1. Ell mai no ho faria... amb el Galgo Lento

Luup Records

Converses entre Camaleons

1. Ell mai no ho faria... amb el Galgo Lento

Converses entre Camaleons



Si jo em vaig enamorar d'aquest home amb la samarreta de Patrick Coliver

If I fell in love with this man in the Patrick Coliver t-shirt.

Era de l'Inmanent, no?

It was the Inmanent, wasn't it?

No posa cap nom, però és la del Sant Anari

It doesn't have a name, but it's the one from Sant Anari.

Però allà està més moreno, eh?

But there he is tanner, huh?

Allà està més moreno

There he is tanner.

No, moreno de cap, vull dir

No, I mean dark-haired.



Sí, també, clar

Yes, also, of course.

Però sí que és veritat que quan vaig entrar a l'Up Records

But it is true that when I joined Up Records

anava també una miqueta així

it was also a little bit like that

Sí, la primera foto que tenim al grup està

Yes, the first photo we have in the group is



Van venir bones coses, llavors m'ho vaig tornar a fer

Good things came, so I did it again.

I vam guanyar l'altre dia contra l'Atlético de Madrid

We won the other day against Atlético de Madrid.

Vull dir, puta mare

I mean, motherf*cker.

Doncs, explicarem una mica la història

Well, we will explain a bit of the history.

Resulta que un dels nostres grups

It turns out that one of our groups

predilectes de l'època, els Bounties

favorites of the time, the Bounties

doncs van gravar un tema

so they recorded a song

no sé, no sé, no sé

I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know.

un nou a Terrassa

a newcomer in Terrassa

amb un productor nou

with a new producer

que va dir, mira, ens ho gravarà un noi d'allà

He said, look, a guy from there will record it for us.

i tal, i l'Oto em va dir, hòstia, el tio aquest

and so on, and Oto told me, damn, this guy

que fa, està fent un disc, fa coses molt guapes, eh?

What are you doing? He's making a record, he's doing really cool stuff, right?

Dic, hòstia, sí

I say, damn, yes.

Dic, bueno, bueno, digue-li que em passi alguna cosa

I say, well, well, tell him to let me know if anything happens.

I aquest va dir l'Oto

And this was said by Oto.

Va dir això, et passa el zi

He said this, it happens to you the zi.

Però quin tema estàvem fent amb Bounties?

But what topic were we doing with Bounties?

Un d'aquests

One of these

El de Sub TV

The one from Sub TV

No, no, no

No, no, no.

Sub TV és el de l'Òscar, no?

Sub TV is Óscar's, right?

No, no, sí

No, no, yes.

Però la col·laboració és de Sub TV?

But is the collaboration with Sub TV?

No, però, ah sí, pot ser

No, but, oh yes, maybe.

Després va ser que vam començar a produir

Afterwards, we started to produce.

les coses allà, a l'estudi

the things there, in the studio

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

I em va passar el contacte

He passed me the contact.

i vaig dir, hòstia, passa'm el disc i tal

I said, damn, pass me the disk and all that.

perquè va dir, l'Oto va dir

because he said, Oto said

t'he preparat un disc

I have prepared a disc for you.

i hòstia, bueno, doncs escoltem-lo, no?

And damn, well, let's listen to him, right?

Perquè sempre em refio del critè

Because I always trust the criteria.

tot i que l'Oto és una persona molt amable

although Oto is a very kind person

i que tot li mola, realment

and that he really likes everything

A veure

Let's see.

És això, és una persona amigable

It's that, it's a friendly person.

és un tio molt positiu

he is a very positive guy

És un tio molt positiu

He is a very positive guy.

a part d'un geni, per mi

apart from a genius, for me

És un tio molt positiu

He's a very positive guy.

i va dir, estic molt amable i tal

And he said, I'm very nice and such.

i va dir, bueno, doncs que m'ho enviï i tal

And he said, well, then let him send it to me and so on.

i ho vaig escoltar, hòstia, puta

And I heard it, damn it, fuck.

Els hi vaig enviar els meus col·legues

I sent them to my colleagues.

I ho vaig escoltar amb tu a dalt

I heard it with you upstairs.

Escolteu això, és una burrada

Listen to this, it's ridiculous.

Que guai

How cool

I, hòstia, saps, ens vam flipar molt

I, damn, you know, we got really carried away.

i vam dir, hòstia, aquest tio

And we said, damn, this guy.

ha de ser nostre

it must be ours

Va ser guai, va ser com el rap

It was cool, it was like rap.

No recordo quin tema era, tio

I don't remember what the topic was, man.

Era en castellà, per això, no?

It was in Spanish, that's why, right?

Era un tema que no ha sortit i no crec que ha sortit mai

It was a topic that hasn't come up and I don't think it has ever come up.

Era el de Cojo Carrería y Salsa

It was the one of Crippled Carriage and Sauce.

Hòstia, sí, devia ser aquest

Holy shit, yes, it must have been this.

El millor tema sense treure

The best untitled track.

Això mola molt, eh, tio

This is really cool, huh, dude?


Holy shit

Feia música en castellà

He used to make music in Spanish.

Tenies mig-mig, no?

You had a half-half, right?

Tenia mig-mig, clar, era Galgolento

I had half-half, of course, it was Galgolento.

Era en castellà i català

It was in Spanish and Catalan.

130 metres

130 meters

No hi havia completament normal

It was not completely normal.

que és aquesta que ha sonat ara mateix

What is this that just rang?

La plaça?

The square?

Era la calle 82?

Was it 82nd Street?

No era la plaça

It was not the square.

També en castellà s'ha quedat molt bé, aquesta

It has also turned out very well in Spanish, this one.

Sí, sí, està molt bé

Yes, yes, it's very good.

La meva parella, la Malena, li vaig ensenyar aquesta cançó

I showed this song to my partner, Malena.

En castellà em va dir

In Spanish, he told me.

Però en català també està guai

But in Catalan it's cool too.

Sí, sí, està molt bé

Yes, yes, it's very good.

A tots els meus amics és la cançó que més els agrada, tio

It's the song that my friends like the most, dude.

La plaça, la placita

The square, the small square.

Però que guai, hòstia, que xulo

But how cool, damn, how awesome!

I tu?

And you?

Nosaltres ho tenim la nostra experiència

We have our experience.

des del nostre costat

from our side

i volíem saber una mica

and we wanted to know a little

des de l'artista

from the artist

què se sent o quin procés tens

what do you feel or what process do you have

allò d'estar fent un disc

the thing about making a record

que tu penses, bueno, ho vaig fent

What you think, well, I'm getting by.

suposo sense cap projecte de futur

I suppose without any future project.

ni res, sinó

nothing, but

bueno, ja veurem el que passa

Well, we'll see what happens.

i de cop i volta, abans que tinguis acabat

and all of a sudden, before you finish

ni res, ni t'avenen

neither anything, nor do they agree with you

i un tio que ve a gravar amb tu

and a guy who comes to record with you

et diu, hòstia, tio, que m'han dit

It says, damn, dude, that they told me.

que els hi passis temes i tal

that you pass them topics and such

què sents tu? Què penses en aquell moment?

What do you feel? What do you think at that moment?

Què et ve al cap, saps?

What comes to your mind, you know?

Clar, a veure, era raro perquè

Sure, let's see, it was strange because

era just després del Covid

it was just after Covid

del puto confinament

from the fucking lockdown

llavors, clar, jo tenia un mogollón

so, of course, I had a lot

de música que havia anat fent

of music that I had been making

i feia un any abans havia tret un projecte

A year before, I had completed a project.

també, en castellà

also, in Spanish

que no... sona bastant

not... it sounds quite

a cul

to ass

però bueno

but well

Deixarem el link aquí sota

We will leave the link below.



Si m'ho estigues una mica...

If you were to tell me a little...

I clar, hòstia

And of course, damn.

era l'estiu, me'n recordo, a l'agost

It was summer, I remember, in August.

i l'Octavi, per connexions

and Octavi, for connections

ell coneix el meu germà gran

He knows my older brother.

perquè som de Terrassa els dos

because we are both from Terrassa

que són de la mateixa edat

who are the same age

i tenen en comú un amic

and they have a friend in common

que és molt amic dels dos

he is very friendly with both

i em va dir

and he/she told me

he escoltat una cançó teva

I have listened to one of your songs.

fem una col·laboració

let's do a collaboration

i tant, saps?

Of course, you know?

A Terrassa són com referent

In Terrassa, they are seen as a reference.

anava a dir eren, però no, són referents

I was going to say they were, but no, they are references.

Hostia, el temazo que ha entrat

Holy shit, the banger that just came in.

També, aquest sí que podem posar el link

Also, this one we can put the link.

a sota, eh?

Below, huh?

Això és de referidos, tio

This is about referrals, dude.



però per flipar

but to freak out

I clar, també l'Octavi

Oh clear, also Octavi.

jo no el coneixia, molt ben fetut

I didn't know him, very well done.

feeling de primeres

first-rate feeling

i de cop, clar, estàvem allà a l'estudi

And suddenly, of course, we were there in the studio.

que no era un estudi, era literal

it was not a study, it was literal

dos logitech

two logitechs

en una sala super xunga

in a super sketchy room

al centre de Terrassa

in the center of Terrassa

Si home, s'ho puc fer

Yes man, I can do it.

No, s'ho puc fer el logitech

No, I can do it with Logitech.

No, no, eren els

No, no, they were the

altaveus que té tothom

speakers that everyone has

clar, clar, anava allà

of course, of course, I was going there

perquè estàvem fent el projecte amb Heroes del Beat

because we were working on the project with Heroes of the Beat

i tal, i ve aquest noi

And so, here comes this guy.

i em diu

and he/she/it tells me

això, fem la col·laboració

let's collaborate on this

i li ensenyo la meva música

and I show him my music

i dic, joder, i aquest temps?

I say, damn, and this weather?

i clar, jo li posava

Of course, I would put it.

i veia que anava fent

and I saw that it was progressing

no sé què

I don't know what.

i jo, clar

And me, of course.

No el coneixies?

Didn't you know him?

No, no, no

No, no, no

I no li havia ensenyat mai

And I had never taught him/her.

Sí, molt poca gent havia escoltat allò

Yes, very few people had heard that.

potser la Malena, quatre amics meus

maybe Malena, four of my friends

els meus col·legues passaven de mi com de la merda

my colleagues treated me like crap

ara que soc famós

now that I am famous

però, i el tio, clar

but, and the guy, of course

molt a tope, i em va dir

very much at full throttle, and he/she told me

home, tio, això envieu a les discogràfiques

dude, this is sent to the record labels

saps, rotllo

you know, like

nosaltres estem a l'UP

we are at the UP

joder, prova-ho perquè és guai

Damn, try it because it's cool.

i sí, sí, va ser com un

And yes, yes, it was like a

bueno, doncs sí, em van donar el teu

Well, then yes, they gave me yours.

el teu WhatsApp, crec, de fet

your WhatsApp, I think, actually

potser sí, sí, sí

maybe yes, yes, yes

i et vaig enviar el mail

I sent you the email.

i em va respondre, em recordo, em va respondre super

and he/she answered me, I remember, he/she answered me super.

sí, és que crec que quan m'ho va dir

Yes, it's just that I think when he/she told me.

jo el primer que vaig fer va ser mirar Spotify

The first thing I did was check Spotify.

el que tenies publicat

what you had published

i vaig dir, hòstia, molt, molt això

I said, damn, a lot, a lot of this.

saps, si el disc

you know, if the disc

tenia el tema de rellotges de sol

I had the topic of sundials.

que saps el que passa?

Do you know what is happening?

que artistes de sol no tenen rellotges de sol

that sun artists do not have sundials

que són rellotges tan interessants

that are such interesting watches

no n'hi ha masses, i a vegades

there aren't many, and sometimes

per una indecisió o per esperar

for indecision or to wait

massa temps et pot escapar

too much time can escape you


doncs t'avances a algú i ja està fet, i ja no pots fer res

so you get ahead of someone and that's it, and you can't do anything anymore

i això sí que és una cosa que

and this is indeed something that

m'hagués molestat

it would have bothered me

molt, saps, perquè

very, you know, because

l'Otto ens ho ha passat directe, tenim contacte

Otto has sent it to us directly, we have contact.

directe, i a vegades jo crec que són

direct, and sometimes I think they are

queda una mica

it's a little bit left

d'empresa, no?

of company, right?

però són operacions que s'han de tancar ràpid

but they are operations that need to be closed quickly

sí, sí, sí, no?

yes, yes, yes, right?

perquè, sí, sí, sí, sí

because, yes, yes, yes, yes

com a Haaland

like Haaland



sí, bueno, ho veiem molt clar

yes, well, we see it very clearly

i a més tots tres, sempre hem de dir

and moreover all three, we always have to say

tots tres que sí, si no, no entra ningú

All three yes, if not, no one enters.

i va ser molt clar

and it was very clear

sí, sí, pim, però ja

yes, yes, sure, but already

jo va ser els 15 segons, vaig i vinc a tirar

I was the 15 seconds, I go and come back to throw.

sí, sí, sí, que fort

yes, yes, yes, how cool

no, de veritat, en sèrio, tio

no, really, seriously, man

home, és molt, molt

man, it's very, very

de veritat, o sigui

really, I mean

una mica de senyor Lobismo, eh

a bit of Mr. Lobismo, huh

en aquest episodi, una mica de senyor Lobismo

in this episode, a bit of Mr. Lobismo

ara regalem una mica d'en Martí, eh

Now we give a little bit of Martí, okay?

una mica de senyor Lobismo, ah, ara regalem una mica d'en Martí

a bit of Mr. Lobismo, ah, now we give a little of Mr. Martí

toca, toca, també

touch, touch, also

no, no, no, és veritat

no, no, no, it’s true

no, no, mola, bueno, clar

no, no, cool, well, of course

des de fora jo, ja et dic, el que vaig viure

from the outside I, I tell you, what I experienced

és com, bueno

it's like, well

clar, és la primer

of course, it's the first

jo no m'havia imaginat mai de fer concerts

I had never imagined doing concerts.

tio, rotllo, no, no, a mi m'agradava fer música

dude, like, no, no, I used to like making music

no m'agradava res més

I didn't like anything more.

però tu, per exemple, quan

but you, for example, when

et diuen això d'un segell, tu què

they tell you this about a seal, what about you

què n'esperaves?

What were you expecting?

ja sé que

I already know that

de sobte dius, hòstia, molt de lògic

Suddenly you say, damn, very logical.

perquè això, amb un artista de nosaltres

because this, with an artist of ours

quan tocava en un grup, és el que et passa

when you played in a band, it's what happens to you

no, una discogràfica

no, a record label

et fa una oferta i dius, hòstia puta, algú creu en mi

it makes you an offer and you say, holy shit, does anyone believe in me

m'agradava molt

I liked it a lot.

clar, és

of course, it is

algú creu en mi, això, et dona

someone believes in me, this gives you

un subidón i ganes de treballar més, no?

a boost and a desire to work more, right?

però, a part d'això

but, apart from that

tu què esperaves?

What were you expecting?



et vas imaginar

you imagined

el teu futur a curt termini

your short-term future

ara faré això

now I will do this

hòstia, m'imaginava molts diners

Wow, I imagined a lot of money.

i mira, i mira

and look, and look

i mira, m'agrada molt la puta

And look, I really like the whore.

i ara patinet elèctric

and now electric scooter

no, no sé, no em vaig imaginar res

No, I don't know, I didn't imagine anything.

simplement vaig dir

I simply said

hòstia, que guapo, que per fi

Wow, that's cool, finally!

la música que estic fent tindrà un propòsit

The music I'm making will have a purpose.

saps? anirà a algun lloc

You know? It will go somewhere.

ja sigui perquè li ha agradat

whether it's because he/she liked it

a aquesta gent de l'UP

to these people from UP

o pel que sigui

or for whatever reason

hòstia, va ser gratificant, no sé

Damn, it was rewarding, I don't know.

el primer que vaig fer

the first thing I did

al rebre el teu missatge de

upon receiving your message from

podem fer una reunió el dia tal

Can we have a meeting on such and such day?

corres, meus amics, tu t'ho anem a fer una birra, sisplau

Come on, my friends, let's go have a beer, please.

us he d'explicar una cosa molt gorda, tal, tal, tal

I have to tell you something very serious, like, like, like.

que molen aquestes coses

how cool these things are

i recordar-les, eh, hòstia puta

And remember them, huh, fucking hell.

i és això, i des de fora és com

And that's it, and from the outside it seems like

oh, tio, un segell, tio

oh, dude, a stamp, dude

que guai, és que

how cool, it's that

jo recordo moments nostres, no?, també

I remember our moments, don't I? Me too.

el primer videoclip, que ens van dir que ens posaven

the first music video, which they told us they were going to show us

el single en una ràdio super top

the single on a super top radio

o qualsevol cosa

or anything

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

hòstia, són coses que

wow, these are things that

que passen i dius, hòstia puta, tio

What’s happening, man, holy shit?

com m'està passant això

How is this happening to me?

i és guai, molt guai viure-ho

And it's cool, really cool to experience it.

i també m'agrada sentir l'opinió

I also like to hear the opinion.

que nosaltres

that we

podem transmetre aquest sentiment

we can convey this feeling

ja, és veritat, sí

Yes, it's true, yes.

aquest sentiment tan guai, no?

this feeling is so cool, right?

després sí que ve la cosa que hi ha d'haver-hi treball

Afterwards, yes, there will be the thing that there has to be work.

hi ha d'haver-hi una mica de sort

There has to be a bit of luck.

i moltes coses, però

and many things, but

aquest principi

this principle

que puguem nosaltres oferir això

that we can offer this

a algú és

to someone it is

m'encanta, sí, sí

I love it, yes, yes.

sí, perquè això

yes, because this

sent artista, doncs

being an artist, then

artista emergent, si es pot dir

emerging artist, if one can say so

autoproduït, doncs

self-produced, then

sempre et falta com aquesta empenta, no?, de dir

you always miss that push, don't you?, to say

de tenir algú

of having someone

que estigui compartint

that is sharing

aquest camí amb tu del projecte, saps?

this path with you of the project, you know?

i això és la polla, perquè al final

and this is awesome, because in the end

li pots dir als teus col·legues o a la teva parella

you can tell your colleagues or your partner

o el que sigui, però no serà igual

or whatever, but it won't be the same

no, no, no, és com

no, no, no, it’s like

és gratificant de l'hòstia, tio

It's incredibly rewarding, man.

jo també tenia aquí preguntes preparades

I also had questions prepared here.

però una és

but one is



perquè tu, per exemple, suposo

because you, for example, I suppose

que t'haguessis autoproduït o penjar-ho

that you would have self-produced or uploaded it

en una

in a

en una empresa d'aquestes que ho poden penjar

in a company that can post it

no, no, no, Rajo, no

no, no, no, Rajo, no

és perfectament normal

it's perfectly normal

completament, quasi

completely, almost

és completament normal

it is completely normal


put it



ja sé que no has tingut l'experiència

I know that you haven't had the experience.

l'altra experiència, però

the other experience, however

ara amb una mica de recorregut

now with a bit of distance

que tens, quina diferència

what do you have, what difference

o què creus

or what do you think

que et pot aportar

what it can bring you

de diferent un segell com el nostre

of different a seal like ours

perquè hi ha moltes maneres diferents de treballar

because there are many different ways to work

i llavors no es pot

and then it can't be done

però clar, hi ha una mica

but of course, there is a bit

amb el fet aquest de poder-se autoproduir

with the fact of being able to self-produce

a vegades es demonitzen una mica els segells

Sometimes stamps are a bit demonized.

com si tots fóssim

as if we all were

multinacionals, super fredes

multinationals, super cool

i super

I'm super.

que van al business, saps?

they go to business, you know?

Quina és la teva sensació

What is your feeling?

de dir, hòstia, m'hauria pogut autoproduir

I mean, damn, I could have self-produced.

realment, perquè això ho pot fer tothom

really, because anyone can do this



amb aquest segell m'aporta alguna cosa

with this stamp, it brings me something

més tornat a reformular

more reformulated again

és com, què creus

it's like, what do you think

que t'aportem que tu sol

what we bring you that you alone

hòstia, que un artista sol

Wow, that an artist alone

no cal que ho facis amb tu

you don't have to do it with you

que un artista sol sigui

that an artist may be alone

molt complicat que s'ho pugui autogestionar

very complicated for them to self-manage it

fredament i des de fora

coldly and from the outside

la resposta més clara és

the clearest answer is

són concerts

they are concerts

això com el més clar

this as the clearest

per un artista, per exemple

for an artist, for example

el que més valoraria que li pugui portar

what I would value the most that I could bring him/her

un segell que faci management

a label that does management

és que vols, o sigui, és com si quasi

it's just that you want, I mean, it's almost as if



bueno, diferentment des de fora

well, differently from the outside

és el que estem parlant, el primer cop

it's what we are talking about, the first time

rotllo clar, i vist des de dins

clear roll, and seen from the inside

després et dónes compte que aquesta

then you realize that this

indústria s'ajusté bàsicament pels bolos

Industry adjusted basically for the skittles.

el líncom que tens és només

the link you have is only

dels directes

of the direct ones

llavors, per una banda això

then, on one hand this



per l'altra, bueno, hòstia, ara

on the other hand, well, damn, now

m'he oblidat de la pregunta

I forgot the question.

torna-la a formular

rephrase it

un altre cop


que creus que porta

What do you think he/she is bringing?

és a dir, d'autoproduir-te

that is to say, to self-produce yourself

està en un segell

it is on a stamp

tipus com els nostres indis

types like our Indians

que n'hi ha uns quants a Catalunya

there are quite a few in Catalonia

amb les seves característiques diferents

with its different characteristics

però, què creus que t'aporta

but, what do you think it brings you?

de no haver-te tu autoeditat

if you hadn't self-published

i per exemple, ara ja has dit això

And for example, now you have already said this.

del booking

from the booking

per exemple, si tu t'autoedites

for example, if you self-publish

i tens la sort que algú et vulgui fer el booking

And you are lucky that someone wants to make the booking for you.



creus que t'aporta alguna cosa més?

Do you think it adds anything more to you?

bueno, al final

well, in the end

també mola el sentiment aquest

this feeling is also cool

de partir de la vida

of splitting from life

de pertanyer a un grup

belonging to a group

de pertanyer a una família

belonging to a family

es pot dir, no?

It can be said, right?

això és molt guai

this is really cool

també és això

that is also it

la relació que estem

the relationship we are in

que estem tenint amb vosaltres

what we are having with you

que en principi, no sé, no formeu part

that initially, I don’t know, you don't belong

de la part de booking, seria?

On behalf of booking, would it be?

bueno, no sé com va això

Well, I don't know how this works.

ara està una mica així

now it is a bit like this

participem una mica tots

let's all participate a little bit

en major o menor mesura

to a greater or lesser extent

però, no sé

but, I don't know

el tema de

the topic of

de poder mesclar aquí a Camaleó

to be able to mix here at Chameleon

és la polla, de poder córrer amb l'Aleix

It'sawesome to be able to run with Aleix.

és l'hòstia

it's awesome

de veure, tenir aquest tipus

to see, to have this type

aquestes visions, diferents visions

these visions, different visions

del que fas com a música

of what you do as music

del que fas per la música

for what you do for music

i tot això, però això mola també

And all this, but this is cool too.

i jo crec que la diferència més gran

And I believe that the biggest difference

també és com

it is also like

si tu treus d'independent

if you take out independent

deixar una petjada

leave a mark

entre cometes

in quotes

és molt més complicat

it is much more complicated

és a dir, tenint el

that is to say, having the

clar, jo sí que vaig tenir l'experiència

Of course, I did have the experience.

a treure un projecte

to take out a project

i jo, que era en castellà, era un altre nom

and I, who was in Spanish, was another name

i tal, i clar, et sents una miqueta com

And so, of course, you feel a little like

bueno, li fots les hores que li fots

well, you put in whatever hours you want

que són moltíssimes

that they are very many

i després és com que

and then it's like that

com tirar una gota al mig del mar

like throwing a drop in the middle of the sea


do you know?

de, a veure qui ho caça això

Well, let's see who can catch this.

no sé, és com tot super eteri

I don't know, it's all super ethereal.

i el fet d'estar posant un segell

and the fact of putting a stamp

veus, doncs

you see, then

que hi ha diferents maneres de promoció

that there are different ways of promotion

que hi ha diferents vies

that there are different ways

però la teva música pot anar

but your music can go

saps? que

Do you know? That

anant d'independent

going independently

joder, és complicadíssim

fuck, it’s really complicated

perquè t'has de córrer molt més també

because you have to run much more too

i t'has de córrer molt més

And you have to run much more.

o sigui, jo ara faig els temes i la llegeixes més

So, I will do the topics now and you will read them more.

clar, no, no, no ho deia per això, eh

Sure, no, I wasn't saying that for that, okay?

però si t'has de buscar tots els bolos

but if you have to find all the gigs yourself

i t'ho has de fer tot tu, al final acabes sense els bolos

And you have to do it all by yourself, in the end you end up without the bowling balls.

bueno, és que de fet

well, it's just that in fact

un artista que es vulgui autoeditar

an artist who wants to self-publish

ha d'invertir en ell

he must invest in him

o sigui, al final

that is to say, in the end

jo crec que l'únic que fan els segells

I think that the only thing stamps do

és invertir en un artista

it is to invest in an artist

en el nostre cas en feina

in our case in work

o sigui, amb hores

that is, in hours

i després el retornés

and then return it

si a l'artista li va bé

if it works for the artist

i si un artista no vol compartir això

And if an artist does not want to share this.

doncs el que ha de fer és pagar una agència de publicitat

So what he has to do is pay an advertising agency.

bueno, de promo

well, on promotion

pagar, bueno, tenir un que li busqui bolos

pay, good, to have someone look for gigs for him

que depèn d'aquí

that depends on this

pot ser que et cobri un mínim

It may be that I charge you a minimum.

per anar buscant

to go searching

si no et protegeixes des d'un principi

if you don't protect yourself from the beginning

és probable que et digui, mira, saps?

It's likely that I will say to you, look, you know?

perquè al final és un negoci

because in the end it's a business

tampoc no és tant per perdre el temps

it's not that much of a waste of time either

si hi ha un artista margent de zero

if there is a zero-margin artist

és complicat que algú digui, eh, mira

It's complicated for someone to say, hey, look.

et faré manager

I will make you a manager.

que això no és als Estats Units

that this is not in the United States

i va ser com

and it was like

me'n recordo que és com l'hòstia més gran

I remember it's like the biggest host.

que em vaig donar

that I gave myself

quan estava fent música

when I was making music

jo mirava tots els reportatges i documentals

I watched all the reports and documentaries.

del Post Malone, de no sé què

by Post Malone, I don't know what

i això fa molt de mal, eh

And that hurts a lot, doesn't it?

sí, bueno, pot passar aquí

yes, well, it can happen here

però és molt poc probable

but it is very unlikely

bueno, i és el que hem parlat sempre

Well, it's what we have always talked about.

tens més opcions de ser milionari

you have more chances of being a millionaire

jugant a loteria

playing the lottery

100%, bueno, comprovat

100%, good, verified

per números, eh

for numbers, huh

que no amb la música

not with the music



doncs ja jugaré a la loteria

well, I will play the lottery

sí, home, clar

yes, man, of course

tu mira, a Espanya

you look, in Spain

quan cada setmana

when every week

hi ha 3 o 4 milionaris, segur

There are 3 or 4 millionaires, for sure.

entre una o l'altra

between one or the other

que guanyen un milió d'euros, segur

they win a million euros, for sure

cada setmana hi ha 3 o 4 músics

Every week there are 3 or 4 musicians.

que guanyen un quilo, segur, 100%

that they win a kilo, for sure, 100%

gràcies a Déu, no?

thank God, right?

bueno, no ho sé

well, I don't know

no m'agradaria més que fossin músics

I wouldn't want anything more than for them to be musicians.

s'estaria més ben

it would be better

bueno, més ben destinat

well, better assigned

al final són 150 milionaris l'any, no?

In the end, it's 150 millionaires a year, right?

a tot el món, o a Espanya

to the whole world, or to Spain

jo crec que més

I believe that more.

amb loteries, segur, clar

with lotteries, sure, clear

més, nous, eh, dic

more, new, huh, I say

més, sí, clar

more, yes, of course

tu compta entre la 11

you count among the 11

no, la primitiva, la 11, la 649

no, the primitive, the 11, the 649

quina era? no arriba un quilo, no?

What era? It doesn't reach a kilo, right?



i les loteries de Nadal i no sé què

and the Christmas lotteries and I don't know what

i tant, tu suma

Of course, you add up.

impossible, no arriba

impossible, it doesn't arrive

músics milionaris a Espanya, nous aquest any

millionaire musicians in Spain, new this year

2021, quants hi ha?

2021, how many are there?

la Rioberta?

the Rioberta?

ni de conya deu ser milionària

It must be a joke, she can't be a millionaire.

la Rosalía, no? que va fer una cançó

Rosalía, right? She made a song.

sí, però aquesta hi ha panys que tira

Yes, but this one has locks that it pulls.

però n'has dit dos

but you said two

i la Rioberta

and Rioberta

ha fet en gana

he has gone hungry

jo ho vull dir per estadística

I want to say it for statistical reasons.

l'any passat, la Rosalía no entra aquí

Last year, Rosalía is not coming in here.

clar, parlem de milionaris

Of course, we are talking about millionaires.

potser no són milionaris

perhaps they are not millionaires

si no tenen milions al banc

if they don't have millions in the bank

però sí que el seu projecte

but yes, their project

costa milions

it costs millions

per exemple, el projecte del Madrid

for example, the Madrid project

allò costa milions i milions

that costs millions and millions


of euros

el senyor Jason Joshua

Mr. Jason Joshua

10.000 paus per mes, clar

10,000 pauses per month, of course.

i tenia un videoclip de cada tema

I had a music video for each song.

i un videoclip allò

and a videoclip that



sí que val pasta

it really costs money

no ho crec

I don't believe it.

si pagava la gent

if people paid

molts cops això no passa

many times this does not happen



però bueno, que estic segur que

but well, I am sure that

és molt complicat

it's very complicated

la gent mira els traperos

People watch the ragpickers.

amb amborginis, amb no sé què

with burgers, with I don't know what



bueno, el que sigui

Well, whatever.

però la gent es flipa molt

but people get really worked up

el vídeo aquell dels migos del Carpool

that video of the amigos from Carpool

l'has vist?

Have you seen it?

amb el Corden que treu un fajo de bitllets així

with the Corden that pulls out a bundle of bills like this

i el tio, quanta pasta portes aquí?

And the guy, how much cash do you have here?

ah, 270.000

ah, 270,000

per fer un programa

to make a program

normal que un xaval es flipi

It's normal for a kid to get carried away.

si veu això, tio

if you see this, dude

però això són coses rares

but these are strange things

però és que són coses rares

but these are strange things

i hi ha inclús Estats Units

and there are even the United States

i si és raro allà a Estats Units

And if it's rare there in the United States.

que viuen 300 milions de persones

that 300 million people live

com a tota Europa

like all of Europe

clar, això és bé

of course, that's fine

potser és pitjor i tot als Estats Units

perhaps it's worse everywhere in the United States

la classe més baixa que aquí

the lowest class that here

sí, sí, hi ha més diferència

yes, yes, there is more difference

bueno, sí, hi ha més diferència de classes

Well, yes, there is more class difference.

és a dir, sempre et sap pensar

that is to say, it always knows how to think of you

que o estàs en la tercera divisió

that you are either in the third division

o estàs en la Champions

either you're in the Champions League

jo jo els Estats Units

I, I the United States.

que a la tercera divisió

that in the third division

hi ha molta gent amb molta pasta

There are many people with a lot of money.

deu ser joc de veteranos

it must be a game of veterans

hostels rics

rich hostels

però, hòstia, no sabia aquest dato

but, damn, I didn't know that fact

que costa, o sigui, és més probable

that it costs, I mean, it’s more likely

que guanyis la loteria

may you win the lottery

bueno, hi ha més milionaris

Well, there are more millionaires.

no, també hi ha menys gent

No, there are also fewer people.

que es vol dedicar a la música

that wants to dedicate itself to music

que no, que juga a la loteria

No, he plays the lottery.

això és evident

this is obvious

però hi ha més milionaris

but there are more millionaires

a l'any a Espanya

in the year in Spain

que els toca la loteria

that they win the lottery

que no pas que triomfen amb la música

that not only triumph with music

això és segur

this is certain

ara el percentual, evidentment

now the percentage, obviously

és molt diferent

it's very different

però tio, ara està guai, no?

but dude, it's cool now, right?

l'escena, rotllo

the scene, roll

trobo que hi ha

I find that there is

hi ha bon caliu

there is good warmth

no sé

I don't know.

per nombrar algú l'Ariox

to name someone Ariox

jo, per exemple

me, for example

sí, es veu que

yes, it seems that

està a punt de treure un EP

is about to release an EP

amb un pavo, tio

with a turkey, dude

sí, amb un bon producte

yes, with a good product

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

que a vegades canta

that sometimes sings

no, canta molt bé

no, he sings very well

canto molt bé, tio

I sing very well, dude.


thank you

doncs, a la meva època

well, in my time

hi havia més moviment de

there was more movement of

rockero i tot això

rocker and all that

i hi havia molts grups a cada poble

And there were many groups in each town.



a Blanes potser hi havia 10, 12

In Blanes there might have been 10, 12.

ara és

now it is



no hi ha res

there is nothing

bueno, potser ja s'han fotut

well, maybe they've already messed up

entrar per casa seva

enter through your house

tio, és que

dude, it's just that

és diferent, eh

It's different, huh.

és que jo crec que hi ha

I believe that there is

és el mateix

it's the same

hi havia un moviment

there was a movement

tots ens coneixíem

we all knew each other

és diferent, tio

It's different, dude.

bueno, però

well, but

també era més difícil

it was also harder

que aquests grups fotessin alguna cosa

that these groups did something



amb cara i ulls

with face and eyes

no, ara de Blanes

no, now from Blanes

tampoc n'hi ha ningú que faci

there's no one doing it either

els Kids From Mars

the Kids From Mars

i la Claudia Almarc, tio

and Claudia Almarc, dude

sí, però

yes, but

no, però

no, but

si parles

if you speak

si parles d'algú super top

if you're talking about someone super cool

bueno, Blanes

well, Blanes

he posat Blanes

I have put Blanes.

per posar un exemple

to give an example

però clar

but of course

hi havia

there was

la mostra de rock

the rock show

bueno, com un concert

well, like a concert

que hi havia

that there was

l'Ajuntament d'Aixà

the City Council of Aixà

tocant tots els grups

touching all groups

de puta mare

fucking awesome

l'Ajuntament d'Aixà

The City Council of Aixà

sobrava la pasta

the dough was left over

no, però no per la pasta

no, but not for the pasta

sinó que

but rather

hi havia com una comunitat

there was like a community

hi havia una associació de músics

there was an association of musicians

vull dir

I mean


you know

i tot això fora

and all this out

i hi ha hagut

and there has been

el canvi generacional

the generational change

les botigues

the shops

ah, i les botigues

Ah, and the shops.

les escoles de música

the music schools

buides, quasi

empty, almost

per aprendre a tocar

to learn to play

la bateria, el baix

the drums, the bass

això abans era

this used to be

també s'ha de pensar

it also has to be considered



és molt xungo això

this is very tricky

sembla un avi

seems like an old man

sí, sí

yes, yes

que llavors




ha canviat

has changed



han acabat

they have finished

la gent

the people

la música

the music

representava molt més

represented much more



els joves

the youths

la gent

the people

és un pensament

it is a thought

no, no, no

no, no, no

perquè vosaltres teniu

because you have

moltes dintre

many inside

distraccions que nosaltres no teníem. Això és veritat, eh?

distractions that we didn't have. That's true, right?

No teníem res més. Però tu creus

We had nothing more. But do you believe?

que es devalua

that is devalued

la música en aquest cas? I tant, i tant.

The music in this case? Absolutely, absolutely.

Hòstia... Nosaltres no teníem res més, tio.

Holy... We didn't have anything else, man.

Els músics eren els nostres ídols, tio. Sí, però

The musicians were our idols, dude. Yes, but

era molt més identitari, també.

it was much more identity-based, too.

És a dir, aquest tio toca la guitarra i tu toques en un grup

That is to say, this guy plays the guitar and you play in a band.

i ara eres això, saps?

And now you are this, you know?

Ara tu pots tocar en un grup i fer pel·lis

Now you can play in a band and make movies.

i se tic-toca i saps moltes mil coses.

And I touch and you know many thousand things.

No, no, però és que només hi havia

No, no, but there was only.

dos teles, tio, dos canals.

Two screens, dude, two channels.

Hi havia la ràdio, no podies escoltar

There was the radio, you couldn't listen.

tota la música del que vols

all the music you want

a Spotify, era impensable. T'havies d'arruïnar

On Spotify, it was unthinkable. You had to go bankrupt.

comprant discos si és que arribaven.

buying records if they arrived.

Bueno, clar, que s'ha de volar la música.

Well, of course, you have to let the music fly.

T'ho anaves amb un audio-discos, el tio te podia aconsellar.

You could take it with an audio disc, the guy could advise you.

Clar, és que era un món totalment

Of course, it was a completely different world.

diferent. I llavors els músics, que ho vam

different. And then the musicians, who we did

parlar l'altre dia amb l'Aleix,

talking the other day with Aleix,

molts eren referents

many were references

culturals. Ara, hòstia, costa molt,

cultural. Now, damn, it's really hard,

tio. Sí, sí, sí.

Dude. Yes, yes, yes.

És a dir, l'entitat que, per exemple, encara té

That is to say, the entity that, for example, still has

un bon adudor avui en dia

a good helper nowadays

és que un tio que

it's just that a guy who

a vegades té...

sometimes it has...

fa d'activista polític

he has been a political activist

o d'activista...

or of activist...

I la repercussió que té. Saps com la pel·lícula

And the impact it has. Do you know how the movie...

de cuina aquella, el concert aquell que van fer

that kitchen, that concert they did

per la fam àfrica...

for African hunger...

Ai, no, era pel SIDA o no?

Oh, no, was it for AIDS or not?

No, el primer que ell... Després en van fer un altre

No, the first thing he... Then they made another one.

quan va morir en Freddie Mercury.

When did Freddie Mercury die?

Però, saps?

But, you know?

Vull dir, tot això ja no existeix.

I mean, all of this no longer exists.

No existeix tot el

Not everything exists.

moviment aquest que tenien aquesta gent, tota aquesta...

this movement that these people had, all this...

Hòstia, no és el mateix, eh?

Damn, it's not the same, is it?

Bueno, però...

Well, but...

Clar, no és el mateix. No hi ha uns frontmans

Of course, it's not the same. There are no frontmen.

des del meu punt de vista

from my point of view

amb tanta presència de mitjans

with so much media presence

i tanta presència així heavy.

and such heavy presence.

Bueno, sí, hi haurà en Cània, hi haurà no sé què,

Well, yes, there will be in Cània, there will be I don't know what,

però ja té una edat, aquest tio, també.

but he's already of an age, this guy, too.

Ah, tio, però és que ara el frontman ha canviat.

Ah, dude, but now the frontman has changed.

O sigui, no ets un frontman

So, you're not a frontman.

potser a l'escenari, però sí que ho veig a Instagram, saps?

Maybe on stage, but I do see it on Instagram, you know?

O sigui, jo crec que...

I mean, I think that...

No, no, no, però per parlar de coses que no siguin banals

No, no, no, but to talk about things that are not trivial.

de merda, saps? Clar, no, no...

Shit, you know? Of course, no, no...

No perquè tinc un Lambo, tinc no sé què...

Not because I have a Lambo, I have I don't know what...

Això és una merda.

This is crap.

Realment. Vull dir, això

Really. I mean, this.

tots els nens em matontaria el Lambo i, bueno,

all the kids would kill me for the Lambo and, well,

molt bé, però...

very good, but...

No sé, jo trobo que, clar,

I don't know, I find that, of course,

com que estem anant cap a una societat

as we are moving towards a society

cada vegada més individualista,

increasingly individualistic,

també és normal que passi això.

it's also normal for this to happen.

I, per l'altra banda, també penso que, joder,

I, on the other hand, also think that, damn,

és que abans ho parlàvem,

it's just that we were discussing it earlier,

que el món de la música sempre ha sigut

that the world of music has always been

com un palet sectari.

like a sectarian pallet.

És a dir, si no

That is to say, if not.

tocaves la guitarra des de petit

Did you play the guitar since you were little?

i ja no podies tocar la guitarra, era com impossible.

and you could no longer play the guitar, it was like impossible.

Clar, a mi...

Sure, to me...

Jo vaig començar a fer música

I started making music.

amb 21 anys o així.

at about 21 years old.

Això és una cosa... És molt heavy, això.

This is something... It's very intense, this.

Clar, però no ho hagués fet

Of course, but I wouldn't have done it.

si no hagués vist que hi ha pavos

if I hadn't seen that there are turkeys

que ho estan fent des de casa i

that they are doing it from home and

és com... Oh, mira, és guai.

It's like... Oh, look, it's cool.

I també és més accessible ara a nivell de pasta, tio.

And it's also more affordable now in terms of money, dude.

Una guitarra ara val 100 pavos.

A guitar now costs 100 bucks.

I la targeta de so i un micro...

And the sound card and a microphone...

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

La meva primera guitarra m'acostava... No ho recordo,

My first guitar brought me closer... I don't remember,

eren pessetes, tio. Una pasta que flipes.

They were pesetas, man. A lot of money.

Tot l'estiu et correm per una puta Yamaha.

All summer we're chasing you on a damn Yamaha.

Una part que no es pot falsejar, no es podia falsejar

A part that cannot be falsified, could not be falsified.

tot tant, tampoc.

not at all, either.

Modificar, vull dir, al final

Modify, I mean, in the end.

nosaltres vam començar a gravar amb un caset de 4 pistes.

We started recording with a 4-track cassette.

Això mola, tio.

This is cool, dude.

Havies de fer ping-pong.

You had to play ping-pong.

Això és molt punk, ja, tio.

This is very punk, man.

És el que hi havia.

It's what there was.

Els Beatles gravaven així.

The Beatles recorded like this.

És que és així. O tocaven bé o tomaven pel cul.

It's just that it's like that. Either they played well or they were a pain in the ass.

Ja, ja.

Ha, ha.

Ara, mira, jo no toco bé

Now, look, I don't play well.

i faig cançons.

I make songs.

Tu toques bé.

You play well.

Però faig cançons.

But I make songs.

Clar, té coses bones i coses dolentes, jo crec.

Of course, it has good things and bad things, I think.

Perquè també és això, no sé...

Because that's also it, I don't know...

A mi també m'agrada

I like it too.

el fet de...

the fact of...

Hauria estat a punt de posar-me com a exemple.

I would have been about to use myself as an example.


Holy shit.

A punt de posar-me com a exemple d'artista, eh?

About to use me as an example of an artist, huh?

Busca'n una altra.

Find another one.

Ni de puta conya. L'Ariox, per exemple, vale?

Not a fucking chance. Ariox, for example, okay?

No sé...

I don't know...

No, anem a parlar d'algú semblant a l'Ariox,

No, let's talk about someone similar to Ariox.

el Frank Ocean, vale?

Frank Ocean, okay?

Que hi hagi aquest misticisme

That there be this mysticism.

al voltant d'una persona

around a person

que potser abans no el podies tenir

that perhaps before you couldn't have it

perquè havies d'estar com

because you had to be like

super exposat,

super exposed,

que ara és curiós perquè ara també amb l'Instagram

which is now curious because now also with Instagram

i tota la merda, però...

and all the shit, but...

No sé, també ho trobo.

I don't know, I find it that way too.

Ho trobo guai, no, Marian? Més exposició en les xarxes.

I think it's great, right, Marian? More exposure on social media.

Però en Frank Ocean no s'exposa tant

But Frank Ocean doesn't expose himself as much.

en les xarxes. No li fa falta.

on the networks. He/she doesn't need it.

El tema és que no li fa falta.

The thing is that she doesn't need it.



No sé, és curiós. No sé si als anys 70

I don't know, it's curious. I don't know if in the 70s

algú que no s'exposés

someone who wouldn't expose themselves

podia triomfar, saps?

I could succeed, you know?

També és com que se li dona una miqueta més

It’s also as if it’s given a little more.

de valor a l'art en si

of value to art itself

i no tant a la persona.

and not so much to the person.

No sé, és una reflexió que acabo de fer ara mateix.

I don't know, it's a reflection I've just made right now.

Però és que...

But it is that...

Has passat de tu

You have moved on from yourself.

al Frank Ocean a través de l'Ariox.

to Frank Ocean through the Ariox.

Com qui va fer bé.

Like one who did well.

Però, mira, aquí

But, look, here.

podem entrar en una altra cosa.

We can move on to another thing.

És a dir, què és ser artista?

That is to say, what does it mean to be an artist?

Mira, és tenir els collons

Look, it's having the guts.

de dir-ho. Això és una resa que vaig fer l'altre dia.

to say it. This is a sketch I made the other day.

No, és... Mira, veus aquell senyor

No, it's... Look, do you see that gentleman?

allà? Sempre surt aquest senyor

There? This gentleman always shows up.

en tots els capítols. Passa'l, passa'l, passa'l. No sé qui és.

In all the chapters. Pass it, pass it, pass it. I don't know who it is.

Hòstia puta, tio. Fora. No sé qui és,

Holy shit, man. Get out. I don't know who it is.

de veritat. Aquest és el Picasso.

Really. This is the Picasso.

Aquest d'aquí és el Picasso.

This one here is the Picasso.

El Berger.

The Shepherd.

Aquest senyor? Sí.

This gentleman? Yes.

Amb un...

With a...

TV3, que, bueno, és

TV3, which is, well, it is.

indiferent, explica el que és ser artista

indifferent, explain what it is to be an artist

i són ells, que té raó.

And it is they who are right.

Ser artista és...

Being an artist is...

Un artista ho ha de ser sempre, totes les 24 hores

An artist must always be, all 24 hours.

del dia. Quina pal, tio. Sí, sí, sí.

of the day. What a drag, dude. Yes, yes, yes.

Però perquè ja és com un personatge que et creix

But because it's already like a character that grows on you.

però que te l'has d'acabar...

but you have to finish it...

O sigui, ho has d'acabar fent i això et

So, you have to end up doing it and this will you

porta, doncs, a

brings, then, to

tenir una vida com d'artista, saps?

to have a life like an artist, you know?



I, hòstia, ser artista

I, damn, being an artist

comença des de

starts from

tot el que tu fas i també el que tu crees.

everything you do and also everything you create.

Però també com et comportes tu.

But also how you behave.

Per ser una mica de diferent.

To be a little different.

O sigui, jo crec que el públic

I mean, I think that the audience

vol veure

want to see

coses diferents.

different things.

Saps? Un artista diferent. Un artista que és

You know? A different artist. An artist who is

una persona... Tu fixa't. Rosalí,

a person... You notice. Rosalí,

amb unes ungles així...

with nails like these...

Perquè busquen això. Busquen ser referents.

Because they seek this. They seek to be references.

Busquen que els mirin. No volen...

They want to be seen. They don't want...

Una persona normal, desapercebuda, no és

A normal person, unnoticed, is not.

un prototip d'artista. En general.

a prototype of an artist. In general.

Pot haver-hi el que vulguis.

There can be whatever you want.

Sí, òbviament. Però no és així.

Yes, obviously. But it's not like that.

No és així. Tu mires com anaven

That's not how it is. You look at how they were going.

els Beatles disfressats.

The Beatles in disguise.

No sé què, bueno, disfressats.

I don't know what, well, dressed up.

Amb les seves diferents èpoques, com anaven canviant,

With their different eras, how they changed,

els Rollings, aquest Richards...

the Rollings, this Richards...

Vull dir...

I mean...

Un artista, a priori,

An artist, in principle,

no pot ser una persona normal.

cannot be a normal person.

Per exemple, a mi, que m'agrada molt si ho deni,

For example, I really like it if you deny it.

per exemple, aquests tios, hòstia, ho fan de puta mare.

for example, these guys, damn, they do it amazingly well.


They have...

O sigui, tu veus pel carrer

So, you see in the street.

una persona i dius, hòstia, aquest tio

a person and you say, wow, this guy

aquest tio és artista, és músic, o és alguna cosa.

this guy is an artist, he is a musician, or he is something.

Jo vaig amb pintor al cabell.

I go with a painter for my hair.

No, no, clar, tu ja...

No, no, of course, you already...

Sí, però...

Yes, but...

Però quin pal, no?

But what a bummer, right?

Ja el puc tornar a posar.

I can put it back on now.





M'he encantat, eh?

I've enchanted myself, huh?

No et trenquis, eh?

Don't break, okay?

Però a mi, no sé, sí, estic d'acord amb això, eh?

But for me, I don't know, yes, I agree with that, okay?

Però també em fa una mica de pal

But it also makes me a little lazy.

el fet que estigui com...

the fact that it is like...

que sigui tan quadriculat.

that it is so rigid.

Rollo, si tu estàs tan centrat en ser artista

Dude, if you are so focused on being an artist.

i no et surt a tu de per si,

and it doesn't come to you by itself,

llavors ets un feca, no?

So you are a fool, right?

Ell també deia que t'has d'obligar-hi una mica.

He also said that you have to push yourself a little.

Bueno, és que té molt de personatge, també, creat.

Well, it's just that he has a lot of character, too, created.

Sí, és el que és director de cine.

Yes, he is the one who is a film director.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Odiat, per moltes coses.

Hated, for many reasons.

Sí, estimat.

Yes, dear.

De fet, el petit de Galerina és el seu tècnic de sofec.

In fact, the small one of Galerina is its suffocation technician.

Ah, això em sembla que ho parlessin.

Ah, I think they were talking about that.

Sí, no sé.

Yes, I don't know.

Sí, estic a favor, Rollo.

Yes, I am in favor, Rollo.

No, jo et dic la seva opinió

No, I'm telling you his opinion.

i jo la trobo bastant encertada en aquest aspecte.

I find it quite accurate in this respect.

Perquè a vegades nosaltres, tu ho veus,

Because sometimes we, you see it,

hem vist artistes anar a un escenari nostre

we have seen artists go to our stage

i dir, hòstia, tio, podries currar-te una mica, no?

And say, damn, dude, could you put in a little effort, right?

L'outfit o...

The outfit or...

Però a vegades no només és imatge,

But sometimes it's not just about image,

a vegades és més actitud, potser.

Sometimes it's more about attitude, perhaps.

Però la imatge també, tio.

But the image too, dude.

Jo crec que sí.

I think so.

Vaig al Porte, també.

I'm going to the Porte as well.

L'Àriox té un Porte que flipa, és d'artista.

The Àriox has an amazing Porte, it's an artist's.

Tu la veus i dius, hòstia, puta, saps?

You see her and say, damn, shit, you know?

Sí, però també l'Àriox i ell van així vestits així,

Yes, but Árioc and he also dress like this.

d'urban outfitters.

of Urban Outfitters.

De roba de segona mà, literal, de gent...

From second-hand clothing, literally, from people...

Bueno, d'això, d'urban outfitters.

Well, about that, about Urban Outfitters.

I també a vegades és més l'actitud, potser, saps?

And sometimes it's more about the attitude, perhaps, you know?

Però no s'ha de ser un gilipolles per ser un artista.

But you don't have to be an idiot to be an artist.

No, no, això no.

No, no, this is not it.

Això ho has dit tu.

You said that.

Ja, perquè és com el pensament que surt, saps?

Yes, because it's like the thought that comes out, you know?

Però això són prejudicis que tens.

But these are prejudices that you have.

Estan dient que en Bona són gilipolles?

Are they saying that in Bona they are idiots?

En Bona?

In Good?

Sí, no?

Yes, no?

Però probablement ha de ser la persona més gilipollesa del món.

But he probably has to be the most foolish person in the world.

En general, la gent que té...

In general, people who have...

Jo m'he rejado dos, perquè sí, no t'agosti.

I have done it twice, because yes, don't get angry.

La gent que té molta pasta i molt famosa,

The people who have a lot of money and are very famous,

molt amables no són.

They are not very nice.

Jo seria un fill de la gran puta tremendo, tio.

I would be an incredible son of a bitch, man.

I a més, si ho has petat amb vint i pocs,

And moreover, if you succeeded in your early twenties,

és que se te'n va l'olla.

You're losing your mind.

O clar, et montes el carro de Lego.

Oh sure, you set up the Lego cart.

Jo em petitzo molt amb Lego.

I have a lot of fun with Lego.

És com aquests xavals que triomfen amb vint i pico anys

It's like those guys who succeed in their twenties.

que són millonaris.

that they are millionaires.

És que és impossible no se te'n vagi l'olla.

It's just that it's impossible not to lose your mind.

Bon putero, el noi mare.

Good whore, the boy mother.

No ho deia per això,

I didn't say it for that reason,



Sí, sí, sí, total.

Yes, yes, yes, totally.

És lògic que se te'n vagi...

It's logical that you are losing it...

Després posa les lletres, les opinions dels convidats.

Then put the letters, the opinions of the guests.

No tens res a veure amb la direcció del programa.

You have nothing to do with the direction of the program.

Sí, no, clar.

Yes, no, of course.

Que vingui el pai del craque.

Let the father of the crack come.



És un debat que te cagues.

It's a debate that makes you shit your pants.

I últimament hi he estat pensant.

And lately I have been thinking about it.

I no sé, clar,

And I don’t know, of course,

jo, un dels meus artistes preferits

me, one of my favorite artists

va al Mac Miller,

go to Mac Miller,

que es va morir,

that died,

i no sé, ell em donava la sensació com que

"I don't know, he gave me the feeling like..."

tot el que deia la gent d'ell

everything that people said about him

era com, guai,

it was like, cool,

era la millor persona del món,

she was the best person in the world,

era com una passada estar amb ell a l'estudi

It was amazing being with him in the studio.

perquè feia bromes, tal.

because he was joking, like that.

I jo he pensat, dic, veus aquest cabró?

And I thought, I say, do you see this bastard?

No hi ha hagut artista millor que ell

There has been no better artist than him.

en molts anys.

in many years.

I no era un gilipolles, tio.

And I wasn't an idiot, man.

I no anava com de sobrat,

I wasn't acting all smug.

i no tenia una aura inaccessible.

and she did not have an inaccessible aura.

Que a vegades, molts cops,

That sometimes, many times,

es dona, saps?

It happens, you know?

La sensació de ser així.

The sensation of being like this.

Però en general, també, la gent aquesta, crec que

But in general, I also think that these people,

amb les persones que tenen al seu voltant

with the people around them

tenen un bon tracte.

they have good treatment.

El problema és amb les persones alienes

The problem is with foreign people.

en aquest voltant.

in this area.

Clar, també s'està fent dels sous, eh?

Of course, they're also working on the salaries, right?

Home, és que no seràs bon...

Come on, you're not going to be good...

No, però vull dir, en Mac Miller, aquest que no...

No, but I mean, Mac Miller, this one that not...

no el conec...

I don't know him...

No crec que escolti el podcast.

I don't think I'll listen to the podcast.

Ho té difícil.

It's difficult for him/her.

El senyor aquest, igual, quan sortia

This gentleman, the same, when he was going out.

del seu cercle de confiança, era un cabullo.

From his circle of trust, he was a fool.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Pot ser.

It could be.

Però al final de l'estudi acabes tenint una relació personal

But in the end of the study, you end up having a personal relationship.

amb tothom quan fa un mes que estàs allà treballant.

with everyone when you've been working there for a month.

Hi havia una entrevista del Niki Zem,

There was an interview with Niki Zem,

que deia que, clar, jo no puc estar en un aeroport tranquil, tio.

He was saying that, of course, I can't be calm at an airport, dude.

Diu, porto no sé quantes hores sense dormir,

He says, I don't know how many hours I've been without sleeping,

i la gent allà va assallar-me, va assallar-me,

and the people there attacked me, attacked me,

eh, una foto, no sé què.

Hey, a photo, I don't know what.

El tio els deia, em tomava el cul, perquè vull descansar.

The guy would tell them, "I'm taking a break because I want to rest."

També s'ha de veure...

It also has to be seen...

Sí que també és veritat que amb aquesta definició

It is also true that with this definition

també mola perquè et prens més en sèrio tu.

It also rocks because you take yourself more seriously.

En cert punt, no?

At some point, right?

Si tu et creus molt el que fas,

If you really believe in what you do,

també, doncs,

also, then,

d'alguna manera fas que tingui

somehow you make me have

una miqueta més de consistència, no?

a little more consistency, right?

No sé, em crearé algun personatge ja, a veure.

I don't know, I will create some character already, let's see.

A veure.

Let's see.

A veure si cal.

Let's see if it's necessary.

Madri Apuntís va crear la...

Madri Apuntís created the...

Bueno, això se n'anava una mica de l'espant, no?

Well, that was getting a bit out of hand, wasn't it?

L'Albert Pla.

Albert Pla.

També és de puta mare.

It's also fucking awesome.

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

Mola, no sé, és guai, és guai.

Cool, I don't know, it's great, it's great.

Bueno, no cal que sigui tan estrident, no?

Well, it doesn't have to be so loud, does it?

O histriònic, no?

Oh, histrionic, right?

L'Albert Pla s'hi va colar un bon gol un dia

Albert Pla sneaked in a good goal one day.

amb una carta a Madrid, a no sé quin diari.

with a letter to Madrid, to some newspaper.

Això va ser...

That was...

Tio, jo me'n recordo llegir-ho i dir...

Dude, I remember reading it and saying...

Vaig a gol per tota l'esquadra, eh, tio?

I'm going for a goal for the whole team, huh, dude?

Però jo vaig llegir-ho i dir, buà, quina putada,

But I read it and thought, ugh, what a bummer.

hem perdut un soldat molt important.

we have lost a very important soldier.

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

Hòstia, ara ens hem quedat sense una figura.

Damn, now we've run out of a figure.

Se'ls estava pixant la puta cara.

They were pissing the damn face.

Que bé, tio, puta Espanya.

How good, man, damn Spain.

Aquest tio tenia un documental que era tremendo,

This guy had a documentary that was tremendous,

que era tot...

that it was all...

Bueno, estic fotent un espòiler, que te cagues.

Well, I'm giving a spoiler that will blow your mind.

El tio volia fer un...

The guy wanted to make a...

Un espectacle de circ i tot era un muntatge

A circus show and it was all a setup.

per fer veure que se li havia anat la castanya

to pretend that he had lost his mind

i realment no era així,

and it really wasn't like that,

t'estava pixant tot el rato la gent que estava allà del documental.

You were peeing all the time the people who were there from the documentary.

Vaig disfrutar com un camí, tio.

I enjoyed it like a path, dude.

Mola, tio.

Cool, dude.

Bona, va fer idees, tio.

Good, he had ideas, man.

Viu per aquí?

Do you live around here?

No, no, vull dir, parlo del documental.

No, no, I mean, I'm talking about the documentary.

Ah, sí, abans, el documental.

Ah, yes, earlier, the documentary.

Ah, si ets una persona normal,

Ah, if you are a normal person,

un documental d'una persona normal és una merda.

A documentary about a normal person is a load of crap.

Sí, no, jo...

Yes, no, I...

Coses, tio, jo què sé, tio.

Things, man, I don't know, man.

Coses em passen, tio.

Things happen to me, dude.

Amb els meus col·legues tinc una bona fama de...

With my colleagues, I have a good reputation for...

Comença algun missi o fes alguna cosa.

Start some mission or do something.

Estic pensant de catar l'heroïna, tio.

I'm thinking of trying heroin, dude.

Però ho has de documentar.

But you have to document it.

Saps què tindria quan documentar l'Odo, tio?

Do you know what I would have when documenting Odo, dude?

Home, té una pel·li, té una sèrie.

He has a movie, he has a series.

L'Odo és el meu ídol.

Odo is my idol.

I l'he dit personalment.

And I have said it personally.

Sí, sí, exactament.

Yes, yes, exactly.

I ara en públic.

And now in public.

És més, podria posar una foto seva.

What's more, I could put a photo of him/her.

Oh, sisplau.

Oh, please.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, falta una de l'Amèrica, ens l'ha d'enviar.

Well, we're missing one from America, she has to send it to us.

Una d'en Joan.

One from Joan.



I l'Odo crec que és mereixedor d'una foto d'aquí.

And I think Odo deserves a photo from here.

Que guai.

How cool.

Tio, sóc el primer convidat.

Dude, I'm the first guest.

Sí, és el primer convidat.

Yes, he is the first guest.

Escolta, us dono una idea molt guapa.

Listen, I have a really cool idea for you.

Podríeu fer fotos dels convidats i anar-la posant aquí.

Could you take photos of the guests and put them here?

Hòstia, guapíssima.

Wow, gorgeous.



Sí, sí, sí, però amb Marc, eh?

Yes, yes, yes, but with Marc, okay?

Així quan vingui el Kate Richards...

So when Kate Richards comes...

No arribarà.

It won't arrive.

Perquè el Kate Richards és un dels meus idols, també.

Because Kate Richards is one of my idols, too.

Però quan més ha rogat, més.

But the more he begged, the more.

Sí, no?

Yes, no?



Aquesta gent...

These people...

El de Rollins fa molta gràcia, no?

Rollins' one is very funny, isn't it?

Al final tots es fotien de tot menys el bateria...

In the end, everyone made fun of everything except the drummer...

No, no, seria pitjor.

No, no, it would be worse.

Era pitjor?

Was it worse?

El bateria es punxava, tio.

The drummer was being a jerk, dude.

Ah, vale.

Oh, okay.

El que es fotia menys és el Mick Jagger.

The one who got it the least is Mick Jagger.

Menys dur.

Less hard.

Vale, clar.

Okay, clear.

Que curiosa, aquesta gent.

How curious, these people.

Quants anys?

How many years?

I amb el senyor Brian Jones.

And with Mr. Brian Jones.

Bueno, i el bateria, per exemple,

Well, and the drummer, for example,

que ell tocava jazz i després...

that he played jazz and then...

A ell li agradava el jazz i anava als Rolling Stones,

He liked jazz and went to see the Rolling Stones.

perquè mira...

because look...

Perquè era la comarca de feina,

Because it was the work region,

però a ell li agradava tocar jazz.

but he liked playing jazz.


Holy shit.

Aquestes coses les pots dir només si et va molt bé, no?

You can only say these things if everything is going really well for you, right?





Com deu dir el Dembélé.

What must Dembélé be called?



Quin ídol, tio.

What an idol, dude.

Ídol de masses.

Idol of the masses.

No, el millor és...

No, the best is...

Sembla un Titi, és aquí.

It looks like a Titi, it's here.

No, home...

No, come on...

El millor era en Song, xaval.

The best was in Song, kid.



Guapíssim, sí.

Very handsome, yes.

El que va dir.

What he said.

Sí, és brutal.

Yes, it's awesome.

Sí, és veritat.

Yes, it is true.

Puto rei.

Fucking king.

S'han de tenir quadrats, eh, però, per dir-ho.

They have to be square, you know, to say it.

Ho ha dit ara?

Did he say it now?

Jo crec que...

I believe that...

Ho ha dit ara.

He has said it now.

Jo crec que molta gent ho ha fet...

I believe that many people have done it...

Gareth Bale, tio.

Gareth Bale, dude.

Mai no ho diu.

He never says it.

Lo de Gareth Bale, allò de golf...

Gareth Bale's situation, that about golf...

Golf, Wales, Madrid...

Golf, Wales, Madrid...

És brutal, tio.

It's awesome, dude.

Bueno, és que si t'ofereix una...

Well, it's just that if he offers you a...

De fet, té raó.

In fact, he is right.

Jo miro per la meva família,

I look out for my family,

em van oferir un lloc, no jugaràs,

they offered me a place, you won't play,

però et farà ric.

but it will make you rich.

Però bueno...

But well...

Puta mare, tio.

Fucking hell, dude.

Doncs cap allà anem.

Well, off we go there.

Jo també hi aniria.

I would go there too.

No, va venir tota la família a presentació,

No, the whole family came to the presentation.

l'Alexander Song.

Alexander Song.

Amb 25 tios.

With 25 guys.

És veritat.

It is true.

O era el Neymar.

It was Neymar.

El Neymar no va venir amb els toys, aquells.

Neymar didn't come with those toys.

No, però aquest cançó també va venir

No, but this song also came.

amb molta família.

with a lot of family.

En Song no era...

In Song it wasn't...

Estava a l'Arsenal, aquest?

Was this at the Arsenal?



Recordo, el primer...

I remember, the first...

En Song era aquest que va veure l'Henri Monferrari

In Song it was this one that Henri Monferrari saw.

i va dir, hòstia, me'n compro un,

And he said, wow, I'm going to buy one.

i al cap de dues setmanes el va tornar per dir,

And after two weeks, he returned to say,

hòstia, amb el que costa de mantenir m'arruinaré.

Holy shit, with how much it costs to maintain, I'm going to go bankrupt.

Sí o no?

Yes or no?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

El tio va dir, jo arribo,

The guy said, I'll be there.

veig allà l'Henri Monferrari,

I see Henri Monferrari over there,

i diu, ja també, un tio, hòstia.

And he says, well, a guy, damn.

Me'l compro i diu, hòstia,

I buy it and he says, damn,

al cap de dues setmanes el torno, tio,

In two weeks I'll return it, dude.

que això no...

that this not...

Que no arribo a final de mes, eh?

I'm not going to make it to the end of the month, am I?

Tio, poc es parla de les toies que fitxava el puto Guardiola, eh, tio?

Dude, not much is said about the signings that fucking Guardiola made, huh, dude?

Perquè aquest tio el va fitxar el Guardiola.

Because Guardiola signed this guy.

No, no, no, el fitxava el Guardiola.

No, no, no, he was signed by Guardiola.

Bueno, en Chigrinsky sí, eh?

Well, in Chigrinsky yes, huh?

Alexander Song el va fitxar Tito Vilanova.

Alexander Song was signed by Tito Vilanova.

100% segur.

100% sure.

Però en Chigrinsky...

But Chigrinsky...

No, no, clar, hòstia.

No, no, of course, damn it.

Martin Cáceres.

Martin Cáceres.

El Guardiola era inútil fitxant.

Guardiola was useless at signing players.

Fitxant era un desastre.

Fitting was a disaster.

Hòstia, és que algun fitxatge així que diguis,

Damn, is there any signing that stands out like that?

buà, va servir molt...

well, it helped a lot...

Kevin De Bruyne, tio.

Kevin De Bruyne, man.

Bueno, sí, clar, però el City ja no m'interessa, tio.

Well, yeah, of course, but the City doesn't interest me anymore, dude.

Sí, sí, però...

Yes, yes, but...

Però el feia.

But he did it.

Ell el vol, però el Bayern,

He wants him, but Bayern,

per jugar al mig, i el Huygen és aquell...

to play in the middle, and the Huygen is that one...

És un fitxatge de la portera, no?

It's a signing of the goalkeeper, right?

No, home, no, tio.

No, come on, man.

Però ja era famós, aquest tio.

But this guy was already famous.

Va canviar de posició, tio, va ser com en Messi.

He changed position, dude, it was like Messi.

Però ja era famós, ja.

But he was already famous, you know.



Bueno, jugava al Wolfsburg, oi, tio?

Well, he played for Wolfsburg, right, dude?

Tampoc era...

It wasn't either...

Per què estem parlant de fútbol?

Why are we talking about football?

Ja, ho anava a dir, ho anava a dir.

Yes, I was going to say it, I was going to say it.

Podem fer el que... Això és lliure, tio.

We can do whatever... This is free, man.

La sotana, un programa d'esports.

The cassock, a sports program.

Sí, no?

Yes, no?

Una mica la sotana musical.

A little bit the musical cassock.

No, voleria, realment.

No, I would really like to.

A veure, un programa de rajada musical.

Let's see, a musical slice program.

Una pregunta.

One question.

Vinga, Martí.

Come on, Martí.

Vinga, va.

Come on, let's go.

Amb quin artista t'agradaria col·laborar o fer una col·labo?

Which artist would you like to collaborate with or do a collab?

No, diem panorama català, primer.

No, we say Catalan panorama, first.

És igual, lliure, eh?

It's okay, free, right?

Amb el petit de Calaril.

With the little one from Calaril.

Petit de Calaril.

Little of Calaril.



Sí, sí, és un somni.

Yes, yes, it's a dream.

Perquè, a més, mola molt, perquè amb el meu pare

Because, moreover, it's really cool, because with my father

hem fet com una...

we have made like a...

Hem fet una relació.

We have made a relationship.

No, però ens ha servit molt de connectar,

No, but it has helped us a lot to connect.

perquè, clar, tota la música que escolto

because, of course, all the music I listen to

també és, en part, gràcies al meu pare,

it is also, in part, thanks to my father,

perquè des que era un canijo,

because since I was a little kid,

em posava...

it put me...

Música molt bona.

Very good music.

I és com...

And it's like...

Bueno, hem trobat això, que tenim molt en comú

Well, we found this, that we have a lot in common.

i ens agrada molt, hem anat a molts concerts amb ell

And we really like it, we have gone to many concerts with him.

i seria molt...

and it would be very...

Seria maco de l'hòstia fer una col·labo amb ell.

It would be really cool to collaborate with him.

Molt bona persona.

Very good person.

Que guai.

How cool.



Tinc un autògraf seu.

I have an autograph from him/her.

No ho diguis, que increïble.

Don't say it, how incredible.

No ho diguis, que és una...

Don't say it, it's a...

Abans ho parlàvem, tio, cabrons.

We were talking about it earlier, dude, assholes.


It is...

Bueno, jo...

Well, I...

Però sí, sí, home, a partir de Calaril sense pensar-ho.

But yes, yes, of course, from Calaril without thinking about it.

Per mi, des de la meva opinió humil,

For me, from my humble opinion,

és el millor que hi ha ara mateix,

it's the best there is right now,

el panorama català.

the Catalan panorama.


From there.

Perquè a més té molta experiència, és nou de molts.

Because he also has a lot of experience, he is new to many.

Si es poséssim del rotllo...

If we were to get into the groove...

És que no tinc...

I don't have...

Jo crec que sí.

I think so.

Ell farà en Palau...

He will do in the Palace...

Bueno, el Jordi Mates és el millor productor d'Espanya.

Well, Jordi Mates is the best producer in Spain.

Però el petit, més que en farà en Palau, m'agrada.

But the little one, more than the one in Palau, I like.

És molt bé.

It's very good.

Per moltes coses.

For many things.

Són diferents, també.

They are different, too.

Sí, sí, però també...

Yes, yes, but also...

La banda la van compartir la mateixa al final, crec.

The band shared it in the end, I think.

Ell toca molt.

He plays a lot.

Sí, per això.

Yes, for that.

Però el directe és brutal,

But the live performance is brutal,

la comunicació amb el públic és brutal.

The communication with the public is amazing.

Quan feia allò de les dues bateries, allò, flipantes.

When I was doing that with the two batteries, that was mind-blowing.



Això no ho he vist.

I haven't seen that.

Fins i tot l'escenografia m'agrada.

I even like the set design.

Senzilleta, però molt maca.

Simple, but very nice.

Ella a l'escenari és una passada.

She is amazing on stage.

Com es mou, com transmet...

How it moves, how it transmits...

És un top.

It is a top.

Tios, jo els vaig veure al Festival Vida, aquest any,

Dudes, I saw them at the Vida Festival this year.

i, clar, era com el primer gran concert després del Covid.

Yes, of course, it was like the first big concert after Covid.

Van tocar la de...

They played the one with...

Saps? La del triangle.

You know? The one with the triangle.



Quasi plorant de l'emoció, perquè ens van fer baixar tots.

Almost crying with emotion, because they made us all get off.

I, oh, tio...

I, oh, dude...

Jo vaig anar a un bolossal, tu i ella.

I went to a bowl, you and her.

Que salva.

That saves.

Que els tios tocaven...

That the guys played...

I el públic estava al voltant.

And the audience was around.

Que guai.

How cool.

Una idea molt bona.

A very good idea.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.



Si li vols mirar el culete.

If you want to look at his/her/its bottom.

Això ho va fer a vos dos?

Did this do it to both of you?

Bueno, però...

Well, but...

A Can del Barça.

At the Barça's Can.

Quina putada, eh?

What a bummer, huh?

Hòstia, que la gent, els fans de dos, m'insultin als comentaris, sisplau.

Damn, please let the people, the fans of both, insult me in the comments.

Veure-li el cartró al Bono, des de...

Seeing the cardboard of the Bono, from...

Veure la banda de sota com toquen, no?

See the band below playing, right?

I, per exemple, amb quin artista...

And, for example, with which artist...

Digues productor, va, tio.

Come on, producer, man.

No, quin artista...

No, what an artist...

No faries mai una col·laboració.

You would never do a collaboration.

Així que ha estat, home, ja, tio, un mullet cabron.

So it has been, man, yeah, dude, a badass mullet.

Que cabron.

What a bastard.

Català, català.

Catalan, Catalan.

No t'agrada quedar mai malament amb ningú, però sé que et potejo.

You never like to look bad in front of anyone, but I know that I annoy you.

No, no, no tinc cap problema.

No, no, I have no problem.

No, el rotllo aquest és un gilipolles.

No, this guy is an idiot.

No, però...

No, but...

Això no, tio.

Not that, dude.

No, perquè diré l'Ariox i suda, no vull dir-ho.

No, because I'll say Ariox and sweat, I don't want to say it.

Sap on vius.

You know that you live.

Algú en català que no volgués fer una col·laboració...

Someone in Catalan who didn't want to make a collaboration...

Del panorama català, no cal que sigui...

From the Catalan panorama, it does not need to be...

Si porti el Loquillo.

If he brings Loquillo.

El Loquillo és català?

Is Loquillo Catalan?

No, però...

No, but...

Sí, sí que és català.

Yes, it is Catalan.

Mira, tio, et diria...

Look, man, I would tell you...

Té una cançó molt bona que es diu La Mataré,

He has a very good song called La Mataré.

que em penso que ara no estaria gaire benvinguda.

I think that now I wouldn't be very welcome.

Bueno, no, clar, no es porta això, ara.

Well, no, of course, that's not how it works now.

Que encara és curiós, eh?

Isn't it still curious, huh?

A les concerts igual la toca, és top, eh?

At the concerts, she plays it too, it's great, huh?

Hòstia, m'està costant, eh?

Damn, this is hard for me, isn't it?

Òbviament, gent de la meva edat m'agradaria amb tothom,

Obviously, people my age would like me with everyone,

i a més em cauen bé tots.

And besides, I like everyone.

Però diria algun Gerard Quintana,

But I would say some Gerard Quintana,

algú que estigui molt fora de l'onda.

someone who is very out of touch.

No tinc res en contra seva.

I have nothing against him/her.

Ara ve de sopa de cabra, tu,

Now it comes from goat soup, you.

o Martí, o en Fonsinga...

Oh Martí, oh Fonsinga...

Diries que no? No m'ho crec.

Would you say no? I don't believe it.

És més fals que un bitllet de dos euros, tio.

It's faker than a two-euro note, dude.

Sí, sí, tio, tio.

Yes, yes, dude, dude.

A veure, un segon, m'heu fet una pregunta i heu res.

Let's see, one second, you've asked me a question and you've done nothing.

No, però...

No, but...


We would force you.

Que cabrons.

What bastards.

Jo contra les cordes, eh?

Me against the ropes, huh?

Home, li passaríem pistes sense...

At home, we would give you hints without...

No, va, doncs us diré als amics de les arts, tio.

No, come on, then I'll tell the friends of the arts, man.





No ho faria.

I wouldn't do it.



No ho faria.

I wouldn't do it.

Perquè ja l'han fet amb els tiats.

Because they have already done it with the tíats.

Que cabrons.

What bastards.

Bueno, i nosaltres tampoc no volem gestionar-ho més.

Well, we also don't want to manage it anymore.


Thank you.

No cal.

No need.

Però sí, sí, però sense tenir en contra res seu personal.

But yes, yes, but without having anything against her personally.

Òbviament, música és el que hi ha.

Obviously, music is what there is.

Quin disc t'ha sorprès més...

Which album has surprised you the most...

Et va sorprendre més el 2021?

Did 2021 surprise you more?

S'ha volgut preguntar en la entrevista de la xarxa, això.

This has been wanted to be asked in the network interview.

Però està guai, està guai.

But it's cool, it's cool.

El 2021, una mica, tio.

In 2021, a bit, dude.

A veure, el que t'ha agradat.

Let's see, what you liked.

La xarxa gran.

The big network.

A veure...

Let's see...

Clar, sorprès és que m'hagi agradat molt

Sure, surprised is that I liked it very much.

o que m'hagi sorprès de dir

or that has surprised me to say

oh, és algú nou i m'ha agradat.

oh, it's someone new and I liked it.

No, que t'hagi...

No, that I have...

Sí, no, que t'hagi sorprès per...

Yes, no, that it surprised you for...

per el tret diferencial que tingui,

for the differential trait that it has,

per el que t'ha molat molt.

for what you really liked.

O sigui, no el del teu artista preferit, ja no comptes, saps?

So, not the one from your favorite artist, it doesn't count anymore, you know?

Algú nou que hagis descobert.

Someone new that you have discovered.

Va, canviem-ho així.

Come on, let's change it like this.

Algú nou que hagis descobert i que t'hagi molat molt.

Someone new that you've discovered and really liked.

I que ho hagi tret nou el 2021.

And that it was released again in 2021.

També ho posarem a baix.

We will also put it below.

És difícil, eh, això?

It's difficult, isn't it?

A veure...

Let's see...

Ah, però t'estàs preguntant...

Ah, but you're asking yourself...

No, clar, clar.

No, of course, of course.

T'ho faig el protagonista.

I'll make you the protagonist.

Això t'ho pregunto jo.

This is a question I ask you.

I això que et ginola.

And this is what makes you angry.



A veure, ben, ben, els vaig descobrir el 2021.

Let's see, well, well, I discovered them in 2021.

Ja els vaig descobrir el 2020.

I discovered them in 2020.

És un segell dels Estats Units que es diu Griselda,

It is a stamp from the United States called Griselda.

que són tres o quatre tios que foten un rap,

that are three or four guys rapping,

l'hòstia de cru i l'hòstia de...

the smack of raw and the smack of...

de boom-bap molt, molt...

the boom-bap a lot, a lot...

molt passat de voltes.

very convoluted.

I hi ha un pavo d'aquest col·lectiu o segell

And there is a turkey from this collective or label.

que es diu West Side Gun,

that is called West Side Gun,

que ha tret com dos anys, dos, tres projectes,

that has put out about two years, two, three projects,

que jo pensava, dic,

that I thought, I say,

el 2020 me'n va treure un i era de polla,

In 2020, it took one from me and it was a cock.

dic, ui, a veure,

I say, oh, let's see,

que ara el 2021 traurà la típica mixtape, tal.

that now in 2021 he will release the typical mixtape, such.

Hòstia, el malparit es va cardar un àlbum de l'hòstia,

Damn, the bastard messed up an amazing album.

que es diu...

that is called...

És forma part d'una col·lecció d'àlbums

It is part of a collection of albums.

que el títol, no sé si ho puc dir,

that the title, I don't know if I can say it,

és una persona que portava un bigoti així

It's a person who had a mustache like this.

i que matava molta gent.

and that killed a lot of people.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Hitler wears Hermes, el volum 8.

Hitler wears Hermes, volume 8.

És una puta passada.

It's an absolute blast.

És una passada, perquè...

It's amazing because...

I la cançó predilecta d'aquest, així la posarem a baix.

And his favorite song, we will put it down below.

Hòstia, no sé si...

Wow, I don't know if...

Si ens la col·locarem i posarem un vídeo de Hitler...

If we put it on and play a video of Hitler...

És que me la jugaré a dir un títol d'una cançó, però...

I'm going to risk saying the title of a song, but...

Bueno, ja ens ho diràs després.

Well, you’ll tell us later.

Sí, m'ho sé per l'ordre.

Yes, I know it for the order.

Va, ens ho dius i ja ho pengem.

Come on, you tell us and we'll upload it.

La seta és la bona sempre.

The mushroom is always good.

La teva preferida, el petit de Calari, l'abans que has dit, ja...

Your favorite, the little one from Calari, the one you mentioned before, yes...

La de Non tornerà, em sembla espectacular.

The one from Non will return, I find it spectacular.

I, hòstia, la penúltima del disc

I, damn, the penultimate track of the album.

també em va semblar una puta borrada,

it also seemed like a fucking nonsense to me,

no me'n recordo del títol.

I don't remember the title.

Tot aquell disc és una...

That whole album is a...

El nou, eh?

The new one, huh?

Sí, sí, sí, del nou disc.

Yes, yes, yes, from the new album.

Hòstia, és una passada.

Holy shit, this is amazing.

I si poguessis produir un artista del món?

And if you could produce an artist from the world?

Del món?

From the world?

És que del món es fliparà.

It will blow the world away.

No, perquè produir-lo ell...

No, because producing it himself...

Però que del món es fliparà.

But what in the world will flip.

És igual, com que es flipi, tio.

It doesn't matter, whatever, man.



A Francoix ja no ho sabia.

And Francoix no longer knew it.

Jo també, però...

Me too, but...

Bueno, doncs jo què sé...

Well, I don't know...

Clar, què dic, algú del panorama.

Of course, what I mean is someone from the scene.

Em molaria molt produir la Núria Graham, tio.

I would really like to produce Núria Graham, man.




Very much.

Perquè, a més,

Because, furthermore,

o sigui, òbviament,

that is, obviously,

el Ferran Palau, Petit de Calaril, també,

Ferran Palau, Petit de Calaril, too,

però la Núria Graham, hòstia, tio,

but Núria Graham, damn, man,

noto que té...

I notice that it has...

Noto que té com un...

I notice that he/she has like a...

Tio, t'he donat de menjar molt.

Dude, I've fed you a lot.

Però què passa aquí?

But what is happening here?

M'he quedat aquí amb un budell buit.

I've stayed here with an empty stomach.

Que puta, tio.

What the hell, dude.

T'has sobrat arros, eh?

You've got leftover rice, huh?



No sé, que té com...

I don't know, it has like...

Tota la seva música té com uns referents

All his music has certain references.

que m'inspiren molt

that inspire me a lot

i estan bastant lluny del que jo escolto, també.

and they are quite far from what I hear, too.

Llavors, hòstia, seria...

Then, damn, it would be...

Però llavors creus que tu li podries aportar

But then do you think you could contribute to him?

quelcom interessant?

Something interesting?





Perquè el productor és el que esperem.

Because the producer is what we expect.



Sí, productor, no...

Yes, producer, no...

No sé si millorar.

I don't know if I should improve.

Una tècnica de gravació.

A recording technique.



Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Clar, jo no diré millorar el que ja té,

Of course, I won't say to improve what he/she already has.

perquè el que té sona superben parit.

because what has sounds really well done.

No, però un productor pot aportar alguna cosa.

No, but a producer can bring something.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

No sé, li podria aportar...

I don't know, I could contribute...

Ritmes de rap.

Rap rhythms.

Així, guai, li passarem aquest vídeo...

So, cool, we'll send him this video...


We will label it.

Farem un clip i l'etiquetarem, t'imagino.

We'll make a clip and label it, I imagine you.

Hòstia, sisplau.

Holy shit, please.

No sé, la visió d'algú que no sap de música...

I don't know, the perspective of someone who doesn't know about music...

Això, un productor...

This, a producer...

Això pots aportar-ho.

You can contribute this.

No, un productor que et digui...

No, a producer that tells you...

Una visió fresca.

A fresh perspective.

Clar, tio, no sé quin és un do.

Sure, dude, I don't know what a gift is.

No sé quin és un do.

I don't know what a gift is.

No tinc ni puta idea, tu, és igual.

I have no fucking idea, you, it doesn't matter.

Bueno, nosaltres està...

Well, we are...

Eh, eh, tornem en aquest, eh?

Hey, hey, let's get back to this, eh?

Sí, bueno, i l'altre.

Yes, well, and the other.

Quin altre?

Which other?

L'altre que falta a la foto.

The other one that is missing from the photo.


The other.

En Joan.


En Joan?


En Joan no sap el que toca.

Joan doesn't know what to do.

Però és que en Joan és ultrafan del Bercerra, també.

But Joan is a superfan of Bercerra too.



No sé.

I don't know.

No, toca de puta mare, en Joan?

No, damn it, Joan?

Sí, però és que no sap el que fa.

Yes, but he/she doesn't know what he/she is doing.

Que guapo.

How handsome.



No, però ja...

No, but already...

Però vull dir, li apuntes les notes,

But I mean, you take notes for him/her,

diu, no sé, jo m'ho prenc...

says, I don't know, I take it...

No sap apuntar les notes,

He/She can't take notes.

és que era brutal s'apuntar.

It was brutal to sign up.

No, si no se'n sabia.

No, if one didn't know.

Com les digitacions,

Like the key presses,

que collons t'apuntes, això.

What the hell are you signing up for?

Perquè no se'n sabia.

Because it was not known.

Com mor-se, saps?

Like dying, you know?

Era una cosa superestranya.

It was a very strange thing.



Hòstia, tio.

Holy shit, dude.

Mira, canviaré la resposta,

Look, I will change the answer,

que ja estava avançant.

that was already progressing.

Tio, compta gent que estigui morta?

Dude, do you count people who are dead?



Que li preveixis un disc amb un mort?

What do you expect from a disc with a dead person?



O sigui...


No, però...

No, but...

Hòstia, em fotria molta il·lusió

Damn, it would make me very happy.

produir alguna cosa del Frank Sinatra, tio.

Produce something by Frank Sinatra, dude.


Holy shit.

Crec que em molaria.

I think I would like it.

El Frank Sinatra amb 808.

Frank Sinatra with 808.


Holy shit.

Seria a por de polla, tio.

It would be a chicken's fear, dude.

Encara en queda un d'aquells, com es diu?

There's still one of those left, what's it called?

En Tom Bennett.

Tom Bennett.

El Tom Bennett,

Tom Bennett,

que està fent coses amb la Lady Gaga.

that is doing things with Lady Gaga.

Sí, sí, però està...

Yes, yes, but it is...

Quan n'estem, Pau, aquest...

When we are, Pau, this...

L'estan portant...

They are taking him/her...

Se li beuen els fils quan surt a l'escenari.

You can see the threads when he/she goes on stage.

Com es diu el...

What is the... called?

Tony Bennett.

Tony Bennett.



Bueno, sí.

Well, yes.

Com es diu l'estil aquest?

What is this style called?

A veure...

Let's see...

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Són uns indocumentats.

They are undocumented immigrants.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Kruner, no?

Kruner, right?

Són Kruners, aquests, o no?

Are they Kruners, these, or not?

Ni puta idea.

No fucking idea.

Kruners, que són els de les barberies i això.

Kruners, which are the ones from the barbershops and such.

No, no.

No, no.

Barberies amb una moto per cada...

Barberies with a motorcycle for each...

Hòstia, ara tinc el mòbil aquí.

Damn, I have the phone here now.

No se'l deixes.

Don't let him go.

Has deixat aquí i està molt...

You have left it here and it is very...

Ah, me l'han robat.

Ah, they have stolen it from me.

Hòstia, no hi ha ni idea de lo que és.

Damn, there's not even a clue of what it is.

Ho vaig a buscar.

I'm going to look for it.

És que jo vaig néixer el 96, Ricard.

It's just that I was born in '96, Ricard.

Tio, Frank Sinatra...

Dude, Frank Sinatra...

Saps que havia vingut a Tossa de Mar?

Did you know that I had come to Tossa de Mar?



A buscar l'Ava Gardner.

To look for Ava Gardner.

És guapíssim, això.

It's really beautiful, this.

És que anava a dir, però una noia segur.

I was going to say, but definitely a girl.





En plan, una mica de violència i tot el rotllo.

Like, a bit of violence and all that.



Una mica controlador.

A bit controlling.



Ha estat a Tossa.

He has been to Tossa.

Són màfies, aquestes.

They are mafias, these.

Són bon breix i són mafios.

They are good at breaching and they are mafiosos.

Bueno, el padrino, no?

Well, the godfather, right?

Té l'escena...

It has the scene...

El padrino, a la 1, surt el...

The godfather, at 1, comes out the...

A bona.


No, surt el Frank Sinatra, entre cometes, no?

No, Frank Sinatra comes out, in quotation marks, right?

Ah, sí.

Ah, yes.

Un tio que ja està en decadència completa

A guy who is already in complete decline.

i l'estan posant a les pel·lis a través de la màfia, saps?

And they're putting him in the movies through the mafia, you know?

Que va haver-hi un pollo, de fet, amb Frank Sinatra.

That there was a chicken, in fact, with Frank Sinatra.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Tio, l'escena del cavall, del cap del cavall, ve per això.

Dude, the scene with the horse, the horse's head, is because of this.

Ah, no ho sabia.

Ah, I didn't know that.

Ve perquè va a un estudi i el foten fora i tal.

He comes because he goes to a studio and they kick him out and so on.



Molt guai.

Very cool.

Així que fotria el Frank Sinatra, tio.

So I would screw Frank Sinatra, man.

Joder, seria molt guai.

Damn, that would be really cool.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Jo cada any per Nadal em menjo Frank Sinatra, tio.

I eat Frank Sinatra every year for Christmas, dude.

Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, són crooners.

Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, are crooners.



Vale, vale.

Okay, okay.

Hòstia puta.

Holy shit.

Sembla una marca de sabates, crooners.

It looks like a shoe brand, crooners.

Són crocs.

They are crocs.

Per això, per això.

That's why, that's why.

Però sí, no sé.

But yes, I don't know.

Hòstia, és que d'aquestes veus, et diria també, jo què sé.

Damn, it's just that from these voices, I would also tell you, I don’t know.

No sé, ara no et diré ningú més.

I don't know, I won't tell anyone else now.

Però algú tan especial, amb aquesta veu tan especial i això, ha de ser...

But someone so special, with such a special voice and that, must be...

Bueno, també el que m'agrada molt d'aquesta gent

Well, what I really like about these people too

és com es van movent per la melodia, no?

It's how they move through the melody, right?

És a dir, aquella de sota.

That is to say, the one below.

Ara et ve un tio així a l'estudi aquí, et cagues de por.

Now a guy like that comes into the studio here, you’d be scared to death.

No, no, estaria tremolant.

No, no, I would be trembling.

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

Obriria les plais amb el Frank Sinatra darrere.

I would open the doors with Frank Sinatra behind.

Com en Kenny B.

Like Kenny B.



How are we feeling today?

How are we feeling today?

Tal qual.

Just like that.





Però saps que el projecte dels Deadheads, com va néixer, tio?

But do you know how the Deadheads project was born, dude?

Van fer reviure el...

They brought back the...

Com es deia?

What was it called?

El Tenorius...

The Tenorius...

El rapero, que no sé com sona el nom.

The rapper, whose name I don’t know how it sounds.

Amb la intel·ligència artificial, li van fer fer música a ell.

With artificial intelligence, they made him create music.

I van fer l'NFT del Pavo fent això, tio.

They made the NFT of the Turkey doing this, dude.


Holy shit.

I és brutal.

And it's brutal.

És que cola que te cagues, tio.

It's such a long line, dude.

Però no pot tenir intel·ligència artificial.

But it can't have artificial intelligence.

L'altre dia vau veure uns cantants que ara...

The other day you saw some singers that now...

Que te fots un...

What the hell...

Amb un...

With a...

Amb un outfit i ets digitalment una altra persona.

With an outfit, you are digitally another person.

I, diguéssim, amb un cap de drac, o no sé què, i et pots acantar.

I, let's say, with a dragon's head, or I don't know what, and you can sing.



Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

No ho he vist, això.

I haven't seen that.

Això serà el futur, tio.

This will be the future, dude.

Artistes digitals.

Digital artists.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Com allò dels japonesos o dels coreans, no sé quins són les ties aquestes.

Like those Japanese or Koreans, I don't know who these girls are.

Que a més la veu no és ni d'una persona, que està generat per un dinador.

That besides, the voice is not even that of a person, it is generated by a computer.

Això fa molt mal collo, tio.

This hurts a lot, dude.

Això és guapíssim, eh?

This is very pretty, isn't it?

No, no.

No, no.

Així està displès.

Thus it is displayed.

Tu fas la teva actuació i tens com si fos un NFT d'aquests moments.

You perform your act and have something like an NFT of those moments.

Va, com filtra Instagram, no?

Come on, it filters Instagram, right?

Sí, però tu ets sencer i tot de puta mare, eh?

Yes, but you are whole and doing great, right?

Hòstia, que guapo.

Damn, that's cool.

O sigui, pots convertir-me en el personatge que tu vulguis

So, you can turn me into any character you want.

i fa el mateix que fas tu.

and does the same as you do.

Però després això és en un vídeo, o com...

But then that's in a video, or like...



O en un...

Or in a...

Crec que en un holograma, tio.

I think it's a hologram, dude.


Of course.

O sigui, que si toques a Austin ja n'hauràs d'anar allà.

So, if you touch Austin, you'll have to go there.

Sí, home, si toques a Austin has d'anar a Austin, tio.

Yeah, man, if you're going to Austin, you have to go to Austin, dude.

Bueno, però...

Well, but...

Per favor.


Però fas de lliure altre.

But you make another free one.



Melbourne, sí, però...

Melbourne, yes, but...

No sé si arriba...

I don't know if it arrives...

Bueno, amb el 5G que diu que bueno...

Well, with the 5G that they say is good...



Si no estàs per la prop, ja està.

If you're not up for it, then that's it.

Això ho tenim tots, el 5G.

We all have this, 5G.

Clar, som antenes.

Of course, we are antennas.





Som antenes de 5G.

We are 5G antennas.

De fet, estem en via satèl·lit.

In fact, we are on satellite.

Això és guapíssim.

This is beautiful.

La transmedida, això, via satèl·lit.

The transmeasurement, this, via satellite.

Els artistes aquests fan això, és un bestial.

These artists do this, it's amazing.

Bueno, i hi havia l'holograma aquell del Tupac, no?

Well, there was that hologram of Tupac, right?

Que va sortir fa temps.

That came out a long time ago.



Que era com...

It was like...

Una actuació de la Madonna amb els...

A performance by Madonna with the...

Com es diu, tio?

What's your name, dude?



Amb els goril·les.

With the gorillas.



I que passa per darrere l'holograma, eh?

And what happens behind the hologram, huh?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



I això fa temps, eh?

And that's been a while, huh?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Increïble, tio.

Incredible, dude.

Que guai.

How cool.

Mira, t'ho compraria de goril·les.

Look, I would buy it for you from gorillas.

Per cert, els goril·les venen, tio.

By the way, gorillas sell, dude.

A Primavera, sí.

To Spring, yes.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Uau, t'hi dones ganes, els goril·les?

Wow, do you really want to, the gorillas?

Tinc ganes, i que facin el tema que tenen amb l'Slow Tie,

I am looking forward to it, and for them to do the song they have with Slow Tie.

que també ve del Primavera.

that also comes from Primavera.

I en d'ahir m'ho anava per mi.

And yesterday I was going for myself.

Quan van fer el Vince Staples va fer el tema dels goril·les,

When they made it, Vince Staples did the track about the gorillas.

s'havia de petar l'ordinador del Primavera.

the Primavera computer had to crash.



Sí, eres?

Yes, you are?



Bueno, no ho sé, no me'n recordo.

Well, I don't know, I don't remember.

Jo estava, jo estava.

I was, I was.

Jo me'n recordo que estava molt enfadat.

I remember that I was very angry.

Molt, per això no es va parar.

A lot, that's why it didn't stop.

Jo me'n recordo, tio...

I remember, dude...

Però no van duplicats, tio?

But aren't they duplicated, dude?



Portaven un i l'altre.

They carried one another.

Anaven amb un ordinador.

They were going with a computer.

La OCB No Shake va parar el bolo, també,

The OCB No Shake also stopped the party.

perquè va tirar l'ampolla d'aigua.

because he/she threw the water bottle.

Jo crec que quan vaig anar a veure Twenty One Pilots

I believe that when I went to see Twenty One Pilots

teníem un muntatge allà que no falla ni de cop.

We had a setup there that never fails, not even once.

No, ja penya que porta dos i si peta un...

No, it's already a crowd that has two and if one bursts...

És més, crec que duien dues taules.

Moreover, I believe they were carrying two tables.

Pot ser.

It could be.



Hòstia, sí que...

Holy shit, yes that...

I, tio, és a dir, tant la imatge...

I, dude, that is to say, both the image...

Bueno, allò era...

Well, that was...

Home, clar.

Home, of course.

Twenty One Pilots.

Twenty One Pilots.

O no ho vas veure?

Oh, didn't you see it?

A Bilbao.

To Bilbao.



Però allò era foler.

But that was crazy.

No havia vist mai un muntatge així.

I had never seen a setup like this.

Bueno, molt yankee.

Well, very yankee.

Ja, clar.

Yes, of course.

O sigui, era...

So, it was...



O sigui, no hi havia ni un segon de parada.

So, there wasn't even a second of pause.



Que fort.

How strong.

Tot quadriculat, també, segur.

Everything squared off, too, for sure.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Sí, no, no.

Yes, no, no.

Com el directe del Galgolento,

Like the live performance of Galgolento,

si no l'heu vist, aneu-lo a veure.

If you haven't seen it, go see it.



Ara, hòstia.

Now, damn it.

Uns tres temps allà...

About three times there...

Quins concerts tens propers?

What upcoming concerts do you have?

Sí, és la xarxa.

Yes, it is the network.

Ara ja que hi som, és l'últim.

Now that we're here, it's the last one.

És la xarxa.

It's the network.



Has de marxar.

You have to leave.

El 20 de febrer toquem a Cardedeu.

On February 20th we will be playing in Cardedeu.

Ui, no arribarem aquí.

Oh, we won't make it here.

Vas tocar a Cardedeu.

You played in Cardedeu.

Vaig tocar.

I touched.

Està guapo el bolo, eh?

The gig looks good, huh?

Va anar bé el bolo, eh?

The gig went well, huh?

Sí, molt.

Yes, a lot.

Hòstia, molt bona rebuda i tal.

Holy shit, very good welcome and all.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Cardedeu és un bon poble.

Cardedeu is a good town.

Quina borratxera, aquell dia, eh?

What a drunk fest that day, huh?

Jo venia d'una calçotada super cuit.

I was coming from a super cooked calçotada.

Vaig trobar els col·legues i tal, allà.

I met the colleagues and stuff, there.

Sí, brutal.

Yes, brutal.

I el 18 de març toco un Benel, tio.

And on March 18 I play a Benel, dude.

Toco abans que Benel.

I play before Benel.

Hòstia, que potser sí que arribarem aquí, eh?

Damn, maybe we will actually get here, huh?

18 de març, crec.

March 18th, I think.

Però, bueno, un trànsit...

But, well, a traffic...

Gràcies al posar aquest vídeo que digui això,

Thank you for putting this video that says this,

vendrà 100 entrades més.

will sell 100 more tickets.

No, no, està sold out.

No, no, it’s sold out.

Està sold out.

It is sold out.

Que guapo, un Benel, eh, tio?

How cool, a Benel, huh, man?

Jo hi aniré, però, eh?

I'll go there, but, right?

Tu hi aniràs?

Will you go there?

Jo hi aniré gratis, tio.

I'll go for free, dude.

Què, cabron?

What, you jerk?

Jo també hi aniré gratis.

I will also go for free.

Jo sóc el mànager del Galgolento.

I am the manager of Galgolento.

Portaràs el gel, no?

You will bring the ice, right?

Com el de Can del Valencià.

Like the one from Can del Valencià.

No, en soltero, tio.

No, as a single man, dude.

Ah, pot ser un concert guai, eh?

Ah, it could be a cool concert, huh?



El de Galgolenta.

The one from Galgolenta.

Hòstia, fa molt que no veig el Benel en directe,

Damn, it's been a long time since I've seen Benel live.

però anys i anys, eh, tio?

but years and years, huh, dude?

És bo que ara és una locura, tio.

It's good that it's crazy now, man.

Però molts anys que no veig el puta Benel, tio.

But I haven't seen that damn Benel in many years, man.

És una mica...

It's a bit...

O sigui, vaig veure un concert fa mil anys...

I mean, I saw a concert a thousand years ago...

O sigui, per exemple, el primer disc de Benel,

That is to say, for example, Benel's first album,

per mi, és una puta obra mestra,

for me, it’s a fucking masterpiece,

i hi ha cançons que...

and there are songs that...

És dels disc-tops de català.

It is one of the top Catalan albums.

És el grup més dolent de Catalunya.

It is the worst group in Catalonia.

És que em transporta.

It transports me.

Llavors, el segon disc m'agradaven ja dos o tres.

Then, I already liked two or three songs from the second album.

O sigui, el primer igual m'agraden quasi totes.

So, I almost like all of the first one.

I cada cop he anat a menys.

And I have gone less and less.

Però això és un tema personal.

But this is a personal matter.

Però han arriscat molt, aquests tios, eh?

But they've taken a big risk, these guys, huh?

Home, l'últim disc...

Home, the last album...

Sí, tio, allò de la puta Maria del Mar Bonet,

Yes, dude, that thing about the damn Maria del Mar Bonet,

allò és increïble.

that is incredible.

Però allò em va agradar, tio.

But I liked that, dude.

Allò em va agradar molt.

I liked that a lot.

Allò m'estimava molt, tio, però vaia...

I loved that so much, dude, but wow...

Vaia molt, hòstia, és...

Wow a lot, damn, it’s...

A mi m'ha explotat el cap, tio.

My head has exploded, dude.

Però com a folk, no sé si es pot dir folk o no sé què...

But as folk, I don't know if it can be called folk or I don't know what...

Però això ho han abandonat ja, no?

But they've already abandoned this, right?

El primer, no?

The first one, right?

No ho sé, però aquella que parla de Roma, com...

I don't know, but the one that talks about Rome, like...

Sí, que has nascut a Roma.

Yes, you were born in Rome.

És que les lletres...

It's just that the letters...

Allò es transporta, tio.

That’s being transported, dude.

És que és increïble, vull dir...

It's just incredible, I mean...

Per uns principiants fer allò és espectacular.

For beginners, doing that is spectacular.

Que eren xavals, no?

They were just kids, right?

No ho sé.

I don't know.

A mi em sembla xavals catalans.

It seems like Catalan kids to me.

No ho sé, eh? Potser no.

I don't know, huh? Maybe not.

Potser eren una miqueta més...

Maybe they were a little more...

Bé, però és que fot molts anys, aquesta negra.

Well, it's just that this black one has been around for many years.

Perquè el 2008, això...

Because in 2008, this...

A més, havien anat al Sona 9.

In addition, they had gone to the Sona 9.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I no havien guanyat.

And they hadn't won.

Bueno, més o menys.

Well, more or less.

No, de veritat.

No, really.

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

És més, és més, és més.

It's more, it's more, it's more.

Una persona que té una discogràfica que no podem dir

A person who has a record label that we cannot name.

ens va confessar...

he confessed to us...

Que tenia el seu disc, el rotllo...

That he had his record, the roll...

Ei, nananà.

Hey, little one.

Tenim aquest disc que ens encantaria dir tant tu, què et sembla?

We have this record that we would love to say, what do you think?

I el va trobar un dia fent endesa.

And he found him one day doing a renovation.

Els dos paigconyars, era...

The two pages...



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Hòstia puta.

Holy shit.

Aquesta persona...

This person...

Imagina't, eh?

Imagine that, huh?

Bueno, clar, anava a criticar la visió d'aquesta persona,

Well, of course, I was going to criticize this person's view,

però no perquè no va veure.

but not because he/she didn't see.

Bueno, és el que passa també amb...

Well, it's what happens also with...



Que moltes propostes es queden a les paperes.

That many proposals end up in the trash.

Bueno, i no te'ns ha passat de...

Well, and hasn't it happened to you that...

Evidentment, ni parlar amb un artista,

Obviously, talking to an artist,

però haver vist un artista i què tal això?

But have you seen an artist and how about that?

Ah, puta bessona.

Ah, twin whore.

Era la resòria.

It was the resòria.

Bueno, puta bessona, no.

Well, you don't, you bitch.

Home, no, però...

Well, no, but...

Però que no és un estil per nosaltres.

But it's not a style for us.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Però també cal dir que feia flamenc i nosaltres...

But it's also true that he was making flamenco and we...

Clar, per això...

Of course, that's why...

No tenim mercat per nosaltres.

We don't have a market for us.

Però vosaltres vau rebre...

But you received...

No, no, no vam rebre, però vam beure.

No, no, we didn't receive, but we drank.

La Meri, cal dir-ho, és la que ho va dir.

Meri, it must be said, is the one who said it.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Jo no...

Not me...



Crec que deu estar en un fil d'algun mail nostre.

I think it must be in a thread of one of our emails.



Tio, però quina passada, no, això de...

Dude, but what an amazing thing, right, this...

No, bueno, quan estàvem en refri, devia ser.

No, well, when we were in the fridge, it must have been.

Sí, potser va estar abans.

Yes, maybe it was before.

És que no fa tant, eh, d'això?

It's not that long ago, is it?

No, en refri.

No, in the fridge.

Potser fot quatre anys.

Perhaps four years ago.

És quan va començar a treure el cap.

It was when he/she started to show up.

No, és quan vam començar a treure el cap amb la Marion.

No, it's when we started to stick our heads out with Marion.

Va ser quan vam...

It was when we...

Era en el Balcony TV, tio.

It was on Balcony TV, dude.

Sí, però era pel carrer frit.

Yes, but it was on Frit Street.

Sí, però això fot set anys, tranquil·lament, sis-set anys.

Yes, but that was easily seven years ago, six or seven years.



Hòstia, és que Déu-n'hi-do, eh, tio, la Rosalia.

Wow, it's just that God help us, huh, man, Rosalia.

Clar, doncs hauria dit que no, segur.

Of course, then I would have said no, for sure.

Home, seguríssim.

Definitely home.

Bueno, perquè ja tenia com molt clar, no?

Well, because I was already very clear about it, right?

No, i potser si hagués estat amb nosaltres no estaria d'estar.

No, and maybe if he had been with us he wouldn't be in this situation.

Seria un drama, tio.

It would be a drama, dude.

Si estigués a l'estara, tu no estaries aquí.

If I were at the door, you wouldn't be here.

I en Martí està allà...

And Martí is there...

Amb el Frank Diu, fotent-te...

With Frank says, messing with you...

Fent un EP, no?

Making an EP, right?

Produint amb la Rosalia.

Producing with Rosalia.

Seria molt guapo.

It would be very cool.

Bueno, jo ho faig amb la Rosalia catalana, que és l'Ariox, tio.

Well, I do it with the Catalan Rosalia, which is Ariox, dude.

La Rosalia catalana, la Rosalia és de...

The Catalan Rosalia, the Rosalia is from...

Hòstia, però sí, sí.

Holy shit, but yes, yes.

Que curiós, tio.

How curious, dude.

Sempre et passen aquestes coses, tio.

These things always happen to you, man.

Pensar que una cosa és una puta bessura i que ho peti a Martí.

Thinking that something is a complete mess and let Martí deal with it.

Com la dama.

Like the lady.

Una puta bessura, no, és que no ens encaixa.

A real mess, no, it just doesn't fit us.

O jo he pensat coses que són una puta bessura que han anat molt bé,

Or I've thought of things that are a fucking blast that have gone really well,

i ara no es reproduirà perquè...

and now it will not be reproduced because...

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No siguis animal.

Don't be an animal.

I estan anant de puta mare.

And they are doing great.

Ah, bueno.

Ah, well.

És curiós, ja sé què vols dir.

It's curious, I already know what you mean.

No, però tampoc ho haguéssim agafat igual.

No, but we wouldn't have taken it anyway.

És a dir, em mantindríem els meus sants d'això que no.

That is to say, we would keep my saints from this not.

I em segueix semblant una merda.

It still seems like shit to me.

Però està funcionant.

But it's working.

Sí, i m'ha passat més d'una vegada.

Yes, and it has happened to me more than once.



És a dir, potser no tenim...

That is to say, perhaps we don't have...

No seria...

It wouldn't be...

Seria una mica guardiola, jo, fitxant.

I would be a bit of a hoarder, me, signing.

Sí, no?

Yes, right?

L'últim que...

The last thing that...

No, tampoc ho direm.

No, we won't say it either.

El golejador de la Premier...

The goalscorer of the Premier...

Però ha fallat, eh?

But it has failed, right?

I tu ho saps, no direm res més.

And you know it, we won't say anything more.

No digui res més, no digui res més.

Don't say anything more, don't say anything more.

És que no sé si estem parlant de futbol o de...

I don't know if we're talking about football or...

Sí, no, no, no, estem parlant d'un dia que et vaig fer una consulta.

Yes, no, no, no, we are talking about a day when I consulted you.

Vale, després ho parlem, després ho parlem.

Okay, we'll talk about it later, we'll talk about it later.

No, no, si pensa.

No, no, if he/she thinks.

Jo et vaig consultar una cosa sobre no sé qui.

I consulted you about someone I don't know.

Però ja estàs anant amb vistes, jo.

But you are already going with views, I.

Què saps tu?

What do you know?

No, no ho sap ningú, aquí ho veurà, això.

No, no one knows it, here you will see it, this.

Tio, que anem al podcast, donarà subvenció i...

Dude, we're going to the podcast, it will provide funding and...

No, no, no sé per on vas, eh?

No, no, I don't know where you're going, huh?

És igual, després t'ho diré.

It doesn't matter, I'll tell you later.

Sí, sí, sí, sí, millor.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, better.

Millor perquè et diré...

Better because I will tell you...

Són les hores del bit.

It's time for the bit.

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

Però els hores del bit estem molt dispersos.

But the hours of the bit are very scattered.

S'ha d'haver-hi una comunió.

There must be a communion.

Tot i que cal dir que la cançó aquella d'estiu,

Although it must be said that that summer song,

que també la posarem a baix, de veritat...

that we will also put it at the bottom, really...

No, però es posarà a baix, el que vulguis, no?

No, but it will go down, whatever you want, right?

Ho fem una llista de reproducció, tio.

We're making a playlist, dude.

Links a l'Amazon.

Links to Amazon.

Lista de reproducció de l'episodi aquest.

Playlist of this episode.

Links a l'Amazon.

Links to Amazon.

Hòstia, tio, no, eh, llista de reproducció.

Damn, dude, no, eh, playlist.

No, que si algú vol comprar aquest micro a l'Amazon,

No, if someone wants to buy this microphone on Amazon,

deixarem un link a sota amb un 10% de descosta.

We will leave a link below with a 10% discount.

Que és diferent, eh?

What is different, huh?

Sí, són diferents.

Yes, they are different.

Aquest, a més, es pot connectar a USB.

This, in addition, can be connected to USB.

Ui, però això no sona bé, no?, si ho connectes a USB.

Oh, but that doesn't sound good, does it?, if you connect it to USB.

Estem perdent pasta.

We are losing money.

Perdona, jo dic que es pot connectar.

Sorry, I said that it can be connected.

Ah, d'acord, d'acord.

Ah, okay, okay.

El que passa, no, el que passa és que...

What happens, no, what happens is that...

No, no, no és el mateix.

No, no, it's not the same.

Aquest està fet expressament per això.

This is made specifically for that.

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

Xurer va fer un podcast que no hagi d'anar amb una XLR d'aquests.

Xurer made a podcast that doesn't have to go with one of those XLRs.

Per poder-ho tirar directament a l'ordinador sense tenir una tercera.

To be able to throw it directly to the computer without having a third party.

Sí, a més està preparat.

Yes, and it's ready.

No, si deu sonar ben parit, hòstia.

No, if it must sound well put together, damn it.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

O sigui, és especial per podcast, en teoria.

So, it's special for podcasts, in theory.



O sigui, realment és la versió d'aquest de podcast.

So, it is actually the podcast version of this.

Sí, això sí que ho havia vist.

Yes, I had seen that.

Clar, aquest és el...

Sure, this is the...

O sigui, no és un micro USB guarro.

So, it's not a dirty micro USB.

El que passa és que aquest necessita, l'SME8,

What happens is that this one needs, the SME8,

necessita un previ de canyó, perquè té poca xitxa.

It needs a prior of a cannon, because it has little flesh.

Molt poca, és una puta merda.

Very little, it's a damn mess.

I llavors a casa...

And then at home...

És dinàmic.

He is dynamic.

Sí, però a més a més, perquè a casa...

Yes, but furthermore, because at home...

Però a casa...

But at home...

A casa no és tenir un previ...

At home it’s not about having a preview...

És complicat.

It's complicated.

Clar, clar, clar.

Clear, clear, clear.

Llavors vam fer aquest.

Then we made this one.

Bueno, doncs deixarem el Linga a sota.

Well, we'll leave the Linga below.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Vull dir, jo us aconsello...

I mean, I advise you...

La setmana que ve sortirà el samarreto de Xurer.

Next week, Xurer's T-shirt will be released.

Sí, sí, seria guapíssim.

Yes, yes, it would be beautiful.

Us aconsello aquest, eh?

I recommend this one, okay?

Us aconsello aquest.

I recommend this one to you.

Aquest és de puta mare per casa.

This is fucking great for home.

No, però...

No, but...

I per fer les gravacions, també.

And for the recordings, too.

Tio, amb això han gravat...

Dude, with this they have recorded...

Amb tu han gravat algun dia, amb això?

Have they recorded with you any day, with this?

Sí, però que has de tenir un previ.

Yes, but you need to have a prerequisite.

Ho vam provar un dia, però no ho vam agafar.

We tried it one day, but we didn't take it.

A mi m'agrada més l'altre, el 414.

I like the other one more, the 414.

Ja ho sé, però jo vaig tenir una època

I know, but I went through a period.

que tothom que passava per aquí gravava amb aquest micro.

that everyone passing through here recorded with this microphone.



Però és que has de tenir una...

But you have to have a...

Bueno, ara ens fotrem aquí.

Well, now we will get here.

Una veu molt clara.

A very clear voice.

Saps qui cantava amb aquest micro?

Do you know who sang with this microphone?

Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson.

No, anava a dir...

No, I was going to say...

Bueno, dos, dos, toma.

Well, two, two, here you go.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

No, crec que no.

No, I don't think so.

Michael Jackson, 58.

Michael Jackson, 58.

Bat, el fa tot amb aquest.

But he does everything with this.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Però aquest micro...

But this mic...

Amb aquest mateix.

With this one too.

Però era el xorro que devia tenir aquell tio.

But it was the jerk that guy must have had.


Holy shit.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Jo, moltes cançons del meu àlbum estan gravades amb un 58.

I, many songs from my album are recorded with a 58.

Com ho dos.

How do I do it?

Però és que realment...

But it's just that really...



És que és l'únic.

It's just that it's the only one.

És com un superguitarra agafa una Squire de merda de 100 euros

It's like a super guitar takes a crappy 100 euro Squier.

i et penses que toca amb una guitarra de 3.000.

And you think you play with a guitar worth 3,000?

I tu agafes una guitarra de 3.000

And you pick up a guitar worth 3,000.

i sembla que toquis amb una Squire de 5.000.

It seems like you're playing with a Squire worth 5,000.

Tu, eh, tu, concretament.

You, hey, you, specifically.

No, no, jo també.

No, no, me too.

I amb cordes de fil ferro, rovellats, agafats d'una obra.

And with rusty wire ropes, taken from a construction site.

Sí, sí, és així.

Yes, yes, that's how it is.

Clar, clar, clar.

Of course, of course, of course.

Jo me'n recordo, això també és un tema, eh?

I remember, that's also a topic, right?

Anar amb una botiga de música...

Go to a music store...

Què és això?

What is this?

Hòstia, aquesta guitarra, o que t'ampli?

Damn, this guitar, or are you going to amplify it?

Sí, el tio d'allà agafa...

Yes, the guy over there grabs...

Hòstia, que bé que sona!

Damn, that sounds great!

Toca, toca!

Knock, knock!

No, no, no, ja...

No, no, no, already...

Després et cagaves a sobre quan fotien això, tio.

Afterwards you would shit yourself when they did that, man.

Per què?


Perquè quedava un solazo que al·lucina...

Because there was a sun that is amazing...

No, clar, però la guitarra toca i jo...

No, of course, but the guitar plays and I...

Toca, toca, tio.

Knock, knock, dude.

Sí, sí, està bé, està bé.

Yes, yes, it's fine, it's fine.

A mi això em feia...

This made me...

No, no, mira, agafa aquesta, no, no, que no...

No, no, look, take this one, no, no, that one...

Tinc el dit enrampat.

I have a cramp in my finger.

Que finaven allà amb els harmònics i tot plegat...

That they ended there with the harmonics and all that...

Sempre m'he trobat gent molt subnormal, tio, en aquestes botigues.

I've always found very stupid people, dude, in these stores.

Ui, tant.

Oh, yes.

Molt seus, no?

Very soft, isn't it?

Hi ha excepcions, eh? Hi ha botigues molt guais.

There are exceptions, right? There are some really cool stores.

Sí, però jo, l'experiència que he tingut...

Yes, but I, the experience that I have had...

Hòstia, tio, la majoria és com un...

Damn, dude, most of it is like a...

Què vols, que t'aplaudeixi?

What do you want, for me to applaud you?

Trotllo, deixa'm provar la puta guitarra.

Trotllo, let me try the damn guitar.

Mira, no vull fer espòilers.

Look, I don't want to give spoilers.



No, no, espòilers no, però no vull fer propaganda,

No, no, no spoilers, but I don't want to promote it.

però jo no botiga.

but I do not shop.

La Barcelona molt gran, tio, està molt bé.

Barcelona is very big, dude, it's really nice.

I allà no tenen problemes amb provar, deixar-te provar...

And there they don't have problems with trying, letting you try...

Però molt gran.

But very big.

Però la que és molt petita, també.

But the one that is very small, too.

Sí, però intimida, a mi m'intimida, tio.

Yes, but it intimidates, it intimidates me, man.



A l'espai petit.

In the small space.

A mi m'intimida, tio, petita, sí.

It intimidates me, dude, little one, yes.

Ah, tio, però el tracte de puta mare, allà, tio.

Ah, man, but the deal is awesome, there, dude.

Sí, però no em queixo del tracte.

Yes, but I don't complain about the treatment.

Ah, ja.

Ah, I see.

Jo et dic com a experiència d'usuari, jo ho entenc,

I tell you as a user experience, I understand it.

però a mi m'intimida, tio.

but it intimidates me, dude.

A mi m'agrada estar... que ningú et miri.

I like being... that no one looks at you.



Però no com quan et masturbes.

But not like when you masturbate.

Clar, home, clar.

Of course, man, of course.

Clar, bueno, depèn, eh, ja.

Sure, well, it depends, huh, yeah.

Hi ha gent que li agrada com a mínim.

There are people who like it at least.

Hi ha gent que li agrada a dos mans.

There are people who like it by two hands.

Ja, ja.

Yes, yes.

O a tres.

Or three.



Intentar fer alguna connexió, però fer-la molt malament.

Try to make some connection, but do it very poorly.

O fer la cadena.

Or make the chain.



Ja, ja.

Yes, yes.

El Luis Siquei.

The Luis Siquei.

És el primer capítol que està començant a mular.

It's the first chapter that is starting to stall.

Tu vine sempre, tio.

You always come, dude.

Sí, jo encantat.

Yes, I'm delighted.

El que passa és que estic...

What happens is that I am...

Veus que una puta hora.

You see it as a damn hour.

Tio, fem primer aquest capítol i ja està.

Dude, let’s do this chapter first and that’s it.

Home, ja.

At home, already.

Aquest és el primer capítol.

This is the first chapter.

Els altres dos són a punt de merda.

The other two are about to shit.

El pilot.

The pilot.

No sortiran, eren pilot, que la cadena els ha tret.

They won't go out, they were pilots, as the chain has taken them out.

Que insultaven molt.

They insulted a lot.

No descarten, no?

They don't rule it out, do they?

Els han tret, estan descartats.

They have been removed, they are discarded.

Guapíssim, tio.

Very handsome, dude.

De què estàvem parlant?

What were we talking about?

Quina era la pregunta?

What was the question?

No hi havia cap pregunta.

There was no question.

Crec que m'han anat navegant.

I think they have been sailing me.

És guai.

It's cool.

Hem anat a...

We have gone to...

Els heros del vid.

The heroes of the vine.

Ah, sí, sí, els heros del vid.

Ah, yes, yes, the heroes of the vine.

Que la cançó aquella mola molt, tio.

That song is really cool, dude.

És ben parida, tio.

That's well said, dude.

Molt guai.

Very cool.

De fet, em va sorprendre molt perquè no havia escoltat alguna cosa i tal.

In fact, I was very surprised because I hadn't heard anything like that.

Però és que aquella...

But it's just that that...

Però m'agrada molt, no?

But I like it a lot, don't I?

I ells, tothom ho sap.

And they, everyone knows it.



Quan jo dic les...

When I say the...

Quan jo dic les coses, no dic mai res per dir.

When I say things, I never say anything just to say.

I és que és increïble, tio.

And it's just incredible, dude.

Està molt guapa.

She looks very beautiful.

I el vídeo també, molt xulo.

And the video as well, very cool.

Aquell vídeo vam...

That video we...

Bueno, va haver-hi un brot de Covid, aquell dia.

Well, there was an outbreak of Covid that day.



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

O sigui, vam gravar aquell vídeo i jo, al puto cap de 3-4 dies,

In other words, we recorded that video and I, after fucking 3-4 days,

tenia doble bolo a Terrassa Festa Major i al Festival Vida.

I had double performances in Terrassa's Festa Major and at the Vida Festival.

Ah, no, però el Vida el vas fer.

Ah, no, but you did make the Vida.

Clar, clar, vaig fer els dos.

Of course, of course, I did both.

Perquè jo...

Because I...

Però la pilla la Malena.

But Malena takes it.

Jo no vaig pillar.

I didn't get it.

No, la Malena es va trobar malament.

No, Malena felt unwell.

La Malena el va pillar...

Malena caught him...

El Vida.

The Life.

El va pillar o se'n va donar?

Did he catch it or did he give it away?

No, bueno, se'n va donar fent el cribatge de...

No, well, they gave it while screening for...

I se'n va alargar, sí.

It was prolonged, yes.

Clar, li van dir...

Of course, they told him...

Ah, per això, això també en vam parlar un dia, eh?

Ah, that's why, we talked about this one day, didn't we?

I ell, com a bon espòs, va entrar.

And he, as a good husband, entered.

És a dir...

That is to say...

I jo vaig dir...

And I said...

Tranquil·la, no pateixis, jo entro.

Calm down, don't worry, I'm coming in.

Encara estem sorpresos que estiguis amb tu.

We are still surprised that you are with you.

Bueno, perquè...

Well, because...

Hi ha cosetes.

There are little things.

Això, ojo, eh?

This, watch out, huh?

Hi ha hagut competicions.

There have been competitions.

No, jo li vaig dir...

No, I told him/her...

Malena, jo, si vols...

Malena, I, if you want...

Si vols...

If you want...

Tu ves, tranquil·la.

You go, take it easy.

Sí, i ella va dir el típic...

Yes, and she said the typical...

Tu ves.

You go.

Tu tranquil·la, que no passa res.

You relax, nothing is happening.

Sí, em va saber molt greu.

Yes, I was very sorry.

Però li vaig dir, però amb distància, eh?

But I told him, but with distance, okay?

Que no em contagis.

Don't infect me.

I després vas pillar, tu.

And then you got caught, you.

Fa poc.

Not long ago.

No, però abans ja l'havia pillat.

No, but I had already caught it before.



No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Ah, jo pensava que sí.

Ah, I thought so.

No, no, jo m'havia escapat.

No, no, I had escaped.

Qui és que es va perdre bolos de Covid a part dels tiets?

Who else got lost due to Covid besides the uncles?



A veure.

Let's see.

El de Cardedeu.

The one from Cardedeu.

Però per què?

But why?

Per Covid.

For Covid.

Ah, no, aquest, no, dic abans.

Ah, no, this one, no, I mean the one before.

No, no, abans no.

No, not before.

Hòstia, ni idea, tio.

Damn, no idea, man.

Els tiets es van fotre...

The uncles got drunk...

Sí, els tiets se m'han patat tres.

Yes, my uncles have died three.

Tres de pasta.

Three of dough.



Van a la pasta de...

They go to the pasta of...

I no es van posposar, no van fer una entrada de carta.

And they were not postponed, they did not make an entry of the letter.

No recordo, eh, però...

I don't remember, huh, but...

Hòstia, és xulo, això.

Wow, this is cool.

Perquè no festes majors històries així.

Why don't you have major festivals with stories like this?

Oh, quina merda.

Oh, what a mess.

És que va ser just el dia, però...

It was just the day, but...

I ara em sap molt greu, però si jo...

And now I am very sorry, but if I...

Si dono un positiu amb Covid, jo m'ho callo.

If I test positive for Covid, I will keep it to myself.

No, jo no em penso fer més proves, tio.

No, I'm not going to take any more tests, dude.

Ei, jo tampoc, tio.

Hey, me neither, dude.

Va a trepar el cul.

He's going to climb the ass.

Ni antígens ni hòsties.

Neither antigens nor shit.


It is...

No, perquè si te la fas, no és positiu, últimament.

No, because if you do it, it's not positive, lately.




Do you know?

També és que, tio, ja no tinc cos, tio.

It's just that, man, I don't have a body anymore, man.

És que agafo un mal de coll i penso, ja tinc cos.

It's just that I get a sore throat and think, I already have a body.

Agafo no sé què...

I take I don't know what...

Tu ets molt hipocondríac, tio.

You are very hypochondriacal, dude.

No, però és que ara qualsevol símptoma ho pot ser.

No, but now any symptom can be one.

Si tens una mare que és gran i tal...

If you have a mother who is old and such...

No, no, clar, és el que som.

No, no, of course, it is what we are.

Tio, referent a això,

Dude, regarding this,

parlant ja de les meves vivències, eh,

speaking already about my experiences, huh,

vaig fer una broma al Festival Vida, molt bona,

I made a joke at the Vida Festival, very good,

però que no va tenir molt bona acceptació, vale?

but that didn't receive a very good reception, okay?

Clar, era l'època aquesta,

Of course, it was this time,

de Covid més dur, tal,

of tougher Covid, such,

i al Festival Vida, per entrar dins del recinte,

and at the Vida Festival, to enter the venue,

t'havies de fer una prova d'antígens i tal.

You had to do an antigen test and so on.

I estàvem tocant,

And we were playing,

i jo els hi vaig dir, els de la banda,

And I told them, the ones from the band,

porto dies pensant en una broma,

I've been thinking about a joke for days,

i és boníssima, ja voleu, no sé què, no sé quantes,

And it's really good, you want it, I don't know what, I don't know how many,

no havia explicat a ningú.

I hadn't told anyone.

Vaig entrar allà, ja no vaig entrar.

I entered there, I didn't enter anymore.



I, és veritat, tu estaves.

And, it's true, you were.



I vaig, estava així al mig d'una cançó,

I was, it was like this in the middle of a song,

o sigui, al mig d'una cançó, no,

that is to say, in the middle of a song, no,

després d'una cançó,

after a song,

i vaig dir,

I said,

bueno, després ens veiem allà al polígon

Okay, see you there at the industrial estate.

fent-nos altres antígens.

making us other antigens.

Sí, ho vaig veure.

Yes, I saw it.

I dir que per molts no serà l'únic que entrarà pel nas avui.

I would say that for many, it won't be the only thing that will go up their nose today.

Sí, sí, sí, sí, me'n recordo, me'n recordo.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, I remember, I remember.

I jo em pensava, dic,

And I thought to myself, I say,

quina broma més bona és aquesta?

What a good joke is this?

La penya.

The crew.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Igual no em van escoltar, fotien molt de vent.

Maybe they didn't hear me, it was very windy.

Sí, probablement no m'escoltessin.

Yes, they probably wouldn't listen to me.

Però era un xiste bastant guai, eh?

But it was quite a cool joke, right?

Sonava molt guai al meu cap.

It sounded really cool in my head.

Sí, vaig estar dubtant de quina cosa seria que havia d'entrar,

Yes, I was wondering what it was that I had to enter.

però hi havia diverses opcions.

but there were several options.

No, bueno, no ho sé.

No, well, I don't know.

No, no, qualsevol cosa.

No, no, anything.

Clar, jo què sé.

Sure, what do I know?

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

Allà al Festival Vida, aigua no prena, la gent no prena.

There at the Vida Festival, water doesn't drink, people don't drink.

En general, als festivals.

In general, at the festivals.

A la vida, tampoc, eh?

In life, neither, huh?

A la vida, tampoc.

In life, neither.

Per cosa que hi havia en Roger Pobret, que tenia...

For something that there was in Roger Pobret, who had...

En Roger tenia 3 anys.

Roger was 3 years old.

I hi havia un tio, nano, allà, donant-ho tot, eh?

And there was this guy, man, over there, giving it his all, huh?

Com una xepata.

Like a bunch.

Però no t'ho imagines, eh?

But you can't imagine it, can you?

Que s'havia menjat una ensaïmada, no?

That he had eaten a pastry, right?

No, no, no, estava allà al costat, allà.

No, no, no, I was right there, there.

I així fent així cap a punt, t'ho juro.

And by doing this just in time, I swear to you.

I el Roger allà...

And Roger over there...

Bueno, el Roger allà flipant, i ja està.

Well, Roger over there is tripping out, and that's it.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Que fort.

How cool.

El Roger estava allà fent-ho.

Roger was there doing it.

El Roger.

The Roger.

Així, ara, a Brighton, ja està curat d'espans.

So, now, in Brighton, he is already cured of spains.

Hòstia, això de les drogues és un món, eh?

Damn, this drug thing is a whole world, huh?

Podcast, la droga i la música.

Podcast, drugs, and music.

Si ara volia dir, hòstia, allà...

If I wanted to say now, damn, over there...

Gràcies a tu vaig descobrir un grup que...

Thanks to you, I discovered a group that...

Vaig descobrir la Farlopa.

I discovered the Farlopa.

Ah, la Ludwig, no?

Ah, the Ludwig, right?

Sí, senyor.

Yes, sir.



Estic superenganxat a un tema teu.

I'm super hooked on one of your songs.



El del poble, com es diu?

What is the name of the one from the village?

S'ha mort, s'ha mort.

He has died, he has died.

Sí, increïble, tio.

Yes, incredible, dude.

L'home més vell d'Espotlla.

The oldest man in Espotlla.







Això és important.

This is important.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Són d'allà, però no viuen allà.

They are from there, but they don't live there.

És una mica falsa, això.

That's a bit false, that.

Bueno, alguns sí crec que viuen allà, eh?

Well, some I do think live there, huh?


I believe.

Bueno, és igual.

Well, it doesn't matter.

Són increïbles, tio.

They're incredible, man.

És un grup d'aquests que dius,

It's one of those groups you mention,

hòstia puta, la que hauríem pogut tenir nosaltres.

Holy shit, the one we could have had.

Tio, i a més són macos.

Dude, and they're also cute.

És que jo vaig dir que eren una merda i per això...

It's just that I said they were crap and that's why...

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Bueno, però no t'haurien agradat, eh?

Well, you wouldn't have liked them, would you?



Però en directe són acollonants.

But live they are amazing.

Els puc confesar que no els he escoltat en la puta vida?

Can I confess to you that I have never listened to you in my entire life?

Però és que no t'agradarà, perquè és un estil una mica...

But you won't like it, because it's a style a bit...

No, no, però és que me'ls poses ara i no sé què...

No, no, but you're putting them on me now and I don't know what...

Sí, en la vida no he escoltat res ero, sóc vers.

Yes, in life I have not heard anything, I am verse.

Et diré potser que és el...

I might tell you that it is the...

Bueno, on és la llista de reproducció del podcast?

Well, where is the podcast playlist?

Són el relleu de Manel?

Are they Manel's replacements?


I throw.

Que va, que va.

No way, no way.

No han tingut la repercussió ni d'acord, ni amb...

They have not had the impact either in agreement or with...



Han guanyat el millor disco de l'any, eh?

They have won the best album of the year, right?

L'Andar Rock.

The Andar Rock.

És massa hippie.

He's too hippie.



Però Manel també, bueno, no sé.

But Manel also, well, I don't know.

No, Manel era més per tots els públics, una mica.

No, Manel was more for all audiences, a bit.

És més pop, no?

It's more pop, isn't it?

Aquests foten cançons de cinc minuts, tio.

They make five-minute songs, man.

Ja, no sé.

Yes, I don't know.

I més.

And more.

A mi, segons quines coses de la Ludwig,

To me, depending on which things from Ludwig,

em sonen una mica Beatles,

They sound a bit like the Beatles to me,

en el bon sentit de la paraula, saps?

in the good sense of the word, you know?

No sé, a mi m'agrada molt.

I don't know, I like it a lot.

I ja et dic, són...

And I tell you, they are...

M'agraden molt, eh?

I really like them, you know?

Són ultramacos.

They are super cute.

Hòstia, són una passada, tio.

Wow, they're amazing, dude.

El poc contacte que he tingut amb ells, el lluc...

The little contact I have had with them, the pike...

Hòstia, maquíssim, tio.

Wow, beautiful, dude.

No els conec, però...

I don't know them, but...

Una passada.

An overload.

M'agrada molt.

I like it a lot.

M'agrada molt com ho fan, com interpreten.

I really like how they do it, how they interpret.

M'agrada molt el bolo, la dinàmica.

I really like the bolo, the dynamics.

M'agrada molt.

I like it a lot.

I mira que jo anava a marxar,

And look, I was about to leave,

perquè tenia tres hores, dues hores i mitja de camí.

because it took three hours, two and a half hours of travel.

Hòstia, clar, tio.

Holy shit, of course, dude.

I tu vas dir, hòstia, em quedo, no sé què...

And you said, wow, I'm staying, I don't know what...

Bueno, va, em quedaré un rato amb el Galgó.

Well, okay, I'll stay with Galgó for a while.

I, hòstia, puta, tio.

I, damn, bitch, dude.



Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

De veritat, i tu saps que no em sorprèn.

Really, and you know that it doesn't surprise me.

No, no, no, ho sé, ho sé, ho sé.

No, no, no, I know, I know, I know.

I estava allà, vaig dir...

I was there, I said...

Tu ets més hater que jo, en realitat.

You are more of a hater than I am, actually.

De fet, jo els vaig descobrir a la daurada mateix,

In fact, I discovered them at the golden one itself,

perquè vaig anar amb la Malena.

because I went with Malena.

Ha sortit més la Malena que jo què sé, eh?

Malena has come out more than I don't know, huh?

És la protagonista del capítol.

She is the protagonist of the chapter.

Vaig anar a veure The Sousa.

I went to see The Sousa.

Quan surti, encara sigui la teva Malena.

When I go out, she will still be your Malena.

Tens dues setmanes per aguantar, eh?

You have two weeks to hold on, okay?

Joder, l'empressió.

Damn, the pressure.

Clar, vam anar a veure The Sousa.

Of course, we went to see The Sousa.

Posem una foto seva aquí, tu.

Let's put a picture of him/her here, you.

De la Malena, clar.

Of Malena, of course.

I abans de The Sousa,

And before The Sousa,

igual que jo vaig tocar amb Joan Miquel Oliver,

just as I played with Joan Miquel Oliver,

vaig tocar de telonero,

I played as the opening act,

doncs de Sousa vaig tocar la Ludwig.

So from Sousa, I played the Ludwig.

I recordo de dir, bueno, va, anem abans,

I remember saying, well, come on, let's go before.

em sonava el nom, dic, però bueno...

The name sounded familiar to me, I say, but well...

Per Beethoven, eh?

For Beethoven, huh?

Per Beethoven.

For Beethoven.

Sí, va, feia gràcia.

Yes, come on, it was funny.

I, hòstia, vaig quedar embobat, dic...

I, damn, was left stunned, I say...

Què he vist?

What have I seen?

Què és això, tio?

What is this, man?

Una passada, són molt guais.

They're amazing, really cool.

Sí, jo crec que en tinc un menys ressò del que es mereixien.

Yes, I think I have less resonance than they deserved.



Per mi, sí.

For me, yes.

Ara m'ho escoltarà el cotxe.

Now the car will hear me.

De festes majors i tot això.

Of feasts and all that.

Bueno, perquè és un grup, tio, col·locable, bueno, a tot arreu, tio.

Well, because it's a group, man, that can fit in everywhere, man.

A tot arreu.


És que, bueno, és tan fàcil, és tan fàcil.

It's just that, well, it's so easy, it's so easy.

I ho fan tan bé, tio, que...

They do it so well, dude, that...

Bueno, jo ho veig increïble.

Well, I think it's incredible.

Fotant goig, tio.

Feeling great, dude.

Que a tu no t'agradava l'estil, segur.

That you didn't like the style, for sure.

Però al final tu has de mirar des d'una altra perspectiva.

But in the end you have to look from a different perspective.

Bueno, business o que ho fan bé el que fan, saps?

Well, business or they do well what they do, you know?

Sí, sí, exacte, exacte.

Yes, yes, exactly, exactly.

Amb un clarinet allà, que ho fot de puta mare.

With a clarinet there, which sounds fucking great.

No ho sé, tio, m'agrada molt.

I don't know, man, I really like it.

Hi ha un moment que puja el tècnic de so a tocar les harmòniques.

The sound technician goes up to play the harmonics at one point.

Sí o no?

Yes or no?

Un solo d'harmònica, tio, tècnic de so.

A harmonica solo, dude, sound technician.

Sí, i allà ho va fer...

Yes, and there he did it...

És que clar, clarinet i harmònica, a mi ja...

It's just that, of course, clarinet and harmonica, to me already...

No, no, Aleix, Aleix, està guapo, està guapo, tio.

No, no, Aleix, Aleix, he looks handsome, he looks handsome, man.

Els meus prejudicis estan aquí, com...

My prejudices are here, like...

Està guai, està guai.

It's cool, it's cool.

Bueno, ja ha portat molta estona, no?

Well, it's been a while, hasn't it?

Sí, jo crec que...

Yes, I think that...

Bueno, no sé ni què.

Well, I don't even know what.

No sé a quina hora hem començat.

I don't know what time we started.

És que no sabem sortir del podcast, tio.

It's just that we don't know how to exit the podcast, man.

No, no en sabem, tio.

No, we don't know, dude.

Tu que has fet comunicació de visual i guions...

You who have done visual communication and scripts...

Mira, jo ara sóc molt fan d'un podcast que es diu Can't Play Canter.

Look, I'm really a big fan of a podcast called Can't Play Canter.

Parlen d'NBA.

They talk about the NBA.

I ells, literal, estan així parlant...

And they, literally, are talking like this...

Vinga, adeu.

Come on, goodbye.

Bueno, i això és tot, adeu.

Well, that's it, goodbye.

Llavors podeu fer alguna cosa així, o jo què sé, o posar alguna careta.

Then you can do something like that, or I don't know, or put some emoji.

La careta la tenim, però igualment...

We have the mask, but still...

Saps si quan l'estàs editant i fas el tall també és molt raro.

Do you know if when you are editing it and you make the cut it is also very strange?

No, mira, sabeu què?

No, look, you know what?

Si cada episodio hi ha de venir algú, pots fer el...

If someone has to come to each episode, you can do the...

La despedida.

The farewell.

La despedida a ell.

The farewell to him.

Com a Hot Ones, no?

Like Hot Ones, right?

Vinga, va.

Come on.

Martí Galà.

Martí Galà.


Go for it.

Tinc, quan tinc, dos minuts.

I have, when I have, two minutes.

Aquesta és la teva càmera.

This is your camera.

Bueno, jo...

Well, I...

Aquesta en vermella.

This one in red.

Jo sóc el Martí Galà, no sé si s'ha dit.

I am Martí Galà, I don't know if it has been said.

Alguna cosa lenta, sóc el Martí Galà.

Something slow, I am Martí Galà.

És que no ens importa qui sigui.

It's just that we don't care who it is.

En cap moment...

At no time...

L'aparell de la Malena, realment.

The device of Malena, really.

L'aparell de la... Exacte, sóc el nòvio de la Malena.

The device of the... Exactly, I'm Malena's boyfriend.

Sí, deixa el telèfon de la Malena abans, també, per si hi ha algú interessat.

Yes, leave Malena's phone number first, too, in case there is someone interested.

Ua, tio, perdona.

Wow, dude, sorry.

Tinc un col·lega, quan teníem un grup,

I have a friend, when we had a group,

que va venir una noia

that a girl came

que li firméssim una maqueta de merda

that we signed a shitty draft

i li vam fotre el número de telèfon.

And we gave him the phone number.

Molt bé, no?

Very good, right?

I era la nòvia del meu millor amic.

She was my best friend's girlfriend.

I tu vas veure?

And did you see?

Sí, sí, tio, és que va ser increïble.

Yes, yes, man, it was just amazing.

Uau, que fort, tio.

Wow, that's intense, dude.

No, no, però va fer-ho per regalar-se,

No, no, but he did it as a gift for himself.

perquè era així, tio, brutal.

because it was like that, dude, awesome.

Quin puto riure.

What a fucking laugh.

Hòstia, anava a dir...

Holy shit, I was going to say...

Prou de fer-ho, ja veuràs.

Stop doing it, you will see.

Posaré el número del 4, tio, del meu germà.

I will put my brother's number, man, the 4.

Això, això.

This, this.



Que fort.

How strong.

A més, no saps?

Moreover, don't you know?

Semblem molt igual col·le, tio.

We look very much alike, dude.

Sí, els tres, tio.

Yes, all three, dude.

Semblem una camada de gossos.

We look like a pack of dogs.

Clar, el gran...

Sure, the big...

El gran ens...

The great being...

Sembla un vikingo, tio.

You look like a Viking, dude.

Sí, però...

Yes, but...

Quina diferència entre un vikingo i tu.

What is the difference between a Viking and you?

Sí, això és veritat.

Yes, that is true.

Potser sóc adoptat.

Maybe I am adopted.

No, perquè tu i el petit...

No, because you and the little one...

O ho va agafar un pac.

Or he took a pac.

Ja, això és veritat.

Yes, that is true.

Mira aquests dos que estan aquí,

Look at those two who are here,

que no se'n fot un sense l'altre.

that one doesn't do without the other.

Com una camada de gats.

Like a litter of cats.

Acabem amb un plat de llent.

We end with a plate of lentils.

Que personal, no tot.

How personal, not everything.

Una camada de gats, allà.

A litter of kittens, there.

Té, em porten tots dos, que...

Here, they both bring me that...

Si no, els hauré de sacrificar.

If not, I will have to sacrifice them.

Que cabrons.

What bastards.

Bueno, per res...

Well, for nothing...

Tanc això, Martí, tio.

Shut this, Martí, man.

Sí, perdó, sí, sí.

Yes, sorry, yes, yes.

Gràcies per escoltar.

Thank you for listening.

Deva dir una frase que no es pot dir,

You must say a phrase that cannot be said.

o potser no es pot dir.

or perhaps it cannot be said.



Comença per puta i acaba amb...

It starts with "whore" and ends with...



Amb una altra anya.

With another year.

I ens veiem a la pròxima,

And we'll see each other next time,

que jo no estaré, vinga, adeu.

that I won't be there, come on, goodbye.

No, no estaré, no estaré.

No, I won't be, I won't be.



Vull dir, no ho saps.

I mean, you don't know.

I si triomfa, això?

And if this succeeds?

I sempre hem de ser tres.

And we always have to be three.

T'ho imagines?

Can you imagine it?

Puta mare.


No, adeu.

No, goodbye.

Vaja, aquestes dues...

Well, these two...

Són normals, que fàcils agafar això.

They are normal, how easy it is to take this.

Sí, no som sols.

Yes, we are not alone.

Posem aquí les nostres fotos.

Let's put our photos here.

El programa...

The program...

Una hora i deu, tio.

An hour and ten, dude.

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