2x5 El Desertor Professional, la Mansió Black i el Poliamor

Carles Cadirat

Rotacions 2.0

2x5 El Desertor Professional, la Mansió Black i el Poliamor

Rotacions 2.0

El podcast cultural en català.

The cultural podcast in Catalan.

I la part final en la que jo us faré una recomanació vintage de cinema.

And the final part in which I will give you a vintage movie recommendation.

Tot això ara mateix, aquí, al Rotacions 2.0.

All of this right now, here, at Rotacions 2.0.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Doncs comencem el podcast i ho fem saludant el Pere Bardagí.

So let's start the podcast by greeting Pere Bardagí.

Hola, Pere, què tal?

Hello, Pere, how are you?

Hola, bon dia, o bona tarda, o bona nit.

Hello, good morning, or good afternoon, or good night.

Exacte, això quan ho escolti la gent.

Exactly, that's when people will hear it.

Pere Bardagí, que a la petita ressenya biogràfica que hi ha a la teva autobiografia,

Pere Bardagí, who in the short biographical review in your autobiography,

de la que ara parlarem,

that we will talk about now,

diu violinista de professió i humorista a temps complet.

He says he is a professional violinist and a full-time comedian.



De fet, sempre, la vida sense humor no l'aguantaria.

In fact, I couldn't stand life without humor.

O sigui que, sí, això, inclús quan toco, busco l'humor.

So, yes, that, even when I touch, I look for humor.

Quan estàs interpretant...

When you are interpreting...

Sí, no vull dir que toqui Moser fent riure,

Yes, I don't mean that Moser makes me laugh.

però vull dir que en el treball diari m'agrada relaxar-me

but I mean that in my daily work I like to relax

veient les parts divertides o ridícules de la vida.

seeing the fun or ridiculous parts of life.

En un assaig poden passar mil coses que et pots pixar de riure.

In a rehearsal, a thousand things can happen that can make you laugh out loud.

De vegades m'han cridat l'atenció perquè faig riure el company,

Sometimes I've attracted attention because I make my colleague laugh.

el company de Faristol, dient-li alguna bestiesa.

the companion of Faristol, saying him some nonsense.

Soc el nen aquell que posi de cara a la paret,

I am the child who faces the wall,

Bardagí de cara a la paret, no hagués riut a sus compañeros.

Bardagí facing the wall wouldn't have laughed at his companions.

Doncs m'ha passat això tota la vida.

Well, this has happened to me my whole life.

I actualment encara et passa?

And does it still happen to you now?

Encara em passa.

It still happens to me.

Però suposo que també és una manera d'anar tirant, no?

But I suppose it's also a way of getting by, right?

És a dir, la serietat, sobretot en una orquestra de...

That is to say, seriousness, especially in an orchestra of...

És una defensa, l'humor és una defensa.

It's a defense, humor is a defense.

Jo soc molt covard, llavors m'haig de defensar de la realitat, d'alguna manera.

I am very cowardly, so I have to defend myself from reality, in some way.

I com que les escopetes no estan permeses, doncs me n'emporto.

And since shotguns are not allowed, I'll take it with me.

Dóna-li temps, també, a aquest tema.

Give this topic some time as well.

Tothom amb una arma i el violí al costat, o a l'instrument que sigui.

Everyone with a weapon and a violin beside them, or whatever instrument it may be.

A la teva autobiografia, que m'he llegit, i del dessertor professional,

In your autobiography, which I have read, and about the professional deserter,

parles molt de la creativitat,

you talk a lot about creativity,

i suposo que aquesta part també de l'humorista que t'autodefineixes

And I suppose that this part is also of the comedian that you self-define.

forma part d'aquest...

is part of this...

Està constantment creant, encara que no sigui res...

He is constantly creating, even if it's nothing...

per la posteritat, sinó senzillament de...

for posterity, but simply of...

Vaig a fer ara una broma que...

I'm going to make a joke now that...

Tot el que he fet amb ma vida em sembla que no m'ha donat cap caler.

Everything I have done in my life seems to me to have not earned me a dime.

O sigui, l'únic que faig és les gallines que van ponent ou, saps?

So, the only thing I do is the chickens that are laying eggs, you know?

O sigui, és la meva manera de fer les coses.

In other words, it's my way of doing things.

Faig cançons, faig doblatges, faig llibres, faig dibuixos,

I make songs, I do voice-overs, I make books, I create drawings,

però perquè em diverteixo.

but because I have fun.

Suposo que si tingués una visió d'aquelles de passatero,

I suppose that if I had one of those visions of a passerby,

seria milionari, perquè he fet moltes coses.

I would be a millionaire, because I have done many things.

A vegades em diuen, envia'm les cançons que has fet,

Sometimes they tell me, send me the songs you've made,

i digues, quines de les 500?

And tell me, which of the 500?

Però no sé, em surten com...

But I don't know, they come out like...

fa un ou, això.

It's all the same, that.

I llavors, doncs...

And then, so...

Sí, crear és que no...

Yes, creating is not...

Em nego a créixer.

I refuse to grow up.

O sigui, quan ets petit ets artista.

That is to say, when you are little you are an artist.

Això ho deia el Picasso.

That's what Picasso said.

Un artista és un nen que no ha crescut.

An artist is a child who has not grown up.

I realment hauria de ser així, la vida.

And it really should be like that, life.

En el moment en què sientes la cabeça,

At the moment when you feel your head,

ui, pensa en el futur, pensa...

oh, think about the future, think...

Tot això és una cagada,

This is all a mess.

que ens fa anar al psiquiatre, a la gent.

what makes us go to the psychiatrist, to people.

Jo no vaig al psiquiatre, perquè ja em curo jo sol.

I don't go to the psychiatrist because I heal myself.

La depressió, que molta gent diu, tinc depressió, no sé què...

Depression, which many people say, I have depression, I don't know what...

Jo l'he tingut de naixement, ja.

I have had it since birth, you know.

O sigui, no noto que estic deprimit, perquè estic tan deprimit,

In other words, I don't feel that I'm depressed because I'm so depressed.

em sembla tan horrible l'univers, i la vida en general,

I find the universe, and life in general, to be so horrible,

que ja forma part de mi.

that is already a part of me.

O sigui, la meva visió del món és totalment obscura i pessimista.

In other words, my view of the world is completely dark and pessimistic.

Llavors, l'única manera d'aguantar és,

Then, the only way to endure is,

em fot a se'n de tot, i ja està.

I don't care about anything, and that's it.

Però realment soc un pessimista espantós.

But I am really a terrible pessimist.

Si no, que t'ho digui la meva dona,

If not, let my wife tell you.

que sempre espero el pitjor, que sempre dic,

that I always expect the worst, that I always say,

hòstia, ja he fet un any més, em moriré aviat,

Damn, I've just turned another year older, I'll die soon.

perquè ja no em queda gens de vida,

because I am left with no life at all,

quina merda de la vida, ara...

what a shit life, now...

Quants anys viuré més per veure la meva neta?

How many more years will I live to see my granddaughter?

Potser no veig ni que tingui 10 anys i ja estaré mort.

Maybe I won't see that I'm even 10 years old and I will already be dead.

Aquesta visió...

This vision...

Però si te n'enfots, és una manera de sobreviure.

But if you don't care, it's a way of surviving.

De sobreviure.

About surviving.

De sobreviure, clar.

To survive, of course.

Però jo, sobretot, el que em referia

But I, above all, what I meant was

amb el tema de la creativitat aquesta constant que tens,

with the subject of creativity this constant that you have,

és que també afirmes que el fet de ser un violinista en una orquestra

is that you also assert that being a violinist in an orchestra

te la limita, perquè has de fer el que està escrit

It limits you, because you have to do what is written.

i el que marca el director,

and what the director dictates,

i aquí no hi ha creativitat que valgui.

And here, there is no creativity that is worth anything.

Exacte, i per això suposo que no em limito només a fer

Exactly, and that's why I suppose I don't just limit myself to doing.

de músic d'orquestra, sinó moltes més coses,

of orchestra musician, but many more things,

perquè si no et sents...

because if you don't feel...

Ets una peça d'un engranatge en una orquestra,

You are a piece of a gear in an orchestra,

i ha de ser així, que també és molt còmode,

It has to be like this, as it is also very comfortable.

quan de vegades no tens ganes de pensar,

how many times you don’t feel like thinking,

dius, ostres, que bé que estic aquí

You say, wow, how good it is that I'm here.

llegint una sinfonia de Beethoven

reading a symphony by Beethoven

i no m'haig de preocupar de res.

and I don't have to worry about anything.

Et duen.

They take you.

Però pot arribar un moment que sigui senzillament

But there may come a moment when it is simply

passar el torn i dir, bueno, toco les meves notes i...

take my turn and say, well, I'll play my notes and...

Sí, i de fet, per això no he entrat, fixa'm,

Yes, and in fact, that's why I haven't entered, look at me,

en cap sinfònica, mai,

in any symphonic, never,

perquè en el moment en què t'acostumes a la seguretat

because at the moment when you get used to security

és quan comences a declinar, saps?

It's when you start to decline, you know?

Llavors, he intentat seguir sent el llop no domesticat,

Then, I have tried to continue being the untamed wolf,

que quan...

that when...

Si vols degenerar, dona-li tot a un animal,

If you want to degenerate, give everything to an animal.

i som animals, doncs...

and we are animals, then...

Si jo tinc tot el menjar, treballi o no,

If I have all the food, whether I work or not,

si ho faig bé o malament,

whether I do it right or wrong,

i tinc la vida assegurada,

I have life insurance,

em dedicaré a rascar-me la collonada.

I will dedicate myself to scratching my balls.

Llavors, es tracta de tenir una mica de perill a la vida, també,

Then, it's about having a little bit of danger in life, too.

que no sàpigues què passarà.

that you do not know what will happen.

Aquesta és la gràcia.

This is the grace.

La seguretat em sembla una trampa, igual que la rutina.

Safety seems like a trap to me, just like routine.

Si entres en una rutina...

If you get into a routine...

Per la creativitat, sens dubte.

For creativity, without a doubt.

Sí, però és igual, la creativitat.

Yes, but creativity is the same.

És per sentir-te viu.

It's to make you feel alive.

O sigui, a mi m'agrada...

I mean, I like...

Avui no sé quin dia és, ho haig de pensar,

Today I don't know what day it is, I have to think about it,

ho haig de mirar al calendari,

I have to check the calendar.

perquè cada dia és diferent.

because every day is different.

A la meva vida.

In my life.

Hi ha gent que no, que al revés, té pànic a la rutina.

There are people who don't, who on the contrary, have a panic of routine.



Ai, a la no rutina.

Oh, to the non-routine.

A la no rutina.

To the non-routine.

Ostres, aquest mes...

Wow, this month...

Imagina'l, hi ha gent que cobra un sou i pagues dobles,

Imagine it, there are people who earn a salary and pay double.

que jo no he tingut mai ni sou ni pagues dobles.

that I have never had either a salary or double pay.

Al revés, quan arriba l'estiu,

On the contrary, when summer arrives,

em puc morir de gana perquè no tinc ni una paga,

I can die of hunger because I don't have a single penny.

no paga doble.

does not pay double.

I has de pagar igual el lloguer.

You still have to pay the rent.



Amb aquesta gent,

With these people,

no els diguis que passin a fer la meva vida,

don't let them come to ruin my life,

perquè es moriran d'un atac de cor.

because they will die of a heart attack.

Però com que jo ja he crescut així,

But since I've grown up this way,

o sigui, jo he volgut que sigués així la meva vida,

in other words, I wanted my life to be this way,

que no...

that not...

Quan la gent em deia, busca la seguretat,

When people told me, seek safety,

dic, però per què?

I say, but why?

Si la seguretat implica perdre la trampera d'estar viu,

If safety means losing the trap of being alive,

no la vull per res.

I don't want her for anything.


I prefer...

És allò que deia un xiste,

It's what a joke was saying,

que hi havia un llop i un gos lligat,

that there was a wolf and a tied-up dog,

que al gos li deia,

that the dog was saying to him,

oi, jo ho tinc tot i no sé què,

hey, I have it all and I don’t know what,

i l'amo em dona,

and the owner gives me,

em menja i em vacuna

it eats me and it vaccines me

i em fa tot el que em fa falta

and it gives me everything I need

i no haig de pensar en res.

and I don't have to think about anything.

Diu, ostres, quina sort que tens,

He says, wow, how lucky you are,

i deia el llop, va, doncs anem a jugar.

And the wolf said, come on, let's go play.

Diu, no puc, estic lligat.

He says, I can't, I'm tied up.

Diu, veus?

He says, you see?

Doncs la conya està en què...

Well, the joke is that...

Si tens seguretat, estàs lligat.

If you have certainty, you are tied.

Punt, ja està, és això.

Point, that's it, that's all.

I no vull estar lligat, no m'agrada.

I don't want to be tied down, I don't like it.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Pel que...

For what...

També parlàvem del treballar en una orquestra,

We also talked about working in an orchestra,

que jo sempre ho he pensat

that I have always thought so

i ho he parlat en aquest podcast

and I have talked about it in this podcast

tant amb la Cristina Menvilve

both with Cristina Menvilve

com amb el Salvador Brutons,

as with Salvador Brutons,

que han sigut dos convidats del podcast.

who have been two guests of the podcast.

Al final,

In the end,

és la teva professió,

it is your profession,

és la teva feina,

it's your job,

i has de tocar coses que algun cop t'agradaran

You have to touch things that you will like at some point.

i que algun cop no t'agradaran.

and that sometimes you won't like them.

Tu, en la teva autobiografia, dius,

You, in your autobiography, say,

jo quan estic a l'escena,

I when I am on stage,

m'hi deixo la pell, encara que no m'agradi.

I give it my all, even if I don't like it.

Després sempre pregunta si m'ha agradat o no,

Afterward, he always asks if I liked it or not.

però hi ha més dificultats

but there are more difficulties

si la peça t'avorreix,

if the piece bores you,

o no t'agrada...

or you don't like it...

No, perquè a vegades m'apassiona

No, because sometimes it excites me.

alguna cosa que és tan difícil

something that is so difficult

que pateixo més.

that I suffer the most.

En canvi, tocar, jo què sé,

On the other hand, play, I don’t know,

Vivaldi comparat amb Bartók.

Vivaldi compared to Bartók.

Amb Vivaldi, a no ser que siguin

With Vivaldi, unless they are

les estacions de Vivaldi que te les has d'estudiar

Vivaldi's concertos that you have to study.

la part de solista mesos,

the soloist part months,

perquè és molt difícil,

because it is very difficult,

una part d'orquestra de Vivaldi

a part of Vivaldi's orchestra

la pots fer pensant en què faré demà a la tarda,

you can do it thinking about what I'm going to do tomorrow afternoon,

perquè es llegeix a simple vista.

because it is read at first glance.

En canvi, Bartók,

On the other hand, Bartók,

que m'agrada molt més d'escoltar,

that I like much more to listen to,

l'he patit molt.

I have suffered a lot.

Tocar el concert per orquestra de Bartók

Play Bartók's concert for orchestra.

en una orquestra fent de violí primer,

in an orchestra playing first violin,

l'últim moviment tens una quantitat de notes

In the last movement, you have a number of notes.

que dius, hòstia, però si això no ho tocaré

What are you saying, damn, but I won't touch that.

d'aquí al divendres, que és l'estreno,

from now until Friday, which is the premiere,

i t'ho donen el dimarts, saps?

And they'll give it to you on Tuesday, you know?

Vull dir,

I mean,

que molta música que m'agrada

that a lot of music that I like

m'és molt incòmode de tocar,

it is very uncomfortable for me to touch,

i molta que no m'agrada

and a lot that I don't like

la toco molt bé.

I play it very well.

Ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha.

Vull dir, no disfrutaràs tant,

I mean, you won't enjoy it as much.

però pots fer

but you can do

el mecanisme,

the mechanism,


the exercise

intel·lectual de dir

intellectual to say

aquestes notes

these notes

que estic tocant són molt maques,

what I am playing is very beautiful,

és igual on estiguin posades.

It doesn't matter where they are placed.

Si vols, fes-me un fa

If you want, do me a favor.

preciós, te'l faig, ja està.

Beautiful, I’ll do it for you, it’s done.

Estigui posat on estigui.

Be it wherever it may be.

No m'ha sorprès que hagis mencionat

I wasn't surprised that you mentioned

Bartók, perquè és un autor

Bartók, because he is an author.

que en la teva autobiografia

that in your autobiography

vas mencionant de tant en tant,

you mention from time to time,

és a dir, que jo ja ho tenia aquí anotat,

that is to say, I already had it noted down here,

dono per fet que és un dels

I take it for granted that it is one of the

teus compositors predilectes.

your favorite composers.

Sí, un geni. Trobo que

Yes, a genius. I find that

gent que tot el que han escrit

people that everything they have written

Chapó, per mi, és Bach

Chapeau, for me, is Bach.

i Bartók. Després hi ha

and Bartók. Then there is

gent que ho ha fet molt,

people who have done it a lot,

o potser inclús Foré, Foré també

or maybe even Foré, Foré too

m'encanta. I mira que són

I love it. And look at them.

diferents tots, però en el fons tenen

different all, but deep down they have

no sé, un cello

I don't know, a cello.

que se l'han inventat ells, Bartók

that they have invented it, Bartók

sona a Bartók, Bach sona a Bach,

sounds like Bartók, Bach sounds like Bach,

i Foré sona a Foré,

i Foré sounds like Foré,

que em fa que

that makes me that

m'apassioni. En canvi,

I am passionate about it. In contrast,



altra gent, que Beethoven té coses

other people, that Beethoven has things

sensacionals, i de cop una cosa que dius

sensational, and suddenly something you say

això no m'agrada tant,

I don't like this so much,


Do you know?

I segur que té un

And I'm sure he has one.

un valor musical immens,

an immense musical value,

però no connecto tant,

but I don’t connect that much,

i mira, i passa això.

And look, this happens.

I Bartók, el que em va passar

I Bartók, what happened to me

amb Bartók és que jo vaig començar la música

With Bartók is where I began music.

molt així, per la porta del darrere.

very much so, through the back door.

Vaig començar comprant-me un violí

I started by buying myself a violin.

elèctric, volent ser Jean-Luc Bontí,

electric, wanting to be Jean-Luc Bontí,

escoltant Deep Purple

listening to Deep Purple

i Heavy, i de cop em vaig

I'm heavy, and suddenly I'm leaving.

començar a comprar discos, però clar,

start buying records, but of course,

em comprava Beethoven,

I was buying Beethoven,

Deep Purple, Carole King,

Deep Purple, Carole King,

Bartók, i de cop vaig dir, hòstia,

Bartók, and suddenly I said, damn,

Bartók, quina trampera, això

Bartók, what a trap, this.

que trobava en el Deep Purple

that I found in Deep Purple



espècie de

kind of



de cosa amb molt caràcter,

of something with a lot of character,

i és en els quartets de Bartók.

And it is in Bartók's quartets.

Dius, hòstia, però si aquest home ja s'havia inventat

You say, damn, but this man had already invented himself.

el Heavy, i era

the Heavy, and it was

a 1904.

to 1904.

Vull dir que hi ha moltes

I mean that there are many.

molts punts de contacte

many points of contact

entre tota la música.

among all the music.

Escoltes Bach i escoltes

You listen to Bach and you listen

Bill Evans, i s'assembla,

Bill Evans, and it seems,

hi ha molta cosa, molt contrapunt,

there is a lot of things, a lot of counterpoint,

vull dir,

I mean,

no hi ha un músic preferit,

there is no preferred musician,

però sí que hi ha molts músics amb els que

but there are many musicians with whom

contactes molt ràpid, que dius,

very quick contacts, you say,

això m'agrada, això em fa obrir.

I like this, it makes me open up.

Ara tornarem a l'eclecticisme

Now we will return to eclecticism.

a nivell de gustos musicals,

in terms of musical tastes,

perquè m'interessa, perquè a mi sento molt

because it interests me, because I feel a lot

identificat, però una última

identified, but one last

pregunta sobre el tema d'interpretar

question about the topic of interpreting

coses que t'agradin o no t'agradin.

things you like or don't like.

No sé si és possible

I don't know if it's possible.

o és molt difícil que una música

either it's very difficult for a music

que quan tu l'escoltes

that when you listen to it

en un disc o on sigui,

on a disc or wherever,

t'emociona i et posa la pell de gallina,

it moves you and gives you goosebumps,

quan l'estàs tocant, també et passi això.

when you are touching it, this happens to you too.

No sé si pot arribar,

I don't know if it can arrive,

o estàs tan centrat en tocar-la

or are you so focused on playing it

que l'emoció no t'arriba.

that the emotion doesn't reach you.

És un altre món.

It's another world.

És com

It is like

fer el fricandó menjar-te.

make the fricandó eat you.

Quasi bé.


Vull dir,

I mean,

tens una altra

do you have another one

manera d'enfocar-ho.

way of approaching it.

Quan ho estàs tocant,

When you are playing it,

has de pensar molt més en l'efecte

You need to think much more about the effect.

que estàs logrant,

what you are achieving,

no en l'emoció que et provoca.

not in the emotion it evokes in you.

La tècnica, suposo que és

The technique, I suppose it is.

traduir aquesta emoció

translate this emotion

que hauries de sentir

what you should feel

de manera que

so that

llueixi des de fora, però tu

shine from the outside, but you

no t'emocionis tant que la caguis.

Don't get too excited or you'll mess it up.

Has de controlar l'emoció

You have to control the emotion.

perquè funcioni.

to make it work.

Si tu toques molt emocionat,

If you play very excited,

és com tocar borratxo.

It's like touching a drunk person.

No controles el que estàs fent,

You are not in control of what you are doing,

tu t'ho has passat de puta mare,

you've had an amazing time,

però el públic diu...

but the audience says...

Sí, ho dius per pròpia experiència.

Yes, you say it from your own experience.

Sí, també he tocat borratxo.

Yes, I have also played drunk.

I tu t'ho passes de conya,

And you have a blast,

però el resultat no és aquest.

but the result is not this.

Llavors, la tècnica es tracta

Then, the technique is about

de recrear el que a tu

to recreate what is yours

t'ha emocionat d'aquella música.

That music has moved you.

Si la coneixes,

If you know her,

intentar fer el mateix,

try to do the same,

és fer sentir en el que escoltes,

it is to make you feel in what you hear,

el mateix que tu vas sentir.

the same as what you felt.

És això.

That's it.

Però són dues coses diferents.

But they are two different things.

En realitat, hi ha una frase en el teu llibre

In fact, there is a sentence in your book.

que he notat, que diu

that I have noticed, that he says

que cap professional disfruta com un aficionat.

that no professional enjoys like an amateur.

Exacte. Els aficionats que ho fan pitjor

Exactly. The fans who do it worse.

estan més a prop de l'emoció

they are closer to the emotion

que de la tècnica.

that of the technique.

Llavors, es poden deixar anar i tocar malament

Then, they can let go and play badly.

i s'ho passen molt millor

and they have a much better time

que un tio que és impecable, però...

that a guy who is impeccable, but...

No sé qui em va dir, el Franz Peter Zimmerman,

I don't know who told me, Franz Peter Zimmerman,

que tocava el concert amb la major de Mozart,

that played the concert with Mozart's major,



Doncs aquest mi el tenia...

Well, I had this one...

O sigui, una execució acollonant de bona,

So, an amazing execution of good.

però després en el camerino

but then in the dressing room

un amic meu em va dir...

a friend of mine told me...

I estava dient, hòstia, aquell mi!

I was saying, damn, that guy!

Mai em surt, aquell mi!

That "me!" never comes out!

I tu l'havies sentit, però és un mi.

And you had heard it, but it's a bee.

Però ell el té en el cap com que ha de ser així

But he has it in his head that it has to be this way.

i no li agrada.

and he/she doesn't like it.

Aquell mi no li agrada mai.

He never likes that one.

Vull dir que...

I mean that...

Estàs massa pendent de la feina

You are too focused on work.

com per gaudir de l'art.

as a way to enjoy art.



Exacte, ets molt més infeliç

Exactly, you are much more unhappy.

que un que se senta a disfrutar.

that one who sits down to enjoy.

I moltes vegades tu que vas a un concert

And many times you go to a concert.

que dius, he tocat com una merda,

what are you saying, I played like crap,

quina baragonya, esborreu si ho heu gravat,

what a shame, delete it if you have recorded it,

no ho digueu a ningú,

don't tell anyone,

i la gent diu, però si m'ho heu passat molt bé,

And people say, but if you had a great time.

si ho feies molt bé.

if you did it very well.

I dius, tot és molt subjectiu.

And you say, everything is very subjective.

En realitat, en el llibre

In reality, in the book

parles de dos exemples.

you talk about two examples.

Un és que vas tenir l'oportunitat

One is that you had the opportunity.

de treballar amb Stevie Wonder

to work with Stevie Wonder

i vas preferir no fer-ho.

and you preferred not to do it.

Vaig preferir no fer-ho.

I preferred not to do it.

Precisament per això, no?

Precisely because of that, right?

És poder gaudir, i també per no conèixer els teus ídols.

It is to be able to enjoy, and also for not knowing your idols.

Sí, que és perillós, sí, sí.

Yes, it is dangerous, yes, yes.

Sí, sí, vaig dir, ostres,

Yes, yes, I said, wow,

jo allà no li vull espatllar

I don't want to spoil it for him there.

el concert.

the concert.

Em veia allà tocant la corda

I saw myself there playing the string.

i dic, és que el respecto massa,

I say, it's just that I respect him too much,

no puc anar a tocar amb ell.

I can't go play with him.

I anys més tard vaig veure una gravació

Years later, I saw a recording.

d'aquell concert, que no l'havia vist ni res,

from that concert, which I hadn't seen or anything,

i dic, ostres, que maco,

I say, wow, how lovely.

sort que no hi era, perquè ara

because now it wasn't there

no hi tinc una cosa personal

I don't have a personal thing there.

en aquest concert.

in this concert.

No recordes el que vas dir?

Don't you remember what you said?

No recordo que els camarinos

I don't remember the dressing rooms.

eren una merda que m'estava pixant

they were a piece of shit that I was pissing on

i havia de sortir a tocar ja,

I had to go out to play already,

i ostres, espereu-me, espereu-me.

And oysters, wait for me, wait for me.

Vull dir, coses així que et fan

I mean, things like that make you

que aquella experiència no sigui

that that experience is not

l'idíl·lica que voldries que fos.

the idyllic that you would like it to be.

I un exemple similar poses

And a similar example poses.

amb el Serrat Sinfónico,

with the Symphonic Serrat,

que també que ara el gaudeixes

that you are also enjoying it now

perquè no hi has participat.

because you haven't participated in it.

Segur que m'hagués cagat

I'm sure I would have shit myself.

amb tot perquè, ostres, això és molt difícil,

with all that said, wow, this is very difficult,

espera, m'ho haig d'estudiar, calla, calla.

Wait, I need to study it, be quiet, be quiet.

Ui, perquè estàs treballant,

Oh, because you are working,


it is...

Després, sí, amb el temps,

After, yes, with time,

com deia, qui ho deia, això?

what did they say, who said it, that?

Frederick Brown, un escriptor

Frederick Brown, a writer

de ciència-ficció i de novel·la negra,

of science fiction and crime fiction,

que la seva dona deia

that his wife said

Frederick odiava

Frederick hated.

escriure, però li encantava

to write, but he loved it

haver escrit.

to have written.

I és això, en el moment de posar-t'hi,

And it is this, at the moment of taking it on,

ostres, pateixes,

oysters, you suffer,

però quan està, dius, ah, mira,

but when it is, you say, oh, look,

doncs no està mal, ha valgut la pena.

well, it's not bad, it was worth it.


We were talking,

ara et mencionava,

now I was mentioning you,

els gustos musicals

musical tastes

teus molt diversos, has parlat de

yours very diverse, you have spoken of

Deep Purple,

Deep Purple,

de clàssics com Bach o com

of classics like Bach or like

Bartók, que en realitat entre si també són molt

Bartók, who in reality are also very much among themselves.



Al llibre

In the book

menciones diverses vegades a Yes, per exemple,

you mention several times Yes, for example,

com un altre...

like another one...

M'agraden molt Yes, sí.

I like them a lot Yes, yes.

I al final, tu el que

And in the end, you what

defenses és que

defenses is that

no hi ha músiques cultes

there is no cultured music

i no cultes, sinó músiques bones i dolentes

and not cultures, but good and bad music

i que et pot agradar.

and you might like it.

És molt com The Water

It is very like The Water.

i un concert

and a concert

i no és contradictori.

and it is not contradictory.

I que pot haver-hi música bona que no t'agradi

And there can be good music that you don't like.

i dolenta que t'agradi.

and bad that you like.

Música bona vol dir música culta.

Good music means cultured music.

O música bona, jo què sé,

O good music, what do I know,

hi ha gent que no li agrada el jazz

There are people who do not like jazz.

i el jazz té molta qualitat, però

and jazz has a lot of quality, but

hi ha gent que no li entra, doncs bueno,

there are people who don't get it, well,

tothom... és qüestió de gustos.

everyone... it's a matter of taste.

El que sí que ha de tenir uns mínims

What does need to have some minimums.

perquè agradi a un músic.

so that a musician likes it.

O sigui, tu no

So, you don't.

et colaran

they will slip you in

gat per llebre amb música, si ets músic.

cat for hare with music, if you're a musician.

A nivell interpretatiu o a nivell

At an interpretative level or at a level.

compositiu? A nivell, no, a nivell

composite? At level, no, at level

de consumir. O sigui,

to consume. That is,

tu no pots escoltar

you cannot listen

Rafael i que t'agradi, si ets músic.

Rafael, and may you like it, if you are a musician.


Do you know?

A mi m'agrada, però perquè em fa

I like it, but because it makes me.

gràcia, perquè em

thank you, because I

repel i m'atrau al mateix

repels and attracts me at the same time

temps. Sí, és allò que diuen, és tan

time. Yes, it's what they say, it's so

dolent que no pots perpallar. Exacte.

Bad that you can't set aside. Exactly.

Coses així que dius, bueno,

Things like that make you say, well,

jo a casa he escoltat Luís Aguilé

I have listened to Luís Aguilé at home.

molt, perquè em fa

a lot, because it makes me

gràcia, em fa riure. Però, clar,

thank you, it makes me laugh. But, of course,

no has de confondre la mortadela

you must not confuse the mortadella

amb el rosbif, saps?

with the roast beef, you know?

No, no, segueix, segueix.

No, no, continue, continue.

Sí, no, no, és això.

Yes, no, no, that's it.



al final, tot el que sona és música,

in the end, everything that sounds is music,

que deia el Ricard Mirall, és el

what Ricard Mirall said is the

gran músic que ha fet arreglos del Serrat.

great musician who has made arrangements of Serrat.

Tot el que sona és música.

Everything that sounds is music.

Llavors, és molt difícil

Then, it's very difficult.

dir, això és una merda, això és

say, this is shit, this is

boníssim, perquè, mira, a mi

very good, because, look, to me

Anton Bevern m'avorreix, mira,

Anton Bevern bores me, look,

i tocat en el lliure Anton Bevern,

I have touched on the free Anton Bevern,

però ho trobo un cunyàs, no

but I find it a pain, don't I?

entenc, jo faig, i l'altre

I understand, I do, and the other.

fa, pum, plom,

does, boom, lead,

no sé com en deien,

I don't know what they were called,



del son, no sé.

About sleep, I don't know.

Sí, el de decafonisme...

Yes, the one about decafonism...

Que dius, bueno, això, sí,

What are you saying, well, this, yes,

molt interessant, i sobre el paper

very interesting, and on paper

està molt bé, i la teoria d'aquest home,

it's very good, and this man's theory,

però, no, i prefereixo Luís Miguel

but, no, I prefer Luís Miguel

cantant-hi com

singing it as

si fos ella, o no sé,

if it were her, or I don’t know,

que hi ha uns arreglos del Juan Carlos

that there are some arrangements from Juan Carlos

Calderón acollonants.

Intimidating calderons.

Bé, i en realitat, ho menciones,

Well, and in fact, you mention it,

i això ho vam parlar amb

and we talked about this with

en Brutons, la música

in Brutons, the music

clàssica, mal

classic, bad

dita com a clàssica contemporània,

known as contemporary classic,

està totalment fora de l'abast

it is completely out of reach

de la gent, la gent no l'entén,

of the people, the people do not understand it,

i, en canvi, ara, potser

and, on the contrary, now, perhaps

les bandes sonores de cinema són

movie soundtracks are

la música clàssica popular

popular classical music

actual. Exacte. És el que la gent es compra,

current. Exactly. It's what people buy,

és la banda sonora del que sigui,

it's the soundtrack of whatever it is,

de Titanic, del Senyor dels Anells...

from Titanic, from The Lord of the Rings...

Això és el que ha substituït

This is what has replaced.


the opera.

La gent, em sembla, el llibre ho dic,

People, I think, the book I say,

la gent abans anava a l'òpera habitualment

People used to go to the opera regularly.

i ara va al cine habitualment.

And now he/she goes to the cinema regularly.

Últimament ni van al cine, es queden a veure

Lately they don't go to the cinema, they stay in to watch.



Però sí, o sigui,

But yes, I mean,

el que s'ha de tenir en compte és que si la música

What must be taken into account is that if the music

és per una minoria

it is for a minority

acabarà desapareixent aquell gènere.

that genre will end up disappearing.

No el sustentarà

He will not support it.

ningú. La música clàssica

nobody. Classical music

s'aguanta perquè

it holds up because

la música, que diem clàssica, de concert,

the music that we call classical, concert,

per tota la parafernàlia

for all the fanfare

d'anar al concert,

of going to the concert,

de seure en una butaca,

to sit in an armchair,

veure una gent que surt i afinen

to see a group of people that go out and tune

i toquen una sinfonia en directe

They are playing a symphony live.

que té 200 anys i que encara sona

that is 200 years old and still sounds

com el dia de Beethoven, o potser millor

like Beethoven's day, or perhaps better

perquè els instruments i els instrumentistes han millorat.

because the instruments and the musicians have improved.

I tot això no es perdrà

And all this will not be lost.

perquè ja et pots comprar

because you can already buy yourself

tots els discos que vulguis en Surround

all the albums you want in Surround

que veure una sinfònica en directe

to see a symphony orchestra live

el que no l'ha vist mai impressiona.

Those who have never seen it are impressed.

Però si tu fas

But if you do

per una minoria

for a minority

et moriràs.

you will die.

És com vendre sabates

It's like selling shoes.

número 32

number 32

i amb un llaç blau

and with a blue ribbon

totes. Doncs en vendràs una

all. So you'll sell one.

en un boig que li agraden aquelles sabates

in a crazy person who likes those shoes

però al final ho hauràs de tancar.

but in the end you will have to close it.

Doncs els que fan música contemporània

Well, those who make contemporary music.

amb subvencions

with subsidies

de l'estat

of the state

i no sé què perquè s'aguanti això

and I don't know why this is hanging on

és aguantar una rata

it's holding a rat

morta, saps?

Dead, you know?

La sensació que jo tinc

The feeling that I have

com a senzillament

as simply

aficionat a la música

music enthusiast

és que és difícil que d'aquí cent anys

it's just that it's hard to believe that in a hundred years

interpretin músiques

interpret music

composades als últims 50-60 anys.

composed in the last 50-60 years.

A partir de 1950 cap endavant...

From 1950 onwards...

Si no comptes amb el públic

If you don't consider the audience

comences malament.

you are starting badly.

Si només penses en tu

If you only think of yourself.

com una masturbació mental

like a mental masturbation


of art

no vas enlloc.

you are going nowhere.

Si la música s'ha fet perquè s'escolti...

If the music has been made to be heard...

I en realitat les orquestres

And in reality the orchestras

jo crec que ho estan veient

I think they are seeing it.

i cada cop hi ha més orquestres

and there are more and more orchestras

que programen bandes sonores

that program soundtracks

com a la seva temporada.

as in its season.

Ara, el que és perillós...

Now, what is dangerous...

El que és perillós és caure en el fàcil.

What is dangerous is falling into the easy.

Llavors, com que la gent escolta eufòria

Then, since people hear euphoria

doncs només fem arreglos d'eufòria

so we only make arrangements of euphoria

per públic. No.

For the public. No.

Llavors ja no.

Then not anymore.

El que es tracta és que

What is at stake is that

el que és art

what is art

és un problema

it's a problem

perquè els que manen normalment són psicòpates

because those in power are usually psychopaths

que l'únic que volen és poder

that what they want is power

i que estan allà no per fer-nos el bé

and they are not there to do us good

sinó per treure-te el que pugui

"but to take away what I can"

mentre els hi duri.

as long as it lasts.

Llavors, si aquesta gent que hi hagi inculta

Then, if these people are uneducated

de sortida perquè un psicòpata

to get out because a psychopath

no deu tenir gaire sensibilitat

he must not have much sensitivity

doncs clar, no entenen l'art.

well, of course, they don't understand art.

Llavors, no poden discernir

Then, they cannot discern.

què val la pena ensenyar a la gent

What is worth teaching people

i què val la pena no ensenyar

And what is worth not showing?

perquè és una merda.

because it's crap.

Llavors, aquí tenim el problema

So, here we have the problem.

que si només ens venen merda

that if they only sell us crap

i la gent només té l'oportunitat

and people only have the opportunity

de consumir merda

to consume shit

no sabran que existeixen coses

they will not know that things exist

que són millors que la merda.

that are better than crap.

Llavors, el problema està aquí.

So, the problem is here.

A quin punt

To what extent

és que la gent no té la possibilitat

it's just that people don't have the opportunity

de consumir merda?

of consuming shit?

A quin punt hi ha la separació

To what extent is there separation?

entre Bartok, que sona raro

between Bartok, which sounds strange

i que la gent no escoltarà

and that people will not listen

el quart quartet de Bartok

the fourth quartet of Bartok

per sopar amb la família al Nadal

for dinner with the family at Christmas

a una música que realment és una merda

to music that is really crap

perquè Bartok és bo

because Bartok is good

però no agrada.

but it is not liked.

Esclar, això és molt difícil.

Of course, this is very difficult.

Jo crec que el que hauria de passar

I think that what should happen

és que la gent

it's that people

tingués més informació en general

had more information in general

i que escollin,

and let them choose,

que no només els arribi

that it does not only reach them

mala música

bad music

per tots els mitjans de comunicació

for all the media

que hi hagi emissores de ràdio

that there are radio stations

com passava als anys 60-70

as it happened in the 60s-70s

que posaves la ràdio i sonava una bossa nova

you would turn on the radio and bossa nova would play

ara la ràdio sona merda

now the radio sounds like crap

només hi ha dues emissores clàssiques

there are only two classical broadcasters

una a Madrid i una a Catalunya

one in Madrid and one in Catalonia

i després per trobar un programa de jazz

and then to find a jazz program

has d'estar a les 3 del matí

You have to be at three in the morning.

buscant, aviam si algú...

looking, let's see if someone...

Sembla l'acudit aquell dels luthiers

It seems like that joke about the luthiers.

de la cultura per a tots

of culture for all

en l'horari habitual de les 3 de la matinada

at the usual time of 3 in the morning



Si mentre la cultura estigui tan lluny del poble

If while culture is so far from the people

i dels que manen

and of those who command

no farem res

we will do nothing

A Alemanya, per exemple,

In Germany, for example,

jo crec que hi ha molta més tradició

I believe that there is much more tradition.

ja des de fa segles

for centuries now

i a molts països

and in many countries

Anglaterra o Estats Units

England or United States

que poses la ràdio

turn on the radio

recordo, ara no sé si ha canviat

I remember, now I don't know if it has changed.

perquè tot va canviant, però als anys 90

because everything is changing, but in the 90s

vaig estar a Nova York, posaves la ràdio

I was in New York, you would turn on the radio.

i tot era bona música, hi havia alguna merda

And it was all good music, there was some crap.

però és que aquí tot és merda

but here everything is crap

al final tu dius

in the end you say

l'important és que la gent

the important thing is that people

tingui el màxim d'informació possible

have as much information as possible



Si no ets proactiu

If you are not proactive

no arribes a aquesta informació

you do not have access to this information

Hi ha molta gent que té cultura

There are many people who have culture.

però a pesar

but despite

que no li han posat fàcil

that they haven't made it easy for him/her

Ara, per exemple, a la televisió espanyola

Now, for example, on Spanish television.

cada dos per tres fan aquests refregits

Every now and then they make these fried dishes.

que agafen actuacions d'arxiu

that take archival actions

i veus la quantitat

and you see the quantity

d'artistes que fa relativament poc

of artists that has been relatively recent

passaven per les televisions

they were being broadcast on television

i ara no va ningú a cantar

And now no one is going to sing.

no hi ha música

there is no music

excepte concursos

except contests

com Eufòria que has mencionat

like Euphoria that you mentioned

o la famosa Operación Triunfo

or the famous Operación Triunfo

però si no és això

but if it is not this

la música ha desaparegut

the music has disappeared

els programes de videoclips han desaparegut

music video programs have disappeared

i no és perquè jo faci

and it's not because I do

apologia de

apology of

mira, això és cultura, si no ets una merda

Look, this is culture, if you're not rubbish.

no, és que la gent disfrutaria més

no, it's just that people would enjoy it more

i la cultura, a més a més, fa que

and culture, moreover, makes that

el funcionament del cervell

the functioning of the brain

vagi millor

may it go better

si no escoltes música

if you don't listen to music

el teu cervell es va ordenant d'una manera

your brain is organizing itself in a way

no veuràs ningú

you will not see anyone

que després d'escoltar

that after listening

La passió segon Sant Mateu

The Passion according to Saint Matthew

sortís a tracar bancs

he would go to rob banks

Està clar, està clar

It's clear, it's clear.

Anem a fer un petit interludi

Let's have a little interlude.

hem començat l'entrevista escoltant

we started the interview listening

el teu conjunt Cordes invisibles

your set Invisible Strings

que era amb composicions

that was with compositions

del teu germà

from your brother

Josep Maria

Joseph Mary

Ara escoltem un tema

Now we listen to a song.

de l'àlbum de la teva filla

from your daughter's album

en el que tu també col·labores

in which you also collaborate

i a partir d'aquí parlem

And from here we talk.

d'això, de la família

of this, of the family

de músics bardegí

of bardegí musicians



La teva filla

Your daughter

s'hi sqüela

it is tricked

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Doncs així és com sonava aquest àlbum de la Clàudia Verdagí

Well, this is how this album by Clàudia Verdaguer sounded.

en què tu participes, et hem sentit amb corda.

In what you participate, we have heard you with string.

Família de músics, tot i que, llegint la teva biografia,

Family of musicians, although, reading your biography,

gairebé comença amb la teva generació.

It almost starts with your generation.

El meu pare va ser el primer.

My father was the first.

Sí, perquè va ser cantant i corrector de textes i traductor.

Yes, because he was a singer, text editor, and translator.

Però sí, les dues feines feia. Va ser el primer.

But yes, I did both jobs. He was the first.

Llavors el meu germà es va comprar una guitarra,

Then my brother bought a guitar,

va deixar el batxillerat als 12 anys

he left high school at 12 years old

i es va dedicar a estudiar ell sol, música.

And he dedicated himself to studying music on his own.

El teu germà, que és el gran...

Your brother, who is the oldest...

El que feia reclús amb el Serrat, tocava la guitarra,

The one who was reclusive with Serrat played the guitar.

estava en el...

I was in the...

El compositor de la sintonia de la Marató de TV3.

The composer of the TV3 Marathon theme.

Exacte, i de l'Àngel Casashow, el...

Exactly, and from the Ángel Casashow, the...

Que allà també vas participar, tu, a l'encàrrec.

That there you also participated, you, in the assignment.

Sí, sí, un segon. Vaig estar un any o dos a l'orquestra.

Yes, yes, one second. I was in the orchestra for a year or two.

A més, el teu nebot, el Jofre Verdagí, que va fer...

Furthermore, your nephew, Jofre Verdagí, who did...



Glaux amb el seu cosí, que també és l'altre nebot per part de germana,

Glaux with her cousin, who is also the other nephew on her sister's side,

el Lluís Alzina, que aquest és intel·ligent i ha deixat la música

Lluís Alzina, who is intelligent and has quit music.

i em sembla que guanya més calés que nosaltres.

And it seems to me that he earns more money than we do.

Però és un gran guitarrista, un gran músic.

But he is a great guitarist, a great musician.

Ara ha fet un disc, per això.

Now he has made an album because of that.

Ha fet un disc amb guitarra sola, amb temes d'ell,

He has made an album with solo guitar, with his own songs.

i que ha anat a mesclar a Bay Road, perquè és un fan dels Beatles

and has gone to mix at Bay Road, because he is a fan of the Beatles.

i l'hi ha agafat per anar al...

and he has taken it to go to the...

Deu ser car, no?, llogar...

It must be expensive, right?, to rent...

No, diu que li va sortir... Bueno, al viatge sí,

No, he says it came out... Well, on the trip yes,

però que la sessió allà és quasi més barata que aquí.

but the session there is almost cheaper than here.





Ara va, sinó masteritzar, eh?, va anar a fer...

Now come on, but mastering, huh?, went to do...

Em sembla que cada hora surt...

I think it comes out every hour...

No sé, no me'n recordo què em va dir, però no era ruinós.

I don’t know, I don’t remember what he told me, but it wasn’t ruinous.

I la teva filla, Clàudia, que és pianista i cantant jazz, podríem dir...

And your daughter, Clàudia, who is a pianist and jazz singer, we could say...

Sí, de jazz pop, sí, fa un estil seu.

Yes, of pop jazz, yes, it has its own style.

I també ha fet ara música de pel·lis, ha fet la...

And he has also done movie music now, he has done the...

És veritat.

It is true.

La música de... Com es diu? L'Año de la Fúria.

The music of... What's it called? The Year of Fury.



Que és una pel·lícula del Rafa Russo,

It is a movie by Rafa Russo.

que va sobre la dictadura a Uruguai,

that is about the dictatorship in Uruguay,

la dictadura feixista d'Uruguai.

the fascist dictatorship of Uruguay.

Que, per tant, tornant al que parlàvem abans d'escoltar-la,

So, therefore, returning to what we were talking about before hearing her,

pot ser que d'aquí uns anys la seva música la toqui una orquestra...

It may be that in a few years his music will be played by an orchestra...



Si les bandes sonores acaben sent la clàssica.

If the soundtracks end up being the classic ones.

Sí, si hi ha partitura, clar.

Yes, if there is sheet music, of course.

El que passa és que moltes d'aquestes coses són de consum immediat

What happens is that many of these things are for immediate consumption.

i no hi queda partitura.

And there's no sheet music left.

Suposo que el Williams sí que quedarà...

I guess the Williams will stay...

Clar, perquè després s'han agafat les partitures que ha escrit.

Of course, because then they took the scores that he wrote.

Però, esclar, aquest va ser una música molt casolana,

But, of course, this was very homemade music,

perquè era en plena lockdown, en plena...

because it was in full lockdown, in full...

Com es diu? Sempre em surt en anglès.

What is it called? It always comes out in English.

Mira, que sembla un pedant, això, el confinament.

Look, this confinement seems pretentious.

No, és que hi ha un tema que es diu lockdown, no sé què,

No, it's just that there's a topic called lockdown, I don't know what,

que és fet per la pandèmia i que sempre em surt aquesta paraula.

that is made by the pandemic and that this word always comes to me.

Sí, ara l'Elton John ha tret un àlbum que es diu Lockdown Sessions o alguna cosa així.

Yes, now Elton John has released an album called Lockdown Sessions or something like that.

Doncs ho vam fer.

Well, we did it.

Sí, o sigui, just...

Yes, I mean, just...

Ens van tancar a casa i vam començar a fer la música.

They locked us in the house and we started making music.

I llavors, clar, vam poder gravar jo violins i violes aquí

And then, of course, we were able to record violins and violas here.

i els hi enviava en un cellista amic meu, el Manuel Martínez del Fresno,

and I would send them to a friend of mine who is a cellist, Manuel Martínez del Fresno,

i feia els cellos, doblant-se ell.

and made the cellos, bending himself.

En lloc d'anar a gravar amb una orquestra, vam fer l'orquestra casolana.

Instead of going to record with an orchestra, we made a homemade orchestra.

Molt bé.

Very well.

I els pianos els va gravar la Clàudia

And the pianos were recorded by Clàudia.

i unes percussions també al marit de la Clàudia, que és bateria.

And some percussion instruments also for Claudia's husband, who is a drummer.

I, bueno, vam fer...

Well, we did...

Per això, que no...

That's why it doesn't...

No hi ha partitures, diguem, per ser interpretades d'aquí cent anys.

There are no scores, let’s say, to be interpreted a hundred years from now.

Les ho hem de treure d'orella.

We have to get them out of ear.

Algú les treurà.

Someone will take them out.



Al final, on jo volia anar a parar amb tot això és...

In the end, what I wanted to achieve with all of this is...

Tu dius, i ara ho has dit, que la tradició de músic comença amb el teu pare,

You say, and now you've said it, that the tradition of music starts with your father,

però ara sembla com ja... que és una família de músics, aquesta.

But now it seems like... it's a family of musicians, this one.

No sé si això és un tema de com que ho he vist a casa ho faig

I don't know if this is a matter of me doing it because I've seen it at home.

o és un tema...

or it's a topic...

Jo crec que sí.

I think so.

Crec que hi ha alguna cosa a dintre dels gens,

I think there is something inside the genes,

que et fa més facilitat per això.

that makes it easier for you to do so.

Amb els gens, no ho sé.

With genes, I don't know.

De vegades veus nens que toquen d'una manera...

Sometimes you see children playing in a way...

Perquè la teva dona també és cantant.

Because your wife is also a singer.

També, sí, clar.

Also, yes, of course.

I ve de la família de l'Alicia de la Rocha.

I come from Alicia de la Rocha's family.



Els gens...

The genes...

Però no sé si els gens...

But I don't know if the genes...

Suposo que sí que hi ha una predisposició, igual que agafar càncer,

I suppose there is a predisposition, just like developing cancer.

tu que em costa,

you who costs me,

a tenir...

to have...

El pessimista del que parlava al principi.

The pessimist I was talking about at the beginning.

Jo crec que jo sóc jo i mi circumstància, que no sé qui ho deia,

I believe that I am I and my circumstance, I don't know who said that.

és bastant...

it's quite...

És circumstància.

It is a circumstance.

Jo sempre dic que si Beethoven hagués nascut a 1950 a Mataró,

I always say that if Beethoven had been born in 1950 in Mataró,

no tindria l'afició de fer sinfonies.

I would not have the hobby of composing symphonies.

O sigui, si neixes al mig d'un sarao,

In other words, if you are born in the middle of a party,

t'hi sumes i és molt més fàcil.

You join in and it's much easier.

Si a casa teva no parlen anglès,

If they don't speak English at your home,

és molt raro que sortís parlant anglès,

it's very rare that he/she would go out speaking English,

com la Margaret Thatcher, no?

like Margaret Thatcher, right?

La influència és molt clara.

The influence is very clear.

El que passa és que, clar,

What happens is that, of course,

hi ha d'haver-hi una predisposició d'orella,

there must be a predisposition to listen,

cervell que funciona de certa manera,

brain that works in a certain way,

manera de trobar-te davant de la vida,

way of facing life,

que els sons et fan més efecte que en una altra persona,

that sounds have a greater effect on you than on another person,

i llavors hi jugues més,

and then you played more there,

i des de petit cantes perquè ho necessites.

And since you were a child, you sing because you need to.

Suposo que tot això va influint,

I suppose that all of this is having an effect.

però l'entorn és molt important.

but the environment is very important.

Evidentment, si has escoltat molta música a casa

Obviously, if you have listened to a lot of music at home

durant molt de temps,

for a long time,

és més fàcil que t'agradi i que la sàpigues apreciar

it’s easier for you to like it and to know how to appreciate it.

després que t'escuti els seus gustos.

after I hear your tastes.

Això és el que deia jo als nens que venien a estudiar violí

This is what I used to tell the children who came to study the violin.

quan jo donava classes, que ja no en dono fa temps,

when I used to teach classes, which I haven’t done for a long time,

que deies, a veure, no has estudiat,

what were you saying, let me see, you haven't studied,

t'agrada tocar el violí?

Do you like playing the violin?

No, el toco perquè a la meva àvia li fa il·lusió.

No, I play it because it makes my grandmother happy.

Però aviam, a casa teva escolteu música?

But let's see, do you listen to music at your house?

No, no, no tenim ni tocadiscos.

No, no, we don't even have a turntable.

Però aneu a concerts?

But do you go to concerts?

No, no, no ens interessa.

No, no, we are not interested.

Doncs per què estudies violí?

So why do you study violin?

És com volguer estudiar japonès

It's like wanting to study Japanese.

i que no t'agradi el sushi,

and that you don't like sushi,

ni vulguis anar al Japó,

don't even want to go to Japan,

ni t'agrada Akira Kurosawa.

neither do you like Akira Kurosawa.

Doncs per què estudies japonès?

So why are you studying Japanese?

Hi ha gent que es dedica a la música perquè sí,

There are people who dedicate themselves to music for no particular reason,

però no, ha de ser...

but no, it has to be...

és un ambient i una necessitat junts.

It is an environment and a need together.

Està clar.

It is clear.

Però, en canvi,

But, on the other hand,

llegint la teva autobiografia,

reading your autobiography,

que ja tots heu notat que és la meva font

that you have all noticed that it is my source

per aquesta conversa,

for this conversation,

em dóna la sensació que, no sé si és així,

it gives me the feeling that, I don't know if it is like this,

però que gairebé ets violinista per descarte.

but you are almost a violinist by default.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Perquè, bueno, per això que has dit

Because, well, for that reason you mentioned.

que t'agradava en Pontí,

what you liked about Pontí,

però també que havies provat alguna altra cosa

but also that you had tried something else

i no...

and no...

Sí, només fàcil.

Yes, only easy.

El teu germà ja tocava la guitarra,

Your brother was already playing the guitar.

per tant, no podies anar per allà...

therefore, you couldn't go there...

Jo vaig començar que m'agradava molt

I started to really like it.

Emerson Lake en Palmer,

Emerson Lake and Palmer,

als 12-13 anys.

at 12-13 years old.

Llavors, quan veia tecles,

Then, when I saw keys,

dic, hòstia, vull estudiar tecles.

I say, damn, I want to study keys.

Però, resulta que teníem un piano

But, it turns out that we had a piano.

que ja no hi cabien,

that no longer fit,

perquè érem 5 a un pis de 60 metres quadrats,

because we were 5 in a 60 square meter apartment,

i se'n va anar a casa la meva àvia.

and he went to my grandmother's house.

I ja no tenia piano.

And I no longer had a piano.

Llavors, l'únic que quedava per allà

Then, the only thing left around there.

era guitarres,

it was guitars,

que el meu germà tenia moltes guitarres.

that my brother had many guitars.

Llavors, les agafava i tocava

Then, he took them and played.

i treia els acords d'aquí i d'allà.

and I took the chords from here and there.

Però, quan em vaig voler,

But, when I wanted myself,

em vaig voler dedicar a la música,

I wanted to dedicate myself to music,

que era als 16 anys,

what it was like at 16 years old,

que vaig dir, va, ara ho vull fer amb sèrio,

What I said, come on, now I want to do it seriously,

perquè, si no, no pensem.

because, if not, we do not think.

Vaig dir, si agafo la guitarra,

I said, if I grab the guitar,

el meu germà em donarà tantes lliçons

my brother will give me so many lessons

que serà un rotllo.

it will be a drag.

Vaig agafar algú que ell no sàpiga tocar

I took someone that he doesn't know how to play.

per res del món.

for anything in the world.

I vaig dir, barato, petit, portàtil,

I said, cheap, small, portable,

i que, a més a més,

and that, furthermore,

m'agrada el Jean-Luc Ponty,

I like Jean-Luc Ponty.

doncs violí, ja està.

so violin, that's it.

I així va ser.

And so it was.

És una manera com una altra de triar.

It's one way of choosing.

Parlaves ara també

You were also talking now.



de donar classes

of teaching classes

que, al final,

that, in the end,

hi ha la...

there is the...

no la llegenda, sinó la idea

not the legend, but the idea

o la veritat, millor dit,

or the truth, better said,

que cal molt sacrifici

that requires a lot of sacrifice

per arribar a ser

to become

un músic professional com cal.

a professional musician as it should be.

És a dir, moltes lliçons,

That is to say, many lessons,

moltes classes, molt tocar...

many classes, a lot of playing...

Però, en canvi, tu, tota l'estona,

But, on the other hand, you, all the time,

te n'ensmets que tu estàs sacrificat

You realize that you are sacrificed.

el just.

the just.

Sí, perquè sacrificar

Yes, because to sacrifice

no hi crec, en els sacrificis.

I don't believe in sacrifices.

Són esforços.

They are efforts.

El sacrifici seria fer una cosa

The sacrifice would be to do something.

que no et ve de gust per alguna raó.

that you don't feel like it for some reason.

Però és que a mi em ve de gust

But I feel like it.

millorar tocant el violí,

improve by playing the violin,

encara estudio cada dia.

I still study every day.

Llavors, què és un sacrifici?

So, what is a sacrifice?

No ho sé, sacrificar-se seria

I don't know, to sacrifice oneself would be

tirar-se un volcà per salvar la vida

to jump into a volcano to save one's life

del teu fill, potser sí, però inclús

of your son, maybe yes, but even

això és

this is

egoisme, perquè

selfishness, because

vols veure el teu fill viu

do you want to see your son alive

i a tu t'és igual morir-te per...

and to you it doesn't matter dying for...

Un sacrifici?

A sacrifice?



No he fet esforços.

I have not made efforts.

Exacte. Un sacrifici, esforç...

Exactly. A sacrifice, effort...

És molt difícil,

It is very difficult,

però si t'agrada...

but if you like it...

Per tant, tu dius,

Therefore, you say,

o sigui, no faig cap esforç

so, I don't make any effort

per ser un bon violinista, però

to be a good violinist, however

jo crec que això és una realitat empírica.

I believe that this is an empirical reality.

Ets un bon violinista, perquè

You are a good violinist, because

t'hi dediques, ets concertí a una

You dedicate yourself to it, you are a concertina to one.



Sóc resultón, diguem-ne.

I am good-looking, let's say.

Per tant, aleshores, pesa més el teu talent

Therefore, then, your talent weighs more.

innat, probablement,

innate, probably,

que no a l'haver-te passat hores fent escals,

that not having spent hours climbing,

i fent harmonies...

and making harmonies...

Sí. Suposo que hi ha un talent innat,

Yes. I suppose there is an innate talent,

però que deu ser la manera

but it must be the way

en què el teu cervell

in what your brain

processa i

processes and

escup les coses. O sigui,

spit things out. In other words,

molta gent que treballa més que jo

a lot of people who work more than I do

potser no arriba a tocar com jo.

maybe it doesn't reach to touch like I do.

I molta gent que treballa menys

And many people who work less.

que jo, toquen molt millor que jo.

that I, play much better than I do.

Jo què sé...

I don't know...

Agafes la Hillary Hunt,

You take the Hillary Hunt,

que per mi és un dels violinistes vius

who for me is one of the living violinists

més bèsties que hi ha hagut,

more beasts that have existed,

i aquesta tia ja tocava així,

and this girl already played like this,

als 12 anys. Jo als 12 anys era dibuixant

At 12 years old. I was a drawer at 12 years old.

humorístic, i si em dones un violí

humorous, and if you give me a violin

no tocaria com ella.

I wouldn't touch her.

Sí que deu haver-hi alguna cosa innata,

There must be something innate.

però deu ser

but it must be

un cervell dedicat

a dedicated brain

exclusivament a allò que troba

exclusively to that which it finds

les dresseres que un

the dressers that one

mortal normal, diguem, no troba

normal mortal, let's say, does not find

tan ràpid, que ha de fotre's

so fast that he has to screw himself

més hòsties contra la paret,

more hits against the wall,

i en canvi, un cervell privilegiat

and instead, a privileged brain

d'aquests troba la solució

find the solution to these

la segona vegada. Això no és així,

the second time. This is not the case,

el faig així, així funciona. Pum.

I do it like this, this is how it works. Boom.

Salvado, saps?

Saved, you know?

Poma S, salvada,

Apple S, saved,

i van aprenent així,

and they learn in this way,

i nosaltres som una mica més mortals,

and we are a little more mortal,

allò que ara toco bé,

that which I play well now,

però demà tocaré malament, perquè

but tomorrow I will play badly, because

no sé mai si aquesta nota em sortirà

I never know if this note will come out.

la primera o em sortirà la segona,

the first one will come out or the second one will come out,

però com que només tinc una ocasió

but since I only have one chance

de fer-la en públic i em posaré nerviós,

to do it in public and I'll get nervous,

doncs faré fa-fa-fa-fa

so I will make fa-fa-fa-fa

i em sortirà malament.

And it will go wrong for me.

Tot això, aquests genis,

All of this, these geniuses,

ja no els hi passa, això.

This doesn't happen to them anymore.

No posen en dubte que jo em puc equivocar.

They do not doubt that I can be mistaken.

Senzillament, ja controlen,

Simply put, they already control.

i nosaltres som més

and we are more



que dic jo.

What I'm saying.

Per tant,


ho tinc aquí anotat, no sé si a tu el que et passa

I have it noted here, I don't know if that's what's happening to you.

és que tens una mica el síndrome de l'impostor.

It's that you have a bit of imposter syndrome.

Sí, total.

Yes, totally.

És a dir, jo estic aquí, però en realitat no és el meu lloc.

That is to say, I am here, but in reality, this is not my place.

Encara no m'ho crec, no m'ho crec,

I still can't believe it, I can't believe it.

ser violinista, quina cosa.

Being a violinist, what a thing.

I aquí, estem en el teu estudi,

And here, we are in your studio,

però no veig el cartell de, recorda,

but I don't see the sign of, remember,

ets mediocre. Sí, ho tenia per aquí,

you are mediocre. Yes, I had it around here,

però el vaig canviar per si no tens d'afecte,

but I changed it in case you don't have feelings for it,

si no tens personalitat.

if you don't have a personality.

És un consell que li vaig donar a la meva filla

It's advice that I gave to my daughter.

quan es queixava de l'estat.

when he complained about the state.

És que sempre em surt això malament.

It's just that this always goes wrong for me.

És el teu estil, tu.

It's your style, you.

Al final és allò de no et refies d'algú que diu

In the end, it's the saying "don't trust someone who says."

que no s'equivoca mai.

that never makes mistakes.

Al final, tots som humans,

In the end, we are all human.

tots ens equivoquem,

we all make mistakes,

i és així. No sé si aquesta

And it is so. I don't know if this

actitud cap a la teva feina

attitude towards your work

i cap a la professió

and towards the profession

té a veure amb com

it has to do with how

es tracta els músics en aquest país.

It is about the musicians in this country.

Que és una cosa que tu també

What is something that you also

que tu dius a altres països

what you say to other countries

són figures

they are figures

super respectadíssimes, i la frase

super respected, and the phrase.

que jo m'he apuntat és

that I have signed up is

si al nostre país dius que ets músic

if in our country you say that you are a musician

et miren com si admetessis que tens

they look at you as if you admitted that you have

una malaltia contagiosa.

a contagious disease.

Sí, sí, sí. És bastant així.

Yes, yes, yes. It's pretty much like that.

Ah, no treballes així?

Ah, you don't work like that?

Només et dediques a la música?

Do you only focus on music?

Com aquella

Like that

la fàbula de la hormiga,

the fable of the ant,

la cigarra i la hormiga,

the grasshopper and the ant,

que està tot el dia tocant el violí.

that is playing the violin all day long.

Hòstia, però saps

Wow, but you know

les hores que necessito.

the hours that I need.

De vegades, també em sembla que ho dic en el llibre,

Sometimes, it also seems to me that I say it in the book,

un metge

a doctor

en molt menys temps és metge.

In much less time, he/she is a doctor.

I un violinista ha d'estar

And a violinist has to be

per poder

to be able to

dir, soc violinista i sé el que faig,

I mean, I am a violinist and I know what I'm doing,

mínim 10 anys

minimum 10 years

o 12, i després

or 12, and then

aquí és quan t'han donat

here is when they have given you

el carnet, com ha de conduir.

the license, how to drive.

Llavors, entra a l'autopista i

Then, enter the highway and

aprens tot el que encara et queda.

learn all that you still have left.

O sigui, amb 15 o 20 anys

That is, at 15 or 20 years old.

potser arribes a ser un bon professional.

perhaps you could become a good professional.

I a partir d'aquí, llavors,

And from here, then,

sempre vas aprenent, però ja tens

you are always learning, but you already have

un bagatge per poder

a baggage to be able

exercir la professió, però és molt heavy.

to exercise the profession, but it's very intense.

Sí, bueno, em sembla que

Yes, well, it seems to me that

el símil que fas és que

the analogy you make is that

a conduir se n'aprèn conduint

One learns to drive by driving.

a la carretera, no a l'autoscola.

On the road, not at the driving school.

A l'autoscola aprens a aprovar l'examen.

At the driving school, you learn to pass the exam.

I suposo que és una mica això.

I suppose that's a bit it.

A l'acadèmia aprens a dir

At the academy, you learn to say

que hi tens el títol

that you have the title

de músic o de violinista o el que sigui,

of musician or violinist or whatever,

però ara...

but now...

I de fet, això del títol és bastant enganyí.

And in fact, this title is quite misleading.

Jo no tinc el títol, en veritat.

I don't really have the title.

Jo tinc el violí

I have the violin.

perquè vaig fer els cursos

because I took the courses

i el solfeig i

and the solfeggio and

cant coral perquè vaig fer uns anys

I sang in a choir a few years ago.

de cant coral. Però vull dir que

of choral singing. But I mean that

et falten moltes assignatures que jo vaig dir

you are missing many subjects that I mentioned

escolta, no tinc gaire temps d'història,

Listen, I don't have much time for history,

de la música, no sé què...

about the music, I don't know what...

Coses que no em venien

Things that didn't come to me.

de gust. Jo volia tocar el violí i no en sabia.

Gladly. I wanted to play the violin and I didn't know how.

Llavors, vull més hores per mi.

Then, I want more hours for myself.

No vull anar allà a classe tot el dia

I don't want to go there to class all day.

i a exàmens. Llavors, no tinc

And for exams. So, I don't have

el títol i moltes vegades passa que

the title and many times it happens that

els que no tenen el títol és perquè

those who do not have the title is because

han après a tocar.

they have learned to play.

I els que tenen el títol han après a tenir

And those who have the title have learned to have.

títol. Han après a provar. L'Alicia de la Rocha

Title. They have learned to prove. Alicia de la Rocha.

no tenia títol. Si la volies posar

It had no title. If you wanted to put it.

en el Conservatori de Sant Cugat no l'hi haguessin deixat.

At the Conservatory of Sant Cugat, they wouldn't have let him/her do it.

Oh, vostè no té el títol, no pot donar classes

Oh, you don't have the degree, you can't teach classes.

aquí, saps? I molta gent.

here, you know? And a lot of people.

I posats a no tenir, no tenien ni

And when it came to having nothing, they had not even

les mans que s'espera d'un pianista.

the hands that are expected of a pianist.

Ni les mans adequades. Clar, clar. Li deien

Not the right hands. Of course, of course. They told him.

Manina perquè tenia la mà petita.

Little hand because I had a small hand.

Clar, clar. Has parlat

Sure, sure. You've spoken.

ja, has mencionat diverses vegades

yes, you have mentioned several times

que a part de

that apart from

intèrpret, dibuixes,

interpreter, you draw,

escrius, també

you write, too

composes, en realitat

composes, in reality

tancarem aquesta conversa

we will close this conversation

escoltant un tema

listening to a song

que m'agradaria que comentessis, que és

that I would like you to comment on, what it is

el concert per telèfon mòbil

the concert by mobile phone

i orquestra. Sí, sí, això

and orchestra. Yes, yes, this

ho vaig fer una tarda. Jo sempre

I did it one afternoon. I always

dic, les coses que val la pena

I say, the things that are worth it.

faig-les amb una tarda, perquè

I do them in an afternoon, because

si no l'endemà ja fa un any de tornar

If not, the day after tomorrow it will be a year since returning.

a arrempendre. I vaig tancar-me una tarda,

to regret. And I closed myself off one afternoon,

vaig agafar totes les melodies que tenia

I took all the melodies I had.

llavors, que em sembla

so, what do I think?

que era l'any 2000 o així,

that was the year 2000 or so,

d'un Nokia que tenia, els vaig

from a Nokia I had, I gave them

samplejar amb el micro,

sampling with the mic,

els vaig guardar

I kept them.

i llavors els vaig posar totes en fila

And then I put them all in a row.

i vaig anar orquestant.

I went orchestrating.

I ara, qui quedaria bé això? Ara fa

And now, who would look good in this? It's been a while.

ta-ra-ri-ta-ti-ta-ta, llavors haig de modular

ta-ra-ri-ta-ti-ta-ta, then I have to modulate

i vaig fer amb MIDI,

I made it with MIDI,

amb ordinador, vaig fer

with a computer, I did

un concert de mòbil

a mobile concert

i va estar en un calaix,

and it was in a drawer,

bueno, un calaix, la partitura

Well, a drawer, the sheet music.

i l'MP3

and the MP3

i l'àudio, doncs el tenia jo.

And the audio, well I had it.

Jo per enviar-li amics, i li vaig enviar

I sent him friends, and I sent him.

al Feliu Gasull, un amic meu que és

to Feliu Gasull, a friend of mine who is

guitarrista, per fer-li

guitarist, to do it for him

la conya. De fet, em sembla que el vaig escriure

the joke. In fact, I think I wrote it.

pel Feliu. Vaig dir, mira, t'hi he fet un

for Feliu. I said, look, I've made you one

concert per mòbil. I resulta

concert by mobile. And it turns out

que després, ara,

that later, now,

em van dir

they told me

el concert de balsos i

the concert of waltzes and

polques de cap d'any de l'Orquestra

New Year's Eve ticks of the Orchestra

Sinfonica de Sant Cugat, si tens

Sant Cugat Symphony, if you have.

alguna idea, dic, hòstia, doncs

any idea, I mean, damn, well

tinc un concert per mòbil, que pot ser

I have a concert on my phone, what could it be?

que fa riure en directe.

which is funny live.

I llavors, com que ho tenia fet,

And then, since I had done it,

en MIDI, jo no tenia ni

In MIDI, I didn't have either.

tècnica, ni paciència

technique, nor patience

per orquestrar-ho, per

to orchestrate it, for

exactament l'orquestra que és,

exactly the orchestra that it is,

que hi ha més instruments dels que jo vaig

that there are more instruments than the ones I go for

fer en el MIDI, li vam donar

to make in the MIDI, we gave him/her

en el Bozzo,

in the Bozzo,

com es diu de nom? Mai em surt

What is your name? I can never remember it.

el nom. David Bozzo.

the name. David Bozzo.

David Bozzo, que va fer l'orquestació.

David Bozzo, who did the orchestration.

I el vam tocar

And we touched him.

en directe. I, esclar, el difícil

live. And, of course, the difficult

era tocar els sons

it was to play the sounds

amb el mòbil en el moment en què

with the mobile at the moment when

tocava, perquè jo vaig

it was my turn, because I go

fer una partitura de mòbil

make a mobile score

i quan em tocava

and when it was my turn

apretava i hi havia un retard, i de vegades

it pressed and there was a delay, and sometimes

arribava a estar, i era molt perillós.

it was arriving, and it was very dangerous.

És més difícil que tocar en directe

It's harder than playing live.

un violí. Clar, clar, el violí

a violin. Of course, of course, the violin

sona quan tu vols i el botó a vegades

it rings when you want and the button sometimes

es penja o... Però va

It hangs or... But come on.

fer riure, que és el que es tracta.

to make laugh, which is what it's all about.

I que al final em dona la sensació

And in the end it gives me the feeling

i amb això ja tanquem i

and with that we're done and

escoltarem la peça, que és

we will listen to the piece, which is

potser el leitmòtic de la teva

maybe the leitmotif of your

vida, no? Fer riure. Sí,

life, right? Makes you laugh. Yes,

sí, sí, sí. Fer riure?

Yes, yes, yes. Make you laugh?

Riure o riure? O les dues coses.

Laugh or laugh? Or both things.

Riure. Si fas

Laugh. If you do

riure a la gent acabes rient, perquè

laughing at people ends up making you laugh, because

se t'encomana. De petit era molt feliç

You are entrusted. As a child, he was very happy.

i algú em reia una gràcia. I llavors

and someone was laughing at me. And then

això et va alimentant,

this feeds you,

si faig això, aquell riurà.

If I do this, that one will laugh.

I llavors tornes

And then you return.

un pallasso, bardegí,

a clown, bardegí,

deje de hacer el tonto, y atienda en clase.

Stop fooling around and pay attention in class.

Com el

Like him

enyorat Rubianes, no? Sí.

Missed Rubianes, huh? Yes.

Doncs escolta'm, Pere, moltíssimes

Well listen to me, Pere, thank you very much.

gràcies per accedir

thank you for accessing

a parlar amb nosaltres.

to talk with us.

I com dèiem, ens acomiadem

And as we said, we say goodbye.

escoltant el concert per telèfon

listening to the concert on the phone

mòbil i orquestra. Molt bé. Doncs gràcies

Mobile and orchestra. Very good. So thank you.

a tu per fer-me cas.

to you for listening to me.

Més faltaria. Gràcies.

More would be missing. Thank you.


Thank you.

Bona nit.

Good night.

La secció del Marc,

The section of the Mark,

els Rotacions 2.0.

the Rotations 2.0.

Doncs continuem amb el podcast

So let's continue with the podcast.

i ho fem com sempre amb la secció del Marc,

and we do it as always with Marc's section,

que ja tenim aquí,

that we already have here,

i de què ens parles avui, Marc?

And what are you talking to us about today, Marc?

Hola, avui us vull parlar

Hello, today I want to talk to you.

de la sèrie de llibres Amant de Blac.

from the book series Lover of Blac.

Ah, llibres, perfecte. Endavant, endavant.

Ah, books, perfect. Go ahead, go ahead.

Amant de Blac és una sèrie de sis llibres,

Lover of Blac is a series of six books.

com en veniu fins ara,

how are you coming until now,

escrita per Juan Gómez Jurado

written by Juan Gómez Jurado

i Bàrbara Montes,

and Bárbara Montes,

dirigida a un públic jove

targeted at a young audience

i plena de misteris i aventures.

and full of mysteries and adventures.

Si em permets que t'interrompi,

If you'll allow me to interrupt you,

vull dir que Juan Gómez Jurado,

I mean that Juan Gómez Jurado,

a part d'escriptor d'Amant de Blac

in addition to being the writer of Amant de Blac

i de la sèrie Supervendes Reina Roja,

and from the series Superventas Reina Roja,

és membre de dos podcasts,

He is a member of two podcasts.

Aquí hay dragones y todo poderosos,

Here there are dragons and all powerful,

que, entre moltes altres coses,

that, among many other things,

han servit d'inspiració perquè existeixi

they have served as inspiration for its existence

el podcast Rotacions.

the podcast Rotacions.

I bé, ja que parlem d'ell, doncs ho volia aprofitar.

And well, since we are talking about him, I wanted to take advantage of it.

Perdona que t'he interromput.

Sorry for interrupting you.

Continua. Explica'ns, qui és Amant de Blac?

Continue. Tell us, who is Amant de Blac?

Cap problema.

No problem.

Amant de Blac és una noia de 13 anys

Blac's lover is a 13-year-old girl.

que viu amb la seva tieta

who lives with her aunt

a un petit apartament

to a small apartment

fins que rep una carta

until she receives a letter

que li diu que té dret a l'herència dels seus pares,

that tells him that he has the right to his parents' inheritance,

que no són qui ella es pensava.

that they are not who she thought they were.

Aquesta herència

This inheritance

inclou una casa enorme,

includes a huge house,

la mansió Blac,

the Blac mansion,

i tots els secrets que aquesta casa amaga.

and all the secrets that this house hides.

Ostres, com a presentació

Wow, what a presentation!

és interessantíssima.

It is very interesting.

Dóna ganes de saber més.

It makes you want to know more.

Dius que els seus pares no són qui ella es pensava?

You say that her parents are not who she thought they were?

Exacte. Els seus pares van morir

Exactly. His parents died.

quan ella era una 2.

when she was a 2.

I ha estat visquent amb la tieta

I have been living with my aunt.

i passant-ho malament

and having a hard time

per arribar a final de mes.

to make ends meet.

I de sobte descobreix

And suddenly he/she discovers

que els seus pares tenien una mansió

that their parents had a mansion

i diners i secrets.

and money and secrets.

Secrets que imagino que no es poden explicar.

Secrets that I imagine cannot be explained.

Millor que no.

Better not.

Doncs centrem-nos en el que sí que es pot explicar.

So let's focus on what can indeed be explained.

De moment ens has parlat de l'Amanda

For now, you have talked to us about Amanda.

i de la seva tieta.

and from her aunt.

Hi ha més personatges habituals?

Are there more regular characters?

Sí, està el seu millor amic, l'Eric.

Yes, his best friend, Eric, is here.

Són companys del col·legi.

They are schoolmates.

És molt llest, com ella,

He is very clever, like her.

i l'ajuda a resoldre els misteris

and helps him solve the mysteries

amb els que es troben a cada llibre.

with those found in each book.

I després està en Benson,

And then he is in Benson,

el majordom de la mansió Blac.

the butler of the Blac mansion.

Sembla que coneix tots els secrets

It seems that he/she knows all the secrets.

de la família Blac

of the Blac family

i ajuda a resoldre els misteris.

and helps to solve the mysteries.

I ajuda a resoldre els misteris.

It helps to solve the mysteries.

A l'Amanda, en totes les seves aventures.

To Amanda, in all her adventures.

Però l'Amanda és una nena normal i corrent, no?

But Amanda is an ordinary girl, isn't she?

Bé, fins que rep la carta

Well, until she receives the letter.

amb l'herència, sembla que sí.

With the inheritance, it seems that yes.

Però quan compleix 13 anys,

But when he turns 13 years old,

comença a notar canvis

starts to notice changes

en el seu cos.

in his body.

I no parlo dels canvis normals

And I am not talking about normal changes.

de l'adolescència, sinó

of adolescence, but

que de sobte nota que es torna

that suddenly feels it is turning

més forta, més àgil,

stronger, more agile,

més hiesta, etcètera.

more or less, etcetera.

Ostres, que interessant tot.

Wow, how interesting everything is.

Has parlat de personatges bons

You have talked about good characters.

i n'hi ha d'adolents?

Are there any mourners?

Sí, l'Irma

Yes, Irma.

Dagon, la pitjor

Dagon, the worst

en amiga de la mare de l'Amanda

in the mother of Amanda's friend

i ara d'ella.

And now about her.

És la jefa d'una organització

She is the head of an organization.

que vol robar els secrets

that wants to steal the secrets

amagats a la Mansió Blanc.

hidden in the White Mansion.

Vaja, vaja. I has dit

Well, well. And you have said.

que hi ha sis llibres fins ara. Quins són?

There are six books so far. Which ones are they?

Per ordre són

In order they are

Una herència perillosa,

A dangerous inheritance,

L'amulet perdut,

The lost amulet,

L'últim minut,

The last minute,

La campana dejada,

The abandoned bell,

El toxapulcral

The toxapulcral

i La maledicció del Nil.

And the curse of the Nile.

I si ho entenc bé, cada llibre

And if I understand it correctly, each book.

és una petita aventura però tots junts

it's a small adventure but together

van explicant la història dels Blancs.

They are telling the story of the Whites.

Ho has entès perfectament.

You have understood perfectly.

Cada llibre explica una història

Every book tells a story.

que comença i acaba.

that begins and ends.

Normalment té a veure amb un objecte

It usually has to do with an object.

perillós amagat a la Mansió Blanc.

danger hidden in the White Mansion.

Però al mateix temps, tots els

But at the same time, all the

llibres junts es van

books together go

explicant una història.

telling a story.

La de la família Blanc.

The one from the Blanc family.

Ens van donant informació

They were giving us information.

sobre l'Amanda, els seus pares,

about Amanda, her parents,

les coses que saben

the things they know

el Benson i la tieta Paula

Benson and Aunt Paula

sobre els secrets de la família,

about the family's secrets,

els objectes i secrets

the objects and secrets

que s'amaguen a la Mansió.

that are hidden in the Mansion.

I que suposo que millor que no ens els expliquis

And I suppose it's better if you don't explain them to us.

per no fer espòilers, no?

to avoid spoilers, right?

Exacte. Millor que els oients

Exactly. Better than the listeners.

llegeixin els llibres,

read the books,

que són molt emocionants i entretinguts

that are very exciting and entertaining

i sempre tens ganes

and you always feel like it

de saber què passarà després.

to know what will happen next.

I a més, són divertits.

And besides, they are fun.

Així aniran

This is how they will go.

descobrint els secrets

discovering the secrets

d'Amanda i els Blancs.

of Amanda and the Whites.

Tal com ens els van explicant

As they explain it to us.

el Juan Gómez Jurado

Juan Gómez Jurado

i la Bàrbara Montes.

and Barbara Montes.

Ah, i també hi ha un

Ah, and there is also a

Escape Book, que és una aventura

Escape Book, which is an adventure

en la que has d'anar

in which you have to go

resolent enigmes i problemes

solving enigmas and problems

per anar avançant en la història.

to move forward in the story.

Superdivertit. Perfecte.

Super fun. Perfect.

Doncs ja sabeu, a llegir Amanda Blanc

Well, you know, read Amanda Blanc.

i el que sigui. Gràcies, Marc.

And whatever it is. Thank you, Marc.

De res. Adeu. Adeu.

You're welcome. Goodbye. Goodbye.

I a la part final del podcast

And at the end of the podcast

torno a la meva secció

I return to my section.

Recomanació Vintage,

Vintage Recommendation,

en la que us parlo de pel·lícules

in which I talk to you about movies

que m'han agradat molt al llarg de la meva vida

that I have really enjoyed throughout my life

i que potser estan una mica oblidades.

and perhaps they are a little forgotten.

Avui us parlaré

Today I will talk to you.

de Paint Your Wagon.

from Paint Your Wagon.

Paint Your Wagon

Paint Your Wagon

No seria estrany que molts de vosaltres

It wouldn't be strange if many of you

no hagueu identificat quina pel·lícula

you have not identified which movie

és Paint Your Wagon, que es podria

It's Paint Your Wagon, which could be

traduir literalment com a

translate literally as a

Pinta la teva carreta. Perquè

Paint your cart. Because

quan es va estrenar, l'any 1969,

when it premiered, in 1969,

a Espanya, els responsables

In Spain, those responsible.

de posar-li el títol en espanyol van decidir

to give it the title in Spanish they decided

que ells sabien més que els autors

that they knew more than the authors

i que millorarien el títol.

and that would improve the title.

La van anomenar

They named her.

La leyenda de la ciudad sin nombre.

The legend of the nameless city.

Dels títols de pel·lis en espanyol

Of movie titles in Spanish

que no tenen res a veure amb el seu títol original,

that have nothing to do with their original title,

en podríem fer un podcast monogràfic

we could make a monographic podcast about it

amb exemples com

with examples such as

Com fa el dese a lo loco,

How does he do it crazy-style,

Atrapado en el tiempo,

Trapped in time,

The Groundhog Day,

The Groundhog Day,

o Mejor solo que mal acompañado,

or better alone than in bad company,

Planes, Trains and Automobiles.

Planes, trens i automòbils.

Però millor centrem-nos en

But let's focus on

Paint Your Wagon.

Paint Your Wagon.

Paint Your Wagon

Paint Your Wagon

Com us deia, Paint Your Wagon és una pel·lícula de 1969

As I was saying, Paint Your Wagon is a 1969 film.

basada en el musical del mateix títol,

based on the musical of the same title,

escrit per Alan J. Lerner i Frederick Loewy.

written by Alan J. Lerner and Frederick Loewy.

Per ella, responsable de moltíssims musicals,

For her, responsible for countless musicals,

entre els quals el més conegut és My Fair Lady.

among which the most well-known is My Fair Lady.

La pel·lícula la va dirigir Joshua Logan,

The movie was directed by Joshua Logan.

en realitat va ser la seva darrera pel·lícula,

in fact, it was his last film,

i ens explica la creació, auge i decliu

and explains to us the creation, rise, and decline

d'una ciutat creada i destruïda per buscadors d'or.

of a city created and destroyed by gold seekers.

Una ciutat sense llei i sense nom,

A city without law and without name,

en la que el conflicte es generarà per la manca de dones.

in which the conflict will be generated due to the lack of women.

En realitat, tot el tema de les dones es tracta d'una manera

In reality, the whole issue of women is addressed in a certain way.

que potser avui en dia no estaria ben vista,

that perhaps nowadays would not be well regarded,

però no hem d'oblidar l'època en la que està feta

but we must not forget the era in which it was made

i l'esperit còmic de tota la pel·li.

and the comic spirit of the whole film.

Però vaja, que es tracten temes com la bigàmia i la prostitució

But anyway, topics such as bigamy and prostitution are addressed.

de manera realment alegre.

in a truly happy way.

La pel·lícula es va dirigir Joshua Logan,

The film was directed by Joshua Logan.

en realitat va ser la seva darrera pel·lícula.

In reality, it was his last film.

En realitat, tot el tema de les dones es tracta d'una manera

In reality, the whole issue of women is treated in a certain way.

que potser avui en dia no estaria ben vista,

that perhaps nowadays would not be well regarded,

però en realitat va ser la seva dada per la people Fallece.

but in reality it was her information for the people Dies.



que ho va conèixer a 15 경yan времени.

that he met it at 15:00.

Cre Period, diluïabeva la pel·lícula

Cre Period, the movie was diluted.

fehヤ Damon,

fehヤ Damon,

no era una pel·lícula negativa,

it was not a negative movie,

que no es Munich.

that is not Munich.

Quan es va dir que contains per fer una pel·lícula amb una peça de Windows,

When it was said that you need to have a piece of Windows to make a movie,

рассказava que-

was telling that-

Bona nit.

Good night.

El fet que la Jane Seberg sigui l'única dona de la ciutat

The fact that Jane Seberg is the only woman in the city.

provoca situacions tenses amb el gelós Lee Marvin,

provokes tense situations with the jealous Lee Marvin,

que per evitar les temptacions dels seus conciutadans

to avoid the temptations of his fellow citizens

decideix organitzar l'arribada a la ciutat

decide to organize the arrival in the city

d'una diligència plena de prostitutes

from a carriage full of prostitutes

perquè els perruquians estiguin distrets.

so that the hairdressers are entertained.

Com veieu, tot políticament incorrecte.

As you can see, everything is politically incorrect.

I no només per això,

And not only for that,

sinó perquè en Lee Marvin i el Clint Eastwood

but because of Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood

comparteixen, així ho diuen literalment,

they share, that is literally what they say,

a la Jane Seberg,

in the style of Jane Seberg,

que afirma que els estima a tots dos.

that claims to love both of them.

Ara se li diu poliamor, això, crec.

Now it is called polyamory, this, I think.

Tot aquest ambient pecaminós

All this sinful atmosphere

fa que arribi un predicador a intentar fer

makes a preacher come to try to make

que els pecadors corregeixin la seva manera

that sinners change their ways

de viure, i fracassant, of course.

of living, and failing, of course.

You wanna see sin of the wickedest kind?

Do you want to see a sin of the wickedest kind?

Here it is.

Here it is.

You wanna see virtue left behind?

Do you want to see virtue left behind?

Here it is.

Here it is.

Sodom was vice and vice versa.

Sodom was vice and vice versa.

You wanna see where the vice is worse?

Do you want to see where the vice is worse?

Here it is.

Here it is.

I mean, here it is.

I mean, here it is.

You wanna live life in the rottenest way?

Do you want to live life in the most rotten way?

Here it is.

Here it is.

Women and whiskey, night and day.

Women and whiskey, night and day.

Here it is.

Here it is.

You wanna embrace the golden calf,

You want to embrace the golden calf,

ankle and thigh and upper half?

ankle and thigh and upper half?

Here it is.

Here it is.

I mean, here it is.

I mean, here it is.

No name city, no name city.

No name city, no name city.

The Lord don't like it here.

The Lord doesn't like it here.

No name city, no name city.

No name city, no name city.

Your reckoning day is near.

The day of your reckoning is near.

No name city, no name city.

No name city, no name city.

Here's what he's gonna do.

Aquí està el que ell farà.

Gobble up this town and swallow it.

Gobble up this town and swallow it.

No name city, no name city.

No name city, no name city.

Swallow it down and goodbye to you.

Swallow it down and goodbye to you.

Will you go to heaven, will you go to hell?

Will you go to heaven, will you go to hell?

Go to hell.

Vete al infierno.

Either it can't...

O bé no pot...

Per una sèrie de circumstàncies que és millor que descobriu a la pel·li,

Due to a series of circumstances that it's better for you to discover in the movie,

la ciutat sense nom acaba totalment destruïda,

the nameless city ends up completely destroyed,

però la gent cíber i en Clint Eastwood volen seguir vivint allà.

but the cyber people and Clint Eastwood want to keep living there.

En Lee Marvin diu que ell no,

Lee Marvin says that he doesn't.

que no ha sigut mai persona de crear arrels

who has never been a person to create roots

i que prefereix seguir movent-se,

and prefers to keep moving,

deixant a la parella jove que visqui la seva vida sense ell.

leaving the young couple to live their life without him.

I aleshores canta la cançó,

And then sings the song,

amb la que acabem l'actual podcast,

with which we conclude the current podcast,

i que és un d'aquells temes que em fan pensar en els seus compositors.

And it's one of those topics that makes me think of its composers.

Gent que un dia pel matí es desperten,

People who one morning wake up,

es posen a treballar

they start working

i escriuen una obra mestra com aquesta,

and they write a masterpiece like this,

Wandering Star.

Wandering Star.

L'àudio es seriaetto,

The audio is serious.

si volen que vegin,

if they want them to see,

avui podem pandementi membrat.

Today we can manage the membership.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Ja s'ha acabat.

It has ended.

Hem arribat al final del podcast

We have reached the end of the podcast.

amb aquesta Wondering Star.

with this Wondering Star.

A nosaltres també ens agrada pensar

We also like to think.

que som estrelles viatgeres,

that we are traveling stars,

però viatjarem i tornarem aquí

but we will travel and return here

amb un proper podcast

with an upcoming podcast

que esperem que us hagi agradat tant com aquest.

We hope you liked it as much as this one.

Vinga, fins la propera. Adéu.

Come on, until next time. Goodbye.

Bona nit.

Good night.

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