A Contratemps 238 (4 juny 2021) 6x33

Pere Barber

A Contratemps

A Contratemps 238 (4 juny 2021) 6x33

A Contratemps

Bona tarda, salutacions.

Good afternoon, greetings.

Un divendres més, arrenquem el final d'esta sisena temporada.

Another Friday, we kick off the end of this sixth season.

Ja ho vam anunciar les setmanes anteriors.

We announced it in the previous weeks.

I avui, com vam prometre, tenim una cosa especial preparada per a tots els nostres oients.

And today, as we promised, we have something special prepared for all our listeners.

Aquest oient que tenim allà per a Xina, Taiwan i totes aquestes coses,

This listener we have there for China, Taiwan, and all those things,

per a ell també és un programa especial que hem preparat per a tots vosaltres.

For him, it is also a special program that we have prepared for all of you.

Ja sabeu que així on gravem el nostre podcast,

You already know that where we record our podcast,

a Altea, s'han relaxat les mesures, ens permeten ajuntar-nos i, per tant, nosaltres què hem fet?

In Altea, the measures have been relaxed, they allow us to gather, and, therefore, what have we done?

Doncs com no podia ser d'altra manera, ja ho heu escoltat,

Well, as it could hardly be otherwise, you have already heard it,

hem reunit de nou al cau de la Ramosa, aquesta vegada presencialment.

We have gathered again at the Ramosa den, this time in person.

L'última vegada va ser a través de la tecnologia, a través del Zoom.

The last time was through technology, via Zoom.

Però abans que us saludin, recordar-vos que us podeu trobar a les nostres xarxes,

But before they greet you, remember that you can find us on our networks,

a les xarxes socials, Twitter, Instagram i Facebook, a la nostra pàgina web a contratemps.com

on social networks, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, on our website at contratemps.com

i per descomptat també a totes les plataformes de reproducció de podcast

And of course also to all podcast streaming platforms.

on podreu escoltar aquest últim episodi i tots els que ja tenim pujats,

you can listen to this latest episode and all the ones we have already uploaded,

que en són uns quants, aquest, si no m'equivoco, és el 237.

that there are quite a few, this one, if I'm not mistaken, is 237.

I arrenquem la ronda de salutacions.

Let's kick off the round of greetings.

Començarem per la meva dreta, que com no podia ser d'altra manera,

We will start from my right, which, as could not be otherwise,

tenim així l'última incorporació, el fitxatge estrella d'esta temporada,

we thus have the latest addition, the star signing of this season,

amb tots vosaltres, el senyor Aynach.

with all of you, Mr. Aynach.

Ara ja m'has deixat així, que m'ha quedat ahí parat, l'última estrella.

Now you've left me like this, with the last star just hanging there.

Arriba't al micro.

Get closer to the mic.

Ara abans en el B1S no hi ha problema, perquè com que era en l'ordinador...

Now before in the B1S there is no problem, because since it was on the computer...

Hola, buenos días.

Hello, good morning.

Hola, com estàs?

Hello, how are you?

Estic nerviós, estic nerviós perquè...

I'm nervous, I'm nervous because...

Com que?

How come?

De plegar la teva, com aquell que diu, i pam!

Fold yours, as they say, and bam!

La primera reunió de l'Alcau de Rossa presencial en molt de temps.

The first in-person meeting of the Alcau de Rossa in a long time.

En dos anys, per lo menos.

In two years, at least.

No, en un anyet, un anyet.

No, in a little year, a little year.

L'any passat vam tancar la temporada també així, perquè ens ho va permetre la plandèmia.

Last year we ended the season like this as well, because the pandemic allowed us to.

La plandèmia.

The plandemic.

Continuant en la ronda de presentacions tenim a Mariano.

Continuing with the round of presentations, we have Mariano.

Bona vesprada, Mariano. Benvingut de nou a l'Alcau de la Rossa.

Good evening, Mariano. Welcome back to the Alcau de la Rossa.

Bona vesprada.

Good evening.

I el mestre, el senyor Juanvi Martín.

And the teacher, Mr. Juanvi Martín.

Hola, què tal?

Hello, how are you?

Tens vergonyeta, Juanvi? Tens vergonyeta?

Are you a little shy, Juanvi? Are you a little shy?

Sí, sí, sí, perquè no vos conec.

Yes, yes, yes, because I don't know you.

Com que l'audiòbator és bo salt, ara no mos coneixem.

Since the audiobator is good at jumping, now we don't know each other.

Bueno, Mariano no se l'ha llevat.

Well, Mariano hasn't taken it off.

Mos sona la cara, però no acaba de quadrar-me la careta.

The face looks familiar, but I can't quite place the face.

Sí, eh? A mi ja em passa que veig gent pel carrer que no la conec,

Yes, right? I already have the experience of seeing people on the street that I don't know.

o que quan et lleven la carassa, com no us he vist mai sense carassa, no sé qui són, eh?

Or that when they take off the mask, since I have never seen you without a mask, I don't know who they are, right?

I t'ho juro que m'ha passat des de vesprà.

I swear to you that it happened to me since evening.

Però, bueno, sí, una meravella poder compartir de nou el cau de la Rossa.

But, well, yes, it's a wonder to be able to share the Rossa's den again.

En vivo y en directos.

Live and direct.

I l'últim en saludar-nos, però no per això almenys...

And the last to greet us, but not for that at least...

Com es diu això?

What is this called?

No per ser l'últim és el pitjor.

Being last doesn't mean it's the worst.

Ah, ahí està. No per ser l'últim és el pitjor, ni el valor en menys.

Ah, there it is. Just because it's the last doesn't mean it's the worst, nor should it be underestimated.

De fet, és l'estrella del cau de la Rossa.

In fact, she is the star of Rossa's den.

Tot el món escolta les seues respostes.

The whole world listens to their answers.

Bona vesprada, senyor Peti.

Good evening, Mr. Peti.

Hola, moltes gràcies una altra volta per estar aquí, saludar a totes i tots.

Hello, thank you very much once again for being here, to greet everyone.

I això de ser una estrella, no sé si és per bé o per mal.

And this about being a star, I don't know if it's for good or for bad.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Perquè si interessa sempre el que jo dic de les burraes,

Because what I say about the nonsense is always of interest,

perquè jo a volte et dic mai, senyor,

because sometimes I tell you never, sir,

i dius, esto, esto, qui ho escolta...

And you say, this, this, who hears it...

Però, bueno, si anem bé, doncs ja està.

But, well, if we're doing well, then that's it.

Tindrem que posar-te a clausular de rescissió?

Will we have to put you on a severance clause?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

O si el fitxeu en un altre programa?

Or if you register him in another program?

No crec. Jo, o en vosaltres o en ningú.

I don't believe. I, or in you or in no one.

Si mos fitxeu en algun programa, va en el lote.

If you notice us in any program, it comes in the package.

Jo tinc que anar a la meua quadrilla.

I have to go to my group of friends.

Doncs molt bé, feteu les presentacions.

Well then, make the introductions.

Anem a arrencar en una miqueta...

Let's get started in a little bit...

de música.

of music.

En principi ho anem a fer amb una novetat

In principle, we are going to do it with a new feature.

que ja vam presentar la setmana passada,

that we already presented last week,

perquè va ser l'últimíssima hora de la setmana passada.

because it was the very last hour of last week.

Ells són La Fúmiga, acompanyats de Samantha,

They are La Fúmiga, accompanied by Samantha.

i això es diu Ja no fa mal.

and this is called It no longer hurts.

Ja no fa mal.

It doesn't hurt anymore.

Estava pensant-te després de molts mesos

I was thinking of you after many months.

Semblava que no estaves, no recordes teus besos

It seemed like you weren't there, don't you remember your kisses?

El nostre final no va ser molt amable

Our ending was not very kind.

Vaig decidir guardar tan sols allò inoblidable

I decided to keep only the unforgettable.

I de tantes nits em vas faltar, tantes a sobrar

And from so many nights you were missing, so many left over.

I unes coses per altres no queda, resten-nos altres

And some things for others are left, let us remain others.

Jo volia eixir, deixar l'averit

I wanted to leave, to leave the truth.

No és per tu, és per mi, però t'he de dir

It's not for you, it's for me, but I have to tell you.

Que sigues molt feliç

May you be very happy.

Vaig aprendre tantes coses

I learned so many things.

Que no he tingut temps de recordar

That I haven't had time to remember.

Curiós aprenentatge d'un fracàs

Curious learning from a failure.

Passen els anys, ja no em fa mal

The years pass, it doesn't hurt me anymore.

El temps ho havia de curar

Time would heal it.

Que tinguem sort i no oblidar

May we have luck and not forget.

Tot el que ens va marcar

Everything that marked us.

Segur que estàs bé, que has trobat on quedarte

Sure you are fine, that you have found a place to stay.

Voldria que em contares, ja em fa por preguntarte

I would like you to tell me, I'm already afraid to ask you.

No vull molestar, no voldria ratllarte

I don't want to bother, I wouldn't want to upset you.

Lo nuestro ya pasó, pero parlem de tu

What we had is over, but let's talk about you.



I ara que sona la cançó que ens morava els dos

And now that the song that killed us both is playing.

No li trobes sentit que tenia qual de cantada

Don't you find it makes sense that it had some kind of singing?

Jo volia eixir, deixar l'averit

I wanted to leave, to get rid of the truth.

No és per tu, és per mi, però t'he de dir

It's not for you, it's for me, but I have to tell you.

Que sigues molt feliç

May you be very happy.

Vaig aprendre tantes coses

I learned so many things.

Que no he tingut temps de recordar

That I haven't had time to remember.

Curiós aprenentatge d'un fracàs

Curious learning from a failure

Passen els anys, ja no em fa mal

The years go by, it no longer hurts me.

El temps ho havia de curar

Time was supposed to heal it.

Que tinguem sort i no oblidar

May we be lucky and not forget.

Tot el que ens va marcar

Everything that marked us

Que sigues molt feliç

May you be very happy.

Vaig aprendre tantes coses

I learned so many things.

Que no he tingut temps de recordar

That I haven't had time to remember.

Curiós aprenentatge d'un fracàs

Curious learning from a failure

Passen els anys, ja no em fa mal

The years go by, it doesn't hurt me anymore.

El temps ho havia de curar

Time would have to heal it.

Que tinguem sort i no oblidar

May we have luck and not forget.

Tot el que ens va marcar

Everything that marked us.

Curiós aprenentatge d'un fracàs

Curious learning from a failure

Passen els anys, ja no em fa mal

Years go by, it no longer hurts me.

Que sigues molt feliç

May you be very happy.

Espectacular el tema

The song is spectacular.

que s'han marcat La Fúmiga i Samanta

that La Fúmiga and Samanta have set

no podia faltar una cançó

a song couldn't be missing

per a aquest estiu de La Fúmiga

for this summer of La Fúmiga

i amb el xorro de veu que té

and with the voice projection that he/she has

la senyoreta de Benia Reig

Miss of Benia Reig

participant d'una de les últimes edicions

participant in one of the latest editions

d'Operación Triunfo

of Operación Triunfo

ella és Samanta i això en La Fúmiga

she is Samanta and this is in La Fúmiga

això és d'ella, ja no fa mal

this is from her, it doesn't hurt anymore

i bueno

And well

anem a entrar en matèria

let's get to the point

i anem a entrar a saco

Let's go all out.

a saco

a lot

ja sabeu que esta setmana

you already know that this week

el dia 1 concretament

on the 1st specifically

s'han aprovat, han entrat en vigor

they have been approved, they have come into effect

les 9 tarifes de la llibertat

the 9 tariffs of freedom

a quina hora aneu a posar la llave?

What time are you going to put the key in?

jo a les 2 del matí

me at 2 in the morning

però tu per joder

but you just to mess things up

no, perquè Juan me'n comodo

No, because Juan makes me uncomfortable.

jo soc una ave nocturna

I am a nocturnal bird.

i clar

and of course



que anem a fer

what are we going to do

és que en quin cap

it's just that in which head

li entra que una persona

it comes to him that a person

normal tinga que fer

normal it should have to do

una rentadora

a washing machine

a les 11 del matí

at 11 in the morning

a les 10 de migdia

at 10 in the morning

a aquestes hores un està o dormint

At this time, one is either awake or sleeping.

o dormint, ja està bé

or sleeping, it's fine.

i ha de fer jarana a la nit

You have to make noise at night.

i ens posarem en l'equip de música

and we will get into the music team

el lavaplatos

the dishwasher

la nevera abierta, el congelador

the open fridge, the freezer

el ventilador en marxa

the fan running

clarament hauríem de fer el programa

clearly we should do the program

per la nit, perquè ara

at night, because now

aquest és horari de

this is the schedule of

de màxim consum

of maximum consumption

això, necessitem un espònsol per apagar-ho

this, we need a fire extinguisher to put it out

això, eh?

this, huh?

això, no, no es traurà res

this, no, nothing will be removed

a mi m'ha agradat molt

I liked it a lot.

l'avalanxa de memes

the avalanche of memes

m'ha encantat

I loved it.

el de

the one of

he de posar-li a mi

I have to put it on me.

a Maria Luz

to Maria Luz

però el vull posar a Marisol

but I want to put it on Marisol

no, aquest no l'he vist

no, I haven't seen this one.

és molt bo

it's very good

i després

and then

el de

the one of

el fotograma de

the frame of

de Cenicienta

of Cinderella

de Walt Disney

by Walt Disney

que veu el relàndiu allí

what the reland is seeing there

i el príncipe

and the prince

Cenicienta, no te vayes

Cinderella, don't go away.



eh, tengo que ir

Eh, I have to go.

son las doce

It's twelve o'clock.

tengo que poner las lavadoras

I have to do the laundry.

i veus que se'n va

and you see that it's leaving


Do you know?

mogolló de memes de cine

a ton of movie memes

que al final

that in the end

tot mos ho teniu que prendre igual

you all have to take it the same way

tot és el catxondeo

everything is a joke


I love it.


to leave it

que així el catxondeo no falta mai

so the fun is always guaranteed

recorde quan

I remember when

no sé si recordareu

I don't know if you will remember.

el hijo de la Paquita

the son of Paquita



un terrorista

a terrorist

de l'ISIS


si no recorde mal

if I remember correctly

que va fer un missatge

that sent a message

i era el hijo de la Paquita

And he was the son of Paquita.

perquè ell era espanyol

because he was Spanish

era espanyol de naixement

he was Spanish by birth

i es va afiliar allí

and he/she joined there

i va fer

and he/she did it

i de fet el missatge està en castellà

And in fact the message is in Spanish.

i en Espanya

and in Spain

osea un altre pais

I mean, another country.

que era que estava amenaçant a Espanya

that was threatening Spain

tot s'hi ha de dir

everything must be said

un altre pais que era collonat

another country that was screwed over

Espanya que va fer

Spain that did

burlase del fill de la Paquita

mocking Paquita's son

i la pobre Paquita estava allà

and poor Paquita was there

que no hi haurà més cas

that there will be no more case

això de dir que les xarxes socials

this saying that social networks

tenen eixe, lo que deia Juanvi

they have that, what Juanvi was saying

eixe manera d'entendre les coses

that way of understanding things

que ens preocupa

that worries us

però mira

but look

és lo que acabes de dir també

it's what you just said too



en altres paisos

in other countries

que eren muntat ahí

that were mounted there

con el tiparraco este

with this guy

con el fill de la Paquita?

with Paquita's son?

la hagueren fet d'una altra manera

they would have done it another way

i ací en lo de la llum

and here about the light

ponen comptes d'eixir al carrer

they take account of going out on the street

i pegar-li foc a tot

and set everything on fire

i reventar-ho

and blow it up

lo que apenes per els memes

what barely passes for memes

i pagarem

We will pay.

bueno, per eixir al carrer

well, to go out to the street

eixirem quan Espanya guanyi un Mundial

We will go out when Spain wins a World Cup.

o algo així no?

or something like that, right?

i si és futbol?

And if it's football?

si és un altre esport no és ningú

if it's another sport, it's nobody

s'han dit que és Casillas

they have said that it is Casillas

por favor, claro

please, of course

i farem processió

and we will have a procession

si no és futbol ningú eix

if it's not football, no one goes out

jo crec que hi veurà la part del cine

I believe that he/she will see the film side of it.

de la selecció espanyola

of the Spanish national team

mireu com a vora era eixir-ne i tal

look how it was just about to leave and such

gràcies a la gruta

thanks to the cave

que podem permetre

what we can allow

la lliga de bàsquet sí que la paga Endesa

The basketball league is indeed paid by Endesa.

la liga Endesa no és la liga de bàsquet

the Endesa league is not the basketball league

al final

at the end

eh, todo queda en casa

Eh, everything stays in the family.

i la del futbol femenino

and that of women's football

és Hiperderola

it’s Hiperderola

tu veus

you see

al final són els mateixos

in the end, they are the same

molantros, Pau, Espanycico

molantros, Pau, Espanycico

mira que les empreses

look at the companies

és que estan passant bo mal

they are having a bad time

estan patint

they are suffering



jo necessito saber

I need to know.

i la lliga de bàsquet

and the basketball league

l'audiència necessita saber

the audience needs to know

a quina hora va

What time does it go?

tu que eres aficionat

you who are a fan

a posar les llavadores

to put on the washing machines

això l'audiència no ho sap

the audience doesn't know this

jo, home

me, man

però tu t'agrada posar les llavadores

but you like to put on the washers

sí, però jo

yes, but I

dir-te lo que cap no ho tinc mal

I have to tell you that I don't have it bad.

perquè jo només poso una en setmana

because I only put one on a week

i és el dissabte o diumenge

Is it Saturday or Sunday?

així en el que

thus in what

no ho digo bé

I don't say it well.

i és sempre quan

and it is always when

nosaltres hem d'eixir

we have to leave

i quan hem d'eixir

and when do we have to leave

a este home li diem

we call this man

Xemona fem una servei

Let's make a service.

hòstia, és que he de posar

Holy crap, do I have to put this?

una llavadora

a washing machine

la poso, me'n vaig

I put it on, I'm leaving.

i torne

and I return

però bueno

but well

és lo que té esta

it's what this has

la de cine

the one from the movies

no tens que modificar horaris

you don't have to modify schedules

jo tinc un amic

I have a friend.

que no

no way

no eix de casa

I don't go out of the house.

amb la llavadora en marxa

with the washing machine running

no eix

I don't go out.

se li va pegar foc

he caught fire

una vegada


a una

to one

i li va pegar foc

and it caught fire

a la cuina

in the kitchen

pensava que era

I thought it was

per a que se li anara

so that it would go to him/her

la llavadora

the washing machine

no, no

no, no

i aquell li diu

and he tells him

però tio

but dude

que aquella era una

that it was one

la lavadora de l'any

the washing machine of the year

de la cachumba

of the cachumba

aquella tal

that one such

diu no

say no

i si se'n pega anar

and if it goes away



va, fa lo que torna

come on, it does what it returns

i la torna a enxegar

and she catches it again

i com va acabar

And how did it end?

ixa roba

that clothing

se li va llevar bé

he/she woke up well



la de la

the one from the



se li va quedar

he/she was left with

molt per a la llavadora

too much for the washing machine

i viure

and to live

i el que que

and what that

va ser

it was

que va ser

what was it

el que va ser

what was

la llavadora

the washing machine

el que va ser

what was

i la llavadora

and the washing machine

em va dir

he told me

que no

no way





que l'esposa

that the wife







Quan m'he fet por sempre m'ha fet millor, he pres a veure per quan es fa fosc.

When I have been afraid, it has always made me better; I have learned to see for when it gets dark.

Per tant és quan més he guanyat, que m'impedeix anar-me'l cap amunt.

Therefore it is when I have won the most that prevents me from going up.

Vull veure un sol que no es pot governar, i jo només vull veure elefants volant.

I want to see a sun that cannot be governed, and I only want to see flying elephants.

Jo només vull veure elefants volant.

I just want to see flying elephants.

És una llum que vola les pedres, el vent que ens afegeix, és el vent que ens afegeix.

It is a light that flies the stones, the wind that adds us, it is the wind that adds us.

Tinc un cel i un infern a dins, milers de nits que es fan...

I have a heaven and a hell inside, thousands of nights that are made...

I aprofitem la música de Les Oques Gràcies, l'últim disc de Les Oques Gràcies, que també va eixir la setmana passada.

And we take advantage of the music of Les Oques Gràcies, the latest album by Les Oques Gràcies, which also came out last week.

Un disc que es diu A tope amb la vida, no ve mal en estos temps, anar a tope amb la vida,

A disc called A tope amb la vida is not bad in these times, going all out with life.

i del qual nosaltres escoltàvem, doncs, un dels temes que hi ha en el disc.

and of which we listened, therefore, to one of the tracks on the album.

I que ens ha donat temps per a pensar en què seguirem escoltant, i crec que és el senyor...

And it has given us time to think about what we'll continue listening to, and I believe it's the gentleman...

Peti, el que ens proposa escoltar una cançoneta ara.

Peti, who proposes we listen to a little song now.

Sí, jo vaig a tirar ara una altra volta, així, per allò que ha vingut durant l'any aquest que hem tingut,

Yes, I am going to throw again now, just because of what has come during this year that we have had.

tirant un poquet en el punt.

pulling a little at the point.

Me n'he anat ahir a Euskadi Ria, al gran grup que es diu Escorbuto,

I went to Euskadi Ria yesterday, to the big group called Escorbuto.

i aquesta cançó vaig a dedicar-li, jo crec, a tot l'estat espanyol,

and this song I am going to dedicate, I believe, to the whole of Spain,

i el que... i si algú se senta eludit, doncs, igual, és que estem fent algo bé.

And what... if someone feels excluded, well, maybe it's because we are doing something right.

La cançó es diu Maldito País.

The song is called Maldito País.

Maldito País

Cursed Country

És una gran pobliga

It is a great village.

Ministres, governadors, presidents

Ministers, governors, presidents

Que se toquen los cojones

Let them touch their balls.

Este maldito país

This damned country

És una gran pobliga

It is a great village.

Este maldito país

This damned country

És una gran pobliga

It is a great town.

¿Quisiera enrotllarme a una mujer policía

I would like to hook up with a policewoman.

para estar jodiendola?

to be messing with her?

Todos dean, todos dean

Everyone dean, everyone dean.

Este maldito país

This damn country

És una gran pobliga

It is a great village.

Maldito País

Cursed Country



Maldito País

Cursed country



Maldito País

Damn Country



Espanya, Espanya, Espanya

Spain, Spain, Spain

Que pense que en el tema de l'electricitat ve perfecte.

I think that on the topic of electricity it fits perfectly.

Espanya, Espanya, Espanya

Spain, Spain, Spain

Espanya, Espanya, Espanya, Espanya

Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain

Espanya, Espanya, Espanya, Espanya, Espanya

Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain

Sí senyor, ara la culpa és meua

Yes sir, now the blame is mine.



Per a la gent que no ho sàpiga jo porto coleta

For those who don't know, I have a ponytail.

No em puc veure

I cannot see myself.

el vídeo

the video

de l'anterior programa

from the previous program

perquè va fallar el zoom

why did the zoom fail

si això és un atraso

if this is a setback

el disc dur, va fallar el disc dur

the hard drive, the hard drive failed

se corrompió la memòria

the memory corrupted

però sí que estaria bé posar alguna foteta

But it would be good to put in a few little photos.

així de tots

thus of all

faríem una foto d'aquest

we would take a picture of this

un selfling

a selfling

una d'aquest del cau

one of this from the den

Puertes giratòries

Revolving doors

A mi simplement

To me simply

jo odia, sense voler dir noms

I hate, without wanting to name names.

ni entrar en partits polítics

nor enter into political parties

ni res

neither anything

simplement odia perquè sembla una miqueta

he simply hates because it seems a little bit

curiós que

curious that

aquesta relació que hi ha entre

this relationship that exists between

els poders polítics en aquest cas

the political powers in this case

i les grans empreses

and the large companies

de manera que sempre

so that always

deixen baix sospita el fet

they leave the fact under suspicion

de que fins a quin punt

to what extent

quan tu no estàs en el govern

when you are not in the government

li fas cas

you pay attention to him/her

al que estan dient

to what they are saying

aquestes empreses

these companies

que si

that if

efectivament el poder polític

effectively the political power

és independent

it is independent

doncs sembla que moltes vegades

so it seems that many times

moltes vegades no ho dissimulen

many times they do not hide it

massa bé

too good

però bé bé

but well well

Són marionetes

They are puppets.

i Quimana és perfectament bonic

i Quimana is perfectly beautiful

i el senyor

and the sir

no sé

I don't know.

el senyor Satander

Mr. Satander

o el senyor

or the lord

la Caixa

the Box

és també

it is also

són els que manen

they are the ones in charge

però de tota manera jo de portes giratòries

but anyway I have of revolving doors

en les que el pitjor ho ha passat

in which the worst has happened

en els aeroports

in the airports

saps que quan plegues allà a la porta

Do you know that when you finish at the door?

està quieta

she is still

i quan tu t'arribes has començat a girar

And when you arrive, you have started to turn.

això no vol aparar

this does not want to stop

jo ahir m'ha pegat

I got hit yesterday.


do you see?

això segur la porta que m'ha enganxat el peu

this definitely the door that caught my foot

això m'ha enganxat el peu la porta

this has caught my foot in the door

En el hotel també hi ha unes portes giratòries

In the hotel, there are also revolving doors.



el problema

the problem

bé ara ja

well now already



havies d'esperar

you had to wait

havies d'esperar les portes aquestes

you should have waited for these doors

però ara ja

but now already

ara que el descuide està trompeu

now that the carelessness is staggering

que ha trompeu i ha anat a la porta

you tripped and went to the door

ha entrat en la maleta de rodes

has entered the wheeled suitcase

i tu del parell

and you of the pair

i el que

and what

i que no sé què

and I don't know what

i te giren i

and they turn you and

i tamborinen a la porta

and they knock on the door



estic parlant en el micro

I am speaking into the microphone.

no és tan nerviós

he is not so nervous

estic amb aquest

I'm with this one.

és que és el seu primer directe

it's just that it's their first live performance

aixina la...

like this...

és que menys

it's that less

l'altra volta que va intervindre en directe

the last time he/she intervened live

era mitjançant zoom

it was via zoom

i s'ha de notar

and it must be noted

recorda Pere que la primera vegada

remember Pere that the first time

que vaig vidre jo així

that I saw myself like this

també em vas cridar l'atenció unes quantes vegades

you also caught my attention a few times

és que li agrada

it is that he/she likes it

li agrada funyar eh

he likes to mess around, huh

també és veritat

it's also true

i jo me'n recorde

And I remember it.

a mi perdonen però crec que això no és així

Excuse me, but I believe that this is not the case.

qui mana paga

he who pays commands

és el referit

it is the referred one

qui paga mana

Who pays commands.

és qui paga mana

He who pays commands.

però que aquí no paga ningú

but here no one pays

és qui paga mana

He who pays commands.

però que aquí no paga ningú

but nobody pays here

però ja

but already

ho veu

do you see it

ho veu perquè és l'estrella del programa

You see it because he is the star of the show.

jo tinc de record de quan era nano

I have a memory of when I was a kid.

la primera porta giratòria

the first revolving door

allà en València ciutat capital

there in Valencia city capital



capital del regne

capital of the kingdom

i hi havia allà unes galeries rares

And there were some strange galleries there.

i això tenia un cocodrilo dissecat

and this had a dissected crocodile

i la porta giratòria tot el matí posat

and the revolving door all morning on

i encara està

and still is

el cocodrilo no ha pogut pegar a córrer

the crocodile couldn't start running

home però igual quan

man but still when

ma mare em va contar que

my mother told me that

que el cocodrilo estava ahí

that the crocodile was there

de quan la iaia era xiqueta

from when grandma was little

i el tenien ahí en el

and they had him there in the

com se llama en terrario

What is it called in a terrarium?

i va començar a crèixer l'animal

and the animal began to grow

i quan jo no entrava li van dir

And when I didn't come in, they told him.

pues va la

well, here it goes

el van fer de guinyot

they made fun of him

el van omplir de drap

they filled him with cloth

i era el reclamo de les xos

And it was the attraction of the xos.

la porta giratòria i el cocodrilo

the revolving door and the crocodile

i allà està

and there it is

i ja ve al volt

and it is already coming around

i ara l'haurà d'entrar

and now she will have to enter it

perquè ara no és bonic fa lleig

because now it is not beautiful it looks ugly

és com el pigné

it's like the pine cone

aquell que hi havia al museu d'Onda

the one that was at the Onda museum

ja no és tant

it's not so much anymore

a mi m'agrada

I like it.

parlant d'animals dissecats

talking about dissected animals

m'agrada la gineta

I like the gineta.

que n'hi havia en tots els bars de carretera

that there were in all the roadside bars

damunt de la tele

on top of the TV

això és un emblema

this is an emblem

sempre li falta un d'ells

he is always missing one of them

així amb brincaeta allà

thus with a jump there

en el palitroc

in the palitroc

així mirant en els rabotes

thus looking in the rabbit's eyes

i això

and this

això formava part de la nostra cultura popular

this was part of our popular culture

o la rabosa també

or the fox too

i això és el que és una porta giratòria

and this is what a revolving door is

posar la rabosa

put the fox

al cuidao de les gallines

the care of the chickens

no ho sentim mai

we never feel it



si resulta

if it works

que el que té que fer llum

that which must shed light

fa fum

it gives off smoke

pues al final

well, in the end

aquí huele a chamusquina

it smells like something is burning here

perquè claro

because of course

lo que planteja el meu Mariano és això

What my Mariano is suggesting is this.

és a dir

that is to say

el que té que vigilar

what you have to watch out for

que no munten les tarifes de la llum

that the electricity rates do not rise

està esperant que acabi

is waiting for it to finish

per després

for later

a enxufar-se

to plug in

mai millor dit

couldn't have said it better

pues que va fer

so what did he/she do

fer la via bruta

make the dirty way



hombre no

man no

no muntes la llum

don't turn on the light

no muntes la tarufa

don't get upset

és un problemón

it's a big problem

això és un problemón

this is a big problem



per molt que diguen

no matter what they say

lo de

the of

lo del

the of

el poder judicial

the judicial power

no és un problema

it's not a problem

que fan les coses

that make things

o fan més caldor

or they make it hotter

costa més

it costs more

qualsevol procés judicial s'allarga

any judicial process is prolonged



en la pràctica

in practice

n'hi ha prou separació de poders

there is enough separation of powers

per molt que critiquen

no matter how much they criticize

que la democràcia no siga representativa

that democracy is not representative

o no siga 100% representativa

or not be 100% representative

és un problema

it's a problem


però no és tant problema

but it's not such a problem

si realment

if really

n'hi haguera

there would be

un conjunt de gent

a group of people

realment reivindicativa

truly reivindicative

i que estiguera disposta a lluitar

and that she was willing to fight

per els drets

for rights

i per les reivindicacions

and for the demands

entonces no seria ningún problema

then it would be no problem

el verdadero problema

the real problem

es que cualquiera del que arriba

It's just that anyone who arrives.



del que arriba i dalt

of what arrives and above

més tard o més pront

sooner or later

s'enxufarà la porta giratòria

the revolving door will be plugged in



entonces no voldràs

then you won't want


to sulk

el que un dia

what one day

pot ser


el que tam

what so



amigo amigo

friend friend



això sí que és un problema

this really is a problem


you see

jo lo de la separació de poders

I the separation of powers

no m'ho acabo de creure

I can’t quite believe it.

per molt que

no matter how much


they yell

i facin rodilló

and make a knee pad



pero lo de la puerta giratòria

but the revolving door


perquè és

because it is

posar la raposa

put the fox

a cuidar els gallines

to take care of the chickens

tenen dos anys d'inhabilitat

they have two years of disqualification

és que no

it's just that no

ja fa dos anys

it has been two years

que no em dedique a la política

that I don't engage in politics

i ja puc posar-me a dir

and I can already start to say

com no has guanyat prou

as you haven't won enough

pa tirar-te el resto de la vida

to spend the rest of your life

tocant-te la panxeta

touching your belly

i quan et canses

And when you get tired

canvis de mà

hand changes

lo que n'hi hauria que veure

what there would be to see

si firmen precontrat

if they sign a pre-contract

igual quan

equal when

el dia que estan firmant-te l'acta

the day they are signing the record for you

ja estan

they are already done

en converses

in talks

en les converses

in the conversations

el anexo 23

annex 23



de tota manera

in any case

és que en tot això

it's that in all this

a mi sempre m'ha semblat curiós

I have always found it curious.

que vivint-te en la zona

that living you in the area

que vivim

that we live

que pega molt de sol

that gets a lot of sun

no es fomenten més

they are not encouraged anymore

les plaques solars

solar panels

és que

it's that

en tot això

in all this

es fomenten més

they are encouraged more

les plaques solars

solar panels







el sol

the sun

no però això

no but this

ja no

no more

el van llevar

they took him away

però era un escàndalo

but it was a scandal

òbviament per això

obviously for that reason




to charge

cobrar per tu

charge for you



la teua pròpia electricitat

your own electricity

que era això

What was that?

el que consistia

what it consisted of

l'impost al sol

the solar tax

com dius tu

how do you say it

que m'agrada

that I like

que això és verídic

that this is true

això és verídic

this is true

vosaltres tots sabeu

you all know

que ma mare

that my mother

tenia una

I had one.

una casa allà

a house over there

en la muntanya

in the mountain

i mos vam fer

and we made ourselves

la llum

the light

i mos van donar

and they gave us

una subvenció

a grant

per posar

to put

de plaques solars

of solar panels

estic parlant

I am speaking.

de fa 25 anys

25 years ago

te'n donaven subvencions

they were giving you subsidies

a fondo perdido




o sea

that is to say

que era de gratis

that it was for free

per posar

to put

de plaques solars

of solar panels

i la llei

and the law






the excess



de llum

of light

que tu feies

what you did

estava obligat

was obliged

i de l'elèctrica

and of the electric one

a compràrtelo

to buy it for you





allí no li la podies enviar

there you couldn't send it to her

a ningú

to nobody

perquè no tenia el cable

because I didn't have the cable

i doncs

and so

fins i tot la rentadora

even the washing machine

de les dues del matí

at two in the morning


it was working

amb plaques solars

with solar panels

i ara

and now





segur que se'n pot anar

sure he/she can leave

i en un moment

and in a moment

tornarem així

we will return like this

en el rojo vivo

in the blazing red

en la tertúlia

in the discussion



Nacho carrera

Nacho race

no no

no no

la veritat

the truth



s'ha posat

has put on



el tema

the theme

com s'ha tallat

how it has been cut

a debatir

to debate





no no

no no


I am



de àmbit polític

of a political nature

de democràcia

of democracy



de si un rato

in a little while


it appears

un círculo

a circle

de Podemos

of Podemos




we are afraid







es lo

it is the




I wanted


I can


put in it

una cançó

a song

i trenquem

and we break

el gel

the ice

lo que






per favor




put me



un segon

one second





















tal a

such a











que jo crec

that I believe

que és

what is it

lo que



it counted

lo que



I was counting.





es en

is in











uns sers malèfics

malicious beings

que anaven per ahir

that went for yesterday

fent putaes

doing whore things

no, espera't

no, wait for yourself

podem canviar, anem a posar

we can change, let’s put

bueno, no, va

well, no, come on

posa la brujaveria

put the witchcraft



no se ria de la brujaveria

do not mock witchcraft

perquè si els electroduendes

because if the electrogoblins

eren uns sers així

they were beings like that



la brujaveria

the witchcraft

era la que en un moment donat

it was the one who at one point



rebentar de totes les parets elèctriques

burst all the electric walls

entonces, si

so, yes

passa algo

Is something happening?

si passa algo así

if something like that happens

que sapigueu que ha sigut

Letting you know that it has been.

la brujaveria

the witchcraft

no se ria de la brujaveria

do not mock witchcraft

oiga usted

excuse me

no se ria

don't laugh

de la brujaveria

of witchcraft

oiga usted

excuse me

no se ria

don't laugh

de la bruja

of the witch



si se ríe usted señora

If you laugh, ma'am.

romperá la lavadora

it will break the washing machine

si se ríe usted señor

if you laugh sir

romperá el televisor

he will break the television

no se ria

don't laugh

de la brujaveria

of witchcraft

no se ria

don't laugh

de la brujaveria

of witchcraft

no se ría

don't laugh

no derroche

no waste

que se va a quedar sin coche

that is going to be left without a car

que mañana irá oscandando

that tomorrow it will start to darken

a trabajar sin apretar

to work without rushing

que al llegar

that upon arrival

no funciona el ascensor

the elevator is not working

ni tampoco parte el aire

nor does it split the air

por favor


que calor

how hot

todo el mundo está dotado

everyone is gifted

se que en buen ordenador

I know that in a good computer.

no se ria

don't laugh

de la cruja haberia

of the crack there would be

no se ria

don't laugh

No se ría, no se ría de la bruja avería.

Don't laugh, don't laugh at the witch breakdown.

Ni en su casa, ni en la calle, ni en el metro, ni en avión.

Neither at home, nor on the street, nor in the subway, nor on a plane.

No se ría, no se ría de la bruja avería.

Don't laugh, don't laugh at the witch breakdown.

No se ría, no se ría, no se ría, no se ría.

Don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh.

No se ría, no se ría de la bruja avería.

Don't laugh, don't laugh at the broken witch.

No se ría de la bruja avería.

Don't laugh at the witch malfunction.

No se ría, no se ría de la bruja avería.

Don't laugh, don't laugh at the broken witch.

Estem en el Bershka, anem a comprar roba

We are at Bershka, we are going to buy clothes.

És que clar, Spotify tampoc te l'ha d'acabar

It's just that of course, Spotify shouldn't finish it for you either.

però saps

but you know

Spotify no van a vacunar-lo encara

Spotify is not going to vaccinate him yet.

I Spotify troba el que troba

In Spotify, find what you find.

Secret Valley

Secret Valley

Estem així en el chill out

We are thus in the chill out.

Bueno sí, tenia una pregunta

Well yes, I had a question.

per vosaltres

for you

Nostres oients ja saben que estos programes

Our listeners already know that these programs

podem ir per Ptener

we can go for Ptener

La Ptener ha vingut

The Ptener has come.

La pregunta

The question

és fàcil

it's easy

Cada setmana en el cau de la Rabosa

Every week in the Fox's den.

jo vos faig una pregunta

I ask you a question.

i vosaltres

and you

responeu en un àudio de Whatsapp

respond in a WhatsApp audio

La pregunta és

The question is.

On grabeu eixos àudios de Whatsapp?

Do you record those Whatsapp audios?

Més ràpid, més sincer

Faster, more sincere

i més veritat

and more truth

Moltes vegades la veu es notarà que estic llitat

Many times the voice will be noticeable that I am in bed.

El grabe llitant

The serious crying

i hi ha un parell que s'ha gravat

And there is a couple that has been recorded.



No vaig a dir-te on

I'm not going to tell you where.

Sentat on?

Sitting where?

En el tio Roca

In Uncle Roca

Ben apretat

Well tightened

Si busquem es notarà com la veu

If we look for it, it will be noticeable like the voice.

alta i baixa

high and low



I els altres també

And the others too.

Algun no te l'ha gravat ahi al parque

Someone hasn't recorded it for you there in the park.

Al carrer

On the street

Quan estic per allà al tal gos

When I'm around that dog.

També és veritat

It is also true.

Que també l'ha gravat per allà al tal gos

That has also recorded it over there at that dog.

Jo t'hi dic

I tell you so.

On m'ha enganxat

He/she has caught me.

On m'ha pillat l'inspiració

Inspiration has caught me.



Algú en la faena també

Someone at work too.

Que no se'n té el jefe

The boss is not aware of it.

Jo només una vegada l'he gravat fora de casa

I have only recorded it outside the house once.

Totes les vegades

Every time

I no estava sentat en cada lloc

I was not sitting in every place.

Que quedi clar

Let it be clear.

Mariano és un tio de pie

Mariano is a stand-up guy.

De pies a la cabeça

From head to toe

No, no, no

No, no, no

Però jo sempre l'he gravat en casa

But I have always recorded it at home.



He buscat algú aquest

I have looked for someone this.

Que no


Estigui fent res

Be doing nothing

I l'he gravat ahi

And I've recorded it there.

Sent que no

Feeling that no

Que no dóna pas a

That does not lead to

A un debat més intens

To a more intense debate.

Jo es grava en qualsevol lloc

I record myself anywhere.

Ho dic així

I say it this way.

Algú matí en casa

Someone morning at home

Que acaba d'ajunar

What just had lunch

I dic mira

I say look

Ara vaig a gravar

Now I am going to record.

Algú dia

One day

I Pere pot anar a fer

I Pere can go to do.

A la una de la matinada

At one o'clock in the morning.

L'he enviat a la una de la matinada

I sent it at one in the morning.

Perquè estava allí

Because I was there.

I dic ostres

I say oysters.

Se m'ha oblidat gravar l'àudio

I forgot to record the audio.

I l'he abocat a la una de la matinada

And I poured it at one in the morning.

També grava moltes vesprees

It also records many evenings.

En la faena

In the task

O bé

Or well

Me n'he anat fora

I have gone outside.

Que alguna volta s'ha escoltat una moto passar

That sometime a motorcycle has been heard passing.

Que estigui a la porta

That it is at the door.

O un spray desinfectant

Or a disinfectant spray

Durant tot l'àudio

Throughout the audio



Aixó on anava jo

That's where I was going.

Jo vull que encontreu

I want you to find.

Aquests intrímbols

These intrigues

Des àudios

Of audios

A què el refereixes?

What are you referring to?

A això

To this



Primer on el graveu

First on the recording

I després

And then

Aquests coses

These things

Que això jo després

That I'll do later.

Es profunditzaré en això

I will delve into this.

Tu continua

You continue.

A veure

Let's see.

Jo personalment

I personally

A mi arriba el dia

The day arrives for me



Esta setmana

This week



Ara que en juego

Now that I'm playing

I comencem

And we begin.

A veure

Let's see.



A vegades


És una inspiració directa

It is a direct inspiration.



Que dius

What do you say?

Que cançó posaria esta

What song would you play for this?

I mos passa molt

It happens to us a lot.

Que aboquem la cançó

Let's play the song.


Right away

Això sí que és veritat

That is indeed true.

Que veus que en l'europeu

What do you see in the European?

Està bé

It's okay.

A veure la cançó

Let's see the song.

Que el comentari

That the comment

Però per què?

But why?

Perquè així

Because like this

Ja sap

You already know.

Que més o menys

More or less

El comentari va d'un minut

The comment is one minute long.

I per lo menos

At least

Ja té el hueco

He already has the gap.

El trosset

The little piece

Jo encara no he aconseguit

I still haven't achieved.

Jo m'enrotllo

I mess around.

Com les persianes

Like the blinds.

Me caguen tot

I'm fed up with everything.

Jo menys de dos minuts

I less than two minutes.

No faig

I don't do.

S'ha de dir

It must be said.

Que el teu

That your

Els teus comentaris

Your comments

No pleguen a ser

They don't cease to be.

Són un monòleg

It's a monologue.

Algú havia de dir

Someone had to say.



A mi m'encanta

I love it.

Quan gravo

When I record

No, no, això no

No, no, not that.

Però el que faig

But what I do

És que

It's that

Tot ho fem

We do it all.

És a dir

That is to say

Jo igual

Me too.

N'hi ha vídeos

There are videos.

N'hi ha àudios

There are audios.

Que els he gravat

That I have recorded them.

10 voltes

10 laps

El que passa és que

What happens is that

Envies el bo

You send the good.

I realment ja

And really already

No, no

No, no.

Vosaltres no sabeu

You do not know.

La de vegades

The sometimes

Que no vos enviades

Don't send it to yourselves.

O sea, que no més

That is to say, not more.

Vos enviades el bo

You send the good one.

Però és que una vegada

But it's that once

El que no és bo

What is not good

És tan bo

It's so good.

Que teniu que sentir-lo

You have to hear it.

Teniu que sentir-lo

You have to hear it.

Tinc que compartir

I have to share.

I el paro a escoltar

And I stop to listen.

Ara, ara

Now, now

No, això no és bo

No, this is not good.

El paro a la trep

The unemployment in the trep.

Això són les tomes falses

These are the false takes.

Un dia me la té que jugar

One day it has to play me.

I a volar

And to fly.

I mos té que enxufar

We have to plug it in.

Totes les tomes falses

All the false volumes



Bueno, ja

Well, already.

I això ho fem tots

And we all do this.



Lo de buscar la cançoneta

The thing about looking for the little song.

I enseguida

I'll be right there.



És tan bulló, no?

He's so annoying, isn't he?

Salve, salve

Hail, hail

Que això m'ho ha passat

That this has happened to me.

I me cague en tot

I am fed up with everything.

Això de

This of

Me cague en tot

I don't care about anything.

Quina cançó

Which song

Si de mazo lo quería yo

If I wanted it badly.

Me cagis en la mar

I curse the sea.

En Mariano m'ha parat

Mariano stopped me.

Un parell de vegades

A couple of times

I després

And then

El tràfic il·legal de cançons

The illegal trafficking of songs

Fora de la xarxa

Out of the network

No me lo deixe

Don't leave it to me.

Fora, eh?

Out, right?

Que m'ha arribat

That has reached me.

A canviar alguna cançó

To change a song.

Aixina, no?

Like this, right?

Por esa gara

For that prize.

Es tu, esa tal

It's you, that one.

Esa cual

That which

Esta mola de la pany

This is great for the lock.



Pero lo peor

But the worst

És quan no tens

It's when you don't have.

No trobes la cançó

You can't find the song.





Ah, què faig?

Ah, what am I doing?



Deixo el matinet d'ahí

I leave the little morning from there.

Buscant per internet

Searching on the internet

Cague en tot

I mess up everything.

A veure això

Let's see this.

Jo com ho apanyaria

I would sort it out.

Quina cançó n'hi ha

What song is there?

Que parli d'això

Let him talk about this.

Quina que parli de lo altre

What about talking about the other thing?

I després

And then

Això també, no?

This too, right?

No s'oblida

It is not forgotten.

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

A mi m'ha passat

It has happened to me.

Hasta con tema

Even with a theme

Hasta con ejemplo

Until with example

Que vas

What are you going?



En tu, Mariano

In you, Mariano







Jo sóc

I am

Dels primeres

Of the first ones

Que posa l'àudio

What does the audio say?



Des que estic

Since I am

Però va haver-hi un dia

But there was a day

Això sí

That’s for sure.

Que va haver-hi un dia

That there was a day

Que m'ha enganxat el bous

That the bulls have caught me.

I va ser

It was


The last





Pum, pim, pam

Boom, bam, bang


The audio

Que no m'enganxa

It doesn't catch me.

Posa el grave

Put the grave.

I el tire

And the throw

I després de gravar-lo

And after recording it

I tirar-lo

And throw it.

És quan sentís que és vostre

It's when I feel that it is yours.

Perquè ja està ben

Because it's already enough.

Per poder sentir-lo

To be able to feel it

I dins

And inside



Sí, Mariano

Yes, Mariano.

I on li lo matéis

And don't kill him.

No me recorde

I don't remember.



Quinta manera

Fifth way

I va

It goes.

I va fer un altre àudio

He made another audio.

I dient

And saying

Oye, que este no

Hey, not this one.

Que Mariano

What Mariano

Que me cago en la mar

I swear on the sea.

Que no sé qué

I don't know what.

Ara torna a fer un altre

Now do another one.

No, s'ha de dir

No, it must be said.

Que conforme

That conforms.

Es posa per

It is put on for

Les àudios

The audios

En el programa

In the program

No és que

It's not that

Es posa

It is put on.



Que primer ha enviat

Who has sent first?


The audio

I així

And so

De seguida

Right away.



Posa el meu àudio

Put on my audio.


The last

Perquè em queda

Because I'm left with

Que l'últim

That the last

Ha enviat

He has sent.

I no ho faig

And I don't do it.

A propòsit

On purpose

Que a mi m'agradaria

That I would like

Enviar el primer

Send the first

Però em costa

But it’s hard for me.

Una miqueta

A little bit

Per totes

For all

Aquestes coses

These things

Que està dient

What is he/she saying?



Que jo

That I

Pense que les reproduís

I think I reproduced them.

Que encara més

That even more

Del que reproduís

Of what he/she/it reproduced

El reste

The rest

No, jo què sé

No, what do I know?

Anem pegant

Let's keep going.

I a lo millor

And maybe

Tenies una idea

You had an idea.

I després tornes

And then you come back.



No, tal

No, such.



A veure

Let’s see.

El que demostra

What it demonstrates

Jo he de dir

I have to say



Que jo

That I

He endau àudios

He sent audio messages.

De donar-li al mòbil

To give it to the mobile.



Xe, m'ha enganyat

Wow, he/she has deceived me.

Si ho fèiem

If we did it

Endau vegades


Em donaria

Would you give me

Per satisfer

To satisfy

Em costa

It's hard for me.

Una miqueta més

A little bit more



És que no sé

I just don't know.

Si vos recordeu

If you remember

Que al principi

That at the beginning

Que el primer

That the first

Vos enviàvem

We were sending you

El de àudios

The one for audios



I després

And then

I després cancelàvem

And then we canceled.

O jo

Oh me

Hasta que ja vaig canviar

Until I changed.

El sistema

The system

Per indicació

For indication

Del jefe

From the boss

Que em va dir

What he told me.

Canvia el sistema ja

Change the system now.

Que i si no, no vas

What if you don't go?

Jo perquè no

Just because not.



No escoteu

Don't listen.

Les vegades

The times

Que borre

What a bore.

Que estic

That I am





Dotter i tal

Daughter and such

I has començat a xerrar

You have started chatting.

I de cop i de cop

And suddenly

Este no lo quiero

I don't want this one.

Me cago en la mar

I curse the sea.



I el borre

And the ram

I vostè, senyor

And you, sir.

Ja un

Already one

La superestrella

The superstar

És Calla

It's Quiet.



Però bueno

But well

A veure

Let's see.

Ell amb mos graves àudios

He has very serious audios.


We grab.

No, bueno

No, well.



Jo els àudios

I the audios

També els gravo en casa

I also record them at home.

Puc dir que

I can say that

Alguna volta ho ha fet

Has he ever done it?

El menjador

The dining room

O a l'habitació

Or to the room

Que al final

That in the end

Més o menys coincidim

More or less we agree.

Estem coincidint tots

We are all coinciding.

Al reposto

To the reply

I la feina no

And the work no

No el grava mai

He never records it.

I la feina no

And the work not?

Però em va pillar una volta

But it caught me once.

Que me vaig anar

That I went away.

A cazar

To hunt

A la de viatge

On the way.

I claro

And clear.

Jo ja havia

I had already

Desconnectat un poc

Disconnected a bit.

Del tele

From the TV

I m'ha volgut dir

He wanted to tell me.


The audio

Me vaig anar

I left.

A la seu del bar

At the bar's headquarters.

I ho vaig gravar allí

I recorded it there.

En un moment

In a moment

Vaig dir

I said

El que vaig dir

What I said



Tinc que dir

I have to say

Que ara canviar

That now changes.

Vaig dir

I said



Per l'àudio

For the audio

O per el bar

Or for the bar

No, no, no

No, no, no



També estava patint

I was also suffering.

Que el que m'escolta

That what listens to me.

Ara parlant així

Now speaking like this


He will say.

Este en qui xarra

This is the one who talks.

O algo que jo

Or something that I

Perquè si vas a la seu

Because if you go to the headquarters

Un bar

A bar

I tardes un ratet

It takes a little while.



I damunt

And above

Està xarrant

He is chatting.

I se sol

I get sun.

I diu

And he says

A este que li passa

What's happening to him?

Està xarrant per telèfon

He is chatting on the phone.

O se torna loco

Either he goes crazy.

Però també vaig

But I'm also going

A contar-vos una cosa

To tell you something







Que a mi m'ha passat igual

That has happened to me too.

Que dius

What are you saying?

L'àudio no t'agrada

You don't like the audio.

El borres i tal

The eraser and such.

Hasta que vais a descobrir

Until when are you going to discover?

Una cosa que es diu

One thing that is called



Què faig?

What should I do?



I li dono el pause

And I give him the pause.

Pensa en lo que vull continuar dient

Think about what I want to continue saying.

Li dono el play

I give you the play.







Què, què?

What, what?

No, no, no

No, no, no

Tal, però

Such, but

Més o menys

More or less

Està el tema ahí

The topic is there.

Està diem

It is saying

Que jo puc gravar un àudio

That I can record an audio.

Tu graves

You record.

A veure, a veure

Let's see, let's see.

Vaig a

I'm going to

Tu li dones el play

You give it the play.

Atenció, atenció

Attention, attention

Perquè hem passat

Because we have passed

Del Rojo Vivo

Of the Bright Red

A classes d'informàtica

In computer classes

Per el senyor Petit

For Mr. Petit

I sense voler

I feel like wanting.

Has trobat

Have you found?

Tots sense voler

All without wanting to.

Jo no li vull

I don't want him/her.

T'has dit unes persones

You have told some people.

No, però

No, but

Espera, no

Wait, no.

Tu tens que

You have to

Tens que anar

You have to go.



És anar directament

It is to go directly.

A la gravadora

To the recorder





A la gravadora

To the recorder

Jo com ho faig

How do I do it?

El abuelo Cebolleta

Grandpa Cebolleta

El senyor del bastó

The lord of the staff

Jo me'n vaig

I'm leaving.



Al grupo

To the group

De com se llama esto

What is this called?

Si feres cas

If you were to listen

A les indicacions

At the indications

Que el fa el director

What the director does

Del programa

Of the program

Que te les passes

That you have a good time.

Pel forro

For the lining

Pues claro

Of course.

Jo faig la pausa

I take the break.

I pare

I father

Després penses

Then you think.

I dic

I say

Intenta res

Try nothing.

Perquè jo sóc més atascat

Because I am more stuck.

Que un camió

That a truck

No, no

No, no.



Jo, jo, jo

Me, me, me

Pues mira

Well, look.



Pues tu

Well, you.

Tu tens que fer

You have to do.

Con jo

With me

A veure

Let's see.

Això com funciona

How does this work?

A gravadora

The recording device

Vas a la gravadora

Are you going to the recorder?

I vas tranquilament

And you went calmly.

Vas fent

Are you doing okay?

Anem a fer la classe

Let's go to class.


De veritat


Mira, veus

Look, do you see?

I ara

And now

Un, dos, tres

One, two, three

Robando, robando

Stealing, stealing

I apretes el pause

I pressed the pause.



Tu penses

You think

I continues

I continue.



La conversació

The conversation

O sea, ja torna a apretar aquí

I mean, it's tightening up here again.

I ara ja estic grabant

And now I am already recording.

D'una altra vegada

Once again

I una altra vegada

And another time

I ara

And now

Li dones que sí

You give it to him/her, yes.



I després compartixes l'àudio

And then you share the audio.

Per WhatsApp

Through WhatsApp



No, diu d'acord

No, he says okay.

Diu d'acord, d'acord

He says okay, okay.

I ara

And now

Que ja el tens

That you already have it.

L'àudio gravat

The recorded audio

Obris l'arxiu

Open the file.

I li dones a editar

And you let him edit.

I li retalles

And you cut it.

Lo que sobra per davant

What is left in front

Lo que sobra per darrere

What is left behind

Això jo ja ho envié tot

I already sent all of that.

I el director

And the director

El director ho arregla

The director fixes it.

Sí, ara va jo

Yes, now it's my turn.

El director ho arregla

The director will sort it out.

Jo ho envié per WhatsApp

I sent it via WhatsApp.





Radio Superestars

Radio Superstars







Ja tens un àudio nou

You have a new audio.

Ja pots tornar a fer

You can do it again now.

Serà el primer

It will be the first.

Que has enviat ben gravat

What you have sent is well recorded.

Bueno, jo he gravat

Well, I have recorded.

El que m'han ensenyat

What they have taught me

Aquests mestres

These teachers

A final

A final

Com tot

Like everything

Entre tot

Among everything

Ho farem

We will do it.

Un, dos, tres

One, two, three

Robando, robando

Stealing, stealing

Pues mira

Well, look.

Esto lo que hemos grabado

This is what we have recorded.

Bueno, y después de descubrir

Well, and after discovering

A los ancianos

To the elderly

De 40, 50

From 40, 50

Com s'ha de gravar un àudio

How to record an audio.

Yo creo que

I believe that

Arriba el meu torn

It's my turn.

De comentarles anècdotes

To tell them anecdotes.

De cuando me envíes áudios

When you send me audios.

Vine a casa

Come home.

A programar el vídeo

To schedule the video.

Que voy a grabar

What am I going to record?

El hombre y la tierra

The man and the earth



Hi haurà gent

There will be people.

Que no s'ha de gravar

That should not be recorded.

Que ens escoltarà

That will listen to us.

Que no s'haurà ni entenent

That it won't even be understood.

El que estem dient

What we are saying

El xino

The Chinese.

Sí, el xino

Yes, the Chinese.

Té que ser major

It has to be older.

El xino serà un anciano

The Chinese man will be an elder.

També de 40

Also 40

Un anciano

An elderly man

Que torna a pagar ja

That pays again already.

Bueno, jo no he viscut

Well, I haven't lived.

De tots els colors

Of all the colors

Per això vos vaig donar

That's why I gave you.

Un xicot de dos tips

A guy of two types.

Com es diu avui dia

What is it called nowadays?

Pa que els àudios

For the audio files.

Milloraren una miqueta

They improved a little bit.

En qualitat

In quality



Com he dit antes

As I said before

Juan vi una volta

Juan saw a time.

En això de la pandèmia

In this pandemic situation

Que ell té una acadèmia

That he has an academy.

I l'obligaven

And they forced him.

A desinfectar les taules

To disinfect the tables.

I el bon home

And the good man

Entre dos

Between two

De sessió i sessió

From session to session

De classes

Of classes


I needed

El meu àudio

My audio

I me'l va gravar

He recorded it for me.

Però me'l va gravar

But he/she recorded it for me.

Bueno, no sé si era

Well, I don't know if it was.



O el borrador

Or the eraser

De la pissarra

From the blackboard

Una de les dues era

One of the two was

Em vaig tornar louco

I went crazy.

Per netejar això

To clean this

Després tenim

After we have

El senyor Peti

Mr. Peti

Que ara

That now

Ara és cert

Now it is true.



Ho ha dit ell

He said it.

I ja fa la tàctica

And now the tactic is done.

Que li acaba d'ensenyar

What he/she has just taught him/her.

A Nacho

To Nacho

Tomo nota, eh

I'll take note, okay?

I així no era molt millor

And so it wasn't much better.

Però hi havia voltes

But there were times.

Que començava a caminar

That began to walk.

Per casa

At home

I damunt del seu mòbil

And on top of his/her mobile.

Grava en estereo

Records in stereo

No vos lo pergueu

Don't miss it.

Si li parla

If you speak to him/her.

Per un costat

On one side

És per un canal

It's for a channel.

I si li parla

And if he/she speaks to him/her

Per l'altre costat

On the other side

És per l'altre canal

It's for the other channel.

I jo tornava louco

And I was going crazy.

Per actualitzar això

To update this.

M'acaba d'entendre ara

I'm just beginning to understand now.


Of course

La gent quan escolta l'àudio

People when they listen to the audio

Li sentirà algo

You will hear something.

Mitjanament bé

Moderately well

Perquè jo tampoc

Because I neither.

Sóc així un editor

I am thus an editor.

De la lege

Of the law





Faig lo que puc

I do what I can.

Jo crec que quan m'arriben

I believe that when they arrive to me.

A mi més d'uno

To me more than one.

Que jo em cague en Déu, eh

That I shit on God, huh.

Jo puc dir

I can say

Que dona gràcies

That gives thanks.

Que el meu mòbil

That my mobile

No porta antena

It doesn't have an antenna.

Així que


Podem donar gràcies

We can give thanks.

A partir d'ahir

As of yesterday

El que sigui

Whatever it is.

I bueno

And well

Són anècdotes

They are anecdotes.

Com sempre

As always

Ja que agraïu

Since you are grateful

Com sempre

As always

I faig

I do

Després de cada programa

After each program

Vos agraïs

We thank you.

La vostra participació

Your participation

Perquè sense vosaltres

Because without you

Doncs no hi hauria

Well, there wouldn't be.

Cau de la Raposa

Fox's Den

I no estaríem ara

And we wouldn't be here now.



En este cau

In this den

Que tenim

What do we have

Així muntat

Thus mounted



I això

And this

No, no, no

No, no, no

Contant-vos les anècdotes

Telling you the anecdotes

Dels àudios

Of the audios

Que han d'haver-ho dit

That they must have said it.

Que t'has perdut

What have you lost?

Si ja no has contat

If you haven't counted yet

Jo el que volia fer

What I wanted to do

Una pregunta

A question


It is

Un col·lectiu

A collective

Al cau

In the den

El que és el cau

What is the den?

De la Raposa

Of the Fox

Ara que han passat un any

Now that a year has passed



Si em dones permís

If you give me permission.

Si home

Yes man

Si tu eres la estrella

If you are the star.



No, però

No, but

No, sí

No, yes.

Al final som un convoy

In the end, we are a convoy.

Mos duem bé

We're doing well.

Mos coneixem de fa temps

We have known each other for a long time.

Però bueno

But well

Després d'un any

After a year

De tantes preguntes

Of so many questions

Que mos ha fet

What has it done to us?

Així el mestre

Thus the master

Nacho porta mesos

Nacho has been going for months.



En quina pregunta

In which question

No sé

I don't know.



I que vos hagi costat més

And that it has cost you more.



Perquè n'hi ha moltes setmanes

Because there are many weeks.

Que diu

What does it say?


Holy shit

Es quedarien

They would stay.

Vols dir

You mean

Quina destacació

What a highlight!


O que tinga

Or whatever I have.

O que no es quede

Or that it does not remain.

O que li recordi

Or what I remember.

Que diu

What does it say?



Esta me la va fer

This one was done to me.

Em va costar molt jo contestar

It was very hard for me to answer.

Però em va agradar

But I liked it.

O va ser més incòmoda

Or it was more uncomfortable.

No sé

I don't know.

Sempre tenim alguna

We always have something.

Alguna pregunta

Any questions?

Que diu

What does it say?



Jo la tinc clara

I have it clear.

Vos deixeu vosaltres

You leave yourselves.



Tinc que dir que

I have to say that

A vegades


A mi

To me

Intente fer

I try to do.

Vos sempre

You always



I no vaig

And I don't go.

No és que se cregui

It's not that he/she believes.

Que em documenti

Let me document myself.

Quan em ve una idea

When an idea comes to me

Em documenti

I document.

Perquè a vegades

Because sometimes

Que doni

Let it give.





Lo més exactes possibles

As accurate as possible.



El senyor

The lord

Que és més incòmoda

What is more uncomfortable?

Que diu

What does it say?


Holy shit

Això per què

Why is this?



Què em passa a mi

What is happening to me?

Alguna vegada


Més d'una i més de tres

More than one and more than three

És que

It is that



N'hi ha tantes coses

There are so many things.

Que vull contar

That I want to tell.

Que m'enganxa

What sticks to me

El veu

He/She hears it.

Per tots els costats

From all sides

En la del

In the of the


The invention

Este de los alemanes

This of the Germans

De secar el Mediterrani

From drying the Mediterranean.



Els datos

The data

Eran importants

They were important.

Pues al final

Well, in the end

Menos de dos minutos i mig

Less than two and a half minutes.

En quin altre programa de ràdio

In which other radio program.

Estàs tu

Are you there?

Perquè ells ja no l'han fet

Because they haven't done it anymore.

Sí home sí

Yes man, yes.

Que deves dir

What should you say?

Quan van parlar

When they spoke

De lo de Bill Gates

About Bill Gates.

Del parasol

From the parasol

Ah vale

Oh, okay.

De tapar el sol

To cover the sun

Sí que van parlar

Yes, they did talk.

De tapar el sol

To cover the sun

I jo vaig parlar

And I spoke.

De la operació

Of the operation

Aquella que volíem fer

That which we wanted to do.

De tancar el Mediterrani

To close the Mediterranean

De secar-lo

Of drying it.



Era molt llarga

It was very long.

I una

And a

De les que

Of those that

Em vaig recordar

I remembered.

Que no vaig dir

What I didn't say



Vais dir lo del Gil

You will say the thing about Gil.

Que no era lo del

That it wasn't about the







Que després aquí

That then here

El nostre amic

Our friend

El mestre Juanvi

The teacher Juanvi

En el privado

In private.

Va posar

He/She put.

Hombre que sí

Man who yes

El pionero

The pioneer

El tal pal pal

The such stick stick

Jo volia dir

I wanted to say

Les sigles

The acronyms

Era això

It was this.



Encara que em faci un guió

Even if I write a script.

Vull dir

I mean


It is

És complicat

It's complicated.

Però com la que

But like the one that

Em va agradar

I liked it.

Que em vaig dir

What I told myself

Super ràpida

Super fast

Com anècdota

As an anecdote

Tot lo contrari

The exact opposite

Quan vaig posar

When I put

La cançó

The song

De Death Condor

Of Death Condor

Aquella de

That of





Pànic o una muerte ridícula

Panic or a ridiculous death

Que em van

They are going to me.


To speak



Pues això

Well, that's it.

A l'home que li van enganxar

To the man that they caught.

En la gallina

In the hen.





En el muret

On the wall

És que va ser

It was that.



Super ràpida

Super fast

Com anècdota

As an anecdote

Que guina quedaria jo

What a fool I would look.



Ja ja

Yeah yeah




Cheer up

No l'havia dit

I had not said it.

Una pregunta claríssima

A very clear question

Jo la tinc claríssima

I have it very clear.

Si voleu la dic ja

If you want, I can say it now.

Dila ja

Say it now.

I va ser fa

It was ago.

No arriba l'any

It doesn't come the year.

Perquè l'any passat

Because last year

Vam acabar la temporada

We finished the season.

Final de juny

End of June



En este mateix lloc

In this very place

I va ser una pregunta

It was a question.

Que voleu fer

What do you want to do?

Que no voleu esperar

That you do not want to wait.

Vull que penseu-me

I want you to think of me.

Si n'acaba d'acórrer

If it has just happened.

Una per tancar el programa

One to close the program.

No vaig a dir volar

I'm not going to say fly.

Perquè vull que sigui

Because I want it to be.

Molt pareguda a eixa

Very similar to that one.

No sé si vos recordeu

I don't know if you remember.

Voleu preguntar

Do you want to ask?

Que quin grup

What group?

O quin artista

Oh what an artist

Tot està improvisat

Everything is improvised.

Tu no estaves Nacho

You were not Nacho.

Però ell no sabia

But he did not know

Te contestaré ahora

I will answer you now.


Let's go.



Va pues mira

Well, look.

La podries contestar

Could you answer it?

Ells no sabien res

They knew nothing.

I per tancar

And to close

Jo tampoc

Me neither.

Tu no estaves

You were not there.



I la pregunta

And the question.

Per tancar la temporada

To close the season.

I el programa

And the program

Va ser

It was

Que quin grup

What group?

O quin artista

Oh, what an artist!

Posarien ells

Would they put?

De president del govern

Of the president of the government



Vaig a dir-te una barbaritat

I'm going to tell you something crazy.

Perquè no pot ser

Because it cannot be.

Ells s'ho van pensar

They thought about it.

Més que tu

More than you

Perquè tu vas a contestar

Because you are going to answer.



Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes.

Els vaig donar dos cançons

I gave them two songs.

Perquè s'ho pensaren

Because they thought so.

Jo dic

I say

Jo dic escorbuto

I say scurvy.

El que passa

What happens

Que no pot ser

It can't be.

Perquè ja no estan

Because they are no longer here.

Con nosaltres

With us

Pues yo era barista

Well, I was a barista.

Al final

In the end

Al menos

At least

Eso sí que me han recordado

That indeed has reminded me.

Si no

If not

Podemos poner

We can put.

La primera

The first

Que és el Fermín Muguruza

What is Fermín Muguruza?

Que està

What is it?

I ese hombre

And that man



Va enfadado toda la vida

He was angry his entire life.

El hombre cabreado

The angry man

¿Qué tal me ha faltado?

How have I fallen short?

¿Quién Muguruza?

Who Muguruza?

Fermín, no

Fermín, no.





Yo me cargo un montón de gente

I take out a lot of people.

El vasco este

This Basque man.

Claro que el vasco

Of course, the Basque.

El de nuevo gorro

The new hat

De momento

For now

Pero bueno

But well

Si vos vos lo carregues

If you load it up yourself.

Sé que vas a sentir que sí

I know you're going to feel that way.

A ver

Let's see

Esa cabrellada

That little goat.

Que no es para ni si matéis

It is not for you to stop or even kill.

Pero yo vos vos lo carregues

But I charge it for you.

Atréet una peliculeta

Take a little movie out.

De estes animaes

Of these animals



En The Wizard

In The Wizard

No, el que tu dius

No, what you're saying.

Es el germà de Fermín

He is Fermín's brother.

Ah, vale, vale

Ah, okay, okay.

Que pot ser

What could it be?


Que farà un any

What will happen in a year?

Crec, més o menos

I believe, more or less.

Sí, sí que

Yes, yes that

Sí que brita que està errada

Yes, it is clear that she is wrong.

Pero es el germà de Fermín

But he is Fermín's brother.



Vaig, vaig a corregir

I'm going, I'm going to correct.

La meua resposta

My answer

Sí, no

Yes, no.

A quin grup posaria

What group would you put it in?

De president del govern

From president of the government

Siniestro total

Total loss

A Reando Chimpampún

To Reando Chimpampún

Ya está

It's done.

La cançó que tries

The song you choose

La que buigues

The one who spills.

No sé si voleu continuar

I don't know if you want to continue.

Contestant-li a

Answering to him/her

El Peti

The Peti

Que havia fet la pregunta

Who had asked the question.

Bueno, Juan Vitús

Well, Juan Vitús.

Que t'has llançat

That you've thrown yourself.

Un moment

One moment.

No sé si voleu continuar

I don't know if you want to continue.

Contestant-li a

Answering him/her

El Peti

The Peti

Que havia fet la pregunta

Who had asked the question?

Bueno, Juan Vitús

Well, Juan Vitús

Que t'has llançat

That you have thrown yourself.

No sé si ha arribat

I don't know if it has arrived.

A escoltar la

To listen to the

Sí, no, la pregunta

Yes, no, the question.

La té clara

She has it clear.

No, no estava pensant

No, I wasn't thinking.

En això

In this

Estava pensant

I was thinking.

En que

In what



A mi

To me

La qüestió no és

The question is not

Quina pregunta

What a question.

M'ha agradat més

I liked it more.

Si no

If not

Has tingut més dificultat

Have you had more difficulty?



Quina, quina

Which, which

T'ha marcat

It has marked you.

La pregunta

The question



Per exemple

For example

La de la setmana

The one of the week



Va ser la de

It was the one of


Bottle parties

No, no

No, no.


The previous

Ah, no

Ah, no.

La setmana passada

Last week



Però per exemple

But for example

La de botellons

The one with bottles.

Jo estava allí dient

I was there saying

Ets tu

It is you.


Public drinking party.

Pues si no m'ha fet gràcia mai

Well, if it has never made me laugh.

I ho vaig dir

I told you so.

I dic

I say

Jo sóc més

I am more

De anar de caseta

To go to the shed.

De escampar

To scatter



néixer, no? I és... Jo sóc l'únic

to be born, right? And it is... I am the only one

del cau de la raposa que no ha anat mai

from the fox's den that has never gone

de botelló.

drinking in the street.

Podria ser. Jo sí que he anat.

It could be. I have indeed gone.

És prou probable. Però abans

It's quite likely. But first

no es deia botelló, és vamos a beber a la

it was not called "botelló", it's "let's go drink at the"



Jo he vivido calimotxo en bolsas de plástico,

I have lived calimotxo in plastic bags,

és com ho té que beber un punky.

it's like how a punk should drink.

Això està estipulat

This is stipulated.

en els 10 mandamientos del Puncarra.

in the 10 commandments of the Puncarra.

Per tant, el botelló

Therefore, the botellón

s'ha fet fi en els anys.

It has come to an end over the years.

Claro, pero eso, nosotros comprábamos la Coca-Cola,

Sure, but that, we bought the Coca-Cola,

el vi, el gel, ho barrejàvem en la bolseta

the wine, the ice, we mixed it in the bag

de plástico, li fèiem

made of plastic, we used to make it

una mossega i era com el porró.

A bite and it was like the porró.

Era tirar la bota de vi.

It was to throw the wine boot.

Era com una bota de vi, no?

It was like a wine boot, right?

Eso tira un chorrecho.

That throws a little stream.

Y reventaba la bolsa

And it burst the bag.

pelante del costat.

peeling from the side.

I com li mossegàvem massa fort,

And as we bit him too hard,

el caño era més gran.

the pipe was bigger.

Com ho sabeu, eh?

How do you know, huh?

Pues porque hemos ido a la misma escuela.

Well, because we went to the same school.

No han begut de la mateixa bolsa,

They have not drunk from the same bag,



Pero todo se andará.

But everything will come to light.



Ara no, que no està recomanat.

Not now, it's not recommended.

I quan van eixir

And when they left

en este tablis de vino, que allò va ser una meravella,

in this wine table, that was a wonder,

perquè el buidaven

because they were emptying it

i podien estallar-ho

and they could blow it up

i era un...

and it was a...

un calimotxo, un qualitro bueno.

a calimocho, a good qualitro.

En veritat, sí, senyor.

In truth, yes, sir.

Això sí que ho heu vist.

You have definitely seen this.

Però has sigut de casetes,

But you have been from little houses,

has sigut...

you have been...

I què són les festes patronals de qualsevol poble?

And what are the patron saint festivals of any village?

Un botelló no organitzat

An unorganized outdoor party.

amb Sainete

with Sainete

i Sant Faina, i ja està.

And Saint Faina, and that's it.

Si ens posem totes les flors i les llucs, ja ho...

If we put on all the flowers and the slugs, we already...

Ja va.


Eliano, tu què recordes de...

Eliano, what do you remember about...

d'aquestes preguntes incòmodes

of these uncomfortable questions

o còmodes?

or comfortable?

Del botelló?

From the bottle?

No, no, en general.

No, no, in general.



De totes les preguntes que ens han fet Pere.

Of all the questions that have been asked of us, Pere.

No, no, no, jo no recorde

No, no, no, I don't remember.

d'aquestes, ningú en concret.

Of these, no one in particular.

Sí que hi ha preguntes que em costen molt

Yes, there are indeed questions that are very difficult for me.

i hi ha altres preguntes que són més fàcils,

and there are other questions that are easier,

però d'aquestes en concret no recorde cap.

but I don't remember any of these in particular.

Del botelló sí que recorde no nada.

I do remember nothing about the botellón.

És que...

It's just that...

La d'Immortals, l'altre dia, va ser genial.

The one about Immortals was great the other day.

Ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha.

A mi em vas deixar i vaig començar a recordar-me

You left me and I started to remember.

de la pel·lícula. Taca, taca, taca, taca, taca, taca.

from the movie. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.

Va ser espectacular.

It was spectacular.

La d'Immortals és que és una pel·lícula...

The one about Immortals is that it is a movie...

És que eren els Immortals dos, aixà, aixà...

It's just that the Immortals were two, like this, like this...

Crec que n'hi havia tres també.

I think there were three as well.

I quatre.

And four.



T'acabo de comprar l'arma.

I've just bought you the weapon.

Les dues.


Com Mario Van Pels.

Like Mario Van Pels.

Com Mario Van Pels era la 4, si no m'enganyo.

As Mario Van Pels was number 4, if I'm not mistaken.

Però vamos.

But come on.



La primera és que està molt bé, però això sol passar en totes les pel·lícules que...

The first is that it's very good, but this usually happens in all the movies that...

Jo no crec que n'hi ha aixà.

I don't think there is any there.

Però sí que és veritat que a vegades per estirar el xicle

But it is true that sometimes to stretch the chewing gum

es peguen unes cagaes tremendes.

They have some tremendous shitting fits.

Sabes, la tota això aquí...

You know, all of this here...

Però bé, bé, tornant al tema de la pregunta,

But well, well, getting back to the topic of the question,

és que realment sí que hi ha preguntes que...

it's just that there are really questions that...



Realment em costa, perquè és el que estava comentant abans,

It really costs me, because it's what I was commenting on before,

que sempre em queda que l'últim va contestar.

that I always have left that the last one answered.

És prou significatiu.

It's quite significant.

A vegades envié la cançó el primer, saps?

Sometimes I sent the song first, you know?

Però el tema de l'àudio...

But the audio issue...

Però que, vamos, que no recordeixin a ninguna que...

But, well, that they don't remember anyone that...

que digaixin especialment en esta no vaig poder.

that they especially say in this one I couldn't.

Al final investigant i tal, i sentint, aprofitant que escolto els àudios des de més,

In the end, investigating and such, and feeling, taking advantage of the fact that I listen to the audios from afar,

aconseguís que al final trauré alguna cosa.

I managed to eventually get something out.

Jo tinc que dir ara que dius que sí que és veritat que envies la cançó dels primers,

I have to say now that you say yes, it is true that you send the song of the beginnings,

o el primer que sempre,

or the first one always,

que m'encanta, m'encanta la veritat musical,

I love it, I love the musical truth.

perquè jo què sé, jo sempre m'he considerat molt eclèptic,

because I don't know, I have always considered myself very eclectic,

i de cop i de sobte, la recomanació que fa Juanmi,

and suddenly, the recommendation made by Juanmi,

la recomanació que fa Pedro Mariano,

the recommendation made by Pedro Mariano,



Em deixa...

It leaves me...

M'obre els ulls així i dic, hòstia, però si és veritat,

It opens my eyes like this and I say, damn, but it's true,

aquesta cançó no me'n recordava, i tal, qual...

I didn't remember this song, and well, just like that...

Jo li demanaré alguna cançoneta, aquí a la mitja.

I will ask him for a little song, here at halftime.

Demana, demana.

Ask, ask.

Quina cançoneta mos recomana vostè?

What little song do you recommend to us?

Te'n posa entre 10 i 15 totes les setmanes.

It gives you between 10 and 15 every week.

Bueno, però...

Well, but...

Però en el cau de la rebossa no en poses cap.

But in the den of the rabbit, you don't put any.



Home, perquè la secció és de vosaltres, home.

Man, because the section is yours, man.

Jo faig la pregunta.

I ask the question.

Vosaltres responeu.

You respond.

Si voleu que canviem les tornes.

If you want us to change the tides.

Les canviem.

We change them.

Jo he de dir que jo he comprovat...

I have to say that I have checked...

Lo de Fermín Muguruza.

The thing about Fermín Muguruza.

Es digo Íñigo.

I am called Íñigo.

El que va a faltar va a ser Íñigo.

What was missing was Íñigo.

No, yo no he visto a ningú, pero yo es que alguna vez...

No, I haven't seen anyone, but I have at some point...

No sé, yo como me está viendo así Nacho, concretamente existente en música,

I don't know, since Nacho is watching me like this, specifically existing in music,

no lo controlo de más.

I can't control it anymore.

Es que una vegada en la ràdio vaig sentir...

It's just that once on the radio I heard...



Algún bàs que va a faltar y no sabía ir.

Some basics that were going to be missed and I didn't know how to go.

Concretament a Fermín Muguruza no passa que moltes vegades passa a la tele també que maten

Specifically, it doesn't happen to Fermín Muguruza that many times happens on TV too, that they kill.

a la gent a més de temps.

to people in addition to time.

Molta gent en concret l'han ressuscitat.

Many people in particular have resurrected him.



Bueno, va ser per la malaltia.

Well, it was because of the illness.

Com és nota...

As it is noted...



Tens la mina del punk, el tio Peques.

You have the punk mine, Uncle Peques.

A mi no controlo jo gens.

I don't control anything at all.

Bueno, pues, come a posar una cançoneta...

Well, let's put on a little song...

Hola, me falta contestar a mi.

Hello, I'm missing a response to myself.

Ah, bueno, claro que tú.

Ah, well, of course it's you.



Bueno, con yo solo hacer la pregunta y yo no conteste...

Well, I just ask the question and I don't answer...

Però bueno, sí, sí, en davant.

But well, yes, yes, from now on.

Bueno, yo lo vado a hacer muy rápido.

Well, I'm going to do it very quickly.

A veces me ha pasado como a todos.

Sometimes it has happened to me like to everyone.

Preguntas incómodas que no sabes qué decir ni quien la canso a posar o lo que siga.

Uncomfortable questions that you don't know what to say or who got tired of asking them or whatever it may be.

o lo que siga, però sí que

or whatever it may be, but yes

és veritat que quan mos han fet les preguntes

It is true that when they asked us the questions

per contestar-les nostres

to answer ours

vides entre cometes

lives in quotes

o coses que mos ha passat, és

or things that have happened to us, it is

el més còmode que han

the most comfortable that they have

tingut. Clar, està la

held. Of course, it's the

setmana que van tindre

week they had

quan van parlar del multe

when they talked about the fine

de tràfic o alguna cosa

of traffic or something

però vaig a recordar una

but I am going to remember one

que va ser, quan van parlar

what it was, when they talked

cadascú, d'una

each one, from one

va ser del radiocasset, l'altra del

it was from the radio cassette, the other from

disma, l'altra del

dismay, the other of

tambutxo ese gran...

that great tambutxo...

Es de les antigües, diguerem

It's one of the old ones, we would say.

primeres, bueno, no, primeres...

first, well, no, first...

Ahí teníem a Nacho, va ser

There we had Nacho, it was

el començament de Nacho, però sí, ahí

the beginning of Nacho, but yes, there

mos van repartir d'entre cometes la feina, cada

they divided the work among themselves, each

un va parlar d'un

one talked about one

sonido. I més o menys

sound. And more or less

diguerem... D'un format, correcte.

We will say... Of a correct format.

Diguerem entre cometes

We would say in quotes

més o menys de la seva època, perquè me'n recordo que tu vas

more or less from your time, because I remember that you went

parlar del disma. Jo ja anava

to talk about the tenth. I was already going

de l'últim. Sí, sí, sí. Encara

of the last one. Yes, yes, yes. Still

que recorrem diverses coses, però...

that we go through various things, but...

No, no,

No, no.

i va ser això, doncs mos van repartir la

And that was it, so they gave us the...

faeneta. Vas explicar l'anècdota, perdona,

little chore. You told the anecdote, sorry,

de per què es va inventar el

of why it was invented the

Waltman. La veus? És que al final...

Waltman. Do you see her? It's just that in the end...

Refresca-me la memòria. I això no la va...

Refresh my memory. And that doesn't go...

Mira, i això, aquí, me voy a pegar el

Look, and this, here, I'm going to hit the

pisto, no la vaig tindre que

pisto, I didn't have to.

buscar en internet,

search on the internet,

no la vaig tindre que documentar, esta me la sabia

I didn't have to document it, I already knew it.

i com no ha ningú, ningú, que m'ha dit que no,

and since there is no one, no one, who has told me no,

té que ser veritat. I és que el

it has to be true. And it is that the

Waltman va néixer

Waltman was born.

de l'afició que

of the hobby that

tenia el senyor Mandamás

Mr. Mandamás had.

de Sony a,

from Sony a,

a sentir música i a jugar

to listen to music and to play

al golf. D'ahí va néixer

to the golf. That's where it was born

el Waltman. I va dir, jo tinc que

the Waltman. He said, I have to

jugar al golf i a escoltar música. I li va dir

play golf and listen to music. And he told him

a los

to the

xicons, que treballen per ell,

boys, who work for him,

i diu, fes-me un aparato pa que jo,

and he says, make me a device so that I,

i no tinga que ser el mamotrato

and I don't have to be the monster

este que llevan ahí los raperos.

this that the rappers wear there.

Al final, ahí van con talcada escula,

In the end, there they go with a stilted school,

el seu recordatori de lo que

his reminder of what

n'hi havia. Estén perdent el caldo

There were. They are losing the broth.

de la rabosa, eh? No hi ha torna.

From the fox, huh? There's no going back.

En un moment vais a ir bé.

In a moment, you are going to be fine.

Tom! Bueno,

Tom! Well,



arriba el moment.

the moment arrives.

Hem passat per diverses etapes, hem passat

We have gone through various stages, we have gone through.

per el Rojo Vivo, hem passat per

for the Rojo Vivo, we have passed through

classes d'informàtica

computer classes

del Peti, i ara arriba el moment

from Peti, and now the moment arrives

d'Isabel Gémeo, i hi ha una carta

of Isabel Gémeo, and there is a letter

per a ti. Juanvi, contamos.

For you. Juanvi, we count.


We count,

contamos. Com era, com era

we count. How was it, how was it

la sintonia? Com era la

The tuning? What was it like?



No, no, no, no, la sintonia

No, no, no, no, the tune.

era, jo me recorde...

Well, I remember...


Accompany me.

te sorprenderé

I will surprise you.


you will surprise.

La lilo, la lilo,

The lilo, the lilo,

la lilo, la lilo

the lilo, the lilo

va. Què serà, què serà?

Yes. What will it be, what will it be?

Te das cuenta, te das cuenta

You realize, you realize.

per què tenim l'edat que tenim, i per què tenim

why do we have the age that we have, and why do we have

l'edat que tenim, este senyor

the age we have, this gentleman

va complir... I ahí t'he de dir, no, clar, això

he fulfilled... And there I have to tell you, no, of course, that

moratros són joves, però això també ho han vist. Ah, d'acord, d'acord, d'acord.

We are young, but they have seen that too. Ah, okay, okay, okay.

L'ha repressat de anys, però...

It has suppressed him for years, but...

Tu em parles d'això, però a mi em sona, quan s'obria

You talk to me about this, but it sounds to me, when it opened.

el pis i així el sofà...

the flat and thus the sofa...

Muy bien, muy bien.

Very well, very well.

El perro de Miki, el maridín, eh?

Miki's dog, the little husband, huh?

Mare de Déu.

Mother of God.

Això eren les

This was the

les llegendes urbanes d'aquestes

the urban legends of these

contemporànies, que meravella.

contemporaries, what a wonder.

Doncs res,

So nothing,

com resulta que va ser el cumpleaños d'este senyor

As it turns out, it was this gentleman's birthday.

l'altre dia.

the other day.

Nunca más, nunca más, nunca más.

Never again, never again, never again.

Pues, hem pensat

Well, we have thought

en donar-li esta sorpresa.

in giving him this surprise.

Me dado la

I'm giving the

entre familiares

among family members

y coneguts, deu dies...

and known, ten days...

Yo, la lo engine.

I, the lo engine.

De sorprenderà

It will surprise you.

la la la

la la la

veig en la covers,

I see in the covers,

la la la

la la la

Deixa'n la...

Leave it...

taula, cuida-ho.

table, take care of it.



Una noche más

One more night

Se acompanya una persona.

A person is accompanying.

Una nocheLOCHEMÁ.

A night.

Bueno, senyor Bracanard, escrivim-ho

Well, Mr. Bracanard, let's write it down.

per la gent, perquè recordem que estem en podcast,

for the people, because let's remember that we are on a podcast,

la gent no ho veu. Nacho està

People don't see it. Nacho is.

ahir obrint un...

Yesterday, opening a...

El 26,

The 26th,

luego estamos en rango

then we are in range

permitido, porque ya sabeu que la dita...

allowed, because you already know that the saying...

Entre amics i parens...

Among friends and relatives...

10 anys...

10 years...

10 dies...

10 days...

Jo t'excel per felicitar, ja.

I excel at congratulating you, already.

També té raó.

He is also right.

Entre amics i parens,

Among friends and relatives,

10 anys...

10 years...

Caguen tot, dona't a volta.

Damn it all, turn around.

Bueno, això és una cosa...

Well, this is something...

Acabem de descombençar

We have just started.

una tradició que no té preu. A partir d'ara

a tradition that is priceless. From now on

celebrarem els aniversaris... Durant 10 anys...

we will celebrate the birthdays... For 10 years...

En el cau de la Rabosa.

In the den of the Fox.

Ah, amigo.

Ah, friend.

On eres?

Where are you?


In summer?

D'estiu, no.

In summer, no.

Però bueno, no.

But well, no.

Somos campaña de primavera e invierno.

We are a spring and winter campaign.

Continuem descrivint, Nacho està ahir estirant,

We continue describing, Nacho was stretching yesterday.

saben, un negre per obrir eixa caixeta.

They know, a black one to open that little box.

No porten a baix, a vegades tot.

They don't take everything down sometimes.

Con Nacho empezó todo.

It all started with Nacho.

I ahir està, el nostre...

And yesterday is, our...

Jo crec que ho té...

I think he/she has it...

Nacho és el que té que descriure

Nacho is the one who has to describe.

el que n'hi ha dins d'eixa caixa.

what's inside that box.

Això és...

This is...

No digues això perquè

Don't say that because

pareixerà una tracola.

it will look like a strap.

Mira, mira aquí corren.

Look, look here they run.

Que vidrio, que esfèrico...

What glass, how spherical...

Pega-li contra el micro que s'escolta el...

Hit it against the microphone so it can be heard the...

Això no és el micro,

This is not the microphone,

això és la taula.

this is the table.

Clinc, clinc.

Clink, clink.

Ja ho sé, perdone'm, director,

I know, forgive me, director,

és que m'he posat nerviós.

It's just that I got nervous.

I no te l'has begut encara.

And you haven't drunk it yet.

No, no, no, és que no em fa falta.

No, no, no, it's just that I don't need it.

Mira, ara m'abraço així

Look, now I'm hugging myself like this.

i ja me quedo content.

And I'm already happy.

Bueno, però ni algo més o no?

Well, but isn't there something more or not?

Sí, sí, n'hi ha aquí,

Yes, yes, there are some here.

tres botelletes de vidre.

three glass bottles.

Somontano, me caguen,

Somontano, damn it,

Nacho, esto es buenísimo.

Nacho, this is really good.

Cabernet Sauvignon, este cuando lo tiras en la copa

Cabernet Sauvignon, this one when you pour it into the glass.



¿Cómo domina?

How does he/she dominate?

Bueno, ¿cómo domino?

Well, how do I master?

Lo que me bebo.

What I drink.

Y una otra botelleta por el...

And another little bottle for the...

Qué bonita, tí, que...

How beautiful, mate, that...

Laia, mira, con la misma cosina.

Laia, look, with the same little thing.

No, es de Laia, que por qué diga.

No, it's Laia's, whatever she says.

Yo creo que sí, que sí, que sí.

I believe so, yes, yes, yes.

Una botella es preciosa,

A bottle is precious,

dos plumetes, esos son dos fulletes.

two feathers, those are two little leaves.

Bueno, pues tres botelletes

Well, then three little bottles.

que le han regalat al nostre amic Nacho

what they have given to our friend Nacho

per a conmemorar ese

to commemorate that



Este hombre no calla ni talla el micro.

This man doesn't stop talking or turn off the mic.

Eh, ara, pues mira,

Eh, now, well look,

su palga estaré en una.

Your joke will be on one.

A la que tú...

When you...

No, a la que más rabia mordone.

No, the one that bites the most is the one that makes you angriest.

Pim, pam, pum.

Bang, bang, boom.

Per acabar el programa que hem d'acabar,

To finish the program that we need to complete,

aprofitem esta tesitura.

Let's take advantage of this situation.

I jo, com vos he dit,

And I, as I told you,

tinc una pregunta per a vosaltres

I have a question for you.

per acabar el programa d'avui.

to end today's program.

I és que Twitter, el passat...

And it's that Twitter, the past...

Mariano domina Twitter,

Mariano dominates Twitter.

o sigui, que igual ho sap.

So, he might know it.

El passat 6 d'abril

On April 6th

d'este 2021, Twitter

from this 2021, Twitter

li va demanar...

he/she asked him/her...

El passat 6 d'abril d'Espanya

Last April 6th in Spain.

li va demanar als tuiteros

he asked the Twitter users

que diguessin una frase

that they said a sentence

per a la història, no?

for history, right?

Va fer-li això entre...

He did this to him/her between...

Va fer-li aquesta pregunta, vamos.

He asked her this question, come on.

Una frase per a la història

A phrase for history.

i, evidentment, els tuiteros espanyols,

and, of course, the Spanish Twitter users,

com comentàvem abans,

as we mentioned earlier,

tornem al fil, això,

let's return to the point, this,

doncs s'ho van prendre,

so they took it,

s'ho tenien que prendre a cançó de...

they had to take it as a joke...

I algunes de les frases per a la història

And some of the phrases for the story.

que van proposar els tuiteros espanyols

what the Spanish Twitter users proposed

van ser la de

was that of

és el veïn el que elige l'alcalde

It is the neighbor who elects the mayor.

i és l'alcalde el que elige el veïn.

And it is the mayor who chooses the neighbor.

Per dir-ne una.

To say one.

Després també estava la de

Then there was also the one from

i voló i m'he deixat volar.

and I flew and I let myself fly.

Un vídeo mític.

A legendary video.

Ahí, està bé, tu la sabeu, tu la sabeu.

There, it's fine, you know it, you know it.

I, bueno, n'hi ha moltíssimes més.

Well, there are many more.

Hi ha la de

There is the one of

és com una gripe.

It's like the flu.

No hi haurà més d'un o dos casos.

There will be no more than one or two cases.

N'hi ha moltíssimes.

There are plenty of them.

No podem repassar-les totes.

We can't review them all.

Hi ha també la de

There is also the one of

però no passa res, és millor això que morir-se,

but it's okay, it's better than dying,

que va dir en la nostra televisió pública valenciana.

what he said on our Valencian public television.

La xiqueta aquella.

That girl.

Bueno, és que n'hi ha 1.500.

Well, there are 1,500 of them.

Si em posa a dir, no pararia mai.

If I were to start talking, I would never stop.

I la meua pregunta, us donaré ara dos cançonetes

And my question, I will now give you two little songs.

perquè pugueu pensar, igual que va fer la temporada passada.

so that you can think, just as you did last season.

La meua pregunta,

My question,

crec que ja la podeu intuir.

I think you can already sense it.

Quina seria per a vosaltres

What would it be for you?

una frase per a la història?

a phrase for history?

Qué, t'esticifer?

What, am I bothering you?



perquè no hi ha hagut res a veure al acte de fer-ho.

because there has been nothing to see in the act of doing it.



Vull dir,

I mean,

aquesta fi

this end

els va considerar

he considered them

l' Ministre de Salut social.

The Minister of Social Health.

I no serà una experiència biogràfica.

It will not be a biographical experience.

La noia,

The girl,

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

I escoltaven la música d'Arsènic

They listened to the music of Arsènic.

en la senda, una de les últimes cançons

On the path, one of the last songs.

que escolten.

that they listen.

I escoltarem en el contratemps d'esta temporada

We will listen to the counterpoint of this season.

perquè estem arribant al final.

because we are reaching the end.

Els nostres components del Cau de les Rabos

The members of the Rabos shelter.

allà tenen les seues respostes.

There they have their answers.

Jo us aconsello a tots els que estem escoltant-nos

I advise all of you who are listening to us.

que agarreu paper i boli, perquè això promete.

Get paper and pen, because this promises.

A veure, qui vol ser el primer?

Let's see, who wants to be the first?

I m'ha entrat aquí la nostàlgia

Nostalgia has hit me here.

de la bola de cristal

of the crystal ball

pues aquella de...

well that one about...

Espera, espera, per si acaso, recordem

Wait, wait, just in case, let's remember.

que us he demanat una frase

that I asked you for a sentence

perquè per a vosaltres era la frase

because for you it was the phrase

per a la història.

for history.

I jo estic dient-te perquè m'ha vingut

And I am telling you because it has come to me.

perquè de tesoro.

because of treasure.

A més, 40 cantes de micro, sense pensar.

In addition, 40 micro songs, without thinking.



Encarnar de noche!

Incarnate at night!

Empanadilla de mòtoles!

Moth pie!

I hasta aquí puede...

And up to here it can...

Una bona opció.

A good option.

Mítica, mítica.

Mythical, mythical.

El mítica de una noche vieja de martes y trece.

The myth of a New Year's Eve on Tuesday the Thirteenth.

Es decir, los que tenemos una generación

That is to say, those of us who have a generation.

ya lo sabemos.

we already know that.



Yo realmente

I really

para frases recomendaría siempre

For sentences, I would always recommend.

a Groucho Marx

to Groucho Marx

que en té un fum.

that it has a lot of it.

Té grans frases.

It has great phrases.

Pero bueno, ve, de tota manera

But well, come on, anyway.

el primer que m'ha vingut

the first thing that came to me

acá, al cap, ha segut

here, in the head, it has been

una frase de Luis Moya

a phrase by Luis Moya

que li va dir a Carlos Sainz

what he said to Carlos Sainz

que va ser, trata d'arrancar-lo.

What it was, try to tear it off.

Que això també és una frase

That this is also a phrase.

que va quedar per la posteritat

that remained for posterity

en el seu moment.

at the right time.

Por Dios, no va a arrancar-lo.

For God's sake, he's not going to rip it off.



Molt bona, molt bona també.

Very good, very good too.



Seguim pa bingo.

We continue for bingo.

O pa línia, ara anem pa línia.

Oh bread line, now we go bread line.

Seguint de l'ordre,

Following the order,

jo m'ha agradat molt

I have liked it a lot.

un meme que

a meme that

al voltant del barco

around the boat

de l'Ever Given,

of the Ever Given,

que s'han callat allà dins del canal de Suez,

that they have gone silent in there in the Suez Canal,

ha hagut un meme fantàstic

there has been a fantastic meme


of some

d'uns pescadors

of some fishermen

que van estar

that were

un accident

an accident

o una maniobra molt perillosa

or a very dangerous maneuver

d'una barca entrant

from a boat entering

al port de València

at the port of Valencia

i que han agarrat

and that they have taken

aquest àudio i l'han posat al barco.

they have put this audio on the boat.

A l'Ever Given

To the Ever Given

aquell atreveixant-se.

that daring one.

I fa

And it does

Ai, ai, ai, em fa mal de panxa!

Oh, oh, oh, my stomach hurts!

Em fa mal de panxa!

My stomach hurts!

No ho he sentit.

I haven't heard it.

Pasa-me-lo, pasa-me-lo, pasa-me-lo.

Pass it to me, pass it to me, pass it to me.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Si voleu el busquem i el posem.

If you want, we'll look for it and put it on.

Que vamos, això, eh?

What are we saying, this, huh?



És un vídeo de com s'encalla el barco

It's a video of how the boat gets stuck.

i comencen els d'allí, loco.

And the ones from over there start, dude.

No, no!

No, no!

Però una barbaritat.

But a barbarity.

Ara me lo poso i ja està.

Now I'll put it on and that's it.

I el toca a tu, no?

And it's your turn, right?

Jo vaig a dir alguna frase,

I am going to say a sentence,

una de tantes que

one of many that

m.rajoi, perquè no vull dir el nom,

m.rajoi, because I don't want to say the name,

una de tantes que va dir

one of many who said

i una d'elles va ser

and one of them was

ETA és una gran nació.

ETA is a great nation.

Tira-li, Martí!

Go for it, Martí!


Throw it!

I ara!

And now!

s'ha perdut, s'ha perdut

it has been lost, it has been lost

què, què, què, què

what, what, what, what

oh, oh, oh, oh

oh, oh, oh, oh

caga'm la mare que t'ha parit

fuck the mother that gave birth to you

seràs imbècil

you will be an idiot

m'has fet experts de gallina

you've made me chicken experts

coach ara dius la mare que travessà

coach now you say the mother who crossed

seràs super

you will be super

m'has fet experts de gallina

you've made me chicken experts

ai, ai, ai

oh, oh, oh

mare, mare

mother, mother

caga'm la mare que t'ha parit, seràs idiota

"Shit on the mother who gave birth to you, you will be an idiot."

ai, ai, ai

oh, oh, oh

això no està bé

this is not right

Ui, em fa mala panxa i tot!

Oh, it makes my stomach hurt and everything!

Que te metes, que te coteja el mal dels pedres!

What are you getting involved in, what are you worrying about the evil of the stones!

Em fa mala panxa!

I have a stomach ache!

Fins de puta!

You fucking idiot!

Em fa mala panxa!

It makes my stomach upset!

Que va picó, eh!

What a tease, huh!

Em fa mala panxa!

It makes my stomach hurt!

S'ha clavat damunt del rompent!

It has landed on the breaking point!

Dona-li, dona-li!

Give it to him, give it to him!


Give it to her!

Això és imbècil!

This is stupid!

Ui, la panxa fa mal, tio!

Ouch, my stomach hurts, dude!

Ja que vas a les ferres!

Since you're going to the ironworks!





Em fa mala panxa i tot, allò!

It gives me a bad stomach and everything, that!

Ara que l'has posat sí que me'n recordo

Now that you've mentioned it, I do remember.

de qui no era.

of whom it wasn't.

Sí, sí, des de luego.

Yes, of course.

Bueno, això és mític i s'ha utilitzat per a moltíssims vídeos.

Well, this is iconic and has been used for many videos.

L'original jo crec que ningú sap

I believe that nobody knows the original.

qui no és, però s'ha utilitzat.

who is not, but has been used.

No, jo l'original sí que l'he vist.

No, I have seen the original.

És un barco atracant mal?

Is it a badly docking ship?

Bueno, este está montado

Well, this is set up.

sobre un barco atracant mal.

about a ship docking badly.

Un altre que era...

Another one that was...

Sabeu aquesta aplicació que tenia

Do you know this application that I had?

en el mòbil que diu per on van tots els vaixells

on the mobile that shows where all the ships are going

del món? No sé quin nom té.

of the world? I don't know what its name is.

Van agarrar i van fer una captura de com

They grabbed and made a capture of how.

encallava de veritat l'Ever Given.

the Ever Given was truly stuck.

I, conforme va entrant, tu vas

I, as it comes in, you go.

com el carguero.

like the freighter.

Va blandant i estos...

He goes flailing and these...

Em fa mala panxa! Això no fa mal!

It makes my stomach hurt! This doesn't hurt!

I dient-te ni mala.

And telling you not bad.

Però l'original és... Jo l'he vist.

But the original is... I've seen it.

L'original és boníssim. És una

The original is very good. It is a

lenta i una barca

slow and a boat

vol entrar a port i no pot. I ells

wants to enter the port and cannot. And they

estan en el rompeoles, per això

they are on the breakwater, that's why

li diu que es clava dins del rompent, que es clava dins del

he tells him that it gets stuck inside the breaking, that it gets stuck inside the

rompent. I estan comentant la joia, però la

breaking. And they are commenting on the jewel, but the

barca que se la pega al final. O sea, l'original

Boat that crashes in the end. I mean, the original.

n'hi hauria que buscar-lo, però

there would be some to look for it, though

és brutal. Però a passar

It's brutal. But to get through.

com lo desnegres de gana

as the blackness of hunger

en el ataúd. Sí, sí, sí.

in the coffin. Yes, yes, yes.

Que al final és que li queda tan bé a lo que

That in the end looks so good on what.

li poses que...

you tell him that...

Pero yo nunca se he de

But I will never be

escoltar los locos. Pues bueno, en

listen to the crazy ones. Well, in

estes rises, en este

these rises, in this

bon ambient, arribem al final

good atmosphere, we arrive at the end

del programa d'avui.

from today's program.

Vos agraeix que tots la presència, no sols

It thanks you for everyone's presence, not only.

avui, sinó durant estos treinta y pico

today, but during these thirty and something

episodis que ha tingut esta temporada.

episodes that he/she has had this season.

Ara descansem, ja, una temporadeta.

Now we rest, yes, for a little while.

Ara tenim... Un set.

Now we have... a seven.

Com a mínim, com a mínim

At least, at least

anem a tindre tres meses de vacances.

We're going to have three months of vacation.

Jun, juliol i agost. Això com a mínim.

June, July, and August. At least that.



Després ja veurem què passa.

Then we'll see what happens.

Anem a deixar avui. Anem a crear...

Let's leave today. Let's create...

No? Querem...

No? We want...

No fitxes a ningú.

Don't take notice of anyone.

Home, jo tinc que dir una

Well, I have to say one.

cosa que ara en tiraré avui.

thing that I will throw away today.

No anem a acabar el programa, pequeix. Nacho no va a deixar

We are not going to finish the program, little one. Nacho is not going to leave.

acabar el programa. Jo estava allà acollidant-me.

finish the program. I was there hosting myself.

Pero yo... Nacho va a recuperar

But I... Nacho is going to recover.

els menús perduts. Claro que sí.

the lost menus. Of course.

Lo que tiene... Los mayores

What it has... The elders

somos... Los ancianos de cuarenta a cincuenta

We are... The elders from forty to fifty.

somos así.

We are like this.

Yo tiraría a faltar

I would miss.

o tira a faltar alguna vegada un cau

or sometimes it misses a den

de la raposa de una

of the fox of one

madre que liu.

mother that Liu.

Així falta una versió femenina, una opinió femenina

Thus, a female version is missing, a female opinion.

o quatre. Un dia que mos veixin

or four. One day when they see us

també de relleu i cinc.

also of relief and five.



Si tu dius que van al cau de les raposes...

If you say they go to the fox's den...

Vos és... No és igual.

You are... It doesn't matter.

No se condite.

It does not condition.

Se'n van les raposes

The foxes are leaving.

per vella que per raposa, no?

For old as for fox, right?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, agarrem la proposta de Nacho.

Well, let's take Nacho's proposal.

De paso, li baixa ja l'àudio pa que no

By the way, she lowers the audio so that it doesn't...

continue parlant.

continue talking.

Agarrem la proposta de Nacho. De paso, li baixa ya el audio pa que no continue parlant.

Let's take Nacho's proposal. By the way, turn off the audio for him so he stops talking.

Agarrem la proposta de Nacho.

We take Nacho's proposal.

Me la pensem pa la setena temporada, si n'hi ha.

We'll think about it for the seventh season, if there is one.

Si n'hi ha.

If there are any.

Si n'hi ha alguna raposa que vulgui vindre.

If there is any fox that wants to come.

Això també. No podem obligar a ningú.

This too. We cannot force anyone.

No és no.

No means no.

Agarrem la proposta.

Let's take the proposal.

Ja veurem què passa en la setena temporada

We'll see what happens in the seventh season.

si la hubiere o la hubiese.

if it had been.

I això.

And that.

Un plaer que mos hagueu acompanyat

A pleasure that you have accompanied us.

una temporada més del Cau de la Raposa

a season more of the Fox's Den

i avui en este programa especial.

and today in this special program.

Intentarem obrir la pròxima temporada

We will try to open the next season.

si n'hi ha nova temporada

if there is a new season

en un lloc especial i en un programa especial

in a special place and in a special program

del Cau de la Raposa. Ho intentarem.

From the Fox's Den. We will try.

No depen sols del Cau de la Raposa.

Do not rely solely on the Fox Den.

Però la cosa promete.

But it's promising.

I res.

And nothing.

Gràcies també per haver estat allà una temporada més.

Thank you also for being there a while longer.

Ens acomiadem.

We say goodbye.

Agarrem unes vacances creem que merescudes

Let's take a holiday that we believe we deserve.

per a carregar piles

to recharge batteries

i ens n'anem a acomiadar

And we are going to say goodbye.

amb un disc així de guany

with a record like this of winning

que a mi m'ha agradat moltíssim.

that I have liked very much.

Gràcies per haver estat allà

Thank you for being there.

i ens veiem en la setena temporada

And we'll see each other in the seventh season.

de Contratemps. Salutacions de Pere Barber.

From Contratemps. Regards from Pere Barber.

Fins demà.

Until tomorrow.

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