Algunes reflexions com el perquè mostrar el tiquet o alguns inconvenients de tracte en més d'un restaurant...


Reflexions al voltant de restaurants

Algunes reflexions com el perquè mostrar el tiquet o alguns inconvenients de tracte en més d'un restaurant...

Reflexions al voltant de restaurants

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Tot seguit, un nou capítol del podcast d'en Ricard Sempera de la web

Next, a new chapter of Ricard Sempera's podcast from the website

Bon dia. Avui et preguntaré temes variats. En primer lloc, voldria saber per què tens una web?

Good morning. Today I will ask you various topics. First of all, I would like to know why you have a website?

Aquesta pregunta se la fa molta gent i no troben resposta.

Many people ask themselves this question and do not find an answer.

I és que és molt senzill. Tinc una web com a hobby.

And it's very simple. I have a website as a hobby.

De la mateixa manera.

In the same way.

De la mateixa manera que a un altre li pot agradar pintar, li pot agradar fer sortides amb bicicleta.

Just as one person may enjoy painting, another may enjoy going on bike rides.

És purament un hobby.

It is purely a hobby.

I potser perquè la majoria de gent que escriu de restaurants o que publica de restaurants

And perhaps because the majority of people who write about restaurants or who publish about restaurants

no en el fons tenen algun desig ocult, fa que no entenguin o que jo pugui fer això com a hobby.

In essence, they have some hidden desire that makes them not understand or makes it possible for me to do this as a hobby.

De fet, vaig començar a fer-ho fa uns 18 anys per pura comoditat i per curiositat.

In fact, I started doing it about 18 years ago out of pure convenience and curiosity.

Estava en el món de la informàtica.

I was in the world of computer science.

Va començar a posar-se...

He started to put on...

Va començar a posar-se a la moda dels blogs.

He started to get into the fashion of blogs.

Vaig poder provar què era.

I was able to try what it was.

Sempre m'ha agradat experimentar novetats.

I have always liked to try new things.

I la temàtica es va acudir a començar a parlar de restaurants on anava.

And the topic started to turn to the restaurants I used to go to.

Que de fet tindria una utilitat per a mi.

That would actually be useful for me.

Perquè jo vivia a Sabadell.

Because I lived in Sabadell.

Sempre sortia a restaurants a Barcelona.

He always went out to restaurants in Barcelona.

I de la meva amistat em preguntaven, escolta, per anar a un sopar a Barcelona per quedar.

And my friends asked me, hey, to go to a dinner in Barcelona to meet up.

Què recomanes?

What do you recommend?

I vaig pensar, si tinc aquest blog o web fets, doncs, com que en tinc uns quants escrits,

I thought, if I have this blog or website made, then, since I have a few written,

ja els diré, com em preguntin, mireu allà.

I will tell them, if they ask me, look over there.

I d'aquesta manera, la gent que m'estalviava d'enviar un mail o d'enviar un SMS,

And in this way, the people who saved me from sending an email or sending an SMS,

aquells eren temps d'SMS,

those were the days of SMS,

i així es va començar.

And that is how it began.

Tampoc va tenir èxit en aquest aspecte,

It also did not succeed in this aspect,

perquè la gent els hi fa mal.

because it hurts people.

A vegades llegíem i seguien preguntant.

Sometimes we read and they kept asking.

Bueno, però enviem un resum, no?

Well, let's send a summary, right?

Però bueno, en tot cas, la part positiva és que el resultat ha estat aquest blog.

But good, in any case, the positive part is that the result has been this blog.

Que en un principi jo pensava que era una cosa molt personal,

That at first I thought it was a very personal thing,

que tampoc s'ho llegiria a més gent, no?

that it wouldn't be read by more people, right?

Però després no feia estadístiques, no?

But then you didn't do statistics, right?

Tot un plegat, un dia, me'n vaig adonar

All of a sudden, one day, I realized.

que allò ho mirava ja molta gent.

that many people were already looking at that.

I realment no tenia ni el disseny cuidat, ni res, no?

And really, there was neither a careful design nor anything, right?

Després vaig fer una miqueta de rentant de cara,

Afterward, I did a bit of face washing,

ho he anat millorant, millorar el seu, etc.

I have been improving it, improving yours, etc.

I aquesta és una història a on hem arribat fins al punt actual.

And this is a story of how we have reached the current point.

Has mencionat desitjos ocults. Pots ampliar?

You mentioned hidden desires. Can you elaborate?

Sí. La gent dedica esforços al tema de difondre.

Yes. People put efforts into the topic of spreading.

Difondre ja sigui escrivint o fent TikToks o Instagram.

Spread whether by writing or making TikToks or Instagram.

De fet, que escrivim, escrivim, quedem pocs.

In fact, those of us who write, write, we are few.

Però tota aquesta gent que dedica esforços a aquests sistemes alternatius

But all these people who dedicate efforts to these alternative systems

normalment esperen una recompensa.

they usually expect a reward.

Alguns tenen com a il·lusió que els fitxarà un diari, una revista...

Some have the illusion that a newspaper or magazine will sign them.

I en més d'un cas és que l'objectiu és menjar gratis.

And in more than one case, the goal is to eat for free.

Menjar gratis.

Free food.

És curiós, és curiós la passió que provoca el menjar gratis, no?

It's curious, it's curious the passion that free food provokes, isn't it?

I en un entorn com el que estem,

And in an environment like the one we are in,

com aquest en què no som gent que facin gana.

like this one where we are not people who are hungry.

Però no sé, jo recordo que abans, quan en diferents àmbits

But I don't know, I remember that before, when in different areas

comptàvem una presentació d'un producte, un curs,

we were counting on a presentation of a product, a course,

si tu anunciaves que hi havia canapés i hi havia una miqueta de còctel,

if you announced that there were canapés and there was a little bit of cocktail,

triplicaves l'audiència.

you tripled the audience.

La gent es mou per això, és curiós.

People move for that reason, it's curious.

No sé, ja me vaig comentar en un post anterior

I don't know, I've already mentioned it in a previous post.

un exemple dels més clars.

a clear example.

Jo fa anys tenia una persona que sempre intervenia al meu bloc

Years ago, I had a person who always intervened in my blog.

i intervenia sempre.

I always intervened.

Sempre deia, és clar, els restaurants m'agradaria anar-hi,

I always said, of course, I would like to go to the restaurants,

però no m'ho puc permetre, no?

but I can't afford it, can I?

I era una persona que tenia una bona feina.

He was a person who had a good job.

Mai vaig entrar en detalls, no?

I never went into details, did I?

Però tenia una obsessió, no?

But he had an obsession, didn't he?

De fet, després vaig descobrir, per un dia que vaig conèixer aquesta persona,

In fact, later I discovered, from a day I met this person,

que era un garrep a tot alts.

that he was a stingy person above all.

I aquells exemples de que vas a un sopar de grup

And those examples of going to a group dinner.

i resulta que aquell temps aquest home no m'havia vist

And it turns out that at that time this man had not seen me.

i jo hauria de pagar.

And I should pay.

És que jo hauria de pagar alguna cosa menys

It's that I should pay a little less.

perquè jo no hi he begut vi,

because I haven't drunk wine there,

i un vi de la casa, no?

And a house wine, right?

Però bé, doncs aquí tenim un exemple, no?

But well, here we have an example, right?

Aquesta persona doncs ha anat lluitant i lluitant,

This person has been fighting and fighting,

és una persona intel·ligent,

he is an intelligent person,

se n'ha sortit, ha llepat el que ha hagut, eh?

He got away with it, he licked what he had, huh?

Però se n'ha sortit i en aquests moments és una persona

But he has succeeded, and at this moment he is a person.

que escriu sobre gastronomia

that writes about gastronomy

i fins i tot a un cert punt,

and even at a certain point,

els que no el coneixen massa a fons, és valorada.

Those who do not know him very well are valued.

Però clar, per a cada un que li surt bé com aquest,

But of course, for every one that turns out well like this,

ens trobem sent que fracassa.

we find ourselves feeling like a failure.

I és que molts d'ells ja, d'entrada,

And it is that many of them already, from the outset,

no tenen cap mena de possibilitat de sortir-se.

they have no possibility of getting away.

Així és aquest món, eh?

That's how this world is, huh?

Per això he dit, doncs, que molts darrere d'escriure

That's why I said, then, that many behind writing

hi havia un desig ocult.

there was a hidden desire.

Com es detecta el fracàs?

How is failure detected?

Només cal mirar una miqueta la xarxa i observar.

You just need to look a little at the network and observe.

Hi veu gent que comencen amb gran il·lusió,

Hi, see people who start with great enthusiasm,

no sé, com si inventessin la sopa d'allò.

I don't know, as if they were inventing garlic soup out of that.

Molts cops són gent jove,

Many times they are young people,

sortint de facultats de comunicació

leaving communication faculties

o estudis pel vestió,

or studies for the dress,

i es presenten ja d'entrada com prescriptors de restaurants.

And they are already presented from the outset as restaurant recommenders.

Alguns fins i tot inverteixen,

Some even invest,

perquè és clar, els primers se'ls han de pagar,

because of course, the first ones have to be paid.

evidentment, se'ls ha de pagar,

obviously, they have to be paid.

i donar uns quants restaurants per fer una miqueta de patxoca,

and give a few restaurants to make a little show.

perquè si no, no poden començar.

because if not, they cannot start.

Molts d'ells poden molt bé fer,

Many of them can very well do.

fins i tot són entranyapos, a vegades,

even they are touchy, sometimes,

perquè hi veus per l'estructura

because you see it in the structure

que poca cosa poden fer prescriptors.

how little influence prescribers can have.

Però bé, comencen amb molts ànims,

But well, they start with a lot of enthusiasm,

per la xarxa es posa en interacció amb tothom,

through the network, it interacts with everyone,

i veuen que no creixen.

and they see that they do not grow.

Els homes ja, potser pel cas d'Instagram,

The men already, perhaps because of the Instagram case,

ja passen uns dos o tres mesos

It's been about two or three months.

i ja amaguen els likes, no?

And now they hide the likes, right?

Clar, que no vegin el senador,

Of course, they shouldn't see the senator.

que només han aconseguit un millor 50 likes, no?

that they have only achieved a better 50 likes, right?

Perquè, clar, després no poden anar-se a presentar

Because, of course, then they can't go and present themselves.

com a prescriptors quan ningú els hi fa cas, no?

as recommenders when no one pays attention to them, right?

I així funciona això, no?

And this is how this works, right?

En quant als seguidors,

As for the followers,

va, els seguidors es compren fàcil,

Come on, followers are easy to buy.

i va, una misèria comprar-me els seguidors,

And come on, it's pathetic to buy followers.

buscar per internet, és una misèria.

Searching on the internet is a misery.

I molts ja comencen amb una...

And many already start with a...

comencen d'un dia per altre, no?

They start from one day to another, don't they?

Amb no sé quants seguidors, no?

With I don't know how many followers, right?

És clar, és evident que ho s'han comprat.

Of course, it is obvious that they have bought it.

Però clar, això al cap, molt...

But of course, that's in the head, a lot...

s'ha penalitzat, a més a més,

it has been penalized, moreover,

Instagram penalitza moltes vegades aquestes coses, no?

Instagram penalizes these things many times, right?

Però és clar, també podrien comprar likes,

But of course, they could also buy likes.

es poden comprar, però comprar likes és més feixuc,

They can be bought, but buying likes is more cumbersome.

és una cosa que es nota més, no?

It's something that is more noticeable, isn't it?

I molts d'aquests, doncs, bé,

And many of these, well,

passats uns mesos queden inactius o desapareixen, eh?

After a few months, they remain inactive or disappear, right?

Però això deia el tema fracàs.

But this was about the issue of failure.

De sempre has insistit en que quan es publica un restaurant

You have always insisted that when a restaurant is published

cal mostrar el tiquet.

you must show the ticket.

Sí, i és que em sembla opi, em sembla opi.

Yes, and it seems to me opium, it seems to me opium.

És un dels punts que interessa més a la gent,

It's one of the points that interests people the most,

el que els costarà un sopar o un dinar.

what it will cost them for a dinner or a lunch.

I ho deia en una intervenció anterior,

I mentioned it in a previous intervention,

que si ara es publica un any de pressa,

that if a year of haste is published now,

doncs em descuido del tiquet, no?

So I forget about the ticket, right?

I passen trenta minuts, que o en privat,

And thirty minutes pass, whether in private,

o bé per correspondre al correu, o en comentaris, no?

either to respond to the email, or in comments, right?

Doncs quan és a Twitter,

Well, when it is on Twitter,

la gent m'avisa ràpidament que m'he deixat el tiquet.

People quickly inform me that I have forgotten my ticket.

Per mi el tiquet és una mostra

For me, the ticket is a sample.

que vols compartir informació d'un restaurant.

You want to share information about a restaurant.

La informació, igual que els plats que hi ha,

The information, just like the dishes that are there,

una informació és com ho cobren, això.

information is how they charge for it, that's it.

Jo no tinc costum de repassar els tiquets abans de pagar,

I am not in the habit of checking the tickets before paying.

a no ser que els vagi discordant,

unless they are being discordant with me,

normalment, per càlcul mental,

usually, for mental calculation,

llegint carta i fer alguna comanda,

reading the menu and placing an order,

tinc una idea aproximada del que costarà.

I have a rough idea of what it will cost.

Per tant, si no hi ha cap cosa que pugi més o menys,

Therefore, if there is nothing that can go up or down,

no em repasso els tiquets.

I don't review the tickets.

Jo, en canvi, rebo gent que em vagi,

I, on the other hand, receive people that suit me.

m'avisen per missatge o comentari,

they notify me by message or comment,

que em diuen, escolta, s'han deixat de cobrar el cafè,

They tell me, listen, they’ve stopped charging for the coffee.

o t'han cobrat el cafè escart,

or they charged you for the coffee wrongly,

o s'han deixat de cobrar no sé què,

or they have stopped charging for I don't know what,

o l'altre dia, un, que t'has equivocat del tiquet.

Oh the other day, someone, you made a mistake with the ticket.

Perquè vaig aprofitar, vaig equivocar la imatge

Because I took advantage, I made a mistake with the image.

i vaig posar un tiquet que no tocava.

I put a ticket that didn't belong.

Vol dir que la gent ho busca, ho mira.

It means that people search for it, look for it.

I mostrar el tiquet cal fer-ho.

And to show the ticket, it must be done.

Per mi és una obvietat com pura informació.

For me, it is an obvious fact as pure information.

No hi busqueu més, cal fer-ho com pura informació.

Don't look any further, it needs to be done as pure information.

Que tampoc és cap garantia per veracitat de la crònica,

That is also no guarantee of the truthfulness of the chronicle.

perquè hi ha el tema dels tiquets simulats que existeix.

because there is the issue of simulated tickets that exists.

El fet que un mostri el tiquet

The fact that a monster shows the ticket.

no vol dir que hagi pagat el tiquet.

it doesn't mean that I have paid the ticket.

Tiquets simulats, dius.

Simulated tickets, you say.

Això ho vaig descobrir de casualitat.

I discovered this by chance.

Un dia vaig anar a un restaurant,

One day I went to a restaurant,

que hi havia molta relació,

that there was a lot of relationship,

vaig anar amb un meu amic, va pagar ell,

I went with a friend of mine, he paid.

i no vaig gosar dir-li deixa'm el tiquet.

And I didn't dare to tell him to leave me the ticket.

Va dir-me, vaig recordar, vaja.

He told me, I remembered, wow.

Jo publicar-ho a un hater entranyable

I will publish it to a beloved hater.

que tinc de fa anys,

that I have had for years,

i fa anys que deixava anònims.

I have been leaving anonymous messages for years.

Quan el vaig enxampar, ara ja no el deixa,

When I caught him, he doesn't let go now.

ja fa temps que està tranquil deixar-me anònims.

It's been a while since it has been calm to leave me anonymous.

I va deixar un comentari a vistiu,

He left a comment on your profile.

mira, com que són amics d'aquest restaurant

Look, since they are friends of this restaurant.

m'han convidat, i no...

I have been invited, and no...

Fa sempre.

It always does.

I em va saber el restaurant, no per mi,

I knew about the restaurant, not for me,

no em va saber el restaurant.

I didn't know the restaurant.

I com que em queia a prop de casa,

And since it was falling close to home,

vaig passar i don prudència,

I passed by and gave prudence,

els hi vaig preguntar, escolta, que em podeu,

I asked them, listen, what can you do for me,

no sé si no és una bèstia,

I don't know if it's not a beast,

i no és un obstàcula si em podeu duplicar el tiquet.

And it is not an obstacle if you can duplicate the ticket for me.

I d'horroritat em van dir,

And from horror, they told me,

escolta, més fàcil que en fem un de nou.

Listen, it's easier if we make a new one.

I em vaig quedar una miqueta parat.

I was a bit taken aback.

Què vas prendre, què vas prendre?

What did you take, what did you take?

Vaig dir-ho que havia après,

I said that I had learned.

i em van generar un tiquet de nou sense cap problema.

And they generated a new ticket for me without any problem.

Per tant, vaig veure que era una cosa molt fàcil,

Therefore, I saw that it was something very easy,

ja no sé com ho diguen amb contabilitat,

I don't know how they say it in accounting anymore,

perquè no redic aquests nivells de confiança,

because I don't lower these levels of trust,

però vaja, ho van fer.

but hey, they did it.

I al comentar-ho amb gent

And when talking about it with people

que fan coses com jo,

that do things like me,

em van dir que no, que era normal,

they told me no, that it was normal,

que no era cap problema això.

that this was no problem at all.

I de fet, curiosament,

And in fact, interestingly,

va passar, cap de pocs dies,

it happened, not long after,

apareix una crònica d'un dels meus crítics víctima,

a chronicle appears of one of my victim critics,

que mostrava un tiquet d'un restaurant

that showed a receipt from a restaurant

del dia de la inauguració,

of the inauguration day,

o sigui, del dia de la festa d'inauguració,

that is, from the day of the inauguration party,

de la festa d'inauguració,

of the inauguration party,

que tothom va convidat,

that everyone is invited,

es va aldir aquell dia,

that day was blurred,

que òbviament ningú pagava,

that obviously no one was paying,

i va i mostrava un tiquet.

and he went and showed a ticket.

I bueno, per tant, doncs això,

And well, therefore, that's it,

no podem fer cas que els tiquets siguin verídics.

we cannot take into account that the tickets are genuine.

En tot cas,

In any case,

vull dir que no són cap garantia,

I mean that they are no guarantee,

però sí que són informatius,

but they are indeed informative,

i més si són de veritat,

and even more so if they are real,

perquè veus si t'han cobrat el pa,

because you see if they have charged you for the bread,

si no l'han cobrat el pa,

if they haven't charged for the bread,

si han cobrat un extra, si no l'han cobrat...

if they have received an extra, if they have not received it...

Bé, quasi més important que beure un plat

Well, almost more important than drinking a plate.

que un plat saps el preu que té,

that a dish you know the price it has,

però és bo beure el global d'un tiquet.

but it is good to drink the total of a ticket.

Canviant de tema,

Changing the subject,

com t'agrada que et tractin en un restaurant?

How do you like to be treated in a restaurant?

Aquest té més delicat.

This one is more delicate.

A mi el tracte m'agrada proper i natural.

I like the treatment to be warm and natural.

Ni Hola chicos,

Neither Hello guys,

tan freqüent avui en dia,

so common nowadays,

però encara menys Caballero,

but even less Caballero,

que aquí a Catalunya

that here in Catalonia

m'ho fem bastant.

we do it pretty often.

Entenc que en altres zones

I understand that in other areas

pugui ser normal,

can be normal,

però aquí Caballero no m'ho sembla.

but here it doesn't seem so to me, Caballero.

També aquí a Catalunya

Also here in Catalonia

vull viure en català,

I want to live in Catalan,

vull viure en català.

I want to live in Catalan.

Tocant de peus a terra

Feet on the ground

entenc que és una lluita difícil,

I understand that it is a difficult struggle,

aquest un retrocés,

this is a setback,

i puc acceptar que cada un

I can accept that each one

parli un idioma que se sent més a gust.

Speak a language that you feel more comfortable with.

Però no accepto

But I do not accept.

haver de canviar el meu,

have to change mine,

perquè el migrant de torn

because the latest migrant

i compte que no és un sentit pejoratiu

and I note that it is not a pejorative sense

ho dic pel sencer post del tema.

I'm saying it for the whole post on the topic.

Migrant em refereixo a la persona

I refer to the person as a migrant.

que ha vingut, vingui d'on vingui,

whoever has come, come from wherever they may.

a treballar aquí a Catalunya.

to work here in Catalonia.



m'empipa molt que aquesta persona

it really annoys me that this person

no li doni la gana d'entendre

Don't give him the desire to understand.

per exemple què vol dir aigua.

for example what does water mean.

És per dir un exemple. O com aquest,

It's just to give an example. Or like this one,

aquells que com dius aigua

those who say water

van dient agua, no?

They are drinking water, right?

Com si et corregissin, o sigui

As if they were correcting you, I mean.

van canviant el que tu dius, tu van canviant.

They change what you say, you are changing.

I això la veritat és que aquest tema

And the truth is that this topic

m'empipa bastant.

It annoys me quite a bit.

Jo em sento incòmode parlant en castellà

I feel uncomfortable speaking in Spanish.

i de fet tinc

and in fact I have

menys recursos.

fewer resources.

De veritat que m'he de sentir incòmode

I really have to feel uncomfortable.

perquè la persona que viu i treballa aquí

because the person who lives and works here

no li dóna la gana

he is not hungry

de prendre les, no sé,

to take them, I don't know,

30 paraules

30 words

pròpies de restauració per entendre

restoration properties for understanding

la meva comanda.

my order.

I compta

I count.

que algun d'ells són de vegades

that some of them are sometimes

de països tipus Sud-amèrica

from countries such as South America

que sembla que quasi s'ofenguin i tot

that it seems they almost take offense and all

i per ells hauria de ser més fàcil

And for them, it should be easier.

parlar semblança i idiomes.

speak resemblance and languages.

Entenc que ho pot tenir més difícil

I understand that it might be harder for you.

una persona de països

a person from countries

més exòtics.

more exotic.

Per mi aquest

For me this

és un punt qual amb el tracte

It is a point that qualifies with the treatment.

i em sento molt més a gust

and I feel much more comfortable

del tracte en català.

of the treatment in Catalan.

Puc acceptar que cada un

I can accept that each one

parli el seu idioma respectant-lo

Speak your language respecting it.

de l'altre. Que hi ha algú

of the other. That there is someone

que per llenguatge normal

that by normal language

sembla que li molesti.

It seems to bother him/her.

I ara per ara

And now for now

encara no m'he trobat en cap lloc

I still haven't found myself anywhere.

en què no m'entenguin en català

in which they don't understand me in Catalan

perquè de fet no acceptaria

because in fact I wouldn't accept

i marxaria.

I would leave.

Molt, molt important.

Very, very important.

Molt important i quasi diria

Very important and I would almost say.

que per mi

that for me

ho és més

it is more so

que la cuina.

that the kitchen.

T'ho dic perquè, a veure,

I'm telling you because, let's see,

jo vagilo molt els llocs que entro.

I pay a lot of attention to the places I enter.

No entro mai al restaurant allò

I never go into that restaurant.

ai mira m'agrada el lletrero

oh look, I like the sign

m'informo, busco,

I inform myself, I search,

m'ho treballo abans era al restaurant

I work on it, before I was at the restaurant.

i per tant els llocs que vaig

And therefore the places I go.

la cuina sempre és de

the kitchen is always of

diguéssim de dotar-ho en amunt.

let's say to equip it upwards.

Sempre pot haver un fallo però

There can always be a flaw, however.

és de dotar-ho en amunt.

It is to equip it upwards.

Llavors ja sé que la cuina

Then I already know that the kitchen

tindrà un bon nivell, per tant

he will have a good level, therefore

és el servei el que decantarà

It is the service that will tip the balance.

la balança a la pregunta clau

the balance to the key question

de tornaré o no tornaré.

I will return or I will not return.

Pregunta aquesta clau que ens fem

Ask this key question that we ask ourselves.

o pensem molts al sortir d'un restaurant.

We often think about it when leaving a restaurant.

I això sembla que costi d'entendre

And this seems difficult to understand.

el sector de restauració.

the restaurant sector.

Un servei hàbil

A skilled service

pot salvar un mal dia a la cuina.

can save a bad day in the kitchen.

Pot salvar una errada a la cuina

You can save a mistake in the kitchen.

un servei hàbil

a skillful service

ho pot salvar-ho de 20 maneres.

You can save it in 20 ways.

En canvi un servei per os

On the other hand, a service for bear.

pot emmascarar tota la bona tasca

it can mask all the good work

de la cuina.

from the kitchen.

Més d'un lloc

More than one place

dels que he dit aquí no tornaré

of those I have mentioned here, I will not return

ha estat per culpa del servei.

it has been because of the service.

No recordo cap que digui

I don't remember anything that says.

per la cuina no hi torno

I'm not going back to the kitchen.

perquè bueno jo

because well I

aquella cuina n'ha de provar

that kitchen must try it

i no em convenç però

but I'm not convinced.

però tampoc m'ha decebut perquè

but it has not disappointed me either because

ja sabia on em posava.

I already knew what I was getting into.

Però per culpa del servei hi ha llocs

But because of the service, there are places.

i has de tornar-hi.

You have to go back there.

Penses que el tema servei és dolent a Catalunya

Do you think the service sector is bad in Catalonia?

o és un fenomen global?

or is it a global phenomenon?

Penso que a Catalunya

I think that in Catalonia

i en concret

and specifically

a grans ciutats i parlo de Barcelona

to big cities and I am talking about Barcelona

també zones turístiques

also tourist areas

el servei pot arribar

the service can arrive

a ser l'augmentable.

to be the augmentable.

En canvi quan viatgem

On the other hand, when we travel

el servei sol ser millor

the service tends to be better

i puc parlar

I can speak

de diferents regions d'Espanya

from different regions of Spain

de França

from France

d'altres països.

from other countries.

És un tema que fa pocs anys

It's a topic that a few years ago.

que li donem voltes

that we circle around it

i sense trobar solució.

and without finding a solution.

Per comentar un exemple

To comment on an example.

que ens va passar ahir

what happened to us yesterday

en un bar de Barcelona

in a bar in Barcelona

un bar més o menys

a bar more or less

d'un cert nivell.

of a certain level.


Let's go in.

i ja ens va semblar que per avui

and it already seemed to us that for today

que estava, tancaven aviat

that was, they closed soon

qui anava amb mi ho pregunta

who was with me is asking

i a més a més en castellà

and moreover in Spanish

amb el que estava a barra

with what was at the bar

anava la sensació

I was going the feeling.

de ser delvingut

of being come down

i ell pregunta

and he asks

si estava a punt de tancar

if it was about to close

li diu que no

he/she says no to him/her

distant, impassible

distant, impassive

li diu que no

he tells him no

aleshores al cap de 15 minuts

then after 15 minutes

veiem que comença a recollir

we see that it is starting to collect

això no és normal

this is not normal

si no va entendre la pregunta

if you didn't understand the question

la pregunta és com

the question is how

demanes que han preguntat

you ask that they have asked

això és despectiu

this is derogatory

això és una cosa

this is a thing

que és intolerable

that is intolerable

i així es podria explicar

and so it could be explained

bé un exemple perquè és que ven d'ahir

Well, an example because it comes from yesterday.

Penses que el tema

Do you think the topic

de servei lamentable que comentes

of regrettable service that you mention

pot tenir alguna solució?

Can it have any solution?

Crec que l'única solució

I believe that the only solution

seria dignificar

it would be to dignify

la feina del cambrer

the job of the waiter

i això implica uns sous superiors

and this implies higher salaries

i no vull pas

and I don't want to

dir que si cobren més

say that they charge more

treballaran millor, com hi haurà

they will work better, as there will be

d'aquestes instituts

of these institutes

sinó que amb uns sous dignes

but with decent wages

es podria seleccionar

it could be selected

i evitar tota aquesta trup

and avoid all this mess

que fan feina de cambrers

who work as waiters

sense cap formació

without any training

ni un mínim de voluntat

not even a minimum of will

ni tan sol sentit comú

not even common sense

seria amb uns sous superiors

it would be with higher salaries

hi hauria un altre ventall

there would be another fan

i la gent

and the people

possibles a treballar en el sector

possible to work in the sector

molts dies

many days

passejant per Cambrils

walking through Cambrils

ara que fa bon temps

now that the weather is nice

amb un visc

with a visc

ens anem fixant en el tipus de servei

we are paying attention to the type of service

que hi ha a diferents restaurants

what there is at different restaurants

de primera línia


allò que estan esperant allà fora

that which they are waiting for out there

que encara no ha començat la feina

that work has not started yet

és que veus la pose

it's that you see the pose

i l'estil

and the style

i és que dius aquí no entro

and it's just that you say here I don't enter

que és una xavacanada

what is a fool's errand

però clar

but of course

a pujar

to go up

al sou dels cambrers vol dir

"the salary of the waiters means"

augmentar costos

increase costs

a pujar preus

to raise prices

i no sé si aquesta solució és vàlida

I don't know if this solution is valid.

de veritat que no ho sé

I truly don't know.

perquè a més preu menys públic

because higher prices mean fewer customers

i jo seria

and I would be

possiblement un dels exaltors

possibly one of the exaltors

perquè vaig més als restaurants

because I go to restaurants more often

com a acte social

as a social act

per donar vida a aquesta web

to bring this website to life

vaja i com a hobby

wow, and as a hobby

com he dit al principi

as I said at the beginning

que és com he començat avui

that is how I started today

i si el hobby comença a ser massa car

And if the hobby starts to become too expensive

dic home em busco un altre

I say to a man, I'm looking for another one.

és complicat

it's complicated

hem fet tot un recull de reflexions

we have made a compilation of reflections

acabem per avui o vols parlar

Shall we finish for today or do you want to talk?

d'alguna cosa més

of something more

penso que per avui és suficient

I think that's enough for today.

hem trucat diferents temes

we have called different topics

hem justificat el perquè de la web

we have justified the reason for the website

hem comentat

we have discussed

la idea del servei

the idea of the service

no hi hem trobat solució

we have not found a solution

i penso que potser

I think that maybe.

aquest darrer tema

this last topic

seria un per empujar

it would be a push

en un futur

in the future

gent que domini més

people who dominate more

el sector

the sector

a veure quina explicació

let's see what explanation

hi poden donar

they can give

per tant amb això

therefore with this

deixem-ho aquí

let's leave it here

i ja queda fins al proper

And now it remains until the next one.

que serà el mes de juliol

what July will be

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

als que heu escoltat fins aquí

to those of you who have listened up to here

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

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