6. el gegant del pi - aventures i galetes



6. el gegant del pi - aventures i galetes


Necessitaràs 180 grams de farina, 80 grams de mantega, 100 grams de sucre...

You will need 180 grams of flour, 80 grams of butter, 100 grams of sugar...

Barreja la farina amb la llet, bata les lletres i afegeix imaginació.

Mix the flour with the milk, whisk the letters and add imagination.

Remena-ho tot molt bé amb una cullera i...

Stir it all very well with a spoon and...

Capítol 6. El gegant del pit.

Chapter 6. The chest giant.

M'havien regalat els pots, m'havien passat moltes coses i havia viscut moltes aventures.

They had gifted me the jars, a lot of things had happened to me, and I had lived many adventures.

I prou que ho sabeu, havia après a fer un munt de galetes diferents.

I was enough that you know, I had learned to make a lot of different cookies.

Hi havia, però, en tot plegat, alguna cosa que encara no m'acabava d'equadrar

There was, however, something in all of this that still didn’t quite add up for me.

i esperava poder-ho resoldre aquell dissabte.

and I hoped to be able to resolve it that Saturday.

La setmana se m'havia fet llarguíssima.

The week had felt extremely long to me.

Dilluns, dimarts, dimecres, dijous, divendres...

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday...

I per fi, dissabte.

And finally, Saturday.

Us haig de confessar que havia pres una decisió.

I must confess to you that I had made a decision.

Obriria la botiga només al matí.

I would only open the shop in the morning.

La tarda me la vaig reservar tota sencera per obrir el pot.

I set aside the whole afternoon to open the jar.

L'ocasió s'ho mereixia i així ho vaig fer.

The occasion deserved it, and that's what I did.

Que llarga se'm va fer l'espera.

The wait felt so long to me.

I això que vaig estar ben entretinguda i vaig vendre força.

And the thing is that I was quite busy and sold a lot.

És més, vaig vendre dues coses que feia anys que tenia a la botiga

What's more, I sold two things that I had in the store for years.

i que em pensava que no vendria mai.

And I thought it would never come.

Un coixí antic on hi havia brodada la frase

An old pillow on which the phrase was embroidered.

cosa dolenta fora del ventre.

bad thing outside the womb.

I això que vaig fer.

And that is what I did.

Ho diuen això a casa vostra?

Do you say this at your home?

El meu avi ho deia sempre just abans de fer un pet.

My grandfather always said it just before farting.

Cosa dolenta fora del ventre, deia.

Something bad outside the womb, he said.

Ah, i també vaig vendre una cantimplora feta de ganxet.

Ah, and I also sold a canteen made of crochet.

És evident que no servia per res.

It is clear that it was useless.

Però just aquell dia va entrar a la botiga una senyora

But just that day a lady came into the store.

que em va fer saber que col·leccionava cantimplores

that made me aware that he/she collected water bottles

i que no n'havia vist mai cap com aquella.

and I had never seen one like that.

Tot plegat em va distreure força.

All in all, it distracted me quite a bit.

Però tot i això, no podia parar de pensar en el sisè pot.

But despite this, I couldn't stop thinking about the sixth pot.

Tenia el pressentiment que com que era l'últim

I had a feeling that since it was the last one.

em guardava una sorpresa.

He was keeping a surprise for me.

No m'equivocava.

I was not mistaken.

Però tampoc m'esperava que la sorpresa seria tan i tan gran.

But I also didn't expect that the surprise would be so, so great.

Per fi va arribar l'esperat moment.

The long-awaited moment finally arrived.

Vaig obrir el sisè pot i em vaig treure els papers.

I opened the sixth jar and took out the papers.

A hores d'ara ja sabia com funcionava.

By now I already knew how it worked.

Primer havia de fer la recepta de les galetes.

First, I had to make the cookie recipe.

Som-hi, vaig pensar.

Let's go, I thought.

Per sort també tenia tots els ingredients.

Fortunately, I also had all the ingredients.

Farina, sucre, llet...

Flour, sugar, milk...



Les galetes del sisè pot portaven romaní.

The sixth-grade cookies had rosemary.

Heu tastat mai el romaní?

Have you ever tasted rosemary?

Jo sempre en tinc.

I always have some.

En poso a les patates, quan les faig al forn, a la verdura...

I put it on the potatoes, when I bake them, on the vegetables...

Vaig seguir les instruccions al peu de la lletra.

I followed the instructions to the letter.

I ara ja m'hi havia acostumat.

And now I had already gotten used to it.

Vaig mossegar la galeta

I bit the cookie.

sabent que amb la queixalada arribaria també el moment màgic.

knowing that with the bite would also come the magical moment.



Sembla que soc en un poble.

It seems that I am in a village.

Però no sé quin deu ser.

But I don't know which one it must be.

No sembla pas gaire gran.

It doesn't seem very big.

Benvolguda Griselda Maria,

Dear Griselda Maria,

la història d'avui ens porta a Caldes de Montbui.

Today's story takes us to Caldes de Montbui.

Oh, que bé!

Oh, how nice!

Aquí a Caldes de Montbui hi ha unes termes fantàstiques.

Here in Caldes de Montbui there are some fantastic thermal baths.

Potser m'hi podré banyar...

Maybe I can take a dip there...

Has de saber que per aquell temps

You should know that by that time

Cristòfol Colom havia arribat a Barcelona.

Christopher Columbus had arrived in Barcelona.

Portava moltes coses d'Amèrica.

He brought many things from America.

Però el que va cridar més l'atenció a la gent

But what caught people's attention the most

va ser un gegantàs que l'acompanyava.

It was a giant who accompanied him.

Que Cristòfol Colom va viatjar a Amèrica ja ho sabia.

I already knew that Christopher Columbus traveled to America.

Ara d'això dels gegantàs no en tenia ni idea.

Now I had no idea about those giants.

I em pregunto si els va portar a Barcelona

I wonder if he took them to Barcelona.

què hi faig jo a Caldes de Montbui.

What am I doing in Caldes de Montbui?

El rei va mostrar un gran interès per aquell gegant

The king showed great interest in that giant.

perquè no n'havia vist mai cap.

because I had never seen one before.

Va quedar molt sorprès

He was very surprised.

quan un seu conseller va dir-li

when one of his advisers told him

que molt a prop de la ciutat a Caldes de Montbui

that very close to the city in Caldes de Montbui

en vivia un de molt més alt

there lived one much taller

i molt més gran que aquell gegant americà.

and much bigger than that American giant.

Era el famós Farill de Caldes

It was the famous Farill de Caldes.

del que s'explicaven moltes i curioses anècdotes.

of which many curious anecdotes were told.

Ah, ah!

Ah, ah!

Em sembla que ja començo a entendre

I think I'm starting to understand.

què hi faig aquí.

What am I doing here?

En curiosit, el rei va ordenar

Out of curiosity, the king ordered

que l'anessin a cercar tot seguit.

that they go to fetch him immediately.

Però quan el missatger va arribar

But when the messenger arrived

a casa del Farill i va trucar a la porta...

at the Farill's house and knocked on the door...

No puc obrir ara.

I can't open it now.

Estic fent caca.

I am pooping.

Obre la porta, que porto un missatge del rei.

Open the door, for I bring a message from the king.

Estic fent cacona.

I am taking a dump.

Et dic, oh, deixa'm acabar.

I tell you, oh, let me finish.

Afanya't, que no tinc tot el dia.

Hurry up, I don't have all day.

Jo vinc pesat.

I'm coming heavy.

Oh, espera un moment.

Oh, wait a moment.

Que m'acabo de netejar el cul.

I just wiped my butt.

Per fi, et faig saber

Finally, I let you know.

que el rei vol veure't

that the king wants to see you

i que demana que vinguis amb mi

and asks that you come with me

cap a Barcelona.

towards Barcelona.

A Barcelona?

To Barcelona?

No se m'hi ha perdut res, a Barcelona.

I haven't lost anything there, in Barcelona.

Tu et penses que pots venir aquí

Do you think you can come here?

a estroncar-me la feina

to cut off my work

i al damunt

and above

ho haig de deixar tot

I have to leave everything.

i anar a la ciutat.

I am going to the city.

Sàpigues que no rebo

Know that I do not receive.

ordres ni peticions

orders or requests

d'aquí no em deixa cagar.

I can't take a dump from here.



Apa, ja pots marxar.

Come on, you can leave now.

Bon vent i barca nova.

Fair winds and a new boat.

Ui, ui, ui,

Oh, oh, oh,

el fort farell no fa cas del rei.

The strong farrell pays no heed to the king.

Això pot tenir conseqüències, no?

This can have consequences, right?

Crec que el rei s'enfadarà molt

I think the king will be very upset.

quan sàpiga que no li ha fet

when he knows that he hasn't done it to him

cap cas. Ja sé,

in no case. I already know,

pujaré damunt d'aquest pic i així

I will climb on top of this peak and so.

veuré ben bé què passa.

I will see exactly what happens.

Si el missatger realment marxa

If the messenger really leaves.

i què farà en farell.

And what will Farell do?

Quan el missatger va sortir de caldes

When the messenger left Caldes

de Montbui, els veïns, els amics

from Montbui, the neighbors, the friends

i tota la gent del poble

and all the people of the town

varen fer entendre el gegant

they made the giant understand

que havia fet molt mal fet en respondre

that he/she had done a lot of wrong in responding

d'aquella manera. La negativa

in that way. The refusal

al rei podia sortir-li molt cara.

The king could find it very costly.

El gegant s'ho va rumiar

The giant thought it over.

una estona i ja molt més tranquil.

a while and already much calmer.

Va pensar que si el rei

He thought that if the king

el reclamava, potser sí

he was calling for him, perhaps yes

que seria bo d'anar-hi

it would be good to go there

i va decidir sortir tot seguit

and decided to leave immediately.

cap a Barcelona per tal de complaure

heading to Barcelona to please

el monarca.

the monarch.

Ai, ai, què passa?

Oh, oh, what’s happening?

Algú m'està...

Someone is...

aixecant! Ai, deixa'm agafar fort!

lifting! Oh, let me hold on tight!

Ai, ai, ai!

Oh, oh, oh!

El gegant va arrencar

The giant tore away.

un enorme pi del bosc per fer-lo servir

a huge pine from the forest to make use of it

com a bastó. Havia de triar

like a stick. I had to choose

justament el pi on jo m'he enfilat,

just the pine tree where I have climbed up,

gegant! Gegantàs, deixa'm baixar!

Giant! Giant, let me down!

Deixa'm baixar ara mateix!

Let me get off right now!

Eh, què hi fa

Eh, what does it matter?

una senyora dalt d'un pi?

A lady at the top of a pine tree?

Què passa? No podem pujar dalt dels pins,

What's happening? We can't climb up the pines,

les senyores! Ja sé que no sóc

The ladies! I already know that I am not.

ben jove, però mentre pugui, ho penso fer.

I'm still young, but as long as I can, I plan to do it.

I ningú, ni tan sols un gegantàs,

And no one, not even a giant,

ni tan sols un gegantàs, em dirà

not even a giant, he will tell me

no, ara, però, deixa'm baixar.

No, not now, but let me get off.

D'acord, d'acord, perdona,

Okay, okay, sorry,

et puc deixar a terra, si vols,

I can leave you on the ground, if you want.

però és que estem a mig camí

but we are halfway there

de Barcelona. Si et deixo

from Barcelona. If I let you

aquí a mig, què faràs?

here in the middle, what will you do?

Si vols, et poso a la meva butxaca

If you want, I'll put you in my pocket.

i acabes d'arribar amb mi

and you just arrived with me

fins a la ciutat. Bé, bé,

to the city. Good, good,

suposo que tens raó. D'acord, d'acord,

I suppose you're right. Alright, alright.

posa'm a la teva butxaca i vinc amb tu

put me in your pocket and I'll come with you

cap a Barcelona. Som-hi,

towards Barcelona. Let's go,

doncs, au!

Well, come on!

Mare meva!

My goodness!

Quin salts que fa aquest gegant!

What jumps this giant makes!

Quines gambades!

What blunders!

És molt més ràpid que la ranfa!

It's much faster than the fluff!

Tot fent camí, el gegant Farella es va trobar

While on his way, the giant Farella came across

amb un grup de soldats a cavall

with a group of mounted soldiers

que anaven a cercar-lo

that they were going to look for him

per portar-lo a la força davant del rei.

to bring him by force before the king.

No va ser necessari,

It wasn't necessary.

perquè ell ja hi anava de bon grat.

because he was already going willingly.

Les passes del gegant eren tan llargues

The giant's steps were so long.

que el cap de no res ja va ser

that the head of nothing has already been

davant el portal de la ciutat.

in front of the city gate.

Tu, gegantàs,

You, giantess,

si vols entrar a la ciutat,

if you want to enter the city,

ens has de donar aquest bastó

you have to give us this stick

com a tribut de llenya.

as a tribute of firewood.

És llei de la ciutat

It is the law of the city.

que qui té llenya

who has firewood

ens l'ha de donar

he has to give it to us

pel bé de tota la població.

for the good of the whole population.

No és pas llenya, això!

This is not firewood, you know!

Això és el meu bastó!

This is my cane!

Però és de fusta!

But it's made of wood!

És de fusta,

It is made of wood,

però no és llenya

but it is not firewood

que et dic que és el meu bastó.

I tell you that it is my cane.

Si és de fusta,

If it is made of wood,

pot servir de llenya,

it can be used as firewood,

perquè la llenya és fusta.

because firewood is wood.

I un bastó és de fusta

And a stick is made of wood.

i pot servir de llenya,

and it can serve as firewood,

perquè la llenya és fusta.

because firewood is wood.

I un bastó és de fusta

And a stick is made of wood.

i la fusta és de llenya.

and the wood is from firewood.

Ai, ai, ai, a veure com acabarà això.

Oh dear, let's see how this will end.

Ai, ai, ai, què fas, gegantàs,

Oh, oh, oh, what are you doing, big guy,

què fas?

What are you doing?

Per què així que està en el braç?

Why is it on the arm?

El fort Ferell va llençar

The strong Ferell threw.

l'enorme pi per sobre de la muralla

the enormous pine above the wall

i va anar a parar a l'interior de la ciutat

and ended up in the city center

talment com si fos una lleugera palla.

as if it were a light straw.

I aixecant una cama

And lifting a leg

va passar ell també

it happened to him too

per sobre de la muralla

above the wall

i va entrar a la ciutat.

and entered the city.

Era tan alt

He was so tall.

que sobre la ciutat

that over the city

sortia per sobre

it came out above

de totes les cases.

of all the houses.

És boníssima, això!

It's really good, this!

Quina gràcia!

How funny!

Com que ens dic la butxaca

As I tell you, the pocket.

de la jaqueta del gegant,

from the giant's jacket,

puc saludar la gent

I can greet the people.

que ha sortit als terrats

that has come out onto the rooftops

per veure com camina

to see how it walks

i es mou per tot Barcelona.

and moves all over Barcelona.

Eh, eh, això és el Palau del Rei!

Eh, eh, this is the Palace of the King!

A veure què passarà ara...

Let's see what will happen now...

El rei, quan va veure el gegant Ferell,

The king, when he saw the giant Ferell,

va comprovar que realment

he verified that really

era més alt i més fort

he was taller and stronger

que el que havia portat Colom

that which Columbus had brought

de les Amèriques.

from the Americas.

Va fer un convit

He made an invitation.

per tots dos gegants,

for both giants,

en el que treballaren

in which they worked

tots els cuiners de la ciutat.

all the cooks of the city.

Quan va començar l'àpat,

When the meal started,

els cambrers no tenien temps

the waiters didn't have time

de servir un plat

to serve a dish

que ja els en demanaven un altre.

that they were already asking for another one.

Ferell, dóna'm una mica de menjar a mi també,

Ferell, give me a little food too.

que tinc gana!

I'm hungry!

Té, a veure si t'agrada!

Here, let’s see if you like it!

Mmm, que bona que està

Mmm, how good it is.

aquesta albergínia rebussada!

this battered eggplant!

El gegant americà,

The American giant,

tot inflat de supervi,

all inflated with supervi,

estava convençut

I was convinced.

que ell era molt més fort

that he was much stronger

i que només amb una bufetada

and that with just a slap

deixaria mort el Ferell.

I would leave Ferell dead.

Menja, menja, Ferellàs,

Eat, eat, Ferellàs,

que mai més no menjaràs!

that you will never eat again!

Menja, menja, Ferellàs,

Eat, eat, Ferellàs,

que mai més no menjaràs!

that you will never eat again!

No li facis cas, Ferell,

Don't pay attention to him, Ferell.

a mi em sembla

it seems to me

que tu ets molt més fort.

that you are much stronger.

Passa'm una patata guisada

Pass me a stewed potato.

d'aquestes que tens al plat.

of these that you have on the plate.

I aquesta, que t'agradarà!

And this one, you'll like!

Mmm, gràcies, Ferell!

Mmm, thank you, Ferell!

En Ferell menjava sense parar,

In Ferell, he ate non-stop,

no fent ni mica de cas

not paying the slightest attention

a les provocacions del gegant americà.

to the provocations of the American giant.

Havent acabat l'àpat,

Having finished the meal,

tots els habitants sortiren als terrats

All the inhabitants went out onto the rooftops.

per presenciar el combat

to witness the fight

entre les dues moles humanes.

between the two human moles.

Un combat?

A fight?

Però si en Ferell està aquí ben tranquil,

But if Ferell is here quite calmly,

plantat ben ferm al mig de la plaça.

planted firmly in the middle of the square.

Un moment, què fa el gegant americà?

Wait a moment, what is the American giant doing?

Per què ve cap aquí,

Why is it coming here,

amb aquesta cara d'enfadat?

with that angry face?

Ferell, Ferell, vigila!

Ferell, Ferell, watch out!

Vigila, que aquest gegantàs ve cap aquí,

Watch out, this giant is coming over here.

sembla que ens vol embestir.

It seems like it's trying to charge at us.

Tranquil·la, senyora!

Calm down, ma'am!

Potser que tregui de la butxaca

Maybe I should take it out of my pocket.

que em sembla que tindrem

that it seems to me we will have

una mica d'enrenou.

a bit of commotion.

Sí, sí, sí, potser serà millor que...

Yes, yes, yes, maybe it would be better to...

Ha, ha, ha!

Ha, ha, ha!

Ah, tu, gegantàs americà,

Ah, you, American giant,

no em peguis així, és el Ferell!

Don't hit me like that, it's Ferell!

Ui, ui, ui, aquí van maldades!

Oh, oh, oh, here comes trouble!

Va començar una baralla a cops de punt

A fight broke out with punches.

i amb esgarrapades, mossegades

and with scratches, bites

i cosses, i mentre en Ferell

and things, and while Ferell

aguantava a peu dret, sense moure's,

standing still, without moving,

l'americà quedava

the American was left

extenuat de tant atacar.

exhausted from so much attacking.

Tot i això,


les forces estaven molt igualades.

the forces were very evenly matched.

Ai, quina sotregada!

Oh, what a jolt!

Oh, no, estic volant!

Oh, no, I'm flying!

Oh, quina patacada!

Oh, what a crash!

Quina patacada!

What a crash!

Però contra qui he xocat?

But who did I bump into?

Oh, he topat contra l'ull del gegant americà!

Oh, he bumped into the eye of the American giant!

Ei, vigila, vine cap aquí

Hey, watch out, come over here.

que t'agafo!

I've got you!

Gràcies, Ferell, per agafar-me!

Thank you, Ferell, for picking me up!

Oh, que bé!

Oh, how nice!

Torno a ser a la butxaca!

I'm back in the pocket!

Oh, que li passa

Oh, what is happening to him/her?

al gegantàs americà!

to the American giant!

Però si no es treu la mà de l'ull!

But if you don't take your hand out of your eye!

Ai, ai, crec que li he fet mal sense voler!

Oh no, I think I've hurt him accidentally!

Em sap greu ara, també!

I'm sorry now, too!

El gegant Ferell va vèncer el gegant americà

The giant Ferell defeated the American giant.

i va preguntar al rei

and asked the king

que què volia que em fes d'aquesta raó.

What did you want me to do about this reason?

Ruïna, d'home!

Ruin, man!

Podeu fer amb ell el que vulgueu!

You can do whatever you want with him!

Va respondre el rei.

The king responded.

Què faràs, Ferell, què faràs?

What will you do, Ferell, what will you do?

Ja has guanyat, no cal que el castiguis més, tampoc!

You've already won, there's no need to punish him any more, either!

Diuen que va agafar

They say he/she took.

el gegant per l'orella

the giant by the ear

mentre cridava

while shouting

Gent de les Amèriques, aparteu-vos

People of the Americas, stand aside.

que allà on caurà

where it will fall

tot ho aixafarà!

It will crush everything!

I el va llençar per damunt dels terrats

And he threw him over the rooftops.

enviant-lo de tornada a les Amèriques.

sending it back to the Americas.

El rei va quedar molt content

The king was very happy.

i orgullós del conflicte.

and proud of the conflict.

El portament del Ferell

The port of Ferell

i el va recompensar amb una bossa

and he rewarded him with a bag

plena de diners.

full of money.

Apa, Ferellàs, prou que t'has sortit a compte

Come on, Ferellàs, enough, you got away with it.

a venir a Barcelona!

to come to Barcelona!

Quants diners que t'ha donat el rei, eh?

How much money has the king given you, huh?

Ferell, Ferell, deixa'm a terra!

Ferell, Ferell, let me down on the ground!

Encara que només sigui una estona,

Even if it's only for a little while,

viure a la baralla des de la butxaca

living in the struggle from the pocket

m'ha deixat ben marejada.

It has left me quite dizzy.

Deixa'm descansar una estona

Let me rest for a while.

i després, si vols, t'acompanyo cap a Caldes de Montbuí.

And then, if you want, I'll accompany you to Caldes de Montbuí.

Millor que et quedis aquí,

Better that you stay here,

s'ha fet fosc i fa molt fred.

It has gotten dark and it is very cold.

D'acord, en aquest cas, Ferell,

Okay, in this case, Ferell,

abans de deixar-me a terra,

before leaving me on the ground,

pugem un moment cap amunt.

Let's go up for a moment.

Així, aquí volia arribar,

Thus, this is where I wanted to get to,

just al costat de la teva galta.

right next to your cheek.

Et vull fer un petó ben gran, Ferellàs!

I want to give you a big kiss, Ferellàs!

Quina magnífica aventura

What a magnificent adventure!

he viscut al teu costat!

I have lived by your side!


Thank you!

Gràcies a tu per la companyia.

Thank you for your company.

Me'n torno cap a Caldes.

I'm going back to Caldes.

Tot el poble deu voler saber què ha passat.

The whole town must want to know what happened.

Es quedaran de pasta,

They will be left with dough.

demoniado, quan els digui

demonized, when I tell them

que he guanyat gràcies a la feina.

that I have won thanks to work.

Gràcies a tu per la companyia.

Thank you for your company.

I el cop a l'ull

And the blow to the eye

que una senyora ha donat

that a lady has given

al gegantàs americà.

to the American giant.

Sí que quedaran sorpresos, sí.

They will be surprised, yes.

I tu t'emportes

And you take it away.

aquesta bossa plena de monedes.

this bag full of coins.

Brillen molt!

They shine a lot!

Oh, oh,

Oh, oh,

ja s'acaba l'aventura.

The adventure is coming to an end.

Ja torno a veure lletres.

I see letters again.

Són daurades.

They are golden.

Brillen, brillen.

Sparkle, sparkle.

Ja no són monedes, no, que són lletres.

They are no longer coins, no, they are letters.

Oh, allò sí, són grosses

Oh, that yes, they are big.

com gegants.

like giants.

Estan sortint de la bossa

They are coming out of the bag.

i comencen a omplir el meu voltant.

and start to fill my surroundings.

La EFA de Farell

The Farell EFA

és la més gran de totes.

she is the biggest of them all.

Més grosses que un píson.

Bigger than a cucumber.

Ui, ui, el picatín

Oh, oh, the little pecker.

davant la botiga.

in front of the store.

No havia estat malament, no,

It hadn't been bad, no.

la llegenda de l'últim pot.

the legend of the last pot.

Suposava que el gegant devia haver arribat bé.

I assumed that the giant must have arrived safely.

Vaig agafar la carta per llegir el final.

I picked up the letter to read the ending.

Per si m'havia perdut alguna cosa.

In case I had missed something.

Tot que ho foi,

Even though it was,

el nostre gegant se'n torna cap a Caldes.

Our giant is heading back to Caldes.

Quan anava pel camí que voreia,

As I was walking along the path that bordered,

ja que ell serà un caminant,

since he will be a walker,

caminant, se li va fer de llet

walking, it became milk for him

i es va posar a dormir al ras.

and he/she went to sleep in the open air.

La nit era tan gèl·lida

The night was so chilly.

que sense adonar-se'n

that without realizing it

es va quedar congelat.

he was left frozen.

I així

And thus

va morir en Farell.

he died in Farell.

Em va saber greu. Quina pena.

I'm sorry to hear that. What a shame.

Allò, de veritat, que no m'ho esperava.

Honestly, I really didn't expect that.

Darrere Vallvidrera,

Behind Vallvidrera,

a la línia de l'horitzó,

at the horizon line,

la muntanya té la forma

the mountain has the shape

d'un home gegut dormint.

of a man lying down sleeping.

La gent diu que és en Farell,

People say it's Farell,

que s'ha tornat muntanya.

that has become mountain.

Vaig pensar que això devia ser fa molt,

I thought this must have been a long time ago,

perquè ara s'hi ha construït tant

because so much has been built there now

que ja no es pot veure. Una llàstima, també.

that can no longer be seen. A pity, too.

Griselda Maria,

Griselda Maria,

no ets pas gaire gran,

you are not that big,

però ben segur que deus conèixer

but you surely must know

la cançó del gegant del Pi.

the song of the giant of Pi.

Sí, clar que la devia conèixer la Griselda Maria

Yes, of course she must have known Griselda Maria.

a qui anava dirigida la carta.

Who the letter was addressed to.

I jo també la conec.

And I know her too.

El gegant del Pi

The giant of the Pine

ara balla, ara balla

now dance, now dance

el gegant del Pi

the Giant of the Pine

ara balla pel camí.

now dance along the road.

Generalment es creu

Generally, it is believed.

que el gegant del Pi és el Farell

that the giant of the Pi is the Farell

perquè portava un Pi com a bastó

because he was carrying a pine tree as a staff

quan va venir de Caldes de Montbuí.

when he/she came from Caldes de Montbuí.

El gegant de la ciutat seria el gegant americà

The giant of the city would be the American giant.

que va portar Colom

What Columbus brought

i que va sortir volant per damunt dels terrats.

and flew over the rooftops.

S'entén que un gegant tan gran

It is understood that such a large giant

no podia anar trepitjant

I couldn't go stepping.

ni ballant pels terrats.

not even dancing on the rooftops.

Que curiós, vaig pensar.

How curious, I thought.

A cas m'explicaven que això del gegant del Pi

They were telling me about the giant of the Pi.

ve d'una vegada que els gegants de la ciutat

come once that the giants of the city

havien de ballar a la Rambla

they had to dance on the Rambla

i van convidar també a ballar

and they also invited to dance

els del barri del Pi.

the people from the Pi neighborhood.

Segons em deien a casa,

According to what they told me at home,

els gegants de la ciutat van ballar

the giants of the city danced

pel centre de la Rambla,

through the center of the Rambla,

que aleshores era una mica enlairada

that was then a bit elevated

i s'anomenava Terrat.

It was named Terrat.

I els del Pi van ballar pel camí del costat de la Rambla

And those from El Pi danced along the path beside the Rambla.

i d'aquí la cançó

and from here the song

el gegant del Pi

the Giant of the Pine

ara balla, ara balla

now dance, now dance

el gegant del Pi

the Giant of the Pine

ara balla pel camí.

now dance along the way.

Aleshores vaig decidir llegir

Then I decided to read.

com s'acomiadava en Joan en aquesta última carta.

how Joan said goodbye in this last letter.

Benvolguda Griselda Maria,

Dear Griselda Maria,

t'haig de fer saber

I have to let you know.

que ja no et portaré més capses

that I will no longer bring you any more boxes

amb receptes de galetes i llegendes.

with cookie recipes and legends.

Plego de fer de comerçant.

I quit being a merchant.

Ja sóc gran i em toca descansar.

I am already grown up and it's time for me to rest.

Espero que t'ho hagis passat bé

I hope you had a good time.


reading them.

T'he posat la llegenda del gegant del Pi

I have put the legend of the Giant of Pi for you.

perquè passa a la ciutat

because it happens in the city

i perquè m'agraden molt les llegendes de gegants.

And because I really like the legends of giants.

Ja has vist que l'anterior

Have you seen that the previous one?

també ho era.

it was too.

De fet, la vostra pastisseria

In fact, your pastry shop

està al barri del Pi.

It is in the Pi neighborhood.

T'haig de dir que teniu una pastisseria molt bonica.

I have to tell you that you have a very nice bakery.

Els taulets,

The small tiles,

els nens verds

the green children

i les lletres demorades

and the delayed letters

de pastisseria roig del reto

from red pastry of the challenge

i del carrer

and from the street

són molt amagants.

they are very elusive.

I ja et dic ara

And I tell you now

que les trobaré a faltar.

that I will miss them.

Se'm van obrir uns ulls

I opened my eyes.

com unes taronges.

like some oranges.

La pastisseria roig

The red pastry shop

era la pastisseria dels meus besavis

it was my great-grandparents' bakery

i és just on tinc avui la meva botiga.

And that’s just where I have my shop today.

De cop ho vaig veure tot claríssim.

Suddenly, everything became very clear to me.

Vosaltres no ho sabeu,

You don't know it,

però porto el nom de la meva àvia.

but I carry the name of my grandmother.

Vull dir que ella també es deia Griselda Maria.

I mean, her name was also Griselda Maria.

Per fi vaig saber que era la meva àvia.

I finally found out it was my grandmother.

I vaig entendre per què

I understood why.

en Joan feia referència a objectes i detalls

Joan was referring to objects and details.

que encara conservo a casa.

that I still keep at home.

La cadira de bímet vermella

The red bi-material chair.

era de la meva àvia,

it was my grandmother's,

igual que totes les altres coses

just like all the other things

que també havien estat seves

that had also been theirs

o de casa seva o de la pastisseria.

either from home or from the pastry shop.

El mirall, el corró, l'arc i la fletxa

The mirror, the roller, the bow and the arrow.

i fins i tot el fullet.

and even the leaflet.

He guardat tots aquests objectes

I have kept all these objects.

perquè m'agraden els objectes antics.

because I like antique objects.

Soc antiquària, ves?

I am an antiques dealer, you see?

Que fort!

How cool!

En Joan,


portava els pots a la meva àvia

I was taking the jars to my grandmother.

quan ella encara era una nena.

when she was still a girl.

Un moment,

One moment,

encara no havia acabat de llegir del tot la carta.

I still hadn't finished reading the letter completely.

Només et demano una cosa.

I only ask you one thing.

No et quedis aquestes històries

Don't keep these stories to yourself.

i llegendes per tu sola.

and legends just for you.

Deixa els pots als teus amics i amigues

Leave the pots to your friends.

i anima'ls també a fer galetes

and encourage them to make cookies as well

i a viure aventures.

and to live adventures.

I gaudeix sempre de la lectura

I always enjoy reading.

de les galetes

of the cookies

i de totes les coses bones de la vida.

and of all the good things in life.

Joan de Zumbila,

Joan of Zumbila,

comerciant de galetes i carquilles.

cookie and pastry dealer.



Enteneu ara el que havia passat?

Do you understand now what had happened?

Ja ha quedat bastant clar, oi?

It has already become quite clear, right?

La meva àvia, com us vaig dir en el primer capítol,

My grandmother, as I told you in the first chapter,

ja era amiga de l'àvia de la meva amiga Raquel.

I was already a friend of my friend Raquel's grandmother.

Segur que els pots eren a casa seva

Surely the pigs were at home.

perquè la meva àvia els hi havia deixat.

because my grandmother had left them.

Per la raó que sigui es van quedar allà

For whatever reason, they stayed there.

i gràcies al fet que la Raquel va voler fer neteja

and thanks to the fact that Raquel wanted to clean up

han tornat a mi.

they have returned to me.

El dia que vaig obrir el sisè pot

The day I opened the sixth can.

em vaig emocionar molt

I was very moved.

i en acabat vaig tenir una cosa ben clara.

And in the end, I had one thing very clear.

En Joan volia que aquestes històries

John wanted these stories.

es compartissin

they would be shared

En aquells temps s'havien de passar els pots

In those times, the pots had to be passed.

però estem al segle XXI

but we are in the 21st century

i ara es pot arribar a molta gent.

And now you can reach a lot of people.

Vaig decidir que no compartiria els pots

I decided that I would not share the jars.

sinó que faria un podcast.

but I would do a podcast.

Pot? Podcast.

Can? Podcast.

És ben divertit, tot plegat.

It's all quite funny.

Una versada enorme, estimats oients.

A huge verse, dear listeners.

Us prometo que si a la meva botiga

I promise you that if in my store

passa alguna altra cosa extraordinària

does something else extraordinary happen?

la compartiré de nou

I will share it again.

amb tots vosaltres.

with all of you.

Ah, i com sempre,

Ah, and as always,

recordeu que les notes del podcast

remember that the podcast notes

us deixen a vosaltres.

they leave you.


Thank you.

Us deixo la recepta de les galetes d'avui.

I'm leaving you the recipe for today's cookies.

Aquí acaba Les aventures i galetes,

Here ends The adventures and cookies,

un podcast produït per Cabuts,

a podcast produced by Cabuts,

amb el suport de l'Institut Català

with the support of the Catalan Institute

de les Empreses Culturals

of Cultural Enterprises

i la Generalitat de Catalunya,

and the Government of Catalonia,

amb les veus i els guions

with the voices and the scripts

d'Assumpte Mercader i Sergi Vallès

of Assumpte Mercader and Sergi Vallès

i la postproducció sonora

and the sound post-production

d'Òscar Matxancoses.

of Òscar Matxancoses.


Thank you.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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