2x01 l'amor platònic, quin embolic!



2x01 l'amor platònic, quin embolic!


La felicitat no és un estat, és una activitat.

Happiness is not a state, it is an activity.

Només és el final de la vida que es pot dir si has estat feliç o no.

It is only at the end of life that you can tell if you have been happy or not.

Benvinguts i benvingudes al primer episodi de la segona temporada de Reclam el Món.

Welcome to the first episode of the second season of Claim the World.

Una temporada on continuarem parlant de temes quotidians,

A season where we will continue discussing everyday topics,

exposant diferents punts de vista, opinions i experiències

exposing different viewpoints, opinions, and experiences

amb convidats i convidades, amb històries, vivències i, sobretot, amb molt amor.

with guests, with stories, experiences and, above all, with a lot of love.

Perquè per poder arreglar el món, l'ingredient imprescindible és l'amor,

Because in order to fix the world, the essential ingredient is love,

igual que són imprescindibles els meus estimats companys.

just as my dear colleagues are indispensable.

Què tal, José? Com estàs?

How are you, José? How are you doing?

Hola, què tal? Molt content de ser aquí.

Hello, how are you? Very happy to be here.

En el primer episodi de la segona temporada de Reclam el Món

In the first episode of the second season of Reclam el Món

i amb moltes ganes de arreglar un món que ens serà difícil d'arreglar

and with a strong desire to fix a world that will be difficult for us to fix

o l'arreglar.

or fix it.

Ho arreglarem, oi?

We'll fix it, right?

Home, això seguríssim, seguríssim.

Man, that's for sure, for sure.

O almenys posarem tot, tot, tot de nosaltres per poder arreglar-ho.

Or at least we will put everything, everything, everything of us to be able to fix it.

I tant.


I també l'altre estimat company és l'Àlex.

And also the other dear friend is Alex.

Què tal, Àlex?

How are you, Àlex?

Hola, doncs molt bé. Una millor companyia impossible.

Hello, well very good. An impossible better company.

Jo, vindre aquí i estar amb vosaltres és, per mi, fantàstic.

For me, coming here and being with you is fantastic.

O sigui que millor impossible.

So it's better impossible.

Estic, no sé si el món s'arreglarà o no, però el meu món me l'arregleu bastant.

I am, I don't know if the world will get better or not, but you fix my world quite a bit.

Oh, oh, oh, que romàntics, que romàntics.

Oh, oh, oh, how romantic, how romantic.

Home, has acabat això, la cosa, avui.

Dude, you've finished this thing today.

Que poètics, eh?

How poetic, huh?

Jo crec que els aires del llavant donen un plus de poetisme

I believe that the winds of the east provide an extra touch of poeticism.

encara més que per aquí, eh? Em sembla, eh, Àlex?

even more than around here, right? I think so, right, Álex?

Sí, avui em deixaré una miqueta...

Yes, today I will let myself a little bit...

que l'amor m'embriagui una miqueta.

may love intoxicate me a little.

Ah, doncs, ostres.

Ah, well, wow.

Déu-n'hi-do, promet aquest episodi.

Wow, this episode promises a lot.

Aquest promet, promet, i tant, i tant, perquè, clar, parlarem d'amor

This promises, promises, and yes, indeed, because, of course, we will talk about love.

i d'un amor bastant específic que utilitzem molt, ho diem molt,

and of a rather specific love that we use a lot, we say a lot,

però no sé si sabem realment què és l'amor platònic.

but I don't know if we really know what platonic love is.

Vosaltres ho sabeu?

Do you know it?

Ostres, ara m'has generat un dubte,

Wow, now you've made me doubt.

perquè jo tenia entès que l'amor platònic era aquella persona que tu t'enamores

because I understood that platonic love was that person you fall in love with

per... o és.

for... or it is.

Clar, del qual tu t'enamores,

Of course, that which you fall in love with,

però saps que és impossible aquell amor,

but you know that love is impossible,

o almenys penses tu que és quelconque impossible.

or at least you think it is somehow impossible.

No sé si aquesta seria la descripció o definició correcta.

I don't know if this would be the correct description or definition.

I tu, Àlex, què hi penses?

And you, Àlex, what do you think about it?

Doncs jo sé que has estat investigant sobre l'amor platònic

Well, I know that you have been researching platonic love.

i aleshores, possiblement,

and then, possibly,

potser hi ha petites coses o grans coses

there may be small things or big things

en les quals José ha dit més o menys el que podia pensar jo,

in which José has said more or less what I could think,

doncs tant José com jo potser hi ha coses que potser hi hauran que matitzar

So both José and I may have things that perhaps we will need to clarify.

o inclús canviar.

or even change.

No estàs farta d'esperar

Aren't you tired of waiting?

Sempre aguantant aquesta enverola

Always putting up with this poison.

En pluja, neu, en venta

In rain, snow, in sale.

Geni fred

Cold genius

Sempre amb la mateixa postura

Always with the same stance.

Jo ja en tinc prou d'aquest color

I've had enough of this color.

Busca't un geni que et comprengui

Find yourself a genius who understands you.

Podríem dir que en aquest moment

We could say that at this moment

No funciona la conjuntura

The joint is not functioning.

Has tirat el temps per la finestra

You've wasted time.

I ara, princesa, on aniràs?

And now, princess, where will you go?

Mira't als ulls, posa els peus a terra

Look into your eyes, put your feet on the ground.

Pren el que tinguis, el que tinguis, el que tinguis

Take what you have, what you have, what you have.

A票 costat, perquè

A ticket cost, because

Mai trobaràs el teu principeu

You will never find your prince.

Doncs correcte, tothom pensa com José té, o la majoria,

So correct, everyone thinks like José does, or the majority.

que és un amor impossible, un amor que no ens correspon,

that it is an impossible love, a love that is not meant for us,

que és inalcançable,

that is unattainable,

però realment no és això

but that's not really it

l'amor platònic.

platonic love.

Voleu saber-ho? Sí, no?

Do you want to know? Yes, no?

I tant, i tant.

Of course, of course.

Estic mirant-ho encara molt preparat.

I am still looking at it very prepared.

Doncs l'amor platònic

Well, platonic love.

és la concepció filosòfica

it is the philosophical conception

d'un amor sense lligams

of a love without ties

sexuals ni romàntics.

sexual or romantic.

Un amor idealitzat

An idealized love

basat en la virtut.

based on virtue.

Llavors, anem una miqueta

Then, let's go a little bit.

més enllà.


Com molts i moltes ja sabeu,

As many of you already know,

perquè heu estudiat molt

because you have studied a lot

aquesta definició, surt

this definition comes out

en l'obra El banquet del filòsof

in the work The Philosopher's Banquet

grec Plató, i en l'obra

Greek Plato, and in the work

és Sócrates que fa un discurs

It is Socrates who gives a speech.

referent a l'amor.

regarding love.

Un amor que traspassa a tot l'oterranal.

A love that transcends all earthly bounds.

Un amor on la bellesa absoluta

A love where absolute beauty

està en el tot

it is in everything

i que la bellesa física

and that physical beauty

queda com insignificant.

it remains as insignificant.

Llavors seria com aquell

Then it would be like that one.



que engloba tot.

that encompasses everything.

Un amor com l'ànima,

A love like the soul,

i ja només no un amor

and now just not a love

cap a una persona, sinó

towards a person, but

podríem dir

we could say

la bellesa absoluta

absolute beauty

en el tot. Què us sembla?

in the whole. What do you think?

M'has deixat?

Have you left me?

Que jo ara, clar, tot el que tenia

That I now, of course, everything I had.

concebut, fins i tot

conceived, even

a persones que jo

to people that I

m'havia suposadament enamorat

I had supposedly fallen in love.



i tu dius que

and you say that

no és una concepció ni de

it is neither a conception of

bellesa física ni sexual.

physical or sexual beauty.

Jo, per la...

I, for the...

per les persones que m'he enamorat

for the people I have fallen in love with

o per les noies que m'he enamorat

or the girls I've fallen in love with

que jo pensava que eren

that I thought they were

inabastables per mi,

unattainable for me,

si t'he tingut una

if I had one for you

atracció físico-sexual,

physical-sexual attraction,

aleshores no era platònic

then it was not platonic

on jo pantanyen el meu cap.

where I plunge my head.



Aleshores jo no he tingut cap amb el platònic.

Then I haven't had anything with the platonic.

Correcte. Exacte, Josete.

Correct. Exactly, Josete.



Jo també m'he adonat d'això.

I have also realized this.

Dic, llavors jo tampoc.

I say, then neither do I.

Jo tampoc.

Me neither.

Perquè jo sempre he tingut.

Because I have always had.

Jo t'anava a preguntar,

I was going to ask you,

alguna vegada has tingut

have you ever had

aquesta moca definida ara

this defined snot now

res a veure amb la bellesa física,

nothing to do with physical beauty,

amb l'atracció sexual?

with sexual attraction?

Tot el que

Everything that

tenim concebut.

we have conceived.

Cap a una persona?

Towards a person?

Cap a una persona, evidentment, sí.

Towards a person, obviously, yes.

No, cap a una persona no.

No, towards a person no.

I m'agradaria a l'Àlex

I would like to Alex.

que volia també comentar alguna cosa, digues.

I also wanted to comment on something, go ahead.

Sí, és que

Yes, it is that

jo no crec que amb la descripció que has donat i tot,

I don't think that with the description you've given and all,

ho està pensant ara mateix,

he is thinking about it right now,

i no crec que descarti

and I don't think he/she will rule it out

dintre d'aquesta descripció

within this description

un amor inclús físic,

a love that is even physical,



no és l'important de tot això.

it is not the most important thing about all this.

És a dir,

That is to say,

amb la concepció de l'amor platònic

with the conception of platonic love

tal qual ho he entès ara,

just as I understood it now,

ho he, ho estava escoltant,

I heard it, I was listening to it,

per mi seria un amor on,

for me it would be a love where,

a la persona,

to the person,

i en aquest cas inclús podríem tindre un amor platònic

and in this case we could even have a platonic love

per una persona inclús del mateix sexe que nosaltres,

for a person even of the same sex as us,

seria un, seria algú

it would be one, it would be someone

a qui admirem d'una forma profunda,

whom we admire in a profound way,

d'una forma intensament


i d'una forma completa.

and in a complete way.



Podríem dir que és una espècie d'admiració,

We could say that it is a kind of admiration,

l'admiració més completa,

the utmost admiration,

per així dir-ho de millor.

to put it better.



Sí, sí, jo també la definiria com

Yes, yes, I would also define it as

l'admiració absoluta

absolute admiration

i pura cap a algun ésser.

and pure towards some being.

Cap a algú sense cap atracció sexual,

Towards someone without any sexual attraction.

clar, què passa, o física.

Sure, what's happening, or physics.

El que passa és que fins ara hem tenint concebut

What happens is that until now we have conceived.

una idea que ja ens ha desvetllat,

an idea that has already revealed to us,

ja ens porta unes quantes idees

he is already bringing us a few ideas

desvetllades i desmuntades,

awakened and dismantled,

Lorena, què pot ser?

Lorena, what could it be?

Però jo no descartaria, no descartaria la part sexual,

But I wouldn't rule out, I wouldn't rule out the sexual part,

jo no la descartaria la part sexual,

I wouldn't rule out the sexual part.

és a dir, tu pots

that is to say, you can

entendre que una persona en concret

to understand that a specific person

és una persona,

he is a person,

per exemple, una dona, que et fixis tu,

for example, a woman, that you notice,

i aquesta dona és

and this woman is

molt, o sigui, veus que és molt aixerida,

very, I mean, you see that she is very lively,

és molt intel·ligent, se n'adona, o sigui,

he is very intelligent, he realizes, that is,

té uns valors complets

it has complete values

a nivell intel·lectuals

at an intellectual level

que tu admires d'aquesta persona

what you admire about this person

d'una manera intel·lectualment

in an intellectually way



per lo que és, no?

for what it is, right?

No, jo no descartaria

No, I wouldn't rule it out.

que després de tota aquesta admiració

that after all this admiration

tu no tinguis també

you don't have either

un desig sexual,

a sexual desire,

no crec que descarti una cosa a l'altra,

I don't think one thing rules out the other.

però no és lo principal,

but it's not the main thing,

o sigui, el desig sexual no és

that is to say, sexual desire is not

l'amor principal, vamos.

the main love, come on.

Sí que la idea primària

Yes, the primary idea

no seria l'atracció física,

it wouldn't be physical attraction,

sinó que l'atracció física

but physical attraction

potser és el qual

maybe it is what

ve després de fixar-te

comes after you focus

en totes aquestes virtuts

in all these virtues

de les quals ho estàs anomenant,

of which you are naming,



Sí, perdona, Àlex,

Yes, sorry, Àlex,

el que passa és que hi ha una contradicció

what happens is that there is a contradiction

aquí, perquè aquí sí que diu

here, because here it does say

en la descripció del banquet,

in the description of the banquet,

de Plató, que

of Plato, that

traspassa el litoral, quan hi ha una atracció

it crosses the coast when there is an attraction

sexual, hi ha una

sexual, there is a

atracció sexual,

sexual attraction,

i això ho convertim

and we convert this

en terrenal. Llavors,

in earthly. Then,

en realitat és una idealització.

In reality, it is an idealization.

És com una idealització,

It's like an idealization,

una admiració, no? Llavors,

an admiration, right? Then,

per mi és com que és tan

for me it's as if it is so

complerta aquesta persona per tu

complete this person for you

que és com divina.

which is like divine.

Llavors no tens aquesta

So you don't have this.

atracció sexual perquè

sexual attraction because

no la pots convertir en terrenal,

you cannot turn her into earthly,

saps el que vull dir? No la pots materialitzar.

Do you know what I mean? You can't materialize it.

Perquè és com inalcançable.

Because it is somewhat unattainable.

En realitat,

In reality,

i ens posem una miqueta

and we get a little bit

en aquesta

in this

idea actual que tenim

current idea we have

de l'amor platònic,

of platonic love,

és tan

it's so



que cap a aquesta

that towards this

persona la veus tan

you see the person so



que ni et planteges

that you don't even consider

res de terrenal

nothing earthly

amb aquesta persona. I en realitat

with this person. And in reality

és com

it's like

inexistent l'amor platònic.

platonic love is nonexistent.

És una

It is a

utopia, en realitat.

utopia, in reality.

Tal com ho has explicat,

As you have explained it,

ho has relatat,

you have recounted it,

és inexistent

it is nonexistent

l'amor platònic.

platonic love.

I a més

And also

tinc la sensació que gairebé,

I have the feeling that almost,

bé, no ho sé, però tinc la sensació

well, I don't know, but I have the feeling

que com més gran ets, més difícil

the older you are, the harder it gets

és de

it is from

tindre el perquè.

to have the reason.

Jo me'n recordo

I remember.

d'algunes sensacions que podia

of some sensations that I could

tindre jo sent ben

to have I being well

jovenet, 14 anys,

youngster, 14 years old,

13, i

13, and


to have

una sensació, conèixer algú,

a feeling, to meet someone,

alguna noia,

some girl,

i jo

and I

com era molt innocent

since it was very innocent

tindré una sensació més de que

I will have a feeling more of that.

per mi ja parlar amb aquesta persona

for me, talking to this person already

ja era algo increïble.

it was already something incredible.



poder-me dirigir a aquesta persona per dir-li qualsevol

can I address this person to tell them anything

cosa. No és exactament la mateixa

thing. It is not exactly the same.

concepció d'alguna

conception of something

persona superior i tal,

superior person and such,

però era més pur.

but it was purer.

Vull dir que el que seria avui dia

I mean what it would be today.

un amor

a love

idealitzat, no?

Idealized, right?

És algo més net

It's something cleaner.

llavors, en aquell moment

then, at that moment

per mi era algo com

for me it was something like

molt més net.

much cleaner.

Això que tu has dit que

What you said that

quan érem més joves

when we were younger

poder parlar,

to be able to speak,

adreçar-te i que ens diguin dues

address you and let them tell us two

paraules a la noia o al noi,

words to the girl or to the boy,

depenent del cas,

depending on the case,

teníem idealitzat

we had idealized

com el paper

like the paper

era el màxim.

it was the maximum.

Això ens ha succeït jo crec

I think this has happened to us.

a tots i a totes.

to everyone.

Segur. I si és cert

Sure. And if it's true

que no és el mateix amb

that is not the same with

15-20 anys, que ara

15-20 years, than now.

que teniu vosaltres

What do you have?

vosaltres 40,

you 40,

esteu en la quarantena, que jo que sóc

you are in quarantine, as I am

a la cinquantena. És molt més difícil

In the fifties. It's much more difficult.

que un

that a

amb aquestes edat idealitzi

at this ideal age

com idealitzàvem

how we idealized

amb l'adolescència o la joventut.

with adolescence or youth.

Jo crec que també

I think so too.

per mi una de les situacions

for me one of the situations

més clars és quan

more clear is when

s'enamora d'algun artista.

falls in love with some artist.

Perdona, no t'he entès.

Sorry, I didn't understand you.

Quan ens enamorem

When we fall in love

d'algun artista, d'algun

of some artist, of some

cantant, d'alguna cantant, d'alguna actriu,

singer, of some singer, of some actress,

un actor, no? I

An actor, right?

sobretot els que són fan.

especially those who are fans.

El concepte de fan

The concept of fan

jo crec que sí que són com un amor platònic

I believe that they are like a platonic love.

que senten cap a aquesta persona.

that they feel towards this person.

Fins i tot, Lore.

Even you, Lore.

Que l'idealitzen de tal manera que

That they idealize it in such a way that

és com una divinitat per aquestes persones.

It is like a divinity for these people.

Venint a un món terrenal nostre

Coming to our earthly world

fins i tot un professor o professora.

even a professor or teacher.

És diferent

It's different.

per també un professor o professora

for also a teacher

perquè jo m'he enamorat de professores meves.

because I have fallen in love with my teachers.

Jo ho veia com un amor platònic.

I saw it as a platonic love.

Per què? Perquè jo

Why? Because I.

ho veia com que era inaccessible per mi.

I saw it as being inaccessible to me.

Evidentment que

Obviously that

un actor o un actriu

an actor or an actress

era cantant, no sé,

was a singer, I don’t know,

per posar-te un exemple,

to give you an example,



per exemple, per posar-te un exemple que ara

for example, to give you an example right now

no recordo cap, així que

I don't remember any, so



Per mi era un amor encara més

For me, it was an even greater love.

platònic que la meva maestra

platonic that my teacher

de natura, per exemple. No les vaig

of nature, for example. I didn't see them.

dir el nom, no sé qui m'escolta.

Say the name, I don't know who is listening to me.

Per casualitat.

By chance.

No sé, no sé.

I don't know, I don't know.

En realitat tu no

In reality, you don’t.

coneixes aquesta persona, l'has idealitzat,

you know this person, you have idealized them,

no? O sigui, tu l'has creat

No? I mean, you created it.

com un ésser complet, perfecte.

as a complete, perfect being.

Clar, clar.

Of course, of course.

Per això el converteixes en platònic, també.

That's why you also make it platonic.

Jo no la conec. Clar,

I don't know her. Of course,

si venim a la mestra sí que la coneixia.

If we come to the teacher, yes, I knew her.

No sé, és la diferència.

I don't know, it's the difference.

No sé si

I don't know if

m'entens el que vull dir. Sí, sí, sí,

you understand what I want to say. Yes, yes, yes,

totalment. A l'actriu no la

totally. The actress doesn't

conec, a la

I know, to the

presentadora de televisió

television presenter

de top no la conec,

I don't know her at all.

però a la mestra o a la veïna,

but to the teacher or to the neighbor,

per posar-li un exemple,

to give you an example,

que ens hi fixem,

that we focus on it,

sí la conec, és diferent.

Yes, I know her, she is different.

Però també són inaccessibles.

But they are also inaccessible.

A vegades aquestes

Sometimes these

persones que també coneixem són

people that we also know are

inaccessibles, són inabastables

inaccessible, they are unattainable

pel que sigui

for whatever it's worth

per nosaltres.

for us.

Perquè tu segur que t'has enamorat d'algú

Because you have surely fallen in love with someone.

que tu has pensat que era platònic

that you thought it was platonic

i no era tan platònic.

and it wasn't so platonic.

Simplement que és inaccessible

Simply that it is inaccessible.

per tu, per

for you, for

les circumstàncies i de la vida.

the circumstances and life.

Sí, sí,

Yes, yes,

totalment, totalment.

totally, totally.

I us hi ens una pregunta.

I have a question for you.

Creieu que hi ha també

Do you think that there is also

amor platònic en l'amistat?

platonic love in friendship?

Amistat platònica?

Platonic friendship?



Aquesta sí que és bona, eh?

This one is a good one, right?

Aquesta és boníssima.

This is very good.

No estic convençut, però

I'm not convinced, though.

crec que sí.

I think so.

Perquè quan tu dius

Because when you say

amistat platònic,

platonic friendship,


define me.

Com prefereixes?

How do you prefer?

Home, jo entenc

Man, I understand.

l'amistat platònica com

platonic friendship as

una idealització de l'amistat

an idealization of friendship

en la qual

in which

tens algun amic

do you have any friends

o vols pensar

or you want to think

que podries tindre un amic

that you could have a friend

o amiga

oh friend



complís totes les teves

fulfill all your



com a amic, com a persona

as a friend, as a person

i amic

and friend

que tu poguessis necessitar.

that you might need.

L'amistat d'una persona,

The friendship of a person,

d'un amic, vamos.

from a friend, come on.

O que et miris el que fa

Or what you look at what he does.

d'una manera

in a way

per sobre de la mitjana, no?

above average, right?

No sé.

I don't know.

Tots els amics que tenim ara

All the friends we have now

avui dia,


una amiga que jo

a friend that I


I idealize

i sabeu tots qui és, que la conec

And you all know who he is, because I know him.

i que admiro,

and that I admire,

és Toni de Boscaferro,

it's Toni from Boscaferro,

per exemple, no?

for example, right?

Una altra amistat per mi, platònica,

Another friendship for me, platonic,

jo no crec que sigui platònica, eh?

I don't think it's platonic, huh?

Algú que admiro moltíssim,

Someone I admire very much,

que funcionava des de la COU,

that had been functioning since the COU,

però no sé si una admiració

but I don't know if it's admiration

pel que fan, perquè m'agrada molt

for what they do, because I like it a lot

el que fan, o

what they do, or

per la seva persona,

for his/her person,

que també són grans persones, però

who are also great people, but

no sé en quin camí

I don't know which path.

va aquesta admiració,

goes this admiration,

que jo no li concep

that I do not conceive to him/her

el punt d'amistat platònica.

the point of platonic friendship.

Jo no, eh?

Not me, eh?

No sé vosaltres com ho veieu

I don't know how you all see it.

tal com us ho estic plantejant.

as I am presenting it to you.

A veure,

Let's see,

és que clar, què passa

It's just that, you see, what happens is...

amb aquest concepte de platònic,

with this platonic concept,

que és un lio? Perquè sí que existeix.

What is a mess? Because it does exist.

És un embolic.

It's a mess.

Sí que existeix

It does exist.

el terme

the term

amistat platònica,

platonic friendship,

però no com l'entenem, o com

but not as we understand it, or how

suposem que ha de ser.

let's suppose it has to be.

O com l'hem entès fins ara.

Or as we have understood it so far.



Sí, o sigui, realment

Yes, I mean, really.

l'amistat platònica és aquella que

platonic friendship is one that

es basa en tenir

it is based on having

un amic amb moltíssima complicitat,

a friend with a lot of understanding,

que perduren en el temps,

that endure over time,

i que tenen una unió

and that they have a union

tan, tan forta que fins i tot

so, so strong that even

es pot confondre com una relació

it can be confused as a relationship

sentimental. Però que no és així.

Sentimental. But that's not how it is.

A mi no m'ha passat. O sigui, això

It hasn't happened to me. I mean, this.

seria l'amor,

it would be love,

o sigui, l'amistat platònica. En canvi,

that is, platonic friendship. On the other hand,

jo ho entendria com

I would understand it as

aquella persona

that person

que tu t'esforces per ser la seva

that you strive to be hers

amiga, i no es

friend, and it is not

correspon. O sigui, la necessitat

it corresponds. That is, the necessity

que jo vull que aquesta persona sigui amiga

that I want this person to be a friend

meva, però

my, but

no hi ha manera, no?, pel que sigui.

There's no way, right? For whatever reason.

O sigui, us heu

That is, you have


to realize

que és molt curiós, eh?

that is very curious, isn't it?

Que no tenim realment

That we don't really have

definit què és això de

define what this is about

platònic, que plató ens salia

platonic, that Plato came out to us

molt. Ens hem policat,

a lot. We have apologized,

perquè tu tens una concepció i jo en tinc

because you have one conception and I have another

una altra, l'Àlex té una altra,

another one, Alex has another one,

i segurament els nostres oients en tindran una altra

and our listeners will probably have another one.

ben diferent. Totalment.

Quite different. Totally.

No us sembla curiós? A mi m'ha semblat molt

Don't you find it curious? It seems very so to me.

curiós el tema. A mi,

curious the topic. To me,

com m'ho diria algú, un amic meu,

as someone, a friend of mine, would tell me,

me ha volado la cabeza.

It blew my mind.

I la meva pregunta és això,

And my question is this,

us heu trobat en el cas de voler ser

have you found yourselves in the case of wanting to be

amics d'algú que no

friends of someone who doesn't

ho ha aconseguit?

Has he/she succeeded?

Que no heu sigut correspon?

Haven't you been corresponding?



en el meu cas...

in my case...

En el meu cas, no.

In my case, no.

Com a molt Kevin Smith,

As much as Kevin Smith,

però tampoc. No.

but neither. No.

No, més enllà de...

No, beyond...

La broma, però no

The joke, but not.

crec que hi hagi hagut... He tingut

I think there has been... I've had

amics, que han estat amics

friends, who have been friends

meus, i després... Però això no és

mine, and then... But this is not

una amistat platònica

a platonic friendship

ni amor platònic ni res,

neither platonic love nor anything else,

és amics que he tingut i que

they are friends I have had and that

després no eren amics, però això és una altra

afterwards they were not friends, but that is another story

cosa que no té res a veure amb això.

thing that has nothing to do with this.

És un altre tema.

It's another topic.

I jo està...

And I am...

I jo, per exemple,

And I, for example,

jo que sé, per exemple, posem que tindrà

I don't know, for example, let's say it will have

no sé,

I don't know,

algú a anar al col·le,

someone to go to school,

per exemple, que fos

for example, that it was

el capità de l'equipo

the team captain

i que volgués

and that he/she/they wanted

que fos amic meu, doncs tampoc

that he was my friend, then neither

no m'ha interessat el més

I haven't been interested in the slightest.

mínim això. No,

minimum this. No,

la veritat és que no

the truth is that no

tinc aquest tipus de...

I have this type of...

Hi ha gent que potser amb el

There are people who maybe with the

tema... Però és que no, tampoc

theme... But no, not at all

ho trobo com platònic, no? Vull dir,

I find it quite platonic, don't you? I mean,

ja amb el tema del podcast, que escoltes algú

Already with the podcast topic, do you listen to someone?

i dius, home, doncs aquest

And you say, well, this one.

noi, doncs si tingués relació

Well, if I had a relationship.

amb ell, doncs estaria bé perquè

with him, then it would be good because

perquè, no sé,

because, I don't know,

sembla que pogués sintonitzar

it seems that I could tune in

bé amb aquesta persona, però

well with this person, but

tampoc és... A dia d'avui

it's not... As of today

no és platònic, perquè si

it's not platonic, because if

és algú accessible

he is someone approachable

intentaria accedir-hi

I would try to access it.

i si no és

and if it isn't

accedible, és que

accessible, it is that

tampoc... És que no idealitzaré,

also... I'm not going to idealize,

vull dir que és una persona que

I mean that she is a person who

que, no sé,

that, I don't know,

tindrà la seva vida i jo tindré la meva

he will have his life and I will have mine.

i no, vull dir que a dia d'avui ja no.

And no, I mean that as of today, not anymore.

És que això a mi, això m'ha passat, el que és

It's just that this has happened to me, what it is.

el món platònic, això m'ha passat

the Platonic world, this has happened to me

una miqueta a mi ja. Jo,

a little bit for me already. Me,

aquesta pregunta que

this question that

ha fet la Lorena,

Lorena has done it,

jo responc que no, que a mi no m'ha succeït

I respond that no, it hasn't happened to me.

això, i jo menys o menys

this, and me more or less

en què he volgut ser amic,

in what I have wanted to be a friend,

primerament ho he aconseguit

first of all, I have succeeded

una cosa, després l'ha durat aquella amistat

One thing, then that friendship has lasted.

perquè al principi puré

because at first puree

fem feeling, i després

let's create a feeling, and then

poc, amb la convivència, poc que sí,

little, with coexistence, little that yes,

doncs allò

well then

que semblava aquella persona al principi

What did that person seem like at the beginning?

després ha començat a

after it has started to

grinyolar, poc que sigui.

squeak, little that it may be.

Però jo de moment, ara com ara, i per exemple

But for now, at this moment, and for example

el món del podcasting, que és el que

the world of podcasting, which is what

tots tres coneixem,

we all three know each other,

jo crec que de tot aquell que

I believe that from all that which

he volgut ser amic,

"I wanted to be a friend,"

o com a mínim conegut,

or at least known,

ho he aconseguit. Aquí tinc dos exemples

I have achieved it. Here I have two examples.

magnífics. Àlex és amic meu.

Magnificent. Alex is my friend.

La Lorena,


sí, la Lorena.

Yes, Lorena.

La Lorena.

The Lorena.

El súbol de la amistat.

The symbol of friendship.

No preguntaré, no preguntaré res.

I won't ask, I won't ask anything.

No, no, si pots preguntar.

No, no, if you can ask.

Doncs jo sí que he tingut,

Well, I have had.

jo sí que he tingut.

I have had it.

Jo sí, jo sí, quan era petita.

Me, yes, me, yes, when I was little.

Jo volia ser amiga d'una...

I wanted to be friends with a...

Clar, jo volia ser amiga d'una nena

Of course, I wanted to be friends with a girl.

que ella no volia ser

that she didn't want to be

la meva amiga, i jo estava obsessionada.

my friend and I were obsessed.

Però obsessionada.

But obsessed.

I de fer-me

And to make me

passar-ho malament, malament.

to have a bad time, badly.

I no hi havia manera. I no volia,

And there was no way. And I didn't want to.

no volia, i a sobre, clar. Què passa?

I didn't want to, and on top of that, of course. What's going on?

En aquests casos, doncs,

In these cases, then,

em matxacava que no vegis.

It was beating me up like you wouldn't believe.

Anava per tu. Sí, sí.

I was coming for you. Yes, yes.

Bueno, clar, tenia el poder, no?

Well, of course, he had the power, right?

Sobre mi, sobre una persona

About me, about a person.

que volia...

what I wanted...

Sí, jo sí

Yes, I do.

que fos la meva amiga, i clar,

that she was my friend, and of course,

jo feia el que em deia. Clar.

I did what I was told. Of course.

Perquè jo volia caure en ell.

Because I wanted to fall into him.

Li donaves l'entrepà al matí.

You gave him the sandwich in the morning.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Ja faré jo el mateix,

I'll do the same.

o l'entrepà al matí per esmorzar.

or the sandwich in the morning for breakfast.

Al col·le.

At school.

No, jo,

No, me.

jo estic sincer, aquesta experiència

I am sincere, this experience.

que jo recobre no l'he viscut.

What I recover I have not experienced.



Suposo que

I suppose that

entres com una miqueta en aquestes

you enter a little into these

relacions, sobretot quan ets més

relationships, especially when you are older

petita, no?, de

little, isn't it?, of

no ser acceptada,

not being accepted,

i bueno, suposo que és molt

And well, I suppose it's a lot.

complexa, no?, i entres com una mica

Complex, isn't it? And you kind of enter like...

d'obsessió. Sí.

of obsession. Yes.

Quan ets petit, quan ets menut,

When you are small, when you are little,

i no sé si més a les nenes

and I don't know about the girls anymore

que als nens, doncs

that to the children, then

passa això, no?, ja.

This happens, right? Yeah.

Ah, jo vull ser amic, però no m'accepta.

Ah, I want to be a friend, but he/she doesn't accept me.

En el grup no m'accepten.

They don't accept me in the group.

Com que, a més a més, acostumas

As well as, you usually

a voler ser amic,

to want to be a friend,

doncs, doncs, tot per una cosa.

well, well, all for one thing.

El jefe del grup. I si el

The leader of the group. And if he

jefe del grup no t'accepta,

the group leader does not accept you,

ho tens fumut al següent.

you have it messed up in the following.

Clar, i sents

Sure, and you hear

desplaçada. D'alguna manera,

displaced. In some way,

això era

this was

un moment d'aquella època.

a moment from that time.

Que algú l'ajuda avui dia

That someone helps him these days.

i diu, uau, op, xop!

And he says, wow, op, splash!

Amb la canalla.

With the kids.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Però bueno, això és un altre tema.

But well, that's another topic.

Perquè vull continuar,

Because I want to continue,

vull continuar, eh?, perquè hi ha coses

I want to continue, okay?, because there are things

molt interessants.

very interesting.

Perquè he buscat molt, he buscat molt.

Because I have searched a lot, I have searched a lot.

He tingut poc temps i no sé com he buscat

I haven't had much time and I don't know how I've managed.

tant. He buscat

so much. I have searched

quants tipus d'amor existeixen.

How many types of love exist?

Bé, a mi això de l'amor platònic m'ha liat

Well, this thing about platonic love has confused me.

una miqueta. Anem a veure si trobo

a little bit. Let's see if I find it.

un amor que ho entengui una miqueta més.

a love that understands it a little bit more.

I res,

And nothing,

i pensant en totes les maneres d'estima que hi ha

and thinking about all the ways of love that exist

avui en dia, buscant,

nowadays, searching,

dic, bueno, ara com hi ha tantes

I say, well, now that there are so many.

coses així una mica noves,

things like that a little new,

diguem-ho, diguem-ho així,

let's say it, let's say it like this,

m'he adonat i he

I have realized and I have

descobert que hi ha una diferència entre

discovered that there is a difference between

tipus d'amor i tipus de

types of love and types of

relacions de parella. O sigui, una cosa

couples relationships. That is to say, one thing

és l'amor i una altra cosa són

it's love and another thing are

les relacions de parella.

couples relationships.

Llavors, què?

So, what?

Comencem amb els tipus d'amor,

Let's start with the types of love,

perquè és molt curiós, eh? No sé si

because it's very curious, isn't it? I don't know if

potser vosaltres sou uns experts.

maybe you are experts.

Jo no en tenia ni idea.

I had no idea.


Let's begin.

I a veure, us posaré, vinga, un

And let's see, I'll give you, come on, one.

joc, a veure si em podeu

game, let's see if you can help me

definir quin tipus

define what type

d'amor segons el

of love according to the

nom que us dic, d'acord?

name that I tell you, okay?

Amor eros.

Love eros.

Eros bravachoti.

Eros brave boy.



Eròtic. Erotisme.

Erotic. Eroticism.



Sí, els dos.

Yes, both.

Jo crec que sí, eròs són això.

I think so, but they are this.

Romàntic. Passional.

Romantic. Passionate.

Bé, acceptem eròtic. Jo crec

Well, we accept erotic. I believe.

que vosaltres esteu pensant ja a

that you are already thinking about

un altre nivell, però bueno.

another level, but well.

Vosaltres us esteu imaginant

You are imagining yourselves.

ja un estritis o

already a stretch or

algo així, no sé jo.

Something like that, I don't know.

Potser, potser.

Maybe, maybe.

Potser sí.

Maybe yes.

Vinga, següent. Amor filia.

Come on, next. Love daughter.



No se m'acut res.

Nothing comes to mind.

Filia? És que no... Filia.

Philia? It's just that no... Philia.

PH. Sí, sí.

PH. Yes, yes.

Sí, com una F, però PH.

Yes, like an F, but PH.

Sí, filia.

Yes, daughter.

Ah, de filia, filia.

Ah, of love, love.

Filia. Filia, vale.

Filia. Filia, okay.

Àlex, tu ets un esper.

Àlex, you are a ghost.

No, però...

No, but...

No m'obres tant, valencians.

Don't open me so much, Valencians.

No, potser...

No, maybe...

Què dius?

What are you saying?

M'ha agafat a compte teu.

It has caught me for your account.

Filia, vull dir,

Filia, I mean,

vull dir, segurament és que

I mean, it’s probably that



no sé, un amor

I don't know, a love.

en el qual tu

in which you


you be



estar amb una persona.

to be with a person.

Esteu molt perduts.

You are very lost.

Esteu molt perduts. Perdoneu, eh?

You are very lost. Excuse me, huh?

No, no, no. Perdoneu.

No, no, no. Sorry.

És amor, amor fratern, d'amistat.

It is love, brotherly love, friendship.

Fratern. Filia. Filia.

Frater. Daughter. Daughter.



I aquest ja ho veuràs. Ara flipareu, eh?

And this one you will see. Now you'll freak out, right?



O estorge, o estorge, no sé com es pronuncia.

Oh storage, oh storage, I don't know how to pronounce it.

Us dic tal i com s'escriu.

I tell you just as it is written.

Amor estorge.

Love is a burden.

Això té que ser alguna

This has to be something.

una miqueta

a little bit

dur, perquè

hard, because

estorge, això...

stoic, this...

Amor als alemanys. Una tortura, tu.

Love for the Germans. A torture, you.

Una tortura, no?

A torture, isn't it?

Vols que et revenin

Do you want them to sell you?

el coll o...

the neck or...

Alguna cosa d'aquestes.

Something like that.

No. Amor familiar.

No. Family love.

Amor familiar?

Family love?



Això són

This is

classificacions psicològiques, eh?

psychological classifications, huh?

D'amor, de tipus d'amor.

Of love, of types of love.

Vinga aquesta. Agape.

Here you go. Agape.

Agape. Hòstia.

Agape. Host.

Agatha Christie.

Agatha Christie.

No. No. Agape era

No. No. It was agape.

una diosa, em sembla, no?

A goddess, it seems to me, doesn’t it?

Sí, en realitat crec que són noms, no?

Yes, actually I think they are names, aren't they?

Grecs o coses així, eh?

Greeks or things like that, huh?

Però ara mateix no recordo

But right now I don't remember.

quin tipus

what type

de diosa era. El Josete està

of goddess era. Josete is

en blanc total. En blanc no,

in total white. Not in white,

segur. Estic imaginant en blanc

sure. I am imagining in white

en un moment. Vinga, crec

in a moment. Come on, I think

que començaré jo ja

that I will start now

a dir les definicions.

to give the definitions.

No us deixaré pensar.

I will not let you think.

Agape és amor

Agape is love.



Ludus és amor lúdic,

Ludus is playful love,

on hi ha el filtreig, el que és

where there is filtering, what it is

com un joc, però res de compromís.

like a game, but no strings attached.

El pragma és

The pragma is

l'amor pragmàtic.

the pragmatic love.



realista, no? És com un amor més realista

Realistic, isn't it? It's like a more realistic love.

enfocat en la comptabilitat...

focused on accounting...

i ara no em surt...

and now it doesn't come to me...



Després està l'amor maníac, que és

Then there is manic love, which is

l'amor obsessiu,

obsessive love,

no? Aquells que, doncs això, que entrem

No? Those who, well, this, that we enter

en bucle. I per últim

in a loop. And finally

tindríem l'amor complert, eh? Que això

We would have complete love, right? Because this.

sí que sabeu el que és, eh? On entra

Yes, you know what it is, right? Where it enters.

tot, no? Diguem,

everything, right? Let’s say,

el que és, doncs...

what it is, then...

La perfecció.


Bueno, bueno,

Well, well,

voleu que continuï?

Do you want me to continue?

Amb tipus de relacions que n'hi ha?

What types of relationships are there?

Sisplau. Sisplau,

Please. Please,


let's engage in small talk.

Vinga, ja sabeu,

Come on, you know already,

hi ha les relacions monògames

there are monogamous relationships

que són les, de moment,

what are the, for now,

de moment, les més habituals.

for now, the most common ones.

De moment. Sí, de moment sí.

For now. Yes, for now yes.

Després estan les relacions obertes

Then there are open relationships.



T'acaben la porta i te la tanquen.

They close the door on you and shut it.

Les obertes són aquelles

The open ones are those

que et compromets

that you commit

amb una altra

with another

persona, no?, diguem.

person, right?, let's say.

Després estan les poliamoroses,

Afterward, there are the polyamorous ones,

les relacions poliamoroses. Jo ja em començo

polyamorous relationships. I'm starting already.

a perdre, jo ja ho dic.

to lose, I already say it.

Però l'oberta has dit, una

But the open one you said, one.

relació oberta has dit que et compromets

open relationship you said you are committed

amb una sola persona?

with just one person?

No, amb una altra persona. Tens com

No, with another person. You have like

dues parelles, diguem.

two couples, let's say.

Sí, tens dues relacions

Yes, you have two relationships.

íntimes, o sigui,

intimate, that is,

no sexuals, eh?

not sexual, huh?

Avui pots anar amb una

Today you can go with a



obriré, basto, vale? No, no,

I'll open it, coarse, okay? No, no,

no és sexual, eh? Ah, no?

It's not sexual, is it? Oh, really?

Les obertes no.

The openings no.

Bueno, millor me tiran

Well, better they throw me.

pedres, no soc una experta,

stones, I am not an expert,

però com ho he entès,

but as I understood it,

són les que realment

they are the ones that really

mantenen una relació

they maintain a relationship

amb dues persones.

with two people.

O sigui, jo penso, ostres,

So, I think, wow,

con lo complicado que es ya una relación

with how complicated a relationship already is

con una, imagina't amb dos.

With one, just imagine with two.

Si no, ya sacas un rayo, quiera, quiera,

If not, you already take out a lightning, want, want,

ya las aguanto, eh? Sí.

I can handle them now, huh? Yes.

Doncs les poliamoroses és encara

Well, polyamorous people still are.

pitjor, o sigui,

worse, I mean,

amb més persones. Més.

with more people. More.

Relacions a distància.

Long-distance relationships.

Després estan les, aquestes, ostres,

Afterwards there are the, these, oysters,

massa, no sé, supercurioses.

too many, I don’t know, super curious.

Les híbrides. Sabeu el que són

The hybrids. Do you know what they are?

les relacions híbrides?

hybrid relationships?

Se me ha parecido un maco este,

I found this one to be nice.

se me ha metido en un Windows.

It has gotten into a Windows.

Es que me estoy aprendiendo cada

I'm learning every

coña, tía.

No way, girl.

Àlex, tu saps el que pot ser

Álex, you know what it can be.

les relacions híbrides?

hybrid relationships?

És que no, les

It's just that no, the

relacions híbrides, la veritat és que no sé

hybrid relations, the truth is that I don't know

si té que veure, és que no, la veritat

If it has to do with it, it's no, the truth.

és que no, que tinguis una relació amb

it's just that no, that you have a relationship with

algú, amb la part sexual i

someone, with the sexual part and

amb l'altra, no, la veritat és que no,

with the other one, no, the truth is that no,

i l'altra que no ho sigui, no, no ho sé, la veritat

and the other one that isn't, no, I don't know, the truth

és que no ho sé. Doncs bueno, mira, així de senzill.

I don't know. Well, look, it's that simple.

Una persona, doncs, que ja li va

A person, then, who is already fine with it.

bé ser monògama, però l'altra no.

"Well, I am monogamous, but the other is not."

L'altra vol tenir diferents

The other wants to have different ones.

relacions. Llavors, doncs,

relations. So, then,

pacten que un

they agree that one


it will be,

doncs això, entre cometes,

so this, in quotes,

fidel, no? Perquè en realitat no hi ha cap traïció

faithful, right? Because in reality, there is no betrayal

quan, quan estan tots d'acord.

when, when everyone agrees.

I l'altra no.

And the other one not.

L'altra tindrà diferents relacions.

The other will have different relationships.

Amb qui pugui, sí. Sí.

With whoever I can, yes. Yes.



ja me mata.

It kills me already.

És Wingers. Relació

It’s Wingers. Relationship.

és Wingers. Sí, això són els

It's Wingers. Yes, that's what they are.

intercanvis. Els intercanvis

exchanges. The exchanges

de... Àlex, has contestat

...Alex, have you answered?

molt ràpid.

very fast.

T'has posat, Àlex, eh? Sí, no,

You’ve put on, Alex, right? Yes, no.

és que això, és que una vegada...

it's just that this, it's just that once...

Si vols parlar d'alguna experiència, digues.

If you want to talk about any experience, go ahead.

No, no, no, no hi ha cap experiència

No, no, no, there is no experience.

en el meu cas, però, però

in my case, however, however

és un tema que

it's a topic that

està tan,

it is so,



És més corrent del que sembla.

It's more common than it seems.

Perquè, inclús hi ha molts

Because, there are even many.

locals, molts

locals, many

en... Sí?


I una vegada vaig veure un local

And once I saw a place.

a València, estava jo,

in Valencia, there I was,

i vaig veure, no sé què, swingers,

I saw, I don't know what, swingers,

i vaig mirar-ho per internet,

I looked it up on the internet.

com avui en dia ho pots mirar,

as you can view it today,

a veure què significava el local, no sé què,

let's see what the local meant, I don't know what,

i vaig veure el que significava i dic,

I saw what it meant and I say,

mira, doncs un dia si estàs

look, then one day if you are

solter, agafes una migueta

single, you take a little bit

i vas allà.

and you go there.

I no li pagues la copa.

And you don't pay him the drink.

Una cosa, en aquest

One thing, in this

joc no som, no som van solters, eh?

we're not a game, we're not single, okay?

Tampoc. No, però vull dir

Neither. No, but I mean

vas amb una amiga...

you go with a friend...

Van solters, casats, divorciats,

They go single, married, divorced,

virus i de tot.

virus and everything.

Sí. I tant.

Yes. Absolutely.

I tant, i tant. Bueno,

Of course, of course. Well,

i per últim, relacions

and lastly, relationships



Fàtues... Això

Fat... This

sembla una zona jueu.

it looks like a Jewish area.

O familiar. Doncs...

Oh family. Well...

No, són aquestes relacions,

No, it's these relationships,

no?, que, bueno, que hi ha passió,

no?, that, well, that there is passion,

que hi ha convivència, però no hi ha intimitat.

that there is coexistence, but there is no intimacy.

No mantenen relacions.

They do not maintain relationships.

O sigui, el que passa

That is, what happens

a la majoria de matrimonis, després,

in most marriages, after,

amb el temps.

with time.



Però sense voler.

But without wanting to.

Aquí és volent.

Here it is wanting.

O sigui, o sigui,

That is to say, that is to say,

estan junts, passió...

they are together, passion...



Al llit, a dormir.

In bed, to sleep.



Per descansar.

To rest.

I bueno, doncs, una de les curiositats

And well, then, one of the curiosities

que buscant tot això m'he adonat

that while searching for all this I have realized

és que, per una banda,

it's that, on one hand,


we separate

el que és l'amor, no?,

What love is, right?

i d'altra banda, quan he buscat

and on the other hand, when I have searched

això de les relacions, a cap moment

this about relationships, at no point

parlen d'amor, o sigui,

they talk about love, that is,

parlen d'intimitat, parlen de sexualitat,

they talk about intimacy, they talk about sexuality,

parlen de passió, parlen de compromís,

they speak of passion, they speak of commitment,

de relació, però

of relationship, but

el terme amor

the term love

no surt en cap definició.

it does not appear in any definition.

¿Por qué lo llaman amor cuando quieren decir sexo?

Why do they call it love when they mean sex?

Quieren decir sexo, no?

They mean sex, right?

Això va.

This goes.

Llavors és molt curiós, és molt curiós, no?, perquè

Then it is very curious, it is very curious, isn't it?, because

realment t'estàs adonant, no?, que

are you really noticing, aren't you, that

bueno, que les relacions de parella

Well, that couple relationships

no té per què haver-hi amor.

there doesn't have to be love.

No estic pensant, eh?

I'm not thinking, okay?

Us he deixat cau, eh?

I've left you hanging, huh?

M'han deixat una mica cau, perquè

They have left me a bit down, because

jo no entenc

I don't understand.

una relació estable, eh?,

a stable relationship, huh?

d'una parella, sense

of a couple, without

que hi hagi amor.

may there be love.

O tu si l'entens, o vosaltres si l'enteneu.

Either you understand it, or you all understand it.

Hi ha una cosa,

There is one thing,

vaig llegir

I read.

un còmic fa poc,

a comic recently,

vaig llegir fa poc

I read recently.

un còmic

a comic



hi havia una parella,

there was a couple,

una de les dues persones

one of the two people

era infidel,

he was unfaithful,

era una parella,

it was a couple,

dona igual, era

it doesn't matter, it was

lesbiana, eren dos

lesbian, they were two

dones, i una d'elles

women, and one of them


it was...

no l'era fidel a

he was not faithful to

l'altra persona. El cas és que

the other person. The fact is that

una d'aquestes persones,

one of these people,

per coses que ocorreixen,

for things that happen,

es va al món

he/she goes into the world

de la

of the

muerte, de mort.

death, of death.

I bueno, se'n va

And well, he/she is leaving.

a la mort. I l'altra,

to death. And the other,

la que és infidel,

the one who is unfaithful,



per por, perquè és popular,

out of fear, because it is popular,

per por de que se sàpiga i tal,

for fear that it will be known and such,

o per lo que sigui, va

or for whatever reason, go ahead

on és la seva parella,

where is your partner,

al món de la mort,

in the world of death,

es va a la mort, per

goes to death, for

poder, en fi,

power, anyway,

buscar-la, perquè

find her, because

no sap d'ella. I quan

he doesn't know about her. And when

ja finalment es troben allà

finally they meet there

en el món de la mort, li diu

in the world of death, he tells her

mira, estic aquí perquè

look, I am here because

volia dir que t'he

I wanted to say that I have you.

fet infidel

been unfaithful

i perquè no t'estimo.

and because I don't love you.

Vull dir

I mean

que t'ho volia dir perquè això sortirà

I wanted to tell you because this will come out.

de llum, ho coneixeràs, i

of light, you will know it, and

t'ho volia dir jo abans.

I wanted to tell you that before.

Llavors, això, que estic aquí per dir-te

So, this is what I'm here to tell you.

que t'he fet infidel perquè no t'estimava.

that I made you unfaithful because I didn't love you.

Allò, llavors

That, then.

l'altra, la seva parella, li diu

the other, his partner, says to him



es comença a riure, primer es comença a riure,

you start to laugh, first you start to laugh,

diu, com...

says, how...

no m'estimes, no? Llavors, que estàs aquí,

you don't love me, do you? Then, why are you here,

a la mort, estàs aquí

to death, you are here

en el món de la mort, on potser no surts

In the world of death, where perhaps you don't come out.

d'aquí, perquè

from here, because

aquí potser ja

here maybe already

s'acaba la vida,

life comes to an end,

i m'estàs dient que no m'estimes.

You are telling me that you don't love me.

Bé, doncs, potser

Well, then, maybe.

això que no m'estimaves, potser

this that you didn't love me, perhaps

es tindria

it would have

que veure, no?

What to see, right?

I moltes vegades hi pot haver

And many times there can be

una miqueta d'això, no?

A little bit of this, right?

Potser l'amor es converteix en una altra

Perhaps love transforms into another.

cosa, en una estima diferent,

thing, in a different estimation,



però, home, m'imagino

but, man, I can imagine

que d'alguna forma

that in some way

hi ha una

there is a

forma d'entendre l'amor que es va convertint

way of understanding love that is becoming

en... es va transformant,

it... is transforming,

al cap dels anys

after many years

es va transformant. Clar, amb el pas

it is transforming. Of course, with the passing

del temps, totes les relacions

of time, all relationships

són etapes,

they are stages,

no podem pretendre

we cannot pretend

que hi hagi

that there be

tot durant... imagina't,

all during... imagine,

clar, ella ja ho porta amb 15 anys,

of course, she has been doing it for 15 years,

no podem pretendre ni ella ni ell

we cannot pretend either she or he

ni jo, ni ningú que porti

neither I nor anyone who wears

aquesta quantitat d'anys

this amount of years

de tenir la mateixa passió,

of having the same passion,





que quan teníem al principi.

that when we had at the beginning.

Ara, potser

Now, perhaps

la relació normal

the normal relationship

hi ha un amor més real,

there is a more real love,

més de debò,

more seriously,

pots dir, no vol dir que

you can say, it doesn't mean that

aquell començament no fos de debò,

that beginning was not for real,

sinó que aquesta

but this one

és més real, més terrenal.

It is more real, more earthly.

Jo penso, eh? Les relacions són

I think, right? Relationships are

etapes, com tota la vida, eh? No només

stages, like all of life, right? Not only

les relacions de parella, tota la vida

couple relationships, for a lifetime

són etapes. Segur

they are stages. For sure.

que les vostres relacions

that your relationships

amb els vostres pares, amb els vostres

with your parents, with your

fills, no són les mateixes

children, they are not the same

unes etapes a una altra.

one step to another.

Per exemple, Lorena té dos fills,

For example, Lorena has two children,

un és un infant

one is a child

encara, l'altre ja és un

still, the other is already one

adolescent o adolescència.

adolescent or adolescence.

No és la mateixa etapa, segur.

It's not the same stage, for sure.

No, no, ni molt menys.

No, no, not at all.

Amb la relació de parella és igual,

With the couple relationship, it's the same.

és més autèntic. Sí, però és diferent

It's more authentic. Yes, but it's different.

l'amor, ja t'ho he dit jo, eh?

Love, I already told you, didn't I?

Vull dir,

I mean,

els meus fills li perdono tot.

I forgive everything to my children.

No, no, aviam, aviam, Lore,

No, no, let's see, let's see, Lore,

Lore, ja m'has entès el que jo

Lore, you already understood me what I...

he volgut dir.

I wanted to say.

Sí, el que passa que a mi,

Yes, what happens is that to me,

jo em plantejo,

I question myself,

no, no, sí, clar que t'he entès, clar que

no, no, yes, of course I understood you, of course.

t'he entès, clar que són etapes, totalment,

I understood you, of course they are stages, totally.

totalment. El que passa que sí que és veritat

totally. What happens is that it is true.

que molts cops,

that many times,

i cada cop potser més,

and perhaps more and more,

no?, que cada cop som més individualistes

No? That we are becoming more and more individualistic?

i que tenim més clar, doncs, que no

and we are clearer, then, than not

estem per aguantar ja coses

we are about to endure things now

i etc, etc.

and etc, etc.

Potser ens falta una mica

Maybe we are lacking a bit.

d'informació. Ens hauríem d'ensenyar a estimar

of information. We should learn to love each other.

en parella?

In a couple?

Molt bona aquesta.

Very good this one.

Perquè és que ningú,

Because no one,

igual que ningú

just like nobody

a cap pare li porten

to every father they bring it

un manual

a manual

sobre com creuiava

about how he/she/it crossed

el seu narró o el seu fill,

his narrative or his son,

a cap parella ens donen un manual

In each couple, they give us a manual.

sobre com relacionàvem

about how we related

amb la nostra parella.

with our partner.

Sí, sí,

Yes, yes,

no ho sé, no ho sé.

I don't know, I don't know.

Potser hauríem de tenir

Maybe we should have

un assessor de parelles,

a couples advisor,

no?, només començar.

No? Just starting.

És que el que passa, és que per exemple,

What happens is that for example,

bueno, Posete, qualsevol parella

well, Posete, any couple

del món,

of the world,

ell ha parlat de 15 anys,

he has talked about 15 years,

ets la mateixa

you are the same

persona, Posete,

person, Posete,

avui que de la que eres

today, who are you?

fa 15 anys? O sigui, vull dir, ara,

fifteen years ago? I mean, now,

clar, aleshores tenies

of course, then you had

uns, voltant als 35

some, around 35

anys, voltant als 35-36

years, around 35-36

anys, eres

years, you were

una persona adulta, eres una persona

an adult person, you are a person

ja madura, però

already ripe, but

eres una persona

you are a person

molt més jove del que ets

much younger than you are



i amb 15 anys s'esviuen moltes

And at 15, many get married.

coses. Ui, sí, sí, sí.

things. Oh, yes, yes, yes.

I les maneres de

And the ways of

veure les coses, volguis

to see things, you want

que no, encara que ja era adult,

that no, even though he was already an adult,



canvien. Amb el pas

They change. With time.

de dos anys, i 15 anys són molts anys,

two years, and 15 years is a long time,

són gairebé

are almost

tres, no?

Three, right?

Són tres llustres, però

They are three illustrious, but

5, 10, 15, són 15

5, 10, 15, are 15.

anys, i això volguis que no, es nota.

years, and whether you like it or not, it shows.

Clar, llavors,

Of course, then,

en aquests 15

in these 15

anys, tu has evolucionat,

years, you have evolved,

t'has convertit

you have become

en una altra persona, bueno, la mateixa

in another person, well, the same

persona, però evolucionada, amb

person, but evolved, with

altres característiques

other characteristics

inclús, i la teva

even, and your

dona també, és a dir,

woman also, that is to say,



si aquesta evolució no

if this evolution does not

es fa de la mà,

it's done by hand,

doncs, clar,

well, of course,

aquí tenen els problemes, aquí tenen...

here are the problems, here they have...

Si tots dos tiren cap a

If both of them aim towards

cap a, oi,

towards, right?

tots dos cap a cadascun,

both towards each one,

cap a un cantó, es

to one side, it

tira la ronça, evidentment

throw the annoyance away, obviously

aquesta corda algun dia s'acaba

this rope will end someday

tancant. Això és

closing. This is

veritat, és el que tu dius.

Indeed, it's what you say.

Vas molt encebutat, Àlex.

You're very stubborn, Àlex.

I la Lore,

And Lore,

què t'opina? No, no, totalment d'acord,

What do you think? No, no, totally agree,

sí, sí, i tant, i tant, crec que...

yes, yes, absolutely, absolutely, I believe that...

Tu avui, per dona

You today, as a woman.

bonica, deixa que em mireu

beautiful, let me look at you

tu, encara que no te'ls vegi,

you, even if you don't see them,

tu avui ens estàs

you are with us today

preguntant a mi, ens estàs

asking me, you are us

comprometent al màxim de nosaltres,

committing to the fullest of ourselves,

però tu,

but you,

de tot això que ens has anat

of all this that you have told us



quina opinió tens

what opinion do you have

en dins teu?

inside you?

Tu creus

You believe

en això que ens has explicat abans,

in what you have explained to us before,

que l'amor platònic

that platonic love

és una idealització,

it is an idealization,

o que no és el que

or what it is not what

nosaltres teníem pensat?

Did we have it in mind?

O tu continues tenint aquella

Either you still have that one.

imatge que teníem abans

image we had before

de mirar tot això tu, perquè tu

to look at all this you, because you

ens has embolicat la torca

you have wrapped us in a mess

de tal manera

in such a way

que jo que estic aniré al llit

I, who am going to bed.

dient, pensant

saying, thinking

coses ben diferents a les que pensava

things very different from what I thought

abans d'entrar en aquest episodi.

before entering this episode.

Sí, però la pregunta que és,

Yes, but the question is,

si crec en l'amor platònic?

Do I believe in platonic love?

Sí, però tal com ho creiem concebut

Yes, but as we conceive it.

abans, no a raó.

before, not for reason.

Sí, jo crec que hem actualitzat

Yes, I think we have updated.

el que és l'amor platònic,

what platonic love is,

l'hem actualitzat,

we have updated it,


of course,

i per mi l'amor platònic

And for me, platonic love.

és aquesta persona idealitzada

it is this idealized person

que és inalcançable.

that is unattainable.

Vale, ara ve

Okay, here it comes.

la pregunta d'un milió de l'hora.

the million-dollar question.

De qui

Of whom

t'has enamorat tu platònicament?

Have you fallen in love platonically?

Home, no t'ho diré.

No, I won't tell you.

Home, si és un personatge...

Man, if it's a character...

Sí que és veritat,

Yes, it is true,

que parlant,

that speaking,

jo crec que sí que m'ha passat,

I think it has happened to me.

sí que m'ha passat,

yes, it has happened to me,

crec que sí que m'ha passat,

I think it has happened to me,

i m'he estat plantejant

I have been considering.

mentre parlàveu i tal,

while you were talking and such,

que no acceptem això,

that we do not accept this,

un amor platònic tal

a platonic love such

com és la definició antiga

what is the ancient definition

de plató,

of Plato,



no ho entenem.

we don't understand it.

Al final ho intentem convertir

In the end, we try to convert it.

en terrenal.

in earthly.

Però sí que és veritat

But it is true.

que de conèixer gent

that of meeting people

comences a

you start to

admirar per la forma

admire for the shape

de ser,

to be,

per algunes característiques

for some characteristics

que et sorprenen,

that surprise you,

i comences a veure

and you start to see

una bellesa,

a beauty,

en aquesta persona,

in this person,

i comences a confondre't.

and you start to get confused.

En realitat la ment

In reality the mind

no et deixa.

does not let you.

No et deixa dir

Doesn't let you say.

no, no, és que això

no, no, it's just that this

no és terrenal.

it is not earthly.

El vols per tu.

You want it for yourself.

Et diu, no, aquesta persona

It tells you, no, this person.

ha de ser per tu.

It must be for you.

Quan potser en realitat tampoc

When perhaps in reality neither.

la vols per tu.

You want it for yourself.

Saps el que et vull dir?

Do you know what I mean?

No el vols encara,

You don't want it yet,

però sé el que em vols dir.

but I know what you want to tell me.

És com un quadre, no?

It's like a painting, isn't it?

Jo ho comparo molt

I compare it a lot.

amb l'art, perdoneu,

with the art, forgive me,

a mi l'art m'agrada moltíssim.

I like art very much.

Jo he vist, per exemple,

I have seen, for example,

a mi m'agrada molt el Gustav Klint,

I really like Gustav Klimt.

i jo vaig veure un original

And I saw an original.

i el que vaig sentir...

and what I heard...

Sí que té gustos fins a

Yes, he/she does have tastes up to

la meva Lorena.

my Lorena.

Vaig sentir una sensació d'amor,

I felt a sense of love,

i en realitat

and in reality

si jo tingués

if I had

segurament els diners,

probably the money,

jo el voldria,

I would like him.

perquè som així de possessius

because we are so possessive

i d'egoistes

and of egoists

en realitat, no?

In reality, right?

I dius, ostres tu,

And you say, wow man,

però si això ha d'estar perquè ho vegi tothom,

but if this has to be so that everyone can see it,

i en canvi

and on the contrary

la ment,

the mind,

quan estimes algo

when you care about something

o el trobes tan maco,

or you find it so beautiful,

és una bellesa tan increïble

it is such incredible beauty

i ho idealitzes,

and you idealize it,

i al final diu, això ha de ser per tu.

And in the end, he says, this has to be for you.

Vaig a comptar...

I'm going to count...

Vaig a comptar una...

I’m going to tell a...

una anècdota de quan era jove.

A story from when I was young.



no sé si estarem parlant de...

I don't know if we will be talking about...

Bueno, doncs tampoc era tan jove, estic pensant ara mateix.

Well, I wasn't that young either, I'm thinking right now.

Potser estàvem...

Maybe we were...

Potser ella tindria ja

Maybe she would already have.

16 anys o una cosa així.

16 years or something like that.

I, bueno, abans he parlat que

I, well, before I said that

jo era molt innocent.

I was very innocent.

Jo era molt innocent.

I was very innocent.

Amb 16 anys encara era molt innocent.

At 16 years old, I was still very innocent.

El cas és que m'agradava una noia,

The fact is that I liked a girl,

una noia

a girl

que vivia en el meu poble,

who lived in my village,

que jo veia,

that I saw,

però no anava

but it did not go

a la meva classe, no anava...

in my class, I didn't go...

no tenia...

I didn't have...

no estava en el mateix cercle d'amics

I was not in the same circle of friends.

que jo.

than I.

Diguem-ne que

Let’s call it that.

la seva mare tenia una tenda

his mother had a shop

a prop d'on la meva mare

near where my mother is

tenia una tenda, i a vegades

I had a tent, and sometimes

la podia veure de passada, però

I could see her in passing, but

no parlava mai amb ella,

I never spoke to her,

no la trobava pel poble.

I couldn't find her in the village.

No era algú

He was not someone.

amb qui jo parlés.

with whom I spoke.

No en tenia un contacte

I didn't have a contact for it.



La veia i ja està.

I saw her and that's it.

A la meva imaginació

To my imagination

a mi m'agradava.

I liked it.

No la coneixia,

I didn't know her.

no sabia com era.

I didn't know what it was like.

Havia idealitzat una idea.

I had idealized an idea.

A la teva imaginació te la feies,

You made it up in your imagination.

te la feies un pató que cagaves

you were having a hard time that you were shitting yourself

la puta de ball, oi?

the dancing whore, right?

A veure, sí, però...

Let's see, yes, but...

però tu ets més suau

but you are softer

que jo.

than I.

Sí, era més suau.

Yes, it was smoother.

Aleshores era més suau que tu.

Then she was softer than you.

Tu ja...

You already...

En fi, no anem a parlar d'aquestes...

Anyway, let's not talk about these...

El cosete traspassa lo terrenal.

The little body transcends the earthly.

Sí, traspassa lo terrenal.

Yes, it transcends the earthly.

Se'n va a l'infern directament.

He goes straight to hell.

Jo estava en la fase una miqueta menys,

I was in the phase a little less,

però té 16 anys,

but she is 16 years old,

però bueno,

but well,

jo tampoc estava...

I wasn't either...

En 16 anys...

In 16 years...

Escolta, perdona, perdona.

Listen, excuse me, excuse me.

Jo també he tingut 16 anys, eh?

I was also 16 years old, you know?

En 16 anys les hormones masculines

In 16 years, male hormones

pa! et disperen.

Dad! You're scaring me.

No em diguis que...

Don't tell me that...

Ja m'entens, no?

You understand me, right?

Sí, sí, sí, però...

Yes, yes, yes, but...

Que tu eres un innocent,

That you are an innocent,

que a tu no se't disparaven.

that they didn't go off for you.

Sí, però no...

Yes, but no...

No et creguis,

Don't believe it,

no era un...

it wasn't a...

Jo moltes coses

I many things

el tema de...

the subject of...

d'aquest tipus

of this type




To want...

Voldre tindre una relació amb una noia

I want to have a relationship with a girl.

en aquella edat, que bueno, que molts amics meus

at that age, how nice, that many of my friends

en aquella edat ja teníem

at that age we already had

les primeres relacions sexuals

the first sexual relationships

i jo no en tenia interès

and I was not interested in it.

en aquest tipus de coses, no.

In this kind of thing, no.

Vull dir, sí que m'agradaven

I mean, yes, I liked them.

les noies.

the girls.

Sí que volia estar a prop de noies

I did want to be close to girls.

que m'interessessin.

that interested me.

Clar que sí, però...

Of course, but...

Però no en tenia

But I didn't have any.

un interès real per fer

a real interest in doing

una parella amb aquesta noia, amb ningú.

a couple with this girl, with no one.

Però bueno, el cas és que amb aquesta

But well, the thing is that with this

noia, que...

girl, that...

Que tal...

How are you...

Jo no m'atrevia, jo era molt tímid i no m'atrevia

I didn't dare, I was very shy and I didn't dare.

a parlar amb ella.

to talk to her.

No veia la manera de fer-ho, no...

I couldn't see a way to do it, no...

Però el cas és que jo anava a mecanografia

But the thing is that I was going to typing class.

en aquell moment

at that moment

i ella anava també a mecanografia.

And she also went to typing class.

I bueno, li vaig parlar a un amic meu

And well, I spoke to a friend of mine.


since then,

un amiguete. Tampoc eren amics,

a little friend. They weren't friends either,

però eren amiguetes, llavors.

but they were friends, then.



I li dic, hòstia, a mi és que m'agrada

And I tell him, damn, I really like it.

una noia, però és que...

a girl, but the thing is...

És que no sé com fer-ho,

I just don't know how to do it.

perquè jo m'agradaria, no sé,

because I would like, I don't know,

sortir amb ella o

go out with her or

conèixer-la o tal, i no sé com fer-ho.

to get to know her or something, and I don't know how to do it.

I aquell que era...

And that one who was...

Sí que tenia els setze anys, com tenia

Yes, he was sixteen years old, just like he was.

que tindre'ls ja bé.

that you will have them well.

I de fet

And in fact

eren alguns mesos més joves.

they were a few months younger.

O sigui, jo tindria quinze, però...

So, I would be fifteen, but...

Ja m'he llançat de tu.

I have already jumped from you.

Bueno, llançat i de tot.

Well, thrown and everything.

Aquell ja sabia missa.

He already knew the mass.



Em va dir, ah, doncs

He said to me, ah, then.

t'ho cerces i li dius

you look for it and you tell him

que vols sortir amb ella.

that you want to go out with her.

I jo dic,

And I say,

bueno, vaig a veure. I allà un dia

Well, I'll see. And there one day.

allà estava en la mecanografia, tic-tac-tic-tac-tac,

there it was in the typing, tick-tock-tick-tock-tack,

a la meva hora de mecanografia,

in my typing class,

ja li entrego els papers

I will deliver the papers to him/her.

al professor, estava molt bé.

To the teacher, it was very good.

I hi estava la noia aquesta,

And there was this girl,

parlava amb una amiga,

I was talking with a friend,

li toco per l'esquena, toc-toc-toc-toc,

I touch him/her on the back, knock-knock-knock-knock,

es gira, hola,

he turns, hello,

i li dic,

and I tell him,

vaig a dir, bé, no sé si deia el nom com...

I'm going to say, well, I don't know if I said the name like...

No, da igual, no el vaig a dir,

No, it doesn't matter, I'm not going to say it.

no cal.

no need.

X, X. X. Fulanita,

X, X. X. Fulanita,

¿quieres salir conmigo?

Do you want to go out with me?

Aquesta és la primera

This is the first.

paraula que possiblement m'escoltava

a word that possibly listened to me

de la meva boca. Fulanita,

from my mouth. So-and-so,

¿quieres salir conmigo? Evidentment, va dir

Do you want to go out with me? Obviously, he said.

no, i va continuar parlant amb la seva amiga.

No, and he continued talking with his friend.

I jo me'n vaig anar amb el cap cap avall.

And I left with my head down.

Amb el cap cap. Perquè sóc tan imbècil,

With my head down. Because I am so stupid.

perquè sóc tan imbècil.

because I am such an idiot.

Una miqueta era una miqueta

A little bit was a little bit.

idealització, era una miqueta amor platònic

idealization, it was a bit of platonic love

en aquell sentit, perquè jo ho tenia...

in that sense, because I had it...

Ah, això és el que...

Ah, this is what...



És que la idealització

It is that the idealization

és inevitable.

it is inevitable.

Ja ens n'anem, però no trigarem

We are leaving now, but we won't take long.

ja gaire. No, no, no, no,

not much. No, no, no, no,

no és per anar-nos-hi, no. Ja, ja,

it's not to go there, no. Yeah, yeah,

ja no, o sigui, res,

not anymore, I mean, nothing,

no em lio, no em lio perquè

I don't get confused, I don't get confused because

ja portem una estoneta.

We've been here for a little while.

Però això, que la idealització és

But this, that idealization is





Em permets que et faci una pregunta, no?

May I ask you a question, right?

Home, i tant, és que

Sure, it's that.

si no, no dorms. Això mateix.

If not, you don't sleep. Exactly that.

El mateix que li va fer l'Àlex

The same that Alex did to him.

a aquella noia,

to that girl,

a tu t'ho han fet alguna vegada?

Has it ever happened to you?



De toc toc.

Knock knock.

Sí. Amb el toc toc inclòs, eh.

Yes. With the knock knock included, huh.

Sí, el que passa que la noia va ser molt

Yes, what happens is that the girl was very

educada i jo no.

polite and I am not.

La noia?

The girl?

La noia amb tu, Àlex.

The girl with you, Àlex.

Més educada que jo.

More educated than me.

Sí, a mi em va venir un noi,

Yes, a guy came to me,

era un amic del meu germà,

he was a friend of my brother,



No, jo quasi no el coneixia,

No, I hardly knew him.

i em va venir un dia

and one day it came to me

allà al poble, era estiu,

there in the village, it was summer,

era més gran,

was bigger,

jo tenia uns

I had some

quinze o menys, quinze o...

fifteen or less, fifteen or...

Bueno. I...

Well. I...

Va venir i va dir, Lorena,

She came and said, Lorena,

vull parlar amb tu. I dic,

I want to talk to you. And I say,

doncs vale, no és que no havia

well okay, it's not that I hadn't

ni pensat res, vale. I diu, mira,

"Not even thought about it, okay. And he says, look,"

és que...

it's just that...

m'agrada una noia

I like a girl.

i no sé com dir-li. Bueno, és que sobre el tio...

I don't know how to tell him. Well, it's just that about the guy...

Doncs bueno,

Well, then,

utípic, no? I dic, ah, doncs, ostres,

typical, isn't it? And I say, oh, well, wow,

doncs mira, el millor és dir-li

Well, look, the best thing is to tell him.

i ja està, perquè el no... A sobre jo super

And that's it, because the no... On top of that, I'm super.

innocent, el no ja el tens segur

Innocent, you definitely have him already.

i no passa res i tal.

and nothing happens and so on.

Llavors em diu, bueno, és que la noia

Then she tells me, well, it's that the girl

m'agrada estiu. I vaig

I like summer. And I'm going.

fotre un crit de dir

give a shout out



Era un crit que se'n va anar corrents

It was a cry that ran away.

el pobre xaval.

the poor lad.



ara t'aniràs una mica a la tarta.

Now you're going to go a little to the cake.

Jo era molt joveneta

I was very young.

i no he estat gaire bé del

and I haven’t been very well since the

cap, jo mai, no? No he estat gaire

Sure, I never have, right? I haven't been much.

centrada i llavors, pobre xaval,

centered and then, poor kid,

no m'ho esperava

I didn't expect it.

i se'n va anar corrents.

and he/she ran away.

I m'habitava per tot el poble.

I used to live throughout the whole village.

Es volia

It wanted to.

creuar amb mi, mai més.

cross with me, never again.

I sí, sí, sí, sí.

And yes, yes, yes, yes.

I bueno, mira,

And well, look,

ni me'n recordava ja d'aquesta anècdota.

I had already forgotten about this anecdote.

Pobret, ni me'n recordo com es deia.

Poor thing, I don't even remember what his name was.

Tu en deus tenir unes

You must have some.

que penses d'anècdotes aquestes

What do you think of these anecdotes?

i no d'aquestes semblants.

and not of these similar ones.

Bueno, potser.

Well, maybe.

Ale, s'ha parlat

Alright, it has been discussed.

interessant, eh?

Interesting, huh?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Així va ser, aquesta és la que més me'n recordo,

That's how it was, this is the one I remember the most,

més així, més radical.

more like this, more radical.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Doncs quina és la vostra conclusió?

So what is your conclusion?

La meva conclusió

My conclusion

és fàcil. Lorena va tornar boig

It's easy. Lorena drove him crazy.

amb el tema de

with the theme of

l'amor platònic.

platonic love.

M'ha fet pebre.

It has made me angry.

L'obrirem a vos.

We will open it for you.

Doncs mira, la meva

Well, look, my

conclusió és que

the conclusion is that

és que

it's just that

bueno, per començar

well, to begin with

això, no?, els tipus de

this, right?, the types of

més que l'amor platònic, els tipus

more than platonic love, the types

d'amor que podem tenir, no?

of love that we can have, right?

Realment. I jo crec que

Really. And I believe that

encara en podem tenir més, eh? Jo crec que

we can still have more, right? I think that

aquesta llista s'ha quedat una mica curta.

this list has turned out to be a bit short.

I l'amor platònic, realment,

And the platonic love, really,

crec que és algo que

I think it is something that

si el poguéssim sentir

if we could feel it

seria molt maco.

it would be very nice.

Si no tinguéssim aquesta necessitat de

If we didn't have this need to

de renar,

of reindeer,

seria molt maco. Seria una experiència molt

it would be very nice. It would be a very experience

molt maca.

very pretty.

És que, d'alguna forma,

It's just that, in some way,

per exemple,

for example,

avui en dia està això de

nowadays this is about

de l'enyorança, no?, de

of longing, right?, of

de temps passats, els vuitanta,

from times past, the eighties,

els noventa, fins a quin punt

the nineties, to what extent

també hi ha... No sé de què em parles, Àlex.

there is also... I don't know what you're talking about, Alex.

No sé de què em parles, Àlex.

I don't know what you're talking about, Àlex.

Hi ha gent que fa...

There are people who do...

No, però bueno, que és veritat

No, but well, it's true.

que està molt, molt,

that is very, very,

en fi, molt al dia, no?, això

Well, very up to date, isn't it?

de parlar de revistes

of talking about magazines

dels vuitanta, de les noventa, no, però en general

from the eighties, from the nineties, no, but in general

de l'època, no?, dels vuitanta, de les noventa.

From the era, right?, of the eighties, of the nineties.

No, però bueno, de l'època, no?,

No, but well, from the time, right?

de la música, del cinema, de

of music, of cinema, of

tot això. D'alguna forma,

all of this. In some way,

l'amor platoníc està,

Platonic love is,

és a dir, l'amor platoníc

that is to say, platonic love

està en aquest tipus de coses, perquè

he is into these kinds of things, because

fins a quin punt

to what extent

fem una enyorança

let's have a reminiscence

d'alguna cosa que va existir

of something that existed

o no, és a dir,

oh no, that is to say,

no sé, també moltes vegades enyorem

I don't know, we also long for many things often.

coses que en un moment

things that at one moment



Ara veiem

Now we see.

les revistes

the magazines

que porta la

that brings the

Lorena a dir, hòstia, la

Lorena said, damn, the

Superpop, per exemple, i

Superpop, for example, and

bueno, sí, hi ha gent que la compraria,

well, yes, there are people who would buy it,

però jo sento

but I feel

una mica d'enyorança, però mai en vaig comprar

a bit of nostalgia, but I never bought any

una de Superpop, vull dir, i en canvi,

one from Superpop, I mean, and instead,

bueno, se les comprava

well, he bought them

les meves cosines i

my cousins and

és una miqueta el record, no?, d'allò que

It's a little bit of a memory, isn't it?, of what

ella se les comprissin i tal, però

she would understand them and all, but

és una estima que

it is an estimate that

no sé, que està una

I don't know, that it's one.

miqueta idealitzada. Igual

a little idealized. Same.

que la música d'aquells moments, perquè

that the music of those moments, because

hi ha cançons que sonen dels

there are songs that sound from the

vuitanta, dels noventa, que jo

eighty, of the ninety, that I

quan sonaven en aquells moments, canviava

when they were playing at that moment, it changed

la ràdio, i avui

the radio, and today

l'escolto i dic, hòstia, que xula.

I listen to him and say, wow, that's cool.

No sé, jo m'he adonat

I don't know, I have realized.

que tenim un embolic.

that we have a mess.

A veure, el senyor

Let's see, Mr.

Plató, el senyor Plató,

Plato, Mr. Plato,

els filòsofs

the philosophers

només feien que

they only kept doing

pensàvem. Teníem moltes

we were thinking. We had many

hores per pensar, moltes

hours to think, many

hores, i pensàvem massa.

hours, and we thought too much.

O sigui, que ara no tenim

So, we don't have it now.

de temps.




I tant.

I certainly do.

És que l'amor platoní

It is that platonic love.

és l'amor intel·lectual, en realitat.

It is intellectual love, in reality.

Al final, per Plató, és això.

In the end, for Plato, it is this.

És un amor intel·lectual

It is an intellectual love.

i vull dir que

and I mean that

l'amor intel·lectual... Això té un nom, no?

Intellectual love... This has a name, right?

També, el pan, el pan,

Also, the bread, the bread,

quan t'enamores de l'intel·lecto d'algú, no?

when you fall in love with someone's intellect, right?

També és un tipus d'amor, eh?

It's also a kind of love, right?

Sí, sí. En veritat que sí,

Yes, yes. Indeed, yes.

el pan no sé què. Pan rico, no,

the bread I don't know what. Good bread, no,

el pan sexual.

the sexual bread.

Pan sexual, no?

Pansexual, right?

El pan sexual o algo así.

The sexual bread or something like that.

Sí, sí que t'atraeix el cerebro.

Yes, it does attract your brain.



De les persones.

Of the people.

Sí. Sí, sí, també, també.

Yes. Yes, yes, also, also.

Home, a tu no t'ha

Home, you haven't.

a tu no t'ha passat mai, Joset, eh?

It has never happened to you, Joset, right?

Ostres, a mi m'ha flipat.

Wow, I loved it.

Ostres, jo... Admirar algú per

Wow, I... Admire someone for

el seu cap i de dir

his head and to say

ostres, tu... Escolta, escolta, no pensis

Wow, you... Listen, listen, don't think.

que jo sóc un extraterrestre

that I am an extraterrestrial

que només

that only

mou coses les noies, no?

Move things, the girls, right?

És que m'estàs mirant

It's just that you're looking at me.

tota l'estona i...

all the time and...



aviam, simplement

let's see, simply

que jo el primer que m'hi fixo

that I am the first to notice it

estic en el físic. Després,

I am in the physical. Later,

a mesura que vas

as you go

coneixent a la persona, dius

knowing the person, you say

tu estàs molt bona, però

you look very good, but

ets un imbècil, eh?

you're an idiot, aren't you?

En canvi, si fixes en una noia

On the other hand, if you fixate on a girl

que potser no és tan atractiva,

that may not be so attractive,

és interessant

it's interesting

perquè té un intel·lecte, sí, sí.

because he/she has an intellect, yes, yes.

Evidentment, jo prefereixo

Obviously, I prefer.

una noia amb un cap

a girl with a head

amoblat, amoblat,

furnished, furnished,

una noia espectacular,

a spectacular girl,


very good,

i que en el cap tingui...

and that in my mind I have...

res. M'entens el que vull dir?

Nothing. Do you understand what I mean?

Ei, escolta,

Hey, listen,

i després aquesta persona, independentment

and then this person, regardless



sigui com sigui, o sigui, si t'agrada

be that as it may, or rather, if you like it

o no, després la comences a veure

oh no, then you start to see her

maca, eh?

Pretty, isn't it?

I tant, i tant. O sigui,

Of course, of course. I mean,

com més interessant, com més

the more interesting, the more

t'agrada la seva forma de ser,

you like his/her way of being,

com més maca vas trobar en aquesta persona,

the more beautiful you found in this person,



Això sí que succeeix, moltes

This really happens, a lot.

vegades. Sí, sí.

sometimes. Yes, yes.

Si no, no m'hauria...

If not, I wouldn't have...

Vosaltres si que sou macos.

You all are indeed nice.

Si no, no m'hauria casat dues vegades.

If not, I wouldn't have married twice.

Aquí hi ha un punt.

Here is a point.

L'Àlex és un home

Alex is a man.

molt dèxic,

very dexterous,

perquè d'aquí

because from here

l'únic que sé... Amb lo lleig que soc, sí.

The only thing I know... With how ugly I am, yes.

Mare meva.

My mother.

Jo no

Not me.

acostumo a opinar sobre

I usually express my opinion about

físic d'homes, però home,

physical of men, but man,

jo n'he vist alguns molt més llargs

I have seen some that are much longer.

que tu.

than you.

Home... I es queda pensant

Home... And he/she stays thinking.

l'Àlex. A veure, vinga, va,

Alex. Let's see, come on, go on,

no digueu ximpleries?

Don't say nonsense?

L'Àlex és un home dèxic.

Alex is a dyslexic man.

És un home dèxic, tu.

He's a dyslexic man, you.

No... Sí, sí. Amb les

No... Yes, yes. With the

fèmines. Què va, què va, què va,

females. No way, no way, no way,

jo no ho he estat mai. La Lorena

I have never been that. Lorena

és una dona dèxic amb els

she is a dyslexic woman with the

homes. Amb lo que vulgui.

men. With whatever you want.

Amb lo que vulgui.

With whatever you want.

Bueno, vinga, és que

Well, come on, it's just that

de veritat, eh? Com sou?

Really, huh? How are you?

Hem arreglat el món?

Have we fixed the world?

Molt bé.

Very well.

O l'hem embolicat encara més.

Or we've tangled it up even more.

Jo crec que l'hem embolicat una miqueta, eh?

I think we’ve got ourselves a bit tangled, haven’t we?

Però està molt bé.

But it's very good.

L'hem fet platànic.

We've made it platonic.

L'hem fet a la gent i explota el cap.

We did it to the people and it blows up their heads.



Exacte. A veure si

Exactly. Let's see if

si aquest podcast

if this podcast

clar, en el món es converteix en

of course, in the world it becomes

platànic. Una bellesa total.

platonic. A total beauty.

Segur que sí.

Sure thing.

Quina millor manera de concloure

What better way to conclude

l'episodi. Vinga, quina

the episode. Come on, what a

manera més maca.

prettiest way.

Molts petons. Molts petons.

Lots of kisses. Lots of kisses.

Patonasos. Patonasos.

Clumsy. Clumsy.

Moltíssimes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Gràcies, gràcies, gràcies.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Un moment.

One moment.

Cridem qui som i que tothom

We call who we are and that everyone.

ho escolti. I han acabat que cadascú

I hear it. And they have finished that each one...

es vesteixi com bonament li plagi.

dress as she pleases.

I via fora, que tot està per fer

And outside, everything is yet to be done.

i tot és possible.

And everything is possible.


Thank you.

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