03.07.2021 | Mandíbula afilada

À Punt Mèdia

Bambolina sonora

03.07.2021 | Mandíbula afilada

Bambolina sonora

Bambolina Sonora

Sonorous Doll

A Bambolina Sonora tindreu l'oportunitat i el privilegi

In Bambolina Sonora you will have the opportunity and the privilege.

de sentir les millors adaptacions del teatre valencià convertides en radioficció.

to hear the best adaptations of Valencian theatre turned into radio drama.

Volem descobrir i valorar la nostra escena,

We want to discover and value our scene.

acostant-la a través de les zones, a cada llarg, a cada racó.

bringing it closer through the areas, to every length, to every corner.

Perquè tu, espectador o espectadora,

Because you, viewer,

et delectes amb els actors i actrius, dramaturs i dramaturgues,

you delight in the actors and actresses, playwrights and playwrightesses,

que alimenten la nostra cultura per mitjà d'històries i personatges

that nourish our culture through stories and characters

que viuen en elles.

that live in them.

Has begut massa. No. Doncs jo sí.

You've drunk too much. No. Well, I have.

Ja no sé ni el que escoltes. Sempre t'he estimat.

I no longer know what you listen to. I have always loved you.

Segons bufa el vent... Les persones canvien.

As the wind blows... People change.

Sí? Tu has canviat de paret en deu minuts, com sempre.

Yes? You've changed walls in ten minutes, as always.

Per què no em creus?

Why don't you believe me?

Aleshores t'adonares que jo era l'home de la teua vida, no?

Then you realized that I was the man of your life, right?

No, aleshores no. Vas ser ballant. Mentida.

No, then not. You were dancing. Lie.

Per què sempre hem de parlar del passat? Perquè no tenim futur.

Why do we always have to talk about the past? Because we have no future.

No, Laura, Laura, no. Però no t'equivoques. No soc fàcil d'aconseguir.

No, Laura, Laura, no. But don't get me wrong. I'm not easy to get.

Serà millor que cadascú siga infeliç pel seu costat.

It will be better if each person is unhappy on their own.

No jugues amb mi. Però si no ho faig.

Don't play with me. But I'm not doing it.

Tu sí que has canviat. Gràcies.

You have really changed. Thank you.

Estàs millor. M'agradaria poder dir-te el mateix,

You are better. I wish I could say the same to you.

però ja saps que no m'agrada mentir.

but you know that I don't like to lie.

Joan, en l'últim any he soterrat a mon pare, a tres amics

Joan, in the last year I have buried my father and three friends.

i a la meva tortuga esmeralda. He deixat de parlar-me...

and my emerald turtle. She has stopped talking to me...

Sempre deies que érem especials. I ho érem.

You always said we were special. And we were.

I què ha passat? Què ha passat? El temps.

And what has happened? What has happened? Time.

En la funció d'avui, practicarem l'amor, al teatre i en el teatre,

In today's performance, we will practice love, in the theater and in the theater.

amb dos grans amants, Joan i Laura, els protagonistes de Mandíbula afilada,

with two great lovers, Joan and Laura, the protagonists of Sharp Jaw.

un dels grans èxits de l'escena valenciana, escrit per Carles Alverola.

One of the great successes of the Valencian scene, written by Carles Alverola.

La representació que a continuació vos oferim està dividida en dos parts.

The representation that we offer you next is divided into two parts.

La primera pertany a Mandíbula afilada.

The first belongs to Sharp Jaw.

Segurament els més majors la recordeu, perquè esta obra va ser estrenada el 1997.

Surely those of you who are older remember it, because this work premiered in 1997.

I va estar més de dos anys en cartell, amb més de 300 representacions.

It was on stage for more than two years, with over 300 performances.

En la segona part, assistirem a l'estrena absoluta de Regala'm esta nit,

In the second part, we will witness the world premiere of Regala'm esta nit,

el retrobament, més de vint anys després, dels amants de Mandíbula afilada

the reunion, more than twenty years later, of the sharp-jawed lovers

i dels dos actors que aleshores els van donar vida, Cristina Plazas i Carles Alverola.

and the two actors who brought them to life back then, Cristina Plazas and Carles Alverola.

Senyors, senyors, falten dos minuts de recomanació.

Gentlemen, gentlemen, there are two minutes left for the recommendation.

Actors, dramaturgues i directors de la companyia Albena Teatre,

Actors, playwrights, and directors of the Albena Theatre company,

Carles Alverola també compta amb una llarga experiència en la televisió i el cinema.

Carles Alverola also has a long experience in television and cinema.

Una de les seues creacions més recents és Açò és un destarifo, una producció per a Apunt Mèdia.

One of his most recent creations is This is a Mess, a production for Apunt Mèdia.

Carles, quin honor comptar amb tu en l'estrena de Bambolina Sonora.

Carles, what an honor to have you at the premiere of Bambolina Sonora.

Un plaer, un plaer, Blanca. Realment crec que és un projecte fantàstic i amb molt de gust poder participar amb ell.

A pleasure, a pleasure, Blanca. I truly believe it is a fantastic project and I am very glad to be able to participate in it.

I des de Barcelona arriba una de les millors actrius nacionals de l'actualitat

And from Barcelona comes one of the best national actresses of the moment.

que està triomfant a la televisió a sèries com Estoy vivo, de Televisió Espanyola, o El nudo, d'Antena 3.

which is triumphing on television in series such as Estoy vivo, from Televisió Espanyola, or El nudo, from Antena 3.

Cristina Plazas, benvinguda, i gràcies per acceptar el repte de retrobar-te després de més de vint anys

Cristina Plazas, welcome, and thank you for accepting the challenge of reconnecting after more than twenty years.

amb el personatge de Laura a la ràdio d'Apunt.

with the character of Laura on Apunt radio.

Moltes gràcies a tu per les teves paraules. No sé jo si seré una actriu tan gran com acabes de dir.

Thank you very much for your words. I don't know if I will be as great an actress as you just said.

Jo el que sé és que tinc el privilegi de ser una actriu tan gran com acabes de dir. Jo el que sé és que tinc el privilegi de ser una actriu tan gran com acabes de dir.

What I know is that I have the privilege of being an actress as great as you just said. What I know is that I have the privilege of being an actress as great as you just said.

Jo el que sé és que tinc el privilegi de ser una actriu tan gran com acabes de dir.

What I know is that I have the privilege of being a great actress, just as you said.

I la sort d'estar així compartint amb Carles l'oportunitat de tornar a interpretar estos personatges.

And the luck of being here sharing with Carles the opportunity to reinterpret these characters.

I això és un plaer gegant, que diria la meva filla.

And this is a giant pleasure, as my daughter would say.

Amb este repartiment, això és un èxit segur.

With this distribution, this is a guaranteed success.

Senyores, senyors, comença la presentació.

Ladies and gentlemen, the presentation begins.

Crec que ja estan a punt d'eixir l'escena.

I think they are about to go on stage.

Així que pareu molta atenció a este viatge en el temps, perquè els dos fragments s'interpretaran seguits.

So pay close attention to this time travel, because the two fragments will be interpreted one after the other.

De moment, ens transportem a l'any 1997, a un pis en la ciutat de València.

For the moment, we transport ourselves to the year 1997, to an apartment in the city of Valencia.

Joan es troba a sa casa on ha rebut...

Joan is at his house where he has received...

una inesperada visita.

an unexpected visit.

Estàs escoltant Ràdio Nou.

You are listening to Radio Nou.

Avui és 22 de maig de 1997.

Today is May 22, 1997.

Són les set de la vesprada.

It is seven in the evening.

I com qualsevol dia de primavera, també avui pot ser perfecte per a enamorar-se.

And like any spring day, today can also be perfect for falling in love.

T'estimes, Joan.

I love you, Joan.

Que m'estimes?

Do you love me?



Has begut massa?

Have you drunk too much?



Doncs jo sí.

Well, I do.

Ja no sé ni el que escoltes.

I don't even know what you're listening to anymore.

Sempre t'he estimat.

I have always loved you.

És la veritat.

It is the truth.

Esclar, per això et cases amb Guzmán el mes que ve.

Of course, that's why you are marrying Guzmán next month.

Si tu m'estimares, no ho faria.

If you loved me, I wouldn't do it.

Eres la mateixa de sempre.

You are the same as always.

Segons bufa el vent...

As the wind blows...

Les persones canvien.

People change.

Sí, tu has canviat de pare en deu minuts, com sempre.

Yes, you have changed your dad in ten minutes, as always.

Per què no em creus?

Why don't you believe me?

Joan, saps que la nit que ens vam conèixer

Joan, you know that the night we met

canvia la nostra vida?

does it change our life?

La meva l'ha posada al revés.

She has turned mine upside down.

Portava este mateix vestit.

I was wearing this same dress.

Te'n recordes?

Do you remember?

No ho oblidaré en la vida.

I will never forget it in my life.

No me l'havia tornat a posar des d'aleshores.

I hadn't put it back on since then.

Te'n recordes? Mira.

Do you remember? Look.

De fons sonava una cançó.

In the background, a song was playing.

En una discoteca?

In a nightclub?

Què volies que sonara de fons?

What did you want to play in the background?

La sirena d'una ambulància?

The siren of an ambulance?

Era una cançó d'estinc, el canvi al lent.

It was a song of extinction, the change to the slow.

No ho recordes? Doncs no.

Don't you remember? Well, no.

Jo et donava l'esquena i de sobte ens vam mirar.

I had my back to you and suddenly we looked at each other.

De casualitat.

By chance.

No havíem parlat mai, però ens posàrem a ballar i...

We had never talked, but we started to dance and...

I què?

And what?

I tu em vas besar.

And you kissed me.

Va ser sense voler.

It was unintentional.

Era com si a pegar ese gest.

It was as if to make that gesture.

I aleshores t'adonares que jo era l'home de la teua vida, no?

And then you realized that I was the man of your life, right?

No, aleshores no. Va ser ballant.

No, then not. It was dancing.



Vaig notar alguna cosa especial ballant amb tu.

I felt something special while dancing with you.

Que et safava?

What was bothering you?

Però ho feies tan tendrament que va ser màgic.

But you did it so tenderly that it was magical.



I què passà a les convivències d'aigües vives perquè canviàres de perer?

And what happened at the living water retreats that made you change your mind?

No ho sé. No ho recordo.

I don't know. I don't remember.

Així de senzill?

So simple?

Canviaràs la meua vida de dalt a baix d'una trompada.

You will change my life upside down with one blow.

Quan començàrem a eixir xus, jo pensava que estava revivint el conte de la vella i la bèstia.

When we started going out, I thought I was reliving the tale of Beauty and the Beast.

Tots es burlaven de mi. Tots. Tots.

Everyone was mocking me. Everyone. Everyone.

Ningú donava un duro per nosaltres.

Nobody gave a dime for us.

Però s'equivocaren. Van durar sis mesos.

But they were mistaken. They lasted six months.

184 dies.

184 days.

Durant els quals s'aconseguiràs canviar el meu aspecte físic, psíquic i químic.

During which you will manage to change my physical, psychic, and chemical appearance.



Bé. La gent deixà d'esternudar quan jo passava pel seu costat.

Good. People stopped sneezing when I walked past them.

Però el més important de tot va ser que tu confiares en mi.

But the most important thing of all was that you trusted me.



Més pintar és a pintar.

More to paint is to paint.

Perquè tenies talent.

Because you had talent.



Jo pensava que ho feies per mi, però no era així.

I thought you did it for me, but it wasn't so.

Tu estaves buscant algú.

You were looking for someone.

Algú que desconeixies, que no sabies on estava.

Someone you didn't know, who you didn't know where they were.

I en mi trobares un excel·lent banc de proves.

And in me, you will find an excellent testing ground.

Eres injust.

You are unjust.

Però els experiments tard o d'hora s'han d'acabar.

But the experiments have to end sooner or later.

I a les convivències la senyoreta va decidir canviar el prototip Riberen,

And at the gatherings, the young lady decided to change the Riberen prototype,

que no estava gens malament, tot siga dit,

that it wasn't bad at all, to be honest,

per un monitor polonès que pintava amb els peus.

for a Polish painter who painted with his feet.

Era suec.

He was Swedish.

Suec, ja.

Swedish, already.

En la teua família ho porteu a la sang.

In your family, you have it in your blood.

Atent, que ma mare se n'anarà a comprar el pa i tardarà cinc anys a tornar.

Careful, my mother is going to buy bread and it will take her five years to return.

No vol dir res.

It doesn't mean anything.

I què en dius de la teua germana?

And what do you say about your sister?

No tingués sort.

I had no luck.



A Austràlia se n'anava buscant l'home de la seva vida.

In Australia, she was looking for the man of her life.

Bé, i allà es casà amb un cambrer que resultà ser de Catarroja.

Well, and there she married a waiter who turned out to be from Catarroja.

I què?

And what?

No, no, no. I què més?

No, no, no. And what else?

I que traficava amb caimans.

And he was trafficking with caimans.

Però ella no ho sabia.

But she didn't know it.

Un excel·lent currículum familiar.

An excellent family curriculum.

Però tot això no té res a veure amb nosaltres.

But all of this has nothing to do with us.

Res, res.

Nothing, nothing.

A més, la culpa va ser teua.

Moreover, the blame was yours.



El numeret del suïcidi va ser patètic.

The suicide number was pathetic.

Em vaig beure un quilo de pintura plàstica per tu.

I drank a kilo of plastic paint for you.

Mesclada amb horxata.

Mixed with horchata.

Perquè ferà millor gust.

Because it will taste better.

Joan, jo no he vingut així a parlar de tot això.

Joan, I haven't come here to talk about all this.

Ja ho veig, ja. Ja ho veig.

I see it now, I do. I see it.

Però per què sempre hem de parlar del passat?

But why do we always have to talk about the past?

Perquè no tenim futur.

Because we have no future.



De veritat?


Penses això?

Do you think so?

Uf, que ridícul.

Phew, how ridiculous.

Pensaràs que estic comportant-me com una imbècil?

Will you think I am behaving like an idiot?



No em dugues la contrària.

Don't tell me otherwise.

No, no ho faig.

No, I don't do it.

D'acord, d'acord. Pensa de mi el que vulguis.

Alright, alright. Think what you want of me.

Com tots.

Like everyone.

Que no vull créixer, que no sé ni què vull.

I don't want to grow up, I don't even know what I want.

Però el que t'he dit era la meua veritat.

But what I told you was my truth.

La que volia viure al teu costat en qualsevol cantonada de Brooklyn.

The one who wanted to live by your side on any corner of Brooklyn.

De Brooklyn?

From Brooklyn?

És que és de Truman Capote.

It's from Truman Capote.



Després d'estes paraules. Vols que me'n vagi?

After these words. Do you want me to leave?

Ah, molt bé.

Ah, very good.

En qualsevol cantonada de Brooklyn?

On any corner of Brooklyn?



I per què no m'ho havies dit abans?

And why didn't you tell me before?

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Només hem perdut deu anys.

We have only lost ten years.

No saps com t'he llorat.

You don't know how I've cried for you.

No ho entenc.

I don't understand.

Pensava que era massa tard.

I thought it was too late.

Que mai em perdonaries el que havia passat.

You would never forgive me for what had happened.

No, no.

No, no.

Pensava que ja no t'agradava.

I thought you didn't like it anymore.

T'equivoques. Tens l'extranya capacitat d'excitar-me sexualment.

You are mistaken. You have the strange ability to turn me on sexually.





M'estàs abraçant, no?

You are hugging me, aren't you?



No, no, no. És que no ho feies des del 7 de juliol del 87.

No, no, no. It’s just that you hadn’t done it since July 7, 1987.

No, Laura, Laura, no.

No, Laura, Laura, no.

Però no t'equivoques. No soc fàcil d'aconseguir.

But don't get it wrong. I'm not easy to get.


Forgive me.

Hauràs de convèncer-me.

You will have to convince me.



No deus voler que t'ho expliqui.

You must not want me to explain it to you.

Per a mi, tu eres genial.

For me, you are great.



Pintant, eres genial.

Painting, you are great.

No anem bé, Laura, gens bé.

We are not doing well, Laura, not at all.

Però si jo només he venut un oli en ma vida a un sec, segurament.

But if I have only sold one oil in my life to a dry one, surely.

No era sec.

It wasn't dry.

Ah, no?

Oh, no?

I és un oli preciós.

And it is a precious oil.

A més, el teu cos és perfecte.

Furthermore, your body is perfect.

Bé, no diré que no, però...

Well, I won't say no, but...

Però què hi veus en mi per a dir-me això?

But what do you see in me to say that?

Res d'especial, no et penses?

Nothing special, don't you think?

És l'acumulació de xicotets defectes el que et fa perfecte?

Is it the accumulation of small flaws that makes you perfect?

Això no pot ser cert.

This cannot be true.

Per què?


Això que m'està passant.

This that is happening to me.

Però per què no?

But why not?

Perquè és el que sempre havia desitjat.

Because it is what I had always wished for.

Ni en els somnis més pornogràfics que havia tingut amb tu era tan perfecte.

Not even in the most pornographic dreams I had with you was it that perfect.

Aleshores què em dius?

So what are you telling me?

Laura, jo...

Laura, I...


I love you.

T'estime, casem-nos.

I love you, let's get married.



Anirem a Palma de Mallorca, de viatge de boda.

We will go to Palma de Mallorca, on our honeymoon.

Fixa't, tinc dos bitllets en la ciutat de Granada.

Look, I have two tickets in the city of Granada.

Primera classe.

First class.

Tornes a burlar-te de mi?

Are you mocking me again?



Clar, sempre ho has fet, però suposa que m'ho mereix.

Of course, you've always done it, but suppose I deserve it.

Però com he pogut ser tan bleda?

But how could I have been so naive?

No, sóc sincer.

No, I am sincere.

Primera classe.

First class.

Serà millor que cadascú siga infeliç pel seu costat.

It will be better for each person to be unhappy on their own.

Un moment.

One moment.

Jo t'estime, però per què no em creus?

I love you, but why don't you believe me?

Perquè tu has estimat totes les dones que has conegut en ta vida.

Because you have loved all the women you have known in your life.

Però què passa ara, bufa tramuntana?

But what's happening now, is the tramuntana blowing?

Sempre t'he desitjat.

I have always desired you.

I per això ets xitares amb totes les meues amigues?

And is that why you're flirting with all my friends?

Ho vaig fer com a teràpia.

I did it as therapy.



Per a oblidar-te, a més, amb totes no em vas xitar.

To forget you, besides, you didn't whisper to all of them.

Amb Elena no ho vas fer.

You didn't do it with Elena.

Elena era lesbiana.

Elena was a lesbian.

Ara ho entenc.

Now I understand.

No jugues amb mi.

Don't play with me.

Però si no ho faig.

But if I don't do it.

Com vols que t'ho demostri?

How do you want me to prove it to you?

És que no te n'adones.

You don't realize it.

Porta tota la vida pintant el mateix quadre.

He has spent his whole life painting the same painting.

Però com vols que t'ho diga?

But how do you want me to tell you?



Quina cançó?

What song?

When I fall in love, it will be forever.

When I fall in love, it will be forever.

All I never fall in love.

All I ever do is fall in love.

And the moment I can feel that you...

And the moment I can feel that you...

You feel that way too.

You feel that way too.

It's when I fall in love with...

It's when I fall in love with...



Entenc, Sara, el que volia dir-te.

I understand, Sara, what I wanted to tell you.

Joan, jo...

Joan, I...







Jo no entenc l'anglès.

I do not understand English.

Déu meu, estem perduts.

My God, we are lost.

Però podria aprendre'm. Faré un intensiu.

But I could learn it. I will take an intensive course.

Laura, te ho diré una vegada més, però no ho tornaré a repetir.

Laura, I will tell you once more, but I won’t repeat it again.


I love you.

T'estime, t'estime, t'estime, t'estime, t'estime, t'estime, t'estime...

I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you...

Sembla que em parles en estès.

It seems that you are speaking to me in Estonian.

Això és perquè l'estima que tinc amplifica les paraules que et dic.

This is because the love I have amplifies the words I say to you.

Puc fer-te una pregunta?

Can I ask you a question?

És clar que sí.

Of course.


You love me.

Què et fa pensar això?

What makes you think that?

Sí o no?

Yes or no?




How much?



No és suficient.

It's not enough.

Podria haver dit un número més alt.

I could have said a higher number.

Però per què mai parles seriosament?

But why do you never speak seriously?

Ho estic fent!

I'm doing it!

No et crec.

I don't believe you.

Atent, atent, atent.

Attention, attention, attention.

Laura, atent-me un moment.

Laura, pay attention to me for a moment.

No, no, no puc.

No, no, I can't.

T'ho demano pels quatre fills que tindrem.

I ask you for the four children we will have.



Quatre xiquets.

Four kids.



Saps com els posarem?

Do you know how we will put them?



Carrete, àries, tendillo i botobot.

Cart, arias, tendon, and botobot.

Què en dius ara?

What do you say now?

Que és la millor defensa que ha tingut el València en tota la seva història.

What is the best defense that Valencia has ever had in its entire history?

Sabia que en dir-te això m'entendries.

I knew that by telling you this you would understand me.

Clar que sí.

Of course.

I ara vaig a besar-te.

And now I'm going to kiss you.



No, t'he avisat perquè no et desmagis.

No, I warned you so you wouldn't get discouraged.

Déu meu.

My God.

M'estic acostant.

I am getting closer.

Les cames em fan figa.

My legs are giving out.

És lògic.

It is logical.

Ara, et besi.

Now, I kiss you.



M'encanta besar sense mans.

I love kissing without hands.

I a mi, sense roba.

And to me, without clothes.



Has escoltat això?

Have you heard this?



Som coets?

Are we rockets?

O és el meu cor?

Oh, is it my heart?

Som coets.

We are rockets.

Què farem ara?

What will we do now?

Ens casarem.

We will get married.

Però si tu no creus en el matrimoni.

But if you don't believe in marriage.

Faré una excepció.

I will make an exception.

I si no vols anar a Palma de Mallorca...

And if you don't want to go to Palma de Mallorca...

Clar que vull.

Of course I want to.

Estimat, no saps quant de temps he estat esperant en aquest moment.

Dear, you don't know how long I've been waiting at this moment.

Ho tinc tot planejat.

I have everything planned.

Viurem junts.

We will live together.

I tu en mantindràs.

And you will keep it.

No vull que treballis.

I don't want you to work.

No, però això no anem a discutir.

No, but we are not going to argue about this.

Viurem així?

Will we live like this?

No, no.

No, no.

Ens traslladarem a un xalet.

We will move to a chalet.

Un xalet?

A chalet?

N'he vist un preciós, enorme, amb jardí, gos i piscina inclosos.

I have seen a beautiful, enormous one, with a garden, dog, and swimming pool included.



Al Monte Picallo.

To Monte Picallo.



Els xiquets tot el dia banyant-se.

The kids are swimming all day.

Com els cigrons, en remull.

Like the chickpeas, soaked.

Jo, al jardí.

Me, in the garden.

Prenent-te el solet.

Taking in the sunshine.

Sense fer-ne un brot.

Without making a fuss.

I jo?

And me?



Hi haurà entre els camps.

There will be among the fields.

Què em dius?

What do you say to me?

Que és perfecte.

That is perfect.



No ho és.

It is not.



Si els propietaris del xalet volgueren anar-se'n o compartir-lo, sí que seria perfecte.

If the owners of the chalet wanted to leave or share it, that would be perfect.

I si no ho volem?

And what if we don't want it?

Hauràs de casar-te amb Guzmán.

You will have to marry Guzmán.

Però Joan, jo t'estimo.

But Joan, I love you.

I jo també, però sense el xalet...

Me too, but without the chalet...



Tens raó.

You are right.

No funcionaria.

It wouldn't work.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No pensem en això.

Let's not think about that.

Ens esperen dies i dies de felicitat.

They are waiting for us days and days of happiness.

Tu creus?

Do you believe?

N'estic convençut.

I am convinced of it.

Hi ha tantes coses que desconeixem l'un de l'altre?

Are there so many things we don't know about each other?



Tantes preguntes a fer-nos.

So many questions to ask ourselves.

Quines? Quines preguntes?

Which ones? Which questions?

Aquí tinc una llista.

Here I have a list.

Una llista?

A list?


Do you mind?



De bon matí,

In the early morning,

t'agrada cantar a la dutxa?

Do you like singing in the shower?



Jo necessito silenci.

I need silence.

No et preocupis, no em dutxaré.

Don't worry, I won't shower.

T'assegura que no sóc persona fins després del primer cafè amb llet?

Are you sure I'm not a person until after the first milk coffee?

Cafè amb llet? Quin fàstic, cafè amb llet.

Coffee with milk? How disgusting, coffee with milk.

Ho veus? Tot són problemes.

Do you see it? It's all problems.

No, no, no et desanimes. Continua.

No, no, don't get discouraged. Keep going.



Només quan dorm.

Only when sleeping.

Alguna mania sexual?

Any sexual fetish?

Tot és.

Everything is.

Però penses que el sexe és cosa de dos, no?

But you think that sex is a two-person thing, right?

Sí, sí, i de tres amb una miqueta de sort.

Yes, yes, and with a bit of luck, maybe three.



A totes hores.

At all times.

Bé, això era molt important.

Well, this was very important.

Saps què farem?

Do you know what we will do?

Soparem mentre veiem una vegada i una altra les pel·lícules dels germans Marx.

We will have dinner while watching the Marx Brothers' movies over and over again.

Sempre que no hi hagi futbol.

As long as there is no football.

Atent, és que hi ha futbol tots els dies.

Careful, there is football every day.





A les hores veurem futbol.

At that time we will watch football.

Per cert, és importantíssim que deixem una cosa clara des de l'inici.

By the way, it is extremely important that we make one thing clear from the beginning.

El València. Per damunt de tot.

València. Above all.





Ho veus? Estem fets l'un per a l'altre.

Do you see? We are made for each other.

Espera, espera.

Wait, wait.

Encara em queda una pregunta.

I still have a question.

És la pregunta.

It is the question.






You will love me.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

M'estimaràs quan siga lletja i hagi engreixat.

Will you love me when I'm ugly and have gained weight?

És necessari que engreixis?

Is it necessary for you to gain weight?

Home, després de quatre fills.

Man, after four children.

Està bé. Els adoptarem.

It's fine. We will adopt them.

Oh, estimat. Tot el que tinc serà teu.

Oh, dear. Everything I have will be yours.

I tot el que jo tinc també serà meu.

And everything I have will also be mine.

Però què farem amb Guzmán?

But what will we do with Guzmán?

El convidarem al nostre casament.

We will invite him to our wedding.

Serà un col molt dur per a ell.

It will be a very hard blow for him.

Vols que siga jo qui li ho expliqui?

Do you want me to be the one to explain it to him?

No. Ho faré jo mateixa. I com més pronta, millor.

No. I will do it myself. And the sooner, the better.

Deu ser ma mare.

It must be my mother.

Atín, què penses dir-li a Guzmán?

Atín, what do you plan to tell Guzmán?

Que per fi he trobat el meu príncep blau.

That I have finally found my blue prince.

Creus que ho entendrà?

Do you think he/she will understand it?

Li ho diré en castellà.

I will tell him in Spanish.





Hola, hola, hola. Com estàs? Sí, sí, sí.

Hello, hello, hello. How are you? Yes, yes, yes.

Sí, un moment, un moment.

Yes, one moment, one moment.

Laura, espera tu.

Laura, wait for you.

Per a mi?

For me?

És Guzmán.

It is Guzmán.







Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Jo també volia parlar amb tu.

I also wanted to talk to you.

Sí, escolta.

Yes, listen.

Joan i jo vam casar-nos i volíem convidar-te a la boda.

Joan and I got married and we wanted to invite you to the wedding.

Si vol vindre amb Pili, cap problema.

If you want to come with Pili, no problem.

Oye, que si quieres venir con Pili, que no...

Hey, if you want to come with Pili, no...

No, no, Guzmán, no llores.

No, no, Guzmán, don't cry.

Venga, por favor, no llores.

Come on, please, don't cry.

És un penoli.

He is a pain.

Deixa la pistola.

Put down the gun.

Això és xantatge.

This is blackmail.

No veus que no mereix la pena?

Don't you see that it's not worth it?

Deixa la pistola.

Drop the gun.

Laura, Laura, si vol matar-se, deixa que ho faci.

Laura, Laura, if she wants to kill herself, let her do it.

Vol matar-te tu.

I want to kill you.

A mi?

To me?



Donam, Guzmán, Guzmán, no vale la pena, hombre.

Give me, Guzmán, Guzmán, it's not worth it, man.


Give me.

Guzmán, no escucha.

Guzmán, don't listen.

No, no, no te muevas de casa.

No, no, don't leave the house.

En unos minutos estoy contigo.

In a few minutes, I'll be with you.

Laura, no, no te embaches.

Laura, no, don't get in trouble.

No hauria d'haver vingut.

I shouldn't have come.

Tot a sol no té sentit.

Everything alone makes no sense.

Però per què no?

But why not?

Perquè és massa perfecte.

Because it's too perfect.

Jo sabia que seria perfecte.

I knew it would be perfect.

Desde el primer moment que et vas vore aquella nita a la discoteca.

From the first moment you saw that girl at the nightclub.

Carai, quina frase més llarga.

Wow, what a long sentence.

No, por favor, no tornem a començar.

No, please, let's not start again.

Estaves d'esquena amb eixe mateix vestit.

You were standing with your back in that same dress.



I de fons sonava una cançó.

And in the background, a song was playing.

Una cançó d'estim.

A love song.

Te'n recordes?

Do you remember?

Cada colp que respires, cada gest que facis,

Every breath you take, every gesture you make,

cada paraula que digues, jo t'estaré mirant.

Every word you say, I will be watching you.

Escolta això.

Listen to this.

Jo ho recordaré.

I will remember it.

I tant.

I certainly do.

Anem al llit?

Shall we go to bed?

Abusaràs de mi?

Will you take advantage of me?

Sense pietat.

Without mercy.

I sense cobrar-te.

I feel like charging you.

I què em faràs?

And what will you do to me?

Un walkie-talkie.

A walkie-talkie.



I què és això?

And what is this?

La meua especialitat.

My specialty.





Veus com eres un mandívol afilada?

Do you see how you are a sharp mandible?

Anne, maldita

Anne, cursed.

Anne, tocat

Anne, touched

No, obrigues, vine

No, please come.

Serà Guzmán?

Will it be Guzmán?

No, vine

No, come.

Ah, no, són les pizzes

Ah, no, it's the pizzas.

No, obrigues

No, you force.

No, és que se m'havia oblidat

No, I had forgotten.

No tinc gana

I am not hungry.

No, no, ara no

No, no, not now.

Però després sí que en tindràs, segur

But later you will have some, for sure.

Un moment, un moment, i estic a tu, un moment

One moment, one moment, and I'm with you, one moment.

Sí, és Guzmán

Yes, it is Guzmán.

Què passa?

What's happening?

Cap problema, Joan, cap problema

No problem, Joan, no problem.

Passa, els saludes

Come in, greet them.

Laura, tu per si de cas no digues res

Laura, just in case, don't say anything.

Bé, si comença a colpejar-me

Well, if it starts to hit me.

Telefones a la policia

You call the police.

Un moment, un moment

One moment, one moment.

Un moment, i estic

One moment, and I am.

Sí, és que estic dutxant-me

Yes, I am taking a shower.

Ja vaig, ja vaig

I'm coming, I'm coming.

Ja obric la porta, ja obric

I am already opening the door, I am already opening.

El món de la literatura

The world of literature

Va exclamar un perfecte

He exclaimed a perfect.

El món de la literatura

The world of literature

Va exclamar un perfecte

He exclaimed a perfect one.

La concessió del Premi Nobel 1998

The awarding of the Nobel Prize in 1998

a l'escriptor portuguès

to the Portuguese writer

José Saramago

José Saramago

Avui, 22 de juny del 2000

Today, June 22, 2000

la NASA confirma que ha trobat gel

NASA confirms that it has found ice.

a la superfície de Mart

on the surface of Mars

Amb l'aprovació definitiva de la llei

With the final approval of the law

el 2 de juliol de 2005

July 2, 2005

Espanya es va convertir en el tercer país del món

Spain became the third country in the world.

a legalitzar el matrimoni homosexual

to legalize same-sex marriage

després dels Països Baixos

after the Netherlands

i Bèlgica

and Belgium

Avui tots som Iniesta

Today we all are Iniesta.

Espanya campiona del món

Spain world champion

en el Mundial de Futbol 2010

in the 2010 World Cup

Notícia d'impacte

Impact news

Avui, 15 de febrer del 2012

Today, February 15, 2012

l'Estat nacionalitza el grup Bankia

The state nationalizes the Bankia group.

En la seua roda de premsa

In his press conference

de l'11 de març

from March 11

el director general de l'Organització Mundial de la Salut

the Director-General of the World Health Organization

anuncia que després dels elevats casos

announces that after the high cases

de contagi del nou coronavirus

of infection of the new coronavirus

ha passat a qualificar el brot

it has been classified as an outbreak

la pandèmia

the pandemic

La ràdio d'Apunt

The radio of Apunt

acompanyant-te este 10 de maig

accompanying you this May 10th

de 2022

from 2022

Ja vaig, ja, ja obric la porta

I'm coming, I'm opening the door.



Puc passar?

Can I pass?

Estava esperant-te

I was waiting for you.

Tot continua igual

Everything remains the same.

Com si no haguera passat el temps

As if time had not passed.

Tu sí que has canviat

You have indeed changed.


Thank you

Estàs millor

Are you better?

M'agradaria poder dir-te el mateix

I would like to be able to tell you the same.

però ja saps que no m'agrada mentir

but you know I don't like to lie

Dos besets, no?

Two kisses, right?

Quant temps feia?

How long ago was it?

Des d'abans

Since before.

de l'última vegada que vaig estar així?

from the last time I was like this?



No ho recorde.

I don't remember it.

25 anys.

25 years.

Dos mesos i 13 dies.

Two months and 13 days.

I si no és una indiscreció,

And if it's not an indiscretion,

què has fet durant tots estos anys?

What have you done all these years?

Anar-me'n a dormir pronte.

I'm going to bed early.





Sí, bé, ja saps.

Yes, well, you know.

I la teua filla?

And your daughter?



A Oslo, fent-ne l'esmús.

In Oslo, having breakfast.

Oslo? Que lluny.

Oslo? How far.

No, no et pensis.

No, don't think that.

Mai no hem tingut millor relació.

We have never had a better relationship.

Continues pintant?

Are you still painting?

No, ja no.

No, not anymore.

Tu continues a la galeria d'art?

Are you still at the art gallery?

La vaig traspassar.

I transferred it.

Ara treballa en l'administració.

Now he/she works in administration.


Civil servant!

I què fas allí?

And what are you doing there?

A més d'esmorzar i retre homenatge a don Moscoso.

In addition to having breakfast and paying tribute to Don Moscoso.

Soc la directora general.

I am the managing director.



Ah, carai!

Oh, wow!



Vols saber per què he vingut?

Do you want to know why I came?

L'últim any ha sigut...

The last year has been...



Han passat moltes coses i...

Many things have happened and...

a tu et fa por

you are afraid

que la nit més bonica ja hagi passat.

that the most beautiful night has already passed.



si només et quedaren unes hores,

if you only had a few hours left,

què desitjaries fer?

What would you wish to do?


Die on me.

Si sabés que només et queda una nit

If you knew that you only had one night left.

amb qui desitjaries passar-la?

Who would you like to spend it with?



és una pregunta trampa?

Is it a trick question?

Joan, en l'últim any he soterrat a mon pare,

Joan, in the last year I have buried my father,

a tres amics i a la meva tortuga Esmeralda.

to three friends and to my turtle Esmeralda.

He deixat de parlar-me amb la meva filla

I have stopped talking to my daughter.

i m'he separat de Guzmán.

I have separated from Guzmán.

Ho sents?

Do you hear it?

Fa sis mesos.

Six months ago.

I saps què?

And you know what?

Que he sobreviscut.

That I have survived.

Estic viva.

I am alive.

Així que, passat el dol,

So, after the mourning,

vull començar de nou.

I want to start over.

Amb tu.

With you.

Començar de nou.

Start again.

Amb mi.

With me.

És ridícul.

It's ridiculous.

Ho sé, sempre Pablo Coelho.

I know, always Paulo Coelho.

Tu, a més, eres depressiu, infantil i totalment analògic.

You, moreover, are depressive, childish, and completely analog.

No, no cal que m'afalegui.

No, you don't need to fuss over me.

Jo soc proactiva, realista, independent...

I am proactive, realistic, independent...

I humil, que no se t'oblidi.

I humble, do not forget that.

Ai, disculpa.

Oh, sorry.

És que no sé per què, però no puc parar d'insultar-te.

I don't know why, but I can't stop insulting you.

El que vull dir-te és que, malgrat tot això,

What I want to tell you is that, despite all this,

m'agradaria intentar-ho de nou.

I would like to try again.

Amb tu.

With you.

Avui, al tanatori,

Today, at the funeral home,

he pensat que havia de vindre't a casa

I thought that I had to come to your house.

i dir-t'ho abans que et moriràs.

I'll tell you before you die.

Què em dius?

What are you telling me?

Que sona tot molt romàntic.

It all sounds very romantic.

És increïble.

It's incredible.

Ho sé.

I know.

Després de tant de temps sense vore'ns,

After such a long time without seeing each other,

et presentes així

you introduce yourself like this

i no se t'ocorre una altra cosa que dir-me que vols començar de nou.

And you can't think of anything else but to tell me that you want to start over.



Si és una broma, no fa gens de gràcia.

If it is a joke, it is not funny at all.

És la veritat.

It is the truth.



Però és que fa 25 anys em vas dir el mateix

But 25 years ago you told me the same thing.

i acabaràs casant-te amb Guzmán.

and you will end up marrying Guzmán.

Per cert.

By the way.

Encara està a mitja pensió, a pica cent.

He is still on half pay, at a hundred paces.

Que Guzmán entrarà a pica cent per motius comptables...

Guzmán will enter at a hundred for accounting reasons...

Per quedar-se els diners d'una ONG, voldràs dir.

To keep the money from an NGO, you would mean.

Va ser un colt molt dur.

It was a very tough colt.

Sí, sobretot per als xiquets africans.

Yes, especially for African children.

Jo no en sabia res, t'ho promet.

I didn't know anything about it, I promise you.

Doncs llevat de tu i dels seus companys de partit ho sabíem tots.

Well, except for you and your party colleagues, we all knew it.

Ara que ho pensi,

Now that I think about it,

això no és incompatible amb la direcció general?

Isn't this incompatible with the general management?

El que importa és que m'he separat d'ell

What matters is that I have separated from him.

i que vull refer la meva vida amb tu.

And I want to rebuild my life with you.

Esta nit.


Ara mateix.

Right now.

Això no té cap sentit.

This makes no sense.

Sempre deies que era més pesat.

You always said it was heavier.

I ho érem.

We were.

I què ha passat?

And what has happened?

Què ha passat?

What has happened?

El temps.

The weather.

Ha passat.

It has happened.

Per què no em creus?

Why don't you believe me?

Dóna'm una raó per fer-ho.

Give me a reason to do it.



Sempre t'he estimat.

I have always loved you.

L'última vegada que vas estar així

The last time you were like this.

em vas llorar que sempre estaríem junts.

You made me cry that we would always be together.

Quan tenen ares jo dormia

When they have altars, I was sleeping.

i em vas deixar una nota.

And you left me a note.

Per la millor nit de la meua vida.

For the best night of my life.

T'estimaré per sempre, Joan.

I will love you forever, Joan.

I si he de morir,

And if I have to die,

vull fer-ho abans que tu.

I want to do it before you.

Tretze besos, Laura.

Thirteen kisses, Laura.


Come on.

Morir-me abans?

Die before me?

Quina xorrada.

What nonsense.

Això de quina pel·lícula ho has tret, de Casablanca?

Is this from a movie, Casablanca?

Reconeixes la lletra?

Do you recognize the lyrics?

Tu parlaries a en Guzmán

You would talk to Guzmán.

i li diries que no l'estimaves,

and would you tell him that you didn't love him,

que jo era l'home de la teua vida.

that I was the man of your life.

Un verdader mandíbul afilada.

A truly sharp jaw.

Ens vam citar a la cafeteria a Madrid.

We arranged to meet at the café in Madrid.

A les 9 hores, un gintònic.

At 9 o'clock, a gin and tonic.

Tu ja hauries parlat amb ell dos gintònics.

You should have already talked to him over two gin and tonics.

I vaig anar tres gintònics.

I had three gin and tonics.

Però tu no vas aparèixer intoxicació etílica.

But you didn't show up for alcohol poisoning.

No em vaig atrevir.

I didn't dare.

I des d'aleshores m'he penedit

And since then I have regretted it.

tots els dies de la meua vida.

every day of my life.

Això no ho puc canviar.

I cannot change this.

Però és el passat i el passat no compta.

But it is the past and the past doesn't count.

Compta el present.

Count the present.

El que fem ara. I així.

What we do now. And so.

Laura, no et posis l'etra

Laura, don't put on the letter.

que ens coneixem.

that we know each other.

Si has vingut per riure't de mi,

If you came to laugh at me,

ja ho has fet.

you've already done it.

Ara el millor serà que te'n vagis.

Now the best thing will be for you to leave.

Vols treure'm de la teua vida?

Do you want to take me out of your life?

No sabia que estigueres dins.

I didn't know you were in.

Però de què t'estàs venjant?

But what are you getting revenge for?

De res.

You're welcome.

Sembla com si fórem dos desconeguts.

It feels like we are two strangers.

La vida és el que et passa.

Life is what happens to you.

I si no et passa res amb algú,

And if nothing happens with someone,

suposa que i si algú es converteix en un desconegut.

Imagine if someone becomes a stranger.

Això crec que també és de Paulo Coello.

I think this is also from Paulo Coelho.

Eres un cabró.

You are a bastard.

I un mentider.

And a liar.

No ho oblides.

Don't forget it.

I ara què?

And now what?



A continuar respirant.

To continue breathing.

La vida és una merda.

Life is shit.



I s'acaba tan pront, eh?

It ends so soon, huh?

No hauria d'haver vingut.

I shouldn't have come.

Com he pogut pensar que...

How could I have thought that...


Holy shit.

Soc una il·lusa.

I am an idealist.

El millor serà que me'n vagi.

The best thing will be for me to leave.

I no em diguis que no ho faci.

And don't tell me not to do it.

No, no ho faig.

No, I don't do that.

No tractes d'impedir-me-ho.

Don't try to stop me.

No, tranquil·la.

No, don't worry.

Només volia donar-nos una altra oportunitat

I just wanted to give us another chance.

i començar de zero.

and start from scratch.

Però està clar que tu no sents el mateix,

But it is clear that you do not feel the same.

malgrat tot sàpies que estaves el primer de la llista.

despite everything, know that you were the first on the list.

El primer...

The first...

de la llista?

from the list?



El primer.

The first.

El primer?

The first?

El primer.

The first.

Estàs emocionat?

Are you excited?

És tot un honor.

It is a great honor.

Estàs emocionat?

Are you excited?

És tot un honor.

It is a great honor.

Oh, abraça'm!

Oh, hug me!



Un moment, un moment, de quina llista?

One moment, one moment, from which list?

De quina llista?

Which list?

De... d'esta.

From... this.

De... d'esta?

From... this?

Això què és?

What is this?

La gent amb qui m'agradaria estar en el futur.

The people I would like to be with in the future.

Continues burlant-te de mi.

You keep mocking me.

Eres el primer.

You are the first.

I si el primer diu que sí, s'acaba la llista.

And if the first one says yes, the list ends.

Però si així hi ha gent de tota Espanya.

But if that is the case, there are people from all over Spain.

Per darrere estan els estrangers.

Behind are the foreigners.

Marcos Espanahue.

Marcos Espanahue.

El model austríac.

The Austrian model.

Però si està mort.

But he is dead.

De veres?


L'any passat, de sobredosi.

Last year, from an overdose.



Laura, Laura, serà millor que ho deixem estar.

Laura, Laura, it will be better if we leave it.

Sempre deies que calia tindre un pla B.

You always said that one should have a plan B.

Però és que tu no tens un pla B.

But you don't have a plan B.

En eixa llista hi ha més noms que en l'expedient de la Gürtel.

In that list, there are more names than in the Gürtel file.

Digues que sí i la trencaré.

Say yes and I'll break it.

No, no pot ser tan fàcil.

No, it can't be that easy.

Per què no?

Why not?

Perquè això és com una pel·li porno.

Because this is like a porn movie.

Encara no s'han conegut i ja estan pim-pam, pim-pam, pim-pam.

They haven't even met yet and they're already back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.

I saps què?

And you know what?

Que a mi m'encanta el porno.

Because I love porn.

Sabia que m'entendries.

I knew you would understand me.

Però, però, una cosa.

But, but, one thing.

Gutmann és molt rancuniós

Gutmann is very resentful.

i de segur que ha fet amics a Picasso

and surely he has made friends with Picasso.

mentre tatuava el pit.

while tattooing the chest.

Estigues tranquil.

Be calm.

Jo parlaré amb ell.

I will talk to him.



I la teua filla creus que m'acceptarà?

And do you think your daughter will accept me?

Clar que no.

Of course not.

Si no m'accepta a mi, com vols que t'accepti a tu?

If you do not accept me, how do you expect me to accept you?

També tens raó.

You are also right.

Però si estem junts, vull que em prometis que...

But if we are together, I want you to promise me that...

Laura, no has trencat la llista.

Laura, you haven't broken the list.

Ai, disculpa'm.

Oh, excuse me.

Vull que em prometis que...

I want you to promise me that...



no tindràs còpies.

you will not have copies.

Laura, que serem sincers l'un amb l'altre

Laura, let's be sincere with each other.

sense mentides ni secrets d'ara endavant.

no lies or secrets from now on.





No has sigut el primer de la llista.

You have not been the first on the list.

Com ha estat això?

How has this been?

Has dit que res de mentides ni secrets?

You said no lies or secrets?

Ja, però no m'esperava que arribaren tan pronte.

Yes, but I didn't expect them to arrive so soon.

Des que m'he separat he estat amb altra gent.

Since I separated, I have been with other people.

Ho reconec.

I acknowledge it.

Però aquestes experiències, precisament,

But these experiences, precisely,

són les que m'han fet arribar fins a tu.

they are the ones that have brought me to you.

Què en penses?

What do you think about it?

La sinceritat està sobrevalorada.

Sincerity is overrated.

En tot este temps tu no has tingut cap relació?

In all this time, you haven't had any relationship?

En els últims sis mesos?

In the last six months?




Of course.

Clar que n'he tingut.

Of course I have had some.


How many?

No, no m'agrada parlar d'això.

No, I don't like talking about that.

A més, no porto el compte.

Furthermore, I don't keep track of it.

Jo tampoc.

Me neither.



Cent trenta-dos.

One hundred thirty-two.

Cent trenta-dos?

One hundred thirty-two?

Has estat amb...

Have you been with...

Cent trenta-dos?

One hundred thirty-two?



No hi ha temps material en sis mesos

There is no material time in six months.

per a tindre cent trenta-dos relacions diferents?

to have one hundred thirty-two different relationships?

No dinant molts dies, sí.

Not eating for many days, yes.

I jo, que no...

And me, who doesn't...

No he deixat passar cap dinar.

I haven't missed any lunch.

Tinder és la mother fucker de les aplicacions.

Tinder is the motherfucker of applications.

En realitat, no havia estat amb ningú.

In reality, I had not been with anyone.

Em consideraràs una ninfòmana?

Will you consider me a nymphomaniac?

Una ninfòmana, no, però una gran aleta, sí.

A nymphomaniac, no, but a great swimmer, yes.

Que sàpies que m'ho he deixat.

Just so you know, I've left it behind.

Mira, conyo, la bicicleta estàtica.

Look, damn it, the stationary bike.

He estat amb molts homes, ho reconec.

I have been with many men, I admit it.

Guapos, intel·ligents, musculars...

Handsome, intelligent, muscular...

Vaja, conyo.

Wow, damn.

I dones, també.

And you, too.

Crec que m'està pujant l'atenció.

I think my attention is growing.

Indistintament, i també Juny.

Indifferently, and also June.

Un dia cepant. Necessita un dia cepant.

A draining day. He/She needs a draining day.

Però no ho has provat.

But you haven't tried it.

Jo és que vaig estudiar als escolapis.

I studied at the Escolapios.

Han sigut uns mesos molt bojos.

It has been a very crazy few months.

Tenia molta pressió damunt de mi.

I was under a lot of pressure.

Buscava i...

I was looking for and...

I bé, en realitat no sé el que buscava,

And well, actually I don't know what I was looking for,

però necessitava trobar...

but I needed to find...

el què, no ho sé.

The what, I don't know.

Em seguisses?

Are you following me?

Faig el que puc.

I do what I can.

No t'has parat a pensar per què recordem unes coses

Haven't you stopped to think about why we remember some things?

i en canvi altres les oblidem?

And yet we forget others?

Laura, no em facis preguntes tan difícils.

Laura, don't ask me such difficult questions.

De vegades he pensat que aquella nit que passàrem junts

Sometimes I have thought about that night we spent together.

ha sigut la nit més bonica de la meva vida.

It has been the most beautiful night of my life.

No funcionarà.

It won't work.

Per què?


Tenim 50 anys ja.

We are already 50 years old.

No som dos adolescents.

We are not two teenagers.

Ma mare en té 87 i està a Santorini de Creuer.

My mother is 87 and is on a cruise in Santorini.

Què em dius?

What are you telling me?

Que demà havia d'anar al metge.

That I had to go to the doctor tomorrow.

Però crec que ho ajornaré.

But I think I will postpone it.



Formarem una família.

We will form a family.

Laura, jo sincerament no em veig canviant bolquers.

Laura, I honestly don't see myself changing diapers.

No, fills, no. Tindrem gats.

No, children, no. We will have cats.



Jo ja en tinc dos. Rómulo i Remo. T'encantaran.

I already have two. Romulus and Remus. You'll love them.

Veuràs, és que jo... Com dir-te-ho?

You'll see, it's just that I... How should I put it?

Mai no has tingut mascotes?

Have you ever had pets?

Vaig tindre pusses, però suposo que això no compta.

I had lice, but I guess that doesn't count.

M'hauràs d'ajudar a castrar-los.

You will have to help me castrate them.


Castrate them?

He vist un tutorial on l'expliquen perfectament.

I have seen a tutorial where it is explained perfectly.

Això no ho fan els veterinaris?

Don't veterinarians do that?

Farem vida sana. Eixirem a córrer.

We'll lead a healthy life. We'll go out for a run.

Però córrer no era de covards.

But running was not for cowards.

Menjarem cúrcuma, quinoa i tofu.

We will eat turmeric, quinoa, and tofu.

I algues, que no se t'obliden.

And algae, that you don’t forget.

Ui, que visques molts anys.

Oh, may you live many years.

Jo, jo... Viurem així?

Me, me... Will we live like this?

No, cadascú a sa casa.

No, everyone in their own home.

Però no volies que estiguérem junts?

But didn't you want us to be together?

La convivència és molt mala, Joan.

The coexistence is very bad, Joan.

Doncs si vols que quedem només per a menjar brossa, no sé què dir-te.

Well, if you want to meet just to eat garbage, I don't know what to tell you.

Sempre jubilaré i viatjarem per tot arreu.

I will always retire and we will travel everywhere.

París, Roma, Nova York...

Paris, Rome, New York...







I per què no el Triangle de les Bermudes?

And why not the Bermuda Triangle?

Sempre he volgut anar a Afganistan.

I have always wanted to go to Afghanistan.

Ja, però és que ara és temporada baixa.

Yes, but it's low season right now.

Espera, que la tornem a envair.

Wait, we'll invade it again.

Tindrem una vida plena.

We will have a fulfilling life.

No ho dubte.

I don't doubt it.

I quan caiguis malalt...

And when you fall ill...

Jo et sondaré.

I will probe you.

Ai, això és precís.

Oh, this is precise.

Et moriràs primer que jo.

You will die before me.

Però no havia de viure molts anys?

But wasn't I supposed to live many years?

Jo ho portaré fatal. Fatal.

I will handle it terribly. Terribly.

Però coneixeré un osteòpata de Badajoz

But I will meet an osteopath from Badajoz.

que em farà viure en plenitud els últims anys de la meva vida.

that will make me live fully in the last years of my life.

Quina sort.

What luck.

I quan morirà?

And when will he/she die?


The osteopath?

No, jo.

No, me.

Quan morirà, tu i jo compartirem un ninxo al doble

When he dies, you and I will share a niche in the double.

que hem comprat amb vistes a la mar.

that we have bought with sea views.

Què et sembla?

What do you think?

Que tot això és massa bonic perquè sigui real.

That all of this is too beautiful to be real.

Ho és.

It is.



No m'ho mereix.

I don't deserve it.

Fotre, Joan, els pares Escolapis feren bé la seua feina.

Damn, Joan, the Escolapian parents did their job well.

Com vols que t'ho demostri?

How do you want me to prove it to you?


Holy shit.

És prou real?

Is it real enough?

Jo diria que sí.

I would say yes.

Vols més proves?

Do you want more evidence?

No, no.

No, no.

Està bé.

It's okay.

Està molt bé.

It is very good.

És que...

It's just that...

És que això és el que sempre havia somiat.

It's just that this is what I had always dreamed of.

I t'he fet entrar per eixa porta tantes vegades en els últims 25 anys

I have made you enter through that door so many times in the last 25 years.

que ja no sé reconèixer si eres real o no.

that I no longer know how to recognize if you were real or not.

Ja està.

It's done.

M'ha quedat clar, Laura.

It is clear to me, Laura.

M'ha quedat molt clar.

It is very clear to me.

T'ho asseguro.

I assure you.

Va, anem al llit.

Come on, let's go to bed.



Vull que em facis un walkie-talkie.

I want you to make me a walkie-talkie.

Un walkie-talkie...

A walkie-talkie...

No sé si me'n recordaré.

I don't know if I will remember it.

Prens viagra, no?

You take Viagra, don't you?



Fas cara de prendre'n.

You look like you're going to take some.

Doncs no.

Well, no.

Ja no.

Not anymore.



I això per què?

And why is that?

Perquè l'última vegada que la vaig prendre em vaig quedar enganxat.

Because the last time I took it, I got hooked.

A l'esquena?

On the back?

Els dos.


Ens vam quedar enganxats.

We got stuck.

Ja saps.

You already know.

No, no.

No, no.

No rigues.

Don't laugh.

Ni abans ni darrere.

Neither before nor behind.

Un desastre.

A disaster.

I què vau fer?

And what did you do?

Anar a urgències col·lapsades.

Going to overwhelmed emergency services.

Tot el món.

All the world.



Tot el món aplaudint i ella saludant.

The whole world applauding and she is waving.

Va ser humiliant.

It was humiliating.

Ja ho imagino.

I can imagine it.

Sobretot perquè son pare estava de guàrdia.

Especially because his father was on duty.



Eres un mandíbul afilat.

You are a sharp jaw.



Què és això?

What is this?



Sempre em porta a l'amunt.

Always takes me up.



Els homes de la teua generació falleu més que una escopeta de firar.

Men from your generation die more than a broken shotgun.





Anem al llit.

Let's go to bed.



Sí, sí, sí, vaig, vaig, però primer em dutxaré.

Yes, yes, yes, I'm going, I'm going, but first I will take a shower.

No fa falta.

It's not necessary.

Sí, sí, sí, sí que fa falta, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, it is indeed necessary, yes.

Han tocat.

They have touched.

És per a mi.

It is for me.

Per a tu?

For you?

Sí, he demanat que em portaren a Rómulo i Remo.

Yes, I have asked them to take me to Romulus and Remus.

Això es tindrà autoestima.

This will have self-esteem.

I també la Dyson.

And also the Dyson.

La Dyson? Què és? Una iguana?

The Dyson? What is it? An iguana?

Una aspiradora.

A vacuum cleaner.

Ja, ja, ja, ja vaig, ja, ja obric la porta.

Haha, I'm going, haha, I'm opening the door.

Ja va.


La ràdio d'Apunt, acompanyant-te este 10 de maig de 2022.

Apunt's radio, accompanying you this May 10, 2022.



Puc passar?

Can I pass?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Sí, és clar.

Yes, of course.

Com estàs?

How are you?



Sí, sí, jo també.

Yes, yes, me too.

Un beset, no?

A little kiss, right?

Uf, així que continues vivint així.

Ugh, so you continue living like this.

Sí, és una zona molt tranquil·la.

Yes, it is a very quiet area.

Ho dius pel cementeri?

Are you talking about the cemetery?

Fa poc de llullo tindre'l així al costat.

It's been nice having him like this by my side.

Has vingut en cotxe oficial?

Have you come in an official car?

En cotxe oficial? Quin sant.

In an official car? What a saint.

No, he vingut passejant.

No, I have come walking.

M'agrada caminar.

I like to walk.

Com a mi.

Like me.

Tu, tu encara vius al xalé de la Canyada?

You, do you still live in the chalet in Canyada?

Em vaig mudar en separar-me de Guzmán. Saps que m'he separat, no?

I moved out when I separated from Guzmán. You know I've separated, right?

Sí, fa sis mesos.

Yes, six months ago.

Dos anys.

Two years.

Carai, com passa el temps.

Wow, how time flies.

Ara visc en un pis menudet, al centre, amb la meua filla.

Now I live in a small apartment in the center with my daughter.





I Guzmán... bé?

I Guzmán... good?

Guzmán... viu amb la seua secretària.

Guzmán... lives with his secretary.

Els dos a Picassent?

The two in Picassent?

A Madrid.

To Madrid.

L'empresa de disseny va fer fallida i ara treballa per a una multinacional.

The design company went bankrupt and now works for a multinational.

Però ell estava en política, no?

But he was in politics, wasn't he?

No, s'ho va deixar abans que imputaren a tots els seus col·legues.

No, he left it before they charged all his colleagues.

Quina llàstima.

What a shame.

Com més lluny, millor.

The further away, the better.

Vols beure alguna cosa?

Do you want to drink something?

Prendré el mateix que tu.

I'll have the same as you.

Una aspirina efervescent?

An effervescent aspirin?

No. Alguna cosa més forta.

No. Something stronger.

Tinc paracetamol, ibuprofen i ultrason. Vols que et prepari un còctel?

I have paracetamol, ibuprofen, and ultrasound. Do you want me to make you a cocktail?

Tens 6 grams?

Do you have 6 grams?

Amb pastilles, no.

Not with pills.

Amb un poc de tònica.

With a little tonic.

D'acord, dóna'm un segon.

Okay, give me a second.

Joan, això és una maqueta?

Joan, is this a model?

D'una obra de teatre que vaig fer.

From a play that I did.

Ja ho sé. Vaig vore el teu Romeo i Julieta.

I already know. I saw your Romeo and Juliet.

Ah, sí? De veres?

Ah, really?

Em va agradar molt. Era... molt... era molt intimista.

I liked it very much. It was... very... it was very intimate.

Amb dos actors només, tu em diràs.

With only two actors, you will tell me.

Era preciós. Amb tots aquests canvis de cinematografia...

It was beautiful. With all these changes in cinematography...

Gràcies. Moltes gràcies.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Bé, com tots els espectacles que has fet.

Well, like all the shows you have done.

No sabia que t'agradarà el teatre.

I didn't know that you liked theatre.

Ha de ser un ofici meravellós.

It must be a wonderful profession.

Sí. Quan et paguen, sí.

Yes. When they pay you, yes.

A la galeria, en canvi, tot és tan previsible.

In the gallery, on the other hand, everything is so predictable.

Has tornat a la galeria d'art?

Have you returned to the art gallery?

Mai. L'he deixada.

Never. I've left her.

Ho hauria d'haver fet quan era jove i estudiar antropologia,

I should have done it when I was young and studied anthropology.

que era el que m'agradava,

that was what I liked,

i viatjar i fer alguna cosa de profit pels altres, però...

and to travel and do something useful for others, but...

Tu creus en la herència genètica?

Do you believe in genetic inheritance?

I tant.

Me too.

Mon pare va morir pensant que era Miguel Estrogó.

My father died thinking he was Miguel Estrogó.

És estrany estar així.

It's strange to be like this.

Parlar amb tu, després de tant de temps.

Talking to you after such a long time.

Este matí pensava a vore't.

This morning I was thinking about seeing you.

Al tanatori.

At the funeral home.

No. No m'agraden els tanatoris.

No. I don't like funeral homes.

Pobre Josep. Sí.

Poor Josep. Yes.

Un dia estàs així, i l'endemà...

One day you're like this, and the next day...

No et fa por pensar que un dia tot acabarà?

Aren't you afraid to think that one day everything will end?

Procura no pensar-ho.

Try not to think about it.

I que en uns anys ningú no se'n recordarà ni dels nostres noms?

And what if in a few years no one remembers even our names?

Laura, estàs bé?

Laura, are you okay?

Vols saber per què t'he telefonat? Per què he volgut que ens veiéssim?

Do you want to know why I called you? Because I wanted us to meet?

Ho sé.

I know.

No, no ho saps.

No, you don't know it.

Sé que els últims temps han sigut molt durs.

I know that the last times have been very hard.

Li t'ho imagino.

I can imagine it.

I que ens hem equivocat molt en el passat.

And we have made many mistakes in the past.

I tant.

Of course.

Això no ho podem canviar, Laura. Però és el passat.

We cannot change this, Laura. But it is the past.

I el passat no compta.

And the past doesn't count.

Compta el present. El que fem ara i així. Em seguixes?

Count the present. What we do now and so on. Are you following me?

Faig el que puc.

I do what I can.

Mai és tard si tornem a caminar.

It's never too late if we walk again.

Això és de Paulo Coelho?

Is this from Paulo Coelho?

Som supervivents, Laura. Supervivents.

We are survivors, Laura. Survivors.

I tenim tot el dret del món a estar junts.

We have every right in the world to be together.

I a començar de nou.

And to start again.


Excuse me?

Sé que tota la gent amb qui t'has citat...

I know that all the people you’ve met with...

T'ha portat fins a mi.

It has brought you to me.



Però, malgrat això, has de saber que, si estigués morint,

But, despite that, you have to know that if I were dying,

desitjaria passar amb tu l'última nit de la meva vida.

I would like to spend the last night of my life with you.

Déu meu, estàs pitjor del que m'havien dit.

My God, you are worse than what they told me.

Però sóc el primer de la llista. I si el primer diu sí, la llista es trenca.

But I am the first on the list. And if the first one says yes, the list breaks.

Però de què estàs parlant?

But what are you talking about?

Viurem junts. Però cadascú a sa casa.

We will live together. But each in their own house.

No entenc res.

I don't understand anything.

No, jo tampoc. Però com és el que tu desitges...

No, neither do I. But it's as you wish...

Joan, para.

Joan, stop.

I no serà fàcil.

And it won't be easy.

Serà impossible.

It will be impossible.

Perquè a mi no m'agraden els gats.

Because I don't like cats.

I a mi?

And me?

Viuré amb ells, però no pensé castrar-los.

I will live with them, but I don't plan to castrate them.

Has perdut el cap?

Have you lost your mind?

No t'agraden?

Don't you like them?

Sóc al·lèrgica.

I am allergic.

I què serà de Rómulo i Remo?

And what will become of Romulus and Remus?

Però qui són Rómulo i Remo?

But who are Romulus and Remus?

I tu m'ho preguntes?

And you're asking me that?

Joan, no sé quina medicació t'estàs prenent, però desperta.

Joan, I don't know what medication you're taking, but wake up.

Ni t'estime, ni vull començar de nou amb tu.

I neither love you nor do I want to start again with you.

I tu t'ho preguntes de què seria la mascareta?

And you ask yourself what the mask would be for?

Els actors som els millors privilegiats que durant una estona sembla que no estem entenent.

Actors are the best privileged ones who for a moment seem not to understand.

T'ho deus veure les orelles plantades i el mal darrere.

You must see the ears planted and the evil behind.

Bueno, que bé.

Well, that's good.

Una meravella escoltar-nos.

A marvel to listen to us.

Que bé tornar a fer-la.

How nice to do it again.



Què tal?

How are you?

T'ho has passat bé tu?

Did you have a good time?

Jo m'he passat de categoria. Si estava aguantant el riure que no podia, doncs tenia a casa.

I have moved up a category. If I was holding back laughter that I couldn't, well, I had it at home.

La presentadora, i riguent-se...

The host, and laughing...

Saps què passa? Aquest espectacle ens va fer gaudir moltíssim durant el temps que vam estar fent-lo.

Do you know what happens? This show made us enjoy it a lot during the time we were doing it.



el temps que vam estar fent-lo

the time we spent doing it

i la veritat és que és un plaer retrobar-se

And the truth is that it is a pleasure to reconnect.

en una obra, en uns personatges

in a work, in some characters

20 anys després, 20 i tants anys després

20 years later, 20 some years later


So much?

Jo de veritat

I really do.

no m'ho sembla

it doesn't seem like that to me

I després pensar en com estos personatges

And then think about how these characters

s'han evolucionat en el temps

they have evolved over time

i com seran

and how will they be

En fi, que és un plaer, la veritat és que ha estat una aventura

Well, it is a pleasure, the truth is that it has been an adventure.

que els hem de donar les gràcies

that we have to thank them

Sí, sí, perquè clar

Yes, yes, because of course.

nosaltres que, bueno, això diu Carles

we that, well, this says Carles

20 i tants anys, a mi em sembla impossible

20 and so many years, it seems impossible to me.

això, però

this, but

quan vam fer Mandíbula afilada, clar, tu

when we made Sharp Jaw, sure, you

fas una obra d'estes característiques i penses

you do a work of these characteristics and think

que ja s'ha acabat l'aventura

that the adventure is over

perquè a més és una obra que ja no podríem fer per edat

because it is also a work that we could no longer do due to age

No, no, no

No, no, no

Però clar, que després

But of course, that afterwards

i durant

and during

durant molts anys

for many years

sempre Toni Benavent, que és el seu soci

always Toni Benavent, who is his partner

d'Albena, parlava molt de

Albena talked a lot about

però Mandíbula no s'hauria d'acabar així, no?

But Mandíbula shouldn't end like this, right?

Els personatges podrien evolucionar

The characters could evolve.

podrien tornar a aparèixer uns anys després

they could reappear a few years later

però era difícil

but it was difficult

I un dia?

And one day?

Sí, trobar la visió, la focalització

Yes, finding the vision, the focus.

què comptes d'estos personatges

What do you think of these characters?

què els ha passat

what happened to them

algú continuarà en les seues dèries

someone will continue in their own ways

com tindran alguna cosa

how will they have something

encara en comú a dir-se

still in common to say

podran encetar una nova relació

they will be able to start a new relationship

20 anys després

20 years later

Bueno, totes aquestes coses són les que hem posat

Well, all these things are what we have included.

en la coctelera, no?

In the shaker, right?

i esperem que el públic ho disca tant

and we hope that the audience enjoys it so much

com veient el Mandíbula

as if seeing the Jaw

Clar, qui els ha vist

Sure, who has seen them?

com creieu que van a rebre-lo?

How do you think they will receive him?

però a ells també ha passat el temps

but time has passed for them too

Efectivament, jo crec que bé

Indeed, I think so.

la gent té un record molt agradable de l'espectacle

People have a very pleasant memory of the show.

tot i que l'espectador veu una obra

Although the viewer sees a work

una vegada, com a molt, no?

Once, at most, right?

i se'n recorda del que se'n recorda

And he remembers what he remembers.

Nosaltres sí que tenim un record

We do have a memory.

que, clar, la vam fer, com deies tu al principi

that, of course, we did it, as you said at the beginning

abans que començàrem

before we started

més de 300 vegades

more than 300 times

i nosaltres, són personatges que estan a dintre nostre

And we, are characters that are inside us.

que fins i tot nosaltres

that even we

jo he tingut la sensació, avui

I have had the feeling today.

que havíem de posar-nos en esa energia

that we had to get into that energy

de quan teníem 30 anys i fèiem aquesta obra

when we were 30 years old and we did this work

perquè no la podem fer

because we can't do it

des d'un lloc que no sigui aquell

from a place that is not that one

aquests personatges són així

these characters are like this

tenen 30 anys i encara han viscut coses

They are 30 years old and have already experienced things.

però encara els hi queda molta vida

but they still have a lot of life left

també els d'ara, també

also those of now, also

també, però menys

also, but less

com deia Candela Peña l'altre dia

As Candela Peña said the other day

aquesta fantasia que viu ella

this fantasy that she lives

com me pregunta a mediana edat

"Like you asked me in middle age."

jo, com bona que estic

I, how good I look.

però és veritat que

but it is true that

tant si has vist Mandíbula afilada com si no

whether you have seen Sharp Jaw or not

són dues obres autònomes, o sigui

they are two autonomous works, that is

això és així

this is so

però si has vist Mandíbula afilada

but have you seen Sharp Jaw?

deu ser molt divertit perquè tu també has

it must be very fun because you have too

viscut 20 anys més

lived 20 more years

trobar-te davant d'estos personatges que recordes

to find yourself in front of these characters that you remember

encara que només sigui una vegada

even if it's just once

i veure què t'ha passat a tu

and see what has happened to you

i després és molt interessant el projecte

And then the project is very interesting.

que esteu portant endavant

that you are carrying out

perquè et permet també focalitzar

because it also allows you to focus

la història

the history

bàsicament a través de

basically through

de les paraules, del diàleg

of words, of dialogue

més enllà de tota la cosa física

beyond all physical things

i de moviment

and of movement

que està en un escenari

that is on a stage

però per fer-ho

but to do so

per traduir-ho verbalment

to translate it verbally

tu has d'estar en la situació

you have to be in the situation

perquè si no estaries enllunyat

because if not you would be far away

i és un exercici per una part

and it is an exercise for one part

que ens permet recordar el que fèiem

that allows us to remember what we were doing

i per una altra anticipar

and for another to anticipate

el que farem

what we will do

jo veia moltes vegades

I saw many times.

aquesta manera d'apropar-se

this way of approaching

no pots perquè és la ràdio

you can't because it's the radio

és aquesta gran necessitat del personatge

it is this great need of the character

necessitem tocar-nos una miqueta

we need to touch each other a little bit

si ha sigut difícil

if it has been difficult

és rar

it's rare

per a mi ha sigut una mica rar

for me it has been a bit strange

i hem hagut de trobar el fil

and we have had to find the thread

que ens uneix

that unites us

que ha sigut la mirada

what the gaze has been

i a pesar de la distància dels micros

and despite the distance from the microphones

del text

of the text

era necessari això

was this necessary

sense aquest moment de connexió

without this moment of connection

era difícil trobar l'estat dels personatges

it was difficult to find the state of the characters

perquè el teatre mai el pots fer sol

because you can never do theatre alone

això és així

this is so

tu has de veure del que fan els altres

You have to see what others do.

i el que han d'escoltar

and what they have to listen to

té el 80% de la feina feta

he has 80% of the work done

això és així

this is so

però és veritat que jo crec que al principi

but it is true that I believe that in the beginning

estàvem més

we were more

no al principi de la lectura

not at the beginning of the reading

sinó quan hem arribat i escalfàvem

but when we arrived and were warming up

i com ho podem fer això

And how can we do this?

com podem traspassar aquesta barrera

how can we overcome this barrier

aquesta distància

this distance

i crec que ho hem aconseguit

I believe we have succeeded.

i tot ve com tu deies de la mirada

And everything comes as you said from the gaze.

de posar-te en la sensació de perill

of putting you in a feeling of danger

que viuen els personatges

that the characters live

s'enfronten a decisions

they face decisions

que realment quin camí van a emprendre

what path are they really going to take

i bé

and well

crec que aquest perill està

I believe that this danger is

en el que fem

in what we do

i d'aquest perill, d'aquest dolor

and of this danger, of this pain

és d'on naix l'humor

it is where humor originates

Ha sigut molt divertit

It has been very fun.

també des del meu punt de vista

also from my point of view

veure-vos actuar de sobte

to see you act suddenly

parlar era com dir

to speak was like saying

vinga, aneu, jo gairebé cal que me'n vagi

Come on, you go, I almost have to leave.

i ja està tot fet

And that's it, everything is done.

has tingut l'avantatge

you have had the advantage

que nosaltres sobretot la part de mandíbula

that we especially the jaw part

la tenim molt controlada

We have it very controlled.

i tot i que el regalen

and although they give it away

no l'hem fet encara

we haven't done it yet

que ja el farem

that we will do it

esperem que més aviat que tard

we hope that sooner rather than later

és veritat que els personatges són els mateixos

It is true that the characters are the same.

i nosaltres hem fet aquesta evolució

and we have made this evolution

que dèiem abans

what we were saying before

llavors Laura i Joan

then Laura and Joan

són Laura i Joan 20 anys després

they are Laura and Joan 20 years later

però és important també per nosaltres

but it is also important for us

doncs haver tingut

well having had

la teua mirada

your gaze

les puntualitzacions que ens has fet

the clarifications you have given us

les coses a tenir en compte

things to keep in mind

perquè si no et deixaries anar

because if not you would let go

i ho faries molt en una línia

And you would do it a lot in one line.

a lo millor que haguem tingut

to the best we have ever had


the scenic

i a les hores crec que estan molt bé

And at times, I think they are very good.

també des del respecte

also from respect

cap a una cosa que estava ja

towards something that was already

gestada en el seu moment

conceived at its time

i bueno la veritat és que

Well, the truth is that

ha sigut un plaer

It has been a pleasure.

tant per part teua com per part de tot l'equip

both on your part and on behalf of the whole team

el fet de sentir-te arropat, còmode

the feeling of being embraced, comfortable

és que si no seria molt difícil perquè

it's just that it would be very difficult because

el teu cos per fer un personatge

your body to create a character

sempre es diu en el teatre

It is always said in the theater.

només veus la gent que està damunt de l'escenari

you only see the people who are on the stage

però fa falta molta gent

but it takes a lot of people

perquè això que tu veus

because this that you see

ho puguis veure en qualitat

you can see it in quality

ben vestit

well dressed

ben arropat

well wrapped up

així que moltes gràcies a tots

so thank you very much to everyone

ho heu fet història amb embolina sonora

You have made history with sound marbles.

i bé hem fet

And well, we did it.

l'estrena absoluta dels personatges

the world premiere of the characters

de Joan i Laura 20 anys després

of Joan and Laura 20 years later

o més de 20 anys després

or more than 20 years later

ja que estem has pensat fer una tercera part

Since we are here, have you thought about doing a third part?

25 anys

25 years

doncs tu riu-te riu-te

so you laugh, laugh

però si que ho he pensat

but I have thought about it

i tant de bo

I wish!

amb 70 anys

at 70 years old

tant de bo tinguem l'oportunitat

I hope we have the opportunity.

i sobretot estiguem els dos en disposició

And above all, let us both be willing.

de poder fer-ho

of being able to do it

és un regal

it is a gift

que ens faria amb nosaltres

what would it do with us

la nostra trajectòria

our trajectory

a través dels personatges

through the characters

en tres etapes

in three stages

molt diferents de la vida

very different from life

generalment es veu molt diferent

it generally looks very different

dels 50 als 30

from 50 to 30

i pel que ho sap

and for what it knows

per la gent que tens a prop

for the people you have nearby

dels 70 als 50

from 70 to 50

mira això no ho podrà dir molta gent

Look, not many people will be able to say this.

tinc faena pel 2040

I have work for 2040.

amb unidad

with unity

si la veritat és que seria fantàstic

if the truth is that it would be fantastic

t'ho imagines

can you imagine it

si podria ser un viatge de jubilats

it could be a retirement trip

de Joan i Laura

of Joan and Laura

a veure que podria passar

let's see what could happen

i que s'haurà passat en aquest temps

and what will have happened during this time

que és ara Laura

What is Laura now?

que s'imagina a Joan arribant cada dia

what Joan imagines arriving every day

d'una manera diferent

in a different way



continuar sent un personatge aturat

continue being a stopped character

en el temps

in time

però bé, contar

but well, to count

la vida d'estos personatges

the life of these characters

i ja dic

and I already say

el poder fer-ho

the power to do it

els altres mateixos

the others themselves

d'alguna manera seria un fet

in some way it would be a fact

molt extraordinari

very extraordinary

Has assistit

Have you attended?

al Teatre de Bambolina Sonora

At the Sonora Bambolina Theatre

amb Blanca Beneito

with Blanca Beneito

una producció de Punt Mèdia

a production of Punt Mèdia

en associació amb Marvel Mèdia

in association with Marvel Media

i amb la participació

and with the participation

de l'Institut Valencià de Cultura

from the Valencian Institute of Culture

el projecte la podrà veure al final

You will be able to see the project at the end.

al incidence Return of the Robin

The incidence Return of the Robin

la revista

the magazine

i el recorregut

and the route

L'Institut Valencià de Cultura

The Valencian Institute of Culture

a l'Institut Valencià de Cultura

at the Valencian Institute of Culture

creat per la Fundació

created by the Foundation

de l'Estudi de la Genocèdia

of the Study of Genocide

i l'Institut de l'Estat

and the State Institute

i de l'Institut universal

and of the universal Institute

de la Generalitat

of the Government of Catalonia

i l'Institut de l'Estat

and the State Institute

es van buscar

they were sought

per abrir unes presons

to open some prisons

i es van aconseguir

and they were achieved


Elementary school student

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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