And that, in short, there are things that need to be done.

una política equitativa perquè

an equitable policy because

estàs per a tots

you are there for everyone

i el que has de fer és

and what you have to do is

ajudar al ciutadà

help the citizen

que és tot el món

what is the whole world

ciutadà. Totalment d'acord.

Citizen. Totally agree.

A més, jo crec que si

Furthermore, I believe that if

alguna cosa t'ensenya

something teaches you

la política municipal

municipal politics

és que, al final,

it's that, in the end,

jo sempre dic això que ni els bons

I always say this, that not even the good ones.

seran tan bons ni els malos tan malos.

They will not be so good nor the bad so bad.

I ningú és més que ningú, veritat.

And no one is more than anyone else, right?

No, al final, tot el món pensa que tot és

No, in the end, everyone thinks that everything is.

blancs i negres i no, i la vida és d'una ampla

whites and blacks and no, and life is wide

gama de grisos, o d'una ampla

range of grays, or of a wide

gama de colors.

color range.

I, al final, el que hi ha d'aprofitar és precisament

And, in the end, what must be taken advantage of is precisely

aquesta diversitat i aquesta riquesa

this diversity and this richness

que dona a conèixer la gent

that reveals people

de tot tipus, de totes les ideologies

of all kinds, of all ideologies

i de totes les

and of all the

besants socials, no?

social blessings, right?

D'alguna manera, això jo crec que és un valor

In some way, I think this is a value.

i que el que hi ha de fer és sentir-ho tot

And what we have to do is feel it all.

per intentar que la política que tu desenvolupes

to try to implement the policy that you are developing

es paregui al màxim

it looks like the maximum

al que la gent vol que siga, no?

to what people want it to be, right?

Encara que, com diuen, ja portes

Although, as they say, you already have

13 anys com a alcalde, segur

13 years as mayor, for sure.

que tens projectes per on tenien

that you have projects for where they had

que t'agradaria que s'hagueren complit

What would you have liked to have been fulfilled?

quan t'acabes l'actual legislatura.

When does the current legislature end?

Quins són?

What are they?

Jo crec que nosaltres tenim un projecte des de fa molt

I believe that we have had a project for quite a while.

de temps que ja estem a estar un poc

For a while now, we've been a bit exposed.

ja avorris, que és el projecte

You already warned, what is the project?

de l'hospital, no? Portem reivindicant l'hospital

From the hospital, right? We've been advocating for the hospital.

20 anys i ara

20 years and now

sembla que

it seems that

al llarg de l'any 25, del proper any,

throughout the year 25, of the coming year,

ja es ficarà en marxa. Jo crec que això és un

it will be set in motion. I believe that this is a

projecte de ciutat importantíssim

very important city project

per a nosaltres.

for us.

Un altre projecte que jo crec que per a nosaltres és...

Another project that I think is important for us is...

L'hospital és una cosa, perdona'm, Jordi,

The hospital is one thing, forgive me, Jordi,

Jorge, com a persona que ha viscut

Jorge, as a person who has lived

allí de tota la vida, ara

there all your life, now

pareix que ja estan compromesos

it seems that they are already engaged

a acabar-lo l'any que ve o l'altre, no?

to finish it next year or the year after, right?

Així és, la veritat és que

That's right, the truth is that

tu que ho coneixes saps que ha sigut...

you who know it know that it has been...

Portem parlant de l'hospital des que

We have been talking about the hospital since

era en xocoteig, quasi, no? Home, no es pot tindre

It was in shock, almost, right? Well, you can't have it.

el que es té gràcies al que es té, però no es pot

What one has thanks to what one has, but cannot.

tindre un hospital com el que es té per a tota una comarca

having a hospital like the one that is available for an entire region

i part de l'estranger, com aquell que diu.

and part from abroad, as one might say.

Efectivament, jo crec que feia falta

Indeed, I believe it was necessary.

una infraestructura digna i, a més, una infraestructura

a worthy infrastructure and, moreover, an infrastructure

que permetrà atendre

that will allow to attend

la gent com toquen els L21.

The people how they touch the L21.

L'hospital actual ha cobert una etapa,

The current hospital has covered a phase,

mal que bé, ens ha donat

good or bad, it has given us

un servei durant tots aquests dos anys,

a service during all these two years,

però també era evident que ja estava molt

but it was also evident that he was already very

obsolent, no? Llavors jo crec que això és un

obsolete, right? Then I think this is a

gran projecte. I els altres

great project. And the others

que mos dies?

What do you say to us?

Doncs des de l'Institut de l'Estació,

Well, from the Institute of the Station,

per exemple, que està en este moment

for example, that is at this moment

en obres, en una obra al voltant de 14

in works, in a work around 14

milions d'euros, que va suposar fer tot

millions of euros, which meant doing everything

l'Institut Nou, el Palau de Justícia,

the New Institute, the Palace of Justice,

que també està ara en contractació per part

that is also now under contracting by

de la conselleria o per a nosaltres,

from the department or for us,

tot allò que va lligat al creixement

everything that is linked to growth

universitari de la ciutat. Tenim la sort

university student of the city. We are lucky

de tindre una universitat en este moment

of having a university at this moment

com la de València, amb una

like that of Valencia, with a

oferta de 4 graus, però nosaltres

offer of 4 degrees, but we

sempre som ambiciosos i pensem que

we are always ambitious and we think that

la transformació social

social transformation

més important que podem fer és tant en l'educació

The most important thing we can do is both in education.

més que en les infraestructures. Per tant,

more than in the infrastructure. Therefore,

jo sempre dic que nosaltres, per a nosaltres,

I always say that we, for us,

la inversió més important és precisament

the most important investment is precisely

aquesta inversió en la universitat que ha permès

this investment in the university that has allowed

que moltíssima gent que no haguera tingut

that numerous people who would not have had

accés al coneixement

access to knowledge

universitari l'hagués pogut tindre.

university could have had it.

Una universitat que està, per cert,

A university that is, by the way,

en un lloc xulíssim,

in a very cool place,

que és un col·le que sempre ha sigut molt bonic,

that it is a school that has always been very beautiful,

que és el Col·legi Lluís Vives,

what is the Lluís Vives College,

que té una façana increïble

that has an incredible facade

i que està en un lloc

and that is in a place

espectacular, t'ha de dir.

Spectacular, it has to tell you.

I la veritat és que també en això hem tingut sort

And the truth is that we have also been lucky in this.

perquè estem parlant del barri del Jombo,

because we are talking about the Jombo neighborhood,

un barri molt, molt acollidor,

a very, very welcoming neighborhood,

i d'un edifici de l'any 1931

and of a building from the year 1931

que té un valor

that has a value

important i que, a més,

important and that, moreover,

ha tingut una restauració

it has had a restoration

important per part de la Universitat de València

important on the part of the University of Valencia

pel que fa a la façana, i la veritat és que

As for the facade, and the truth is that

és una preciositat. Javi va preguntar-te,

it's a beauty. Javi asked you,

el meu company Javi va preguntar-te per la

my colleague Javi asked you about the

economia del poble.

people's economy.

En els anys 70-80

In the 70s-80s

va agafar, diguem-ne,

he took, let's say,

el relleu del que era el

the relief of what he was

tic industrial de la zona més

industrial TIC of the area more

cap al sud, com era

southward, as it was

el COI, etcètera, etcètera, i va

the IOC, etcetera, etcetera, and go

tindre un ressorgir increïble,

to have an incredible resurgence,

les indústries van ser

the industries were

una cosa espectacular, un motor

a spectacular thing, an engine

fora de sèrie en la localitat,

outstanding in the locality,

però les coses han anat evolucionant.

but things have been evolving.

I d'ahir que Javi

And yesterday that Javi

ara vulgui plantejar-te el que

Now I want to raise what

es planteja a moltes persones que han conegut

It is raised to many people that they have known.

aquesta societat. Sí, perquè, Jorge,

this society. Yes, because, Jorge,

continua l'activitat del tèxtil

the textile activity continues

sent el principal motor d'un tenient?

being the main engine of a lieutenant?

Sí, en aquest moment l'activitat,

Yes, at this moment the activity,

l'activitat del tèxtil continua sent el principal

the textile activity remains the main one

motor. Nosaltres tenim la sort que tenim un índex

motor. We are lucky that we have an index.


of industry

molt important.

very important.

Altra cosa és que, evidentment, al llarg

Another thing is that, obviously, throughout

dels anys i en la mesura en què

of the years and to the extent that

on tinguem també en adotant-se de serveis,

where we also have by adopting services,

el sector de serveis ha agarrat

the service sector has grabbed

molt de pes, també com a

very heavy, also as

capital de comarca, i en la mesura en què

county capital, and insofar as

l'ha desenvolupant-se el sistema educatiu,

the educational system has been developing,

el sanitari, etcètera. Però el deber és

the sanitary, etcetera. But the duty is

que la nostra principal indústria

that our main industry

continua sent el tèxtil, i a més que

it continues to be the textile, and moreover that

el tèxtil és d'aquestes indústries,

the textile is from these industries,

que ha sabut reinventar-se.

who has been able to reinvent themselves.

El deber és que és una indústria que

The duty is that it is an industry that

jo sempre dic que està, si parles en

I always say that it is, if you speak in

les industrials, sempre estan en

the industrials are always in

crisi, és com una crisi permanent.

crisis, it's like a permanent crisis.

Però també el deber és que

But the duty is also that

precisament aquesta situació ens ha

precisely this situation has us

obligat a estar contínuament innovant

obliged to be constantly innovating

i contínuament adaptant-se a les noves

and continuously adapting to the new

realitats. I de fet, jo crec que la pandèmia

realities. And in fact, I believe that the pandemic

va ser un exemple paradigmàtic

it was a paradigmatic example

de capacitat de reacció de tot un sector.

of the reaction capacity of an entire sector.

Jorge, els industrials són com els polítics,

Jorge, industrialists are like politicians,

sempre estan plorant, eh?

They are always crying, right?

Efectivament, jo crec que al final són coses que mos entren

Indeed, I think that in the end, these are things that we take in.

i jo sempre dic que els alcaldes són

And I always say that mayors are

palisses, no?

palisades, right?

I al final,

And in the end,

el que no plora no mama,

he who doesn't cry doesn't suck.

i això tota la vida serà

and this will be all my life.

i final. Ara volem que nos fases

And finally. Now we want you to do us a favor.

de guia turístic, Jorge.

as a tour guide, Jorge.

Què no es pot impedir si anem a un tinién?

What cannot be prevented if we go to a tavern?

Comencem primer pel cas

Let's start first with the case.



He començat explicant-ho molt bé.

I have started explaining it very well.

Jo, efectivament, començaria des del barri de la vila,

I would indeed start from the village neighborhood,

des del palau de la vila,

from the town hall,

que és l'edifici civil

What is the civil building?

més antic.

more ancient.

No empediria,

I wouldn't hinder.

la Església de Santa Maria,

the Church of Santa Maria,

en un arte sonat preciós

in a precious sonata art

i amb diverses escultures

and with several sculptures

de Maria Nova en lliure,

of Maria Nova in free,

continuaria cap a baix

it would continue downwards

i aprofitaria per conèixer

and I would take the opportunity to get to know

el Mahoba, el nostre museu arqueològic

the Mahoba, our archaeological museum

i part del que són

and part of what they are

les façanes de l'Ajuntament.

the facades of the Town Hall.

I aquí tenim ara

And here we have now

una novetat

a novelty

que en breu podrem obrir,

that we will soon be able to open,

que és la recuperació de la muralla de la ciutat

What is the recovery of the city's wall?

que ens permet també

that allows us also

fer tot el passeig

take the whole walk

de la ciutat.

from the city.

La ciutat de Guarda

The city of Guarda

que s'havia perdut en el temps.

that had been lost in time.

I si volem conèixer

And if we want to know

l'on tinguem més modern,

the one we have more modern,

anem cap a la plaça de la Concepció,

let's head towards the Concepció square,

on tenim, a més, al costat

we have, besides, next to

el Museu del Tèxtil

the Textile Museum

que ha obert ja en la seva primera fase

that has already opened in its first phase

i que ara ha conclòs

and that has now concluded

les obres de la segona fase

the works of the second phase

i, per tant, volem que siga un referent

And therefore, we want it to be a reference.

en el conjunt de la comunitat valenciana,

in the whole of the Valencian community,

donat que és el Museu del Tèxtil

given that it is the Textile Museum

de la comunitat.

of the community.

Jorge, puc fer-te una pregunta,

Jorge, can I ask you a question?

però t'asseguro, de veritat,

but I assure you, really,

que no és gens capciosa

that is not tricky at all

ni té ninguna intenció,

nor does it have any intention,

però que, com a persona que ha viscut allí

but, as a person who has lived there

i que he viscut eixa evolució,

and I have lived that evolution,

he patit

I have suffered.

la seua pèrdua.

his/her loss.

Què fem en el carrer Major?

What are we doing on Main Street?

Jo crec que ahir tenim

I believe that yesterday we had.

un repte sempre per davant.

a challenge always ahead.

La veritat és que el primer

The truth is that the first

que crec que hem de fer és

what I think we should do is

millorar-lo urbanísticament

improve it urbanistically

i continuar tractant

and continue dealing

de treballar en la rehabilitació.

to work in rehabilitation.

Nosaltres tenim una importància

We have an importance.

política de rehabilitació en marxa

rehabilitation policy underway

des de l'Ajuntament,

from the City Council,

però és de veres que és complicat

but it is true that it is complicated

fer atractiu el carrer major

make the Main Street attractive

i una de les qüestions en què també

and one of the issues in which also

des de l'Ajuntament hem treballat molt

From the City Council, we have worked very hard.

ha sigut intentar dinamitzar-lo comercialment.

it has been about trying to commercialize it.

Però al final, la realitat és que

But in the end, the reality is that

un carrer en el qual no viu la gent,

a street where people do not live,

per molt bonico que el fiques,

no matter how nice you make it,

acaba sent un carrer deshabitant.

it ends up being a deserted street.

Jo sempre parlo que hi ha que

I always say that there is to

reurbanitzar, però també hi ha que

reurbanzise, but there is also a need to

revitalitzar moltes vegades les zones.

revitalize many areas.

I en això anem, però és un gran repte.

And in this we go, but it is a great challenge.


I understand you.

Per això t'ho preguntava.

That's why I was asking you.

I fora del casc urbà,

And outside the urban area,

per dins del germen municipal,

within the municipal germ,

on haurien d'anar, fora del casc?

Where should they go, outside the helmet?

Jo he apuntat dos paratges que a mi

I have noted down two places that for me

m'agraden especialment, que és

I especially like, which is

Sant Esteve, al qual li agrada caminar.

Saint Stephen, who enjoys walking.

Hi ha una caminata bonica

There is a beautiful walk.

fins a dalt

up to the top

i el dona una visió

and it gives a vision to her

molt ampla de la comarca.

very wide of the region.

Arribes a veure el Benicadé i en dies clars

You can see Benicadé on clear days.

pots arribar a veure fins a la mar.

you can see all the way to the sea.

Per tant, jo crec que és un mirador de luxe.

Therefore, I believe it is a luxurious viewpoint.

I el nostre paratge

And our place.

probablement més bonic, que és

probably more beautiful, that it is

el Pouclar, on també

the Pouclar, where also

es pot arribar fàcilment caminant

It can be easily reached on foot.

a través d'una senda molt

through a very path

boniqueta i que el permet

pretty girl and what allows it

conèixer tot el que és

to know everything that is

els diferents pous

the different wells

que la natura ha anat creant.

that nature has been creating.

Jo crec que són dos paratges

I believe they are two places.

que val la pena no perdre.

that is worth not losing.

Però hi ha una cosa que està dins del propi

But there is one thing that is within itself.

casc urbà o nucli

urban area or nucleus

urbà i que a vegades

urban and that sometimes

és per ells que tenim molt poc en compte.

It is for them that we take very little into account.

Això ho tenim en comú

We have this in common.

en València, en el Coi

in Valencia, in the Coi

i ho té també on tinguem, que és el llit del riu

and he also has it where we have, which is the riverbed

que a poc a poc va

that little by little goes



i va reurbanitzant-se

and is being reurbanized

però naturalment. I és un lloc en el que

but of course. And it is a place where

es pot passejar, es pot anar, es pot pujar,

you can stroll, you can go, you can climb,

es pot baixar, també digne de mencionar, no, Jorge?

It can be downloaded, also worth mentioning, right, Jorge?

Sí, perquè a més jo crec que ha canviat

Yes, because I also believe it has changed.

d'una manera

in a way

molt, molt, molt important. Vull dir, nosaltres

very, very, very important. I mean, we

ja fa anys que a través d'un projecte

It has been years since a project started.

que anomenàvem Riu Viu

that we called Riu Viu

vam començar a treballar en el que era

we began to work on what it was

el llit, en anar naturalitzant-lo,

the bed, as it becomes more naturalized,

en anar generant sendes, espais

in generating paths, spaces

diguem, de convivència

let's say, of coexistence

però la veritat és que el fet que fa cinc anys

but the truth is that five years ago

l'Havana ficara en perill

Havana will put in danger.

tota una zona del barri

an entire area of the neighborhood

de la cantereria, ens va

from the stonemasonry, it suits us

obrir els ulls, vam decidir

to open the eyes, we decided

adquirir dues cases, en total eren 41

to acquire two cases, in total they were 41

de moldre-les i fer un

to grind them and make a

un parc, que ara ja està

a park, which is now already

ja està obert, no?

It's already open, isn't it?

I que permet ara poder fer tot un recorregut

And that now allows for a complete journey.

al llarg del llit

along the bed

del riu, que també val la pena,

from the river, which is also worth it,

i que a més en breu esperem acabar

and that we also expect to finish soon

amb una passarel·la que permetrà

with a walkway that will allow

creuar d'una banda del riu

to cross from one side of the river

a l'altra, i que per tant va permetre

on the other hand, and therefore allowed

enllaçar directament amb el

link directly with the

Molí d'Escals i amb el Museu del Tèxtil

Escals Mill and the Textile Museum

i la pròpia plaça de la Concepció.

and the square of the Conception itself.

Per tant, es tanca un circuit que jo crec

Therefore, a circuit is closed that I believe.

que és molt bonic també

it is very pretty too

i que és un bon moment, és un bon

It's a good time, it's a good one.

lloc per a respirar un poquet

place to breathe a little

de natura i per a descansar

of nature and for resting

i també disfrutar. Vols dir-me que

and also enjoy. Do you want to tell me that

pràcticament des del pont del Salt del Bou

practically from the Salt del Bou bridge

el carril, després tota la

the lane, then all the

part central on estan les xumeneres

central part where the chimneys are

i tal, fins a aquella cantereria

and such, up to that quarry



paduana, l'antiga paduana, tot això ja es pot

Paduan, the ancient Paduan, all this can already be.

passejar? Sí, en aquest moment

Take a walk? Yes, at this moment.

ja es pot passejar. L'únic que ens queda

We can walk now. The only thing we have left.

és acabar la passarel·la

it's finishing the walkway

que la ha de fer la Confederació Hidrogràfica

that the Hydrographic Confederation has to do

i això és el que ens permetrà

and this is what will allow us

unir, diguem, des d'on està

join, let's say, from where it is

l'escorxador, des de la zona

the slaughterhouse, from the area

de la cantereria, fins a

from the stone quarry, until

la part de baix del Museu del Tèxtil

the lower part of the Textile Museum

de l'antic

of the ancient

Reverb, de la teva fàbrica de

Reverb, from your factory of

Reverb, i ja pujar cap amunt

Reverb, and now go up.

cap a la plaça de la Concepció. Per tant,

towards the Concepció square. Therefore,

jo crec que això, abans que finalitzi

I believe that this, before it ends.

l'any, va ser ja una realitat.

The year was already a reality.

Se nota que Sergi coneix molt bé

It is clear that Sergi knows very well.

on teníem, però si algo se coneixen

we had it, but if they know something

la comunitat valenciana d'on tenien,

the Valencian Community from where they had,

i ho coneixen quasi tots, són les festes

and almost everyone knows him, it's the celebrations.

de Moros i Cristians. Sempre que anem a un

of Moors and Christians. Whenever we go to a

poble, volem saber de les seues festes

Village, we want to know about your festivals.

i el que tenim clar és que les festes

And what we are clear about is that the holidays

de Moros i Cristians d'agost

of Moors and Christians in August

d'on teníem, s'involucra tot el poble.

From where we came from, the whole village gets involved.

Sí, jo crec que són

Yes, I think they are

les nostres grans festes,

our great festivals,

les que, a més, tenen una major capacitat

those that also have a greater capacity


of attraction

a nivell turístic, a nivell

at a tourist level, at a level

de veïnat, i compta que

of neighbors, and it accounts that

sols les festes en són més de

Only the holidays are more than that.

5.000, no?, els que participen.

5,000, right?, those who participate.

I jo, a més, crec que hem aconseguit

And I, moreover, believe that we have achieved

que l'entrada tingui un nivell que

that the entrance has a level that

s'hagi convertit en un espectacle,

has become a spectacle,

un espectacle digne de Cori.

A spectacle worthy of Cori.

A veure, ens queda

Let's see, we have left

poc temps i encara teníem moltes coses que comentar

not much time and we still had many things to discuss

amb tu, però estaria bé

with you, but it would be nice

parlar de menjar,

talk about food,

dependrà de l'època, com bé sabem que

It will depend on the time, as we well know that

ja no en tinguem,

no longer have any,

i després conèixer una miqueta més de tu.

and then get to know a little more about you.

Si tinguem que...

If we had to...

tindrem en compte

we will take into account

el nostre estómac i les coses que

our stomach and the things that

podríem aprofitar gastronòmicament,

we could gastronomically take advantage of,



d'on tinguem, tu què ens aconsellaries?

Where we have, what would you advise us?

Jo, doncs,

Well, then,

aconsellaria que tinguem-ho en la fira,

I advise that we have it at the fair.

que és la tercera setmana de novembre,

that it is the third week of November,

que és

what is it

un espectacle, perquè, a més,

a spectacle, because, in addition,

com diu abans, comptant amb

as said before, counting on

el motiu d'on tinguem, que és una de les

the reason where we have, which is one of the

nostres joies gastronòmiques,

our gastronomic jewels,

si vinguéssiu cap a Nadal,

if you were to come around Christmas,

cap a Nadal, perdó, cap a

towards Christmas, sorry, towards

la Puríssima,

the Immaculate One,

que estem parlant del voltant del 8 de

that we are talking about around the 8 of

desembre, doncs, us recomanaria la

December, then, I would recommend the

Casa del Fort, que també és típica

Fort House, which is also typical.

d'aquest moment, i en qualsevol

at this moment, and at any time

moment de l'any, qualsevol restaurant d'on tinguem,

time of the year, any restaurant from where we have,


the sausage,

des de luego,

of course,

i els orcells de Camoreta, jo crec que això

And the orcells of Camoreta, I think that this

és un obligat.

he is a must.

M'ho ha amic Teodoro, que això, bueno,

My friend Teodoro told me that this, well,

pocs, cada vegada més, però pocs saben,

few, more and more, but few know,

la dinastia

the dynasty

que suposa i sa família, i tot el que

what it means and its family, and everything that

tenen treballat al llarg de tots estos segles,

they have worked throughout all these centuries,

veritat, Jorge? I tant, i tant, jo crec que

truth, Jorge? Of course, I believe that

podem presumir de ser una de les empreses

we can boast of being one of the companies

més antigues, sense cap dubte, de la ciutat

the oldest, without a doubt, of the city

i probablement de la comunitat.

and probably from the community.

Gràcies a tu ja coneixem un poc més d'on tinguem,

Thanks to you, we know a little more about where we come from.

i hem sabut com començar a ser

and we have known how to start being

en política, però ara volem saber

in politics, but now we want to know

més coses sobre tu. Jorge, quines

more things about you. Jorge, what?

aficions tens? Perquè crec que

What hobbies do you have? Because I think that

l'esport no és el teu, o no és el que t'agrada

Sport is not your thing, or it's not what you like.

més, però quines són les teves aficions?

More, but what are your hobbies?

Doncs la veritat és que jo, com

Well, the truth is that I, like

dius, molt esportista no he

You say, I'm not very athletic.

sigut mai i no ho soc. Diria que les meves

be ever and I am not. I would say that my

aficions són més bé els amics,

hobbies are more like friends,

els viatges, la lectura,

travel, reading,

tot allò que

everything that

d'alguna manera fora de l'Ajuntament

somehow outside the City Council

em permet també disfrutar un poquet

it also allows me to enjoy a little bit

de la vida.

of life.

I dels viatges que has fet,

And of the trips you have taken,

quina ciutat o zona

which city or area


Would you recommend?

Doncs recomanaria moltes, la veritat és que

Well, I would recommend many, the truth is that

quasi sempre hem anat per Europa,

we have almost always traveled through Europe,

i recomanaria des de Budapest,

I would recommend from Budapest,



ciutat de Polònia,

city of Poland,

passant per Itàlia, que qualsevol

passing through Italy, that anyone

lloc que vagis és

wherever you go is

una passada, o sigui que

amazing, so that means

jo tota Europa la recomanaria, quasi.

I would almost recommend it to all of Europe.

I si al principi escoltàvem

And if at the beginning we listened

Ismael Serrano, ara

Ismael Serrano, now

escoltem a Lluís Llach en el tema

let's listen to Lluís Llach in the song

Mare Mar, per què has triat

Mother Sea, why have you chosen?

aquest tema?

this topic?

Jo m'he criat tota la vida sentint

I have grown up my whole life hearing

a cantautors,

to singer-songwriters,

era la música que sentia els meus pares,

it was the music that my parents listened to,

i ma mare era molt fan

And my mother was a big fan.

de Lluís Llach, de Raimon, de Serrat,

from Lluís Llach, from Raimon, from Serrat,

i a mi Mare Mar

and to my Mother Sea

em recorda especialment a ma mare,

it particularly reminds me of my mother,

jo vaig tenir la mala sort de pedre

I had the bad luck to lose.

entre el 18 i el 19,

between the 18th and the 19th,

pedré a mon pare i a ma mare,

I will ask my father and my mother,

i és una cançó que em recorda moltíssim

And it's a song that reminds me a lot.

a ma mare, a més, els meus pares descendres,

to my mother, in addition, my parents descendants,

els meus pares descansen les dues

My parents rest at two o'clock.

en el mar també, i per tant sempre em recordo a ells.

In the sea too, and therefore I always remember them.



A finalitzar, que estem fora de temps,

Finally, we are out of time.

però sí que mos digues un llibre

but do tell us a book

i una pel·li que no mos recomanes.

And a movie that you don't recommend to us.

Jo un llibre, des d'aló, recomanaria

I would recommend a book, from that.

100 anys de soledat, crec que no

100 years of solitude, I don't think so.

no pot morir sense

cannot die without

llegir-lo, i una pel·lícula

read it, and a movie

a mi, de les dolcetes que m'agraen,

I, of the sweet ones that please me,

Amélie, probablement.

Amélie, probably.

Bueno, doncs en això mos quedem.

Well, then we'll stick with that.

Jorge Rodríguez, alcalde d'Ontinyent

Jorge Rodríguez, mayor of Ontinyent

i líder d'Ens Unís.

and leader of Ens Unís.

Moltíssimes gràcies per obrir-nos

Thank you very much for opening up to us.

l'Ajuntament del Poble,

the Town Hall

el poble, apropar-nos una miqueta més

the village, bringing us a little closer

a la teva persona,

to your person,

i esperar que hagis estat a gust

And I hope you have been comfortable.

en esta entrevista

in this interview

que hem compartit des de la Ràdio d'Apunt.

that we have shared from the Apunt Radio.

I tu?

And you?

Doncs moltíssimes gràcies, ha sigut un plaer

Well, thank you very much, it has been a pleasure.

estar amb vosaltres i poder xerrar un ratet.

to be with you and be able to chat for a while.

Igualment, un abraç molt fort.

Likewise, a big hug.

Un abraç.

A hug.

El Rai, el programa dels pobles

The Rai, the program of the villages

de la Ràdio d'Apunt.

from the Apunt Radio.

Un abraç.

A hug.

El Rai, el programa dels pobles de la Ràdio d'Apunt.

El Rai, the program of the towns on the Apunt Radio.

Moltíssimes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

I no és casualitat,

And it is not a coincidence,

així fil en prim.

thus thread in thin.

Per què?


Perquè els dos són reconeguts artistes

Because both are recognized artists.

que han basat la seua trajectòria

that have based their trajectory

en el folclore,

in folklore,

en el cant tradicional valencià.

in traditional Valencian singing.

I és que demà,

And it's that tomorrow,

la gent de la Marina Alta

the people of the Marina Alta

i la Marina Baixa

and the Marina Baixa

podran gaudir de la música.

they will be able to enjoy the music.

i de botifarra en directe d'una manera diferent.

and sausage live in a different way.

Marina Perelló, hola de nou.

Marina Perelló, hello again.

Hola, hola Eva.

Hello, hello Eva.

Per què podran gaudir d'això?

Why will they be able to enjoy this?

Mira, no només podran gaudir del cant,

Look, they will not only be able to enjoy the singing,

sinó també del ball gràcies a la quarta edició de l'Aplec de les Marines,

but also of the dance thanks to the fourth edition of the Aplec de les Marines,

una trobada anual que enguany se celebra per primera vegada a Xàbia.

an annual meeting that is being held for the first time this year in Xàbia.

Ens en dona més detalls Isabel Martí, presidenta del grup de dansa Esportitxol,

Isabel Martí, president of the Esportitxol dance group, gives us more details.

que organitzen esta jornada.

that organize this day.

Hola Isabel, bon dia.

Hello Isabel, good morning.

Bon dia.

Good morning.

Com estàs?

How are you?

Com estàs? Conta'ns una miqueta en què consistirà aquesta activitat que heu preparat per demà.

How are you? Tell us a little about what this activity you have prepared for tomorrow will consist of.

Pues emocionada, estic emocionada perquè anem a celebrar no la quarta edició,

Well, excited, I am excited because we are going to celebrate not the fourth edition,

sinó la novena edició de l'Aplec de les Marines,

but the ninth edition of the Aplec de les Marines,

diguem de les Marines perquè és Marina Alta i Marina Baixa.

Let's talk about the Marines because it is Marina Alta and Marina Baixa.

Isabel, que t'havíem llevat nosaltres anys.

Isabel, we had gotten you up years ago.

M'hi hem llevat cinc anys, des de dalt.

We have been up there for five years.

Cinc anys, no, no, són nou edicions, nou edicions.

Five years, no, no, there are nine editions, nine editions.

Sí, nou edicions, sí.

Yes, nine editions, yes.

Molt bé, vam començar a casa.

Very well, we started at home.

A Callosa, l'any 2010, per mig hem tingut una pandèmia, tots ho sabem,

In Callosa, in 2010, we had a pandemic, we all know it,

i vam començar a Callosa a fer d'aquest Aplec perquè Callosa d'en Sarrià

and we started in Callosa to hold this Aplec because Callosa d'en Sarrià

és un dels pobles dels nostres comarques que mai ha deixat de ballar les danses.

It is one of the towns in our region that has never stopped dancing the traditional dances.

Aleshores vam començar allà.

Then we started there.

I ho celebrem un any a la Marina Alta i un altre a la Marina Baixa.

We celebrate it one year in Marina Alta and another in Marina Baixa.

Molt bé, torneu-vos.

Very good, turn around.

I un any toca, Xàbia.

And in a year, it’s Xàbia.

I per què, Xàbia?

And why, Xàbia?

Perquè sí que sabem que al llarg de tota esta setmana heu fet activitats per a divulgar el ball tradicional,

Because we do know that throughout this week you have carried out activities to promote traditional dance,

però volem saber en què consistixen aquestes activitats i per què, Xàbia.

but we want to know what these activities consist of and why, Xàbia.

Mira, el grup de danses Portitxol, del qual jo soc membre,

Look, the dance group Portitxol, of which I am a member,

organitzem des de fa 11 o 12 anys, no recordo bé,

we have been organizing for 11 or 12 years, I don't remember well,

unes jornades de tradicions que es anomenen tradidances.

a series of traditions known as tradidances.

I en les que hi ha conferències, hi ha tallers de danses,

And in those where there are conferences, there are dance workshops,

de percussió, hi ha hagut de tot,

of percussion, there has been everything,

però sempre al voltant de la música i les danses de ral·l.

but always around the music and the dances of ral·l.

Aleshores, en guany, dins d'aquesta programació,

So, this year, within this programming,

hem inclòs també l'aplic de danses de les Marines,

we have also included the dance application of the Marines,

que reuneix a tots els pobles de Marina Alta, Marina Baixa, com he dit,

that brings together all the towns of Marina Alta, Marina Baixa, as I said,

que ballen les danses o que volen participar en aquest aplic.

that they dance the dances or that they want to participate in this app.

Pot ser que tinguin grups de danses, o que volen participar en aquest aplic.

It may be that they have dance groups, or that they want to participate in this app.

Grups de danses pot ser, no?

Dance groups, maybe?

Però en els pobles en els que es ballen les danses, sí.

But in the towns where the dances are performed, yes.

Clar, participen molts pobles,

Of course, many towns participate,

però és que, a més, en guany està previst que acudisquen unes 400 persones demà mateix a Xàbia.

but, in addition, this year it is expected that around 400 people will come to Jàvea tomorrow.

Podríem dir que cada vegada hi ha més gent interessada en el ball tradicional, Isabel?

Could we say that more and more people are interested in traditional dancing, Isabel?

Clar, clar que sí, clar que sí.

Of course, of course.

És que és nostre, és patrimoni cultural valencià,

It is ours, it is Valencian cultural heritage,

és una cosa a preservar,

it is something to preserve,

i és per això que li donem importància i valor, clar que sí.

And that is why we give it importance and value, of course.

Sí que n'hi haurà més de 400 persones,

Yes, there will be more than 400 people.

perquè al mig de matí n'hi haurà una visita guiada molt ràpida pel poble,

because in the middle of the morning there will be a very quick guided tour of the village,

perquè Xàbia és un poble blanc de pedra tosca encantador,

because Xàbia is a charming white village of rough stone,

i tindrem una ruteta guiada per als visitants que vulguin apuntar-se,

We will have a guided tour for visitors who want to sign up.

i després en la plaça de l'església farem un sarau participatiu

And then in the church square, we will have a participatory gathering.

en què tot el món podrà ballar, tocar i cantar.

in which the whole world will be able to dance, play, and sing.

I després anem a dinar.

And then we go to lunch.

Al dinar ja tenim confirmades les 400 persones,

For lunch, we already have 400 people confirmed.

o sigui que en la plaça n'hi haurà més de 400.

So there will be more than 400 in the square.

I el top està per la vespre.

And the top is for the evening.

Mira, l'intel·ligència...

Look, intelligence...

L'intel·ligència màxima d'aquests aplecs de la Marina,

The maximum intelligence of these gatherings of the Marina,

de la Marina, de la Vall d'Albaida i d'altres comarques que conec,

from the Marina, from the Vall d'Albaida and from other regions that I know,

la Vall d'Albaida potser sigui una de les comarques

the Vall d'Albaida may be one of the regions

que més anys celebra un aplec d'aquests, més de 40.

the more years an event like this celebrates, more than 40.

I la intenció màxima és preservar les danses de carrer,

And the main intention is to preserve the street dances,

o sigui, les danses que ballem i que podien en el seu dia,

that is, the dances that we dance and that could in their day,

quan estàvem de moda,

when we were in fashion,

podien ballar tot el poble,

the whole village could dance,

només de posar-se a mirar el que ballava al costat.

just by starting to look at what was dancing next to.

I per la vespre tindrem en la plaça una dansa

And in the evening we will have a dance in the square.

i a continuació, el Jimeno Botifarra,

and next, Jimeno Botifarra,

presentant el disc Ja ve l'aire.

presenting the album The Air is Coming.

Exacte, que sonava al principi d'aquesta entrevista.

Exactly, it was playing at the beginning of this interview.

De fet, com tu deies, Isabel,

In fact, as you were saying, Isabel,

la intenció també és preservar eixe patrimoni,

the intention is also to preserve that heritage,

eixe ball tradicional en què tot el món pot participar, no?

that traditional dance in which everyone can participate, right?

Encara que no tingués la possibilitat de participar, no?

Even if I didn't have the opportunity to participate, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Encara que no tingués la possibilitat de participar, no?

Even if I didn't have the possibility to participate, right?

No tingués grup de ball, però sí que tu pots anar

I didn't have a dance group, but you can go.

demà a Xàbia i al carrer i a Gaudí.

Tomorrow in Xàbia and on the street and at Gaudí.

Correcte, correcte.

Correct, correct.

Animeu-vos que estarà molt divertit.

Come on, it will be a lot of fun.

Estarà molt divertit i molt participatiu.

It will be very fun and very participative.

Al final, amb Pep Jimeno Botifarra,

In the end, with Pep Jimeno Botifarra,

tots sabem que això és garantia d'èxit, no?

We all know that this is a guarantee of success, right?

Pep fa el camí fondo cap a Xàbia.

Pep takes the deep path towards Xàbia.

És amic nostre i sempre...

He is our friend and always...

I sempre...

And always...

li demanem

we ask him/her

participació en algun dels nostres actes

participation in one of our events

ell ahir està

he is there yesterday

i presenta

and presents

el disc Ja ve l'aire

the album The Air is Coming

és el seu últim treball

it is his/her latest work

que és fantàstic

that is fantastic

en un repertori

in a repertoire

en València sabeu que

in Valencia you know that

en Pep ha sigut

Pep has been.

sempre un compilador de música

always a music compiler

tradicional i que li ha donat

traditional and that has given him/her

moltíssim valor, sí, sí

a lot of value, yes, yes

Isabel, per a qui ens escolta

Isabel, for those who are listening to us.

i estiga ja prenent nota

and I am already taking notes

l'agenda per acudir demà

the schedule to attend tomorrow

a quina hora i on hauria d'estar

What time and where should I be?

a Xàbia per acudir a este plec de danses

to Xàbia to attend this collection of dances

de les Marines

of the Marines

Mira, a les 11 i mitja

Look, at half past eleven.

del matí és la concentració

In the morning is the concentration.

hem volgut posar este horari

we wanted to set this schedule

per a que tot el món pugui

so that everyone can

sàpiguen bon diumenge a bona hora

Have a good Sunday at a good time.

i acudir a Xàbia

and go to Xàbia

Sense matinar molt però tampoc fer tard

Not waking up too early but also not being late.

molt bé, ja és morsat

very well, it's already dead

sí, és morsat, és molt bé

yes, it is bittersweet, it is very good

De tota manera, bueno, hem quedat

Anyway, well, we have agreed.

a la placeta del convent

in the square of the convent

que està envoltada

that is surrounded

de llocs per a poder

of places to be able

deixar els cotxes

leave the cars

i a partir d'ahir pujarem cap

And starting from yesterday, we will go up towards

al carrer Major, tots

in Main Street, everyone

i anirem fins a la plaça

And we will go to the square.

i allà en la plaça serà el xarau

and there in the square will be the hubbub

i després a la vesprada

and then in the afternoon

n'hi haurà

there will be

el que dic, la dansa

what I say, the dance

ens acompanyarà també

will accompany us too

no vos he dit res

I haven't told you anything.

però ens acompanyarà també la xeranga

but the band will also accompany us

la xeranga és una formació

the band is a formation

de músics de vent

of wind musicians

i d'olsaina

and of Olsaina

i percussió que fa molta festa

and percussion that makes a lot of noise

i a continuació

and then

és una cita ineludible

it is an unmissable appointment

no ens la podem perdre

we can't miss it

estimem més o menys

we love more or less

les danses

the dances

estarem allà per aprendre

we will be there to learn

per gaudir de tota aquesta tradició compartida

to enjoy all this shared tradition

així que moltíssimes gràcies

so thank you very much

per haver-nos atès

for attending to us

i per haver-nos explicat tots els detalls

and for having explained all the details to us.

d'aquesta novena edició

of this ninth edition

ja no se'ns oblida la data

we won't forget the date anymore

ja no

no more

l'any que ve

next year

per a l'aniversari

for the anniversary

les espelmes hauran de bufar ben fort

the candles will have to be blown out very hard

estarem ben pendents

we will be paying close attention

moltíssimes gràcies Isabel

thank you very much, Isabel

i que vagi super bé demà

And may it go super well tomorrow.

va vinga, Xàbia somereix

Come on, Xàbia submit.

que vingueu a visitar-nos

that you come to visit us

moltes gràcies

thank you very much



Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Bona nit.

Good night.

Bon dia, Héctor, què tal, com estàs?

Good morning, Héctor, how are you?

Molt bé.

Very good.

Hombre, de Sant Marino, quasi res, no?

Man, from San Marino, almost nothing, right?

Escolta, no tots anem fins allí.

Listen, not all of us go there.

Què tal l'experiència?

How was the experience?

Molt bé, molt bé, molt content, la veritat,

Very well, very well, very happy, the truth is,

i sobretot en un lloc com Missano,

and especially in a place like Missano,

que és tan bonic, tan com València,

that is so beautiful, as beautiful as Valencia,

tan de platges i tan...

so many beaches and so...

Però, bueno, molt bé, molt bé, molt content.

But, well, very good, very good, very happy.

És el Mediterrani, no podem negar-ho,

It is the Mediterranean, we cannot deny it,

tenim tots aixa cosa en comú.

we all have this thing in common.

I, el primer de tot,

I, the first of all,

com estàs, no?, i si ja has assimilat

How are you, right? And if you have already assimilated.

que ets campió del món, no?, ja fa uns dies,

that you are the world champion, right?, a few days ago,

però com s'assimila això i què se sent?

but how is this assimilated and what does one feel?

Bueno, cada dia t'ho creus una miqueta més, no?,

Well, you believe it a little more each day, don't you?

al final és un any de molt de treball

In the end, it is a year of a lot of work.

en el que tu estàs lluitant

in what you are fighting

per victòries contínuament,

for victories continuously,

i al final, doncs, te creus a ti mateixa

And in the end, then, you believe in yourself.

que eres el campió, però, bueno, costa d'assimilar-lo,

you are the champion, but, well, it's hard to digest.

és una cosa molt important que va durar tota la vida,

it is a very important thing that lasted a lifetime,

i veurem, poqueta a poqueta

And we will see, little by little.

aniré a assimilar-lo.

I will go to assimilate it.

De totes formes, per als que som més profans en la matèria,

In any case, for those of us who are more unskilled in the subject,

tinc entès que el campionat

I understand that the championship

de Moto E és una competició

of Moto E is a competition

de recent creació.

recently created.

Què és aixa categoria, exactament?

What is that category, exactly?

I, bueno,

I, well,

i què és el que la diferència

And what is it that makes the difference?

en MotoGP, per exemple?

in MotoGP, for example?

Bueno, pues Moto E és una categoria que va

Well, Moto E is a category that goes

anar aixera el 2009

go up in 2009

en una companyia que es creava

in a company that was being created

enèrgica, que van ser les primeres motos

energetic, which were the first motorcycles

en este campionat, que van fer un molt bon

in this championship, they did very well

treball, i, bueno, fa dos anys

work, and, well, two years ago

Ducati va comprar totes les...

Ducati bought all the...

com si fos el

as if it were the

prestigi de la categoria, totes les motos

prestige of the category, all the motorcycles

són iguals, totes són idèntiques,

they are the same, all are identical,

la moto ha pegat un salt de qualitat grandíssim,

the motorcycle has made a huge leap in quality,

i, bueno, se ve una moto ja més competitiva,

Yes, well, it looks like a more competitive motorcycle now.

i, com tu dius, una miqueta diferent,

and, as you say, a little different,

per el tema que és elèctrica, no?

For the topic that it is electric, right?

Però, bueno, és una moto de carreres

But, well, it's a racing bike.

en la que anem molt, molt ràpid.

in which we go very, very fast.

Diguem que ha evolucionat, no?,

Let's say it has evolved, right?

la competició en eixe

the competition in that

tipus de motos i en eixa categoria, per entendre-ho...

types of motorcycles and in that category, to understand it...

Exacte, sí, sí, sí, ha evolucionat

Exactly, yes, yes, yes, it has evolved.

i, bueno, i conforme el pas

And, well, as time goes by.

del temps, la moto ja anirà en si,

with time, the motorcycle will take care of itself,

seguint més una moto de carreres.

following a racing motorcycle.

Això fa ser una miqueta més prudent, no?, perquè

This makes one a bit more cautious, doesn't it? Because

jo veig com aneu, veig

I see how you go, I see.

com són les coses, dic, tots tios

how things are, I say, all guys

se la juguen dia a dia.

They take risks day by day.

M'imagino que com va evolucionant la cosa,

I imagine that as things evolve,

se la juguen un poquet més. Sí, claro,

they take a little more risk. Yes, of course,

a medida que va tot millorant

as everything keeps improving

en la moto, por supós que anem

on the bike, of course we’re going

més ràpid i se pot, pues,

faster and it can be, well,

fer-ho més espectacular, sí.

make it more spectacular, yes.

I, Héctor, per a ser campió només necessitaves

I, Héctor, to be a champion you only needed.

ser quart o que els teus perseguidors

be fourth or that your pursuers

no aconseguiren punts suficients

they did not achieve enough points

per a poder assegurar-te el campionat, i en la primera

to secure the championship for you, and in the first

carrera vas dir, no volem

race you said, we don't want

especular, quart, i ja soc

speculate, fourth, and I am already

campió del món. Com va ser, no?, i com també se viu

world champion. How was it, right?, and how is it lived as well?

i sa cosa de dir

and that's the thing to say

que he de ser quart, però soc

that I have to be fourth, but I am

quart. Bueno, és

quarter. Well, it is


it is

fàcil dir-ho, però és molt

easy to say, but it is very

complicat, sobretot per als nervis,

complicated, especially for the nerves,

no?, i per a mi era la primera vegada

no?, and for me, it was the first time

que me lluitava un campionat del món

that I was fighting for a world championship

i la veritat és que, bueno,

and the truth is that, well,

a nivell alt se nota la pressió i se nota

At a high level, the pressure is noticeable and it's noticeable.

un poquet

a little bit

el teu cap, com penses,

your head, how do you think,

sense parar, intentes fer el millor

without stopping, you try to do your best

treball que pots, però és inevitable

work that you can, but it is inevitable

pensar en, inclús

think of, even

mals pensaments i bons pensaments,

bad thoughts and good thoughts,

però, bueno, vaig estar molt

but, well, I was very

concentrat, així que és de veres que vas tindre

concentrated, so it is true that you had

el pitjor divendres de tot l'any,

the worst Friday of the whole year,

perquè va ser una classificació

because it was a classification

dura per a mi, però, bueno,

hard for me, but, well,

no vaig estar pensant

I wasn't thinking.

en què podria passar, sinó en donar el millor

in what else could happen, if not in giving the best

de mi, i si és la primera carrera, i si passava

of me, and if it is the first race, and if it happened

en la primera, en la primera, i si no, en la segona.

in the first one, in the first one, and if not, in the second one.

Hem fet un bon any, i això

We have had a good year, and this

em podia permitir el

I could afford it.

lujo, entre comilles, de poder

luxury, in quotation marks, of being able to

quedar en unes posicions més

to agree on a few more positions

resagades i poder guanyar

resilient and able to win



I com et prepares mentalment, no?, per a aquesta carrera

And how do you prepare mentally, right?, for this race?

d'ahir, és, no?, que pensaments bons,

from yesterday, it is, isn't it?, that good thoughts,

pensaments no tan bons, com et prepares,

not-so-good thoughts, how you prepare,

perquè també és molt important, no?, parlem moltes vegades

because it is also very important, right? we talk many times

així, ser-hi de la preparació

thus, being part of the preparation

mental, que pareix que no és tan

mental, which seems that it is not so.

important, però és, no sé si

important, but it is, I don’t know if

és el que tu opines, si és tan important o inclús

it's what you think, if it's so important or even

més important que la física. Que ara parlarem

more important than physics. That we will talk about now.

de la física, també, perquè

of physics, too, because

el desgast és considerable. També és dura,

the wear is considerable. It is also tough,

sí, també és dura, però... Cuerpo y mente,

yes, it's tough too, but... Body and mind,

com sempre la mente. Exacto.

As always, the mind. Exactly.

No, jo estic totalment d'acord en que

No, I totally agree that

la mente cada vegada és algo que

the mind is increasingly something that

tens que treballar més, i

you have to work harder, and

és algo fortíssim, en lo que tu pots

It's something very strong, in what you can do.

perfectament tindre,

perfectly have,

clares les coses, o estar fort físicament o no,

clear things, either be physically strong or not,

però la mente és, per a mi, enguany,

but the mind is, for me, this year,

segur, el que més

sure, the most

m'ha donat resultats, no?

It has given me results, hasn't it?

Al final, jo enguany he encontrat un mètode de treball

In the end, this year I have found a working method.

en la meva ment, que l'he continuat

in my mind, that I have continued

durant tot l'any, i

throughout the year, and

això m'ha donat resultats, no?, inclús en moments

this has given me results, hasn't it?, even in moments

de tensió, com l'altre dia, no estava pensant

I wasn't thinking about tension, like the other day.

en el campionat, estava pensant en una carrera

In the championship, I was thinking about a race.

més, aquest és el treball que tens que

more, this is the work that you have to

fer, i, bueno,

to do, and, well,

en els dies vas treballant-lo, i cada vegada

in the days you work on it, and each time

se te fa més fort, i ho tens més clar,

it makes you stronger, and you have it clearer,

i a sols tens que continuar en el ritme.

You just have to keep going at the pace.

I físicament, perquè

And physically, because

parlant clar i ras,

speaking clearly and straightforwardly,

no és necessari

it is not necessary

pegar-te una tonya

to give you a spanking

o una altra, sinó el propi pes de la

or another, but the very weight of the

moto, tot

motorcycle, everything

el que comporta aquest tipus de competicions

what this type of competitions entails

fa que tinguis que estar preparat, i

makes you have to be prepared, and

suposo un desgast

I suppose some wear and tear.

important per al teu cos. Sí, sí, clar,

important for your body. Yes, yes, of course,

per suposat, i en les motos

of course, and in the motorcycles

no estem preparats per a caure,

we are not ready to fall,

però al final de tants anys

but at the end of so many years

caient-se, doncs més o menys saps

falling, so more or less you know

com has d'estar preparat,

how you should be prepared,

més que caure, però sobretot físicament

more than falling, but above all physically

a nivell cardiovascular,

at a cardiovascular level,

a nivell fisionomia,

in terms of physiology,

tens que tindre-ho

you have to have it

tot molt bé. I músculs

everything is great. And muscles

esquelètics, etcètera, etcètera.

skeletal, etcetera, etcetera.

Sou persones que teniu que tenir molt controlat, imagina't

You are people who need to be very controlled, imagine that.

jo, les qüestions d'equilibri,

I, the issues of balance,

de força, etcètera, etcètera.

of force, etcetera, etcetera.

El fons físic és molt

The physical background is very

important. Sí que és de veres que en esta categoria

Important. It is indeed true that in this category

donem menys voltes, però és una moto

let's not beat around the bush, but it's a motorcycle

de molt més pes. Tens que estar

much more weight. You have to be

massa per a la moto. Tens que estar fort.

Too much for the bike. You have to be strong.

Tens que estar fort. Tens que estar fort.

You have to be strong. You have to be strong.

La moto pregunte. No ho sé, no ho sé.

The bike asks. I don't know, I don't know.

Avui en dia cada un no te posa el prende,

Nowadays, everyone doesn't light the fire for themselves.

però... Això l'ha dit jo, igual.

But... I've said that too, anyway.

Jo amb els meus braçets

Me with my little arms.

no puc, eh, amb ixa moto.

I can't, you know, with that motorcycle.

Tu no pots ni posar-li el cavallet

You can't even put the easel on it.

a la moto. Jo no puc.

to the bike. I can't.

Bueno, te sorprendería, eh, te sorprendería.

Well, it would surprise you, huh, it would surprise you.

Jo a voltes no puc posar-li el cavallet a la moto.

Sometimes I can't put the stand on the motorcycle.

El de la pata de cabra

The one with the crowbar.

que es diu, no?, que és el del costat d'eixe,

what is said, right?, that it's the one next to that one,

però l'altre a voltes t'han que dir

but the others sometimes have to tell you

que la moto compensa.

that the motorcycle makes up for it.

Jo tinc la sort de tindre mecànics.

I am lucky to have mechanics.

Que li posen el cavallet, no?

They put the horse on it, right?

Sí, sí, sí. I van tots ells per mi.

Yes, yes, yes. And they all go for me.

Estàvem parlant un poc de la preparació física-mental

We were talking a little about physical-mental preparation.

i també, per a saber com és un dia amb tu,

and also, to know what a day with you is like,

com també et prepares.

as well as how you prepare.

Heu viatjat moltíssim aquesta temporada,

You have traveled a lot this season,

ara també en parlarem d'això, però com és un dia,

now we will talk about that too, but what is a day,

com et prepares tu, quina és la teua rutina?

How do you prepare, what is your routine?

Bueno, al final, com un deportista més,

Well, in the end, like any other athlete,

tens que tindre clar l'alimentació,

you need to be clear about nutrition,

l'entrenament i el descans, no?

training and rest, right?

La meua setmana, més o menys,

My week, more or less,

se dividixen un parell de dies o tres

They are divided into a couple of days or three.

de moto i el resto de físic.

by motorcycle and the rest of physics.

Això, més o menys,

This, more or less,

i estar tranquil, descansat,

and be calm, relaxed,

i al final no fem molt

And in the end, we don't do much.

durant tot el dia, però si n'hi ha dos o tres hores

throughout the whole day, but if there are two or three hours

de treball i després el repòs,

of work and then rest,

que és igual el més important que l'entrenament.

that is just as important as training.

I no sé si tens psicòleg

I don't know if you have a psychologist.

també per a tu

also for you

o tu, més o menys,

or you, more or less,

vas un poc...

you go a little...



He treballat en ells,

I have worked on them.

més o menys vaig equilibrant-me,

more or less I'm balancing myself,

no descarte continuar en un futur,

do not rule out continuing in the future,

perquè jo considero que tot el món té que tindre

because I believe that everyone should have

un entrenador de la ment,

a mind coach,

perquè avui en dia és de lo més important

because nowadays it is one of the most important things

i és de lo que més

and it's one of the most

pots rascar.

You can scratch.

Més força o més

More strength or more.

voluntat, o al final és tot mental.

Will, or in the end, it’s all mental.

Parlàvem al començar del programa

We talked at the beginning of the program.

precisament d'això, de les qüestions

precisely about this, about the issues

mentals, de com els joves,

mentally, like the young,

independentment de les coses

regardless of the things

que tinguin que viure en un moment determinat o altre,

that they have to live at a certain moment or another,

només per a afrontar laboralment

only to face it in a work-related manner

siga quin sigui el camp, ja necessiten

whatever the field, they already need

aixís d'ajudes psicològiques.

such psychological aids.

M'imagino que això també ens porta al vostre

I imagine this also brings us to yours.

àmbit. Sí, per supos,

scope. Yes, of course,

sobretot al final, n'hi ha que pensar

especially at the end, there are those who think.

que quan estàs en una moto a

that when you are on a motorcycle at

quasi 300 km per hora els pensaments

almost 300 km per hour the thoughts

venen molt ràpid i

they come very quickly and

deus de saber com

you must know how

aplicar aquest pensament, agarrar-lo o deixar-lo

apply this thought, take it or leave it

passar. Tens que ser ràpid

Pass. You have to be quick.

mentalment. Però m'imagino que no només això,

mentally. But I imagine that it's not just that,

el saber estar,

the ability to conduct oneself

com diu la nostra companya Gemma,

as our colleague Gemma says,

el saber vindre, el saber anar-se'n,

the knowing how to come, the knowing how to leave,

el saber assumir

the ability to accept

quan un no guanya i el saber assumir

when one does not win and knows how to accept it

quan un guanya. Totes aquestes coses les has

when one wins. All these things you have

de tindre perfectament ordenades

to have perfectly organized

en la teua ment. Sí, ha de estar tot molt bé

in your mind. Yes, everything must be very good.



Per a no tindre

In order not to have

ni desvarios ni fallos

neither ramblings nor faults

en situacions que són tenses.

in situations that are tense.

Tens que tindre ja un programa preparat

You have to have a program prepared already.

per a si passa qualsevol cosa, saber

in case anything happens, to know

com deus de reaccionar. Que no se t'emputja el pavo

How you must be reacting. Don't let the turkey get to you.

en moments determinats.

at certain moments.

En definitiva, no desconnectar de la

In short, do not disconnect from the

realitat. Exacte, exacte.

reality. Exactly, exactly.

I Héctor, podem dir, parlant un poc

I Héctor, we can say, speaking a little.

de no desconnectar-te, que has marcat la diferència

not to disconnect, you have made a difference

en el final de la temporada. No començar

at the end of the season. Do not start

és bé l'any en elements, però després

it's good the year in elements, but then

has encadenat set pòdiums,

you have chained seven podiums,

que és una barbaritat, que t'han

that is outrageous, that you have

ficat dalt de la classificació. Deies

sitting at the top of the standings. You said

que podies permetre un poc el ser

that you could allow a little being

quart. També, com ha estat la temporada?

Fourth. Also, how has the season been?

Quantes carreres has fet? Quina és la teua

How many degrees have you completed? Which one is yours?

favorita? On has vist

favorite? Where have you seen it?

que deies, puc ser campió del món?

What did you say, can I be world champion?

O sigui, gaia el tinc així i no vaig a deixar

So, I have Gaia like this and I'm not going to let go.

escapar-ho. Sí, bueno, ha sigut una temporada

escape it. Yes, well, it has been a season.

molt d'altibajos, no?

A lot of ups and downs, right?

Però la veritat és que des del principi m'he

But the truth is that from the beginning I have

encontrat molt fort en Portugal. Vaig començar

met very strong in Portugal. I started

amb dos segons punts

with two second points

que m'ho al·ligeven a mi, al líder

that they were alleviating it for me, the leader

en aquell moment, i a mi del resto.

at that moment, and to me from the rest.

I bueno, me vaig poder

And well, I was able to go.

emitir un fallo en Le Mans,

issue a verdict in Le Mans,

que jo crec que ha sigut

that I think has been

la millor i la pitjor carrera de tot l'any

the best and the worst race of the entire year

perquè estava molt ràpid, estava

because it was very fast, it was

per guanyar inclús les dues carreres, però

to win even both races, but

en l'esport existixen

in sport there exist

aquests moments i has d'acceptar-ho

these moments and you have to accept it

i és dur, però sí que és de veres

And it is hard, but yes, it is true.

que després de Le Mans vaig fer un reset mental

that after Le Mans I did a mental reset

i a partir de la carrera d'Itàlia

and starting from the Italian race

a Mugello, com tu has dit, van ser

In Mugello, as you said, they were.

set pòdiums seguits, i

seven consecutive podiums, and

en la carrera de casa del meu equip a Alemanya

in the race at my team's home in Germany

ahí ja podem dir que és

there we can say that it is

el moment d'imparcir

the moment of impartiality

i molt moment imparcial de la temporada

and a very impartial moment of the season

en la que jo me vaig trobar molt fort

in which I found myself very strong

i me vaig

And I'm leaving.

començar a creure a mi mateixa que

starting to believe in myself that

podria ajudar per al campionat, no?

It could help for the championship, right?

Però bueno, després vam arribar a

But well, then we arrived at

Àustria, un dels circuits que

Austria, one of the circuits that

més fàcils i més difícils són, perquè al final

easier and more difficult they are, because in the end

són molt poquetes

they are very few

curves, un circuit que tot el món sap

curves, a circuit that everyone knows

anar ràpid, al final no hi ha gaire tècnica

go fast, in the end there isn't much technique

només frenais i acelerais

only brakes and accelerators

i bueno, a partir d'ahir sí que me vaig

And well, starting from yesterday I really am leaving.

començar a creure, no?

start to believe, right?

I arribant ja a l'última carrera

And arriving at the last race.



ser tot un poquet més

to be just a little more

tranquil, més calmat, però

calm, more relaxed, but

intentant lluitar per les

trying to fight for the

posicions, perquè moto és

positions, because it is a motorcycle

una categoria que

a category that

se corre molt ràpid, se corre

He runs very fast, he runs.

en set, vuit voltes i ja

in seven, eight turns and that's it

l'has acabat, molt difícil adelantar

You finished it, very difficult to overtake.

aleshores per a mi era una

then for me it was a

feina, el dissabte, ser campió del món

work, on Saturday, to be world champion

perquè no només tenia que acabar

because it not only had to finish

la carrera, sinó que tenia que lluitar per les posicions

the race, but I had to fight for positions

delanteres i acabar adelantant

forwards and end up overtaking

de cinc tios no és una cosa fàcil

dealing with five guys is not an easy thing

Tot això que estàs dient, Mos, imagina que és

All that you are saying, Mos, imagine that it is

l'aprenentatge que t'ha deixat esta temporada

the learning that this season has left you

Exacte, sí

Exactly, yes.

M'ha deprès a ser fort

It has surprised me to be strong.

a creure en mi mateixa i sobretot

to believe in myself and above all

que no per tindre un mal

that not for having a bad one

fin de setmana condicionat a tota la temporada

weekend conditioned to the whole season

ni molt menys, això te pot fer

"Not at all, this can do to you."

a tu a dependre

you to depend

de com tens que eixir

how you have to go out

d'aquestes situacions i com millorar-les

of these situations and how to improve them

Estem parlant també un poc del present, no?

We are talking a bit about the present too, right?

I anem a preguntar com va començar

And let's ask how it all started.

en el motociclisme, no?

in motorcycling, right?

Com sorgís? Quin és el germen

How did it arise? What is the germ?

que el fa iniciar-te

what makes you start

això i arribar fins on has arribat, clar

this and getting to where you have reached, of course

Bueno, pues una miqueta raro, no?

Well, it’s a bit strange, isn’t it?

Perquè normalment totes les famílies

Because usually all families

que has començat en això tenen ja

what you have started in this already have

un tio o un pare que li mola

a guy or a dad that he likes

el món de les motos, però en el meu cas

the world of motorcycles, but in my case

va ser estrany, no? Li vaig dir a mon pare

It was strange, wasn't it? I told my father.

vull con una minimoto, i m'ha dit que no

I want a mini bike, and he/she has told me no.

que me va dir, mon pare és enginyer

what he told me, my father is an engineer

prevenció de riscos, un niño a la moto

risk prevention, a child on the motorcycle

no pot anar

cannot go

Aleshores, pues vaig estar dos anys intentant

So, I spent two years trying.

convencer-lo que me trajera la minimoto

to convince him to bring me the minimoto

de xicotet, i al final pues vàrem escomençar

When I was little, and in the end, well, we started.

ahí, y empineado el primer día

there, and steep on the first day

No, no, perdona, però com el vas

No, no, sorry, but how are you going?

convencer? Això tu acabes de saltar

Convince? You just jumped that.

però a la brava

but straightforward

Algo va passar, no? Algo va passar, no ho recordes

Something happened, right? Something happened, do you not remember?

Jo no sé què va ser, però algo va passar

I don't know what it was, but something happened.

Perquè el pare canviarà el xicotet, algo

Because the father will change the little one, something.

passaria ahí. Algo va passar

It would happen there. Something happened.

Tenim el pare així, que no ha parlat, Carlos

We have the father like this, who has not spoken, Carlos.

si vols dir alguna cosa

if you want to say something

en què moment vas dir

at what point did you say

Ja no puc més. Home, no ho sabia, però ja que estic

I can't take it anymore. Well, I didn't know, but now that I'm here.

Sí, sí, és d'obligar compliment que digues

Yes, yes, it is mandatory that you say.

Aprofitem, no? Sí, quina és la xispa que el vas

Let's take the opportunity, shall we? Yes, what is the spark that you have?

saltar a tu per dir

jump to you to say

Vinga, va, fes el que vulguis

Come on, do whatever you want.

El que vas pensar, mira, anem a fer un tracte

What you thought, look, let's make a deal.

Pots pujar en la minimoto si moto de carrer

You can ride the minimoto if it's a street bike.

no tens

you don't have

I si jo et veig en moto de carrer, s'acaben les motos

And if I see you on a street motorcycle, the motorcycles are over.

Ell me va dir que sí, i endavant

He told me yes, and let's go.

I això va ser la qüestió

And that was the question.

Vau fer una espècie de pacte, no? Ho vàrem fer un pacte

You made a kind of pact, didn't you? We made a pact.

I hasta el dia de avui s'ha complit

And until today it has been fulfilled.

I ara, el pare, com ho veu, això?

And now, father, how do you see this?

Ui, jo...

Oh, me...

Que estàs que no caps dins

What are you doing that you don't fit in?

A nivell del títol obtingut

At the level of the obtained title

una meravella

a marvel

Ara, per arribar hasta aquí, ensuat

Now, to get here, we have to...

Ensuat, perquè el que es queda en el

Unsated, because what remains in the

mig, realment, no és qualsevol cosa

half, really, it's not just anything

Hem treballat, i són molts dies

We have worked, and it has been many days.

Moltes vesprees, molts entrenaments

Many evenings, many training sessions.

Molts viatges

Many trips

A vegades, lesions

Sometimes, injuries.

Això anava a dir, te permetisme que tu digues

I was just going to say that, can I allow you to say it?

I patixes com un berraco, no?

You scream like a pig, right?

Jo, normalment, ho comentàvem abans

I normally discussed it beforehand.

Estic en forma, pels dillunsos, de la tensió

I am in shape, for Mondays, of the tension.

de les carreres

of the races

És que no vaig cap a l'aire

I'm just not going towards the air.

Tens que anar al fisio, no?

You have to go to the physio, don't you?

Me quede fe pols

I was left in dust.

De estar en tensió, perquè, clar, si ja les carreres són

Being tense, because, of course, if the races are already

molt intenses

very intense

Són carreres...

They are races...

Són carreres molt ràpides

They are very fast races.

I més en la moto, que és una moto molt pesada

And more on the bike, which is a very heavy bike.

I és molt intensa

And it's very intense.

A més d'això, clar, jo sóc el pare

In addition to this, of course, I am the father.

El patiment

The suffering

Evidentment, el patiment és una cosa que no te lleves a la munt

Obviously, suffering is something you can't take away from the mountain.

Això és tot el que no se veu

This is everything that cannot be seen.

Perquè els pilots estem ahí nerviosos

Because the pilots are nervous there.

Però és que darrere n'hi ha un equip de família

But there is a family team behind it.

de tècnics

of technicians

de tot, que estan vivint-lo

of everything, that they are living it

i s'ofriixen i tot

and they offer themselves and all

Això no es veu per la tele

This is not shown on TV.

I Héctor, de segur que has passat

I Héctor, I'm sure you have gone through.

hores i hores en el circuit Ricardo Tormo

Hours and hours at the Ricardo Tormo circuit.

I és que avui en el Rai

And it's that today in Rai

estem de doble celebració

We are in double celebration.

pel campionat d'Héctor

for Hector's championship

i també perquè el circuit de xes complix 25 anys

and also because the Xes circuit is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

I tenim al telèfon el seu director general

We have your general director on the phone.

Nicolás Collado

Nicolás Collado

Què tal? Bon dia

How are you? Good morning.

Hola, bon dia

Hello, good morning.

Què tal, Nicolás? Bon dia, molt bé

How are you, Nicolás? Good morning, very well.

Doncs ja veus, així, entre estrelles

Well, you see, like this, among stars

Sí, total

Yes, totally.

Nosotros un poco

We a little

de resaca emocional

emotionally hungover

después de este fin de semana

after this weekend

porque hemos tenido el jueves

because we have had Thursday

la gala del 20º aniversario

the 20th anniversary gala

que la verdad es que fue

that the truth is that it was

una noche mágica

a magical night

a nivel de emociones

at the level of emotions

recordando estos 25 años

remembering these 25 years

de trayectoria, de eventos

of trajectory, of events

y de grandecitos

and when they are big

pero luego además

but then besides

al día siguiente ya teníamos

the next day we already had

la carrera del Racing Weekend

the Racing Weekend race

que hemos tenido este fin de semana

that we have had this weekend

carreras de coches

car races

y la verdad es que no hemos parado

And the truth is that we haven't stopped.

És que, tio, pronto no

It's just that, dude, soon no.

però ja fan 25 anys

but it's been 25 years now

del somni de Ricardo Tormo

of Ricardo Tormo's dream

i que afortunats som de tindre un circuit

How lucky we are to have a circuit.

a casa com este, veritat, Nicolás?

At home like this, right, Nicolás?

Sí, la verdad es que siempre

Yes, the truth is that always.

bueno, el jueves recordamos

Well, we remember on Thursday.

un poco los orígenes, los inicios

a little about the origins, the beginnings

y cómo surge este circuito

And how does this circuit come about?

que nace de una

that is born from a

demanda social muy fuerte

very strong social demand

además yo en aquella época

besides, I at that time

hablamos de años 90

we are talking about the 90s

yo me acuerdo, bueno, yo era

I remember, well, I was.

un chiquete

a little boy

yo iba con mis hermanos

I went with my brothers.

que íbamos a pedir al Palau

what we were going to ask at the Palau

con las motos

with the motorcycles

a pedir ese circuito

to ask for that circuit

a pedirlo como todos los moteros

to ask for it like all bikers

y es porque hacía falta

and it's because it was needed

porque siempre una gran afición histórica

because there has always been a great historical passion

veníamos de circuitos urbanos

we came from urban circuits

de entrenar en polígonos

of training in polygons

y bueno, de ahí un poco lo que le pasó al pobre

And well, that's a bit of what happened to the poor guy.

Ricardo Tormo, ese accidente que tuvo

Ricardo Tormo, that accident he had.

de entrenar en un polígono

to train in an industrial estate

y es verdad que cuando se hizo

And it is true that when it was done

realidad, pues

reality, then

no ha fallado ni un solo año

hasn't missed a single year

y lo que dijo Ricardo Tormo

and what Ricardo Tormo said

que él hizo una premonición y dijo que

that he made a premonition and said that

él esperaba que cada año el circuito

he expected that each year the circuit

estuviera con colgada el billete

I was hanging with the ticket.

el cartel de no hay entradas y así

the sold out sign and so on

ha sido todos los años

it has been every year

bueno, segons la xulla que yo

Well, according to the joke that I...

tinc, el circuit aconsegueix un 95%

I have, the circuit achieves a 95%

d'ocupació durant l'any

of employment during the year

per allò que estàs dient

for what you are saying

però també es bressol de grans pilots

but it is also the cradle of great pilots

com Héctor Faubel, Héctor Barberà, Nico Terol

like Héctor Faubel, Héctor Barberà, Nico Terol

Nerea Martí, fins

Nerea Martí, until

Jorge Martín o Pedro Acosta

Jorge Martín or Pedro Acosta

comencem per una part, si vols

let's start with one part, if you want

per parlar d'eixes xifres

to talk about those figures

que aconsegueix

what it achieves

el circuit Ricardo Tormo

the Ricardo Tormo circuit

i l'altre pels pilots que han passat per allí, si vols, Nicolás

And the other for the drivers who have passed through there, if you want, Nicolás.

claro, claro, por supuesto

of course, of course, of course

a nivell d'ocupació de pista

at track occupancy level

la pista ens falten dies

the track is missing days

l'any, és a dir, hi ha molts dies

the year, that is, there are many days

que no fem el 100%

that we don't do 100%

d'ocupació en alquiler de pista

of rented court occupancy

per equip, per competicions, per rodades

by team, by competitions, by rounds

perquè manteniment ens exigeix

because maintenance requires us

aquí un mínim

here a minimum

de poder, perquè cal fer obres

of being able to, because it is necessary to do renovations

perquè les federacions

because the federations

internacionals, tant de l'automobilisme

internationals, both of motor racing

com de motociclisme, ens demanen dies

As for motorcycling, they ask us for days.

per poder fer obres

to be able to do works

anar executant

to go executing

doncs, per exemple, els pianos

well, for example, pianos

d'aquest any hem canviat dues curves

This year we have changed two curves.

per fer-les més segures

to make them more secure

per anar adaptant les noves normatives

to adapt to the new regulations

sí, nobleza obligada

yes, nobility obliged

exactament, què li restem

Exactly, what do we deduct from it?

però és cert que si no

but it is true that if not

s'alquilaria tot l'any

it would be rented all year round

i després, a nivell de venda d'entrades

and then, at the ticket sales level

nosaltres, la carrera

we, the race

és del 15 al 17 de novembre

It is from November 15 to 17.

nosaltres en agost ja teníem

we already had in August

el cartell de no hi ha bitllets

the no tickets sign

col·locat, ja no ens queden entrades

Sold out, we no longer have tickets left.

és una barbaritat, de fet, hem ampliat

it's outrageous, in fact, we have expanded

amb una grada

with a grandstand

de 15.000 més

of 15,000 more

que ja s'ha vendut

that has already been sold

i ara estem pendents de treure alguna més

And now we are waiting to take out another one.

una petita ampliació amb localitats VIP

a small expansion with VIP seats

però ja perquè ens ho demana la gent

but already because people are asking us for it

però és

but it is

la veritat és que és un èxit

The truth is that it is a success.

poder amb mesos d'antelació

power with months in advance

poder vendre totes les entrades

to be able to sell all the tickets

i arribarem

and we will arrive

als 100.000 espectadors al novembre

to the 100,000 spectators in November

el cap de setmana de MotoGP

the MotoGP weekend

recordeu que tindrem 100.000 espectadors

remember that we will have 100,000 spectators

aquí el diumenge

here on Sunday

tot en xef

everything in check

el Riccardo Tormo ha posat al mapa

Riccardo Tormo has put it on the map.

el circuit de xest

the Xest circuit

i a més també amb tots els grans pilots

and also with all the great drivers

que t'ha mencionat Sergi

that Sergi has mentioned to you

també tenim així Héctor

we also have this Hector

que va ser premiat a la gala

who was awarded at the gala

la veritat és que la meva enhorabona

The truth is that my congratulations.

va ser una tremenda passada

it was an incredible experience

i també convivir al circuit

and also live together on the circuit

de tinte, tants pilots

of dye, so many pilots

i ser bressol perquè és

and be a cradle because it is

una de les millors escoles que hi ha

one of the best schools there is

Sí, totalment

Yes, totally.

nosaltres durant aquests 25 anys

we during these 25 years

el projecte que ha liderat Julien Miralles

the project that Julien Miralles has led

que a més

that moreover

va ser campió d'Europa

he was the European champion

i amb una

and with a

carrera fructífera però a més

fruitful career but moreover

com a formador en aquests 25 anys

as a trainer in these 25 years

Julien ha sabut veure

Julien has been able to see.

el talent de molts pilots valencians

the talent of many Valencian pilots

que han estat aquí com deia

that have been here as I said

Barberà, Héctor Faubel

Barberà, Héctor Faubel

i bé amb Héctor

and good with Héctor



la veritat és que molt orgullosos

the truth is that we are very proud

perquè la foto que vam fer el diumenge

because the photo we took on Sunday

amb aquests cinc pilots

with these five pilots

valencians molt de llista

Valencians a lot of list.

la veritat és que va ser molt bonica

The truth is that it was very beautiful.

i només ens faltava

and we only needed

Ricardo Tormo, per descomptat

Ricardo Tormo, of course.

Ricardo Tormo al final està

Ricardo Tormo is finally here.

en el circuit

on the circuit

Això sí, Nicolás, per últim

That said, Nicolás, finally.

confiem, com va dir el president de la Generalitat

we trust, as the president of the Generalitat said

Carlos Mazón, en que el circuit

Carlos Mazón, in which the circuit

continua dins del calendari de MotoGP

it continues within the MotoGP calendar

a partir de l'any 26

starting from the year 26

Sí, nosaltres tenim exactament

Yes, we have exactly

el contracte fins al 26 inclusive

the contract until the 26th inclusive

estamos trabajando ya para más allá

We are already working for beyond.

del 27 hasta el 31

from the 27th to the 31st



nosotros entendemos que por supuesto queremos estar

We understand that of course we want to be.

el presidente es verdad que

the president is true that

también está muy

also is very

implicado en esa negociación

involved in that negotiation

y en esa lucha

and in that struggle

cierto es que

it is true that

no está fácil porque

it's not easy because

el panorama pues ahora mismo

the panorama right now

hay muchos

there are many

circuitos pujantes

rising circuits

muy fuertes con muchísimo interés

very strong with a lot of interest

de estar dentro del

of being inside the

primero en el mundial

first in the world cup

pero bueno, nosotros también vamos a

but well, we are also going to

presentar batalla, que no queremos tampoco salirnos

present battle, as we don't want to step out either

de ahí y vamos a hacer todo lo posible

from there and we will do everything possible

entonces bueno, yo soy optimista

So, well, I am optimistic.

pero bueno, vamos a ver

but well, let's see

cómo sucede todo

how everything happens

Digues que sí, Nicolás, moltes gràcies, molta sort

Say yes, Nicolás, thank you very much, good luck.

Muchísimas gracias

Thank you very much.

Moltes gràcies

Thank you very much.

y res, rellem en novembre

And nothing, we will see each other in November.

Molt bé, vinga, fins ara, adeu

Very well, come on, see you later, goodbye.

Héctor, una última coseta

Héctor, one last little thing.

L'Héctor del passat

The Hector of the past

Què pensaria de l'Héctor del present?

What would the Hector of the present think?

Estaria orgullós, mentalment

I would be mentally proud.

físicament i en tot, segur

physically and in everything, for sure

Estic molt convençut

I am very convinced.

d'aquesta pregunta que m'ha fet perquè

of this question that you have asked me because

és una de les coses que jo parla més en casa

It's one of the things I talk about the most at home.

i en els meus amics considere

and in my friends I consider

que la trajectòria

that the trajectory

mentalment parlant

mentally speaking

ha millorat moltíssim i crec que

has improved a lot and I believe that

bueno, estic preparat per a més coses que

well, I am ready for more things than

poden venir. I si no, el pare

they can come. And if not, the father

de l'Héctor ja s'encarregarà de portar-lo

Héctor will take care of bringing it.

per on toca, no?

Where it touches, right?

I això és un dels treballs que té

And this is one of the jobs he has.

entre altres

among others

Sí, perquè està sempre amb ell

Yes, because she is always with him.

hem parlat abans i sempre viatja amb ell

we have talked before and he always travels with him

i s'encarrega de moltes coses

He/she takes care of many things.

o sigui que també és molt important que la família estigui aquí

so it is also very important that the family is here

Jo, com m'ho diu la meva dona

Me, as my wife tells me.

tu ets enginyer o missatger

Are you an engineer or a messenger?

No, ets el pare de l'artista des del que cap

No, you are the father of the artist from which no one can escape.

El pare o la mare de l'artista

The father or the mother of the artist

o de l'artista sempre tenen que anar

or the artist must always go



clavar-lo en veritat

nail it in truth

Sí, la veritat és que sí

Yes, the truth is that yes.

Traten de tirar una mà perquè no es faci

They try to lend a hand so that it doesn't happen.

i sobretot en l'esport d'elit, n'hi ha que

and especially in elite sports, there are those who

tindre un recolzament

to have support

perquè n'hi ha coses del dia a dia de la

because there are things in the daily life of the

competició que no pot fer-les el

competition that he cannot do

esportista, doncs tindrà que fer-lo alguna persona que

athlete, so it will have to be done by someone who

l'apogui. El esportista ja té prou per fer

the apogee. The athlete already has enough to do.

i és guanyar el que

and it is to win what

té guanyar i mantenir la chance de mantenir-te

It has to win and maintain the chance to stay.

Exacte, exacte, n'hi ha que centrar-se

Exactly, exactly, some need to focus.

Donar-li el mànec

Give him the handle.

Cada un n'ha de centrar-se en el que li toca

Each one must focus on what is assigned to them.

i bueno, sempre n'hi ha coses

Well, there are always things.

Fins ací el programa d'este dissabte 21

Until here the program for this Saturday the 21st.

de setembre, gràcies per acompanyar-nos

of September, thank you for joining us

un dia més en el programa d'avui

One more day in today's program.

i recordeu que demà

And remember that tomorrow

a partir de les 12, demà diumenge

Starting from 12, tomorrow Sunday.

tornem amb més El Ray

we're back with more El Ray

Que acabeu de passar un bon dissabte, fins demà!

Hope you have a great Saturday, see you tomorrow!

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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