Al principi va ser el ritme

Sons en el temps

Sons en el temps

Al principi va ser el ritme

Sons en el temps

El 1976, a Londres, es va formar el grup de punk rock The Slits.

In 1976, in London, the punk rock group The Slits was formed.

Un dels seus primers singles era un tema titulat

One of their first singles was a song titled

In the beginning there was rhythm,

In the beginning there was rhythm,

que vol dir una cosa així com

what does something like that mean

Al principi va ser el ritme.

In the beginning, it was the rhythm.

Si voleu saber com sona aquesta cançó,

If you want to know what this song sounds like,

doncs us faré esperar fins al final del programa,

So I will make you wait until the end of the program,

perquè de moment em vull centrar en la lletra.

Because for now I want to focus on the lyrics.

Ve a dir que el ritme està en l'origen del món.

Come to say that rhythm is at the origin of the world.

Així, la vocalista Ariab canta,

Thus, the vocalist Ariab sings,

o més ben dit recita, coses que, segons ella, són ritme.

or rather recite, things that, according to her, are rhythm.

Per exemple, Déu, l'espai, la terra, els animals...

For example, God, space, the earth, the animals...

De fet, tot és ritme, segons la cançó.

In fact, everything is rhythm, according to the song.

Fins i tot repeteix diverses vegades que el silenci també és ritme.

He even repeats several times that silence is also rhythm.

I us parlem d'aquesta cançó perquè parla del principi i de ritme.

We talk to you about this song because it speaks of the beginning and rhythm.

I avui iniciem una nova temporada d'aquest podcast

And today we begin a new season of this podcast.

que parla de sons i de temps.

that speaks of sounds and time.

La cançó no ho diu, però si és cert que al principi fou el ritme,

The song doesn’t say it, but if it is true that at first it was the rhythm,

suposo que posteriorment van anar apareixent la melodia,

I suppose that later the melody started to appear,

l'harmonia, el timbre i tot el que conforma la música.

the harmony, the timbre, and everything that makes up music.

Aquesta música de la que podem gaudir

This music that we can enjoy.

en innumerables formes i manifestacions

in countless forms and manifestations

i que ens serveix també d'excusa per tirar endavant podcast com aquest

and it also serves as an excuse for moving forward with podcasts like this one.

que enceta ara i aquí la seva quarta temporada.

that now and here begins its fourth season.

I ara, doncs, inaugurem aquesta quarta temporada de sons en el temps,

And now, then, we inaugurate this fourth season of sounds in time.

el podcast on parlem de música,

the podcast where we talk about music,

inspirant-nos en la programació de clàssica de Granollers,

drawing inspiration from the classical programming of Granollers,

però ho fem amb vocació internacional.

but we do it with international vocation.

Jo soc l'Oriol Pedró, us parlo des de Ràdio Granollers

I am Oriol Pedró, speaking to you from Ràdio Granollers.

gràcies a la destresa tècnica d'en Josep Solell.

thanks to the technical skill of Josep Solell.


Thank you.

I abans d'entrar en matèria, expliquem algunes novetats d'aquesta temporada.

And before we get into the matter, let's explain some news from this season.

La més important serà un canvi en la periodicitat del podcast.

The most important change will be in the frequency of the podcast.

Fins ara no publicàvem els episodis en un ordre concret o fixe,

Until now, we did not publish the episodes in a specific or fixed order,

sinó que miràvem la programació de música del Teatre Auditori de Granollers

but we were looking at the music programming of the Teatre Auditori de Granollers

i més o menys unes dues setmanes abans de cada concert

and more or less about two weeks before each concert

publicàvem un episodi on parlàvem sobre allò que aquell concert ens suggeria.

we published an episode where we talked about what that concert suggested to us.

Però a partir d'ara això ho canviarem.

But from now on we will change this.

A partir d'ara publicarem cada 15 dies.

From now on, we will publish every 15 days.

Cada dos dilluns tindreu garantida la vostra dosi de sons en el temps.

Every other Monday you will have your dose of sounds on time guaranteed.

I encara hi ha més notícies.

And there is more news.

A més a més del podcast que ja coneixeu, podreu sentir-nos, si ho preferiu,

In addition to the podcast you already know, you can hear us, if you prefer,

a la sintonia de Ràdio Granollers, el 107.6 de la FM,

on the frequency of Ràdio Granollers, 107.6 FM,

els dimecres a les 7.

Wednesdays at 7.

Pel que fa als continguts, els continguts del podcast de grans trets seran els mateixos.

Regarding the content, the overarching content of the podcast will be the same.

Seguirem parlant de música i ho seguirem fent a partir de la programació de clàssica

We will continue talking about music, and we will do so based on the classical programming.

del Teatre Auditori de Granollers.

from the Granollers Theatre Auditorium.

Però mirarem d'obrir una mica més el ventall.

But we will try to broaden the scope a little more.

Mirarem d'incloure altres propostes musicals granollerines

We will try to include other musical proposals from Granollers.

i bé, una mica sobre la marxa anirem veient què passa.

And well, we'll see what happens a bit as we go along.

I no cal dir que si teniu suggeriments, si ens voleu dir qualsevol cosa,

And it's worth noting that if you have suggestions, if you want to tell us anything,

estarem encantats d'escoltar-vos.

We will be delighted to hear from you.

Busqueu-nos a Twitter, a Instagram i digueu-nos el que vulgueu.

Find us on Twitter and Instagram and tell us what you want.

El que vulgueu.

Whatever you want.


Thank you.

Aquesta és una de les peces que sí que sonaran en el concert.

This is one of the pieces that will be played at the concert.

Forma part d'una col·lecció de 10 peces per flauta i piano

It is part of a collection of 10 pieces for flute and piano.

publicades per Beethoven el 1819 basant-se en melodies populars.

published by Beethoven in 1819 based on popular melodies.

I ja que parlo de publicar música, farem un petit parèntesi.

And since I'm talking about publishing music, we'll take a little break.

Des del nostre present tan tecnològic, pot costar pensar que durant mil·lennis,

From our highly technological present, it can be hard to imagine that for millennia,

quan algú volia escoltar música, només tenia dues maneres de fer-ho.

When someone wanted to listen to music, they only had two ways to do it.

Una era produir-la directament, fent sonar un instrument o cantant,

One way to produce it directly is by playing an instrument or singing.

i l'altra, demanar-li a algú que interpretés la música i normalment,

and the other, asking someone to interpret the music and normally,

per tant, donar-li alguna cosa a canvi, és a dir, pagar-li un sou.

therefore, giving him something in return, that is, paying him a salary.

Amb el desenvolupament de les tècniques d'impressió i reproducció,

With the development of printing and reproduction techniques,

sobretot a partir del segle XVIII, els compositors van trobar una molt bona

especially from the 18th century, composers found a very good

via d'ingressos en la venda de partitures per petites formacions instrumentals.

revenue stream from the sale of sheet music for small instrumental ensembles.

Això els va permetre deixar de dependre d'un gran mecenes o haver-se de lligar

This allowed them to stop depending on a great patron or having to be tied down.

a una institució, ja fos religiosa, com una catedral, o civil, com una cor nobiliària.

to an institution, whether religious, like a cathedral, or civil, like a noble court.

Beethoven és un dels primers grans compositors que va poder treballar

Beethoven is one of the first great composers who was able to work.

de forma bastant lliure, sent el que aleshores potser n'haurien dit

in a fairly free manner, being what they might have called then

un professional liberal i que ara en diríem un autònom o un freelance.

a liberal professional and what we would now call a self-employed person or a freelancer.

Amb el desenvolupament d'una petita, mitjana o gran burgesia urbana

With the development of a small, medium, or large urban bourgeoisie.

cada cop més nombrosa, que podia donar als seus fills i filles estudis musicals,

increasingly numerous, which could provide their sons and daughters with musical education,

es va anar estenent aquesta nova manera de fer música a casa, la música de cambra.

This new way of making music at home, chamber music, began to spread.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

La flauta és un instrument que parteix, com hem dit, d'un principi físic molt senzill,

The flute is an instrument that, as we have said, is based on a very simple physical principle,

que és fer passar l'aire per un tub.

what it is to make air pass through a tube.

Potser per això és també un dels instruments més antics i universals que hi ha.

Perhaps that is also why it is one of the oldest and most universal instruments there is.

Tenim constància de tubs perforats per poder produir música

We have evidence of perforated tubes to produce music.

en jaciments de fa fins a 40.000 anys.

in deposits of up to 40,000 years old.

Aquestes mostres tan antigues acostumen a estar fetes en ossos,

These very old samples are usually made of bones,

ossos perforats o a vegades ossos d'ocells, que ja estan buits per dintre,

perforated bones or sometimes bird bones, which are already hollow inside,

d'ocells grans com voltors,

of large birds like vultures,

però també s'han trobat flautes tallades en materials curiosos com un ullal de mamut.

but flutes made from curious materials such as a mammoth tusk have also been found.

Són instruments que ens expliquen que els primers humans

They are instruments that explain to us that the first humans

no només sabien com produir sons bufant en un tub més o menys cilíndric,

not only did they know how to produce sounds by blowing into a more or less cylindrical tube,

sinó que ja havien trobat la manera de fer sonar diferents notes

but they had already found a way to make different notes sound

mitjançant forats a diferents alçades d'aigua.

through holes at different water heights.

I com que no sabem del cert si allò que deien les eslits és veritat

And since we do not know for certain if what the elites said is true.

i al principi era el ritme, però sí que sabem que aquestes flautes

At first, it was the rhythm, but we do know that these flutes

ens deixen ben clar que la melodia, com a mínim, també ve de molt antic.

They make it very clear to us that the melody, at least, also comes from a long time ago.

Si es tracta d'un instrument tan antic,

If it is such an ancient instrument,

no ens ha de sorprendre que també sigui un instrument universal.

it should not surprise us that it is also a universal instrument.

Totes les cultures han desenvolupat la seva versió de la flauta.

All cultures have developed their version of the flute.

Els sumeris i els babilonis li donaven un important paper en els seus rituals sagrats.

The Sumerians and Babylonians assigned an important role to it in their sacred rituals.

De la Mediterrània, la flauta és un instrument que es diu la flauta.

From the Mediterranean, the flute is an instrument called the flute.

A la Xina, tota Euràsia està plena de testimonis de la presència de flautes de diferents tipus,

In China, all of Eurasia is full of testimonies of the presence of flutes of different types,

gairebé sempre associada al món de la màgia, l'espiritualitat i la religió.

almost always associated with the world of magic, spirituality, and religion.

El fet que sigui un instrument fàcil de fabricar i es pugui fer amb materials a l'abast de tothom

The fact that it is an easy-to-manufacture instrument and can be made with materials accessible to everyone.

també devia ajudar a convertir-la en un instrument molt popular.

It must have also helped to make it a very popular instrument.

I podem entendre popular també en el sentit de classe social.

And we can also understand popular in the sense of social class.

De fet, en textos del Renaixement i del Barroc se la sol considerar un instrument pastoril

In fact, in texts from the Renaissance and Baroque periods, it is often regarded as a pastoral instrument.

que ens transporta a aquest món senzill, idealitzat,

that transports us to this simple, idealized world,

per als i pastoretes que ballen, feliçment, en un prat florit.

for the shepherds and shepherdesses who dance, happily, in a flowery meadow.

La flauta

The flute

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

Les orquestres, o la que veureu tocar en Claudi Arimany si aneu al concert,

The orchestras, or the one you will see performing with Claudi Arimany if you go to the concert,

són el resultat de segles d'evolució, fins que al segle XIX es consolida el complex sistema de claus

they are the result of centuries of evolution, until the 19th century when the complex system of keys was consolidated

per tapar i destapar els forats que no té res de senzill.

to cover and uncover the holes that is nothing simple.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Hem parlat de com és una flauta i de com es fa sonar.

We have talked about what a flute is like and how to make it sound.

Justament, però, aquesta relació de l'instrumentista amb l'instrument

Precisely, however, this relationship of the musician with the instrument

és una cosa en la que ens volem fixar,

it's something we want to focus on,

perquè es tracta del que se'n diu una relació,

because it is what is called a relationship,

una relació molt orgànica, perquè el flautista,

a very organic relationship, because the flautist,

i per extensió qualsevol intèrpret d'instruments de vent,

and by extension any wind instrument player,

es connecta amb el seu objecte musical a través de la respiració.

It connects with its musical object through breathing.

Això devia portar, jo crec, als nostres avantpassats més llunyans,

This must have brought, I believe, to our most distant ancestors,

a donar-li un valor simbòlic especial.

to give it a special symbolic value.

Si a això hi afegim que les primeres flautes, com hem dit, es feien sovint amb ossos,

If we add to this that the first flutes, as we have said, were often made with bones,

que a vegades eren d'animals, però també podien ser ossos humans,

that sometimes they were of animals, but they could also be human bones,

la flauta es relaciona directament amb la vida i amb la mort,

the flute is directly related to life and death,

amb la lè vital del flautista,

with the vital breath of the flutist,

i amb els ossos de l'animal o la persona morta.

and with the bones of the dead animal or person.

Aquestes idees no se m'acuden a mi solet.

These ideas don't come to me on my own.

Em baso en obres de referència, concretament en dues obres de referència d'en Ramon Andrés,

I base myself on reference works, specifically on two reference works by Ramon Andrés,

el seu Diccionari d'Instruments Musicals i el Diccionari de Música, Mitologia, Màgia i Religió.

his Dictionary of Musical Instruments and the Dictionary of Music, Mythology, Magic, and Religion.

Si voleu consultar aquestes obres, que us ho recomano moltíssim,

If you want to consult these works, which I highly recommend,

les trobareu referenciades a la secció que té el nostre podcast

You will find them referenced in the section that has our podcast.

dins del web, a l'apartat Viola Clàssica.

on the website, in the Classical Viola section.

Però tornem a la flauta,

But let's get back to the flute,

i a la seva simbologia.

and to its symbolism.

De la mateixa manera que hem dit que els flautistes projecten el seu alè

In the same way that we have said that flautists project their breath

sobre l'instrument per tal de donar-li vida,

about the instrument to bring it to life,

potser us sona aquell moment del llibre del Gènesi

perhaps you remember that moment from the book of Genesis

que explica que Déu formà l'home amb la pols del camp.

that explains that God formed man from the dust of the ground.

Bufant li va fer entrar pel nas un alè de vida,

Blowing, he made a breath of life enter through his nose,

i l'home esdevingué un ésser viu.

and the man became a living being.

Si el fet de bufar és tan poderós que pot generar vida,

If the act of blowing is so powerful that it can generate life,

la flauta havia de tenir un paper rellevant en el nostre imaginari.

the flute had to play a significant role in our imagination.

No és casualitat que en les esglésies,

It is not a coincidence that in the churches,

arreu d'Europa,

across Europe,

sigui habitual veure imatges d'àngels fent sonar flautes des del paradís,

it is common to see images of angels playing flutes from paradise,

perquè la flauta fa referència a l'alè diví,

because the flute refers to the divine breath,

que és qui dóna vida,

who is the one that gives life,

i per tant és allò que condueix l'ànima cap a dins del nostre cos.

And therefore it is what leads the soul into our body.

Però és que la flauta és també l'instrument que toquen

But the flute is also the instrument they play.

Bishnu i Krishna en la tradició hinduista.

Bishnu and Krishna in Hindu tradition.

La fan servir els derbitxos sofís en el seu vall giratori

They use the sophisticated gadgets in their rotating valley.

per entrar en trànsit.

to enter traffic.

El taoïsme la considera alhora un símbol de fertilitat

Taoism also considers it a symbol of fertility.

i una porta cap a la meditació.

and a door to meditation.

En el món clàssic,

In the classical world,

Pan la feia servir,

She used to make bread,

per fugir de la tristesa.

to escape from sadness.

La voilà amb les diposicions d'Igbà.

Here she is with the Igbà dispositions.

La ceremony del Kalim unir-se a la grafin

The Kalim ceremony joins the grafin.

i el material d'auqí propella les espatlles des d'un moment a l'Yesú改ara.

And the material from here propels the shoulders from a moment at the Yesú改ara.

s'adona unes coloracions tan postres,

he realizes some very dessert-like colorations

entre Weltzeus i Prsy

between Weltzeus and Prsy

i de les estamos de G'.

and of the G's we are.



heavenes i morשלos,

heavens and morrows,

i no måskey.

and not monkey.

Ara bé, aquest instrument que ve de la terra,

Now, this instrument that comes from the earth,

de la gent, de la natura,

of the people, of nature,

a poc a poc, sobretot a partir del Renaixement,

little by little, especially starting from the Renaissance,

es va començar a introduir en els cercles més intel·lectuals de la societat,

he began to be introduced into the more intellectual circles of society,

que segurament la utilitzaven per il·lustrar aquella visió idealitzada de la natura que ja hem dit.

that they likely used it to illustrate that idealized vision of nature that we have already mentioned.

Així va ser com la flauta va començar a entrar en el món del que en diem música culta,

Thus it was how the flute began to enter the world of what we call classical music.

de manera que el seu valor simbòlic es comença a apartar una mica, potser, d'aquest món espiritual

so that its symbolic value begins to drift somewhat, perhaps, from this spiritual world

i se li comença a donar un significat més de caire intel·lectual.

And it begins to take on a more intellectual meaning.

Fins al punt que Cesare Ripa, en el seu tractat d'iconografia a principis del segle XVII,

To the point that Cesare Ripa, in his treatise on iconography in the early 17th century,

representa l'al·legoria de la saviesa com una dona amb una flauta a la mà.

it represents the allegory of wisdom as a woman with a flute in her hand.

Segurament aquesta nova significació de l'instrument va fer que, molt més tard, el 1791,

Surely this new meaning of the instrument caused that, much later, in 1791,

quan un compositor austríac anomenat Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart va voler escriure una òpera

When an Austrian composer named Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wanted to write an opera.

sobre el triomf de la saviesa,

about the triumph of wisdom,

utilitzés justament una flauta màgica per ajudar els protagonistes de la història a trobar el camí.

used a magical flute to help the protagonists of the story find their way.

Acho que ahí es que no poden ser els protagonistes del segle XVIII.

I think that there is where they cannot be the protagonists of the 18th century.

Les òperes són una olur.

The operas are a smell.

Són una zombic.

They are a zombic.

S'ha guanyat la llar.

He has earned the home.

Les òperes es port weiß-an kissi jeac dниковiel.

The operas wear white and kiss the king.



I els príncips també ja hi són,

And the princes are already there,

i 게stत ur Yuan Zhonie,

It seems there is a mix of languages and possibly some gibberish in the text you provided. Could you please provide a clear Catalan sentence for translation?

papa Studios,

papa Studios,

i yo

and me

I ja que ha sortit la flauta màgica,

And since the magic flute has come out,

aprofito per recordar-vos que al final de la tercera temporada

I take the opportunity to remind you that at the end of the third season

vam revisar aquest missatge il·lustrat i igualitarista

we reviewed this illustrated and egalitarian message

que té la famosa Òpera de Mozart.

that has the famous opera by Mozart.

Podeu recuperar aquest episodi

You can recover this episode.

o qualsevol altre dels episodis anteriors de Sons en el Temps

or any other of the previous episodes of Sons en el Temps

també visitant el web

also visiting the website

a la secció Viu la Clàssica,

in the section Live the Classic,

on hi trobareu el nostre raconet,

there you will find our little corner,

on, a part dels anteriors episodis,

in addition to the previous episodes,

hi trobareu moltes més informacions.

you will find much more information here.

També ens podeu recuperar, esclar,

You can also recover us, of course.

a la major part de plataformes de podcasting.

to most podcasting platforms.

I ens acostem, doncs, al final d'aquest episodi d'avui,

And we are approaching, therefore, the end of this episode of today,

on hem vist que la flauta és un instrument màgic

we have seen that the flute is a magical instrument

que ens connecta amb la Terra i amb el Cel,

that connects us with the Earth and with the Sky,

amb la natura i amb l'internet.

with nature and with the internet.

Hem volgut compartir unes reflexions

We wanted to share some reflections.

que podeu tenir presents o no

that you may or may not have present

en el concert que oferiran Claudi Rimany

in the concert that Claudi Rimany will offer

el proper 6 d'octubre.

the next October 6.

Abans d'acabar, però, com que estem obrint temporada,

Before finishing, however, since we are opening the season,

volem aprofitar també per fer una mirada

we also want to take the opportunity to take a look

als concerts que ens esperen a Granollers els propers mesos.

to the concerts that await us in Granollers in the coming months.

Comencem pel principi, pel mes d'octubre,

Let's start from the beginning, from the month of October,

on trobarem dues propostes amb música

we will find two proposals with music

de la superestrella del barroc venecià, Antonio Vivaldi.

of the superstar of Venetian Baroque, Antonio Vivaldi.

Es tracta de dos concerts que tenen enfocaments

They are two concerts that have different approaches.

diferents i, fins i tot, complementaris.

different and, even, complementary.

El 13 d'octubre, l'Orquestra de Cambra de Granollers

On October 13, the Granollers Chamber Orchestra

presentarà les conegudíssimes quatre estacions,

will present the well-known four seasons,

però serà en la reescriptura,

but it will be in the rewriting,

i relectura, que en va fer Max Richter

and re-reading, which was done by Max Richter

passant-les pel filtre del minimalisme del segle XX.

passing them through the filter of 20th-century minimalism.

Per altra banda, el 27 d'octubre,

On the other hand, on October 27,

el Corbeus i l'Orquestra Terrassa 48

the Corbeus and the Terrassa 48 Orchestra

presentaran el Glòria d'Antonio Vivaldi,

they will present the Gloria by Antonio Vivaldi,

que serà interpretat, en aquest cas, per veus blanques,

that will be interpreted, in this case, by white voices,

que són les que devien sonar a l'Hospedale de la Pietà

which must have sounded at the Ospedale della Pietà

quan aquesta obra va veure la llum en el seu moment.

when this work was unveiled at its time.

De tot això en parlarem segurament en el proper episodi.

We will probably talk about all of this in the next episode.

Tot i que, parlant de veus blanques,

Although, speaking of soft voices,

també, al mes d'octubre, rebrem la visita

Also, in the month of October, we will receive the visit.

d'un dels cors infantils amb més projectació

of one of the children's choirs with the most projection

internacional ara mateix,

international right now,

el Gondwana Indigenous Children's Choir d'Austràlia,

the Gondwana Indigenous Children's Choir of Australia,

que inclourà Granollers com una estació més

that will include Granollers as another station

de la seva gira europea,

from their European tour,

gràcies a la relació que tenen

thanks to the relationship they have

amb la societat coral Amics de la Unió.

with the choral society Amics de la Unió.

El Corbeus i l'Orquestra Terrassa 48

The Ravens and the Terrassa 48 Orchestra

presentaran el Glòria d'Antonio Vivaldi,

they will present the Gloria by Antonio Vivaldi,

que serà interpretat, en aquest cas, per veus blanques,

which will be interpreted, in this case, by treble voices,

que són les que devien sonar a l'Hospedale de la Pietà

what were the ones that must have sounded at the Hospedale della Pietà

quan aquesta obra va veure la llum en el seu moment.

when this work was unveiled at its time.

Tot i que, al mes d'octubre, rebrem la visita

Although, in the month of October, we will receive the visit.

d'un dels cors infantils amb més projectació

of one of the children's choirs with the most projection

que inclourà Granollers com una estació més

that will include Granollers as another station

de la seva gira europea,

of her European tour,

que inclourà Granollers com una estació més

that will include Granollers as one more station

de la seva gira europea,

from his European tour,

que inclourà Granollers com una estació més

that will include Granollers as one more station

de la seva gira europea.

from their European tour.

Tot i que, al mes d'octubre, rebrem la visita

Although, in October, we will receive the visit.

Com a novetat d'aquesta temporada,

As a novelty of this season,

podem dir-vos que parlarem una mica més

we can tell you that we will talk a little more

d'òpera del que havíem fet fins ara.

of the opera we had done until now.

A Granollers tenim la sort de poder gaudir

In Granollers, we are lucky to be able to enjoy.

cada any de les produccions dels Amics de l'Òpera de Sabadell,

each year of the productions of the Friends of the Opera of Sabadell,

que enguany portaran la Bohème,

that this year they will bring La Bohème,

Tosca, Nabucco i Carmen.

Tosca, Nabucco and Carmen.

Però, a més a més, tenim el cicle d'òpera

But, furthermore, we have the opera season.

del cinema Edison, que ens oferirà també quatre òperes,

from the Edison cinema, which will also offer us four operas,

Andrea Chenier, Les noces de Figaro,

Andrea Chenier, The Marriage of Figaro,

Otelo i els contes d'Hoffman.

Othello and Hoffman's tales.

De totes aquestes òperes,

Of all these operas,

mirarem de dedicar-los tot l'espai que puguem

we will try to dedicate them all the space we can

per repassar-ne la trama,

to review the plot,

explicar els moments musicals més destacats

explain the most notable musical moments

i disfrutar de música com aquesta fantàstica ària de Tosca.

And enjoy music like this fantastic aria from Tosca.

L'Òpera de Sabadell

The Opera of Sabadell

I passem de l'òpera al musical.

And we move from opera to musical.

El 24 de novembre, el cor jove Amics de la Unió

On November 24, the youth choir Friends of the Union

portarà a escena una versió coral de Flor de Nit,

it will bring a choral version of Flor de Nit to the stage,

una versió coral escenificada.

a staged choral version.

El musical Flor de Nit va ser estrenat per Dagoll Llegom el 1992,

The musical Flor de Nit was premiered by Dagoll Llegom in 1992.

amb textos de Manuel Vázquez Montalbán i música d'Albert Guinovart.

with texts by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán and music by Albert Guinovart.

En situa a la Barcelona dels anys 20,

It is set in 1920s Barcelona.

és a dir, de fa cent anys,

that is to say, a hundred years ago,

amb lluites de classes, pistolarisme i amors i desamors.

with class struggles, gun violence, and loves and heartbreaks.

Vaja, tot un espectacle.

Well, quite a show.

On el cor que dirigeix la Marta Dos Aigües

Where the heart that directs Marta Dos Aigües

estarà al costat de l'orquestra sinfònica de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili,

it will be alongside the symphonic orchestra of the Rovira i Virgili University,

dirigida per Miquel Massana.

directed by Miquel Massana.

Música de la Marta Dos Aigües

Music by Marta Dos Aigües

La música coral de finals del segle XX

The choral music of the late 20th century.

no es pot explicar sense la figura de John Rutter,

it cannot be explained without the figure of John Rutter,

un compositor britànic, un compositor anglès,

a British composer, an English composer,

que ha assolit un important reconeixement internacional amb la seva música.

that has achieved significant international recognition with its music.

Parteix de la sòlida tradició coral anglesa

It is based on the solid English choral tradition.

i ha escrit algunes...

and has written some...

de les obres sacres més interpretades de les darreres dècades.

of the most performed sacred works of the last decades.

En aquesta temporada, a Granollers podrem escoltar

In this season, in Granollers we will be able to listen to

això que sona de fons, el seu Magnificat,

this background sound, his Magnificat,

interpretat per l'Orquestra de Cambra de Granollers

performed by the Granollers Chamber Orchestra

i diversos cors de la Societat Coral Amics de la Unió.

and several choirs of the Coral Society Friends of the Union.

Tindrem dues ocasions per gaudir-ne.

We will have two opportunities to enjoy it.

Una serà al novembre, a l'Església de Sant Esteve,

One will be in November, at the Church of Sant Esteve,

i una altra al gener, al Teatre Auditori de Granollers.

and another one in January, at the Granollers Auditorium Theatre.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Després d'aquell Magnificat de Ruter que ja hem comentat,

After that Magnificat by Ruter that we have already discussed,

l'Orquestra de Cambra de Granollers

The Granollers Chamber Orchestra

oferirà dos concerts més durant la temporada.

will offer two more concerts during the season.

El 9 de febrer visitarem dues de les diferents lectures

On February 9, we will visit two of the different readings.

que s'han fet de l'obra de teatre de Metterling,

what has become of Metterling's play,

Peleas i Melisandre,

Fights and Melisandre,

un drama d'amors prohibits i gelosia

a drama of forbidden loves and jealousy

del qual n'han sorgit nombroses obres musicals.

from which numerous musical works have emerged.

En aquest concert sentirem les músiques incidentals

In this concert we will hear the incidental music.

que van escriure Gabriel Forer i Jan Sibelius.

that were written by Gabriel Forer and Jan Sibelius.

I, ja al final de la temporada, el 25 de maig,

And, at the end of the season, on May 25,

l'orquestra visitarà l'univers sonor hispànic

the orchestra will visit the Hispanic sound universe

en un concert titulat Aires Mediterranis,

in a concert titled Mediterranean Breezes,

on sentirem músiques de Toldrà, Turina o Chic Corea, entre d'altres.

We will hear music from Toldrà, Turina, or Chick Corea, among others.

I jo viurem per la teva lliure ciutat

And I will live for your free city.

el cor tan pesat com la lliure lliure

the heart as heavy as the free free

fins que el meu lliure no tingui cap endavant

until my free one has no forward

I m'adonaré de la meva malaltia,

I will realize my illness,

i de la meva malaltia,

and of my illness,

quan estiguem a l'altre costat.

when we are on the other side.

Quan estiguem a l'altre costat.

When we are on the other side.

En aquesta temporada també mirarem de dedicar algun programa,

In this season, we will also try to dedicate some episodes.

o com a mínim algun espai,

or at least some space,

a la programació de música sacra de l'Església de Sant Esteve

to the programming of sacred music of the Church of Sant Esteve

o l'àmplia oferta de jazz del casino.

or the wide offer of jazz at the casino.

En el començament hi havia...

In the beginning there was...



És Déu, és espai, és Terra, és Climbing, és temps, és sons, és punts, és animals,

It is God, it is space, it is Earth, it is Climbing, it is time, it is sounds, it is points, it is animals.

és llum, és punts, és putt, és fucking, és ritme!

It's light, it's dots, it's putt, it's fucking, it's rhythm!

Déu et diu que hi ha ritme,

God tells you that there is rhythm,

Déu et diu que hi ha roots,

God tells you that there are roots,

Déu et diu que hi ha visió,

God tells you that there is vision,

Déu et diu que hi ha vida eterna.

God tells you that there is eternal life.

El món, el ritme, la vida, el ritme,

The world, the rhythm, life, the rhythm,

el cor, el beat, és el beat,

the heart, the blessed, is the blessed,

un cos, el ritme, és el ritme,

a body, the rhythm, is the rhythm,

és un punt de punta, el que tu deixes el teu ritme en,

it’s a point of focus, where you leave your rhythm in,

el que tu agafes la teva música en,

what you take your music in,

el fucking ritme, crea ritme,

the fucking rhythm, create rhythm,

l'Era, el cercle, el cercle,

the Era, the circle, the circle,

un punt de punta, és el punt, és el ritme,

a point of point, it is the point, it is the rhythm,

on venen els sons,

where the sounds come from,

on venen la música i les tunes,

where the music and the tunes come from,

és el beat, és el temps, és punts,

he is the blessed, he is the time, he is points,

és el ritme,

it's the rhythm,

és el ritme!

It's the rhythm!





Doncs ja ho hem dit

Well, we've already said it.

al començar el programa. Al principi,

at the beginning of the program. At first,

fou el ritme, com cantaven les Slits,

it was the rhythm, as the Slits sang,

però hem vist que la melodia no va tricar

but we have seen that the melody did not ring out

gaire per eixa. Gràcies, entre d'altres,

hardly for that. Thank you, among others,

a invents com la flauta.

it invents like the flute.

Ens acomiadem així per avui, us esperem

We say goodbye like this for today, we look forward to seeing you.

en el proper episodi. Si voleu recuperar

in the next episode. If you want to recover

les músiques que han sonat al programa,

the music that has played on the program,

podeu fer-ho també visitant el nostre espai

you can also do it by visiting our space

dins la secció Viola Clàssica de Teatre Auditori

within the Classical Viola section of the Theatre Auditorium Allà també us hi deixarem We will leave you there too.

relacionats els llibres i lectures

related to books and readings

en què ens baseem per al programa d'avui

What are we basing today's program on?

i, ja ho tornem a dir, a tots els

And, we say it again, to all the

episodis anteriors. Això que heu

previous episodes. This that you have

escoltat avui ho hem fet gràcies a

listened today we did it thanks to

l'habilitat d'en Josep Solell, el control tècnic

the skill of Josep Solell, the technical control

de l'estudi de Ràdio Granollers.

from the studio of Ràdio Granollers.

Moltes gràcies per dedicar una mica

Thank you very much for taking a bit of time.

del vostre temps a escoltar aquests sons.

of your time to listen to these sounds.

Ens veiem al concert

I'll see you at the concert.

i ara us deixem amb The Slits.

And now we leave you with The Slits.

Rhythm objects rhythm on

Rhythm objects rhythm on

the way we write ourselves

the way we write ourselves

we step in time steps to the steps

we step in time steps to the steps

of the person we're stepping with

of the person we're accompanying

the rhythm we're stepping with

the rhythm we're marching to

the rhythm is we come from

the rhythm is we come from

streets from water

streets from water

from the air makes us

from the air makes us

create our own rhythm based on

create our own rhythm based on

your natural rhythm that's

el teu ritme natural que és

you people admire yourself

you people admire yourselves

Walking is a rhythm and it

Walking is a rhythm and it

hypnotises you and

hypnotizes you and

it's not in your head in time with the rhythm

it's not in your head in time with the rhythm

like hands hit your legs

like hands hitting your legs

doing an

doing an

as soon as you sit still

as soon as you sit still

you start tapping your feet

you start tapping your feet

in beat on the bus

in beat on the bus

and by yourself on the bus stop

i pel teu compte a l'aturada d'autobús

in beat with a train

in beat with a train

and even more on an underground

i encara més en un subterrani

station silence

station silence

silence is

silence is

a rhythm too

a rhythm too

you see

you see



never stops

never stops

rhythm goes on

the rhythm goes on

and what happens after death

and what happens after death

where rhythm goes on living wise we own our

where rhythm goes on living wise we own our

life and someone without rhythm

life and someone without rhythm

is a someone without roots

is someone without roots

rhythm is the root of life

rhythm is the root of life

you lose rhythm and you lose roots

you lose rhythm and you lose roots

you lose roots and you lose rhythm

you lose roots and you lose rhythm

you see

you see

rhythm is not a gift

rhythm is not a gift

rhythm shows a form of God

rhythm shows a form of God

and comes to those who know

and comes to those who know

where rhythm keeps on living wise

On a rhythm keeps on living wise.

the others live in death

the others live in death

in the beginning

in the beginning

there was rhythm

there was rhythm

and silence

i silenci

silence is a rhythm too

silence is a rhythm too

God appears in many forms

Déu apareix de moltes maneres.

like one of them is wisdom

like one of them is wisdom

when you get wisdom

when you gain wisdom

if you choose to know that God is wisdom

If you choose to know that God is wisdom

then choose

then choose

to get wise

to get wise

you are chosen to be

you are chosen to be

choose to choose God's gift

choose to choose God's gift



it's true that you will never never never

it's true that you will never never never

lose rhythm

lose rhythm

it's true that you will never never never

it's true that you will never never never

never lose rhythm

never lose rhythm

God tells you

Déu et diu

I am the life

I am the life.

God tells you

Déu et diu

I am the music life

I am the music life.

God tells you

God tells you

I am wisdom

I am wisdom.

God tells you

Déu et diu

live eternal life

live eternal life

you take it

you take it

live it up

live it up

lift it up

lift it up

season for the weather

season for the weather

climate for the weather

climate for the weather

is rhythm

is rhythm

You feel it

You feel it

and you hear it

and you hear it

in rhythm

in rhythm

East and West and North

Est i Oest i Nord

South and all directions

Sud i totes les direccions

Bona nit.

Good night.

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