03.07.2021 | Cafetí d'artistes | Mamen García

À Punt Mèdia

Cafetí d'artistes

03.07.2021 | Cafetí d'artistes | Mamen García

Cafetí d'artistes

Lluís Miquel, Tonino, què tal?

Lluís Miquel, Tonino, how are you?

Bé, molt bé.

Good, very good.

Oye, yo sé que a això no os agrada y no voleu que ho faci,

Hey, I know you don't like this and you don't want me to do it,

pero es que hoy necesité hacerme una foto de la vuestra convidada

But today I needed to take a photo of your guest.

porque yo es que la admiro muy

because I really admire her a lot

y tengo que hacerme una foto y que me la signen.

And I have to take a picture and get it signed.

¿Pero tú la conoces bien o qué?

But do you know her well or what?

No, no, yo no, me agrada muy.

No, no, not me, I really like it.

Vos convidem a prendre un cafè i a passar una bona estona

We invite you to have a coffee and to have a good time.

en el nostre Cafetí d'Artistes,

in our Artists' Café,

un programa conduït per Lluís Miquel Campos i Tonino Guitià.

a program hosted by Lluís Miquel Campos and Tonino Guitià.

Molta gent l'ha descobert arran d'alguns treballs televisius recents

Many people have discovered it due to some recent television work.

on s'ha rebrat com a un actiu de comèdia excel·lent.

It has been received as an excellent comedy asset.

Però ella és molt més que això.

But she is much more than that.

És una sobresorpresa ple de meravelles.

It is a wonderful surprise full of wonders.

Ha fet teatre, ha interpretat musicals,

He has acted in theater, he has performed in musicals,

s'ha intervingut en una decena de sèries,

interventions have taken place in about ten series,

toca el piano i, sobretot, canta com els àngels.

play the piano and, above all, sing like the angels.

Segurament tots han sentit la seua veu alguna vegada.

Surely everyone has heard his/her voice at some point.

I quan diem tots, volem dir tots, tothom,

And when we say everyone, we mean everyone, everyone,

perquè ha treballat molts anys fent doblatge

because he has worked for many years doing dubbing

i ha donat veu a uns esports de publicitat radiofònica

and has given voice to some sports in radio advertising

omnipresents en la nostra vida quotidiana.

omnipresent in our daily lives.

Els que van viure els anys 80 i 90

Those who lived through the 80s and 90s.

la recordaran també com la vocalista de Pat Singer Z.

She will also be remembered as the vocalist of Pat Singer Z.

Allí ja deixava clar que tenia una vis còmica extraordinària

There it was already clear that he had an extraordinary sense of humor.

i, sobretot, que posaria una de les veus més càlides i sensuals

And, above all, I would use one of the warmest and most sensual voices.

que ha donat mai el món de l'espectacle

that the world of entertainment has ever given

ací, a casa nostra i arreu del planeta.

here, at our home and around the planet.

Una veu que ha evolucionat fins a cotes excepcionals

A voice that has evolved to exceptional heights.

com han pogut comprovar els que han assistit recentment als seus concerts.

as those who have recently attended their concerts can attest.

El 2009 va rebre el Premi Berlanga a tota una trajectòria.

In 2009, he received the Berlanga Award for his entire career.

Anteriorment ja havia rebut, en un parell d'ocasions,

Previously, I had received, on a couple of occasions,

el guardó d'interpretació

the award for interpretation

als Premis de les Arts Escèniques de la Generalitat Valenciana.

to the Performing Arts Awards of the Valencian Generalitat.

És Mamen García, actriu, cantant, compositora i atrista

It is Mamen García, actress, singer, composer, and artist.

i, per a nosaltres, per damunt de tot,

and, for us, above all,

una amiga entranyable i una gran companya de treball.

a dear friend and a great work companion.

Hola, Mamen. Què tal?

Hello, Mamen. How are you?

És que m'emociona.

It moves me.

És que té motiu.

It is for a reason.

És que tota la vida pensé que vaig com un barquet

It's just that all my life I've thought I was like a little boat.

que va per l'aire damunt de l'aigua,

that goes through the air above the water,

però que no toca, no toca,

but it doesn't feel right, it doesn't feel right,

perquè sempre pensé que no toca el pis.

because I always thought it doesn't touch the floor.

No tinc res en terra.

I have nothing on land.

Van per ahí i a les hores, però això m'emociona més.

They go around there, and at times, but this moves me more.

Ja, però de barcos i de mar també anem a parlar.

Yes, but we are also going to talk about boats and the sea.

És que jo passava molt malament.

I was really having a hard time.

Sí? Bueno, algun rateig.

Yes? Well, some scrounging.

Que marejava.

That was dizzying.

Però també ha sigut...

But it has also been...

Ha estat bé, ha estat bé.

It has been good, it has been good.

La casa tenía una reja,

The house had a fence,

pintada con quejas y cantos de amor.

painted with complaints and love songs.

La noche llenaba de ojeras la reja,

The night filled the bars with dark circles.

la hiedra y el viejo balcón.

the ivy and the old balcony.

Recuerdo que entonces reías y yo te leía mi verso mejor.

I remember that back then you were laughing and I was reading you my best verse.

Mamen, quan un escolta una de les teves cançons,

Mamen, when one listens to one of your songs,

de seguida es pregunta

right away he/she wonders

on puc anar a comprar els discos?

Where can I go to buy the records?

Tots aquests discos estan descatalogats

All these records are out of print.

i, de fet, el segon disc,

and, in fact, the second album,

i jo a tu també,

and I to you too,

que ja explicaré per què es diu d'aquest nom,

that I will explain why it is called that.

encara no l'he estrenat.

I haven't used it yet.

Està el CD,

The CD is here.

però espera algun dia poder-lo presentar

but hopes to be able to present it someday

perquè jo penso que ja han cansat molt boniques.

because I think they have already tired very beautiful.

I del tercer, el cofrecito,

And from the third, the little chest,

sí que he fet uns quants.

Yes, I have done a few.

He fet una presentació,

I have made a presentation.

he fet alguns teatres de l'estat

I have done some theater in the state.

i, per lo menos, ha rodat una mica.

And, at least, it has rolled a bit.

Però ja no hi ha cap...

But there are no more...



Ja no està catalogat.

It is no longer cataloged.

Però vols dir que el disc ha mort?

But do you mean that the record is dead?

El disc, no?

The disc, right?

Del primer disc me quedarán uns 25 LPs.

I will keep about 25 LPs from the first album.

No, però me referís...

No, but I meant...

Com escolten música ara?

How do they listen to music now?

Perquè jo estic molt nerviós.

Because I am very nervous.

Jo crec que el Dofí i el Albert

I believe that the Dolphin and Albert.

les ha ficat en Spotify.

she has uploaded them to Spotify.

I a més, els poden escoltar en la meua web.

And in addition, they can listen to them on my website.



Una punta, eh?

A tip, huh?

Sí, Mamengarcia Puntes.

Yes, Mamengarcia Puntes.

Ahí está todo.

There it all is.

Y si vols escoltar les cançons,

And if you want to listen to the songs,

se pueden escoltar ahí.

they can be heard there.

Molt bé.

Very well.

I la música i les lletres

And the music and the lyrics

de les cançons són teues, normalment?

Whose songs are yours, usually?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

És compositora.

She is a composer.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

És compositora i des de quan?

Is she a composer and since when?

Clar, però si jo recordo

Of course, but I remember.

quan estaven Lluís Miquel i Patchinger Z,

when Lluís Miquel and Patchinger Z were,

jo feia més noves cançons, noves cançons.

I was making more new songs, new songs.

Inclús crec, jo no sé com,

I even think, I don't know how,

jo no sé si va ser Fernando Romero

I don't know if it was Fernando Romero.

que els va fer arribar a la televisió

that brought them to television

i tot les va escoltar.

And she/he heard them all.

Però com els va cridar,

But how he called them,

les noves cançons no li interessaven.

The new songs did not interest him.

No li interessaven.

They weren't interested in him/her.

Li interessaven els altres, Patchinger Z.

He was interested in others, Patchinger Z.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Tot el que podia fer, però el meu no.

Everything I could do, but not mine.

I me vaig sentir un dia en l'ascensor.

One day I felt sick in the elevator.

Sí, sí, me dijo,

Yes, yes, he/she told me,

sí, sí, jo conozco el material,

yes, yes, I know the material,

no recuerdo quién,

I don't remember who,

nos enviaron tus canciones,

they sent us your songs,

sí, pero a nosotros esa onda no, no, no.

yes, but that vibe is not for us, no, no, no.

Però, Mami,

But, Mommy,

comencem pel principi.

let's start from the beginning.

Tu vas anar a ser a?

Were you going to be at?

Jo vaig anar a ser en un poblet

I went to be in a small village.

al costat de Pego que es diu La Zuvia,

next to Pego called La Zuvia,

però en considero una ontinguentina

but I consider her a person from Ontinyent

perquè, home,

because, man,

el bar va estar destinat a més ontinguent

The bar was intended for more seating.

i allí vaig passar des dels dos anys

And there I spent from the age of two.

fins als vint-i-tres

up to twenty-three

que me'n vaig anar ja a volar pel món.

that I have already gone to fly around the world.

I me considero molt,

I consider myself a lot,

la meva infantesa i la meva adolescència

my childhood and my adolescence

era ontinguentina.

it was ontingent.

I tan feliç, ontinguent, ontinguent.

I so happy, painting, painting.

I per què

And why

tenies anar-hi a Londres?

Did you want to go to London?

Jo crec que tenia una necessitat.

I believe I had a need.

Primer, jo volia cantar en anglès.

First, I wanted to sing in English.

Jo estava estudiant

I was studying.

tècnica de turisme

tourism technique

i estava estudiant piano

I was studying piano.

i vaig aprofitar una amiga

I took advantage of a friend.

que havia estat en un col·legi, Richmond College,

that had been in a school, Richmond College,

i me'n vaig anar com a òper,

and I left as an opera,

però era la necessitat de volar.

but it was the need to fly.

Jo recorde que allí me vaig trobar

I remember that I met there.

a Rafa Ferrando,

to Rafa Ferrando,

me vaig trobar a Damien Moyà.

I ran into Damien Moyà.

A Damien Moyà és una anècdota curiosíssima

Damien Moyà is a very curious anecdote.

en el metro de Londres

in the London underground

que el vaig por el Legintun libre

I went for the Legintun book.

i me va fer aixís.

and it made me like this.

És la carta a Franco.

It is the letter to Franco.

Te parlo de l'any setanta.

I'm talking about the year seventy.

De l'any setanta.

From the year seventy.

A les hores d'en Mía encara

At Mia's hours still

no sé si era nòvia de Carmencita Arborch.

I don't know if she was Carmencita Arborch's girlfriend.

No sé.

I don't know.

Sí, per ahir estaria.

Yes, it would be for yesterday.

Se trobaran uns quants i ja no estan així.

They will meet a few and they are no longer like that.

I tu guanyaràs el primer premi

And you will win the first prize.

als setze anys

at sixteen years old

en una cançó de Rita Pavone?

in a song by Rita Pavone?

No, Rita Pavone no.

No, Rita Pavone no.

De Rita Pavone la cantava a la core

Rita Pavone sang it in the choir.

però jo crec que va ser amb motiu d'amor

but I believe it was for the sake of love

i de pinodonatge.

and of pinodonatge.

I és un concurs que es va fer a la Loreta Don Tinyén

And it is a competition that was held at Loreta Don Tinyén.

va votar la gent

the people voted

i vaig ser guanyadora.

I was the winner.

El primer t'ho va donar

The first one gave it to you.

el duodinàmico

the duodynamic

i el duodinàmico

and the duodynamic

va vindre a la Cluenda

he came to the Cluenda

i em va donar el premi.

and he gave me the prize.

Que bé, que bé, el duodinàmico.

How nice, how nice, the duodynamic.

Que de fresa actuarem en ells

That we will act on them as strawberries

algunes vegades.


Actuarem a la partida?

Will we act in the game?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Em ve a ser una gent encantadora també.

They also seem to me to be lovely people.

Sí, senyor.

Yes, sir.

I tu en Londres esperaves el teu amor.

And you were waiting for your love in London.

En Londres van passar moltes coses.

Many things happened in London.

Ho va hart a la vida, no?

He's fed up with life, isn't he?

Però sí que vaig trobar el meu amor.

But I did find my love.

I vaig trobar el meu amor

I found my love.

quan jo el coneixia des de menuda.

when I knew him since I was little.

Perquè era veí

Because he was a neighbor.

de la meva casa a Don Tinyén.

from my house to Don Tinyén.

Era un pianista molt callat

He was a very quiet pianist.

que es diu Josep Sanz.

his name is Josep Sanz.

Sí, senyor.

Yes, sir.

El nostre amic Pep Sanz.

Our friend Pep Sanz.

Pep Sanz, sí, senyor.

Pep Sanz, yes, sir.

Que bé que me l'ho passà a Terrell a vegades.

How great it was for me to have fun in Terrell sometimes.

I tots els viatges que han fet.

And all the trips they have taken.

Els viatges i tal.

The trips and such.

Ja parlarem d'això també.

We'll talk about that too.

És un pianista excepcional.

He is an exceptional pianist.

Un compositor molt bo.

A very good composer.

És molt bo, el Josep.

Joseph is very good.

Molt bo.

Very good.

Però va ser una relació d'amor?

But was it a love relationship?

O també hi havia treball, vull dir?

Or was there also work, I mean?

No, no, no. De treball, res.

No, no, no. Nothing about work.

No és tant això.

It's not so much that.

Quan jo vaig guanyar el premi als 16 anys,

When I won the award at 16 years old,

ell tenia un conjunt

he had an outfit

i ell era el pianista

and he was the pianist

i recorda que me va dir

And remember that you told me.

seu, seu, perquè jo havia de tocar la cançó

sit down, sit down, because I had to play the song

amb la que vaig guanyar.

with which I won.

Jo m'acompanyava i ahir...

I was accompanied and yesterday...

Però jo sabia que existia perquè passava per sa casa

But I knew it existed because I passed by his house.

i sentia un piano.

I heard a piano.

I em deien, això és el xic de Carmen

They told me, this is Carmen's boy.

que toca el piano.

who plays the piano.

I de quina manera

And in what way

et va influir viure a Londres

Did living in London influence you?

mentre a Espanya

while in Spain

es petava el franquisme

Francoism was collapsing.

i segurament amb pocs diners?

and probably with little money?

En Donald mateix.

In Donald himself.

Jo treballava d'oper en un col·legi

I worked as an operator in a school.

i em pagaven cinc lliures a la setmana

and they paid me five pounds a week

amb dos companys franceses

with two French companions

que cada setmana em demanaven a mi

that every week they asked me

perquè no estalviaven res.

because they didn't save anything.

Però jo era molt feliç

But I was very happy.

perquè amb els estudiants

because with the students

i jo vaig repassar el meu francès

And I reviewed my French.

amb els franceses

with the French

i vaig aprendre anglès

I learned English.

amb els estudiants de Londres.

with the students from London.

Me va vendre fantàstic.

It went fantastically for me.

Que bé, que bé, no?

How nice, how nice, right?

I t'hi podies posar minifaldes

And you could wear miniskirts.

allà a Londres o...?

there in London or...?

Absolutament, jo vaig arribar

Absolutely, I arrived.

a l'estiu amb una minifalda

in the summer with a miniskirt

i me'n miraven tots pel carrer.

And everyone was looking at me in the street.

Clar, parla de l'estiu dels 70.

Sure, he's talking about the summer of the 70s.

Però Pep,

But Pep,

va anar per tu a Londres?

Did he go to London for you?

Resulta que abans d'anar-me'n jo a Londres

It turns out that before I left for London.

me vaig tapar amb ell.

I covered myself with it.

Me vaig tapar amb ell en una cafeteria

I covered myself with him in a café.

i li vaig dir

and I told him/her

tu eres tu, aquell pianista, tu eres tu.

you are you, that pianist, you are you.

Doncs jo d'aquí dos dies me vaig anar a Londres

Well, in two days I'm going to London.

i va fer un flash

and it made a flash

i es van començar a escriure cartes.

And they began to write letters.

Va vindre la vaga de correus

The postal strike came.

la qüestió és que escrivien molt

the point is that they wrote a lot

i l'any següent

and the following year

de qui estava tocant a Canàries

who was playing in the Canary Islands

va vindre a Londres a estar amb mi.

He came to London to be with me.

I ja està, ja està.

And that's it, that's it.

I formaves part del duo Aries a Barcelona després?

Did you form part of the duo Aries in Barcelona afterwards?

Sí, amb ell.

Yes, with him.

I després d'estar

And after being

a Londres

to London

vam decidir tornar a Espanya

we decided to return to Spain

i vam quedar a Barcelona.

and we met in Barcelona.

I a Barcelona vam muntar...

And in Barcelona, we set up...

El meu marit tocava en un cabaret

My husband played in a cabaret.

que es deia La Buena Sombra

which was called The Good Shadow

que estava al costat de Cosmos

that was next to Cosmos

en les Rambles

on the Ramblas

i de les del Desgorge.

and of those from the Desgorge.

Jo me'n recordo que un Nadal

I remember that one Christmas

vaig anar jo per la nit

I went at night.

i jo veia les xiques tirant el xampany

And I saw the girls pouring the champagne.

per el riu.

by the river.

I ell tocava fins a les 5 del matí.

And he played until 5 in the morning.

Passaven els mesos

Months were passing.

i jo pensava

and I thought

aquesta va ser la meva vida.

this was my life.

I dic,

I say,

el muntem un duo

we are forming a duo

i això vàrem fer.

And that's what we did.


Of course.

I ja actuàreu en Barcelona

And you already performed in Barcelona.

com un duo Aries.

like an Aries duo.

Ja actuàvem en Barcelona a molts llocs.

We already performed in many places in Barcelona.

A una...

To a...

A Clubs.

A Clubs.

Per exemple, el 240,

For example, the 240,

el pub 240

the pub 240

i a molts llocs.

And in many places.

I vàrem conèixer a Eugenio.

We met Eugenio.

Llavors tenia ella la seva dona.

Then she had her wife.

I ella anava a muntar un pub

She was going to set up a pub.

i es va dir

and it was said

que per què no estàvem amb ell.

that why we weren't with him.

Però resulta que

But it turns out that

ens havien oferit

they had offered us

una promesa

a promise

un productor,

a producer,

un productor de València.

a producer from Valencia.

I ens van prometre

And they promised us.

que després no va arribar a lloc

that then did not arrive anywhere

i vàrem tornar a València.

And we returned to Valencia.

Però a Barcelona ens anava molt bé.

But in Barcelona, things were going really well for us.



Teníem un representant

We had a representative.

que ens buscava la feina

that he was looking for work for us

i cobraven 3.000 pesetes per vol.

They charged 3,000 pesetas per flight.

Estem parlant dels anys 70.

We are talking about the 70s.

El 72.

The 72.

El 72, ja veus.

The 72, you see.

I arribeu a València

I arrive in Valencia.

i continues en el duo Aries

I continue in the duo Aries.

però entres en un grup

but you join a group

que érem molt amics

that we were very good friends

d'ells també

of them too

que es deia

what was it called

Orchateta i Fartons.

Horchata and Fartons.



Com que les coses d'aquesta producció

As for the things of this production

que et parlen

that speak to you

no van anar endavant

they did not move forward

es van quedar sense feina

they were left without a job

i aleshores jo

and then I

em vaig quedar embarassada

I got pregnant.

del meu fill Albert,

of my son Albert,

Albert Sanz, el pianista

Albert Sanz, the pianist

i em van parlar d'un grup

and they told me about a group

que buscava una pianista

that was looking for a pianist

perquè Pep encara no ho havia fet

because Pep had not done it yet

així fins que

until then

el professor Seguí

Professor Seguí

li va aconseguir

he/she managed to

la banda de Montserrat

the Montserrat band

i després el Conservatori

and then the Conservatory



però no teníem res.

but we had nothing.

Era bohemia pura i dura

She was pure and hard bohemia.

i aleshores jo vaig cantar

And then I sang.

de pianista en este grup

as a pianist in this group

fins que vaig tindre el meu fill

until I had my son

segon Albert.

according to Albert.

I després ja continues tu.

And then you continue.

Abans d'arribar a Patxin

Before arriving in Patxin

tu no tenies

you didn't have

o sembla que no tenies

or it seems you didn't have

un estil molt definit?

a very defined style?

T'agradava cantar de tot?

Did you like to sing everything?

No, jo cantava

No, I was singing.

i jo havia fet

and I had done

per poder entrar en les gaes

to be able to enter the GAEs

que tinc un número molt...

that I have a very... number

Jo vaig començar a escriure cançons

I started writing songs.

i les feia en anglès.

and I did them in English.

Alguna la vaig fer allà

I made some there.

i les feia en anglès

and I did them in English

després ja me vaig habituar

after that I got used to it

a estar així

to be like this

i jo després vaig començar

and I then started

a fer cosetes en castellà

to do little things in Spanish

però quan vaig entrar

but when I entered

en l'orxateta

in the small horchata

era com a pianista

he was a pianist

cantava alguna cançó

was singing some song

que estava bobiastro

that he was being foolish

però a mi ja me va encantar

but I already loved it

la teua veu

your voice

Es van conèixer

They met.

en un aplec

at a gathering

que va haver en les arenes

what happened in the sands

te'n recordes?

Do you remember?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Que jo crec que he trobat

That I believe I have found.

l'afició en algun lloc

the hobby somewhere

i allà es van trobar.

And there they met.

Sí, i jo ja estava començant

Yes, and I was just starting.

a fer una formació

to undergo training



Sí, lúdica.

Yes, playful.

Diguem lúdica

Let's say playful.

perquè jo també

because I do too

em portava

it took me

era bicèfal

it was bicéfalo

perquè tenia la meva

because I had my

tasca com a cantautor

task as a singer-songwriter





me veia

I saw myself.



el fer una cosa més

doing one more thing



per a aquell temps

for that time

que eren

that they were

uns anys

a few years



eren, eh?

they were, huh?

I per què no sentim un tema

And why don’t we listen to a song?

d'una cançó

of a song

de Patsinger

of Patsinger


taking advantage

que estaven vosaltres dos així?

Why were you two like that?

Teníem una

We had a

la tria Mami

the choice Mami



de la primera època

from the first era

de l'última època

from the last era

Bueno, ella va entrar

Well, she went in.



abans de


abans van gravar

they recorded before

el primer disc de Patsinger

the first album by Patsinger

i jo li vaig demanar a Mami

And I asked Mami.

si podia cantar

if I could sing

en aquest disc

on this disc

una cançó que a mi m'agradava molt

a song that I liked a lot

perquè era molt coenta

because it was very annoying

molt coenta

very hot



que era

what it was

Las tardes del risc

The afternoons of risk

I al final tengo yo que decirle

And in the end, I have to tell him.

Todas las tardes

Every afternoon

Todas llenas de miedo y rubor

All full of fear and blush.

Ay, no por Dios

Oh, no for God's sake.

No me baile usted así

Don't dance with me like that.

Ay, por favor

Oh, please

Que me siento a morir

That I feel like dying.

Jo me'n recorde que en els viatges a Madrid

I remember that on the trips to Madrid

que fèiem

what we were doing



que ja parlaven

that they were already talking

de que venia

what it was about

que anaven a muntar

that they were going to set up

la televisió autonòmica de Valenciana

the Valencian autonomous television



i que

and that



jo crec que encara no tenia ni nom

I believe it didn't even have a name yet.



perquè el nom després

because the name later

el va fer

he made it

un amic nostre també

a friend of ours too

que era Jordi de l'Ama

who was Jordi de l'Ama

Ui Jordi de l'Ama

Oh Jordi of the Ama

jo he fet

I have done.

vaig fer publicitat

I did advertising.


de bancaixa

of bankruptcy

per a Jordi

for Jordi

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

i era eh

and it was eh

ell va inventar el nou

he invented the new

de Canal Nou

from Canal Nou

i tot això

and all this

i va ser

and it was

una entrada

an entry

per la porta gran

through the grand door







tenien la porta xicoteta

they had the small door

que era

what it was

que no havien doblat mai en la vida

that they had never folded in their lives

tingueren que dependre

they had to depend

tot lo que era fer un doblatxe

everything that was to do a dubbing

que no fos

that it wasn't



és que no te'n pots ni imaginar

it's something you can't even imagine

No, te'n recordo

No, I remind you.


Above all.



no sé quan

I don't know when.

que era en batalla

that he was in battle

i els actors

and the actors


above all

i tenien que fer-ho

and they had to do it

tenien que fer-se tots

they had to all do it

actors de doblatxe

voice actors

que és diferent

what is different

a ser actriu

to be an actress

o actor

the actor





No és així, no?

That's not how it is, right?

Sí, sí

Yes, yes



I tu, que

And you, what?

te recordis

you remember

quina va ser

what was

la primera pel·lícula

the first movie

que doblares

that you will double

en València?

in Valencia?

Seria la sèrie

It would be the series.



pot ser?

Can it be?

És possible

It's possible.

que en Esborja

that in Esborja

jo també

me too

fer alguna cosa

to do something

No pot ser

It can't be.

la Loren Bacall

Lauren Bacall

La Loren Bacall

Lauren Bacall

la vas doblar

you bent it


i la Valeria Mercier

and Valeria Mercier

una tia interessant

an interesting aunt

que vas doblar

what did you fold

que corria moltíssim

that ran a lot

quan parlava

when he/she was speaking

era la Valeria Mercier

it was Valeria Mercier



Los visitantes

The visitors

no llegaron ayer

they didn't arrive yesterday

i ara m'he enterat

And now I've found out.

que està en Amazon

that is on Amazon

o siga Spatbor

or rather Spatbor

i tal

and such

però en Tabalet

but in Tabalet

van fer-lo

they made him

de Belleza y Poder

of Beauty and Power

però va ser

but it was

para la forta

for the strong


això era

this was

para la forta

for the strong

de fer-se també

to become also


to fold

i dibuixos

and drawings

La vida és així

Life is like that.

que se feia en Aitana

what was done in Aitana

La vida és així

Life is like this.

plena de llum

full of light

plena de color

full of color

i se me'n recorda molt bé

And I remember it very well.

que la van referent a Bèlgica

that they referred to Belgium

per a Aitana

for Aitana

perquè Aitana emitia dibuixos

because Aitana was broadcasting drawings

emitia programes

broadcast programs

i nosaltres vam anar moltíssimes vegades

and we went countless times

i publicitat també

and advertising too

publicitat també has fet

you have also done advertising

molta, Mercadona, com no

a lot, Mercadona, of course



jo recorde que en un temps

I remember that at one time

m'ho van fer

they did it to me

una oferta

an offer

a Mamen i a mi

to Mamen and me

per a que es queden en les valles

for what they stay in the valleys

publicitàries de Mercadona

advertisements from Mercadona


Do you remember?

ara me'n recorde, perquè estaven fent televisió

Now I remember, because they were doing television.

clar, però

sure, but

a mi em donava molta vergonya

I felt very ashamed.

anar passejant

to go for a walk

en el cotxe i veure'm

in the car and see me

a Mamen i a mi

to Mamen and me

en 3 metres

in 3 meters

de l'altura

of the height

i ara una pregunta

And now a question.

per als dos, perquè clar

for both, because of course

és que esteu ahí i arribar

it's just that you are there and arrive



el moment de

the moment of

conèixer a García Tola

to meet García Tola

per fer el programa

to make the program

si jo fos president

if I were president

com va ser això?

How did this happen?

molt bé com va passar tot

very well how everything happened

sí, va ser una

yes, it was one

és que en la vida

it's that in life

la Patxinger ha tingut

Patxinger has had

uns cols de sort

some lucky heads

de molta sort

very lucky

jo recorde que havia anat a Barcelona

I remember that I had gone to Barcelona.

perquè havia una

because there was a

donaven uns premis

they were giving out some awards



i estava Pilar Miró

And it was Pilar Miró.

allí i tal

there and such



a les hores

at the hours

havíem anat

we had gone

en el riu Murillo

in the Murillo river

la Meguadona

the Meguadona

i tal a la festa

and such at the party

quan arribem per la nit

when we arrive at night

a l'hotel

at the hotel

que ja era molt tard

that it was already very late

em diuen que m'havien tocat

They tell me that I had been touched.

d'un telèfon

of a telephone

que per favor

that please

ah no, que l'havien tocat

oh no, they had touched it

de Tabalet

of Tabalet

perquè m'havien tocat allí

because they had touched me there

un telèfon que posava

a phone that was putting



i un telèfon de Madrid

and a phone from Madrid

a les demà

See you tomorrow.

vas cridar

you shouted

és que

it's that

sóc Olvido

I am Olvido.

que sóc la secretària

that I am the secretary

de García Tola

of García Tola

de Fernando García Tola

by Fernando García Tola

que si

that if

que si ustedes

that if you all

podrien venir tal dia

Could they come on such a day?

però que vol

but what does he/she want

que canten

let them sing

una cançó

a song

que diu

what does it say

jo vull un bebè

I want a baby.

vamos a querernos

let's love each other

yo quiero que tú seas

I want you to be.

reina de mi hogar

queen of my home

y yo quiero que tú seas

and I want you to be

y una vez casados

and once married

ya tendremos un niñito

we will have a little boy

a quien cuidar

who to care for

vamos a querernos

let's love each other

que ya estoy deseando

I can't wait.

el ser tu mujer

being your woman

y una cosa solamente

and one thing only

yo te exigiré

I will demand from you.

tener una niñita

to have a little girl

y no un bebé

and not a baby

en eso ya no pienso igual

I don't think the same way about that anymore.

pues el tener un chico

well, having a boy

debe ser mejor

it must be better

ya que las niñas lloran más

since girls cry more

por eso un chavalote

that's why a big kid

es toda mi ilusión

it's all my dream

pues será una niña

Well, it will be a girl.

porque los chicos quieren siempre

because boys always want

a su hija

to his daughter

una niña yo no quiero

I don't want a girl.

porque dicen que

because they say that

adoran sobre todo

they adore above all

a su mamá

to her mom

era una grabació

it was a recording

que havien fet

what they had done

que havia fet

what he/she had done

Carles Mira

Carles Look

el nostre amic

our friend

també Carles Mira

also Carles Mira

mos l'havia gravat

he had recorded us

en València

in Valencia

en el

in the

bueno no me'n recorde aún

well, I still don't remember

en les arenes

in the sands



en les antigues arenes

in the ancient sands

en algun lloc


de les arenes

of the sands

y l'havia vist

and I had seen him/her

Manuel Vicent

Manuel Vicent

que era amic de Tola

who was a friend of Tola

i l'havia dit

and I had said it

mira per aix el programa que tens

look at the program you have

esta cançó te va molt bé

this song suits you very well

i era

and it was

jo que era un bebé

I who was a baby

que era d'una revista antiga

that was from an old magazine

i tal

and such



i ja estàs demostrando

and you are already proving

que eres un mal don

that you are a bad gift

eso es no quererme

that is not wanting me

puesto que haces

since you do

que me lleve un sofocón

that I get a flush

pero escucha boba

but listen, silly

por esa tontería

for that nonsense

te vas a enfadar

Are you going to get angry?

pues no ves

well, you don't see

que mucho tiempo falta

how much time is left

para que

for what

podamos este sueño

let's cut this dream


to carry out

y total

and total

que anar en marxa

to go on foot



a Prado del Rey

to Prado del Rey

o sea que digueres

so you would say

que sí

that yes

sense més

without further ado

o sea

that is to say

no, no

no, no

primero vas a consultar

first you will consult

el compañero

the companion



molt bé

very good

ah, televisió

ah, television

com ja havíem fet

as we had done already

la gravació de Carles Mira

the recording of Carles Mira

ja ho teníem en el cap

we already had it in mind

i va pensar

and thought

que bé

how nice

ha tenit els seus fruts

has borne its fruits

i anarem

we will go

un dia

one day

a gravar això

to record this

allí coneguerem

there we met

a tot l'equip de Tola

to the whole Tola team



a Carmen Jaquetot

to Carmen Jaquetot

a Jesús

to Jesus



tots estos eren

all these were

a la filla

to the daughter

de Paco Roig

by Paco Roig

Nacho Levin

Nacho Levin



era un equip

it was a team



Arturo González

Arturo González

que era un poquet

that it was a little bit

que fue la matriz

what was the matrix

de todo

of everything



que era

what it was

el cap

the head



de Tola

from Tola

este era

this was

el que manava allí

the one who commanded there

que le decía

what I was saying to him/her



ara te tens

now you have

que riure

what a laugh

i tal

and such

i feia

and it was making









cantar-him la cançó

sing him the song

la gravar-hem

we will record it

ah, bueno,

ah, well,

per molt bé

for very well

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

i tal

and such

i deixarem un disc

and we will leave a record


you see

i se tornarem a València

And we will return to Valencia.

ah, que bé, mira

Ah, how nice, look.

anem a eixir

let's go out

en televisió espanyola

on Spanish television

i tal i qual

and so on

als 3 o 4 dies

in 3 or 4 days

tornen a cridar

they call again

no que el dilluns

not that Monday



teniu que vindre

you have to come

una atregada

a heartthrob



anem a fer un programa

let's make a program

y tal y cual

and so on

sobre, jo què sé

about, I don't know

Los anuncios, passen los anuncios

The ads, the ads pass.

Pot ser, sí, los anuncios

Maybe, yes, the ads.

Sí, sí, anuncios

Yes, yes, ads



Ostres, que nos han tornat a cridar

Wow, they've called us again.

i així estigueren

and so they were

Dos temporades

Two seasons

Si jo fuera presidente

If I were president

i cantant

and the singer

lo que ens demanaven

what they were asking us

I si no teníem

And if we didn't have it.

una cançó muntada d'això

a song made out of this

mos la inventaven

they made it up for us

Moltes vegades hem anat

Many times we have gone.

quan el dissabte per la nit et diuen

when they tell you on Saturday night

Esta setmana anem

This week we are going.

de xuxis i advocats

of sweets and lawyers

I tenia que pensar

I had to think.

Quina cançó? I si no

Which song? And if not.

M'han inventat mateixa, Enric o jo

They have invented me, Enric or me.

Com posava, o jo li posava

As I put it, or I put it to him.

lletra, m'han inventat la música i tal

lyrics, they have invented the music and so on

I Enric Murillo, que era el mestre

I Enric Murillo, who was the teacher.

de pianista, i així

of pianist, and so on


it was doing

Cal dir que és un moment

It must be said that it is a moment.

on només existia una televisió, no?

There was only one television, right?

Exacte, això era

Exactly, that was it.

la UHF

the UHF

que no es veia en totes

that was not seen in all

Però, si jo fuera presidente

But if I were president

lo pasaven en la 2

they were showing it on channel 2

de Televisió Espanyola

from Spanish Television

Tenien la sort, també, que no me'n recorde

They were lucky, too, that I don't remember it.

quin programa feien

what program were they making

la Mateixola en la 1

the Mateixola on the 1

Però, jo sí que recorde

But I do remember.

i a ver dir, a lo millor, Arturo González

and to be honest, maybe, Arturo González

La setmana passada

Last week

solo tuvimos 12 millones

we only had 12 million

y medio de audiencia

and a half of audience

Sí, jo que recorde esa frase

Yes, I remember that phrase.

Yo dije, ¿cómo?

I said, how?

¿12 millones y mil de audiencia?

12 million and a thousand in audience?

¿Eso es posible?

Is that possible?

¿Cuál es la televisión de ahora?

What is the television of now?

¿Mataría a Bertín?

Would you kill Bertín?

Uy, ja ho crec

Oh, I believe it.

¿A que sí? Pues era Aixina

Right? Well, it was like that.

Aixina era el contacte que teníem

That was the contact we had.

Yo no me podía imaginar

I couldn't imagine.

Sí, me imaginaba

Yes, I figured.

un xato en un arbre

a boy in a tree

y 12 millones y mil de personas

and 12 million and a thousand people


open fields

Més o menys

More or less

A que sí, más o menos

That's right, more or less.

A que era Aixina, no?

It was like that, wasn't it?

Sí, sí, es de veres

Yes, yes, it's true.

Si yo fuera presidente

If I were president

va a ser un programa

it's going to be a program

trencador en el seu estil

breaker in its style

Molt trencador

Very groundbreaking

Y tinguéreu moltíssima repercussió

And you had a huge impact.

Vosaltres fèieu molt populars

You made yourselves very popular.

però el que la gent, no molta gent sap

but what people, not many people know

és el gran esforç

it is the great effort

que va suposar per a vosaltres

what did it mean for you



Sí, però era un esforç

Yes, but it was an effort.

que donava

that gave

Perquè anàvem amb molta il·lusió

Because we were very excited.

Claro, y nos donaba fuerza

Of course, and it gave us strength.

Ya el día...

Already the day...

El dimentje, i veiem a esa Jat, ja s'imaginaven

The forgetfulness, and we see that Jat, they already imagined.

Però, Lluís, abans de les 6 del matí

But, Lluís, before 6 in the morning.

i tornaven per la nit

and they returned at night

Per la nit, sí, sí

In the evening, yes, yes.

Per allí coneguèrem a Sabina

There we met Sabina.

A Sabina, que estava, Javier Crae, un encant

To Sabina, who was, Javier Crae, a charm.

Coneguèrem a gent que després han sigut molt amics

We met people who later became very good friends.

i ens han ajudat molt, també

and they have helped us a lot, too

Però en les condicions que es gravava

But in the conditions that it was recorded.

heu hagut d'improvisar

you had to improvise

Tot en directe?

Everything live?

Tot en directe

All live

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

No hi havia res gravat, eh?

There was nothing recorded, right?

No, no, no hi havia playbacks ni res

No, no, there were no playbacks or anything.

Tot directe

All direct

O sea, que anècdotes n'entindreu un fum

In other words, you'll hear a ton of anecdotes.

Bueno, i hi havia un...

Well, and there was a...

Recordo una cançó que no mos pillava

I remember a song that didn’t catch us.

i jo recordo que vaig fer una cançó que es deia

And I remember that I made a song that was called

El laberinto

The labyrinth



I Arturo González diu

I Arturo González says

Sí, quan cantes esta cançó

Yes, when you sing this song.

que jo vaig trobar un corpiño de ma abuela

that I found my grandmother's corset

que estava tot podrit

that was all rotten

amb una manteleta lila

with a purple handkerchief

i recorda que Arturo González va dir

And remember that Arturo González said.

Sí, pero en ese momento que tú estés cantando

Yes, but at that moment when you are singing.

pasará un perro

a dog will pass by

Y así fue

And so it was.

Y así está en el vídeo

And that's how it is in the video.

Y pasa un perro por el escenario

And a dog walks across the stage.

Y el demén lo usa bien, eh?

And tomorrow he uses it well, huh?

Y el demén lo usa bien

And tomorrow he uses it well.

Estaba ahí grabando y de repente

I was there recording and suddenly

me echa un gos que pasaba de un joc al matre

A dog passed by a game on the mat.

y digo, ¿esto qué?

And I say, what is this?

¿Ahora cortar?

"Now to cut?"



I volia això

I wanted this.

Y también pasaban coses divertides

And fun things also happened.

con que estaban cantando una cançó

with which they were singing a song

i es feien les 9 de la nit

And it was getting to be 9 at night.

i veies

and you saw

veies que totes les càmeres

you see that all the cameras

tancaven la càmera

they closed the camera


they were coming to an end

se passaven la jaqueta

they passed each other the jacket

i nosaltres continuàvem cantant ahí

and we kept singing there

I ja s'havia acabat tot

And everything had already ended.

Sí, i s'havia acabat

Yes, and it was over.

l'endemà tenia que tornar

The next day I had to return.

Clar, doncs, perquè anava en el hotel

Of course, that's why I was going to the hotel.

i havia de tornar, però

I had to return, but

avui en dia


la gent exigeix molt

People demand a lot.

això era impossible

this was impossible

I canteu cançons de la Piquer

I sing songs of La Piquer.

de la Piquer

of the Piquer

No, de la Piquer no en fet

No, we haven't done anything about Piquer.

No, de la Piquer

No, from the Piquer.

Sí, la niña de la estación

Yes, the girl from the station.

La niña de la estación

The girl of the station

es de la Piquer

is from la Piquer

Yo creo que sí

I think so.

Pero no composa de Perella

But it does not compose of Perella.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Sí que es de ella

Yes, it is hers.

Sí, la va a cantar ella

Yes, she is going to sing it.

La va a cantar ella

She is going to sing it.

Bueno, cantarla no

Well, not to sing it.

Cantarla sí

Sing it yes

La va a cantar ella, sí

She is going to sing it, yes.

La va a cantar

She is going to sing it.



Algún cuplera

Some cuplé singer.

Como era un experto en cosas italianas

As he was an expert in Italian things.

la picolíssima

the very tiny one

moltíssimes cançons italianes

very many Italian songs

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

També canteu Sassuela, potser

Maybe you can also sing Sassuela.

Bueno, de Sassuela en fer una

Well, to make one from Sassuela.

Quina? Quina? Conta'm

Which one? Which one? Tell me.

Tu portaves ixe barret

You were wearing that hat.


Era un dia

It was a day.

La de los ratas

The one of the rats

La cançó de las ratas

The song of the rats

Los ratas de la Gran Vía

The rats of Gran Vía

De la Gran Vía

From the Gran Via

De la Sassuela de la Gran Vía

From the Sassuela of the Gran Vía

Cantar en missa

Singing in mass

i després un atra

and then another one

també de la Gran Vía

also from Gran Vía

perquè havia anat

because I had gone

Sí, este

Yes, this one.

Ruiz Gallarón

Ruiz Gallarón

Ruiz Gallarón, sí

Ruiz Gallarón, yes

El pare de Ruiz Gallarón

The father of Ruiz Gallarón

del que coneguem

of what we knew

i estava allí

I was there.

feien una

they were making a

una taula redona

a round table



sobre els polítics

about the politicians

la policia

the police

no sé quan

I don't know when.

i no se'ls acudís un atra

and don't come up with another one

que fer

what to do

los ratas

the rats

de la Sassuela de la Gran Vía

from the Sassuela of Gran Vía

i després

and then

cantàvem un atra que era

we sang another one that was


I am

Soy salvaguarda de la sociedad

I am a safeguard of society.

que jo eixia vestit de policia

that I went out dressed as a police officer

ma me eixia de policia

my mother went into the police force

de xula madrileña

from a cool Madrilenian

el atre de golfo

the other of golfo

Tot de significat

All of meaning

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes.

i en eixa s'acompanyava una banda

and in that, it was accompanied by a band.

que era la banda fixa

what was the fixed band

i en el programa

and in the program

que eren

what they were

quasi tots valencians

almost all Valencians

que vivien a Madrid

who lived in Madrid

i eren quasi tots valencians

and they were almost all Valencians

allí en el plató només sentien

there in the studio they only heard

parlar valencià

speak Valencian

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

A mi m'agradaria afegir

I would like to add.

que si la gent vol veure tots estos vídeos

that if people want to see all these videos

estan en el Facebook

they are on Facebook

en la pàgina

on the page




En eixa pàgina

On that page

que ha creat Lluís Miquel

that has been created by Lluís Miquel

estan quantitat de vídeos

this amount of videos



que ho passareu molt bé

that you will have a great time

I a la biblioteca

And in the library

de Televisió Espanyola

from Spanish Television

segurament pot ser

it can probably be

Sí, però nosaltres

Yes, but we.

no tenim accés

we do not have access

Jo gràcies a que Lluís

I thanks to Lluís

m'ha fet esta llavor

this seed has made me



Bueno, pero sí que

Well, but yes





té un èxit

It is a success.

que no podem

that we cannot

fugir d'ell

run away from him

De què vols parlar-me ara?

What do you want to talk to me about now?

De què vols parlar-me?

What do you want to talk to me about?

És que

It's that

senyores i senyors

ladies and gentlemen

algú de vostès

someone of yours


they remember

de Muebles Peris?

from Muebles Peris?

A mi novio yo le digo

I tell my boyfriend

que si se quiere casar

if he/she wants to get married

ha de comprar Muebles Peris

He/she has to buy Muebles Peris.

que son de gran calidad

they are of great quality

Los hay de todos los gustos

There are all kinds of tastes.

y de una gran selección

and of a great selection

De привет a los verge

From hello to the virgin

Muebles Peris siempre fueron

Muebles Peris have always been

los muebles de mi ilusión

the furniture of my dreams

Tener una casita

To have a little house.

pa descansar

bread to rest

i mi maridito

and my little husband

pueda allí fumar

can smoke there

Quiero Muebles Peris

I want Muebles Peris.

que son ideal

they are ideal

pues los muebles Peris

well, Peris furniture



No tienen rival

They have no rival.



Bueno, pero

Well, but

¿Te has olvidado de qué?

What did you forget?

Al mateix temps que feia en Muebles Peris

At the same time as he was doing at Muebles Peris.

feia lo de la alergia a los tres ramos

it was about the allergy to the three branches

Hombre, ¿es qué?

Man, what is it?

Que tú os convenzabes

That you convince yourselves

¿Pero qué te pasa?

But what’s wrong with you?

¿Pero qué te pasa, mujercita mía?

But what is happening to you, my little woman?

Que tienes las manos estropeadas

That you have damaged hands.

¿Sabes que no quiero que fregues el piso

Do you know that I don't want you to mop the floor?

usando productos que perjudican?

using products that are harmful?

Es que lave nuestra ropa

It is that I washed our clothes.

Pues sabes que me gusta

Well, you know that I like it.

que esté bien blanqueada

that is well bleached

y al encontrar la alergia

and upon finding the allergy

yo me he puesto las manos

I have put my hands.

¿Cómo ya puedes ver?

How can you see already?

Pues toma este consejo

Well, take this advice.

que habrás de agradecer

that you will have to thank

Lava, lava

Wash, wash

solo con la alergia de los tres ramos

only with the allergy of the three branches

Lava, lava

Wash, wash

con este gargant

with this gargant

producto que es un primor

a product that is exquisite



Mira, mira, mira

Look, look, look.

com se caga de risa

how he/she laughs so hard

M'encanta, Toni

I love it, Toni.

M'encanta, però és que

I love it, but it’s just that

són canços que pareixen

they are songs that seem

són coents

they are hot

Però que tenen el seu punt

But they have their point.

I com les interpreteu

And how do you interpret them?

tenen un altre sentit

they have another meaning

Està allà fent una crítica per baix

He is there making a low-key criticism.



Això, que cada un

This, that each one

Cada un l'entén de buscar

Each one understands it in their own way.

I la gent se donava compte d'això

And people realized this.


I loved it.

A més de que

In addition to that

A banda d'agradar el record

Apart from liking the memory

o descobrir les cançons

or discover the songs

també es reien d'una època

they were also laughing at a time

i d'una...

and of a...

I d'una ficada en escena que feien

And from a staging they were doing.

perquè sempre fem una ficada

because we always make a mistake

És que en aquella època, clar

It's just that at that time, of course.

ma mare, les meues ties

my mother, my aunts

sentien això

they felt this

i diuen

and they say

Ai, que bonica era la publicitat d'entonces

Oh, how beautiful the advertising was back then!

Així n'audien

Thus they heard it.

És veritat que són temes

It is true that they are topics.

compostos especialment

specially composed

per la ràdio

on the radio

i cantats per a...

and sung for...

I que a més a més

And that furthermore

n'hi havien alguns que duraven quatre minuts

there were some that lasted four minutes

O sigui que es veia

So it was seen.

que la publicitat

that the advertising

en la tele

on the TV

era molt cara

it was very expensive

perquè tres minuts

because three minutes

pagar tres minuts de spot

pay three minutes of ad

ja me diràs

you'll tell me

Però, bé

But, well

va ser una època increïble

it was an incredible time

Època dobrada

Golden age



Eh, mamen?

Eh, right?

Molt, molt

Very, very

Feren dos temporades

They made two seasons.

tot lo que va durar

everything that lasted

si jo fuera presidente

if I were president

I conegueu a moltíssima gent, no?

You know a lot of people, don't you?

Sí, moltes gent

Yes, many people.

I després un altre programa que va fer Tola

And then another program that Tola made.

Sí, que el dia Corazón

Yes, that the day Heart.

Corazón, que la ficada en escena

Heart, that the staging

l'havia fet

I had done it.

Sí, que estaven també que eixia

Yes, they were also going out.

Conxa García Campoy

Conxa García Campoy

era meravellosa

it was wonderful

Francisco Umbral

Francisco Umbral

Era muy famoso

He was very famous.

Tant en tant feien com una espècie de que

They were doing something like a kind of what.

estaven en la orquesta tocant

They were in the orchestra playing.

i ells ballant entre ells i tal

and they dancing among themselves and such

Varen fer un número d'antifasos tan recordat

They performed a memorable number of antifaces.

jo que ara la tinc en casa

I have it at home now.


En una festa

At a party

Saps? Una festa

You know? A party.

I el director artístic va ser Gerardo Vera

And the artistic director was Gerardo Vera.

La ficada en escena del programa Corazón

The staging of the program Corazón


Després van repetir a Maria Teresa Campos

Then they repeated it to María Teresa Campos.

en un altre programa

in another program



Dos o tres anys després

Two or three years later

Sí, sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes, yes

Bueno, pero ya

Well, but already

parlant de la televisió

talking about television

que n'hi ha molt que contar

there's a lot to tell about it

moltes anècdotes

many anecdotes

conegueren moltíssima gent

they met a lot of people

La gent era fantàstica allí

The people were fantastic there.

tot l'equip de Tola

the whole Tola team

totes tècnics

all technicians

molt bé, molt bé

very good, very good

ho passaven francament bé

they were having a frankly good time

i estigueren anys, eh?

And they were there for years, huh?

I un dia que anem allí

And one day that we go there.

me criden per telèfon

they call me on the phone

un amic nostre

a friend of ours

d'aquí de València

from here in Valencia

que esia Javier Ornaga

who is Javier Ornaga




Poor thing

I me criden

They call me.

que en aquell temps

that at that time

ja portaven un mòbil, eh?

They already had a cellphone, huh?

d'estos que semblava un...

of those that seemed like a...

una ratxola

a tile

una cabina de telèfon

a telephone booth

una ratxola

a tile

Estant allí al Prat del Rei

Being there at the Prat del Rei

me crida Javier Ormaechea

My name is Javier Ormaechea.

Ie, nanos

Yeah, guys.

voleu anar de creuer?

Do you want to go on a cruise?

Ah, ah

Ah, ah

I jo se'n pregunte a mamen

And I ask Mamen about it.

se'n pregunte a ma satera

I'm asking about my frying pan.

oie, que me diguen

Oh, let them tell me.

fer un creuer?

go on a cruise?

Ah, ostres, que bé, molt bé, tal

Ah, wow, that's great, very good, like that.

Vale, pues

Okay then.

se'n vaig a dir al meu amic

I'm going to tell my friend.

el seu amic era un tal Manolo Martínez

his friend was a certain Manolo Martínez

que organitzava creuers

that organized cruises



I fèrem uno

We made one.

que eixia de València

that came out of Valencia

i fèrem tot el Mediterrani

and we made all the Mediterranean

fins a Estambul

to Istanbul

i la tornada, ah?

And the return, huh?

Va ser

It was.

una meravella, vamos

a wonder, let's go

jo me'n recorde d'aquí creuer

I remember this cruise.

però ara continua tu

but now you continue

No, però abans de fer ixe

No, but before doing that

abans de fer ixe

before doing that

vàrem fer uno a Nova York

we did one in New York

en un vol, tres dies

in a flight, three days

i després per el Carib

and then to the Caribbean

amb un barco de catorze pisos

with a fourteen-story ship

que es dia Horizon

what is Horizon Day



Una meravella

A wonder

Una fantàstica

A fantastic one

Pensàvem que era un somni

We thought it was a dream.

Nosaltres teníem dret a anar amb la família

We had the right to go with the family.

a canvi de fer una hora d'espectacle

in exchange for performing an hour of show

perquè en estos barcos

because in these boats

solen haver tres o quatre salons

There are usually three or four living rooms.

i van conèixer molta gent

and they met a lot of people

cantants italià

Italian singers

i teníem dret a això

we had the right to this

i va ser

and it was

sobretot el del Carib

especially that of the Caribbean

i aprofitàrem el viatge a Nova York

and we took advantage of the trip to New York

per a que Mamen

for Mamen

vegera lo que era

it will see what it was

un espectacle

a show

i van anar a vore cats

and they went to see cats

també el fantasma d'òpera

also the phantom of the opera

i Mamen diu

and Mamen says

i Mamen va dir allí

And Mamen said there.

això és el que jo vull fer

this is what I want to do

en la vida

in life

jo no m'ha recordat això

I don't remember this.

però si ho vas dir

but if you said it

me falla la memòria

my memory is failing me

i el destí va voler després això

and fate wanted this afterwards

això és lo que vull fer

this is what I want to do

quan vegeren cats

when they saw cats

When you fall on your head

When you fall on your head

do you land on your feet

do you land on your feet

Are you tense when you sense

Are you tense when you sense?

there's a storm in the air

there's a storm in the air

Can you find your way blind

Can you find your way blind?

in the street

in the street

Do you know how to go

Do you know how to go?

to the heavyside lair

to the heavyside lair

Because Jellicles can

Because Jellicles can

and Jellicles do

and Jellicles do

Jellicles do and Jellicles can

Jellicles do and Jellicles can

Jellicles can and Jellicles do

Jellicles can and Jellicles do.

Jellicles do and Jellicles can

Jellicles do and Jellicles can

Jellicles can and Jellicles do

Jellicles can and Jellicles do.

Can you ride on

Can you ride on

a broomstick

a broomstick

i efectivament

and indeed

ha continuat la carrera Mamen

Mamen has continued the race.

com sabràs

as you will know

i ha fet molts musicals

and has done many musicals

com la de la Borela

like that of the Borela

quan feia el Hombre de la Manxa

when the Man from La Mancha was made

Txunt a

Txunt a

Pepe Sacristán

Pepe Sacristán

i Paloma a San Basilio

and Paloma in San Basilio

i anar amb el professor Borea Mamen

And go with Professor Borea Mamen.

Què te pareix?

What do you think?

Me parece que es una de les obres

I think it is one of the works.

més conegudes que han passat

more known that have happened

No, es que el text és molt bonic

No, it's just that the text is very beautiful.

Mos hem perdut també la que has fet de Billy Elliot

We have also lost the one you did of Billy Elliot.

Billy Elliot una mera vella

Billy Elliot a mere old woman

i folia és també fantàstica

And the foliage is also fantastic.

Bueno, a la próxima anirem

Well, next time we will go.

Tonino i jo

Tonino and I

i la família

and the family

Que mos reserves una...

That you reserve us a...

Una pregunta

A question

que no havia pensat

that I hadn't thought of

Tornant al Kiriwer

Returning to the Kiriwer

El públic dels Kiriwer

The audience of the Kiriwer

és sempre el mateix

it's always the same

No són els mateixos viatges

They are not the same trips.



Són buques diferents

They are different ships.



El viatge que vàrem fer

The trip we took.

en el 92 a la expo

in '92 at the expo

el vàrem fer amb l'Aquile Lauro

We did it with the Aquile Lauro.

el famós barco

the famous boat

Sí, sí, l'Aquile Lauro

Yes, yes, the Aquile Lauro.

Aquell que van

Those who go


to kidnap

Nosaltres vàrem anar a Sevilla

We went to Seville.

a Mixe Barco

to a Mixe Ship

i vàrem estar a l'expo

And we were at the expo.

Vèrem molts Kiriwer

We saw many Kiriwer.

Estiguerem a Sant Petersburg

We will be in Saint Petersburg.

a Finlàndia, a Església

to Finland, to Church

i al Mediterrani moltes vegades

and in the Mediterranean many times

Moltes vegades

Many times

I vàrem fer

We did

En este cas contratats per Porcelanosa

In this case hired by Porcelanosa.

El de Porcelanosa

The one from Porcelanosa

que vàrem fer

what we did

en un buque italià

on an Italian ship

El Costa Cruceros

Costa Cruises

Bueno, bueno, bueno

Well, well, well.

Jo no he menjat una pasta millor

I have not eaten a better pasta.

a Mixe Barco

to a Mixe Ship

Com feien la pasta

How they made the pasta

I un dels nostres companys

And one of our colleagues

Me'n recorde, dius

I remember, you say.

però una anècdota

but an anecdote

En aquella època

At that time

la publicitat de Porcelanosa

the advertising of Porcelanosa

la feia Isabel Pressler

Isabel Pressler made it.

i el barco

and the boat

estava tot ple

it was all full

de figures de tamany natural

of life-size figures

d'Isabel Pressler

of Isabel Preysler

Clar, perquè era

Of course, because it was

el Kiriwer de Porcelanosa

the Kiriwer by Porcelanosa

i quan arribaren ja

and when they arrived already

després del Kiriwer a València

after the Kiriwer in Valencia



un va tenir a l'ostre

one had at the oyster

que no vaig a dir el nom

that I am not going to say the name

per a que no le denuncien

so that they do not report him

va baixar en les maletes

He/She went down with the bags.

i va agarrar una de les figures

and grabbed one of the figures

Ai, jo no sabia això, Luis

Oh, I didn't know that, Luis.

me vaig enterar

I found out.

perquè tenia

because I had



una casa de matalaps

a mattress house

en València

in Valencia

i va posar

and put

Això jo no ho sabia, Luis

I didn't know that, Luis.

en el Estabarate

in the Estabarate

va posar

put on

la figura

the figure

de Isabel Pressler

by Isabel Pressler

i baix

and down

va posar un lletre

he put a letter

que posava

what it said

En mi vida

In my life

han habido muchos hombres

there have been many men

pero solo un colchón

but only a mattress

colchón colele

colele mattress

Que te pareix?

What do you think?

Es maravilloso

It is wonderful.

Publicitat subliminal

Subliminal advertising



Perquè quan vam arribar a Turquia

Because when we arrived in Turkey

i vam anar al Gran Bazar

and we went to the Grand Bazaar

Pep i jo, Benric i la Seguadona

Pep and I, Benric and Seguadona.

vam entrar en un lloc perquè

we entered a place because

t'oferixen el te i te lleven

They offer you tea and take it away.

i era un lloc que havien comprat

and it was a place that they had bought

sus alfombres Pressler i Boyer

their carpets Pressler and Boyer

Jo vaig comprar dos catifes

I bought two rugs.

que me'ls vaig portar

that I took them with me

i van ser meravellosos

and they were wonderful

els tinc com el primer dia

I have them like the first day.

perquè estan tan ben fetes

because they are so well made

i la meitat de preu que sí

and half the price that it is

i allà estaven les fotos de Boyer

And there were the photos of Boyer.

i Isabel Pressler

and Isabel Pressler

i em va dir

and he/she told me

veus els catifes

do you see the carpets

tu no vas vindre

you did not come

eren molts creguers

there were many believers



perquè ho passaven molt bé

because they were having a great time

a més n'hi havia molta gent de València

Moreover, there were many people from Valencia.


i s'hi van organitzar alguns d'així

and some of these were organized there

ja te dic

I'm telling you.

als mares del nord

to the northern seas

fèrem a Noruega

we'll do in Norway

Mediterrani molt

Mediterranean a lot

el coneixíem

we knew him

de cap

of no sort

de peus al cap

from head to toe

tot tot

everything everything

Quan vàrem anar a Sant Petersburgo

When we went to Saint Petersburg.

que era al principi dels 90

that was at the beginning of the 90s

una ciutat imperial a tope

an imperial city at its peak

però pobra per lo demés

but poor for the rest

unes cues per entrar en uns ultramarins

queues to enter a grocery store

i vàrem dinar en un lloc

We had lunch in a place.

i les ballarines

and the ballerinas

eren anorèxiques

they were anorexic

estaven tots de l'afant que patien

they were all affected by the suffering

Sí sí

Yes yes

jo me'n recorde la gent

I remember the people.

en Sant Petersburgo

in Saint Petersburg

la gent pel carrer

the people in the street

demanant algo

asking for something

lo que fora

what it would be



a lo millor em portaven

maybe they were taking me

jo què sé, los guilletes o coses

I don't know, the guillets or things.

i les donaven

and they gave them

però ens donava un poquet de

but it gave us a little bit of

llàstima no?

What a pity, right?


però és una ciutat meravellosa

but it is a wonderful city

que per la vista ara

that for the view now

ha recuperat tot el que va ser

has recovered everything that it was

i jo estic enamorat

and I am in love

de Sant Petersburgo

from Saint Petersburg

no me n'aniria a viure allí

I wouldn't go live there.

preferir València

prefer Valencia

Visita només

Visit only.

Lluís mira abans de començar

Lluís looks before starting.

de parlar de la part

to talk about the part

dels musicals

of the musicals

que mamen ha fet

what mom has done

jo volia demanar-te

I wanted to ask you.

els discos en solitari

the solo albums

jo tinc comptes 3

I have 3 accounts.

entre 80 i 90 3

between 80 and 90 3

el cofrecito

the small chest

el cofrecito ja va ser

the little chest was already

el vaig traure

I took him out.

el 2011

the 2011

i jo també

me too

i jo a ti també

and I to you as well

que és un disc sobre la

what is a disc about the



és molt curiós per què li vaig

It is very curious why I will go.

posar aquest títol

put this title

hi ha una pel·lícula que a mi m'apassiona molt

There is a movie that I am very passionate about.

que és

what is it

un personatge que l'agafen per fer

a character that they take to do

de doble de Franco

double of Franco

i tenen una tenda

and they have a store


of orthopedics

l'agafen i un dia apareixen una buija

They take him and one day a buoy appears.

i li dic a la seva dona

and I tell his wife

mira és que m'han agafat del pardo

Look, it's just that they've caught me from the Pardo.

perquè he de doblar

why do I have to double

i quan va als pantans a inaugurar

And when will he/she go to the swamps to inaugurate?

a vegades no va ell i vaig jo

sometimes he doesn't go and I go

però jo quan vaig a inaugurar un pantà

but when am I going to inaugurate a dam

i em trec de l'orella

and I take it out of my ear

aixina sabràs que soc jo

that way you will know it's me

aleshores veus com

then you see how

Amparo Valle la pobrecita que m'havia

Amparo Valle the poor thing that I had



Amparo Valle, Queta Claver

Amparo Valle, Queta Claver

i Chus Lampreave

and Chus Lampreave

van al cine iixen el nodo

They go to the movies and watch the newsreel.

i estan mirant el nodo

and they are looking at the node

i de sobte el personatge estira de l'orella

And suddenly the character pulls on the ear.

i ella diu i jo a ti també

And she says, and I to you too.

perquè ella ha dit te quiero

because she said I love you

i ella diu i jo a ti també

and she says and I to you too

i com que era una cosa sobre la pertenença

And since it was something about belonging

és un disc d'amor

it's an album of love

doncs estic així

so I am like this

jo crec que hi ha cançons molt boniques

I believe that there are very beautiful songs.

però el disc pràcticament no està estrenat

but the disc is practically unused

i tinc a l'arrimón els germans Murillo

I have the Murillo brothers by my side.

i José Ángel Murillo

and José Ángel Murillo

que es van ocupar de la producció

who took care of the production

i ell va estraure però

and he took out but

després me'l va agafar un que es dedica a discos

then he took it from me a guy who is dedicated to records.

i va estraure uns quants més

and took out a few more

però està descatalogat jo crec

but I think it is out of print

a mi me queden molt poquius

I have very few left.

i el 1987 març?

And March 1987?

en el 1987 març

in March 1987

i el 1990

and in 1990

estava Frente el Hombre de la Mancha

I was facing The Man of La Mancha.

i jo a ti també

and I to you too

i en el 2011 el Cofrecito

and in 2011 the Cofrecito

i per què tant de temps entre un disc i un altre?

And why so much time between one album and another?

deu anys!

ten years!

jo anava fent cançons

I was making songs.

i hasta que conseguia fer una coherència

and until I managed to create a coherence

de lo que seria el disc

of what the disc would be

i en este últim

and in this last one

el vaig fer

I did it.

perquè el meu fill me va espentar

because my son pushed me

va, va, vamos a hacerlo

Come on, come on, let's do it.

i ell va fer la producció musical

And he did the music production.

si no, jo ja no hago más discos

If not, I'm not making any more albums.

però en el 92

but in 92

el nou de gener del 92

the ninth of January of 1992



va a interpretar

is going to interpret

en molta gent així

in many people like this

en Juli Mira

Juli Mira

en Maria José Pérez

in Maria José Pérez

en Andreu Navarro

in Andreu Navarro



Burguitos també

Burgers too

El Virgo i Santeta

The Virgo and Saintette

que era una producció

that it was a production

de Luis Miguel

by Luis Miguel

Luis Miguel

Luis Miguel

no, jo

no, me

el vaig produir

I produced it.

i l'havia composat

and I had composed it

Enric Murillo

Enric Murillo

i l'ha presentat a l'Olimpia

and he has introduced her to Olympia.

a Tutiplen

a lot

el cotxe tenia per anar

the car was ready to go

a la gent que tu vas convidar

to the people that you invited

amb la limusina

with the limousine

amb la limusina i tot

with the limousine and all

va ser allò gran

it was something great

com havíem vist en el Nova York

as we had seen in New York

però era un musical que estava molt bé

but it was a musical that was very good

molt bé

very good

i les músiques fantàstiques

and the fantastic music

i vam fer l'estiu

and we spent the summer

crec que més de cent actuacions

I think more than a hundred performances.

del Virgo i Santeta

of Virgo and Saintita

va estar molt bé

It was very good.

molt, molt, molt

very, very, very

perquè no era un muntatge difícil

because it was not a difficult setup

no tenia una...

I didn't have one...

i se podia portar

and it could be worn


Please provide the text you would like me to translate from Catalan to English.

amb Fabio Testi, ho vaig fer a Barcelona

with Fabio Testi, I did it in Barcelona

jo era la bubulina

I was the bubulina.

jo era la senyora

I was the lady.

que està en la illa

that is on the island

una antiga actriu meravellosa

a wonderful former actress

digues més

tell me more

no, no, si és que ens queda molt poc de temps

No, no, we have very little time left.

i ja

and already

no sé què fer, perquè n'hi ha moltíssimes coses

I don't know what to do, because there are so many things.

parlarem amb la García

we will talk with García

és perquè este musical va estar mes i mig a Barcelona

It's because this musical was in Barcelona for a month and a half.

que no és com altres musicals que se queden

that it is not like other musicals that get stuck

que li he dit tres temporades

that I have told him three seasons

el memory de Hollywood a Broadway

the memory of Hollywood on Broadway

ho va dirigir Gustavo Tambacho

It was directed by Gustavo Tambacho.

que va morir

who died

i era fantàstic perquè jo cantava una cançó

And it was fantastic because I sang a song.

de Sunset Boulevard

of Sunset Boulevard



i un dia se'm va caure la perruca

And one day my wig fell off.

i va ser divertidíssim

It was hilarious.



i en València

and in Valencia

de freds te cridaven

they called you cold

quan estaves fent musicals en Madrid

when you were doing musicals in Madrid

en grans teatres

in large theaters

de la Gran Via de Madrid i tal

from the Gran Via of Madrid and so on

d'aquí no te cridava ningú?

Did nobody call you from here?

és que així

it's just that this way

jo vaig fer

I did.

l'estiu de Socarrats

the summer of Socarrats

Maniàtics, Checking Hotel

Maniacs, Checking Hotel

per Albena

for Albena

i Conta Conta

and Count Count

i vaig fer aquests estius

I did these summers.

però després va sorgir

but then it emerged

el de Madrid

the one from Madrid

i així no n'hi havia més musicals

and so there were no more musicals

que no n'hi havia

that there weren't any

així no es feien més

they were not made like that anymore

vas fer tu el Vigo de Vicenteta

Did you make the Vigo of Vicenteta?

i no sé què més es va fer

and I don't know what else was done

bé, sí, jo vaig fer fa tres anys

well, yes, I did it three years ago

el Happy End de Kurt Weill

the Happy End by Kurt Weill

i Bertolt Brecht

and Bertolt Brecht

i la Maria

and Maria

de José

of José

dirigir per Salva Volta

directed by Salva Volta

una música meravellosa

a wonderful music

i fer un personatge

and create a character

que m'ho va dir el vestuarista

that the costume designer told me

te faig

I make you.

mi tà Rita Barberà

my aunt Rita Barberà

mi tà

my father

m'ho va divertir

It amused me.

el traje

the suit

te va tractar bé

he treated you well



jo crec que sí

I think so.

València m'ha donat molts premis

Valencia has given me many awards.

i fa

and it does

m'ha donat el premi

He has given me the award.

de la medalleta

of the little medal

que tu també tens

that you also have

a l'aportament

to the contribution

que hem fet a la vida cultural

what we have done in cultural life

i després també

and after also

la de ti

the one of you

m'ha donat el premi

He has given me the prize.

del 2020

from 2020

i no penses

and don't you think

que a vegades

that sometimes

que vols ir fora de València

What do you want to go outside of Valencia?

per aquest estigme

for this stigma

més així

more like this

però sí

but yes

però per exemple

but for example

jo crec que el més important

I believe that the most important thing

que he rebut

that I have received

és el premi

it is the prize

a la millor actriu secundària

to the best supporting actress

de musicals

of musicals

del Teatre Musical

of the Musical Theatre

de la XI

of the XI

en Madrid

in Madrid

per Billy Elliot

for Billy Elliot

perquè és que

because it is that

aquest personatge

this character

gustava tantíssim

liked very much

que votava

that was voting

tots els companys

all the colleagues

i això és molt agraït

and this is very appreciated


you know

perquè els premis

because the awards

de teatre

of theatre

per coses que he fet

for things I have done

de teatre

of theatre

estan molt bé

they are very good

de la meva vida

of my life

de l'oficialitat

of the officiality

però també te pagaven

but they also paid you

és que

it's that

aleshores te pagaven

then they paid you

ara no sé què faran

now I don’t know what they will do

i aleshores era

and then it was

la consideració

the consideration

i damunt

and on top

te donava uns pesetes

I would give you some pesetas.



parlem del futur

let's talk about the future

del futur

of the future

clar que sí

of course

perquè precisament

because precisely


you know

de l'audiovisual

of the audiovisual

què penses fer

What do you plan to do?

des d'avui

from today



un any

one year

a un any

a year

què tens en l'agenda

What do you have on the agenda?

a fer una pel·lícula

to make a movie

que es diu

what is it called

Tengamos la fiesta en paz

Let's have the party in peace.



, no?

, right?

de Juan Manuel Cotelo

by Juan Manuel Cotelo

i després

and then


pel·lícules també has fet

you have also made movies

l'any passat

last year

vas fer tres pel·lícules

you made three movies


do you like it

fer cine

make cinema


Do you like it?

fer cine

to make movies

jo crec que sí

I believe so.

sí, eh

yes, eh

fer cine m'agrada

I like to make movies.




com tot

like everything

sempre que no siga una cosa

as long as it’s not something



per exemple

for example



esta pel·lícula

this movie

que vaig a fer

what am I going to do

és con una

it's like a

una iaia

a grandmother

és exagerada

it's exaggerated

i després ja

and then already

a final d'agost

at the end of August

vaig a fer una

I'm going to make a.

una funció

a function

que és

what is it

amb Carles Alfaro

with Carles Alfaro

que es diu

what is it called

Ojos que no ven

Out of sight, out of mind.

d'una dramaturga jove

of a young playwright

Natàlia Mateo

Natàlia Mateo

i que serà

and what will it be

pels teatres del canal

through the Canal Theatres

per a Nadal

for Christmas

doncs això faré

well, that's what I'll do

si puc

if I can

si tinc salut

if I have health



tu no vas a tenir salut

you are not going to have health

i ja està

and that's it

més forta que forta

stronger than strong

i no és una cosa interessant

and it's not an interesting thing

que puc fer-ho

that I can do it

ja no faré res més

I will no longer do anything else.

jo m'alegro molt

I am very happy.

dels teus èxits

of your successes

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

Lluís Miquel

Lluís Miquel

molt, molt

very, very

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

perquè a més

because moreover

ho mereix

he deserves it



jo no he parat de treballar

I have not stopped working.

això és de veres

this is true

a vegades m'ha costat

sometimes it has been hard for me

o m'ho haver deixat

or I must have left it

i tal

and such



has estat a gust

have you been comfortable

molt a gust

very pleased


de veres

for real

m'he passat una miqueta

I've overdone it a bit.









m'he passat una miqueta

I've gone a little overboard.

no, què va

no way

podíem estar tres programes

we could be three programs

ja està bé

it's alright





després retalles un poquet

then you cut a little bit

o què?

or what?

saps què passa?

Do you know what’s happening?



abans quan hi hagués

before when there would be



anaven per ahí

they were going around there

i mos feien una entrevista

and they were interviewing us

i dient

and saying



you are married

you are married

a mi també

me too

i saps què dient?

And do you know what I mean?

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

ah, sí, jo m'ho recordo

ah, yes, I remember it

ella con Pepe

she with Pepe

yo con Amparito

I with Amparito.



gràcies, mame

thank you, mom

a tu

to you

per tot el que ha passat amb tu

for everything that has happened with you


thank you


I went

como una lluvia

like a rain

de cenizas y fatigas

of ashes and hardships

en las horas resignadas

in the resigned hours

de tu vida

of your life

gota de vinagre derramada

spilled drop of vinegar

fatalmente derramada

fatally spilled

sobre todas tus heridas

about all your wounds

fuiste por mi culpa

you went because of me

golondrina entre la nieve

swallow in the snow

rosa marchitada

wilted rose

por la nube

through the cloud

que no llueve

that it doesn't rain

fuiste la esperanza

you were the hope

que no llega

that doesn't arrive

que no alcanza

that does not reach

que no puede vislumbrar

that cannot be glimpsed

su tarde mansa

her gentle afternoon


we went

el viajero que no implora

the traveler who does not implore

que no reza

that does not pray

que no llora

that does not cry

que se echó a morir

that threw itself to die


go away

no comprendes

you don't understand

que te estás matando

that you are killing yourself

no comprendes

you do not understand

que te estoy llamando

that I am calling you


go away

no me beses

don't kiss me

que te estoy llorando

that I'm crying for you

y quisiera

and I would like

no llorarte más

not to cry over you anymore

no ves

don't see

es mejor

it's better

que mi dolor

that my pain

quede tirado por tu amor

I was left stranded for your love.

librado por mi amor

released by my love




go away

no comprendes

you don't understand

que te estás matando

that you are killing yourself

no comprendes

you don’t understand

que te estoy salvando

that I am saving you

no me sigas

don't follow me

ni me llames

don't call me

ni me beses

neither do you kiss me

ni me llores

don't cry for me

ni me quieras más

don't love me more



Fins aquí el programa d'avui.

That's all for today's program.

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