«Amb la Llei a la mà» assegurances vinculades a les hipoteques amb l’advocada Sonia Martí

La Finestra del Rey

La Finestra del Rey

«Amb la Llei a la mà» assegurances vinculades a les hipoteques amb l’advocada Sonia Martí

La Finestra del Rey

Si jo canti ara tot és perquè, perquè tinc la meua lluita.

If I sing now it's because, because I have my fight.

Amb la meua consciència ho he de fer perquè m'obliga.

I have to do it with my conscience because it compels me.

A cada dia s'aprèn sense voler alguna cosa.

Every day, unintentionally, you learn something.

I quan gairebé tot ho saps, de sobte passa la fosa.

And when you know almost everything, suddenly the pit happens.

Seguint la llei amb la mà, he hagut de fer-li una visita precis a Sònia

Following the law to the letter, I had to pay Sonia a precise visit.

perquè m'acompanyi al voltant dels seguros vinculats a les hipòteques.

to accompany me regarding insurance linked to mortgages.

Un altre cas que he de dir que estem,

Another case that I must say we are,

que estem arrodillats de la gent que s'aprofita dels clients

that we are kneeling before the people who take advantage of customers

que necessitem alguna pega per a comprar alguna coseta.

that we need some excuse to buy something small.

Aleshores, els seguros vinculats a les hipòteques també formen part d'aquest procés.

Then, the insurance linked to mortgages is also part of this process.

Sònia, bon dia.

Sonia, good morning.

Bon dia, Enrique.

Good morning, Enrique.

Bé, ja estic a la seva altra volta.

Well, I'm already at your other turn.

Benvingut estàs.

You are welcome.

Segur que estic envengut, però jo penso que és aquest home.

I'm sure I'm being jealous, but I think it's that man.

Tantes consultes.

So many consultations.

Tantes consultes, m'he de dir.

So many inquiries, I have to say to myself.

Tantes consultes.

So many inquiries.

Doncs sí, i el que ens queda, saps, perquè així n'hi ha molt tema que aclarir.

Well yes, and what we have left, you know, because there is still a lot to clarify.

Aleshores, en aquest cas en concret, aquest tipus de seguros,

So, in this specific case, this type of insurance,

això és precís?

Is this precise?

Què passa?

What's happening?

Vull fer una hipòteca.

I want to take out a mortgage.

El banc, per què em diu que m'ha de fer un seguro?

The bank, why does it tell me that I need to get insurance?

Què passa en aquest cas?

What happens in this case?

Doncs mira, això forma part.

Well, look, this is part of it.

D'aquesta voràgine de clàusules abusives que perjudiquen l'interès del consumidor,

From this vortex of abusive clauses that harm the interests of the consumer,

que abusen del consumidor i que tenen protecció del govern.

that abuse the consumer and have protection from the government.

T'heu dit que el sinode, clar, Enrique.

You have said that the synod, of course, Enrique.

Tenen protecció.

They have protection.

Tenen absoluta protecció del govern,

They have absolute protection from the government.

fins al moment en què ja els consumidors s'han alçat.

until the moment when consumers have already risen up.

Gràcies a Déu, els tribunals s'han ficat una miqueta a favor del consumidor,

Thank God, the courts have leaned a bit in favor of the consumer.

que tampoc de tot, i després ja t'ho contaré per què,

not everything, and then I'll tell you why,

perquè hi havia unes clàusules que se determinaven que eren completament nules.

because there were clauses that were determined to be completely null.

I, sin embargo, s'ha determinat, al final, a través de...

I, however, have ultimately determined, through...

jurisprudència de Brussel·les i del Tribunal Suprem, evidentment,

jurisprudence of Brussels and the Supreme Court, obviously,

que no són abusives, com és la comissió d'apertura.

that are not abusive, such as the opening fee.

I si el tema, Enrique, quan tornes a visitar-me, el tocarem,

And if the topic, Enrique, when you come to visit me again, we will discuss it.

si el tema comissió d'apertura és apassionant,

if the topic opening commission is exciting,

perquè la comissió d'apertura, Enrique,

because the opening commission, Enrique,

primer era vàlida,

first it was valid,

després va ser nula,

then it was null,

després va ser vàlida,

then it was valid,

i ara és mig vàlida.

And now it is half valid.

En definitiva, que, així,

In short, that, thus,

el més fort és el que guanya, i no som ni tu ni jo,

the strongest is the one who wins, and it's neither you nor me,

ni els consumidors, d'acord?

neither consumers, okay?

El tema dels seguros vinculats té problemàtica,

The issue of linked insurance has problems,

s'ha d'entendre, s'ha d'entendre,

it must be understood, it must be understood,

perquè molta gent tampoc, com tu ja saps moltes vegades, Enrique,

because many people don't either, as you already know many times, Enrique,

la gent que mos toca per telèfon,

the people who call us on the phone,

que ho tenen i ni siquera saben que ho tenen,

that they have it and don't even know they have it,

ni en què consisteix.

nor what it consists of.

I el banc, d'alguna manera,

And the bank, somehow,

te pressiona perquè el tinguis,

he pressures you to have it,

te obliga, o què és lo que...?

does it force you, or what is it that...?

Pues mira,

Well, look,

estos seguros vinculats que se poden reclamar

these linked insurances that can be claimed

tenen unes característiques molt especials, mireu.

they have very special characteristics, look.

No és el seguro de hogar,

It's not home insurance,

no és el seguro de hogar, eh? Cuidao.

It's not the home insurance, okay? Be careful.

Els nostres oients diran

Our listeners will say

ui, pues jo aniré a parlar amb Sònia

Oh, well I will go talk to Sonia.

perquè jo tinc un seguro de hogar. No.

Because I have home insurance. No.

El seguro de hogar no és el que estic parlant.

Home insurance is not what I am talking about.

Olvideu del seguro de hogar, i se és legal

Forget about home insurance, and if it’s legal.

i se no passa res.

And nothing happens.

El seguro vinculat que és abusiu

The linked insurance that is abusive.

i contrari a la llei general del consumidor

and contrary to the general consumer law

i d'usuari és el seguro de vida, d'acord?

And user is the life insurance, okay?

Però no tots, d'acord?

But not all, okay?

És el seguro de vida de prima única.

It is a single premium life insurance.

Això què vol dir?

What does this mean?

Això significa que quan tu vas a demanar una hipoteca,

This means that when you go to apply for a mortgage,

saps que sempre estem parlant d'hipoteques, Enrique?

Do you know that we are always talking about mortgages, Enrique?

Encara que també se podria aplicar a prestamors personals,

Although it could also apply to personal loans,

però en esta conversació anem a parlar només d'hipoteques.

but in this conversation we are only going to talk about mortgages.

Els altres són casos a part que també se podrien estudiar.

The others are separate cases that could also be studied.

Quan tu vas a demanar una hipoteca,

When you are going to apply for a mortgage,

segons que entitats bancàries, i ja vaig avisar,

according to banking entities, and I already warned,

vaig avisar els nostres oients,

I warned our listeners,

cuidao en el BBVA.

Be careful at BBVA.

Cuidao en el BBVA.

Be careful at BBVA.

Que el BBVA es fa a porrinyo.

That BBVA is going to pieces.

Cada hipoteca que n'hi ha del BBVA

Every mortgage that there is from BBVA

té quasi totes clàusules a suelo

it has almost all clauses on the ground

i seguro vinculat.

and linked insurance.

Les altres entitats també.

The other entities too.

Però en quan tinguis el BBVA,

But when you have the BBVA,

què tens el jueu assegurat

What do you have the Jew assured?

perquè es passin les clàusules abusives?

to pass the abusive clauses?

La clàusula d'aquest seguro que és abusiu,

The clause of this insurance that is abusive,

en què consisteix?

What does it consist of?

Tu vas al banc, demanes una hipoteca.

You go to the bank, you ask for a mortgage.

Te demanes els teus requisitos personals,

You ask yourself your personal requirements,

els requisitos per finançar,

the requirements for financing,

per veure si complixes els requisitos de riesgo i demés.

to see if you meet the risk requirements and others.

I et diuen,

They call you,

imagina que vas a comprar-te una casa que val 100.000 euros.

imagine that you are going to buy a house that costs 100,000 euros.

Així te dono jo 100.000 euros,

So I give you 100,000 euros.

que és el que tu et dones.

what is it that you give yourself.

Tu demanes de la casa.

You ask about the house.

Però el préstamo no és de 100.000 euros,

But the loan is not 100,000 euros,

és de 120.000 euros.

It is 120,000 euros.

Per què?


Perquè aquests 20.000 euros

Why these 20,000 euros?

et posen com a seguro de vida.

they treat you like life insurance.

I vulguis tu o no vulguis,

Whether you want it or not,

has de finançar també aquest seguro de vida,

you also have to finance this life insurance,

que és un benefici pel banc també.

which is a benefit for the bank as well.

I es diuen de prima única

And they are called unique premiums.

perquè són seguros que es paguen a l'inici

because they are sure that they are paid at the beginning

de fer la hipoteca.

of taking out the mortgage.

El mateix dia que tu firmes,

The same day you sign,

pagues el total de la prima.

You pay the total premium.

És que les persones que mos donen els seguros de vida

It is that the people who give us life insurance.

que paguen mensualment això no entren.

They don't include those who pay monthly.

Això no són abusius.

This is not abusive.

Encara que t'obliguen a fer-los del banc.

Even if they force you to do them from the bank.

És que el Supremo ha decretat que són abusius,

It is that the Supreme has decreed that they are abusive,

són seguros de vida de prima única,

they are single premium life insurance policies,

vinculats a la hipoteca.

linked to the mortgage.

No és de prima mensual.

It is not a monthly fee.

Això jo no els agarre perquè tinc clar

I don't hold onto them because I'm clear about it.

que no estan dins del paràmetre

that are not within the parameter

per poder-los reclamar,

to be able to claim them,

però és de prima única sí.

but it is of single premium yes.

És de 20.000 euros.

It is 20,000 euros.

Jo tinc un cas personal que a la meva germana

I have a personal case regarding my sister.

li van fer un de 21.500 euros pel home

They made him an offer of 21,500 euros for the man.

i ja els han tornat sense anar a juir.

And they have already returned them without going to trial.

Estos és fàcil,

This is easy,

que com són tan, tan, tan patents i abusius,

that since they are so, so, so blatant and abusive,

només en fer mosatros les reclamacions

only by making the claims ourselves

via burofans i demés,

via burofans and others,

a vegades se fiquen a tindre les entitats financeres

Sometimes they are involved with financial entities.

i paguen al client directament sense juir.

They pay the client directly without judgment.

I les que estan a IRQR

And those that are at IRQR.

mos toca fer la reclamació,

we need to make the claim,

però se guanyen totes, Enriquem.

But they all win, Enriquem.

Bé, aleshores,

Well, then,

una vegada te fan una hipoteca,

once you take out a mortgage,

te percates

you realize

de que això és abusiu,

that this is abusive,

de que això se pot sol·licitar.

that this can be requested.

Què se pot fer allà?

What can you do there?

Se pot sol·licitar?

Can it be requested?

Mira, una vegada tu fas la hipoteca

Look, once you take out the mortgage

que te diuen que la tens a provar,

that they tell you that you have to try it,

directament te imposen

they impose directly on you

i te vinculen el seguro.

And they link you the insurance.

Este que t'ha dit jo, este cas especial

This that I have told you, this special case.

de 25.000 euros n'ha vist poquets,

he has seen very few of 25,000 euros,

entre un de veritat de la meua germana,

between a real one of my sister,

en este cas del meu cunyat.

in this case of my brother-in-law.

El que és normal és que siguen seguros

What is normal is that they are safe.

de 3.000 a 5.000 euros.

from 3,000 to 5,000 euros.

I si demanen el préstamo els dos,

And if both of them request the loan,

l'home i la dona,

the man and the woman,

és que els posin els dos.

It's that they put both of them on.

Perquè et facis una idea, Enrique,

To give you an idea, Enrique,

jo he tingut un cas lamentable

I have had a regrettable case.

d'uns fills humans de Castelló

of human children from Castelló

que van vindre a Domènech I

they came to Domènech I

per fer la reclamació.

to make the claim.

I dic, ui, teniu seguro vinculat?

I say, oh, do you have linked insurance?

Ni ho sabien.

They didn't even know.

No me diga, jo dic, hombre,

Don't tell me, I say, man,

vaig veure que tenia totes les clàusules.

I saw that it had all the clauses.

I ella de 9.000.

She and 9,000.

Estes persones, dos romanos treballadors

These people, two hardworking Romans.

en dos o tres xiquets de Castelló,

in two or three kids from Castelló,

estes persones,

these people,

el piso s'ha esquilt, eh, Enrique?

The apartment has been rented, right, Enrique?

El banc.

The bank.

Li han fet una execució hipotecària.

They have foreclosed on him/her.

Li ha volat el piso.

He's lost his apartment.

I han pagat 15.000 euros,

They have paid 15,000 euros.

o 8.000 o 9.000, lo que siga,

either 8,000 or 9,000, whatever it is,

de seguro vinculat de prima única

single premium linked insurance

antes de començar.

before starting.

No dóna pena això, Enrique, en sèrio.

This isn't sad, Enrique, seriously.

Això no és un abús a persones treballadors,

This is not an abuse of working people,

que se veuen que són persones

that can be seen as people

que edifiquen un seguro vinculat

that they build a linked insurance

de 3 o 4.000 euros i ella de 9.000.

from 3 or 4,000 euros and she from 9,000.

Sincerament, és una cosa

Honestly, it's something.

que se té que reclamar.

that must be claimed.

I és que t'obliguen, perquè si no, no te donen la hipoteca.

And they force you, because if not, they won't give you the mortgage.

I ixa reclamació,

And that claim,

clar, ells no se percaten

of course, they don't realize

i tenen que recorrer a un professional.

and they have to turn to a professional.



Aleshores, què tenen que portar?

So, what do they have to bring?

I quina documentació?

And what documentation?

Lo de sempre, la escritura d'hipoteca.

The usual thing, the mortgage deed.

La escritura d'hipoteca ja està vinculat.

The mortgage deed is already linked.

Te comenté.

I mentioned it to you.

Jo sé que moltes entitats,

I know that many entities,

i això ho fa sobretot CaixaBank,

and this is mainly done by CaixaBank,

però algunes entitats més,

but some more entities,

quan te fan estos seguros vinculats,

when they sell you these linked insurance policies,

efectivament en la pròpia escritura els abogats ja saben

Indeed, in the writing itself, the lawyers already know.

que està vinculat, perquè se veu,

that is linked, because it is seen,

perquè consta en la pròpia escritura d'hipoteca.

because it is stated in the mortgage deed itself.

Per això està vinculat a la hipoteca que està clavat.

That is why it is linked to the mortgage that is fixed.

Ademés, la documentació del seguro fica

In addition, the insurance documentation states.

seguro, els veïners, per favor,

sure, the neighbors, please,

que se recorden d'això,

let them remember this,

seguro de prima única.

single premium insurance.

Això és lo que mos denota que és vinculat.

This is what shows us that it is linked.

I després també diuen un altre nom

And then they also say another name.

que s'ha inventat el BBVA, que se diu

what has BBVA invented, they say

seguro de protecció de pagos.

payment protection insurance.

És tot una filosofia,

It's all a philosophy,

una idiosincràsia bancària

a banking idiosyncrasy

que s'ha inventat.

that has been invented.

I saps lo que li diuen al client?

And do you know what they tell the client?

Li fan, oi, mira, que si te pones el seguro,

They do it to you, right, look, that if you put on the insurance,

que és obligat,

that is mandatory,

te vamos a descontar el 0,25

We are going to discount you 0.25.

d'interès. I si, a més, tens l'alarma,

of interest. And if, in addition, you have the alarm,

no sé quantos. I si, a més,

I don't know how many. And if, furthermore,

traes la nòmina,

you take out the payroll,

no sé quantos.

I don’t know how many.

Fiquen una sèrie de comissions,

They impose a series of fees,

que se diuen bonificacions,

called bonuses,

que rebaixen el tipus d'interès hipotecari,

that lower the mortgage interest rate,

si tens eixes productes,

if you have those products,

com és, que eixa van ficar alarmes,

how is it that they installed alarms there,

i el seguro és uno d'ells. Però per això

and the insurance is one of them. But for that

que no tinga por la gent de reclamar-ho,

that people should not be afraid to claim it,

perquè després no desconten

because then they don't subtract

les bonificacions, perquè val més

the bonuses, because it is worth more

les part que les cura. Entens?

The parts that heal them. Do you understand?

No has tingut una visita,

You haven't had a visit,

o tens una visita ara,

or do you have a visit now,



Tinc una visita en este cas

I have a visit in this case.

d'una xica que m'ha demanat consell.

of a girl who has asked me for advice.

Si vols, procedeix que tindré l'entrevista

If you want, go ahead and I will have the interview.

amb esta xica i continuem parlant.

with this girl and we keep talking.

T'ha semblat? Sí, perquè està esperant-se.

What do you think? Yes, because it is being waited on.

A veure, Andrea, que passi. Molt bé.

Let's see, Andrea, let it happen. Very well.

Hola, Andrea, passa. Hola, bon dia. Bon dia.

Hello, Andrea, come in. Hello, good morning. Good morning.

Mira, és que

Look, it's that

t'he sentit unesit d'arte

I have felt art.

i t'he tret l'escriptura i les factures.

I have removed the writing and the invoices.

A veure si em pots mirar. Vale.

Let's see if you can take a look at me. Okay.

Pues ara t'he fet una miradita, vale, Andrea? Vale.

Well, now I've given you a little look, okay, Andrea? Okay.

Un momentet.

Just a moment.

Això és una escritura de prestament hipotecari

This is a mortgage loan document.

de Caja d'Horres

of Caja d'Horres

i Motel de Piedad de Madrid, d'acord?

The Piety Hotel in Madrid, okay?

A favor teu i de la teua parella.

In favor of you and your partner.



Vaig a veure si tens primer que res

I'm going to see if you have anything first.

de les dues. Perfecte.

At two o'clock. Perfect.

Una ampliació.

An expansion.

Un momentet

Just a moment.

i te diré si te veig la clàusula de les dues.

I'll tell you if I see the clause of the two.

Vale. Així tinc la clàusula

Okay. So I have the clause.

quinta, que fica la imposició

fifth, which places the imposition

de gastos al prestatari, li correspon

of expenses to the borrower, it corresponds

al prestatari el pag de los gastos

the borrower pays the expenses

que ocasione el otorgamento de esta escritura

that causes the granting of this deed

notarialmente, así como el registro de la propiedad,

notarially, as well as the land registry,

tasación y gestoria. Esta és la clàusula

appraisal and management. This is the clause

que t'imposen els gastos.

that the expenses impose on you.

M'has dut les factures, Andrea? Sí.

Have you brought the invoices, Andrea? Yes.

Estes són? Sí. Ah, vale.

These are? Yes. Ah, okay.

Tens ací la gestoria.

You have the management office here.

De gestoria vas per

You go for administration.

464, això t'ho tornen tot.

464, they return everything to you.

Veig que vas

I see that you are going.

parar de notar-hi 461,89.

stop noticing it 461.89.

Tens que saber, Andrea, que

You need to know, Andrea, that

del notari només te tornen la meitat.

From the notary, you only get half back.

Perquè el Tribunal Supremo ha dit

Because the Supreme Court has said

que la meitat sí que hem estat a pagar els consumidors.

that half of us have indeed been paying as consumers.

T'ho sabies? No, però...

Did you know? No, but...

Te pareix bé, no? Sí.

You think it's good, don't you? Yes.

Després tens

Then you have

de registre de la propietat 124,21.

from the property register 124.21.



te tornaran

they will turn you back

de notari la meitat, que són 200,

of notary the half, which is 200,

300, i de gestoria... Ah, i t'estàs

300, and from the management... Ah, and you are

ací. Pues te tornen

Here. Well, they return you.

sobre 850 euros

about 850 euros

de gastos.

of expenses.

Així hem de sumar també els interessos.

Thus, we must also add the interest.

D'acord? Que aproximadament seran uns

Okay? That will be approximately some

400 euros, que és lo que venen a pagar.

400 euros, which is what they come to pay.

De gastos ací, aproximadament, te n'aniràs

From expenses here, approximately, you will leave.

uns 1.100 o 1.200 euros.

about 1,100 or 1,200 euros.

Però, escolta,

But, listen,

te preocupava també, segons m'has

you were also worried, as you told me

trucat pel telèfon, el tema del seguro, no? Sí.

You called about the insurance, right? Yes.

Conta'm com va ser que vas

Tell me how it was that you went.

firmar este seguro vinculat.

sign this linked insurance.

Pues a l'hora de

Well, at the time of

concretar en el banc l'escriptura

to formalize the deed at the bank

i demés, em va dir que

and besides, he/she told me that

com a imposició pa concedir-me el

as an imposition to grant me the

préstec, tenia que

loan, I had to

contratar un seguro de vida, un seguro

to take out a life insurance, an insurance

de protecció de pagos.

of payment protection.

I crec que tinc. No, no,

I think I have. No, no,

claro, és que estimem, efectivament, que tens

Of course, it's just that we love, indeed, that you have.

el seguro vinculat i te va

the linked insurance suits you

obligar el banc a fer-ho. Sí. En este cas

force the bank to do it. Yes. In this case

te van fer un seguro de protecció de pagos.

They took out a payment protection insurance for you.

Veig que és de 4.500 euros.

I see that it is 4,500 euros.

Sí. Tu saps això

Yes. You know this.

com ho vas pagar? O li ho has preguntat

How did you pay for it? Or have you asked him about it?

al teu home, te'n recordes? Això ho vas pagar

Your husband, do you remember him? You paid for this.

tot de col. Ho vaig pagar tot de col. No va ser

I paid for everything. It wasn't.

fraccionat. No. Entonces, estos

fragmented. No. So, these

seguros vinculats se diuen de prima única

Linked insurance is referred to as single premium.

de protecció de pagos. I tu sabies

of payment protection. And you knew?

que este import, els 4.500 euros,

that this amount, 4,500 euros,

te ho han ficat ampliat a l'import

they have included it increased in the amount

de la hipoteca? No.

About the mortgage? No.

Pues que sabies que en esta ocasió

Well, you knew that on this occasion

l'import de la hipoteca ja

the amount of the mortgage already

ha d'incluir també, a demés,

it must also include, besides,

han financiat l'import del seguro.

they have financed the amount of the insurance.

A tu te van informar de

They informed you about

que t'obligaven d'alguna

that they forced you in some way

manera a fer este seguro? Em van dir

How do I do this insurance? They told me.

que tenia que fer. I vas acceptar?

What I had to do. And did you accept?

I per què vas acceptar, Andrea? Perquè un seguro

And why did you accept, Andrea? Because of an insurance.

de 4.500 euros? Necessitava

of 4,500 euros? I needed

la hipoteca. Claro.

the mortgage. Of course.

I vas firmar. Bueno, pues no passa res.

And you signed. Well, it's alright then.

Has fet alguna reclamació ja al

Have you already made any complaint to the

banc? Encara no. Encara no. Bueno, pues

bank? Not yet. Not yet. Well, then.

mira, el motos del despatx treballen

Look, the guys in the office are working.

de la siguient manera. Nosotros no cobrem

in the following way. We do not charge

absolutament res per dur este procediment.

absolutely nothing to carry out this procedure.

Lo únic que sí, en el moment en el que el client

The only thing is, at the moment when the client

percibís ja que té els diners en el seu compte,

he perceives since he has the money in his account,

cobrem el 20%. Més IVA,

we charge 20%. Plus VAT,

claro. El 10% és per a l'abogat i el

Sure. The 10% is for the lawyer and the

10% per al procurador. En este cas,

10% for the attorney. In this case,

a demés de que te vaig a fer la reclamació dels gastos,

besides that I am going to make the claim for the expenses,

que això és on faves comptades,

that this is where you had counted sheep,

el tema del seguro, vas a

the topic of insurance, you are going to

reclamar-te i això és 4.500 euros, d'acord?

claiming you and that is 4,500 euros, okay?

Te reclamaré

I will claim you.

l'import del seguro de prima única,

the amount of the single premium insurance,

que és abusiu totalment, i

that is totally abusive, and

a demés te donaré els interessos. I els

Besides, I will give you the interest. And the

interessos és de la fetxa de l'atragament de l'escriptura,

interests is from the date of the attractiveness of writing,

que ja veig que va ser

that I can see it was

en la Vall d'Urgell vas firmar el 12 de febrer

In the Vall d'Urgell, you signed on February 12th.

de 2009. Pues des del 2009

since 2009. Well, since 2009.

hasta el moment que tinguem la sentència,

until we have the sentence,

mos pagarà l'interès legal

will pay us the legal interest

dels 4.500 euros i des de sentència

from the 4,500 euros and since the verdict

el judicial.

the judicial.

Això també, la veritat és que

This too, the truth is that

te resultarà prou rentable. Tirem avall?

It will be quite profitable for you. Shall we go for it?

Sí, sí, claro. D'acord?

Yes, yes, of course. Okay?

Mira, el procediment és molt fàcil.

Look, the procedure is very easy.

Ja tinc la documentació, m'he d'escaldar el contracte.

I already have the documentation, I need to sign the contract.

El tindràs el contracte de seguro? Sí, el buscaré.

Will you have the insurance contract? Yes, I will look for it.

Bueno, si no el topetes, véns

Well, if not the topknot, you come.

i jo te faré un paper perquè el presentes al banc

And I will make you a document for you to present at the bank.

i reclamaré

and I will claim

ja formalment el contracte.

the contract is now formally.

I si no te'l donaré, tu tranquil·la, que

And if I don't give it to you, don't worry, that

jo per via judicial igual el puc tindre.

I can have it through judicial means as well.

Perquè com està vinculat a la hipoteca, jo en la hipoteca

Because it is linked to the mortgage, I in the mortgage.

tinc prou, però vull veure el contracte.

I have enough, but I want to see the contract.

I m'he d'usar un extracte bancari

I need to use a bank statement.

en el que apareguen els primers

in which the first appear

moviments de la hipoteca, pa vore jo que tingués

mortgage movements, just to see that I had

l'autent pagat i demés.

the genuine paid and others.

I no res,

And nothing,

simplement això, que se ficarà el notat del procurador.

Just this, that the note from the attorney will be included.

Perfecte. D'acord?

Perfect. Agreed?

Que sàpigues que, bueno, com ha hagut un temps,

Just so you know, well, there has been a time,

una miqueta de col·lapse judicial

a little bit of judicial collapse

en el mes de març, perquè se pensaven

in the month of March, because they thought

que prescrivien estes reclamacions

that these claims were prescribed

i no prescriuen, és a dir, ara tenim enganxa

and they do not prescribe, that is to say, now we are stuck.

per reclamar tot tipus de reclamació.

to claim all types of complaints.

Vegem la teva del 2009. Efectivament, se pot reclamar

Let's see your 2009. Indeed, it can be claimed.

que sàpigues que hi ha un col·lapse judicial

You should know that there is a judicial collapse.

i això se resoldrà

and this will be resolved

judicialment vora un any, eh?

Judicially about a year, huh?

Tindrem un any. Mentre s'ho cobren?

We will have a year. While they collect it?

Ho cobraràs.

You will collect it.

Ho tirem avall, Andrea? Va, sí, sí.

Shall we take it down, Andrea? Come on, yes, yes.

Va, doncs ens comencem a firmar.

Alright, then let's start signing.

No fa falta molt. He vist la xerrada

It doesn't take much. I have seen the talk.

que has tingut en la xicona,

what you have had with the girl,

en la clienta,

in the client,

i no fa falta molta documentació

and not much documentation is needed

per a reclamar.

for claiming.

Pues no, la veritat és que

Well no, the truth is that

per a reclamar els seguros vinculats

to claim the linked insurance

l'única cosa que veuré és tindre la capacitat de

the only thing I will see is to have the ability to

fijar-te i te vaig dir una cosa.

Pay attention and I told you something.

Damunt de totes les abusives que estem parlant,

On top of all the abuses we are talking about,

de seguros vinculats, de gastos,

of linked insurance, of expenses,

t'he volgut dir,

I wanted to tell you,

que en els últims anys,

that in recent years,

els últims 7-8 anys, només faig,

for the last 7-8 years, I only do,

el 80% de la feina civil

80% of the civil work

del meu despatx és d'este tipus,

from my office is of this type,

especialització en este tipus,

specialization in this type,

i tu saps que a vegades

And you know that sometimes

tinc que rellegir-les, rellegir-les,

I have to reread them, reread them,

perquè no les topet i sé que estan...

because I don't bump into them and I know they are...

Mira si ho fan...

See if they do it...

Camuflat, això. Con Rambo?

Camouflaged, this. With Rambo?

Con Rambo.

With Rambo.

A l'evocia i premeditació.

In evocation and premeditation.

Perquè és veritat, a lo millor

Because it's true, maybe.

algú està mirant-les i no les veu.

someone is looking at them and does not see them.

I estan. Estan.

They are. They are.

Jo dic, la tinc que topetar.

I say, I have to bump into her.

I a vegades la clàusula de gastos està darrere

And sometimes the expense clause is behind.

en travessar i la claus.

in crossing and the keys.

I el seguro vinculat és difícil de vore,

And the linked insurance is difficult to see,

però les que tenim ideeta, les veiem.

but those of us who have an idea, we see them.

Sol passar, Sònia,

It just happens, Sonia,

en gent jove,

in young people,

en gent major?

in elderly people?

Sol passar-te en tot tipus de gent.

It only happens to you with all kinds of people.

Perquè la gent jove és lo que he vist

Because young people are what I have seen.

de la xipona que t'he visitat,

of the chin that I visited you,

que et necessitava el préstec i...

that I needed the loan and...

I va anar en el novio...

It went to the boyfriend...

Que li he identificat un elefant no l'haurà vist.

That I have identified an elephant, he won't have seen it.

En la ignorància de les persones,

In the ignorance of people,

en la bona fe i en la necessitat puntual.

in good faith and in the specific necessity.

Si una xipuela, com ara mateix

If a little girl, like right now

ha vingut,

he has come,

és coneguda de la família,

she is known by the family,

i ademés els pares i som clients del despart,

And besides, the parents and we are clients of the department.

una parelleta que van a comprar-se

a couple who are going to buy themselves

un apartamentet o lo que siga,

an apartment or whatever it is,

i ademés és que no van a un banc de fora,

and besides, they don't go to an outside bank,

van a banc, en este cas era Caja Madrid

they go to the bank, in this case it was Caja Madrid

en aquell entonces,

at that time,

com pot ser qualsevol banc per ací.

how can any bank be around here.

I no és que s'aprofiten de l'ajumento,

And it's not that they take advantage of the help,

s'aprofiten de tots.

They take advantage of everyone.

De tots. De tots.

Of all. Of all.

Estos tipos de procediments...

These types of procedures...

A vore, lo dels seguros vinculats

Let's see, the issue of linked insurance.

sí que és veritat que

it is true that

jo ho has començat a vore ja d'hipoteques

You have already started to see it with mortgages.

de deu i quinze anys, que acà sí.

from ten to fifteen years, here yes.

Hi ha hipoteques la mateixa, més antigues,

There are mortgages the same, older,

com poden ser els nostres espais,

how our spaces can be,

però això no s'estilava.

but that was not in style.

Les segures vinculats se veuen a partir de la crisi.

The linked securities can be seen from the crisis.

Quan s'han agarrat...

When they have grabbed...

Productes modals que els bancs...

Modal products that banks...

Com les revolvents.

Like the revolts.

És igual que la policia,

It's the same as the police,

se té que continuar reciclant per agarrar el lladre.

We have to keep recycling to catch the thief.

Se tenen que reinventar, i se reinventen aixina.

They have to reinvent themselves, and they reinvent themselves this way.

Totalment, perquè el seguro vinculat

Totally, because the linked insurance.

en hipoteques més velles no ho has vist

in older mortgages you haven't seen it

i ara estàs farta de vore-ho.

And now you are tired of seeing it.

I encara estan fent-ho, Enrique,

And they're still doing it, Enrique,

en jurisprudència i tot,

in jurisprudence and everything,

i sentències contràries, cuida-ho,

and contrary sentences, take care of it,

i això ho hem d'avisar a la gent,

and we have to warn people about this,

que vagin amb cuida-ho,

take care of it,

és que van a fer hipoteques ara...

they are going to make mortgages now...

Vos tinc que dir una cosa,

I have to tell you something,

que la llei de transparència i tot això,

that the transparency law and all that,

la clàusula suelo,

the floor clause,

la sentència dels supremos del 2013,

the ruling of the supremes from 2013,

no tenia que haver-hi clàusula suelo,

there shouldn't have been a floor clause,

i n'hi continua havent.

And there is still none.

La sentència dels gastos hipotecaris

The ruling on mortgage expenses

des del 2009 no tenia que haver-hi,

since 2009 it shouldn't have happened.

i continua havent,

and there still isn't any,

i les sentències estes de les clàusules abusives

and the sentences about the abusive clauses

dels seguros a partir del 2010

of the insurance from 2010 onwards

no tenia que existir,

it should not have existed,

i t'he d'assegurar que fins i tot ara,

I have to assure you that even now,

en la nova llei de transparència,

in the new transparency law,

que obliga,

that obliges,

ara si tu vas a fer una hipoteca,

now if you are going to take out a mortgage,

ja no és com abans,

it's no longer like it was before,

per salvar-se de la transparència,

to save oneself from transparency,

fins que parlàvem abans,

until we were talking earlier,

ja no és que vas al banc

it's not that you are going to the bank anymore

i ràpid, ràpid, monia el notari afirmant,

and quick, quick, the notary was stating,

el notari te té que cuidar per la llei de transparència

The notary has to take care of you according to the transparency law.

15 dies

15 days

antes de lo trobament de la escritura,

before the discovery of writing,

te senta en el seu despatx

he/she sits in his/her office

i te conta totes les clàusules,

and tell you all the clauses,

pues tamé n'hi han clàusules abusives ahi,

well, there are also abusive clauses there,

encara que el notari te ho hagi de dir,

even though the notary has to tell you,

cuida-ho, s'ha de estudiar molt bé.

Take care of it, you have to study very well.

Bé, amb la llei a la mà

Well, with the law in hand.



seguix tratant d'informar-nos

continue trying to inform us



de les nostres

of our

de les contínues pedres

of the continuous stones

per trobar-nos, no?

to find us, right?

Són consells que

They are tips that

Sònia mos està donant

Sònia is giving us.

de cara al consumidor,

facing the consumer,

al consumidor en general,

to the consumer in general,

no al gran consumidor.

no to the big consumer.

I tampoc empresari,

I am not a businessman either,

recorda't Enrique que en la primera

Remember Enrique that in the first

de les nostres entrevistes

from our interviews

van dir que era sempre dirigida al consumidor.

They said it was always directed at the consumer.

Aleshores, esta finestra

Then, this window

la seguirem

We will follow her.

utilitzant per a seguir

using to continue

informant a tot el consumidor

informing all consumers

i si vosaltres teniu algun dubte

And if you have any doubts

d'algun tema en particular

on any particular topic

estaria bé que bé

it would be good that well

en el telèfon que

on the phone that

que anem a ficar de Sònia

What are we going to put about Sonia?

o bé en el correu que també ficaré

or in the email that I will also include

en cada

in each

en cada programa

in each program

li feu ixa consulta

you made that inquiry

i nosaltres parlarem

and we will talk

d'ixe tema

of that topic

o si és a nivell personal

or if it is on a personal level

doncs vindré a fer-li una

then I will come to give him/her one

consulta a ella, no?

Ask her, right?



nosaltres volem ajudar

we want to help

a tothom, no?

to everyone, right?

per a que

for what

l'abús siga

the abuse is

lo més lleu possible.

as lightly as possible.

Sònia, si voldries afegir alguna

Sònia, if you would like to add anything.

cosa més perquè este punt

thing more because this point

este punt també és un punt que

this point is also a point that

pare que estiga molt

father, that he is very

camuflaet, però que

camouflaged, but what

quan te'n cantes

when you sing it out

el tens al llom.

You have it on the back.

El tens al llom. I el problema que n'hi ha

You have it on your back. And the problem is that there is one.

és que n'hi ha gent que no sap ni que ho té.

There are people who don't even know they have it.

Jo l'únic que voldria dir-te, Enrique,

The only thing I would like to tell you, Enrique,

que en els pròxims programes abordarem altres

that in the upcoming programs we will address others

clàusules que també són importants

clauses that are also important

i també voldria dir-te, Enrique,

I would also like to tell you, Enrique,

que, bueno, tu ja saps que

that, well, you already know that

a través d'avogada especialista en drets civils

through a lawyer specialized in civil rights

també dret penal, estem duent tot tipus

also criminal law, we are handling all kinds

de procediments penals, etc. El despatx és gran

of criminal procedures, etc. The office is big.

i jo soc especialista en els dos.

And I am an expert in both.

Són administradors

They are administrators.

de finques. En este cas, la Montgermana

of estates. In this case, the Montgermana

és administradora de finques i en els pròxims

she is a property manager and in the next

entregues de la nostra finestra

deliveries from our window

també podem parlar, si vols, del tema del veïnat.

We can also talk, if you want, about the topic of the neighborhood.

Què te pareixeria? També estaria bé.

What would you think? That would also be nice.

Que si n'hi ha una fuga, que si n'hi ha una humitat,

That if there is a leak, that if there is moisture,

què puc fer en esta finestra,

what can I do in this window,

què passa en els ruïdes... En fi,

what's happening in the noise... Anyway,

el tema de l'administració de finques també, si vols,

The topic of property management as well, if you want.

ho podem tocar. Puc tindre un gos o no puc tindre un gos.

we can touch it. I can have a dog or I cannot have a dog.

Ahí està. Per exemple.

There it is. For example.

Per exemple. Per exemple.

For example. For example.

On puc ficar l'aparell d'aria acondicionat?

Where can I put the air conditioning unit?

A on? A on?

Where? Where?

I els problemes són

And the problems are

contínuos i vosaltres, com a administradors de finques,

continuous and you, as property administrators,

col·legiats, per favor,

members, please,

és molt important que confiem

it is very important that we trust

en gent professional, vale? Jo soc

in professional people, okay? I am

advocada col·legiada en el col·legi

registered lawyer in the bar association

de Castelló i en el col·legi de València, en els dos col·legis,

from Castelló and in the college of Valencia, in both colleges,

i en el col·legi d'administració de finques,

and in the property administration college,

el número 443,

the number 443,

del col·legi d'administració de finques de València.

from the college of property administration of Valencia.

Per favor, que no s'edixin els nostres

Please, let our own not be published.

oients en mans de gent que no sigui

listeners in the hands of people who are not

professional. Ahí estem.

professional. There we are.

I el dit ixe que utilitzem per ací,

And the said one we use around here,

que el de la gallina

than that of the hen

de dalt caga la de baix,

the one above shits on the one below,

anem a vore,

let's go see,

anem a gestionar-ho.

let's manage it.

Anem a gestionar-ho. Sí, sí. Anem a ficar-ho

Let's manage it. Yes, yes. Let's put it in.

molt clar en la nostra finestra, Enrique.

Very clear in our window, Enrique.

Què te pareix? Sonia? Perfecte.

What do you think? Sonia? Perfect.

Gràcies. Un plaer.

Thank you. A pleasure.

Seguim xerrant. Seguim xerrant en la nostra finestra,

We keep chatting. We keep chatting in our window,

aquí a la mà.

here in the hand.

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