5x16 La Gran Final 2024



5x16 La Gran Final 2024


Bona nit.

Good night.

Hola a totes i a tots.

Hello everyone.

Això és l'últim programa de la temporada de 12,

This is the last episode of season 12.

el teu podcast d'Eurovisió en català fet des de Berlín.

your Eurovision podcast in Catalan made from Berlin.

I avui, com sol passar a tots els programes sobre la final,

And today, as usually happens in all programs about the final,

no només des de Berlín,

not only from Berlin,

sinó des de tres llocs diferents des de Berlín,

but from three different places from Berlin,

des de Barcelona i des de Caldes de Montbuí.

from Barcelona and from Caldes de Montbuí.

Hola, Mia, com estàs?

Hello, Mia, how are you?

Molt bé, Dani Berlín, com va?

Very well, Dani Berlin, how are you?

Doncs bé, bé, aquí amb moltes ganes de parlar

Well, well, here with a lot of eagerness to talk.

de què va passar a la final d'enguany.

about what happened in this year's final.

Sí, no, jo també, la veritat.

Yes, no, me too, to be honest.

I bé, com que tenim ganes de començar tan bon punt millor,

And well, since we are eager to start as soon as possible,

us presentem, com no, els nostres col·laboradors de cada any.

we present to you, as always, our collaborators of each year.

Tenim aquí a la Sara i en Morti.

We have Sara and Morti here.

Com va, Sara?

How are you, Sara?

Ei, noies, hola.

Hey, girls, hello.

Moltes gràcies per acollir-me un altre any

Thank you very much for welcoming me another year.

al capítol final del podcast.

in the final chapter of the podcast.

Estic supercontenta.

I am super happy.

Moltes gràcies, Sara, per sumar-te un any més.

Thank you very much, Sara, for joining us once again.

I també tenim aquí

And we also have here

el nostre col·laborador, en Morti.

our collaborator, Morti.

Com va, Morti? Com anem?

How are you, Morti? How are we doing?

Hola, què tal? Com esteu?

Hello, how are you? How are you all?

Molt bé, per aquí molt bé.

Very well, here very well.

Encantat d'estar aquí amb vosaltres un altre cop.

Delighted to be here with you again.

Moltes ganes d'haver llançat aquest programa,

Very eager to have launched this program,

l'últim programa de la final,

the last program of the final,

per dir-ho d'una manera.

to put it one way.

I res,

And nothing,

amb moltes ganes de compartir amb vosaltres

with great eagerness to share with you all

les experiències que vaig tenir

the experiences I had

amb un visionat únic

with a unique viewing

de la final el dissabte aquest.

of the final this Saturday.

I res, som-hi.

And nothing, let's go.

Bueno, com sempre,

Well, as always,

us expliquem

we explain to you

la metodologia de com anirà el programa.

the methodology of how the program will proceed.

Ho dividirem amb 12 titulars,

We will divide it into 12 sections.

que ja, com ja ve sent habitual

that already, as it has been customary

amb els programes de les finals,

with the programs of the finals,

per poder anar tocant més o menys

to be able to play more or less

els temes que més ens han

the topics that have most concerned us

cridat l'atenció

caught attention

o ens han agradat del festival.

or we liked them from the festival.

També dir-vos que

I also want to tell you that

durant tota la temporada,

throughout the entire season,

si ens heu seguit, haureu vist

if you have followed us, you will have seen

que hem evitat

that we have avoided

parlar d'un país en concret.

talk about a specific country.

Podríem dir-li el país Voldemort,

We could call it Voldemort country,

aquell que no deu ser nombrat.

he who must not be named.

Amb aquest país, sí,

With this country, yes,

el nombrarem amb aquest podcast,

we will name him with this podcast,

sí que el nombrarem a Israel,

yes, we will mention him in Israel,

perquè creiem que un cop passat ja el festival,

because we believe that once the festival is over,

que potser la situació era una altra,

that perhaps the situation was different,

perquè era una mica

because it was a little

posar-los on de spotlight,

put them in the spotlight,

com si fossin un altre país qualsevol,

as if they were just any other country,

no era el que tocava.

it wasn't what was supposed to happen.

I ara, per analitzar el festival,

And now, to analyze the festival,

sí que creiem que potser ja el podem afegir

Yes, we do believe that perhaps we can add it now.

i explicar què va passar.

and explain what happened.

Intentarem ser el més

We will try to be the most.



i macos

and macOS

possible, perquè volem

possible, because we want

mantenir aquest to

maintain this tone

simpàtic i lleuger

nice and light

del podcast.

of the podcast.

O sigui que no espereu

So don't wait.

el rojo vivo,

the bright red,

no va por ahí.

it's not going that way.

Llavors, el primer titular

Then, the first headline.

amb el que obrim

with what we open

el programa de la final,

the program of the final,

ens el porta el Morti.

It brings it to us the Morti.

Doncs, merci,

Well, thank you,

per convidar-me a encetar

to invite me to start

aquest repàs.

this review.

El meu titular

My headline.

és un manlleu, no és propi,

it is a borrowing, it is not original,

però bé, ho presento igualment,

but well, I present it anyway,

i és

and it is

Madurito, interesante, poco asesinable.

Mature, interesting, not easily killable.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Aquest concepte no és un concepte propi,

This concept is not a proper concept,

és un concepte

it's a concept

d'un humorista còmic

of a comic humorist

canari, que el seu nom

canary, that its name

artístic és

artistic is

Ignatius Ferrai.

Ignatius Ferrai.



Que Ignatius Ferrai

That Ignatius Ferrai

durant uns minuts va deixar de ser

for a few minutes it stopped being

un còmic canari

a canary comic

i va passar un dels integrants

and one of the members passed.

Efectivament, d'Estònia.

Indeed, from Estonia.


From Estonia.

Un dels integrants

One of the members

de la proposta

of the proposal

5 Minuts d'Estònia.

5 Minutes of Estonia.

Aquest comentari va

This comment goes

per dos vessants. Per una banda,

on two fronts. On the one hand,

la maduresa del públic.

the maturity of the audience.

I és que cada vegada

And it's that every time



les propostes més

the most proposals

complexes, més sofisticades,

complex, more sophisticated,

si li volem dir, estan tenint

if we want to tell him, they are having

una millor acceptació.

a better acceptance.

Fins al punt

Up to the point

d'arribar molt lluny

to go very far

i fins i tot, jo crec, en el cas

and even, I believe, in the case

d'aquest any, guanyar.

of this year, win.



la proposta de Suïssa

the proposal from Switzerland

no era una proposta senzilla.

it wasn't a simple proposal.

No. Era una proposta

No. It was a proposal.



amb molts canvis de registre,

with many shifts in register,

de fet, la veu d'Anemo

in fact, Anemo's voice

que amb totes les permanentels

that with all the permanence

la B Motorola versatile

the versatile B Motorola

que han fet molts registres

that they have made many records

i els sempre tots durant la cançó.

And always everyone during the song.

L'execució és molt bona.

The execution is very good.

La posada en escena és de pocs

The staging is minimal.

elements però molt ben triats.

elements but very well chosen.

I tal i. Igual com Suissa,

And so on. Just like Switzerland,

hi ha d'altres propostes, com

there are other proposals, such as

per exemple, Irlanda, que era

for example, Ireland, which was

una proposta molt difícil.

a very difficult proposal.

Visualment molt complicada,

Visually very complicated,

per una banda el gutural, després recitat, després melòdic, final, catàrtic,

on one hand the guttural, then recited, then melodic, finally, cathartic,

són propostes complexes però que la gent, el públic, amb la seva maduresa sap apreciar.

They are complex proposals but the people, the audience, with their maturity know how to appreciate them.

Aquesta és una de les vessants, la vessant de la maduresa de l'espectador.

This is one of the aspects, the aspect of the maturity of the viewer.

Per una altra banda, la maduresa del festival.

On the other hand, the maturity of the festival.

Perquè el festival, l'oient profà, el visionador profà, potser no es va aturar gaire,

Because the festival, the profane listener, the profane viewer, perhaps did not stop much,

però va tenir una crisi interna important dies i hores abans del festival.

but it had a significant internal crisis days and hours before the festival.

I tot i així, el producte que va sortir va ser un producte molt sòlid,

And still, the product that came out was a very solid product,

que el públic en general va acceptar bé.

that the general public accepted well.

També la tècnica, moltes coses del festival.

Also the technical aspects, many things about the festival.

Van ajudar a això.

They helped with this.

Però també és una mostra de la maduresa i de l'empaque que té el festival.

But it is also a sign of the maturity and stature that the festival has.

Lògicament té una llarga trajectòria.

Logically, he has a long history.

Ha passat pitjors moments, millors moments, potser ara no és dels millors.

There have been worse moments, better moments, maybe now is not one of the best.

Però tot i així el producte que lliura és un producte molt seriós i molt firme.

But still, the product delivered is a very serious and very firm product.

I la maduresa va per aquí.

And maturity goes this way.

I el poc assassinable és justament perquè amb tot el que ha passat

And the little that can be assassinated is precisely because of everything that has happened.

encara són capaços de tirar la cosa endavant i en sortir-se.

they are still capable of pushing things forward and getting away with it.

I aquest era una miqueta el meu comentari.

And this was a little bit my comment.

Sí, de fet, gràcies Morti pel comentari.

Yes, in fact, thank you Morti for the comment.

No podria estar més d'acord.

I couldn't agree more.

Una cosa que comentàvem en Dani Berlín i jo quan vèiem cada gala, de fet,

One thing that Dani Berlín and I used to comment on when we watched each gala, in fact,

i també la gran final, era que el nivell en general de la producció del programa

and also the grand final, was that the overall level of the program's production

va ser realment molt alt.

it was really very tall.

Moltíssimes coses estaven realment molt i molt ben fetes.

Many things were actually done very, very well.

Després en parlarem una mica més, també, del tema visual i tal.

Later we will talk a bit more about it, also, the visual aspect and such.

Però realment, si veies el festival en si sense tenir en compte res del context,

But really, if you saw the festival itself without considering anything of the context,

va ser realment molt, molt, molt, molt satisfactori, diria.

It was really very, very, very, very satisfying, I would say.

I també voldria dir que tot i que molts van patir per la integritat del concurs

I would also like to say that although many suffered for the integrity of the competition.

i potser seguim patint una mica,

and perhaps we will continue to suffer a little,

també s'ha de saber en quin context es desenvolupava aquest concurs.

It is also necessary to know the context in which this contest took place.

De fet, jo tenia un titular que no l'he posat perquè he llegit el titular que tu anaves a posar.

In fact, I had a headline that I didn't put because I read the headline you were going to put.

Però que era una Eurovisió impossible,

But it was an impossible Eurovision,

perquè de fet, donades les circumstàncies en les que ens trobem aquest any,

because in fact, given the circumstances in which we find ourselves this year,

tant polítiques com moltes altres,

as many other policies,

era un concurs que era realment molt difícil de dur a terme

It was a competition that was really very difficult to carry out.

i que fes content a tothom, a totes les parts, i que seguís sent de bona qualitat.

and that it made everyone happy, all parties, and that it remained of good quality.

I jo crec que dintre de tots els escenaris que hi podia haver,

And I think that among all the scenarios that there could be,

realment hi ha hagut moltes coses que no han anat molt bé i de les quals en parlarem.

There have really been many things that have not gone very well and that we will talk about.

Però així, en general, es podria dir que crec que s'ha fet un gran, gran esforç

But in general, it could be said that I believe a great, great effort has been made.

i que es nota amb la qualitat del producte final.

and it shows in the quality of the final product.

Per tant, no puc estar més d'acord amb en Morti.

Therefore, I can't agree more with Morti.

Anem una mica a pams, perquè heu tocat moltes coses.

Let's take it one step at a time, because you've touched on many things.

Sara, fixem-nos en l'actuació de Nemo i The Code.

Sara, let's focus on the performance of Nemo and The Code.

Què us va semblar el guanyador d'enguany del festival?

What did you think of this year's festival winner?

Què et va semblar, Sara?

What did you think, Sara?

Mira, jo crec que el triomf del Nemo aquest any va ser molt important.

Look, I believe that Nemo's triumph this year was very important.

Vull dir, ja t'agradés un estil de música o una cançó t'agradés més que una altra,

I mean, you might like one style of music or one song more than another,

jo crec que tothom sabia que la cançó de The Code i que el Nemo eren els millors,

I believe everyone knew that The Code's song and Nemo were the best.

que havien de guanyar.

that they had to win.

Em va semblar una mica com fa un parell d'anys amb el noi d'Anglaterra,

It seemed to me a bit like a couple of years ago with the boy from England.

no me'n recordo el nom...

I don't remember the name...

Amb Sam Ryder?

With Sam Ryder?



Que tothom sabia que era el millor.

That everyone knew he was the best.

Jo crec que tothom estàvem d'acord.

I believe that everyone was in agreement.

T'agradés més un estil o t'agradés menys un...

Would you like a style more or would you like one less...

menys l'estil.

less the style.

Crec que estava molt per sobre.

I think it was way too much.

Vull dir, havent-hi moltes cançons bones i molts bons artistes,

I mean, with many good songs and many good artists,

crec que estava com bastant per sobre de les altres

I think I was quite above the others.

i que tothom estàvem d'acord que si guanyava era un just guanyador.

And everyone agreed that if he won, he would be a rightful winner.

Jo estic d'acord.

I agree.

Jo recordo quan fèiem els programes previs

I remember when we used to do the preliminary programs.

que jo segurament no era la que jo volia que guanyés.

that I probably was not the one I wanted to win.

Per gustos.

To each their own.

Però jo admetia que segurament era la millor cançó.

But I admitted that it was probably the best song.

Això sense cap mena de dubte.

This without any doubt.

Parlo a nivell harmònic, eh?

I speak on a harmonic level, huh?

O sigui, el que t'aporta de riquesa a la cançó crec que estava molt per sobre de tota la resta.

In other words, what brings you wealth in the song I believe was far above everything else.

I a nivell vocal, encara que òbviament hi havia molts cantants molt bons al festival,

And at the vocal level, although there were obviously many very good singers at the festival,

el Nemo, o sigui, és una bèstia.

the Nemo, that is, it's a beast.

És un fora de sèrie.

He is one of a kind.

O sigui, fa unes coses amb la veu.

So, he does some things with his voice.

I amb una facilitat que sembla tenir a sobre de l'escenari.

And with an ease that seems to have on stage.

Que sembla que no està fent res.

It seems like he/she is not doing anything.

I està fent unes bogeries vocals.

And he's doing some vocal craziness.

O sigui, els tons als que arriba ja és difícil,

That is to say, the tones it reaches are already difficult,

però és que a sobre, donant voltes i corrent,

but on top of that, spinning around and running,

i que no se'n va ni un to, em sembla fora de sèrie.

And it doesn't lose a single note, it seems extraordinary to me.

I sí, hi havia altres cantants boníssims al festival.

And yes, there were other great singers at the festival.

Però per mi això era el millor.

But for me, this was the best.

Era el millor.

He was the best.

I era segurament això, un guanyador de consens, per dir-ho d'alguna manera.

And it was probably that, a consensus winner, so to speak.

Un altre tema que parlàvem.

Another topic we were discussing.

El tema de la situació de crisi i el fet d'haver sortit.

The topic of the crisis situation and the fact of having emerged.

Com creieu que s'ha manegat tot així, en general, al festival?

How do you think everything has been handled at the festival in general?

Mia, per exemple.

Mia, for example.

Com creieu que s'ha arribat a aquest punt?

How do you think we have reached this point?

Com creieu que ha solucionat l'Evo tots aquests problemes que s'ha trobat pel camp?

How do you think Evo has solved all these problems he has encountered in the field?

A mi, perquè deies tu abans, potser s'ha posat el festival en perill.

To me, because you said before, perhaps it has put the festival at risk.

En algun moment ho ha estat en perill.

At some point, it has been in danger.

Aviam, jo crec que en parlarem molt més a mesura que anem passant pels diferents titulars.

Let's see, I think we will talk about it much more as we go through the different headlines.

Jo crec que de bones a primeres hi havia un problema de seguretat important

I believe that there was an important security problem right from the start.

que, bé, era evident.

that, well, it was obvious.

De fet, a Malmo, a la ciutat de Malmo, van haver de portar policia

In fact, in Malmo, in the city of Malmo, they had to bring in police.

de tots els països del voltant de Dinamarca.

from all the countries around Denmark.

Òbviament de Sueça.

Obviously from Sweden.

Diria que de Noruega també.

I would say Norway as well.

Per fer front a les diferents mobilitzacions i manifestacions

To address the different mobilizations and demonstrations.

i per intentar que no hi hagués cap problema de seguretat

and to try to ensure that there was no security issue

i cap incident dintre el festival.

and no incidents within the festival.

Jo crec que en aquest aspecte, pel que tenim entès,

I believe that in this aspect, for what we understand,

per gent que ha estat al festival i que ens han comentat que realment

for people who have been to the festival and have told us that really

l'ambient que respirava era molt segur

the atmosphere that surrounded me was very safe

i també per temes de feina, jo conec gent que estava involucrada

and also for work-related matters, I know people who were involved.

dintre de l'organització del festival

within the organization of the festival

i realment s'ha de dir que han posat molts esforços en que tot fos molt segur

And it really must be said that they have put in a lot of effort to make everything very safe.

i que en aquest nivell ho han aconseguit

and that at this level they have achieved it.

i han fet realment, almenys han creat aquesta sensació de fora, de no risc.

And they have really done it; at least they have created this feeling of being outside, of no risk.

Però sí que és veritat que hi ha hagut altres temes que en parlarem més endavant,

But it is true that there have been other topics that we will talk about later,

de comunicació, que es podrien haver fet millor,

of communication, which could have been done better,

més temes també de quins estàndards s'apliquen a diferents delegacions,

more topics also about which standards are applied to different delegations,

quins criteris es fan servir per acceptar alguns països o no en participació.

What criteria are used to accept or reject certain countries for participation?

I bé, tot això són coses que en parlarem més aviat,

And well, all these are things we'll talk about later.

per tant crec que no respondré a la pregunta ara mateix.

Therefore, I believe I will not answer the question right now.

Però crec que hi ha cosetes que es podrien haver,

But I think there are little things that could have been,

bastantes cosetes que es podrien haver millorat,

quite a few things that could have been improved,

però en general crec que un dels seus challenges que tenien principals era la seguretat

But in general, I think one of their main challenges was security.

i en aquest cas crec que ho han fet bastant bé.

And in this case, I think they have done quite well.

No sé si tu tenies alguna idea així en concret.

I don't know if you had any specific idea like that.

No, si voleu per anar avançant passo al segon titular que és meu

No, if you want to move forward, I'll go to the second title which is mine.

i així podem seguir aprofundint amb el tema.

And thus we can continue to delve deeper into the topic.

Al meu segon titular l'he robat una mica de la Sara

I stole a little from Sara for my second title.

perquè la Sara va dir un titular similar

because Sara said a similar headline

i jo se lo he cogido y le he dado un twist.

And I have taken it and given it a twist.

El titular és Conill enlluernat.

The title is Dazzled Rabbit.

Si teniu tots la figura, la imatge d'un conill

If you all have the picture, the image of a rabbit.

quan li peguen un fletxazo amb les llums del cotxe

when they shoot him with an arrow with the car lights

que es queda així pel plantat i no es mou,

that stays like this for being planted and does not move,

és com et quedes amb moltes coses de les que es veuen al festival.

It's like you end up with many things that you see at the festival.

No parlo de manera metafòrica sinó de manera literal.

I am not speaking metaphorically but literally.

Així, per començar, parlo en positiu.

So, to start, I speak positively.

És a dir, el que tu ja deies, Mia,

That is to say, what you were already saying, Mia,

el tema de la gran realització tècnica que ha tingut aquest any.

the theme of the great technical achievement that has taken place this year.

O sigui, les pantalles, l'escenari...

So, the screens, the stage...

Crec que, a nivell tècnic,

I think that, at a technical level,

crec que és la millor Eurovisió que he vist.

I think it's the best Eurovision I've ever seen.

A nivell de realització, crec que ha sigut...

In terms of realization, I believe it has been...

No hi ha hagut res fora de lloc.

There has been nothing out of place.

Igual que, no sé si recordeu,

Just like, I don't know if you remember,

l'any d'Itàlia que van instal·lar allò i després no els hi funcionava.

the year in Italy when they installed that and then it didn't work for them.

O, no sé, fins i tot anys anteriors,

Oh, I don't know, even in previous years,

escenaris que eren una mica cogidos,

scenarios that were a bit forced,

manca por hombro, que semblava el festival de Benidorm,

lack of shoulder, it looked like the Benidorm festival,

però no el d'ara, el de fa 30 anys.

but not the one from now, the one from 30 years ago.

Vull dir, crec que el que hem vist aquest any,

I mean, I think that what we have seen this year,

a nivell tècnic, és brutal.

On a technical level, it's brutal.

No sé com ho veieu vosaltres, no sé, Morti, com ho vas veure tu.

I don't know how you all see it, I don't know, Morti, how you saw it.

Home, a mi em va semblar...

Well, it seemed to me...

Com deia abans, un producte molt venible,

As I said before, a very marketable product,

que estava molt ben fet.

that was very well done.

Molt ben fet, molt ben acabat, molt ben rematat,

Very well done, very well finished, very well polished,

sense gaires coses rares que hem pogut veure en edicions anteriors.

without many strange things that we could see in previous editions.

Fent un parèntesi dins del tema de l'escenari,

Making a parenthesis within the topic of the stage,

l'escenari no us va semblar una miqueta premonitori?

Did the scene not seem a bit prophetic to you?

Sí, sí, recordo que em vas enviar el missatge.

Yes, yes, I remember that you sent me the message.

Sí, és veritat.

Yes, it's true.

Clar, perquè és la bandera de Suïssa.

Of course, because it is the flag of Switzerland.

L'escenari aquest, ja us ho puc comentar així fora d'allò.

This scenario, I can comment on it like this outside of that.

Però sí, de la mateixa manera que dic

But yes, in the same way that I say.

que la producció, la realització, la tècnica era molt bona,

that the production, the direction, the technique was very good,

també s'ha de saber fer servir.

It also has to be known how to use.

I en aquest cas les actuacions dels països et diuen

And in this case, the actions of the countries tell you.

mira, podeu fer això.

Look, you can do this.

Hi ha alguns que ho han aprofitat molt millor que d'altres,

Some have taken much better advantage of it than others,

però òbviament les eines hi eren i eren molt bones.

but obviously the tools were there and they were very good.

I tu com...

And you how...

Digues, digues, Sara.

Say, say, Sara.

Quiero hablar ya del tema, Luxemburgo.

I want to talk about the topic now, Luxembourg.

Sisplau, gràcies.

Please, thank you.

Las panteras de Luxemburgo.

The panthers of Luxembourg.

Sí, això seria un exemple de com no utilitzar els mitjans que et donen.

Yes, that would be an example of how not to use the resources given to you.

Era tan bizarro, era com...

It was so bizarre, it was like...

I això que pinta ara aquí...

And what this is painting here now...

Fighter, vale, sí, ok.

Fighter, okay, yes, alright.

Però de sobte estaves mirant la tele i sortien dos panteres com en 3D,

But suddenly you were watching TV and two panthers appeared as if in 3D,

que dius, cal per la cançó, cal per l'actuació, no sé...

What are you saying, it's needed for the song, it's needed for the performance, I don't know...

Sí, aquesta era la segona part que jo volia introduir

Yes, this was the second part that I wanted to introduce.

amb el tema de Conilla enlluernat,

with the theme of Dazzled Rabbit,

que era que sí, efectivament, en quant al festival tot era molt correcte,

that it was indeed true, regarding the festival everything was very correct,

però després van haver països que es van passar una mica de frenada,

but then there were countries that hit the brakes a bit hard,

com, per exemple, Luxemburg.

such as, for example, Luxembourg.

I un altre exemple, i així aprofitem i parlem d'ell també,

And another example, so we take the opportunity to talk about him too,

és el segon classificat, que és Croàcia, Baby Lasagna.

He is the second qualifier, which is Croatia, Baby Lasagna.

Perquè, aviam, també les visuals del senyor amb els animals aquells de tripi que tenia de fons

Because, let's see, also the visuals of the gentleman with those trippy animals he had in the background.

eren també dignos d'admirar.

they were also worthy of admiration.

Però d'alguna manera tinc la sensació que funcionaven bé amb l'actuació,

But somehow I have the feeling that they worked well with the performance,

o no sé, potser és perquè eren gats i ja els hi...

Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s because they were cats and I already...

Sí, perquè hi havia gats, clar.

Yes, because there were cats, of course.

Clar, i això ja fa que tot el que sigui, si té gats, doncs ja està bé.

Of course, and that means that whatever it is, if it has cats, then that’s fine.

Però jo crec que quedava bastant, bueno, no sé, quedava bé dintre del tot de l'actuació.

But I think it looked quite good, well, I don't know, it fit well within the whole performance.

A mi em va semblar molt pitjor Luxemburg,

I found Luxembourg to be much worse.

podem dir que estan una mica desentrenats, potser després de 40 anys sense participar,

we can say they are a bit out of shape, perhaps after 40 years without participating,

però a part d'aquestes dues no recordo cap altra posada en escena que fos així molt bizarra.

but apart from these two I don't remember any other performance that was so bizarre.

A mi em va agradar molt la d'Armènia, he de dir, tot i que era relativament senzilla,

I really liked the one from Armenia, I have to say, although it was relatively simple.

també amb molts colors, que podria haver sigut molt carregosa, per dir-ho així, molt sobrecarregada,

also with many colors, which could have been very overwhelming, so to speak, very overloaded,

però la veritat és que em va semblar bastant xula, molt alegre, molt bonica,

but the truth is that it seemed quite cool to me, very cheerful, very pretty,

i també fent un bon ús dels recursos que hi havia.

and also making good use of the resources that were available.

Ara, quin era l'altre que a la segona semi no es va classificar, que hi havia unes mans...

Now, which was the other one that did not qualify in the second semi, where there were some hands...



Que les mans eren com...

That the hands were like...

Les mans s'apropaven als cantants.

The hands were approaching the singers.

Que estaven fetes com de por expano o algo, no sé què.

That they were made like some kind of horror, I don't know what.

Sí, sí, això va ser el top.

Yes, yes, that was the best.

Sí, i el fons aquest, que era aquest 3D que sortia als 90, 2000, com fet a quadradets,

Yes, and this background, which was this 3D that appeared in the 90s and 2000s, like made of small squares,

que això també de fet ho va utilitzar la cançó que no va ser,

that this was also actually used by the song that was not,

que ho podem anomenar així, que és la cançó de Netherlands,

that we can call it that, which is the song of the Netherlands,

la cançó d'Holanda, que també tenia uns visuals una mica...

the song from Holland, which also had some visuals that were a bit...

una mica així.

a little like this.

Sí, una mica de tripi, una mica 3D de cuando se hacían videojuegos en el año 88 de 3D,

Yes, a bit of trippy, a bit of 3D like when video games were made in 1988.

¿sabes?, de cuatro cubos.

You know?, of four cubes.



De Wolfenstein.

From Wolfenstein.

Sí, un poco Wolfenstein, sí.

Yes, a bit like Wolfenstein, yes.

També a les finals es van quedar alguns amb visuals una mica tristets, no sé si teniu a la ment,

Also at the finals, some were left with visuals that were a bit sad; I don't know if you have that in mind.

per exemple Moldàvia, crec que era Moldàvia potser,

for example Moldova, I think it was Moldova perhaps,

que era realment molt trist, una dona sola a l'escenari cantant i darrere unes papallones molt...

that was really very sad, a woman alone on stage singing and behind her some butterflies very...

Es notava també que hi havia països on el pressupost, m'imagino, no donava per molt

It was also noticeable that there were countries where the budget, I imagine, didn't allow for much.

i que els hi va jugar a la seva contra.

and it played against them.

No parlarem massa dels països que no es van classificar, però així per fer un petit incís,

We won't talk much about the countries that didn't qualify, but just to make a small note,

Moldàvia, el problema que tenia, segons la Mia, mentre estàvem veient l'escenari final,

Moldova, the problem it had, according to Mia, while we were watching the final scene,

és que, pobra dona, ho ha hagut de fer tot ella.

It's just that, poor woman, she has had to do everything herself.

Estic seguríssima.

I am very sure.

El que deia la Mia és que això ho ha fet ella, la presentació del fons l'ha fet ella a casa, amb el powerpoint i...

What Mia was saying is that she has done this, she made the presentation of the fund at home, with PowerPoint and...

La cançó era d'ella, lletra i música, estava sola a l'escenari, mai l'acompanyava ningú de la seva delegació, sempre estava sola.

The song was hers, both lyrics and music, she was alone on stage, no one from her delegation ever accompanied her, she was always alone.

Me la imagino fent la reserva d'hotel, ella sola, al vol.

I imagine her making the hotel reservation, all alone, on the flight.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Estic seguríssim.

I am very sure.


Poor thing.

Parlant només de la cançó, què us va semblar Croàcia?

Speaking only about the song, what did you think of Croatia?

Com la vau veure?

How did you see her?

Jo m'esperava més de la posada en escena.

I expected more from the staging.

Per mi era una de les top 3, per mi, de les meves favorites.

For me, it was one of the top 3, one of my favorites.

I la posada en escena se'm va quedar una miqueta fluixeta.

And the staging felt a little weak to me.

A mi em va semblar una proposta molt divertida, abans que tot.

I found it to be a very fun proposal, first of all.

Molt xula, molt divertida, molt animada.

Very cool, very fun, very lively.

Amb aquests tocs de metal industrial.

With these industrial metal touches.

Inglés macarrónico, tot allò amb la bateria amb el ganxillo i tot això.

Macaroni English, all that with the battery with the hook and all that.

Molt divertit, la cançó està bé.

Very funny, the song is good.

El Baby l'assenya amb molt de carisma.

Baby teaches it with a lot of charisma.

No és que canti gaire el senyor, però bé, bé.

It's not that the gentleman sings much, but well, well.

No em va semblar com per quedar segona, també ho he de dir.

I didn't think it was enough to come second, I have to say that too.

Vaig trobar propostes millors que Croàcia.

I found better proposals than Croatia.

Però resultona, sí, em va agradar, poc més.

But striking, yes, I liked it, not much more.

Jo estic d'acord.

I agree.

Al final nosaltres, em sembla, amb el nostre rànquing la vam posar vuitena o novena.

In the end, it seems to me that we placed her eighth or ninth in our ranking.

Perquè és veritat que és una cançó que està bé.

Because it's true that it's a good song.

Però, sin mucho más.

But, without much more.

Segurament, el que sí que tenia era una mica això, el senyor té carisma.

Surely, what he definitely had was a bit of that, the gentleman has charisma.

Feia gràcia, el rotllo del rim tintagui.

It was funny, the vibe of the tintagui rhyme.

Feia gràcia.

It was funny.

I la gent, al final, es queda amb aquestes coses.

And in the end, people are left with these things.

Que, de fet, segurament xoca una mica amb el que tu deies, Morti.

That, in fact, probably clashes a bit with what you were saying, Morti.

Sí, aquest any s'han valorat coses una mica més complexes.

Yes, this year more complex things have been assessed.

Però, justament, amb Croàcia és tot el contrari.

But, precisely, with Croatia it is quite the opposite.

És una cosa com molt visceral, no?

It's something very visceral, isn't it?

Una cançó molt directa.

A very direct song.

Acords molt fàcils, sons molt fàcils.

Very easy chords, very easy sounds.

Posàvem escena molt directa.

We set a very direct scene.

Vull dir, tot.

I mean, everything.

És segurament el que en qualsevol altre any hagués guanyat el festival.

It is probably what would have won the festival in any other year.



Sí, marca tots els tics.

Yes, check all the ticks.



Però es queda aquí una mica.

But it stays here a little.

I, de fet, era la favorita per guanyar, jo crec, fins unes hores abans de la gran final.

I actually was the favorite to win, I believe, until a few hours before the grand final.

Tothom apostava per Croàcia com la primera.

Everyone was betting on Croatia as the favorite.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Però bé.

But well.

Bueno, doncs seguim tirant cap endavant,

Well, let's keep moving forward then.

perquè dintre de tot el que hem vist al festival

because within everything we have seen at the festival

crec que hi ha hagut tendències, d'acord?

I believe there have been trends, okay?

I el següent festival, per parlar una mica d'aquestes tendències,

And the next festival, to talk a little about these trends,

ens el porta la Sara.

Sara brings it to us.

Doncs el meu primer titular és

Well, my first headline is

Llarga vida al Eurodance.

Long live Eurodance.

I és que, a veure, a mi m'agrada molt l'eurodance.

And it's just that, you see, I really like eurodance.

Partint d'aquí, estic molt contenta.

Starting from here, I am very happy.

Sí que, a vegades, hi havia alguna pinzellada

Yes, sometimes there was a touch.

de tema dans, eurodans,

dance theme, eurodance,

però no era un tema que es toqués gaire als festivals.

but it was not a topic that was often addressed at festivals.

I, no sé, he vist un ressorgiment aquest any.

I don't know, I have seen a resurgence this year.

He comptat com...

I have counted how...

Clarament, cinc cançons

Clearly, five songs.

que podien denominar-se eurodans,

that could be called eurodance,

però eurodans dels 90-2000.

but eurodance from the 90s-2000s.

Ens podries dir quines són, Sara?

Could you tell us what they are, Sara?

Perquè en Dani i jo estàvem intentant.

Because Dani and I were trying.

Les meves serien No Rules,

Mine would be No Rules,

que està clarament eurodans 90s total.

that is clearly total Eurodance 90s.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Home, si ho portava Windows 95 man,

Dude, if he was using Windows 95, man,

aquí ja tens una pista.

Here you already have a clue.

El We Will Rave, d'Òstria.

The We Will Rave, from Austria.



Aquest seria ja una mica, potser, més arribant als 2000.

This would be a bit more, perhaps, closer to 2000.

Ficaria també l'Europapa.

I would also include the Europope.

Sobretot la part final de la cançó.

Especially the final part of the song.

En Forkettable, de Suècia.

In Forkettable, from Sweden.



I també, jo ficaria també la cançó de Lugtelk, de Lituània.

And also, I would include the song from Lugtelk, from Lithuania.

Vale, vale.

Okay, okay.

Crec que...

I think that...

Ens faltava Suècia.

We were missing Sweden.

Suècia se'ns havia passat pel radar quan havies dit aquest titular.

Sweden had passed under our radar when you mentioned that headline.

Però sí, sí, la veritat és que hi ha hagut un ressurgiment.

But yes, yes, the truth is that there has been a resurgence.

Sí, podria ser d'anys normals, però bé, ja que està Europa, doncs, eurodans.

Yes, it could be of normal years, but well, since Europe is there, then eurodance.

I m'ha estranyat aquest ressurgiment aquest any.

I have found this resurgence strange this year.

Per què?


No sé.

I don't know.

Suposo que aquests anys es tira cap als 80s

I guess that these years are heading towards the 80s.

i aquest any s'ha tirat cap als 90s, per algun motiu X.

And this year it has leaned towards the 90s, for some reason X.

No sé.

I don't know.

Bé, les modes tornen i...

Well, trends come back and...



D'any següent potser seran els 2000 o similar, o no sé.

The following year it might be 2000 or something like that, or I don't know.

Però això es tradueix a la...

But this translates to the...

O sigui, jo no estic gaire al dia de música, per tant, faré preguntes absurdes.

I mean, I'm not really up to date with music, so I'll be asking absurd questions.

Es veu realment que estigui tornant aquest gènere al món de la música actual, diguéssim?

It really shows that this genre is making a comeback in the world of current music, shall we say?

Sí que és veritat que l'any passat el David Guetta va fer un parell de temes agafant bases

It is true that last year David Guetta made a couple of tracks using samples.

d'Eiffel 65 i coses d'aquestes.

of Eiffel 65 and things like that.

Potser en partint d'aquí sí que des de l'any passat hi ha un ressurgiment.

Perhaps starting from here, there has indeed been a resurgence since last year.

Però no crec que es noti tant a les llistes d'èxits.

But I don't think it shows that much in the charts of successes.

No sé.

I don't know.

Però bé, sí que és veritat que sí que s'estan agafant cançons dels 90 de dans

But well, it is true that they are indeed taking songs from the 90s of dance.

per fer-les ara com fer una cançó nova agafant aquestes cançons.

to make them now like making a new song using these songs.

Que guai.

How cool.



Què creieu?

What do you think?

Us ha agradat alguna d'aquestes cançons?

Did you like any of these songs?

Morti, tu tens alguna d'aquestes cançons com una de les que més et va agradar o no?

Morti, do you have any of these songs as one of your favorites or not?

Em van agradar, em van agradar.

I liked them, I liked them.

I estic molt d'acord amb la Sara que Eurovisió no és Eurodance.

I totally agree with Sara that Eurovision is not Eurodance.

I no s'entén una cosa sense l'altra.

And one thing is not understood without the other.

I ha d'haver Eurodance Eurovisió perquè si no no s'entén.

I should have had Eurodance Eurovision because otherwise it doesn't make sense.

Suecia em va agradar.

I liked Sweden.

La de Unforgettable em va agradar.

I liked Unforgettable.

I a més va ser al principi amb una posada en escena molt maca.

And it was also at the beginning with a very nice staging.

I una miqueta aquest kick-off del festival li va donar molta potència.

And a little bit, this kick-off of the festival gave it a lot of power.

Va anar molt bé.

It went very well.

I en part és per això.

And partly it is for that reason.

En part és per aquest tipus de música que anima tothom.

It is partly because of this type of music that energizes everyone.

Clar, si hagués començat, per exemple, sé que això per sorteig, però en comptes d'això hagués començat per la Tònia, ho sento,

Of course, if I had started, for example, I know this is by drawing lots, but instead of that, if I had started with Tònia, I’m sorry.

però no hauria estat el mateix.

but it wouldn't have been the same.



O sigui que sí, i a més a mi m'encanta, o sigui estic encantat d'aquest possible ressorgiment d'aquest gènere.

So yes, and I also love it, so I am delighted with this possible resurgence of this genre.

Tu què, Mia? Tu tenies alguna favorita entre...

What about you, Mia? Did you have any favorite among...

Entre aquestes? A mi m'agradaven totes, diria.

Among these? I liked them all, I would say.

Aviam, potser Suecia, a mi personalment la que menys.

Let's see, maybe Sweden, personally, the one I like the least.

Però i Àustria tampoc no tant.

But Austria is not so much either.

Però Lituània sí que m'agradava bastant.

But I quite liked Lithuania.

Països baixos clarament.

Clearly the Netherlands.

I bé, Finlàndia, no rules.

And well, Finland, no rules.

Era més que res per un tema de, no sé, de divertiment, per la posada en escena i tot plegat, no tant per la cançó en si.

It was more for a matter of, I don't know, entertainment, for the staging and all that, not so much for the song itself.

El que em preocupa...

What worries me...

És un temazo, eh?

It's a great song, isn't it?

Quin, quin d'ells?

Which one, which of them?

No, no és un temazo.

No, it's not a great song.

Bueno, després, després parlem...

Well, later, we'll talk later...

No sé, jo crec que se'm contamina amb la imatge, vale?

I don't know, I think it gets contaminated with the image, okay?

I aleshores ja és que no puc escoltar la cançó sense pensar en la imatge i això em provoca una mica dissonància cognitiva.

And then I just can't listen to the song without thinking of the image, and this causes me a bit of cognitive dissonance.

I el que em preocupa és que torni el tema de l'estètica aquesta dels 90.

And what worries me is that the issue of 90s aesthetics comes back.

Sí que he de dir que jo per Berlín veig cada cop més gent un altre cop amb el cabell Bundesliga aquest que es diu així amb...

I do have to say that I see more and more people in Berlin once again with that hairstyle called Bundesliga...

Saps? Per darrere.

You know? From behind.



Cabell Bundesliga.

Hair Bundesliga.

Es diu així.

It's called that.

Sí, sí, és Rudi Boller, per qui el recordi, jugador d'Alemanya dels 90, és aquest pentinat.

Yes, yes, it's Rudi Boller, for those who remember him, a player from Germany in the 90s, it's this hairstyle.

Bueno, i ja m'enteneu, no? Així com llarg per darrere.

Well, you understand me, right? Like long from behind.

El mullet, sí.

The mullet, yes.



La greinyilla.

The greinyilla.



No sé a qui se li diu Bundesliga. I a mi això em fa una mica de cosa, no és l'estil que més m'agradi, però bé, a nivell de música sí que em fa força gràcia.

I don't know who is called Bundesliga. And that makes me a bit uncomfortable; it's not the style I like the most, but well, in terms of music, I do find it quite funny.

Jo haig de dir que de totes aquestes cançons, a mi Àustria en particular no li vaig veure el què a la cançó en general.

I have to say that of all these songs, I particularly didn't see what Austria had in the song in general.

Vull dir, tothom tenia moltes expectatives perquè aquesta noia tenia molts premis de ballarina i tal i qual,

I mean, everyone had high expectations because this girl had many dance awards and so on.

i a mi el que va portar sobre l'escenari tampoc no em va semblar una gran...

and what was brought onto the stage did not seem to me like a great...

una gran cosa. I en quant a veu crec que ajustejava bastant la noia.

a great thing. And as for the voice, I think the girl was quite tuned.

I la resta sí... Finlàndia feia gràcia. Europapa mai vaig ser massa fan.

And the rest, yes... Finland was nice. I was never much of a fan of Europapa.

I Lituània, a mi, jo haig de dir que a mi al principi no em deia res i a poc a poc és d'aquestes cançons com que entres, no?

In Lithuania, for me, I have to say that at first it didn't mean anything to me and little by little it's one of those songs that you get into, right?

Com que té aquest aura com de globo. Perquè és com, doncs això, com molt de mantra, no?

Because it has this balloon-like aura. Because it's like, well, that's it, like very much of a mantra, right?

Vas entrant amb el... i vas entrant i al final em va agradar bastant, la veritat.

You come in with the... and you come in and in the end I quite liked it, to be honest.

I Suècia era difícil que m'entrés perquè aquí al costat, la Mia, li tenia una mania horrorosa a la cançó.

In Sweden, it was hard for me to get into it because right next door, Mia had a horrible aversion to the song.

Ella ha dit que no m'agradava massa, li tenia molta mania.

She said that I didn't like her very much, I really didn't like her.

No sé, no sé, no em cauen bé. A més, també, clar, treballo en un entorn molt nòrdic i hi ha molta mania als Marcos i al Martinus perquè són noruecs,

I don't know, I don't know, I don't like them. Besides, of course, I work in a very Nordic environment and there is a lot of disdain for Marcos and Martinus because they are Norwegian.

estaven representant a Suècia.

They were representing in Sweden.

La meva jefa és mig sueca, mig noruega, mig danesa i estava molt indignada. Llavors, hi havia molts sentiments al voltant d'aquest tema

My boss is half Swedish, half Norwegian, half Danish, and she was very indignant. So, there were many feelings surrounding this topic.

i tot això m'ha fet posicionar-me molt fort en contra de Marcos i Martinus.

And all this has made me position myself very strongly against Marcos and Martinus.

El Marquitos i Martínez.

The Marquitos and Martínez.

Sí, això.

Yes, that.

Ai, bueno. Bueno, doncs passem al següent titular, si us sembla, que ens el portes tu, no, Mia?

Oh, well. Well, let's move on to the next headline, if you agree, that you bring it to us, right, Mia?

Sí, doncs el proper titular és Salvats pel jurat.

Yes, well the next headline is Saved by the jury.

I bé, parla de... parla de moltes coses.

And well, it talks about... it talks about many things.

De fet, el tema del jurat és un tema que tots sabem que sempre porta molta controvèrsia.

In fact, the topic of the jury is one that we all know always brings a lot of controversy.

Hi ha molta gent que diu que el jurat hauria de desaparèixer del tot d'Eurovisió i que hauria de votar només el públic.

There are many people who say that the jury should completely disappear from Eurovision and that only the public should vote.

Hi ha molta gent que diu que s'ha de salvar. Hi ha gent que diu que només hi ha d'haver jurat.

There are many people who say that it must be saved. There are people who say that there should only be swore.

Vull dir, és un tema que sempre és complicat.

I mean, it's a topic that is always complicated.

Des d'allà fa uns anys, també, com, bueno, des de l'any passat, no hi ha jurat a les semis, però sí que n'hi ha a la final.

Since a few years ago, also, like, well, since last year, there has not been a jury in the semifinals, but there is one in the final.

I una... el que diu el meu titular, Salvats pel jurat, per mi el que vol dir és que aquest any,

And one... what my headline says, Saved by the jury, for me what it means is that this year,

el tema del televot ja ha hagut realment molts problemes, ha estat molt i molt controvertit

The topic of the televote has really had many problems, it has been very, very controversial.

i, a la meva opinió, el jurat ha sigut qui ha aportat credibilitat, una mica, als resultats del festival.

In my opinion, the jury has been the one who has contributed some credibility to the results of the festival.

Suposo que, bé, aquí comencem a entrar una miqueta en el tema de la participació d'Israel,

I suppose that, well, here we begin to delve a bit into the topic of Israel's participation,

perquè, al final, el tema del televot ha estat molt i molt polaritzat per aquesta causa.

because, in the end, the issue of the televote has been very, very polarized for this reason.

La majoria de països van donar, de fet, 15 països van donar 12 punts.

Most countries gave, in fact, 15 countries awarded 12 points.

Es va야 sobrecollar la Generalitat d'Israel en el televot

The Generalitat of Israel was overthrown in the televote.

i, també, se sap que hi ha hagut una gran propaganda per part de l'estat d'Israel

And, it is also known that there has been a lot of propaganda from the state of Israel.

a tots els nivells per intentar aconseguir vots a través de televot, a un nivell mundial,

at all levels to try to get votes through televoting, on a global level,

posant fins i tot anuncios a Times Square, a Nova York, en grans panells per intentar cridar l'atenció,

even putting up ads in Times Square, New York, on large billboards to try to grab attention,

intentant mobilitzar la gent arreu del món per fer servir els seus 20 vots per votar a Eden Golan.

trying to mobilize people around the world to use their 20 votes to vote for Eden Golan.

També sabem que se han mobilitzat a molta gent, sobretot de la dreta mediàtica,

We also know that many people, especially from the media right, have been mobilized.

però també a la dreta política, a social media i tal i qual, perquè la gent voti.

but also to the political right, to social media and so on, so that people vote.

I tot això havia creat un ambient una miqueta enrerit

And all this had created a somewhat awkward atmosphere.

i jo crec que el fet que el jurat hagi votat de manera més heterogènia

And I think that the fact that the jury voted in a more heterogeneous way

i que hagi repartit els vots a altres candidats i a altres països

and that they have distributed the votes to other candidates and to other countries

ha fet realment que haguem pogut tenir un resultat que sigui més o menys creïble

It has really made it possible for us to have a result that is more or less credible.

i ha donat una mica de credibilitat.

It has given a bit of credibility.

Llavors per aquí venia el concepte de salvats pel jurat.

Then the concept of saved by the jury came along.

Bé, també hi ha altres països que, pobrets, en canvi de ser salvats pel jurat,

Well, there are also other countries that, poor things, instead of being saved by the jury,

no han estat salvats degut a la manca de jurat a les semis.

they have not been saved due to the lack of a jury in the semifinals.

Per exemple, hi havia propostes que jo crec que eren de bastanta qualitat,

For example, there were proposals that I believe were of quite high quality,

com Bèlgica, com Txèquia, com Austràlia...

like Belgium, like the Czech Republic, like Australia...

Bé, a Austràlia podríem parlar-ne perquè no ho van fer molt bé, per dir-ho així, a les semis,

Well, in Australia we could talk about it because they didn't do very well, to put it that way, in the semis.

però que eren de bastanta qualitat i que precisament per no haver-hi jurat

but they were of quite a quality and that precisely because there was no sworn testimony

jo crec que no van arribar a la gran final.

I believe they did not make it to the grand final.

Però en general jo aquest any estic agraïda al jurat

But overall, I am grateful to the jury this year.



No sé què en penseu, Sara.

I don't know what you think, Sara.

Jo crec que, com tu dius, el jurat ha salvat Eurovisió.

I believe that, as you say, the jury has saved Eurovision.

I ho dic en sèrio, vull dir, si realment jo crec que si arriba a guanyar Israel,

I'm serious about this, I mean, if I really believe that if Israel wins,

com va votar el públic,

how the public voted,

jo no sé si molta gent hagués continuat veient el programa, el festival, els darrers anys.

I don't know if many people would have continued watching the program, the festival, in recent years.

I estic amb...

I am with...

Jo seria una d'aquestes, que m'ho replantaria moltíssim.

I would be one of those who would really think about it a lot.

I llavors això demostra que realment el jurat, el criteri del jurat és molt important en un festival com aquest.

And then this shows that the jury, the jury's criteria is very important in a festival like this.



Després m'explico una mica més.

Later I will explain a bit more to me.

Jo també estic d'acord amb tu, eh?

I also agree with you, okay?

Jo crec que han salvat el festival, li han donat creïbilitat, com tu dius, Mia,

I believe they have saved the festival, they have given it credibility, as you say, Mia.

més que res perquè al final...

more than anything because in the end...

Tu pots votar per qui et cau millor o pitjor, i això està okey.

You can vote for whom you like or dislike, and that's okay.

Vull dir, és una de les coses a les quals t'enfrontes quan fas un festival d'aquest tipus.

I mean, it's one of the things you face when you do a festival of this kind.

Vull dir, hem vist mil vegades el tema de Grècia amb Xipre, Xipre amb Grècia,

I mean, we've seen the issue of Greece with Cyprus, Cyprus with Greece a thousand times.

els països balcànics entre ells, els països nòrdics entre ells,

the Balkan countries among themselves, the Nordic countries among themselves,

i això és el més normal del món.

and this is the most normal thing in the world.

El vot polític que va començar a sorgir d'una manera molt bèstia en Ucrania fa dos anys.

The political vote that started to emerge in a very brutal way in Ukraine two years ago.

Vull dir, són coses completament normals.

I mean, these are completely normal things.

Crec que aquest any s'ha fet molt bé.

I believe that this year has been done very well.

S'havia portat un pas més enllà.

He had taken it a step further.

O sigui, tot això s'havia polaritzat encara molt més.

That is to say, all of this had become even more polarized.

I aquest vot, posaré la paraula amb moltes cometes,

And this vote, I will put the word in many quotation marks,

aquest vot de simpatia s'havia portat a un extrem molt bèstia.

this vote of sympathy had been taken to a very extreme level.

I al final, jo crec que el fet que estigui un jurat en teoria professional

And in the end, I believe that the fact that there is a jury in theory professional

que doni un veredicte basat en coses tècniques,

to give a verdict based on technical matters,

crec que ha salvat el festival.

I believe he has saved the festival.

Perquè si no ens haguéssim trobat amb una operació de màrqueting

Because if we hadn't encountered a marketing operation

que triomfa i fa que guanyi el favorit del públic

that triumphs and makes the audience's favorite win

sense que tingui absolutament res a veure amb l'artístic.

without having anything to do with the artistic at all.

Jo no sé com ho veus tu, Morti.

I don't know how you see it, Morti.

És una miqueta latent debat.

It's a bit of a latent debate.

I ho hem parlat molts cops i gairebé, no sé si a Eurovisió,

We have talked about it many times and almost, I don't know if at Eurovision,

però potser també a les edicions nacionals dels respectius festivals, ens ho trobem això.

but perhaps we also find this in the national editions of the respective festivals.

Personalment, penso que un jurat més o menys especialitzat és necessari i és bo.

Personally, I think that a more or less specialized jury is necessary and beneficial.

Lògicament, després hi ha qui forma part d'aquest jurat i tal.

Logically, then there are those who are part of this jury and so on.

La polèmica sempre hi serà.

The controversy will always be there.

Però has de tenir una mica, per dir-ho d'una manera, una pedra on aferrar-te.

But you need to have a bit, so to speak, a stone to cling to.

Perquè deixar-ho tot a mans del públic és molt democràtic,

Because leaving everything in the hands of the public is very democratic,

denota molta participació,

denotes a lot of participation,

però pot portar a situacions, potser, complicades.

but it can lead to situations that may be complicated.

Deixem-ho així, complicades.

Let's leave it like this, complicated.

D'això hem parlat, parlarem i es parlarà.

We have talked about this, we will talk about it, and it will be talked about.

A mi em sembla bé que hi hagi un jurat

I think it's good that there is a jury.

i en aquest cas no sé si ha salvat el festival, potser sí.

And in this case, I don't know if he has saved the festival, maybe yes.

Però jo penso que hi ha de ser i sempre hi ha de ser.

But I think it has to be and it always has to be.


Thank you.

No puc estar més d'acord amb tothom.

I couldn't agree more with everyone.

Només volia preguntar-vos què us sembla,

I just wanted to ask you what you think.

heu vist alguna diferència des que no hi ha jurat a les semis?

Have you noticed any difference since there has been no jury in the semifinals?

Que ara ja és el segon any.

That now it is the second year.

Heu vist potser el nivell que pugi o que baixi al final a la semi?

Have you perhaps seen the level that rises or falls at the end of the semi?

Teniu alguna opinió al respecte?

Do you have any opinion on this?

Que es colin actes que no acabin de quadrar?

What are the acts that don't quite add up?

Potser aquest any un parell de cançons, però no gaire.

Maybe this year a couple of songs, but not many.

No he vist, no sé.

I haven't seen, I don't know.

Jo penso que les bones sempre acaben passant.

I think that good things always end up happening.

Sí, suposo que sí.

Yes, I suppose so.

Si hagués de dir alguna cosa, encara no entenc per què a Bèlgica no va passar.

If I had to say something, I still don't understand why it didn't happen in Belgium.

Per mi va ser la gran sorpresa.

For me, it was the big surprise.

És veritat que segurament no va fer la millor actuació de la vida a la semifinal,

It is true that he probably didn't give the best performance of his life in the semifinal,

però no era pitjor que l'última que va passar de la seva semi,

but it wasn't worse than the last one that happened in her semi,

que em sembla que va ser a Sèrbia.

I think it was in Serbia.

No ho vaig entendre gaire bé.

I didn't quite understand it well.

Però bé, mira, les coses són com són.

But well, look, things are how they are.

Havent arribat aquí i havent rascat una mica pel costat aquest tema,

Having arrived here and having scratched a little on this topic,

crec que és moment que fem una petita pausa perquè sí,

I think it's time for us to take a little break, just because.

aquesta vegada he fet algunes versions.

this time I have made some versions.

I ja que estàvem parlant d'ell, doncs per què no fer una mica de rendición

And since we were talking about him, why not do a little surrender?

al bo del Musti, que es va quedar en Mustio,

to the good of Musti, who became Mustio,

després del que li va passar,

after what happened to him/her,

ja he fet una versió de la cançó de Bèlgica d'aquest any.

I have already made a version of this year's Belgian song.

Molt bé, doncs moltes ganes d'escoltar-la.

Very well, so I am looking forward to listening to it.

Doncs sí, aquí la teniu, Before the party is over, Musti, Bèlgica.

Well yes, here you have it, Before the party is over, Musti, Belgium.

Bona nit.

Good night.

They told us it was paradise

They told us it was paradise.

But I barely make it through the night

Però gairebé no arribo a la matinada.

Do you think about it too?

Do you think about it too?

I used to playing the game

I used to play the game.

Breaking the rules

Breaking the rules

I could see all the pain

I could see all the pain.

The way that you move

The way that you move

Got a solemn fight

Got a solemn fight

I'm gonna make moves tonight

I'm going to make moves tonight.

Got a solemn fight

Got a solemn fight

I'm gonna raise roofs tonight

I'm going to raise roofs tonight.

Got a solemn fight

Got a solemn fight.

I'm gonna make moves tonight

I'm going to make moves tonight.

I'm gonna set the night

I'm going to set the night.

Got a solemn fight

Got a solemn fight

Before the party's over

Before the party's over

Bim, bam, bam, bam, bam.

Bim, bam, bam, bam, bam.

A vegades et salva el jurat, a vegades no, a vegades fas tonteries, a vegades no.

Sometimes the jury saves you, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes you do silly things, sometimes you don't.

I, de fet, això és el que ens porta a coses que es veu que el jurat salva,

I, in fact, this is what leads us to things that the jury seems to save,

però potser no hauria d'haver sigut així, no, Morti?

but maybe it shouldn't have been like this, right, Morti?

Quin és el teu pròxim titular?

What is your next headline?

Bé, a veure, jo no entraré perquè s'ha parlat durant aquesta conversa

Well, let’s see, I won't get involved because it has been discussed during this conversation.

i hi ha opinions contradictòries,

and there are contradictory opinions,

però jo, en qualsevol cas,

but I, in any case,

introdueixo el meu segon titular, que és

I introduce my second headline, which is

«Tonteries, les justes».

"Nonsense, the just ones."

I és que, tot i que cada cop hi ha menys propostes d'aquest tipus,

And the thing is, even though there are fewer and fewer proposals of this kind,

segueixen havent-hi propostes còmiques,

there are still comedic proposals,

no sé si paròdiques,

I don't know if parodic,

no sé si per riure de si mateixos o per riures de tot plegat.

I don't know if to laugh at themselves or to laugh at the whole situation.

Cada cop són menys i cada cop surten pitjor parades.

They are becoming fewer and fewer, and each time they come out worse.

En el meu cas, jo estic parlant de dues propostes en específic,

In my case, I am talking about two specific proposals,

que sé que a gent que està aquí li han agradat com pot ser Finlàndia.

I know that people who are here have liked it, like Finland.

Finlàndia era molt difícil de veure.

Finland was very difficult to see.

He de compartir amb vosaltres que jo vaig veure Eurovisió

I have to share with you that I watched Eurovision.

en un europarty, un europarty molt reduïda,

in a europarty, a very small europarty,

amb una altra família, amb nens.

with another family, with children.

Sé que...

I know that...

No era horari de nens, però és Eurovisió i hi ha música,

It wasn't children's time, but it's Eurovision and there's music.

els nens ballen i tens ganes de treure i posar una altra cosa mentre dura això.

The children are dancing and you feel like taking something out and putting something else in while this lasts.

Si la cançó hagués estat realment colpidora, irreverent,

If the song had truly been shocking, irreverent,

però és que tampoc no em va semblar això.

but that didn't seem like that to me either.

Hi havia la gracieta i no gaire més.

There was the little joke and not much more.

Hi ha els focs artificials i tampoc no gaire més.

There are fireworks and not much else.

I l'altra proposta que a mi, en aquest cas, no canviaràs el canal,

And the other proposal that, in this case, you will not change the channel for me,

però que tampoc no li vaig veure la gràcia, va ser una miqueta Estònia.

but I didn't find it amusing either, it was a bit Estonia.

Estònia te la pots prendre de moltes maneres.

Estonia can be taken in many ways.

A mi em va semblar una proposta còmica, la posada en escena, els balls i tal,

I found it a comedic proposal, the staging, the dances and such,

però és que part del tema dels instruments antics

but it's that part of the subject of ancient instruments

és que no li vaig veure la gràcia.

I just didn't find it funny.

I la gran participació del còmic Inertius Ferraí,

And the great participation of the comic Inertius Ferraí,

com a cameo impagable,

as an invaluable cameo,

em va semblar com un trenolèdul, però molt pitjor,

It seemed to me like a train wreck, but much worse,

amb molta menys gràcia, per dir-ho d'una manera.

with much less grace, so to speak.

Hi ha hagut anys que hi ha hagut més propostes d'aquestes,

There have been years when there were more proposals like these,

però en aquest cas no van tenir gaire acollida

but in this case they were not very well received

i no sé fins a quin punt si això té sortida dintre d'un concurs com aquest.

I don't know to what extent this has a chance in a competition like this.

Jo haig de dir, en particular,

I have to say, in particular,

parlo primer d'Estònia, perquè és l'última que has anomenat.

I'll speak first about Estonia, because it's the last one you mentioned.

Jo, quan vam veure la final,

I, when we saw the final,

a mi em va sobtar molt que guanyés aquesta cançó,

I was very surprised that this song won,

però sí que com que estàvem una mica ficats amb les finals nacionals,

but yes, since we were a bit involved with the national finals,

sabíem que la cançó, per allò que sigui,

we knew that the song, for whatever reason,

havia donat molt fort allà a Estònia.

I had given very strongly there in Estonia.

Deu ser perquè és una cançó que parla obertament de drogues,

It must be because it is a song that openly talks about drugs.

o sigui, i de com, no, no, senyor policia,

that is to say, and how, no, no, Mr. Police,

nosaltres no tenim, només he vingut aquí a menjar-me unes patates i una cervesa,

we don't have any, I've only come here to have some chips and a beer,

una cosa molt rara, tot en general.

a very strange thing, everything in general.

I el grup de l'Ignatius, perquè són dos grups,

And Ignatius's group, because there are two groups,

està el grup de raperos, que són els joves, diguem-ne,

the group of rappers, who are the young people, let's say,

i els grans, que és Ignatius Ferrai,

and the greats, which is Ignatius Ferrai,

i l'altre, que seria, diguem, el senyor aquell de Full Monty,

and the other, which would be, let's say, that gentleman from Full Monty,

per dir-ho d'alguna manera, el protagonista de Full Monty,

to put it somehow, the protagonist of The Full Monty,

aquells dos són el grup de púlup, no?, aquells són púlup.

Those two are the pulupt group, right? Those are pulupt.

A mi la cançó, jo haig de dir que a mi la tornada em va arribar a enganxar,

I have to say that the chorus of the song really hooked me.

em feia gràcia la tornada.

I found the return amusing.

No parlo de la posada en escena, eh?, parlo d'escoltar-la, només escoltar-la,

I'm not talking about the staging, okay? I'm talking about listening to it, just listening to it.

i dir-li, doncs, tens-ho, aquest?

And tell him, then, do you have this?

I Windows 95 Man, també s'ha d'entendre que és un personatge molt famós a Finlàndia,

In Windows 95 Man, it must also be understood that he is a very famous character in Finland.

s'ha d'entendre que, conforme...

It must be understood that, as...

Pujant, o sigui, nosaltres estem aquí a Alemanya,

Increasing, that is, we are here in Germany,

i a l'humor, bueno, és l'humor alemany, d'acord?,

And as for the humor, well, it's German humor, okay?

que és el que és.

what is what it is.

A partir d'aquí, conforme vas pujant cap al nord,

From here, as you head north,

l'humor es va tornar encara més estrany i més rar.

The humor became even stranger and weirder.

Si veieu shows de la televisió noruega, sueca, finlandesa,

If you watch shows from Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish television,

tenen un humor superestrany.

they have a super strange sense of humor.

I, per lo que sigui, doncs això els fa molta gràcia, a ells.

And for whatever reason, this amuses them a lot.

Perquè per ells era evident que Windows 95 Man era,

Because for them it was evident that Windows 95 Man was,

el favorit absolut per guanyar la final de Finlàndia.

the absolute favorite to win the final in Finland.

Una cosa molt bizarra.

A very bizarre thing.

I els hi va semblar supergraciós fer una broma que no s'havia fet mai,

And they found it hilarious to make a joke that had never been done before,

que és fer veure que vaig desnuda.

what it is to pretend that I am naked.

O sigui, clar, és que aquest és el nivell.

That is to say, of course, this is the level.

És que és nivell Benny Hill.

It's like a Benny Hill level.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

No sé, Sara, si a tu, clar, tu com a màxima defensora del Windows 95,

I don't know, Sara, if to you, of course, you as the foremost defender of Windows 95,

o com ho vas veure tu amb el tema?

or how did you see it regarding the subject?

Jo, abogada del diable, aquí,

I, devil's lawyer, here,

jo he de dir que tinc, el meu humor és superbàsic.

I have to say that I have, my humor is super basic.

I jo he de dir que em vaig partir mirant l'actuació sobre tota la semi,

And I have to say that I was cracking up watching the performance throughout the semi.

perquè va ser com, no sé, m'esperava,

because it was like, I don't know, I expected it,

perquè ja havia vist el de Finlàndia, la gala de Finlàndia,

because I had already seen the one from Finland, the gala from Finland,

i m'esperava el que venia, no?

I was expecting what was coming, wasn't I?

Més o menys era el mateix que va fer a la gala de Finlàndia.

More or less it was the same as what he did at the gala in Finland.

Però jo he de dir que, dintre del tema humorístic i tal,

But I have to say that, in the humorous context and so on,

jo crec que Finlàndia no és un xiquiliquatre, vull dir.

I think that Finland is not a joker, I mean.

No porta, jo crec que porta una cançó que no és dolenta.

She doesn't wear it, I think she has a song that isn't bad.

Per mi no és dolenta.

For me, it is not bad.

No és una cançó, és una cançó que si no s'hagués fet amb l'actuació que es va fer,

It's not a song, it's a song that if it hadn't been made with the performance that was done,

potser la gent l'hauria vist d'una altra manera.

perhaps people would have seen it differently.

No em sembla una cançó xiquiliquatre de Muebles Xiqui Xiqui,

I don't think it's a silly song by Muebles Xiqui Xiqui.

que ja està feta per tema humorístic.

that is already done for humorous purposes.

Sí que és veritat que és més un tema visual que no musical.

It is true that it is more of a visual theme than a musical one.

I potser sí que sense aquest vessant més impactant,

And perhaps yes, without this more striking aspect,

potser seria d'una altra manera.

maybe it would be another way.

Però la proposta és així, i la proposta és còmica,

But the proposal is like this, and the proposal is comical,

perquè potser han volgut fer d'així.

because perhaps they wanted to do it like this.

I això que apuntaves, Dani,

And what you pointed out, Dani,

de com canvia l'humor a mesura que vas pujant latituds,

how humor changes as you move up in latitudes,

no ho coneixia i potser té sentit.

I didn't know it and it may make sense.

Ara coneixent això potser té més sentit.

Now knowing this, it may make more sense.

I sí, de fet, estic d'acord amb tot el que heu dit.

And yes, in fact, I agree with everything you have said.

Jo el problema que tenia, a mi m'agradava molt,

The problem I had was that I liked it a lot.

em feia molta gràcia la posada en escena de la cançó de Windows 95 Man,

I found the staging of the Windows 95 song "Man" very funny.

de fet la cançó se'm va enganxar molt,

in fact, the song really stuck with me,

se'm va enganxar la versió que van fer ells,

I got stuck on the version they made.

perquè no sé si sabeu que en un inici portaven el logo,

because I don't know if you know that initially they wore the logo,

Windows, i els hi van fer pixelar, no?

Windows, and they made them pixelate, right?

Això és genius, això sí que és genius.

This is genius, this is indeed genius.

I que està molt xulo.

And it's really cool.

I quan es van fer el d'això pixelat,

And when they did the pixelated thing,

van trobar la versió de la cançó que en canvi de ser No Rules era Rules.

They found the version of the song that instead of being No Rules was Rules.

Te'n recordes? A mi se'm va enganxar la cançó moltíssim,

Do you remember? I got really hooked on the song.

que és la mateixa cançó però traient el no cada vegada.

it's the same song but taking out the no each time.

Molt divertit.

Very fun.

Sí, venien a dir que com que els havien fet passar a parlar-ho,

Yes, they were saying that since they had been made to come and talk about it,

que l'únic important a la vida era Rules.

that the only important thing in life was Rules.

Rules, bueno.

Rules, good.

És que tota l'actitud d'aquest personatge,

It's just that the entire attitude of this character,

no sé si vau veure alguna entrevista d'ell i tal i qual,

I don't know if you saw any interview of him and so on.

fins i tot quan li feien entrevistes relativament serioses a les rodes de premsa,

even when they were given relatively serious interviews at press conferences,

deia coses molt rares.

he said very strange things.

No sé si és que realment ell és així,

I don't know if it's because he really is that way,

o tot era un posat per fer un personatge,

or it was all a facade to create a character,

però no sé, era molt divertit.

but I don't know, it was very fun.

A mi el que no vaig entendre, no sé si algú té més informació,

What I didn't understand was, I don't know if anyone has more information.

era de posar en escena d'on venia el tema de l'ou.

It was to stage where the topic of the egg came from.

Això és.

That's it.

Era una mica a veure,

It was a bit to see,

el nasciment d'un pterodàctil o d'estrany.

the birth of a pterodactyl or something strange.

No tenia gaire sentit.

It didn't make much sense.

Però bé, jo crec que també està bé

But well, I think it’s also fine.

que de tant en quant hi hagi coses d'aquestes.

that every now and then there are things like these.

Al final, igual que hi ha de veure-ho d'anys,

In the end, just as it has to be seen over the years,

jo crec que de tant en quan hi hagi una sortida una mica així,

I think that from time to time there will be an exit a bit like that,

com en el seu moment, tu deies H4,

as you said at the time, you said H4,

però fa molts anys va haver-hi un senyor austríac

but many years ago there was an Austrian gentleman

que era també molt bizarro.

that was also very bizarre.

Alf Poia.

Alf Poia.

Alf Poia, efectivament.

Alf Poia, indeed.

És que ja amb el nom ja...

It's just that with the name already...

Després el gai d'indi que va portar a Irlanda fa molts anys,

After the Indian gay that was brought to Ireland many years ago,

que portaven un gai d'indi, no sé si el vau veure,

they were carrying an Indian gay, I don't know if you saw it,

era un teleñeco rotllo com de barri o sèsamo,

it was a puppet like something from the neighborhood or Sesame Street,

no recordo el nom, però si el busqueu...

I don't remember the name, but if you look for it...

És un personatge famós a Irlanda.

He is a famous character in Ireland.

Vull dir, després l'han anat portant per programes

I mean, afterwards they have been taking him to programs.

com si fos un comentarista i és un ninot.

as if it were a commentator and it is a puppet.

O sigui, una cosa molt rara.

That is, a very strange thing.

I crec que són coses que li aporten aquest punt bizarro d'Eurovisió

I think these are things that bring that bizarre touch of Eurovision.

que també el caracteritza una mica.

that also characterizes it a bit.

Jo crec que està...

I think that it is...

que està bé.

that's fine.

I ara, aprofitant això,

And now, taking advantage of this,

aprofitant el tema que parlo de ninos, de barri o sèsamo,

taking advantage of the fact that I'm talking about kids, about the neighborhood or Sesame,

podem parlar del següent titular

we can talk about the following headline

que ens el porta la Sara.

that Sara is bringing us.

Pero es que nadie va a pensar en los niños.

But is it that no one is going to think about the children?

Y esta frase tan popular del Simpson

And this very popular quote from The Simpsons.

tocaría una miqueta el tema que acaba de parlar en Morti,

I would touch on a little the topic that Morti just spoke about.

que estaba veient el festival,

that I was watching the festival,

con una familia,

with a family,

amb els nens, bla, bla, bla.

with the kids, blah, blah, blah.

I hi ha una altra persona a Espanya

And there is another person in Spain.

que també anava a veure el festival,

that was also going to see the festival,



A part del Morti, eh?

Apart from Morti, huh?

A part del Morti!

Apart from Morti!

Hi havia dues persones que anaven a veure el festival,

There were two people who were going to see the festival,

un era el Morti i l'altre era qui?

one was Morti and the other was who?

Era, no sé si el coneixeu,

He was, I don't know if you know him,

en Mario Manutenorio,

in Mario Manutenorio,

un conegut cantant d'OT.

a well-known singer from OT.

Conegut per cada quart.

Known for each quarter.

Sí, que va destrossar

Yes, it destroyed.

a una gala la cançó de...

at a gala the song of...

Les Pequeñas Cosas del Serrat.

The Little Things of Serrat.

A la final, sí.

In the end, yes.

Doncs quan va sortir Zorra,

So when Zorra came out,

quan va ser escollida la cançó de Zorra per Espanya,

when was the song by Zorra chosen for Spain,

ell va dir que quina vergonya,

he said what a shame,

que com portàvem aquesta cançó a la final d'Eurovisió,

that as we brought this song to the Eurovision final,

que com aquestes paraules que no podien escoltar els nens...

that like these words that the children could not hear...

Bueno, i això va ser com una mica de polèmica a Espanya.

Well, and this was somewhat controversial in Spain.

I jo tinc una afició,

And I have a hobby,

mentre estic veient el festival,

while I am watching the festival,

mentre veig les semis,

while I watch the semis,

que és mirar-me Twitter.

What it is to look at my Twitter.

I de sobte, a la final d'Eurovisió,

And suddenly, at the Eurovisió final,

es va colar com a trending topic

it became a trending topic



I dintre d'aquest trending topic

And within this trending topic

la gent comentava amb mil memes

people were commenting with a thousand memes

que se li passava pel cap al Manutenorio

what was going through Manutenorio's mind

si estigués veient la final en aquell moment

if I were watching the final at that moment

amb Irlanda, amb el Regne Unit,

with Ireland, with the United Kingdom,

amb l'actuació de Finlàndia, com ha dit en Morti,

with Finland's performance, as Morti has said,

sense pantalons...

without pants...

I hi havia un que em va fer molta gràcia,

And there was one that made me laugh a lot,

que va ser

what happened

Conectamos con Manutenorio.

We connect with Manutenorio.

I llavors hi havia unes imatges de la nina de l'exorcista

And then there were some images of the Exorcist's doll.

entrant en possessió.

taking possession.

Bueno, jo volia treure aquest tema

Well, I wanted to bring up this topic.

per veure què penseu vosaltres.

to see what you think.

És un programa que, com deia en Morti,

It's a program that, as Morti said,

no està fet per nens, però hi ha cançons,

it's not made for children, but there are songs,

potser als nens els agrada veure'l.

Maybe the kids like to watch it.

La paraula zorra és tan dolenta

The word "zorra" is so bad.

com perquè un nen s'espanti quan l'escolta.

as to why a child gets scared when he hears it.

No escolta d'altres paraules

He does not listen to other words.

veient la tele, mirant una pel·lícula,

watching TV, watching a movie,

escoltant cançons de reggaeton,

listening to reggaeton songs,

que diuen coses molt pitjors...

they say much worse things...

Què penseu d'això?

What do you think about this?

Jo, abans de passar-vos-ho a vosaltres,

I, before passing it on to you,

recordo fa un temps que vaig veure

I remember some time ago that I saw.

un petit...

a little...

No era sketch, era una entrevista

It wasn't a sketch, it was an interview.

que ells estaven fent a Ricky Gervés,

what they were doing to Ricky Gervais,

no recordo a quin late night,

I don't remember which late night,

no sé si era James Corden,

I don't know if it was James Corden,

no recordo amb qui era.

I don't remember who it was with.

Però estava dient alguna cosa

But he was saying something.

i ell deia

and he was saying

fuck, no sé què.

fuck, I don't know what.

I deia, ah, wait, segurament

And I said, ah, wait, probably.

m'haureu posat un pito aquí,

you must have put a whistle here,

perquè aquí en la televisió americana

because here on American television

no es pot dir fuck.

you can't say fuck.

I ho deia diverses vegades

I said it several times.

i, òbviament, l'únic que escoltaves

And, obviously, the only thing you were listening to.

eren els pitidos i tal i qual.

it was the whistles and so on.

I el tio deia

And the guy said.

jo, a vegades, no us entenc.

I, at times, do not understand you.

O sigui, jo puc venir aquí

So, I can come here.

i no puc dir fuck,

and I can’t say fuck,

però si parlo

but if I speak

de la colonoscòpia

of the colonoscopy

que em van fer l'altre dia,

that they did to me the other day,

que em van ficar els dits fins al fons

that they stuck their fingers in up to the bottom

i van fer així, van treure un tros de caca

and they did it like this, they took out a piece of poop

i aquest tros el van posar a l'orella

and they put this piece in the ear

i no sé què i tal i qual,

and I don't know what and so on,

és desagradable que hagi dit fuck,

it's unpleasant that he/she said fuck,

amb això no teniu cap tipus de problema.

With this, you have no problem at all.

Però la paraula fuck, això no es pot dir.

But the word fuck, that cannot be said.

I és com aquest d'això de

And it is like this about

on està el límit?

Where is the limit?

Què és el que es pot veure, què no,

What can be seen, what cannot,

què és adequat, què no...

what is appropriate, what is not...

Depèn de la paraula en si

It depends on the word itself.

o depèn de com s'explica aquesta paraula

or it depends on how this word is explained

o de com s'explica aquesta actuació.

or how this action is explained.

Al marge d'això que acabo de dir,

Aside from what I just said,

jo, la meva opinió és que Eurovisió

I, my opinion is that Eurovision

no és un programa per nens, avui en dia.

it's not a program for kids, nowadays.

Crec que no és un programa per nens.

I don't think it's a program for kids.

Que no tindria per què ser així, eh?

It shouldn't have to be like this, right?

Jo, com us deia,

I, as I was saying to you,

vaig veure el programa

I watched the program.

amb la Canalla,

with the kids,

és Canalla Petita,

it's Little Rascals,

i jo estic d'acord

And I agree.

amb tu, Dani,

with you, Dani,

Eurovisió no és un programa

Eurovision is not a program.

per nens

for children

i penso que no ho ha de ser

I think it shouldn't be.

i el problema és meu.

And the problem is mine.

Aquest és el meu punt de vista.

This is my point of view.

Perquè si és un programa

Because if it's a program

en el cas de proposar

in the case of proposing



i això és un altre tema,

and this is another topic,

però bé, que has de proposar art,

but well, you have to propose art,

posar-hi limitacions a l'art

put limitations on art

és fer trampes al solitari.

It's cheating at solitaire.

Cadascú ha d'entendre i

Everyone must understand and


to approach

amb llibertat

with freedom

el que considera que ha de fer.

what he considers he must do.

Una altra cosa és que el públic

Another thing is that the public

l'hi compri o no.

whether I buy it or not.

El problema,

The problem,

específicament el problema de Zorra,

specifically the problem of Zorra,

no és que els nens s'espatin,

it's not that the children get spoiled,

sinó que els nens

but the children

la facin servir.

make use of it.

I jo puc entendre,

And I can understand,

però un altre cop és art

but again it is art

i posar-li límits a l'art

and set limits to art

és perillós

it's dangerous

i ha tingut conseqüències perilloses

and has had dangerous consequences

al llarg de la història.

throughout history.

Llavors, jo crec que Eurovisió

So, I think that Eurovision

és un programa que avui en dia

it's a program that nowadays

és per a adults

it is for adults

i que ho ha de seguir sent.

and it must continue to be so.

Jo, de fet, estic força d'acord.

I, in fact, quite agree.

Penso que no és un programa per nens.

I don't think it's a program for kids.

Bé, un programa

Well, a program.

similar per nens ja existeix,

similar for kids already exists,

que és l'Eurovision Junior, que allà sí que

what is Eurovision Junior, that there yes that

clarament no trobes cap contingut d'aquest tipus.

clearly you don't find any content of this type.

A vegades trobes coses que no tenen

Sometimes you find things that don't have

sentit, perquè quan veus una nena de 12 anys

sense, because when you see a 12-year-old girl

que parla de mi amor

that speaks of my love

i de cómo te quiero dar besos,

and how I want to kiss you,

jo no ho acabo d'entendre.

I don’t quite understand it.

Però bé, ei, cada un...

But well, hey, each one...

Sí, sí, hi ha

Yes, yes, there is.

una mica de tot, però en general

a little bit of everything, but in general

ja existeix aquest format

this format already exists

per nens i adaptat a nens.

for children and adapted for children.

Sobre el que tu preguntaves, Sara,

Regarding what you were asking, Sara,

de si s'ha d'exposar als nens

whether it should be exposed to children

a aquest tipus de

to this type of

llenguatge o de missatge,

language or message,

no ho sé, per mi és complicat

I don't know, it's complicated for me.

perquè no estic en aquesta posició

because I am not in this position

on hagi de jutjar

where it has to be judged

o em pugui alarmar perquè tinc un fill

or alarm me because I have a son

i tal i qual. Jo sí que penso

and so on. I do think so.

que potser

that perhaps

és més segur que un nen s'exposi

it is safer for a child to be exposed

a aquest tipus de coses en un context

to this kind of things in a context

com l'Eurovisió, on

like Eurovision, where

l'ús de què, per exemple, de la paraula

the use of what, for example, of the word

zorra està fet servir amb una intenció

"Fox is used with an intention."

concreta de reivindicar una cosa. Crec que

to specifically claim something. I believe that

potser és més fàcil des del punt de vista

perhaps it is easier from the point of view

d'un pare d'explicar

from a father's explanation

per què s'està fent servir aquesta paraula

why is this word being used

que intentar, per exemple,

to try, for example,

si el teu nen està exposat

if your child is exposed

com tu mateixa has dit,

as you yourself have said,

a reggaeton, a veure les actituds

a reggaeton, let's see the attitudes

que hi ha entre cantants

what is between singers

i ballarines, per exemple,

and dancers, for example,

en segons quins entorns,

in certain environments,

veure com hi ha altres discursos que estan

to see how there are other discourses that are

tan normalitzats en el nostre dia a dia

so normalized in our daily life

en altres àmbits, això em sembla molt pitjor

in other areas, this seems much worse to me

molt més pervasiu, per dir-ho d'alguna manera,

much more pervasive, to put it somehow,

que no

that no

en un entorn tan, diguéssim,

in such an environment, let's say,

controlat com són els tres minuts d'Eurovisió

controlled as the three minutes of Eurovision

on ja saps la intenció que té la paraula

Now you know the intention that the word has.

que s'està fent servir.

that is being used.

No sé, és un tema complicat,

I don't know, it's a complicated topic.

crec que Eurovisió no és per

I think Eurovisió is not for

nens, però em sembla

children, but it seems to me

un mal menor el que puguin haver vist

a lesser evil than what they may have seen

els nens a Eurovisió comparat amb el que

the children at Eurovision compared to what

potser poden veure en altres llocs

perhaps they can be seen elsewhere

al seu voltant. No sé

around him/her. I don’t know.

què en penseu, Dani.

What do you think, Dani?

Jo abans de saltar de

I before jumping from

tema, i ja que és el tema

topic, and since it is the topic

principal pel que hem fet girar,

main reason for which we have turned,

perquè, òbviament, està el tema d'Espanya,

because, obviously, there is the issue of Spain,

però hi ha altres coses

but there are other things

que podríem pensar aquí.

that we could think here.

Està Espanya, està Finlàndia,

There is Spain, there is Finland,

com ha dit el Morti, també està

As Morti said, it is also there.

Irlanda, amb Van Bizaak,

Ireland, with Van Bizaak,

que segurament un nen,

that surely a child,

jo m'imagino, ja que deies

I imagine, since you said.

allò del Simpson,

that thing from the Simpsons,

quan surten allà els nens

when the children go out there

espantant-se un munt allà,

scaring themselves a lot there,

jo m'imagino aquesta imatge una mica

I imagine this image a little.

veient Van Bizaak.

seeing Van Bizaak.

I així tantes

And so many.

i tantes. I per no entrar ja

and so many. And to not get in anymore

a un nivell molt més

at a much higher level



quan en aquest cas a la final no van

when in this case they don't go to the final

arribar, però quan arriben les nostres amigues

arrive, but when our friends arrive

petardes a fer segons quines

firecrackers for certain things

coses a sobre l'escenari, també

things on the stage, too

fins i tot podrien parlar, si això és una

they could even talk, if this is a

cosa que se li pot explicar a un

something that can be explained to someone

nen quan veu Eurovisió.

boy when he sees Eurovision.

Per això a mi,

That's why for me,

òbviament Manu Tenorio, el que va dir

obviously Manu Tenorio, what he said

em va semblar fora de lloc, perquè

It seemed out of place to me because

si et presenten quatre petardes

if they present you with four firecrackers

no tens cap problema amb que el teu

you have no problem with your

nen miri Eurovisió aquí

boy, look at Eurovision here

sense nen. Mira totes les actuacions

No child. Look at all the performances.

que et vas a llenar aquí

that you are going to fill up here

de carn fins al passat demà, però

of meat until yesterday, but

hòstia, han dit Zorro, compte.

Wow, they said Zorro, watch out.

Això no, això és

Not this, this is


of this.

Com, Sara?

How, Sara?

Jo vull acabar

I want to finish.

aquest tema amb el tuit

this topic with the tweet

que va posar el Manu Tenorio

what Manu Tenorio put

a l'acabada final, i és

at the final finish, and it is



Agradezco a todo el televoto

I thank all the televote.

europeo que me haya dado la razón

European who has agreed with me.

y a todos mis haters que me estáis haciendo

and to all my haters who are doing me

tan famoso. Bravo

so famous. Bravo

Manu Tenorio.

Manu Tenorio.

De Lulu total y a casa Seba

From Lulu completely and at home Seba.

bien sí.

well yes.

Lo sabía.

I knew it.

Yo creo que ella es va a pensar que

I think she is going to think that.

iba de él.

It was about him.

¿Sabes? Que Eurovisión iba de él.

You know? That Eurovision was about him.

A ver si él ganaba

Let's see if he won.

con su opinión o no.

with their opinion or not.

Ojo que no es presente al

Watch out that it is not present at the...

Benidorm de l'any que ve.

Benidorm of next year.

Por favor.


Ja que hem tret el tema

Since we have brought up the topic.

Espanya, Nebulosa,

Spain, Nebula,

Zorro. Morti, com ho vas

Fox. Morti, how are you?

veure? Què et va semblar

See? What did you think?

l'actuació d'Espanya aquest any?

Spain's performance this year?

Clar, jo no havia vist Benidorm

Sure, I had not seen Benidorm.

Fest, jo no havia vist gaire res.

Sure, I hadn't seen much.

Sí que la vaig sentir

Yes, I did hear her.

abans del festival.

before the festival.

Em va agradar.

I liked it.

I potser en parlem una miqueta

And maybe we can talk about it a little bit.

més endavant, però em va agradar

later on, but I liked it

perquè em recorda un estil musical

because it reminds me of a musical style

molt espanyol,

very Spanish,

molt castito, que es va

very chastely, what is going

fer a la movida i que ara

do the move and what now

s'ha tornat

has become

a agafar

to take

amb força.

with force.

I al principi dius

And at first you say



it grows in you.

it grows in you.

A mi em va quedar

It stayed with me.

agradant amb força.

pleasing with strength.

Jo crec que per la gent que

I believe that for the people who

es porta per una primera vegada

it is being worn for the first time

la seva posició a la classificació

their position in the ranking

és la 22.

It is 10 PM.

Si la sents més cops

If you feel it more often

i li acabes agafant el rotllo,

and you end up getting into the groove,

jo crec que hauria

I think it should.

acabat una miqueta més.

finished a little more.

No sé si el primer tier,

I don't know if the first tier,

però per una miqueta més.

but just a little bit more.

Sí, jo, de fet,

Yes, me, in fact,

opinió similar, no?

Similar opinion, right?

Crec que la cançó l'havíem escoltat

I think we had listened to the song.

tant i sabem que ha tingut

so much and we know it has had

també a altres zones

also to other areas

hispanoparlants, a Llatinoamèrica i tal,

Spanish speakers, in Latin America and such,

que jo pensava, va, potser

that I thought, well, maybe

es pot tenir una mica més de punts

can you have a bit more points

del televot, però al final

of the televote, but in the end

també hem de pensar que segurament

we also have to think that surely

la majoria de gent l'estava escoltant

most people were listening to him/her

per primera escolta, per més que la cançó

for the first listen, no matter how much the song

jo crec que sigui bona

I believe it is good.

a nivell de veu, no era tan espectacular

In terms of voice, it wasn't that spectacular.

òbviament com moltes de les

obviously like many of the

altres propostes i jo crec que això

other proposals and I think that this

també els pesa,

it also weighs them down,

els ha pesat, però jo crec que ja anàvem

it has weighed on them, but I think we were already going.

des del principi, tampoc anàvem amb aquesta

From the beginning, we weren't going with this either.

intenció de guanyar, sinó que també

intention to win, but also

anàvem amb la intenció de portar un missatge, així que

we went with the intention of delivering a message, so

bé, això crec que ho han

Well, I think they have it.

complert, almenys en els territoris

complete, at least in the territories

de parla hispana, i s'ha de dir que pel que

of Spanish-speaking, and it must be said that for what

va semblar, la gent allà

It seemed, the people there.

a Malmo, estaven cantant la cançó

In Malmö, they were singing the song.

vull dir,

I mean,

a grito pelao, o sigui, realment la gent

at the top of their lungs, I mean, really the people

se l'havia escoltat, la tenia interioritzada

she had listened to it, she had internalized it

i això jo crec que ja és molt

and I think that is already a lot

jo contenta. Tu com ho vas veure, Sara?

I’m happy. How did you see it, Sara?



a mi el que més por em feia eren

what scared me the most were

les limitacions vocals de la cançó

the vocal limitations of the song

tant de nebulosa, i crec que a dintre

so much nebula, and I believe that inside

d'això ho va defensar molt bé

he defended that very well

em va semblar una bona actuació

I thought it was a good performance.

després de veure la de Benidorm

after seeing the one in Benidorm

que era més limitadita

that was more limited



m'havia apuntat aquí unes coses

I had written down a few things here.

que he vist sortir

that I have seen go out

molt en la línia de Manu

very much in line with Manu

Tenorio, vale?

Tenorio, okay?



Perquè, òbviament, després de

Because, obviously, after

Eurovisió, surten tots els

Eurovision, everyone is coming out.

Capitana Posteriori, que són

Captain Posteriori, what are they?

tots superguais, perquè tots

all super cool, because all

ja ho sabien

they already knew

tots ja sabien que això hi va anar així

everyone already knew that it went like this

i llavors es fan

and then they make

m'ha fet molta gràcia perquè aquest any

It made me laugh a lot because this year

s'han plantejat preguntes molt, molt, molt

They have asked questions very, very, very.



com és plantejar què és

how is it to consider what it is

l'art, on està el límit de l'art

Art, where is the limit of art?

és una cosa que ni tan sols els

it's something that not even the

filòsofs durant els últims 300

philosophers over the last 300

anys han arribat a una conclusió

years have reached a conclusion

però la gent era molt

but the people were very

capaç de dir que

capable of saying that

és que l'art està degenerando

It's that art is degenerating.

és que estem en un

it's just that we are in a

en una decrepitud de la

in a decrepitude of the

de la cultura occidental

of Western culture

és que no sé què és, que no és art

It's just that I don't know what it is, that it isn't art.

i aquest no és art, l'hi aplicaven

and this is not art, they applied it to him

òbviament a Nebulosa, l'hi aplicaven

obviously at Nebula, they applied it there

al Ganador, perquè

to the Winner, because

perquè mira com es vesten

because look at how they dress

perquè mira com van

because look at how they are going

perquè mira com... és que és una mica

because look how... it's just a bit

una mica el rotllo, no? Has usat zorra, és que mira

A bit of a hassle, right? You've used "zorra," just look.

com vas vestit de fantotxe

how are you dressed as a clown

és que on vas tu amb un tutú

where are you going with a tutu



hi ha gent dient, és que Eurovisió

there are people saying, it's just that Eurovision

plantejant-se aquesta pregunta que hem

posing this question that we have

tingut nosaltres moltes vegades, de què és Eurovisió

many times we have had, what is Eurovision

és un festival de la cançó, és un festival

it's a song festival, it's a festival

d'actes musicals

of musical acts

és un festival de tot plegat

it's a festival of everything

doncs hi ha gent dient, no, no, és que és un festival de

well there are people saying, no, no, it's just that it's a festival of

canto, i si no canta

I sing, and if it doesn't sing.

bé, si no és una gran cantant

well, if she is not a great singer

el que deia el Manu Tenorio, no? És que a mi me van

What Manu Tenorio said, right? It's just that I like them.

més cantants com Pastora Soler

more singers like Pastora Soler

em sembla molt bé, però llavors que

I think it's very good, but then what?

Bob Dylan és un arreplegat

Bob Dylan is a character.

què passa? Que només

What's happening? That only

explica el que a tu t'agrada

explain what you like

i crec, jo he arribat a la

and I believe, I have arrived at the

conclusió que la gent

conclusion that the people

la gent, diguem

the people, let's say



vulgo, la gent que no

I mean, the people who do not

són entesos de

they are understood as

música, tendeixen

music, they tend

a confondre el que els agrada

to confuse what they like

amb lo bo

with the good

o el que els agrada amb lo

or what they like with it

que és art, o el que els agrada amb lo que

what is art, or what they like with what

realment és lo que ha de ser

it really is what it should be

no sé com ho veieu vosaltres

I don't know how you see it.

vols dir que el Manu Tenorio no és un

Do you mean that Manu Tenorio is not one?

entès en música? Òbviament no

Understood in music? Obviously not.

no sé

I don't know.

no sé com

I don't know how.

com veieu totes aquestes preguntes

How do you see all these questions?

que han sortit del festival

that have come out of the festival

del límit de l'art, de com

of the limit of art, of how

de jutjar els artistes per

of judging artists for

per com es vesteixen, de com són

by how they dress, by how they are

de com, de lo que

How, of what



Jo ja ho he dit abans

I have already said it before.


to put

límits a l'art

limits to art

s'ha fet abans a la història i no ha tingut

it has happened before in history and did not have

molt bones conseqüències

very good consequences

hi ha gent que són abanderados

there are people who are flag bearers

de l'arte

of art

i aquesta gent em fa molta por

and these people scare me a lot



no hi confio gens

I don't trust him at all.

confio més en el vulgo

I trust the common people more.

com deies tu abans

as you said before

que no en la gent que se li omple la boca

that not in the people who fill their mouths




of this

dels límits, de posar límits

of limits, of setting limits

no ho veig gens clar

I don't see it clearly at all.

No, absolutament

No, absolutely not.



jo no ho llegeixo tant com un

I don't read it as much as one does.

un debat de què és l'art

a debate about what art is

o què ha de ser, ho veig més

or what it should be, I see it more

una mica un exercici de hate

a bit of a hate exercise

una mica, veig molts haters

A little, I see a lot of haters.

veig molta gent que les coses no estan

I see many people that things are not.

anant com a ells els agradaria

going as they would like

i busquen qualsevol, jo crec qualsevol

And they look for anyone, I think anyone.

argument per desmuntar la feina

argument to dismantle the work

d'un altre i per treure-li credibilitat

from another and to discredit him

i valor

and value

i si per això han de dir que no és art

and if for that they have to say that it is not art

o que no es vesteix com Déu mana

or does not dress as God commands

doncs bé, quan sento

well, when I hear

també aquest argument, doncs ja ni, desconec-t'ho

also this argument, so I don't even know it

perdona Sara

sorry Sara

és una forma d'entrar en polèmica també

it's a way to spark controversy as well

qui parlaria del Manu Tenorio

Who would talk about Manu Tenorio?

al dia de la final d'Eurovisió

on the day of the Eurovision final

si no hagués fet aquestes declaracions

if I hadn't made these statements

és veritat

it's true

una mica

a little bit

que se hable de mi aunque sea bien

Let them talk about me, even if it's good.


sí sí

yes yes

i de fet va molt lligat amb el que parlàvem abans

And in fact, it is very much linked to what we were talking about before.

de com ha sigut el

of how it has been the

Telebot, de com es busca

Telebot, how to search for it

d'això, de com es minimitza

of this, how it is minimized

el rival entre cometes

the rival in quotes

com se li tira

how do you throw it

es tira hate volent a sobre de

it throws hate wanting on top of

candidats per intentar minimitzar les seves

candidates to try to minimize their

possibilitats i això

possibilities and that

ho hem vist abans, durant el festival

we have seen it before, during the festival

i després del festival

and after the festival

i agafant-me

and taking me

ara, ojo eh, ara flipareu

Now, watch out, now you'll be amazed.

amb el lligam que faré

with the bond that I will make

amb un titular meu

with a headline of mine

hem estat parlant dels límits de l'art

We have been talking about the limits of art.

i de lo que és l'art i no

and of what art is and is not

i hi ha un art, hi ha un art

and there is an art, there is an art

en particular que sembla que s'està perdent

in particular that seems to be getting lost

i aquí ve el meu

and here comes my

següent titular que és

next headline which is

El ocaso de las petardas parte 2

The decline of the firecrackers part 2



l'any passat

last year

ja vam veure

we already saw

com la cosa no anava bé per les petardes

as things weren't going well for the firecrackers

sembla que

it seems that

el moment aquell àlgid

that peak moment

d'aquell guilty pleasure

of that guilty pleasure

del morti del diablo

of the devil's death

en aquell moment gran

at that great moment

en el qual les petardes eren

in which the firecrackers were

una Europa

a Europe

sembla que està passant a millor vida

it seems that he is passing to a better life



no levantamos cabeza eh

we can't lift our heads, huh

no sé com ho veus morti

I don't know how you see it, Morti.

però no se levanta cabeza amb las petardas eh

but one cannot get ahead with the firecrackers, huh

en algun moment

at some point

en alguns programes anteriors

in some previous programs

se'm va classificar com el típico

I was classified as the typical one.

señor serbio

Serbian gentleman

la típica opinió

the typical opinion

del señor serbio

of the Serbian gentleman

sí que

yes that

o sigui

that is to say

ho has volgut lligar

you wanted to tie it up

i és que realment està lligat

and it is that it is really tied up

tot això

all this

també és un art

it's also an art

l'art del petardeo

the art of farting

que hem parlat abastament en programes anteriors

that we have discussed extensively in previous programs

també és un art

it is also an art

i és un art

and it is an art

que sí que sembla que ha entrat

that indeed seems to have entered

en una miqueta de posició de declivi

in a slight decline position

jo personalment

I personally

no l'he trobat a faltar

I haven't missed him/her.

en aquest

in this

o sigui

that is to say

no l'he trobat a faltar perquè hi ha sigut

I haven't missed him/her because he/she has been there.

però amb molt poca

but with very little

amb molt poc èxit

with very little success

però jo crec

but I believe

que aquestes coses tornaran

that these things will return

tot és un cicle, tot és cíclic

everything is a cycle, everything is cyclical

tot és cíclic i tot

everything is cyclical and everything

what goes around comes around

What goes around comes around.

jo crec que això

I think that this

per bé o per malament

for better or for worse

de tots nosaltres, tornarà

from all of us, it will return

jo crec que

I believe that

renaceran de sus cenizas

they will rise from their ashes

tardo o temprano com diu el morti

sooner or later, as the saying goes

més aviat


que mai

that never

jo crec que en un parell d'anys

I believe that in a couple of years.

tenir un altre cop col·lapsat Eurovisió

having Eurovision collapsed again

amb el petardeo

with the firecracker noise



jo bé

I'm fine.

a mi d'alguna manera crec que

I somehow think that

estic d'acord amb vosaltres

I agree with you.

però alhora no sé veig com que la gent

but at the same time I don't see how people

la veig molt defensiva

I see her as very defensive.

pel que fa al petardeo perquè

regarding the farting because

cada petarda que apareix últimament

every firecracker that appears lately

sembla que li vulguin dir

it seems that they want to tell him/her

que no ets Chanel, no vagis de Chanel

you're not Chanel, don't act like Chanel

com que les estan comparant totes amb Chanel

since they are comparing them all with Chanel

i no sé fins quan durarà això

and I don’t know how long this will last

però a mi em va saber super greu

but I was really sorry.

per la pobra noia de Malta

for the poor girl from Malta

que no va passar el final

that the end did not happen

que va quedar última la seva semifinal

who finished last in her semifinal

que la cançó aviam

what the song let's see

és una cançó de petardes, no és una gran cançó

It's a fireworks song, not a great song.

però la noia realment

but the girl really

ho va fer molt bé, ballava molt bé

he did it very well, he danced very well

i tots els comentaris

and all the comments

que es veia per les xarxes

what was seen on the networks

i a tot arreu era del plan, però qui t'has pensat

And everywhere it was from the plan, but who do you think you are?

de Chanel, Chanel d'Aliexpress

Chanel, Chanel from Aliexpress

etc, etc

etc, etc

i clar em fa una mica de por pensar que

And it clearly makes me a bit scared to think that

no sé quin llistó

I don't know which bar.

ha deixat Chanel però potser

she has left Chanel but maybe

realment ha acabat amb les petardes

it has really ended with the firecrackers

ja que dius això de Chanel, dos apunts

Since you mention Chanel, two notes.

tu deies

you said

que la reina de les petardes

that the queen of the firecrackers

d'aquest any era Albània

this year it was Albania

però que anava de megatotis

but he was acting like a total idiot

crec que algun dia hem de parar-nos

I think that someday we have to stop.

i definir el concepte petardes

And define the concept of "petardes".

perquè tenim discrepàncies

because we have discrepancies

però jo tinc claríssim

but I am very clear

qui hagués sigut la reina

who would have been the queen

de les petardes si hagués guanyat

if the firecrackers had won

la final de Benidorm

the final of Benidorm

hagués sigut Jorge González

it would have been Jorge González

Jorge González hagués sigut

Jorge González would have been

la gran petarda de la història

the great firecracker of history

a Eurovisió

to Eurovision

hagués sigut una fantasia absoluta

it would have been an absolute fantasy

era cançó

was song

petardeo máximo, es que era la cançó

maximum firecracker, it was the song

Ricky Martin en el 98

Ricky Martin in '98

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

i parlant també d'això

And also talking about this.

també volia dir

I also wanted to say

que molts capitans

that many captains

després del resultat

after the result

de la Chanel

of Chanel

apostaven perquè

they bet that

el que s'ha de fer per guanyar l'Eurovisió

what needs to be done to win Eurovision

és portar la Chanel de turno

it's wearing the turn's Chanel

o sigui

that is to say

és com que tu dius

it's as you say

hi ha com una tendència cíclica

there is like a cyclical trend

quan les coses no funcionen

when things don't work

em poso la careta

I put on the mask.

de Berlusconi

of Berlusconi

torno a treure Telecinco i les Mamachicho

I bring back Telecinco and the Mamachicho.

i tira endavant

and carry on

que això és el que venen

that this is what they sell

és la sensació que em dona

it's the feeling that it gives me

per parar-nos a dir

to stop and say

qui són les petardes en la vostra opinió

Who are the firecrackers in your opinion?

d'aquesta edició

of this edition

perquè jo tinc seriosos dubtes

because I have serious doubts

qui havíem posat a la llista nosaltres

who had we put on the list

eren Malta

they were Malta

clar, Malta que no va passar a la final

Of course, Malta did not make it to the final.

Xipre, que sí que va passar

Cyprus, which did happen.

Àustria, que tenim dubtes

Austria, we have doubts.

perquè està a la llista de petarda

because it is on the list of firecrackers

i també està a la llista d'eurodance

and it is also on the eurodance list

i després també tenim Georgia

And then we also have Georgia.

i Albània

and Albania

que tampoc va passar a la final Albània

Albania also didn’t make it to the final.

n'afegiríeu alguna altra?

Would you add any other?

que fem amb Grècia?

What do we do with Greece?



és que

it's that

bona pregunta però jo no la faria entrar

Good question, but I wouldn't let her in.

perquè em sembla més urban

because it seems more urban to me

si parlem de Grècia

if we talk about Greece

potser també parlem d'Itàlia

maybe we should also talk about Italy

ojo cuidado

watch out

és que on arriba el límit petardeo?

It's just that where does the limit of firecrackers reach?

és que

it's that

nosaltres teníem aquesta discussió

we had this discussion

i trèiem Angelina Mango

and we took out Angelina Mango

del tema petardeo

about the topic of farting

perquè és italiana

because she is Italian

té classe

has class

pensem la mateixa cançó

we think the same song

per una noia

for a girl

de Sèrbia

from Serbia

amb una posada en escena més típica

with a more typical staging

d'un país de l'est

from a country in the east

ojo que seria petarda potser

careful, it might be a firecracker

sí sí

yes yes

aviam és un concepte

let's see, it's a concept

què fa una petarda petarda?

What does a firecracker do?

un dia haurem de parar-nos

One day we will have to stop.

i ja ho hem definit

and we have already defined it

el tema petarda és perquè és un concepte genèric

The term "petarda" is used because it is a generic concept.

però no cal ser noia per ser petarda

but you don't have to be a girl to be annoying

o sigui també hi ha

that is to say there is also

nois petarda

firecracker boys

l'any passat

last year

el favorit de la Sara

Sara's favorite


the Olamibdb

aviam era una

let's see, it was a

dos anys ja

two years already

el Urs

the Urs

era una petarda de postal

she was a firecracker of a postcard

total total

total total

seguim avançant una mica

we keep moving forward a little

i anem a mirar

and let's go look

tendències que han

trends that have

pujat, tendències que han baixat

up, trends that have decreased

tendències que han parat

trends that have stopped

i aquest titular

and this headline

ens el porta la Miu

Miu brings it to us.

sí aviam

yes, let's see

doncs és un titular molt curtet

well, it's a very short headline

és el titular malediccions

it's the headline curses

perquè ja sabem bé primer

because we already know well first

hem tingut aquest any Bambizac

we have had Bambizac this year

que jo crec que ens ha deixat a tots una mica

that I believe has left all of us a bit

així de mal rotllo al cos

so much bad vibe in the body

i sabem que Eurovisió

And we know that Eurovision

perdona un apunt

sorry, a note

i això segurament és l'únic

and this is probably the only thing

que li hem de donar les gràcies a Israel

we must thank Israel

de la seva participació

from their participation

gràcies a que va participar Israel

thanks to Israel's participation

va quedar cinquena

she came in fifth

i va guanyar, va quedar segona

and she won, she came in second.

perdó del Telebot

sorry from the Telebot

gràcies a la seva participació

thank you for your participation

això va fer

this made

que Irlanda

that Ireland

que és la sisena

what is the sixth

del jurat

of the jury

la sisena

the sixth

del Telebot

from the Telebot

i la sisena

and the sixth

del global

of the global

és a dir 666

that is to say 666

the number of the beast

the number of the beast

lo cual es

which is



molt ben trobat

very well found

si no gràcies queda molt bé

If not, thank you, it looks very good.

amb el titular de les malediccions

with the bearer of the curses

jo crec que això ni que ella ho hagués buscat

I think that this is something she wouldn't have even looked for.

és perfecte

it's perfect

molt ben trobat

very well found

però bé ja sabem que a Eurovisió sempre hi ha

but well we already know that at Eurovision there is always

algunes tendències, algunes malediccions

some trends, some curses

que sempre es repeteixen, alguns països

that always repeat, some countries

que sempre acaben últims, que sempre reben 0 punts

who always finish last, who always receive 0 points

algunes entrades que no passen mai

some entries that never happen

i volíem mirar una miqueta

and we wanted to take a little look

que s'ha mantingut aquest any

that has been maintained this year

quines malediccions han seguit passant

what curses have continued to pass

i quines s'han trencat

and which ones have broken

perquè s'ha dit que alguns d'aquests encantaris s'han trencat

because it has been said that some of these charms have been broken

algunes de les malediccions

some of the curses

que s'han mantingut per desgràcia

that have unfortunately persisted

pels països representants

for the representative countries

una és el ja mític

one is the already mythical

0 punts al Regne Unit

0 points in the United Kingdom

ha tornat a passar un cop més

it has happened again once more

aquest any per part del Telebot

this year on the part of the Telebot



creieu que era tan dolenta?

Do you think it was that bad?

jo li vull passar a la Sara

I want to pass it to Sara.

perquè jo sé que la Sara té opinions

because I know that Sara has opinions

importants sobre Regne Unit

important about the United Kingdom

em va encantar Regne Unit

I loved the United Kingdom.

vull dir, no m'agradava

I mean, I didn't like it.

la cançó estava bé

the song was good

estava una mica Pet Shop Boys

I was feeling a bit Pet Shop Boys.

però quan vaig veure la posada

but when I saw the sunset

en escena em va semblar tan fascinant

on stage it seemed so fascinating to me

em va agradar moltíssim

I liked it very much.

em va semblar super original

I found it super original.

no m'esperava aquesta puntuació

I wasn't expecting this score.

el nostre ex-expert

our ex-expert

amb coses de UK

with things from the UK

el Morti

the Morti

què en pensa?

What do you think about it?

estic plenament d'acord

I am fully in agreement.

amb el que diu la Sara

with what Sara says

la posada en escena em va semblar super original

The staging seemed super original to me.

amb aquesta

with this

habitació que va girant

room that keeps turning

el tema de

the subject of

com l'habitació magnètica del parc de Montjuïc

like the magnetic room of Montjuïc Park

els que tenim ja una edat

those of us who are already of a certain age



el tema de Pet Shop Boys

the song by Pet Shop Boys

sí, totalment Pet Shop Boys

yes, totally Pet Shop Boys

però jo no sé si ell

but I don't know if he

volia ser George Michael

I wanted to be George Michael.

i es va quedar en Pet Shop Boys

and it ended up being Pet Shop Boys

i aquesta és una altra història

and this is another story

però a mi em va semblar bé

but I thought it was fine

no tinc gaire res dolent a dir

I don't have much bad to say.

em sorprèn

it surprises me

aquesta votació tan baixa

this very low voting

perquè no em va semblar

because it didn't seem to me



de tal vilipèndio

of such vilification

jo tampoc

me neither

no ho vaig entendre

I didn't understand it.

i no ho vaig entendre

and I didn't understand it

sobretot tenint en compte

especially taking into account

una mala edició

a bad editing

que no es va trencar

that did not break

perdó, que sí que es va trencar

sorry, it did break

que sí, efectivament sí

that yes, indeed yes

que és la maledicció

what is the curse

que normalment tenia Alemanya

that Germany usually had

que compartia amb Regne Unit

that it shared with the United Kingdom

que era de 0 punts de televot

that was 0 points from the televote

o d'última posició

or of last position

i aquest any per la nostra felicitat

and this year for our happiness

com a resident en aquest país

as a resident in this country

Alemanya dotzena

Germany twelfth

cosa que està molt i molt bé

thing that is very, very good

jo crec que de manera

I believe that in a way

a mi m'agradava

I liked it.

és un overstatement dir que m'agradava la cançó

It's an overstatement to say that I liked the song.

no em semblava malament

I didn't think it was bad.

i ell com a vocalista m'agradava molt

And I really liked him as a vocalist.

que quedés dotzena

that it would remain twelfth

jo pensava que quedaria 8

I thought it would stay 8.

no sé què en vau pensar vosaltres

I don't know what you thought.

Sara per exemple

Sara for example

com vas veure l'actuació d'Isaac

How did you see Isaac's performance?

ho va fer super bé

he did it really well

em sembla que la veu del noi era boníssima

I think the boy's voice was amazing.

era de les millors de la final

it was one of the best in the final

i es mereix

and it deserves

la puntuació que va tenir

the score that he/she/it had

i si hagués estat

and if it had been

de les últimes no em semblaria just

I wouldn't think it would be fair of the last ones.

és que canta molt bé

it's that he/she sings very well



és de les millors veus del festival

It is one of the best voices of the festival.

el tema de la posada en escena

the theme of the staging

no la vaig entendre

I didn't understand it.

potser perquè tampoc no sé de què va la cançó

maybe because I don’t really know what the song is about either

però el tema de la llar de foc

but the topic of the fireplace

i tant de foc no sé si tenia

and so much fire I don’t know if it had

alguna cosa a veure amb la cançó

something to do with the song

potser sí

maybe yes

però l'actuació si hagués

but the performance if it had

quedat malament

stay badly

hauria estat definitivament injusta

it would have definitely been unfair

perquè sense ser res de l'altre món

because without being anything out of this world

era molt presentable

he was very presentable

molt correcte i molt asseada

very correct and very neat


comparat amb altres anys

compared to other years

a Alemanya realment ho va fer

In Germany, it really did happen.

va fer una molt bona feina

he did a very good job

la posada en escena a mi tampoc em feia molt

The staging didn't impress me much either.

no em cridava molt l'atenció

it didn't catch my attention very much

tampoc li trobo moltíssim la relació amb la cançó

I don't really find the relation to the song either.

que parla d'estar sempre

that speaks of always being

buscant una cosa millor

looking for a better thing

potser va parlant que vas cremant el teu passat

maybe it's talking about how you're burning your past

i buscant sempre alguna cosa millor

and always looking for something better

però és la meva interpretació

but it is my interpretation

tampoc no sé si anava per aquí la cosa

I don't know if this was the point either.

però a Alemanya s'ha de dir que la gent ja estava

but in Germany, it must be said that people were already

tothom donant per fet que anaven a ser últims

everyone assuming they were going to be last

a tot arreu hi havia apostes

There were bets everywhere.

fins aquest any

until this year

o sigui que aquí estava el mood

so here was the mood

i jo crec que la gent li va sorprendre molt

And I believe that people were very surprised.

que quedessin en dotzena posició

that they finished in twelfth position

una mala dicció

a poor diction

que va perdurar

that endured

podríem dir es va mantenir

we could say it was maintained

és Espanya sempre en baixes posicions

Spain is always in low positions.

del 20 cap avall

from 20 downwards

però això ja n'hem parlat

but we have already talked about that

però una altra

but another

que jo crec que fa especial mal

that I think hurts especially

per exemple en Dani Berlín

for example, Dani Berlín

és el tema de que

it's the issue of that

el rock no acaba mai

rock never ends

d'aixecar cap

to lift one's head

bé vam tenir el 2021

Well, we had it in 2021.

vam tenir Amon Esquim

we had Amon Esquim

però des d'aquí diguéssim

but from here let's say

que el rock ha seguit molt a la baixa

that rock has continued to decline significantly

un bon exemple és que Megara

A good example is that Megara.

no va passar ni a la final

didn't even make it to the final

van quedar a la semi no sé en quina posició

they ended up in the semi-finals, I don't know in which position

i Gothe que eren l'única banda

and Gothe who were the only band

de rock que van arribar a la final

of rock that reached the final

que nosaltres els teníem tercers en el nostre ranking

that we had them third in our ranking

diria van quedar últims

I would say they finished last.

no sé com ho vau veure

I don't know how you saw it.

si us esperàveu una posició millor

if you were expecting a better position

de Gothe o Noruega

from Gotha or Norway

com us va semblar?

What did you think?



un altre cop


no em va dir gaire

he didn't tell me much

o sigui jo

that is me

quan vaig fer el meu

when I made my

resum i les meves notes

summary and my notes

quan va fer

when did it happen

l'actuació en Noruega

the performance in Norway

ho vaig resumir amb una paraula de tres lletres

I summarized it in a three-letter word.

que és me

what is me

no em va dir gaire

he didn't tell me much

per ser últim tampoc

to be last either

però no em va

but it doesn't work for me

no em va agradar gaire

I didn't like it much.

i respecte al tema del

and regarding the subject of

de la ballada del rock

of the rock dance



depèn jo no ho veig tan clar

it depends I don't see it that clearly

jo no ho veig tan clar

I don't see it so clearly.

en la figura de Croàcia per exemple

in the figure of Croatia for example

perquè Croàcia

because Croatia



hi ha la pregunta què és rock

There is the question what is rock.

per mi Croàcia és rock

For me, Croatia is rock.

de la mateixa manera que

in the same way as

Irlanda és rock

Ireland is rock.



sí que les

yes, they do

versions més puristes de rock potser

perhaps more purist versions of rock

no van agradar tant

they didn't like them that much

però unes versions més

but a few more versions

no sé si dir modernes

I don't know whether to call them modern.



sí per dir-ho d'una manera

yes, to put it one way

van fer bon paper

they did a good job

sí sí

yes yes

jo crec que aviam el rock

I think that let's see the rock.

jo crec que no acaba mai de marxar

I believe it never really leaves.

i això és el que sempre té

and this is what he/she always has

que sembla que marxa però no sempre

that seems to leave but not always

i sempre s'acaba colant alguna proposta

And there always ends up being some proposal that slips through.

que d'una manera o una altra

that one way or another

acaba de tenir aquest toc

just had this touch

en aquest cas era Croàcia

In this case, it was Croatia.

que és veritat que jo musicalment ja ho hem dit una mica abans

It's true that I have already mentioned it a little earlier musically.

però no aportava

but did not contribute

massa res

too much nothing

era com agafar una espècie d'Alice Cooper

It was like getting a kind of Alice Cooper.



amb una posada en escena

with a staging

diferent del que faria

different from what I would do

Alice Cooper per sort

Alice Cooper fortunately

o per desgràcia perquè m'agradaria veure una Alice Cooper

or unfortunately because I would like to see an Alice Cooper

menjant el cap d'un pingüí

eating the head of a penguin

o sí Osborn

Oh yes Osborn

o fins i tot per mi

or even for me

Bèlgica dintre del que cap era una mica

Belgium, within what is possible, was a little.

una proposta que s'acostava bastant

a proposal that was quite close

al rock

to rock

sempre està present

always present

també hi havia Txèquia que per mi també era bastant rock

There was also Czechia, which for me was also quite rock.

una mica slash punk i tampoc ho va passar

a little bit slash punk and it didn't happen either

això ho denuncio aquí públicament

I publicly denounce this here.

vaig rebre

I received.

una amenaça de mort

a death threat

per al programa

for the program

que vam fer sobre

what we did about

Txèquia perquè em vaig atrevir

Czech Republic because I dared.

a mesclar amb la mateixa frase

to mix with the same phrase

blur i punk

blur and punk

i vaig rebre

I received.

una amenaça avalada

a backed threat

molt bèstia que

very beastly that

em va fer mal

it hurt me

no mirem a ningú

we don’t look at anyone

he mort

I am dead.

pa hijo conmigo

bread son with me

que voy pa allá

I'm going over there.


així com a últim hi ha una altra

just as at the end there is another

maledicció, bueno no maledicció

curse, well not curse

que s'ha trencat

that has broken

i que per mi és una maledicció perquè

and for me it is a curse because

jo crec que si això passa

I believe that if this happens

es pot dir que Eurovisió

it can be said that Eurovision

no és política

it is not politics

si això passa Eurovisió no és política

if this happens Eurovision is not politics

que és que

what is it that

Grècia i Xipre

Greece and Cyprus

han deixat de donar-se 12 punts

they have stopped giving each other 12 points

entre ells, això és molt fort

among them, this is very strong

jo això no ho havia vist mai

I had never seen this before.

és curiós eh

It's curious, isn't it?

se la pasen aquest dat del programa de televisió

They spend this date from the television program.

creiem que sí

we believe so

a Grècia i a Xipre

to Greece and Cyprus

que estan picats

that they are pecked

els altres estan picats amb ells

the others are upset with them

pel tema del programa de televisió

for the topic of the television program

per escollir la candidata

to choose the candidate

podria anar per aquí el tema

the topic could go this way

de la votació

of the vote

jo crec que sí, si no no ho entenc

I believe so, if not I don't understand it.

però s'ha de dir que jo també ho he dit així com

but it must be said that I have also said it like this

ah sí i tal, notició, ja no s'han donat 12 punts

Ah yes, and so on, news, they no longer give 12 points.

no és ben bé així

it's not quite like that

el públic, el televot tant de Grècia com de Xipre

the public, the televote from both Greece and Cyprus

es van donar 12 punts respectivament

12 points were awarded respectively.

de Xipre a Grècia i de Grècia a Xipre

from Cyprus to Greece and from Greece to Cyprus

però el jurat va ser el jurat

but the jury was the jury

exacte, el jurat de Xipre

exactly, the jury of Cyprus

el jurat de Grècia només va donar

the jury of Greece only gave

10 punts a Xipre, que dius

10 points to Cyprus, what do you say?

no 12 però 10

no 12 but 10

però ojo que el jurat de Xipre estava molt

but beware that the jury from Cyprus was very

dolgut perquè li va donar només

hurt because he/she only gave him/her

7 punts a Grècia, jo quan vaig veure això

7 points in Greece, when I saw this

em vaig preocupar

I became worried.

o vaig pensar, no sé

I thought about it, I don't know.

una crisi diplomàtica

a diplomatic crisis

estem en un moment

we are in a moment

jo haig de dir al respecte d'això

I have to say about this.

que hem de pensar sempre molt

that we must always think a lot

en el tema de les diàpores

on the topic of the diaphragms

vull dir

I mean

pot pensar a nivell geopolític

can think at a geopolitical level

no és que

it's not that

ara hi ha una simpatia, hi ha un tal, hi ha un qual

now there is a sympathy, there is a so-and-so, there is a whatnot

jo crec que també hi ha un tema

I believe that there is also a topic.

per exemple

for example

amb el tema de la diàpora ucraniana

with the topic of the Ukrainian diaspora

ara mateix hi ha molta

right now there is a lot

població aquí

population here

aquí a Berlín en particular

here in Berlin in particular

ucraniana i clar

Ukrainian and clear

al final tota la gent que ve aquí

in the end all the people who come here

tenen un telèfon alemany i estan vivint

they have a German phone and are living

a Alemanya i per ells

to Germany and for them

voten el seu país perquè poden

they vote for their country because they can

i jo crec que això passa molt

And I think that this happens a lot.

entre Portugal i Espanya i Espanya i Portugal

between Portugal and Spain and Spain and Portugal

i Espanya i França

and Spain and France

sobretot gent que està a l'imítrofe

especially people who are on the edge

Xipre i Grècia tenen molt

Cyprus and Greece have a lot.

intercanvi, suposo com passava

exchange, I suppose as it happened

fa molts anys

many years ago



Xipre i Turquia i Turquia i Xipre

Cyprus and Turkey and Turkey and Cyprus

i Grècia

and Greece

els tres que formen també com un

the three that also form as one

d'aquests blocs de vots

of these blocks of votes

o tots els països balcànics

or all the Balkan countries

entre si, vull dir al final

between them, I mean in the end

jo crec que és una cosa que...

I think it's something that...

que passa, però sí que és curiós

what's happening, but yes, it is curious

que estiguin tan dolguts com per dir

that they are so hurt as to say

ara ja, ara ja no

now yes, now no

clar perquè això no és

clear because this is not

televot, és jurat, per tant

televote, it is a jury, therefore

és diferent, bé doncs

it's different, well then

aquí acaba el titular

here ends the headline

molt bé

very good

doncs havent arribat

then not having arrived

aquí arribem a complir un altre

here we come to fulfill another

bloc i fem una mica de

block and do a little bit of

pausa, vale?

break, okay?

i us he preparat una altra versió

and I have prepared another version for you



molt íntima, molt

very intimate, very

ara veureu que una mica

now you will see that a little

el que seguirà a partir d'ara són

what will follow from now on is

versions molt molt íntimes amb molt poca instrumentació

very very intimate versions with very little instrumentation

perquè la veritat és que no he tingut massa temps

because the truth is that I haven't had much time

vull dir

I mean

preparar versions sembla que no però té

preparing versions seems that it doesn't but it has

la seva feina i

his work and

i preparar tres versions té encara

And prepare three versions you still have.

més feina, però bueno he volgut fer una rendició

more work, but well I wanted to make a surrender

segurament a una de les cançons

probably to one of the songs

diguem que no hem parlat

let's say we haven't talked

després podrem parlar, espero, amb algun

later we will be able to talk, I hope, with someone

amb algun apartat de la cançó

with some section of the song

de Portugal

from Portugal

crec que era una cançó amb molt bon gust

I think it was a song with very good taste.

i he volgut fer un

I have wanted to make one.

homenatge a aquesta

tribute to this

aquesta cançó de Iolanda

this song by Iolanda

amb i

with and



i la seva cançó

and her song




















to the

No hi ha algú expressa en la partida.

There is no one explicitly present in the meeting.

Quero largar-ho, que me deixo ofrida.

I want to let it go, I'm offering myself.

Peso, estrella, mai que faci odiar.

Weight, star, never let it hate.

Naixer d'un nou.

Born anew.


Isolate yourself.

Transformar-hi cada vers.

Transform each verse into it.


Isolate yourself.

I entregar-li coratge.

I will give you courage.

Que aïllar-te.

To isolate yourself.

Aïllar-te a la llum i t'obre.

Isolate yourself in the light and it will open you up.

La seva llum que aïllar-te, aïllar-te, aïllar-te.

Her light that isolates you, isolates you, isolates you.

Oig, jo vull provar a mi mateix

Hey, I want to prove myself.

que pot ser el que jo vulgui.

that can be whatever I want.

I un tàrcai m'acabarà en un mes.

And a tarcai will end up costing me in a month.

Perdoar que m'hagués de sofrer a mi no m'enganya.

Forgiving that I had to suffer does not deceive me.

Jo sé tot el tamany.

I know the entire size.

A l'alembre, quan era petit, ensenyava a primària.

In Alembre, when he was little, he taught in primary school.

Passos largos presos en la partida.

Long steps taken in the game.

Ojo l'ergo aquí lo que me deixou frida.

Watch out, here's what Frida left me.

A peço estrena mai que faci odiar.

A piece of news never makes one hate.

Naixer d'un nou.

To be born again.


Isolate yourself.

Transformar-hi cada vers sobre mi.

Transform each verse about me.


Isolate yourself.

I entregar-li coratge.

I will give you courage.

Que aïllar-te, aïllar-te.

To isolate yourself, to isolate yourself.

Matea-nos dos pa i t'obre.

Kill us two bread and it opens you.


Isolate yourself.

Su chama que aïllar-te.

It calls you to isolate yourself.


Isolate yourself.

Su chama que aïllar-te.

It calls you to isolate yourself.


Isolate yourself.

Su chama que aïllar-te.

I can’t help you isolate yourself.


Isolate yourself.

Transformar-hi cada vers sobre mi.

Transform every verse into one about me.

I entregar-li coratge.

I will give you courage.

Bueno, doncs aquesta

Well, then this

ha sigut la meva rendition

it has been my rendition

a Grito

a Cry

espero que us hagi agradat

I hope you liked it.

Exquisito, Dani, exquisito

Exquisite, Dani, exquisite.


Thank you

No sé com lligar-ho exactament

I don't know how to tie it exactly.

amb el que ve ara, o potser sí

with what comes now, or perhaps yes

Segurament això

Surely this

Grito va ser

Scream was

el que va fer Josh Klein

what Josh Klein did

quan es va

when it goes

enterar de

to find out about

el que ve amb el següent titular

the one that comes with the following headline

que ens el porta la Sara

that Sara brings it to us

Eurovisió versus Europapa

Eurovision versus Europope

Crec que és un dels temes

I think it is one of the topics.

més importants d'aquest any

most important of this year

tant de la final

so much for the final

com de tota Eurovisió

like from all of Eurovision



Per posar-ho en context

To put it in context

Europapa és la cançó

Europapa is the song.

que portava Països Baixos

that brought the Netherlands

al festival d'aquest any

at this year's festival

del 2024

from 2024

amb el cantant Josh Klein

with the singer Josh Klein

Aquesta cançó

This song

quan va sortir?

When did it come out?

Ja quan va sortir?

When did it come out?

No sé si va ser de les primeres, em sembla

I don't know if it was one of the first, it seems to me.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Oi que sí?

Isn't it so?

A més que no va

Besides, it doesn't work.


to have

va ser més edit, no?

It was more edited, wasn't it?

Sí, va ser així

Yes, it was like that.

No hi havia cap cala

There was no cove.

ni res


I des de sempre ha estat de les primeres

And since always it has been one of the first.

en els sots

in the pits

Estava classificada

It was classified.

com del top 3

like from the top 3

sempre com a guanyadora

always as a winner

Era una cançó que

It was a song that

parlava de

he/she was talking about

Era bonica

She was beautiful.

perquè al final veies

because in the end you saw

que el Josh parlava

that Josh was talking

de la història dels seus pares

of the history of their parents

que van morir quan ell era petit

who died when he was little



mesclant-ho tot amb Europa

mixing it all with Europe

els viatges per Europa

trips to Europe

un mix de coses

a mix of things

que no se'n van agradar a la gent

that people did not like them

i es va posar

and it became

de les primeres

of the first

A més, a la seva semi

Furthermore, at their semi

que va ser

what was it

la segona semi

the second semi

va ser de les

it was from the

que més van aplaudir la gent

what else did the people applaud

quan va acabar la cançó

when the song ended

Sí, de fet, amb el vot del jurat

Yes, in fact, with the jury's vote.

va quedar segona

she finished second

per darrere d'Israel

behind Israel

però no va quedar massa lluny d'Israel

but it was not too far from Israel

Sí, sí, era de les favorites

Yes, yes, it was one of the favorites.

des de sempre

since always

Divendres, el dia abans

Friday, the day before.

de la final d'Eurovisió

of the Eurovision final

va sortir la notícia

the news came out

que el Josh

that Josh

no podia participar

I could not participate.

a la prova final

to the final exam


let's say

per la final

for the final

que no el deixaven participar

that they didn't let him participate

per un incident

for an incident

que havíeu

what you had



no sé si el dia de la semi

I don't know if the day of the semi

encara no ho tinc molt clar

I still don't have it very clear.

Sí, sí, just després de la actuació

Yes, yes, just after the performance.

del Josh

from Josh

Es va començar a dir de tot

People began to say all sorts of things.

que si va tenir una baralla

that if there was a fight

amb una de les persones

with one of the people

de l'equip d'Israel

from the Israel team

que va dir

what did he/she say

alguna cosa sobre Israel

something about Israel

després van posar les imatges

then they placed the images

de la roda de premsa

from the press conference

a la que estava

to the one I was at

em sembla que era Grècia

I think it was Greece.

en Josh

in Josh

i la cantant d'Israel

and the singer from Israel



van començar a sortir

they started dating

moltes notícies

many news

però no sabia realment

but I didn't really know

què passaria

what would happen

fins que dissabte 11 de maig

until Saturday, May 11

al migdia

at noon

la EBU dona la notícia

the EBU gives the news

que desqualifiquen el Josh

that they disqualify Josh

que no podia participar

that could not participate

a la final

to the final

per la queixa d'una integrant

for the complaint of a member

de l'equip de producció

from the production team

després d'un incident

after an incident

després de l'actuació d'en Josh

after Josh's performance

a la semi del dijous

to the Thursday semi

a diversos països

to several countries

que participaven en la final

that participated in the final

van mostrar les seves queixes

they expressed their complaints

perquè no quedava del tot clar

because it wasn't entirely clear

què havia passat realment

what had really happened

els que més es van queixar

those who complained the most

van ser Irlanda

they were Ireland



la noia d'Itàlia

the girl from Italy

va fer una mica de

he did a little bit of

bueno me quejo

well, I complain

canto una cancion aquí

I sing a song here.

para poner un poco de paz

to bring a little peace

però no sé fins a quin punt

but I don't know to what extent

ha quedat clar

it has become clear

què va passar realment

what really happened

què és el que va fer tan greu

What made it so serious?

en Josh

in Josh

per no deixar-lo participar

to not let him participate

a la final

in the end

crec que és una cosa que no té precedents

I believe it is something that has no precedent.

a Eurovisió

to Eurovision

que desqualifiquin una persona

that disqualify a person

el mateix dia de la final

the same day as the final

però a passar tot això

but to go through all this

la cançó actualment

the song currently

ho vaig estar mirant avui

I was looking at it today.

pel matí

in the morning

ha d'estar la cinquena

It must be the fifth.

de les cançons més virals

of the most viral songs

de Spotify globals

of global Spotify

vull dir que

I mean that

després d'això

after that

ha sortit una miqueta guanyant en Josh

Josh has come out a little ahead.

i bueno doncs

And well then.

què penseu vosaltres

What do you think?

què ha pogut passar

what could have happened

vull dir també que he mirat a l'Instagram

I also want to say that I have looked at Instagram.

d'en Josh

of Josh

i des del dia de la semi

and since the day of the semi

no ha fet cap

has not done any

cap comentari a Instagram

no comment on Instagram

ni se n'ha vist més

neither has anyone seen it anymore


let's see

jo si puc aportar perquè jo he anat mirant

I can contribute because I have been keeping an eye on it.

a poc a poc i m'he anat informant de què passava

little by little, I have been informing myself about what was happening

què deixava de passar

what stopped happening

sé que l'últim que ha passat és que

I know that the last thing that has happened is that

allà a Suècia

over there in Sweden

a Suècia i crec que a tota Europa

to Sweden and I believe to all of Europe

però igual que deia abans

but just like I said before

l'humor també

the humor too

amb el tema de drets laborals

with the issue of labor rights

de seguretat

of safety

l'entorn de feina i tal i qual

the work environment and so on

conforme vas pujant més cap al nord

as you go further north

la gent es torna

people become

més seriosa amb aquest tema

more serious about this subject

i sembla ser

and it seems to be

que l'últim que s'ha parlat

that the last thing that was discussed

és que el que va passar

it's that what happened

és que el Josh

it's just that Josh

va apartar la càmera

he moved the camera away

d'una persona de producció

from a production person

i sembla ser

it seems to be

que a la persona

that to the person

la càmera li va donar la cara

the camera caught her face

o alguna cosa així

or something like that

i va posar denúncia

and filed a complaint

una cosa que segurament

one thing that surely

qualsevol altre país

any other country

sobretot parlo de països del sud

above all I speak of southern countries

hagués passat

would have happened

que t'apartes d'aquí

that you move away from here

i et dona un cop aquí

and it gives you a blow here

i ja està

and that's it

això allà es pren

that over there is taken

molt seriosament

very seriously

no ho dic amb aquest to perquè

I'm not saying this in this tone because

li vulgui treure importància

want to downplay it

a ell

to him

jo sé que ha anat

I know that he/she has gone.

a declarar

to declare

i s'ha declarat innocent

and has pleaded not guilty

la delegació holandesa

the Dutch delegation

ha dit que

he has said that

volen portar

they want to take

gent de la delegació

people from the delegation

com a testimonis

as witnesses

perquè estava endavant

because I was ahead

quan això va passar

when this happened

per donar el seu testimoni

to give his testimony

a favor del Josh

in favor of Josh

perquè el que hi ha darrere de tot això

because what is behind all this

al marge del que hem parlat

aside from what we have discussed

que ja hem donat pinzellades

that we have already given some insights

del tema d'Israel

about the topic of Israel

i aquesta situació que es creava

and this situation that was being created

no de mala maror

not in bad faith

però com una situació estranya

but like a strange situation

també està el tema del Josh

There's also the issue of Josh.

que és el que tu comentaves

what is it that you were saying

el Josh és un senyor

Josh is a gentleman.

un noi d'uns 25

a boy around 25

i que va perdre els seus pares

and who lost his parents

amb 13, els dos pares

at 13, both parents

i es va quedar sol

and he was left alone

i això li ha suposat

and this has meant for him/her

una situació difícil

a difficult situation

és el típic artista

he is the typical artist

que quan surt a l'escenari

that when he/she comes out on stage

és com un ridipallatge

it's like a mockery

o sigui surt

that is to say, go out

i fa el que hagi de fer

and does what he/she has to do

però quan baixa a l'escenari

but when she/he/they comes down to the stage

es veu que és una persona

it seems that he/she is a person

com a mínim estranya

at least strange

i es veu que ell va signar

And it seems that he signed.

no sé si va signar amb Abrotros

I don't know if he/she signed with Abrotros.

que és la televisió

What is television?



o ho va signar amb Eurovisió

or he signed it with Eurovision

un pacte de

a pact of

que no s'ha de filmar fora de l'escenari

that should not be filmed offstage

i va afirmar això

and affirmed this

que no s'ha de filmar

that should not be filmed

absolutament per res

absolutely for nothing

no vull que em filmi ningú

I don't want anyone to film me.

de fet han sortit vídeos

In fact, videos have been released.

de la simpàtica delegació israeliana

from the friendly Israeli delegation

filmant-se a ells mateixos

filming themselves



mira me estoy filmando a mi

look, I am filming myself

pero realmente no me estoy filmando a mi

but I'm really not filming myself

hago esto porque así estoy

I do this because that's how I am.

veis allí de fondo está

there in the background is

el holandés que no le caemos muy bien

the Dutchman that we don't get along very well with

ja ja ja ja ja

ha ha ha ha ha

això està per les xarxes

this is on the networks

es pot trobar

it can be found

sembla ser que el que va passar

it seems that what happened

no va anar per aquí

it didn't go that way

va ser algú de l'organització d'Eurovisió

it was someone from the Eurovison organization

que el va filmar

that filmed him

conforme ell anava baixant

as he was going down

i ell li va dir diverses vegades

and he told her several times

no me filmes, no me filmes, no me filmes

don't film me, don't film me, don't film me

i jo entenc que el que va acabar passant

And I understand that what ended up happening

va ser que es va acostar cap a ella

he came closer to her

i li va dir que no me filmes coño

And he told him not to film me, damn it.

i li va apartar la càmera

and he/she pushed the camera away from him/her

amb la mala pala subseqüent

with the subsequent bad shovel



qui té la culpa aquí

who is to blame here

qui no

who not

és molt

it's very

complicat i més quan no es donen

complicated and more so when they are not given

explicacions que jo crec que ha sigut

explanations that I think it has been

el grandíssim problema de l'EVU

the enormous problem of the EVU

amb tot aquest tema

with all this topic

que és que no hi ha hagut claredat per res

What is it that there has been no clarity for anything?

si, només

yes, only

per afegir el que tu dius

to add to what you say

aviam, clar, nosaltres no podem jutjar

Let's see, of course, we cannot judge.

el fet

the fact

que va passar, si és desmesurat

What happened, if it is excessive?

o no que el fessin fora i tal

or not that they would kick him out and stuff

de la competició

of the competition

l'EVU té el seu codi de conducta

the EVU has its code of conduct

que al final si algú

that in the end if someone

l'ha trencat doncs hi ha conseqüències

He's broken it, so there are consequences.



on jo crec que va haver-hi més problemes

I believe there were more problems.

en la comunicació tal com es va comunicar

in the communication as it was communicated

o la manca de comunicació

or the lack of communication

la poca comunicació que hi va haver

the little communication that there was

però la que hi va haver

but the one that happened

en aquells dies va ser una mica

in those days it was a bit



la manera com es va plantejar

the way it was proposed

com que estaven investigant un incident

since they were investigating an incident

que havien involucrat a la policia

that had involved the police

i era un incident contra una

and it was an incident against a

female worker

female worker

de l'EVU

of the EVU

tot la manera com ho van plantejar

All the way they approached it.

que semblava que hagués

that it seemed as if it had

sigut algun tipus de

be some type of

abús sexual o alguna cosa d'aquest estil

sexual abuse or something like that

pel tipus de paraules que estaven fent servir

for the type of words they were using

realment em va semblar

it really seemed to me

si més no

if nothing else

poc encertat

barely accurate

i una miqueta fora de lloc

and a little out of place

i crec que va donar

and I think it gave

moltes conspiracions

many conspiracies

de manera innecessària


per tant aquesta comunicació de l'EVU

therefore this communication of the EVU

realment crec que va afectar molt

I really believe it had a big impact.

i després del que s'han

and after what they have

encaixat moltes delegacions és d'aquests

fitted many delegations is one of these

dobles estàndards

double standards

que hi ha hagut altres delegacions que han

that there have been other delegations that have

bé per parlar

well to speak

de la d'Israel per exemple

from that of Israel, for example

hi ha hagut molts problemes al voltant d'aquesta delegació

There have been many problems around this delegation.

i cap d'aquests fets s'ha reportat

And none of these events have been reported.

o els que s'han reportat s'han ignorat

or those that have been reported have been ignored.

encara hi ha coses que s'han d'investigar

there are still things that need to be investigated

sobre fets que han tingut

about events that have occurred

la delegació israeliana

the Israeli delegation

com a protagonista

as the protagonist

i en canvi amb Yost es va actuar de manera molt

and instead with Yost, the action was very

ràpida i de seguida es va prendre

quickly and immediately took it

una decisió molt

a very decision

molt bèstia per dir-ho així i aleshores

very beastly to put it that way and then

jo crec que tot això ha posat una mica de manifest

I believe that all of this has highlighted a bit.

el descontent amb aquesta mena de doble

the discontent with this kind of double

amb els dobles estàndards que s'estan

with the double standards that are being

jugant i amb aquesta comunicació

playing and with this communication

que al final ha creat molt malamaró

that has ultimately created a lot of turmoil

al mateix dia Eurovisió

the same day Eurovision

i bé ha estat una mica un desastre

And well, it has been a bit of a disaster.

jo diria. De fet

I would say. In fact

si recordeu fins i tot al Martin Oster

if you remember even Martin Oster

el jefe de la EBU

the head of the EBU

a últimes hores la televisió

in the last hours the television

neerlandesa li va dir

Dutch told her.

no, no, que estem fora de l'Eurovisió

no, no, we are out of Eurovision

que no pensem ni donar els punts

that we don't even think of giving the points

i per això els va donar ell

And for that, he gave them.

per tot aquest follon perquè li va dir

for all this mess because he told her

no, no, si estem fora d'Eurovisió, no estem a Eurovisió

no, no, if we are out of Eurovision, we are not in Eurovision

i no donem els punts

and we don't give the points

i bé amb el

and well with the

conseqüent bu

consequent void

que va rebre

that received

i penseu que

and you think that

la cançó actualment estigui

the song is currently

al top global? Té a veure

at the global top? It has to do

amb la polèmica o

with the controversy or

simplement és perquè la cançó

it's simply because the song

agrada i és bona?

Is it pleasing and good?

Efectos traeixen, potser?

Effects betray, perhaps?

No sé, què

I don't know, what.

penseu d'Europapa

think of Europapa

així en general?

so in general?

Jo no sé, Morti, si tu has tingut l'oportunitat

I don't know, Morti, if you had the opportunity.

d'escoltar-la, encara que sigui una mica

to listen to her, even if it's just a little

perquè no

why not

va estar a la final, no sé si

he was in the final, I don't know if

l'has escoltat o quina d'això

have you heard it or any of that

et dóna. Sí, sí, l'he escoltat

It gives you. Yes, yes, I have heard it.

a veure, jo

let's see, I

crec que

I think that

és totalment

it is totally

afecta per les traeixen

it affects because they betray it

la cançó està bé

the song is good

però sense estridències, jo crec

but without stridency, I believe

que si ha estat a les llistes

that if he/she has been on the lists

és per aquesta

it's because of this

publicitat voluntària o involuntària

voluntary or involuntary advertising

entenc que involuntària

I understand that involuntary.

que ha rebut

that has received

que em sembla bé per ell

that seems good to me for him

però jo crec que

but I believe that

és més per això que no per una altra cosa

It is more for that reason than for any other.

Jo diria a mi

I would say to myself.

la cançó m'agrada

I like the song.

m'agrada molt, era de les meves preferides

I like it a lot, it was one of my favorites.

no sé si també per la posada en escena

I don't know if it is also because of the staging.

i perquè m'agradava

and because I liked it

crec que tenia molt de carisma

I think he/she had a lot of charisma.

el cantant en si, potser és això

the singer in itself, perhaps that is it

una mica que ho contamina, però estic segura

a little that contaminates it, but I am sure

que hi ha molt de la polèmica

that there is a lot of controversy

també en els números que estem

also in the numbers we are

veient, de fet, ha sigut tan

seeing, in fact, it has been so

polèmic que, en parlarem més endavant

controversial, which we will discuss later

la bandera de la Unió Europea

the flag of the European Union

es va prohibir a Eurovisió

It was prohibited at Eurovision.

això em sembla ridícul

this seems ridiculous to me

i era perquè la bandera de la Unió Europea

and it was because of the flag of the European Union

va passar a ser un símbol

it became a symbol

de la cançó Europapa

of the song Europapa

si no hi hagués una controvèrsia molt gran

if there weren't a very big controversy

si realment no hi hagués hagut un descontent

if there really hadn't been a discontent

molt gran, jo crec que hagués sigut

very big, I think it would have been

innecessari fer aquesta prohibició

unnecessary to make this prohibition

que d'altra banda em sembla ridícula

which on the other hand seems ridiculous to me

no poder portar la bandera de la Unió Europea

not being able to carry the European Union flag

a Europa a Eurovisió em sembla una cosa

Europe in Eurovision seems like something to me.

bé, brutal

well, awesome

A mi em va saber

I was sorry.

molt de greu per ell

very sorry for him

sobretot després sabent una mica

especially after knowing a little

la història, és molt fàcil

the history is very easy

veient el personatge

seeing the character

veient com actuava

seeing how he/she acted

a les rodes de premsa

at the press conferences

aquí faré una broma

Here I will make a joke.

molt ben buscada

well sought after

pensar que

to think that

el que passava era que

what was happening was that

efectivament portava una Europapa important

Indeed, he/she was carrying an important Europapa.

al senyor

to the gentleman

perquè actuava una mica com a tal

because he/she/it acted somewhat like that

clar, després et dónes compte que és una persona

Of course, then you realize that it is a person.




let's say

d'un nivell relacional

of a relational level



i entens moltes coses

and you understand many things

i sobretot també tenint en compte

and above all also considering

que ell és una persona

that he is a person

bastant implicada

quite involved

a molts nivells

at many levels

a nivell social, vull dir

on a social level, I mean

quan va, si vau seguir

When it goes, if you followed.

la roda de premsa

the press conference

de classificació de la semifinal

semifinal ranking

hi ha el moment polèmic

there is the controversial moment

en el qual

in which

un periodista búlgar crec

a Bulgarian journalist I think

li pregunta

he/she asks him/her

a la representant d'Israel

to the representative of Israel

Eden Golan, li pregunta

Eden Golan, asks him.

si no creu que

if you don't believe that

potser la seva presència allà

perhaps her presence there

està posant en risc la seguretat

is putting security at risk

no només d'ella sinó de tots els participants

not only of her but of all the participants

d'Eurovisió, que és una pregunta

from Eurovision, which is a question

que no és insultant, que no és

that it is not insulting, that it is not

vull dir, no està fent res més

I mean, he's not doing anything else.

que dir, ei, la situació

what to say, hey, the situation

és difícil, t'has plantejat que

it's difficult, have you considered that

potser, no sé

maybe, I don’t know

estàs posant

you are putting

la situació una mica difícil

the situation a little difficult

per la resta també

for the rest as well

i l'organització

and the organization

que no el seu

that not his

que també ho va fer

that he/she also did it

l'organització li va dir, no, no

the organization told him, no, no

si no vols contestar, no contestes a aquesta pregunta

If you don't want to answer, don't answer this question.

el qual ho trobo molt fora

which I find very strange

de lloc

of place

i el

and the

Joss en aquell moment

Joss at that moment



perquè ell s'estava tapant amb la bandera

because he was covering himself with the flag

i s'aixeca i diu, why not?

And he stands up and says, why not?

del pal de

from the stick of

per què no he de contestar aquesta pregunta

why should I not answer this question

i prèviament, abans d'això

and previously, before this

a ell li pregunten

they ask him

no sé què li pregunten, i ell diu

I don't know what they are asking him, and he says.

a mi hi ha moltes coses que

there are many things that I

que m'importen, m'importa

what matters to me, matters to me

m'importa la gent que tingui un sostre

I care about the people who have a roof.

a dalt, m'importa la gent que

upstairs, I care about the people who

m'importen els nens que no passin gana

I care about children not going hungry.

m'importa la gent que tingui

I care about the people I have.

pares, i va deixar

parents, and he/she left

anar com moltes coses que podies dir

go like many things you could say

d'on està sortint això

Where is this coming from?

està relacionat amb ell, no

It is related to him, isn’t it?

està relacionat amb el fet que estigui Israel

It is related to the fact that Israel is there.

no, o sigui, tot era com molt

no, I mean, everything was just very

molt estrany i molt absurd

very strange and very absurd

i molt, molt, no sé, jo crec que això

And very, very, I don't know, I think that this

és el que ha fet que no puguem

it's what has prevented us from being able to

pensar que hi ha darrere

think about what is behind

de tot això, amb tota la seva

of all this, with all its

dimensió, i segurament no ens

dimension, and surely not us

atrevem fins que no arribi al judici

we dare until the trial arrives

perquè sí, hi haurà judici

because yes, there will be a trial

sobre aquest tema

about this topic

a Suècia

to Sweden

o sigui que

so that

si voleu fem una mica

if you want we can do a bit

de muntanya russa

roller coaster

i sortim d'aquesta

and we get out of this

d'este repeche

of this climb

y nos vamos a otro completamente distinto

and we are going to another completely different one

y nos anem a

and we are going to

a un titular

to a headline



for something completely

for something completely

different, Morty

different, Morty

que ens tens preparat

What do you have prepared for us?

doncs, clar

well, of course

com dir-ho, després

how to say it, then

de tot el que hem parlat

of everything we have talked about

potser aquest

maybe this

aquest titular és molt personal

this headline is very personal

i potser hi ha gent

and perhaps there are people

dins d'aquesta sala

inside this room

que no està d'acord amb mi

that does not agree with me

però el meu darrer titular

but my last headline


it is

Avança de l'est

Advance from the east.

que també podia ser

that could also be

Europa oriental

Eastern Europe



però bé

but well


we will leave

la caida de Bizancio

the fall of Byzantium


i és que

and it is that

em va semblar, i em sembla que al públic

It seemed to me, and it seems to me that to the public

també li va semblar

he also thought so

que totes, la majoria

that all, most

perquè hi van haver excepcions

because there were exceptions

les propostes que venien

the proposals that were coming

una miqueta a la banda

a little to the side

d'Europa de l'est, que també que és Europa de l'est

from Eastern Europe, which is also Eastern Europe

però bé, no estem, no estem ara

but well, we are not, we are not now

amb aquestes històries

with these stories

no van tenir gaire bona acollida

they didn't receive much of a warm welcome

i gairebé totes estan en el segon

and almost all are in the second

tier de la classificació

tier of the classification

i per donar alguns exemples

and to give some examples

ja hem parlat una miqueta

we have already talked a little bit


from Estonia



la telladora

the storyteller

que era una noia que sortia ja

that she was a girl who was already going out

com una nena de peñasco

like a girl from a cliff

peñasco en todos los sentidos

rock in every sense

sí, absolutament

yes, absolutely

molt complicat el tema

the topic is very complicated

molt dur el tema

very tough subject

després, per part de Georgia

afterwards, from Georgia

la Nutsa Busalatze

the Nutsa Busalatze



estic parlant

I am speaking.

des del punt de vista personal

from a personal point of view

òbviament no en tinc una altra

obviously I don't have another one

però em va semblar

but it seemed to me

que no hi ha res

that there is nothing

sé que alguns de vosaltres

I know that some of you

he parlat de la Tònia

I have spoken about Tònia.

a mi no em va dir gaire

he didn't tell me much

sí, ella canta bé però

yes, she sings well but

ella allà pel plantat

she over there by the planted (area)

sense fer gaire més història

without making much more of a fuss

com pel plantat va estar

as it was planted

el noi de Lituània

the boy from Lithuania

potser la cançó tenia alguna

maybe the song had some

coseta més de gràcia

little thing of grace

però ell no es va moure

but he did not move

gairebé excepte en 10 segons

almost except in 10 seconds

no es va moure

it didn't move

del mig de l'escenari

from the middle of the stage



com a excepcions

as exceptions

sí que potser posaria Ucraïna

yes, perhaps I would put Ukraine

que em va semblar una proposta

that seemed to me a proposal

molt maca, em va agradar molt

very pretty, I liked it a lot

visualment molt forta

visually very strong

sobretot quan la noia

especially when the girl

està pujant i surten aquelles

it's climbing and those are coming out

estrelles que a vegades em va semblar

stars that sometimes seemed to me

una imatge brutal

a brutal image

el nasciment de Simba, efectivament

the birth of Simba, indeed



i potser una altra excepció

and perhaps another exception

Armènia, perquè Armènia era una miqueta

Armenia, because Armenia was a little bit

una abafarada d'aire fresc

a breath of fresh air

dintre de tot el que

within all that

dintre de tot el que estàvem veient

within everything we were seeing

i dintre de les propostes d'aquesta zona

and within the proposals of this area


of Europe

em va semblar que les propostes

it seemed to me that the proposals

que venien d'allà

that came from there

no feien el més, personalment

they didn't do the most, personally

jo tenia una pregunta

I had a question.

que va en la direcció

that goes in the direction

que és Europa de l'est, ho sento molt

What is Eastern Europe, I am very sorry.

perquè estàvem tenint aquesta conversa

because we were having this conversation

Dani Berlín i jo avui

Dani Berlin and I today.

no, és més aviat

no, it's rather

tema Balcans, no sabem

Balkans issue, we don't know.

si l'has comptat o no com a Europa de l'est

if you have counted it or not as Eastern Europe

clar, sí, fiques Sèrbia, Croàcia

sure, yes, include Serbia, Croatia

és l'excepció

it is the exception

jo tenia personalment curiositat de saber

I was personally curious to know.

què et va semblar Eslovenia

What did you think of Slovenia?

perquè Eslovenia

because Slovenia

l'artista realment era molt crac

the artist was really very talented

però tenia, al principi semblava que

but at first it seemed that

al principi d'Eurovisió, vull dir quan va treure la cançó

at the beginning of Eurovision, I mean when he released the song

semblava que la cosa anava

it seemed that things were going

anar molt bé, al final va quedar molt baixa

to go very well, in the end it turned out very low

a mi em va saber bastant de greu

I was quite sorry about it.

i volia saber una mica què us va semblar Eslovenia

I wanted to know a little bit about what you thought of Slovenia.

recorda'm que era Eslovenia

remind me that it was Slovenia

que cantava, això ja diu molt

that sang, that already says a lot

que hagués de dir això

that I should say this

era Riven amb la cançó de Verònica

It was Riven with Verònica's song.

la irrellevància de l'est, efectivament, Verònica

the irrelevance of the east, indeed, Verònica

em va agradar, ho va fer molt bé la noia

I liked it, the girl did very well.


i es va quedar molt fluixa

and it was left very weak

no sé per què, però sí que és veritat que

I don't know why, but it is true that

a la semi

to the semi

em va agradar moltíssim

I liked it very much.

tenia molt bona veu i la cançó

she had a very nice voice and the song

no era de les millors

it was not one of the best

però estava bé

but it was fine


jo me'n recordo sobretot

I remember above all.

era del vestuari d'ella

it was her wardrobe

que no sé si tenia llums o no

I don't know if it had lights or not.

o si eren reflexes només

or if they were just reflections



és que Europa de l'est, què és i què no és

It is that Eastern Europe, what it is and what it is not.

per mi

for me

però és que això és una visió, agraïm, molt personal

but this is a very personal vision, we appreciate it

com que a Sèrbia

as in Serbia

escriuen en cirílic

they write in Cyrillic

i a Croàcia no

and in Croatia no

però això

but this

està dins del meu cap

it's in my head

això està dins de la meva ment

this is in my mind

per la mateixa

for the same

raó poso Eslovenia

I put Slovenia as a reason.

com a Europa central i no tant

as Central Europe and not so much

bé, és una manera

well, it's one way

de dividir-ho, clar

to divide it, clear

jo pensava

I was thinking

quan vam fer la llista aquí vam pensar

when we made the list here we thought

Eslovenia és Europa de l'est

Slovenia is Eastern Europe.

Sèrbia també

Serbia too

vam posar Moldàvia i Albània

we put Moldova and Albania

com països de l'est que no passen

like Eastern countries that don't pass

a la final

at the end

sobretot Moldàvia potser

above all maybe Moldova

però clar, Albània

but of course, Albania

jo també la considero una mica

I also consider it a bit.

jo crec que té més

I think he/she has more.

que veure amb el bloc antic soviètic

what to see with the old Soviet bloc

no? potser

no? maybe

sí, potser sí

yes, maybe yes

jo també comptava quina llàstima

I was also counting what a shame.

que no és tant Romania i Bulgària

that it is not so much Romania and Bulgaria

que també són Europa de l'est

that are also Eastern Europe

o Hongria

or Hungary

que potser també seria Europa de l'est

that perhaps would also be Eastern Europe

però clar, si no hi ha un

but of course, if there isn't one

si hi ha un país que no sigui més cèntric

if there is a country that is not more central

europeu que Hongria

European than Hungary

clar, és que és centre d'Europa absolut

Of course, it is the absolute center of Europe.

o sigui

that is to say

bueno, és

well, it is

complicat, però bueno sí, jo estic d'acord

Complicated, but well yes, I agree.

que potser els països

that perhaps the countries

de l'est excepte alguna

from the east except for some

com tu deies

as you said

el tema d'Armènia

the topic of Armenia

i a més

and also

un artista que es fa dir la Daniba

an artist known as Daniba

ja està

it's done

jo ja

I already

ja em té guanyat

you've already won me over

tu com

you as

vas viure totes aquestes propostes

you experienced all these proposals



doncs com parlàveu ara

so how you were talking just now

Croàcia no sé si la fiquem aquí

I don't know if we should include Croatia here.

o si la fiquem a

or if we put it in

zona mediterrània

Mediterranean zone

clar, aquesta és una altra

Sure, this is another one.

amb Grècia

with Greece

Xipre, no sé

Cyprus, I don't know.

per mi l'única que salva és Croàcia

For me, the only one that saves is Croatia.

no sé jo

I don't know.

i mira que de Sèrbia esperava alguna cosa més

And look, I expected something more from Serbia.

però buf

but phew

buf buf eh

puff puff eh

la Ramondra o alguna cosa d'això

the Ramondra or something like that

era com ostres tu

it was like oysters, you.

és dur això eh

this is hard, isn't it?

nosaltres vam fer el sacrifici

we made the sacrifice

de veure la final

to watch the final

de Sèrbia

from Serbia

i allò era infumable

and that was unbearable

i va guanyar aquesta noia

And this girl won.

i jo no la recordava

and I didn't remember her.

que ha estudiat a Berkeley aquesta noia ojo eh

that girl studied at Berkeley, watch out eh



i a Berkeley tampoc se'n recorden d'ella

And in Berkeley, they don't remember her either.

o sigui

that is to say

que no sé

that I don't know

és tot molt així

it's all very much like that

però bé aviam

but well, let's see

segurament aquest any no han tingut massa transcendència

Surely this year they haven't had much significance.

tots aquests països

all these countries

però bé com parlàvem

but well as we were talking

al final això és un tema de

in the end this is a matter of

un tema de cicles

a topic of cycles

i potser l'any que ve

and maybe next year

ens trobem un altre contracte de la vida

we find another contract of life

que ve a rentar-se les mans allà

who comes to wash their hands over there

i lo peta

and it goes viral

i jo què sé i un altre urs de la vida

And what do I know, and another bear of life?

perquè Romania torna

why Romania returns

i jo què sé aquestes coses

And what do I know about these things?

o un trenolètol

or a little train.

que lo peta

that rocks



crec que és hora de passar al següent

I think it's time to move on to the next one.

titular que

headline that

ens el porta la Mia

Mia brings it to us.

doncs el meu següent titular

so my next headline

ehm és

uh, it is

que com ho podes

What do you mean?

perquè ja hem parlat una miqueta de les limitacions

because we have already talked a little about the limitations

i les restriccions que va posar

and the restrictions that were imposed

la EBU pel que fa a

the EBU regarding

missatges i a simbologia no com per exemple

messages and symbolism, not like for example

la bandera europea de la Unió Europea

the European flag of the European Union

que no es podia fer servir etc etc

that could not be used etc etc

i diguéssim que en el context

let's say that in the context

actual que hi havia tant de

now that there was so much of

controvèrsia amb el tema d'Israel i de

controversy over the issue of Israel and of

Palestina la EBU va haver de ser

Palestine had to be the EBU.

o va haver de ser va decidir ser especialment

or it had to be decided to be especially

estricta amb el tema de

strict about the subject of

quins missatges es poden enviar i quins no

What messages can be sent and which cannot?

i quines imatges es poden posar i quines no

And which images can be used and which cannot?

i això va

and this goes

portar als artistes sobretot

bring the artists above all

havent de buscar maneres molt originals

we have to find very original ways

d'enviar els missatges que volien enviar

to send the messages they wanted to send

al món i

in the world and

jo per això volia eh

I wanted that for this reason, you know.

bé volia posar-ho aquí de manifest

well, I wanted to highlight it here

i per això li he posat comunica

And that's why I named it "communicates."

com ho podes perquè bé

how can you because well

com ja hem dit hi ha molts símbols

As we have already said, there are many symbols.

que no es podien fer servir un d'ells la bandera de la Unió Europea

that one of them could not use the flag of the European Union

però tampoc es podia portar

but it also couldn't be worn

la bandera del moviment trans

the flag of the trans movement

eh no es podia portar cap mena de bandera

eh no one could carry any kind of flag

palestina o cap mena de simbologia

Palestine or any kind of symbolism

relacionada amb palestina per tant

related to Palestine therefore

veiem una mica anem a veure quines han sigut

let's see a bit, let's see what they have been

les estratègies que han tingut diferents artistes

the strategies that different artists have had

per portar alguns d'aquests missatges a l'escenari

to bring some of these messages to the stage

primer va ser a la semifinal

first it was in the semifinal

1 quan

1 when

un dels opening acts Eric Saade

one of the opening acts Eric Saade

suec d'origen

Swede of origin

palestí libanès

Lebanese Palestinian

va lligar-se a un mocador palestí el Canell

He tied a Palestinian scarf around his neck.

durant la semifinal 1 i

during semifinal 1 and

amb tota tranquil·litat va cantar la seva cançó

with complete calmness he sang his song

després va rebre unes quantes

after that, he received a few

crítiques de la tele sueca

criticisms of Swedish television

és una bandera gravíssima eh

it's a very serious flag, eh

posar-se un

put on a

mocador palestí és una

Palestinian scarf is a

bandera oficial

official flag

clarament tothom ho sap

clearly everyone knows it

suposo que igual que una barretina

I suppose it's similar to a beret.

igual és el mateix

it’s probably the same

després vam tenir

later we had

vam tenir

we had

la intèrpret italiana

the Italian interpreter

Angelina Mangó que jo crec que va anar

Angelina Mangó who I think went.

al segon nivell d'originalitat jo crec que em va

At the second level of originality, I think it suits me.

semblar bastant original va canviar

seemed quite original changed

a última hora tot el seu vestuari

at the last minute all his/her clothing

els colors del seu vestuari per poder

the colors of their outfit to be able

crear sobre l'escenari per poder

create on stage in order to

crear els colors de la bandera palestina

create the colors of the Palestinian flag

fent servir el color del seu vestit

using the color of her dress

el color dels ballarins

the color of the dancers

i tota la resta de trezzo

and all the rest of trezzo

de manera que al final acabés tot donant

so that in the end everything turned out to be given

aquesta sensació que era una bandera palestina

this feeling that it was a Palestinian flag

així en conjunt de fet a la presentació

thus in the overall fact in the presentation

ja ella es va vestir tota negra

she dressed all in black

i portava la bandera italiana

and I was carrying the Italian flag

col·locada d'una manera

placed in a way

que recordava molt

that I remembered a lot

perillosament a la bandera palestina

dangerously to the Palestinian flag

lo qual em va

which goes for me

resultar graciós jo de fet estàvem fent la broma

it turns out funny I was actually joking

no de que jo

not that I

era un membre de la gal·lació israeliana

he was a member of the Israeli Galilee

i cada vegada que veia una cosa xunga

and every time I saw something sketchy

a la final era

in the end it was

Ebu? Ebu?

Ebu? Ebu?

bé però em va semblar una manera bastant

well but it seemed to me quite a way

original no ho havia vist mai simplement de col·locar

I had never seen it simply placed.

elements de colors per recrear una

colored elements to recreate one

bandera després vam tenir

flag then we had

el grup de gent que va decidir pintar-se coses

the group of people who decided to paint things on themselves

al cos com va

how it goes with the body

ser un d'ells en Musti de

be one of them in Musti of

Bèlgica que bé al final tampoc no va passar a la final

Belgium, in the end, also did not make it to the final.

però que va escriure el

but what he wrote

gran missatge un missatge molt

great message a very message

controvertit i ple de

controversial and full of

hate i un missatge inacceptable

hate is an unacceptable message

del tot inacceptable que es va escriure

completely unacceptable that was written

peace pau al

peace peace to all

cos durant

body during

la seva actuació i això també va ser rebut

his performance and this was also received

com una gran provocació

as a great provocation

i també

and also

vam tenir a Bambi Zag

we had Bambi Zag

d'Irlanda que en un principi

from Ireland that initially

s'havia de tatuar o de posar sobre

he had to tattoo or place on

el cos frases com

the body phrases like

stop genocide això ja és bastant més polític

stop genocide this is already quite political

pareu el genocidi i

stop the genocide and

free palestine palestina lliure però

free palestine but

finalment la Evo no li va

finally the Evo doesn't suit him/her.

deixar sí però s'anava a pintar

leave yes but I was going to paint

faig aquesta anotació s'anava a pintar

I make this note, it was going to be painted.

amb un tipus d'escriptura

with a type of writing

antic irlandès

ancient Irish

basat en no sé quins

based on I don't know which

gràfics o sigui

graphics or that is

ningú hagués entès absolutament

nobody would have understood absolutely

res però la Evo

nothing but the Evo

va dir no no no

he said no no no

la Evo domina en idiomes de tot tipus

the Evo excels in languages of all kinds

perquè jo no hagués sabut

because I would not have known

trobar això esa runa esa runa me suena

finding this, that ruin, that ruin sounds familiar to me



no no

no no

i després va haver-hi encara una altra

and then there was yet another one

modalitat d'escriure missatges

method of writing messages

que aquesta em va semblar també molt original i molt

that this also seemed very original to me and very

bonica i per mi va ser molt

beautiful and for me it was very

efectiva que va ser Iolanda de Portugal

effective Iolanda of Portugal was

que va fer dues coses una

that did two things one

va portar un vestit d'un dissenyador palestí

she wore a dress by a Palestinian designer

i de fet ho anava dient

and in fact I was saying it

i el que va semblar més divertit

and what seemed the most fun

es va pintar les ungles que

she painted her nails that

portava unes ungles considerables

she had considerable nails

de tamany bastant bèstia

of quite a large size

i es va pintar motius palestins

and Palestinian motifs were painted.

tipus com els motius que trobes en un

types like the patterns you find in one

mocador palestí doncs s'ho va pintar

Palestinian scarf, so he painted it.

les ungles així que de cop que se n'enfocava

the nails as soon as suddenly it was focused on them

de prop això també es

up close this is also

veia i bé

I saw it well.

com última última

as last last

estratègia es va prohibir

strategy was banned

la bandera trans i el

the trans flag and the

Nemo no sé no sé exactament on se la va

Nemo I don't know exactly where he is going.

col·locar no sé si sota la camisa però va

I don't know if to place it under the shirt, but go ahead.

aconseguir passar una bandera trans finalment

finally manage to pass a trans flag

i la va treure durant el flag

and she took it out during the flag

parade per poder-la

stop to be able to it

unejar i per poder-la ensenyar davant de tothom

unite and to be able to show it in front of everyone

així que bé només parlar

so just talk

una mica de totes aquestes estratègies

a bit of all these strategies

no sé si en vau veure alguna més si alguna

I don't know if you saw any more if any.

us va cridar l'atenció

did it catch your attention

quan estava veient el programa

when I was watching the show

Sara tu et vas adonar d'alguna d'elles?

Sara, did you notice any of them?

Si la noia d'Irlanda

If the girl from Ireland

també portava

also wore

sota el tratge el que es va treure

under the suit what he took off

l'últim també tenia colors

the last one also had colors

de la bandera trans si no m'equivoco

of the trans flag if I'm not mistaken

és veritat

it's true

jo vull

I want

colar un missatge slash

to filter a slash message

pregunta que va molt relacionat amb moltes

question that is very related to many

coses que ja hem dit durant el programa

things we have already said during the program

i no m'imaginava mai

and I never imagined it

que anava a dir el que diré ara

what I was going to say is what I will say now

però jo l'altre dia vaig escoltar

but the other day I heard

vaig llegir una opinió de

I read an opinion from

Risto Mejide

Risto Mejide

ojo cuidado

watch out

nos acercamos

we approach

al nivel cuñadismo absoluto

to the absolute level of brother-in-lawism

que referentes

what references

los referentes

the references

de este programa son

of this program are

falta añadir

missing to add

Andy Lucas

Andy Lucas

Andy Lucas jo els he convidat molt

Andy Lucas, I have invited them a lot.

moltes vegades durant el podcast

many times during the podcast

que vinguin

let them come

però no volem venir

but we don't want to come

jo entre Risto Mejide

I among Risto Mejide

el de la nave del misteri

the one from the ship of mystery

i qui és l'altre

And who is the other?

Arturo Pérez Reverte són

Arturo Pérez Reverte is

els tres ícons de la vida

the three icons of life

Risto Mejide

Risto Mejide

va dir

he said

que tota aquesta gent

that all these people

que posava la limitació

that set the limitation

les limitacions a la música

the limitations on music

i als missatges

and to the messages

que la gent s'estava oblidant

that people were forgetting

que precisament la música és això

that precisely music is this

que la música és transmetre un missatge

that music is about conveying a message

que la música no és

that music is not

portar quatre acords una melodia maca

bring four chords a beautiful melody

i parlar del tempo

and talk about the weather

que la música precisament

that music precisely

serveix per

serves for

sacsejar coses

shake things up

que és per lo que serveix l'art

what art is for

per transmetre missatges

to transmit messages

i transmetre coses

and transmit things

i jo crec que fer coses

And I believe that doing things

tan provocatives com portar

as provocative as wearing

una bandera palestina

a Palestinian flag

que no una bandera palestina

than a Palestinian flag

els motius d'un mocador

the reasons for a handkerchief

o la paraula pau

or the word peace

o portar una bandera trans

or carry a trans flag

que en teoria no hauria de ser considerada

that in theory should not be considered

jo crec considerada política

I believe it is considered political.

però sí que admetin la bandera gay

but they do allow the gay flag

perquè la bandera gay

why the gay flag

la bandera de l'art de Sant Martí

the flag of the art of Saint Martin

aquesta sí que es pot entrar

this one can be entered

aquesta no hi ha cap problema

there is no problem with this

però no acabo d'entendre ben bé

but I still don't quite understand

com es fan aquestes coses

How are these things done?

no sé si tu vas notar

I don't know if you noticed.

algun morti amb totes aquestes coses

some dead person with all these things

de simbolisme o no

of symbolism or not

o no ho llegies

or you wouldn't read it

amb aquest sentit

with this meaning

a veure dues coses

let's see two things

primer us he de recordar

first I have to remind you

que jo estava veient el programa amb nens

that I was watching the program with kids

jo ja n'he vist moltes coses

I have already seen many things.

que em vaig perdre

that I lost myself

i que no vaig identificar

and that I did not identify

per altra banda

on the other hand



serà una opinió

it will be an opinion

una mica divergent

a little divergent

jo entenc

I understand.

les dues bandes

the two sides

jo entenc la banda dels artistes

I understand the band of artists.

que volen

what do they want

fer arribar els seus missatges

to get their messages across

a tot arreu


de la mateixa manera

in the same way

entenc a l'EU

I understand the EU.

el perquè

the why

no volen fer

they don't want to do

segons quines coses

depending on certain things

moltes vegades hem criticat Eurovisió

Many times we have criticized Eurovision.

per ser un

to be a



polititzat i ho és

politicized and it is

perquè ho hem parlat altres vegades

because we have talked about it before

és una competició entre països

it is a competition between countries

per tant política

therefore politics

i una mica per apallar això

and a little to soothe this

està el tema

the topic is

d'evitar tot tipus

to avoid all types

de lligam entre

of binding between

l'execució musical

the musical performance



i la política

and the politics

no podem dir

we cannot say

per una banda

on one hand

Eurovisió és molt política

Eurovision is very political.

i per altra banda

and on the other hand

Eurovisió no deixa que sigui política

Eurovision does not allow it to be political.

jo entenc les dues vessants

I understand both sides.

la vessant de l'artista

the artist's side

i la vessant de l'organització

and the aspect of the organization

potser també pel meu rara fons

maybe also for my rare background

d'una manera laboral diplomàtica

in a diplomatic work manner

i és aquesta lluita entre les dues

and it is this struggle between the two

que és dramàtica

that is dramatic

i alhora és bonica

and at the same time it is beautiful

i és bonica

and it is beautiful

perquè hi és

because it is there

perquè existeix

because it exists

i perquè dóna a parlar

and why it makes one talk

però entenc les dues vessants

but I understand both sides

home vista

home view

també té el seu sentit

it also makes sense

que el fet que existeixi

that the fact that it exists

fa que es pugui parlar del tema

It allows for the topic to be discussed.

i al final

and in the end

això és el que es busca

this is what is sought

intentant colar

trying to sneak in

intentant fer aquestes triquiñuelas

trying to pull these tricks

que fins i tot

that even

n'hem patit una mica

we've suffered a bit

d'amagar-te la bandera

of hiding the flag

per posar-te a passar

to get you going

i que hi hagi un altre

and let there be another

vaig llegir un comentari

I read a comment.

si a este tio le paga su país

if this guy is paid by his country

para participar

to participate

porque saca esa bandera

Why do you take out that flag?

pues anda que yo lo mandaba pa casa

Well, I would send him home.

però al final està parlant

but in the end he/she is talking

i està generant

and is generating

generant controvèrsia

generating controversy

i està fent que tot això al final

And it is making all this in the end.

es posi al centre del debat

put it at the center of the debate

i crec que al final

and I believe that in the end

encara que sigui només per això

even if it's just for that

està bé que passi

it's okay that it happens

té raó el Mortim això

Mortim is right about this.

arribem a l'últim titular

we arrive at the last headline

el titular

the headline

el que tu quires

what you want



teníem moltes idees

we had many ideas

per aquest titular

for this headline

jo havia començat proposant

I had started by proposing



el Diablo

the Devil

per lo que he explicat abans

for what I explained earlier

de 666

of 666

i tal

and such

i que al final

and in the end

per la presència d'Israel

for the presence of Israel

podíem tenir el Diablo Eurovisió

we could have the Devil Eurovision

i ara parlem de lo que provoca

And now we talk about what it provokes.

el Diablo Eurovisió

the Eurovisió Devil

també havia pensat

I had also thought.

un altre titular

another headline

que em semblava molt adient

which seemed very appropriate to me

perquè Israel deia

because Israel said

que lo que volien era

that what they wanted was

lo que buscaven era

what they were looking for was

We will dance again

We will dance again.

lo qual a mi em feia molta

which made me very

gràcia perquè em recordava

thank you for remembering me

a un èxit absolut

to an absolute success

que espero que hagueu escoltat

that I hope you have listened

i si no us convido

and if I don't invite you

que es diu En tus tierras bailaré

it's called In Your Lands I Will Dance

si no l'heu escoltat

if you haven't listened to it

heu d'anar a córrer

you have to go running

grans herois de la humanitat

great heroes of humanity

que són

what they are

del fin hasta el fin

from the end to the end

la tigresa de oriente

the tigress of the east

i Wendy Sulka

and Wendy Sulka

Israel Israel

Israel Israel

Israel Israel que bonita

Israel, Israel, how beautiful!

que bonita és Israel

How beautiful Israel is.

és que amb el títol no em sonava

It's just that the title didn't ring a bell with me.

qui no coneix

who does not know

el títol de la cançó és

the title of the song is

En tus tierras bailaré

In your lands I will dance.

però em feia molta gràcia

but it made me laugh a lot

el fet que Israel

the fact that Israel

quan intentava publicitar-se

when trying to advertise himself

intentés dir aquest rotllo de

I meant to say this spiel about

We will dance again

We will dance again.

i jo pensava

and I thought

En tus tierras bailaré

In your lands, I will dance.

no anaven tan equivocats

they weren't that wrong

aquests visionaris

these visionaries

i al final ens hem tirat

And in the end, we jumped.

per una cosa molt

for a very thing

molt relacionada amb el títol

very related to the title

de la cançó d'Israel

of the song of Israel

que és vida després de l'huracà

what is life after the hurricane

després de Hurricane

after Hurricane

ha d'haver vida

there must be life

una participació d'Israel

a participation of Israel

tan complicada

so complicated

tan controvertida

so controversial

que ha pulsat tants botons

who has pressed so many buttons

que ha pujat tants límits

that has raised so many limits

i que ha posat

and what has been put

tantes preguntes

so many questions

a sobre de l'escenari

on top of the stage

a nivell literal

at a literal level

i a nivell metafòric

and on a metaphorical level

no passaré

I won't pass.

per sobre de totes elles

above all of them

perquè poc o molt

because little or much

hem anat parlant d'elles

we have been talking about them

abans d'Eurovisió

before Eurovision

hi va haver molts problemes

there were many problems

moltes queixes

many complaints

la presentació de la cançó

the presentation of the song

va ser molt problemàtica

it was very problematic

perquè volíem presentar una lletra

because we wanted to present a letter

que l'Ebull li va prohibir

that the Boiling forbade him

per molt política

for much politics

la cançó es deia October Rain

the song was called October Rain

només els faltava October Rain

they only needed October Rain

guinyo guinyo

wink wink

la van canviar per Hurricane

They changed it for Hurricane.

pel meu gust

to my taste

d'estrossant la cançó

destroying the song

perquè la cançó si et llegeixes

because the song if you read it

la cançó mantenint unes altres estructures

the song maintaining other structures

i la cançó no

and the song no

després durant el festival

after during the festival

tot el que ha provocat

everything that has caused

el fet que estiguessin allà

the fact that they were there

les protestes, l'increment de la seguretat

the protests, the increase in security

problemes amb la delegació

problems with the delegation

amb altres artistes, problemes amb la premsa

with other artists, problems with the press

problemes all around

problems all around

i els problemes de després

and the problems that follow

és a dir

that is to say

tota la gent que no entén

all the people who do not understand

com pot ser que hi hagi una diferència

How can there be a difference?

tan gran entre el vot del jurat

so large among the jury's vote

hi ha una agenda darrere de tot això

There is an agenda behind all of this.

perquè no es volia que guanyés Israel

because it was not wanted for Israel to win

perquè es vol aixecar tot el tema woke

why the whole woke issue wants to be raised

i de no binari

and non-binary

i deixar fora Israel

and leave Israel out

perquè no li interessa

because it does not interest him/her

a la gent

to the people

i dient que hi ha hagut un tongazo

and saying that there has been a fix.

i que no sé què

and I don't know what

tot és molt complicat

everything is very complicated

és molt complex

it is very complex

i ha posat a l'evo en una situació molt xunga

and has put the evo in a very tricky situation

no només

not only

durant el festival

during the festival

sinó de cara al futur

but for the future

tot això ha creat un precedent

all this has created a precedent

un país que es presenta allà

a country that presents itself there

que té un conflicte bèl·lic

that has a war conflict

a mi em costa encara dir-li bèl·lica

I still find it difficult to call her warlike.

però sí

but yes

un conflicte bèl·lic obert

an open military conflict

una gran empresa

a large company

que és israelita

what is an Israelite

que és la

what is the

major sponsor

main sponsor

i patrocinadora del festival

and sponsor of the festival

que surt a totes bandes

that comes out everywhere

fins i tot abans de la música Eurovisió

even before the Eurovision music

que és Moroccan Oil

What is Moroccan Oil?

i després surt la música Eurovisió

And then the Eurovision music plays.

fins a aquest punt arriba

up to this point it arrives

la influència de Moroccan Oil

the influence of Moroccan Oil

tot això

all this

dient que

saying that

l'evo ha tingut

the evo has had

problemes econòmics

economic problems

per poder tirar endavant cada Eurovisió

to be able to move forward every Eurovision

per tant depenen molt d'aquests patrocinis

therefore they depend a lot on these sponsorships

i clar

and of course

ho poses tot al mateix sac

you put everything in the same bag

i dius

and you say

quin és l'Eurovisió del futur

what is the Eurovision of the future

què hi ha darrere d'Eurovisió

what is behind Eurovision

com una cosa en afirmació

as something in affirmation

en positiu

in a positive way

de la vida després del huracà

of life after the hurricane

però fins i tot podria ser una pregunta

but it could even be a question

hi ha vida després de l'huracà?

Is there life after the hurricane?

no sé com ho veus tu Sara

I don't know how you see it, Sara.

és complicat eh

it's complicated, huh

a veure

let's see

crec que

I believe that

si Eurovisió continuarà

if Eurovision will continue

de quina manera

in what way

aquesta és la pregunta

this is the question

com continuarà

how it will continue

portant el tema

bringing up the topic

del conflicte

of the conflict

no ho sé

I don't know.



que s'hauria d'actuar

that action should be taken

sobre això

about this

sobre el fet que es presenti un país

about the fact that a country presents itself

que està en conflicte obert

that is in open conflict

així com a

just as at

pregunta directa

direct question

ha passat amb Rússia no

It has happened with Russia, hasn't it?

vull dir

I mean

d'acord amb el que diu la Sara

in accordance with what Sara says

jo crec que actuar o no actuar

I think that to act or not to act.

és una decisió que es pot prendre a nivell de l'organització

It is a decision that can be made at the organizational level.

com ho volen atacar

how do they want to attack it

però en qualsevol cas

but in any case

ha de ser consistent sempre

it must always be consistent

en tots els casos

in all cases

hi ha d'haver una manera estandarditzada

there must be a standardized way


to face

aquestes situacions

these situations

el que jo crec que ha causat tanta controvèrsia

what I believe has caused so much controversy

ha sigut veure dos conflictes

it has been to see two conflicts

tan junts

so together

d'un a l'altre en el temps

from one to the other in time

i la diferència del tractament

and the difference in treatment

de l'un i de l'altre

of one and the other

i jo crec que l'única cosa que jo

And I think that the only thing that I

per exemple sí que esperaria de la EBU

for example, I would indeed expect from the EBU

és que l'edat

it's that the age

ells han intentat explicar per què

they have tried to explain why

ho han tractat d'una manera diferent

they have dealt with it in a different way

per mi l'explicació no ha tingut sentit

For me, the explanation has not made sense.

i crec que no sóc l'única per qui no ha tingut sentit

And I believe that I am not the only one for whom it has not made sense.

potser m'estic perdent alguna cosa

maybe I'm missing something

però jo potser demanaria més

but I might ask for more

bé, doncs això

well, that's it

unes guies més clares sobre per què

clearer guides on why

o en quins casos

or in which cases

s'accepta un país que té un conflicte obert

A country with an open conflict is accepted.

i en quins casos no

and in which cases not

jo crec que això seria molt important

I think this would be very important.

perquè l'EBU segueixi tenint credibilitat

so that the EBU continues to have credibility

jo crec que el tema clau

I believe that the key issue

és l'economia

it's the economy

és la finançació

it is the financing

que és els diners

What is money?

els diners que aporta Israel

the money that Israel provides

Rússia no els aportava

Russia did not provide them.

i crec que és el punt bàsic

I believe it is the basic point.

per continuar amb ells

to continue with them

és que és molt complicat

it's just that it's very complicated

és molt complicat

it's very complicated

anem a veure

let's go see

el món és així

the world is like this

ara mateix

right now

l'EBU òbviament

the EBU obviously

no és aliena al món

it is not alien to the world

el preocupant

the concerning

que és el que deia la Mia

What was Mia saying?

és les dobles barres de medir

it's the double measuring bars

el R0

the R0

els dobles estàndards

double standards

països que tenen conflicte obèlic

countries that have war conflict

no poden participar

they cannot participate

s'ha fet en Rússia

it has been done in Russia

no s'ha fet en altres països

it has not been done in other countries.

en altres països

in other countries

de la mateixa manera que no s'ha fet

in the same way that it has not been done

i ara obro un meló

And now I open a melon.

i el vull tancar també

And I want to close it too.

de la mateixa manera

in the same way

que no s'ha fet en Ucrania

that has not been done in Ukraine

que Ucrania és un país

that Ukraine is a country

amb un conflicte bé cobert

with a well-covered conflict

això és perquè es veu

this is because it is seen

que el paper

that the paper

dins d'un conflicte

inside a conflict

de Rússia i d'Ucrania

from Russia and Ukraine

és diferent

it's different

i això és un judici

and this is a trial

que fa l'organització

what the organization does

i aquí entra també

and here also comes

el tema dels dobles estàndards

the issue of double standards

perquè dins d'un mateix conflicte

because within the same conflict

que estan dos països

that are two countries

ho veiem amb normalitat

we see it as normal

perquè la nostra visió des d'aquí

because our vision from here

és més o menys homogènia

it is more or less homogeneous

però amb les normes a la mà

but with the rules in hand

no hauria de ser així

it shouldn't be like this

el tema de la financiació

the issue of financing

és que ara mateix

it's just that right now

el públic necessita el privat

the public needs the private

per tirar projectes

to carry out projects


of burden



i també

and also

l'inversor majoritari

the majority investor


of Eurovision

serà una empresa israeliana

it will be an Israeli company

doncs és complicat

so it’s complicated

és un poc a mala pata

it's a bit bad luck

perquè fins a l'octubre

because until October

tot estava bé

everything was fine

però és que el món va així

but the world works like this



o pel que sigui

or for whatever reason

però al moment és així

but for now it is like this

més molt difícil

more very difficult

amb les dades que tenim

with the data we have

més clar ho sento

I feel it more clearly.

però és molt complicat

but it's very complicated

no s'ho sabria dir

I couldn't tell you.

per mi la pregunta

for me the question

va una mica

it's going a bit

en direcció a

in the direction of

una mica el que deia la Sara

a bit of what Sara said

quan parlàvem abans

when we were talking before

que el jurat havia salvat Eurovisió

that the jury had saved Eurovision

segurament el jurat

surely the jury

ha salvat Eurovisió

has saved Eurovision

perquè imaginem-nos aquesta

because let's imagine this

mateixa situació

same situation

amb Israel guanyant el festival

with Israel winning the festival

perquè al final

because in the end

crea tota aquesta situació

creates this whole situation

amb els dobles estàndards

with double standards

amb un li permets una cosa

with one you allow something

amb l'altre no ho tens tant en consideració

with the other you don’t take it into much consideration

i tal i qual el deixes participar

And just like that you let him participate.

i guanya

and wins

que podria haver passat

what could have happened

ara segurament estaríem parlant d'una cosa molt diferent

now we would probably be talking about something very different

però anant una mica més enllà

but going a little further

el mal està fet

the damage is done

és a dir

that is to say

no es pot jutjar

it cannot be judged

si una cosa està bé o no

if something is good or not

depenent del resultat final

depending on the final result

és a dir la cosa segueix estant malament

That is to say, things are still bad.

jo crec com s'ha manegat tot

I believe in how everything has been handled.

segueix estant malament

still feeling unwell

que tenim la sort que les conseqüències

that we are lucky that the consequences

no han sigut tan greus

they haven't been that serious

és a dir no hi ha hagut un rentat d'imatge brutal

That is to say there hasn't been a brutal image wash.

a Israel que s'ha presentat davant del món

to Israel that has presented itself before the world

com si no passés res i com si fos

as if nothing were happening and as if it were

super guais i puedo llevar una canción

super cool and I can take a song

de soy la víctima

I am the victim.


això no ha passat

this has not happened

però al final

but in the end


the organization

no ha posat fre

has not put a stop

a la situació

to the situation

i això pot fer crec que hi hagi gent

I believe this can make people exist.

que es vulgui baixar una mica del carro

that wants to get off the high horse a little

si això és el que tenim

if this is what we have

davant jo no vull

I don't want in front of me.

fer una part d'això

to do a part of this

jo no vull seguir veient això

I don't want to keep seeing this.

no sé com ho veieu

I don't know how you see it.

o si creieu que afectarà aquest nivell

or if you believe it will affect this level

una mica més de valors

a little more values

del que representa Eurovisió

of what Eurovision represents

jo crec que ja ha afectat

I think it has already affected.

de fet moltíssimes delegacions estan posant queixes

In fact, many delegations are filing complaints.

a la Evo cada dia

to Evo every day

que mirem les notícies hi ha una delegació nova

When we watch the news, there is a new delegation.

que està qüestionant a la Evo

who is questioning Evo

sobre el resultat dels vots

about the result of the votes

sobre com s'ha gestionat

about how it has been managed

i jo crec que

and I believe that

això ja l'ha passat factura a la Evo

this has already taken a toll on the Evo

perquè ja ha perdut la credibilitat

because it has already lost credibility

pel que fa a moltíssimes delegacions

regarding a great many delegations

per tant és un fet

therefore it is a fact

jo no crec que és una cosa que s'hagi de mirar en el futur

I don't think it's something that should be looked at in the future.

estic molt d'acord amb el que ha dit en Mort

I completely agree with what Mort has said.

i que al final en Ucraïna va haver-hi sort

and that in the end there was luck in Ukraine

a mi també em va sobtar

I was also surprised.

que el doble estàndard

that the double standard

també ha aplicat a Ucraïna

it has also applied to Ukraine

però va haver-hi sort que tota Europa

but there was luck that all of Europe

la percepció era similar d'alguna manera

the perception was similar in some way

però altres casos

but other cases

arribaran com aquest

they will arrive like this

com l'actual amb Israel

like the current one with Israel

en què no estiguem d'acord

in what we do not agree

i segueixo pensant que en aquests moments

I still think that at this moment

és més important que mai

it is more important than ever

que hi hagi una directiva molt clara

that there is a very clear directive

perquè aleshores bé com a mínim els països

because then at least the countries

puguin decidir si volen

they can decide if they want

estar on board o no estar on board

to be on board or not to be on board

però tal com se sent avui dia

but just as one feels today

és una mica, sembla que s'estiguin

it's a bit, it seems that they are

prenent les decisions una mica

making decisions a little bit

a porta tancada

a closed door

sense saber exactament els motius

without knowing exactly the reasons

i jo crec que això ja està afectant a l'EU

And I believe that this is already affecting the EU.

i jo crec que hi ha moltes delegacions

And I think there are many delegations.

per les quals l'EU ha perdut credibilitat

for which the EU has lost credibility

i que és molt possible que baixin

and it is very possible that they will go down

del carro a anys vinents

from the cart to coming years

a mi el que em feia una mica de por

what scared me a little

era que acabéssim per exemple

it was that we ended up for example

que guanyés Israel aquest any

that Israel would win this year

i que l'any vinent acabéssim amb una Eurovisió

And that next year we would end up with a Eurovision.

amb 5 països

with 5 countries

perquè són els únics 5 països

because they are the only 5 countries

que realment donen suport a Israel

that really support Israel

d'una manera o d'una altra

one way or another

i la resta baixen del carro

and the rest get off the cart

per nivells ideològics

by ideological levels

no sé si algú de vosaltres es va tema també

I don't know if any of you are also concerned about this topic.

a aquest escenari o vaig ser només jo

To this scenario, was it just me?

en el meu d'això tremendista

in my tremendousness

Potser sí

Maybe yes.

però el temps ens ho dirà

but time will tell us



potser ara és molt recent

perhaps it is very recent now

és molt gros

it's very big

no dic que no

I don't say no.

però potser amb el temps

but perhaps with time

les postures es van

the postures go



i tot torna una mica més

and everything returns a little more

a la seva llera

to its riverbed

o potser al contrari

or maybe the opposite

es va col·laborant més

collaboration is increasing

jo vull pensar

I want to think

que això es relaxarà

that this will relax

però és

but it is

és el que voldria que passés

it's what I would like to happen

més que el que pot passar

more than what can happen

A veure, si hem de pensar

Let's see, if we have to think.

en com funciona el món avui en dia

how the world works today

la gent

the people

s'oblida molt ràpid de les coses

forgets things very quickly

vull dir, és així

I mean, that's how it is.

el que importa moltíssim

what matters a lot

i tothom es posa les mans al cap

and everyone puts their hands on their head

perquè és el pitjor que ha passat en la història de la humanitat

because it is the worst thing that has happened in the history of humanity

demà ningú se'n recorda

tomorrow nobody will remember it

i hi ha una altra cosa que és el pitjor

And there is another thing that is the worst.

que ha passat en la història de la humanitat

what has happened in the history of humanity

i així anem funcionant

And that’s how we keep functioning.

els mitjans de comunicació controlen una mica

the media control a bit

quin és el relat

what is the story

i què es posa al centre del debat

And what is placed at the center of the debate?

i segurament

and probably

no vull pensar

I don't want to think.

que això és el centre de l'univers

that this is the center of the universe

però segurament

but probably

el fet que s'acostés Eurovisió

the fact that Eurovision was approaching

va crear una mica

he created a little

també aquesta situació

also this situation

d'arribar com al paroxisme absolut

to arrive at absolute paroxysm

amb la situació d'Israel

with the situation in Israel

i Gaza

and Gaza

perquè tothom sabia que

because everyone knew that

hi haurien al voltant de

there would be around

no sé si són 100 o 150 milions

I don't know if it's 100 or 150 million.

de persones mirant

of people looking

un festival en el qual sortiria la bandera

a festival in which the flag would come out

d'Israel i sortiria Israel

of Israel and would leave Israel

com ells deien

as they said

donant la seva part de la història

giving her part of the story

i hi havia molta gent

and there were a lot of people

que no volia que això passés i jo crec

that I didn't want this to happen and I believe

que per això van començar a sortir tots aquests relats

that is why all these stories began to emerge

cada vegada més


més, diguem, fugosos

more, let's say, elusive

i s'ha arribat fins a aquest punt

and it has come to this point

ara doncs aviam com

So now let's see how.

baixa el suflé

lower the soufflé

i aviam com s'aposenten les coses

Let's see how things settle.

però segurament això serà

but surely this will be

per al 12

for the 12

de la temporada que ve

for next season

per la Mia i el Dani Berlín

for Mia and Dani Berlin

de la temporada que ve

of next season

perquè per sort

because fortunately

segurament per sort

most likely by luck

o per desgràcia la temporada

or unfortunately the season



ha arribat a la seva fi

has come to its end

i aquest ha sigut el programa de la final

and this has been the program for the final

abans de que marxem

before we leave

sempre us faig aquesta pregunta cada any

I always ask you this question every year.

per tant no, aquestes dues preguntes

therefore no, these two questions

per tant no me les deixaré

therefore I won't leave them behind



que veig que ja et fregues les mans

I see that you're already rubbing your hands together.



quin ha sigut el teu guilty pleasure

What has been your guilty pleasure?

d'aquest any

of this year



t'has mutejat

you've muted yourself



això ho puc tallar

I can cut this.

i després treure-ho de

and then take it out of





espanya m'agrada

I like Spain.

m'ha agradat espanya

I liked Spain.

m'ha agradat

I liked it.

a veure

let's see

pel que deia abans d'aquest tipus de música

for what I was saying before about this type of music

que ara està ressurgint

that is now reemerging

amb propostes com

with proposals such as

a veure

let's see

una miqueta més extremes però com

a little bit more extreme but how

la música de calor

the music of heat

les bistecs

the steaks

los ganglios

the ganglia

tot aquest tipus de subcultura

all this type of subculture

per d'una manera

for one way

que fa una música

What does a musician do?

més d'abans

more than before

amb missatges més extremats

with more extreme messages

a mi m'ha

it has happened to me

de fet porto tot el dia a cantar la cançó

In fact, I've been singing the song all day.

o sigui que

that is to say

el meu guilty pleasure és espanya

my guilty pleasure is Spain

i tu Sara que sé que també

And you Sara, I know that you also do.

ets fan de ojete calor

you are a fan of ojete calor

sí sí

yes yes

he visto fotos

I have seen photos.

sí el meu darrer

yes my last

conservar-se i ojete calor

"stay warm and take care"

quin ha sigut el teu guilty pleasure

What has been your guilty pleasure?

home teniu algun dubte

Do you have any questions?

quin és el meu guilty pleasure d'aquest any

what is my guilty pleasure this year

no rules

no rules



tu no saps quina

you don't know which one

no saps quina mia

you don't know which mia

el meu problema és que no em sento mai

my problem is that I never feel myself

guilty de cap de

guilty of head of

jo crec que això diu molt poc

I think this says very little.

de mi però

of me but

no sé

I don't know.

crec que hauria de ser alguna d'eurodance

I think it should be some eurodance.

jo crec que potser seria europapa

I think that maybe it would be europapa.



jo no sé si es pot considerar

I don't know if it can be considered.

guilty pleasure potser em diran no no

guilty pleasure perhaps they will tell me no no

això no és un guilty pleasure

this is not a guilty pleasure

però a mi m'agrada

but I like it

Bambi Zack

Bambi Zack

des del principi eh a més

from the beginning eh also

o sigui no

so no

i la mia em deia

And my mother used to tell me.

però això no a mi m'agrada

but I don't like this.

a mi no m'agrada no em cau bé ella però

I don't like her, she doesn't sit well with me, but...

la cançó està molt bé i la posada en escena és brutal

The song is very good and the staging is brutal.

però jo em moc per aquestes coses

but I move for these things

aviam que potser és perquè com que soc molt fan de Harry Potter

Let's see, maybe it's because I'm a big fan of Harry Potter.

doncs va començar a bada que d'abra

so it started to be that from embrace

i vaig dir doncs endavant

I said, then go ahead.

no Dani Berlín digues en realitat

no Dani Berlin say in reality

el teu guilty pleasure és

your guilty pleasure is

jo crec que s'ha de dir és Polònia

I believe it should be said is Poland.

que no va passar a la final Luna

that didn't happen in the final Luna

bueno si per Luna

Well, if for Luna.

Lovegood també no?

Lovegood too, right?

que et vas posar molt trist quan no va passar

that you got very sad when it didn't happen

si és veritat

if it's true

lligarem això

we will tie this

i avançant-me a la segona pregunta

and anticipating the second question

que em faràs que és quina de les cançons

What will you do to me which one of the songs?

s'ha afegit a la meva playlist

it has been added to my playlist



és Irlanda

it is Ireland

en el meu cas és Irlanda

In my case, it’s Ireland.

perquè a més

because furthermore

l'escriber em recorda molt

The writer reminds me a lot.

a The Cardigans

The Cardigans

fins i tot la veu i tot

even the voice and everything

i és una barreja que m'agrada molt

And it's a mix that I really like.

i de fet me l'afegiré

And in fact, I will add it.

molt bé i tu Sara

Very well, and you Sara?

quina t'has afegit a la playlist

Which one have you added to the playlist?

no diguis no rules

don't say no rules

bueno a veure

well let's see

tinc una llista a Spotify que es diu Eurodance

I have a playlist on Spotify called Eurodance.

i òbviament no rules

and obviously no rules

està aquesta llista

is this list

però he de dir

but I have to say

que m'he afegit dos cançons

that I have added two songs

que tenen a veure amb Eurovisió

that have to do with Eurovision

però no van arribar a Eurovisió

but they did not make it to Eurovisió

que van ser de San Remo

what happened to San Remo

les dos

the two

Tutagold de Mahmut

Mahmut's Tutagold

i Joliet

and Joliet

molt guai

very cool

si agafeu la llista

if you take the list

de reproducció de Spotify de 12

Spotify playlist of 12

aquestes cançons estan allà

these songs are there

jo no tinc dubte

I have no doubt.

Before the party is over

Before the party is over

de Musti

from Musti

des que va sortir em va flipar

Since it came out, I was blown away.

jo crec

I believe.

que la resposta adequada és la de la Sara

that the appropriate answer is Sara's

perquè aquestes dues em van flipar

because these two blew my mind

sobretot Javelia em va flipar

above all, Javelia blew my mind

però d'Eurovisió d'aquest any

but from this year's Eurovision

hauria de dir potser

I should probably say.



em va agradar molt

I liked it a lot.

em va semblar molt original

I found it very original.

tant de vegades com vulgui

as many times as you want

per tant si me l'afegiré a la playlist

therefore I will add it to the playlist

molt bé

very good

doncs això ha sigut el programa final

so this has been the final program

abans de marxar

before leaving

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

per estar aquí amb nosaltres

for being here with us

Sara i Morti

Sara and Morti

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

gràcies a vosaltres

thank you to you

per convidar-nos

for inviting us

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

i Mia

and Mia

amb això arriba el final de la temporada

with this comes the end of the season

i crec que ens veurem

I believe we will see each other.

bé, ens veurem cada dia

Well, we will see each other every day.



podcasterament parlant


crec que

I believe that

fins l'any que ve

until next year

això espero

I hope so.

òbviament abans de marxar

obviously before leaving

us deixo amb una última versió

I leave you with a final version.

m'atreveixo per fi

I dare at last.

per fi


amb una cançó

with a song

de la cançó francesa

of the French song

sisplau no em mateu

please don't kill me

no sé fer la R francesa

I don't know how to make the French R.

no la sé fer

I don't know how to do it.

no en sé

I don't know.

també està en alemany

It is also in German.

no la sé fer

I don't know how to do it.

hi ha una illa al nord que es diu Rugen

there is an island to the north called Rügen

jo he intentat pronunciar Rugen moltes vegades

I have tried to pronounce Rugen many times.

i és

and it is

o sigui que

that is to say

he fet una versió de Slimane

I have made a version of Slimane.

Mon amour

My love

i amb aquest cant a l'amor

and with this song to love

que ell també promulga

that he also promulgates

que és el que ha d'imparar

what is it that must be learned

per Eurovisió, pels valors

for Eurovision, for values

o sigui que amb això marxem Mia

So with this, we leave, Mia.

molt bé fins aviat

very well see you soon

Adeu i perdoneu-me pel meu francès

Goodbye and forgive me for my French.

Adeu Slimane Mon amour

Goodbye Slimane My love



Mon amour

My love


tell me

en quoi tu penses

What are you thinking about?

si tu saps

if you know

on som

where are we

désolé si je te dérange

Sorry if I bother you.

Mon amour

My love

tu saps

you know

que la gent

that the people

de tot el món

from all over the world

se'n veu

you can see it

a les primeres

at the beginning



si et van

if they go to you

si et fan

if they make you

per si, si et fan

just in case, if they do it to you

per que


et fan

they make you

per si, si et fan

just in case, if they do it to you

per qui

for whom

et fa

it makes you

És que tu m'aimes

It's that you love me.

Mon amour

My love

I a fer-te tot el que jo vull

And to do everything I want with you.

Amb la sang de la por

With the blood of fear

L'impossible si tu no vols

The impossible if you don't want it.

Mon amour

My love

I a fer-te tot el que jo vull

And to do everything I want with you.

Amb la sang de la por

With the blood of fear

L'impossible si tu no vols

The impossible if you don't want it.

Amb la sang de la por

With the blood of fear

L'impossible si tu no vols

The impossible if you don't want it.

Amb la sang de la por

With the blood of fear

I a fer-te tot el que jo vull

And to do everything I want with you.

Amb la sang de la por

With the blood of fear

I a fer-te tot el que jo vull

And to do everything I want with you.

Amb la sang de la por

With the blood of fear

I a fer-te tot el que jo vull

And to do everything I want with you.

Amb la sang de la por

With the blood of fear.

I a fer-te tot el que jo vull

And do everything I want with you.

Amb la sang de la por

With the blood of fear

I a fer-te tot el que jo vull

And to do everything that I want with you.

Amb la sang de la por

With the blood of fear

I a fer-te tot el que jo vull

And to do everything I want with you.

Jo t'estime, no sé per què, jo reju la cèl·lule,

I love you, I don't know why, I rejuvenate the cell.

és tot el mateix fang que comença de nou, tu no m'animes, no, no, fes-ho,

it's all the same mud that starts anew, you don't cheer me on, no, no, do it,

és que tu m'em, és que tu m'em, és que tu m'em, és que tu m'em.

it's that you give me, it's that you give me, it's that you give me, it's that you give me.

Gràcies per veure'ns!

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