#6 quin és el poder dels nostres records?



#6 quin és el poder dels nostres records?


I aquest és el capítol 7 del podcast número 7 de la Ràdio de l'Escola Pública de Fortaleny.

And this is chapter 7 of podcast number 7 of the Public School Radio of Fortaleny.

Avui estem asseguts així en taula, moltes mestres, només 3 tenen el micro davant.

Today we are sitting like this at the table, many teachers, only 3 have the microphone in front.

I anem a parlar de records.

Let's talk about memories.

Perquè els records diuen que hi ha un escriptor que va dir una volta

Because the memories say that there is a writer who once said

que els records i la memòria és l'únic patrimoni que tenim.

that memories and remembrance are the only heritage we have.

Quan ens pleguem al llit, al final de la nostra vida, que anem a morir,

When we lie down in bed, at the end of our life, when we are going to die,

diuen que l'únic que tenim són els records.

They say that the only thing we have are memories.

I és de veres, passa tota la vida per al nostre davant.

And it's true, life passes right before us.

Carmina, Marina i Pati, vosaltres teniu records?

Carmina, Marina, and Pati, do you have memories?

Clar, molt.

Of course, very much.

Jo recorde fins al primer dia que vaig entrar a l'escola.

I remember even the first day I entered school.

Doncs vos vaig a demanar que m'il·lustreu.

Well, I am going to ask you to enlighten me.

Vos vaig a demanar-vos diversos records de la vostra vida i farem un poc de conversa d'aquestes coses, d'acord?

I'm going to ask you for several memories from your life, and we'll have a little conversation about these things, okay?

Quina és la primera cosa que recordeu de la vostra vida, Marina?

What is the first thing you remember about your life, Marina?

Jo, quan era menuda, que teníem una caseta a la muntanya

I, when I was little, we had a little house in the mountains.

i passàvem allà molt, molt, molt de temps,

we spent a lot, a lot, a lot of time there,

amb els meus pares i els meus fills.

with my parents and my children.

Amb els meus pares i els meus fills.

With my parents and my children.

En fa vara?

Does it bother you?

No, en pla de corrals.

No, in the style of enclosures.

Ah, sí.

Ah, yes.

Per barcs.

For boats.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I sempre ho tinc això a la memòria.

And I always have this in mind.

De fet, ens somiem moltes vegades en això.

In fact, we often dream about this.

Quants anys estem parlant?

How many years are we talking about?

Quants anys tindries?

How old would you be?

Dos anys?

Two years?

Tres anys?

Three years?

No, més.

No, more.

El meu germà tindria un any i jo en tindria sis,

My brother would be one year old and I would be six.

quan ho vam comprar.

when we bought it.

I el temps que passàveu allí, tot això?

And the time you spent there, all of that?

Molt de temps.

A long time.

Això mola, eh?

This is cool, right?



Ho tiré de menys i m'haver agradat que les meves filles haguessin criat en eixentor.

I missed it and I would have liked my daughters to have grown up in that environment.

Carmina, quin és el primer record de la teva...

Carmina, what is your first memory of your...

El primer que recordes?

What do you remember first?

El meu record és la infantesa, en el meu garage,

My memory is childhood, in my garage,

ple de cosins, en la piscina,

full of cousins, in the pool,

que era l'única piscina...

that it was the only pool...

Però algun record en concret és...

But a specific memory is...

Jugar, estar allà, teníem allà al cantó,

Play, be there, we had there at the side,

hi havia unes caixes plenes de botelletes de cervesa,

there were some boxes full of beer bottles,

que un tio repartiria cervesa.

that a guy would distribute beer.



Som pares de Gisela i Marisa.

We are the parents of Gisela and Marisa.

Jo també anava allà.

I also used to go there.

I què fèiem?

And what were we doing?

Omplíem les botelletes de cervesa,

We filled the beer bottles.

vaig a la piscina,

I'm going to the pool.

vaig a l'aigua i ens posàvem allà a vendre.

I went to the water and we would just stand there selling.

I també sempre les bicis,

And also always the bikes,

pegant voltes i tot.

turning around and everything.

Jugar, vamos.

Let's play.

Jo el primer record de la meva vida,

I the first memory of my life,

i crec que té lògica, va ser quan estava a la Pantanar.

I think it makes sense; it was when I was at Pantanar.

Era en octubre del 82,

It was in October '82,

jo tenia 3 anys i mig,

I was three and a half years old.

i recorde, clar, és que això te se queda.

And I remember, of course, it stays with you.

Baixar les... Tu te'n recordes?

Lower the... Do you remember?

Jo no.

Not me.

Tu tenies mai menys.

You had never less.

Sí, sí, jo me'n recorde.

Yes, yes, I remember it.

Jo dos.

Me too.

Jo és que recorde baixar les escales de ma casa

I remember going down the stairs of my house.

i veure tota la casa plena d'aigua,

and see the whole house full of water,

de... Tu de quin poble eres?

Where are you from?


From Algira.

Ah, clar.

Ah, of course.

Pel Afines.

For the Affines.

I tu eres d'aquí, de Fortalén?

And are you from here, from Fortalén?

Jo soc de Fortalén.

I am from Fortalén.

D'aquesta carrera?

Of this race?

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

Aigua, però sí, més o menys, així, però sí.

Water, but yes, more or less, like this, but yes.

I recorde el comedor, el menjador ple d'aigua,

I remember the dining room, the dining room full of water,

i baixar, jo tenia molt de convoy, clar,

and to lower, I had a lot of convoy, of course,

3 anys i mig, i jo dient...

3 and a half years, and I saying...

Era mamà que guai, tenim una piscina a dins de casa.

Wow, mom, we have a pool inside the house.

I recorde, i això em va quedar molt gravat,

I remember, and that stuck with me very much,

ma mare plorant mentre jo ho deia,

my mother crying while I said it,

jo en un convoy, que volia pescar, i...

me in a convoy, wanting to fish, and...

Diferents punts de vista.

Different points of view.

Diferents punts de vista, clar, no?

Different points of view, clear, isn't it?

Clar, ara, quan Neus em diu que vol que anés a un huracán,

Sure, now, when Neus tells me that she wants me to go to a hurricane,

si t'arratem, tot això...

if we gather you, all this...

Ara ho entens.

Now you understand.

Clar, jo he canviat de...

Of course, I have changed from...

I tu quin és el primer record de la teva vida?

And what is your first memory of your life?

Doncs el primer record és també de la guarderia.

Well, the first memory is also from preschool.

Ho tinc perquè les amaquetes

I have it because of the bookmarks.

que ens posaven allà a la manteta,

that they would put us there on the blanket,

i recorde la porta aquesta, que era abatible.

I remember this door, which was hinged.



I tinc allà el sebeu del soroller de la porta.

I have the handle of the door's doorbell there.

I quin és el record més xulo, més feliç, més intens de l'abost?

And what is the coolest, happiest, most intense memory of the drunk?

Bé, deixant de part el naixement dels fills,

Well, setting aside the birth of children,

perquè si no és tot coincident,

because if it is not all coincident,

ho direm.

we will say it.

Jo no.

Not me.

Bé, tu no.

Well, you don't.

Quin és el moment més guai de la vostra vida xinès,

What is the coolest moment of your Chinese life?

d'explosió d'alegria?

of an explosion of joy?


Which one?

El moment en què em van dir que m'havia atret a la plaça.

The moment they told me that I had attracted to the square.

De mestra.

As a teacher.

I collo, pegaries un bot?

Hey, would you jump?



Encara plore.

Still crying.

Això quan va ser, en quin any?

When did this happen, in what year?

En el 2008.

In 2008.



2000, mentida, 2018.

2000, lie, 2018.

Fa cinc anys.

Five years ago.



Estic pensant-ho encara, el més feliç.

I am still thinking about it, the happiest.

Pensa, pensa, Carmina.

Think, think, Carmina.

Jo tampoc tinc ni idea.

I don't have a clue either.

Jo crec que el record més intens d'alegria de la meva vida

I believe that the most intense memory of joy in my life

va ser quan m'havien dit que anava al selectiu.

It was when they had told me that I was going to the selectivity.

Perquè jo n'hi havia una assignatura que anava,

Because there was a subject that I was involved in,

vull dir que havia aprovat segon de batxillerat.

I mean that I had passed the second year of high school.

A mi era una condemna, això.

To me, it was a sentence.

Home, però jo havia fet, com tots, segon de batxillerat,

At home, but I had done, like everyone, the second year of high school.

i tenia una assignatura que era dibuix,

I had a subject that was drawing,

ja ho has vist tu, després, a marcar la meva vida,

you have already seen it, then, to mark my life,

que havia fet el tonto, tota la...

that the fool had done, all the...

tot el curs.

the whole course.

Em pensava que no anava a aprovar,

I thought I wasn’t going to pass.

de fet, no vaig a aprovar,

in fact, I am not going to pass.

però els altres professors van fer força

but the other teachers were quite forceful

perquè el que la t'ajudin, que me'n recordi,

because what helps you, that I remember,


he will pass me.

I em va fer una espantada.

It scared me.

I Manolo Conca, sempre que el veig i el recordi,

I Manolo Conca, whenever I see him and remember him,

el professor d'Educació Física,

the physical education teacher,

fa més de mitja hora, en el teu cas.

it's been more than half an hour in your case.

Jo estava aquí, quan vaig dir...

I was here when I said...

És que jo, de fet, em pensava que no anava a passar.

I actually thought it wasn't going to happen.

I tenia bona nota, però, Nixa...

I had a good grade, but, Nixa...

Pati, has pensat alguna cosa?

Pati, have you thought of anything?

Estic en blanc, estic en blanc.

I'm blank, I'm blank.

No tens moments feliços en la teua vida?

Do you not have happy moments in your life?

No, no.

No, no.

Sí, però estic pensant en el més feliç a Aixina.

Yes, but I am thinking about the happiest in this way.

El més feliç, és clar, tinc molts records.

The happiest, of course, I have many memories.

I Carminar?

I Carminar?

La Òpera?

The Opera?

Però Aixina, què digues, un Opum?

But like this, what do you say, an Opum?

Home, la Òpera...

Home, the Opera...

Em costa tres anys i la veritat és que...

It took me three years and the truth is that...

Home, el moment que apareix...

Man, the moment that appears...

És un núvol negre que tenia,

It is a black cloud that I had,

i em va dir, xica, si no te'l trobes,

and he told me, girl, if you don't find him,

no passa res, interina.

It's okay, interim.

I jo deia, no, no, no,

And I said, no, no, no,

aquest núvol me'l he de llevar.

I have to get rid of this cloud.

I me'l vaig llevar.

I took it off.

Sí, superfeliç.

Yes, super happy.

Però també havia aprovat un any abans,

But he had also approved a year earlier,

sense plaça.

no square.

Jo és que el moment de la Òpera,

I mean the moment of the Opera,

a mi no vaig anar,

I didn't go.

jo, in situ, a veure,

me, on site, to see,

em tocaven pel telèfon,

they were calling me on the phone,

i jo estava, no m'ho creia.

And I was, I couldn't believe it.

Dic, que això no pot ser.

I say that this cannot be.

Llavors, el setembre sí que vaig anar jo a comprovar-ho,

Then, in September, I did go to check it.

però no m'ho creia, clar.

but I didn't believe it, of course.

Jo ficava el full.

I was putting in the sheet.

No t'has enganyat de rengló?

Haven't you misread the line?

O sigui, no sabeu dir

So, you can't say.

quin és el moment més guai.

What is the coolest moment?



A veure, jo el més feliç de la meva vida,

Let's see, I the happiest of my life,

a dies d'avui,

as of today,

després d'haver parit i tot,

after giving birth and all,

és que la meva filla, quan l'operaven,

it's just that my daughter, when they operated on her,

de lo que tenia,

of what I had,

que n'hi haguera l'opció

if there was the option



que és la que volien agafar dels metges,

which is the one they wanted to take from the doctors,

i que tinguera un final feliç.

and that it had a happy ending.

I això, per a mi, és el més gran

And this, for me, is the greatest.

que m'ha tocat a l'autoria.

that has affected me in authorship.

Més encara que el dia que vas parir?

More than the day you gave birth?

Sí, per supost.

Yes, of course.

El patir per un fill no el desitja ningú.

No one wishes to suffer for a child.

Això sí que és la felicitat plena,

This is true happiness.

és que tots estiguin sants.

it is that all are healthy.

I el patiment ple, després, també.

And the full suffering, afterwards, too.

No sols per a qualsevol cosa,

Not just for anything,

de fills, històries.

of children, stories.

Escolteu, Pati,

Listen, Pati,

tu passes pàgina.

you turn the page.

És el que dic a moments,

It's what I say at times,

si ets feliç o sí,

if you are happy or yes,

però intenta trobar un...

but try to find a...

Eres interina?

Are you a temporary employee?

No, sóc definitiva.

No, I am definitive.

Sí, el dia de l'oposició era com a...

Yes, the day of the opposition was like...

El dia que t'havien dit d'aprovar l'oposició

The day they had told you to pass the opposition.

no va ser un moment top.

it wasn't a top moment.

No, jo estava de cerveses amb la meva amiga

No, I was having beers with my friend.

i t'he dit que em va tocar la meva companya

I told you that my partner touched me.

de carrera, que ella havia anat,

of the race, that she had gone,

se suposava que hi hauria de matir,

it was supposed that there would have to be killing,

i ella ja va anar de vesprà.

And she already went in the evening.

Se veu que només les penxaren allí

It seems that they only hung them there.

i ella ja estava allí.

And she was already there.

Llavors, clar, ella mos va veure totes i em va tocar,

Then, of course, she saw all of us and touched me,

però jo ni si moment no m'ho creia,

but I didn't believe it for a moment,

perquè volia...

because I wanted...

En això de les memòries

In this matter of memories

hi ha també

there is also

el que es diu de records comuns

what is said about common memories

com a societat.

as a society.

Els nostres pares

Our parents

saben on estaven

they know where they were

quan van matar a Kennedy.

when they killed Kennedy.

Tots ho diuen.

Everyone says so.

Nosaltres no ho podem saber

We cannot know it.

perquè som joves.

because we are young.

Les torres bessones, vas dir.

The twin towers, you said.

Som joves, no?

We are young, aren't we?

Molt, molt.

Very, very.

Ja mos diuen dones i homes, segur.

They already tell us women and men, surely.

Sí, és l'espírit.

Yes, it is the spirit.

Aquest estiu m'ho van dir per primera volta

This summer they told me for the first time.



I a mi senyora.

And to my lady.

Senyora, el pots aportar que m'atapes la tela?

Madam, can you bring me the fabric that you are covering me with?

I m'hi van clavar una cabinetà

They hit me with a cabinet.

en el centre del...

in the center of...

A mi em van dir,

They told me,

i sepa que ell va donar a eixa dona,

I know that he gave to that woman,

i la dona era jo.

And the woman was me.





I t'ho xoca, la veritat és que sí.

And I crush it for you, the truth is that yes.

Sí, l'has encertada.

Yes, you got it right.

On estàveu fent

Where were you doing?

el dia de l'atemptat

the day of the attack

de les torres bessones?

of the twin towers?

Jo estava en l'apartament.

I was in the apartment.

A on? En Miami?

Where? In Miami?

En Tavernes.

In Tavernes.

I per la ràdio...

And on the radio...

Ah, i per la tele

Ah, and on TV.

hi va ser un moment...

it was a moment...

Ho vas veure quan van caure en directe?

Did you see it when they fell live?

Sí, sí, sí, estaven retransmitint en directe.

Yes, yes, yes, they were broadcasting live.

És que estava fent la siesta.

I was just taking a nap.

Sí, sí, jo ho vaig veure.

Yes, yes, I saw it.

Era mig dia.

It was midday.

Jo estava en el sofà

I was on the sofa.

a punt de fer la siesta

about to take a nap

i esperant que fos hora per ser amb les meves amigues

and hoping it was time to be with my friends

i també vaig veure... En directe no.

and I also saw... Not live.

Però vaig veure que en seguida tallaren

But I saw that they cut it off immediately.

el que estàvem fent i ho retransmitiren

what we were doing and they broadcasted it

en les notícies.

in the news.

Sí, estava en Favara.

Yes, I was in Favara.

I tu, Carminar?

And you, Carminar?

En cas de la meva amiga Inés, era mig dia.

In the case of my friend Inés, it was noon.

Estàvem ahí per internet, pel Messenger,

We were there online, on Messenger,

que antes era Messenger,

that used to be Messenger,

i xateant d'ahir amb els amics i tot.

and chatting with friends and all yesterday.

I mos ho digueren, ficarem la tele

They told us, let's turn on the TV.

i mos quedarem al·lucinades.

And we will be amazed.

Jo estava fent la siesta

I was taking a nap.

i quan te'n vaig...

And when I go...

Una siesta que jo sempre les faig d'un quart d'hora

A nap that I always take for a quarter of an hour.

i això va durar dues hores.

and this lasted two hours.

Treballava, llavors, molt matí

I was working very early then.

i a les cinc enxufa la ràdio

and at five o'clock turn on the radio

que encara ho faig, enxufar la ràdio de seguida

I still do it, I plug in the radio right away.

i no entenia res.

and I didn't understand anything.

Això que fas la siesta,

This thing you do, the siesta,

una siesta de dues hores,

a two-hour nap,

que tal, saps on som?

How are you, do you know where we are?

No saps on estàs.

You don't know where you are.

Que no saps si és matí, vespre o nit.

You don't know if it's morning, evening, or night.

I canviant la sintonia, tots dient...

And changing the tune, everyone saying...

I jo dic, bueno, això és que estic encara...

And I say, well, this means that I am still...

I quan vaig veure la tele,

And when I saw the TV,

també em vaig quedar en xoc a les cinc i mitja.

I was also in shock at five thirty.

Molt impactant.

Very impactful.

Doncs avui hem parlat de memòries

So today we talked about memories.

i de records.

and memories.

El pròxim dia no sabrem de què parlem.

The next day we won't know what we're talking about.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

A tu.

To you.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

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