11. eurovision '22

The Twenties


11. eurovision '22


Bona tarda, bona nit

Good afternoon, good night.

o bon dia, benvinguts al Bloody Marys

Oh good morning, welcome to the Bloody Marys.

Què te l'estem, Maria?

What are we doing to you, Maria?

Molt contenta i molt enfadada

Very happy and very angry.

la vegada

the time

Molt contenta, és que ha sigut

Very happy, it's just that it has been

un cap de setmana

a weekend

molt intens, molt eurovisiu

very intense, very Eurovisive

La veritat és una bona paraula

The truth is a good word.

per descriure el cap de setmana

to describe the weekend

Clar, és que només el cap de setmana

Sure, it's just that only on the weekend.

d'Eurovisió només va d'això

Eurovision is all about that.

Sí, en plan, ahir tenia una ressa

Yes, like, yesterday I had a headache.

ahir diumenge, si no, situamos, avui és un dilluns

Yesterday was Sunday, otherwise, let's say, today is a Monday.

Tenia una ressa que no podia deixar

I had a worry that I couldn't let go.

de mirar Twitter un altre cop

to look at Twitter again

de tot el que havia passat

of everything that had happened

Clar, clar, clar

Clear, clear, clear.

Sí, sí, a veure, jo et dic

Yes, yes, let's see, I'll tell you.

que aquest any, o sigui, exceptuant

that this year, that is, excepting

la Chanel

the Chanel

Ha sigut molt avorrit

It has been very boring.

en plan fatal, un zero

in a terrible way, a zero

Exceptuant la Chanel i les imatges

Except for Chanel and the images.


from Italy

Jo estava livent, en seriós, Itàlia és així

I was living, seriously, Italy is like that.

Jo estava

I was

Jo vull anar

I want to go.

Com que mai has anat?

Why have you never gone?

Mai he anat

I have never been.

Vaig estar durant dues hores

I was there for two hours.

Posar la foto de la Maria i jo amb una pizza

Put the photo of Maria and me with a pizza.

És icònica aquella foto

That photo is iconic.

Doncs això, que ha sigut bastant pal

Well, that's it, it's been quite a drag.

Sí, jo ho penso

Yes, I think so.

perquè més que res és com un xou

because more than anything it is like a show

Imagina't la gent que paga 300 euros

Imagine the people who pay 300 euros.

o 400 per anar allà, i és com que no hi havia

or 400 to go there, and it's like there wasn't any

molt xou aquest any, era tot parada

very showy this year, it was all a standstill

La gent que es vesteix de carrer

The people who dress in the street.

per anar a Eurovisió, és en plan

to go to Eurovision, it's like

Carinyo, si et vols vestir així, no sé, no et dediquis a això

Honey, if you want to dress like that, I don't know, don't make that your career.

Però si vas a Eurovisió

But if you go to Eurovision

pots vestir-te en plan

you can dress up in a style

No sé, no el poteré

I don't know, I won't be able to.

Imagina't que véns de Finlàndia

Imagine that you come from Finland.

Bueno, el de Finlàndia

Well, the one from Finland.

El de Finlàndia no tinc

I don't have the one from Finland.

El de Finlàndia és un xou basquero de Pescanova

The one from Finland is a Basque show from Pescanova.

Però almenys anava, jo què sé

But at least I was going, I don't know.

O sigui, te'n recordes de com anava vestit

So, do you remember what he was wearing?

Com anava vestit el d'Azervaijan

How was the man from Azerbaijan dressed?

Clar, exacte, era It

Of course, exactly, it was It.

Era It versió Pescanova

It was the Pescanova version.

Sí, quina por, aquell home

Yes, what a fright, that man.

I al sobre, jo només podia pensar

And above all, I could only think.

en els cabells

in the hair

En les plumes, sí, donava un vibe

In the feathers, yes, it gave a vibe.

que aquell home no s'ha dutxat en si

that man hasn't showered himself

En sa vida, en sa vida

In his life, in his life.

Jo crec que teníem problemes de higiene

I think we had hygiene problems.

Una mica otaku

A little otaku

No tenim res contra els otakus

We have nothing against the otakus.

En plan, jo sóc una otaku

Like, I'm an otaku.

En certa medida

To a certain extent

Jo crec que a Catalunya tothom és una mica otaku

I think that in Catalonia everyone is a little bit otaku.

Sí, és que han fet molt de mal

Yes, they have done a lot of damage.

Els supertrems

The supertrims

Però, a veure, hi ha maneres i maneres

But, let's see, there are ways and ways.

de ser otaku

to be an otaku

I si ets en plan Finlàndia, Eurovisió, 2022

And if you're in a Finland way, Eurovision, 2022

Bueno, però almenys aquest home

Well, at least this man

ens va portar a algú

he brought someone to us


Però la gent que no va portar res

But the people who didn't bring anything

No, no

No, no.

Tio, per exemple, és que no sé dir-te

Dude, for example, I just can’t tell you.

quin país exactament

which country exactly

Fem paraules ràpids

Let's make quick words.

Vale, primer que anava, la República Txeca

Okay, first I was going to mention the Czech Republic.

A veure, comencem per l'obertura de Laura Pausini

Let's see, let's start with Laura Pausini's opening.



La Laura Pausini, en general

Laura Pausini, in general

Aquesta dona és un sí, sempre

This woman is a yes, always.

Sempre, i els seus outfits, vull dir

Always, and his outfits, I mean.

Que semblava el Parxís

What Parxís looked like.

Cada cop anava amb un blau, amb un groc

Each time I went with a blue, with a yellow.

Sí, però, o sigui, el seu outfit final

Yes, but, I mean, her final outfit.

que és en plan d'aurat

what is in golden plan

Jo estava en plan, jo en caso, o sigui, jo el vull

I was like, I mean, I want him.

Jo en caso em veia en plan

I saw myself in a plan.

No sé, jo crec que és més espanyola que italiana

I don't know, I think she is more Spanish than Italian.

Estava al living, aquesta dona

She was in the living room, this woman.

O sigui, a mi m'encanta

I mean, I love it.

Sempre a favor de la Laura Pausini

Always in favor of Laura Pausini.

La Laura Pausini i el Mika han salvat

Laura Pausini and Mika have saved

Eurovisió, sí

Eurovision, yes

És que imagina't actuar després d'aquests dos

It's just that imagine performing after these two.

Clar, és que, vull dir

Of course, it's just that, I mean

No, jo quan vaig veure el Mika cantar

No, I when I saw Mika sing.

vaig dir, bueno, mira, algú està salvant

I said, well, look, someone is saving.

O sigui, però perquè jo era molt fan

I mean, it’s just that I was a big fan.

Jo crec que tothom era molt fan

I think everyone was a big fan.

Si feies classe de francès, sempre et posen la seva cançó en francès

If you were in French class, they always play their song in French.



Jo feia classe de francès, però era fan igualment

I was teaching French, but I was a fan anyway.



També és vàlid

It is also valid.

Repassem, què volem repassar?

Let's review, what do we want to review?

Anem pels països i a veure si...

Let's go to the countries and see if...

República Txeca, jo no me'n recordo

Czech Republic, I don't remember it.

Jo recordo que la base del tema

I remember that the basis of the theme

en l'estribillo estava bé

in the chorus it was good

És l'únic que puc comentar

It's the only thing I can comment on.

Sí, jo res, se m'oblida

Yes, I don't know, I forget.

Imagina't haver d'obrir l'Eurovisió, fatal

Imagine having to open Eurovision, terrible.

Ja, perquè tothom s'oblida de tu

Yes, because everyone forgets about you.

No és res en contra teva

It's nothing against you.

És que hi ha massa coses

It's just that there are too many things.

Després ve el que per mi era el guanyador

Then comes what was the winner for me.

Clarament, després Espanya

Clearly, after Spain.

I con

I with

Iconic, i coniquíssim

Iconic, and very conic.

Era molt icònic

It was very iconic.

Els outfits de les ballarines eren maquíssims

The dancers' outfits were very beautiful.

Era llei

It was law.

Imagina't el panorama que és un romano

Imagine the scene of being a Roman.

fent una mica espanyolé

doing a little Spanish style

un poco flamenco, sevillano

a little flamenco, Sevillian

És que jo estava living

I was just living.

I la coreografia, tipus

And the choreography, types.

Així, ballant

Thus, dancing

Això hauria de ser tot

This should be everything.

Exacte, llámame, llámame

Exactly, call me, call me.

Es pot fer memes

You can make memes.

Es pot escoltar això

This can be heard.

de manera normal

in a normal way

Jo ho escolto

I hear it.

O sigui, jo vull ballar això sempre

So, I want to dance this always.


Després què venia?

What was coming after?

Després jo tinc un salt temporal

Then I have a time jump.

Fins que no ve Itàlia

Until Italy comes.

La resta no me'n recordo

I don't remember the rest.

O sigui, pel mig hi havia Finlàndia, l'Omaid

So, in the middle there was Finland, the Omaid.

Ja ho hem comentat

We have already discussed it.

No hi ha res més a comentar

There is nothing else to comment on.

Si trobes aquest home pel carrer

If you find this man on the street

Potser estàs mort

Maybe you are dead.

També hi havia Noruega

There was also Norway.

Ah, el de los lobos

Ah, the one about the wolves

Sí, una mica Sleep Demon

Yes, a bit Sleep Demon.

Tens paràlisi del somni

You have sleep paralysis.

I et ve allò a ballar

I see you dancing there.

I ja està, s'acaba

And that's it, it's over.

La teva vida

Your life

O sigui, això és el que tu veus

So, this is what you see.

Abans de morir veus això

Before dying, you see this.



I el Tom Cruise ballant això

And Tom Cruise dancing to this.

Pot ser que estiguessin dins

They might have been inside.

Vaig passar fatal

I had a terrible time.

No els lobos, sinó els que estaven darrere d'en Beis

Not the wolves, but those who were behind Beis.

veient que anava amb una màscara

seeing that he was wearing a mask

tot i no poden respirar

although they cannot breathe

i estan ballant

and they are dancing

Jo estava en plan patint

I was in a state of suffering.

I van estar tota la gala així

They were like this the whole gala.

I dius

And you say

Es moriran

They will die.


Jo també estic a favor del que estàs dient

I am also in favor of what you are saying.

És que no sé

I don't know.

Però la màscara de lobo

But the wolf mask

Els hi feia el cap molt petit

It made their heads very small.

Jo no en tinc res

I have nothing.

Dins d'Eurovisió en té sentit

Within Eurovision it makes sense.

Sí, el xou és espectacular

Yes, the show is spectacular.

Però els hi feia el cap molt petit

But it made their heads look very small.

A mi em feia molta angúnia

It made me feel very anxious.

Jo estava preocupada pels ballarins de darrere

I was worried about the dancers in the back.

I jo, aquests home es moriran

And I, these men will die.

De cop, en plan es cauen

Suddenly, like they fall.

I no es tornen a aixecar

And they do not get up again.

Però bueno, llavors tens raó

But well, then you're right.

Va venir Itàlia

He/She came from Italy.

O sigui, hi ha moltes coses que jo no me'n recordo

So, there are many things that I don't remember.

Perquè eren balades

Because they were songs

Bueno, tot el mateix

Well, everything's the same.

Fatal, o sigui, que talla el nivell

Fatal, that is, it cuts the level.

No, o sigui, jo no entenc

No, I mean, I don't understand.

Perquè tots els països han dit

Because all the countries have said

Anem a posar una cosa depressiva

Let's play something depressing.

Com a representació del país

As a representation of the country

Ah, no, hi havia França

Ah, no, there was France.

Mira, lo de França jo no entenc

Look, I don't understand the thing about France.

Que van posar en plan una cançó en bretó

They put on a song in Breton.

Bueno, mira, almenys han posat una cançó

Well, look, at least they put a song.

En un idioma que no és exactament francès

In a language that is not exactly French.

Però semblava una invocació satànica

But it seemed like a satanic invocation.


Vull dir, quina por

I mean, what a fear

Tu estàs pel bosc, d'acord?

You are in the forest, okay?

No sé què fer amb el bosc de nit

I don't know what to do with the forest at night.

I et trobes això, ja està

You find this, that's it.

Eren les tanxos però en versió

They were the tanxos but in version

Ascendada, un altre cop

Ascended, once again.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Però fatal

But fatal

Quina por

What a fear

Jo estava living perquè per primer cop França

I was living because for the first time in France.

Quants punts va tenir? 6?

How many points did he/she/it have? 6?

Sí, però jo tinc una teoria

Yes, but I have a theory.

Sobre que França va enviar això

About France sending this.

Perquè com que estan organitzant els Jocs Olímpics

Because they are organizing the Olympic Games

No volen organitzar res més

They don't want to organize anything else.

I van enviar una puta merda

They sent a damn shit.

Doncs cuidao, que era una puta merda

Well, watch out, it was a fucking mess.

Molt semblant a les tanxos

Very similar to the tanxos

De la folclore

Of folklore

Clar, sí, i també perquè

Of course, yes, and also because.

Crec que la gent bretona de la Bretanya francesa

I believe that the Breton people of French Brittany

Estan molt enfadats amb França

They are very angry with France.

I crec que els van dir, bueno, posa-us a enviar

I think they told them, well, go ahead and start sending.



És que crec que des de sempre

I believe that since always

Sempre s'ha volgut imposar el francès

French has always been sought to be imposed.

Clar, clar, no

Sure, sure, no.

I per ser França, vull dir, a Espanya no ens deixen

And to be France, I mean, they don't let us in Spain.

Enviar coses

Send things

Llavors, bueno

Well then.

Està bé

It's okay.

A veure, està bé però semblava una cosa satànica

Let's see, it's fine but it looked like a satanic thing.

No, satànica

No, satanic.

Jo, jo, qualquer cosa que els francesos

Me, me, anything that the French.

Estén mal, jo sempre a favor

Spread bad, I'm always in favor.

Bueno, és que jo crec que allò no tenia cap

Well, I think that thing didn’t have any.

O sigui, bueno, de debò

I mean, well, seriously.

T'hi havia de donar molt d'àvia

You should have given it a lot of grandmother.

Que no tenia punts

That I didn't have points.

Una mica mareig

A little dizzy.

Sí, però una mica mareig

Yes, but a bit dizzy.

A mi em feia gràcia, tio

It made me laugh, dude.

Perquè després de tot el toston que hi havia

Because after all the fuss that there was

Jo sempre a favor d'una cosa que no entén ningú

I am always in favor of something that no one understands.

Però era com molt

But it was like very

No sé, imagina't que t'has drogat

I don't know, imagine that you've taken drugs.

I sents allò, jo crec que t'agafa un xoc

And feeling that, I think it hits you hard.

Sí, jo crec que ens volien crear algun tipus de problema mental

Yes, I think they wanted to create some sort of mental problem for us.

Entre totes les cançons

Among all the songs


O sigui, primer, és que passaves de lo depressiu

So, first, it's that you were dismissive of the depressing.

A lo que fos molt d'àvia

To what was very much of a grandmother

O els rituals satànics

Or the satanic rituals

Allà volien experimentar amb la ment, jo crec

There they wanted to experiment with the mind, I believe.

Sí, a millor, Eurovision

Yes, to better, Eurovision.

És un experiment social, pot ser

It's a social experiment, maybe.

Jo crec que s'ha convertit en això

I think it has become this.

Però, bueno, això

But, well, this

Itàlia, bueno, una mica trist

Italy, well, a bit sad.

Una mica trist

A little sad

Ah, sí, sudava tot, eh

Ah, yes, I was sweating all over, huh?

Però una mica en plan

But a little bit in a way

Jo crec que van desafinar bastant

I think they were quite out of tune.

Jo crec que és quan tens un breakdown

I think it’s when you have a breakdown.

Aquella cançó, vull dir, per tenir un breakdown

That song, I mean, to have a breakdown.

Tàlia estava ja fins als collons de Eurovision

Tàlia was already fed up with Eurovision.

I va dir, mira, enviem això perquè amb sort

He said, look, let's send this because hopefully.

Sí, i quan els donàvem vots

Yes, and when we gave them votes.

Els cantants estaven amb una cara, tipus

The singers had a face, kind of

Que no guanyarem, deixa'm en poc

That we won't win, let me down a little.

No volien, no volien

They didn't want, they didn't want.

Ens ensudava completament tot

It made us completely dirty.

I diu, bueno, mira, és una actitud a tenir

And he says, well, look, it's an attitude to have.

Sí, és una actitud perfecta pel mes de maig

Yes, it's a perfect attitude for the month of May.

Finals, amb exàmens, sí

Finals, with exams, yes.



Vull dir, ens ha representat al final

I mean, it has represented us in the end.



Llavors va venir a Espanya

Then he/she came to Spain.

Ah, bueno, és que

Ah, well, it's just that

O sigui, jo crec que era l'actuació més nivell

In other words, I think it was the most high-level performance.

És una actuació que dic, ui

It's a performance that I say, oops.

És una artista convidada

She is a guest artist.

O és

Or is it

Sí, no, no, no, ho dic molt en sèrio

Yes, no, no, no, I'm talking very seriously.

I ja saps que jo tenia les meves reserves

And you already know that I had my reservations.

Però al final era la que més nivell tenia

But in the end, she was the one with the highest level.



De tota la...

Of all the...

O sigui, una vegada, no

So, once, no.

La Laura Poussin i el Mika

Laura Poussin and Mika

I Maneskin també

I Maneskin too.

Però és que són convidats

But they are guests.

Però els concursants

But the contestants

És que la Chanel

It’s just that Chanel

Al final era l'única que sabia ballar

In the end, she was the only one who knew how to dance.

I cantar

I will sing.

Era l'única

She was the only one.

Perquè la meitat, l'altra gent

Because half of it, the other people.

No, hi ha molta gent

No, there are a lot of people.

Bueno, el de Romania també sabia ballar

Well, the one from Romania also knew how to dance.

Sí, molt bé

Yes, very well.

Però hi ha molta gent que diu que

But there are many people who say that

La Chanel canta, doncs, poc

Chanel sings, therefore, little.

Que no té molta qualitat vocal

That does not have much vocal quality.

A veure, no és

Let's see, it's not

No, millor no està en nivell vocal

No, it's better not to be at vocal level.

A mi és que em sembla que canta bé

To me, it seems that he/she sings well.

O sigui, a mi

I mean, to me.

És que ponte-t'ho a bailar todo

Just put it on and dance to it all.



I a fer l'aguda al final

And to make the acute at the end.

I al final va fer notes

And in the end, he/she did make notes.

O sigui, perquè ballava molt

That is, because I danced a lot.

I feia notes molt

I took a lot of notes.

I jo no, jo això no ho veig

And me, I don't see that.

Jo veig que hi ha molta gent

I see that there are many people.

Que li agrada molt criticar

He really likes to criticize.

La música de festa

Party music



You know?

I perquè, bueno, sí

And because, well, yes.

Per exemple, la d'Holanda

For example, that of Holland.

Ha cantat molt

He has sung a lot.



La d'Holanda és la que va venir

The one from Holland is the one that came.

Després d'ella, no?

After her, right?


Jo, perdona, jo estava mal vestida

I, sorry, I was poorly dressed.

Era un muermo

It was a drag.

Jo és que no vaig a l'horitzó

I am not going to the horizon.

Molt mal vestida

Very poorly dressed

I, vale, sí

I, okay, yes

Cantes molt en plan

You sing a lot in a cool way.

Notes molt prolongades

Very prolonged notes.



Jo no, jo és que des de

Not me, it's just that since

Jo et dic, des d'Espanya

I tell you, from Spain.

Fins a

Until a




És que jo tinc aquí un vací

It's just that I have an emptiness here.

O sigui, jo me'n recordo

So, I remember.

Lo d'Holanda

The one from Holland

Perquè vaig dir

Because I said

Vale, molt bé, noia

Okay, very good, girl.

O sigui, cantes

So, you sing.

O sigui, cantes molt així

So, you sing a lot like this.

I la Chanel també ha aguantat la nota

And Chanel has also maintained the grade.

I almenys ens està donant un show

At least it's giving us a show.

Ens està donant algo

It's giving us something.



Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Jo ho he dit, puro show

I've said it, pure show.

A mi em sap greu

I'm sorry.

Tot el que

Everything that

O sigui

That is to say

Jo vaig dir

I said

Tongo festa

Tongo party

En el seu moment

At its time

Bàsicament perquè

Basically because

Les votacions

The votes

Vull dir

I mean

O l'organització de la RTV

Or the organization of the RTV

Era una mica

It was a bit.

Però la pobra

But the poor one



Ho feia bé

He did it well.

A mi la cançó m'agrada des del primer moment

I liked the song from the very first moment.



O sigui, jo crec que ja

So, I think that already

Hi ha com les dues coses

There are like two things.

I mira el tot

And look at the whole thing.

Mira, ha quedat tercera, tio

Look, she came in third, dude.


I ara tothom està

And now everyone is

En plan a la màndala

In plan to the mandala

I tu, escolta

And you, listen.

Que la pobra

That the poor

Tot el que va rebre

Everything he received.

No es mereixia

He/She didn't deserve it.

O sigui, mira

So, look.

Jo la meva opinió sobre això és

My opinion on this is

Que si ho vols fer d'aquesta manera

That if you want to do it this way.

No diguis que faràs una

Don't say you'll do one.

Lo del Benidorm Fest

The Benidorm Fest

I porta-la ella directament

And take her directly.

Directament porta-la ella

Directly take her.

I la gent no s'hagués enfadat tant

And people wouldn't have gotten so angry.

O sigui, jo crec que el problema va ser

So, I think the problem was

Que van prometre

What they promised

Que el públic triaria

That the public would choose

I el públic no va triar

And the audience did not choose.

Però menys mal

But thank goodness.

Que no va triar el públic

That the public did not choose.

Perdona que ho digui

Sorry to say this.

Perquè és que

Because it is that

Vine on ens han portat

Come where they have brought us.



Ai, mama, per exemple

Oh, mom, for example

No, que és el que no

No, that is not what.

Ai, mama, també és ballable

Oh, mom, it's also danceable.





Però no

But no

És que

It's that

Saps el que passa

Do you know what’s happening?

Que Eurovisión

That Eurovision

Jo crec que espera d'Espanya

I believe she is waiting for Spain.











Tot això

All of this



Sí, però

Yes, but

Perquè és com es veuen

Because it's how they are seen.

Des de fora

From the outside

Veient el nivell

Seeing the level

O sigui, veient el nivell que hi havia

That is, seeing the level that there was.

Jo crec que ai, mama

I think that oh, mom.

També hagués tingut transcendència

It would also have had significance.

Jo crec

I believe.

Ai, mama

Oh, mom.

Potser és marcar

Maybe it is to mark.

10, 15

10, 15



És que

It's just that

Pensa que tot eren balades

Think that it was all ballads.

Ja, però

Yes, but

És que hem quedat tercers

It's just that we finished in third place.

O sigui, a veure, mira

So, let's see, look.

A mi la cançó d'Slow Mo

I like the song by Slow Mo.

Em sembla molt bàsica

I find it very basic.

O sigui, és ballable

So, it's danceable.

És la cançó més bàsica

It is the most basic song.

Que he escoltat

What I have heard

I no crec que tingui transcendència

And I don't think it has any significance.

Fora de

Out of

Tipo que

What type?

S'escoltarà aquest estiu

It will be heard this summer.

I és una d'aquestes cançons

And it's one of those songs.

Que dius

What do you say?

Mira, sí, estava Eurovisión

Look, yes, it was Eurovision.

Però no serà com

But it will not be like

Manes Quinoava

Manes Quinoava

Que van sobrepassar

That they exceeded.

Bueno, sí

Well, yes


You know?

A mi no m'agrada

I don't like it.

A mi m'agrada

I like it.

El Manes Quiniava

The Manes Quiniava

I crec que són

I believe they are

Els més que han pogut

The most who have been able



A Eurovisión

To Eurovision

I ja està

And that's it.

Però bueno

But well

Ser un artista

To be an artist

Només d'Eurovisión

Only from Eurovision

Està bé, també

It's okay, too.

Vull dir

I mean

Sí, Slow Mo

Yes, Slow Mo

Serà com lo malo

It will be like the bad.

Que es quedarà aquí

What will stay here

De festa


Nosaltres i ja està

Us and that's it.

Sí, doncs ja està

Yes, so that’s it.

Però és ballable

But it is danceable.

I és important

And it is important.

També va molt bé per córrer

It also works very well for running.

Recomanació de la Meri

Recommendation from Meri

I això

And this

I també comentar

And also comment

La gent que diu

The people who say

Que li donava un punt

That gave him a point.

A la Xarel

To Xarel

Perquè ensenyava el cul

Because she was showing her butt.





O sigui

That is to say

Jo crec sincerament

I sincerely believe.

El meu contrari sobre això

My opposite on this.


It is

Els ballarins masculins

The male dancers

També podrien haver ensenyat el cul

They could have also shown their butt.



Jo els hauria posat

I would have put them.

Un body també

A bodysuit also.



Posa'ls-hi un body

Put a bodysuit on them.

Jo crec que és

I think it is

L'únic que faltava

The only thing missing.

Però sí, veritat

But yes, it's true.

És que jo crec

It's just that I believe.

Que la gent diu

What people say

És que ens estava ensenyant

He was teaching us.

El cul

The butt.

Per això la gota

For that reason, the drop.

I per sexualització

And for sexualization

De la mujer

Of the woman

Jo crec que

I believe that

O sigui

That is to say

Si haguessin hipersexualitzat

If they had hypersexualized

Els dos tipus de ballarins

The two types of dancers

Llavors el seu argument

Then his argument

Ja no és vàlid

It is no longer valid.

Però com que només

But since only

Eren les ballarines

They were the dancers.

O sigui

That is to say

Poden tenir raó

They may be right.



Sexualitza'ls dos

Sexualize both of them.

I ja està

And that's it.

Però llavors

But then

En si l'aprenda del body

In itself, the learning of the body

Ensenya el cul

Show your butt.




Do you know?

Però no dir que

But do not say that.

Li estan donant punts

They are giving him points.

Perquè ensenya el cul

Why does she show her butt?


Do you understand me?

Ja, ja

Yeah, yeah.

O sigui

That is to say



Però al final

But in the end

Em va massagir en sèrio

He massaged me seriously.

Sí, al final

Yes, in the end.

Jo crec que el problema

I think that the problem

També va ser que el realitzador

It was also that the director



Els de Romania

The ones from Romania

Els nois estaven sense samarreta

The boys were without a shirt.

Li donaven punts

They gave him stitches.

Perquè ensenyaven els abdominals

Because they were showing the abs.

Els ballarins

The dancers

No ho sabem

We don't know.

Clar, però no es té aquest debat

Of course, but this debate is not being had.

No, no es té el debat

No, the debate is not held.

Sí, totalment

Yes, totally.

Jo crec que aquest debat

I believe that this debate


It is

És molt

It is very

O sigui

That is to say

És molt de la gent

It's very much about the people.

Però sabien

But they knew

Que aquest debat

That this debate

Sortiria quan la van vestir així

She would go out when they dressed her like that.

És que potser

Is it that perhaps

Ja li donava la gana

He was already feeling hungry.

A vestir-se així

Dressing like this

Ja, no

Yes, no.

I totalment

I totally

Totalment lliure

Totally free

De vestir-se així

Dressing like this

També crec que el realitzador

I also believe that the director

De l'Eurovisió

Of Eurovision

Va fer un plano

He made a plan.

On només es veia el cul

Only the butt could be seen.

I dius

I say

Això és més culpa de l'home

This is more the man's fault.

Que està decidint

What is he/she deciding?

Fer en plan aquest plano

Make this plan in this way.

No, perquè els plans

No, because the plans

De realització estan pactats

The realizations are agreed upon.

En plan

In the plan

Tu els escolleixes

You choose them.

Clar, però en plan

Of course, but in a way

Això és culpa

This is blame.

En plan

In plan

De la tele

From the TV

De com ho van enfocar

How they approached it.


You know?

La Chanel no té culpa

Chanel is not to blame.



Es pot vestir com vulgui

You can dress how you want.

En plan

In plan

Hi ha moltes divas

There are many divas.

Que van amb bodi

They go with a body.

A els concerts

To the concerts

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Com és una dona

What is a woman like?

Ensenyant el cul

Showing the ass

Doncs és una dona

Well, she is a woman.

Ensenyant el cul

Teaching the ass

Sí, però per això et dic

Yes, but that's why I'm telling you.

Posa el bodi

Put on the bodysuit.

A tothom

To everyone

A tots els ballarins

To all the dancers

No, sí, sí

No, yes, yes.

Així el debat

Thus the debate

Ja no hi pot ser

It can't be anymore.



Si només la poses

If you only put it.

A les noies

To the girls

El debat hi és

The debate is there.

Però jo

But I

No trobo sentit

I don't see the point.

El debat

The debate

Però per molt que em fadi

But no matter how much it bothers me

El debat

The debate

Només portar les ties

Just bring the girls.

No, no, sí

No, no, yes.

Entenc que es crea

I understand that it is created.

Que se crea todo esto

That all this is created.

Però jo

But I

No, no

No, no.

No entenc

I don't understand.



Es posa un bodi

A bodysuit is put on.

Perquè li surt del coll

Because it comes from his/her neck.

I ja està

That's it.

El que passa és

What happens is



En plan

In plan

Jo quan he vist el cul

When I saw the ass

També l'ensenyava

She was also teaching her.


S'ha de dir

It must be said.

En plan

In the plan

Que per la gent

That for the people

Que està idealitzant el cul

Who is idealizing the ass?

També jo crec

I also believe.

Que portar tres mitges

That wearing three stockings.

Si portes com moltes mitges

If you wear a lot of stockings

El cul

The buttock.

Se't puja molt més

It gets to you much more.

Ah, no, eh

Ah, no, eh.

Sí, era perfecto

Yes, it was perfect.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Però per això

But for this

Que per els tios

What for the guys

Que després idealitzen merdes

That later idealize shit.

Que no existeixen

That do not exist

Jo dic això

I say this.

Ah, sí, sí, sí

Ah, yes, yes, yes.



Què va venir després d'Espanya?

What came after Spain?



En plan

In a plan



La senyora de Lituània

The lady of Lithuania

Ah, sí

Ah, yes

La meva


El pentinat

The hairstyle

No, carinyo

No, darling.

No, no

No, no.

És que què fem?

What do we do?

Recordem que era com

Let's remember that it was like

Era el

It was the

Era un bolet

It was a mushroom.

En plan

In plan

Quan la teva mare

When your mother

Et tallava el cabell de petit

You cut your hair when you were little.



Sí, sí, bolet

Yes, yes, mushroom.

Fos igual

It doesn't matter.

O sigui, tu tens sis anys

So, you are six years old.

La teva mare ha dit

Your mother said.

Aquest mes no anem a la perruqueria

This month we are not going to the hairdresser.

I tu estàs en plan

And you are in the mood.



Mira, mira

Look, look

Que et tallo jo el cabell

I'll cut your hair.


Mama, sisplau

Mom, please

No talleu vosaltres el cabell

Don't cut your hair.

No, no, no

No, no, no

Les perruqueries estan per alguna cosa

Hair salons are there for a reason.

A més que els nens petits

In addition to the small children

Els hi cobren menys

They charge them less.

No fotem

Don't mess with us.

Que no tenen gaire cabell

They don't have much hair.

O sigui

That is to say

Per fer un bolet, no

To make a mushroom, no.

Que llavors hi ha bullying al col·le

That there is bullying at school then.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes.

Heu de pensar

You have to think.

Heu d'inventar amb la gent, sisplau

You have to invent with the people, please.



El vestit era molt maco

The dress was very beautiful.

És que jo no em fixava

It's just that I wasn't paying attention.

Jo em vaig fixar

I noticed.

Amb el vestit

With the dress

Jo sí

I do.

És l'únic que mirava

It's the only thing I was watching.

Em fixava amb la cançó

I was focusing on the song.

O sigui, amb la cançó

That is, with the song.

Però quan

But when

La cançó era un muermo

The song was a drag.

Perquè la del Lituani

Because of the Lithuanian one.

Era molt típica a Eurovisió

It was very typical at Eurovision.

Vaig dir

I said

Mira, el vestit és maco

Look, the dress is nice.

És tiputxer

He is a fool.

I el vestit de la Chanel

And the Chanel dress

Que diuen que és

What do they say it is?

Influència taurina

Bull influence

Que això tampoc hauria d'haver estat

That this shouldn't have been either.

Que és molt bàsic

That it is very basic.

O sigui

That is to say

Jo entenc

I understand.

Que vols representar Espanya

What do you want to represent Spain?



Això d'emmarcar Espanya

This about framing Spain

Amb una festa

With a party

És típic el traje de luces

The suit of lights is typical.

A veure

Let's see.

El traje de luces

The costume of lights

Separat del que és

Separate from what it is.

És maco

It's pretty.

El que passa és

What happens is

Que com que encara es fan

Since they are still being made

Les representacions

The representations

És el que representa

It is what it represents.

És que encara estem a favor

It's just that we are still in favor.

De Matató

From Matató

Jo, no

Me, no.



Jo, si fos una festa

Me, if it were a party.

O sigui

That is to say

Si ja no es fessin

If they no longer happened.



Sí que li poses

Yes, you do put it on him/her.

El traje de luces

The suit of lights

Però ara

But now

És molt

It is very.

O sigui

That is to say

Jo entenc

I understand.

La seva voluntat

His/Her will




To exalt

Mira que bonito

Look how beautiful.

És un traje de luces

It is a suit of lights.

Perquè un traje de luces

Why a suit of lights?

És molt bonic

It's very beautiful.

És molt maco

It's very nice.

És molt de diva

She's very diva.

El que passa que és

What happens is that it is

La connotació que comporta

The connotation that it carries

O sigui

That is to say

Al final

In the end

Tot el que s'ensenya a Eurovisió

Everything that is taught at Eurovision.

Està tot molt pensat

Everything is very well thought out.

En temes d'imatge

In terms of image



Tu ja saps

You already know.

Que els de

That the ones from

Televisió Espanyola

Spanish Television

Van dir

They said.

Anem a representar

Let's go represent.



Però és que

But it's that



Entre això

Among this


The Fan

I tot això

And all this

Aquestes coses

These things

Són coses que jo

They are things that I

L'Avanico no feia falta

The fan was unnecessary.

No, no feia falta gens

No, it wasn't necessary at all.

Però bueno

But well

Si volen fer

If they want to do

La imatge aquesta

This image

Hiper espanyolitzada

Hyper Spanishized

Doncs molt bé

Well then.



Un dels únics països

One of the only countries

Que ho fan

That they do it.

Tu no veus

You don't see.

Jo què sé

I don't know.

És que estic pensant

I am just thinking.

És que els de Noruega

It's just that those from Norway

Van de lobos

They go of wolves.

I mira tu

And look at you.

Sí, però vull dir

Yes, but I mean

Que tu no veus

That you do not see.

La senyora de Suècia

The lady from Sweden.

Vestida tipus

Dressed type





Vull dir

I want to say

Seria molt maco

It would be very nice.





Després de la senyora lituana

After the Lithuanian lady

A mi

To me



La cançó era un pal

The song was a drag.

Però m'agradava molt

But I liked it a lot.

Com anava vestida

How she was dressed.

La cantant principal

The lead singer.

Que portava un vestidet curt

That wore a short dress.

Eren les de Hannah Montana

It was Hannah Montana's.

Les tres

The three

Unes tres

A few three.

Vestida amb el gorro

Dressed with the hat.

I la

And the


Hannah Montana

Hannah Montana

Però o sigui

But I mean

Una de les cantants

One of the singers

Anava com amb un vestit curt

I was wearing a short dress.

I unes botes altes

And some high boots.



I ho estaven

They were doing it.

Però com em dines

But how do you treat me?

Com tot això

With all this

Jo estic pensant

I am thinking.

La cançó m'agrada o no

I like the song or I don't.

Perquè jo faig

Because I do

Però perquè

But why

No sé

I don't know.

Jo el primer que veig

I the first thing I see

És com va vestida la gent

It's how people are dressed.

En les coses aquestes

In these things

De la tele

From the TV

Està bé

It's fine.

Vull dir

I mean

Jo vaig fer una llista

I made a list.

De les coses

About things

I les d'Islàndia

And those from Iceland

M'agradava molt

I liked it a lot.

Com anàvem

As we were going

Però perquè tenien aquest

But why did they have this?

Vibe country

Vibe country

Jo perfecte

Me perfect

Amb Hannah Montana

With Hannah Montana




Jo l'escoltaria

I would listen to her.

Tipo estudiant

Student type

No crec que sigui

I don't think it is.

Cançó d'Eurovisió

Eurovision Song

Però vull dir

But I mean

És que no me'n recordo

I just don't remember.

Només sé que vaig

I only know that I am going.

Vestir aquestes

Dress these

És una de l'Estonia

It's one of Estonia.

Saps allò

Do you know that?

Que s'està marcant

That is being marked

Un country

A country



Què et fa?

What does it make you?

Se t'ha agradat?

Did you like it?

No, o sigui

No, I mean.

A mi m'agrada

I like it.

Quan també surten

When do they also go out?

Una mica de la normativa

A bit of the regulations


Of Eurovision

Però llavors

But then

No guanyaràs

You will not win.

A no ser que siguis

Unless you are

Maneskin l'any passat

Maneskin last year


Que Maneskin

That Maneskin

Jo quan van guanyar

Me when they won.

Jo vaig flipar

I was amazed.

Jo vaig votar

I voted.

A Maneskin

A Maneskin

Et vas deixar la pasta?

Did you leave the pasta?


Però perquè jo era fan de Maneskin

But because I was a fan of Maneskin.

Fa dos anys

Two years ago.

Vull dir

I mean

Jo quan els vaig veure

I when I saw them

Vaig dir

I said

Uh, què fan aquests aquí

Uh, what are they doing here?

I dos han de guanyar

And both have to win.

Perquè jo sabria

Because I would know

Que el jurat

That the jury

No els anava a donar

I was not going to give them.

La victòria

The victory

Hala, que fort

Wow, that's impressive!

Jo és que m'havia votat

I had voted for myself.

A mi és que

To me, it's that

Jo només per Maneskin

I only for Maneskin.

Però és que jo vaig dir

But I said

És que que icònics

It's just that they are iconic.

Han de guanyar

They have to win.

Vull dir

I mean

La victòria

The victory


Very beautiful

Què més?

What else?

El home pobre

The poor man

Que va anar

What happened

Estava a Coix

I was in Coix.

Has vist la foto?

Have you seen the photo?

Quina foto?

Which photo?


Of the

No sé com es diu

I don't know how to say it.

Al principi

At the beginning

Que és

What is it?

El meme

The meme

El meme que va sortir així

The meme that came out like this

No, no l'he vist

No, I haven't seen him/her.

És que no vaig mirar

It's just that I didn't look.

Quan vam guanyar

When we won

L'any passat

Last year

Vam fer així

We did it that way.


Una foto molt icònica

A very iconic photo


Total, que el nom aquest

Overall, that name

Estava lesionau

I was injured.

I va con una muleta

He goes with a crutch.

El dia de la final

The day of the final

I no podia

And I couldn't.

Si et fixes

If you notice

Quan canten

When they sing

No es mou

It doesn't move.

Total, va representar

Overall, it represented

El meme

The meme

Amb la muleta així

With the crutch like this

Amb una sabata

With a shoe

I es va posar així

And it happened like this.

Ah, veiem un

Ah, we see a

Sí, és un món

Yes, it is a world.

A mi em va agradar

I liked it.

Que quan va sortir Maneskin

When did Maneskin come out?

Va dir

He said.



No us acosteu a la taula

Do not approach the table.

Per lo que li va passar

For what happened to him/her.

De les drogues

Of drugs

I jo

And me







Què més va anar

What else happened?

És que després

It's just that afterwards





Mira, la cançó d'Ucrània

Look, the song of Ukraine

Tenia marxa

He had pace.


You liked.



No sé

I don't know.

Era per ser mare

It was to be a mother.

O sigui

That is to say

A mi m'agradava

I liked it.

No sé

I don't know.



No m'agrada

I don't like it.

No és una cosa que diric

It is not something that I would say.

Vaig a escoltar aquesta cançó

I am going to listen to this song.

I el look

And the look

El look

The look

El gorro

The hat



Sí, jo crec que

Yes, I think that

La meitat del look

Half of the look

Era tradicional d'Ucrània

Traditional of Ukraine



Bueno, això ho respecto

Well, I respect that.

El gorro

The hat

Jo no sé

I don't know.

No deia cap tipus de sentit

It didn't make any sense.



Una mica random

A bit random.

Era modernitzar

It was modernizing.

No sé

I don’t know.

Era per cridar l'atenció

It was to attract attention.

I a mi m'agradava

And I liked it.

Que cantés i toqués la flauta

That he sang and played the flute.

També és difícil fer això

It's also difficult to do this.

Ja està

That's it.


És la meva aportació

It is my contribution.

El mateix Miki Chanel

The same Miki Chanel



Tocar la flauta i cantar

Play the flute and sing.

És difícil

It's difficult.

És cuidar-ho, eh

It's taking care of it, right?


És que tocar la flauta

It's just that playing the flute.

Està super

It's super.

Està super informadorat

He is very informed.

I has de com anar bufant

You have to go blowing.

I després

And then

Has de deixar de bufar i cantar

You have to stop blowing and singing.

Vull dir

I mean

És un procés, eh

It's a process, huh.

El pulmó està allà marejadíssim

The lung is there very dizzy.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Has de saber què fas

You have to know what you're doing.

Vull dir

I mean

Llavors sí

Then yes

Respecte per Ucrània

Respect for Ukraine



És que a mi això

It's just that this to me

Jo entenc que el govern

I understand that the government

Ha donat diners

He has given money.

Perquè vagi a Eurovisió

So that it goes to Eurovision

I dius

And you say

És la prioritat ara mateix

It is the priority right now.

Jo estic molt enfadada

I am very angry.





Entenc tot el que està passant

I understand everything that is happening.

I tot

And everything

Però no crec que

But I don't think that

Que facis alguna cosa

That you do something.

Que guanyi

May it win.

O sigui

That is to say

Fent que guanyi Ucrània

Making Ukraine win

O sigui

That is to say

No ho entenc, eh

I don't understand it, huh?



A veure

Let's see.

Jo sabia que anava a guanyar

I knew I was going to win.

És que ho tenia

It's that I had it.

Anava a guanyar

I was going to win.

Per pena

For shame

Doncs per pena

Well, out of pity.

Ajudar la gent

Help the people

Tot i així

Even so

En plan

In plan

Podria haver anat per la banda fàcil

I could have taken the easy route.

Fer una balada

To take a walk.

Tipo on estan matant

"Type where they are killing."

I vam fer aquesta cosa

We did this thing.

Que era una mica

It was a little bit.




El videoclip és molt

The music video is very

Però l'han tret després

But they took it out afterwards.



Però és en plan

But it's in plan

O sigui

That is to say

Jo entenc, eh

I understand, huh.

Però no

But no

Vull dir

I mean

Quanta pasta haurà guanyat

How much money will he/she have earned?

El televoto

The televote

Quants punts van ser

How many points were there?




Imagine yourself.

A dos euros

Two euros.

Quantes persones

How many people

Van votar

They voted.

Tots aquests diners

All this money

Dona-los directament

Give them directly.

No facis que guanyi

Don't let me win.



Ja, ja

Yes, yes

No, no

No, no.

Tens raó

You are right.

Però és com una manera

But it's like a way

De marcar

To score





No t'hem deixat participar

We didn't let you participate.

I a sobre ha guanyat Ucrània

And on top of that, Ukraine has won.

Però no deixes participar

But do not let participate.

A Rússia

To Russia

I Israel la fas guanyadora

In Israel, you make her a winner.

Fa dos anys

Two years ago

Això era molt fort

That was very strong.

O sigui

That is to say

Jo sincerament

I sincerely

El que passa és que

What happens is that

En el món

In the world

Ja saps que a Israel

You already know that in Israel

La gent diu

People say

Ui, no veiem res

Oh, we can't see anything.

No passa mai res

Nothing ever happens.

És que no té sentit

It doesn't make sense.



La que li va caure a Islàndia

The one that fell on Iceland.

Crec que va ser

I think it was.

Per ficar una bandera

To put up a flag

Free Palestina

Free Palestine

I els d'Ucrània

And those from Ukraine

Van fer un saludo nazi

They made a Nazi salute.

Ja, ja, ja

Ha, ha, ha

És que són coses

It's just that they are things.

Que no entenc

I don't understand.

No, no

No, no



El que passa

What happens

És racisme

It's racism.



A Israel

To Israel

Dóna igual

It doesn't matter.

El que fa un en Palestina

What one does in Palestine.



Com que estan atacant

Since they are attacking

Els rossos

The blondes

Amb ulls blaus

With blue eyes



Els hem de protegir

We have to protect them.

Els hem de fer guanyar

We have to make them win.

Sí, són coses

Yes, they are things.

Que jo no entenc

That I do not understand.

Dóna igual

It doesn't matter.

Que s'estan gastant diners

They are spending money.

En Eurovisió

In Eurovision

Dóna igual que

It doesn't matter that

No sé

I don't know.

L'any que ve volen

Next year they want

L'any que ve hi haurà Eurovisió

Next year there will be Eurovision.

Sí, a Mariupol

Yes, in Mariupol.

Sí, clar que sí

Yes, of course.



Vull dir

I mean

I també

Me too.

Imagina't que a Ucrània

Imagine that in Ukraine.

Encara estan en guerra

They are still at war.

Vull dir

I mean

Estàs posant en perill a tothom

You are putting everyone in danger.

Es farà

It will be done.



Jo també en contra d'això

I am also against this.

Però bueno

But well

Ja, ja

Yes, yes.

És que

It's just that

O sigui

That is to say





Que ha guanyat per la guerra

What has been won by the war





Que està aquí

What is here

L'any passat

Last year

Zero punts

Zero points

Per tot l'any

For the whole year

I aquest any

And this year


You forget.

Sí, ens oblidem

Yes, we forget.

A fer guanyadora

To make a winner

No, la Chanel per mi ha guanyat

No, Chanel has won for me.

Ja està

It's done.

Sí, no

Yes, no

A l'home de Gran Bretanya

To the man of Great Britain

La cançó bàsica

The basic song

Era Thor

It was Thor.

Era Thor cantant

It was Thor singing.

És molt heavy

It's very intense.

Però a mi feia molta por

But it scared me a lot.

Quan obria la boca

When she opened her mouth

I jo estava en plan

And I was like

Aquest home es menja

This man is eating.

A la gent

To the people

Vull dir

I mean

Però l'outfit

But the outfit

L'outfit molt bé

The outfit is very good.

Estava molt guai

It was really cool.


The outfit



On t'hem deixat

We have left you.

L'última favorita

The last favorite

Que era Sweden

What was Sweden?

La Cornelia

The Cornelia

Sí, bueno

Yes, well

Doncs molt bé

Well then, very good.

No hi ha

There isn't.

M'agradava la cançó

I liked the song.

El look no

The look no

La cançó

The song

Era el look no

It was the look, right?

Però la cançó

But the song

El look sí

The look yes

El fleco hagués acabat aquí

The fringe would have ended here.

En comptes d'aquí

Instead of here

Estava bé

It was fine.



La cançó

The song

Era Eurovisió normal

It was normal Eurovision.

Vull dir

I mean

Jo crec que

I believe that

Que anava descalça

That was walking barefoot.

Per l'escenari

For the stage

Sempre ho van

They always go.

Sempre ho hi van

They always go there.

I tu

And you

Tu vas mirar

You looked.

Com està l'escenari

How is the stage?

Clar, com era un escenari

Of course, as it was a stage.

Amb luce

With light

Estava tot ple de merda

It was all full of shit.



Em molava l'escenari

I liked the stage.

Que hi havia aigua

That there was water.

Sí, tot el rato

Yes, all the time.

Era molt guai

It was really cool.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

I bueno

And well

I la senyora de Sèrbia

And the lady from Serbia

A mi em fa molta gràcia

It makes me laugh a lot.

Perquè la senyora

Because the lady

Estava criticant

I was criticizing.

El sistema sanitari de Sèrbia

The healthcare system of Serbia

I dius

And you say

I Sèrbia ha decidit

And Serbia has decided

Anem a enviar aquesta senyora

Let's send this lady.

Que ens està tirant merda

That we are being thrown crap.

O sigui

That is to say

Soc molt fan

I am a big fan.

A mi és una estratègia

To me, it is a strategy.

No sé de què

I don't know what.

És veritat

It is true.

A mi em va fer

It made me.

A mi em va fer molta por

It scared me a lot.

Jo no vaig a Sèrbia

I am not going to Serbia.

A mi em feia por

I was scared.

Però respecto a la senyora

But regarding the lady

La respecto

I respect her.

I quan la van votar

And when they voted for her

Jo estava en plan

I was like

Molt bé

Very well

La senyora de Lucreti

The lady of Lucretius

O sigui

That is to say

Jo sabia que

I knew that

Guanyaria vots

He would win votes.

Del públic

Of the public

Perquè m'agradava

Because I liked.

Perquè feien una performance

Because they were doing a performance.

Vull dir

I mean




Com la Chanel

Like Chanel




O sigui

That is to say

Sentar-te i rentar-te les mans

Sit down and wash your hands.

Tota l'estona

All the time

Era una mica també

It was a little bit too.

Jo tenia por

I was afraid.

Quan veia

When I saw

Tot el rato

All the time



Jo no l'havia vist

I hadn't seen him/her.

I jo

And me

Què faig

What do I do?

Tot el rato

All the time

Rentant les mans

Washing hands

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Però jo no sé

But I don't know

Bueno, jo

Well, I

La meva interpretació és

My interpretation is

En plan

In plan

El sistema sanitari és una merda

The healthcare system is crap.

Perquè renten les mans

Why do they wash their hands?



Però en plan

But in a way

La versió bíblica de

The biblical version of


La qüestió és que

The question is that

Un artista

An artist

O sigui

That is to say

Els artistes de Sèrbia

The artists of Serbia

No tenen dret

They do not have the right.

A la seguretat social

To social security

En plan

In plan

Als metges

To the doctors

I tot això

And all this

Llavors un artista

Then an artist

Que coneixia la noia aquesta

That I knew this girl.

Va morir precisament

He died precisely.

Perquè no li van dir

Why didn't they tell him/her?

No, no

No, no.

No t'entendemos

We don't understand you.

Per això

That's why



És com

It's like

Llavors el fet de sortir

Then the fact of going out

Rentar-te les mans

Wash your hands

Tota l'estona

All the time

És en plan

It's like that.

Ens la suda

We don't care.



Estem a favor

We are in favor.

Jo estic a favor

I am in favor.

D'aquesta performance

From this performance

I que guanyi punts

I hope you earn points.



Al final

In the end

El que va quedar

What remained

A l'últim

At the end

Era Alemanya

It was Germany.

Perquè era una merda allò

Because that was crap.

Que tampoc estava tan malament

That wasn't so bad either.

A mi la cançó m'agradava

I liked the song.

O sigui

That is to say

No estava malament la cançó

The song wasn't bad.

Però és que la cançó

But the song

Era molt similar a moltes altres

It was very similar to many others.

Bueno, sí

Well, yes.

I avorridíssim

And incredibly boring

Perquè almenys

Because at least

A l'home de Sèrbia

To the man of Serbia

Que també era un pal de cançó

That was also a song stick.

Es va estirar

He/She lay down.

I es va rapar els rizos

And she shaved her curls.

Que eren característics

They were characteristic.

Per la final

For the final

I jo

And I

Què fas

What are you doing?

Amb el món que eres amb els rizos

With the world you were with the curls.



I ja està

And that's it.

O sigui

That is to say

Però almenys

But at least

I que li vendran 12 punts a Sèrbia

And they will sell him 12 points in Serbia.



Jo no entenc

I do not understand.

Jo quan la gent vota a Sèrbia

I when people vote in Serbia

Que sempre té una cançó

That always has a song.

Que s'oblida

That is forgotten.


Sempre, eh

Always, huh?

A Sèrbia

To Serbia

Sempre està allà

He/She is always there.


Sempre surt

Always comes out.

I quan surt

And when does it come out?

El primer

The first

Que t'oblides d'ell

That you forget about him.

I llavors van dient

And then they keep saying.

No sé

I don't know.

Hi ha països

There are countries.

Que ens donen els punts

What do they give us the points for?

I dius

And you say



Sempre surt

It always comes out.

A Sèrbia

To Serbia

Sempre té punts

She always has points.

No sé com s'ho fan

I don't know how they do it.



Perquè nosaltres

Because we

Hem tingut aquest any

We have had this year.




I Polònia

In Poland

Era l'home aquell

He was that man.

Que plovia

That it was raining.

No te'n recordes

You don't remember.

Els efectes

The effects

Els efectes visuals

The visual effects


Que s'estava

That was being

Suposo que li queien

I suppose they were falling for him/her.

Com truent

As a trough

I eren en plan

And they were in a plan

Ho estàs fent a Movie Maker

You're doing it on Movie Maker.

Super cutre

Super cheap.

Ah sí

Ah yes

Feia molt cringe allò

That was very cringe.

Molt, molt, molt

Very, very, very

Que dius

What do you say?

Això ho podem fer nosaltres

We can do this ourselves.


Amb l'after effects

With After Effects


Bueno, mira

Well, look.

La vida

The life

Vull dir

I mean



És que hi havia molta cosa

It's just that there was a lot going on.

Molt cursi, eh

Very cheesy, huh?

Vull dir

I mean

És que es notava molt

It was very noticeable.

Que la millor que estava preparada

That the best one was prepared.



És raro, eh

It's weird, huh?

Però era amb nosaltres

But he was with us.

Sí, era

Yes, it was.

O sigui

That is to say

Era com

It was like

Era l'únic moment

It was the only moment.

Bueno, és que va ser

Well, it was that...

El resultat més alt

The highest result

Amb 27 anys

At 27 years old

O alguna cosa així

Or something like that.

És que dius

It is that you say.

Això és que ho hem fet molt malament

This means that we have done it very badly.

És que

It's that

Jo estava patint

I was suffering.

Perquè ens donaven

Because they were giving us

Menys d'uns 5

Less than five.

En quin moment

At what moment

Ens hem vist amb aquestes

We have seen each other with these.

Quan l'any passat era

When last year was

La risa

The laughter

A veure si no es donen

Let's see if they don't give in.

Un punt en algun moment

A point at some moment

I ara jo m'enfadava

And now I was getting angry.

Si ens donaven menys de 5

If they gave us less than 5

O sigui

That is to say

A veure, mira

Let's see, look.

Jo sincerament

I sincerely

Jo sempre estava a favor

I was always in favor.

Que a Espanya li donessin 0 punts

That Spain was given 0 points.

Perquè anaven molt

Because they were going a lot.

Sempre des d'aquí

Always from here

S'anaven molt

They suited each other very well.


They say.

Ui, sí, guanyarem, guanyarem

Oh, yes, we will win, we will win.

I llavors

And then

És com que es fotien l'hòstia

It's like they were getting hit hard.

I fa gràcia

It's funny.

Que va

No way.

Jo crec que

I believe that

O sigui

That is to say.

Els últims anys

The last few years

Des que vam començar

Since we started

A portar els d'OT

To bring the ones from OT.

Érem plan

We were planning.

Portem aquests

We bring these.

Sí, però

Yes, but

Des dels mitjans

From the means

I la gent fan d'OT

And the people do OT.

Mai estàvem tan segurs

We were never so sure.

Que guanyaríem menys d'un

That we would win less than one.

Hi havia gent que deia

There were people who said

Ja, no, no

Yes, no, no

Això sí

That’s for sure.

Home, no

No, home.

Com vols que guanyem

How do you want us to win?

Amb Do it for your lover

With Do it for your lover

No, amb aquella puta merda

No, with that fucking shit.

És que tu eres conscient

It's just that you are aware.

Que enviaves merda

That you were sending crap.

Aquest any érem conscients

This year we were aware.

Que podíem guanyar

What we could win

Clar, clar

Of course, of course.

També em fa molta ràbia

It also makes me very angry.



La gent va criticar

People criticized.

El do it for your lover

Do it for your lover.

Que normal, jo també

How normal, me too.



Vale, critiquem això

Okay, let's critique this.

Però llavors

But then

Quan la Chanel

When the Chanel

Ens demostra

It shows us.

Que pot ballar

That can dance.


To sing

I no

And no

Se li escapa cap gallo

No rooster escapes him.

L'únic que diem

The only thing we say


It is

Anava vestida

She was dressed.

Aquell noi

That boy

No anava ni vestit bé

He wasn't even dressed well.

Ni sabia ballar

I didn't even know how to dance.

Ni sabia cantar

I didn't know how to sing.

I només li van dir

And they only told him/her

Ai, ha fet un gallo

Oh, he made a mistake.

Va, sisplau, tio

Come on, please, dude.

O sigui

That is to say

Jo, això és el que penso jo

Me, this is what I think.

Però bueno

But well

Després va actuar

Then he/she acted.



I el Mika

And Mika.



La meva infància

My childhood

La teva infància

Your childhood

La infància de tota Europa

The childhood of all Europe

De tothom

From everyone

Sempre parlem de la infància

We always talk about childhood.

El Mika

The Mika

És tan icònic aquell home

That man is so iconic.

Quan anava amb el traje de color rosa

When I was wearing the pink suit.

Una cosa

One thing

Referenciant al Sebastian Stan

Referring to Sebastian Stan.

Això m'ho he inventat jo

I made this up myself.


Jo estava flipant amb els trajes

I was amazed by the suits.

No, és que estava flipant

No, I was just amazed.

Amb els nocs

With the nocs

I els tres presentadors

And the three presenters

És que

It's just that

No, jo

No, me.

I l'altre presentador

And the other presenter

Que va haver-hi un moment

That there was a moment

Que estava ficant mal croma

I was putting in bad chroma.

Sí, mal croma

Yes, bad joke.

I anàvem canviant

We kept changing.

Què passa?

What's happening?

Això també em donava

This also gave me.

Una mica de vibes de pràctica

A bit of practice vibes.


From here

De la facultat

From the faculty

I després va haver-hi un moment

And then there was a moment.

Que va presentar

That was presented.

Amb tot verd

With everything green

I jo vaig mirar

And I looked.

Com se li marcava tot

How everything was marked for him.

I jo

And me

Però què faig

But what am I doing?

Aquell home

That man

Aquell home era el menys rellevant

That man was the least relevant.

Sí, òbviament

Yes, obviously.

És que tenint la Laura

It's just that having Laura

Boussini a vinga

Boussini come on

I també vull dir

I also want to say

Que el Mika va dir

What Mika said.

Anem a parlar amb Espanya

Let's talk to Spain.

I va anar a parlar amb Romania

He went to talk to Romania.

I jo

And I

Oh my god

Oh my god

No en sabem les banderes, Mika

We don't know the flags, Mika.

És que Espanya i Romania

It is that Spain and Romania

És que Romania

It's that Romania

Jo és que sóc tan fan

I am just such a fan.

La amo

I love her.

Jo, jo també

Me, me too.

Aquest any amo Romania

This year I love Romania.

Després ens van donar un punt

Then they gave us a point.

Que no m'entenc

I don't understand myself.

Però bueno

But well

Bueno, deixa'ls

Well, let them be.

Romania és molt suja

Romania is very dirty.

És molt paella

It is very paella.

Molt paella

Very paella

Sí, i això

Yes, and that

Però hi ha l'outfit del Mika

But there is Mika's outfit.

Quan va cantar

When he/she sang

També era molt guai

It was also very cool.

Amb les flors

With the flowers

I això

And this


You say

On estan aquests outfits

Where are these outfits?

En els participants?

In the participants?

És que jo em vaig enfadar molt

It's just that I got very angry.

És que em vaig

It's just that I'm leaving.

Em vaig enfadar

I got angry.

Em vaig enfadar molt

I got very angry.

Em va semblar tan avorrit

It seemed so boring to me.

Com anaven tots

How everyone was going.

A mi em va semblar

It seemed to me.

Una vegada avorrida

Once bored

Molt avorrida

Very boring

O sigui, a mi em va semblar

So, it seemed to me.

Interessant perquè tenia

Interesting because I had

Jo tenia els nervis

I was nervous.

D'a veure si guanyem

Let's see if we win.

Però si traiem això

But if we take this out

Crec que ha sigut

I think it has been

Una edició molt mala

A very bad edition.

Molt bàsica

Very basic



Arriba a Espanya

Arrives in Spain.

A no presentar la Chanel

To not present the Chanel.

Jo que sé

I know.

Presenta en una balada

Present in a ballad



Res, jo no miro

Nothing, I don't look.

No, o sigui

No, I mean.


I'm falling asleep.



Vull dir, no

I mean, no

A part estava més que cantat

The part was more than sung.

Que guanyaria Ucrania

What would Ukraine win?





Ja, això ho sabíem

Yes, we knew that.

Jo crec que

I believe that

Els guanyadors

The winners

De veritat han sigut

They have really been

Mira, han sigut

Look, they have been

Gran Bretanya i Espanya

Great Britain and Spain

A set punts, eh

A hundred points, eh.

Que s'ha dit fàcil

What has been said easily

Ja, ja, ja

Ha, ha, ha

Tampoc entenc, eh

I don't understand either, you know.

Per què van votar tant

Why did they vote so much?

A Gran Bretanya

To Great Britain

Jo tampoc

Me neither.

És més ballar

It's more about dancing.

Per la cançó de la Chanel

For Chanel's song

Sí, però

Yes, but

Tenia més qualitat

It had more quality.

Jo crec que és

I believe that it is

Perquè tenia més qualitat

Because it had more quality.



Ja, però jo al final

Yes, but for me in the end

Però és que la Chanel

But it's just that Chanel

Per mi cantava bé

For me, he/she sang well.

La Chanel també cantava bé

Chanel also sang well.

I al final, vale

And in the end, okay.

La qualitat vocal està molt bé

The vocal quality is very good.



Jo valoraria el xou

I would value the show.

Sempre s'ha valorat el xou

The show has always been valued.



Quan va guanyar

When did he/she win?

A vegades que hem guanyat coses

Sometimes we have won things.

Que dius

What are you saying?

S'està valorant el xou

The show is being evaluated.

No la qualitat vocal

Not the vocal quality.

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Bueno, i altres vegades no

Well, and other times no.

Perquè saps

Because you know



La cançó

The song

Aquesta s'estava valorant

This was being assessed.

La qualitat vocal

The vocal quality


A part que amb la cançó

Apart from the song

De Slow Mo

From Slow Mo

Tampoc te podies lucir

You couldn't show off either.

Mucho vocalmente

Very vocally



És que

It's that

Jo crec que el problema

I think that the problem

No és a la Chanel

It's not at Chanel.

El problema és a la cançó

The problem is in the song.

És que la Chanel

It's just that Chanel

No era la cançó

It wasn't the song.

Era el pack

It was the pack.




Cançó, ball, performance

Song, dance, performance

Fogos artificiales


Era tot

It was everything.

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Perquè, clar

Because, of course.

Tu l'escoltes per Spotify

You listen to it on Spotify.

I tu dius

And you say.

Bueno, sí, està bé

Well, yes, it's fine.

Per córrer

To run

Sí, però per córrer

Yes, but to run.

Perquè té com el punt

Because it has like the dot

Era tot

It was all.

I a part ella més mona

And besides her, cuter.

Més, no sé

More, I don't know.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes.

Chanel, jo des d'aquí t'estimo

Chanel, I love you from here.



Des d'una abraçada

From a hug

Per donar-nos les ganes

To give us the desire

De viure a Eurovisió

To live at Eurovision

Teníem tothom nervis

We were all nervous.

Jo crec que mai

I believe that never

Jo mai havia viscut això

I had never lived this.

Ja, jo mai

Yes, I never.

Jo, o sigui

I, like

Quan va començar

When did it begin?

I van dir 12 punts per Espanya

They said 12 points for Spain.

Jo vaig dir

I said

És el primer cop que ho veig, això

It's the first time I see this.

I a sobre

And above

3-12 seguides

3-12 consecutive

Era molt fort, això

That was very strong.

És que va ser impressionant

It was impressive.

Clar, per això

Of course, that’s why.

Jo al principi del televoto

I at the beginning of the televote

Estava en plan

I was in the mood.

Va, anem a mirar el televoto

Come on, let's check the televote.

I llavors

And then

Quan va començar

When did it start?

A tothom donar-li

To give it to everyone.

A Gran Bretanya

To Great Britain

Em vaig dormir

I fell asleep.

Jo només vaig veure

I only saw.

El tema d'això

The subject of this

Que Geòrgia i Azerbaijàn

That Georgia and Azerbaijan

No tenien connexió

They had no connection.

I jo

And me

I si els he tirat una bomba

What if I threw a bomb at them?


By chance

Els 4 països

The 4 countries

Que no tenien connexió

That they had no connection.

Dos van votar

Two voted.

Exactament el mateix

Exactly the same.

I els altres dos

And the other two.

Exactament el mateix

Exactly the same.

O sigui

That is to say

Aquí ha passat alguna cosa

Something has happened here.

Perquè hi havia molts països

Because there were many countries

Que estan a la mateixa zona

That are in the same area.

Del planeta

Of the planet

I jo

And I

Està passant alguna cosa

Something is happening.

Però bueno

But well

I d'això

And about that

Diuen que va haver-hi un hackeig

They say there was a hacking.

Que els russos

That the Russians

Van intentar hackejar

They tried to hack.

Pot ser

It could be.

Però mira

But look

Al final no ens va servir

In the end, it didn't help us.

Jo no crec això

I don't believe this.

Perquè els russos

Because the Russians

Sempre estan intentant hackejar

They are always trying to hack.

Aquella gent

Those people

És com

It's like

Tota l'estona

All the time

I com hi havia problemes

And since there were problems

Els votos no van arribar bé

The votes did not arrive properly.

O sigui

That is to say

Els vots no van arribar bé

The votes did not arrive properly.

I s'ho van inventar

And they made it up.

El home aquell

That man

Que estava a la connexió

That was at the connection.

Del televoto

From the televote

I anava dient

I was saying

Sí, els votos

Yes, the votes.

Senyor, que no

Sir, no.

Tu estàs inventant

You are making it up.

O sigui

That is to say

Agafeu algú

Grab someone.

Que actuï millor

Let him/her act better.

I si et fixes

And if you pay attention

Eren 12 punts per Ucrònia

There were 12 points for Ukraine.

No em fa faltar

I don't need it.


Jo des d'aquí vull dir

I want to say from here

Que podem anar de vacances

That we can go on vacation.

A San Marino

To San Marino

A Armènia

To Armenia

A Irlanda

To Ireland

A Austràlia

To Australia

Que són els països

What are countries?

En els que ens han donat un dotxe

In those who have given us a gift.

La resta

The rest

Jo no hi diria

I wouldn't say that.

De vacances a Itàlia

On vacation in Italy.

Després a veure Eurovisió

After watching Eurovision

Que no ens va donar ni un punt

That didn't give us even a point.

M'és igual

I don't care.

Després a veure

See you later

Totes les imatges

All the images





Però tia

But aunt

Nostros veïns

Our neighbors

Que veïns

What neighbors

Nostros veïns

Our neighbors

Els nostres veïns

Our neighbors

Són França i Portugal

They are France and Portugal.



Però Itàlia

But Italy

Itàlia i Espanya

Italy and Spain

Sempre s'han portat bé

They have always gotten along well.


A veure

Let's see.

Italiano, espanyol

Italian, Spanish

Ja saps

You already know.

Però estaven tan rabiosos

But they were so furious.

Que nosaltres portàvem

That we were carrying.

La icònica reina

The iconic queen

I diva xanell

And I diva window

Però no estaven rabiosos

But they were not angry.

Si no volien ni guanyar

If they didn't even want to win.

Ens van fer un favor

They did us a favor.

Al posar-se

When putting on

És l'únic

It is the only one.

És l'únic país

It is the only country.

Que no ens va votar

That we were not voted for.

Ni el jurado

Neither the jury

Ni la gent

Neither the people.

Ni el televoto

Nor the televote

No ens ha votat

He/She has not voted for us.


The only one



Però és que no els deu agradar

But they probably don't like it.

Aquest tipus de música

This type of music

Que no

No way.

A los italianos

To the Italians

A veure no

Let's see, no.

Si esteren a la Ana Mena

If they were to stretch Ana Mena.

Que lo está petando

That's going viral.

A veure

Let's see.

No sé

I don't know.

A veure

Let's see.

Jo ara diré una cosa

I will say something now.

Que no tardarà

It won't be long.

A mi m'agrada més

I like it more.



O sigui

That is to say

M'agrada molt més

I like it much more.

Com ho va fer Måneskin

How did Måneskin do it?

L'any passat

Last year

Que no com ho ha fet

"How hasn't he/she done it?"

La xanell

The ring

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Però igualment

But still

Dona'ns un vot

Give us a vote.

Que no m'ho puc creure

I can't believe it.

Com tot el que sé jo

As far as I know

Mira jo

Look at me.

A mi em van convèncer

They convinced me.

Jo tota l'estona

I all the time

Ensenyant itàlia

Teaching Italy

I jo parem

And I stop.



Hauria de ser il·legal això

This should be illegal.

Vull dir

I mean



Per què


Què està passant

What is happening

Perquè hi ha gent

Because there are people.

Que ens està mirant

That is looking at us.

No ho sé

I don't know.

Ah vale no

Oh, okay, no.

No és

It is not.

Que pesada

How annoying.



Doncs això

Well, that's it.

Que jo

That I

Jo no estic en contra d'Itàlia

I am not against Italy.

Ja està

That's it.



Però no ens va votar

But he/she did not vote for us.

I a mi em sembla molt estrany

And it seems very strange to me.

Que no ens voti

Don't let us be voted for.

Ens va votar França

France voted for us.

No ens votes tu Itàlia

Do not vote for us, Italy.

Ja bueno

Yeah, okay.

És que França

It's that France

I pobres els de Portugal

Oh poor them from Portugal.

Ens donen 12 punts

They give us 12 points.

I nosaltres no ens votem

And we do not vote for ourselves.


Oh dear

No hem parlat de Portugal

We haven't talked about Portugal.

Però perquè se m'havia oblidat

But because I had forgotten.



No feien així

They didn't do it like that.

Eren 3 dones

There were 3 women.

No sé

I don't know.

Una mica

A bit





A vegades porta coses

Sometimes it brings things.

Que guanyen després

What do they win afterwards?

I dius

And you say




Jo que saps que no en tinc

I know that you know I don't have any.

En plan Eurovisió

In Eurovision style

És la gràcia d'Eurovisió

It's the charm of Eurovision.



O sigui

That is to say

Jo sisplau

Me please

El meu missatge cap a Eurovisió

My message to Eurovision

És no a les balades

It's no to the ballads.


Prohibit them.



I menys a les coses satàniques

And less to the satanic things.

O sigui

That is to say

O estranyes

Or do you miss?



Almenys podem parlar

At least we can talk.

Però és que fixa-t'hi

But just look at it.

Que totes les balades

That all the ballads

No les hem ni comentat

We haven't even mentioned them.

Perquè no existeixen

Because they do not exist.

Per mi

For me

Totes són iguals

They are all the same.

O sigui

That is to say.

Jo crec que hauríem de posar

I think we should put.

Com un veto

Like a veto

Tipo almenys

At least

Una o dos

One or two

Ja està

It's done.

Per no marejar-nos

To avoid getting dizzy.

I ja està

And that's it.

És el que jo penso

It's what I think.

És que el que hi hagi balades

It's just that there are ballads.

És que destaquen

It's that they stand out.

Hi ha dos o tres que destaquen

There are two or three that stand out.

Perquè tot el resta és igual

Because everything else is the same.





O sigui

That is to say.

Jo crec que

I believe that

No hauríem d'haver-hi

We should not have been there.

Perquè si poses tot

Because if you put everything

Ple de balades

Full of strolls

Llavors passa el que passa

Then what happens happens.

I és un avorriment

And it's a bore.

És que Eurovisió no és un xou

It's that Eurovision is not a show.

Es fa per la tele

It's on TV.

I s'hi ha fet en un

And it has been done in one.

En plan en un estadi

In a stadium plan

Tot això

All this

O sigui

That is to say

Jo crec que

I think that

És el que dius tu

It's what you say.

Que hauríem de posar més

What should we include more?

Pel xou

For the show

Que no per

That doesn't stop.

Per altra cosa

For another thing


I si fos una balada

And if it were a ballad

Més folclore de cada país

More folklore from each country

Sí exacte

Yes exactly

I si fos una balada

And if it were a ballad

Doncs que sigui diferent

Then let it be different.

O sigui


Fes com un xou diferent

Make it like a different show.

Però no vesteixis a la persona de carrer

But don't dress the person on the street.

I que estigui parada així

And that it be stopped like this.



I els looks

And the looks



Doncs sí

Well, yes.

Jo crec que és important

I believe that it is important.

Al final

In the end


És important

It is important.

Ava va guanyar a mitat per la cançó

Ava won halfway for the song.

A mitat pel look

Half for the look.

Vull dir no

I mean no.

És que va dir icònics

He said iconic.

Els Ava

The Ava

Els Ava són iconequíssims

The Ava are extremely iconic.

Vull dir

I mean


És l'únic

It's the only one.

O sigui

That is to say

Una de les coses úniques bones

One of the uniquely good things.

Que ha fet Eurovisió

What has Eurovision done?


M'estan posant nerviosa

They are making me nervous.

La gent que està fora

The people who are outside

A mi també

Me too.

És que no paren de mirar

They're just not stopping looking.

I diuen

And they say

Però que tenen l'hora ara

But what time do they have now?

Pots anar a esmorzar-te a casa teva

You can have breakfast at your house.

Quina hora és Meri?

What time is it, Meri?

M'està donant molt mal rotllo

I'm getting a really bad vibe.

Són les 10

It's 10 o'clock.

Són les 10 potser

It is probably 10 o'clock.

Volen gravar

They want to record.


Well then

Ens han censurat

They have censored us.


En plan

In plan

No estan a favor del que comentem

They are not in favor of what we discussed.


They are

Fans de Gran Bretanya

Fans of Great Britain

O alguna cosa així

Or something like that.

És que Gran Bretanya

It's that Great Britain.

És que

It's just that


The man

Una mica de por

A little bit of fear

L'home de Gran Bretanya

The man from Great Britain

Però bueno

But well

Va fer un vídeo

He made a video.

Amb la Chanel

With Chanel

És tiktoker

He is a TikToker.

Del tiktok

From TikTok.

Va fer un vídeo

He made a video.

La Chanel i l'home aquest

The Chanel and this man

El d'un tiktok

The one from a TikTok

Que la Chanel li deia

That Chanel was telling him/her.

Fes-lo de slow-mo

Do it in slow motion.

Una mica

A little bit

Es podria haver pensat

It could have been thought.

Una mica més

A little more.

El què?

The what?

Tipo això de

Like this of

Valer que fas com així

Worth it that you do like this.





T'hi he fet

I have done it to you.

I vaig slow-mo

I'm going slow-mo.

Et mous lentament

You move slowly.

Ja, jo sé

Yes, I know.

Però queda una mica raro

But it sounds a bit strange.

O sigui

That is to say

N'estic gaire a favor

I'm not very much in favor of it.

Jo m'ho vendré a la coreografia

I will sell myself to the choreography.

A mi això em fa una mica de por

This makes me a little scared.

Perquè, vale

Because, okay.

Ara que tens

Now that you have

Que és la Chanel i tal

What is Chanel and such?

Val això

Well, this.

Però a tu

But to you

L'algú a la discoteca et fa així

Someone at the club does this to you.

I jo dic

And I say

Adéu, anem-nos-en

Goodbye, let's go away.

Jo aquest dimecres

I this Wednesday

Que anem a resmutar

Let's go to sum up.

O sigui

That is to say

Si això es publiqui

If this is published

Hauríem anat o no?

Would we have gone or not?

Hem convençut a la Maria

We have convinced Maria.

Per anar de festa

To go to a party

Espero que fiquin

I hope they include.


Slow motion

Saps el que vaig veure

Do you know what I saw?

Que segurament posen

That they probably put.

Coses de high school musical

Things from High School Musical

I coses d'aquestes

And things like that.

A favor sempre

Always in favor.

Sortirem de festa

We will go out to party.

A raz

A razor

A mi que m'agrada

I like it.

Només el reggaeton

Only reggaeton

M'envien a raz

They send me to raz.




Excuse me.

High school musical

High School Musical

Si sona ningú es queixa

If it rings, no one complains.



Però jo m'aniré a la sala

But I will go to the room.

De reggaeton

Of reggaeton

Ja està

It's done.

Podrem fer

We will be able to do.

Quan estiguem borratxes

When we are drunk.

Fem el TikTok

Let's do the TikTok.



O sigui

That is to say

És per el que serveix

That's what it's for.

Al final

In the end

Tindrem contingut

We will have content.

Bloody Marys

Bloody Marys

Per les xarxes socials

For social media


Bloody Marys

Bloody Marys



No tenim contingut

We have no content.

Per les xarxes

For the networks



Hi ha contingut

There is content.




I si ens torna a passar això

And if this happens to us again.

Que la gent es queda parada aquí

That people stop here.

El contingut

The content

El contingut de la xarxa

The content of the network

Serà un vídeo de la gent parada

It will be a video of unemployed people.


Looking at each other



Perquè a veure com es senten

Because let's see how they feel.

Parem d'incomodar la gent

Let's stop bothering people.

I fins aquí

And up to here.

El nostre mini resum

Our mini summary


Of Eurovision



Jo no sé si ens hem deixat coses

I don’t know if we have left things out.

Per comentar

To comment

Els memes

The memes

A mi la gala

I like the gala.

Els memes

The memes

De la senyora de Lituània

From the lady of Lithuania

Els memes em donen la vida

Memes give me life.


Em donen la vida

They give me life.

Crec que Twitter

I think that Twitter

A la mitad

In the middle

És part del xou

It's part of the show.

És brutal

It’s brutal.

El que passa és que

What happens is that

A mi em posa molt nerviós

It makes me very nervous.

A mirar el Twitter

To look at Twitter

Mentre estan com

While they are like



Perquè és com que

Because it's like that

Tota l'estona es refreix

It keeps getting cold all the time.

I et perds alguns memes

You're missing some memes.

Però gràcies Twitter

But thank you, Twitter.

Per existir

To exist

Només per aquests dies

Only for these days



Moltes gràcies

Thank you very much.

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Vull dir

I mean

És brutal

It's brutal.

Vull dir

I mean

Jo no he vist tants memes

I haven't seen so many memes.

De la senyora de Lituània

Of the lady from Lithuania

Ningú parlaria d'ella

No one would talk about her.

Vull dir

I mean

Si no fos pel meme

If it weren't for the meme

Ojalà hagués existit Twitter

I wish Twitter had existed.

Tipo com

Type like

Quan va guanyar la Salome

When did Salome win?

Amb aquell vestit així

With that dress like this

Perquè hagués sigut brutal

Because it would have been brutal.

És que

It's just that

Jo també vull comentar

I also want to comment.

Que a Espanya

That in Spain

Parecia que estàvem

It seemed that we were

Ganant el Mundial

Winning the World Cup

Un altre cop


Tots a una

All together



A mi em posa

It turns me on.

Apoyant a la General

Supporting the General

Que ganamos

That we win

Va haver un moviment

There was a movement.

En massa

In mass

Que jo vaig flipar

That I was blown away.

Sí, està molt bé

Yes, it is very good.

Sí, a veure si

Yes, let's see if

Hem de seguir així

We have to continue like this.



O sigui

That is to say

Enviant altres coses diferents

Sending other different things.

Tinc gana

I'm hungry.

Però hem de

But we have to

Jo crec que

I believe that

General ha sigut

General it has been.

Un punt d'inflexió

A turning point






Ara potser

Now maybe

Som un dels països

We are one of the countries.

Que ja no estem a la cua

That we are no longer at the end of the queue.

Potser hem sortit de la cua

Maybe we have left the queue.

Hem d'aprofitar

We must take advantage.

És que tot depèn de l'any que ve

It all depends on next year.

També et dic

I also tell you

Que no


Que si l'any que ve

That if next year

Seguirem cap amant

We will continue towards the lover.

A veure si veig qui tassa

Let's see if I can see who is there.

No ho sabem

We don't know.

M'estan posant nerviosos

They are making me nervous.





I amb això

And with this

Acabem el programa d'avui

We finish today's program.







Que vagi bé

Take care.

Ens veiem la setmana que ve

We'll see each other next week.

Us comentarem com ha anat

We will tell you how it went.

La nostra sortida de festa

Our party outing.



És el drama d'això

It's the drama of this.

Jo crec que podem dir

I believe we can say.

Que podrem explicar

What we will be able to explain



El do de la discoteca

The gift of the nightclub

Perquè no crec que es li den

Because I don't think they are given to him.



Ja ho veurem

We'll see.

Però bueno

But well



Bona nit

Good night

Jo ets a deixar a dir bona nit

I let you say goodnight.

Sí perquè és de dia

Yes, because it is daytime.

I no

And no

Bé però quan miren ells

Well, but when they look.

És de nit

It is nighttime.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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