Singulars. Toni Mestre

À Punt Mèdia


Singulars. Toni Mestre


Singulars. Una peça única, feta a mida, per a construir el retrat d'una persona excepcional.

Singulars. A unique piece, custom-made, to create the portrait of an exceptional person.

Una aproximació sonora al perfil d'una persona singular.

A sonic approach to the profile of a singular person.

Una peça única, feta a mida, per a construir el retrat d'una persona excepcional.

A unique piece, custom-made, to build the portrait of an exceptional person.

I ara, a fabricar records sonors.

And now, to create sound records.

Poquet i Camps s'asseuen, ajusten l'alçada de les cadires i es fixen en els botonets

Poquet and Camps sit down, adjust the height of the chairs, and focus on the buttons.

i en la gamma de grisos dels plafons que folren les parets.

and in the range of grays of the panels that line the walls.

Hi ha càmeres per a retransmetre per streaming.

There are cameras for streaming broadcasting.

Semblen sorpreses per la novetat, tot i que han seguit de prop la construcció dels estudis.

They seem surprised by the novelty, although they have closely followed the construction of the studios.

Un estudi amb aquest nom, Toni Mestre, tan sonor, tan bonic,

A study with this name, Toni Mestre, so sonorous, so beautiful,

jo crec que li agradaria a qualsevol locutor on pogués parlar en valencià.

I think any announcer would like it if they could speak in Valencian.

I amb llibertat, perquè saps que ell era molt de dir el que pensava.

And with freedom, because you know he was very much into saying what he thought.

I una cosa que ara pareix normal, que és fer ràdio en valencià,

And one thing that now seems normal, which is to make radio in Valencian,

clar, en la seva època no ho era gens.

Of course, in his time, it wasn't at all.

Així que estaria contentíssim.

So I would be very happy.

A mi m'emociona molt estar en un estudi que es diu Toni Mestre

I am very excited to be in a studio called Toni Mestre.

i estar al teu costat, Maria Josep Poquet,

and to be by your side, Maria Josep Poquet,

perquè és com tancar un triangle màgic.

because it is like closing a magic triangle.

Ara ens posarem a plorar i s'ha acabat el programa.

Now we'll start crying and the show is over.

I sí que és màgic.

And it is indeed magical.

Mira, la llàstima és que no estigui ella així,

Look, the pity is that she isn't like this.

perquè se'n va anar massa pronta de vacances.

because she left for vacation too soon.

I el van perdre per a la ràdio i per a tot, per a la vida.

And they lost him for the radio and for everything, for life.

Com era Toni Mestre davant del micròfon?

How was Toni Mestre in front of the microphone?

Tenia manies? Es posava nerviós, com ara nosaltres?

Did he have quirks? Did he get nervous, like us now?

Nerviós, Toni?

Nervous, Toni?

Què va.

No way.

Toni era una persona molt serena de parlar, molt, molt, molt, molt.

Toni was a very calm person to talk to, very, very, very, very.

I tenia un domini de la llengua i un domini de la ràdio totals.

I had a complete command of the language and a total command of the radio.

Aleshores el que transmetia era una tranquil·litat absoluta.

Then what it conveyed was an absolute tranquility.

I es preparava en moltes programes? Com era el procés?

And was he prepared in many programs? What was the process like?

Ell es preparava.

He was preparing.

Ell es preparava en moltes programes.

He was preparing in many programs.

I els guions, que jo no sé si tu te'n recordaràs,

And the scripts, I don't know if you will remember them,

es feia en aquest paper finet, que era paper de ceba?

Was it done on this fine paper, which was onion paper?

Sí, paper blau, blau, no? Que calcava.

Yes, blue paper, blue, right? It was copying.

I uns papers de calc, tres fulls blancs d'aquests finets,

And some tracing paper, three sheets of those thin white ones,

ara no recordo com es deia aquest paper,

now I don't remember what this paper was called,

i es posava tot aquest feix, el posava en la màquina d'escriure,

and he would put all this bundle in the typewriter,

i així teníem un guió, un guió per a ell, un per al tècnic i un per a mi.

And so we had a script, one for him, one for the technician, and one for me.

I quan els continguts, ell, a part del guió,

And when the contents, he, aside from the script,

el guió bàsicament contenia la salutació

the script basically contained the greeting

i els donava passos un poc de cada tema.

And I gave them a little bit of guidance on each topic.

No era un guió massa extens.

It wasn't a very long script.

I ja a les entrevistes, ell el que feia era prendre notes,

And in the interviews, what he did was take notes,

sempre escrivia en ploma, estilogràfica,

I always wrote with a fountain pen, a ballpoint pen,

sempre, com si estigués veient-ho ara,

always, as if I were seeing it now,

la duia en la butxaca de la camisa, sempre duia camisa.

I carried it in the pocket of my shirt; I always wore a shirt.

Tu te'n recordes?

Do you remember?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

No duia mai samarretes, duia camisa,

He never wore t-shirts, he wore shirts.

i en hivern, damunt de la camisa, un jupetí.

And in winter, over the shirt, a short jacket.

Un jupetí.

A little jacket.

Aleshores, en la butxaca tenia la ploma, treia la ploma, desenroscava.

Then, in his pocket, he had the pen, he took out the pen, he unscrewed.

I el caputxo, i en això prenia notes.

And the goblin, and in that he was taking notes.

Jo crec que quan parlava per telèfon mateix amb els convidats,

I think that when I was talking on the phone with the guests,

que era tota la vesprada era a parlar,

that all afternoon was spent talking,

era com ell es preparava les intervencions.

It was how he prepared for the interventions.

Estem parlant de Toni Mestre,

We are talking about Toni Mestre,

estem en el locutori que porta el nom de Toni Mestre.

We are in the booth that bears the name of Toni Mestre.

Com el vas conèixer?

How did you meet him/her?

A veure, el vaig conèixer...

Let's see, I met him...

Versió curta, no?

Short version, right?




Come on.

Doncs el vaig conèixer perquè Rosa Balaguer

Well, I met him because Rosa Balaguer

estava amb ell fent de daltabaix,

I was with him making a mess.

i Rosa Balaguer va passar a Itana,

and Rosa Balaguer went to Itana,

a televisió, aleshores buscaven una veu de dona.

On television, they were then looking for a woman's voice.

Feren un concurs, i jo em vaig presentar unes proves de veu,

They held a contest, and I submitted some voice tests.

que jo vaig entrar,

that I entered,

hi havia una bossa de treball que tenia muntada d'acció cultural,

there was a work bag that had cultural action set up,

on es buscava gent que parlés en valencià per a qualsevol ofici,

where people who spoke Valencian were sought for any job,

també per a una sabateria,

also for a shoe store,

perquè la sabateria volia que s'atengués el públic en valencià.

because the shoe store wanted the public to be served in Valencian.

Aleshores em vaig presentar a la prova i en triar.

Then I showed up for the test and chose.

I a voltes després comentant,

And sometimes afterwards commenting,

i jo li diria, ai, per què m'has triat?

And I would say to him, oh, why did you choose me?

Que per a mi va ser una alegria, imagina't.

That was a joy for me, just imagine.

Doncs ell buscava una persona que fos més jove que ell,

Well, he was looking for a person who was younger than him,

per a integrar-hi gustos d'una altra generació,

to integrate the tastes of another generation,

i també el valencià el va trobar que li agradava,

and he also found that he liked Valencian,

i perquè dia que va notar que jo tenia cara.

And because the day he noticed that I had a face.

Saps per què?

Do you know why?



Perquè a la meitat de la prova,

Because in the middle of the test,

li vaig demanar, volia fumar,

I asked him, he wanted to smoke,

que si em convidava un cigarret.

that if he would offer me a cigarette.

I et va convidar a fumar.

He/she invited you to smoke.

I em va dir, clar, que sí, dona,

He told me, of course, yes, woman.

i posarem els dos a fumar, els dos.

And we'll put both of them to smoke, both of them.

Perquè es fumava.

Because he/she was smoking.

En aquest locutor no es fumarà, ja t'ho dic ara.

Smoking will not be allowed in this announcer, I tell you this now.

En aquest locutor es fumava, mare meva.

In this speaker, people smoked, my goodness.

La nostra intenció és que el programa de cada dia

Our intention is that the program for each day

siga com una mena de resum de l'actualitat cultural,

it serves as a sort of summary of the cultural news,

de les inquietuds del nostre poble,

of the concerns of our people,

de dalt a baix de la seva geografia.

from top to bottom of its geography.

Volem, d'alguna manera, esdevenir un dietari,

We want, in some way, to become a diary,

un testimoni del pas del temps,

a witness of the passage of time,

de la història contemporània per terres valencianes.

of contemporary history in Valencian lands.

Antoni Benito Mestre va néixer a València,

Antoni Benito Mestre was born in Valencia,

el 22 de setembre de 1942,

on September 22, 1942,

i va morir també a València, el 28 de juliol de 2006.

He also died in Valencia on July 28, 2006.

Va ser llibreter, escriptor, dansaire i agitador cultural,

He was a bookseller, writer, dancer, and cultural agitator.

entre moltes altres coses.

among many other things.

Era la persona que, en cas de dubte,

Was the person who, in case of doubt,

donava l'empenta a aquell que li demanava consell

he gave a push to the one who asked him for advice

per a emprendre una aventura nova.

to embark on a new adventure.

Però, per damunt de tot,

But, above all,

Toni Mestre va ser locutor de ràdio en valencià.

Toni Mestre was a radio broadcaster in Valencian.

Quan això no s'estilava,

When this was not in style,

era el més important.

it was the most important.

En 1974, Franco encara vivia.

In 1974, Franco was still alive.

De dalt a baix, va ser una invenció d'Amadeu Fabregat.

From top to bottom, it was an invention of Amadeu Fabregat.

El presentador era Joan Montleó,

The presenter was Joan Montleó.

que tenia una horxateria a l'Avinguda de l'Oest,

that had a horchata shop on the Avinguda de l'Oest,

molt prop d'on vivia Eliseu Climent

very close to where Eliseu Climent lived

i d'on Toni Mestre tenia una llibreria.

and where Toni Mestre had a bookstore.

Allí es va inventar Toni Mestre.

There Toni Mestre was invented.

Montleó es posa malalt i feia el programa,

Montleó gets sick and was doing the program,

el text d'Amadeu, Montleó i Rosa Valer.

the text of Amadeu, Montleó and Rosa Valer.

I Montleó es posa malalt.

Montleó falls ill.

Estigui llamant, marit de Toni Mestre.

I am calling, husband of Toni Mestre.

Toni tenia alguna veu, però, vamos, parlava normal i tal,

Toni had some voice, but, come on, he spoke normally and all that.

i allò li haia de perdre.

and that he had to lose it.

Li haurien de dir, el micro, són hores, hores, hores,

They should tell him, the mic, it's hours, hours, hours,

de micro, i s'emportava a Toni Mestre.

from the microphone, and he took Toni Mestre with him.

Molt sovint, Montleó, Toni Mestre i jo pujàrem a casa,

Very often, Montleó, Toni Mestre, and I went up home,

a buscar uns metres.

to look for a few meters.

Eliseu Climent, editor.

Eliseu Climent, editor.

A part de fer-lo parlar-hi en valencià al Montleó,

Apart from making him speak in Valencian at Montleó,

i després integrar-lo en totes les històries

and then integrate it into all the stories

que més o menys ja coneixeu,

that you more or less already know,

és trebar també una amistat,

it is also to break a friendship,

una amistat que, a més a més, anava,

a friendship that, furthermore, was going,

i jo crec que el Montleó li va influir prou

And I believe that Montleó influenced him quite a bit.

en tota l'obsessió posterior del món de les falles,

in the whole subsequent obsession of the world of the Fallas,

el món de la cultura popular...

the world of popular culture...

Tornem al locutori de la ràdio de punt,

Let's return to the radio studio of the moment,

on Maria Josep Poquet i Esperança Camps

on Maria Josep Poquet and Esperança Camps

continuen recordant l'amistat.

they continue to remember the friendship.

Què vas a prendre de Toni Mestre?

What are you going to take from Toni Mestre?

Alguna cosa per fer ràdio que no hagis obrit mai.

Something for making radio that you have never opened.

A veure, tot, perquè vaig aprendre la base per a fer ràdio,

Let's see, everything, because I learned the basics to do radio,

però, a veure, a locutar, a llegir, a fer bé les entonacions,

but, let's see, to voice, to read, to do the intonations well,

en alt, que és una cosa que els de ràdio sempre diguem,

loudly, which is something we in radio always say,

que no, com estem fent tu i jo ara, que ho fem perfecte,

that no, as we are doing you and I now, that we do perfectly,

no això que el conductor vaig consumint,

no, this that the driver is consuming,

si això no pot ser en ràdio, sempre has d'estar en alt,

if this cannot be on the radio, you always have to be loud,

a fer els guions, a ser atrevits,

to make the scripts, to be bold,

a preguntar el que crec que he de preguntar encara que moleste,

to ask what I think I need to ask even if it bothers,

i a estimar Billie Holiday.

And to love Billie Holiday.

Això sí.

That's right.

Li encantava molt, a ell li agradava molt Billie Holiday,

He loved it very much, he really liked Billie Holiday.

i em va regalar discos que encara tinc a casa i a mi m'agrada molt,

and he gave me records that I still have at home and I like a lot,

i sempre compta una anècdota perquè jo crec que el primer dia de treballar amb ell

And it always counts as an anecdote because I believe that the first day working with him.

ell em va dir, dos coses, xiqueta,

he told me, two things, girl,

i jo vaig agafar ahir la llibreta per a prendre nota

And I took the notebook yesterday to take notes.

perquè anava ahir a dir-me les claus de la ràdio,

because he was going to tell me the keys to the radio yesterday,

i em va dir, dos coses, xiqueta,

and he told me, two things, little girl,

posa't a un pam del micro i procura dur-te bé amb el tècnic de so.

Stand a hand's breadth from the microphone and try to get along well with the sound technician.

I sempre li he fet cas.

And I have always paid attention to him/her.

Crec que tenia tota la raó.

I believe he was absolutely right.

Ah, i també en els guions que sempre posa Joss,

Ah, and also in the scripts that Joss always writes,

posa les tres primeres lletres del nom de qui sigui

put the first three letters of anyone's name

que soc jo, posa Joss,

that I am, put Joss,

ell en els guions posava Ton, era ell,

he put Ton in the scripts, it was him,

i jo, Joss, era jo, i això ho he mantingut.

And I, Joss, it was me, and I have kept this.

I no sé què més coses contar-te.

I don't know what else to tell you.

Bé, t'estic dient a nivell de ràdio,

Well, I'm telling you at the radio level,

però a nivell de company de treball també vaig aprendre moltes coses

but at the level of a coworker, I also learned a lot of things.

perquè ell es comportava d'una manera molt digna

because he behaved in a very dignified manner

i de ser un bon company,

and to be a good friend,

i recorda que entravem a protestar al despatx de Jaume Millas,

and remember that we entered to protest at Jaume Millas' office,

hola Jaume, si estàs escoltat,

hello Jaume, if you are listening,

perquè Toni era molt exigent,

because Toni was very demanding,

i ell em deia,

and he used to tell me,

tu darrere de mi,

you behind me,

perquè tu tens un contracte de col·laboradora i jo soc fix,

because you have a collaboration contract and I am permanent,

i jo vaig a donar la cara.

And I am going to face it.

I entravem els dos al despatx i ell començava a dir-li tot això.

We both entered the office and he started to tell him all of this.

És que és bonic aprendre totes aquestes coses d'una generació a una altra,

It is beautiful to learn all these things from one generation to another.

i jo vaig tindre eixa sort i moltes voltes no ho vaig fer.

And I had that luck, and many times I didn't do it.

En temps d'hivern, bona sopa i vi calent.

In wintertime, good soup and warm wine.

I a les 3 en punt cada dia,

And at 3 o'clock every day,

de dalt a baix, per a la bona gent.

From top to bottom, for good people.

Des de Castelló de la Plana, València, Alacant i Ells Crevillent,

From Castelló de la Plana, Valencia, Alicante, and Crevillent.

creuant les zones valencianes com un vaixell blanc de dalt a baix.

crossing the Valencian areas like a white ship from top to bottom.

De dalt a baix, l'alegria de la ràdio en valencià.

From top to bottom, the joy of the radio in Valencian.

I ja podem dir que pràcticament tots, tots els cantants, o quasi tots,

And we can already say that practically all, all the singers, or almost all,

tenen poemes de l'Estellès en el seu repertori.

they have poems by Estellès in their repertoire.

I tu d'això te'ho esperaves quan fa 20-30 anys escrivies en el silenci, en l'exili interior?

And did you expect this when 20-30 years ago you were writing in silence, in internal exile?

Jo no pensava en aquestes coses.

I wasn't thinking about these things.

Tenia secretament alguna il·lusió, però no esperava que arribara mai a aquest moment.

I secretly had some hope, but I never expected to reach this moment.

Pensaves que aquells poemes algun dia eixirien a llum,

Did you think that those poems would one day come to light,

però que no serien cantats i diforsos pels mitjans de comunicació.

but they would not be sung and broadcast by the media.

I encara recordo, encara conserve, com una cosa que em dona molta alegria,

And I still remember, I still keep, as something that gives me a lot of joy,

les cartes que em va...

the letters that you sent me...

No hem d'estar tristos, no és que avui s'acabi una etapa de dalt a baix.

We should not be sad, it's not that today marks the end of a stage from top to bottom.

Mira, enguany, 1989, en setembre, l'any número 15 de la història del programa.

Look, this year, 1989, in September, the 15th year in the history of the program.

Fa 15 anys que va néixer.

He was born 15 years ago.

Va començar a l'agost.

It started in August.

Farem l'aniversari.

We will celebrate the anniversary.

L'agost farà 15 anys.

In August, it will be 15 years.

Farà 15 anys.

It will be 15 years.

I mira, no saps la de Vax i la de Tropeçons que ha pegat el de dalt a baix en 15 anys

And look, you don’t know how many times Vax and Tropeçons have hit from top to bottom in 15 years.

i la gent que ha hagut d'aguantar i també l'alegria.

and the people who have had to endure and also the joy.

L'alegria que hem tingut i tindre gent estupenda formant part del programa

The joy we have had and will have with wonderful people being part of the program.

i la gran quantitat...

and the large quantity...

És una delícia escoltar com sona la ràdio dels 80,

It's a delight to listen to how the radio from the 80s sounds.

aquest gra que té encara, aquestes gravacions que hem pogut trobar de Toni Mestre.

this grain that he still has, these recordings we have been able to find of Toni Mestre.

El programa de ràdio del que estem parlant va tindre diferents etapes,

The radio program we are talking about had different stages,

va tindre diferents noms, en diferents emissores de ràdio nacional

it had different names on different national radio stations

anava canviant, Ràdio 4, Ràdio Ciela, Ràdio 4, Ràdio Cadena,

was changing, Radio 4, Radio Ciela, Radio 4, Radio Chain,

Ràdio 5, però en tots els programes, en tots els llocs on se'ls podia escoltar

Radio 5, but in all the programs, in all the places where it could be heard.

i el que ara estem veient, revisant els arxius, és que Toni Mestre era un verbori.

And what we are now seeing, reviewing the files, is that Toni Mestre was a big talker.

És a dir, el silenci per ell, sembla que li feia pànic.

That is to say, silence for him seemed to fill him with panic.

Silenci? Ni un segon de silenci, per favor.

Silence? Not a second of silence, please.

Pànic, entrava un atac de pànic.

Panic, a panic attack was coming on.

Jo crec que això després se'ns ha encomanat a tots, que sents un buit de no res.

I think that this has then been passed on to all of us, that you feel an emptiness of nothingness.

No parava de parlar.

He/She would not stop talking.

No parava d'explicar coses i, a més, saps què passa?

He wouldn't stop explaining things and, moreover, do you know what happens?

Que, com molts dels convidats que venien, que eren personalitats importants,

That, like many of the guests who were coming, who were important personalities,

eren amics d'ells, moltes voltes, més que una entrevista, es posaven a raonar, saps?

They were friends of theirs, many times, more than an interview, they would start reasoning, you know?

Pensa que per allí passava Estelles a tot hora, que eren molt amics.

Think that Estelles passed by there all the time, as they were very good friends.

Me'n recordo molt de Francesc Ferrer Pastor, que venia en una furgoneta plena

I remember very well Francesc Ferrer Pastor, who came in a van full.

de diccionaris blancs i blaus, per a què els regalàrem.

of white and blue dictionaries, why we gifted them.

I era una festa quan venia Enric Valor, Matilde Salvador, Andreu Alfaro,

It was a celebration when Enric Valor, Matilde Salvador, Andreu Alfaro, came.

Marc Granell, per descomptat, que era superjove.

Marc Granell, of course, was super young.

Benet, Enric Soleri, Godes, Raimon, Maria del Mar...

Benet, Enric Soleri, Godes, Raimon, Maria del Mar...

I eren amics. Aleshores es posaven allí a raonar,

And they were friends. Then they would sit there to reason.

jo estava allí escoltant de tant en tant, clavava cullerada,

I was there listening from time to time, chiming in.

però era sense parar de parlar. Poca música i molta expressió oral.

but it was nonstop talking. Little music and a lot of oral expression.

Mira, Maria Josep, així sembla que estàveu folletjant un llibre de fotos de Benidorm,

Look, Maria Josep, it seems you were browsing a photo book of Benidorm.

que arribaria, m'imagino, a la ràdio, li enviarien a Toni.

that would arrive, I imagine, at the radio, they would send it to Toni.

Mira quin llibre que és, també, La mar de Boní.

Look at what book it is, also, The Sea of Boní.



És un catàleg de fotografies de pàtria.

It is a catalog of photographs of the homeland.

És un catàleg que va passar per Benidorm fa 30 anys,

It's a catalog that passed through Benidorm 30 years ago,

per primera vegada, i va fer unes fotos.

for the first time, and he took some photos.

Perquè es va quedar meravellada d'aquella població.

Because she was amazed by that town.

D'aquella població, que era un poblet,

From that population, which was a small village,

d'aquelles platges, d'aquest paisatge, que estaven intactes.

from those beaches, from this landscape, that were intact.

Hi havia una caseta en tota la platja de Llevant,

There was a little house on the entire Llevant beach,

tota la serra gelada estava sense edificar.

the whole frozen mountain range was undeveloped.

Imagina't com ha canviat la manera de fer ràdio.

Imagine how much the way of making radio has changed.

Arribava un llibre que ens agradava,

A book that we liked was arriving,

i comentant aquest llibre podíem estar un quart d'hora.

And commenting on this book we could be here for a quarter of an hour.

Ara, la ràdio és molt...

Now, the radio is very...

va anar més ràpida, els continguts van molt de pressa,

it went faster, the contents are very fast,

i ahir no, ahir era una tranquil·litat.

And yesterday, no, yesterday was a calmness.

Com si tingués tot el temps del món, no?

Like I had all the time in the world, right?

No ho sé, potser ho trobo una miqueta faltat,

I don't know, perhaps I find it a bit lacking.

perquè ara anem sempre corrents, corrents, corrents.

because now we are always running, running, running.

En fi.


I així estava molt enfadat Toni, perquè el programa s'acabava.

And so Toni was very angry because the program was ending.

La seva reacció va ser d'una dignitat impressionant,

Her reaction was of impressive dignity,

i molt llesca, crec que va ser.

and very slice, I think it was.

Es va dedicar a recitar, a nomenar,

He dedicated himself to reciting, to naming,

totes les comarques del País Valencià,

all the regions of the Valencian Country,

amb tots els noms dels pobles,

with all the names of the villages,

acomiadant-se poble a poble.

saying goodbye village by village.

Em va parecer impressionant.

I found it impressive.

Les amigues, i veiem que encara ens queden comarques

The friends, and we see that we still have regions left.

tan poblades i tan importants com l'Horta,

so populated and so important as the Horta,

com el Camp de Morvedre, com la Ribera Alta,

like the Camp de Morvedre, like the Ribera Alta,

a tots, amigues i amics, vos recordem i vos esperem.

To all, friends, we remember you and we await you.

Què vos passa, què vos passa,

What is happening to you, what is happening to you,

què vos passa, valencians?

What is happening to you, Valencians?

El nostre país vol viure

Our country wants to live.

sense perdre la identitat.

without losing identity.

Toni escriu eixa cançó i l'ofereix perquè ell escrivia, feia lletres...

Toni writes that song and offers it because he wrote, made lyrics...

Paco Muñoz, cantant.

Paco Muñoz, singer.

I en un primer moment, inclús, crec que li vam oferir

And at first, I even think we offered him.

el tall que estaves començant, però en aquell moment el tall

the cut you were starting, but at that moment the cut

estava molt més en la idea de recuperar cançons.

I was much more into the idea of recovering songs.

I va ser una sort, diguerem que no.

It was a luck, we would say not.

Llavors el Toni me la va passar a mi

Then Toni passed it to me.

i jo en un primer moment li vaig dir que m'agradava molt,

and I initially told him that I liked him a lot,

però que em tenia que deixar retocar coses.

but I had to let them touch up things.

La lletra en un primer moment era molt més radical.

The lyrics were much more radical at first.

I me diu que sí.

He/she tells me yes.

I jo retoque i ja li posa la música.

And I retouch and he/she already puts the music on.

Fins ara.

Until now.

I em diu,

And they call me,

T'he enviat un d'aquests cíklets de lluita

I've sent you one of these fighting cíklets.

en un poble nostre revoltat,

in a village of ours revolted,

ara saps com la noblesa demostra la lleialtat.

Now you know how nobility demonstrates loyalty.

T'he empatit segles de lluita,

I have empathized with centuries of struggle,

de matances i d'espatlles,

of slaughters and of shoulders,

perquè un poble nascut lliure

because a people born free

no s'ha viure empresonat.

one should not live imprisoned.

Què vos passa, què vos passa,

What happens to you, what happens to you,

Què te pareix?

What do you think?

Molt bé.

Very good.

12 anys fa que mori.

He died 12 years ago.



12 anys.

12 years.

Frederic Martí Guillamón, escriptor i home de teatre.

Frederic Martí Guillamón, writer and man of theater.

Té prop de 90 anys i en va compartir més de 40 de vida amb Toni Mestre.

She is nearly 90 years old and spent more than 40 years of her life with Toni Mestre.

Ja hem escoltat la seva veu.

We have already heard their voice.

Ara el veiem mentre avança a poc a poc pel passadís de la ràdio.

Now we see him as he moves slowly down the radio corridor.

L'acompanya el seu nebot, Pere Beneito.

He is accompanied by his nephew, Pere Beneito.

Paren davant el rètol que té el nom de Toni Mestre.

They stop in front of the sign that has the name Toni Mestre.

Poquet i Camps l'observen.

Poquet and Camps observe him.

Maria Llosa, com recordes la parella de Toni Mestre i Frederic Martí?

Maria Llosa, how do you remember the couple of Toni Mestre and Frederic Martí?

Sempre junts, sempre, sempre, sempre anaven junts.

Always together, always, always, they always went together.

On anava la corda anava el poal.

Where the rope went, the bucket followed.

Frederic venia a recollir a Toni al treball tots els dies de l'any.

Frederic came to pick up Toni from work every day of the year.

Jo sabia que s'acabava l'horari perquè 20 minuts abans entrava Frederic,

I knew the schedule was ending because Frederic would come in 20 minutes earlier.

hola, amb les mans a l'esquena, que encara les du,

hello, with hands behind the back, which he still has.

i ens passejava i ja sabien que era l'hora.

And I was strolling, and they already knew it was time.

Era l'hora de replegar.

It was time to regroup.

I la combinació era una combinació estupenda.

And the combination was a wonderful combination.

Frederic era la fantasia, començava a contar una cosa i l'adornava molt.

Frederic was the fantasy; he would start telling something and embellish it a lot.

I Toni era el que tenia els peus en terra i el corregia una miqueta.

I Toni was the one who had his feet on the ground and corrected him a little.

Afinava la versió, diguem, per a que fos més realista.

He fine-tuned the version, let's say, to make it more realistic.

Era una parella estupenda i Toni també era molt divertit.

They were a great couple and Toni was also very funny.

No perquè diga que tenia els peus a la terra no era divertit.

Just because I said he had his feet on the ground didn't mean it was funny.

I bé, i recorda en especial,

And well, remember especially,

alguns dies que ells no em deixaven que me n'anara a agafar l'autobús a soles.

Some days they wouldn't let me go catch the bus alone.

Estàvem en el carrer del Miracle, en el centre de València,

We were on Miracle Street, in the center of Valencia,

i jo agafava l'autobús a la plaça de la Reina,

and I would take the bus at the Queen's Square,

i ells es diuen, no deixes a la xiqueta, jo era la xiqueta,

and they say, don't leave the girl, I was the girl,

no deixes a la xiqueta que se'n vaig a soles a agafar l'autobús.

Don't let the girl go alone to catch the bus.

Perquè a voltes hi havia grups del GAP i grups d'estos que venien a insultar-lo,

Because sometimes there were GAP groups and groups like these that came to insult him,

i a més que insults.

and more than insults.

Estaven en una batalla de València,

They were in a battle in Valencia,

i fer ràdio en València no era tan...

And doing radio in Valencia wasn't so...

Fàcil com ho tenim nosaltres ara.

Easy as we have it now.

Que va, en absolut. Allí hi havia...

No way, not at all. There was...

Era una situació molt de tempesta, no?

It was a very stormy situation, wasn't it?

Era la batalla de València,

It was the battle of Valencia,

els vuitanta de la ciutat de València eren complicats.

The eighties in the city of Valencia were complicated.

Era un caràcter estrany, raro,

He had a strange, rare character,

i de molts contrastos.

and of many contrasts.

S'hi cabrejava per coses que nunca ha averiguat,

He would get angry about things he never figured out.

i després tornava al seu lloc,

and then returned to his place,

i continuàvem a ser les...

and we continued to be the...

Vam rebaixar moltes faltes, lògicament.

We lowered many faults, logically.

La veu de Toni Mestre era...

Toni Mestre's voice was...

la veu de Toni Mestre.

the voice of Toni Mestre.

Ens queden pocs minuts, però no podem oblidar

We have only a few minutes left, but we cannot forget.

l'últim espai de llengua en salsa,

the last language space in sauce,

que és un dels espais més interessants,

that is one of the most interesting spaces,

perquè és aquell que ens obliga a fer un repàs del nostre vocabulari

because it is that which forces us to review our vocabulary

més elemental, més quotidià.

more elementary, more everyday.



Clar, en el moment que Toni Mestre fa el programa,

Of course, at the moment Toni Mestre does the program,

per difondre València,

to spread Valencia,

en l'any 74...

in the year 74...

Home, això té mèrit per l'època en què era,

Man, this is quite an achievement for the time it was made.

perquè encara no estem en democràcia.

because we are still not in democracy.

Al mateix temps, també ens ve a dir que allò estava morint-se,

At the same time, it also tells us that it was dying.

i que suposa que aquestes coses, en certa mesura,

and it implies that these things, to a certain extent,

eren un símbol que la dictadura estava morint-se,

they were a symbol that the dictatorship was dying.

i que això estava condenat ja a acabar de forma democràtica.

and that this was already doomed to end democratically.

I m'agradaria saber la interhistòria,

I would like to know the interhistory.

perquè sí que és una cosa que no conec com Toni Mestre

because it is indeed something I do not know like Toni Mestre

el convéns a qui siga o qui siga a la Jua.

You convince whoever it may be at the Jua.

Mercedes de l'Eliana, què tal, com esteu ahir?

Mercedes from l'Eliana, how are you doing yesterday?

Fa calor, eh?

It's hot, isn't it?

Bé, sí, molt bona temperatura.

Well, yes, very good temperature.


Very good.

Escolta, Mercedes, de què estem parlant?

Listen, Mercedes, what are we talking about?

Jo crec que esteu parlant del recibo, però...

I think you are talking about the bill, but...

No, no estem parlant del recibo,

No, we are not talking about the receipt.

perquè en principi recibo no és paraula valenciana,

because in principle "recibo" is not a Valencian word,

és una paraula castellana.

It's a Spanish word.

I per tant, el que estem buscant és la forma,

And therefore, what we are looking for is the way,

valenciana correcta, per eliminar la castellana,

correct Valencian, to eliminate the Castilian,

no sigui que un dia vinguin i ens passin recibo,

lest one day they come and bill us.

eh?, i poder parlar tranquil·lament amb paraules valencianes nostres

eh?, and to be able to speak calmly with our Valencian words

que en tenim i no ens cal emprar paraules d'altres.

that we have and do not need to use words from others.

Doncs no és recibo, recibo és el castellanisme.

Well, it's not recibo, recibo is the Spanishism. Daltavall, una emissora lligada a Ràdio Nacional d'Espanya,

...of Daltavall, a station linked to Radio Nacional de España,

on comença no únicament, és un programa de ràdio...

It doesn't only start, it's a radio program...

Rubén Trenzano, director general de Puigdemont,

Rubén Trenzano, general director of Puigdemont.

director general de Política Lingüística.

Director General of Language Policy.

...un programa amb un paper fortament didàctic, educatiu,

...a program with a strongly didactic, educational role,

és a dir, allí és on les persones del moment comencen a saber

That is to say, that is where the people of the moment start to know.

què és correcte, què no és correcte, com s'ha de parlar,

what is correct, what is not correct, how one should speak,

com no s'ha de parlar, allò que uns anys després

how not to speak, that which a few years later

es trobarien els alumnes als nostres centres educatius,

students would meet at our educational centers,

comença la ràdio ja de la mà de Toni Mestre.

The radio starts now with Toni Mestre.

Llengua en salsa.

Tongue in sauce.

En una època en què hi havia poca oferta televisiva

In an era when there was little television programming

i el consum de la ràdio parlada era encara massiu,

and the consumption of spoken radio was still massive,

la figura de Toni Mestre va transcendir més enllà de les zones.

The figure of Toni Mestre transcended beyond the zones.

El seu compromís cívic el va portar a participar en tot tipus d'actes públics,

His civic commitment led him to participate in all kinds of public events,

presentacions, conferències, lloraments de premis...

presentations, conferences, award ceremonies...

La rabosa i el cor.

The fox and the heart.

Això va anar i era.

This went and was.

Fa molts anys que es va esdevenir,

It happened many years ago,

i va passar precisament en un indret de la majestuosa serra de Castella.

It happened precisely in a place of the majestic Sierra de Castilla.

Ja sabeu tots com és la rabosa.

You all know what a fox is like.

Té un cos molt llarg i pelut,

It has a very long and hairy body,

unes cames molt lleugeres,

very light legs,

una cua grossa i esterrufada de pèls molt llargs

a thick and messy tail of very long fur

i un morret molt prim que li dona,

and a very skinny little nose that gives him,

amb els ulls verdosos i llempeguejants,

with greenish and shimmering eyes,

un aspecte ben astut.

A very cunning aspect.

Era un home de micro.

He was a microphone man.

Tècnicament era perfecte.

Technically it was perfect.

Recordo que a la Fira de Xat hi va haver un follo horrorós,

I remember that at the Chat Fair there was a horrible incident.

5.000 tios borratxos amb la mà,

5,000 drunk guys with their hands,

i jo el veia i deia

and I saw him and said

«Ai, pobre meu, i si t'entràs a fer callar a estos besties?».

"Ah, my poor one, what if you went in to make these beasts quiet?"

Es va fer callar.

He was silenced.

Agafava el micro i deia «bona nit» i se callava.

He took the microphone and said "good night" and then fell silent.

Sí, sí, té unes ales fortes

Yes, yes, it has strong wings.

i aquell color de les nits.

and that color of the nights.

De temporal.

Of temporary.

Ah, però tanmateix té un gran defecte.

Ah, but nevertheless it has a major flaw.

El primer locutor dels Premis Octubre va ser Vicenç Soler,

The first announcer of the October Awards was Vicenç Soler.

el conseller, el conductor.

the counselor, the driver.

Però el segon ja va ser Toni Mestre i Mari Josep Poquet,

But the second was Toni Mestre and Mari Josep Poquet,

que crec que està per ahí.

that I think is around there.

Era el símbol dels Premis Octubre,

It was the symbol of the October Awards,

Toni Mestre i Mari Josep Poquet.

Toni Mestre and Mari Josep Poquet.

De fet, va ser en un dels Premis

In fact, it was at one of the Awards.

que el Paco Burguera va girar allà i va dir

that Paco Burguera turned there and said

«Andreu Alfaro, escolta,

"Andreu Alfaro, listen,"

hauràs de fer una escultura pels Premis Octubre»,

"You will have to create a sculpture for the October Awards."

que és la famosa o coneguda escultura

what is the famous or well-known sculpture

que donem cada any, des de fa 47,

that we give every year, for 47 years now,

a la gent que guanya el Premi Fuster,

to the people who win the Fuster Prize,

Estellers, etcètera, etcètera.

Estellers, etcetera, etcetera.

Com eren les nits dels Premis Octubre?

What were the nights of the October Awards like?

Uh, això era una festassa.

Uh, that was a big party.

Era una celebració de les lletres,

It was a celebration of the letters,

que li agradava dir a Toni en les presentacions.

that Toni liked to say in presentations.

Ens mudàvem.

We were moving.

Toni era molt presumit, eh?

Toni was very vain, wasn't he?

Una persona molt pulcra i li agradava vestir bé.

A very neat person who liked to dress well.

Anavem molt mudats perquè era un any molt important

We were very dressed up because it was a very important year.

i es concentrava molta gent del món de la cultura

And a lot of people from the cultural world gathered.

i, a més, els Premis literaris en si tenien molt de prestigi.

And, moreover, the literary awards themselves held a lot of prestige.

I aleshores anàvem allí a conduir l'acte

And then we went there to lead the event.

i a passar-nos-ho bé.

and to have a good time.

I ens ho passàvem bé.

And we had a great time.

Recordo en especial una edició,

I especially remember one edition,

perquè, clar, pensa que jo era joveneta en aquella època.

Because, of course, think that I was young at that time.

Estava un poc com una cabra.

It was a bit like a goat.

I a Toni.

And Toni.

No li importava en absolut.

It didn't matter to him at all.

I ideàrem canviar tots els títols.

We planned to change all the titles.

En una edició dels Premis Octubre

In an edition of the October Awards

canviàrem els títols de les obres que s'havien presentat.

We changed the titles of the works that had been submitted.

Assaj, poesia i narrativa.

Essay, poetry, and narrative.

I, aleshores, quan eixíem i li diem al públic

I, then, when we went out and told the audience

que el jurat ha triat, ha seleccionat aquestes obres,

that the jury has chosen, has selected these works,

diem el títol i la gent apuntava en un llibret que tenia la puntuació.

We said the title and the people took notes in a notebook that had the punctuation.

Canviàrem tots els títols de manera que la gent no trobava...

We changed all the titles so that people couldn't find...

Era una broma que se'ns va conèixer.

It was a joke that we got to know.

I recorda encara un títol que el va posar Toni, d'assaj,

And remember a title that Toni gave it, of an essay,

que era «Naviolant d'Hongria i la perestroika del seu temps».

that was "Naviolant of Hungary and the perestroika of his time."

Total, que així la gent no trobava els títols

In short, people couldn't find the titles this way.

i, al final, ho hagueren de deixar,

and in the end, they had to leave it.

perquè no li ho havíem advertit al senyor editor o a l'Eliseu.

because we hadn't informed the editor or Eliseu about it.

Sí que estava en la conxorxa Emili Pallà

Yes, Emili Pallà was indeed in the conspiracy.

i Emili va dir «per favor, anem a canviar-ho,

and Emili said, "please, let's change it,"

perquè sí que passarà alguna cosa».

"because something will indeed happen."

Molt divertides.

Very fun.

I acabàvem al Negrito fent-nos una aigua de valença.

And we ended up at Negrito having a valença water.

Te'n recordes?

Do you remember?

Me'n recordo, perfectament.

I remember perfectly.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Esteu escoltant Singulars.

You are listening to Singulars.

Avui, Toni Mestre.

Today, Toni Mestre.

Passeges la ciutat, la teua i nostra,

You walk through the city, yours and ours,

places, carrers, mercats que t'acompanyen.

places, streets, markets that accompany you.

Veig del temps present i de la història

I see from the present time and from history.

a cada pas que fas una enyorança.

with every step you take, a longing.

A cada ingrés d'un món escenari

At each entrance of a world stage

els records agrafats com una pluja.

the memories gathered like rain.

El xiquet que va ser una placeta

The boy who was a small square

a uns llocs tan diferents.

to such different places.

Aquella llengua...

That language...



Lluís Miquel, cantant i actor.

Lluís Miquel, singer and actor.

En passeig per la ciutat era un poema

A stroll through the city was a poem.

que tenia escrit el Toni Mestre.

that Toni Mestre had written.

Va dir que se l'havia passat no sé a qui

He said he had passed it to I don’t know who.

i que l'havia cantat una vegada

and that I had sung it once

però aquell xic es va retirar ja del món de la cançó

but that guy has already withdrawn from the world of music

i no la...

and not the...

I aleshores jo li vaig passar el poema

And then I passed him the poem.

que em va agradar molt.

I liked it a lot.

Inclús van canviar i vaig demanar permís

They even changed, and I asked for permission.

per a canviar alguna paraula del poema.

to change a word in the poem.

Era posar-ho més al dia, saps?

It was to update it more, you know?

Que fora més quotidià, diguem.

That would be more everyday, let's say.

Li va posar música a Enri Murillo,

He set music to Enri Murillo.

que era un dels meus pianistes i compositors i tal, no?

that he was one of my pianists and composers and so on, right?

I que treballava en moltes coses, no?

And I worked in many things, right?

I després ja vas tindre la idea

And then you had the idea.

de fer l'espectacle dels nostres poetes

to put on the show of our poets

i sí que volia que estiguessin

and yes, I wanted them to be there

a sols auxiliar-se al poema, no?

Just to assist the poem, right?



No només auxiliars Marc o Estellés o tal o qual,

Not only auxiliaries Marc or Estellés or so-and-so,

sinó també volia que estiguera Toni Mestre

but I also wanted Toni Mestre to be there

representat de bastra a bastra i això,

representative from one end to the other and this,

però Toni Mestre em va fer algunes adaptacions

but Toni Mestre made some adaptations for me

també de lletres,

also from letters,

d'algunes cançons que tinc enregistrades en discos i tal.

of some songs that I have recorded on discs and such.

He treballat molt en ell.

I have worked hard on it.

Va ser una pèrdua que va sentir molt, moltíssim

It was a loss that he felt very, very deeply.



i hem perdut massa pront.

and we have lost too soon.

Jo el definiria com un home de país,

I would define him as a man of the country,

un home de poble.

a man from the village.

En si mateix pense que el seu missatge era vertebrador.

In itself, I think that his message was unifying.

Pere Beneito, nebot de Toni Mestre.

Pere Beneito, nephew of Toni Mestre.

Que volgués difondre molt bé la nostra cultura

That he wanted to promote our culture very well.

i la idea de la Mediterraneïtat, m'imagino.

And the idea of Mediterranean-ness, I imagine.

Va ser una persona que, a més,

It was a person who, moreover,

va tindre els mitjans perfectes

he had the perfect means

per a, evidentment, difondre

for, evidently, to spread



el que fem ara mateix de...

what we are doing right now of...



la idea de vertebrar el país.

the idea of structuring the country.

Jo recorde d'haver anat a Daltabaix moltes vegades

I remember having gone to Daltabaix many times.

per a presentar algun concert.

to present some concert.

A veure, el 66,

Let's see, the 66,

que mos van detingre per una actuació

that they detained us for an action

precisament en Raimond

precisely Raimond

en el Cinema Artis de València,

at the Artis Cinema in Valencia,

i que se va acabar la cançó.

and that the song is over.

Que se va acabar l'actuació

The performance has come to an end.

i l'endemà va vindre la policia,

and the next day the police came,

me va agarrar,

he grabbed me,

me va dur l'accepatura, etc.

he took me to the acceptance, etc.

I a tots els 4Z i a Raimond,

And to all the 4Z and to Raimond,

perquè ells havien anat a Barcelona després.

because they had gone to Barcelona afterwards.

A partir d'ahir,

Starting from yesterday,

mos prohibiren actuar en València.

they forbade us to perform in Valencia.

I vas començar a cantar a Travegar,

And you started singing at Travegar,

ja com a Lluís Miquel i els 4Z,

as Lluís Miquel and the 4Z do,

a l'any 76,

in the year 76,

quan la UCD, quan, diguem,

when the UCD, when, let's say,

el començament de la transició,

the beginning of the transition,

que diuen que no era tal transició,

they say it was not such a transition,

perquè tots els que estaven en escàrrecs

because all those who were in the boat

d'emissores de ràdio, etc., etc.,

of radio stations, etc., etc.,

la majoria, clar, on venia?

the majority, of course, where did it come from?

Venien del franquisme.

They were coming from Francoism.

Del franquisme pur i dur.

From pure and harsh Francoism.

A les hores, clar, allí,

At the time, of course, there.

aquí estava en Ràdio Nacional,

here I was at National Radio,

perquè hi havia persones excel·lents

because there were excellent people

i hi havia persones que políticament

and there were people who politically

no eren de l'acord,

they were not in agreement,

eren nostres, com a mínim.

they were ours, at least.

Tot allà, a la transició,

All the way there, to the transition,

hi va haver grans púrguers,

there were great purges,

púrguers de gent.

purgers of people.

I, a més, va coincidir

And, moreover, it happened to coincide.

en la terrible batalla de València,

in the terrible battle of Valencia,

això era horrorós,

this was horrifying,

que anaves pel carrer

that you were walking down the street

i el tio tenia catalanista

And the guy was a Catalan nationalist.

i no sé quant i tal,

and I don’t know how much and such,

i no entenies per què.

and you didn't understand why.

És que era una època terrible.

It was a terrible time.

El compromís cívic de Toni Mestre

The civic commitment of Toni Mestre

el porta a escriure lletres combatives,

it leads him to write combative letters,

com ara les cançons que estem sentint,

like the songs we are listening to now,

però també poesia del jo,

but also poetry of the self,

amb la mateixa exquisidesa

with the same exquisite taste

a l'hora d'usar el llenguatge

when it comes to using language

que el va acompanyar tota la vida.

that accompanied him/her throughout life.

Maria Josep Poquet

Maria Josep Poquet

ha triat una d'estes peces.

he has chosen one of these pieces.

Vaig llegir un poema que es diu

I read a poem called

Resum del llibre Fletxes de vent

Summary of the book Wind Arrows

de Toni Mestre,

by Toni Mestre,

amb el qual va guanyar el Premi Jordi de Sant Jordi

with which he won the Jordi de Sant Jordi Prize

del 1988,

from 1988,

que té el pròleg de Vicent Andrés Estellés.

that has the prologue by Vicent Andrés Estellés.



Un jord vindrà i et trobaràs atòmit,

A day will come and you will find yourself atomized,

com desvalgut,

as if abandoned,

al mig d'una gran plaça.

in the middle of a large square.

El cridaran en veus sense paraules

They will call him in voices without words.

i hi acudiràs benignament i dòcil.

And you will come kindly and docile.

Qui ets faran

Who are they going to make?

i no sabràs què dirlos.

and you won't know what to say to them.

Què vals?

What are you worth?

Voldran saber en curiosits.

They will want to know out of curiosity.

I respondràs

You will respond.

ni soc ni valc, sol ser que m'estimaren

neither am I nor will I, only that they loved me.

i un temps vaig ser feliç.

And at one time I was happy.

I en la gent de Limara

And in the people of Limara.

Toni Mestre també ballava.

Toni Mestre also danced.

També ballava, no molt,

She also danced, not much,

però ballava, perquè una vegada

but she danced, because once

van vindre unes donetes

Some ladies came.

de Benimoda.

from Benimoda.

I una diu

And one says

¿Ese es Toni Mestre?

Is that Toni Mestre?

Pues él que parle, que parle,

Well, let him speak, let him speak,

no que balle.

not that dance.

Y arriba de la guitarra

And above the guitar

y arriba de la guitarra

and it arrives on the guitar

i és tan ballant, xique, xique.

And it's so dancing, boy, boy.



va repicant les postisses

was ringing the false teeth

y arriba de la guitarra

and it arrives from the guitar

va repicant les postisses

kept ringing the false teeth

i arriba de la guitarra

and comes from the guitar

va repicant les postisses

was ringing the false teeth

Molt mal, però ballava.

Very bad, but he/she danced.

I de què era Toni Mestre?

And what was Toni Mestre?

Recordo una nit de la Mare de Déu,

I remember a night of the Virgin Mary,

que havia plogut per el carrer del Micalet,

that it had rained on Micalet street,

i totes les maries...

and all the Maries...

Mira, mira, mira, Toni Mestre, no, que no és.

Look, look, look, Toni Mestre, no, that's not it.

I que sí, és que no és.

And yes, it's just that it isn't.

I jo anava a regar, i Toni pega un esbaró i se cau.

And I was going to water, and Toni trips and falls.

Veus? Si fos Toni Mestre no sabria què era.

You see? If it were Toni Mestre, he wouldn't know what it was.

La despedida a Bostones

The farewell to Bostones

Quan tocava la guitarra

When I played the guitar

I cantava el tío Palero

I sang Uncle Palero.

La granaina s'acaba

The granaina ends.

La despedida a Bostones

The farewell to Bostones

La granaina s'acaba

The granaina comes to an end.

La despedida a Bostones

The farewell in Bostones

Esteu escoltant Singulars.

You are listening to Singulars.

Avui, Toni Mestre.

Today, Toni Mestre.

Ai, Lluís Llach, quina cançó més bonica.

Oh, Lluís Llach, what a beautiful song.

Però una miqueta així, massa íntima, un poc trista, no?

But a little like this, too intimate, a bit sad, isn’t it?

No hem d'estar tristes, no?

We shouldn't be sad, right?

No, no.

No, no.

Avui s'acaba una etapa de dalt a baix.

Today marks the end of a top-down phase.

Mira, enguany, 1989, en setembre,

Look, this year, 1989, in September,

l'any número 15 de la història del programa.

the 15th year in the history of the program.

Fa 15 anys.

Fifteen years ago.

Però ja quin mes.

But what month already.

Què va anar a eixir?

What was going to come out?

Va començar a l'agost.

It started in August.

A l'agost.

In August.

Farem l'aniversari.

We will celebrate the anniversary.

Farà 15 anys.

It will be 15 years.

I, mira, no saps la de Vax i la de Tropeçons

I, look, you have no idea about Vax and Tropeçons.

que ha pegat el dalt a baix en 15 anys

that has hit top to bottom in 15 years

i la gent que ha hagut d'aguantar i també l'alegria.

and the people who have had to endure and also the joy.

Recordes aquest dia, Mari Josep?

Do you remember this day, Mari Josep?

Sí, és que ahir es va crear Ràdio 4 i Ràdio 5

Yes, Radio 4 and Radio 5 were created yesterday.

que depenien de Ràdio Nacional, es desdoblava,

that depended on Ràdio Nacional, was split,

aleshores un poc se paraven.

then they would stop for a moment.

A mi m'enviaven a omplir una hora o dues

They would send me to fill in an hour or two.

que no sabien ni què era,

that they didn't even know what it was,

perquè no sabien,

because they did not know,

de què anava el programa.

what the program was about.

Ens separàvem d'ell i era un poc la primera fase

We were separating from him and it was a bit like the first phase.

d'anar carregant-se de dalt a baix.

of loading from top to bottom.

I així va ser en poc de temps.

And so it was in a short time.

Pocs mesos després tu deixaves Ràdio Nacional

Few months later you left Ràdio Nacional.

per incorporar-te a la primera plantilla de Canal Nou Ràdio.

to join the first team of Canal Nou Radio.

Però Toni va quedar allà, no?

But Toni stayed there, didn't he?

I em fa l'efecte que va quedar una mica decebut

I get the impression that he was a bit disappointed.

del fet que no el cridàrem per anar a Canal Nou Ràdio.

from the fact that we didn't call him to go to Canal Nou Radio.

Com ho va viure això?

How did you experience this?

Ho va viure malament.

He lived it poorly.

A veure, ell em va recomanar que m'anés a Canal Nou Ràdio.

Let's see, he recommended that I go to Canal Nou Radio.

Jo vaig parlar amb ell i li vaig dir

I spoke with him and I told him.

Mira, Toni, m'han oferit que a mi ens havia greu

Look, Toni, they offered me that I felt bad.

anar-me'n de la cadena perquè jo tenia l'esperança

to leave the chain because I had hope

de tornar a treballar amb ell.

to work with him again.

Però ell ho veia més clar i em va dir

But he saw it more clearly and told me.

Ves-te'n d'ací perquè així no vas a progressar

Go away from here because you won't progress this way.

i no tornarem a treballar junts.

and we will not work together again.

O sigui, en aquest aspecte ell va ser molt generós.

That is to say, in this respect he was very generous.

I respecte a ell, ell estava dolgut.

And regarding him, he was hurt.

Decebut, però més que res dolgut.

Disappointed, but above all hurt.

Perquè ell tenia clar que no el volien,

Because he was clear that they didn't want him,

que el consideraven molest perquè era una persona molt independent.

that they found him annoying because he was a very independent person.

Ell actuava segons el que ell pensava que era just.

He acted according to what he thought was right.

I clar, una persona així no és gens manipulable

And of course, a person like that is not easily manipulated at all.

i no agradava en eixe moment.

and I didn't like it at that moment.

I jo penso que és molt dur que algú com Toni,

And I think it's very hard for someone like Toni,

que va fer tant per recuperar i dignificar la nostra llengua

who did so much to recover and dignify our language

i que va contribuir tantíssim en molts àmbits de la cultura popular,

and who contributed so much in many areas of popular culture,

se l'arraconara i se'l castigara com es va fer

he will be sidelined and punished as was done

perquè posar-lo a locutar a Bulletin en castellà

because to put it on Bulletin in Spanish

va ser una represàlia.

It was a reprisal.

Pensa que en eixe moment apareixen dos ràdios íntegrament en valencià,

Think that at that moment two radios appear entirely in Valencian,

que és Canal Nou Ràdio.

what is Canal Nou Radio.

I Ràdio 4, que també per a seguir i s'estel fa Ràdio Nacional 24 hores en valencià.

On Radio 4, which also follows and stars Radio Nacional 24 hours in Valencian.

Com és possible que la persona pionera de la ràdio en valencià,

How is it possible that the pioneering person of radio in Valencian,

amb el talent radiofònic que tenia i la cultura que tenia,

with the radio talent he had and the culture he had,

no tinguera cabuda en la programació de dos ràdios de 24 hores en valencià?

Wouldn't it fit into the programming of two 24-hour Valencian radios?

És que, per favor, és molt fort.

It's just that, please, it's very strong.

Els temps en Ràdio Nacional canviaven de manera

The times on Radio Nacional were changing in a way

inexorable. El programa de Toni Mestre va desaparèixer definitivament.

Inexorable. Toni Mestre's program disappeared definitively.

Frederic Martí, l'home que moltes voltes el va haver de rescatar en temps difícils,

Frederic Martí, the man who many times had to rescue him in difficult times,

quan fer ràdio en valencià no era fàcil...

when making radio in Valencian was not easy...

És un lluitador increïble.

He is an incredible fighter.

Va créixer davant de les més grans injustícies.

He grew up in the face of the greatest injustices.

Hi havia vegades que no podia eixir a la ràdio,

There were times when I couldn't go on the radio,

que l'esperaven a l'Avinguda de l'Oest,

that they were waiting for him at the West Avenue,

pandilletes de partiditos,

little party pancakes,

i em deia, vine per mi, que no puc eixir.

and he said to me, come for me, that I cannot go out.

I jo deia, bueno, vaig a per tu.

And I said, well, I'm coming for you.

Deix el cotxe en marxa, tu eixes ràpidament,

Leave the car running, you get out quickly,

te fiques en el cotxe i arreglamos.

You get in the car and we'll sort it out.

Frederic, deien, explica com van ser els últims anys de Toni davant dels micros.

Frederic, they said, explain how Toni's last years were in front of the microphones.

Acabaren els programes. No és que els tiraren a ells, és que s'acabaren.

The programs ended. It's not that they were canceled, it's that they finished.

I el soldat que guanyava, per dir-li a la tempestat,

And the soldier who won, to tell the storm,

però tot en la nostra ciutat són de 18 grados.

but everything in our city is 18 degrees.

Què és el que deia? Davant dels noticiaris, se'n tornava.

What was he saying? In front of the news broadcasts, he would turn back.

Eixe desencís va precipitar la seua jubilació.

That disappointment hastened his retirement.

De la ràdio, no de la vida cívica.

From the radio, not from civic life.

No del compromís amb la llengua i la cultura del país.

Not of the commitment to the language and culture of the country.

No amb res que tinguera a vore amb el fet de ser valencians.

Not with anything that had to do with being Valencians.

Sempre intentant respondre a la pregunta, què vos passa, valencians?

Always trying to answer the question, what is happening to you, Valencians?

Jo crec que estaria molt il·lusionat i molt orgullós

I think I would be very excited and very proud.

de tota la feina que s'està fent ara i, sobretot, s'està refent,

of all the work that is being done now and, above all, is being redone,

perquè es tractarà de refer el que s'ha desfet.

because it will be about restoring what has been undone.

No cal dir, com em sap de greu, que el meu estat de salut

It goes without saying, how sorry I am that my state of health

m'impedeix que estigui entre vosaltres.

it prevents me from being among you.

Em representa Maritza Poquet, que us dic aquestes ratlles...

I am represented by Maritza Poquet, who tells you these lines...

I em va acompanyar durant molts anys en les tasques radiofòniques.

He accompanied me for many years in radio tasks.

I el meu company, Frederic Martí, que replegarà en nom meu el Premi.

And my colleague, Frederic Martí, who will collect the award on my behalf.

Però, malgrat tot, estic content.

But, despite everything, I am happy.

Pel Premi i perquè veig que el col·lectiu de músics

For the award and because I see that the musicians' collective

i cantants valencians és viu i és mou.

The Valencian singers are alive and moving.

No es resigna l'emarginació criminal a que el sotmeteren uns en el passat

He does not resign himself to the criminal marginalization that some subjected him to in the past.

i d'altres en l'actualitat.

and others today.

A l'allunyament del públic a través de vedar la seua presència

To the distancing of the public by prohibiting their presence.

en els mitjans de comunicació públics,

in the public media,

ha algrat l'aparició constant de discos

It has pleased the constant appearance of records.

i l'aparició de noves promocions de músics i cantants valencians.

and the emergence of new promotions of Valencian musicians and singers.

Un públic que ja teníem i que ens van arrebatar miserablement

An audience that we already had and that they miserably took from us.

i que cal reconquistar al preu que siga.

and that must be reconquered at any cost.

La creació d'aquests premis, al costat d'altres iniciatives recents,

The creation of these awards, alongside other recent initiatives,

ens diuen que estem en el bon camí.

They tell us that we are on the right track.

Gràcies per haver-vos recordat de mi.

Thank you for remembering me.

Gràcies en nom de tots els que des de la ràdio i des del 1973

Thank you on behalf of all those who have been working at the radio since 1973.

fórem conscients de la importància que la música i la cançó

we were aware of the importance that music and song

tenen en la vida d'un poble

they have in the life of a village

i ens abocarem a la tasca de donar-li el suport i la difusió que es mereixien.

And we will devote ourselves to the task of giving the support and dissemination that they deserve.

Gràcies a tots els que ara mateix seguiu l'estela dels que obriren camí

Thank you to all those who are now following in the footsteps of those who paved the way.

i penseu en el futur com un territori d'esperança.

And think of the future as a territory of hope.

Gràcies per ser la nostra veu.

Thank you for being our voice.

Gràcies per creure en el País Valencià.

Thank you for believing in the Valencian Community.

14 de juny del 2006

June 14, 2006

Esteu escoltant Singulars.

You are listening to Singulars.

Ui, Toni Mestre.

Oh, Toni Mestre.

Maria Josep Poquet i Esperança Camps arrepleguen les seues coses

Maria Josep Poquet and Esperança Camps gather their things.

i conserven les emocions.

and they preserve the emotions.

L'estudi, tot just, comença ara a funcionar.

The study is just starting to work now.

En els dies i els anys que vindran

In the days and the years to come.

i passaran moltes vegades,

and many times will pass,

hi haurà veus, diverses, totes les veus.

there will be voices, various, all the voices.

Sonaran músiques, es donaran últimes hores, es faran entrevistes.

There will be music, the last hours will be given, interviews will be conducted.

Però sempre es podrà dir que la veu de Toni Mestre

But it can always be said that the voice of Toni Mestre

hi va sonar el primer dia.

It sounded on the first day.

Se'ns han quedat moltes coses a dir.

There are many things left to say.

Què m'ho has dut?

What have you brought me?

Això és una prova que estàvem fent d'uns poemes seus

This is a test we were doing of some of his poems.

i com el paper és tan bonic, me'l va ensenyar

And since the paper is so beautiful, he showed it to me.

i jo li vaig dir, ui, que me'l va donar.

And I told him, oh, that he gave it to me.

És la seva firma de l'any 2000.

It is his signature from the year 2000.

És un poema, no?

It's a poem, isn't it?

La llengua, és que, clar, tu saps que ell,

The language, is that, of course, you know that he,

la llengua i la cultura popular

the language and popular culture

eren les dues, la cançó.

It was two o'clock, the song.



Realment, la maquinària no se para.

Indeed, the machinery does not stop.

Eutènia alemanya.

German Eutania.

Però quan això comença a aflorar ja de forma pública,

But when this starts to come to light publicly,

a mitges de comunicació,

in the midst of communication,

és que realment l'alcalde ho deixa

It’s just that the mayor really leaves it.

i vull tant que això és imparable.

And I want so much that this is unstoppable.

Jo crec que el gran mèrit

I believe that the great merit

de Toni Mestre és divulgar.

Toni Mestre's task is to disseminate.

Era una persona bolcada

He was a dedicated person.

de cara al país

facing the country

i de cara a posar el seu graner d'arena

and in order to set up his sand granary

per a que això canviés

for this to change

i per a que...

and for what...

Molt treballador.

Very hardworking.

Era molt, molt, molt i molt insistent.

He was very, very, very, very insistent.

Amb molts valencians

With many Valencians

ens descobrís una sèrie de coses

it revealed to us a series of things

que pareixien mentides

that seemed like lies

però no les sabíem.

but we didn't know them.

Ni sabíem què era el mans,

We didn't even know what the hands were.

ni sabíem...

we didn't know...

Bé, de la nostra història

Well, from our history

no sabíem gaire res.

we didn't know much.

Li havíem donat molts premis

We had given him many awards.

i una tasca, la tasca radiofròrica...

and a task, the radiophonic task...

Eliseu Quiment, editor.

Eliseu Quiment, editor.

...el 2001, que va rebre el Premi Nacional de Radiodifusió. 2001, he received the National Radio Broadcasting Award.

Però aïllats,

But isolated,

otorgats per la Generalitat de Catalunya,

awarded by the Government of Catalonia,

la Generalitat de dalt, la de si baix

the Generalitat above, the one below

i a Paco Burguera, la nostra,

and to Paco Burguera, ours,

ja sabem que no acostuma a reconèixer

we already know that it usually does not acknowledge

els mèrits dels verdes patriotes valencians.

the merits of the green Valencian patriots.

Perquè Toni Mestre ha estat sobretot un patriota,

Because Toni Mestre has been above all a patriot,

com encertament ha declarat Enric Moret.

as Enric Moret has rightly stated.

Un valencià que dignifica aquest qualificatiu

A Valencian who dignifies this qualifier.

del que no tenim que avergonyir-nos.

of which we should not be ashamed.

Més bé, hem de recuperar-los sense cap vergonya,

Rather, we must recover them without any shame.

com ho faig jo ara,

how do I do it now,

en aquest moment en què estem acomiadant Toni Mestre.

at this moment when we are saying goodbye to Toni Mestre.

És a dir, estem acomiadant un patriota valencià.

That is to say, we are bidding farewell to a Valencian patriot.



Ui, Toni Mestre.

Oh, Toni Mestre.

Comença el meu comiat

My farewell begins.

a tot el temps passat.

to all the past time.

Vosaltres, amb el nostre programa, que és el vostre,

You, with our program, which is yours,

va sempre acompanyada amb el desig,

it is always accompanied by desire,

amb l'exigència d'una ràdio valenciana

with the demand for a Valencian radio

i amb valencià per a tots els valencians.

and with Valencian for all Valencians.

Una ràdio normal,

A normal radio,

servida per professionals que dominen la llengua,

served by professionals who master the language,

que no la destrossen per ignorància o per desídia,

that they do not destroy it out of ignorance or negligence,

que la dignifiquen i ajudin els veients

that they dignify it and help the elderly

a millorar el seu nivell idiomàtic,

to improve their language level,

tot ampliant-lo del lèxic

all expanding it from the lexicon

i per seccionar-ne la cosa.

And to section the matter.

Comença el meu comiat

My farewell begins.

a tot el temps passat.

to all the time spent.

Vam venir a Barca Nova,

We came to Barca Nova,

au, adeu!

Oh, goodbye!

Comença el meu comiat

My farewell begins.

a tot el temps passat.

to all the time that has passed.

Vam venir a Barca Nova.

We came to Barca Nova.

Nova sang arriba al meu cervell

New blood arrives in my brain.

i em sent i bar la pell

and I feel and drink the skin

i em torna la memòria.

and it brings back my memory.

Temps de caça de peixos i d'ocells,

Time for fishing and bird hunting,

de joves i de vells,

of young and old,

però ara és altra història.

but now it is another story.

Tot i així, un qualsevol fracàs

Even so, any failure.

em posa en el percàs

it puts me in a predicament

del record sense glòria.

of the memory without glory.

Au, adeu!

Come on, goodbye!

Comença el meu comiat

My farewell begins.

a tot el temps passat.

to all the past time.

Vam venir a Barca Nova.

We came to Barca Nova.

Au, adeu!

Come on, goodbye!

Comença el meu comiat

My farewell begins.

a tot el temps passat.

to all the time spent.

Vam venir a Barca Nova.

We came to Barca Nova.

No és clar,

It's not clear,

per tant també és obscur.

therefore it is also dark.

Vinc davant un mur,

I come before a wall,

el riure sent capgira.

Laughter turns everything upside down.

Tot el que em fa fer un atur,

Everything that makes me take a break,

present, passat, futur

present, past, future

i un mateix punt de mira.

and the same point of view.

Veig el volat més tendre que madur,

I see the most tender fruit that is ripe,

veig qui m'ha assegurat.

I see who has assured me.

El món no avança, gira.

The world does not progress, it turns.

Au, adeu!

Come on, goodbye!

Comença el meu comiat

My farewell begins.

a tot el temps passat.

to all the time gone by.

Vam venir a Barca Nova.

We came to Barca Nova.

Au, adeu!

Come on, goodbye!

Comença el meu comiat

My farewell begins.

a tot el temps passat.

to all the time that has passed.

Vam venir a Barca Nova.

We came to Barca Nova.

Un forat em torna a donar llum,

A hole gives me light again,

un cigar em dóna un fum

A cigar gives me smoke.

i una ampolla em penta.

and a bottle pricks me.

Sec d'engany em guia pel bastó,

Dry of deceit, it guides me with the staff.

m'alfia del color.

I am delighted by the color.

I de lletra d'impremta

And in printed letters

dóna fe d'aquestes sensacions.

bear witness to these sensations.

Li llenço el foc carbó

I throw the charcoal into the fire.

i retorni als meus 30.

and return to my 30s.

Au, adeu!

Come on, goodbye!

Comença el comiat

The farewell begins.

i sóc nou arribat,

and I am a newcomer,

ja me'n vaig, sóc i torna.

I'm leaving, I am and I'll be back.

Au, adeu!

Bye, goodbye!

Comença el comiat

The farewell begins.

i sóc nou arribat,

I am new here,

ja me'n vaig, sóc i torna.

I'm leaving, I am and I return.

Au, adeu!

Come on, goodbye!

Comença el comiat

The farewell begins.

i sóc nou arribat, ja me'n vaig, sóc i torna.

I am new here, I'm leaving, I am and I return.

Au, adeu!

Come on, goodbye!

Comença el comiat

The farewell begins.

i sóc nou arribat, ja me'n vaig, sóc i torna.

I am a newcomer, I'm leaving, I am and I return.

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