4x03 Broncano i Motos, cançons promocionals i Luis amb carasseta amb Eugeni i el Xungarro del CIM

Pòdcasts pel Valencià

La comoditat valenciana

4x03 Broncano i Motos, cançons promocionals i Luis amb carasseta amb Eugeni i el Xungarro del CIM

La comoditat valenciana

Hola, això és la senyal per començar, hem vingut a la comunitat valenciana a brindar, fem un xinxin, el nostre amor i si brindes has de beure, si no quin te atrau, i per l'amor que es professen Màxim i Pere, que sabem que són parella de fet, de fet són parella, això hem vingut bàsicament i a parlar un poc de cine i de merda.

Hello, this is the signal to start, we have come to the Valencian Community to toast, let's make a toast, our love and if you toast you have to drink, otherwise what attracts you, and for the love that Màxim and Pere profess for each other, which we know they are a de facto couple, in fact they are a couple, that’s basically what we came for and to talk a little about cinema and crap.

De merda, sí, més de merda que de cine crec que parlarem, i això és el que fa de l'amor.

Shit, yes, more about shit than about cinema I think we will talk, and that is what love is made of.

Benvingudes a la comoditat valenciana, la tertúlia d'actualitat en clau d'humor, feta en València i des del País Valencià.

Welcome to Valencian comfort, the current affairs talk show with a humorous touch, made in Valencia and from the Valencian Country.

Benvingudes al tercer programa de la quarta temporada de la comoditat valenciana, el podcast de tertúlia d'actualitat política gratuït, independent, fet en València i des del País Valencià.

Welcome to the third episode of the fourth season of the Valencian Comfort, the free, independent political current affairs podcast, made in Valencia and from the Valencian Community.

Benvingudes a la quarta temporada de la comoditat valenciana, la tertúlia d'actualitat política gratuït, independent, fet en València i des del País Valencià.

Welcome to the fourth season of Valencian comfort, the free, independent political current affairs talk show made in Valencia and from the Valencian Country.

de pura agonia i vergonya aliena

of pure agony and secondhand embarrassment

només poden emetre's en cinema

they can only be released in cinema

per primera i última volta, així,

for the first and last time, like this,

a Sueca, Bressol de Joan Fuster

in Sueca, Cradle of Joan Fuster

i La ruta del bacalao, que si ho penses

And the route of the cod, which if you think about it

bé, Maxi, també és una cosa com la comoditat

Well, Maxi, it is also something like comfort.

valenciana. Per a presentar-los

Valencian. To present them.

ens acompanyen dos

two accompany us

dels seus perpetradors. Josep Lledó

of its perpetrators. Josep Lledó

és de Sueca, nascut als 80,

he is from Sueca, born in the 80s,

una vida entregada a la faràndula i al

a life devoted to show business and to

bodybuild, que va tindre el seu

bodybuild, which had its

cim laboral amb Maremeua,

labor summit with Maremeua,

famós programa d'humor xanante

famous comedy program

de tele sueca de començament de segle.

from Swedish television at the beginning of the century.

L'acompanya Eugeni, que no m'ha

He is accompanied by Eugeni, who hasn't told me.

volgut confessar cap dada concreta

wanted to confess no specific detail

més enllà que treballa a punt, cosa

beyond that works at the moment, thing

que justifica el secretisme. Al canal

that justifies the secrecy. To the channel

nou no poden saber que hi ha algú fent coses

"Now they cannot know that there is someone doing things."

que molen. Eugeni,

how cool. Eugeni,

Josep, benvinguts a la comoditat valenciana,

Josep, welcome to Valencian comfort,

projecte fet amb més ganes

project made with more enthusiasm

que pasta, com a vosaltres vos agrada,

what pasta, as you like it,

relaxeu-vos a la butaca,

relax in the armchair,

la projecció comença allà,

the projection begins there,

i jo només espero que ni un duro de

and I just hope that not a dime of

més impostos hagi anat a aquest despropòsit

more taxes have gone to this nonsense

vostre de agafar pastes de comarques

your way of taking pastries from the regions

que un dia van anar al festival de

that one day they went to the festival of

Xitxes d'Empalmada i es van flipar

They got excited about Empalmada and went wild.

potser massa. Benvinguts

maybe too much. Welcome

a la comoditat valenciana.

to Valencian comfort.

Anem a començar, si vols,

Let's get started, if you want.

amb lo dels impostos.

with the taxes.

Des dels impostos,

From taxes,

ni un duro. Des meus sí, no?

Not a dime. From mine, yes, right?

Des teus sí, potser.

From your yes, perhaps.

Jo us pagaria gust,

I would gladly pay you.

a mi em diuen un 20% de lo que has

They tell me I'm 20% of what you are.

pagat d'IBI

paid property tax

pel Sim.

for Sim.

A tope, en això.

To the max, in this.

I si voleu un 10 més,

And if you want one more 10,

també. Jo pagué la pel·lícula

Me too. I paid for the movie.

xina, ixa que porteu de no sé què.

China, that thing you carry that I don't know what it is.

No passa res. Ixa és gratis,

It's okay. That's free.

ja no cal que la pagues.

you don't have to pay for it anymore.

Bueno, ja sabeu

Well, you already know.

que ens podeu trobar al Twitter,

that you can find us on Twitter,

com a roba a la comoditat, a l'Instagram, com a roba

like clothing to comfort, to Instagram, like clothing

a la comoditat valenciana, al Mastodon,

to the Valencian comfort, on Mastodon,

com a roba a la comoditat, arroba a mastodon.cat.

like clothes to comfort, follow at mastodon.cat.

Tenim un canal de difusió de Telegram.

We have a Telegram broadcast channel.

L'altre dia algú em va tirar per cara de que no estava

The other day someone threw it in my face that I wasn't.

passant res. Ja estic passant tots els

nothing. I am already passing all the

programes per ahí, per si voleu estar.

programs out there, in case you want to be.

També us podeu trobar al Twitter,

You can also find us on Twitter,

a Podcast pel València, que és la plataforma,

a Podcast for Valencia, which is the platform,

que tenim Pere i jo per intentar treure uns durets

that Pere and I have to try to make some money

i poder pagar aquest programa,

and to be able to pay for this program,

que ens esteu preguntant quant valia.

you are asking us how much it was worth.

Bueno, ho paguen els oients, que jo crec

Well, the listeners pay for it, I believe.

que és una de les coses més boniques que poden dir Pere.

that is one of the most beautiful things that Peter can say.

Ho paga la gent.

It is paid by the people.

Amb el seu carinyo.

With your affection.

No el contrari al Sim, que ho paguem nosaltres.

Not the opposite to Sim, which we pay for.

I res d'anar agarrant

And nothing of going holding.

ibis de la gent de Suèca.

ibis of the people of Sueca.

I bueno,


recorde també que tenim

I also remember that we have

samarretes a 12 euros.

T-shirts at 12 euros.

M'he tornat bo i m'he vingut

I have become good and I have come.

l'altre dia el cap

the other day the boss

una oferta.

an offer.

La de guanya 15, però

The winner gets 15, but

és de tela, com es diu la tela esta?

It is made of fabric, what is this fabric called?



És de soja.

It is made of soy.

De soja?

From soy?

Te pots fer un almorzaré.

You can have a brunch.

Que no t'agrada?

What don't you like?

És compostable, reciclable,

It is compostable, recyclable,



ecofriendly, vegana

ecofriendly, vegan

i tot el que pugues tindre

and everything you might have

per estar més a gust.

to be more comfortable.

I la tinta?

And the ink?

La tinta de calamars,

The ink of squids,

especialment criats en la Patagonia.

especially raised in Patagonia.

És d'impressió, no, tèxtil?

Is it printed, not textile?

Jo és que estic a tope del tema.

I am really into the topic.

Sí, és bastant impressionant.

Yes, it is quite impressive.

Sí, és impressionant, màxim.

Yes, it's amazing, maximum.

La gent també és impressionant.

The people are impressive too.

Samarretes a casa del Yao, no mos han cafetetat.

T-shirts at Yao's house, they haven't caffeinated us.

Sempre una portada d'un disc de Mago de Hoz

Always a cover of a Mago de Oz album.

de la seva època xunga.

from her rough time.

De l'època de l'heroïna.

From the era of heroin.

És molt de color, eh?

It's very colorful, isn't it?

Això està guai.

This is cool.

Bueno, les nostres samarretes.

Well, our t-shirts.

L'oferta que estic fent ara és que si me demaneu dos

The offer I am making now is that if you ask me for two.

vos se l'envia gratis.

it is sent to you for free.

Si me demaneu una, vos la cobre, l'enviament per correu

If you ask me for one, I will charge you for the shipping by mail.

són dos euros noventa, crec.

It's two euros ninety, I think.

Si me demaneu dos, ahí va gratis.

If you ask me for two, here they go for free.

I si van al Mareny?

And what if they go to Mareny?

I si van al Mareny a Perella,

And if they go to Mareny to Perella,

me conviden una cervesa i se la donen.

They invite me for a beer and give it to him/her.

Ahí al Prado.

There at the Prado.

No més barata.

No cheaper.

Calidoscop. Edifici calidoscop.

Kaleidoscope. Kaleidoscope building.

No sé qui vindrà, sí, a que li donin la samarreta.

I don't know who will come, yes, let them give him the t-shirt.

Però bueno, i tenint talls des de la S

But well, and having cuts since the S.

fins a la 2XL, que la 3XL s'ha acabat.

up to 2XL, as 3XL is sold out.

I a molt de gordo, per ahí, no?

And a lot of fat, around there, right?

A molt de gordo, este audiencio, i a molt de gordo.

To a very fat person, this audience, and to a very fat person.

Jo agafo...

I take...

Gordofòbia, stop gordofòbia, body positivity, sempre.

Fatphobia, stop fatphobia, body positivity, always.

Ja està bé, clar.

That's fine, of course.

Sí, té raó, perdoneu, eh.

Yes, you are right, excuse me, eh.

Jo gasto una 3XL.

I wear a 3XL.

3XL, però tu no estàs molt gaud, eh.

3XL, but you're not very happy, are you?

Tu saps guanyar.

You know how to win.

No, a veure.

No, let’s see.

Esta és una 2XL.

This is a 2XL.

Home, és que el teu la comoditat és tan fort.

Home, it's just that your comfort is so strong.



i res, compreu-les,

And nothing, buy them.

per favor, se fliparem,

please, we'll freak out,

ne tenim un fum,

we have a ton of them,

i si no, pues,

and if not, well,

me tocarà fer draps de cuina cars.

I will have to make expensive kitchen cloths.

I espere que no.

I hope not.

Bueno, també recordar que estem en el TikTok.

Well, let's also remember that we are on TikTok.

Eh, i res...

Eh, and nothing...

Arroba, arroba la comoditat valenciana de TikTok,

At sign, at sign the Valencian comfort of TikTok,

i què feu en TikTok?

And what do you do on TikTok?



Va, menuda mierda.

Come on, what a load of crap.

Jo a voltes m'agravia plorar.

Sometimes I felt like crying.

Hauríem de fer TikTok, morat.

We should make a TikTok, purple.

Trossos de pel·lícules de merda, eh.

Chunks of crappy movies, huh.

I curió, mos maten, ja.

I swear, they're killing us, already.

Crec que és...

I think it is...

Arroba comoditat, pum, vale.

At sign comfort, boom, okay.

El tuit, el nick.

The tweet, the username.

Però no estic segur.

But I'm not sure.

Vale, vale, pum, vale.

Okay, okay, boom, okay.

Mos seguís, gent? No sé.

Do you follow me, people? I don't know.

No sé per què, però allí mos seguís, gent.

I don't know why, but there you follow us, people.

Bueno, per anar avançant,

Well, to move forward,

m'agradaria donar gràcies

I would like to thank.

a tots els vídeos i àudios que estem rebent

to all the videos and audios that we are receiving

per al programa de la setmana que ve especial,

for next week's special program,

programa 100, que estem rebent un munt.

program 100, that we are receiving a lot.

De res.

You're welcome.

Des d'així se'n va l'Eugen i el Roim,

From here go Eugen and Roim,

perdoneu, de Sueca, que mos tragueren

Excuse me, from Sueca, that they took us out.

allà a la saca, l'altre dia.

There in the bag, the other day.

Sí, vaig veure el tuit, vaig veure el tuit.

Yes, I saw the tweet, I saw the tweet.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

Un exconvidat del programa treballa allà,

A former guest of the show works there.

a lo millor, no sé.

maybe, I don't know.

A la saca?

In the sack?



Me fa pensar que ell, a lo millor, digueva.

It makes me think that he might have said.

I res, també mos heu preguntat per xarxes

And nothing, you have also asked us on social networks.

el tema repel·lents.

the topic repellents.

El tema repel·lents, de moment, està parat.

The topic of repellents is currently on hold.

És un poc el que...

It's a little what...

No sé esta temporada com eixirà.

I don't know how this season will turn out.

De moment està parat per circumstàncies familiars,

At the moment, he is stopped due to family circumstances.

s'ha complicat molt la vida, però bueno,

life has become very complicated, but well,

la comoditat seguirà, la llibreria seguirà.

comfort will continue, the bookstore will continue.

El tema repel·lents què és, això?

What is the topic of repellents, then?

L'altre podcast.

The other podcast.

El poc al poc.

Little by little.

El poc i el ruïn.

The little and the bad.

El poc l'han deixat.

They have left him little.

Estava pensant que...

I was thinking that...

No siguis, no siguis, que s'atura.

Don't be, don't be, it stops.

Ai, té raó, s'atura molt la onda.

Oh, you're right, the wave slows down a lot.



Estava pensant que fèieu repel·lents de merchandising,

I was thinking that you made merchandise repellents,

és a dir, repel·lents de mosquits o d'estos...

that is to say, mosquito repellents or of those...

No, volia molt més, com ahir, rel·lecs, repel·lents.

No, I wanted much more, like yesterday, relics, repellents.

Prenem nota l'any que ve, un repel·lent.

We'll take note for next year, a repellent.

La camiseta del rel·lec patrocinant repel·lents.

The rel·lec shirt sponsoring repellents.

Qui té fam somien rotllos, no?

Those who are hungry dream of rolls, right?

Estan picants mosquits i...

There are biting mosquitoes and...

En sueca és que...

In Swedish it is that...

En sueca és una laguna...

In Swedish, it's a lagoon...

Bueno, és un pantà asquerós,

Well, it's a disgusting swamp,

que jo no sé per què l'han construït així.

I don't know why they built it this way.

Bueno, sí que sé per què l'han construït.

Well, yes, I do know why they built it.

Per què? No tenim coses que contar.

Why? We don't have things to tell.

Conta-nos per què en sueca...

Tell us why in Sueca...

Per què en sueca està en un pantà.

Why is she in a swamp?

Era per fer la conya.

It was meant to be a joke.

Potser els que la fundaren digueren...

Perhaps those who founded it said...

Aún podrien ficar-la que fóra més xungo,

They could still put it in, which would make it tougher.

perquè és que ningú en darrere se'n foda.

because no one behind gives a damn.

Aún hi haurà més mosquits.

There will still be more mosquitoes.

Entre el riu Txugel i l'Albufeu.

Between the Txugel river and Albufeu.

El riu Txugel i l'Albufeu què n'hi ha?

What about the Txugel River and the Albufeu?

No res. Allí anem a picar-ho.

Nothing. There we are going to snack on it.

Un monte.

A mountain.

Corbera, també.

Corbera, too.

Vull dir, allà al port n'hi ha un,

I mean, there is one over there at the port,

però en sueca és que està a la meitat de la merda.

but in Swedish it's that it's halfway in the shit.

Per el costat positiu no vos aqueixen pirates, jo què sé.

On the positive side, they don't harass you, pirates, I don't know.

Ja, home...

Yeah, sure...

Això mola plomes.

This is cool feathers.

No tens registres a on d'atractes de pirates,

You have no records of where pirates are attracted.

tampoc, eh, Màxim? Jo què sé...

neither, right, Màxim? What do I know...

Ho dic per cullera.

I say it for a spoon.

Cullera sí que...

Cullera yes...

Va, tindré prous palos.

Okay, I'll have enough sticks.

Bé, tenim una sèrie de temes.

Well, we have a series of topics.

Hem perdut 11 minuts, ara anem a treballar un parell de temetes ràpides, d'acord?

We have lost 11 minutes, now let's work on a couple of quick topics, okay?

D'acord. Primer temeta...

Alright. First topic...

Ja que venia Chen de la tele...

Since Chen was coming from the TV...

Espera, Edi, ve, Chen de la tele.

Wait, Edi, come, Chen from the TV.

Chen de la tele, o sea, que se vaya en tele sueca.

Chen from the TV, I mean, to go in Swedish TV.

No sé si ho heu dit.

I don't know if you said it.

Ah, sí, jo en el nou.

Ah, yes, I'm in the new one.

En el nou, però no.

In the new one, but not.

El tema Broncano Motos.

The Broncano Motos theme.


It is.

Bé, que Broncano pareix que li està guanyant.

Well, it seems that Broncano is winning.

Que Broncano pareix que li està guanyant.

Broncano seems to be winning.

A mi me dóna perea Broncano Motos.

I find Broncano Motos boring.

Me dóna molta perea.

It gives me a lot of hassle.

I el motos, no? Espera, espera.

And the bikes, right? Wait, wait.

Me dóna molt el sang, no m'agrada.

It makes me very angry, I don't like it.

A tothom li agrada i a mi no m'agrada.

Everyone likes it and I don't like it.

I damunt, a tot el món propi, que damunt és rotllo...

And above all, in my own world, that above is a drag...

Té que molar perquè...

It has to be cool because...

Sobre això podríem parlar, eh?

We could talk about that, right?

Clar, suposo que no serà de tots,

Of course, I suppose it won't be for everyone.

però sí que és veritat que hi ha com una corrent de pensament

but it is true that there is a kind of current of thought

que li mola a Broncano.

what Broncano likes.

Jo ho he intentat i no hi ha manera que m'entregui.

I have tried and there's no way for me to give in.

Em sembla que és un tio que ho fa mal.

I think he's a guy who does it wrong.

Però no ho aposta.

But he doesn't bet on it.

És de ser una miqueta del PSOE

It's a bit of being from the PSOE.

per poder gaudir tots els matisos.

to be able to enjoy all the nuances.

És de ser una miqueta del PSOE per poder gaudir tots els matisos.

It takes being a little bit of the PSOE to fully enjoy all the nuances.

Són com els comediers que beuen un vi,

They are like the comedians who drink a wine,

és a frutat engola, no sé què, taninos,

it's a fruity swallow, I don't know what, tannins,

se nota la corfa, no sé què, i tu dius

you can feel the cork, I don’t know what, and you say

és el Sant Simón de tota la vida.

He is the Saint Simon of a lifetime.

Si és del PSOE, tu veus Broncano,

If it's from the PSOE, you see Broncano,

veus ahí el que fa sorollets en la guitarra,

do you see there the one making little noises on the guitar,

i això ho dius, notes els matisos.

And you say that, you notice the nuances.

Si estàs afiliat.

If you are a member.

Bé, jo afiliat no estic,

Well, I am not affiliated.

no he conegut partit, però ara...

I haven't known a party, but now...

No ho sé, no ho sé.

I don't know, I don't know.

Callao funda uno.

Callao founds one.

El mor revole lo funda uno.

The dead king sets one adrift.

El mor revole lo funda el PSOE,

The PSOE founded the mor revole.

así en sueca.

so in Swedish.

Pero cuando el PSOE volaba...

But when the PSOE was flying...

Sobre partits de sueca

About sueca games

también podrían hablar, por si insegur.

they could also talk, just in case insecure.

En la foto de tallo.

In the stem photo.

Primero acaba en sueca,

First finish in Swedish,

broncano, que no me llama

Broncano, who doesn't call me.

gens, però, clar, l'únic que li tinc

nothing, but, of course, the only thing I owe him

a Pablo Motos és com

Pablo Motos is like

incomparable, vull dir.

incomparable, I mean.

És com comparar

It's like comparing.

una merda seca a una merda molla.

a dry turd to a wet turd.

Que preferisses xafar la seca

That you would rather trample the dry one.

perquè on se pega...

because where it hits...

Ja que la xafes, ja que la xafes a per totes, tio.

Since you're messing it up, since you're messing it up for good, dude.

Xafa la molla.

Squash the crumb.

Si vas a xafar una merda...

If you're going to step in dog poop...

M'ha quedat en el cap la imatge de jo xafant a Pablo Motos.

I have in my head the image of me stepping on Pablo Motos.

Sí, com molt.

Yes, like a lot.

Molt, molt, clar, perquè és molt.

Very, very clear, because it is very.

Jo t'he de dir que no l'he vist.

I have to tell you that I haven't seen him/her.

No, no l'he vist.

No, I haven't seen him/her.

Ni Pere...

Neither Peter...

Ni Pere ni jo, crec, no?

Neither Pere nor I, I think, right?

Pere, de pau.

Peter, of peace.

M'he de veure la saca, que comença

I have to see my bag, it's starting.

a les 10

at 10 o'clock

i a punt.

I'm ready.

De 10 a 10.45.

From 10 to 10:45.

Vaig a veure a punt aquestes alçades del seire.

I'm going to see at this point of the evening.

Bé, el que he de dir, perquè no queden fils

Well, what I have to say, so there are no loose ends.

després, és que les trames

afterward, it's that the plots

que no s'acaben jo les odie, però això...

that they don't end, I hate them, but this...

Faig un festival de merda.

I'm throwing a shit festival.

No anem a poder avançar.

We're not going to be able to move forward.

És simplement un conte de no-ravidez

It's simply a tale of non-ravidity.

que jo li vaig treure...

that I took it away from him...

És que xille molt. És que si en sueca t'ho xille molt.

It's just that it screams a lot. It's just that if it screams a lot in Swedish.

Li vaig treure

I took it away from him/her.

la foto del meu reuelo

the photo of my watch

al senyor Dimas Vázquez quan va pactar

to Mr. Dimas Vázquez when he made the agreement

en una dreta per ser alcalde

in a straight line to be mayor

de Sueca fa dos o sis d'atudes.

From Sueca, two or six of the bandaging.

Entonces, quan va agafar la vara de mando

So, when did he take the rod of command?

jo vaig aiguar un poc la festa

I watered the party a little.

perquè li vaig dir

because I told him/her

Mira, este que tendría que morir ara

Look, this one that should die now.

el que va afrontar la sala que era el meu reuelo.

what faced the room that was my refuge.

Este, tipo señor mayor.

This, kind of elderly man.

Tipo huela.

Type leave.

Me encanta la xell que va a la xunta.

I love the girl who goes to the meeting.

Me n'he lligat-la.

I've tied it up.

Me sembra una cosa con molt de foc.

It seems to me like something with a lot of fire.

Jo no he treballat perquè jo estava gravant-ho.

I haven't worked because I was recording it.

I en un moment donat vaig deixar el meu jo de càmera

And at a certain moment, I let go of my camera self.

i vaig dir, ara vaig a expressar-me com a cintada.

I said, now I am going to express myself as a band.

I vaig a dir, no m'has de fer de càmera.

I am going to say, you don't have to be my camera.

Me vaig a arrepentir per una part

I am going to regret it in part.

perquè no és cosa de fer i se s'animarà

because it's not something to do and it will cheer up

però per altra part m'ho vaig a arrepentir

but on the other hand I'm going to regret it

perquè sóc imbècil.

because I am an idiot.

És que en Sueca teniu sempre un bon burdel.

It's just that in Sueca you always have a good brothel.

De fet, parlarem en el primer capítol

In fact, we will talk in the first chapter.

un poc del burdel que tenim muntat ahir.

A bit of the brothel we set up yesterday.

Sí, bueno, sí.

Yes, well, yes.

El deport nacional

The national sport

és no pactar amb l'esquerra.

it is not to make a pact with the left.

L'esquerra no pot pactar entre ells.

The left cannot reach an agreement among themselves.

Sempre hem de buscar fora

We always have to look outside.

el que no troben a casa.

what they can't find at home.

En un matrimoni ja de 30 anys.

In a marriage of 30 years already.

Jo sobre el tema

Me on the subject.

broncano i motos

Broncano and motorcycles

puc parlar.

I can speak.

Estàs amb els teus amics

You are with your friends.

xerrant tranquil·lament.

chatting quietly.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, el tema

Well, the topic.

és que

it's that

el motos havia fet una miqueta

the motorcycle had done a little bit

a l'amo de les nits

to the lord of the nights

i tot el tema en el seu programa de merda

and all the stuff in his shitty program

i sembla que això era una cosa

And it seems that this was a thing.

que era imbatible i tal

that was unbeatable and such

i s'havia com una resignació que el tio havia de fer

and it was like a resignation that the uncle had to do

el seu programa de merda i a més

his shitty program and also

per l'otrofacha i molt descarat

for the other side and very brazen

i molt boig. També ha coincidit

and very crazy. It also coincided.

en que, hòstia, és que hem de pensar

What the hell, is that what we have to think about?

que el hormiguer al principi era el programa

that the ant farm was originally the program

familiar que feia Flippy

relative that Flippy was making

feien experiments, el home de negre

they were conducting experiments, the man in black

era un programa com una espècie

it was a program like a kind

de xou familiar que...

of a family show that...

Xivlit, que tu no sabràs qui és

Xivlit, that you won't know who it is.

però és un home de Sueca

but he is a man from Sueca

és que quan et diu una persona de Sueca en la tele

it's that when a person from Sueca speaks on television

és de Sueca o hem de dir-ho.

is from Sueca or should we say it.

Fiquem nerviosos si la gent no sap que hi ha un de Sueca en la tele.

We get nervous if people don't know there's someone from Sueca on TV.

El senyor pirotècnic de l'Hormiguero

The pyrotechnician from El Hormiguero

era Xivlit, que és de Sueca.

He was Xivlit, who is from Sueca.

Això era precis, tio.

That was precise, dude.

Perfecte. Salutació al senyor Xivlit

Perfect. Greetings to Mr. Xivlit.

si ens està escoltant.

if he/she is listening to us.

El cas és que...

The fact is that...

Que vingui el programa, Pere, el Xivlit, a veure.

Let the show come, Pere, the Xivlit, to see.

Home, el curro, tindria un grandíssim programa.

Man, the job, would have a tremendous program.

Hi ha hagut una deriva

There has been a drift.

en molts programes, me'n recordo

in many programs, I remember it

i sempre, jo què sé, el de...

and always, I don't know, the one about...

Ai, la tonta esta que va a platjar un llibre,

Oh, that silly one who went to the beach with a book,

com se diu? Rosa...

What is it called? Rose...

Ai, el programa este...

Oh, this program...

La Rosa Quintana.

The Rosa Quintana.

Ah, la Rosa Quintana.

Ah, Rosa Quintana.

A mi si a Rosa no sé que no sabía.

I don't know what Rosa didn't know.

Li van a escriure, no?

They are going to write to him/her, right?

Sí, sí, bueno, no, ho va a platjar.

Yes, yes, well, no, it’s going to rain.

Li ho van a escriure

They are going to write it to him/her.

i el que ho va a escriure

and the one who will write it

va a platjar-lo.

He is going to beach it.

És una cosa meravellosa.

It is a wonderful thing.

Potser en copiar, vas a escriure...

Maybe when copying, you're going to write...

Està super bé.

It's really good.

I se provava a començar

He was trying to start.

com un programa del cor, realment.

Like a program of the heart, really.

I hi ha hagut una deriva

And there has been a drift.

de molts programes populars

of many popular programs

a tema de faccerió puro i duro.

it's a purely and simply annoying matter.

Hi ha hagut un consens

There has been a consensus.

que se quede l'intermedio

let the intermission stay

i dos cosetes més

and two more little things

com a Red Flag,

as a Red Flag,

mai millor dit,

never better said,

portant la bandera de la llibertat i tal,

carrying the flag of freedom and such,

i tots els demés és feixisme.

and everything else is fascism.

I clar, el tio aquest broncano

And of course, this guy is a bully.

que feia un programa en Movistar,

that had a program on Movistar,

que més o menys estava bé,

that was more or less okay,

que no era fatxa,

that he/it was not fascist,

és que jo tampoc definiria

it's just that I wouldn't define it either

què és la cosa més roja que ha sortit per la tele.

What is the most red thing that has appeared on TV?

Un programa que no era fatxa.

A program that was not fascist.

Era una cosa agradable, simpàtica,

It was a pleasant, nice thing,

una miqueta tonta a voltes,

a little bit silly at times,

però que no ficara en un contador

but it won't fit in a meter reader

de presumptes violadors

of alleged rapists

que ha dit

what has been said

per culpa d'Irene Montero,

because of Irene Montero,

que feia el tonto del rojo vivo.

what the fool of the bright red was doing.

O sea, era una cosa

In other words, it was one thing.

que no se clava más en política

that one does not get more involved in politics

y lo poquete, pues,

and the little bit, well,

se le nota que es el típic progre urbanita,

You can tell that he is the typical urban progressive.

irónic y tal,

ironic and such,

que después igual te quince pisos llogats,

that later you might have fifteen rented apartments,

pero ahí de cara, pues,

but there face to face, well,

más o menos es simpaticón,

more or less he is quite nice,

es una progre, no, tal, no sé qué,

she's a progressive, no, such, I don't know what,

no se porta mal en quien que es gay

It is not bad to be gay.

o quien que, qué sé,

or who that, what I know,

fa una miqueta de coñetes,

it's a little bit of nonsense,

de estas cosas, yo qué sé,

About these things, what do I know,

que no es fatxa, básicamente no es fatxa.

he is not a fascist, basically he is not a fascist.

Y claro que un tío que no es fatxa

And of course, a guy who isn't a fascist.

tenga un programa

have a program

amb possibilitats de ser líder de audiencia,

with the potential to be a leader in audience,

era un problema, punt.

It was a problem, period.

El problema ve d'ahí.

The problem comes from there.

Si el tio hagués entrevistat

If the guy had interviewed

Santiago Abascal

Santiago Abascal

o Albert Rivera,

oh Albert Rivera,

en lloc de riures d'Albert Rivera

instead of laughing at Albert Rivera

quan estava en la ser i tal,

when I was in the be and such,

o hagués segut una cosa,

or it would have been one thing,

una miqueta,

a little bit,

hombre de orden,

man of order,

com haig de ser, espanyol,

how I should be, Spanish,

de derechas,


no hi hagués hagut cap problema.

there would have been no problem.

Però com no és fatxa,

But as he is not a fascist,

ojo, no és que siga desguerres,

Beware, it's not that it is wars,

és que no és fatxa.

it's just that he's not a fascist.

Això és un problema molt gros.

This is a very big problem.

I jo què sé,

And what do I know,

estem en una situació, tio, que dius

we're in a situation, man, that you say

en més d'aquí està la televisió

over here is the television

que consumís la gent.

that people consume.

Nosaltres no perquè no veiem televisió,

We don't because we don't watch television,

però la gent que veu televisió, col·legues,

but the people who watch television, colleagues,

està tragant molta merda.

he's talking a lot of crap.

Sé que esteu treballant en no sé què de tele o sento.

I know that you are working on something related to TV or I'm sorry.



Perquè Pablo Motos és valencià

Because Pablo Motos is from Valencia.

i l'altre programa que entrava ahí també...

and the other program that went in there too...

Bueno, valenciano és de requena,

Well, Valencian is from Requena,

que això valenciano és massa, eh?

that this Valencian is too much, huh?

A veure, jo he de dir que

Let's see, I have to say that

l'única cosa que ens han donat els espanyols

the only thing the Spaniards have given us

els sents anys és requena,

the hundred years is requena,

racó de mus i serrans.

corner of mackerel and mountains.

O sigui, això se defensa.

That is to say, this is defended.

L'única cosa que ens han donat els espanyols,

The only thing the Spaniards have given us,

els valencians, i això se defensa.

the Valencians, and this is defended.

Abans, en duem marinador.

Before, we used to carry a marinader.

Marinador se va a poder il·luminar, si volen.

Marinador will be able to illuminate, if they want.

Que això.

That this.

Bueno, podríem entrar en el debat

Well, we could enter the debate.

i ho vaig a fer jo ara de presentador,

and I am going to be the presenter now,

de si la gent de dretes

whether right-wing people

fa millor humor que la gent d'esquerres o al revés.

is in a better mood than left-wing people or vice versa.

Perquè és que, en realitat, la gent de dretes

Because it is that, in reality, right-wing people

fa millor humor que la gent d'esquerres.

He has a better sense of humor than left-wing people.

No fa rissa.

It's not funny.

Encara que ho pugui fer.

Even though I can do it.

L'últim fatxa graciós que hem tingut

The last funny fascist we had.

així en Espanya ha sigut José María Pemán,

thus in Spain has been José María Pemán,



L'home és de que era dels anys 20 o 30.

The man is from the 1920s or 1930s.

I des d'entonces

And since then

la gent de dretes és que no fa rissa.

Right-wing people don't make jokes.

Vull dir, perquè al final, fer humor

I mean, because in the end, making humor

necessita un espírit crític, i l'esperit crític

needs a critical spirit, and the critical spirit

és com la bandera de l'esquerra.

It’s like the flag of the left.

Jo reconec que en tercer cubata

I confess that in the third drink

Leo Hallem em provoca

Leo Hallem provokes me.

un somriure.

a smile.

Però Leo Hallem és fatxa,

But Leo Hallem is a fascist,



No, però és criptofatxa, no?

No, but it's crypto-fascist, right?

Un poquet.

A little bit.

Leo Hallem és, jo què sé,

Leo Hallem is, I don’t know,

d'aquests que quan estàs en el vestuari

of those that when you are in the changing room

del gimnàs i et veus espantadors...

from the gym and you look terrifying...

Ui, el culo de la paret!

Oh, the ass of the wall!

Escogeix el cuñado.

Choose the brother-in-law.

Leo Hallem és cuñado, és un bon cuñado.

Leo Hallem is a brother-in-law, he is a good brother-in-law.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Quan tu penses en un cuñado, penses en un fatxa,

When you think of a brother-in-law, you think of a fascist,

a lo primer.

at first.

No me imagine votar en la Podemos.

I can't imagine voting for Podemos.

És qüestió de Leo Hallem

It's a matter of Leo Hallem.

i del que vull saber.

and what I want to know.



ahí yo simplemente donaré una dada

there I will simply provide a piece of information

y es 14.000.000 d'euros

and it is 14,000,000 euros

per temporada val, que tampoco es ninguna barbaridad

per season it's worth, which isn't anything outrageous either.

el hormiguero, val prou més.

The anthill matters much more.

14.000.000 d'euros el hormiguero?

14,000,000 euros for the anthill?

No, el altre, no?

No, the other one, right?

No, el de broncano, per temporada.

No, the one from Broncano, per season.

Que és una quinta part

What is a fifth?

del pressupost d'Apunt, más o menos.

from the Apunt budget, more or less.

Són 75, el d'Apunt.

It's 75, the one from Apunt.

5 broncanos, podem fixar.

5 bronchi, we can fix.

En Apunt

In Note

se podria tirar tota.

It could be thrown away completely.

O sea, si broncano

So, if he gets angry.

un día entra en Apunt,

one day he/she walks into Apunt,

igual traurés un cafè de la màquina,

I would take a coffee from the machine.



O sea, no m'espera, sóc tanqueu.

I mean, don't wait for me, I'm closing.

Si vols, passem

If you want, let's go.

al següent tema, Pere, o què?

to the next topic, Peter, or what?



Ens hem de posar una cançoneta.

We have to put on a little song.

Ah, sí? Jo m'ho he dit ja?

Ah, really? Have I already told myself?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Si te vas a mover, que sea con clase.

If you're going to move, do it with class.

Si lo haces en Lambo,

If you do it in a Lambo,

quizá te retrases.

perhaps you will be delayed.

En transporte público llegas al rato.

By public transport, you arrive shortly.

Te libras de tantos días.

You escape from so many days.

Cosí sale barato.

Cousin sells cheap.

600 euros te ahorras al año.

You save 600 euros a year.

Y a nuestro planeta le quitas el daño.

And you take the damage away from our planet.

Viajar en bus no es bajarse al barro.

Traveling by bus is not getting down in the mud.

Tardas la mitad que en tu propio carro.

You take half the time as in your own car.

Si lo envías, puedes ir leyendo.

If you send it, you can start reading.

Y si no lo pillas, te vas aburriendo.

And if you don't get it, you'll end up getting bored.

Yo sé que eres inteligente.

I know that you are intelligent.

En transporte público se mueve mi gente.

My people move by public transport.

Yo sé que eres inteligente.

I know that you are smart.

En transporte público se mueve mi gente.

My people move around by public transport.

Yo sé que eres inteligente.

I know that you are smart.

En transporte público se mueve mi gente.

My people move by public transport.

Yo sé que eres inteligente.

I know that you are intelligent.

En transporte público se mueve mi gente.

My people travel by public transport.

Yo sé que eres inteligente.

I know that you are intelligent.

En transporte público se mueve mi gente.

My people move by public transport.



No powerlifting.

No powerlifting.

Bueno, la campanya de decidir fer el Ministeri

Well, the campaign to decide to create the Ministry.

para promocionar el transport públic.

to promote public transport.

Com està la campanya?

How is the campaign?

Com és? Tu l'has vist?

How is it? Have you seen it?

Fer una cançó que obre pornografia

Make a song that opens pornography.

És un senyor en pinta

He is a well-dressed gentleman.

d'homosexual guarro

of dirty homosexual

i sexual guarro d'estos

and filthy sexual of these

i cantar

and sing

aquesta cançó

this song

que està totalment

that is totally

la hipòtesi de Mike Cineva

the hypothesis of Mike Cineva

és que està feta per ella

it's that it is made for her

La cançó està feta per ella?

Is the song made for her?

Tot el spot està fet per ella

The whole spot is made for her.

El bigot que tenia

The mustache I had.

Jo crec que ahir no han arribat

I believe they did not arrive yesterday.

han hagut de gravar en persones

they have had to record on people

La cançó

The song

La base

The base

La base d'ella

The basis of her.

La qüestió és que

The question is that

el ferrocarril se caguen en Espanya

the railway shits on Spain

Vosaltres que viveu en Sueca heu vist

You who live in Sueca have seen

la degradació que ha tingut el tren

the degradation that the train has experienced

en qüestió de 10 anys

in a matter of 10 years

Jo he hagut de comprar

I have had to buy.

un cotxe elèctric

an electric car

No us el compreu, si podeu

Don't buy it, if you can.

Si podeu evitar no us compreu un cotxe elèctric

If you can avoid it, do not buy an electric car.

Ara, entretingut estàs

Now, you are entertained.

Jo el dia buscant on carregar

I spent the day looking for a place to charge.

no tinc més feina

I have no more work.

que pegar-li a la senya a llocs

to hit the mark in places

És com Pokémon

It's like Pokémon.

Buscant un lloc per carregar

Looking for a place to charge.

de por

of fear

Ara, estic estalviant 400 euros

Now, I am saving 400 euros.

en gasolina

in gasoline

i sofriment

and suffering

i sofriment en el tren

and suffering on the train

i pedreores en el tren i tal

and pedestrians on the train and such

ara buscant per carregar

now searching to load

però és un rotllo

but it's a drag

jo podia anar a València i després a Butxasot

I could go to Valencia and then to Burjassot.

fàcilment des de Sueca

easily from Sueca

i ara és inviable

and now it is unfeasible

és que dia sí, dia no...

it's that day yes, day no...

Quan no hi ha una vaga de metro

When there is no metro strike

hi ha una vaga d'autobús

there is a bus strike

quan no hi ha una vaga de tren

when there is no train strike

quan no ha caigut un arbre

when a tree has not fallen

no funciona

it doesn't work

puges al tren i estàs a tope

you get on the train and you are on top

A mi m'encantava anar amb patinet

I loved going on a scooter.

jo pujava amb el patinet en el tren

I was getting on the train with the scooter.

i del tren agarrava el carril bici

And from the train, it took the bike lane.

i anava a estar a Butxasot

I was going to be in Butxasot.

en el patinet

on the scooter

i ho passava pipa allà

and I was having a great time there

adelantant a tota la gent

overtaking all the people

però ara no pots pujar el patinet en el tren

but now you cannot take the scooter on the train

i apareix bé

and appears well

però és una putada

but it's a pain in the ass

perquè està a tope de gent

because it is full of people

és molt de gran

he is very big

però això no és de fa deu anys

but this is not from ten years ago

això és de fa 40 o 50

this is from 40 or 50 years ago

des que ha faltat el caudillo

since the leader has passed away



de la gaga?

from the gaga?

Antes eso no pasaba

That didn't happen before.

antes tu podies anar amb el teu patinet per allí tranquilament

Before you could go with your scooter over there calmly.

i passar

and to pass

posar tota València en los rest

put all Valencia in the rest

i no passava res

and nothing happened

i estaves la marxa d'obús per allí

and you were the shelling march over there

És el...

It is the...

lo que mos va dir l'Alba Sidera sobre

what Alba Sidera told us about

els italians feixistes que diuen

the fascist Italians who say

lo de bueno

the good thing

pero en Mussolini els trens arribaven ahora, no?

But in Mussolini, the trains arrived on time, right?

Aquí no se pot dir

Here it cannot be said.

Aquí cal felicitar el compromís antifeixista

Here we must commend the anti-fascist commitment.

de Óscar Puente

by Óscar Puente

que ningú no pot dir que els trens arriben ahora

that no one can say that the trains arrive now

gràcies a ell

thanks to him

és un compromís antifeixista clar

it is a clear anti-fascist commitment

Línia Roig és ahir

Line Red is yesterday.

No passaran els trens

The trains will not pass.

Si ella ets a llibertat

If she is free

els trens funcionaran arreu totalment

The trains will operate everywhere completely.

És que és cinisme, eh?

Isn't it cynicism, huh?

Vull dir, és molt cínic perquè

I mean, it's very cynical because

se'ls ha quedat ahí un remenent no sé de quants diners

There is a leftover amount of money there, I don't know how much.

i han dit anem a fer esta cançó

And they said let's go make this song.

que segur que la gent agarra més el tren

that surely people will take the train more

encara que quan vagis a agarrar-lo no vagi

even though when you go to grab it, it doesn't go

o estigui tan ple de gent

or is so full of people

Jo agafem moltes poques vegades el tren

We take the train very few times.

la veritat, perquè no vaig a València mai

The truth is, I never go to Valencia.

València és una caca

Valencia is a turd.

Pots anar a la silla

You can go to the chair.

Ah, bueno, m'interessa un munt

Ah, well, I'm really interested.

Està el Cristo allí

Is Christ there?

Són bons

They are good.

Però sempre està petat el tren

But the train is always crowded.

A mi tan recorregut està petaíssim

For me, such a journey is completely destroyed.

que no cap ningú, se queda gent fora

that nobody fits, people are left outside

no arriba mai a hora

he never arrives on time

Bueno, és tot un desastre

Well, it’s a total disaster.

Que volguéssim que tiressin la gent

That we wanted them to throw people out.

com en els trens de l'Índia

like on the trains of India

que quan hi hagués molta gent

that when there were many people

es tiressin per les finestres

you would throw yourself out of the windows

que estaria molt guai

that would be very cool

Marxa, marxa

Go away, go away

Tu ja, pel·lícula pel cim

You already, movie for the peak.

Tu ja no cal, fora

You no longer need to be here, go away.

Seria com una cosa molt exòtica

It would be like something very exotic.

Estaria guai

It would be cool.

Pere, si vols comencem a parlar del cim

Pere, if you want, let's start talking about the summit.

perquè portem mitja hora ja

because we've been here for half an hour already

És un meravellós festival

It’s a wonderful festival.

de cinema

of cinema

de merda de Suèca

of shit from Sueca



La primera pregunta

The first question

per introduir

to introduce

Què és el cim?

What is the summit?

El cim és el festival

The summit is the festival.

de cinema

of cinema

de merda de Suèca

of crap from Sueca

És un festival en el qual

It is a festival in which

posem pel·lícules males

let's put on bad movies

No que diguis

Not that you say

és mala perquè té un mal guió

It is bad because it has a bad script.

o és mala perquè

or it's bad because

No, no, és mal tot

No, no, it's all bad.

Tot en la pel·lícula està mal

Everything in the movie is wrong.

Normalment les idees d'aquestes pel·lícules

Usually the ideas of these movies

ja són males de per si

they are already bad in themselves

Aquestes pel·lícules van pensar

These movies were thought.

és que això no estan posant en cap lloc

It's just that this isn't being put anywhere.



No ho estem fent a Ecuador

We are not doing it in Ecuador.

Hi ha gent que està fent una pel·lícula

There are people making a movie.

s'ha passat almenys tres caps de setmana

at least three weekends have passed

rodant un llarg metratge

filming a feature film

i no estem veient-los

and we are not seeing them

Això la gent de Suèca necessita

This is what the people of Sueca need.

No només la de Suèca, venen de tot el món

Not only from Sueca, they come from all over the world.

L'any passat vingué un francès

Last year, a Frenchman came.

i va dir

and he said

Les portes estan obertes

The doors are open.

Tu entra i saluda

You come in and greet.

Perquè vingué un francès

Because a Frenchman came.

L'última vegada que vingué

The last time he/she came

això va ser

this was

el 100.000 fiscs de Sant Lluís

the 100,000 fiscs of Sant Lluís

I d'ahir no vingué un francès

And yesterday a Frenchman did not come.

D'ahir no havia vingut ningú francès

No French person had come since yesterday.

L'exhibeu ahir

You exhibited it yesterday.

aquest és el francès que ha vingut

this is the Frenchman who has come

El francès que no s'ha entès

The French that has not been understood.

perquè no saben ningú idioma que no sigui francès

because they don't know any language other than French

doncs ells sí que ho han entès

so they have indeed understood it

El Festival de Cines de Merda

The Shit Film Festival

és un festival en el qual posem pel·lícules tràgiques

It is a festival in which we showcase tragic films.

pel·lícules de sèrie B, pel·lícules gore

B-movies, gore movies

pel·lícules cutres i garules

cheap and silly movies

pel·lícules que s'han rodat

movies that have been filmed

que ho intentaven fer bé i que no van poder

that they tried to do it well and that they couldn't

i ningú festival les vol

"And no one wants the festival."

i ens diuen, és que no hi ha ningú festival

And they tell us, it's just that there is no one festival.

i ens diuen, estreno mundial!

And they tell us, world premiere!

Estreno mundial en Suèca

World premiere in Sueca

Tenim un any nou estrenos mundials

We have a new year of world premieres.

el qual podries dir, hòstia que guai

which you could say, wow that's cool

Són tots estrenos mundials, guai o no

They are all world premieres, cool or not.

perquè en realitat és que no ho pot posar ningú en el seu cine

because in reality no one can put it in their cinema

i nosaltres els tenim allà

and we have them there

els tenim, però allà està

We have them, but there it is.

i són segurament estrenos

and they are probably premieres

i ja està, no sé com es diu

And that's it, I don't know what it's called.

final, treno, com es diu, no?

final, train, what is it called, right?

o vés-te'n a fer la mà

or go and do it yourself

treno, no sé, és que ja està

I don't know, it's just that it is.

t'has d'anar a navegar i ja

You just have to go sailing, that's it.

s'ha marxat la teva vida comercial

Your commercial life has left.

Pel·lícules que estan encaminades

Movies that are in progress

a que, no sé

to what, I don't know

van prou gent, eh?

They're doing quite well, aren't they?

Sí, unes 400 persones solen vindre cada sessió

Yes, about 400 people usually come to each session.

entre 200 i 300 persones

between 200 and 300 people

Per què 400 persones

Why 400 people

que van a partir-se el cul veient pel·lícules

they are going to split their ass watching movies

la veig passar sense pena ni glòria

I see her pass without pain or glory.

bueno, partint-se el cul

well, splitting your ass

Home, prou glòria sí que tenen, però pena més

At home, they certainly have enough glory, but more sorrow.

Glòria té, perquè la gent aplaudeix

Glory has, because people applaud.

i xilla i tal, però quan t'acabes

and you scream and all, but when you finish

i dius, sí, collo, que pena de pel·lícula, per favor

And you say, yes, man, what a shame of a movie, please.

Ni pena ni glòria no

Neither shame nor glory.

No fiquem pel·lícules

We don't put on movies.

que siguen ni xitxa ni gimona

that they are neither a nuisance nor a bother

Des que fiquem

Since we put in

lo millor o lo pitjor?

the best or the worst?

Lo millor lo tenim

The best we have.

Que això ho dia, no sé si

That this was said, I don't know if.

hi vaig a citar, perquè és que m'encanta citar

I'm going to quote, because I just love quoting.

una cita, me sent com molt més culturella

a quote, I feel much more cultured

El Guillermo del Toro, que dia que

The Guillermo del Toro, what day that

o parafrasitxanta

or paraphrasing



Una cita, una cita

An appointment, an appointment.

Cuidao, cuidao

Careful, careful

Una pel·lícula, per ser mala

A movie, to be bad

o la pitjor, ja tenia interès per ell

or the worst, I was already interested in him.

Si ell li diés

If he told her

esta pel·lícula es malíssima, no la veig

This movie is terrible, I’m not watching it.

a ell ja li interessava

he was already interested in it

Lo que no li interessava de la pel·lícula és

What he/she was not interested in about the movie is

que diés ell, pues ve

What did he say, well come?

ni xitxa ni gimona

neither a fool nor a wise person

El Guillermo del Toro, que ho va dir Hitchcock

The Guillermo del Toro, who said it Hitchcock.

Segurament Hitchcock li ho va sentir dir a Griffith

Hitchcock surely heard it from Griffith.

o a Tolstoi

or Tolstoy

Si estem molt preparats

Yes, we are very prepared.

filosòficament pel defensar lo que

philosophically for defending what

defensem, eh?

let's defend, huh?

Què defensem?

What do we defend?

El Sim és molt divertit, això sí

Sim is very funny, that's for sure.

El Sim, tu et penses, hòstia, vaig a veure una pel·lícula de merda

Sim, you think, damn, I'm going to see a crappy movie.

Són pel·lícules que tu a casa no te les

They are movies that you don't have at home.

fosaries mai, de fet no les recomanem

never hives, in fact we do not recommend them

Jo les veig en casa, és llargs

I see them at home, it's long.

i tal, i no s'aguanten

And so, they can't stand it.



Però quan

But when

les veig en el Sim, quan les veig rodejades de 400 persones

I see them in the Sim, when I see them surrounded by 400 people.

i els meus col·legues

and my colleagues

comentant-la, xillant i tal, dius

commenting on it, shouting and all, you say

hòstia, és que no m'ho passava tan bé

Holy shit, I wasn't having such a good time.

des del Sim de l'any passat, saps?

Since last year's Sim, you know?

És que...

It's just that...

Clar, perquè tots els Sims són guants

Of course, because all Sims are gloves.

No n'hi ha 5 mans

There are not 5 hands.

Bueno, igual en guany

Well, maybe this year.

És que el Sim

It's that Sim.

mos pregunten, a quines es jovats?

They ask us, which ones are you interested in?

Quina pel·li és la bona, eh?

Which film is the good one, huh?

La gent és molt innocent

People are very innocent.

Encara, en què se pensen, és rotllo

Still, what are they thinking? It's boring.

No, vaig a patir menys, no sé què dius

No, I'm going to suffer less, I don't know what you're saying.

Ai, pobret, encara no estàs prou curtit

Oh, poor thing, you're still not tough enough.

La gent de veritat que és fan del Sim

The people who are truly fans of Sim.

no pregunta, és fan, perquè en la seva

he doesn't ask, he is a fan, because in his

naturaleza Superman és fer el bé

Superman nature is doing good.

li dóna igual fer el bé contra tu que contra

he doesn't care about doing good against you or against

una altra, i té que fer el bé i ja està

another one, and it has to do good and that's it

El fan del Sim patir

The fan of the Sim suffers.

A fer el bé, estar allà i aguantar

To do good, to be there and endure.

el que li tiren

what they throw at him/her

I per això, i no sé què està dient

And that's why, and I don't know what he/she is saying.

No sé tampoc, no m'he perdut

I don't know either, I haven't gotten lost.

El Sim és una experiència

The Sim is an experience.

El Sim...

The Sim...

Alguna pel·liquieta que es pugui avaluar

Any movie that can be assessed

Bé, quines dades són?

Well, what data is it?

Si alguna persona està

If any person is

vol acabar amb la seva vida

wants to end his life

El millor del Sim és anar el dia que pots anar

The best thing about Sim is going on the day you can go.

Vull dir, aquest dia me bebé, vas

I mean, this day my baby, you go.

Tinc dia puc anar, dissabte

I can go, Saturday.

Dissabte no em bebé, divendres està igual de bé

Saturday doesn't bother me, Friday is just as good.

Vull dir, vine quan te dóna la gana

I mean, come when you feel hungry.

Està a les portes obertes, no se paga

It is at the open doors, it is not paid.

És gratuït, tu entres, salut és bona

It's free, you enter, health is good.

Bon dia, com vas? Com este? Molt bé

Good morning, how are you? How is this? Very well.

Compre una xapa, compres la camiseta

Buy a badge, buy the t-shirt.

Compre lo que te dóna la gana, es un poco de gasto

Buy what you want, it's a little expense.

Perquè és gratis

Because it’s free.

Almenys, jo que sé, algo

At least, I know something.

I disfrutes, la gent el que recomanem

I enjoy, the people we recommend.

Els neonatos

The neonates

Com es diu? Neòfils?

What is it called? Neophytes?



Neonatos nubs

Neonatal clouds

Sim nubs

Yes, clouds.

Els que comencen en el Sim, és que comencen en curts

Those who start in the Sim, are those who start in shorts.

Perquè tu en un curt, tens una hora i mitja de curts

Because in a short film, you have an hour and a half of shorts.

Però clar, igual de veus tres i dius

But of course, you see three and you say

Estic saciat, ja de prou de merda

I'm fed up, sick of enough crap.

Te'n vas, fumes un cigarro, te fas una cervesa

You leave, smoke a cigarette, have a beer.

Te fas dos ratllets de coca, lo que vulguis

You make two lines of cake, whatever you want.

I tornes un rato més

I'll be back in a little while.

Tens energia

You have energy.

No s'espera que se passa una marató

It is not expected that one runs a marathon.

La gent no

People don't.

No espera que tu que passes una marató

Don't expect that you who are running a marathon.

Com el de la marató en grec

Like the marathon one in Greek.

Que va a córrer 40 km i va a morir

He's going to run 40 km and he's going to die.

Això no pot ser

This cannot be.

Tu a poc a poc vas entrenant-te

You are gradually training yourself.

En distàncies curtes

In short distances

I vas concordint-te

And you were agreeing.

El primer any segurament

The first year surely

El que passa en el Sim és que tu no saps a lo que vas

What happens in the Sim is that you don’t know what you’re getting into.

T'ascentes allà i dius, això què serà?

You go up there and say, what will this be?

Al segon curt veus que la gent comença a xillar

In the second short, you see that the people start to shout.

A insultar, no sé què

To insult, I don't know what.

Per cert, potser nosaltres agafem el micròfon

By the way, maybe we will take the microphone.

I comencem a comentar-lo de la mateixa organització

And we start to comment on it from the same organization.

I comentem el curt perquè és una merda

We comment on the short because it is crap.

Això és el millor, quan comenteu és curt

This is the best, when you comment it is short.

Si no estan comentats, el quart d'hora

If they are not commented, the quarter of an hour.

No l'aguanta ni el que ha fet el curt

Neither the one who made the short can stand it.



Quan ja portes mig hora

When you've already been at it for half an hour.

Eres tu el que més està xillant

You are the one who is shouting the most.

Els que més xillem

The ones who scream the most

Se porten poc temps

They have only been together for a short time.

Perquè ells necessiten xillar

Because they need to shout.

Tenien alguna cosa a dir

Did they have something to say?

Tenien alguna cosa a dir que havien de manifestar

They had something to say that they needed to express.

Després d'haver vist Alien Romulus

After having seen Alien Romulus

O no sé què

Oh, I don't know what.

O les pel·lícules d'eixes de merda

Or those shitty movies.

Que t'agafen a pagar vuit euros en el puto cinema

They charge you eight euros at the damn cinema.

I no pots xillar

And you can't yell.

I dius jo necessito treure això en algun lloc

And you say I need to take this somewhere.

I vas allà al cinema i això

And you went there to the cinema and that.

No n'hi ha sessió bona o mala

There is no such thing as a good or bad session.

La sessió al final bona o mala la fan els espectadors

The audience ultimately makes the session good or bad.

La pel·lícula no és igual, qualificar-la és més plus

The movie is not the same; rating it is more of a plus.

Si tu fiques una porno i es codifica és no és igual

If you put on a porn and it gets encoded, it's not the same.

Hi ha una altra de les meves metàfores

There is another one of my metaphors.

Que estic jo avui sembrant

What am I sowing today?

Això ho diu Pedro Delgado

This is said by Pedro Delgado.

Les etapes no són dures

The steps are not hard.

Les etapes ciclistes no són dures

The cycling stages are not hard.

Per el relieve, són dures

For the relief, they are hard.

Quan les fan dures els ciclistes

When the cyclists have a tough time.

El cim es fa dur o no

The summit is hard or not.

Quan la gent vol que sigui dur o no

When people want it to be hard or not

Perquè si la gent es comença a créixer

Because if people start to grow in confidence

I a flipar-la

And to flip it.

Et pots tregar qualsevol

You can mess with anyone.

Fins i tot una d'Igmar Beckman

Even one by Ingmar Bergman.

I això que si m'hi fiquen a mi i a Pani Alexander

And this is if they put me and Pani Alexander in it.

Cinq hores

Five hours

Una ex meua, sis hores

A former partner of mine, six hours.

Tota la pel·lícula

The whole movie

Pararem a quina hora

What time will we stop?

A les sis de les prà

At six o'clock in the morning.

A les tres del matí

At three in the morning

Pararem fa collant

We'll stop making tights.

No, mira-la

No, look at her.

I jo tota l'estona mirant les vidres de pasta

And I the whole time looking at the pasta windows.

Aixina de perfil

That way of profile

Jo soc cultureta

I am a little cultured.

Jo mirava aixina de perfil

I was looking like this from the side.

Aixina de perfil

In that way, profile.

Dimecres 25

Wednesday 25

comencem un dia més

let's start another day

comencem un dimecres

Let's start on a Wednesday.

i ahir si fem un dia més

And yesterday if we have one more day

no, i jo vaig ficar

no, and I put in

jo pregunto i em diuen que no

I ask and they tell me no.

però m'agrada

but I like it

aneu a agarrar la setmana ja al final

you're going to grab the week already at the end

hem fet cims llargs, hem fet cims de 10 dies

we have made long summits, we have made summits of 10 days

el cim era molt més llarg

the summit was much longer

però el cim d'ara

but the peak now

és molt més elaborat

it is much more elaborate

el cim d'ara està tot subtitulat en suec

The summit of now is all subtitled in Swedish.

tot és comentat

everything is commented

antes sí que teníem pel·lícules que era

before we did have movies that were

molt difícil de tregar

very difficult to clean

que acabàvem mosatros i dues persones a primera fila

that we ended up with two people in the front row

veient la pel·lícula

watching the movie



les d'ara estan molt, és un poc més complicat

The ones now are very, it's a little more complicated.

són 4-5 dies, que està bé, que estan molt guai

They are 4-5 days, which is good, which is very cool.

una persona normal pot vindre un dia

a normal person can come one day

dos, un fan del cim, en cinc se li queda curt

two, a fan of the summit, in five it falls short for him

però bueno, no ho tenia

but well, I didn't have it

però tot, el que no estic a parlar en castellà

but everything, what I am not going to speak in Spanish

està subtitulat en suec

it is subtitled in Swedish

o sigui, té algun curt

so it has some short film

però pràcticament tot està subtitulat en suec

but almost everything is subtitled in Swedish

però tot està subtitulat en suec

but everything is subtitled in Swedish

el suec, espera, és que s'estiguin escoltant

the Swede, wait, it's that they might be listening

el suec és una variabilitat

Swedish is a variability.

és el més de països catalans

it is the most of Catalan countries

el suec és com el xalante

Swedish is like the Xalant.

del valencià català

from Valencian Catalan

sí, és un poc el xalante

Yes, it is a bit the chalant.

és un idioma que utilitzem nosaltres en suec

It is a language that we use in Swedish.

la romanística internacional

international Roman law

està debatint

is debating

si és una variable del català diferent

if it is a different variable of Catalan

que ja no és català

that is no longer Catalan

que ja és

that already is

ja és llengua

it's already language

per si mateixa

by itself

el qual m'agradaria que en la cuna de Fuster

which I would like to be in Fuster's cradle



ja he gravat la llengua

I have already recorded the language.

jode que panca, jode que panca

it makes you angry, it makes you angry

però no me serveixen els subtítols

but the subtitles don't work for me

per a comunicar-se en el valencià

to communicate in Valencian

però els subtítols

but the subtitles

i en estos subtítols el que fem és

and in these subtitles what we do is

pegar-nos la gana inventada

to get the invented desire

i en algunes pel·lícules

and in some movies

per exemple, jo què sé

for example, I don't know

tenim una pel·lícula que es diu

we have a movie called



que va sobre uns

that is about some

karate, no sé

karate, I don't know

són uns tipus que reben superpoders

they are guys who receive superpowers

i comencen a pegar hòsties

and they start hitting each other

i si tens els subtítols en anglès

And if you have the subtitles in English.

són una pel·lícula de Marvel

they are a Marvel movie

d'entrada és Marvel això

At the outset, this is Marvel.


Excuse me?

és Marvel això, una pel·lícula de Marvel

This is Marvel, a Marvel movie.

és una pel·lícula de Marvel, sí, és Marvel-Mal

It's a Marvel movie, yes, it's Marvel-Bad.





en aquesta pel·lícula podràs veure

in this movie you will be able to see

els subtítols en anglès

the subtitles in English

que reconten la trama que volia el senyor director

that recounts the plot that the director wanted

i els subtítols en sueca

and the subtitles in Swedish

que s'ha inventat el

that has been invented by him

el fill del de Copymat

the son of the one from Copymat

que és el que fa la copisteria de Sueca

What does the copy shop in Sueca do?

i jo m'invento la pel·lícula

and I make up the movie

doncs inventa-te-la, xico

so make it up, dude

i tota l'alegria

and all the joy

i tot

and everything

molt més divertit

much more fun

voler la pel·lícula inventar

want the movie invent



és que aquestes pel·lícules d'una hora i mitja

it's that these one-and-a-half-hour movies

normalment els llargs del CIM

normally the lengths of the CIM

del Festival de Cine de Merda

of the Shit Film Festival

són curs d'un quart d'hora allargats

they are quarter-hour extended classes

què vull dir?

What do I mean?

en deu minuts està fons

In ten minutes it's deep.

aquesta pel·lícula

this movie

però l'allarguen perquè volen

but they prolong it because they want to

perquè tenen temps

because they have time

perquè diners no tenen

because they do not have money

tenen temps i poden rodar

They have time and can roll.

tenen caps de setmana lliures

they have free weekends

la majoria de gent no té nòvia

most people do not have a girlfriend

que això també fa molt

that this also makes a lot


Do you know?

fa molt, sí

a long time ago, yes

i clar, que és molt de temps lliure

And of course, that's a lot of free time.

i no saps en què

and you don't know what

o som

or we are

o som mestres d'escola

Oh, we are school teachers.

o sigui, que això

that is to say, that this

és molt dur

it's very hard

estàs plantejant-te la teua vida

are you questioning your life

i mentre estàs plantejant la teua vida

And while you are contemplating your life


you say

què faig?

What should I do?

vaig a fer cine

I'm going to make a movie.

sí, clar

Yes, of course.

doncs, com totes les males idees

well, like all bad ideas

que ens ocorreixen en la vida

that happen to us in life

és quan

it's when

quan estàs desfaventat

when you are disadvantaged

què fas?

What are you doing?



si tens parella

if you have a partner

el que has de fer és follar

what you have to do is have sex

i passar-te'n la teua parella

and to pass your partner to you

però si no en tens

but if you don't have any

doncs et fiques a fer pel·lícules

so you get into making movies

de malet

of suitcase

o podcast

or podcast





tinc que ser un escú...

I have to be a scout...

tenim un grup en els

we have a group in the

que paguen l'aixeta

that they pay the faucet

tenim un grup de telegrama

we have a telegram group

i sempre es pregunta

and always wonders

que si volem fer-los

that if we want to make them

alguna pregunta

any question

a les novedats

to the news

i la veritat és que

and the truth is that

les preguntes

the questions

que ens han plantejat

that they have proposed to us

són molt millors

they are much better

que les preguntes

that the questions

que faríem nosaltres

what would we do


they entered me

ens paguen

they pay us

i ens fan la feina

and they do the work for us

des d'aquí un saludo

Greetings from here.

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

segueu així

follow like this

això és el que volia

this is what I wanted

arribar jo a fer

to arrive me to do

en ganar el nou

in winning the new

això és el que volen

this is what they want

els vostres fans

your fans

que els vostres fans

that your fans

ja estan

they are already there

quantes preguntes teniu?

How many questions do you have?

dues o tres

two or three



un fan sueca

a Swedish fan

no ho dic

I won't say it.



, no es pot

it cannot be

és sueca

she is Swedish

no diré res més

I won't say anything more.

si hi vol

if he/she wants to

que fiqui un comentari

to leave a comment

heu vist alguna pel·lícula

Have you seen any movie?

en tant que t'ho dic

as I tell you

ahir en classe

yesterday in class

em va dir

he told me

una pregunta

a question

jo soc de sueca

I am from Sueca.

de qui ets fi?

Whose are you, fi?

ja estem allà

we're already there

sabies qui era?

Did you know who he was?



ara sí

now yes

perquè ja

because already

ja és alumne

he is already a student



heu vist alguna pel·lícula

have you seen any movie?

tan roent

so scorching

que heu dit

what have you said

esta no se pot projectar

this cannot be projected

no se pot projectar

it cannot be projected



jo en un any

me in a year

en un any

in a year

tenia una

I had one.

te vais a ficar un tros

You're going to get a piece.

que no te vais a ficar un tros

you're not going to get a piece

no recordo ni el nom

I don't even remember the name.



tenia una que

I had one that

els primers cinc minuts

the first five minutes


I say

és que això és molt comentable

It's just that this is very discussable.

és molt divertida

it's very funny



durava una hora i mitja

it lasted an hour and a half

tot el rato

all the time

el mateix

the same

i era com

and it was like

si és que s'ha de durar

if it has to last

deu minuts

ten minutes



ens ho havien passat

they had passed it to us

en gran

in large

però és que durava una hora i mitja

but it lasted an hour and a half



el problema és que són

the problem is that they are

molt llargues

very long

aquestes pel·lícules

these movies

que no es poden posar

that cannot be put on

és que

it's that

són una hora

it's one o'clock

una hora i mitja

an hour and a half

que no passen coses

that things don't happen

però no és que siga mal

but it's not that it is bad

és que és

it is that it is

és que és avorrit

it's that it's boring

el problema és que és avorrit

the problem is that it is boring

és avorrit

it's boring



perquè mal

because bad

jo què sé

I don't know.

mal és una cosa

bad is one thing

que dius

What do you say?

que la veus

that you see her

i t'oblides immediatament

and you forget immediately

d'haver-la vist

having seen her

és això

it's this



que pa

what bread

que ja no

that no longer

com les de Liam Neeson

like those of Liam Neeson

les de Liam Neeson

those of Liam Neeson

vista una

view one

vistes totes

all views

o sigui

that is to say

un pare que va

a father who goes

a vengar la filla

to avenge the daughter

que l'han subvestrat

that they have subverted it

o és que

or is it that

o és del

or is from the

de Zack Snyder

by Zack Snyder

o és

or is



que li ha donat tanta malícia

what has given her so much malice

Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan

per exemple

for example

i si a mi

and if to me

doncs a mi m'ha donat una malícia

well, it has given me a malice

que no puc suportar-lo

I can't stand it.

i si a mi no puc suportar-lo

and if I can't stand him/her

jo el veuria pel carrer

I would see him in the street.

i li pegaria dos bofetats

and I would give him two slaps



jo no sóc

I am not.

no le pegaria

I wouldn't hit him/her.

ara t'ho dic jo

now I tell you

que tu el veuries pel carrer

that you would see him on the street

i li diries

and you would tell him/her



bona estona

good time

si passaries pel costat

if you passed by the side

i no li pegaries

and you wouldn't hit him/her

i explica així

and explain it like this



jo no sóc violent ni res

I am not violent orAnything.

però jo diria

but I would say

no és precís

it is not precise

una altra pel·lícula

another movie

no és precís

it is not precise

que descansis

rest well



10 preguntes

10 questions

té una segona part

it has a second part

la pregunta

the question

l'heu contestat un poquet

you have answered him/her a little

que sigui avorrida

that it be boring

però ell pregunta

but he asks

¿deuria passar alguna cosa

Should something happen?

en aquesta pel·lícula

in this movie

alguna cosa


que digués

that he/she said

això no es projecta?

Doesn't this get projected?


les pel·lícules

the movies

per exemple

for example



que només són Gore

that are only Gore

perquè sí

just because

no són projectables

they are not projectable

són pel·lícules

they are movies



per la violència

for the violence

que hi ha violacions

that there are violations

que hi ha

What's going on?



en llargs

in long

que siguen així

Let it be like this.



només això

just this

que no té

that does not have

alguna cosa més

anything else

que no té humor

that has no sense of humor

que no té

that does not have

que dius

what do you say

és que ho ha passat

it's just that it has happened




looking at her

i n'hem tingut

and we have had it



jo recorde

I remember

la selecció

the selection

un curt

a short

que era d'una violació

that it was about a rape

que dins

that inside

que sí

that yes


it was mine

perquè hi ha una violació

because there is a violation

i tal

and such

però és que només era la violació

but it was only the violation

i ja està

and that's it

i era com

and it was like

era molt desagradable

it was very unpleasant

hi havia algú

there was someone

que li ficava

that he/she/it was putting in him/her/it

en coses pel cul

in petty matters

o no sé què

or I don't know what

en un bate

in a bat

o no sé què

or I don't know what




they were catching him

en unes cordes

on some strings



hasta això

until this








no tots pensen

not everyone thinks

el mateix

the same

i jo

and me



en aquestes pel·lícules

in these movies

a mi

to me



és com a servir

it's like serving

en film

a film

que són

what are

com ultra violentes

as ultra-violent

i que

and that

se regoden

they revel

en la violència

in violence



alguna vegada


m'ho han passat

they have passed it to me



n'he tenint de violentes

I've had violent ones.

però ha de tenir

but it must have

alguna cosa més

anything else

que violència

what violence

perquè si és només

because if it is only



una violació

a violation

per violació

for violation

és com

it's like

i què

and what

ja han vist

they have already seen

la violació

the violation

i ara què

And now what?

fan un curt

they make a short film

de 10 minuts

of 10 minutes

o de 5

or 5

mentre no es diga

until it is said

que es parlo

what is being spoken

per exemple

for example

que he ficat

what I have put in

una violació

a violation

però en realitat

but in reality

és molt mal

it is very bad

el cineasta

the filmmaker

després ell

after him



no li tinguis mania

don't hold it against him/her

doncs no passa res

so nothing happens







ens han preguntat

they have asked us

que en la vostra opinió

that in your opinion

de pel·lícules

of movies



quina és la pitjor saga

What is the worst saga?

i per què

and why

és torrente

it's a torrent



torrente és

Torrente is

prou merda

enough crap

encara que jo

even though I

la primera

the first

m'ha agradat molt

I liked it a lot.

la primera és molt bona

the first one is very good

la primera és bona

the first one is good

la primera és molt bona

the first one is very good

i la segona

and the second

té frases bones

has good phrases

la primera

the first

quan se pensaven

when they thought

que era broma

it was a joke



mos feu gràcia

you make us smile

però el problema

but the problem

és que després

it's just that later

va veure que no

he saw that not

però es pot dir

but it can be said

és que així

it's just that this way

ha de tirar el braç

he has to throw the arm

però és que

but it is that

i Xiaomi

and Xiaomi

mos va enganyar

he deceived us

un poc a tot

a little bit of everything



mos va enganyar a tots

he deceived us all

com els progres

like the progressives

d'estos des 90

of these from the 90s

o mos pensaven

or they thought we were



això és el que

this is what

pede en lo des del PSOE

I ask for it from the PSOE.

saps que perquè

do you know why

hi ha molta gent

there are many people

que és com

what it is like

aixina un poc del PSOE

a little bit of the PSOE

i de sobte

and suddenly

fica la pateta

put the little paw

a l'altre costat

on the other side

i dius

and you say

hòstia però si estic

Holy shit, but I am

amb faixa

with a belt

en pintes

in spots

en realitat

in reality

i mos enganyen

and they deceive us

un poquet

a little bit

i dius

and you say



este que cabró

this bastard

que ironia

what irony

no sé què

I don't know what.

està fent ahí

What are you doing there?

com un homenatge

as a tribute

a cineí

to the cinema



i està burlant-se

and is mocking

i no

and no

és que

it's that

ho sentia aixina

I felt it like this.

però o després

but or later

poqueta a poqueta

little by little

no sentia aixina

I didn't feel that way.

a més que va fent

moreover, he/she is doing

es va anar fent

it was coming along



i ni no

and neither not

jo pensé que

I think that

hi ha que reivindicar

there is a need to claim

el dia de Jon Fuster

the day of Jon Fuster

el dret a canviar d'opinió

the right to change one's mind





el problema

the problem

t'heu citat molt

you have quoted yourselves a lot

t'heu citat molt també

you have also quoted each other a lot

el problema de canviar d'opinió

the problem of changing one's mind

és que

it's that

molta gent progre

a lot of progressive people

com el Sabine

like the Sabine

com els xitanos d'estos

like these gypsies

com els figures d'estos

like the figures of these



i van canviant d'opinió

and they keep changing their opinion



tens tot el dret a canviar d'opinió

you have every right to change your mind

però van canviant-la

but they are changing it

a la dreta

to the right

van canviant-la mal

they keep changing it poorly


els dineritos

the little money

és que clar

it's just that clear

quan ets jove

when you are young

i no tens

and you don't have

una nòmina

a payroll

te burles de tot

you mock everything

si mosatros tinguérem

if we had

jo què sé

I don't know.

100.000 euros

100,000 euros

per fer un festival

to hold a festival

o com Sitges

or like Sitges

o 50.000 euros

or 50,000 euros

doncs potser diríem

so maybe we would say

no, no

no, no

aquest festival és seriós

this festival is serious

és de merda

it's shit

però és tot bo

but it is all good

i tal

and such

no sé què

I don't know what.

jo quan era jove

I when I was young

era el més radical

he was the most radical

i el més roig del món

and the reddest in the world

però ara

but now

jo ja tinc 44 anys

I am already 44 years old.

començo a mirar la dreta

I start to look to the right.

i dic

I say.



si tingués 400 xifres

if I had 400 digits

de diners en el banc

of money in the bank

ja votaria Vox

I would already vote for Vox.

m'ho estic plantejant ja

I'm already considering it.

vull dir que jo ja tinc

I mean that I already have

una cosa que conservar

one thing to keep

o sigui

that is to say

jo ja començo a dir

I already start to say

jo vull que em donin

I want them to give me.


the man

i els altres que s'apanyin

and the others can sort themselves out



que es follen

that they have sex

és que clar

it's just that clear

quan ets començant

when you are starting

a tindre per tenir

to have for having

doncs et vas fent

so you are getting used to it

de la gauché

of the left

de la derechera

from the right-hand side

és normal

it's normal

és veritat

it's true


pitjors anys

worst years

que hem vist

that we have seen



Torrent és molt mala

Torrent is very bad.

però la primera

but the first

és molt bona

it's very good

a mi m'ha pillat

It has caught me.

la contrapeu un poc

it counteracts it a little

estic allà pensant

I am there thinking.

El Hobbit què?

The Hobbit what?

El Hobbit m'encanta

I love The Hobbit.

perquè és molt més

because it is much more



és molt més malament

it's much worse

que El Senyor de los Anillos

that The Lord of the Rings



és molt més divertida

she is much more fun

vull dir

I mean

jo crec que

I believe that

Peter Jackson

Peter Jackson

s'ho va passar bé

he/she had a good time


doing it

i jo me'n passi bé

And I had a good time.

perquè ve que ha pillat

because he/she sees that he/she has caught

i diuen

and they say

s'ha cagat en tot

he has messed everything up

ja he fet una puta merda

I've already done a fucking mess.

de pel·lícula


i llavors me'n passi pipa

and then I had a blast


looking at her

perquè ara té una pedra

because now he/she has a stone

amb un orco

with an ogre

de tot

of everything

és una pel·lícula

it's a movie

que si ho hagués pogut fer

that if I could have done it

va ser el Keaton

it was Keaton



El Senyor de los Anillos

The Lord of the Rings

llavors jo me'n passi pipa

then I had a blast

perquè és humor

because it is humor

és gràcia

it's grace

llavors El Hobbit

then The Hobbit

jo la compren

I understand her.

jo estic molt dins d'El Hobbit

I am very into The Hobbit.

el llibre d'El Hobbit

the book of The Hobbit

em pareix una puta merda

I think it's a fucking mess.

el llibre

the book

em pareix

it seems to me

el Senyor va dir

the Lord said

vaig a escriure

I am going to write.

el Senyor d'El Hobbit

The Lord of The Hobbit.

i després ja veuré què fas

and then I'll see what you do

i després ja vaig a fer

and then I'm going to do

alguna cosa detallada

something detailed

però al principi

but at the beginning

El Hobbit és com

The Hobbit is like

doncs bé

well then

va tirar endavant

he moved forward



el telèfon d'El Hobbit

the phone of The Hobbit

jo les compren

I buy them.

les compren molt

They understand them very well.

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

després ja venia

then I would come

una altra categoria

another category

de cineastes

of filmmakers

que ens enganyaren

that they deceived us

i pareixen que

and they seem to me that

no pareixen que

they don't seem to

les cares eren detalls

the faces were details

sinó que pareixen

but rather seem

que eren bons

that they were good

i eren mals

and they were bad

i vas a pel teu amic

And you're going for your friend.

vas a pel teu amic

You're going for your friend.

no, no, tot

no, no, everything

i allà pots entrar

and there you can enter

Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan

m'ha de ser bo

I must be good.

però per exemple

but for example

Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith

mos enganya molt fort

it deceives us very strongly

Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith

mos enganya molt fort

it deceives us very strongly

per exemple

for example

quin altre

which other



mos enganya també

it also deceives us

molt fort

very loud

però no convenceran

but they won't convince

seguint de la gamba

following the shrimp

totes les pel·lícules

all the movies

és com una religió

it's like a religion

pel·lícula que fa Shyamalan

movie that Shyamalan makes

o la filla

or the daughter

que ara s'ha ficat la filla

that now the daughter has got herself involved

a fer pel·lícules també

to make movies too

mos anem a vore-les

let's go see them

a vore-les

to see them

i a gaudir

and to enjoy

8 euros

8 euros

que fa les pel·lícules

who makes the movies



3 bones

3 good ones

va fer


i després va dir

and then he/she said

ja m'ha cansat

I've had enough.

de fer pel·lís bones

to make good movies

vaig a ver

I'm going to see.

lo que me parega

whatever I feel like

Ridley Scott

Ridley Scott

va enganyar molt fort

he/she deceived very strongly

Ridley Scott

Ridley Scott

va fer 2 bones

he made 2 good ones

Ridley Scott

Ridley Scott

va enganyar molt bé

he tricked very well

va fer 2 bones

he made 2 good ones

i allà hi va anar tot

and everything went there

i va dir

and he said



el que ve després ja

what comes next already

és la pel·lícula

it's the movie

George Lucas

George Lucas

també enganyava molt fort

also lied very strongly

George Lucas

George Lucas

va enganyar molt fort

he deceived very strongly

i va enganyar molt fort

and deceived him very badly

Robert Rodríguez

Robert Rodríguez





Robert Rodríguez

Robert Rodríguez

fa sim

makes sim

i Robert Rodríguez

and Robert Rodríguez

les seves pel·lícules

their movies

podrien estar perfectament

they could be perfectly

en el nostre festival

in our festival

perquè ell agrada

because he is likable

fer pel·lícules males

making bad movies

i ell disfruta

and he enjoys

fer d'aquestes pel·lícules

make these movies

la sèrie del Mandalorian

The Mandalorian series



com és dia

how is the day

Boba Fett

Boba Fett

la sèrie de Boba Fett

The Boba Fett series

és malíssima

she is terrible

la fa Robert Rodríguez

It is made by Robert Rodríguez.

i la veus

And you see her.

i dius

and you say

que són tot xorraes

that it's all nonsense

que podrien estar perfectament

that could be perfectly

en el festival de cinema

at the film festival

o sigui que realment

so in fact

tot és cinema de merda

it's all crappy cinema

no, tot no

no, not everything

tot no

not everything

tot rent

everything washes

tot rent és bona

Every wash is good.

tot rent

everything is clean

està a distàncies

it is at distances

tot rent

everything clean

més aigües xungues

more bad waters

jo què sé

I don't know.

el padrino

the godfather



no, a mi em sembla que està bé

No, I think it’s fine.

a mi em sembla que està bé

I think it's fine.

està en el top 1

it is in the top 1

del Film Affinity

from Film Affinity

és bona

it's good

quan heu dit

when you said

les 3 bones de Coppola

the 3 good ones of Coppola

era perquè contàveu

it was because you were counting

el padrino 3

The Godfather 3

no, no

no, no

és que això no ho he dit

It's just that I haven't said that.

això és bona

this is good

això no ho he dit

I haven't said that.

això és molt bona

this is very good



també mos pregunten

they also ask us

si podríeu dir-nos

if you could tell us

un top 5

a top 5

de pel·lícules

of movies

de merda


però que se puguen trobar

but that they can meet



i aixina com

and just as

doncs això

well, that

és que nosaltres no veiem

it's that we don't see

molt de pel·lícules

a lot of movies

de cine de merda

of crappy cinema

que es pugui trobar

that can be found



tu penses que

you think that




we are searching

la merda molt fort

the shit very strong

nosaltres veiem

we see

3.000 pel·lícules

3,000 movies

a l'any

in the year

i ja ho tenim bé

And we have it all set.

vull dir

I mean

3.000 pel·lícules de merda

3,000 shitty movies



molt amateurs

very amateurish

ja no

not anymore

ja no continuem

we no longer continue

buscant i tal

looking and such

a veure

let's see

pel·lícules de

movies of

a veure jo recomanaria

let's see, I would recommend








of immigration

per exemple

for example


of asylum

de xarnado

of chattering

i coses d'aquestes

and things like that

i això són una merda

and this is crap

al final

in the end

perquè això

because of this

o des de

or from





i això és que no té entrellat

and this is that it has no connection

perquè està fet

because it is made



per guanyar pasta

to make money

en quatre xorraes

in four words

i en quatre tonteries

and in four nonsense things

i allargant-ho

and extending it

parlant-ho en despatxos

talking about it in offices

en actors secundaris

in supporting actors


cheap or shabby

però no tenen

but they do not have

massa gràcia

too much grace

en realitat

in reality

de xarnado

of chatting


you say

ve la idea

come the idea

i ja està

and that's it

però per exemple

but for example

el pedoci pastor

the shepherd pedoci

a mi em va molar

I really liked it.

el pedoci pastor

the shepherd's fart

estava guai

it was cool

tu ets el sueca

you are the Swedish woman

com es diu

what is it called



que són

what are they

és una paròdia

it's a parody

d'un slasher

of a slasher

un slasher és

a slasher is

quan hi ha un grup

when there is a group

de jovenets

as young people



que es claven

that are nailed

en un bosc

in a forest

és un slasher

it's a slasher

per exemple

for example

però hi ha una

but there is one

que és

what is it

uns xoves

some young people

que se'n van

they are leaving

tu l'has vist

Have you seen him/her?

però no recordo

but I don't remember

com es diu

what is it called

van a un bosc

they go to a forest

i hi ha dos

and there are two




of these



en camisa quadro

in checkered shirt

que treballen allà

that work there

que viuen allà

that live there

i ells se pensen

and they think they are

que estan matant-los

that they are killing them

però no estan matant-los

but they are not killing them

estan intentant

they are trying


squash them

però ells van morir

but they died

sense voler


i sempre pensen

and they always think

que estan matant-los

that they are killing them

com es diu

what is it called



no ho sé

I don't know.

com es diu

what is it called

és que a mi m'ho s'oblida

It's just that I forget it.

jo receteixo molt ràpid

I prescribe very quickly.

jo tinc una memòria

I have a memory.

de peix

of fish

molt ràpid

very fast

i després

and then

em poso en una pel·lícula

I'm putting myself in a movie.

i dic

I say

que pel·lícula més bona

what a good movie

i em diuen

and they call me

ja l'hem vist

we have already seen it

i dic

I say.



perquè fa la primera

because it makes the first

que ve la vex

what the heck

tal qual

just as it is

però rebeu

but receive

3.000 pel·lícules

3,000 movies



entre llargs i curts

between long and short



el que passa

what happens

és que de 3.000

it's that of 3,000

potser 700

maybe 700

són de gènere

they are of gender

hi ha moltes

there are many

que són documentals

what are documentaries

sobre l'Amazones

about the Amazon

un curt

a short

d'un avuelo iraní

of an Iranian flight

que està buscant

what are you looking for



hi ha moltes pel·lícules

there are many movies

el nostre festival

our festival

entenem que sigui

we understand that it is



és gratuït

it's free

la inscripció

the enrollment

i també

and also

anar a veure-lo

to go see him

perquè és de merda

because it's shit



per tant


hi ha molta gent

there are many people

que s'apunta

who's in

a enviar el correu

to send the email

a enviar

to send

on hi ha plataformes

where there are platforms

avui en dia


que t'aprieten un botó

that they press a button on you

i com és de Baes

And how is Baes?


they sign up

a qualsevol festival

to any festival

sense mirar-los

without looking at them



sense mirar-los

without looking at them

que se peten

they break each other

hi ha moltes trames

there are many plots



molt de denúncia social

a lot of social criticism

moltes coses

many things

que dius

What are you saying?

està bé

it's fine

però és que no

but it's just that no

són roïns

they are bad

igual són roïns

they might be bad

però no els pega

but it doesn't hit them

no els pega

it doesn't hit them.

al festival

to the festival

no els pega

it doesn't fit them

no és prou roïn

it's not bad enough


que està molt bé

that is very good

perquè a vegades

because sometimes

arriben coses molt roïns

very bad things are coming

que dius

what do you say



és un tramon

it's a stretch



perquè està molt mal fet

because it is very poorly done

però hi ha molts

but there are many

que no s'ho vas peden

that you didn't ask for it

i diuen

and they say



per què haureu de participar

why you will have to participate

en aquest festival

in this festival



gran error

big mistake

tan agarrat

so stingy

i hi ha alguns

and there are some

que desapareixen

that disappear

després d'agarrar-li

after grabbing him/her

i li diuen

and they call him/her



t'has seleccionat

you have been selected

i borren el curt

and they delete the short one



ja no ho podem

we can no longer do it

ja no està

it's no longer here

ja no sabem per què

we no longer know why



alguna més

any more




you say

alguna més

anything else



Matt Heide

Matt Heide

està molt guai

it's very cool

que la posàvem l'any passat

that we put last year

és la de Heide

it is Heide's

totes aquestes

all of these

és que l'important

is that the important

d'aquestes pel·lícules

of these movies

ara per exemple

now for example

han tret

they have taken out

Willy the Pooh

Willy the Pooh

se van caducar

they expired

fa dos anys

two years ago

els drets de Willy the Pooh

the rights of Winnie the Pooh

i llavors

and then

ara estan fent

now they are doing

el de Mickey Mouse

the one of Mickey Mouse

també han caducat

they have also expired

i tant

of course

estan fent pel·lícules

they are making movies

de Slashers

of Slashers

que estan pel·lícules

What are these movies?



amb personatges

with characters



amb personatges

with characters

doncs això

well, that’s it

de Mickey Mouse

of Mickey Mouse

de Peter Pan

of Peter Pan

van fer

they did

van fer un

they made a



metaverso d'estos

metaverse of these

un univers

a universe


of murderers

de pel·lícules

of movies

que van perdre

that they lost

entre els drets

among the rights

els personatges originals

the original characters



i aquestes estan molt bé

and these are very good

la 1 és molt roïna

the 1 is very ugly

però la 2

but the 2

que encara no l'ha vist

that still hasn't seen it

diuen que estan molt bé

they say they are very well

la de Willy the Pooh 2

Winnie the Pooh 2

Blood and Honey

Sang i mel

es diu

it is called

està molt bé

it's very good

perquè ja

because already

el tigre

the tiger

ja ha perdut els drets

has already lost the rights

i el poden gastar

and they can spend it

ja tenen el porquet

they already have the little pig

el tigre

the tiger

a la mula

to the mule

i això en la xista del cul

and that in the ass crack

encara no l'han ficat

they still haven't put it in

però crec que sí

but I think so



i el Willy the Pooh

and Willy the Pooh



és una

it is a



però que bueno

but how good

que se poden agarrar

that can be grabbed

qualsevol pel·lícula

any movie

si tenen díci

if they have said

el tema és

the theme is

voreu endemics

you will see endemics

vull dir

I mean

jo recomano això

I recommend this.

aquestes pel·lícules

these movies

d'alguna cica

of some girl

a mi m'encanta

I love it.

quan jo era nano

when I was a kid

vaig disfrutar moltíssim

I enjoyed myself a lot.

jo compré

I bought.

una moto vampiro

a vampire motorcycle

això és una pel·lícula

this is a movie



és la de Jesucristo

it is that of Jesus Christ

Jesucristo mata vampiros

Jesus Christ kills vampires.

també és una

it is also a

la he vist

I have seen her.

totes aquestes pel·lícules

all these movies



el diàleg de la dinamita

the dialogue of dynamite

tot això

all this

me'n fico jo a casa

I'll take care of it at home.

a soles


al 10 minuts i tal

in about 10 minutes

i dic

I say.

pues sí

well, yes

està graciós a soles

it's funny on its own

però són pel·lícules molt llargues

but they are very long movies

i tal

and so on

i que tenim moltes escenes

and that we have many scenes

de tirades

of tirades

que no valen a ningú

that are worth nothing to anyone

perquè la trama no té

because the plot does not have

cap triat

any selected

el que mola és l'acció

what's cool is the action

i la cutró

and the cutro

i això

and this

si estàs en amics

if you are in friends

està molt guai

it's very cool

perquè t'hi rius

why are you laughing at it

i mentre t'hi rius

and while you laugh at it

no està passant res

nothing is happening

perquè igual és un 20 minuts

because it might be 20 minutes

de descans

of rest

i eixe rato xarres

and that rat chatters

no sé què

I don't know what.

comentes lo que ha passat

you comment on what happened

no sé quantos

I don't know how many.

i se fa molt més dinàmica

and it becomes much more dynamic

i després

and then

ixes pel·lícules

those movies

tu vas a veure

you are going to see

una de Nolan

a Nolan one

no de Nolan

not from Nolan

encara la comentes

are you still commenting on it?

però vas a veure

but you will see

una pel·lícula random

a random movie

al cine

to the cinema

i acaba la pel·lícula

and the movie ends

i està bé

and it's fine


i ja no parles mai més d'ella

and you never talk about her again

i una pel·lícula d'aquest

and a movie like this

que has vist en 3 o 4 amics

that you have seen in 3 or 4 friends

i l'has comentat

And you have commented on it.

cada volta que quedes

every time you stay

la recordes d'aquella pel·lícula

Do you remember her from that movie?

tornes a veure

you see again

aquella pel·lícula que va morir

that movie that died

tan roent

so scorching

no sé què

I don't know what.

i és molt més recurrent

and it is much more recurrent

i la revius

and you revive it

i la disfrutes molt

and enjoy it a lot

no en el moment

not at the moment

perquè en el moment la pateixes

because at that moment you suffer it

perquè potser és malíssima

because it might be really bad

però després

but then

la tens ahir sempre

you have it always yesterday

és un tipus de cine

it's a type of cinema

que és molt social

that is very social

vull dir

I mean

és com molt

it is very much

aporta molt de feedback

provides a lot of feedback

és com un poc interactiu

it's a bit interactive

és com molt trencar

it's like a lot to break

la quarta paret també

the fourth wall too

és com un event social

it's like a social event

com el teatre

like the theater

en el públic

in the audience

participa també un poquet

participate a little too

i això jo crec

and I believe this

que està guai

that is cool



per la gent

for the people

que li mola

that he/she loves it

que vegin

let them see

aquesta dimensió del cine

this dimension of cinema

com de participació

as of participation

amb la gent

with the people

i això és un tipus de cine

and this is a type of cinema

que la pel·lícula

that the movie

no és una cosa

it is not a thing

que simplement

that simply

et tiren a la cara

they throw it in your face

i tu has d'aguantar

and you have to endure

sinó que tu també

but you too

pots dir alguna cosa

can you say something

i contestar

and answer

i moltes vegades

and many times


to answer him/her

el mateix que l'ha fet

the same as the one who made it

perquè moltes vegades

because many times

quan veig la gent

when I see people

que ha fet la pel·lícula

what the movie has done

doncs estan allà mateixa

so they are right there

i si et cagues en tot

and if you shit on everything

et pots cagar en ell

you can shit on him

en la seva cara

on his face



vull dir

I mean

i per mi això és bonic

and for me, this is beautiful

perquè jo crec

because I believe

que per nosaltres

that for us

és bonic això

this is beautiful

ja he trobat

I have already found.

ja he trobat la pel·lícula

I have already found the movie.

que volia dir

what I wanted to say

Tucker and Dale

Tucker and Dale

versus Evil

versus Evil

en anglès és

in English it is

Tucker and Dale

Tucker and Dale

versus Evil

versus Evil


i això està bé

and that is fine

i això està molt divertit

and this is very funny

i després si te pots anar

and then if you can go

als clàssics

to the classics

doncs agarres a Ed Wood

so you get Ed Wood

agarres a Corman

You catch Corman.

agarres a John Waters

you grab John Waters

agarres a este

you grab this

John Waters és dur

John Waters is tough.

John Waters és molt dur

John Waters is very tough.

o als estos

or to these

o al típic este

or the typical one

del material de ball

of the dance material

de les mulletes

of the mules

este també

this too

el Rusmeyer

the Rusmeyer

i te pots veure

and you can see yourself

les pel·liculetes

the little films

d'eixa gent

of those people

que són clàssics

that are classics

una puta merda

a fucking shit

però bueno

but well

doncs bé

well then

t'ho passes bé

you have a good time

i moltes són de ball

and many are for dancing

que estan per allí

that are over there

puchaes online

online puchas

que no sé

that I don't know

no sé què heu fet

I don't know what you have done.

per tal de

in order to

Roger Corman

Roger Corman

no se deu fer

it should not be done

lo de baixar seu

the thing about lowering yours

no se deu fer

it should not be done

no se té que fer

it should not be done

nosaltres no estem fent

we are not doing

apologia de la pirateria

apology of piracy



dios me guarde

God preserve me.

a veure podeu fer

let's see what you can do

lo que vull

what I want

Pere acaba de reconèixer

Pere has just acknowledged.

antes que li demanava

before I asked him/her

el telèfon

the telephone

a les comidades

to the communities

ah vale

Oh okay.



a veure

let's see

si està mort

if he is dead


the author

no s'ho entera

he doesn't get it

i si està viu

and if he is alive

i és ric

and he is rich



doncs també

then also



estem així

we are like this



i si està viu

and if he is alive

i no el coneixes

and you don't know him

tampoc s'ho entera

neither does he/she understand it



per la pirateria

for piracy

estem 500 anys

we are 500 years



les terràcies

the terraces

dels pirates

of the pirates

de Dragut

of Dragut

i ara

and now

mos venen la pirateria

they sell us piracy

la pirateria




ixa sí que molava

that was really cool



que venien

that were coming

en les asfanges

in the ashtrays

a calar-nos

to pull us in

no baixar-se pel·lícules

don't download movies

pirata de merdes

piece of shit pirate





perdoneu que vostè

excuse me that you

és que ja portem

it's just that we've already been carrying

una hora

one hour

Roger Corman

Roger Corman

en un any tenim

in a year we have

un homenatge

a tribute

a Roger Corman

to Roger Corman

perquè es va morir

why did he/she die

el cartell

the poster

és un homenatge

it is a tribute

a una pel·lícula seva

to one of his/her movies

que es diu

what is it called


the attack

de los cangrejos asesinos

of the killer crabs




amazing movie


very bad

és possible que fiquem

it's possible that we put



pot ser


que posem esta

what do we say this

no ho sabem encara

we don't know yet

de fet

in fact

quan acabi l'entrevista

when the interview is over

anem a veure

let's see

2 o 3 de Roger Corman

2 or 3 by Roger Corman

a veure

let's see

quina mos agrada més

which one we like more



farem un homenatge

we will pay tribute

a Roger Corman

to Roger Corman

en el cim

at the summit

el divendres

on Friday

a les 11 de la nit

at 11 at night

el divendres

on Friday



o 28

or 28



molt bé

very good



jo havia preparat

I had prepared

un xicotetes

a little guy

per a veure

to see

li he demanat

I have asked him/her.

a la IA

to the AI

que me faixa pel·lícules

make me movies

de sèrie B

B series



tu te'n sents

you feel it

a la pel·lícula

in the movie

ah sinopsis

ah synopsis



a les pel·lícules

to the movies



xarge pete gratis

charge pete free

jo que se

I know.

tampoc crec que doni

I don’t think it will work either.

per tant


no no

no no

a les hores

at the hours

li diré

I will tell him/her.

una sinopsis vostra

a synopsis of yours

i una feta per la IA

and a fact for the AI

nostre no

our no

de les pel·lícules

of the movies

que posem nosaltres

what do we put







la penxeu vosaltres

you think it, you all





no ens hem penjat

we haven't hung ourselves

en ningú

in no one

del twitter

from Twitter

ah del twitter

oh from Twitter

Twitter. Hòstia, això s'ho ha inventat

Twitter. Holy shit, this is made up.

la Community Manager.

the Community Manager.

Va, tope, va.

Come on, let's go.

Va, se fica guai.

Come on, get cool.


Go ahead.

Primera tanda.

First round.

La invasió dels cinturons de seguretat.

The invasion of seat belts.

Els cinturons de seguretat

Seat belts

dels cotxes es tornen vius i comencen a atacar

the cars come to life and start to attack

els conductors. Un jove mecànic

the drivers. A young mechanic

ha de formar un equip amb altres

he has to form a team with others

supervivents per trobar el seu origen

survivors to find their origin

i parar la invasió abans que els cinturons

and stop the invasion before the belts

dominen el món. El dissabte

they dominate the world. On Saturday

28 a les 13 hores

28 at 1 PM

subtitulada en rigorós

subtitled in rigorous



L'altra. Ovelo

The other. Ovelo.

e Espada. Això sembla una

and Sword. This seems like a

barreja entre dragones i masmorres.

mix between dragons and dungeons.

Star Wars mal. Los telenecos

Star Wars bad. The telenovelas.

en el muñeca y cine de barrio.

in the doll and neighborhood cinema.

Y es la propuesta de Fabio Powers

And it is Fabio Powers' proposal.

Ovelo e Espada.

Ovel and Sword.

El dissabte 28 a les 13 hores

On Saturday the 28th at 1 PM.

subtitulada en rigorós sueca.

subtitled in strict Swedish.

Jo crec que

I believe that

els cinturons és la falsa.

the belts are the false one.

A veure,

Let's see,

a veure, a veure.

let's see, let's see.

L'Ovelo e Espada la posarem

We will put the Ovelo and Sword.

el dissabte a les 11 de la nit.

Saturday at 11 p.m.


They will come.

cinc portuguesos.

five Portuguese.

Ah, vale, 23 hores.

Ah, okay, 23 hours.

Vindran cinc portuguesos

Five Portuguese people will come.

a vore-la, que l'han fet. Vindrà el director

To see her, that they have made her. The director will come.

no sé si són pares allà,

I don't know if they are parents there,

no sé qui. El defecte d'especials.

I don't know who. The defect of specials.

Porten l'Espasa.

They carry the Sword.

L'Ovelo e Espasa és un anime

The Ovelo and Espasa is an anime.

però rodat ahí

but rolled there

en un poble de Portugal.

in a village in Portugal.

No sé quin serà.

I don't know which one it will be.

Estos ahí del duero.

These there of the Duero.



I serà la primera volta

And it will be the first round.

que tindrem algun

that we will have some



en el cim veient la seva

at the summit seeing her

pel·lícula subtitulada en sueca

subtitled movie in Swedish

i que entendrà que el que està passant d'ahí

and will understand what is happening from there

no és el que ell vol que passi.

it is not what he wants to happen.

Perquè ens ha passat en un coreano, però el coreano

Because it has happened to us in a Korean, but the Korean.

no tenia ni puta idea del que posava en el subtítol.

I had no fucking idea what I was putting in the subtitle.

La gent se ria i li deia

People laughed and told him.

hòstia, que guai, no?

Wow, that's cool, isn't it?

Però clar, este portugués sí que sabrà que

But of course, this Portuguese will know that

si està dient d'ahí alguna cosa i va a dir

if he is saying something from there and is going to say

que eres mal refit de puta

you are a bad remake of a whore

doncs intenta que no estigui dient

so try not to let it be said

«Buenas tardes».

"Good afternoon."

Però bé, estem suant ja.

But well, we are already sweating.

No m'he de pensar que estem suant d'avui

I don't have to think that we're sweating today.

si agarreixen va o mos fa parar la pel·lícula

if they grab us, it makes us stop the movie

que pot ser que sigui el millor que pugui passar en el cim

that may be the best thing that can happen at the summit

i és que diga «Pareu la pel·lícula, que ja no és la meva pel·lícula!»

"And it's like I say, 'Stop the movie, it's no longer my movie!'"

O que aplaudís

Or that I would applaud.

que més que ningú i que xille més que ningú.

that more than anyone and that shouts more than anyone.

Però això del cim també al final.

But this about the summit also in the end.

Evitar el error.

Avoid the mistake.

Estes són les conseqüències

These are the consequences.

que hem elegit

that we have chosen

en la vida del mal.

in the life of evil.

Màxim, segona.

Maximum, second.

Segona, va.

Second, go.

No te vaig a dir el nom de la pel·lícula.

I'm not going to tell you the name of the movie.

Simplement vaig a dir les opcions.

I'm simply going to state the options.

A. Uns borratxos tirats en un descampat.

A. Some drunks lying in a wasteland.

Uns cadàvers arrefillats en un bosc.

Some corpses stuffed in a forest.

Una performance postmoderna del MIM.

A postmodern performance of the MIM.

Si vols saber què hi ha darrere de

If you want to know what is behind

«Hauràs de vindre al cim el divendres 27 a les 18 hores».

"You will have to come to the summit on Friday the 27th at 6 PM."

Un grup de basura espacial

A group of space debris.

es troba atrapat en una estació espacial

he is trapped in a space station

abandonada plena de basura extraterrestre

abandoned full of extraterrestrial garbage

que cobra vida.

that comes to life.

A. Un grup de basura espacial

A group of space debris

han de combatre la basura

they must fight against waste

abans que la seva nau

before their ship

sigui destruïda.

be destroyed.

Vols saber com reciclaran correctament

Do you want to know how to recycle correctly?

els extraterrestres?

the extraterrestrials?

Vine al cim el divendres 27 a les 18 hores.

Come to the top on Friday the 27th at 6 PM.

Jo crec que deia

I think he/she was saying.

la de la basura.

the one from the trash.

Mira, passe.

Look, go ahead.

Ja passe.

I already passed.

Es fica molt fàcil, eh?

It's very easy, huh?

No s'ha agarrat sinopsis, s'han agarrat tweets.

No synopsis has been taken, tweets have been taken.

Llavors, ara hi ha un sinopsis que ja...

So, now there is a synopsis that already...

Vaig a borrar el concurs.

I am going to delete the contest.

Me'n borren.

They delete it from me.

La última.

The last one.

està super...

it's super...

Les de l'AIA són super bones.

The ones from AIA are super good.

No, no, jo no dic que de l'AIA,

No, no, I am not saying from the AIA.

són sinopsis i el nostre...

they are synopses and our...

Vale, últim.

Okay, last one.

Dos opcions.

Two options.

Després de trobar una casa

After finding a house

antiga abandonada, un grup d'amics comença

abandoned old place, a group of friends begins

a experimentar fenòmens paranormals.

to experience paranormal phenomena.

Descobrissen que les rates de la casa

They discover that the rats in the house.

tenen capacitat de reviure

they have the ability to revive

els seus esports més grans i han de descobrir la veritat

their greatest sports and they must uncover the truth

darrere de la casa per escapar en vida.

behind the house to escape alive.

Dissabte 28 a les

Saturday the 28th at the

18 hores.

18 hours.

Bé, un inventor crea un robot

Well, an inventor creates a robot.

cuiner dissenyat per fer pastissos,

cake maker designed for making cakes,

però una errada en el programa fa que el robot

but an error in the program causes the robot

comença a fer pastissos de carn

start making meat pies

amb intenció de conquerir el món.

with the intention of conquering the world.

Un jove forner ha de detenir-lo.

A young baker must stop him.

Dissabte 28 a les 6 hores.

Saturday the 28th at 6 o'clock.

Pues sí, tia,

Well, yes, girl,

esta sí que te hicit bé,

this one you did well.

perquè les dues podrien ser.

because both could be.

Diria que de les rates és l'AIA.

I would say that the AIA is the rats.

Són les dues d'AIA.

It's two o'clock in AIA.

Ah, puta!

Ah, bitch!

Són bones, tio, són bones.

They are good, dude, they are good.



Molt bones, tio!

Very good, dude!

La AIA ja és més creativa que una persona normal.

AI is already more creative than a normal person.

Però és que les ha de fer, tio.

But he has to do them, man.

La AIA hauria de venir al cim a fer-les.

The AIA should come to the summit to do them.

També he descartat...

I have also ruled out...

O sigui, li vaig dir que me'n farà 20, eh?

So, I told him that he will make me 20, okay?



I he descartat algunes com zombis de la piscina,

I have eliminated some like pool zombies,

uns zombis que viuen en una piscina.

zombies that live in a swimming pool.

Havia de matar-los per agradar-los.

I had to kill them to please them.

Està guai, eh? Està guai.

It's cool, right? It's cool.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Doncs res, això,

Well, nothing, this,

aquest cap de setmana que hi hagi el programa,

this weekend that there is the program,

el que ve, el dimecres,

next Wednesday,

començarà el cim,

the summit will begin,

i que, bueno, tenen el programa en el Twitter, no?

And, well, they have the program on Twitter, right?

Teniu Instagram i tal.

Do you have Instagram and such?

Sí, en la web,

Yes, on the website,

que és cimsueca.com.

what is cimsueca.com.

Tenim ahí tot el programa

We have the entire program there.

a partir del dimecres 25.

starting from Wednesday the 25th.

A partir de les 6 de l'esprat estem fins que

From 6 in the morning we are until

tinguem ganes de tancar i ens pensem de posar

We feel like closing and we think about putting.

pel·lícules males. El cuerpo aguante.

bad movies. The body endures.

Val, i també

Okay, and also

en guany teniu la novetat que van a gravar

This year you have the novelty that they are going to record.

un podcast que no som nosaltres.

a podcast that is not us.



No us heu adelantat que estem fent un podcast amb vosaltres primer.

You haven't rushed ahead that we are doing a podcast with you first.

Però venen a gravar

But they come to record.

un podcast, però no amb nosaltres.

a podcast, but not with us.

Saps? Que és com el colmo del recochineu,

You know? It's like the height of mocking.

és cabró.

he's a bastard.

Venen, però

They come, but

el José Morís ens diu

José Morís tells us

anirem a fer un podcast

we will go to make a podcast

al cim, però

at the top, however

vosaltres no hi sereu. I si hi ha tothom

you will not be there. And if everyone is there

i l'Evaldo dius que

and Evaldo you say that

són els famosos, vosaltres som

they are the famous ones, you are us

la comparsa.

the group.

Sí, que som els famosos, és veritat.

Yes, we are the famous ones, it's true.

Però, bueno, sí, venen ahí

But, well, yes, they come there.

els de Xusma Deluxe,

the Xusma Deluxe ones,

que són molt guais, molt professionals.

they are very cool, very professional.

Xusma Deluxe!

Deluxe Trash!

I molt guai.

It's very cool.

I he trencat una llança, no molt gorda,

I have broken a lance, not very thick,

perquè jo crec que no podia trencar una llança,

because I believe that I could not break a lance,

de José Molins,

by José Molins,

que jo el vaig conèixer

that I met him

quan feia Maemewa el 2005,

when was Maemewa in 2005,

2005, 2005,

2005, 2005,

quan feia jo Maemewa,

when I was Maemewa,

i ell m'ho va descobrir per Maemewa

And he found it out for me through Maemewa.

i ell estava treballant per productores.

And he was working for production companies.

A Madrid.

To Madrid.

A Madrid. I volia exportar

To Madrid. I wanted to export.

el format de Maemewa

the format of Maemewa

a Madrid.

to Madrid.

I era ja pre...

And it was already pre...



Això no existia, vull dir, era

This did not exist, I mean, it was.

el que feien aquells ja, però

what they were already doing, though

era molt ahí per amb un còmedi, no sé què.

It was very there with a comedy, I don't know what.

José Mota encara no havia fet lo de l'humor rural,

José Mota had not yet done the rural humor thing.

la de Vallès-Simanita encara com molt marginal,

the Vallès-Simanita one still seems very marginal,

no era l'humor perifèdic i sé que va

it wasn't peripheral humor and I know it goes

tindre un boom i després se'n va anar a la merda.

to have a boom and then it went to hell.

Se va perdre l'humor valencià

The Valencian humor has been lost.

de Maemewa en Madrid,

of Maemewa in Madrid,

però... I li costava el lloc de feina a ell.

but... it cost him the job.

Perquè jo li dic, mira que està...

Because I tell him, look at this...

Que això no va a ningú...

That this doesn't go for anyone...

Que això no va a anar a voler, no sé què.

That this is not going to want, I don't know what.

Aunque me quede en el carrero,

Even if I stay in the cart.

tinc que luchar para que Maemewa...

I have to fight so that Maemewa...

No sé què, no sé quantos...

I don't know what, I don't know how much...

I vaig a ensenyar-lo a tots. I clar, evidentment va a

I'm going to show it to everyone. And of course, obviously it's going to

perdre la feina, perquè

lose the job, because

evidentment és José Molín, i està

it's obviously José Molín, and he is

fet per a tres milers.

made for three thousand.

Per a tres milers molt més altes.

For three thousand much higher.

Xusma. Xusma de luxe.

Trash. Luxury trash.

Vindran el

They will come the



A Sueca el divendres

In Sueca on Friday.



A les set i mitja.

At seven thirty.

Està mirant a veure si jo podré

He is looking to see if I will be able to.

anar o no. Depèn de... Bueno,

to go or not to go. It depends on... Well,

de tota manera,


sols dir-los que els dos

just tell them that both

convidats que van aportar

guests who contributed

ja han vingut a la comoditat.

They have already come to comfort.

En la primera temporada.

In the first season.

De fet, Toni sigue el segon convidat

In fact, Toni is the second guest.

i Valdovi vingué

and Valdovi came

perquè Cabra Fotuda no va voler vindre

because Cabra Fotuda didn't want to come

a tancar la primera temporada.

to close the first season.

Era el segon plat de Cabra Fotuda.

It was the second dish of Fucked Goat.

El segon plat, eh?

The main course, right?

No pot sobrar.

It cannot be excessive.

Tenim molt que millorar, eh?

We have a lot to improve, right?

I ho vaig comentar...

I mentioned it...

És de Xusma de luxe.

It's luxury trash.

Volem un germà alemany.

We want a German brother.

Que també és de Xusma de luxe.

That is also from luxurious Xusma.

I queda a Valdovi.

It stays in Valdovi.

A Valdovi.

To Valdovi.

I vaig comentar aquesta anècdota a la dona de Valdovi

I mentioned this anecdote to Valdovi's wife.

i em va dir que ell estava acostumat a ser

And he told me that he was used to being

segon plat.

main course.

Xaudiu va dir la bona imatge.

Xaudiu said the good image.

No, mi amor, hem anat a un petar.

No, my love, we went to have a blast.

Perquè hem anat a un petar i van dir

Because we went to a party and they said.

que l'Eutzeni alemany va vindre

that the German Eutzeni came

i l'Eutzeni va dir no.

And Eutzeni said no.

I si va, jo no he entès.

And if he goes, I don't understand.

Que no.


M'agradaria pensar, més o menys per Toni,

I would like to think, more or less for Toni,

però que ell siga l'Eutzeni 2.

but let him be Eutzeni 2.

Bé, Toni de l'Hostal, teòricament,

Well, Toni from the Hostal, theoretically,

ve de tant en tant allà

comes by from time to time there

a comentar pel·lícules.

to comment on movies.

Perquè teníem com una espècie de grupet

Because we had a kind of little group.

que comentaven pel·lícules i tal

they were commenting on movies and stuff

i ens posarem a comentar-les allà en directe.

And we will start commenting on them live there.

Tant és un dia i a la mitja pel·lícula

It doesn't matter if it's a day or halfway through the movie.



El primer dia ens la preparàvem

On the first day, we prepared ourselves for it.

jo, ell i jo, un altre col·lega

me, him and me, another colleague

que es diu Pau Ovidi i Toni de l'Hostal

his name is Pau Ovidi and Toni from the Hostal

i ens preparàvem una pel·lícula

and we were preparing a movie

i tot ens la preparàvem abans

And we prepared everything beforehand.

per fer allà el comentari en directe.

to make the comment live there.

I Toni de l'Hostal també se l'ha preparat

I Toni from the Inn has also been prepared.

però durant...

but during...

A mi m'ha dit, li vaig dir

He told me, I told him.

hòstia, a veure si puc anar a vorets

Damn, let's see if I can go to see you.

i m'hi dic allà, veus tu, un any que pensava

I tell myself there, you see, a year that I was thinking.

que no aniria al cim, me toca anar.

that I wouldn't go to the summit, I have to go.

És molt cabró, però bueno.

He's very much a jerk, but oh well.



El volem igual, eh, el volem igual.

We want him the same, right, we want him the same.

No vos teniu que escoltar, vull dir, podeu dir

You don’t have to listen to us, I mean, you can say.

el que vulgueu.

Whatever you want.

Val, Pere,

Okay, Peter,

una hora i set minuts.

one hour and seven minutes.

T'has preparat un mix d'una cosa

You've prepared a mix of something.

i la fiques.

and you put it in.

I l'any

And the year

que no s'ha celebrat ja ho parlarem més abans.

that has not been celebrated we will talk about it more later.

No, per l'estrelles està mort, jo què sé,

No, for the stars he's dead, I don't know.

i és igual, de res.

And it doesn't matter, you're welcome.

Bueno, pues fiquem un àudio

Well, let's put in an audio.

que he fet, no sé si és

What I've done, I don't know if it is.

alguna cosa que ha passat, que el tio Albice,

something that has happened, that Uncle Albice,

el Follardillas, que bueno, té un partit

the Follardillas, how nice, has a match

polític, té una horda

politician, he has a horde

de mermados en Telegram,

of diminished on Telegram,

està fent una tasca molt forta

is doing a very strong task

per reinsertar la gent que va patir

to reintegrate the people who suffered

meningitis vírica i...

viral meningitis and...

Igual que sí.

Just like yes.

Igual que sí, més a la política

Just like yes, more in politics.

que al cim al cinema.

at the peak in the cinema.

Bàsicament. I resulta

Basically. And it turns out

que, bueno, molt de la pasta que li pagava

that, well, a lot of the money that I paid him

la penya i tal, o estava desviant

the gang and such, or was it deviating

a un tremendo xiringuito.

to a tremendous beach bar.

Vaig a ficar l'àudio

I'm going to play the audio.

i el comentari.

and the comment.

Estamos en el tercer evento de CryptoSpain, que se llama

We are at the third CryptoSpain event, which is called

Madrilems Club, y antes de entrar

Madrilems Club, and before entering

voy a explicar un poco qué es CryptoSpain.

I am going to explain a little what CryptoSpain is.

CryptoSpain es una alternativa legal

CryptoSpain is a legal alternative.

a los impuestos injustos que nos impone

to the unfair taxes that are imposed on us

el Estado, ¿vale? Son profesionales

The state, okay? They are professionals.

expertos que se dedican a eludir fiscalmente

experts who specialize in tax evasion

miles de euros para nuestra empresa.

thousands of euros for our company.

¿Ok? Entonces, eso es lo que

Okay? So, that is what

hace CryptoSpain, y además tienen un canal de YouTube

It's called CryptoSpain, and they also have a YouTube channel.

y TikTok, y

and TikTok, and

lo enseñé en el último vídeo, no lo expliqué mucho,

I showed it in the last video, I didn't explain it much.

pero, bueno, el fundador o el, digamos que

but, well, the founder or, let's say that

el máximo exponente es

the maximum exponent is

Luis, ¿vale? Que es el hombre que va con la mascarilla

Luis, okay? He is the man with the mask.

y es el que habla en los vídeos. Entonces, nada.

And he is the one who speaks in the videos. So, nothing.

Vamos a entrar ahora al evento,

We are going to enter the event now.

¿vale? Voy a grabar lo que esté pasando,

Okay? I'm going to record what is happening.

la charla y tal.

the talk and so on.

Cualquier tipo de forma que se pueda.

Any kind of shape that can be.

Por eso, el hecho de que

Therefore, the fact that

exista esta comunidad, que

this community exists, which

Luis ha conseguido hacer tan

Luis has managed to do so.

grande, etcétera, es un gran

big, etcetera, is a great

éxito, y un gran éxito, sobre todo legal

success, and great success, especially legal

contra este Estado criminal. Así que,

against this criminal state. So,

un aplauso para todos vosotros, y para

a round of applause for all of you, and for

todos vosotros.

all of you.

Entiendo a cualquier persona que intente

I understand anyone who tries.

eludir impuestos de la forma que sea,

to evade taxes in any way,

porque este país es criminal.

because this country is criminal.

Ole los cojones de todos aquellos que conseguís

Hooray for the balls of all those who succeed.

no pagarle hacienda y ahorraros

not paying the tax office and saving yourselves

el dinero que podáis. Por eso se llaman impuestos,

the money you can. That's why they're called taxes,

porque no son voluntarios, te lo imponen.

because they are not volunteers, it is imposed on you.

Ese es el tema, tío. Nos han impuesto

That's the issue, dude. They have imposed on us.

saquearnos más del 70% o 75% de lo que

loot us more than 70% or 75% of what

ganamos. Si de cada 100 pavos que tú facturas,

we win. If out of every 100 bucks that you bill,

colega, que estás todo el puto día trabajando,

dude, you’ve been working all fucking day,

te quitan 75, te dan ganas de trabajar

They take away 75, and it makes you want to work.

y te vas a la rueda y el país no paga.

And you go to the wheel and the country doesn't pay.

Esto va a la moncla que está sin que la Policía Nacional

This goes to the moncla that is without the National Police.

me persiga. Han dicho lo cual. Estoy muy feliz

they chase me. They have said that. I am very happy.

de estar aquí. Pero en realidad,

of being here. But actually,

vosotros, todos vosotros, aquí,

you all, all of you, here,

tenéis el mismo tipo de política, que es la contrapolítica

you have the same type of politics, which is counter-politics

a un Estado mafioso, perdóname

to a mafia state, forgive me

que lo diga, criminal, que roba más del 70-75%

let him say it, criminal, who steals more than 70-75%

de todo lo que producís

of everything you produce

todos vosotros, cada año.

all of you, every year.

Y eso, amigos míos,

And that, my friends,

no sé cómo lo llamaréis vosotros,

I don't know how you will call it.

pero yo lo llamo

but I call him

esclavismo moderno.

modern slavery.

Una mujer anciana que me dijo el otro día,

An old woman who told me the other day,

Luisa, yo te leo siempre, pero no sé si seguirte

Luisa, I always read you, but I don't know if I should follow you.

porque no sé si es legal o no.

because I don't know if it's legal or not.

El 9 de junio nos presentamos a las elecciones

On June 9 we will present ourselves for the elections.

europeas por primera vez

Europeans for the first time

de forma independiente,


que una parte capital...

that a capital part...


Thank you!

...de la libertad financiera de la que tanto temen

...of the financial freedom they fear so much.

esos corruptos. Muchísimas gracias a todos.

those corrupt ones. Thank you very much to everyone.


Thank you!

¡Gracias a todos!

Thank you all!


Thank you!

Bueno, pues era...

Well, then it was...

he barretxat diversos audios

he has merged several audios

que he trobat. El que pasa es que el tío

that I have found. What happens is that the guy

ficaba pasta, una cosa que se

I put in dough, something that is

teía Madeira Investment,

I had Madeira Investment,

que era una cosa controlada, pero un tal

that it was a controlled thing, but a certain

Luis, que tenía un canal de

Luis, who had a channel of

vídeo de YouTube y de TikTok

YouTube and TikTok video

que hacía siempre en cara a Z,

what he always did to Z,

pero no se identificaba

but it did not identify itself

y ninguno sabía quién era.

and none knew who he was.

Pere, perdona que te... perdona,

Pere, sorry that I... sorry,

pero es que me has recordado. ¿Tú te acuerdas del rechidor

But you reminded me. Do you remember the speaker?

y ese de compromís que

and that of commitment that

aprofitar la mascarilla que hacía cuando parlaba inglés,

take advantage of the mask I wore when I spoke English,

pero no parlaba inglés, que era una

but he didn't speak English, which was a



Pues igual, una cosa pareguda.

Well, similarly, a similar thing.

Eso es. Es el rollo,

That's it. It's the thing.

es lo que yo pulque en un

It's what I pulque in a

bank. O sea, no saber quién es el tío,

bank. That is to say, not knowing who the guy is,

no estar identificado de cap forma

not being identified in any way

y yo donarle el mes d'inés.

and I will give her the month of Inés.

Y él promete que a

And he promises that to

mí esos diners, él infringirá

Give me that money, he will infringe.

la ley. ¡Maldita!

the law. Damn it!

O sea, es realmente... Si no le hago la volta,

I mean, it's really... If I don't turn it around,

es que la batalla cultural la tenim molt perduda,

the cultural battle is very lost for us,

porque esta gente ha conseguido

because these people have managed

darle la volta y hacer que el mal

turn it around and make it bad

siga el ver, ¿sabes?

Be the green, you know?

Y que furtar es tira de puta madre,

And stealing is fucking great,

¿sabes? Y eso es porque los de Esquerra

Do you know? And that's because of those in Esquerra.

no lo han hecho. Cuando han manado, no lo han

they haven't done it. When they have commanded, they haven't

hecho. Mira, pues ya que vosotros lo que

Done. Look, since you all...

voleu es furtar a l'Estat, que tan vos furta

you want to steal from the State, which steals so much from you

que diguen vosotros, pues mira, a rics

let them say what they want, well look, to the rich

a vosotros vos aneu a donar paper. O sea,

you are going to be given paper. That is,

totes que sou uns figures que

all of you are some characters that

aneu per ahí de gualletge en això,

go around diagonally in this

ahí sí, ahí això es pacaplà

there yes, there that is pacaplà

i a repartir. Ja veurem ahí si

and to distribute. We'll see there if

la cosa canvia o no canvia. Però claro, com

the thing changes or does not change. But of course, how

estos no ho fan, els altres diuen

they don't do it, others say

vosotros sí que ho aneu a fer-ho i canvien el discurs.

you are indeed going to do it and they change the discourse.

És superfascinant. A mi me tenen fascinat completament.

It's super fascinating. I am completely fascinated by it.

El cas és que el tal Luis,

The fact is that the so-called Luis,

misterioso Luis, senyor calvo

mysterious Luis, Mr. Bald

en cara a seta, que no se sabia qui era,

facing the mushroom, who no one knew who it was,

però que estava rebent diners

but was receiving money

de muntó de penya, com

of a lot of people, like

el vice ha dit públicament

the vice has said publicly

que la seva pasta la fica ahí

that his/her dough goes in there

i se n'ha dit, espera't un momento,

and it has been said, wait a moment,

i aquest tio d'aquí ha

and this guy here has

hagut un paro, un paro de mil parell

there was a strike, a strike of a thousand pairs

de collons, en principi

for fuck's sake, in principle

i les dades són dades

and the data is data

ocultes, tot el tema, és molt difícil

you hide, the whole subject, it's very difficult.

vore aquí a invertir pasta,

look here to invest money,

però ella ha dit que si algú envia

but she said that if anyone sends

un correu dient, cabrón calvo

an email saying, bald bastard

quiero mi dinero,

I want my money.

i ses dades ja seran públiques

and the data will already be public

i ja les farà servir i senda.

And she will use them both.

O sigui que ningú li envia res.

So no one sends him anything.

Ningú calvo,

No one bald,

cabrón calvo. Que em sembla

bald bastard. What do you think of me?

meravellós. Està dient, no reclameu

Wonderful. He is saying, do not claim.

els vostres diners, o sigui, jo no vos

your money, that is, I don't you

a donar els diners. Però si els reclameu

to give the money. But if you claim it

no sigues vosaltres. Però si els reclameu, si els reclameu,

don't be you. But if you claim them, if you claim them,

i senda anirà per vosaltres.

And the path will go for you.

O sigui que no sigueu tontos

So don't be stupid.

i deixeu-me a mi els vostres diners.

And leave your money to me.

I em sembla, doncs, una

It seems to me, then, a

autèntica meravella i

authentic wonder and

que el vice estigui ahí clavat amb pasta

that the vice is stuck there with cash

d'altra penya i tal, em sembla

from another crew and such, it seems to me

doncs, bé, una cosa,

well, one thing,

però bé, un monument a la intel·ligència

but well, a monument to intelligence

política d'avantguarda,

avant-garde politics,

però superguapo.

but super handsome.

Són trileros, són trileros d'aquestes dades.

They are con artists, they are con artists with this data.

La història és que jo els dono a vosaltres

The story is that I give them to you.



Jo els publico per a ells.

I publish them for them.

És que n'hi ha una penya que ha perdut un munt de pasta

There is a bunch of people who have lost a lot of money.

en la meravella aquesta que recomendava el vice

in this wonder that the vice recommended

i el tio, és que li seguiran

And the guy, they will follow him.

votant. És que és increïble.

voting. It's just incredible.

Bueno, bé, veieu que amb vosaltres el vice

Well, you see that with you the vice

la dreta se fracciona un poquet,

the right is fracturing a little bit,

ja ho té bé.

It's already good enough.

Ja era hora de que...

It was about time that...

Bueno, però

Well, but

també és de veres que esta gent està

it is also true that these people are

atraent gent a la política que antes no

attracting people to politics who weren't before

estava. Sí, sí.

I was. Yes, yes.

És perillós, però bé, la qüestió és...

It's dangerous, but well, the thing is...

Això és el principi, quan Compromís

This is the beginning, when Compromís.

tenia un

I had a

projecte, doncs la gent s'ho creia i deia

project, so people believed it and said.

ah, que guai, i llavors votava gent que no votava mai.

Ah, how cool, and then I was voting for people who never voted.

I podem, com que

And we can, as that

saben que era contra l'esquerra o alguna cosa d'això.

They know it was against the left or something like that.

I això al principi, doncs

And this at the beginning, then.

mira que guai i tal, no sé què.

Look how cool and stuff, I don't know what.

Comencen molt fort,

They start very strong,

després se desomfla, i això passa

then it deflates, and that happens

en tots els partits que comencen i tal.

in all the matches that start and such.

Després fan

After they do

balleros i allà i tot.

dancers and there and everything.

Segurament hi haurà molts neoliberals

There will surely be many neoliberals.

que no votarien mai i diran ah, no votaran

that they would never vote and will say, ah, they will not vote

i ara no votaran ningú, però bé.

And now nobody will vote, but well.

Bé, n'hi ha que passar

Well, some must pass.

la pallola, al final. Sí, sí, sí,

the knuckle, in the end. Yes, yes, yes,

la passera, s'ha de passar la passera.

the walkway, you have to walk across the walkway.

Bé, a més és com han absorbit

Well, besides, it's how they have absorbed.

aquest discurs neoliberal

this neoliberal speech

americà de que l'estat

American of the state

et roba perquè t'està imposant

It steals from you because it is imposing on you.

uns impostos i quant menys estat

some taxes and how less state

i quant menys impostos perquè és millor.

and how much less taxes because it is better.

Vull dir, és una

I mean, it's a

cosa... És mila i dos, realment.

thing... It's a thousand and two, really.

Sí, i de totes maneres

Yes, and in any case.

jo dono gràcies a que no cal encara més,

I give thanks that there is no need for more.

saps? Perquè ho tenen tot a favor, saps?

You know? Because they have everything going for them, you know?

Perquè tot el sistema mundial

Because the entire global system

està fet per això, saps? I tots els

it's made for that, you know? And all the

corres de pensament són com superindividualistes

thought currents are like superindividualists

de rotllo... No, no, doncs

That's just how it is... No, no, then.

tu has de ser tu, has de notar-se

You have to be yourself, you have to stand out.

com un mogolló que eres el millor, has de

As a mess that you are the best, you have to

fer ostentació del que

to show off what

te va i tot és una

It suits you and it's all one.

aparència i tu has de voler més i més

appearance and you must want more and more

i més, saps? I és que passar per damunt

And more, you know? It’s just that going over it

d'altres, doncs bé, no n'hi ha més que

others, well, there is nothing more than

passar per damunt d'altres. I qualsevol cosa que

to pass over others. And anything that

et toquin, encara que sigui un pobre desgraciat,

they touch you, even if it's a poor unfortunate,

és un roba i és inadmissible i no l'hi pots consentir.

It is a disgrace and it is unacceptable, and you cannot allow it.

I és, doncs, la pèrdua de l'empatia,

And it is, therefore, the loss of empathy,

de la solidaritat i de tot això, i de qualsevol

of solidarity and all of that, and of anything

valor, però que jo crec que això

value, but I believe that this

és normal en el tarlocapitalisme

it is normal in tarlo-capitalism

i encara m'estranya que no estigui

And it still surprises me that it is not.

més desbocat encara, saps? Que hi ha gent

even more unbridled, you know? That there are people

que digui, no, no, vaig a pagar impostos i no sé què,

that says, no, no, I'm going to pay taxes and I don't know what,

vull dir, perquè al final, que ho veus

I mean, because in the end, you see it.

en tots els llocs, està en qualsevol telediari

In all places, it is on any news broadcast.

o te'l veus ahí que donen pàvula

or you see it there that they are giving a speech

a esta gent, a tots costats,

to these people, on all sides,

i ho veuen com a algo admirable

and they see it as something admirable

i bo i desitjable, saps?

It's good and desirable, you know?

Quan és el contrari, vull dir,

When is the opposite, I mean,

l'egoisme és el mal i l'altruisme és el bé,

selfishness is evil and altruism is good,

vull dir, l'imperi

I mean, the empire.

és el mal

it is the evil

i la república és el bé, no?

And the republic is the good, right?

En Star Wars, els rebeldes

In Star Wars, the rebels

són els bons

they are the good ones

perquè volen, com

because they want, how

pluralisme, no?, com entre tots

pluralism, right?, like among all of us

i l'imperi és el mal perquè volen

And the empire is evil because they want.

topar a ells, no? Perquè volen...

bump into them, right? Because they want...

Tens els àngels d'Estars Raiders.

You have the angels of Estars Raiders.

No sabem el que és un héroe.

We do not know what a hero is.

Un héroe és, no?, l'héroe és

A hero is, right?, the hero is

el que, el que, vaja,

what, what, well,

encara que no,

even though no,

que la seva vida patisca

that their life suffers

o se sacrifica per ajudar

or one sacrifices oneself to help

els altres, això és l'héroe, no?

the others, this is the hero, right?

Això ho sabem tots, no?

We all know this, right?

No, l'héroe és...

No, the hero is...

Jo, jo...

Me, me...

I tots que em follen, no?

And everyone who fucks me, right?

O sigui, ha canviat el discurs completament.

In other words, the discourse has completely changed.

Però, bueno, no ho sé,

But, well, I don't know,

jo crec que al final...

I believe that in the end...

Jo tinc confiança en la bondat humana

I have faith in human kindness.

al final, i per això faig el Sim,

In the end, and that's why I do the Sim.

també, saps?

also, you know?

Has de fer la volta a este discurs,

You have to turn this speech around,

a veure...

let's see...

No, jo crec que el Sim està molt guai

No, I think Sim is really cool.

perquè som bones persones.

because we are good people.

Per no flipar-se, no?

To not freak out, right?

O sigui, per no flipar-se tant, que avui en dia la societat

I mean, not to get too carried away, that nowadays society

et diu que tot el que fas ha de estar molt bé, no?

It tells you that everything you do has to be very good, right?

Has de ser molt productiu, has de ser molt bo

You have to be very productive, you have to be very good.

i has de ser el millor.

You have to be the best.

Has de ser el millor i has de tenir talent.

You have to be the best and you have to have talent.

Doncs no passa res.

Well, nothing happens.

Si fas les coses mal, si no produïs,

If you do things badly, if you don't produce,

si no tens massa talent, tampoc.

if you don't have much talent, neither do you.

No passa res. Pots ser una persona vàlida.

It's okay. You can be a worthy person.

Jo no tinc massa talent.

I don't have much talent.

No passa res. Sóc feliç

Nothing is wrong. I am happy.

i puc ser una persona útil i bona

I can be a useful and good person.

per les meves amistats i per la gent

for my friends and for the people

que està amb mi i me coneix

who is with me and knows me

i a mi em satisfà això i em pareix correcte

And this satisfies me and seems correct to me.

i tinc bastant en això.

I have quite a lot in this.

I jo què sé, en el Sim és un poc

And what do I know, in the Sim it's a little.

riures d'això, d'on vas flipat, on vas.

laughing about this, where are you going crazy, where are you going.

Alerta, missatge.

Alert, message.

Que t'has flipat tant.

You've gotten so carried away.

Si voleu, ho deixem així una hora de set.

If you want, we can leave it like that at one o'clock.

Se mos han quedat moltes coses per parlar.

There are many things we haven't talked about yet.

Quines coses?

What things?

Per exemple, el canal de YouTube del Xungarro,

For example, the YouTube channel of the Xungarro,

els llibres que has cridit...

the books that you have called...

Com es diu? Més bé que cagar a la ponat.

What is it called? Better than shitting on the beach.

Fiqueu-s'ho, que està el Xungarro dient d'animalais.

Get it in, because the Xungarro is talking nonsense.

Parla de música...

Talk about music...

De on? De quan? De música antiga.

Where from? From when? From ancient music.

De música antiga. Ja ficarem un enllaç al Twitter.

Of old music. We'll put a link on Twitter.

Són xorrals que me se passen a mi pel cap

They are silly thoughts that cross my mind.

quan estic avorrit i entre paja i paja

when I'm bored and between straw and straw

dic, hòstia, què faig ara?

I say, damn, what do I do now?

No te saluda.

He/She does not greet you.

Dius, hòstia, me'n faria una però no puc encara.

You say, damn, I would love to do one but I can't yet.

I dic, va, vaig a fer-me un vídeo.

I said, come on, I'm going to make myself a video.

I això és...

And this is...

Això és perquè no tens família.

This is because you don't have family.

Perquè jo avui estava fent una reflexió.

Because I was reflecting today.

M'he quedat...

I've been left...

Tenia una hora a soles,

I had an hour alone,

tota la casa,

the whole house,

tota la casa per mi, una hora.

the whole house for me, one hour.

Abans de gravar el programa.

Before recording the program.

I en comptes d'entregar-me l'onanisme

"And instead of handing me the masturbation"

dic, ara passa l'aspiradora

I say, now the vacuum cleaner is passing.

i després el motxo.

and then the mop.

Ara, ara que ningú m'ho xafa.

Now, now that no one is stepping on it.

I he acabat i dic, però en què m'he convertit?

I have finished and I say, but what have I become?

Però això és bonic. És solidaritat

But this is beautiful. It is solidarity.

inversa a la teva família.

inverse to your family.

I és un acte de reciprocitat.

And it is an act of reciprocity.

Ara ningú m'ho xafa. I se va quedar

Now no one ruins it for me. And he/she stayed.

perfecte el pis.

perfect the apartment.

No m'ha donat des d'acabar el programa.

He hasn't given me anything since finishing the program.

Xico, però no tens rumba d'esta

Dude, but you don't have this rumba.

que passa automàticament?

What happens automatically?

El capitalisme també ho fa molt bé.

Capitalism does it very well too.

Perquè els homes no tinguem que fer algo,

So that men don’t have to do anything,

que no tinguem que fregar,

that we don't have to scrub,

han inventat la rumba, saps?

They have invented rumba, you know?

Ara, en la igualtat, dius, ara,

Now, in equality, you say, now,

els homes també teniu que fregar i agranar.

Men should also clean and sweep.

No, no, no, això no pot ser.

No, no, no, this cannot be.

Inventem una rumba, inventem algo.

Let's invent a rumba, let's invent something.

En sèrie B segur que vos he entrat

In Series B, I'm sure I have entered you.

en una pel·lícula d'estes rois

in a movie like this

d'una rumba que se torna loca, no?

of a rumba that goes crazy, right?

I mos ja hem fet

We have already done it.

la rumba fight.

the rumba fight.

No hem fet mai una rumba fight.

We have never done a rumba fight.

Agarrar una rumba, plenar-la de gabinets

Grab a rumba, fill it with cabinets.

i de... com es diu això?

And... what is this called?

De guillotines i tal, i posar globus.

Of guillotines and such, and putting up balloons.

I va rebentant globus, i cada globo té un nom

I am bursting balloons, and each balloon has a name.

i el que queda s'endú els 50 euros o el que sigui.

And the rest takes the 50 euros or whatever it is.

Això a sèrie B ho heu copiat.

You copied this in Serie B.

Això ho heu copiat.

You have copied this.

Ho farem allà, a les bacalletes de la mar,

We'll do it there, at the little pools of the sea,

que això és quan fem estarats mentals.

that this is when we make mental states.

Hòstia puta!

Holy shit!

Vos reunirem, ficarem allà una verja,

We will gather you, we will put a fence there,

tirarem la rumba allà,

we will throw the party there,

tirarem de globus,

we will pull balloons,

i la rumba anava en guillotines allà,

and the rumba was going on guillotines there,

letals, allà, que l'havien preparat.

lethal, there, that they had prepared.

L'aguai seria dos rumbes, perquè si no

The water would be two rumbles, because if not

l'hi ferien entre ells.

they would hit him/her among themselves.

Estaven tots com a...

They were all like...

Estos de México, no vull ser

I don't want to be one of these from Mexico.

racista, pero sí...

racist, but yes...

Estos de mexicanos que fan peleas de gallos

These Mexicans who hold cockfights.

o de monos en funals, y no sé qué.

or monkeys in funals, and I don't know what.

En la botella, en les botelles de whisky...

In the bottle, in the bottles of whisky...

Diga, venga la rumba,

Say, come the rumba,

yo apaste fer la rumba, no sé qué.

I went to make the rumba, I don't know what.

Con el molar, no sé qué.

With the molar, I don't know what.

En fin, genial.

In short, great.

El convidarem una cançó i se n'anem.

We'll invite him a song and we're leaving.

Una cançó i ja està.

A song and that's it.

Què? La cantem?

What? Shall we sing it?

No, no, no, la digueu

No, no, no, you say it.

i el tio Màxim

and the uncle Màxim

la piratejarà d'internet.

She will pirate it from the internet.

Digueu la cançó, no digues això...

Say the song, don’t say that...

Xanclo Van Dam de J.C.

Flip-Flop Van Dam of J.C.

de Buclesno.

of Buclesno.

Vale, pues...

Okay, then...

Están en Spotify.

They are on Spotify.

El gran col·laborador del cine.

The great collaborator of cinema.

Es que repleguem a tots.

We are gathering everyone.

Busquem la cançó

We are looking for the song.

i se vegem la setmana que ve.

See you next week.

Si no passa res,

If nothing happens,

celebrarem nosaltres el programa Ascent.

We will celebrate the Ascent program.



I l'altre cap de setmana,

And the other weekend,

la mateixa setmana, celebrem el programa Ascent

the same week, we celebrate the Ascent program

i Xuxma de Lux va a gravar

and Xuxma de Lux is going to record

allà al cine.

over there at the cinema.

Aquí tindreu la setmana que ve.

Here you will have next week.



Estel López.

Estel López.

No, no, l'altre no ho sé.

No, no, I don't know the other one.

No, no, tenim allà un impàs, Pere.

No, no, we have a gap there, Pere.

Tenim que parlar en algun...

We need to talk about some...

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Estic a l'espera d'una confirmació

I am waiting for a confirmation.

i si no és esa persona,

and if it's not that person,

serà un altre que també parlaré.

It will be another one that I will also talk about.

O si no serà Toni de los Tala, una mala.

Or it will be Toni from Los Tala, a bad one.

Una mala és Toni de los Tala.

One bad thing is Toni from los Tala.

Bueno, vinga, pues...

Okay, then...

Fins la setmana que ve.

Until next week.



Fiquem per aquí a l'alçada

Let's put it here at the height.

Quan les coses eixen mal

When things go wrong

aprenem el doble

we learn double

30 monedes de plata

30 silver coins

ja ha eixit la rata

the rat has already come out

Ni Jesús, ni Brian, ni Willem Dafoe

Neither Jesus, nor Brian, nor Willem Dafoe.

van salvar el poble

they saved the village

Pots canviar eixes sandàlies

Can you change those sandals?

per la força del vinagre

by the power of vinegar

Si ho tinguérem clar

If we had it clear.

Aquí hi ha un pebre sard

Here is a Sardinian pepper.

Si ho tinguérem

If we had it

Si ho tinguérem clar

If we had it clear

Aquí hi ha un pebre sard

Here is a sardine pepper.

Jean-Claude Van Damme

Jean-Claude Van Damme

Nostre Senyor

Our Lord

Jean-Claude Van Damme

Jean-Claude Van Damme

Nostre Senyor

Our Lord

Jean-Claude Van Damme

Jean-Claude Van Damme

Salvamos a hosties

We save hosts.



Van Damme

Van Damme

Nostre Senyor

Our Lord

Salvamos a hosties

We save on hostels.


We save



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