La Bacanal 26 - Final de temporada amb Oriol Ticus

La Bacanal

La Bacanal

La Bacanal 26 - Final de temporada amb Oriol Ticus

La Bacanal

Ells són anarquistes i són uns merdes.

They are anarchists and they are a bunch of idiots.

Supereu-me amb la felicitat.

Surpass me with happiness.

Hola, en Seguida.

Hello, right away.

This is impossible ever.

Això és impossible mai.

Difesta, guys.

Defeat, guys.

Voy a apoyar a los blancos.

I'm going to support the whites.

Aquí todo el mundo puede hablar,

Here everyone can speak,

el presidente no puede hablar.

The president cannot speak.

Vivir, cancelar, botifarres...

Live, cancel, sausages...

Collons, va pujar així.

Damn, it went up like that.

Yo soy catalán.

I am Catalan.

Viva el vivo.

Long live the living.

La bacanal, una hora que et veuràs a galets.

The bacchanal, an hour when you'll see yourself as a pasta shell.

Bona nit i ompliu bé les copes,

Good night and fill the glasses well,

que a l'estudi de Ràdio Sant Sadurní

that at the studios of Radio Sant Sadurní

comencem la bacanal.

let's start the bacchanal.





i Escudella de Nadal!

And Christmas stew!

Bona nit!

Good night!

Dilluns, 1 de juliol.

Monday, July 1st.

Dies llargs,

Long days,

pluges d'estiu,

summer rains,


European Championship,

Copa América

Copa America

i unes ganes de treballar

and a desire to work

inversament proporcionals

inversely proportional

a les de posar el cul en remull.

to put one's butt in the water.

Ha arribat el dia.

The day has arrived.

Recollim la paradeta

We're packing up the booth.

i tanquem la segona temporada

And we close the second season.

amb 18 programes,

with 18 programs,

un 225% més

a 225% increase

que la temporada anterior.

than the previous season.

Sin ánimo de lucro,


que deia el poeta.

what the poet said.

Hem canviat la bicicleta

We have changed the bicycle.

de la temporada passada

from last season

por una barca a pedale.

for a pedal boat.

Una barca bastant tot terreny,

A fairly all-terrain boat,

t'ha de dir.

it has to tell you.

Una barca bastant tot terreny,

A fairly all-terrain boat,

t'ha de dir.

It has to tell you.

Una barca bastant tot terreny,

A fairly all-terrain boat,

t'ha de dir.

It has to tell you.

Una barca bastant tot terreny,

A fairly all-terrain boat,

t'ha de dir.

has to tell you.

Una barca bastant tot terreny,

A fairly all-terrain boat,

t'ha de dir.

it has to tell you.

És un somidón

He is a sleepyhead.

que no acaba de venir.

that hasn't quite arrived.



Avui repetim

Today we repeat.

amb l'amic

with the friend

i convidat

and guest

amb qui vam tancar

with whom did we close

la temporada passada.

last season.


We face

la final

the final

més en forma

more fit

que mai.

that never.



ha fet els deures.

he has done his homework.





a l'Avacanal,

at the Avacanal,

una hora

one hour

En una hora, que et veuràs a galet.

In an hour, you will see yourself as a dumpling.

O dues.

Or two.



Bona nit, germanes i germans.

Good night, sisters and brothers.

Avui ens hem vestit de gala per celebrar

Today we have dressed up for the celebration.

la cluenda d'aquesta segona temporada.

the conclusion of this second season.

Aquest programa havia de ser sense convidat.

This program was supposed to be without a guest.

Havia, però no ho serà.

There was, but it will not be.

Hi havia l'opció de que en Joan Pasquet

There was the option for Joan Pasquet.

tornés al nega de les Xicos de Maíz a la furgoneta

I returned to the van of the Corn Boys.

després de donar-li un clínex de cloroform

after giving him a chloroform tissue

sortit del concert que va tenir aquest cap de setmana.

just out of the concert that took place this weekend.

Però estava massa entretingut

But I was too busy.

cooperant amb el CNI

cooperating with the CNI

investigant per què el seu perfil

investigating why your profile

el podeu seguir com el pianista

you can follow it with the pianist

ja té discos titulats com

he already has albums titled as

Yoga tantrico, meditación

Tantric yoga, meditation

y vinicolaje

and viticulture

música para hacer el amor

music to make love

to playlist para hacer patchwork

to playlist for patchwork

Escalfa el nostre tècnic

Warm up our technician.

i per mi, que porto tota la setmana mirant

And for me, who has been watching all week.

de fer un petit comentari a la seva gran capa

to make a small comment on her great coat

sense enfotre-me de manera cínica

without mocking me cynically

i malévola.

and malevolent.

Tots som Joan Pasquet.

We are all Joan Pasquet.

T'estimem Joan!

We love you, Joan!

AKA el pianista del yoga.

AKA the yoga pianist.


We love you!



de la mateixa manera que hem benvingut

in the same way that we have welcomed

a l'estiu, ens acomiadem de la bacanal

In summer, we say goodbye to the bacchanal.

temporada 23-24

season 23-24

i amb la mateixa solemnitat

and with the same solemnity

i amb entre la nostàlgia

and with nostalgia

i les ganes de veure un Harry Potter superior

and the desire to see a superior Harry Potter

entrant a llauns d'un elefant pel pertús

entering cans of an elephant through the hole

escoltat per un exèrcit

listened to by an army

d'ètnies inferiors capitanejat pel sergent

of inferior ethnicities led by the sergeant

Torra, un gran amant de la ratafia

Torra, a great lover of ratafia.

perdó, torno

sorry, I’m back

amb la mateixa solemnitat

with the same solemnity

volem recordar els noms o convidats

we want to remember the names of the guests

persones que han acompanyat aquests

people who have accompanied these

17 programes d'aquesta segona temporada

17 programs of this second season

bueno, alguns

well, some

som en singular o en plural

Are we in singular or plural?

músics, viticultors, empresaris

musicians, vintners, entrepreneurs

de la restauració, periodistes,

of the restoration, journalists,

influencers, podcasters, sommeliers, pagesos

influencers, podcasters, sommeliers, farmers



la màgia del directe

the magic of live performance



comedians, cronistes

comedians, chroniclers



són 17

It's 17.

els noms els podeu veure a l'Spotify

You can see the names on Spotify.



avui estem

today we are

molt contents de rebre per segona vegada

very happy to receive for the second time

aquesta persona estimada del programa

this beloved person from the program

ja no en qualitat de convidat

no longer as a guest

sinó de col·laborador

but as a collaborator

ara que ha tornat del Basket Culinary Center

Now that he/she has returned from the Basket Culinary Center.



tau ceràmica de vitoria

ceramic tile of Vitoria



rescatat de la nit

rescued from the night

rescatat de la nit barcelonina

rescued from the Barcelonian night

i de les xarxes municipals

and of the municipal networks

i després

and then

de deixar-se un dineral

to spend a fortune

per aprendre i ser millor professional

to learn and be a better professional

fent allò que li agrada més

doing what he/she enjoys the most

veure poder ser cada dia

to see could be every day

amb la justificació que la teva feina és així

with the justification that your work is like this

Oriol, Martínez, Ticus, gràcies per venir a gaudir d'aquest final d'inici vacacional amb nosaltres.

Oriol, Martínez, Ticus, thank you for coming to enjoy this end of the holiday start with us.

Que el... ja no me'n recordo... que el... d'això, l'amor...

That the... I don't remember... that the... well, love...



Digue'm que sí!

Tell me yes!

Podeu seure, hòstia!

You can sit down, damn it!

Va per aquí!

It goes this way!



Menjar rates, menjar rates.

Eating rats, eating rats.

Escolar-ho, papà.

School it, dad.

Menjar rates per sopar.

Eating rats for dinner.

Escolar de Molló per sopar.

Molló's school for dinner.

No menjar rates.

Do not eat rats.

L'escolar de Molló.

The student of Molló.

Sopecar el senyor rector.

To suspect the rector.

Està sol.

He is alone.

Digue'm! Digue'm! Digue'm! Digue'm!

Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!

Digue'm, digue'm, digue'm, digue'm!

Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me!

Com ho vol? Digue'm! Digue'm! Digue'm!

How do you want it? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!

Ja saps que fa por, eh?

You know that it's scary, right?

Digue'm! Digue'm! Digue'm! Digue'm!

Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!

Cap de temps, ja dormim!

It's bedtime, we're already sleeping!

És un espumoso?

Is it a sparkling?

És un espumoso.

It's a sparkling wine.

És un Pinot Noir.

It's a Pinot Noir.

Home, un Pinot Noir!

Wow, a Pinot Noir!

Rosadet, eh?

Pink, huh?

Sí, gran plus 1.

Yes, great plus one.

Bona nit

Good night



em pots tirar la samba d'un gener

Can you throw me the samba of a January?

aquella que teníem al principi?

the one we had at the beginning?

per fer la tertúlia d'avui?

for today's discussion?

i tant, i tant

of course, of course

però adelanta-la una mica

but bring it forward a bit

que dura molt

it lasts a long time



així, així

thus, thus

Carlinho Brown

Carlinho Brown

Joan Clos, no?

Joan Clos, right?

Joan Clos, tio

Joan Clos, dude.

la Barcelona que ens agradava

the Barcelona that we liked

Barcelona neta

Clean Barcelona

torna a derrapar Fórmula 1

Formula 1 skids again.

el personatge aquell que sortia

that character that appeared

als partits del Barça a TV3, tio

to Barça's matches on TV3, dude

el Jordi Coler

Jordi Coler


we love you

ara sí

now yes

bona nit, Oriol Ticos i ben tornat a la Bacanal

Good night, Oriol Ticos, and welcome back to the Bacchanal.

com estàs, de l'1 al 10?

How are you, from 1 to 10?



atenció, i això ho justifica que?

attention, and what justifies this?

menjar i beure

to eat and drink


menjar i beure

to eat and drink

Eric, com estàs, de l'1 al 10?

Eric, how are you, from 1 to 10?



menys 100

minus 100



i aquest 10, això?

And this 10, this?

que estic tan amunt

that I am so high

per què no t'estàs morint?

Why aren't you dying?

no, perquè és estiu

no, because it's summer

4 setmanes per les vacances

4 weeks until the holidays

i ha fet un

and has made a

ha fet un temps

It has been a while.

molt mal

very bad

fas vacances a l'agost

Are you on vacation in August?

no riguis, no li agrada això

Don't laugh, he/she doesn't like that.

no li agraeixes

you don’t thank him/her

nosaltres agafem les vacances a l'agost

We take our vacation in August.

per què tal, tal, tal

why such, such, such

no, no, no funciona

no, no, it doesn't work

Sergi, de l'1 al 10, com va això?

Sergi, from 1 to 10, how is this going?

10 minuts

10 minutes

fem més, fem més

let's do more, let's do more

amunt, amunt

up, up

un 8?

an 8?

sí, un 8

yes, an 8

i un 9 potser

and a 9 maybe

un 9, t'has passat, eh

A 9, you've gone overboard, huh?

i la nova estrella del rap

and the new star of rap

d'aquest nostre país

of this our country

estic estupendo, estic estupendo

I am great, I am great.

com va anar, com va anar?

how did it go, how did it go?

va anar


de l'1 al 10, com va anar?

From 1 to 10, how did it go?

de l'1 al 10 va anar un 12

From 1 to 10, it went to 12.

el que és el concert va anar increïble

the concert was incredible



li van trencar la...

they broke her...

però després em van rebentar la furgoneta

but then they smashed my van

em van robar

I was robbed.

i em van robar tot el marxandatge del grup

And they stole all the group's merchandise from me.

no és broma

it's not a joke

no, no és broma, no és broma

No, it's not a joke, it's not a joke.

no puede ser

it can't be

llavors, si veieu algun

then, if you see any

algun zumbat

some buzz

vestint tot el puto dia i tota la setmana

dressing all the fucking day and all week

amb roba de sociologia animal

with animal sociology clothing

o sóc jo, o sóc jo

either it's me, or it's me

o és el que t'ho va robar

or is it the one who stole it from you



i això perquè era

and this is because it was

ara que es diu això

now that this is said

era un barri conflictiu

it was a troubled neighborhood

no, no, no, bueno

no, no, no, well

era Benny Maglet

it was Benny Maglet

perquè era la nit següent del concert

because it was the night after the concert

allà hi ha el Ritz

there is the Ritz

el Ritz Valencià

the Valencian Ritz




no, era un barri normal

No, it was a normal neighborhood.

de gent treballadora

of working people

i bueno, però

Well, but

a vegades passa això

sometimes this happens

algú volia samarretes de sociologia animal

someone wanted animal sociology t-shirts



sí, sí

yes, yes

molt bé

very well



i tu?

and you?

jo estic ara

I am now.

digue-ho, digue-ho

say it, say it

crec que li puc posar un 9 ara

I think I can give him a 9 now.

ara, digue-ho, digue-ho

now, say it, say it

60 dies

60 days

60 dies 10 minuts, eh, tio

60 days 10 minutes, eh, dude.

jo vull dir la paraula funcionari

I want to say the word civil servant.

ara, ara, ara

now, now, now

els 60 dies són per tota la vida

The 60 days are for a lifetime.

i els 10 minuts són un moment

and the 10 minutes are a moment

que era la unitat de mesura dels teus pares

what was the unit of measurement of your parents

quan havies de marxar d'un lloc

when you had to leave a place

correcte, 10 minuts

correct, 10 minutes

10 minuts i vinc

10 minutes and I'll be there.

o un moment

or a moment

o quan es trobava la senyora Maria pel carrer

or when Mrs. Maria was found in the street

no, no, són 10 minuts i acabo la conversa

No, no, it's 10 minutes and I'll finish the conversation.

uns 10 minuts que poden ser entre 1 i mitja hora

about 10 minutes that can be between 1 and half an hour

però perdoneu

but excuse me

has posat lo ràpid que es torna la teva unitat de mesura

you have put the speed at which your unit of measurement becomes fast

millors 10 minuts són els del

the best 10 minutes are those of

senyor Jaume de Picarol, pare

Mr. Jaume de Picarol, father

més que menys

more or less

20 minuts

20 minutes

eren 20 minuts més que menys

it was 20 minutes more than less

bueno, i posats a puntuar coses

Well, since we're scoring things

avui ja veieu que estic molt de profe a tope

Today you can see that I'm really into being a teacher.

valoració de la temporada, què?

season assessment, what?

com la veieu? com ha anat això?

how do you see it? how did it go?

Ori, tu ens has escoltat algun dia

Ori, have you ever listened to us?

amb aquests viatges llargs que has fotut o què?

With these long trips you've taken, or what?

no, no, és broma, sí, sí

no, no, it's a joke, yes, yes

no, no, és broma, és broma, sí

no, no, it's just a joke, it's a joke, yes

he fet molts quilòmetres i us he escoltat

I have traveled many kilometers and I have listened to you.

alguns programes i molt bé

some programs and very good

he escoltat el del Ruben, vaig escoltar l'altre dia el de l'Ari

I listened to Ruben's, I listened to Ari's the other day.

i el Ricard, molt bé

And Ricard, very well.



creus que hi ha hagut un canvi

do you think there has been a change

respecte a l'any passat?

compared to last year?

sempre millor

always better

home, avui no has pagat les pizzes

dude, today you didn't pay for the pizzas

home, sí, sempre millor

man, yes, always better

teniu patrocinador, teniu patrocinador

you have a sponsor, you have a sponsor

ara falta que ens patrocinin al veure

Now we just need them to sponsor us to see.

i a partir d'aquí...

and from here...

però llavors haurem de veure sempre el mateix, és el gran debat que tenim

but then we will always have to see the same thing, it is the great debate we have

ja, ja

ha, ha



home, això passaria si només bevéssim una ampolla

Man, this would happen if we only drank one bottle.

ja, també és veritat

yes, it is also true


no, ara molt bé, molt bé

no, now very good, very good

que ens patrocini surfibit

let surfibit sponsor us

com ho has vist això, Eric, tu?

How did you see this, Eric?

quin és l'any?

What year is it?

18 programes aquesta temporada

18 programs this season

18 programes, jo crec que

18 programs, I think that

de totes les temporades

from all the seasons

que hem fet en la nostra història

what we have done in our history

aquesta és la millor

this is the best

sí, no?

yes, no?

sí, sí, però sens dubte

yes, yes, but certainly

o sigui, hi ha hagut un canvi bestial amb les últimes

that is to say, there has been a huge change with the latest

en aquest canvi?

in this change?

en un canvi d'evolució

in a change of evolution



el tècnic de sàpiga, ho diu

the technician knows, he says

d'evolució natural

of natural evolution

bé, no, no, a veure

well, no, no, let's see

hem après, anem aprenent

we have learned, we are learning

de sàpigues, de sàpigues

of knowledge, of knowledge

ja no és una bicicleta, ara és una barca

it's no longer a bicycle, now it's a boat

i la tercera serà millor que la segona

and the third will be better than the second

el millor vi no és el que he fet, és el que haig de fer

The best wine is not the one I have made, it is the one I have yet to make.

oh, oh, oh

oh, oh, oh



Joan, tu que has aterrat aquí a mig camí, què?

Joan, you who have landed here halfway, what?

jo m'ho estic passant molt bé

I am having a great time.

els meus dilluns són diferents des que estic amb vosaltres

My Mondays are different since I've been with you.

cap a millor

toward better

a mi sempre em fa molta por que un dia diguis

I'm always very afraid that one day you'll say.

nois, ara només faré rap

guys, now I will only do rap

ojalà, ojalà

hopefully, hopefully

però si deixés, deixaria la feina abans que veni aquí

but if I left, I would leave the job before coming here



com ens agrada que m'entenguis en dins

how we like you to understand me inside

Sergi, tu que ets un senyor amb criteri

Sergi, you who are a gentleman with judgment.

bé, tio

alright, dude

avui ho pensava, tio

I was thinking about it today, dude.

han passat moltes coses aquest any

Many things have happened this year.

i les hem salvat molt bé, no?

And we have saved them very well, haven't we?

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

vull dir, fins i tot hem fet programes sense ser tots

I mean, we've even done programs without all being there.

i va tirant

and it's going well

o sigui, és que anem a poc a poc perquè anem lluny

That is, we are taking it slowly because we are going far.

sí, jo crec que la cava és aquí

Yes, I think the cava is here.

avui he posat en llista tota la gent

Today I have listed all the people.

que ens ha sigut convidats

that we have been invited

i et fa pensar

and it makes you think

suma molts penis

adds a lot of penises

sí, home, i tant

yes, man, of course

bueno, sí, molts penis

well, yes, many penises

però la Riota, la Marta i el Mike

but Riota, Marta, and Mike

de Bicompanyia

of Bicompanyia

amb les seves tisores

with her scissors

el Xavi no riguis, tio

Xavi, don't laugh, dude.

jo crec que és el

I think that it is the

o sigui, crec que és el més amunt que hem arribat mai

I mean, I think it's the highest we've ever reached.

és amb el Xavi

it's with Xavi

de fet, jo encara no ho he superat

In fact, I still haven't gotten over it.

jo crec

I believe

el post d'avui l'he hagut d'etiquetar, ho sento

I had to tag today's post, I'm sorry.

jo crec que

I believe that

sí, sí, d'acord

yes, yes, alright

com a programa, el del Rubén Pereira va molt abastant

As a program, that of Rubén Pereira is very comprehensive.

va molar molt

it was really cool

a mi m'agrada molt

I like it a lot.

també, també

also, also

però venien marcats ja pel Xavi, jo crec

but they were already marked by Xavi, I think

o sigui, crec que la dinàmica positiva

that is to say, I believe that the positive dynamic

sí, perquè va ser

yes, because it was

va ser un programa bo

it was a good program

pel bon rotllisme

for the good vibes

i la qualitat del contingut

and the quality of the content

que no ens esperàvem, jo crec

that we weren't expecting, I think

que a més a més té minuts censurats

that also has censored minutes

vull dir que un dia o altre sortirà la cara bé de tot

I mean that one day or another the good side of everything will come out.

sí, però no masses

yes, but not too many

de fet, els que no ho hem passat massa bé

in fact, those of us who haven't had it too good

és els que hem hagut de tallar bastant

it is what we have had to cut quite a bit


però tant el Rubén com el Xavi no riguis

but both Rubén and Xavi don't laugh

han sigut naturalment

they have been naturally



jo crec que també millor secció de la temporada potser

I think it might also be the best section of the season.

va ser bona

it was good

va ser divertida

it was fun

però inesperada

but unexpected

el programa de Miquel Bonet va estar molt bé

Miquel Bonet's program was very good.

va estar molt bé

it was very good

tot i que no el recordo massa bé

although I don't remember it very well

bo, aquell dia

good, that day

jo també em passa això

I also experience this.

aquell dia

that day

aquell dia va ser un dels dies

that day was one of the days

que de la sisena copa

that of the sixth cup

hem passat la setena

we have passed the seventh

i és aquella del clic

and it is that of the click


Do you know?

i va bé

and it's going well

jo per mi

for me

el Miquel va deixar

Miquel left.

una de les millors frases

one of the best phrases

que recordem

that we remember

jo d'Espanya no hi entenc

I don't understand Spain.

brutal, brutal

brutal, brutal

molt bo

very good

i propòsits per la temporada que ve?

And plans for the upcoming season?

tenim algun propòsit?

Do we have any purpose?

Sergi, tens algun propòsit?

Sergi, do you have any plans?

canviar de dia de la setmana, tio

change the day of the week, dude

jo crec que és algo

I think it is something.

és algo

it's something

m'assembla bé com a primer propòsit

It seems good to me as a first purpose.

és complicadament

it is complicatedly





és algo que la gent que ens està escoltant

It is something that the people who are listening to us.

no nota per res

It doesn't matter at all.

perquè cada vegada pengem el programa

because every time we upload the program

en un dia diferent

on a different day

és algo que és molt nostre

it's something that is very much ours

el fet de fer-ho un dia com avui

the fact of doing it on a day like today

que és dilluns

that it is Monday

perdoneu, des de fora

excuse me, from outside

ara ploureu pel dilluns

now it will rain on Monday

però quin dia ficaríeu?

but which day would you put?

el dimarts estaríeu molt més feliços?

Would you be much happier on Tuesday?

jo fotria divendres

I would hit Friday.

que ja no tinc esperança

that I no longer have hope

divendres o divendres

Friday or Friday

canvi el divendres a casa

Change on Friday at home.

és un dia

it is a day

divendres a bé

Friday is good.

però vindríeu aquí

but you would come here

jo acabo molt cansat

I end up very tired.

el divendres

the Friday

no, no, no

no, no, no



jo el divendres estic rebentat

I am exhausted on Fridays.

i un dijous al vespre?

And a Thursday evening?

un dijous podria més

A Thursday could be more.

però és el dia que entreno

but it's the day I train

a mi no m'importa tenir un divendres

I don't mind having a Friday.

jo el dijous

I Thursday.

jo el dijous ho preferiria

I would prefer it on Thursday.

el dia 11 anem a sopar i em permet

On the 11th we are going to dinner and you allow me.

wow, pensava que havies posat un efecte

Wow, I thought you had added an effect.

ho has posat, no?

You put it on, didn't you?

no, ha passat una moto pel carrer

No, a motorcycle has passed by on the street.

ha passat Batman

Batman has passed by.

misteris, misteris, misteris

mysteries, mysteries, mysteries

total, primer propòsit

total, first purpose

canvi de dia

change of day

Eric, segon propòsit

Eric, second purpose

no s'hi pot copiar

you can't copy it

hòstia, perdó

Holy shit, sorry.

veure més

see more

i millor

and better

no, no

no, no

al costat tens una cosa

Next to you, there is something.

que podria ser molt interessant

that could be very interesting


to include

li estàs dient el teu

you are telling him/her your

i llavors no et podràs copiar

and then you won't be able to copy yourself

hòstia, d'acord, callo

Holy shit, okay, I'll shut up.

no miris al teu costat

don't look to your side

bueno, el propòsit potser seria

well, the purpose might be

no ho sé

I don't know.

millorar, fer-ho millor

improve, do it better

no ho sé

I don't know.

jo hagués dit el canvi de dia

I would have said the change of day.



em sumo a...

I join...

copiant vilment, no

copying vilely, no

us he enviat per WhatsApp avui a la tarda

I sent you a message on WhatsApp this afternoon.

que diria això

what would this say

el propòsit per l'any que ve és

the purpose for next year is

seguir fent la becanal

to continue doing the bekanal

que no es pot

that cannot be

molt de mínims

a lot of minimums

poc exigent

not very demanding

no som molt catalans

we are not very Catalan

bravo, bravo

bravo, bravo



jo diria de fer un pas endavant

I would say to take a step forward.

en les xarxes i portar una càmera

on social media and carry a camera

i fer els talls dels 30 segons

and make the 30-second cuts

que alguns vídeos, no?

That some videos, right?


us heu dit?

Have you told each other?

us heu preparat molt més bé la secció que jo

you have prepared the section much better than I have

jo faria això

I would do this.

el que passa que faltaria algú que es dediqués a fer els talls

What happens is that someone would be needed to do the cuts.

i a penjar

and to hang

clar, clar, el tema és aquest

sure, sure, the issue is this

l'únic problema que veig

the only problem I see

aquesta persona ets tu?

Is this person you?

no, jo la tallo

no, I'll cut it.

jo de vídeo no ho podré fer

I won't be able to do it in video.

el meu propòsit és començar a l'hora

My intention is to start on time.

és molt menys

it is much less

10 minuts

10 minutes

algú el pot tirar per la finestra, sisplau

Can someone throw it out the window, please?

és que 10 minuts abans

it's just that 10 minutes before

no, però el de 8 té explicació

no, but the one about 8 has an explanation

10 minuts abans

10 minutes before

no, no, no

no, no, no

no té explicació

it has no explanation

crec que tot el propòsit...

I believe that the whole purpose...

si jo poguéssim dir

if we could say

és el més inviable de tots

it is the most unfeasible of all

però de llarg

but by far

si jo guardo les claus del cotxe

if I keep the car keys

i les claus de la ràdio

and the keys to the radio

amb les claus del cotxe

with the car keys

perquè sempre vinga amb el meu cotxe

because I always come with my car

guardes les claus del cotxe a la ràdio

You keep the car keys on the radio.

i les claus de la ràdio al cotxe

and the keys to the radio in the car

no, no, és molt senzill

no, no, it's very simple

no, i això

no, and this

pels dos oients que ens esteu escoltant

for the two listeners who are listening to us

a la ràdio del cotxe

on the car radio

pels dos oients que ens esteu escoltant en directe

for the two listeners who are listening to us live

hem començat mitja hora més tard

we started half an hour later

perquè el Xavi

because of Xavi

el xavi ha tardat 10 minuts

Xavi was late by 10 minutes.

a anar a Sant Llorenç i tornar

to go to Sant Llorenç and back

que es diu ràpid, eh?

it is said quickly, huh?

sí, sí

yes, yes

que no m'escoltin els Mossos d'Esquadra, això

let the Mossos d'Esquadra not hear me, that

més que menys

more or less



ja tenim uns quants propòsits per l'any que ve

we already have a few resolutions for next year

canviarem algunes cosetes

we will change some little things

i ja està

And that's it.

sí, d'acord

yes, okay



ara et toca a tu parlar un rato, va

now it's your turn to talk for a while, go ahead

has estat al País Basc, no?

You've been to the Basque Country, haven't you?

molt, sí

very, yes

molt content

very happy

has estat molt al País Basc

Have you been to the Basque Country a lot?

molt i molt content

very very happy

he estat molt de temps

I have been a long time.

des de quan fins a quan?

from when to when?

des del gener fins ara

since January until now

fins al juny

until June

però ara has vingut a fer tu

but now you have come to do it yourself

fer un pit-stop aquí, no?

make a pit stop here, right?

sí, jo estic un mes i mig més

Yes, I am here for another month and a half.

i torno

and I return

i vas a la ràdio

And you go to the radio.

i vas a acabar l'última part de la formació?

Are you going to finish the last part of the training?


a on?


sí, sí

yes, yes

es pot dir?

Can it be said?

bueno, encara no he acabat

Well, I haven't finished yet.

l'última part de la formació

the last part of the training

no, no, on aniràs a fer les pràctiques?

No, no, when will you go to do the internship?



a Berassategui

to Berassategui



en principi sí, a Berassategui

In principle, yes, in Berassategui.

és el que feia els iogurts, no?

It's what made the yogurts, right?

de None

of None


és aquell que fa el programa de cuina, no?

It's the one who hosts the cooking show, isn't it?

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes



és el programa de cuina, no?

It's the cooking show, isn't it?

sí, el central del Bebop

yes, the central of Bebop

com se diu el restaurant?

What is the name of the restaurant?

el Martí Berassategui

the Martí Berassategui

com es diu el restaurant, Òscar?

What is the name of the restaurant, Òscar?



té un nom, no?

It has a name, doesn't it?

porto sis mesos allà

I've been there for six months.

i l'Òscar

and Óscar





sí, sí

yes, yes

i per què tot té la mateixa camigrafia?

And why does everything have the same handwriting?

és una cosa que em xoca molt

It's something that shocks me a lot.

molta gest, molta gest

lots of gestures, lots of gestures

molta gest, moltes tests i moltes xics

a lot of gestures, many tests, and many guys

cas, cas, cas

case, case, case

és una tipografia

it is a typography

però és una tipografia que sempre és la mateixa

but it is a typography that is always the same

és medieval

it's medieval

i ningú m'ho ha sabut explicar per què

And no one has been able to explain to me why.

o sigui, he parlat amb bascos

That is, I have spoken with Basques.

bascos, bascos, diguéssim

Basques, Basques, we would say.

i no saben entendre per què sempre

and they don't know how to understand why always

bascos, bascos, eh

Basques, Basques, huh?

sí, sí

yes, yes

no, de fet m'he passat

no, in fact I have overdone it

no bascos, no bascos

no basques, no basques

sis mesos

six months

i no és fàcil, eh

And it's not easy, huh.

no és fàcil entendre el que diuen aquella gent

It's not easy to understand what those people are saying.

clar, perquè no ho has d'entendre

Of course, because you don't have to understand it.

no ho has d'entendre

you don't have to understand it

és que aquí t'ha manat

it's that here he/she has sent you

que ho entenguis

that you understand it



però això tampoc se m'entén amb mi

but this is not understood with me either

per la veritat

for the truth

és molt més fàcil

it's much easier

sí, sí

yes, yes

li diem aquest inventat que parles

we call it this invented one that you speak


look at it

és com un dialecte, dialecte

it's like a dialect, dialect

la meva teoria és que és japonès

My theory is that he is Japanese.

és la meva teoria

it's my theory

sí, sí

yes, yes

és japonès

he is Japanese

tots fan així amb el cap com si s'entenguessin

everyone does that with their heads as if they understand each other

però ara és seriós

but now it is serious

després s'escriuen un whatsapp

then they text each other on WhatsApp

aquí parlem perquè

here we speak because

amb coneixement de causa

with knowledge of cause



però tu has anat a estudiar al

but you have gone to study at the

sí, al Basque Orinari

yes, to the Basque Orinari

m'ha estat

it has been to me

considero una de les millors universitats

I consider it one of the best universities.

de ciències astronòmiques del món

of astronomical sciences of the world

per no dir la millor

to say the least



i naturalment

and naturally

i un cop

and once

jo un cop tornat

I once returned

la veritat és que

the truth is that

et puc assegurar que sí

I can assure you that yes.

que ho és

what it is



tu allà has anat a estudiar

you have gone there to study

com somilleria

as sommelier

somilleria i màrqueting de vi

wine tasting and marketing

que jo de màrqueting

that I know about marketing

podeu entendre que sabia de màrqueting

you can understand that I knew about marketing

el mateix que sap l'Eric

the same as Eric knows



de què Eric

what Eric

no ho sé

I don't know.

Eric ha estat a moltes coses

Eric has been to many things.

que no fan servei

that do not serve



molt bé

very well

de canyes de bambú

of bamboo canes

vale, perfecte

okay, perfect

vale, vale

okay, okay

però bueno

but well

m'ho apunto per demà

I'll note it down for tomorrow.



buscaré uns rils

I will look for some rils.

no, sí

no, yes

molt bé

very well



i la idea ha sigut

and the idea has been

anar allà per millorar també

go there to improve as well



i encara

and still

no vas a tapes

you are not going to tapas

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

la idea era

the idea was

poder marxar de casa

to be able to leave home

i la única manera

and the only way

que la família

that the family

ho entengués

I would understand it.

era anar a estudiar fora

it was to go study abroad



entenc que el que has anat a fer

I understand what you went to do.


above all

ha sigut anar a veure

it has been going to see

què beuen els bascos també

What do the Basques drink too?

anar a veure

to go see

he anat

I have gone.

a anar a veure

going to see

pots canviar la ve alta

Can you change the loud voice?

en funció del que

depending on what



però no, en sèrio

but no, seriously

què és el que

what is it that

o sigui

that is to say

quina cosa

what a thing

o quin hàbit de consum

or what consumption habit

de vi t'ha sorprès

the wine has surprised you

del País Basc

from the Basque Country

n'hi ha algun?

Is there any?

la veritat

the truth

m'han sorprès moltes coses

many things have surprised me

i en positiu

and in a positive way

conceptes com que

concepts such as

nosaltres tenim aquí

we have here

com la sidra

like cider

el xacolí

the txakoli

que són conceptes

what are concepts

que tenim de vins guarros

that we have of dirty wines

per dir-ho d'alguna manera

to put it somehow

la veritat és que

the truth is that

estan començant

they are starting

com molta gent d'aquí

like many people from here

treballant molt bé

working very well

fent molt bona feina

doing very good work

i coses que ens sorprendrien

and things that would surprise us

els altres

the others

bueno, Sergi

well, Sergi

tu també hi has estat

you have been there too

recentment, no?

recently, right?

el País Basc

the Basque Country

sí, fa 10 dies

Yes, ten days ago.

alguna cosa que t'hagi sorprès

something that has surprised you

també de

also of

que beuen més

that drink more

que beuen menys

that drink less

beuen una de xampany

they drink a glass of champagne

que fa bo, diu

"It's nice out, he says."


o no estan poc

or they are not few

no tan bé

not so well

bueno, però la xampanya, no?

well, but the champagne, right?


bueno, això que diu el Sergi

Well, what Sergi says.

la xampanya està molt lluny

the champagne is very far away

del País Basc

from the Basque Country

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

em va sobtar

It surprised me.

Bordeus sí que els hi és més a prop

Bordeaux is indeed closer to them.



sí, dos hores

yes, two hours

Bordeus no en beuen

They don't drink Bordeaux.

no, però

no, but



I a Bordeus

And in Bordeaux

ni a Bordeus

not in Bordeaux

no, no

no, no

és que a Bordeus

it's that in Bordeaux

no hi viuen persones

there are no people living there



hi viu el Durant

Durant lives here.

només i prou

just enough


és l'únic que jo conec

it's the only one I know

de persones

of people

és que a Bordeus

it's just that in Bordeaux

és un

it is a

només hi viuen

they only live there





però és un tema

but it is a topic

és un tema

it's a theme

és un tema important a tocar

It's an important topic to address.



és curiós

it's curious

i amb la

and with the

amb la gastronomia

with gastronomy

sí, amb el beure

yes, with the drink

i amb la gastronomia

and with the gastronomy

m'ha sobtat molt

It has surprised me a lot.

el nivell de qualitat

the quality level

de la gent del carrer

of the people in the street

de dia a dia

day by day



que els hi és igual

that they don't care

el que paguen

what they pay

o el que deixen de pagar

or what they stop paying

l'únic que volen és

the only thing they want is

menjar i beure bé

eat and drink well



Do you know?

no, no

no, no

i que n'hi ha per gastar-se'ls

and there are enough to spend them

i que hòstia

What the hell!



però em va sobtar molt això

but this surprised me a lot



em va sobtar perquè jo

it surprised me because I



el fet d'anar-te'n a

the fact of leaving you to

a segons quins llocs

in certain places


to see

veure cartes de vins

see wine lists

i et dic

and I tell you

vulguis o no

whether you like it or not

sent d'aquí

sense of here

et fixes en vins escumosos

you focus on sparkling wines

què trobes, no?

What do you think, right?

i veure que

and see that

d'aquí hi havia molt poc

There was very little from here.

i de xampany

and of champagne

a més

in addition

ben parits

well born

n'hi havia moltíssims

there were so many

però en canvi

but on the other hand

en canvi Rioja

instead Rioja

n'hi havia molt

there was a lot of it

bueno, per la part de la Bessa sí

Well, for the Bessa part, yes.

però no

but no

però no us cregueu tampoc

but don't you believe it either

que és

what is it

el més extens

the most extensive

en la carta

in the letter



un cop he estat allà

once I've been there

he entès també

I have also understood.

un petit conflicte

a small conflict

que tenen

that they have

amb Rioja

with Rioja

la Rioja

La Rioja

i Rioja

and Rioja




explain it to him/her



explica'l, ara ho volem saber

Tell him, now we want to know.

jo conflictes polítics

I political conflicts





no hi puc entrar gaire

I can't get in much.

no, Rioja a la Bessa

no, Rioja in the Bessa



la Rioja

the Rioja

el consum de Riojas

the consumption of Riojas

a les Riojas

to the Riojas

és de les seves Riojas

It is one of their Riojas.

clar, correcte

clear, correct

sí, sí

yes, yes

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

això ho he viscut

I have experienced this.

Rioja a la Bessa

Rioja in the Bessa style

es veu

it shows

Rioja a la Bessa

Rioja in the Bessa style



a la Calle Laurel

on Laurel Street

no hi ha ni un naví

there isn't a single ship

de la Rioja a la Bessa

from La Rioja to Bessa





Álava és

Álava is

País Basc

Basque Country



és el seu Rioja

it's your Rioja

i allà es veu allò

And there you can see that.

és el País Basc

it is the Basque Country

d'aquella manera

in that way

però sí, sí

but yes, yes

sí, bueno, clar

yes, well, of course

i Tarragona

and Tarragona

és Catalunya

it is Catalonia

d'aquella manera

in that way

és que Catalunya

is that Catalonia

és Catalunya

it is Catalonia

d'aquella manera

in that way



d'Espanya no en sé gaire

I don't know much about Spain.

jo d'Espanya no hi entenc

I don't understand anything about Spain.

no he dit això

I did not say that.

no, però espera

no, but wait

no, no, no

no, no, no

el concepte

the concept

però tornant a això

but returning to this

i parlant de

and speaking of

a veure, aquí estem

let's see, here we are

a un lloc

to a place

on es foten bombolles

where bubbles get blown

i en una època

and in an era

se n'havien vist moltes

many had been seen

al País Basc

to the Basque Country

era un lloc

it was a place

que se n'anava molt

that was leaving a lot

i jo em vaig veure

and I saw myself

molt poc

very little

de què?

of what?

de bombolles

of bubbles

has provat d'un xacolí

have you tried a xacolí

això és perquè no vas anar

This is because you didn't go.

a comprar cap paqui

to buy any package

o una ampolla de cordomor

or a bottle of cordomor

he dit d'aquí

I said from here.

has provat aquest

have you tried this

aquest cos

this body

que també era un xacolí

that was also a xacolí

mètode tradicional

traditional method

algunes cidres

some ciders

sí, sí

yes, yes

coses xules

cool things

gent molt valenta

very brave people

perquè vam provar

because we tried

coses eco

eco things

que fer-ho

what to do

amb 1.400

with 1,400

és impossible

it is impossible

és complicat

it's complicated

sí, sí

yes, yes

l'Hidroxline de pluja

The Hydroxline of rain

és de valents

it takes courage

i hòstia

and damn

vam trobar coses

we found things


millors i pitjors

best and worst

jo he disfrutat molt

I have enjoyed a lot.



i bevent

and drinking

he disfrutat

I have enjoyed.

com se'n veu

how does it look

de fet

in fact

has dit

you've said

que t'ha sorprès molt

that has surprised you a lot

el que la gent es gasta

what people spend

la gent corrent

the running people

es gasta

it is spent

amb menjar

with food

per tant seria

therefore it would be

el que més t'agrada

what you like the most

què és el que menys

what is the least

t'ha agradat

did you like it

de la seva cultura

of their culture



perquè sempre es diuen

because they are always said



dels bascos

of the Basques

a nivell gastronòmic

on a gastronomic level

sí, sí

yes, yes

segurament la mitjana

probably the average

ha sortit favorable

it has come out favorable

però què és el que menys?

but what is the least?

som d'aquella manera

we are that way

que sempre ens agrada

that we always like

dir les coses bones

say the good things

dels nostres veïns

of our neighbors

que tant ens estimem

that we love each other so much

i tan poc ens estimen

And they love us so little.

ells a nosaltres

them to us



el que menys

the least

m'ha agradat

I liked it.

el que més m'ha agradat

what I liked the most

podríem dir

we could say

que ha sigut

what has happened

alguna truita de patates

some potato omelette

que he menjat

what I have eaten

d'algun lloc

from somewhere




small passage

vull dir

I mean

te'n recordes

Do you remember?

quan vam anar a Segovia

when we went to Segovia

de dies o de cocció

of days or cooking time

quan vam anar

when we went

parlava del caldo

he was talking about the broth

de la passada

of the past

tu vas dir una expressió

you said an expression

el dia que vam fer

the day we made

la barema de la bacanal

the scale of the bacchanal


d'un pop

of a squid

que vas dir

what did you say

que era un pop amic

that he was a friendly octopus


estem parlant

we are talking

d'una truita amiga

of a friend omelette

una truita amiga

a friendly omelette

truita amiga

omelette friend


és una truita longeva

it is a long-lived omelette

o sigui

that is to say



te'n vas tu

You're leaving.

a qualsevol bar

to any bar



que canvien la truita

that changes the omelette

cada mitja hora

every half hour

perquè se'ls hi acaba

because it runs out for them

i després

and then

et trobes

you are

a una taverna

to a tavern



que tenen una truita

that have an omelette

des de fa dues setmanes

for the past two weeks

amb un

with a

com la de l'Oriol

like Oriol's

amb un

with a



més o menys igual

more or less the same

a mi sempre m'ha marcat

it has always marked me

allò que fan amb el surimi

what they do with surimi



no ho puc entendre

I can't understand it.



no sé

I don't know.

fan com una mena

they make like a kind

de mayonès

of mayonnaise

amb surimi

with surimi

és un sucedani

it is a substitute



palitos de pescado

fish sticks


perquè s'ha d'encastellar això

why this must be embedded


se'n fa molt de surimi

A lot of surimi is made from it.

se'n fa molt

It happens a lot.

i la veritat és que

and the truth is that

et puc assegurar

I can assure you.

que no n'he menjat ni un

that I haven't eaten even one

és que no em crida l'atenció

it doesn’t catch my attention

i hi ha moltes llesques

and there are many slices

de pa untades amb això

of bread spread with this




i què hem de copiar

And what do we have to copy?

Sergi tu també hi has estat

Sergi, you have also been there.

què hem de copiar dels bascos

What should we copy from the Basques?

a nivell gastronòmic

at a gastronomic level

la lluita

the fight

la lluita al carrer

the fight in the street

amb el que hem begut avui

with what we have drunk today

la última síl·laba de la moreneta

the last syllable of the brunette

la lluita

the fight

a Gora Catalunya

to Gora Catalunya

als vols

to the flights

als vols allà els fan directes

they have direct flights there

al porter de la salatxa espanyola no

not to the Spanish salad bar


fins als

until the

fins als atèpics

until the atheists

què hem de copiar dels bascos

what should we copy from the Basques

què hem de copiar

what do we have to copy

gastronòmicament parlant

gastronomically speaking

hòstia jo no crec que hem de copiar res tio

Dude, I don't think we need to copy anything.



jo crec que

I believe that



els que ho fan bé

those who do it well

se'ls ha d'admirar com a tot arreu

They must be admired like everywhere else.

però les coses s'han de fer

but things have to be done

des del prisma propi tio

from your own perspective, dude

i el que ells tenen aquí també ho tenim

and what they have here, we also have it.

és llavors des del terroi

it is then from the land


però com la noció veritable d'això

but like the true notion of this

amb la part de

with the part of

estem en un lloc del món

we are in a place in the world

que hòstia allà

what the hell over there

sí que és veritat

yes, it's true

que tires una pedra

that you throw a stone

i et surten 3 x 3 Michelins

and you get 3 x 3 Michelins.

un país molt petit

a very small country

i n'hi ha molt

and there is a lot of it

hi ha molt de talent

there is a lot of talent

allò acumulat

what is accumulated


holy shit

això és com

this is like

és com amb els músics

It's like with musicians.

al País Valencià

in the Valencian Country

densitat d'estrelles

density of stars

no però estic d'acord amb el Sergi

No, but I agree with Sergi.

és perquè tenen bandes de poble

It's because they have village bands.



allà jo crec que és un tema

there I think it is a topic

també és un tema de moment

It is also a matter of timing.

o sigui

that is to say

el que és veritat

what is true

és que allà és un tema

it's that it's a topic there

de moment

for the moment

moment culinari tio

culinary moment dude



no fa tant

not long ago

fa anys ja que dura

It has been going on for years.

el moment culinari

the culinary moment

i de fet

and in fact

s'estan perdent

they are getting lost

bastantes estrelles

quite a few stars

que hi havia ja

that there was already

allà no s'han liat

they haven't gotten involved there

promes verificacions

promised verifications

i mogudes tio

and moved dude

però si anem a parlar d'aquí

but if we are going to talk about here

estem en la zona del món

we are in the area of the world

a les primeres recettes

to the first recipes

a dins de la història

inside the story

estem en la zona

we are in the area

o sigui realment

that is to say really

a nivell culinari

on a culinary level

no hem de copiar res

we don't have to copy anything

a ningú

to no one

estic totalment d'acord

I completely agree.

jo crec que

I believe that

no hem de copiar gastronòmicament

we must not copy gastronomically

ni culinàriament

nor culinarily





que el client

that the client

hem d'educar el client

we need to educate the client

el client hem d'educar

we must educate the client

perquè allà jo m'he adonat

because there I have realized

que la gent

that the people

no els importa

they don't care

pagar 40, 50, 60, 70 euros

pay 40, 50, 60, 70 euros

si el producte és de qualitat

if the product is of quality

i el producte és bo

and the product is good



i aquí ens fa mal

and here it hurts us

aquí ens fa

here it makes us

o sigui que no és una cosa

so it is not something

aquí no entra el tema

this topic does not apply здесь.

del poder equisitiu

of the exquisite power

de les persones també

of the people too


segurament sí

probably yes

fent de cambrer

working as a waiter

de turistes alemanys

of German tourists

és difícil

it's difficult

poder pagar menys d'aquests

being able to pay less than these

no, no

no, no

em refereixo que

I mean that

el consumidor

the consumer

de la gastronomia basca

of Basque cuisine

però tu creus

but do you believe

que el consumidor

that the consumer

de la gastronomia basca

of Basque cuisine

el consumidor mig

the average consumer

és molt més alt

he is much taller

que el català

that Catalan

és bastant més alt

he is quite taller

jo el que crec

what I believe

és que la crítica

it's that the criticism

jo crec que

I believe that

tenen el concepte gastronòmic

they have the gastronomic concept

més interioritzat

more internalized

que aquí

that here


I believe.

sí que hi ha una cultura

there is indeed a culture

del menjar fora potser

maybe from eating outside

a mi la sensació

the feeling to me

que m'ha donat

that has given me

és que tenen

it's that they have

un criteri gastronòmic

a gastronomic criterion

bastant més elevat

considerably higher

que el de

that the of


from here

en el sentit de

in the sense of

la persona

the person



que no són cuiners

that are not cooks

entenen més

they understand more

que la gent d'aquí

that the people from here

i els preocupa més

and they are more concerned

el que mengen

what they eat

o el que deixen de menjar

or what they stop eating

que la gent d'aquí

that the people from here

és endavant

it's forward


of appreciating it

i aquí és veritat

and here it is true

que sembla que

that it seems that

ho hem arribat

we have arrived

a despreciar una mica

to despise a little


the honest

és una qüestió

it's a matter

més d'hàbits culturals

more cultural habits



no hem de copiar regles

we do not have to copy rules





i ells què haurien

and what would they have

de copiar de nosaltres

from copying from us

els castells

the castles

la festa

the party

de la filoxera

of the phylloxera

la festa

the party



no sabria dir-ho

I couldn't say it.

com es pot anar

how can one go

a fer castells

to make human towers

arriben lluny

they arrive far away

el mètode tradicional

the traditional method

bueno ja ho estan fent

well, they are already doing it

sí per això

yes for that

estan copiant

they are copying

però aquí falta aprendre

but here it lacks learning


ja ho van fent

they are already doing it

bueno Uri

well Uri

tu com a finalista

you as a finalist

pots opinar d'això

can you give your opinion on this

ara anem a parlar

now we are going to talk

una mica

a little bit

de com ha anat

how it has gone

el rànquing

the ranking

de les ampolles

of the bottles

en quatre hores

in four hours

d'aquesta temporada

of this season


no ets el guanyador

you are not the winner

t'ho haig de dir

I have to tell you.

jo he vist

I have seen

molt fantasma

very ghostly



però és que

but it is that

ell és de la primera temporada

he is from the first season

ja ja

ha ha

però ara

but now

ara he ajuntat a tothom

now I have gathered everyone

o sigui tenim

that is, we have

28 participants

28 participants

però és que

but it is that

jo he vist molt fantasma

I have seen a lot of ghosts.

perquè perdona Sergi

because forgive me Sergi

l'últim dia

the last day

vaig escoltar

I heard.

8 ampolles

8 bottles


8 ampolles

8 bottles

es van passar 3 pobles

they passed 3 towns

aquesta persona

this person

que ha dit 8 ampolles

that has said 8 bottles

al micròfon on estàs tu

to the microphone where you are

algú ha dit 8 ampolles

someone said 8 bottles

aquesta persona

this person

que ha dit 8 ampolles

that said 8 bottles

no et diré jo

I won't tell you.

el que em trauré

what I will take off

i li deixaré que vegi

and I will let him/her see

li fas un reto o no

Do you give him a challenge or not?

sí home

yes man



clar que sí

of course

no et conec de res

I don’t know you at all.

però 8 ampolles

but 8 bottles

te desafio

I challenge you.

vosaltres tampoc

you neither

o sigui

that is to say



torna aquí

come back here



et convido a cal ticos

I invite you to Cal Ticos.

8 ampolles

8 bottles

home si et fos les 8

man if it were 8 o'clock

li convides al dinar

you invite him to lunch

i a la campolla

and to the bell

no no

no no

mira mira

look look

des d'aquí

from here



surt una cosa

something is coming out



et convido a casa meva

I invite you to my house.

a dinar

at lunch

si vens

if you come

i et veus 8 ampolles

and you see 8 bottles


you have

10 anys

10 years

de menjar

to eat

sac al ticos

sack the ticos



ui va

oh come on



t'haurem d'etiquetar aquí

we'll have to label you here



si tu et veus

if you see yourself

8 ampolles

8 bottles

tu sol

you alone

estàs convidat

you are invited

durant 10 anys

for 10 years

a menjar

to eat

al meu restaurant

to my restaurant



i no tu sol

and not just you



i totes les persones

and all the people

que vulguis portar

that you want to bring

i això us ho dic

and I tell you this

al meu restaurant

to my restaurant

al qual ja no treballo

that I no longer work for

de fa un any

a year ago

i quan les accions

and when the actions

ja no són meves

they are no longer mine

doncs allà

so there

es arruïnarem

we will ruin it

amb un germà

with a brother

i tots contents

and everyone happy

per 10.000 pesetes

for 10,000 pesetas

de whisky

of whisky



és que us puc assegurar

I can assure you.

que 8 ampolles

that 8 bottles

no se les veu

they are not seen

ni a la casa

not even at home

ni en una setmana

not in a week

8 ampolles

8 bottles

ni en una setmana

not in a week

8 ampolles

8 bottles

te les pots beure

you can drink them

si comences

if you start

es mú...

It is mu...



de fet vas segones

in fact you go second

a les 11

at 11 o'clock

i acabes a

and you finish at

les 12

the 12

de fet vas segones

in fact you go second

8 ampolles

8 bottles

si no són

if they are not

quintos d'estrella

fifteen stars



però a part

but apart

vosaltres estàveu parlant

you were talking



en 4 hores

in 4 hours

sense menjar

without eating



o sigui

that is to say

estàveu parlant

you were talking

però a veure que aquesta temporada

but let's see that this season

va ficar un matís

he added a nuance

que és

what is it

tu et pots fotre

you can go fuck yourself

3 paelles

3 paellas

per 6 persones

for 6 people

abans de que comencin

before they begin

les 4 hores

the 4 hours

jo no ho sé

I don't know.

jo està...

I am...

estic dient

I am saying.

això t'ajuda

this helps you

no no jo crec que no

no no I don't think so

clar clar

clear clear



jo crec que no

I don't think so.

vam matitzar

we nuanced

que tot el que vomitis

that all that you vomit

ha de tornar a entrar

he has to come back in

jo crec que t'ajuda

I think it helps you.

com deshidratar-te

how to dehydrate yourself

tipo sortir a córrer

type to go running

o alguna cosa abans

or something before

jo he sortit

I have gone out.

jo he sortit de l'albesa

I have left the Albesa.

un dijous

a Thursday

volguem fer un repte

we wanted to make a challenge

a mi mateix

to myself

i veure

and see

amb una caixa de quintos

with a box of fifths

i quan m'havia adonat

and when I had realized

m'havia passat

it had happened to me

de 4 quintos


m'havia hagut

I had to have

38 quintos

38 fifths

i ja puc assegurar

and I can assure.

que 8 ampolles

that 8 bottles

de cava

of cava

o de vi

or wine

i aquest senyor

and this gentleman

no se les veu

they are not seen

Miquel Bonet

Miquel Bonet

va dir 6 ampolles

he said 6 bottles

tu vas dir 6 i mitja

you said 6 and a half

no vosaltres

not you

vau dir 6 i mitja

you said 6 and a half

en tot cas

in any case

tu vas segon

you are second

6 i mitja vas segon

6 and a half you go second.

jo Joan

I Joan

t'asseguro que 6 ampolles

I assure you that 6 bottles.

i mitja

and a half

no me les veig

I can't see them.

llavors això

then this

ho hem de canviar

we have to change it

estaves aquí com a referent

you were here as a reference

vins de sinergia

wines of synergy

va dir 6 ampolles

he said 6 bottles

tant el Pol com l'Isaac

both Pol and Isaac

el Rubén Pereira

Rubén Pereira

va dir 5,3

he said 5.3

el Rubén Pereira

Rubén Pereira

va dir 5,3

he said 5.3

de graduació


de fins als collons

to the neck/over the top

vins que es vegin bé

wines that look good

i que es pixin

And let them piss themselves.

tu això

you this

ho podries fer?

Could you do it?

no ho crec

I don't believe it.

5 ampolles són moltes

5 bottles are a lot.

tu quin creus que seria

which one do you think it would be

la realitat?

the reality?

ho has provat aquest any?

Have you tried it this year?

no, no

no, no

jo crec que són 3

I think there are 3.

és que jo crec que són 3

I think there are 3.

és que 8

it is that 8

no, jo crec que són 4

No, I think there are 4.

4 i mitja

4 and a half

5 ampolles

5 bottles

4 ampolles

4 bottles

són moltíssimes ampolles

There are very many bottles.

però 4 ampolles

but 4 bottles

una per ara

one for now

sí que et pots fotre

yes, you can fuck yourself

jo em portava 2 i mitja

I was taking 2 and a half.

i em vaig adonar que eren 3

And I realized that there were 3.

jo us veig molt valents

I see you very brave.

a tots

to all

molt valents

very brave

jo us veig molt valents

I see you very brave.

jo a la segona ampolla

me to the second bottle

estic subant

I am sweating.

jo us veig molt valents

I see you very brave.

jo sempre dic que 2

I always say that 2

jo 2

me 2



jo és que 2 ampolles

I have 2 bottles.

per tu sol

for you alone

2 ampolles per tu sol

2 bottles for you alone.

és molt

it is very

però estem parlant

but we are talking

que estàs al terra

that you are on the ground

que no et pots ni aixecar

that you can't even get up

un moment

a moment

anem a parlar de l'altre extrem

let's talk about the other end

i els d'una ampolla i mitja

and those of a bottle and a half

Joan, jo hi ha dies

Joan, there are days for me.

que sense les dues ampolles

that without the two bottles

estic així

I am like this.

sense cap

without any

amb un te

with a tea

amb un te verd

with green tea

els d'una ampolla

the ones from a bottle

això ja són altres temes

that’s already another matter

tu vine a beure

you come to drink

un divendres a la tarda

one Friday afternoon

els d'una ampolla i mitja

the ones from a bottle and a half

què els hem de dir?

What should we tell them?

els hem de dir

we have to tell them

que es pot millorar

what can be improved

que se'n poden beure mitja

that half of them can be drunk

que per culpa seva

that because of him/her

el nivell de consum

the level of consumption

ha de baixar

it has to go down

progressa adequadament

progresses adequately

gràcies al seu esforç i dedicació

thanks to their effort and dedication

que el nivell de vi

that the level of wine

per culpa seva

because of him/her

està baixant el consum

consumption is decreasing

però que està molt bé

but it's very good

perquè els rànquings

because the rankings

necessiten prudència també

they need caution too

està molt bé

it's very good

ja, no, tenim

yes, no, we have

en realitat

in reality

entre les 4 i mitja

between 4:30

i a la 1 i mitja

and at half past one


let's say

però no

but no

però 3-4

but 3-4

seria el gran gruix de la gent

it would be the bulk of the people

però és que 4 ampolles

but it's just that 4 bottles

3-4 és molt

3-4 is a lot.

és que són moltes

it's just that there are many

és que 4 ampolles

it's just that 4 bottles

la gent amb un micro davant

the people with a microphone in front

és molt bona

it's very good

sí, correcte

Yes, correct.

és que 4 ampolles

it's just that 4 bottles

veig una barbaritat

I see a barbarity.

moltes ampolles

many bottles

porta de caixa dels pagesos

farmers' box door

jo crec que

I believe that

després que 28 persones

after 28 people

hagin respost a aquesta pregunta

they have answered this question



pot ser que sigui

it could be that it is

que sigui el moment

let it be the moment

de deixar de fer ja

to stop doing it already

aquesta pregunta

this question


I believe.

va pare

go dad

una pregunta

a question

puc fer una pregunta

Can I ask a question?

si aquest enviar

if this send

que el programa

that the program

és aixins avui

it's like this today

què està

what is it

amb bevent ara

with drinking now

què està amb bevent ara

What are you drinking now?

heu vist molt

have you seen a lot

ni us heu donat compte

you haven't even realized

estava envellit en suru això

it was wrapped in cork this

ni us heu donat compte

you haven't even realized

del que està amb bevent

of what is with drinking

jo ho he vist

I have seen it.

podria ser de per aquí

could be from around here

punky, no?

Punky, right?

és del país

he is from the country

podria ser del país

could be from the country



és del país

he/she is from the country

és un tactures de pet

it's a fart tactures

no, perquè

no, because

ah, recarregador

ah, recharger

està res

it's nothing

és que l'última ampolla

it's just that the last bottle

que vaig veure d'aquestes

that I saw of these

la vaig trobar bastant

I found her quite a bit.

bastant punky

quite punky

per dir-ho d'alguna manera

to put it somehow

està en freshness

it is in freshness




doncs a mi m'ha agradat

well, I liked it.

hem obrit la mateixa

we have opened the same one

farà 4 dies

four days ago

posa-me'n un raig més

put me one more shot

que a mi m'ha agradat

that I have liked

l'he portat

I have brought it.

perquè l'últim dia

because the last day

que la vaig provar

that I tried it

vaig dir

I said

hòstia puta

holy shit

aquest 1%

this 1%


from amonestrell

es nota

it is noticeable

es nota que es va acollir

It is noticeable that he/she was welcomed.

un diumenge

a Sunday


do it for him/her

és que era dia flor

it was flower day

i el fe le vent

and the wind does the deed

era dia flor

it was flower day



jo com que

I as that

crec que estic

I think I am.

crec que vull jubilar

I think I want to retire.

aquesta pregunta

this question

he pensat que us en podia

I thought that I could tell you about it.

fer una

to make a

aviam si

let's see if

si us quadra

if it suits you

què n'opineu

What do you think about it?



comences tu a obrir

you start to open

va, va

come on, come on

sí, en una superfície

yes, on a surface

ara ja

now already

com que jo he fet

as I have done

he formulat la pregunta

I have asked the question.

pensant en l'Eric

thinking of Eric



en una superfície plana

on a flat surface

amb les mans lligades

with hands tied

a l'esquena

on the back

i sense

and without

poder-la moure

to be able to move it

amb les cames

with the legs

quantes voltes creus

how many times do you think

que podries arribar-li

What you could reach him/her.

a fer

to do

a una bota

to a boot

de vi buida

of empty wine

d'una bota

from a boot

de 500 litros

of 500 liters


em faries un favor

Would you do me a favor?

en una superfície plana

on a flat surface

amb les mans lligades

with hands tied

a l'esquena

to the back

i sense poder-la moure

and without being able to move her

amb les cames

with the legs

quantes voltes creus

how many times do you think

que podries arribar

that you could reach

a fer-li

to do to him/her

la bota

the boot

i d'on sortia

and where it came from

la força

the strength

o sigui

that is to say

que rodant-t'ho sobre

that rolling it over

o què

or what



com puc moure la bota

how can I move the boot



això sembla

this seems

una pregunta

a question

de ratones colorados

of red mice



pots treure el pain

Can you take out the pain?

i ens fas un dibuix

And you make us a drawing.

és de lo més

it's the most

queda amb el pit

stays with the chest


leave me

deixeu-me respondre

let me respond

no amb el cos

not with the body

amb el cos

with the body



amb el cul

with the butt

la resposta

the answer

d'anar per mi

to go for me



si en menys de 10 minuts

if in less than 10 minutes

mitja volta

half turn

10 minuts dels teus

10 minutes of yours

dues voltes

two turns

no clar

not clear

jo aquí he pensat

I have thought here.

no i aquí

no and here

he pensat una mica

I have thought a little.

el tema cansament

the theme of fatigue

o sigui

that is to say

jo crec

I believe.

no jo crec

no I don't believe so

que es pot fer

what can be done



o sigui

that is to say

no li pots fotre una patada

you can't kick him/her


let's say

a ma mare

to my mother

als cames

to the legs

et pots ajudar

can you help yourself

però no li pots fer una patada

but you can't kick him.

però sense límit de temps

but without a time limit



o sigui fins a l'eternitat

that is, until eternity


però clar

but of course

perquè aquí hi ha el tema

because here is the issue

del factor cansament

of the fatigue factor

jo crec que

I believe that

aquest és un factor a millorar

this is a factor to improve

per l'any que ve

for next year

que és la pregunta aquesta

what is this question



no t'ha quadrat eh

it hasn't added up for you, has it?

no a mi tampoc

not me either



si algú li ha quadrat

if someone has matched up

que ens escrivi a l'Instagram

to write to us on Instagram

a la Bacanal

at the Bacchanal

t'ho creieu que podíeu fer 0

Do you believe that you could do 0?



jo estava pensant

I was thinking.

com unes 8 voltes

like about 8 laps

crec que podria

I think I could.



que 8

that 8

que dius

What are you saying?

que t'es boig

you’re crazy

com vols fer 8 voltes

how do you want to make 8 turns

sí tio

yes dude

perquè has de

because you have to

has de fer la sargantana

you have to make the lizard


you know

això ho faig

I do this.

quan faig l'amor

when I make love

tipus saltant de costat

jumping from side to side

però si abans has dit que

but if you said before that

o sigui clar

that is clear

mans lligades

hands tied

cames lligades

tied legs

llavors t'has com de tirar

So you have to throw yourself.

sobre la bota

on the boot

i saps

and you know

però quan fas l'amor

but when you make love

fas lo de lligar les cames

you do the thing of tying the legs

i els braços

and the arms

o és lo de moure la bota

Or is it about moving the boot?

pues no ho sé

well, I don’t know

és bon

it's good

perquè quan faig l'amor

because when I make love



estic cau

I am falling.



va bé

it's fine

xavi hem de millorar

Xavi, we need to improve.

estic amb el ticus

I am with the ticus.

hem de millorar

we have to improve

la pregunta

the question


un tres i mig

a three and a half

la pregunta

the question

perquè tu series incapaç

because you would be incapable

de moure la bota

to move the boot

és que no acabo d'entendre

I just don't understand.

molt bé

very well

la pregunta

the question

i fins on la podria moure

and I could even move it

no sé

I don't know.

si una

if one

si deu

yes, God

si cent

if one hundred

si mitja

if half



tens una bota de vi

you have a wine bottle


tu estàs lligat

you are tied up

de mans i peus

of hands and feet


i has d'aconseguir

you have to achieve

que la bota giri

let the boot turn

sobre si mateixa rodant

about herself rolling

sí això ho he entès

yes I have understood this

quantes voltes li pots fer

how many times can you do it

de peu sobre la bota

standing on the boot

no tu estàs al costat

no, you are not on the side





necessitem el pain

we need the bread

i un dibuix

and a drawing

no ho entenc

I don't understand it.

hola tio

hello dude

no em sembla tan difícil

I don't think it's that difficult.


to understand

no no

no no

o sigui

that is to say

com vols fer rodar la bota

how do you want to roll the barrel

si estàs lligat

if you are tied up

de mans i peus

hands and feet

posa hòsties

put hits

no de costat

not on your side

o sigui

in other words

de maluc

from the hip



a petades seria infinit

a hug would be infinite

si hi ha una pendent

if there is a slope

molt forta

very strong

ell tenia una superfície plana

he had a flat surface

plana ja

flatten it already



o sigui

that is to say

a petades seria infinit

a fart would be infinite

o te'n diria infinit

or I would tell you infinity



estic bastant perdut

I'm quite lost.

ara mateix

right now

és igual

it doesn't matter

tu ves perdut

you are lost

des del picarolo

from the rafter





a la següent temporada

in the next season

una altra pregunta

another question



qui creus que cuinaria

Who do you think would cook?

el teu


o sigui

that is to say

quina persona no cuinera

which non-cooking person

creus que podria cuinar

do you think I could cook

bé el teu plat preferit

well your favorite dish

jo t'anava a dir

I was going to tell you.

que entre la Citat

that between the Citation

i el Nandu Jovany

and Nandu Jovany

un dels dos flots

one of the two fleets

si estem parlant

if we are talking

de cuiners no professionals

of non-professional cooks

no cuiners

no cooks

cuiners no professionals

non-professional cooks

la meva


la meva àvia

my grandmother

en pau descansi

rest in peace

i el teu plat preferit

and your favorite dish


would be

el no cuinera

the non-cook

el que parla ara

the one who is speaking now

quan estic creant

when I am creating

surten els conceptes

the concepts come out



el teu plat preferit

your favorite dish

quin seria

what would it be

la truita de patates

the potato omelette

sempre amb ceba

always with onion



se'n va parlar fa un any

It was discussed a year ago.

quin no cuiner

which non-cook

creus que podria cuinar

Do you think I could cook?

millor el teu plat preferit

better your favorite dish

pot ser algú famós

It could be someone famous.

o no famós

or not famous

o sigui

that is to say

una persona

a person

que no s'hi dediqui

that he/she should not dedicate himself/herself to it



la meva iaia

my grandma



et portes el dia

you take the day


copying you



totes les àvies

all the grandmothers


they will win

totes les àvies

all the grandmothers


they will win

no no

no no

la meva no

not mine





la meva àvia

my grandmother

quina persona

which person

no cuinera professional

not a professional cook

bueno Eric

good Eric

quin és el teu plat preferit

what is your favorite dish

els canelons

the cannelloni



si la teva iaia

if your grandma

la teva iaia rosa

your grandma rosa

i si no fos la teva iaia

And if it weren't for your grandma.

et diria el mateix

I would tell you the same.

de la meva iaia Montserrat

from my grandmother Montserrat

si no fos cap iaia

if it weren't any grandmother

si quina persona famosa

yes, which famous person

del teu imaginari

from your imagination

que et té referencial per tu

what it means for you

podria fer bé els canelons

I could make the cannelloni well.

que jo no conegués

that I did not know

creus que el post Malone

do you think Post Malone

et podria cuinar bé els canelons

I could cook the cannelloni for you well.

no no gens tio

no, not at all, dude

gens gens gens

people people people

crec que algú

I think someone.

que podria cuinar

What could I cook?

uns bons canelons

some good cannelloni

seria per exemple

it would be for example

el llum mare

the mother light

ja els cuina

he already cooks them

si si si

yes yes yes

perquè sap cuinar molt bé

because he/she knows how to cook very well

però no els passeja carn

but it does not walk meat

és un obdoc

it's a document

sap enrotllar bastant bé

he knows how to roll quite well

és un obdoc

it's a document

fa bons canelons

makes good cannelloni





bueno és que

well is that

d'entrada no sé

at first I don't know

quin és el meu plat preferit

what is my favorite dish



un plat que t'agradi molt

a dish that you really like



com es deia

what was it called

aquell d'un camell

that of a camel


of a

el turduquen

the turducken

aquest aquest aquest

this this this

qui podria cuinar

who could cook

un turduquen

a turducken

em voldria molt veure

I would really like to see you.

jo que sé tio

I know, dude.

algú que estigui molt ullí

someone who is very observant



el canyita brava

the brave little dog

cuinant turduquen

cooking turducken

el canyita brava

the brave little dog


would be

seria graciós

it would be funny


to do it to him/her

fer un castell de cartes

to build a house of cards


you know



jo per canviar una mica

me to change a little

diria un company de pis

I would say a flatmate.

que vaig tenir

that I had

que cuinava

that cooked



i quin plat cuinaria

And what dish would you cook?

l'altre dia va venir

The other day he/she came.

i va dir

and he said

va fer una canassa

he made a joint

i va fer uns canelons

and he/she made some cannelloni

també espectaculars

also spectacular

o sigui va estar com

so it was like

quatre hores

four hours

cuinant macerant la carn

cooking by marinating the meat

i fent aquestes històries

and doing these stories

el caneló és brutal eh tio

the cannelloni is amazing, huh man

i això això ho fa increïble

and this makes it incredible

ho fa tot ho fa tot

it does everything it does everything

o sigui qualsevol cosa

that is, anything

com es diu

how do you say

es diu Dani

his name is Dani

Daniel Spencer

Daniel Spencer

està mort per cert

he is dead, for sure

Joan una pregunta

Joan a question

una pregunta Joan

a question Joan

i si no me mare

and if my mother doesn't

me mare o me iaia

my mother or my grandmother

també ho cuinen increïble

they also cook it amazingly

jo aquí jo aquí sí

me here me here yes

que ho puc corroborar

that I can corroborate



you see

el teu company

your partner

a la beixamel

in the béchamel

li fica

he/she puts it in

li ratlla una miqueta de

it scratches him a little bit of

no emboscada

no ambush

de no emboscada

of no ambush

o no

or not

no tinc ni idea tio

I have no idea, dude.

no emboscada del mapet

no ambush of the mapet

no sé

I don't know.


perquè aquí hi ha la diferència

because here is the difference

d'un bon caneló

of a good cannelloni

no d'una bona beixamel

not a good béchamel

una bona beixamel

a good béchamel


jo crec que podem passar

I believe we can pass.

a la secció de l'Eric

in Eric's section

no és més

it is no more

a la secció

in the section

no hi ha cap cosa d'aquesta

there is no such thing

amb aquest conmorci

with this commotion

és que la Ibiza és molt top

It's just that Ibiza is really cool.

Ibiza top no

Ibiza top no.

la Ibiza és una gràcia

Ibiza is a delight.

Com el meu gran descobriment

As my great discovery.

També és veritat que val quasi bé el doble que la resta

It is also true that it is worth almost double compared to the rest.

A mi l'emissió m'ha agradat molt

I really liked the broadcast.

Aquestes coses acostumen a passar

These things tend to happen.

Però li faltava un punt d'Evisa

But it was missing a bit of Eivissa.

Un puntet

A little point

De què parlem?

What are we talking about?

Està plovent

It is raining.



Quantes tones has gravat picant la mà amb el dit, així com els nens petits?

How many tones has the hand recorded by touching it with the finger, just like small children?



Javier Roig

Javier Roig

Altament conegut com

Highly known as

Sulfur Lover

Sulfur Lover

Joan Pasquet

John Pasquet

El veterinari

The veterinarian

I Sergi Canals

I Sergi Canals

El Viking

The Viking

Voleu saber com funciona aquest joc?

Do you want to know how this game works?

Voleu saber com funciona aquest hidrojoc?

Do you want to know how this water game works?



És trencador com pocs

He is a breaker like few others.

Hidro, volem

Hidro, we want

Com trenquen

How they break

Com trenquen la pedra a la vostra lluna

How do they break the stone on your moon?

Quan cau del cel

When it falls from the sky

Espera un moment

Wait a moment.

Si ho ha escrit xac GPT

If it was written by GPT.

Jo us faig una pregunta

I ask you a question.

Vosaltres la contesteu

You answer it.

I guanyeu un punt si l'encerteu

And you earn a point if you get it right.

El premi, si us recordeu bé

The prize, if you remember correctly

És un magnífic ploviòmetre

It is a magnificent rain gauge.

Gentilesa del nostre patrocinador

Courtesy of our sponsor

Aquest sí

This one yes


L'únic garden center especialitat en cactus de Catalunya

The only garden center specialized in cacti in Catalonia.

Xavi, no reguis

Xavi, don't laugh.


Let's go!

Seria Xavi, no punxis

It would be Xavi, don't mess with it.

Jo crec que era el avatar Joan

I think it was the avatar Joan.



Oriol, comencem amb tu

Oriol, let's start with you.

Vinga, va

Come on, let’s go.

Ens acompanyarà la

She will accompany us.

Reina de Sud-Àfrica

Queen of South Africa

Oriol, aquesta és una pregunta clàssica del programa ja

Oriol, this is already a classic question from the program.

Clàssica, igual que la segona vegada que ho fem

Classic, just like the second time we do it.

Xavi, sisplau

Xavi, please.

Tan clàssica

So classic

Xavi, m'havies de donar aquesta dada

Xavi, you were supposed to give me this information.

Ho estic buscant

I am looking for it.

Tan clàssica com dues vegades

As classic as twice.

La pregunta és

The question is

Santsa Dornier

Santsa Dornier

Oriol, estic al per la feina

Oriol, I am at work.

Quants litres aproximats han caigut a Santsa Dornier de Noia

How many approximate liters have fallen in Santsa Dornier de Noia?

Durant els mesos de maig i juny

During the months of May and June.



Qualsevol pregunta

Any question

Qualsevol resposta serà incorrecta

Any answer will be incorrect.



No, 284

No, 284

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes.

Sí, van caure, mira, t'ho puc assegurar

Yes, they fell, look, I can assure you.

Entre maig i juny

Between May and June

Ah, amigo

Ah, friend

De gener

Of January

No t'està dient això

It's not telling you that.

Maig i juny

May and June

De gener a juny també és incorrecta

From January to June is also incorrect.

T'ho dic ara

I'm telling you now.

Amb un mes, de maig a juny

With a month, from May to June.

Dos mesos

Two months

Maig i juny

May and June

Es val a rodonir

It is valid to round off.

Més o menys 10

More or less 10.

Doncs te'n diré

Well, I'll tell you.

Per dir-te alguna cosa, eh?

Just to tell you something, huh?



Així numro rodons

Thus I count round numbers.

A veure

Let's see.

Pot, pot, pot

Can, can, can

Més o menys 10, eh?

More or less 10, right?

Com a 5

As a 5





Seguríssim, Sergi

Absolutely, Sergi.







Em sap greu, Oriol, tico

I'm sorry, Oriol, buddy.

Aquesta no es pot donar per correcta

This cannot be considered correct.

Seguim amb el nostre Joan Pasquet

We continue with our Joan Pasquet.

El vi teniu a la taula?

Is the wine on the table?

Com es diu el ro...

What is the name of the ro...



Vas com un beatbox cada cop que t'encalles

You sound like a beatbox every time you get stuck.

Estava enganxant una ratxa bona de paraules

I was sticking a good streak of words.

Com es diu el riu que passa

What is the name of the river that passes?

Ben a prop d'aquest nom inventat

Close to this invented name.

De poble Baratusser

Of the village Baratusser



Allà on vas actuar fa uns dies

Where you performed a few days ago.

I a prop del fafar

And near the fafar.

Sí, correcte

Yes, correct.

Has de recordar el nom

You have to remember the name.

Que ara no m'he apuntat

That I haven't signed up now.

T'he d'anar a buscar

I have to come to get you.

Allà on vas actuar fa uns dies

There where you performed a few days ago.

Ah, sí, ja sé, ja sé

Ah, yes, I know, I know.

No, el riu

No, the river

Bueno, està just al costat del riu

Well, it's right next to the river.

Del riu Túria

From the Túria River



Home, i tant

Of course!

Es diu el riu Magra

It is called the Magra River.

En sèrio?


Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Allà vas al riu Túria

There you go to the Túria river.

A mi no m'enganyeu, eh

Don't deceive me, okay?

Espero que tingui menys raó que jo

I hope he/she is less right than I am.

Passa, passa la música

Come on, play the music.

El poble aquell on no hi havia anguera

The village where there was no hunger.

T'encanta aquesta cançó?

Do you love this song?

No ho sabia

I didn't know that.

És que...

It's just that...

Ho fa molt bé

He/She does it very well.

Aigua, panadàs

Water, bread.

Ànima, grup

Soul, group

Els nostres...


El nostre equip de notaris

Our team of notaries

Està buscant si la resposta era correcta, no?

He is looking to see if the answer was correct, right?

El Túria, sí

The Túria, yes.

No, no

No, no.

A més a més, us puc explicar la història

Furthermore, I can tell you the story.

No, no, no, no expliquis històries

No, no, no, don't tell stories.

Make me s'enfad de caure

Make me angry to fall.

El Túria passava pel mig de València

The Túria flowed through the middle of Valencia.

Però des de la tercera hora

But since the third hour

o quarta inundació de València

the fourth flood of Valencia

el van desviar tot

they diverted everything

i ara passa pel costat dels pobles del sud

And now it passes by the villages of the south.

Allà tots són rieres, tio

Over there, everyone is a stream, dude.

Clar, sí

Sure, yes.

Potser m'estàs buscant el nom d'una riera

Maybe you are looking for the name of a creek.

Però el riu Totxo és el Túria

But the river Totxo is the Túria.

No, home, no

No, come on, no.

El Túria és de València

The Túria is from Valencia.

Es diu el riu Magra

It is called the Magra River.

Està comprovat pel riu

It is verified by the river.

Faré... faré...

I will... I will...

les mateixes apel·lacions que Puigdemont, tio

the same appeals as Puigdemont, dude

Doncs et respondran igual que algú

Well, they will respond to you just like someone.

Ens has mirat per lo mateix, eh

You have looked at us for the same thing, right?

Acabaràs igual

You will end up the same.

A la presó

In prison

Cap a Bèlgica

Towards Belgium



Sergi Canals

Sergi Canals


Let's go!

¿Series capaç de dir-me el nom de quatre llacs

Would you be able to tell me the names of four lakes?

o enclavaments en retenció d'aigua de la comarca

or water retention structures in the region

puguis o no banyar-te il·legalment?

Can you or cannot you bathe illegally?

El Penedès

The Penedès

Quatre llacs

Four lakes

O pèl·lacs

Oh, silly ones!

El Foix

The Foix

Aixos de la comarca

Those of the region



Sèrgia, pèl·lacs de Foix

Sèrgia, pelt of Foix

A Sant Quintí

At Sant Quintí

Jo també me'n sé dos, però no els hi diré

I also know two, but I won't tell them.

Jo en sé quatre

I know four.

Aquests dos són els dos que en sé més

These two are the ones I know the most about.

Ah, claro, claro

Ah, of course, of course.

Pensa-me el pintado

Think of me the painted one.

El lago de Can Codorniu

The lake of Can Codorniu

El lago

The lake

El lago del Pepe

Pepe's lake

A veure, me'n falta un

Let's see, I'm missing one.

No, te'n falten tres

No, you need three more.

Has dit el de Can Codorniu

You said the one from Can Codorniu.

De quins pèl·lacs?

Which idiots?

De on?

Where from?

Els pèl·lacs són molts, no?

There are many bald people, aren't there?

Hi ha pèl·lacs a tot arreu

There are hairs everywhere.

El Pèl·lacs de Viloví, tio

The Pèl·lacs of Viloví, dude.

Els pèl·lacs de Viloví

The pelicans of Viloví

Bé, bé, bé

Good, good, good.

Bé, bé

Well, well

No, no coi, tio

No, come on, man.

Aquests són els que jo sabia

These are the ones I knew.

Pensa, pensa, amb el col·legi

Think, think, with the school

Sabies que la paraula pèl·lac

Did you know that the word pèl·lac

Només existeix al Penedès?

Does it only exist in the Penedès?

Sí, clar, clar

Yes, of course, of course.

És bèstia

It's beastly.

És un poll d'aigua

It's a water hen.

És mentida?

Is it a lie?



La gent de Catalunya que ens està escoltant

The people of Catalonia who are listening to us.

No sap el que és un pèl·lac

He doesn't know what a baldy is.

L'he estat posant

I have been putting it.

He estat a punt de posar-li les preguntes

I was about to ask him the questions.



És mentida?

Is it a lie?

A un mes hi ha pèl·lac

In a month there will be a bald person.

Tota el camp de Tarragona també se diu una mica

The whole region of Tarragona is also called a bit.

És mentida perquè Miquel Martí Pol

It's a lie because Miquel Martí Pol.

Va fer un poema que...

He wrote a poem that...

Però Miquel Martí Pol era del Vendrell

But Miquel Martí Pol was from Vendrell.

i el Vendrell ja no és Catalunya.

And Vendrell is no longer Catalonia.

No, perdó,

No, sorry,

però segueixen Penedès.

but they continue Penedès.

Jo d'Espanya no en sé.

I don't know about Spain.

Però segueixen Penedès.

But they continue Penedès.

Està a Bàrnia.

It is in Bàrnia.

A les 10, tio.

At 10, man.

A les 10, 3.

At 10, 3.

I a la punta no té pell.

And at the tip, it has no skin.

N'hi ha un quart, tio.

There's a quarter, dude.

N'hi ha molts més.

There are many more.

N'hi ha quatre llocs on vanyar-se?

Are there four places to swim?

Sí, més, més.

Yes, more, more.

Totes les piscines municipals.

All the municipal swimming pools.

De fet, la Bernó.

In fact, the Bernó.

Tio, la Font Freda.

Dude, the Cold Fountain.

La què? Qui diu?

What? Who says?

La Gelida, tio!

The cold, dude!

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

La Font Freda.

The Cold Fountain.

Algú pot comprovar la Font Freda?

Can someone check the Font Freda?

La Gelida, Gelida.

The Frozen, Frozen.

Deixen aplaudit amb una cara de resignació, però...

They leave applauded with a face of resignation, but...

Acabes molt enfangat, eh?

You end up very muddy, huh?

La Bernó.

The Bernó.

Ui, la Bernó baixava ple, tio.

Oh, the Bernó was coming down full, dude.

Fa dos dies baixava ple.

Two days ago it was full.

La Bernó és el riu Noi, eh?

The Bernó is the river Boy, right?

I Mil, tio.

One thousand, dude.

Escolta, estic mirant imatges de la Font Freda de Gelida

Listen, I am looking at images of the Font Freda de Gelida.

i és un camí

and it is a path

on surt una mica d'aigua.

A little water comes out.



seguim amb Sulfur Lover.

we continue with Sulfur Lover.

Oh, mama.

Oh, mom.

Sulfur Lover.

Sulfur Lover.

La paraula pedra,

The word stone,

no pensis en la teva adolescència

don't think about your adolescence

i en un matxero.

and in a matchbox.



Podries dir-me

Could you tell me

tres sinònims per referir-nos

three synonyms for referring to us

a la precipitació de l'aigua en format sòlid

the precipitation of water in solid form

destructiva de conreus

destructive of crops

i generadora de negoci per car glas?

And a business generator for car glass?

I no s'hi val dir

And it is not worth saying.



Granit, eh?

Granite, huh?

I aquí diu granit, granit seria una.

And here it says granite, granite would be one.

Granit, en valencià és correcte, granit?

Granite, in Valencian it is correct, granite?

En valencià, hem de dir-ne en català, eh?

In Valencian, we have to say it in Catalan, right?

Però tu d'on ets? Tu d'on ets?

But where are you from? Where are you from?

De València o d'on ets tu?

From Valencia or where are you from?

Granit és bona.

Granit is good.

No, per què és bona?

No, why is it good?

Perquè la tinc aquí, tio.

Because I have her here, dude.

Perquè ho diu al diccionari, tio,

Because it says so in the dictionary, dude.

que jo he fet de profe de català.

that I have done as a Catalan teacher.

Vale, vale, vale.

Okay, okay, okay.

Ep, 60 dies.

Hey, 60 days.



Pedro, Pedro, Pedro!

Pedro, Pedro, Pedro!

Et puc dir que has posat tots els sinònims al guió?

Can I tell you that you have put all the synonyms in the script?

T'ho puc dir, jo?

Can I tell you?



No estic mirant-ho.

I am not watching it.

Javi, has de que no.

Javi, you have to not.

T'ho juro.

I swear to you.

Pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra!

Stone, stone, stone, stone, stone!

Vale, no, ara en sèrio.

Okay, no, now seriously.

Granit és una.

Granite is one.

Jo crec que calamar-se, sinònim parcial,

I think that "calmar-se" is a partial synonym.

no seria del tot...

it wouldn't be entirely...

No, estaria, estaria.

No, I would be, I would be.

Però la calamar-se és més tova.

But the squid is softer.

El Tomàs Molina, eh?

Tomàs Molina, huh?

No, no, aquí, quan la gent diu que cau pedra,

No, no, here, when people say it's hailing,

diuen moltes coses.

they say many things.



Buà, la tercera no em surt, eh?

Well, the third one isn't coming to me, huh?

La tercera...

The third...

Ets un fill de puta, clar que et surt, si l'has llegit.

You're a son of a bitch, of course it works for you if you've read it.

Que et juro per dir-ho.

I swear to say it.

Que diu que no, tio.

He says no, man.

I tant, sí, sí.

I of course, yes, yes.

Bueno, pots trucar al Befiens.

Well, you can call Befiens.

Ticos, no, traicionis ara.

Ticos, no, don't betray now.

No, pots trucar al Befiens.

No, you can call Befiens.

No el traeixis.

Don't betray him.

Pots trucar al Befiens, Pedacur.

You can call Befiens, Pedacur.

Què has dit?

What did you say?

Granit, què més?

Granite, what else?

Jo he dit granit i calamar-se.

I have said granite and to calm down.

I la tercera no la tinc clara, tio.

And the third one I'm not so sure about, dude.

Si l'has vist fa un rato.

If you saw him a little while ago.

Que us ho juro que no ho he mirat.

I swear to you that I haven't looked at it.

No saps fingir.

You don't know how to pretend.

Puxa, puja.

Up, up.

Vinga, nois, nois, nois.

Come on, guys, guys, guys.

Pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra,

Stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone.

pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra, pedra.

stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone.

Vinga, nois, nois.

Come on, guys.

Pedra, pedra.

Stone, stone.

Vamos xavi!

Let's go, Xavi!

No la sé, no la sé.

I don't know it, I don't know it.

No t'he mirat per principis.

I haven't looked at you for principles.

No la sé, no la sé.

I don’t know it, I don’t know it.



Haguessis dit pedregada, per exemple.

You could have said hail, for example.





Ah, tio, però, però...

Ah, dude, but, but...

Joan Pasquet, tornem a la Talla.

Joan Pasquet, let's go back to the Talla.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.



Però és un derivat de pedre.

But it is a derivative of stone.

Tornem a la reina de Soler.

Let's return to the queen of Soler.

Ai, ai, ai.

Oh, oh, oh.

d'Àfrica. Ho sento, però no estic d'acord.

From Africa. I'm sorry, but I don't agree.

No estic d'acord amb aquesta. Xavi, Xavi, ja n'hi ha prou.

I don't agree with this. Xavi, Xavi, enough already.

Hem passat de pàgina. Trauré el micro del peu.

We have turned the page. I will take the microphone off my foot.

No estic d'acord. Sordirem pel camí de Pedrega.

I do not agree. We will go deaf on the path of Pedrega.

Escolta'm, Oriol, perquè aquesta és difícil, eh?

Listen to me, Oriol, because this one is difficult, huh?

Oriol, aquesta és difícil.

Oriol, this one is difficult.

Mentre no siguis de les partes... Oriol, escolta'm.

As long as you are not part of it... Oriol, listen to me.

Aquesta és difícil, eh? Vinga, va, som-hi.

This is difficult, huh? Come on, let's go.



la primera pista és el teu nom.

The first clue is your name.

Ua, m'agrada.

Yeah, I like it.



un riu amb nom

a river with a name

X més A

X plus A

que neix a la serra

that is born in the mountains

d'Aitz-Gorri i desemboca

of Aitz-Gorri and flows into

a la localitat de X

in the locality of X

més O.

more O.

Abans, passant també

Before, also passing

pel municipi, la Sarte

for the municipality, the Sarte

guió X més A.

script X plus A.

Què és la X? Això ho vas fer

What is the X? You did this.

dissabte al vespre, no?

Saturday evening, right?

Què és la X?

What is X?

Aquí, equacions de segon grau.

Here, quadratic equations.

No, no, és molt senzill. Escolta'm,

No, no, it's very simple. Listen to me,

és molt fàcil.

It's very easy.

Sí, crec que sí.

Yes, I think so.

Sí, és fàcil.

Yes, it's easy.



ha portat-hi la guia davant.

he brought the guide there in front.

No, no, no, estic llegint la pista, eh?

No, no, no, I'm reading the clue, okay?

Ja em digueu, digueu, torna-hi, torna-hi, torna-hi,

You tell me again, say it again, go back to it, go back to it, go back to it.

va bé?

Is it going well?

Un riu, un riu, té un nom...

A river, a river, has a name...

Que picat, que cabró.

What a jerk, what a bastard.

Un riu, un riu, té un nom de X,

A river, a river, has a name of X,

X seria la incògnita,

X would be the unknown,

més la lletra A, va bé?

more the letter A, is that okay?

Que neix a la serra d'Aitz-Gorri,

That is born in the Aitz-Gorri mountain range,

desemboca, t'ho diré, desemboca

it leads, I will tell you, it leads

al Cantàbric,

in the Cantabrian,

a la localitat de X,

in the locality of X,

més la lletra O.

plus the letter O.

Abans, passa també pel municipi,

First, it also passes through the municipality,

pel municipi, la Sarte,

for the municipality, the Sarte,

X més A.

X plus A.



No, Uri, pensa bé,

No, Uri, think carefully.

pensa bé, pensa bé,

think well, think well,

atireu una pista.

give a hint.

És el riu que passa per Sant Sebastià...

It is the river that goes through San Sebastián...

Atireu una pista.

Throw a hint.

Vinga, va.

Come on, let’s go.

Hi ha aquest riu...

There is this river...

A mi si em treus de l'Ebre,

If you take me out of the Ebre,

del Tacó, del Dueu...

of the Tacó, of the Dueu...

Pensa bé que com t'escolti el tio que et contractarà,

Think carefully because if the guy who is going to hire you hears you,

et fotrà fora.

it will kick you out.

Vinga, va.

Come on, let's go.

Aquest riu té el nom d'un restaurant de Barcelona.

This river is named after a restaurant in Barcelona.

Té un nom de restaurant de Barcelona.

It has the name of a restaurant in Barcelona.

Ja està, fora, ticos, ja t'ho he de donar massa fàcil.

That's it, out, guys, I'm making it too easy for you.

La X és Oriol.

X is Oriol.

Oriol, la Sarte Oriol.

Oriol, the Sart Oriol.

Oria, Oria,

Oria, Oria,

és la localitat, Oriol...

it is the locality, Oriol...

No, al revés, Oria és el riu...

No, on the contrary, Oria is the river...

No estem a tres quarts de dotze

It's not a quarter to twelve.

per fer equacions, Eric.

to make equations, Eric.

I Oriol és el ticus.

I Oriol is the ticus.

Sí, sí, bueno...

Yes, yes, well...

Era difícil, eh?

It was difficult, huh?

Ticus podria ser...

Ticus could be...

Era difícil per una persona que no fa la pregunta,

It was difficult for a person who does not ask the question,



Em sap greu.

I'm sorry.

És com la meva pregunta, Eric, no passa res,

It's like my question, Eric, it's okay.

l'has de millorar per un proper programa.

You need to improve it for the next program.

Hòstia, jo ho he trobat una molt bona pregunta,

Wow, I found it a very good question,

però clar, la meva també l'havia trobat...

but of course, I had found mine too...

La de la bota de via també l'havia trobat perfecta.

I had also found the one with the boot on the track perfect.

Passem pàgina, passem pàgina, no passa res.

Let's turn the page, let's turn the page, nothing happens.

Si aquí el que és important és que guanyarà...

If what's important here is that he will win...

Progrés adequadament gràcies al seu esforç i dedicació.

Progress adequately thanks to your effort and dedication.





Felicitats, per cert, que vas al teu salat.

Congratulations, by the way, that you're going to your salad.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

I al teu fill.

And to your son.

És veritat.

It's true.

I va ser el teu millor concert de la teva carrera, tio, també.

It was the best concert of your career, dude, too.


I would be...

Se n'ha parlat molt poc.

It has been talked about very little.

Top 3, 100%, i segurament el millor.

Top 3, 100%, and probably the best.

El que passa és que sempre que faig un bon concert em sembla el millor, saps?

What happens is that whenever I give a good concert, it seems the best to me, you know?

I els xicos com estan?

And how are the boys?

Ara que no els escoltes.

Now that you don't listen to them.

Està bé que es diguin xicos quan tenen 5 anys.

It's fine to call them boys when they are 5 years old.

I del maïs quan cobren més que tots nosaltres.

And of the corn when they earn more than all of us.

Que com m'ho has enfocat amb les ganes de dir,

That how you've approached it with the desire to say,

bueno, sí, però sempre que faig un bon concert em roben el furgo.

Well, yes, but whenever I have a good concert, my van gets stolen.

No, però el trobo...

No, but I find it...

És el pro de la fama, tio.

It's the downside of fame, man.

Una és una molt bona pregunta.

That is a very good question.

O sigui, que es diguin los xicos,

So, let the guys say it,

i del maïs...

and of the corn...

Com ho veus, tu, això?

How do you see this?

Bueno, és per la pel·lícula.

Well, it's for the movie.

Sempre fa moltes referències a pel·lícules,

He always makes a lot of references to movies.

i ve d'aquí.

and comes from here.

Vale, vale, vale.

Okay, okay, okay.

I també la pel·lícula que porten.

And also the movie they are bringing.

Tornem a la pregunta, Joan.

Let’s return to the question, Joan.

Tico, si ho generen, que guanyin, i tant.

Tico, if they generate it, let them win, absolutely.

Mentre no li rebien a ningú.

While they weren't receiving anyone.

Joan, què és un perro de mar?

Joan, what is a sea dog?

Aviam, tinc opcions o no?

Let's see, do I have options or not?

Què és un perro de mar?

What is a sea dog?

Recorda que aquí estem parlant d'aigua, no?

Remember that we are talking about water here, right?

No és un perro verde.

He's not a green dog.

Un perro mar.

A sea dog.

És un tipus de foca més mansa que la foca que tots coneixem.

It is a type of seal that is gentler than the seal we all know.

És que la que conec és molt mansa.

It's just that the one I know is very tame.

Et diu pel nom, eh?

He/She calls you by name, huh?

És, és, perdó.

It is, it is, sorry.

La foca Maria Luïssa és mansíssima, tio.

The seal Maria Luïssa is very tame, dude.

A veure, a veure.

Let's see, let's see.

Segons, sisplau.

According to, please.

Un segon, sisplau.

One second, please.

Vinga a la samba, tio.

Come on to the samba, dude.

Un perro de mar.

A sea dog.

Un gos que podria ser la reencarnació de Bob Marley.

A dog that could be the reincarnation of Bob Marley.

D'acord, ho diria.

Okay, I would say it.

O una cervesa hipamexicana.

Or a hipamexican beer.

Hòstia, m'encantaria que...

Damn, I would love for...

I l'última és, totes són correctes.

And the last one is, all are correct.

Això no pot ser.

This cannot be.

Ha sigut una imatge...

It has been an image...

Però hi ha alguna que és correcta?

But is there anyone that is correct?

Recordem, un tipus de foca més mansa que la foca que tots coneixem.

Let's remember, a type of seal that is tamer than the seal we all know.

Un gos que podria ser la reencarnació de Bob Marley.

A dog that could be the reincarnation of Bob Marley.

Fent referència a la reencarnació de Bob Marley.

Referring to the reincarnation of Bob Marley.

Un gos que podria ser la reencarnació de Bob Marley.

A dog that could be the reincarnation of Bob Marley.

Un gos d'aigua i una cervesa hipamexicana.

A water dog and a hipamexican beer.

O totes són correctes.

Either all are correct.

Has dit un perro de mar.

You said a sea dog.

És que clar, està el gos d'aigües...

It's just that, of course, there's the water dog...

I en general, totes són correctes.

And in general, all are correct.

Però perro de mar pot ser gos d'aigües o no?

But sea dog can be a water dog or not?

Jo crec que el mar i l'aigua no és el mateix.

I believe that the sea and the water are not the same.

Joan, totes són correctes.

John, all of them are correct.







Faig com a dintre del convidat.

I act as if I were among the guests.

Pensa que no resta 0,25.

Think that it does not subtract 0.25.

Aviam, és que un perro de mar no pot ser un gos.

Let's see, a sea dog cannot be a dog.

Però va bé.

But it's okay.

Un canó.

A cannon.

Sí, totes són correctes.

Yes, all are correct.



Va bé.

It's fine.

I ara la que crec que és la cervesa mexicana.

And now the one I think is the Mexican beer.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

T'has babau!

You're such a fool!

Em donen el punt, no?

They give me the point, right?

Perquè els he fet quasi...

Because I've almost done them...

Puja un moment la taula.

Raise the table for a moment.

Sí, som-hi, som-hi.

Yes, let's go, let's go.

Un moment, Clau.

One moment, Clau.

Estic fent...

I am doing...

És que vola el probiòmetre.

It's that the probimeter flies.

Va bé, baixem.

It's fine, let's go down.

Doctor Canals.

Doctor Canals.

Va bé, tornem-hi.

Alright, let's go again.

Aquestes verdures, tan bones i saludables pel seu gran contingut d'aigua...

These vegetables, so good and healthy for their high water content...

Són biodinàmiques.

They are biodynamic.

...omplen igual que aquesta pregunta.

...fill just like this question.

L'espàrrec blanc de preu.

The white asparagus at a price.

Les has d'ordenar pel seu contingut d'aigua.

You have to sort them by their water content.

Va bé.

It’s okay.

De més a menys o de menys a més?

From more to less or from less to more?

I per tant, la que més tindrà un 97% de contingut d'aigua i la que menys un 92%.

And therefore, the one with the most will have 97% water content and the one with the least will have 92%.

Vinga, puta.

Come on, whore.

Hòstia, Déu-n'hi-do.

Wow, that's impressive.

Però li pots posar àcid tartàric, si vols.

But you can add tartaric acid if you want.

O aigua vegetal.

Oh vegetable water.

De menys a més o de més a menys?

From less to more or from more to less?

De més contingut a menys contingut.

From more content to less content.

Jo et diré les...

I will tell you the...

Però t'has de beure aquesta aigua?

But do you have to drink this water?



Jo et diré les verdures, que és cogombre, enciam, carbassa...

I will tell you the vegetables, which are cucumber, lettuce, pumpkin...

Sí, va bé.

Yes, it's fine.



I què és això?

And what is this?

Esquinacs i síndria, que no és una verdura, sinó una fruita.

Wrecks and watermelon, which is not a vegetable, but a fruit.

Però cogombre de mar o...

But sea cucumber or...

Enciam a l'iceberg típic.

Iceberg lettuce.

Clar, clar.

Of course, of course.

O el de roure, el de roure.

Oh, the oak, the oak.

El de roure.

The oak one.

El de casa amb allé, tio.

The one from home with him, man.

O sigui, jo et diré de menys...

So, I will tell you less...



Que pagui, que pagui.

Let him pay, let him pay.

Espera, d'agroparc.

Wait, from agropark.

Si vols sortir, que pagui.

If you want to go out, let him pay.

Vamos, de menys a més, eh?

Come on, from less to more, right?

De menys a més.

From less to more.

No, de...

No, from...

De que tu vulguis, Sergi.

Whatever you want, Sergi.

De qualitat.

Of quality.

Mira, de menys a més et diria.

Look, I would tell you from least to most.

Primer la carbassa, segon la síndria, tercer el cogombre i els altres dos...

First the pumpkin, second the watermelon, third the cucumber and the other two...

La carbassa té més aigua, eh?

The pumpkin has more water, right?

No, no, de menys a més.

No, no, from less to more.

Ah, ah, ah.

Ah, ah, ah.

O sigui, carbassa primer, després síndria, després cogombre...

So, pumpkin first, then watermelon, then cucumber...

Tu creus que la carbassa té més aigua que la síndria?

Do you think that the pumpkin has more water than the watermelon?

No, de menys...

No, less...

Torno a dir, de menys a més.

I say again, from less to more.

Però la síndria es diu watermelon, eh?

But the watermelon is called watermelon, right?

Ja, però és com si diguessis water, water sand, water stone.

Yes, but it's like saying water, water sand, water stone.

Perquè pel fet de posar water no li fa molta ni molta aigua.

Because by putting water it doesn't make much of it or much water.

Jo et diria que suposo que depèn de l'enciam.

I would say that I suppose it depends on the lettuce.

Què és això, tio?

What is this, man?


What is this?

Que algú en salvi.

Let someone save him.

El tècnic m'avorreix.

The technician bores me.

Això és la Amaris, no?

This is Amaris, isn’t it?

És la cançó de les frites i les verdures.

It is the song of fries and vegetables.

És la d'Amaris a la verd, no?

It's Amaris's in green, right?

Sí, hòstia.

Yes, damn.

És la que diu.

It is the one that says.

Jo encara estic al mic.

I am still at the mic.

Com es nota que teniu canalla.

How noticeable it is that you have kids.

Tinc un nen de 3 anys, què vols?

I have a 3-year-old boy, what do you want?

Com es nota que teniu canalla.

How noticeable it is that you have kids.

Nois, Sergi, tenim...

Guys, Sergi, we have...

Dilluns, dimarts, dimecres, dilluns...

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday...

Què passa? Què ha petat?

What's happening? What has exploded?

Això són...

This is...

La pastilla, nois.

The pill, guys.



El Paco s'està reiant.

Paco is laughing.

Contesta, contesta, contesta.

Answer, answer, answer.

De menys a més, eh?

From less to more, huh?

T'ho torno a dir.

I'll tell you again.



Sóc un mòbil.

I am a mobile phone.

Sóc jo.

It's me.

No, no és el meu, eh?

No, it's not mine, okay?

És el Xavi.

It's Xavi.

10 minuts.

10 minutes.

Xavi, 10 minuts.

Xavi, 10 minutes.

10 minuts.

10 minutes.

Cada 10 minuts m'hi sona, tio.

It rings for me every 10 minutes, dude.

El Xavi tenia el cròmeto 10 minuts.

Xavi had the cramp for 10 minutes.



Eric, som-hi.

Eric, let's go.

Te'l dic de menys a més.

I'll tell you from the least to the most.

Cogombre, sí...

Cucumber, yes...

Perdona, torna-hi.

Sorry, go again.

Carbassa, sí, tia.

Pumpkin, yes, girl.

Cogombre, espinaca i enciam.

Cucumber, spinach, and lettuce.

Vale, doncs està malament perquè...

Okay, then it's wrong because...

Era l'ordre que t'havia dit jo

It was the order I had told you.

quan te'ls estava anomenant.

when I was mentioning them.

Sí o no?

Yes or no?

Que és...

What is...

De menys a més...

From less to more...

De menys a més és sídria, espinacs, carbassa...

From least to most, it's chard, spinach, pumpkin...

La sídria té un 97% d'aigua?

The watermelon is 97% water?



De menys a més.

From less to more.

La sídria és la que menys?

Is the syrian the least?



Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Com si es diu watermelon.

How do you say watermelon?

Ai, collons.

Oh, damn.

Quina cosa més bonica.

What a beautiful thing.

A veure, a veure, a veure.

Let's see, let's see, let's see.


Come back.

De menys a més, la sídria, 92%.

From least to most, the cider, 92%.

Vale, vale, vale.

Okay, okay, okay.

Sídria, espinacs, carbassa, enciam, cogombre.

Spear, spinach, pumpkin, lettuce, cucumber.

Cogombre, 97.

Cucumber, 97.

Com et quedes?

How do you feel?

No em quadra gaire la carbassa, però...

The pumpkin doesn't quite add up for me, but...

No importa una merda, però què...

It doesn't matter a damn, but what...

Som-hi, som-hi.

Let's go, let's go.

M'encanta que el cogombre tingui 97.

I love that the cucumber has 97.

Qui ens queda?

Who is left for us?

Ah, doctor...

Ah, doctor...

Te la pots salestar al viatge.

You can save it for the trip.

Doctor Roig?

Doctor Roig?

Doctor Roig, vinga.

Doctor Roig, come on.

A 60 dies pago jo.

I pay in 60 days.

A 60 dies ens farem aquí.

In 60 days we will do it here.

Jo pago a 60 dies.

I pay in 60 days.

Aquesta és l'estona del programa que tots estàvem esperant.

This is the moment of the program that we all were waiting for.

O 60 euros.

Or 60 euros.



Va, sisplau.

Go on, please.

Seriedat, vale?

Seriousness, okay?



Durant els inicis del miocè...

During the early Miocene...

El que avui és el nostre territori

What is today our territory

era una abadia d'aigües tranquil·les.

it was an abbey of tranquil waters.

Protegida per barreres de corall.

Protected by coral barriers.

Hi havia zones amb manglars, platges...

There were areas with mangroves, beaches...



El clima d'aquell temps era tropical.

The climate of that time was tropical.

Molt probablement comparable al que avui tenen els sud-est asiàtics.

Most probably comparable to what Southeast Asians have today.

Els barits.

The wizards.

Imagina't un tou d'escúters...

Imagine a bunch of scooters...

Escúters com a Indonèsia aquí passant.

Scooters like in Indonesia passing by here.



De quants...

How many...

De quants milions d'anys estem parlant, Xavi.

How many millions of years are we talking about, Xavi?

Això no és història, deixa'm dir primer, perquè m'haig de curar en salut.

This is not history, let me say first, because I have to be cautious.

No, no, això és geologia.

No, no, this is geology.

Quatre mil...

Four thousand...

Perdona, perdona, perdona.

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Això és geologia i és història.

This is geology and it is history.

No, no, la història comença quan comença l'escriptura.

No, no, the story begins when writing begins.

Una mica abans.

A little earlier.

Podries començar-la amb el neolític.

You could start it with the Neolithic.

Però per què et penses que t'estic fent aquesta pregunta?

But why do you think I'm asking you this question?

Perquè tu...

Because you...

Primer m'estic curant en salut perquè ja...

First I am taking care of my health because I already...

Tota aquesta temporada he fet moltes cantades.

Throughout this season, I have made many mistakes.



O sigui, se viene cantada, vale?

So, it’s going to be sung, okay?

No passa res.

It's okay.

Vinga, mànima.

Come on, sleeve.

De quants milions d'anys estem parlant?

How many millions of years are we talking about?

Sisplau, per favor.

Please, please.

Això són plaques tectòniques i terremotos.

These are tectonic plates and earthquakes.

Més de 4.500 és impossible.

More than 4,500 is impossible.

De quants milions d'anys estem parlant?

How many millions of years are we talking about?

Uns 16?

About 16?

Uns 10?

About 10?

Uns 21?

About 21?



Uns 3.

About 3.

Diré uns milions perquè tu vols sentir uns milions.

I will say a few million because you want to hear a few million.

Però jo crec que Mister Tartari estaria d'acord amb mi.

But I believe that Mr. Tartari would agree with me.

Però per què no em pots mullar?

But why can't you wet me?

Tens immemorials.

You have immemorials.

Tu penses.

You think.



Jo diria temps immemorials.

I would say time immemorial.

16, 10, 21 o 3.

16, 10, 21 or 3.

Jo crec que...

I think that...

Hi havia gent que ja collia raïm en aquest moment.

There were people who were already picking grapes at that time.

Perquè s'han vist rètols.

Because signs have been seen.



S'han vist rètols que ara és un mar de vinyes,

Signs have been seen that it is now a sea of vines,

però abans era un mar de mar.

but before it was a sea of sea.





Hi havia gent que ja buscava patxines.

There were people who were already looking for patxines.

Amb un xerrat.

With a chatter.



Mira, et diré...

Look, I'll tell you...



Aquesta resposta no era possible.

This answer was not possible.

És l'única que no hi havia.

It's the only one that wasn't there.

És l'única que no estava.

She is the only one who wasn't there.

Avui hi ha alguna cosa.

Today there is something.



Xavi, evidentment no és 6 milions d'anys perquè...

Xavi, it obviously isn't 6 million years because...

No hi havia món.

There was no world.



Com que no hi havia món?

How could there be a world?

És uns 16 milions d'anys i per tant...

It's about 16 million years and therefore...

Com que no hi havia món?

How could there be a world?

16 milions d'anys.

16 million years.

Què vol dir que no hi havia món?

What does it mean that there was no world?

Jo no en sé d'això.

I don't know about that.

Que això és geologia, tio.

This is geology, dude.

Però per què penses que no hi havia món?

But why do you think there was no world?

Que no tenia ninguna lógica i que la ciència no pode explicar.

That it had no logic and that science could not explain.

Però a més voler...

But moreover wanting...

Sin ánimo de lucro, sin ánimo de lucro.

Non-profit, non-profit.

Tu què prefieres?

What do you prefer?

Una pizza o una tortilla de patates.

A pizza or a potato omelette.

I per tant, i per tant, ja que ningú ha portat el recompte, ha guanyat aquest magnífic

And therefore, since no one has brought the count, this magnificent one has won.

pluviòmetre el senyor Oriol Tito.

rain gauge Mr. Oriol Tito.

Crec que ha guanyat el Joan Pasquet, eh?

I think Joan Pasquet has won, right?

No, això pel meu jardí, això pel meu jardí.

No, this for my garden, this for my garden.

Les albaces i...

The guardians and...

Albaca en català com és?

How is basil in Catalan?



Està bé perquè...

It's okay because...

Però a mi m'agrada dir, però a mi m'agrada dir...

But I like to say, but I like to say...

El Cesc.

The Cesc.





I lavandes.

I lavenders.

Perquè de cop i volta sembla que tinguis plantes i animals, no?

Because all of a sudden it seems like you have plants and animals, right?

Com el nostre amic Albert Torega.

Like our friend Albert Torega.

Ho han anat a collir.

They have gone to gather it.

Es pot dir collir?

Can it be said to gather?

Sí, no?

Yes, no?

Segar, collir...

To reap, to harvest...

No, collir, collir.

No, pick, pick.


To reap...

Si pots collir bolets.

If you can pick mushrooms.


To glean.


To expectorate.

No, espergular no.

No, to be thin no.



Han anat a segar tècnicament si ho fan en fals.

They have gone to cut technically if they do it falsely.





Bueno, doncs, moltes gràcies per aquest pluviòmetre.

Well, thank you very much for this rain gauge.



Dóna punts.

Give points.

Que heu anat a buscar al Bassar Joan.

What have you gone to look for at the Bassar, Joan?

Si tens un pluviòmetre, som a punts a Slow Food Catalunya o no?

If you have a rain gauge, are we on the verge of Slow Food Catalunya or not?


It depends.

Si és del Bassar Joan, de menys de 70 metres de casa teva, sí.

If it's from Bassar Joan, less than 70 meters from your house, yes.

Clar, no?

Of course, right?



Perquè és de proximitat.

Because it is local.

El plàstic llavors...

The plastic then...

El plàstic...


De proximitat ho és.

It is a matter of proximity.

Si agafo llavors de petúnies del Bassar Joan, d'un viver...

If I take petunia seeds from the Bassar Joan, from a nursery...

De Julibert.

From Julibert.

Del riu Yangtze...

From the Yangtze River...

Si anem fent nens d'entre 5 i 10 anys...

If we keep having children between the ages of 5 and 10...

Però estaven assegurats?

But were they insured?

Estan assegurats...

They are insured...

No, estan mig assegurats.

No, they are half insured.

Mig assegurats.

Half insured.

A dues hores al dia.

Two hours a day.

Com els que té...

Like those it has...



Sí que compta.

Yes, it does matter.

Passem a la secció del Sergi, ara que ja ens portem una hora i quart de programa.

Let's move on to Sergi's section, now that we are an hour and fifteen minutes into the show.

Ja, en secció del Sergi.

Yes, in Sergi's section.

Ja, en secció.

Yes, in section.

Tu tires igual.

You throw the same.

Tu tires la sintonia.

You throw the signal.


We'll improvise.

El Sergi no sabia que tenies secció, nen...

Sergi didn't know you had a section, kid...

Va, tio.

Come on, man.


I need.



Ah, que hi ha més vi?

Ah, is there more wine?

Bueno, això avui és un descalabre total.

Well, this is a total disaster today.

Mola perquè acabarem amb la pitjors acció de tot.

It’s cool because we will end up with the worst action of all.

Hi ha algú que treballi demà o què?

Is there anyone working tomorrow or what?

Jo, jo, jo.

Me, me, me.

Ja pago 60 dies.

I have already paid for 60 days.

A les 6 hi serem.

We'll be there at 6.

Jo he d'anar a fer una cirurgia, Joan.

I have to go have surgery, Joan.

A tu te la fan.

They do it to you.

El pacient no ho sap.

The patient does not know it.

Mira, tindré la vergonya d'anar a dir

Look, I'll have the shame to go and say.

us he preparat una secció, però no.

I have prepared a section for you, but no.

He posat quatre coses juntes, més o menys,

I have put four things together, more or less,

i repetirem la secció que vam fer

and we will repeat the section we did.

inspirada pel tècnic de so.

inspired by the sound technician.

Que et posa una cançó.

What a song puts you in.

Que no només et posa una cançó, en posarà quatre avui.

Not only will it play you one song, it will play you four today.

Farem una ronda i prou.

We'll do one round and that's enough.

No, una no.

No, not one.

No, si només en tinc una.

No, I only have one.

Vale, si recordeu una mica,

Okay, if you remember a little,

jo us diré un...

I will tell you a...

Bé, en aquest cas ja no serà del vi, eh?

Well, in that case it won't be about the wine, right?

Resonant amb la gastronomia, més o menys.

Resonating with gastronomy, more or less.

Perquè el vi ho és tot.

Because wine is everything.

El vi ho és tot.

Wine is everything.

Què no és vi?

What is not wine?

I llavors us posarem una cançó

And then we will play you a song.

i m'haureu de dir si aquesta cançó podria haver sonat

You will have to tell me if this song could have played.

en el moment que es donava aquell esdeveniment.

at the time that event was taking place.

Segur que sí.

Surely yes.

Això és història.

This is history.

Llavors, avui no triareu cançó,

So, today you won't choose a song,

jo us l'he triat jo, vale?

I chose it for you, okay?

Llavors, comencem pel nostre convidat, Oriol.

So, let's start with our guest, Oriol.

Endavant, les lletges.

Go ahead, the ugly ones.

Cançó dos, Joan.

Song two, Joan.

Que soni primer.

Let it sound first.

Que soni primer, vale?

Let it sound first, okay?

De prestigi.

Of prestige.

Que tinguem sort.

May we be lucky.

I que trobem tot el que ens ha mancat.

And may we find everything that we have lacked.

És també la seva.

It is also hers.

Sí, sí, la Mari Pau, aquesta.

Yes, yes, that Mari Pau.

Tira'n de la cara.

Get it off your face.

Ai, ara sí.

Oh, now yes.

La cançó la coneixem?

Do we know the song?

I tant, home.

Of course, man.

En principi.

In principle.

Els pets, els pets.

The farts, the farts.

Anem a...

Let's go to...

Tu, Mer!

You, Mer!

Aneu, penya!

Go, gang!

Posem-nos una mica en situació.

Let's set the scene a bit.

Estem a la ribera del riu Ória.

We are on the bank of the Ória river.



Del riu Quidoya.

From the Quidoya River.





Hem apartat ànics.

We have set aside anics.

Un joveníssim, Martín Berasategui,

A very young Martín Berasategui,

obre el seu primer restaurant.

opens its first restaurant.

Però no és a la xarta.

But it's not on the map.



Podria haver sonat, aquesta cançó,

This song could have played,

quan va obrir el seu primer restaurant.

when he opened his first restaurant.

Ah, Martín.

Ah, Martín.

Mercuri, baby.

Mercury, baby.







He donat broma.

I have joked.

Un segon, un segon.

One second, one second.

Un segon.

One second.

Què vols dir, és broma, tio?

What do you mean, are you kidding, dude?

Un segon.

One second.

No, he dit un segon.

No, I said a second.

Tu quan jugues el vermell, el 32 vermell, al casino, dius és broma...

When you play red, red 32, at the casino, you say it's a joke...

He dit un segon, he dit un segon.

I said a second, I said a second.

He dit un segon.

I said a second.

No he dit la mà al crupier.

I haven't said a word to the dealer.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Li pilla el fajo de billets.

He grabs the bundle of bills.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No, he dit de broma, he dit un segon.

No, I said as a joke, I said a second.

He dit un segon.

I said a second.

I el que volia dir és...

And what I wanted to say is...

Pareu la ruleta, un segon.

Stop the roulette, one second.

més vella? La cançó

older? The song

és més nova que el...

she is younger than the...

Doncs ja pitjor per dos.

Well, even worse for two.

El Martín és més vell. La cançó és del 90, el primer restaurant

Martín is older. The song is from the 90s, the first restaurant.

és del 89. Ah, no, doncs jo t'anava a dir...

It's from '89. Ah, no, then I was going to tell you...

La cançó és del 90? Jo t'anava a preguntar si la cançó

Is the song from the 90s? I was going to ask you if the song...

era de 70. No, del 90, del 90.

It was from the 70s. No, from the 90s, from the 90s.

Anava a dir finals dels 90, però...

I was going to say the late 90s, but...

Sí, sí. 90, 90.

Yes, yes. 90, 90.



anem per tu.

we're coming for you.

Que sea una de Jamiro, cuéll.

Let it be one by Jamiro, cool.

Ens anem a la

We're going to the

cançó 3.

song 3.

Cada vez de palo.

Every time a stick.

La cançó de caballitos de palo.

The song of stick horses.

Ara sí.

Now yes.



Ara sí.

Now yes.

Any indeterminat,

Any unspecified,

ens anem a

we're going to

Europa Central.

Central Europe.

Es descobreixen

They are discovered.

algunes ampolles de vi austríac

some bottles of Austrian wine

amb anticongelant.

with antifreeze.

Arboà popillent.

Arboà popping.

Ups, ups.

Oops, oops.

I una analítica més gran revela

And a larger analysis reveals

que és una pràctica habitual en la regió

that is a common practice in the region

de fer-hi anticongelant per imitar

to put antifreeze in it to imitate

els gustos de...

the tastes of...

Jo no sé, l'escàndol...

I don't know, the scandal...

Del motor del meu cotxe.

From the engine of my car.

Del raïm sobremadorat

From the overripe grape

que es produeix a l'oest d'Alemanya.

that is produced in the west of Germany.

La pregunta és

The question is

el moment del gran escàndol

the moment of the great scandal

del dia austríac, no sé si...

of the Austrian day, I don't know if...

Però què volien, imitar uns suterns o algo?

But what did they want, to imitate some unrefined people or something?

No, no, imitar el mòsel.

No, no, imitate the moss.



Ah, l'hidrocarbur.

Ah, the hydrocarbon.

En el moment en què es dona aquest escàndol,

At the moment in which this scandal occurs,

aquesta cançó podria haver estat sonant?

Could this song have been playing?

Som-hi, Eric.

Let's go, Eric.





Va, va!

Come on, come on!

L'escàndol del dia austríac es revela

The Austrian day's scandal is revealed.

l'any 85

the year 85

i aquesta cançó és del 84.

And this song is from '84.

De què vas, tio?

What are you talking about, man?

Han sigut dos mesos, dos mesos i escats.

It has been two months, two months and a bit.

Una cosa, Sergi,

One thing, Sergi,

deixa'm comentar-te una cosa.

Let me tell you something.

Tinc una cosa a dir aquí.

I have something to say here.

Tinc una cosa a dir,

I have something to say,

que és que aquest últim vi que estem bevent

What is this last wine that we are drinking?

és, amb un punt d'hidrocarbur,

it is, with a hydrocarbon point,



És un Riesling del panadà.

It's a Riesling from the pantry.

Gràcies, gràcies.

Thank you, thank you.

És un Riesling.

It is a Riesling.



Raimat, Raimat ha tret un Riesling,

Raimat, Raimat has released a Riesling.

ho heu vist o no?

Have you seen it or not?

Home, i tots, tots.

Man, and all, all.

Primer Riesling de...

First Riesling from...

No, no, però crec que és el primer Riesling de Catalunya,

No, no, but I think it's the first Riesling in Catalonia.

ho diu Badabic.

Badabic says so.

Lliu de sort.

Good luck.



Badalliu de sort.

Lucky yawn.

T'ho juro.

I swear to you.

Déu Catalunya, eh?

God Catalonia, huh?

I el Waltraut, quina Déu és?

And Waltraut, which God is she?



Ah, no ho sé.

Oh, I don't know.

Déu casa seva.

God is at home.

Joan, anem per tu?

Joan, are we coming for you?


Shall we?

Vinga, va.

Come on, let's go.

La primera.

The first.

Hòstia, tio, eh?

Holy shit, dude, huh?

Ah, no, no, és un Godello.

Ah, no, no, it's a Godello.





Us heu fixat que té la mateixa lletra que l'Himne d'Espanya?

Have you noticed that it has the same lyrics as the Spanish Anthem?

I tant.

I certainly do.

Joan, t'ha tocat la bona, tio?

Joan, have you hit the jackpot, man?

Vamos, España.

Come on, Spain.

Vinga, va.

Come on, let's go.

Ens situem...

We find ourselves...

Bona braçada.

Good hug.

A la part baixa del Cap de Creus,

At the lower part of Cap de Creus,

on li acaben de donar la primera estrella a Michelin

He has just been awarded his first Michelin star.

al restaurant el Bulli.

to the restaurant el Bulli.

Oh, t'has passat bé, eh?

Oh, you've had a good time, huh?

Podria haver sonat aquesta cançó.

This song could have played.



Cuidado amb el que dius

Be careful with what you say.

Jo no t'ajudaré

I will not help you.

perquè després em fos les copes amb mi

because then I would break the glasses with me

No, no, no, m'encanta que m'ajudis

No, no, no, I love it when you help me.

per dir-lo que no...

to put it bluntly...

Doncs jo et diré ara mateix, t'equivocaràs

Well, I will tell you right now, you will be wrong.

perquè em faràs cas, jo et diré que sí

because you will listen to me, I will say yes

Que sí que podíem escoltar aquesta cançó

Yes, we could listen to this song.

quan l'han donat, o sigui que la cançó és anterior

when they gave it, so the song is earlier

Pensa que Sergi és molt cabron i venim de dos nos

Think that Sergi is very jerk and we come from two no's.

i aquest serà un sí

and this will be a yes

Pot contenir precipitat, cinta de poca intervenció

May contain precipitate, low intervention tape.

La cançó ni l'he escoltat

I haven't even heard the song.

però venim de dos nos

but we come from two no's

Venim de dos nos

We come from two of us.

Puc demanar pista? Hi ha pista?

Can I ask for a clue? Is there a clue?

Et puc dir...

I can tell you...

No, no n'hi ha pista

No, there is no clue.

Et puc deixar que t'ajudin

I can let them help you.

El que diguin el que vulguin

Let them say whatever they want.

Algú que no sigui el tico

Someone other than the tico

Et xavi, et xavi

You, Xavi, you, Xavi.

Et xavi t'ajuda

Xavi helps you.

Només vull xerrar amb vosaltres tres

I just want to chat with you three.

Al Bulli li vam donar

We gave it to El Bulli.

la primera estrella Michelin

the first Michelin star

La primera és important, la primera

The first one is important, the first one.

Farà uns 20 anys

About 20 years ago.

Estic en contra del Bulli

I am against El Bulli.


It will...

No molt més

Not much more.

Ara Eric hi va anar

Now Eric went there.

L'Eric hi va anar

Eric went there.


Ja, però la primera estrella què serà?

Yes, but what will the first star be?

Fa uns 20 anys

About 20 years ago.



O m'estic ganant jo molt

Or I am gaining a lot.

Mira, fa poquet

Look, it was recently.

Va ser molt als 2000

It was a lot in the 2000s.

Fa poquet, no, fa poquet el Ferran Adrià va anar a fer un podcast

Not long ago, Ferran Adrià went to do a podcast.

amb el magnífic podcast del Jordi Wild

with the magnificent podcast of Jordi Wild

i ho explicava tot això

and I was explaining all this

Bueno, doncs tio, digue'm

Well, then dude, tell me.

Jo t'ho he dit, però no em fas cas

I have told you, but you don't listen to me.

Sí, que la cançó dius que és anterior

Yes, the song you say is earlier.

Escolta'm una cosa

Listen to me for a second.

És la pregunta més fàcil que fes

It's the easiest question I could ask.

Jo crec que sí

I think so.


Vale, doncs la...

Okay, then the...

Sí, la cançó és anterior

Yes, the song is earlier.

Sí, perquè cantant es va morir abans que obrís el Bulli

Yes, because he died singing before El Bulli opened.

La cançó és anterior

The song is earlier.

Abans d'això

Before that

Molt abans

Long before

Bueno, es va morir

Well, he/she died.

Es va morir en el sentit estricte

He died in the strict sense.

Es va morir perquè ell va voler

He died because he wanted to.



Es va morir a si mateix

He died by himself.

Fer molt

Do a lot

Sergi, porta la secció

Sergi, bring the section.

Que aquest està anant per on volen aquests

That this is going where they want it to.

Ai, ai, ai, al revés

Oh, oh, oh, the other way around.

Nois, quin any és la primera, la primera, la primera important

Guys, what year is the first, the first, the first important one?

Primer estrella del Bulli

First star of El Bulli

L'altre heu parlat del Ferran Adrià

The other you talked about Ferran Adrià.

Jo crec que hi ha 90

I believe there are 90.

Ah, hòstia

Ah, damn.

I aquesta cançó és 80

And this song is 80.


Aquesta cançó és principis dels 80, tio

This song is from the early 80s, dude.

És del 80

It's from the 80s.

Per això

That's why

La primera estrella del Bulli és del 76

The first star of El Bulli is from 1976.

Un moment, un moment

One moment, one moment.

Pareu rotatives

Stop the presses

Què vol dir això?

What does that mean?

No, no, és que trauré la música i tot

No, no, I'm going to take out the music and everything.

La primera estrella del Bulli va ser abans que

The first star of El Bulli was before that

La democràcia n'és de nuestra nación

Democracy is our nation's.


Però qui ho donava això?

But who was giving this?

Perdona, Sergi

Sorry, Sergi.

Perdona, puc interrompre un segon amb tot el programa?

Sorry, can I interrupt for a second with the whole program?

Aquí em fica que la primera és del 81

Here it says that the first one is from '81.



No, tio, és del 76

No, dude, it’s from '76.

Vale, vale, vale

Okay, okay, okay.

I aquí hi ha una cançó

And here is a song.

La primera és del 76

The first one is from 76.

Que li donen quan encara el xef era un senyor francès

What they give him when the chef was still a French gentleman.

I el somiller ja era Juli Soler?

And was the sommelier Juli Soler already?



I l'últim va ser el Ferran Centelles

And the last one was Ferran Centelles.

O sigui, Ferran Adrià ja entra al Bulli amb una estrella Michelin

That is to say, Ferran Adrià already enters El Bulli with a Michelin star.

Correcte, i n'hi donen dos més

Correct, and they give you two more.

Bueno, no està malament dos més, eh?

Well, two more isn't bad, huh?

I la primera de Ferran Adrià podem saber l'any?

And the first one by Ferran Adrià, can we know the year?

El crec, el 90

The belief, the 90

Sentim que no podem donar per vàlida aquesta pregunta del senyor Sergi Canals

We feel that we cannot validate this question from Mr. Sergi Canals.

Ves a la Foundation, que això és de la Wikipedia

Go to the Foundation, this is from Wikipedia.

Només us dic que Sergi, Sergi, Eric i Xavi

I only tell you that Sergi, Sergi, Eric, and Xavi.

Vull el meu pluviòmetre

I want my rain gauge.

Ja sabeu que aquí la nostra font oficial no és cap altra que la Wikipedia

You already know that here our official source is none other than Wikipedia.



La Wikipedia em sap greu la passió qualsevol

Wikipedia makes me feel sorry for any passion.

XatGPT s'equivoca

ChatGPT is wrong.

Anem a la 4, Xavi?

Shall we go to 4, Xavi?

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

El Sergi s'està portant la via

Sergi is taking the route.

El Xavi li toca la bona sempre

Xavi always gets lucky.

És la de la loteria

It's the lottery's.

Però aquesta és de loteries de l'estat, eh?

But this is from the state lotteries, right?

Xavi, quan es mengen els primers canelons de Sant Esteve

Xavi, when do they eat the first cannelloni of St. Stephen's Day?



Podria haver sonat aquesta cançó

This song could have played.

Els primers de la història?

The firsts in history?

Els primers de la història

The first in history

O sigui, m'estàs preguntant

So, you are asking me

Això és una pregunta molt bona

This is a very good question.

Quina bona pregunta, m'encanta

What a great question, I love it.

És de concurs

It is a contest.

És de cultura gastronòmica

It is of gastronomic culture.

Tu tens la dada de quan van ser els primers...

Do you have the information on when the first ones were...

I tant

I so much

Sí, eh?

Yes, huh?

I tant, tio

I sure do, dude.

Ara vaig a fer el que faria qualsevol cunyat, que és discutir aquesta dada

Now I'm going to do what any brother-in-law would do, which is to argue about this data.

Clar, no, no

Of course, no, no.

No, no, és broma, és broma

No, no, it's a joke, it's a joke.

Perquè aquí hi ha un treball d'investigació que no se la desmareix

Because there is a research work here that does not go unnoticed.

Molt important

Very important

Però com pots saber qui va fer el primer caneló?

But how can you know who made the first cannelloni?

Jo crec...

I think...

Tenia un llibre al costat i ho va escriure

I had a book beside me and he wrote it down.

No, no, no

No, no, no

Primer respon i després respon

First answer and then respond.

És molt difícil de saber quan es va menjar el primer caneló

It is very difficult to know when the first cannelloni was eaten.

Però en tot cas...

But in any case...

Busca el Google

Search on Google

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

No, no, no

No, no, no

Ojo, ojo

Watch out, watch out.

No, no el primer caneló

No, not the first cannelloni.

Els primers canels són els teus

The first cannels are yours.

Són dues coses diferents

They are two different things.

És que jo volia incidir en una cosa que ara m'agrada molt que hagis fet aquesta pregunta

I wanted to emphasize something that I really like that you asked this question.

Perquè jo des de casa ja venia estudiat

Because I had already studied from home.

Perquè jo...

Because I...

Perquè jo des de casa ja venia estudiat

Because I had already studied from home.

I volia fer saber que no sé si coneixíeu una figura d'antigament que hi havia...

I wanted to let you know that I don't know if you were aware of an ancient figure that existed...

Perquè tenim un plat que es diu la tata

Because we have a dish called "la tata."

No, no, no

No, no, no

Amb una pota de pernil

With a ham leg.

Amb una pota de pernil que anava cas a casa

With a leg of ham that was going home.



Per fer calduda

To make a broth

La patatata

The potato

Per fer calduda

To make a stew

El caneló

The cannelloni

Per fer...

To do...

I un xai d'un noi

And a lamb of a boy.

Que potser...

That perhaps...

Que potser la gent que ens escolta no s'ha fotut quatre copes

What if the people listening to us haven't had four drinks?

Xavi, va

Xavi, go ahead.

Estic segur

I am sure.

No, però explica

No, but explain.

Jo volia saber la història

I wanted to know the story.

No, clar, no sé si coneixeu

No, of course, I don't know if you know.

Però hi havia un ofici antigament aquí a Catalunya

But there was a trade in ancient times here in Catalonia.

El canaloner

The channeler

Eh? No, no, no

Huh? No, no, no.

Això és de Vilafranca Penedès

This is from Vilafranca Penedès.

De Vil...

From Vil...

Can Caneló

Caneló Can

Nosaltres de Can Caneló no en volem saber res

We want nothing to do with Can Caneló.

Ho entestimem, però no en volem saber res

We understand it, but we don't want to know anything about it.

Hi havia un ofici antigament aquí a Catalunya

There was a trade long ago here in Catalonia.

Que passava amb l'os del pernil

What was happening with the ham bone?

I anava...

I was going...

El ponia casa per casa, eh?

He was putting it door to door, right?

Casa per casa

House by house



Per fer el seu caldet

To make his broth.

Per fer el seu caldet i...

To make your broth and...

No tenies 60 dies de vacances

You didn't have 60 days of vacation.

No, tenies 60 dies de vacances

No, you had 60 days of vacation.

I les primeres infusions eren més cares que les últimes

And the first infusions were more expensive than the last ones.

I ara mateix, Xavi, tu has de respondre de les últimes infusions

And right now, Xavi, you have to respond about the latest infusions.

Tu creus que el canaló era de les últimes infusions, eh?

Do you think the canal was from the last infusions, huh?

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Les primeres eren...

The first ones were...

A veure

Let's see.

Jo sempre he valorat molt el fet de fer tota l'estesa de pasta

I have always valued very much the act of making the entire spread of pasta.

O sigui, sempre l'art del canaló m'ha semblat un art

In other words, the art of the canalón has always seemed like an art to me.

Et sembla una cosa antiga

It seems like an old thing.

Sí, perquè...

Yes, because...

O sigui, l'art del canaló sempre t'ha semblat un art

So, the art of the channel has always seemed to you like an art.


Bueno, no, no

Well, no, no.

I canaló

The channel

Art no implica antiguitat

Art does not imply antiquity.

Però sí que sempre m'he imaginat com una senyora gran llepant el canaló

But I have always imagined myself as an old lady licking the gutter.

Per tancar-lo com un porro

To close it like a joint.

Perquè crec que li dóna un punt

Because I think it gives it a touch.

I si no té totes les dents, també m'agrada

And if she doesn't have all her teeth, I like her too.

Sí, si pot treure la dentadura, millor

Yes, if you can take out the dentures, better.


Let's go again.

Llavors, si em preguntes si el canaló va ser abans d'aquesta cançó, que més rima

So, if you ask me if the channel was before this song, which rhymes more.

Jo avui et diria que el canaló va ser abans d'aquesta cançó

I would tell you today that the cannelloni was before this song.





Perquè el canaló és molt mitjans de segle XIX, crec, no?

Because the canalón is very mid-19th century, I think, right?



No? Doncs mira, potre'm, sencera

No? Well, look, take me, fully.

Havies quedat bé fins ara

You had been doing well until now.

És primera dècada del XX

It is the first decade of the 20th century.

I això és de la segona

And this is from the second.


Holy shit!

Sí, o sigui, els canals de Sant Esteve se'ls inventa, o sigui, adapten la recepta

Yes, in other words, they invent the channels of Sant Esteve, that is, they adapt the recipe.

Quin any?

Which year?

Bueno, la primera dècada del 1900

Well, the first decade of the 1900s.

Això és del 1918, la cançó que sona

This is from 1918, the song that plays.

I això és la primera dècada

And this is the first decade.

Com se diu la cançó?

What is the name of the song?

Vosaltres sabeu l'ofici aquest que us comentava jo ara?

Do you know this trade that I was just mentioning?

No, no el coneixíem

No, we didn't know him.

Era algú que estava molt fotut per fer això

He was someone who was very messed up to do this.

Vivia el Raval

I lived in Raval.

O sigui

That is to say

No, però el coneixíeu o no el coneixíeu?

No, but did you know him or didn't you know him?

A ell, per sobre

Above him.

No parlem de l'afilador, eh?

We're not talking about the knife grinder, right?



No, però el tema dels canals de Sant Esteve

No, but the topic of the canals of Sant Esteve.

Se'ls inventa una parella d'armans francesos

They create a pair of French brothers.

Que tenen un restaurant a Barcelona

They have a restaurant in Barcelona.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Per fer servir les obres dels dinars que preparaven per Nadal

To use the dishes they prepared for Christmas dinners.

Adapten, clar, tio

Sure, dude.

Adapten la recepta dels canals de la Rossini

They adapt the recipe for the Rossini canals.

Per fer els canalons d'aprofitament

To make the leftover cannelloni

Clar, però això, puto gabatxos

Of course, but that, fucking frogs.

El que jo tinc el dubte és

What I have doubts about is

El caneló és un plat de gastronomia francesa o italiana?

Is the cannelloni a dish from French or Italian cuisine?



És que a mi sempre m'ha xocat

It has always shocked me.

Ui, ui, ui

Oh, oh, oh

Sí, sí, a mi sempre m'ha xocat

Yes, yes, it has always surprised me.

M'ha xocat molt aquest punt

This point has really shocked me.

És francesa en homenatge

She is French in tribute.

O sigui, es feia en homenatge a Rossini

In other words, it was done in tribute to Rossini.

Però es fa a París

But it takes place in Paris.

Jo crec que és bastant

I think it's quite.

És que, en veritat

It's that, in truth

Estàs segur?

Are you sure?

Sempre s'ha dit caneló

It has always been called caneló.

Jo penso en el caneló i penso en el racó d'envino

I think about the cannelloni and I think about the corner of the wine.

No és un plat

It's not a dish.

Jo penso, jo quan parleu de

I think, I when you talk about


You know?

Canal autèntic

Authentic channel

Quan parleu de caneló

When you talk about cannelloni


Excuse me.

Quan parleu de caneló

When you talk about cannelloni

Jo sempre penso en el piano de Llorac

I always think about Llorac's piano.

Joan, què ens vols dir?

Joan, what do you want to tell us?

L'adresirador especial de la Bacalà

The special address of the Bacalà.

S'ho toca

He/She touches it.

Caneló és per comer

Cannelloni is for eating.

Con queso y bechamel

With cheese and béchamel.

Con los de mi madre

With my mother's people.

La canalonació

The channeling

I tot el que ha dit el Sergi és mentida

And everything that Sergi has said is a lie.

Bueno, Sergi, moltes gràcies

Well, Sergi, thank you very much.

Joan, ja sé que tocaria una altra cançó

Joan, I know we should play another song.

Però torna'm a posar la samba avui

But play the samba for me again today.

Queda una aportació

There is one contribution left.

Jo que volia acabar el programa que es presenta cada dia

I wanted to finish the program that is presented every day.

Dient, Nadal, es cuida de Nadal tot l'any

Saying, Christmas takes care of Christmas all year round.

Acabar parlant de canalons

To end up talking about cannelloni.

Em semblava maco

I thought it was nice.

Però vaja, parlem de mentides que és igual de maco

But come on, let's talk about lies, which is equally beautiful.

Així, així

So, so



Treu-me una mica de volumen

Turn down the volume a bit.

Que si no, això...

That if not, this...

No, ara en sèrio

No, seriously now.

Lo dels canalons és molt interessant

The thing about the cannelloni is very interesting.

I allò d'aquest que es diu

And that thing that is said

Recovino, jo un dia hi vull anar a menjar

Recovino, I want to go there to eat one day.

Dit això

That said



El racó d'en Vino

Vino's Corner

Sí, com ho has dit tu

Yes, just as you said.

El racó d'en Vino

Vino's Corner

Està a Sant Saloni, tio

He's in Sant Saloni, dude.

A Sant Saloni de què?

At Sant Saloni, about what?

Després ho busquem a Instagram i en parlem

Then we'll look for it on Instagram and talk about it.

Hi ha un documental i tot

There is a documentary and everything.

Ha guanyat un premi

He has won an award.

Sergi, t'agrada o no?

Sergi, do you like it or not?

Ha guanyat un premi

He has won an award.

Aquest últim no s'acaba

This last one doesn't end.

Pot contenir precipitats

May contain sediments.

Fluid de la poca intervenció

Fluid of limited intervention

Molt de sofuros, Sergi

Very soft noises, Sergi.

L'últim que hem pres

The last thing we took.

Estem parlant de l'últim dia que ha portat l'Eric Grimao

We are talking about the last day that Eric Grimao has had.

No volem parlar de quin vi és

We don't want to talk about which wine it is.

Però molt, molt, molt, molt

But very, very, very, very

Es diu Can Estruc

It's called Can Estruc.

Es diu Can Estruc, Xarelo 2022

It is called Can Estruc, Xarelo 2022.

A mi m'agrada molt

I like it a lot.

Estava, estava, estava

I was, I was, I was.

Denominació d'origen Catalunya

Denomination of Origin Catalunya



Com J.R. Moore

Like J.R. Moore


Let's see.

Molt bé

Very well

Escolta, hem d'anar al racó d'en Vino

Listen, we have to go to Vino's corner.

És un lloc que

It is a place that

A mi m'agradaria molt

I would really like it.

Us recomano que hi aneu

I recommend that you go there.

Abans que

Before that

Que es mori el vino

May the wine die.

No es diu vino

It's not called wine.

És la

It is the

No, però és la

No, but it is the

La Francina

The Francina

El racó d'en Vino ha tingut dos estrelles Michelin

Vino's corner has had two Michelin stars.

No, en sèrio

No, seriously.

I va dir que no les volia

He said he didn't want them.

Tu quantes en tens, Eric?

How many do you have, Eric?



Parlant de tot això

Speaking of all this

Des d'estrés o de Michelins?

From stress or from Michelins?

Quantes estrelles tens tu, Eric?

How many stars do you have, Eric?

Jo, mira, tinc una estrella

I, look, I have a star.

És que és igual

It doesn't matter.

Tens quatre Michelins i cap estrella

You have four Michelins and no star.

Jo tinc molts més Michelins que estrelles, tio

I have many more Michelins than stars, dude.

I per molts anys, Eric

And for many years, Eric.



Total, que fins aquí aquesta temporada de la canal

So, that's it for this season of the channel.

Acabem el programa

We finish the program.

Que ens ho passem molt bé fent això

That we have a great time doing this.

Que esperem que us ho passeu tan bé com nosaltres

We hope you have as good a time as we do.

Escoltant això que fem nosaltres

Listening to this that we do.

I que us ho passeu tant bé com nosaltres

And may you have as much fun as we do.

Que ens perdoneu perquè això avui ha sigut molt llarg

Please forgive us because today has been very long.

I pesat

And heavy

No, discrepo

No, I disagree.

Discrepo profundament

I deeply disagree.

És el que el nostre públic vol sentir

It's what our audience wants to hear.

Que volem agrair profundament a

We want to deeply thank

Il Picarolo

The Picarolo

Com a patrocinador oficial de la Bacanal

As the official sponsor of the Bacchanal

I la Diabetes

And Diabetes

Sobretot per les pizzes que ens ha patrocinat

Especially for the pizzas that he sponsored for us.

Cada sopar

Each dinner

L'istorante e Trattoria

The restaurant and trattoria

Il Picarolo

The Picarolo


Thank you

Sobretot, moltes gràcies Jaume

Above all, thank you very much Jaume.

Moltes gràcies també a Ràdio Sant Sadurní

Thank you very much also to Ràdio Sant Sadurní.

Al Sergi, a l'Eli i companyia

To Sergi, Eli, and company

Per deixar-nos dir bestieses a aquestes hores de la nit

To let us say nonsense at this time of night.

En aquests micròfons

In these microphones

Gràcies, Dolo

Thank you, Dolo.

També, moltes gràcies a tothom que ens escolta

Also, many thanks to everyone who listens to us.

Que ens dona tantes escoltes a Spotify

That gives us so many listens on Spotify.

Més de les que ens mereixeríem sempre

More than we would always deserve.

I, ara sí, moltes gràcies

I, now yes, thank you very much.

Al nostre tècnic, el Joan

To our technician, Joan.

Moltes gràcies al Sergi

Thank you very much to Sergi.

Gràcies, Sergi

Thank you, Sergi.

A disposar

At your disposal.

Moltes gràcies a l'Eric

Thank you very much to Eric.

Per venir al seu programa cada setmana

To come to his/her program every week.

El nostre gourmet

Our gourmet

El nostre gourmet de confiança

Our trusted gourmet

Tornaràs, Eric?

Will you come back, Eric?


Tornaràs, Sergi?

Will you return, Sergi?


Joan, tornaràs?

Joan, will you come back?

Jo crec que sí

I think so.

Molt bé

Very well

Oriol, tornaràs a temporada que ve?

Oriol, will you return next season?

No ho crec

I don't believe it.

No, però va, evidentment que segur haureu d'anar-hi tornant

No, but come on, obviously you will have to go back there.



Doncs res, ens veiem el 16 de setembre

Well, see you on September 16th.

Si tot va com ha d'anar

If everything goes as it should

Esperem que amb menys mil diu del que esperem

We hope it will be less than a thousand days than we expect.

Esperem, sempre esperem

We wait, we always wait.

Sempre el 16 de setembre

Always on September 16th.

I tot el que esperem

And everything we hope for

Fins aquí la Macanal

Up to here, the Macanal.

Visca Catalunya

Long live Catalonia!

I Puigmeus

I Puigmeus

I Puta Espanya

I whore Spain


Let's go!



Cada any s'alimenten molles

Every year, crumbs are fed.



Ja volem un pas sencer

We want a whole step now.

Vostra raó és la desfet

Your reason is the defeat.

Les nostres forces creixen

Our strengths are growing.

Les mòbils volen arrencar

The mobiles want to take off.

I d'igual

And the same.

Si no es dona

If it does not happen



No és que hi ha res

It's not that there is anything.

Tira bé

Take it easy.

I d'igual

And the same.

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