03x01 EL PÒDCAST DE L'ANTMAN. Les escenes post crèdits

El Far Friki de l Empordà

El Far Friki de l’Empordà

03x01 EL PÒDCAST DE L'ANTMAN. Les escenes post crèdits

El Far Friki de l’Empordà

Fins aquí el programa d'avui.

That's all for today's program.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Avui ens hem reunit amb Fili Prim,

Today we met with Fili Prim,

amb Ferran i un servidor.

with Ferran and myself.

Benvinguts a tots dos, nois!

Welcome to both of you, guys!

Gràcies per convidar-me.

Thank you for inviting me.

Jo primer vull fer un incís,

I first want to make a note,

que és felicitar-vos

what it is to congratulate you

per la vostra tasca i donar-vos

for your task and to give you

que tingueu una

have a (good) one

nova temporada plena d'èxits,

new season full of success,

perquè realment el que feu és

because what you really do is

una feina espectacular.

a spectacular job.

Des de l'afició

From the hobby

i des de la gratuïtat,

and from the perspective of generosity,

feu una quantitat de produccions

make a number of productions

i de minuts gravats que són

and the recorded minutes that they are

una meravella.

a marvel.

O sigui que felicitats.

So congratulations.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Quan fem els canets de soci del Far,

When we make the little sausages for the Far members,

tu tranquil, que segur que en tens un.

You relax, I'm sure you have one.



I llavors més endavant farem,

And then later we will do,

ara que hem fet la pel·lícula

now that we have made the movie

de com es va gravar aquell miriprograma

how that mini-program was recorded

televisiu, estem-ho dient,

television, let's say it,

allò del light show aquest,

that light show thing,

acabarem fent un programa

we will end up making a program



darrere de les càmeres del Far Freaky.

behind the scenes of the Far Freaky.

De light show.

The light show.

Moltes gràcies per anar-hi, de debò.

Thank you very much for going there, really.

La veritat és que aquest any

The truth is that this year

no sé si ens hem enxirinat una mica

I don't know if we have become a bit overconfident.

amb els programes, perquè quan

with the programs, because when

vam fer la presentació, l'Albert va fer

we made the presentation, Albert did

la presentació aquella, amb totes les imatges dels programes

that presentation, with all the images from the programs

i tal, jo el primer cop que vaig veure

And so, the first time I saw him.

vaig dir, hòstia, que no ens hem passat una mica

I said, damn, haven't we gone a bit overboard?

aquest any.

this year.

Els anava comptant

He was counting them.

un, dos,

one, two,

deu o onze.

ten or eleven.

Però clar, n'hi ha que, per exemple, aquest any

But of course, there are those who, for example, this year

a l'afició Freaky seran especials puntuals

To the Freaky fans, there will be special punctual events.

perquè és complicat que es trobien

because it is complicated that they meet

totes. Les festes del Far

All. The festivities of the Far

també les irem fent així puntualment.

We will also do them like this punctually.

El Cat Damman, com ell diu,

The Cat Damman, as he says,

veu que hi ha novetats, o sigui,

you see that there are updates, in other words,

no és allò que tinguin... Exceptuant, potser, la

it's not that they have... Except maybe the

tertúlia, que és el fix de cada primera

discussion group, which is the regular feature every first [of the month]

setmana de mes, les altres van

week of the month, the others go

sortint com surten.

coming out like they come out.

A la gent sense criteri, també,

To people without criteria, too,

quan ells han vist alguna merda interessant

when they have seen some interesting shit

de taurons

of sharks

o el que sigui.

or whatever.

Bueno, va, després d'aquesta

Well, come on, after this.



et volo repetir, moltes gràcies,

I want to repeat it to you, thank you very much.

Ferran. Comencem.

Ferran. Let's begin.

A veure,

Let's see,

per situar-nos una mica,

to give us some context,

avui és dilluns,

today is Monday,

aquest programa s'estrenarà dijous,

this program will premiere on Thursday,

dimecres tindrem una nova

On Wednesday we will have a new one.

sèrie de Marvel, que es diu...

Marvel series, called...

Agatha Allalong, i

Agatha Allalong, and

nosaltres en parlarem, evidentment,

we will talk about it, obviously,

sense haver-la vist, perquè no

without having seen her, because why not

l'hem pogut veure.

we have been able to see it.

A mi sí que m'agradaria saber com

I would indeed like to know how.

l'espereu, aquesta sèrie.

You are waiting for it, this series.

Amb quines ganes, amb quina trampera...

With what eagerness, with what trap...

Moltes ganes jo en tinc, perquè

I have a lot of desire, because

em ve

it comes to me

l'emoció, diguem-ne,

the emotion, let's call it,

de la primera temporada, que va ser

of the first season, which was

el primer producte

the first product

després d'Endgame, i que tots tenim ganes

after Endgame, and that we all are eager

d'a veure què ens dona Disney+,

let's see what Disney+ gives us,

i la sèrie de Wandavision,

and the series of Wandavision,

a mi em va flipar, va flipar molt,

I was amazed, I was really amazed.

potser hi havia poc d'Endgame,

perhaps there was little of Endgame,

perquè ens presentava un món totalment nou,

because it presented us with a completely new world,

però sí que tenia aquelles

but I did have those

picades d'ullet que t'hi portaven fins aquí,

winks that brought you here,

em va agradar molt el personatge

I really liked the character.

de l'Agatha, em va

from Agatha, it suits me

fascinar, tot i que sé que

to fascinate, although I know that

aquesta nova sèrie

this new series

serà totalment diferent, perquè

it will be totally different, because

tot i compartir personatge,

despite sharing a character,

em sembla més un spin-off

It seems more like a spin-off to me.

de Wanda que no pas una sèrie

of Wanda that is not a series

de l'UCM del que coneixem fins ara.

from the UCM that we know so far.

I, hòstia,

I, damn,

crec que serà interessant, però sé que m'allunyarà

I think it will be interesting, but I know it will distance me.

de la línia

of the line

de l'UCM que conec.

from the UCM that I know.

No sé cap on portarà, però, eh?

I don't know where it will lead, but, eh?

No, pot ser

No, it can't be.

una sorpresa, però

a surprise, however

podem tenir problemes de pensar molt en Wandavision

We can have problems thinking too much about Wandavision.

i imaginar que serà

and imagine that it will be

molt semblant, però em serà interessant veure

very similar, but I will be interested to see

com està darrere

how is it behind

a Westville,

in Westville,

com es manega, promet,

how it's handled, I promise,

el que dèiem, hem anat veient que

what we were saying, we have been seeing that

anaven canviant el títol.

they kept changing the title.

Hem vist els títols dels capítols

We have seen the titles of the chapters.

que són de diferent tipografia.

that are of different typography.

O sigui, jo crec que pot ser

So, I think it could be.

un avançament, però jo, a mi em coneixeu,

an advance, but you know me,

jo m'entusiasmo amb totes les sèries Marvel i totes les pel·lícules.

I am enthusiastic about all the Marvel series and all the movies.

De fet, la persona que se'm va veure

In fact, the person who saw me.

Venom i també iré a veure Kraven.

Venom and I will also go see Kraven.

O sigui, clar, a partir d'aquí,

So, clearly, from here on,

el meu criteri...

my criterion...

Però no, és amb moltes ganes

But no, it's with a lot of enthusiasm.

i més en aquest cas, que també som molt

and more in this case, that we are also very

aficionats a tot el que envolta

enthusiasts of everything that surrounds

les bruixes i això, jo tenia ganes de veure

the witches and that, I was keen to see


seeing it.

És un concili de bruixes.

It's a witches' council.

Sí, i bravo.

Yes, and bravo.

Aquella arra, de fet, fins i tot

That root, in fact, even

hi ha qui formarà

there are those who will form

aquesta aquella arra i tot.

this that arra and everything.

Recordem que la gata és

Remember that the cat is

creació de l'Stan Lee i en Jack Kirby.

creation of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

Està datada del gener dels 70.

It is dated from January of the 70s.

O sigui que déu-n'hi-do. Recordeu que

So it's quite something. Remember that

en els còmics era una anciana.

In the comics, she was an old woman.

Era una anciana que tenia un gat negre.

She was an elderly woman who had a black cat.

Bueno, la bruixa típica i tòpica

Well, the typical and cliché witch.

que vivia en una casa a mig del bosc.

who lived in a house in the middle of the forest.

Que era la cuidadora

She was the caregiver.

o la cuidadora

or the caregiver

d'en Franklin Richards, també, no?

Of Franklin Richards, right?

Sergi, tu ho domines més, això?

Sergi, do you have a better handle on this?



O els havia fet de cangur

Or had he been their babysitter?

i durant un temps va ser com una mestra

and for a time she was like a teacher

per la Wanda.

for Wanda.

Correcte. Com una mena de Mary Poppins, ella, no?

Correct. She's like a sort of Mary Poppins, isn't she?





Però al revés.

But the other way around.


Let's remember.

que també seran nou capítols.

that will also be nine chapters.

Això serà el que deies abans, Ferran,

This will be what you said earlier, Ferran,

que potser la similitud en quant

that perhaps the similarity in terms

de visió també eren nou capítols.

there were also nine chapters of vision.

Aquí també han fet una sèrie de nou capítols

Here they have also made a series of nine episodes.

i em sembla que són les dues úniques sèries

and I think they are the only two series.

que han tingut aquest nombre de capítols.

that have had this number of chapters.

Que sembla que jugaran molt amb el misteri,

It seems they will play a lot with the mystery,

el thriller, el terror...

the thriller, the horror...

Jo sí que m'agradaria dir una cosa sobre això,

I would like to say something about this.

perquè, aviam,

because, let's see,

no deixa de ser el que deies tu, eh?

it's still what you were saying, right?

És una seqüela, estic d'acord.

It is a sequel, I agree.

És un spin-off, estic d'acord.

It's a spin-off, I agree.

Però és que és un spin-off de la millor sèrie

But it's a spin-off of the best series.

que han fet Marvel fins ara, per mi.

What Marvel has done so far, for me.

Això per mi també ja és una garantia.

This is also a guarantee for me.

I hi ha-hi, doncs, unes certes esperances

And there are certain hopes, then.

que aquesta sèrie sigui bona.

that this series is good.

A més a més,


la productora i creadora d'aquesta sèrie

the producer and creator of this series

és la mateixa que la de Wanda Davis.

It is the same as Wanda Davis's.

La Jack Schafer.

Jack Schafer.

Això també et dona un plus.

This also gives you an extra.

I, a més a més,

I, moreover,

el que fa la música també són els mateixos.

What makes the music are the same people.

Per tant...


Això ja comença a fer petxoca.

This is starting to get interesting.

Però és que, a més a més,

But, moreover,

estic content per això, perquè

I am happy about that, because

això em recorda els inicis de tot.

this reminds me of the beginnings of everything.

Almenys els meus.

At least mine.

Perquè la sèrie de WandaVision

Because of the series WandaVision

va suposar la meva introducció en el món d'això,

it marked my introduction to the world of this,

de tot plegat, dels podcasts, dels directes,

of everything, the podcasts, the live shows,

de les investigacions vàries

of the various investigations

a partir de les produccions màximes,

from the maximum productions,

i que, en definitiva,

and that, ultimately,

ens han portat, el que dèiem ara,

they have brought us, what we were saying just now,

fins on som ara.

until we are now.

I no vam començar amb el Farc,

And we didn't start with the Farc,

vam començar amb el Factor F, fent tot això.

we started with Factor F, doing all this.

Per tant, i la primera sèrie

Therefore, the first series

que em van convidar

that they invited me

a dir, va, vine a fer comentaris,

Come on, come and make comments.

va, sem WandaVision,

come on, we're WandaVision,

i el record que en tinc és bestial, és molt maco.

And the memory I have of it is amazing, it's very beautiful.

Ens ho vam passar molt i molt i molt bé.

We had a very, very, very good time.

Sense WandaVision jo no us hagués conegut.

Without WandaVision, I would not have met you.

De fet, encara no sé com vaig arribar

In fact, I still don't know how I got here.

al directe.


Però sí, sí, evidentment,

But yes, yes, obviously,

això és un cercle.

this is a circle.

Nosaltres sempre ho hem dit,

We have always said it,

i no ens en amaguem ni a sentir mou.

And we do not hide it, nor do we feel it move.

Nosaltres som fills del Factor F.

We are children of the Factor F.

Jo ja en formava part,

I was already part of it,

en aquella època que havíem d'evidenciar

in that time we had to demonstrate

si tovassó de l'Alienta en conserva,

if Alienta's towel is preserved,

l'Arnau Bernet,

Arnau Bernet,

en Ferranxo de la Buchmann,

Ferranxo from Buchmann,

i vam, bé,

and we go, well,

un moment que el Factor F,

a moment that the F Factor,

per motius personals i d'incompetències,

for personal reasons and incompetencies,

no ho va guanyar, vam continuar altres.

he did not win it, we continued others.

I sí que a mi em va ser això,

And yes, that was for me,

que també t'agrada molt Marvel,

that you also really like Marvel,

també llegeixes còmics,

do you also read comics,

va començar aquí tot el...

it all started here...

Jo me'n recordo una conversa a la Buchmann,

I remember a conversation at Buchmann,

que ens vam trobar amb tu i amb en Franxo,

that we met with you and Franxo,

estàvem allà mirant llibres i comprant,

we were there looking at books and buying,

que fem sempre a la Buchmann,

what we always do at Buchmann,

donar-li vidilla.

to give it some life.

I jo, hòstia, per què no t'apuntes,

And me, damn it, why don't you sign up?

per què no véns a fer el directe un dia,

why don't you come to do the live show one day,

dic, oh, som-hi, no?

I say, oh, let's go, shall we?

I a partir d'aquí,

And from here,

em vam ben enredar.

we were really tangled up.

Però és que, a més a més,

But moreover,

és que no hi ha cap altra sèrie

it's just that there is no other series

que ens va passar d'això.

what happened to us about this.

Totalment d'acord.

Totally agreed.

Me'n recordo de quan va sortir

I remember when it came out.



Me'n recordo de quan va sortir

I remember when it came out.

la menció que feien a quatre astronautes

the mention they made of four astronauts

que s'havien perdut, que tots ja

that they had lost, that everyone already

pixàvem Colònia pensant que eren els Manga Fantàstics.

We peed in Cologne thinking they were the Fantastic Four.

Me'n recordo de les disquisicions

I remember the discussions.

de l'apicultor que va sortir de la claveguera.

of the beekeeper who came out of the sewer.

I sobretot me'n recordo de Mephisto.

And above all, I remember Mephisto.


The helicopter...

I la mosca.

And the fly.

Aquella mosca que hi havia.

That fly that was there.

L'helicòpter de Mephisto.

Mephisto's helicopter.

I conxudint els hexàgons.

And knowing the hexagons.

L'obsessió dels hexàgons.

The obsession with hexagons.

I els anuncis,

And the ads,

les teories dels anuncis.

the theories of advertisements.

Hosti, és que vam

Damn, it’s just that we went...

fer punt a tot.

to make a point of everything.

I vam fer punt a tot, ens ho vam passar

We made a point of everything, we had a great time.

molt i molt bé.

very very well.

I esclar, jo ara me fa aquest spin-off

And of course, now this spin-off is being made for me.

d'Agatha, i el que fas és recordar

of Agatha, and what you do is remember

el que havies fet a Wanda.

what you had done to Wanda.

I tots els records que havies fet a Wanda són bestials.

And all the memories you had made with Wanda are amazing.

I jo tinc moltes ganes de començar aquest

And I am very eager to start this.

d'Agatha per tornar a ser

of Agatha to be again

la meva mateixa, no?

my own, right?

És molt divertit.

It's very fun.

Algun dia ho he fet així a trossos,

Some day I have done it like this in pieces,

revisionar algun d'aquelles històries.

review some of those stories.

Era molt divertit.

It was very fun.

Molt divertit, molt divertit.

Very fun, very fun.

Són dos capítols d'estrena, no?

They are two premiere episodes, right?

Sí, el primer.

Yes, the first.

Ah, no ho sabia, això.

Ah, I didn't know that.

Han fet dos capítols,

They have made two chapters,

i el nou, els últims,

and the new, the last,

els dos últims també els fan

they also make the last two

la mateixa setmana. Els ajunten, també.

the same week. They bring them together, too.

Que ja parlarem, que em sembla que

We'll talk later, it seems to me that...

aquest cap de setmana no hi seré, però bueno,

I won't be here this weekend, but well,

ja ens ho muntarem.

We'll sort it out.

Perquè, a més a més, ho lliguen

Because, furthermore, they tie it up.

per acabar la sèrie

to finish the series

per tots sants.

for All Saints.

Jo estava comptant ara això.

I was just counting this.

El dia 30, em sembla que és,

I think it's on the 30th.

emeten els dos últims capítols

they are broadcasting the last two episodes

i és precisament,

and it is precisely,

bueno, toca això, no?

Well, let's do this, right?

Finals d'octubre, principis de novembre.

Late October, early November.

Què més tenim?

What else do we have?

Volíem parlar també de la D23,

We also wanted to talk about the D23.

però, com que ja fa més d'un mes

but, since it has already been more than a month

i vam penjar tota la informació a Twitter,

and we posted all the information on Twitter,



ja ho hem dit tot,

we have already said it all,

tampoc calia parlar-ne massa.

There was no need to talk about it too much.

L'únic que us direm és que si voleu veure

The only thing we will tell you is that if you want to see

tots els trailers filtrats

all the leaked trailers

de Thunderbolts, del Quadra Fantàstics,

of Thunderbolts, of the Fantastic Four,

d'Ironheart, del Capi,

of Ironheart, of the Cap.

de Daredevil,

of Daredevil,

els teniu al canal de Telegram.

You have them on the Telegram channel.

Vull dir, que si voleu entrar i mirar-los, els tenim allà.

I mean, if you want to come in and look at them, we have them there.

Sí, ja que per Twitter i així

Yes, since on Twitter and so on

ens sembla que no m'han cansat algú.

It seems to us that they haven't tired someone out.

Sí, sí, van tocar el crostó per Twitter.

Yes, yes, they mentioned the crostó on Twitter.

L'Elon Musk va dir,

Elon Musk said,

no, això no.

no, not that.

Fora de la D23, què tenim?

Outside of the D23, what do we have?

Tenim la sèrie

We have the series.

d'Edition, que també serà

of Edition, which will also be

un spin-off de l'espinó, o bueno, no,

a spin-off of the thistle, or well, no,

també serà un altre spin-off, de la Vision Blanca,

it will also be another spin-off, from the White Vision,

que es començarà a rodar a inicis del

which will begin to be filmed at the beginning of the

2025 i s'espera a estrenar a primavera

2025 is expected to premiere in spring.

el 2026. I

the 2026. I

l'última novetat que va sortir, a part que els protagonistes

the latest news that came out, apart from the fact that the protagonists

seran els mateixos, és que

they will be the same, it is that

James Spader tornarà a ser

James Spader will return to be

la veu d'Ultron. Ergo, sortirà

the voice of Ultron. Therefore, it will come out.

Ultron a la sèrie. Ostres, com...

Ultron in the series. Wow, how...

Bueno, d'aquest ja en parlem. Una altra,

Well, we'll talk about this one later. Another one,

Wonder Man està en fase

Wonder Man is in phase.

de postproducció i esperem que surtin novetats

of post-production and we hope that new developments will come out

aviat. Ja em dic que el tercer trimestre

soon. I already tell myself that the third semester

surt alguna cosa. No, no, no, no,

something comes out. No, no, no, no,

no en saben gaire de... No!

They don't know much about... No!

...de Wonder Man. I ara que m'estic llegint...

...of Wonder Man. And now that I'm reading...

Estos, no?, se saben ja.

These, right? They are already known.

Sí, però... I això sí.

Yes, but... And this is true.

I ara que m'estic rellegint

And now that I am re-reading myself

que ha estat republicant amb Omnidoll

who has been republicating with Omnidoll

a... Los Vecadores

a... The Avengers

de la Costa Oeste, que aquí es tornava a

from the West Coast, which here was returning to

recuperar a Wonder Man, ostres,

recover Wonder Man, wow,

un personatge que ha tingut sagues i

a character that has had sagas and

que jo crec que és molt interessant.

that I think is very interesting.

Tinc ganes de veure ben com el fan

I can't wait to see how they do it well.

i tots recordarem que jo hem llegit còmics...

And we will all remember that I have read comics...

Havia fet una parella molt divertida

I had made a very fun couple.

i molt bonica amb la bèstia.

and very beautiful with the beast.

O sigui, no sé, a veure què tal.

I mean, I don't know, let's see how it goes.

Els còmics eren molt divertits, sí, sí.

The comics were very funny, yes, yes.

El que fa... Bueno, aquest es planteja

What it does... Well, this one is raised.

com una comèdia, no?

Like a comedy, right?

No ho sabem. No ho sabem, no ho sabem.

We don't know. We don't know, we don't know.

És que no se respecta aquell...

It's just that that one is not respected...

Sí que se respecta aquell actor de dublatge.

Yes, that voice actor is respected.

Sí, bueno, i...

Yes, well, and...

Se respecta, però...

It is respected, but...

És que es planteja com una comèdia, però tampoc...

It's presented as a comedy, but not really...

No, no han dit res.

No, they haven't said anything.

L'actor és el que va fer de Black Manta a Aquaman.

The actor is the one who played Black Manta in Aquaman.

Ah. Què més tenim?

Ah. What else do we have?

Tenim una nova sèrie

We have a new series.

programada de Nova,

scheduled from Nova,

que aquesta sé que en Sergi li fa tilín,

that this one I know Sergi likes,

però t'hauràs d'esperar

but you will have to wait

el 27 o el 28, eh?

the 27th or the 28th, huh?

Ja, ja, uf...

Yeah, yeah, phew...

És còsmic total, no, això?

It's totally cosmic, isn't it?

Sí, és còsmic totalíssim.

Yes, it's totally cosmic.

És còsmic total, sí, sí, però hi tinc moltes ganes

It's totally cosmic, yes, yes, but I'm very much looking forward to it.

perquè és un tema que han tocat molt poc.

because it is a topic that they have touched very little.

A part de la Capitana Marvel i Guardianes,

Apart from Captain Marvel and the Guardians,

des de poc han vist els superherois còsmics.

Recently, they have seen the cosmic superheroes.

Com es deien aquells, els Nova Corps?

What were they called, the Nova Corps?

Els Nova Corps.

The Nova Corps.

Té a veure amb això?

Does it have to do with this?

Sí, els Nova Corps són la publicitat

Yes, the Nova Corps are the advertising.

especial, per resumir-ho fàcilment,

special, to summarize it easily,

i, clar, des que tens el poder

Yes, of course, since you have the power.

de Nova, passes a formar

again, you become part

part dels Nova Corps.

part of Nova Corps.

Us vaig prometre que parlaríem

I promised you that we would talk.

d'Armor Wars i Blade.

of Armor Wars and Blade.

És que Armor Wars és...

It's that Armor Wars is...

Jo us vaig dir...

I told you...

En parlarem. Només us diré que

We'll talk about it. I'll just tell you that

ens sabrem notícies en els pròxims

we will hear news in the next ones

dos o tres mesos.

two or three months.

Per bo com per dolent.

For better or for worse.

Però, finalment,

But, finally,

es desencallarà el tema tant

The issue will be resolved so much.

d'Armor Wars... Que, per cert, l'altre dia

of Armor Wars... By the way, the other day

li vam preguntar en War Machine...

we asked him in War Machine...

Com es diu l'acte de War Machine?

What is the name of the War Machine event?

És que ja li he oblidat fins i tot el nom.

I have even forgotten his name.

Andon Shida.

Andon Shida.

Li vam preguntar sobre Armor Wars

We asked him about Armor Wars.

i ell va respondre, què és Armor Wars?

And he replied, what is Armor Wars?

No sé si ho va fer un conyo, no?

I don't know if he/she did it for a reason, right?

Però bueno, la qüestió és que...

But well, the question is that...

La qüestió és que se'n parla.

The issue is that it is being talked about.

Vale, doncs bueno, en principi sabrem

Okay, well, basically we will know.

si continuen

if they continue

o no continuen aquests projectes.

or these projects do not continue.

De Red Evil,

From Red Evil,

a veure si voleu veure el trailer, el tenim al canal

Let's see if you want to watch the trailer, we have it on the channel.

de Telegram, jo

from Telegram, me

tinc la...

I have the...

No ho sé, tinc com un

I don't know, I have like a

rau-rau, tinc com una...

rau-rau, I have like a...

Com es diu?

What is it called?

Un pàlpit de que ens sortirà

A feeling that it will work out for us.

que ens sortirà la Jessica Jones.

that Jessica Jones will come out.

S'està parlant massa de la

There is too much talk about the

Jessica Jones.

Jessica Jones.

Encara que sí, només introduir-la

Yes, just introduce it.

per després fer una altra sèrie.

to later do another series.

Se n'està parlant molt, ara,

It's being talked about a lot right now.

casualitat o no, es torna a publicar

Coincidence or not, it is published again.

la seva sèrie, que és

his series, which is

molt, molt, molt recomanable.

very, very, very recommendable.

La seva sèrie de còmics.

His comic series.

Casualitat o no...

Coincidence or not...

A més, a la D23 ella va publicar alguna imatge

In addition, at D23 she published some images.

sobre un pòster de la Jessica Jones.

about a poster of Jessica Jones.

Bé, no ho sé, ja sabem que Marvel també sap

Well, I don't know, we already know that Marvel knows too.

jugar molt...

play a lot...

amb nosaltres, eh? Però...

with us, huh? But...

Jo ja us ho dic, si m'hagués de jugar a algun

I already tell you, if I had to play at any.

caler, poc, eh? De poc ens passem.

Heat, little, eh? We hardly go overboard.



M'hi jugaria un caler que sortirà a la primera

I would bet a dollar that it will come out on the first try.

temporada. Mira què et dic. Hòstia, ja m'agradaria,

season. Look what I'm telling you. Damn, I would really like that,

doncs, eh? Llavors, tenim

so, eh? Then, we have

un director

a director

d'una pel·lícula, i la pel·lícula encara no s'ha

of a movie, and the movie has not yet

confirmat. Atenció, eh? Destin Daniel

confirmed. Attention, huh? Destin Daniel

Creighton, que em sembla que és el director

Creighton, whom I believe is the director.

de Sanchi, dirigirà la

of Sanchi, will direct the

quarta part de Spiderman.

fourth part of Spiderman.

Però resulta que la pel·lícula de Spiderman

But it turns out that the Spiderman movie

no l'han oficialitzat del lloc.

they have not officially announced the location.

Però ja sabem el director. És una cosa molt

But we already know the director. It's a very thing

estranya. Hòstia, corren... No feu

Strange. Damn, they run... Don't do it.

cas, encara, perquè corren molts rumors.

case, still, because there are many rumors.

Estan dient moltes bestieses per xarxes.

They are saying a lot of nonsense on social media.

Que el simbion negre, que si es presenta...

That the black symbiote, if it appears...

No, no, no, això res.

No, no, no, this is nothing.

No feu cas de tots els rumors

Don't pay attention to all the rumors.

que parlem, perquè no se sap res.

What are we talking about, because nothing is known.

Com diu en Vive... No, no.

As Vive says... No, no.

El director sí que se sap.

The director is known.

Ja és oficial, que el director serà aquest.

It is now official, that the director will be this one.

I que partirem de la base d'això, perquè és

And we will start from the basis of this, because it is

un nou començament. Espero.

A new beginning. I hope.

Eh... Sí, perquè ningú

Eh... Yes, because no one

se'n recorda qui és i, bueno,

do you remember who he is and, well,

sembla un començar de zero, un començar

it seems like a starting from scratch, a beginning

de nou. A veure.

Again. Let's see.

I a veure si enganxen un superheroi

And let's see if they catch a superhero.

una mica més. Ja ho diuen molta gent.

A little more. A lot of people say it.

Per xarxes, per tot arreu, la gent

Through networks, everywhere, people.

demana que l'Espiderman sigui molt més

asks that Spider-Man be much more



Molt més un superheroi

Much more than a superhero

de Nova York. Un superheroi

from New York. A superhero

que toqui més de peus a terra. Que no

that it touches more of feet to the ground. That it doesn't.

sigui tant com el que hem vist fins ara, tant

be as much as what we have seen so far, as much

de multivers... Bueno, que em queixo jo moltes vegades, eh?

About the multiverse... Well, I often complain about it, right?

Tant de multivers, tant

So much multiverse, so much.

d'espai... Més de terra,

of space... More land,

jo veia. No, perquè és el que

I saw. No, because it's what

diem. Com sempre s'ha volgut

We say. As it has always wanted.

l'Espiderman, ha sigut això, un

the Spider-Man, has been this, a

espiderman de carrer, d'estar a la ciutat,

street spiderman, of being in the city,



Més el ciutadà,

More the citizen,

no tan còsmic.

not so cosmic.

Aquí a les pel·lícules han estat tan còsmics que no

Here in the movies have been so cosmic that not

ha sigut mai tant, ni molt menys.

It has never been so, let alone.

I les millors aventures han sigut això, quan

And the best adventures have been this, when

ha tingut aventures amb mafiosos,

he has had adventures with mobsters,



i amb albans de...

and with Albanians from...

amb poders més terrenals, per dir-ho

with more earthly powers, so to speak

d'alguna manera. Però aquí ja el van

somehow. But here they go already

haver d'enganxar ràpid amb

have to stick quickly with

Ben Gabe i tota la història i... Sí, sí.

Good Gabe and all the story and... Yes, yes.

Mitja pel·lícula el van enviar

Halfway through the movie, they sent him.

a mitja galàxia enllà.

half a galaxy away.

Se'ns va anar. Home,

He left us. Well,

ara, només de pensar

now, just thinking

que pogués sortir un moment

that I could go out for a moment

a la sèrie de Daredevil,

in the series Daredevil,

ja seria... Bueno, seria un

It would be... Well, it would be a

bon pas per començar a fer aquest nou espiderman, no?

Good step to start making this new Spiderman, right?

Jo no dic que interaccioni molt...

I don't say that I interact a lot...

No, no, no. No. Només

No, no, no. No. Only.

una pinzellada. Petit cameo.

a brushstroke. Small cameo.

El veus passar d'edifici en edifici.

You see him passing from building to building.

Ja està, n'hem tingut prou. Hosti, això seria

That's it, we've had enough. Wow, that would be

ja bestial. Sí, sí, sí. Seria molt bé.

Yeah, awesome. Yes, yes, yes. It would be very good.

Bueno, juliol del... Diuen que serà el juliol

Well, July of... They say it will be July.

del 26.

from the 26th.

Ja ho veurem, perquè les dates, dos anys

We'll see, because the dates, two years.

a vista,

at first glance,

ja sabeu que ballen sempre.

You already know that they always dance.

Sí, tot el que és més d'un any és que...

Yes, everything that is more than a year is that...

Sí, sí, sí. Poden passar moltes coses.

Yes, yes, yes. Many things can happen.

Però bé, per ara és el que hi ha.

But well, for now that's how it is.

Què més tenim? Spider-Man noir.

What else do we have? Spider-Man noir.

Aquest projecte es va creixent, eh?

This project is growing, isn't it?

Perquè l'última vegada

Because the last time

que em van parlar, parlàvem només

that they talked to me, we were just talking

d'Iran Nicolas Cage i poca cosa més.

From Iran, Nicolas Cage and not much else.

Però és que ara ja es van afegint

But now they are already being added.

actors. Ja sabem qui seran

actors. We already know who they will be.

Robbie Robertson... Ah, perdó.

Robbie Robertson... Oh, sorry.

Robbie Robertson. I també han entrat

Robbie Robertson. And they have also joined.

Jack Huston i Brendan Gleeson,

Jack Huston and Brendan Gleeson,

que és l'ull-foll-murri de la saga

what is the sly-fox-eye of the saga

Harry Potter. Vull dir que aquest projecte

Harry Potter. I mean that this project

es va fent gran.

He/She is growing up.

No, no, és...

No, no, it's...

És un de... Bueno, ja és que

It's one of... Well, it's just that

com que som molt fans

as we are big fans

del que s'ha convertit en Nicolas Cage últimament

of what Nicolas Cage has become lately

amb les seves pel·lícules,

with their films,

que són una nada

that are nothing

molt bèsties,

very beasts,

doncs dius... Al primer moment et vas sorprendre

So you say... At first, you were surprised.

però dius, hòstia, per què no? Un Spider-Man

but you say, damn, why not? A Spider-Man

noir, que és un Spider-Man molt fosc,

noir, which is a very dark Spider-Man,

que no té problemes, la...

who has no problems, the...

a l'hora d'utilitzar la violència,

when it comes to using violence,

l'ambientació que

the setting that

té, o sigui...

it has, I mean...

No sé, pot ser molt interessant a veure.

I don't know, it could be very interesting to see.

El Spider-Man noir el tinc. Ja saps que a mi les variants

I have the noir Spider-Man. You know that I like the variants.

de l'Spider-Man no m'acaben de convèncer, però aquest me'l vaig

I'm not entirely convinced by Spider-Man, but I'll get this one.

comprar perquè fa poc van editar

buy because they recently released

l'integral. Sí, sí, sí.

the integral. Yes, yes, yes.

I vaig dir, va, vinga. I

I said, come on, let’s go. And

em va agradar molt. Aquest és molt xulo.

I liked it a lot. This one is very cool.

I el Peter Porker no te l'has

And Peter Porker, you don't have it.

comprat, l'integral? No, no, no.

Bought, the integral? No, no, no.

El Porker era la barbacoa.

The Porker was the barbecue.

Va, mira,

Come on, look,

el Porker.

the Porker.

I per acabar

And to conclude

tenim el canvi, els canvis

we have the change, the changes

en el calendari

in the calendar

emmarcats una mica amb les dues

framed a little with both

últimes pel·lis dels Avengers de Doomsday

latest Avengers movies of Doomsday

i Secret Wars. El

i Secret Wars. The

2026 en principi tindrem tres pel·lícules,

In principle, we will have three movies in 2026,

el febrer, el maig i el novembre.

February, May, and November.

La del maig és Doomsday,

May's is Doomsday,

les altres dues encara no se sap.

The other two are still unknown.

Nosaltres vam fer una infografia

We made an infographic.

que vam ficar una porra.

that we put a bat.

Aquí vam ficar Shang-Chi, em sembla,

Here we put Shang-Chi, I think.

i el Doctor Strange.

and Doctor Strange.

La tercera, la Doctor Strange. Vam dir, bueno,

The third one, Doctor Strange. We said, well,

ens la juguem, va, fiquem una porra.

Let's gamble, come on, let's put a stick on it.

I després del 2027

And after 2027

també hi haurà tres pel·lis, el maig, el juliol i el

there will also be three movies, in May, July, and the

novembre. La del maig serà Secret Wars

November. The one in May will be Secret Wars.

i el que és curiós

And what is curious.

és que les altres dues

it's just that the other two

vindran, estan posades després de

they will come, they are placed after

Secret Wars. Això vol dir que serà la fase

Secret Wars. This means it will be the phase

7. O la fase, que en dic

7. Or the phase, which I call

jo, X, perquè jo en principi

I, X, because I in principle

entenc que ja

I understand that already.

començaran a haver-hi mutants, no? Ja començarem a

there will start to be mutants, right? We'll start to

explicar la història una mica dels mutants.

to explain the history a little of the mutants.

Mutants, i aquí ja podríem començar a tenir

Mutants, and here we could already begin to have

que també s'ha parlat

that has also been discussed

dels joves Avengers, els Young Avengers.

of the young Avengers, the Young Avengers.

També. A la porra que vam fer,

Also. To the hell we made,

aquestes dues pel·lícules després

these two movies later

de Secret Wars van posar una

from Secret Wars they put one

que seria el Young Avengers, tot i que sí que és

what the Young Avengers would be, although yes it is

veritat que fa molta més pinta de sèrie que no pas

It's true that it looks much more like a series than.

de pel·lícula, potser. I l'altra

of a movie, perhaps. And the other one

seria ja X-Men. El que trobo curiós

it would be X-Men. What I find curious

és que fiquin dos forats de pel·lis després

It's just that they put two movie holes afterwards.

del final, no? És com si quan van

At the end, right? It's like when they go.

presentar Endgame haguessin dit, doncs després

presenting Endgame they would have said, so then

fiquem dos forats més de pel·lis. Ah, clar.

Let's make two more movie holes. Oh, right.

Podríem dir que continuem, no?

We could say that we continue, right?

Continuem, però cap on, no?

Let's continue, but where to, right?

No ho sabem. Bueno, ja veurà.

We don't know. Well, you'll see.

Parlem de les postcrèdits pendents?

Shall we talk about the pending post-credits?

A veure quines teories boges teniu?

Let's see what crazy theories you have?

Primer postcrèdit.

First post-credit.

El pla de Sharon Carter

The plan of Sharon Carter

o Power Broken

or Power Broken

al final de la sèrie

at the end of the series

de Falcon and Winter Soldier.

from Falcon and Winter Soldier.

On te deixem això?

Shall we leave this for you?

Com tirem endavant això?

How do we move this forward?

Veieu que pugui...

You see that I can...

aquesta història pugui continuar

this story can continue

en alguna producció que coneixem?

In any production that we know?

No ho sé, la veritat.

I don't know, to be honest.

Aquestes... d'aquestes altres

These... of these others

sèries, les postcrèdits

series, the post-credits

no m'han motivat massa

they haven't motivated me much

tampoc a pensar-hi gaire.

don’t think about it too much.

Però... però bueno.

But... well.

Però la tenim allà, eh?

But we have it there, right?

La tenim allà, la tenim a Madrid.

We have it there, we have it in Madrid.

Sí, sí, sí. Que és un lloc

Yes, yes, yes. It's a place.

geogràfic, coi, que és important

geographic, damn, it's important

dintre l'univers Marvel.

within the Marvel universe.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I veieu recorregut.

And you see the route.

No teniu cap teoria boja?

Don't you have any crazy theories?



No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Jo pregunto, jo pregunto.

I ask, I ask.

Són coses que estan penjades

They are things that are hanging.

i que no saps ben bé

and you don't really know

com les tiraran endavant.

how they will push them forward.

Si és que les tiraran endavant, clar.

If they are going to go ahead with them, of course.

Perquè ara per ara

Because for now

tots els... l'únic lloc

all the... the only place

que me l'imagino que podré sortir

I imagine that I will be able to go out.

són pel·lícules que toquen...

they are movies that touch...

Bueno, que dèiem abans, no? Que toquen una mica peus de terra.

Well, what were we saying earlier, right? That they should get a little grounded.

No sortirà en una pel·lícula quòsmica.

It will not appear in a cosmic movie.

Correcte. Ni de pel·lícules terrestres.

Correct. Neither of earthly movies.

Entre cometes, quina tenim?

In quotes, which one do we have?

El Capità Amèrica

Captain America

i Thunderbolts.

I Thunderbolts.

Correcte. Si vols, Daredevil,

Correct. If you want, Daredevil,

però tampoc l'hi veig. Que no sé fins on

but I don't see it either. I don't know how far.

ens sortirà o si ens sortirà per algun lloc.

It will come out for us or if it will come out for us somewhere.

I que en qualsevol moment Marvel

And that at any moment Marvel

pot estar tirada d'aquest fil, no?

It can be pulled from this thread, right?

Sí, és que vols dir que no?

Yes, you mean to say no?

Hi ha molts recursos d'aquests que

There are many resources of these that

tiren la postcrèdits allà,

they throw the post-credits there,

hem acabat una sèrie,

we have finished a series,

tirem una postcrèdit, i si mai

let's do a post-credit, and if ever

ens quedem sense idees, estirem aquest fil.

we run out of ideas, let's pull at this thread.

Estirem, sí.

We stretch, yes.

Vull dir que si no s'estira el fil tampoc passa res, al final.

I mean that if the thread doesn’t stretch, nothing happens in the end.

No. No, no, no. Però és que

No. No, no, no. But it's that

no ens hi havíem trobat mai, perquè les altres fases,

we had never encountered it before, because the other phases,

qualsevol postcrèdit que hi havia,

any postscript that there was,

coi, tenia un sentit. I Marvel...

Wow, it made sense. And Marvel...

Correcte. Tinc la sensació

Correct. I have the feeling

de que mai fa res perquè sí.

that he never does anything for no reason.

També és veritat que ha passat tot lo d'en Kang

It is also true that everything with Kang has happened.

i potser s'hi ha desgavellat tot molt, però...

and perhaps everything has gotten a bit chaotic, but...

No ho sé. Jo crec que més això, no?

I don't know. I think more of this, right?

Que el deixen allà

Let them leave him there.

penjat, pendent, i mira, si

hung, pending, and look, if

algú l'aprofita, algun director el pot aprofitar,

someone takes advantage of it, some director can take advantage of it,

doncs ho acaben estirant.

so they end up stretching it.

La segona postcrèdit.

The second post-credit.

Dying Whitman i Blade.

Dying Whitman and Blade.

Aquí lliguem-ho, perquè la segona

Here we tie it up, because the second

pel·lícula dels Eternals s'ha cancel·lat, eh?

The Eternals movie has been canceled, right?

Fa poc ho van anunciar, que

It was announced recently that

no hi hauria segona pel·lícula d'Eternals.

There would not be a second Eternals movie.

L'Albert estarà força estirat.

Albert will be quite stretched out.

Aquests dos personatges, Dying Whitman i Blade.

These two characters, Dying Whitman and Blade.

Aquesta unió que vam veure allà.

This union that we saw there.

Això sí que... A veure, això sí

This for sure... Let's see, this yes.

que han d'estirar el fil d'aquí.

that they have to pull the thread from here.

I a més,

And moreover,

és que, hòstia, jo també...

It's just that, damn, me too...

El Caballero Oscuro és un dels personatges que li tinc

The Dark Knight is one of the characters I have.

molt de carinyo, molt d'estima.

a lot of affection, a lot of love.

Un personatge d'aquells segons secundaris

A character of those secondary types.

de Marvel, que van acabar

from Marvel, which ended

de tenir èxit.

to be successful.

I recordant això, que

And remembering this, that

tenia, bueno, una espasa

I had, well, a sword.

d'Ebano, que tenia cert

Of Ebony, who had a certain

poder, no? Que tenia

Power, right? That I had.

certs lligams amb

certain ties with

Excalibur, i tota aquella

Excalibur, and all that

història, i no ho sé.

history, and I don't know.

És una llàstima. Va ser una postcrèdit

It's a shame. It was a post-credit.

molt curiosa, no? El seu fet de

very curious, isn't it? The fact that she

veure l'anell,

see the ring,

sentir la suposada

feel the supposed

veu, i aquí s'ha quedat.

voice, and here it has remained.

Em va sobtar molt que,

I was very surprised that,

tot i que és molt de misticisme,

although it is very mystical,

el Caballero Negro,

the Black Knight,

que relacions eren amb Blade, no?

What were the relations with Blade, right?

De primera, em va sobtar.

At first, it surprised me.

Però, no ho sé.

But, I don't know.

Va consultar l'actor, i l'actor li va dir que

He consulted the actor, and the actor told him that

vaig fer això, però diu que de moment

I did this, but it says that for now

tampoc en sabia res. Però sense saber res més, no?

I didn't know anything about it either. But without knowing anything else, right?

Sense saber res més.

Without knowing anything else.

En els còmics hi ha alguna...

In the comics there is some...

En els còmics hi ha alguna relació entre

In comics, is there any relationship between

el Caballero Negro i

the Black Knight and

Blade? No. Cap.

Blade? No. Head.

Segurament que busquem, segur que s'han trobat

Surely we search, surely they have been found.

en alguna aventura, en algunes...

in some adventure, in some...

d'aquests puntuals de còmics, sí, però

of these comic book punctuals, yes, but

relació sí, no? Perquè Blade es relaciona

Relationship yes, right? Because Blade relates.

molt amb Dràcula, amb vampires,

very much with Dracula, with vampires,

i tot això,

and all this,



i el Caballero...

and the Knight...

i el Caballero Negro, cap a un altre

and the Black Knight, towards another

cantó, més aviat, o sigui...

sang, rather, in other words...

amb la màgia, amb el misticisme,

with magic, with mysticism,

tindria més lògica que

it would make more sense that

m'apargués amb algú d'Agatha,

I would get involved with someone from Agatha.

o amb algú de la Wanda m'hagués apregut,

or if someone from Wanda had called me,

si m'apures. Bueno, algun enllaç

If you push me. Well, some link.

pot haver-hi, perquè, de fet, ara Marvel està

there can be, because, in fact, Marvel is now

molt emmerdat amb la màgia, i...

very tangled up with magic, and...

Sí, amb la màgia sí que

Yes, with magic yes.

tindria més lògica, o està molt estrany

It would make more sense, or it is very strange.

si m'apures, saps?

If you push me, you know?

Està molt estrany si m'apuressis,

It's very strange if you hurry me.

però, clar, amb Blade, dic, em va sobtar molt.

but, of course, with Blade, I mean, it surprised me a lot.

No ho sé. Clar, és que amb Blade on

I don't know. Of course, it's just that with Blade where.

el situem? Dintre tot aquest univers

Shall we place it? Within this entire universe.

Marvel, clar, que és terrenal,

Marvel, of course, is earthly,

hi hauria part de...

there would be part of...

Ja existia, ve d'un altre univers, o...

It already existed, it comes from another universe, or...

Clar, no se n'ha sentit

Of course, it hasn't been heard.

a parlar en cap moment.

to speak at any moment.

Bueno, sí, jo també us volia preguntar,

Well, yes, I also wanted to ask you,

de totes les sèries que

of all the series that

hem vist, o

we have seen, or

les que encara que no hem vist, és igual, eh?

Those that we haven't seen yet, it doesn't matter, right?

Sèries que tinguem, les sèries Marvel

Series that we have, the Marvel series.

que tinguem a la ment, les que

that we have in mind, those that

hem vist i les que vindran, és igual.

we have seen and those that will come, it doesn't matter.

Creieu que n'hi ha alguna que no passi

Do you think there is any that does not happen?

en l'univers de l'MCU?

in the universe of the MCU?

O totes passen dintre l'univers de l'MCU?

Or do they all take place within the MCU universe?

Jo estic pensant en Moon Knight, per exemple.

I am thinking about Moon Knight, for example.



jo li tenia moltes ganes a repetir-s'hi,

I was really looking forward to doing it again.

i de segones parts

and of second parts

només he vist rumors i tampoc s'ha

"I have only seen rumors and it hasn't either."

confirmat res. I

confirmed nothing. I

quan va sortir aquell

When did that come out?

el kank egipci, que no me'n recordes

the Egyptian kank, that you don't remember me

Sí, Ramatut.

Yes, Ramatut.

I dius, hòstia, això m'hauria encantat

And you say, damn, I would have loved that.

trobar-ho, no? Però...

find it, right? But...

Hòstia, no ho sé, però podria ser

Damn, I don't know, but it could be.

un altre univers totalment allò.

a completely different universe.

Perquè no hi ha cap relació amb res.

Because there is no relationship with anything.

És una sèrie totalment aïllada.

It is a completely isolated series.

Clar, ara clar, que...

Sure, now clear that...

Hi ha referències enlloc.

There are references nowhere.

Aquí sí que hem entès teories boges, clar.

Here we have certainly understood crazy theories, of course.

Per això estem, per això estem.

That's why we are here, that's why we are here.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Un dels primers mutants

One of the first mutants

apareixia a Egipte.

it appeared in Egypt.



Que era Apocalipsis.

What was Apocalypse.

Clar, ara jo m'imaginava, hòstia,

Sure, now I was imagining, damn,

que hi havia la Luna cap a Egipte,

that the Moon was heading towards Egypt,

trobo una tomba d'aquestes rares

I find one of these rare tombs.

i és la tomba d'Apocalipsis.

And it is the tomb of Apocalypse.

I aquí comencen a sortir coses de mutants.

And here is where things about mutants start to come out.

Clar, si m'estires del fil d'aquí

Sure, if you pull the thread from here.

els últims temps, per què no?

lately, why not?

Clar, i el que deia ara l'Utopi,

Of course, and what Utopi was saying now,

clar, hòstia, vés lligant molt amb aquest

sure, damn, you really connect well with this one

Kang avantramatut,

Time travels,

està molt bé també lligar-ho.

It's also very good to tie it.

Ens han deixat d'aquesta manera, és...

They have left us this way, it is...

No ho sé.

I don't know.

El d'en Kang tampoc ho han cancel·lat encara.

They haven't canceled Kang's one yet either.



No, però no, ja està.

No, but no, that's it.

Des que han presentat el de

Since they presented the de



Ha quedat bastant dèbil tot.

Everything has turned out quite weak.

Han tancat la porta, ja.

They have closed the door, already.

Tot en una sorpresa.

All in a surprise.

A més, li agarren enlaire

In addition, they grab him in the air.

alguna possible pel·lícula amb aquest títol a DC.

Any possible movie with this title in DC.

Si titulava La mort de Superman

It was titled The Death of Superman.

era Doomsday.

it was Doomsday.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.



li van quedar la patacada

they were left with the shock

i diu, hòstia,

and he says, damn,

doncs han d'acabar amb un títol enlaire.

so they must end with a title in the air.

Bé, jo crec que

Well, I think that

si el volen fer servir el podran fer servir igual.

if they want to use it, they will be able to use it anyway.

Sí, fan servir d'una altra manera.

Yes, they use it differently.

Jo us deia això de les sèries

I was telling you this about the series.

més que res, perquè com que ara hi ha

more than anything, because now there is

a l'horitzó més o menys llunyà

on the more or less distant horizon

o més o menys proper, veiem

or more or less close, we see

la pel·lícula de Secret Wars

the movie of Secret Wars

i parlem ja de tots els multiversos

and let's talk about all the multiverses now

i de totes les històries d'aquestes,

and of all these stories,

l'altra dia vaig pensar, ostres,

the other day I thought, wow,

si ens han d'ensenyar molts de multiversos

if they have to show us many multiverses

potser és que ja n'hem vist algun,

perhaps it's that we've already seen some of them,

a part de la post-credits que hagin pogut veure

apart from the post-credits that they may have seen

de terminar la pel·lícula. Però potser

to finish the movie. But maybe

ja n'hem vist algun i no ens ho han dit.

We've already seen some and they haven't told us.

I llavors vaig pensant, totes les sèries

And then I start thinking, all the series.

que hem vist, home, evidentment Hawkeye

What we've seen, man, obviously Hawkeye.

ja sabem que no, perquè passa

we already know that no, because it happens

en el món de l'MCU.

in the world of the MCU.

Però n'hi ha d'altres que dius, hòstia,

But there are others that you say, wow,

podria ser que estigués encabida

could it be that I was included

en un altre lloc, ubicada en un altre univers

in another place, located in another universe

i no ens ho hagin dit? No ho sé,

And they haven't told us? I don't know,

era una idea d'aquestes peregrines.

It was one of those whimsical ideas.

Així Hulk, perquè al final

So Hulk, because in the end

sortia en Hulk,

he appeared in Hulk,

però trencant

but breaking

la contraperèdita de la història

the counter-loss of history

i tal, podria ser

and so on, it could be

que fos, però tampoc té molta rellevància

that it was, but it doesn't have much relevance either

en aquest cas. Però, hòstia...

in this case. But, damn...

Jo, de la que sí

Me, of the one who does.

que s'ha intrudit en altres universos,

that has intruded into other universes,

parlant de post-credits del que estàvem abans,

talking about post-credits of what we were discussing before,

la que m'ha deixat més boig és la de la

The one that has driven me the craziest is the one from the

Mònica Rambó. Ah, aquesta.

Mònica Rambó. Ah, this one.

Aquesta és bestial.

This is awesome.

Aquesta, com a post-credit,

This, as a post-credit,

per mi, és la que...

for me, it is the one that...

és la més bèstia.

she is the wildest.

Que potser al final és res, eh?

Maybe in the end it is nothing, huh?

I mai millor dit.

And never better said.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Exacte, exacte.

Exactly, exactly.

Però, hòstia, vull dir...

But, damn, I mean...

és potser la que m'ha deixat amb més

it is perhaps the one that has left me with the most

ganes de dir, hòstia, em direu alguna cosa

Wanting to say, damn it, are you going to say something to me?

més endavant, i aquí

later, and here

això és un tema

this is a topic

important, però

important, but

la resta

the rest

no n'hi ha cap que m'hagi dit allò,

none of them have told me that,

hòstia, hi ha ganes.

Damn, I'm in the mood.

I mira que n'hi ha de guapes, eh?

And look how many beautiful ones there are, huh?

També hi ha la de Doctor Strange,

There is also Doctor Strange,

que al final se l'emporten,

that in the end they take him away,

no ho vull dir que...

I don't mean that...

Però, per exemple, aquesta que deies tu,

But, for example, this one you were talking about,

Doctor Pipa, aquesta de la Mònica Rambó...

Doctor Pipa, this one from Mònica Rambó...



Clar, quan tu veus l'escena

Of course, when you see the scene.

post-credits, dius, ostres,

post-credits, you say, wow,

està a l'univers dels X-Men.

it is in the universe of the X-Men.

Però, realment,

But, really,

està a l'univers de la Fox.

It is in the Fox universe.

Sí, exacte. Perquè l'organatge de la bèstia

Yes, exactly. Because of the beast's harness.

és el mateix. Sí, sí, sí.

It's the same. Yes, yes, yes.

Per tant, si està a l'univers de la Fox,

Therefore, if it is in the Fox universe,

està al mateix univers que

is in the same universe as

d'Impul i Wolverine. Correcte,

of Impulse and Wolverine. Correct,

que potser és res. A Wolverine el vas a buscar

that maybe it’s nothing. You’re going to look for Wolverine.

a un altre lloc. Sí, sí, sí. I ara ja saps

to another place. Yes, yes, yes. And now you already know

que l'univers de la Fox no existeix. I, saps,

that the Fox universe doesn't exist. And, you know,

te fots un batibull...

you're making a mess...

Exacte. Segurament

Exactly. Probably.

no serà aquesta la bèstia

this will not be the beast

del MCU. Correcte.

from the MCU. Correct.

Per tant... Jo aquí, potser,

Therefore... I here, perhaps,

hauria preferit que m'haguessin posat ja

I would have preferred that they had already put me.

un CGI diferent,

a different CGI,

amb un que es veiés

with one that could be seen

la bèstia tal qual, però que no fos

the beast just as it is, but not that it be

la mateixa. I, a més, tinguent ja

the same. And, furthermore, having already

Deadpool a peu de carrer

Deadpool on the street

per estrenar i sabent que

to premiere and knowing that

es carregaria a l'univers Fox, diguem-ne.

It would load onto the Fox universe, let's say.

És a dir, a mi si m'haguessin ensenyat

That is to say, if they had taught me.

una bèstia diferent, dius,

a different beast, you say,

d'acord, doncs... T'ho compro amb seriositat.

Okay, then... I'll take it seriously.

L'univers que collisionarà amb el nostre

The universe that will collide with ours.

serà aquest, i al final serà això. Exacte.

it will be this, and in the end it will be that. Exactly.

Però, clar, al principi

But, of course, at the beginning

dius, hòstia, que guai, mira, ja tenim aquí

You say, wow, how cool, look, we already have it here.

el Six Men. Sí, sí, sí.

the Six Men. Yes, yes, yes.

No, perquè és el mateix que ja coneixem.

No, because it's the same as we already know.

Per tant, aquest univers ja no existeix. Exacte.

Therefore, this universe no longer exists. Exactly.

I això s'ho ha empatat. Sí.

And he has tied it. Yes.

O s'ho ha empatat... Bueno, és que no vull creure

Or he has tied it... Well, it's just that I don't want to believe.

que ho hagin fet malament, m'entens? Perquè, hòstia...

that they did it wrong, you understand me? Because, damn...

No, no, correcte, correcte.

No, no, correct, correct.

Però si aquesta escena l'haguessin

But if they had this scene

fet fa tres o quatre anys,

done three or four years ago,

i no sabéssim ni lo de Deadpool 3,

and we didn’t even know about Deadpool 3,

dius, bueno, mira, vam fer això sense saber

You say, well, look, we did this without knowing.

que farien Deadpool i tal, però clar,

what would Deadpool and such do, but of course,

les estrenes eren massa juntes i ja sabíem

the premieres were too close together and we already knew

lo que farien allà. Sí, per això, per això.

what they would do there. Yes, for that, for that.

Que em rellisqui, que no acabo de veure

Let it slide by me, I can't quite see.

del tot clar.

completely clear.

Sembla aquí un aparador una mica raro, tot això.

It looks like a somewhat strange display here, all of this.

Sí. Ara, com se'n sortirà

Yes. Now, how will he manage?

la Mònica Ramó d'allà, també és un misteri.

Mònica Ramó from there is also a mystery.

Potser se l'ha encarregat, també.

Maybe he has ordered it too.

Se l'ha encarregat o potser

Has it been commissioned or perhaps

ella amb un xoc de llum se pot escapar, vés a saber.

She can escape with a flash of light, who knows.

No, o clar, si no els interessa

No, of course, if they're not interested.

estirar el fil d'aquest univers

pull the thread of this universe

on ha anat a parar, que et pot aparèixer

where it has ended up, it can appear to you

de cop o una altra cop a l'univers

suddenly or once again in the universe

que coneixem i dir, no, no, em vaig escapar

that we know and say, no, no, I escaped

per un flaut tan ràpid de

for such a quick flute of

com es van escapar i...

how they escaped and...

Que a vegades, Marbel, puguem sentir

That sometimes, Marbel, we can feel

satisfa... puguem fer una

satisfies... we can make one

picada d'obliet o satisfacer

bites of oblivion or satisfy

els fans,

the fans,

que a vegades potser la caguen, que aquí va ser

that sometimes they might mess it up, that this is where it happened

un guinyo als fans...

a wink to the fans...

i llavors no apareixen amb les conseqüències.

And then they don't appear with the consequences.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

De fet, podríem tirar més d'això

In fact, we could rely more on that.

que van fer, bueno, fa ja uns anys

what they did, well, it was already a few years ago

que eren els one shots, aquells

what were the one shots, those

que eren curtmetratges.

that were short films.



Aquestes coses te les solucionarien amb coses d'aquestes.

These things would be solved with things like these.

Com especial que van tenir per Halloween.

As special as they had for Halloween.

En fan un per Halloween ara?

Are they making one for Halloween now?

Com acaben de tenir

As they have just had.

el de l'home llop.

the werewolf.

Ah, aquell, hòstia, sí.

Ah, that one, damn, yes.

Sí, sí, sí. A vegades amb un

Yes, yes, yes. Sometimes with one.

curtmetratge d'aquests, doncs, hòstia,

short film of these, damn,

pots explicar una història que no cal que tingui una pel·lícula

Can you tell a story that doesn’t need to have a movie?

ni fer tota una sèrie per veure com es

nor to make a whole series to see how it is.

resol una situació d'aquestes. No, a vegades

resolve a situation like this. No, sometimes.

amb un sol comentari ja t'expliquen

with one comment they already explain it to you

i ja està, i tu compres.

And that's it, and you buy.

Si t'ho expliquen bé i t'ho expliquen

If they explain it to you well and they explain it to you.

d'una manera coherent, tu compres.

In a coherent way, you buy.

Deixa't estar.

Leave it be.

Mira, ara que parlaves d'un

Look, now that you were talking about one

altre postcrèdit de la que parlaves, del

another postscript of the one you were talking about, from the

Autor Estrenys i Clea.

Author Strenys and Clea.

Al final de la segona pel·lícula d'Autor Estrenys,

At the end of the second film of Author Releases,

ens trobem a la postcrèdit en què es troba la Clea

we find ourselves at the post-credit scene where Clea is.

i la Clea li obre

and she opens it for Clea

un portal,

a portal,

li obre una porta

opens a door to him/her

a una nova dimensió,

to a new dimension,

un nou món, un nou univers, digueu-li com vulgueu.

A new world, a new universe, call it what you want.

Una nova realitat.

A new reality.

Jo a vegades ja em perdo, perquè no sé si són

Sometimes I get lost because I don't know if they are.

realitats, dimensions, universos...

realities, dimensions, universes...

Universos o què són.

Universes or what they are.

És una porta oberta

It's an open door.

a infinitat de...

to infinity of...

Exacte, és això.

Exactly, that's it.

És una porta oberta a Doctor Estrenys 3.

It is an open door in Doctor Strange 3.

Això està clar.

This is clear.

Però no necessàriament tot.

But not necessarily everything.

Perquè poden dir, mira, vaig anar allà amb aquesta i he tornat.

Because they can say, look, I went there with this one and I've come back.

Vull dir, ja està.

I mean, that's it.

Però que és una porta oberta a la pel·lícula d'Autor Estrenys

But what is an open door in the film "Author Releases"?

està clar. A més, el Doctor Estrenys

it is clear. Moreover, Doctor Estrenys

està confirmat que sortirà

It is confirmed that it will leave.

a la pel·lícula de Doomsday.

in the movie Doomsday.

Està confirmat que sortirà ell,

It is confirmed that he will go out.

sortiran tots els personatges del

all the characters from the will come out

Capitàn Amèrica, sortiran els Thunderbolts

Captain America, the Thunderbolts will come out.

i també sortiran els quadres fantàstics.

And the fantastic paintings will also come out.

Aquests sortiran segur a la pel·lícula

These will definitely come out in the movie.

de Doomsday. Per tant,

of Doomsday. Therefore,

si el Doctor Estrenys surt a la pel·lícula de Doomsday

if Doctor Estrenys appears in the Doomsday movie

ens ha d'haver sortit allà.

It should have come out there.

D'alguna manera, com ha arribat

Somehow, how has it arrived?

a la pel·lícula de Doomsday, no?

In the movie Doomsday, right?

Per tant, jo crec que una tercera pel·lícula d'Autor Estrenys

Therefore, I believe that a third Auteur Estrenys movie

ha de ser per aquí al mig.

It must be around here in the middle.

Per això la van ficar en la porra aquella que van fer

That's why they put her in that club they made.

de la infografia de Marvel.

from the Marvel infographic.

T'ho poden resoldre com van resoldre

They can solve it for you as they solved it.

Guardiants de la Galàxia i Thor.

Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor.

A mi em va molestar una mica

It annoyed me a little.

que dius, hòstia, els veus marxant d'Endgame

What are you saying, damn, do you see them leaving Endgame?

allà, que dius, hòstia, jo vull veure una sitcom

There, what you're saying, damn, I want to see a sitcom.

d'aquests vivint junts a la mateixa nau, no?

Of these living together in the same warehouse, right?

Perquè havia de ser un catxondeo, allò.

Because it had to be a joke, that.

Per veure qui era el líder,

To see who the leader was,

qui era no sé qui, i tal.

who it was I don’t know who, and so on.

I llavors, també, Love and Thunder

And then, also, Love and Thunder.

i s'ho poleixen

and they get drunk

en dos minuts, no? Sí, vam estar una temporada

In two minutes, right? Yes, we stayed for a while.

junts, vinga, va, per Déu.

together, come on, go, for God's sake.

I això del Doctor Estrenys, al final,

And this about Doctor Strange, in the end,

si volen, et diuen,

if they want, they tell you,

mira, va passar això, et fan una mica

Look, this happened, they tease you a bit.

de resumet i adéu. I comença la pel·li

In summary, goodbye. And the movie begins.

amb el que vulguin ells.

with whatever they want.

Sí, per això et dic que no necessàriament

Yes, that's why I'm telling you that it doesn't necessarily.

ha d'anar del viatge aquest

he has to go on this trip

al Doctor Estrenys. No, i jo crec que

to Doctor Estrenys. No, and I think that

també li vol donar una certa importància al personatge

he also wants to give a certain importance to the character

de Clea, que Clea

of Clea, that Clea

ha sigut una de les poques dones

she has been one of the few women

que ha tingut el Doctor Estrenys,

that Doctor Estrenys has had,

que han estat casats.

that have been married.

Clea també ha sigut durant temporades

Clea has also been for seasons.



suprema, o sigui que pot ser

supreme, that is to say it can be

interessant de veure

interesting to see

com planteja el personatge

how the character is presented

de Clea. I sí,

of Clea. And yes,

recordem que ara mateix el fetiller

let's remember that right now the witch is

suprem de l'MCU

supreme of the MCU

és en Wong.

it's Wong.

El pas que anem

The step we are taking

pot acabar a ser jugar al pato.

it can end up being a game of duck.

El fetiller suprem,

The supreme sorcerer,

el pas que anem.

the step we take.

Que per cert,

By the way,

parlant de Wong, apareixerà

Speaking of Wong, he will appear.

la sèrie Ironheart,

the series Ironheart,

com que Ironheart lluita

with whom Ironheart fights

contra, com es diu,

against, what is it called,

la caputxa, no? De Hood.

the hood, right? Of Hood.

De Hood. I De Hood

From the Hood. I From the Hood

els poders els té del misticisme, de la màgia.

The powers come from mysticism, from magic.

Suposo que faran que vi Wong

I suppose they will make Wong live.

per allà, no? El que dèiem al principi,

over there, right? What we were saying at the beginning,

De Hood, teòricament,

Of Hood, theoretically,

la sèrie, no ho sabem, De Hood

the series, we don't know, De Hood

feia un pacte amb Mephisto.

he made a pact with Mephisto.

Ah, no.

Ah, no.

Ara aconseguiré

Now I will achieve.

els poders, eh? O sigui que...

the powers, huh? So...

Encara ho veurem.

We will still see it.

Si surt Mephisto a la sèrie

If Mephisto appears in the series.

Agatha, des d'aquí

Agatha, from here

convidarem en Franxo un dia.

We will invite Franxo one day.

No, ara anava a dir això.

No, I was just going to say that.

Franxo és el convidat estrella aquell dia.

Franxo is the star guest that day.

Un dia o dos,

One day or two,

els que surtin. Sí, sí.

those who leave. Yes, yes.

El dia que surti, no se consume un agrà

The day I leave, no one will be unhappy.

i les dues filleres que té,

and the two fillers that he has,

els dos nens, però els dos peques, però

the two kids, but the two little ones, but

aquell dia ha de venir.

that day has to come.

Una altra escena.

Another scene.

Un Hulk

A Hulk

i el seu fill.

and his son.

Uf, el Hulk.

Ugh, the Hulk.

Me cago en la nena.

I curse the girl.

Són més pesats que el propi Hulk, no?

They are more annoying than Hulk himself, right?

Què? Bueno, no ho sé.

What? Well, I don’t know.

Clar, el fill què?

Of course, what about the son?

Els joves Avengers o què?

The Young Avengers or what?

Sí, el fill és

Yes, the son is

Escar, es diu?

Is it called Escar?

Escar, sí.

Scar, yes.

Sembla molt el nom del planeta, però no...

It sounds a lot like the name of the planet, but no...

Escar, com el

Scare, like him.

dolent del rei Leo.

bad of King Leo.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

A veure, jo

Let's see, I

quan vaig veure

when I saw

el Hulk allà amb el seu fill,

the Hulk over there with his son,

que un fill, a veure,

that a son, let’s see,

molt mal fet.

very badly done.

Sí, sí. El CGI

Yes, yes. The CGI.

en aquell moment no devia acabar de funcionar

at that moment it must not have been working properly

o devien tenir la banda ampla de la fibra

or they must have the wide bandwidth of the fiber

una mica atrotinadota

a bit worn-out

perquè no hi...

because there is not...

No s'havien produït el pressupost, ja.

The budget had not been produced yet.

No s'havien produït el pressupost.

The budget had not been produced.

Per aquells no hi arribem.

We won't make it for those.

Perquè sí que la sèrie de ser Hulk va patir molt d'això, eh?

Because yes, the Hulk series suffered a lot from that, right?

Que al principi, hòstia, el primer capítol estava molt i molt bé,

At first, damn, the first chapter was very, very good,

els efectes estaven molt i molt bé,

the effects were very, very good,

però després va anar baixant, baixant, baixant

but then it started going down, down, down

fins a arribar el fill de Hulk.

until reaching Hulk's son.

Clar, que la veritat fotia pena.

Of course, the truth was painful.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, van jugar molt amb que era mig comèdia

Well, they played a lot with it being half comedy.

la sèrie i es perdona una mica,

the series is slightly forgiven,

però li arribes a fotre un to

but you manage to give it a tone

una mica més seriós

a little more serious

i és encara més ridícul, eh?

And it’s even more ridiculous, right?



No ho sé, aquest parell, però...

I don't know, this pair, but...

No, no, aquest parell no.

No, no, this pair, no.

En Hulk pot entrar en qualsevol moment

Hulk can enter at any moment.

i pot... això és igual.

and it can... this is the same.

El fill... Hòstia, noi, on te'l fotem, el fill?

The son... Damn, man, where do we put him, the son?

Perquè aquest...

Because this...

L'Escar, està en algun grup?

Is L'Escar in any group?

Sí, en els Young Avengers.

Yes, in the Young Avengers.

En els Young Avengers està, no?

It's in the Young Avengers, isn't it?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

De Young Avengers tenim la Hawkeye,

From the Young Avengers, we have Hawkeye,

tenim la Miss Barbell,

we have Miss Barbell,

tenim l'Escar, i encara me'n deixo

We have the Escar, and I'm still leaving it behind.

un altre.


Encara me'n deixo un altre.

I'm still forgetting another one.

Ah, en Wiccan, en Wiccan,

Ah, in Wiccan, in Wiccan,

que sortirà ara a la sèrie.

that will come out now in the series.

De l'Agatha.

From Agatha.

És que tot va cap allà, eh?

It’s just that everything is heading that way, right?

Espera, espera, espera.

Wait, wait, wait.

És que ja comencen a venir ara...

It's just that they're starting to come now...

La majoria que ha passat l'estona...

The majority that has spent the time...

Clar, en Wiccan, pel que hem vist,

Of course, in Wiccan, from what we have seen,

sembla tenir una orientació sexual

seems to have a sexual orientation

bastant concreta.

quite specific.

Sembla que és gay.

It seems that he is gay.



En els còmics també és gay.

In the comics, he is also gay.

En qui és parella?

Who is he/she in a relationship with?

En Wiccan.

In Wiccan.

Amb qui?

With whom?

Amb el Hulking.

With the Hulk.

Però en Hulking és el mateix que l'Escar?

But is Hulking the same as Scar?

L'Escar, sí.

The Escar, yes.

Jo dic Hulking, és l'Escar.

I say Hulking, it's the Scar.

És el mateix personatge.

It's the same character.

No, hòstia.

No, damn it.

Calla, calla, calla.

Shut up, shut up, shut up.

És que jo em sembla que no, eh?

I don't think so, do I?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Acabo de tenir un lapsus.

I just had a lapse.

Acabo de tenir un cruixement de cables.

I just had a short circuit.

Sí, Hulking, ara els he autoritzat.

Yes, Hulking, I have authorized them now.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Clar, lo normal seria

Of course, the normal thing would be

que el fill d'en Hulk es digués Hulking.

that Hulk's son would be called Hulking.

Per fer-ho fàcil a tothom.

To make it easy for everyone.

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

Aquest nom, no sé pas d'on va.

This name, I don't know where it comes from.

Aquest d'en Hulk té alguna cosa a veure

This one of Hulk has something to do with it.

amb els inhumans, no? Alguna cosa així?

with the inhumans, right? Something like that?

Pots ser, eh? No ho sé.

You can be, right? I don't know.

No me'n recordo.

I don't remember.

Jo els inhumans no els vaig mirar ni a la sèrie.

I didn't even look at the Inhumans in the series.

No, no. Jo sí que la vaig veure.

No, no. I did see it.

Em sembla que em vas

I think you are going to

recomanar tu, que no calia ni que la mirés, no?

to recommend you, that I didn't even need to look at her, right?

Podria ser ben bé

It could very well be.

que t'ho recomanés, perquè de debò

that I recommended it to you, because I really do

no valia massa res.

it wasn't worth much.

No, no, no, cap a cap.

No, no, no, head to head.

Escar és fill

Escar is a son.

d'en Hulk i la caeira.

of Hulk and the fall.

I això passava dintre

And this was happening inside.

de Planet Hulk.

of Planet Hulk.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I en Hulking

And in Hulking

és mig inhumà,

it's half inhuman,

mig no sé què.

I don't really know what.

Ara potser m'equivoco molt, eh?

Now maybe I'm very mistaken, huh?

Midge Cree.

Midge Cree.

Midge Cree, correcte.

Midge Cree, correct.

Midge Cree, Midge Cree.

Midge Cree, Midge Cree.

Bueno, doncs això que dèiem, no?

Well, that's what we were saying, right?

Que van sortint...

They are coming out...

Aquests sí que poden

These can indeed.

desembocar cap a un...

lead to a...

cap a un...

towards a...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Des de l'escena post-credits de Miss Marvel,

Since the post-credit scene of Miss Marvel,

la segona pel·lícula de la capitana Marvel.

The second movie of Captain Marvel.

Ostres, ja veus que es vol construir

Wow, you see that he wants to build.

alguna cosa, però trobo que valent.

Something, but I find it brave.

Trobo que valent.

I find it brave.

Jo per mi que no deuen

I believe they don't owe.

rebre gaire resposta del jovent

receive much response from the youth

i no saben si aprovar-ho o no.

and they don't know whether to approve it or not.

Perquè clar, al final

Because of course, in the end

s'hauria de veure també la mitjanada d'edat

the average age should also be taken into account

de la gent que va veure les pel·lis.

of the people who saw the movies.

I si hi ha nova fornada de gent

And if there is a new cohort of people

que compraria aquests nous Avengers

who would buy these new Avengers

i si al final no ho compren,

and if in the end they don't understand it,

seguiran tirant

they will continue to pull

dels veterans.

of the veterans.

Perquè el que volen al final és omplir sales de cine.

Because what they ultimately want is to fill movie theaters.

I si la mainada

And if the children

no s'agafa aquests nous com a seus

these new ones are not taken as their own

perquè al final no saben d'on venen

because in the end they don’t know where they come from

les històries,

the stories,

doncs també és complicat després

well, it's also complicated afterwards

vendre-ho tot de cop.

sell everything at once.

Això també és veritat.

This is also true.

Per acabar de detallar,

To conclude in detail,

en Hawking

in Hawking

no, és que en Hawking

No, it's just that in Hawking.


it is

Mitch Krimitz Skrull.

Mitch Krimitz Skrull.

Bé, els he encertat tots jo, eh?

Well, I've got them all right, haven't I?

Ja ho veus.

You see.

Mitch Krimitz Skrull, que per això

Mitch Krimitz Skrull, that's why.

s'acaba convertint

ends up becoming

en una espècie

in a species


of emperor

que acaba unificant les dues

that ends up uniting the two

races que estan eternament

races that are eternal



enfrontades. I el seu fill,

faced. And her son,

el seu pare és Mar-Vell

his father is Mar-Vell

i la princesa Anel

and Princess Anel

que era de l'altra raça.

that was of the other race.

Ja que ara

Since now

ha explicat que si nascen en Martí

he explained that if Martí is born

d'un primar ja ens mata.

From a primary one, he already kills us.

Aquell que era el seu pare, Mar-Vell,

That which was his father, Mar-Vell,

en pela.

in peels.

Però no, i la memòria

But not, and the memory.

tenen un preu.

they have a price.

No sé que és veritat que jo, precisament

I don't know what is true that I, precisely.

aquests personatges no...

these characters do not...

Per això he dit la bestiesa que he dit.

That's why I said the nonsense that I said.

No, no, jo he borratxat perquè sí que

No, no, I have been drunk because yes.

la primera sèrie que es va fer en còmics

the first series that was made into comics

dels Young Avengers

of the Young Avengers

la vaig trobar molt interessant i a més

I found it very interesting and moreover

tocava temes molt actuals

he played very current themes

en aquell moment com era

at that moment how it was

el bullying,


el racisme, problemes mediambientals...

racism, environmental issues...

Temes molt interessants i molt xulos

Very interesting and really cool topics

i va ser una col·lecció molt molt

and it was a collection very very



I que se m'hagin barallat

And that they have fought with me.

els personatges.

the characters.

Han de trobar l'empatia amb el jovent

They need to find empathy with the youth.

i els temes al final són aquells.

And the topics in the end are those.

La manera que es tocava

The way it was played.

era una manera molt sèria

it was a very serious way

encara que s'hava encarat clarament

although it had clearly faced

el punt juvenil, qualsevol

the youth point, any

se podia enganxar perquè t'hi ficaves

it could stick because you got into it

molt ràpid amb els personatges.

very fast with the characters.

Era molt interessant en aquest sentit.

It was very interesting in this regard.

Uns altres que van junts.

Others who go together.

Ja hem dit que Eterna els dos

We have already said that Eternal is both.

l'han cancel·lat, malauradament.

It has been canceled, unfortunately.

Però és que ens va deixar

But he/she left us.

dos escenes post-crèdits

two post-credit scenes



Bueno, una escena post-crèdit

Well, a post-credit scene.

una és

one is

Eros i Pip el troll

Eros and Pip the troll

que coneixen els Eterns

that the Eternals know

que jo crec

that I believe

que ja està.

that's it.

Jo crec, som de l'opinió que no hi ha més

I believe, we are of the opinion that there is no more.

no hi ha més recorregut aquí.

there is no further progress here.

Crec jo.

I believe so.

I l'altra era quan s'enduen

And the other was when they take away.

a la Cersei per fer-li

to Cersei to do to her

una mena de judici.

a kind of trial.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

L'Eros i Pip el troll

Eros and Pip the troll

va ser molt interessant.

It was very interesting.

Sobretot Pip el troll

Above all Pip the troll

no sé com ho has fet aquí

I don't know how you did it here.

però Pip el troll era molt gamberro.

but Pip the troll was very mischievous.

En els capítols sortia

In the chapters appeared

amb una jarra a la Cersei i un puro.

with a jug like Cersei's and a cigar.

Era molt divertit.

It was a lot of fun.

I l'Eros

And Eros

tot i ser

even though

germà o cosí de...

brother or cousin of...

Germà d'en Thanos

Thanos's brother

germà d'en Thanos

brother of Thanos

se l'havia relacionat molt

he had been very much related

amb els mutants. Tenia molta

with the mutants. I had a lot

relació amb els mutants. I amb la Hulka

relationship with the mutants. And with She-Hulk



L'Eros, clar, era un personatge que dius

Eros, of course, was a character that you mention.

mira, per aquest cantó també el podries

look, you could also do it for this side

estirar cap als mutants.

stretch towards the mutants.

I aquí, clar, van jugar a la carta

And here, of course, they played their card.

d'agafar un

to take a

actor cantant.

singing actor.

Un cantant, un cantant.

A singer, a singer.

Molt conegut

Well known

que és una manera també

that is also a way

d'enganxar el jovent i d'estirar el jovent.

to hook the youth and to draw out the youth.

Jo crec que ho van fer més per això que no pas

I think they did it more for that than for anything else.

per res més. Perquè en relació amb el que deia

for nothing else. Because regarding what I was saying

en Ferran abans.

Ferran before.

De captar una

To capture one.

franja d'edat més baixa.

lowest age range.

Si no ho han fet, traguem-me la Taylor Swift

If they haven't done it, take me out Taylor Swift.

com a Dazzler a Deadpool.

as Dazzler in Deadpool.

Si ja s'hi han rebentat

If they have already burst there

tequilles, si arriba una feixura

tequillas, if a burden arrives

llavors clar, l'haurien rebentat, no?

So of course, they would have blown it up, right?

No ho sé. Jo, clar,

I don't know. I, of course,

l'Eros sí que el veig poc penjat.

I do indeed see Eros a little hung up.

Però bueno, si fan alguna cosa

But well, if they do something.

més còsmica, el poden treure

more cosmic, they can take it out

en qualsevol moment. O si no,

at any moment. Or if not,

això de relacionar-la amb els

this of relating it to the

X-Men seria relativament fàcil.

X-Men would be relatively easy.

El penúltim.

The penultimate.



contra Thor. Ui.

against Thor. Uh.

Tornarem a veure Hèrcules?

Will we see Hercules again?

Pot ser.

It could be.

A l'última de Thor.

In the latest Thor.

No sé quan.

I don't know when.

El personatge ens l'han presentat

The character has been introduced to us.

i a més amb un actriu que, bueno,

and also with an actress who, well,

més o menys és reconegut. Sí, sí.

more or less it is recognized. Yes, yes.

Ja els tenim emprenyats, aquests.

We’ve already got them annoyed, these ones.

Aquests volen...

These want...

Aquests volen guerra.

They want war.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

No sé com està el projecte.

I don't know how the project is.

Jo no he sentit res de cap projecte de Thor.

I haven't heard anything about any Thor project.

No, no.

No, no.

Que no.


Que hi hauria una última de Thor, sí.

That there would be a last one of Thor, yes.

I a més l'actor va dir que ell

And also the actor said that he

també havia quedat molt decebut de la seva última pel·lícula

he was also very disappointed with his last movie.

i que realment volia

and that I really wanted

tancar i

close and

i acomiadar el personatge

and I will say goodbye to the character

com Déu mana, com es mereix.

As God commands, as it deserves.



Jo no tenia ganes de fer un tancament del personatge

I didn't feel like doing a closure of the character.

com Déu mana.

as God commands.

Seria l'única manera de veure l'Hèrcules

It would be the only way to see Hercules.

perquè si no...

because if not...

O podries haver tancat els Eternals?

Could you have closed the Eternals?

Sí, però ara s'ha cancel·lat

Yes, but now it has been cancelled.

i ja no tens aquesta opció, tampoc.

And you no have this option anymore, either.

Ja és una llàstima que s'hagi cancel·lat aquesta.

It's already a pity that this has been canceled.

Perquè podrien estirar

Because they could stretch.

molt del fil

a lot of thread



Cosmic i fa personatges així, no?

Cosmic makes characters like that, right?

Com Hèrcules i personatges

Like Hercules and characters

que els pots encabir fàcilment.

that you can easily fit them in.

No, que m'agradaria

No, I would like that.

tornar-lo a veure.

to see him again.

Podria ser interessant.

It could be interesting.

Clar, Thor 4 va ser

Sure, Thor 4 was.

un despropòsit.

a nonsense.

Potser és una barreja de coses que eren molt interessants

Perhaps it is a mix of things that were very interesting.

perquè, a més a més, a nivell visual

because, moreover, visually

van fer algunes coses molt ben fetes

they did some things very well done

quan arriben en aquell planeta

when they arrive on that planet

que era tot en blanc i negre.

that it was all in black and white.

Hosti, però

Damn, but

resolutivament es va encarregar

it was resolutely commissioned

un malvat que podria haver tingut

a villain that I could have had

un paper bastant més rellevant

a much more relevant role

i va ser tot un acudit

it was quite a joke

bastant lamentable.

quite regrettable.

Però, hosti, no sé.

But, damn, I don't know.

La presentació de l'Hèrcules

The presentation of the Hercules

a mi em va molar.

I liked it.

A més, si volen fer un canvi

Furthermore, if they want to make a change.

de superherois,

of superheroes,

d'alguna manera retires a Thor

In some way, you retire to Thor.

i hi ha el personatge que saps

And there is the character that you know.

que és l'Hèrcules.

What is Hercules?

Un poder, una força semblant,

A power, a similar force,

seria un bon substitut en aquest sentit.

it would be a good substitute in this regard.

Sí, però ni el carisma

Yes, but not the charisma.

de l'actor ni el carisma del personatge

neither the actor's charisma nor the character's

es poden comparar.

they can be compared.

Jo ho trobo.

I find it.

L'Hèrcules sempre està enfadat, aquell actor.

Hercules is always angry, that actor.

L'actor que fa d'Hèrcules sí,

The actor who plays Hercules does, yes,

molt bé, però, hosti,

very well, but, damn,

com a substitut d'en Thor és...

as a substitute for Thor is...

El problema que tindrem és que

The problem we will have is that

vinguin els superherois que vinguin

let the superheroes come, whoever they may be

no seran com els primers.

they will not be like the first ones.

No, no, evidentment.

No, no, obviously.

Ni el carisma, ni tot.

Neither the charisma, nor anything.

Des d'aquí

From here

ho hem dit sempre. Em sembla que des que va començar

we have always said it. It seems to me that since it started

Wandavision, jo ho dic sempre,

Wandavision, I always say it,

tot el que hem vist de les fases 1, 2 i 3

everything we have seen from phases 1, 2, and 3

és que no tornem a veure mai més.

it's just that we will never see each other again.

No ho veurem mai més.

We will never see it again.

Les ganes que teníem,

The desire we had,

les produccions que hi havia,

the productions that there were,

les ganes que tenies de veure-les, tot això,

the eagerness you had to see them, all of that,

el context, les històries,

the context, the stories,

els actors, els personatges...

the actors, the characters...

S'ha acabat.

It’s over.

Com les tres primeres fases,

Like the first three phases,

no les tornarem a veure mai més.

we will never see them again.

Mai. Ni comparar.

Never. Nor compare.

Vivim massa d'aquests records

We live too much in these memories.


from before.

Pagaries perquè sortís dos minuts

You would pay for it to come out for two minutes.

qualsevol actor dels primers

any of the first actors

que abans

that before

un nou actor et faci tota una pel·lícula sencera.

a new actor makes a whole movie for you.

I per això

And for that reason

te van colar aquestes historietes.

they pulled these stories on you.

Però, hòstia, costa molt

But, damn, it's very hard.

canviar de tots els actors.

change all the actors.

Però és el que s'ha de fer, perquè si no, jubilen.

But that's what must be done, because otherwise, they'll retire.

Bueno, jubilant

Well, retiring.

menys en Robert Downey,

except for Robert Downey,

que aquest no jubila, perquè li van fotent

that this one doesn't retire, because they keep messing with him

la pastarrufa sobre la taula i passava el jubilat.

the pastry on the table and the retiree passed by.

Vinga, i l'última.

Come on, and the last one.

El Consell de Cangs.

The Council of Crabs.

Jo encara no...

Not yet...

No entenc com no van agafar

I don't understand how they didn't catch him.

un altre actor i van dir

another actor and they said

un fes de cangtu.

a hasty decision.

No ho entenc.

I don't understand.

I al principi

And at the beginning

potser pensaves, bueno,

maybe you thought, well,

potser tenen les dues vies

perhaps they have both ways

i les tenen ben treballades.

and they are well crafted.

Però és que han passat un temps i veus que

But it's just that some time has passed and you see that

molt treballat no ho devien tenir.

They probably didn't have it well worked out.

Si han hagut d'agafar en Robert Downey

If they had to take Robert Downey.

per fer de doctor d'hum

to be a doctor of humor

així és gairebé a cuita corrents.

that's almost at a sprint.

I jo no acabo d'entendre això, no?

And I don't quite understand this, do I?

Agafa un altre actor i fes el fes de cang.

Take another actor and do the donkey thing.

I acaba de fer tota la

And I just finished the entire

sèrie de cang que tenies en la teva ment.

a series of crabs that you had in mind.

I el Consell de Cangs

And the Council of Cangs

ens ha quedat allà. Què en fots ara?

It's stayed there. What are you going to do about it now?

És que

It's just that

és tan fàcil com que si compres

It's as easy as if you buy.

que un actor que ha fet

that an actor who has done

Iron Man et faci ara el dub,

Iron Man makes you doubt now,

si tu compres això,

if you buy this,

com no has de comprar que un actor

how should you not buy than an actor

et faci el mateix personatge que ha fet fins ara

make the same character as you have done so far

un altre actor? I ho compres tot dos.

Another actor? And you buy it all, both of you.

Vull dir, de fet trobo més salvatge

I mean, in fact, I find it more wild.

del que han fet amb en Downey Jr.

from what they have done with Downey Jr.

Que no pas canviar un cang.

That can’t change a crab.



Hauries comprat abans un nou cang que no pas

You would have bought a new crab before not.

el que han fotut ara amb això.

What they have messed up now with this.

Jo també. És una mica boig, eh?

Me too. It's a bit crazy, isn't it?

Claríssim, claríssim.

Very clear, very clear.

I a més amb totes les

And also with all the



que et donava un personatge com Cang.

what a character like Cang gave you.

És que, bé, el que hem dit

It's just that, well, what we said.

d'enramar tot del faraó

of decorating everything of the pharaoh

fins a la lluita

until the fight

multiversal, que recordem que

multiversal, that we remember that

la pel·lícula de Secret Wars hi era des del principi.

The Secret Wars movie has been there from the beginning.

La que ha canviat és l'altra.

The one that has changed is the other.

La dinastia de Cang.

The dynasty of Cang.

Tenia molt ben pensat

I had thought it out very well.

el camí per arribar allà.

the way to get there.

Per què no el seguies igual?

Why didn't you follow him the same way?

Al final el devien tenir pensat i liar-la grossa.

In the end, they must have planned it and made a big mess.

I això

And this

empipa, eh? Perquè veus que potser ara

It's annoying, isn't it? Because you see that maybe now...

totes les posicions que van vinguent

all the positions that are coming

i totes les posicions que veiem

and all the positions that we see

estan fetes... Improvisant.

They are made... Improvising.



Improvisant no...

Improvising no...

És el pla B. Totes les pel·lis seran

It's the plan B. All the movies will be

el pla B.

the plan B.

I això molesta una mica, també.

And that bothers a little too.

I, ostres, jo no en tenia

I, wow, I didn't have any.

cap més d'apuntada, eh? No sé si

no more than pointed out, eh? I don't know if

en recordeu algun altre, però em sembla que...

do you remember any others, but it seems to me that...

Jo no en tinc...

I don't have any...

No, perquè les de Guàrdians de la Galàxia

No, because those of Guardians of the Galaxy.

van tancar-ho, vull dir, ja que...

They closed it, I mean, since...

La Guàrdia de la Galàxia ha estat tancadíssima.

The Guardians of the Galaxy have been very busy.

Tancadíssima, tancadíssima, tancadíssima.

Very closed, very closed, very closed.

Doncs bueno, ja les hem repassades totes.

Well, we've gone over all of them.

Vuita, una horeta, tu. Fantàstic.

Empty, an hour, you. Fantastic.

Fantàstic. Genial.

Fantastic. Great.



que el 8...

that the 8...

Ja acabem amb això, eh?

Let's finish with this, okay?

Del 8 al 10 de novembre

From November 8 to 10

hi ha un altre

there is another

D23 a Brasil.

D23 in Brazil.

Us en recordeu

Do you remember?

del trailer de l'Speederman

from the Speederman trailer

que lluitava

that fought

contra el

against the

lagarto en un edifici amb obres

lizard in a building under renovation

i que només sortia un Speederman i que la gent deia

and that only a Speederman came out and that people said

que els havien borrat els altres dos?

that the other two had been deleted?

Aquell trailer va sortir

That trailer came out.

a la D23.

at D23.

A la D23.

At D23.

No sé si

I don't know if

veurem el programa aquell, eh?

We'll see that show, right?



Poden sortir cosetes

Little things may come out.

al novembre.

in November.

I si surten cosetes, aquí els tenim.

And if little things come up, here we have them.

Poden donar algun trailer més,

Can they give any more trailers?

alguna cosa més poden donar.

They can give something more.

O poden donar els trailers

Or they can give the trailers.

que nosaltres tenim ja,

that we already have,

i torno a repetir,

and I repeat again,

en el canal de YouTube filtrats.

in the YouTube channel filtered.

Potser que ens donin aquests.

Maybe they will give us those.

I ja està, eh?

And that's it, right?

I nosaltres allà baix, això ja el teníem.

And we down there, we already had that.

Prou feina tindrem a la maca carta

We will have enough work with the pretty letter.

que ens hi esperem unes setmanes.

that we expect it in a few weeks.

Esperem set setmanetes

We expect seven little weeks.

a tope.

at full capacity.

Sí, home, combinarà una mica

Yes, man, it will combine a bit.

de diferents gèneres, no ho sembla, a més a més?

of different genres, doesn't it seem so, moreover?



Això estarà guai, això.

This will be cool, this.

Jo crec que sí.

I think so.

A més, jo pensava que el diumenge 3 d'octubre

Moreover, I thought that Sunday, October 3rd.

tindrem molta feina.

we will have a lot of work.

Per què?


Perquè recordem que estarem a les 5 de la tarda

Because we remember that we will be at 5 in the afternoon.

al Giro Còmic.

to the Comic Giro.

És aquell cap de setmana?

Is it that weekend?

Un 13 d'octubre és hora i mitja

On October 13th, it is half past one.

de tertúlia especial.

of a special gathering.

I llavors a les 9

And then at 9

ens haurem de connectar per fer el directe de...

we will have to connect to do the live of...

Eh, eh, que bueno, ja podríem fer

Eh, eh, that's great, we could already do it.

també l'anàlisi del capítol.

also the analysis of the chapter.

Allà, no?

There, right?

Allà, directament.

There, directly.

Ja estarà tancat allò d'allà,

That over there will be closed.

a aquella hora.

at that hour.



Diumenge a les 5 de la tarda, el 30 d'octubre.

Sunday at 5 PM, October 30th.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Estarem allà en directe.

We will be there live.

A veure...

Let's see...

Si vols,

If you want,

quan sortegem les entrades

When do we raffle the tickets?

al Giro Còmic?

to Giro Còmic?

Ah, doncs mira...

Ah, well look...

Aquest programa sortirà

This program will come out.

el dijous, eh?

Thursday, right?

Això és el diumenge.

This is Sunday.

Sortegem un abonament

We are raffling a subscription.

per una persona a Twitter,

for a person on Twitter,

a X,

to X,

a Instagram,

to Instagram,

també pels dos dies,

also for the two days,

i només haureu de seguir a nosaltres

and you will only have to follow us

i al Giro Còmic

and the Comic Giro

i comentar en què anireu.

and comment on what you will go to.

I el diumenge, durant el directe,

And on Sunday, during the live broadcast,

sortejarem l'entrada de X,

we will raffle the entry for X.

de Twitter, i l'entrada d'Instagram.

from Twitter, and the Instagram entry.

Ja les tenim actives,

We already have them active.

només haureu d'anar a les nostres xarxes socials

you just need to go to our social media



Serem molt meticulosos

We will be very meticulous.

amb les dues, tres passes.

with the two, three steps.

O sigui, seguir-nos un a l'altre,

That is, to follow each other.

seguir el Giro Còmic, i comentar en quin anireu.

Follow the Comic Giro, and comment on which one you will go to.



Aquestes tres no ho farem,

We won't do these three.

perquè tenim els dos canals germans,

because we have the two brother channels,

podríem dir, companys,

we could say, comrades,

com la Bakkova

like the Bakkova

i el directe frustrat i el bo frustrat,

and the frustrated direct one and the good one frustrated,

que també ja han començat a fer els seus sortejos,

that they have also started to hold their raffles,

i han tingut de mirar perquè algú no compli els requisits.

And they have had to look for someone who does not meet the requirements.

Si no seguiu aquests bàsics,

If you do not follow these basics,

que és molt senzill,

which is very simple,

després no us queixeu, va.

then don't complain, come on.

No, no,

No, no,

sé que aquesta setmana parlàvem amb ell

I know that this week we were talking with him.

i han tingut algun problema amb això,

Have you had any problems with this?

o que hi ha canals que només es dediquen a participar a sortejos,

or there are channels that only participate in raffles,

i per cert,

and by the way,

s'han armitat tant.

they have armed themselves so much.

I participeu en els sortejos, carai.

You participate in the raffles, for goodness' sake.

No costa res.

It costs nothing.

Que és gratuït,

What is free,

que per algo que regalem,

that for something we give away,

que és gratis,

that is free,

per algo gratis que regalem,

for something free that we give away,

i en el Giro Còmic em sembla molt la pena,

and in the Comic Giro, it seems very worthwhile to me,

que és un esment que cada any va caixent més i més.

that is a mention that is fading more and more each year.

A més,

In addition,

els que ens escolteu,

those who listen to us,

que sou seguidors Marvel,

that you are Marvel fans,

venen un parell de dibuixants i guionistes de Marvel,

they sell a couple of illustrators and writers from Marvel,

que val molt la pena,

that is very worthwhile,

ja només pels estants, per les xerrades,

just for the shelves, for the conversations,

per tota la part de nosaltres,

for all of us,

i s'ha gravat com el de Fustrat,

and it has been recorded like the one from Fustrat,

o el Ningú no és perfecte,

or Nobody is perfect,

o sigui que val molt la pena.

so it is really worth it.

Molt, molt la pena.

Very, very worth it.

I a Tirolina, aquest any?

And what about Tirolina this year?

Cada any hi és.

It is there every year.

Va ser el primer que em van dir,

It was the first thing they told me,

quan vam parlar amb el Giro Còmic de fer el podcast en directe,

when we spoke with Giro Còmic about doing the podcast live,

i que ells ens assedien

and that they seduced us

aquests abonaments per sortejar,

these subscriptions to be raffled,

el vell es tancaven.

the old man was closing himself off.

Innominable moment Tirolina.

Unnaming moment Tyrolean.

Home, és que...

Well, it's just that...

I n'és per dir,

It is to say,

jo vaig ser el primer

I was the first.

a Spider-Man que es va tirar en Tirolina.

Spider-Man who went down a zip line.

L'any següent hi havia un munt que ho vam fer,

The following year there was a lot that we did.

però el primer... Ah, sí?

but the first... Oh, really?

Sí, sí, sí. El primer va ser el del Far.

Yes, yes, yes. The first one was the one at the lighthouse.

Va ser, com que no,

It was, of course,

aguanta'm el Kuwata,

hold my Kuwata

aguanta'm la Coca-Cola, vinga,

hold my Coca-Cola, come on,

per allà que vull.

over there where I want.

Va ser molt bo, va ser molt bo.

It was very good, it was very good.

Molt bé, noi, doncs res.

Very well, boy, then nothing.

Ho deixem aquí,

Let's leave it here,

si us sembla bé. Fantàstic. Molt bé. I tant, i tant.

If you think it's fine. Fantastic. Very good. Of course, indeed.

Gràcies per estar,

Thank you for being there,

per estar aquí, doctor Pippa.

To be here, Doctor Pippa.

Gràcies per convidar-me.

Thank you for inviting me.

I res, i esperem

And nothing, and we wait.

noves novetats de Marvel

new news from Marvel

per tornar-nos a reunir ben aviat.

to meet again very soon.

I tant.

Of course.

I recordeu que el friquisme

And remember that the geekiness

us acompanya.

accompanies you.

Adeu, adeu.

Goodbye, goodbye.



Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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