70 - Entrevista a Xavier Bundó


La Sala de Solé: un podcast de Periodisme

70 - Entrevista a Xavier Bundó

La Sala de Solé: un podcast de Periodisme

Benvinguts al podcast per als curiosos que vulguin mirar darrere de les cortines del periodisme.

Welcome to the podcast for the curious who want to look behind the curtains of journalism.

La sala de Soler, un altre podcast de Marficom.

The Soler room, another podcast from Marficom.

Abans de parlar del capítol d'avui us demano disculpes, disculpes sinceres,

Before discussing today's chapter, I sincerely apologize to you.

perquè és que han passat quatre mesos des de l'últim capítol, el de l'Albert Llimós.

because it has been four months since the last episode, that of Albert Llimós.

Però us puc assegurar que aquests quatre mesos han sigut molt i molt intensos a la meva vida

But I can assure you that these four months have been very, very intense in my life.

i m'ha sigut impossible posar-me amb el meu hobby, que és la sala de Soler.

It has been impossible for me to engage in my hobby, which is Soler's room.

Recordeu, la sala de Soler no deixa de ser el meu hobby.

Remember, the Soler room is nothing more than my hobby.

Ja us vaig dir a finals del 2023 que a partir d'aquell moment

I already told you at the end of 2023 that from that moment on

simplificava el podcast a només entrevistes o temes monogràfics

it simplified the podcast to just interviews or thematic topics

i que els publicaria en el meu podcast.

and I would publish them on my podcast.

I que els publicaria quan tingués alguna cosa a dir

And that I would publish them when I had something to say.

o l'opció d'entrevistar algú interessant.

or the option to interview someone interesting.

I avui crec que és un d'aquests dies.

And today I believe it is one of those days.

Avui entra a la sala de Soler un periodista que m'acompanya tots els caps de setmana.

Today, a journalist who accompanies me every weekend enters Soler's room.

Mentre estic fent coses per casa o fins i tot quan surto fora,

While I am doing things around the house or even when I go outside,

al cotxe o vaig pel carrer, perquè jo vaig pel carrer sempre amb auriculars,

in the car or I walk down the street, because I always walk down the street with headphones,

escoltant la ràdio, doncs sempre sona la seva veu

listening to the radio, as his voice always plays

amb aquella rialla inconfusible que sentireu també en aquesta entrevista.

with that unmistakable laugh that you will also hear in this interview.

És el líder d'audiència els caps de setmana

He is the audience leader on weekends.

amb el seu Via Lliure des de fa una dècada.

with its Via Lliure for a decade now.

I és el líder d'audiència els caps de setmana amb el seu Via Lliure des de fa una dècada.

And he has been the audience leader on weekends with his Via Lliure for a decade.

I ja porta el seu segell únic.

And it already bears its unique seal.

Aquest diumenge, 21 de juliol, ha tancat la desena temporada del Via Lliure.

This Sunday, July 21, the tenth season of Via Lliure has concluded.

El setembre farà 10 anys que va començar una aventura

In September, it will be 10 years since an adventure began.

i diu que encara té corda, tot i que admet

and says that it still has some life left, although it admits

com li costa de fer un programa de cap de setmana tan llarg

how hard it is for him to make such a long weekend program

i conciliar amb la família.

and reconcile with the family.

De tot plegat, parlem avui amb Xavier Bundó

Today we talk about all of this with Xavier Bundó.

en una entrevista que per primer cop he fet en persona,

in an interview that I have done in person for the first time,

no amb videotrucada.

not with video call.

I m'heu de disculpar per l'eco que se sent,

You must excuse me for the echo that is heard.

però la sala que ens van deixar,

but the room they let us have,

per fer l'entrevista, tenia els sostres molt alts

To do the interview, I had very high ceilings.

i sembla que estiguem en una catedral.

And it seems like we are in a cathedral.

Si podeu abstreure-vos d'això,

If you can detach yourselves from this,

disfrutareu d'una entrevista molt i molt interessant

You will enjoy a very, very interesting interview.

amb Xavier Bundó.

with Xavier Bundó.


Let's connect!

Xavier Bundó, benvingut a la sala de Soler.

Xavier Bundó, welcome to the Soler room.

Què tal? Com estàs? Moltes gràcies per convidar-me.

How are you? How are you doing? Thank you very much for inviting me.

Ens hem perseguit una miqueta, ha costat trobar el dia.

We've chased each other a bit, it was hard to find the day.

De fet, he hagut d'enganxar la sortida d'una entrevista

In fact, I had to stick the exit of an interview.

aquí al CCC.

here at the CCC.

Ens hem deixat un espai, per tant, la veritat té molt de mèrit.

We have left ourselves some space, therefore, the truth has a lot of merit.

T'ho agraeixo, perquè ja sé que això a vegades pot ser molt adiós,

I appreciate it, because I know that this can sometimes be very goodbye.

però és cert que entre setmana hi ha dies complicats

but it is true that during the week there are complicated days

i en l'última setmana temporada per nosaltres

and in the last week of the season for us

encara hi havia coses per fer fins a l'últim dia.

there were still things to do until the last day.

Avui estem gravant un dijous

Today we are recording a Thursday.

i es demostra que els de cap de setmana

and it is shown that those of the weekend

no només treballeu el cap de setmana.

not only do you work on the weekend.

Ostres, de veritat, és una cosa que no puc entendre

Wow, really, it's something I can't understand.

perquè, bé, sí que ho puc entendre al final,

because, well, yes, I can understand it in the end,

tothom no té per què saber quina serà la nostra feina,

not everyone needs to know what our job will be,

però em passa que després de deu anys

but it happens to me that after ten years

hi ha gent que en pla de conversa et diu allò de

there are people who, in conversation, tell you that

bueno, i què? Arriveu el dissabte al matí i què?

Well, and what? You arrive on Saturday morning and what?

I penses, si fos així, fill meu, la veritat,

And you think, if it were that way, my son, the truth,

no sé què faríem, eh?

I don't know what we would do, huh?

Però clar, hi ha unes entrevistes, hi ha una feina prèvia,

But of course, there are interviews, there is prior work,

hi ha una documentació, hi ha un equip treballant,

there is documentation, there is a team working,

perquè al final 14 hores de ràdio no s'improvisen, no?

because in the end 14 hours of radio aren't improvised, right?

I això és així, sí.

And this is so, yes.

I dius al Jay que obre el micro i a parlar.

And tell Jay to turn on the mic and start talking.

I el que passa és...

And what happens is...

Improviseu, no? Una mica, a veure, improvisa.

Improvise, right? A little bit, let's see, improvise.

Algú fent.

Someone doing.

Què vols dir?

What do you mean?

És això, sí, sí.

That's it, yes, yes.

Molt bé.

Very good.

El setembre farà deu anys que presentes

In September it will be ten years since you presented.

el programa més escoltat dels caps de setmana a Catalunya,

the most listened program on weekends in Catalonia,

el Via Lliure, de RAC1,

the Via Lliure, from RAC1,

amb quasi mig milió d'oïllents,

with almost half a million listeners,

una mica fluctuant i tal,

a little fluctuating and such,

però ens movem en aquesta xifra.

but we move within this figure.

Fa partit, ja?

Are we starting the game now?

Sí, molt, molt.

Yes, very, very.

Et fa pensar en moltes coses, perquè...

It makes you think of many things, because...

Mira, jo quan vaig entrar al programa

Look, when I entered the program

substituïa la Marta Caila,

replaced Marta Caila,

fa 14 anys fent el programa

14 years doing the program.

i em semblava una barbaritat.

And it seemed outrageous to me.

Una barbaritat.

An outrage.

Jo recordo també que, i et seré sincer,

I also remember that, and I will be honest with you,

jo recordo que quan portava 5 o 6 temporades

I remember that when I had been doing it for 5 or 6 seasons

vaig començar a dir al meu equip

I started to tell my team

jo crec que això s'està acabant, no?

I think this is coming to an end, isn't it?

Però llavors vas fent

But then you keep going.

i continues passant-ho bé

I'm still having a good time.

i continues sentint la feina

I keep feeling the work.

i continues sobretot valent la pena.

And it continues to be worth it, above all.

I també penses...

And you also think...

Bueno, jo per la meva manera de pensar

Well, for my way of thinking

sempre crec que hi haurà un moment que s'acabarà

I always believe that there will be a moment when it will end.

perquè algú es cansa o perquè fins i tot

because someone gets tired or because even

els audients deixen de donar-te suport, no?

The audiences stop supporting you, right?

I com que això no està passant

And since this is not happening

ni per un cantó ni per l'altre,

neither one way nor the other,

penses, doncs, per què

you think, then, why

hem d'aturar-ho, això, no?

We have to stop this, right?

Continuar valent-me la pena

To continue being worth it.

el que fem i, sobretot,

what we do and, above all,

continuar passant molt, molt bé.

continue having a lot, a lot of fun.

No desvetllem res perquè suposo que ja se sap

We aren't revealing anything because I suppose it's already known.

però, vaja, en setembre continuem tot.

But, well, in September we continue everything.

Sí, ningú m'ha dit el contrari.

Yes, no one has told me otherwise.

El contrari, per tant.

The opposite, therefore.

Però entenc la pregunta perquè, noi,

But I understand the question because, boy,

jo cada estiu o cada dos estius

I each summer or every two summers.

començo a llegir informacions,

I start to read information,

sobre el meu futur,

about my future,

que és molt simpàtic, que m'ho passa sobretot.

he is very nice, especially when he shares it with me.

Mira, et diré que l'any passat

Look, I'll tell you that last year

especialment em va semblar molt sorprenent

I found it especially surprising.

perquè jo entenc que també s'ha de buscar

because I understand that it must also be sought

els periodistes busquen

the journalists seek

i fan funjectures, no?

They make conjectures, don't they?

Però es va començar a publicar

But it started to be published.

que jo substituiria l'Albert Om

that I would replace Albert Om

després del final d'Islàndia, no?

after the end of Iceland, right?

I es va publicar i a mi ningú em va trucar mai.

And it was published and no one ever called me.

I llavors em troba la gent i em deia

And then people would find me and tell me.

bueno, ja he llegit això i tal.

Well, I've read this and so on.

I dic, no, no, no, és veritat.

I say, no, no, no, it's true.

Bueno, clar.

Well, of course.

Ha dit-ho i penses, bueno, doncs res,

He said it and you think, well, nothing then,

si tu ho dius, doncs tu mateix, no?

if you say so, then it's up to you, right?

Mai va ser d'aquesta possibilitat,

It was never about this possibility,

mai ningú em va trucar per contrastar-ho

never did anyone call me to check it.

i llavors aquelles coses que penses,

and then those things that you think,

ostres, de veritat, tenim molta feina a fer

Wow, really, we have a lot of work to do.

en el nostre sector.

in our sector.

Com que no m'agrada pensar,

Since I don't like to think,

tot i que sabem que passa,

even though we know what happens,

que els periodistes inventen les coses

that journalists make things up

per molt de mitjans que siguin,

no matter how many resources they are,

estranys, potser en algun despatx

strange, maybe in some office

algú va escriure alguna cosa en algun lloc, no?

Someone wrote something somewhere, right?

És possible.

It's possible.

Però no et va mai dir res.

But he/she never told you anything.

No, és possible.

No, it is not possible.

Mai ho saps, també,

You never know, do you?

quan hi ha sortides a tot arreu,

when there are outings everywhere,

tothom parla molt, no?

Everyone talks a lot, don't they?

I llavors és possible que a algú

And then it is possible that someone

li sembli lògic o raonable

it seems logical or reasonable to him/her

i quan no tens una resposta penses,

and when you don't have an answer you think,

sembla que, no?

it seems so, doesn’t it?

I amb el sembla que

And it seems that

et cobreixes les esquenes per dir,

you cover your back to say,

bueno, jo no deia que fos així,

well, I wasn't saying it was like that,

jo deia que sembla que

I said that it seems that

una de les opcions sobre la taula

one of the options on the table

i que a mi em consti,

and as far as I know,

potser sí que hi havia l'opció sobre la taula,

perhaps there was indeed the option on the table,

no ho sabré mai,

I will never know.

però a mi ningú m'ho va dir mai

but no one ever told me.

i això ho puc dir clarament.

And I can say this clearly.


Very clearly.

Em deia abans,

It told me before,

el tema de l'EGM,

the topic of the EGM,

he llegit una entrevista que et vam fer

I have read an interview that was conducted with you.

que, no sé si encara,

that, I don't know if still,

no dors el dia abans de l'EGM.

Do not sleep the day before the EGM.

Ho porto molt malament.

I am handling it very poorly.

És una cosa que em fa vergonya dir-ho,

It's something that makes me embarrassed to say.

però ho porto molt malament

but I handle it very poorly

i passen deu anys

and ten years pass

i em continuo sorprenent.

And I continue to be surprised.

Jo recordo haver viscut l'EGM

I remember having lived the EGM.

des de l'altra banda de la trinxera,

from the other side of the trench,

per entendre'ns, no?

to understand each other, right?

Ser el redactor de programes

Being the program editor

i pensar, bueno, bueno, tampoc no,

And I think, well, well, not really,

perquè li donem tanta importància, no?

Why do we give it so much importance, right?

I llavors, quan t'hi trobes,

And then, when you find yourself there,

és molt pervers, en realitat,

it is very wicked, in reality,

perquè després et trobes l'altre dia,

because then you find yourself the other day,

has vist l'Àlex Bolina i em deia,

Have you seen Àlex Bolina? He was telling me,

jo no m'he mirat mai les audiències.

I have never looked at the audiences.

I pensava, quina sort, no?

I thought, what luck, right?

Al final, jo sóc perfectament conscient

In the end, I am perfectly aware.

que el dia que a mi les audiències no em vagin bé,

that the day when my audience does not go well,

hi haurà una persona que,

there will be a person who,

quan siguin molt continuades, em diran,

when they are very continuous, they will tell me,

bueno, ens agrada com ho fas,

well, we like how you do it,

però no està sortint bé això, no?

but this isn't going well, is it?

I al final, tots som víctimes de les audiències

And in the end, we are all victims of the audiences.

i podem omplir-nos molt la boca

and we can fill our mouths very much

dient que tenim un programa de qualitat

saying that we have a quality program

i que tenim una cosa competitiva

and that we have a competitive thing

i un projecte xulo i tot el que vulguis.

And a cool project and everything you want.

Però si no t'acompanyen

But if they don't accompany you

les audiències,

the audiences,

en aquest món, almenys,

in this world, at least,

no vol dir que el teu futur

does not mean that your future

estigui acabat,

be finished,

però tens moltes menys opcions

but you have many fewer options

de continuar fent el que estàs fent.

to continue doing what you are doing.

És un aval que ens pot agradar més o menys,

It's a guarantee that we may like more or less,

però és un aval en el que la feina que fas.

but it is a guarantee of the work you do.

I llavors, el fet que siguin tres cops l'any,

And then, the fact that it happens three times a year,

si fos diari, home, al final dormiria,

if it were daily, man, in the end, I would sleep,

suposo, com a la tele.

I suppose, like on TV.

Però em semblaria una tortura.

But it would seem like torture to me.

El que sigui tres cops l'any,

Whatever happens three times a year,

ho fa com un esdeveniment, gairebé.

It does so like an event, almost.

I em costa molt dormir

I find it very difficult to sleep.

i ho passo,

and I pass it,

i ho passo malament.

and I feel bad.

Són dies dolents, els dies de l'Eixem.

They are bad days, the days of Eixem.



El que sí que,

What indeed,

ara ho deies, és la manera

now you say it, it’s the way

que ens avaluen.

that they evaluate us.

Segurament, fa un temps, era l'única

Surely, some time ago, it was the only one.



tot i que no deixen de ser enquestes i tal,

although they are still surveys and such,

però ara, amb el món d'internet, les descargues

but now, with the world of the internet, the downloads

i tal, que només se't mesuri per una

and so, that you are only measured by one

enquesta, ostres,

survey, oysters,

potser, quan et va bé,

maybe, when it suits you,

dius, guai, però quan no et va bé,

you say, cool, but when it doesn't suit you,

pots pensar que és una mica injust, no?

You might think it's a bit unfair, right?

Sí, això és...

Yes, this is...

Però què passa amb els del Búnquer, per exemple, sempre, no?

But what happens with those from the Bunker, for example, always, right?

Sí, és molt complex.

Yes, it is very complex.

Jo crec que, mira, el del Búnquer és un bon exemple.

I think that, you know, the one from the Bunker is a good example.

El Búnquer és un gran podcast,

The Bunker is a great podcast,

no?, i un programa de ràdio

No? And a radio program?

que té bones audiències, però no les té

that has good audiences, but does not have them

de líder, normalment, no?

of a leader, normally, right?

Tot i que, a vegades, crec que en alguns SGMs està el líder.

Although sometimes I believe that in some SGMs the leader is present.

Clar, jo, en el seu cas,

Sure, I, in his case,

per exemple, crec que tothom està d'acord

for example, I think everyone agrees

dins de Catalunya Ràdio, i jo ho puc veure des de fora

inside Catalunya Ràdio, and I can see it from the outside

i em sembla un gran programa,

I think it's a great program,

que és un dels emblemes de la ràdio.

that is one of the emblems of radio.

Mira, aquest cas és un bon cas.

Look, this case is a good case.

Potser no aconsegueixes,

Maybe you won't achieve.

és ser el líder permanentment,

being the leader permanently,

però fas un contingut que és de molt nivell

but you create content that is of a very high level

i que ha creat

and that has created

un grup de seguidors

a group of followers

pel qual, des del teu punt de vista, t'interessa.

for which, from your point of view, you are interested.

La pregunta que es pot fer

The question that can be asked

des de RAC1 és

from RAC1 it is

si aquest mateix model a RAC1 seria

if this same model at RAC1 would be

viable, des d'un punt de vista fins i tot econòmic.

viable, from a point of view even economic.

Al final, és una empresa privada

In the end, it is a private company.

que requereix no ser líder sempre.

that requires not always being a leader.

Potser, bueno, jo tampoc no ho sé.

Maybe, well, I don't know either.

El dia que RAC1 no fos líder,

The day RAC1 is not a leader,

què passaria, no?

What would happen, right?

Però Catalunya Ràdio és evident que no requereix,

But it is evident that Catalunya Ràdio does not require,

ser líder per seguir existint,

to be a leader in order to continue existing,

com no ho ha requerit Ràdio Nacional d'Espanya,

as required by Radio Nacional de España,

perquè hi ha molts diners col·locats

because there is a lot of money invested

per part de la Generalitat amb un objectiu

on behalf of the Generalitat with a goal

molt clar, que és tenir una ràdio pública

very clear, that is to have a public radio

i que, en principi, no depenen de les audiències.

and that, in principle, do not depend on the audiences.

Ara, em sembla que és evident que tothom vol ser líder.

Now, it seems to me that it is obvious that everyone wants to be a leader.

Si no, no ho fas d'una altra manera.

If not, you don't do it any other way.

Però és veritat que el cas del Bunker

But it is true that the case of the Bunker

té una fenomenologia,

it has a phenomenology,

no sé si ho he dit bé,

I don't know if I said it correctly,

un fenomen diferent,

a different phenomenon,

que és la capacitat d'incidència

what is the capacity for impact

via podcast.

via podcast.

Clar, això és comparar perers i pomes.

Of course, that's like comparing pears and apples.

Jo al final faig un magasí que dura set hores

I end up doing a show that lasts seven hours.

i que la seva energia rau en el directe,

and that their energy lies in the live performance,

igual que la del Bastió o la del Clapés,

just like that of the Bastion or the Clapés,

i un programa d'una hora es pot calibrar,

and a one-hour program can be calibrated,

i que té aquesta mobilitat a la garella,

and what does this mobility have in the cage,

a més a més que cada any el posen en una hora diferent,

besides that every year they put it on at a different time,

es pot calibrar des d'altres àmbits.

It can be calibrated from other areas.

Crec que s'ha d'avaluar des d'aquest punt de vista,

I believe it should be evaluated from this point of view,



però també a vegades

but also sometimes

som injustos amb la gent,

we are unfair to people,

i això és una cosa que hem de tenir en compte.

And this is something we need to take into account.

I això és una cosa que hem de tenir en compte.

And this is something we have to take into account.

També a vegades som injustos amb l'AGM,

Sometimes we are also unfair to the AGM.

jo no dic que sigui...

I don't say it's...

és eficaç

it is effective

en el seu camp, no dic que sigui perfecte,

in its field, I'm not saying it's perfect,

però també captura

but also captures

el reconeixement online, és a dir, quan la gent et diu

the online recognition, that is to say, when people tell you

t'he escoltat aquest programa, doncs li compten

I have listened to this program, so they tell him.

en aquest programa,

in this program,

encara que ho estiguis escoltant per internet.

even if you are listening to it online.

És un debat molt llarg,

It is a very long debate.

complex, no es pot fer perfecte,

complex, it cannot be made perfect,

però sí, sí, crec que és veritat que potser

but yes, yes, I think it's true that maybe

en el futur hem d'anar-ho revisant tot això de les audiències.

In the future, we need to review all of this about the audiences.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Tu i jo ens coneixem

You and I know each other.

poc, diríem, però

little, we would say, but

tenim algunes coincidències.

we have some coincidences.

Un, som de Sabadell, vam començar a ser

We are from Sabadell, we started to be

oients de ràdio nocturna,

night radio listeners,

t'estàs escoltant una entrevista en què explicares això,

you are listening to an interview in which you will explain this,

i també que amb 18 anys

and also that at 18 years old

vam començar a fer ràdio en aquell soterrani

we started making radio in that basement

del casal de Mata de Pera

from the community center of Mata de Pera

de l'amada d'Albert B. Orlegui.

of the beloved of Albert B. Orlegui.

Amb unes cortines de color verd

With green curtains.

que la recordo perfectament.

that I remember perfectly.

Què ha significat l'Albert B. Orlegui per tu?

What has Albert B. Orlegui meant to you?

Ah, doncs...

Ah, well...

és increïble.

It's incredible.

L'Albert és el responsable que jo pugui estar fent això.

Albert is the one responsible for me being able to do this.

Recordo que quan feia

I remember that when I was doing

10 anys que vaig entrar per la porta

10 years since I walked through the door.

li vaig enviar un correu electrònic, però feia temps que no en parlàvem,

I sent him an email, but it had been a while since we talked about it,

i li vaig dir gràcies.

And I said thank you to him/her.

Jo el

I him



crec que és el 2002,

I think it's 2002.

no vull equivocar-me ara,

I don't want to make a mistake now,

quan jo acabo el batxillerat i m'apunto

when I finish high school and sign up

a periodisme, comunicació audiovisual,

journalism, audiovisual communication,

vaig parlar amb una professora de Sant Nicolau

I spoke with a teacher from Sant Nicolau.

per veure el futur i tal, i em va dir

to see the future and such, and he told me

jo tinc una persona que conec,

I have a person that I know,

que és el director d'una ràdio

what is the director of a radio station

i potser estaria bé

and perhaps it would be good

que ho provéssies.

that you would try it.

I va ser un somni

It was a dream.

entrar per aquella porta, veure que et donaven la llibertat,

enter through that door, see that they were giving you freedom,

que t'encoratjaven,

that encouraged you,

que construïen alguna cosa,

that were building something,

que et cuidaven...

that took care of you...

Jo crec que l'Albert

I believe that Albert.

s'hauria de reconèixer

it should be recognized

com una de les persones

as one of the people

inevitables de la ràdio d'aquest país.

inevitable parts of the radio in this country.

El que passa és que a vegades

What happens is that sometimes

des dels grans mitjans

from the major media

fins i tot a Barcelona

even in Barcelona

hi ha aquesta mirada petita

there is this small look

i no mirem la importància

and we do not look at the importance

de les ràdios locals.

of the local radios.

És la nostra pedrera, és un tresor

It is our quarry, it is a treasure.

i en aquest cas per mi ho és tot.

And in this case, it means everything to me.

És la primera persona que em va deixar estar davant d'un micro.

She is the first person who let me stand in front of a microphone.

I sempre li he agraït

And I have always been grateful to him/her.

i li estaré agraït sempre.

and I will always be grateful to him/her.

De fet continuem fent ràdio junts per això.

In fact, we continue to do radio together for that reason.

És que precisament ara veies això

It's just that you were seeing this right now.

del reconeixement i tal,

of the recognition and such,

jo crec que tu li has, no sé si volgudament o no,

I believe that you have, I don’t know if deliberately or not,

li has donat aquesta visibilitat

you have given him/her this visibility

o almenys penso jo,

or at least I think so,

potser perquè soc fan de la secció

perhaps because I am a fan of the section

m'ho penso, però ell també

I'm thinking about it, but he is too.

va fer conferències i ara el coneixen

he gave lectures and now he is known

per això sobretot, no?

that's why above all, right?

No per ser el director de ràdio.

Not to be the radio director.

No ho sé,

I don't know,

jo no li podré tornar mai tot

I will never be able to repay him/her fully.

el que va fer.

what he/she did.

Però és que ja no ho faig

But I'm not doing it anymore.

tampoc per retornar-li.

nor to return it to him.

Crec que és un radiofonista

I think he is a radio broadcaster.

de molta alçada

of great height

i a més a més representa un tipus de ràdio

and moreover represents a type of radio

que mira l'altre dia feia entrevista

the other day I was doing an interview



quan pensava en el Gorina

when I thought of the Gorina

pensava en el Beorlegui. És una manera d'entendre la ràdio

I was thinking about Beorlegui. It's a way of understanding radio.

en què l'oient està al centre

in which the listener is at the center

i juguem a compartir

Let's play to share.

un espai

a space

que és un joc,

what is a game,

que és una creació d'un univers

what is a creation of a universe

que et porta d'un lloc cap a un altre,

that takes you from one place to another,

que t'agafa del braç i et diu, mira, anem cap aquí, anem cap allà.

that takes you by the arm and says, look, let's go this way, let's go that way.

I és una ràdio que ara es porta poc

And it is a radio that is not very popular right now.

perquè la ràdio és molt ràpida,

because the radio is very fast,

molt improvisada moltes vegades,

very improvised many times,

jo la defenso,

I defend her,

però saber que tinc aquest espai

but knowing that I have this space

a les set i mitja del matí dels diumenges

at half past seven in the morning on Sundays

em reconcilia amb mi mateix,

it reconciles me with myself,

amb el jo que feia ràdio quan tenia 18 anys

with the me that did radio when I was 18 years old

que li agradava aquesta ràdio

that he/she liked this radio

i que ara costa molt de trobar.

and now it is very hard to find.

Però crec que

But I think that

té molts fans aquesta

it has a lot of fans this



demostraria a molta més gent

I would show it to many more people.

que li agrada aquesta ràdio.

that he/she likes this radio.

No ho posis més tard,

Don't put it off any longer,

que la gràcia és que sigui aquella hora.

the funny thing is that it is that hour.

Aquest és un dels encerts,

This is one of the successes,

que vaig fer amb l'Albert

that I did with Albert

per fer la secció

to make the section

de seguida que vaig poder tenir l'ocasió

As soon as I was able to have the opportunity.

i li vaig dir, mira, mira,

and I said to him, look, look,

a quarts de vuit del matí del diumenge

at a quarter to eight in the morning on Sunday

i va fer com, wow, què dius?

And he/she was like, wow, what are you saying?

Vols dir que ens escoltarà algú, no?

You mean someone will listen to us, right?

I llavors te n'adones que

And then you realize that

també quan ho parles

also when you talk about it

amb la gent que és de ràdio saps perfectament

with people who are from radio you know perfectly

a on poden funcionar les coses, crec,

where things can work, I believe,



Clar que és un programa que te podries escoltar en podcast

Of course, it's a program that you could listen to as a podcast.

també, no tinc cap dubte.

Also, I have no doubt.

Però la màgia de...

But the magic of...

de quarts de vuit del matí, que és una hora de diumenge...

at a quarter to eight in the morning, which is a Sunday hour...



Intempestiva, plàcida, no?

Unforeseen, tranquil, isn't it?

Però també inexistent

But also nonexistent

per la majoria de gent, no?

for most people, right?

És com que no existeix, la gent està dormint o està fent una altra cosa.

It's as if it doesn't exist, people are sleeping or doing something else.

Llavors, saber que allà passa una cosa,

Then, knowing that something is happening there,



li dóna una càrrega, és com fer ràdio nocturna.

it gives him a charge, it's like doing late-night radio.

Hi ha un joc diferent,

There is a different game,

hi ha un...

there is a...

un sentit diferent, la disposició dels

a different sense, the arrangement of the

oients és diferent, estem...

listeners are different, we are...

Som més nens en aquell moment,

We are more children at that moment,

som... ens creiem més al que hi ha

we are... we believe more in what there is

i estem disposats a acceptar el joc.

And we are willing to accept the game.

Que potser a les deu del matí

Perhaps at ten in the morning.

no em vinguis amb aquestes històries de tal,

don't come to me with those stories of such,

estic parlant d'altres coses, he d'anar més ràpid

I'm talking about other things, I need to go faster.

i informa'm i explica'm

and inform me and explain to me

les coses i vés al gra

Get to the point.

o no t'inventis

or don't make it up

gaires coses literàries

a lot of literary things

o imaginatives, no?

Oh imaginative, right?

Com a bones

As well as good.

entrevistes, la conversa et porta

interviews, the conversation takes you

a desordenar una mica i em sembla perfecte.

to messy it up a bit and it seems perfect to me.

Perquè jo crec que una de les

Because I believe that one of the

claus del dia lliure

keys of the day off

i suposo que també ho saps tu, és una

and I suppose you know it too, it's a

de les seccions. És a dir, en cert,

of the sections. That is to say, in a certain way,

amb les seccions, amb el contingut,

with the sections, with the content,

amb les persones...

with people...

I també em fa la sensació que en molts casos

And I also have the feeling that in many cases

primer has triat la persona i després has dit

first you chose the person and then you said

què podem fer? No al revés, no? Que a vegades és al revés, no?

What can we do? Not the other way around, right? Sometimes it is the other way around, isn't it?

La majoria...

The majority...

No, jo vull que tu facis alguna cosa,

No, I want you to do something.

anem a parlar, què podem fer?

let's talk, what can we do?

El 90% de les vegades ha estat així.

90% of the time it has been like this.

I llavors és un problema també, perquè...

And then it's a problem too, because...

Bueno, llavors ens hem entès,

Well, then we have understood each other,

tenim ganes de fer alguna cosa, ara què fem, no?

We feel like doing something, so what do we do now, right?

Però... però és que jo hi crec molt

But... but I believe in it a lot.

en això. Crec que les idees

in this. I believe that the ideas

no són molt bones, però en tens molt poques

They are not very good, but you have very few of them.

a la vida, crec. Jo en tinc molt poques

In life, I believe. I have very few.

a la vida. Llavors...

to life. Then...

admiro molt la gent que té idees brillants

I greatly admire people who have brilliant ideas.

permanentment i que... i que pixa

permanently and that... and that it pisses

idees brillants, no?

Brilliant ideas, right?

Jo el que tinc és feeling, crec.

What I have is feeling, I think.

I llavors una idea

And then an idea.

de la relació

of the relationship

amb algú. Llavors per mi passa per davant

with someone. Then for me it comes first

entendre amb una persona en antena

understand with a person on air

que... que la

that... that the

idea de fons, crec. Llavors

background idea, I think. Then

en aquell moment ens permetem

at that moment we allow ourselves

crear-ho i modificar-ho fins i tot, no?

create it and modify it even, right?

Amb el Beorlegi teníem clar

With the Beorlegi we were clear

que era un besat, però de mica en mica es va anar construint

that it was a kiss, but little by little it began to be built up

aquest espai mític, va aparèixer el Beorlegi

this mythical space, the Beorlegi appeared

express en un moment determinat i vam

express at a certain moment and we went

seguir jugant, no? Com per exemple ara estic

keep playing, right? Like for example now I am

pensant en l'embalat, que és una secció

thinking about the packing, which is a section

en principi de música i que...

in principle music and that...

i que de mica en mica

and little by little

la vam anar modificant i va acabar sent

we kept modifying it and it ended up being

una mena de missa i llavors el mossèn

a kind of mass and then the priest

i li vas donar una càrrega...

and you gave him a load...

Bueno, torna a ser això, no? De crear una mena

Well, it's this again, right? Creating a kind of

de petit imaginari en el qual

of little imaginary in which

respira allò i té sentit allò, no?

breathe that in and it makes sense, doesn't it?

I ja saps que... No és veritat

And you already know that... It's not true.

que el senyor no és un mossèn, només faltaria perquè

that the gentleman is not a priest, only that would be missing because

tindria un problema si no és un mossèn, però

I would have a problem if he is not a priest, but

tots juguem que anem a l'església i anem

we all play that we are going to church and we go

a fer aquella missa i

to hold that mass and

l'hora en què passa doncs hi conjuga.

the time when it happens therefore it conjugates.

Però si sempre és

But if it is always

en el 90% de les vegades almenys

in 90% of cases at least

jo sé que vull treballar amb algú,

I know that I want to work with someone,

vaig a parlar amb aquest algú, si

I am going to talk to this someone, yes.

m'entenc a l'hora de parlar amb aquell algú

I understand myself when speaking with that someone.

i veig que parlem el mateix

I see that we speak the same.

llenguatge, llavors provarem de fer-ho en directe.

language, then we'll try to do it live.

I a vegades no surt bé, també, eh?

And sometimes it doesn't work out well, either, huh?

Però crec molt en la ràdio que

But I believe a lot in the radio that

hi ha una part del feeling. És una cosa

There is a part of the feeling. It's something.

que he après amb el temps i vaig tenir molta sort

what I have learned over time and I was very lucky

d'entendre'm molt ràpidament amb la gent amb qui treballava

to understand me very quickly with the people I was working with

i després amb el temps he anat adonant-me

And then over time I have come to realize.

que hi havia gent amb qui mantenia molt menys

that there were people with whom I maintained much less

i pensava, però si això sempre és

I thought, but if this is always

així, no? No, no sempre és així.

So, not? No, it's not always like that.

T'asseus amb algú i de cop veus que allò

You sit down with someone and suddenly you see that thing.

no està anant i que probablement no anirà,

it is not going and probably will not go,

no? I això és una cosa d'un

No? And this is something of one.

aprenentatge. És feeling.

Learning. It's feeling.

Hi ha aquest feeling

There is this feeling.

i el mantenir-ho en el temps

and maintaining it over time

i crear aquesta complicitat. Tens uns sacs

and create this complicity. You have some bags.

de crables que porten no sé on set temporades

of crabs that have been carried I don't know where for seven seasons

o vuit, eh? Potser. O vuit.

Oh eight, huh? Maybe. Oh eight.

I el que segurament durarà. Espero.

And what will probably last. I hope.

Si li volen. Tothom s'esgota

If they want him/her. Everyone gets exhausted.

al final, eh? També. Però, bueno.

In the end, huh? Also. But, well.

Tens els pantalleros, que és una secció clàssica

You have the pantalleros, which is a classic section.

però alhora també l'heu

but at the same time you have also

transformada. La tertúlia

transformed. The talk.

de patates, per no

of potatoes, for no

dir-ho, també, que és l'altra,

say it, too, that it is the other,

al revés del bazar de sorpreses, també

the opposite of the surprise bazaar, too

set i mitja al matí. Aquesta

seven thirty in the morning. This

t'he de dir que me'n recordo perfectament al dia

I have to tell you that I remember perfectly the day.

que ens vam posar que vaig fer exactament el que

that we put ourselves that I did exactly what

has dit, eh? Vaig triar un grup de persones amb qui

you said, eh? I chose a group of people with whom

m'entenia de la ràdio, Jordi Beltrán,

I understood from the radio, Jordi Beltrán,

en aquell moment era Toni Muñoz

at that moment it was Toni Muñoz

i Xavi Puig, que entre ells

and Xavi Puig, who among them

es portaven correctament, però tampoc no

they got along properly, but not really

eren, crec que no eren especialment amics.

they were, I don't think they were particularly friends.

I vaig dir, farem una cosa

I said, let's do something.

tal, tal, i

such, such, and

deu minuts abans d'entrar em diuen, però al final

Ten minutes before entering they tell me, but in the end.

què hem de fer? I dic, tranquil,

What should we do? I say, calm down,

o sigui, heu de triar una idea, llavors fem una cançó

That is, you have to choose an idea, then we make a song.

i tal, no sé quant. O sigui, més senzilla

And so, I don't know how much. I mean, simpler.

possible. Però

possible. But

la màgia és que

the magic is that

creïs un espai, que els

you create a space, that the

actors interactuïn correctament i

actors interact correctly and

que allò sigui entretingut.

that it be entertaining.

I això és el que hem aconseguit, crec, amb això.

And this is what we have achieved, I believe, with this.



I dic una, no sé si

I say one, I don't know if

has fet alguna cosa d'actor

Have you done any acting?

així o no? D'actor?

So or not? Of an actor?

D'actor, no. D'estudiar? Sí, sí, no, no,

Of acting, no. Of studying? Yes, yes, no, no.

perquè em fa la sensació que

because it gives me the feeling that

en funció, no, no, ara t'explico per què.

In function, no, no, now I'll explain to you why.



en funció del, o sigui, per exemple,

depending on, that is, for example,

amb els Exacarables o amb el mossèn,

with the Exacarables or with the priest,

ets el mundó

you are the world



ai, no diguis això, tal.

oh, don't say that, like that.

I en canvi, amb el meu Regis, ets

And instead, with my Regis, you are.

has de ser el contrari, no?

You must be the opposite, right?

I dic, ostres, són com diferents mundons

I say, wow, they are like different worlds.

que apareixen i desapareixen. Hosti, m'agrada molt la pregunta

that appear and disappear. Wow, I really like the question.

de veritat, perquè

really, why

sí que és veritat, és això, exactament.

Yes, it's true, that's it, exactly.

I em fa molta gràcia fer-ho així,

I find it very amusing to do it this way,

no? Jo, a vegades,

no? I, sometimes,

hi ha una cosa que m'encanta i que ara

there is one thing that I love and that now

dir-ho em molesta més, perquè

saying it bothers me more, because

si ho escolta determinada gent,

if certain people hear it,



m'encanta quan la gent em diu, oh, com pateixes

I love it when people tell me, oh, how you suffer.

amb els Exacarables. I penses, però què dius?

with the Exacarables. And you think, what are you saying?

Ja sé com són, ja sé que farem,

I already know how they are, I already know what we will do,

estem fent un paper, estem jugant

we are playing a role, we are acting

a realçar o a

to enhance or to

subratllar, que han dit una animalada molt

underline, that they have said a very silly thing

grossa, dient-li, home, no, para, para,

big, telling him, man, no, stop, stop,

no? Hi ha molt poques vegades que

no? There are very few times that

m'hi ha els Exacarables, pensi, hòstia,

There are the Exacarables, I think, damn it.

para la màquina,

for the machine,

de veritat, molt poques. Però sí que

really, very few. But yes

jugo a això, a veure, em diverteixen moltíssim, però

I play this, let's see, I have a lot of fun with it, but

jugo a fer-ho més fort, no?

I play to do it louder, right?

I llavors hi ha vegades que si veig

And then there are times when I do see.

que la cosa està més decaiguda, llavors

that the thing is more depleted, then

jugo a ser jo un palet més bèstia, no?

I used to be a more beastly little stick, didn't I?

I també m'agrada jugar a això, no? Però no he tingut cap

And I also like to play this, right? But I haven't had any.

formació d'actor, seria un actor pèssim,

actor training, he would be a terrible actor,

però sí que és veritat que m'agrada molt, això

but it is true that I like it a lot, this

m'agrada molt, i m'agrada molt que la gent

I really like it, and I really like that people

ho llegeixi

read it

de la manera que vull que llegeixin, que és que

the way I want them to read, which is that

en aquest moment m'he escandalitzat, en aquest moment

At this moment I was shocked, at this moment.

he fet l'animal,

I have made the animal,

en aquest moment tal...

at this moment such...

Sempre he dubtat de si això, al final,

I have always doubted whether this, in the end,

el conjunt

the set

o una persona que s'escolti a les 14 hores entendrà

or a person who listens at 2 PM will understand

qui sóc jo, perquè

who am I, why

potser un personatge

perhaps a character

n'adivina un altre, no? Però

Guess another one, right? But

com que veig que la gent ho compra al final, penso,

Since I see that people buy it in the end, I think,

doncs hauran entès que és tot plegat

then they will have understood what it is all about

formar part d'un joc que estem jugant tots, no?

to be part of a game that we are all playing, right?

Segurament, segurament.

Surely, surely.

Ara que ja parlem d'un programa

Now that we're already talking about a program

consolidat, líder, etcètera,

consolidated, leader, etcetera,

te'n recordes

Do you remember?

de l'Eduard Pujol quan et va,

of Eduard Pujol when it goes to you,

no sé, en quin moment i quina situació

I don't know, at what moment and in what situation.

et va fer la proposta per primer cop?

Did he/she make you the proposal for the first time?

Sí, me'n recordo molt bé.

Yes, I remember very well.

Me'n recordo que, de fet,

I remember that, in fact,

l'Eduard Pujol el primer que em fa és

Eduard Pujol is the first to make me feel that

proposar-me a fer el dia lliure d'estiu, no?

Suggesting I take a day off during the summer, right?

I això va ser un any abans

And this was a year before.

d'acabar representant,

of ending up representing,

la proposta, jo vaig pensar que estava tarat,

the proposal, I thought he was crazy,

no sé, vaig pensar, home, no sap què diu,

I don't know, I thought, well, he doesn't know what he's saying,

perquè jo no em puc posar davant d'un micro

because I can't stand in front of a microphone

arracó a defensar

corner to defend

un programa de tres o quatre hores que durava

a program of three or four hours that lasted

aquell moment, no? Però

that moment, right? But

aquella insensatesa d'acceptar,

that madness of accepting,

jo sempre

I always

crec que he tingut una cosa que és...

I think I've had something that is...

La gent es pensarà que no, però jo

People will think not, but I

pateixo molt amb les meves capacitacions.

I suffer a lot with my training sessions.

I és una cosa que, ostres,

And it's something that, wow,

que normalment

that normally

els altres sempre pensen que ho faràs millor

others always think you'll do better

del que tu penses que pots fer, o les coses, no?

of what you think you can do, or things, right?

Llavors, jo crec que

Then, I think that

hi ha gent que es pensa que pot fer

There are people who think they can do.

més del que pot fer, i jo és possible que

more than what it can do, and I may

pensi que puc fer menys del que realment puc acabar fent.

I think I can do less than what I can actually end up doing.

Però recordo molt

But I remember a lot.

el pànic d'allò, de dir, ostres, què dius ara?

the panic of that, of saying, wow, what are you saying now?

Això ara...

This now...

em supera, no?

It surpasses me, doesn't it?

M'ho vaig passar molt bé aquell estiu, i el segon estiu

I had a great time that summer, and the second summer.

em va dir, bueno, ara que has fet el dia lliure,

he told me, well, now that you've taken the day off,

ara faràs el Barcio. I dic, no.

Now you will do the Barcio. And I say, no.

Barcio, l'estiu com he de fer el Barcio?

Barcio, how should I do the Barcio in the summer?

Que és una trituradora, l'estiu.

What a shredder the summer is.

Normalment, perquè és tan difícil

Usually, why is it so difficult?

fer aquell programa, i que porti

do that program, and bring

el mateix nom, que

the same name, that

normalment, bàsicament, et trituren i et diuen

normally, basically, they crush you and tell you

que torni el Plàpez. Els cinc minuts

Let Plàpez return. The five minutes.

ja t'estan dient que torni el Plàpez, quina merda

They are already telling you that Plàpez should come back, what a load of crap.

d'això, no sé què. I ho vaig

I don't know what about that. And I went.

fer, m'ho vaig passar molt bé, i va haver-hi

I had a great time, and there was

crítiques, òbviament, però hi va haver-hi molta gent que em va dir,

criticisms, obviously, but there were many people who told me,

ostres, ha estat molt divertit.

Wow, it has been very fun.

I just quan portàvem unes setmanes,

Just when we had been there for a few weeks,

quan l'Eduard Pujol va dir, bueno,

when Eduard Pujol said, well,

saps què? Que el setembre estaria bé

You know what? That September would be fine.

que decidís anar fent el dia lliure, no?

which decided to take the day off, right?

Jo, per un moment que estic fent la cosa més difícil

I, for a moment that I am doing the most difficult thing.

que jo en aquesta ràdio, el que no em facis

that I on this radio, what you don't do to me

imaginar-me d'aquí a cinc setmanes

imagining myself five weeks from now

dir bon dia

say good morning

al cap de setmana. I va sortir,

on the weekend. And he/she went out,

va sortir com vaig poder, el primer programa,

I managed to get out, the first program.

sempre m'ha dit l'Eduard,

Eduard has always told me,

va ser dolentíssim, saps?

It was really terrible, you know?

Va ser dolentíssim. Jo estava a casa i pensava,

It was terrible. I was at home thinking,

mare de Déu, quin desastre.

Mother of God, what a disaster.

T'he equivocat. Sí, sí. No sé si he equivocat,

I was wrong about you. Yes, yes. I don't know if I've made a mistake.

però és aquelles coses que et suporten i que no t'ho

but it's one of those things that support you and don't tell you

diuen fins molt més tard, però em va dir,

they say until much later, but he told me,

ostres, el programa era molt dolent. Aquell primer

Wow, the program was very bad. That first one...

noi no s'aguantava per enlloc.

the boy couldn't hold on anywhere.



també defenso aquesta confiança de la gent que fa

I also defend this trust of the people that it creates.

ràdio. La ràdio només es construeix

radio. The radio is only built

amb temps. I jo vaig tenir, he tingut la

with time. And I had, I have had the

sort de tenir el temps que he volgut

I want to have the time I wanted.

i que he pogut

and that I have been able

aguantar perquè em

hold on because I

deixessin construir alguna cosa.

let them build something.

Perquè, en el fons,

Because, deep down,

tens la sort del que dèiem abans,

you have the luck of what we said before,

no?, de les audiències cada tres mesos, no?

Right? About the hearings every three months, right?

Que això ja és un descans.

That this is already a relief.

I l'altra és, qui sap fer ràdio

And the other is, who knows how to do radio.

i qui n'ha fet molt sap

and those who have done a lot know

que s'ha de construir una confiança amb l'oient, no?

that trust has to be built with the listener, right?

Totalment. Aquests imaginaris dels que parlava

Totally. These imaginaries I was talking about.

abans, etcètera. Això,

before, etcetera. This,

si no, un temps que

if not, a time when

dipositi una miqueta no pots.

Deposit a little, you can't.

Si t'agafessis un programa la darrera

If you took a program the last time

temporada, no li has

season, you haven't done it for him/her.

donat el temps que segurament

given the time that probably

es mereix, no? Per tant, l'altre

He deserves it, doesn't he? Therefore, the other one.

és deu anys, no? Sí.

It's ten years, isn't it? Yes.

No, jo crec que

No, I think that

qualsevol persona que ens escolti i que es dediqui

anyone who listens to us and is dedicated

a la ràdio sap

on the radio it knows

que la ràdio, mínim, són dos,

that the radio, at least, is two,

tres temporades per saber alguna cosa que ha passat

three seasons to find out something that has happened

amb aquell producte. Dos, tres temporades.

with that product. Two, three seasons.

I sé que és molt de temps

I know it's a long time.

per fer una aposta econòmica, però mínim dos, tres temporades

to make a financial bet, but at least two or three seasons

perquè és molt lent.

because it is very slow.

I per això, per exemple, els programes d'estiu moltes vegades

And for this reason, for example, summer programs very often

són duríssims perquè en cinc setmanes

they are very tough because in five weeks

o sis setmanes o vuit setmanes, en el cas

either six weeks or eight weeks, in the case

de Catalunya Ràdio, és molt difícil

from Catalunya Ràdio, it is very difficult

construir una confiança

build a trust

amb gent que, a més a més, se'n va de vacances i llavors torna

with people who, moreover, go on vacation and then return

i llavors t'escolta una setmana i llavors torna un cap de tres setmanes

And then you listen to him for a week and then he returns in three weeks.

i tu mateix has de fer-te la confiança

And you yourself have to gain your own trust.

del teu propi equip i les teves accions.

of your own team and your actions.

És dificilíssim, l'estiu.

It is very difficult, the summer.

Però jo sé

But I know

de casos, no?, d'EGMs, de gent que diu

of cases, right?, of EGMs, of people who say

bé, doncs el primer EGM a fora.

Well, then the first EGM outside.

I això a la tele funciona molt, a la ràdio sorpresament

And this works a lot on TV, surprisingly on the radio.

no. Crec que se li ha de donar temps.

No. I think he/she needs to be given time.

Tots sabem quan ha passat una temporada

We all know when a season has passed.

gairebé segur

almost certain

cap on anirà.

none will go.

Crec, els que l'escoltem molt

I think, those of us who listen to him a lot.

no ens sorprèn que acabi

it doesn't surprise us that it ends

anant cap a un lloc o cap a un altre,

heading toward one place or another,

però se li ha de donar el temps. Perquè a la ràdio

but time must be given to him. Because on the radio

passen moltes coses i a la competència hi passen

Many things happen, and in the competition, many things happen.

moltes coses i

many things and

al país hi passen moltes coses i

many things happen in the country and

pot canviar.

It can change.

Són deu anys,

It’s ten years,

tota l'estona d'aquests deu anys,

all the time during these ten years,

fent un programa de cap de setmana.

making a weekend plan.

Amb el que això implica, tu en aquests

With what this implies, you in these

deu anys, sembla que has tingut dos dits, no?

Ten years, it seems you have had two fingers, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Jo és un tema que en aquest podcast en parlo moltíssim

I talk about this topic a lot in this podcast.

i, de fet, en els podcasts també

and, in fact, in the podcasts too

l'audiència ha tingut, és quan parlo de conciliació

the audience has had, is when I talk about conciliation

i periodisme. Com parles?

and journalism. How do you speak?


Very tough.

Et podria dir que

I could tell you that

bé, que bé, que tant, no.

well, how well, how much, no.

Bé, no, és molt difícil.

Well, no, it's very difficult.

És molt difícil i crec que

It is very difficult and I think that

fins i tot la meva pròpia gent de l'entorn

even my own people from the surroundings

no ho entén ben bé com de difícil és.

He doesn't quite understand how difficult it is.



perquè, bé, no vull fer el programa encara,

because, well, I don't want to do the program yet,

o sigui, perquè al final soc un privilegiat

I mean, because in the end I am privileged.

i faig una feina que m'encanta i estic en un

I do a job that I love and I am in a

lloc que mai hauria pogut somiar

place I could never have dreamed of

i, per tant, plor i quejar d'això

and therefore, I cry and complain about this

em sap greu, perquè tu m'ho preguntes i tu

I'm sorry, because you ask me and you.

he de contestar amb tota la sinceritat.

I have to answer with complete sincerity.

La conciliació amb els fills és molt

The reconciliation with the children is very

difícil. Sé que puc fer moltes coses

difficult. I know that I can do many things

que altra gent no pot fer i jo em llevo

that other people can't do and I get up

cada matí per portar-los a l'escola.

every morning to take them to school.

Hi ha com a mínim dos o tres dies a la setmana

There are at least two or three days a week.

que jo els vaig a buscar a l'hora d'anar, els he fet

that I will pick them up at the time of going, I have done it

el dinar, els torno al col·le,

the lunch, I return them to school,

cada vespre estic allà.

Every evening I'm there.



però jo m'imagino la vida

but I imagine life

de tota la gent que ens estigui escoltant i de la gent

of all the people who are listening to us and of the people

que, normal i corrent,

that, normal and ordinary,

i les vides es construeixen sovint

And lives are often built.

el cap de setmana.

the weekend.

La resta de setmana són obligacions moltes vegades,

The rest of the week are obligations many times.

tot i que s'ha de lluitar perquè

although it is necessary to fight because

hi hagi incentius en el dia a dia, però

there should be incentives in day-to-day life, but

la gent viu el cap de setmana.

People live for the weekend.

Construeix una família el cap de setmana,

Build a family over the weekend,

anant amb els crius a fer activitats,

going with the kids to do activities,

jugant amb ells, fent

playing with them, making

coses i tal. Jo no he

things and stuff. I haven't

tingut mai això amb els meus fills. Mai.

never had this with my children. Never.

I és una cosa que em pesa

And it's something that weighs on me.

i cada any em pesa més perquè

and every year it weighs more on me because

els meus fills van creixent i penso, ostres, hi haurà un dia

my children are growing up and I think, wow, there will be a day

que m'ho retreuran. Em diran, papa, no hi eres mai

They will hold it against me. They will say, dad, you were never there.

els caps de setmana, que és quan els meus amics

on weekends, which is when my friends

anaven a fer coses i sortien

they were going to do things and went out

d'excursió, se n'anaven a França i se n'anaven

on an excursion, they were going to France and they were leaving

al poble del costat i

to the neighboring village and

anaven al cine i tal. I tu

they were going to the cinema and so on. And you?

venies a les tres o quarts de quatre de la tarda

you were coming at three or a quarter to four in the afternoon

quan ja havíem acabat de dinar o gairebé estàvem

when we had just finished lunch or were almost done

a punt d'acabar de dinar i s'hi posàvem una perra

Just about to finish lunch and we were putting a dog there.

i te dormies al sofà.

And you fell asleep on the sofa.

És una cosa que em pesa i

It is something that weighs on me and

sobretot seria

above all it would be

el principal motiu algun dia de deixar

the main reason to leave someday

això, és aquest

this, is this

tema. Que tampoc no va

Topic. That doesn't work either.

millor perquè és una feina, la nostra,

better because it's a job, ours,

dels mitjans, que ocupa

of the means, that occupies

molt espai però

a lot of space but

quan ja has donat molt d'això

when you have already given a lot of this

penses, potser ara

you think, perhaps now

hauria de donar una altra cosa i

I should give another thing and

recuperar això, no? És

recover this, right? It is

una càrrega. I a casa

a burden. And at home

si ja n'hi ha poques de tot,

if there are already few of everything,

també et donem parella i allà

we also give you a partner and there

és qui carrega molt

it's someone who carries a lot

en aquests caps de setmana.

on these weekends.

I és molt

And it's very

complicat, la veritat.

Complicated, the truth.

Entenc perfectament. No he fet

I understand perfectly. I haven't done.

un programa, però he fet esforç molts anys

a program, but I have made an effort for many years

i també es treballa els caps de setmana

And work is also done on the weekends.

i vaja,

and well,

també un motiu que algú ha de deixar els esforços

also a reason for someone to give up efforts

va ser precisament aquest. Quan

it was precisely this. When

el meu fill gran

my eldest son

començava a veure que el pare no hi era

I was starting to see that the father was not there.

els caps de setmana. Quan n'era conscient.

the weekends. When I was aware of it.

Quan no n'és conscient no passa res

When one is not aware, nothing happens.

però quan n'és conscient és quan

but when he is aware is when

et replanteges les coses. Però després

you rethink things. But then

aquesta feina té els horaris

this job has the schedules

que té. Jo després

what it has. I'll do it later

vaig passar més intrasemana

I spent more weekdays.

però clar, tardíssim

but of course, very late

llavors no hi hagués mai per sopar. Mai tenim

then there would never be dinner. We never have it

el que volem, eh?

what we want, right?

Crec que és una feina

I think it is a job.

que tothom que s'hi vulgui dedicar ha de saber

that everyone who wants to dedicate themselves to it has to know

que l'horari

that the schedule

no és una variable positiva

it is not a positive variable

mai. Mai.

never. Never.

Perquè entre altres coses, si t'agrada

Because among other things, if you like it

la teva dedicació serà

your dedication will be

la punyeta i et forçaràs

the little punch and you will force yourself

tu molt més que l'empresa o que els teus companys

you much more than the company or your colleagues

per arribar a tot arreu i més enllà

to reach everywhere and beyond

encara. I

still. I

si això no ho compleixes

if you do not fulfill this

tinc dubtes de que...

I have doubts that...

És que si la pregunta és sobre la conciliació

It's just that if the question is about reconciliation.

que em deies al principi,

what were you telling me at the beginning,

tinc dubtes que es pugui conciliar

I have doubts that it can be reconciled.



i fer periodisme

and doing journalism

o ràdio o mitjans de comunicació.

either radio or media.

Crec que no és possible.

I don't think it's possible.

Jo he arribat

I have arrived.

a una conclusió similar

to a similar conclusion

i a vegades veig jo que vaig deixar

And sometimes I see what I left behind.

el periodisme esportiu per això

sports journalism for that reason

i companys que encara, que tenia llavors

and companions that I still had back then

un periodisme esportiu, que encara fan periodisme esportiu

a sports journalism, that still does sports journalism

amb tres fills

with three children

i dius... Com ho has fet?

And you say... How did you do it?

Com ho has fet? Segurament

How did you do it? Surely.

a les de portes endins tothom se sap

Inside, everyone knows each other.

lo seu, no? Però dius

Yours, right? But you say.

quin mèrit jo no vaig ser capaç

what merit I was not able

de portar-ho bé. I això és molt

to handle it well. And this is very

particular. Sí, crec que és molt particular. O sigui

particular. Yes, I think it is very particular. I mean

és com quan, no sé,

it's like when, I don't know,

no ens compararem amb això, eh?

We won't compare ourselves to that, okay?

Però vull dir, quan parles de per què, els motius

But I mean, when you talk about why, the reasons.

d'algú que va fer periodisme

of someone who did journalism

extrem, que és anar a

extreme, which is to go to

publicar conflictes i tal, i té família,

publish conflicts and such, and he has a family,

com ho gestiona?

How do you manage it?

Crec que, bueno, som una mica malalts

I think that, well, we are a bit sick.

del que ens dediquem

of what we do

i per això dic que si no ets malalt

And that's why I say that if you are not sick.

serà molt difícil que

it will be very difficult that

et puguis

you can

dedicar plenament a aquesta feina.

to fully dedicate to this work.

És així. Si no t'agrada

It is so. If you don't like it.

extraordinàriament, és una feina que en general

extraordinarily, it is a job that in general

la majoria de gent està mal pagada,

most people are poorly paid,

que ocupa moltes hores

that takes up many hours

de la teva vida, que porta moltes decepcions

of your life, which carries many disappointments

en moltes ocasions.

on many occasions.



si t'agrada, és

if you like it, it is

és meravellosa, és la millor feina del món.

It is wonderful, it is the best job in the world.

100% d'acord.

100% agree.



amb el que t'estic preguntant, no sé si

with what I am asking you, I don't know if

tens resposta, com t'imagines? Ara,

you have an answer, how do you imagine it? Now,

bueno, vas començar amb 30 anys

Well, you started at 30 years old.

al dia lliure, aquest estiu

on the free day, this summer

en fas 40, no sé si et fa el vertigen

You're turning 40, I don't know if it makes you dizzy.

o no, t'ho recordo,

oh no, I remind you,

per si no ho sabies. Sí, sí. Com

just in case you didn't know. Yes, yes. Like

t'imagines els propers 10?

Can you imagine the next 10?

No me'ls imagino, costa molt avançar-me

I can't imagine them, it's very hard to get ahead of myself.

tant en el temps.

both in time.

Igual que quan va ser l'estiu dels

Just like when it was the summer of

29 o els 30, que va ser un estiu molt dur,

29 or 30, as it was a very harsh summer,

no em podia

I couldn't.

imaginar que pràcticament fregant

imagine that almost touching

els 40, estaria fent el mateix.

the 40, would be doing the same.

Ara, si em dius

Now, if you tell me

que estaré fent el mateix d'aquí deu anys,

that I will be doing the same in ten years.

et diré que ni de broma, que hauria baixat

I'll tell you that not even jokingly would I have gone down.

del barco abans.

from the boat before.

No sé què m'imagino fent.

I don't know what I imagine myself doing.

Crec que la ràdio

I think that the radio

és l'única cosa que sé fer, ara mateix.

It's the only thing I know how to do right now.

Hi ha gent que diu que

There are people who say that

no, no, hauries de provar altres coses i segur

No, no, you should try other things and surely.

que podries fer, no sé què.

what you could do, I don't know what.

Jo sé on em sento còmode

I know where I feel comfortable.

i surt a la zona de confort.

Get out of the comfort zone.

Hem de dir-te la frase, la zona de confort.

We have to tell you the phrase, the comfort zone.

Deixi'm el braç.

Let me have your arm.

No m'ho prepi. Deixi'm el braç.

Don't hold me back. Let go of my arm.

Això és un dels grans mals

This is one of the great evils.

dels nostres temps, sortir a la zona de confort.

of our times, stepping out of the comfort zone.

Per què hem de sortir a la zona de confort?

Why do we have to step out of our comfort zone?

Deixi'm el pau, o sigui, surti vostè si vol sortir.

Leave me alone, that is, you can go out if you want to.

No, crec que,

No, I think that,

o sigui, sí que potser algun dia m'agradaria

I mean, yes, maybe one day I would like to.

provar alguna altra cosa, eh? No dic que no.

Try something else, huh? I'm not saying no.

Però sé que la ràdio és casa meva

But I know that radio is my home.

i sé que és on em desenvolupo bé.

and I know that is where I thrive.

No m'atreu gens a la televisió.

I'm not attracted to television at all.

Mai m'ha tret.

He/She has never taken me out.

Professionalment, no com a espectador.

Professionally, not as a spectator.

M'atreuen més a altres formats

I am more attracted to other formats.



sens dubte, però jo imaginant-me jo fent

without a doubt, but I imagine myself doing

pantalla em sembla una aberració.

The screen seems to me an abomination.

I llavors la qüestió escrita

And then the written question

sí que m'agrada, però com que

I do like it, but since

ara mateix no soc capaç de concentrar-me

Right now I am not able to concentrate.

prou per donar el que jo crec que

enough to give what I believe that

m'hauria de donar per fer una cosa ben feta

I should be given it to do something well done.

escrita, no m'hi posaria.

written, I wouldn't get involved with it.

No m'hi posaria en absolut.

I wouldn't get involved in that at all.

I a partir d'aquí la resta de coses

And from here the rest of things

doncs les que hagin de venir, no?

so those who are supposed to come, right?

Jo em veig fent ràdio, sobretot.

I see myself doing radio, above all.

Abans deies

You used to say.

que algú et va col·locar fent, substituint

that someone placed you by doing, substituting

l'Albert Homs sense que tu ho sabessis i tal.

Albert Homs without you knowing and all that.

Però també t'han col·locat

But they have also placed you.

substituint el gran xef de la RAC1, no?

replacing the great chef of RAC1, right?

L'Esteve, vols dir.

You mean Esteve.

Moltes vegades, sí.

Many times, yes.

Suposo que és inevitable, al final

I suppose it's inevitable, in the end.

jo soc un fill de la manera

I am a child of the way.

de fer del baster, del Jordi.

of doing the bastard, of Jordi.

Li dic moltes coses

I tell him many things.

de maneres d'entendre la ràdio

ways of understanding the radio

i de passió vivint-la.

and with passion living it.

Sé que ens assemblem en algunes coses,

I know that we resemble each other in some ways,

o jo m'assemble amb ell en algunes coses.

or I resemble him in some ways.

Al final faig un programa que

In the end, I make a program that

té una durada similar,

it has a similar duration,

que es fa en un horari molt similar,

that is done at a very similar time,

que inevitablement té unes estructures

that inevitably has some structures

que recorden, tot i que

that they remember, although

jo crec que són programes molt diferents,

I believe they are very different programs,

però hi ha estructures que recorden molt.

but there are structures that are very reminiscent.

I és lògic que

And it is logical that

algú pensi que algun dia,

someone thinks that someday,

si el baster es cansa,

if the mule driver gets tired,

m'ho vulguin posar a mi.

they want to put it on me.

Calienta que sàpigues, no?

Warm it up so you know, right?

De fet, ja ha contribuït el propi Jordi,

In fact, Jordi himself has already contributed,

que moltes vegades ho ha dit.

that he has said it many times.

Que a ell li agradaria.

That he would like.

Està molt bé.

It's very good.

Tampoc no...

Not either...

Bé, no li dóna més importància això.

Well, he/she doesn't give this more importance.

És un programa

It is a program.

d'un desgast descomunal

of an enormous wear and tear

i imaginar-t'hi abans de plantejar

and imagining you there before proposing

ni tan sols la possibilitat.

not even the possibility.

O sigui, dit d'una altra manera,

In other words,

jo crec que ens beneficia molt a RAC1

I think it benefits us a lot at RAC1.

i a mi que el Jordi estigui fent aquest programa.

And I don't care that Jordi is doing this program.

I es veu a cada gemma,

And it can be seen in every gem,

i es veu amb la manera en què lidera

and it shows in the way he/she leads.

el seu programa, i per tant

his program, and therefore

jo soc el principal beneficiat

I am the main beneficiary.

que ell estigui allà.

that he is there.

Jo, com tots els altres, crec que RAC1 té un avantatge

I, like everyone else, believe that RAC1 has an advantage.

que és la comprensió que

what is the understanding that

una garella som tots

a fork we are all

i el tot som hoquet,

and the whole is a little bit,

que és una idea que ja sé que hi ha gent que se n'enriu,

that is an idea I know there are people who laugh at,

però de construir

but to build

una garella en base a tots i que tothom és important

a framework based on everyone and that everyone is important

i que cadascun... I el Jordi ho té claríssim

And each one... And Jordi is absolutely clear about it.

i n'hem parlat una mica de vegades.

And we have talked about it a little sometimes.

El fet que jo faci un programa determinat

The fact that I make a certain program

amb una voluntat determinada

with a determined will

a ell l'alimenta a partir d'ahir junts

he has been feeding him since yesterday together

i evidentment a mi m'alimenta

and obviously it feeds me

que hi hagi gent com el Jordi,

that there are people like Jordi,

que hi hagi gent com els Òscars, que hi hagi gent com el Clapés,

that there are people like the Òscars, that there are people like Clapés,

que hi hagi gent com la gent d'esports,

that there are people like the sports people,

que hi hagi tanta gent bona a la ràdio.

that there are so many good people on the radio.

Llavors, tots som importants en aquest sentit.

Then, we all are important in this sense.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Torneu una miqueta enrere.

Go back a little bit.

Feia tots dos anys que feies

It had been two years since you had been doing.

el Via Lliure. Sí.

the Free Way. Yes.

A l'altra banda de la Diagonal hi havia

On the other side of the Diagonal there was

una altra sala de llengua fent un programa similar.

another language room doing a similar program.

La segona temporada, en realitat.

The second season, actually.

Jo vaig fer una temporada

I spent a season.

en què el suplement no el presentava Sílvia Còpulo

in which the supplement was not presented by Sílvia Còpulo

i l'any següent ja hi havia Ricardo Estrell.

And the following year, Ricardo Estrell was already there.

I després

And then

la reial d'alcalde us va dir

the royal mayor told you

que féssiu el programa junts.

that you do the program together.

És veritat. Juli Fernández.

It's true. Juli Fernández.

Com era la proposta?

What was the proposal like?

Jo recordo

I remember

veure-us allà a Llollera,

see you all there in Llollera,

i m'ha agradat molt veure-us.

I really enjoyed seeing you.

Ni me'n recordava.

I didn't even remember.

La proposta va ser molt curiosa.

The proposal was very curious.

Els dos ens va sorprendre,

Both of us were surprised.


to please

i tota la vegada

and all at once

moltes sensacions, perquè al final

many sensations, because in the end

tots coneixem el Ricardo.

We all know Ricardo.

El Ricardo és molt competitiu.

Ricardo is very competitive.

I jo també ho sóc a la meva manera.

And I am too, in my own way.

Potser no tant.

Perhaps not so much.

Però el fet que féssim

But the fact that we did

un pregó junts

a proclamation together

generava aquest puntet d'atenció

it generated this little point of attention

de dir

to say

vosaltres no esteu competint.

you are not competing.

I crec que va ser agradable

I think it was pleasant.

i va ser maco. I d'alguna manera

It was nice. And somehow.

és la primera vegada que hem treballat junts en alguna cosa.

This is the first time we have worked together on something.

I l'única fins ara.

And the only one so far.

No descarto que algun dia

I do not rule out that someday.

passi una altra vegada aquesta vida.

I'll live this life again.

Però va ser curiós.

But it was curious.

Ens enviaven missatges

They were sending us messages.

durant l'estiu de dir

during the summer of saying

jo he escrit això, tu què et sembla?

I have written this, what do you think?

I al final vam optar per un pregó super senzill

And in the end we opted for a super simple proclamation.

i vam intentar que fos efectiu

and we tried to make it effective

i va quedar com va quedar.

and it ended up as it ended up.

El primer pregó que es baixa

The first sermon that is lowered

del balcó.

from the balcony.

De fet vam plantejar-nos tirar el micro des de dalt

In fact, we considered throwing the mic from above.

i vam pensar que seria més segur

and we thought it would be safer.

baixar per les escales.

down the stairs.

I acabar donant la veu a la gent

And finally giving voice to the people.

de forma improvisada, que això era un risc.

improvised, as this was a risk.

I al final la gent va dir coses

And in the end, people said things.

que estaven molt bé.

that they were very good.

I va anar bé.

It went well.

Estic content d'aquell pregó, va ser divertit.

I am happy about that announcement, it was fun.

I curiosament, o no,

I curiously, or not,

ara, altra vegada,

now, again,

competint amb tu, tens una altra ceba de llet.

competing with you, you have another milk onion.



Podríem parlar molt de ceba de llencs ara.

We could talk a lot about shallots now.

Ah, és que aquí anava.

Ah, that's what I was getting at.

Quan el Roger escapa, per qui no ho sàpiga,

When Roger escapes, for those who don't know,

presenta el suplement que va substituir precisament

presents the supplement that precisely replaced

en Ricard Ostren.

Ricard Ostren.

Pregunta que jo en aquest programa

Question that I in this program

ho he intentat i en moltes converses

I have tried in many conversations.

he intentat trobar una explicació de què passa.

I have tried to find an explanation of what is happening.

És a dir, per què hi ha tants locutors?

That is to say, why are there so many speakers?

En especial periodistes en general.

Especially journalists in general.

Però entre ràdio i de primer nivell,

But between radio and first level,

amb les principals emissores,

with the main emitters,

que sigui veu de ceba de llet.

that it be milk onion voice.

A veure, hi ha un component

Let's see, there is a component.

per baixar el sofler,

to lower the sofa,

que és la casualitat.

What is coincidence?

Segur que hi ha un component de casualitat,

Surely there is an element of coincidence,

que és inevitable.

that is inevitable.

Hi ha un component, per ser a l'altre extrem esotèric,

There is a component, to be at the other esoteric extreme,

gairebé, que és aquesta teoria

almost, what is this theory

que diu que tenim el millor català de Catalunya,

which says that we have the best Catalan in Catalonia,

el més neutre, el més...

the most neutral, the most...

A mi m'agrada aquesta.

I like this one.

A mi m'agrada molt, però no sé si és veritat.

I like it a lot, but I don't know if it's true.

Hi ha molta gent...

There are many people...

M'encanta que diguin això

I love that they say that.

i que, a més a més, en alguna altra pregó

and that, furthermore, in some other proclamation

també s'ha dit.

it has also been said.

Les veus del Vallès

The voices of Vallès

són les veus...

they are the voices...

Mickey Motto, Miquel Calçada...

Mickey Motto, Miquel Calçada...

Són les veus molt pulcres,

They are very neat voices,

amb un accent molt neutre,

with a very neutral accent,

molt ben acceptades per tothom

very well accepted by everyone

i molt ben recollides, diguem-ne.

and very well collected, let's say.

A mi m'agrada molt la teoria,

I really like theory.

no la veig completa.

I don't see it complete.

Després crec que hi ha un altre factor important,

Then I think there is another important factor,

que és el hub radiofònic,

what is the radio hub,

que significa la parella

what does the couple mean

Mata de Pere Ràdio i Ràdio Sabadell.

Mata de Pere Radio and Radio Sabadell.

Ràdio Terrassa ha estat molt bé,

Ràdio Terrassa has been very good,

tot i que en el seu dia va ser molt més important.

although it was much more important in its day.

També Ràdio Sabadell

Also Ràdio Sabadell

i Mata de Pere Ràdio

and Mata de Pere Radio

són, li dic un hub, però vaja,

they are, I call it a hub, but well,

és una fàbrica de gent.

It is a factory of people.

Per què? Perquè és una...

Why? Because it is a...

Mata de Pere és la primera ràdio

Mata de Pere is the first radio.

on pots anar a fer alguna cosa

where can you go to do something

i la formació allà és molt bona.

And the training there is very good.

Està envoltada de dues grans ciutats com Terrassa i Sabadell.

It is surrounded by two large cities like Terrassa and Sabadell.

Per tant, és altament probable

Therefore, it is highly likely

que els qui vulguin fer ràdio per primera vegada

for those who want to make radio for the first time

acabin a Mata de Pere,

they live in Mata de Pere,

perquè en emissores més grans,

because in larger broadcasters,

que és el que em va passar a mi,

what happened to me,

i llavors tens llocs de prova

and then you have trial places

de foc real molt bons com Ràdio Sabadell,

really good fire like Ràdio Sabadell,

que és el que a mi em va passar.

what happened to me.

Jo puc parlar per mi, però sé que el Ricard va fer un pas similar,

I can speak for myself, but I know that Ricard took a similar step,

el Roger va fer un pas similar,

Roger took a similar step,

Kedi de la Laura Rosel,

Kedi by Laura Rosel,

la meitat de la redacció de RAC1 surt d'aquella generació.

Half of the RAC1 newsroom comes from that generation.


The Experience,

el Xavi Pardo, Maria Xinxón al seu dia,

Xavi Pardo, Maria Xinxón in her day,

fins i tot


Tècnics, el Joan Farrús...

Technicians, Joan Farrús...

És que jo recordo una vegada

I remember once

que hi va haver un moment

that there was a moment



l'informatiu del matí el feia jo,

I was the one who made the morning news.

l'informatiu del migdia era Laura Rosel,

the midday news was Laura Rosel,

el programa d'esport a la tarda

the afternoon sports program

era l'Expericé. Llavors era com

It was the Experience. Back then it was like

si tu mires les graïlles

if you look at the bars

més o menys ja som aquells.

More or less, we are those.

Crec que aquest és

I think this is

un factor important. Són dos

an important factor. There are two.

grans ciutats, ciutats molt grans,

large cities, very large cities,

que tenen capacitat

that have capacity

de crear escola.

to create school.

I en aquest sentit Ràdio Sabadell

And in this sense, Ràdio Sabadell

és vital, crec, per la creació.

It is vital, I think, for creation.

Llavors no li vull treure

Then I don't want to take it away from him/her.

importància tampoc, però és evident que

importance either, but it is evident that

l'entrada, per exemple, de Laura Rosel

the entry, for example, of Laura Rosel

a RAC1 és vital.

RAC1 is vital.

Perquè Laura Rosel s'emporta molta gent

Because Laura Rosel attracts a lot of people.

de Ràdio Sabadell, entre ells jo,

from Ràdio Sabadell, among them me,

que diu, escolta, quan et pregunten

what does it say, listen, when they ask you

escolta, qui més hi ha per allà?

Listen, who else is there?

Ui, doncs mira, aquest, aquest, aquest.

Oh, well look, this one, this one, this one.

I quan se m'ha entrat massa, Laura Rosel tira la porta

And when I have entered too much, Laura Rosel kicks the door.

a terra de RAC1 i llavors entrem tots els sabadellans

to the land of RAC1 and then all the people from Sabadell enter

darrere cridant.

behind shouting.

I això és un cúmul

And this is a heap.

entre casualitats i tenir

between coincidences and having

la fortuna en aquell moment. Després,

luck at that moment. Afterward,

un cop entres, pot passar de tot

once you enter, anything can happen

i tu has de guanyar.

And you have to win.

I aquesta cosa hem tingut nosaltres

And we have had this thing.

la fortuna de ser segurament

the fortune of being surely

una generació que havia fet ràdio des de molt jove,

a generation that had been making radio since a very young age,

en el cas meu, doncs des d'abans

In my case, then since before.

de 18 anys, en el cas de l'Escapa

18 years old, in the case of the Escape

suposo que si fa no fa, o més jove encara

I suppose it's just about the same, or even younger.

i en el cas de l'Ostrell, ridículament

and in the case of the Ostrell, ridiculously

jove, que amb 13 ja estava fent ràdio.

young, who was already doing radio at 13.

Per tant, com que això

Therefore, since this

és una qüestió d'ofici, i ofici

It's a matter of trade, and trade.

vol dir pràctica, si tu comences

It means practice, if you start.

amb 13 anys, quan en tens 20, portes 7

At 13 years old, when you are 20, you have 7.

anys d'avantatge a la majoria

years of advantage to the majority

de gent que surt de la facultat. 7 anys!

of people who graduate from university. 7 years!

I això no t'atrapa a ningú ja.

And this doesn't catch anyone anymore.

Amb capacitat d'improvisació,

With the ability to improvise,

amb capacitat comunicativa.

with communicative ability.

Bé, són molts factors a la vegada

Well, there are many factors at once.

i, home, jo

and, man, me

alegre per això, perquè

happy for that, because

almenys podem fer aquesta mena de narrativa.

at least we can create this kind of narrative.

Espero que continuï

I hope it continues.

en el temps, que siguem una bona pedrera.

in time, let us be a good quarry.

També n'hi ha molt bones en altres llocs.

There are also very good ones in other places.

Segur, segur. Jo ara tinc la sensació

Sure, sure. I now have the feeling

que és més difícil que això

that is harder than this

passi per diferents motius.

I go through different reasons.

Per un costat,

On one hand,

jo ara que porto un parell d'anys

I have been doing this for a couple of years now.

a la universitat, em trobo molts alumnes

At the university, I meet many students.

que la beca oficial

that the official scholarship

de quart és el primer cop

It's the first time at a quarter.

que trepitgen un mitjà de comunicació

that trample on a means of communication

i ni se'ls ha plantejat, ni se'ls ha

and neither has it been suggested to them, nor has it been

passat per cap. I quan en trobes algun

passed through the head. And when you find one

que no ho fa, ostres, i es nota.

that doesn't do it, wow, and you can tell.

Però en general

But in general

arriben bastant verges a quart

They arrive quite virgin at four.

i nous.

and new.

Aquell que ha començat amb 18 els passa com avions

Those who started at 18 pass them like airplanes.

pels costats, no? Totalment.

On the sides, right? Totally.

I per altra, els mitjans locals

And on the other hand, the local media

s'han anat,

they have gone,

diguem, integrant a nivell

let's say, integrating at level

econòmic, tant

economic, both

els ajuntaments, perquè són ràdios locals

the municipalities, because they are local radios

i municipals,

and municipalities,

i el sou s'ha anat

and the salary has gone


let's say,

posant el nivell, és a dir,

setting the level, that is,

abans cobraves poc

before you earned little

en una ràdio local i podies fer el salt

on a local radio and you could make the leap

a la ràdio gran. Ara difícilment

to the big radio. Now hardly

si no saltes

if you don’t jump

a Catalunya Ràdio, difícilment cobres més

at Catalunya Ràdio, it's hard to earn more

a Barcelona, amb una ràdio a Barcelona,

in Barcelona, with a radio in Barcelona,

que no amb una ràdio local. És veritat.

not with a local radio station. It's true.

Això fa que aquest salt que vau fer

This means that this jump you made

tants de Ràdio Sabadell,

so many from Ràdio Sabadell,

potser sí, eh? Però crec que

maybe yes, huh? But I think that

és més difícil que pugui passar.

it's more difficult than it can happen.

Sí, jo vull pensar que sempre hi ha

Yes, I want to believe that there is always

també generacions de relleu

also generations of relief

i a més a més jo constato, vull dir,

and moreover I note, I mean,

a RAC1 hi ha molts talents joves

There are many young talents at RAC1.

de 20 anys que són molt bons,

of 20 years that are very good,

però és cert que

but it is true that



que és possible

that it is possible

que la ràdio hagi perdut

that the radio has lost

un punt de

a point of

capacitat de treure

ability to extract

de treure joves,

to take out young people,

no? Perquè puguin

No? So that they can.

veure que hi ha altres tipus de mitjans que els interessen

see that there are other types of media that interest them

més o formats que els interessen més, hi ha podcast,

more or formats that interest them more, there are podcasts,

hi ha xarxes

there are networks

socials, posa-li

socials, put it on

Puig o el que vulguis, no?

Puig or whatever you want, right?



a la vegada vull pensar

at the same time I want to think

que arriba un dia que

that a day comes when

tota aquesta gent, tot aquest talent,

all these people, all this talent,

també volen l'estabilitat que significa

they also want the stability that it means

la ràdio. O sigui, la ràdio

the radio. I mean, the radio

és molt denostada perquè efectivament

is very despised because indeed

malament, en general,

bad, in general,

és un lloc de molta feina

It is a place of a lot of work.

i de condicions molt precàries,

and very precarious conditions,

però alhora

but at the same time

en moments de crisi, la gent que

in times of crisis, the people who

té feina en una ràdio, hòstia,

he works at a radio station, damn,

què feina en una ràdio durant 12 mesos l'any?

What do you do at a radio station for 12 months of the year?



altres feines que estan vinculades a

other jobs that are linked to

la comunicació, diguem, alternativa,

alternative communication,

ja no de mitjans, depenen

no longer halfway, they depend

de que tu t'autoexplotis

that you exploit yourself

12, 13, 14 hores al dia

12, 13, 14 hours a day

i que si tu vols parar, igual,

and if you want to stop, that's fine too,

perds capacitat,

you lose capacity,



jo crec que hi ha moments a la vida per tot.

I believe there are moments in life for everything.

I vull pensar en el futur

And I want to think about the future.

que sí, que contínuament

that yes, that continuously

hi hagi gent. Per tant, adones que algunes de les gent

there are people. Therefore, you realize that some of the people

que arriben no tenen cultura radiofònica

those who arrive have no radio culture

com la que potser teníem nosaltres. Jo no dic cultura

like the one we perhaps had. I’m not talking about culture

de practicar, que evidentment no,

of practicing, which obviously not,

sinó d'haver escoltat i d'haver estimat

but of having listened and having loved

molta ràdio, no?

A lot of radio, right?

I això és una cosa que a mi em sap greu a vegades.

And this is something that makes me sad sometimes.

Perquè els que ens dediquem

Because those of us who dedicate ourselves

a la ràdio ho sabem, quan ho escoltes

At the radio we know it, when you listen to it.

ràdio i quan no. Vull dir, es veu

radio and when not. I mean, it can be seen

una ràdio. I determinar

a radio. And to determine

de gent que els envies davant d'un micro

of people that you send in front of a microphone

i veus que no ho tenen,

and you see that they don't have it,

no ho tenen perquè no ho han mamat,

they don't have it because they haven't nursed it.

penso, ostres, la quantitat de gent

I think, wow, the number of people.

que deu haver-hi al darrere esperant l'oportunitat,

what must be waiting behind for the opportunity,

potser no els hauríem de donar, no?

Maybe we shouldn't give them, right?

I sí que sap una mica

And yes, he/she does know a little.

de greu a vegades. Però vaja, jo

serious at times. But well, I

confio molt en el talent jove, de veritat.

I really trust young talent.

Jo sempre intento en els meus equips

I always try in my teams.

equilibrar molt la gent que és veterana

balance a lot the people who are veterans

amb la gent que és jove. És una cosa que m'agrada

with the people who are young. It's something I like.

molt perquè el camp de visió se t'amplia

a lot because your field of vision expands

de cop, no? I arribes a llocs on

All of a sudden, right? And you arrive at places where

no haguessis arribat. N'hi ha esperança.

You wouldn't have arrived. There is hope.

Però vaja.

But there you go.

Tinguem-la, tinguem-la. Sisplau, sisplau.

Let's keep it, let's keep it. Please, please.

Ens hi va el futur.

Our future depends on it.

Molt bé, doncs, escolta'm,

Very well, so, listen to me,

Xavier Gondó, ha sigut un autèntic

Xavier Gondó has been a true one.

plaer aquesta xerrada

pleasure this talk

per parlar de periodisme,

to talk about journalism,

de ràdio, que és una cosa que ens apassiona

of radio, which is something that excites us

que ens apassionen els dos.

that both of us are passionate about.

I moltíssimes gràcies. Gràcies a tu.

And thank you very much. Thank you.


Thank you.

Quina veu i quin bon rotllo d'espreny

What a voice and what a good vibe of a rascal.

Xavier Gondó, eh? Han sigut

Xavier Gondó, right? They have been

40 minuts d'entrevista on admet

40 minutes of interview where he admits

que està destinat a substituir

that is intended to replace

Jordi Baster. Més que res perquè ho diu el

Jordi Baster. More than anything because he says so.

propi Baster, eh? Ho ha explicat

Own Baster, huh? He explained it.

el propi Gondó. Però que realment

the very Gondó. But really

és una cosa que no li treu pas

it's something that doesn't take away from him at all

la son. També explica

the sleep. It also explains

una cosa que en aquest podcast en parlo

one thing that I talk about in this podcast

moltíssim, que és la dificultat

very much, what is the difficulty

d'estar amb la família, de conciliar

of being with family, of reconciling

aquesta paraula tan difícil

this very difficult word

de practicar, de conciliar

to practice, to reconcile

amb la família i ser un periodista

with the family and being a journalist

100%. Sempre hi ha

100%. There's always.

alguna cosa que falla. I això

something that is wrong. And this

fa patir, evidentment.

It causes suffering, obviously.

Ha sigut un plaer, Gondó. Carrega piles

It has been a pleasure, Gondó. Recharge your batteries.

aquest estiu, que al setembre hi tornes.

this summer, you return in September.

I som molts els que t'estarem

And there are many of us who will support you.



I fins aquí la sala de Soler

And up to here is the Soler room.

d'avui, capítol 70.

from today, chapter 70.

Quin número més bonic

What a beautiful number.

i més rodó, eh? Em trobareu

And rounder, huh? You'll find me.

a la meva web personal,

to my personal website,

solerbonamusa.cat, a Twitter,

solerbonamusa.cat, a Twitter,

arroba albertsoler, bé, a Instagram,

@albertsoler, well, on Instagram,

arroba asoler,

sunny arroba,

i a Linkedin i a YouTube amb el meu nom

and on LinkedIn and YouTube with my name

complert, Albert Soler Bonamusa.

complete, Albert Soler Bonamusa.

En el proper capítol,

In the next chapter,

més periodisme en vena!

more journalism in the vein!

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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