4x01. Desconnectar al Camí de Santiago

Jesús Ferré

Podcast Misteriosament feliç

4x01. Desconnectar al Camí de Santiago

Podcast Misteriosament feliç

I continuem un any més agafant aquesta cinta cap a la felicitat.

And we continue another year taking this path towards happiness.

M'estan dient que quatre anys. Quatre anys ja, eh?

They are telling me four years. Four years already, huh?

És la quarta temporada.

It is the fourth season.

És la quarta temporada, eh?

It's the fourth season, right?

Sí, sí, ho contava, dic, uala.

Yes, yes, I was saying, wow.

Bueno, comencem lo quatre, o sigui, només en portem tres.

Well, let's start with the four, that is, we only have three so far.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Ostres, doncs quants anys fa jo que estic a la ràdio?

Wow, so how many years have I been on the radio?



Me mereixo ser director, ja, eh?

I deserve to be a director, right?



Jo vaig tirant pulles, a més hi ha pulla arriba.

I'm throwing out barbs, plus there's a barb coming.

Ja t'ho tocaria, ja, per...

It would touch you, yes, for...

Per antiguetat.

For antiquity.



Per antiguetat. Però passa el que passa.

For antiquity. But it happens what happens.

No n'hi ha igual.

There is none like it.

Tot el que funciona a la ràdio, en veritat.

Everything that works on the radio, really.

Ara, que si me fan...

Now, if they make me...

Mira, tu pots ser jo millor, no?

Look, you can be better than me, right?

Què ha sigut d'este estiu, Jesús?

What has become of this summer, Jesús?

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

Este estiu...

This summer...

Bueno, hem descansat...

Well, we've rested...

I hem fet el Camino de Santiago.

We have done the Camino de Santiago.



La meva parella.

My partner.

És una sessió molt...

It's a very... session.

El Camino de Santiago sense...

The Camino de Santiago without...



O només el 300?

Or just the 300?

Quatre etapes.

Four stages.

Quatre etapes són quatre dies?

Are four stages four days?

Quatre dies, sí.

Four days, yes.

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

Quatre dies.

Four days.

Ho heu fet al nivell light.

You have done it at the light level.

Sí, des de Roncesvalles hasta Estela.

Yes, from Roncesvalles to Estella.

Passant per Pamplona, fa risa.

Passing through Pamplona, it makes me laugh.


Come in...

En una ciutat caminant, fa molta risa.

In a walking city, it’s very funny.

I és molt xulo, molt xulo, molt xulo.

And it's very cool, very cool, very cool.

Perquè, clar,

Because, of course,

te penses que tu no pots fer 20 quilòmetres al dia.

Do you think you can't do 20 kilometers a day?

El primer dia flipes,

On the first day, you freak out.

perquè ho fas.

why you do it.

El segon, se te pugen els fums

The second, you get carried away.

i vas de xulo

And you act smug.

i llavors ja t'arrepenys i tal.

And then you stop supporting me and such.

Llavors ho fas fatal el segon dia.

Then you mess it up on the second day.

El tercer, te vienes més arriba

The third, you come up higher.

i a mitjan pares i fas

and in the middle you stop and do

una menjada de xorizo i alguna cosa contundent.

a meal of chorizo and something substantial.



I és quan deixes el quart,

And that's when you leave the fourth,

que no, que has de ser en tota la humilitat.

No, you must be completely humble.

Sempre és difícil, sempre són 20 quilòmetres.

It's always difficult, it's always 20 kilometers.

Has d'agafar, aixecar-te a les 5 i mitja del matí

You have to get up at half past five in the morning.

i caminar com si no hi hagués demà.

and walk as if there were no tomorrow.

A les 5 i mitja del matí.

At half past five in the morning.

Aixecàvem i sortim a les 6 i mitja.

We woke up and left at 6:30.

Has d'esmorzar bé o bé, perquè se menja bé, m'han dit, no?

You have to have a good breakfast, because they say you eat well, right?

Sí, per a tard, per a tard.

Yes, in the afternoon, in the afternoon.

Quan no camines, llavors sí.

When you don't walk, then yes.

Llavors et fots de...

Then you screw up...

De menjar és tot el que has gastat, no?

The food is all you've spent, right?

Tot el que has gastat.

Everything you have spent.

Perquè vau intentar comprovar si perdíeu calories

Why did you try to check if you were losing calories?

durant el camí de Santiago.

during the Way of Santiago.

No, no ho hem mirat, no ho hem mirat.

No, we haven't looked at it, we haven't looked at it.

Hi ha gent que puja, hi ha gent que puja.

There are people who rise, there are people who rise.

Hi ha gent que puja.

There are people who go up.

Però guanyes musculació, que és una passada,

But you gain muscle mass, which is awesome.

i hi ha qui diu que al quart dia fas el clic

And there are those who say that on the fourth day you make the click.

i a partir de llavors ja no sufrixes.

And from then on, you no longer suffer.

I justament nosaltres això no ho sabem,

We just don't know this.

perquè vam estar quatre dies.

because we stayed for four days.

Però es veu que a partir del quart dia,

But it seems that starting from the fourth day,

un dia decidixes que no és impossible,

one day you decide that it is not impossible,

que és possible, que li has de tenir respecte.

that it is possible, that you have to have respect for it.

Però no és impossible perquè el tercer dia és xunguíssim.

But it isn't impossible because the third day is really awful.

El tercer dia ens vam vindre amunt

On the third day we came up.

i vam parar a fer un plat de xorizo

and we stopped to make a dish of chorizo

d'una hora i llicopiós,

of an hour and licentious,

i encara quedaven dues hores de camí.

And there were still two hours of journey left.

I durant les hores de camí,

And during the hours of the journey,

què es fa en un camí de Santiago?

What is done on a Camino de Santiago?

Pues, saludes a gent,

Well, say hello to people,


you walk,

converses amb la gent que vas,

you chat with the people you go with,

nosaltres anem, jo i la meva parella...

we are going, my partner and I...

Però molt de rato converses amb la teva parella,

But for a long time, you talk with your partner,

acabem en discussió, sempre.

we always end in an argument.

No, què va...

No, what are you talking about...

Estàs tot el rato parlant, parlant, al final...

You're talking all the time, talking, in the end...

No, home, tampoc, no...

No, come on, not that either, no...

No, no, arriba un moment en què ja estàs caminant.

No, no, there comes a moment when you are already walking.

El concepte de caminar és connectar amb la natura.

The concept of walking is connecting with nature.

Sí. Hi ha molta natura?

Yes. Is there a lot of nature?

I estàs mirant el paisatge, sí,

And you are looking at the landscape, yes,

vam fer la part més bonica,

we made the most beautiful part,

de Roncesvalles a Estela,

from Roncesvalles to Estela,

és la part de Pamplona,

it is the part of Pamplona,

que és molt preciosa,

that is very precious,

després hi ha una part de la Manxa, no sé què cony...

then there is a part of La Mancha, I don't know what the hell...

Segur que al final, allà a Galícia,

Sure that in the end, over there in Galicia,

també és preciosíssim,

it is also very precious,

i que hi ha zones xules,

and there are cool areas,

però justament vam fer una de molt xula,

but we just did a really cool one,

i els paisatges espectaculars,

and the spectacular landscapes,

o sigui, després d'una corba, trobar-te vaques,

that is, after a curve, you'll find cows,

trobar-te blat, caminar...

to find you wheat, to walk...

Això tu t'ho fas als Pirineus, també, si vols, no?

You can also do this in the Pyrenees, if you want, right?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Però, bueno, costa diners, no?

But, well, it costs money, right?

És car.

It's expensive.

Lo què?




No, no, no, per 17 o 18 euros cada nit,

No, no, no, for 17 or 18 euros each night,

a un alberg públic,

to a public hostel,

i si vols hotel,

and if you want a hotel,

posa un alberg públic que fa olor a...

puts on a public shelter that smells of...

Alberg públic.

Public hostel.

A natura, a natura humana.

To nature, to human nature.

A natura.

To nature.

Bueno, si vols gastar-te una miqueta més de diners,

Well, if you want to spend a little more money,

doncs te'n vas a un hotel,

so you go to a hotel,

i n'hi ha de...

and there are some...

Tot el tema de peregrinos té un punt baratet,

The whole theme of pilgrims has a cheap point.

fins i tot de que sigui un hotel,

even if it is a hotel,

li diuen que l'hotel està per dalt,

they say that the hotel is up above,

i els peregrinos estem posant un sota, no?,

And the pilgrims are putting one underneath, right?

en què la llum està per dalt,

in which the light is above,

però dorms en una habitació de dues persones,

but you sleep in a two-person room,

que és la vau...

what is the voice...

Ah, això no convertís, és la habitació.

Ah, this doesn't convert, it's the room.

És la vau privat, també,

It is the private vow, too,

o sigui, bueno, hi ha totes les lligues.

So, well, there are all the leagues.

Amb llençols i tot,

With sheets and everything,



Nosaltres algun dia vam dormir sols,

We once slept alone.

sí, vam pagar una miqueta més.

Yes, we paid a little more.

És que anem quatre dies, vull dir,

It's just that we go for four days, I mean,

no vam fer res,

we didn't do anything,

vam anar dos dies d'alberg i dos dies d'hotel.

We went for two days at a hostel and two days at a hotel.

Hi ha gent que va endent de campanya, o...?

Are there people who go campaigning, or...?

No, no, no,

No, no, no,

la gent en general va d'alberg.

People in general go to a hostel.

No sé, et pregunto perquè no ho he fet mai.

I don't know, I'm asking you because I've never done it.

Has de portar el pes mínim,

You must carry the minimum weight,

tot i que ara tots

although now everyone

mos porten les maletes les empreses de transport.

The transport companies bring us the suitcases.

Com que te porten?

How are they treating you?

O sigui, tu contractes una empresa de transport

So, you hire a transport company.

i li dius, m'agafes la maleta esta,

And you tell him, will you take this suitcase for me?

que la trobaràs en un paper,

that you will find it on a piece of paper,

de tal hotel,

of such hotel,

i me la portes a tal hotel.

And you take me to such a hotel.

Però això és de rics.

But this is for the rich.

No, no, això ho fa tothom.

No, no, everyone does that.

Per sis euros t'ho fa tothom.

For six euros, everyone will do it for you.

I ja no tens que portar la maleta i només camins.

And you no longer have to carry the suitcase, just walk.

Bueno, portes una motxilla senzilla,

Well, you carry a simple backpack,

però per senzilla que sigui portes...

but as simple as it may be, you bring...

Una cantimplora...

A canteen...

Portes una miqueta, un necessaire petitet,

You carry a little bit, a small necessities bag,

per fer unes tirites,

to make some band-aids,

portes un no sé què,

you have a certain something,

i al final no sé què, no sé què,

and in the end I don't know what, I don't know what,

portes una motxilla i dius, hòstia...

you carry a backpack and say, damn...

Però també s'ha perd la essència, no?

But the essence has also been lost, hasn't it?

Perquè suposo que antigament

Because I suppose that in the past

el camí de Santiago ho feies amb el que portaves i...

the way of Santiago you did with what you carried and...

Antigament era lo bèstia, claro.

In the past, it was the beast, of course.

Ara ja entenc que les filles de Donald Trump

Now I understand that Donald Trump's daughters

venen aquí per el camí de Santiago.

They come here by the Way of Saint James.

Sí, te porten a estar a les maletes.

Yes, they take you to the luggage.

Però bueno, els 21 quilòmetres

But well, the 21 kilometers

te les has de passar tu entre pit i esquena, eh?

You have to pass them between your chest and back, right?

O sigui, que fa impressió, eh?

So, it's impressive, huh?

És tot planet o ja costa?

Is it all flat or is there a coast?

Ja de tot, ja de tot.

Enough of everything, enough of everything.

Ja la pujada a un munt,

Already the climb to a hill,

al Mónter del Perdón,

to the Mónter del Perdón,

va ser la pujada més bèstia,

it was the most brutal ascent,

i les vistes espectaculars.

and the spectacular views.

Bueno, tot és molt bonic

Well, everything is very beautiful.

perquè estàs en connexió amb la natura

because you are in connection with nature

i estàs caminant.

And you are walking.

Nosaltres concretament

We specifically

érem els més lentos de tots, els més,

we were the slowest of all, the slowest,

i ens ho avançava tot el món.

and everyone anticipated it for us.

O sigui, tot el món ens ho avançava.

That is to say, everyone was telling us beforehand.

Però tu tenies que estar acostumat

But you must have been used to it.

que tu vas a caminar amb gent gran

that you are going to walk with elderly people

tots els dies, no?

every day, right?

Però no...

But no...

Encara no estàs prou entrenat.

You are still not well trained enough.

No hi ha forma.

There is no shape.

Llavors ens ho avançava tot el món.

Then everyone was spoiling it for us.

Vam fer molts d'amics

We made a lot of friends.

perquè tots els dies ens ho avançava.

because he/she was always ahead of us every day.

I per això nosaltres anàvem a les 5 i mitja

And that's why we were going at half past five.

perquè així tots els que s'aixequaven a les 9,

because then all those who woke up at 9,

allà a la 1 o a les 2

there at 1 or at 2

ens ho avançàvem també.

we also anticipated it.

Ens ho avançava tothom.

Everyone was telling us about it beforehand.

I per què anàveu tan lentos?

And why were you going so slowly?

Bueno, perquè anàvem el que podíem,

Well, because we went as much as we could,

perquè no...

because not...

Se fa el que es pot.

You do what you can.

Sí, anàveu al costat de gent experta.

Yes, you were alongside expert people.

I un dia, un dia,

And one day, one day,

avançàvem una senyora,

we were approaching a lady,

una senyora molt gran, molt gran,

a very large lady, very large,

molt gran en pals

very big in sticks

i estava mig calva

and was half bald

i l'adelantem i fem...

and we bring it forward and we do...

Per fi, m'ha adelantat algú.

Finally, someone has overtaken me.

I vam veure que no,

And we saw that no,

que s'estava mirant la sabata una mica

that was looking at the shoe a little

però quan li va donar la gana

but when he felt hungry

ens va adelantar i va desaparèixer.

he overtook us and disappeared.

Perquè la gent va allí a ritme de...

Because people go there to the rhythm of...

A tope.

At full capacity.

De marxa.

On the go.

A tope, sí, sí, sí.

Full throttle, yes, yes, yes.

Molt bé.

Very well.

I després arribeu a l'alberg

And then you arrive at the hostel.

i suposo que feu comunió amb altres gent, no?

And I suppose you take communion with other people, right?



Quan estàs a llocs així grans, sí.

When you are in such large places, yes.

Però nosaltres no vam fer gaire.

But we didn't do much.

Bueno, de quan en quan acabes...

Well, when do you finish...

Al final acabes saludant tanta gent

In the end, you end up greeting so many people.

que l'últim dia vas i te despedixes.

that on the last day you go and say goodbye.

Te'ls trobes als bars i dius

You find them in the bars and say

nosaltres ja hem arribat,

we have already arrived,

nosaltres ja ens quedem aquí,

we'll stay here.

nosaltres d'on sou?

Where are you from?


You explain yourself...

És molt divertit,

It's very fun.

la gent s'explica la vida,

people explain life to themselves,

tu també és bona persona,

you are also a good person,

o sigui,

that is,

quan estàs a l'alberg

when you are at the hostel

els multitudinaris no et foten el mòbil

the crowd doesn't bother you with your phone

ni et foten res.

they don't do anything to you.

Perquè tots estem allí en lo mínim.

Because we are all there at least.

És que no estan ni per córrer ja

They are not even in the mood to run anymore.

després de fotre 20 quilòmetres

after pounding 20 kilometers

que m'has d'anar a robar.

that you have to go rob me.

No em faig el petacorrer.

I'm not pretending to be something I'm not.

Què més?

What else?

Este matí també he caminat.

This morning I also walked.

Sí, però jo també li volia preguntar

Yes, but I also wanted to ask him/her.

una cosa del camí del Santiago.

one thing about the Camino de Santiago.

Per què el vau fer?

Why did you do it?

Per què el vam fer?

Why did we do it?

Què vos van dir de fer-lo?

What did they tell you to do it?



Perquè suposo que rebeu informació de gent

Because I suppose you receive information from people.

i dius fes-ho perquè

and you say do it because

si ho feu sentireu alguna cosa.

if you do it, you will feel something.



Calla els pèls.

Shut up the hairs.



és el segon camí de peregrinatge

it is the second pilgrimage route

més important de tot el món,

most important in the world,

però peregrinatge volent dir com a...

but pilgrimage meaning as...

Peregrinatge turístic.

Tourist pilgrimage.

Clar, és com a buscar alguna cosa religiosa,

Sure, it's like searching for something religious.

buscar una llum o alguna cosa,

to look for a light or something,

però evidentment

but obviously

quasi ve ningú.

almost no one comes.

Hi havia algun capellà,

There was a priest,

hi havia un grupet de nois en una creu,

there was a group of boys at a cross,

hi ha gent de l'àmbit religiós,

there are people from the religious sphere,

però amb això sí que són turistes.

but with this they are indeed tourists.

Però tu què vas sentir?

But what did you feel?

Te vas sentir diferent

Did you feel different?

de quan vas començar el camí del Santiago

Since when did you start the Camino de Santiago?

a quan el vas acabar?

When did you finish it?

És que caminar per la natura,

It's just that walking in nature,

en el fons,

in the background,

caminar per allà,

walking over there,



és xulo,

it's cool,

és xulo perquè

it's cool because

arribes a un nivell de cansament tan elevat

you reach such a high level of fatigue

que ja se te'n van els pensaments,

that your thoughts are already wandering away,

ja estàs...

you’re already...

Quasi que estàs en estat contemplatiu,

It's almost as if you are in a contemplative state,

per no dir de meditació,

not to mention meditation,

perquè estàs ja...

because you are already...

O sigui,

That is,

que és un cansament tan infinit

what is such an infinite tiredness

que ja no pots tindre...

that you can no longer have...

No ens vam preocupar ni per la feina,

We didn't worry about work either,

quasi que no en parlàvem mai de la feina.

we hardly ever talked about work.

La meva parella i jo sempre parlem de la feina

My partner and I always talk about work.

i allà és que no estàs per res.

And there is where you are not for anything.

Estàs per arribar,

You are about to arrive,

beure aigua,

drink water,

buscar un poste per dinar...

looking for a post for lunch...

I desconnectats del món, també.

And disconnected from the world, too.

I dormir per a tard d'una hora,

I sleep for an hour late.



sí, sí, sí,

yes, yes, yes,

totalment desconnectats.

totally disconnected.

I vau sentir alguna cosa

Did you hear something?

d'estar desconnectats,

of being disconnected,

de no tindre informació de l'exterior,

without having information from the outside,

de no enviar whatsapps,

not sending WhatsApps,

de no mirar tiktoks,

of not watching TikToks,

ni res?


No, els whatsapps encara els miràvem.

No, we were still looking at the WhatsApps.

Els whatsapps encara els miràvem.

We were still looking at the WhatsApps.



Doncs se podria haver fet l'esforç, no?

Well, an effort could have been made, right?

Anem a desconnectar-nos de tot.

Let's disconnect from everything.

A saco.

To the max.

Sí, a veure què se sent.

Yes, let's see what it feels like.

El mono.

The monkey.

Això jo ho vaig fer a Vigo l'altre estiu,

I did this in Vigo last summer,

vaig anar a un retiro de silenci a Vigo,

I went to a silence retreat in Vigo,

i vaig desconnectar totalment del whatsapp,

I completely disconnected from WhatsApp.

vaig despedir-me de tothom,

I said goodbye to everyone,



No vas poder.

You couldn't.

I bueno, és una mica curiós,

And well, it’s a little curious,

és molt curiós,

it's very curious,

i després ja a l'aeroport de Vigo,

and then at the airport in Vigo,

a punt de vindre cap aquí,

about to come over here,

se m'ha corregit obrir-lo,

I have been corrected to open it,

i el whatsapp te fa una animació,

and WhatsApp gives you an animation,

te fa una animació com si...

it makes you an animation as if...

O sigui, és una animació que informàticament no té cap sentit.

So, it is an animation that computer-wise makes no sense.

O sigui, te poden arribar mil mails així,

I mean, you can receive a thousand emails like that.

i no passa res.

And nothing happens.

Però el whatsapp te fa una animació.

But WhatsApp gives you an animation.

Se va estar com a 15 minuts fent l'animació, el whatsapp.

He spent about 15 minutes doing the animation, the WhatsApp.

Però quina animació fa?

But what kind of animation does it make?

Fa com si anessin arribant coses.

It feels like things are starting to arrive.

Ah, vale.

Ah, okay.

O sigui, esta sensació que et fa...

In other words, this feeling that makes you...

Que van sortir les finestretes.

That the little windows opened.

Sí, te van sortint les persones,

Yes, people are starting to come out for you,

que quan fa una hora que no les has obert,

that when it has been an hour since you last opened them,

te fa...

it makes you...

Ui, mira, t'arriba primer este, després este.

Oh, look, this one arrives for you first, then this one.

Però clar, després de set dies,

But of course, after seven days,

se va estar 15 minuts d'animació.

It lasted 15 minutes of animation.

Però jo el que volia preguntar,

But what I wanted to ask is,

és aquesta desconexió, aquest mono.

It's this disconnection, this monkey.

És veritat que és com una monodependència?

Is it true that it is like a monodependence?

Notaves que necessito algo?

Did you notice that I need something?

Necessito connectar-me?

Do I need to connect?

Perquè acostumats a estar connectats

Because we are accustomed to being connected.

cada segon de la nostra vida.

every second of our life.

És com si fos només a part del teu...

It's as if it were just a part of your...

Sí, i de cop i volta t'ho treuen,

Yes, and all of a sudden they take it away from you,

que és com un yonki.

it's like a junkie.

Se'n va a un centre de desintoxicació

He/she is going to a detox center.

que està acostumat que cada X dies

that is used to every X days

o cada X hores s'ha de fotre la droga,

or every X hours you have to take the drug,

i de cop i volta no la tens.

And suddenly you don't have it.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Tu vas sentir aquesta necessitat?

Did you feel this need?

Necessitaves aquest atacament?

Did you need this attack?

Sí, hi ha una sensació...

Yes, there is a feeling...

Raríssima, que sí.

Very rare, indeed.

Com si tinguessis un mono, evidentment.

As if you had a monkey, obviously.

Perquè tu tampoc no ets molt assidu a mirar xarxes...

Because you aren't very keen on checking social media either...

Bueno, però WhatsApp i Instagram, sí.

Well, but WhatsApp and Instagram, yes.

Però no molt, però...

But not much, but...

Imagina't, tu no molt.

Imagine it, not much.

Imagina't aquella gent que va al lavabo

Imagine those people who go to the bathroom.

en el mòbil, que són tothom,

on the mobile, which is everyone,

que ha de mirar vídeos,

that has to watch videos,

han de mirar informació constantment,

they have to constantly look for information,

que és desconnectar.

what it is to disconnect.

Desconnectar és un detox molt loco.

Disconnecting is a very crazy detox.

Avui en dia...


L'altre dia explicàvem que els autobusos

The other day we were explaining that the buses

de Barcelona,

from Barcelona,

de 9 als metros,

from 9 to the metro,

abans la gent anava en un llibre.

Before, people used to go in a book.

Ara tothom va en el mòbil.

Now everyone is on their phone.

Estem com a pendents del mòbil i ningú es mira...

We're like hanging on our phones and no one is looking at each other...

I aquí també, claro, si tens un moment

And here too, of course, if you have a moment.

que vas al lavabo, te'n dus el mòbil.

When you go to the bathroom, you take your phone with you.

És que no sabem estar en silenci

It's just that we don't know how to be silent.

així sense fer res.

just like that without doing anything.



Espera que et vinguin l'inspiració fecal.

Wait for the fecal inspiration to come to you.

Que l'ésser humà

That the human being

sempre vol estar connectat a alguna cosa.

he always wants to be connected to something.

Perquè jo me'n recordo que quan anava al lavabo

Because I remember that when I went to the bathroom

tenia el video ple de revistes de fotogrames.

I had the video full of magazine frames.

O sí, o cómics.

Oh yes, or comics.

Que al final és el mateix, també, no?

That in the end is the same, right?

Sí, però sí que és veritat que ara tens

Yes, but it is true that now you have.

la necessitat d'estar connectat sempre.

the need to always be connected.

I aquesta connexió constant

And this constant connection

fa que tu no tinguis temps per a pensar-hi.

It makes it so that you don't have time to think about it.

És molt dolent, és molt dolent.

It's very bad, it's very bad.

Fins i tot això, clar,

Even that, of course,

desconnectar d'això no podem,

we cannot disconnect from this,

però la primera mitja hora del dia

but the first half hour of the day

hi ha qui diu que hauríem de no agafar el mòbil.

There are those who say that we should not pick up the mobile phone.

Jo l'agafo, a veure.

I'll take it, let's see.

És difícil perquè el primer que fa és mirar l'hora.

It's difficult because the first thing he/she does is check the time.

Bueno, mirar l'hora, cap problema.

Well, looking at the time, no problem.

Però quan mires l'hora veus que t'ha arribat un Instagram,

But when you check the time, you see that you've received a message on Instagram,

t'ha arribat un WhatsApp, t'ha arribat un no sé què...

You've received a WhatsApp, you've received a something...

Únicament, quan t'hi despertes,

Only when you wake up to it,

que estàs en freqüència gama,

that you are in gamma frequency,

o no sé com s'hi diu,

or I don't know what it's called,

una freqüència així com a molt somnoliento,

a frequency as very sleepy,

aquella sensació...

that feeling...

Totes les religions

All religions

diuen que és el moment que t'has de posar a resar.

They say it's the time you have to start praying.

O sigui, la religió catòlica t'hi diu

That is to say, the Catholic religion tells you so.

res abans d'anar a dormir i quan deixis que és pel matí.

Nothing before going to bed and when you let it be in the morning.

Hi ha gent que diu agraeix a la vida

There are people who say they are grateful to life.

el no sé què a primera hora del matí.

the I don't know what early in the morning.

O sigui, aixecar-nos i hauríem de tindre

So, we should get up and we should have.

pensaments positius.

positive thoughts.

Seria correcte?

Would it be correct?

Durant 20-30 minuts i després ja aixecar-nos

For 20-30 minutes and then we get up.

i agafar el mòbil, agafar el cafè,

take the phone, take the coffee,

agafar totes les drogues que tenim.

take all the drugs we have.

Jo t'ho dic pel fet, ho vull llançar en el tema

I'm telling you for a reason, I want to bring it up in the discussion.

que t'has anat de vacances al Camino de Santiago

that you have gone on vacation to the Camino de Santiago

i de certa manera

and in a certain way

desconnectat, però és que normalment quan anem de vacances

disconnected, but it's just that usually when we go on vacation

també és el fet que jo vull

it is also the fact that I want

informar a tothom

inform everyone

i no a tothom que no conec

and not everyone I don't know

d'on estic.

from where I am.

I la necessitat de veure després si ha agradat a la gent

And the need to see later if people liked it.

que potser tu no coneixes

that perhaps you do not know

que a aquell postor li ha agradat.

that that bidder liked.

És la dependència d'estar

It is the dependence of being.

connectat. Vull estar connectat i vull que la gent

connected. I want to be connected and I want people

estigui pendent de mi i te poses

be aware of me and you get ready

una preocupació de més, perquè ja mira que tenim

an additional worry, because look at what we already have

preocupacions a la vida.

concerns in life.

I ja estàs de viatge, que ja són novetats.

And you’re already on a trip, which is already news.

Com una de les teves preocupacions és a veure si aquesta foto

As one of your concerns is to see if this photo

està agradant a algú, a veure quants likes

Is it pleasing someone? Let's see how many likes.

estic rebent, a veure si tinc rebent cors.

I am receiving, let's see if I have receiving hearts.

I és una connexió, de certa manera,

And it is a connection, in a way,

d'un grau o d'un altre, que fa que estiguis

of a degree or another, that makes you be

tota l'estona tu...

all the time you...

No estiguis rebent el present.

Do not be receiving the present.

Però que ho fem tots.

But we all do it.

I si tens una empresa, a més a més, o tens un projecte empresarial,

And if you have a company, besides that, or you have a business project,

necessites veure

you need to see

si t'estan pujant

if they are getting to you

els futuribles clients.

the possible future clients.

Però els que...

But those who...

Però clar, és que quan treballem,

But of course, it's just that when we work,

treballem a les 8, sortim a les 8

We work at 8, we leave at 8.

i sortim a les 3 de la tarda, no?

We're leaving at 3 in the afternoon, right?

Doncs vale, una vegada

Well, okay, one time.

desconnectem, no? Necessitem

Let's disconnect, shall we? We need to.

desconnectar en qualsevol moment i mos és impossible.

disconnect at any moment is impossible for us.

O sigui, sí que té la feina,

So, yes, he/she does have the job,

sí que té les vacances, sempre hem d'estar

Yes, he does have vacation, we always have to be.

connectats, que jo sóc un dels primers, eh?

connected, because I am one of the first, right?

Crea una necessitat.

Create a necessity.

I jo crec que sí que seria bonic fer un camió al Santiago

And I believe it would be nice to make a truck for Santiago.

o sortir... Jo, amb aquestes últimes vacances

or go out... I, with these last holidays

que vaig tindre, vaig dir, mira, carinyo,

that I had, I said, look, darling,

Pim. Sí?

Pim. Yes?

O d'avió. Sí? Perquè necessito un telèfon per si ve

Or by plane. Yes? Because I need a phone in case they come.

criden o alguna cosa, però no vull mirar xarxes

They shout or something, but I don't want to look at social media.

i no vull saber res. Ho has fet, aquestes vacances?

And I don't want to know anything. Did you do it, these holidays?

No vaig poder intentar-ho.

I couldn't try it.

Vaig intentar i jo sé que

I tried and I know that

el quart dia ja no ho vaig aconseguir.

On the fourth day, I couldn't do it anymore.

Ja estava... Ai, mira, però has estat 3 dies.

I was already... Oh, look, but you have been gone for 3 days.

Sí, sí, sí, però que

Yes, yes, yes, but what.

m'agradaria haver estat les vacances

I would have liked to have been on vacation.

de la setmana tota, que al final

of the whole week, that in the end

com, sense voler,

as if unwittingly,

innatament el cos... Entres.

innately the body... You enter.

Diuen que la manera de deixar intoxicar-se els dies

They say that the way to let oneself become intoxicated is through the days.

perfectes són, si passes 14

they are perfect, if you pass 14



intentant no consumir

trying not to consume

alguna cosa en què et trobes enganxat,

something you find yourself stuck on,

te treus el mono. Que guai seria.

You take off your monkey. How cool would that be.

Si estàs 14 dies sense estar connectat

If you are 14 days without being connected

a cap xarxa social, al final

to any social network, in the end

no trobes a faltar la xarxa social. Ara, has de passar

Don't you miss the social network? Now, you have to pass.

aquest camí

this path

de foscor i de ràbia i de monodependència

of darkness and of rage and of monodependence

dels 14 dies.

of the 14 days.

Però el 14, diu...

But on the 14th, it says...

Això enganxa molt en una coseta que

This sticks a lot to a little thing that

volia dir, que

I wanted to say that

sortir del mono... Bueno, jo

get out of the monkey... Well, I

havia sentit 21 dies. Tu has dit 14, però bueno.

I had heard 21 days. You said 14, but well.

Hi ha gent que diu 3.

There are people who say 3.

Hi ha gent que diu 3, però vull dir, passar un número...

There are people who say 3, but I mean, to pass a number...

No, 3 és impossible. Hi ha gent que diu 21 dies

No, 3 is impossible. There are people who say 21 days.

per a canviar...

to change...




It is...

És complex sortir del mono.

It's complex to come off the withdrawal.

És com si...

It's like if...

Perquè, a veure, és com si

Because, let's see, it's like if

quan estem amb alguna cosa tòxica,

when we are with something toxic,

alguna cosa que ens enganxa,

something that hooks us,

o alguna cosa...

or something...

Concretament la infelicitat, també és

Specifically, unhappiness is also

una cosa molt tòxica.

a very toxic thing.

I llavors, poder estar 21 dies feliç,

And then, being able to be happy for 21 days,

21 dies sense xarxes, 21 dies

21 days without networks, 21 days.

sense una droga,

without a drug,

la complexitat que té

the complexity it has

és que la teva creença

it's that your belief

t'obliga a ser continuïsta.

it forces you to be a continuationist.

O sigui, si tu eres infeliç, o tu

So, if you are unhappy, or you

fumaves, o tu miraves les xarxes,

you were smoking, or you were looking at the networks,

tu has de continuar

you have to continue

en el mateix. L'ego mos diu

in the same. The ego tells us

que me queda com estava. Llavors, si tu vols

What I have left is as it was. So, if you want.

fer alguna petita evolució, com ara ser feliç,

make some small progress, such as being happy,

o vols fer alguna petita evolució, com ara sortir

or do you want to make some small change, like going out?

del tabac, o vols fer alguna petita evolució, com ara

of tobacco, or do you want to make a small evolution, such as

desconnectar lleugerament de les xarxes,

slightly disconnect from the networks,

tot el que sigui sortir

everything that has to do with going out

del teu espai de confort,

from your comfort zone,

el teu ego

your ego

t'obliga a ser continuïsta.

forces you to be a continuationist.

No, no, tu continua

No, no, you keep going.

fumant, perquè que bé que t'aniria ara

smoking, because how good it would be for you right now

encetant un cigarro. O tu continua mirant

lighting a cigarette. Or you keep watching.

les xarxes. I això mos passa igual

the networks. And this happens to us the same.

en la felicitat. O sigui, el nostre

in happiness. That is, our

ego mos obliga a mantenir-nos

I am forced to maintain ourselves.





voler canviar de freqüència i ser feliç

want to change frequency and be happy

mos obligaria a canviar

would force us to change

els hàbits i hauríem d'aconseguir

the habits and we should achieve

21 dies

21 days

sortir d'aquestes

get out of this


bad ones



i que la felicitat de la filla cap seria

and that the happiness of the daughter would be fulfilled

sortir d'una

come out of one

desintoxicació. M'ha agradat

detoxification. I liked it.

que parlés de la desintoxicació

that talked about detoxification

i este

and this

història l'he sentit

I have heard the story.

que diu, com si dins de natos hi hagués

what it says, as if there were something inside of us

una mascota, jo soc molt de gats

a pet, I am really into cats

i hi ha gent que és de gossos, però com si hi hagués un gatet

And there are people who are into dogs, but as if there were a kitten.

dins el teu espai, i que

within your space, and that

vingués un gat nou, volent

a new cat came, wanting

ocupar el mateix espai.

occupy the same space.

Lo gat antic,

The old cat,

o el gos, si sou de gossos,

or the dog, if you are dog people,

lo gos antic voldria quedar-se al lloc on està,

the old dog would like to stay where he is,

que no li treguin el seu territori.

that they do not take away his territory.

I el gos nou, que diguem-hi que és

And the new dog, that we might as well say is

la felicitat, o és l'antixarxies,

happiness, or it is the antitoxins,

o l'antitabaquisme, o qualsevol

either anti-smoking or any.

detox que vulguis fer-te,

detox that you want to do,

és el nou Jordi,

he's the new Jordi,

la nova persona, que

the new person, who

per entrar ha de

to enter you must

remoure i treure

stir and remove

l'antic amb els vicis.

the ancient with the vices.




I like it.

entendre que la felicitat és,

to understand that happiness is,

intenta sortir del teu espai

try to leave your space

de confort, intenta ser més feliç,

of comfort, try to be happier,

i el teu ego

and your ego

t'anirà repetint, no, no,

it will keep repeating, no, no,

tu continua criticant la gent, tu continua

you keep criticizing people, you keep on

enfadant-te, tu continua

getting angry, you carry on



en l'OBI, continua discutint

in the OBI, continues discussing

i mentre el teu

and while your

és com sortir de la droga, no

It's like getting off drugs, right?

se pot, però

it can be, but

hi ha gent que ho ha fet. I si

there are people who have done it. And if

durant 21 dies poguéssim referir-nos

during 21 days we could refer to

a les idees de temor

to the ideas of fear

que ens venen, i

that they sell us, and

poguéssim convertir-les a idees d'amor,

we could turn them into ideas of love,

hauríem d'aconseguir passar, o els 14 dies

We would have to manage to pass, or the 14 days.

que tu dius, passar uns dies d'una

What you say, to spend a few days together.

magnitud, per a que

magnitude, for what

el nou Jordi pugui entrar

the new Jordi can enter

i pugui fer treure el vell Jordi

I can make the old Jordi leave.

i això se veu

and this can be seen

que són les creences les que més

what are the beliefs that most

obliguen a quedar-nos aquí.

they force us to stay here.

Aquest estiu

This summer

també m'he fet

I have also made myself.

una amiga trans i

a trans friend and

fent el que feia la gent

doing what people did

ostres, mos mirava

wow, he was looking at us

i bueno, i llegint

And well, and reading.

coses, tenia entès que sortir de l'armari

things, I understood that coming out of the closet

és exactament això. Sortir de l'armari

it's exactly that. Coming out of the closet

és com deixar-te el tabaco.

it's like giving up smoking.

Mentre aquella persona vol explicar

While that person wants to explain

què és, té unes creences

What is it, it has some beliefs.

de sus pares i dels amics de sus pares

of his parents and his parents' friends

i de la societat, de que no és.

and of society, that it is not.

I ara, perquè la societat està més avançada,

And now, because society is more advanced,

però a l'època dels nostres pares...

but in the time of our parents...

Ha de sortir d'aquella zona de...

It has to leave that zone of...

Ha de sortir d'un lloc que el conflicte el té ell.

He has to come out of a place where he has the conflict.

La gent del carrer

The people of the street

li podrà dir o no dir, però realment

he may say it or not say it, but really

tant se'ls en fot.

They don't care at all.

Que el conflicte de sortir de l'armari està entre el teu teus pares.

That the conflict of coming out is between you and your parents.

O sigui, el conflicte de deixar de fumar...

So, the conflict of quitting smoking...

Està entre tu i...

It is between you and...

Estar segur d'un mateix...

To be sure of oneself...

Has de creure fermament de qui ets...

You have to firmly believe in who you are...

El gran dimoni el tens tu!

The great demon is with you!

Perquè els altres no te diran res.

Because the others won't tell you anything.

Si t'has deixat les xarxes,

If you've left your nets behind,

si t'has deixat el tabaco,

if you have left your tobacco,

o t'has deixat... Jo què sé.

or you've left it... I don't know.

Però tu et penses que els altres

But do you think that others

t'ajutjaran... Bueno, tot és així com a molt complex

They will help you... Well, everything is very complex like that.

i clar...

And of course...


To be able to

dir-li al...

tell him to...

Jo li dic al Jesús petit,

I call him little Jesus,

que vingui aquí dins, que seria com la meua mascota que està aquí dins,

come here inside, it would be like my pet that is here inside,

i dir-li, tu tranquil·la, no passarà res.

And tell her, you stay calm, nothing will happen.

Ara vindrà un nou Jesús,

Now a new Jesus will come,

un nou Jesús que serà per a millor,

a new Jesus that will be for the better,

tu tranquil·la, i la bebetta que no te digui.

You be calm, and let the little drinker not tell you.

No, no, no, que la bebetta no te digui.

No, no, no, let the little drink not tell you.

No, no, hem de marxar.

No, no, we have to leave.

Doncs ja m'ha acabat.

Well, I'm done.

Ja s'ha acabat el temps.

Time is up.

Moltíssimes gràcies. 20 minuts aquí.

Thank you very much. 20 minutes here.

M'ho he passat superbé. Ho he enyorat.

I had a great time. I missed it.

Jo també. Enyorava les teves samarretes, també.

Me too. I missed your t-shirts, too.

Que passis...

Have a good one...

Són noves.

They are new.

Que passis molt bona setmana. Igualment.

Have a great week. Likewise.

Continuarem... Ah, sí? Podem continuar?

We'll continue... Ah, yes? Can we continue?

Home, claro. Has de fer 4 anys.

Home, of course. You have to be 4 years old.

Que guai. Que passis molt bona setmana.

How cool. Have a great week.

Igualment. Adeu.

Likewise. Goodbye.



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