Alumnes de 1r i 2n de Primària ens parlen de les abelles.

La Veu de Sant Joan

El Magazín de La Veu

Alumnes de 1r i 2n de Primària ens parlen de les abelles.

El Magazín de La Veu

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I com sempre, amb aquesta música,

And as always, with this music,

moment de donar la benvinguda.

time to welcome.

a l'alumnat de l'Institut d'Escola Mestre Andreu.

To the students of the Mestre Andreu School Institute.



Hola, hola.

Hello, hello.



Ara, ara.

Now, now.

Hola, Martí.

Hello, Martí.

Què us baralleu?

What are you fighting about?

O què discutiu, Noa?

Oh, what are you arguing about, Noa?



A vegades fem tonteries aquí.

Sometimes we do silly things here.

A vegades sí.

Sometimes yes.

Però no estàveu pas fent tonteries.

But you weren't doing nonsense.

A vegades no.

Sometimes no.

M'ha semblat que us estàveu dient

It seemed to me that you were saying.

això ho dius tu, això ho dius...

this is what you say, this is what you say...



Molt bé.

Very good.

Diu jo això.

He says this.

A veure, va, jo ja us conec,

Let's see, come on, I already know you.

però, però,

but, but,

anem a fer les presentacions

Let's make the introductions.

per a la gent que ens escolti.

for the people who listen to us.

Com hem fet abans,

As we did before,

direu els vostres noms,

you will say your names,

no lletra per lletra,

no letter by letter,

sinó tot sencer, ja.

but everything whole, then.

Comencem per aquí.

Let's start here.

I tant.

Of course.

I unes.

And ones.





Molt bé.

Very well.

Sou alumnes de...

You are students of...



Primer de...

First of...

Primer de primària, no?

First grade, right?



Primer de primària.

First grade.

O sigui, uns de primer i uns de segon.

That is, some for the first course and some for the second.



No, solo hi ha un de segon i...

No, there is only one second and...



I tres de primer.

And three for starters.

Vale, vale.

Okay, okay.

Però hi ha alumnats...

But there are students...

Representants dels alumnats de primer i de segon.

Representatives of the first and second year students.



I heu vingut a parlar de...

And you have come to talk about...

Les abelles.

The bees.

Molt bé.

Very good.

I això, com és que voleu parlar de les abelles?

And that, how come you want to talk about bees?



Doncs que vam anar a la casa de les abelles

So we went to the bee house.

a Sant Pere de Toralló

to Sant Pere de Toralló

i ens van explicar

and they explained to us

que les abelles

that the bees

engenyen diferents tipus

they deceive different types

com l'abella obrera,

like the worker bee,


the bumblebee,

l'abella reina

the queen bee



l'abella ventiladora.

the fan bee.

Caram, escolta.

Wow, listen.

És a dir, comencem pel principi.

That is to say, let's start from the beginning.

Això vol dir que això va ser una excursió, eh?

This means that this was an excursion, right?


Do I understand?



Vale. I quan hi vau anar?

Okay. And when did you go there?

Ai, no me'n recordo.

Oh, I don't remember.

No te'n recordes?

Don't you remember?



Però fa una setmana.

But it was a week ago.

Fa una setmana.

A week ago.

Una setmana, dues...

One week, two...


You can...

Mira, Juni, estaca el micro.

Look, Juni, plug in the mic.

Que l'acaricies. És suau, eh?

That you caress it. It's soft, huh?

Però no ho facis, que si no se sent un soroll

But don't do it, otherwise it makes a noise.

llavors no us senten del tot bé.

then they do not feel completely well.

Fa molt o fa poc?

A long time ago or recently?

No capaç que em digueu exactament.

Not capable of telling me exactly.

Fa poc.

Not long ago.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Vam anar el dia 15.

We went on the 15th.

Ah, molt bé, mira.

Ah, very well, look.

Molt bé.

Very good.

El dia 15.

The 15th.

Molt bé.

Very good.

I quan vau arribar allà, què va passar?

And when you arrived there, what happened?



Ens vam baixar de l'autobús

We got off the bus.

i vam deixar les motxilles

and we left the backpacks

i vam conèixer els profes.

and we met the teachers.

Una es deia Ona

One was named Ona.

i un...

and a...

No me'n recordo quina era.

I don't remember which one it was.

Quants eren per això?

How many were there for that?





I després vam...

And then we...

Ens van explicar coses

They told us things.

de les abelles,

of the bees,

els rucs,

the donkeys,

i primer vam...

and first we...

Ens van ensenyar unes fotos

They showed us some photos.

de les abelles.

of the bees.

Hi ha obreres,

There are workers,

abelles diferents...

different bees...

El Martí n'ha dit un bon grapat.

Martí has said quite a few good things.

El Martí se'ls ho sap.

Martí knows it.

I des...

And from...

Voleu que parem aquí

Do you want us to stop here?

i em dieu quines abelles hi ha?

And you tell me what bees are there?

I m'expliqueu què fan cada una?

Can you explain to me what each of them does?

I després en vols vosaltres.

And then you want some.

Vas esmorzar?

Did you have breakfast?

Que heu menjat abelles?

Have you eaten bees?

Bueno, després...

Well, then...

Vam anar...

We went...

a veure les abelles,

to see the bees,

a veure...

let's see...

Vam fer dos grups...

We made two groups...

Perquè si anàvem tots

Because if we all went

els picarien

they would sting them

i no hi havia tants trages per tots

and there weren't so many costumes for everyone

i vam fer...

and we did...

Un grup anava primer

A group was going first.

a fer l'odolpot

to do the impossible

i l'altre grup anava a...

and the other group was going to...

a fer l'odolpot.

to make a racket.

I van anar a veure...

They went to see...

Van anar a veure...

They went to see...

a veure les abelles

let's see the bees

i els van explicar.

And they explained it to them.

Anem pas per pas,

Let's go step by step,

perquè l'odolpot no sabem exactament què és

because we don't exactly know what the odolpot is

i ara ens ho explicareu,

and now you will explain it to us,

també em sembla molt interessant.

I also find it very interesting.

Però comencem pel tema

But let's start with the topic.

que us van explicar.

what they told you.

Comencem amb la Ritaix.

Let's start with the Ritaix.

El Martí explicava

Martí was explaining.

molts tipus d'abelles,

many types of bees,

n'hi ha d'uns quants.

There are a few.

Ritaix, tu vols dir-ne alguna

Ritaix, do you want to say something?

de tipus d'abelles?

of types of bees?

Te'n recordes?

Do you remember?

Me'n recordo.

I remember.

Te'n recordes?

Do you remember?

O d'una olipista, si no?

Or from a lipist, right?



Martí, quina?

Martí, which one?

Digue'n-ne, Martí.

Tell them, Martí.



Les que n'hi ha més, quines són?

Which ones are the most numerous?

L'abella ventiladora.

The ventilating bee.

Què fa, la ventiladora?

What does the fan do?

Doncs ventila amb les ales.

Then ventilate with the wings.

Sí, es posa a l'entrada del cau...

Yes, it is placed at the entrance of the den...

I vol amb les ales.

I fly with wings.

I vol amb les ales, clar.

I fly with wings, of course.

Sí, es posa a l'entrada del cau

Yes, it is placed at the entrance of the den.

i fa molt fort les ales,

and it makes the wings very strong,

caixen les veus

the voices fall

i llavors es fa ventilar tot el cau.

And then the whole nest is aired out.

Molt bé, mou l'aigua amb les ales

Very well, move the water with the wings.

perquè es refredi

so it gets cold

o perquè el rus tingui una temperatura...

or so that the Russian has a temperature...

I hi ha una reina abella.

And there is a queen bee.

Una què?

A what?

Una reina.

A queen.

La reina abella.

The bee queen.

La mare de tots.

The mother of all.

Ja em recorda, tu te'n recordes de la reina?

Do you remember her? Do you remember the queen?

Què en saps?

What do you know about it?

Què ens en pots explicar?

What can you tell us about it?

Que la vella reina era la mare de totes les abelles.

That the old queen was the mother of all the bees.

La reina mare, doncs.

The queen mother, then.

I després vam fer el fum.

And then we made the smoke.

Això va ser després quan hi vau anar, eh?

That was after you went there, right?

Ja hi arribarem,

We'll get there.

però primer parlem els tipus d'abelles, no?

But first, let's talk about the types of bees, right?

Doncs es van explicar

Well, they were explained.

una cosa d'una abella,

one thing about a bee,

que era quasi que es pareixia a una abella,

that it was almost like a bee,

que era de la cara,

that was from the face,

es veia l'esquelet,

the skeleton could be seen,



Això és una papallona, no?

This is a butterfly, isn't it?

Sí, una papallona que es pareixia a una abella.

Yes, a butterfly that looked like a bee.

I després vam fer un plàstic.

And then we made a plastic.

Plàstic de la...

Plastic of the...

I després...

And then...

Després de fer això,

After doing this,

vam anar a fer lo dels pots

We went to do the canning.

i es van explicar

and they explained themselves

diferents pots que hi havia en romaní

different pots that were there in Romanian

i diferents més,

and different others,

i després es van ensenyar

and then they were shown

que si ho mous molt,

that if you move it a lot,

et canvia de color

it changes color

i si el deixes així,

and if you leave it like this,

et canvia de color.

it changes color.

Com que no es cau, es queda dura.

As it doesn't fall, it remains hard.





És a dir, teníeu pots amb diferents tipus de mel.

That is to say, you had jars with different types of honey.



Has parlat de mel de...

You have talked about honey from...

De romaní.

Of Romani.

Què vol dir mel de romaní?

What does rosemary honey mean?

Perquè la mel es fa amb les abelles,

Because honey is made with bees,

les mateixes abelles, no?

the same bees, right?

Mel fetes de flusta romaní.

Honey made from rosemary.

És a dir, que les abelles han anat a menjar el...

That is to say, the bees have gone to eat the...

Sí, el romaní.

Yes, the Romani.

I han pol·linitzat.

They have pollinated.

I després era una...

And then it was a...

Totes les abelles

All the bees


they were...

No me'n recordo quines eren.

I don't remember what they were.

Les obreres?

The workers?



Bé, pensa, Iones, pensa.

Well, think, Iones, think.

A part de la reina i de les ventiladores,

Besides the queen and the fans,

hi ha les obreres, no?

There are the workers, right?

Que també les heu anomenat abans.

That you have also mentioned before.

Què fan les obreres?

What do the workers do?


They work.

Les obreres treballen.

The workers are working.

I hi ha...

And there is...

Hi ha una abella que...

There is a bee that...

Que és una abella que mai...

What is a bee that never...

No ho recordo.

I don't remember.

Que no treballa.

That does not work.

Ah, aquests són els mascles, no?

Ah, these are the males, right?

Sí, i s'aparellen amb la vella reina.

Yes, and they mate with the old queen.

I la reina, quan s'aparellen,

And the queen, when they mate,

l'abellot mor i l'abella fa els bebès.

The drone dies and the bee has the babies.

Em sembla que...

I think that...

I després...

And then...

Que això passa una vegada, no?

That this happens once, right?

Era una caixa gran i eren molts abelles aquí.

It was a big box and there were many bees here.

Dintre el rus hi ha una caixa?

Is there a box inside the Russian?



Arrocs de l'abella...

Bee's rice...

Eren molts abelles.

There were many bees.

Eren mil.

They were a thousand.

I quan l'abella s'apare...

And when the bee appears...

La reina s'aparella

The queen mates.

i fan com...

and they do like...

Com més...

The more...

Dos mil ous al dia, més...

Two thousand eggs a day, plus...

Dos mil vint-i-quatre.

Two thousand twenty-four.

Dos mil més i...

Two thousand more and...

Mil més.

A thousand more.

Al mateix dia.

On the same day.

I es deixen a...

And they are left to...



El rus es deixen a un lloc que primer

The Russians are left in a place that is first.

és com un palet, després...

it's like a pallet, then...

Creixent i creixent,

Growing and growing,

el primer dia, quan es fan,

the first day, when they are made,

li deixen obert un lloc

they leave a place open for him/her

com el del rus,

like that of the Russian,

i després, quan allà

and then, when there

es va fent més gran,

it's becoming bigger,

el tapen

they cover it

i fa la...

and it does the...

La tertuliació,

The discussion,

que significa

what does it mean



Quan era petit

When I was little

i ara és una abella,

and now it is a bee,



I després...

And then...

I després treballa

And then work

com les obriràs...

how will you open them...

I vas...

And you went...

Us van explicar d'on surten les abelles reines, o no?

Did they explain to you where queen bees come from, or not?

Sí, surten igual,

Yes, they come out the same.



Amb una altra mel

With another honey.

que no me'n recordo com està ella.

I don't remember what she's like.

I també...

And also...

La gelera, no?

The freezer, right?

Sí, la gelera real.

Yes, the royal icebox.

I després vamos a ver com ho fan la mel.

And then we're going to see how they make honey.

Ara, ara ens ho explicaràs com fa la mel, Llonis.

Now, now you will explain to us how honey is made, Llonis.

Ves-te pensant com fan la mel

Keep thinking about how they make honey.

mentre en Martí ens explica això.

while Martí explains this to us.

Perquè al final,

Because in the end,

la reina és una abella normal

the queen is a normal bee

que li hauran de menjar una cosa especial, no?

that they will have to eat something special, right?

Sí, i també...

Yes, and also...

Bueno, les cel·les,

Well, the cells,

que són més

that are more

grans, d'allà hi surten

big ones, they come out from there

abellots, perquè la reina

baldachins, because the queen

no ha de fer força

it doesn't have to exert force

per prendre els ous

to take the eggs

i per fer-se abellots, però amb els petits

And to become hazelnuts, but with the small ones.

ha de fer força

it has to be strong

i com ha de fer

and how should I do it

força, no me'n recordo

force, I don't remember it

com es diu, però surt un líquid

what is it called, but a liquid comes out

i toca amb l'ull perquè s'obrirà.

And touch with the eye because it will open.

Molt bé.

Very well.

I ara això, la mel, com l'agafa

And now this, the honey, how does she take it?

la mel a la persona que...

the honey to the person who...

Hi havia una màquina

There was a machine.

una màquina

a machine

que feia la mel així

what was the honey like this

pretaves molt

you pretend a lot

Hi havia una fila que fèiem així

There was a line that we made like this.

i després

and then

sortia la mel.

the honey was coming out.

És a dir, d'entra de la caixa

That is to say, inside the box.

treuen com unes làmines, no?

They take out like some sheets, right?

Sí, unes làmines que fan així.

Yes, some plates that do this.

I llavors fan un moviment

And then they make a movement.

així que esteu fent amb la mà

so what are you doing with your hand

i amb una cosa van traient la mel.

And with one thing, they took out the honey.

I té una cosa, una rodona cosa.

And it has one thing, a round thing.

Això que estan explicant

What they are explaining

és que primer

it's just that first

per fer la mel

to make honey


they take

les abelles obreres

the worker bees

que treballen

that work

van a buscar pol·len

they go to look for pollen

a les flors

to the flowers

i com a dintre

and as inside

té unes...

it has some...

Té una cosa de color

It has a color thing.

de color groc


i després

and then

amb el seu pèl

with its hair


they catch him/her

i després

and then

van a buscar més flors

they are going to look for more flowers

el porten al rus

they take him to the Russian

i fan

and they do

fan les abelles

they make the bees

fan com

make as

fan el rus

make the Russian

i quan han acabat

And when they have finished

els que cuiden les abelles

those who care for the bees

l'agafen i la posen a la màquina

They grab her and put her on the machine.

la fan així

they do it like this

per després perquè surti la mel

for later so that the honey comes out

més bé


perquè quan posen el rus

because when they put in the Russian

surten la pela

they take out the money

que surt encara

that still comes out

i fan com

and they do like

treuen primer la pela

they first remove the skin

i després

and then

és com un xiclet de mel

it's like a honey chewing gum

que nosaltres vam deixar plovar

that we let it rain

i després

and then

vam posar una màquina

we put a machine

de fer la mel

of making honey

perquè traguéssim tota la mel

so that we would take out all the honey

tota la pela

all the money

i així

and so

molt complicat això

very complicated this

tu ara que en saps tant

you now that you know so much

ja pots muntar el teu rus

You can now assemble your Russian.

i començar a fer mel tu

And start making honey you.



a mi tinc mel la cosa

I have honey the thing.

m'han portat mel

They have brought me honey.

una cosa

one thing

encara queden moltes coses per explicar

there are still many things to explain

i hem d'administrar el temps

and we have to manage our time

perquè a part de parlar d'abelles

because apart from talking about bees

ja m'heu comentat que

you have already mentioned to me that

us vau posar uns vestits

you put on some suits

així especials

so special

molt bé, expliqueu-me això

very well, explain this to me

allà amb en Junès i l'Horiteixa

there with Junès and Horiteixa

que n'han dit tantes coses

they have said so many things about it

voleu explicar-ho vosaltres?

Do you want to explain it?

doncs vinga, va

Alright, come on.

com eren els vestits?

What were the dresses like?

de quin color eren?

What color were they?



i com eren?

And what were they like?



i tenim aquest gorro

and we have this hat

que era per cuidar

that it was to take care of

és a dir, protegien tot el cos

that is to say, they protected the whole body

el cap també

the head too

i m'heu explicat que hi havia gent que havia

You told me that there were people who had

i després, quan eres les abates

and then, when you were the abbesses

fan una cosa aquí

they do one thing here

perquè no, tenim també

because not, we also have

les abelles per sota

the bees below

i abans que anéssiu

and before you went

us acostéssiu cap a les abelles

you would get closer to the bees

que vam fer alguna cosa?

Did we do something?

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

què vam fer?

What did we do?

vam fer una foto

we took a photo

després vam explicar

then we explained

que teníem que fer silenci

that we had to be silent

i no van tirar fum?

And didn't they smoke?




Sí, sí, sí, a la caja

Yes, yes, yes, to the box.

Això ho sabeu per què, el fum?

Do you know why this is, the smoke?

Jo ho vaig aprendre fa poc

I learned it recently.

Per les abelles

For the bees

Les abelles

The bees

Les abelles creuen

The bees cross.

que és un incendi

What is a fire?

i després se'n marxen

and then they leave.

Se'n marxen

They are leaving.

Saben això

They know this.

Això és el fum

This is the smoke.

Es maten les abelles

Bees are being killed.

No, no, el fum no les mata

No, no, the smoke doesn't kill them.

Es pensen que és un incendi, no?

They think it's a fire, right?


I en veritat quan piquen

And indeed when they sting.

és perquè estan defensant el seu rus

It's because they are defending their Russian.

Però si hi ha un incendi

But if there is a fire

es cremarà

it will burn

Hi ha nens

There are children.

veien abella i les maten

they see a bee and kill them

La meva mare sí que mata una abella

My mother does kill a bee.

Bueno, mira, s'ha d'intentar

Well, you see, it has to be tried.

Les abelles

The bees

A mi les vespes

I don't like wasps.

Les vespes

The wasps

Les abelles cada cop n'hi ha menys

There are fewer and fewer bees.

Si la pots apartar de casa, millor

If you can move her away from home, better.

Hi ha gent que és al·lèrgica

There are people who are allergic.

i les ha de matar

and he has to kill them

perquè si li piquen és perillós

because if they sting her it's dangerous

És perillós

It's dangerous.

O si no piquen els nens

Or else the children will knock.

després les mares

after the mothers

i després quan eren les abelles

and then when it was the bees

després les mares

after the mothers

i les papes

and the papers

faran les abelles

what the bees will do

Les abelles quan piquen es moren

Bees die when they sting.


Tell me.

Quan una abella pica l'home

When a bee stings a man

aquí el braç

here's the arm

li fan com

they make him/her like

li piquen

they sting him/her

amb el pinxó

with the pinwheel

i passa

and it happens

quan li pinxa

when he pokes her

se li trenca

it breaks down

el pinxó

the hedgehog

i quan se'l trenca

and when it breaks

es mor

he/she dies

i quan pica

and when it stings

agafa el veneno que té

take the poison that he has

i se'l posa

and he puts it on him

i el posa el que té

and he puts on what he has

i té més punxos

and has more spikes

Si et pica una abella

If a bee stings you

i tens al·lèrgia

and you have an allergy

te'n creixen més

they grow more for you

Has de córrer

You have to run.

però hi ha gent

but there are people

que no té al·lèrgia

that is not allergic

Si hi ha molts abelles

If there are many bees

tens de córrer

you have to run



I la casa

And the house

serà de les abelles

it will be of the bees

Molt bé

Very well

Què més?

What else?

Anem acabant

We're getting there.

Una cosa

One thing

Què és el que us va impactar més?

What impacted you the most?

Més impacte

More impact

Més impacte?

More impact?

Estava llegint les abelles

I was reading the bees.

Estava anant al costat

I was going alongside.

i hi havia

and there was

hi ha abelles

there are bees

com que

as that

estava una així

it was one like this



com morta

as dead

es feia

it was done



mirava com que

I looked as if.

i la van agafar

and they caught her

es van ensenyar

they were shown

moltes coses

many things

Molt bé

Very well

I un és

And one is



que hem d'acabar

that we must finish

I després

And then

vam dibuixar

we drew

les abelles

the bees

Les vau dibuixar?

Did you draw them?


Molt bé

Very good

No, no

No, no.

Gritaix, què volies dir?

Gritaix, what did you want to say?

Estaves a punt d'això

You were about to do this.

alguna cosa


T'han oblidat?

Have they forgotten you?

Jo vull dir una cosa

I want to say something.

Que després

That later

la Ona

the Wave

que era una maestra

that she was a teacher


Sí, era una maestra

Yes, she was a teacher.

quan vam acabar

when we finished

de beure les abelles

to drink the bees



vam fer la mel

we made the honey

i vam fer

and we did

I a casa devien estar molt contents, no?, quan vau arribar amb el pot de mel?

And at home they must have been very happy, right?, when you arrived with the jar of honey?


Vam fer les tiquetes

We made the tickets.

Les vam dibuixar

We drew them.

Les tiquetes

The tickets

Vam fer la mel

We made the honey.

Les vam deixar a les cadires

We left them on the chairs.

Les tiquetes

The tickets

Després vam anar allà i les vam deixar a un banc

Then we went there and left them on a bench.

Un banc de cadires

A bench of chairs

I després

And then

Vam girar la màquina

We turned the machine.

I després

And then

estava la mel

the honey was

Ens van donar un pot i després vam fer la mel

They gave us a jar and then we made the honey.

Molt bé

Very good

I després

And then

Ja per acabar

Just to finish.

No tenim més temps, Junets

We don't have more time, Junets.

Ara continuem parlant tu i jo, si vols

Now we continue talking, you and I, if you want.

Però deixem-ho estar

But let's leave it be.

Vull que en Martí m'expliqui què és el que li va agradar més

I want Martí to tell me what he liked the most.

A mi em va agradar més

I liked it more.


to know



com picaven les abelles

how the bees stung



Veure, saber què passava quan una abella pica, no?

To see, to know what happens when a bee stings, right?

Què pot passar i què li passa a ella

What can happen and what is happening to her?

Doncs escolteu, moltíssimes gràcies

Well, listen, thank you very much.

Ho recomanaríeu a algú o què?

Would you recommend it to someone or what?


Això ho recomanaríem als que vinguin ara aquí

We would recommend this to those who come here now.

I a casa de les abelles que vagin perquè

And at the bees' house, let them go because

Perquè val la pena

Because it's worth it.

Sí, va ser molt divertit anar

Yes, it was a lot of fun to go.

S'han explicat moltes coses

Many things have been explained.

Molt bé

Very good

Doncs escolteu, moltíssimes gràcies

Well, listen, thank you very much.

I després

And then

Després les mestres van donar

Afterwards the teachers gave

És que ja n'hi ha més temps, Junets

There isn't much time left, Junets.

Ja n'hi ha més temps

There is no more time.



Però ha estat molt interessant i ens ha picat la curiositat

But it has been very interesting and it has piqued our curiosity.

Com si n'hagués picat una abella

Like a bee had stung her.

Moltíssimes gràcies, eh?

Thank you very much, right?

De res

You're welcome.



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