Episodi 16: Manies amb Clara Castelló

À Punt Mèdia

Açò no ho sabies

Episodi 16: Manies amb Clara Castelló

Açò no ho sabies

A Punt Podcast

A Punt Podcast

Segons l'Organització Mundial de la Salut,

According to the World Health Organization,

el trastorn obsessiu compulsiu se situa entre les 10 malalties o síndromes més discapacitants del món

Obsessive-compulsive disorder ranks among the 10 most disabling illnesses or syndromes in the world.

i un 3% de la població mundial l'ha patit alguna volta.

And 3% of the world's population has experienced it at some point.

Això no ho sabies amb Capes Caparrós i Diego Barea.

You didn't know this with Capes Caparrós and Diego Barea.

Capes Caparrós i Diego Barea

Caparrós and Diego Barea layers

El projecte d'aquest podcast ha sigut, Carles, proposant coses i Diego rebutjant-les totes.

The project of this podcast has been, Carles, proposing things and Diego rejecting them all.

Ha quedat un 5% de les idees, que jo crec que la gent pensa que jo soc un poc el de les idees botxes i tal...

Only 5% of the ideas remain, which I believe people think I am somewhat of a botchy ideas person and so on...

I estem en una següent que no.

And we are in a situation where no.

Diego em censura a mi.

Diego censors me.

Bé, mira, a la comunitat valenciana n'hi ha tres clares importants, vale?

Well, look, in the Valencian Community there are three clear important ones, okay?

Clara València i Clara Alacant no ens van contestar al WhatsApp i m'he hagut de cridar Clara Castelló.

Clara Valencia and Clara Alicante didn't reply to us on WhatsApp, and I had to call myself Clara Castellón.

Saps què t'he de dir?

Do you know what I have to tell you?

Ella és licenciada en Filologia.

She has a degree in Philology.

Filologia anglo-germànica i és una de les cares més visibles de la història de la ràdio.

Anglo-Germanic philology and it is one of the most visible faces of the history of radio.

Televisió valenciana, presentadora, redactora, guionista,

Valencian television, presenter, editor, scriptwriter,

ha fet televisió, ràdio, presentació d'esdeveniments i premis.

He has done television, radio, event presentation, and awards.

I, a més a més, atenció, li agrada tocar la bateria i remar.

And, moreover, attention, he enjoys playing the drums and rowing.

Avui parlem de manies amb Clara Castelló.

Today we talk about quirks with Clara Castelló.

Què tal?

How are you?

Què tal? Com esteu? Quina presentació.

How are you? How are you all? What a presentation.

Jo anava a proposar-vos un altre nom per al programa.

I was going to suggest another name for the program.

Nou Càlcul de la Ruta.

New Route Calculation.

No sabies que havies de girar...

You didn't know you had to turn...

Contem això.

Tell this.

Sí, contem això. Quin problema has tingut tu amb el GPS?

Yes, let's consider that. What problem have you had with the GPS?

És que és una relació d'odi-odi.

It’s a hate-hate relationship.



Odi-odi amb ell.

Hate-hate with him.

Una relació tòxica amb el teu GPS.

A toxic relationship with your GPS.

Sí, però ja està, ja ho hem solucionat, hem arribat a si.

Yes, but that's it, we've solved it, we have reached that.

Hem arribat a si, estem.

We have arrived at ourselves, we are.

I podem parlar perfectament.

And we can talk perfectly.

Doncs, benvinguts, benvingudes a Nou Càlcul de la Ruta.

Well, welcome to New Calculation of the Route.

Jo no puc aguantar-me de comprovar si és cert que eres licenciada en Filologia anglo-germànica

I can't help but check if it's true that you have a degree in Anglo-German Philology.

i sí que vull preguntar-te com es diu taula en anglo-germànic.

And yes, I do want to ask you how to say table in Anglo-Germanic.

A veure, si em preguntes en anglès encara et podré dir.

Let's see, if you ask me in English I might still be able to tell you.

En anglès i alemany.

In English and German.

En alemany, clar, en alemany no t'ho sabria dir.

In German, of course, I wouldn't know how to say it in German.

Stable in English, if you want, but I can't speak in German.

Stable in English, if you want, but I can't speak in German.

Però i com és això de ser filòloga germànica i no saber parlar en anglès?

But how is it that you are a Germanic philologist and don't know how to speak English?

És que en aquell moment, quan jo em vaig llicenciar...

It's just that at that moment, when I graduated...

Era molt més fàcil.

It was much easier.

No, era I see.

No, it was I see.

Ara ja directament sí que pots especialitzar-te únicament en anglès o en alemany.

Now you can specialize solely in English or in German.

Però en aquell moment els tres primers anys eren comuns a totes les especialitats romàniques,

But at that moment the first three years were common to all Romance specialties,

espanyola, que era llengua o literatura, en valencià...

Spanish, which was language or literature, in Valencian...

I després tu ja en primer sí que agafes una assignatura que anava marcant-te la teva especialitat

And then you, in your first year, do take a subject that was guiding your specialization.

i després quart i quint eren els anys d'especialitat.

And then the fourth and fifth years were the years of specialization.

I era anglo-germànic.

It was Anglo-Germanic.

I ara que ja sabem que està separat, no hem volgut pel que sigui canviar-ho a LinkedIn, no?

And now that we know he is separated, we haven't wanted to change it on LinkedIn for some reason, right?

És que ve molt bé.

It's just that it fits very well.

Ve molt bé, anglo-germànic.

It looks very good, Anglo-Germanic.

Però d'alemany, vaja...

But German, well...

Més enllà de...


Biguets, kartoffel i poc més, no crec que no s'entengui més en alemany.

Biguets, potato and not much more, I don't think it can be understood any further in German.

Washer és aigua?

Is washer water?



Ho sé, la típica màquina que posa aigua, aigua, water i washer.

I know, the typical machine that says water, water, water, and washer.

O en els bancs també quan posa el balut?

Or in the banks too when it puts the balance?



Ah, vesel, canvi, no?

Ah, cheerful, change, right?

Sí, vesel és en alemany i el balut és en italià.

Yes, vesel is in German and balut is in Italian.

I es kartoffel sembla carxofa.

And the potato looks like an artichoke.

No, les criolles.

No, the criollas.

Ja, però m'agradaria que fos una carxofa.

Yes, but I would like it to be an artichoke.

I mira, jo en Alemanya els tiquets de...

And look, in Germany the tickets for...

del tren, quan dixien, jo posava, doncs, castellà,

from the train, when they said, I would then speak Spanish,

i deia, desprecie el tiquet.

And I said, I discarded the ticket.

O sigui, que retirar és tot despreciar.

In other words, to withdraw is to completely disregard.

La traducció, no?

The translation, right?

Era un tiquet feo, mal, és el peor tiquet que he vist-ho nunca.

It was an ugly ticket, bad, it's the worst ticket I've ever seen.

La traducció literal de moltes coses distorsiona un poc.

The literal translation of many things distorts a little.

Per exemple, el típic mindegap del Londres, del foraet,

For example, the typical mindegap of London, of the outside.

la traducció literal seria que t'importa el forat, no?

The literal translation would be "you care about the hole, right?"

El forat, és espai.

The hole is space.

Estàs bé?

Are you okay?

Em preocupa per tu, eh?

I'm worried about you, you know?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Tranquil, tranquil.

Calm, calm.

El forat.

The hole.

Acaba de voler un tiquet, que era el pitjor que he vist, mal,

He just wanted a ticket, which was the worst I have seen, bad.

i te pas...

I have the pass...



Vale, pregunta...

Okay, ask...

Bueno, per què has escollit...

Well, why have you chosen...

Bueno, no saps que...

Well, you don't know that...

Estan venint-me una quantitat de preguntes.

I am receiving a lot of questions.

Què t'interessa més, el tema que toca la bateria,

What interests you more, the subject that plays the drums,

que rema...

that rows...



O que has escollit el tema manies.

Oh, you have chosen the theme of habits.

Mira, per a mi, per al meu grup de rem...

Look, for me, for my rowing team...

No, no, per al meu grup de música...

No, no, for my music group...

El teu grup és rem, el teu grup musical.

Your group is Rem, your musical group.

Tant de bo, tant de bo.

I wish, I wish.

No, el meu somni...

No, my dream...

Bueno, bueno, bueno...

Well, well, well...

Un tirabuzón, un tirabuzón.

A corkscrew, a corkscrew.

Eh, no, el meu grup de música...

Eh, no, my music group...



Una bateria estaria molt bé, una bateria.

A drum set would be very nice, a drum set.

Què passa? Jo estic aprenent.

What's happening? I'm learning.

Jo no descarte que en algun moment

I do not rule out that at some point

pugui acompanyar-vos en algun tema.

can accompany you on any topic.

És que el que teniu també està aprenent.

It's just that what you have is also learning.

Però si confies en mi, malament.

But if you trust me, that's a mistake.

Ostres, de xira amb nosaltres...

Wow, on a tour with us...

Això seria magnífic.

That would be magnificent.

Això és una idea.

This is an idea.

En la ràdio me'n vaig, però ja...

On the radio I'm leaving, but already...

Vaig a dir-li a la meva profe, que és xica,

I am going to tell my teacher, who is a girl,

també és cert, la meva profe,

it's also true, my teacher,

que anem a apretar ahí...

let's tighten it there...

I jo me'n vaig a la ràdio.

And I'm going to the radio.

Fem un canvi.

Let's make a change.

No guanya ningú, crec.

No one wins, I think.

I remar?

I row?

Perquè no és un esport habitual.

Because it is not a common sport.



Jo és que soc poc habitual.

I am not very accustomed.

Jo faig coses poc habituals.

I do unusual things.

No feia res d'esport.

I didn't do any sports.

I vaig dir, una cosa de fer.

I said, one thing to do.

I a mi entrar en un gimnàs,

And for me to enter a gym,

o tot el que sigui tancat,

or everything that is closed,

és que no m'agrada a mi.

It's just that I don't like it.

Els esports a l'aire lliure, jo he fet esports a l'aire lliure.

Outdoor sports, I have done outdoor sports.

He fet tenis, m'agrada moltíssim la bici,

I've played tennis, I really like biking a lot.

la bicicleta...

the bicycle...

I era així...

And it was like this...

I una amiga un dia em va dir,

And a friend once told me,

per què no te'n vens?

Why don't you come over?

Que jo estic fent rem i convisc molt a prop del port

Because I am rowing and I live very close to the port.

i de la marina i tal.

and from the marina and so on.

I està ben allà.

And it's right there.

I era de, ostres, tu els divendres,

And it was, wow, you on Fridays,

en aquell moment, els divendres no podia anar...

At that moment, I couldn't go on Fridays...

I un dia de sobte he dit,

And one day I suddenly said,

per què no repeteix el que em va dir mame?

Why don't you repeat what mom told me?

I vaig cridar, vaig fer una classe de prova

I called, I took a trial class.

i em va agradar perquè vaig veure que era un esport molt complet.

And I liked it because I saw that it was a very complete sport.

La gent es pensa que fas molt de braç

People think that you are very strong.

i és el que menys fas.

and it's the least you do.

Gràcies a Déu.

Thank God.

Molta cama, no?

A lot of leg, right?



Sobretot cames.

Above all, legs.

Expliqueu-me això, per favor.

Please explain this to me.

Perquè no sé com remeu si ens hem d'escalfar.

Because I don't know how to row if we have to warm up.

El primer moviment que has de fer...

The first move you have to make...

Espera, aprova't un poquet.

Wait, approve yourself a little.

Si me envies el micro, no sé si...

If you send me the microphone, I don't know if...

No fer ràdio.

Do not make radio.

Mai vas a pensar que jo li diria,

You never thought that I would tell him/her,

Clara Castelló, aprova't un poc el micro.

Clara Castelló, turn up the microphone a bit.

Perquè si no...

Because if not...

Clara, això és un micro.

Clara, this is a microphone.



Primer pas, primera classe.

First step, first class.

Tenían dos tipos de embarcación,

They had two types of vessel,

al menos en los que nosotros fem ahora,

at least in the ones we do now,

que es el falucho y el yaúto.

What is the falucho and the yaúto?

Y el yaúto.

And the yell.

Y, bueno, tú tens la pedalina,

And, well, you have the pedal.

on poses els peus,

where you put your feet,

y nosotros anem en un rem.

and we go in a rowboat.

Un rem que tú agafes en las dos manos.

A paddle that you hold with both hands.

Y, aleshores, el movimiento que has de hacer

And then, the movement you have to make

es, primer, para no hacerte mal y no lesionar,

yes, first, to avoid hurting you and not injuring,

tenías que ir en la esquena ni res,

you had to go on the back or nothing,

primer estires les cames cap enrere,

first you stretch your legs back,

estires les cames,

you stretch your legs,

això ja el fa tirar el cos cap enrere,

this already makes him lean back,

i una vegada ja tens els braços estirats.

And once you have your arms stretched out.

I després ja tires el rem cap a tu,

And then you pull the oar towards you,

que és el que fa que estigui enrere.

What is it that makes me be behind?

I després pentes l'aigua.

And then you comb the water.

I després el moviment és a l'inrevés.

And then the movement is the other way around.

Primer braços, cos i cames.

First arms, body, and legs.

Entenem que el seient és mou, no?

We understand that the seat is moving, right?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

El seient està fixat.

The seat is fixed.

El preu són les cames que tu...

The price is the legs that you...

Clar, és que jo només el rem el del gimnàs.

Of course, it's just that I only row at the gym.

El ergo.

The ergo.

Nosaltres tenim un ergo que també quan fa vent

We have an ergo that also works when it's windy.

o les condicions no són bones,

or the conditions are not good,

no podem ir a la mar,

we cannot go to the sea,

i practiquem un poc en el mar.

and we practice a little in the sea.

Però si moleríem molt més

But if we ground much more

i si ir a la mar en ones de 3 metres,

and if going to the sea in 3-meter waves,

com seria això?

How would that be?

Sí, algun dia...

Yes, someday...

Poder morir allí.

To be able to die there.

O quan ve un vaixell, per exemple,

Oh, when a ship comes, for example,

quan passa el tocostat...

when the tocostat happens...

Es nota, no?

You can tell, right?

No, fa un onatge allà i anem a un bom.

No, there's a wave there and we're going to a bomb.

I tracteu de pillar l'ona de cara o vos doneu?

Are you trying to catch the wave head-on or are you giving way?

Això és el...

This is the...

El comandant.

The commander.

Sí, el comandant.

Yes, the commander.

Molta dona.

A lot of woman.

És el monitor.

He is the monitor.

El rem?

The oar?

Molta dona.

A lot of woman.

I ens creuem, a més, allà a la marina

And we run into each other, moreover, over there by the marina.

amb un equip que hi ha exclusivament de dones,

with a team that consists exclusively of women,

que són les dragones,

what are the dragons,

que està format per dones,

that is made up of women,

jo diria que íntegrament, eh?

I would say completely, huh?

Dones que han patit...

Women who have suffered...

Un càncer de pit.

A breast cancer.

Aleshores, ells fan un tipus de rem diferent,

Then, they do a different type of rowing,

també és amb una mà,

it is also with one hand,

però el rem és més menut,

but the oar is smaller,

i fan un moviment molt més ràpid

and they make a much faster movement

per a enfortir el...

to strengthen the...

Ah, el pit, no?

Ah, the breast, right?

Sí, els músculs d'aquesta part

Yes, the muscles in this part.

i els veu que es va molt bé per a recuperar-se.

And he sees that it is very good for recovering.

Però feu carreres?

But do you race?

Fem competicions de tant en tant.

We hold competitions from time to time.

Defenia una, en breu,

It defined one, briefly,

en Altea, si no m'equivoque,

in Altea, if I'm not mistaken,

i estem ahir.

And we are yesterday.

És perquè només poden anar dos equips

It's because only two teams can go.

i ens han demanat des de la federació

and we have been asked by the federation

però jo estic en la federació de rem,

but I am in the rowing federation,

des de l'escola de la federació estàvem.

We were from the federation's school.

Però és que hi ha un club,

But there is a club,

hi ha les dragones, hi ha la federació,

there are the dragons, there is the federation,

i ens han dit, vinga, va, apunteu-se i tal,

And they've told us, come on, sign up and so on.

i com que només poden anar dos embarcacions,

and since only two vessels can go,

han de seleccionar la gent,

they have to select the people,

i no sé si seré seleccionada,

and I don't know if I will be selected,

però ja ens ho explicaràs.

but you'll explain it to us later.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, manies.

Well, many.



Per què has escollit este tema, Clara Castelló?

Why did you choose this topic, Clara Castelló?

Perquè sóc una persona molt maniàtica.

Because I am a very obsessive person.

Eres maniosa, maniàtica?

Are you fussy, manic?

Sí, de les dues coses.

Yes, of both things.

No hi ha cap lingüista ara mateix en esta taula.

There is no linguist at this table right now.

És un espai segur.

It is a safe space.

Les dues coses.

The two things.

I preguntar obligadíssima.

I'm obliged to ask.

Quines manies teniu que puguem contar

What habits do you have that we can talk about?

i podem riure d'elles?

And can we laugh at them?

Quines no tinc.

Which ones I don't have.

Comencem per les que no tens.

Let's start with the ones you don't have.

Exacte, potser seria més fàcil.

Exactly, it might be easier.

És que hi ha gent de tot tipus, eh?

There are all kinds of people, right?

Però digues, digues.

But tell me, tell me.

Dic jo una i vas pensant tu.

I say one and you think of one.

Jo tinc la mania de revisar tots els coberts.

I have the habit of checking all the cutlery.

Quan vaig a un bar o a una cafeteria

When I go to a bar or a café.

i em posen el got o coberts,

and they put the glass or cutlery for me,

jo els miro sempre tots per davant, per darrere,

I always look at them all from the front, from behind,

si estan nets.

if they are clean.

Una miqueta bruts, una goteta...

A little bit dirty, a little drop...

Ara entenc per què no has tornat a casa

Now I understand why you haven't come back home.

des d'aquell dinar.

since that lunch.

El rentavanceig no funciona bé.

The washing machine is not working well.

No, el rentavanceig no, no, no.

No, the washing machine no, no, no.

Sí, mira, no...

Yes, look, no...

Tot el que està relacionat amb la...

Everything that is related to the...

Som molt escrupolós.

We are very scrupulous.

Jo no m'agafo de les baranes del metro,

I don't hold on to the metro handrails,

tot el que ha tocat gent,

everything that has touched people,

els pomps de les portes també em donen...

the door knobs also give me...



Jo estic ahir.

I am yesterday.

Tu amb la Covid estaves com?

How were you with Covid?

Jo molt.

Me too.

Dins de casa, tot.

Inside the house, everything.

I gel hidroalcohòlic per tot.

Hand sanitizer everywhere.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Tu és el que anaves prendent una nova soca.

You are the one who was taking a new trunk.

No vull que això s'acabi.

I don't want this to end.

Vaig a tossir per ahir.

I'm going to cough for yesterday.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Jo soc dels que dic que a mi la pandèmia

I am one of those who say that for me the pandemic

no em va anar tan malament.

it didn't go so badly for me.

Jo tinc una curteta que és...

I have a little short that is...

Quan estic per casa,

When I am at home,

soc molt maniàtic de apagar totes les lluminetes

I am very particular about turning off all the little lights.

que hi ha per ahir.

what there is for yesterday.

Els leds, sí.

The LEDs, yes.

El de la tele i tot.

The one on the TV and everything.

Perquè no sé si és per una qüestió

Because I don't know if it's for a matter

d'estar ben energètic,

of being very energetic,

o perquè jo vaig fer la instal·lació elèctrica

or because I did the electrical installation

sense tenir ni idea que és un amperi i un watt.

without having any idea what an ampere and a watt are.

I que no sigui una cosa que hi hagi concurs.

And let it not be something that there is a contest.



Però sí que és de veritat.

But it is true.

Vaig apagant-ho tot i em quedo més tranquil.

I'm turning it all off and feeling calmer.

Realment crec que és perquè fa molts anys

I really believe it is because many years ago.

vaig llegir una dada d'estats que t'impressionen

I read a piece of data about states that impresses you.

que era com que Europa

that it was as if Europe

gastava en una nit en leds,

spent in one night on LEDs,

de quan estava el TVT...

since the TVT was...

Només en l'estand-by, no?

Only on standby, right?

Sí, en l'estand-by dels televisors i tal.

Yes, in the standby mode of televisions and such.

Gastava en un dia, en una nit més,

Spent in a day, in a night more,

que tota l'Àfrica en un any.

that all of Africa in one year.

Una cosa d'aquestes coses.

One thing of these things.

Va marcar-m'ho jo i vaig dir

I scheduled it myself and said

que vaig contribuir perquè això no...

that I contributed so that this does not...

I perquè la teva butxaca també ho agraïs.

And because your pocket will appreciate it too.

Sí, són com un euro quaranta l'any.

Yes, they are like one euro forty a year.

Mira, ara després te véns a casa

Look, now afterwards you come to my house.

i els ho expliques als vostres fills,

and you explain it to your children,

perquè jo ara he agafat aquest costum.

because I have now taken on this habit.

Jo tinc les dues manies vostres,

I have both your quirks,

les tinc en la teva en concret,

I have them in yours specifically,

perquè els diu

because he tells them

però és que total, si això no...

but the thing is, if this doesn't...

Has de desenxufar i tal.

You have to unplug and so on.

I si és de veres, al final compta.

And if it's true, in the end it counts.

I ells no estan per la labor.

And they are not up for it.

És que potser a tu els fa més cas.

Maybe they pay more attention to you.

Perquè com que les coses que diuen altres

Because the things that others say

tenen més poder que les que diu la mare,

they have more power than what the mother says,

deixa-t'hi de neu.

stop worrying about it.

No sé si tenen paga o no, però jo els descomptaria.

I don't know if they get paid or not, but I would deduct it from them.

Una part, un percentatge.

A part, a percentage.

O del plat...

Or the plate...

No vols desenxufar o paguem de la teva paga?

Don't you want to unplug or shall we pay from your salary?

Sí, o no, del teu dinar.

Yes or no, from your lunch.

Mira, avui tens un 70% del dinar.

Look, today you have 70% of the lunch.

Un 30% menys.

30% less.

Veuràs com apaguen ells.

You'll see how they turn off.

Jo també sóc amania.

I am also Amania.

Si voleu, jo...

If you want, I...

El tema de la neteja, de l'ordre, moltíssim.

The topic of cleanliness, of order, a lot.

I el desenxufar o desentollar tot, també.

And unplugging or detaching everything as well.

A més, a mi a casa,

Moreover, at my home,

les botelles, per exemple,

the bottles, for example,

o en el quart de bany,

or in the bathroom,

que tens per desmaquillar-te i tal,

what you have for removing your makeup and such,

en la nevera, la botella de llet,

in the fridge, the bottle of milk,

la beguda de soja...

the soy drink...

Recipients de líquids.

Liquid recipients.

Sí, qualsevol cosa.

Yes, anything.

Et saluden.

They greet you.

Estan tots formaets.

They are all formed.





Però l'etiqueta té que estar mirant-me.

But the label has to be looking at me.

Que tenen cara

That they have a face.

i esquena, diguem.

And back, let's say.

I les vols sempre mirant-te cap a tu.

And they always want to look towards you.

La part de davant, no la part de darrere.

The front part, not the back part.

Saludes directament o algo?

Do you greet directly or something?



Estan ahí, tots mirant-te cap a tu.

They are there, all looking at you.

Vas a esperar i dius saludant-te.

You are going to wait and say hello to each other.

Li dones vida als objectes?

Do you give life to objects?

No, no parla amb ells.

No, don’t talk to them.

No, no, no parlen.

No, no, they don't speak.

Estan tots, l'etiqueta diguem-ne per davant.

They are all there, let's say the label is in front.

Vos ha passat alguna vegada

Has it ever happened to you?

que heu vist al costat d'un contenedor

what you have seen next to a container

un objecte i heu dit, pobret.

an object and you said, poor thing.

Estic ahí, jo, només.

I am there, just me.

Estic ahí, només, jo.

I'm there, just me.



Un os de peluix, ahí, mal tirat.

A stuffed bear, there, thrown away.

Ah, sí, que dius, pobret.

Ah, yes, what you say, poor thing.

Una taula.

A table.

Després de voreto i estoris sí que m'ha passat.

After seeing it and stories, it has happened to me.

Amb xovines que es trencaven o coses.

With heifers that were breaking or things.

Ostres, això ara quan me'n vaig

Wow, this is when I leave now.

van començar a pelar-me

they started to peel me

a l'habitació.

in the room.

Però com han jugat amb eixe os

But how have they played with that bear?

per a que acaben eixes condicions?

What for do those conditions end?

La taula agarres i dius, un dia

You grab the table and say, one day.

eixa taula que tant bé t'ha fet

that table that has helped you so much

i tant us l'hi has donat...

and of course you have given it to him...

En una pota trencada.

In a broken leg.

Ara que dius lo de l'os, és de veres

Now that you mention the bone, it's true.

que és molt cru

that is very raw

enllunyar-te del teu os de peluix

to distance yourself from your stuffed animal

de la infància.

of childhood.

Però crec que és més perillós

But I think it's more dangerous.

si no ho fas.

if you don't do it.

Si eres un adult de 45 anys.

If you are an adult of 45 years.

Encara tens el peluix darrere.

You still have the stuffed animal behind you.

L'altre dia llegeixia

The other day I was reading.

una dada que el 35%

a figure that 35%

dels adults de més de 30 anys

of adults over 30 years old

dormen en os de peluix.

they sleep in plush bears.

El 35%.


Persones de més de 30 anys

People over 30 years old

i dormen amb un peluix?

Do they sleep with a stuffed toy?

Sí, és més habitual del que pensen.

Yes, it is more common than they think.

A mi que siguem majors de 12

I don't care that we are over 12.

ja em sembla un poc...

it seems a bit to me...

M'ha sorprès moltíssim.

I am very surprised.

I no és de veres.

And it’s not true.

Crec que segurament

I believe that probably

serà un percentatge molt més alt

it will be a much higher percentage

perquè moltes persones

because many people

no ho reconeixeran.

they won't recognize it.

A tu te vas a dir

You are going to say to yourself.

jo que tinc un os de peluix

I have a teddy bear.

que tindrà nom.

that will have a name.

Esteu familiaritzats amb l'expressió

Are you familiar with the expression?

em dóna toc?

Does it bother you?

És que això em dóna toc.

It's just that this bothers me.

I clar,

I clear,

hi ha certa polèmica

there is a certain controversy

perquè és com frivolitzar

because it's like trivializing

per un obsessiu compulsiu

for an obsessive compulsive

i el tema d'utilitzar expressions col·loquials

and the topic of using colloquial expressions

fent referència a síndromes, malalties

referring to syndromes, diseases

o problemes.

or problems.

La gent jove,

The young people,

on estan les expressions de la gent jove?

Where are the expressions of the young people?

Perquè n'hi ha algunes que no podem dir

Because there are some that we cannot say.

però PEC.

but PEC.

Les inicials de PEC.

The initials of PEC.

Ho diuen els joves,

The young say it,

els teus fills, la teua descendència tan jove

your children, your very young descendants

segurament ho dirà

he will probably say it

i que el meu company t'ho digui

And let my partner tell you.

perquè jo no m'atrevís a dir-ho.

because I didn’t dare to say it.

Les inicials del que et dirà

The initials of what he will tell you.

Diego ara mateix.

Diego right now.

Si ho diem per separat i no està construït

If we say it separately and it is not constructed.

Telefone a la meva filla

Call my daughter.

o al meu fill.

or to my son.

Són les sigles de P por el

They are the initials of P for the.

Ai, m'ha tocat a mi la mala.

Oh no, I've got the bad luck.

Que és com que t'agrada molt.

It's like you really like it.

Que t'agrada molt.

I really like you.

Això ho diuen

They say this.

però no utilitzaven una altra de...

but they did not use another one of...



Servir perros.

Serve dogs.

Servir aparell reproductiu femení.

Serve female reproductive system.

En sèrio? Ostres.

Seriously? Wow.

No volia arribar fins ací.

I didn't want to come this far.

Però no sé com ha arribat.

But I don't know how it got here.

Jo sí que estic d'acord que dir

I do agree that saying

Em dóna toc,

It knocks on me,

és una cosa molt greu.

It's a very serious matter.

També passa amb l'infart.

It also happens with a heart attack.

Ai, t'han donat un dislike.

Oh, you've received a dislike.

Quasi em dóna un infart.

It nearly gave me a heart attack.

Vaig llegir una persona a Twitter

I read a person on Twitter.

que deia, deixeu per favor de dir

what I was saying, please stop saying

em dóna toc perquè la gent que patis toc...

It annoys me because the people who suffer from it...

Què passa ahí, no?

What's happening there, right?

Treballes tot el dia en una redacció

You work all day in an editorial office.

8 hores a seu gut

8 hours at your place

i dius, estic ací amb esclerosi, amitròfica...

And you say, I'm here with sclerosis, amyotrophic...

No ho diríem perquè

We wouldn't say it because

estaria fatal i tot el món diria

it would be terrible and everyone would say

què t'estàs passant amb una malaltia.

What is happening to you with an illness?

Doncs el toc i el l'infart

So the stroke and the heart attack

jo penso el mateix.

I think the same.

Te dóna un poc de mania?

Does it give you a bit of a feeling?

Sí, correcte.

Yes, correct.

Quina és la diferència entre mania i trastorn?

What is the difference between mania and disorder?

Jo ho comentaré ara una miqueta.

I will comment on it a little now.

Volia preguntar per les manies

I wanted to ask about the quirks.

de les vostres parelles, vostres amics,

of your partners, your friends,

pares, coneguts...

parents, acquaintances...

que vos afecten.

that affect you.

Això és com l'expressió de

This is like the expression of

que ho tenim tots.

that we all have it.

Totes les teves manies que ha de patir

All your quirks that he/she has to endure.

entre comentes una altra persona.

between you comment on another person.

Si voleu pensar una, mentre jo

If you want to think of one, while I

conté la meua, no és la meua, és de ma mare.

it contains mine, it is not mine, it is my mother's.

Ma mare no suporta

My mother can't stand.

en absolut

absolutely not

el silenci.

the silence.

Però en absolut.

But absolutely not.

I totes les meues parelles ho han dit.

And all my partners have said it.

I la mare passa molt de temps amb ella,

And the mother spends a lot of time with her,

la replega en la casa, puja el cotxe i comença a parlar.

she gathers in the house, gets into the car, and starts to talk.

I la dius,

And you say it,

passa tot el dia amb ella i la dius

Spend the whole day with her and tell her.

a les 9 de la nit

at 9 in the evening

com tanca la porta del cotxe i se'n va parlant.

He closes the car door and leaves talking.

I estem a casa, que jo estic fent coses

And we're at home, because I'm doing things.

i quan ja no pot parlar amb un ésser humà,

and when it can no longer speak with a human being,

parla amb els animals.

talk to the animals.

I comença a parlar amb els gatets

And he/she starts to talk to the kittens.

i els gossets de la casa.

and the little dogs of the house.

Ai, bueno, Kira, com estàs?

Oh well, Kira, how are you?

Ai, és que, madre mía,

Oh, it's just that, my goodness,

te crees chan, que és l'altra cosa.

You think you're cool, which is the other thing.

I no para de parlar.

And he/she doesn't stop talking.

Bueno, pues quien piensa que es igual

Well, whoever thinks it is the same

es una manera de sentirse acompañada...

it's a way of feeling accompanied...

No, yo pensé que ella

No, I thought she

creo que si es calla, pero en un momento se mor.

I think if he stays silent, he will die at some point.

Que hi ha una

That there is a

una maledicció que li van posar

a curse that was placed on him/her

que en quan hi hagi més de tres segons

that when there are more than three seconds

que estàs callat...

why are you silent...

En silenci, alguna cosa dolenta passarà.

In silence, something bad will happen.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Moments, silencis incòmodes sempre

Moments, always uncomfortable silences.

seran per a ella, clar.

They will be for her, of course.

Qualsevol silenci és incòmode per a ella.

Any silence is uncomfortable for her.

Perquè potser en eixos silencis

Because perhaps in those silences

s'escolta els seus pensaments i no li agraden.

She hears her thoughts and doesn't like them.

I no vol.

I don't want.

És que sonà amb vola

It's that it sounded with flight.

i quan dorm està parlant.

And when he/she sleeps, he/she is talking.

Has pensat en regalar-li un pelutx?

Have you thought about gifting him/her a stuffed animal?



Si no, també li pot parlar el pelutx

If not, you can also talk to the stuffed animal.

o sentir-se acompanyada...

or to feel accompanied...

Bueno, que jo parla amb ella i li fas molt de cas.

Well, I talk to her and you pay a lot of attention to her.

La meua filla fa el mateix

My daughter does the same.

però cantant.

but singing.

No para de cantar.

He doesn't stop singing.

A tot hora.

See you later.

En casa, en el cotxe...

At home, in the car...

Però cançons reals? O se les inventa?

But real songs? Or does he make them up?

Va cantant el que fa?

Is he/she singing what he/she is doing?

Estic agafant-te el got...

I am grabbing your glass...

No, ella canta.

No, she sings.

Hi ha gent que canta cada...

There are people who sing every...

Que se les inventa...

That they make up...

Que li agraden.

That he/she likes.

Perquè ella vol estudiar el món musical.

Because she wants to study the musical world.

Li agrada molt.

He/She likes it a lot.

Ella vol dedicar-se a la producció musical.

She wants to dedicate herself to music production.

Però, clar, d'això no és excusa

But, of course, that's no excuse.

per a que ens taladre a la...

for him to drill us in the...

Supose que no escoltarà

I suppose you won't listen.

este podcast.

this podcast.

Però sí, en casa hi ha moments

But yes, there are moments at home.

en què hem de dir-li

what should we call him/her

Perfa, Naiara, ja està bé.

Please, Naiara, it's okay now.

I si deixes de cantar?

And if you stop singing?

Un poc.

A little.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Les cançons que li agraden, molt bé, saps?

The songs that he/she likes, very good, you know?

Té uns gustos musicals...

He has some musical tastes...

I canta bé, pregunta important.

He sings well, important question.

I quins gustos, més o menys, a algun artista?

And what tastes, more or less, do you have for any artist?

A ella li agrada molt...

She likes it very much...



Ah, Beyoncé.

Ah, Beyoncé.

No s'ha agafat...

It hasn't been taken...

No, no, ella...

No, no, she...

De fet, ella aspira molt alt.

In fact, she aims very high.

A produir a Beyoncé.

To produce for Beyoncé.

Beyoncé serà la telonera...

Beyoncé will be the opening act...





Maria Carey, segurament.

Maria Carey, probably.

Sí, bé, ara a Nadal l'hem sentida.

Yes, well, now at Christmas we have heard it.

Sí, a ella li agradarà.

Yes, she will like it.

Sí, sí. A més, tots aquests espectacles

Yes, yes. Moreover, all these shows

que fan ells i les americanes li encanten.

What they do and the Americans love him.

La Super Bowl.

The Super Bowl.

No se la perd.

Don't miss it.

La Super Bowl, sí que en Rihanna

The Super Bowl, yes to Rihanna.

guanya i que anava a veure l'home,

wins and that he was going to see the man,

la seva parella, allí, Joan...

his partner, there, Joan...

Però ella vol

But she wants

molt, molt arribar a...

very, very reach to...

I està preparada per a...

And is it ready for...

Per si això no ocorre.

Just in case this doesn't happen.

Hi ha un percentatge...

There is a percentage...

Sí, ja, sí, sí.

Yes, already, yes, yes.

Jo li ho he deixat calar.

I have let him/her keep quiet about it.

No sé si a ella li ha arribat el missatge,

I don't know if she has received the message.

si li ha calat, però...

if it has affected him, but...

És que generalment quan veig una persona molt motivada

It's just that generally when I see a very motivated person

que et diu unes coses i dius

that tells you some things and you say

ostres, m'encantaria i tant de bo passar això,

wow, I would love that and I hope that happens,

però és prou complicat.

but it is quite complicated.

És un món molt difícil.

It is a very difficult world.

Ella no vol ser cantant.

She does not want to be a singer.

Ella vol ser productora de música.

She wants to be a music producer.

Això ja és més passible.

This is already more bearable.

Tocar botonets.

Press buttons.

Fer arranjaments...

Make arrangements...

Això està molt guai.

This is very cool.

Això pot fer una cançó millor

This can make a better song.

i destrossar-lo.

and destroy it.

Pot llançar-lo a l'èxit

You can throw it to success.

o enfonsar-lo.

or sink it.

Jo espero que els pugi

I hope that they rise.

tots amunt i que tragui la mare

everyone up and let the mother take it out

de la misèria.

of misery.

I que tragui la mare

And let the mother take it out.

de la bateria.

of the battery.

És un somni...

It's a dream...

Mira, aprofito per

Look, I take the opportunity to

explicar-te la llum,

to explain the light,

esperem que no passi, però si en algun moment

we hope it doesn't happen, but if at some point

et trobes incòmode, tractem un tema

you feel uncomfortable, let's discuss a topic

i dius que no m'agrada.

And you say that I don't like it.

Puntes el botonet i canvia el roig.

Press the button and change the red.

I així tots diuen

And so everyone says

que està incòmode.

that is uncomfortable.

Passa el roig.

The red passes.

Si el teu color d'incomoditat

If your color of discomfort

és el blau...

it's the blue...

Pots pressionar un altre.

You can press another one.

Si la teva mania...

If your obsession...

Si és en l'escala del roig, millor.

If it is on the red scale, better.



És per seguir per la convenció universal.

It is to follow the universal convention.

Roig perill, verd guai.

Red danger, green cool.

La cromàtica.

The chromatics.

Ara passem

Now we pass.

a la meua seccioneta.

to my little section.

I m'has de donar el teu pas.

You have to give me your pass.

Com fem a la ràdio.

How we do it on the radio.

I ara anem

And now let's go.

amb les curiositats de Cora.

with Cora's curiosities.

I ara anem

And now let's go.

amb les curiositats de Cora.

with Cora's curiosities.

A mi m'agradaria reivindicar

I would like to reivindicate.

la paraula costum.

the word custom.

Quasi sempre que parlem de manies

Almost always when we talk about quirks

ens estem referint a costums.

we are referring to customs.

I és que la paraula mania

And the word mania

ja està fortament instaurada

it is already strongly established

en les expressions populars

in popular expressions

i quan les estem comptant

and when we are counting them

ens fan fins i tot gràcia.

they even make us laugh.

Per exemple,

For example,

alguna parella fa boletes en els calcetins

some couples make little balls in the socks

quan es va a doblar.

when it is going to bend.

Això pot ser gracioset.

This can be a bit funny.

Ara bé, si fa 500

Now, if it was 500

calcetins de boletes...

polka dot socks...

Igual ja...

Maybe already...

A vore, no està fent mal a ningú.

Let's see, it's not hurting anyone.

O quan el veus

Oh when you see him

en el pis del veí, fent boletes

in the neighbor's apartment, making little balls

si tens de la bugada al veí,

if you have laundry from the neighbor,

felines boletes.

feline balls.

Tot és un equilibri

Everything is a balance.

i una proporció en la vida.

and a proportion in life.



Tot en la seva justa medida.

Everything in its right measure.

A risc que això quedi molt tallat

At the risk that this remains very cut off

passe a descriure mania.

I will proceed to describe mania.

Què significa mania?

What does mania mean?

És un estat d'ànim elevat o irritable.

It is a state of elevated or irritable mood.

Es caracteritza per pensaments accelerats

It is characterized by racing thoughts.

i comportaments extrems.

and extreme behaviors.

Estaria en l'altre extrem de la depressió.

I would be at the other extreme of depression.

Per entendre'ns.

To understand each other.

Quan una persona presenta manies, a més, pot

When a person has quirks, they can also

tindre pensaments intrusius

to have intrusive thoughts

experimentats com a negatius que el conduixen

experienced as negatives that lead them

a comportar-se d'una manera concreta

to behave in a specific way

experimentada com no normal entre mil cometes

experienced as not normal in a thousand quotes

perquè clar, què és normal?

because of course, what is normal?

Per exemple, el trastorn bipolar

For example, bipolar disorder.

és quan una persona fluctua entre èpoques maniaques

It is when a person fluctuates between manic episodes.

amb depressives. I quanta època és maniaques?

with depressives. And how long is it maniac?

Es caracteritza per

It is characterized by

dormir poc,

sleep little,

participar en o començar

participate in or start

moltes tasques alhora,

many tasks at the same time,

parlar molt o molt ràpid,

talk a lot or very fast,

dificultat per a concentrar-se

difficulty concentrating

en conductes de risc.

in risky behaviors.

Línia, bingo...

Line, bingo...

Crec que tens ones.

I think you have waves.

Perquè jo, dormir poc...

Because I, sleep little...

Tu dorms molt.

You sleep a lot.

I necessito dormir poc.

I need to sleep little.

I agafes la son molt bé o t'acosta?

Do you sleep well or does it come close to you?

Jo m'adorc de seguida.

I fall asleep right away.

És cert que potser hi ha nits

It's true that there might be nights.

que de sobte el despertes.

that suddenly you wake him up.

O que el despertes.

Or that it awakens you.

Jo entro al llit i als pocs minuts

I get into bed and in a few minutes

ja em queda ràpid.

I'm getting quick.

Això no vol dir que torni tota la nit

This doesn't mean that I will spend the whole night back.

el tiro.

the shot.

De sobte el despertes...

Suddenly, you wake him/her up...

Per una qüestió urinària?

For a urinary issue?

De vegades sí.

Sometimes yes.

Jo intentaré anar-me'n sempre.

I will always try to leave.

Jo quan m'adorc ja no em torno

When I fall asleep, I don't turn around anymore.

per anar al bany.

to go to the bathroom.

Tu dorms molt bé.

You sleep very well.

En hotels, una volta en compartit

In hotels, once shared.

d'habitació, amb bons amics...

of room, with good friends...

I no ronca...

And he doesn't snore...

Ja no vols anar a hotels amb mi.

You no longer want to go to hotels with me.

Ja no vull anar a parts d'atraccions amb tu.

I no longer want to go to amusement parks with you.

És un tema, també, Clara.

It's a topic, too, Clara.

El tema del parc d'atraccions

The theme of the amusement park

està poc fart de mi.

he is a little tired of me.

No sé si n'anareu allà a Tarragona.

I don't know if you will go there to Tarragona.

I si fora una vegà, només.

And what if it were just a vegan?

És que vares despertar tu a la bèstia.

It was you who woke the beast.

Viuria damunt d'una muntanya russa

She peed on a roller coaster.

tot el dia.

all day.

Però sí que és de veres que jo em dors

But it is true that I sleep.

també molt fàcilment

also very easily

i no sol despertar-me.

and I usually don't wake up.

Jo intento, no.

I try, no.

Però sí que és de veres que si alguna nit

But it is true that if one night

has begut més aigua

Have you drunk more water?

al final dius, ostres, m'he d'alçar perquè...

in the end you say, wow, I have to get up because...

Però jo això ho feia

But I used to do this.

quan m'havia d'alçar a les 4 del matí.

when I had to get up at 4 in the morning.

Ho feia quasi cada tarda.

I used to do it almost every afternoon.

No anava al bany

I wasn't going to the bathroom.

just abans d'agitar-me

just before I get agitated

perquè agitava sempre tard.

because he/she was always late.

Si jo m'havia d'agitar a les 8 o 9 de la nit

If I had to get up at 8 or 9 at night.

i hagués pogut dormir les hores normals,

I could have slept the normal hours,

sí. Però com sabia que només

Yes. But how did I know that only

tenia 5 horetes igual

I had 5 little hours too.

per dormir-hi, això els necessitava aprofitar-me

To sleep there, I needed to take advantage of it.

i que hi haguera alguna cosa

and that there would be something

que a mi em fes alçar-me del llit.

that made me get out of bed.

Perquè jo tenia 3 despertadors.

Because I had 3 alarm clocks.

Però és que podia passar d'ells

But I could ignore them.

perfectament, com si en tenia 7.

Perfectly, as if I were 7.

Ostres, que les 4 piquen. Això és.

Wow, all four are biting. That's it.

Això era mortal de necessitat.

This was a matter of life and death.

I aquí ara t'agitaves?

And here, were you now stirring?

És que abans de les 10 i mitja

It's just that before 10:30.

no aconseguia mai agitar-me.

I could never shake myself.

I el dia que es feien quasi les 11

And the day it was almost 11 o'clock.

m'entrava una mala...

I was feeling bad...

Te donava per a migdiada després?

Did you give it to me for a nap later?

Home, necessitava fer-la.

I needed to do it at home.

És que si no, impossible.

It's just that if not, it's impossible.

I aleshores jo no anava al bany abans d'anar a dormir

And then I didn't go to the bathroom before going to sleep.

i aixina sabia que quan m'entrarien les ganes

And this way I knew that when the urges came to me.

ja seria hora d'alçar-me i era la manera.

It was about time I got up, and this was the way.

Hi ha un despertador que fa

There is an alarm clock that rings.

pipi, pipi, pipi...

pee, pee, pee...

El teu despertador era pipi.

Your alarm clock was pee.

Era sols un pipi.

It was just a pee.

Ostres, demane

Wow, I ask.

disculpes a la

apologies to the

televisió autonòmica per la broma.

autonomous television for the joke.

Està molt bé. Està lamentable.

It's very good. It's regrettable.

No hi ha filtre.

There is no filter.

El tema

The subject.

que comentava de les manies va un poc en la línia

What I was saying about habits goes a little in that direction.

de les expressions de

of the expressions of

és que em dóna toc. Hem arribat ja a la conclusió

it annoys me. We have already reached the conclusion

que això hauríem de tractar

that we should address this

de llimar una miqueta.

to file a little bit.

I és de veres que quan preguntem

And it's true that when we ask

tens manies, en realitat no estem preguntant

you have quirks, in reality we are not asking

per manies, estem preguntant per costums.

For customs, we are asking about habits.

Sí, coses que t'agrada fer

Yes, things you like to do.

o tindre d'una manera determinada.

or have in a specific way.

Sí, que no arriben a distorsionar

Yes, they don't manage to distort.

o a molestar o a impedir-te portar

either to bother or to prevent you from carrying

un dia a dia normal. Potser seria un poc

a day a normal day. Maybe it would be a little

el marcador de psicologia de...

the psychology marker of...

El límit, no? El límit d'ahir, la ratlleta entre

The limit, right? The limit of yesterday, the little line between

una mania i un toc.

a mania and a touch.

Sí, dic

Yes, I say.

d'apagar i encendre les llums,

of turning the lights off and on,

els voltes o no sé...

the turns or I don't know...

Això sí que és una cosa més còmode.

This is definitely something more comfortable.

Ir de casa i ratllar-vos amb el gas,

Go home and scratch yourself with the gas,

coses d'aquestes.

things like that.

Aquí està la clau oberta.

Here is the open key.

En èpoques d'estrès passa més.

It happens more in times of stress.

Passa més. Quan estàs més tranquil

It happens more. When you are more calm.

i més relaxat i més feliç o més content

and more relaxed and happier or more content

no passa tant. Ja, pot ser.

It's not such a big deal. Yeah, maybe.

A mi, mira, lo de les clauetes de la llum

For me, look, the thing about the little light keys...

és una mania que tinc, que estiguen

it's a quirk I have, that they be

en una determinada posició.

in a certain position.

Mira, la meua parella té la mania

Look, my partner has a habit.

del volum deixar-lo

to leave the volume

en el número parell. Parell, jo també.

in the even number. Even, me too.

Tu també?

You too?

Jo pujo de dos en dos.

I go up two at a time.

Jo me'n vaig assabentar l'altre dia.

I found out the other day.

De set anys i no m'ho havia dit mai.

At seven years old and he/she had never told me.

M'ho va dir la setmana passada.

He told me last week.

Un mes, un mes.

A month, a month.

De set anys no porta molt bé

At seven years old, he/she doesn't handle it very well.

els anys que porteu.

the years you have.

Quan estiguem 18 i 17...

When we are 18 and 17...

Serà el millor.

It will be the best.



jo me ratllava molt

I was very annoyed.

jo visc al camp i tinc una gimenea

I live in the countryside and I have a fireplace.

i la casa és de fusta i me ratllava molt

and the house is made of wood and it scratched me a lot

anar-me'n al llit amb això apagat

to go to bed with this off

i estar en el llit ja

and being in bed already

i agafant la samarreta

and taking the t-shirt

i dir, això s'haurà apagat ben bé.

And I say, this will have gone out completely.

Vaig alçar-me a veure, a comprovar-ho.

I got up to see, to check it.

I ja

And already

aprofitava i pisava.

he was taking advantage and pissing.

I apagava la...

I was turning off the...

En el trastorn

In the disorder

obsessiu compulsiu, que estem parlant molt d'ell,

obsessive-compulsive, that we are talking a lot about him,

es caracteritza perquè té

is characterized by having

una obsessió

an obsession

que es resol amb una compulsió.

that is resolved with a compulsion.

Tu tens una paranoia

You have a paranoia.

i les solucions,

and the solutions,

per exemple, els germens, el que faig

for example, the germs, what I do

és llevar-me les mans moltíssimes vegades.

It's take my hands away many times.

No esteu ahir, eh?

You're not here yesterday, right?

No estem... Jo em llevo les mans

We're not... I wash my hands.

moltes vegades al dia.

many times a day.

Jo sí, ho reconec.

I do, I admit it.

Jo sí que és cert que quan fas alguna cosa

I do believe that when you do something

així en aquesta etapa, però si no...

so at this stage, but if not...

De fet, si me les llevo abans de

In fact, if I take them off before

per exemple anar al bany o

for example, go to the bathroom or

perquè m'he desmaquillat i he rentat-me la cara

because I have removed my makeup and washed my face

i després faig un pis,

and then I make a flat,

després ja simplement un poquet d'aigua i ja.

afterwards just a little bit of water and that's it.

No torno a treballar en sabó...

I'm not working in soap anymore...

Jo sí que és de veres que jo

I indeed am.

m'he... Últimament

I've... Lately

ja fa un temps, jo m'hi dutxe

Some time ago, I took a shower.

pels matins i m'hi vaig a treballar

in the mornings, I go there to work

i em fa una molta ràbia que quan...

and it makes me very angry that when...

Diré això tot molt ràpid, eh?

I'll say this very quickly, okay?

Per a que no siga incòmode ella, cabró.

So that it won't be uncomfortable for her, you bastard.

Quan fas la primera deposició...

When you make the first deposit...

Número dos. Exacte. Quan fas número dos

Number two. Exactly. When you do number two.

me dic, vinc tot

I say to myself, I come everything.

ja vaig de casa

I'm going home.

són les vuit del matí

It is eight in the morning.

i ja he d'estar tot el dia

And I have to be all day.

amb el trasteig

with the strumming

brut. O sigui,

dirty. I mean,

he rentat el cotxe, he anat

I have washed the car, I have gone.

i ja ha plogut. Tres gotetes.

And it has already rained. Three little drops.

Ja ha plogut. A mi em fa molta ràbia.

It has already rained. It makes me very angry.

I sí que el que fas

And yes, what you do.

on treballi, que jo treballo jo, que igual

As long as I work, I work too, it's the same.

la gent que escolta això sap jo què.

The people who listen to this know what.

I un sabó agafa un sabó

And a soap grabs a soap.

i em renta i

and I wash myself and

em diu... Niquelat.

He calls me... Niquelat.

Perquè si no és que estic incòmode

Because if I'm not uncomfortable.

i ningú ho sap, però dic

And nobody knows it, but I'm saying.

no està ben bé com hauria d'estar.

it's not quite how it should be.

Sí, sí. I a més notes com una frescor

Yes, yes. And you also notice a freshness.

que acaba de resultar.

that has just been resolved.

I que en vais als quants ja en visites.

And how many visits have you made to them?

No, jo a Àsia vaig descobrir el meravellós

No, I discovered the wonderful in Asia.

món de l'Aixeteta, al costat

world of Aixeteta, next to

del bany. I ara sí.

from the bathroom. And now yes.

Aixos països àrabes.

Those Arab countries.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Una meravella això.

This is a marvel.

Jo vaig estar en Granada

I was in Granada.

la setmana santa passada

last Holy Week

i en els apartaments on estàvem teníem...

And in the apartments where we were, we had...

Allà està, no? Sí, sí.

There it is, right? Yes, yes.

En apartaments d'estos

In these apartments.

renovats i tal.

renewed and such.

És una cosa

It is one thing.

que haurien d'apropiar-se o de...

that they should appropriate themselves or of...



I una altra cosa, perquè estem

And one more thing, because we are

parlant de manies, però també podem parlar

talking about quirks, but we can also talk

de la mania que et dona

of the obsession it gives you

o la mania que et fa, no sé com es diu ben valencià,

or the obsession it gives you, I don't know what it's called in proper Valencian,

que la gent no fa tal o qual cosa.

that people don't do such or such a thing.

Per exemple, el tipi que està passejant el gos,

For example, the guy who is walking the dog,

que no arreplega la caca del gos.

that does not pick up the dog's poop.

És que no puc amb això.

I just can't deal with this.

Sí, més que manies ràbia, no?

Yes, more than quirks, anger, right?

Hi ha gent que no li dóna importància.

There are people who don't care about it.

I jo, per exemple, no...

And I, for example, don't...

I això és falta de civisme,

And this is a lack of civic behavior,

també, clar.

also, of course.

Sóc molt intransigent

I am very intolerant.

amb els intransigents, amb el civisme.

with the intransigents, with civility.

I què penses de la gent que quan fa pis el gos

And what do you think of people who let their dog relieve itself?

o la gossa i porten l'ampolleta

or the dog and they carry the bottle


of water,

d'aigua amb sabó per a rentar-ho?

with soap and water to wash it?

És suficient això o haurien de passar una bomba?

Is this enough or should they drop a bomb?

Ai, el fregall.

Oh, the scrubber.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

M'imagino que el veieu la veïna de la casa

I imagine you see the neighbor from the house.

on ho fan, igual.

They do it the same way.

Sí que demanen. Tu tens animals?

Yes, they do ask. Do you have animals?

No, no tinc mascotes.

No, I don't have pets.

N'he tingut en algun moment, però

I have had it at some point, but

no en tinc ara. Ara mateix no.

I don't have it now. Not right now.

A ma mare li agradaven molt els canaris

My mother really liked canaries.

amb pardalets quan

with sparrows when

era a casa. I després els meus fills

I was at home. And then my children.

volien tindre gos i jo em vaig

they wanted to have a dog and I am leaving

negar a tindre un gos a casa perquè

to deny having a dog at home because

jo considero que en un pis

I believe that in an apartment

no és un lloc suficient

it is not a sufficient place

per a que es fuga. Si tingués un jardí

for it to escape. If I had a garden

i tal, però com que no el tenia

and so on, but since I didn't have it

em vaig negar.

I refused.

Ho van posar molt malament

They made it very bad.



T'imagines que a ta mare el que li agradaven eren

Can you imagine that what your mother liked was

la gent de Canàries, els xics de Canàries.

the people of the Canary Islands, the guys from the Canary Islands.

No, no, no. No s'entén res, filla meua.

No, no, no. Nothing makes sense, my daughter.

Que allí són molt guapos.

That they are very handsome there.

I tu regalar-li un pardalet.

And you give him a little bird as a gift.

No, no.

No, no.

Clar, ara penses que ja tinc un canari

Of course, now you think I already have a canary.

a casa. Exacte.

at home. Exactly.

I a un ésser humà tancat a una gàbia.

And a human being locked in a cage.

I a la gàbia en el este.

And in the cage in the east.

A pegar-li els barrots amb un cot.

To hit him with a bar with a car.

Traume d'ací, traume d'ací.

Trauma from here, trauma from here.

Papas, papas rugas.

Potatoes, wrinkled potatoes.

Però no.

But no.

Però no quiero jaula.

But I don't want a cage.

Vale, doncs ja ho tindríem bé.

Okay, then we would have it good.

Passem a la teua seccioneta.

Let's move on to your little section.

Ara hauríem de passar,

Now we should move on,

ara anem a les curiositats de Diego.

Now let's go to Diego's curiosities.

Anem a les curiositats

Let's go to the curiosities.

de Diego.

of Diego.



M'agrada perquè

I like it because

també ha aportat

has also contributed

una miqueta de... Sí, a mi m'agrada

a little bit of... Yes, I like it

quan els convidats ho fan seu.

when the guests make it their own.

Perquè és que han vingut

Why have they come?

algun o així, Clara, aprofitem per dir-te

some or so, Clara, let's take the opportunity to tell you

que has estat molt content i molt còmodes amb tu.

that you have been very happy and very comfortable with you.

Eres convidada obligada.

You are an obligatory guest.

Ens feia molta il·lusió que vinguessis.

We were very excited that you would come.

La convidada de la setmana passada,

The guest from last week,

que no direm qui és,

that we won't say who it is,

però va de sebre prou.

but it is quite enough.

I el de l'anterior, també.

And the one from the previous one, too.

Com que no sabrem qui és,

As we will not know who it is,

en ordre.

in order.

Jo avui parlaré de les manies

Today I will talk about the quirks.

que tenen algunes persones famoses.

that some famous people have.

Crec que és una cosa interessant per a deshumanitzar-les.

I think it is an interesting thing to dehumanize them.



No, perdó, per a humanitzar-les,

No, sorry, to humanize them,

ja que alguns potser estan massa divinitzats.

since some may be too deified.

El que més m'ha sorprès,

What has surprised me the most,

investigant, ha sigut la quantitat de famosos

investigating, it has been the number of celebrities

que tenen problemes d'hygiène.

that have hygiene problems.

En dius?

What is your name?



Aston Kutcher va dir que només es lleva

Aston Kutcher said that he only gets up.

diàriament les axiles

daily the armpits

a l'organització.

to the organization.

Espera un segon, que no li poso cara jo a Aston Kutcher.

Wait a second, I don't recognize Aston Kutcher's face.

A Aston Kutcher,

To Aston Kutcher,

aquells maravillosos anys, la sèrie,

those wonderful years, the series,

ahir sí, de jove, i després en un fum de pel·lícules,

yesterday yes, in my youth, and then in a haze of movies,

Aston Kutcher. Tu sí que l'ho vingués?

Aston Kutcher. Would you really sell it to him?

Jo tampoc li poso cara.

I don't picture him/her either.

Parella de Demi Moore?

Demi Moore's partner?

Home, ho estic fumant ara.

Man, I'm smoking it now.

M'has pillat perquè jo sols conec la sèrie.

You caught me because I only know the series.

I moltes més pel·lícules

And many more movies.

que ara no me venen al cap.

that I can't think of right now.

Quina sèrie, aquells maravillosos anys?

What a show, those wonderful years?

Sí, en la que deien que Marilyn Manson era un xiquet.

Yes, in which they said that Marilyn Manson was a boy.

Sí, mira.

Yes, look.

Li poso cara. Ah, sí, sí.

I recognize him/her. Ah, yes, yes.

Però, perdona...

But, excuse me...

Era la parella de Demi?

Was she Demi's partner?

Sí, era parella de Demi Moore.

Yes, he was Demi Moore's partner.

Sí, però no és d'aquells maravillosos anys.

Yes, but it's not from those wonderful years.

Sí, era jove. Ah, sí?

Yes, he was young. Oh, really?

Sí, sí, que sé qui és.

Yes, yes, I know who it is.

Bueno, un certificat de Masó.

Well, a certificate from Masó.

No, no, parella de Masó, per favor.

No, no, Masó couple, please.

Doncs ara que ja li poso cara,

Well, now that I can finally put a face to it,

ara li poso olor, també,

now I put scent on it, too,

perquè, com vos deia,

because, as I was saying to you,

només es lleva diàriament les axiles

she only shaves her armpits daily.

i l'organ reproductor i la seva parella

and the reproductive organ and its partner

de Demi Moore, però també va ser... Ja no és Demi Moore.

of Demi Moore, but she also was... She is no longer Demi Moore.

Mila Kunis, molt bé.

Mila Kunis, very well.

Diu que només dutxa als xiquets

He says he only showers the kids.

quan els veu bruts.

when it sees dirty.

Que és sempre.

What is always.

I que la seva parella,

And that their partner,

carinyosament, clar, com que l'ha de rentar

affectionately, of course, since he has to wash it

cada cert temps a Aston

every certain time in Aston

amb una manguera a pressió,

with a pressure hose,

li diu Aston Karchez.

his name is Aston Karchez.

Clar, perquè això s'ha de rentar...

Of course, because this has to be washed...

A pressió, s'ha de rentar a pressió.

At pressure, it must be washed at pressure.

Això és una barbaritat.

This is outrageous.

La Karchez, jo estic enganxat a la Karchez.

Karchez has me hooked, I'm hooked on Karchez.

No tens una casa per a poder...

You don't have a house to be able to...

Tenc menys a la meva i la gastem allà.

I have less at my place and we spend it there.

Això, tu no hem abandonat una satisfacció.

This, you have not abandoned me a satisfaction.

Sí. Mare meva.

Yes. My goodness.

Això tira un xorro d'aigua, una pressió.

This shoots a jet of water, a pressure.

ASMR. Jo tinc que ir...

ASMR. I have to go...

Jo recorde, jo també la vaig tindre una temporada

I remember, I also had one for a while.

que també vivia en una casa d'aquestes...

that also lived in one of those houses...

Sí, més o menys.

Yes, more or less.

I arribava a botar la...

And I was about to jump the...

La brutícia. No, no.

The dirt. No, no.

El material. El material.

The material. The material.

Sí, sí, compte, eh.

Yes, yes, be careful, okay.

I era de... Ostres, que mos carreguem.

And it was like... Wow, we're screwed.

Sí, sí. La façana. Però t'hi ha façanat.

Yes, yes. The facade. But it has façaded you.

Jo era de paia.

I was of a woman.

A tope amb les Karchez, eh.

Fully in with the Karchez, huh.

No, era de pedreta. Ah, clar, clar.

No, it was made of gravel. Ah, of course, of course.

Votàvem. Doncs a veure,

We were voting. So let's see,

Julia Roberts va assegurar que no usa desodorant

Julia Roberts assured that she does not use deodorant.

per a cuidar el medi ambient

to care for the environment

i per a compensar esta situació diu que manté

and to compensate for this situation, he says that he maintains

la seua neteja amb aigua i sabó a soles.

his/her cleaning with water and soap only.

Però desodorant i productes... Però se pot entendre...

But deodorant and products... But it can be understood...

Però és que n'hi ha desodorant que no és d'espray.

But there is deodorant that isn't in spray form.

Clar. Que pots utilitzar. Açò jo crec

Sure. You can use this. I believe so.

que és una dada més de quan els desodorants

that is one more piece of information about when deodorants

utilitzaven clorofluorocarbonos.

they used chlorofluorocarbons.

El concepte d'aquest que després es va prohibir.

The concept of this that was later banned.

Però Leonardo DiCaprio,

But Leonardo DiCaprio,

la seua esparella, Erin...

his partner, Erin...


Sure! Please provide the text you would like me to translate from Catalan to English.

El filòleg anglo-germànic.

The Anglo-German philologist.

La seua esparella

His/her partner.

el va acusar de no cuidar la higiene.

He accused him of not maintaining hygiene.

Afirma que només es banya dos voltes per setmana

She claims that she only bathes twice a week.

per estalviar aigua i també

to save water and also

amb el desodorant tenia un conflicte

I had a conflict with the deodorant.

Leonardo DiCaprio. Johnny Depp

Leonardo DiCaprio. Johnny Depp.

va ser assenyalat per la seua mala higiene també

he was also pointed out for his poor hygiene

per persones que treballaven amb ell.

for people who worked with him.

Va assegurar que utilitza

He assured that he uses

la mateixa roba per diversos dies. Sí.

the same clothes for several days. Yes.

Me quadra de Johnny Depp.

It suits me with Johnny Depp.

Ja va als dents. Jo el veig

He's already on his teeth. I see him.

i el veig brutet a Johnny Depp.

And I see Johnny Depp a bit dirty.

Té com un... Ja se li veu, no?

It has like a... You can see it, right?


The aspect.

L'aspecte ja transmet. Ja ho notes un poc.

The appearance already conveys it. You can already notice it a little.

Sí, transmet. El director de casting

Yes, transmit. The casting director.

de Pirates del Caribe va dir...

from Pirates of the Caribbean said...

El cast el tenia claríssim.

The cast was very clear to him.

No va ni parlar.

He didn't even speak.

El millor que pot interpretar este paper

The best that can interpret this role.

és ell. Va anar a la cuina.

It's him. He went to the kitchen.

Qui és el que va...

Who is the one who goes...

Sí, el de maquillatge.

Yes, the makeup one.

Tinc la pròtesi de dents brutes.

I have the prosthesis of dirty teeth.

No cal.

No need.

La gent que no renta les dents

People who do not brush their teeth.



Sí, sí, és un poc...

Yes, yes, it is a little...

La gent que no renta les dents

People who do not brush their teeth.

és perquè no vol.

It's because he/she doesn't want to.

Si és perquè no pots...

If it's because you can't...

Estic sent jo ara molt

I am feeling a lot right now.

generós. Però perquè no vols...

generous. But why don’t you want...

Però perquè no anaves a poder...

But why weren't you going to be able to...

Estic fent amics.

I am making friends.

No vull ser massa radical. Fa mal.

I don't want to be too radical. It hurts.

Potser algú pot...

Maybe someone can...

Bueno, no ho sé. No.

Well, I don't know. No.





No fa falta que sigui elèctric.

It doesn't need to be electric.



L'elèctric jo sé el que utilitze

The electric one, I know what I use.

i fa relativament poc

and relatively recently

que m'estava...

that I was...





Tinc un lavabasca allà.

I have a sink over there.

El fairi.

The fairy.

Estava rentant les dents

I was brushing my teeth.

i de sobte se para.

And suddenly it stops.

I se para.

I'm stopping.

I estava la boca mig ensabona.

I had my mouth half soaped.

No, però hi ha un segon

No, but there is a second.

i... Ostres, què faig ara?

Oh... What should I do now?

És inútil.

It's useless.

I vas començar a menejar-la.

And you started to move it.

Ah, clar.

Ah, of course.

Però hi ha un parell de segons i...

But there are a couple of seconds and...

S'han acabat les peles amb la llum

The peels with the light are over.

i es deia, ara què faig?

And he said, now what do I do?

A Moda no li passava amb el Satisfyer.

Moda didn't have that problem with the Satisfyer.



Fem un silenci

Let's have a moment of silence.

per si s'ha de llevar.

in case it needs to be taken off.

Mira, una que

Look, one that

també m'ha flipat.

I was also blown away.

Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson

també ha sigut una persona...

it has also been a person...

Brad Pitt?

Brad Pitt?



Jo soc Brad Pittista.

I am Brad Pittista.

Ha sigut acusat de no canviar-se de roba

He has been accused of not changing his clothes.

i de no passar per la dutxa.

and not to take a shower.

Això ho ha dit.

This has been said.

I ell ho ha reconegut.

And he has acknowledged it.

El seguim de rodatge.

We follow him filming.

Per canviar-se de roba,

To change clothes,

cada quant s'ha de canviar?

How often should it be changed?

Cada quant s'han de tirar uns vaquers a llevar?

How often should some cows be taken to the pasture?

Aquesta és la pregunta que ens interessa del podcast.

This is the question that interests us from the podcast.

Perquè jo crec que, per exemple,

Because I believe that, for example,

un suèter, una camiseta, el poses a rentar

a sweater, a t-shirt, you put them to wash

molt més sovint que els pantalons.

much more often than the pants.

Els pantalons, què?

The pants, what about them?

I un pijama?

And a pajama?

Totes les setmanes.

Every week.

Jo tinc aquest costat.

I have this side.

Setmana és el de 7 dies o el de 30?

Is the week the one with 7 days or the one with 30?

O el de 365?

Or the one with 365?

I els calcetins?

And the socks?

Els calcetins els allargueu, també?

Do you stretch the socks too?



Calcetins i calçoncillos?

Socks and briefs?



Però jo calcetins alguna vegada sí.

But I do wear socks sometimes.

És que a mi no em fan olor als peus.

It's just that my feet don't smell.

Jo no sue.

I don’t dream.

I si sue, jo sue molt bé.

And if I dream, I dream very well.

Jo soc de Montsuar.

I am from Montsuar.

Però potser és la nostra percepció.

But perhaps it's our perception.

I ara ve una persona al teu costat i diu...

And now a person comes to your side and says...

Vos conec els dos, estic ara entre els dos

I know both of you, I am now between the two of you.

i m'ho puc assegurar.

I can assure you of that.

Doncs segurament igual

Well, probably the same.

a Brad Pitt i a esta gent els passava el mateix, no?

Brad Pitt and these people went through the same thing, right?

Que deien...

What were they saying...?

Jo no.

Not me.

Bueno, i sin de la falta de gèneres famosos,

Well, and without the lack of famous genres,

ara parlem de manies estranyes.

Now we talk about strange quirks.

Per exemple,

For example,

Wynonna Ryder no és desa casa sense portar

Wynonna Ryder doesn't leave home without taking.

la seua vaixella, perquè li fa fàstic

his/her dishes, because it disgusts him/her

anar a un restaurant i usar l'escobert

go to a restaurant and use the cutlery

que uns altres han usat.

that others have used.

És que estem fent xilom per l'altre Wynonna.

It's just that we are making a fuss for the other Wynonna.

Està Wynonna ara en altre podcast

Is Wynonna now on another podcast?

parlant d'això

speaking of this

i hi ha una persona dient...

And there is a person saying...

Carles és el meu...

Carles is my...

A tu te dóna pudor

You feel ashamed.



Mentre estàs pegant un glob d'un got d'aigua.

While you are blowing a bubble with a glass of water.

On han begut tots els convidats i convidades.

All the guests have drunk.

Que han passat per este podcast

What has happened through this podcast?

i este és l'últim que gravarem.

And this is the last thing we will record.

Clara Castillo, te dóna pudor?

Clara Castillo, does it disgust you?

Jo sí que sóc de mirar, per exemple, els gots.

I do look, for example, at the glasses.

Sobretot si, per exemple,

Above all if, for example,

les xiques

the girls

que porten pintallavis

that wear lipstick

i que a mi això

and that this to me

no puc suportar-ho.

I can't stand it.

Però no tenia el costum, com té Carles,

But he didn't have the habit, like Carles does,

de mirar tant els coberts.

from looking so much at the cutlery.

Jo per davant, per darrere.

Me in front, me behind.

I no fa falta que estigui molt brut.

And it doesn't have to be very dirty.

Hi ha una taqueta d'aigua,

There is a drop of water,

una gota que s'ha secat i ha deixat el contorn de la gota.

a drop that has dried and left the outline of the drop.

Per favor, canvia-me'l.

Please, change it for me.

Sí que és la veritat

Yes, it is the truth.

que si pares a pensar la quantitat de gent

that if you stop to think about the amount of people

que ha estat

what has been

babentxant i s'ha forjetat...

sipping and it has been forged...

Jo sí que n'hi ha una etapa

Yes, there is a stage.

en què el que feia era amb la servilleta.

what I was doing was with the napkin.

Com passar la servilleta,

How to pass the napkin,

torcar o en el got.

to touch or in the glass.

Si has de beure d'una llauna

If you have to drink from a can

de cervesa, per exemple,

of beer, for example,

amb una servilleta a paper,

with a paper napkin,

tractar de tornar-hi...

trying to go back...

La llegenda hi està,

The legend is there,

que les llaunes estan emmagatzemades

that the cans are stored

o frates, passen per ahir...

Oh brothers, they pass by yesterday...

Ai, no diguis això!

Oh, don't say that!

Sí, no és tan llegenda.

Yes, it's not such a legend.

Això passa.

This happens.



Sí, això passa.

Yes, that happens.

Ara una servilleta no serà prou.

Now a napkin won't be enough.

Això te l'anava a dir.

I was going to tell you that.

Hi ha una tovalloleta...

There is a small towel...

Si no, mare meva...

If not, my goodness...

Bañada en cianur...

Bathed in cyanide...

Com es diu això?

What is this called?

En amonià...

In ammonia...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Vinga, el Tonjon

Come on, the Tonjon.

sempre porta un incinerador.

he always carries an incinerator.

Sí, perquè es rumoreix

Yes, because it is rumored.

que va cremant tot el que toca,

that burns everything it touches,

ja que no suporta que després es comercialitzi

since it cannot stand that it is then marketed

amb els objectes que utilitza.

with the objects he/she uses.

Que m'agrada molt

I like it a lot.

el després, quan arriba una gasolinera

the after, when a gas station arrives

i diu, bueno, vaig a repostar.

And she says, well, I'm going to refuel.

El company...

The partner...

Jo el poso, jo el poso.

I put it on, I put it on.

A mi m'agrada ja saber...

I already like to know...



Hi ha hagut un procés?

Has there been a process?

O ha sigut radical?

Or has it been radical?



A part de quin nivell de fama va de...

Apart from what level of fame does it go from...

Segurament, hi seria en un hotel

Surely, it would be in a hotel.

que van vendre els llençols on ha dormit...

they sold the sheets where he/she has slept...

I a partir d'ahir va dir...

And starting from yesterday, he/she said...

Tot el que ha utilitzat, incinerat.

Everything that has been used, incinerated.

Incinera, però com de flipat

Incinerates, but like a freaked-out person.

perquè ningú venga.

so that no one comes.

Si porta una mà d'un lligoteig d'una nit a un hotel,

If you take a hand of a tie from a night at a hotel,

l'incinerador el deixa a la tauleta de nit

The incinerator leaves it on the bedside table.

i l'atreixaques i res, res, una cosa.

And the other thing, and nothing, nothing, one thing.

Però a mi sí que em digueren

But they did tell me.

que quan va a un hotel, per exemple,

that when one goes to a hotel, for example,

lloga tota la planta en la que es queda

rents the whole floor where he/she stays

perquè no vol que ningú...

because he/she doesn't want anyone...

Això ho faran, no?

They will do this, right?

Sí, de llogar tota la planta en la que es queda

Yes, to rent the whole floor where it is located.

i jo no sé si el piano que porta

and I don't know if the piano he/she is carrying

allà on va ell

wherever he goes

ha de portar el seu piano.

He has to bring his piano.

Jo alguna cosa d'aquestes havia sentit.

I had heard something like that.

Jo crec que és un dels músics

I believe he is one of the musicians.

més maniosos.

more bossy.

No ho tenim molt clar.

We don't have it very clear.

Sí, estem entre maniosos i maniàtics.

Yes, we are among the picky and manic.

Però jo crec que el Tonjon

But I think that Tonjon

era un dels que més.

he was one of the most.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

O sigui, llogar tota la planta,

That is, renting the entire floor,

les persones que han fet ixos llits,

the people who have made those beds,

s'estan fent... Estàs fent el llit

They are making... You are making the bed.

pa'l Tonjon? No, pa'que no

for Tonjon? No, for what not

d'orga ningú perquè ve el Tonjon.

of organ no one because Tonjon is coming.

Les cambreres d'hotel estaran

The hotel maids will be

encantades l'endemà sabent que

delighted the next day knowing that

tenen un poc menys de paella.

they have a little less paella.

Vosaltres... Mira, això és una altra mania

You all... Look, this is another obsession.

que tinc jo, és deixar l'habitació

What I have to do is leave the room.

de l'hotel pràcticament igual

from the hotel practically the same

o molt pareguda a quan he entrat.

or very similar to when I entered.

A mi em passa exactament

It happens to me exactly.

el mateix, però al contrari.

the same, but the opposite.

La que jo no sé és com ara heu

What I don't know is how now you have

arribat a compartir l'habitació

arrived to share the room

tantes vegades sent tan diferents.

so many times feeling so different.

Veieu que sou totalment

You see that you are completely



I tu suportaves...

And you were supporting...

La nostra habitació és Israel i Palestina.

Our room is Israel and Palestine.

Sí, sí. O sigui, devia ser perquè

Yes, yes. I mean, it must have been because

és de... La maleta, m'imagino

It's from... The suitcase, I imagine.

la maleta de Diego.

Diego's suitcase.



Tota desfeta, tot, col·locant les coses

All undone, everything, putting things in place.

ahí, ai, ai, ai. I Carles, tot

there, oh, oh, oh. And Carles, everything

a la dreta. Sí, Carles, sí.

to the right. Yes, Carles, yes.

El primer que fa només despertar-se és llevar-se

The first thing he does upon waking up is to get up.

els meus calçotets de la cara.

my little pants on my face.

Els meus calçotets de la boca.

My little pants from the mouth.

Sí, perquè jo és com, bueno,

Yes, because it's like, well,

me dutxo i tire les coses. I el pelutx del...

I take a shower and throw things away. And the stuffed animal of...

I el pelutx al costat.

And the stuffed animal next to it.

I també sóc molt

I am also very

maniàtic amb el temps. O sigui, jo, per exemple,

maniac with time. I mean, I, for example,

sóc d'arribar... Puntual.

I just arrived... On time.

Començar a...

Start to...

No? Tu no tant?

No? You not so much?

Clar, Castelló,

Sure, Castellón,

hem de parlar d'això. Sí.

We need to talk about this. Yes.

No, jo reconec

No, I admit it.

que és una falta de...

that it is a lack of...

d'educació total,

of total education,

de respecte, no ser puntual.

of respect, not being punctual.

Però jo he de reconèixer que

But I have to admit that

poques voltes ho aconseguís

few times I achieved it

ser puntual. És a dir,

be punctual. That is to say,

tu eres d'aquestes persones que,

you are one of those people who,

tot i que... Per exemple, tu i jo

although... For example, you and I

quedem a les tres. I a les dos

Let's meet at three. And at two.

i mitja et dic, quedem una miqueta més tard.

And a half I tell you, let's meet a little later.

Per favor, tres i mitja.

Please, three and a half.

Arribaràs tard, també. A mi em dones una alegria.

You will be late too. You give me joy.

A mi em dones una alegria i... Ah, això és tres i mitja?

You give me a joy and... Ah, is that three-thirty?

No, ahir ja no intentaré arribar tard.

No, I won't try to arrive late again yesterday.

Si tu m'allargués l'hora, ja no...

If you would lengthen the hour for me, no longer...

Perquè sí que és de veres que

Because it is indeed true that

jo sempre...

I always...

Jo penso, perquè clar,

I think, because of course,

són excuses que ens posem de menys.

They are excuses that we make for ourselves.

Jo penso que sempre tinc

I think that I always have.

moltes coses a fer. Aleshores,

many things to do. So,

sempre tracte d'anar com a rapant minuts

I always try to go as if scraping minutes.

de, va, posem-ne temps de fer tal, tal, tal.

Let's take the time to do this, this, this.

I ara que te n'adones,

And now that you realize,

ostres, si jo volia eixir de casa,

Wow, I wanted to leave the house,

perquè he quedat amb Carles a les tres

because I have an appointment with Carles at three

i encara o he de canviar de roba

And do I still have to change clothes?

o arreglar-me o tal, o vull dutxar-me o tal,

either fix myself or whatever, or I want to take a shower or whatever,

jo hauria de tindre en compte eixe temps,

I should take that time into account,

el que em podria costar,

what it could cost me,

i haver començat abans.

I should have started earlier.

I no sempre tinc en compte

And I don't always take into account.

tots eixos passos previs que he de fer abans d'eixir.

all those previous steps I have to take before going out.

Jo reivindico arribar tard.

I claim to arrive late.

Jo reivindico.

I claim.

Carles me diu...

Carles tells me...

Diego tarde.

Diego is late.

Diego tarde y el digan moldo.

Diego is late and tell him to hurry.

Perquè arribar tard

Why arrive late

te dona una oportunitat a tu

gives you an opportunity

per arribar tard una altra volta

for being late another time

o per... Ja saps que jo mai me podria enfadar.

or because... You know I could never get angry.

De fet, quan algun amic o amiga arriba tard

In fact, when a friend arrives late

a quedar-te amb mi, diu

"to stay with me, he/she says."

mira, és que ni t'he escrit, saps?

Look, it's just that I haven't even written to you, you know?

És que vinc amb una tranquil·litat. Dos hores tard...

It's just that I'm coming with a sense of calm. Two hours late...

Perquè sabia que no anaves a estar.

Because I knew you weren't going to be there.

Sí, i tot i això, eix guanyant.

Yes, and despite that, you are still winning.

Encara li dec jo hores a eixa persona.

I still owe that person hours.

I bueno...

And well...

Sóc así de género.

I am this way in terms of gender.

Jo tinc la mania de ser puntual

I have a habit of being punctual.

i fins i tot d'arribar una miqueta abans.

and even to arrive a little earlier.

Però és una mania meua i és una cosa

But it's a quirk of mine and it's something

que jo gestione i accepte.

that I manage and accept.

I el molesta que la gent no siga puntual.

And it bothers him that people are not punctual.

Em molesta, després d'uns minuts de cortesia,

It bothers me, after a few minutes of courtesy,

ja una miqueta sí.

Yes, just a little bit.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Jennifer López exigís que l'habitació o camerino

Jennifer López demands that the room or dressing room

tinga tota la decoració en blanc.

have all the decoration in white.

Des de cadires i taules fins a parets i flors.

From chairs and tables to walls and flowers.

I sempre viatja amb els seus propis

And always travels with his own.

gensols, ja que estos han d'estar

genus, since these must be

fabricats amb almenys

made with at least

250 fils.

250 threads.

Els meus gensols tenen

My grandparents have

250 pèls de gana.

250 hairs of hunger.

No sé si a Jennifer li valdria.

I don't know if it would be worth it for Jennifer.

Havia entès al principi 250 fils.

I had understood at first 250 threads.

De cotó, no?

Made of cotton, right?

Ah, que és com un...

Ah, it's like a...

Sí, de com estan fets, del material.

Yes, about how they are made, about the material.

Sí, és que l'altre dia estava mirant

Yes, the other day I was watching.

i vaig veure no sé quants fils hi era.

I saw I don't know how many threads there were.

Ah, mira.

Ah, look.

Ho sé, però justament perquè m'ha pillat.

I know, but precisely because it caught me off guard.

Jo estic ahí amb Jennifer.

I am there with Jennifer.

Els gensols

The geniuses

també és una cosa important.

it is also an important thing.

El material. Sí, estic d'acord.

The material. Yes, I agree.

Quan has provat diversos materials saps

When you have tried various materials, you know.

que n'hi ha alguns que no saps quins són

that there are some you don't know which ones they are

però que t'agraden més.

but that you like more.

És que és que estan com herts, ahí.

It's that they are like hertz, there.

A mi això no m'agrada. Els gensols.

I don't like this. The gensols.

De sol, no es dobla.

It does not bend in the sun.

A mi m'agrada que t'acarone

I like it when you pet me.

el gensol.

the Gensol.

De menjar-te.

To eat you.

Parlant d'acaronar i de dormir

Talking about caressing and sleeping

i de manies, jo no sé vosaltres

And in many ways, I don't know about you.

però jo necessito dormir

but I need to sleep

abraçant-te un coixí.

hugging a pillow.

El coixí.

The pillow.

Jo sempre que arribo als hotels

I always arrive at hotels.

quan viatgem,

when we travel,

sempre hi ha més almohades

there are always more pillows

en l'armari.

in the cupboard.

Te'l poses en vertical.

You put it in vertical.

Tens una altra banda de la que t'espera.

You have another band that is waiting for you.

Fas cullereta.

You are being annoying.

Fas cullereta amb el coixí.

You spoon with the pillow.

Inclus hi ha moments que me pegue la volta

There are even moments when I feel overwhelmed.

i me'l poso pegat a l'esquena

And I stick it on my back.

però tal que també ja...

but such that also already...

I si no toca el coixí te xires i dius

And if the pillow doesn't touch you, you turn and say.

¿qué pasa, niño?

What's wrong, kid?

Me'l baixa des de xunar

He'll download it for me from xunar.

en el bufet de l'hotel i el poso en una cadira

in the hotel buffet and I put it on a chair

i parlo.

I speak.

Pots un foc de suc de taronja?

Can you light an orange juice fire?

És un problema

It's a problem.

tot i que penso que és una qüestió també ergonòmica

although I think it is also an ergonomic issue

de que dormir entre les cames

that sleeping between the legs

els xenois, tindre un coixí

the xenophobes, to have a cushion

i separar un poc els xenois

and separate the xenophobes a bit

va bé per a la postura. I a mi me costa

It’s good for the posture. And it’s hard for me.

si no tinc això.

if I don't have this.

Jo amb el propi meu del cap

I with my own head

de vegades sí que ho poses la mà per baix

Sometimes you do put your hand down there.

però amb un altre coixí...

but with another pillow...



No, jo no.

No, not me.

Jo no.

Not me.

És que hi cau un redó, només entra en el llit.

There is a round one that only goes in the bed.

Un parell més, rapidetes.

A couple more, quickly.

Woody Allen és el rei de les manies.

Woody Allen is the king of quirks.

Té molt a por de la mort

He is very afraid of death.

i dels accidents

and of the accidents

i diuen que es pren la temperatura corporal cada dos hores

And they say that body temperature is taken every two hours.

i es mou sempre amb avió privat

and always travels by private jet

per a esquivar tèrmens.

to dodge terms.



Pren-te la temperatura cada dos hores.

Take your temperature every two hours.

Quina excuseta.

What a little excuse.

La temperatura cada dos hores, tio.

The temperature every two hours, dude.

Sí, bueno...

Yes, well...

Què passa, que no t'ho creus?

What's happening, don't you believe it?

No el filles del termòmetre

Don't you take the thermometer?

que tens.

what you have.

Una cosa és que comences a tindre

One thing is that you start to have

unes dècimes que no el sents bé

a few tenths that you can't feel well

i vols anar veient la progressió

And you want to see the progress.

si va més, però un dia normal...

it goes more, but on a normal day...

Patiu alguna volta vosaltres

Do you ever suffer?

de malaltia, un poc de mal a la gola?

of illness, a little pain in the throat?

Un poc hipocondriac?

A little hypochondriac?

No, no soc dels que va a mirar

No, I am not one of those who goes to watch.

a internet els símptomes...

on the internet the symptoms...

Jo no. No.

Not me. No.

En temes malalties, no.

On health issues, no.

Però sí que quan comença a fer-te mal alguna cosa

But yes, when something starts to hurt you.

sí que...

yes that...

Quan comences a engrenar-se, ja...

When you start to get into gear, well...

Ja, ja...

Yes, yes...

Jo soc de

I am from

que no sé la diferència entre

that I don't know the difference between

un ibuprofet i un paracetamol.

an ibuprofen and a paracetamol.



I entre un ibuprofet

And between an ibuprofen

i un diazepam...

and a diazepam...

L'ibuprofet és antiinflamatori

Ibuprofen is anti-inflammatory.

i el paracetamol és analgèsic.

And paracetamol is a painkiller.

Et lleva el dolor, però no...

It takes away the pain, but no...


It de-inflates.

Sí i no me'n recordaré.

Yes and no, I will remember it.

Com va ser l'última volta que vas anar al metge?

How was the last time you went to the doctor?

Uf, ja fa temps.

Phew, it's been a while.



Et resistixes a anar al metge?

Are you resisting going to the doctor?

Eres d'ixes.

You are of those.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Perquè tens molta salut o perquè et fa por?

Because you have a lot of health or because you are scared?

No, no, perquè no he necessitat...

No, no, because I haven't needed...

A no ser que siga...

Unless it is...

Bueno, vaig anar, mira...

Well, I went, look...

Perquè tenies i que em feia mal a la gola.

Because you had and it hurt my throat.

Vaig haver d'agafar uns dies de bàsquet.

I had to take a few days off basketball.

És la ferramenta en què guanyes la vida.

It is the tool by which you earn a living.



Tenia unes plaques ahí

I had some plates there.

i era de tenir matos molt lleig

and it was to have very ugly stuff

i vaig anar al metge.

I went to the doctor.

Però jo crec que des d'aquella volta

But I think that since that time

no he tornat.

I haven't returned.

Doncs mira, jo he d'anar demà.

Well, look, I have to go tomorrow.

Ho vaig a dir perquè, clar,

I'm going to say why, of course,

això és una cosa que tots fem,

this is something we all do,

però he d'anar a deixar una mostra

but I have to go drop off a sample

de número dos.

number two.

Ah, tu entres en un estudi...

Ah, you enter a studio...

Arribes allà en un potet...

You arrive there in a small jar...

No, és que jo vaig participar en un estudi

No, it's just that I participated in a study.

que havies de portar...

what you had to bring...

Has de portar una...

You have to wear a...

Un potet, has fet ahí el número dos

A little pot, you've made number two there.

i vas ahí.

And you go there.

És un poquet de tu.

It's a little bit of you.

I deixes ahí un poquet de tu.

And you leave a little bit of yourself there.


Take care of it for me.

Cuca del olor teu.

The tail of your smell.

Que, clar,

Well, of course,

sempre has de deixar una quantitat

you always have to leave a quantity

la mínima possible.

the minimum possible.

Vaig voler un dia un pot,

I wanted a jar one day,

però ple.

but full.

Però quina necessitat.

But what a necessity.

Era com per a presumir.

It was like something to boast about.

Vull parlar-vos de la mania que tinc jo de no.

I want to talk to you about the habit I have of not.

En fi.


Bueno, jo sempre he pensat que moriré d'infart.

Well, I have always thought that I will die of a heart attack.

No sé per què.

I don't know why.

No ho sé, però hi ha una època de la meva vida

I don't know, but there is a time in my life

que he estat molt obsessionat,

that I have been very obsessed,

que em donaria un infart,

that would give me a heart attack,

i a voltes, quan tenia un poc de taigardia,

and sometimes, when I was a bit cowardly,

ja m'agafava la mà i deia

she was already taking my hand and saying

que ja està.

that’s it.

El braç esquerre o el dret?

The left arm or the right?

I t'amare parlant de fons.

I will love you by speaking deeply.

Mare caia, que m'esperant un infart.

Mother fell, I'm waiting for a heart attack.

Que em fa mal el pit.

My chest hurts.

Bueno, última.

Well, last one.

Megan Fox sempre, parlant de por a l'amor,

Megan Fox always, speaking about fear of love,

Megan Fox sempre escolta Britney Spears

Megan Fox always listens to Britney Spears.

quan vola, ja que està convençuda

when it flies, since it is convinced

que el seu destí no pot ser morir

that their destiny cannot be to die

mentre escolta Britney Spears.

while listening to Britney Spears.

I es creu indestructible cada volta

And he believes himself indestructible every time.

que escolta Britney Spears,

that listens to Britney Spears,

perquè pensa que la meua mort, òbviament,

because she thinks that my death, obviously,

no pot ser. I ella va i se posa davant d'un camió

It can't be. And she goes and stands in front of a truck.

i es posa ahí.

and it goes there.

What my baby, one more time.

What my baby, one more time.

I el camió s'està...

And the truck is...

Megan Fox, això no funciona.

Megan Fox, this doesn't work.

El camió comença...

The truck starts...

És mare.

She is a mother.

Jo tinc una anècdota,

I have an anecdote,

crec que tu la coneixes.

I think you know her.

En un vol, jo eixe dia estava molt nerviós.

On a flight, I was very nervous that day.

He passat de tindre molta por a volar

I have gone from being very afraid of flying.

a ser un fanàtic de volar.

to be a flying fanatic.


I love it.

Però en l'època de tindre por

But in the time of being afraid

una persona al meu costat m'ho va notar

a person next to me noticed it

i em va dir

and he/she told me

no et preocupes perquè jo crec que

don't worry because I think that

quan hi ha xiquets en el avió

when there are children on the plane

no passarà res perquè Déu no permetria

Nothing will happen because God would not allow it.

que moren xiquets.

that children die.

I me'l vaig quedar mirant i li vaig dir

I kept looking at him and said to him.

creu-me que sí.

believe me, yes.

La fórmula no se'n sap.

The formula is not known.

No sé, que eixos xiquets estiguen escoltant

I don't know, whether those kids are listening.

Britney Spears.

Britney Spears.

Les probabilitats que s'està bé

The chances that one is well.

en aquest avió.

in this plane.

Passem a l'última...

Let's move on to the last one...

Sí, passem breument al programa.

Yes, let's briefly move on to the program.

Ara hauries de dir

Now you should say

i com són les manies

And what are the quirks like?

al nostre territori?

in our territory?

I ens preguntem com són

And we ask ourselves what they are like.

les manies al nostre territori?

the habits in our territory?

Sempre volem portar

We always want to bring.

el tema del podcast

the podcast topic

a la Comunitat Valencià.

to the Valencian Community.

A casa nostra.

At our house.

I ara que ja hem fet les paus

And now that we have made peace

amb el concepte costum,

with the concept of custom,

vos comento tres costums molt bonics

I will tell you about three very nice customs.

i típics de la Comunitat Valencià.

and typical of the Valencian Community.

A veure si que vos semblen,

Let's see what you think.

si vos agraden el seu fet.

if you like what he/she has done.

Si participem d'ells.

If we participate in them.

Eixir a la fresca.

Go out to the cool air.

Eixir a la porta de ta casa

Go out to the door of your house.

o casa d'un veí

or a neighbor's house

estan parlant de tu.

They are talking about you.

I és un moment de majors

And it is a moment of greater importance.

i els sí que normalment no són benvinguts

And they are usually not welcome.

i els majors els ho fan saber amb un

and the elders let them know with a

calla que estem parlant els majors.

Be quiet, we are the adults talking.

És molt típica.

It's very typical.

És entranyable.

It is endearing.

Jo que m'he criat en un poble,

I who grew up in a village,

en Cullera, això era molt habitual.

In Cullera, this was very common.

A l'estiu.

In the summer.

Tot el món en les portetes de casa.

The whole world at the doorstep of home.

I que bé s'està.

And how nice it is.

Era genial.

It was great.

I continua fent-se a Cullera.

And it continues to take place in Cullera.

Sí, sí, quan tenim encara n'hi ha moltes veïnes

Yes, yes, when we still have many neighbors.

a la fresca.

in the cool air.

Però sobretot saps això,

But above all, you know this,

que quan passes per davant...

that when you pass by...

En el moment que has allunyat dos passes

At the moment you have stepped away two paces.

ja eres tu la Diana.

You are already Diana.



Tens pensat tornar a...

Are you thinking of returning to...

Tens pensat morir a Cullera?

Are you planning to die in Cullera?

Que bonica la pregunta.

What a beautiful question.

La veritat és que m'agradaria.

The truth is that I would like to.

Tornar al poble

Return to the village

en algun moment.

at some point.

Perquè al final

Because in the end

la ciutat és molt més anònima.

the city is much more anonymous.

Encara que vius en un barri,

Even if you live in a neighborhood,

però ho conserves tot del poble.

but you keep everything from the village.

Les amistats de la infància

Childhood friendships

continuen allà

they are still there

i mantens això allà.

And you keep that over there.

I no ho descarte.

And I don't rule it out.

El dia que em jubilé,

The day I retired,

ja tinc ganes

I can't wait.

de tornar al poble.

to return to the village.

Te queda molt de treballar.

You have a lot of work to do.



Hi ha molta gira de sonsofagirre.

There is a lot of noise from sonsofagirre.

Però a més,

But furthermore,

en un poble que té mar,

in a village that has a sea,

que a mi m'encanta la mar,

that I love the sea,

és molt poètic.

It's very poetic.

Seria molt poètic

It would be very poetic.

anar a morir quan t'ingressen.

to go to die when they admit you.

Imagina't que vas a morir a l'hospital

Imagine that you are going to die in the hospital.

els últims dies i estar ingressat

the last few days and being hospitalized

en la sala on vas.

in the room where you go.

En el mateix hospital.

In the same hospital.

Con cebre, no.

With zebra, no.

Sí, quan ton pare i ta mare...

Yes, when your father and your mother...



O on vas vindre al món.

O where did you come from in the world.

Jo crec que seria impossible

I think it would be impossible.

perquè era en l'hospital

because he was in the hospital

de la cigüeña que deien

of the stork that they said

que ja desaparegués. Que ja no està.

that has already disappeared. That is no longer here.

Però si hi ha una cullera.

But there is a spoon.

Sí, perfecte.

Yes, perfect.

Mireu un altre costum molt valencià.

Look at another very Valencian custom.

Empinar el catxirulo.

To fly the kite.

És comprar un catxirulo que en proporció

It's like buying a trinket that in proportion

per al que és sol ser car,

for what is usually expensive,

per utilitzar-lo només una vesprada

to use it only one evening

i acabar discutint amb el germà, el pare i la cosina.

and ended up arguing with the brother, the father, and the cousin.

20 euros he vist que valen a Amazon.

I have seen that they cost 20 euros on Amazon.

És catxirulo.

It’s a mess.

Passar un dia menjant-te la coca

Spend a day eating the cake.

i corrent amunt i avall

and running up and down

per acabar sense parlar-te amb ton pare

to finish without speaking to your father

perquè vol fer volar ell el catxirulo

because he wants to fly the kite

quan l'agafes tu, el trenques i val 20 euros.

When you take it, you break it and it costs 20 euros.

La broma, el que m'ha costat.

The joke, what has cost me.

Aquest és el resum.

This is the summary.

Algun trauma que vulguis traure ara.

Any trauma you want to bring up now.



Però això sí, és molt típic.

But yes, it is very typical.

En Pasqua, en el poble,

At Easter, in the village,

nosaltres fem la mona.

we make the cake.

Menjar la mona i empinar el catxirulo.

Eat the cake and fly the kite.

Amb els teus fills els has ensenyat a...

With your children you have taught them to...

Sí, el meu fill, sobretot a Marc,

Yes, my son, especially Marc,

li agradava molt empinar el catxirulo.

he really enjoyed flying the kite.

És una pràctica...

It is a practice...

Però i quan s'enganxen uns als altres

But when they stick to each other

i ara què fas?

And now what are you doing?

Que no hi ha vent?

Is there no wind?

A veure si puja i allò no puja...

Let's see if it goes up and that doesn't go up...

Empalmar cordes, també.

Splicing ropes, too.

Jo feia empalmar molt de cordes

I used to tie a lot of ropes together.

a la lluna.

to the moon.

Se'n va liar

It got complicated.

amb la bandera que m'han posat als Estats Units.

with the flag they have given me in the United States.

Ahir jo tirant

Yesterday I was throwing.

i em va cridar Obama.

And Obama called me.

Estava Obama en aquell moment.

Obama was there at that time.

Diego, què fas?

Diego, what are you doing?

Diego, i jo...

Diego, and I...

I bueno, una liada amb Piforcio...

And well, a mess with Piforcio...

Mireu, us comento ràpidament

Look, I'll quickly explain to you.

l'últim, la nit de Sant Joan.

the last one, the night of Sant Joan.

Siguem sincers, per favor.

Let's be honest, please.

La nit de Sant Joan és anar a la platja

The night of Sant Joan is to go to the beach.

la nit que va tot el món a la platja.

the night that everyone goes to the beach.

Si eres menor de 30 anys vas amb els amics

If you are under 30 years old, you go with your friends.

a pillar la mona.

to go get the cake.

I si eres major de 30 vas amb els amics

And if you are over 30, you go with your friends.

a sopar i després a pillar la mona.

for dinner and then to get the buzz.

Pegues uns botells a les ones,

You splash the waves,

botes la foguera i després d'embrutar tot el que pots

jump the bonfire and after dirtying everything you can

te'n vas a casa.

You are going home.

Això és la nit de Sant Joan.

This is the night of Sant Joan.

És que jo tinc molts bons records

It's just that I have many good memories.

de la nit de Sant Joan.

of the night of Sant Joan.

Jo no tants.

Not me.

Sembla que estem parlant

It seems that we are talking.

de la mateixa anècdota.

of the same anecdote.

De la mateixa nit de Sant Joan.

From the same night of Sant Joan.

Sí, la cullera...

Yes, the spoon...

No podem parlar-ne.

We cannot talk about it.

Però sí, és una nit molt bonica.

But yes, it's a very beautiful night.

Home, embrutar tot el que sigui

Go home, dirty everything that it is.

a mi això no, jo no soc partidària d'això.

I'm not in favor of that.

Perquè hi xoca la mania teua

Because it clashes with your obsession.

de la neteja i de l'ordre.

of cleanliness and order.

Però botar-ne unes

But to skip a few

ja farem el que m'ho faci.

We'll do whatever it takes.

Ara les remes.

Now the oars.

Mira, acabem amb aquesta imatge

Look, let's finish with this image.

tan guai.

so cool.

Acabem amb Clara en la vida

We end up with Clara in life.

que comença cullera i acabarà cullera

that starts with a spoon and will end with a spoon

i el podcast ha començat amb rem

and the podcast started with Rem

i acabarà amb rem.

And it will end with a paddle.

Si li posem la musiqueta de rem, també.

If we put on the rowing music, too.

Doncs mira, no li posem la musiqueta de rem

Well, look, let's not put on the rem music.



ens has demanat, hem preguntat quina cançó volies

you asked us, we asked which song you wanted

i crec que ha hagut un malentès perquè normalment demaneu

I think there has been a misunderstanding because usually you ask.

cançons relacionades amb el tema

songs related to the theme

i en compte de mania, deus haver entès Maria

And instead of mania, you must have understood Maria.

i ens has demanat Mama Maria de Ricci e Poveri.

And you have asked us Mama Maria de Ricci and the Poor.

Jo he suggerit una cançó

I have suggested a song.

que m'ho heu preguntat, també.

that you have asked me, too.

No recorde.

I don't remember.

Col·labora en esta cança, Clara.

Collaborate on this song, Clara.

Ah, clar, clar.

Ah, of course, of course.

Ara, sí.

Now, yes.

Sí, vaig confondre, vaig confondre.

Yes, I was confused, I was confused.

Bé, està sonant bé.

Well, it sounds good.

Mama, mama, mama Maria.

Mama, mama, mama Maria.

Mira, la posarem per aquest quadre

Look, we'll put it for this frame.

ara mateix.

right now.

Moltes gràcies, Clara.

Thank you very much, Clara.

Un plaer, m'ha encantat

A pleasure, I loved it.

passar esta estoneta amb vosaltres

spending this little while with you

quan vulgueu tornar.

whenever you want to return.

Si renovem tornaràs.

If we renew, you will return.

Podrà ser, però ja ho dic jo.

It could be, but I tell you already.

Podem repetir.

We can repeat.

Si podeu repetir personatges, jo m'apuntem.

If you can repeat characters, I'm in.

Si no, podries tornar tu amb un vigor

If not, you could return with a vigor.

i un barret.

and a hat.

Em faig passar per una altra persona.

I pretend to be someone else.

Un anònim.

An anonymous.

Ens vegem la pròxima setmana.

See you next week.



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