01x17 | ELS COMIATS amb Marta Martí i Marta Caravaca

The Twenties


01x17 | ELS COMIATS amb Marta Martí i Marta Caravaca


Benvinguts al Deja Vu, un lloc on compartir sense tabús i on deixar-te anar, deixar-se anar.

Welcome to Deja Vu, a place to share without taboos and to let yourself go, to let go.

Deja Vu, un lloc on compartir sense tabús i on deixar-te anar, deixar-se anar.

Deja Vu, a place to share without taboos and to let go, to let yourself go.

Deja Vu, un lloc on compartir sense tabús i on deixar-te anar, deixar-te anar.

Deja Vu, a place to share without taboos and to let yourself go, let yourself go.

Deja Vu, un lloc on compartir sense tabús i on deixar-te anar.

Deja Vu, a place to share without taboos and to let yourself go.

Qui tindria el record de les monges

Who would have the memory of the nuns?

Jo podria fer això que has dit

I could do what you just said.



A mi m'han dit que gravi un vídeo per una professora de primària

I have been told to record a video for a primary school teacher.

I no m'ha sortit dels collons

It didn't come out of my ass.

Però era gratis

But it was free.

Perquè aquesta tampoc era la meva prefe

Because this one wasn't my favorite either.

La meva prefe

My favorite

No era la meva prefe

It wasn't my favorite.

No, en plan de gravar un vídeo

No, like to record a video.



Em pensava una reproducció

I thought it was a reproduction.

No, perquè a mi no m'han avisat

No, because I haven't been informed.

M'ho han avisat ara tard i jo dic

They have warned me too late now, and I say.

Home, a mi m'avises bé o m'avises malament

At home, you either notify me properly or you notify me poorly.

Ai, no m'avises malament

Oh, don't warn me badly.

O m'avises bé o no m'avises

Either you let me know properly or you don't let me know at all.



Ah, llegeixes tu, perdó

Ah, you read, sorry.

Si has fet una foto

If you have taken a photo

Ai, quina por

Oh, what a fright!

Això no ho entenc

I don't understand this.

És que veus com m'ho he avisat

It's just that you see how I've been warned about it.

Jo mai mai he evitat

I have never ever avoided.

Algun comiat escapant-te o no anant

Some farewell escaping or not going.



Això has d'haver dit abans que marxaves

You should have said this before you left.

És a dir, tu has d'haver comunicat

That is to say, you must have communicated.

Per exemple, jo me'n vaig a Estocolm

For example, I am going to Stockholm.

I després com tipus

And then as a type

Ja no vaig

I'm not going anymore.

Vale, o sigui, la típica

Okay, so the typical one.

Jo et dic que tu em dius marxa als Estats Units

I tell you that you tell me to go to the United States.

No sé què, i no em véns a despedir

I don't know what, and you don't come to say goodbye to me.

Ostres, jo no ho faria mai

Wow, I would never do that.

Home, depèn amb qui sigui, no?

Well, it depends on who it is, right?

Que a mi m'importi, no?

That it matters to me, doesn’t it?

A la feina, a la feina

At work, at work.

O sigui, clar, realment

So, of course, really.

Però t'importa els de la feina?

But do you care about the ones from work?

Ah, bueno, clar

Ah, well, of course.

Si m'hi paguen, si m'hi importen

If they pay me, if they care about me.

És com que tampoc

It's like that neither.

Tampoc hi pensaria, saps?

I wouldn't think about it either, you know?

És com, si no m'importes, no hi penso

It's like, if I don't care about you, I don't think about it.

I no m'afecta, i per això no

It doesn't affect me, and that's why not.

Però això, l'últim dia de la feina

But this, the last day of work.

Tipo, haver viscut que marxes

Like, having lived that you leave.

Jo ho he viscut fa poc

I experienced it not long ago.

I l'últim dia de la feina, dir adeu o marxar directament

And on the last day of work, say goodbye or leave directly.

A mi m'ha passat aquest estiu

This has happened to me this summer.

Que em van fer una despedida

That they gave me a farewell.

A la feina que estava, i ho vaig passar fatal

At the job I was in, and I had a terrible time.

Perquè hi havia molt mal ambient

Because there was a very bad atmosphere.

I em van venir amb un regal

They came to me with a gift.

Molt psicòpata, i una carta

Very psychopathic, and a letter.

I jo estava així, en plan

And I was like, you know.




Thank you

Gràcies per amargar-me la vida aquests mesos

Thank you for making my life miserable these months.

Era una feina que portaves molt de temps

It was a job you had been doing for a long time.

Tres mesos, no, l'estiu

Three months, no, summer.

I et van fer un regal i tot

They made you a gift and everything.



Sí, em van fer un regal, una cestita de productes de la botiga

Yes, they gave me a gift, a little basket of products from the store.

Ah, però que monos

Ah, but how cute!

Sí, però

Yes, but

O sigui, a veure, que aquest detall

That is, let’s see, this detail

És molt agraït i molt normal

It is very grateful and very normal.

A un ambient de treball

To a work environment

Bé, saps?

Well, you know?

Si només et fas insultar-me

If you only make me insulted

Durant el teu dia a dia

During your daily life

Que després em vinguis amb un regal

That later you come to me with a gift.

És com que em fas una mica de por

It's like you scare me a little.





Jo quan vaig marxar de Ràdio Sabadell

When I left Ràdio Sabadell

Que vaig estar de pràctiques tres mesos

That I was on an internship for three months.

Oi, a mi em va fer molta pena marxar de les pràctiques

I felt very sad leaving the internship.

He de dir que va ser molt graciós

I have to say it was very funny.

Va ser molt patètic, també

It was very pathetic, too.

Perquè, clar, jo treballava a la secció d'esports

Because, of course, I worked in the sports section.

Llavors, els quatre d'esports, superbé, no sé què

Then, the four of sports, super well, I don't know what.

Però què passa?

But what happens?

Em vaig despedir de la resta de redacció

I said goodbye to the rest of the editorial team.

Que potser eren vuit o nou persones més

That there were perhaps eight or nine more people.

Era com un comiat d'adeu

It was like a farewell goodbye.

Com t'he vist la cara cada dia

As I've seen your face every day.

Però no sé ni com et dius

But I don't even know your name.

I el més patètic va ser

And the most pathetic part was

Amb una que era de la mateixa edat que jo

With one who was the same age as me.

Que també estava a pràctiques

That was also an internship.

I casualment aquell dia vam sortir junts

And coincidentally that day we went out together.

I era el meu últim dia

And it was my last day.

Digue'm que us vol dir adeu i després vau sortir junts

Tell me that he wants to say goodbye to you and then you both went out together.

I vau estar, després d'haver-vos dit adeu

And you were, after having said goodbye.

Bueno, a part d'això

Well, apart from that

Però vaig seguir caminant

But I kept walking.

I el típic arcadave

And the typical arcade.

Bueno, si necessites alguna cosa

Well, if you need anything.

En plan, amb obres, no sé què

Like, with works, I don’t know what.

I si no et preocupis, Marc i jo

And if not, don't worry, Marc and I.

I jo avançant

And I moving forward

Marc és l'altre

Marc is the other.

A l'altre, jo em dic Carles

On the other hand, my name is Carles.

I fa

And it makes

Ai, per què?

Ah, why?

No, perdona, jo pensant

No, sorry, I was thinking.

No passa res

It's okay.

Em segueix a Instagram, t'ho perdono

Follow me on Instagram, I forgive you.

Perquè és simpàtica

Because she is nice.

Jo en aquest moment t'ho dic

I’m telling you this right now.

No estic fent bé la meva feina de comunicar el meu nom

I am not doing my job of communicating my name well.

No estic comunicant bé el meu nom

I am not communicating my name well.

Però bueno, m'ha fet peneta

But well, it made me feel sorry.

Vaig portar croissants

I brought croissants.

Jo vaig portar catanyes

I brought chestnuts.

A les meves pràctiques

At my internship

Aquelles galetetes

Those little cookies

Que no controlo dolços

That I don't control sweets.

Sí, com una boleta així

Yes, like a ballot like that.

Que m'he equivocat

That I was mistaken.

És xicolata

It's chocolate.

No, no, no

No, no, no

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Està molt bo

It is very good.

I a Canal Trenonja també vaig portar croissants

And to Canal Trenonja I also brought croissants.



Ah, allà també

Ah, there too.

Joder, el gent dona una d'aliment allà

Damn, the people give a food donation there.

Has estat a dos llocs de pràctiques?

Have you been to two internship places?

No em vaig acomiadar

I didn't say goodbye.

Sí, una vaig i una...

Yes, one I go and one...

Jo no em vaig acomiadar de la jefa

I did not say goodbye to the boss.

Em vaig acomiadar del meu equip

I said goodbye to my team.

I ja no em vaig acomiadar de ningú més

And I didn't say goodbye to anyone else.

A mi em va passar una cosa semblant

Something similar happened to me.

A la feina última

At the last job

La jefa era molt desagradable

The boss was very unpleasant.

I l'últim dia em va fer una abraçada

And on the last day, he/she gave me a hug.

I jo pensant

And I'm thinking.

Però si m'hi has estat amargant de l'existència

But if you have been making my existence bitter.

Però potser realment ho feies bé i li importava, no?

But maybe you really did it well and it mattered to him, right?

Ja, però...

Yes, but...

Jo crec que és falseria

I believe it is falsehood.

Sí, falseria

Yes, falseness.

Sí, hi ha molt falseria en els comiats

Yes, there is a lot of insincerity in farewells.


Però molt

But a lot



I soc una persona que és com

I am a person who is like

A veure, no fa falta aquest cerco que estàs fent

Let's see, there's no need for this fuss you're making.

Jo estic pensant ara

I am thinking now.

Jo algun cop he fet un musical

I have done a musical once.

I la gent del musical es segueix parlant moltíssim

And people are still talking a lot about the musical.

I jo soc més de

And I am more of

Vale, ja he acabat el musical

Okay, I have finished the musical.

Si sorgeix la comunicació, genial

If communication arises, great.

Però si no, et tapa tancada

But if not, it covers closed.

Vale, anem a obrir això

Okay, let's open this.

I ploro, eh

I cry, huh.

O sigui, ploro

So, I cry.

Estic a punt de pujar a l'escenari

I am about to go on stage.

I jo ploro

And I cry.

Perquè em fa realment pena

Because it really makes me sad.

Però per l'etapa, potser

But for the stage, maybe

Però no tinc

But I don't have

Sí, com que no tinc necessitat

Yes, since I have no need.

No sé, de

I don't know, of

D'establir el vincle, no?

To establish the bond, right?

Amb la persona

With the person

Que si s'estableix sol

That if it establishes itself alone.

Endavant, eh

Go ahead, eh.

Però forçar-ne, no

But to force it, no.

Jo vinc a obrir el maló

I come to open the sack.

O sigui, és molt

That is to say, it is very.

Jo que

I that

És la meva opinió, eh

It's my opinion, you know.

Hi ha molts cops

There are many times.

Que tu has d'obrir vincles

That you have to open links.

O anar a un lloc

Or go to a place

I has de marxar

You have to leave.

Llavors, és impossible que

Then, it is impossible that

Vagis a tots els llocs que vagis

Wherever you go.

Has de mantenir 80.000 vincles

You have to maintain 80,000 links.

És impossible

It is impossible.

O sigui, per

So, for

Encara, potser trobes alguna persona

Still, perhaps you find someone.

O vas parlant de tant en tant

Or you talk from time to time.

Però és que hi ha molta gent

But there are a lot of people.

Que encara que

That although

És la típica que després et trobes

It's the typical one you run into later.

I fa

And it makes

Ai, com et va la vida, no sé què

Oh, how is life treating you, I don't know what.

I ja estàs

And there you are.

I passes

I pass

Que potser podríeu ser

That perhaps you could be

Superamics o amigues

Super friends or buddies

Però és fort

But it is strong.

Quan has tingut un vincle

When you have had a bond

Tan mega intens

So mega intense.

Que de cop

All of a sudden

Només et saludis pel carnet

Only greet you for the card.

És una mica com anar a colònies

It's a bit like going to camp.

I clar, tu vas a l'esplai

Of course, you are going to the leisure center.

A tu et passa això també, no?

This happens to you too, right?

En plan, com vincles

Like, as links.

Superintensos, curts

Super intense, short



És l'hora dels adeus

It is time for goodbyes.

I jo sempre ploro

And I always cry.

Ui, com es plora

Oh, how one cries!

Jo també ploreu molt

I will also cry a lot.

De fet, el primer any

In fact, the first year

Vaig plorar

I cried.

I el segon no

And the second one no.



Doncs que gossites

So you dared.

No m'has quemat

You haven't burned me.

Fem el tercer jo mai mai

We do the third I never ever.

Sí, sí, sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

Vale, a veure

Okay, let's see.

Per què he dit sí, sí, sí, sí?

Why did I say yes, yes, yes, yes?

Bueno, cosetes

Well, little things.

Tercer jo mai mai

Third I never ever.

Aquí hi ha indicació

Here is the indication.

A veure

Let's see.



Bueno, però aquesta és com la dos

Well, but this is like the second one.

Ja, no

Yes, no

Per això la cotació principal

For this reason, the main quotation.



Jo mai mai marxo sense dir res

I never leave without saying anything.

Però ara sí

But now yes.

Sense avisar que marxes

Without warning that you're leaving



Jo crec que

I believe that



A ningú vols dir

You don't want to tell anyone.

A cap persona

At no one.

Home, jo sempre

Home, I always.

Sempre he dit adeu

I have always said goodbye.

Ho has fet perquè pensaves

You did it because you thought.

Amb algun exemple teu?

With some example of yours?

O sigui, tu tens un exemple

So, you have an example.

Has marxat a algun lloc sense

Have you left somewhere without?

Jo tampoc

Me neither.

És una mica de malaltia

It's a bit of a disease.

Ni dir adeu, almenys

Not even to say goodbye, at least.

No, que recordi jo, no

No, as far as I remember, no.

Home, no sé que sigui

Man, I don't know what it is.

En un lloc que entres en una carn

In a place where you enter into a flesh.

I seria marxes

And you would leave.

Llavors sí que no diga adeu

Then indeed don't say goodbye.

Ni dir res, però

Nothing to say, but



Imagina's que marxa

Imagine that he/she leaves.

Algú d'Erasmus

Someone from Erasmus

I que fins l'últim dia

And that until the last day

No et diuen res

They don't tell you anything.


Holy shit

Com que no et diuen res?

Why aren't they telling you anything?

M'imagina que jo

Imagine that I do.

O que la Marta marxa a Erasmus

Or that Marta is going on Erasmus.

O d'Opera

Or of Opera

O del que marxi

Or of what leaves.

I fins l'últim dia

And until the last day.

No et diu res

It doesn't say anything to you.



La Marta

The Marta

De que jo marxo

That I'm leaving.

Ah, vale

Oh, okay.

L'últim dia et diu

The last day tells you.

Bueno, ja tinc les maletes

Well, I already have the suitcases.

Me'n vaig

I'm leaving.

Però jo crec que això no ho fas

But I think you don't do that.

Perquè si no

Because if not

No pots processar

You cannot process.

Tothom poc i marxes

Everyone leaves a little.

Jo crec que tu sí que ho proceses

I think you do process it.

El que no ho proceses

What you do not process

Jo no ho processo

I don't process it.

He de dir que

I have to say that

Jo crec que la gent

I believe that people

Necessitem explicar-ho

We need to explain it.

O sigui, en plan

So, like

És una necessitat bàsica

It is a basic need.

Però molt bàsica

But very basic.

Ui, ui, ui

Oh, oh, oh

Ara estic pensant en una cosa

Now I am thinking about something.



Us agradaria saber

Would you like to know?

Que morireu

That you will die.



En X temps

In X time

Per poder acomiadar-vos de la gent

To be able to say goodbye to people.







O sigui, a veure

So, let's see.

Si em posa

If you put me

O sigui, si em passa alguna cosa

So, if something happens to me



Clar, és que potser no em passa

Of course, it's just that maybe it doesn't happen to me.

Perquè esteu dient

Because you are saying

Que sí que necessiteu aquest comiat

Yes, you do need this farewell.



Jo crec que sí

I think so.

No ho sé

I don't know.

Vosaltres preferiríeu

You would prefer

La pregunta de

The question of

La típica pregunta

The typical question

De què preferiríeu

What would you prefer?

Saber de què

To know what.

O quan

Oh when

Jo el quan clarament

I him when clearly


Sí, perquè així calculo

Yes, because that's how I calculate.

Jo viuria angustiada

I would live in anguish.



Perquè potser

Because perhaps

Et diuen els 92

They call you the 92.

I dius

And you say



Ja, ja

Yes, yes

Els 24

The 24

Anda guapa

Come on, beautiful.

Bueno, lo gestionamos

Well, we'll manage it.


Shit yourself

Ja, però millor

Yes, but better

No, ja, ja

No, already, already.

Potser jo també quan

Maybe I will too when

Jo quan, eh, també

I when, eh, also

Què te sirve?

What does it serve you?

Estàs pensant

Are you thinking?

Em queden

I have left.

Tres anys de vida

Three years of life

És que

It's that

Sí, però és pitjor pensar

Yes, but it's worse to think.

Clar, però si et diuen

Sure, but if they tell you

Et moriràs perquè

You will die because


Of course.

Clar, si et diuen

Of course, if they tell you

T'estaries tota la vida

You would spend your whole life.

T'aniries d'oper

Would you go to surgery?

Jo què sé

I don't know.



Jo preferiria

I would prefer.

El quan també

The when also.

Jo quan, quan

I when, when

Perquè si no, a més

Because if not, besides

Si ja

Yes indeed.

De per si

In itself

Soc hipocondríac

I am a hypochondriac.

Ja, jo també soc

Yes, I am too.



I us acomiadaríeu de tothom

Would you say goodbye to everyone?

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Jo faria ruta

I would go on a route.

I aniria

I would go.

I aniria a gastar-me

I would go to spend.

Tota la pasta

All the dough.

Jo crec que ploraria

I think I would cry.

Com cada dia

As every day

I crec que organitzaria

I think I would organize.



Jo també faria alguna cosa

I would do something too.

Després de plorar

After crying

Bueno, ja aniria a teràpia

Well, I would already go to therapy.


I suppose.

Sí, també

Yes, also.

Estaria bé gestionar-ho

It would be good to manage it.

Aquina merda

What a mess.

Tenir temps límit

To have a deadline

I haver de

I have to

Bueno, no, en realitat

Well, no, actually

En la teràpia

In therapy

No, perquè et planifiques

No, because you plan ahead.

A la teràpia

To therapy

A nivell de planificació

At the planning level

Deu ser molt

It must be very.

La Marie Kondo

Marie Kondo

Estaria encantada

I would be delighted.

Quedo, quedo

I stay, I stay.

Marie Kondo és de roba

Marie Kondo is made of clothes.

I d'ordenar la casa

And to tidy up the house.

Ja, però tenir-hi tot

Yes, but having it all.

Ulla, ulla

Ulla, ulla

Ara, últimament

Now, lately

Ma mare veu un de

My mother sees one of.

Endreçar coses a Netflix

Organizing things on Netflix

És increïble aquell programa

That program is incredible.



Següent déjà vu

Next déjà vu

Ai, jo mai, mai

Oh, I never, ever

Jo també el veig

I see him too.

Ullo, aquest és xulíssim

Hello, this is really cool.

Jo mai, mai m'he acomiadat

I have never, ever said goodbye.

D'alguna cosa

Of something

I després he tornat

And then I returned.



Llegeix, llegeix

Read, read.

No s'hi valen

It's not worth it.

Bones experiències

Good experiences

Experiències incòmodes

Uncomfortable experiences

D'haver de tornar

Having to return

A casa la família

At home with the family.

A un grup

To a group

D'un grup

From a group

Vinga, va

Come on, let's go.

Ànims, rei

Cheer up, king.

Vale, va

Okay, go ahead.



Jo mai, mai m'he acomiadat

I never, ever said goodbye.



Espera, torno

Wait, I'll be right back.

No cal que diguis quatre

You don't have to say four.

Jo mai, mai m'he acomiadat

I have never, ever said goodbye.

D'alguna cosa

Of something

I després he tornat

And then I came back.

I no s'hi valen

And it is not allowed.

Les bones experiències

The good experiences

A punt d'aquí a la mar

Ready from here to the sea

Si no

If not

Però les experiències

But the experiences



Incomodades, sí

Discomforts, yes

O sigui, clar

That is to say, of course.

Han de ser experiències incòmodes

They must be uncomfortable experiences.



Decidir a la feina

Decide at work.

Adeu, adeu

Goodbye, goodbye

Adeu, marxu

Goodbye, I'm leaving.

Bueno, jo

Well, I

Aquesta feina és superdura

This job is super hard.

Espero que no

I hope not.

I després he de tornar algun dia

And then I have to return someday.

Ostres, tinc la sort

Wow, I'm lucky.

Que no m'ha passat

That hasn't happened to me.

A mi tampoc

Me neither.

O amb un grup d'amics

Or with a group of friends



Adeu, adeu

Goodbye, goodbye.

I després trobar-te en algun lloc

And then meet you somewhere.

Mallor miedo

I’m scared.

Potser això

Maybe this







És que no sé si

It's just that I don't know if

És més la sensació

It's more the feeling

Jo crec de patiment

I believe in suffering.

De trobar-me'ls

Finding them.

Ja, això potser sí

Yes, that might be.

Sí, com

Yes, how

Però no

But no

No, no

No, no.

No m'ha passat res

Nothing has happened to me.



Ai, no t'està donant joc aquest, Marc

Oh, this one's not giving you a break, Marc.

Ho sento

I'm sorry.

El cinc

The five

Anem al cinc

Let's go to five.

El cinc i últim, eh

The five and last, eh.

Ai, quins neguis

Oh, what worries!

Ai, que graciós

Oh, how funny!

Bueno, no és graciós

Well, it's not funny.

Però aquest l'has de dir tu

But you have to say this one.

Perquè l'entonaràs

Because you will sing it.

Ah, vale

Oh, okay.

Jo mai mai he cantat

I have never sung.

Que l'estima

That he/she loves him/her.

Però adiós

But goodbye

La Marta Caramaca

The Marta Caramaca

Té pinta de cada dos per tres

It looks like it's every now and then.

Me despido de ti

I say goodbye to you.

Me voy

I am leaving.

En un comiat

In a farewell

No, però m'imagino el Carles Peno

No, but I picture Carles Peno.

I és molt gració

And it's very funny.

I us heu sabut

You have known how to.

La resta de la cançó

The rest of the song

O només

Or only

Només això

Only this.

Julieta Venegas

Julieta Venegas

Només té això

He only has this.



No, té moltes coses més

No, it has many more things.

És broma, és broma

It's a joke, it's a joke.

Jo vaig estar escoltant

I was listening.

Julieta Venegas

Julieta Venegas

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Durant la meva infància

During my childhood


Very much

És la de con limon i sal

It's the one with lemon and salt.


Ah, és que aquesta també és bona

Ah, that's also good.

És que no podem posar aquí

It's just that we can't put it here.



No, cap i right

No, both are right.

Si no, ara muntaríem aquí

If not, we would set up here now.

Una rave, eh

A rave, huh?

Estic pensant en un comiat

I am thinking of a farewell.

D'una companya

From a company

De quan anava a primària

Since I was in primary school.

Que van posar aquesta cançó

They played this song.

Ai, de la que

Oh, of the one that

El comiat

The farewell

Mai me l'han posat, a mi

They have never given it to me.

I el batxillerat

And the baccalaureate

Va ser aquesta

It was this one.

La que ens van posar

The one they put on us.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

No us passa

It doesn't happen to you.

En sèrio?


Sí, sí

Yes, yes

A mi em van posar

They put me.

Batxillerat o la d'això?

Baccalaureate or that?



Les dos no ens van posar cap cançó

Neither of us were played any song.

Hoy en mi ventana brilla el sol

Today the sun shines in my window.

I què més passa a la cançó?

And what else happens in the song?

I el corazón

And the heart

T'he sentit

I've felt you.

Se pone triste contemplando la ciudad

He becomes sad contemplating the city.

¿Por qué te vas?

Why are you leaving?

Ah, vale

Ah, okay.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes.

És molt trista aquesta cançó

This song is very sad.

Hoy en la estación lloraré igual que un niño

Today at the station I will cry just like a child.

Ah, sí, sí

Ah, yes, yes.

Ens l'han cantat els profes, crec

I think the teachers have sung it to us.

I després nosaltres

And then us.

Uf, uf, uf

Phew, phew, phew

Vam fer una versió

We made a version.



Jo t'esperaré

I will wait for you.

Què dius?

What are you saying?

Crec que a mi a la sisè de primària

I think that in sixth grade for me

va passar això

this happened

que vam fer

what we did

A casa tu cantant com un uncaunga

At home you sing like a uncaunga.

Marc Jiménez

Marc Jiménez


Ja, ja, ja

Ha, ha, ha

Però t'ho juro

But I swear to you.

vam fer una versió

we made a version

A P3 vam començar

In P3 we started

I a sisè hem d'acabar

And in sixth grade we have to finish.

Ai, que cutre

Oh, how shabby!

A l'institut

At the institute

Junts Arriba

Together Above

A vos no m'agraden aquestes coses

I don't like these things about you.

No podia parar de plorar

I couldn't stop crying.

Vergüenza ajena

Secondhand embarrassment.

Ei, fem una de la uni, no?

Hey, let's do one from uni, right?

Quince que anem a l'himne

Fifteen, let's go to the anthem.

I la cantem

And we sing it.

En comptes de cantar la cançó

Instead of singing the song

que ell en llet

that he in milk

i que ens han passat

and that has happened to us

Cantem el cançó

Let's sing the song.

Jo t'esperaré

I will wait for you.

Podem parlar d'això

We can talk about this.

Que nosaltres hem de fer la graduació

That we have to do the graduation.

i és el nostre comiat de la universitat

And it is our farewell from the university.


Literalment ens van passar

They literally passed us.

les organitzadores

the organizers

que són alguns dels nostres alumnes

that are some of our students

Ens van dir

They told us.

Haureu de cantar

You will have to sing.

una cançó en llatí

a song in Latin

Però m'han dit

But they told me

que no es canta mai

that is never sung



Ens van dir que

They told us that

que es podia fer

what could be done

Doncs farem

So we'll do.

I la cançó serà

And the song will be



Per fer

To do

L'has d'escoltar abans

You need to listen to it first.

Clar, clar

Of course, of course.

Que ens van dir

What they told us

que ens l'aprenguéssim

that we learn it

que com a mínim

that at least

poguéssim fer

we could do

Aquesta no tindrà copyright

This will not have copyright.

o tindrà l'amor rota

or will have love broken

de tenir-lo

to have it

Que idealitzats

How idealized.

estan els comiats

they are the farewells

que no sabíem

that we didn't know

que això passava

that this happened

al comiat de la uni

at the university farewell

O sigui, en plan

So, like

a graduació

the graduation

Tu sabies que es cantava, Marta?

Did you know it was sung, Marta?

Tu també has de cantar

You also have to sing.

Jo és que no em graduo

I'm not graduating.

Quan et gradues tu?

When do you graduate?

D'aquí dos anys

In two years' time.

I marxes un

You are leaving one.



Ara que ja estem arribant

Now that we are arriving

al final del programa

at the end of the program

pot dir on marxa

can you say where it starts

Ai, espera

Oh, wait.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Espera, insiste

Wait, insist.



A vosaltres

To you all

els comiats alegres

the cheerful farewells

Què dius tu?

What do you say?

Això perquè és tan alegre

This is why it is so cheerful.

En plan

In plan

M'hi ricant

I'm laughing about it.

Espero que la festa

I hope the party

Jo estic mort

I am dead.

Espero que feu una festa

I hope you have a party.



No, no

No, no

A mi no m'agraden

I don't like them.

ni els superdepres

neither the super depressed

ni els falsos

neither the false ones



Em posen una mica

They put me a little.

No t'has enterrat

You haven't buried yourself.

A l'edició

In the edition

Jo sí

I do.

A l'edició

To the edition

Si algun cop em moro

If I ever die

Vols que balli

Do you want me to dance?


I say

Espero que canteu

I hope you sing.

I després dic

And then I say

Bueno, no

Well, no.

Tu no

Not you.

No crec que estiguis

I don't think you are.

Clar, ja, ja

Sure, yeah, yeah.

Bueno, crec que he dit això

Well, I think I have said that.

Probablement estigui mort

He is probably dead.

abans que tu

before you

Que no estigui de set

Let it not be thirsty.

Que no formis part

That you do not take part.

del seu nucli

of its core

Ja, és que la Mar

Yes, it's that Mar

no vol del seu nucli

he does not want from his core

Ara en parlarem

Now we will talk about it.

Què t'anava a dir?

What was I going to say to you?

Vale, Marta

Okay, Marta.

Vols descartar

Do you want to discard?

tres ciutats

three cities

No, vols descartar

No, you want to discard.

tres ciutats

three cities

No, no, ja ho he de dir

No, no, I have to say it already.

No, no

No, no

No me'n recordo

I don't remember.

Sí, Carles

Yes, Carles.

Volem saber-ho ja

We want to know it already.

Per favor


Tanta fe

So much faith



Tu per quin apostes?

Who do you bet on?

No tinc ni fucking idea

I have no fucking idea.



San Francisco

San Francisco



Orlando m'agrada

I like Orlando.



És que Orlando ha dit

It's just that Orlando has said.

Ah, jo vull anar al

Ah, I want to go to the

Disney World

Disney World

No, no, no

No, no, no

San Francisco

San Francisco

San Francisco no l'havies dit

You hadn't mentioned San Francisco.

San Francisco

San Francisco

Ah, espera, espera

Ah, wait, wait.

Tens esta raó

You are right.

San Francisco

San Francisco



Tenim un problema

We have a problem.







Si és a San Francisco

If it's in San Francisco.

el vol encara és més car

the flight is still more expensive

i són 12 hores més

and it's 12 more hours

De San Francisco

From San Francisco

O sigui

That is to say.

d'aquí a San Francisco

from here to San Francisco

hi ha un vol directe

There is a direct flight.



Què has dit?

What did you say?

Que d'aquí

That from here

a San Francisco

to San Francisco

O sigui

In other words

Barcelona a San Francisco

Barcelona to San Francisco

hi ha un vol directe

there is a direct flight

A mi faria molta mandra

I would be very lazy to do it.

el vol de San Francisco

the flight from San Francisco

però he de dir

but I have to say

que t'has mirat

what have you looked at

el vol directe

the direct flight

Tu apostes San Francisco?

Are you betting on San Francisco?

Jo dic

I say

Sí, sí

Yes, yes



Jo aposto Boston

I bet on Boston.

Estem entre els tres?

Are we among the three?



Sí, sí

Yes, yes

És un d'aquests

It's one of those.

San Francisco

San Francisco

Sí o què?

Yes or what?

És un vol que xulo

It's such a cool flight.


És puto

He's a whore.

Dima'm a los Warriors

Give me the Warriors.


I love it.

Estaré a un lloc

I will be in a place.

que es diu

what is it called








Jo ho estava buscant

I was looking for it.

A un quart d'hora de Sacramento

A quarter of an hour from Sacramento.

i a una hora de San Francisco

and one hour from San Francisco

Que guai

How cool!

A veure

Let's see.

Davies, San Francisco

Davies, San Francisco

Són modernitos

They are a bit modern.

perquè si la Raven

because if Raven

estava allà

I was there.

Es diu Davies?

Is his name Davies?

Davies es diu

Davies is called.



Està a una hora de San Francisco.

It is an hour away from San Francisco.

Ah, vale, doncs Califòrnia.

Ah, okay, so California.



O sigui, és Califòrnia.

So, it’s California.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Ai, bueno, com una típica...

Oh, well, like a typical...

I saps si tindràs temps per viatjar i això?

And do you know if you will have time to travel and that?

Sí, sí, tinc molt temps lliure perquè...

Yes, yes, I have a lot of free time because...

Bueno, això ho tallaré, per suport.

Well, I will cut this out for support.

O no?

Oh no?

No, no, ho tallaré.

No, no, I will cut it.

Vale, doncs la... com es diu?

Okay, so the... what's it called?

La Marta va a doper als Estats Units.

Marta is going to work in the United States.

Sí, la família... o sigui, els pares estan divorciats i jo estaré amb la mare.

Yes, the family... I mean, the parents are divorced and I will be with my mother.

I el temps que siguin amb el pare tinc...

And the time that I am with my father I have...

Buah, de lujos.

Wow, luxurious.

Marta, compta que Sacramento és una mica xunga, eh? Està al costat.

Marta, be careful that Sacramento is a bit sketchy, okay? It's nearby.

Per què Sacramento?

Why Sacramento?

És la capital de Califòrnia.

It is the capital of California.

Clar, bueno, però és un poc xunga.

Sure, well, but it's a bit tricky.

Per què?


Ja t'ho he avisat, no?

I've already warned you, haven't I?

Perquè és un poc xunga.

Because it’s kind of rough.

Per què és xunga?

Why is it tough?

Per les coneixements aquí dels Estats Units.

For the knowledge here in the United States.

Doncs San Francisco està un poc a tomar por culo, però d'aquí...

Well, San Francisco is a bit out of the way, but from here...

Està a una hora, Carles.

It's an hour away, Carles.

A una hora, tant?

In an hour, really?

Tu estàs molt més lluny.

You are much farther away.

Sí, és com del nostre poble...

Yes, it's like from our village...

He trobat una ciutat d'entremig que es diu Vallejo.

I have found a town in between called Vallejo.

Sí, és com del nostre poble Barcelona.

Yes, it's like from our town Barcelona.

Sí, una mica així.

Yes, a little bit like that.

Clar, és veritat.

Of course, it’s true.

Ah, hòstia, doncs estàs molt lluny, eh?

Ah, damn, you’re quite far away, huh?

Estic a pell de pel cul.

I am bare-skinned on my butt.

No, no, jo pensava que estaries a la costa oeste.

No, no, I thought you would be on the west coast.

Estàs a la puta costa oeste.

You're on the damn west coast.

Sí, 17 hores d'avió.

Yes, 17 hours by plane.

No sé si anar per Xina abans que per...

I don't know whether to go to China before...

17 hores d'avió?

17 hours of flight?

Sí, jo, les meves cames seran un pei mòbil, tio.

Yes, I, my legs will be a mobile peace, dude.

A veure, potser faig una paradeta tontorrona a Nova York

Let's see, maybe I'll make a silly stop in New York.

que espero que tinga d'hora.

I hope it will be soon.

Perquè aguantar 17 hores d'avió me va dolent, eh?

Because enduring 17 hours on a plane hurts me, okay?

Jo també vull anar a Nova York.

I also want to go to New York.

Te vienes i nos volvemos.

You come with us and we go back.

Com de lluny et tens?

How far are you?

Està literalment a l'altre punt del país.

It's literally at the other end of the country.

Jo crec que és de Nova York.

I think he is from New York.

Però aprofita, eh?

But make the most of it, okay?

Clar, d'aquí a Nova York hi ha com 8 hores.

Sure, it's about 8 hours from here to New York.

O 9, com molt.

Or 9, at most.

Podríem dir que de Sant Francisco a Nova York

We could say that from San Francisco to New York.

hi ha quasi Nova York a Espanya.

There is almost New York in Spain.

A tu no hem de menjar, no?

We don't have to eat you, right?

Sí, o sigui, com es diu, els gastos de vivenda i de menjar

Yes, I mean, how do you say, the expenses for housing and food.

estan coberts per la família.

they are covered by the family.

I el cotxe també.

And the car too.

Segons el 100, 64.000 habitants, eh?

According to the 100, 64,000 inhabitants, huh?

Bueno, ni tan mal.

Well, not so bad.

És com un poble.

It's like a village.

Bueno, Marteta, tu i jo no ens movem d'aquí.

Well, Marteta, you and I aren't moving from here.

La Mar marxa a Estocolm.

Mar is going to Stockholm.


We'll see...


Can you imagine?

T'imagines que, com el jo mai, mai que he fet,

Can you imagine that, like I have never, ever done,

de cop no marxo a Estocolm?

Suddenly I'm not going to Stockholm?

I marxes a...

You are leaving to...

Per què dubtes, per què dubtes?

Why do you doubt, why do you doubt?

Perquè és una beca i te la poden donar o no.

Because it is a scholarship and they can give it to you or not.

Però segur que sí.

But surely yes.

O no trobo el llotjament, això em fa pànic.

Oh, I can't find the accommodation, this is making me panic.

Que no, que sí que trobaràs, és el típic.

No, you will find it, it's typical.

Ho has de visualitzar abans que passi,

You have to visualize it before it happens.

perquè si no, no passarà.

because if not, it won't happen.

Vale, Marc Jiménez, doncs, últimes dues cosetes que vull fer,

Okay, Marc Jiménez, then, two last little things I want to do,

a part de les reflexions que vulguin fer les nostres convidades.

aside from the reflections that our guests may want to make.

Ens han donat el pòster amb el qual vam presentar...

They have given us the poster with which we presented...

És molt gràcies.

It is very thank you.

La proposta.

The proposal.

Sí, que els desfoti feia i no ho veureu,

Yes, they were messing it up and you won't see it.

però us ho penjarem a les xarxes.

But we will post it on social media.

Que és un pòster una mica...

What is a poster a bit...

Que pena.

What a shame.

Em fa ràbia,

It makes me angry,

perquè no ens van deixar fer les fotos promocionals abans del pòster.

because they didn't let us take the promotional photos before the poster.

Bueno, jo encara sort,

Well, I'm still lucky,

perquè tinc una cara de boia i cau en el fotopromocional.

because I have a silly face and it shows in the promotional photo.



Mira el déjà vu.

Look at the déjà vu.

Ja està, és que com li agrada.

That's it, it's just that he/she likes it.

Que maco.

How beautiful.

Bueno, a Photoshop es veia millor, eh?

Well, in Photoshop it looked better, huh?

Aquí ha perdut una mica l'Iles.

Here, Iles has lost a bit.

Mala impressió de la universitat, eh?

Bad impression of the university, huh?

Bueno, això, res, era un incís.

Well, that was just a digression.

Vale, vull acabar perquè hi ha molta gent que diu...

Okay, I want to finish because there are many people who say...

Heu de parlar de la vostra amistat, Carles.

You need to talk about your friendship, Carles.

Sí, de fet, ens han dit.

Yes, in fact, they have told us.



En sèrio?


Vols parlar d'això, ara?

Do you want to talk about this now?

Del futur de la nostra relació.

About the future of our relationship.

Clar, perquè de la relació...

Of course, because of the relationship...

A la Jolie, Teresa.

To the pretty one, Teresa.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Home, ens estàs seguint dissabte el vídeo.

Home, you are following the video on Saturday.

La morta, sí, sí, sí.

The dead, yes, yes, yes.

No, però fem un minut i mig.

No, but let's do a minute and a half.



No, parla tu, perquè jo sempre et dic coses boniques...

No, you speak, because I always tell you nice things...

Però del futur, de què?

But about the future, about what?

Jo crec que la Mar em veurà un cop a l'any, com a molt.

I think that Mar will see me once a year, at most.

Parleu per coses que no són del programa.

You are talking about things that are not on the agenda.









Però, per exemple, al setembre, quan vam tornar,

But, for example, in September, when we returned,

vam tenir xerrada superintensiva,

we had a super intensive talk,

de fet, al setembre, no.

In fact, in September, no.

Al setembre, gens.

In September, nothing.

L'any passat sí que vam estar tenint converses intenses.

Last year we did have intense conversations.

No, tia, però no per guats, en persona.

No, girl, but not for guys, in person.

Un dia que ens trobem i coincidim.

A day when we meet and coincide.

Jo crec que la nostra relació serà això.

I believe that our relationship will be this.

Si coincidim, parlarem molt.

If we meet, we will talk a lot.

Si no coincidim, no, gens.

If we don't coincide, no, not at all.

Oh, quina pena.

Oh, what a pity.

Jo, és que, saps què passa?

I, it's just that, you know what happens?

També és veritat que amb la Mar, el que em passa últimament és que...

It is also true that with Mar, what is happening to me lately is that...

Quan escriguis la sèrie que vols fer...

When you write the series you want to do...

No parlo amb ella d'altres coses,

I don't talk to her about other things,

perquè si ja parlo de la feina i els travesso el tema a la uni,

because if I already talk about work and I change the topic at university,

se m'agòvia.

I'm getting anxious.

Tampoc li explico 80.000 coses.

I don't explain 80,000 things to him/her either.

Primer perquè no tinc temps i dos perquè tampoc vull agobiar-la.

First because I don't have time and second because I don't want to overwhelm her either.

Llavors és això.

So it is that.

Més que res per una altra cosa.

More than anything else.

Però quan tenim converses de tu a tu, som xules.

But when we have one-on-one conversations, we are cocky.

Però us tindreu carinyo, eh?

But you will love each other, right?

No he dit que no tinguem moltes.

I didn't say we don't have many.

Dic que ara no en tenim gaires,

I say we don't have many right now,

però hem tingut moltes durant aquests quatre anys.

but we have had many during these four years.

És raro. No, a mi s'ha de projectes.

It's strange. No, I have to project.

Però jo no la considero així.

But I don't see it that way.

Ella té una altra perspectiva.

She has a different perspective.

Està sortint la merdula.

The shit is coming out.



Sí, no ho sé.

Yes, I don't know.

Bueno, igual.

Well, same.

El tema.

The topic.

Que em portarà...

What will it bring me...

No menjo mandoguilles de Suècia algun dia i ja està.

I don't eat Swedish meatballs any day and that's it.

No menjo mandoguilles.

I don't eat blood sausages.

Vols dir l'exclusiva?

Do you mean the exclusive?

Quina és l'exclusiva?

What is the exclusive?

Que no estaràs l'any que ve al Deja Vu?

Aren't you going to be at Deja Vu next year?

No, clar.

No, of course.

Tu continuaràs al Deja Vu?

Will you continue at Deja Vu?

Vale, per tots vosaltres que potser us la sua completament.

Okay, for all of you who might completely sweat it out.

Però, als oients habituals del Deja Vu,

But to the regular listeners of Deja Vu,

la idea és fer una següent temporada,

the idea is to make a next season,

temporada 2, al setembre.

season 2, in September.


We'll see.

Perquè, clar, la mar marxa,

Because, of course, the sea leaves,

llavors hauríem d'aportar una nova presentadora.

Then we would need to provide a new presenter.

Enric Colom, sí.

Enric Colom, yes.

Clar, estem fent càstig.

Sure, we are being punished.

Diu clar.

He says clearly.

Clar, estem fent càstig.

Of course, we are being punished.

Estem fent càstig.

We are punishing.

La primera persona que es presenti és fitxada.

The first person to arrive is registered.

És fitxada.

She is signed.



Veurem quin és el futur del Deja Vu.

We will see what the future of Deja Vu is.

Esperem que us hagi agradat moltíssim.

We hope you enjoyed it very much.

Hem debatit de moltes coses.

We have debated many things.

Debatut de moltes coses.

Discussed many things.

Clar, estem fent ara mateix el...

Sure, we are doing the... right now.

Ser la conclusió final del...

Being the final conclusion of...

Hòstia, que fort, eh, penya.

Holy shit, that's intense, huh, guys?

Clar, estem en el final del Deja Vu.

Of course, we are at the end of the Deja Vu.

Hem de fer com les conclusions del TFG.

We have to do as the conclusions of the final project.

Quina responsabilitat.

What a responsibility.

Clar, per mi aquest és el final,

Of course, for me this is the end,

perquè com ni ha dit-ho, ni faig res,

because as I have said, I do nothing,

tu ara t'ho escoltaràs i ho hauràs de penjar i tot.

You will listen to it now and you will have to post it and everything.

Per mi aquest és el final.

For me, this is the end.

El final, perquè no te'ls escoltes.

The end, because you don't listen to them.

Marta, tu com a ullent fidel,

Marta, you as a faithful listener,

alguna reflexió així que ens vulguis dir?

Any reflection you would like to share with us?

Crítica constructiva?

Constructive criticism?

No, no, no ho sé.

No, no, I don't know.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Barra, t'ha agradat?

Barra, did you like it?

A mi m'ha agradat, sí, sí.

I liked it, yes, yes.

Te l'has posat per...

You put it on for...

M'estàs xafant tota la punyeta.

You are stepping on my whole damn foot.

Perdona, bé, el que té la mà sobre el meu,

Sorry, well, the one who has their hand on mine,

tot el programa.

the whole program.

Ui, ui, ui.

Oh, oh, oh.

És una mala mena.

It's a bad kind.

Si en sabré, no hi pariré.

If I know it, I won't give birth to it.


Tell me.

Digues, Marta.

Say, Marta.

No, no ho sé.

No, I don't know.

Jo sí, me'ls he escoltat, però no puc.

I have, but I can't.

O sigui, no ho sé.

So, I don’t know.

O sigui, digues constructiva pel whatsapp.

So, say constructive things on WhatsApp.

I no et fa una mica de por

Aren't you a little scared?

que el setembre sense la mar no funcioni igual?

Does September not work the same without the sea?



Farà servir el seu...

He will use his...


It will work.

Sí, això sí.

Yes, that's true.

A la lampada.

To the lamp.

Sincerament, no.

Honestly, no.

Sincerament, crec que no conec a ningú

Honestly, I don’t think I know anyone.

que tingui el perfil de la mar.

may it have the profile of the sea.

Amb qui xoqui tant com amb la mar.

With whom I clash as much as with the sea.

És que a ella és molt curiós.

It is that she is very curious.

I que té la veu molt radiofònica.

And he has a very radio-like voice.

Clar, és que no hi ha res dolent aquí.

Of course, there is nothing wrong here.

Ha de saber cantar qui vingui.

Anyone who comes must know how to sing.

Per què?


Perquè jo crec que teniu...

Because I think you have...

Si et fixes, la gent que canta bé té bona veu per ser-ho.

If you notice, people who sing well have a good voice to do so.

Sí, per això tenim tan bona veu, Marta Caravaca.

Yes, that's why we have such a good voice, Marta Caravaca.


Of course.

Doncs això.

Well, that.

Veurem quin és el futur del Deja Vu,

We'll see what the future of Deja Vu is.

de la nostra amistat i de tots nosaltres.

of our friendship and of all of us.

Marta, esperem que et vagi bé.

Marta, we hope you are doing well.

L'últim capítol del Deja Vu de l'any que ve,

The last chapter of the Deja Vu from next year,

si fa esta segona temporada,

if this second season happens,

a veure com està la nostra relació un any després.

Let's see how our relationship is one year later.

Ai, que pena.

Oh, what a pity.

Bueno, perdona, és que...

Well, sorry, it's just that...

Em fas una llamada.

You make me a call.

No, perquè vens, no.

No, because you come, no.

O vinc, va.

Either I come, or I don't.

Bueno, no vull prometre-te.

Well, I don't want to promise you.

Per aquest esforç.

For this effort.

Si la fem, no vindrà.

If we do it, he/she won't come.

Si és el juny, a lo millor sí.

If it's June, maybe yes.

Si m'ho comentes, sí, evidentment.

If you mention it to me, yes, of course.

I Carles, no tens ganes de tancar tapes i també tancar això?

I Carles, don’t you feel like closing lids and also closing this?

Probablement es tanqui, probablement no, ja ho veurem.

It will probably close, probably not, we'll see.

És que no sé com de parar la vida.

I just don't know how to stop life.

Si és probablement, no pots dir 50-50,

If it is probably, you can't say 50-50.

perquè llavors potser es tanca.

because then maybe it closes.

El deixem obert.

We leave it open.

Si és probablement, és que té més probabilitats.

If it is probably, then it has more chances.

Es pot fer una segona temporada?

Can a second season be made?



Veurem-ho on depara.

We'll see where it leads us.

Perquè a lo millor a mi em porta per altres camins.

Because maybe it leads me down other paths.

Potser també et substitueixen a tu i algú segueix el déjà vu.

Maybe they replace you too and someone experiences the déjà vu.


I imagine you.

Home, no hi ha vols que faci un altre programa?

Come on, isn't there a flight you want me to do another program for?

A veure, Carles, perdona.

Let's see, Carles, sorry.

Serà egoista.

It will be selfish.

Per què egoista?

Why selfish?

Ah, egoista jo, ara.

Ah, selfish me, now.

O sigui, jo soc prescindible, tu no.

So, I am dispensable, you are not.

De l'arma i el conflicte.

Of the weapon and the conflict.

A veure si no hi ha cap dels dos.

Let's see if there is neither of them.

Exactament, si no hi ha cap dels dos.

Exactly, if there is neither of the two.

Però bueno, dues persones poden començar un...

But well, two people can start a...

Jo si marxés i tu fessis el déjà vu, jo...

I would leave and you would have déjà vu, I...





No, et posaries nerviós.

No, you would get nervous.

Crec que és més...

I think it is more...

Qui editaria?

Who would edit?

Bueno, el problema ja és teu.

Well, the problem is already yours.

Clar, clar.

Of course, of course.

Bueno, concluint déjà vu.

Well, concluding déjà vu.



No he fet missatge de comiat.

I haven't made a farewell message.



Vull agrair a...

I want to thank...

Bueno, agrair a...

Well, I would like to thank...

Però us direu alguna cosa maca o què?

But will you say something nice or what?

Vols que ens diem una cosa maca?

Do you want us to tell you something nice?

A l'Amar no li surt.

Amar is not working out for him/her.

Home, si...

Man, yes...

Ho demanava, anaven a estar-me por ahí.

I was asking for it, they were going to be around me.

És veritat que ho he demanat.

It is true that I have asked for it.

Alguna cosa maca.

Something nice.

Bueno, si tu no et surt, no, eh?

Well, if it doesn't come out for you, no, right?

Vols que fem una migdiada?

Do you want to take a nap?

Serà cabró, com pot ser, a la llaga.

It will be a bastard, how can it be, to the wound.

I així fem una jornada de reflexió.

And so we hold a day of reflection.

Com a les votacions.

Like the voting.




We have...

Què anava a dir?

What was I going to say?

Vale, sí que tinc una cosa a dir.

Okay, yes, I do have something to say.

Donem les gràcies a l'Adrien, perquè ens va fer la capçalera.

We thank Adrien for making the header for us.

Ah, és veritat.

Ah, it's true.

Ho hem de dir.

We have to say it.

Al Jordi Capella, perquè ens ha ajudat a la vida.

To Jordi Capella, because he has helped us in life.

Al Jordi Capella li donem infinites gràcies.

We give infinite thanks to Jordi Capella.


Poor people.

És el nostre tècnic de la universitat.

He is our university technician.

Però escoltarà.

But he/she will listen.

Súper persona.

Super person.

No, però no pot ser res que la gent no et conegui.

No, but it can't be that people don't know you.



És un superheroi sense cara.

He is a faceless superhero.



Sense cara.


No, sense capa.

No, without a cape.

Sense capa.

Without a cape.

No té cara, si està...

It has no face, if it's...

Estic posta pixelada a la seva cara.

I am pixelated on his/her face.



Bueno, i gràcies a alguns professors de la universitat, que també ens han ajudat.

Well, and thanks to some university professors, who have also helped us.

I a tots els convidats.

And to all the guests.

Eh, vaig comptar.

Eh, I counted.

Han vingut...

They have come...

I convidades.

I invited you.

Han vingut...

They have come...



Han vingut...

They have come...

Perquè hem rebatit bastants.

Because we have debated quite a bit.

Quan rius, la Marta ho sap.

When you laugh, Marta knows it.

Han vingut 22 convidats diferents.

22 different guests have come.




Holy shit.

Hem portat a molta gent, eh?

We've brought a lot of people, huh?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Clar, hi ha molts que són rebes, si no, serien 34.

Sure, there are many who are great-great, otherwise there would be 34.



Joder, eh?

Damn, huh?

Hem portat a gent, eh?

We have brought people, right?

El que ens ha costat a vegades tancar convidats, eh?

What it has sometimes cost us to close guests, huh?



I temes.

And topics.

S'han quedat molts temes.

Many topics remain.

Hi ha algun tema...

Is there any topic...

A la Marta la sua, ella.

To Marta, hers, she.

Mira, hi ha algun tema...

Look, there's a topic...

No, gent, hi ha molts temes que jo m'he quedat amb moltes ganes de parlar.

No, people, there are many topics that I really want to talk about.

Quin és el teu tema predilecte que no hem parlat?

What is your favorite topic that we haven't talked about?

És que en tinc un molt atrevessat, eh?

I have a very bold one, you know?



La gordofòbia.


Jo també n'heu dit aquest.

I also said this one.

Sí, aquest sí.

Yes, this one.

Que m'hagués agradat.

I would have liked that.

A mi també, però no el vam poder...

Me too, but we couldn't...

És veritat que no el vam poder tancar.

It is true that we could not close it.

No l'hem pogut tancar mai.

We have never been able to close it.

No l'hem pogut tancar.

We haven't been able to close it.

Quina ràbia.

What a rage.

Sí, fa ràbieta.

Yes, he's throwing a tantrum.

Aquest hauria estat xulíssim.

This would have been really cool.

Aquest sí.

This one yes.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, potser per la segona temporada.

Well, maybe for the second season.

Bueno, tanquem aquí.

Well, let's close here.

Moltes gràcies, Marta Martí.

Thank you very much, Marta Martí.

Esperem que et vagi molt bé als Estats Units.

We hope everything goes very well for you in the United States.

Tu i jo seguim parlant, que hem de sortir molt de festa aquest estiu.

You and I keep talking, because we have to go out partying a lot this summer.

Hem d'aprofitar abans que marxis.

We have to take advantage before you leave.

Marta Caravaca, tu i jo també hem de sortir de festa.

Marta Caravaca, you and I also have to go out partying.

Pots venir-te un dia, tio.

You can come over one day, dude.

Sí, sí, però estàs a prop.

Yes, yes, but you are close.

Vam dir amb la Maria i l'Isaac que aniríem de festeta.

We told Maria and Isaac that we would go to a party.

Vine tu també.

Come too.

Sí, sí, a tope.

Yes, yes, go for it.

Per l'àmbit.

For the scope.

La Mar vindrà.

The Sea will come.

Jo també.

Me too.

Doncs mira, ens veurem un altre dia més a la vida.

Well, look, we'll see each other another day in life.

De fet, tenim un projecte a mitjons.

In fact, we have a project in the works.

Hòstia, és veritat.

Holy shit, it's true.



Ah, no, això ho saps.

Ah, no, you know this.

Després m'ho diem.

Then we'll let me know.

Sí, tenim un projecte.

Yes, we have a project.

No, no, és un projecte totalment extens d'això.

No, no, it is a totally extensive project of that.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Moltes gràcies, Marc Jiménez, per acceptar la meva proposta.

Thank you very much, Marc Jiménez, for accepting my proposal.

Moltes gràcies a tu, Carles, per acceptar la meva poca implicació

Thank you very much, Carles, for accepting my little involvement.

i tot i així volar-me aquí en aquest...

And yet, fly me here in this...

És una mentidera.

She is a liar.

No, és veritat.

No, it’s true.

Jo t'ho vaig dir des del primer moment.

I told you from the very beginning.

Jo faré de tècnic, però jo no em podré implicar en res més.

I will be a technician, but I won't be able to get involved in anything else.

Has sigut tècnica, has fet guions i a sobre has decidit convidar-t'hi temes amb mi.

You have been technical, you have written scripts, and on top of that, you have decided to invite topics with me.

Ja, però...

Yes, but...

I he fet l'edició.

I have made the edition.

A nivell de feina, tu n'has fet més.

At work level, you have done more.

Però moltes gràcies també per ensenyar-me,

But thank you very much for teaching me as well,

perquè en realitat crec que el nostre pique ens fa aprendre moltíssim.

because in reality I think our rivalry helps us learn a lot.

Crec que hem après moltíssim aquí.

I think we have learned a lot here.

I ens donarà també un...

And he will also give us a...

Va, gràcies.

Okay, thanks.

No, i no només aquí, com a persones.

No, and not just here, as people.

Sí, no, totalment.

Yes, no, totally.

Tu i jo, junts.

You and I, together.



Jo segueixo pensant...

I keep thinking...

A mi la mare em dona molta adrenalina treballant millor.

My mother gives me a lot of adrenaline to work better.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Per això et dic que és una gestió que te cagues i que m'ha après un món.

That's why I tell you it's a management that blows your mind and has taught me a lot.

Sí, de fet, jo crec que més que altres experiències.

Yes, in fact, I think that more than other experiences.

Aquí no ha sortit horriblement cremada.

Here it hasn't come out horribly burnt.

Només cremada.

Only burned.









Estàs contenta?

Are you happy?

Amb l'experiència?

With experience?

Ai, jo no em cremo mai.

Oh, I never burn myself.

No, home, l'any passat de realització...

No, well, last year of implementation...

Però perquè teníem...

But because we had...

Perquè ara ja he pres...

Because now I have already taken...

Has de canalitzar.

You have to channel.

He pres, Carles, com treballar amb tu.

I like working with you, Carles.

I és sense compartir lideratges.

And it's without sharing leaderships.

Així és com treballem bé.

This is how we work well.

Per això aquí tu lideraves i jo era la persona del costat.

That's why here you led, and I was the person on the side.

Hem fet feina...

We have worked...

Bueno, no, és mentida.

Well, no, it's a lie.

És que no, no em sembla bé.

It's just that no, I don't think it's right.

És veritat.

It is true.

Era el projecte dels dos, encara que...

It was the project of the two, although...

És un projecte dels dos...

It's a project of the two...

Bé, és igual.

Well, it doesn't matter.

Sí, ja t'entenc.

Yes, I already understand you.

Bé, moltes gràcies a vosaltres per escoltar-nos.

Well, thank you very much for listening to us.

Seguiran els capítols a YouTube i a totes les plataformes,

The episodes will continue on YouTube and all platforms.

així que els podeu repassar.

so you can review them.

Aquest estiu potser donarem una mica de turra

This summer we might annoy a bit.

i posem una mica de vídeo.

And we put a little bit of video.

Que us pagui, us los miréis otra vez, eh?

Let him pay you, you look at them again, okay?

Que no hem pogut fer gaire difusió de vídeos.

That we haven't been able to disseminate many videos.

I això, doncs ens veiem la temporada que ve,

And so, we'll see each other next season.

o si no, que us vagi molt bé la vida a tots.

or if not, I wish you all the best in life.



Recordeu de gaudir moltíssim.

Remember to enjoy a lot.

Passeu molt bon estiu.

Have a great summer.

Que ens el mereixem.

That we deserve it.

Que ens el mereixem tots i totes.

That we all deserve it.

I recordeu de follar moltíssim, també, que és molt important.

And remember to have a lot of sex as well, because it is very important.



Avui no t'he dit res.

Today I haven't told you anything.

Des del primer dia que vaig fer aquesta frase i s'ha quedat...

Since the first day I made this sentence, it has stayed...



No sé per què no va tenir apuntada,

I don't know why it wasn't noted down.

però res.

but nothing.

Bueno, moltes gràcies a tots.

Well, thank you very much to all.

Ens veiem al següent Deja Vu.

We'll see each other at the next Deja Vu.



Sí, que és el següent.

Yes, what is next.

O no, ens veiem o no.

Oh no, are we seeing each other or not?

O no.

Oh no.

És que no m'agrada dir-ho, no.

I just don't like to say it, no.

Per què no?

Why not?

Carles, tio, està bé tancar tapes.

Carles, dude, it's fine to close lids.

Acabem de parlar que està bé tancar tapes.

We just talked about it being good to close chapters.

Vale, vale, potser potser millor tanquem la tapa.

Okay, okay, maybe it's better to close the lid.

Ja està, ja hem descobert la manera d'acomiadar-se del Carles,

That's it, we have already discovered how to say goodbye to Carles.

que és intentant dir que no t'estàs acomiadant del tot,

what you are trying to say is that you are not completely saying goodbye,

com mitja acomiadanta.

as a farewell gesture.

Clar, jo mai sé si la porta estarà oberta o no.

Of course, I never know if the door will be open or not.

En general.

In general.

No ho pots dir, però...

You can't say it, but...

En algunes coses...

In some things...

Però tu estàs afirmant que ens veurem al següent Deja Vu.

But you are saying that we will see each other at the next Deja Vu.

Potser que és el Deja Vu.

Maybe it's Deja Vu.

Almenys ens fitxa a ràdio un ritme obera, Saul.

At least it fits us to a rhythm, Saul.


Watch out!

Ens veiem...

See you...

Bueno, ens veiem, no.

Well, we'll see each other, right?

Ens veiem.

See you.

Fins una altra.

Until next time.

Gràcies a tots i a totes i a totis.

Thank you all.



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