Atac i Gol – Episodi 63


Atac i gol

Atac i Gol – Episodi 63

Atac i gol

Atac i Gol

Attack and Goal

Pere Penicello, benvingut

Pere Penicello, welcome.

Gràcies Vicky, bona nit

Thank you Vicky, good night.

Bona nit també Manolo Martínez

Good night also Manolo Martínez.

Gràcies per col·laborar amb nosaltres una setmana més

Thank you for collaborating with us for another week.

Gràcies, bon any

Thank you, happy new year.

Gràcies, bona nit

Thank you, good night.

Estan d'altres també Miquel Castelló

There are others too, Miquel Castelló.

Miquel, benvingut també en esta tertúlia

Miquel, welcome to this discussion as well.

Moltes gràcies, bona nit

Thank you very much, good night.

I abans que tanqués el mercat d'hivern

And before the winter market closed

hem fet un fitxatge

we have made a signing

amb la gent de la ciutat

with the people of the city

Avui, de Miquel Otero, conegut per tots

Today, by Miquel Otero, known by all.

com ja sabeu, aficionat madridista

As you already know, a Madridista fan.

Miquel, content de tindre't aquí als Estudis de 21 Ràdio

Miquel, happy to have you here at 21 Radio Studios.

Bona nit

Good night

Difícil paperet avui, eh?

Difficult paper today, eh?

Però Miquel, però bueno

But Miquel, but well

Ell sol ser defensar

He usually defends.

Vam parlar de moltes coses, Supercopa

We talked about many things, Supercup.

Copa del Rei, comencem si us sembla

King's Cup, shall we start if you agree?

parlant de la Supercopa, després ja parlaríem de la Copa del Rei

Talking about the Super Cup, then we would talk about the King's Cup.

Esta Supercopa d'Espanya

This Spanish Supercup

que bé, Miquel

how good, Miquel

aquí sí que ho tindràs bé, i xalaràs comentant-ho

Here you will have it good, and you will enjoy discussing it.

el Madrid li va

Madrid suits him.

fotre un bany al Barça

give the Barça a good thrashing



a 1, hat-trick de Vinicius

a 1, Vinicius's hat-trick

i un altre de Rodrigo, també

and another one from Rodrigo, too

com es vol esta Supercopa guanyar pel Madrid, Miquel?

How does Madrid want to win this Supercup, Miquel?

Amb bastanta superioritat del Madrid

With quite a superiority from Madrid.

en vert que el Barcelona

in green that Barcelona

tampoc no té tan

it doesn't have that much either

mal equip

poor team

si mires home per home

if you look man by man

però jo crec

but I believe

i opinem de després

and we will give our opinions later

perquè jo també sóc

because I am too

un amant

a lover

dels entrenadors en què

of the coaches in which

ells han de decidir abans dels partits

they have to decide before the matches

i després el partit pot sortir d'una manera o una altra

and then the match can go one way or another

però crec que

but I think that

si mirem

if we look

si va equivocar Javi

if Javi was wrong

en donar-li molts despatxs al Madrid

by giving him many defeats in Madrid

ha estat

has been

i és letal

and it is lethal

i llavors

and then

digues que

say that

els 10 minuts de la primera part

the 10 minutes of the first half

que et marquen i els 20

that mark you and the 20

i ja estàs 2 a 0

and you are already 2 to 0

en estos partits i en estos equips

in these matches and in these teams

és molt difícil

it's very difficult

de solucionar-ho

to solve it

però és igual

but it doesn't matter

va guanyar el Madrid

Madrid won.

i en claretat

and in clarity

i el Barça va sortir

and Barça came out

tocadet del d'allò

touched in the head

perquè jo no sé si

because I don't know if

hi haurà molts problemes dins

there will be many problems inside

ho afecta als jugadors, ho afecta

it affects the players, it affects them

a l'entrenador però

to the coach but

que hi ha alguna cosa allà dins que no

that there is something in there that doesn't

acaba de, perquè

just, because

potser Javi

maybe Javi

vol fer jugar

do you want to play

tal com jugava ell

just as he used to play

quan jugava i els jugadors

when I played and the players

ja no estan o són uns altres

they are no longer here or they are others

perquè ara, no sé, Lewandowski

because now, I don't know, Lewandowski

ja no marca com marcava

it no longer marks as it used to

Joao Fèlix pot tenir problemes

João Félix may have problems.

i no juga gaire

and doesn't play much

hi ha un dilema allà

there is a dilemma there

que, bueno, de la part

that, well, from the part

de fora mirem i hi ha

From outside we look and there is

un problema que és evident

a problem that is evident

que d'allò que és monetari que no hi ha

that of the monetary that is not there

un duro, no hi ha un duro a la caixa

a dollar, there is not a dollar in the cash register

i a partir d'aquí tot pot ser

and from here everything can be

problemes o

problems or

l'avantatge és que surten xiquets de baix

The advantage is that kids come out from below.

i això sí que tens un equip

And this is indeed a team you have.

de futur i els xiquets que

of the future and the children who

que debuten no són mal

What debuts are not bad

vull dir que

I mean that

i en això

and in this

com jo soc amant de la cantera

as I am a lover of the quarry

en aquest aspecte sí que

in this respect, yes

apoya molt el Barça

supports Barça a lot

Ho dèiem, no? 4-1 del Madrid

We said it, didn't we? 4-1 for Madrid.

al Barça en esta final de la Supercopa

to Barça in this Super Cup final

hat-trick de Vinicius, un altre de Rodrigo

Vinicius' hat-trick, another one from Rodrigo.

Vinicius, 3 gols, però una altra vegada

Vinicius, 3 goals, but once again.

aquesta actitud criticable i lamentable

this reprehensible and regrettable attitude

a mi això no té solució este noi

This doesn't have a solution for me, this guy.

Diu que li estan rentant

He says they are washing him.

el cap i que la de...

the head and that of...

però els caràcters són els caràcters

but the characters are the characters

ahir va tornar a tindre una miqueta

Yesterday he/she had a little bit again.

a la Copa del Rei

in the King's Cup

és que

it's that

és molt diferent per exemple

it's very different for example

i a Rodrigo, Rodrigo no té este

And to Rodrigo, Rodrigo does not have this.

pronto, i jo crec que els prontos són

soon, and I think that those who are prompt are

i estaran i

and they will be and

i algun dia doncs

and someday then

és indomable,itxell?

Is it indomitable, Itxell?

jo crec que sí

I think so.

sí, perquè és que no hi ha manera

Yes, because there is no way.

no hi ha manera de

there's no way to

sí que li peguen, sí que...

yes, they do hit him, yes they do...

però bueno,i això entra dins del

but well, and this falls within the

del joc i

of the game and

i cada un juga les seues armes

and each one plays their own weapons

per lo tant


intentar que

try to make

que senta el cap, que no crec

that feels like the head, that I don't believe

que el senti, però que és molt

that it hurts, but it is very

bon jugador, que és un jugador

good player, who is a player

diferencial, però que el caràcter

differential, but that the character

a vegades el mata.

sometimes he kills him.

Pere, com vas veure esta final de la Supercopa d'Espanya

Pere, how did you see this Supercopa de España final?

i també l'actuació de Vinicius?

And also the performance of Vinicius?



com ho vaig veure?

How did I see it?

Com l'hem de veure els barcelonistes?

How should we see the Barcelonistas?



emprenyats, i la veritat

angry, and the truth

crec que Michel

I think Michel.

l'ha analitzat molt bé, vull dir,

he has analyzed it very well, I mean,

que jugar en la mitja

to play in the midfield

en l'equip al mig del camp

in the team in the middle of the field

i, a més, sense tapar

and, moreover, uncovered

uns forats i en un cris

some holes and in a crunch

sense que es va veure

without being seen

que la seva forn no és la velocitat, tampoc,

that your oven is not the speed, either,

un cunder que va estar

a loser who was

fent uns fallos

making some mistakes



i un Araujo que

and a Araujo that

últimament també no està

lately it's also not there

de la manera que està

the way it is

i que, a més, vull dir, veiem que el Vinicius

and I also want to say, we see that Vinicius

anava a paca al mig i que llavors

I was going to Paca in the middle and then...

l'Araujo tampoc ja no el seguia,

Araujo was no longer following him either.

era un despropòsit,

it was nonsense,

era un despropòsit, la veritat és que

it was nonsense, the truth is that

donar-li un 2-0

to give him/her a 2-0

al Madrid era donar-li

in Madrid it was to give it to him

molta avantatge. Sí que és veritat

a lot of advantage. Yes, it is true.

que en el 2-1 de Lewandowski,

that in Lewandowski's 2-1,

és el que es diu ara, que tornem entre el partit,

it's what they're calling now, that we return during the game,



un penal rigorós

a harsh penalty

d'aquests que es piten i no es piten,

of those who are whistled and not whistled,

que tampoc, de la manera que va

that neither, in the way it is going

en el partit, no podem

In the match, we cannot.

donar-ho com a excusa, ni molt menys,

to use it as an excuse, far from it,

però la realitat és aquesta, vull dir

but the reality is this, I mean

que en el penal aquell,

that in that prison,

en el 3-1, se va acabar el partit

At 3-1, the match was over.

i jo crec que el Madrid, en aquest cas,

and I believe that Madrid, in this case,

estava a tindre compassió de Natros

it was to have compassion for us

i tot, vull dir,

and all, I mean,

la veritat és que Natros

The truth is that we

no donem mai

we never give

cap sensació de perill, un joc

no sense of danger, a game

lent, horitzontal, que no arribem

slow, horizontal, that we do not reach

a porta, ni xutem, ni creem

the door, neither we kick, nor we believe

perill, i qualsevol equip, inclús ahir,

danger, and any team, even yesterday,

qualsevol equip, en un contraatac,

any team, in a counterattack,

te crea més perill, te veus tu més perill

it creates more danger for you, you see yourself in more danger

que el que podem crear Natros

that what we can create us

dominant el partit en la

dominating the match in the

pilota, però sense res

ball, but without anything

més. La veritat és que és més el mateix,

more. The truth is that it's more of the same,

vull dir, allà va tornar a passar,

I mean, it happened again there,

tan pront de començar el partit

so soon to start the match

ja van tindre una ocasió, després ja ens ho van fer

they already had an opportunity, then they did it to us

treballar ara al gol, vull dir que hi ha coses

work now at the goal, I mean that there are things

que s'estan repetint, s'estan

that are repeating, are repeating

repetint, s'estan fent, i

repeating, they are being made, and

la veritat és que

the truth is that

jo crec que, a més,

I believe that, moreover,

els missatges que arriben

the messages that come in

tant de l'entrenador com del

both the coach and the

president no són els adequats,

the president is not the right one,

no són els adequats, ahir a Travegada

they are not the right ones, yesterday in Travegada

que es juga bé, que el pli, que

that plays well, that the pli, that

no sé què, que estem en construcció,

I don't know what, we're under construction,

que vam fer un bon partit,

that we played a good match,

que tal... Escolta,

how are you... Listen,

vull dir, l'Odia de l'Almeria

I mean, the Hate of Almeria.

ja va hi haure un toc d'atenció,

there will be a warning,

que pareixia que, bueno,

that it seemed that, well,

que a veure si de veritat se despertàvem,

that let's see if we really woke up,

però tots pensem

but we all think

el mateix, allí t'hi haure

the same, I'll be there

t'hi haure algo, t'hi haure

There will be something for you, there will be.

algo més, i no es poden anar

something more, and they cannot go

en missatges triomfalistes,

in triumphalist messages,

ni volem veure el president a la seva panxota

we don't want to see the president on his belly

saltant i cridant i barça a barça

jumping and shouting and barça to barça

quan la imatge

when the image

i la realitat és una altra,

and the reality is another,

i no féssim volar coloms

and we wouldn't be raising pigeons

perquè no és temporada de fer volar coloms,

because it is not the season to fly pigeons,

i si arribem dos, quatre primers

And if we arrive two, four firsts.

de manera que està l'equip ja farem prou,

so that the team is already doing enough,

i que, bueno, avui ell mateix ja diu

And that, well, today he himself already says.

que si no tinc cap títol, doncs que

that if I don't have any title, then what

m'ho paga a casa, doncs penso que ell tot sol

He pays me at home, so I think he does it all by himself.

ja se fa la sentència, perquè

the sentence is already being made, because

el que és la Lliga està

what the League is is

molt malament, el que és la Copa d'Europa

very bad, what the European Cup is

està pitjor, i el que és la Copa del Rei

it is worse, and what the Copa del Rei is

bueno, no ho sabem, perquè

well, we don't know, because

depèn de moltes coses, però

it depends on many things, but

la veritat és que en els jocs que

the truth is that in the games that

estem fent no dona

we are doing it does not give

peu a cap optimisme de res, sinó

from head to toe no optimism at all, but

tot el contrari, perquè anem igual

Quite the opposite, because we are the same.

o a pitjor, i quan

or worse, and when

se diu que tot va bé, doncs molt malament

It is said that everything is fine, so very bad.

per molt que diguem

no matter what we say

que anem millorant.

that we are improving.

Manolo Martínez, com vas veure esta Supercopa d'Espanya?

Manolo Martínez, how did you see this Supercopa de España?

Clarament, jo faré una

Clearly, I will do one.

anàlisi general

general analysis

un desastre

a disaster

lo Madrid

the Madrid

va jugar el tran-tran, si hagués volgut

he could have played the game, if he had wanted to.

fer-nos una sanguina, molt hagués fet,

to make us a blood run, it would have done a lot,

no me la va fer perquè no va volguer,

she didn't do it for me because she didn't want to,

lo Barça no juga res,

Barça is not playing anything,

continuo dient, jo em pensava

I keep saying, I thought to myself.

que sí que algo havia canviat,

that something had indeed changed,

però no, este entrenador

but no, this coach

no serveix per a res, a veure si

it’s useless, let’s see if

definitivament diem

definitely we say

les coses pel seu nom, no és un entrenador

things by their name, he is not a coach

per al Barça, ho sento molt, no és entrenador

For Barça, I'm very sorry, he is not a coach.

per a equips grans ni equips

for large teams nor teams

petits, perquè no té idea

small, because he/she has no idea

de com ha de canviar els partits, no té

about how the parties should change, it doesn't have

idea de com els ha de col·locar al camp,

idea of how he should position them on the field,

no tenim patró de joc,

we have no pattern of play,

no juguem a res,

we're not playing anything,

ni obertura

neither opening

de camp, que sempre està en les mans

from the field, which is always in hand

baracejant, com si vulguem dir

dawdling, as if we want to say

obriu, obriu el camp, però no sap

open, open the field, but he/she does not know

ni per què ho ha de dir, ni per què ho ha de fer,

neither why he has to say it, nor why he has to do it,

jo crec que és un líder que no té

I believe he is a leader who does not have.

carisma davant

charisma in front

d'ells, no crec que passi res dins el vestidor,

I don't think anything will happen in the locker room.

simplement aquest home no sap

simply this man does not know

com ho ha de fer,

how should he/she do it,

jo des d'aquí voldria

I would like from here

donar un consell al president,

give advice to the president,

jo crec que si d'aquí final

I believe that if from here on out

de temporada, que no ho crec,

of the season, I don't believe it,

torno a repetir, perquè això no es pot aguantar,

I'm repeating myself because this can't be tolerated.

nosaltres som un equip ara mateix

we are a team right now

de mitja taula per avall,

from halfway down the table,

i aquesta és la realitat, si us agrada bé

And this is the reality; if you like it, fine.

i si no també, no podem

And if not, we can't either.

aspirar ni a estar entre els quatre primers,

to aspire even to be among the top four,

i jo li recomano

and I recommend it to him/her

al president que fitxe

to the signing president

una persona

a person

entrenadora que assessori

trainer who advises

en aquest entrenador,

in this coach,

val? Aquest entrenador

Okay? This coach.

no pot prendre decisions per ell sol,

he cannot make decisions on his own,

ni ell, ni son germà,

neither he nor his brother,

ni el tal Sergi

neither the such Sergi

aquell que s'aixeca ahir, s'aixecava,

he who rises yesterday, rose,

al camp de l'Unionistes

at the Unionists' field

de Salamanca, cap

from Salamanca, head

d'aquests tres pot prendre decisions

Of these three, one can make decisions.

perquè no tenen ni idea, val?

because they have no idea, okay?

I no vinguéssiu a mi que Xavi

And you didn't come to me that Xavi.

ha sigut un gran jugador, si Vaquero

he has been a great player, yes Vaquero

també ho ha sigut, i Xiqui Viristany

it has also been, and Xiqui Viristany

també ho ha sigut. No té

it has also been. It doesn't have

idea, val? I ja

Idea, right? And that's it.

definitivament, si no

definitely, if not

volem patir més, i

we want to suffer more, and

que cada partit sigui un suplici,

that every match be a torment,

hem de canviar-ho això.

We need to change this.

Després ell no canvia dinàmiques,

Afterward, he doesn't change dynamics.

sempre fa el mateix. Ahir una

he always does the same. Yesterday one

altra vegada, Sergi Roberto,

again, Sergi Roberto,

ell mor en

he dies in

els seus, val? Ahir

yours, okay? Yesterday

per un problema, no sé

due to a problem, I don't know

si molèsties, no sé si

if you bothered, I don't know if

perquè no el va veure bé, no sé

because he didn't see him well, I don't know

per què, va debutar

why, made his debut

a Cubarsi, que per cert ho va fer de cine

To Cubarsi, which by the way he did it perfectly.

i de pel·lícula, estic d'acord

And of the movie, I agree.

amb Michel, perquè sí, menys

with Michel, because yes, less

mal del planter, i

disease of the seedling, and

jo no és que

I don't mean that

sigui, aquí hagi vingut

be it, here it has come

a ser, a posar

to be, to put

un dit a l'anafra,

a finger to the anaphora,

ni a ser depressiu, però la realitat

neither to be depressing, but the reality

és esta, és un Barça

it's this one, it's a Barça

horrorós, i

horrible, and

a banda dels problemes

besides the problems

que hi ha, els problemes que hi ha en monetaris,

what there is, the problems that exist in monetary matters,

els problemes que hi ha de tota

the problems that exist with everything

classe d'índole, val?

class of nature, okay?

No afecten

They do not affect.

a lo que estem parlant,

to what we are talking about,

que és l'esportiu.

what is the sportsman.

Esportivament parlant, no

Sportively speaking, no.

té ni idea, ho sento molt.

I have no idea, I'm very sorry.

Esta és la realitat de l'equip

This is the reality of the team.

meu, val? Anirem a

mine, okay? We will go to

Camp del Betis, i una altra vegada,

Betis Stadium, and once again,

serà un suplici. I com bé ha dit

It will be a torment. And as it has been rightly said.

Pere, les rodes de premsa

Pere, the press releases

me cansen. Hi ha les d'abans

They tire me. There are the ones from before.

i les de després, perquè

and the ones afterwards, because

ja sé el que ha de dir, que juguem bé,

I know what he has to say, that we play well,

que sortirà d'aquí,

what will come out of here,

que sí, però hi ha prou discursos.

yes, but there are enough speeches.

Els discursos, jo quan els faig,

The speeches, when I give them,

jo quan estic a casa amb uns fills,

I when I'm at home with some children,

i els hi he de canviar

and I have to change them

dinàmiques, les reunions,

dynamics, the meetings,

els discursos, han de servir

the speeches must serve

per a canviar coses, i aquí no es

to change things, and here it is not

canvia res, continuem igual.

Nothing changes, we continue the same.

I respecte,

And respect,

el que he de dir és de Vinicius,

What I have to say is about Vinicius,

mireu, us ho vaig a dir, és un

look, I'm going to tell you, it's a

mal esportista, és un mal

bad athlete, he is a bad one

educat, és una

educated, it is a

mala persona que

bad person who

basant-se en la

based on the

tapadera esta

this lid

del racisme, provoca

of racism, provokes

el camp, toca els ombros

the field, touch the shoulders

als àrbits, fa el que li dona

to the trees, it does what it wants

la gana, una cosa que

hunger, something that

per a mi és absolutament

for me it is absolutely

com a exemple, però

as an example, but

els tiquets és horrorós,

the tickets are horrible,

i bueno, jo crec

Well, I think

que aquí he resumit prou clar

that I have summarized here quite clearly

com està la situació de tot el que

How is the situation regarding everything?

envolta el futbol avui en dia,

surrounds football nowadays,

perquè cada dia me canso més de veure

because every day I get more tired of seeing

tot el que veig, i aquí

all that I see, and here

ningú fica fil a l'agulla,

no one threads the needle,

tot va passant i tot se va

everything is passing and everything is going

fent, i el president

doing, and the president

del Barça, igual. Encara

from Barça, the same. Still

espero a hores d'ara, que és

I hope by now, that it is

la nit del divendres, encara espero

the night of Friday, I am still waiting

que el president me surt i que digui

that the president comes out and says

quelcom del

something of the

que està passant aquí, i

what is happening here, and

no surt ningú, ni el directe,

nobody is coming out, not even the live broadcast,

ni el director esportiu, anomenat

nor the sporting director, named

Deco, ni el director, ni

Deco, neither the director, nor

el president, ni el vicepresident

the president, nor the vice president

esportiu, ningú, ningú preu

sportsman, nobody, no price

cartes a l'assumpte, i és una

letters to the subject, and it is one

cosa gravíssima, gravíssima.

very serious thing, very serious.

Res més, ja ho he dit tot.

Nothing more, I have said everything.

Sisko Lausa i Miquel Castelló, com

Sisko Lausa and Miquel Castelló, like

vau veure esta final de Supercopa, i

did you see this Super Cup final, and

també el tema Vinicius.

also the topic Vinicius.

Sisko, sí,

Sisko, yes,

m'ho sents?

Do you hear me?

Sembla que Sisko no mos escolta.

It seems that Sisko doesn't hear us.

Miquel Castelló, endavant.

Miquel Castelló, go ahead.

Sí, aprofito per dir-vos que no hi ha

Yes, I take this opportunity to tell you that there is not.

tampoc no he tingut ocasió d'escoltar

I haven't had the chance to listen either.

Pere, no li he sentit gens lo que ha dit,

Pere, I didn't hear at all what he said.

i porto lo micro conforme

I bring the mic as agreed.

està parat,

he is stopped,

però coincidixo

but I agree

amb lo que deia Manolo,

with what Manolo said,

vull dir, lo Barça

I mean, the Barça.

esta temporada, ja ho hem dit en altres ocasions,

this season, we have already said on other occasions,

ha estat donant una imatge absolutament

it has been giving an absolutely

penosa, no és una

painful, it is not one

imatge que un

image that one

pensa que hauria de donar atenent

He thinks he should give attention.

als jugadors que té,

to the players that he has,

però esta és la realitat.

but this is the reality.

Ja hem parlat moltes vegades de Javi,

We have talked many times about Javi,

jo crec que Javi és un entrenador

I believe that Javi is a coach.

que va arribar al Barça

that arrived at Barça

full de la situació conjuntural que hi ha,

due to the current situational context,

no és un entrenador

he is not a coach



per la seva

for her/his/its

experiència com a tal

experience as such




to think

que podia agafar un equip

that I could take a team

com el Barça,

like Barça,

i de fet no està donant

and in fact, it is not giving

la talla en absolut.

the size in absolute terms.

La Supercopa

The Super Cup

mos crea molta temor, jo crec que

it creates a lot of fear for us, I believe that

si tothom dels que

if everyone of those who

formem part de la tertúlia mos haguéssim preguntat

if we were part of the talk, we would have asked ourselves

què en pensàvem abans de jugar-la,

what we thought before playing it,

jo vaig dir-ho, no tenia cap

I said it, I didn't have any.

esperança res, i en definitiva

hope nothing, and ultimately

no va passar res que no hagués passat

Nothing happened that hadn't already happened.

a partits anteriors.

to previous matches.

Portem tota la temporada patint

We've been suffering all season.

i de quina manera, jugant

and in what way, playing

malament contra equips, és igual que

bad against teams, it's the same as

siguem millors que naltros o que siguem

let's be better than us or that we are

molt inferiors, hem

much lower, we have

jugat malament a Barbastre, i

played badly in Barbastre, and

vam guanyar quasi bé plorant,

we nearly won while crying,

vam jugar malament ahir

we played poorly yesterday

contra un altre equip

against another team

de molt inferior categoria, que

of much lower category, that

a la primera part mos van passar la mà per la cara

in the first part they ran their hand over my face

i mos haguéssim pogut marcar un parell de gols més,

and we could have scored a couple more goals,

és un desastre,

it's a disaster,

és un desastre perquè

it's a disaster because

ni veig els jugadors

I don't see the players.

concentrats, ni veig un entrenador

concentrated, nor do I see a coach

incapacitat per a canviar absolutament res,

inability to change absolutely anything,



no ho sé, vull dir,

I don't know, I mean,

com diu Manolo, no tenim equip per a

as Manolo says, we don't have a team for

quedar entre els quatre primers de

to finish among the top four of

Lliga Espanyola, sinó per

Spanish League, but for

els defectes dels altres.

the faults of others.

Per tant, pessimistes,

Therefore, pessimists,

pessimistes, no

pessimists, no

podem amagar la realitat. Jo l'altre dia

we can hide reality. The other day I

deia que per a mi

said that for me

fins i tot ja ni crec

I don't even believe anymore.

que el canvi d'entrenador en aquests moments

that the change of coach at this time

sigui una solució.

be a solution.

El problema que té el Barça

The problem that Barça has

en aquests moments és un problema estructural,

at this moment it is a structural problem,

és un problema que no hi ha recursos econòmics,

it's a problem that there are no economic resources,

anem a fitxar

let's check in

sempre allò que els altres no volen

always what others do not want

i que d'alguna manera m'ho sortia baratet

and in some way it turned out to be cheaper for me

i les coses barates acaben sent cares.

And cheap things end up being expensive.

Però és que

But it is that

a nivell d'estructura d'equip

at the team structure level

està tot molt destrossat.

Everything is very destroyed.

Mitchell ha dit una cosa que

Mitchell has said something that

jo fa uns mesos també defensava,

A few months ago, I also defended,

la capacitat de generar cantera,

the ability to generate talent,



en jugadors molt joves que estan entrant

in very young players who are coming in

a l'equip. En una situació

to the team. In a situation

com la que viu el primer equip

like the one the first team lives with

del Barça, donar

of Barça, give

la responsabilitat de posar galons a jugadors

the responsibility of giving stripes to players

com Valde, com Lamín,

like Valde, like Lamín,

com Pedri, jugadors molt joves

like Pedri, very young players

com Gabi, aquesta que es va lesionar, etc.

like Gabi, the one who got injured, etc.

és carregar-los una responsabilitat

It is a responsibility to charge them.

que pot

that can

perjudicar-los de cara al futur.

harm them in the future.

Per tant,


un equip

a team

que aspira a guanyar-ho tot i que

that aspires to win everything and that

té un equilibri entre jugadors

it has a balance between players

d'elit que marquen

of elite that mark

diferències i jugadors que estan

differences and players who are

deprenent i que són capaços

learning and that they are capable

en un futur de carregar-se l'equip a les costelles.

in a future of loading the team on the shoulders.

Però avui en dia no podem deixar la responsabilitat

But nowadays we cannot leave the responsibility.

dels nostres jugadors. I finalment,

of our players. And finally,

en el que s'ha parlat de Vinicius. Vinicius

in which Vinicius has been talked about. Vinicius

mai en la vida serà el millor jugador del món

he will never be the best player in the world

perquè és una mala persona.

because he/she is a bad person.

Ho ha dit Manolo també, i coincideixo.

Manolo has said it too, and I agree.

És una mala persona, és un

He is a bad person, he is one.

provocador nato, és una persona

a born provocateur, he is a person

que té un estil pandillero

that has a gang style

que a mi em sobra,

that I have in excess,



100%, i que

100%, and what?

m'agradaria que algun dia hi hagués

I would like there to be one day.

algun àrbitre que tingués la valentia de posar-lo al carrer

any referee who had the courage to send him off the pitch

per uns quants partits.

for a few matches.

Perquè fa mèrits a cada partit,

Because it earns merits at every match,

perquè l'expulsin, i en canvi

so that they expel him, and yet

en el fet d'aquest

in the fact of this

suposat racisme que desperta la seva

supposed racism that awakens her

persona, doncs té una

person, so it has one

taula rasa

blank slate

en la qual se'l mesura molt diferent

in which he is measured very differently

de com se mesura en altres jugadors.

how it is measured in other players.

Xisco Laosa, mos escoltes?

Xisco Laosa, can you hear us?

Ah, perfecte. Endavant, Xisco.

Ah, perfect. Go ahead, Xisco.

Us preguntava per la Supercopa

I was asking you about the Super Cup.

i per Vinicius també. Tot seguit parlarem

And for Vinicius too. Next, we will talk.

de la Copa del Reis. Quan vulguis, Xisco.

of the Cup of Kings. Whenever you want, Xisco.

La Supercopa, l'anàlisi

The Supercup, the analysis

que ha fet Michel, el trobo

What has Michel done, I find him.

100% encertat. Evidentment, va ser

100% right. Obviously, it was.

molt, el Real Madrid va ser molt superior

very, Real Madrid was very superior

al Barcelona, i després,

in Barcelona, and afterwards,

clar, com ha dit

of course, as he/she has said

ben Michel, no se li poden deixar

Well Michel, they cannot be left to him.

estos espais al Madrid,

these spaces in Madrid,

deixar que el jugador quan té la pilota pugui

let the player, when he has the ball, be able to

pensar i pugui posar la pilota on vulgui,

to think and be able to place the ball wherever I want,

perquè són jugadors de qualitat,

because they are quality players,

no és una persona que no s'ha de quedar

she is not a person who should be left behind.

fent la pilota, no? Això per a mi

Being a sycophant, right? This for me.

guarda molta relació amb la manca d'intensitat

it has a lot to do with the lack of intensity

per part dels jugadors del Barça.

from the players of Barça.

Vull dir que no hi ha intensitat,

I mean that there is no intensity,

no la veus, no només

you don't see her, not just

en el partit contra el Real Madrid, també, per exemple,

in the match against Real Madrid, also, for example,

contra els unionistes igual,

against the unionists as well,

no hi veus la intensitat

you don't see the intensity

que passa en la pilota

What's happening in the ball?

com si fos

as if it were

una partida de futbolí.

a game of foosball.

No hi ha res, no?

There is nothing, is there?

És a dir,

That is to say,

no m'hi fixo només

I only don't pay attention to it.

en el partit que vam fer

in the match we played

contra el Real Madrid,

against Real Madrid,

sinó que en general

but in general

l'encefalograma del Barça

the encephalogram of Barça

és un encefalograma pla.

It is a flat electroencephalogram.

No sabem,

We don't know,

Manel Martínez també ho ha dit,

Manel Martínez has also said it,

no sabem a què juguem, si és que juguem a alguna cosa.

we don't know what we're playing at, if we're playing at anything.

L'altre dia ho vaig comparar

The other day I compared it.

i ja sé que és una mica

and I already know it's a bit

perpèptic, però és així. El Barça

perpetual, but that's how it is. The Barça

està jugant i és

is playing and is

com una gallina quan li talles

like a chicken when you cut it

el cap.

the head.

Que corre, corre, però no sap on va.

He runs, he runs, but he doesn't know where he's going.

No sap on va, doncs és igual aquí.

He doesn't know where he's going, so it doesn't matter here.

Quan corren, eh?, perquè no sempre corren.

When they run, huh?, because they don't always run.

Estem en estes.

We are in these.

Respecte al tema Vinicius,

Regarding the topic of Vinicius,

jo crec que, Michel, també

I believe that, Michel, too.

és un gran jugador, jo crec que és un gran jugador.

He is a great player, I believe he is a great player.

Com a jugador ja m'agradaria tenir

As a player, I would like to have.

el Barça, però una altra

the Barça, but another

cosa és la seva educació, la seva

what is her education, her

formació, les seues formes i maneres

training, its forms and ways

que li causarà, i l'està causant,

that it will cause him, and it is causing him,

més problemes al Madrid

more problems at Madrid

que ell mateix.

than he himself.

Algú ha dit aquí que té un

Someone has said here that they have a

tarannà de pandillero.

gangster mentality.

Doncs sí, de pandillero

Well yes, as a gang member.

i, perdoneu l'expressió,

yes, excuse the expression,

de xuloputas.

of bastards.

És una manera trista

It's a sad way.



una persona actuar d'aquestes maneres.

a person acting in these ways.

Voldríem tots que els jugadors,

We would all like the players,

a més de jugadors,

in addition to players,

fossin bones persones o se sabessin

if they were good people or knew it

comportar al camp de futbol.

to behave on the football field.

I això no passa amb Vinicius.

And this doesn't happen with Vinicius.

I per altra banda, com els altres

And on the other hand, like the others.

equips ja el coneixen, doncs van a

teams already know him, as they go to

provocar el que és el que, d'una certa

provoke what is what, of a certain

manera, a ell també li agrada, no?

In a way, he likes it too, right?

Fer-se víctima en algunes circumstàncies.

To become a victim in certain circumstances.

També hem de denunciar

We also need to denounce.

el permisisme que té

the permissiveness it has

per part de molts àrbitres.

on the part of many referees.

Potser si jugués a un altre equip no el tindria.

Maybe if he played for another team he wouldn't have it.

I respecte a la

And regarding the

qüestió del Barça, mireu, jo

Regarding the Barça issue, look, I...

ja he desistit.

I have already desisted.

L'únic que espero

The only thing I hope for

i desitjo és que arribéssim a final

And what I wish is that we reach the end.

de curs, a final de temporada,

of course, at the end of the season,

i llavors passar

and then pass

contes. I passar contes no només

stories. And telling stories not only

amb el resultat de l'equip

with the team's result

de futbol, del primer equip,

from football, of the first team,

i de Javi i de tot l'estat

and of Javi and of the entire state

tècnic. Parlar, passar contes

technical. Talk, tell stories

a nivell de club, això és una disbauxa.

At the club level, this is a debacle.

Aquí no sabem, abans

Here we don't know, before.

no sé qui ho comentava, que no

I don't know who mentioned it, but not.

tenim cap tipus d'informació. Els socis

we have no information whatsoever. The partners

estem deixats a la mà

we are left to our own devices

de Déu. Ens fan coses

of God. They do things to us.

que no s'expliquen.

that cannot be explained.

I per altra banda

And on the other hand

vas veient com s'estan

are you seeing how they are

gastant diners sense tindre'n

spending money without having it

d'una manera que

in a way that

jo al·lucino. Ara mateix,

I am amazed. Right now,

Víctor Roque,

Victor Roque,

no tenim diners.

we don't have money.

Us han gastat 86 milions d'euros

They have spent 86 million euros on you.

o 66 milions

or 66 million

d'euros, és igual, per a un jugador

of euros, it doesn't matter, for a player

que el tenim a la banqueta i que,

that we have on the bench and that,

per tant,


ha de continuar a la banqueta.

It must continue on the bench.

És tan necessari portar-lo ja

Is it so necessary to take it now?

per a tindre'l a la banqueta?

To have him on the bench?

No ho entenc.

I don't understand.

I altres coses.

And other things.

És a dir, no trobo jo

That is to say, I don't find myself.

solució actual

current solution

canviant d'entrenador.

changing coach.

Crec que a Javi

I think Javi

se li haurà de continuar donant confiança,

he will have to continue being given trust,

ni que sigui perquè no tenim un duro

not even because we don't have a dime

per a poder canviar d'entrenador,

in order to change coach,

però jo esperaria a final de curs,

but I would wait until the end of the term,

com en les classes i en els cursos,

like in the classes and in the courses,

i llavors passar factura.

And then I will bill.

I no només a l'equip de futbol

And not only to the football team.

i no només

and not only

a l'entrenador o a l'estaf

to the coach or to the staff

tècnic de l'equip de futbol, sinó

team football technician, but

al club en si. I jo

to the club itself. And I

sóc dels que defensaria una moció

I am one of those who would defend a motion.

de censura si les coses

of censorship if things

no van com ha anat

they didn't go as it was supposed to

fins ara.

until now.

Això és inaguantable.

This is unbearable.

Acabarem destruint

We will end up destroying.

el club en tres diners.

the club in three coins.

Algun comentari

Any comments?

referent al que deia Sisko Laosa

regarding what Sisko Laosa said

dels altres tertulians?

of the other participants?

Una pregunta per als del Barça.

A question for the Barça fans.

Per què no juga Víctor Roque?

Why isn’t Víctor Roque playing?

És per l'entrenador o és per

Is it for the coach or is it for

hi ha algo de diners per detrás

There's something money behind it.

d'aquells 40 milions?

of those 40 million?

No entenc un home

I don't understand a man.

que ve ara en fama de

that comes now in fame of

i que no jugue ni...

and that he doesn't even play...

Jo tampoc ho entenc.

I don't understand it either.

Si era tan necessari

If it was so necessary

portar-lo perquè Lewandowski

bring him because Lewandowski

continués tant com està,

you continue as you are,

no entenc que ara

I don't understand what now.

el tingués a la banqueta

I had him on the bench.

i el vagués traient dosificadament.

And the vagueness removing it in moderation.

Perquè jo penso que ahí sí

Because I think that's where it is.

que tenia que jugar, almenys

that I had to play, at least

mitja part sí, contra

half time yes, against

un equip menor.

a younger team.

Que s'adapte.

Let it adapt.

És com si

It's as if

et compres un traje

you buy yourself a suit

que val molts diners

that costs a lot of money

i només el tens

and you only have it

per anar per casa.

to go around the house.

No ho entenc.

I don't understand.

No entenc res.

I don't understand anything.

Abans algú ha menció

Before someone mentions

el tipus de fitxatge

the type of hiring

que fan.

what they do.

És que al·lucino

I am just amazed.

en els fitxatges que han fet.

in the signings they have made.

Si no és que

If it's not that

hi ha pensó malament,

he thought badly,

si no és que hi ha comissions

unless there are commissions

per detrás, que algú

from behind, let someone

s'està embutxacant diners,

he is pocketing money,

no entenc que facin

I don't understand what they're doing.

lo que estan fent.

what they are doing.

Malgastar diners d'estes maneres

Wasting money in these ways

no ho entenc, no ho entenc.

I don't understand it, I don't understand it.

Algú vol afegir, comentar algo més?

Does anyone want to add or comment on anything else?

Sí, jo.

Yes, me.

Una mica mos hem desviat

We've strayed a bit.

del que era el tema esportiu.

of what was the sports theme.

Jo sí que vull dir una cosa

I do want to say something.

que tinc ganes

that I feel like

de dir-la,

to say it,

que un dia podem fer un monogràfic,

that one day we can do a monograph,

perquè avui no mos donaria temps,

because today it wouldn't give us time,

per a parlar de la figura del president.

to talk about the figure of the president.

Un president

A president



a tots els tertulians que estem aquí ho sabem,

we all know here,

fa anys

years ago

natros duiem a la samarreta

we wear the shirt

un lema, que era Qatar Airways,

a slogan, which was Qatar Airways,



dia sí, dia

day yes, day

també, la premsa

also, the press

i no vull dir noms, perquè me'l sé

And I don't want to say names, because I know it.

de memòria, però no fa falta dir-los,

by heart, but there’s no need to tell them,

cada matí estaven obrint

every morning they were opening

les editorials dels seus programes

the editorials of their programs

en què això era

what this was about

diners del terrorisme

terrorism money

islàmic, de

Islamic, of

dale que te pego, bueno,

give it to me, well,

no m'allargaré. I ara, mon amnat,

I won't prolong it. And now, my beloved,

Aràbia Saudita, jo ja sé

Saudi Arabia, I already know.

que anem per la Real Federación Española de Fútbol,

that we go through the Royal Spanish Football Federation,



he vist el meu president

I have seen my president.

amb els xeics allà saltant, votant,

with the sheikhs there jumping, voting,

donant per a mi

giving for me

una imatge

an image

que no,


com bé ha dit Pere,

as Pere has said well,

no és una imatge que a mi

it's not an image that to me

més sàpiga com a soci

more knowledge as a partner

del Barça,

of Barça,

cosa que quedi bé

something that looks good

davant la gent,

in front of the people,



si parlem d'un president,

if we talk about a president,



és el que ha despedit a Messi

he is the one who has dismissed Messi

del Barça,

from Barça,

és el que li han dimitit,

it's what they have resigned from.

no sé si en portem dos o tres,

I don't know if we have two or three.

directors o CEOs

directors or CEOs



Reverter, Mateu Alemany,

Reverter, Mateu Alemany,

bueno, no continuaré per aquí,

well, I won't continue here,

directors esportius, Jordi Cruyff,

sporting directors, Jordi Cruyff,

ara tenim un altre que és d'ECO,

now we have another one that is from ECO,

no sé quan durarà, i clar,

I don't know how long it will last, and of course,

d'això podríem fer-ne un monogràfic un dia,

we could make a monograph on this one day,

i llavors parlarem

And then we will talk.

i trobarem moltes causes

and we will find many causes

que no només són Xavi,

that they are not just Xavi,

de tot això que hem parlat aquí,

from all that we have talked about here,

però que l'arbre no està pel bosc,

but the tree is not in the forest,



no és l'entrenador

he is not the coach

per al Barcelona i s'hauria de cessar

for Barcelona and it should be ceased

ipso facto,


ni a final de temporada ni res,

neither at the end of the season nor anything.

i si no se cessa

and if it does not cease

recomano un assessor

I recommend an advisor.

al costat de la banqueta,

next to the bench,

que se partiga el germà

let the brother break

i ell que fiqui la cara

and let him show his face

i un assessor que sàpiga de futbol

and an advisor who knows about football

i que reorganitzi

and reorganize

en la mesura de lo possible

to the extent possible

en este plantel.

in this roster.

Hi ha jugadors de qualitat? Sí,

Are there quality players? Yes,

però també hi ha jugadors

but there are also players

exjugadors i també hi ha

former players and there are also

jugadors los quals no

players who do not

tenen categoria

they have category

per estar representant la samarreta del Barça

for representing the Barça shirt

i no em fesseu dir noms

and don't make me say names

perquè no en tinc ganes,

because I don't feel like it,

però hi ha jugadors que no poden portar

but there are players that cannot be brought

la samarreta del Barça perquè no tenen

the Barça jersey because they don't have it

qualitat suficient per

sufficient quality for

agafar les rendes d'aquest equip.

take the reins of this team.

I em sembla que avui

It seems to me that today

estic dient les coses molt clares.

I am being very clear about things.

Molt clares, sempre, avui i sempre, Manolo.

Very clear, always, today and always, Manolo.

No sé si algú més vol afegir

I don't know if anyone else wants to add.

alguna cosa més d'aquest tema.

anything else on this topic.

Míxel i després demanava,

Míxel and then asked,

no sé si Pere, Paula o...

I don't know if Pere, Paula or...

Per curiositat vos contaré

Out of curiosity, I will tell you.

una cosa. Tots els anys

One thing. Every year.

los veteranos del Barça fan

the veterans of Barça do

un viatge

a journey

arreu d'Espanya

throughout Spain

en les dones i tal,

in women and such,

i en guany

and this year

lo van fer aquí al Delta.

they did it here in the Delta.

I parlat en un

And spoken in a

exjugador del Barça

former Barça player

Que no mos diràs qui és, Míxel?

Won't you tell us who it is, Míxel?

No, mos va contar que

No, he told us that.

és més greu del que

it's more serious than what

la premsa i tot allò

the press and all that

diu. Hi ha molt, molt, molt

says. There is a lot, a lot, a lot.

de malamaró

of bad behavior

dins, en la part econòmica.

inside, in the economic part.

No hi ha un duro, però no saben

There isn't a dime, but they don't know.

ni per a sortir-ne

nor to get out of it

i que

and that

això tindrà conseqüències.

this will have consequences.

Estan endeutant moltíssim,

They are going into a lot of debt,

això em contava, i que

this is what he/she was telling me, and that

l'ego sortirà

the ego will come out

tot, però estan allò

everything, but they are there

de dir, avui caic, ara m'aixeco

To say, today I fall, now I get up.

i... Bastant més

I... Quite a bit more.

greu del que parlem.

serious of what we are talking about.

No sé si algú més havia demanat la paraula

I don't know if anyone else had requested the floor.

després de Míxel.

after Míxel.

No? Joan, volem saber

No? Joan, we want to know.

també la teua opinió, que el tenim al

also your opinion, which we have at the

Comprar amb Joan Bericat a les vies de So

Shopping with Joan Bericat on the avenues of Sound

Joan, és un entès de futbol, de vòlei...

Joan is an expert in football, in volleyball...

Sí, una cosa.

Yes, one thing.

No res,


res que no hagin dit els meus companys.

nothing that my colleagues haven't said.

La Supercopa,

The Super Cup,

un desastre,

a disaster,

un desastre, desastre, desastre.

a disaster, disaster, disaster.

Jo me'n recordo que tenia

I remember that I had

unes ganes del partit brutals,

a tremendous desire for the match,

era una final, de fet

it was a final, in fact

a la meva parella li vaig regalar una camiseta

I gave my partner a t-shirt.

del Barça per a Stam,

from Barça for Stam,

i l'anàvem a estrenar,

and we were going to premiere it,

anàvem a veure

we were going to see

la final, tal,

the final, such,

passen 10 minuts, 2-0.

10 minutes pass, 2-0.

Com pot ser això?

How can this be?

Passen 10 minuts, 2-0,

10 minutes pass, 2-0,

i arribes al minut 75, perdem 4-1,

and you arrive at minute 75, we are losing 4-1,

75, encara que

75, although

15 minuts, per a deixar-te la pell,

15 minutes, to leave you skinless,

per a córrer, per a...

to run, to...

I el Barça ja havia assumit que havia perdut,

And Barça had already accepted that they had lost,

i el Barça va donar

and Barça gave

una imatge, jo trobo que

an image, I find that

deplorable, no?

deplorable, isn't it?

Una imatge...

An image...

molt, molt, molt,

very, very, very,

molt deplorable.

very deplorable.

Crec que tenim problemes

I think we have problems.

de so. Algun problema tècnic

of sound. Some technical problem

sembla ser que Manuel Martínez i... Hola, hola.

it seems that Manuel Martínez and... Hello, hello.

No s'entén?

Doesn't it understand?

Sembla ser que Manuel Martínez

It seems that Manuel Martínez

i Miquel Castelló no s'entén.

I Miquel Castelló cannot be understood.

No s'entén, eh?

It isn't understood, huh?

Són coses, a vegades, que passen,

Sometimes, these things happen.

poden passar, problemes tècnics... En teoria

Technical problems can occur... In theory.

se sent bé, eh? Però

It feels good, huh? But

suposo que ells potser, a l'estar online...

I suppose that they maybe, being online...

Bueno, acabo ràpid.

Well, I’ll finish quickly.

Això, trobo que també jo

I think so too.

crec que és una situació que els jugadors

I think it is a situation that the players

haurien de fer un pas abans,

they should take a step back,

també, perquè trobo que

also, because I find that

moltes vegades va ser

many times it was

qüestió d'actitud, també, la final,

a matter of attitude, too, in the end,

i, evidentment, trobo que Xavi

And, of course, I think that Xavi

no sap ja quasi, quasi

he/she hardly knows anymore, almost

ni a què vol jugar, ni a què pot jugar,

neither what he wants to play, nor what he can play,

és el que deia Míxel. No sé si intentem

it's what Míxel was saying. I don't know if we're trying

tornar a ser el Barça

to be the Barça again

d'aquella època, però la realitat és que el Barça

from that time, but the reality is that Barça

d'aquella època no tornarà, no? I els jugadors

That time won't return, will it? And the players?

se veu que no estan preparats per jugar

It seems that they are not ready to play.

aquest telejoc. Llavors, què farem?

this game show. So, what will we do?

Com jugarem, no? I

How shall we play, right? I

estan els problemes econòmics que jo trobo

there are the economic problems that I find

que, com diu Míxel, condicionen

that, as Míxel says, condition

molt el club. Una... una

very the club. One... one

locura. I Vinicius, també, com han tocat,

madness. And Vinicius, too, as they have played,

és que lo de Vinicius no té solució.

The situation with Vinicius has no solution.

És així, és una persona així,

That's how it is, that's the kind of person they are.

i a sobre és una cosa molt impostada.

And on top of that, it's a very contrived thing.

Ell ho

He does it.

imposta molt, vol ser així. Ell vol ser així.

It imposes a lot, it wants to be like this. He wants to be like this.

Li agrada ser així.

He/She likes to be this way.

Se fica entre...

It gets in between...

Perdó, pero se fica cachondo, entre cometes,

Sorry, but it gets turned on, in quotes.

com diu Piqueno, se fica cachondo.

as Piqueno says, he gets horny.

Ell també se fica cachondo fent això

He also gets turned on doing this.

i provocant i tal, i encarant,

and provoking and such, and confronting,

i allà dient-li l'agrada a l'Atletico

And there telling him he likes Atletico.

soy muy bueno, soy muy bueno,

I am very good, I am very good.

soy buenísimo.

I am really good.

I després Griezmann

And then Griezmann.

marca, perquè ell defensa... bueno, però

mark, because he defends... well, but

és una cosa que jo trobo

it is something that I find

que, com diem,

that, as we say,

ja és que no té arreglo. I a mi lo que em sorprèn

it's just that it can't be fixed. And what surprises me

és que Florentino no l'hagi agafat per banda

it's just that Florentino hasn't taken him aside

i li hagui dit, tu, escolta, xaval... Potser l'han

and I have said to him, you, listen, kid... Maybe they have

agafat, no? Míxel no fa cas, no?

Got it, right? Míxel is not paying attention, is he?

No sé què pensa Míxel, però...

I don't know what Míxel thinks, but...

Jo crec que ja li han fet moltes

I believe they have already done many to him/her.

reflexions, però que no fa cas directament.

reflections, but that does not take direct notice.

És una sensació segona, eh? Sí, és que, claro,

It's a second feeling, huh? Yes, it's just that, of course,

la diferència és que és un jugador determinant,

the difference is that he is a key player,

és un jugador diferencial, que

he is a differential player, who

al Madrid ja li va bé,

Madrid is already fine with it,

i que, doncs, juga en foc

And so, play with fire.

i el dia a dia... És una mica preu que han de pagar, no?,

And the day-to-day... It's a bit of a price they have to pay, right?

per tindre un bon jugador, però que es comporta malament.

to have a good player, but who behaves badly.

Perquè, a banda de que

Because, apart from the fact that

sigui un caràcter tal,

be a character such,

és molt, molt

it's very, very

desequilibrant, i ell ho sap,

unbalancing, and he knows it,

i ell juga en això, per lo tant.

And he plays in this, therefore.

I al madridisme ja li va bé, eh?

And Madridismo is already fine with that, right?

No, sí, el jugador,

No, yes, the player,

per lo tant, cap problema.

Therefore, no problem.

Si los del Barça,

If the Barça fans,

que han de dir, i els de l'Atlètic

what they have to say, and those from Atlético

de Madrid, que han de dir, doncs bueno,

from Madrid, what can they say, well,

ja està. Bueno, bueno, és lo que hi ha.

That's it. Well, well, it is what it is.

Res, continuem.

Nothing, let's continue.

Atac i gol, esta tertúria futbolística

Attack and goal, this football talk show.

que fem todos los divendres a las 10 de la nit a 21 Radio,

What we do every Friday at 10 at night on 21 Radio,

mos podeu escoltar a

you can listen to us at

i al canal 34 de la TDT. No sé si, Joan,

and on channel 34 of the digital terrestrial television. I don't know if, Joan,

hem pogut solventar estos petits

we have been able to resolve these little ones

problemes tècnics que teníem, ara ho comprovarem.

technical problems we had, we will check it now.

No sé si els meus companys

I don't know if my colleagues

d'online poden dir alguna cosa

"Can they say something about online?"

per a comprovar si m'ho senten.

to check if they can hear me.

Sembla que ha... O que s'ha

It seems that has... Or that it has

semblat que hi ha algun problema i que no

it seems that there is some problem and that there is not

i que no mos senten, eh? Pere, tampoc?

And they can't hear us, right? Pere, neither?

Pere Parisello, tampoc?

Pere Parisello, neither?

No, tenim els companys,

No, we have the colleagues.

quatre companys que entren a la tertúlia

four companions who enter the discussion group

que no mos estan escoltant

that they are not listening to us

en este moment. Anem a ver si

at this moment. Let's see if

entraren i surtin d'esta sessió, perquè entren-los

They entered and leave this session, because they enter them.

i anem a explicar als oients.

And we are going to explain to the listeners.

Correcte, correcte.

Correct, correct.

Ara sí, ara sí, ara sí.

Now yes, now yes, now yes.

Tot això, de fora,

All of this, from the outside,

ja fot una puló. Què dius d'això?

It's really annoying. What do you say about that?

No, ara sí que

No, now yes.

ara sí que estem ja, ara sí que

Now we are really ready, now we really are.

ara sí que us escolteu, eh? Exacte.

Now you can hear us, right? Exactly.

La clau està aquí, aquí el Joan. Bueno, fem una miqueta tertúlia en privat, eh?

The key is here, here is Joan. Well, let's have a little chat in private, okay?

Paral·lela, no? Paral·lela.

Parallel, right? Parallel.

Mentre feu tertúlia

While you are having a chat.

en privat, a Marcal o Madrid,

in private, in Marcal or Madrid,

tres, eh? Quatre-tres, estem

Three, huh? Four-three, we are.

i canvia tot.

and everything changes.

Ja hem passat a la copa...

We have already passed to the cup...

Hàgaseu estat atentos

Please be attentive.

i, com sou lo Barça, no esteu atentos.

And, like Barça, you are not paying attention.

Nosaltres... Bueno, anem a la

We... Well, let's go to the

Copa del Rei. Va, Michel, comencem per tu,

King's Cup. Come on, Michel, let's start with you.

perquè, a veure, el Barça, tot i el susto inicial,

because, let's see, Barça, despite the initial scare,

l'ensurt inicial que Unionistes va...

the initial shock that Unionistes...

Salamanca va marcar primer, va acabar passant als quarts

Salamanca scored first and ended up advancing to the quarter-finals.

guanyant 1-3

winning 1-3

i, en canvi, el Madrid

and, on the other hand, Madrid

eliminava el Real Madrid, 4-2

eliminated Real Madrid, 4-2

a la pròrroga, atrevegada amb Vinicius

in extra time, daring with Vinicius

com a protagonista. Michel,

as the protagonist. Michel,

ja no seria possible el triplet, però almenys la Copa del Rei

it would no longer be possible for the treble, but at least the Copa del Rey

segur que la guanya el Madrid, eh? No, home, perquè

Surely Madrid will win it, right? No, come on, why?

no podríem entrar més copes, estan fent obres,

we couldn't bring in more glasses, they are doing construction.

han d'acabar de redonir-ho tot,

they have to finish rounding it all off,

estan fent obres, mos falta la lleixa

They are doing construction work, we are missing the shelf.

esta per a posar, i van dir, no,

it's about to be put on, and they said, no,

no la poses, no la guanyes. Justa victòria

If you don't put it in, you don't win it. Just victory.

a l'Atlètic o no? Com vas veure este partit de Copa del Rei?

At Atlético or not? How did you see this Copa del Rey match?

A vore, lo fútbol, lo fútbol

Let's see, football, football.

per a mi és de canta entre encerts

For me, it's about singing among successes.

i fallos, i segons

faults, and seconds

i segons l'encert

and according to the accuracy

o segons els falles, pues

or according to the fails, well

te penalitzen. En equips tan igualats,

they penalize you. In such evenly matched teams,

l'Atlètic de Madrid li tenia

Atletico Madrid had him.

també moltes ganes al

also a lot of excitement for the

Madrid, i

Madrid, and

hi ha fallos

there are errors

que no es poden cometre

that cannot be committed

i penalitzen lo de

and penalize the thing about

l'Uni, lo de l'Uni allí,

the Uni, the Uni there,

lo de... i el de Vinicius

the one about... and Vinicius' one

volguent atacar

wanting to attack

o traure la pilota Griezmann

or take the ball from Griezmann

quan ell no es defensa

when he does not defend himself

li trau malament

it hurts him badly

i va per detrás i

and goes behind and

li deixa entrar a l'àrea, pues

he lets him into the area, then

en fin, vaig xalar perquè

In short, I enjoyed myself because

va ser un partit molt intens

it was a very intense match

i d'això es tracta, eh?

And that's what it's about, right?

i, pues

and, well

el que hem de fer

what we have to do

l'any que ve tornarem a

next year we will return to

guanyar, en Enric

win, Enric

i en tots estos, que també tenim un equipet jovenet

And in all these, we also have a young team.

naltros, eh? També, també.

Us too, huh? Also, also.

Volem, hem de dir que este programa

We want to, we have to say that this program

s'ha enregistrat, l'enregistrem a les 9 del matí

It has been recorded, we will record it at 9 in the morning.

s'emet a les 10 de la nit, i ha estat

it is broadcast at 10 at night, and it has been

i ha sigut el sorteig de la Copa del Rei, i avui a la 1

The draw for the Copa del Rey has taken place, and today at 1.

del migdia, lògicament no podem

in the afternoon, we cannot logically

donar els emprenyaments, o els valorarem la setmana

give the annoyances, or we will assess them next week

la setmana que ve. Pere, com vas veure este

next week. Pere, how did you see this?

unionistes a la banca Barça i este Atlètic de Madrid

unionists at Barça bank and this Atlético de Madrid

Real Madrid? Que tal, esta jornada de Copa del Rei?

Real Madrid? How's it going, this King's Cup matchday?

Bé, el Atlètic

Well, the Athletic.

de Madrid-Real Madrid lo vaig veure molt bé,

from Madrid-Real Madrid I saw it very well,

la veritat, si em sap mal,

the truth is, if it hurts me,

que tan a mi que és lo Madrid del

that so to me that is the Madrid of

rei, que no pogués anar a rebre la

king, who could not go to receive her

Copa, vull dir, jo crec que aquí

Cup, I mean, I think that here

estan, estan molt tristos,

they are very sad,

estan molt tristos, sobretot el president.

They are very sad, especially the president.

En teoría del Atlètic, ¿no?, lo rey de Atlètic, te lo he dit.

In theory of the Athletic, right?, the king of Athletic, I told you.

Sí, sobretot el president,

Yes, especially the president,

jo, està molt trist. Bé, lo

I, it is very sad. Well, the

partit, lo partit del

party, the party of

Madrid contra el

Madrid against him

Camp de l'Atlètic, bé, va ser, doncs, un partit

Atlético's field, well, it was, then, a match.

de Copa, un partit en què

of Cup, a match in which

crec que tots van

I think they all go.

mostrar les seues armes,

show their weapons,

però la veritat és que bé, van hi haure

but the truth is that well, there will be

uns errors de defensa

some defensive errors

que normalment no es donen, però

that are usually not given, but

que el futbol és així.

that football is like this.



va ser lo que va fer perdre el Madrid

it was what made Madrid lose

ahir, vull dir, una pilota

Yesterday, I mean, a ball.

que no va controlar bé i que se li'n va anar

that he did not control well and that it got away from him

Griezmann, i va entrar a l'àrea i va fer un golàs.

Griezmann entered the area and scored a great goal.

Este Griezmann, que per a

This Griezmann, who for

naltros no en rascava una, i

we didn't scratch one, and

que ara l'Atlètic de Madrid ha tornat altra vegada

that now Atlético Madrid has returned again

a demostrar

to demonstrate

lo jugador que és, però bé, ja

the player that he is, but well, already

van hi haure més molts motius

there will be many more reasons

aquí al Barça per a poder no

here at Barça to not be able

desenvolupar el seu futbol, perquè una vegada més

develop their football, because once again

pensàvem que no era lo futbolista que

we thought he wasn't the footballer that

estava el Barça, vull dir, que és lo mateix

it was Barça, I mean, it's the same thing.

que estem parlant ara, quan els fitxatges

What are we talking about now, when the signings?

com han de jugar pels extrems, lo Barça, si no

how should Barça play on the wings, if not

té extrems, si no en té cap d'extrem, lo Barça.

It has extremes; if it has none, it's Barça.

L'únic que té és lo Jamal,

The only thing he has is Jamal.

no en té ningú més, vull

nobody else has it, I want it

dir, lo Rafinha

say, the Rafinha

no és extrem, és un jugador que

he is not extreme, he is a player who

se'n va sempre pel mig i no hi ha ningú més

He always goes through the middle and there is not anyone else.

i com ho va jugar

And how did he/she play it?

el Barça? Doncs ja ho vam dir abans, és que

Barça? Well, we said it before, it's just that

es más de lo mismo de siempre,

it's more of the same as always,

y la veritat es que lo que a mi, per lo menos,

and the truth is that what for me, at least,

me entristeix més es que

what saddens me more is that

después pues que surtigue

after it came out

que surtigue l'entrenador

that the coach comes out

Javi, que digue que s'ha fet un bon partit,

Javi, who says that a good match has been played,

que estos son un gran equip,

that they are a great team,

va pel mitjan de taula

goes through the middle of the table

i penso que hem de fer 12 o 13 gols

And I think we need to score 12 or 13 goals.

en 18 partits o en 19, que va eliminar

in 18 matches or in 19, who was eliminated

el Villarreal, que va eliminar el Gijón,

Villarreal, which eliminated Gijón,

que això o tal, bueno, escolta,

that this or such, well, listen,

que no m'ho xupem lo dit, que no

don’t suck my finger, no

no baixem ara del núvol,

we're not coming down from the cloud now,

que jo, bueno, vull dir que

that I, well, I mean that

llavons jo crec que

I think that

lo partit pues va mostrar una vegada més

the party then showed once again

les mancances que tenim, i que, ok,

the shortcomings we have, and that, okay,

crec que hi ha jugadors que

I think there are players who

ja sé que per a un entrenador

I know that for a coach

gestionar un vestidor

manage a wardrobe

en figures mundials

in world figures

i que més moltes

And what more, many.

ja estan de tornada de moltes coses,

they are already back from many things,

deu ser complicat, però que

it must be complicated, but what

més d'un ja crec que s'hauria

more than one I already believe that should have

de donar algun descans.

to give some rest.

I lo de Roque es lo que parlàvem abans,

And what happened with Roque is what we were talking about earlier,

ahir va dir después que se tenía unas molestias

Yesterday he said afterwards that he had some discomfort.

y que pero eso no lo va a hacer, pero

and what but that's not going to happen, but

eso son cosas de estas

those are things like these

que, de la manera que es diu,

that, the way it is said,

dubtem que siga així, que per unes molèsties,

we doubt it is like this, that due to some inconveniences,

vull dir, a veure, lo lògic

I mean, let's see, the logical thing.

seria, ahir, que hagués jugat

it would be, yesterday, that he/she would have played

ell i no el Marc Guiu,

he and not Marc Guiu,

i a mi el Marc Guiu m'agrada, eh?, perquè

And I like Marc Guiu, you know?, because

és un delante centro, delante centro,

it's a forward center, forward center,

i que lluita i que va, i

and that fights and that goes, and

igual que Fermín, vull dir que es nota

Just like Fermín, I want to say that it shows.

los jugadores que

the players who

donen tot el camp i que juguen en una intensitat

they give everything on the field and play with intensity

que no juguen els demés, no?

so that the others don't play, right?

I, a més, vam tindre la gran sort

I, moreover, had the great luck

de fer dos golaços, vull dir,

to score two great goals, I mean,

dels dos que lo conde de fora

of the two that the count of outside

l'àrea, i

the area, and

i l'altre, que normalment

and the other, which usually

que són xuts

what are kicks

que entrem quan entrem, però és que si no

that we enter when we enter, but it's just that if not

el partit estava encallat, estava encallat,

the match was stuck, it was stuck,

és que no xutàvem a porta, no xutàvem a porta,

it's just that we weren't shooting at the goal, we weren't shooting at the goal,

seguia estant encallat, i bé,

I was still stuck, and well,

vull dir, per sort, vam tindre un cert

I mean, luckily, we had a certain

este, i hem passat eliminatòria,

this, and we have passed the elimination round,

però no

but no

no mos enganyéssim ningú, i

let's not deceive anyone, and

lo que estàvem parlant és que aquí

what we were talking about is that here

la formació de

the formation of

la plantilla i la manera que va, i

the lineup and the way it goes, and

i la sortida de Mateu Alemany, i la

and the exit of Mateu Alemany, and the

cremada de Deco, i la influència dels portuguesos,

burnt Deco, and the influence of the Portuguese,

i la manera que està,

and the way it is,

dona una sensació que no

gives a feeling that does not

que crec jo, que

that I think, that

et crea molts dubtes, no?, per no dir-ho

It creates a lot of doubts for you, doesn't it? Not to say the least.

d'una altra manera. I, per tant,

in another way. And, therefore,

jo espero que poguéssim acabar

I hope we could finish.

els quatre primers, ja ho he dit abans,

the first four, I have said it before,

i otra cosa mariposa,

and another thing, butterfly,

pero en lo presidente este, en la manera que estem,

but in the current situation, in the way we are,

si no es posa una mica d'orden

if some order is not put in place

i este problema estructural que hi ha,

and this structural problem that exists,

que estic d'acord, lo que diu Manolo,

I agree with what Manolo says.

no s'arregla, i lo que diu Cisco

it doesn't get fixed, and what Cisco says

també, de la manera que estan els socis

also, in the way the partners are



jo crec que lo futur no és massa bo.

I believe that the future is not very good.

Miquel, com vas veure esta jornada de Copa del Rey

Miquel, how did you see this Copa del Rey match?

en la que el Barça va avançar a quarts de final

in which Barça advanced to the quarter-finals

i el Madrid va quedar eliminat?

And did Madrid get eliminated?

Jo, la primera part,

I, the first part,

vaig acabar, la primera part del Barça

I finished the first part of Barça.

contra el Salamanca,

against Salamanca,

vaig acabar desesperat.

I ended up desperate.



Vaig xutar,

I kicked,

lo Barça va xutar una vegada a porta,

Barça shot at goal once.

que va ser el gol,

that was the goal,

i el Salamanca

and the Salamanca

al minut u ja mos hagués pogut marcar el primer.

In the first minute, he could have already scored the first goal for us.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Una rejugada que va atraure la

A replay that attracted the

Iñaki Peña

Iñaki Peña

i el golaç que van marcar.

and the goal they scored.

Va ser la primera part,

It was the first part,

el Salamanca va ser un equip superior

Salamanca was a superior team.

i mos ha de preocupar-mos.

And we have to worry.

Lo que diu Pere és un equip de

What Pere says is a team of

tercera divisió.

third division.

És un equip de tercera divisió

It is a third division team.

i de la meitat de la taula.

and from the middle of the table.

Jo la segona part vaig desconnectar,

I disconnected during the second part.

per la ràdio,

on the radio,

i vaig desconnectar,

I disconnected.

perquè vull dir, és que no pot ser,

because I mean, it can't be,

que cada vegada que vinguéssim un partit del Barça

that every time we came to a Barça game

acabéssim mal de cap

we ended up with a headache

o acabéssim amb malestar personal,

or we would end up with personal discomfort,

no pot ser.

It cannot be.

I ho repetís, i contínuament.

I would repeat it, and continuously.

Del partit

Of the match

de l'Atlètic i del Madrid

of the Athletic and of Madrid

en principi no pensava veure-ho

I didn't think I would see it in principle.

i al final vaig acabar veient la segona part

And in the end, I ended up watching the second part.

i la pròrroga em va semblar un partidàs.

And the extra time seemed like a great match to me.

Allò que esperes veure d'equips

What you expect to see from teams

com el Madrid, com l'Atlètic, com el Barça.

like Madrid, like Atlético, like Barça.

Uns i els altres van jugar

One another played.

a totes

to everyone

tot el rato que va dur el partit.

the whole time the match lasted.

Què van haver encert

What they got right

i què van haver

and what did they have



claríssimes, però això

very clear, but this

passa en tot.

It happens in everything.

A mi el partit

To me the match.


I repeat,

el rato este que vaig viure

the moment I experienced

m'ha agradat molt com van jugar

I really liked how they played.

i vull destacar a Griezmann

And I want to highlight Griezmann.

que n'heu parlat. Griezmann

that you have talked about it. Griezmann

és un jugador que no va

He is a player who doesn't go.

tindre encaix al nostre equip

to have a place in our team

que després ho vam regalar a l'Atlètic i al Madrid

that later we gave it as a gift to Atlético and Madrid

i que a l'Atlètic i al Madrid li torna

And that it returns to Atlético and Madrid.

a resoldre els problemes

to solve the problems

que té a nivell d'atac.

that has at the attack level.

I també m'ha agradat molt Bellingham.

I also really liked Bellingham.

Jo trobo que és un jugador

I think he is a player.

excepcional, un totcampista, que

exceptional, a midfielder, that

igual que marca gols, potser juga al mig del camp

just as he scores goals, he might play in midfield

contra defensa. Francament

against defense. Frankly

juguen una altra cosa

they play something else

i per tant

and therefore

és raonable que quan

it is reasonable that when

nosaltres mos enfrontem a ells siguem molt superiors.

We confront them, we are much superior.

De cara al futur

Looking to the future

avui hi haurà els sorteig

Today there will be the draw.



si tenim sort i mos toca un equip petit

if we're lucky and we get a small team

patim patam

we suffer we matter

a la millor passarem a semifinals

We might as well make it to the semifinals.

però si mos toca un equip fort

but if we face a strong team

a l'Atlètic i al Madrid, real societat

to Atlético and Real Sociedad

doncs una altra vegada

well, another time

a patir.

to suffer.

I això no és raonable

And this is not reasonable.

en la quantitat de recursos

in the quantity of resources

que s'han posat sobre el camp

that have been placed on the field

i en la teòrica qualitat

and in the theoretical quality

dels jugadors que tenim.

of the players we have.

No és raonable. Llavors aquí

It is not reasonable. Then here.

hi ha un problema que és entrenador però és un problema

There is a problem that is a coach, but it is a problem.

també que és estructural.

also that it is structural.

En el sentit de moltes de les coses

In the sense of many of the things

que com a socis coneixen Cisco Lagosa

as partners they know Cisco Lagosa

i Manuel Martínez molt millor que jo

And Manuel Martínez much better than me.

però que hi ha una cosa que també

but there is one thing that also

no s'escapa a ningú, és que no tenim un ral.

It is not lost on anyone, it's that we don't have a penny.

I si no tenim un ral

And if we don't have a cent?

és difícil buscar solucions

It's difficult to find solutions.

en un món tan comercialitzat

in such a commercialized world

i tan capitalitzat

and so capitalized

com és el futbol.

How is football?

Víctor Roque, per què no juga?

Victor Roque, why isn't he playing?

Doncs no ho sé, perquè

Well, I don't know, because

com que en este club no hi ha ningú que digui les coses

since in this club there is no one to say things

clares, doncs no

clear, so no

ho sabem ningú.

we know no one.

I això de que si et diuen és molestes o

And this thing that if they tell you, it's annoying or

jo trobo que són excuses mal pagades.

I think they are poorly paid excuses.

En definitiva, que estem en una

In short, we are in a

situació caòtica que

chaotic situation that

ganes de que s'acabi

Looking forward to it ending.

la temporada

the season

i a veure com acabem

Let's see how it ends.

però pràcticament serà un autèntic

but it will practically be an authentic

poema arribar al final

poem to reach the end

amb el seguiment que fem

with the monitoring we do

els que ens agrada el futbol

those of us who like football

que som els colonistes.

that we are the colonists.

Manolo Cisco, alguna cosa més a afegir de la Copa del Rei?

Manolo Cisco, anything else to add about the Copa del Rey?



Miquel Castelló

Miquel Castelló

acaba de dir ara fa un moment, jo vaig

just said just a moment ago, I go

veure el partit del Barça i vaig veure

I watched the Barça match and I saw.

tot el partit, la pròrroga de l'Atlètic Madrid-Real Madrid

the entire match, the extra time of Atlético Madrid-Real Madrid

no la vaig veure, la pròrroga

I didn't see her, the extension.

no, però vaig veure tot el partit

No, but I watched the whole match.

i l'Atlètic Madrid

and Atlético Madrid

i el Real Madrid juguen una altra cosa

And Real Madrid plays another thing.

no té res a veure el joc que fa el Barça

it has nothing to do with the game that Barça plays

amb el joc que fa l'Atlètic Madrid

with the style of play that Atlético Madrid has

i el Real Madrid, res a veure

and Real Madrid, nothing to do with it

parlo dels partits que vaig veure ahir

I'm talking about the matches I saw yesterday.

però és que si mires algun partit

but if you watch any game

de caràcter internacional passa igual

of international character it happens the same

lo Barcelona es un futbolín

Barcelona is a foosball table.

no es futbol, futbolín es

It's not football, it's table football.

lo que fa el Barça no es futbolín

What Barça does is not foosball.

mentre que els altres equips

while the other teams

hi van en intensitat, tenen

they go in intensity, they have

jugadors decisius i decisoris

decisive and determining players

que el Barcelona no en té cap davant

that Barcelona has none in front

no en té cap

he doesn't have any

que tingui un detall

that has a detail

de dir hòstia

to say damn

quina classe i que ha fet

what class and what has he/she done

no en té cap

he doesn't have any

i estos últims dies

and these last few days

s'està anunciant o s'està dient

it is being announced or it is being said

que aquesta és la contradicció més gran del món

that this is the greatest contradiction in the world

que la plantilla de Barcelona és de les més

that the Barcelona squad is one of the most

cares del món

faces of the world

però bueno

but well

si resulta que tenim

if it turns out that we have

jugadors que

players that

cobren poc

they charge little

o que estan mal pagats

or that are poorly paid

o que no estan qualificats

or that are not qualified

a nivell internacional

at an international level

però és que senyors estem pagant

but the gentlemen, we are paying

a preu de llangustí

at the price of langoustine

la sardineta

the little sardine


Do you understand me?

i això no pot ser, això és inadmissible

and this cannot be, this is unacceptable.

en un món

in a world

en el qual els diners

in which the money

en l'àmbit del futbol són tan importants

In the field of football, they are as important.

que estem fent naltros

what are we doing

malgastant diners

squandering money

tirant diners perquè clar

pulling money because of course

si resulta que tenim uns jugadors molt ben pagats

if it turns out that we have very well-paid players

molt ben considerats

very well considered

i a l'hora de la veritat no fan el que han de fer

And when the time comes, they don't do what they have to do.

i compareixen altres jugadors

other players appear

que no estan tan ben pagats i tan ben considerats

that are not so well paid and so well regarded

i els passen per damunt

and they run over them

això és inadmissible

this is unacceptable

és inadmissible no sé

It is unacceptable I don't know.

jo per això

I for that reason.

com el problema és tan complex

as the problem is so complex

no li veig hores d'àrea de solució

I don't see him/her hours of sun solution.

l'únic que penso és

the only thing I think is

arribem a final de temporada

we reach the end of the season

i després a por todas

and then go all out

de dalt a baix

top to bottom

però és cert

but it is true

que en aquest club s'ha de fer un resert

that in this club a reset must be done

no pot ser

it cannot be

mentre continui aquesta dinàmica

as long as this dynamic continues

no en sortirem

we won't get out of it

i acabarem sent una societat anònima

and we will end up being a public limited company

Us queden 5 o 6 minuts

You have 5 or 6 minutes left.

amb el conte de tertúlia

with the story of the gathering

Mira, aniré ràpid

Look, I'll go quickly.

referent a l'ètic de Madrid-Real Madrid

regarding the Madrid-Real Madrid ethics

ja el vaig veure

I already saw him.

com ha dit bé Miquel Castelló

as Miquel Castelló has rightly said

és un futbol diferent

it's a different football

se juga a una altra cosa

it's played to something else

perquè pràcticament els gols del Madrid

because practically the goals of Madrid

tots són errades, la primera

they are all mistakes, the first one

és errada de Rüdiger,

it is Rüdiger's mistake,

la segona és errada de Lunín,

the second is Lunín's mistake,

la tercera és de Vinicius

the third is from Vinicius

i el quart també,

and the fourth as well,

és una jugada que al final marca Riquelme

It's a play that Riquelme ultimately concludes.

però forma part del futbol

but it's part of football

i això

and this

té divertit, ho sento molt

I'm sorry, I can’t help with that.

però tinc enveja sana de veure

but I have a healthy envy of seeing

els dos, el partit de Supercopa

the two, the Supercup match

i el partit d'ahir

and the match yesterday

de Copa del Rei. En quant a

of the Copa del Rey. As for

naltros, mira, jo crec que ells

us, look, I think that they

ja han afegit tot el que

they have already added everything that

a mi penso igual

I think the same.

que tots els meus companys

that all my colleagues

l'únic que voldria afegir

the only thing I would like to add

és si contra un equip que ha dit

it's against a team that has said

Miquel Castelló molt bé de tercera

Miquel Castelló very good at third.

divisió, perquè em sembla que és

division, because it seems to me that it is

això a mitja mos ho pot aclarir perquè jo ja he perdut

this halfway could clarify it for me because I have already lost

ara en això de primera RF

now in this about first RF

segona RF

second RF

ja em perdo, no sé si és de segona veu o de tercera

I'm already lost, I don't know if it's the second voice or the third.

però més bé, em sembla que seria

but rather, it seems to me that it would be

de tercera, no ho sé, ja mos ho aclarirà ell

Thirdly, I don't know, he will clarify it for us.

però que tu tinguis que

but that you have to

traure Ale Bandowski

remove Ale Bandowski





etcètera, etcètera, etcètera

etcetera, etcetera, etcetera

per jugar contra l'Unionistes de Salamanca

to play against Unionistas de Salamanca

ja t'ho diu tot

it says it all to you

ja no, jo crec

not anymore, I believe.

que aquí ja és el resum

that here is already the summary

de tot el que passa

of everything that happens

i torno a repetir

I say it again.

vull dir, és culpa esportivament

I mean, it's sports blame.

i hi ha un problema

And there is a problem.

d'entrenador, sí

of coach, yes

després tindrem tots els problemes que tenim

then we will have all the problems we have

que els tenim monetaris

that we have monetary ones

tenen, com he dit abans

they have, as I said before

de dubtosíssima qualitat per jugar al Barça

of dubious quality to play for Barça

que això en podem fer un altre programa

that we can make another program out of this

i parlar-ne de moltes coses d'estes

and talk about many things about these

i referent a Víctor Roque

And regarding Víctor Roque.

doncs home, si quan

well man, if when

un partit tens contra l'Unionistes de Salamanca

a match you have against the Unionistas de Salamanca

tampoc Víctor Roque

neither Víctor Roque

pot ser titular

may be entitled

doncs una de dues

so one of two

o hi ha un problema de l'entrenador

either there is a problem with the coach

o hi ha un problema en este jugador

There is a problem with this player.

que me l'han pintat com el nou Ronaldo

that they've painted me as the new Ronaldo

i potser és un Rochenbach

and maybe it is a Rochenbach

o un Giovani

or a Giovani

de los mejores tiempos

of the best times

per tant, tranquil·litat

therefore, tranquility

i tallar al final

and cut at the end

ara anirem

now we will go

anirem el diumenge que ve

we will go next Sunday

a les sis i mitja

at half past six

al Matadero, a l'Escorxador

to the Slaughterhouse

a Camp del Betis

at Camp del Betis

un altre suplici

another torment

i ja veurem, segurament que tornarem a fer el mateix

And we'll see, surely we'll do the same again.

i bueno

And good

com ben dit ells

as they said

a final de temporada

at the end of the season

com ben dit els meus companys

As my colleagues have rightly said

i diu

and says

tio, a final de temporada

dude, at the end of the season

farem les notes

we will take the notes

potser les notes ja seran

perhaps the grades will already be

molt deficientes

very deficient

que als meus temps era

that in my days was

molt deficiente

very deficient

té pinta, té pinta

It has a look, it has a look.

este cap de setmana a Lliga

this weekend in the League

Betis-Barça-Real Madrid-Talmeria-Girona-Sevilla

Betis-Barça-Real Madrid-Talmeria-Girona-Sevilla

i ens queden res 4 minuts

And we have only 4 minutes left.

però lògicament no podem deixar de parlar del futbol femení

but logically we cannot stop talking about women's football

a la Lliga el Barça és líder

In the league, Barça is the leader.

va passar també a quarts de final del Copa del Rey

he also reached the quarter-finals of the Copa del Rey.

guanyant el Bacete 0-6

winning Bacete 0-6

i a les semifinals de la Supercopa d'Espanya

and in the semifinals of the Supercopa de España

sí que va fer la feina contra el Madrid

Yes, he did the job against Madrid.

a diferència del masculí guanyava 4-0

unlike the men's team, they won 4-0

i demà jugarà la final contra el Levante

And tomorrow he will play the final against Levante.

Miquel Castelló i les noies

Miquel Castelló and the girls

sí que segueixen a la seva línia

they do continue in their line

Sí, sí, molt content del partit que van jugar

Yes, yes, very happy with the match they played.

una vegada més

once again

van passar per sobre del Madrid

they passed over Madrid

un Madrid que és un equip prefabricat

a Madrid that is a prefabricated team

comprat amb diners

bought with money

i que no pot competir de cap altra manera

and it cannot compete in any other way

en un Barça que porta molts anys

in a Barça that has been around for many years

per l'Ivante

for Ivante

però a mi això m'ha perdut moltíssim

but this has lost me a lot

la situació en què pot quedar l'any que ve

the situation in which one may find themselves next year

l'equip femení

the women's team

l'equip que ens ha donat més alegries

the team that has brought us the most joy

en les últimes temporades

in recent seasons

Mireu, en aquests moments

Look, at this moment

per a mi la jugadora que marca diferències

For me, the player who makes a difference.

de forma claríssima a tots els partits

very clearly to all the parties

és la Mariona Caldentei

She is Mariona Caldentei.

és una jugadora que acaba contracte

She is a player whose contract is ending.

a finals de temporada

at the end of the season

una jugadora que no t'he garantit

a player that I haven't guaranteed you

que se la pugui renovar

that it can be renewed

segons diuen pel tema de la massa salarial

according to what they say about the wage bill

tenim una altra jugadora que ha sigut

we have another player who has been

dues vegades la millor jugadora del món

twice the best player in the world

l'Àlexia Putelles

Alexia Putelles

que acaba contracte un mes de juny

that ends the contract in June

i li estan retallant les negociacions

and they are cutting back the negotiations

és un temps molt complicat que pugui renovar

It is a very complicated time that I can renew.

quan són jugadores l'una i l'altra

when they are players one and the other

que voldrien continuar

that they would like to continue

m'hi preocupa moltíssim

I am very worried about it.

que en la dius bauxa que hi ha en aquests moments

that in the bauxa you mention that there is at the moment

a la directiva del Barça

to the Barça board

al seu president els que l'acompanyen

to its president and those accompanying him

que l'any que ve no ens acabin desmuntant l'equip femení

that next year they don't end up dismantling the women's team

que ja seria com per apagar

that would be like to turn off

i deixar de ser culets

and stop being little butts

d'una vea per totes

once and for all

perquè, repetir això, són els que aguanten

because, repeating this, they are the ones who hold on

la institució en aquests moments

the institution at this moment

donant alegries

bringing joy

a tots aquells que ens agrada el futbol

to all those who love football

us demanaria que estiguéssim a la recta final

I would ask that we be in the final stretch.

dos o tres minuts

two or three minutes

Pere, com veus aquest Barça femení?

Pere, how do you see this women's Barça?

Bé, la veritat és que dona goig

Well, the truth is that it is a pleasure.

veure l'engranatge de l'equip

see the gear of the team

veure la intensitat

see the intensity

veure el que no veiem en el primer equip

to see what we do not see in the first team

i jo crec que el que estava dient ara Miquel

And I believe that what Miquel was saying now

és la gran preocupació

it is the great concern

un equip que està

a team that is

ja format

already shaped

un equip que està en ple rendiment

a team that is in full performance

i que ens donarà aquestes satisfaccions

and who will give us these satisfactions

que s'estigui

let it be

posant entredit la continuïtat de molts

putting the continuity of many into question

i que parlen totes també

and they all speak too

de veure quin és l'entrenador

to see who the coach is

quan això penso que haurien de resoldre-ho

when I think this they should solve it

prontament també

soon also

perquè és fonamental

because it is fundamental

aquesta peça

this piece

i per tant vull dir que bé

And therefore I want to say that it's fine.

una vegada més

once again

igual que quan veus el primer equip del Barça

just like when you see the first team of Barça

dius ai ai ai

you say oh oh oh

i que malament m'ho passaré

And how badly I will have a bad time.

tens ganes de veure l'equip femení

Are you eager to see the women's team?

perquè veritablement fa un futbol

because he truly plays football

dels que t'agrada

of those you like

i dels que ademés

and of those who also

se'ls veu la intensitat

You can see their intensity.

del joc

of the game

i bon engranatge que hi ha tal com deia

And a good gear that there is, as I said.

esperem que no es desmunti

we hope it doesn't come apart

i tot això de que a final de temporada

And all this about at the end of the season

i la temporada que ve

and next season

jo la manera que està aquí

I like the way it is here.

o hauria de canviar moltes coses

or I would have to change many things

o penso que això seguirà exactament igual

I think that this will remain exactly the same.

com està ara perquè

how are you now because

entre els problemes de diners i problemes de mala gestió

between money problems and bad management problems

i això no s'arregla

and this won't get fixed

si no hi ha un cop d'estat

if there is no coup d'état

i jo això tampoc no ho veig en els moments actuals

And I don't see this either in the current moments.



te'n rius?

Are you laughing at me?

és veritat

it's true

tots estem dient

we all are saying

acabem la temporada

we finish the season

la temporada que ve

the next season

és que no ho veu

it's that you don't see it

seguirà la porta

the door will follow

seguirà el mateix Sanchullos

it will be the same Sanchullos

seguiran els portuguesos

the Portuguese will follow

fer els fitxatges que els interessa

make the signings they are interested in

i seguirem

and we will follow

de la mateixa manera

in the same way

no hi ha volta de fulla

there's no turning back

moció de censura

motion of censure

perquè si no

because if not

acabaran espatllant l'equip femení

they will end up damaging the women's team

i això us ho asseguro jo

and I assure you of that

que ho acabaran desmuntant tot

that they will end up taking everything apart

si no hi ha una moció de censura

if there is no motion of no confidence

i no fotem fora en aquesta junta directiva

and we're not getting kicked out of this board of directors

això acabarà molt malament

this will end very badly

Déu-n'hi-do que hem portat a l'altre

Goodness, we've brought it to the other side.

i teniu un problema

And you have a problem.

en el camp nou

in the Camp Nou

aquest matí sentia que tenen problemes

This morning I felt that they have problems.

en l'escombro

in the rubble

que com ara es redueixen l'aigua

that currently the water is being reduced

en la pols

in the dust

ai mareta meua

Oh my dear mother.

sí, molt ràpidament

yes, very quickly



vaig a posar una mica

I'm going to put on a little.


of joy

lo de Mariona Caldentell està a punt a punt

Mariona Caldentell's situation is ready to go.

tinc bona informació

I have good information.

de que en pocs dies

in a few days

podríem rebre bones notícies

we could receive good news

en quant

in how much

a una notícia així

to such news

que no m'agrada a mi

that I don't like

és que ara mos volem fer

it's just that now we want to do it

una altra vegada Bernardo Silva

Bernardo Silva again.

portar-lo aquest estiu aquí al Barça

bring him here to Barça this summer

Bernardo Silva per a mi

Bernardo Silva for me.

ja ha passat

it has already happened

és com Gundogan i és com Lewandowski

it is like Gundogan and it is like Lewandowski

això són exjugadors

these are former players

no tens de Bernardo Silva a passar-nos

You don't have Bernardo Silva to pass to us.

sí, sí

yes, yes

i estic d'acord amb Pere

And I agree with Pere.

molt bé, faríem molt més tertúlio

very well, we would have much more discussion

però hem de posar el punt final

but we have to put a final point

que hi hagi un plaer tindre-us

It is a pleasure to have you.

i fins a la propera tertúlia

Until the next discussion group.

un abraçada a tots, gràcies

A hug to everyone, thank you.

bona nit

good night

adeu, adeu

goodbye, goodbye



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