20.09.2024 | Podríem fer-ho millor | Tercera Part

À Punt Mèdia

Podríem fer-ho millor

20.09.2024 | Podríem fer-ho millor | Tercera Part

Podríem fer-ho millor

Podríem fer-ho millor amb Sousa Calafat i Guillem Lizarre.

We could do it better with Sousa Calafat and Guillem Lizarre.

I ja sabeu que ens ha visitat avui els representants del Festival de Cine de Merda de Sueca.

And you already know that today we have been visited by the representatives of the Shit Film Festival of Sueca.

I per això, estimades oientes, vos preguntem... Hola, Guillem.

And for this reason, dear listeners, we ask you... Hello, Guillem.

Hola, Sousa. Parlem de merdes. Hola, Guillem.

Hello, Sousa. Let's talk about crap. Hello, Guillem.

No, home, no. Quina és la pitjor pel·lícula que heu vist mai?

No, come on. What is the worst movie you have ever seen?

Quina és la que menys vos ha agradat? No sabem si per gust o per casualitat,

Which one did you like the least? We don't know if it's by preference or by chance,

però volem que la compartiu amb nosaltres en xarxes socials.

but we want you to share it with us on social media.

Ja sabeu que entre tots els missatges que deixeu per escrit,

You already know that among all the messages you leave in writing,

sortejarem un lot de productes d'apunt, la botelleta del Podríem fer-ho millor...

We will raffle a set of stationery products, the little bottle of We Could Do Better...

Que no és un lot de merda, és un lot bé. Bé, bé, d'emprellat.

It's not a bunch of crap, it's a good bunch. Good, good, of good quality.

Comenteu, per favor, que volem els vostres missatges.

Please comment, as we want your messages.

Clar que sí, els volem, però mentre esperem aquests missatges, Guillem Lizarre...

Of course we want them, but while we wait for these messages, Guillem Lizarre...

Què passa? Ha tornat!

What's happening? He's back!

Estivendres, el nostre guia espiritual dels caps de setmana, Diego Barea.

Estivenders, our spiritual guide for the weekends, Diego Barea.

Bona estrada, Sousa, Guillem, com esteu? Superbé.

Good evening, Sousa, Guillem, how are you? Great.

M'agrada molt el matís de guia espiritual dels caps de setmana.

I really like the nuance of spiritual guide on weekends.

Els caps de setmana sols, no, no, més la resta de la setmana, no, que si no...

The weekends alone, no, no, more the rest of the week, no, otherwise...

Però és que els portes plans de cap de setmana.

But you bring weekend plans.

Clar, clar, clar, molt bé, molt bé.

Sure, sure, sure, very good, very good.

La resta de la setmana estem treballant.

The rest of the week we are working.

Però si no ho sabies.

But if you didn't know it.

No, sí, sí, ho sé, ho sé.

No, yes, yes, I know, I know.

Vinga, com aneu, este cap de setmana, de plans?

Come on, how are you doing this weekend, any plans?

Tinc l'agenda prou oberta, o sigui, estic...

I have the agenda quite open, so I am...

Tinc ganes que em diguis cosetes.

I want you to tell me little things.

En el mateix punt, però recorda que acaba d'anunciar el Javi Miró,

At the same time, remember that Javi Miró has just announced,

que ja ha vist a les comarques de Castelló, a la resta del territori...

that has already been seen in the regions of Castellón, in the rest of the territory...

El primer pla de la setmana, Susa Calafat haurà d'ajudar el seu xiquet amb les matemàtiques.

In the first plan of the week, Susa Calafat will have to help her child with mathematics.

Això sí, això sí que el tinc en l'agenda, sí.

Yes, I do have this in my agenda, yes.

I t'ajudarà Guillem.

Guillem will help you.

La resta, escolteu, este cap de setmana a Alacant hi ha concert...

The rest, listen, this weekend in Alicante there is a concert...

Bueno, perdó, sí, sí, este cap de setmana comença a Alacant,

Well, sorry, yes, yes, this weekend it starts in Alicante,

hi ha concert de Rafael, demà dissabte a les 9 a la plaça de Bous.

There is a concert by Rafael tomorrow Saturday at 9 in the Bullring.

Altra volta perquè la setmana passada va estar a València,

Another time because last week he was in Valencia,

a la ciutat de les Arts i les Fentes.

in the city of Arts and Fountains.

Si la setmana passada va estar a València i este cap de setmana està a Alacant,

If last week he was in Valencia and this weekend he is in Alicante,

el cap de setmana que ve on anirà?

Where will you go next weekend?

A Múrcia.

To Murcia.

A Múrcia, molt bé.

In Murcia, very well.



Que eres el representant de Rafael...

That you are Rafael's representative...

Rafael el Conqueridor.

Rafael the Conqueror.

Jo era un poc per si volíeu vertebrar i dir doncs a Castelló, però no.

I was a bit if you wanted to structure it and say, well, in Castelló, but no.

Però Múrcia també...

But Murcia too...

Però en els continguts de Múrcia no ens clavem perquè això no és el nostre territori.

But we don't get involved in the content of Murcia because that is not our territory.

Ara mateix hi ha un murcià donant l'agenda dient

Right now there is a Murcian giving out the agenda saying

no, a València no parlem, a Alacant que estan ahí.

No, in Valencia we don't speak, in Alicante they are there.

No ens posem les mangueres entre...

We don't put the hoses between...

Bé, està bé.

Well, that's fine.

...nosaltres davants culturals, vinga.

...we face cultural challenges, come on.

Serà a les 8 de la vesprada, perdó, a les 9 de la vesprada,

It will be at 8 in the evening, sorry, at 9 in the evening.

i a les 8 està...

and at 8 it is...

Quan deixa de ser vesprada i passa a ser nit.

When does evening stop and turn into night?

Ja, ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha, ha.

No de la nit, no de la nit.

Not of the night, not of the night.

És que ara ja es fa fos un espronte.

It's just that it's already getting dark at dawn.

Clar, en estiu no, en estiu les 9 és de la vesprada perquè està el sol fora.

Of course, in summer no, in summer 9 o'clock is in the evening because the sun is out.

Però tu deies, estic sol, no ho penses.

But you said, I am alone, don't think about it.

8 de la vesprada, 9 de la nit, no?

8 in the evening, 9 at night, right?

Jo tinc una barrera que em preocupa més, que és a partir de quina edat,

I have a barrier that worries me more, which is from what age,

quan una persona mor, dius, amb lo jove que era.

When a person dies, you say, how young they were.

Això me preocupa més.

This worries me more.

Però vinga, que al taller Tumbao podreu veure l'obra de teatre Ego Masculino.

But come on, at the Tumbao workshop you will be able to see the play Ego Masculino.

El taller Tumbao, això està a Alacant.

The workshop Tumbao, this is in Alicante.

Serà a les 8 de la vesprada.

It will be at 8 in the evening.

És una comèdia molt louca per a adults, segons condiuen.

It's a very crazy adult comedy, according to what they say.

Que podreu anar a veure l'obra i després en acabar, aneu al concert de Rafael,

You can go see the play and then after it ends, go to Rafael's concert.

a veure si hi ha alguna de les coses que veu per ahí que són a què heu vist a l'obra de teatre.

Let's see if there are any of the things you see around that are what you have seen in the play.

Ego Masculino.

Male Ego.

Vinga, i a ells, esta nit, teniu Paco en la Luna, humorista, cantautor,

Come on, and tonight, you have Paco on the Moon, comedian, singer-songwriter.

al refugio del poeta.

in the poet's refuge.

Fusionant la lírica, la música i la comèdia en un únic show,

Merging lyricism, music, and comedy into a single show,

un crack, un figura, esta nit, a les...

a champ, a star, tonight, at...

Un figuracimo.

A figurative.



Un mastodonte, un titán.

A mastodon, a titan.

Joder, mare meva.

Damn, my mother.

Bueno, Paco en la Luna.

Well, Paco on the Moon.

Escolteu, esta nit, a les 9 i mitja, al refugio del poeta, a ells.

Listen, tonight at half past nine, at the poet's refuge, to them.

Escolten con son a son.

They listen as they sleep.

És company de música, de comèdia.

He is a music and comedy partner.

Jo sempre he estat molt enamorat del seu treball.

I have always been very in love with his/her work.

Va estar esta setmana al Territori Sonor.

He was at Territori Sonor this week.

Ah, que guai.

Ah, how cool.

Que això va ser ahir o abans d'ahir?

Was this yesterday or the day before yesterday?

Bueno, al web d'Apunt, poder trobar-ho.

Well, you can find it on the Apunt website.

A les 8 de la vespre.

At 8 in the evening.

Recuperar l'entrevista.

Recover the interview.

Exacte, al web d'Apunt, molt fàcil.

Exactly, on the Apunt website, very easy.

Tu vas ahir, i no és com Google, que és autocompleta.

You go yesterday, and it's not like Google, which is autocomplete.

Hi ha el web d'Apunt.

There is the Apunt website.

Saps el que vas a demanar-li, ho penses, i ja t'ho posa.

You know what you are going to ask him, you think about it, and he already brings it to you.

Molt fàcil de trobar-ho.

Very easy to find it.

I tenim a Paco en la Luna al telèfon.

We have Paco on the phone from the Moon.

Bona vesprada, Paco.

Good evening, Paco.

Hola, què tal?

Hello, how are you?

Hola, Paco.

Hello, Paco.

Me sento en Beninadal, eh?

I feel in Beninadal, right?

Te sento a describirme.

I hear you describing me.

Ai, bueno, ja saps que és tota admiració per la meva part,

Oh, well, you know it's all admiration on my part,

i per la d'esta casa.

and for this house.

Què tal va estar l'entrevista en Territori?

How did the interview in Territori go?

Impressionant, eh?

Impressive, isn't it?

No m'ho esperava, que preparat, quins companys que teniu, eh?

I didn't expect that, how prepared, what great colleagues you have, huh?



De vegades vas a les entrevistes i no saben qui ets,

Sometimes you go to interviews and they don't know who you are,

i és impressionant, molt, molt bé.

And it's impressive, very, very good.

Molt profunda i molt divertida a la vegada.

Very profound and very funny at the same time.

I Carlos, Paco, perdó.

I Carlos, Paco, sorry.

No m'has mirat bastant.

You haven't looked at me enough.

Bueno, jo t'he cridat per pegar-te.

Well, I called you to hit you.

Te vaig pegar la bronca l'altre dia,

I scolded you the other day.

te vas monegar, perquè no tenies els teus temes en el nou disc.

You're leaving, because you didn't have your songs on the new album.

Com es diu el disc que has tret?

What is the name of the album you have released?

Intel·ligència animal.

Animal intelligence.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Estes preguntes te les fas per saber,

You ask yourself these questions to know,

quina és l'entrevista bona i quina és la no tan bona.

Which is the good interview and which is the not-so-good one?

Tens el disc ja en YouTube?

Do you have the album on YouTube yet?

Sí, el tinc en YouTube, ja, sí, sí.

Yes, I have it on YouTube, yeah, yes, yes.

El tens en YouTube.

You have it on YouTube.

Discs, com t'està anant la gira?

Discs, how is the tour going for you?

Impressionant, molt bé.

Impressive, very good.

A Madrid ja la sala molt empresa, estem molt contents.

In Madrid, the room is very busy, we are very happy.

Avui ja en sé també.

Today I already know it too.

Després vaig a Canàries, i a València el 7 de novembre

After that, I'm going to the Canary Islands, and to Valencia on November 7th.

ja la gent esperant, ja m'estan preguntant coses.

People are already waiting, they're asking me things.

Dic, impressionant.

I say, impressive.

Quan te'n vas a Canàries, necessites alguna ajuda de producció?

When are you going to the Canary Islands, do you need any production assistance?

Com jo?

Like me?

Doncs mira, tot es pot parlar, podríem parlar.

Well, look, everything can be discussed, we could talk.

Bueno, Paco La Luna, hi ha molta gent que et coneix per la comèdia,

Well, Paco La Luna, there are many people who know you for your comedy,

per la música, tu has estat en el circuit cafè-teatre guanyant-ho molts anys,

for music, you have been in the café-theater circuit winning it for many years,

també, hem de dir, hem coincidit, jo sempre deia,

also, we must say, we have coincided, I always said,

jo, el Paco, este, sempre s'ho porta calentet.

Me, Paco, this one, always keeps it warm.

I la gent et coneix, què podem veure en este disc?

And people know you, what can we see on this disc?

Quines novetats?

What’s new?

Bueno, i una curiositat que tinc,

Well, I have a curiosity that I want to share,

la gent quan te va a veure, per exemple, We Are Elves,

people when they see you, for example, We Are Elves,

va a veure més comèdia, va a veure més el disc nou,

he is going to see more comedy, he is going to see the new album more,

fas una barreja...

you make a mix...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Fas una barreja.

You make a mixture.

Com gestiones este tipus d'actuacions?

How do you manage this type of actions?

Perquè amb gent com tu passa això,

Because with people like you this happens,

que no saps si va a veure comèdia, música o amb dues.

that you don't know if he's going to see a comedy, music, or both.

Sí, no, què passa, tu et trobes allà, no?

Yes, no, what's happening, you're there, right?



No, la gent, jo penso que va a veure música, principalment,

No, people, I think they go to see music, mainly.

perquè és el que estic anunciant i és el que estic fent.

because it is what I am announcing and it is what I am doing.

El que he fet és tornar al començament,

What I have done is go back to the beginning,

quan jo era més cantautor, al començament de tot,

when I was more of a singer-songwriter, at the very beginning of it all,

però amb el toc de comèdia de tots aquests anys,

but with the comedic touch of all these years,

que ja ha anat com arrossegant.

that has already gone as if dragging.

Llavors és barrejar, ser una barreja de música i comèdia,

Then it is a mix, to be a mixture of music and comedy,

sense complexos, que de vegades, no?

Without complexes, which sometimes, right?

Tenim això de, oi, és que no hauria de ser comèdia,

We have this thing about, right, it shouldn't be a comedy,

a la música sèria o al revés.

to serious music or the other way around.

Jo, al final, mira, no passa res.

Me, in the end, look, nothing happens.

La vida és tragicòmica i l'espectacle és tragicòmic.

Life is tragicomic and the show is tragicomic.

I a les teves cançons hi ha mogolló de gags, també,

And in your songs, there are loads of gags too,

o sigui que són molt divertides i amb moltes ganes.

So they are very funny and eager.

Tenim més concerts per a si, per la comunitat?

Do we have more concerts for you, for the community?

Sí, el dia 7 de novembre tenim València,

Yes, on November 7 we have Valencia,

que és el que més espero amb moltes ganes.

what is what I look forward to the most.

He agafat una sala xicoteta que jo penso que s'omplirà,

I have booked a small room that I think will fill up.

perquè ja m'estan preguntant i agafant entrades,

because they are already asking me and taking tickets,

que, bueno, no sé, potser m'he passat de xicoteta.

Well, I don't know, maybe I was a bit too small.

Quina sala és?

Which room is it?

És el Volander.

It is the Volander.

El Volander, clar, clar, clar.

The Flyer, clear, clear, clear.

Bueno, però el d'ells d'avui també tens moltes ganes, eh?, de fer-lo.

Well, but you also really want to do today's one, right?

Sí, moltíssimes, clar, clar.

Yes, very much so, of course, of course.

A mi em ve millor, perquè el meu fill ja haurà fet l'examen

It works better for me because my son will have already taken the exam.

i aleshores em ve millor el 7 de novembre.

And then November 7th comes to mind.

Doncs en novembre segur que anirem bé, no?

Well, in November we should be fine, right?

Bueno, pa' con la luna.

Well, for the moon.

De veres, enhorabona pels temacles que has tret en este disc,

Really, congratulations on the tracks you've released on this disc.

que vagi molt bé, que ja saps que ens alegrem mogolló.

Hope all goes well, you know we are really happy for you.

Perfecte, moltes gràcies.

Perfect, thank you very much.

Moltes gràcies a vosaltres.

Thank you very much to you.

Molt bé.

Very good.

A Canàries, ella t'envia un diner.

In the Canary Islands, she sends you some money.

Sí, sí, gràcies.

Yes, yes, thank you.

Ara parlem, va.

Now let's talk, come on.

Vinga, adéu, pa' con la luna.

Come on, goodbye, bread with the moon.

Pa' con la luna, molt recomanable.

Bread with the moon, highly recommended.

Té el setge i l'agenda cultumal.

He has the siege and the cultural agenda.

A la Vilachellosa teniu Gran Circus Maximus,

In Vilachellosa, you have Great Circus Maximus,

un show basat en l'antic circ romà

a show based on the ancient Roman circus

amb comarques,

with regions,

combats dels gladiadors,

gladiatorial fights,

carrers de quàdrigues,

quadrant streets,

danses o part temàtic,

dance or thematic part,

demà dissabte a partir de les 9.

Tomorrow Saturday from 9 o'clock.

Me llamo Máximo X Meridio,

My name is Maximus X Meridius,

comandante de los ejércitos del norte,

commander of the northern armies,

general de las legiones fèlix,

general of the legions Felix,

leal servidor del verdadero emperador Marco Aurelio.

loyal servant of the true emperor Marcus Aurelius.

Podríem anar, ara sí.

We could go, now yes.

Un Gran Circus Máximus sempre entra bé.

A Great Circus Maximus always goes down well.

Què et poses, de roba, per anar-hi?

What do you wear to go there?

No ho sé, home, tu vas com a espectador,

I don't know, man, you're going as a spectator.

però més que res perquè tenim casa.

but more than anything because we have a home.

No ho sé, tenim casa.

I don't know, we have a house.

Li diem a Marc ens allotja.

We tell Marc that he is hosting us.

Ah, és veritat.

Ah, it's true.



I que ens deixi alguns drapets.

And let us have some rags.

Vinga, a Petrer teniu una antologia

Come on, you have an anthology in Petrer.

de les millors sarsueles sobre la mar.

of the best zarzuelas about the sea.

M'encanta la sarsuela.

I love zarzuela.

Doncs mira, contrabandistes, indianos i marineros,

Well, look, smugglers, returnees, and sailors,

per part de la penya lírica a la cantina.

from the lyrical group at the canteen.

Però penya lírica?

But lyrical crowd?

No seria penya gastronòmica?

Wouldn't it be a culinary group?

No, és la penya lírica a la cantina.

No, it's the lyrical crew at the cantina.

Ah, però sarsueles de cantar.

Ah, but zarzuelas to sing.

Però no t'has sorprès que diga Petrer sobre la mar?

But haven't you been surprised to hear Petrer about the sea?

Vull dir, aquí a la platja...

I mean, here at the beach...

Ah, sarsueles de menjar, estaves pensant?

Ah, sarsuelas to eat, were you thinking?

Doncs no, aquestes seran les de cantar.

Well no, these will be the ones to sing.

Penya lírica a la cantina.

Lyric group at the cantina.

Ademà, al Teatre Cervantes, Àlex, Set i Mitja.

Furthermore, at the Cervantes Theatre, Àlex, Set i Mitja.

Vinga, i no hi sim de les arts escèniques,

Come on, and it's not a matter of the performing arts,

però sí que canvien d'estil.

but they do change style.

I és que a Sueca, este cap de setmana,

And in Sueca, this weekend,

teniu la mostra internacional del MIM a banda de...

you have the international sample of the MIM alongside...

El sim?

The sim?

No, però el sim no és este cap de setmana.

No, but the SIM is not this weekend.

Ah, no, és la setmana que ve.

Ah, no, it's next week.

És de veres, és de veres.

It’s true, it’s true.

A banda de moltes coses que podeu veure en sueca.

Besides many things that you can see in Sueca.

És de veres.

It is true.

Doncs mira, tenim el MIM, este cap de setmana,

Well, look, we have the MIM this weekend,

que estarà fins diumenge per tot el poble

it will be there until Sunday throughout the town

i on podreu gaudir del millor teatre textual.

And you will be able to enjoy the best textual theatre.

Tenim al telèfon un dels artistes,

We have one of the artists on the phone.

és un MIM molt reconegut,

he is a very recognized MIM,

i parlarem amb ell.

and we will talk to him.

Bona esprada, pots dir-nos com et diuen

Good evening, can you tell us your name?

i com es diu la teua companyia?

What is the name of your company?

Val, quin espectacle representareu?

Okay, what show will you perform?

Molt bé, molt interessant.

Very good, very interesting.

I quins dies estareu per allà, per Sueca?

And which days will you be there, in Sueca?

Doncs perfecte, ja estaria.

So perfect, it would be done.

Ja sabeu, els millors MIMs que pugui veure

You know, the best MIMs you can see.

este cap de setmana a Sueca

this weekend in Sueca

en la mostra internacional de MIM.

at the international MIM exhibition.

I a València estarà l'humorista

And in Valencia, the comedian will be.

Edén Serrano, actuant de Madisabte

Eden Serrano, acting as Madisabte

al Teatre Talia a les 11 de la vesprada

at the Talia Theatre at 11 in the evening

i crec que ja el tenim al telèfon.

I think we have him on the phone already.

Bona vesprada, Edén.

Good evening, Eden.

Bona vesprada, què tal?

Good evening, how are you?

A les 11 de la vesprada?

At 11 in the evening?

O m'ho ha semblat a mi?

Or has it just seemed that way to me?

M'ho està allargant molt, a les 11 de la vesprada.

It's taking a long time for me, at 11 in the evening.

Ja, ja, és que...

Yes, yes, it's just that...

Aquí no ha semblat el sol, ara en setembre.

The sun hasn't appeared here, now in September.

Edén, Edén, ara anem amb tu.

Eden, Eden, now we are going with you.

Com estàs, Edén?

How are you, Eden?

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very well, very well.

Molt bé.

Very good.

A les 11, tu creus que això són hores d'actuar?

At 11 o'clock, do you think this is a time to act?

No m'ha après res de la pandèmia,

The pandemic hasn't taught me anything.

de quan actuem amb les 8 i sopavem a casa després.

When we act at eight o'clock and have dinner at home afterwards.

No són hores en absoluto.

It's not hours at all.

Jo per les 11 no estic per estar per allà,

I won't be around there by 11.

també t'ho dic.

I'm telling you too.

Jo tinc una vida, tinc un xiquillo,

I have a life, I have a little boy,

jo no estic per estar per allà a les 11.

I'm not available to be there at 11.

Això t'anava a dir, has tingut pares, fa poc.

I was going to tell you, you had parents, not long ago.

Pots estar utilitzant este show com a excusa

You might be using this show as an excuse.

per poder eixir una nit?

to be able to go out one night?



Evidentment, tot és una excusa.

Obviously, everything is an excuse.

No hi ha show, realment.

There is no show, really.

Bueno, Edén, Edén, comic d'Elx.

Well, Eden, Eden, comic from Elche.

Saps què és tapar amb la luna

Do you know what it means to cover with the moon?

esta vesprada en la Teuaterra?

This evening in the Teuaterra?

Hòstia, sí.

Damn, yes.

Sí, sí, i no estàs escoltant la ràdio

Yes, yes, and you are not listening to the radio.

fa 6 minuts, però bueno, no passa res.

six minutes ago, but well, it's okay.

Una cosa, Edén,

One thing, Eden,

què podrem veure en este show, en este unipersonal

What will we be able to see in this show, in this one-man performance?

en el Thalia, eh?

at the Thalia, huh?

T'has vingut molt bé.

You have come in very handy.

No, va bé, jo crec que va bé.

No, it's fine, I think it's fine.

Jo crec que va bé.

I think it goes well.

Pues vale, pueden esperar un show de comedia,

Well okay, they can expect a comedy show,

stand-up, monólogo, como lo quieras llamar.

stand-up, monologue, whichever you want to call it.

¿Parlarás con el public?

Will you talk to the public?

Eso es lo que iba a decir,

That's what I was going to say,

te me estás adelantando.

you are getting ahead of me.

No, que la gente venga tranquila,

No, let people come calmly.

porque ya me ha preguntado alguno,

because someone has already asked me,

hostia, pero yo no sé si ir porque me va a hablar.

Damn, but I don't know if I should go because he's going to talk to me.

No, no, tranquilos que no voy a hablar.

No, no, don’t worry, I’m not going to talk.

Es que está con demoración, ¿no?

It's just that it's delayed, right?

Sí, pero yo me estoy dedicando a esto,

Yes, but I am dedicating myself to this,

yo me dedico a esto únicamente para estar

I do this solely to be.

una hora yo ahí,

an hour, me there,

solo, hablando yo, sin que me interrumpa nadie,

alone, me talking, without anyone interrupting me,

sin tener que escuchar a nadie.

without having to listen to anyone.

No me quitéis esto ahora.

Don't take this away from me now.

Vale, vale, vale.

Okay, okay, okay.

El fet de tenir un feed t'està donant molt de material

Having a feed is providing you with a lot of material.

per a escriure textos nous, o què?

to write new texts, or what?

Sí, sí, hay bastante de esto,

Yes, yes, there is quite a bit of this.

hay bastante de esto, todo lo que ha sido, bueno,

there's quite a bit of this, everything that has been, well,

desde el embarazo, desde la decisión

since the pregnancy, since the decision

de tener un hijo con mi chica,

of having a child with my girl,

hasta todo lo que ha venido después,

until everything that has come afterwards,

y todas las noches sin dormir, y todo, pues cada día.

And every night without sleeping, and everything, well, every day.

¿Quién ha de fer ara?

Who has to do it now?

No, siete meses, siete meses.

No, seven months, seven months.

Ah, bueno, es que cuando tenga tres años,

Ah, well, it's just that when I turn three,

si et proposes allò de llevar-li el volquer,

if you propose to take away his anger,

veuràs tu si te'n dona de material.

You'll see if it gives you any material.

Claro, claro, claro.

Sure, sure, sure.

Claro, porque el volquer, ¿saps el que es, no, Eden?

Of course, because the volcano, you know what it is, right, Eden?

No, evidentemente que lo soy yo, bravo.

No, obviously I am, bravo.

El pañal.

The diaper.

Evidentemente, yo diciendo, pues yo qué sé, pues...

Obviously, I saying, well I don't know, well...

Com m'agrada l'educació d'Eden,

How I love Eden's education,

diré, claro, claro, sí, Susa,

I'll say, of course, of course, yes, Susa,

quanta raó t'està donant.

how much reason it is giving you.

Alguna malaltia que tenen els xiquets, no?

Some illness that the children have, right?

Bueno, el xiquet t'està donant molts blogs nous,

Well, the kid is giving you a lot of new blogs.

supose que guardes un poquet de diners

I suppose you save a little money.

dels que guanyes amb les seues anècdotes,

of those you win with their anecdotes,

ingressar-ho en un compte bancari

deposit it into a bank account

per a quan siga matxor, i esos diners són d'ell, o què?

For when it is better, and that money is his, or what?

Bueno, él sabe ya que tiene un padre cómico,

Well, he already knows that he has a funny father,

entonces pues sabe que su futuro está un poco negro

so he knows that his future is a bit bleak

y se lo tendrá que currar.

And he will have to work hard for it.

Bueno, ¿tendrás teloneros, o qué?

Well, will you have opening acts, or what?

Bueno, hay un telonero, un cómico, no sé si os suena,

Well, there is an opening act, a comedian, I don't know if you know him,

Simó Martí, un cómico de Benifalló.

Simó Martí, a comedian from Benifalló.

Ah, vale, digo, no sé si les sonará o no.

Ah, okay, I mean, I don’t know if it will ring a bell for them or not.

Sí, sí, es guionista d'este programa,

Yes, yes, he is a writer for this program.

y no hay bien opcións millors, ¿no?

and there are no better options, right?

Es que a las once, a esas horas,

It's just that at eleven, at that time,

solo se pueden encontrar trasnochaos y gente de mal vivido.

You can only find night owls and people of ill repute.

Vols que hi haja un bon canvi, no?

You want there to be a good change, right?

Un col d'efecte quan hi és que és tu, no?

A shocking effect when it's you, isn't it?

No volies arriscar a que te petaren a van, el sou.

You didn't want to risk your salary getting burst.

No, no, hombre, no, no.

No, no, man, no, no.

Simó és un grandíssim còmico, un grandíssim maestro para mí,

Simó is a great comedian, a great teacher for me.

y ya le he dicho que se comporte, también lo digo,

and I have already told him to behave, I also say it,

porque Simó, a ver, ya lo conocemos.

because Simó, come on, we already know him.

Es el que lidem así todos los días, ¿eh?

It's what we deal with every day, right?



Entonces, es común, eso.

So, that's common, then.

Segur que anirà superbé.

I'm sure it will go superbly.

Doncs, moltes gràcies, eh, per estar per telèfon en una zona,

Well, thank you very much, eh, for being on the phone in an area,

i res, demà, al Talia, a les once.

And nothing, tomorrow, at Talia, at eleven.

Ah, sí, moltes gràcies a vosaltres.

Ah, yes, thank you very much to you.

Està quasi ja tot ben ús, no?

Isn't almost everything already in use?

Sí, quedaran, bueno, quedaran unes quantes, eh,

Yes, there will be some left, well, there will be a few, eh.

así que los oyentes que puedan, pueden comprarla,

so listeners who can, can buy it,

pero que no se relajen, porque esto se va a llenar.

but they should not relax, because this is going to fill up.

Vale, y pueden decir que en la antigua entrada,

Okay, and they can say that in the old entrance,

un Volker per a cadascú.

A Volker for everyone.

Ahora que sé que sí.

Now that I know that yes.

Vale, vinga, adéu, adéu, moltes gràcies, eh.

Okay, come on, goodbye, goodbye, thank you very much, huh.



Vinga, adéu, adéu.

Come on, goodbye, goodbye.

Eden Serrano, també, recomanable.

Eden Serrano is also recommended.

Bona comèdia.

Good comedy.

Esta nit, a les nou i mitja, teniu el concert de Neus Ferri

Tonight, at half past nine, you have the concert of Neus Ferri.

en el cicle Sons al Botànic, al Jardí Botànic, claro.

in the cycle Sounds at the Botanic, at the Botanic Garden, of course.

Una nova sessió.

A new session.

Quina veu d'esta dona, és espectacular.

What a voice this woman has, it's spectacular.

Neus Ferri al Jardí Botànic, planaçó.

Neus Ferri at the Botanical Garden, crying.

Sí, sí, però absolutament.

Yes, yes, absolutely.

Té pinta de ser un concert per a gaudir.

It looks like a concert to enjoy.

I a més, has dit esta nit, val, que encara no...

And besides, you said tonight, okay, that not yet...

Val, és que, no, com ens havia dit Javi Miró que plouria,

Okay, it's just that, no, as Javi Miró had told us that it would rain,

però a partir de la matinada,

but starting from dawn,

i començarà per les comarques del nord,

and it will start in the northern regions,

així que bé, bé, bé.

so well, well, well.

Sí, sí, l'horatge serà després del concert de Neus Ferri.

Yes, yes, the weather will be after Neus Ferri's concert.

Ah, val.

Ah, okay.

No més acabar, sinó quan la gent,

Not just to finish, but when people,

l'últim que ha anat a veure Neus Ferri,

the last one who went to see Neus Ferri,

arriba a casa i entra per la porta...

he arrives home and walks through the door...


It will begin.

Començarà a ploure.

It will start to rain.

Comença el diluvi.

The deluge begins.

T'imagines què passa de veres?

Can you imagine what really happens?

Molt guai, ja t'ho imagines.

Very cool, you can imagine it.

Vinga, i si voleu una festa una mica més dura,

Come on, and if you want a party that's a bit tougher,

a Canet teniu el Canet Remember Fest,

in Canet you have the Canet Remember Fest,

demà a partir de les 4.

Tomorrow from 4 o'clock.

Ostres, a les 4 de la vesprada.

Wow, at 4 in the afternoon.

Bueno, vespreig.

Well, it's getting dark.

De Remember.

Of Remember.

Sí, a l'Avinguda 9 d'octubre.

Yes, at 9th of October Avenue.

Vosaltres què hi ha, això?

What do you have there, this?

Guai, el Remember?

Cool, the Remember?

És que el Remember ja no és el Remember ningú, no?

It's just that the Remember is no longer the Remember, is it?

Vull dir, ja la gent del Remember ja és...

I mean, the Remember people are already...

No sé, quina edat té la gent del Remember?

I don't know, what age are the people from Remember?

No, però el Remember dels 90, a mi sí que m'agrada.

No, but I do like the Remember from the 90s.

Ah, és que jo què sé.

Ah, it's just that I don't know.

O de quina dècada?

Or from which decade?

No ho sé.

I don't know.

El Remember global.

The Remember global.

Va si te la xues.

Go on, if you dare.

I si el que vos agrada és ballar a Cullera,

And if what you like is dancing in Cullera,

teniu el Cullera Tango Festival de 7 a 10 de setembre,

you have the Cullera Tango Festival from September 7 to 10,

és a dir, fins diumenge.

That is to say, until Sunday.

Perdó, del Deneu al 22 de setembre.

Sorry, from the Deneu on September 22nd.

Sí, ho has dit bé.

Yes, you said it right.

Fins diumenge, sí.

See you on Sunday, yes.

Però de la vesprada o de la nit?

But in the afternoon or at night?

Tu vas ahí i...

You go there and...

Ah, que has dit de 7 i era del Deneu.

Ah, what did you say about 7? It was about the Deneu.

Ara ho entenc.

Now I understand.

No tinc molt de temps per allò.

I don't have much time for that.

Val, val.

Okay, okay.

A on?

And where?

A l'hotel Cullera Holiday?

At the Cullera Holiday hotel?

A l'hotel Cullera Holiday.

At the Cullera Holiday Hotel.

Escolta, que m'ha vingut també al cap que ara que estàs parlant de tango...

Listen, it just came to my mind that now that you’re talking about tango...

Sí, m'he posat una cabeça.

Yes, I have put on a hat.

Ho he plantejat a la redacció però trobo que ningú m'ha respost.

I have brought it up to the editorial team, but I find that no one has responded to me.

L'Acadèmia Valenciana del Tango, això, al final, com ha quedat la cosa?

The Valencia Academy of Tango, so, in the end, how did things turn out?

Espera, que estic buscant un Google.

Wait, I'm looking for a Google.

Vols apuntar-te, eh?

You want to sign up, right?

No, no, per saber com havia quedat la cosa.

No, no, to know how it had turned out.

O sigui, hi ha hagut polèmiques en la meva secció,

I mean, there have been controversies in my section,

que sé per on vas, eh?

I know where you're going, huh?

De gala en el Palau de la Música.

Gala at the Palau de la Música.

Ah, sí, sí, això va avant.

Ah, yes, yes, this is going well.

Clar que va endavant, home.

Of course it is going forward, man.

Celebra el pròxim domingo su puesta de largo.

Celebrate her debut next Sunday.

Estan contraprogramant els de Cullera.

They are counterprogramming from Cullera.

Ui, pique, pique, pique.

Oops, sting, sting, sting.

Jo no puc antor.

I can't stand.

Els del tango.

The ones from the tango.

Doncs vinga, ha sigut.

Well then, that's it.

La còmica Silvia Castro presentarà el show Noche de Chicas.

The comedian Silvia Castro will present the show Girls' Night.

Un espectacle de comèdia fet per dones i no més per a dones.

A comedy show made by women and not just for women.

Diumenge a les 7 a la Mama Music Bar.

Sunday at 7 at the Mama Music Bar.



Silvia Castro, un show molt guai que, bueno, sols per a xiques.

Silvia Castro, a very cool show that, well, only for girls.

Vam parlar amb ella, no?

We talked to her, didn't we?

Sí, i a propòsit d'este espectacle, a més.

Yes, and on the subject of this show, moreover.

Correcte, doncs, exacte.

Correct, then, exactly.

Per això no en parlem avui, perquè ja en parlem.

That's why we won't talk about it today, because we are already talking about it.

Val, per no repetir-nos.

Okay, to avoid repeating ourselves.

Però molt guai, eh, Silvia Castro.

But very cool, huh, Silvia Castro.

Jo este show no l'he pogut veure per raons òbvies,

I haven't been able to watch this show for obvious reasons,

però he vist altres i sempre mola mogolló.

but I've seen others and it's always really cool.

Vull dir, tu que eres tan curiós,

I mean, you who are so curious,

tu que eres una persona que tot vol saber-ho,

you who are a person that wants to know everything,

t'imagines anant amb una perruca a veure el show.

Can you imagine going to see the show wearing a wig?

Això és molt greu.

This is very serious.

Això no ho vas fer, ni tornaràs a fer.

You didn't do this, and you won't do it again.

No, home, no, clar, jo he de respectar la decisió.

No, come on, of course, I have to respect the decision.

Però sí que l'he preguntat a amigues, que han anat a veure-la.

But I have asked friends who have gone to see her.

I què t'han dit?

And what have they told you?

M'han fet un resum molt bé.

They have made a very good summary for me.

I com acaba?

And how does it end?

T'han dit que és recomanable o molt recomanable.

They have told you that it is advisable or highly advisable.

Molt recomanable.

Highly recommended.

Jo és que en funció de si dius recomanable o molt recomanable,

It's just that depending on whether you say recommended or highly recommended,

sé quin sí i quin no.

I know which yes and which no.

Doncs anem amb un pla molt recomanable,

So let's go with a highly recommended plan,

anem a l'interior, perquè demà és la nit en blanc de Requena,

let's go inside, because tomorrow is the white night of Requena,

amb tastos de vins, activitats culturals

with wine tastings, cultural activities

i jornades de portes obertes en els monuments i museus de la localitat.

Open doors days at the local monuments and museums.

Noches tan blancas, como blanc todos aquellos...

Nights so white, as white as all those...



Què passa, que esteu parlant?

What's going on, are you talking?

No, que estem debatent...

No, we are debating...

És perquè venen vi blanc o perquè es diu nit de blanc?

Is it because they sell white wine or is it called the night of white?

Home, passar-se la nit en blanc és...

Home, spending the night awake is...

No, passar-te la nit en blanc és...

No, spending the night awake is...

No, passar-te la nit en vela, no?

No, staying up all night, right?



Passar-te la nit en blanc, que és...

Spending the night awake, which is...

No és que no hi ha marxa, no hi ha festa, no hi ha plans i...

It's not that there's no way back, there's no party, there's no plans and...





És que hi ha un vi que es diu Jujá.

There is a wine called Jujá.

Ah, va, va.

Ah, come on, come on.

Ah, que sí?

Oh, really?

Era per això.

It was for that.


Come on.

Que estan allà en festes del poble.

That they are there for the village festivities.

Ja sabeu com funcionen les festes del poble.

You already know how the village festivals work.

Concerts, castells de focs d'artifici, torneigos d'escacs i de cus de Rubik.

Concerts, fireworks, chess tournaments, and Rubik's Cube tournaments.



Només vos dic una cosa.

I’ll only tell you one thing.

Este matí han fet la cagada del manso,

This morning they made the mistake of the meek,

que consistís en amollar un bou en una cagada,

that consisted of letting a bull loose in a dung heap,

en una parcel·la de terra, cadascú pagat 5 o 10 euros,

in a plot of land, each paid 5 or 10 euros,

i és com una aposta.

And it's like a bet.

Això m'encanta.

I love this.

De la cagada del manso, sí.

Of the tame one's crap, yes.

A qui li cagui el bou en el seu roglet se'n porta els diners.

Whoever the bull shits on their roll takes the money.

Què us ha paregut?

What did you think?

M'encanta esta tradició, jo ho faria.

I love this tradition, I would do it.

No sé per què no ho he anat abans.

I don't know why I haven't gone before.

Jo ho he vist en burrets, això.

I've seen it in little donkeys, that.

Sí, la cagada de la burra.

Yes, the donkey's dung.

O en ovelles.

Or in sheep.

No, en ovelles no, perquè seria tot ple.

No, in sheep no, because it would be all full.

Tot una rastrera, tots guanyen.

A whole bunch of opportunists, everyone wins.

En el meu gat ho podria fer.

In my cat, I could do it.

I en ovelles?

And in sheep?

Sí, en ovelles.

Yes, in sheep.

I quan cau...

And when it falls...

Ha caigut en un roglet, però és com roda i cau en un altre.

He has fallen into a trap, but it's like a wheel and falls into another.

I és massa tensió.

And there is too much tension.

És veritat.

It is true.

Perquè seria on cau per primera volta o on acaba.

Because it would be where it falls for the first time or where it ends.

Algú vol que deixem de parlar de caca.

Someone wants us to stop talking about poop.

Deixin d'així.

Leave it as it is.

Però això ha sigut este matí i ja va a rebentar.

But this happened this morning and it's about to burst.

Així que la resta potser és igual o més espectacular.

So the rest may be equally or even more spectacular.

Jo aniria.

I would go.

No aniré perquè em pilla lluny i no em va bé.

I won't go because it's too far for me and it's not convenient.

Però bé, que si em pogués, jo aniria a les festes de Betxi.

But well, if I could, I would go to the Betxi festivities.

I no és perquè estiguem parlant de caquetes de bou,

And it's not because we're talking about bull droppings,

que ha sigut casualitat, però parlem ara de Melendi.

it has been coincidence, but let's talk about Melendi now.

Ostres, no, és que he de filtrar aquestes coses.

Wow, no, it's just that I have to filter these things.

Pobre Melendi, és el Murcia descantat.

Poor Melendi, he is the sung-out Murcia.

Diu que no és perquè estem parlant d'això que ha sigut casualitat.

He says it's not because we are talking about this that it has been a coincidence.

Però mira, que estem en recorde d'una broma de Luis Álvaro,

But look, we are reminiscing about a joke from Luis Álvaro.

un amic de Madrid, còmic i guionista, que deia

a friend from Madrid, a comic and screenwriter, who said

que la gent quan entra al bany es posa música

that people put on music when they enter the bathroom

perquè no s'escolti que està fent una deposició.

so that it is not heard that he/she is having a bowel movement.

I vivia amb un company que quan entrava es posava Melendi

I lived with a roommate who would play Melendi as soon as he came in.

i el meu amic deia,

and my friend said,

pots fer la deposició més forta, que vull escoltar-la.

You can make the strongest deposit, because I want to hear it.

Vinga, ha quedat bé, no?

Come on, it turned out well, right?

És que Caminando por la vida és una bona cançó.

"Walking through life is a good song."

Bueno, Melendi, molt recomanable, també.

Well, Melendi, highly recommended, too.

No, molt no, recomanable, per a mi, per al meu gust.

No, not very much, recommended, for me, for my taste.

Actua a Castelló.

It acts in Castellón.

Este cada semana. Demà a les 12, al recinte ferial.

It is every week. Tomorrow at 12, at the fairgrounds.

Y no es que el 24 sea el concert.

And it's not that the 24th is the concert.

Bueno, vos demane disculpes.

Well, I apologize to you.

A vore, no es que a les 24 siga el concert.

Let's see, it's not that the concert is at 24.

O siga, que no és a les 12 de la nit.

In other words, it's not at midnight.

Es que a les 12 ja ha d'haver acabat

It is that by 12 it should have already finished.

i es podrà anar per ahí tranquil·lament.

And you will be able to go around there peacefully.

Bueno, perdó, a això no ho he revisat. Demà, disculpes.

Well, sorry, I haven't reviewed this. Tomorrow, apologies.

Demà, Melendi.

Tomorrow, Melendi.

Melendi, els primers discos guai.

Melendi, the first cool albums.

Sí? Sí.

Yes? Yes.

Sí, és de la rumba i tal.

Yes, it’s from the rumba and such.

I els altres, els de pop, també, no estan malament del tot,

And the others, the pop ones, are not all that bad either.

però a mi m'agrada el primer, Melendi.

but I prefer the first one, Melendi.

És que es va llisar el moño, a partir d'ahir ja...

It just came undone, starting from yesterday...

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

I també a Castelló.

And also in Castellón.

És que no l'he seguit tant, no puc valorar.

I haven't followed it that much, I can't assess it.

Però i si a dins totes les cançons eren famoses? Totes?

But what if all the songs inside were famous? All of them?

És que després va fer cançons com Chequear el portamor.

It's just that afterwards he made songs like Chequear el portamor.

Uf, Chequear el portamor.

Phew, check the baby carrier.

I la de Déjala que baile, jo no puc, eh?

And the one from Let her dance, I can't, eh?

Déjala que baile.

Let her dance.

Deixar l'Alejandro Sanz, no.

Leaving Alejandro Sanz, no.

I Arcano.

I Arcana.

Mira, però estan junts, ahí.

Look, but they are together, there.

Sí, sí, còmplice, també. Melendi, ja...

Yes, yes, accomplice, too. Melendi, already...

S'ha expulsat Melendi.

Melendi has been expelled.

Està Arcano, també, eh? Ni s'ha descansat.

Arcano is there too, huh? He hasn't even rested.

Però bueno, Arcano ens cau bé.

But well, we like Arcano.

Al Pabterra, també a Castelló.

At Pabterra, also in Castellón.

Diumenge a l'Esgüit i a Sou d'improplana.

Sunday at Esgüit and at Sou of improplana.

Uau, també mola mogolló.

Wow, it's also really cool.

És d'impro, el Sou.

It's impro, the Sou.



I és a Castelló.

And it is in Castelló.

Que, com el nom indica, és un espectacle d'impro.

That, as the name suggests, is an improv show.

Molt recomanat.

Highly recommended.

Voy caminando por la vida sin pausa pero sin prisa

I walk through life without pause but without rush.

procurando no hacer ruido, bestio, con una sembrisa...

trying not to make noise, beastly, with a smile...

Tu fas d'impro?

Do you do improv?

Jo sí, jo he fet d'impro moltes voltes.

I have, I have improvised many times.

Però vull dir, en realitat sí que fa d'impro,

But I mean, actually, yes, he does improv.

perquè cada vegada que l'interrompem...

because every time we interrupt him...

Pobre, ha deixat de ser d'això.

Poor, he has stopped being that.

Sí, sí, he fet d'impro.

Yes, yes, I have done improv.

Bueno, jo en els meus monòlegs faig d'impro,

Well, in my monologues I do improv,

però és una cosa que m'agrada quan està bé,

but it's something I like when it's good,

t'ho passes molt bé, i és una cosa que sempre dic,

you have a great time, and it's something I always say,

que la gent premia molt, perquè és de mirar...

that people value a lot, because it is worth looking at...

I funciona tant que hi ha voltes que quan tornes al text

It works so well that there are times when you return to the text.

ja no brilla tant, perquè és com, jo,

it doesn't shine as much anymore, because it is like, me,

és que trai els deures de casa, això.

It's just that it takes the homework out of the house, that's it.

No és tan autèntic, no?

It's not so authentic, is it?

Sí, però els deures de casa...

Yes, but the homework...

Ben fets, arribes a llocs més interessants

Well done, you arrive at more interesting places.

que la superficialitat de la d'impro.

that the superficiality of improvisation.

Però és molt difícil, a més, no? Fer d'impro.

But it's very difficult, isn't it? To improvise.

Fer d'impro, sí, és molt difícil.

Improvising, yes, it is very difficult.

Fer una bona d'impro és difícil. Has d'estar molt còmode.

Doing a good improv is difficult. You have to be very comfortable.

Hi ha xous especialitzats en d'impro, que són molt xulos,

There are specialized improv shows that are very cool.

fins i tot, i batalles d'impro, que és molt divertit.

even, and improv battles, which are very fun.

Però mira, per exemple, un acudit.

But look, for example, a joke.

Dismet una paraula i dismet una altra, vinga.

Say one word and say another, come on.





Esta nit avenícàsim ja a festa Remembert.

Tonight we will already party at Remembert.

No estic jo per a fer acudit, totes.

I'm not in the mood for jokes, everyone.



Què passa, que avenícàsim a festa Remembert?

What's happening, are we going to the Remembert party?

Com podeu? Podeu anar esta vesprada,

How are you? Can you go this afternoon?

i a la nit hi ha una altra festa.

And at night there is another party.

Ah, sí? La que havies dit abans.

Oh, really? The one you mentioned earlier.

Correcte, així que podeu triar vosaltres.

Correct, so you can choose.

O anar a les dues, una de vesprada i una de nit.

Or go at two, one in the afternoon and one at night.

Remembert per Remembert, Remembert al quadre.

Remembered for Remembered, Remembered in the picture.

Vinga, i ja estaria.

Come on, and that would be it.

Si no us apanya res del que us he proposat,

If none of what I have suggested works for you,

jo ja no sé què puc dir-vos.

I no longer know what I can say to you.

A netejar la casa.

To clean the house.

Això també.

This too.

Descans de setmana.

Weekend break.

A estudiar matemàtiques.

To study mathematics.

Estic esperant algun acudit amb Torre i amb Belendi.

I am waiting for a joke with Torre and Belendi.

Eh... Mira, no puc.

Eh... Look, I can't.

Sols diré que... No, no.

I'll only say that... No, no.

És que no puc dir-ho, perquè...

I can't say it because...

Ho dius després fora del vídeo.

You say it outside the video later.

Belendi té molta por a volar en avions,

Belendi is very afraid of flying in airplanes.

i si parlem de torres acabaré malament.

And if we talk about towers, I'll end up badly.


Come on.

Adeu, fins la setmana que ve.

Goodbye, see you next week.

Adeu, Digobarea.

Goodbye, Digobarea.

Fins la setmana que ve.

Until next week.

Podríem fer-ho millor.

We could do it better.

La 46ena edició d'En CEMS,

The 46th edition of En CEMS,

el Festival de Música Contemporània de València,

the Contemporary Music Festival of Valencia,

arriba del 9 al 25 de setembre

from the 9th to the 25th of September

amb concerts i diàlegs al Palau de la Música i a les arts.

with concerts and dialogues at the Palau de la Música and the arts.

Consulta tota la programació en el web d'En CEMS.

Check the entire schedule on the En CEMS website.

Institut València de Cultura, Generalitat Valencià,

Valencia Institute of Culture, Valencian Government,

Ei, heu vist això?

Hey, have you seen this?

Res, serà una barbacoa.

Nothing, it will be a barbecue.

Caldria telefonar a l'U2.

We should call U2.

Una simple barbacoa, un cigaret mal apagat o qualsevol distracció pot acabar en un gran incendi.

A simple barbecue, a poorly extinguished cigarette, or any distraction can end in a big fire.

Si unim la prevenció i la teua ajuda, podem evitar-ho.

If we combine prevention and your help, we can avoid it.

Primer és la prevenció. Estopa el foc.

First is prevention. Stop the fire.

Telefón d'emergències UU2. Generalitat Valenciana.

Emergency phone UU2. Valencian Government.

Gràcies per escoltar-nos.

Thank you for listening to us.

Som Apple.

We are Apple.

6 i 33 minuts.

6:33 AM.

Nosaltres continuem en el Podríem Fer-ho Millor.

We continue in the We Could Do It Better.

Última hora d'este divendres.

Breaking news this Friday.

Però, Guillem, és moment de posar-nos glamurosos.

But, Guillem, it's time to get glamorous.

Però que no ho som ja prou o què?

But aren't we already enough or what?

Sempre, però encara una miqueta més.

Always, but just a little bit more.

Vull dir, un puntet més.

I mean, just a little more.

Perquè és que avui comença el CLEC, que és el Fashion Festival de València

Because today the CLEC begins, which is the Fashion Festival of Valencia.

i és una de les cites de referència del món de la moda.

It is one of the reference points in the fashion world.

Ja sabeu que se celebra a la Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències

You already know that it is celebrated in the City of Arts and Sciences.

i saps qui se n'ha anat.

And you know who has left.

Fins allà.

Up to there.

M'ho imagine. Melendi?

I can imagine it. Melendi?

No, la nostra mare Hernández.

No, our mother Hernández.

A vore, tu creus que ja s'ha hagut de posar glamurosa?

Let's see, do you think she should have gotten glamorous already?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

L'hi preguntem? Vinga, dins Mare Magnum.

Shall we ask him/her? Come on, inside Mare Magnum.

Mare Hernández, bona vesprada.

Mother Hernández, good evening.

A vore, t'has posat lluentons? T'has mudat?

Let's see, have you put on sequins? Have you dressed up?

M'he mudat.

I have moved.

M'he mudat, però just perquè és que, com en bon festival de moda,

I've moved, but just because, like in a good fashion festival,

hi havia dress code, codi de vestimenta, per als que no dominen tant l'anglès.

There was a dress code for those who are not as proficient in English.

I de què era?

And what was it about?

I el look era total black amb complements verd-neu.

And the look was totally black with snow green accessories.

I voleu saber el per què d'aquest dress code?

Do you want to know the reason for this dress code?

Sí, perquè, primera, ara entenc perquè esta matí has vingut a la redacció de total black.

Yes, because, first, now I understand why you came to the newsroom this morning in total black.

Ara ho entenc.

Now I understand.

Total black, exacte.

Total black, exactly.

I per què, per què aquest dress code?

And why, why this dress code?

Per què? Doncs que ens ho expliqui el director del festival, que és Miquel Svai.

Why? Well, let the festival director explain it to us, who is Miquel Svai.

Bona vesprada, com estàs?

Good evening, how are you?

Hola, bona vesprada.

Hello, good evening.

Doncs un plaer, encantat de tindre-vos ací i, bueno, ja hem arrencat el festival.

Well, a pleasure, delighted to have you here and, well, we've already kicked off the festival.

Heu arrencat, de fet, ara mateix està en marxa la desfilada de Dolores Cortés,

You have started; in fact, the parade of Dolores Cortés is currently underway.

però jo vull que m'expliquis el per què d'aquest dress code de total black i elements verd-neu.

But I want you to explain to me the reason behind this total black dress code and green-snow elements.

Sí, bueno, o sigui, seguint en la línia del CLEC,

Yes, well, I mean, following the line of the CLEC,

que el CLEC al final és una plataforma de promoció del talent creatiu emergent

that CLEC is ultimately a platform for promoting emerging creative talent

i també convidem els consolidats i tal, però també tenim un altre propòsit.

And we also invite the established ones and such, but we also have another purpose.

Un altre propòsit.

Another purpose.

I el propòsit és...

And the purpose is...

és social, és d'impacte en la societat, en el canvi,

it is social, it has an impact on society, on change,

i com no, doncs la moda és un dels sectors que més contamina

And of course, fashion is one of the sectors that pollutes the most.

i al ser un dels sectors que més contamina ens veiem en el compromís

and being one of the sectors that pollutes the most, we find ourselves in a commitment

de conscienciar per a que la gent tinga un consum més responsable,

to raise awareness so that people have a more responsible consumption,

tinga unes pràctiques més sostenibles i canviar d'hàbits

have more sustainable practices and change habits

per a intentar revertir les senyals que els està donant la natura

to try to reverse the signals that nature is giving them

de que no estava molt còmoda.

that she was not very comfortable.

La natura no estava molt còmoda, el que estem fent la humanitat,

Nature was not very comfortable with what humanity is doing.

amb ella, i sobretot el sector moda, que està tan vinculat a les fibres,

with her, and especially the fashion sector, which is so linked to fibers,

als tintats, i a moltes més coses.

to the tinted ones, and to many more things.

De fet, n'hi ha moltes referències respecte al medi ambient,

In fact, there are many references regarding the environment,

en línia també amb el lema que teniu enguany, que és metanoia,

online also with this year's motto, which is metanoia,

que és eixe canvi de mentalitat, i ací n'hi ha gent molt glamurosa,

what that change of mentality is, and there are very glamorous people here,

molt estilosa, però també n'hi ha molta planta, molta gespa,

very stylish, but there is also a lot of greenery, a lot of grass,

vull dir que heu ambientat tot el festival en eixe missatge.

I mean that you have themed the entire festival around that message.

Sí, la metanoia, al final, la idea és ens omplim la boca a tots,

Yes, the metanoia, in the end, the idea is that we fill our mouths for everyone.

és de parlar de sostenibilitat, de moda sostenible, de tal,

it's about talking about sustainability, about sustainable fashion, about such things,

però al final ningú som capaços de canviar els hàbits.

but in the end, no one is capable of changing habits.

Al final agafem els cotxes igual, viatgem igual, comprem un munt de roba,

In the end, we take the cars anyway, travel anyway, buy a ton of clothes,

entonces, la idea del festival és, anem a fer un festival que el missatge,

So, the idea of the festival is, let's make a festival where the message,

les xerrades, els continguts, tot el que fem de por les mañanes,

the talks, the content, everything we do in the mornings,

aprendemos moda, siguen continguts per a conscienciar

we learn fashion, they follow content to raise awareness

i per a donar a entendre a la gent i a la gent que ve, i als convidats,

and to make it clear to the people and the people who come, and to the guests,

com es pot adoptar nous hàbits,

how to adopt new habits,

per a canviar i revertir eixe canvi climàtic tan fort que està passant.

to change and reverse that strong climate change that is happening.

I aleshores, eixe és el missatge, eixe és el propòsit,

And then, that is the message, that is the purpose,

i la moda ha d'estar compromesa en eixe sentit.

And fashion must be committed in that sense.

Jo crec que un dels talents parlaves, que el CLEC també és un impulsor del talent,

I believe that one of the talents you mentioned, that CLEC is also a promoter of talent,

un dels talents que teniu així any rere any,

one of the talents you have year after year,

i que també enguany ha fet eixe canvi de paradigma,

and that this year has also made that paradigm shift,

és el dissenyador valencià Pablo Carcassona, abans de la firma Modistia,

he is the Valencian designer Pablo Carcassona, before the brand Modistia,

i ara ha fet eixe canvi.

And now he has made that change.

Estudio, i esta nit podrem vore eixa nova col·lecció.

I study, and tonight we will be able to see that new collection.

Pablo, com estàs?

Pablo, how are you?

Molt bé!

Very well!

Ai, encantada de tindre't, ha sigut un any més.

Oh, delighted to have you, it's been another year.

Què suposa per a tu vindre al CLEC?

What does it mean for you to come to the CLEC?

Ja eres tot un veterà en este festival.

You are already quite a veteran at this festival.

Soc xuràssica.

I am a mess.

La veritat és que és un plaer el que cada any et criden,

The truth is that it's a pleasure that they call you every year,

diguen, Meri, confiem en tu, eres una alianta,

They say, Meri, we trust you, you are a ally.

vas a fer algo que cridi l'atenció, i aquí estem.

You're going to do something that catches attention, and here we are.

I a més tu portes molt...

And also you bring a lot...

Eixe canvi en el món de la moda està present en les teves peces.

That change in the fashion world is present in your pieces.

Són peces genderless, la majoria d'elles sense gènere.

They are genderless pieces, most of them without gender.

També treballes molt en el reaprofitament de materials.

You also work a lot on the reuse of materials.

Però què ens pots avançar del que veurem esta nit?

But what can you tell us about what we will see tonight?

Aquesta nit la col·lecció tracta de les rebel·les.

Tonight the collection is about rebels.

Ai, que bé! Però és una rebel·la, eh?

Oh, how nice! But she is a little rebel, isn’t she?

Sóc una puncarra.

I am a punk.

Jo he nascut en una família plena de rebel·les.

I was born into a family full of rebels.

I queria mostrar

I wanted to show.

la rebel·li de ma mare, de ma tia, de ma iaia,

the rebellion of my mother, my aunt, my grandmother,

que és el que m'han ensenyat.

that is what they have taught me.

I al final tota la roba està confeccionada en Burgesot de quilòmetre zero.

And in the end, all the clothing is made in Burgesot from zero-kilometer materials.

La tela està comprada en la tenda del costat del taller.

The fabric was purchased in the store next to the workshop.

És com intentem que tot siga el més sostenible possible.

It's how we try to make everything as sustainable as possible.

A la vegada que tratem molt amb el denim, tot també reciclat,

At the same time as we work a lot with denim, everything is also recycled,

en el mercat, i el reaprofitem per a fer peces noves.

in the market, and we reuse it to make new pieces.

I Miquel, també, què suposa tindre un dissenyador com Pablo,

I Miquel, too, what does it mean to have a designer like Pablo,

que al final ha crescut en el CLEC,

that in the end has grown in the CLEC,

tindre la neixa cantera de dissenyadors valencians?

to have the emerging talent of Valencian designers?

Per a vosaltres què significa?

What does it mean to you?

Doncs la veritat que suposa un orgull.

Well, the truth is that it is a source of pride.

La veritat és que és el clar exemple del propòsit que tenim com a festival.

The truth is that it is the clear example of the purpose we have as a festival.

I aleshores...

And then...

Mira, li ha fet girar la mà i tot.

Look, he has made her turn her hand and everything.

El propòsit que tenim com a festival és gent que va començar

The purpose we have as a festival is people who started.

en el...

in the...

Fa cinc anys en nosaltres, com a estudiants d'escola,

Five years ago, in us, as school students,

amb poquets looks i tal, doncs que ha anat evolucionant,

with few looks and such, well it has been evolving,

que ha anat veient-se en escena, que ha pogut disfrutar del material,

that has been seen on stage, which has been able to enjoy the material,

de la difusió, i que ha anat creixent com a designer,

of the diffusion, and has been growing as a designer,

i enfortint i creient-se el seu discurs.

and strengthening and believing in his speech.

I, en l'orgull d'aquest any, tanca el divendres.

I, in the pride of this year, ends on Friday.

El divendres, que és el dia també més gamberro,

On Friday, which is also the most mischievous day,

una marca com la d'ell, una marca rebel, que tanca el divendres.

a brand like his, a rebellious brand, that closes on Fridays.

El CLEC és això, és l'ascensor professional i l'ascensor creatiu,

The CLEC is this, it is the professional elevator and the creative elevator,

i ell ho representa perfectament.

And he represents it perfectly.

Escolteu, i en la música de sí, de fons...

Listen, and in the music of itself, in the background...

Ai, mira, es diuen gràcies, que bé.

Oh, look, they say thank you, how nice.

En la música de sí, de fons, no vos avellis a vosaltres ser una miqueta de rebels

In the music of itself, in the background, don't be shy to be a little rebellious.

i llançar-vos també a la passarel·la, perquè és que és una passarel·la...

and throw you onto the runway as well, because it is a runway...

No anem a interrompre, per favor, la desfilada de Dolores Cortés,

Please, let's not interrupt the fashion show of Dolores Cortés.

però és que donen ganes, l'ambientació, està tan xula.

but it really makes you want to be there, the setting is so cool.

Sí, bueno, jo crec que tot plegat, el joc on estem, la manera de fer les coses,

Yes, well, I think that all in all, the game we are in, the way of doing things,

la quantitat de gent que ve de totes les escoles de la comunitat valenciana,

the amount of people coming from all the schools in the Valencian community,

la matinada aprenem moda, la tarda la celebrem,

in the morning we learn fashion, in the afternoon we celebrate,

la nit la celebrem amb videoartistes, amb art en directe...

We celebrate the night with video artists, with live art...

No pareu de celebrar així.

Don't stop celebrating like this.

No parem de celebrar, és la festa de la moda i la festa del talent,

We don't stop celebrating, it's the fashion party and the talent party,

i jo crec que això ja és prou disruptiu, no cal trencar res.

And I believe that this is already disruptive enough, there's no need to break anything.

Escolteu, jo he intentat, ja per acabar, ja que esteu els dos així,

Listen, I have tried, just to finish, now that you are both like this,

jo he intentat acostar-me al dress code del dia,

I have tried to adhere to the dress code of the day,

a posar-me el blau en algun accessori verdet.

to put the blue in some green accessory.

Qui fa el que pot no està obligat a més,

He who does what he can is not obliged to do more.

jo necessito que em feu una valoració, per favor, de l'outfit.

I need you to give me an assessment of the outfit, please.

Mari, vas moníssima, ja està, fet.

Mari, you look amazing, that's it, done.

M'ho ha dit un dissenyador, ja està.

A designer has told me, that's it.

Súper, perquè t'has ficat l'acreditació que et dona el toc.

Great, because you’ve put on the accreditation that gives you the access.

Verdet, no, verdet fluorescent.

Green, no, fluorescent green.

I ja també portes l'etiqueta de la pastilla de la ràdio.

And you also wear the label of the radio pill.

És verd de toc.

It is green to the touch.

Portes en verd i ja vas perfecte.

You have green doors and you're already perfect.

I encara que no, quan no ens veu ningú, vosaltres podeu dir que vas perfecte,

And even if not, when no one is watching us, you can say that you are perfect.

perquè això els oients ho saben i prou.

because the listeners know it well enough.

Sí, és nari, tots els oients.

Yes, it's nari, all the listeners.

Vosaltres també aneu perfectes.

You all look perfect too.

Moltíssimes gràcies per haver-me atès.

Thank you very much for attending to me.

Enhorabona per aquest festival i molta sort també, Pablo,

Congratulations on this festival and good luck too, Pablo.

que vagi superbé, Miquel.

Have a great time, Miquel.

Vas perfecte, perquè la teua actitud és bonica.

You're doing great because your attitude is lovely.

Ai, que bonic, el que m'han dit.

Oh, how lovely, what they told me.

Estic pagada, cabelló més pagada que vosaltres.

I am paid, little hair more paid than you all.

Eres estilosa, Mare Hernández.

You are stylish, Mother Hernández.

Estilosa, som tres ties estiloses, així, xules, clar que sí.

Stylish, we are three stylish girls, just like that, cool, of course.

Gràcies, xics, que vagi molt bé.

Thank you, guys, have a great day.

Bona vesprada.

Good afternoon.

Tinc ganes d'anar-se'n a la ciutat de les arts i de les ciències.

I feel like going to the City of Arts and Sciences.

Si hi ha l'hemisfèric, fa un ambientet boníssim, boníssim.

If there is the hemispheric, it creates a really great atmosphere, really great.


Cool little one?

Oh, bo, bo. Gràcies, mare.

Oh, good, good. Thank you, mother.

Frescoleta verda, frescoleta verda. Adéu, adéu.

Little green fresh one, little green fresh one. Goodbye, goodbye.



I mira, estem cantant la Rosalia,

And look, we are singing Rosalia.

a veure qui canta el seu mal espant, això sempre s'ha dit, eh?

let's see who sings their troubles, this has always been said, right?

I no m'estranya, eh?, també, perquè sentint-nos cantar a nosaltres,

And I'm not surprised, huh?, also, because hearing us sing,

a veure qui se'ns acosta, espantem el mal, el bé i tot.

let's see who approaches us, we scare away the evil, the good, and everything.

Comença Podríem cantar millor.

We could sing better.

A vore, explica'm, com es diu la secció?

Let's see, explain to me, what is the section called?

Podríem cantar millor,

We could sing better,

podríem cantar millor,

we could sing better,

podríem cantar millor.

we could sing better.

Benvinguts, benvingudes al Musical Fatal Total.

Welcome to the Total Fatal Musical.

Ben dit, Susana, nosaltres espantem, com has dit, amb les nostres veus,

Well said, Susana, we scare, as you said, with our voices,

el mal, el bé, tot el que passa per ací pel punt,

the evil, the good, everything that happens around here at the point,

ens queda buida la redacció, totes les redaccions,

the writing remains empty for us, all the writings,

però avui no estem sols, ens acompanya, com de costum, Diego Barea.

But today we are not alone, as usual, we are joined by Diego Barea.

Bona vesca. Gràcies per quedar-te.

Good fishing. Thank you for staying.

Després de la teva secció tampoc era molta faena.

After your section, it wasn't much work either.

El plaer és meu.

The pleasure is mine.

I volia preguntar-vos què comporteu el mes, perquè van començar cantant allò de...

I wanted to ask you what you bring for the month, because they started singing that...

Atreballar, que el setembre és d'ens,

Let's work, because September is for us.

com ho porteu?

How are you doing?

Súper bé.

Super good.

Susana, estàs parlant?

Susana, are you talking?

Estem en la secció de cantar.

We are in the singing section.

A veure, com estàs?

Let's see, how are you?

Súper bé.

Super good.

Estem a vi i està faltant Déu

We are at wine and God is missing.

i espera que s'acabi el mes.

And I hope the month ends.

I menys mal que falta poquet perquè acabi el programa.

And thank goodness there's not much left for the program to finish.

Estan enviant-me fotos d'uns núvols negres, negres, negres,

They are sending me photos of some black, black, black clouds.

i diu, ja entenc això.

And he says, I understand this now.



Jo estic molt bé.

I am very well.

He de...

I have to...

Molt bé.

Very well.

És l'actitud que m'agrada.

It's the attitude I like.

És cantant professional, eh?

He's a professional singer, huh?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Abans de començar a cantar amb les cançonetes,

Before starting to sing with the little songs,

volia parlar-vos de tradicions bones,

I wanted to talk to you about good traditions,

perquè cada any se celebra el 21 de setembre el què?

Why is it celebrated every year on September 21?

Ho sabeu?

Do you know?

El 21 de setembre?

September 21st?

El dia era el...

The day was the...

El Dia Internacional de la Pau!

International Day of Peace!

Jo no me'n recordava, eh?

I didn't remember it, did I?

És que Miguel m'ha dit que també celebra el dia de l'Alzheimer.

It's just that Miguel told me he also celebrates Alzheimer's Day.

Ah, mira, doncs no tinc cançons, se m'havia oblidat.

Ah, look, well I don't have any songs, I had forgotten.

Jo pensava que era el dia de Pau, directament d'un amic.

I thought it was Peace Day, directly from a friend.



El 21 de setembre és el Dia Internacional de la Pau,

September 21 is the International Day of Peace,

i volia aprofitar per a que em diguereu quina cançó cantàveu a l'escola.

I wanted to take the opportunity to ask you what song you sang at school.

El Dia de la Pau, no sé cantar cançons de la Pau,

On Peace Day, I don't know how to sing songs of peace,

o quina cançó vos transmet Pau, si no teniu cap cançó de...

Oh, what song does Pau convey to you, if you don't have any song by...

Quina cantàvem el Dia de la Pau? No ho sé.

Which one did we sing on Peace Day? I don't know.

Pau, Pau, Pau...

Peace, Peace, Peace...

Nosaltres soltàvem un colom, no?

We used to release a pigeon, right?

Sí, anàvem...

Yes, we were going...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Com si fórem una manifestació amb una pancarta i tot davant,

As if we were a demonstration with a banner and everything at the front,

i anàvem des del col·legi fins a l'Ajuntament, i estàvem allà.

We used to go from school to the Town Hall, and we were there.

Doncs jo volia recrear un moment, perquè quan érem xicotets,

Well, I wanted to recreate a moment, because when we were little,

jo vull la pau, tu vols la pau...

I want peace, you want peace...

Porta la flauta dolça, també, que és molt de col·le,

Bring the sweet flute too, because it's very much from school.

i jo vull que jo mentre la toque, que això serà un quadro,

and I want that while I touch it, it will be a painting,

que la canteu per la pau en el món, a veure si hi consigo alguna cosa.

that you sing it for peace in the world, let's see if I can achieve something.

Vinga, vinga. Des de la primera nota.

Come on, come on. From the first note.

A veure, però heu de cantar.

Let's see, but you have to sing.

Una, dos i tres.

One, two, and three.

Jo vull la pau, tu vols la pau,

I want peace, you want peace,

nosaltres tots volem la pau.

we all want peace.

Au, germans,

Come on, brothers,

ens cantem ben fort,

we sing to ourselves loudly,

que la guerra no la volem.

we do not want war.



Com que la guerra?

How is the war?

La guerra no la guerra.

The war not the war.

Que la guerra no la volem.

We do not want the war.

Doncs falta escola, eh?

So there's a lack of school, right?

Però bé.

But well.

Posa l'article alhora, entonces.

Put the article at the same time, then.

Ho feu molt bé, eh?

You do it very well, right?

Perquè després diuen que la flauta dolça del col·le no servia per a res, eh?

Because then they say that the recorder from school was useless, right?

Així estem, 20 anys després, en la ràdio pública...

Here we are, 20 years later, in public radio...

Tocant la flauta.

Playing the flute.

Digues que sí, el sistema educatiu espanyol...

Say yes, the Spanish education system...



La flauta dolça i les veus xungues.

The sweet flute and the ugly voices.

Però bé, continuem parlant de pau.

But well, let's continue talking about peace.

Ni una sola palabra, ni gestos ni mirades apassionades...

Not a single word, nor gestures or passionate looks...

De pau en sentit de no violència, no de Paulina Rubio.

Of peace in the sense of non-violence, not of Paulina Rubio.

És que diu en pau a la dona.

It is that he says in peace to the woman.

Sí, mira, de fet, ens vam recordar quan Paulina Rubio, en 2015,

Yes, look, in fact, we remembered when Paulina Rubio, in 2015,

va veure en Twitter que pau era trending topic

he saw on Twitter that Pau was a trending topic

i va publicar usant el hashtag pensant que era per a ella.

She published using the hashtag thinking it was for her.

Però en realitat era perquè tots els estudiants espanyols

But in reality it was because all the Spanish students

tenien la prova d'accés a la universitat.

they had the university entrance exam.

Ai, me'n recordes?

Oh, do you remember me?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

És un gran moment d'internet.

It is a great moment for the internet.

Però quin esglai per a ella, no? Alçar-se, veure això...

But what a shock for her, right? To get up, see this...

És que va fer una foto i tot.

He took a photo and everything.

Comportables, tio. Pau 2015.

Bearable, dude. Peace 2015.


Poor thing.

Però bé, aprofite per a mesclar conceptes

But well, I take the opportunity to mix concepts.

i què millor que una cançó de Paulina Rubio

And what better than a song by Paulina Rubio?

per a parlar del Dia de la Pau.

to talk about Peace Day.

Però abans volia fer una reflexió més enllà dels conflictes internacionals

But first I wanted to make a reflection beyond international conflicts.

perquè no arribem a tot.

because we can't do it all.

Reflexiona, reflexiona.

Reflect, reflect.

Allà on estem.

Where we are.

Tu mires al costat de ta casa

You look beside your house.

i no penseu que vivim amb massa violència.

And don't you think we live with too much violence?

Ai, sí, la gent està crispadeta, això és veritat.

Oh yes, people are a bit agitated, that's true.

Sí, a les xarxes i a les notícies.

Yes, on social media and in the news.

I és que a les notícies, mira, just estàvem parlant este matí

And it's just that on the news, look, we were just talking this morning.

que havien passat a disposició judicial en canals

that had been placed at the judicial disposal in channels

que s'havia muntat ahí com una tangana,

that had mounted up there like a brawl,

una baralla pel carrer amb armes blanques, un desastre tot, sí.

a street brawl with white weapons, a disaster altogether, yes.

Doncs bé, per a vosaltres,

Well then, for you,

esta cançó de Paulina Rubio per acabar amb la violència.

This song by Paulina Rubio to end violence.


Come on.

Ni una sola baralla, ni gestos ni mirades, ni una galtada,

Not a single fight, nor gestures nor glances, not a slap,

ni rastre de violència a la pantalla, tampoc en el carrer.

no trace of violence on the screen, nor in the street.

Gràcies, Susa.

Thank you, Susa.

Ni una sola pallissa, ni crits a la finestra de nit i de dia,

Not a single beating, nor shouts at the window day and night,

parlar-nos com a bojos, ni viure en tant d'estrès.

don't talk to us like we're crazy, nor live in such stress.

Bé, per la pau, per la pau.

Well, for peace, for peace.

Per la pau, per la pau.

For peace, for peace.

T'ha agradat? A mi m'ha encantat.

Did you like it? I loved it.

Això està molt bé, el missatge és superbonic,

This is very nice, the message is super beautiful,

però, Clara, si tens la coral,

but, Clara, if you have the choir,

que ha sigut mencionar Paulina Rubio i a nosaltres

what it has been to mention Paulina Rubio and us

ens han entrat unes ganes de karaoke que ens ho estem fent damunt.

We have suddenly felt like doing karaoke so much that we are doing it right now.

Així que, Tono, per favor, fes alguna cosa.

So, Tono, please do something.

Fes alguna cosa.

Do something.

Que soni alguna cançó de Paulina, de jo què sé.

Let some song by Paulina play, I don't know.

Jo sigo aquí esperant-te

I am still here waiting for you.

y que mi dulce boca regue por mis pies.

and that my sweet mouth waters for my feet.

Gràcies, Susa, que estava tot previst.

Thank you, Susa, everything was planned.

Tu vols cantar una de Paulina?

Do you want to sing one of Paulina's?

Per favor, sí, sí.

Please, yes, yes.

I Diego, també.

I Diego, me too.

La meva participació en això del canal, que has dit,

My participation in this channel thing that you mentioned,

mira, jo me'n vaig a callar.

Look, I'm going to keep quiet.

Que no.

No way.

Però bé, bé, em suma l'entusiasme.

But well, well, it sums up the enthusiasm for me.

Molt bé, Diego, aquesta és l'actitud.

Very good, Diego, that is the attitude.

Jo tinc entusiasme per dos.

I have enthusiasm for two.

Fem-ho amb un tema d'actualitat, que ja hem parlat de la pau.

Let's do it with a current topic, as we have already talked about peace.

No sé si heu vist la notícia d'esta setmana que afirma

I don't know if you have seen the news this week that states

que l'abús d'analgèsics com el paracetamol o l'ibuprofè

that the abuse of painkillers like paracetamol or ibuprofen

està darrere del 12% dels ingressos hospitalaris.

it accounts for 12% of hospital revenue.

Sí, vam parlar d'això en actualitat.

Yes, we talked about this in current affairs.

Ah, ho hem parlat, perquè veig que és...

Ah, we have talked about it, because I see that it is...

Com d'atent estàs a la primera hora.

How attentive you are in the first hour.

Doncs rescateu l'hora.

So rescue the hour.

Quan va ser això?

When was this?

El dilluns o el dimarts, no recorde.

On Monday or Tuesday, I don't remember.

Paracetamol m'agrada molt,

I really like paracetamol.

perquè pot ser com una pastilleta per aparar l'amor en Cuba.

because it can be like a little pill to stop love in Cuba.

M'estic enamorant i no vull enamorar-me.

I'm falling in love and I don't want to fall in love.

Pren-te'n un paracetamol.

Take a paracetamol.

Només espero que Edu Dalton capti aquest moment,

I just hope that Edu Dalton captures this moment,

perquè el cim de l'humor el podrien fer millor

because they could do the peak of humor better

a la cadena Sòlida ara mateix.

to the Solid chain right now.


Come on.

Avui parlarem de l'abús del paracetamol i de l'ibuprofè

Today we will talk about the abuse of paracetamol and ibuprofen.

amb una cançó de Paulina Rubio.

with a song by Paulina Rubio.

Tu vols acabar l'hospi?

Do you want to finish the hospital?



Doncs vinga d'imaginar com seria aquesta cançó

So let's imagine what this song would be like.

i prepareu-vos per a cantar.

and prepare yourselves to sing.

Ja estem preparades.

We are already prepared.

I no em prengués més, més ibuprofè,

And I wouldn't take more, more ibuprofen,

quan aniràs a l'hospi a menjar consomé.

When will you go to the hospital to eat consommé?

I no em prengués més, més ibuprofè,

"Don't take more ibuprofen."

quan aniràs a l'hospi a menjar consomé.

When will you go to the hospital to eat consommé?

Em prendré el que em diga la metgessa.

I will take what the doctor tells me.

Paracetamol ni mig, ni pastís sencera.

Neither half nor whole cake of paracetamol.

És que amb música tot entra millor.

It's just that everything goes in better with music.

Els consells i tot s'assolixen millor, clar que sí.

Advice and everything is achieved better, of course.

Tot entra millor excepte el paracetamol.

Everything goes in better except for paracetamol.

Quan no te'l recomana, un metge o una metgessa.

When a doctor or a female doctor does not recommend it to you.

Jo crec que molta gent està a l'andar a buscar

I believe that many people are in the hall looking for.

un paracetamol per mal de cap.

One paracetamol for a headache.

Pel que estem produint ni nosaltres de cantar, val.

For what we are producing, neither we nor singing, okay.

Això de metgessa m'ha encantat perquè

I loved this about being a doctor because

podria ser per la inclusió o tal, però no és perquè quadrava, no?

It could be for inclusion or something like that, but it's not because it fit, right?

No, no, clar, clar.

No, no, of course, of course.

Està bé, bé.

It's okay, good.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very well, very well.

Ara toca parlar de política, perdó, cantar de política,

Now it's time to talk about politics, sorry, sing about politics.

que estem a la setmana de cantar,

that we are in singing week,

que és molt més divertit que parlar perquè,

that it is much more fun than talking because,

no sé si ho sabeu, però dimecres a l'Escorx

I don't know if you know, but on Wednesday at the Escorx.

es va viure el primer debat de política general

the first general political debate took place

de la legislatura.

of the legislature.

No sé si ho sabem.

I don't know if we know it.

Si ho saps, no?

If you know it, right?

Clar, què podria ser?

Of course, what could it be?

Ara aquí, ara tu, ara jo, ara Vox,

Now here, now you, now me, now Vox,

ara aquí, ara tu, ara jo, ara els roxos,

now here, now you, now me, now the reds,

perquè estan tot ahí, ara aquí parla, aquí parla.

because they're all there, now here speaks, here speaks.

Però bé, vam discutir molt, no?

But well, we argued a lot, didn't we?

Una miqueta.

A little bit.

Tu el vas veure?

Did you see him?

No tot, és que era molt llarg.

Not everything, it's just that it was very long.

Jo sí, jo vaig escoltar-ho en la ràdio de Paint,

I did, I heard it on Paint's radio.

vaig escoltar-ho així i...

I heard it like this and...

Lo dels aplaudiments tampoc és una cosa que m'agrada molt.

The applause thing is not something I like very much either.




Thank you.

En el debat de política general.

In the general policy debate.

Els teus aplaudiments se'ls agrada en tot, no?

Your applause is liked in everything, right?

Ja està clar que el teu grup parlamentari estarà amb tu,

It is already clear that your parliamentary group will be with you,

el teu equip estarà amb tu.

your team will be with you.

Jo crec que espera despertar algú, eh?

I think you expect to wake someone up, right?

Ja, també és de veres.

Yes, that's true as well.

Doncs bé, va haver moltes queixes,

Well, there were many complaints,

també molts anuncis de lleis, lleis noves,

also many announcements of laws, new laws,

com la d'ordenació del territori, la d'hort i costes.

such as land planning, gardening, and coastal management.

Però si no vau escoltar-ho, perquè així som...

But if you didn't hear it, that's how we are...

És que estàs en el mode mèdic,

It's that you are in medical mode.

abans del paracetamol que està escoltant la metgessa.

before the paracetamol that the doctor is listening to.

Si no vau escoltar el debat, vos n'hem fet un resum.

If you didn't listen to the debate, we have made a summary for you.



A veure, prou!

Let's see, enough!

Queixa, queixa i nova nova llei

Complaint, complaint and new new law.

nova nova llei

new new law

no va nova Llei

there is no new law

diputats si no tenei el remei

deputies if you don't have the remedy

No se n'tenen ni entre ells

They don't even understand each other.

Queixa, créixa y no van no va-

Complaint, believe, and it goes not.

nueva nova Llei

new new Law

no va nova Nova Llei

no new new law

Si no tenen remei, no s'entenen ni entre ells.

If they have no remedy, they do not even understand each other.

Ens falta mar, avui, eh? Ens falta mar.

We miss the sea, today, huh? We miss the sea.

I una cosa que trobem molt a faltar en les Corts

And one thing we really miss in the Corts.

és que en algun moment algú us doni la raó.

It's that at some point someone gives you the right.

Mira, això que heu fet o que vau fer vosaltres,

Look, what you did or what you have done,

mira, això no se m'hauria aconseguit a mi, però molt ben fet.

Look, I wouldn't have achieved this, but very well done.

Podria donar exemple, eh?

Could you give an example, huh?

Molt bé, això, eh?

Very good, this, huh?

Però sí.

But yes.

De totes maneres, passem ara a la política internacional.

In any case, let's move on to international politics now.

No sé si recordeu que la setmana passada,

I don't know if you remember that last week,

en el debat electoral dels Estats Units,

in the electoral debate of the United States,

l'expresident i candidat republicà Donald Trump,

the former president and Republican candidate Donald Trump,

que és un poc person...

that is a bit of a person...

Tota la gent dels Estats Units és un poc person, eh?

All the people from the United States are a bit of a person, huh?

Donald Perany.

Donald Perany.

Tota la gent, home.

Everyone, man.

Vull dir, la gent d'Ice Nivell, no ho sé gaire bé.

I mean, the people from Ice Nivell, I don't really know.

Ah, val, però això es generalitzarà ahir molt bé.

Ah, okay, but this will generalize very well yesterday.

Sí, totalment.

Yes, totally.

Així es generalitzem, només en esta estona igual, en esta secció.

Thus we generalize, only in this moment, the same, in this section.

Val, d'acord, compre.

Okay, alright, I understand.

Està dient-te coses.

He is telling you things.

No, no, exacte.

No, no, exactly.

En aquest moment volia parlar,

At this moment, I wanted to speak,

perquè va dir, va assegurar,

because he said, he assured,

que els migrants d'Haití s'estan menjant els gossos cigats

that the migrants from Haiti are eating the stray dogs

de la gent d'Springfield, Ohio.

of the people of Springfield, Ohio.

Que és molt person, això.

That's very personal, that.

Però bé, escolteu la versió musical que ha fet The Kiffness d'este moment.

But well, listen to the musical version that The Kiffness has made of this moment.

Està guai, eh?

It's cool, isn't it?

El nivell dels polítics, fatal.

The level of the politicians, disastrous.

Que es mengen els pets.

What farts eat.



Pets és mascota en anglès, no em mires així.

Pets is pet in English, don't look at me like that.

És que portem tot el programa parlant de merda, jo què sé.

It's just that we've been talking about crap the whole program, I don't know.

Però bé, què hem fet nosaltres?

But well, what have we done?

Una versió, i a veure, 10 punts a qui em diga

A version, and let's see, 10 points to whoever tells me.

per què hem fet una versió de Maná per a parlar d'este tema.

Why have we made a version of Maná to talk about this topic?

Per què?


Per què Maná?

Why Maná?

Per què?


No ho sé.

I don't know.

Xica, no t'has assabentat, no t'has actualitzat.

Girl, you haven't heard, you haven't updated yourself.

No, no ho estic.

No, I am not.

Doncs a veure, el cantant de reggaeton Nicky Jam

Well, let's see, the reggaeton singer Nicky Jam.

va participar en un míting de Trump

he participated in a Trump rally

per a donar-li...

to give it...

Per a donar-li costat, no?

To give him support, right?

Que per cert, Trump el va confondre amb una dona.

By the way, Trump mistook him for a woman.

Doncs Maná va fer una publicació on es lletgia

Well, Maná made a post where it said

Maná no trabaja con racistas.

Maná does not work with racists.

I a continuació va retirar el tema que tenia conjuntament amb Nicky Jam.

And then he withdrew the topic he had jointly with Nicky Jam.

Vull dir que ha sigut també tendència i això, sí.

I mean that it has also been a trend and that, yes.

Així que esperem que a Maná no li importi

So we hope that Maná doesn't mind.

que destrossem una de les seues cançons més populars

let's break down one of their most popular songs

per a parlar del que va dir Trump sobre els gossos.

to talk about what Trump said about dogs.

En pro del seu missatge.

In favor of its message.



Menjant-se el teu gos.

Eating your dog.

Guepets i bulldogs.

Pugs and bulldogs.

És molt fàcil

It's very easy.

si el deixes sol

if you leave him alone

que el cuinen al forn.

that they cook it in the oven.

També els felins

Also the felines

s'esclaven a dins.

they are trapped inside.

Diu el bando

The decree says

és un comando

it's a command

que ve d'Aití.

that comes from Haiti.

Menjant-se el teu gust

Eating your flavor

They're eating the dogs

They are eating the dogs.

Menjant-se el teu gust

Eating your taste

A més a més, són mexicans, no, Mara?

Furthermore, they are Mexicans, aren't they, Mara?


Of course.


Sí, gràcies

Yes, thank you.

Acabem amb un altre clàssic d'esta secció

We end with another classic of this section.

Recordes el que em vas dir la setmana passada

Do you remember what you told me last week?

Diego Barea

Diego Barea

Alguna cançó en concret

Any specific song?

En cap secció de Guillem

In any section of Guillem

Podríem cantar millor sense emocionades

We could sing better without getting emotional.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Ai, mare, mare

Oh, mother, mother.

Moltes edats

Many ages

Perquè sí, vam parlar d'Eres tu

Because yes, we talked about It Was You.

Per fer esta notícia del repunt de Covid

To make this news about the rise of Covid

I dels refredats, no?

And about the colds, right?

Volies lliurar-te

You wanted to surrender.

I has caigut

I have fallen.

Has caigut

You have fallen.

Mal de gol

Goal pain

Hi ha algú

Is there anyone?



I també per parlar de la nova paraula de moda

And also to talk about the new buzzword.

Que era demure

She was demure.



Un nou anglicisme

A new anglicism

És de miur

It is from miur.

Doncs esta setmana, Susa i jo, no hem fet més que parlar

Well, this week, Susa and I have done nothing but talk.

D'esta borrasca retrógrada

Of this retrograde depression

Ai, és veritat, tota la raó

Oh, it's true, you're absolutely right.

Doncs el resum és que per fi ha plogut, ja està, no?

So the summary is that it has finally rained, that's it, right?

Aleshores, podríem fer una versió que farà així

Then, we could make a version that will do this.

Com una promesa

Like a promise

Ha plogut

It has rained.

Estem a València

We are in Valencia.

O a Milano

Or in Milan

Que com està el cel

What is the sky like?



Per fi


Per fi ha plogut

It has finally rained.

Tots junts

All together

Ha plogut

It has rained.

Som molt fortes

We are very strong.

Les tempestes

The storms

Està mogut

It is moved.

Plou poc, però

It rains little, but

Per què plou

Why is it raining?

Ha plogut

It has rained.

Algú vol que acabem?

Does anyone want us to finish?

Clar, com no ha de ploure

Of course, how could it not rain?

Si ja s'ha passat l'estiu

If summer has already passed.

Perquè clar, este diumenge, no sé si ho sabeu

Because of course, this Sunday, I don't know if you know it

Comença la tardor

Autumn begins.

I hi ha gent que ho fa amb l'ànim baixet

And there are people who do it with a low mood.

Però jo crec que és perquè falten cançons animades

But I think it's because there are not enough upbeat songs.

Per parlar de la tardor

To talk about autumn

És veritat

It is true.

Tenim en estiu la de

We have in summer the one of

Quan no llega el calor, els xicos s'enamoren

When the heat arrives, the boys fall in love.


O esta altra de los Rodríguez, no?

Or this other one from the Rodríguez, right?

I he pensat

I have thought.

Per què no versionem esta cançó

Why don't we cover this song?

I l'adaptem a coses de la tardor

And we adapt it to autumn things.

Ai, sí, eh?

Oh, yes, huh?

Us pareix bé?

Do you think it's good?

Vinga, no?

Come on, right?

Vinga, prepareu-vos per a cantar

Come on, get ready to sing.

Ui, ui, ui

Oh, oh, oh

Vé la tardor

Autumn is coming.

Que ja arribat l'hora de treure el cobertor

It's time to take off the blanket.

Cantar la castanyera

Sing the chestnut seller

I abrigar-te sancera

I will shelter you completely.

Que pront es fa de nit

How quickly it gets dark.

Quina foscor

What darkness

El mocador

The handkerchief

Al hivern per la moquita

In winter for the snot.

I a l'estiu per la calor

And in the summer for the heat

Donen fulles i basals

They give leaves and bases.

I si estàs de mal humor

And if you are in a bad mood

A si tens el podrien fer-ho millor

If so, they could do it better.

Dolça carabassa

Sweet pumpkin

Salats dels espinacs

Spinach salads

El monia tot també abunda

The world also abounds with everything.

La magrana és fecunda

The pomegranate is fruitful.

I tindrien bolets per a sopar

They would have mushrooms for dinner.

Està fent una calor insoportable

It is unbearably hot.

I fins ací, amigues, amics

And so far, friends.

El podrien fer-ho millor

They could do it better.

El podrien cantar millor d'avui

They could sing it better today.

Ja sabeu, ara sí que sí

You know, now for sure.

Plutges garantides

Guaranteed rains

Per a demà, ja ens ho ha avisat Javi Miró

For tomorrow, Javi Miró has already notified us.

I nosaltres tornem dilluns a partir de les 4

And we return on Monday starting at 4.

I ja sabeu que deveu estar sempre connectades

And you already know that you must always be connected.

Connectats a la ràdio d'Apunt

Connected to Apunt radio

Per assabentar-vos de tot el que passa

To keep you informed about everything that is happening.

A prop de nosaltres

Near us

I què passa?

And what happens?

Vé la tardor

Come autumn

Que ja arribat l'hora de treure el cobertor

It's time to take off the blanket.

Cantar la castanyera

Sing the chestnut woman

I abrigar-te sancera

I will embrace you tightly.

Que pront es fa de nit

How quickly it gets dark.

Quina foscor

What darkness





Envise como el vino

"Ship it like the wine."

Salada como el mar

Salty like the sea.

Envise ese vagabunda

Send that vagabond.

Garganta profunda

Deep throat

Sálvame de esta soledad

Save me from this loneliness.











Podríem fer-ho millor

We could do it better.

amb Sousa Calafat i Guillem Lissabon

with Sousa Calafat and Guillem Lissabon

Yo estaba esperando

I was waiting.

Que cantes mi canción

That you sing my song.

Y que abras esa botella

And that you open that bottle.

Y brindemos por ella

And let's toast to her.

Y hagamos el amor en el balcón

And let's make love on the balcony.

Mi corazón

My heart

Mi corazón es un músculo sano

My heart is a healthy muscle.

Pero el neto es...

But the grandson is...

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