Albert DeSalvo - L'estrangulador de Boston

La Nit Més Fosca

La Nit Més Fosca

Albert DeSalvo - L'estrangulador de Boston

La Nit Més Fosca

La nit més fosca, un viatge per la crònica negra amb Joan Plana, Xavi Gorro i Sergi Trinidad.

The darkest night, a journey through the crime chronicle with Joan Plana, Xavi Gorro, and Sergi Trinidad.

Comencem una nova temporada i comencem forts.

Let's start a new season and let's start strong.

Parlarem avui d'un personatge que realment era molts personatges.

We will talk today about a character who was truly many characters.

El seu nom real, el de pila, Albert de Salvo.

His real name, his given name, Albert de Salvo.

Conegut amb altres noms, segons l'època i segons les activitats.

Known by other names, depending on the era and the activities.

Sobretot conegut amb el sobrenom de l'estrangulador de Boston.

Best known by the nickname the Boston Strangler.

De Salvo era un home que havia tingut una infantesa molt complicada

De Salvo was a man who had a very complicated childhood.

i que tenia una autèntica obsessió pel sexe que el va dur a cometre diversos delictes

and he had a genuine obsession with sex that led him to commit several crimes.

com ara violacions o abusos sexuals, alguns dels quals van acabar en assassinat per estrangulament.

like now violations or sexual abuse, some of which ended in murder by strangulation.

Avui coneixerem la seva història.

Today we will learn about her story.

Benvinguts a La nit més fosca.

Welcome to The Darkest Night.

La nit més fosca.

The darkest night.

I venim amb molta energia per explicar crims que aquest any farem una mica més temàtics

We come with a lot of energy to discuss crimes that this year we will make a bit more thematic.

i ja anirem veient.

And we'll see how it goes.

I bé, avui començarem forts perquè començarem amb un personatge que té un nom,

And well, today we will start strong because we will begin with a character who has a name,

que té un, diguem-ne, un pseudònim, no em surt la paraula ara, un mote,

that has a, let's say, a pseudonym, the word isn't coming to me right now, a nickname,

ho diem en català això, que algú m'ajudi.

We say in Catalan this, that someone help me.

Un motiu o un mal nom?

A reason or a bad name?

Un mal nom.

A bad name.

Doncs un mal... Gràcies.

Well, a bad... Thank you.

Un mal nom d'aquests que ens agraden.

A bad name like those we like.

Així com l'estrangulador de Boston, el qual ja ens dona dues pistes,

Just like the Boston strangler, which already gives us two clues,

un que estrangulava i l'altre que era de Boston, Massachusetts,

one that was strangling and the other that was from Boston, Massachusetts,

un lloc que a mi m'agrada molt, Massachusetts,

a place that I like a lot, Massachusetts,

i que va actuar als anys 60 del segle passat.

and who performed in the 1960s of the last century.

Estem parlant d'un senyor que es deia Albert Henry de Salvo

We are talking about a gentleman named Albert Henry de Salvo.

i bé, ja veureu que és un cas dels que tenen teles.

And well, you will see that it is a case of those that have fabrics.

Per començar la temporada amb energia i amb un tema important, amb xitxa.

To start the season with energy and an important theme, with a twist.

Per explicar-nos la vida i miracles, i sobretot els crims de l'estrangulador de Boston,

To explain to us the life and miracles, and especially the crimes of the Boston Strangler,

tenim, com sempre, el nostre historiador habitual, en Joan Plana,

we have, as always, our usual historian, Joan Plana,

a qui saludem tot seguit.

to whom we greet next.

Bona, Joan.

Good, Joan.

Molt bona, Sergi.

Very good, Sergi.

Què tal? Com estàs? Com ha anat l'estiu?

How are you? How have you been? How was the summer?

Bé, jo pràcticament no he fet vacances,

Well, I have practically not taken any holiday.

per tant, diguem-ne que no puc dir que començo amb totes les energies 100% renovades,

therefore, let’s say that I can’t say I start with 100% renewed energy,

però les faig la setmana que ve.

but I'll do them next week.

Per tant, així queda una mica compensat.

Therefore, it is somewhat balanced like this.



O sigui, tu a l'estiu no has fet vacances?

So, you haven't taken a vacation in the summer?

No, bueno, vaig anar tres o quatre dies a l'Ebre i prou.

No, well, I went to the Ebre for three or four days and that's it.

Ah, bueno, però això està molt bé.

Ah, well, but this is very good.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, qui no ha fet vacances, perquè ha estat aquí, al peu del canó,

Well, whoever hasn't taken a vacation, because they've been here, at the foot of the cannon,

com cada estiu fent el programa especial de l'anima més fosca d'estiu,

like every summer making the special program of the darkest soul of summer,

conegut com a Pànic a la Ciutat, aquest any que anava de Societats Secretes,

known as Panic in the City, this year that was about Secret Societies,

doncs qui no ha fet vacances, ni les farà, pel que sembla,

so those who haven't taken a vacation won't be doing so, it seems,

és també el nostre expert cultural, a qui ja saludem des d'ara,

he is also our cultural expert, whom we greet from now on,

perquè estigui content, perquè no sigui dit,

to make him happy, lest it be said,

i perquè segur que el trobeu a faltar, no tant com a nosaltres, però també,

And because I'm sure you'll miss him, not as much as we do, but still,

que és en Xavi Gorro. Bones, Xavi?

who is Xavi Gorro. Good, Xavi?

Hola, què tal? Molt bones.

Hello, how are you? Very good.

Què tal? Com ha anat l'estiu?

How are you? How was the summer?

Bé, calor.

Well, heat.

Calor, no, l'estiu.

Heat, no, the summer.

Calor, francesos, bueno, el normal que hi ha per aquí.

Heat, French people, well, the usual that is around here.

El típic, el típic.

The typical, the typical.

Francesos segueixen fent allò de beure's el suc aquell per netejar-se les mans.

French people continue to do that thing of drinking the juice to clean their hands.

Ara posen tovalloletes, no em sembla?

Now they are putting out napkins, don't you think?

El suc dels arbreixos?

The juice of the little trees?

No, el suc, quan et ficaven un...

No, the juice, when they put in a...

Abans, ara hi ha unes tovalloletes d'aquests de paper amb llimona

Before, now there are some of these paper napkins with lemon.

per netejar-te les mans després de menjar marisc.

to clean your hands after eating seafood.

Però abans, no, abans se't ficaven com un suc de llimona

But before, no, before they would put you like a lemon juice.

i ells, en comptes de rentar-se les mans, se'l bevien.

And they, instead of washing their hands, drank it.

Com si fos una etapa més, no?

Like it was just another stage, right?

I era una imatge molt curiosa de veure'ls a l'estiu.

It was a very curious sight to see them in the summer.

Però, bueno, també et diré una cosa, és la seva cultura i s'ha de respectar.

But, well, I will also tell you one thing, it is their culture and it must be respected.

Ah, sí, sí, i tant, i tant, i tant.

Ah, yes, yes, and so much, and so much, and so much.

Bueno, i al cap i a la fi, suc de llimona, escolta'm.

Well, in the end, lemonade, listen to me.

El que passa és que, clar, si te'l veus abans,

What happens is that, of course, if you see it before,

no tens després per netejar-te les mans,

you don't have anything afterwards to clean your hands,

i si te'l veus després de netejar-te les mans,

and if you see it after washing your hands,

suc de llimona amb sabor de gamba, no ho sé.

lemon juice with shrimp flavor, I don't know.

Sí, però, en fi, en fi, Francesos és un món a part.

Yes, but, well, well, the French are a world apart.

Tampoc no toca aquí parlar-ne.

It's not appropriate to talk about it here either.

Bé, doncs, abans de començar el programa,

Well then, before starting the program,

vull fer esment a un fet molt important,

I want to mention a very important fact,

perquè, a part de l'anima fosca i a part del pànic a la ciutat,

because, apart from the dark soul and apart from the panic in the city,

a la nostra superproductora de programes de podcast,

to our super producer of podcast programs,

de coses interessants, també hi tenim la Dalla de Crona.

Of interesting things, we also have the Dalla of Crona.

És un programa que ja sabeu que en Joan presenta

It is a program that you already know Joan hosts.

per explicar-nos apartats o episodis,

to explain to us sections or episodes,

històrics, més ben dit.

historical, rather.

I aquesta setmana toca un cas superinteressant

And this week there's a super interesting case.

que, bueno, podria haver sigut també l'anima fosca.

Well, it could have also been the dark soul.

De fet, crec que podríem en parlar.

In fact, I think we could talk about it.

No ho tinc clar, ara mateix, no me'n recordo.

I don't have it clear, right now, I don't remember.

Però, en tot cas, aquesta setmana,

But, in any case, this week,

si escolteu la Dalla de Crona,

if you listen to the Dalla of Crona,

us podeu escoltar la història del senyor Pablo Escobar.

You can listen to the story of Mr. Pablo Escobar.

Ja sabeu, eh?

You know, right?

Un senyor colombià que feia coses.

A Colombian gentleman who did things.

Segur que és molt interessant.

I'm sure it's very interesting.

Us el recomano.

I recommend it to you.

És molt apassionant, la història de Pablo Escobar, realment.

The story of Pablo Escobar is very fascinating, really.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

És a dir...

That is to say...

Si hagués pogut fer-se l'anima fosca,

If I could have made the dark soul,

no recordo si l'hem fet o no,

I don't remember if we did it or not.

perquè ja portem moltes temporades,

because we have already had many seasons,

hem fet 400 programes,

we have made 400 programs,

però si no l'hem fet, el podríem fer.

but if we haven’t done it, we could do it.

Ara ja està la Dalla de Crona.

Now the Crona Blade is ready.

Podria ser una altra perspectiva,

It could be another perspective,

però, al cap i a la fi, interessant també, no?

but, after all, interesting too, right?

Sí, i per saber, de nou,

Yes, and to know, again,

quants oients de l'anima fosca

how many listeners of the dark soul

els ha agradat la història de Pablo Escobar,

they liked the story of Pablo Escobar,

també per saber si volen que toquem a la Dalla

also to know if they want us to play at the Dalla



La crònica negra és de l'anima fosca,

The black chronicle is of the dark soul,

però hi ha algun tema com Pablo Escobar

But is there any topic like Pablo Escobar?

que està allà, allà.

that is there, there.

També vam tractar, per exemple,

We also discussed, for example,

el tema de l'assassinat de l'arxiduc Francesc Ferran

the topic of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

o el tema de l'assassinat de la família imperial russa.

or the topic of the assassination of the Russian imperial family.

Si els agrada, doncs, escolta'm,

If they like, then, listen to me,

que vagin al canal de YouTube de la Dalla de Cronos,

to go to the YouTube channel of the Dalla de Cronos,

que vagin als comentaris del vídeo

go to the comments of the video

sobre Pablo Escobar

about Pablo Escobar

i quin emoticono tindrem aquesta setmana.

And what emoji will we have this week?


Let's see,

siguin Pablo Escobar...

be Pablo Escobar...

Clar, és que no sé si...

Of course, it's just that I don't know if...

Aviam, deixa'm mirar, perquè no sé si...

Let's see, let me take a look, because I don't know if...

La bandera de Colom...

The flag of Colom...

Sí, no hi ha un emoticona

Yes, there is no emoticon.

del sucre...

of the sugar...

No hi ha cocai.

There is no cocaine.

No hi ha cocaina, no hi ha pistola,

There is no cocaine, there is no gun,

per tant, ens quedem amb la bandera de Colòmbia.

Therefore, we keep the flag of Colombia.

Bueno, hi ha una pistola d'aigua.

Well, there's a water gun.

Ja, però això és humillar el senyor Escobar,

Yes, but this is humiliating Mr. Escobar.

jo crec, pistola d'aigua...

I believe, water gun...

A més, Pablo Escobar

In addition, Pablo Escobar

era plata o plom, no era plata o aigua.

It was silver or lead, it was not silver or water.

Sí, plata i aigua,

Yes, silver and water,

aigua, senyors,

water, gentlemen,

que aquí a la festa de l'espuma també ho fan, això.

That here at the foam party they also do that.

En fi.


Doncs bé, escolta'm.

Well then, listen to me.

La bandera de Colòmbia.

The flag of Colombia.

Per cert, jo volia afegir que tenim

By the way, I wanted to add that we have

64 oients que ens escolten

64 listeners who are listening to us

des de França.

from France.

Ah, home, doncs...

Ah, well, then...

Bonjour, bonjour.

Hello, hello.

Bueno, goods, no, bones.

Well, goods, no, bones.

Com és bones en francès?

How is "bones" in French?

Viens, viens.

Come, come.

No sé com és.

I don't know what it is like.

No domino.

I don't master it.

Doncs, bueno,

Well, okay,

clar, això hauries d'haver dit abans

Sure, you should have said that earlier.

que digués tot el tema dels francesos, però bé.

that said all the topic about the French, but okay.

Però així fa més gràcia.

But it’s more fun this way.

Segur que si ens escolten ja saben com som

Surely if they listen to us they already know what we are like.

i s'ho prendran bé i cap problema.

They will take it well and there will be no problem.

Per cert, no sé si heu vist que a l'estiu

By the way, I don't know if you've seen that in the summer

vaig fer un vídeo parlant dels Jocs Olímpics

I made a video talking about the Olympic Games.

i del...

and of the...

d'un grup de metal que es va colar

from a metal band that crashed in

a la cerimònia d'inauguració dels Jocs Olímpics.

at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

Sí, el de la Maria Antonieta de Capital, no?

Yes, the one about Marie Antoinette from Capital, right?

Sí, sí. No sé si... Està penjat a YouTube,

Yes, yes. I don't know if... It's posted on YouTube.

per si algú vol mirar.

in case anyone wants to take a look.

Sí, sí. Bueno, deixem de fer propaganda

Yes, yes. Well, let's stop doing propaganda.

i anem al programa.

And let's go to the program.

Si també faig promo de l'homeu,

If I also promote the men’s event,

si algú fa propaganda, jo també.

If someone is promoting, so am I.

Jo també hauria de fer propaganda de, mireu,

I should also promote, look,

si us heu de divorciar, podeu contactar

if you need to get a divorce, you can contact

i, escolta'm, per un mòdic preu,

and, listen to me, for a modest price,

pim-pam, divorciats.

Ping-pong, divorced.

Podries fer un podcast de judicis?

Could you make a podcast about trials?

Hòstia, però us dic que escoltaria algú, això?

Holy shit, but I'm telling you, would anyone listen to this?

Bueno, escoltem això.

Well, let's listen to this.

Sí, sí. Bé, en tot cas,

Yes, yes. Well, in any case,

avui estem a l'Animes Fosca, no ens desobiquem,

Today we are at the Dark Anime, let's not get lost.

i toca parlar del senyor Albert Henry de Salvo,

And I have to talk about Mr. Albert Henry de Salvo,

que ja ho veureu, eh?

you'll see, right?

Jo faré veure, com sempre, que no sé res,

I will pretend, as always, that I don't know anything.

però ja veureu que és molt interessant

but you will see that it is very interesting

i crec que avui tocarà agafar

and I think today we will have to take.

llibreta, paper i boli

notebook, paper and pen

i anar fent xecs, perquè en tenim uns quants.

And keep writing checks, because we have quite a few.



no sé si vols començar

I don't know if you want to start.

amb una mica de context històric del que era el Boston

with a bit of historical context of what Boston was

dels anys... Bueno, aquest senyor

from the years... Well, this gentleman

va néixer al Sinoquim, recordo malament,

he was born in Sinoquim, if I remember correctly,

al 1931, va actuar als anys 60,

in 1931, he/she performed in the 60s,

doncs, va, aquest segle XX

well, come on, this twentieth century

a Boston, no sé com es vivia.

In Boston, I don't know how life was lived.

Bueno, doncs a veure, a Boston sempre s'ha viscut molt bé,

Well, let's see, in Boston, people have always lived very well,

per tant, segur que, per norma general,

therefore, surely, as a general rule,

es vivia bé, però no era el cas del nostre

it was good living, but that was not the case for ours

protagonista, ara ho explicarem, però no perquè

protagonist, we will explain it now, but not why

fos de Boston, sinó perquè no va tenir gaire bona sort

was from Boston, but because he didn't have much luck

amb la família. En tot cas, l'any

with the family. In any case, the year

31, per situar-nos, doncs és, evidentment, l'any

31, to place ourselves, is, of course, the year.

de la recuperació de la Generalitat,

of the recovery of the Generalitat,

aquí a Catalunya, també és l'any de la

here in Catalonia, it is also the year of the

proclamació de la Segona República Espanyola,

proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic,

tot això per situar-nos una mica,

all this to place ourselves a little,

cronològicament, i també

chronologically, and also

falten, doncs,

there are missing, then,

relativament pocs anys, falten 8 anys,

relatively few years, there are 8 years left,

perquè comenci la Segona Guerra Mundial.

to start World War II.

D'acord? Això

Okay? This.

serà relativament significatiu,

it will be relatively significant,

perquè, tot i que el nostre protagonista

because, although our protagonist

no viurà la guerra, quan la guerra

will not live the war, when the war

acaba, l'any 1945, ell tenia

he was

tot just 14 anys, per tant, encara era massa

only 14 years old, therefore, it was still too much

jove, doncs sí que el cert és

young, well yes it is true

que l'acabaria vivint d'alguna

that he would end up living in some way

altra manera, després ho explicarem,

another way, we'll explain it later,

perquè tindria un pas per l'exèrcit

because I would have a pass for the army

i tindria una participació

I would have a participation.

en un dels episodis de la post-Segona

in one of the episodes of the post-Second

Guerra Mundial menys coneguts,

Less known World War

però igualment molt interessants

but nonetheless very interesting

d'explicar. Per això, la gent, retinguem-ho,

to explain. For this reason, people, let's keep it in mind,

que després, quan arribem a aquesta etapa de la seva vida,

that later, when we reach this stage of his life,

ho detallarem.

we will detail it.

Llavors, Tón, dos anys després del crack, no?

So, Ton, two years after the crash, right?

Exacte, sí, el crack és l'any

Exactly, yes, the crack is the year.

29, el crack, recordem, és el gran

29, the star, let's remember, is the great one.

crack bursàtil, que genera una gran crisi econòmica,

stock market crash, which generates a great economic crisis,

genera que moltes famílies caiguin en la

generates many families falling into the

misèria, i és possible,

misery, and it is possible,

no ho sabem amb seguretat, però és possible

we don't know for sure, but it's possible

que la família del nostre protagonista d'avui

that the family of our protagonist today

també es veiés afectada

it would also be affected

per aquesta tràgica situació, perquè el cert

for this tragic situation, because the truth

és que, vaja, com ja hem dit abans,

it's just that, well, as we've said before,

no és que fos la millor

it's not that she was the best

família on anar a petar.

family to land at.

Doncs, no pinta bé, perquè

Well, it doesn't look good, because

em sembla que aquest senyor,

I think that this gentleman,

aquest moment, aquest nen, quan va néixer,

this moment, this boy, when he was born,

va néixer, com dèiem, a

he was born, as we said, in

Massachusetts, aquest indret tan

Massachusetts, this place so

tan maco dels Estats Units.

so nice from the United States.

En un poble, per cert, que es deia Chelsea,

In a village, by the way, that was called Chelsea,

igual que el barri de Londres. Ah, carai.

Just like the neighborhood in London. Oh, wow.

I això, l'any

And that, the year

1931. Què en sabem

1931. What do we know about it?

dels inicis?

from the beginnings?

De la vida d'aquest

Of the life of this

home. Bé, doncs, bàsicament,

home. Well, basically,

com primer tic,

as a first tick,

típica llista

typical list

que fem a tots els nostres assassins, a veure si

what do we do with all our assassins, let's see if

compleixen totes les característiques, doncs la primera la

they meet all the characteristics, so the first one the

compleix, i podríem posar-hi no un tic, sinó

it fulfills, and we could put not a tick, but

quatre de seguits, perquè realment va al

four in a row, because it really goes to the

tractament a casa seva, en va rebre de tot

home treatment, he received everything

tipus, va rebre des del

type, received from the

punt de vista físic, és a dir, el seu pare, sobretot

from a physical point of view, that is to say, his father, especially

el seu pare, la pallissava, li fotia

his father was beating him up

unes pallisses que el deixava baldat,

some beatings that left him crippled,

però per a mi, sincerament,

but for me, honestly,

crec que la pitjor tortura,

I believe that the worst torture,

que va haver de suportar aquest noi,

what this boy had to tolerate,

va ser presenciar com el

it was witnessing how he

seu pare, en reiterades

your father, repeatedly

ocasions, no només maltractava

occasions, not only abused

també físicament la seva mare,

also physically her mother,

els seus germans, les seves germanes davant d'ell, que també,

his brothers, his sisters in front of him, who also,

de fet, la seva mare explica que hi ha un episodi

In fact, his mother explains that there is an episode.

en el qual la va empotrar en contra

in which he pushed her against

de la nevera, i li va fer

from the fridge, and he/she made him/her

saltar totes les dents de davant,

knock out all the front teeth,

per tant, estem parlant d'episodis

therefore, we are talking about episodes

de moltíssima violència, però

of a lot of violence, but

per mi el pitjor, pitjor, pitjor de tot, és que

for me the worst, worst, worst of all is that

el seu pare exercia violència sexual

her father exerted sexual violence

en contra de la seva mare i les seves germanes,

against his mother and his sisters,

és a dir, violava, literalment,

that is to say, violated, literally,

a la mare de l'Albert

to Albert's mother

i a les germanes de l'Albert

and Albert's sisters

davant d'ell.

in front of him.

I això que fos davant d'ell no és

And the fact that it was in front of him is not.

perquè, o sigui, no és només que el senyor no

because, I mean, it's not just that the gentleman doesn't

tingués escrúpols i no li fes

he had scruples and didn't do it

res que el seu fill estigués davant, sinó que directament

nothing that her son was in front, but rather directly

propiciava que el seu fill

encouraged his son

ho presenciés. Per què?

I witnessed it. Why?

Perquè ell entenia, amb la seva

Because he understood, with his

malaltissa visió de la masculinitat,

sickly vision of masculinity,

doncs entenia que havia

so I understood that I had

de transmetre al seu fill

to pass on to his son

realment, per entendre'ns,

really, to understand each other,

el que era un home de veritat.

what was a real man.

És a dir, escolta, els homes de veritat, aquí, quan volen

That is to say, listen, real men, here, when they want.

alguna cosa, de les dones, l'aprenen.

They learn something from women.

Però quin personatge, no?

But what a character, right?

Parlem del pare o del fill avui?

Are we talking about the father or the son today?

Perquè amb el pare ja té... El pare donaria

Because with the father she already has... The father would give.

per on portava per ell mateix. I tant.

for he carried for himself. Indeed.

Clar, això, evidentment,

Of course, that, obviously,

en el pobre Albert, doncs, segurament el devia

In the poor Albert, then, it probably owed him.

afectar bastant i va

affect quite a bit and go

generar que el seu creixement emocional

generate that your emotional growth

i tot plegat, doncs, no fos especialment

And all in all, therefore, it wasn't particularly.

sa. Clar, però amb això

Yes. Of course, but with that.

tenim un xec que ja has dit,

we have a check that you already mentioned,

són quatre xecs de cop, perquè és un xec

they are four checks at once, because it is a check

molt xec. És un senyor xec.

very Czech. He is a Czech gentleman.

Ja també has dit que va passar per l'exèrcit,

Yes, you have also said that he went through the army,

tindria un altre xec, no sé si ja ho explicaràs,

I would have another check, I don't know if you will explain it already.

perquè encara estem a la infantesa. Què més tenim

because we are still in childhood. What else do we have?

per aquí? Perquè, esclar, el pare

Around here? Because, of course, the father.

violent, on els hi hagi,

violent, where they exist,

ben aixalabrat,

well said,

per dir-ho finament,

to put it finally,

i el fill que

and the son who

obligat a veure-ho tot i a presenciar-ho,

forced to see it all and witness it,

no sé si és la forma més

I don't know if it's the best way.



d'educar un fill, d'entrada, no?

of educating a child, at first, right?

Què més

What else?

hi hauria en la seva infància que hagués

there would be in his childhood that he would have

convertit-lo en un protagonista

making him a protagonist

d'un programa de l'Índex Fosca?

of a program from the Dark Index?

Bé, doncs, el segon senyor de Praga d'avui,

Well, then, the second gentleman of Prague today,

el senyor de Praga, entengui

the lord of Prague, understand

senyor de Praga com un xec,

Mr. of Prague like a check,

el segon xec... Ah, hòstia, hòstia, és molt

the second check... Oh, damn, damn, it's a lot

dolent aquest xist, m'ha costat dir què diu,

bad this joke, it took me a while to say what it means,

m'he perdut, he dit, hem parlat d'algun

I got lost, I said, we talked about someone.

senyor de Praga i no estic al tanto

Mister of Prague and I am not aware.

i jo, ostres...

And me, wow...

Però sí, però és bo, és bo, és bo.

But yes, but it’s good, it’s good, it’s good.

El segon xec d'avui és

The second check of today is

que el nostre protagonista també va ser

that our protagonist was also

un delinqüent juvenil, segurament

a juvenile delinquent, probably

fruit de la mala experiència de la seva infantesa,

the result of the bad experience of his childhood,

va començar a cometre petits delictes

he started committing minor offenses

des de molt petit, bàsicament robatoris,

since very young, basically thefts,

agressions, etcètera.

aggressions, etcetera.

Això el va portar a anar

This led him to go

de molt i molt jove a un correccional,

from a very young age to a reformatory,

on s'hi va estar dos anys.

he was there for two years.

Finalment, ell

Finally, he

surt del correccional l'any 1948,

he leaves the reformatory in 1948,

quan tenia tot just 17 anys,

when I was only 17 years old,

i té molt clar que el que no vol

and is very clear about what it doesn't want

és tornar a casa seva, perquè el panorama

it is returning home, because the landscape

ja ha vist el que era, per tant, és normal que no tingués

He has already seen what it was, therefore, it is normal that he didn't have.

cap ganes de tornar-hi, i decideix,

no desire to go back, and decides,

tercer xec,

third check,

enllistar-se a l'exèrcit nord-americà.

to enlist in the United States Army.



i anar a la guerra de Corea i totes aquestes coses.

And going to the Korean War and all those things.

No, no va a la guerra de Corea, perquè la guerra de Corea va ser uns anys després,

No, he is not going to the Korean War, because the Korean War was several years later.

però sí que l'envien

but they do send it

a Alemanya. Aquí és on ve la part interessant

to Germany. Here is where the interesting part comes in.

de la història, i ens permet explicar

of history, and allows us to explain

una mica molt breument, però

a little very briefly, though

una part de la història de la post-segona guerra

a part of the history of the post-Second World War

mundial poc coneguda.

little-known world.

Clar, Alemanya perd la guerra, l'any 45,

Of course, Germany loses the war in '45,

i queda dividida

and is divided

en quatre zones d'ocupació.

in four occupation zones.

La zona d'ocupació soviètica, la zona d'ocupació

The Soviet occupation zone, the occupation zone.

nord-americana, la zona d'ocupació britànica,

North American, the British occupation zone,

la zona d'ocupació francesa.

the French occupation zone.

Aquesta ocupació acabarà

This occupation will end.

durant en menor o major mesura

to a lesser or greater extent

durant molts anys. Uns anys després

for many years. A few years later

s'acabaran constituint dos nous estats,

two new states will be formed,

l'Alemanya democràtica i l'Alemanya federal.

democratic Germany and federal Germany.

L'Alemanya federal és la unió

Federal Germany is the union.

de les tres zones d'ocupació

of the three occupation zones

francesa, anglesa i americana.

French, English, and American.

L'Alemanya democràtica és la zona d'ocupació soviètica.

Democratic Germany is the Soviet occupation zone.

El que passa és que

What happens is that

durant aquests anys d'estada de les tropes

during these years of the troops' stay

americanes a Alemanya,

Americans in Germany,

aquí es van produir episodis de tot tipus.

Here episodes of all kinds occurred.


Above all,

coneixem molt

we know a lot

la història, coneixem bastant

We know quite a bit about history.

la història de la violència sexual

the history of sexual violence

que van exercir les tropes soviètiques

that the Soviet troops exercised

en contra de les dones alemanyes.

against German women.

De fet, per qui no l'hagi vist,

In fact, for those who haven't seen it,

hi ha un llibre, del qual també s'ha fet una pel·lícula,

there is a book, of which a movie has also been made,

que es diu Una dona a Berlín,

it is called A Woman in Berlin,

que explica molt bé aquest assumpte.

that explains this matter very well.

Que realment està fet a partir del diari d'una dona

That is really made from the diary of a woman.

de la qual no en sabem el nom,

of which we do not know the name,

però sí que en coneixem l'experiència.

but we do know the experience.

És realment terrorífica. Les tropes soviètiques

It is really terrifying. The Soviet troops

van entrar a Berlín, hem de pensar que portaven

they entered Berlin, we have to think about what they were carrying

25 milions de morts a les esquenes,

25 million deaths on our shoulders,

per tant, devien entrar molt emprenyats.

therefore, they must have entered very annoyed.

Això no justifica aquesta violència sexual

This does not justify this sexual violence.

desenfrenada en contra de dones,

unrestrained against women,

que justament eren les que menys culpa tenien

who were actually the ones least to blame

dels 25 milions de morts soviètics.

of the 25 million Soviet deaths.

A les zones d'ocupació

In the occupied areas

francesa, anglesa i americana,

French, English, and American.

tot i que hi ha algun cas registrat de violència sexual,

although there are some recorded cases of sexual violence,

no va ser una cosa ni molt menys tan estandaritzada

it was by no means a standardized thing

com sí que passava a la zona soviètica.

as it happened in the Soviet zone.

Però, no obstant, el que sí que va passar

But, however, what did happen

és que, evidentment, aquests soldats

it's just that, obviously, these soldiers

nord-americans, anglesos, francesos,

North Americans, English, French,

arribaven a un país

they arrived in a country

devastat per la guerra,

devastated by war,

amb una profunda crisi

with a deep crisis

en tots els sentits. Hi havia una crisi

in every sense. There was a crisis

econòmica, una crisi de vestiment,

economic, a clothing crisis,

la gent tenia problemes per accedir a menjar,

people had trouble accessing food,

etcètera. I els soldats

etcetera. And the soldiers


they had

recursos suficients

sufficient resources

com per ajudar algunes famílies

to help some families


German women.

I això què va provocar? Que moltes

And what did this cause? That many

noies alemanyes

German girls


they were looking for

entablar relacions sentimentals

to establish romantic relationships

i, en molts casos, relacions sexuals

and, in many cases, sexual relations

amb els soldats anglesos, francesos i nord-americans

with the English, French, and American soldiers

amb l'esperança

with hope

que això les ajudaria

that this would help them

a que aquests soldats els donessin

to let these soldiers have them

menjar, diners i tot el que poguessin

food, money, and everything they could

necessitar per subsistir en aquell entorn

to need to survive in that environment

duríssim de l'Alemanya

very hard from Germany

de postguerra. Per tant,

post-war. Therefore,

em prefereixo que

I prefer that you

si tu eres un soldat nord-americà,

if you are a North American soldier,

segurament, en aquell moment,

surely, at that moment,

el lloc al món on més

the place in the world where most

podies, entre moltes cometes,

could, among many quotes,

lligar, era Alemanya.

tie, it was Germany.

Evidentment, dic lligar

Obviously, I mean to tie.

entre moltes cometes perquè estem parlant d'aprofitar-se

between many quotes because we are talking about taking advantage

d'una situació de vulnerabilitat de les pobres noies.

of a vulnerability situation of the poor girls.

Evidentment, per tant,

Evidently, therefore,

no s'entengui que ho justifico, però des de l'òptica

It should not be understood that I justify it, but from the perspective

del nostre protagonista,

of our protagonist,

va descobrir un món en què, ostres, de cop i volta,

he discovered a world in which, wow, all of a sudden,

tinga desenes i desenes

have dozens and dozens

de noies que es moren per tenir una relació

of girls who die to have a relationship

amb mi. Evidentment, va decidir

with me. Obviously, he/she decided


make the most of it

de manera, bueno,

in a way, well,



Aquí és on descobreix una altra de les seves peculiaritats.

Here is where he discovers another of his peculiarities.

Això podria ser un quart xec.

This could be a fourth check.

Descobreix que el tio

Discover that the guy

té una autèntica relació malaltissa amb el sexe.

he has an unhealthy obsession with sex.

D'acord? És a dir,

Okay? That is to say,

no només perquè

not only because

practica sexe a qualsevol

practice sex with anyone

preu, sinó a més a més perquè necessita

price, but also because it needs

molt de sexe. És a dir, es veu

a lot of sex. That is to say, it shows.

que tenia relacions sexuals a vegades tres i quatre

that had sexual relations sometimes three and four

vegades al mateix dia amb noies diferents.

sometimes on the same day with different girls.

És a dir... Vindria a ser un infòman.

That is to say... It would be a snitch.

Sí. Jo crec que podríem dir que és que tenia una addicció

Yes. I think we could say that it was that he had an addiction.

al sexe i, a més a més, practicava

to sex and, furthermore, practiced

amb molta freqüència.

very often.

I aquesta

And this

estada a Alemanya, doncs, li serveix

staying in Germany, then, is useful for him/her

d'alguna manera perquè és com el seu gran despertar

in some way because it is like her great awakening

sexual. Els sexes han frenat

Sexual. The sexes have slowed down.

ben practicat i ben

well practiced and well

consentit. No hi veig

consented. I can't see it.

problema, eh? No sé si seria el

problem, huh? I don't know if it would be the

cas o no. Ho acabaria seguint-ho perquè,

case or not. I would end up following it because,

clar, si estem aquí a l'Animes Fosca, segurament aquesta

Sure, if we are here at Animes Fosca, this is probably...

passió desenfrenada pel sexe

unbridled passion for sex

potser no devia acabar bé. No ho sé.

Maybe it didn't end well. I don't know.

Aquest senyor estava pensant, de salvo,

This gentleman was thinking, save for,

és d'orígens italians o...

he is of Italian origins or...

És possible. Això no ho he trobat, l'origen

It's possible. I haven't found this, the origin.

familiar de la família, però pel cognom

family relative, but by last name

semblaria que sí. O

It would seem so. Or

portuguès o

Portuguese or

espanyol, inclús. No ho sé. Bé.

Spanish, even. I don't know. Well.



per tant, entenc que el tio

therefore, I understand that the guy

va, entre cometes,

go, in quotes,

lligar molt, no? Sí.

Date a lot, right? Yes.

Exacte. I va

Exactly. And go.

deixar regal o...?

leave a gift or...?

No ho sabem. No ho sabem, això.

We don't know. We don't know that.

No ho sabem, però podria ser.

We don't know, but it could be.

Podria ser.

It could be.

Després de les seves

After his/her

aventures per Europa,

adventures in Europe,

devia... clar, que

it must have... of course, that

va tornar als Estats Units, suposo.

he returned to the United States, I suppose.

Sí. Perdona, és que he buscat

Yes. Sorry, I was just looking.

ara, així, ràpidament, quins són els països

Now, so, quickly, which are the countries.

del món amb més cognoms de

of the world with the most surnames of

salvo. El país del món amb més cognoms

salvo. The country in the world with the most surnames.

de salvo és Estats Units,

except for the United States,

justament. I el segon i el tercer,

exactly. And the second and the third,

respectivament, són Itàlia i Argentina.

respectively, they are Italy and Argentina.

Per tant, jo m'atreveixo de deduir que és d'origen

Therefore, I dare to deduce that it is of origin.

italià. Sí. Jo també.

Italian. Yes. Me too.

Jo també, perquè Argentina, de fet,

Me too, because Argentina, in fact,

molts són, també, tenen cognoms

many are, also, they have surnames

italians, precisament perquè són d'origen italià.

Italians, precisely because they are of Italian origin.

Exacte. Per tant, sí.

Exactly. Therefore, yes.

Però, bueno, en tot cas, no ho sabem, eh?

But, well, in any case, we don't know, right?

Només hem fet una recerca així, en directe,

We have only done such a search live.

d'on hi ha més cognoms de salvo.

where there are more surnames of Salvo.

Bé, tornant

Well, returning.

a lloc. Va tornar,

to the place. He/She returned,

a Estats Units, després de la guerra, doncs.

In the United States, after the war, then.

Sí, efectivament. Ell torna a Estats Units

Yes, indeed. He is returning to the United States.



Perquè allà, perdó, allà

Because there, excuse me, there.

a Alemanya no tenim

In Germany, we do not have.

coneixement de cap fet

knowledge of any fact

estrany, no?

Strange, isn’t it?

A veure,

Let's see,

oficialment no, però ja hem dit que

officially no, but we have already said that

les circumstàncies no,

the circumstances no,

és a dir, portaven a que segurament

that is to say, they brought it to that probably

és possible que ell cometés algun tipus

It is possible that he committed some kind.

d'accés sexual, diguem-ho així,

of a sexual nature, let's put it that way,

sense que tingués masses conseqüències, d'acord?

without it having too many consequences, okay?

Perquè, com hem dit, estava en una situació

Because, as we said, I was in a situation

de manca d'autoritat, una situació

of lack of authority, a situation

de país de postguerra gairebé destruït...

of a post-war country almost destroyed...

Però això són suposicions.

But these are assumptions.

Això són suposicions, sí, sí, sí.

These are assumptions, yes, yes, yes.

Llavors, quan torna a Estats Units,

Then, when he returns to the United States,

això ja no és una suposició,

this is no longer a supposition,

ell vol mantenir el seu ritme

he wants to maintain his pace

frenètic, sexualment parlant, i evidentment

frantic, sexually speaking, and obviously

això a Estats Units és molt més difícil de fer.

this is much more difficult to do in the United States.

Llavors, ell

Then, he

crea un personatge que és

create a character that is

fals, que és el

false, what is it

representant d'una agència de models.

representative of a modeling agency.

Llavors, bàsicament,

Then, basically,

el que es dedica és d'anar pel carrer,

what he does is walk around the street,

a parlar amb noies joves

to talk with young girls

i guapes,

and beautiful,

i dir-los que això, que és representant d'una agència

and tell them that this, which is a representative of an agency

de models, que s'ha fixat en ella,

of models, that has focused on her,

que és tan guapa, que podria servir tant

she is so beautiful that she could serve as both

la càmera, i d'això.

the camera, and that.

Llavors, fruit d'això,

Then, as a result of this,

en funció de

depending on

fins on pot estirar la mentida,

how far can the lie stretch,

en alguns casos, això senzillament

in some cases, this simply

li serveix per poder quedar amb aquestes noies

it helps him to be able to meet with these girls

i fer-los quatre fotos en posicions íntimes,

and take four photos of them in intimate positions,

i en alguns casos concrets,

and in some specific cases,

aconsegueix entrar a casa

manages to get into the house

d'aquestes noies i acabar mantenint

of these girls and end up maintaining

relacions sexuals amb aquestes noies

sexual relations with these girls

que creuen que això

that they believe this

és com una manera

it's like a way

d'accedir al món dels models.

to access the world of models.

Quan l'acaben enganxant,

When they finish sticking it,

aquestes noies el denuncien

these girls report him

i té diferents denúncies per aquest fet.

and has different complaints for this fact.

I l'acaben

And they finish it.

condemnant. De fet, està 11 mesos

condemning. In fact, he is 11 months.

a la presó per aquest fet.

in jail for this fact.

Hi ha un element important a tenir en compte,

There is an important element to consider,

que després serà important.

that will be important later.

Aquesta condemna,

This sentence,

tot i que tots podríem pensar que d'alguna manera

although we could all think that in some way

és un abús sexual,

it is a sexual abuse

no és per abús sexual,

it is not for sexual abuse,

és per violació de domicili.

It is for burglary.

I això després serà important.

And this will be important later.

D'aquest moment,

At this moment,

m'està recordant

she is reminding me

altres persones que, d'alguna manera,

other people who, in some way,

es fan passar per altres per infiltrar-se

they make themselves pass for others to infiltrate

en llocs i acaben d'això

in places and that’s it

i que no vull entrar més enllà.

and I don't want to go any further.

Però, bé, hauria de ser la versió

But, well, it should be the version


of this.

En fi,


Joan, fins aquí.

Joan, up to here.

I, de moment, condemnat per violació,

I, for the moment, convicted of rape,

de domicili, que no de persones,

of residence, not of people,

ni per abús,

nor for abuse,

per haver-se fet passar per un personatge

for having pretended to be a character

que no era, amb l'objectiu

that it was not, with the aim


to achieve

el que, al cap i a la fi, buscava.

what, after all, he was looking for.

Fins aquí, que ja és bastant perturbador

Up to here, it's already quite disturbing.

i segurament seria el més light

and it would probably be the lightest.

de tot el que puguem escoltar, no?

of everything we can hear, right?

Doncs sí, bàsicament sí.

Well yes, basically yes.

De fet, no, perquè la fase que ve ara

In fact, no, because the phase that comes now

sembla bonica i tot.

it looks beautiful and all.

Quan surt de la presó,

When he/she comes out of prison,

després d'aquests 11 mesos,

after these 11 months,



una mica posar ordre

a little bit of putting things in order

a la seva vida, d'acord?

to your life, okay?

Es casa

He/She is at home.

i, fins i tot, té una criatura.

Yes, and it even has a creature.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Clar, amb els antecedents que té,

Of course, with the background he has,

algú podria pensar, home,

someone might think, well,

si el seu pare, en ell, el va tractar

if his father treated him like that

tan i tan malament, podria ser

so much and so badly, it could be.

que ell volgués reproduir aquest patró

that he wanted to reproduce this pattern

amb els seus fills.

with their children.

O, potser no, i precisament perquè ell va viure això,

Oh, perhaps not, and precisely because he experienced this,

no vol que amb els seus fills es repeteixi.

he does not want it to happen again with his children.

Doncs va ser exactament així, molt bé.

Well, it was exactly like that, very good.

Ell va canviar...

He changed...

Encara hi ha esperança, aquí, va.

There is still hope, here, come on.

Va canviar radicalment

He changed radically.

l'actitud que tenia el seu pare

the attitude that his father had

envers ell i amb el seu fill.

towards him and with his son.

La seva filla, en aquest cas, sempre va tenir

Her daughter, in this case, always had.

una gran relació, la va tractar molt bé,

a great relationship, he treated her very well,

li va transmetre amor i la va voler educar

he transmitted love to her and wanted to educate her

com Déu mana.

as God commands.

Amb la seva dona, tampoc tenim constància

With his wife, we also have no record.

que hi hagués cap tipus de maltractament,

that there was any type of mistreatment,

però l'únic problema era que la seva dona

but the only problem was that his wife

era incapaç de seguir el seu ritme sexual.

he was unable to keep up with her sexual pace.

Aquest tio, ja hem dit

This guy, we have already said.

que tenia una autèntica addicció al sexe

that he had an authentic addiction to sex

i aquesta dona veia que no donava l'abast.

And this woman saw that she couldn't keep up.

Diguem-ne que no podia estar...

Let's say I couldn't be...

Ja se li ha... Sí, clar, és que arriba un punt en què...

Yes, of course, it's just that there comes a point where...

que dius, bueno, prou, no?, poder...

What are you saying, well, enough, right?, maybe...

Clar, que això ja hi ha parelles que no ho entenen, eh?,

Of course, there are already couples who don't understand this, right?



Bueno, hi ha de tot, però escolta'm,

Well, there is everything, but listen to me,

tothom té els seus límits i les seves coses

Everyone has their limits and their own matters.

i si no hi ha entesa, doncs...

and if there is no agreement, then...

s'ho ha de parlar.

It needs to be discussed.

I, clar,

Me, of course,

en De Salvito, de moment,

in De Salvito, for now,

normal tot, no?

Normal everything, right?

La filla. Bon nano. Sí, sí, és una filla, és una filla.

The daughter. Good kid. Yes, yes, it's a daughter, it's a daughter.

Ah, De Salvita, doncs. Sí.

Ah, De Salvita, then. Yes.

Doncs bé, bé, molt bé.

Well, well, very well.

Clar, la dona

Sure, the woman.

no aguanta i no sé si

it doesn't hold up and I don't know if

deuen acabar parlant i decidint

they must end up talking and deciding

que no podia seguir així.

that I couldn't go on like this.

Bé, devíem parlar, però no crec que arribessin a cap acord,

Well, we should have talked, but I don't think they would have reached any agreement.

perquè a partir d'aquí és quan

because from here is when

comença una

it starts a

de les activitats criminals

of criminal activities

del nostre protagonista.

of our protagonist.

Perquè, compte, compte,

Because, watch out, watch out,

tu saps que hi ha músics

You know that there are musicians.

que, en funció del dia,

that, depending on the day,

o en funció de la música que toquen,

or depending on the music they play,

interpreten un personatge

they interpret a character

o un altre.

or another.

M'explico. No ho sé, això ens ho explicarà en Gorro

Let me explain. I don't know, Gorro will explain this to us.

després, potser. Sí, home, és a dir,

later, perhaps. Yes, man, that is to say,

hi ha músics, mira, et poso un exemple, eh?

There are musicians, look, I'll give you an example, okay?

En Francesc Riera,

In Francesc Riera,

que és el cantant de Brahms.

What is Brahms' singer?

Sí. Doncs, a vegades,

Yes. Well, sometimes,

doncs, pren el nom de...

well, take the name of...

Que és l'únic grup que coneixes, Joan. Sí.

What is the only group you know, Joan? Yes.

Volies dir Francesc Rivera, no? Sí, què he dit?

You meant Francesc Rivera, right? Yes, what did I say?

A veure, doncs, Rivera.

Let's see, then, Rivera.

Tito, vaja, Tito. Bueno, doncs,

Tito, come on, Tito. Well, then,

a vegades fa de Tito, a vegades,

sometimes he acts like Tito, sometimes,

en funció del que toca, fa de Josep Maria Cantimplora,

depending on what is needed, he plays the role of Josep Maria Cantimplora,

a vegades, en funció del que toca,

sometimes, depending on what is appropriate,

fa de Sebastià de Bargadà, crec que es diu, no?

It's from Sebastià de Bargadà, I think it's called, right?

Ah, com en Jaume 6, doncs. Exacte.

Ah, like in James 6, then. Exactly.

En Jaume 6,

In James 6,

a fa de Jaume 6, o de Ricardo Solfa,

to the fact of Jaume 6, or of Ricardo Solfa,

o... O com David Bowie.

or... Or like David Bowie.

També, com David Bowie.

Also, like David Bowie.

O com Prince, que tenia diferents noms.

Or like Prince, who had different names.

O com Núria Feliu.

Or like Núria Feliu.

Núria Feliu, sempre era Núria Feliu.

Núria Feliu was always Núria Feliu.

Feia de geganta, també.

She also worked as a giantess.



Doncs sí, aquestes persones

Well yes, these people

que tenen com, bueno, com diverses

that have like, well, like several

personalitats artístiques, no? Sí, exacte.

artistic personalities, right? Yes, exactly.

Vale, doncs,

Okay, then,

el nostre protagonista tenia diverses

our protagonist had several

personalitats criminals.

criminal personalities.

Per la que és més

For what it is more

coneguda, és per ser

known, it is for being

l'estrangulador de Boston.

the Boston strangler.

Però abans de ser l'estrangulador de Boston,

But before being the Boston strangler,

i fins i tot després de ser l'estrangulador

and even after being the strangler

de Boston, interpretava el personatge

from Boston, portrayed the character

de l'home de verd.

of the man in green.

L'home de verd?

The man in green?

L'home de verd.

The man in green.

Clar, ara m'està lligant bastant això que posa aquí

Of course, this is tying quite a bit for me what it says here.

la Wikipèdia, perquè, aviam, tu t'informes bé,

the Wikipedia, because, let's see, you inform yourself well,

però jo miro la Wikipèdia així ràpid i ja està, eh?

But I look at Wikipedia like this quickly and that's it, okay?

Que ocupació en prolífic offender.

What occupation in prolific offender.

O sea, offender no sé què punyeres vol dir,

I mean, offender I don't know what the hell that means,

però prolífic vol dir que feia moltes coses, no?

But prolific means that he did a lot of things, right?

O sea, que clar, que esgrifiava...

I mean, of course, that he was wielding...

És graciós, eh?, ser un prolífic offender,

It's funny, isn't it?, being a prolific offender,

perquè està sempre simpàtic. Tu què ets? Jo sóc

because he is always nice. What are you? I am

community manager, i tu? Jo sóc prolífic offender.

Community manager, and you? I am a prolific offender.

Bueno, avui en dia, qualsevol cosa que estigui

Well, nowadays, anything that is

dit en anglès ja sona com una professió, eh?

Said in English already sounds like a profession, huh?

Sí, exacte. Llavors

Yes, exactly. Then

posa i assassino.

put and killer.

Llavors aquí ja sí que trenco una mica, eh?

So here I really break a bit, huh?

A mi la professió que més m'agrada és la de

The profession I like the most is that of

matchmaker. És a dir,

matchmaker. That is,

matchmaker, saps què és un matchmaker?

Matchmaker, do you know what a matchmaker is?

Deu ser, pel nom deu ser la Celestina

It must be, by the name it must be Celestina.

d'avui en dia, no? Més o menys, però no només en temes

Nowadays, right? More or less, but not just on topics.

romàntics, sinó en general tu dius, jo vull

romantics, but in general you say, I want

una reunió amb en Xavi

a meeting with Xavi

Corro perquè vull fer negocis amb una nit més fosca

I run because I want to do business with a darker night.

i tal. Doncs un matchmaker és una persona que

and so on. So a matchmaker is a person who

s'encarrega de propiciar aquest

is responsible for fostering this

encontre i facilitar que les dues parts

I find and facilitate that both parties.

es puguin entendre. Vale!

they can understand each other. Okay!

I llavors és quan truquen al wedding planner,

And that's when they call the wedding planner,

no? Ah, exacte. Això abans se li deia

No? Ah, exactly. This was once called

aconseguidora, abans. Sí.

achiever, before. Yes.

És com un aconseguidor, sí. És magnífic, eh,

He's like a go-getter, yes. He's magnificent, isn’t he?

el món de les professions actuals. Per cert, Sergi,

the world of current professions. By the way, Sergi,

una cosa. Ara, artistes

one thing. Now, artists

que tenen diferents, que deia en Joan,

that they have different, that Joan was saying,

que tenen diferents alter egos, diguem,

that have different alter egos, let's say,

hi ha un català de tu que és Tamara i Llorena.

There is a Catalan part of you that is Tamara and Llorena.

Ah, i tant, i tant!

Ah, of course, of course!

És veritat, és veritat.

It is true, it is true.

Que no sé qui de les dues era pitjor.

I don’t know which of the two was worse.

Que rivalitzaven entre elles,

That rivaled against each other,

per aquí n'era pitjor. Sí, era qui sortia.

It was worse around here. Yes, it was him who left.

Bueno, llavors hi havia la Tamara bona,

Well, then there was the good Tamara,

que també en parlarem d'això, eh, la Tamara

we will also talk about that, huh, Tamara

de los celos, no? Sí. I després hi havia

About jealousy, right? Yes. And then there was...

la Tamara dolenta, del no canvia, no

the bad Tamara, she doesn't change, no

canvia, que després es fa dir Llorena, i crec

changes, which later is called Llorena, and I believe

que inclús després es va fer dir Àmbar.

that even later she was called Amber.

O sigui,

That is,

que no sé per què sé aquestes coses. Jo aquestes coses

that I don't know why I know these things. I these things

les sé perquè... No sé per què les sé, perquè...

I know them because... I don't know why I know them, because...

Jo la vaig veure en concert.

I saw her in concert.


Excuse me?

Sí, sí, la vaig anar a veure en un concert.

Yes, yes, I went to see her at a concert.

Bueno, bueno, això és notícia que no es pot fer a mig programa.

Well, well, this is news that can't be done in the middle of a program.

S'ha de fer en un... En platja d'arbre, ja.

It has to be done in a... In a tree beach, yes.

No, no, això ens ho has d'explicar després, apunta't, eh.

No, no, you need to explain this to us later, remember, okay?

Després volem saber d'això. Vaig compartir espai

Afterwards we want to know about this. I shared space.

amb la mare, amb aquella senyora

with the mother, with that lady

que deien que portava un ladrillo al bolso. La que tenia sis dits?

They said she carried a brick in her bag. The one with six fingers?



La Seixdedos.

The Sixfingers.

Bueno, si tenia Seixdedos o es deia Seixdedos?

Well, did he have the name Seixdedos or was his name Seixdedos?

Era el cognom, no Seixdedos. Ah!

It was the surname, not Seixdedos. Ah!

Però, cognom que es diu Seix...

But, last name that is said Seix...

Bueno, no sé, no sé, no sé.

Well, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.

Després en parlem, ves buscant sobre la mare

We'll talk about it later, go look for information about the mother.

i després ens parles si és que tenia sis dits

And then you tell us if he had six fingers.

o és que es deia Seixdedos de cognom

or was it that his last name was Seixdedos

i si es deia Seixdedos, quin antepassat

And if his name was Seixdedos, what ancestor?

devia tenir perquè tinguessin aquest cognom?

What could it have been for them to have that surname?

Perquè ja sabem que els cognoms a vegades

Because we already know that surnames sometimes

d'això... Bé, tornem

About that... Well, let's go back.

on estàvem

where were we

perquè ja no sé on estàvem, perquè no sé

because I no longer know where we were, because I don't know

de què parlàvem, però

What were we talking about, though?

estàvem amb el senyor de Salvo. Joan, tu espero que estiguis

We were with Mr. de Salvo. Joan, I hope you are.

més ubicat que nosaltres perquè m'ha desconcentrat

more located than us because it has distracted me

amb això de la Llorena,

with this about Llorena,

m'ha desconcentrat completament. Ah, bueno, perquè estàvem parlant

It has completely distracted me. Oh, well, because we were talking.

també d'aquestes professions,

also of these professions,

d'algú d'implàner.

of someone from Implaner.

M'afascina molt el creador de contenidors,

I am very fascinated by the container creator,

també, creadora de contenido,

also, content creator,

en fi, aquest tipus de...

well, this kind of...

o els influencers generals.

or general influencers.

Professions modernes

Modern professions

difícils d'entendre i assumir.

difficult to understand and accept.

Però, bueno, no estem parlant d'això.

But, well, we are not talking about that.

Estem parlant de l'Andrés,

We are talking about Andrés,

d'Albert de Salvo

of Albert De Salvo

i estàvem que començava

and we were just about to start

la seva carrera criminal, que és el que ens interessa.

his criminal career, which is what interests us.

Exacte, com a home de verd. Per què home de verd?

Exactly, like a man in green. Why man in green?

Doncs perquè les seves primeres actuacions

Well, because of their first performances.

violentes, bueno,

violent, well,

delictives, consisteix

criminal, consists

en colar-se a casa de noies

sneaking into girls' houses

vestit d'operari,

work uniform,

per això va de color verd,

that's why it is green,



diferents excuses. Algú li diu que és lampista,

different excuses. Someone tells him that he is a plumber,

d'altres que és electricista, en fi, va buscant

of others who is an electrician, anyway, keeps searching

diferents excuses per entrar a casa d'aquestes noies

different excuses to enter these girls' house

i entra, i un cop a dins

and enters, and once inside

les agardeix sexualment

They are sexually attracted to them.

i se'n va.

And he/she is leaving.

Les característiques d'aquest personatge

The characteristics of this character

és que acostumen a ser noies joves,

they are usually young girls,

ell no té

he does not have

manies a que li vegin la cara.

many to see her face.

D'acord, diguem, no va tapar com aquells que fan

Alright, let's say it didn't cover like those who do.

d'extres a les pel·lícules,

of extras in movies,

que fan de... tot de verd

they make out of... all green

per fer com un monstre, no?

to act like a monster, right?

De CGI o com es digui allò.

From CGI or whatever it's called.

No sé si m'estic explicant bé. O sigui, amb la cara

I don't know if I'm explaining myself well. I mean, with the face.

descoberta, pim-pam, de green man,

discovery, quick, of green man,

i vinga. Llavors,

And come on. So,

les agradeix sexualment

they thank you sexually

i se'n va deixant les vives.

And he goes leaving the living behind.

Així intenta

So try.

satisfer la seva pulsió sexual.

satisfy their sexual urge.

Però això dura uns anys

But this lasts for a few years.

i arriba fins al

and reaches up to the

14 de juny de 1962.

June 14, 1962.

Aquell dia és quan

That day is when

comença la seva segona trajectòria.

he begins his second career.

El que fa aquell dia és

What he does that day is

canviar radicalment

radically change

el seu modus operandi.

his modus operandi.

Aquí inventa un altre personatge.

Here invents another character.

Aquest sí que és l'estrangulador de Boston.

This is indeed the Boston Strangler.

Ell entra a casa

He enters the house.

d'una dona, que en aquest cas és una dona gran,

of a woman, who in this case is an elderly woman,

una dona de més de 60 anys. També va

a woman over 60 years old. She also went.

variar la violència exercida.

vary the violence exercised.

En aquest cas, aquestes dones no van ser

In this case, these women were not

estrictament violades.

strictly violated.

Sí que hi va haver abús sexual, però no va arribar

Yes, there was sexual abuse, but it didn't escalate.

a haver-hi violació pròpiament.

to properly have a violation.

I el més important és que, a diferència

And the most important thing is that, unlike

del que havia passat quan actuava

of what had happened when he/she was acting

com l'home de verd, l'estrangulador de Boston,

like the man in green, the Boston strangler,

com pròpiament dic, estrangula

as I rightly say, it strangles

i, per tant, assassina a les víctimes.

and, therefore, murders the victims.

Estrangulant-les, clar.

Strangling them, of course.

Com les estrangulava, Joan?

How did you strangle them, Joan?

Amb les mans? No, normalment amb una

With the hands? No, usually with one.

tovallola, amb unes mitges,

towel, with some tights,

amb un cinturó, amb algun instrument.

with a belt, with some instrument.

Amb un punfetitxe, veig.

With a little punch, I see.

Un punfetitxe, sí. De fet,

A little bit, yes. In fact,

la seva actuació

his/her performance

com a estrangulador de Boston

as the Boston Strangler

serà una mica erràtica, perquè tot i que

it will be a bit erratic, because even though

la major part de les seves víctimes d'aquest estil,

most of his victims of this type,

són persones de 60-70 anys,

they are people aged 60-70 years old,

algunes d'aquestes víctimes seran noies

some of these victims will be girls

molt joves. De fet, la més jove tindrà 19 anys.

very young. In fact, the youngest will be 19 years old.

Per tant, fixem-nos que

Therefore, let's note that

com a estrangulador, varia molt

as a strangler, it varies a lot

el perfil de les víctimes. El que no varia tant

the profile of the victims. What does not vary so much

és la forma d'estrangular, sempre és

it is the way of strangling, it always is

amb un objecte. Els cossos

with an object. The bodies

sempre són trobats d'alguna

they are always found by some

manera una mica obscena, per exemple,

in a somewhat obscene manner, for example,

una posició, sobretot,

a position, above all,

es deixava en una posició molt rara, en alguns

it was left in a very strange position, in some

casos fent formes amb les cames,

cases making shapes with the legs,

en d'altres casos, ficant les dues cames

in other cases, putting both legs in

de la víctima sobre de dues cadires,

of the victim on two chairs,

de manera que tingués una sensació com si estigués en una clínica

so that I had a feeling as if I was in a clinic

ginecològica, perquè ens entenguem.

gynecological, so we understand each other.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Anava variant molt això. I després també variava

I went a lot like this. And then it also varied.

la intensitat de l'abús sexual.

the intensity of sexual abuse.

En alguns casos, com aquest primer que hem comentat,

In some cases, like this first one we have discussed,

no hi va haver violació, només hi va haver

there was no violation, there was only

abús, i en canvi en d'altres, fins i tot,

abuse, and on the other hand in others, even,

hi va arribar a haver penetració

there was penetration

amb un pal d'escombra. Per tant, ens hem d'imaginar

with a broomstick. Therefore, we have to imagine

que devia causar unes ferides internes

that must have caused some internal injuries

vaja, terribles.

Wow, terrible.

Oh, em vaig haxelar.

Oh, I just had a stroke.

Però, aviam,

But, let's see,

de quan

since when

i quins casos estaríem parlant, aviam, Joan?

And which cases would we be talking about, let's see, Joan?

Bé, doncs a veure.

Well, then let's see.

La seva carrera

Her career

com a estrangulador

as a strangler

va del 1962

it goes from 1962

al 1964.

in 1964.

Per tant, dos anys.

Therefore, two years.

Dos anys, eh, només.

Two years, huh, just.

Aviam què tenim aquí, perquè...

Let's see what we have here, because...

En aquests dos anys assassinaria 13 dones.

In these two years, he would kill 13 women.


Goodness gracious.

És a dir, una cada dos mesos.

That is to say, one every two months.

Més o menys, sí.

More or less, yes.

Llavors, no obstant, abans

Then, however, before.

de la seva carrera com a estrangulador,

from his career as a strangler,

i després d'acabar la seva trajectòria

and after finishing his career

com a estrangulador, perquè la seva última víctima

as a strangler, because his last victim

és de principis del 1964,

it is from early 1964,

des d'abans

since before

i fins després, seguirà la seva actuació

And until later, he will continue his performance.

com a l'home d'abert.

like the man from Abert.



Anava alternant personatges.

I was alternating characters.

Sí, anava alternant personatges.

Yes, I was alternating characters.

Perquè com a estrangulador, també anava tal qual

Because as a strangler, he also went just like that.

a cara d'escoberta, o com va això?

face uncovered, or how does this work?

O com ho feia? No ho sabem.

Or how did he do it? We don't know.

Com a estrangulador no ho sabem, perquè totes les víctimes

As a strangler, we don't know it, because all the victims

acabaven morint. Era una de les grans diferències

they ended up dying. It was one of the big differences.

entre l'estrangulador i l'home d'abert.

between the strangler and the man of Abert.

Però no podia ser,

But it couldn't be,

que ell entrés com a home d'abert

that he entered as a man of the open

i sortís com a estrangulador de Boston,

and ended up like the Boston strangler,

diguem-ne? Podria ser, perquè és clar.

Shall we say? It could be, because it's clear.

Podria ser que, segons evolucionava la cosa,

It could be that, as things evolved,

acabés d'una manera o d'una altra. Podria ser, sí.

it ended one way or another. It could be, yes.

Clar. Però en tot cas, el que és interessant

Sure. But in any case, what is interesting

és que, com que els bulls operandis eren significativament

it's just that, since the operating bulls were significantly

diferents, la policia

different, the police

estava convençuda que eren dos assassins

I was convinced that they were two murderers.

diferents. Bé, no dos assassins, un assassí

different. Well, not two murderers, one murderer

i un agressor sexual que eren dues persones

and a sexual aggressor who were two people

diferents. O sigui, no vinculava els casos.

different. That is to say, it did not link the cases.

No vinculava els casos. El Green Man amb el

He didn't link the cases. The Green Man with the

senyor estrangulador de Boston. Exacte. Ells buscaven

Mister Boston Strangler. Exactly. They were looking for

a dos delinqüents diferents.

to two different criminals.

I, finalment, el

And finally, him

27 d'octubre de 1964

October 27, 1964

aconsegueixen detenir

manage to detain

a l'home d'abert.

to the man of Abert.

Perquè, doncs, una de les

Why, then, one of the

víctimes va sobreviure, va aconseguir

victims survived, managed to

avisar i van poder detectar-lo

to notify and they were able to detect it

a temps. Quan el detecten,

in time. When they detect it,

una de les coses que s'adonen, aquí ve

one of the things they realize, here it comes

aquella informació que donàvem abans, és que ells

that information we gave before, is that they

havien centrat el gruix de la seva investigació

they had focused the bulk of their research

en delinqüents sexuals

about sexual offenders

ja registrats.

already registered.

Perquè els forenses havien

Because the forensics had

determinat que un assassí...

determined that a murderer...

Bé, en aquest cas, un agressor sexual que practicava

Well, in that case, a sexual aggressor who practiced

aquest modus operandi, era molt probable

this modus operandi was very likely

que abans hagués comès algun tipus de delicte

that he/she might have committed some type of crime beforehand

d'aquestes característiques. Clar, potser sí, però

of these characteristics. Sure, maybe yes, but

potser no als Estats Units. Potser no als

perhaps not in the United States. Perhaps not in the

Estats Units, però en aquest cas, el problema era

United States, but in this case, the problem was

que ell, tot i que havia comès un delicte als Estats

that he, although he had committed an offense in the States

Units, que era aquell de quan es feia

Units, what was that one about when it was done.

passar per agent de models,

to work as a model agent,

el problema és que ja hem explicat que la seva condemna havia estat

the problem is that we have already explained that his sentence had been

per violació de domicili i no per abús sexual.

for trespassing and not for sexual abuse.

Per la qual cosa, estaven buscant

Therefore, they were looking for

on no tocava.

it shouldn’t have happened.

No saps què ha escurit, no?

You don't know what it has clarified, do you?

Buscar violadors de domicili?

Looking for home invaders?

Hem de pensar que en aquell moment

We have to think that at that moment

no hi havia internet, per tant, tot anava

there was no internet, therefore, everything went

manual. Llavors, clar, no era tan fàcil

manual. Then, of course, it wasn't so easy.

com ficar en un buscador una paraula clau i que t'ho trobés.

how to enter a keyword in a search engine and have it find it for you.

Havies d'anar a buscar expressament

You had to go and get it expressly.

el que volies. Per tant...

what you wanted. Therefore...

Els arxius de cada comissaria havien de trobar-los, no?

The files from each police station had to be found, right?

Exacte. Llavors,

Exactly. So,

finalment el detenen,

finally they arrest him,

quan el detenen, doncs el relacionen

when they arrest him, then they relate him

amb el cas que l'havien condemnat uns anys

with the case that they had sentenced him for a few years

enrere, i l'acaben

back, and they finish it

ingressant, perquè vam veure que

ingressing, because we saw that

estava molt xelat, l'acaben ingressant

he was very cold, they ended up admitting him

en un hospital psiquiàtric penitenciari.

in a penitentiary psychiatric hospital.

Això abans d'ajutjar-lo.

This before helping him.

Abans d'ajutjar-lo, sí.

Before helping him, yes.

Mentre està a l'hospital

While he/she is in the hospital

psiquiàtric penitenciari,

penitentiary psychiatric

té una conversa bastant

has quite a conversation

pertorbadora amb el seu company de cel.

disturbing with her partner in the sky.

Aquesta conversa,

This conversation,

el tio li diu, escolta'm,

the guy says to him, listen to me,

una pregunta. Què passaria

One question. What would happen?

si una persona que està condemnada per atracar

if a person who is convicted of robbery

un banc, confessés que

a bank, confessed that

en lloc d'atracar-ne un, n'ha atracat 13?

Instead of robbing one, he has robbed 13?

Llavors, a partir d'aquí, el company de cel

Then, from here, the companion of heaven

va estirant del fil.

he was pulling the thread.

Va olorar alguna cosa.

He smelled something.

Cal tenir en compte un tema molt important,

We must take into account a very important issue,

que és que les autoritats, que encara

what is that the authorities, that still

estaven buscant l'estrangulador,

they were searching for the strangler,

que es pensaven que seguia lliure

that they thought was still free

pel carrer, havien arribat a oferir

on the street, they had begun to offer

una recompensa de 10.000 dòlars

a reward of 10,000 dollars

per qui aportés una informació sobre

for anyone who provided information about

aquest cas. Una picossada

this case. A sting

a l'època, eh? Una picossada a l'època.

At the time, eh? A little sting at the time.

I el company de cel

And the companion of heaven

a la que comença a lligar cables,

when she starts to tie cables,

a lligar caps,

to tie up loose ends,

diu, hòstia, aquest tio

says, damn, this guy

anant bé és...

going well is...

l'estrangulador, aquest famós que estan buscant.

the strangler, this famous one they are searching for.

Perdó, m'estàs dient que aquí

Sorry, are you telling me that here

el resolidor del cas

the resolver of the case

és un presidiari?

Is he a prisoner?

És un presidiari, sí senyor, sí, sí.

He is a prisoner, yes sir, yes, yes.

Ell va lligar caps, ell va escoltar,

He tied up loose ends, he listened,

va acabar fent d'això,

ended up doing this,

i va ser ell qui va delatar

and it was he who reported.

el senyor De Salvo a la... Oh, carai,

Mr. De Salvo to the... Oh, dear,

i se van botxar als 10.000 euros, als 10.000 dòlars.

They were reduced to 10,000 euros, to 10,000 dollars.

Vuitel, tu aquest!

Eight, you this!

Ell el que va fer va ser parlar

What he did was talk.

amb el seu advocat.

with his lawyer.

Diu, mira, escolta'm, he parlat

He says, look, listen to me, I have spoken.

amb el meu company de cel, hem explicat això...

with my partner in heaven, we have explained this...

L'advocat devia treure també un royalty, eh?

The lawyer must have taken a royalty too, right?

És possible. Que ja me'ls conec jo.

It's possible. I already know them.

Diu, escolta'm, he parlat amb aquest pàjaro,

He says, listen to me, I have talked to this bird.

m'ha explicat això, tal.

He has explained this to me, etc.

I l'advocat parla amb la policia. La policia

And the lawyer speaks with the police. The police

inicialment no dona massa credibilitat al testimoni,

initially does not give much credibility to the witness,

al final estem parlant de dues persones que estan

In the end, we are talking about two people who are

ingressades en un hospital psiquiàtric. Per tant,

admitted to a psychiatric hospital. Therefore,

bueno, veu, pensa, això és alguna xaladura

Well, you see, think, this is some kind of nonsense.

d'aquest tio. Però el que marca la diferència

from this guy. But what makes the difference

és que aquest, l'Albert de Santis,

is that this, Albert de Santis,



Albert de Santis té pinta de futbolista, eh?

Albert de Santis looks like a soccer player, huh?

Borra gorro.

Delete hat.

El que marca la diferència

What makes the difference

és que aquest, l'Albert de Salvo,

is that this, Albert de Salvo,

ha donat pistes

has given clues

que només l'assassí

that only the assassin

podia conèixer, perquè dona detalls

I could know, because it gives details.

de les escenes del crim

of the crime scenes

que la premsa no havia publicat.

that the press had not published.

Per tant, només l'assassí

Therefore, only the murderer.

de veritat podia descobrir-ho.

I could really find it out.

I gràcies a això... Però, perdó, perdó, perdó,

And thanks to this... But, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me,

perdó. L'assassí de veritat

sorry. The real murderer

també podia ser el pres

it could also be the prisoner

que escoltava,

that I was listening to,

que també intentava

that also tried

passar-li el mort a l'altre,

to pass the buck to someone else,

perquè també sap detalls, no?

because it also knows details, right?

Podrien ser els dos, eh?

It could be both, huh?

No sé si ho van investigar, però el cas és que van acabar enviant a judici

I don't know if they investigated it, but the fact is that they ended up sending it to trial.

a l'Albert de Salvo.

to Albert de Salvo.

El judici va trigar

The trial took a long time.

en 1963, 67,

In 1963, 67,

tres anys després de la detenció,

three years after the arrest,

i finalment va acabar declarant

and finally he/she ended up declaring

culpable a l'Albert de Salvo

guilty to Albert De Salvo

que va acabar condemnat a cadena perpètua.

who was ultimately sentenced to life imprisonment.

Company aquest,

Company this,

el senyor George Nassar, eh?

Mr. George Nassar, right?

Sí, senyor.

Yes, sir.

El senyor George Nassar.

Mr. George Nassar.

O sigui, van acabar condemnant a l'estranguló de Boston

So, they ended up condemning the Boston strangler.

que ell mateix va confessar.

that he himself confessed.

També ho va confessar en el judici o només ho va confessar

Did he also confess it in the trial or did he only confess it?

en el senyor Nassar?

in Mr. Nassar?

Va confessar tots els casos

He confessed to all the cases.

del Green Man, tots els casos de l'estranguló de Boston

from the Green Man, all the cases of the Boston strangler

i no sé si hi ha algun més.

I don't know if there is anyone else.

Al Green Man, l'home d'Albert

To the Green Man, Albert's man.

se li atribueixen més de 200 agressions sexuals

He is attributed with more than 200 sexual assaults.

amb menor o major gravetat.

with lesser or greater severity.

I 13 assassinats.

I 13 murders.

En quant de temps? Per què?

In how much time? Why?

Doncs mira, la seva carrera

Well, look, her career

com a home d'Albert va ser,

as Albert's man was,

a finals dels anys 50.

in the late 1950s.

Compte que menys de 10 anys.

Watch out for less than 10 years.

Ostres, doncs sí que és un prolífic ofender, eh?

Wow, so he is indeed a prolific offender, huh?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Però molt prolífic. Estaríem parlant

But very prolific. We would be talking

del violador més prolífic

of the most prolific rapist

Podria ser, podria ser.

It could be, it could be.

Sí, home. Al final...

Yes, man. In the end...

200? Sobren excuses per

200? There are plenty of excuses for.

donar premis a la gent. Ah, 200 que ell hagués dit, però

give prizes to people. Ah, 200 that he would have said, but

esclar, devia perdre el compte aquest senyor, eh?

Sure, that gentleman must have lost count, right?

Podria ser, podria ser. Perquè...

It could be, it could be. Because...

Déu-n'hi-do. Vale, clar.

Well, that's impressive. Okay, sure.

El van condemnar a cadena perpètua.

He was sentenced to life imprisonment.

El van condemnar a cadena perpètua però no

They sentenced him to life imprisonment but not

no la compliria

I would not fulfill it.

perquè l'any passat...

because last year...

1973, és a dir, 6 anys després de la condemna

1973, that is, 6 years after the conviction.

el 25 de novembre, per cert, el dia

November 25, by the way, the day

contra la violència masclista, així com a

against gender-based violence, as well as to

regal poètic,

poetic gift,

va ser brutalment assassinat a la presó

he was brutally murdered in prison

per altres reclusos.

for other inmates.

Ah, altres reclusos

Ah, other inmates.

el van assassinar? Sí. Com la van

Did they murder him/her? Yes. How did they?

assassinar? Apunyalades.

Murder? Stabbed.

Carai. Que això...

Wow. That this...

Bueno. El motiu

Well. The reason.

el sabem? Bueno, jo crec que

Do we know this? Well, I think that

el motiu era pel seu historial. Per ser un prolífic

The reason was his history. For being prolific.

ofender, no? Sí. Sí, bueno, clar, és que també...

to offend, right? Yes. Yes, well, of course, it's just that...

I a veure l'historial també de l'assassí aquest

And to see the history of this murderer as well.

que el va matar, també, perquè és que, esclar,

that killed him, too, because, of course,

és que aquí sempre has de

it's that here you always have to

ser desmascarat per una paella bruta, eh?

being unmasked by a dirty paella, huh?

Sí, sí. En fi, és

Yes, yes. Anyway, it is

que... Val. Per tant,

that... Okay. Therefore,

però tenim clar

but we are clear

que fos aquest home, perquè és que

that it was this man, because it is that

clar, hem quedat que havia estat en un

Of course, we agreed that it had been in a

psiquiàtric que... No sé si estava molt

psychiatric that... I don't know if it was very

fi aquest senyor. A veure, es dona per fet que

End this gentleman. Let's see, it is taken for granted that

va ser ell. Sí, sí. Es dona per provat.

It was him. Yes, yes. It is taken for granted.

Però bueno, veig que tu no

But well, I see that you don't.

poses dubte al tema, eh? Tot i que

you raise doubt about the topic, huh? Although

n'hi ha de dubtes, eh? Jo no, perquè jo la meva

There are doubts, huh? I don't, because I my...

confiança a les autoritats judicials nord-americanes

trust in the American judicial authorities

és molt gran. Ah, i tant, i tant!

It's very big. Oh, absolutely, absolutely!

I tant! Sí, sí. Qui dubtaria,

Of course! Yes, yes. Who would doubt it?

de veritat? I tant.

Really? Absolutely.

Per tant, va. Però sí que n'hi ha,

Therefore, go ahead. But there are indeed some.

no?, de controvèrsies. Hi ha gent que creia

No? About controversies. There are people who believed

que no era ell i que era un cap de turc, no?

that it wasn't him and that it was a scapegoat, right?

Sí, sí. Aquí ja estaríem

Yes, yes. Here we would be.

a la fase de teories de la conspiració,

to the phase of conspiracy theories,

però hi ha gent que sí, que efectivament

but there are people who do, indeed

creu això que dius tu. Va. Tu no les creus

I believe what you say. Come on. You don't believe them.

i no penses donar-li més... No.

And you don't plan on giving him more... No.

Més... Val. Val.

More... Okay. Okay.

Molt bé, Joan. Doncs, escolta'm,

Very well, Joan. So, listen to me,

va. Estupendo, l'Albert de Salvo.

Yes. Great, Albert de Salvo.

Bueno, estupendo. Estupendo per l'índia fosca, eh?

Well, great. Great for the dark India, huh?

Per trobar-te'l pel carrer, no. Però...

To find him on the street, no. But...

No sé si tens alguna cosa més a afegir.

I don't know if you have anything else to add.

No, no. Moltes ganes d'escoltar el nostre expert

No, no. Very much looking forward to hearing from our expert.

cultural. Bueno, doncs aviam què ens

cultural. Well, let's see what we...

explicarà, perquè estem parlant d'un cas

he will explain, because we are talking about a case







En fi, conegut,

Well, known,

estrangulador de Boston. A mi em sona. Segur que

Boston strangler. It rings a bell. Surely

hi ha algun grup que es diu The Boston

Is there a group called The Boston?

Stranguler o alguna cosa així.

Strangle or something like that.

Que aquestes alçades ja hauria de saber

That by now you should already know.

com es diu estrangulador en anglès, eh? Perquè

What is "estrangulador" called in English, huh? Because...

Strangler, pot ser? És que em sona...

Strangler, maybe? It sounds familiar...

No sé, ja n'hem fet algun. Bueno.

I don't know, we've already done some. Well.

En tot cas,

In any case,

qui ens ho explicarà és, ja ho sabeu,

who will explain it to us is, you already know,

com sempre, ja l'hem saludat abans,

As always, we have already greeted him before.

però ho tornem a fer, el nostre

but we do it again, our

expert cultural, en Xavi

cultural expert, in Xavi

Gorro, a qui saludem.

Gorro, whom we greet.

Bona, Xavi. Hola, què tal? Molt bones.

Good, Xavi. Hello, how are you? Very good.

Què tal? Com estàs? Doncs, molt bé, aquí.

How are you? I'm very well, here.

Aquí, com

Here, how

faia dies que no estàvem. Però tu quan fas

It's been days since we were together. But when do you do it?

vacances, Gorro? El novembre.

Vacation, Gorro? November.

Ah, o sigui, el novembre no hi seràs?

Ah, so you won't be there in November?

No, o sigui, hi seré, però no treballo. Val.

No, I mean, I’ll be there, but I’m not working. Okay.

Ah, però estaràs aquí i estaràs aquí en Animes Fosca.

Ah, but you will be here and you will be here in Dark Animes.

Sí, bueno, però això no és treballar, això és un hobby.

Yes, well, but that's not working, that's a hobby.

Bueno, sí, sí. Jo he de dir

Well, yes, yes. I have to say

que jo he fet programes des de l'estranger, eh?

that I have done programs from abroad, right?

Bueno, jo el juliol me'n vaig

Well, I'm leaving in July.

al concert de Bassis.

at the Bassis concert.

Ah, mira! No sé per què no

Ah, look! I don't know why not.

no dubtava. Jo estic mirant

I don't doubt it. I am watching.

el de Coldplay. Bueno, me'n vaig

the one from Coldplay. Well, I’m leaving.

o potser em venc les entrades, eh? Perquè...

Or maybe I sell the tickets, huh? Because...

Clar, però a on és?

Sure, but where is it?

A Londres? A Wembley.

In London? At Wembley.

A Wembley. Jo volia anar al de Manchester

To Wembley. I wanted to go to the one in Manchester.

perquè és... està a casa, però...

because it is... at home, but...

Ja. Ja que anem, anem a un lloc

Yes. Since we're going, let's go somewhere.

bé, no? Deuen haver volat, no, les entrades

Well, right? The tickets must have sold out, haven't they?

aquestes, potser? Sí, estan

These, perhaps? Yes, they are.

en la reventa a preus.

in resale at prices.

Ja es porten bé, aquests dos? No, no,

Are these two getting along well? No, no.

és que jo no tinc sensació que

it's just that I don't have the feeling that

el concert s'acabi fent, eh?

The concert will end up happening, right?

O potser es fa i es foten

Or maybe it is done and they get screwed.

dos dies per allà, eh? Que també pot ser un espectacle

Two days over there, huh? That could also be a show.

que jo pagaria, eh? Jo crec que els haurem

that I would pay, huh? I think we will have them

de dedicar a un programa, perquè

to dedicate to a program, because

en un dels assajos s'acabaran assassinant una a l'altra

in one of the rehearsals they will end up killing each other

i llavors... Haurem de fer un altre tipus de... No,

And then... We'll have to do another type of... No,

l'Animes Fosca potser no, però haurem de fer un altre programa, no sé...

The Dark Souls maybe not, but we will have to make another program, I don't know...

No sé, els conflictes

I don't know, the conflicts.

més foscos, alguna cosa així, no?

more dark, something like that, right?

O... Jo insisteixo que haurem de fer

Oh... I insist that we will have to do it.

un altre programa explicant altres merdes, eh?

Another program explaining other crap, huh?

Sí, però no descartis que s'acabin matant, eh?

Yes, but don't rule out the possibility that they might end up killing each other, okay?



Però mentre no passi, no...

But until it happens, no...

Aviam, tampoc no cridis el mal temps, tu, escolta.

Let's see, don't shout about the bad weather, okay?

No ho sé. Si no ho han fet fins ara, no crec

I don’t know. If they haven’t done it until now, I don’t think they will.

que ho facin ara, no? Bueno, perquè no es parlaven.

Let them do it now, right? Well, because they weren't talking.

Bueno, doncs si no es parlaven, tampoc

Well, if they weren't talking, then neither did they.

s'han de matar. Bueno, però ara s'han de veure

They have to be killed. Well, but now they have to be seen.

de tant en tant, no? Ja, ja.

Every now and then, right? Yeah, yeah.

Bueno, no ho sé. Tot i que per contracte

Well, I don't know. Although by contract

diuen que feien les coses per separat, eh?

They say they did things separately, right?

Ja, ja. No estem parlant

Yes, yes. We are not talking.

d'Oasis. No. Estem parlant

of Oasis. No. We are talking

del senyor De Salvo,

Mr. De Salvo,

que no era un artista...

that he wasn't an artist...

Bueno, un artista, però del crim.

Well, an artist, but of crime.

Però té una relació...

But he has a relationship...

Té una suposada relació amb el món de l'art

It has an alleged relationship with the art world.

que parlarem després. Ah, carai.

that we will talk about later. Oh, wow.

Bueno, en tot cas, clar, ara què fem?

Well, in any case, of course, what do we do now?

Perquè és el primer programa. No sé si hi ha comentaris per llegir.

Because it's the first program. I don't know if there are comments to read.

Pots fer un resum de com ha anat

Can you summarize how it went?

l'estiu, o...

the summer, or...

llegir comentaris de l'últim episodi de la temporada,

reading comments about the latest episode of the season,

o simplement no llegint comentaris, o...

or simply not reading comments, or...

Simplement no llegint comentaris, no.

Simply not reading comments, no.

No llegint comentaris, avui. No, no.

Not reading comments today. No, no.

Home, no, perquè... Però si és divertit.

No, because... But it's fun.

Bueno, doncs...

Well, then...

En tot cas, la setmana que ve, sí, perquè avui

In any case, next week, yes, because today

ens deixaran molts de comentaris. Clar, la idea

They will leave us many comments. Of course, the idea

és que ens deixeu comentaris.

It's because you leave us comments.

Que ens expliquin com ha anat l'estiu, què han fet,

Let them tell us how the summer has been, what they have done,

si ens han trobat a faltar, si han estat escoltant

if they have missed us, if they have been listening

programes antics, si...

old programs, yes...

En fi, coses d'aquestes, que ens expliquin històries.

Anyway, things like that, let them tell us stories.

Si han escoltat el pànic

If they have heard the panic.

a la ciutat, si els ha agradat, si prefereixen

in the city, if they liked it, if they prefer

anar-hi a nosaltres... No, això no cal que ho diguin,

let's go there... No, they don't need to say that.

perquè encara ens en donem un disgust.

because we still get upset about it.

En fi.


Si ens troben a faltar...

If they miss us...

Coses així. I, bueno, i sobretot

Things like that. And, well, and above all

que els ha semblat el cas d'avui, que el nom del senyor

What do you think of today's case, that the name of the gentleman?

de Salvo. Importantíssim.

de Salvo. Very important.

Bueno, doncs, escolta, m'has petat el guió,

Well, then, listen, you’ve messed up my script,

que no hi ha habitualment, perquè ara què fem?

that there isn’t usually, because what do we do now?

Ens explicaràs directament coses? Et puc explicar

Will you explain things to us directly? Can I explain to you?

el de la Llorena, que ho he buscat.

the one of Llorena, which I have searched for.

Ah, sí, i tant, i tant. Explico, explico.

Ah, yes, absolutely, absolutely. I'll explain, I'll explain.

La senyora aquesta no es diu ni Tamara ni Llorena,

This lady is neither called Tamara nor Llorena.

en realitat es diu Maria del Mar Cuenca Seisdedos.

Her real name is Maria del Mar Cuenca Seisdedos.

És que, clar,

It's just that, of course,

Maria del Mar Cuenca Seisdedos, no sé

Maria del Mar Cuenca Seisdedos, I don't know.

si enganxa molt, eh? No, artístic,

If it sticks a lot, huh? No, artistic.

artístic no és. Ah, un concert de la

It is not artistic. Ah, a concert of the

Maria del Mar Cuenca Seisdedos.

Maria del Mar Cuenca Seisdedos.

Bueno, i en Maria del Mar Bonet, clar.

Well, and Maria del Mar Bonet, of course.

Sí, però això és una dama.

Yes, but that is a lady.

I la...

And the...

L'altre podríem parlar una estona.

We could talk for a while.

S'ha dit senyora de Santurce, o sigui, és basca.

It has been said lady from Santurce, that is, she is Basque.

Cosa que jo no sabia.

Something that I did not know.

A mi m'interessa la de Seisdedos.

I'm interested in the one from Seisdedos.

Seisdedos és el segon cognom.

Seisdedos is the second surname.

Però quin cognom és aquest?

But what surname is this?

Hi ha algun Seisdedos que ens escolti?

Is there any Seisdedos listening to us?

No, però això devia venir d'algun

No, but this must have come from someone.

l'any passat. Que tindria Seisdedos.

Last year. What would Seisdedos have?

Que tenia sis dits i...

That he had six fingers and...

No, perquè, és que, esclar,

No, because, of course,

quin cognom tan curiós?

What a curious surname!

No el conec a cap, jo.

I don't know him at all.

Cap Seisdedos.

Cap Sixfingers.

Hi ha una web que és FamilySearch,

There is a website called FamilySearch,

que diu...

what does it say...

Aquí t'explica la història de los apellidos

Here it explains the history of surnames.

del Seisdedos.

of the Sixfingers.


Let's see.

Jo avui no pensava parlar d'un nom Seisdedos.

I wasn't planning to talk about a name Seisdedos today.

11.005 persones que es diuen

11,005 people who are named



Home, déu-n'hi-do, no em conec a cap d'aquests 11.000.

Wow, I don't know any of these 11,000.

Hi ha la versió catalana, a sis dits?

Is there the Catalan version, at six fingers?

No ho he buscat, però bueno, hi ha gent...

I haven't looked for it, but well, there are people...

A sis dits sona millor, eh?

It sounds better with six fingers, doesn't it?

Per a sis dits.

For six fingers.

Bueno, això és l'anècdota d'avui.

Well, this is today's anecdote.

De veritat, aquest programa

Honestly, this program

comença fort.

starts strong.

Sí, bueno, malament, malament, digue-li malament.

Yes, well, bad, bad, call it bad.

Bé, del cas, del cas.

Well, about the case, about the case.

Què tenim del cas?

What do we have on the case?

Anem a l'apartat cultural, si vols, perquè tenim coses.

Let's go to the cultural section, if you want, because we have things.

Comencem amb llibres, si et sembla,

Let's start with books, if that sounds good to you.

com sempre, per no canviar res.

as always, to not change anything.

Si una cosa funciona, no la canvis,

If something works, don't change it.

no diguen què és això, doncs no canviem res.

don't say what this is, then let's not change anything.

Anem amb els llibres.

Let's go with the books.

Bueno, podríem innovar de tant en tant, eh?

Well, we could innovate every now and then, huh?

És feina.

It's work.

Sí, però per això ens paguen, no?

Yes, but that's why they pay us, right?

Jo ja he dit que aquest any farem

I have already said that this year we will do.

crims, m'aproposo a fer

crimes, I am about to commit

crims de tots els països del món,

crimes from all the countries of the world,

tots, que és una recerca

everyone, what is a research

complicada, perquè jo què sé, de Tuvalu,

complicated, because what do I know, from Tuvalu,

prou feines, hi ha gent

enough jobs, there are people

que sàpiga que existeix com a país, com per saber

that it exists as a country, as for knowing

crims d'allà, però ho aconseguirem.

Crimes from there, but we will make it.

I també m'agradaria fer crims antics,

And I would also like to commit old crimes,

d'aquells d'antes, eh?

from those times, huh?

Dels que molaven, dels que no hi havia

Of those who were cool, of those who weren't there.

ADN, dels que les investigacions es feien amb lupa.

DNA, of those for whom the investigations were conducted with a magnifying glass.

Aquests m'agraden, també.

I like these, too.

Farem programes d'aquests.

We will make programs like these.

Saps el que he fet jo aquest estiu? Buscar grups de música

Do you know what I've done this summer? Look for music groups.

de països així estrafularis,

from such strange countries,

en el sentit musical, eh?

in the musical sense, eh?

De heavy, no?

Heavy, right?

Sí, bueno, sí. He trobat un grup,

Yes, well, yes. I have found a group,

un grup de metal de Togo.

a metal band from Togo.

Ah, Togo-Àfrica.

Ah, Togo-Africa.

Togo-Àfrica. Eh, boníssims, eh?

Togo-Africa. Hey, very good, huh?

A més, fan una mescla així de música tribal i molt guapos.

In addition, they make such a mix of tribal music and are very good-looking.

Això sí que és curiós de sentir.

This is indeed curious to hear.

Ja el colaràs en algun lloc, segur.

You'll sneak it in somewhere, for sure.

No hi ha cap problema, el colaràs.

There is no problem, you will strain it.

Bueno, ja l'he colat aquí.

Well, I've already strained it here.

Ah, que toca avui? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Ah, what is playing today? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Avui no, avui no, avui no, avui no.

Not today, not today, not today, not today.

Que el posaràs, el grup de Togo, algun dia.

That you will put it, the group from Togo, someday.

Sí, segurament.

Yes, certainly.

Avui acabarem amb un grup

Today we will finish with a group.

que és impossible de criticar,

that is impossible to criticize,

perquè és un grup, diguem, fonamental,

because it is a group, let's say, fundamental,

dintre de la història de la música

within the history of music

i de la cultura, diguem,

and of culture, let's say,

popular mundial.

worldwide popular.

Bueno, després ja ho veurem, això.

Well, we'll see about that later.



Vale, anem amb els llibres. Comencem amb un llibre que es diu

Okay, let's go with the books. Let's start with a book called

Albert de Salvo, l'estrangulador de Boston.

Albert De Salvo, the Boston Strangler.

Avui, també he de dir que els títols no són originals, eh?

Today, I also have to say that the titles are not original, okay?

Perquè tots, o estrangulador,

Because everyone, or strangler,

o l'estrangulador de Boston, o l'estrangulador,

or the Boston strangler, or the strangler,

o el senyor que estrangula de Boston,

or the man who strangles from Boston,

més o menys tot acostuma a ser així.

more or less everything usually is like this.

Aquest llibre, bàsicament, ens explica

This book basically tells us

com, al principi de l'any 60, a l'àrea de Boston,

how, at the beginning of the 60s, in the Boston area,

hi havia un individu, doncs,

there was an individual, then,

que assassinava dones,

that killed women,

i que era, doncs, l'Albert de Salvo.

And who was Albert de Salvo, then?

Bàsicament, fa un repàs de la biografia

Basically, it reviews the biography.

i els crims d'aquest senyor.

and the crimes of this gentleman.

Hi ha un altre llibre d'una col·lecció bastant xula,

There is another book from a pretty cool collection,

si no us agrada llegir gaire,

if you don't like to read much,

en el sentit, no us agrada llegir llibres bastant gruixuts,

In that sense, you don't like reading fairly thick books,

que és una col·lecció de llibres

what is a collection of books

que es diu True Crime Shorts.

it's called True Crime Shorts.

Per tant, ens explica crims,

Therefore, it tells us about crimes,

fa crònica negra,

it covers true crime,

històries sobre assassins,

stories about assassins,

però de manera breu i resumida,

but briefly and concisely,

o sigui, no...

I mean, no...

no dona molts detalls, sinó que ens explica

doesn't give many details, but explains to us

el cas,

the case,



I dintre d'aquesta col·lecció,

And within this collection,

el cinquè llibre està dedicat a l'Albert de Salvo

the fifth book is dedicated to Albert de Salvo

i, bueno, d'una manera curta i concisa

and, well, in a short and concise way

de saber la biografia d'aquest senyor.

to know the biography of this gentleman.

També sobre aquest paio hi ha un còmic

There is also a comic about this guy.

que té un títol bastant original

that has a quite original title

que es diu Albert de Salvo, l'estrangulador de Boston,

his name is Albert De Salvo, the Boston Strangler,

que està escrit per Jordi Pla Ibáñez

that is written by Jordi Pla Ibáñez

i, bueno, us recomano que us el mireu.

I, well, I recommend that you check it out.

Si anem a les pel·lis, tenim també molt de material.

If we go to the movies, we also have a lot of material.

L'any 64 es va fer una pel·lícula, es diu

In 1964, a movie was made, it is called


The strangler.

L'estrangulador, que en castellà...

The strangler, which in Spanish...

Que surtin en pas d'aquí, ja veig.

Let them leave in a procession from here, I see.

Bueno, en castellà es va traduir com

Well, in Spanish it was translated as

L'estrangulador de mujeres.

The strangler of women.

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

Van treure el Boston, van posar-hi mujeres.

They took out the Boston, and put women in it.

Bueno, no és mentida, t'estrangulava dones.

Well, it's not a lie, I was strangling women.

No, no ho és, no.

No, it is not, no.

Aquesta pel·lícula, un 6,4 film affinity,

This movie, a 6.4 film affinity,

s'ha dit que està inspirada en el cas,

it has been said that it is inspired by the case,

o sigui, no és un relat real del que va passar,

that is to say, it is not a true account of what happened,

sinó que està inspirada en els crims,

but is inspired by the crimes,

i ens explica com un senyor, que es diu Leo Kroll,

and he tells us about a man named Leo Kroll,

que és tècnic de laboratori a una gran ciutat,

who is a laboratory technician in a large city,

és un home solter que viu amb una mare dominant,

he is a single man who lives with a dominant mother,

que el té bastant controlat,

that it is quite controlled,

de vegades es veu obligat,

sometimes one is forced,

pels seus impulsos assassins,

for his murderous impulses,

a estrangular a noies joves i infermeres.

to strangle young girls and nurses.

És el seu fetitge.

It is his fetish.

Una altra pel·lícula sobre el cas és

Another movie about the case is

L'estrangulador de Boston.

The Boston Strangler.



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

És que al final, clar,

It's just that in the end, of course,

com sabem quina esquina?

how do we know which corner?

Totes es diuen igual.

They all have the same name.

Pels anys.

For the years.

És com la de ta mare, no?

It's like your mother's, right?

Quins sabem quina esquina?

Which corner do we know?

La bona i la mala.

The good and the bad.

Sí, exacte, ho sabem així.

Yes, exactly, we know it like that.

Aquesta pel·lícula també s'ha de dir

This movie also needs to be said.

que és més bona que l'altra,

that is better than the other,

un àtom 6,4.

an atom 6.4.

Aquesta té un 7,5,

This has a 7.5.

com a dos a Film Affinity.

as two at Film Affinity.

O sigui, L'estrangulador de Boston

That is, the Boston Strangler

és més bona que L'estrangulador de Boston.

she is better than the Boston Strangler.

O sigui, L'estrangulador...

That is, the strangler...

Que L'estrangulador de dones.

That the strangler of women.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

O sigui, sí.

So, yes.

És una miqueta més bona, sí.

It's a little bit better, yes.

És més bona, podem dir-ho que sí.

It's better, we can say that it is.

Aquesta pel·lícula ens explica

This movie tells us

com entre els anys 62 i 1964

as between the years 62 and 1964

13 dones van ser escanyades

13 women were strangled.

per Robert de Salvo,

for Robert de Salvo,

un lampista que estava casat

a plumber who was married

i que normalment semblava

and that normally seemed

que tenia una vida familiar normal.

that he had a normal family life.

S'ha de dir que aquesta pel·li,

It must be said that this movie,

el més interessant,

the most interesting,

a part de l'argument,

apart from the argument,

és el repartiment.

It is the distribution.

Estava protagonitzada

It was starring.

per actors coneguts per tothom,

for actors well known to everyone,

com Tony Curtis,

like Tony Curtis,

Henry Fonda

Henry Fonda

o George Kennedy,

Oh George Kennedy,

que potser no et sona.

that perhaps you don't recognize.

Dius, no sé qui és, no?

You say, I don't know who it is, right?

George Kennedy?

George Kennedy?

Deu ser el fill d'en Kennedy, no?

It must be Kennedy's son, right?



Has vist una pel·lícula,

Have you seen a movie?

una sèrie de pel·lícules

a series of movies

que es diuen Agarralo com ho Puedes?

What is called Grab it as you can?

No, no l'he vist, no.

No, I haven't seen him/her, no.

Bueno, doncs aquest senyor,

Well, this gentleman,

diguem que és un dels protagonistes

let's say he is one of the protagonists

d'aquesta sèrie de pel·lícules

of this series of movies

d'Agarralo com ho Puedes,

Grab it like you can.

que és una pel·lícula d'humor així absurd,

it is a movie of absurd humor,

que el protagonista...

that the protagonist...

És aquell senyor gran.

It is that old man.

El protagonista és el Leslie Nielsen,

The protagonist is Leslie Nielsen.

que és el senyor blanc del Cabell Blanc.

who is the white lord of White Hair.

Aquell senyor gran,

That big gentleman,

sí, còmic,

yes, comic,

que ha fet moltes pel·lícules

who has made many films

i que va morir fa uns anys.

and who died a few years ago.

Ah, exacte.

Ah, exactly.

Doncs aquest senyor, diguem que és el que sortia,

Well, this gentleman, let's say he's the one who went out,

un senyor també amb el cabell blanc,

a gentleman also with white hair,

una mica grassonet,

a little chubby,

que sortia amb ell.

that was going out with him.

Aquest senyor també és conegut

This gentleman is also known.

per haver sortit a Bonanza,

for having appeared in Bonanza,

una sèrie que jo no recordo haver vist mai,

a series that I do not remember ever having seen,

però que és així d'uns que vivien així,

but it is like this of some who lived like this,

uns cowboys que vivien en un ranxo.

some cowboys who lived on a ranch.

Sí, són d'aquelles...

Yes, they are one of those...

De l'època, sí.

From the era, yes.

Sí, amb aquella cançoneta.

Yes, with that little song.



Amb els xiulets i tal, no?

With the whistles and all, right?



Ah, sí, sí, pot ser, no ho sé.

Ah, yes, yes, maybe, I don't know.

Crec que sí, no?

I think so, right?

Bueno, Bonanza, una sèrie bastant reconeguda.

Well, Bonanza, a fairly well-known series.

A les nostres persones,

To our people,

als nostres veïns joves de 60 anys,

to our young neighbors of 60 years old,

segur que ens ho podran explicar.

I'm sure they will be able to explain it to us.

Segurament, sí, segurament.

Surely, yes, surely.

Tot bé, és un personatge bastant reconegut

All good, he is a quite recognized character.

i va participar en aquesta pel·lícula

and participated in this movie

amb un elenco, com es diria, bastant bo,

with a cast, as they would say, quite good,

i una pel·lícula que, mireu-la,

and a movie that, watch it,

perquè és bastant...

because it is quite...

Bueno, es fa de mirar.

Well, it’s worth a look.

S'ha de dir que la pel·lícula,

It must be said that the movie,

tot i que és bastant real el que explica,

although what he explains is quite real,

té coses que no,

it has things that don't,

com, per exemple,

such as,

aquí ens la traten l'Albert de Salvo

here we are being treated by Albert de Salvo

com una persona que tenia un trastorn múltiple

like a person who had a multiple disorder

de la personalitat.

of the personality.

Però resulta que, en realitat,

But it turns out that, in reality,

no es va demostrar mai

it was never proven

ni se li va diagnosticar

nor was he diagnosed

cap trastorn múltiple de la personalitat.

no multiple personality disorder.

Simplement era ell, assassinava...

It was simply him, he was killing...

Això no s'havia inventat en Billy Milligan?

Hadn't this been invented by Billy Milligan?

Sí, però, bueno, a la pel·lícula diuen que ho adapten

Yes, but, well, in the movie, they say they adapt it.

i potser no li diuen així,

and perhaps they don't call it that,

trastorn múltiple de la personalitat.

multiple personality disorder.

Un mica mixte, els dos casos.

A bit of a mix, both cases.

Sí, però, bueno,

Yes, but, well,

a la vida real no era així.

In real life, it wasn't like this.

Aquest senyor no tenia cap trastorn múltiple de la personalitat.

This man did not have any multiple personality disorder.

Sí, però sí que tenia diverses personalitats

Yes, but I did have several personalities.

sense trastorn.

without disturbance.

Bueno, jo crec que se les creu.

Well, I think they are believed.

Ell feia veure que tenia diferents personalitats,

He pretended to have different personalities.

però no era cap trastorn,

but it was not a disorder,

sinó que ell anava per allà i deia

but he went around there and said

ara me llamo Juan, ara me llamo Pepe.

Now I call myself Juan, now I call myself Pepe.

Era una vocació artística i ja estava.

It was an artistic vocation and that was it.

Sí, exacte, exacte.

Yes, exactly, exactly.

Vale, hi ha dos pel·lis més sobre el cas.

Okay, there are two more movies about the case.

Saps com es diuen?

Do you know what they are called?

Sí, l'Estrangulador de Boston,

Yes, the Boston Strangler,

un i l'Estrangulador de Boston, dos.

one and the Boston Strangler, two.

Doncs un es diu

Well, one says.

L'Estrangulador de Boston, la història jamàs contada.

The Boston Strangler, the untold story.

Ah, i l'altre, el muntatge del director.

Ah, and the other one, the director's cut.

Aquesta del 2008

This one from 2008.

i bàsicament se centra en explicar els casos

and basically focuses on explaining the cases

de l'Estrangulador de Boston

of the Boston Strangler

i l'altre és de l'any 2023

and the other is from the year 2023

i es diu L'Estrangulador de Boston,

and is called The Boston Strangler,

però té una cosa...

but it has one thing...

El Renacimiento.

The Renaissance.



El Renacer.

The Rebirth.

El retorno.

The return.

Però té una cosa molt interessant aquesta pel·li,

But this movie has something very interesting,

que està explicada no des del punt de vista de l'assassí,

which is explained not from the point of view of the murderer,

sinó des del punt de vista d'una senyora

but rather from the perspective of a lady

que es deia Loreta McCowling,

who was named Loreta McCowling,

que era una periodista d'un diari de Boston

who was a journalist for a Boston newspaper

que, juntament amb una altra dona periodista,

that, along with another woman journalist,

la Jen Cole,

Jen Cole,

van cobrir els assassinats

they covered the murders

de l'Estrangulador de Boston

of the Boston Strangler

i, diguem, que va ser la primera dona,

and, let's say, that she was the first woman,

perdoni, la primera periodista

Excuse me, the first journalist.

que va connectar tots els crims

that connected all the crimes

que aquest paio anava fent.

that this guy was doing.

Això de veritat?

Is this real?

No, això de veritat.

No, this is the truth.

De veritat.


O sigui, la pel·lícula està, diguem,

So, the movie is, let's say,

que està interpretada des del punt de vista

that is interpreted from the point of view

d'aquesta senyora, que era periodista,

of this lady, who was a journalist,

i va ser ella la que va relacionar els crims.

It was she who linked the crimes.

Va dir, hòstia, això no són 13 crims enllats?

He said, damn, aren't these 13 linked crimes?

Aviam, aviam, aviam.

Let's see, let's see, let's see.

Això no havia sigut el company de cel·la?

Wasn't that the cellmate?

O sigui, la senyora va relacionar els crims

That is, the lady linked the crimes.

des del punt de vista periodístic.

from a journalistic point of view.

L'altre va dir, escolta, aquest paio...

The other one said, listen, this guy...

Des del punt de vista penitenciari.

From the penitentiary point of view.

Exacte, l'altre va dir, tu, aquest paio ho va dir que és ell.

Exactly, the other one said, you, this guy said it's him.

Però aquesta senyora, la primera que va començar a connectar,

But this lady, the first one who started to connect,

va dir, a veure, potser no estem

he said, let's see, maybe we are not

en 13 crims enllats, sinó que potser

in 13 linked crimes, but perhaps

és un assassí en sèrie que està matant.

He is a serial killer who is killing.

No sé si deia assassí en sèrie en aquella època,

I don't know if it was called serial killer at that time,

però potser és un mateix senyor

but maybe it's the same gentleman

que està matant a totes aquestes persones.

that is killing all these people.

O sigui, ella no va acusar

That is to say, she did not accuse.

l'Albert de Salvo directament,

Albert De Salvo directly,

perquè no sabia que era ell,

because I didn't know it was him,

però sí que va, diguem, fer una teoria

but yes, he did, let's say, develop a theory

que potser era el mateix assassí

that perhaps it was the same murderer

en tots els casos.

in all cases.

Aquest senyor també apareix

This gentleman also appears.

mencionat a diferents sèries, una és American Gothic,

mentioned in different series, one is American Gothic,

una sèrie que no va tenir gaire èxit,

a series that was not very successful,

en un capítol titulat Prodigy,

in a chapter titled Prodigy,

i a la tercera temporada de Ley y Orden,

and in the third season of Law and Order,

Unidad de Víctimas Especiales.

Special Victims Unit.

Així com a anècdota.

As a side note.

I abans d'anar a l'apartat musical,

And before going to the musical section,

abans parlàvem del tema

we were talking about the subject earlier

artístic, no?

artistic, right?

Sí, exacte, sí que diries alguna cosa interessant.

Yes, exactly, you would say something interesting.

Sí. Aquest senyor es diu,

Yes. This gentleman is called,

es diu, es diu,

it is said, it is said,

que està relacionat amb un artista,

that is related to an artist,

diguem, un artista, diguem,

let's say, an artist, let's say,



un artista no molt famós, eh?

not a very famous artist, huh?

Hi ha un senyor

There is a man.

que es deia Mark Morris...

who was called Mark Morris...

Morris Rowe,

Morris Rowe,

o sigui, Mark Morris Rowe,

that is, Mark Morris Rowe,

que era un artista, diguem, del submón

who was an artist, let's say, of the underworld

de l'escena punk

of the punk scene

de Boston i Nova York

from Boston and New York

entre els anys 70-80,

between the 70s-80s,

diguem que feia unes performances bastant

let's say it was doing some quite performances

pertorbadores, diguem,

disturbing, let’s say,

o curioses, que aquest home

or curious, that this man

deia que era fill

he said he was a son

d'Albert de Salvo.

of Albert de Salvo.

És més, aquest noi,

What's more, this boy,

anava dient pels puestos, en moda de,

I was saying in the positions, in a manner of,

diguem, de carta de presentació,

let's say, in the cover letter,

que la seva mare era una inquilina

that his mother was a tenant

d'una casa que l'Albert de Salvo

from a house that Albert de Salvo

tenia, o sigui, era la llogatera d'un pis.

I had, I mean, she was the tenant of an apartment.

I que a causa d'això, ell

And that because of this, he

era un fill il·legítim

he was an illegitimate son

de Salvo. Quan,

of Salvo. When,

ja se sabia, aquest senyor, doncs, era un assassí

It was already known, this man, therefore, was a murderer.

i estava condemnat i fins i tot ja estava

I was sentenced and was even already.

assassinat. I ho deia, diguem,

murder. And I was saying, let's say,

en moda de carta de presentació.

in the style of a cover letter.

Hola, soy el artista atormentado de la escena punk

Hello, I am the tortured artist of the punk scene.

i fill d'un assassí. Doncs això, aquesta és l'anècdota.

I'm the son of a murderer. So that's it, this is the anecdote.

Està bé, l'anècdota,

It's fine, the anecdote,

com a anècdota per explicar l'anècdota més fosca.

As an anecdote to explain the darkest anecdote.

Està bé, no? Interessant, sí.

It's fine, isn't it? Interesting, yes.

Perquè, a més a més, te l'has buscat,

Because, moreover, you brought it upon yourself,

has treballat, que això sempre està bé perquè la gent

you have worked, which is always good because people

això ho valora. Clar. Sí, sí.

This is valued. Of course. Yes, yes.

Bueno, espero.

Well, I hope so.

Doncs ara, el que la gent no sé si valora tant és l'apartat musical.

Well now, what people don't know if they value so much is the musical aspect.

Vale, anem a l'apartat musical. Recordes que la temporada

Okay, let's go to the musical section. Do you remember that the season

passada vam acabar dient

last time we ended up saying

que si algú tenia un grup de música

if someone had a music group

aquí català, diguem, o tenia un amic

Here is Catalan, let's say, or I had a friend.

que tenia un grup de música i volia que li fessin

that he had a music group and wanted them to make him

promo en el programa, doncs

promo in the program, then

només havíem d'escriure i dir-ho.

we just had to write and say it.

De moment no ho ha fet ningú.

So far, no one has done it.

Però jo torno a dir-ho. Si teniu un grup de música

But I say it again. If you have a music group

i voleu que soni al final del programa,

and you want it to sound at the end of the program,

no cal que tingui res a veure

it doesn't have to have anything to do with it

amb el crim, sinó és per fer-vos

with the crime, unless it is to make you

publicitat i tal, i perquè, jo què sé,

advertising and such, and why, I don't know,

tampoc anem de guais, però ja que ens escolta

We're not being cool either, but since you're listening to us...

algú de gent, doncs per poder

someone of people, then to be able

arribar a més gent, i així fem xarxa i tal,

reach more people, and that way we network and so on,

i ajudem a grups

and we help groups

a promocionar-se,

to promote oneself,

que no siguin els típics, com de sempre,

that they are not the typical ones, as always,

doncs ens podeu escriure a xarxes,

so you can write to us on social media,

a iVoox, o a Spotify, a YouTube,

to iVoox, or to Spotify, to YouTube,

a Instagram, a Twitter, on us doni la gana,

to Instagram, to Twitter, wherever we feel like it,

o per correu,

or by mail,

a mi més fos que ens digueu, jo tinc un grup,

I would prefer if you tell us, I have a group,

no sé què, aquesta és la cançó, i ja està.

I don't know what, this is the song, and that's it.

I al final del programa la posarem.

And at the end of the program, we will put it.

Però de moment, com que no tenim

But for now, since we don't have

res d'això, s'ha de dir que jo la

none of this, it must be said that I the

recomanació musical l'acabaré fent igual.

I will still end up making the music recommendation.

L'únic que no acabarem escoltant la cançó que jo

The only thing is that we won't end up listening to the song that I do.

recomano si en tenim una altra.

I recommend if we have another one.

Però bé.

But well.

Però avui, com que no en tenim cap, doncs acabarem

But today, since we don't have any, we will finish.

ficant una cançó de les que a mi...

putting on a song from those that I...

Bueno, de les que jo trio.

Well, from the ones I choose.

Comencem, si et sembla,

Let's get started, if that sounds good to you,

amb un grup

with a group

molt conegut pel programa.

well known for the program.

Ai, els de ricota.

Oh, those from Ricota.

No, més conegut.

No, more known.

Una banda de Chicago.

A band from Chicago.

Home, i tant, els

Sure, the translation is: "Of course, them."

Macbet... Els Macabre.

Macbeth... The Macabre.

Els Macabre, aquests.

The Macabre, these.

La banda de Death Metal i Grinkel Macabre

The Death Metal band Grinkel Macabre

tenen una cançó que es diu

they have a song called

The Boston Strangler,

The Boston Strangler,

en un disc de l'any 1993, que es diu

on a disc from 1993, titled

Sinister Slaughter,

Sinistre Massacre,

que bàsicament explica els crims d'aquest senyor

which basically explains the crimes of this man

amb un toc d'humor típic dels

with a touch of humor typical of the

amics dels Macabre.

friends of the Macabre.

Una altra banda de metal també anomenada B.F. Wright

Another metal band also known as B.F. Wright.

té una cançó

it has a song

del mateix nom, que es diu

of the same name, which is called

The Boston Strangler, que explica

The Boston Strangler, which explains

els crims d'aquest senyor. S'ha de dir que hi ha una banda britànica

the crimes of this gentleman. It must be said that there is a British band

es diuen els The Stranglers, que no tenen res a veure

they are called The Stranglers, who have nothing to do with it

amb el cas.

with the case.

I hi ha un raper turc que es diu

And there is a Turkish rapper named

Sansar Salvo, que no té res a veure

Sansar Salvo, which has nothing to do with it.

o està buscant, és a dir, que no sigui cosida

or is looking for, that is to say, not sewn

en The Salvo. No, no té res a veure.

In The Salvo. No, it has nothing to do with it.

Però que en el disc de l'any 2008, Adrenaline,

But on the album of 2008, Adrenaline,

explica la història del nostre protagonista

explains the story of our protagonist


of today.

Tot i que si és Salvo, no té res a veure.

Although if it is Salvo, it has nothing to do with it.

És a dir, amb el The Salvo, però té un disc

That is to say, with The Salvo, but it has a disc.

que a més és raper i turc.

who is also a rapper and Turkish.

Bé, bastant interessant.

Well, quite interesting.

Però, com que avui és el primer dia

But, since today is the first day

i no vull queixes ja, el primer dia no vull queixes.

And I don't want complaints anymore, on the first day I don't want complaints.

Per tant, acabarem el programa

Therefore, we will finish the program.

amb una banda de la qual

with a band of which

no us podeu queixar, perquè si no aniríeu

you cannot complain, because if not you would go.

en contra de la història de la música

against the history of music

diguem, moderna.

Let's say, modern.

Perquè avui acabarem

Because today we will finish.

el programa escoltant el que segurament

the program listening to what surely

és la banda en actiu més longeva

it is the longest-active band

de la història

of history

de la música

of the music



Rock, pop, música actual, diguem.

Rock, pop, contemporary music, let's say.

Home, els Rolling Stones.

Home, the Rolling Stones.

Ah, exacte. Estem parlant dels Rolling Stones.

Ah, exactly. We are talking about the Rolling Stones.

És que la paraula longeva

It is that the word long-lived.

ja porta a pensar en Rolling Stones.

It already makes you think of the Rolling Stones.

Sí, sí, és que clar, no hi ha ningú més

Yes, yes, it's just that, of course, there is no one else.

longeu, em sembla.

It seems far away to me.

En actiu, no.

In active, no.

En actiu,

In active,

no, ja s'ha mort Isabel II.

No, Isabel II has already died.

Sí, però no cantava.

Yes, but he/she was not singing.

Bueno, cantava.

Well, he/she sang.

No sé si hi ha un grup que porti més anys que els Rolling Stones.

I don't know if there is a group that has been around longer than the Rolling Stones.

Si algú els coneix, que ens ho digui.

If someone knows them, let us know.

O sigui, grup famós.

So, famous group.

No, el meu avi té un grup des de l'any 36.

No, my grandfather has had a band since 1936.

No, clar, bueno.

No, of course, well.

Les Macedònia ja no existeixen, no?

Macedonia no longer exists, does it?

No, però bueno, tampoc. No van començar

No, but well, neither. They didn't start.

l'any 62, les Macedònia.

In the year 62, the Macedonia.

No, és veritat, és veritat.

No, it's true, it's true.

Doncs, escolta'm, ara potser hauríem de parlar

Well, listen to me, now maybe we should talk.

amb el nostre expert cultural

with our cultural expert

perquè ens ho confirmés, això, eh?

to confirm this for us, right?

Ja, bueno, jo, el públic, si algú ho sap...

Yeah, well, I, the audience, if anyone knows...

Els pets? No ho sé.

Farts? I don't know.

No, home, no.

No, come on, no.

Si algú ha basat més en el món de la història musical,

If someone has based more in the world of musical history,

ho sap?

Do you know?

O coneix algun grup que no sigui...

Or do you know any group that isn't...

més antic, o que sigui contemporani,

older, or that is contemporary,

o, bueno, que s'acosti als...

Oh, well, let it come closer to the...

a la longevitat

to longevity

dels Rolling Stones, que ens ho digui.

of the Rolling Stones, let them tell us.

I grups que no hagin canviat de membres, clar,

And groups that haven't changed members, of course,

perquè si el grup es diu igual, però no hi ha cap original,

because if the group has the same name, but there is no original,

no té puta gràcia.

it's not funny at all.

Mira, això elimina les Macedònia.

Look, this eliminates the Macedonia.

Sí, perquè canviaven, bueno, amb bon criteri canviaven

Yes, because they changed, well, they changed with good reason.

cada ix temps.

every so often.

Eh, que hi ha Macedònies que ens poden estar escoltant, eh?

Eh, there are Macedonias that might be listening to us, right?

Ja, però a veure...

Yes, but let's see...

Molaria un muntón.

I would love it a lot.

Vale, anem per acabar això,

Okay, let's finish this up.

que anem escoltant els Rolling Stones,

that we are listening to the Rolling Stones,

una banda formada l'any 62 a Londres,

a band formed in 1962 in London,

formada per Mick Jagger, Kate Richards,

formed by Mick Jagger, Keith Richards,

Brian Jones, Bill Whitman i Charlie Watts.

Brian Jones, Bill Whitman, and Charlie Watts.

Aquesta és la formació, diguem, original,

This is the original formation, let’s say.

amb un estil de música que combinava el rock,

with a music style that combined rock,

el blues, l'R&B,

the blues, R&B

i amb èxits, diguem, mundials, no?

And with successes, let's say, global, right?

Com Sticky Fingers, de l'any 71,

Like Sticky Fingers, from 1971,

Exile on the Main Street, de l'any 72,

Exile on Main Street, from the year '72,

i diferents discos, no?, que han estat

and different albums, right?, that have been

fonamentals de la història de la música.

fundamentals of the history of music.

I un dels discos més reconeguts de la banda

And one of the most recognized albums by the band.

és el Let It Bleed, de l'any 69,

it's Let It Bleed, from the year 69,

on trobem una cançó que es diu

we find a song that is called

Midnight Rambler,

Midnight Rambler,

que vindria a ser una cosa així com

that would be something like

Caminant de Mitjanit, no?, o Caminant de Nocturn,

Walking at Midnight, right? Or Walking in the Night,

no?, de Midjanit.

No? From Midianite.

Però aquest era l'altre, no?, era l'altre estrangulador,

But that was the other one, right? It was the other strangler,

el de Richard Ramírez, no?,

Richard Ramírez's, right?

era el The Night Walker.

It was The Night Walker.

Ja, però és que Richard Ramírez,

Yes, but it's just that Richard Ramírez,

diguem, potser nascut,

let's say, perhaps born,

potser sí que havia nascut a l'any 69,

perhaps I was indeed born in '69,

però encara no havia matat ningú.

but he still hadn't killed anyone.

No ho sé, però bé, bé, és igual.

I don’t know, but well, well, it doesn’t matter.

Bàsicament aquesta cançó,

Basically this song,

aquest Caminant de Midjanit,

this Midianite Walker,

està dedicada, diguem, és una biografia,

it is dedicated, let’s say, it is a biography,

del nostre protagonista de mi,

of our protagonist of me,

d'avui, l'Albert de Salvo,

from today, Albert de Salvo,

que als Rolling Stones, diguem,

that the Rolling Stones, let's say,

li van dedicar, no sé sota quins motius,

they dedicated to him, I don’t know under what reasons,

però que van escriure aquesta cançó,

but who wrote this song,

una cançó que, diguem,

a song that, let's say,

que és bastant reconeguda dintre la biografia de la banda,

which is quite recognized within the band's biography,

amb un dels discs més importants

with one of the most important discs

del grup,

from the group,

i, doncs, perquè no hi hagi queixes,

and, therefore, to avoid complaints,

doncs he decidit

so I have decided

acabar amb aquest programa.

finish this program.

Dic que, a l'any 69, Richard Ramírez tenia 9 anys,

I say that, in 1969, Richard Ramírez was 9 years old.

per tant, dubto que pogués assassinar,

therefore, I doubt that he could murder,

matava animals, això sí,

he killed animals, that's for sure,

però persones, no.

but people, no.

És la primera vegada que sonen els Rolling Stones?

Is it the first time the Rolling Stones are playing?

Sembla que no, em sembla que ja els vam posar una altra vegada.

It seems not, I think we already put them in again.

Sí? No ho sé, no ho recordo.

Yes? I don't know, I don't remember.

Però bé, avui, avui,

But well, today, today,

va, per començar el programa, bé, bé.

Okay, to start the program, good, good.

Crec que si puc posar Tamara, també,

I think that if I can put Tamara, too,

no canvia, no canvia.

it doesn't change, it doesn't change.

Ja, però no.

Yes, but no.

Perquè també lligaríem aquest senyor,

Because we would also tie up this gentleman,

perquè crec que en tota la seva vida va canviar,

because I believe that throughout his life he changed,

però, en fi.

but, anyway.

Però ella diu que no canvia,

But she says she won't change,

que no canvia versus sí canvia.

that does not change versus yes, it changes.



La Tamara era no canvia,

Tamara was not changing.

i aquesta xica va canviar.

And this girl changed.

No canvia.

It doesn't change.

Per això no canvia, i aquest sí que va canviar.

That’s why it doesn’t change, and this one did change.

Va canviar.

He changed.

Va canviar el personatge per l'altre, no?

He changed the character for the other one, didn't he?

En fi.


Bé, no crec que arribi a sonar mai Tamara,

Well, I don't think Tamara will ever get to sound.

si no sona Ocasio-Crasas o Mago de Oz,

if it doesn't sound like Ocasio-Crasas or Mago de Oz,

molt menys sonarà.

much less will sound.

Ocasio-Crasas sí que ha sonat.

Ocasio-Crasas has indeed made a sound.

Sí, perquè l'he fet sonar jo dues vegades,

Yes, because I have made it ring twice.

però si fos per tu no haurien sonat mai.

but if it were up to you, they would never have sounded.



Per cert, quan van tocar Rosa, vas anar-hi?

By the way, when they played Rosa, did you go?

No vaig anar-hi perquè van fer un sold-out,

I didn't go because it was sold out.

que jo, això, aviam, una cosa.

that I, this, let’s see, one thing.

Vaig comprar les entrades uns dies abans,

I bought the tickets a few days before.

perquè en ma vida m'hauria pensat

because in my life I would have never thought

que s'haguessin vengut totes

that they would have all sold

amb tanta antelació,

with so much advance,

i menys a un espai tan gran i tan bonic

and less in such a large and beautiful space

com la Ciutadella de Roses,

like the Citadel of Roses,

que hi ha molt d'aforament,

that there is a lot of capacity,

i em vaig quedar de pasta d'amoniato.

And I was left dumbfounded.

Però bé, és igual,

But well, it doesn't matter.

qualsevol festa major te'ls pots trobar, no passa res.

You can find them at any local festival, it's no big deal.

No hi vaig anar.

I didn't go there.



Mala sort. Bueno, ja he anat a altres,

Bad luck. Well, I've already been to others.

tampoc no passa res, no vaig plorar pas.

it's nothing, I didn't cry at all.

No, no.

No, no.

Tu vas anar-hi?

Did you go there?

No, jo vaig anar a veure els tàets.

No, I went to see the ties.

Bueno, vaig anar a veure les meves nebodes.

Well, I went to see my nieces.

És més,

What's more,

em vaig fotografiar amb els tàets

I took a photo with the Tàets.

perquè els vaig entrevistar a l'acústica de Figueres.

because I interviewed them at the acoustics of Figueres.

Ah, carai.

Ah, wow.

Són bona gent, eh?

They are good people, right?

No, no, no ho dubto pas.

No, no, I don't doubt it at all.

Són bons tios, no ho sé, bona gent.

They are good guys, I don't know, good people.

A veure, la música fan no m'agrada gaire,

Let's see, I'm not very fond of fan music.

però ells em pinten a ser uns tios així,

but they portray me as being like that,

sanotes i bona gent.

healthy and good people.

Sí? Va. Doncs molt bé.

Yes? Alright. Then very well.

Doncs una salutació als tiets

So a greeting to the uncles.

i als oques grasses,

and to the fat sheep,

que no crec que ens escoltin,

that I don't think they are listening to us,

però és que si ho fan, doncs, saludats estan.

But if they do it, then they are greeted.

I bé,

And well,

bueno, si no ens escolten,

well, if they don’t listen to us,

que sàpiguen que jo tampoc he anat a veure'ls.

Let them know that I also haven't gone to see them.

O sigui que estem empatats.

So we are tied.

Doncs res, ho deixem aquí per avui.

Well then, let's leave it here for today.

Recordin que ens poden seguir

Remember that you can follow us.

a les nostres xarxes socials, a Facebook,

on our social networks, on Facebook,

Twitter, Instagram, Spotify,

Twitter, Instagram, Spotify,

YouTube, iVoox, a totes les que hi hagi.

YouTube, iVoox, to all of them there are.

TikTok, també, el switch aquell.

TikTok, also, that switch.

Recordin també que es poden fer

Remember also that they can be made.

patreons del programa a través de la plataforma

patrons of the program through the platform

Patreon o a través d'iVoox Premium,

Patreon or through iVoox Premium,

en el qual, doncs, si volen fer una aportació,

in which, therefore, if they want to make a contribution,

econòmica, ja ho saben, en agraïment,

economic, as you know, in gratitude,

tenen contingut extra i exclusiu

they have extra and exclusive content

i no excloient de cada setmana.

and not excluding every week.

Doncs bé, res més per avui.

Well then, nothing more for today.

Adéu, Joan. Adéu, Sergi. Adéu, Xavi.

Goodbye, Joan. Goodbye, Sergi. Goodbye, Xavi.

Ens veiem. I adéu-siau a tots vostès

See you. And goodbye to all of you.

i recordin que cada divendres

And remember that every Friday.

a les 3 de la tarda pengem el podcast

At 3 PM we will upload the podcast.

a iVoox, Spotify, YouTube i Apple Podcast

on iVoox, Spotify, YouTube, and Apple Podcast

i també ens poden escoltar

and they can also listen to us

en directe a la ràdio. Atenció, que això també

live on the radio. Attention, that this too

canvia. Els dissabtes de 8 a 9 del vespre

It changes. Saturdays from 8 to 9 in the evening.

a Ràdio Ibrafan i els dimecres

to Ràdio Ibrafan and Wednesdays

de 12 a 1 del matinada a Hora Digital

from 12 to 1 in the morning on Digital Hour

i també sempre que vostès ho vulguin a les nostres,

and also whenever you want to our,

a les xarxes socials, és

on social media, it is

l'any més fosca.

the darkest year.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

La nit més fosca

The darkest night

Un viatge per la crònica negra

A journey through true crime

amb Joan Plana, Xavi Gorro i Sergi Trinidad

with Joan Plana, Xavi Gorro, and Sergi Trinidad

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