Ballem un twist

Myriam Swanson

Oficis Nocturns

Ballem un twist

Oficis Nocturns

Bona tarda i benvingudes a totes les persones de bé, sobretot les de mal, al nostre oficis nocturns.

Good afternoon and welcome to all good people, especially those who are not, to our nightly offices.

Avui parlarem de twist. Jo em dic Miriam Swanson, soc la persona que us parla, la que està a l'altra banda de les ones avisals de l'univers

Today we will talk about twist. My name is Miriam Swanson, I am the person speaking to you, the one on the other side of the warning waves of the universe.

i aquest fenomen meravellós i fantàstic que és el twist.

and this wonderful and fantastic phenomenon that is the twist.

Avui en parlarem, parlarem de ritmes, parlarem de balls de l'època i del musicón que es va generar als anys 60,

Today we will talk about it, we will talk about rhythms, we will talk about dances of the era and the music that was generated in the 60s.

perquè és que està clar que quan alguna cosa és tan tan forta tot ho impregna i s'acaba desvirtuant una mica també,

because it is clear that when something is so, so strong it permeates everything and ends up slightly distorting too,

però ja que hem parlat en aquest programa de les sèries dels 60, doncs hem volgut continuar una mica més amb aquest ambient.

But since we have talked in this program about the series from the 60s, we wanted to continue a bit more with this atmosphere.

Avui en parlarem de la sèrie de les sèries dels 60, que es va generar als anys 60,

Today we will talk about the series of series from the 60s, which was created in the 60s.

però ja que hem parlat en aquest programa de les sèries dels 60,

but since we have talked in this program about the series from the 60s,

doncs ja que hem parlat en aquest programa de les 60,

since we have talked in this program about the 60,

gendre, li va

son-in-law, it suits him

suggerir que posés rock'n'roll

suggest that you play rock'n'roll

i realment ho va petar.

and it really rocked.

Diuen que semblava el Cotton Club al seu millor

They say it resembled the Cotton Club at its best.

moment. Truman Capote, Marilyn Monroe,

moment. Truman Capote, Marilyn Monroe,

Judy Garland, Greta Garbo, Tennessee

Judy Garland, Greta Garbo, Tennessee

Williams, tothom

Williams, everyone

s'acostava al Theater District

he was approaching the Theater District

a ballar al Peppermint.

to dance at the Peppermint.

Així ho recorda Joel Selvin, aquest

This is how Joel Selvin remembers it, this

gran escriptor

great writer

de les costums americanes

of American customs

en el seu llibre sobre el club.

in his book about the club.

Sam Cooke va escriure Twisting the Night Away

Sam Cooke wrote Twisting the Night Away.

la nit que va estar

the night that she was

al Peppermint Lounge i diu

at the Peppermint Lounge and says

que va tenir un impacte

that had an impact



en la seva vida.

in his/her life.

Després parlarem de Sam Cooke.

Later we will talk about Sam Cooke.

Però la qüestió és que al Peppermint Lounge

But the question is that at the Peppermint Lounge

van començar a arribar rockers de Nova Jersey,

rockers from New Jersey started to arrive,

Jodie, els Starlights,

Jodie, the Starlights,

la banda del club, la House Band,

the club band, the House Band,

provenia del nord del barri de Nova Jersey

he came from the northern part of New Jersey

i havien anat al mateix

they had gone to the same one

Instic a les Xirells.

Instinct in the Xirells.

Will you still love me

Will you still love me?



I elles, les Xirells,

And they, the Xirells,

van presentar

they presented

a, jo vull dir,

Ah, I mean,

a Septe Records

to Septe Records

i gràcies a això

and thanks to this

van començar a treballar.

they started to work.

El club va contractar

The club hired.

una mena de cambreres ballerines,

a kind of dancing waitresses,

les Peppermint Twisters,

the Peppermint Twisters,

però la pista era tan petita

but the track was so small

que havien de pujar-se a la barra

that they had to get on the bar

per ballar. I això, doncs,

to dance. And that, then,

clar, hola, va ser l'inici

Sure, hello, it was the beginning.

del primer bar

from the first bar

amb gogós,

with enthusiasm,

del primer club

of the first club

amb gogós de la història

with eagerness for history

de la humanitat.

of humanity.

Era octubre de 1961

It was October 1961.

i la gent va embogir.

And the people went mad.

La bogeria va arribar fins a

The madness reached up to

la Casa Blanca

the White House

i les festes de Jackie Kennedy,

and the parties of Jackie Kennedy,

la primera dama hipster

the hipster first lady

també de la història, doncs, van

also from history, then, they went

donar la volta al món. Jodie Dee

to travel around the world. Jodie Dee

i Henry Glover, del Segell Jing,

I Henry Glover, from the Jing label,

van composar un tema que seria

they composed a song that would be

l'himne del club

the club's anthem

que es deia

what was it called

el Peppermint Twist.

the Peppermint Twist.

Well, they got a new dance

Bé, han aconseguit un nou ball.

and it goes like this

and it goes like this

Yeah, the name of the dance

Yeah, the name of the dance

is the Peppermint Twist

is the Peppermint Twist

Well, you like it like this

Well, you like it like this.

The Peppermint Twist

The Peppermint Twist

Maybe round and round

Maybe round and round.

The Peppermint Twist

The Peppermint Twist

Open and down

Obre i baixa.

Round and around

Ronda i ronda

Open and down

Obert i avall

Round and around

Round and around

Open and down

Obre i abaix.

One, two, three, kick

One, two, three, kick

One, two, three, jump

One, two, three, jump



Come on, baby!

Come on, baby!

Shake it, baby!

Shake it, baby!

Come on!

Come on!

Kick it, man!

Kick it, man!

Get out of there!

Get out of there!

Kick it, man!

Kick it, man!

Come on!

Come on!

Back to you!

Back to you!

Kick it, baby!

Kick it, baby!

Well, meet me, baby,

Well, meet me, baby,

down on 45th Street

down on 45th Street

Peppermint Twist

Peppermint Twist

When the Peppermint Twist is me

When the Peppermint Twist is me

Peppermint Twist

Peppermint Twist

If you learn to do this

If you learn to do this

The Peppermint Twist

The Peppermint Twist

Peppermint Twist

Peppermint Twist

It's alright, all night

It's alright, all night.

It's alright, alright, alright

It's alright, alright, alright.

It's okay

It's okay.

It's okay, all night

It's okay, all night.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Hem escoltat Peppermint Twist de Jodie and the Starlighters.

We have listened to Peppermint Twist by Jodie and the Starlighters.

La part 1, la part 2, venia a la cara B d'aquest single

Part 1, part 2, was coming to the B side of this single.

i el va anar bé de partit perquè era molt llarg.

And the match went well for him because it was very long.

Això es feia molt, es planxaven les set pulsades

This was done a lot, the seven pulses were ironed.

i es feien temes més llargs però que duraven les dues cares.

And longer tracks were made, but they lasted for both sides.

Un tema que apareix a l'American Graffiti de George Lucas de 1973,

A theme that appears in George Lucas's American Graffiti from 1973,

un tema molt important en la història del rock'n'roll.

a very important topic in the history of rock 'n' roll.

I és que avui a la nostra secció,

And today in our section,

el Rock'n'Roll Circus, parlarem del twist d'Espanya en Espanya,

the Rock'n'Roll Circus, we will talk about the twist of Spain in Spain,

el twist en Espanya i del llibre que va escriure el Julián Molero

the twist in Spain and of the book written by Julián Molero

el 2015, Bateria, guitarra i twist.

In 2015, drums, guitar, and twist.

És un llibre que jo me'l vaig comprar un dia de gira,

It's a book that I bought one day while on tour.

no sé si estava a Madrid o a Saragossa, no recordo ben bé,

I don't know if I was in Madrid or Zaragoza, I don't quite remember.

però sí recordo que em va agradar moltíssim

but I do remember that I liked it very much

i és un llibre que ens transporta als inicis dels 60

It is a book that transports us to the early 60s.

on la joventut sota la dictadura franquista

where youth was under the Franco dictatorship

va ser un llibre que ens transporta als inicis dels 60

It was a book that transports us to the early 60s.

i ens tracta d'imitar els seus ídols

and it makes us try to imitate our idols

amb guitarres de marques estranyes

with guitars of strange brands

i àmplis fets amb caixes de figues.

and wide made with boxes of figs.

Bandes de surf, yeyes, bandes de soul, de ritme en blues,

Surf bands, yeyes, soul bands, rhythm and blues,

de beat, de garatxa, instrumentals i vocals com los estudiantes,

of beat, of garatxa, instrumentals and vocals like the students,

los sonors y sus super twists, los diablos negros o los relámpagos,

the sonorous ones and their super twists, the black devils or the lightning,

entre moltíssimes bandes,

among many bands,

sorgeixen tímidament gràcies a programes com

they timidly emerge thanks to programs like

Conozca a sus vecinos,

Get to know your neighbors,

faltava dir, si los denuncia,

it was missing to say, if he reports them,

nos los llevamos sin dejar rastro,

we took them away without leaving a trace,

y Víctor Ponti, que es programa

and Víctor Ponti, who is scheduled

Campió del Twist a Europa,

Twist Champion in Europe,

el Twist va copsar

the Twist caught

tota una fotografia

a whole photograph



d'Amèrica de nord a sud.

From North America to South America.

Les primeres opcions

The first options

de comprar instruments

to buy instruments

van ser aquí

they were here

a l'estat totalment prohibitives.

to the totally prohibitive state.

Moltes guitarres

Many guitars

custom, marca custom,

custom, custom brand,

imitaven les instrumentes,

they imitated the instruments,

els estratocàsters americanes,

the American stratocasters,

i ho feien d'una manera molt vasta,

and they did it in a very broad way,

molt bèstia, molt ruda,

very beastly, very rough,

i provenien d'exemplars

I come from specimens

que havien arribat a les bases militars

that they had arrived at the military bases

i que els fills d'aquests militars,

and that the children of these military personnel,

doncs, clar, tenien millor accés

well, of course, they had better access

a aquestes coses, les desmuntaven

they dismantled these things

i intentaven imitar

and they tried to imitate

com es patrons, i que no és

how are patterns, and what is not

bonic, això.

beautiful, this.

Els amplis fets a mà,

The wide handmade items,

amb menys potència que una llanterna

with less power than a flashlight

de corda, doncs,

of rope, then,

eren impossibles,

they were impossible,

i els bateries,

and the drums,

explica Molero, que ploraven

Molero explains that they were crying.

quan se'ls trencava

when it broke them

un parche, no?

A patch, right?

Les peripècies que havien de fer

The adventures they had to undertake.

els pobres per canviar-los,

the poor to change them,



en plan que, explica Molero,

in the sense that, Molero explains,

de comprar cuir a una becaria

buying leather from an intern

i submergir-lo en baigua fins que es tornava

and immerse it in water until it turned

com una mena de baba,

like a kind of slime,

i llavors s'havia de ficar com per dins

and then it had to be inserted inside

d'un aro com metàl·lic

of a metallic ring

i estirar-lo bé

and stretch it well

i sacar-lo bé, bueno,

and take it out well, well,

era una bogeria.

it was madness.

Si bé és cert que, davant d'aquestes

While it is true that, in the face of these

circumstàncies, i com passa ara,

circumstances, and as it happens now,

que tan sols els nens

that only the children

que tenen pasta de veritat poden

that they have real dough they can

dedicar-se plenament a la música,

to fully dedicate oneself to music,

doncs, molts solistes no

well, many soloists not

venien de famílies acomodades.

they came from well-off families.

Ni Miguel Ríos,

Neither Miguel Ríos,

ni Carina, ni Cursa Boi,

neither Carina nor Cursa Boi,

de qui vam parlar en el nostre programa dedicat

who we talked about in our dedicated program

a la gent que xiula,

to the people who whistle,

si us en recordeu, doncs,

if you remember it, then,

el gran protagonista va ser, d'aquest moment,

the great protagonist was, at this moment,

Cursa Boi,

Boi Race,

cap d'ells tenia

none of them had

un puto duro a casa. A més a més,

a fucking penny at home. Furthermore,

enmig del fregat aquest

in the middle of this frigate

de la dictadura, doncs, tampoc

of the dictatorship, then neither

s'atrevien a fer gaire res, no?

They hardly dared to do anything, right?

El tuís diu la Secretaria

The tweet says the Secretary.

d'Educació Popular, en aquell moment,

of Popular Education, at that moment,

que és perillós per la salut física

that is dangerous for physical health

i que a Irà ja s'havia

and that in Iran it had already been

prohibit ballar-lo

forbidden to dance it

en públic.

in public.

Això ho extraiem d'una circular

We extract this from a circular.

de sis punts que va fer arribar

of six points that he/she sent

el govern a les ràdios

the government on the radios

que, clar, menys malament,

that, of course, thank goodness,

que no li van fer gaire cas

that they didn't pay much attention to him/her

perquè, si no, doncs, no sé què hagués passat.

because, if not, then, I don't know what would have happened.

Els músics, com sempre,

The musicians, as always,

estaven en una situació xunga, precària.

they were in a tough, precarious situation.

Sisplau, el mite aquest

Please, this myth.

de que ens va haver els músics a

of that we had the musicians to

que veu-lo ja, sense recolzament

I see it already, without support.

institucional ni res,

institutional or anything,

ara, això sí.

now, this is true.

En aquell moment, ja els demanen el títol

At that moment, they are already asking for the title.

superior del conservatori, tant per treballar

superior of the conservatory, both for work

com per ser de l'Esgai.

as it should be from the Esgai.

Si no, tenen que passar un examen

If not, they have to take an exam.

que els donarà el carnet de

that will give them the card of

grup de circ, varietats i folclor.

circus group, varieties, and folklore.

Si no superaves l'examen,

If you didn't pass the exam,

doncs no podies currar i a l'Esgai

so you couldn't work and at Esgai

et quedaves com a xiulador.

you ended up as a whistler.

Perdona, dispensa xiulador.

Sorry, excuse me whistler.

He dit xiulador. Autors

I have said whistler. Authors.

que no sabien llegir ni escriure

who could neither read nor write

partitures, música, que no tenien

scores, music, that they did not have

formació musical clàssica,

classical musical training,

com tothom ara, per exemple,

like everyone now, for example,

però que composaven grans èxits

but which composed great hits

i que

and what

se'ls havia d'apuntar d'alguna manera.

They had to be noted down in some way.



Així va estar el nostre amic Serrat

Thus was our friend Serrat.

fins als 70 i molta més gent.

until the 70s and many more people.

Evidentment, això és molt fort

Obviously, this is very strong.

i el xanxullo,

and the gossip,

aquest cutre dels carnets,

this shabby one of the cards,

doncs li va servir al règim també

so it was also useful to the regime

per camuflar la prostitució i tot el que

to camouflage prostitution and everything that

els hi va donar la santa gana.

it gave them a great appetite.

Hi havia segells menys

There were fewer stamps.

pirates que altres. Zafiro

pirates than others. Sapphire

era un dels pitjors.

it was one of the worst.

No vulguis imaginar-te a Miki

Don't want to imagine Miki.

los Tonis gravant Cielito Lindo

the Tonis recording Cielito Lindo

amb cara de

with a face of


to commit suicide

tan sols perquè l'editor Lladra

just because the editor Lladra

de Torn, que firmava amb noms

of Turn, who signed with names

com Mappel a Madrid

like Mappel in Madrid

o M. Rajoy

or M. Rajoy

és broma, Salinas a Barcelona

It's a joke, Salinas in Barcelona.

s'endueix la pasta, no?

It takes the dough, right?

Les gravacions eren infernals

The recordings were hellish.

a sobre, pobres criatures, de veritat

Oh dear, poor creatures, really.

jo no sé com van aguantar

I don't know how they managed to endure.

des d'aquí una salutació

Greetings from here.

a tots els músics que en aquell

to all the musicians who at that

moment dels anys 60

moment of the 60s

doncs ens van posar

so they put us


the carpet



perquè ara hi hagi la música

so that there is music now

que hi ha al nostre país.

that exists in our country.

Els organitzadors dels primers festivals

The organizers of the first festivals

com el del PRISE

like the one from PRISE

de la plaça del rei a Madrid

from the Plaza del Rey in Madrid

en 1962 o el de Barcelona

in 1962 or the one from Barcelona

el 64

the 64

hi ha una resta de publicacions

there is a remainder of publications

cada vegada millors, les anomenades

ever improving, the so-called

revistes parlades que organitzaven

spoken magazines that they organized

concerts en els centres educatius

concerts in educational centers

perquè els xavals ja

because the kids already

poguessin començar a tocar

could start to play

i a ballar i a viure una mica

and to dance and to live a little

després de tanta misèria

after so much misery

i de tanta porqueria.

and of so much garbage.

A la tele comencen també

On TV, they are starting too.

els primers programes com

the first programs like

Escala Ifi de 1963 o Salto a la fama

Ifi Scale of 1963 or Leap to Fame

i el cine pel·lis com

and the cinema movies like

El Megatón Yeye de Jesús Yahweh

The Megaton Yeye of Jesus Yahweh

en resposta

in response

a Beatle de Richard Lester

A Beatle by Richard Lester

doncs comença a tenir molt èxit

so it is starting to be very successful

tot i que jo em quedo

even though I stay

amb aquella escena gloriosa final

with that glorious final scene

d'Albert Hugo de Berlanga de 1964

of Albert Hugo de Berlanga from 1964

amb la família ballant el tuís a una barca

with the family dancing the tuís in a boat

que era

what it was

una imatge bastant

a rather image



Una de les meves cançons preferides

One of my favorite songs

de l'època és La xica alborotada

from the period is The Raucous Girl

del duo Kramer, ja us ho dic.

from the duo Kramer, I'm telling you.

Però escoltem ara Mimo i los Jams

But let's listen now to Mimo and the Jams.

que Mimo era una noia bastant

that Mimo was quite a girl

alborotada també, pionera de la vida

also unruly, a pioneer of life

que tot i que va deixar la música

that although he/she left music

bastant ràpid, va ser una de les primeres

quite fast, it was one of the first

a empanjar-se una guitarra al coll

to put a guitar on one's back

i pujar-se a l'escenari.

and get on stage.

Ole Mimo, ole. Escoltem

Oh Mimo, oh. Let's listen.

Mr. Twist

Mr. Twist

un tema de 1962.

a song from 1962.

Voy aprendiendo con mi amor

I'm learning with my love.

los movimientos del twist

the twist movements

nos enseña un profesor

a teacher teaches us

que le llamamos Mr. Twist

that we call Mr. Twist

que en la pista

that on the track

sin moverse

without moving

que bien baila

how well they dance

ir bailando siempre el twist

go dancing the twist always

es mi única ilusión

it's my only hope

yo pronto quiero aprender

I soon want to learn.

para imitar a Mr. Twist

to imitate Mr. Twist

y a la música de la vida

and to the music of life

que en la pista

that on the track

sin moverse

without moving

que bien baila

how well he/she dances

será Mr. Twist

it will be Mr. Twist

tu sombra

your shadow

yo quiero imitar tu figura

I want to imitate your figure.

será Mr. Twist

it will be Mr. Twist

quien llegue

whoever arrives

a darle a mis pies tortura

to give my feet torture

voy aprendiendo

I'm learning.

con mi amor

with my love

a bailar el twist

to dance the twist

voy aprendiendo

I am learning.

nos enseña un profesor

a teacher teaches us

que le llamamos Mr. Twist

that we call Mr. Twist

que en la pista

that on the track

sin moverse

without moving

que bien baila

how well he/she dances

será Mr. Twist

it will be Mr. Twist

tu sombra

your shadow

yo quiero imitar tu figura

I want to imitate your figure.

será Mr. Twist

It will be Mr. Twist.

quien llegue

whoever arrives

a darle a mis pies tortura

to torture my feet

voy aprendiendo con mi amor

I am learning with my love.

a bailar el twist

to dance the twist

nos enseña un profesor

it teaches us a teacher

que le llamamos Mr. Twist

we call him Mr. Twist

que en la pista

that on the track

sin moverse

without moving

que bien baila

how well he/she dances

ir bailando siempre el twist

to dance the twist always

y como os deia doncs el twist

And as I was saying, the twist.

és un ball que s'ha desvirtuat moltíssim

It is a dance that has been greatly distorted.

i que s'ha arribat inclús a confondre

and it has even been confused

amb balls com el rock and roll

with dances like rock and roll

això no ho feu mai

don't ever do this

no confongueu perquè són molt diferents

don't confuse them because they are very different

i a més a més no es porten bé entre ells

And what's more, they don't get along well with each other.

i no fa vestir

and does not make (anyone) dress

no tenen classe

they have no class

barrejar el twist amb el rock and roll

mixing the twist with rock and roll

no ho feu això

don't do that

el twist és cosa dels 60

the twist is a thing of the 60s

hi ha rock and roll dels 60

there is rock and roll from the 60s

però no es balla twist a sobre

but you don't dance twist on top

s'ha d'evitar també caure a la temptació

One must also avoid falling into temptation.

de fer passes de Charleston

to do Charleston steps

o de l'Indie Hop

or of Indie Hop

sisplau no barregeu

please do not mix

xurros convenines

convenient churros

i sigueu feliços amb el twist

And be happy with the twist.

a plus al final

a plus at the end


son tres

it's three



el ball

the dance



Bona nit.

Good night.

El Mash Potato, el Monster Mash o el Swim.

The Mash Potato, the Monster Mash or the Swim.

Busqueu, busqueu, busqueu imatges d'aquestes danses,

Look, look, look for images of these dances,

perquè us agradarà molt, és que us farà molt felices,

because you will like it a lot, it will make you very happy,

és que està molt bé buscar danses dels 50 i dels 60 a internet.

It's very good to search for dances from the 50s and 60s on the internet.

El Mash Potato l'haureu vist mil vegades a pel·lis,

You must have seen the Mash Potato a thousand times in movies.

és com el Twist, però saltant una mica cap enrere.

It's like the Twist, but jumping a little backward.

Bueno, busqueu.

Well, look for it.

Es va fer famós el Mash Potato amb Didi Sharp també.

Mash Potato also became famous with Didi Sharp.

Bé, cuidado, cuidado, que el Charleston està molt a prop.

Well, be careful, be careful, because the Charleston is very close.

Bé, després va arribar el Monster Mash,

Well, then the Monster Mash arrived,

que és una variant d'aquesta mena del Mash Potato,

which is a variant of this kind of Mash Potato,

però amb parelles com agafades en posicions monstruoses,

but with couples caught in monstrous positions,

mentre es realitzen moviments de peu, típic del Twist,

while foot movements typical of the Twist are performed,

d'apagar borilles amb els peus.

to extinguish butts with one's feet.

Doncs s'ha de fer una mica el mandril, que dic jo,

Well, you have to be a bit silly, as I say.

i després teniu el Swim, que és allò típic de fer veure canedes,

and then you have the Swim, which is the typical thing of pretending to be relaxed,

i que això ve d'un tema del Boy Freeman,

and that this comes from a topic by Boy Freeman,

Come on, let's swim, i heu de mirar molts vídeos,

Come on, let's swim, and you have to watch a lot of videos.

perquè clar, ara tot el que digui serà un capaix,

because of course, now everything I say will be a nuisance,

perquè direu, no, sí, és que no entendo nada.

Because you will say, no, yes, it's just that I don't understand anything.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

Doncs busqueu, busqueu, i mireu, a veure com es fan aquestes passes.

Well, search, search, and see how these steps are taken.

Podeu veure Dirty Dancing, per exemple,

You can watch Dirty Dancing, for example.

quan l'escena dels malons aquesta, que primer arriben els profes,

when the scene of the malons is here, the teachers arrive first,

i ballen un pedaço de temó, Do you love me?, dels conturs, per cert,

and they dance a piece of theme, Do you love me?, of the contours, by the way,

que fa rapes de totes aquestes danses,

what makes a rapist of all these dances,

i després sona Love me'n, d'Otis Redding,

and then Love Me, by Otis Redding, plays.

i allà és on ballen l'estrol.

And that is where they dance the strol.

L'estrol es va fer famós per un tema dels Diamonds,

The estrol became famous for a song by the Diamonds,

que també és sur-amèrica en grafiti.

that is also South America in graffiti.

A mi, clar que he dit, clar, m'agrada molt més la versió de Brenda Lee,

I have clearly said, of course, I much prefer Brenda Lee's version.

i tampoc sé molt bé què podeu fer amb aquesta informació que us estic donant,

and I also don't really know what you can do with this information that I'm giving you,

ja que, no sé, veure Dirty Dancing sí, tindreu estómac per fer-ho.

Well, I don’t know, watching Dirty Dancing yes, you’ll have the stomach to do it.

Us posem un tema Twisting 62 dels clàssics.

We present you a Twisting 62 theme from the classics.

Dirty Dancing

Dirty Dancing

We did a twist and we put it on strong

We made a twist and put it on strong.

Twist, twist

Twist, twist

I said a twist, twist

I said a twist, twist.

Oh yeah, twist, twist

Oh sí, gira, gira

From California to the Rock and Show, the main

From California to the Rock and Show, the main

Shabby, big bop, bop, bop

Shabby, big bop, bop, bop

Wherever you go, the twist is on strong

On vaig, el gir és fort.

Twist is a thing

Twist és una cosa.

Shabby, big bop, bop, bop

Shabby, big bop, bop, bop

Now if you can't do the twist, you ain't nowhere

Now if you can't do the twist, you aren't going anywhere.

Shabby, big bop, bop, bop

Shabby, big bop, bop, bop

I saw a monkey do the twist with a busy leg

I saw a monkey do the twist with a busy leg.

Shabby, big bop, bop, bop

Shabby, big bop, bop, bop

I said hey, hey, hey, hey

I said hey, hey, hey, hey.

Let's do the twist all night long

Let's do the twist all night long.

Let's do the twist

Let's do the twist.

All night long

All night long

I said a twist, twist

I said a twist, twist.

Uh-huh, twist, twist

Uh-huh, twist, twist.

Yeah, twist

Yeah, twist

Now come on, pretty baby, and let's get loose

Now come on, pretty baby, and let's get loose.

Come on, baby, do the twist

Come on, baby, do the twist.

The twist is a dance that'll make you reduce

The twist is a dance that will help you lose weight.

Yeah, yeah, do the twist

Yeah, yeah, do the twist.

All you big fat mamas

All you big fat mamas



Big mama, do the twist

Big mama, do the twist

With the twist, don't bring it right down to my side

With the twist, don't bring it right down to my side.

Everybody, do the twist

Tothom, feu el twist.

I said hey, hey, hey, hey

I said hey, hey, hey, hey.

Let's do the twist all night long

Let's do the twist all night long

Twist, twist

Twist, twist

L'altre dia que parlàvem de cabells

The other day when we were talking about hair.

teníem molt interès a parlar de Sam Coo

we were very interested in talking about Sam Coo

com us deia, no sé si recordeu

As I was saying, I don't know if you remember.

que parlàvem d'aquest estil de pentinat

that we were talking about this style of hairstyle



que es feia com una mena d'allisador de cabell

that was used like a kind of hair straightener

que suposava molt

that it meant a lot

la gent que tenia el cabell molt, molt rissat

the people who had hair very, very curly

i d'aquesta forma, doncs, imitaven una mica

And in this way, they imitated a bit.

els pentinats antics de l'època

the old hairstyles of the era

es posaven molta brillantina

they put on a lot of glitter

i us explicava jo el cas d'Eddie Clinghead Vinson

And I was telling you about the case of Eddie Clinghead Vinson.

que es va quedar calb

who went bald

fent aquests mejunjes

making these mixtures

perquè es va cremar tot el cabell

because all the hair was burned

i també us explicàvem

and we also explained to you

que Sam Cooke va ser dels primers

that Sam Cooke was one of the first

que es va deixar el cabell llarg

who let their hair grow long

Sam Cooke va ser el primer que es va deixar el cabell llarg

Sam Cooke was the first to grow his hair long.

i també us explicàvem que Sam Cooke va ser dels primers

And we also told you that Sam Cooke was one of the first.

Sam Cooke era una persona

Sam Cooke was a person.

increïblement especial

incredibly special

a nosaltres ens ha arribat aquesta imatge

this image has reached us

del Sam Cooke com una persona

of Sam Cooke as a person

molt dòcil, molt tranquil

very docile, very calm

que canta cançons d'amor

that sings love songs

i que és tan guapo i que té aquella veu

And that he is so handsome and that he has that voice.

increïble, però és que Sam Cooke

incredible, but it's that Sam Cooke

va ser un lluitador, va ser un activista

he was a fighter, he was an activist

pels drets civils

for civil rights

i va ser un tio molt catxondo

he was a very funny guy

ell va escriure, com us deia abans, el Twisting the Night Away

he wrote, as I told you before, Twisting the Night Away

després d'una nit d'Algarabia

after a night of uproar

i com molts cantants de la seva generació

and like many singers of his generation

doncs ell va ser fill

so he was a son

d'un pastor protestant de Mississipi

from a Protestant pastor from Mississippi

descendent d'esclaus

descendant of slaves

que va emigrar a Chicago

who emigrated to Chicago

als 19 anys va entrar en un grup de gospel

At the age of 19, he joined a gospel group.

anomenat Soulsteeders

called Soulsteeders

que havia signat amb Specialty

that he had signed with Specialty

i es va professionalitzar

and became professional

i és que el tòpic que era molt difícil

and it's that the topic was very difficult

pels cantants de gospel canviar de bando

for the gospel singers to change sides

era veritat

it was true

va publicar el seu senzill Loveable

he released his single Loveable

el 1956 amb un pseudònim

in 1956 with a pseudonym

perquè no s'atrevia

because he/she did not dare

gaire a canviar el gospel

hardly to change the gospel

per la música

for the music

com es diu això

What is this called?



i al final ho fa

and in the end, it does it

el primer hit que va fer

the first hit he/she made

de música secular

of secular music

doncs va ser You Send Me

so it was You Send Me

un tema de 1957

a song from 1957

i al mateix any va signar amb 15 records

And the same year he signed with 15 records.

30 hits va obtindre

30 hits were obtained.

en el top 40 dels Estats Units

in the top 40 of the United States

fins a ser amor al 1964

until it became love in 1964

va escriure més cançons per altra gent

he wrote more songs for other people

de les que va gravar

of those that he/she recorded

va ser el primer en dirigir-se

he was the first to speak up

a una audiència

to an audience



i ho va fer d'una manera molt diferent

and he did it in a very different way

que en el seu recital

that in his recital

a Harlem

to Harlem

el 1960 firma per la RCA

In 1960, he signed with RCA.

Cupid, Shane Gang,

Cupid, Shane Gang,

Another Saturday Night

Another Saturday Night

i Twisting the Night Away

i Twisting the Night Away

entre altres

among others

escoltem aquest tema que va escriure

let's listen to this piece that he/she wrote

per haver visitat el Peppermint Lounge

for having visited the Peppermint Lounge

Twisting the Night Away

Twisting the Night Away

Sam Cooke

Sam Cooke

Let me tell you about a place

Let me tell you about a place.

Somewhere up a New York way

Somewhere up a New York way

Where the people are so gay

On the people are so happy.

Twisting the night away

Twisting the night away

Here they have a lot of fun

Here they have a lot of fun.

Putting trouble on the run

Putting trouble on the run

Man, you found the hole in your arm

Man, you found the hole in your arm.

Twisting the night away

Twisting the night away

Twisting, twisting

Twisting, twisting

Everybody's feeling great

Tothom se sent genial.

They're twisting, twisting

Estan girant, girant.

They're twisting the night away

They're twisting the night away.

Here's a man in evening clothes

Aquí hi ha un home amb vestit de nit.

How he got here I don't know

I don't know how he got here.

But man, you ought to see him go

But man, you should see him go.

Twisting the night away

Twisting the night away

He's dancing with the chicken slacks

Està ballant amb els pantalons de pollastre.

She's moving up and back

Ella es mou amunt i avall.

Oh man, there ain't nothing like

Oh man, there ain't nothing like

Twisting the night away

Twisting the night away

Yeah, twisting, twisting

Yeah, twisting, twisting

Everybody's feeling great

Tothom se sent genial.

They're twisting, twisting

Estan girant, girant.

They're twisting the night

Estan torçant la nit.

Let's twist the line

Let's twist the line.

Lean up

Lean up

Lean back

Lean back

Lean up

Lean up

Lean back


One, two, three

One, two, three

Now fight

Ara lluita.

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Now twist

Ara torça

They're twisting the night away

Estan retorçant la nit.

Here's a fella in blue jeans

Here’s a guy in blue jeans.

Dancing with the older queen

Dancing with the older queen

Who's dolled up in her diamond rings

Who's dressed up in her diamond rings

And twisting the night away

I girant la nit lluny.

Man, you ought to see her go

Man, you should see her go.

Twisting to the rock and roll

Twisting to the rock and roll

Here you find the young and old

Here you find the young and the old.

Twisting the night away

Twisting the night away

Yeah, twisting, twisting man

Yeah, twisting, twisting man

Everybody's feeling great

Tothom se sent genial.

They're twisting, twisting

Estan retorçant, retorçant.

Yeah, twisting the night

Sí, girant la nit.

One more time

One more time

Lean up

Lean up

Lean back

Lean back

Lean up

Lean up

Lean back

Lean back.

One, two, three

One, two, three

Now fight

Now fight

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah

One, two, three

One, two, three

Lean back


My blackened arms

Les meves braços ennegrits.

Amigo que me atrasa

Friend who holds me back.

qui va treballar a l'RSA, expliquen com era tota aquesta pel·lícula.

Who worked at the RSA, explain what this whole movie was like.

Com li va afectar la mort d'Emet Til al 55

How did the death of Emet Til affect him at 55?

també ha estat una història de la qual hem parlat molt en el programa,

it has also been a story that we have talked about a lot on the program,

Oficis Nocturns, perquè ens importa molt la història dels drets civils a Nord-Amèrica.

Night Jobs, because we care a lot about the history of civil rights in North America.

Ja que ens agrada la música popular,

Since we like popular music,

no podem deixar de recordar tots aquests fets que es van encadenar bastant.

We cannot help but recall all these events that were intertwined quite a bit.

De fet, aquest linxament que va haver amb aquest nen de 16 anys,

In fact, this lynching that happened with this 16-year-old boy,

a una pobla del sud, per suposadament haver dit alguna cosa impròpia

to a village in the south, for allegedly having said something inappropriate

i fora de lloc a una noia blanca,

and out of place for a white girl,

aquest linxament que va acabar en un funeral multitudinari a Chicago

this lynching that ended in a massive funeral in Chicago

i amb la mare d'Emet Til al cap de tot el dol

and with Emet Til's mother at the end of all the grief

i de tots els líders del moviment pels drets civils,

and of all the leaders of the civil rights movement,

inclòs el doctor King,

including Dr. King,

i inclòs la dona de la dona de la dona,

and even the wife of the wife of the wife,

i inclòs aquests fets que van haver a l'abama de la Rosa Parks

and including these events that took place in Alabama with Rosa Parks

amb el tema de l'autobús.

with the bus issue.

En una actuació a Memphis, amb Jackie Wilson,

In a performance in Memphis, with Jackie Wilson,

entre d'altres participants,

among other participants,

ell proposa boicotejar el xou per la segregació del públic.

He proposes to boycott the show for the segregation of the audience.

Sam Cooke se n'adona que tots són a l'escenari excepte ell

Sam Cooke realizes that everyone is on stage except him.

i marxa, no participa a l'actuació de Memphis

and leaves, does not participate in the performance in Memphis

i hi ha el procés d'empoderament

And there is the process of empowerment.

que ha fet la Rosa Parks.

what Rosa Parks has done.

I això és el que hem vist.

And this is what we have seen.

Passa Sam Cooke, doncs ja és imparable.

Play Sam Cooke, it's already unstoppable.

Va ser amic de Malcolm X i de Muhammad Ali,

He was a friend of Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali.

amb qui va gravar The Gang is All Here.

who did he record The Gang is All Here with.

Es va impressionar molt amb el Blowing in the Wind de Dylan

He was very impressed with Dylan's Blowing in the Wind.

i va versionar i va escriure A Change is Gonna Come,

and he arranged and wrote A Change is Gonna Come,

un tema que va ser molt revolucionari també.

a topic that was very revolutionary too.

El 1961 crea el seu segil discogràfic,

In 1961, he/she creates his/her own record label,

Set Records, obrint portes a les noves generacions

Set Records, opening doors to new generations.

i ho amplia amb un editorial i una oficina d'amanagement.

and it expands with a publishing house and a management office.

Va conèixer llavors,

He/She then met,

Alan Klein, un comptable que va donar molt que parlar al rock,

Alan Klein, an accountant who caused a lot of talk in rock,

que el va convèncer

that convinced him

que el seu mànager li estava robant diners.

that his manager was stealing money from him.

Així que a partir de 1963

So starting from 1963

ell va firmar un contracte de 5 anys

he signed a 5-year contract

amb Klein

with Klein

que va començar a fer-se càrrec

that began to take charge

de tota l'empresa de Sam Cooke.

of the whole company of Sam Cooke.

El mateix any, 1963,

The same year, 1963,

ell va publicar dos àlbums,

he released two albums,

Nightbeat i Ain't That Good News.

Nightbeat and Ain't That Good News.

I també aquell any,

And also that year,

com diem, el 1963,

as we say, in 1963,

va morir el seu fill de dos anys

his two-year-old son died

en un accident a la piscina.

in an accident at the pool.

Amb tot això a sobre,

With all this on top,

Sam Cooke no s'ha perdut.

Sam Cooke has not been lost.

I ja ho veiem.

And we can see it already.

Come on, baby,

Come on, baby,

let's do the twing.

let's do the twing.

Come on, baby,

Come on, baby,

let's do the twing.

let's do the twing.

Come on, baby,

Come on, baby,

let's do the twing.

let's do the twing.

Come on, baby,

Come on, baby,

let's do the twing.

let's do the twing.

Ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha.

You'll find it, yeah,

You'll find it, yeah,

when you go like this.

when you go like this.

Ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha.

Tell me, baby,

Tell me, baby,

have you seen my sin?

Have you seen my sin?

Ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha.

Tell me, baby,

Tell me, baby,

have you seen my sin?

Have you seen my sin?

Ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Estem escoltant Chat Chat Twist, un tema de 1960 que també van versionar els Detroit Cobres en el seu àlbum de 2004.

We are listening to Chat Chat Twist, a track from 1960 that was also covered by the Detroit Cobras on their 2004 album.

La cantant dels Detroit Cobres ha mort aquest any, malauradament, i se la trobarà a faltar perquè és una banda que tenia una projecció, com a mínim, en l'underground bastant interessant.

The singer of Detroit Cobres has died this year, unfortunately, and she will be missed because it is a band that had a fairly interesting projection, at least, in the underground.

La nit del 10 de desembre de 1964, Sam Cooke va quedar a part sopar amb el seu amic Al Schmitz, l'enginyer de la RCA i la seva dona, al Martonis de Hollywood,

On the night of December 10, 1964, Sam Cooke went out to dinner with his friend Al Schmitz, the RCA engineer, and his wife, at Martonis in Hollywood.

a Los Ángeles. Ell duia un vestit side de bord i tenia el seu Ferrari vermell aparcat a la porta.

to Los Angeles. He was wearing a navy blue suit and had his red Ferrari parked at the door.

Després d'alguns martinis, va conèixer Elisa Boyer a través d'un col·lega seu guitarrista, va quedar en un club més tard amb Schmitz i Sam Cooke va sortir amb aquesta noia al restaurant cap a la una del matí.

After some martinis, he met Elisa Boyer through a colleague of his who was a guitarist, later met with Schmitz in a club, and Sam Cooke left with this girl to the restaurant around one in the morning.

No els van deixar entrar al club on havien quedat perquè ja havien tancat. A més, els Schmitz ja havien marxat també a casa i a les dues del matí,

They were not allowed to enter the club where they had planned to meet because it was already closed. Moreover, the Schmitz had also gone home by two in the morning.

Elisa Boyer va demanar a Sam Cooke que la portés a casa. Segons la declaració que va fer aquesta Elisa Boyer,

Elisa Boyer asked Sam Cooke to take her home. According to the statement made by this Elisa Boyer,

ell anava com un boig a 200 per hora per Santa Mònica Boulevard i no va fer cas de les indicacions de la noia i la va portar a un motel, al motel Hacienda,

he drove like a madman at 200 per hour down Santa Monica Boulevard and ignored the girl's instructions and took her to a motel, to the Hacienda motel,

és a dir, que la va segrestar. Ella declara que es van registrar a l'hotel i que van anar a l'habitació i que ell va intentar violar-la.

That is to say, that he kidnapped her. She states that they checked into the hotel and went to the room and that he attempted to rape her.

Ella va escapar enduent-se accidentalment els pantalons d'ell i que a les tres i quart del matí va trucar a la policia quan estava morta de por dient que estava segrestada al motel.

She escaped accidentally taking his pants, and at a quarter past three in the morning, she called the police when she was terrified, saying she was kidnapped at the motel.

L'encarregada d'aquest motel, Bertha Franklin, va declarar que Cooke va estar donant cops a la porta de la recepció, molt, molt alterat, preguntant per la noia,

The manager of this motel, Bertha Franklin, stated that Cooke was banging on the reception door, very, very agitated, asking for the girl.

que va aconseguir entrar a l'oficina i que després de barallar-se, doncs que Bertha Franklin, la recepcionista, li va...

that managed to enter the office and that after fighting, then Bertha Franklin, the receptionist, gave him...

engegar tres trets en defensa pròpia, que va trucar a la policia per dir que hi havia hagut un tiroteig.

fired three shots in self-defense, then called the police to report that there had been a shooting.

L'encarregada d'aquest motel, Bertha Franklin, va declarar que és van registrar a l'hotel i que ell va intentar violar-la.

The manager of this motel, Bertha Franklin, declared that they checked into the hotel and that he tried to rape her.

I la persona que us parla, doncs, és la Miriam Swanson.

And the person who is speaking to you is Miriam Swanson.

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