Operació Elefteria

À Punt Mèdia

Operació Elefteria

Operació Elefteria

Operació Elefteria

La ciutat era una explosió de vida, sobretot per a un que venia del poble,

The city was an explosion of life, especially for someone coming from the village.

era una explosió de vida, de llibertat, teníem pressa per recuperar el temps perdut.

it was an explosion of life, of freedom, we were in a hurry to make up for lost time.

Amb uns col·lectius encara reticents a la instauració de la democràcia,

With some groups still reluctant to the establishment of democracy,

amb una efervescència de carrer molt gran.

with a very high street vibrancy.

La vivíem amb la il·lusió de consolidar i de fer avançar una democràcia

We lived it with the hope of consolidating and advancing a democracy.

que servís per a fer una vida amb més justícia social, amb més igualtat, etc.

that would serve to create a life with more social justice, with more equality, etc.

És una València totalment distinta a l'actual, molt, molt diferent.

It's a Valencia totally different from the current one, very, very different.

Tant socialment com políticament, com fins i tot culturalment.

Both socially and politically, as well as even culturally.

És a dir, molt més efervescent.

That is to say, much more effervescent.

Hi ha paraules que no es diuen. I si no es diuen, no s'escolten.

There are words that are not spoken. And if they are not spoken, they are not heard.

I per no escoltar-se, perden el seu significat.

And to not be heard, they lose their meaning.

Justícia, seguretat, llibertat, amnistia, estatut d'autonomia.

Justice, security, freedom, amnesty, statute of autonomy.

I refranc, amnistia, estatut d'autonomia.

I refer, amnesty, autonomy statute.

Però també tenim altres com arrel, perill, referèndum, rebel·lió,

But we also have others like root, danger, referendum, rebellion,

votació, democràcia o elefteria.

Voting, democracy, or freedom.

Sabeu qui era elefteria? Algú sap què significa elefteria?

Do you know who Elefteria was? Does anyone know what Elefteria means?


Sign it!

Quan la llibertat i la seguretat els són les armes, qui per sempre és el ciutadà?

When freedom and security are their weapons, who is the citizen forever?

La democràcia. I qui guanya és l'estat d'excepció.

Democracy. And who wins is the state of exception.

I bé, ja sabeu.

And well, you know.

Això va començar l'any 1979, en una democràcia.

This began in 1979, in a democracy.

Em deixarà, Rosa, que gravi la conversa.

Will you let me, Rosa, record the conversation?

Clar. El que contarem pot ser que a algú li sembli una vella història, però és la de sempre.

Sure. What we will tell may seem to someone like an old story, but it's the same as always.

La d'una democràcia massa jove.

The one of a democracy that is too young.

Això va passar de veritat al País Valencià.

This really happened in the Valencian Country.

Comunitat Valencià. Regne de València. Reino de València.

Valencian Community. Kingdom of Valencia. Kingdom of Valencia.

País Valencià. Comunitat Valencià. País Valencià. Comunitat Valencià.

Valencian Country. Valencian Community. Valencian Country. Valencian Community.

I sempre així.

And always like this.

Va passar a València, a la plaça de l'Ajuntament, on davant del balcó consistorial hi havia una estàtua.

It happened in Valencia, in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, where there was a statue in front of the city hall balcony.

El Conjunt Equestre del General Franco.

The Equestrian Set of General Franco.

El burro i la ca! Fora de la plaça! El burro i la ca!

The donkey and the bitch! Out of the square! The donkey and the bitch!

Això cridaven. El burro i la ca. Sabeu qui era qui?

This is what they shouted. The donkey and the mare. Do you know who was who?

El que contaré ací va passar de veritat. Encara que pot ser, algun esdeveniment no va ser com ara es relata.

What I will tell here really happened. Although some events may not have occurred as they are now recounted.

Però això és la història. Cadascú la compta com li ve de gust.

But that's the story. Everyone tells it as they please.

Clar, Rosa.

Of course, Rosa.

L'alcalde, en aquell moment Fernando Martínez Castellano, va signar la retirada de l'estàtua Equestre.

The mayor, at that time Fernando Martínez Castellano, signed the removal of the Equine statue.

Del burro i la ca?

Of the donkey and the mare?

Efectivament. Però mai va pensar el que passaria a continuació.

Indeed. But he never thought about what would happen next.

Atenció. Comença l'operació elefteria.

Attention. The elefteria operation begins.



Atención. Compañía.

Attention. Company.

Sí, señor.

Yes, sir.



Sí, señor, que sí, señor. Sí, señor, del arroz, señor.

Yes, sir, yes, sir. Yes, sir, of the rice, sir.

Sí, senyor.

Yes, sir.

Recordeu, no?

You remember, right?

Ja, ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha, ha.

I el tema, l'inquieta.

And the subject worries him.


It worries her.

A veure.

Let's see.

Amb els militars s'ha d'anar amb molta cura.

With the military, one must be very careful.

I Jaime, a més, ve pegant fort amb la desfilada de l'1 d'abril.

I Jaime, moreover, is also making a strong impact with the parade on April 1st.

L'1 d'abril era el dia de l'alçament militar.

April 1 was the day of the military uprising.

I ja sabeu el que volien els militars.

And you already know what the military wanted.

I deu voler que parli amb ell.

And God wants me to talk to him.

Això mateix.

Exactly that.

Au, ja està clar.

Alright, it's clear now.

Ho deixe a les teues mans.

I'll leave it in your hands.

Tu sabràs com apanyar els temes dels habitatges

You will know how to sort out housing issues.

i, de pas, això de la desfilada.

And by the way, this about the parade.

Però, alcalde...

But, mayor...



És d'urbanisme.

It is about urban planning.

No, no, clar.

No, no, of course.

Però també ho és l'estàtua del general Franco.

But it is also the statue of General Franco.



I l'acord de govern diu que s'ha de llevar de la plaça del País Valencià.

And the government agreement says it must be removed from the Plaza del País Valencià.

Molt bé, Ricard.

Very good, Ricard.

Sí, sí, sí, sí, sí, però...

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, but...

Ja la retirarem.

We will take it down now.

Pot ser que algú li tinguera por a...

It could be that someone was afraid of...

Jaime Milans del Bosch, per a servir-le.

Jaime Milans del Bosch, at your service.

A veure, don Jaime.

Let's see, Don Jaime.

Capitán General, per a servir-le.

Captain General, at your service.

Això no és precís.

This is not precise.

Mire, digue-me vostè en un idioma que li pugui entendre.

Look, tell me in a language that I can understand.

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

Veurà vostè.

You will see.

El conjunt de vivendes...

The set of homes...

Això està arreglat.

This is fixed.

Ja m'ha dit l'alcalde que...

The mayor has already told me that...

Molta cura, Ricard, que l'alcalde t'ha ficat a la gola del llop.

Be careful, Ricard, because the mayor has put you in the wolf's den.

Aquí, el que veníem a parlar és de l'homenatge a la bandera

Here, what we came to talk about is the tribute to the flag.

a la plaça del Caudillo.

in the Plaza del Caudillo.

T'ho he dit.

I told you.

Sí i no.

Yes and no.

Com que sí i no? Explíquese.

How can it be yes and no? Explain yourself.

Un got d'aigua podrà ser.

A glass of water will do.

A veure, Alfred Benavente,

Let's see, Alfred Benavente,

li treu un vaso d'aigua al senyor concejal

He takes a glass of water to the councilman.

i, de pas, aigua per a tots.

And, by the way, water for everyone.

A sus órdenes, mi capitán general.

At your service, my general captain.

Sí, tot el món ha de cridar.

Yes, everyone has to shout.

També estava en el governador civil,

He was also in the civil governor.

José María Fernández del Río,

José María Fernández del Río,

el president del Consell Preautonòmic, Enrique Monsonís,

the president of the Preautonomous Council, Enrique Monsonís,

i bé, mitja dogena de càrrecs militars.

And well, half a dozen military officials.

I decia vostè...

You were saying...

Que no.


Se puede saber por qué no.

Can I know why not?

Porque no la hay, la plaza del Caudillo en Valencia.

Because there isn't one, the Plaza del Caudillo in Valencia.

Bueno, bueno, pues como se le llame ahora.

Well, well, whatever it's called now.

País Valencià.

Valencian Country.



País Valenciano.

Valencian Country.

Pues eso, la plaza esa.

Well, that square.

Pues tampoco.

Well, neither.

Algú està jugant amb foc.

Someone is playing with fire.



Tengo entendido que las fuerzas armadas

I understand that the armed forces

harán en el desfile vista a la izquierda,

They will make a left turn in the parade.

ante la escultura del primero, del escalafón militar.

in front of the sculpture of the first, of the military rank.

Francisco Franco va a Monde para servir a la patria.

Francisco Franco goes to Monde to serve the homeland.

Se enredrará la cosa, Ricard.

Things will get complicated, Ricard.

I això sería donarles...

And this would be giving them...

Sería dar la espalda al jefe del Estado,

It would be turning your back on the head of state,

Su Majestad el Rey Don Juan Carlos I,

His Majesty King Don Juan Carlos I,

si, como es lógico, preside el balcón consistorial.

Yes, as is logical, he/she presides over the municipal balcony.

Muy buena observación.

Very good observation.


Thank you.

Muy bien.

Very good.

La bandera a la Alameda.

The flag at the Alameda.

El desfile por la circunvalación, en sentido contrario al tráfico.

The parade along the ring road, in the opposite direction to traffic.

Y la tribuna frente a la Estación del Norte, ¿eh?

And the stands in front of the North Station, huh?

Això em pareix raonable.

This seems reasonable to me.

Señor concejal, com ho sabe d'estes coses, eh?

Mr. councilor, how do you know about these things, huh?

Pues ja que todo està hecho,

Well, since everything is done,

mire que jo hice la mili, señor Capitán General,

Look, I did my military service, Mr. Captain General,

de enchufado, en bètera.

of plugged-in, in Bétera.

Mire, mon sonís, a los enchufados en la guerra los fusilava a todos.

Look, my dream, I would shoot all the connected ones in the war.

I en paz, a letrines.

And in peace, to latrines.

Ens n'hem d'anar ja.

We have to go now.

Sí, sí, sí, sí, claro. Vamonos.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, of course. Let's go.

Tira, tira, Ricard.

Go on, go on, Ricard.

Vayan, vayan ustedes con Dios.

Go, go with God.

¡Y viva España!

And long live Spain!

¡Alegría mucho!

Joy a lot!

Holanda Oil Power.

Holland Oil Power.

Ya estamos en la calle.

We are already on the street.

Dispuestos a aterrar

Ready to land

por una nueva forma de avanzar vulnerablemos el mundo,

for a new way of advancing we will vulnerable the world,

Y el paraís, deberíamos convertirnos en table para un escuadrillo.

And the paradise, we should become a table for a squad.

¡T Patter!

¡T Patter!



¡It's all right!

It's all right!

Queremos libertad

We want freedom.

Per sort, tot va anar raonablement bé.

Fortunately, everything went reasonably well.

Tan bé com podia anar una desfilada militar a l'any 79.

As well as a military parade could go in the year 79.

Però clar, al setembre del mateix any,

But of course, in September of the same year,

a l'alcalde Martínez Castellano li troben una possible corruptela.

Mayor Martínez Castellano is found to have a possible corruption issue.

I amb 34 anys, Ricard Pérez Casado ha d'acceptar la vara del consistori municipal

At 34 years old, Ricard Pérez Casado must accept the scepter of the municipal council.

i és proclamat alcalde de València.

and is proclaimed mayor of Valencia.

Fins que va arribar la processó cívica del 9 d'octubre del mateix any, 1979.

Until the civic procession of October 9 of the same year, 1979, arrived.

Vicent Garcés, regidor del PSOE en l'Ajuntament de València.

Vicent Garcés, councilor of the PSOE in the Valencia City Council.

Ah, també està avisada gent del FRAP i del partit.

Ah, the people from the FRAP and the party have also been warned.

No vull incidents, Pedro. Nosaltres som demòcrates.

I don't want any incidents, Pedro. We are democrats.

Els de Jimeno... no ho crec jo.

The Jimeno ones... I don't believe it.

Juan Carlos Jimeno, líder d'Aliança Popular en l'Ajuntament de València.

Juan Carlos Jimeno, leader of Popular Alliance in the City Council of Valencia.

No trenquem el que ha sigut una tradició de vuit segles

Let’s not break what has been an eight-century tradition.

i representa la llibertat de tots els valencians.

and represents the freedom of all Valencians.

Sempre hem deixat parlar els valencians.

We have always let the Valencians speak.

Si no m'escolteu, no ens entendrem.

If you don't listen to me, we won't understand each other.

Mira, Jimeno, els està animant.

Look, Jimeno, he is encouraging them.

Ricard, baixa. Baixa, ja, que s'està embrutant la cosa.

Ricard, come down. Come down, now, as things are getting messy.

Per ai, no, Ricard. Estan els feixistes.

Not there, Ricard. The fascists are there.

Pedro, Pedro, tira cap a l'Ajuntament, que a això no pinta gens bé.

Pedro, Pedro, head towards the Town Hall, because this isn't looking good at all.

Han cremat la bandera autonòmica, Ricard.

They have burned the regional flag, Ricard.

Tira ràpid, que venen...

Shoot quickly, they're coming...

Ja! Rollo, rollo, les ulleres, que m'han pegat una hòstia.

Yeah! Like, the glasses, they hit me hard.

Merda, els feixistes ens estan acorralant.

Shit, the fascists are cornering us.

Per l'esquerra.

To the left.

Tiro per l'esquerra.

I shoot from the left.

Per allà!

Over there!

Ricard, què ha passat a l'estàtua de Jaume I?

Ricard, what happened to the statue of Jaume I?

Maria Consuelo Reina, primera dona directora d'un diari.

Maria Consuelo Reina, first woman director of a newspaper.

En aquest cas, el diari Les Províncies.

In this case, the newspaper Les Províncies.

Què ha passat?

What has happened?

Li han pegat una hòstia, que les ulleres han eixit volant.

They hit him so hard that his glasses flew off.

Ja m'han explicat.

They have already explained it to me.

Jimeno està calentant els feixistes.

Jimeno is heating up the fascists.

I tu, que piques a la primera.

And you, who bites at the first one.

Continues insistint en el pla d'urbanització del riu Turia?

Do you still insist on the urbanization plan for the Turia River?

El riu serà verd o no serà?

Will the river be green or will it not be?

Un dia podríem quedar, per que em comentes el pla que tens.

One day we could meet so you can tell me about the plan you have.

Per publicar-lo?

To publish it?

Tu vols la carretera aquesta que planteen per al mig de la ciutat?

Do you want the road that they propose in the middle of the city?

Que és València. Un circuit de Fórmula 1?

What is Valencia? A Formula 1 circuit?

No, és clar.

No, it's clear.

Doncs ja saps, Ricard.

Well, you know, Ricard.

Mira, per aquí ve el capità general.

Look, here comes the captain general.

Ell és tu, Quinaltre.

He is you, Quinaltre.

Jo me'n vaig, que s'acaba.

I'm leaving, it's over.

Pensa en el que t'he dit.

Think about what I told you.

Per servir-lo a vostè i a la seva dona, senyor alcalde.

To serve you and your wife, Mr. Mayor.

El cas és que... jo... volia parlar amb vostè de l'estàtua.

The thing is that... I... wanted to talk to you about the statue.

Però on vas, Ricard?

But where are you going, Ricard?

Del generalíssimo?

From the generalissimo?

Per l'acord del consistori en abril d'este any...

For the agreement of the council in April of this year...

No siga per aquí, senyor alcalde.

Don't go this way, Mr. Mayor.

El conjunt escultòric s'ha de retirar de la plaça.

The sculptural ensemble must be removed from the square.

El general Francisco Franco Bahamonde era general de la república.

General Francisco Franco Bahamonde was a general of the republic.

És llest, Ricard.

He is clever, Ricard.

Però el consistori...

But the council...

I a un general de la república no irà a quitar-li una estàtua.

And a general of the republic will not go to take down a statue.

No hace nada malo en la plaza.

He does nothing wrong in the square.

Ya le quitaron el nombre que tenía.

They already removed the name it had.

El mundo le sigue llamando plaza del caudillo, como tiene que ser.

The world still calls it Plaza del Caudillo, as it should be.

Pero el general no puede irse.

But the general cannot leave.

¿Y por qué no?

And why not?

Si usted quiere seguridad en esta ciudad, el general se queda.

If you want security in this city, the general stays.

Piense que puede pasar igual que hoy con sus gafas.

Think that it can happen just like today with your glasses.

Lo hablaré con Suárez a ver qué piensa.

I'll talk to Suárez to see what he thinks.

Mire, Ricardo, aquí Suárez no pinta nada.

Look, Ricardo, here Suárez doesn't matter at all.

Entre usted y yo.

Between you and me.

Debe decidir entre su seguridad o la libertad esa que promulgan.

You must decide between your safety or the freedom that they promote.

Porque no podremos contener a quienes, en su ejercicio de libertad de expresión,

Because we will not be able to contain those who, in their exercise of freedom of expression,

se manifiesten contra la retirada de la estàtua.

they are protesting against the removal of the statue.

A ver si va a volver ahora el caos a este país.

Let's see if chaos is going to return to this country now.

Se tiene que estar dentro del orden legal.

It must be within the legal order.

Y ahora, si me disculpa, ¿sabe qué?

And now, if you will excuse me, you know what?

Sí, dígame.

Yes, tell me.

Per ordre de l'alcalde es fa saber a tothom

By order of the mayor, it is made known to everyone.

que una fera feroig del parc s'escaparà.

that a ferocious beast from the park will escape.

Es prega a les senyores, comprem força aliments.

Ladies are requested, we buy a lot of food.

I no surten de casa fins que torna el bon temps.

And they don't leave the house until the good weather returns.

Tot el que tinga cotxe que fot al camp corrents.

All those who have a car should get to the countryside quickly.

I se'n batxa a la platja, a la torre o als hotels.

He/She goes to the beach, to the tower, or to the hotels.

Com llevaria l'estàtua de la plaça?

How would I remove the statue from the square?

El burro i l'aca aniran fora de la plaça de veritat.

The donkey and the she-ass will go out of the square for real.

I sobretot, què era l'operació Elefteria?

And above all, what was Operation Elefteria?

Ell rep algun torment.

He receives some torment.

Jo que no tinc ni casa, ni cotxe ni un carret.

I have neither a house, nor a car, nor a cart.

Em vas trobar aquell dia a la fera en el carrer.

You met me that day at the beast in the street.

Tremolant i mig mort. Ai Déu, re Déu la fera.

Trembling and half dead. Oh God, King God the beast.

I em veure'm tan fotut em va dir molt planera.

Seeing me so messed up, she told me very straightforwardly.

L'hivern de 1981 continuava.

The winter of 1981 continued.

Què mires, Ricard?

What are you looking at, Ricard?

Virgínio Fuentes, regidor de Seguretat de l'Ajuntament de València.

Virgínio Fuentes, Councillor for Security of the Valencia City Council.

Dos anys ja, Virgínio. Dos anys i ahir els tens.

Two years already, Virgínio. Two years, and yesterday you turned them.

El burro i l'aca fora de la plaça.

The donkey and the mare outside the square.

Ja la llevarem, Ricard.

We'll take her away, Ricard.

Pareix que està mirant-me.

It seems like he/she is looking at me.

Sempre ens mira.

He/She always looks at us.

Ahir, damunt del seu corset.

Yesterday, on top of her corset.

A més, si era un pèsim genet.

Moreover, if he was a terrible rider.

No te'n recordes del poema de Guitisolo?

Don’t you remember Guitisolo's poem?

No, no, no, així tens.

No, no, no, this is how you have it.

Estem preparant les oposicions del cos policial i...

We are preparing for the police force exams and...

Com s'ha pres Jordan la convocatòria oberta?

How has Jordan taken the open call?

Manuel Jordan, cap de policia municipal de l'Ajuntament de València.

Manuel Jordan, head of the municipal police of the City Council of Valencia.

Ja el coneixes, que no podrà posar lavabos per a les dones,

You already know him, that he won't be able to install restrooms for women.

que elles no podran portar armes...

that they will not be able to carry weapons...

N'han fet a Córdoba, a Saragossa, a Madrid i en altres parts del país.

They have done it in Córdoba, in Zaragoza, in Madrid, and in other parts of the country.

No s'hi pot oposar.

It cannot be opposed.

No, però posar obstacles tots els que vulguis i més.

No, but put as many obstacles as you want and more.



Has parlat amb Madrid?

Have you talked to Madrid?

Madrid? Res de res.

Madrid? Nothing at all.

Al Congrés hi ha l'elecció de Calvo Sotelo com a president.

In the Congress, Calvo Sotelo is elected as president.

M'han dit que m'esperé.

They told me to wait.

No ha començat la setmana i ja estem a...

The week hasn't started and we are already at...



23 de febrer.

February 23rd.

Ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, ai.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Esti hivern s'hi està fent massa llarg.

This winter is taking too long.

I més que se t'hi farà, Ricard.

And more than what will be done to you, Ricard.

Amb el seu permís, senyor alcalde.

With your permission, Mr. Mayor.

Don Manuel Jordan m'ha donat estes fulles per a vostès.

Don Manuel Jordan has given me these sheets for you.

És un van de Milans del Bosc.

It is a van from Milans del Bosc.

Excel·lentíssim senyor Don Jaime Milans del Bosc i Uxia.

Most Excellent Sir Don Jaime Milans del Bosc i Uxia.

Teniente General del Ejército y Capitán General de la Tercera Región Militar.

Lieutenant General of the Army and Captain General of the Third Military Region.

Hago saber.

I inform.

Ante los acontecimientos que se están desarrollando en estos momentos en la capital de España

In light of the events currently unfolding in the capital of Spain.

y el consiguiente vacío de poder,

and the consequent power vacuum,

es mi deber garantizar el orden en la región de mi mando.

It is my duty to ensure order in the region under my command.

Però, però...

But, but...

Al Congrés ha entrat la Guàrdia Civil.

The Civil Guard has entered Congress.

Posa la ràdio. Afanyat!

Turn on the radio. Hurry up!

¡Al suelo!

On the ground!

Artículo 3.

Article 3.

Quedarán sometidos a la jurisdicción militar y tramitados por procedimientos sumarísimos

They will be subjected to military jurisdiction and processed through summary procedures.

todos los hechos comprendidos en el artículo anterior,

all the facts included in the previous article,

así como los delitos de rebelión, sedición y de atentado o resistencia a los agentes de la autoridad.

as well as the crimes of rebellion, sedition, and assault or resistance against authority agents.

¿Pero este Milán se ha tornat boig o qué?

But has this Milan gone crazy or what?

¡Tia puta!

Aunt whore!

Telefona al partit.

Call the party.

Avui deu haver-hi a la seu a Madrid o a València.

Today there must be either at the headquarters in Madrid or in Valencia.

I vés amb compte amb Jordan.

And be careful with Jordan.

Vaig a parlar amb ell.

I am going to talk to him.



vés-te'n a casa de González Mostolés i emporta't el fill.

Go to González Mostolés' house and take the son.

No hi ha temps, carinyo.

There is no time, sweetheart.

Agafa roba neta i no parles amb ningú.

Take clean clothes and don't talk to anyone.

Ricard, poden tindre els telèfons punxats.

Ricard, they might have their phones tapped.

Entren alguns regidors,

Some councillors enter,

com López Rosat, Vicent Garcés, Pedro Zamora i qui parla,

like López Rosat, Vicent Garcés, Pedro Zamora, and the speaker,

Rafael Atat, regidor d'OCDE en l'Ajuntament.

Rafael Atat, councilor of OECD in the City Council.

¿Qué hacemos, Ricard?

What do we do, Ricard?

Estanca l'Ajuntament i tots a casa.

The Town Hall is closed and everyone go home.

Antes que esto se ponga feo,

Before this gets ugly,

Ricard, tu mujer, tu hijo y tú...

Ricard, your wife, your son, and you...

No, no, no, jo no me'n vaig.

No, no, no, I am not leaving.

Mira que eres cabut.

Look how stubborn you are.

Mira, podeis ir a Perpinyan.

Look, you can go to Perpignan.

Yo os pongo el coche.

I will provide the car for you.

Tots a casa al costat del telèfon.

Everyone at home by the phone.

¿Y tú? ¿On vas?

And you? Where are you going?

Me'n vaig a vore el gobernador civil.

I'm going to see the civil governor.

Vinga, va.

Come on, let's go.

Espera, senyor alcalde, no se'n vaig a soles.

Wait, Mr. Mayor, I am not going alone.

Jo vaig amb vostè,

I go with you,

pero espera un moment que t'agafaré un bolígraf.

but wait a moment, I'll get you a pen.

¿Un bolígraf?

A pen?

Sí, sí, sí, un bolígraf. No es preocupe.

Yes, yes, yes, a pen. Don't worry.

Manolo Rodríguez, policia municipal

Manolo Rodríguez, municipal police

que va a escortar Pérez Casado i Xeria.

that is going to escort Pérez Casado and Xeria.

¿Ha parat, Manolo?

Have you stopped, Manolo?

Ricard va amagat en el seient de darrere.

Ricard was hiding in the back seat.

Té un control, senyor alcalde.

You have a control, Mr. Mayor.

Merda, merda, merda.

Shit, shit, shit.

¡Buenas noches!

Good night!

Buenas noches.

Good evening.

Usted no sabe que no os podéis ir de casa.

You don't know that you can't leave home.

Este me ha estado de excepción.

This has been an exception for me.

Es que...

It's just that...

¿Qué está agafando Manolo en la madrita?

What is Manolo grabbing in the little mother?

¡Qué merda, una pistola!

What crap, a gun!

¡El bolígraf, Ricard!

The pen, Ricard!

¡El bolígraf!

The ballpoint pen!

Está malal.

She is sick.





¿A quién le pasa?

Who does it happen to?

No ho tenim clar.

We are not sure about it.

L'ha penjat molt mal, molt mal.

He has hung it up very badly, very badly.

El portem a la fe d'urgència.

We take him to the emergency room.





Está bé, está bé.

It's fine, it's fine.

Li fem un corredor i se'n va un cotxe amb vostès.

We make a corridor and a car leaves with you.

No, per favor.

No, please.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No fa falta.

It's not necessary.

Sóc ràpid, tio.

I'm fast, dude.

Per la pista de Mus arriben més ràpid que immediatament.

Through Mus's track, they arrive faster than immediately.

Está bé, está bé.

It's okay, it's okay.

Pero córrega, que pareix que està molt mal.

But hurry, it seems like it's very bad.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.



Don José María, veo que está usted acompañado.

Don José María, I see that you are accompanied.

El señor general, don Luis Caruana, que ha tenido a bien venir a comentarme lo ocurrido.

The general, Mr. Luis Caruana, who has kindly come to discuss what happened.

Estado de excepción, caballeros.

State of emergency, gentlemen.

Estado de excepción.

State of emergency.

Hay toque de queda y debo velar por la seguridad del país.

There is a curfew and I must ensure the safety of the country.

Ricard, Caruana té la pistola damunt la taula.

Ricard, Caruana has the gun on the table.

¿Y tenemos noticias de cómo va la rebelión?

And do we have news on how the rebellion is going?

¿La pistola?

The gun?

La pistola, Ricard, que la ha agafada.

The gun, Ricard, that she has taken.

¿Las negociaciones?

The negotiations?

Aquí estoy, esperando, al lado del teléfono.

Here I am, waiting, by the phone.

Se está esperando el comunicado del rey, que parece que saldrá en breve.

The king's statement is expected, which seems to be coming soon.

Pues esperaremos.

Well, we will wait.

¿Quiere usted un whisky?

Would you like a whisky?

No, no bebo.

No, I don't drink.

Usted se lo pierde.

You’re missing out.

Más para mí.

More for me.

Y a esa mateixa hora, no molt lluny d'allí, al edifici de Capitanía General.

And at that same hour, not far from there, at the General Captaincy building.

¿Y cuánto hay que esperar?

And how long do we have to wait?

María Consuelo Reina, subdirectora de las Provincias, y el seu pare, Enrique Reina,

María Consuelo Reina, deputy director of the Provincias, and her father, Enrique Reina,

han llegado.

they have arrived.

Reina, accionista del diari, a Capitanía General.

Queen, shareholder of the newspaper, at the General Captaincy.

A que venga el Teniente General y nos diga lo que...

When the Lieutenant General comes and tells us what...

Si ya sabemos.

Yes, we already know.

Yo qué sé, yo estoy con la democracia, papá.

I don't know, I'm with democracy, dad.

María Consuelo, nos pueden oír.

Maria Consuelo, they can hear us.

No digas eso aquí.

Don't say that here.

¿Que no diga eso aquí?

Don't say that here?

¿Pero dónde quieres que lo diga?

But where do you want me to say it?

¿En Francia?

In France?

Un respeto.

A respect.

Que los socialistas no lo están poniendo fácil.

That the socialists are not making it easy.

Pueden pasar.

They can come in.

Gracias por venir.

Thank you for coming.

Estamos restableciendo el orden en la ciudad.

We are restoring order in the city.

Han sacado los tanques a las calles.

They have taken the tanks to the streets.

Señorita, si no hay orden, alguien tendrá que imponerlo.

Miss, if there is no order, someone will have to impose it.

Nos ha llegado este listado de 200 comunistas para meterlos en el campo de fútbol.

We have received this list of 200 communists to put them in the football field.

¿En Mestalla?

At Mestalla?

Debemos retenerlos en Mestalla a la espera de recibir órdenes de Madrid.

We must hold them in Mestalla while we wait for orders from Madrid.

Pero no puede hacer eso. Esto no es Chile.

But he cannot do that. This is not Chile.

Esa gente ha traicionado a su país.

Those people have betrayed their country.

Papá, vámonos de aquí, que este tío está loco.

Dad, let's get out of here, this guy is crazy.

María Consuelo, por favor.

Mary Consuelo, please.

¿Podremos sacar el periódico mañana?

Will we be able to get the newspaper tomorrow?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Tendrán que informar que se ha restablecido el orden en este país, claro.

They will have to inform that order has been restored in this country, of course.

Unes hores després, el rei sia per televisió i en totes les ràdios.

A few hours later, the king appears on television and all the radios.

Heu escoltat el rei, no?

You have heard the king, right?

Heu escoltat...

Have you heard...



¿Sabe que su capitán general se ha sublevado?

Do you know that your captain general has rebelled?

General Gaveiras desde Madrid.

General Gaveiras from Madrid.

Así y a molts militars.

Thus, and to many soldiers.

Pero es que...

But it's just that...

Ni es que ni esca.

Neither this nor that.

¿Tú con quién estás? ¿Con Jaime o con el rey?

Who are you with? With Jaime or with the king?

Con el rey. Con el rey.

With the king. With the king.

Pues ya sabes. Te vas a Capitanía General y arrestas al capitán general y te constituyes en capitán general.

Well, you know. You go to the General Captaincy, arrest the captain general, and appoint yourself as the captain general.

Me he perdido, mi general.

I have gotten lost, my general.

Que arrestes a Mirans y tú serás el capitán general. ¡Coño ya!

Arrest Mirans and you will be the captain general. Damn it!

¡Y se lo tengo que decir!

And I have to tell you!

¿Y se lo tengo que decir yo a... a Jaime?

And do I have to tell it to... to Jaime?

Caballers, yo me'n vaig cap a l'Ajuntament, que tinc que assumptes a tractar amb el meu equip.

Gentlemen, I’m heading to the Town Hall, as I have matters to discuss with my team.

Buenas noches, señor alcalde. Buenas noches.

Good evening, Mr. Mayor. Good evening.

Pedro, ¿esteu tots bé?

Pedro, are you all okay?

Els camarades m'havien preparat un cotxe per anar a França. Estava a la llista de possibles afusellats.

The comrades had prepared a car for me to go to France. I was on the list of possible executions.

Pareix que això s'acaba. Detindran Milans.

It seems that this is coming to an end. They will detain Milans.

Sé pels meus contactes que els militars també tenien un objectiu. Jaca 4.

I know from my contacts that the military also had a goal. Jaca 4.

Jaca 4. La casa de Ricard i un dels objectius de Milans.

Jaca 4. Ricard's house and one of Milans' objectives.

Júlia, no s'ha quedat ningú a casa, no?

Julia, no one stayed at home, right?

D'acord, d'acord. No parlem més. Els telèfons poden estar...

Okay, okay. Let's not talk anymore. The phones may be...

Xit, xit. Ricard, el governador.

Shh, shh. Ricard, the governor.

Novetats, José María?

News, José María?

Alguna unidad no obedece y se encaminan a la calle de la Paz. No te he dicho nada. Cuidado, Ricard.

Some unit is not obeying and they're heading to Peace Street. I haven't told you anything. Be careful, Ricard.

Molt bé. Reunions de tres, per si de cas els militars entren. Encara no em fia de Milans.

Very well. Meetings of three, just in case the military comes in. I still don’t trust Milans.

El tanc de davant de l'Ajuntament ja no apunta cap ací.

The tank in front of the Town Hall no longer points this way.





Mi general, puedes pegarme un tiro si quieres, pero...

My general, you can shoot me if you want, but...

creo que deberías retirar a las tropas hacia sus acuartelamientos.

I think you should withdraw the troops to their barracks.

Eres el único que ha sacado a las tropas y no hay razón ni motivo para esta situación.

You are the only one who has pulled the troops out, and there is no reason or justification for this situation.

Mira. Las provincias.

Look. The provinces.

Jaime, son las tres de la mañana. El rey ya nos ha dado consignas de...

Jaime, it’s three in the morning. The king has already given us orders to...


Tell me.

Es el rey. El rey. Para ti.

He is the king. The king. For you.

Su Majestad. Sí, sí, lo escucho alto y claro.

Your Majesty. Yes, yes, I hear you loud and clear.





Sí, sí. A las órdenes de vuestra Majestad.

Yes, yes. At your Majesty's service.

Señor, mi lealtad hasta el fin.

Sir, my loyalty until the end.

No, no, no. Si son unas unidades de vigilancia para mantener el orden.

No, no, no. They are surveillance units to maintain order.

Y cuatro tanques. Ya, ya.

And four tanks. Yeah, yeah.

Sí. Sí. Por supuesto. Sus órdenes.

Yes. Yes. Of course. Your orders.

Hay que retirar las tropas.

The troops must be withdrawn.

Claro, Jaime. Eso mejor.

Sure, Jaime. That's better.

Te tengo que detener. Lo sabes, ¿no?

I have to arrest you. You know that, right?

Por supuesto.

Of course.

Pero, Luis, no me exposes, que uno tiene su honor.

But, Luis, don't expose me, one has their honor.

No, claro, Jaime. Irás libre.

No, of course, Jaime. You will go free.

Yo quisiera poder

I would like to be able to.



nadar bajo el mar

swim under the sea

y nada, y nada nos alejaría.

and nothing, and nothing would separate us.

Ser como delfines no siempre jamás

Be like dolphins never ever.

Podemos ser héroes

We can be heroes.

Un día nada más

One day only


Let's go!

El Saler. Agost del 1981.

El Saler. August 1981.

Tota ixa gent que corre són futurs policies.

All those people running are future police officers.

Entre elles, 29 dones que vam ser les primeres policies a la ciutat de València.

Among them, 29 women who were the first police officers in the city of Valencia.

I sí, allà estic jo, Rosa.

And yes, there I am, Rosa.

Hola, em diuen Rosa.

Hello, my name is Rosa.

Hola, em diuen Rosa. Jo soc Belén.

Hello, my name is Rosa. I am Belén.

De família de policia?

From a police family?

No, em vaig apuntar per l'anuncia a les províncies. I tu?

No, I signed up because of the ad in the provinces. And you?

Sí, mon pare és policia.

Yes, my father is a police officer.

Ah, i sap quants són les proves de tir?

Ah, and do you know how many shooting tests there are?

M'ha dit mon pare que les xiques no en fem...

My father told me that girls don't do that...

I torna-li. Però si hem de patrullar...

And give it back to him. But if we have to patrol...

Crec que anem a oficines.

I think we are going to the offices.

De florers, no?

From florists, right?

Aixa sembla. Moltes proves, però...

That's how it seems. Many tests, but...

Señoritas, al ritmo i sin hablar.

Ladies, to the rhythm and without speaking.

Sí, señor.

Yes, sir.

Maria Consuelo, reina, per telèfon.

Maria Consuelo, queen, by phone.


Pass it to me.

Ricard, ¿ya sabemos si tenemos chicas en la policía local?

Ricard, do we already know if we have girls in the local police?

Entindrem, entindrem.

We will understand, we will understand.

Ha llegado antes la mujer a un periódico que a la policía.

The woman arrived at a newspaper before the police.

Los cambios van lentos en la administración.

Changes are slow in the administration.

¿Y cómo llevas el escalextric del río? Menuda chapuza, ¿no?

And how are you handling the Scalextric of the river? What a mess, right?

Uf, me lo tengo que quitar de encima.

Phew, I have to get rid of it.

¿Hablamos? Digo, ¿te vienes al periódico?

Shall we talk? I mean, are you coming to the newspaper?

¿Una entrevista?

An interview?

No, no. Vente a casa y charramos.

No, no. Come over to my house and let's chat.

Desde así, veus tot el riu.

From here, you can see the whole river.

Te lo imaginas lleno de carriles, de coches...

Can you imagine it filled with tracks, with cars...

Lo vas a publicar.

You are going to publish it.

Yo tampoco quiero una ciudad llena de coches.

I also don't want a city full of cars.

He hablado con Bofill.

I have spoken with Bofill.

¿Bofill? ¿Que no hay arquitectos valencianos?

Bofill? Aren't there any Valencian architects?

Puede... puede hacer un estudio para transformar el antiguo cauce del río en unos jardines enormes que...

Can... can you do a study to transform the old riverbed into huge gardens that...

Mira, desde aquí podemos ver. Allí, donde empieza Mislata, comenzarían.

Look, from here we can see. There, where Mislata begins, they would start.

Luego se proyectan diversas fuentes a lo largo del río y algún edificio cultural.

Then various fountains are projected along the river and some cultural buildings.

¿Como en Berlín?

Like in Berlin?

Como en cualquier ciudad europea.

Like in any European city.

¿Como en cualquier ciudad europea abierta y ecológica?

Like in any open and ecological European city?

Que se nos ha vuelto ecologista el alcalde.

The mayor has become an environmentalist.

No, no es eso. Es que no quiero una ciudad llena de humos. No quiero ser Bilbao.

No, that's not it. I don't want a city full of smoke. I don't want to be Bilbao.

Lo llevo diciendo desde hace diez años.

I've been saying it for ten years.

Mira, Boro Barber se pondrá con el tema desde el periódico y Vicenç Soler y Damià Mollà, desde el punto de vista económico, exigirán ese plan.

Look, Boro Barber will take on the issue from the newspaper, and Vicenç Soler and Damià Mollà, from the economic point of view, will demand that plan.

En aquel moment, les millors firmes progressistes del País Valencià escribían en las provincias.

At that moment, the best progressive firms in the Valencian Country were writing in the provinces.

¿Y piensas seguir con la pantomima de la estatua de Franco?

And do you plan to continue with the pantomime of the statue of Franco?

Él te meta.

He puts you in.

Karel Bosotelo no quiere ni oír hablar de ello. El año que viene, me dijo.

Karel Bosotelo doesn't want to hear anything about it. Next year, he told me.

¿Con el mundial de fútbol encima? No creo.

With the World Cup coming up? I don't think so.

Tu recuerdo es dolor.

Your memory is pain.

Posem un poc de glamur a esta història.

Let's add a bit of glamour to this story.

¿Recorda la mostra?

Do you remember the sample?

¿Diu la mostra de València al Festival de Cine?

What does the Valencia sample say at the Film Festival?

Sí. A l'edat d'octubre de 1982, el país invitat era Grècia.

Yes. At the age of October 1982, the guest country was Greece.

I venia com a convidada la ministra de Cultura, Melina Mercurí.

The Minister of Culture, Melina Mercouri, was invited.

Al cap d'uns dies, el nostre país faria un tomb històric.

A few days later, our country would undergo a historic turn.

Ya vienen los convidados. Un gusto tenerte aquí, Melina.

The guests are arriving. It's a pleasure to have you here, Melina.

Igualmente, Ricardo.

Likewise, Ricardo.

La bonita és València.

The beautiful one is Valencia.

Melina, Melina, ¿cómo ve el Festival de València?

Melina, Melina, how do you see the Valencia Festival?

Un placer representar a mi país, Grècia, en este Festival del Mediterráneo.

It is a pleasure to represent my country, Greece, at this Mediterranean Festival.

Y de paso, acudir al homenaje de mi querido Vittorio Gasman.

And by the way, attend the tribute to my dear Vittorio Gassman.

Melina, Melina, para el Levante.

Melina, Melina, for the Levante.

Las elecciones son este fin de semana en España.

The elections are this weekend in Spain.

¿Cómo ve nuestra democracia? ¿Quién cree que ganará?

How do you see our democracy? Who do you think will win?

No quiero pecar de optimista, pero el PSOE es el primer partido de España.

I don't want to be overly optimistic, but the PSOE is the first party in Spain.

Y este país bien se merece después de tanto dolor,

And this country surely deserves it after so much pain,

de tanta humillación y de la dictadura,

of so much humiliation and of the dictatorship,

un partido como ese y un líder como Felipe.

A party like that and a leader like Felipe.

Será un hecho trascendental para el Mediterráneo,

It will be a significant event for the Mediterranean.

para la paz y para la cultura.

for peace and for culture.


Thank you.

Pedro, crec que sé com fer-ho. Eleftería.

Pedro, I think I know how to do it. Eleftería.

Eleftería, eleftería.

Freedom, freedom.

Què és això? La nit de la mostra va ser una miqueta...

What is this? The night of the show was a little bit...

No, no, no. O sí, escolta, Operació Eleftería.

No, no, no. Or yes, listen, Operation Eleftería.

Eleftería significa llibertat en grec.

Eleftería means freedom in Greek.

Ahir, escoltant Melina, vaig pensar que...

Yesterday, listening to Melina, I thought that...

El burro i l'aca fora de la plaça.

The donkey and the she-ass outside the square.

Sí, sí, sí, exacte.

Yes, yes, yes, exactly.

Manuel Jordan no pot assabentar-se de res.

Manuel Jordan cannot find out anything.

És professor de drets romà i de seguida sabria què significa.

He is a professor of Roman law and would know immediately what it means.

Entenc, entenc, entenc. I Garcés i la resta?

I understand, I understand, I understand. And Garcés and the rest?

He parlat amb tu.

I have spoken with you.



Pots mirar com és el conjunt escultòric?

Can you see what the sculptural set is like?

Sé que n'hi havia tres a Espanya.

I know there were three in Spain.

Ha de ser a l'estiu. Abans tindríem un problema.

It must be in the summer. Otherwise, we would have a problem.

A l'estiu... A l'estiu ningú se'n recordarà al cap d'uns dies.

In the summer... In the summer, no one will remember it after a few days.

El moment és ideal.

The moment is ideal.

Jo m'encarregui de tot.

I take care of everything.

Que bé, Ricard.

How nice, Ricard.


I like it.

Elefteria. Operació Elefteria.

Elefteria. Operation Elefteria.

Operació Llibertat.

Operation Freedom.

Hem fet un salt en el temps, però caparrere.

We have made a leap in time, but backward.

A 1980.

To 1980.

Estem a la Facultat d'Econòmiques, en una conferència.

We are at the Faculty of Economics, at a conference.

En esta mateixa facultat, tres anys abans, el 1977,

In the same faculty, three years earlier, in 1977,

es va doctorar una dona que ajudarà en esta operació.

A woman who will assist in this operation has obtained her doctorate.

Xxxt! A veure si callen allà al fons.

Xxxt! Let's see if they shut up back there.

Bé, el nus central de la qüestió sembla ser el desviament de capitals cap a la terra.

Well, the central issue seems to be the diversion of capital towards land.

Doncs cal comprovar si realment l'única opció va ser la inversió en l'agricultura.

So it is necessary to check if the only option was indeed the investment in agriculture.

Cosa que equivale a placer.

Thing that is equivalent to pleasure.

Per plantejar l'estudi del sistema financer.

To propose the study of the financial system.

Caixes d'estalvis, bancs, societats de crèdit...

Savings banks, banks, credit unions...

Però a veure si hi havia capitals disponibles que no es canalitzaren cap a la terra.

But let's see if there were available capitals that were not channeled towards the land.

Perquè no havien estat dedicats a activitats industrials.

Because they had not been devoted to industrial activities.

La conferenciant és Clementina Rodenàs.

The speaker is Clementina Rodenàs.

Primera doctorant de Valenciana i futura regidora d'Hisenda en l'Ajuntament de València.

First PhD candidate from Valencia and future councilor of Finance in the City Council of Valencia.

Després seria alcaldessa de València a partir del 1989.

She would later become mayor of Valencia starting in 1989.

I al fons, escoltant-la, Ricard Pérez Casado.

And in the background, listening to her, Ricard Pérez Casado.

En el País Basc tenia lloc un procés de desenvolupament econòmic prou accelerat a partir del darrer quart del segle XIX.

In the Basque Country, there was a process of economic development that was quite accelerated starting from the last quarter of the 19th century.

Al País Valencià no es produeix en absolut un fenomen similar,

In the Valencian Community, a similar phenomenon does not occur at all,

sinó que el centre de gravetat de l'economia el constituirà,

but the center of gravity of the economy will consist of,

i cada vegada en major mesura, com ja hem vist, l'agricultura.

And increasingly so, as we have already seen, agriculture.

Clementina, tens un moment?

Clementina, do you have a moment?

Ricard, clar, dis-me.

Ricard, sure, tell me.

Les teues tesis són una alenada d'aire fresc.

Your theses are a breath of fresh air.

Gràcies. Però ara fa falta que es puguen posar en pràctica.

Thank you. But now it is necessary for them to be put into practice.

D'això volia parlar-te. Tindràs un moment per a un cafè?

I wanted to talk to you about that. Do you have a moment for a coffee?

I encara que en la primera legislatura Clementina no va estar present en l'Ajuntament,

And although in the first legislature Clementina was not present in the City Council,

el 1983, en la majoria absoluta del PSOE a València,

in 1983, with the absolute majority of the PSOE in Valencia,

Clementina és el fitxatge estrella de Pérez Casado.

Clementina is the star signing of Pérez Casado.

Deixa de mirar-la.

Stop looking at her.

Alfonso em va dir que a l'estiu la llevaríem.

Alfonso told me that we would wake her up in the summer.

L'estàtua no és l'única.

The statue is not the only one.

L'estàtua no és l'únic reducte del franquisme que tenim a la plaça.

The statue is not the only remnant of Francoism that we have in the square.

Ho dius per...

You say it because...

Hi ha una llei que pot rescindir el seu contracte.

There is a law that can terminate your contract.

És funcionari.

He is a civil servant.

Per això. Arribarem al govern per a legislar.

That's why. We will reach the government to legislate.

Tu saps que quan jo vaig entrar al Consistori vaig haver de demanar una excedència a la universitat?

Do you know that when I joined the City Council I had to request a leave of absence from the university?

Manuel Jordán té dos càrrecs. Cap de policia de l'Ajuntament i professor de dret romà a la universitat.

Manuel Jordán has two positions. Chief of police for the City Council and professor of Roman law at the university.

I dius...

And you say...

Clar. La llei fixa que una persona no pot tindre dos càrrecs a l'administració pública nacional.

Of course. The law stipulates that a person cannot hold two positions in the national public administration.

Però no fa falta ser tan bèsties.

But it's not necessary to be so brutal.

Podem donar-li a llegir. Cosa que li enfadarà més. Ja el coneixem.

We can let him read it. That will make him even angrier. We know him well.

Li ho plantegem com un repte.

We present it to him as a challenge.

Don Manuel, la llei ens obliga a que vostè decidisca quedar-se així en l'Ajuntament o en la universitat.

Don Manuel, the law requires us that you decide to remain either at the Town Hall or at the university.

Com ja sap vostè, no es poden tindre dos càrrecs a l'administració.

As you already know, one cannot hold two positions in the administration.

Nosaltres entendríem clar que vostè tria continuar fent classes, que és la seua passió.

We would clearly understand that you choose to continue teaching, which is your passion.

No hi ha cap problema. Podem buscar-li una jubilació anticipada i queda vostè com un rei.

There is no problem. We can find you an early retirement and you'll be like a king.

Jugada, mestre.

Move, master.

Clar. La llei ens empara, Ricard.

Of course. The law protects us, Ricard.

Però... Però primer hem de llevar...

But... But first we have to get up...

El burro i la cassella.

The donkey and the basket.

La premsa s'ha assabentat de tot i este juliol serà impossible.

The press has found out about everything and this July will be impossible.

A la tardor?

In the autumn?

Pedro està mirant com era tècnicament el conjunt escultòric quan es va comprar.

Pedro is looking at how the sculpture ensemble was technically when it was purchased.

La solució estava a la porta mateixa de la casa.

The solution was right at the door of the house.

Bé, com ja l'he dit abans per telèfon, tot això és el que tenim del conjunt escultòric a l'Argill.

Well, as I already mentioned to you by phone, this is all we have about the sculptural ensemble at Argill.

Gràcies, Merche.

Thank you, Merche.

Novetats del burro i la cassella? Pel que posa en els papers és d'una peça.

News about the donkey and the box? According to what it says on the papers, it's a single piece.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Està ancorat a terra, el suport. El que no posa és com si va ancorat.

It is anchored to the ground, the support. What it does not place is as if it is anchored.



Ni idea.

No idea.

Però se suposa que és d'una peça.

But it is supposed to be one piece.

Feta per José Caput, escultor valencià.

Made by José Caput, Valencian sculptor.

Ah, i així posa que hi ha tres estàtues iguals.

Ah, and it thus states that there are three identical statues.

Quatre. Quatre si es compta la que hi ha a Nuevos Ministerios, a Madrid.

Four. Four if you count the one at Nuevos Ministerios, in Madrid.

Ferrol, Santander i València.

Ferrol, Santander, and Valencia.

I vostè per què sap tot això?

And why do you know all this?

És la sèptima vegada que trac l'argill del burro i la cassella en els últims anys.

It's the seventh time I've taken the clay from the donkey and the scoop in recent years.

I clar, al remat un esqueda amb totes les dades.

And of course, in the end a scan with all the data.

Ah, clar, clar, clar.

Ah, of course, of course, of course.

Bé, em fa unes fotocòpies?

Well, can you make me some photocopies?

Per les dues cares?

On both sides?

No, no, no, no, no fa falta. Però... m'ho pot ampliar?

No, no, no, no, it's not necessary. But... can you expand on that for me?

I vol també que li posi una grapa? O el vol enquadernadet?

Do you want me to staple it for you? Or do you want it bound?

Senyor alcalde, siéntese.

Mr. Mayor, please take a seat.

Manuel Jordán, cap de la policia municipal en l'Ajuntament de València.

Manuel Jordán, head of the municipal police in the Valencia City Council.

No se preocupe.

Don't worry.

Es importante porque si no se sienta...

It is important because if it doesn't sit down...

Ah, pues me siento ya.

Ah, well, I’m sitting down now.

Verá, Manuel, sabe que llevamos tiempo detrás de la estatua de la plaza y habrá que quitarla.

You see, Manuel, you know that we've been after the statue in the square for some time and it will have to be removed.

Si usted lo dice...

If you say so...

Es un acuerdo de gobierno.

It is a government agreement.

Pero a veces no se cumplen.

But sometimes they are not fulfilled.

De 1979, hace ya cuatro años.

From 1979, it's been four years already.

Cómo pasa el tiempo, ¿verdad?

How time flies, right?

Este se va a cumplir. Será en septiembre.

This is going to happen. It will be in September.

¿En septiembre? Mire, ando en esas fechas escaso de personal.

In September? Look, I’m short on staff during that time.

Como sabe que en verano preferimos que no se cojan todas las vacaciones de golpe...

As you know, in summer we prefer that not all holidays are taken at once...

Está hablado con el gobierno central.

It is being discussed with the central government.

Ah, ya. ¿Y sabemos el día y la hora?

Ah, right. And do we know the day and the time?

Se lo comunicaré en su momento.

I will communicate it to you in due time.

Por hacer una previsión, por las vacaciones, ya sabe.

To make a forecast, for the holidays, you know.

Le avisaré con tiempo. ¿Cuántos agentes podría tener en la plaza?

I will notify him in advance. How many agents could he have in the square?

Pues los que se precisen.

Well, the ones that are needed.

Aunque desde el principio la custodia del conjunto escultórico lo hacía la nacional.

Although from the beginning the custody of the sculptural ensemble was held by the national authorities.

Y claro, no quiero yo tener un malentendido con los compañeros.

And of course, I don't want to have a misunderstanding with my colleagues.

Lo podremos hablar con ellos, ¿no?

We can talk about it with them, right?

Sí, sí, seguro. Cuando sepamos las fechas.

Yes, yes, for sure. When we know the dates.

Pues no se hable más.

Well, no more need to say.

¿Y me puede decir la fecha ya usted?

And can you tell me the date, please?

No, no, ahora no es el momento. Piense que se puede filtrar.

No, no, now is not the time. Think that it could be leaked.

Y no querremos que se filtre.

And we won't want it to be leaked.

Por supuesto, pero digo yo que la fecha ya usted ya la...

Of course, but I would say that you already have the date...

No, todavía no.

No, not yet.

Por cierto, usted da clases en la universidad, ¿no, don Manuel?

By the way, you teach classes at the university, don Manuel, don't you?

Sí, sí, de derecho romano.

Yes, yes, of Roman law.

Y supongo que estará encantado.

And I suppose he will be delighted.

Ah, dar clases. Uno comparte los conocimientos que tiene con el alumnado en unas fechas determinadas.

Ah, teaching classes. One shares the knowledge they have with the students on specific dates.

Claro, claro. Disfrútenlas.

Sure, sure. Enjoy them.


Thank you.

¿Y no es muy precipitado, señor alcalde?

Isn't it very rushed, Mr. Mayor?

Manuel Vallespín y González Valdés. Ahí sí, todos juntos.

Manuel Vallespín and González Valdés. There, yes, all together.

Capitán general del arrechó del Llevant después de la marcha de Milans del Bosch.

Captain General of the Arrechó of the Levant after the departure of Milans del Bosch.

Trasladar la pieza puede provocar altercados.

Moving the piece may cause disturbances.

Para eso están los cuerpos y fuerzas de seguridad del Estado, ¿no?

That's what the bodies and forces of the state security are for, right?

Ni lo ponga en duda.

Don't doubt it.

No queremos que haya ningún... malentendido.

We don't want there to be any... misunderstanding.

Nosotros sacamos la pieza de la plaza...

We take the piece out of the square...

De posición inicial. Posición I, para aclararnos.

From the starting position. Position I, to clarify.

Está bien. De posición I. De allí pasa a posición capi...

It's fine. From position I. From there it goes to position capi...

Posición C.

Position C.

Sí, primero pasa por posición A, ayuntamiento.

Yes, first go to position A, town hall.

Pero en posición A no puede estar mucho tiempo.

But in position A it cannot stay for too long.

¿Que se quede en posición I?

Should it stay in position I?

Es que en posición I lleva ya demasiado tiempo.

It's just that in position I has been too long already.

Unos meses más...

A few more months...

Pero ya lleva cuatro años.

But it has already been four years.

Está bien. De posición I a posición A.

It's fine. From position I to position A.



A, A primero y C.

A, A first and C.

¿Eh? A ver, yo me he perdido.

Huh? Let's see, I got lost.

¿En posición A o en posición C?

In position A or in position C?

Bueno, en todas.

Well, in all of them.

¿Y si lo llevamos primero a posición A al cuadrado, los almacenes del ayuntamiento,

And if we first take it to position A squared, the town hall warehouses,

que están más cerca de posición C, y así luego, en unos días, va a posición C?

who are closer to position C, and then, in a few days, will go to position C?

¿De cuántos días estamos hablando?

How many days are we talking about?

Depende de la posición.

It depends on the position.

¿En qué posición?

In what position?

Pues C.

Well C.

¡No! ¡No! ¡En C no! ¡En B!

No! No! Not in C! In B!

Esa no existe.

That one does not exist.

Es que me he perdido, coño.

It's just that I've gotten lost, damn it.

Ahora usted tráigala, que la recibiré yo ya cuando me dé la gana.

Now you bring her, and I will receive her whenever I feel like it.

Es que... lo he hablado ya con Narcís.

It's just that... I've already talked about it with Narcís.

Narcís. Narcís, Narcís. El ministro.

Narcís. Narcís, Narcís. The minister.

El mismo. Narcís Serra.

The same. Narcís Serra.

Bueno, pues tráigala a posición C cuando sea.

Well, bring her to position C when you're ready.

¿Cuando la saquemos de posición I?

When do we take it out of position I?

De acuerdo, de acuerdo. ¿Posición I cuál es?

Okay, okay. What is Position I?

Creo que voy a hacer un esquema que yo tampoco me aclaro muy bien y se lo mando.

I think I'm going to make a diagram because I’m not very clear on it either and send it to him/her.


Thank you.

¿Por fax o por correo postal?

By fax or by mail?

Por fax. Por fax, que estamos modernizados.

By fax. By fax, we are modernized.

¿Quién lo diría?

Who would have thought?

Eso sí, lo queremos entero.

That said, we want it whole.

Lo tendrá de una sola pieza.

He will have it in one piece.

Gracias, señor alcalde. Lo dejamos.

Thank you, Mr. Mayor. We'll leave it at that.

¿Y quién día será?

And what day will it be?

El 9 de setembre.

September 9th.

¿No está muy pronto el 9 de octubre?

Isn't October 9 a bit early?

Més pronto no puede ser, porque no han comenzado las clases, no tenemos prou gente para las vacances...

It cannot be sooner because the classes haven't started, we don't have enough people for the holidays...

Yo no sé si es funcionario...

I don't know if he is a civil servant...

Si no volen, cridem a militants dels partits perquè vinguin...

If they don't want to, we can call party members to come...

Ui, ui, ui, no, massa, massa en bòlit.

Oh, oh, oh, no, too much, too much in a mess.

Ui, mira, Vicent, a nosaltres, des del partit, ens apreten molt.

Oh, look, Vicent, we are being squeezed a lot from the party.

Hi ha gent a qui la brigada político-social els va pegar hòsties fins al carnet d'identitat.

There are people whom the political-social brigade beat up until they lost their identity card.

Jo crido als germans Montalbán i ells porten alguns dels que van patir tortures.

I call the Montalbán brothers and they bring some of those who suffered torture.

El FRAP ja va intentar llevar-la fa uns anys...

The FRAP already tried to take it away a few years ago...

Me'n recorde, me'n recorde per això mateix. La premsa...

I remember, I remember precisely for that reason. The press...

És divendres a la nit. Fins diumenge no reaccionaran i ja busquem amb queix i mellillons perquè ningú se'n recorde.

It's Friday night. They won't react until Sunday, and we already search with complaints and murmurs so that no one remembers.

I hi ha una sèrie de dictes que has de firmar, Ricard. Ho fem amb urgència i el dilluns s'hi sent.

And there is a series of documents that you have to sign, Ricard. We do it urgently and you will hear about it on Monday.

A més, l'estàtua de Primo de Rivera de Marquès del Túria ja la vam treure i no va passar res.

Furthermore, we already removed the statue of Primo de Rivera, Marquès del Túria, and nothing happened.

Això d'ara no és el mateix.

This now is not the same.

No, clar.

No, of course.

Eixe del mig de la plaça va ser un fill de puta que té més de 100.000 persones en cunetes.

That one in the middle of the square was a son of a bitch who has more than 100,000 people in ditches.

Si fa falta, jo em poso a la plaça.

If necessary, I will go to the square.

Pedro, estic amb tu. Només hem de buscar la millor opció.

Pedro, I am with you. We just need to find the best option.

L'Ajuntament està ple de rates que a la primera oportunitat filtren la notícia.

The City Council is full of rats that leak news at the first opportunity.

Gimeno mateix. A més, els de la grua diuen que deixen la grua, però que no ho fan. I vés a saber.

Gimeno himself. Moreover, the crane operators say that they leave the crane, but they don't. And who knows.

Jimmy pel roig.

Jimmy for the red.

Durant la guerra va ser conductor de tancs, de camions, de tot.

During the war he was a driver of tanks, trucks, everything.

Ell m'ha dit que no té cap problema en agafar la grua, per a tombar a Franco el que siga.

He told me that he has no problem taking the crane to knock over Franco, whatever it takes.

No se'n parli més. Divendres, el burro i l'aca iixen de la plaça.

No more talking about it. On Friday, the donkey and the mare will leave the square.

Fins demà.

Until tomorrow.

Rosa, va intervindre vostè en la retirada de l'estàtua?

Rosa, did you intervene in the removal of the statue?

Sí i no.

Yes and no.

Deu tindre una explicació.

It must have an explanation.

Sí. La poso en situació.

Yes. I’ll put you in the picture.

Són les dos de la matinada del divendres 9 de setembre de 1983.

It's two o'clock in the morning on Friday, September 9, 1983.

Per la plaça del País Valencià, que ara és la plaça de l'Ajuntament, a València,

Through the País Valencià square, which is now the Town Hall square, in Valencia,

només hi ha gent jove que passa de festa, que venen del carme o de la seu.

There are only young people who are partying, who come from the carme or from the seu.

I un grup de la brigada 26 davant de l'estàtua.

And a group from brigade 26 in front of the statue.

Menuda colla. La brigada nocturna de la policia municipal.

What a bunch. The night shift of the municipal police.

Sí, d'això ja en parlarem un altre dia.

Yes, we'll talk about that another day.

El cas és que, de sobte, des de l'Ajuntament, hi són alguns companys que han passat muntanyes cap a l'estàtua.

The fact is that, suddenly, from the Town Hall, there are some colleagues who have crossed mountains towards the statue.

Són uns deu.

They are about ten.

La grua municipal ha arribat, no li dic com, però allà està.

The municipal crane has arrived, I won't tell you how, but there it is.

I comencen a tirar l'estàtua. Tiren i tiren i tornen a tirar.

And they start to throw the statue. They throw and throw and throw again.

I de sobte, comença a arribar gent a deixar flors a l'estàtua.

And suddenly, people start to arrive to leave flowers at the statue.

I gent cantant cara al sol.

People singing facing the sun.

I també gent que ja cantava el burro i laca fora de la plaça.

And also people who were already singing the donkey and laca outside the square.

I crits, i insults, i batalla campana.

Shouts, insults, and a battlefield.

I els companys que temen per la seva vida tornen a l'Ajuntament corrent i fugint.

And the companions who fear for their lives run back to the Town Hall, fleeing.

Al final, la llista de la policia municipal es va omplir.

In the end, the municipal police list was filled.

Els policis han sabotejat la retirada. Són les tres del matí.

The police have sabotaged the withdrawal. It's three in the morning.

Hem d'avisar a tota la gent d'esquerres. Hem de lligar l'estàtua.

We need to warn all the people on the left. We need to tie up the statue.

Són ells o nosaltres. Jo comencen a telefonar als meus.

It's either them or us. I'm starting to call my people.

Vaig cap a l'Ajuntament.

I'm heading to the Town Hall.



Estava esperant tu la llemada.

I was waiting for your call.

Montalbán, màxim responsable de comissió en obreres del País Valencià.

Montalbán, maximum responsible for the commission in workers of the Valencian Country.

Hay que entrar a quitar la estatua. Han entrado los fascistas.

We need to go in and take down the statue. The fascists have entered.

Mi hermano está esperando.

My brother is waiting.

Jiménez, Campuzano, Jimmy, Perry, Barceló, Blanco...

Jiménez, Campuzano, Jimmy, Perry, Barceló, Blanco...

Yo creo que todos me han confirmado que están operativos.

I believe that everyone has confirmed to me that they are operational.

Pues llamando y a la plaza.

Well, calling and to the square.

Muy bien. Llamo a Ventura y nos repartimos.

Very well. I'll call Ventura and we'll split up.

Hasta luego, camarada.

See you later, comrade.

Ventura, Ventura, nos vemos en la plaza.

Ventura, Ventura, we will see each other in the square.

Tot el món estava despert.

Everyone was awake.

Era una fita per a la democràcia.

It was a milestone for democracy.

A mí dejadme la crua, que la tengo controlada.

Leave the raw one to me, I have it under control.

No estuve yo aguantando las hostias de los grises en comisaría central para esto.

I didn't endure the beatings from the riot police at the central station for this.

Hoy cae la estatua, camarada.

Today the statue falls, comrade.

Aviso a Jiménez, Pérez Ledo y Valdecabres.

Notice to Jiménez, Pérez Ledo, and Valdecabres.

¿Ya vamos para allá?

Are we going there already?

¿Qué ganas le tenía el burrito de las narices?

What did the little donkey with the nose want?

Se unen Martínez, Flors, Castillo y Pintado.

Martínez, Flors, Castillo, and Pintado join together.

¡Nos vemos en la plaza, camaradas!

See you in the square, comrades!

Ya son las once y media del matí.

It is already eleven thirty in the morning.

Y en cara que están dins de la plaza,

And although they are inside the square,

a par de la joventud,

apart from youth,

hi ha gent d'esquerres.

There are left-wing people.

L'estàtua no cap.

The statue doesn't fit.

Están tirando piedras, joder!

They're throwing stones, damn it!

¡Que somos policías, coño!

"We're police, damn it!"

¡Claro! ¡Los fachas a lo suyo!

Of course! The fascists doing their thing!

¿Qué quieres, que te maten a ti también?

What do you want, for them to kill you too?

¡Pues resón de hostia!

Well, damn it!

¡Adelante! ¡Carguen!

Forward! Load!

Em diu Montalbán que l'estàtua

He tells me Montalbán that the statue.

està enganxada a un raïl de tren a terra

it's stuck to a train track on the ground

i que per això és impossible traure'l.

and that is why it is impossible to remove it.

¿Un raïl de tren?

A train rail?

¿Pero no tenéis mitjans per a...?

But don't you have means to...?

Imi és una bèstia i amb la grua fa malabarismes.

Imi is a beast and does acrobatics with the crane.

Deixem que tire.

Let it go.

Que no la trenqui.

Don't break it.

El delegat del govern envia de galant

The government delegate sends gallantly.

un comissari que ha de posar ordre.

a commissioner who has to restore order.

I on està?

And where is it?

Va arribar i se'n va anar al bar.

He arrived and went to the bar.

Tenim la plaça plena de feixistes i se'n va.

We have the square full of fascists and he/she is leaving.

Al bar, sí, al bar.

At the bar, yes, at the bar.

Que diu que tot està en ordre.

He says everything is in order.

¿En ordre?

In order?

A veure, Ricard, comissari de la policia,

Let's see, Ricard, police commissioner,

¿tu creus que li va bé llevar l'estàtua de la plaça?

Do you think it's good to remove the statue from the square?

Sabem el que ve.

We know what is coming.

¿I si avortem?

And if we abort?

Esa gent s'està jugant la vida a la plaça.

Those people are risking their lives in the square.

Ens demanen passar muntanyes.

They ask us to cross mountains.

Jordà n'està posant pegues.

Jordà is putting up objections.

Diu que per què tenim les xiques de la policia

He asks why we have the police girls.

al carrer Marquès de Sotelo.

on Marquès de Sotelo street.

Allí estava jo.

There I was.

No pots passar amb la moto.

You cannot pass with the motorcycle.

Mira, la moto passa perquè llevo flors al caudillo

Look, the motorcycle passes because I'm carrying flowers to the leader.

i que viva España, coño.

And long live Spain, damn it.

Mira, la moto no passa porque no.

Look, the motorcycle doesn't go because it doesn't.

¿Y quién eres tú?

And who are you?

Pues soy la policía que está aquí.

Well, I am the police who is here.

Venga, va, no, no me jodas.

Come on, don't mess with me.

Que venga un poli de verdad, cariño.

Let a real cop come, darling.

Este imbècil en manillo, tío, el colabós.

This idiot in a little band, dude, the colabó.

Caballero, ¿me hace caso?

Sir, are you listening to me?

Que no, que voy a pasar.

No, I'm going to pass.

Y ahora se queda quieto.

And now it stays still.

Y se piensa en hacer caso a lo que le diga la autoridad.

And one considers listening to what the authority tells them.

Sí, sí, sí, sí, pero quíteme la pistola de la espalda.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, but take the gun off my back.

Si este tros daca saber al que te vel en Alhama, apúntanlo.

If this piece of knowledge about what you see in Alhama, write it down.

Un bolígraf.

A pen.

Ricard, Mario Consuelo al teléfono.

Ricard, Mario Consuelo on the phone.



¿Sale ya de la plaza?

Are you leaving the square already?

Estamos en ello.

We are working on it.

Es una chapuza, Ricard.

It's a botch job, Ricard.

¿Qué lleváis desde esta madrugada?

What have you been wearing since early this morning?

Han desertado la mitad de los funcionarios.

Half of the officials have deserted.

No, sí, ya.

No, yes, already.

Se ha filtrado hace unas horas.

It was leaked a few hours ago.

¿Quién lo ha filtrado?

Who leaked it?

¿Ha sido desde el ayuntamiento?

Has it been from the town hall?

¿Es que esto es?

Is this it?

Hay que tumbar esa estatua sea como sea.

We need to take down that statue no matter what.

Pareces negrín secuestrado por los comunistas.

You look like Negrín kidnapped by the communists.

Da igual la estatua, es un monigote.

It doesn't matter the statue, it's a dummy.

Al que vienen a venerar con flores, a cantar el cara al sol.

To whom they come to venerate with flowers, to sing "Cara al Sol."

Es un símbolo para los fascistas.

It is a symbol for fascists.

Tú y tu obsesión con los símbolos.

You and your obsession with symbols.

Ricard, asúmelo.

Ricard, accept it.

Vas a tener que vivir con ellos.

You are going to have to live with them.

A Franco no lo puedes borrar de un plumazo.

You can't erase Franco with a stroke of a pen.

Mira, María Consuelo, no es un símbolo.

Look, María Consuelo, it's not a symbol.

Es que hagamos de este país un lugar de convivencia.

Let us make this country a place of coexistence.

Ricard, Ricard, Ricard, ja ha caigut.

Ricard, Ricard, Ricard, has already fallen.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Mare meva, mare meva.

My mother, my mother.

¿Qué ha pasado? ¿Ya, ya, todo bien?

What happened? Is everything okay?

Se ha partido en dos.

It has split in two.

No era una pesa, eran dos.

It wasn't one weight, it was two.

El burro por un costat y Paquito por el otro.

The donkey on one side and Paquito on the other.

Eh, eh, eh.

Eh, eh, eh.



Eso sí, lo queremos entender.

Of course, we want to understand it.

La bolsa ensera, la estatua.

The bag holds up the statue.

Ostres, Vallespín.

Wow, Vallespín.

Ricard, cola de tota la vida.

Ricard, lifelong tail.



Pedro, de posició I a posició A,

Pedro, from position I to position A,

al 4.

to 4.

Espera, espera, espera, espera, el croquis.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, the sketch.

El magatzem, no?

The warehouse, right?

Això és.

That's it.

Que la porten al magatzem municipal i allí l'ajunten.

They take it to the municipal warehouse and there they put it together.

Hi ha un ferrer forjador d'urgència?

Is there an emergency blacksmith?

Un fer, fer, fer...

A do, do, do...

No, no ho sé.

No, I don't know.

Déu-n'hi-do. Telefoneu a Vallespín.

Goodness. Call Vallespín.

D'aquí uns dies li portem l'estàtua.

In a few days we will bring him the statue.

Ricard, companys,

Ricard, colleagues,

mireu per la finestra.

look out the window.

Què veieu ara?

What do you see now?



Ja no hi ha res.

There is nothing left.



És veritat.

It's true.

Hem conquerit la plaça.

We have conquered the square.





No hi havia massa gent a la plaça,

There weren't many people in the square,

però ràpidament anaven acudint franquistes

but quickly, franquists were arriving

amb banderes, crits, insults,

with flags, shouts, insults,

i anaven autoconvocant-se per les cabines telefòniques,

and they were self-convening at the telephone booths,

que hi havia a la plaça.

what was in the square.

Hi va haver tiros de pelota de goma, cargues, etc.

There were rubber bullet shots, charges, etc.

I jo recordo, molt a prop de mi,

And I remember, very close to me,

hi havia unes valles situades,

there were some valleys situated,

d'un policia que va disparar amb una ametralladora a l'aire.

of a police officer who fired a machine gun into the air.

Per fer-li front a la gent de l'extrema dreta,

To stand up to the far-right people,

als fascistes que estaven intentant oposar-se

to the fascists who were trying to oppose

que l'estàtua fos derribada.

that the statue was torn down.

S'haurien assabentat i haurien d'acudir, com van acudir aquell dia,

They would have found out and should attend, as they did that day,

a posar-los corons,

to crown them,

a posar-los corons, a posar-los corons, a posar-los corons,

to put crowns on them, to put crowns on them, to put crowns on them,

a posar-los corons, a posar-los corons,

to put crowns on them, to put crowns on them,

el burro i l'aca fora de la plaça.

the donkey and the she-ass outside the square.

Era un acord municipal i s'havia d'haver fet a la nit del dia

It was a municipal agreement and it should have been made on the night of the day.

i amb tota normalitat.

and with complete normality.

I no és sempre així.

And it's not always like that.

Va ser una operació tirant del mirallet.

It was an operation pulling the mirror.

Les paraules, per no usar-les, poden acabar en l'oblit.

Words, if not used, can end up forgotten.

Els símbols també.

The symbols too.

Són llocs on trobar la nostra identitat.

They are places where we find our identity.

Encara que van traure l'estàtua equestre de la plaça,

Although they removed the equestrian statue from the square,

l'assumpte no va acabar allí.

The matter didn't end there.

Estem en Capitània General,

We are in the General Captaincy,

el dia que l'estàtua va entrar,

the day the statue entered,

això sí, d'una sola peça ja encaixada.

this is indeed a single piece already fitted.

Senyor Alcalde, Concejal.

Mr. Mayor, Councilor.

Ja hem vist que han posat el conjunt equestre al pati.

We have already seen that they have placed the equestrian set in the courtyard.

Així és, senyor Alcalde.

That's right, Mr. Mayor.

I ara, quina estàtua caldrà a la plaça del Generalisme?

And now, which statue is needed in the Plaza del Generalisme?

Canvio de nombre.

I change my name.

Sempre serà del caudillo.

It will always be of the leader.

La plaza está bien así, no se preocupe.

The square is fine as it is, don't worry.

No voy a preocuparme si tiene la plaza desocupada.

I'm not going to worry if the spot is vacant.

Es como si no tuviera muebles, como si le faltara un cuadro.

It's as if it had no furniture, as if it were missing a painting.

Quiero obsequiarles con una escultura.

I want to gift you a sculpture.

No hace falta, de verdad, señor Capitán General.

No need to, really, Mr. Captain General.

No, no, es un regalo.

No, no, it’s a gift.

No somos de regalos nosotros.

We are not into gifts.

Me lo tienen que aceptar.

They have to accept it.

Es que no nos lo podemos llevar.

It's just that we can't take it with us.

No, no será muy grande.

No, it won't be very big.

Es una pequeña escala de soldados de diferentes épocas.

It is a small scale of soldiers from different eras.

Es como un dedal.

It's like a thimble.

Ah, bueno, claro, eso sí.

Ah, well, of course, that’s true.

¿Y qué pensaban?

And what were they thinking?

Tiene el busto del general Franco ahí.

He has the bust of General Franco there.

Y dentro de dependencias del gobierno constitucional y democrático no es apropiado.

And within the dependencies of the constitutional and democratic government, it is not appropriate.

Es un general de España ascendido por la República.

He is a general of Spain promoted by the Republic.

Y ganó una guerra.

And he won a war.

¿Contra los españoles?

Against the Spaniards?

Eso podríamos discutir.

We could discuss that.

Hubo otro general español del lado de la democracia que la perdió.

There was another Spanish general on the side of democracy who lost it.

Además era valenciano, de la fan de la figuera.

Moreover, he was Valencian, from the fig tree fan.

Vicent Rojo i Lluch.

Vicent Rojo i Lluch.

Bueno, bueno...

Well, well...

Ricard, recula que este ens torna a posar la estatua a la plaza.

Ricard, step back because this one is putting the statue back in the square.

En el museo militar que ha impulsado usted podrían estar los dos.

In the military museum that you have advocated for, both could be.

Yo pido el traslado del busto del general Rojo y usted esa de Franco.

I request the transfer of the bust of General Rojo and you that of Franco.

La de Rojo es más grande.

The one in red is bigger.

Los militares y la obsesión en la vida de las cosas.

The military and the obsession in the life of things.

Bueno, encargaré que hagan un busto del mismo tamaño que ese de Franco.

Well, I will order a bust to be made of the same size as that of Franco.

Ah, entonces de acuerdo.

Ah, then okay.

Y déjeme que le diga una cosa.

And let me tell you something.

Igual han ganado la batalla.

They may have won the battle.

Pero esto no es para toda la vida.

But this is not for a lifetime.

Que hayan entrado mujeres a los cuerpos y fuerzas de seguridad del estado...

That women have entered the state security forces...

Habráse visto si Franco levantara la cabeza.

One would have to see if Franco would raise his head.

Bueno, bueno, yo soy demócrata.

Well, well, I am a democrat.

Pero cuando la democracia se olvida del orden y la seguridad, solo queda el libertinaje.

But when democracy forgets order and security, all that remains is libertinism.

Ay, la libertad. ¿Qué miedo le tienen?

Oh, freedom. What are they so afraid of?

Al general lo guardaremos aquí dentro.

We will keep the general here inside.

En el patio de capitanía.

In the captaincy courtyard.

Por si un día...

Just in case one day...

Tiene que volver a salir.

He/She has to go out again.

Caballeros, viva España y viva el rey.

Gentlemen, long live Spain and long live the king.

Vicent, aquí no ens n'hem lliurat.

Vicent, we haven't gotten away from this here.

Fins al 2010, el Burro i l'Aca van estar en Capitania General.

Until 2010, the Donkey and the Aca were in the General Captaincy.

Fins que la Llei de Memòria Històrica va obligar a treure-la de les dependències oficials amb un destí.

Until the Law of Historical Memory forced its removal from official premises with a designated destination.

La base militar de Bétera.

The military base of Bétera.

Allà continua, des d'aquest moment.

There it continues, from this moment on.

Guardada en un magatzem.

Stored in a warehouse.

L'operació Lefteria, encara que va ser un bunyol i un escàndol aquell 9 de setembre,

The Lefteria operation, although it was a fiasco and a scandal that September 9,

va ser també un èxit de la llibertat

it was also a success of freedom

i de la necessitat de posar fi als símbols de la crua dictadura franquista d'este país.

and the need to put an end to the symbols of the brutal Francoist dictatorship of this country.

Esta història també va significar molt per als homes i dones que van lluitar per la llibertat

This story also meant a lot for the men and women who fought for freedom.

i no es van acobardir quan els militars esmentaven l'ordre i la seguretat.

And they did not cower when the military mentioned order and security.

Tan en voga actualment.

So in vogue currently.

Com si la seguretat fos la garantia directa d'un estat democràtic.

As if security were the direct guarantee of a democratic state.

Ha sigut un plaer, Rosa, conversar amb vostè.

It has been a pleasure, Rosa, to converse with you.


Thank you.

I algun dia em contarà la història de les dones policies de la promoció del 81?

And will someone someday tell me the story of the female police officers from the class of '81?

Clar, segur. Algun dia.

Sure, someday.

Així acaba Operació Lefteria.

Thus ends Operation Lefteria.

Una producció de l'Institut Valencià de Cultura

A production of the Valencian Culture Institute

i la Ràdio D'Apunt.

and the Apunt Radio.

Amb Robert Roig com a Ricard Pérez Casado.

With Robert Roig as Ricard Pérez Casado.

Xavi Castillo com a Jaime Milans del Bosch i Manuel Jordán.

Xavi Castillo as Jaime Milans del Bosch and Manuel Jordán.

Sergio Caballero com a Pedro Zamora i Martínez Castellano.

Sergio Caballero as Pedro Zamora and Martínez Castellano.

Ramon Rodenas com a Vicent Garcés i Virgínio Fuentes.

Ramon Rodenas as Vicent Garcés and Virgínio Fuentes.

Greta Ruiz com a María Consuelo Reina.

Greta Ruiz as María Consuelo Reina.

Carles Sán Jaime com a Luis Caruana i Manuel Vallespín.

Carles Sán Jaime as Luis Caruana and Manuel Vallespín.

Paola Navalón com a Clementina Rodenas.

Paola Navalón as Clementina Rodenas.

I Cristina Fernández Pintado com a Phil Conductor.

I Cristina Fernández Pintado as Phil Conductor.

Amb la col·laboració de Jéssica Crespo com a periodista,

With the collaboration of Jéssica Crespo as a journalist,

Ester López Barceló, Ignasi Blanco i Manolo Solo com a veus convidades.

Ester López Barceló, Ignasi Blanco, and Manolo Solo as guest voices.

Música interpretada per Pau Alavajos sobre cançons d'Ovid i Montjor.

Music performed by Pau Alavajos based on songs by Ovid and Montjor.

Tots els intèrprets han fet de diversos personatges.

All the interpreters have played various characters.

Escrita per Gabriel Ochoa i dirigida per Pau Martínez i Gabriel Ochoa.

Written by Gabriel Ochoa and directed by Pau Martínez and Gabriel Ochoa.

Realització i ambientació sonora de Laura Romero Valldecabres.

Sound design and ambiance by Laura Romero Valldecabres.

Artista fol·li, Rolando Alonso.

Foolish artist, Rolando Alonso.

I tècnic de so, Jordi Barceló.

And sound technician, Jordi Barceló.

Agraïments a Moisés Vizcaíno, Diari La Veu.

Thanks to Moisés Vizcaíno, Diari La Veu.

Producció executiva, Ferran Benavent.

Executive production, Ferran Benavent.

Producció executiva d'A.Mèdia, Inés Mengual.

Executive production by A.Mèdia, Inés Mengual.

Documentació, Carlos Aimeur.

Documentation, Carlos Aimeur.

Amb la col·laboració d'Ester López Barceló.

With the collaboration of Ester López Barceló.

Els equips tècnics i de gestió de l'Institut Valencià de Cultura, Valencià de Cultura.

The technical and management teams of the Valencian Institute of Culture, Valencian Culture.

I d'A.Mèdia.

And A.Mèdia.

Direcció adjunta d'Arts Escèniques de l'Institut Valencià de Cultura, Valencià de Cultura.

Deputy Direction of Performing Arts of the Valencian Institute of Culture, Valencian Culture.

Roberto García.

Roberto García.

Una producció delegada de la República del Làpiz.

A delegated production of the Republic of Lapiz.

Jo soc fill de família molt humil,

I am the son of a very humble family,

tan humil que d'una cortina vella

so humble that from an old curtain

una samarreta en ferran vermell.

a t-shirt in red iron.

Densa per aquesta samarreta

Dense for this t-shirt.

no he pogut caminar ja per la dreta

I can no longer walk to the right.

i ha hagut d'anar contracorrent

I had to go against the current.

perquè jo no sé què passa

because I don't know what's happening

que tothom que em ve de cara

that everyone who comes towards me

porta el cap topant a terra.

the head is hitting the ground.

Densa per aquesta samarreta

Dense for this t-shirt.

no he pogut eixir al carrer

I have not been able to go out into the street.

ni treballar al meu ofici.

nor work in my profession.

Fer de fer res.

To do nothing.

He hagut en el camp guanyar xornals

I have had to win journals in the field.

i així la gent ja no em veia.

And so people no longer saw me.

Jo treballava amb la corbella

I worked with the sickle.

i dintre de tots aquells mals

and among all those evils

sé treballar en dues coses

I know how to work on two things.

amb el martell i la corbella.

with the hammer and the scythe.

Gairebé no comprenc per què la gent

I can hardly understand why people

quan em veia pel carrer em cridava

when he saw me on the street he would call out to me



Gairebé no comprenc per què la gent

I can barely understand why people

quan em veia pel carrer em cridava

when he/she saw me in the street, he/she would call me



Jo crec que tot això era

I believe that all of this was

promogut pel seu despiste.

promoted by his distraction.

Pot ser un altre en aquestes circumstàncies

It can be someone else in these circumstances.

i haguéssim canviat de samarreta

we would have changed the shirt

però jo m'hi trobo molt bé amb ella

but I feel very good with her

perquè abriga i me l'estime

because it keeps me warm and I love it

i li pregue que no se'n fa saber ja.

And I ask him not to let it be known anymore.

Venen ganes de vomitar

I feel like throwing up.

amb el xantatge de les vostres lleis

with the blackmail of your laws

que instauraren una democràcia

that established a democracy

entre cometes i subratllat.

"between quotes and underlined."

S'arguments s'han quedat obsolets

The arguments have become obsolete.

el paper ja s'ha descolorit

the paper has already faded

però vosaltres seguiu aferrant-vos

but you continue to cling on

a la vostra bíblia del 78.

in your Bible from '78.

No és legal alterar ni una coma

It is not legal to alter even a comma.

sense consens.

without consensus.

I després reformeu un article

And then reformulate an article.

amb una simple encaixada de mans.

with a simple handshake.

Prou de pantomimes institucionals

Enough of institutional pantomimes.

sou les dues cares d'un mateix engany.

you are the two sides of the same deception.

Som els prínceps de la doble moral

We are the princes of double standards.

sou titelles ocupant un despatx

you are puppets occupying an office

sargantanes de corbata impoluta

immaculate tie lizards

i cocodrils esmolant els ulls.

and crocodiles sharpening their eyes.

Sou les lluites que ho deixa de banda

You are the struggles that it leaves aside.

sense cap mala fe.

without any bad faith.

Sou les urnes plenes de nostàlgia

You are the urns full of nostalgia.

i els referèndums que mai no s'han fet.

and the referendums that have never taken place.

Sou les sigles de l'autoresignació.

You are the initials of self-assertion.

Sou tots els matisos

You are all the nuances.

d'un mateix color.

of the same color.

El teatre està a punt d'acabar

The theater is about to finish.

i els debats que no porten enlloc.

and the debates that lead nowhere.

Els monòlegs plens de burballa

The monologues full of nonsense.

i els vostres discursos que invoquen la por.

and your speeches that invoke fear.

Les renúncies i els pactes d'estat.

The renunciations and the state agreements.

La dictadura conservada en formol.

The dictatorship preserved in formaldehyde.

Els cadàvers que assonen la terra

The corpses that resonate with the earth

i els dies feliços de la transició.

and the happy days of the transition.

Te'n rebenten les vostres excuses

Your excuses are driving you crazy.

i l'amnèsia flagrant.

and the flagrant amnesia.

Em repugnen tanta hipocresia

I am disgusted by so much hypocrisy.

i els vostres negocis enverinats.

and your poisoned businesses.

Sou esclaus de les més fosques lleialtats.

You are slaves to the darkest loyalties.

Aristòcrates de la mediocritat.

Aristocrats of mediocrity.

Patriotes amb el cor ple de quidra.

Patriots with hearts full of courage.

Còmics d'estil.

Style comics.

Com una vida a la llum.

Like a life in the light.

No volies dormir en el plató

You didn't want to sleep on the set.

però ara et volen ahogar.

but now they want to drown you.

Aquesta és la vida de vosaltres,

This is your life,

d'un any de venuts.

of a year of sales.

Aquesta és la vida d'un any.

This is the life of a year.

I d'un any que no t'emportes.

And a year that you don't take with you.

Aquest és el teu cos.

This is your body.

Aquest és un personatge,

This is a character,

que ja no és per vosaltres,

that is no longer for you,

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