Banda Sonora – Full Monty


Banda Sonora

Banda Sonora – Full Monty

Banda Sonora

Banda sonora, un programa de cine amb Jordi Curto.

Soundtrack, a film program with Jordi Curto.

Us presentem...

We present to you...

Avui en el nostre programa, Banda sonora,

Today in our program, Soundtrack,

vos portem una de les cometes britàniques més especials

we bring you one of the most special British kites

de les últimes dècades, Full Monty.

from the last decades, Full Monty.

La pel·lícula està basada en l'obra de Wendy Holden,

The movie is based on the work of Wendy Holden.

això sí, amb un final bastant més suau que el de la novel·la.

this is true, with a much softer ending than that of the novel.

Esperem que disfruteu de la nostra elecció d'aquest mes.

We hope you enjoy our selection for this month.

Comencem a escoltar la seva banda sonora

Let's start listening to its soundtrack.

amb el tema You Sexy Thing, de Hot Chocolate.

with the song You Sexy Thing, by Hot Chocolate.

You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing

Where did you come from, baby?

Where did you come from, baby?

You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing

Where did you come from, baby?

Where did you come from, baby?

How did you know I needed you?

How did you know I needed you?

How did you know I needed you so badly?

How did you know I needed you so badly?

How did you know I'd give my heart gladly?

How did you know I'd give my heart gladly?

Yesterday I was one of a lot of people

Yesterday I was one among many people.

Now you're lying close to me, making love to me

Ara estàs mentint a prop meu, fent l'amor amb mi.

I believe in miracles

I believe in miracles.

Where are you from?

Where are you from?

You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing

I believe in miracles

I believe in miracles.

Since you came along

Since you came along

You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing

Where did you come from, angel?

Where did you come from, angel?

How did you know I'd be the one?

How did you know I'd be the one?

You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing

Did you know you're everything I prayed for?

Did you know you're everything I prayed for?

Did you know every night and day for?

Did you know every night and day for?

Every day

Cada dia

Leaving love and satisfaction

Leaving love and satisfaction

Now you're lying next to me, giving it to me

Ara estàs mentint al costat meu, donant-m'ho.

I believe in miracles

I believe in miracles.

Where did you come from?

Where did you come from?

You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing

I believe in miracles

I believe in miracles.

Since you came along

Since you came along

You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing

Kiss me

Kiss me

You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing

Touch me, baby

Touch me, baby

You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing

I love the way you touch me, darling

I love the way you touch me, darling.

You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing



You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing

Yesterday I was one of a lot of people

Yesterday I was one among many people.

You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing

Now you're lying close to me, giving up to me

Ara estàs mentint a prop meu, rendint-te a mi.

I believe in miracles

I believe in miracles.

Where you from?

Where are you from?

You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing

Sexy Thing

Sexy Thing

I believe in miracles

I believe in miracles.

Since you came along

Since you came along

You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing

Touch me

Touch me

You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing

Kiss me, darling

Kiss me, darling.

You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing

I love the way you hold me, baby

I love the way you hold me, baby.

You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing

It's ecstasy

It's ecstasy.

You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing

A la ciutat d'Oviedo, Espanya,

In the city of Oviedo, Spain,

21 països del Consell d'Europa

21 countries of the Council of Europe

subscriuen el conveni per a la protecció dels drets humans

they subscribe to the agreement for the protection of human rights

i la dignitat de l'ésser humà

and the dignity of the human being

pel que fa a les aplicacions de la biologia i la medicina,

regarding the applications of biology and medicine,

que inclou la prohibició de clonar éssers humans.

which includes the prohibition of cloning human beings.

En les eleccions al Parlament del Regne Unit,

In the elections to the Parliament of the United Kingdom,

el laborista Toni Blair derrota amb amplitud

The Labourite Tony Blair wins by a wide margin.

els conservadors de John Major

the conservatives of John Major

en aconseguir el 43,2 dels vots davant del 30,7 d'aquests.

achieving 43.2 of the votes compared to 30.7 of these.

Els liberals aconsegueixen

The liberals achieve.

el 16,8 dels vots.

16.8% of the votes.

En un singular torneig d'escacs

In a unique chess tournament

celebrat a Nova York, Estats Units,

held in New York, United States,

el superordenador d'IBM Deep Blue

IBM's supercomputer Deep Blue

fa història en ser la primera màquina

makes history by being the first machine

a derrotar un campió del món

to defeat a world champion

de l'especialitat, Garry Kasparov.

of the specialty, Garry Kasparov.

Considerat el millor jugador de tots els temps,

Considered the best player of all time,

accepta la seva derrota

accepts his defeat

després de 19 moviments

after 19 moves

en el sisè joc del torneig

in the sixth game of the tournament

perdent per 2,5 a 3,5 punts.

losing by 2.5 to 3.5 points.

A Kyoto, Japó,

In Kyoto, Japan,

sobre a la firma

about the signature

del protocol del mateix nom,

from the protocol of the same name,

un protocol de la Convenció Marc

a protocol of the Framework Convention

de les Nacions Unides sobre el canvi climàtic

of the United Nations on climate change

i un acord internacional

and an international agreement

que té per objectiu reduir

which aims to reduce

les emissions de 6 gasos d'efecte hivernacle

the emissions of 6 greenhouse gases

que causen l'escalfament global.

that cause global warming.

Seguim escoltant la banda sonora original

We continue listening to the original soundtrack.

de Fullmondi amb la cançó

of Fullmondi with the song

del Joe Cocker

by Joe Cocker

You Can't Live, You Can't Live.

You Can't Live, You Can't Live.

You Can't Live.

You Can't Live.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Aquest és l'argument.

This is the argument.

Aquest és l'argument de la població de la regió.

This is the argument of the population of the region.

En aquest context es desenvolupa la història

In this context, the story unfolds.

dels nostres protagonistes,

of our protagonists,

els quals, degut a les situacions laborals i personals

which, due to work and personal situations

en què es veuen immersos,

what they are immersed in,

tenen que buscar-se la vida de la millor forma possible.

they have to make the best of their lives.

Els M-People ens diuen a la propera cançó

The M-People tell us in the next song.

que ens movem i, si ens apareix bé,

that we move and, if it seems good to us,

ballem amb la seva melodia

let's dance to its melody

Moving On Up.

Moving On Up.

You've done me wrong

You've done me wrong.

Your time is up

Your time is up.

You took a step

You took a step.

From the devil's cut

From the devil's cut

You broke my heart

You broke my heart.

There's no way back

No hi ha camí de tornada.

Move right out of here, baby

Move right out of here, baby

Go pack your bags

Go pack your bags.

Just who do you think you are?

Just who do you think you are?

Stop acting like

Stop acting like

Some kind of star

Some kind of star

Just who do you think you are?

Just who do you think you are?

Take it like a man, baby

Take it like a man, baby.

If that's what you are

Si això és el que ets.

Cause I'm moving on up

Cause I'm moving on up

You're moving on up

You're moving on up

Moving on up

Moving on up

Nothing can stop me

Res pot aturar-me.

Moving on up

Moving on up

You're moving on up

You're moving on up.

Time to break free

Time to break free

Nothing can stop me

Nothing can stop me.

They brag a man

They boast a man.

Has walked in space

Has caminat a l'espai.

But you can't even

But you can't even

Find my place

Find my place

There ain't nothing

There ain't nothing

You can do

You can do

Cause I've had enough of me

Cause I've had enough of me.

Baby, being part of you

Baby, being part of you

Just who do you think you are?

Just who do you think you are?

This time you're gone

Aquesta vegada et vas.

Too far

Too far

Just who do you think you are?

Just who do you think you are?

Take it like a man, baby

Take it like a man, baby.

If that's what you are

Si és això el que ets.

Cause I'm moving on up

Because I'm moving on up

You're moving on up

You're moving on up.

Moving on up

Moving on up

Nothing can stop me

Nothing can stop me.

Moving on up

Moving on up

You're moving on up

You're moving on up.

Time to break free

Time to break free

Nothing can stop me

Nada em pot aturar.



I'm too afraid to break

I'm too afraid to break.

Nothing can stop me

Nothing can stop me.

El seu repartiment

Its distribution

En aquesta producció coral, almenys en lo que a personatges es refereix,

In this choral production, at least as far as the characters are concerned,

podríem destacar Robert Carlyle, un actor capaç de protagonitzar un villa de 007 al món no suficient

We could highlight Robert Carlyle, an actor capable of starring in a 007 villain in a world not enough.

com a un humà sense escrúpols a 28 setmanes després,

like a ruthless human at 28 weeks later,

o un Breton al gran èxit britànic Transpotting.

or a Breton at the great British success Trainspotting.

A part del Robert, podríem destacar el Tom Wicklinson,

Apart from Robert, we could highlight Tom Wicklinson.

actor que pot representar la vella escola d'actors britànics de forma excel·lent

an actor who can excellently represent the old school of British actors

a produccions com l'Escriptor, La jove de la perla,

to productions like The Writer, The Girl with a Pearl Earring,

El Patriota o Batman Begins.

The Patriot or Batman Begins.

Escoltem ara el tema Je t'aime, mon nom plus,

Let's listen now to the song Je t'aime, mon nom plus.

en les veus de Jan Birkin i el Serge Gainsbourg.

in the voices of Jan Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg.

Mon amour, comme la vague, il ruise l'une

My love, like the wave, it rushes one.

Je vais, je fais et je reviens

I go, I do and I come back.

Contre tes reins

Against your kidneys

Je vais, je fais et je reviens

I go, I do, and I come back.

Contre tes reins

Against your kidneys

Et je me retiens

And I hold myself back.

Je t'aime, je t'aime, oui, je t'aime

I love you, I love you, yes, I love you.

Mon amour

My love

Tu es la vague, moi l'est la nue

You are the wave, I am the cloud.

Tu es la vague

You are the wave.

I tu vienes entre les meves càmeres I tu vienes entre les meves càmeres

And you come among my cameras and you come among my cameras.

I jo et veig jo, jo t'estimo, jo t'estimo, oh oui, je t'aime

And I see you, I love you, I love you, oh yes, I love you.

A mi és igual.

I don't mind.

A mi és l'hora que la vaca decideix si veig jo o no.

It is the hour that the cow decides whether I see it or not.

Jo vaig viure aquest dia entre tes mars.

I lived this day between your seas.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Equip de rodatge.

Filming crew.

A part dels nombrats en l'apartat anterior,

Aside from those mentioned in the previous section,

podríem destacar en aquest apartat

we could highlight in this section

el bon treball de gent com el director

the good work of people like the director

Peter Cataneo, del qual

Peter Cataneo, of whom

podem dir, sense por a equivocar-nos,

we can say, without fear of being wrong,

de que és aquesta

what is this about

producció de la qual parlem

production we are talking about

la més destacada de la seva carrera.

the most distinguished of her career.

Destacaríem el treball del muntatge

We would highlight the work of the assembly.

de David Freeman i Nick Moore,

by David Freeman and Nick Moore,

així com la feina d'Anne Dunley

just like the work of Anne Dunley

a l'hora de preparar

when preparing

la VCO que estem escoltant.

the VCO that we are listening to.

La fotografia de John De Worman

The photograph of John De Worman

també mereix el nostre reconeixement.

it also deserves our recognition.

Ara ens posarem les piles amb el tema

Now we'll get focused on the subject.

Rock'n'Roll Part 2

Rock'n'Roll Part 2

del Gary Glitter.

of Gary Glitter.

Rock'n'Roll Part 2

Rock'n'Roll Part 2

Els Premis

The Awards

Full Monty va ser nominat als Premis Oscars de l'Acadèmia d'Estats Units l'any 1997,

The Full Monty was nominated for the Oscars of the Academy of the United States in 1997.

on va guanyar-ne un tot just per la seva banda sonora,

we won one just for its soundtrack,

encara que no va tindre la mateixa sort a les categories de millor pel·lícula, direcció i guia original,

although it did not have the same luck in the categories of best film, direction, and original screenplay,

com el nostre Banda Sonora 21 Ràdio.

with our Soundtrack 21 Radio.

És un programa, evidentment musical,

It is a program, evidently musical,

què us sembla si seguim escoltant a la guanyadora d'aquesta categoria dels Oscars,

What do you think if we continue listening to the winner of this Oscar category?

l'Anne Onn One Thousand Dances del 2018.

The Anne Onn One Thousand Dances from 2018.

Wilson, piquet.

Wilson, picket.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Curiositats. Anècdotes.

Curiosities. Anecdotes.

Gràcies al doblatge en espanyol que acostuma a fer-se de les produccions que venen de fora,

Thanks to the Spanish dubbing that is usually done for productions that come from abroad,

es va evitar que ens passés com als Estats Units,

we avoided ending up like the United States,

on els espectadors revien a l'hora d'entrar a les sales

where the spectators received upon entering the halls

on es projectava la pel·lícula en paper en les fases més quotidianes que s'utilitzen a Anglaterra

where the film was projected on paper in the most everyday phases that are used in England

i que surten a la pel·lícula per a facilitar la comprensió de l'anglès britànic.

and that appear in the movie to facilitate the understanding of British English.

Un pèl excessiu, no?

A bit excessive, isn't it?

Els productors nord-americans no els acaba d'agradar el títol de la pel·lícula

The American producers are not quite happy with the title of the movie.

donat que, en l'argot britànic, full Monty pot voler dir complet o completament tot,

given that, in British slang, full Monty can mean complete or completely all,

cosa que en l'anglès americà no existeix.

something that does not exist in American English.

Ells esperaven que el film sortís el tant Monty i no el veien per enlloc.

They were hoping that the film would be as good as Monty, but they couldn't see it anywhere.

El film ha fet segurs que hagués tingut un altre estil

The film has ensured that it would have had a different style.

si el director al que van enviar el guió en primer lloc hagués acceptat l'encàrrec, Danny Boyle.

If the director to whom they first sent the script had accepted the commission, Danny Boyle.

Per sort o per desgràcia, va declinar l'opció de ser qui portés els regnes del projecte.

For better or for worse, he declined the option of being the one to lead the project's kingdoms.

Segons ell,

According to him,

no tenia res d'especial.

it wasn't anything special.

Segur, Danny?

Sure, Danny?

Per acabar aquesta secció, res millor que el hot stuff de la meravellosa Donna Summer.

To end this section, nothing better than the hot stuff from the wonderful Donna Summer.

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

Bona nit.

Good night.

Fins aquí el nostre bander sonorat d'aquest mes.

That's it for our sound banner this month.

Tornem el proper amb una altra proposta que esperem us agradi.

We'll return next time with another proposal that we hope you'll like.

Fins llavors, cuideu-vos molt

Until then, take care very much.

i com deia el gran Robin Williams

"And as the great Robin Williams said"

del Club dels Petes Morts, Carpe Diem.

from the Club of Dead Pets, Carpe Diem.

Bona nit.

Good night.

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