
Sopa de Cabra

Bull d'Ànima


Bull d'Ànima

Avui m'he vestit expressament menys glamurós, pensant que venia pagès,

Today I dressed intentionally less glamorously, thinking that a farmer was coming.

i ho he fet expressament, o sigui, conscientment pensant

And I have done it intentionally, that is, consciously thinking.

això és més natural.

this is more natural.

I una mica la cançó també va per aquí, i haver triat aquest lloc també va per aquí,

And a bit the song goes here too, and having chosen this place also goes here,

de reconnectar-nos amb això que hem tingut sempre al costat i que tenim al costat

to reconnect with that which we have always had beside us and which we have beside us.

i que a vegades s'oblida una mica.

and that sometimes one forgets a little.

I al final penso que moltes vegades l'art el que intenta és imitar la natura.

And in the end, I think that many times art tries to imitate nature.

Aquella emoció que sents veient aquell paisatge, això és el que has de perseguir, no?

That emotion you feel when seeing that landscape, that is what you have to pursue, right?

Sopa de Cabra em porta a la meva infància, adolescència, em porta a casa meva, al meu germà.

Sopa de Cabra takes me back to my childhood, adolescence, it brings me home, to my brother.

En aquesta adolescència jo vaig conèixer el Nacho i el Joan Soler d'aquí, del Bages,

In this adolescence, I met Nacho and Joan Soler from here, from Bages.

i no m'atreviria a dir que qualsevol proposta que m'haguessin,

and I wouldn't dare to say that any proposal they had made to me,

si ho hagués fet, hagués dit que sí, perquè no, evidentment la cançó m'havia d'agradar, no?

If I had done it, I would have said yes, because why not, obviously I had to like the song, right?

Però a sobre ha sigut com tot molt rodó.

But on top of that, it has been all very round.

La cançó, sense la lletra, ja la vaig trobar preciosa.

I found the song beautiful, even without the lyrics.

La lletra, l'hi he dit al Gerard, per mi, jo considero que és de les més boniques que has escrit mai,

The lyrics, I've told Gerard, for me, I consider it to be one of the most beautiful you have ever written.

i n'has escrit moltíssimes i de molt maques, però aquesta, no sé, la trobo preciosa,

and you have written a lot of very beautiful ones, but this one, I don't know, I find it lovely,

llavors és com, que guai, i que guai que quan el Paul em va dir

then it's like, how cool, and how cool that when Paul told me

busquem una masia que lligarà amb la temàtica de la cançó,

we are looking for a farmhouse that will tie in with the theme of the song,

trobéssim aquí, aquí a Can Casasalles, perquè és com que tot té sentit, no?

let's meet here, here at Can Casasalles, because it's as if everything makes sense, right?

I a vegades aquestes, jo crec que per mi, això que dèiem abans de,

And sometimes these, I think that for me, this that we were saying before about,

que és molt místic o molt hippie, d'aquesta cosa que no es pot explicar i aquesta màgia,

that is very mystic or very hippie, this thing that cannot be explained and this magic,

també és això, no? També és que tot hagi quadrat, que jo, bueno, que haguem pogut venir aquí avui,

It's also this, isn't it? It's also that everything has matched up, that I, well, that we could come here today.

aquí és un lloc on vaig venir perquè ens plantejàvem també que l'Alia vingués a estudiar aquí,

this is a place where I came because we were also considering that Alia would come to study here,

bueno, és com, quan...

well, it’s like, when...

Aquella sensació que sents que tot està bé, que està a lloc i que estàs on has d'estar, no?

That feeling you have when everything is fine, that it’s in its place and that you are where you need to be, right?

Tot encaixa sense forçar res.

Everything fits without forcing anything.

Sí, que no s'ha hagut de forçar i que tot ha sigut com natural i, mai millor dit, natural, no?

Yes, it shouldn't have been forced, and everything has been so natural, and, to put it better, natural, right?

En Josep va ser el primer que va pensar en tu, en la cançó, encara no l'havíem, diguéssim,

Joseph was the first to think of you, in the song, we didn't have it yet, let's say.

no havia fet ni la lletra i vaig dir, la veig, no?

I hadn't even written the letter and I said, I see it, right?

I la vaig anar a veure en un concert i l'hi vaig proposar.

I went to see her at a concert and proposed to her.

A l'hora de construir, és inevitable pensar en qui vas a fer-ho, no?

When it comes to building, it's impossible not to think about who you are going to do it with, right?

Saps? És, o sigui, és ella, és l'Avet, no?

You know? It’s, like, it’s her, it’s Avet, right?

Aleshores, tens una idea de com, no?, d'amb què he pogut connectar.

So, you have an idea of how, right? Of what I could have connected with.

I, de sobte, no sé, aquesta imatge, no?, del salt damunt la foguera la nit de Sant Joan.

I, suddenly, I don't know, this image, right?, of the leap over the bonfire on the night of Sant Joan.

I ara em deia, diu, és que el meu company es diu Joan i el meu fill també.

And now she was telling me, she says, it's just that my partner is named Joan and my son is also named Joan.

Bueno, el meu fill no es diu Joan, es diu Cai, però va néixer el dia de Sant Joan.

Well, my son is not called Joan, he is called Cai, but he was born on Saint John's Day.

Ah, això, va néixer el dia de Sant Joan.

Ah, that, was born on Saint John's day.

I aleshores, el dia de Sant Joan...

And then, on the day of Saint John...

Llavors, clar, la cançó encara ha agafat més, saps?

Then, of course, the song has gotten even more, you know?

Per ell és superespecial, és un dia que celebren moltes coses.

For him, it is super special, it's a day they celebrate many things.

I tant, sí, sí.

I certainly do, yes, yes.

I dic, uau, o sigui, jo no ho sabia, això.

I say, wow, I mean, I didn't know that.

Partint del punt del títol de la cançó, no?, el temps de cega.

Starting from the point of the song's title, right?, the time of the blind.

O sigui, per un costat hi ha el cicle de la natura, les estacions de l'any, que si vius al camp, les vius molt de prop.

That is to say, on one hand there is the cycle of nature, the seasons of the year, which if you live in the countryside, you experience very closely.

La ciutat es viu, però d'una altra manera.

The city is experienced, but in a different way.

I el punt productiu de les estacions i dels moments de sembra, de cegar, de tornar a llaurar.

And the productive point of the stations and the times of sowing, harvesting, and plowing again.

Això que diu en Josep, passat en el procés creatiu, a mi em fa preguntar-me, podem estar tots constantment...

What Josep says, in the creative process, makes me wonder, can we all be constantly...



Fèrtils, prolífics, o hi ha un temps per fer-ho, saps què vull dir?

Fertile, prolific, or there is a time to do it, you know what I mean?

De vegades estem forçant, i no ho sé, abans et deia, per fer la cançó, temps de cega, que hem fet,

Sometimes we are forcing it, and I don’t know, I used to tell you, to make the song, blinded time, that we have made,

a partir de la música que em va passar en Josep, i vaig fer com 36 o 37 lletres.

Based on the music that Josep sent me, I wrote about 36 or 37 lyrics.

Bueno, la cançó sola, jo abans li deia, la cançó quan me la vas passar també sense lletra,

Well, the song alone, I used to say before, the song when you sent it to me also without lyrics,

a mi em va flipar, o sigui, em va encantar, i l'anava escoltant, és curiós ficar-se una cançó en bucle sense lletra, no?,

I was blown away, I mean, I loved it, and I kept listening to it; it's curious to put a song on repeat without lyrics, right?

amb nananà o amb guachi guachi, que no sé, ben bé, però ja era molt potent, només la melodia,

with nananà or with guachi guachi, I don't know, really, but it was already very powerful, just the melody,

i ja tenia aquest pes, com de melancòfic.

And I already had this weight, sort of melancholic.

Com de melancolia, no?

Like melancholia, right?

I llavors la lletra que ha fet el Gerard m'agrada perquè hi ha la melancolia,

And then the lyrics that Gerard wrote appeal to me because there is melancholy in them.

però transformada en la part bonica de la melancolia, o sigui, hi ha esperança.

but transformed into the beautiful part of melancholy, that is, there is hope.

Precisament trobar el punt aquest que parlàvem del cicle natural va ser la solució,

Precisely finding this point that we were talking about regarding the natural cycle was the solution,

perquè vaig mirar en moltes direccions, però de sobte és temps de cega,

because I looked in many directions, but suddenly it is time for the blind,

que és temps de molta feina, cal recollir tot allò, però que és, diríem,

that it is a time of much work, we need to gather everything, but it is, we would say,

part d'una feina dura, no?, és el resultat de mesos de treball,

part of a hard job, right? it's the result of months of work,

que has estat primer sembrant, que deia en Josep, no?, regant, etc., mantenint tot allò,

that you have been first sowing, as Josep said, right?, watering, etc., maintaining all that,

i de sobte ha arribat aquell moment final en el qual hi ha una càrrega, que arrossegues, no?

And suddenly that final moment has arrived in which there is a burden that you carry, right?


Of course.

Però és com el colofó, aleshores va ser la solució de trobar aquesta sortida positiva, no?

But it's like the concluding part, then it was the solution to find this positive outcome, right?

És com que t'apropes ja al motiu de per què has sembrat, no?,

It's like you're getting closer to the reason why you've sown, right?

i si és temps de cega és perquè realment ha anat bé la collita, no?

And if it is time for blindfold, it is because the harvest has really gone well, right?



I tens coses que sembrar.

And you have things to plant.



O sigui, que cegar.

So, to blind.

Sí, que cegar, sí, sí.

Yes, to blind, yes, yes.

Que cegar per després tornar a sembrar, vull dir, és com...

That blinding to then re-sow, I mean, it's like...

A mi musicalment em passa molt sovint que el to que tenen les cançons és aquest punt com trist,

Musically, it often happens to me that the tone of the songs has this somewhat sad point.

però m'agrada, el punt trist de quan acaba de passar una tragèdia,

but I like it, the sad point of when a tragedy has just happened,

que alhora és el començament d'alguna altra cosa,

which at the same time is the beginning of something else,

i que tingui aquests dos punts sempre jo crec que ajuda,

and having these two points always helps, I believe,

perquè si no et quedaries allà dins del pou, no?

Because if not, you would stay there in the well, right?



I el dels cicles creatius, clar, jo tinc força separat el que és l'època en què composo

And regarding the creative cycles, of course, I tend to separate quite a bit the time when I compose.

i després l'època en què gravem o ho posem en comú.

and then the time when we record or share it.

En general se li barregen una mica i acaben moltes vegades acabant les lletres gairebé a l'estudi de gravació.

In general, they are mixed up a bit and often end up finishing the lyrics almost in the recording studio.

La veritat és que fas moltes coses i...

The truth is that you do many things and...

Clar, quan tens com més abanico de coses, no?, del ventall de...

Sure, when you have a wider range of things, right?, from the range of...



Sí, però me n'he adonat que només funciono quan faig moltes coses alhora.

Yes, but I've realized that I only function when I do many things at once.

Ah, ja.

Ah, already.

O que són com maneres de ser, no?

Oh, they are like ways of being, right?

Sí, sí, jo soc una mica així també, una mica.

Yes, yes, I am a bit like that too, a little.

Sí, i després resol, perquè he de resoldre, si no no es resoldria mai,

Yes, and then resolve, because I have to resolve, otherwise it would never be resolved.

s'allargaria el procés infinit.

the process would stretch out indefinitely.

Com que les dates, el deadline aquest et va de puta mare, no?, tu?

Since the dates, this deadline works great for you, right?



De tenir realment una data límit per entregar les coses i...

To really have a deadline for delivering things and...

I més una data límit i si hi ha una altra cosa que també t'està empenyent.

And plus a deadline and if there is something else that is also pushing you.

Que t'està esperant, no?

It's waiting for you, isn't it?

Perquè dius, he de canviar el foco ja, o sigui, això s'ha d'acabar.

Because you say, I have to change the focus now, I mean, this has to end.

Clar, clar.

Of course, of course.

Em passa amb tot, eh?, amb els llibres també.

It happens to me with everything, you know?, with books too.



No s'acabaria mai.

It would never end.



Així és temps de cega, però amb el quadrat.

That's it, it's blind time, but with the square.

Ve l'estiu, ja és temps de cega.

Summer is coming, it's time for the harvest.

De tallar el que vam sembrar.

To cut what we have sown.

De saltar fins a les tres.

To jump until three.

La nit de Sant Joan.

The night of Saint John.

Bueno, lo de viure al camp a mi em fa gràcia quan hi ha gent molt urbanita que li té com por, inclús.

Well, living in the countryside amuses me when there are very urban people who are even kind of afraid of it.

O sigui, anar pel bosc, pel bosc és perillós, i dic, no, no, és molt més perillós a la ciutat, no ho sé.

That is, going through the forest, the forest is dangerous, and I say, no, no, it is much more dangerous in the city, I don't know.

Però ho recordo una vegada, un de Barcelona, que em deia, tinc ganes d'anar a Barcelona i amurrar-me a un tub d'escapament.

But I remember one time, a guy from Barcelona, who told me, I feel like going to Barcelona and hugging an exhaust pipe.

I dius, però què dius, no?

And you say, but what are you saying, right?

vius, no? Bueno, perquè

You live, right? Well, because.

estàvem, això era la mili, perquè estàvem al mig

we were, this was the military service, because we were in the middle

de la muntanya. L'imaginari

from the mountain. The imaginary

de cadascú, clar, és com...

of each one, clearly, it's like...

De petit, el bosc pot ser

As a child, the forest can be

un lloc perillós. És on et deixen abandonats a Hansel

A dangerous place. It's where they leave you abandoned like Hansel.

i Gretel, on s'apareix el llop

In Gretel, the wolf appears.

o la caputxeta, no?

or Little Red Riding Hood, right?

Està ple de... És un lloc inquietant,

It is full of... It is an unsettling place,

no? Bueno, aquí també

No? Well, here too.

jo, per exemple, jo, com que soc

me, for example, me, since I am

de poble i m'he criat bastant

I am from a village and I've grown up quite a bit.

a pagès,

a farmer,

diguéssim, no? A prop de la

let's say, right? Near the

natura, jo en el meu cas

nature, in my case

tenia claríssim que volia

I was very clear about what I wanted.

ser mare, bueno, que seria

being a mother, well, what would it be

mare, tenia clar, i que volia que

mother, I was clear, and that I wanted that

els meus fills creixessin en un poble.

my children grew up in a village.

No tant que fos el meu,

Not so much that it was mine,

el que jo havia, però sí que

what I had, but yes

tinguessin aquesta connexió amb

they had this connection with

la natura, no? Perquè això que dius,

nature, right? Because what you say,

des de petits, en realitat,

since we were kids, really,

doncs, els nens

so, the children

no... Si han crescut, no?

No... If they have grown, right?

A prop de la natura i a prop del

Close to nature and close to the

bosc, no només no li tenen por,

forest, not only are they not afraid of it,

sinó que és que, o sigui,

but it is that, I mean,

és el seu hàbitat. Jo crec

it's its habitat. I believe.

que portes un

what are you wearing a

nen al bosc o a la platja

boy in the woods or at the beach

o a prop de... i

or near... and

realment estan, doncs això,

they really are, well this,

menys estressats,

less stressed,

és un aprenentatge continu amb totes les

it's a continuous learning with all the

coses que veuen, no? Tots els estímuls,

things that they see, right? All the stimuli,

vull dir... Sí, segur que hi ha més comprensió de la vida,

I mean... Yes, there is surely more understanding of life,

no? Perquè al final, bueno,

no? Because in the end, well,

hi ha aquells casos, no?,

there are those cases, right?

que es pensa que els espaguetis creixen en un arbre

What does he/she think, that spaghetti grows on a tree?

o de

or of

a casa de colònies que els diuen dibuixeu un pollastre

At the summer camp they say draw a chicken.

i dibuixen un pollastre a l'as,

and they draw a chicken on the ace,

perquè no han vist un pollastre o no,

because they haven't seen a chicken or not,

formen part, tots els pollastres que han vist

they are part of, all the chickens that have been seen

estaven allà per menjar

they were there to eat

i a la rostisseria, no?

And at the rotisserie, right?

Sí, és veritat.

Yes, it is true.

Fa pensar

Makes you think

que això ja és una tria

that this is already a choice

de vida, per part teva, per exemple.

of life, on your part, for example.

O sigui que

So that means

tu decideixes aquest pas,

you decide this step,

ser mare i primar

being a mother and prioritizing

allò com vius perquè aquest fet

what you live because of this fact

de ser mare sigui

to be a mother is

satisfactori per tu i pels teus fills.

satisfactory for you and your children.

Totalment, totalment. En el meu cas era

Totally, totally. In my case it was



Decidit i volgut, no?

Decided and wanted, right?

En canvi, en el nostre món, en el nostre sector,

On the other hand, in our world, in our sector,



cultural, em refereixo

cultural, I mean

perquè he conegut actrius,

because I have known actresses,

però també gent en el món de la música

but also people in the music world

que decideix posposar això, no?

that decides to postpone this, right?



Saps què vull dir? Per la carrera.

Do you know what I mean? For the race.

Per prioritzar, sí. Per la professió, no?

To prioritize, yes. For the profession, no?

Aleshores, una decisió com aquesta

Then, a decision like this

de dir, doncs jo me'n vaig al camp,

so I'm going to the countryside,

que saps que és apartar-te. A la ciutat

that you know what it is to distance yourself. In the city

és on et passen les coses, on tens

it's where things happen to you, where you have

els contactes, on hi ha

the contacts, where there are

activitats culturals que pleguen gent,

cultural activities that bring people together,

on passen moltes coses, no?

A lot of things happen, right?

I després, per altra banda,

And then, on the other hand,

doncs això, primar, doncs

so this, to prioritize, then

ara potser m'aturo X temps

Now maybe I will stop for X time.

perquè estic... perquè la maternitat

because I am... because motherhood

m'ocupa aquest temps, per de banda.

This takes up my time, on the side.



Amb els homes és una mica

With men, it's a bit

diferent. I això em fa pensar

different. And this makes me think.



Clar, els tios durant molt temps hem tingut

Of course, guys have had for a long time.

molta més possibilitat

much more possibility

d'estar absents de casa,

of being away from home,

saps què vull dir? I nosaltres,

Do you know what I mean? And us,

encara formem part d'una generació

we still belong to a generation

que era... Sí, que ni t'ho plantejaves.

that was... Yes, that you didn't even consider.

Que era exactament així, ni t'ho plantejaves.

That was exactly how it was, you didn't even think about it.

Que estiguessis fent una cosa, bueno, ja no dic

That you were doing something, well, I won't say more.

dolenta, però vull dir, o mal...

bad, but I mean, or wrong...

Que no estaves al lloc on potser et tocava estar, no?

You weren't in the place where you were perhaps meant to be, right?

Exacte. Per si havies set pare.

Exactly. Just in case you were set, father.

I jo, que tinc la família

And I, who have the family

a les illes i l'activitat

to the islands and the activity

aquí, de vegades passes un mes

here, sometimes you spend a month

que no tornes...

that you don't come back...

De vegades ho he viscut amb certa angoixa, no?

Sometimes I have experienced it with a certain anxiety, haven't I?

De dir... Sobretot quan

To say... Especially when

aquí hi ha una pausa. Tens concerts,

here is a pause. You have concerts,

tens dos dies o un dia i mig,

you have two days or a day and a half,

que no fas res. I et sents fora

you do nothing. And you feel outside.

de lloc absolutament, no?

of absolutely no place, right?

Sí, jo crec que aquí, bueno,

Yes, I think that here, well,

és que són uns temazos aquí

It's just that they are some great tracks here.

que, Déu-n'hi-do,

well, goodness,

jo crec que, o sigui, tant el fet de...

I believe that, like, both the fact of...

com de...

as of...

Bueno, del paper de la dona

Well, about the role of women.

tant a la criança

both in upbringing

com al món de la música i això...

like in the world of music and that...

Jo estic una mica...

I am a little...

No em fa dada,

I'm not afraid.

però sí que crec

but I do believe

que és important

that is important

reivindicar-ho molt,

claiming it a lot,

que s'ha fet molta feina

that a lot of work has been done

i és veritat que no estem

And it is true that we are not

on estàvem fa uns anys

Where were we a few years ago?

i hi ha hagut un canvi molt gran

And there has been a very big change.

i jo això amb els meus fills ho penso,

I think about this with my children,

de dir, vale, doncs, la figura que ells tindran,

to say, okay, then, the figure they will have,

la imatge d'allò de la presència del pare

the image of the presence of the father

ja no té res a veure amb la que vam tenir nosaltres,

it no longer has anything to do with the one we had.



Però encara continua venint

But it still keeps coming.



de no conformar-nos, no? També de dir

not to settle, right? Also to say

ostres, pues vale, hem fet molta feina

Wow, well okay, we've done a lot of work.

però en queda moltíssima per fer.

but there is still a lot to be done.

I amb el que deies de la música,

And with what you said about the music,

també és veritat que...

it is also true that...

que sí, hi ha moltes propostes

Yes, there are many proposals.

però també durant molt temps, això, no?

but also for a long time, this, right?

És com que només per ser una noia

It's like just for being a girl.

ja és igual

it doesn't matter anymore

l'estil o la proposta

the style or the proposal

que està encasellada

that is classified

en el grup de noia, no?

In the girls' group, right?

La quota.

The fee.

Sí, la quota i...

Yes, the fee and...

Com ens passava abans amb el català,

As it used to happen to us before with Catalan,

que anàvem a una botiga de discos i estàvem

that we were going to a record store and we were

a la cubeta del català i dèiem,

in the bucket of Catalan we said,

però per què no estem amb el rock?

But why aren't we with rock?

Clar, exacte.

Of course, exactly.

És una bona comparació.

It's a good comparison.

Sí, sí, de dir, vale, pues...

Yes, yes, to say, okay, well...

Però anem a matitzar com es matitza

But let's clarify how it is clarified.

amb un home, no?

with a man, right?

Jo a vegades penso, quan vam començar nosaltres,

I sometimes think, when did we start.

que era molt difícil trobar una dona

that it was very difficult to find a woman

en el nostre àmbit del rock català.

in our field of Catalan rock.

Hi havia la Montse Lleràs, amb els bars...

There was Montse Lleràs, with the bars...

Les llufes, dels Pets.

The eels, by Els Pets.

Les llufes...

The lupins...

Després va sortir la...

Then the... came out.

Els Utòpics, la...

The Utopians, the...

La Maria dels Utòpics, no?

The Maria of the Utopians, right?

Hi havia hagut a Doble Buble, la cantant, també, però...

There had been at Doble Buble, the singer, too, but...

I a Sant Traït hi havia també una noia, no?

And there was also a girl in Sant Traït, right?

Sí, la Lupe.

Yes, Lupe.

La Lupe, sí.

La Lupe, yes.

Però és això.

But that's it.

Es podien comptar amb una mà o dos, no?

They could be counted on one hand or two, right?



I després, com ha canviat ara l'escena, no?

And then, how the scene has changed now, right?

Com gairebé és...

As it almost is...

El que més es veu, ara,

What is most visible now,

són les propostes femenines, molt sovint.

they are the female proposals, very often.



Que són molt singulars,

That they are very singular,

s'aparten una mica de les tendències i corrents, dels estils,

they move away a little from trends and currents, styles,

i són molt de...

and they are very much of...

No diria d'autor, no?

I wouldn't say it's by an author, would I?

Però sí que tenen un segell propi molt fort, no?

But they do have a very strong own stamp, right?

Jo encara trobo que

I still find that

quan mires...

when you look...

Però ara, eh? El 2024, els cartells de festivals i això...

But now, eh? In 2024, the festival posters and that...

Home, hi ha noies, però la gran majoria

At home, there are girls, but the vast majority

de presència de bandes és masculina.

the presence of bands is male.

Avui, sense anar més lluny,

Today, without going any further,

estem un equip aquí de, no sé, 12 persones,

we are a team here of, I don’t know, 12 people,

i sóc l'única dona, no?

I am the only woman, right?



I no... Vull dir que no passa res, però...

And no... I mean, it’s fine, but...

Però també hi ha tècniques de so i realitzadores

But there are also sound techniques and filmmakers.

i músics i músiques, o no sé, ben bé com...

and musicians, or I don't know, just how...

I managers i femenines i...

The managers and women and...

Sí. Llavors és com que...

Yes. Then it's like...

Que, bueno, que està bé ser-ne conscient, no?

Well, it's good to be aware of it, right?



Anar-ne sent conscient per anar-ho corregint.

To go while being aware in order to correct it.


I find.

Per anar... I a vegades fa ràbia

To go... And sometimes it makes me angry.

haver-ho de forçar, perquè el que deies de la quota...

having to force it, because what you were saying about the quota...

Ah, sí...

Ah, yes...

Fa ràbia, però, bueno,

It’s infuriating, but, well,

si s'ha de forçar, però almenys d'aquesta manera

if it has to be forced, at least in this way

passa, doncs és una manera

go ahead, it's a way

de començar, no? És com quan es posa de moda

It starts, right? It's like when it becomes fashionable.

una cosa, però que...

one thing, but...

Que és debut de mare i que és genial

What is a mother's debut and that is great.

i dius, ja, és una moda, ja, bueno,

and you say, yeah, it's a trend, yeah, well,

benvinguda sigui aquesta moda, no?

Welcome this trend, right?

Vull dir... El feminisme, jo crec

I mean... Feminism, I believe.

que també està vivint un moment de...

that is also experiencing a moment of...

Que es pot... Que hi ha molt

What can be... That there is a lot.

marketing, no?, darrere, i que també està de moda.

marketing, right?, behind, and that is also in fashion.

Està de moda, el feminisme. És així.

Feminism is in fashion. That's how it is.

Però, clar, benvingut sigui aquesta moda, no?

But, of course, welcome this trend, right?

Hem cridat l'atenció...

We have called attention...

Jo no sé si seré políticament correcte, però...

I don't know if I will be politically correct, but...

Que estem en un moment d'empoderament, no?

That we are in a moment of empowerment, right?

La dona s'ha...

The woman has...

S'ha fet...

It has been done...

M'estressa de molts escenaris, no?

It stresses me out in many scenarios, doesn't it?

Tenim molts casos molt destacables

We have many remarkable cases.

en molts camps, no?

in many fields, right?

Des d'estilístics

From stylistics

fins a comercials,

up to commercial,

per tant, no? Però mai he vist

so, not? But I have never seen

la dona...

the woman...

Feia anys que no veia la dona tan cosificada

It had been years since I had seen a woman so objectified.

damunt d'un escenari.

on top of a stage.

Totalment d'acord. I això em peta una mica

Totally agree. And that freaks me out a bit.

el cap, a vegades. A mi totalment d'acord.

The head, sometimes. I totally agree.

I és una conversa aquesta que...

And it is a conversation that...

Que em costa trobar...

It's hard for me to find...

Potser és generacional, i potser per aquí

It might be generational, and maybe it's because of that.

també estem més d'acord perquè estic més

we also agree more because I am more

a prop vostre que de la...

near you that of the...

Ara, gent molt jove amb moltes propostes, però jo també

Now, very young people with many proposals, but I also.

a mi m'explota el cap que

my head is exploding that

sota la cosa de la llibertat,

under the matter of freedom,

no? Que, evidentment, la tia és

No? That, obviously, the aunt is.

lliure de posar-se en tanga

free to wear a thong

damunt l'escenari, evidentment,

on the stage, obviously,

però crec que...

but I think that...

O sigui, que és això...

So, what is this...

Fas l'exercici de dir, digue'm,

You do the exercise of saying, tell me,

un artista dona, compli estadis,

a female artist, fulfills expectations,

no? Per exemple, per nans a Nadal de tot,

No? For example, for dwarfs at Christmas of everything,

el que dèiem abans, la Beyoncé, o...

what we were saying before, Beyoncé, or...

Que no estigui sexualitzada, no?

That it isn't sexualized, right?

Exacte. No n'hi ha ni una.

Exactly. There isn't even one.

O sigui, llavors és com...

So, then it's like...

L'estètic mola molt, i està bé, però que no

The aesthetic is really cool, and it's fine, but not that.

vagi en detriment

go at the expense

de la qualitat

of the quality

musical o de... No ho sé.

musical or... I don't know.

A mi em causa molt

It affects me a lot.

de rebuig, en general, la cosificació de la dona,

generally rejecting the objectification of women,

i realment és com una

and it's really like a



del moviment hippie,

of the hippie movement,

de lliurement.

of delivery.

No sé com, de cop, es va

I don't know how, suddenly, it goes.


to convert

en la dona més lliure,

in the freest woman,

però, com...

but, how...

Però també t'he de dir que va haver-hi

But I also have to tell you that there was

un moment, un dia, que vaig pensar

a moment, a day, when I thought

imagina't, o sigui,

imagine, I mean,

que també pot haver-hi una mica d'empoderament

that there can also be a bit of empowerment

de dir, és que estic molt bona,

To say, is that I look very good,

i ho llueixo. O sigui,

and I wear it. I mean,

va haver-hi un dia, vaig pensar,

there was a day, I thought,

hòstia, potser si estigués molt bona,

wow, maybe if she were very attractive,

potser també

maybe also


I would like.



Sóc així...

I am like this...

És a dir, jo en realitat ho estic dient,

That is to say, I am actually saying it,

jo abans de venir aquí m'he maquillat i m'he planxat el cabell

Before coming here, I put on makeup and straightened my hair.

i m'agrada agradar,

I like to please.

i m'agrada la bellesa, i m'agrada

I like beauty, and I like it.

que la gent ho tingui en compte

that people take it into account

la part estètica quan va veure...

the aesthetic part when he saw...

Perquè al final estàs en un escenari, és un aparador

Because in the end, you are on a stage, it's a showcase.

i no només t'escolten, sinó que et veuen

And they not only listen to you, but they see you too.

i, doncs, està bé.

And, well, it's fine.

Però, clar, a que sigui com

But, of course, it has to be like

hi ha més objecte sexual...

there is more sexual object...

No objecte sexual, però vull dir com hi ha aquesta

No sexual object, but I mean how there is this.



de la mirada masculina, no?

from the male gaze, right?

Que al final és...

That in the end is...

Aquesta conversa amb gent a vegades

This conversation with people sometimes

et diu, és que la mirada masculina l'hi estàs posant

It tells you that you are giving it the male gaze.

tu. Ella, en realitat, potser no l'hi estàs posant tu.

You. She, in reality, maybe you are not putting it on her.

L'hi estàs posant. I va més per on vas tu.

You're putting it on him/her. And it's going more where you're going.

Aquí és on em costa

Here is where it is difficult for me.

acabar de saber

just found out

cap on te va una cosa o l'altra.

neither one thing nor the other fits you.

El que sí que...

What indeed...

I no sé si és per pagar un deute

I don't know if it's to pay a debt.

que tenim amb vosaltres, aquesta vegada estem

that we have with you, this time we are

convidant a moltes dones

inviting many women

a col·laborar amb nosaltres. Incluso els homes

to collaborate with us. Even the men

que convidem tindrien

that we would invite

aquesta sensibilitat que

this sensitivity that

podries dir és una dona

you could say she is a woman

o segurament

or probably

en molt de casos els músics

in many cases the musicians

o els artistes

or the artists

passa que tenim aquest punt

The fact is that we have this point.

de connectar més fàcilment

to connect more easily

amb les emocions

with the emotions

que tradicionalment també

that traditionally also



Se'ns atribueix i que també

We are attributed and also that.

s'ha de desmuntar perquè al final

it has to be dismantled because in the end

sí que és veritat que

it is indeed true that

la sensibilitat se li atribueix

sensitivity is attributed to him/her

a la dona però quan tens... Jo, per exemple,

to the woman but when you have... Me, for example,

tinc una nena i tinc un nen. Bé, ara tinc dues nenes

I have a girl and I have a boy. Well, now I have two girls.

i un nen. Em sembla que dels tres

and a boy. It seems to me that of the three

de molt... La petita és molt petita però

too much... The little one is very small but

el més sensible és el nen, en el meu cas.

The most sensitive is the child, in my case.

És el cai, el més sensible.

It's the cai, the most sensitive one.

I que, bueno, és

And that, well, is

un temazo, eh?

a great track, huh?

A casa passa igual.

It happens the same at home.

La meva filla és més...

My daughter is more...

Bueno, ara, Hanna,

Well, now, Hanna,

no t'ho prenguis malament, però és més cavallot

Don't take it the wrong way, but it's more of a stallion.

i el meu fill és

and my son is

impersensible, no? Aleshores et fa pensar.

Impersonal, doesn't it? Then it makes you think.

A mi sempre m'havien dit

They had always told me.

són més fàcils les nenes, no?, quan tens fills

Girls are easier, aren't they?, when you have children?

i no és cert,

and it is not true,

almenys en el meu cas.

at least in my case.

Ja, en el teu cas sí.

Yes, in your case it is.

Sí? Sí, sí, perquè és

Yes? Yes, yes, because it is

tan perfeccionista que

so perfectionist that

sempre he volgut ser

I have always wanted to be.

bona, no?

Good, isn't it?

I sempre he volgut fer-ho tot bé,

I have always wanted to do everything right.

amb la qual cosa

with which

si té un problema és d'aquest altre,

if it has a problem it is with this other one,

que potser quan s'equivoca

that perhaps when one makes a mistake

o quan la critiques no s'ho agafa bé,

or when the criticism doesn't sit well with them,

però, clar, ell és tan

but, of course, he is so

de voler-ho fer bé tot que

to want to do everything well that

a mi l'altre sempre ha sigut...

for me the other has always been...

No va aprendre a caminar,

He did not learn to walk,

va aprendre a córrer.

he learned to run.

No, és que és veritat. A tope.

No, it's just that it's true. Totally.

Anava corrent i amb els genolls pelats.

I was running with scraped knees.

L'amor és un secret

Love is a secret.

que no es pot guardar

that cannot be kept

Només vull creure

I only want to believe.

allò que puc cantar

that which I can sing

Dóna'm la mà

Give me your hand.

Fa 21 anys

21 years ago

quan vaig sortir de la universitat

when I graduated from university

del programa de televisió

from the television program

va durar poc, però em perseguien els paparazzis

It lasted little, but I was being chased by the paparazzi.

i jo, evidentment,

and me, of course,

no volia explicar res

I didn't want to explain anything.

de la meva vida personal

of my personal life

i ara sóc jo que ho explico.

And now it's me who is explaining it.

Tu estaves allà al foco, absolutament.

You were there at the center, absolutely.

Ho vaig viure com...

I lived it as...

Jo tenia molt, i continuo tenint,

I had a lot, and I still have.

bastant rebuig per tota la premsa del cor

quite a bit of rejection from all the gossip press

que volia saber

what I wanted to know

les meves relacions personals,

my personal relationships,

on vivia i tal, i era com

where I lived and such, and it was like

no, no, no, i ara, no només jo,

no, no, no, and now, not just me,

som els famosos

we are the famous ones

per dir-ho d'alguna manera, no?,

to put it somehow, right?

que ja els hi donem la feina feta,

that we already do the work for them,

és el que deies tu,

it's what you said,

les revistes o els mitjans

the magazines or the media

al final estan farcits de captures

in the end they are stuffed with captures

dels propis perfils d'Instagram

from their own Instagram profiles

dels artistes o dels actors

of the artists or of the actors

que som nosaltres qui ho oferim, no?

that we are the ones who offer it, right?

I és com...

And it's like...

Jo soc l'extremament contrari.

I am the extremely opposite.

No tens xarxes.

You don't have networks.

No tinc xarxes, ho vaig decidir

I don't have networks, I decided that.

ja fa 10, 15 anys o 20, no me'n recordo quant.

It's been 10, 15, or 20 years, I don't remember how long.

Vaig trobar que donava molta feina

I found that it was a lot of work.

a haver d'estar...

to have to be...

És cert.

It is true.

I només si estava el dissabte,

And only if I was there on Saturday,

dedicava una hora,

I dedicated an hour,

després vaig veure que eren dues

then I saw that they were two

i vaig dir, per què he de dedicar

I said, why do I have to dedicate.

cada dissabte dues hores a això?

Every Saturday two hours for this?

Ja no cada dia, eh?

Not every day anymore, huh?

I vaig dir, no, no, no vull saber res.

I said, no, no, I don't want to know anything.

Però, a més a més, tampoc m'agrada massa

But, in addition, I don't really like it much either.

l'exposició pública, no m'agrada mai.

I never like public exposure.

En una entrevista vaig dir que era tímid.

In an interview, I said that I was shy.

No, el que soc és vergonyós, no soc tímid.

No, what I am is shameful, I am not shy.

Perquè, o sigui,

Because, I mean,

m'agrada parlar amb la gent,

I like talking to people,

però vergonyós, si em fa...

but shameful, it makes me...

No trobo que sigui interessant res

I don't find anything interesting.

a part de les cançons que pugui fer.

apart from the songs I can make.



Ni tan sols el que explico,

Not even what I explain,

o qui soc.

Oh who am I.

No soc ni millor ni pitjor que un altre.

I am neither better nor worse than another.

No, però segur que hi ha molta gent

No, but I'm sure there are a lot of people.

que troba a faltar.

that he/she misses.

Que el Josep Tió no tingui una...

May Josep Tió not have a...

Segur, segur que sí, eh?

Sure, sure it is, right?

Bueno, però es distreuen amb una altra.

Well, but they get distracted with another one.

Jo me'n recordo molt d'una conferència

I remember a conference very well.

que vaig anar una vegada a Girona,

that I once went to Girona,

que organitzava l'Universitat de Girona,

that was organized by the University of Girona,

i venia gent a fer com...

and people used to come to do like...

conferències magistrals.

keynote speeches.

I va venir Agustín García Calvo,

Agustín García Calvo came.

un escriptor de la meseta,

a writer from the plateau,

així, amb un projecte editorial propi,

thus, with our own publishing project,

molt apartat de la indústria, diguéssim,

far removed from the industry, let's say,

més gran, no?

bigger, right?

I venia a fer una xerrada

I came to give a talk.

sobre els sonets de Shakespeare.

About Shakespeare's sonnets.

I em recordo que estava al costat

I remember that I was next to.

de la Maria Mercè Roca,

of Maria Mercè Roca,

i de sobte aquest senyor diu

And suddenly this gentleman says.

«Buenas noches,

"Good night,"

a mi Shakespeare m'importa una mierda».

"I couldn't care less about Shakespeare."

I tots...

And everyone...

Tothom dient tal.

Everyone saying such.

I com dient...

And as saying...

M'importa si ho va escriure ell,

I don't care if he wrote it,

no m'importa si ho va fer per un home o una dona,

I don't care if he did it for a man or a woman,

perquè deien que potser els sonets

because they said that perhaps the sonnets

tenien un destinatari

they had a recipient

que era una roació homosexual, no?

that it was a homosexual mess, right?

Si tal, diu, jo el que vull és

If so, he says, what I want is

analitzar els sonets, mirar els sonets,

analyze the sonnets, look at the sonnets,

no m'importa de qui són,

I don't care whose they are,

la obra és el més important, no?

The work is the most important, right?

I de sobte, quan ho traslladem

And suddenly, when we transfer it

a aquest altre espai,

to this other space,

me n'adono que cada cop està agafant més protagonisme

I realize that it is gaining more and more prominence.

el personatge,

the character,

més que l'obra, no?

more than the work, right?

Perquè de vegades quasi no hi ha obra,

Because sometimes there is hardly any work,

o darrere, de gent que

or behind, of people who

està absolutament amb el focus,

is absolutely on point,

amb l'aparador constantment,

with the showcase constantly,

i l'obra és molt poca,

and the work is very little,

fins i tot hi ha molt poca trajectòria,

there is even very little trajectory,

però hi ha molts nòvios que canvien,

but there are many boyfriends that change,

o nòvies, o...

or girlfriends, or...

I això dona molt de substància,

And this gives a lot of substance,

i suposo que té molta audiència,

and I suppose it has a large audience,

i per això dic que potser ve de les xarxes.

And that's why I say it may come from social networks.

O sigui, la cosa aquesta que estem,

So, this thing we are in,

jo m'incloc molt enganxats

I include myself very much stuck.

a aquest aparell, no?, i a tot,

to this device, right?, and to everything,

i jo hi ha molts moments que admiro molt

And I have many moments that I admire a lot.

a la gent que pot passar d'això totalment,

to the people who can totally move past this,

i de fet,

and in fact,

jo també necessito de vegades

I also need sometimes.

aquesta desconnexió,

this disconnection,

però bueno, té coses bones, també.

But well, it has good things too.

Sapiguer-se quedar només amb les bones,

Knowing how to keep only the good things,

estar allà...

to be there...

Jo em vaig sortir escaldat,

I came out burned.

i em vaig adonar que no sóc el que la gent espera que sigui,

and I realized that I am not what people expect me to be,

i que no...

and that not...

I que reps per totes bandes, no?

And you receive from all sides, don't you?

Que no responga un mot, sí.

Let him not say a word, yes.

La meva dona és castellano parlant,

My wife is a Spanish speaker.

per tant, la llengua materna dels meus fills és el castellà...

therefore, my children's mother tongue is Spanish...

Ah, sí, quan el convidat...

Ah, yes, when the guest...

Clar, tot això va ser allà un replegament absolut,

Sure, all of this was an absolute retreat there,

i sobretot,

and above all,

per mi estava més o menys acostumat,

for me, I was more or less used to it,

ja ens havíem fotut clatellots

we had already knocked ourselves out

amb el disc en castellà, etcètera, etcètera,

with the disc in Spanish, etcetera, etcetera,

però veure l'efecte que va tenir sobre els meus fills

but to see the effect it had on my children

i la meva dona...

and my wife...

Els meus fills, el demà matí, quan van anar al col·legi,

My children, tomorrow morning, when they went to school,

i eren petits, que tenien

and they were small, what they had

cinc i sis anys, o set,

five and six years, or seven,

i estava tot a l'escola

I was at school all the time.

esperant-los, aplaudint,

waiting for them, applauding,

com diem,

how do we say,

per fer-los costat...

to be there for them...

No, per fer-los costat,

No, to support them,

perquè a les xarxes va haver-hi un linxament,

because there was a lynching on social media,

fins i tot feien apostes de quants...

they even made bets on how many...

Cops me n'anava al llit amb la meva fillastre.

Sometimes I would go to bed with my stepson.

Ui, mare meva!

Oh, my goodness!

O sigui, saps allò de la...

So, you know about the...



Bueno, és que és com aquesta cosa gratuïta, no?,

Well, it's like this free thing, right?

de que tot s'hi val i...

that anything goes and...

És com, anem a disseccionar-lo per mil costats, no?

It's like, let's dissect it from a thousand angles, right?



I de sobte, el que penjo a les xarxes són pensaments

And suddenly, what I post on social media are thoughts.

o imatges

or images

que penso que faig amb la càmera,

that I think I do with the camera,

que poden... puc compartir i comunicar amb bellesa,

that can... I can share and communicate with beauty,

o coses professionals.

or professional things.

Però no han tornat a sortir mai enlloc,

But they have never come out anywhere again,

en aquest sentit, no?

in this sense, right?

Em va provocar una certa alarma.

It caused me a certain alarm.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

T'has de protegir, també.

You have to protect yourself, too.

Una espècie encantadora, els humans.

A charming species, humans.

El temps de cega podria ser la gira, també.

The blind time could be the tour, too.

O sigui, ho dic perquè la...

I mean, I'm saying this because the...

En general, l'altre dia,

In general, the other day,

estàvem a una xerrada sobre el tema de l'Estatut de l'Artista

we were at a talk about the topic of the Artist Statute

i hi havia la secretària...

and there was the secretary...

la subsecretària de Cultura de l'Estat

the Deputy Secretary of Culture of the State

i es parlava de l'alta, com sempre.

And they talked about the raise, as always.

A mi, això m'agrada.

I like this.

Em crida molt l'atenció, no?,

It catches my attention a lot, doesn't it?

de quan ens donem d'alta, el dia del concert...

from when we check in, the day of the concert...

Jo dic, i quan ens donen d'alta

I say, when do they discharge us?

quan estem composant, o assajant,

when we are composing, or rehearsing,

o fent promoció, o gravant?

or promoting, or recording?

No es considera que estiguem treballant.

It is not considered that we are working.

El treball només són les dues hores a l'escenari, no?

The work is only the two hours on stage, right?

I seria com entendre que a la cega

It would be like understanding blindly.

tot ha sortit sol i dius, va, recull-ho.

Everything has turned out fine and you say, come on, clean it up.

No, hi ha tot un procés

No, there is a whole process.

que, si no l'has fet, és impossible cegar.

that, if you haven't done it, it's impossible to blind.

Fer música

Make music

sempre sembla que sigui una cosa molt intel·lectual.

It always seems to be something very intellectual.

Però, alhora,

But, at the same time,

és una cosa molt física.

It's a very physical thing.

Tocar un instrument,

Play an instrument,

la veu,

the voice,

plasmar-ho en un format...

express it in a format...

I en aquest aspecte,

And in this aspect,

també trobo que té a veure

I also find that it has to do with

amb el temps de cega,

with the time of the blind,

amb els cicles

with the cycles

i la materialitat de les coses.

and the materiality of things.

O sigui, per ser músic,

That is, to be a musician,

has de practicar,

you have to practice,

has d'assajar...

you have to rehearse...

I guai, com un futbolista,

And cool, like a football player,

has de tenir les coses clares,

you have to be clear about things,

has de saber,

you must know,

has de saber com van.

You need to know how they are going.

Per gravar una cançó has de saber com l'has de fer,

To record a song, you need to know how to do it.

has de practicar-la,

you have to practice it,

has de tenir-la interioritzada...

you need to have it internalized...

O sigui, hi ha una part molt física

So, there is a very physical part.

que crec que és important.

that I think is important.

Sobretot, a mi, com a cantant,

Above all, to me, as a singer,

i com a cantant que

and as a singer who

he estudiat cant molt poc,

I have studied singing very little,

també tenia aquesta cosa interna

it also had this internal thing

de sentir-me

of feeling me

com impostora, també,

as an impostor, too,

perquè no ho he estudiat o perquè no tinc la carrera

because I haven't studied it or because I don't have the degree

de música o d'això, no? I llavors, amb el temps,

of music or of this, right? And then, with time,

valores una mica el que dius tu de dir

you value a little what you say to say

que hi ha molta feina darrere, que també l'he fet,

that there is a lot of work behind it, which I have also done,

i que no és...

and that it is not...

Bueno, un do, no?

Well, a gift, right?

Potser tinc la sort de que...

Maybe I am lucky that...

Però, bueno, no sé com dir-ho.

But, well, I don't know how to say it.

S'ha de ser constant.

One must be persistent.

Tu, per la lletra, dius que vas haver de fer

You, by the letter, say that you had to do.

no sé quantes fins a arribar a aquesta lletra.

I don't know how many until I get to this letter.

Sí, que hi havia 38, una cosa així.

Yes, there were 38, something like that.

Clar, que no és venga, va.

Of course, it's not for sale, come on.

I que és boli i paper.

And what is pen and paper?

O sigui, torna a haver-hi matèria.

That is to say, there is matter again.

Sí, sí, boli i paper, llibreta.

Yes, yes, pen and paper, notebook.

A mi, la meva mare encara em diu,

My mother still tells me,

encara no està segur

still not sure

que el que jo tingui és una feina, saps?

What I have is a job, you know?

Però, saps?

But, you know?

I com ho faràs? Podràs estar tota la vida

And how will you do it? Will you be able to be there your whole life?

donant salts i...

giving salts and...

O sigui, per ella, jo havia d'haver agafat una feina.

That is to say, for her, I should have gotten a job.

El que he fet, ella no ho pot

What I have done, she cannot.

encaixar enlloc, no?

it doesn't fit anywhere, does it?

Perquè pensa que és

Because he/she thinks it is.

temerari, que no tindré seguretat

reckless, that I will not have security

en res, que no...

in nothing, that no...

Aleshores, bueno...

Well then...

El meu pare, a mi també, a vegades

My father, me too, sometimes.

és com que diu que li preocupa, és això i això,

it's like he says he's worried about this and this,

que em paguen bé, o... No?

that they pay me well, or... No?

Aquesta feina, i penses, no, però pregunta'm com...

This job, and you think, no, but ask me how...

Si soc fòlix fent això, no?

If I'm foolish doing this, right?

Però ell vol que estiguis segura...

But he wants you to be sure...

Exacte, com que l'estabilitat

Exactly, as stability

no t'entolli, no? Exacte, no?

You don't get in the way, do you? Exactly, right?

Quan en Nacho

When Nacho

ens ensenyava tot això,

he taught us all this,

ells no sabien on anirien a parar.

They didn't know where they would end up.

O sigui, que explicava

That is, I was explaining

que es van posar en aquest cristo

what they put on this christ

i al final van decidir

and in the end they decided

que era un projecte d'aprenentatge, no?

that it was a learning project, right?

En el qual

In which

cada pas i cada decisió cada dia

every step and every decision every day

serviria per aprendre, més que per anar...

it would serve to learn, more than to go...

A algun lloc concret.

To a specific place.

A algun lloc amb un objectiu, no?

Somewhere with a goal, right?

Que és una mica una cosa com...

It's kind of a thing like...

Ens han educat i format, també, no?

They have taught and formed us, haven't they?

Tenir un pla i un objectiu i aconseguir-ho i...

Having a plan and a goal and achieving it and...

Per després crear-ne un altre, perquè és...

To then create another one, because it is...

Aleshores, jo crec que

Then, I believe that



Si conservem aquesta ingenuïtat,

If we keep this naivety,

aquesta mena d'innocència,

this kind of innocence,

poder ser

to be able to

uns nens que de sobte assumien

some children who suddenly assumed

que aixecaran una construcció

that they will raise a construction

amb les seves mans i que faran venir

with their hands and will make come

persones aquí que col·laborin...

people here who collaborate...

Si penses, no ho fas.

If you think, you don't do it.

Com els nens que juguen

Like the children who play.

i no es plantegen

and they do not consider

com jugaran.

how they will play.

No planifiquen com jugaran, sinó que, pum,

They don't plan how they'll play, but rather, boom,

o dibuixant o jugant

either drawing or playing

i comencen a fer aquesta

and they start to do this

imaginació desbordant.

overflowing imagination.

El punt del joc, i també ho diu

The point of the game, and it also says so.

si Rubin o en Jeff Tweedy o qui ho diu,

if Rubin or Jeff Tweedy or whoever says it,

aquest punt de conservar aquest

this point of preserving this

esperit infantil de jugar

childlike spirit of play

sense límits, la música també el té.

Without limits, music also has it.

Bueno, això és el que ens enganxa,

Well, this is what hooks us,

jo crec, que per això fem art,

I believe that is why we make art,

per això fem música, perquè si no...

that's why we make music, because if not...

Sí que és veritat que és important

It is indeed true that it is important.

aquesta part de posar-ho a terra i de...

this part of putting it on the ground and...

de disciplinar-nos,

to discipline ourselves,

que jo no ho soc gens, però de

that I am not at all, but of

he de fer-ho, he de no sé què i tal,

I have to do it, I have to do I don't know what and so on,

però després, si no hi hagués aquest...

but then, if there weren't this...



Aquesta recompensa d'alguna cosa

This reward of something

que no es pot explicar, que és màgic.

that cannot be explained, that is magical.

La innocència. Sempre hem de conservar

Innocence. We must always preserve it.

un punt d'innocència.

a point of innocence.

I d'ingenuïtat, d'ingenuïtat, no?

And of naivety, of naivety, right?

Sí, però és molt fàcil perdre-la, eh?

Yes, but it's very easy to lose it, isn't it?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Per sentir

To feel

que val la pena

that is worth it

Per sentir

To feel

que val la pena

that is worth it

per collir

to pick

el que van sembrar

what they sowed

per saltar

to jump

junts la foguera

together the bonfire

la nit de Sant Joan

the night of Saint John

Ens hem llançat al riu

We have jumped into the river.

hem travessat el mar

we have crossed the sea

hem escalat el cor

we have climbed the heart

fins al cim més alt

to the highest peak


the love

és un secret

it's a secret

que no es pot guardar

that cannot be kept

Només vull creure allò

I only want to believe that.

que puc cantar

What can I sing?

dóna'm la mà

give me your hand

Ve l'estiu, ja és temps de ser, de tallar el que vam sembrar,

Summer is coming, it's time to be, to reap what we have sown.

de saltar fins a les tres la nit de Sant Joan.

to jump until three on the night of Saint John.


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