4 plans per confinar-se al Penedès

El podcast de Prettywines

El podcast de Prettywines

4 plans per confinar-se al Penedès

El podcast de Prettywines

Els dimecres de bon matí ens servim una copeta de vi i la fem petar amb la Núria Martí.

On Wednesday mornings, we pour ourselves a glass of wine and chat with Núria Martí.

Dimecres sí, dimecres no, tenim una sana costum i és arrencar el matí amb els pretty wines,

Wednesday yes, Wednesday no, we have a healthy habit and that is to start the morning with pretty wines.

amb aquesta tertúlia sempre acompanyada d'una copeta de vi o d'escomós i la Núria Martí.

with this gathering always accompanied by a glass of wine or escomós and Núria Martí.

Avui també. Núria, bon dia.

Today as well. Núria, good morning.

Bon dia, com esteu?

Good morning, how are you?

Mira, una mica encostipats encara i amb veu de moc.

Look, a bit stuffy still and with a stuffed-up voice.

Una mica també, oi?

A little bit too, right?

Ja en som dues.

Now there are two of us.

De fet, avui us volia parlar d'això, del tema del moment.

In fact, today I wanted to talk to you about this, about the topic of the moment.

Vaig estar pensant de si fer un programa especial pel típic programa del Dia de la Dona,

I was thinking about whether to create a special program for the typical Women's Day program,

però crec que ja ho vam fer l'any passat i l'altre i l'altre i l'altre,

but I think we already did it last year and the year before and the year before that,

i llavors vaig pensar, no ho farem.

And then I thought, we won't do it.

Parlarem del coronavirus, que és això, el tema que cada dia obre els informatius.

We will talk about the coronavirus, which is the topic that opens the news every day.

Vols parlar de virus?

Do you want to talk about viruses?

Vull parlar de virus, va.

I want to talk about viruses, come on.

Perquè saps què m'ha passat aquesta setmana?

Because you know what happened to me this week?

Que em vaig començar a plantejar el tema de les vacances de Setmana Santa,

That I started to consider the topic of the Easter holidays,

allò que dèiem d'aquelles set setmanes de cuaresma abans de les vacances.

What we said about those seven weeks of Lent before the holidays.

Vas teixant setmana a setmana o què?

Are you weaving week by week or what?



Vaig començar a mirar vols, a mirar destins, a mirar bitllets de tren, d'avió...

I started looking at flights, looking at destinations, looking at train tickets, plane tickets...

No et fa por?

Aren't you scared?

I em vaig adonar d'una cosa, que així com està el món, on vas?

I realized one thing, with the state of the world, where are you going?

Perquè d'aquí set setmanes...

Because in seven weeks...

Qui sap.

Who knows.

Qui sap on estarà el focus d'aquest virus.

Who knows where the source of this virus will be.

Llavors vaig arribar a una conclusió que, saps què?

Then I came to a conclusion that, you know what?

Doncs que el millor, el millor, el millor és quedar-se a casa.

Well, the best, the best, the best is to stay at home.

Et quedes al penedís.

You stay at the penitentiary.

Em quedo a casa.

I'm staying at home.

I això és el que us porto avui.

And this is what I bring you today.

És el pla perfecte de confinament al penedès.

It's the perfect confinement plan in Penedès.

L'he anomenat un PPCP.

I have named it a PPCP.

Fa por, eh, aquesta sigla?

It's scary, isn't it, this acronym?

No, us porto això.

No, I'll bring you this.

He decidit portar quatre propostes de...

I have decided to bring four proposals for...

Podríem dir de turisme intern, no?

We could say internal tourism, right?

O sigui, quatre plans per confinar-nos al penedès.

So, four plans to confine us in Penedès.

Em sembla bé.

I think it's fine.



I tant, i tant.

Of course, of course.

Em confino, no hi ha cap problema, eh?

I'm isolating myself, there's no problem, right?

Doncs va, el primer...

Well then, the first...

El primer pla és per a aquells que tenien ganes d'anar al Japó

The first plan is for those who wanted to go to Japan.

i han decidit quedar-se a casa.

They have decided to stay at home.

Sabem que al Japó, a aquesta època, març-abril,

We know that in Japan, at this time, March-April,

hi ha una tradició, una festa molt famosa,

there is a tradition, a very famous festival,

que és el tema del boom, no?

What is the theme of the boom, right?

És un boom turístic bastant important,

It's a quite significant tourist boom.

que és el tema dels cirerers amb flom.

What is the topic of cherry trees with flom?



És impressionant.

It is impressive.

A més a més, allà al Japó, això té lloc març-abril,

Furthermore, there in Japan, this takes place in March-April,

i li diuen al Hanami.

and it's called Hanami.

Que el Hanami,

That the Hanami,

la traducció al català, diguéssim,

the translation into Catalan, let's say,

seria un pícnic a començament de primavera

it would be a picnic at the beginning of spring

per admirar els cirerers amb flors.

to admire the cherry trees in bloom.

Tot això vol dir?

What does all this mean?




Goodness gracious.

I això és el que fan els japonesos.

And this is what the Japanese do.

Estan pendents d'aquest moment precís.

They are waiting for this precise moment.

De fet, quan fan la previsió del temps,

In fact, when they forecast the weather,

ja hi ha un mapa, no?,

There's already a map, right?

amb la previsió del blooming, no?,

with the forecast of blooming, right?

que seria com l'esclat del cirerer.

that would be like the bursting of the cherry tree.

Que bo.

How good.


Of that.

Hi ha el mapa, això, del Hanami, no?

There is the map, this, of the Hanami, right?

El Hanami, al Japó, ja us dic, és una festa.

Hanami, in Japan, I tell you, is a festival.

Són festes ja molt massives, com aquell que hi diu.

They are already very massive festivals, as one might say.

O sigui, realment, si ho busqueu al Google i hi poseu Hanami,

So, really, if you search for it on Google and type Hanami,

veureu que hi ha com un munt de gent assentada a sota els cirerers.

You will see that there is quite a crowd sitting under the cherry trees.

Però no allò en plan bucòlic d'un cirerer i una parelleta a sota,

But not that bucolic scene of a cherry tree and a couple underneath it,

sinó en plan multituds.

but in a crowd-like manner.

Multituds, no?

Crowds, right?

Però bé, és el que és això, no?, el Hanami.

But well, that's what it is, right?, the Hanami.

I és una cosa que realment a nivell turístic mou molta, molta gent

And it is something that really attracts a lot, a lot of people at a tourist level.

que va expressament al Japó a aquestes èpoques a veure el Hanami, no?

You're going to Japan specifically at this time to see the Hanami, right?

Per tant, mou molts diners, també.

Therefore, it moves a lot of money, too.



Clar, aquest any no sé què passarà, no?

Sure, this year I don't know what will happen, right?

Espanya, diguéssim, si parlo anar tan lluny,

Spain, let's say, if I talk about going so far,

Espanya ja és també molt famós al Valle del Jerte.

Spain is also very famous in the Jerte Valley.

És veritat.

It's true.

A Extremadura.

To Extremadura.

I aquí a Catalunya, des de fa un parell d'anys,

And here in Catalonia, for the past couple of years,

també que les comarques de Lleida, que tenen molts arbres fruiters,

also that the regions of Lleida, which have many fruit trees,

també ho estan explotant turísticament, no?

They are also exploiting it for tourism, right?

Sobretot, ja et dic, a Aitona, aquestes zones més de Lleida.

Above all, I tell you, in Aitona, these areas more in Lleida.

Perquè és una cosa també, ara que està tan de moda el postureig,

Because it is something, now that posing is so fashionable,

és una cosa molt instagramable, no?

It's a very Instagrammable thing, isn't it?

Realment són fotos molt boniques, no?

They are really beautiful photos, aren't they?

Però, clar, us he explicat que a Catalunya,

But, of course, I have explained to you that in Catalonia,

us he explicat això, al Japó, Jerez, Lleida...

I have explained this to you, in Japan, Jerez, Lleida...

Continua sent lluny.

It continues to be far away.

Ai, Jerez, he dit Jerte, no, Jerte.

Oh, Jerez, I said Jerte, no, Jerte.

Però recordem, estem confinats a casa

But remember, we are confined at home.

i no podem anar ni a Aitona, ni a Cabezuela del Valle,

and we cannot go to either Aitona or Cabezuela del Valle,

ni molt menys al Japó.

not even close in Japan.

Per tant, el que farem serà anar ara aquí a casa nostra,

Therefore, what we will do is go now here to our home,

perquè jo no sé, Sílvia, si tu has començat a voltar una mica

because I don't know, Sílvia, if you have started to wander a bit

per aquestes carreteres que tenim aquí, que...

for these roads that we have here, that...

He vist la florida del Prèssec.

I have seen the blooming of the Peach.

Has vist la florida del Prèssec, això és el que et anava a dir, no?

Have you seen the Peach blossom, that's what I was going to tell you, right?

És a dir, aquí també...

That is to say, here as well...

Aquí també tenim un fenomen molt bonic,

Here we also have a very beautiful phenomenon,

que és que, de cop i volta, aquests camps de vinyes,

what is it that, all of a sudden, these vineyards,

els hi surten com uns bolets roses, no?, que són els presseguers.

They come out like pink mushrooms, right?, which are the peach trees.

I justament aquest cap de setmana,

just this weekend,

l'Oficina de Turisme de Sobirans organitza això,

The Sobirans Tourist Office organizes this,

organitza unes sortides per anar a veure els presseguers florits.

organizes trips to go see the blossoming peach trees.

I no seran tan multitudinàries com els cigarrers del Japó.

And they will not be as numerous as the cigar makers of Japan.

No seran, exacte.

They will not be, exactly.

I aquí sí que podreu fer, jo crec, la imatge bucòlica aquesta

And here you will indeed be able to create, I believe, this bucolic image.

de fer una copeta de dia sota...

to have a little drink during the day under...

D'un presseguer florit, eh?

From a blossoming peach tree, huh?

Recordeu que això ho organitza...

Remember that this is organized by...

Turisme de Sobirans.

Sobirans Tourism.

Turisme de Sobirans, tant dissabte com diumenge,

Sobirans Tourism, both Saturday and Sunday,

i faran unes rutes d'uns 4 quilòmetres,

and they will make routes of about 4 kilometers,

vull dir que més o menys tothom ho pot assumir,

I mean that more or less everyone can take it on.

i jo crec que pot ser molt bonic,

and I think it can be very beautiful,

i és una manera, doncs, d'això, de confinar-nos a casa

And it is a way, therefore, of this, to confine ourselves at home.

i no haver d'anar a l'altra punta del món

and not having to go to the other side of the world

a veure com floreixen els cigarrers.

let's see how the tobacco plants bloom.

La vaig fer l'any passat i és molt xula.

I did it last year and it's really cool.



Molt recomanable.

Highly recommended.

Bé, recomanació per aquest cap de setmana.

Well, recommendation for this weekend.


Come on.

Seguim confinats.

We are still confined.

Sabem, un altre motiu de viatge de molta gent

We know, another reason for travel for many people.

és el tema gastronòmic, d'acord?

It's the gastronomic theme, alright?

És a dir, quan viatgem, un dels motius que tenim,

That is to say, when we travel, one of the reasons we have,

hi ha molta gent, sobretot dins la classe benestant,

there are many people, especially within the wealthy class,

que el que fan, el que són, és ser recolectors d'estrelles.

that what they do, what they are, is to be star gatherers.

És a dir, gent que viatja a Nova York

That is to say, people who travel to New York.

i presumeix de...

he boasts of...

Hem anat a Nova York i hem cruspit,

We have gone to New York and we have crushed.

12 estrelles Michelin, no?

12 Michelin stars, right?

És a dir, gent que va buscant restaurants d'estrella Michelin, d'acord?

That is to say, people who are looking for Michelin-starred restaurants, right?

Us he portat dos personatges que també, si voleu,

I have brought you two characters that also, if you want,

una mica indagar dins la seva biografia són interessants.

A little investigation into his biography is interesting.

Un és l'Andy Heiler,

One is Andy Heiler,

que l'Andy Heiler presumeix d'això,

that Andy Heiler boasts about this,

de ser la persona que s'ha menjat més estrelles Michelin del món, d'acord?

of being the person who has eaten the most Michelin stars in the world, okay?

És un crític gastronòmic que presumeix, doncs, d'això,

He is a food critic who boasts about that.

de tenir el record de...

of having the memory of...

d'haver estat en més restaurants d'estrella Michelin.

of having been to more Michelin star restaurants.

I l'altre personatge que també té aquest record,

And the other character who also has this memory,

més o menys el mateix record,

more or less the same memory,

és en Paul Greenberg,

it's Paul Greenberg,

que en Paul Greenberg el que ha fet...

that Paul Greenberg has done...

Saps que hi ha la llista aquesta dels 50 millors restaurants del món, no?

You know there’s this list of the 50 best restaurants in the world, right?



Que el taller de Can Roca sempre estava al capdavant.

That the Can Roca workshop was always at the forefront.

Allà hi ha dos.

There are two over there.

Doncs aquest home es va proposar

Well, this man set out

anar als 50 millors restaurants del món.

to go to the 50 best restaurants in the world.

I ho ha aconseguit.

He/She has achieved it.

Li faltava un, perquè, clar, no és fàcil.

He was missing one, because, of course, it's not easy.

No, perquè has de demanar reserva, molta entel·lació, oi?

No, because you have to make a reservation, a lot of hassle, right?

A part de tenir un bon fons.

Besides having a good background.

Doncs el Paul Greenberg aquest, doncs, fa poc va aconseguir...

Well, this Paul Greenberg recently managed to...

Li faltava un restaurant molt petit que hi ha al Japó,

He was missing a very small restaurant that is in Japan,

que em sembla que és un restaurant que potser hi ha lloc per 10 començals.

I think it's a restaurant that might have space for 10 starters.

I, finalment, doncs, va poder-hi anar

I, finally, was able to go there.

i va aconseguir aquest rècord d'estar als 50 millors restaurants del món.

and achieved this record of being among the 50 best restaurants in the world.

Aquí al Penedès, recordem, no podem anar d'estrella Michelin,

Here in Penedès, we remember, we can't go for a Michelin star,

perquè, desgraciadament, aquí, al Penedès,

because, unfortunately, here, in the Penedès,

no tenim cap estrella Michelin.

We do not have any Michelin stars.

L'altre dia mirava el mapa de les estrelles Michelin de Catalunya.

The other day I was looking at the Michelin star map of Catalonia.

O sigui, hi ha un buit molt gran.

That is to say, there is a very large void.

Al mig, oi?

In the middle, right?

Al mig, que és la nostra zona,

In the middle, which is our area,

que no tenim cap restaurant d'estrella Michelin.

that we don't have any Michelin-starred restaurant.

Per això la meva proposta és, atenció,

Therefore, my proposal is, attention,

fer una ruta pels quatre restaurants

make a route for the four restaurants

que fa poc van participar al programa de TV3 Joc de Cartes

they recently participated in the TV3 program Joc de Cartes

i treure'n les teves pròpies conclusions.

and draw your own conclusions.

Em sembla que n'hi ha un que ha tancat.

It seems to me that one has closed down.

Em sap greu.

I'm sorry.

Hauran de ser tres.

There will have to be three.

El que és curiós és això, que és un tema

What is curious is this, that it is a topic.

que encara es comenta molt a les taules i a les tertúlies,

that is still widely discussed at tables and in debates,

que a uns se'ls han pujat els fums al cap,

that some have let the fumes go to their head,

que s'hi han pujat els preus, que s'hi estan morint d'èxit,

that prices have gone up, that they are dying of success,

que s'hi no aixequen cap, que s'hi han tancat,

that if they don't rise up, they are locked in there,

que jo no ho sabia, però em puc imaginar quin és el que ha tancat,

that I didn't know, but I can imagine which one has closed,

perquè els altres tres els tinc controlats.

because I have the other three under control.

El de Sant Martí.

The one of Saint Martin.

Doncs mira, tres restaurants,

Well, look, three restaurants,

entre aquests tres,

among these three,

que seria Calticus, Casa Joan i Canals i Montné,

that would be Calticus, Casa Joan and Canals and Montné,


go there,

i vosaltres mateixos traieu-ne les vostres pròpies conclusions.

And you yourselves draw your own conclusions.

M'estranya, això que em diguis que hagi tancat el de Sant Martí,

It's strange to me that you say the one in Sant Martí has closed.

perquè l'altre dia justament em va començar a seguir al Facebook

because the other day he/she just started following me on Facebook

i vaig pensar, mira, encara...

I thought, look, still...

Ai, coi, doncs...

Oh, dear, well...

Bueno, és una prova que hem de fer.

Well, it's a test we have to take.

De fet, és un movandí i no està comprovat,

In fact, it is a rumor and it is not verified.

per tant, no he dit res.

therefore, I have said nothing.

Bueno, doncs mira,

Well, look then,

deures per aquests confinaments.

homework for these confinements.

A millor va tancar per temporada, no?,

Better closed for the season, right?

i reobre en el bon temps.

And I will reopen in good time.

No, jo crec que està obert,

No, I think it is open.

perquè jo l'he vist fer anuncis a la premsa local.

because I have seen him make advertisements in the local press.

Doncs no he dit res.

Well, I haven't said anything.

Jo crec que està intentant aixecar cap.

I think he is trying to lift his head.

D'acord, d'acord.

Okay, okay.

Per tant, doncs, aneu-hi, aneu-hi i comproveu-ho.

Therefore, go ahead, go ahead and check it out.

Potser va fer les vacances d'hivern ben merescudes.

Perhaps he/she had a well-deserved winter holiday.

Un altre, un altre aspecte a tenir en compte

Another, another aspect to take into account.

a l'hora de moure's i viatjar,

when it comes to moving and traveling,

és el turisme esportiu.

it is sports tourism.

Hi ha molta gent que viatja fent esport, no?,

There are many people who travel for sports, aren't there?

és a dir, sigui perquè segueixen un equip concret,

that is to say, whether it is because they follow a specific team,

que segueixen el Barça.

that follow Barça.

Els meus pares, per exemple,

My parents, for example,

sempre viatgen seguint el noi a Freixanet.

they always travel following the boy to Freixanet.

O van a fer maratons aquí i allà.

Or they are going to hold marathons here and there.

Exacte, això, no?

Exactly, that, right?

Hi ha gent que participa en proves,

There are people who participate in tests,

en maratons, ultramaratons,

in marathons, ultramarathons,

o gent que persegueix una muntanya concreta, no?

or people who are chasing a specific mountain, right?

És a dir, les muntanyes...

That is to say, the mountains...

Surt molt a les notícies que hi ha overbooking, no?

It often comes up in the news that there is overbooking, right?

Que hi ha...

What is there...

S'han massificat, no?

They have become massified, haven't they?

Cues, sí, sí.

Lines, yes, yes.

Ja sigui per pujar a l'Everest,

Whether it's to climb Everest,

per pujar a l'Aneto,

to go up to Aneto,

o per pujar a la Pica d'Estat, no?

or to climb to the Pica d'Estats, right?

Llavors, la proposta de confinament,

Then, the proposal for confinement,

confinament al Penedès que us faig,

confinement in the Penedès that I impose on you,

la PPCP,

the PPCP,

és provar de fer els set cims del Penedès.

It's about trying to climb the seven peaks of Penedès.

És a dir, sabem que el 3 de maig

That is to say, we know that on May 3rd

hi ha aquesta prova reina del Penedès,

there is this queen test of the Penedès,

dels amants de la muntanya,

of the lovers of the mountain,

que és fer els set cims del Penedès

what it is to do the seven peaks of the Penedès

en una ruta de 59 quilòmetres.

on a route of 59 kilometers.

Jo el que us proposo és provar-los de fer un a un,

What I propose is to try to do them one by one,

ara un, ara un altre,

now one, now another,

i d'estar amb un altre,

and being with another,

i si t'hi atreveixes,

and if you dare to,

doncs el dia 3 de maig,

well, on May 3rd,

provar-ho de fer-los tots.

try to do them all.

Una mica justet, eh?

A little tight, huh?

Aquesta aposta a punt.

This bet is ready.

Home, teníem set setmanes, no?

We had seven weeks, didn't we?

De fet, hi ha gent que el fa caminant,

In fact, there are people who do it on foot,

no cal córrer, si vols, per tant,

there's no need to rush, if you want, therefore,



No s'ha de córrer, eh?

You don't have to rush, okay?

És una ruta que es pot fer a peu o d'això.

It's a route that can be done on foot or by that.

Recordem els set cims,

Remember the seven peaks,

que és el Clap Vell, l'Àguila, el Montmell,

what is the Clap Vell, the Eagle, the Montmell,

el Montegut, el Formigosa, el Castellà i les Agulles.

the Montegut, the Formigosa, the Castellà and the Agulles.

Són els set cims,

They are the seven peaks,

que us proposo de fer

what I propose you to do

durant aquest confinament

during this lockdown

al Penedès.

in Penedès.

I ens falta un d'aquests plans perfectes.

And we are missing one of those perfect plans.

Ens falta, sí, ens falta, finalment,

We miss it, yes, we miss it, finally,

el turisme enològic,

wine tourism,

o altrament conegut com

or otherwise known as

enoturisme, perquè som molts,

wine tourism, because we are many,

jo m'incloc, que viatgem perseguint

I include myself, as we travel chasing.

vinyes i vins i descobrint

vines and wines and discovering

noves regions vitivinícules

new wine regions

arreu del món. A mi, per exemple,

around the world. For me, for example,

aquesta Setmana Santa, un dels destins

this Holy Week, one of the destinations

que m'hauria agradat fer

that I would have liked to do

és anar a la Toscana, o al Piemonte,

it's like going to Tuscany, or to Piedmont,

el nord d'Itàlia, Alsàcia, però ho deixaré

the north of Italy, Alsace, but I will leave it

per més endavant. Millor, no?

for later. Better, right?

Són destins que tinc molt pendents.

They are destinations that I have been meaning to visit.

I com que estem confinats al Penedès,

And since we are confined to Penedès,

què ens toca? Doncs visitar

What do we have to do? Well, visit.

els nostres cellers. Aquí us recomano

our wineries. Here I recommend you

que entreu a la web

that you enter the website

de neoturismepenedès.cat

from neoturismepenedès.cat

que, a més a més, en Estradat i Matja

that, furthermore, in Estradat and Matja

fa poc i és ben bonica.

It's recently made and it's very pretty.

I allà, doncs, que trieu

And there, then, you choose.

i remeneu.

and stir.

Una opció és viatjar

One option is to travel.

dins de casa, però també

inside the house, but also

podem viatjar

we can travel

a través de la ciutat.

through the city.

A través dels vins, d'acord?

Through the wines, okay?

I ara us faré tres recomanacions

And now I will make three recommendations.

de llocs on podeu anar

from places where you can go

i podeu tastar vins del món.

and you can taste wines from around the world.

La primera recomanació

The first recommendation

és un bar de vins, és un bar de vins

It's a wine bar, it's a wine bar.

que hi ha aquí a Vilafranca, a la plaça

what is here in Vilafranca, in the square

Santa Maria, que és l'Àngelus, i allà

Holy Mary, what is the Angelus, and there

el Jaume, que és un sommelier

Jaume, who is a sommelier

molt inquiet, sempre té a copes

very restless, always has drinks

vins bastant

quite a few wines

estrambòtics, bastant

extravagant, quite

exòtics i bastant curiosos

exotic and quite curious

de diferents

of different

llocs del món, no? I són vins

places in the world, right? And they are wines

sempre molt sorprenents, i és una

always very surprising, and it is a

de les recomanacions que us faig

of the recommendations that I make to you

que aneu aquí a l'Àngelus a tastar

that you come here to the Angelus to taste

vins del món. Una altra

wines of the world. Another

recomanació és anar a dinar

the recommendation is to go for lunch

al Celleret de Torres.

at the Celleret de Torres.

Torres té un restaurant allà

Torres has a restaurant there.

a Pax, ara mateix, i Torres

a Pax, right now, and Torres

també té vins d'arreu del món.

It also has wines from around the world.

Té vins de Xile, vins

It has wines from Chile, wines.

propis, diguéssim, de Xile,

let's say, from Chile,

de Califòrnia, i aquí en aquest

from California, and here in this

restaurant també el que podeu fer és tastar

restaurant also what you can do is taste

tots aquests vins de

all these wines from

tots els cellers de Torres arreu del

all the wineries of Torres around the

món, també els podeu tastar

world, you can also taste them

a copes. I en la mateixa

in cups. And in the same

línia, més o menys,

line, more or less,

és el vi que us he portat avui

It is the wine that I brought you today.

i és amb aquest vi que acabem

And it is with this wine that we finish.

el programa,

the program,

que és un Riesling, és un Riesling d'Alemanya.

What is a Riesling? It is a Riesling from Germany.

I és un Riesling que saps d'on l'he

And it's a Riesling that you know where I got it from.

tret, Sílvia? Ni idea.

shot, Sílvia? No idea.

L'he tret de Freixanet. Ah, sí?

I took it from Freixanet. Oh, really?

Freixanet, tots sabem que des de fa

Freixanet, we all know that for a long time now

un parell d'anys

a couple of years

va ser

it was

adquirida per una companyia

acquired by a company

alemana, Henkel,

German, Henkel,

o també altrament conegut per

or also known as

les pizzes Dr. Edgar. Per exemple.

Dr. Edgar's pizzas. For example.

I Henkel

I Henkel

és això, Henkel és una multinacional,

that's it, Henkel is a multinational company,

multimarca, que té

multibrand, which has

molts, ha comprat molts

many, he/she has bought many

cellers arreu del món, i

wines all over the world, and

un d'aquests cellers

one of these wineries

que té en propietat

that he/she owns

és un històric d'Alemanya,

he is a historian from Germany,

ara jo,

now I,

ja ho sabeu que l'alemany jo crec que és difícil

You already know that I think German is difficult.

per tothom, no? És el

For everyone, right? It's the

celler Schloss Johannisberg,

cellar Schloss Johannisberg

no sé si...

I don't know if...

Ha sonat molt bé, no ho sé, però ha sonat molt bé.

It sounded very good, I don't know, but it sounded very good.

Schloss Johannisberg

Johannisberg Castle

és un celler que està a la zona

It is a winery that is in the area.

de Rheingau, això és allà

from Rheingau, that is over there

al Rhin, o sigui a Alemanya

to the Rhine, that is to say in Germany

les vinyes estan seguint el riu

the vineyards are following the river

Rhin, perquè

Rhine, why

situem una mica, busquem Frankfurt

let's situate ourselves a bit, let's look for Frankfurt

doncs una mica

well, a little bit

a l'esquerra, i

to the left, and

és un celler històric, és un

It is a historic cellar, it is a

històric del...

history of...

un històric de...

a history of...

podria dir que és el celler més antic del Rhin

I could say that it is the oldest cellar in the Rhine.

i des de fa uns anys, doncs,

and for a few years now, then,

bé, el va comprar la multinacional

well, it was bought by the multinational

Henkel, i és per això

Henkel, and that is why

doncs que, mira, si aneu a

well, look, if you go to

Freixenet, a Sansadurni, a les caves

Freixenet, in Sant Sadurní, at the cellars.

Freixenet, aneu a la botiga i trobareu

Freixenet, go to the store and you will find.

doncs, ja no només trobareu caves de Sansadurni

well, you will no longer find just caves from Sant Sadurní

sinó que trobareu doncs

but you will find then

prosecos, xampanys,

proseccos, champagnes

sex, que són els escumosos alemanys

sex, what are the German sparkling wines

i trobareu aquest Riesling, en aquest

and you will find this Riesling, in this

cas, et dic que aquesta és una casa

case, I tell you that this is a house

molt històrica,

very historical,

té cert prestigi,

has certain prestige,

en aquest cas el que

in this case what

tenen allà, el que vaig poder comprar aquí,

they have there, what I was able to buy here,

aquí a Freixenet,

here at Freixenet,

és el de l'etiqueta groga,

it's the one with the yellow label,

que és una mica el més senzillet

that is a bit the simplest

de tots, però crec que és

of all, but I think it is

una bona manera d'acostar-se

a good way to approach

als vins de Riesling. A mi els vins alemanys de Riesling

to Riesling wines. I like German Riesling wines.

són vins que m'agraden

they are wines that I like

molt, són vins que tenen molts matisos,

very much, they are wines that have many nuances,

que són molt envolvents, que...

that are very enveloping, that...

vull dir que són vins d'aquests que no et deixen

I mean that they are wines that don't let you go.

indiferent, i

indifferent, and

és difícil trobar Rieslings aquí,

it's hard to find Rieslings here,

bons Rieslings a Catalunya.

Good Rieslings in Catalonia.

I aquest, ja us dic jo, aquest crec

And this, I tell you, I think this one.

que és una manera fàcil

which is an easy way

i econòmica, doncs, de poder

and economic, therefore, of power

fer una introducció,

make an introduction,

d'acord?, dins el món del

Alright?, within the world of

Riesling i dins el món

Riesling and within the world

dels vins alemanys.

of the German wines.

I ja us dic, i no caldrà que

And I already tell you, and you won't need to.

aneu gaire lluny per buscar-lo, perquè

don't go too far to find him, because

a Freixenet, doncs,

to Freixenet, then,

distribueixen també aquests vins

they also distribute these wines

alemanys. Brindem

Germans. We toast.

amb aquest Riesling,

with this Riesling,

i gràcies per aquestes idees, per aquests

And thank you for these ideas, for these

plans de confinament, que ens permetran

quarantine plans, which will allow us

conèixer millor el Penedès. Exacte,

get to know the Penedès better. Exactly,

i sense perill, de moment,

and without danger, for the moment,

sense perill. Núria, bona

without danger. Núria, good

setmana. A vosaltres.

week. To you.

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