15.09.2019 | Enriqueta Martí, la vampira del Raval

À Punt Mèdia

Gabinet de curiositats

15.09.2019 | Enriqueta Martí, la vampira del Raval

Gabinet de curiositats

La història de l'enriqueta Martí

The story of Enriqueta Martí

Darrere del nom d'enriqueta Martí s'amaga una de les criminals més feroxes de la història.

Behind the name Enriqueta Martí hides one of the most ferocious criminals in history.

El 1912 va sembrar l'horror a Barcelona.

In 1912, it sowed horror in Barcelona.

S'agrestava, prostituïa i assassinava criatures a les quals extreia la sang i el greix

He kidnapped, prostituted, and murdered children from whom he extracted blood and fat.

per tal d'elaborar apòsemes màgiques que els seus clients compraven sense preguntar l'origen.

in order to create magical potions that their clients bought without asking about the origin.

El relat de dues xiquetes alliberades per la policia va ser àmpliament recollit per la premsa de l'època

The account of two girls rescued by the police was widely reported in the press of the time.

i el públic va respondre amb una barreja d'estupefacció i morbositat davant de la monstruositat dels fets.

And the audience responded with a mixture of astonishment and morbid curiosity in the face of the monstrous events.

Benvingudes i benvinguts a Gabinet de Curiositats.

Welcome to the Cabinet of Curiosities.

Avui parlarem d'enriqueta Martí, coneguda com la vampira del carrer Ponent o la vampira del Raval.

Today we will talk about Enriqueta Martí, known as the vampire of Calle Ponent or the vampire of Raval.

Gabinet de Curiositats

Cabinet of Curiosities

Amb Anna Moner

With Anna Moner

La desaparició de Teresa Guitart

The disappearance of Teresa Guitart

Anna, com va?

Anna, how are you?

Abans, Sebastià.

Before, Sebastià.

Ja veig que ho tens tot preparat per tal que parlem d'una vampira molt especial.

I see that you have everything prepared for us to talk about a very special vampire.

Molt especial. I tant, que ho tinc preparat.

Very special. Absolutely, I have it prepared.

Mira, ací damunt he deixat les còpies d'articles de periòdic de l'època,

Look, I’ve left the copies of newspaper articles from that time up here.

les fitxes que he anat escrivint sobre el cas,

the notes I have been writing about the case,

un llibre, els diaris d'enriqueta Martí, la vampira de Barcelona...

a book, the diaries of Enriqueta Martí, the vampire of Barcelona...

Jo també he portat una nòmina.

I have also brought a payslip.

Una novel·la que estic llegint ara mateix, una novel·la de Marc Pastor.

A novel that I am currently reading, a novel by Marc Pastor.

Fes una ullada.

Take a look.

La mala dona, publicada per Ara Llibres.

The bad woman, published by Ara Llibres.

És una recreació novel·lada dels crims d'enriqueta Martí, la vampira del carrer Ponent,

It is a fictional recreation of the crimes of Enriqueta Martí, the vampire of Carrer Ponent.

que va guanyar el Premi Crims de Tinta l'any 2016.

who won the Crims de Tinta Award in 2016.

Perfecte. Ens ajudarà a ambientar la conversa.

Perfect. It will help set the tone for the conversation.

Seu a la teva butaca, posa't còmode i comencem.

Sit in your armchair, make yourself comfortable and let's begin.

El 1912, un rumor va començar a estendre's per Barcelona.

In 1912, a rumor began to spread throughout Barcelona.

Segons deien, els darrers mesos, xiquets i xiquetes de pocs anys havien sigut segrestats.

According to what they said, in recent months, boys and girls of a few years old had been kidnapped.

Uns comentaris que es van escampar per carrers i places,

Some comments that spread through streets and squares,

pels mercats i pels patis de veïns, i van sembrar el pànic entre els barcelonins.

for the markets and the neighbors' courtyards, and they spread panic among the Barcelonans.

Un rumor cert.

A certain rumor.

A les grans ciutats com Barcelona desapareixien a diari diversos xiquets,

In large cities like Barcelona, various children disappeared daily.

i els pares atemorien els fills per tal que foren més previnguts.

And the parents frightened the children so that they would be more cautious.

I ho feien amb la figura de l'home del sac, per exemple.

They did it with the figure of the bogeyman, for example.

Pretenien que tingueren por als estranys, que no hi confiaren.

They wanted them to be afraid of strangers, not to trust them.

El febrer del 1912, uns tres anys després de la setmana tràgica,

In February 1912, about three years after the tragic week,

la major part de ciutadans de Barcelona estaven pendents de la desaparició d'una xiqueta de 5 anys, Teresa Guitart.

Most of the citizens of Barcelona were concerned about the disappearance of a 5-year-old girl, Teresa Guitart.

Barcelona, 27 de febrer, 14 hores. Urgent.

Barcelona, February 27, 2 PM. Urgent.

Un guàrdia municipal ha trobat aquest matí la nena desapareguda.

A municipal guard has found the missing girl this morning.

Estava segrestada per una dona de 40 anys, anomenada Enriqueta Martí, en una casa del carrer Ponent.

I was kidnapped by a 40-year-old woman named Enriqueta Martí, in a house on Ponent Street.

Quan el públic ha conegut la notícia, s'ha reunit davant de la finca d'Enriqueta,

When the public learned the news, they gathered in front of Enriqueta's property.

i per tal d'evitar un assalt, hi han hagut d'acudir les forces d'ordre policial.

And in order to prevent an assault, the police forces had to intervene.

El públic. Ampliaré detalls.

The audience. I will provide more details.

Cada dia, la premsa tractava les circumstàncies de la desaparició i els avanços de la investigació policial.

Every day, the press covered the circumstances of the disappearance and the progress of the police investigation.

Teresa Guitart va desaparèixer la vesprada del 10 de febrer al carrer Sant Vicenç.

Teresa Guitart disappeared on the evening of February 10th on Sant Vicenç Street.

A boqueta nit, la mare es va entretindre amb una veïna a la porta de la finca on vivien

One evening, the mother was chatting with a neighbor at the door of the building where they lived.

i va amollar la mà de la xiqueta pensant que pujaria sola al pis.

And he let go of the girl's hand thinking she would go up to the apartment by herself.

Però no va ser així.

But it wasn't like that.

No, no va ser així.

No, it wasn't like that.

Quan el seu marit va veure arribar la dona sola,

When her husband saw the woman arriving alone,

li va preguntar estranyat per la filla.

He asked her strangely about the daughter.

I quan van baixar del carrer, ja era massa tard.

And when they came down from the street, it was already too late.

No hi havia cap rastre de Teresa.

There was no trace of Teresa.

La xiqueta s'havia enllunyat de sa mare

The girl had wandered away from her mother.

i de sobte va sentir una veu que la cridava.

And suddenly she heard a voice calling her.

La nit del 10 de febrer, l'Enriqueta Martí surt a caçar.

On the night of February 10th, Enriqueta Martí goes out hunting.

Guitart gira pel carrer Ferlandina i el troba buit,

Guitart turns down Ferlandina street and finds it empty,

però en arribar a Sant Vicenç s'atura.

but upon arriving at Sant Vicenç it stops.

Una dona xerra al portal amb algú a qui no veu,

A woman chats at the doorway with someone she cannot see,

mentre la filla salta distreta a pocs metres.

while the daughter jumps distracted a few meters away.

Va tocada amb una capa negra,

She was wearing a black cloak,

la que usa per assistir al Liceu o a les orgies que el senyor Carner organitza al xalet a Collserola.

the one she uses to attend the Liceu or the orgies that Mr. Carner organizes at the chalet in Collserola.

I la caputxa li tapa el rostre.

And the hood covers her face.

Respira a fondo, excitada, i crida l'atenció de la nena amb paraules dolces.

Breathe deeply, excited, and catch the girl's attention with sweet words.

La petita la mira amb una certa recança,

She looks at the little one with a certain reluctance,

però l'Enriqueta somriu amb la penombra

but Enriqueta smiles with the twilight

i la convida a apropar-s'hi.

and invites her to come closer.

La nena ho fa.

The girl does it.

Cinc anyets, massa primeta,

Five little years, too skinny,

amb un vestidet blanc de ribets vermellosos i una diadema que li recull el cabell.

with a little white dress with reddish trim and a headband that holds her hair back.

Vols un regalet?

Do you want a little gift?

És una sorpresa! Vine!

It's a surprise! Come!

L'Enriqueta Martí aleshores li tapa la boca amb les urpes esquelètiques

Enriqueta Martí then covers his mouth with her skeletal claws.

i se la col·loca a pols sobre els malucs.

and she applies it in powder on her hips.

La capa la cobriix.

The cloak covers her.

La Teresina intenta cridar i pernejar,

Teresina tries to shout and make a scene,

però és massa poqueta cosa.

but it's too little.

Durant més de dues setmanes,

For more than two weeks,

la ciutat sencera va viure l'angoixa de no saber què havia passat amb Teresa Guitart.

The whole city experienced the anguish of not knowing what had happened to Teresa Guitart.

Tots els esforços policials van resultar infructuosos

All police efforts were fruitless.

i va ser una veïna curiosa la que va descobrir on era la xiqueta desapareguda.

It was a curious neighbor who discovered where the missing girl was.

La veïna, Claudina Elías,

The neighbor, Claudina Elías,

es va fixar un dia en el rostre d'una criatura

He noticed one day the face of a creature.

que la mirava a través dels vidres bruix d'una finestra.

that looked at her through the misty glass of a window.

I li va semblar que tenia una expressió atemorida

And it seemed to him that he had a frightened expression.

i que demanava auxili.

and was asking for help.

Era a la casa de la veïna de l'entresol.

It was at the neighbor's house on the mezzanine.

Claudina sabia que Enriqueta vivia amb un xiquet i una xiqueta

Claudina knew that Enriqueta lived with a boy and a girl.

que havia vist en altres ocasions,

that I had seen on other occasions,

però la cara d'aquella criatura amb el cap rapat

but the face of that creature with the shaved head

no li resultava familiar.

it did not seem familiar to him/her.

Aleshores, va pensar.

Then, he/she thought.

I si es tractara de Teresa Guitart?

And if it were about Teresa Guitart?

Va comentar les seues sospites a un matalafert,

He mentioned his suspicions to a mattress maker.

que també vivia al carrer Ponent,

who also lived on Ponent Street,

i tots dos ho van comunicar al guàrdia municipal Josep Asens.

And both of them communicated it to the municipal guard Josep Asens.

El guàrdia municipal Josep Asens,

The municipal guard Josep Asens,

sospitant que la nena en qüestió poguera ser Teresa Guitart,

suspecting that the girl in question could be Teresa Guitart,

ho va notificar al seu cap, el brigada Ribot,

he notified his superior, Brigadier Ribot,

que va disposar el necessari per tal d'esbrinar qui era.

who arranged the necessary means to find out who he was.

Ribot va establir una estreta vigilància a prop de la finca,

Ribot set up close surveillance near the estate,

la nit següent,

the following night,

la guàrdia municipal va vigilar la porta posterior de la casa,

the municipal guard monitored the back door of the house,

i a la una de la nit,

and at one in the morning,

Ribot va poder veure a través de la porta d'un dels balcons

Ribot was able to see through the door of one of the balconies.

que a l'interior del pis hi havia una dona i dos xiquetes.

that inside the apartment there was a woman and two girls.

Resultava estrany que estigueren aixecades aquelles hores,

It was strange that they were up at that hour,

però, com que només es tractava de pures deduccions,

but, since it was only about pure deductions,

va decidir escorcollar la casa l'endemà.

He decided to search the house the next day.

El matí del 27 de febrer del 1912

The morning of February 27, 1912

el brigada Ribot va trucar a la porta de l'entresol primera

Brigadier Ribot knocked on the door of the first mezzanine.

del número 29 del carrer Ponent

from number 29 of Ponent street

i li va obrir una dona que s'acabava d'alçar.

And a woman who had just gotten up opened the door for him.

Ribot li va dir que volia inspeccionar el seu domicili

Ribot told him that he wanted to inspect his home.

perquè uns veïns havien denunciat que hi criava gallines.

because some neighbors had reported that he was raising chickens.

Sense donar-li temps a reaccionar, el policia va entrar al pis

Without giving him time to react, the police officer entered the apartment.

i va veure dos xiquetes de poca edat.

And he saw two little girls.

Llavors es va acostar a la del cap rapat i li va preguntar com li deien.

Then he approached the bald one and asked him what his name was.

I la xiqueta va respondre, felicitat.

And the girl replied, happiness.

El brigada, però, hi va insistir, no et diuen Teresa?

The sergeant, however, insisted, aren't you called Teresa?

I la xiqueta del cap rapat va respondre,

And the girl with the shaved head replied,

ah sí, em diuen Felicitat.

Ah yes, they call me Felicity.

I el brigada es va dirigir a l'ama del pis

And the sergeant addressed the owner of the apartment.

i li va demanar qui era aquella criatura.

and he asked her who that creature was.

La dona va dir que no ho sabia,

The woman said that she didn't know it.

que l'havia trobada a la Ronda de Sant Pau el dia abans perduda i famolenca

that I had found her at the Ronda de Sant Pau the day before, lost and starving

i que l'havia pujada a casa per tal de donar-li menjar.

and that I had taken her home to feed her.

I va afegir que l'altra era la seva filla Angelina.

He added that the other was his daughter Angelina.

Ribot, a qui no havien convençut les declaracions d'Enriqueta Martí,

Ribot, who had not been convinced by Enriqueta Martí's statements,

va decidir que fora la mare de Teresa qui identificara la xiqueta.

She decided that it would be Teresa's mother who would identify the girl.

No la van localitzar,

They did not locate her,

però una veïna amiga, malgrat que li havien tallat els cabells,

but a neighbor friend, although her hair had been cut,

va reconèixer de seguida Teresa.

she recognized Teresa immediately.

La notícia de la detenció d'Enriqueta Martí i l'alliberament de la nena

The news of Enriqueta Martí's arrest and the release of the girl.

va córrer tot Barcelona ràpidament

He ran all over Barcelona quickly.

i una gran multitud es va acostar a la caserna del carrer Sepúlveda

And a large crowd approached the barracks on Sepúlveda Street.

per llinxar la segrestadora.

for lynching the kidnapper.

Guàrdies municipals acabaven d'acostar-se,

Municipal guards had just approached,

i amb parelles van impedir que la gent hi entrara,

and with partners they prevented people from entering.

però no van impedir que es cridassaren Enriqueta durant hores.

but it did not stop them from calling her Enriqueta for hours.

Gabinet de curiositats

Cabinet of curiosities

El Carreiro de la Familia

The Family Carreiro

La La lonely

The lonely La La

El Carreiro d'en Maria

The Path of Maria

La La cínica

The cynical one

La Biblioteca

The Library

Amb Anna Moner

With Anna Moner

El Carreiro de la Familia

The Family Carreiro

Enriqueta Martí

Enriqueta Martí

Al carrer de la Bèlgica

On Bèlgica Street

La història del Carreiro d'en Maria

The story of the Carreiro of Maria

L'onada a la Boutique

The wave at the Boutique

També hi ha hagut una investigació del carrer del Palau Giron.

There has also been an investigation of Palau Giron street.

La investigació del carrer del Palau Giron.

The investigation of Palau Giron street.

Una vegada a la caserna,

Once at the barracks,

la suposada segrestadora va ser identificada

The alleged kidnapper was identified.

com Enriqueta Martí Ripollès, de 43 anys.

like Enriqueta Martí Ripollès, 43 years old.

Van comprovar que Martí ja estava fitxada per corrupció de menors.

They found that Martí was already registered for corruption of minors.

Tres anys abans havia estat detinguda

Three years earlier she had been arrested.

perquè al seu pis del carrer Minerva

because in his apartment on Minerva Street

presentava un prostíbul de menors,

was operating a minor brothel,

menors amb dos sexes i d'edats compreses entre els 5 i els 16 anys.

minors of both sexes aged between 5 and 16 years.

I juntament amb ella van detindre un jove

I together with her detained a young man.

d'una de les famílies més distingides de la ciutat.

from one of the most distinguished families in the city.

Sí, Enriqueta va ser processada,

Yes, Enriqueta was prosecuted.

però la causa es va arxivar gràcies a les influències

but the case was dismissed thanks to the influences

exercides per una persona molt coneguda i molt poderosa de Barcelona.

exercised by a very well-known and very powerful person from Barcelona.

La vida d'Enriqueta Martí havia estat sempre

Enriqueta Martí's life had always been

molt relacionada amb la prostitució.

very related to prostitution.

Ella mateixa va començar a exercir-la abans de complir els 20 anys,

She herself started practicing it before turning 20.

quan va veure que treballant de criada no arribaria enlloc.

when she saw that working as a maid wouldn't get her anywhere.

Durant un temps es va prostituir en locals barats i runosos

For a time, she prostituted herself in cheap and rundown places.

de la zona del port i del barri del Raval.

of the port area and the Raval neighborhood.

Fins que un dia va decidir casar-se amb un client,

Until one day she decided to marry a client,

un pintor fracassat, Joan Pujaló.

a failed painter, Joan Pujaló.

Un individu peculiar que segons contents

A peculiar individual who, according to content

s'alimentava de menjar de canaris

was fed with canary food

seguint les indicacions d'un manual de naturisme.

following the instructions of a naturism manual.

La seva relació va durar uns 10 anys.

Their relationship lasted about 10 years.

Sí, va ser una relació turbulenta, plena de baralles,

Yes, it was a turbulent relationship, full of fights,

separacions i reconciliacions interessades per part d'Enriqueta.

interested separations and reconciliations on the part of Enriqueta.

La policia va interrogar Joan Pujaló,

The police interrogated Joan Pujaló.

que va declarar que duia 6 anys separat de la seva dona.

who declared that he had been separated from his wife for 6 years.

Visc separat de la meva dona i no vull saber res d'ella.

I live separately from my wife and I don't want to know anything about her.

Jo sóc un home honrat i no m'agrada la seva estranya manera de comportar-se.

I am an honest man and I do not like your strange way of behaving.

Fa dos mesos em vaig mudar al carrer Ponent número 49,

Two months ago I moved to 49 Ponent Street,

però no tenia coneixement que ella vivia al mateix carrer.

but I had no knowledge that she lived on the same street.

Em vaig assabentar fa uns dies.

I found out a few days ago.

Aquesta tarda, quan em dirigia a casa,

This afternoon, while I was heading home,

m'ha cridat l'atenció veure tanta gent a la porta d'on viu Enriqueta.

It caught my attention to see so many people at the door where Enriqueta lives.

Llavors he preguntat què passava.

Then I asked what was happening.

Quan m'han explicat de què l'acusaven,

When they explained to me what they were accusing him of,

i com que jo no tinc res a veure amb el que Enriqueta haja pogut fer,

and since I have nothing to do with what Enriqueta may have done,

m'he presentat voluntàriament a la delegació de policia i després al jutjat.

I have voluntarily presented myself at the police station and then at the court.

Allí m'han comunicat que la meva dona conviu amb una nena, Angelina,

There they informed me that my wife is living with a girl, Angelina.

i que assegura que és filla meua.

and she assures that she is my daughter.

Tal afirmació és inexacta perquè jo mai no he tingut cap filla amb ella.

Such a statement is inaccurate because I have never had a daughter with her.

Fa uns quants anys em va fer creure que ja havia tingut una filla i que jo era el pare,

A few years ago, she made me believe that she had already had a daughter and that I was the father.

però jo mai no he vist la xiqueta,

but I have never seen the girl,

ja que em va dir que havia mort poc després.

since he told me that he had died shortly after.

Després de naixer, jo crec que mai no va arribar a naixer.

After being born, I think he never really came to life.

No m'explica què pot voler Enriqueta d'aquests nens.

She doesn't explain to me what Enriqueta might want from these children.

Ara bé, d'una dona com ella es pot esperar qualsevol cosa.

Well, from a woman like her, anything can be expected.

Pujaló va declarar que Angelina no era filla seua

Pujaló declared that Angelina was not his daughter.

i posteriorment els metges van comprovar que Enriqueta mai no havia parit.

And later the doctors confirmed that Enriqueta had never given birth.

Llavors, després d'identificar la criatura del cap rapat com Teresa Guitart,

Then, after identifying the bald-headed creature as Teresa Guitart,

les preguntes es van centrar a saber qui era Angelina.

The questions focused on knowing who Angelina was.

I també es preguntaven on era el xiquet que els veïns asseguraven

And they also wondered where the boy that the neighbors insisted was.

que vivia amb Enriqueta Martí al carrer Ponent.

who lived with Enriqueta Martí on Ponent street.

Quan de la primera qüestió, Enriqueta no va ser massa explícita.

Regarding the first question, Enriqueta was not very explicit.

Primer va insistir que era filla seua i setmanes després va admetre

First, she insisted that she was his daughter, and weeks later she admitted.

que l'havia furtada a la seva cunyada, la germana de Joan Pujaló,

that he had stolen from his sister-in-law, the sister of Joan Pujaló,

a la qual havia assistit durant l'embaràs.

to which she had attended during the pregnancy.

Enriqueta no va ser gaire explícita i va dir que era filla seua.

Enriqueta was not very explicit and said that she was his daughter.

De cop, l'Enriqueta va dir que volia ser mare.

Suddenly, Enriqueta said she wanted to be a mother.

Però no per l'instint que tenim les dones, no.

But not because of the instinct that we women have, no.

Perquè així ningú no sospitaria d'ella.

So that no one would suspect her.

Com pot una mare usar els nens a conveniència seua?

How can a mother use her children for her own convenience?

Com que ella no podia,

Since she couldn't,

com que ella no podia, per molt que ho intentés,

since she couldn't, no matter how hard she tried,

per molt que ho intentés,

no matter how hard I tried,

i ho va intentar molt,

and he tried very hard,

va decidir quedar-se'l de la seva cunyada.

he decided to keep it from his sister-in-law.

Em segueix?

Are you following me?

Es va apropiar de la nena de la Maria.

He took possession of Maria's daughter.

La va tenir sota control durant l'embaràs.

He kept her under control during the pregnancy.

I quan va parir,

And when she gave birth,

li va dir que el nen havia nascut mort.

He told her that the baby had been born dead.

En realitat,

In reality,

me l'havia deixat a mi,

he had left it to me,

allà a Ostafrancs,

there in Ostafrancs,

perquè me'n fes càrrec durant uns dies.

so that I could take charge of it for a few days.

Quina nena més maca, l'Angelina!

What a beautiful girl, Angelina!

El nom em fa tota la justícia.

The name does me all the justice.

No vaig veure l'Enriqueta

I didn't see Enriqueta.

fins que va venir a arrencar-me-la de les mans.

until he came to rip it from my hands.

Quan el xiquet va respondre que tenia 5 anys

When the boy replied that he was 5 years old.

i que li l'havien deixat perquè el criara.

and that they had left it to him to raise it.

Però, com que s'havia posat molt malalt,

But, since he had become very ill,

l'havia enviat fora de Barcelona

I had sent him outside of Barcelona.

per tal que es curara.

so that he/she would heal.

A poc a poc, a partir dels testimonis

Little by little, based on the testimonies.

que es presentaven voluntàriament a declarar,

who voluntarily presented themselves to testify,

els investigadors van poder traçar

the researchers were able to trace

la personalitat de la segrestadora.

the personality of the kidnapper.

Sí, van comprovar que,

Yes, they checked that,

malgrat que no tenia problemes econòmics,

although he had no financial problems,

solia demanar al moina.

I used to ask Moina.

Acudia a cases d'acollida, convents,

She went to foster homes, convents,

parròquies o asils,

parishes or shelters,

vestida de captaire i acompanyada

dressed as a beggar and accompanied

quasi sempre d'un menor.

almost always of a minor.

I els capvespres canviava per complet

And the sunsets changed completely.

i eixia de casa avillada de manera elegant,

And she left the house elegantly dressed,

amb vestits de seda i vellut

with silk and velvet garments

i barreig i perruques molt aparents.

and a mix and very flashy wigs.

Roba i ornaments cars, molt cars.

Expensive clothing and ornaments, very expensive.

Però, on anava?

But, where was I going?

A qui visitava?

Who was he visiting?

A qui ha anat a casa?

Who has gone home?

He decidit no tenir nens a casa.

I have decided not to have kids at home.

És un problema.

It's a problem.

Bé, sempre que sigui possible.

Well, as long as it's possible.

Els més grans i acudeixen de seguida que els avisi.

The elders come right away when I call them.

És el cas d'Enric,

It is the case of Enric,

a qui sol·liciten molt perquè és molt carinyós.

to whom they often request because he is very affectionate.

El torero n'està enamoradíssim

The bullfighter is very much in love.

i vol importar-se'l d'ajudant.

And he wants to take care of him as a helper.

Però Enric té 15 anys

But Enric is 15 years old.

i, tot i que està disposat a anar-se'n,

and, although he is willing to leave,

jo no l'he deixat.

I haven't left him/her.

El torero pretén comprar-me'l

The bullfighter intends to buy me.

perquè diu que l'únic que estic fent jo

because he says that the only thing I am doing

és llogar-lo.

It is to rent it.

Tot plegat ha estat molt desagradable

All in all, it has been very unpleasant.

però em sento obligada

but I feel obligated

a cuidar els meus nens.

to take care of my children.

Les declaracions de les dues xiquetes

The statements of the two girls.

en especial les d'Angelina

especially those of Angelina

van demostrar que Enriqueta Martí

they proved that Enriqueta Martí

era molt més que una alcabota

it was much more than a hoodoo

segrestadora i corruptora de nens.

kidnapper and corrupter of children.

Teresa Guitart va contar al jutge

Teresa Guitart told the judge.

que aquella dona, tan bon punt va arribar

that woman, as soon as she arrived

al pis, li va dir

in the apartment, he told her

veritat que et pica el cap? Vine, preciosa

Isn't it true that your head itches? Come here, dear.

deixa que et talli els cabells

let me cut your hair

i et desapareixerà el desfici.

and your obsession will disappear.

I Enriqueta li va reparar el cap

Enriqueta fixed his head.

mentre li explicava que a partir d'aquell moment

while I explained to him that from that moment on

el seu nom seria Felicitat

Her name would be Happiness.

i que ja no tenia pares.

and that he no longer had parents.

I li va dir que ara ella era la seva mare

And he told her that now she was his mother.

i que si eixien al carrer

and if they went out into the street

havia de dir-li mamà.

I had to call her mom.

Però mai no van eixir al carrer.

But they never went out into the street.

A més, Enriqueta li va prohibir que guaitara

Furthermore, Enriqueta forbade him to peek.

pel balcó i per les finestres.

through the balcony and the windows.

La xiqueta va explicar al jutge

The girl explained to the judge.

que aquella dona només li donava menjar

that the woman only fed him

creïlles i pa dur

potatoes and hard bread

i que no li pegava, malgrat que de tant en tant

and that it didn't fit him, although every now and then

l'apessigava fort del braç.

he hugged her tightly by the arm.

Teresa va explicar, amb la innocència dels seus 5 anys,

Teresa explained, with the innocence of her 5 years,

que durant el temps que hi va estar

that during the time he/she was there

retinguda s'entretenia jugant

retained was entertaining herself playing

amb Angelina.

with Angelina.

La Teresa i l'Angelina s'han fet amigues.

Teresa and Angelina have become friends.

Comparteixen una màrfega

They share a mat.

a mode de llit

as a bed

i a la nit de la nit de la nit

and in the night of the night of the night

dormen arraulides

they sleep huddled

per fer-se passar el fred.

to keep warm.

L'Angelina la tracta com una nina,

He treats Angelina like a doll.

una joguina nova que no sap

a new toy that doesn't know

quant durarà.

how long will it last.

La carona i la calma

The face and the calm

li aixuga els plors

he wipes away her tears

i li canta cançons de bressol.

and sings lullabies to him/her.

Una tarda que no senten soroll al pis

An afternoon when they don't hear noise in the apartment.

surten al passadís

they go out into the hallway

i caminen a les palpentes

and they walk by feeling their way

fins a l'habitació envellutada

to the aged room

on els armaris són de fusta noble

where the cabinets are made of fine wood

i els miralls tenen marcs d'aurat

and the mirrors have golden frames

d'allò més elegants.

the most elegant.

La mamà t'he vestit de princesa,

Mom has dressed you up as a princess.

assegura l'Angelina,

ensure Angelina,

però la porta de l'armari

but the wardrobe door

és tancada amb clau

it is locked with a key

i no la puc obrir.

and I can't open it.

També li van preguntar

They also asked him/her.

per l'altre xiquet,

for the other boy,

el que la veïna assegurava

what the neighbor claimed

que havia vist en diverses ocasions.

that he had seen on several occasions.

Sí, però Teresa mai no l'havia vist.

Yes, but Teresa had never seen him.

També va contar que s'hi quedaven

He also mentioned that they were staying there.

moltes vegades soles

many times alone

i que tots els sorolls

and that all the noises

les atemorien.

They scare them.

Una nit, Angelina la va agafar de la mà

One night, Angelina took her by the hand.

i li va proposar descobrir

and he proposed to discover

què guardava mamà a les habitacions,

What did mom keep in the rooms,

que els havien prohibit d'entrar.

that they had been prohibited from entering.

I quan van entrar

And when they entered

en una de les habitacions prohibides

in one of the forbidden rooms

van entropessar amb un sac

they ran into a sack

en la penombra.

in the twilight.

El van obrir

They opened it.

i van eixir fugint de la cambra.

They fled from the room.

Perquè dins del sac

Because inside the bag

van descobrir un ganivet

they discovered a knife

de grans dimensions

of large dimensions

i la roba d'un xiquet

and the clothes of a child

tacat de sang.

stained with blood.

Tot això formava part

All of this was part.

de la declaració de Teresa

from Teresa's statement

de 5 anys d'edat.

5 years old.

Ara bé,

Now then,

la informació que va portar Angelina,

the information that Angelina brought,

que era una mica més gran,

that was a little bigger,

encara va ser més colpidora.

it was even more striking.

Ai, sí, és.

Oh, yes, it is.



sí que havia conegut Josep,

I had indeed met Josep,

un xiquet rosc

a curly boy

d'uns 7 anys

about 7 years old

que solia jugar amb ella

that used to play with her

fins que un dia...

until one day...



no us va adonar

you didn't realize

que jo vaig veure

that I saw

com agafava Josep?

How was Josep handling it?

El posava damunt

He put it on top.

de la taula del menjador

from the dining table

i el matava

and he killed him

amb un ganivet.

with a knife.





sense fer soroll,

without making a noise,

aguantant la respiració,

holding my breath,

me'n vaig anar al llit

I went to bed.

i vaig fer com si dormís.

I pretended to be asleep.

La història de terror

The horror story



per les famílies

for families

de les dues xiquetes

of the two girls

va impressionar tant

was so impressive

els ciutadans de Barcelona

the citizens of Barcelona

que es van fer subscripcions populars

that popular subscriptions were made

per tal d'obrir una llibreta

in order to open a notebook

a la caixa d'estalvis

to the savings bank

al seu nom.

in his name.

Fins i tot van ser presentades

They were even presented.

en públic.

in public.

Al Teatre Tívoli,

At the Tivoli Theatre,

per exemple,

for example,

s'hi va celebrar

it was held there

una funció en honor seu.

a function in his/her honor.

En els cartells

On the posters


was announced

Teresa Guitart

Teresa Guitart

i Angelina

and Angelina

i assistiran

they will attend

a una de les representacions

to one of the representations

de les llotges.

from the stalls.

I, a més,

And, moreover,

es va escriure una obra

A work was written.

inspirada en la segrestadora

inspired by the kidnapper

del carrer Ponent.

from Ponent street.

Un fet

A fact

que es va posar en qüestió.

that was called into question.

Segons anuncien

According to the announcement

diversos periòdics,

various newspapers,

a nit va tenir lloc

last night took place

al Teatre Apolo

at the Apolo Theatre


the premiere

de l'interessant drama

of the interesting drama


current affairs

en cinc actes

in five acts



La nena segrestada,

The kidnapped girl,

escrit a partir

written from

de les informacions

of the information



en la premsa diària

in the daily press

per un distingit periodista

for a distinguished journalist

d'aquesta capital.

of this capital.

Seria desitjable

It would be desirable.

que aquest teatre

that this theater

posara en escena

will stage

obres que almenys

works that at least


they reflected

una remota idea

a remote idea

del sentiment artístic

of the artistic feeling

en compte d'honorar

instead of honoring

la infame segrestadora

the infamous kidnapper


granting him/her

els honors

the honors

de dur a l'escenari

to take to the stage

la seua fastigosa

her disgusting

manera d'actuar.

way of acting.

El segret

The secret

del pis del carrer Ponent.

from the apartment on Ponent street.

Un final feliç

A happy ending

per a les dues xiquetes

for the two girls



Però l'entresol

But the mezzanine

del carrer Ponent

from Ponent street

encara guardava

still kept

molts secrets.

many secrets.

Secrets que es van desvelar

Secrets that were revealed

quan els funcionaris

when the officials

del jutjat

from the court

hi van entrar.

they went in.

Quan el 29 de febrer

When February 29th

el jutge va ordenar

the judge ordered


the search

del domicili

of the home

d'Enriqueta Martí,

of Enriqueta Martí,

la policia

the police

va trobar un pis

he found an apartment

amb cambres brutes

with dirty chambers

i fètides,

and foul,

a excepció d'un saló

with the exception of a living room

sumptuosament decorat

sumptuously decorated

amb cortines i mobles

with curtains and furniture

de gran luxe.

of great luxury.

Un saló

A living room

que semblava

that seemed

destinat a rebre

intended to receive

persones amb poder adquisitiu.

people with purchasing power.

Als armaris

In the cupboards.

hi havia vestits

there were dresses

per estrenar

for debut

i dos de nens

and two of children



amb taques de sang.

with bloodstains.

Un embolicava

A mess.

un ganivet

a knife

de grans dimensions.

of large dimensions.

També se'n va trobar

It was also found.

altres de gran luxe,

others of great luxury,

amb brocats

with brocades

i teles fines,

and fine fabrics,

a més de perruques,

in addition to wigs,

que Enriqueta

that Enriqueta

usava sempre de nit,

I always used it at night,

encara que habitualment

although usually

vestia de manera pobra.

she dressed in a poor manner.

Així mateix,


hi havia

there was

escriptures de pisos

apartment deeds

i finques

and estates

de diversos llocs

from various places

de Barcelona

from Barcelona

al seu nom,

in his name,

i documents

and documents

veritablement enigmàtics

truly enigmatic

amb missatges cifrats,

with encrypted messages,

una mena

a kind

de correspondència secreta

of secret correspondence

sobre uns fets estranys.

about some strange events.

Les contrassenyes

The passwords

eren hermètiques

they were hermetic

i els documents

and the documents

estaven marcats

they were marked

amb inicials

with initials





Enriqueta Martí

Enriqueta Martí

es feia passar

he/she pretended to be

per anar a la casa

to go to the house

d'un alfabeta.

of an illiterate.

Qui escrivia

Who was writing

aquells missatges?

those messages?

Què amagava

What was hidden?

la vida secreta

the secret life

de la dona

of the woman

que ja era coneguda

that was already known

com la vampira?

how about the vampire?





i catifes

and carpets

que valien

that were worth

una fortuna.

a fortune.

A més,


dins d'un armari

inside a wardrobe

de lluna

of the moon

hi havia pantalons

there were pants

de xiquet

as a child

i vestidets de seda

and silk dresses

juntant mitges

gathering halves

i sabatetes a joc.

and little slippers at play.

Amb les cartes

With the cards

hi va aparèixer

he appeared there

una llista de noms

a list of names

molt incòmoda.

very uncomfortable.

Una relació

A relationship

de persones

of people

que podia sacsejar

that could shake

l'opinió pública.

public opinion.





tenia amics

I had friends.

molt poderosos,

very powerful,

membres de la noblesa

members of the nobility

i de l'alta societat catalana

and of the Catalan high society

que consideraven

that they considered

que l'assumpte

that the matter

s'havia de silenciar.

it had to be silenced.

El 8 de març,

On March 8,

que va a les 2 de la nit,

what goes at 2 in the morning,



a qui no li interessava

to whom it did not concern

que isqueren a la llum

that they come to light

els secrets d'Enriqueta Martí

the secrets of Enriqueta Martí

va entrar al pis

he/she entered the apartment



per ordre judicial

by court order

i va robar

and stole

part dels seus vestits

part of their clothes



i un enorme matalàs

and a huge mattress

que aparentment

that apparently

no constituïa cap prova.

it did not constitute any evidence.

Però hi van arribar tard

But they arrived late.

perquè dins del matalàs

because inside the mattress

els funcionaris

the civil servants

havien trobat

they had found

la llista

the list

amb els noms de clients,

with the names of clients,

llocs de reunió,

meeting places,

dates i tarifes.

dates and rates.

A més,


en una altra habitació

in another room

van descobrir

they discovered

un sac de loneta

a canvas bag

que semblava

that seemed

contindre roba bruta

to contain dirty clothes

i vella.

and old.

I al fons

And in the background

hi havia ossos menuts

there were small bones

que posteriorment

that subsequently

els forenses

the forensics

van confirmar

they confirmed

que pertanyien

that belonged

a diferents criatures.

to different creatures.

Un total

A total

de 30 ossos

of 30 bones

entre els quals

among which

hi havia costelles,

there were ribs,







Tots presentaven

Everyone presented

una particularitat,

a particularity,

senyals evidents

obvious signs

d'haver estat

of having been

exposats al foc.

exposed to fire.

La vampira del carrer ponent

The vampire of Ponent Street

En arribar a casa

Upon arriving home


the gag

i la despulla

and undresses her

i li diu

and he tells him

que si intenta escapar

that if he tries to escape

la matarà.

He will kill her.

L'estudia detingudament

He studies it carefully.

i maleix entre dents.

I curse under my breath.

És un sac d'ossos

He is a bag of bones.

sense greix ni carn

without fat or meat

amb què alimentar-se.

with what to feed oneself.

Si se'n vegués

If one could see it

la sang ara mateix

the blood right now

seria com si

it would be as if

no hagués pres res.

I wouldn't have taken anything.

Serà millor

It will be better.

que tenir-la a casa,

that having her at home,

anar-la encebant

to keep stirring it up

perquè agafe consistència

to gain consistency

i puga treure

and I can take out

més profit.

more profit.

Agafa unes tisores

Take some scissors.

i amb quatre cops

and with four hits

li talla els cabells negres

he cuts her black hair

com l'ànima

like the soul

de l'Enriqueta

from Enriqueta

per poder

to be able

bullir-los després

boil them afterwards

amb all i farigola

with garlic and thyme

i prendre-se en el brou

and take it in the broth

mentre l'engreixe

while fattening

la cuidarà

she will take care of her

com a l'Angelina.

like Angelina.

Enriqueta Martí

Enriqueta Martí

va explicar

he/she explained

que havia recollit

that had collected

aquells ossos

those bones

per estudis anatòmics

for anatomical studies

però els forenses

but the forensics

ho van descartar.

They discarded it.



Primer va argumentar

First he argued.

que els usava

that he used them

amb esta finalitat.

with this purpose.



els forenses

the forensics

van comprovar

they checked

que els ossos

that the bones

havien estat sotmesos

they had been subjected

a elevades temperatures

at high temperatures

és a dir

that is to say

que havien sigut cremats

that had been burned

o bullits.

or boiled.





pels interrogatoris

for the interrogations

va acabar confessant

he ended up confessing

que era curandera

that she was a healer

i que feia servir

and that I was using

els cossos

the bodies

de les criatures

of the creatures

com a matèria primera

as a raw material

per a fabricar

for manufacturing

els seus remeis.

their remedies.


He was assuring.

ser-ne una experta

to be an expert in it

i es vantava

and boasted

de saber elaborar

of knowing how to elaborate

les millors apòzemes

the best proverbs

i que els seus preparats màgics

and that their magical preparations

estaven molt ben pagats

they were very well paid

per gent adinerada

for wealthy people

i de bona posició social.

and of good social position.

De fet

In fact

l'exposició al foc

exposure to fire

dels ossos

of the bones

va conduir

he drove

els investigadors

the researchers

a la hipòtesi

to the hypothesis

que en realitat

that in reality

els infants

the children

havien estat sacrificats

had been sacrificed

a fi d'extraure'ls el greix.

in order to extract the fat.



El carrer ponent

The west street

encara amagava

still hiding

més secrets.

more secrets.



i inesperats

and unexpected



Per exemple

For example

darrere de l'armari de lluna

behind the moon cupboard

van trobar

they found

la cabellera castanya

the chestnut hair

d'una criatura

of a creature

d'uns tres anys.

of about three years.

Unes troballes insòlites

Unusual findings

que van obligar

that forced

els experts

the experts

a escorcollar

to search thoroughly

cada racó del pis.

every corner of the apartment.



En un rebost

In a pantry

que hi havia

that there was

al costat de la cuina

next to the kitchen

que estava tancada

that was closed

amb clau

with a key

hi van descobrir

they discovered it

mig centenar

half a hundred

de flascons

of bottles

plens de sang quallada

full of coagulated blood

de greix

of fat

i d'altres substàncies

and other substances

de naturalesa

of nature



que van enviar

that they sent

a analitzar

to analyze

a un laboratori.

to a laboratory.

I aquí

And here

flascons, pocs

bottles, few

i safes

and safes

plens de restes humanes

full of human remains



en una espècie

in a species

de mantega

of butter

a pòsemes

to weep

i ungüents

and ointments

llestos per a la venda.

ready for sale.

Encara no me ho has preguntat

You still haven't asked me.

diu ella

she says

i s'asseu

and sits down

en un portal.

in a portal.

El què?

The what?

Per a què

For what?

vull els nens?

Do I want the children?

Són la vida

They are life.

la innocència

the innocence

tot el que els adults

everything that adults

han perdut

they have lost

i volen recuperar.

and they want to recover.

Enriqueta destapa

Enriqueta uncovers.

el cabàs

the basket

que du cobert

what do you have covered

amb un drap

with a cloth

i en mostra

and in sample

el contingut.

the content.

Un pot

A jar

ple del que sembla

full of what it seems

confitura de prunes.

plum jam.

El cor d'una nena

The heart of a girl

macerat amb mel

macerated with honey

i vi blanc

and white wine

i unes branques

and some branches

de romaní.

of Romanies.

I al rebost

And in the pantry

de la cuina

from the kitchen

juntant pels flascons

gathering for the bottles

hi havia un llibre

there was a book

molt vell

very old

amb tapes dures

with hardcovers

i fulls

and leaves

a pergaminats

to parchments

que hi contenia

that it contained

fórmules estranyes

strange formulas

i misterioses.

and mysterious.



i també un quadernet

and also a small notebook

amb receptes

with recipes



amb una lletra

with a letter

clara i elegant

clear and elegant

que suposadament

that supposedly

eren remeis

they were remedies

per a tot tipus

for all kinds

de malalties

of diseases

i afeccions.

and conditions.

Uns descobriments

Some discoveries



que van colpir

that struck

la ciutat.

the city.

Els principals

The principals

periòdics estatals

state newspapers

que en aquella època

that at that time

es componien

they were made up

d'unes 16 pàgines

of about 16 pages

dedicaven cada dia

they dedicated every day

un parell de fulls

a pair of sheets

al cas

in case

de la vampira

of the vampire

del carrer Ponent.

of Ponent street.

Comentàvem el cas

We were discussing the case.

com si fos un fulletó.

as if it were a pamphlet.

Les novetats es publicaven

The news was published.

amb el titular

with the headline

Els misteris de Barcelona.

The mysteries of Barcelona.

Coneix els misteris

Know the mysteries

de l'hematologia.

of hematology.

És un expert

He is an expert.

a transformar la sang

to transform the blood

en remei.

a remedy.

Treu la vida

Take away life.

i la dona

and the woman


at the same time.

El vampir que busquem

The vampire we are looking for

és un boticari?

Is he a pharmacist?

El vampir que busquem

The vampire we are looking for

és metòdic,

he is methodical,



i manipulador.

and manipulative.

Pot envoltar-se

You can surround yourself.

de gent

of people

que li fa

what does it make him/her feel

certes feines

certain jobs

per no exposar-se.

to avoid exposing oneself.

Tindrà dues cares.

It will have two faces.

La de portes endins

The one inside.

i la que ofereix

and the one that offers

al món.

to the world.

La bruta

The dirty one

i l'elegant.

and the elegant.

I no tan sols

And not only

viu d'extreure la sang,

lives off extracting blood,

sinó també

but also

de comerciari.

of merchant.

El vampir que busquem

The vampire we seek

ha de ser un metge,

he must be a doctor,

un curandero

a healer

o un remeier.

or a healer.

Tot i que m'inclina més

Although it inclines me more.

cap a aquesta

towards this

darrera opció

last option

perquè el nostre vampir

because our vampire

té contacte

has contact

amb la cultura popular,

with popular culture,



No és científic.

It is not scientific.

Li ve de la tradició oral.

It comes from oral tradition.

Els periòdics

The newspapers

publicaven notícies diàries

they published daily news

a les quals,

to which,



s'hi van afegir

they joined in

els testimonis

the witnesses

de persones

of people

que havien tractat

that they had dealt with

amb Enriqueta Martí

with Enriqueta Martí

o havien patit

or had suffered

les conseqüències

the consequences

dels seus crims.

of their crimes.

Es van conèixer

They met.

històries tan dramàtiques

such dramatic stories

com la d'una dona aragonesa,

like that of an Aragonese woman,

del Canyís en concret,

from the Canyís in particular,

que la va identificar

that identified her

com la segrestadora

like the kidnapper

del seu fill de mesos.

of her baby son.

Sis anys abans,

Six years earlier,

el 1906,

in 1906,

la dona que acabava

the woman who was finishing

d'arribar a Barcelona

of arriving in Barcelona

es va trobar

was found

amb la vampira

with the vampire

del carrer Ponent,

from Ponent street,

que amb una extraordinària

that with an extraordinary



va saber enganyar-la.

he knew how to deceive her.

La dona va explicar

The woman explained.

al jutge

to the judge

que estava desesperada

that she was desperate

i famolenca

and hungry

i que Enriqueta

And what about Enriqueta?

va aconseguir

managed to

que li deixara la criatura

what the creature will leave him

mentre ella menjava

while she was eating

el que li acabava d'oferir.

what I had just offered him.

Tot seguit,


amb una excusa

with an excuse



es va allunyar de la mare

he/ she moved away from the mother

i va desaparèixer

and disappeared

amb el nadó.

with the baby.

Mai no va tornar

He never came back.

a veure el seu fill

to see your son

ni tampoc no va saber

nor did he/she know either

què havia fet amb ell.

what had he done with him.



el va usar

he used it

per a fabricar

for manufacturing

els seus remeis.

their remedies.

A la tortura psicològica

To psychological torture.

patida durant sis anys,

suffered for six years,

ara s'hi afegia

now it was added

l'horror d'imaginar

the horror of imagining

què havia fet amb ell

what had I done with him

la vampira

the vampire

del carrer Ponent.

from Ponent street.





un patiment indescriptible

an indescribable suffering

que van compartir

that they shared

totes les mares

all the mothers

que sospitaven

that they suspected

que la desaparició

that the disappearance

dels seus fills

of their children

estava relacionada

was related

amb Enriqueta Martí.

with Enriqueta Martí.

La veritat és que cada dia

The truth is that every day

s'afegien nous testimonis

new witnesses were added

a l'acusació

to the accusation

i finalment

and finally

la segrestadora

the kidnapper

va haver d'assumir

had to assume

bona part dels crims.

good part of the crimes.

Estava desesperada

I was desperate.

i ella mateixa

and herself

va exigir

he demanded

que escorcollaren

that they searched

el pis de dalt a baix

the apartment from top to bottom

i que picaran els parets

and the walls will knock

perquè encara

because still

hi trobarien més coses.

They would find more things.



que acabaria

that would end

executada el patíbul

executed at the gallows

i pretenia arrossegar

I intended to drag.

amb ella

with her

tots els seus còmplices.

all his accomplices.

El jutge,

The judge,



per la naturalesa

for nature

i la magnitud dels crims,

and the magnitude of the crimes,

va ordenar-li a la policia

he ordered the police to him

la inspecció

the inspection

de l'entresol

from the mezzanine

del carrer Ponent

from Ponent street

i de la resta d'immobles

and from the rest of the properties

en què Enriqueta Martí

in which Enriqueta Martí

havia viscut

had lived

des darrers 10 anys.

from the last 10 years.

I el resultat

And the result

va ser aterridor.

it was terrifying.

En un pis

In an apartment

del carrer de Picalqués

from Picalqués street

va ser descobert

it was discovered

un fals barandat

a false railing

i darrere

and behind

un amagatall

a hiding place

en el qual hi havia

in which there was



tirabuixons de cabells

hair twirls




wrapped up

en un tros

in a piece

de paper de diari

newspaper paper

i un drap brut de sang.

and a dirty bloodstain cloth.

Bona part dels ossos

Good part of the bones

estaven quasi triturats.

they were almost crushed.

A més,

In addition,

hi van trobar

they found him/her

algunes falanges

some phalanges



a infants

to children

de curta edat.

of short age.

Les cròniques

The chronicles

de l'època

from the era

compten que també

they count that also

hi va aparèixer

he appeared there

un calcetí molt menut

a very small sock

que havia d'haver

that must have been



a un xiquet de família

to a boy from a family

molt humil

very humble

perquè havia estat

because it had been

a pedassar diverses vegades

to be stoned several times

amb fils de colors diferents.

with threads of different colors.

En un altre pis

In another apartment.

del carrer de Tallers,

from Tallers Street,

en un altre amagatall,

in another hiding place,

hi van localitzar

they located there

més ossos

more bones

i dos trenes roses.

and two pink braids.

I finalment,

And finally,

al pati d'una casa

in the yard of a house

del carrer

from the street

dels Jocs Florals,

of the Floral Games,

a Sants,

in Sants,

van trobar,

they found,

a més de flascons

in addition to flasks

plens de sang quallada

full of congealed blood

i substàncies greixoses,

and fatty substances,

el crani d'un infant

the skull of a child

d'uns 3 anys

about 3 years

i un bon grapà d'ossos

and a good handful of bones

que els forenses

that the forensics

van assegurar

they assured

que pertanyien

that belonged

a criatures

to creatures

de 3, 6 i 8 anys.

of 3, 6, and 8 years.

En el sumari

In the summary

del cas de la vampira

of the case of the vampire

del carrer Ponent,

from Ponent street,

es van incloure

they were included

en total

in total

10 víctimes identificades.

10 identified victims.

Els periòdics

The newspapers

publicaven titulars

they published headlines



Els ossos

The bears

parlen de crims bàrbars

they speak of barbaric crimes

i les apòsames

and the apostles

i ungüents

and ointments

de supersticions medievals.

of medieval superstitions.

Si no,

If not,

a l'artista

to the artist

més amenaçada

more threatened

que no s'acaba

that doesn't end

la història

the history

però que t'emporta

but what do you care

la vida.


Aquesta és la story

This is the story.

de la vaga

of the strike

en realitat,

in reality,

La vida que m'està fent

The life that is making me.

en un lloc

in a place

i en la que

and in which

jo volia

I wanted.


to be

jo volia

I wanted


to be

jo volia

I wanted


to live

jo volia

I wanted

hi viure

to live

jo volia

I wanted


to be

jo volia

I wanted


to live

jo volia

I wanted


to live

i jo volia

and I wanted


to live

i jo volia

and I wanted


to live

i jo volia

and I wanted


to live

i jo volia

and I wanted


to live

i jo volia

and I wanted


to live

i jo volia

and I wanted

amb Anna Moner.

with Anna Moner.

L'escabrós negoci d'Enriqueta Martí.

The sordid business of Enriqueta Martí.

No hi havia cap dubte.

There was no doubt.

Enriqueta Martí explotava les criatures que segrestava per partida doble,

Enriqueta Martí exploited the children she kidnapped in two ways,

com a objectes de plaer de pederastes degenerats

as objects of pleasure for degenerate pederasts

i com a matèria prima per a l'elaboració dels seus ungüents.

and as a raw material for the production of their ointments.

Segurament, al Teatre del Liceu, al Casino de la Rabassada

Surely, at the Liceu Theatre, at the Rabassada Casino.

i altres llocs de reunió de la classe acomodada de Barcelona,

and other meeting places of the affluent class of Barcelona,

on acudia, avillada amb els vestits de seda i les perruques,

she would arrive, adorned in silk dresses and wigs,

oferia els seus serveis de curandera i proxeneta especialitzada en criatures.

She offered her services as a healer and a procuress specializing in creatures.

A principis del segle XX, la tuberculosi era una malaltia contagiosa i mortal

At the beginning of the 20th century, tuberculosis was a contagious and deadly disease.

que estava molt destesa,

that was very messy,

i hi havia gent que creia que el millor remei per a curar-la

and there were people who believed that the best remedy to heal her

consistia a beure sang humana i aplicar sobre el pit

it consisted of drinking human blood and applying it on the chest

cataplasmes preparades amb el greix dels infants.

poultices prepared with infant fat.

De fet, dos anys abans, un succés de característiques similars

In fact, two years earlier, an event with similar characteristics

havia causat l'alarma per tot l'estat.

it had caused alarm throughout the state.

El crim de Gádor, a Almeria.

The crime of Gádor, in Almeria.

Un curandero, Francisco Leona, havia sacrificat Bernardo González,

A healer, Francisco Leona, had sacrificed Bernardo González,

un xiquet de set anys,

a seven-year-old boy,

per tal que un propietari ric es curara de la tisi

so that a wealthy owner would take care of the tuberculosis

que patia bevent-ne la sang i aplicant-se el greix al pit.

that suffered by drinking its blood and applying fat to the chest.

S'oblida que la tisi, la tuberculosi, la sífilis

It is forgotten that tuberculosis, tuberculosis, syphilis.

i altres malalties no identificades

and other unidentified diseases

encara campen per la ciutat sense que ningú no les aturi.

They still roam the city without anyone stopping them.

No dic que el nostre home estigui malalt.

I'm not saying that our man is sick.

Dic que és un depredador que tria les víctimes

I say that he is a predator who chooses the victims.

no sols per la seva indefensió, sinó per les qualitats de la seva sang.

Not only for their helplessness but for the qualities of their blood.

La sang dels nens és més fresca i vital

The blood of children is fresher and more vital.

que la sang cansada d'algú més gran.

that the tired blood of someone greater.

A més edat, una sang més contaminada i més malalta.

As age increases, blood becomes more contaminated and sicker.

Com més jove i innocent,

The younger and more innocent,

més propietats sanadores conté.

more healing properties it contains.

Més pura.


Tothom sospitava que darrere dels aberrants assassinats

Everyone suspected that behind the abhorrent murders

de la vampira del Raval s'ocultava la podridura moral

the moral decay was hidden by the vampire of Raval

d'un gran nombre de persones amb suficients recursos econòmics

of a large number of people with sufficient economic resources

que satisfeien les seues perversions particulars.

that satisfied their particular perversions.

Sí, gent de classe alta que pagava grans quantitats de diners

Yes, high-class people who paid large amounts of money.

a canvi de remeis per a malalties incurables

in exchange for remedies for incurable diseases

per la medicina convencional

for conventional medicine

i de carn fresca per a satisfer els seus instints més baixos.

and fresh meat to satisfy their basest instincts.

Recordem que hi va aparèixer una llarga llista de clients d'Enriqueta Martí.

Let us remember that a long list of clients of Enriqueta Martí appeared there.

Una llista de la qual tothom parlava però que ningú no va arribar a veure.

A list that everyone talked about but that no one ever got to see.

Una llarga relació de noms i adreces en què es comentava

A long list of names and addresses in which it was commented

que figuraven metges, advocats, comerciants,

that included doctors, lawyers, merchants,

banquers, polítics i altres personalitats.

bankers, politicians, and other personalities.

Una llista que algú va fer que es volatilitzara.

A list that someone made that vanished.

I la indignació entre la població va augmentar

And the indignation among the population increased.

quan la premsa més conservadora va publicar,

when the more conservative press published,

seguint les ordres de les autoritats,

following the orders of the authorities,

un article en què en la famosa llista només figurava

an article in which only appeared in the famous list

gent coneguda pel seu amor a la caritat,

people known for their love of charity,

gent benestant a qui Enriqueta demanava el moina,

well-off people to whom Enriqueta asked for the moina,

famílies i persones distingides

distinguished families and individuals

que havien estat víctimes dels enganys d'una bruixa,

that had been victims of the deceits of a witch,

famílies i persones estafades per les mentides

families and people deceived by lies

i els precs d'una assassina.

and the pleas of a murderer.

La indignació social encara va augmentar més

Social outrage increased even more.

quan es va publicar la notícia que la vampira

when the news about the vampire was published

havia provat de tallar-se les venes amb una cullera de fusta

he had tried to cut his veins with a wooden spoon

en una cel·la de la presó de la reina Amàlia,

in a cell of Queen Amalia's prison,

coneguda popularment com la presó vella.

commonly known as the old prison.

Llavors, la indignació popular es va transformar en còlera

Then, popular indignation turned into fury.

i les autoritats judicials van haver de prendre mesures

and the judicial authorities had to take measures

per tal d'evitar el suïcidi de la vampira.

in order to prevent the vampire's suicide.

Tenien por d'una revolta popular,

They were afraid of a popular uprising,

ja que els fets de la Setmana Tràgica del 1909 encara coetjaven.

since the events of the Tragic Week of 1909 were still fresh.

També es va fer saber a la població mitjançant la premsa

It was also made known to the population through the press.

que s'havien pres mesures perquè l'assassina de nens

that measures had been taken so that the child killer

no hi remenguera mai sola.

she will never complain alone.

Tres de les recluses amb més carisma de la presó

Three of the most charismatic inmates in the prison

van passar a compartir-se-la amb ella

they started to share it with her

per tal de controlar tots els seus moviments.

to control all their movements.

Es va acordar de no perdre-la mai de vista

It was agreed not to lose sight of her ever again.

i d'evitar que per la nit es cobrís el cap amb els llençols.

and to prevent covering the head with the sheets at night.

Sí, i aprofitar-la per tallar-se les venes amb les dents.

Yes, and take the opportunity to cut one's veins with the teeth.

Tanmateix, com ocorre sempre en casos tan mediàtics,

However, as often happens in such media cases,

a poc a poc l'interès va començar a decaure.

Little by little, interest began to wane.

Feia temps que no es produïen nous descobriments

It had been a long time since new discoveries were made.

i la investigació va entrar en una fase rutinària i farragosa.

And the investigation entered a routine and cumbersome phase.

Un periodista, Luis Antón de l'Olmet,

A journalist, Luis Antón de l'Olmet,

concloïa així la sèrie de reportatges

thus concluded the series of reports

que havia escrit sobre el cas.

that had been written about the case.

Estem davant d'una dels criminals més terribles i cruels que es recorden.

We are faced with one of the most terrible and cruel criminals on record.

Una assassina en sèrie que, moguda per un fanatisme satànic,

A serial killer who, driven by satanic fanaticism,

ha mort infants durant deu anys

children have died over ten years

per extreure'ls del greix i fabricar ungüens.

to extract them from the fat and make ointments.

És un cas inaudit, monstruós,

It is an unprecedented, monstrous case,

del qual es parlarà molt de temps amb estupor.

of which much will be talked about for a long time with astonishment.

Enriqueta Martí es convertirà, sens dubte,

Enriqueta Martí will undoubtedly become,

en una llegenda per espantar les criatures.

in a legend to scare the creatures.

Però de veritat cal que continuem glossant indefinidament

But do we really need to keep glossing indefinitely?

aquest succés?

this event?

I per acabar de rematar l'interès pel tema,

And to finalize the interest in the topic,

a meitat d'abril d'aquell any,

in mid-April of that year,

un transatlàntic es va enfonsar

a cruise ship sank

després de xocar contra un iceberg

after colliding with an iceberg

i es va convertir en la tragèdia marítima

and it became the maritime tragedy

més greu de la història.

more serious in history.

Sí, el 14 d'abril del 1912,

Yes, on April 14, 1912,

el Titanic va naufragar

the Titanic sank

i aquella terrible notícia

and that terrible news

va apartar definitivament de les rotatives dels periòdics

he was definitively removed from the printing presses of the newspapers.

la vampira del carrer ponent.

the vampire of Ponent street.

Un any i tres mesos després de la seva detenció

A year and three months after his arrest.

i passada la indignació popular,

and after the popular indignation,

Enriqueta Martí va ser linxada

Enriqueta Martí was lynched.

en un dels patis del penal per les seues companyes.

in one of the prison yards for her companions.

S'hi va especular molt

There was a lot of speculation about it.

sobre la veritable causa de la mort.

about the true cause of death.

Hi havia qui afirmava que ja estava morta

There were those who claimed that she was already dead.

abans que la colpejaren.

before they struck her.

Aseguraven que l'havien enverinada.

They claimed that she had been poisoned.

I que hi havia gent important que volia fer-la desaparèixer.

And there were important people who wanted to make her disappear.

Però no s'hi va poder provar res.

But nothing could be tested there.

El procés es trobava en fase d'instrucció

The process was at the instruction phase.

i l'assassinat no va permetre que el seu cas es jutjara

and the murder did not allow his case to be judged

i es coneguera tota la veritat

and she would know all the truth

i tots els secrets que amagava.

and all the secrets that he/she hid.

Oficialment, la segrestadora proxeneta i assassina

Officially, the kidnapper, pimp, and murderer.

va morir la matinada del 12 de març.

he died in the early morning of March 12.

a causa d'una llarga malaltia.

due to a long illness.

La vampira del carrer Ponent va ser soterrada

The vampire of Ponent Street was buried.

a la fossa comuna del cementeri del sud-oest, a Montjuïc.

in the mass grave of the southwest cemetery, in Montjuïc.

Aquella nit, les persones que figuraven en la llista

That night, the people who were on the list.

es van agitar molt més tranquil·les.

they shook much more calmly.

Són l'alcaldessa de la policia de la zona del front.

They are the mayor and the police of the frontline area.

La policia de la zona del front,

The police in the front area,

era l'1.º responsable perquè es va marxar.

he was the first responsible because he left.

Aïllat d'aquí uns dies,

Isolated in a few days,

la policia d'El Pobler...

The police of El Pobler...

va venir al carrer.

He came to the street.

I va etcircar l'estiu.

It will be summer.

L'advocat d'aquest carrer va ser el seu secretari d'estudis.

The lawyer of this street was his study secretary.

A part de tenir la llista,

Besides having the list,

la policia d'aquest carrer va ser la seva.

The police of this street was hers.

Estava separat de la policia d'aquest carrer,

I was separated from the police on this street,

i la policia de la zona del front,

and the police in the front zone,

era la��의leta.

It was the island.

La policia d'aquest carrer es va cheerfulgar...

The police of this street became cheerful...

La visita

The visit

Puc passar?

Can I pass?

Rafa, com va?

Rafa, how are you?

Rafa Piqueras, passa.

Rafa Piqueras, come in.

Feia setmanes que no venies al meu gabinet.

You hadn't come to my office for weeks.

Segur que estàs molt enfeinada en projectes nous,

I'm sure you are very busy with new projects.

programes de ràdio, de tele, algun documental...

radio programs, TV shows, some documentaries...

Sí, la veritat és que hi ha unes quantes coses en marxa.

Yes, the truth is that there are a few things in progress.

Per això m'agrada visitar el teu gabinet.

That's why I like to visit your office.

Sempre hi trobo alguna cosa que em sorprèn,

I always find something that surprises me,

que m'aporta idees noves.

that brings me new ideas.

Aleshores, segur que el teu gabinet

Then, I'm sure your cabinet

i el tema d'avui no et deixa indiferent.

And today's topic does not leave you indifferent.

Estem parlant d'Enriqueta Martí,

We are talking about Enriqueta Martí,

la vampira del carrer Ponent.

the vampire of Ponent Street.

La vampira del Raval, sí, sí.

The vampire of Raval, yes, yes.

Conec la història.

I know the story.

Va ser una assassina en sèrie de principis del segle XX.

She was a serial killer from the early 20th century.

Més o menys.

More or less.

Fins fa poc, tothom la qualificava

Until recently, everyone qualified her.

d'assassinant en sèrie de criatures indefenses.

of serially murdering defenseless creatures.

Però ara han sorgit algunes veus

But now some voices have emerged

que apunten versions diferents.

that point to different versions.

Seu així i Anna t'ho explicarà.

Sit here and Anna will explain it to you.

Perquè tu te n'has d'anar.

Because you have to go.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Adeu, esperaré tornar-hi pront.

Goodbye, I will wait to return soon.

Sí, segur.

Yes, sure.

Així que ara hi ha veus

So now there are voices.

que aporten una visió diferent

that provide a different perspective

sobre el cas d'Enriqueta Martí.

about the case of Enriqueta Martí.

Sí, hi ha periodistes actuals que han investigat

Yes, there are current journalists who have investigated.

el cas de la vampira del carrer Ponent o del Raval,

the case of the vampire from Ponent Street or Raval,

com Jordi Coromines,

like Jordi Coromines,

autor d'Enriqueta Martí, Barcelona 1912,

author of Enriqueta Martí, Barcelona 1912,

o Elsa Plazas,

Oh Elsa Plazas,

que ha publicat Desmontando el caso

that has published Debunking the case

de la vampira del Raval,

of the vampire of Raval,

i tots dos defensen que la història d'Enriqueta

and both argue that Enriqueta's story

és el producte d'una maquinària periodística

It is the product of a journalistic machinery.

que afavoria la morbositat i la truculència.

that favored morbidity and gruesomeness.

Dubten del relat que oferia la premsa de l'època?

Do you doubt the account that the press of the time offered?

Coromines, per exemple,

Coromines, for example,

ha repassat notes i arxius

he has reviewed notes and files

i ha llegit les cròniques que van aparèixer

I have read the chronicles that appeared.

a l'Avanguardia i a l'ABC l'any 1912.

in the Avanguard and in the ABC in the year 1912.

I ha arribat a la conclusió

I have come to the conclusion.

que la història d'Enriqueta Martí

that the story of Enriqueta Martí

no és el que sembla.

it's not what it seems.

I en què es basa per posar en qüestió

And what is it based on to call into question?

tota la investigació policial

the entire police investigation

i periodística del cas?

and journalistic of the case?

D'una banda, exposa que Barcelona llavors

On one hand, it states that Barcelona then

no comptava amb un gran assassí en sèrie local

I didn't count on a great local serial killer.

i que la figura d'Enriqueta

and that the figure of Enriqueta

era una oportunitat per encaixar

it was an opportunity to fit in

dins del parc temàtic barceloní

inside the Barcelona theme park

i que la figura d'Enriqueta era una oportunitat

And that the figure of Enriqueta was an opportunity.

una mena de jacles budellador.

a kind of gut strings.

D'altra banda, la Barcelona de finals del segle XIX

On the other hand, Barcelona at the end of the 19th century.

era una ciutat amb un 50% d'analfabetisme

it was a city with a 50% illiteracy rate

i 12.000 prostitutes.

And 12,000 prostitutes.

Un lloc idoni per a fer creixer

An ideal place to grow.

un relat sinistre similar

a similar sinister tale

al de l'assassí anglès.

to the English assassin.

Aleshores, per als que qüestionen el tractament del cas,

Then, for those who question the handling of the case,

Enriqueta va ser només

Enriqueta was only

una figura criminal omflada periodísticament

a criminal figure inflated journalistically

que ocultava les vergonyes de Barcelona.

that hid the shame of Barcelona.

Hi havia nombroses situacions

There were numerous situations.

de maltractament infantil

of child abuse

i també segrestos de xiquets per tot l'estat.

and also kidnappings of children throughout the state.

Però de sobte, en un moment molt delicat

But suddenly, at a very delicate moment

per a la capital catalana,

for the Catalan capital,

poc després de la setmana tràgica,

shortly after the tragic week,

va aparèixer aquest cas.

this case appeared.

I de seguida, la premsa es va fer ressò

And soon, the press took notice.

d'una notícia impactant

of a shocking news

que alimentava cada dia

that fed every day

per tal que la gent comprara el periòdic

so that people would buy the newspaper

amb independència de la informació útil

regardless of useful information

que hi poguera aportar.

that I could contribute.

El cas d'Enriqueta Martí es comentava

The case of Enriqueta Martí was being discussed.

i s'escampava gràcies als diaris

and it spread thanks to the newspapers

que en parlaven i distreien

that they talked and distracted

els veïns de Barcelona de les misèries quotidianes.

the neighbors of Barcelona of the daily miseries.

Així, el que es planteja

Thus, what is posed

és que els crims de la vampira del Raval

it's the crimes of the Raval vampire

es van fer servir per fomentar

they were used to promote

la distracció i l'evasió dels ciutadans.

the distraction and evasion of the citizens.

Evidentment, Enriqueta despertava interès

Evidently, Enriqueta aroused interest.

i servia de distracció.

and served as a distraction.

La premsa pretenia treure

The press intended to take out.

tot el suc a notícies d'este tipus.

all the juice to news of this type.

Però, com que la premsa

But, since the press

es va inventar tantes mentides

he invented so many lies

al voltant d'una persona tan anòdina, tan anònima?

around such a mundane, so anonymous person?

Corominas afirma que una vegada coneguda

Corominas states that once known

la notícia del segrest de Teresa,

the news of Teresa's kidnapping,

la premsa va intentar construir la història

the press tried to construct the story

abans que començaren a saber-se les dades concretes.

before the specific data began to be known.

Des de la policia i el govern civil

From the police and the civil government

es van fer comentaris que van provocar

there were comments that provoked

l'alarma social i va haver versions múltiples

the social alarm and there were multiple versions

sobre el que havia ocorregut.

about what had happened.

També apunta, Corominas,

Also note, Corominas,

que els crims d'Enriqueta van servir

that Enriqueta's crimes were used

per enmascarar assumptes veritablement greus

to mask truly serious issues

de tracte de dones.

of women's dealings.

que anaven a parar a França.

that they were going to end up in France.

I, precisament, el caràcter anònim d'Enriqueta

I, precisely, the anonymous character of Enriqueta.

permetia el seu ús.

allowed its use.

Ningú no la coneixia

Nobody knew her.

i ningú no podia defensar-la.

and no one could defend her.

Enriqueta, en certa manera,

Enriqueta, in a way,

representava la gent pobra i desesperada

it represented the poor and desperate people

que no apareixia en els mitjans.

that did not appear in the media.

Sí, pel que es veu,

Yes, it seems that way.

darrere d'aquells terribles casos

behind those terrible cases

de segrestos i explotació infantil

of kidnappings and child exploitation

figurava tota una trama fosca

it featured a whole dark plot

que es bifurcava en escenaris inesperats.

that branched into unexpected scenarios.

Segons Elsa Plaza,

According to Elsa Plaza,

tot formava part d'una trama

it all was part of a plot

que recorria els suburbis

that traversed the suburbs

de la ciutat

of the city

i arribava als pisos bordells

and I arrived at the brothel apartments

de l'alta burguesia catalana.

of the Catalan upper bourgeoisie.

Una trama que connectava

A plot that connected

els rabals de París

the outskirts of Paris

i els locals del cafè concert

and the locals of the concert café

dels barris més marginals de Barcelona.

from the most marginal neighborhoods of Barcelona.

Així, que darrere de les misèries

Thus, behind the miseries

i els segrestos de la vampira

and the kidnappings of the vampire woman

hi havia la cara més fosca i podrida

there was the darkest and most rotten face

de la Barcelona modernista i burguesa.

of modernist and bourgeois Barcelona.

Sí, segons Plaza,

Yes, according to Plaza,

les desaparicions d'infants,

the disappearances of children,

la prostitució, la pederàstia,

prostitution, pedophilia,

els funcionaris corruptes,

the corrupt officials,

el tractament de la premsa...

the treatment of the press...

Tot fa pensar que la realitat té mil cares,

Everything makes one think that reality has a thousand faces,

que poden ser fruit de la manipulació.

that may be the result of manipulation.

En realitat, Plaza planteja

In reality, Plaza proposes

que darrere d'Enriqueta Martí,

that behind Enriqueta Martí,

tractada com una bruixa

treated like a witch

i acusada de proxenetisme

and accused of pimping

i de fabricar ungüents amb les vísceres

and to make ointments with the entrails

i els ossos de menors,

and the bones of minors,

s'ocultava la doble moral

the double standard was hidden

i la misèria sexual,

and sexual misery,

l'explotació laboral,

labor exploitation,

la ignorància

the ignorance

i la desprotecció total de la infantesa.

and the total deprotection of childhood.

De fet, el rabal de finals del segle XIX

In fact, the raval from the late 19th century.

i principis del segle XX

at the beginning of the 20th century

era un barri on abundava la precarietat

it was a neighborhood where precariousness was abundant

i la mendicitat per manca d'oportunitats.

and the begging due to lack of opportunities.



Un ambient de misèria i pobresa

An atmosphere of misery and poverty.

que dibuixava un escenari ideal

that depicted an ideal scenario

perquè les acusacions de bruixeria

because of the accusations of witchcraft

circularen ràpidament.

they circulate quickly.

Enriqueta Martí es va erigir

Enriqueta Martí was erected.

com la culpable perfecta.

as the perfect guilty one.

En el seu llibre, el Plaza documenta

In his book, Plaza documents

les nombroses denúncies sobre explotació laboral,

the numerous complaints about labor exploitation,

comercial i sexual

commercial and sexual

a les quals eren sotmesos els menors

to which minors were subjected

i les dones.

and the women.

I en aquest context, la vampira apareix com la criminal

And in this context, the vampire appears as the criminal.

sobre la qual es podia encarregar

on it could be commissioned

bona part de les desaparicions infantils

good part of the child disappearances

de l'època.

of the time.

Curiosament, mentre s'alimentaven

Curiously, while they were feeding.

els crims d'Enriqueta Martí,

the crimes of Enriqueta Martí

no es parlava, per exemple,

it was not talked about, for example,

del negoci dels segrestos de xiquets,

of the business of child kidnappings,

xiquets que enviaven a França

children being sent to France

on eren explotats en fàbriques de vidre.

they were exploited in glass factories.

Així, segons els investigadors

Thus, according to the researchers

que has mencionat, es pot fer

what you mentioned can be done

una lectura més complexa del cas de la dona

a more complex reading of the woman's case

que segrestava i matava xiquets

that kidnapped and killed children

per tardelaborar remeis màgics que venien als rics.

to late develop magic remedies that were sold to the rich.

Sí, sí. De fet, en aquell moment

Yes, yes. In fact, at that moment

es va posar el focus en Enriqueta

the focus was placed on Enriqueta

amb la intenció d'amagar la misèria moral

with the intention of hiding the moral misery

de les classes altes de la ciutat.

from the upper classes of the city.

I l'explotació de les classes populars.

And the exploitation of the working classes.

Una societat podrida

A rotten society

que culpava a una bruixa malèfica

who blamed an evil witch

de totes les desaparicions,

of all the disappearances,

raptes i maltractaments que sofrien els menors.

abuse and mistreatment that minors suffered.

Per tant, les investigacions

Therefore, the investigations

de l'època van destapar

from the era they uncovered

un personatge macabre i despietat.

a macabre and ruthless character.

Una assassina que formava part

A killer who was part

d'una corrupció generalitzada

of a widespread corruption

que implicava diversos capes socials.

that involved various social layers.

I que, com sol ocórrer, van quedar

And that, as often happens, they were left



El que volia fer era rebre la presó.

What I wanted to do was to receive prison.

I la seva feina va ser

And his job was

la de rebre els presos.

the receiving of the prisoners.

I la seva feina va ser

And his job was

la de rebre els presos.

the one to receive the prisoners.

I ara les condicions

And now the conditions.

de la presó són les mateixes.

from prison are the same.

La violència,


la violència de la presó...

the violence of prison...

La violència de la presó...

The violence of the prison...

Tots els delicts atribuïts a Enriqueta Martí

All the crimes attributed to Enriqueta Martí

mai no van poder demostrar-se legalment

they were never able to be proven legally

perquè les proves van desaparèixer,

because the evidence disappeared,

els pèrits es van desdir

the experts retracted

i els influents padrins de la vampira

and the influential godfathers of the vampire

es van desparir.

They disappeared.

I la violència de la vampira

And the violence of the vampire.

va ser la primera cosa que va fer que les persones

it was the first thing that made people

Es van encarregar que mai se saberen els noms dels veritables responsables.

They made sure that the names of the true responsible parties were never known.

Es comentava que el principal client d'Enriqueta era un varó que vivia a la part alta de la ciutat,

It was said that Enriqueta's main client was a gentleman who lived in the upper part of the city,

però no hi existien proves evidents de la seva implicació,

but there was no direct evidence of his involvement,

perquè en l'escorcoll efectuat al carrer ponent es van esfumar moltes notes i material escrit.

because many notes and written material disappeared during the search carried out on Ponent Street.

Mai no sabrem exactament la veritat de les desaparicions d'infants

We will never know exactly the truth about the disappearances of children.

ocorregudes a principis del segle XX a tot l'estat,

occurred in the early 20th century throughout the state,

ni qui eren les persones implicades en esta trama de corrupció.

nor who the people involved in this corruption scheme were.

Mai ho sabrem. Ara bé, la història de la vampira del carrer ponent,

We'll never know. Now, the story of the vampire from Ponent street,

entre altres coses, ha generat material per a novel·les com La mala dona, de Marc Pastor.

among other things, it has generated material for novels such as La mala dona, by Marc Pastor.

El noi entra i tanca la porta,

The boy enters and closes the door.

la porta amb el forrellat, avança a poc a poc, temerós que l'enxampen, però excitat.

The door with the latch opens slowly, fearful of being caught, but excited.

La cuina és buida i en ordre, sense cap indici que allà hi cuini algú.

The kitchen is empty and tidy, with no signs that someone cooks there.

No hi ha olor de brou, ni de carn, ni de peix, ni de res.

There is no smell of broth, nor of meat, nor of fish, nor of anything.

Passa ràpid per l'habitació de parets de velluts granat,

It passes quickly through the room with burgundy velvet walls,

de mobles cars i miralls a totes les parets,

of expensive furniture and mirrors on all the walls,

intentant no deixar petjades a la catifa espessa.

trying not to leave footprints on the thick carpet.

El dormitori de l'Enriqueta és buit,

Enriqueta's bedroom is empty,

i també el traster on es troba la seva mare,

and also the storage room where his mother is,

on amaga les criatures que recull del carrer.

where he hides the creatures he collects from the street.

A l'habitació d'Angelina hi ha la nena asseguda jugant a nines amb palets.

In Angelina's room, the girl is sitting playing with dolls and sticks.

S'adona que són ossos petits, com de falanges minúscules,

She realizes that they are small bones, like tiny phalanges,

segurament ja bullides, perquè no queda ni rastre de carn, ni tendons, ni sang.

surely already boiled, because there is not a trace of meat, tendons, or blood left.

A què jugues?

What are you playing?

Als germanets morts, diu ella sense distreure's.

To the dead little brothers, she says without being distracted.

I com s'hi juga?

And how do you play it?

Aquesta és la meua filla, i aixeca un dels ossos.

This is my daughter, and she lifts one of the bones.

I juga amb els seus germans.

He plays with his siblings.

Els altres no són fills teus?

Aren't the others your children?

No, són fills d'una altra gent.

No, they are children of other people.

I quan té gana, se'ls menja.

And when he is hungry, he eats them.

D'esta macabra i distorsionada història s'ha parlat molt

A lot has been said about this macabre and distorted story.

i s'han fet molts reportatges.

Many reports have been made.

Així hi ha material per a un interessant documental.

Thus, there is material for an interesting documentary.

Veus com sempre me'n vaig amb alguna nova idea?

Do you see how I always leave with some new idea?

I no saps com me n'alegro.

And you don’t know how happy that makes me.

Ara estaré molt ocupat durant una temporada,

Now I will be very busy for a while,

però esperaré tornar al prompte.

but I will wait to return soon.

Mira, acomiadem-nos com cal.

Look, let's say goodbye properly.

Tria un tema per tal de neutralitzar la impressió

Choose a topic to neutralize the impression.

que encara ens generen tants anys després

that still generate for us many years later

els assassinats de la vampira, la que vulguis.

the murders of the vampire, whichever you prefer.

Doncs mira, com que el Raval és un lloc

Well, look, since the Raval is a place

que sempre ha tingut un estigma de barri marginal,

that has always had a stigma of a marginal neighborhood,

i de fet en els últims anys ha canviat molt.

And in fact, it has changed a lot in recent years.

I ara és un barri multicultural

And now it is a multicultural neighborhood.

on hi ha una barreja impressionant de cultures

there is an impressive mix of cultures

i de llocs del món i de sons de tots diferents.

and from places in the world and from all different sounds.

Jo crec que una cançó de Macaco,

I believe that a song by Macaco,

que és un grup que es va gestar en eixe barri,

that is a group that was formed in that neighborhood,

i una cançó com Tengo, per exemple,

and a song like Tengo, for example,

és una bona manera de llevar-li l'estigma al barri.

It's a good way to take away the stigma from the neighborhood.

Sí, és una elecció perfecta.

Yes, it is a perfect choice.

Ha estat un plaer, Rafa.

It has been a pleasure, Rafa.

Pots vindre sempre que vulguis, ja ho saps.

You can come whenever you want, you know that.

Tots hi podeu tornar.

You can all come back.

Jo estaré així, al meu gabinet de curiositats, esperant-vos.

I will be here, in my cabinet of curiosities, waiting for you.

Avui hem estat en la sintonia de Punt Mèdia,

Today we have been in the wavelength of Punt Mèdia,

Sandra Aragó, a la producció,

Sandra Aragó, in production,

Héctor Tirado, a la realització,

Héctor Tirado, in the direction,

Sebastià Carratalà i Anna Moner, a la direcció i la redacció,

Sebastià Carratalà and Anna Moner, in the direction and editing,

i Jordi Ballester, Yolanda Muñoz, Rafa Piqueras,

and Jordi Ballester, Yolanda Muñoz, Rafa Piqueras,

Sebastià Carratalà i Anna Moner, als micròfons.

Sebastià Carratalà and Anna Moner, at the microphones.

I recordeu que, com deia Oscar Wilde,

And remember that, as Oscar Wilde said,

l'art no ens pot ferir.

Art cannot hurt us.

Fins sempre. Un bes.

Goodbye. A kiss.

Fins demà.

Until tomorrow.



Fins demà.

See you tomorrow.



Fins demà.

Until tomorrow.

No cantaré a lo que desconozco

I will not sing about what I do not know.

Solo a lo que entró en el fondo

Only to what entered the background.

Como el pozo del vino que bebí

Like the wine well that I drank.

Y antes de emborracharme

And before I get drunk.

Brindaré mirando a tus ojos

I will toast while looking into your eyes.

Y gritaré

And I will scream

El secreto es el amor que siento por ti

The secret is the love I feel for you.


I have

Y lo que tengo lo mantengo

And what I have, I keep.

A base de amor y fe

Based on love and faith



Que si no estás no corre el viento

That if you're not here, the wind doesn't blow.

Quizás afuera sí

Maybe outside yes.

Pero no dentro de mí

But not inside me.


I have

Sin maleta con lo puesto

Without a suitcase, with just what I'm wearing.

Y esta canción mi remedio

And this song my remedy.

Vitamina para el vivir

Vitamin for living


I return

Y hasta enero si estás lejos

And until January if you are far away

Pongo el freno

I put the brake on.

Cuando pasas junto a mí

When you walk by me

La primera lección aprendí

The first lesson I learned.

Pero olvidé el cuaderno al salir

But I forgot the notebook when I left.

Y la primera lección aprendí

And the first lesson I learned.

Y en la escuela de la vida

And in the school of life

No se puede repetir

It cannot be repeated.

Así que voy lápiz en mano

So I'm going with pencil in hand.

Tomando notas y callando

Taking notes and staying quiet.

A veces es mejor no decir

Sometimes it's better not to say.

Aprendí a alzar la vela

I learned to raise the sail.

A aguantarla en la marea

To hold it in the tide.

Y a romper las olas

And to break the waves

Del mal vivir

Of the bad living

Y es que el vaso

And it's just that the glass

Medio lleno, medio vacío

Half full, half empty.

Mi niña

My girl

Solo depende

It only depends.

De ti y de mí

About you and me.

Y en la escuela de la vida

And in the school of life

Y no es más rico el que más lleva

And the one who has the most isn't necessarily the richest.

Sino el que algo tiene y lo conserva

But he who has something and keeps it.

Sin enfriarlo

Without cooling it.

Sin olvidarlo en un cajón

Without forgetting it in a drawer

Y no hay mayor tesoro

And there is no greater treasure.

Que el que guardas en tu corazón

That which you keep in your heart.

en el bolsillo triste de un pantalón.

in the sad pocket of a pair of pants.

Here we go.

Here we go.

Tengo y lo que tengo lo mantengo

I have, and what I have I keep.

a base de amor y fe.

based on love and faith.

Siento que si no estás no corre el viento,

I feel that if you're not here, the wind doesn't blow.

quizás afuera sí, pero no dentro de mí.

maybe outside yes, but not inside me.

Vengo sin maleta con lo puesto

I'm coming without luggage, just what I'm wearing.

y esta canción mi remedio, vitamina para el vivir.

and this song my remedy, vitamin for living.

Vuelvo y acelero si estás lejos,

I return and accelerate if you are far away,

pongo el freno cuando pasas junto a mí.

I put the brake on when you pass by me.

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