01.08.2020 | Entre amics | Juli Mira

À Punt Mèdia

Entre amics

01.08.2020 | Entre amics | Juli Mira

Entre amics

Benvingudes i benvinguts a Entre Amics,

Welcome to Among Friends,

un programa presentat per Lluís Miquel Campos i Tonino Guitián.

a program presented by Lluís Miquel Campos and Tonino Guitián.

Presentar el nostre convidat d'avui m'hauria de resultar molt fàcil

Introducing our guest today should be very easy for me.

perquè ell i jo ens coneixem molt i des de fa molt de temps.

because he and I know each other very well and have for a long time.

Hem passat junts penes i junts ho hem passat pipa també

We have gone through hardships together and we have also had a great time together.

i hem patit també alguna vegada.

and we have also suffered sometimes.

I al llarg dels anys la nostra amistat no ha fet sinó consolidar-se.

And over the years, our friendship has only solidified.

Però precisament per això,

But precisely for that reason,

perquè el conec massa no sé com fer-li justícia en unes poques paraules.

Because I know him too well, I don't know how to do him justice in a few words.

Em limitaré a dir, per tant, que és una persona de bé,

I will limit myself to saying, therefore, that he is a good person.

amic dels seus amics, agraït, lleial, sincer

friend of his friends, grateful, loyal, sincere

i un professional com la copa d'un pi.

and a professional like the top of a pine tree.

Un luxe per a tots els valencians que no sé si ens ho mereixem

A luxury for all Valencians that I don't know if we deserve.

però que pot ser no valorarem com cal.

but we may not appreciate it as we should.

Ara, Tonino Guitián, el nostre company.

Now, Tonino Guitián, our colleague.



Tens que dir quatre coses bàsiques sobre ell i de seguida raonarem.

You need to say four basic things about him and then we will reason.

Juli Mira es guanyava la vida com a empleat de Banca Alcoi,

Juli Mira earned a living as an employee of Banca Alcoi.

un treball prou avorrit,

a rather boring job,

i s'entretenia fent obres de teatre com a aficionat en una companyia

He entertained himself by doing theater as an amateur in a company.

que es deia La Cazuela, que fa temps que es va a dissoldre.

which was called La Cazuela, which dissolved a long time ago.

Quan es crea Canal Nou,

When Canal Nou is created,

va començar a fer doblatge, locucions i xicotets papers

he started doing voice-over, voice work, and small roles.

en pel·lícules i sèries,

in movies and series,

i a poc a poc es va anar professionalitzant.

and gradually it started to become professionalized.

Pront es va convertir en això que se'n diu un secundari de luxe.

Soon he became what is called a luxury secondary.

Per la seva presència i, sobretot, per la seva veu gruixuda

For his presence and, above all, for his deep voice.

i, segons diuen alguns, i també alguns, sensual.

And, according to some, also some, sensual.

S'assembla a Blasco Ibáñez com un ou a un altre.

He resembles Blasco Ibáñez like one egg to another.

I a hores d'ara ha treballat en més de 80 obres

And by now he has worked on more than 80 works.

com ara La portentosa vida del pare Vicent,

like now The portentous life of Father Vicent,

Héctor, El estigma del miedo, Gràcies per la propina,

Héctor, The Stigma of Fear, Thank you for the tip,

El mar o, més recentment, La vida abismal,

The sea or, more recently, The abyssal life,

Enloquecides, El cònsol de Sodoma o Formentera Lady.

Enraged, The Consul of Sodom or Formentera Lady.

Però allò que més fama li ha donat han sigut els seus treballs per a la televisió,

But what has brought him the most fame are his works for television,

les TV movies i, sobretot, sèries com Herència de sang,

the TV movies and, above all, series like Blood Inheritance,

Hospital central o Cuéntame.

Central Hospital or Tell Me.

I també li han donat premis, però és que no sé quants li han donat,

And they have also given him awards, but I don't know how many they have given him.

crec que són molts.

I think there are many.


It is...

Ara me'ls recordaré, jo sé uns quants, eh?, i ja són molts, eh?, molts, molts, molts.

Now I'll remember them, I know a few, huh?, and that's already a lot, huh?, a lot, a lot, a lot.

Què tal, Juli?

How are you, Juli?

Molt bé, encantat d'estar aquí amb vosaltres.

Very good, delighted to be here with you.

Bueno, de premis...

Well, about awards...

Estàs comptabilitzat?

Are you accounted for?

No, no, no, la veritat és que no.

No, no, no, the truth is that no.

Me'n recordo de l'últim.

I remember the last one.

Jo també, jo també, jo també.

Me too, me too, me too.

Sí, sí, l'últim ha sigut el premi de l'Acadèmia de l'Audiovisual Valencià.

Yes, yes, the last one was the award from the Valencian Audiovisual Academy.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Un premi d'honor, a més, perquè, com tots sabem, t'ho mereixies.

An honorary award, moreover, because, as we all know, you deserved it.

Bueno, hi ha opinions, hi ha opinions d'això.

Well, there are opinions, there are opinions about this.

Juli, conta'm les primeres experiències com a actor en el COI.

Juli, tell me about your first experiences as an actor in the COI.

Bé, jo vaig començar com a actor aficionat

Well, I started as an amateur actor.

quan tenia 10 o 18 anys, en el COI,

when I was 10 or 18 years old, in the IOC,

perquè allà hi havia, en la joventut, una inquietud,

because there was, in youth, a restlessness,

una inquietud important per coses culturals,

an important concern for cultural matters,

i, bueno, la gent, el grup d'amics,

and, well, the people, the group of friends,

van començar en un grupet que es deia Assalla,

they started in a little group called Assalla,

dins del grup d'antics alumnes de l'Assalla.

within the group of former students of the Assalla.

Vam fer un parell de muntatges, recorde,

We did a couple of setups, I remember.

que es deia, una era Esquina Peligrosa, de John B. Presley,

it was called, it was Dangerous Corner, by John B. Presley,

i una altra, vam fer, ja, Històries d'una escalera,

And another one, we did, already, Stories from a Staircase,

de Bueno Vallejo.

of Bueno Vallejo.



Bé, i a partir d'ahí, ens vam entusiasmar,

Well, and from there, we got excited,

nos vinimos arriba, que diria...

we got carried away, as they would say...



I ens vam posar a treballar i a fer coses més ambicions,

And we got to work and started doing more ambitious things,

però va arribar un moment en què, clar,

but there came a moment when, of course,

lo que volíem no podíem fer-ho per nostres mitjans.

what we wanted we could not do with our own means.

Aleshores, vam...

Then, we...

vam haver de...

we had to...



ficar-se dins de la Cazuela,

to get into the Cazuela,

que era el grup amateur per excel·lència.

that was the amateur group par excellence.

I ja existia.

And it already existed.

Ja existia, efectivament, ja existia.

It already existed, indeed, it already existed.

I vam començar a treballar allí, dins de la Cazuela,

We started working there, inside the Cazuela,

i la primera funció que vaig fer allí va ser

And the first function I did there was

retaule del flautista, de Jordi Teixido.

retable of the flautist, by Jordi Teixido.

Teixido, sí.

Teixido, yes.





moltes variacions per un coixí,

many variations for a pillow,

i a partir d'ahí una muntona de...

and from there a whole bunch of...

de obres,

of works,

contínuament, contínuament,

continuously, continuously,

després d'un muntatge venia un altre,

after a setup came another,

perquè era una... una...

because it was a... a...



una entitat, la Cazuela, que sí que tenia possibles,

an entity, the Cazuela, that did have possibilities,

tenia... estava molt ben subvencionada,

it had... it was very well subsidized,

i sí que podia fer muntatges ambiciosos.

and he could indeed do ambitious montages.

Jo recorde,

I remember,

precisament en el 160,

precisely in 160,

al principi, en el 63 o això,

at first, in 63 or so,

ja anava molt al coll,

it was already going a lot to the neck,

en el grup, els 4-7,

in the group, the 4-7,

i me'n recorde que va ser una sorpresa

And I remember that it was a surprise.

con eixer bé al coll,

with that well on the neck,

perquè era una ciutat

because it was a city

més lliure que la pròpia València, saps?

freer than Valencia itself, you know?

Era gent, la gent jove, normalment,

It was people, young people, normally,

o estaven estudiant o estaven treballant,

either they were studying or they were working,

des dels 16, 17 anys,

since the age of 16 or 17,

allà correven en una indústria

there they were running in an industry

de moltes coses que n'hi havia.

of many things that were there.

Era una ciutat lliure

It was a free city.

i en un pensament lliure.

and in a free thought.



Tu el recordes, així, no?

You remember him, like that, right?

Jo ho recorde, ho recorde,

I remember it, I remember it.

i ho he viscut, no?

And I have lived it, haven't I?

Jo recorde... el Ceut,

I remember... the Ceut,

te'n recordes, el Ceut?

Do you remember, Ceut?

Sí, i tant.

Yes, indeed.

Allí t'he vist actuar jo a tu.

There I have seen you perform.

Sí, senyor.

Yes, sir.

Allí t'he vist actuar jo a tu, en els 4-7.

I have seen you perform there, in the 4-7.

Sí, senyor.

Yes, sir.

Huan carm muchos,

When they eat a lot,

hoy yo no estoy en la calle.

Today I am not on the street.

Espérame un momento,

Wait for me a moment,

y yo te quiero.

and I love you.

applications en un papel.

applications on a paper.







I la gent era molt lliure i era molt inquieta, molt inquieta.

And the people were very free and very restless, very restless.

Sí, sí, a més, molt avançada, eh?

Yes, yes, also very advanced, huh?

Això tenia una part positiva i una altra part negativa.

This had a positive part and a negative part.

Alguna vegada hem hagut de córrer davant dels revisors.

Sometimes we have had to run away from the inspectors.

Ah, molt bé. Sí, les coses que passen.

Ah, very well. Yes, the things that happen.

Un dia, de manera primera,

One day, in a primary way,

eixim d'un muntatge d'Alfonso Sastre

we come out of a montage by Alfonso Sastre

i eixim del teatre en sesets

We exit the theater at six.

i agafem la cruda de l'Aurel,

and we take Aurel's raw one,

la corona de l'Aurel de los caídos,

the crown of Aurelio of the fallen,

por Dios y por España,

for God and for Spain,

i la tirem a fer la mà i ve la poli de remolosos.

And we throw it to do the hand and the police comes with the tow truck.

Carrer Sant Nicolau cap a dalt.

Saint Nicholas Street going up.

Uns per Sant Nicolau, altres pel pont, altres per Sant Llorenç.

Some for Saint Nicholas, others for the bridge, others for Saint Lawrence.

Escolta, i tu l'arribada a València va ser de la mà de Pep Cortés.

Listen, and you arrived in Valencia thanks to Pep Cortés.

Pep Cortés va ser el que em va proposar

Pep Cortés was the one who proposed it to me.

vindre a València a provar el doblatge,

come to Valencia to try out the dubbing,

a provar el doblatge.

to try the dubbing.

Pep Cortés, que ens ha deixat ben poc.

Pep Cortés, who has left us very little.

Sí, éreu família, no?

Yes, you were family, right?

Sí, era tio meu. Era cosí germà de ma mare.

Yes, he was my uncle. He was my mother's first cousin.

I el primer treball que vas fer, quan vas entrar en un escenari?

And the first job you did, when you got on stage?

En un escenari...

On a stage...

Que suposa que estaries acollonit.

That means you would be scared.

Totalment, totalment, totalment.

Totally, totally, totally.

Sí, bueno, però jo estic en una ocasió,

Yes, well, but I am in an occasion,

un succeït...

an occurrence...

que em va llevar la vergonya per sempre.

that took away my shame forever.

Camilo Sexto...

Camilo Sexto...

Hombre, el meu amic, Camilo Blanes.

Man, my friend, Camilo Blanes.

Sí, jo jugava amb ell en el carrer, pel carrer de Llobregne.

Yes, I used to play with him in the street, on Llobregne street.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Sí, ell vivia a 50 metres de ma casa.

Yes, he lived 50 meters from my house.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I va vindre, ja era Camilo, jo estava amb la Mili,

He came, it was already Camilo, I was with Mili.

i va vindre al coll a fer un concert.

And he came to the neck to give a concert.

I em van proposar que, per omplir un poc l'espectacle,

I was suggested that, in order to fill the show a bit,

jo fes alguna coseta.

I did something small.

I jo, amb més il·lusió que coneixement,

And I, with more enthusiasm than knowledge,

em vaig preparar los perjuicios del tabaco de Sejo.

I prepared myself for the harms of Sejo tobacco.

Ah, caramba.

Ah, wow.

Un monologuet.

A little monologue.

Me'l vaig preparar en comatelo nero.

I prepared it for myself in comatelo nero.

El vaig fer.

I did it.

I, evidentment, no em van matar de conya, no?

I, obviously, they didn't kill me for fun, did they?



Allí, chillant, xiulant...

There, shouting, whistling...

Jo recorde que...

I remember that...

És fans de Camilo, no?

You're a fan of Camilo, aren't you?

Havien anat allí a morir a Camilo, no a mi, lògicament.

They had gone there to kill Camilo, not me, logically.

Però, mira, això va estar bé.

But, look, that was good.

Em va llevar tota possibilitat de sentiment de ridícul,

It took away all possibility of feeling ridiculous,

perquè vaig acabar el monòleg, totalment,

because I finished the monologue, completely,

fins al final.

until the end.

I quan vaig acabar, em vaig treure cabells.

And when I finished, I pulled out my hair.

Perdre la por i tot. Totalment.

Lose the fear and everything. Completely.

I la vergonya.

And the shame.

En diuen de miedo escénico, jo dic, això què és?

They call it stage fright, I say, what is that?

I aleshores recorde que venies a València,

And then I remember that you were coming to Valencia,

acabaves en el banc a les tres de la tarda, no?,

You finished at the bench at three in the afternoon, didn't you?

i agarrabes el cotxe a les tres,

You would take the car at three.

venia a València,

I was coming to Valencia,

i es posaven a doblar pel·lícules.

and they would start dubbing movies.



I a fer anuncis, anuncis,

And to make announcements, announcements,



Juli, Tonino, tu és que eres molt jove.

Juli, Tonino, you are very young.



Però Juli era el nostre Constantino Romero.

But Juli was our Constantino Romero.

Què, què?

What, what?


Of course.

I venia allí, acabaven a lo millor a les once de la nit,

I was coming there, they would finish at around eleven at night.

a les once i mitja o a les dotze,

at half past eleven or at twelve,

agarrava el cotxe cap al coll.

he was driving the car towards the neck.

Què te pareix?

What do you think?

I al cert del matí fora del llit,

And at dawn outside of bed,

que l'únic que havia estat al banc.

that the only one who had been at the bank.

El que no me queda clar és com vos coneixereu.

What I'm not clear about is how you will know each other.

Vull dir, va ser en un bar o una...

I mean, it was in a bar or a...



Una oberta, una actuació...

An opening, an performance...

No, jo estava, jo venia a doblar, sí,

No, I was, I was coming to dub, yes,

venia a primer carrers de Somàgic,

I came to the first streets of Somàgic,

un estudi que hi havia,

a study that there was,

després també estudi de música,

then also music study,

i un dia a Tabalet i vaig a tal,

And one day in Tabalet I go to such.

i ells van conèixer i tal.

and they met and so on.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Jo coneixia ell ja abans,

I already knew him before.

perquè jo vaig gravar un disc a Tabalet,

because I recorded an album at Tabalet,

de molt jove encara,

from a very young age,

en Francesc Moisès.

Francis Moses.

Sí, senyor, Francesc Moisès.

Yes, sir, Francesc Moisès.

Sí, senyor.

Yes, sir.

Un bon cantant i un bon recitador, també, eh?

A good singer and a good reciter, too, huh?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Doncs jo ahir era un grup que es deia Sepharat,

Well, yesterday I was in a group called Sepharat,

i ahir vaig conèixer jo a Tabalet.

And yesterday I met Tabalet.

Sí, senyor.

Yes, sir.

Estic parlant de anys.

I am talking about years.

Fa molts anys, eh?

Many years ago, huh?

Perquè pareix que no, perquè parles de...

Because it seems that no, because you talk about...

Sí, home, som amics, fa més de deu anys.

Yes, man, we are friends, it's been over ten years.

No, no.

No, no.

No, hija, no.

No, daughter, no.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No, no.

No, no.

Fa més de quaranta.

It's been more than forty.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Sense dubte.

Without a doubt.

És que...

It's just that...

Sense dubte.

Without a doubt.

Però no sé per què va entrar les primeres vegades

But I don't know why he/she entered the first few times.

que mos veiem a Tabalet.

See you at Tabalet.

Pareix que s'ha obrit una amistat.

It seems that a friendship has been formed.

Sí, és així.

Yes, that's right.

Quan dius xe, aquesta persona i jo parlem el mateix idioma.

When you say "xe," this person and I speak the same language.

Ens entenem quan parlem.

We understand each other when we talk.



Quins recordes de quins actors vas doblar

Which actors do you remember dubbing?

al principi del doblatge i en quines pel·lícules?

At the beginning of dubbing and in which movies?

Al principi, eh?

At the beginning, eh?

Al principi...

At the beginning...

Allò que fèiem...

What we used to do...

Al principi, el primer que vas doblar en esta, en So Magic,

At first, the first thing you dubbed in this, in So Magic,

vas doblar a Hans Griebogart en El motín del Kane.

You doubled for Hans Griebogart in The Kane Mutiny.

Ah, ah.

Ah, ah.

Que era per una televisió que es deia Canal 10,

It was for a television channel called Canal 10,

que emetia des de Londres.

that was broadcast from London.

Clar, sí, sí, allí també doblàvem nosaltres.

Of course, yes, yes, we also dubbed there.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Però en Tabalet, en Tabalet, ja...

But Tabalet, Tabalet, already...

Bé, el primer que vaig fer va ser

Well, the first thing I did was

el Wild Wild World of Animals.

the Wild Wild World of Animals.



El món salvatge dels animals.

The wild world of animals.

El món salvatge.

The wild world.

Era una sèrie de documentals de natura.

It was a series of nature documentaries.

Perfecte, sí.

Perfect, yes.



Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Però bé, després, allí he doblat a tantíssims.

But well, then, there I have doubled so many.



Jo sempre me'n recorde de tu fent de Marlon Brando.

I always remember you as Marlon Brando.

Mira, anem a posar un tall,

Look, let's make a cut,

a veure si sabeu de quina pel·lícula és.

Let's see if you know which movie it is.

A veure, Tonino.

Let's see, Tonino.

Tot ha sigut desafortunat i necessari.

Everything has been unfortunate and necessary.

Tatalli ha perdut un fill i jo n'he perdut un altre.

Tatalli has lost a son and I have lost another one.

Estem en pau.

We are at peace.

I si Tatalli ho accepta,

And if Tatalli accepts it,

jo proposo deixar les coses com estaven abans.

I propose to leave things as they were before.

Este era el Marlon Brando nostre,

This was our Marlon Brando,

el Marlon Brando nascut al coll.

Marlon Brando born at the neck.



I l'arribada de Canal Lou.

And the arrival of Canal Lou.

Anem a parlar d'aquell moment.

Let's talk about that moment.

Quines experiències, quines esperances.

What experiences, what hopes.

Totes, totes les esperances.

All, all the hopes.

I amb tota la il·lusió,

And with all the enthusiasm,

perquè va crear un ambient de moltíssima il·lusió.

because it created an atmosphere of great excitement.

I bé, i ara ben funcionat.

And well, now it's working fine.

I ara ben funcionat les coses,

And now everything is working well,

ara ben funcionat les coses,

now things are going well,

però jo ho he dit moltes vegades.

but I have said it many times.

En esta ciutat hi ha una idiocingràcia

In this city, there is an idiocy.

que és construir per a destruir.

what it is to build in order to destroy.

Caïnites, no? Som caïnites.

Cainites, aren't we? We are Cainites.

Sempre estem partint de zero.

We are always starting from scratch.

Quan hem partit de zero,

When we started from zero,

hem treballat, ens hem sacrificat,

we have worked, we have sacrificed ourselves,

hem fet coses.

we have done things.

La cosa està pujant

The thing is rising.

i veus tu que està alcançant unes cotes,

and do you see that it is reaching certain heights,

més o menys satisfactòries,

more or less satisfactory,

sempre ve el que arriba algun fill de puta que ho rebenta.

It always happens that some son of a bitch shows up and ruins it.

Sí, és veritat, és així.

Yes, it's true, it is so.

És que hi ha que dir les coses pel seu nom.

It is necessary to say things by their name.

Jo no me les guarde, no.

I don't keep them, no.

I això, clar, i comencem a partir de zero.

And that, of course, we start from scratch.

El que no sap la gent és que tenim ous per això i per més.

What people don't know is that we have the guts for that and more.

Per començar de zero.

To start from scratch.

I tornem a començar.

Let's start again.

I així estem tornant a començar de nou.

And so we are starting all over again.

Sí, però alguna cosa seria una virtut, no?

Yes, but something would be a virtue, right?

Però a vegades és cansat, no?, tornar a començar de nou.

But sometimes it's tiring, isn't it?, to start all over again.

Sí, suposa que arribarà un moment

Yes, suppose there will come a time.

en què la gent es cansarà i dirà prou.

in what people will get tired and say enough.

I jo no soc d'aixòs, què vols que et digui?

And I'm not one of those, what do you want me to tell you?

Jo continuo els meus 70 anys

I am continuing my 70 years.

amb ganes de començar de zero una altra vegada.

eager to start from scratch again.

I te'n recordes quan arribaves

Do you remember when you arrived?

a veure les frases de Tabalera

let's see the phrases of Tabalera

que jo sempre et deia, Juli,

that I always told you, Juli,

per què no demanes uns mesos en el banc?

Why don't you ask for a few months from the bank?

Què fem?

What do we do?

Perquè me sabia mal, el moret, agotat.

Because I felt sorry for him, the bruise, exhausted.

És que arribava el moment que estàvem agotats, no?

It was just that the moment was arriving when we were exhausted, right?

Sí, sí, jo portava any i mig així.

Yes, yes, I had been like that for a year and a half.

I com te'n vas decidir?

And how did you decide to go?

No, no, això que et dius tu ara...

No, no, what you are saying now...

Era culpa meva?

Was it my fault?

No, no, és la veritat.

No, no, it's the truth.

Arribava un moment, jo també pensava,

There came a moment when I also thought,

diria, una de les dues coses ha de desaparèixer de la meva vida,

I would say, one of the two things must disappear from my life,

perquè jo no puc continuar així indefinidament.

because I cannot continue like this indefinitely.

Per tant...


I pensant jo això i m'adonant un poc del tema,

And thinking about this and realizing a bit about the topic,

un dia es descarrega este bon senyor dient-me,

one day this good man calls me,

deixa't el banc i vine a tenir amb mi.

Leave the bank and come to have with me.

I, bueno, la meua família em va apoiar en aquells moments.

Well, my family supported me in those times.

I això vam fer.

And that's what we did.

Ho vas deixar tot.

You left everything.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Perquè portaves uns 20 anys, no?, treballant al banc.

Because you had been working at the bank for about 20 years, right?

21 anys.

21 years old.

Ja ho veus.

You can see it.

Hauria vostè de tindre uns 39.

You should be around 39.

Justament 39.

Just 39.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Que és una bona edat per a començar.

What is a good age to start?

I els 6 anys que després vas estar en Tabalet.

And the 6 years that followed you were in Tabalet.



Que jo vaig al·lenar perquè diga, bé,

That I fill in so it says, well,

bé, continuem, continuem.

Well, let's continue, let's continue.

I els 6 anys...

And at 6 years old...

Quines anècdotes recordes d'aquells...

What anecdotes do you remember from those...



És que, bé, no sé, tinc ganes de riure,

It's just that, well, I don't know, I feel like laughing,

de recordar algunes coses, no?

to remember some things, right?

Fantàstic, no?, anècdotes incontables, incontables.

Fantastic, right? Countless anecdotes, countless.

I tant recordes quan no tenien treball de doblatge

I still remember when they didn't have dubbing work.

al principi dels principis.

at the beginning of beginnings.



I no sé com, d'una carambola d'aquestes estranyes,

And I don’t know how, by some strange twist of fate,

em van donar un paquet de pel·lícules porno per a doblar.

They gave me a package of porn movies to dub.



La primera que doblaren, que Toni no això no se'n recorda,

The first one they dubbed, which Toni doesn’t remember,

perquè ell estava fent altres coses en aquell moment,

because he was doing other things at that moment,

però me'n recorde que la primera que doblaren

but I remember that the first one they dubbed

se la dugueren al client, que tenia una distribuidora de pelis,

they took her to the client, who had a movie distribution company,

i va dir,

he/she said,

sí, està bé, però pareix porno per a nanos.

Yes, it's fine, but it looks like porn for kids.

Ha, ha, ha!

Ha, ha, ha!

Diu, teniu que ser més forts, més forts!

He says, you have to be stronger, stronger!

I jo dic, vale, vale.

And I say, okay, okay.

I bueno, al final, tant recordes de les sessions,

And well, in the end, you remember so much of the sessions,

aquelles sessions de porno...

those porn sessions...

Sí, sí, bueno, allò era una escola inesgotable

Yes, yes, well, that was an inexhaustible school.

de prendre els gestos,

of taking the gestures,

a fer gestos en doblatge.

to make gestures in dubbing.

Una escola inesgotable, vaig dir.

An inexhaustible school, I said.

Perquè hi havia, i no hi havia text, pràcticament,

Because there was, and there was practically no text,

hi havia molt poc text, no?,

There was very little text, wasn't there?

perquè hi havia argument allà, s'anava el que s'anava, no?, aleshores.

because there was an argument there, whatever was going on, right?, then.

Hi havia molt treball de gest, molta gesticulació,

There was a lot of managerial work, a lot of gesturing,

fins al punt que algunes persones, alguns actors i actrius, sobretot,

to the point that some people, some actors and actresses, especially,

que acabaven...

that they were finishing...





Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I esgotats, no?, d'esgotats.

And exhausted, right? From exhausted.

Total, total i absolutament, total i absolutament.

Total, totally and absolutely, totally and absolutely.

Jo me'n recordo, a vegades, en doblant,

I remember, sometimes, while folding,

que el tècnic deia, un moment, que he tallat,

that the technician said, one moment, that I have cut,

i diu, entrem en ai, ai, ai,

and he says, let's enter in oh, oh, oh,

i ensim en aixina, aixina m'agrada.

And we are like this, this is how I like it.

Sí, tenia coses d'això, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, I had things like that, yes, yes, yes.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Oye, i dels treballs, diguem, alimentaris, de publicitat, per exemple?

Hey, and what about jobs, let's say, in food, advertising, for example?

Sí, bueno, de publicitat he fet moltíssima,

Yes, well, I have done a lot of advertising.

tant en falques per a ràdio com en espots per a televisió,

both in radio jingles and in television spots,

moltíssimes, moltíssimes coses, moltíssimes coses.

very, very many things, very, very many things.

Em recorde, no sé, de les primeres que vaig fer, també,

I remember, I don't know, one of the first ones I did, too.

una falca d'un concert que va fer Stevie Wonder,

a clip from a concert that Stevie Wonder performed,

així, en València.

thus, in Valencia.

Sí, era l'empresa de Jordi de l'Ama.

Yes, it was Jordi de l'Ama's company.

De Jordi de l'Ama, efectivament.

From Jordi de l'Ama, indeed.

I començava la falca dient,

And I began the segment saying,

si puedes, escucha este anuncio con los ojos cerrados.

If you can, listen to this announcement with your eyes closed.



I va ser un èxit atronador.

It was a resounding success.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.



Yo te paré de historia, ¿no?

I stopped you from telling the story, didn't I?

¿Tú has fet publicitat?

Have you done advertising?

No, sí que he fet, però molt poqueta.

No, I have done some, but very little.





Sí, vas fer publicitat a Telecinco, però no massa.

Yes, you advertised on Telecinco, but not much.

Coses xicotes.

Things, kids.

Pregunta-l'hi, pregunta-l'hi.

Ask her, ask her.

El que em pareix és que fèieu les coses com molt de casa, no?

What seems to me is that you did things very much like at home, right?

Molt casolanes o molt entre vosaltres.

Very homey or very among yourselves.

No, el que passa és que...

No, what happens is that...

Entre vosaltres.

Among you.



Li posàvem un ingredient que és el bàsic per arribar a la professionalitat,

We added an ingredient that is essential to achieving professionalism,

que és fer les coses amb naturalitat.

what it means to do things naturally.

Fer les coses perquè hi ha que fer-les, ja anem a fer-les el millor que puguem.

Do things because they have to be done, let's go and do them the best we can.

Però a més a més és que érem un equip que estava complet, era un equip de futbol.

But moreover, we were a complete team, it was a football team.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Però ben parit, m'entens?

But well born, do you understand me?

Hi havia portero, defensa i de tot, eh?

There was a goalkeeper, a defender, and everything, huh?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I delantera, m'entens?

And forward, do you understand me?

I mos duien bé, i després se n'anaven a dinar, quan podien dinar, i tal.

They would take us well, and then they would go to lunch, when they could have lunch, and so on.

I era un grup més que familiar.

It was a group that was more than familiar.



Eren amics de debò, m'entens?

They were real friends, do you understand me?

És que és això, eh?

It's just that, right?

Me'n recorda que se n'anaven a dinar a la Font d'Estela en...

It reminds me that they were going to have lunch at the Font d'Estela in...

En Tabernes Blanques.

In Tabernes Blanques.

...en Tabernes Blanques, i se n'anaven Lluís Miquel, Paco Bodí i...

...in Tabernes Blanques, and Lluís Miquel, Paco Bodí, and...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I se n'anaven unes paelletes de... de... de... de... de... de... de... de... de... de... de...

They were going away some little paellas of... of... of... of... of... of... of... of... of... of...

de... de... de... de... de... de... de... de... de... de... de... de... de... de... de... de... de... de...

of... of... of... of... of... of... of... of... of... of... of... of... of... of... of... of... of... of...





Que encara me'n recorde, que encara me'n recorde.

That I still remember, that I still remember.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I demanaven la paelleta per cinc o sis, i érem un altre tres només.

They were asking for the paella for five or six, and there were just three of us.

I se l'enfonaven sencera.

And they sank her completely.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Disfrutàvem molt, allí.

We enjoyed it a lot, there.

Bueno, i després...

Well, and then...



Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Després de tota aquesta enyorança, com ha anat després?

After all this nostalgia, how has it been since then?

No, no, no puc queixar-me en absolut, en absolut, perquè he tingut molta sort.

No, no, I can't complain at all, at all, because I have been very lucky.

Perquè tu no te'n vas anar de ta valent, perquè sí, te'n vas anar perquè eixien...

Because you didn't leave bravely, just because, you left because they were coming out...

te'ixien a tres treballs, i... i clar, la carrera d'un és la carrera, i...

they offered you three jobs, and... and of course, one's career is the career, and...

Em van eixir moltes coses, i vaig començar a... a... sí, en heretge de sang...

Many things came to me, and I started to... to... yes, as a blood heretic...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I després a Flor de Pell, i després van començar a eixir-me coses en Barcelona, en Madrid,

And then at Flor de Pell, and then things started coming up for me in Barcelona, in Madrid,

el cine, en fi, vaig fer moltes coses, i realment... no em permetia estar... estar en nòmina en

the cinema, anyway, I did many things, and really... it didn't allow me to be... be on the payroll in

una empresa, jo havia d'estar lliure i sol.

a company, I had to be free and alone.

Clar, no, no, que a més era la teua carrera, no podies negar-te.

Of course, no, no, because it was also your career, you couldn't refuse.

Clar, clar.

Of course, of course.

La teua apropiació és tan agraïda com pareix, o...?

Is your appropriation as grateful as it seems, or...?

En quin sentit, agraïda?

In what sense, grateful?

Agraïda, vull dir que si... sembla tan... tan senzilla, o així, de glamur, o no ho sé.

Grateful, I mean that if... it seems so... so simple, or like this, with glamour, or I don't know.

No, mira, la meva apropiació, al marge de... de tindre unes aptituds i una preparació,

No, look, my appropriation, aside from... having some skills and preparation,

que això s'adquiri en el temps, i... i en la voluntat, i en el treball, tindre... en la

that this is acquired over time, and... and in will, and in work, to have... in the

sort que he tingut jo d'estar en el lloc adequat i en el moment oportú. I això és sort,

luck that I had to be in the right place at the right time. And that is luck,

això no és... no... no es busca, es troba.

this is not... no... it is not sought, it is found.

Va vostè tindre sort en les pel·lícules o el teatre que va fer?

Did you have luck in the movies or theater that you did?

Ho vaig tindre sort, en trobar-me gent, en trobar-me gent que m'oferirà coses realment

I was lucky to meet people, to meet people who would really offer me things.

importants i interessants, com pa... com... pa fer una carrera de... de... treball. I com

important and interesting, like bread... like... to make a career in... in... work. And how

constituirà una carrera, després, sí.

It will constitute a career, then, yes.

I el Teatre de València, eh... era millor abans o ara?

And the Theatre of Valencia, eh... was it better before or now?

El què?

The what?

El teatre, el Teatre de València. Els autors...

The theatre, the Theatre of Valencia. The authors...

No, lo que passa és que no és que fora ni millor ni pitjor, vull dir... el teatre és

No, what happens is that it's not that it was better or worse, I mean... theater is

el teatre i... i la... la forma de... de... de... d'encarar-lo és... és la mateixa. El

the theater and... and the... the way to... to... to... approach it is... is the same. The

que passa és que abans hi havia una sèrie de... de... de històries que després s'han...

What happens is that before there were a series of... of... stories that later have...

s'han carregat, no és a dir...

they have been loaded, that is to say...

Hi havia un centre dramàtic, que se'l va encarregar d'un plomazo, oi? Hi havia un

There was a dramatic center, which was taken care of by a bore, right? There was a...

circuit d'València de teatre, que se'l va encarregar del següent plomazo. En

Valencia theater circuit, which was tasked with the following bore. In

sort, com... com... com comentava abans, sempre hi havia algú que se'l carrega tot

sort, as... as... as I mentioned before, there was always someone who takes it all.

lo que ha fet.

what he/she/it has done.



Sempre hi havia algú que se'l carrega tot.

There was always someone who took it all on themselves.

Tonino, tu saps que... jo li he fet cantar a Juli Mira?

Tonino, do you know that... I made Juli Mira sing?

No m'ho recordes.

Don't remind me.

Tu no?

You not?

No, no.

No, no.

No m'ho recordes.

Don't remind me.

No, no.

No, no.

Li he fet cantar.

I made him/her sing.

Sí, sí, eh, tio.

Yes, yes, eh, dude.

Això jo no he... jo no he cantat, no.

I have not... I have not sung, no.

No sé...

I don't know...

No, no, jo no he cantat.

No, no, I haven't sung.

Bé, doncs te vaig a posar una musiqueta, que no sé si la recordaràs, que és del Virgo

Well, I'm going to play you a little music, which I don't know if you'll remember, that is from Virgo.

de Bizanteta, una comèdia musical, que feren a la 92, de Fred Barrem.

from Bizanteta, a musical comedy, that they performed at 92, by Fred Barrem.

Anem a escoltar-la.

Let's go listen to her.

Quan dones un pas

When you take a step.

ningú et fa cas

nobody cares about you

Tot el que tu fas

Everything you do

és ineficaç

it is ineffective

és un error cràs

it is a gross mistake

Tot el que tu fas

Everything you do

és ineficaç

it is ineffective

és un error cràs

it is a gross error

Tomar-se'n el nas

To pick one's nose.

M'ha recordat

It has reminded me.

Antonio Garisa

Antonio Garisa

que també era un bon actor

who was also a good actor

cantant a la televisió

singing on television

Si yo fuera rico

If I were rich

Antonio Garisa

Antonio Garisa

Antonio Garisa, sí, sí

Antonio Garisa, yes, yes

Sí, sí, de les famoses pel·lícules

Yes, yes, from the famous movies.

dels anys 60

from the 60s

Sí, sí, exactament

Yes, yes, exactly.

Encara que hi ha actors així, secundaris

Although there are actors like that, secondary ones.

com vostè tan bons

like you so good

de l'època

from the time

Home, suposo que sí

Well, I suppose so.

Suposo que sí

I suppose so.

El que passa és que

What happens is that

no sé per on estan

I don't know where they are.

però n'hi ha

but there are some

Vull dir les pel·lícules de Berlanga

I mean Berlanga's movies.

o de Fernando

or Fernando



cada vegada en queden menys

There are fewer and fewer left.

perquè un dels altres

because one of the others

que també havia sigut

that had also been

un bon

a good



del que estem parlant

what we are talking about


would be

Montió Pep Cortés

Pep Cortés Montió

I jo també

Me too.

també era

it was also

d'aquest tipus

of this type


of actor

i suposo que encara en queden

And I suppose there are still some left.

però clar, cada dia en queden menys

but of course, there are fewer and fewer left each day


Li hauria agradat intervindre

He would have liked to intervene.

en pel·lícules de Berlanga

in Berlanga's films

en aquestes pel·lícules

in these movies

A veure

Let's see.

t'explicaré una coseta

I will tell you a little thing.

Un acudit

A joke

un acudit que molt guapet

a very cute joke

Resulta que

It turns out that

a mi no m'agradava

I didn't like it.

era molt sincer

he was very honest

segur sempre en això

always sure about this

no m'agradava molt benvingut

I didn’t really like welcome.

mai la manera de dirigir

never the way of leading

de Berlanga

of Berlanga

Berlanga no dirigia actors

Berlanga did not direct actors.

Berlanga utilitzava actors

Berlanga used actors.

com a pinzells

like brushes

i creava la seva obra

and created his work

Ell posava la càmera així

He placed the camera like this.

i es deia

and it was called

feu els actors

make the actors

jo recorde

I remember.

que va ser una volta una cosa

once there was a thing

amb Berlanga

with Berlanga

acabem la seqüència

we finish the sequence

molt coral

very coral

i la Raúl de la Morena

and Raúl de la Morena

que era en aquell moment

what it was at that moment

el Joan de Direcció

the Joan from Management

acabem diu

"Let's finish, says."

bueno Luis si quieres

Well, Luis, if you want.

ahora vamos a hacer unos primeros planos

Now we are going to do some close-ups.

de tal para los grandes

from such for the greats

y decía

and he/she said

y yo ya he hecho mi seqüencia

and I have already made my sequence

ahora hace las mariconadas de Raúl

now he does Raúl's queer antics




y yo no me agradaba

and I didn't like myself

y ellos sabían

and they knew

yo necesito un guión

I need a script.

sobre el que trabajar

about what to work on

y tal y cual

and such and such

y yo soy un actor

and I am an actor

que no tengo mi forma

that I don't have my way

de trabajar con lo que hay

to work with what is available

por tanto


no acabo yo de

I don't finish it myself.

y un día

and one day

estábamos un amigo meu y yo

it was a friend of mine and I

el Berlanga estaba

the Berlanga was

rodando así una película

filming a movie like this

sobre la vida de Blasco Ibáñez

about the life of Blasco Ibáñez

que feia

what was he/she doing

el actor este que dobla

the actor who does the voiceover

Bruce Willis

Bruce Willis

Ramon Langa

Ramon Langa

feia de Blasco Ibáñez

by Blasco Ibáñez

y una nit un amigo meu

and one night a friend of mine

actor Antonio Decentio

actor Antonio Decentio

ens va mencionar una boqueta

he mentioned a small mouth to us

de nit a fer una mica de

at night to do a little bit of

a fer-se uns whiskyets

to have a few whiskies

en una whiskeria que hi havia

in a whiskey bar that there was

que era una meravella

that it was a marvel

i estan allà

and they are there

i els veiem entrar el Berlanga

and we see them entering the Berlanga

i tota la cort

and all the court

i se n'entren allà

and they train there

i saludem i tal

we greet and such

i al rato ens ve

and after a while we'll see each other



que ve de producció

that comes from production

que dice Luis que venga

Luis says to come.

que solo sent la barra

that only feels the bar

vení con nosotros

Come with us.

y estamos ahí hablando

and we are there talking

ah pues muy bien venga

Ah, well, very good, come on.

y se va a manar allí

and he will be sent there

y re el xarrem allí

and re we chat there

todo en cuadrilla

everything in a group

lo divino y lo humano

the divine and the human

y al día següent

and the next day

en toca la meua representant

my representative is next

y en diu

and calls it

bueno ya me he enterado

Well, I’ve already found out.

que vas a trabajar con Luis

that you are going to work with Luis

no decías que no querías

you didn't say that you didn't want to



que voy a trabajar yo con Luis

that I am going to work with Luis



que dice

what does it say

sí coño

yes damn

si anoche

yes, last night

estuvisteis hablando

you were talking

bueno estuvimos hablando

well, we were talking

nosotros dos

the two of us

y 22 más

and 22 more

y de cosas

and of things

y de todo

and everything

y de cosas

and of things

no no

no no

pues ahí me ha llamado

well, that's where he called me

yo jefe de producción

I am the production manager.

diciendo que ya

saying that already

ya habíais quedado de acuerdo

you had already agreed

tú y Luis

you and Luis

y yo ya he firmado el contrato

and I have already signed the contract

y recorde que Luis

and I remember that Luis

cuando va a acabar el rodaje

When is the filming going to finish?

que yo no le iba a decir res

that I wasn't going to say anything to him/her

y cuando va a acabar el rodaje

And when is the filming going to end?

a mí le va a decir

he is going to tell me

con que no querías

with whom you did not want

trabajar conmigo

work with me

y se era

and it was

se me va a obligar

I am going to be forced.

a trabajar

to work

pero también tenía un carácter

but he also had a character



les pel·lícules

the movies

d'ici temps

from here time



també els que se feien a València

also those made in Valencia

també tenien un caràcter

they also had a character

ara no s'ha estandarditzat

it has not been standardized yet

un poc

a little

el cinema

the cinema

vull dir que

I mean that

les històries

the stories

a mi m'encanta

I love it.

l'obra de Luis

the work of Luis


I love it.

però però però

but but but

però molt

but very

em torna loco

it drives me crazy

el que passa

what happens

és que ell tenia una manera

it's just that he had a way

de treballar

to work

que no




no coincidia

did not match

amb la meva

with my

a les hores

at the hours

però vaja

but well

el resultat

the result

de lo que ell feia

of what he was doing





era magistral

it was masterful





en com

in how

es fa ara

it is done now

el cine

the cinema

no estem

we are not





per dir-ho

to say it

d'alguna manera

in some way

sí però això

yes but this

no crec que sigui

I don't think it is.


too much



jo crec

I believe

això no està

this is not







hem agafat

we have taken



a base de veure

based on seeing

molt de cine

a lot of cinema





per tant


d'alguna manera


això hauria de

this should


to influence

a l'hora

at the time

de la

of the

sí a més a més

yes, furthermore

jo crec que

I believe that

el mateix

the same



les últimes

the latest




they are



sí sí sí

yes yes yes


the performance

de dolor

of pain

i glòria

and glory

i tal

and such


the performance

de Antonio

from Antonio



que és impecable

that is impeccable



en el temps

in time

de glòria

of glory




of Almodóvar

no l'hauria fet

I wouldn't have done it.

no ho hauria fet

I wouldn't have done it.

en absolut

absolutely not

Antonio Banderas

Antonio Banderas

ara és

now it is

un actor

an actor



per a bé

for the good

i quins

and which



han quedat

they have remained

en la paperera

in the trash can

i que tu

and you



volgut fer

dear to do





que jo recorde

as far as I remember

en este moment

at this moment

de totes les coses

of all things

que se m'han oferit

that have been offered to me

i que he fet

And what have I done?



crec que

I believe that

he dit no

I said no.

a ben poques coses

to very few things

he dit no

I said no.

a ben poques coses

to very few things

i de les poques coses

and of the few things

que he dit no

I have said no.

no me'n penedisca

don't regret it

en absolut

absolutely not

vull dir que

I mean that

a vore

to see



per a

for a

recordar cosetes

remember little things

te fec cantar

you made me sing

a més a més




i xia del maestro

and the teacher's Xia



ferem un curmetratxe

we will make a short film

sobre el maestro

about the teacher

de Chapí

by Chapí

que també eres tu

that you are too

de fred


ferem un espectacle

we will put on a show

no necessites recordes

you don't need reminders

que el dia

that the day

és nostre

it is ours



Paco Muñoz

Paco Muñoz

Juli Mira

Juli Mira

Lluís Miquel

Lluís Miquel

Enric Murillo

Enric Murillo

i tots

and all

tota la penya

the whole gang

que estiguerem

that we were

en Itàlia

in Italy

fent-lo també

doing it too

i tant

of course

si ja m'he recordat

yes, I remembered

t'agradaria tornar

Would you like to return?

a fer

to do

seria una de les

it would be one of the

de les coses

of the things



que podríem fer

what we could do



hi hauria versió

there would be a version



de tot això

of all this

que podríem fer

what we could do

per tant


crec que sí

I think so.

i tant que m'agradaria

I would love to.

fer-ho de nou

do it again

no hi havia

there wasn't

a València

to Valencia

dos cames

two legs

com les teues

like yours





amb els ulls

with the eyes

plens de llàgrimes

full of tears

amb una teranyina

with a spider web

de llàgrimes

of tears

als ulls

in the eyes

on ets

Where are you?

on són

where are they

les teues cames

your legs

tan adorables

so adorable

recorre l'albereda

traverse the riverside

aquells llocs

those places



creu a les nits

believe in the nights

evoque les baranes

evoke the railings

del riu

from the river



la solemnitat

the solemnity

de la teua carn tendra

of your tender flesh

del teu cos

of your body



ara t'has compromès

now you are committed



des de la ràdio

from the radio

de Apunt

of Note

t'has compromès

you have committed

i ara

and now

ho faràs

you will do it

la teua carn tendra

your tender flesh

la teua boqueta

your little mouth

es mesura

it is measured

lo que tu em digues

whatever you say to me


I will do

tenia una cançó

I had a song.

que a tu

that to you

te toque el cor

It touches your heart.

de l'espectacle

of the show





del món

of the world

a mi

to me

el meu ídol

my idol

és Serrat

it is Serrat

n'hi ha tantes

there are so many


so many

que m'agradarien

that I would like

no sé

I don't know.



és una d'elles

it is one of them

Vuela esta cançó

This song flies

per a ti, Lucía

for you, Lucía

la més bella

the most beautiful




of love

que tuve i tindré

what I had and will have

és una carta

it is a letter


of love

que se lleva el vent

that the wind takes away



en mi voz

in my voice

a ninguna

to no one



a ningún

to no one



no hay nada

there is nothing

más bello

more beautiful

que lo que nunca

that what never

he tenido

I have had

nada más

nothing more



que lo que perdí

that what I lost


forgive me



hoy busco

today I search

en la arena

on the sand

una luna

a moon



que arañaba

that scratched

el mar

the sea

si alguna vez

if ever

fui una vez

I went once.

de paso

by the way

Vostè va conèixer

You met.

a Serrat

to Serrat



Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Així a València o...

So in Valencia or...

Així a València

So in Valencia

A més a més


en la

in the

en l'estrena

at the premiere

de la

of the

del musical

from the musical

que va muntar

that he/she set up

i produir

and produce

Lluís Miquel

Lluís Miquel

que es deia

what was it called

de Virgo

of Virgo

de Vicentet

from Vicentet

amb música a l'història

with music in history



i va vindre

and came

va vindre Serrat

Serrat came.

va vindre

he/she came



a l'estrena

at the premiere

i van vindre

and they came

un munt de gent

a bunch of people



Pí de la Serra

Pine of the Mountain

també estava

also was

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes





i després

and then

vam anar

we went

del teatre

of the theater

després de l'estrena

after the premiere

en Limusina

in Limousine

en el més

in the month

cur estil

cur style



a la sala 4

in room 4

a celebrar

to celebrate


the event





i allí

and there

i en eixa Limusina

and in that limousine

vam pujar

we went up

Lluís Miquel

Lluís Miquel

la seua senyora

his lady

va pujar

went up



i la meua dona

and my wife

i jo

and me

la meua dona estava

my wife was



de tins el Serrat

from the Serrat area

ha segut davant d'ella

he has been in front of her



La seva professió

His profession

li ha

it has



ella també com jo

she also like me

I Blasco Ibáñez, Luis Gil de Viedma

I Blasco Ibáñez, Luis Gil de Viedma

a Sanya

to Sanya

què tenen en comú

what do they have in common

aquests personatges amb vostè?

these characters with you?

Què tenen en comú?

What do they have in common?

No ho sé, jo crec que

I don't know, I think that

Què tenen vostè en comú amb ells?

What do you have in common with them?

No, crec que res

No, I don't think so.

podria haver-lo fet qualsevol altre actor

any other actor could have done it

però no sé per què

but I don't know why

si els directors busquen

if the directors are looking

un paper d'aquests

one of these papers

per alguna cosa serà

There must be a reason for it.

i això ja havia de preguntar-ho a ells

And I should have already asked them this.

Tant en el

Both in the

en la

in the

en la pel·lícula

in the movie

d'un funcionari

of a civil servant

que tu hicies

that you did

de Blasco Ibáñez

by Blasco Ibáñez

com en la

as in the

Carta de Sorolla

Letter from Sorolla

l'altre que ha passat en l'altre dia

the other that happened the other day

El Quinto Jinete

The Fifth Horseman

El Quinto Jinete, ell és protagonista

The Fifth Rider, he is the protagonist.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

I és de Blasco Ibáñez, com tant un conte

And it is by Blasco Ibáñez, like so many stories.

de Blasco Ibáñez

by Blasco Ibáñez

que era un funcionari

that he was a civil servant

que va dirigir

that directed

Vicent Tamarit

Vicent Tamarit

Vicent Tamarit, exacte

Vicent Tamarit, exactly

I també va treballar a Cuelgamuros

And he also worked at Cuelgamuros.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Fernando Colombo

Fernando Colombo

Com és allò

What is that?

per als que no han anat mai

for those who have never been

al Cuelgamuros?

at the Cuelgamuros?

No, jo tampoc

No, me neither.

Estàvem en una cantera

We were in a quarry.

i jo tenia una frase

And I had a phrase.

una frase

a sentence



Estàvem allà

We were there.

i venia Franco

and Franco was coming

amb el seu cotxe

with his car

i jo li feia

and I did it for him/her.

Ahí está su excremencia

There is your excrement.

Li nomenaré ara

I will name him/her now.

algunes persones

some people

amb les quals ha treballat

with whom he/she has worked

i vostè em dirà alguna cosa

And you will tell me something.

sobre elles

about them

que espero que no sigui tot meravellós

that I hope isn't all wonderful

com si fos folclòric

as if it were folkloric

Si és tot meravellós

If it's all wonderful

ho diré tot meravellós

I will say everything wonderful.

A veure, el primer

Let's see, the first.

Pep Pessacestan

Pep Pessacestan

he treballat ben poc amb ell

I have worked very little with him.

només en poquet

just a little bit

i ahir no ens vèiem

and yesterday we didn't see each other

en Velvet

in Velvet

i ahir no teníem res en comú

And yesterday we had nothing in common.

però sí en la pel·lícula

but yes in the movie

del Pau Durà

of Pau Durà

Formentera Lady

Formentera Lady

i bueno

and well

a marge d'un actor increïble

a margin of an incredible actor

una persona

a person

gustosa de tracte

pleasant to deal with

un conversador excel·lent

an excellent conversationalist

un home cultíssim

a very cultured man

i tot això m'ha endut

and all of this has taken me away

això m'ha endut

this has led me

de la relació amb ell

of the relationship with him

la poqueta relació que he tingut amb ell

the little relationship I have had with him

Ovid Monjor

Ovid Monjor

Ahí estás tocant-me la nimeta

There you are touching my nimeta.

y bueno

and well

yo lo conéce cuando en Fer

I met him when in Fer.



va ser la primera pel·lícula

it was the first movie

en la que yo tenía un papel

in which I had a role



amb ell

with him

y bueno

and well

va ser una meravella

it was a marvel

una meravella

a marvel

Rosana Pastor

Rosana Pastor

Rosana Pastor es una amiga

Rosana Pastor is a friend.

a la que estive moltíssim

to which I stayed a very long time

no he treballat amb ella

I have not worked with her.

ella ha sigut la directora

she has been the director

del Quinto Quinete

of the Fifth Quinete

eso sí, con las directoras

that said, with the directors

Pero así que has fet molt de doblatge

But you have done a lot of dubbing.

porque me han recordado

because they have reminded me

de una serie que

of a series that

que grabarem

that we will record

que era La vella y la bestia

what was The Old Woman and the Beast

La vella y la bestia, sí senyora

The old woman and the beast, yes ma'am.

que eren Rosana i Juli

who were Rosana and Juli

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes.



Em pregunta per què a voltes pareix

He asks me why it sometimes seems.

que el món conspira

that the world conspires

per a separar els enamorats

to separate the lovers

o per a mantenir-los junts

or to keep them together

quan és impossible

when it is impossible

Sí, però no sempre en teatre

Yes, but not always in theater.

vull dir que he treballat

I mean that I have worked.

per exemple

for example

Sí, no era la diferència

Yes, it wasn't the difference.

Si li dic ara

If I tell you now

just Michael Campos, per exemple

just Michael Campos, for example

Sí, bueno

Yes, well.

sí, un bon xicot

yes, a good lad

jo he tingut

I have had

una certa relació amb ell

a certain relationship with him

tampoc ha sigut

it hasn't been either

ninguna cosa de dir

nothing to say

hem anat a dir alguna vegada

we have gone to say sometime



ninguna barbaritat

no barbarity

i bueno

and well

sí, està bé

yes, it's fine

com a persona

as a person


una persona agradable

a pleasant person

de tracte

of treatment

un gallo carabassa

a pumpkin rooster

I Carles Mira?

I Carles Mira?

Carles Mira

Carles Mira

jo vaig treballar amb ell

I worked with him.

ben poc només

very little only

una col·laboració

a collaboration

en la portentosa i miraculosa vida

in the portentous and miraculous life

del pare Vicent

of Father Vicent

i ja està

and that's it

després hem tingut més relació humana

afterward we have had more human interaction

que professional

how professional

I Manol Arias?

Is it Manol Arias?

No, millor Eixanove

No, better Eixanove.

Eixanove, sí

Eixanove, yes

Eixanove és millor

Eixanove is better.

Eixanove no hem treballat mai junts

We have never worked together, Eixanove.



No, bueno

No, well.

ens veiem allà

I'll see you there.

en el plató de Cuentame

in the set of Cuentame

i vam fer amistat

and we became friends

i vam fer un tracte molt fàcil

and we made a very easy deal

i molt, molt accessible

and very, very accessible

i molt agradable

and very pleasant

El seu ofici s'ha empezat a quedar bé amb tots?

Has his profession started to get along well with everyone?

No, no, no

No, no, no

hi ha persones en les que jo no tinc

there are people in whom I do not have

el més mínim interès en quedar bé

the slightest interest in making a good impression

tampoc és que

neither is it that

vaig allò per allà a pegar-los bocataes

I go over there to give them a smack.

però no tinc interès en quedar bé amb ells

but I am not interested in making a good impression on them

i quan suposa que

and when is it supposed that

tornen tots

they all return

tots tenim una persona que diu

we all have a person who says

doncs no em ve bé

well, it doesn't suit me

no em ve bé la persona que es treu

I don't like the person who is taken out.

que ho diga

let him say it

era així

it was like this

I parlant de quedar bé o quedar mal

And talking about making a good impression or a bad impression.

encara té un compte a Twitter?

Does he still have a Twitter account?

Sí, el que passa és que no ho gasta

Yes, the thing is that he/she doesn't spend it.

i el Facebook

and Facebook

fa poc

a while ago

que représ

what does it mean

poca activitat

little activity

però jo no sé

but I don't know

massa de res social

social mass of nothing

No se porta bé la tecnologia

Technology is not behaving well.

No, perquè no es porten massa bé

No, because they don't get along very well.

no, no es porten massa bé

No, they don't get along very well.

No es porten massa bé

They don't get along very well.

Una cosa que volia dir

One thing I wanted to say.

està fart de que li facin tantes preguntes

he's tired of being asked so many questions

hi ha voltes que està

there are times when it is

ja no vol respondre a res més

he no longer wants to respond to anything else

No, no

No, no.

estic una mica fart

I'm a little fed up.

que em pregunten a voltes sempre

that they always ask me sometimes

els mateixos

the same ones

i això sí que de vegades

and this sometimes yes

sí que dius

yes you do

a treure-me a voltes

to take me for a spin

t'he de contar tota la historieta

I have to tell you the whole story.

però bueno, la comptes

but well, you count it

i no passa res

and it's okay

Què és el que més li hem preguntat?

What is it that we have asked him the most?

La pregunta que sempre torna

The question that always comes back.

Els meus inicis

My beginnings

en la història

in history

Ja està clar

It's already clear.

El periodisme normalment

Journalism normally

és que se'n passa jo

It's just that I'm going through it.

que sempre estem fent

that we are always doing

les mateixes preguntes

the same questions

I bé, i ara què?

And well, now what?

Ara què fem?

Now what do we do?

Pues cobrar la jubilació

Well, to receive the retirement pension.

el dia 25 de cada mes

the 25th of each month

i esperar

and wait

a veure que diguin alguna coseta

let's see if they say something

Molt bé

Very good

Quin personatge t'hauria agradat?

Which character would you have liked?

Fer una pel·lícula d'ell

Make a movie about him.

i tu interpretar-ho

and you interpret it

de tots els que coneixes

of all those you know

del món i de la història

of the world and of history

de la història

of the history

No ho sé, no ho sé

I don’t know, I don’t know.

perquè clar

because of course

ha de ser un personatge

it has to be a character

que potser resulta que

that it might turn out that

per molt que m'agradarà

as much as I would like

no podria fer-lo

I couldn't do it.

perquè tinc 70 anys

because I am 70 years old

i això ho hauria d'haver fet

and this I should have done

quan en tenia 35

when I was 35



Però per això va

But that's why it goes.

Per exemple

For example

el teu paper de Marlon Brando

your role of Marlon Brando

de Vítor de Correone

of Vítor de Correone

això t'anava

this was for you

Això m'ho hauria agradat moltíssim

I would have really loved this.

Per exemple

For example

Ben pocs, eh?

Very few, huh?

Però això sí

But this for sure

Això sí

That’s for sure.

Ah, per ell

Ah, for him.

M'ho dius i aquí a Torino

You tell me and here in Turin.

que és el ric del grup

who is the rich one in the group

M'ho diu, sí

He/She tells me, yes.

M'ho produeixes

You produce it for me.

i una pel·li

and a movie

que diem, en fi, als coneguts

what do we say, anyway, to acquaintances

que ho facen de baix

let them do it from below

i després

and then

portarem algú d'allí

we will bring someone from there

de Hollywood

from Hollywood

En col·laboració d'Apunt

In collaboration with Apunt

si us pareix

if you agree

Molt bé

Very good

Què t'apareix?

What do you think?

Compteu amb mi

Count on me

Sí, no?

Yes, no?

A punt


Jo li veig moltes ganes

I see a lot of eagerness in him/her.

A la gent

To the people

li veig moltes ganes

I see a lot of enthusiasm in him/her.

de que funcioni

that it works

Li veig moltes ganes

I see a lot of eagerness in him/her.

de que funcioni

that it works

No sé

I don't know.

si ho aconseguiran o no

whether they will succeed or not

Hi ha que fer força

There is a need to make an effort.

entre tots


Està clar

It's clear.



He dit abans

I have said before.

que estem partint de zero

that we are starting from zero

però jo tinc molta il·lusió

but I am very excited

de partir de zero

starting from zero



encara que tinga 70 anys

even if I am 70 years old

i encara que

and even though

que sàpiga que el millor

Let it be known that the best

de si poc

of if little

si això comença a funcionar

if this starts to work

i algú s'ho carrega tot

and someone takes it all away

Bé, jo crec que és el moment

Well, I think it's the moment.

de fer una pausa

to take a break

Jus Miquel crec que no

I think not, Jus Miquel.

li pot demanar

you can ask him/her

perquè no queda molt elegant

because it doesn't look very elegant

però jo li demanaria

but I would ask him/her

que demanara una cançó

that will request a song

de Jus Miquel

of Jus Miquel

una en concret

a specific one

A mi m'encantava la cançó

I loved the song.

que cantaves

that you sang

en els nostres poetes

in our poets

la de

the one of

Passeig per València

Walk through Valencia

Ah, Passeig per València

Ah, a stroll through Valencia.

de la ciutat

of the city

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Sobre un poema de Toni Mestre

About a poem by Toni Mestre

Toni Mestre, efectivament

Toni Mestre, indeed.

que era una meravella

that it was a wonder

com la disfrutava ella, la cançó

how she enjoyed the song

M'hi sien les llagrimetes, tio

The little tears are coming, man.

M'hi sien les llagrimetes

Let the little tears come to me.

jo estava assegut allà

I was sitting there.

en l'escenari

on the stage

i quan la posava a cantar

and when I had her sing

res que se'n caia

nothing fell off

en caia la llagrimeta

the little tear fell

Ara mateix l'escoltem

Right now we are listening to him.

Sí, perquè mira

Yes, because look.

Juli i jo

Juli and I

en esta vida

in this life

hem passat

we have passed

de riures

of laughs

de tot

of everything

però també

but also

recordem moments

let's remember moments

de abans

from before


of hugs

i de plorar

and to cry

Passeig és la ciutat

Passeig is the city.

la teua i nostra

yours and ours







que t'acompanyen

that accompany you


I see

del temps present

of the present time

i de la història

and of the history

a cada pas

at every step

que fas

What are you doing?

una enyorança

a longing

a cada ingrés

for each deposit

un món, un escenari

a world, a stage

els records

the records

agrafats com una pluja

clutching like a rain

el xiquet que va ser

the boy who was

una placeta

a small square

a uns llocs tan diferents

to such different places

Mira, Tonino

Look, Tonino

és que

it's that

vull fer una última

I want to make one last one.

la darrera pregunta

the last question

La darrera, allà?

The last one, over there?

No sé

I don't know.

jo pensé que estem

I think we are

molt bé

very well

una bona estona parlant

a good while talking



i la cultura

and the culture

en maiúscules


i la cultura

and the culture

què fem en ella?

What do we do in it?

Pregunta-l'hi a Juli

Ask Juli about it.

i a més

and moreover

Sí, que què hauria de dir-li

Yes, what should I tell him/her?

als polítics

to the politicians

després de tot el que hem passat

after everything we have been through

amb la cultura

with culture

en els anys

in the years

després de


de la llarga nit

of the long night

cultural que hem viscut

cultural that we have experienced

llarguíssima nit

very long night

llarga i negra nit

long and black night

de la cultura

of the culture

sense lluna i sense res

without moon and without anything

jo només et demanaria

I would only ask you.

que deixen créixer

let them grow

la cultura

the culture

encara que siga

even if it is

per seus mitjans

by its means

en què no molesten

in what they do not disturb

jo ja

me already

no n'he per satisfet

I haven't had enough.

si damunt

if above

col·laboren en alguna cosa

they collaborate on something



que ho dic

that I say it



una alegria

a joy

i els sobrejueles

and the overlays

en què no molesten

in what they do not bother

ni un conforme

not even one agrees

molt bé

very good

si van al teatre

if they go to the theater


si van al cinema

if they go to the cinema

si els trobem ahir

if we found them yesterday

a un concert de música clàssica

to a classical music concert

i xarrens

and we talk

i bavaltes

and fools

però res més

but nothing more

vull dir que tampoc

I mean that neither.


we ask

no, no

no, no

si estem acostumats

if we are used to

estem acostumats

we are used to

hem passat

we have passed



hem passat a

we have moved to

hem sigut clandestins

we have been clandestine

home i tant

man and so much

hem sigut clandestins

we have been clandestine

i tant


clar que sí

of course

bueno, ara per lo menos

well, at least now

que no molesten

that they don't bother

ho deixem ahir, Juli?

Shall we leave it at that, Juli?

ho deixem ahir

we leave it yesterday

farem un dinaret

we will have a little lunch

encara existeix la venda del Pilar?

Does the sale of the Pilar still exist?



allò es va acabar

that is over

ara hi ha un

now there is a

un restaurant magnífic

a magnificent restaurant



en el Coi

in the Coi

que és del meu amic Lolo

What is my friend Lolo up to?

que és magnífic realment

what is truly magnificent

fan uns arrossos

they make some rice dishes

tenen el millor arrosser

they have the best rice cooker

de crec

I believe.

no m'atrevisc a dir-te

I don't dare to tell you.

de la comunitat

of the community

però sí de la província d'Alacant

but yes from the province of Alicante

sense cap dubte

without a doubt

Tonino i jo anem

Tonino and I are going.

molt bé

very well

quan vulgueu

whenever you want

em van dir que se'n menja molt bé

They told me that it is eaten very well.

el Coi

the Coi

molt bé

very well

una abraçada

a hug

el dinar sense cafè-licor

lunch without coffee-liquor

eh, per favor

eh, please

no, no, tampoc

no, no, neither

que de veritat

that really

que l'ha agafat el cotxe

that he/she got hit by the car

i no

and no

estic en el món

I am in the world.

tratant de fer-lo

trying to do it

més o mai millor

more or never better

però entre tant

but in the meantime

som sempre tan pocs

we are always so few

els que estem a favor

those of us who are in favor

de tot el món

from all over the world

i n'hem apartat

and we have set aside




it is

la على

the on

que ve

that comes



que és

what is it

el que maka

what makes

la luna

the moon

em cogiu

you catch me

Està al coll, jo que tinc a l'ou i està al coll, a mi no em fa mai res por.

It’s at the neck, I who have it at the egg and it’s at the neck, I am never afraid of anything.

Jo vaig néixer per sort en la terra que vull i en voldràs de la mort.

I was lucky to be born in the land that I want and in the land that death will want.

Vaig començar a respirar i al mateix temps a parlar com un sospir de foc i festa.

I began to breathe and at the same time to speak like a sigh of fire and celebration.

Anant entre muntanyes i valls sempre et porten la sang a la meva carreta.

Going between mountains and valleys always brings your blood to my cart.

Raime aquest pastor.

Rein this shepherd.

Romer, febrella i timó, tot és part de mi.

Rosemary, feverfew, and thyme, all are part of me.

I xeu que creix que en els bancals les llavors em valen.

And I see that it grows that in the beds the seeds are worth to me.

No mos talleu els ponts i els camins que mos porten al cel.

Do not cut off the bridges and the paths that lead us to heaven.

L'amor sempre és fàcil.

Love is always easy.

I això no té preu, cadascú a lo seu, que mos empare Déu.

And this is priceless, everyone to their own, may God pair us.

El meu cor està al coll, jo que tinc a l'ou i està al coll, a mi no em fa mai res por.

My heart is in my throat, I who have it in my throat, I am never afraid of anything.

Jo vaig néixer per sort en la terra que vull i en voldràs de la mort.

I was born, fortunately, in the land that I want and in the one you will want after death.

I això no té preu, cadascú a lo seu, que mos empare Déu.

And this is priceless, each to their own, may God bless us.

Jo vaig néixer per sort en la terra que vull i en voldràs de la mort.

I was lucky to be born in the land that I want and in the one you will want in death.

Vaig començar a respirar i al mateix temps a parlar com un sospir de foc i festa.

I began to breathe and at the same time to speak like a sigh of fire and festivity.

Anant entre muntanyes i valls sempre et porten la sang a la meva carreta.

Going between mountains and valleys always brings the blood to my cart.

Muntanyes et porten la sang a la meva carreta.

Mountains bring the blood to my cart.

I en la ment Ciutadans m'he posat a la شarà,

And in the mind of Citizens, I have placed myself in the شarà.

i es lleial Aí Individual que sóc tota seua als antis.

And it is loyal Aí Individual that I am all theirs to the antis.

Em parla amb ells i li dic èma és émpir.

He talks to them and I tell him it's empire.

El meu cor està al coll,

My heart is in my throat,

i el que tinc a l'aula està al coll.

And what I have in the classroom is around the neck.

A mi no em fa mai res por.

I am never afraid of anything.

Jo vaig néixer per sort,

I was born lucky,

en la terra que vull,

in the land that I want,

i en voldràs que l'amor.

and you will want love.

Vaig començar a respirar

I started to breathe.

i al mateix temps a parlar

and at the same time to talk

com un sospir de poc i testa.

like a sigh of little and head.

Anant entre muntanyes i valls,

Going between mountains and valleys,

sempre portant la sang

always bearing the blood

a la meva terra.

to my land.

Jo vaig néixer per fort,

I was born to be strong,

i l'amor salva la paraula noodle.

And love saves the word noodle.

I later es va alsar

Later it was raised.

i l'amor va llegar.

And love arrived.

Era les dues més mare del món,

It was two o'clock in the morning,

i l'atinge de fer raigor

and the aim of making it rain

el porter segle IV

the doorkeeper of the 4th century

i el vlogger català.

and the Catalan vlogger.

Estnet la va posar també

Estnet put it on as well.

però van treure dé feminari.

but they took out of the feminary.

Jo vaig néixer per sort.

I was born lucky.

陽 points at hope

阳 points at hope

because life is long,

because life is long,



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