02 x 06 Les Lladres del Temps

Les Lladres del Temps

Les Lladres del Temps.

02 x 06 Les Lladres del Temps

Les Lladres del Temps.

Obrim podcast.

Let's open the podcast.

Per les lladres del temps.

For the time thieves.

Bona nit.

Good night.

I avui m'acompanyen en el nostre programa

And today I'm joined in our program

les meves tertulianes preferides.

my favorite talk show guests.

Hola, Hangui.

Hello, Hangui.

Aló, aló.

Hello, hello.

Hola, Lynx.

Hello, Lynx.



Oli, oli, com esteu?

Hi, hi, how are you?

Com porteu aquesta caloreta?

How are you handling this heat?

Bé, amb l'aire acondicionat a tope.

Good, with the air conditioning on full blast.

És que, clar, com que una tenriobito,

It's just that, of course, since a tenriobito,

tinc aire acondicionat.

I have air conditioning.

Són dos tenriobitos.

They are two tiny little things.

No, la tenriobito és tu.

No, the tenriobito is you.

Jo tinc aire acondicionat, però la tenriobito ets tu.

I have air conditioning, but the unbearable one is you.

Els pobres...

The poor...

Bueno, vale, me donen...

Well, okay, they give me...

...han inventat...

...they have invented...

...tall i ventilador de peu.

...height and standing fan.

Ja saps quin és el teu pròxim objectiu de la vida.

You already know what your next goal in life is.

Un pis amb aire acondicionat.

An apartment with air conditioning.

Mica en mica

Little by little

se millora la vida, i així es millora.

Life improves, and thus it gets better.

Doneu gràcies que aquest podcast

Give thanks that this podcast

a vegades tallem

sometimes we cut

i llavors és que no ho diuen.

And then they don’t say it.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Per això no fem mai directes,

That's why we never do live shows,

o molt poques vegades fem directes.

or very rarely do we do live broadcasts.

Les directes ens tallem més, eh, la veritat.

Direct messages cut us off more, right, the truth.

Sí. No sé si aquesta gent

Yes. I don't know if these people

ens haurà trobat a faltar aquest estiu

he will have missed us this summer

un mes sencer sense pot

a whole month without a can

que és de les grades del temps.

What is of the steps of time.

Poca es parla.

Little is spoken.

Bueno, els hem donat una mica

Well, we have given them a little.

de neguet, perquè puguin anar fent.

from the little black one, so they can keep going.

I vosaltres,

And you,

m'heu trobat a faltar?

Have you missed me?

Molt, sempre.

Very, always.

In a scale of one to ten,

On a scale of one to ten,

quanta ofensa podem tenir depenent de la resposta?

How much offense can we take depending on the response?

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Però si els hem vist igual.

But we have seen them the same.

Què dius? Què parles? Si no hem parat tampoc aquest estiu.

What are you saying? What are you talking about? We haven't stopped this summer either.

La veritat és que no.

The truth is no.

Bé, jo aquest estiu m'he sentit

Well, this summer I have felt

una amicona de remir,

a great friend of mine,

i sóc la nena maca més desgraciada del món.

I am the prettiest most unfortunate girl in the world.

Però tampoc passa res.

But it's not a big deal either.



tot són èpoques.

Everything is a matter of time.

Tot són èpoques, ja arribarà.

All are eras, it will come.

Però, com sempre, nosaltres per passar l'estona

But, as always, we are just here to pass the time.

i aquells moments màgics, tenim el mandara aquí

And those magical moments, we have the mandara here.

i venim a recomanar cosetes.

And we come to recommend little things.

Qui vol començar avui?

Who wants to start today?

Jo me quedo l'última,

I keep the last one,

que ja ha sigut un parell de cops

that it has already happened a couple of times

abans, la primera,

before, the first,

em sembla.

it seems to me.

Primera caganera.

First shitter.



Se m'està convidant, aquí,

I am being invited, here,

deixant anar coses

letting go of things

que la gent no està entenent,

that people do not understand,

però jo ja estic, vale,

but I'm already in, okay,

o sigui, em veig jo, no hi ha opció.

That is to say, I see myself, there is no option.

Siguem realista.

Let's be realistic.

Si ets la primera caganera

If you are the first pooper.

i avui portes la niu de merda,

and today you bring the nest of shit,

em sembla correcte que comencis tu.

I think it's fine for you to start.

És la cagome.

It's the shit.

La cagome.

The shit.

M'haig millor dit,

I should have said,

però la gent, lo pitjor de tot,

but people, the worst of all,

és que no ho estarà entenent.

it's just that he/she won't be understanding it.

En veritat, és la caganiu.

In truth, it's the shit.

La caganiu.

The little poop.



És la nostra caganiu.

It's our little poop.

Però va, jo primer de tot,

But come on, me first of all,

abans de res,

before anything else,

vull començar dient que,

I want to start by saying that,

en aquest moment,

at this moment,

no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Però, primer de tot,

But first of all,



quanta gent sabeu

how many people do you know

que és un,

what is a,

una caganiu?

a little poop?

I ja pots continuar, Lynx.

And you can continue now, Lynx.

Jo, primer de tot,

Me, first of all,

em toca a mi

it's my turn

mitjà audiovisual.

audiovisual medium.

Vull deixar constància

I want to make it clear.

que la Hangui va posar el guió.

that Hangui wrote the script.



Hola, bona tarda,

Hello, good afternoon,

venim a portar un drama de Netflix.

We come to bring a Netflix drama.

Però això ho hem fet moltes vegades.

But we've done this many times.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

M'assembla que hem fet més dramas

It seems to me that we have created more dramas.

i realities que animes.

and realities that you animate.

5% de probabilitats,

5% chance,

300% d'esperança.

300% of hope.

Estem 50-50, eh?

We're 50-50, right?

Jo crec que sí.

I think so.

Però, vamos,

But come on,

ara hauré de treure el meu guió

Now I will have to take out my script.

de noms coreans

of Korean names

que mai m'entraran al cap,

that will never enter my head,

però el drama és

but the drama is

Mi adorable demonio,

My adorable demon.

que la podem trobar a Netflix.

that we can find on Netflix.

Lynx, digue-ho, és maco.

Lynx, say it, it's beautiful.

Digues com aquesta que surt

Say like this one that comes out.

per qui es diu Rorro, no?

For whom is it said Rorro, right?

Aquesta, digue-ho bé.

This, say it right.

El drama d'avui és

Today's drama is

Mi adorable demonio.

My adorable demon.

I recordeu que els petits canvis

And remember that small changes

són poderosos.

they are powerful.

Veus? Queda molt millor.

See? It looks much better.

Quin poder.

What power.



El cringe.

The cringe.

Però anem a començar.

But let's get started.

Mi adorable demonio, 16 capítols,

My adorable demon, 16 chapters,

una miqueta més enllà d'una hora.

a little more than an hour.

No és d'aquelles que et pots empassar

It's not one of those that you can swallow.

en una tarda, les coses com són.

One afternoon, things as they are.

De fet, si te l'empasses en una tarda

In fact, if you swallow it in one afternoon.

no t'entraràs en una puta merda.

you won't get into a fucking mess.

Són 16 hores perdudes de la vida, eh?

That's 16 wasted hours of life, huh?

Més de 16 hores

More than 16 hours

si fas tot el sumum.

if you do all the summation.

L'argument d'aquest drama és

The plot of this drama is

la Dodohi, que és la protagonista

Dodohi, who is the protagonist.

de la sèrie, és una noia

from the series, she is a girl

filla adoptiva d'una gran empresària

adopted daughter of a great businesswoman

d'un gran grup corporatiu que es diu Mirae.

from a large corporate group called Mirae.



La típica noia perfecta,

The typical perfect girl,

supera els negocis,

outperform the businesses,

però que la seva vida amorosa

but that his love life



a tothom en qui surt.

to everyone in whom it appears.

Sí? Tauró empresarial,

Yes? Business shark,

tenim al cap? Vale.

Do we have it in mind? Okay.

El nostre protagonista

Our protagonist

masculí és el Goowong.

Masculine is the Goowong.

En teoria, el Goowong

In theory, the Goowong

és el propietari

he is the owner

d'un teatre coreà antic.

of an ancient Korean theater.

Però en el primer capítol ja ens esvetllen

But in the first chapter, they already enlighten us.

que realment és

that it really is

el que coneixem com la paraula

what we know as the word

dimoni, d'acord? I es dedica

Demon, okay? And it is dedicated.

a fer pactes amb éssers humans.

to make pacts with human beings.

Ells li donaran una cosa als éssers humans

They will give something to human beings.

a canvi de la seva pròpia vida.

in exchange for his own life.

Virgin crisis, hagui.

Virgin crisis, let it be.

Sense virginitat, perquè m'assembla que aquesta

Without virginity, because it seems to me that this

ja està rodada. El tema està

it's already filmed. The subject is

que per un error

that due to an error

la Dodohi i el Goowong tenen una cita.

Dodohi and Goowong have a date.

Típic de

Typical of

matrimoni concertat?

arranged marriage?

Doncs per un error la Dodohi es pensa que Goowong

Well, by mistake, Dodohi thinks that Goowong.

és el paio amb qui li han

he's the guy with whom they have

emparellat, perdó,

paired, sorry,

i el Goowong es queda tan flipant

and Goowong is just so amazed

que coi fa aquesta tia

What the hell is that woman doing?

que ho deixa viure.

that lets it live.

El tema està que per un seguit de successos es tornen a trobar

The issue is that due to a series of events they meet again.

en diversos punts, però

at various points, but

un dia, no se sap com,

one day, it is not known how,

per un accident de cotxe,

due to a car accident,

el Goowong perd els seus poders

the Goowong loses its powers

i els hi transfereix a la Dodohi.

and transfers them to Dodohi.



La gràcia d'aquest dorama és

The charm of this drama is

ells ja a l'inici

they already at the beginning

no suporten, d'acord?

they can't stand it, okay?

El tema està que el Goowong no pot

The issue is that Goowong can't.

seguir fent pactes si no toca

continue making agreements if it's not appropriate

a la Dodohi. És a dir, és com

to the Dodohi. That is to say, it is like

una mena de bateria, de fet a l'aldorama

a kind of battery, in fact at the Aldorama

diuen bateria com a tal, o com una

They say battery as such, or as one.

mena de vareta màgica.

magic wand.

No us diré per què, però hi passa

I won't tell you why, but it happens.

una cosa durant l'aldorama

one thing during the aldorama

que obliga sí o sí

that obliges whether you like it or not

a la Dodohi a casar-se.

to marry Dodohi.



I arrel d'aquí, la Dodohi

And from here, the Dodohi

tenint en compte que no

taking into account that no

vol casar-se o que necessita un matrimoni

Do you want to get married or what is needed for a marriage?

molt estratègic, li demana

very strategic, it asks him/her

el Goowong cascàs.

the Goowong fell.

Només us diré

I will only tell you.

que la resposta és no.

that the answer is no.

Ui, llavors ja estem entrant en una cosa

Oh, then we are getting into something.

que tingui un punt d'interès cap a mi, perquè

that they have a point of interest towards me, because

era tot tan maco, tan critsiqués. No, no, no.

It was all so beautiful, so critical. No, no, no.

De fet, té molts esquiatxos còmics

In fact, it has many comic sketches.

que a mi em fan molta gràcia.

that I find very funny.

Té una cosa que m'agrada molt, que és

It has one thing that I really like, which is

el Goowong fan com salts

the Goowong makes jumps

el passat i el present, una mica per

the past and the present, a little for

entendre com ha arribat al punt on està

understand how it has reached the point where it is

o què era abans de ser un dimoni.

or what it was before being a devil.

I té el puntet aquest històric que

And it has this historical little point that

també mola, perquè veus tots els vestits

it's also cool because you see all the costumes.



Corea, com a tal, també té una

Korea, as such, also has a

base catòlica bastant

fairly Catholic base

forta per ser àsia. També

strong to be Asia. Also

jugam amb això una micona.

Let's play with this a little bit.

És divertit.

It's fun.

És per l'ajudant, no? Sí. Amb els peixos? Sí.

It's for the assistant, right? Yes. With the fish? Yes.

I perquè el tatuatge,

And why the tattoo,

quina forma té.

What shape does it have?

El tatuatge anem a fer... És spoiler, però no és spoiler,

The tattoo we are going to do... It's a spoiler, but it's not a spoiler.

perquè es veuen els primers 10 minuts de

because the first 10 minutes of are shown

filmografia. El tatuatge que té

filmography. The tattoo that he/she has

el Goowong de dimoni és una creu catòlica.

the Goowong de dimoni is a Catholic cross.



Que divertit.

How fun.

Pel que veig, sóc l'única que no l'ha vist, no?

From what I can see, I'm the only one who hasn't seen it, right?

No, jo he vist

No, I have seen.

dos capítols. Jo me la vaig

two chapters. I'm going to it

empotrar sencera. Jo me la vaig

"To embed it completely. I'm going for it."

empotrar sencera en una setmana.

embed whole in a week.

No vull dir jo res, Hangui, però t'estàs

I don't want to say anything, Hangui, but you are...

quedant enrere, eh?

falling behind, huh?

Molt. Perquè això era

Very. Because this was.


to be...

Era una sèrie de Hangui per recomanar per Hangui.

It was a Hangui series to recommend for Hangui.

I m'estàs dient que no les portes dos capítols?

Are you telling me that you don't have two chapters?

Estic molt...

I am very...

Educadament jo vaig dir un dia

Politely, I said one day.

he trobat això,

I have found this,

us ho recomano, sembla que pinta

I recommend it to you, it looks promising.

bé. Jo vaig donar una setmana de marge,

Okay. I gave a week’s notice,

ningú va dir, anem a fer un tastet.

nobody said, let's have a little taste.

I vaig dir, per mandara què?

I said, for what purpose?

Ja no estic de tons de nit, ja m'acosta molt més

I'm no longer in shades of night, it's getting much closer to me.

veure sèries. Saps què passa? Que jo

watching series. Do you know what happens? That I

l'altre dia fent un

the other day doing a

zapping d'aquests de Netflix, vaig a veure algun reality

Zapping through these on Netflix, I'm going to watch a reality show.

d'aquests o una sèrie d'aquestes que m'agraden, tipus

of these or a series of these that I like, like

coreana. I com que

Korean. And since

em vaig veure molt per sobre Celebrity, me l'he tornat

I saw myself above Celebrity, I got it back.

a començar. Ah, sí?

Let's begin. Oh, really?

Però, també he de dir

But I also have to say

que fent aquell llistat, m'havia sortit

that doing that list, I had come out

i és un... Ah, me la miraré.

And it's a... Ah, I'll take a look at it.

O sigui, que puntadeta.

So, a little jab.

La faré. Sí, jo me vaig veure

I will do it. Yes, I saw myself.

dos capítols i aquest moment

two chapters and this moment

de la cita

of the quote

al restaurant, si no recordo

at the restaurant, if I remember correctly

malament, a mi em sembla que ho tanca tot per ell

wrong, it seems to me that he closes everything for himself

sol. I ell a escola, em sembla que és una

Sun. And him at school, it seems to me that it is one.

cosa així. És molt divertit

Something like that. It's very funny.

la veritat, que tenen molt bona

the truth is, they are very good

química i ella és molt

chemistry and she is very

tirada cap endavant, és...

pulled forward, it is...

I manda la merda a la gent, és molt divertida.

I send the shit to people, it's very funny.

P-pideta. A veure,

P-pideta. Let's see,

jo no soc una especialista en marianceres coreanes,

I am not a specialist in Korean mariances.

tot just faré un anyet que he començat

I have just started for not even a year.

a veure unes quantes, o sigui, tampoc he vist

let's see a few, I mean, I haven't seen either

tantes, no arribo a deu encara.

so many, I still haven't reached ten.

Sí que noto que totes les noies són com molt

I do notice that all the girls are very much like

empoderades i em fa molta gràcia, eh?

empowered and it makes me laugh a lot, huh?

Sí, Corea és diferent en aquest sentit.

Yes, Korea is different in this regard.

Llavors, és un punt que m'agrada perquè

Then, it's a point that I like because

jo, les bledes

me, the chard

que no m'agrada, jo sempre vull que m'avorreixen molt

I don't like it, I always want to be very bored.

i llavors m'agraden... Tot i que

And then I like... Although

després surtin escaldades i tinguin un

then come out scalded and have a

final tràgic, m'agrada més veure una noia empoderada.

tragic ending, I prefer to see an empowered girl.

Potser perquè em petitzo més amb ella, eh?

Maybe because I get along better with her, huh?

La tallada Kinomoto. Totalment.

The Kinomoto cut. Totally.

No és bleda, és la tallada Kinomoto.

It's not a wilted lettuce, it's the Kinomoto cut.

No, és bleda.

No, she's an airhead.

I després soc jo la que no li agrada Sakura, eh?

And then it's me who doesn't like Sakura, huh?

Una cosa no trobo l'altra, per tot el que et digui.

One thing does not find the other, no matter what I tell you.

Amb tot el carinyo,

With all my affection,

a mi el rollo bojo, tomoya, Sakura

the crazy thing about me, Tomoya, Sakura

m'enamora moltíssim. Sí.

It fascinates me a lot. Yes.

Però aquí l'empoderada

But here the empowered one

és la tomoyo. Sí, sí, i el fetixisme

It's Tomoyo. Yes, yes, and fetishism.

que no veus de petita...

that you don't see as a child...

Poc estem parlant de l'estàlquer psicòtica

We are hardly talking about the psychotic stalemate.

amb psicopatia no diagnostica

with undiagnosed psychopathy

de la tomoyo.

of the tomoyo.

Nosaltres som una marona que té

We are a brown one that has

una nena de 15 anys o 14, però

a 15 or 14-year-old girl, but

tenim aquesta nena i veiem que té

we have this girl and we see that she has

una amiga molt fidel que sempre li està fent

a very loyal friend who is always doing for her

vestidets, que se'ls emprovi, que l'agradi...

little dresses, that they try them on, that she likes it...

Jo no estaria molt còmoda.

I wouldn't be very comfortable.

Que estigui tot el puto dia amb la càmera

That I spend the entire damn day with the camera.

a la mà.

in the hand.

Però és que la mare de la tomoyo

But it is that Tomoyo's mother

ja tenia un...

I already had a...

Amb la mare de la Kinomoto.

With Kinomoto's mother.

No tenia un romàntic una merda, un altre stalker.

He wasn't a romantic at all, just another stalker.

La poma no cau gaire lluny

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

de l'arbre, eh?

from the tree, huh?

Pobre nadecico.

Poor little baby.

Això te n'ho per un altre tertúlia, que ara no toques.

This is for another discussion, which is not what we're addressing now.

Hem obert moltes vegades

We have opened many times.

que hem de fer tertúlia i sembla que

that we have to have a discussion and it seems that

començarem per Bleda Kinomoto.

we will start with Bleda Kinomoto.

Però si ja has dit tot

But you have already said everything.

que has creat l'expectativa i el hype

you have created the expectation and the hype

d'aquest romàntic divertit i entretingut

of this fun and entertaining romantic



Han Win, deixa's tirar a mi.

Han Win, let me take care of it.

I tant, va, dóna-l'hi.

Sure, go ahead, give it to him/her.

Quan vulguis.

Whenever you want.

Nenes, he portat una cosa

Girls, I brought something.

que no n'hem parlat encara,

that we haven't talked about yet,

que jo sé que us agradarà,

that I know you will like it,

i que no és un joc,

and that it is not a game,

són molts jocs.

There are many games.

A vegades les paraules no són necessàries.

Sometimes words are not necessary.

Eh que no?

Eh, right?

Dintre música.

Within music.

Gràcies per la cover, Han Win.

Thank you for the cover, Han Win.

Us vinc a parlar del taiko no tatsujin.

I'm here to talk to you about Taiko no Tatsujin.

Bé, a veure,

Well, let's see,

jo crec que és un joc que no és un joc.

I believe it is a game that is not a game.

Jo crec que és un joc que no és un joc.

I believe that it is a game that is not a game.

Jo crec que és un mandara que no voleu

I think it’s a shame that you don’t want it.

que parli jo sola.

let me speak alone.

O sigui, que jo faré la part més introductiva

So, I will do the more introductory part.

i després, si voleu,

and then, if you want,

anem comentant una miqueta sobre la marxa

Let's comment a little bit about the march.

perquè jo crec que això més o menys

because I think this more or less

tothom d'una manera o una altra ho ha tastat.

Everyone has tasted it in one way or another.

Sabem que a tots més o menys

We know that to all of us more or less

ens agrada, ens en doni millor,

we like it, give us better things,

ens en doni pitjor.

give us worse.

I, com sempre, a mi m'agrada fer

I, as always, like to do

com petits exàmens,

like small exams,

tot i que teniu un petit guió.

even though you have a small script.

Us en recordeu quan va començar

Do you remember when it started?

i quan va aparèixer aquest primer

And when did this first appear?

videojoc de taiko no tatsujin?

taiko no tatsujin video game?

Sí. Mirant el guió o sense?

Yes. Looking at the script or not?

Sense, sempre sense.

No, always no.

Qualsevol cosa que et contesti serà opció A

Whatever I answer you will be option A.

perquè ho heu mirat, opció B

because you have looked at it, option B

perquè ho estic inventant.

because I am making it up.

Jo el primer el vaig veure

I saw him first.

per la Wii, m'assembla.

for the Wii, I think.

I ara aquí he de fer jo

And now here I have to do it.



Tal qual.

Just like that.

Exacte, per això anava una mica

Exactly, that's why I was going a bit.

una per aquí, perquè molts van començar

one around here, because many started

amb el joc de la Wii

with the Wii game

i anem a explicar abans de per què

And let's explain first why.

va començar, per què t'han sentit

It started, why have they heard you?

la Wii en aquest sentit i és

the Wii in this sense and it is

per qui no coneixeu aquest videojoc o aquesta saga

for those who do not know this video game or this saga

de videojocs, és un joc musical

of video games, it is a musical game

on hem de tocar uns tambors.

We have to play some drums.

Dos tambors, que un és el vermell

Two drums, one of which is red.

que piquem al central i el blau

let's hit the central and the blue

que piquem en els cantons. Simplement

that we hit in the corners. Simply

hem de seguir el ritme d'unes cançons predeterminades

we must follow the rhythm of predetermined songs

que J-pop, videojocs,

that J-pop, video games,



fins i tot en l'últim s'ha ficat ara

he has even gotten involved in the last one now

la Hatsune Miku i Vocaloid, oh please.

Hatsune Miku and Vocaloid, oh please.

Divertit és que també poden tenir música

It's funny that they can also have music.

clàssica, però això ja ho desenvoluparem més tard.

classic, but we will develop this further later.

I un joc musical que

And a musical game that

si hem anat a la Retro Barcelona, alguna coseta així

if we went to Retro Barcelona, something like that

l'anterior edició, per exemple, tenien el joc.

The previous edition, for example, had the game.

Si et dono la gran fortuna, que no té tothom

If I give you the great fortune that not everyone has.

la fortuna d'anar al Japó, és mític

the fortune of going to Japan is mythical

obrar una màquina de recreatives del taiko.

to operate a taiko arcade machine.

És més, sol ser com un producte estrella

What's more, it is often like a star product.

i sempre que hi anem està ocupat. Poques vegades

And whenever we go there it is busy. Rarely.

està allà abandonat per poder jugar.

it is there abandoned to be able to play.

M'equivoco o no m'equivoco?

Am I wrong or am I not wrong?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Que no?

What do you mean?

Doncs tota aquesta aventura de tocar tambors

So this whole adventure of playing drums

que és com molt maco, va començar

it's very nice, it started

el 2007, gràcies a

in 2007, thanks to

a dia d'avui, Bandai Namco

As of today, Bandai Namco

amb una primera entrega de Nintendo DS.

with a first delivery of Nintendo DS.

Nintendo DS, recordeu que és

Nintendo DS, remember what it is.

la videoconsola de Nintendo, portàtil

the portable Nintendo video game console

que va fer com una segona esclatada

that was like a second explosion

darrere la Game Boy, que tenia

behind the Game Boy, which I had

la pantalla tàctil, que tenia els gatells

the touch screen, which had the triggers

i jo per mi, jo crec que és la millor portàtil

And for me, I think it's the best laptop.

en global que té

overall it has

Nintendo. I aquí estic fent una declaració meva.

Nintendo. And here I am making a statement of mine.

No sé si vols compartir o no,

I don't know if you want to share or not,

però jo la vaig disfrutar

but I enjoyed it

molt, la DS. I m'assembla que ara

a lot, the DS. It seems to me that now

ha fet un boom per coses

it has made a boom for things

històries d'internet. No saps la història?

Internet stories. Don't you know the story?

Sí, sí que la sé, però tampoc vull donar

Yes, I do know it, but I also don't want to give.

molta cova, això, saps?

a lot of cave, this, you know?

Vale, com que no volem donar cova,

Okay, since we don't want to give in,

ho deixarem aquí.

We'll leave it here.

Bueno, simplement

Well, simply

joc musical, hem d'agafar cançons

musical game, we have to pick songs

que ens agraden. No sé vosaltres,

that we like. I don't know about you,

però jo sóc de les que m'aquedo enganxada

but I am one of those who get stuck

entre el món d'anime i els videojocs.

between the world of anime and video games.

Algun cop


sí que salto a la música

yes, I jump to the music

clàssica, alguns cops salto

classical, sometimes I jump

a alguna cançó d'una banda sonora de

to some song from a soundtrack of

Namco, però tot molt residual,

Namco, but very residual overall,

tot queda en videojocs i anime

everything is left in video games and anime



La gràcia d'això és això, agafar dos

The charm of this is this, to take two.

tambors, que amb Nintendo Wii agafàvem

drums, which we used to play with Nintendo Wii

els jostics, agafàvem els dos comandaments,

the joysticks, we took both controllers,

en Nintendo DS se podia jugar

On the Nintendo DS, you could play.

sense necessitat de tindre com les

without needing to have like them

dues batutes, simplement amb els

two shakes, simply with the

comandaments, perquè a vegades és

commands, because sometimes it is

com els jocs musicals del tipus osso, que és

like musical games of the type osso, which is

simplement anar clicant, més o menys pots anar jugant.

just keep clicking, more or less you can keep playing.



la gràcia és perquè en una

the grace is because in a

escalfada de les meves, doncs,

warm-up of my, then,

vaig voler agafar-me el de Switch,

I wanted to get the one for Switch,

la gràcia que té també pels més

the grace it has also for the more

friquis i els que tenen una economia més guai,

geeks and those with a cooler economy,

per uns 100 eurets et pots comprar

for about 100 euros you can buy

el tambor, i llavors pots jugar tu

the drum, and then you can play yourself

amb un taiko i tocar un taiko com Déu mana,

with a taiko and playing a taiko as God intended,

a la teva videoconsola a casa,

to your gaming console at home,

ja que normalment aquestes recreatives

since normally these recreational activities

doncs aquí no arriben.

so here they don't arrive.

Està molt bé, perquè música

It's very good, because music.

i moviment, i moviment,

and movement, and movement,

i picar una miqueta, te desfoga,

I bite a little, it relieves you.

és molt, és molt terapèutic, eh?

It's very, it's very therapeutic, huh?

Mira, abans de

Look, before

fer aquesta tertúlia, m'agrada mirar una micona

doing this chat, I like to look a little bit

coses que es puguin destacar del videojoc,

things that can be highlighted from the video game,

i no us fico en el guió perquè no ho podeu

I'm not putting you in the script because you can't do it.

absorbir, que és,

absorb, what is it,

o sigui, dintre dels estudis de

that is, within the studies of

videojoc es considera un joc molt difícil,

the video game is considered a very difficult game,

perquè òbviament mai et passaràs aquest

because obviously you will never pass this one.

videojoc, és molt difícil arribar a fer

video game, it's very difficult to get to make

en el màxim de dificultat totes les cançons,

at the highest level of difficulty all the songs,

i que igualment

and that also

té aquest punt de dificultat de la

has this difficulty point of the

sincronia amb la rítmia

synchronicity with rhythm

i aconseguir agafar, doncs això,

and manage to grab, well that,

fer la perfecció que et demanen, clicar,

make the perfection they ask for, click,

perquè pensa que per passar-te

because he thinks that to pass you

una fase, una cançó, has de

a phase, a song, you have to

fer mínim el 75%, o sigui que,

make at least 75%, that is,

d'un i d'un, eh? No és allò

One and one, eh? It's not that.

on necessites 50 més 1,

you need 50 plus 1,

necessites un 75, que ja és força.

you need a 75, which is already quite a lot.

I lo fàcil,

And the easy,

que és jugar a dissociar en aquest joc,

what it is to play to dissociate in this game,

poc s'està parlant.

not much is being said.

És que, ara anàvem a això, que per

It's just that, we were getting to this, that for

una altra banda, és molt

on the other hand, it is very

entretingut i alhora té aquest punt educatiu perquè

entertaining and at the same time has this educational aspect because

estimula sobretot per petits, mitjans

stimulates especially for small and medium

i grans, per el dèficit d'atenció

and adults, for attention deficit

i per aquest tipus de coses que funcionen

"And for these kinds of things that work."

molt i molt bé. I això

very well indeed. And that

ha de ser musical, i són les teves cançons,

it has to be musical, and they are your songs,

doncs és allò,

well, it's that,



els videojocs inciten a la violència,

video games incite violence,

els videojocs no són sants, no estan

video games are not saints, they are not

estudis, t'ha de demostrar que aquest tipus de videojoc

studies, must demonstrate to you that this type of video game

estimula i va bé

stimulates and is good

pel creixement, sobretot dels nanos.

for the growth, especially of the kids.

Una altra cosa, que nosaltres

Another thing, that we

siguem pares i siguem grans i no passem

let's be parents and let's grow up and not pass

el joc als nanos, perquè

the game for the kids, because

volen jugar a nosaltres. Això és un altre tipus

they want to play with us. This is another kind

de problema. Sí, això és un... Però no té a veure

of a problem. Yes, this is a... But it doesn't have to do with

amb els videojocs. No.

with video games. No.

Vem els pares que són mals pares.

We see the parents who are bad parents.



O mals germans.

Oh bad brothers.

O mals germans, sí.

Oh bad brothers, yes.

Que donen,

What they give,

que donen comandaments desconnectats.

that give disconnected controls.

Soc, soc, i no me'n penedeixo mai.

I am, I am, and I never regret it.

Comandament número dos,

Command number two,

desconnectats, sí.

disconnected, yes.

Les cançons són diferents per plataformes?

Are the songs different for platforms?

Ara l'última, perquè lo típic

Now the last one, because it’s the typical.

és un joc que ha tingut diferents entregues,

it is a game that has had different installments,

que a dia d'avui

that as of today

està a totes les plataformes, és a dir,

it's on all platforms, that is,

fins i tot crec que tens una per

I even think you have a pair.

Windows, i llavors

Windows, and then

és com universal, tens una bateria

it's like universal, you have a battery

que són, sembla, un total d'unes 50

they are, it seems, a total of about 50

cançons estàndard, i després pagues

standard songs, and then you pay

un petit pas de 4 euros,

a small step of 4 euros,

cada 3 mesos,

every 3 months,

una burrada, ja veus,

a nonsense, you see,

però tens accés al pas sencer de totes les cançons

but you have access to the entire set of all the songs

que ja la tira, i cada mes

that already takes it, and every month

van incluint unes quantes més.

they were including a few more.

Què passa? Que, siguem sincers, si tu mires

What's going on? Because, to be honest, if you look...

aquest pas, és veritat, pot haver gairebé

this step, it's true, can almost have

800 cançons, però, per exemple,

800 songs, but, for example,

a mi, les 200

for me, the 200

que pugui tenir de Namco, doncs,

that I can have from Namco, then,

a mi no m'interessen, però, en canvi,

I'm not interested, but on the other hand,

tu comences a mirar, i veus els nous

you start to look, and you see the new ones

openings de les noves temporades de Kimetsu

openings of the new seasons of Kimetsu

no Yaiba, trobes

no Yaiba, you find

Spikes Family, trobes el...

Spikes Family, do you find the...

tot allò que a tu t'agrada, i a tu que t'ha agradado

everything that you like, and you that you liked

tens unes quantes cançons d'Ado. I vosaltres

You have a few songs by Ado. And you all?

perquè no piqueu a Vocaloid.

because you don't hit Vocaloid.

Ja. Jo ho intento.

Yes. I try.

Però... A mi ja hi havia Madoka, no?

But... I already had Madoka, right?

Sí, sí que està Madoka.

Yes, Madoka is here.

Sí, sí, sí, sí. I Fight for...

Yes, yes, yes, yes. I fight for...

Hi ha moltes cançons, i probablement aquella que us agradi

There are many songs, and probably the one you like.

volar de dret a Tati O'Connor,

fly straight to Tati O'Connor,

Major Academia, One Piece...

My Hero Academia, One Piece...

Estudio Ghibli té el seu propi apartat,

Studio Ghibli has its own section,

però... és que...

but... it's that...

Links... Jo Vocaloid

Links... I Vocaloid

ho he intentat, però és que em supera massa

I've tried, but it overwhelms me too much.

tanta estona. A mi aquí a Havarant va fer molt de

so long. Here for me in Havarant, it was very...

mal el 2014.

bad in 2014.

Jo us tinc en bucle, vull dir, tinc la que tinc

I have you on a loop, I mean, I have the one I have.

i segueixo escoltant-les a vegades.

I still listen to them sometimes.

De fet, hi ha llista a Spotify.

In fact, there is a playlist on Spotify.



O sí.

Oh yes.

Jo Vocaloid per Mai Mai.

I Vocaloid for Mai Mai.

A Mai Mai sí que li van donar el Vocaloid.

Yes, they did give Mai Mai the Vocaloid.

Sí. Mai Mai, recordem que

Yes. Never Never, let's remember that

és la fira recreativa, que sembla una rentadora,

it's the fairground attraction that looks like a washing machine,

que és rodoneta, torna a ser un joc musical,

that is round, it is once again a musical game,

el que passa que hem de seguir

What happens is that we have to keep going.

les rodones i les tralletes

the circles and the small ones

en una sèrie de botons o dintre

in a series of buttons or inside

de la pantalla, que és molt divertit

from the screen, which is very fun

perquè si jugues

because if you played

a partir de nivell alt

from a high level

és necessari portar guants perquè si no

it's necessary to wear gloves because if not

et cremes els dits. I això és una rareta com un temple.

you burn your fingers. And that is a rarity like a temple.

Sí, sí. Tu quan veges

Yes, yes. You when you see

a la gent que s'aficaven als guants deia

to the people who were fascinated by gloves, I said

uau, uau, que s'hi viene.

wow, wow, it's coming.

El que passa que després hi ha gent com jo que jugant

What happens is that then there are people like me who play.

al tecot t'atxuïn, el passat estiu em vas

at the tecot they shout at you, last summer you gave me

rebentar dues vegades les mans.

to break one's hands twice.

Però això és perquè vas jugar poc. Jo crec que sí.

But that's because you played little. I think so.

Jugues molt més, t'afas el callo

You play much more, you toughen your callus.

i no passa res. Sí, perquè el que vaig fer

And it's okay. Yes, because what I did

és rebentar-me el poc callo que tenia.

it's bursting the little callus I had.

Home, jo recordo, jo recordo

I remember, I remember

l'últim viatge, de dir-te

the last journey, of telling you

ai, Jinx, t'estàs fent mal

Oh, Jinx, you are hurting yourself.

i tu fer així amb les mans

And you do this with your hands.

i tenir a la zona de l'anell

and have in the area of the ring

no una bulliofa, però tota

not a soup, but all of it

una línia lila.

a purple line.

No, això va ser

No, that was it.

el primer dia, la segona vegada

the first day, the second time

que vam jugar va saltar.

What we played jumped.

I també va saltar en el polze.

And he also jumped on the thumb.

A la zona del polze també em va saltar

It also jumped on the area of my thumb.

directament. Jo això no m'hi vaig fixar, veus?

directly. I didn't notice this, you see?

Però sí que recordo la línia aquesta, lila.

But I do remember that lilac line.

No, no, hi ha fotos.

No, no, there are photos.

De les rebentades hi ha fotos.

There are photos of the bursts.

Sí, hi ha fotos.

Yes, there are photos.

Jo me'n recordo, jo me'n recordo.

I remember, I remember.

No, en Taiko no t'atxuïn

No, in Taiko you don't get hit.

és molt, molt bo el joc.

the game is very, very good.

Bé, i també com deia abans la Linx

Well, and also as Linx said before.

fa una estoneta,

just a moment,

allò que vull jugar una estona, no tinc massa estona

What I want to play for a while, I don't have too much time.

o vull dissociar o fins i tot vull fer una micona

I either want to dissociate or I even want to do a little.

d'exercici, és guai.

of exercise, it's cool.

I el vull recomanar perquè

And I want to recommend him because

com que aquest nou està a totes les plataformes

since this new one is on all platforms

i més o menys

and more or less

i si no sempre podem tirar a Wallapop

And if not, we can always try Wallapop.

podem trobar els Taiko

we can find the Taiko

jo crec que és una cosa molt divertida i entretinguda

I think it's something very fun and entertaining.

i sobretot si podem jugar amb amics

and especially if we can play with friends

aconseguir un parell de Taikos, cadascú porta el seu

get a couple of Taikos, everyone brings their own

i juguem conjuntament, això és màgic.

We play together, this is magic.

Per tant, a mi m'agrada

Therefore, I like it.

recomanar coses diferents

recommend different things

encara no ha sortit el Cat Quest 3

Cat Quest 3 has not been released yet.

Ja arribarà, ja arribarà.

It will arrive, it will arrive.

Bueno, aquí dintre de tres mandaraques

Well, here within three mandaraques.



Més o menys cap al novembre o així

More or less around November or so.

podràs dir, no?

You will be able to say, right?

Més o menys poder presentar aquí tres mesos el Cat Quest 3.

More or less, we can present Cat Quest 3 here in three months.

Vale, pues passo jo, vale?

Alright, then I'll pass, okay?

No sé si m'avui cotejareu

I don't know if you will check with me today.

o no.

or not.

Si ja saps

If you already know

per què preguntes?

Why do you ask?

Si ja sabe.

If you already know.

Si no t'ha arribat la resposta

If you haven't received the answer

per què preguntes, no?

Why do you ask, right?



I jo si vol la resposta

And I do want the answer.

te la dono amb un silenci, ja està.

I give it to you with a silence, that's it.

Va, vinga, va.

Come on, let’s go.

Vinc a portar una cosa molt xatxi

I'm coming to bring something very cool.

que van portar les noietes de Tomodomo Ediciones

what the girls from Tomodomo Ediciones brought

que sempre fan les coses amb molt carinyo

that they always do things with a lot of care

o almenys a mi m'ho sembla

or at least it seems so to me

i va ser una cosa molt demanada

it was a very requested thing

i potser no s'esperava

and perhaps it was not expected

tant que ho portessin

as long as they carried it

encara que ho demanaven molt

although they asked for it a lot

i és Oku, los aposentos privados.

And it's Oku, the private chambers.

Us sona?

Does it sound familiar to you?

Jo li tinc moltes ganes

I really look forward to it.

perquè com que la gent

because as people

li té tant de hype

it has so much hype

ho vull llegir.

I want to read it.

Bé, ho has de tindre a casa.

Well, you have to have it at home.

Ho sé, però com que tinc

I know, but since I have

tants comis per llegir...

so many reports to read...

Sí, ja ho sé, ja.

Yes, I already know, already.

Ho tens aquí.

You have it here.

Bé, l'edició del manga

Well, the manga edition.

és molt bonica,

she is very beautiful,

està molt ben cuidada.

it is very well cared for.

La traducció m'assembla que també

The translation seems to me that it also does.

perquè ara entrarem en la sinopsis

because now we will go into the synopsis

però s'ho han hagut de córrer bastant

but they've had to run quite a bit

i segur que ha sigut complicat

and I'm sure it has been complicated

ja que aquesta història

since this story

està ambientada en el Japó feudal.

It is set in feudal Japan.

Aleshores, hi ha d'haver

So, there must be

molts termes i moltes coses

many terms and many things

que han de costar de traduir.

that should be expensive to translate.

Bé, de què va Oku?

Well, what's Oku about?

Oku, que també hi ha sèrie en Netflix.

Okay, there is also a series on Netflix.

Jo l'he vist però no m'ho vull mirar

I have seen it but I don't want to look at it.

perquè vull llegir-me el primer manga.

because I want to read the first manga.

A mi em fa ser molt curiós

It makes me very curious.

perquè va sortir

why it came out

la gent em diu Oku, Oku

People call me Oku, Oku.

però no s'ha fet molt de rebombori

but it hasn't caused much of a stir

i en canvi amb el manga

and on the other hand with the manga

sembla que ha agradat més.

it seems that it has been liked more.

És la sensació que a mi m'ha donat.

It is the feeling that I have gotten.

Jo és que de l'anime tinc un problema.

I have a problem with anime.

És anime Netflix, d'acord?

It's Netflix anime, right?

És anime japonès on es nota

It is Japanese anime where it shows.

que una mare que ha fotut la mà.

that a mother who has messed up.

Doncs això.

So that's it.

Sí, no li fa molta justícia, la veritat.

Yes, it doesn't do much justice to him, to be honest.

Me l'hi han ficat molt de carinyo

They have put a lot of care into it for me.

però, bueno, clar, és un xojo.

but, well, of course, he's a jerk.

Oku. Oku està ambientada

Oku. Oku is set.

en un Japó feudal, d'acord?

in a feudal Japan, okay?

Amb els seus shogunats

With their shogunates

i les seves estructures medievals

and its medieval structures

on viuen una pandèmia, d'acord?

Are they living through a pandemic, okay?

Que això és com el toc

That this is like the touch.

sense ficció.

without fiction.

Viuen una pandèmia on els homes

They live in a pandemic where men

sobretot dents i joves

above all teeth and young people


they die.

Es posen malalts i es moren.

They become sick and die.

Què passa?

What's happening?

Que la demografia masculina

That the male demographic



I les dones agafen el lideratge

And the women take the lead.

de tots els negocis, de les famílies,

of all the businesses, of the families,

inclús del govern.

including the government.

I aquí és on ve la gràcia, no?

And this is where the fun comes in, right?

Com les dones, inclús, som

As women, even, we are

les senyores

the ladies

del clan samurai i tot, no?

of the samurai clan and all, right?

I els homes passen a ser

And the men become

els mantinguts,

the dependents,

els que van treballant

those who are working

en prostívols, i la gent,

in prostibules, and the people,

les dones, els compren

the women buy them

o, bueno, no, els paguen

Oh, well, no, they pay them.

sobretot per quedar-se en cinta.

especially to get pregnant.

Perquè, clar, no hi ha homes,

Because, of course, there are no men,

s'ha de buscar descendència,

one must seek descendants,

ha baixat molt la descendència,

the offspring has decreased a lot,

els nens moren, i

the children die, and

diguéssim que els homes ho estan en un paper

let's say that men are in a role

així molt banal, no?

so very trivial, isn't it?

Mentre que les dones porten la societat.

While women carry society.

I d'aquesta manera, doncs, també passa

And in this way, then, it also happens.

en el shogunat o en el governador,

in the shogunate or in the governor,

on la història s'entra que entra

where history enters that enters

una nova senyora,

a new lady,

que es diu Yoshimine,

who is called Yoshimine,

que se les porta,

that takes them,

i té el seu harem, però que no són

and has her harem, but they are not

concubines, sinó són concubinos.

concubines, but they are concubines.

O sigui, són tots

So, they are all.

homes. O que són

men. Or what are they?

putos y saburais.

fools and know-it-alls.



Més o menys.

More or less.

Clar, que aquesta senyora que té aquest harem

Of course, this lady who has this harem.

d'homes, perdona, eh?

of men, excuse me, huh?

Aquesta senyora té aquests harems d'homes

This lady has these harems of men.

que el que busca és, bueno, la seva

what he/she is looking for is, well, his/her

distracció, no? Com són les concubines

Distraction, isn't it? What are the concubines like?

en qualsevol palau així d'imperial,

in any palace so imperial,

i, a veure, qui li dona

And let's see who gives it to him.

una descendència?

a descent?

Un braguetazo. De tota la vida.

A quick fix. For all time.

Un braguetazo donen ells,

They give a wedgie,

que se'n van a viure allà.

they are going to live there.

Jo m'agradaria a mi poder

I would like to be able to.

deixar, o sigui, jo m'agradaria a mi, en aquest

leave, I mean, I would like to me, in this

univers, l'emperatriu

universe, the empress

o qui fos, i dir-li, bona tarda,

Oh, who would it be, and say to him, good afternoon,

aquí jo, aquí el meu material.

here I am, here is my material.

Ens casem?

Shall we get married?

I estaria? Doncs no és tan

Would I be? Well, it's not that.

maco com sembla.

pretty as it seems.

Jo crec... La història sembla així, una

I believe... The story seems like this, one

miqueta així, però té coses molt turbies.

A little like this, but it has very murky things.

Tinc, ens vols fer una confessió que t'agradaria

I have, do you want to make a confession that you would like?

ben escutó, o alguna cosa d'aquesta?

well heard, or something like that?

No especialment,

Not especially,

estic guai com estic, eh? És que

I'm cool just the way I am, you know? It's just that

com que ho has dit, et vinc a presentar això, i el meu

Since you mentioned it, I’m here to present this to you, and my...

material, i si estem parlant de

material, and if we are talking about

presos masculins, doncs, perdona's,

male prisoners, so, forgive yourself,

el material se'n va on se'n va. Anem a posar-nos

The material is going wherever it goes. Let's get started.

en un context de l'univers

in a context of the universe

oco. Vale.


I anem a fer un context com

And let's create a context like

em farà fauler.

it will make me a liar.

Ja has fet la teoria de que tota la

You have already done the theory that all the

mujer quiere tener un pito?

Does a woman want to have a penis?

Oh my god!

Oh my God!

Primer jo insisteixo, estic bé com estic, eh?

First, I insist, I am fine as I am, okay?

Però un pito de temps

But a little while

mai ve malament.

never comes wrong.

Vaja cunyada.

Wow sister-in-law.


Take care of him.

Jo he sigut una cunyanada. Cuida'l.

I have been a nuisance. Take care of him.

Jo de l'Emi Ferrafauler

I of the Emi Ferrafauler

comparteixo el gustos per les

I share the tastes for the

tiare's. Jo comparteixo

tiare's. I share.

la seva teoria que a nivell de sistema

his theory that at the system level

de fontaneria és molt més fàcil

plumbing is much easier

de netejar i mantenir el de l'home que no

to clean and maintain that of the man who does not

el de la dona. Correcte.

the one of the woman. Correct.


I love it.

A mi Ferrafauler m'encanta. També dic

I absolutely love Ferrafauler. I also say.

jo prefereixo les caronades internes

I prefer the internal cannons.

així que queda tot com més

so it all remains as more

arregladot, més

more organized

façana decorada

decorated facade

que tenia allà com a les façanes

that I had there like on the facades

antigues de Barcelona, el tub

Old Barcelona, the tube

cap a fora, saps?

Outward, you know?

Jo, perdonaràs, però

I, will you forgive me, but


the extent,

per molt maco que sigui l'interior, l'extent és el que és

No matter how beautiful the interior is, the extent is what it is.

i tampoc a mi em brilla

and it doesn't shine for me either

la passió a mi per la visualització d'allò, eh?

The passion in me for the visualization of that, huh?

No. No, és una cosa

No. No, it's one thing.

molt ridícula. Per això.

very ridiculous. That's why.

El tema, com s'està pujant.

The topic, as it is rising.

Tu sola que agafes, tu sempre que agafes

You alone who takes, you always who takes.

que fan coses que són més 18, a mi què m'expliques?

What do you mean, they do things that are 18+?

Sí que és més

Yes, it is more.

18, no per el sexe que surt

18, not for the sex that comes out.

sinó per tots els temes que toquen

but for all the topics they cover

perquè clar, què sol passar

because of course, what usually happens

quan hi ha molts homes junts?

When there are many men together?

Un partit de futbol. I estan així a dos baletes

A football match. And they are like this at two ballets.

Sí. Un partit de futbol. I estan a dos

Yes. A football match. And they are at two.

baletes, sí, i fiquen uns quants gols, sí.

ballads, yes, and they score a few goals, yes.

Ja saben

They already know.

el que diuen en temps de guerra.

what they say in times of war.

En temps de guerra? Sí.

In times of war? Yes.

Sí, sí, sí. I clar, hi ha moltes

Yes, yes, yes. And of course, there are many.

estratègies, no?

strategies, right?

Per pujar, per ser

To rise, to be

el primer

the first

cortessà que estigui amb l'emperatriu

courtier who is with the empress

arriba aquest emperatriu i diu

"Arrives this emperor and says"

ui, aquí no hi ha calés, la meitat

Oh, here there is no money, half of it.

fora, al carrer, saps?

Outside, on the street, you know?

I bueno, està molt bé.

And well, it's very good.

I aquí en aquest

And here in this

primer volum, a més

first volume, furthermore

té una doble contraportada

it has a double back cover

que diguessin que ells surten dos personatges

that they said that two characters come out

i és la meitat

and it's half

del volum i l'altra meitat del volum

of the volume and the other half of the volume

que te va explicant la història dels dos personatges.

that tells you the story of the two characters.

I tot està lligat, eh?

And everything is connected, right?

M'he trobat... Està molt ben cuidat,

I've found... It's very well cared for,

està molt bé l'argument, està molt bé.

the argument is very good, it's very good.

No és un dibuix que diguis, ua, super

It's not a drawing that you would say, wow, super.

complex, no fa falta.

complex, no need.

No fa falta i a mi m'agrada

It's not necessary, and I like it.

moltíssim, eh? La veritat és que és un top.

Very much so, right? The truth is that it's a top.

Haurem de fer una llegideta.

We will have to do a little reading.

Però parlant

But speaking

de llegideta,

of reading,

jo crec que

I believe that

més que sense ficció a Moku,

more than nonfiction at Moku,

tenim una tertúlia que

we have a discussion that

se'n va més de ciència-ficció encara.

It goes even more into science fiction.

I és una miqueta tradicional, també.

And it is a little traditional, too.

Ens anem a la tertúlia?

Shall we go to the talk?

Ens anem a la tertúlia.

We are going to the discussion.

Here we go!

Here we go!

Propera parada,

Next stop,

la tertúlia.

the discussion group.

Hola, noietes!

Hello, girls!

Benvingudes a la tertúlia!

Welcome to the discussion!



Què espereu d'aquí?

What do you expect from here?

Se suposa que sabem el tema

It is supposed that we know the topic.

o se suposa que no sabem del tema?

Or are we supposed not to know about the subject?

Què resposta vols?

What answer do you want?

El tema són

The subject is



Yokais i yokaines, m'agrada dir.

Yokais and yokaines, I like to say.

Jo em dius yokais i em ve un manga a Barcelona

You call me yokais and a manga comes to me in Barcelona.

en un pavelló

in a pavilion

de Nintendo...

from Nintendo...

Molta gent s'estrà amb nosaltres

A lot of people will be upset with us.

amb la música de fons de Yokai i Yokai Watch.

with the background music of Yokai and Yokai Watch.

I això és un tipus de Yokai

And this is a type of Yokai.

que després parlarem.

that we will talk about later.

Yokai Watchi!

Yokai Watch!

Yokai Watch, Yokai Watch...

Yokai Watch, Yokai Watch...

Que tenia els trials per la Nintendo DSi.

That I had the trials for the Nintendo DSi.

Això va ser a Plaça Espanya.

This happened at Plaça Espanya.





Un recorç de Vietnam.

A trip to Vietnam.





Yokai Watch,

Yokai Watch,

Yokai estan aquí.

Yokai are here.

Siempre con problemas están por donde sea.

They are always having problems wherever they go.

Molestan siempre aquí y a cualquier hora.

They always bother here and at any hour.

Pierden tus cosas en una lavadora.

They lose your things in a washing machine.

Los más traviesos del lugar.

The most mischievous ones in the place.

Siempre con locas ganas de jugar.

Always with crazy desires to play.

Cuenta con mi amigo, no hay nada que perder.

Count on my friend, there's nothing to lose.

Conectada con ellos, con el poder.

Connected with them, with the power.

Él tiene un

He has a

Yokai, Yokai Watch.

Yokai, Yokai Watch.

Amigos sobrenaturales va a encontrar.

Supernatural friends you will find.

Puede hablar con espíritus, no tiene que asustarse.

You can talk to spirits, you don't have to be scared.

Le escuchan sin cansarse.

They listen to him without getting tired.

Porque tiene un Yokai Watch.

Because he has a Yokai Watch.

Yokai, Yokai Watch.

Yokai, Yokai Watch.

Puede hablar con espíritus, no tiene que asustarse.

You can talk to spirits, you don't have to be scared.

Le escuchan sin cansarse.

They listen to him without getting tired.

Porque tiene un Yokai Watch.

Because he has a Yokai Watch.

Bueno, no, yo espero que sigui més divertit

Well, no, I hope it will be more fun.

que la cançó de Yokai Watch

that the song of Yokai Watch

d'en Bukele.

of Bukele.

Jo crec que podria ser un capítol de crims.

I think it could be a chapter of crimes.

Amb Hangui Porta.

With Hangui Porta.

Hauríem d'indagar en el 112

We should inquire at 112.

quantes trucades hi va haver

how many calls were there

relacionades amb el manga Barcelona

related to the Barcelona manga

i possiblement aquesta cançó de fons.

and possibly this background song.

Però potser una del mestre Dac, eh?

But maybe a bit from Master Dac, huh?

Jo recordo, recordo molt malament

I remember, I remember very badly.

aquell saló d'aquell any.

that hall of that year.

Molt turbi, de fet.

Very murky, in fact.

Aleshores, si parlem de Yokai,

So, if we talk about Yokai,

el primer que us ve al cap és Yokai Watch.

The first thing that comes to mind is Yokai Watch.

No, en veritat no.

No, really not.

Jo tinc un remember més guai que és

I have a cooler memory that is

el verano de Ko o l'estiu d'en Ko.

Ko's summer.

Bueno, lo de remember guai,

Well, the remember thing is cool,

no sé si guai seria la paraula.

I don't know if "cool" would be the word.

Bueno, tinc el record aquí gravat a foc.

Well, I have the memory engraved here in fire.

O sigui, algo important va ser.

So, something important happened.

A veure si és important.

Let's see if it's important.

Per fer-te esclatar el cap, eh?

To make your head explode, huh?

La paraula Yokai ve de la mà

The word Yokai comes from the hand.

amb el videojoc League of Legends.

with the video game League of Legends.

I no és una cosa de la que vulgui parlar.

And it is not something I want to talk about.

O no en aquesta tertúlia.

Oh no, not in this discussion.

No és la tertúlia del LoL.

It's not the LoL chat.

A veure, tu estàs confonint

Let's see, you are confusing.

yonkis amb yokais.

junkies with yokais.

No, sí, és el yonki amb el yanqui.

No, yes, it's the junkie with the yankee.

No, el Richard, que és més de yanqui,

No, Richard, who is more of a Yankee,

i el Richard, que és més de yonki.

And Richard, who is more of a junkie.


Do you know?

A veure, els yokais, què són els yokais?

Let's see, what are yokais?

Són éssers,

They are beings,

deduïm que de ciència-ficció,

we deduce that from science fiction,

però poden ser com les meigues,

but they can be like the witches,

a més les ailes.

in addition to the wings.

Això me volia dir, a més les ailes.

That's what I wanted to tell you, besides the wings.

I això, són esperits que,

And this, they are spirits that,

si no m'equivoco,

if I'm not mistaken,

viuen entre els dos mons, no?

They live between the two worlds, right?

Viuen en la Terra i viuen

They live on Earth and they live.

en el que seria el món atàvic,

in what would be the primordial world,

que no arriba a ser com el món dels morts,

it doesn't quite become like the world of the dead,

és un altre món.

it's another world.

Concretament, i segon,

Specifically, and secondly,

el que he estat buscant i mirant,

what I have been searching for and looking at,

els yokais són esperits que van i venen

Yokais are spirits that come and go.

entre el nostre món i el dels esperits.

between our world and that of the spirits.

Venen de la religió del sintoïsme,

They come from the religion of Shintoism,

encara que el budisme va tindre

although Buddhism had

algun efecte també sobre aquests éssers.

some effect also on these beings.

Òbviament, són éssers mitològics

Obviously, they are mythological beings.

de folclore japonès, tot això ho sabem.

of Japanese folklore, we all know that.

I estan representats

And they are represented.

en totes bandes, d'acord?

In all directions, okay?

Primer, diferenciem una miqueta

First, let's differentiate a little.

yokai i kami, no?

yokai and kami, right?

Kami són els esperits que habiten

We are the spirits that inhabit.

en roques, rius, pedres,

in rocks, rivers, stones,

la natura, d'acord? El que podria ser,

nature, right? What could be,

és que, clar, les traduccions

it's just that, of course, the translations

no són sempre gaire literals,

they are not always very literal,

però el que podria ser un déu.

but what could be a god.

Però com és en el sintoïsme, hi ha déus

But as in Shintoism, there are gods.

a totes bandes. Això t'anava a dir,

to all sides. That's what I was going to tell you,

a mi em sonava així,

to me it sounded like this,

anime user, nivell usuari,

anime user, user level,

que kami era déu.

that kami was god.

Sí, kami és un...

Yes, kami is a...

és com dir un déu, però clar,

it's like saying a god, but of course,

els nostres déus i els déus sintoïstes,

our gods and the Shinto gods,

estan pensats de formes

they are thought out in forms

diferents, no?, i les seves

different, right?, and theirs

formes de ser i de...

ways of being and...

el seu caràcter són diferents.

Their characters are different.

En canvi, i el yokai

On the other hand, and the yokai

en principi era un ser incorpori,

in principle it was a disembodied being,

d'acord? Però quan es va introduir

Alright? But when was it introduced?

el budisme al Japó,

Buddhism in Japan,

ja li van donar formes,

they already gave it shapes,

que tenia formes de qualsevol cosa

that had shapes of anything

o inclús formes humanes,

or even human forms,

i viuen entre els dos mons.

and they live between the two worlds.

En canvi, són esperits

On the contrary, they are spirits.

i els yokais van canviant de món a un altre.

And the yokais move from one world to another.

És una mica els

It's a bit of the

Hanamuntana japonesos.

Japanese hanamuntana.

Podrien ser.

They could be.

Però una miqueta més

But a little bit more

sanguinolents, potser.

bloody, perhaps.

Sí, perquè...

Yes, because...

Bueno, és que

Well, it's that

realment el tema de yokais com a tal,

really the topic of yokais as such,

a part del yokai watch que ja hem fet la primera referència,

apart from the yokai watch that we have already made the first reference to,

nosaltres en el món del manga i l'anime

us in the world of manga and anime

hi ha força cosetes

there are quite a few little things

i sèries on tenim allà els yokais molt presents.

and series where we have the yokais very present.

Moltes. Sí.

Many. Yes.

Tenim bastanta base de mitologia japonesa

We have quite a lot of Japanese mythology background.

en general, gràcies a la cultura

in general, thanks to culture

de l'anime. Sí, sí.

from the anime. Yes, yes.

Sí, sí, a l'anime hi ha el manga, no?

Yes, yes, in anime there is manga, right?

I bueno, és que realment és la seva

And well, it’s that it really is his.

cultura, són les seves llegendes, no?

culture, it is their legends, isn't it?

Igual que aquí tens l'home del sac

Just like here you have the man of the sack.

o tens algunes

or you have some

llegendes i coses urbanes

legends and urban things

del país, no?

from the country, right?

Doncs aquí també n'hi han.

Well, there are some here too.

Òbviament Japó és molt rica

Obviously, Japan is very rich.

en tot això, eh? Perquè clar, aquí està ja

In all this, right? Because of course, here it is already.

el tema religiós del sintoïsme,

the religious theme of Shintoism,

que hi ha esperits, hi ha déus,

that there are spirits, there are gods,

en totes bandes. Sí, però que

in all directions. Yes, but that

a l'hora d'explicar poden ser una miqueta

when it comes to explaining, they can be a little bit

les tres bessones que explicaven contes

the three twins who told stories

del folklore una miqueta de la zona

a little bit of local folklore

d'Europa, perquè eren el flautista de Mali, tot i

of Europe, because they were the flutist from Mali, even though

que després van tindre capítols

that later had episodes

una mica més amplis.

a little wider.

Jo suposo que va ser una miqueta

I suppose it was just a little bit.

això, que ens expliquen el folklore, els seus

this, that they explain the folklore, their

animalons i els seus éssers, doncs a través

little animals and their beings, for through

de la seva literatura,

from its literature,

del seu cinema,

of his cinema,

bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla.

bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla.

bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla.

bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla.

Sobretot eren

Above all they were

per explicar

to explain

fenòmens de la natura

natural phenomena

o fenòmens que passaven,

or the phenomena that occurred,

perquè després ho parlarem, perquè hi ha una cosa que

because later we will talk about it, because there is something that

em fa molta gràcia. Sobretot

It makes me laugh a lot. Especially.

eren els perquès, no?

They were the whys, right?

Per què plou? Perquè hi ha

Why does it rain? Because there is

un oni de la pluja, per exemple.

a rain unicorn, for example.



Bueno, els yokais no s'han de

Well, the yokais shouldn't be

confondre amb dimonis, perquè a vegades també se diuen

confuse with demons, because sometimes they are also called

dimonis, però clar, no és el dimoni,

demons, but of course, it's not the devil,

parlem com ho deia abans, no és el dimoni que

let's talk as I said before, it is not the devil that

nosaltres tenim pensat.

we have planned.

O el meu, com era? El meu adorable dimoni, no?

Oh mine, how was it? My adorable demon, right?

La meva estimada oni.

My beloved oni.

No hi ha un concepte

There is no concept.

de bo dolent, sinó que els yokais poden ser

of good or bad, but yokai can be

o bons, o trapelles, o protectors,

either good, or scoundrels, or protectors,

o venjatius, vale? Hi ha una miqueta de tot.

Oh vengeful one, okay? There’s a little bit of everything.

Aquí parlant de les referències

Here talking about the references.

durant la periòdia Edo,

during the Edo period,

quan va començar a haver-hi

when did it start to exist

una urbanització i una massificació

an urbanization and a massification

al Japó, van néixer

in Japan, they were born

historietes humorístiques dels yokais, no?

humorous stories of yokais, right?

Conegudes com kusazoshi,

Known as kusazoshi,

que eren els dibuixos de yokais, amb

that were the drawings of yokais, with

una miqueta de text. I eren com historietes

a little bit of text. And they were like little stories

a vegades humorístiques.

sometimes humorous.

I es van popularitzar tant, que al final

And they became so popular that in the end

ja no van ser només

they were no longer just

per a nens, sinó que es va agafar

for children, but it was taken

un toc més madur per als adults,

a more mature touch for adults,

que es va anomenar Yomihon,

which was called Yomihon,

vale? I

Okay? I

de Yomihon tenim dos exemples de les obres

From Yomihon we have two examples of the works.

més famoses, no? Hi ha moltes,

more famous, right? There are many,

que és el Tono Monogatari, no?, com podien dir

What is Tono Monogatari, right?, as they could say.

les llegendes de Tono, i

the legends of Tono, and

Gatsuhiaki Yako, que són

Gatsuhiaki Yako, what are they?

la guia il·lustrada de monstres i fantasmes.

the illustrated guide to monsters and ghosts.

Doncs jo penso que aquí,

Well, I think that here,

sembla que s'ha parlat moltes coses. Són els primers

It seems that many things have been said. They are the first.

com mangas, no?, que van sortir.

like sleeves, right?, that came out.

Bé, jo és que recordo capítols

Well, I remember episodes.

d'anime, i si tiro una mica

of spirit, and if I throw a little

enrere, diria que en el primer una miqueta vaig

Back, I would say that in the first one I go a little.

veure aquest tipus d'éssers, bitxos,

see these types of beings, bugs,

monstres, com vulguem dir-li

monsters, however we want to call them

en versió popular,

in popular version,

a Doraemon, a Radma, capítols on

to Doraemon, to Radma, episodes where

surten aquests éssers, en diferents capítols,

these beings appear in different chapters,

interactuant amb aquesta versió que tu

interacting with this version that you

dius, que és veritat que pensem tots

you say it’s true that we all think

en negatiu, i és que simplement a vegades tens

in negative, and it's just that sometimes you have

els que són perillosos, els que simplement són

those who are dangerous, those who simply are

trapelles, els que són venjatius,

rascals, those who are vengeful,

és a dir, si els deixes tranquils no passa

That is to say, if you leave them alone nothing happens.

res, però com et trobis amb ells

nothing, but how do you get along with them

i tinguis un problema, l'has pifiat,

If you have a problem, you messed up.

o sigui, no sé,

I mean, I don’t know,

jo són un tipus d'éssers que sempre

I am a type of beings that always

m'ha fet molta gràcia a nivell de folclore,

it has amused me a lot on a folkloric level,

i descobrir nous animalons

and discover new animals

en general m'agrada molt,

I generally like it a lot,

però és que els yokais trobo que tenen aquell

but I find that yokais have that

punt popular perquè els noms en japonès

popular point because the names in Japanese

no m'ho sé, però el de la xancleta,

I don't know it, but about the flip-flop,

el del parasol,

the one with the parasol,

o paraigües, perquè jo suposo

or umbrella, because I suppose

que és més aviat un paraigües,

which is more of an umbrella,

i a més sempre m'han fet molta gràcia.

And besides, they've always amused me a lot.

Sí, aquest és un tipus de yokai

Yes, this is a type of yokai.

que ara parlarem.

that we will now talk about.

S'ha de dir que

It must be said that

a l'era Meiji, com que se va treure molt

In the Meiji era, since a lot was taken out.

aquesta superstició sobre els yokais,

this superstition about yokais,

però abans, sobretot del que parlàvem,

but before, especially about what we were talking about,

en el període, jo abans, perquè

in the period, I before, because

ja han escrit de l'any 500,

they have already written about the year 500,

històries i llegendes

stories and legends

d'aquesta època,

from this period,

realment es creien aquestes històries

they really believed these stories

de yokais, li donaven una explicació a les coses,

of yokais, they gave an explanation to things,

i degut a això

and due to this

la gent actuava d'alguna manera,

people acted in some way,

i més endavant,

and later on,

ja parlarem de tres tipus de yokais,

we will talk about three types of yokais,

i hi ha un que

and there is one that

van actuar

they acted

d'una forma pensant que aquell

in a way thinking that that

animal realment estava

the animal was really

posseït per un yokai

possessed by a yokai

o un esperit, o que era realment un esperit.

or a spirit, or that it was really a spirit.

Així que passem

So we move on.

als tipus de yokais,

to the types of yokai,

com hem dit, hi ha diferents,

as we have said, there are different ones,

tu has dit de vegades els objectes,

you have said the objects sometimes,

els yokais objectes,

the object yokais,

són el tsukumogami,

they are the tsukumogami,

que es diuen que els objectes quotidiàls

they say that everyday objects

que cobren vida després de passar

that come to life after passing

100 anys. Quan arriben als 100 anys

100 years. When they reach 100 years.

aquests objectes s'agafaven aquesta

these objects were taken this

malla i aquest poder i cobraven vida.

mesh and this power came to life.

Doncs a dir d'avui,

Well, as of today,

no poden bé de les xancletes, perquè

they can't come from the flip-flops, because

unes xancletes no t'aguanten 100 anys.

flip-flops won't last you 100 years.

A dir d'avui, no.

As of today, no.

Agafes el que caminis 3 quilòmetres

You take what you walk 3 kilometers.

i està fora, aquella xancleta.

And it's out, that flip-flop.

Està molt divertit perquè així que vas llegint

It's very interesting because as you read along

i vas descobrint coses, entens moltes coses

And you start discovering things, you understand many things.

de la cultura japonesa

of Japanese culture

i la seva filosofia de la vida

and his philosophy of life

i de tot com ho han plasmat.

and of everything how they have captured it.

De yokais, tens els yokais

About yokais, you have the yokais.

animals, que normalment tenen

animals, which usually have

malles innates i normalment

innate meshes and normally

també imiten formes humanes,

they also imitate human forms,

sobretot la femenina, sempre

above all the feminine, always

se troben coses que, sobretot

they find things that, above all

feien transformacions humanes

they made human transformations

i femenines, i hi ha inclús

and feminine, and there are even

noms per aquest tipus de yokais

names for this type of yokai

que es transformaven en dones.

that transformed into women.

Ja ho veurem.

We'll see.

I també feien els yokais que es

And they also made the yokais that are

transformen en humans, que són, sobretot

they transform into humans, who are, above all

persones que han experimentat un amor molt horrible

people who have experienced a very horrible love

amb unes emocions molt extremes

with very extreme emotions

i no poden abandonar el món físic.

and they cannot abandon the physical world.

Per exemple, l'onryo

For example, the onryo

és l'esperit venjatiu d'una dona.

It is the vengeful spirit of a woman.

Aquí el que dirien que és un fantasma.

Here is what they would say is a ghost.



La yokiona, és a dir,

The yokiona, that is,

la reina de les neus o la dona de les neus,

the Snow Queen or the Woman of the Snow,


would fit

dintre d'això? Sí.

Inside this? Yes.

Jo crec que estaria aquí

I think I would be here.

dintre. Després hi ha el que

inside. Then there is what

hem dit abans, el sonis, que és a l'ogre

We've said before, the sound, that it's in the ogre.

de la muntanya, que si tu fas

from the mountain, that if you do

una volta per Japó,

once around Japan,

te'ls trobes en els temples.

You find them in the temples.

És el típic oni de pei vermella o pei blava.

It is the typical red-footed or blue-footed booby.

Home, com a referència

Home, as a reference

ara tinc, per no entrar en yokai watch,

now I have, to avoid getting into yokai watch,

que és fàcil, això ho trobes a yokai watch,

it's easy, you can find this in Yokai Watch,

agafant coses de manga i anime, que la gent

taking things from manga and anime, that people

pugui trobar ràpid, ràpidament. A mi em fa molta

can find quickly, quickly. It makes me very

gràcia que els onis els agafen aquesta

thank you that the waves catch them this way

roba que sol ser llençaria

fabric that is usually canvas

atigrada amb les banyetes

striped with little horns

petites, que això ho trobem molt a

small, because we find this very in

Doctor Slump, a Bola de Drac, a Lamu...

Doctor Slump, Dragon Ball, Lama...

O sigui, hi ha moltes sèries que tenen aquesta

So, there are many series that have this.

referència i a mi sempre m'ha fet molta gràcia.

reference and it has always amused me a lot.

Suposo que com vivien a la muntanya

I suppose that they lived in the mountains.

s'abastien amb les robes...

they adorned themselves with the clothes...

dels pells, dels animals.

of the skins, of the animals.

I què més fort que una pell d'un felí,

And what is stronger than the skin of a feline,

d'un tigre o d'una cosa així.

of a tiger or something like that.

Seguim, tenim

Let's continue, we have.

o bake o bakemonos,

either bake or let's bake,

que són els yokais que canvien de forma

What are the shapeshifting yokai?

temporal. Poden ser animals

temporary. They can be animals

o plantes, d'acord?

or plants, okay?

I un exemple així que tenim molt proper

And an example that we have very close.

és el kodama,

it is the kodama,

que és l'esperit aquest que surt

What is this spirit that comes out?

en la princesa Mononoke al bosc.

in Princess Mononoke in the forest.

Doncs això seria

Well, that would be it.

un vaque.

a cowherd.

No són esperits

They are not spirits.

d'amor, són esperits naturals

of love, they are natural spirits

de la natura. Però bé,

of nature. But well,

m'imagino que el vaquemono com a

I imagine him as a vaquemon.

presència tenen altres,

they have presence others,



Jo penso en la meva referència cavernària

I think of my caveman reference.

i penso en l'ulong i

and I think about the Ulong and

el puar, jo una mica seria

the point, I would be a little serious

un vaquemono, no?

a cow monkey, right?



Sí! O un yokai animal,

Yes! Or an animal yokai,



Que tenen màgia i poden

That they have magic and can

imitar la forma humana. Ja, però...

imitate the human form. Yes, but...

Són animals amb màgia innata. La gràcia de l'ulong i el puar

They are animals with innate magic. The grace of the ulong and the puar.

que són metamorfs i han après màgia.

they are shapeshifters and have learned magic.

És divertit, eh? Ah, han après

It's fun, isn't it? Ah, they have learned.

la màgia. Sí, és divertit perquè

the magic. Yes, it's fun because

tens aquí una barreja...

you have a mix here...

Sí, la veritat és que podrien ficar que són com

Yes, the truth is that they could say they are like

yokais, eh? Perquè clar, és veritat.

Yokais, huh? Because of course, it's true.

És un animal que sap transformar.

It is an animal that knows how to transform.

Amb el puar no sé ben bé que seria

With the spur, I'm not quite sure what it would be.

un tipus de... És un gat.

a type of... It's a cat.

És un gat? Sí.

Is it a cat? Yes.

Una mica barreja entre gat i mico.

A bit of a mix between a cat and a monkey.

Coses com... Gat i...

Things like... Cat and...

I esquirol, o gat i...

And squirrel, or cat and...

Home, el gat... Esquirol

Man, the cat... Squirrel

és un gat. És un gat.

It is a cat. It is a cat.

És un gat. El Doraemon

It is a cat. The Doraemon.

també és un gat, i quan diries tu que és un gat?

it's also a cat, and when would you say it is a cat?

Simplement que

Simply that

perdó les orelles perquè se les ha menjat un ratolí,

sorry the ears because a mouse has eaten them,

però és un gat. Sí, un gat

but it is a cat. Yes, a cat.

amb hipotèrmia. No?

with hypothermia. Right?

Saps per què és blau? Perquè

Do you know why it is blue? Because

estava entrant de pressió perquè un ratolí

I was feeling pressured because of a mouse.

li va menjar... Correcte, era groc i va

he ate it... Correct, it was yellow and it

plorar tant, tant, tant, tant, tant

cry so much, so much, so much, so much, so much

que les llàgrimes el van tenyir. O sigui que és molt

that the tears stained him. So it is very

gris perquè és blau.

gray because it is blue.

Pobra Doraemi. No, la Doraemi no.

Poor Doraemi. No, not Doraemi.

No, pobra Doraemi

No, poor Doraemi.

per tenir-lo a germà.

to have him as a brother.

T'anava a dir, el Doraemon no és un jocall.

I was going to tell you, Doraemon is not a scoundrel.

És un robot.

It is a robot.

El Doraemon és un robot. És un robot.

Doraemon is a robot. He is a robot.

Que ve del futur. Correcte.

That comes from the future. Correct.

Ui, que pesada que és.

Oh, how annoying she is.

Home, parlem aquí

Come, let's talk here.

amb propietat, sisplau.

with property, please.

S'ha de parlar amb propietat. No és un jocall.

One must speak properly. It's not a joke.

És un gat còsmic.

It is a cosmic cat.

En aquests que has dit abans del puar

In these that you mentioned before about the puar.

l'olón, també podria... Hi ha un sac

the balloon, it could also... There is a bag

que són els miscelanis, que són

what are the miscellanies, what are they

una miqueta de tot. El calaix de sastre, no?

A little bit of everything. The junk drawer, right?

És allò, no se'n ficaron... Sí, és el calaix de

It's that, they didn't get involved... Yes, it's the drawer of

sastre, sí. Pot ser per versions

Tailor, yes. It can be for versions.

fins a criatures comunes o

until common creatures or

fullets, vale? Hi ha una mica de tot.

leaflets, okay? There's a bit of everything.

Tenim l'exemple

We have the example.

la Mavie, que era un peix

Mavie, who was a fish.

que tenia un veig d'ocell, que segur que

that I had a bird's eye view, that surely

aquest l'has vist algun cop, que deia que

have you seen him ever, he used to say that

portava bona sort. Jo crec que aquests

it brought good luck. I think that these

de la platja de Barcelona n'hi ha un parell.

There are a couple from the beach of Barcelona.

Estic seguríssima. Segur. I

I am very sure. Sure. And

espant el rellotge com descuidis, segur.

Scare the clock as you please, for sure.

Aquí a la desembocadura del

Here at the mouth of the

Llobregat, no? Nadant entre dues compreses

Llobregat, right? Swimming between two pads.

veus de cop...

you see suddenly...

És com el peix de tres ulls

It's like the three-eyed fish.

del Simpson, no? Correcte.

From the Simpsons, right? Correct.

Que si el pesques, 100 anys de bona sort.

That if you catch it, 100 years of good luck.

Jo sé que ara estan al 100 a nadar i

I know that now they are 100% swimming and

competint a les olimpiades. Sí.

competing in the Olympics. Yes.

Confirmem primer

Let's confirm first.

nadador que li ha sortit

swimmer that has come out

un ull al clatell.

an eye at the nape.

Ara fora bromes, que s'han posat mal els de

Now no jokes, those who have gotten sick have

brissades. Sí, sí, sí. S'han agafat un bacteri

flashes. Yes, yes, yes. They have caught a bacterium.

que no sé dir el nom al bacteri.

I don't know how to say the name of the bacteria.

Però siguem realistes.

But let's be realistic.

O sigui, jo veig que en companys

So, I see that in colleagues

salten, neden, surten

jump, swim, go out

i vomiten. Em perdonareu,

and they vomit. You will forgive me,

ho deixo estar. És que és

I'll leave it. It's just that it is.

francesos. Coses de francesos, ja està.

French people. French things, that's it.

Els francesos en el fons són

The French are, deep down,

jocais miscelànies d'aquests.

I play miscellaneous things of these.

Bueno, va. Com són

Well, come on. What are they like?

tres lladres, hem portat tres jocais. Ah, sí?

Three thieves, we brought three jewels. Oh, really?

Sí. Bueno, aquí hi ha

Yes. Well, here there is

un que és per dos, però bueno, ja va bé

One that is for two, but okay, it's fine.

també, no? Són també quatre lladres.

Also, right? They are also four thieves.

Sí, a vegades són quatre lladres.

Yes, sometimes they are four thieves.

I cinc, si ens fiquem tontes.

And five, if we act silly.



Just anava a dir això, sota el paper

I was just about to say this, under the paper.

som cinc, eh? Sí, sota el paper

we are five, right? Yes, under the paper



Vale, el primer,

Okay, the first,

que em fa molta gràcia i jo penso que és

that makes me laugh a lot and I think it's

un dels més famosos, és el capa.

one of the most famous is the cape.

Prometo no fer l'acudit de merda

I promise not to make the crap joke.

perquè ara no ho toc. Va, digues,

because now I don't touch it. Come on, say it,

digues, va. Dóna'm una miqueta de xitxa

Come on, give me a little bit of meat.

que estàs molt callada. Bon capa,

you are very quiet. Good cover,

millor xandall. Ja està.

better tracksuit. That's it.

Bueno, va.

Well, come on.

Anem a parlar del capa. Què sabeu del capa?

Let's talk about the cape. What do you know about the cape?

A part de la marca del xandall que està

Aside from the brand of the tracksuit that is

prou inaccessible últimament, que és una lletra

rather inaccessible lately, which is a letter

grega, i que hi ha una pel·lícula

Greek, and that there is a movie.

llicenciada per Selecta Vision

Licensed by Selecta Vision.

que em va quedar traumada fa no sé quants anys

that left me traumatized I don't know how many years ago



que surt un capa petit i t'explica la seva

that a little cape comes out and tells you its story

història, i tot va bé fins

history, and everything goes well until

que deixa d'anar tot bé i ja està.

that everything stops going well and that's it.

I entra en el moment de clímax

And enters the moment of climax.

i gira el drama

and turn the drama

i no explicarà res més, ja està.

And it won't explain anything more, that's it.

És que el capa és molt curiós perquè hi ha

It's just that the hood is very curious because there is

moltes referències tant com a forma

many references both as a form

de t'assembles un capa,

you resemble a cape,

portes un cabell tipus un capa

you have a hair type like a cape

o ets un pervertit com un capa.

either you are a pervert like a cape.

Que això és fàcil d'explicar

That this is easy to explain.

perquè fent referències que la gent

because making references that people

de peu pugui agafar, els anys i en algun

standing I can take, the years and in some

moment se l'associa a un capa.

At the moment, it is associated with a cape.

I tu acabes de fer aquest un pervertit

And you just made this one a pervert.

que precisament va per aquest, per aquest

that goes precisely for this, for this

català. Per això ho dic, per això ho dic.

Catalan. That's why I say it, that's why I say it.

Sí, sí, sí. Si no recordo malament

Yes, yes, yes. If I remember correctly.

i Doraemon m'ho ha ensenyat bé,

and Doraemon has taught me well,

porten com una mena de platet

they carry it like a kind of small plate

un platet on porten aigua.

a small plate where they bring water.

Sempre han de portar aigua, si s'asseca es moren.

They must always have water, if it dries up they die.

Molt bé, molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good, very good.

El capa és un jocai miscel·lani

The capa is a game and a miscellany.

entraríem dintre del calaix de sastre

we would enter the jumble drawer

suposo que et toca una miqueta de tot

I suppose you have a bit of everything.

i es reconeix com tu véns a dir

And it is recognized as you come to say.

és un esperit de l'aigua,

it is a water spirit,

sempre està en un ambient

he is always in an environment

de l'aigua

of the water

i és com una persona així

and it's like such a person

baixeta, petita, sempre encorvada

short, small, always curved

té com una closca, una peidura

it has like a shell, a little fart

a l'esquena i porta aquest platet

on the back and it carries this little plate

un platet o com una forma

a small plate or like a shape

de plat al cap

out of the blue

amb pell, a mi m'agrada dir tipus

with skin, I like to say types

frara. Bé, jo crec que és com el gorro

sister. Well, I think it's like the hat.

d'aigua japonès, el gorro d'avant japonès

Japanese water, the Japanese front hat.

és una mica així, no?

It's a little like that, isn't it?

De moment, a mi m'esteu descrivint

At the moment, you are describing me.

un oficinista promig. Sí

an average office worker. Yes

d'aquests viciosos

of these vicious ones

que van a

what are they going to

a que li retin les orelles

to have his/her ears pinned back

que respiren fort mirant per la finestra

that they breathe deeply while looking out the window

El capa

The cape

com dir-lo

how to say it

el capa, bé el que hem dit, no?

The cape, well, what we've said, right?

té aquest plat, amb el cabell

has this dish, with the hair

amb aigua, l'important del capa és que

with water, the important thing about the layer is that

si li queia l'aigua del cap

if the water fell from his head

es debilitava, inclús si

it would weaken, even if

li queia aigua i es quedava fora

water was falling on him and he stayed outside

doncs podia morir

so I could die

es podia morir, es podia desaparèixer

one could die, one could disappear

Què passa al capa? El capa té

What's wrong with the cape? The cape has.

gustos, vale?

tastes, okay?

té els seus

has its

vicis, un dels seus vicis

vices, one of his vices

era retar els humans a combats de sugo

it was to challenge humans to sumo fights



òbviament els capa

obviously the capa

són molt forts i era molt difícil guanyar-les

they are very strong and it was very difficult to win against them

Què feia la gent intel·ligent quan un capa

What did intelligent people do when a cap?

li venia i li deia

I came to him and told him.

anem a fer un combat de sumo

let's have a sumo match

els feia una reverència

they bowed to them

i aleshores a fer la reverència

and then to bow down

al capa se li cau a l'aigua del cap

the cape falls into the water from the head

i es debilita

and weakens

Podem dir fins al moment

We can say so far.

que poder el capa

that can the cloak

no és el yokai més brillant de l'equip?

Isn't he the brightest yokai on the team?



no és el més brillant sinó

it's not the brightest but rather

pot ser un dels més educat, però si tu el saludes

he may be one of the most polite, but if you greet him

ell et saluda

he greets you

això és una de les coses més

this is one of the most



més conegudes del capa

most known of the cape

suposo que tothom, jo he vist molt, hi ha una sèrie a Netflix

I suppose everyone has seen it, I've seen a lot of it, there is a series on Netflix.

la de Oni que té

the one from Oni that he has

la nena té un amiguet que és com

the girl has a little friend who is like

sembla com un anaguet que és capa

it looks like a duck that is capable

i quan se li cau l'aigua es queda en plan

And when the water falls, it stays in a way.

no me'n puc moure

I can't move from here.

vale, l'altre gust

okay, the other flavor

del capa que també és bastant

of the cape which is also quite

conegut és els cogombres

Cucumbers are well known.

i en el seu defecte les albergínies

and in their absence, the eggplants

cogombres i albergínies?

cucumbers and eggplants?

vale, és que clar

okay, it's just that of course



un altre capa oku

another layer ok

a oku falten capes

a oku is missing layers

té moltes lectures el capa, jo és que he començat

the cap has many readings, I have just started

a llegir, té moltes lectures perquè és molt divertit

To read, it has many readings because it is very entertaining.

que es deia

what was it called

un capa el podries

a layer you could

evitar si li donaves un cogombre

avoid if you gave him a cucumber

o es deia que quan hi havia bona

or it was said that when there was good

tu volies anar a banyar-te al riu

you wanted to go swimming in the river

tiraves abans alguns cogombres

you threw some cucumbers before

o algunes albergínies perquè

or some eggplants because

no se t'emportessin els capes dels rius

don't let the river's currents carry you away

o de l'aigua, no t'ofeguessin

or the water, they would not drown you

ostres tampoc eren tan macos

wow, they weren't that pretty either

si te tires al riu

if you jump into the river

si te'n vas al riu els capes

If you go to the river the capes.


above all

els capes

the layers

feien desaparèixer els nens i els cavalls

they made the children and the horses disappear



és el que deia abans

it's what I was saying before

els capes, els yokais

the capes, the yokais

donen com respostes a

they give as answers to

el que passava naturalment

what was happening naturally

quan es vivia al camp, a la naturalesa

when one lived in the countryside, in nature

o a l'època medieval

or in the medieval period

i clar, quan queies en un riu

And of course, when you fell into a river.

i el riu portava aigua

and the river carried water

t'havien portat un capa

they had brought you a cape

aleshores el que se feia això era tirar cogombres

then what was done was to throw cucumbers

i albergínies, que jo suposo que era una forma

and eggplants, which I suppose was a way

de veure quina força tenia

to see how much strength he/she had

això a la lectura real

this in real reading

suposo que és veure la força de la corrent

I suppose it's seeing the strength of the current.

i dius, escolta, si ens tirem aquí estem perduts

And you say, listen, if we fall here we're lost.

o mira l'aigua va calmadeta

Oh look, the water is calm.

i anem tirant cogombres

And we keep throwing cucumbers.

i veiem si va augmentant

and we will see if it increases

i si correm perill

and if we are in danger

o quina direcció porta el cogombre o l'albergínia

Oh, which direction does the cucumber or the eggplant go?

per si hi ha algun remolí o alguna cosa

in case there is a whirlpool or something

a mi m'agradava fer això

I liked doing this.

la lectura

the reading

la tercera

the third

jo li diria bici, més que gust, dels capes

I would call him bike, more out of taste, of the layers.

són els tracers sumants

they are the summing tracers

li agraden els culs a les persones

he likes people's butts

però a veure, hi ha culs i culs

but let's see, there are butts and butts

amb tot el respecte

with all due respect

tenim el cul carpeta

we have the folder ass

el coma estàndard

the standard coma

i el cul de negre

and the black ass

perdoneu però és que són diferents, són molt més respingons

Sorry, but they are different, they are much more stubborn.

ell el que volia

he what he wanted

era que si t'agafava d'esquena

it was that if I caught you from behind

te treia l'intestí pel cul

I pulled your intestines out through your ass.

i se te'l menjava

And I would eat it.

a la platja

at the beach

que tu podies anar al riu

that you could go to the river

i tenir un afluixament del cul

and have a loosening of the buttocks

i aleshores deies que t'havia atacat un capa

And then you said that a cloak had attacked you.

senyor, a vostè no l'ha atacat un capa

Sir, a cape has not attacked you.

vostè acaba de perdre dos cils

you have just lost two eyelashes

home, això no és una idea

man, this is not an idea

el pròxim dia que anem a la platja

the next day we go to the beach

tens allò un moment xungo

you have a rough moment there

m'ha atacat un capa, perdoneu

A cape has attacked me, sorry.

el pròxim dia que m'hi disposi

the next day that I get ready for it

tornaré i diré

I will return and say.

he patit un atac de capa

I have had a nervous breakdown.

vosaltres esteu veient d'una manera molt maca

you are seeing in a very nice way

però bé

but well

jo per què me'n vaig

why am I leaving

a un riu jo sola

to a river, I alone

no em posareu escatològica

you won't make me scatological

a veure, la veritat és que si vas

let's see, the truth is that if you go

afluixant allò no vols companyia

loosening what you don't want company

penso jo

I think so.

no, tu no has d'anar

no, you don't have to go

afluix cap al riu

loosen towards the river

tu vas al riu i tornes afluix

you go to the river and come back slowly



és que depenent de com afluixis

it's that depending on how you loosen up

depenent de com afluixis

depending on how you relax

tornes amb les cames febles

you return with weak legs

jo t'ho dic

I tell you.

suposo que per això el capa

I suppose that's why the cape

té aquest toc pervertit

it has this perverse touch

perquè li agraden els culs dels humans

because he likes human butts

el segon yokai

the second yokai

el kitsune

the kitsune

preguntar el kitsune o la kitsune

ask the kitsune or the kitsune

curiositat de veritat

true curiosity

depèn, podria ser dues coses

it depends, it could be two things

el kitsune és el kitsune

the kitsune is the kitsune

és un essar

it's a mess

literalment és guineu

literally it is fox

el kitsune és una guineu

the kitsune is a fox

pots fer una zorrita

you can make a little fox

o pots fer un zorro

or you can make a fox

pots fer un mastro o pots fer una femella

you can make a mast or you can make a female

aquests animals

these animals

que se transformaven en persones

that transformed into people

normalment li agradava dir

he usually liked to say

que li agradava transformar-se en dones

that he liked to transform into women

sobretot quan se sentien

especially when they felt





o ells anaven potser

or they were perhaps going

a jugar a l'enganyifa

to play the trick

i a jugar a aquesta picaresca

and to play this trickery

suposo, trapelleria també

I suppose, it's also trickery.

perquè a vegades

because sometimes

les kitsunes són molt múrries

The foxes are very sly.

jo recordo la d'Arara

I remember the one from Arara.

i alguna altra més que és això que són

and some other more that is this that they are

més que dolentes són trapelles

more than bad, they are sneaky

múrries que miren pel seu propi bé

miserly people who look out for their own good

però que no acaben de ser dolentes

but they are not really bad

la kitsune

the kitsune

del Genshin Impact

from Genshin Impact

la kitsune del League of Legends

the kitsune from League of Legends

la kitsune de l'Ohina

the kitsune of Ohina

que tenia cara de kitsune

that had the face of a kitsune

ja es deia kitsune

it was already called kitsune

hi ha un terme que per les dones kitsune

there is a term for the kitsune women

que tenen els ulls petits

that have small eyes

i molt juntets i tal

and very close together and all that

que diuen que tenen cara de

that they say they have a face of

més que dir cara de guineu

more than to say fox face

li diuen kitsune gao

they call her kitsune gao

que són les dones

what are women

són les kitsune gao

they are the kitsune gao

però tenen cara de guineus

but they have the face of foxes

la kitsune traduïment

the kitsune translation

és això el que he dit abans

is this what I said before

són guineus

they are foxes

és un ésser intel·ligent amb habilitats màgiques

It is an intelligent being with magical abilities.

i segons els anys de poder

and according to the years of power

i l'adquisició de coneixement

and the acquisition of knowledge

que tenien aquestes guineus

what these foxes had

feien més poderoses

made them more powerful

i quan més poderoses

and the more powerful

més cues

more queues

fins a qui ho vi?

Until whom did it live?

no sé per què

I don't know why.

sé això

I know this.

ningú sap per què

nobody knows why

no consta de veritat

it is not true

el Naruto em posa brut

Naruto makes me dirty.



és que no puc quedar maco eh

It's just that I can't look good, you know.

cada vegada que a mi se'm para la pilota

every time the ball stops for me

jo l'he de xutar

I have to shoot him.

vinga va Linx parla que parles poquet

Come on, Linx, speak, you don't speak much.

la guineu perquè és coneguda

the fox because it is known

a tu que te sona de les guineus de les kitsunes

What do you know about the foxes of the kitsunes?

el tema està que jo això no sé si és

the thing is I don't know if this is

mitològicament cert o no però al meu cap

mythologically true or not but in my head

les guineus i els kitsune

the foxes and the kitsune

van sempre amb molt de la mà amb els focs fatos

they always go hand in hand with the manufactured fires



no pregunteu per què però l'ambientació

don't ask why but the setting

de bosc, bosc d'il·luminació blava

forest, blue lighting forest

llum super tènue

super dim light

la típica kitsune que va apareixent i desapareixent

the typical kitsune that appears and disappears

i pum focs fatos

and boom, fireworks lit up

jo tinc entès que els focs fatos són

I understand that the fake fires are

esperits moltes vegades són esperits del

spirits many times are spirits of the

bosc i

forest and

la kitsune els kitsune

the kitsune the kitsune

el yokai té un fil

the yokai has a thread

molt prim entre el

very thin among him

kami i el yokai

kami and the yokai

o sigui tu tens kitsunes

So you have kitsunes.

que són yokais i tens els déus

what are yokais and you have the gods

el inari

the inari

que és el déu kitsune

What is the god kitsune?

i els kitsune

and the kitsune

i aquí hi ha una línia molt fina

And here there is a very fine line.

perquè els kitsunes són protectors dels boscos

because kitsunes are protectors of the forests

i després

and then

en el sintoïsme està el déu inari

In Shintoism, there is the god Inari.

que és el de la fertilitat, l'agricultura

that is about fertility, agriculture

l'arròs i òbviament també

the rice and obviously also

de les guineus aleshores per això

of the foxes then for that reason

i aquest foc fatos jo penso

and this fire, I think it makes me.

és la meva connexió

it's my connection

sempre dic que aquest foc

I always say that this fire

perquè si veus la pel·lícula Brave

because if you watch the movie Brave

també hi havia el foc fatos

there was also the fire facts

i en moltes pel·lícules

and in many movies

d'esperits del bosc sempre surt aquest foc

From the spirits of the forest, this fire always emerges.

perquè són com els esperits del bosc

because they are like the spirits of the forest



aleshores jo penso que aquí hi ha una relació

then I think that there is a relationship here

i llavors podem entendre

and then we can understand

més o menys a veure tot el que estem

more or less to see everything we are

traient entre els uns i els altres

taking among each other

que kitsunes podem tindre

What kitsunes can we have?

el que seria més yokai i el que seria més kami

what would be more yokai and what would be more kami

el que és més kami

the most kami

pot anar acompanyat com a

can go accompanied as



de la zona de boscos,

from the forest area,

fertilitat, agricultura i d'altres

fertility, agriculture, and others

té acompanyat aquests de focs fatos

he accompanied these with artificial fires

que no sé si són fullets protectors

that I don't know if they are protective pamphlets

del propi inari

of the own inari

i en canvi tenim el yokai

And instead, we have the yokai.

que és el bandarra de torn

what is the troublemaker of the moment

la kitsune trapella

the mischievous kitsune

i la que més habitualment veiem a les sèries

and the one we most commonly see in the series

és el que

it's what

va entre un món i l'altre

goes between one world and another

en canvi l'inari

on the contrary the inari

el déu està en el món espiritual

God is in the spiritual world.

està fuxim inari

it is escaping inari

tothom coneix que és aquest temple

everyone knows what this temple is

que arriba fins a la muntanya

that reaches up to the mountain

i té el seu déu protector és això l'inari

And has its protective god, this is the inari.

la guineu és coneguda

the fox is known

per això per adoptar formes humanes

for this to adopt human forms

sobretot al cos d'una dona com hem dit abans

especially on the body of a woman as we said before

i fer trapelleries

and do mischief

amb els humans

with humans

ficava dintre del món

I was putting myself into the world.

dels humans i feia la seva

of humans and was doing his own

i feia les seves banderretes

and made his little flags

hi ha una història que explica

there is a story that explains

una miqueta l'origen de la paraula kitsune

a little bit about the origin of the word kitsune

d'acord? és de

Okay? It's from.



i parla d'un habitant

and talks about a resident

d'Amino que és un poble japonès

Amino is a Japanese village.

que buscava algú amb qui casar-se

who was looking for someone to marry

però en un camp on devia ser

but in a field where it should have been

molt alt

very high

en un estandard alt

at a high standard

fins que en un camp va trobar

until he found in a field

una dona que li complia les seves

a woman who fulfilled his desires

expectatives i es va casar amb ell

expectations and married him

es va casar amb ell

she married him

van tindre un fill

they had a son

i a l'hora que van tindre un fill van adoptar un gosset

And at the time they had a child, they adopted a puppy.



aquest gosset no li queia bé a la dona

this puppy did not sit well with the woman

aquest gosset rebutjava la dona

this puppy rejected the woman

i la dona li deia

and the woman said to him

a aquest senyor

to this gentleman

treu tot de sobre perquè al final

get everything off because in the end

veuràs no m'agrada aquest goss

You will see, I don't like this dog.

i ell òbviament volia tindre el goss

And he obviously wanted to have the dog.

perquè el goss se queda

because the dog stays

fins que un dia el goss realment va atacar

until one day the dog actually attacked

a la dona

to the woman

a l'esposa de l'home

to the wife of the man

la va atacar fortament i la dona es va convertir

he attacked her fiercely and the woman transformed

en una guineu i va fotre el camp

in a fox and left

li va aixecar la camisa a aquest gosset

he lifted the shirt of this puppy

no volia compartir

I didn't want to share.

el gosset ja assolia

the puppy was already achieving

que no era una dona que era una guineu

that she was not a woman but a fox

perquè els gossos casen guineus

because dogs hunt foxes

pobre guineu

poor fox

l'home que estava enamorat

the man who was in love

a passar de tot malgrat tot estava enamorat

despite everything, I was in love

d'ella li va dir que encara que

he told her that even though

fos una guineu era la mare

it was a fox that was the mother

del seu fill i estava enamorat d'ella

of her son and was in love with her

així que ella podia venir quan volgués

so she could come whenever she wanted

a casa i per les tardes

at home and in the afternoons

ella se colava per la finestreta

she slipped through the little window

i dormia amb ell per les nits

I slept with him at nights.

és un punt maco

it's a nice spot

és molt maco aquesta història

This story is very beautiful.

perquè aleshores en el japones classe

because then in the Japanese class

kitsune són dues coses

Kitsune are two things.

kitsune vol dir

kitsune means

venir i dormir

come and sleep

i kitsune

and kitsune

és venir sempre

it's always coming

que divertit

how fun

és una història molt maca

it's a very nice story

dintre del que pot ser

within what can be

una guineu

a fox

es diu que és l'origen de la paraula

it is said to be the origin of the word

l'altra cosa curiosa

the other curious thing

de la kitsune

of the kitsune

és que a China i Corea

it's that in China and Korea

les guineus tenen

the foxes have

uns atributs negatius

negative attributes

però al Japó tens atributs positius

but in Japan you have positive attributes

com es pot veure

as can be seen

són trapelles però tampoc és que siguin

they are mischievous but they are not exactly

jokais dolents

bad jokes

deixes fer dolenta perquè jo penso aquí

you let me feel bad because I'm thinking here

tu una zorrita

you a little fox

veus coses bones i coses dolentes

you see good things and bad things

i cap i qual una zorra

"and just a fox"

només veus coses dolentes

you only see bad things

però això és culpa del llenguatge

but this is the fault of the language

sí totalment

yes totally

els japonesos tenen més cara de guineu

the Japanese have more of a fox face

i per això els xinesos i els coreans

And that is why the Chinese and the Koreans.

els agraden les guineus

They like foxes.

pot ser això?

Can this be?

oh tio oh tio

oh man oh man

oh tio

oh dude

la dita

the saying

que estava més tu que nosaltres

that you were more present than us

sí perquè sou zorri no eh

Yes, because you are a slut, right?

vale com descobriríeu un kitsune

How would you discover a kitsune?

si una cosa m'ha ensenyat Naruto

If one thing Naruto has taught me

és que tenen com unes menes

it's that they have kind of a manner

de marca a la cara

marked on the face

i un cercle a la panxa

and a circle on the belly

i un cercle gegantí aixecat

and a gigantic circle raised

i que li agrada el ramen o sigui que en menjar

and he likes ramen so he eats it

el ramen correcte

the correct ramen

ja està no hi ha fugues en aquest pla

It's done, there are no leaks in this plan.



diuen que els kitsunes

they say that the kitsunes

el que no poden amagar-se és la seva cua

What they can't hide is their tail.

sí això és veritat això a la sèrie sempre passa

Yes, this is true, this always happens in the series.

i una forma de descobrir-lo

and a way to discover it

és quan s'enviegaven

it's when they were sent.


they were getting drunk

i clar se descuidaven d'amagar la cua

And of course, they forgot to hide the tail.

i aleshores es podria descobrir

and then it could be discovered

això ha passat també

this has also happened

de segons quins països

from certain countries

si dones molt al drinking drinking

if you give a lot to drinking drinking

no et pots amagar la cua

you can't hide your tail

les cues i les plomes

the tails and the feathers

surten a passejar això és veritat

They go out for a walk, this is true.

curiós eh

curious, huh?

mira paral·lelismes entre mitologies

look for parallels between mythologies

literatura creativa que se'n diu

creative literature, as it's called


I love it.

associat a les guineus

associated with the foxes

està la llegenda del moxi moxi

there is the legend of the moxi moxi

no sé si l'heu escoltat mai

I don't know if you have ever listened to it.

jo sé que això és quan reps una trucada

I know that this is when you receive a call.

moxi moxi

moxi moxi



moxi moxi

moxi moxi

diuen que

they say that

els guineus no saben dir moxi moxi

foxes don't know how to say moxi moxi

i que la gent deia moxi moxi

and that the people said moxi moxi

per descobrir si eres una guineu

to find out if you are a fox

o no això és una miqueta

oh no this is a little bit

bé el que jo he estat llegint i buscant és una miqueta

Well, what I have been reading and looking for is a little bit.

llegenda urbana realment el moxi moxi surt

urban legend really the moxi moxi comes out

perquè bé va ser una paraula

because well was a word

que al final se va fer quan

that in the end was done when

arriba el telèfon al Japó i hi havia les teleoperadores

the phone arrived in Japan and there were switchboard operators

al principi la gent

at first, people

deia oi oi oi saps

he said oh oh oh you know

per dir hola i com que era una miqueta

to say hello and since it was a little bit

de respectiu dir oi oi oi

to respectively say oh oh oh

no s'ha de dir així oi oi oi

it shouldn't be said like that oh oh oh

clar és com si tu

of course it's like you

estàs treballant l'atenció al públic

you are working in customer service

i a tu han dit eh tu

And they told you, right you?



i bé i mica en mica

And well, little by little.

van anar utilitzant altres paraules

they started using other words

que al final tot va acabar com a moxi moxi

that in the end it all ended like moxi moxi

és veritat que sempre s'ha dit que moxi moxi

It's true that it has always been said that moxi moxi.

és per descobrir una guineu

it’s to discover a fox

bé va a l'últim

well goes to the last

parlem de gats sempre

we always talk about cats

dale sempre

give always

parlem de gats sempre

we always talk about cats



hi ha

there is

hi ha més d'un eh però bé jo he agafat dos

There is more than one, huh, but well, I took two.

que està el de comata

what is the one from comata

i el vaqueneco i tots dos

and the cow and both of them

són jokais en forma de gat

they are jokais in the form of a cat

vull tots dos

I want both.

ja m'hi han preguntat ara quina és la diferència

They have already asked me what the difference is.

i contestaré

and I will respond

n'hi ha

there is/are

diguéssim que el vaqueneco era

let's say that the vaqueneco was

més és que clar són diferents

more is that clearly they are different

vale són diferents

okay they are different

començo pel vaqueneco

I start with the vaqueneco.

un gat es pot convertir en vaqueneco

a cat can become a vaqueneco

si comples tres normes

if you follow three rules



viure 100 anys

to live 100 years

que és com la clausula per tot

which is like the clause for everything

tots haurien de viure 100 anys

Everyone should live 100 years.

clar és com el

of course, it's like him



si un objecte

if an object

té 100 anys agafa un poder especial

at 100 years it gains a special power

a ver aquí va fer la creativitat

Let's see, here creativity took place.

és fàcil per no recordar-nos

it's easy for us to forget

de totes les dates fiquem una per tots i ja està

From all the dates, let's set one for everyone and that's it.

un segle

a century

bueno aquí jo veig molt

Well, here I see a lot.

amb la filosofia japonesa

with Japanese philosophy

de l'experiència i l'acquisició

of experience and acquisition

de coneixement

of knowledge

que es veu en molts jokais

which is seen in many jokais

quan més temps passen

the more time they spend

més poders tenen

they have more powers

l'experiència és un grau

Experience is a degree.

la segona norma és adquirir un camp de pes

The second rule is to acquire a weight field.

que un camp de pes són 3,75 kg

that a field of fish weighs 3.75 kg

jo els meus gats

I my cats

seran vaquenecos

they will be vaquenecos

jo tiro curt això és mínim

I aim short, this is the minimum.

si si serà una vaqueneco vaca

yes yes it will be a cowcow cow

perquè a més té mala pipa

because she also has a bad attitude

el meu gat en té 3

my cat has 3

jo tinc gates que no arriben a aquest pes

I have cats that don't reach this weight.

i tinc gates que sobrepassen aquest pes

I have cats that exceed this weight.

tu tens un vacanaco

you have a big vacation

jo tinc clar que tinc una

I am clear that I have one.

que és de ma mare

what belongs to my mother

que és digna de ser vaqueneco total

that is worthy of being total vaqueneco

una vaquecoixina

a cow that limps

bueno i la tercera és

well and the third is

permetre-li tenir una cua llarga

allow him to have a long tail

aquí se segueix una miqueta

Here it continues a little bit.

amb la cosa de més poders

with the thing of more powers

més cues

more queues

seguim amb aquesta línia

we continue along this line



un vaqueneco si vivia molts anys

a cowherd lived many years

el seu poder en muntava

her power mounted him

igual que les seves cues

just like their tails

i si era capaç de complir-se un humà

and if a human was able to fulfill themselves

podia després convertir-se en la seva figura

could later become his figure

adaptar-se a una forma humana

adapt to a human form





a la figura humana del que s'ha menjat

to the human figure of what has been eaten




above all

deien que si un gat

they said that if a cat

es menjava l'oli

he/she was eating the oil

de les

of the

làmperes, de les lanternes

lamps, of the lanterns

feia una ombra molt gran

it cast a very large shadow

el vaqueneco és com aquest yokai que fa una mica de por

the vaqueneco is like this yokai that is a bit scary



per culpa d'aquestes supersticions que va haver-hi

because of these superstitions that there were

dels vaquenecos

of the vaquenecos

al Japó van començar a tallar les cues als gats

In Japan, they started cutting off cats' tails.

és el que deia abans

it's what I was saying before

és fort com amb aquestes supersticions

it's strong how with these superstitions

i aquestes llegendes

and these legends

la gent realment feia accions contra els animals

people were really taking actions against animals

o contra les coses que vivien cada dia

or against the things they lived every day

i si vivien més de 13 anys

and if they lived for more than 13 years

també abandonaven aquests gats

they also abandoned these cats

això té a veure

this has to do with

perquè va haver-hi històricament

because there was historically

van tindre en el 1600 Japó

they had in 1600 Japan

una pujada de rates

a rise in rates

una plaga de rates

a plague of rats

que afectava molt els seus negocis de seda

that greatly affected their silk businesses

i de l'arròs

and of the rice

perdonareu però

you will forgive me but

aquí no som de folklore japonès

here we are not from Japanese folklore

i les tallades d'orelles

and the ear cuts

i de cues dels gossos

and dog tails

tipus American Stanford i Boxer

American Stanford and Boxer types

no es van carregar els gats

the cats were not loaded

estaven prohibits

they were prohibited

tindre els gats a casa

to have the cats at home

els gats van començar a criar

the cats started to breed

la raça de gat, el botell japonès

the breed of cat, the Japanese bottle

que té la cua, no té cua, té una cua molt curteta

who has a tail, has no tail, has a very short tail

no té cua

it doesn't have a tail

i eren els amurs

and they were the loves

dels carrers

of the streets

per què? perquè escorpien les rates

Why? Because they are scorpioning the rats.

aleshores el botell japonès

then the Japanese bottle

per aquesta cosa va ser un símbol icònic del Japó

for this reason, it became an iconic symbol of Japan

com ha de ser?

How should it be?

va crear moltes llegendes

he created many legends

i moltes llegendes de por

and many legends of horror

perquè clar, suposo que amb rates

because of course, I suppose with rats

va haver-hi l'època de la peste

there was the time of the plague

també molta gent morta als carrers

also many people dead in the streets

els gats escorpien

the cats scorpion

escorpien la gent del carrer perquè clar

they scare the people from the street because of course

tenien que menjar

they had to eat

i aquí si els gats escorpien la gent de la gent morta

And here if the cats stung the people from the dead people.

o d'una serp o bevia la seva sang humana

or of a snake or drank its human blood

podien convertir en vaquenecos

they could turn into vaquenecos

sí però la supremacia del gat

yes but the supremacy of the cat

em sembla correcte

I think it's correct.

però va arribar molt tard al Japó

but he arrived very late in Japan

tots els hauria anat molt millor

everything would have gone much better for them

si haguessin començat abans per on tocava

if they had started earlier where it mattered

jo penso que van tindre una època de somigues

I think they had a period of dreams.

si li van dir vaqueneco

if they called him vaqueneco

i jo penso que aquí

and I think that here

ja bastant va ser històrica

it was quite historic

que li pots treure amb una miqueta de

that you can take away with a little bit of

lògica la pots treure

you can take out the logic

jo crec que sí, que més o menys en el fons

I think so, that more or less deep down.

totes aquestes de ficció tenen un punt de realitat

all these fictions have a point of reality

que per fer

what to do

més gràcia

more grace

li fiques aquest punt de fantasia

you put this point of fantasy in it

però probablement passaria això, que en l'època de la peste

but this would probably happen, that in the time of the plague

primer es van carregar els gats

First, the cats were loaded.

van tindre plaga de rates

they had a rat plague

això ho sumes més o menys per època de la peste

you add this more or less according to the time of the plague

que simplement

that simply

creixement dràstic de les rates

drastic increase in the rates

sí, totalment

yes, totally

una altra dada curiosa

another curious fact

i que demostra lo fetitxistes que són els japonesos

and it shows how fetishistic the Japanese are

els vaquenecos

the cows

també se'ls associava amb les curtes dones

they were also associated with short women

amb les senyores

with the ladies

del carrer

of the street

i les dones

and the women

tenien el fetitxe

they had the fetish

de que m'he acostat amb una dona

that I have approached a woman

que era mig dona, mig gat

that she was half woman, half cat

i jo penso que això

and I think that this

s'ha estirat molt a la línia actual

it has stretched a lot on the current line

amb totes aquestes

with all these

nyaum nyaum

meow meow

totes aquestes

all these

nya nyaum

nya nyaum

dels make cafés

of the make cafés

això sempre està com molt

this is always like very

i es diu que el manga

And it is said that the manga

el dibuix del manga, l'estil

the manga drawing, the style

sempre sembla un gat

it always seems like a cat

té una cara d'un gat

it has the face of a cat

i moltes curtes dones

and many short women

el que feien se ficava en caps de marisc

What they did was put it in seafood heads.

i de peixos a la roba

and fish on the clothes

com per dir, a mi m'agrada ser com una gateta

As for saying, I like to be like a little cat.

i m'agrada

I like it.

atrapar més gent

catch more people

tu t'imagines?

Can you imagine?

quin fàstic

what a disgust

em perdonaràs, però jo m'imagino

You'll forgive me, but I imagine.

i em perdonaràs que jo aquest

and you will forgive me for this

tipus de marisc olorat

type of smelly seafood

i portat era per camuflar

and it was brought to camouflage

el seu propi malolor

his own smell

és com els perfums francesos

It's like French perfumes.

que era per amagar la pudor pròpia

that it was to hide one's own stench

jo crec que diuen que és per als gats

I think they say it's for the cats.

i miau miau, però en veritat

and meow meow, but in truth

era rau rau

it was a low murmur

a mi m'ha semblat molt curiós

I found it very curious.

la veritat és que aquesta informació

the truth is that this information

òbviament no la teníem

obviously we didn't have it

la trobo molt divertida

I find her very funny.

sí, és molt divertida

Yes, it's очень fun.

i t'explica molt la cultura

and it explains a lot about the culture

com són

how are they

la veritat, d'on venen

the truth, where do they come from

bueno, l'altre

well, the other

i ja per no allargar massa

and just to not prolong it too much

és el nekomata

it is the nekomata

que és l'altre yokai tipus gat

What is the other cat-type yokai?

que és una variació del bakeneko

that is a variation of the bakeneko

és un gat que camina dues potes

It's a cat that walks on two legs.



nekomata tenien

they had nekomata

la cua bifurcada per causa de

the forked tail due to

l'experiència que tenien i de viure molt

the experience they had and of living a lot

això li donava molts poders màgics

this gave him many magical powers

imiten molt les accions humanes

they closely imitate human actions

però no es transformen en humans

but they do not turn into humans

o sigui, és un gat amb botes

so it's a cat with boots

però sense les botes

but without the boots

intenten parlar com els humans

they try to speak like humans

però mionen

but mine

com cada matí les meves gates quan volen

Like every morning, my cats when they want.

el menjar a primera hora

the food at first light

jo tinc un nekomata que

I have a nekomata that

a les vuit del matí

at eight in the morning

olí, te fa miau

oil, it makes you meow

és que anava fent un punt de curiositat

It was just that I was becoming curious.

que casualment sé per no sé què

that I happen to know for some reason

que els gats només mionen

that cats only meow

els sers humans, entre ells no es mionen

Human beings do not urinate on each other.

llavors la seva forma

then their shape

de comunicar-se amb nosaltres és mionant

To communicate with us is lessening.

aquesta explicació potser se la devien

this explanation they probably owed it to themselves

donar ells, ells també

give them, them too

que veien que els gats entre ells no es mionaven

that they saw that the cats did not meow to each other

però mionaven a les persones, aleshores

but they meowed at people, then

volen intentar parlar amb ells

they want to try to talk to them

i tot aquest risc d'aquells gats que intenten parlar

and all this risk of those cats that try to speak

són nekomates, tots nekomates

they are all catgirls, all catgirls

el que m'agrada és les nekomates

What I like is the nekomates.

que es podien convertir

that could become

per la seva experiència al poder

for his experience in power

el nekomata sempre venia d'un cap domèstic

the nekomata always came from a domestic head



i quan més maltractat

and when more mistreated

havia sigut en la seva vida

had been in his life

més fort es convertia

stronger it became

i la seva venjança

and their revenge

perquè els nekomates

because the nekomates

són necrodenses

they are necrodensers

els nekomates

the nekomates

amb la seva cua

with its tail

bifurcada podien

bifurcated they could

reviure o utilitzar

revive or use

els difunts

the deceased

d'acord? aleshores

Okay? Then

si una persona havia maltractat

if a person had mistreated

molt a un gat, aquest gat es convertia

very much a cat, this cat was becoming

en un nekomata

in a nekomata

agafava de títere un cos mort

I was holding a dead body like a puppet.

un familiar mort

a deceased relative

i els assetjava

and he was harassing them

fins que aquests demanaven

until they asked for them

perdó i els donava una ofrenda

sorry and I would give them an offering

bé, el que dèiem que era

well, what we said it was

abans ho hem dit al principi de tot

We said it at the very beginning.

dels diferents tipus de yokais i el caràcter que tenien

of the different types of yokai and the character they had

que estaven els venjatius

that they were the vengeful ones

aquest seria un venjatiu

this would be a vengeful one

el nekomata

the nekomata

jo el que he escoltat i he llegit sempre és

what I have always heard and read is

es convertia sobretot en un venjatiu

it mainly turned into a vengeful one

i és veritat eh? i els més vells

And it's true, right? And the older ones.

i els més maltractats eren els més poderosos

And the most mistreated were the most powerful.

o sigui tota aquesta rancúnia

that is to say all this resentment

es convertia en poder

it became power

però no tots els nekomates

but not all the nekomates

i acabo ja la tertúlia

And I am finishing the discussion now.

se'ls consideraven dolents

they were considered bad

la llegenda del maneki neko

the legend of the maneki neko

això ve d'un nekomata

this comes from a nekomata

hi havia un sacerdot que tenia un temple molt ruinós

There was a priest who had a very dilapidated temple.

d'acord? però tenia un gat

Okay? But I had a cat.

adoptat que li deia

he adopted what he said to him

jo pobre que soc no podries fer tu

I poor as I am, you couldn't do it.

alguna cosa per mi

something for me

i un dia un senyor

And one day a gentleman

que diuen senyor de hikone

what they say Mr. of Hikone

un senyor feudal

a feudal lord

va ploure molt hi havia una tempesta molt gran

It rained a lot; there was a very big storm.

i es va ficar dintre d'un arbre que hi havia a prop d'aquest temple

and he got inside a tree that was near this temple.

i un gatet

and a kitten

en el temple li va dir

In the temple he told him.

vine amb la puteta

come with the little whore

i li va dir

and he told him/her

vine amb la puteta

come with the little whore

i el senyor se quedava mirant en plan

and the gentleman kept looking in a way

aquest gat m'està parlant? soc jo que vaig

Is this cat talking to me? It's me who's going.

embriagat que ha passat aquí

intoxicated that has happened here

que vine amb una vaqueneko

that comes with a cow-nyan

que ha passat

What has happened?

i el senyor li va donar per fer cas a aquest gat

And the gentleman took the time to pay attention to this cat.

i quan se'n va sortir cap allà cap al gat

And when he managed to get there towards the cat.

on li deia va caure un

he said he fell one

jam i va estrencar

jam and broke


the tree

aleshores el gat va salvar aquest senyor feudal

then the cat saved this feudal lord

i per donar les gràcies

and to say thank you

va donar el seu diner i la seva riquesa

he gave his money and his wealth

a aquest temple

to this temple

i aquest sacerdot va tindre per fi

and this priest finally had

un temple maco

a nice temple

el manekineko aquest

this maneki-neko

aquesta figura que surten tots els xinus

this figure that all the Chinese come out

que mou la pota cap amunt i cap avall

that moves the leg up and down

diuen que porta la bona sort i els diners

they say it brings good luck and money

perquè ve d'aquesta llegenda

because it comes from this legend

i aquesta llegenda és d'un nekomata

And this legend is about a nekomata.

aquesta si me la sabia

I knew this one.

no sé per què però aquesta si me la sabia

I don't know why, but I knew this one.

jo a partir d'avui

I from today

ja vull dir

I mean to say.

he adquirit una nova expressió

I have acquired a new expression.

vale? m'ha agafat un capa

Okay? I have caught a cap.

això és molt xungo eh

this is very tough, huh

lynx que feies

lynx what were you doing

tantes estones al lavabo m'ha atacat un capa

So many times in the bathroom a bat has attacked me.

quedes com una senyora

you look like a lady

afluixament de cul

buttock relaxation

sí afluixament de cul

yes loosening of the buttocks

el món dels japesos em sembla molt interessant

The world of japesos seems very interesting to me.

i sé que només m'ha agradat una miqueta la superfície

And I know that I only liked the surface a little bit.

però m'agrada molt com

but I really like how

l'espiritisme o la seva forma

spiritism or its form

de donar-li

to give it to him/her

explicació a efectes naturals

explanation for natural effects

té molt a veure amb la naturalesa

it has a lot to do with nature

i vull dir

I want to say

i amb els animalons

and with the little animals

perquè en altres religions poder

because in other religions power

li donen

they give him/her

tot el mèrit

all the merit

a un sol déu

to one sole god

sí aquí és tot molt

yes here it is all very

animalista molt bosc

very forest animalist

molt esperit i m'agrada molt

very spirited and I like it a lot

clar això t'ho explica arrel de

of course this explains it to you based on

la religió del sintoisme i una part

the religion of Shintoism and a part

alguna coseta del budisme

something small about Buddhism

molt bé jo penso que

very well I think that

diu que no

he says no

li toca a la lynx

it's Lynx's turn

de lo que

of what

parlarem quin jokai seria?

we will talk about which jokai it would be?

una kitsune

a kitsune

a quants col·lectius?

to how many groups?

jo crec que

I believe that

ha de tancar la lynx

he has to close the lynx

que vien a ronear

what came to boast

i com la hangwee

And like the hangwee

ha acabat de fer la seva secció

he has just finished his section

passem al niu de merda

let's go to the shithole

propera parada

next stop

niu de merda

shit nest

Hola noietes

Hello girls

que hem arribat possiblement

that we have possibly arrived

a la part que més ganes

to the part that I'm most eager for

tenia jo d'aquest podcast

I had about this podcast.

de veritat


em sembla que ho estàs fent en un muntó incorrecte

I think you are doing it in a wrong way.

perdó bueno no

sorry well no

anem als inicis

let's go to the beginnings

que passaria si jo digués la frase

What would happen if I said the phrase?

a Pablo

to Pablo

hoy le apetecía pasta

today he/she felt like pasta

así que he decidido hacerle unos papardelle

so I have decided to make him some papardelle

con ragú a la naranja

with orange ragout

o sigui

that is to say

tu també has sucumbit

you have succumbed as well

no puc en bucle osea al meu tiktok

I can't loop, like on my TikTok.

que es basa en aquesta senyora

what is based on this lady

jo he d'admetre que

I have to admit that

el meu xivato d'aquestes coses

my snitch about these things

continua sent la tele de ma mare amb espejo público

It continues to be my mother's TV with Public Mirror.

perquè hi va anar d'entrevistada

because she went there as an interviewee

no sé si la gent sabem de qui està parlant

I don't know if people know who he/she is talking about.

i la hangwee

and the hangwee

saps de qui estem parlant?

Do you know who we are talking about?

si sé que esteu parlant perquè ho he vist

I know you are talking because I have seen it.

de les notícies que també em sembla molt fort

of the news that also seems very strong to me

i també òbviament ho he vist per xarxes

And obviously I've also seen it on social media.

però a mi aquesta noia me dona urticària

but this girl gives me hives

més que veure-la en bucle

more than seeing her on loop

anem a posar la gent en antecedents

let's put the people in the picture

estem parlant d'una influencer

we are talking about an influencer

com bé diu la jinx

as jinx says well

que es diu rorobueno

what is called rorobueno

aquesta noia s'ha fet famosa

this girl has become famous



t'anava dient si hi ha el rorobueno

I was telling you if there is the rorobueno.

nosaltres som el roromalo

we are the roromalo

és com el batbani està el coneobueno i el coneomalo

It's like the good knowledge and the bad knowledge are the same thing.



però bueno anem a posar la gent en antecedents

But okay, let's put people in the picture.

perquè podria algú que viva una cova

why would someone live in a cave

aquesta noia s'ha fet

this girl has grown up

famosa en els darrers mesos

famous in recent months

per tenir un compte a tiktok

to have an account on TikTok

de lo que es coneix popularment

of what is popularly known

a tiktok mundial

to a global TikTok

com les tradwife

like the tradwives

què és una tradwife primer de tot

What is a tradwife, first of all?

una tradwife són aquestes dones

A tradwife is one of these women.

de mentalitat molt tradicional

of a very traditional mindset

que cuinen a casa cuidant de les criatures

they cook at home taking care of the children

i s'encarregant de la llar

and is taking care of the home

que ojo tampoc diem que si per voluntat

that eye also we don't say that if by will

d'una mateixa persona està malament fer-ho

it is wrong to do it from the same person

si la pròpia persona arriba al consens

if the person herself arrives at the consensus

el tema està

the topic is

venen un model de dona

they sell a model of woman

que jo crec que s'ha lluitat lo suficient

that I believe enough has been fought

com per fugir una miqueta d'ell

as a way to escape him a little bit

que jo he vist a xarxes

that I have seen on social media

venia a ser això

it was meant to be this

tot lo que s'ha lluitat per normalitzar

everything that has been fought for normalization

una dona normal

a normal woman

que pot ser de moltes maneres

that can be in many ways

i que vingui una influencer

and let an influencer come

i tingui tants de seguidors

and have so many followers

és un indicador

it is an indicator

de societat bastant

of quite a society

alarmant eh

alarming, right?

que això encara agrada

that this is still appreciated

que això encara

that this still

hi ha nitxo de mercat com ho podrien dir

there is a market niche as they could say

i a més fa lo de la tonalitat de veu

and also does the thing with the tone of voice

que això també té un altre nom

that this also has another name

que és també per agradar

that is also to please

el tema està que aquesta senyora

the issue is that this lady

posa la veu impusta d'aquesta

put the voice on this

que realment no us enganyaré

that I really won't deceive you

a mi em fa molta gràcia

I find it very funny.

m'agrada posar veuetes no és un misteri per ningú

I like to use funny voices; it’s no mystery to anyone.

però la veu aquesta de persona

but the voice of this person

que mai trencaria un plat

that I would never break a plate

però poder-te apunyalar les costelles

but to be able to stab you in the ribs

quan et donis la volta

when you turn around

doncs és una cosa que a ningú li agrada

well, it's something that nobody likes

el tema està

the subject is

aquesta noia s'ha fet famosa

this girl has become famous

arrel de fer un seguit de vídeos

as a result of making a series of videos

on fa plats de cuina majoritàriament

where mainly kitchen dishes are made

des de zero

from zero

des de zero és

from zero is

i això és vídeo real

and this is real video

hola la meva parella va a una entrapa de formatge

Hello, my partner is going to a cheese trap.

cuino el formatge

I cook the cheese.

faig la massa fermentada del pa

I make the fermented dough for the bread.

i no premso l'oli

and I don't press the oil

perquè no té premsa d'oli a casa

because there is no oil press at home


you know

i és que aquesta senyora

and this lady

òbviament quan vaig veure això a les notícies

obviously when I saw this on the news

em va fer gràcia aquesta nena que té

I found this girl funny who has

21-23 anys no recordo 20 i pocs

21-23 years I don't remember 20 and a few.

que sembla una nena de 14

she looks like a 14-year-old girl

o més si agafem les japonesetes

or more if we take the little Japanese girls

i vaig començar a mirar el seu tiktok

I started watching her TikTok.

i dic bueno com va començar aquesta noia

I say well, how did this girl start?

i si mires com va començar aquesta noia

And if you look at how this girl started.

és una crossfitter i és més

she is a crossfitter and she is more

ficava els lookitos al seu fashion dreamer

I put the little looks in her fashion dreamer.

i després tenia

and then I had

els seus exercicis que deies això està molt bé

His exercises that you said this is very good.

però això són 6 vídeos

but these are 6 videos

després ja comença

then it starts

amb el futporn aquest

with this futporn

que he de reconèixer que em fa gràcia

that I have to admit makes me laugh

com bé diu la lynx això de

As Lynx well says this about

vaig a fer-ho en un momentet

I'm going to do it in a little while.

perquè hi ha unes creacions que és

because there are some creations that are

ni només hem de tenir totes les cuines

we must not only have all the kitchens

aquesta indumentària per poder i aquestes eines

this clothing for power and these tools

per poder fer aquests plats

to be able to make these dishes

ni tenim aquest temps per fer aquests plats

we don't have this time to make these dishes

és que hi ha moltes coses per veure

There are many things to see.

i per mi aquesta nena és una influencer yogulado

And for me, this girl is a yogi influencer.

Tiene muñecos?

Do you have dolls?

Tengo artículos prohibidos de lugares en los que el hombre no sabe enturarse

I have forbidden items from places where man does not know how to intrude.

También tengo yogulelado

I also have yogurt.

al que llamo yogulado

to what I call yogulated

Necesito algo para el cumpleaños de mi hijo

I need something for my son's birthday.

O tal vez esto sea del gusto de mi hijo

Or maybe this is to my son's liking.

del caballero

of the knight

Llévese este

Take this away.

pero cuidado, sobre él pesa una horrible maldición

but be careful, a horrible curse hangs over him

Uh, eso es malo

Uh, that's bad.

Con derecho a una talina de yogulado

With the right to a talina of yogulado.

Eso es bueno

That is good.

El yogulado también está maldito

The yogulated is also cursed.

Eso es malo

That is bad.

Pero puede elegir el sabor que guste

But you can choose the flavor you like.

Eso es bueno

That is good.

El yogulado contiene alomatizante artificial

The yogurt contains artificial flavoring.

Eso es malo

That's bad.

De fet, aquesta nena

In fact, this girl

no fa sinó que copiar

He only knows how to copy.

a la influencer que us he dit abans

to the influencer I mentioned to you before

la Nara Smith

Nara Smith

que us posa una mica en antecedents

that gives you a bit of background

La Nara Smith és una noia mormona que és alemanya

Nara Smith is a Mormon girl who is German.

però que viu als Estats Units

but lives in the United States

La típica de té dos criatures

The typical one has two children.

cuida d'ell i el marit tal

take care of him and the husband such

Però internet està ple de mems

But the internet is full of memes.

amb audios

with audios

d'aquesta senyora

of this lady

dient del pal

saying of the stick

al meu marit avui li venia de gust, jo que sé

My husband felt like it today, I don't know.

costelles de la brasa amb salsa barbacoa

grilled ribs with barbecue sauce

o als nanos els hi venia de gust avui

or the kids were in the mood today

menjar cereals

eat cereals

i està

and that's it

però pleníssim de mems

but we filled it with memes

de els nanos esperant a la que la seva mare

of the kids waiting for their mother

faci els cereals com morint de vells

make the cereals as if dying of old age

que veus que tenen allà allà

What do you see that they have over there?

l'aniversari del 18 aniversari

the 18th birthday

que és meravella

what is a marvel

Bueno, has dit la paraula que és mormona

Well, you said the word that is Mormon.

D'on veuen

Where do you come from?

tot aquest tipus de vídeos?

All this type of videos?

Ja em perdonareu

You will forgive me.

Però hi ha un altre cas que és la ballerina Farm

But there is another case which is the ballerina Farm.

que té un cas americà que és super super conegut

that has a super super famous American case

que no sé si sabeu el que és

that I don't know if you know what it is



Julliard és la universitat

Julliard is the university.

d'arts escèniques més famosa i més prestigiosa

the most famous and prestigious performing arts

de tots els Estats Units

from all the United States

Aquesta senyora

This lady

va accedir a la beca de Julliard

he received the Julliard scholarship

i estava graduada a Julliard

I graduated from Juilliard.

era una ballarina molt bona

she was a very good dancer

Què passa? Que va conèixer un paio que era mormó

What's going on? Did you meet a guy who was a Mormon?

i ara viu a una punyetera

And now lives in a damn place.

granja de la Missouri profunda

deep Missouri farm

té vuit fills

has eight children

i es dedica a fer-te

and is dedicated to making you

els vídeos de

the videos of

cuida una canalla

take care of a kid

i els hi faig el menjar

and I make them the food

mentre tinc una cama fotuda al cap

while I have a messed-up leg in my head


You know?

Que és allò que dius

What is that you say?

estem fent passes cap enrere

we are taking steps backwards

m'estàs intentant ensenyar

are you trying to teach me

que tens somnis frustrats

that you have frustrated dreams

però no em vols demanar ajuda

but you don't want to ask me for help

vols que algú que no sigui jo

do you want someone other than me

et doni una abraçada

I give you a hug.

De moment

For the moment

no se li espera

he is not expected

que és molt joveneta

that she is very young

per dir avui

to say today

i si es tingués ara aquella canalla diríem

And if we had that bunch of kids now, we would say.

oh que joveneta que és

oh how young she is

però no sé què em dóna a mi aquestes lips

but I don't know what gives me these lips

que com bé dius

as you say

és una mica impostora de tot

she's a bit of an impostor in everything

jo és que recordo els vídeos de Tinitium

I remember the Tinitium videos.

això que fas una mica d'investigació

this that you do a bit of research

d'on cony ve aquesta senyora

Where the hell does this lady come from?

de senyora vostè qui és

Madam, who are you?

lo que parlaves abans

what you were talking about earlier

els vídeos de crossfitera

the crossfit videos

de bodyshaming

body shaming

com et poses com les greques

how do you stand like the Greeks

menjant de tot lo que t'has preparat

eating everything you have prepared

no hi ha aquí algo raro?

Isn't there something strange here?

és que a mi

it's just that to me

per això m'agrada veure si té coherència

That's why I like to see if it makes sense.

en el seu tiktok que no té tant de temps

in his TikTok that is not that old

jo sé que quan la vaig veure

I know that when I saw her.

a espejo publico em va fer molta gràcia

The public mirror made me laugh a lot.

perquè es va presentar igual de coquet

because he/she presented himself/herself just as flirtatious

que llueix sempre a xarxes

that always shines on networks

i li vaig fer una pregunta

and I asked him a question

home en molt poc temps has arribat

man, you have arrived in no time

a dos milions de seguidors

two million followers

i de seguida va fer

and right away he/she did

no acabem d'arribar als tres milions

we still haven't reached three million

i tot molt així

and everything very much like that

i dius vale

and you say okay

això a Lidia Òscar l'hagués imaginat

this is something Óscar would have imagined about Lidia

dues vegades


jo tinc una paraula d'això que són

I have a word for this which are

mosquites muertes

dead mosquitoes

de tota la vida

of a lifetime

però la meva pregunta és a Pablo li venia de gust?

But my question is, did Pablo feel like it?


I ask.

jo crec que a Pablo li venia de gust

I think Pablo was in the mood.

lo que passa

what happens

vaig començar a veure-la

I started to see her.

i jo vaig trobar la incoherència

I found the inconsistency.

em perdonareu però el que és crossfit

You will forgive me, but what is crossfit?

el primer que cuida molt

the first that takes great care

és la dieta

it is the diet

no pot ser que d'un vídeo a un altre

it cannot be that from one video to another

passem a fer un plat de pasta

let's make a pasta dish

perquè la pasta amb proteïnes

because the pasta with proteins

i ets crossfiter

and you are a crossfitter

per la massa muscular bla bla bla

for muscle mass blah blah blah

però després té un parell de vídeos més

but then he has a couple more videos

que dius nena això un crossfiter

What are you saying, girl? This is a crossfitter.

no ho toca mai

he never touches it

agafo un mil·límetre de greix

I take a millimeter of fat.

i això no m'ho puc permetre

and I can't afford that

el meu imacem ho té prohibidíssim

my image is strictly prohibited

llavors no m'està quadrant

then it doesn't add up for me

si veus els inicis

if you see the beginnings

amb allò d'ara com a personatge ja no em quadra

With what is happening now, the character no longer fits me.

però s'ho menja ella?

But does she eat it?

que si que si

yes, yes

que si que si s'ho fot ella

That yes, yes, she takes it.

fa uns dies va penjar un vídeo

A few days ago, he/she uploaded a video.

que s'havia anat a Pablo

that Pablo had gone

amb una festa d'aquestes

with a party like this

si digués hiberdrola és que estarem fent promoció

If I said Iberdrola, it means we would be promoting it.

i ja veuré si fico el pitet o no

I'll see if I put on the bib or not.

d'una corfo

of a corfo

però d'una corfo on anaven

but from where they were going

a tipar-se com a porcs

to stuff oneself like a pig

perquè amb tot el carinyo respecte

because with all the affection and respect

un catering que fins allà molt bé

a catering that until then was very good

un catering correctet i tal

a decent catering and such

però després es fa com els

but then it becomes like them

influfoodies aquests típics

influfoodies these typical

que comencen a menjar coses i coses

that they start to eat things and things

i dius vale aquí ja no estàs fent dieta

And you say okay, here you're not on a diet anymore.

però és que estàs menjant coses mega prohibides

but you are eating mega prohibited things

per tant és no em queda clar

therefore it is not clear to me

si què vols fer

if you want to do

influencer de menjar

food influencer

influencer de donar a fer feines

influencer for doing jobs

la xicota de Pablo

Pablo's girlfriend

què vol ser

what do you want to be

jo ara no sé què vol ser aquesta noia

I don't know what this girl wants to be right now.

no sé la compta

I don't know the account.

que li faci més likes i més followers

to get more likes and more followers

que al principi amb el crossfitter

that at first with the crossfitter

ho va intentar

he tried

potser no li va sortir tan bé

maybe it didn't turn out so well for him/her

i quan va provar aquesta rama

and when he tried this branch

li està anant molt bé

it's going very well for him/her

i diu a la merda el crossfitter

and tell the crossfitter to go to hell

i me fico en això de cap

I throw myself into this wholeheartedly.

jo tinc una altra pregunta

I have another question.

i no pots fer tot això

and you cannot do all of this

sense donar tanta urticària

without causing so much irritation

i fer els plats des de zero

and make the dishes from scratch

i ja està

and that's it

que potser Pablito aquí dia

that maybe Pablito here day

ja ha dinat saps

Has he/she/they already had lunch, you know?

avui la Hangwi

today the Hangwi

no té ganes de que li parlin així

he doesn't want to be spoken to like that

per això la Lynx ho seguirà fent

That’s why Lynx will continue doing it.

fins al final d'aquest niu de merda

until the end of this shit nest

no però no fora bromes

no but no joking

és que parleu de plats

It's that you talk about dishes.

és que jo vinc aquí a parlar de facts

I come here to talk about facts.

hi ha un puto vídeo

there is a fucking video

amb el que diu avui a Pablo li venia de gust

With what Pablo says today, he felt like it.

menjar curry de no sé quantos

to eat curry of I don't know how many

menjar fregit de pollastre coreà

Korean fried chicken.

que es fot en ell un plat de curry

what a curry dish does to him

amb pollastre fregit

with fried chicken

que a això ja li agradaria un crossfitter de dinar

that a crossfitter would already like for lunch

ja era de dinar, d'ensumar

it was already time for lunch, to smell

a veure, jo és que

let's see, I just

com que també he vist el vídeo de

since I have also seen the video of

avui Pablo me llevaba a comer por ahí

Today Pablo was taking me out to eat somewhere.

y como no tenía nada que ponerme

and since I had nothing to wear

me he puesto a hacerme un vestido

I have started to make myself a dress.

y o sigui ni maestros de la costura

and I mean neither sewing teachers

aquesta noia sirve absolutament per tot

this girl is absolutely good for everything

i a la Hangwi potser li dona urticària

And maybe it gives Hangwi hives.

però potser a Pablito

but maybe to Pablito

aquest tipus de perfil li va molt bé

this type of profile suits him very well

bueno Pablito jo me sembla

Well Pablito, I think.

que es un monigotito

what is a little puppet

es un muñequito

it's a little doll

es un muñequito pobre Pablito

It's a poor little doll, Pablito.

que bueno la té allà

how good it is there

i li fa el dinar

and he/ she makes lunch for him/ her

pues no es queixa suposo

Well, I guess it's not a complaint.

perquè penso que no mana tant en Pablito

because I think Pablito doesn't have so much control

de lo que li ve de gust

of what he/she feels like

no sé tinc jo aquí una cosa que a mi me dona

I don't know; I have something here that gives me.

que no...

that not...

a mi la Roro es yo gulado

For me, the Roro is I gulado.

o sigui hi ha coses que admeto que em fa gràcia

So there are things that I admit make me laugh.

quan diu com que no sabia res que ficar-me

when he says that he didn't know anything to put me in

doncs m'he fet un vestit

so I've made myself a dress

i fa com si fos super fàcil fer-ho

and acts like it's super easy to do it

i en un pim pam t'he fet un vestit molt maco

And in a jiffy, I've made you a very beautiful dress.

digne de disseny i de

worthy of design and of

qualsevol línia de moda famosa

any famous fashion line

però després

but afterwards

jo penso les xarxes

I think the networks.

ara té gairebé 5 milions de seguidors

now it has almost 5 million followers

potser quan escolteu això

maybe when you hear this

té encara molts més

has many more yet

la gent agafa si són influences

People take it if they are influences.

és que fan influències sobre algú

they exert influence over someone

i el meu drama és jo m'ho miro amb humor

And my drama is that I look at it with humor.

i dic clar tu ets així

I clearly say you are like that.

i jo sé que darrere les càmeres

And I know that behind the cameras

no ets així

you're not like that

però sé que hi ha gent que agafar aquest perfil de noia de model

but I know that there are people who take on this model girl profile

i llavors

and then

s'han fet estudis

studies have been conducted

i s'està veient que el jovent d'ara

and it is being seen that today's youth

i d'aquí casa

and from here home

o sigui fent estudis

that is, doing studies

que té coses i tendències molt més masclistes

that has much more sexist things and trends

que no fa 50 anys

that it wasn't 50 years ago

o sigui estem tirant el cop enrere

so we are pulling the punch back

tenim un problema

we have a problem

i és si la gent està tirat

and is if the people are thrown out

enrere per què és

back because it is

molts factors

many factors

òbviament és ho poden veure a casa

obviously they can see it at home

tendències culturals

cultural trends

influences d'aquest tipus

influences of this type

i el problema per mi

and the problem for me

no és si aquesta noia vol tindre aquest modus de vida

it's not whether this girl wants to have this way of life

a mi em sembla perfectíssim

it seems perfect to me

i que sigui igual de dolça

and let it be just as sweet

el que passa és que sabem

what happens is that we know

que no és així

that is not the case

i dos que aquest model de persona

and two that this model of person

potser no és el més ideal a la nostra societat

maybe it's not the most ideal in our society

perquè em perdonareu

because you will forgive me

però si

but yes

a mi no m'importaria ser dona de fer feines

I wouldn't mind being a cleaning lady.

a casa meva

at my house

portar el meu marit super bé

to get my husband along really well

o no arribo

or I don't make it

és a dir si he de treballar 8 hores

that is to say if I have to work 8 hours

hem de netejar la casa

we have to clean the house

hem de fer recados

we have to run errands

hem de tindre coses de conciliació familiar

we need to have family reconciliation matters

a mi no em dóna les hores per fer en un parell d'hores

I don't have the time to do it in a couple of hours.

un vestit

a dress

portar el curri de la Índia

bring the curry from India

i mòlem jo a casa

And I grind at home.

sacrificar el pobre Xai

sacrifice the poor Lamb

quan va fer el ragú

when he made the ragù

no sé és que jo sempre ho he dit

I don't know, it's just that I've always said it.

no puc tindre tot

I can't have everything.

o sigui no puc tindre coneixements

So I can't have knowledge.



llavors aquesta noia està agafant un perfil

So this girl is taking a profile.

que li està funcionant molt bé

that is working very well for him/her

el problema és que si aquest perfil

the problem is that if this profile

l'agafen moltes persones d'exemple

Many people take them as an example.

no els hi funcionarà

it won't work for them

i potser tindrem un problema

And maybe we'll have a problem.

perquè està fent una influència

because it is having an influence

que no és bona

that is not good

ve a representar

come to represent

el que hi ha

what there is

el que tu dius

what you say

el que hi ha en la societat

what exists in society

que encara li agraden aquestes dones

that he still likes these women

sumisses i aquestes dones de casa

submissive and these housewives

perquè pensen ells

because they think

que no et donen problemes suposo

I suppose they don't give you problems.

i escolta que aquesta noia

And listen, this girl

té mèrit perquè si se fa la pasta ella sola

It is meritorious because if the dough is made alone.

i se cosseix un vestit

and she is sewing a dress

ole ella però me sembla que no fa falta

Oh her, but it seems to me that it's not necessary.

tota la parafernàlia

all the fanfare

del voltant per ser

around to be

per fer-ho creïble

to make it believable

o per fer-ho i ja està

or to do it and that's it

jo sé fer això i ja està

I know how to do this and that's it.

suposo que també era

I suppose it was too.

agafar aquesta tendència

to take this trend

d'intentar fer-ho així

of trying to do it this way

i li està funcionant molt bé

and it's working very well for him/her

però el dolent és que li està sortint molt bé

but the bad thing is that it is going very well for him

si no és dolent que funciona bé

if it’s not bad that works well

a mi el que passa és que veig

What happens to me is that I see.

que s'està fent influencer

that is becoming an influencer

s'està fent la seva carrera professional

he is building his professional career

fent aquest tipus d'interpretació

making this type of interpretation

que em sembla molt bé

I think it's very good.

el problema és a qui li faci influència

the problem is who it influences

o amb els ulls que es mirin

or with the eyes that look at each other

perquè insisteixo

because I insist

també podem tirar i és en plan

we can also throw and it's kind of like

sembla que et doni enveja

it seems to make you jealous

a mi aquesta senyora em dona igual

I don't care about this lady.

dient que al meu husbando li faré avui el dinar

saying that I will make lunch for my husband today

perquè a ella li ha vingut de gust això

because she has felt like this

o sigui veurò moltes coses però això

that is, I will see many things but this

no em veurò que ho digui jo simplement per amor propi

I won't see it just because I say it, simply out of pride.

potser em veurò dient altres coses

maybe I'll find myself saying other things

però això per qüestions morals

but this for moral reasons

doncs no

then no

i ella com a carrera professional està molt bé

And she is doing very well as a professional career.

però aquí està el però

but here is the but

anem a mirar-ho amb ulls dolentots

let's look at it with bad eyes

i la imatge que ella vol donar

and the image that she wants to project

i aquí puc ser molt jo retorçada

And here I can be very twisted.

i sé que ho estic seguint

And I know that I am following it.

que és una nena que no és major d'edat

that is a girl who is not of legal age

que és japonesa

that is Japanese

que si pot ser 14, 15, 16 anys

that it can be 14, 15, 16 years old

amb un noi que és major d'edat

with a boy who is of legal age

perquè el Pablo es veu més maduret

because Pablo seems more mature

i si comences a mirar aquesta línia íntima

And if you start to look at this intimate line

pot ser fins i tot pertorbadora

it can even be disturbing

i això tampoc està bé

and that is not good either

no m'agrada

I don't like it.

és que ja em perdonareu perquè vosaltres

it's just that you will forgive me because you

ja esteu donant com de transfons super

You're already giving like super background.

perquè jo visc

because I live

a base de veure vídeos de senyors

based on watching videos of gentlemen

amb aquesta noia

with this girl

un dels meus preferits

one of my favorites

és uns operaris d'una obra

they are workers on a construction site

però operaris que estaven a l'obra de veritat

but workers who were really on the job site

al meu cap avui li venia de gust

I felt like it today.

que poséssim una viga

that we put a beam

d'acer galvanitzat

galvanized steel

així que me'n vaig a anar a la mina

so I'm going to the mine

i aquest tipus de coses

and this type of things

què voleu que us digui a mi

What do you want me to say to you?

clar, jo he dit abans

of course, I said earlier

aquest tipus a mi em dóna la vida

this guy gives me life

i resulta graciós

and it turns out funny

però després has de saber mirar amb bons ulls

but then you have to know how to look with good eyes

perquè el problema és si qui veu això

because the problem is if someone sees this

fa que m'ha referent

It makes me have a reference.

i els nois volen que les seves xicotes siguin rorro

And the boys want their girlfriends to be pretty.

i les seves xicotes

and their girlfriends

pel el seu caràcter

for his character

no volen ser rorro

they don't want to be spoiled

però no tenen la voluntat suficient

but they do not have enough willpower

per dir-li a la seva parella no vull ser rorro

to tell his partner I don't want to be a drag

no sé si m'explico

I don't know if I'm making myself clear.

que hi ha caràcters femenins

that there are female characters

uns que tenen molt de pendència cap a

some that have a lot of dependency towards

una parella o per prendre decisions

a couple or to make decisions

pel seu caràcter

for his character

que llavors aquest esteròptit barrejat

that then this mixed stereotype

amb un perfil masculí

with a male profile

que li agrada aquest tipus de perfil

that likes this type of profile

és el millor

it's the best

que venim a riure'ns i som 4 jajas

we come to laugh and we are 4 hens

si això està molt bé

if this is very good

i el vídeo que es fa insisteixo

And the video that is made, I insist.

jo el vestit que es fa és

the dress that is made is

jo ho desitjo i veure'l en el proper

I wish to see it in the next one.

maestros de la costura VIP que facin

VIP sewing masters who make

a veure si de veritat ho fa tot en un parell d'hores

let's see if he really does it all in a couple of hours

això te n'ho va dir

this was told to you

potser la conviden i tot

maybe they invite her and all

llavors és bueno

then it is good

jo ho sé mirar amb ulls i riure'm

I know how to look with eyes and laugh.

però el meu drama és quan sé que hi ha gent

but my drama is when I know there are people

que no ho està mirant així

that is not looking at it that way

i el problema és que aquests nois

and the problem is that these guys

que tenen parelles que saps que són més

that have partners that you know are more

caràcter feble per dir alguna cosa

weak character to say something

no és que siguin febles

it's not that they are weak

són més sumisses o no tenen

they are more submissive or they do not have

tanta valentia o són insegures

so much bravery or are they insecure

i tot li fa por

and everything frightens him

que sucumbeixin a una cosa que no volen

that they succumb to something they do not want

fer això ja no mola gens

doing this is no longer cool at all



la teva cab i la guai

your goat and the cool one

però jo vull creure que dintre

but I want to believe that inside

del que hi cap som una societat

of which we are a society

que la gent s'ho pren tot més

that people take everything more seriously

com la broma al meme

like the joke in the meme

vull dir el perbetit sempre estarà allà

I mean the perbetit will always be there.

de fet el perbetit és com dirien en castellà

In fact, the perbetit is like they would say in Spanish.

la vieja confiable que mai ens falla

the reliable oldie that never lets us down

bueno és fàcil

well it's easy

és destrossar-li ràpidament el perfil a la rorro

it's quickly ruining the profile of the rorro

dient que estàs incitant

saying that you are inciting

a la pedofilia

to pedophilia

això és cert això si la vols destruir

this is true if you want to destroy it

és aquest

it is this

la pedofilia la submissió

pedophilia submission

al marit bueno

to the good husband

totes les coses que s'han lluitat

all the things that have been fought for

jo crec que poder-li estem intentant una vegada

I think we are trying to do it once.

és un caire com molt seriós

he is a very serious looking guy

molt social i la societat actual en la que vivim

very social and the current society in which we live

és tant del meme

it's so much of the meme

i del riure

and of laughter

que no s'ho prenen com un exemple a seguir

that they do not take it as a guiding example

de fet si de fet

in fact if in fact

inclús us diria com una forma

I would even tell you as a way.

d'agafar receptes

of taking recipes

més que com

more than how

model del que jo vull ser

model of what I want to be

o sigui

that is to say

no això no t'ho compro ja em perdonareu

No, I won't buy that, forgive me.

però jo penso

but I think

aquí vinc jo penso

here I come I think

en fer un focatge des de zero

to make a fire from scratch

la veig a certa cadena de supermercats

I see her in a certain chain of supermarkets.

que acaba per merca i acaba per dona

that ends with "merca" and ends with "dona"

i dic anda la merda

I say go to hell.

tres hores de la meva vida perdudes aquí

three hours of my life wasted here

serà que el problema el tenim nosaltres

Could it be that the problem is with us?

que no li volem fer el dinar

that we don't want to make him lunch

als nostres corbantos

to our corbants

o que no sabem

or that we do not know

o jo personalment que no sé parlar

or I personally who cannot speak

amb aquest to de veu

with this tone of voice

amb aquest to

with this tone

la vostra llum

your light

no pot passar

it cannot happen

jo o tu

me or you



ho podrem fer

we will be able to do it

anem a veure

let's go see

va sortir un gall

a rooster came out

si voleu que la Hange

if you want the Hange

parli amb Tomoe

talk to Tomoe


press it

donar-ho a seguir al nostre conte

give it to follow our account

i farem un TikTok amb la Hangui

And we will make a TikTok with Hangui.

fent de rorro.

acting like a baby.

Jo, família,

I, family,

tenim una missió. Si no ho voleu fer

we have a mission. If you don't want to do it

per vosaltres, feu-ho per mi, per favor.

For you, do it for me, please.

Mai demano res.

I never ask for anything.

Si arribem a les 500

If we reach 500

escoltes del podcast a la plataforma

podcast listens on the platform

d'iVoox, perquè els 500

of iVoox, because the 500

globals ja ho fem,

we already do it,

la Hangui es compromet

Hangui is committed.

a fer un vídeo imitant

to make a video imitating

la rorro, però amb recepta

the rorro, but with a recipe

o no? Sí,

or not? Yes,

tu l'has de fer per collons

You have to do it no matter what.

amb recepta. Jo? Bé, tinc

with a prescription. Me? Well, I have

una KitchenAid.

a KitchenAid.

Alguna cosa puc fer. Alguna cosa

I can do something. Something.

farem. Una truita de

we will make. An omelette of

patates. Faig una truita de patates amb la rorro.

Potatoes. I make a potato omelette with rorro.

Faig una truita de patates

I'm making a potato omelette.

amb la rorro. Si passem les 500 escoltes

with the rorro. If we surpass 500 listeners

a iVoox en aquest

to iVoox in this

podcast, la Hangui

podcast, the Hangui

farà un vídeo TikTok amb

he will make a TikTok video with

una recepta de cuina imitant la rorro.

a recipe for cooking imitating the rorro.

M'has de ficar perruca?

Do you have to put a wig on me?

No, el cabell.

No, the hair.

Jo crec que és el de menys.

I think that's the least important thing.

Perquè recordem... Però has d'anar mudada,

Because we remember... But you have to be dressed up,

això sí, eh? No hi ha cap vídeo

that’s for sure, right? There is no video.

on porti un davantal

he/she/they wears an apron

o vagi amb pijama...

or go in pajamas...

No, no, no. Has d'anar mudada, això sí.

No, no, no. You have to dress up, that's for sure.

I amb unes ulleres més grans que

And with some glasses bigger than

la teva pròpia cara.

your own face.

No, les ulleres és per ser més sexy

No, the glasses are to be more sexy.

perquè se li vegi una mica més els ulls petits

so that her small eyes are seen a little more

que té. A la Hangui això

that has. To the Hangui this

no li fa falta, ja és maca.

She doesn't need it, she's already beautiful.

Ai, gràcies. Uix.

Oh, thank you. Oops.

No et val. A la Hangui

It doesn't suit you. To the Hangui.

no li venia de gust fer un vídeo,

he didn't feel like making a video,

així que va decidir dir que s'arribava

so he decided to say that he was arriving

amb els 500 seguidors, doncs

with the 500 followers, then

imitaria la rorro.

I would imitate the rorro.

Sí, sí, sí, no passa res.

Yes, yes, yes, it's fine.

Ho fem. I això que es comença...

We do it. And this that is beginning...

Ui, digues, Jinx.

Oh, tell me, Jinx.

Jo hi ha una cosa

I have one thing.

que vull fer un apunt abans de marxar.

I want to make a note before leaving.

O sigui, per qui

So, for whom?

digui que el que som és unes geloses

Say that what we are is a bunch of jealous ones.

davant d'aquesta senyora, jo vull dir

in front of this lady, I want to say

que totes tres tenim dos bons motius

that all three of us have two good reasons

que no ens fan envejar aquesta noia.

that this girl doesn't make us jealous.

Perquè hi ha coses que s'ha de curar.

Because there are things that have to be healed.

I ja està.

That's it.

Ui, tanquem força, eh?

Wow, we’re closing in quite a bit, aren’t we?

No li penso treure ni un punt

I won't take away a single point from him/her.

ni una coma, jo, això.

Not a comma, me, this.

Però bueno, noietes, això que sonen

But well, girls, this sounds...

de fons són els xiulets

in the background are the whistles

de la fi del món?

of the end of the world?

Que crec que ja toca per avui.

I think it's time for today.

Així que recordeu

So remember

família que ens podeu trobar a totes les xifres.

family that you can find in all the digits.

A totes les xarxes socials, com a

To all social networks, as a

arroba les lladres del temps.

screw the time thieves.

I recordeu que ens podeu veure a YouTube,

And remember that you can watch us on YouTube,

escoltar a Apple Podcasts,

listen on Apple Podcasts,

a Spotify i a iVoox.

on Spotify and iVoox.


Little boys,

un plaer, com sempre, veureu vosaltres

A pleasure, as always, you will see yourselves.

i fins la pròxima!

And until next time!



Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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