23 - Crema d'estiu amb Griffi, Juli Giuliani, Manu Chao, Frank Zappa i Prince

Jordi Via

Crema d'estrelles

23 - Crema d'estiu amb Griffi, Juli Giuliani, Manu Chao, Frank Zappa i Prince

Crema d'estrelles

Bon dia, bon vespre, quan sigui que estigueu escoltant aquest programa de ràdio o podcast,

Good morning, good evening, whenever you are listening to this radio program or podcast,

sigueu benvingudes i benvinguts. El meu nom és Jordi Vía i us parlo des dels estudis de casa meva al carrer de la Independència de Terrassa.

Welcome, everyone. My name is Jordi Vía, and I am speaking to you from the studios of my home on Independence Street in Terrassa.

En aquest moment, quan estic fent aquesta gravació, estem en plena onada de calor i és per això que he fet una selecció musical d'allò més refrescant.

At this moment, while I am making this recording, we are in the midst of a heatwave, and that is why I have made a musical selection that is most refreshing.

Em moro de ganes per compartir la meva malumania i molta crema, crema estrictament gelada, strictly ice cream.

I die of desire to share my malumania and a lot of cream, strictly frozen cream, strictly ice cream.

Així doncs, el millor és que doni pas a Grifi, que ens ha deixat un missatge de veu.

Therefore, the best thing is to hand it over to Grifi, who has left us a voice message.

Comença ara i aquí, Crema d'Estrellas.

It starts now and here, Stars' Flame.

He llegado aquí Grifi para Crema d'Estrellas presentando lo que es mi último disco junto a Juli Giuliani,

I have arrived here, Grifi, for Crema d'Estrellas presenting what is my latest album alongside Juli Giuliani.

que se llama Strictly Ice Cream, que recomiendo a todo el mundo porque va perfecto.

which is called Strictly Ice Cream, which I recommend to everyone because it works perfectly.

Con el título del programa, es un disco desenfadado para bailar, para refrescarte, es como una vibe de principio a fin,

With the title of the program, it's a carefree dance album, to refresh you, it's like a vibe from beginning to end.

que ha salido bastante, pues ha cogido este camino de una manera muy natural, la verdad,

that has come out quite a bit, as it has taken this path in a very natural way, to be honest,

porque no hemos intentado, teníamos una idea preconcebida de lo que sería, pero una vez que nos pusimos a trabajar,

because we didn't try, we had a preconceived idea of what it would be, but once we started to work,

cogió ese tono indiscutible de fiesta y de crema, y nada, ha sido un placer darle forma con mi hermano Juli Giuliani,

he took on that undeniable tone of celebration and cream, and nothing, it has been a pleasure to shape it with my brother Juli Giuliani,

intrépido donde los haya, y que yo desde la primera vez que lo escuché, pues pensé, bueno, si es que lo escuché en Instagram,

intrepid like no other, and that from the first time I heard it, well, I thought, well, if I heard it on Instagram,

inmediatamente lo...

immediately it...

lo contacté con él, por ahí mismo.

I contacted him right there.

Y ya esa misma semana nos conocimos y ya él me dijo, grifi vamos a hacer un clásico de día,

And that same week we met, and he already told me, grifi let's do a daytime classic.

así que Strictly Ice Cream, ya es un hecho.

So Strictly Ice Cream is a done deal.

Y que sea un clásico, pues depende ya de la mirada de cada uno, pero para nosotros, es un...

And whether it is a classic depends on each person's perspective, but for us, it is a...

es un... algo muy asentado y es como... estamos muy orgullosos de este disco.

It is a... something very established and it's like... we are very proud of this album.

Plata pour les fans.

Silver for the fans.


Thank you.

per com sona, per el caràcter, el color que té.

for how it sounds, for the character, the color it has.

Així que, sense més, espero que us agradi a tots,

So, without further ado, I hope you all like it.

de la mateixa manera que nosaltres ho hem gaudit en el procés.

in the same way that we have enjoyed it in the process.

I això, doncs, us invito a tots a que li donis unes escutades

And thus, I invite you all to give it a few listens.

a la platja, a la piscina, a casa, sota el ventilador,

at the beach, at the pool, at home, under the fan,

a l'averia, on sigui, mirant les estrelles,

at the breakdown, wherever it may be, looking at the stars,

mirant la crema d'estrelles.

looking at the star cream.

En fi, ahí lo dejo, Peñita.

Anyway, I'll leave it there, Peñita.

One love y mandanga all day.

One love and good vibes all day.

Suprema, mandanguitos, ¿quién supera?

Supreme, little bites, who can surpass?

Aunque duela, deja atrás tu pena.

Although it hurts, let go of your sorrow.

Yo, it's my season, camarera.

I, it's my season, waitress.

Estoy vacío con la cama llena.

I am empty with the bed full.

No me rindo cuando nada llega, porque si confío,

I do not give up when nothing comes, because if I believe,

tengo el alma plena.

I have a full soul.

Mira, Tito, me deslizo con cuidadito.

Look, Tito, I'm sneaking carefully.

Dame fuego, nena, y dinamito.

Give me fire, baby, and dynamite.

Solo mierda buena en mi garito.

Only good shit in my joint.

¿Qué me pones? Demasiada clase pa' esos clones.

What are you putting on me? Too much class for those clones.

¿Quién te tira el pase pa' los goles?

Who gives you the pass for the goals?

Yo, ¿quién te mira cuando ya no moles?

Me, who looks at you when you're no longer a bother?

Es así, no sé cómo aguantar.

It is so, I don't know how to endure.

En el propio partes no hay más.

In the report itself, there is nothing more.

Me enamoré de ti y ya está.

I fell in love with you, and that's it.

Y ahora no sé cómo dejar de volar.

And now I don't know how to stop flying.

Ha, ha.

Ha, ha.

Giuliani, ¿quién lo tira?

Giuliani, who throws him?

Pa' tu herida tengo mechromina.

For your wound, I have mechromine.

Te respeto aunque no te siga.

I respect you even if I don't follow you.

Tanto panadero y solo veo migas.

So much baker and I only see crumbs.

Yo traigo el verano a tu liga.

I bring summer to your league.

Toda la canela.

All the cinnamon.

Tu tina.

You have.

Traigo soles y ten vitamina.

I bring soles and you have vitamin.

A mí tu equipo na me dictamina.

Your team doesn't determine anything for me.

Soy libre, libre.

I am free, free.

Un líder no se rinde.

A leader does not give up.

Invencible, vibren.

Invincible, they vibrate.

Mierda de alto calibre.

High-caliber shit.

Todo me sirve, sirve.

Everything works for me, it works.

Salto aunque no haya suelo.

I jump even though there is no ground.

Loco, así siento que vuelo.

Crazy, that's how I feel like I'm flying.

Loco, aunque todo me sabe a poco.

Crazy, although everything feels a bit dull to me.

Bienvenidas y bienvenidos.


Juli Giuliani.

Juli Giuliani.

En Greenfield.

In Greenfield.

Strictly ice cream.

Strictly ice cream.

Ice cream, baby.

Ice cream, baby.

Eso es todo lo que necesitas.

That's all you need.

Las mejores texturas.

The best textures.

Los mejores sabores.

The best flavors.

Es así, no se fue a aguantar.

That's right, he didn't leave to endure.

En el club lo partes más.

In the club, you enjoy it more.

Me enamoré de ti y ya está.

I fell in love with you and that's it.

Y ahora no sé cómo dejar de volar.

And now I don't know how to stop flying.

Es así, no se fue a aguantar.

It is like this, he/she did not go to endure.

En el club lo partes más.

In the club, you share it more.

Me enamoré de ti y ya está.

I fell in love with you, and that's it.

Y ahora no sé cómo dejar de volar.

And now I don't know how to stop flying.

Tot el que necessites

Everything you need

així es titula aquest tema

this is the title of this topic

que obre Strictly Ice Cream

that opens Strictly Ice Cream

disc de Juli Giuliani

disc by Juli Giuliani

i Griffith, que com acabem d'escoltar

And Griffith, as we just heard.

en paraules del mateix Griffith

In the words of Griffith himself

ha sorgit de forma natural

it has emerged naturally

la veritat és que ha produït 12 cançons

The truth is that he has produced 12 songs.

perfectes per refrescar-se i per ballar

perfect for cooling off and for dancing

transmet molt bon rotllo

it conveys a very good vibe

et fa viatjar aquells estius adolescents

it makes you travel those adolescent summers

on es gotaven fins a l'últim minut del dia

where they drank until the last minute of the day

abans del sopar, per després tornar a sortir

before dinner, to then go out again

al carrer i anar a dormir ben

on the street and go to sleep well

a l'entrada de la mitjanit

at the stroke of midnight

estem davant d'un àlbum imprescindible

we are faced with an essential album

del qual hi ha doble disc en vinil

of which there is a double vinyl record

amb cançons extres que no trobareu

with extra songs that you will not find

a les plataformes digitals

to digital platforms

i ara continuem escoltant aquest disc

And now we continue listening to this album.

però ho fem primer a través de la veu

but we do it first through the voice

de Juli Giuliani, que també ha vingut

from Juli Giuliani, who has also come

a la nostra crema, a la crema d'estrelles

to our cream, to the cream of stars

per parlar de la seva crema

to talk about her cream

d'Strickly Ice Cream

d'Strickly Ice Cream

Eyo, eyo, como estamos

Hey, hey, how are we?

aquí Juli Giuliani

here Juli Giuliani

nada, para comentar un poco

nothing, to comment a little

Strickly Ice Cream, el nuevo disco

Strickly Ice Cream, the new album

con Griffith

with Griffith

Dime quién controla casito

Tell me who controls Casito.

Tú eres un lacacito

You are a little lackey.

Freco full abanico

Fresh full fan

Qué locura manito

What madness, buddy.

Traigo la uno, no sé si me explico

I bring the one, I don't know if I'm making myself clear.

Ni con los mosquitos me complico

I don't even complicate myself with mosquitoes.

Ponme ese tema, rompe cadera

Put that track on, break it down.

Tú baile puta candela

You dance, slutty candle.

A mi manera, a tu manera

In my way, in your way

Déjame atrás los problemas

Leave the problems behind me.

Ponme ese tema, rompe cadera

Put that track on, break it down.

Tú baile puta candela

You dance, damn candle.

A mi manera, a tu manera

My way, your way.

Déjame atrás los problemas

Leave the problems behind me.

La verdad que para mí

The truth is that for me

poder haber hecho un disco con Griffith

to have been able to make an album with Griffith

es como una especie de sueño cumplido

It's like a kind of dream come true.

porque, coño, de alguna manera

because, damn it, somehow

dentro de lo que es el rap español

within Spanish rap

pues un poco todo su legado artístico

well, a bit of all his artistic legacy

ha sido una de mis máximas influencias

it has been one of my greatest influences

y me considero un fan

and I consider myself a fan

desde el principio de su música

since the beginning of his music

y bueno, poder haber hecho música con él

and well, being able to make music with him

pues es como un sueño, ¿no?

Well, it's like a dream, isn't it?

Quiero, quiero tela, tela, tela

I want, I want fabric, fabric, fabric.

Quiere tela, págame la tela

He wants fabric, pay me for the fabric.

Págame la tela, págame la tela

Pay me the fabric, pay me the fabric.

Porque en esta escena la verdad es que me dan pena

Because in this scene, the truth is that I feel sorry for them.

Si no ves la crema no hay nada que hablar

If you don't see the cream, there's nothing to talk about.

Prepara la cena que nos toca cenar

Prepare the dinner because it's our turn to eat.

Ya, ya, ya

Already, already, already.

Siempre estuve arriba, estimulado

I was always up, stimulated.

Con Griffith a mi lado, esto es inhumano

With Griffith by my side, this is inhuman.

Quiere tela, dominó el mercado

He wants fabric, he dominated the market.

Nuestra chatela ponme dos helados

Our chatela, give me two ice creams.

Señora, pase, te vendo la frase

Ma'am, come in, I'll sell you the phrase.

Tengo marco, tengo piel, es la mejor base

I have a frame, I have skin, it's the best foundation.

Cobra, pague o apunta un rayo láser

Charge, pay, or point a laser beam.

Este cuadro es como el teclado de Robert Glasper

This painting is like Robert Glasper's keyboard.

Vas bien, vas bien, este te pone a cien

You're doing great, you're doing great, this will get you pumped up.

Tengo la textura, a tu marido esto le ayuda

I have the texture, this helps your husband.

También, también, este da un rollo ambient

Also, also, this gives off a vibe.

Y además luego te brilla con la luz de luna

And then it shines on you with the moonlight.

Señora, te hago fera, perdón, quité la lera

Madam, I make you fierce, sorry, I removed the lera.

Pero te dejo la visita por ciento cincueras

But I leave you the visit for a hundred and fifty.

Lo siento pero esto no lo ve cualquiera

I'm sorry but not everyone can see this.

Y si lo quieres págame la tela

And if you want it, pay me for the fabric.

Págame la tela, págame la tela

Pay me the fabric, pay me the fabric.

Y nada, la verdad que el disco lo hicimos ahí en un momento que yo estaba muy, muy arriba

And nothing, the truth is that we made the album at a time when I was very, very high.

Y surgió de manera muy natural, nos juntábamos en el estudio

And it happened very naturally, we would gather in the studio.

Y siempre que nos juntábamos salía un temita

And whenever we gathered, a little topic would come up.

Y eso para mí ir al estudio era como ir al gimnasio

And for me, going to the studio was like going to the gym.

Yo iba ahí, este cabrón tenía miles de bits

I was going there, this bastard had thousands of bits.

Y venga, pam

And come on, bam.

Y pues nada, así ha salido un poco el disco

And well, that's how the album turned out a bit.

Y creo que es un disco con la energía muy arriba

And I think it's an album with very high energy.

Perfecto para este momento del año, para el veranito

Perfect for this time of year, for the summer.

Y para nada, para darte ahí un push de energía cuando estás medio, medio

And not at all, to give you a push of energy when you’re feeling half, half.

Y nada, y darte ahí un push de motivación y positividad

And nothing, just giving you a push of motivation and positivity.

Y de buenas vibras

And good vibes.

Así que eso es un poco Strictly Ice Cream

So that's a bit Strictly Ice Cream.

Mierda bailonga, fresca, funky, atemporal sobre todo

Dancing shit, fresh, funky, timeless above all.

Futurista pero clásica a la vez

Futuristic but classic at the same time.

Y nada, eso es

And nothing, that's it.

Así que escúchalo saboreando tu helado favorito en la fucking playa

So listen to it while enjoying your favorite ice cream on the fucking beach.

Todo pasa, dejo atrás el pasado

Everything passes, I leave the past behind.

Lo mejor del mercado

The best of the market

Cada vez que entro dicen break it down

Every time I walk in they say break it down.

Subo y bajo pero ¿qué ha pasado?

I go up and down but what has happened?

Loco ten cuidado

Crazy, be careful.

Así en mi vida siempre up and down

So in my life it's always up and down.

Todo pasa, dejo atrás el pasado

Everything passes, I leave the past behind.

Lo mejor del mercado

The best of the market

Cada vez que entro dicen

Every time I walk in, they say.

Yo necesito slow down

I need to slow down.

También un soldado

Also a soldier

Que suceda todo lo que había pensado

May everything I had thought happen.

Sal afuera, si esperas solo esperas sentado

Go outside, if you wait, you're just waiting while sitting.

Mis temas son la crema, son un buen atentado

My themes are the cream, they are a good attack.

Wow, que la vida es up and down

Wow, life is up and down.

Y el futuro es right now

And the future is right now.


Turn it up.

Solo sigo sueños húmedos

I only have wet dreams.

Soy el número uno, asúmelo

I am number one, accept it.

Que no te engañen los numbers

Don't let the numbers fool you.

Con el hábil y suave son los bangers

With the skillful and smooth sound are the bangers.

Dale que dale son cien grandes

Keep going, they're a hundred greats.

Quieren imitarme son Ned Flanders

They want to imitate me, they are Ned Flanders.

Ja ja, me parto la caja

Haha, I'm cracking up.

Nada sale si no trabajas

Nothing comes out if you don't work.

Juego mis cartas de la baraja

I play my cards from the deck.

Hago mi vaina brona, me relaja

I do my thing, it relaxes me.

¿Qué pasa?

What's happening?

Pura melaza

Pure molasses

La peña dice tú ya te pasas

The gang says you’re already going too far.

De mañanita en bugaterrasa

In the morning in Bugaterrasa.

Luego la noche con tu bulla en mi casa

Then the night with your noise in my house.

Wow da

Wow, yes!

En mi temporada

In my season

Aquí todo o nada

Here, it's all or nothing.

O pierdes o ganas

You either lose or win.

Wow da

Wow mom

Te vienes con panas

Are you coming with friends?

Siempre lo tramas

You always plot it.

El viernes si hay ganas

On Friday if there is a desire.

Yeah yeah

Yeah yeah

Subo y bajo pero qué ha pasao

I go up and down but what has happened?

Loco ten cuidao

Crazy, be careful.

Así en mi vida siempre up and down

So in my life always up and down.

Todo pasa, dejo atrás el pasado

Everything passes, I leave the past behind.

Lo mejor del mercado

The best of the market

Cada vez que entro dicen break it down

Every time I walk in they say break it down.

Subo y bajo pero qué ha pasao

I go up and down but what has happened?

Loco ten cuidao

Crazy, be careful.

Así en mi vida siempre up and down

So in my life always up and down.

Todo pasa, dejo atrás el pasado

Everything passes, I leave the past behind.

Lo mejor del mercado

The best of the market.

Cada vez que entro dicen break it down

Every time I walk in, they say break it down.

Yeah, mi vecino me amenaza

Yeah, my neighbor threatens me.

Madafaka quiere melasa

Madafaka wants molasses.

Ya me fui de casa

I have already left home.

Manín, ¿qué te pasa?

Manín, what’s wrong with you?

Caigo la grasa y paliques de guasa

I drop the fat and jokes in jest.

Ey, bro

Hey, bro

Porque todo pasa

Because everything happens.

Y aunque me pesa

And although it weighs on me

Todo se desfasa

Everything is out of sync.

Falsa promesa

False promise

Subes y bajas

Ups and downs

Tú vas de jefa

You are acting as the boss.

Y al final te retratas

And in the end, you portray yourself.

Yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah

You can fuck with me

You can mess with me.

Soy tu dog

I am your dog.

Call me D.R.E.

Call me D.R.E.

Desafino como Pismarkey

I sing out of tune like Pismarkey.

Pero me la pelas

But I don't care.

Soy un G.O.D.

I am a G.O.D.



Solo tiro big raps

I only shoot big raps.

Ahora quiero cash, quick maths

Now I want cash, quick maths.

Nena, lidera y verás

Girl, lead and you will see.

Que todo lo que sientas se te hará realidad

That everything you feel will become reality.

Please, plus

Please, more.

La vida es bella en verdad

Life is truly beautiful.

Hay que saber subir y bajar

One must know how to climb and descend.

A mi manera como Gemma Mengual

In my own way like Gemma Mengual

Todos esos haters no me esperan Mengual

All those haters aren't waiting for me, Mengual.

Na, na

Nah, nah.

Siempre up and down

Always up and down.

Voy arriba para el underground

I'm going upstairs to the underground.

Me siento como Lost and Found

I feel like Lost and Found.

Pero soy un clásico como Pock'em Down

But I'm a classic like Pock'em Down.



Subo y bajo, pero ¿qué ha pasado?

I go up and down, but what has happened?

Loco, ten cuidado

Crazy, be careful.

Así en mi vida siempre up and down

So in my life always up and down.

Todo pasa, dejo atrás el pasado

Everything passes, I leave the past behind.

Lo mejor del mercado

The best of the market

Cada vez que entro dicen break it down

Every time I walk in, they say break it down.

Subo y bajo, pero ¿qué ha pasado?

I go up and down, but what has happened?

Loco, ten cuidado

Dude, be careful.

Así en mi vida siempre up and down

So in my life it's always up and down.

Todo pasa, dejo atrás el pasado

Everything happens, I leave the past behind.

Lo mejor del mercado

The best of the market.

Cada vez que entro dicen break it down

Every time I walk in they say break it down.

Subo y bajo, pero ¿qué ha pasado?

I go up and down, but what has happened?

Loco, ten cuidado

Crazy, be careful.

Así en mi vida siempre up and down

So in my life always ups and downs.

Todo pasa, dejo atrás el pasado

Everything passes, I leave the past behind.

Lo mejor del mercado

The best of the market.

Cada vez que entro dicen break it down

Every time I walk in they say break it down.

Subo y bajo, pero ¿qué ha pasado?

I go up and down, but what has happened?

Loco, ten cuidado

Dude, be careful.

Así en mi vida siempre up and down

So in my life always up and down.

Todo pasa, dejo atrás el pasado

Everything passes, I leave the past behind.

Lo mejor del mercado

The best of the market.

Cada vez que entro dicen break it down

Every time I enter, they say break it down.

Subo y bajo, pero ¿qué ha pasado?

I go up and down, but what has happened?

Loco, ten cuidado

Dude, be careful.

Así en mi vida siempre up and down

Thus, in my life always up and down.

Todo pasa, dejo atrás el pasado

Everything passes, I leave the past behind.

Lo mejor del mercado

The best of the market.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Ja fa temps que ho dic, és el Frank Sapa del hip-hop.

I've been saying it for a long time, he is the Frank Zappa of hip-hop.

Està en primera línia des de fa més de 25 anys,

He has been in the front line for more than 25 years.

però a més sap envoltar-se de gent amb molt talent,

but also knows how to surround herself with very talented people,

en aquest cas amb Juli Giuliani,

in this case with Juli Giuliani,

que en estat de gràcia repege sobre els ritmes amb tocs de jazz,

that in a state of grace reflects on the rhythms with touches of jazz,

amb molt funk, electro i hip-hop,

with a lot of funk, electro, and hip-hop,

com sempre amb l'habilitat amb la que Griffey impregna

As always with the skill with which Griffey impresses.

tots els seus projectes des de Solo lo Solo,

all his projects since Solo lo Solo,

o amb Tremendo, o amb Chacho Brodas, Senyor Wilson,

either with Tremendo, or with Chacho Brodas, Mister Wilson,

sense oblidar l'extensa llista de productes,

without forgetting the extensive list of products,

que li atorguen la merescudíssima etiqueta de músic de culte.

that grants him the well-deserved label of cult musician.

Juli Giuliani és més jove,

Juli Giuliani is younger,

però ha sigut perseverant des dels 12 anys,

but he has been persistent since he was 12 years old,

que és quan va començar a escriure lletres,

that is when he started to write lyrics,

amb 14 anys va gravar els primers raps,

at 14 he recorded his first raps,

i l'any 2009 va publicar el seu primer disc

And in 2009 he/she released his/her first album.

quan encara era un adolescent.

when I was still a teenager.

Griffey i Juli Giuliani amb Strictly Ice Cream

Griffey and Juli Giuliani with Strictly Ice Cream

han inaugurat aquest primer disc,

they have inaugurated this first album,

el primer bloc del programa,

the first block of the program,

dos artistes prolífics, infatigables,

two prolific, tireless artists,

d'una qualitat sobradament demostrada,

of a quality overwhelmingly demonstrated,

i els hi estic molt agraït a tots dos

And I am very grateful to both of them.

per haver gravat aquest disc tan adient, optimista,

for having recorded this such suitable, optimistic disc,

ballable i tan estiuent,

danceable and so summery,

i també els hi vull donar les gràcies

and I also want to thank them

per participar en aquesta crema d'estiu.

to participate in this summer bonfire.

Continuem, i ho fem amb un altre músic inquiet i reivindicatiu.

Let’s continue, and we do so with another restless and assertive musician.

Tot i que el seu darrer disc data de 2007,

Although their latest album dates back to 2007,

és un artista prolífic, que publica sovint singles,

he is a prolific artist, who often releases singles,

fa col·laboracions i produeix altres artistes,

does collaborations and produces other artists,

i hi estic parlant ni més ni menys que de Manu Chao,

and I am talking about none other than Manu Chao,

que el 20 de setembre publica el seu cinquè àlbum d'estudi en solitari,

that on September 20 he releases his fifth solo studio album,

un disc del qual ja es poden escoltar dos temes,

a disc from which two tracks can already be listened to,

Viva tu, que dona títol al disc,

Long live you, who gives the title to the album.

i el darrer single, titulat Sao Paulo Moto Boy.

and the latest single, titled Sao Paulo Moto Boy.

Aquests temes es troben a la pàgina web oficial de Manu Chao

These songs can be found on Manu Chao's official website.

i es poden descarregar gratuïtament

and can be downloaded for free

a més de moltes altres cançons que ha anat compartint

in addition to many other songs that he/she has been sharing

des de fa ja més de sis anys.

for more than six years now.

En el disc hi ha col·laboracions d'artistes de la talla

The album features collaborations with artists of such caliber.

del legendari músic de country Willie Nelson,

of the legendary country musician Willie Nelson,

el tema Heaven's Bad Day,

the song Heaven's Bad Day,

o de la rapera i també actriu Laeti, el tema Tu te vas.

or the rapper and also actress Laeti, the song You’re Leaving.

Escoltem ara primer el que és el primer single

Let's now listen to what is the first single.

que va publicar fa dos mesos, Viva tu,

that was published two months ago, Viva tu,

un tema dedicat a les veïnes i veïns del seu barri a Barcelona,

a theme dedicated to the neighbors of their neighborhood in Barcelona,

però també dedicat a tots els barris del món,

but also dedicated to all the neighborhoods of the world,

amb alegria de compartir amb totes i tots

with joy to share with all of you

una celebració de l'altra.

a celebration of the other.

Cada día que me enamoro.

Every day that I fall in love.

Me enamoro, me enamoro.

I fall in love, I fall in love.

De la vecina del cuarto, de la panadera,

From the neighbor in the fourth, from the baker,

de la que vende los billetes en el metro,

of the one who sells the tickets in the metro,

de la barrendera.

of the street sweeper.

Cada día que me enamoro.

Every day I fall in love.

Tú, la vecina del patio.

You, the neighbor from the courtyard.

Yo nunca te dejaría.

I would never leave you.

Tú, mi vecina de arriba.

You, my upstairs neighbor.

Por ti, yo me descabrizaría.

For you, I would take off my hat.

Viva tú, viva tú.

Long live you, long live you.

Viva tú, la marelu.

Long live you, the mother!

Viva tú.

Long live you.

Viva tú, la marelu.

Long live you, the mother.

Viva tú.

Long live you.

Tú, mi vecina en lo alto.

You, my neighbor on high.

Tú, la del séptimo cielo.

You, the one from seventh heaven.

Tú, mi vecina en la esquina.

You, my neighbor on the corner.

Me alegro cuando te veo.

I’m glad when I see you.

Viva tú, viva tú.

Long live you, long live you.

Viva tú, la marelu.

Long live you, the mother.

Viva tú.

Long live you.

Viva tú, la marelu.

Long live you, the mother.

Viva tú.

Live you.

Viva tú, la marelu.

Long live you, the mother.

Viva tú.

Long live you.

Viva tú, la marelu.

Long live you, the mother.





Tú, mi vecina a lo alto...

You, my neighbor up high...

Tú, la del séptimo cielo...

You, the one from seventh heaven...

Tú, mi vecina de arriba...

You, my upstairs neighbor...

Me alegro cuando te veo

I'm glad when I see you.

Cada día que me enamoro

Every day that I fall in love

Esto me representa

This represents me.

Es así

It is so.

Pásame el guap que me hago el vinilo

Pass me the cool one so I can make the vinyl.

Esto me representa

This represents me.

Cada día que me enamoro

Every day I fall in love.

Viva tú, viva tú

Long live you, long live you.

Viva tú, la mare lú

Long live you, the mother light.

Viva tú

Live you!

Viva tú, viva tú

Long live you, long live you

Viva tú, la mare lú

Long live you, the mother of light.

Viva la mare lú

Long live mother Lu!

Viva tú

Long live you!

Y tú, y tú, y tú

And you, and you, and you

Cada día que me enamoro

Every day that I fall in love.

Viva tú, y tú, y tú

Long live you, and you, and you.

Viva tú

Long live you!

No deixem Manu Chao

We don't leave Manu Chao.

i aquest avançament del disc

and this advance of the disc

que surt el 20 de setembre

that comes out on September 20

ara amb un tema que és un homenatge

now with a theme that is a tribute

als motoristes que reparteixen diàriament

to the motorcyclists who deliver daily

pels carrers de Sao Paulo

through the streets of Sao Paulo

una ciutat, la més important del Brasil

a city, the most important in Brazil

amb una població que supera

with a population that exceeds

els 12 milions d'habitants

the 12 million inhabitants

amb tots els problemes de seguretat que això comporta

with all the security problems that this entails

Si el transport per a qualsevol ciutadà

If transportation for any citizen

és un mal de cap, imagineu-vos

it's a headache, imagine that

com ho viuen els repartidors

how do the delivery workers experience it

en una ciutat enorme

in a huge city

amb greu seguretat

with grave certainty

amb molts problemes de trànsit

with many traffic problems

on arrisquen la seva vida

they risk their lives

per una feina precària

for a precarious job

anant sobre dues rodes

going on two wheels

Això és Sao Paulo Motoboy

This is Sao Paulo Motoboy.

i per a tu

and for you

Avenida Marginal

Marginal Avenue

Motoboy na pista

Motorcycle courier on the track.

Jogando destino

Playing destiny

Calor, assassino e veloz

Heat, murderer, and swift.

En cada curva un amor

In every curve a love

Tecedor, a vida no retrovisor

Weaver, life in the rearview mirror.

No ficar parado

Don't stay still.

Formiga na acción

Ant in action

Miña moto e un avión

My motorcycle is a plane.

Sao Paulo afogado

Drowned Sao Paulo

Tráfico danado

Damaged traffic

Flujo quebrado

Broken flow

Miña moto e un avión

My bike is a plane.

Boto quiero llegar

Boto I want to arrive

Hasta la lluvia caer

Until the rain falls.

Boto quiero entregar

I want to deliver a vote.

E fugir no a

And flee not to

De parado


Asfalto mollado

Wet asphalt

Duro danado

Hard sad

Peno y ardilado

Pained and thorny

Joel o ralado

Joel or ratted out

Miña moto e un avión

My bike is a plane.

Surfando miyocão

Surfing with the big dog.

Quebra mole va pra o céu

Break a mole goes to the sky.

Para xoc que va pra o chão

For shock that goes to the ground.

E doi

I give.

Boto quebrado

Broken boot

Quiero llegar

I want to arrive.

Hasta la lluvia caer

Until the rain falls

Boto quiero entregar

I want to deliver a vote.

E fugir no a

And flee not to

De parado


Tanta gent en la parada

So many people at the stop.

Tanta gent accidentada

So many people injured.

Motoboy caio no chão

Motoboy Caio on the ground.

Caio na fumaça

Caio in the smoke.

Caio levanto

Caio I rise.

O joello que doi

Or the jewel that I give.

Quebrado farol

Broken lantern

Tanta adrenalina

So much adrenaline

Xero gasolina

I drink gasoline.

Su carta voadora

Her flying letter

Miña moto e un avión

My bike is a plane.

Quebra mole va pra o céu

Quebra mole goes to heaven.

Para xoc que va pra o chão

For shock that goes to the ground.

E doi

E doi

Boto quiero llegar

Boto, I want to arrive.

Hasta la lluvia caer

Until the rain falls.

Boto quiero entregar

I want to deliver the button.

E fugir no a

And fleeing not to

De parado


Boto quiero llegar

Boto, I want to arrive.

De parado


Hasta la lluvia caer

Until the rain falls

Quebra mole va pra o céu

Quebra mole goes to heaven.

Y en Manu Chao

And in Manu Chao

tanquem aquest primer bloc

let's close this first block

d'aquesta crema d'estiu

of this summer cream

escoltem una falca

let's listen to a jingle

i tornem amb la secció

And we return with the section.

La teva cançó

Your song

Seràs tu la persona

You will be the person.

a qui va dedicada avui?

Who is it dedicated to today?

Si eres un amante de la buena música

If you are a lover of good music

escucha Subterránea

Subterranean listening

el programa hecho por

the program made by

y para los amantes del rock progresivo

and for progressive rock lovers

Nos encontrarás en

You will find us at



Arriba crema d'estrelles

Star cream arrives

La teva cançó

Your song

Hi ha cançons o discos

There are songs or albums.

que em transporten, que em fan viatjar en el temps

that transport me, that make me travel through time

i que fins i tot

and that even

poden arribar a modificar els meus records

they can end up altering my memories

Avui a la teva cançó

Today in your song

porto un tema que pertany a un disc

I bring a track that belongs to an album.

que jo relaciono amb l'estiu

that I associate with summer

concretament l'estiu en el qual

specifically the summer in which

jo tenia 17 anys

I was 17 years old.

estem parlant de l'any 1990

we are talking about the year 1990

i no només va ser aquell estiu

and not only was it that summer

quan aquest disc em va deixar empremta

when this disc left an imprint on me

és que també, però amb més intensitat

it's just that too, but with more intensity

aquest disc em fa pensar

this disc makes me think

en un altre estiu

in another summer

un estiu d'una dècada més tard

a summer of a decade later

si no vaig xerrat, devia tenir jo 27 anys

If I’m not mistaken, I must have been 27 years old.

i que vaig viure

and that I lived

amb en Paco

with Paco

Mentires piadoses

Pious lies

de Joaquín Sabina

by Joaquín Sabina

va formar part de la nostra banda sonora

it was part of our soundtrack

en un viatge en el qual

on a trip in which

vam recórrer més de mil quilòmetres

we traveled more than a thousand kilometers

en cotxe

by car

la nostra ruta passava per Osca, Pamplona

our route passed through Huesca, Pamplona

a Morevieta

to Morevieta

i el d'estiu final era Valladolid

and the final of the summer was Valladolid

ben segur que oblido ciutats o pobles

I'm sure I forget cities or towns.

els records es transformen cada vegada

memories are transformed every time

que els expliquem

that we explain to them

escoltàvem altres discos, clar que sí

we listened to other records, of course

la selecció era molt variada

the selection was very varied

en Paco portava un carregador de 12 CDs

Paco was carrying a 12 CD charger.

i Mentires piadoses

And pious lies

era un d'aquests discos

it was one of those records

vam parar a diferents punts d'Espanya

We stopped at different points in Spain.

i la primera nit la vam passar

And we spent the first night.

a unes festes locals a Osca

to some local festivals in Huesca

però quan ja era hora d'anar a dormir

but when it was time to go to sleep

en Paco no trobava les claus del cotxe

Paco couldn't find the car keys.

les havia perdut

I had lost them.

vam buscar per tots els racons

we searched in every corner

en els llocs on havíem estat

in the places where we had been

però no hi havia èxit

but there was no success

ja pensàvem que allà s'hauria acabat el viatge

we thought that the journey would have ended there

i que les vacances se n'havien anat a Norris

and that the holidays had gone to Norris

però quan ja s'estava fent de dia

but when it was already getting light

mentre jo estava remenant distretament la sorra

while I was absentmindedly stirring the sand

amb els peus, allà on estàvem asseguts

with our feet, where we were sitting

i abatuts

and downcast

per art de màgia van aparèixer les claus

By the art of magic, the keys appeared.

que havien quedat semi-enterrades

that had been left semi-buried

va ser una casualitat molt estranya

it was a very strange coincidence

de debò que avui encara no m'explico

I truly can't explain myself today.

per què vaig remenar aquell punt concret

why did I stir that specific point

de sorra

of sand

ni per què ens vam asseure

nor why we sat down

en aquell banc

on that bench

o en aquella...

or in that one...

és que no sé ben bé on seiem

It's just that I don't really know where we are sitting.

la qüestió és que ens vam abraçar

the question is that we hugged each other

vam riure i com podreu imaginar

we laughed and as you can imagine

aquell fet va canviar el nostre humor

that event changed our mood

i va ser un punt d'inflexió

it was a turning point

en aquelles vacances

during those holidays

hi ha moltes més anècdotes d'aquell viatge

There are many more anecdotes from that trip.

però aquesta sempre estarà en el top 1

but this will always be at the top 1

i per alguna estranya associació

and for some strange association

jo ho vinculo

I link it.

al disc de Sabina

on Sabina's album

el setè disc d'estudi de Joaquim Sabina

the seventh studio album by Joaquim Sabina

diuen alguns crítics

some critics say

els més entesos

the most understood

que és fluixet

it is a bit weak

llegeixo directament una ressenya

I read a review directly.

aquest àlbum és bàsicament diferent dels precedents

This album is basically different from the previous ones.

i té poc o res a veure amb els futurs

and it has little or nothing to do with the futures

en principi

in principle

sembla que hi ha hagut una operació de càlcul

it seems that there has been a calculation operation

amb un ull posat al mercat

with one eye on the market

són temes que tiren pel format simple

they are themes that lend themselves to a simple format

pel ganxo melòdic

for the melodic hook

i la proliferació d'acords femenins

and the proliferation of female agreements

i que per tant

and therefore

podrien funcionar aïlladament

they could work in isolation

dins de qualsevol altre context

within any other context

jo òbviament estic totalment

I am obviously totally

en desacord

in disagreement

i amb el que diré ara

And with what I will say now.

potser m'arrisco a rebre alguna renyina

I might risk getting a scolding.

hi haurà discrepància segur

there will definitely be disagreement

però és el que penso

but it is what I think

i tal qual així ho transmeto

And just like that, I convey it.

en la meva opinió

in my opinion

aquest és el capítol final

this is the final chapter

del millor Sabina

of the best Sabina

que comença amb Hotel Dulceoteca

that starts with Hotel Dulceoteca

de 1987

from 1987

continua amb El hombre del traje gris

continue with The Man in the Gray Suit

de 1988

from 1988

i finalitza amb Mentires piadoses

and ends with Pious Lies

de 1990

from 1990

ho considero una trilogia

I consider it a trilogy.

i esclar, amb la ressenya

And of course, with the review.

només puc estar d'acord

I can only agree.

quan diu que és diferent dels futurs treballs

when he says that it is different from future jobs

però aquests tres discos

but these three albums

tenen molt en comú

they have a lot in common

sobretot entre El hombre del traje gris

especially between The Man in the Gray Suit

i Mentires piadoses

And pious lies

no només en lletres, en temàtica

not only in letters, but in theme

també hi ha melodies en algunes cançons

there are also melodies in some songs

que fan pensar que es van compondre

that make one think they were composed

els mateixos dies

the same days

i és una cosa que sempre he pensat

And it's something I have always thought.

que El hombre del traje gris

that The Man in the Gray Suit

i Mentires piadoses

And pious lies

podrien haver sigut un sol àlbum

it could have been just one album

un disc doble

a double album

tot s'ha de dir

everything must be said

sí que és veritat

it is true

que Mentires piadoses

that pious lies

ja comença a haver-hi

it's starting to be there

la influència argentina

the Argentine influence

tant pel que fa a referències

as far as references are concerned

com pel que respecta a alguns instruments

as far as some instruments are concerned

i inicia una etapa exitosa

and begins a successful stage

publicant discos emblemàtics

publishing emblematic albums

començant amb Física i Química

starting with Physics and Chemistry

que sí, que està molt bé

yes, it is very good

però que per mi ja és una altra història

but for me, that's another story

aquí jo diria que ha trobat

here I would say that he has found

la gallina dels sous d'or

the golden egg laying hen

i tendeix a repetir una fórmula

and tends to repeat a formula

que li dóna bon resultat

that gives him good results

però a mi personalment em cansa

but it personally tires me out

exceptuant sempre

excepting always

esclar que sí

of course

algunes i molt bones cançons

some very good songs

els músics que toquen

the musicians who play

a Corre dijo la tortuga

the turtle said to the hare

la cançó tan paco

the song so paco

la cançó que sempre que l'escolto

the song that I always listen to

penso en ell

I think about him.

són Sergio Castillo

they are Sergio Castillo

a la programació rítmica

to rhythmic programming

Marcelo Fuentes al baix

Marcelo Fuentes on bass

Antonio García de Diego

Antonio García de Diego

i John Parsons a les guitarres

and John Parsons on the guitars

Pancho Barona a les veus

Pancho Barona to the voices

i Sabina a la veu principal

and Sabina in the lead voice

la lletra és de Sabina

the lyrics are by Sabina

la música està composta també per ell

The music is also composed by him.

però també per Antonio García de Diego

but also for Antonio García de Diego

doncs res, sense més ni més

well then, nothing more to say

desitjo que gaudiu tant com en Paco

I hope you enjoy as much as Paco does.

tant com jo

as much as I do

d'aquesta meravellosa peça de Joaquín Sabina

of this wonderful piece by Joaquín Sabina

Corre dijo la tortuga

Run said the turtle.

des del Mentires piadosas

from the Pious Lies

Corre dijo la tortuga

Run, said the turtle.

Atrévete dijo el cobarde

Dare, said the coward.

Estoy de vuelta dijo un tipo

I'm back, said a guy.

que nunca fue a ninguna parte

that never went anywhere

Sálvame dijo el verdugo

"Save me, said the executioner."

Sé que has sido tú

I know it was you.

dijo el culpable

said the guilty one

No me grites dijo el sordo

"Don't shout at me," said the deaf man.

Hoy es jueves dijo el martes

Today is Thursday said Tuesday.

No me grites dijo el sordo

"Don't shout at me," said the deaf man.

Y tú no te perfumes

And you don't wear perfume.

con palabras para consolarme

with words to comfort me

Déjame solo conmigo

Let me be alone with myself.

Con el íntimo enemigo

With the intimate enemy

Que mal vive de pensión

How poorly he lives on a pension.

En mi corazón

In my heart

El receloso, el fugitivo

The wary one, the fugitive

El más oscuro de los dos

The darkest of the two

El pariente pobre de la duda

The poor relative of doubt

El que nunca se desnuda

The one who never undresses

Si no me desnudo yo

If I don't undress myself

El caprichoso

The whimsical one

El orgulloso

The proud one

El otro, el cómplice, el traidor

The other, the accomplice, the traitor.

A ti te estoy hablando a ti

I'm talking to you.

Que nunca sigues mis consejos

That you never follow my advice.

A ti te estoy gritando a ti

I'm shouting at you.

Que estás metido en mi pellejo

That you are in my skin.

A ti que estás llorando ahí

To you who are crying there

Al otro lado del espejo

On the other side of the mirror

A ti que no te debo

To you, whom I do not owe.

Más que el empujón que anoche

More than the push last night.

Me llevo a escribir esta canción

I'm inspired to write this song.

No mientas dijo el mentiroso

Don't lie, said the liar.

Buena suerte dijo el gafel

Good luck, said the bespectacled one.

Ocúpate del alma dijo

"Take care of the soul," he said.

El gordo vendedor de carne

The fat meat seller.

Pruébame dijo el veneno

"Try me," said the poison.

Amame como odian los amantes

Love me like lovers hate.

Drogas no dijo el camello

No drugs, said the dealer.

¿Cuánto vales? dijo el gángster

"How much are you worth?" said the gangster.

A punto de rendirme estaba

I was about to give up.

A un paso de quemar las naves

One step away from burning the ships.

Cuando al borde del camino

When at the edge of the path

Por dos veces el destino

Twice fate

Me hizo un guiño en forma de

He winked at me in the form of

Labios de mujer

Woman's lips

Nos invitas a una copa

Are you inviting us for a drink?

Yo te secaré el sudor

I will dry your sweat.

Yo te abrazaré bajo la ropa

I will hug you under the clothes.

¿Y quién va a dormir conmigo?

And who is going to sleep with me?

Ni los sueños contestó

Not even the dreams answered.

Una indignada

An indignant woman

Y otra encantada

And another delighted.

No dijo nada

He said nothing.

Y sonrió

And smiled.

A ti te estoy hablando a ti

I am talking to you.

Que nunca sigues mis consejos

That you never follow my advice.

A ti te estoy gritando a ti

I'm shouting at you.

Que estás metido en mi pellejo

That you're in my skin.

A ti que estás llorando ahí

To you who are crying there

Al otro lado del espejo

On the other side of the mirror

A ti que estás llorando ahí

To you who are crying there.

A ti que no te llevo

To you that I don't take.

Más que el empujón que anoche

More than the push I got last night.

Me llevo a escribir esta canción

I take to writing this song.

Más que el empujón que anoche

More than the push I had last night.

Crema d'estriles

Strawberry cream

Això és crema d'estrilles.

This is straw cream.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Com a tots els programes s'arriba el moment d'escoltar

Like all programs, the moment comes to listen.

un tema del genial músic, compositor, productor,

a piece by the genius musician, composer, producer,

director de cinema i escriptor, entre altres moltes virtuts,

film director and writer, among many other virtues,

el meu estimat Frank Sapa.

my dear Frank Sapa.

Avui el volia dedicar a l'apòstrof,

Today I wanted to dedicate it to the apostrophe,

a l'àlbum...

to the album...

amb aquella portada icònica que va complir 50 anys

with that iconic cover that turned 50 years old

el mes de març i del qual aquest setembre

the month of March and of which this September

en surt una edició especial remasteritzada

a special remastered edition comes out

amb material adicional de les sessions de gravació

with additional material from the recording sessions

i dos concerts de 1974 en una capsa de 5 CDs i un Blu-ray.

and two concerts from 1974 in a box of 5 CDs and a Blu-ray.

Ja es poden escoltar dos singles d'aquesta edició.

Two singles from this edition can now be heard.

Un és Ancal Rimos, en versió piano

It is Ancal Rimos, in piano version.

amb vocal mix 2024

with vocal mix 2024

i l'altre és Approximate Veil, gravat a Basilea, Suïssa,

and the other is Approximate Veil, engraved in Basel, Switzerland,

amb The Mothers of Invention,

with The Mothers of Invention,

l'1 d'octubre de 1924.

October 1, 1924.

Encara no tinc aquesta capsa a les mans,

I still don't have this box in my hands,

però dubto que quedi gaire material inèdit

but I doubt there will be much unpublished material left

de les sessions que van utilitzar per apòstrof.

of the sessions that were used for apostrophe.

Aquestes gravacions es van fer de 1970 a 1973

These recordings were made from 1970 to 1973.

i de les quals ja hi ha constància

and of which there is already evidence

al disc de Crooks of the Biscuit de l'any 2016

on the disk of Crooks of the Biscuit from the year 2016

o a Roxy Performances,

or to Roxy Performances,

en aquella caixa de 7 CDs

in that box of 7 CDs

que recollia molts concerts del Roxy,

that collected many concerts from the Roxy,

però també temes

but also themes

que havien d'aparèixer a l'Apòstrof.

that had to appear in the Apostrophe.

I això va sortir l'any 2018.

And this came out in 2018.

Tot i que Ancal Rimos ja ha sonat a crema d'estrelles,

Although Ancal Rimos has already sounded in the starry cream,

he decidit que val la pena compartir-la amb vosaltres

I have decided that it's worth sharing it with you.

perquè aquesta nova versió del 2024,

because this new version of 2024,

on només hi ha peus i piano,

there are only feet and piano,

a més de ser una mica més llarga

in addition to being a bit longer

que la que escoltem al disc Apòstrof,

than the one we hear on the album Apòstrof,

també té un toc més espiritual

it also has a more spiritual touch

i la veu de Tina Turner està més definida.

And Tina Turner's voice is more defined.

El tema està compost per Joss Dukie, Franz Sapa,

The track is composed by Joss Dukie, Franz Sapa,

la veu principal és de Franz Sapa

The main voice is by Franz Sapa.

i les veus de les saiquets,

and the voices of the pipes,

la Debbie, la Lynn i la Tina,

Debbie, Lynn, and Tina,

i el piano George Duke,

and the piano George Duke,

Ancal Rimos torna a sonar a crema d'estrelles.

Ancal Rimos sounds again to the cream of stars.

immediately realize

immediatament adonar-se

Well, are we moving too slow?

Well, are we moving too slowly?

Whoa, are we moving too slow?

Whoa, are we moving too slowly?

Have you seen us?

Have you seen us?

Uncle Rimos?

Uncle Rimos?

We look pretty sharp in these clothes

We look pretty sharp in these clothes.

Have you seen us?

Have you seen us?

Uncle Rimos?

Uncle Rimos?

We look pretty sharp in these clothes

We look pretty sharp in these clothes.

in these clothes

in these clothes

Yes we do

Sí, ho fem.

Unless we get sprayed with a hose

A menys que ens ruixin amb una mànega.

It ain't bad in the day

It isn't bad during the day.

If they squirt it your way

If they squirt it your way

Sipped in the winter

Sipped in the winter

When it's froze

When it’s frozen

And it's hard if it hits

And it's hard if it hits.

On your nose

On your nose

Just keep your nose

Just keep your nose

To the grindstone they say

They say to the grindstone.

Will that redeem us

Will that redeem us?

Uncle Remus

Uncle Remus

I can't wait till my fro is full grown

I can't wait until my afro is fully grown.

I'll just throw away my do-rag at home

I'll just throw away my do-rag at home.

Just keep your nose

Just keep your nose.

I'll take a drive to

I'll take a drive to

Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills

Just before dawn

Just before dawn

And knock the little jockeys

And knock the little jockeys.

Off the rich people's lawn

Off the rich people's lawn

And before they get up

And before they get up

I'll be gone

Estaré fora.

Before they get up

Before they get up

I'll be gone

Me n'aniré.

Before they get up

Before they get up

I'll be knocking the jockeys

I'll be knocking the jockeys.

Off the lawn

Off the lawn

Down in the dew

A baix a la rosada

guitar solo

guitar solo

¿Qué te ha pasado?

What happened to you?

No te lo vas a creer

You won't believe it.

Pero estuve en las Infoprice

But I was at the Infoprice.

¿Te han hecho algo?

Have they done something to you?

¿Qué va?

What’s up?

Si me senté con ellos en la mesa y todo

If I sat with them at the table and everything.

Me dieron todas las cervezas que quise

They gave me all the beers I wanted.

Me pusieron la música que me gusta

They played the music I like.

Y muchísimas risas, de verdad

And a lot of laughs, really.

Una pasada


Sí, claro, toda

Yes, of course, everything.

Pop, electrónica, rock, jazz, metal

Pop, electronic, rock, jazz, metal

Y mucho más

And much more.

Me han puesto todo lo que les he pedido

They have put everything I asked for.

Eso no es muy normal, ¿no?

That's not very normal, is it?

Es que los sinfonautas son de otro planeta

It's just that the sinfonauts are from another planet.



Tus mejores amigos en un podcast

Your best friends in a podcast.

Estás escoltant

You are listening.

Crema d'estrellas

Star cream

En el programa anterior

In the previous program

La música de la vida

The music of life

de l'atzar, on revisitem Psycho

of chance, where we revisit Psycho

the Times, m'hauria agradat fer un

the Times, I would have liked to make one

rànquing sencer dedicat a Prince

complete ranking dedicated to Prince

però vaig decidir posposar-lo

but I decided to postpone it

al següent programa

to the following program

així doncs avui és quan toca

so today is when it's due

fem un rànquing especial

let's make a special ranking

en comptes de 20 cançons

instead of 20 songs

en visitarem 25 amb una

we will visit 25 with one

particularitat. En aquesta llista

particularity. In this list

tots els temes són de Prince

All the songs are by Prince.

estan compostos per ell però

they are composed of him but

això sí, són temes

that is true, they are topics

interpretats per altres artistes

interpreted by other artists

en alguna d'aquestes peces Prince

in some of these pieces Prince

també col·labora d'alguna manera o altra

also collaborates in one way or another

produint, tocant algun instrument

producing, playing some instrument

o en altres, fins i tot toca

or in others, even touches

tots els instruments

all the instruments

i sí, seran 25

and yes, it will be 25

però hi ha alguns anexos, he volgut

but there are some annexes, I wanted

escollir versions de dos o tres artistes diferents

choose versions from two or three different artists

tot seguit ho escolteu, vinga va

Now you will listen to it, come on.

comença ara i aquí la nostra llista

here and now begins our list


of successes

Aquestes són

These are

les 25 primeres posicions

the top 25 positions

del Rànquing 107

of Ranking 107

Crema d'Estrelles, un podcast musical

Crema d'Estrelles, a musical podcast

amb la col·laboració del

with the collaboration of

Mallot de la Margot

Margot's jersey

En el número 25, un tema que ja

In number 25, a topic that already

ha estat a Crema d'Estrelles

it has been at Crema d'Estrelles

en concret el primer programa

specifically the first program

Sometimes it snows in April

Sometimes it snows in April.

Ella és Michelle and the Gayo Cello

She is Michelle and the Gayo Cello.

Una versió en espanyol

A version in Spanish

de The Cross? Doncs sí

From The Cross? Well, yes.

Fuerza Nueva, un projecte de

Fuerza Nueva, a project of

Los Planetas y el Niño de Elche

The Planets and the Child of Elche

de l'any 2019, inclou la cruz

from the year 2019, includes the cross

Aquesta ocupa la posició

This occupies the position.



Per a subir a madero

To climb to the gallows

Para quitarm el nombre

To take away my name.

Abrissur el Nazaret

Open the Nazareth



todo el color delirio

all the color delirium

Su karma

Her karma.



de març i santo.

of March and saint.

Aquests dies se n'ha parlat molt de Céline Dion

These days there has been a lot of talk about Céline Dion.

i és que el seu talent és innegable.

And it is that their talent is undeniable.

Ho ha demostrat a París recentment.

He has recently demonstrated it in Paris.

Curiosament, va publicar aquesta cançó

Interestingly, he/she published this song.

també en un any olímpic, el 1992,

also in an Olympic year, 1992,

With This Dear, en el número 23.

With This Dear, at number 23.



I en el número 22 baixant algunes posicions,

And in number 22, dropping a few positions,

Eternity, de Shina Easton,

Eternity, by Shina Easton,

un tema de l'any 1987

a song from the year 1987

on Prince toca tots els instruments,

Prince plays all the instruments.

és el productor.

He is the producer.

La posició 21

The position 21

és per una versió força simpàtica

it's for a rather nice version

dels sempre sorprenents

of the always surprising

Subgen Estivans.

Estivant subgenus.

Entra aquesta setmana en el rànquing

This week it enters the ranking.

amb el tema Alphabet Street.

with the song Alphabet Street.

Subgen Estivans.

Subgenus Estivans.

Considerada una de les padrines del soul,

Considered one of the godmothers of soul,

ella és Patti LaBelle

she is Patti LaBelle

i des del disc Beat Yourself de 1912

and from the disc Beat Yourself of 1912

1989 ens arriba

1989 arrives to us.

You Mister, que ocupa

You, Mister, what do you occupy?

i es manté en el número 20

and remains at number 20

de la nostra llista d'èxits del petit príncep.

from our list of successes of the little prince.

Subgen Estivans.

Subgenus Estivans.

I d'una llegenda del soul

And a legend of soul

a una llegenda del country

to a legend of country music

a la posició 19, Kenny Rogers

at position 19, Kenny Rogers

que continua escalant setmana darrere setmana

that keeps climbing week after week

amb You Are My Love.

with You Are My Love.

You are my love

You are my love.

and I love everything

i estimo tot

you are my love

you are my love

you do to me

you do to me

you're my love

you're my love

and I love

i jo estimo

when you're around

when you're around

you're my love

you're my love

and I'll never let you down

i mai et fallaré

En el número 18

At number 18.

una nova entrada en aquesta llista de cançons

a new entry in this list of songs

compostes per Prince.

composed by Prince.

Ella és la bateria i cantant

She is the drummer and singer.

Sheila E. amb Yellow.

Sheila E. with Yellow.



Cada joven que un mestre té un car

Every young person that a teacher has a face.

fa que la filla perdi la fresca

causes the daughter to lose her freshness

El meu pare, no havia letat

My father had not yelled.

que el Riviera estigués

that the Riviera was

El meu pare no ha deixat de fer-me

My father hasn't stopped making me

anar a l'escola

going to school

Els nens que em seguien

The children who were following me

després de l'escola

after school

no volien que em portés

they didn't want me to take it

per un carril

for a lane

No volia pensar

I didn't want to think.

que era unき

that was aき

Bona nit.

Good night.

Està interpretat per Beck.

It is performed by Beck.

Bona nit.

Good night.

I per què no?

And why not?

També la versió que em va fer Mike Flowers Pops

Also the version that Mike Flowers Pops made for me.

on també citava Alphabet Street.

he also cited Alphabet Street.

Estic parlant

I am speaking.

de 1999.

from 1999.

Iro party over, it's out of time.

Iro party over, it's out of time.

Tonight I'm gonna party

Tonight I'm gonna party.

like it's 1999.

like it's 1999.

Well, I'm going down

Well, I'm going down.

to your Alphabet Street, yeah.

to your Alphabet Street, yeah.

I'm gonna walk so sexy

I'm going to walk so sexy.

you'll want me from my head to my toe.

you'll want me from my head to my toe.

I'm going down

I'm going down.

on what year is it?

What year is it?

Born to breathe

Born to breathe

de Monilove és el tema que ocupa

"Monilove is the topic that occupies"

la posició 16. Ha baixat

position 16. It has dropped

algunes posicions, però ens agrada tant.

some positions, but we like it so much.

Per cert, no oblideu que

By the way, don't forget that

totes les cançons d'aquesta llista

all the songs from this list

estan compostes per Prince.

they are composed by Prince.

Come on

Come on

Look at you, look at you

Look at you, look at you



Look at you, look cutie

Look at you, look cute.

Hey, mami

Hey, mommy.

Hey, hey

Hey, hey

Hey, mami

Hey, mommy

Alright, alright, baby.

Alright, alright, baby.

Come on, let's go eat.

Come on, let's go eat.

I'm a mother that gave birth young

I'm a mother who gave birth young.

so what about it?

so what about it?

Does it mean right away that I'm wrong?

Does it mean right away that I'm wrong?

Only due time, well my time is right now

Només el temps degut, bé, el meu temps és ara mateix.

so don't ask me who, where, what, when or how

so don't ask me who, where, what, when or how

I know I got meat and a good partner beside me

I know I have meat and a good partner by my side.

One that will never try to desert or define me

One that will never try to desert or define me.

So who are you to tell me how to run my family?

So who are you to tell me how to run my family?

I can plan it by myself, I need nobody planning me

I can plan it by myself, I need nobody planning for me.

Cuz, yeah, I might be young

Cuz, yeah, I might be young.

but my stability's correct

but my stability's correct

Everything about my little one I must protect

Tot sobre el meu petit he d' حماية.

El número 15.

The number 15.

Kid Creole and the Coconuts interpreten The Sex of It.

Kid Creole and the Coconuts perform The Sex of It.

I Simple Minds també van versionar Prince,

Simple Minds also covered Prince,

el número 15.

the number 15.

El número 14 és per Psych of the Times,

The number 14 is for Psych of the Times,

que ha pujat 3 posicions.

that has risen 3 positions.

El número 15.

The number 15.

En el número 13,

In number 13,

una cançó composta

a composed song

i producida

and produced

a parts iguals per Prince i Martika,

in equal parts for Prince and Martika,

Love, They Will Be Done.

Love, They Will Be Done.

I can no longer hide.

I can no longer hide.

I can no longer run.

I can no longer run.

No longer can I resist

I can no longer resist.

the guiding light

the guiding light

that gives me

that gives me

the power

the power

to keep up the fight.

to keep up the fight.

Oh, oh, oh,

Oh, oh, oh,

I will be done

Estaré acabat.

since I found you.

since I found you.

My life has just begun

My life has just begun.

and I see

and I see

all of your creations

totes les teves creacions

and all of them

i tots ells

since the beginning.

since the beginning.

La posició número 12 és per un grup format per Warren Seaborn

Position number 12 is for a group made up of Warren Seaborn.

i els músics de Rem, Bill Berry, Peter Bach i Mike Mills,

and the musicians from REM, Bill Berry, Peter Bach, and Mike Mills,

la versió de Raspberry Beret.

the version of Raspberry Beret.

La versió de Raspberry Beret

The version of Raspberry Beret

La meravellosa Windows Cry puja del 20 fins al número 11.

The wonderful Windows Cry rises from 20 to number 11.

Ella és, ni més ni menys, que Patti Smith.

She is, nothing more and nothing less, than Patti Smith.

La versió de Raspberry Beret

The version of Raspberry Beret

Una producció de John Cougar Mellencamp.

A production by John Cougar Mellencamp.

És Mitch Ryder i el tema When You Were Mine.

It's Mitch Ryder and the song When You Were Mine.

La versió de Raspberry Beret

The version of Raspberry Beret

I ens quedem aquí, en el número 10.

And we stay here, at number 10.

Ara, o en You Were Mine, però amb la versió de Cyndi Lauper.

Now, or in You Were Mine, but with the version by Cyndi Lauper.

La versió de Raspberry Beret

The version of Raspberry Beret

Novena posició per Dwight Joachim i la cançó de les cançons,

Ninth position for Dwight Joachim and the song of songs,

la peça més coneguda de Prince, Purple Rain.

the most famous piece by Prince, Purple Rain.

Purple Rain

Purple Rain

I never meant to cause you any pain

I never meant to cause you any pain.

I only wanted one time to see you laughing

I just wanted to see you laugh once.

I only wanted to see you laughing

I only wanted to see you laughing.

In the purple rain

In the purple rain

Purple rain, purple rain

Purple rain, purple rain

Purple rain, purple rain, purple rain

Purple rain, purple rain, purple rain

Bona nit

Good night

I les imparables de Bangles

And the unstoppable of Bangles

que van fent camí, cada setmana més amunt

that they keep making their way, each week further up

amb Manic Monday

with Manic Monday

en el número 8

in number 8

Bona nit

Good night

Aquesta setmana en setena posició

This week in seventh position.

baixant des del número 1

descending from number 1

Ella és Corinne Bailey Rae

She is Corinne Bailey Rae.

i el tema I wanna be your lover

And the song I wanna be your lover.

Bona nit

Good night.

En cinquena posició entra directament

In fifth position enters directly.

Stand Back d'Steve Nix.

Stand Back by Steve Nix.

No hi ha trampa, però sí que és veritat

There is no trick, but it is true.

que no és ben bé una cançó composta

that is not exactly a composed song

per Prince. La història

for Prince. The story

és ben curiosa. Nix

It is quite curious. Nix

la va escriure el dia del seu matrimoni

she wrote it on the day of her wedding

amb Kim Anderson, el 29 de gener

with Kim Anderson, on January 29

de 1983. Els nubis

from 1983. The clouds

anaven en cotxe quan va sonar

they were in the car when it rang

a la ràdio la cançó de Prince, l'ira

On the radio, the song by Prince, "The Rage."

del Red Corvette. Nix va començar

of the Red Corvette. Nix started

a trelejar la melodia, especialment

to treble the melody, especially

inspirada en els exuberants

inspired by the exuberant

sintetitzadors de la cançó.

song synthesizers.

Llavors, va gravar una primera

Then, he recorded a first one.

versió a la suite aquella mateixa

version to that same suite

nit on estava de Lluna de Mel.

night was on Honeymoon.

Més tard, quan Nix va entrar a l'estudi

Later, when Nix entered the studio.

per gravar la cançó, va trucar a Prince

To record the song, he called Prince.

i li va explicar la història sobre com

and he explained to him the story about how

va escriure la cançó amb la seva melodia.

He wrote the song with its melody.

La nit del 8 de febrer

The night of February 8th

de 1983,

from 1983,

Prince es va apropar a l'estudi

Prince approached the studio.

i va tocar sintetitzadors a

and played synthesizers at

Sten Bach. Tot i que la seva

Sten Bach. Although his

contribució no està acreditada a l'àlbum,

contribution is not credited to the album,

aquell dia van acordar dividir

that day they agreed to divide

els drets de publicació de la cançó

the publication rights of the song

al 50%. Després,

at 50%. After,

segons Steven Nix, Prince

according to Steven Nix, Prince

es va aixecar i va marxar com si

he got up and left as if

tot hagués passat en un somni.

everything would have happened in a dream.

La nit del 8 de febrer

The night of February 8

de 1998, va trucar a Prince

In 1998, he called Prince.

i li va explicar que va ser

and he explained to him what it was

en una conversa amb el Prince

in a conversation with the Prince

sobre com va tocar la cançó.

about how the song was played.

D'aquí, va parlar amb el Prince

From here, he spoke with the Prince.

i va dir que va ser

and he said it was

una manera de debat.

a way of debating.

La nit del 8 de febrer

The night of February 8th

va trucar a Sten Bach

he called Sten Bach

i va dir que no volia

and he said that he didn't want to

que el Prince

that the Prince

s'acostés a la cançó,

approached the song,

però la nit del 9 de febrer

but the night of February 9

va trucar a Sten Bach

he called Sten Bach

i va dir que volia

and he said he wanted

que el Prince

that the Prince

volés que el prince

I wanted the prince.

volés que la cançó

I wanted the song

fes una cançó

make a song

per tocar-lo.

to touch it.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.

Do not turn away, my friend, like a widow I can't bear.

Do not turn away, my friend, like a widow I cannot bear.

No man called my name, no man came.

No man called my name, no man came.

I així arribem al número 4.

And so we arrive at number 4.

Ella és la magnífica, estimada, mai prou reivindicada i sempre al meu equip, Chaka Khan.

She is the magnificent, beloved, never sufficiently celebrated, and always on my team, Chaka Khan.

La cançó, amb col·laboració de gran màster Mel Mel i Stevie Wonder, I Feel For You.

The song, featuring the collaboration of great master Mel Mel and Stevie Wonder, I Feel For You.

I feel for you, I think I love you.

I feel for you, I think I love you.

Chaka Khan, let me rock you, let me rock you, Chaka Khan.

Chaka Khan, let me rock you, let me rock you, Chaka Khan.

Let me rock you, this all I wanna do.

Let me rock you, this is all I want to do.

Chaka Khan, let me rock you, let me rock you, Chaka Khan.

Chaka Khan, let me rock you, let me rock you, Chaka Khan.

Let me rock you, I feel for you, I feel for you.

Let me rock you, I feel for you, I feel for you.

Baby, baby, when I play with you, there's no place I'd never be.

Baby, baby, when I play with you, there's no place I'd rather be.

I can't believe, can't believe it's true.

I can't believe, can't believe it's true.

Things that I've never seen.

Things that I've never seen.

Things that you do to me.

Things that you do to me.

I wouldn't lie to you, baby.

I wouldn't lie to you, baby.

I'm typically attracted to you.

Normalment em sents atret per tu.

The feelings that I've got for you, baby.

The feelings that I've got for you, baby.

There's nothing that I won't do.

No hay nada que no haré.

I feel for you, I think I love you.

I feel for you, I think I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you, baby.

I love you, baby.

I en el pòdium, en tercera posició, la cançó que va fer coneguda Sinet O'Connor

And in the podium, in third position, the song that made Sinead O'Connor famous.

i a l'inrevés també, Nothing Compares To You.

and vice versa, Nothing Compares To You.

Aquí tornem a fer una parada per escoltar la versió d'Aretha Franklin

Here we make another stop to listen to Aretha Franklin's version.

que va fer l'any 2014 donant-li un toc diferent.

what he did in 2014 giving it a different touch.

Aquí tornem a fer una parada per escoltar la versió d'Aretha Franklin

Here we make a stop again to listen to Aretha Franklin's version.

i a l'inrevés també, Nothing Compares To You.

and the other way around too, Nothing Compares To You.

Aquí tornem a fer una parada per escoltar la versió d'Aretha Franklin

Here we stop again to listen to Aretha Franklin's version.

que va fer l'any 2014 donant-li un toc diferent.

what it did in 2014 by giving it a different touch.

Aquí tornem a fer una parada per escoltar la versió d'Aretha Franklin

Here we make another stop to listen to Aretha Franklin's version.

que va fer l'any 2014 donant-li un toc diferent.

what he did in 2014, giving it a different touch.

I ara sí, en el número 2, un tema que sempre m'ha fascinat,

And now yes, in number 2, a topic that has always fascinated me,

ha pujat 5 posicions des de la setmana passada.

It has risen 5 positions since last week.

És Joe Cocker des del disc Night Calls de 1991, Five Women.

It's Joe Cocker from the album Night Calls from 1991, Five Women.

Hi ha un tema que fa 9 quins noms, que va ser Perhaps,

There is a song that is 9 tenths, which was Perhaps,

és a dir, La Més digital.

That is to say, The Most Digital.

És Joe Cocker des del disc Night Calls de 1990.

It is Joe Cocker from the album Night Calls released in 1990.

Aquí tornem a fer una parada per escoltar la versió d'Aretha Franklin

Here we take a break to listen to Aretha Franklin's version.

Bona nit.

Good night.

I al capdamunt, el número 1 d'aquest Ranking 107

And at the top, number 1 of this Ranking 107.

dedicat a temes compostos per Prince,

dedicated to compositions by Prince,

aquí trobem una veu sensacional

here we find a sensational voice

fent una versió excel·lent

making an excellent version

del Take Me With You.

from Take Me With You.

Ella és Sharon Jones

She is Sharon Jones.

acompanyada de Dab Kings.

accompanied by Dab Kings.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Fins aquí la crema d'estiu,

Until here the summer cream,

la crema d'estrelles número 23.

the star cream number 23.

Espero que us hagi agradat,

I hope you liked it,

que hagi estat una crema ben fresqueta

that it has been a nice fresh cream

i ens tornem a trobar aviat

and we will meet again soon

a totes les plataformes,

to all platforms,

a Spotify, a Apple,

to Spotify, to Apple,

a Amazon, on escoltis tu

At Amazon, you listen.

aquest programa de ràdio o podcast.

this radio program or podcast.

A iVox és on realment

And iVox is where it really is.

jo allotjo el programa

I host the program.

i on rebu més missatges i likes.

And I receive more messages and likes.

Per tant, si t'agrada Crema d'Estrelles

Therefore, if you like Crema d'Estrelles.

em faria molt feliç que et facis subscriptora

It would make me very happy if you became a subscriber.

o subscriptor, que li donis al m'agrada

Oh subscriber, may you give me a like.

i deixis comentaris.

and leave comments.

Però si no, jo ja sóc feliç

But if not, I am already happy.

només pel fet que continuïs escoltant el programa,

just for the fact that you continue listening to the program,

que segueixis gaudint de la música

may you continue to enjoy the music

tant com ho faig jo.

as much as I do.

I res, moltes gràcies a la Laia i en Roger Via,

And nothing, thank you very much to Laia and Roger Via,

a la Marta Colí per les seves veus,

to Marta Colí for her voices,

també a la Marta Colí

also to Marta Colí

perquè sempre m'ajuda quan li demano.

because he always helps me when I ask him.

Gràcies a en Griffi, en Juli i Juliani

Thanks to Griffi, Juli, and Juliani.

per haver vingut al programa.

for having come to the program.

Missatge de veu, salutacions de qui us ha parlat,

Voice message, greetings from the one who spoke to you,

Jordi Via des dels estudis de Casa Meva

Jordi Via from the Casa Meva studios.

al carrer de la Independència de Terrassa,

on Independència Street in Terrassa,

que vagi tot molt bé.

I hope everything goes very well.

Una abraçada gegant.

A giant hug.

Això és Crema d'Estrelles.

This is Star Cream.


Thank you.

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