A Pas de Jazz 6-2: Jessie Davis al Sunset 2023 1ª part
Ràdio Olot
A Pas de Jazz
A Pas de Jazz 6-2: Jessie Davis al Sunset 2023 1ª part
Masia Piguillem
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A Ràdio Lot el jazz camina
At Ràdio Lot, jazz is thriving.
Camina a pas de jazz
Walk to the rhythm of jazz.
A pas de jazz
In jazz style.
Un programa de Núria Noguera i Carles Fonfreda
A program by Núria Noguera and Carles Fonfreda
Benvinguts una setmana més a la pas de jazz
Welcome once again to the jazz step.
Els seguidors del saxofonista Jesse Davis
The followers of the saxophonist Jesse Davis.
estareu contents
you will be happy
Avui dedicarem el programa
Today we will dedicate the program.
a escoltar la primera part
to listen to the first part
de l'actuació
of the performance
que aquest músic genial
that this brilliant musician
va oferir al Sunset de Girona
offered at the Sunset in Girona
el passat mes de novembre
last November
Un concert que amb el seu permís
A concert that with his/her permission
vam enregistrar
we recorded
per poder compartir amb tots vosaltres
to be able to share with all of you
Ens quedarà encara
We will still have left.
la segona part
the second part
d'aquella extraordinària batllada
of that extraordinary batllada
que si Déu vol passarem
that if God wills we will pass
per les zones de Ràdio Lot
for the areas of Radio Lot
la setmana que ve
next week
o qualsevol altre dia que s'escaigui
or any other day that suits
No era la primera vegada
It was not the first time.
que Davis actuava
that Davis was acting
al club de la Ràdio Lot
to the Lot Radio Club
o al club de l'Unyà
or at the Unyà club
Si la memòria no ens falla
If memory serves us right
l'hi havíem escoltat
we had heard it
almenys una vegada
at least once
acompanyat pel quartet
accompanied by the quartet
de Reinald Colom
of Reinald Colom
així com en l'actuació
just as in the performance
que hi va fer el capdavant
what the leadership did there
de la Jove Vic Band de Girona
from the Jove Vic Band of Girona
dirigida per Dani Alonso
directed by Dani Alonso
Aquesta vegada però
This time, however
el saxofonista es va presentar
the saxophonist introduced himself
a la capital
to the capital
al capdavant d'un quartet català
at the head of a Catalan quartet
de primera categoria
first category
amb Joan Montnel Piano
with Joan Montnel Piano
Ignasi González del Contrabàs
Ignasi González of the Double Bass
i Joan Montnel Piano
I Joan Montnel Piano
Joan Casares a la bateria
Joan Casares on the drums
Que és un músic estimat
What is a beloved musician?
per la gent de la demarcació
for the people of the region
ho demostra el fet
it is demonstrated by the fact
que aquella nit els responsables del Sunset
that that night the people in charge of the Sunset
van haver de programar
they had to schedule
dues funcions
two functions
per poder-hi fer entrar
to be able to get in there
tota la gent que ho havia sol·licitat
all the people who had requested it
i les dues es van omplir a vessar
and the two were filled to overflowing
amb un públic amb moltes ganes
with an eager audience
d'escoltar bon jazz
to listen to good jazz
Malgrat la seva magnitud
Despite its magnitude
com a músic fonamental
as a fundamental musician
del panorama jazzístic
of the jazz landscape
Davis no es prodiga gaire
Davis doesn't speak much.
en això d'editar discs
in this matter of releasing albums
i és per aquest motiu
and it is for this reason
que els seus seguidors
that their followers
podran gaudir de l'enregistrament
they will be able to enjoy the recording
que us proposem avui
what we propose to you today
Anem a començar doncs
Let's get started then.
amb l'audició del primer passi
with the audition of the first screening
que va interpretar el passat 4 de novembre
that was performed on November 4th
i per aquest Davis
and for this Davis
a diferència del segon
unlike the second
va voler interpretar
wanted to interpret
majorment composicions sortides
mostly output compositions
de la seva ploma
from his pen
El va encetar
He started it.
amb aquesta fantàstica versió
with this fantastic version
de You Never Know
You Never Know
un tema que el saxofonista
a theme that the saxophonist
havia deixat enregistrat
had left recorded
per primera vegada
for the first time
en el disc
on the disk
From Within
From Within
de l'any 1996
from the year 1996
Let's listen to him.
tot seguit
right away
Quan begues au i fa una cita
When you drink, bird, and make a date.
dins de l'arròs
inside the rice
Prens el que vols
Take what you want.
Almenys que Pilat
At least that Pilate.
miri la vista
look at the view
No pots ni prostanger-te
You can't even pretend.
Per afforar la VRT
To set up the VRT
Bona nit.
Good night.
Ja ho hem comentat,
We have already discussed it.
Davis ens va proposar
Davis proposed to us.
quatre composicions
four compositions
d'autoria pròpia i només
of its own authorship and only
un estàndard.
a standard.
Després del You Never Know,
After the You Never Know,
va tocar
he touched
dos temes que ja coneixíem
two themes that we already knew
d'un parell d'enregistraments
of a couple of recordings
previs. El del disc
previs. The one from the disc
en directe fet a les Molds
live made in the Molds
del Nova York l'any 2011
from New York in 2011
i el del
and the of the
Soul Searching
Soul Searching
que recull el concert
that captures the concert
també en directe fet a Seúl
also live made in Seoul
quatre anys més tard.
four years later.
En dos casos,
In two cases,
Davis els toca seguits
Davis takes them in succession.
i sense interrupció
and without interruption
i això és el mateix que va fer
and this is the same as what he did
en el cas del Sunset.
In the case of the Sunset.
Es tracta del
It is about the
Pray See Be Free
Pray See Be Free
Pray See, a seques
Pray See, a shutdown.
en el cas de les Molds
in the case of the Molds
i l'anomenat
and the called
Beyond the Storm.
Beyond the Storm.
Gairebé 20 minuts de música
Almost 20 minutes of music
de la qual no en sobra
of which there is not an excess
ni mig segon. Som-hi.
Not even half a second. Let's go.
Bona nit.
Good night.
Un quartet mig europeu, mig asiàtic,
A half European, half Asian quartet,
conformat pel pianista escocès Paul Kirby,
composed by the Scottish pianist Paul Kirby,
que fa de professor a Corea del Sud,
that works as a teacher in South Korea,
l'alemany Martin Zenker,
the German Martin Zenker,
que és el gran impulsor del jazz a Mongòlia,
who is the great promoter of jazz in Mongolia,
i pel bateria coreà Kim Meechan,
and for the Korean drummer Kim Meechan,
del qual en podríem dir que fa la mateixa funció en el seu propi país.
of which we could say that performs the same function in its own country.
Però no ens n'anem a divagar sobre les aventures
But we won't digress about the adventures.
de Jesse Davis arreu del món
by Jesse Davis around the world
i centrem-nos en el quartet català
Let's focus on the Catalan quartet.
que vam poder escoltar al Sunset el novembre passat
that we were able to hear at Sunset last November
i que tenim el gust de poder presentar-vos avui.
and that we have the pleasure of being able to present to you today.
El pianista Joan Montner és, sense cap mena de dubte,
The pianist Joan Montner is, without a doubt,
un dels valors més estimats del nostre jazz.
one of the most valued aspects of our jazz.
L'hem pogut escoltar acompanyant a grans mestres del jazz americà
We have been able to hear him accompanying great masters of American jazz.
en gires europees.
in European tours.
Per exemple,
For example,
el gran Ben Monserrat,
the great Ben Monserrat,
i quan el mateix dia del concert que avui estem escoltant
and when the same day of the concert that we are listening to today
li vam retreure que feia molts anys
we reproached him that it had been many years
que no ens regalava un nou disc creditat al seu nom,
that did not gift us a new album credited to his name,
ens va sorprendre dient que actualment en tenia un en cartera,
he surprised us by saying that he currently had one in his portfolio,
a punt de sortir,
about to leave,
i fet amb una formació no gens típica.
And made with a training that is not at all typical.
Una formació a quartet
A quartet formation
que plega un trompeta, un saxo i un contrabaixista,
that a trumpeter, a saxophonist, and a double bassist quit,
sense bateria.
without battery.
Pel que fa a Ignasi González,
Regarding Ignasi González,
hem de fer el mateix comentari que fèiem de Joan Montner.
We have to make the same comment that we made about Joan Montner.
Els dos són músics molt experimentats de l'escena del país
Both are very experienced musicians in the country's scene.
que actualment són reclamats per primeres figures del jazz internacional
who are currently sought after by leading figures of international jazz
per fer-los d'acompanyants quan estan de gira per Europa.
to have them as companions when they are on tour in Europe.
Un exemple prou significatiu d'això
A significant example of this.
és el que els dos, junt amb Joe Krause,
is what the two of them, along with Joe Krause,
van estar a les hores de la feina de Joan Montner.
They were at Joan Montner's work hours.
Les ordres de Benny Golson en el disc
Benny Golson's orders on the album
European Tour
European Tour
han registrat a Hambur
they have registered in Hamburg
el juny de l'any 2019.
June of the year 2019.
Tant de bo la discogràfica valenciana Blau,
I hope the Valencian record label Blau,
que ja ens ha sorprès en diverses d'aquestes trobades,
that has already surprised us in several of these meetings,
ens proposi un disc amb Jesse Davis.
let us propose an album with Jesse Davis.
Pel que fa a Joan Casares,
As for Joan Casares,
al bateria que estem escoltant avui,
to the drum that we are listening to today,
direm que malgrat la seva joventut,
we will say that despite his youth,
ha estat un gran partit de la seva vida.
It has been a great match of his life.
I, per tant,
And therefore,
ha estat un gran partit de la seva vida.
It has been a great match of his life.
I, per tant,
And, therefore,
ha estat un gran partit de la seva vida.
It has been a great match of his life.
I, per tant,
And therefore,
ha estat un gran partit de la seva vida.
It has been a great match of his life.
I, per tant,
And therefore,
ha estat un gran partit de la seva vida.
It has been a great match of his life.
escoltat del disc Souls Searching, enregistrat a Saúl.
listened to the album Souls Searching, recorded in Saúl.
Però al revés que les altres dues, d'aquesta, aquí ens en ofereix una versió més curta,
But unlike the other two, here it offers us a shorter version of this one.
la que escoltarem ara.
the one we will listen to now.
La versió més curta.
The shortest version.
Bona nit.
Good night.
el piano de Joan Montner, el contrabaix d'Ignasi González
the piano of Joan Montner, the double bass of Ignasi González
i la bateria de Joan Casares.
and the drum set of Joan Casares.
Ens acaben d'interpretar Innuendo,
They just performed Innuendo for us,
una altra de les grans composicions del saxofonista.
Another one of the great compositions by the saxophonist.
Perquè si abans parlàvem de les qualitats de Davis
Because if we talked earlier about Davis's qualities
com a un dels mestres indiscutibles
as one of the undisputed masters
perquè fa el seu instrument a nivell internacional
because it makes its instrument at an international level
i com a músic reconegut
and as a recognized musician
per ser un dels principals veladors del bebop d'avui dia,
to be one of the main guardians of today's bebop,
no hem de menys tenir la seva faceta com a compositor.
We must not underestimate his role as a composer.
Una faceta que ja va deixar molt clara
An aspect that was already made very clear.
en el seu disc de debut Horn of Passions de l'any 1991
on their debut album Horn of Passions from 1991
i que ha mantingut sempre en la resta
and that has always been maintained in the rest
de la seva activitat discogràfica com a líder,
from his discographic activity as a leader,
la qual, si no ho hem comptat malament,
which, if we haven't counted it wrong,
ja va per la onzena.
It's already in the eleventh.
I això sense comptar les seves valuoses aportacions
And this without counting their valuable contributions.
com a autor en molts dels disc
as an author on many of the discs
en què ha participat com a col·laborador.
in what he has participated as a collaborator.
Parlem ara una mica de Joan Casares.
Let's talk a bit about Joan Casares now.
El bateria que ens acompanya avui
The drummer who is accompanying us today.
des de fa més d'un any és membre del quartet
For more than a year, he has been a member of the quartet.
que acompanya a Jesse Davis per tota la península.
that accompanies Jesse Davis throughout the peninsula.
Però, membre d'una família de músics,
But, a member of a family of musicians,
va començar de molt petit,
it started when he was very young,
com a bateria autodidacta.
as a self-taught drummer.
Als 16 anys s'ho va començar a agafar seriosament
At 16, he started to take it seriously.
i va estudiar a l'ESMUC, a Nova York, a Amsterdam...
and studied at ESMUC, in New York, in Amsterdam...
De seguida el vam observar com a un dels membres
Immediately we observed him as one of the members
que sempre sortien quan sentíem a parlar de l'òrbita de Change.
that always came out when we heard about the orbit of Change.
De fet, va ser un dels membres fundadors
In fact, he was one of the founding members.
d'aquest segell discogràfic.
of this record label.
El vam descobrir amb els Smack Dab,
We discovered him with the Smack Dab,
el grup que col·lidera amb el trompetista Oriol Vallès
the group that co-leads with the trumpeter Oriol Vallès
i amb els quals ja porten quatre disc enregistrats,
and with whom they have already recorded four albums,
el primer dels quals, per cert,
the first of which, by the way,
compta amb la participació del propi Jesse Davis.
it includes the participation of Jesse Davis himself.
També és membre imprescindible del trio Tro,
He is also an essential member of the trio Tro.
del qual els en coneixem dos discs,
of which we know two discs,
i se'l pot escoltar cada darrer diumenge de mes
and he can be heard every last Sunday of the month
al Sunset de Girona,
at the Sunset of Girona,
amb la fantàstica banda Sunset Rhythm Kings,
with the fantastic band Sunset Rhythm Kings,
on també hi trobem el seu pare Pau Casares.
We also find his father Pau Casares there.
Amb el seu germà Lluc fa molt temps
With his brother Lluc a long time ago.
que maneguen el Casares Brothers
that the Casares Brothers manage
i precisament aquest és qui va convidar Jesse Davis
And precisely this is the one who invited Jesse Davis.
a sortir a l'escenari del Sunset
to go on stage at the Sunset
per tancar el primer dels dos passes
to close the first of the two steps
que ens van oferir el passat 4 de novembre.
that they offered us on November 4th.
Tots plegats ens van interpretar
They all interpreted us together.
la magnífica versió del O'Privave de Charlie Parker
the magnificent version of O'Privave by Charlie Parker
que us convidem a escoltar tot seguit.
that we invite you to listen to right now.
El quartet de Jesse Davis
The quartet of Jesse Davis
amb el saxo tenor de Lluc Casares.
with the tenor saxophone of Lluc Casares.
Bona nit a cadascú al seu llit.
Good night to each one in their bed.
Bona nit.
Good night.
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