2x21 - El Honey Badger ha tornat I Prèvia GP d’Hongria de F1

Drive Through Podcast

Drive Through Podcast

2x21 - El Honey Badger ha tornat I Prèvia GP d’Hongria de F1

Drive Through Podcast

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Bones a tots i a totes, us parlen el Xavi Silvestre

Hello everyone, this is Xavi Silvestre speaking.

i la Mar Bia Nueva i això és Drive-Thru Podcast.

and the Mar Bia Nueva and this is Drive-Thru Podcast.

Com estàs avui, Xavi? Un dia a mitjans de juliol?

How are you today, Xavi? A day in mid-July?

Molt bé, amb molta calor

Very good, with a lot of heat.

i sembla que no hi ha massa sol.

And it seems that there isn't too much sun.

Un estiu molt rar.

A very strange summer.

Sí, jo també tinc un ventilador d'un alma directa

Yes, I also have a fan from a direct soul.

i avui vaig també, com hauràs pogut veure,

And today I am also going, as you might have seen,

amb un look veraniego

with a summery look

perquè si no, em moro.

because if not, I'll die.

Senzillament, senzillament.

Simply, simply.

A sobre, aquí a la costa, tu com ets d'interior

On top, here on the coast, you as someone from the interior.

doncs no ho entendràs, no ho entendràs

then you won't understand it, you won't understand it

però aquí es nota l'humitat

but here the humidity is noticeable

l'humitat, perdó.

the humidity, sorry.

És com Xafugó, no?

It's like Xafugó, right?

I no es pot viure, sí, sí, sí, sí.

And it can't be lived, yes, yes, yes, yes.

No es pot viure i hem de prendre mesures dràstiques

We cannot live like this and we have to take drastic measures.

com és fer el podcast amb moño

what is it like to do the podcast with a bun

i amb tirans, però és el que n'hi ha.

And with tyrants, but that's what's there.

És el que n'hi ha.

It is what it is.

I estic a casa, faig el que vull, també et dic.

I am at home, doing what I want, I also tell you.

Has de venir a viure llavors a l'interior,

You have to come live then in the interior,

segons tu, jo crec que és per a litoral

according to you, I believe it is for the coastline

i que tampoc...

and neither...

Però bueno, és igual.

But well, it doesn't matter.

Per mi, tu passes de la serralada a litoral

For me, you go from the mountain range to the coast.

i per mi ja és interior, comarques d'interior, sí.

And for me, it's already interior, inland regions, yes.

Sí, sí, sí, Lleida.

Yes, yes, yes, Lleida.

Sí, bueno.

Yes, well.



Cositats, cositats.

Sewn things, sewn things.

Beveu molta aigua, si ens esteu escoltant

Drink a lot of water if you're listening to us.

pareu, pas de briu

stop, step of breeze

i aneu a fer una miqueta d'aigua

And are you going to get a little bit of water?

i us hidrateu.

and you hydrate yourself.

I ja està.

And that's it.

Bueno, ara la mar...

Well, now the sea...

És que és necessari, és necessari.

It is necessary, it is necessary.

Fa massa calor, fa massa calor.

It's too hot, it's too hot.

Però bé, no estem aquí per parlar de calor

But well, we are not here to talk about heat.



Encara que sí, si voleu,

Yes, if you want.

si voleu fem un podcast del temps,

if you want, we can make a weather podcast,

fenòmens meteorològics,

meteorological phenomena,

seria interessant.

It would be interesting.

O sí, o sí.

Oh yes, oh yes.

Però és un podcast de Fórmula 1.

But it is a Formula 1 podcast.



Ah, ah, ah, és veritat.

Ah, ah, ah, it’s true.



Reajustat, que ara hem de parlar de cotxes

Readjusted, now we have to talk about cars.

i jo estava en el mood ja de Tomàs Molina.

And I was already in the mood of Tomàs Molina.



Tenim notícies.

We have news.

Què ha passat aquesta setmana, Xavi?

What has happened this week, Xavi?

Hem passat coses, no?

We've been through things, haven't we?

Coses, coses, coses, moltes coses.

Things, things, things, many things.

I, i, i, i quines coses?

And, and, and, and what things?



Poca es parla, però poca es parla no perquè ara ho parlarem,

Little is said, but little is said not because we will talk about it now.

perquè, sisplau, presenta'ns

because, please, introduce us

què ha passat aquesta setmana.

What has happened this week?

Vinga, va, anem-hi.

Come on, let’s go.

Bueno, Mar, ho has dit tu.

Well, Mar, you said it.

Tenim notícies, moltes notícies,

We have news, a lot of news,

novetats, informació,

news, information,

tenim moltes coses.

we have many things.

Jugoses, jugoses.

Juicy, juicy.

Una, sobretot.

One, above all.

Una, sobretot, i vinc aquí,

One, above all, and I come here,

poso el meu drama, drama,

I put my drama, drama,

el perfil del drama

the profile of the drama

de DriveThruPodcastXavi.

from DriveThruPodcastXavi.

Ara que estic...

Now that I am...

És igual.

It doesn't matter.

I vinc a parlar d'una notícia

I'm here to talk about a news story.

bastant interessant que crec que

quite interesting that I think that

ens ha trastocat

it has unsettled us

a tots i a qui no ho sàpiga

to everyone and to those who do not know it

li trastocarà ara.

It will upset him now.

A veure.

Let's see.



Daniel Ricciardo.

Daniel Ricciardo.

Què ha passat amb Daniel Ricciardo?

What has happened with Daniel Ricciardo?

Daniel Ricciardo ha tornat a la Fórmula 1

Daniel Ricciardo has returned to Formula 1.

de forma oficial


i no com a pilot de proves,

and not as a test pilot,

no com...

I don't eat...

No, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Ha tornat, tornarà un altre cop

He has returned, he will return again.

a bord d'un monoplaça

on board a single-seater

per el carresta de temporada

for the seasonal cart

fins al final de temporada

until the end of the season

de 2023

of 2023

i ho farà a bord

and he/she will do it on board

d'un Alfa Tauri.

of an Alfa Tauri.

A veure.

Let's see.

Com veníem avisant

As we had been warning.

era una possibilitat

it was a possibility

que es podia donar

that could happen

i s'ha donat

and it has been given

el gran damnificat

the great victim

ha estat Nick Debris

it has been Nick Debris

que, bueno, l'han fet fora

Well, they've kicked her out.



Podria utilitzar

I could use

eufemismes però no perquè l'han fet fora

euphemisms but not because they have been fired

i, bueno,

and, well,

ha estat substituït

has been replaced

per aquest home

for this man

aquest home que tant

this man who so much



Doncs echàvemos de menos, no?, al final.

Well, we missed it, didn't we, in the end?

Sí, però...

Yes, but...

O el trobàvem a faltar.

Or we missed him.

Sí, el trobàvem a faltar però

Yes, we missed him but

a mi m'ha semblat molt lleig

I found it very ugly.

que, vale, que li donen molt de joc

that, okay, they give him a lot of play

a la Fórmula 1 i tal, vull dir,

in Formula 1 and such, I mean,

és la principal font

it is the main source

de memes

of memes

o almenys per la gent

or at least for the people

de les xarxes socials

of social networks

de la Fórmula 1 perquè hi ha algunes coses que fa el Daniel

from Formula 1 because there are some things that Daniel does

que és com... és massa mil·lenni a vegades

it's like... it's too millennial sometimes

però, bueno.

but, well.

El que anava, que la Fórmula 1...

What I was saying is that Formula 1...

Des que es va anunciar això

Since this was announced

la Fórmula 1 ha fet 50

Formula 1 has turned 50.



alabant-lo, que ha tornat

praising him, who has returned

el nostre preferit, no sé què...

our favorite, I don't know what...

La seva cara està

Her face is

per tot el meu Twitter

throughout my Twitter

i em fa molta pena

and it makes me very sad





no han parlat del Nick Debris

they haven't talked about Nick Debris

gairebé no li han dedicat cap publicació

they have hardly dedicated any publication to him/her

en les 10 curses que ha corregut

in the 10 races that he has run

no li han dedicat absolutament res

they haven't dedicated anything to him/her at all



estan bombardejant Twitter

They are bombing Twitter.

sobretot Twitter

especially Twitter

amb publicacions dedicades al Daniel

with publications dedicated to Daniel



em sap molt greu pel Nick Debris

I'm very sorry for Nick Debris.

que la seva...

that your...

que s'hagi hagut d'anar d'aquesta manera

that it had to be done this way



saber que et substitueix una persona

to know that someone is replacing you

que és com tan estimada

that is how beloved

perquè tu no ho has pogut fer

because you haven't been able to do it

o tu no has pogut

or you haven't been able to

estar a les expectatives

to be on the lookout

del teu equip

of your team

és una mica...

it's a bit...

sap greu

I'm sorry.

i més quan tothom està

and even more when everyone is

molt content

very happy

per la tornada de Rick Yard

for the return of Rick Yard

m'ha sabut malament

It has made me feel bad.

en fi, pel Nick Debris

anyway, for Nick Debris

que també dic

that I also say

què esperaven d'un rookie

What were they expecting from a rookie?

que val que molt bé que ho va fer l'any passat

Well, it’s good that he did it last year.

per substituir l'Alex Dalbon

to replace Alex Dalbon

el va substituir a Monza

he replaced him at Monza

i va acabar amb un Williams

and ended up with a Williams.

dins dels punts

within the points

que jo crec que aquell ja va ser un dia que tenia sort

I think that was a day when I was lucky.

que el Williams per casualitat anava bé

that the Williams was going well by coincidence

i ja està

And that's it.

i vam veure que el Williams va ser un dia que tenia sort

and we saw that the Williams had a lucky day.

i vam veure

and we saw

ostres aquest noi és un geni

Wow, this guy is a genius.

van pujar

they went up

inflaron el suflé

they inflated the soufflé

el suflé s'infló

the soufflé puffed up

i ara de sobte d'un rookie

and now suddenly from a rookie


they were waiting

resultats increïbles

incredible results

a part que el cotxe és el pitjor

apart from the fact that the car is the worst

de tota la graella

of the whole grid

llavors què esperes d'un noi

So what do you expect from a guy?

que acaba d'arribar nou a la Fórmula 1

who has just arrived new to Formula 1

que val que té, porta anys

What it's worth, it has taken years.

sent pilot d'automobilisme professional

being a professional motorsport driver

però és el seu primer any a la Fórmula 1

but it's his first year in Formula 1

i està amb l'últim any

and is in the last year

en cotxe

by car

què esperes

What do you expect?

en 10 curses només

in 10 races only

en 10 curses

in 10 races

és molt poc

it's very little

però ja sabem com funciona Red Bull

but we already know how Red Bull works

ja sabem quina és la seva dinàmica

We already know what their dynamics are.

i ja ho hem dit a altres episodis

And we have already said it in other episodes.

i crec que a l'anterior ho vam comentar

I think we discussed it in the previous one.

del Ricciardo o fa dos

from Ricciardo or two ago

però ja vam comentar això que segurament

but we already commented on this that surely

anava a passar i ha acabat passant

was going to happen and ended up happening



no inflis el suflé

don't deflate the soufflé

i ho dic

and I'm saying it

amb doble sentit també

with double meaning too

en fi, Nick Debris sí, molta pena

Well, Nick Debris yes, a lot of sadness.

perquè això crec que no ha tingut

because I think this has not had

les oportunitats que

the opportunities that

es mereixia

he/she/it deserved

i a més

and furthermore

ha marxat de la Fórmula 1

he has left Formula 1

com per la porta del darrere

as through the back door

no s'ha parlat gaire bé pràcticament

It hasn't been talked about very well practically.

crec que d'ell es va pujar només una cosa

I think only one thing was raised from him.

que és que deixava l'equip

what is that left the team

i Nick Debris fulminat

and Nick Debris struck down

una cosa bona

a good thing

que torna Ricciardo

that Ricciardo returns

això és una cosa bona

this is a good thing

sí però ha sigut

yes but it has been

molt descarat

very cheeky

vull dir, ho retiro perquè és molt heavy

I mean, I withdraw it because it's very heavy.

la Fórmula 1 està penjant

Formula 1 is hanging.

fils de Twitter de

Twitter threads of

totes les victòries de Daniel Ricciardo

all of Daniel Ricciardo's victories

millors moments de Daniel Ricciardo

best moments of Daniel Ricciardo



però ho hi ha

but there is not

però ho hi ha que és de molt mal gust

but there are things that are very bad taste

és de molt mal gust, sincerament

it is very bad taste, honestly

però bé, per un like

but well, for a like

per un like

for a like

es fan moltes coses

Many things are done.

per un like

for a like

i així anem

And so we go.



és diner, és diner

it's money, it's money

i de Nick Debris, Daniel Ricciardo, Alfa Tauri, Red Bull, Àustria

and Nick Debris, Daniel Ricciardo, Alfa Tauri, Red Bull, Austria

doncs no

well no

passem a Madrid

we go to Madrid

tenim informació fresca sobre Madrid

We have fresh information about Madrid.

però que només són rumors

but they are only rumors

però rumors cada cop més interessants

but increasingly interesting rumors

i més certs

and more certain



a veure

let's see

l'arribada a Madrid de la Fórmula 1

the arrival of Formula 1 in Madrid

és pràcticament imminent

it is practically imminent

i la Fórmula 1 és pràcticament imminent

And Formula 1 is practically imminent.

sembla que aquests rumors

it seems that these rumors

es faran realitats

they will become realities

aquesta setmana s'ha fet oficial

this week it has been made official

el registre de les marques

the registration of trademarks

GP de Madrid

Madrid GP

i F1 Madrid Grand Prix

and F1 Madrid Grand Prix

al registre mercantil

to the commercial register

de la Fórmula 1

from Formula 1

que no sé quin és

that I don't know which one it is

deu estar a Londres

must be in London

o deu ser a Espanyol

or it must be in Spanish

no sé com funciona tot això

I don't know how all this works.

però s'han registrat aquestes marques

but these marks have been recorded

i per a qui pugui pensar

and for those who may think

que podria haver una coexistència

that there could be coexistence

del Gran Premi d'Espanya actual

of the current Spanish Grand Prix

i del Gran Premi de Madrid

and the Madrid Grand Prix

sembla que no

it seems not

perquè Domenicali ja va dir que no

because Domenicali already said no

i a més

and furthermore

pel que pugui pensar

for what one might think

han registrat la marca Madrid

they have registered the brand Madrid

llavors mantenen Espanya

then they keep Spain

i per tant coexistiran els dos

And therefore the two will coexist.

pot ser que sí, pot ser que no

It might be yes, it might be no.

pinta que no

it seems not

perquè només el que han fet

because only what they have done

és registrar aquests noms

It is to register these names.

perquè no els pugui agafar ningú

so that no one can catch them

però si el Gran Premi d'Espanya

but if the Spanish Grand Prix

es traspassés a Madrid

it was transferred to Madrid

al final seria el Gran Premi d'Espanya

in the end it would be the Spanish Grand Prix

no el Gran Premi de Madrid

not the Grand Prix of Madrid

res confirmat

nothing confirmed

no obstant, IFEMA

however, IFEMA

que és la fira de la ciutat

what is the fair of the city

la fira de Madrid

the fair of Madrid

i la zona on es pretén fer el Gran Premi

and the area where the Grand Prix is intended to be held

a més de tot

in addition to everything

ha declarat que saben

has declared that they know

quan es firma el contracte

when is the contract signed

no sé si és una mesura de pressió

I don't know if it's a pressure tactic.

per Catalunya

for Catalonia

o simplement és una manera de dir

or it's just a way of saying

que lo tenemos hecho

that we have it done

però així estem

but this is how we are

espero que no

I hope not.

mira, és que ja

look, it's just that already

ara ja és que m'és igual

now I don't care anymore

que facin el que vulguin

let them do whatever they want

però és que a Madrid

but it's that in Madrid

que avorrit, tio

how boring, dude

seria a Madrid

it would be in Madrid

jo crec

I believe.

molt més avorrit que aquí

much more boring than here

vull dir, almenys aquí

I mean, at least here.

és com, bueno

it's like, well

no és el circuit

it is not the circuit

amb més emoció

with more emotion

però és un circuit que té història

but it is a circuit that has history

que és un circuit literalment

What is a circuit literally?



tens moments allà

you have moments there

vull dir, té un paddock així

I mean, it has a paddock like this.

és un circuit

it's a circuit

fa il·lo

it makes me happy

és un circuit

it is a circuit

a veure, té un paddock amb coses xules

Let's see, he has a paddock with cool stuff.

és un circuit

it's a circuit

és un circuit fix

it is a fixed circuit

que fa il·lusió

that makes one excited

a un circuit fix

to a fixed circuit

a veure els cotxes per allà

let's see the cars over there

que fa 30 anys que estan

that they have been for 30 years

corrent el circuit a Catalunya

running the circuit in Catalonia

vull dir, ja té anys el circuit a Catalunya

I mean, the circuit in Catalunya is already years old.

que ara tu em vagis a posar

that you are now going to put me

al mig de Madrid

in the middle of Madrid

en un lloc, ho sento molt segurament

In a place, I'm very sorry.

molt feo

very ugly

a donar voltes

to go around

que a saber tu

that you know

el layout que tindria

the layout that I would have

el recorregut que tindria el circuit

the route that the circuit would have

molt xulo no seria

wouldn't be very cool

seria com un altre street circuit

it would be like another street circuit

que al final tindríem circuits

that in the end we would have circuits

al final, en 5 anys

in the end, in 5 years

el calendari serà

the calendar will be

tots circuits urbans

all urban circuits



molt xulos

very cool

1, 2

1, 2

1, 2, 3, 4

1, 2, 3, 4



però tots

but all

tots circuits urbans no

not all urban circuits

i menys ja

and less already

què hi ha a Madrid?

What is there in Madrid?



què hi ha?

What's going on?

home, home, home, home

home, home, home, home

home, home, home

home, home, home

home, home

man, man



que ens estem posant

what we are putting on

vull dir

I mean

a veure

let's see

què hi ha a l'IFEMA aquest?

What is at IFEMA this?

que l'espacial té l'IFEMA aquest?

What does this venue have, the IFEMA?

no ho sé

I don't know.


at the IFEMA

vull dir, seria més interessant

I mean, it would be more interesting.

va haver-hi l'hospital aquell

there was that hospital

jo que sé, alguna cosa de la Covid

I don't know, something about Covid.

em sembla

it seems to me


és veritat

it's true

de l'únic que recordo

of the only thing I remember

a l'IFEMA també estava

at IFEMA there was also

l'exposició aquella de la Fórmula 1

that exhibition of Formula 1

res més

nothing more




mira, no ho sé

look, I don't know

no sé per què volen fer aquestes coses

I don't know why they want to do these things.

i posar circuits

and put circuits

de circuits urbans

of urban circuits

que no aportaran res més al calendari

that they will not contribute anything more to the calendar

tots són iguals

they are all the same

a cadascun passa el mateix

everyone goes through the same thing

estic d'acord

I agree.

estic d'acord, Mar

I agree, Mar.

però és una

but it is a

és una

it is a

com una dinàmica que s'està

with a dynamics that is being



no només la Fórmula 1

not only Formula 1

a la IndyCar

to IndyCar

hi ha cada vegada més

there are more and more

circuits urbans

urban circuits

i si no són urbans

and if they are not urban

són mixtes

they are mixed

de tipus

of type



com el

like him

però la

but the

és una cosa que està passant

it's something that is happening

però la Indy, la Fórmula E

but Indy, Formula E



hi ha com més igualtat

there is more equality



entre cometes

"in quotes"

entre cotxes

between cars

entre pilots

between pilots

hi ha més moviment

there is more movement

hi ha normalment més acció

there is usually more action

està tot menys

it's all but

entre cometes

in quotation marks



hi ha molta més llibertat

there is much more freedom

no és com la Fórmula 1

it's not like Formula 1

que sempre guanya el mateix

that the same one always wins

que sempre

that always

vull dir que

I mean that

pots resumir una carrera

can you summarize a career

encara que no hagi passat

even if it hasn't happened


do you know?

vull dir no

I mean no.

la meva opinió de Madrid

my opinion of Madrid

no és molt bona

it's not very good

no, no, ja ho veig

no, no, I see it now

de totes maneres

in any case

tenim fins al 2025

we have until 2025

el circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya

the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya

la Fórmula 1

Formula 1

que no queda tant

that it doesn't take much longer

dos anys més

two more years

bueno, Mar

well, Mar

deixa el pessimisme

leave the pessimism

avui estàs pessimista

today you are pessimistic

avui ens hem canviat els rols

Today we have switched roles.

jo soc la pessimista

I am the pessimist.

i tu ets el...

and you are the...




és el que hi ha

it is what it is

en fi


i no marxo de Madrid

I'm not leaving Madrid.

això només com a curiositat

this is just out of curiosity

dissabte 15 de juliol

Saturday, July 15

és a dir

that is to say

abans d'ahir

the day before yesterday

el dia que estem gravant el podcast

the day we are recording the podcast

no sé quan estareu escoltant vosaltres

I don't know when you will be listening.

es va celebrar el Red Bull Showdown

The Red Bull Showdown was held.

a la capital espanyola

to the Spanish capital

un esdeveniment que de tant en tant

an event that happens from time to time

organitza Red Bull

organized by Red Bull

no és el primer cop que ho fem

it's not the first time we've done it

a Madrid

to Madrid

on participen alguns pilots

some pilots are participating

i cotxes patrocinats

and sponsored cars

per la marca

for the brand

i donen una mica d'espectacle

They put on a bit of a show.

des de persones tirant-se

from people throwing themselves

amb paracaigudes

with parachutes

fins gent fent drift

until people drift

fins batalles de gallos

even rooster fights

amb cotxes de pel mig

with cars in the middle

i drift

I drift

i Fórmula 1

and Formula 1

doncs això

then this

una mica un esdeveniment

a bit of an event

per promocionar Red Bull

to promote Red Bull

bàsicament sí

basically yes

aquest any

this year

hi ha hagut presència

there has been presence

de la Fórmula 1

of Formula 1

amb Sergio Pérez

with Sergio Pérez

que ja sabeu

that you already know

que va ser

what was it

el primer cop

the first time

de la Fórmula 1

of Formula 1

que va ser

what was it

el primer cop

the first time

de la Fórmula 1

of Formula 1

que va ser

what was it

el primer cop

the first time

de la Fórmula 1

of Formula 1

que ja sabeu

that you already know

que no passa

that doesn't happen

per un bon moment

for a good moment

però va estar-hi allà

but he/she was there

i va ser com

it was like

la principal cara

the main face

de l'esdeveniment

of the event


també va estar

also was

el RB7

the RB7

de 2011

from 2011

de fet

in fact

va pilotar només aquest cotxe

he only drove this car

Sergio Pérez

Sergio Pérez

que xulo

how cool

un Red Bull

a Red Bull

dels que funciona

of those that works

dels que va guanyar

of those he won

dels que funcionava

of those that worked

un Red Bull

a Red Bull

que va guanyar

who won

un campionat

a championship

és que

it's that


com sona

how it sounds



vaig a veure vídeos

I'm going to watch videos.



com haurien de sonar

how they should sound

que per cert

which by the way

no està el guion

the script is not there

no està

is not

a cap lloc

at any place

però em sembla

but it seems to me

haver llegit

to have read

que volen fer

what do they want to do

que els cotxes

that the cars

al futur

to the future

sonin més

sound more

com sonaven abans

how they sounded before

no sé com ho faran

I don't know how they will do it.

però ho he llegit

but I have read it



també et dic

I also tell you.

que a mi em va bé

that works for me

que no sonin tant

don't make so much noise

perquè si no

because if not

em quedaria sorda

I would go deaf.

no sé perquè

I don't know why.

tinc com l'oïda

I have like the ear.

molt sensible

very sensitive



els Fórmula 3

the Formula 3

em molesten bastant

they bother me quite a lot

o sigui que

that is to say


I thank.

no haver nascut

not having been born

una mica abans

a little earlier



què tal

how are you

l'any passat

last year

crec que vam dir una notícia

I think we said some news.

que volia

what did you want

no sé si

I don't know if

la vam dir al podcast

we said it on the podcast

o no

or no

però corria un rumor

but a rumor was running

que volien

what they wanted



posar amplificadors

install amplifiers

de so

of sound

o alguna cosa

or something

per l'estil

for the style


to the





perquè s'escoltés

so that it could be heard





què dius

what do you say





és que

it's that

jo ja

I already

deixo de pensar

I stop thinking.

és que

it's that

fins i tot


a la Fórmula E

to Formula E

no tindria sentit

it wouldn't make sense

com vols posar-hi

how do you want to put it in?

un amplificador

an amplifier

en un cotxe

in a car

de Fórmula 1

of Formula 1

la Fórmula S

the Formula S



una altra cosa

another thing

que volia comentar

that I wanted to comment

que has dit tu

What did you say?





del Checo Pérez

of Checo Pérez

no sé si has vist

"I don't know if you have seen."

el vídeo aquell

that video

on es queda

where is it left



en una rotonda

in a roundabout

ha de girar

it has to turn

i es queda

and stays






l'han de

they have to


to push





estava ple

it was full

de gent

of people

estava ple de gent

it was full of people

jo hagués sigut

I would have been

una d'elles

one of them

no et menteixo

I'm not lying to you.



60.000 persones

60,000 people

Javi eh

Javi, right?




és que clar

it's just that, of course

aquí hi ha afició

there is passion here

sempre ho diem

we always say it

aquí hi ha afició

there is passion here

Marcia fa un moment

Marcia just a moment ago.

t'estaves queixant

you were complaining

de Madrid

from Madrid

de no sé què

of I don't know what

de no sé quan

I don't know when.

jo no dic

I do not say.

jo no m'estic queixant

I am not complaining.

de Madrid

from Madrid

jo estic dient

I am saying.

que hi ha afició

that there is enthusiasm

que m'agradi més o no Madrid

whether I like it more or not, Madrid

és una

it is a

és una altra cosa

it's another thing

i els circuits urbans

and the urban circuits

però jo he dit

but I have said

ara acabo de dir

now I just said

que hi ha molta afició

that there is a lot of enthusiasm

i això

and this



és veritat

it's true


i ja està

And that's it.

Espanya país

Spain country

fórmula unista

unista formula

o com sigui

or however it may be

que es digui

let it be said



en fi


acabem les notícies

we finish the news

que se nos va

that is slipping away from us

de les mà d'un tema

from the hand of a theme



com vam dir

as we said

a l'anterior episodi

in the previous episode

crec que ho vam dir

I think we said it.

crec que de fet

I believe that in fact

vaig ser jo

It was me.



és un equip

it's a team



no tenia

I didn't have.



massa futur

too much future

no ha tingut massa futur

has not had much of a future

en els anteriors

in the previous ones

deu anys

ten years





ara és un equip

now it's a team

en constant evolució

in constant evolution

i que últimament

and lately

ho fa de manera

it does so in a way



bé doncs

well then


they are expected

més millores

more improvements

de les pròximes

of the next



i jo no sé

and I don't know

què pensar

what to think



perquè si alguna cosa

because if something

m'ha ensenyat

has taught me

la fórmula 1

Formula 1

durant el temps

during the time

és en no confiar

it's in not trusting

en ningú

in nobody

i quan dic ningú

and when I say nobody

dic ningú

I say nobody



però bueno

but well

és possible

it is possible

no emocionar-se

not to get emotional


at least

per la meva part

for my part

en veure un equip

upon seeing a team

de la part baixa

from the lower part

millorar els seus cotxes

improve their cars

i equiparar-se

and equate oneself



a altres escuaderies

to other squadrons

de la part mitja

from the middle part

o fins i tot

or even

qui sap

who knows

espero que sí

I hope so.

però no crec

but I don't believe

que arribi

that it arrives

de la part alta

from the upper part

de la classificació

of the classification

de constructors

of builders



i aquestes han estat

and these have been

les notícies

the news

de la setmana

of the week

i saps

and you know

qui espera

who waits

millores també

improvements too

Red Bull

Red Bull



si és que

if it is that

la veritat

the truth

jo per això no

not me for that

és que

it's that

és que ni parlo

I don't even speak.


of them

perquè sincerament

because honestly

estic cansat

I am tired.

tu i tots

you and everyone

però bé

but well

a veure què passa

let's see what happens

amb Williams

with Williams

aquesta setmana

this week

perquè aquesta setmana

because this week

tenim cursa

we have a race



han tornat

they have returned

tenim cursa

we have a race

seguim aquí a Europa

we are still here in Europe

tenim la primera cursa

we have the first race

del doblet

of the doublet

que tancarà

that will close

la primera part

the first part

de la temporada

of the season

perquè ja estem arribant

because we are already arriving

i és molt fort

and it is very strong

i després ja

and then already

entrarem a l'agost

we will enter August

entrarem a les vacances

we will enter the holidays

però de moment

but for the moment

seguim a Europa

let's continue in Europe

després ens anirem

then we will go

per tot el món

around the world

a emitir CO2 a tope

to emit CO2 at full capacity

però de moment

but for now

estem a Europa

we are in Europe

perquè aquest cap de setmana

because this weekend

tenim el Gran Premi d'Hongria

we have the Hungarian Grand Prix

que per cert

by the way

abans de presentar aquest circuit

before presenting this circuit

no sé si ets conscient

I don't know if you are aware.

bueno no sé si

well I don't know if

conscient no

conscious no

no sé si ho saps

I don't know if you know.

però va ser

but it was

en aquest circuit

in this circuit

va ser la primera victòria

it was the first victory

del Fernando Alonso

of Fernando Alonso



crec recordar-ho

I think I remember it.

ho estic dient de memòria

I'm saying it from memory.

però tinc com aquest circuit gravat

but I have this circuit recorded

de que va ser

what it was about

la seva primera victòria

his first victory

o el seu primer podi

or your first podium

però juro que va ser

but I swear it was

juraria que és

I would swear it's you.

la seva primera victòria

her first victory

o sigui que

that is to say







i a part

and apart

perquè en general

because in general

també es diu

it is also called

que li agrada bastant

that he/she quite likes it

el seu circuit

its circuit

aquest circuit

this circuit

també ha penjat un TikTok

she has also posted a TikTok.

és que clar

it's just that, of course



ell ja sap

he already knows

que anem a fer el podcast

what are we going to do the podcast

i llavors diu

and then he said


come on

vinga a donar facts

come and give facts

ens fa contingut a nosaltres

it makes us content

us vinc a donar facts

I come to give you facts.



ha penjat un TikTok

he has posted a TikTok





una mica meme

a little meme

va que

come on

li agrada aquest circuit

he likes this circuit

o sigui que

so that


you see

reiterant el que jo dic

reiterating what I say


doncs a mi

well, to me

no m'agrada

I don't like it.

a mi

to me

m'agrada per veure-ho

I like to see it.

però no per

but not for

és com estàndard

it is like standard

però és xulo

but it's cool

com veure com condueixen per allà

how to see how they drive around there

perquè és bastant

because it is quite



el començo a presentar

I start to introduce him/her.



on se celebra

where it is celebrated

el gran premi d'Hongria

the Hungarian Grand Prix

doncs se celebra

so it is celebrated


the Hungaroring

que m'encanta dir aquest nom

I love saying this name.

que és un circuit

what is a circuit

que està a les afores

that is on the outskirts

de Budapest

from Budapest

i es va construir

and it was built

el 85

the 85





el govern hongarès

the Hungarian government



volien celebrar

they wanted to celebrate



una cursa de la fórmula 1

a Formula 1 race

a Hongria

to Hungary

i primer

and first

volien reformar

they wanted to reform

un altre circuit

another circuit

per rebre la fórmula 1

to host Formula 1

però al final

but in the end

van crear

they created

un circuit dedicat

a dedicated circuit



per l'esport

for sports

i va ser

and it was


the Hungaroring

o sigui

that is to say

que es va crear

that was created



per la fórmula 1

for Formula 1

la primera cursa

the first race

per tant


es va fer l'any 86

it was made in '86

l'any següent

the following year

i la va guanyar

and she won it

Nelson Piquet

Nelson Piquet

durant aquesta època

during this time



Nelson Piquet

Nelson Piquet

estava allà

I was there.

després d'una batalla

after a battle

amb Ayrton Senna

with Ayrton Senna

per a veure

to see


you know



per a veure qui guanya

to see who wins



Ayrton Senna

Ayrton Senna



fins que les seves batalles

until their battles

perquè es van

because they go

es van parellar bastant

they paired up quite a bit

a pista

a track

i fora també

and outside too






let's proceed

que caracteritza

that characterizes

aquest circuit

this circuit

a veure si

let's see if

amb això

with this

et convenç

it convinces you

et convenço

I convince you.

una mica

a little bit



per estar més

to be more

no ho aconseguiràs

you won't achieve it

per donar més emoció

to give more emotion

no vale

it's not worth it



és un trastat

it's a mess

bastant similar

quite similar

al d'una pista de karts

to a go-kart track

per què




no t'he posat el layout

I haven't put the layout on you.

te l'hauria d'haver posat

I should have put it on you.



té una sèrie de

has a series of

és bastant

it's quite






una sèrie de corbes

a series of curves

que s'entrellacen entre si

that intertwine with each other

els equips

the teams



els monoplaços

the single-seaters

d'una manera bastant similar

in a quite similar way

a Monaco

to Monaco

o sigui

that is to say

amb bastanta

with quite a bit



perquè són

because they are






ho sento

I'm sorry.








és bastant

it's quite

són corbes

they are crows








són corbes

they are crows







són corbes

they are crows


I would say



i pronunciades

and pronounced


no n'hi han

there aren't any

gaire rectes

hardly straight


at least

les que hi ha

those that exist

són bastant

they are quite



per tant


han d'estar

they must be

hi ha bastantes corbes

there are quite a few crows

és bastant

it's quite



com he dit abans

as I said before

al circuit

to the circuit

i per això

and for that reason


they need





que és molt destacable

that is very notable



la primera diferència

the first difference



que hi va haver respecte

that there was respect

aquest any

this year

és que

it's that

va ser

it was

l'última cursa

the last race

abans de les vacances

before the holidays



acostumava a ser

used to be

l'última cursa abans de les vacances

the last race before the holidays

però aquest any

but this year

ens faltarà

we will miss

una més

one more

després d'aquesta

after this

abans de començar

before starting

les vacances d'agost

August holidays



que també

that too


will be

en unes dates

on certain dates



també que vam tenir

also that we had

el ricciardo

the ricciardo

a mclaren

a McLaren



parlant de ricciardo

talking about Ricciardo

el teníem aquí

we had him here

ha trigat

he has taken time

deu curses en tornar

ten laps in return

el ricciardo a mclaren

Ricciardo at McLaren

lluny dels punts

far from the points

a diferència de l'ando

unlike the ando

que va acabar a setè

that ended up in seventh

sempre passava això l'any passat

this always happened last year

era una cosa

it was one thing



per això em preocupa

that's why it worries me

també bastant

also quite

aquest any

this year

encara que

even though

yuki tingui

Yuki has.

o sigui el seu company d'equip

that is, your teammate

que serà ara

what will it be now



molta menys experiència

much less experience

tinc por pel daniel

I'm scared for Daniel.


quite a bit

ricciardo era com un

Ricciardo was like a



com un latífino

like a Latin speaker

com un sergeant

like a sergeant

que acabava les curses

that finished the races

però sempre últim

but always last

dels últims

of the last


una cosa

one thing





que va passar

what happened

l'any passat

last year



que no té res a veure

that has nothing to do with

amb les curses

with the races

però betel va anunciar

but Betel announced

la seva retirada

his withdrawal

en aquell cap de setmana

that weekend

que ja fa un any

that it has been a year already



per mi sembla

for me it seems

que fos ahir

that it was yesterday



alguna cosa


que segurament

that surely

també veurem

we will also see

aquest cap de setmana

this weekend

ferrari va tenir

Ferrari had.

una mala estratègia

a bad strategy

li van arruïnar

they ruined him/her

la cursa a l'eclerc

the race at E. Leclerc

amb els pneumàtics

with the tires

que li van posar

what they put on him/her

van fer

they did



prova i error

trial and error

una mica

a little bit

al Carlos li va anar bé

Carlos did well.

i a l'eclerc malament

and at E.leclerc badly

però bueno

but well

si no és un cap de setmana

if it's not a weekend

per un

for a



per un altre

for another

el següent

the following

o sigui

that is to say

si no és un és un altre

if it's not one, it's another

vull dir

I mean

no tenen preferències

they have no preferences

per arruïnar curses

to ruin races

que diem

what we say



els dos Mercedes

the two Mercedes

van estar al podi

they were on the podium

també una mica inusual

also a little unusual

l'any passat

last year

tenint en compte que

taking into account that

fa un parell d'anys

a couple of years ago

que els costa

what it costs them

una mica més

a little more



qui va guanyar

who won

tot i sortir

even though leaving

no sé

I don't know.



qui no saps

who do you not know



és que aquí

it's just that here

no hi ha

there isn't

no hi ha opcions

there are no options



i segurament

and probably

és el que veurem

it is what we will see

aquest cap de setmana

this weekend



o sigui que

that is to say


get ready

estem tots així

we are all like this



a veure

let's see

quan se li trenca

when it breaks

el cotxe

the car

et diré una cosa

I will tell you something.

el dia

the day

que se li trenqui

let it break for him/her

el cotxe

the car

o tingui un error

or it has an error

el nostre campionat

our championship

de prediccions

of predictions

baixarà els punts

it will lower the points



perquè sempre

because always

el posem el primer

we put him first

perquè clar

because of course


bueno almenys és una cosa

well at least it's something



que tenim clara

that we have clear

i són punts assegurats

and they are guaranteed points

pel campionat de prediccions

for the predictions championship

vull dir que

I mean that

per una part

on the one hand

li hem d'agrair

we must thank him/her

però sincerament

but honestly

a mi m'és igual

I don't care.

jo vull una mica d'acció

I want a little action.

i espero tenir-la

I hope to have it.

una mica aquest cap de setmana

a little this weekend

una mica de

a little bit of



estats del circuit

circuit states

per tancar la presentació

to close the presentation

aquesta del circuit

this of the circuit

de l'Húngaro Ring

of the Hungarian Ring


It means "made."



81 quilòmetres

81 kilometers



31 quilòmetres

31 kilometers




you see

pista de karts

karting track

es corren

they run

70 voltes

70 times

i a la precora

and to the precora

el té

the tea

Luis Hamilton

Luis Hamilton

amb un

with a



el 2020

the year 2020

quan el cotxe

when the car

era bo

it was good


i veieu

and you see

que és com

what is like

un karting

a go-kart



més similitud

more similarity

és com

it's like

gairebé un quilòmetre

almost a kilometer

més llarg


que Monaco

that Monaco

més un quilòmetre

more than a kilometer

i els temps

and the times

són similars

they are similar

es fa bastant ràpid

it goes quite quickly

és ràpid

it is fast

el circuit

the circuit

i bé aquí

And well here.

aquesta és la presentació

this is the presentation

de l'Húngaro Ring

of the Hungarian Ring

un circuit

a circuit



ja veurem

we'll see

el cap de setmana següent

the following weekend

tenim un dels

we have one of the

millors circuits

best circuits

del calendari

of the calendar

per no dir el millor

not to say the best

crec que és el nostre prefe

I think it's our prefe.

el tens tu

you have it

de fet

in fact

a la teva paret

to your wall






no diem espòilers

we don't say spoilers

encara que literalment

even though literally

podeu donar un clic

you can click

a internet

to the internet

i mirar quin és el circuit

and look at what the circuit is

però de moment

but for the moment

tenim a

we have a



a veure què ens porta a Hongria

let's see what Hungary brings us

espero que

I hope that

una miqueta d'acció

a little bit of action

i que

and that

el Max


no acabi primer

do not finish first

sento molt

I'm very sorry.

cridar la seva mala sort

call his/her bad luck



és el que n'hi ha

it is what there is

em caus bé

I like you.

però prou

but enough

ja està

it's done


no no no

no no no

és que

it is that



a mi també

me too

em cau molt bé

I really like him/her.

sí molt bé Max

yes very well Max

ets molt bo

you are very good



en fi

in short

si us ha agradat aquest podcast

if you enjoyed this podcast


follow us

si no us ha agradat aquest podcast

if you did not like this podcast

seguiu-nos també

follow us too

perquè el pròxim

because the next

us agradarà molt més segur

you will surely like it much more









depèn del que us deixi

it depends on what I let you

la plataforma

the platform

des d'on ens estigueu escoltant

from where you are listening to us

ara mateix

right now

ens podeu seguir a Instagram

you can follow us on Instagram



Tik Tok

Tik Tok

i YouTube

and YouTube

a arroba drive thru podcast

an arroba drive-thru podcast

i només ens queda dir-vos

and all we have left to say to you



ens veiem a les xarxes

see you on social media



per la seguretat

for safety

per les nostres

for ours










of these













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