La Brava 1x14 - Especial sense guió

La Brava

La Brava

La Brava 1x14 - Especial sense guió

La Brava

Hola a tots i a totes, benvinguts al programa de la Brava,

Hello everyone, welcome to the Brava program.

el més jove de les Terres de Lleida.

the youngest of the Lleida region.

Avui sí que tenim a la Ivette, avui sí, total, quants anys tens?

Today we do have Ivette, yes we do, so how old are you?



Doncs ja està, avui i cada dia, perquè de fet l'Adam està aquí cada dia i també té 12.

Well, that's it, today and every day, because in fact Adam is here every day and he is also 12.

12, 9 m'importen.

12, 9 matter to me.

I parlant d'edat, aquí hi ha un viewer que avui és el seu aniversari, és el Montero99,

And speaking of age, here is a viewer whose birthday is today, it’s Montero99.

aprofitem per felicitar-te perquè avui fas 22 anys.

We take the opportunity to congratulate you because today you turn 22 years old.



Que a part de ser viewer ha arribat a ser...

That apart from being a viewer, has become...

subscriptor de Planeta Jove, eh?

Subscriber of Planeta Jove, huh?

Sí, reaplaudim.

Yes, we applaud again.

Que fort!

How cool!

Per molts anys, ara ho faré per molts anys.

For many years, now I will do it for many years.

Vinc del supertupacit, com si es morís.

I come from the supertupacit, as if it were dying.

No es apagui!

Don't turn off!

Per molts anys, ara ho faré per molts anys.

For many years, now I will do it for many years.

Ja està bé.

It's fine now.

Som moltes felicitats, el doble patito, eh?

Many congratulations, the double duckling, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Viejo, viejo pellejo, ja, viejo sabroso.

Old, old skin, yes, old tasty.

És que 22 anys són 22 anys, eh?

Well, 22 years is 22 years, right?

22 anys són molts anys.

22 years is a long time.

Ahí lo dejo.

I'll leave it there.

Més si són 10 més que l'Aibet.

But if there are 10 more than Aibet.

Del 2007 o 2008.

From 2007 or 2008.



Però aquí estan, aquí estan fent un programa des de Ràdio Emun.

But here they are, here they are making a program from Ràdio Emun.

Els joves que arribem ara som la revolució, família.

The young people who are arriving now are the revolution, family.

I tant.

I certainly.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Una cosa que nosaltres som joves, també, eh?

One thing is that we are young, too, right?

Clar, sí, jo també, jo me sento identificada amb aquesta frase.

Of course, yes, me too, I feel identified with this phrase.

Els joves que arribem ara.

The young people who are arriving now.

No, vosaltres encara no sou joves.

No, you are still not young.

No sou joves.

You are not young.

Vosaltres encara sou literalment nens.

You are still literally children.

Pre-pavo, però pre-pavo.

Pre-turkey, but pre-turkey.

Aquest és pre-pavo.

This is pre-turkey.

Que us faltarà un parell d'anys pel pavo,

You will need a couple of years for the turkey.

hau de passar el pavo i llavors ser-ho joves.

You have to pass the turkey and then be young.







Molt ben dit.

Very well said.

Hombre, ja.

Man, already.

S'ha pensat.

It has been thought.

Hau de picar pedra.

You have to hit the rock.

Pum, pum, pum, pum.

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

Doncs bé, nosaltres avui aquí,

Well, we are here today,

des de la ràdio,

from the radio,

som la Laia,

we are Laia,



la Ivette...

the Ivette...

I la camisa de l'Ivan.

And Ivan's shirt.

I la Judit.

And Judit.

La camisa de l'Ivan i la Judit.

The shirt of Ivan and Judit.

Prioritats, prioritats.

Priorities, priorities.

És que una cosa, una camisa així,

It's just that a shirt like this,

pels que ens estan escoltant a la ràdio,

for those who are listening to us on the radio,

l'Ivan avui porta una camisa

Ivan is wearing a shirt today.

amb dos tipus d'estampats,

with two types of prints,

podríem dir.

we could say.

Animal print.

Animal print.





El primer és un animal print més de zebra

The first is a zebra print animal.

i l'altre és més de...

and the other is more of...

Leopard negre.

Black leopard.

De leopard negre.

The black leopard.

Blanc i negre la camisa, eh?

Black and white shirt, right?

Blanc i negre.

Black and white.

Tigre de bengala.

Bengal tiger.

I aquests prints conflueixen al mig amb els botons.

And these prints converge in the middle with the buttons.



I queda molt bé.

It looks very good.

Per a qui és que la vulguin veure

For whom do they want to see it?

i ens estan escoltant per la ràdio,

and they are listening to us on the radio,

doncs ens han de seguir a Planeta Jove,

so they have to follow us on Planeta Jove,

perquè és que encara no sé què estan fent

because I still don't know what they are doing

escoltant-nos per la ràdio

listening to us on the radio

i no ens estan seguint.

And they are not following us.

Clar, tu ets molt millor.

Of course, you are much better.

Tu ets molt millor.

You are much better.

Doncs, ah, sí, també aprofitem

Well, ah, yes, let's take advantage of it too.

per saludar-vos a tots aquells

to greet all of you

que ens esteu veient en directe,

that you are watching us live,

que us...

that you...

M'ho deixava.

I was leaving it.

Hola a tots.

Hello everyone.

Bon dia, bon dia.

Good morning, good morning.

Doncs aquesta setmana

Well, this week.

és un dels programes més especials

it is one of the most special programs

que podríem dir de tota la temporada,

what could we say about the whole season,

perquè per primer cop

because for the first time

a la ràdio,

on the radio,

ja ho havíem fet abans,

we had done it before,

des del sofà de la Brava,

from the sofa of the Brava,

però el primer cop a la ràdio

but the first time on the radio

que ho farem sense guió

that we will do it without a script

és el primer cop

it's the first time

però tranquils,

but don’t worry,

que sol ser avui, eh?

What is it usually today, huh?

Sol ser avui,

It tends to be today,

però per què ho fem sense guió, Laia?

But why are we doing it without a script, Laia?

Doncs perquè la Ivette no ho sé,

Well, because I don't know Ivette,

perquè fa primer d'ESO,

because it is first year of secondary school,

però també se li permet.

but it is also allowed.

Ui, la Ivette.

Oh, Ivette.

Almenys, tant l'Ivan com la Judit i jo

At least, both Ivan and Judit and I

estem superestressats amb els exàmens,

we are super stressed with the exams,

que estem ja començant

that we are already starting

no la setmana, sinó el mes,

not the week, but the month,

perquè per nosaltres és un mes

because for us it's a month

que tenim un munt d'entregues

that we have a ton of deliveries

i un munt de coses

and a bunch of things

i d'activitats avaluatives

and evaluative activities

i és que no donem permès.

And it's just that we don't allow it.

I diem, doncs,

And we say, then,

per què no expliquem

why don't we explain

el nostre empatiment

our empathy

en aquest programa d'avui?

in this program today?



Jo hauria de dir

I should say.

incito a incito.

I incite to incite.


I incite.

Incito, incito.

I incite, I incite.

Això ho he dit bé?

Did I say this correctly?

Sí, sí, incito.

Yes, yes, I incite.

I un cabalat, xiquets i xiquetes.

And a horse, boys and girls.

Jo no estic estressat.

I am not stressed.

Jo fins que no m'arriben els exàmens.

I won't rest until the exams arrive.

Llavors sí, llavors estaré...

Then yes, then I will be...

Però si tu quin dia comences

But which day do you start?

i quin dia acabes?

And what day do you finish?

Jo començo el dia 7,

I start on the 7th.

tinc un examen el dia 7,

I have an exam on the 7th.

tinc un examen el dia 14,

I have an exam on the 14th.

tinc un examen el dia 16

I have an exam on the 16th.



I crec que...

I believe that...

Tinc un examen el dia 17?

Do I have an exam on the 17th?

Crec que no ho sé.

I don't think I know.



Així com nosaltres, eh?

Just like us, huh?

Però és que, clar,

But, of course,

o sigui, nosaltres encara estem fent parcials

That is to say, we are still taking partial exams.

i coses d'entrega,

and delivery things,

però els exàmens finals

but the final exams

els tenim la setmana del 15, 14, no sé.

We have them the week of the 15th, 14th, I don't know.

Sí, però és aquella marató

Yes, but it's that marathon.

que estàs corrent

that you are running

i estàs arribant al final

and you are reaching the end

que quasi no tens ni energia

that you hardly have any energy

i és quan més has d'apretar.

And that's when you need to push the hardest.

Doncs aquí estem, sí.

Well, here we are, yes.

I clar, avui la Laia i jo

Of course, today Laia and I.

li van, bueno,

they went, well,

perquè li van...

because they went to him...

Jo l'he vist pitjor.

I have seen him/her worse.

Sí, l'hem vist pitjor

Yes, we've seen it worse.

a altres programes.

to other programs.

Avui la Laia i jo

Today Laia and I

fèiem una cara

we made a face

com de marató,

like a marathon,

d'arribar i buf!

to arrive and puff!

Estem una mica estressades.

We are a little stressed.



I la veritat és que

And the truth is that

no puc dir res d'això

I can't say anything about this.

perquè quan quedin dos setmanes

because when there are two weeks left

per acabar el curs

to finish the course

farem una setmaneta

we'll have a little week

que potser farem

that perhaps we will do

quatre exàmens seguits

four exams in a row

i ja està.

And that's it.

La setmana anterior

The previous week.

apretes una mica

you squeeze a little

i ja està.

And that's it.

Quins records!

What memories!

I després ja acabaré el curs

And then I will finish the course.

que no m'ho crec.

I don't believe it.

El Black Nudge ens diu

The Black Nudge tells us

que el dimarts té examen

that on Tuesday he has an exam

del World Book.

of the World Book.

Suposo que d'anglès

I suppose it's from English.

que te vagi molt bé, Black Nudge.

I wish you all the best, Black Nudge.

T'enviem totes les forces

We send you all our strength.

des d'aquí del programa de la Brava.

from here in the Brava program.

Però quin World Book

But which World Book

ha de fer aquest examen?

Does he/she have to take this exam?

Doncs bé,


com que el programa d'avui

as the program today

el farem així una mica

We'll do it this way a little bit.

del chill,

of the chill,

hem pensat que

we have thought that

podríem jugar una mica.

We could play a little.


Let's play.

Avui jugarem Westworld.

Today we will play Westworld.

És que l'Ivan avui

It's just that Ivan today

ha sentit.

has heard.


Let's play.

Sí, a tope.

Yes, to the max.

I farem...

We will do...

És que no sé com se diu.

I don't know how to say it.

Farem un esquema?

Shall we make a plan?

És una bracket fight.

It's a bracket fight.

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

Una bracket fight.

A bracket fight.

Però fight vol dir lluitar, eh?

But fight means to struggle, right?

A punyos.

With fists.

A punyos?

At fists?

A punyos, sí.

With fists, yes.

Eh, doncs preparem-nos.

Well, let's get ready.

Dialècticament a punyos.

Dialectically at fists.





I sobre...

And about...

Què serà aquest

What will this be

bracket fight?

bracket fight?

Doncs aprofitem

Well, let's take advantage of it.

que estem parlant

what we are talking about

de cinquena...

of fifth...

Uf, ja ho he dit.

Phew, I've already said it.

Que estem parlant

What are we talking about?

d'estrès i de...

of stress and of...

i de...

and of...

docència i de col·le

teaching and collet

i de...

and of...

i de tot.

and of everything.

Doncs farem un...

Well, we will do a...

una bracket fight

a bracket fight


of subjects

de l'institut.

from the institute.



Clar que així

Of course like this.

la Ivette també pot participar.

Ivette can also participate.

Mira, aquí la tenim.

Look, here it is.

La tenim aquí dalt.

We have it up here.

Aquest fight.

This fight.

A veure...

Let's see...

Ara sí.

Now yes.

I això és una cosa

And this is one thing.

que han passat tots.

that they have all passed.




The ISO.

És obligatòria.

It is mandatory.

La ISO, sí.

The ISO, yes.



I ara es tractarà

And now it will be addressed.

de cadascú

of each one




the option

que més li agradi.

that he/she likes the most.

Si els que ens esteu

If those of you who are with us

escoltant en directe

listening live

per Twitch

for Twitch

no l'acabeu d'apreciar bé,

you don't quite appreciate it well,

la podem ampliar

we can expand it

una mica més.

a little more.

Solo fa falta

It only takes.

que ens ho digueu.

that you tell us.

I doncs serà això.

And so that will be it.

Tenim diverses opcions

We have several options.


of subjects

i triarem una.

and we will choose one.

Què passarà?

What will happen?

Que al final

That in the end

una s'enfrontarà

one will confront

amb l'altra.

with the other one.

Ara haurem de discutir

Now we will have to discuss.

a veure qui se l'emporta.

let's see who takes it away.



Això serà difícil

This will be difficult.

perquè aquí hi ha gent

because there are people here

tant de lletres

so many letters

com de números.

like numbers.

O sigui que...


I primera de totes.

And first of all.

Si no m'equivoco

If I'm not mistaken

és tecnologia

it is technology

i llengües.

and languages.

Que jo sap...

As far as I know...

Crec que és tecnologia

I think it is technology.

i literatura

and literature

perquè llengües

because languages

està més a baix.

it's further down.

Ah, vale.

Ah, okay.


Let's begin...

Anem com en parelles

Let's go in pairs.



O no?

Oh no?





Bueno, anem en grups.

Well, let's go in groups.

Primer un,

First one,

després l'altre.

after the other.

Vale, vale.

Okay, okay.

No t'he entès

I didn't understand you.

però vale,

but okay,

és igual.

it doesn't matter.

O no, anem cada un

Oh no, let's go each one.

que diga el que vulgui.

let him say whatever he wants.

A veure,

Let's see,



o tecnologia?

or technology?

A veure.

Let's see.

Jo com n'he fet

I as I have done



Literatura, de moment,

Literature, for now,

i no sé

and I don't know

el que més pot.

the one who can the most.

Tu t'agrada llegir?

Do you like to read?







Parlem tecnologia.

Let's talk technology.


Let's talk about it.

Jo, tecnologia,

I, technology,

no l'he suportat mai.

I have never been able to stand it.

O sigui,

That is,

que literatura.

What literature.

Jo aquí no soc objectiu.

I am not objective here.



Però claríssim.

But very clear.

I tu?

And you?

Jo és que aquí

I am here.

se m'ha...

I have been...

És que tu estàs aquí

It's just that you are here.



Se m'ha cruçat tot.

Everything has crossed my path.

No puc fer un mix

I can't make a mix.

de les dues?

of the two?



És que...

It's just that...

L'exèrcit sobre tecnologia.

The army on technology.

Jo triaria tecnologia

I would choose technology.

però literatura,

but literature,



és molt,

it's very,

guapo, també, eh?

Handsome, too, huh?

És superinteressant.

It's super interesting.

Per tant...


No, Adam,

No, Adam,

tu no votis

you don't vote

que sempre votes

that you always vote

al contrari.

on the contrary.


Of course,

si l'Adam vota

if Adam votes

ja sé el que votarà.

I already know what he/she will vote.

triaré tecnologia

I will choose technology.

però literatura

but literature

se m'ha quedat allí

it has stayed there with me

perquè m'agrada molt tant.

because I like it very much.

Doncs tria tecnologia

So choose technology.

però en contra

but against

de mi voluntat.

of my own accord.



doncs guanya

then win

guanya tecnologia.

winning technology.


Let's continue.

amb la següent.

with the following.



La següent

The following

crec que és

I think it is



o alguna cosa

or something

de geologia

of geology





Ciències de la Terra.

Earth Sciences.

Ciències de la Terra

Earth Sciences

i biologia.

and biology.







A mi m'agraden

I like them.

les cèl·lules.

the cells.



Jo crec que

I believe that



per mi

for me

és més interessant.

It's more interesting.

Jo no hi ha una ni l'altra

I am neither one nor the other.

però abans

but first

que li fa pedres

what makes him/her stones

prefereixo veure molècules

I prefer to see molecules.

que t'ho dic.

I'm telling you.



més interessant.

more interesting.


Do you see?

I tu?

And you?



Jo vaig tenir una experiència

I had an experience.

amb pedres

with stones

i a tu

and you

amb les pedres.

with the stones.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, però

Well, but

acaba de guanyar

has just won



A veure, aquí el xat

Let's see, here the chat

m'ho va estar dient.

He/She was telling me.

Pedres, pedres.

Stones, stones.


Do you see?

És que aquí

It's just that here

el xat està anatopant

the chat is bugging

amb les pedres.

with the stones.

També hauria de comptar

It should also be counted.

el seu vot.

his vote.

No, ho sentim,

No, we are sorry.

ho sentim,

we're sorry,

però no.

but no.

Si voleu

If you want

que condueixi el vostre vot

may your vote guide you

veniu aquí un dia.

come here one day.



però amb la cara destapada.

but with the face uncovered.

O amb la paleta

Or with the palette

perquè hi ha cop.

because there is a blow.

També, també.

Also, also.

I us sentais aquí

And you sat here.

i ho expliqueu.

and you explain it.

Bueno, depèn

Well, it depends.

de qui inviten

who they invite

doncs potser teniu un problema.

then you may have a problem.


Let's continue.

No, no.

No, no.








Computer science.

I informàtica.

I informatics.

Informàtica, informàtica.

Computer science, computer science.

Alemany, qui parla?

German, who is speaking?



Ja m'he joderit

I've already screwed up.

que parlem en alemany.

Let's speak in German.

És que, a veure,

It's just that, let's see,

jo crec

I believe.

que és

what is it

tant informàtica

so much computing

com alemany.

like German.


Computer science

no m'hi ha d'aprendre res

I don't have to learn anything about it.

i alemany

and German

doncs sí.

well, yes.

Però, però, però, a veure.

But, but, but, let's see.

A veure, a veure, a veure.

Let's see, let's see, let's see.

Però perquè tu

But why you

no vas tindre

you didn't have

el nostre procés.

our process.

Ah, hòstia, hòstia.

Ah, damn, damn.


Holy shit.

Heu fet alemany

Have you done German?

alguna vegada


a la vostra vida?

to your life?

No, ni ganes.

No, not in the mood.

Heu fet alguna vegada

Have you ever done it?

alemany a la vostra vida?

German in your life?

Però t'has fet

But you have become

no tindre mal anglès

don't have bad English

comparat amb alemany.

compared to German.

Hòstia, no podeu opinar

Damn, you can't give your opinion.

d'alguna assignatura

of some subject

que no heu fet mai.

that you have never done.

Jo que he fet les dues

I who have done both.

les puc opinar de les dues.

I can give my opinion on both.

Què tens aquí?

What do you have here?

Aquest no és

This is not

un diccionari d'alemany.

a German dictionary.





Ara un moment.

Now a moment.

Per tant...



Computer science.

Alemany és

German is

la meitat que jo

half of me

no he fet

I haven’t done.

en ma vida alemany.

in my German life.

És que no tens

It's that you don't have.

No atreu.

It doesn't attract.

I a més són una mica

And also they are a little bit

no sé, els va caure

I don't know, they fell.

una mica a distància.

a little distance away.





No, bueno, no ho sé.

No, well, I don't know.


Computer Science.

No, Adam,

No, Adam,

és que a més l'Adam

it's just that Adam also

com que és el que ha de posar

as it is what he has to put


the option

i sé clarament

I know clearly.

que es triarà informàtica

what will be chosen is computer science

encara que li diguem

even if we tell him/her



serà informàtica.

It will be computer science.


Let's continue.

El següent

The following

quin trieu?

Which one do you choose?

El següent és

The following is

educació física

physical education

o llengua?

Or language?

Educació física.

Physical education.



O educació física.

Oh physical education.

A veure.

Let's see.

I educació física

And physical education





les llengües

the languages

la llengua

the language

sóc molt

I am very

de deixar-me els accents.

of leaving me the accents.

Jo estic amb tu.

I am with you.

Jo estic amb tu també.

I am with you too.

A veure,

Let's see,

és que els professors de llengua

it's that the language teachers

són molt estrictes

they are very strict

i educació física

and physical education

se'm dóna fatal.

I'm terrible at it.

És que es depèn

It depends.

del professor

from the professor

que et toca

that touches you

l'educació física.

physical education.

No és el mateix

It's not the same.

un professor de català

a Catalan teacher

que un professor de castellà.

than a Spanish teacher.

No tens a veure.

You have nothing to do with it.

Els de castellà

Those of Spanish

són molt millors.

they are much better.

No entenc

I don't understand.

el que dius.

what you say.

Una de tecno.

A techno one.

O una de tecno.

Or a tech one.

No, però

No, but

si parlem de llengües

if we talk about languages

no és el mateix

it's not the same

un professor de català

a Catalan teacher

que un professor de castellà.

that a Spanish teacher.

Però no sé

But I don't know.

perquè els de català

because the Catalans

són com el triple

they are like three times

de més exigents.

more demanding.


Of demanding.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I de...

And of...

No sé.

I don't know.

A full world.

A full world.

Diuen per aquí.

They say around here.

És que

It is that

jo penso que

I think that

a vegades


les assignatures

the subjects

també és molt

it is also very

depèn del professor.

It depends on the teacher.


Of course.

I hi ha professors

There are teachers.

que educació física

that physical education

ei guai, sí,

hey cool, yes,

però hi ha professors

but there are teachers

que educació física

what physical education

doncs parlem

so let's talk


of these.



Nosaltres a batxillerat

We in high school.

vam arribar a fer

we managed to do

valls de saló

salon valleys

d'educació física.

of physical education.

Oh, és veritat.

Oh, it's true.

Se fan valls.

They make valleys.

El quart era això.

The fourth was this.

I country.

I country.

Nosaltres a primera.

We are in first.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Però estan fent

But they are doing

ara els de quart.

now the fourth graders.

Però country, veus?

But country, you see?

Encara no han canviat

They haven't changed yet.



Bueno, que triem llengua,

Well, let's choose a language,



Jo estic fent

I am doing.

futbol sala ara.

futsal now.

Futbol sala.


Ara, vinga, va.

Now, come on, go.

Triem llengua, va.

Let's choose a language, come on.

Tu pots.

You can.

Molt bé.

Very good.



Què esteu fent?

What are you doing?

Què feu?

What are you doing?

Un missatge encriptat.

An encrypted message.

No, no res.

No, nothing.

Que no se sentia bé

That he/she didn't feel well.

i li deia

and I told him/her

que s'apropés

that approached

una equitat a més.

an equity as well.







o alguna cosa

or something

que no sé què és.

I don't know what it is.

Valors èticos

Ethical values

deu ser això, no?

It must be this, right?





Història d'una.

Story of one.

Pues, història.

Well, history.



Què tal?

How are you?

Però religió és

But it is religion.

assignatura regalada, no?

Free subject, right?

Em sembla.

It seems to me.

És que regalada...

It's just given away...

Ara di una cosa, però bueno.

Now say one thing, but well.



digues-la, digues-la.

say it, say it.

No, anava a dir...

No, I was going to say...

És que regalada...

It's just a gift...



No, para.

No, stop.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, no direm res.

Well, we won't say anything.

No direm res.

We won't say anything.

Que escoltes la seva opinió.

That you listen to their opinion.

Jo, història, a veure,

I, history, let's see,

com a persona de primer de l'ESO,

as a first-year ESO student,

primer va venir un professor

First a teacher came.

que m'encantaria la història

that I would love the story

i ho feia agradar.

and I liked doing it.



Però a poc a poc,

But little by little,

doncs, en canvi,

well, on the contrary,

la professora...

the teacher...

Estic començant a tremolar.

I am starting to tremble.

Una pregunta.

One question.

Però la professora...

But the teacher...

Me cau...

I fall...

Me cau bé.

I like him/her.

És el típic que dius.

It's the typical thing you say.

El dius...

You say...

Buah, és que esta professora...

Wow, it's just that this teacher...

I dius...

And you say...

Buah, però és que me cau bé.

Wow, but I like him/her.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Pero porque está feita para ESO.

But because it is made for that.

Están creadas para ESO,

They are created for that.

los profesores religiosos.

the religious teachers.

Para que te hayan...

So that they have...

Són uns robots que estan

They are robots that are

creats para ESO.

created for ESO.

Clar, clar.

Of course, of course.

I sí que funciona.

And it does work.

És aquí el Virki AF

Here is the Virki AF.

el que dona subs a canals random,

what gives subs to random channels,

perquè podria donar-li

because I could give it to him/her

a alguna planeta jove, també.

to some young planet, too.

Vinga, vos.

Come on, you all.

Al final, què ens quedem?

In the end, what are we left with?

Jo m'agradaria la meva història,

I would like my story,



Jo és que història

I am history.

l'odiavem molt.

We hated him/her a lot.

A mi m'agrada sempre.

I always like it.

Molt, molt, molt.

Very, very, very.

A mi m'agrada estudiar història.

I like studying history.

Per tant,


etica i valors,

ethics and values,

doncs vinga, va,

well then, come on,

ètica i valors.

ethics and values.

Però què dieu?

But what are you saying?

Tot i que...


En fi,




que no...


no teniu gust.

you have no taste.

També l'odiava, ètica.

She also hated him, ethics.

És que les odiava les...

It's just that I hated them...

És que ètica...

It's just that ethics...

No sé.

I don't know.

És que no sé què dir, sincerament.

I honestly don't know what to say.

La següent.

The next one.


Let's continue.



L'Adam ens pregunté

Adam asked us.

al final, què?

In the end, what?

Història, crec que ha guanyat.

History, I think it has won.

És que, a més,

It's just that, moreover,

mira en el xat...

look in the chat...



50-50, història.

50-50, history.

El xat no es pot mirar, avui.

The chat cannot be viewed today.

El xat no es pot mirar.

The chat cannot be viewed.

Jo crec que avui

I think that today

els nostres seguidors

our followers

han vist

they have seen

que era sense guió

that was without a script

i, buah,

and, wow,

a muerte

to death

amb el programa

with the program

de la brava avui.

of the brave today.





què és això?

What is this?

Plàstica o mates?

Art or math?

Oh, plàstica.

Oh, plastic.

Però bona cosa.

But a good thing.

Jo crec...

I believe...

Jo mira que sóc de lletres,

I see that I'm a humanities person,

però és que triaré mates

but I will choose math

simplement perquè plàstica

simply because plastic

és el pitjor

it's the worst

que m'ha passat a la vida.

what has happened to me in life.

Plàstica també és igual

Plastic is also the same.

depèn del professor,

it depends on the teacher,

perquè hi ha professors...

because there are teachers...

Tia, però és que a vegades

Dude, but it's just that sometimes

per molt que intentis

no matter how much you try

fer un dibuix

to draw a picture

amb aquareles,

with watercolors,

és que no és

it's just that it isn't

que si no saps dibuixar

that if you can't draw

no et sortirà bé.

it won't go well for you.

Ja, ja.

Ha, ha.

I mates l'esport pràctic.

I love practical sports.

Perdó, Adam,

Sorry, Adam,

és que...

it's just that...

Per aquí al xat ens diuen

They tell us here in the chat.

que a veure si...

let's see if...

si podeu apujar una mica

if you can raise it a little

el micro de l'Ivan.

Ivan's microphone.

No sé què pots fer per allí.

I don't know what you can do over there.

No en tinc ni idea.

I have no idea.

El número 5.

The number 5.

A ver,

Let's see,

probando, probando.

Testing, testing.

Un, dos, tres, un, dos, tres.

One, two, three, one, two, three.

Un, dos, tres,

One, two, three,

los micrófonos.

the microphones.

Ara sí, ara sí.

Now yes, now yes.

Ara em sento.

Now I feel.

Ui, que bé.

Oh, how nice.

Que bé.

How great.

Vale, vale.

Okay, okay.

Que bé, que bé.

How good, how good.

Ara, ara.

Now, now.

Bon dia, Catalunya.

Good morning, Catalonia.

Se sent molt bé.

It feels very good.

Ara sí, mestre.

Now yes, master.


Excuse me.



qui parlàveu ara?

Who were you talking about?

Que no me'n recordo.

I don't remember.

Estàvem parlant de...

We were talking about...

De plàstica i matemàtiques.

Of plastic and mathematics.



A veure.

Let's see.

Los numeritos.

The little numbers.

Yo pienso que también mates.

I think that also math.



Es que...

It's just that...

A ver, a ver,

Let's see, let's see,

porque si no estás

because if you are not

haciendo una regla de tres

making a rule of three

no vas a la vida.

you do not go to life.

Això és veritat.

This is true.

A ver,

Let's see,

que una regla de tres

that a rule of three

tampoco es mates.

it's not math either.



però hi ha gent

but there are people

que no les sap fer

that he/she doesn't know how to do them

i no miro a ningú del xat.

And I don't look at anyone in the chat.

No diré.

I won't say.

Ah, és veritat.

Ah, it’s true.

És veritat.

It is true.

És que en qualsevol carrera

It's just that in any race

necessites una regla de tres.

you need a rule of three.

Inclús a la nostra de lletres.

Even in our letters.

Normalment són de 30.

They are usually 30.

De 30?

From 30?

Les regles poden ser de 30.

The rules can be of 30.

Regla de 30.

Rule of 30.

De 30 centímetres.

30 centimeters.

Una cosa, Iván.

One thing, Iván.

Una cosa.

One thing.



Posa el...

Put the...



Literalment surt per la porta.

He literally goes out the door.

Però és que ho ha dit

But it has been said.

molt seriós.

very serious.

És que ho ha dit

It's just that he/she said it.

molt seriós.

very serious.

No, però això no.

No, but not this.



Exposed, no.

Exposed, no.

Volíem dir

We wanted to say

aquell so

that sound

que l'hem posat

that we have put it

l'altre dia

the other day

de la sitcom

of the sitcom

que ja es va quedar

that has already stayed

pels xistes

for the jokes

d'això, això.

of this, this.

Ah, aquí.

Ah, here.

Del mereixir

Of the mere merit

és una mica.

it's a bit.

Una mica sí.

A little yes.

Un xic sí.

A guy yes.

Sí, sí, sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Que graciós.

How funny.



Ja està.

It's done.


We cut.





Que de matemàtiques.

What about mathematics?

Però jo vull

But I want

aprofitar per comentar.

take the opportunity to comment.

I aquelles classes de plàstica

And those art classes

que us posava en música

that put you in music

de fons

in the background

per aquests relaxes, eh?

For these relaxations, huh?

Jo això no ho recordo,

I don’t remember this.



Ai, és veritat, eh?

Oh, it's true, isn't it?



A tope.

At full throttle.

És que classe de plàstica

It's plastic class.

per mi era classe

For me, it was class.

de no fer res.

of doing nothing.


Of course.

És lo guai.

It's cool.

Però no aprens.

But you don't learn.

Bueno, també estaré

Well, I will also be.



de tant en tant.

from time to time.

Puc fer un petit apunt.

I can make a small note.

És una mica difícil

It's a bit difficult.

de fer.

to do.



Suspendre plàstica.

Suspend plastic.

És una mica difícil.

It's a bit difficult.

No és tan difícil.

It's not that difficult.

No és tan difícil, eh?

It's not that difficult, is it?

No és tan difícil.

It's not that difficult.

No miro ningú

I don't look at anyone.

del programa.

of the program.

No és tan difícil.

It's not that difficult.

Qui va suspendre plàstica?

Who failed art class?



El servidor.

The server.

Tu també?

You too?

Jo sí.

I do.

Però perquè fèiem

But why were we doing

com a dibuix...

as a drawing...

Dibuix així...

Draw like this...

Dibuix tècnic.

Technical drawing.

I què passa?

And what happens?

Que la gent a classe

Let the people in class.

lo feia amb alçada.

He/She did it with height.

I l'Ivan...

And Ivan...

L'Ivan, doncs no...

Ivan, then no...




The Adam

no l'esteu escoltant

you're not listening to him/her

però ens acaba de comentar

but she just told us

que va suspendre plàstica

who failed in art class

perquè pintava avionets.

because he/she was painting little planes.

Una cosa.

One thing.

És que com pots suspendre plàstica?

How can you fail art?

No passa res.

It's okay.

Jo estic amb tu,

I am with you,

l'Agnat, ja mateix any, també.

The Agnat, this very year, too.

Aquí ens comenten al xat

Here they comment to us in the chat.

que van a Juny

they go in June

només per plàstica, però...

only for plastic, but...

En sèrio?


Bueno, plàstica i català.

Good, art and Catalan.

I castella.

In Castile.

Ah, bueno.

Oh, well.

Bueno, bueno.

Well, well.

Ja no és només plàstica, això, Ivan.

It's no longer just plastic, this, Ivan.

Bueno, doncs...

Well, then...

Perdoneu, és...

Excuse me, it is...

No passa res.

It's alright.

Però és que ja t'he dit plàstica

But I've already told you it's plastic.

amb un dibuix tècnic.

with a technical drawing.

Amb un dibuix tècnic

With a technical drawing

te l'has sabut dificultat, eh?

You've managed to make it difficult, haven't you?

I a més amb el que tenia...

And besides with what I had...

Has de fer feina.

You have to work.

Bò, quina pereza, tu.

Well, what a drag, man.

Sí, és veritat.

Yes, it's true.

Fas a mi.

You do to me.

Fer triangulets, que sí,

Make little triangles, yes,

amb el cartabó, que sí,

with the ruler, yes,

amb el...

with the...

No, home, no.

No, come on, no.

No la recordo gaire bona

I don't remember it being very good.

aquella època de plàstica.

that era of plastic.

A veure, jo també et dic,

Let's see, I'll tell you too,

no he plorat mai fent

I have never cried while doing.

un treball de plàstic a casa,

a plastic project at home,

però sí estudiant

but yes studying

per un examen de mates, eh?

for a math exam, eh?

Jo he plorat moltes vegades

I have cried many times.

per un examen de mates.

for a math exam.

Jo també.

Me too.

Sobretot al batxillerat.

Especially in high school.



I mira que vaig fer el social,

And look what I did socially,

que me'n lo pas, eh?

What do I care, huh?



Ha quedat exposta aquí mateix

It has been exposed right here.

perquè va dir, diu,

because he/she said, says,

mira que vaig fer el social.

Look at what I did for social.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



Sabeu què teníem a la nostra classe?

Do you know what we had in our class?

De la classe del batxillerat social,

From the social baccalaureate class,

des del primer de batxillerat,

since the first year of high school,

la segona setmana que fèiem batxillerat

the second week we were in high school

vam agafar un cartell enorme

we took a huge poster

i vam apuntar

and we noted

qui va al balí,

who goes to the balí,

qui no al social.

who not in the social.

I érem tots del social.

We were all from the social.



I la pedra era la mateixa...

And the stone was the same...

Que vos ho miràis, això.

That you look at this.

Sí, però què més dóna, eh?

Yes, but what does it matter, right?

O sigui,

That is,

el que és important

what is important

és que no hi hagi hagut

it's that there hasn't been

més riures d'un mateix.

more laughter from oneself.

I era un mural super mono

And it was a super cute mural.

que va quedar.

what remained.

I després cada cop

And then every time

hi ficava alguna frase,

I would put in some sentence,

tio social,

social uncle,

què voleu, saps?

What do you want, you know?

Jo és que he fet el tec, no?

I mean, I have done the tech, right?



Sí, jo vaig fer també el tec, no?

Yes, I also did the tech, right?

I vaig quedar molt content.

I was very happy.

Érem compis.

We were buddies.

Xat, xat, xat, xat.

Chat, chat, chat, chat.

Qui és la següent?

Who is next?

No sé.

I don't know.

No, però que hem triat.

No, but that we have chosen.

Mates o plàstica?

Maths or art?

Mates, mates, mates.

Friends, friends, friends.

On és el dubte?

Where is the doubt?

Sí, són mates.

Yes, they are math.

En contra de la meva opinió.

Against my opinion.

Aquí estem rebent

Here we are receiving.

contínuament experiències de suspensos.

continuously experiences of failures.

No direm noms,

We won't say names,

sinó hi ha una altra persona

but there is another person

que també va suspendre mates.

who also failed math.

No passa res.

It's okay.

Suspendre mates

Fail math.

és una de les coses més normals del món.

it is one of the most normal things in the world.

I suspendre exàmens de mates sols?

Do I fail math exams alone?

No normal.

Not normal.

Si us serveix de consol,

If it serves as a consolation,

jo a quart d'això

I a quarter of that.

també quasi suspenc mates.

I also almost failed math.

Jo vaig suspendre música a tercer d'això,

I failed music in third grade.

però ja que deng,

but since deng,

tu vas suspendre a tercer d'això això

you failed in third grade of this this

perquè vas estar un munt de temps sense venir, no?

Because you were away for a long time, right?

No, però...

No, but...

Perquè no sàpigues si és música,

So that you don't know if it's music,

sinó perquè simplement

but simply because

t'ha passat alguna cosa

Has something happened to you?

que no vas poder venir a classe

that you couldn't come to class

durant molt de temps.

for a long time.

Puc fer una confessió,

I can make a confession,

el que passa és que ara quedaré un poc mal,

What happens is that now I will look a little bad,

però bé, és igual.

but well, it doesn't matter.

A vegades les teràpies et diuen

Sometimes therapies tell you

que t'haig d'explicar les coses, no?

That I have to explain things to you, right?

Jo no he suspès mai en la meva vida

I have never failed in my life.

cap assignatura.

no subject.



Ni carrera, ni això, ni...

Neither career, nor this, nor...

Però vaig suspendre un trimestre

But I failed a term.


of ethical-civic.


Of ethical-civic.



I tu volies triar...

And you wanted to choose...



Volies triar ètico-cívica abans d'història?

Did you want to choose ethical-civic education before history?

Per això que estava dubtant.

That's why I was hesitating.



Però sabeu per què?

But do you know why?

Sí, sabeu per què?

Yes, do you know why?

Sí, m'agradaria saber per què, sincerament.

Yes, I would like to know why, honestly.

Era ètico-cívica, perquè me n'enrecordo clarament.

It was ethical-civic, because I remember it clearly.

Vas pegar al profe, perquè...

You hit the teacher because...

Quasi, quasi.

Almost, almost.

Bueno, no, és que jo quan d'això

Well, no, it's just that when I...

vaig adoptar una postura de chill,

I adopted a chill stance.

perquè m'havien dit que era un curs, doncs, chill.

because they had told me it was a chill course.

I vaig dir, bueno, doncs...

I said, well, then...

Doncs abans del batxillerat

So before the baccalaureate.

anem a tranquil·litzar-nos una mica

let's calm down a bit

i anem a preparar-nos.

And let's get ready.

I a disfrutar, perquè tampoc no cal.

And to enjoy, because it's not necessary either.

Doncs aquest professor era una miqueta...

Well, this teacher was a little bit...

més estricta que els altres

stricter than the others

i ens demanava fer, doncs, qüestionaris,

and he was asking us to do, then, questionnaires,



I, bueno, doncs, catellada,

Well, then, catellada,

perquè no vaig fer els qüestionaris

because I didn't do the questionnaires

i l'examen m'hi va anar malament.

And the exam didn’t go well for me.

I no, tampoc escoltava de classe.

And no, I didn't listen in class either.

Però no m'ha passat mai.

But it has never happened to me.

Bueno, no passa res.

Well, it doesn't matter.

Doncs passa un quatrimestre,

So a semester goes by,

doncs l'altre...

so the other...

Un trimestre, crec que va ser, o...

A term, I think it was, or...

Bueno, doncs l'altre vam apretar

Well, then we pressed the other one.

i vam trobar notable.

and we found it remarkable.

Però perquè...

But why...

O sigui, no sé...

I mean, I don't know...

Per despistada, ja està.

Just for being careless, that's it.

Però que havies d'entregar alguna cosa

But you had to deliver something.

i no ho vas fer.

and you didn't do it.

No ho vas entregar, o què?

You didn't submit it, or what?

Sí, no vaig fer les activitats.

Yes, I didn't do the activities.

Judit, pura calla, pura via pública.

Judit, pure silence, pure public road.

Tothom té la seva experiència

Everyone has their own experience.

de suspensos.

of failures.



No, jo no.

No, not me.

Perquè aquest no compta.

Because this one doesn't count.

Aquest és...

This is...

Home, suspendre un trimestre d'una assignatura...

At home, to fail a term in a subject...

No, però no crec que va ser...

No, but I don't think it was...

Si no va ser una prevaluació

If it was not a pre-evaluation

o alguna cosa així, però...

or something like that, but...



Però eren...

But they were...

Sí, perquè m'hi va quedar després un notable,

Yes, because I ended up with a notable grade in it.

però eren les notes que arribaven a casa.

but they were the notes that arrived home.

Clar, les prevaluacions d'aquelles

Sure, the pre-evaluations of those.

que és com que...

that is how...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Que feien com un examen per saber com estaves

They were doing something like a test to see how you were doing.

i després...

and then...

Clar, i què passa?

Of course, and what happens?

Això va arribar a casa i...

This arrived home and...

Uf, truers.

Phew, thunderstorms.


They were flying.

Jo també en la meva vida he anat suspenent.

I have also been failing in my life.



Un any que no he suspès alguna cosa,

A year that I haven't failed anything,

que l'he fet arreglar...

that I had it repaired...

Flying suspensos, no?

Flying suspensions, right?

Sempre, sempre, sempre.

Always, always, always.

Flying suspensos.

Flying suspensions.

Mira el nen fent una carrera, pobre.

Look at the boy running, poor thing.

Ei, aquí el Ragnats m'hi diu...

Hey, here Ragnats is telling me...

Bastant poc cívica la Judit, la veritat.

Quite uncivil, Judith, to be honest.

El que va suspendre és cívica.

What was failed is civic education.

Tu sabràs.

You will know.



Bueno, són coses que passen.

Well, these things happen.

Són coses que passen.

These are things that happen.

Jo vaig suspendre

I failed.

un trimestre de català

a term of Catalan

per no fer activitats del Moodle, sou.

to avoid doing Moodle activities, you are.


Do you see?

Doncs és que el Moodle...

Well, it's just that the Moodle...

Igual que jo.

Just like me.

El Moodle és molt Moodle.

Moodle is very Moodle.

Igual que jo.

Just like me.

Trobo a faltar el Moodle.

I miss Moodle.

Fuck campus virtual.

Fuck virtual campus.

My home is a campus virtual.

My home is a virtual campus.

Vale, per tant,

Okay, therefore,

ens quedem amb...

we keep with...

Ja m'havia perdut.

I had already gotten lost.

Ens quedem...

We'll stay...

No sé, a veure, quin era?

I don't know, let's see, which one was it?

Era matemàtiques...

It was mathematics...

Matemàtiques o plàstiques.

Mathematics or arts and crafts.



Vale, la següent.

Okay, the next one.

La següent és tutoria o filosofia?

Is the following tutoring or philosophy?



A veure.

Let's see.

Jo la lio molt, la tutoria.

I make a mess of the tutoring.

A mi, filo me la va, eh.

I don't care about it, okay.

Però no t'has d'avaluar de tutoria,

But you don't have to be evaluated by tutoring,

no tens aquesta pressió.

you don't have this pressure.

Vaig suspendre filo.

I failed philosophy.

Efectivament, vaig suspendre filo.

Indeed, I failed philosophy.

No passa res.

It's fine.

Bueno, és que era de suspendre, eh.

Well, it was definitely going to be a failing grade, huh.

Llavors no hi ha massa discussió.

Then there isn't much discussion.

Així que tutoria, amics i amigues.

So, tutoring, friends.



És que filosofia,

It's just that philosophy,

tu posaves els colzes

you were putting your elbows down

o te'ls pelaven, eh, els colzes?

Oh, they used to shave your elbows, huh?

Sí, és veritat.

Yes, it's true.

Sabeu per què li diuen sacai al campus?

Do you know why they call him 'sacai' on campus?





Al campus, al campus de l'UDL, eh,

At the campus, at the UDL campus, eh,

li diuen sacai, saps per què?

They call him sacai, do you know why?

Per què, per què?

Why, why?

És veritat.

It's true.

El programa,

The program,

diguem-li programa,

let's call it a program,

no és un programa, no?,

it's not a program, is it?

però amb el que està fet el campus,

but with what the campus is made of,

se diu sacai.

it's called sacai.



És veritat.

It is true.

Ahir, quan baixis una mica el...

Yesterday, when you go down a bit the...

Ho diu.

He/She says so.

És que alguns professors diuen

It's just that some teachers say

bueno, tinc penjada l'activitat al sacai

Well, I have the activity uploaded to the sacai.

i on?

and where?

No volem...

We do not want...

Mira, mira, aquí ho diu.

Look, look, it says it here.

Where is it, el sacai?

Where is the sacai?

Bueno, no ho trobo, però...

Well, I can't find it, but...

Usuaris de l'UDL,

UDL users,

si voleu saber això,

if you want to know this,

aneu, al final.

go away, in the end.

Al final del vostre campus virtual de confiança.

At the end of your trusted virtual campus.

No sé què venia d'això, però passa.

I don't know what was coming from this, but it happens.

Sí, és igual.

Yes, it doesn't matter.

Per tant...


Aquí diu, diu,

Here it says, says,

basat en sacai.

based on sacai.

Ah, dona prestigi.

Ah, she brings prestige.

Home, si sacai és com a...

Man, if it came out as a...

Dona prestigi que necessita l'UDL.

It gives prestige that the UDL needs.

Me recorda coronavirus.

It reminds me of coronavirus.



Me recorda coronavirus, sacai.

It reminds me of coronavirus, dude.

Diguis com a...

Say like to...

Nom xino, xino, coronavirus, coronavirus...

Name Chinese, Chinese, coronavirus, coronavirus...

Camp virtual.

Virtual camp.





Anglès, o què és el que hi ha darrere?

English, or what is behind it?

Què és?

What is it?

Vale, el següent, tenim...

OK, the next one, we have...

Anglès és geografia.

English is geography.



A veure, és que depèn.

Well, it depends.

L'anglès de l'institut és com no fer res.

The English at the institute is like doing nothing.

I anglès...

In English...

Vale, sobrada.

Okay, too much.

Geografia és una història de...

Geography is a story of...

És veritat, és veritat.

It’s true, it’s true.

M'he tregat 6 anys d'anglès a l'institut i no he fet res.

I have taken 6 years of English in school and I haven't done anything.

Bueno, el més important...

Well, the most important...

No he après res.

I have not learned anything.

És el pas...

It's the step...

No sé què, el passat.

I don't know what, the past.

El dit.

The finger.

Que t'has de llegir la llista aquella, te l'has d'aprendre,

You have to read that list, you need to memorize it.

doncs és com...

so it's like...

La llista de verbs irregulars, és veritat.

The list of irregular verbs is true.

Ui, ui, ui.

Oh, oh, oh.

Workbook and pencil.

Workbook and pencil.

Ole, ole.

Hooray, hooray.

Eh, profe, no he fet el workbook.

Hey, teacher, I haven't done the workbook.

El meu company de classe, el meu amic, sempre...

My classmate, my friend, always...

Què has portat el workbook?

Did you bring the workbook?

Què me pots deixar, sisplau?

What can you lend me, please?

L'Ivan no feia el workbook.

Ivan wasn't doing the workbook.

Jo tampoc.

Me neither.

O el feies al pati.

Or you would do it in the yard.

Ara, ara, ara.

Now, now, now.

Home, el pati de l'institut?

Home, the schoolyard?



Què has fet el workbook?

What have you done with the workbook?

Què me pots deixar?

What can you lend me?

Porfa, sí, home, sí.

Please, yes, man, yes.

Sí, ho veus?

Yes, do you see it?

És que hi havia gent molt amable, eh?

It's just that there were very nice people, right?

Hi havia gent molt amable.

There were very friendly people.

Ah, que sí, ah, que sí.

Ah, yes, ah, yes.

I molt correnta, que s'estava a les tardes fent els deures.

And very common, that she was spending her afternoons doing homework.

Ara, ara, ara.

Now, now, now.



Home, és que jo prefereixo fer-lo a la tarda,

Well, I prefer to do it in the afternoon.

que després al pati de pressa i corrents, que jo vull pati.

that later in the yard quickly and in a hurry, because I want a yard.

Amb un bocat al costat, vinga, va.

With a snack by your side, come on, let's go.

Però a veure, a veure si et penses que l'Ivan i jo,

But let's see, do you think that Ivan and I,

quan havíem de fer el workbook, lo replenàvem tot.

When we had to do the workbook, we filled everything in.

Doncs no.

Well, no.

Lo que se veía en él.

What could be seen in him.

Sí, lo que se veía en él.

Yes, what was seen in him.

Aquest exercici...

This exercise...

Com era, com era?

How was it, how was it?

I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't know this one, I'm sorry.

I don't know this one, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Em sap greu.

I es que, a veces,

And it's just that, sometimes,

per fer la pota sense mirar.

to make a mistake without looking.

Clar, a la vegada el feies sense mirar,

Sure, at the same time you were doing it without looking,

i després, I'm, I don't know, teacher.

And then, I'm, I don't know, teacher.

I'm sorry, teacher.

I'm sorry, teacher.

Subratlla aquí els verbs, no sé què,

Underline the verbs here, I don’t know what,

subratlla és quatre paraules aleatòries,

underline is four random words,

i et quedais tranquil.

And you stay calm.



I després, i després la gent se pregunta

And then, and then people ask themselves

per què l'anglès s'ensenya mal.

Why English is taught poorly.

Perquè s'aprèn de mal, també.

Because one learns from bad things, too.

Sí, en fi.

Yes, well.

Vale, per tant, ens quedem amb...

Okay, so we stick with...

Amb anglès?

With English?

Perquè és que geografia...

Because geography...

Jo em quedaria amb geografia.

I would choose geography.

És que és molt...

It's just that it's very...

Això, geografia és com història.

This, geography is like history.

A mi m'agrada.

I like it.

A mi també m'agrada la geografia.

I also like geography.

És que depèn de quin tema,

It depends on which topic.

perquè si t'estudies...

because if you study...





Segon de batxillerat,

Second year of high school,

a mi em va ser gustoso.

I found it enjoyable.

Jo vaig fer geografia el segon de batxillerat.

I studied geography in my second year of high school.

Vas fer geografia amb mi, a més.

You did geography with me, besides.



I la Paula.

And Paula.

Vale, podria ser.

Okay, it could be.

Que anem al mateix grup.

Let's go to the same group.

Fent el tecnològic vau fer geografia.

By doing the technological, you studied geography.

Ah, però no hi havia examen final,

Ah, but there was no final exam.

perquè no sortia la CLE,

because the CLE was not coming out,

o alguna cosa així.

or something like that.

Per això no me'n recordo,

That's why I don't remember it.

perquè no li devia donar importància.

because he/she probably didn't think it was important.

Iván, què fas a les dues del matí fent el treball?

Iván, what are you doing at two in the morning doing the work?

Ah, és veritat.

Ah, it's true.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

A més, estàvem fent treballs amb l'Iván.

In addition, we were working with Iván.

És veritat, és veritat.

It is true, it is true.

Doncs què triem?

So what do we choose?



Anglès, anglès, anglès.

English, English, English.

Perquè a vegades els professors d'anglès

Because sometimes the English teachers

també són molt bones persones.

they are also very good people.

Són molt bones persones.

They are very good people.

I només per això ja s'ho mereixen.

And just for that, they deserve it.



Of course.

Of course.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Per tant,


la Laia diu thank you,

Laia says thank you.

perquè també és una de les professors d'anglès.

because she is also one of the English teachers.

Ja no, però ho era, ho havia sigut.

Not anymore, but it was, it had been.



També tenim una altra professora d'anglès

We also have another English teacher.

que també és de les bones

that is also one of the good ones

aquí al xat, que és la Carla.

here in the chat, it's Carla.

Mucho inglés.

A lot of English.

Per tant, com a resum,

Therefore, as a summary,

ara entre quines hem d'escollir?

Now, which ones should we choose?

Ara hem d'escollir entre

Now we have to choose between

tecnologia i biologia.

technology and biology.

Primer escollim entre aquestes.

First we choose among these.



Tecnologia i biologia.

Technology and biology.



Vale, tecnologia clarament.

Okay, technology clearly.

I és que no sé res de cap,

And it's just that I don't know anything about anyone,

o sigui que m'és igual.

so it's all the same to me.

Fer una caseta de fusta

Build a wooden hut.

amb les seves llumetes i no sé què,

with their little lights and I don't know what,

ho hauria bastant d'esposa.

I would quite like it as a wife.

Jo també...

Me too...

Jo vaig fer una làmpara.

I made a lamp.

Tercer o quart d'això,

Third or fourth of this,

vaig fer una làmpara, tio.

I made a lamp, dude.

Nosaltres una cadira.

We a chair.

En plan...

In a way...

La veritat.

The truth.

La cadira.

The chair.

És veritat.

It's true.

Que teníem que fer quatre per grup,

That we had to do four per group,

vam acabar fent una per grup.

we ended up making one per group.

I sabeu què vam fer nosaltres?

Do you know what we did?

Nosaltres, en plan,

We, like,

fèiem projectes

we were doing projects

i fèiem les assignatures normals

and we took the normal subjects

i sempre destinàvem una hora

And we always allocated an hour.

d'aquelles assignatures

of those subjects

a fer un projecte

to do a project

de final de trimestre.

end of the term.

Doncs a tercer d'això,

Well, to third of this,

un dels projectes va ser

one of the projects was

fer un cotxe,

make a car,

però no un cotxe,

but not a car,

en plan, sí,

like, yeah,

un cotxe,

a car,

no, un cotxe

no, a car

on tu t'hi poguessis muntar

where you could set it up

i després,

and then,

a final de curs,

at the end of the course,

vam fer una carrera

we had a race

allà a la baixada de l'institut

down there at the institute's slope

amb tots els cotxes

with all the cars

que vam muntar tots els grups.

that we set up all the groups.



Va ser, literalment,

It was, literally,

com diu el Jagueret...

how does the Jagueret say...



Això es fa a la festa major

This is done at the town festival.

del carrer.

from the street.

Com diu el Jagueret,

What does Jagueret say,

vam fer un carro

we made a cart

de Mario Kart

of Mario Kart

i hi havia alguns

and there were some

que volien estar en motor,

that they wanted to be in the motor,

el nostre no,

our no,

el nostre anava per inèrcia,

ours went by inertia,

simplement per la baixada.

simply for the drop.

Però aquest motor

But this engine

el van fer allà a casa,

they did it there at home,

amb els pares.

with the parents.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Vull dir,

I mean,

hi havia gent que tenia

there were people who had

que els seus pares

that his parents

treballaven en un taller o alguna cosa

they were working in a workshop or something

i van portar un carro

and they brought a cart



Hashtag Tombo, tio.

Hashtag Tombo, dude.

I també havies de buscar

And you also had to look for



perquè et quedes

why do you stay

el cotxe guapo

the handsome car

i quedes,

and you stay,

amb alguna empresa

with some company

que patrocines el teu cotxe

that you sponsor your car

i la cursa, tio.

And the race, dude.

Que no et pagaven un res.

That they didn't pay you anything.

Motor no es podia

Engine could not.

i el del Sebas

and the one from Sebas

i el Kiler?

and the Kiler?



No ho sé, eh?

I don't know, okay?



Però era molt guai.

But it was really cool.

I es va muntar

And it was set up.

un profe amb un dels cotxes,

a teacher with one of the cars,

el més toxo,

the most toxic,

i es va perdre el control

and lost control

i es va arrejar

and it was gathered

tot el braç

the whole arm

amb l'asfalt.

with the asphalt.

Ai, ai.

Oh, oh.

Ah, d'acord, d'acord,

Ah, okay, okay,

ja ho he dit.

I've already said it.

Aquest professor segurament

This teacher surely

que no ho tornarà a provar.

that he/she will not try it again.



Pensava que sí

I thought so.

que tenia motor.

that had an engine.

Alguna cosa tenia

It had something.



unes rodes totxes,

some brick wheels,

crec que tenia.

I think I had.

Superguai, eh?

Super cool, huh?

Va ser allò.

It was that.

Que guai.

How cool.

És que ho ha dit Tecno.

It's just that Tecno said it.



Els carrers van fer

The streets did.

un hivernacle.

a greenhouse.

Ai, sí.

Oh, yes.

No, una caseta, vull dir.

No, I mean a little house.

Que no fèiem

That we weren't doing.

coses perilloses,

dangerous things,

que és el que vol.

what is it that he/she wants.

Érem tranquil·les.

We were calm.

Érem tranquil·les,

We were calm,

vas deixar-me sortir.

you let me out.

Vam fer una càmera

We made a camera.

amb un nunchuk.

with a nunchaku.

Ah, sí,

Ah, yes,

és veritat.

It is true.

Era un saltant classe

It was a class jumper.

per fer allò.

to do that.

No és el mateix,

It's not the same.

no és el mateix.

it's not the same.

Continuem amb la següent.

Let's continue with the next one.

Quina és?

Which one is it?

Després tenim

Then we have


computer science

i llengua.

and language.


Computer Science.

Però tot i que llengua

But even though language

també m'agrada.

I like it too.

El que vulgueu.

Whatever you want.

Fem un mix,

Let's make a mix,



Deixem-me les barrejar.

Let me mix them.

Esto es porfo, porfo, porfo.

This is please, please, please.

Com has de barrejar?

How do you mix it?

Que no pots.

You can't.

Que només cap una.

That only fits one.

El Adam està dient

Adam is saying.


computer science

sense cap...

without any...



l'Adam diu

Adam says

m'és igual les que trieu,

I don't mind which ones you choose,

les que trieu...

the ones you choose...


Computer science.

Va, posa informàtica.

Come on, put on the computer.

Anem a fer

Let's go do.

el bracket fight

the bracket fight

del mal gust.

of bad taste.

Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei,

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,

els punyos dialèctics, eh?

the dialectical fists, huh?

Els punyos dialèctics.

The dialectical punches.

Va, que l'Ivan

Come on, Ivan!

ja s'ha començat a xicar.

It has already started to rain.

Comença a preparar

Start preparing

el primer round.

the first round.

Com hi va.

How is it going?

Eh, podem narrar

Hey, we can narrate.

una fight

a fight

en directe.


Si no,

If not,

si això del...

if this of...

de l'streaming

of the streaming

i els jocs

and the games

no mos acaba d'anar bé,

it hasn't gone well for us.

podem narrar

we can narrate

lluites de boxe.

boxing fights.

A veure, a veure.

Let's see, let's see.

A veure.

Let's see.

De boxa.

From the box.

En fi, bueno.

Well, anyway.


Let's continue.

Un dilluns a l'institut

A Monday at the institute

i agafeu...

and take...

A les 3 más peres.

At 3 more pears.

A les 3 más peres

At 3 more pears

i narrreu.

and you will narrate.

Benvinguts al primer

Welcome to the first

3 más peres

3 more pears

de la setmana.

of the week.

Aquí, a Twitch,

Here, on Twitch,

de Planeta Jove.

of Planet Jove.

A les 3.

At 3 o'clock.

Estem davant

We are facing

de la plaça

from the square

de l'institut.

from the institute.

Jo m'he de sentir

I have to feel.



Bueno, és que ara

Well, it's just that now

jo no ho dic.

I don't say it.


Let's continue.



o mates?

or math?



Los numeritos.

The little numbers.

Mira qué división

Look at what division.

más bonita.

more beautiful.



Ni una ni l'altra.

Neither one nor the other.





El Adam

The Adam

el Adam

the Adam

a hipote

a hypothesis



per deixar-ho en blanc.

to leave it blank.

Doncs si les oyes

Well, if you hear them.

les has posat

you have put them





Mates, mates, mates.

Friends, friends, friends.

Sempre ara

Always now

en contra, Adam.

against, Adam.

El límit

The limit

de X

of X



a infinit

to infinity

de la funció.

of the function.



i el límit

and the limit

del logaritme

of the logarithm



que no te dic jo

what am I not telling you

on me'l poso

I put it on me.

el logaritme

the logarithm

neperià, eh?

neperian, huh?

El logaritme

The logarithm





three hundred twenty-four.

La brava

The brave







Algú hauria

Someone would have

de fer clip

to make a clip

d'això un dia.

one day about this.



hauria de fer clip

I should make a clip.

de la Laia

of Laia



el que acabem

the one we've finished

de dir.

to say.

Jo on me poso

Where do I put myself?

el logaritme

the logarithm



És veritat.

It is true.

Vaig acabar

I finished.

fins al moño

up to the top

de mates,

in math,

però bueno.

but well.

Aquí estem.

Here we are.

Aquí estem, aquí estem.

Here we are, here we are.

En una carrera,

In a race,

tercera carrera,

third race,



No ens va anar

It didn't go well for us.

tan malament.

so badly.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.





què vols triar d'història

What do you want to choose from history?

si vols?

if you want?

Vinga, va.

Come on.



I després tenim

And then we have



o anglès.

or English.



A veure què rep

Let's see what he/she receives.

perquè no és avaluable.

because it is not assessable.

Com guanyi tutoria,

As I win tutoring,



Eh, us imagineu?

Hey, can you imagine?

És que vull que guanyi

I want him/her to win.





I ara

And now

hem de triar

we have to choose



tecnologia o informàtica.

technology or computing.


Computer science.






Computer science.

Informàtica totalment.

Total computer science.

Mira, aquí no soc objectiu.

Look, I'm not objective here.

O sigui, siguem sincers.

That is to say, let's be honest.



No puc ser objectiu aquí.

I can't be objective here.

No, no, jo tampoc.

No, no, me neither.

Mira que bonic

Look how beautiful.

tots els ordinadors.

all the computers.

Uh, la RAM.

Uh, the RAM.

Ui, el disco duro.

Oh, the hard drive.

Que bonic, que bonic.

How beautiful, how beautiful.

Ui, el chipset.

Oh, the chipset.

Uf, jo no trio cap, eh.

Phew, I don't choose any, you know.

El policia.

The police officer.

És veritat.

It is true.

El policia.

The police officer.

A mi no m'agrada cap.

I don't like any of them.

Eh, tutoria.

Eh, tutoring.

Tutoria o història,

Tutoring or history,





A veure si no.

Let's see if not.



Ens quedem amb informàtica

We'll stick with computer science.

i tutoria.

and tutorial.

Això és molt trist,

This is very sad,

que, rollo,

what a drag,

de tota l'etapa

of the entire stage

que vam passar a l'institut,

that we spent at the institute,

només ens quedem amb tutoria.

We only have tutoring left.

Però tutoria,

But tutoring,

perquè eren desclasses,

because they were unclassed,

eren classes penses.

They were heavy classes.

Ja, ja.

Yes, yes.

Feu-vos-ho mirar, eh.

Have it checked out, okay?

Així triem tutoria.

Thus we choose tutoring.

Bueno, que això és d'un professor

Well, this is from a teacher.

i finalment diu

and finally says



pero es majo.

but he/she is nice.

Ara, ara, ara.

Now, now, now.

No m'agrada, no sé què,

I don't like it, I don't know what,

però es majet.

but he's a majesty.

És veritat.

It's true.

Ja quan començaves

Just when you were starting.

i dient

and saying

és que ha passat això,

it's just that this has happened,

és que mos ha manat l'altre,

it's just that the other one has sent us,





però es majo, eh.

But he's nice, huh.

Això a la uni

This at university

també ho fem molt.

we do it a lot too.

Sí, però no tenim tutoria.

Yes, but we don't have tutoring.

De què es majo,

What is it about?

doncs a vegades no ho diguem.

so sometimes we don't say it.

Mos ho saltem.

Let's skip it.

Sí, però és veritat,

Yes, but it is true,

tu no ajudis

you don't help



a estar més hater

to be more of a hater

amb els professors,

with the teachers,

tampoc la culpa, eh,

not the blame either, eh,

perquè hem anat

why we have gone

quin personal.

what staff.

Però és que ho has fet malament.

But you did it wrong.

No, n'hi ha alguns

No, there are some.

que jo,

that I,

quan s'ho mereixen,

when they deserve it,

els valoro molt.

I value them a lot.





Soc de les primeres que dic

I am one of the first to say.

hòstia, aquest professor

damn, this teacher


I love it,

però n'hi ha d'altres

but there are others

que es mereixen

that they deserve

ser destituïts.

to be dismissed.

A la viña del señor

In the vineyard of the Lord.

hay de todo.

There is everything.

Sí, no,

Yes, no,

però és que,

but it is that,



jo vull ser bona alumna.

I want to be a good student.

De ser destituïts

To be dismissed.

o replantejar-se

or reconsider


the subject

que estan fent.

what they are doing.



Doncs sí,

Well yes,

doncs sí,

well yes,



és que no vull dir res,

it's just that I don't want to say anything,

no vull dir res,

I don't want to say anything,



No diem res,

We say nothing,

no diem res.

we say nothing.

Però te sap greu

But it makes you feel bad.

i més un any com aquest,

and another year like this,

que a casa,

that at home,





doncs dona una miqueta

so give a little bit

de la teva part

on your part



no sé,

I don't know,

fes les classes en directe

hold the classes live

i obre els vídeos.

and open the videos.

Bones, bones, bones.

Good, good, good.

Vale, ja està.

Okay, that's it.

Aquí mos diuen

Here they tell us

que l'horari anava millor

that the schedule was better

a les 11.

at 11 o'clock.



Bones, bones, bones.

Good, good, good.

Bones pelletes d'estímul.

Good stimulating pellets.

Fem una altra pol

Let's make another dust.

que crec que ja vam fer.

that I think we already did.

Vale, avui hi ha més gent.

Okay, today there are more people.

Sí, avui hi ha més gent, eh?

Yes, there are more people today, right?

Avui hi ha més gent.

Today there are more people.

Los números no enganyan.

Numbers don't lie.

Fem una pol

Let's make a fuss.


asking you

quina és l'hora definitiva

what is the final time

que us va millor.

What works better for you?

Sabem que us aniria millor a la nit

We know it would be better for you at night.

i això ho estem parlant.

and we are talking about this.





A la nit és l'horari

At night is the schedule.

de mirar-hi,

to look at it,

m'heu sentit.

Have you heard me?



I a veure com ho podrem fer

And let's see how we will be able to do it.

això a l'estiu.

this in the summer.

Però ja que avui

But since today

estem més gent

there are more people

us tornem a preguntar

we ask you again

quin és l'horari

what is the schedule

que us va millor

What works best for you?

per acabar la temporada

to finish the season

i després a l'estiu

and then in the summer

ja serà una altra cosa.

it will be something else.

Diumenge a les 7, no?

Sunday at 7, right?

A tu et va bé, va?

Is it fine for you, okay?

A tu crec que et va bé, no?

I think it works well for you, doesn't it?

Uf, una vegada

Phew, once.

he despertat a les 6 del matí.

I woke up at 6 in the morning.

No, a les 7 de la tarda

No, at 7 in the evening.

a tu et va bé, no?

Is it good for you?

A mi em va bé.

I'm fine with it.

Diumenge a les 7.

Sunday at 7.

Així fas dos streams a l'hora.

This way you do two streams at once.

Bueno, doncs aquí ja som compis.

Well, here we are, mates.

No sé què.

I don’t know what.

Algun dia


hauríem de fer fusió.

we should merge.

Algun dia, compis,

One day, mates,

tenim que

we have to

alçar un pont

to raise a bridge

entre compis i braves.

between buddies and brave ones.

Bueno, ets tu el pont.

Well, you are the bridge.

No alços tantes coses.

Don't raise so many things.

Perquè aquí hi ha estaven coses

Because there were things here.

que a mi no m'agraden.

that I don't like.

No, és broma, és broma.

No, it's a joke, it's a joke.

Aquí ens estan dient

Here they are telling us.

que ens estan escoltant

that they are listening to us

en directe


des de la taula de l'Agora

from the table of the Agora

que és un bar del Carràs.

What is a bar in Carràs?


Goodbye then.

Ai, que riques

Oh, how delicious!

les patates de l'Agora.

the potatoes from the Agora.

Les braves de l'Agora.

The brave ones of the Agora.

Compis bravocons.

Brave buddies.

Per tant,


aquí teniu la pol.

here you have the dust.

Voteu, sisplau.

Please vote.

Quin és l'hora

What time is it?

que us va millor?

What works best for you?

A les 7 de la tarda, no?

At 7 in the evening, right?



Vull posar les 12

I want to set the 12.

perquè així puc dormir

so I can sleep

una hora més.

one more hour.

Ah, no, allà està.

Ah, no, there it is.

A les 11.

At 11.

Jo estic votant més d'un cop

I am voting more than once.

perquè soc moderadora.

because I am a moderator.

No votes més, co.

Don't vote anymore, co.

Ja està.

That's it.

Ja està, ja està, ja està.

That's it, that's it, that's it.

Jo també votaré.

I will also vote.

A les 11 o a les 12?

At 11 or at 12?

Home, és que hi ha molta 12 aquí.

Home, there is a lot of 12 here.

Clar, a les 12 es fa el vermut.

Of course, vermouth is done at 12.

Doncs precisament

Well, exactly.

perquè es fa el vermut a les 12

Why is vermouth made at 12?

tens Planeta Jove de fondo.

You have Planeta Jove in the background.


Of course.

Bueno, va.

Well, okay.

Que això ho hem de...

That we have to...

Ho hem de ventilar.

We have to ventilate it.

Per tant, informàtica o tutoria?

So, computer science or tutoring?

Jo votaria per deixar-ho aquí

I would vote to leave it here.

i no ens fa més discussió de...

and it doesn't give us any more discussion about...

Vale, ho deixem aquí.

Okay, we'll leave it here.

Ho deixem aquí.

Let's leave it here.

Bueno, jo crec que ja ens hem...

Well, I think we have already...



En tables.

In tables.

Tutoria wins.

Tutorship wins.

Perquè has ficat momos.

Why did you put in clowns?

Perquè tinc...

Because I have...

Vale, doncs...

Okay, then...

Simplement perquè tinc una emota

Simply because I have a crush.

que vull utilitzar.

that I want to use.

El momo.

The momo.

A veure.

Let's see.

No, Black Nats.

No, Black Nats.

A les 11 i mitja, no.

At half past eleven, no.

O a les 11 o a les 12.

Either at 11 or at 12.

Vull dir, les dues coses...

I mean, both things...

Si després sempre fem tard.

If we always arrive late afterwards.

O sigui, avui hem obert...

So, today we opened...

Avui hem obert a les 12 i 4, 12 i 20.

Today we opened at 12:04 and 12:20.

O sigui, no vindrà d'aquí.

So, it won't come from here.

Vale, doncs...

Okay, then...

Ho deixem en 12 i mitja, si voleu.

We'll leave it at 12:30, if you want.

Ala, animal.

Wow, animal.

No, és que les 12 i mitja és hora de dinar.

No, it's just that 12:30 is lunchtime.

Unes 12 i ja està bé.

Around 12 and that's good.

11 i 43.

11 and 43.

No faltarà aquí.

It will not be missing here.

La Judit faltarà a tot arreu,

Judit will be absent everywhere.

si no m'equivoco.

if I'm not mistaken.

Algú em confirma?

Can someone confirm this to me?

Avui hem arribat allà.

Today we have arrived there.

Tu, que ets la seva germana...

You, who are his sister...

La Judit faltarà a tot arreu.

Judit will be absent everywhere.

El dia que no faci tard la Judit,

The day Judit is not late,

agafaré i l'aplaudiré.

I will take it and applaud it.

I li donaré una abraçada.

And I will give him/her a hug.

Eh, que jo i tu ho vaig millorant, eh.

Hey, you know that I and you are getting better at it, right?



Com un altre moment que no sigui en stream en directe.

Like another moment that is not live streaming.

Ja pots treure el bracket fight aquest,

You can take out this fight bracket now.

que tape tota la bellesa d'aquesta taula.

that covers all the beauty of this table.

Aquí ens diuen, a les 12 però puntuals.

Here they tell us, at 12 but on time.

És que és veritat, tens tota la raó.

It is true, you are completely right.

Ho intentarem, ho intentarem.

We will try, we will try.

Clar, quedem a les 11 i 43,

Of course, let's meet at 11:43.

i després, doncs, ja...

and then, well, already...

Ja entrarem bé.

We'll be fine.

És que esta era la idea del principi, però bueno.

It's just that this was the idea from the beginning, but well.

El carbassot fa el que pot.

The pumpkin does what it can.



El carbassot.

The large gourd.

El carbassot fa el que pot.

The pumpkin does what it can.

Us sembla si continuem?

Do you think we should continue?

O sigui, continuem?

So, shall we continue?

Amb la secció de l'Ivan, no?

With Ivan's section, right?

Amb el seu jueguecito, jugando.

With his little game, playing.

Clar, avui és un dia de jocs.

Sure, today is a day for games.

Avui és un dia de la jugada.

Today is a game day.

Avui us porto un joc de emojis.

Today I bring you a game of emojis.

Els emojis, i jo us mostraré,

The emojis, and I will show you,

bueno, l'Adam us posarà per aquí uns emojis,

Well, Adam will put some emojis here for you.

i m'hauríeu de dir en quina pel·li o sèrie pot pertanyer.

You would have to tell me which movie or series it might belong to.

En quina pel·li o una sèrie?

In which movie or series?

Sí, efectivament.

Yes, indeed.

Vale, ficció audiovisual.

Okay, audiovisual fiction.





No us gusta.

You don't like it.

Tant des del xat,

Both from the chat,

podeu participar, efectivament,

you can participate, indeed,

o vosaltres, que us he portat,

o you, whom I have brought to you,

el que ve a ser,

what is meant to be,

les preguntes impreses,

the printed questions,

perquè ho veieu en directe.

so you can see it live.

Oh, vale, vale.

Oh, okay, okay.

Un pic bonic.

A nice peak.

Us diré que són una mica complicades.

I will tell you that they are a bit complicated.

N'hi ha cada una que és complicada.

There are some that are complicated.

Si us sembla, comencem amb la primera, Adam.

If you agree, let's start with the first one, Adam.

Ai, que mono.

Oh, how cute.

És una mà, és un tres, i és una cross.

It’s a hand, it’s a three, and it’s a cross.



Esto es difícil.

This is difficult.

Eh, me mole molt aquest joc, Ivan.

Hey, I really like this game, Ivan.

Ai, que mal, si em dóna a mi això, eh.

Oh, how bad, if that happens to me, huh.

Us diré que no és una cosa relacionada amb la pel·lícula,

I will tell you that it is not something related to the movie,

sinó que és el títol de la pel·lícula.

but it is the title of the movie.





Però, hòstia, ho haguéssim pogut...

But, damn, we could have...



Que mal.

That’s bad.

Ho haguéssim pogut preguntar també a la gent que ens està escoltant.

We could have also asked the people who are listening to us.

Bé, no passa nada.

Well, it's nothing.

La cancel·lació del Super3.

The cancellation of Super3.

Ai, no, no.

Oh, no, no.

Oh, sí.

Oh, yes.

És la cancel·lació del Super3.

It is the cancellation of Super3.

Qui l'ha dit, aquesta? Qui l'ha dit?

Who said that, this? Who said it?

El Black Natch.

The Black Natch.

Black Natch.

Black Natch.

Te mereixes una copa de triomfador.

You deserve a winner's cup.



Me mereixo una copa de triomfador.

I deserve a winner's cup.

Mare de mola, que està contestant.

Mother of a mill, she is answering.

Què és això?

What is this?

Aquest és el... Ai, com se diu?

This is the... Oh, what is it called?

El final de...

The end of...

Sí, a veure, us ho explico.

Yes, let me explain it to you.

És un personatge de Super3 que el Mega Zero...

It is a character from Super3 that the Mega Zero...

És el Mega Zero, Adam?

Is it Mega Zero, Adam?

Sí, no?

Yes, no?

A veure, torna-lo a posar.

Let's see, put it back on.

No, no el posis. A mi no m'agrada. A mi em fa por.

No, don't put it. I don't like it. It scares me.

No el posis.

Don't put it on.

És que la Laia plorarà.

It's just that Laia will cry.

Literalment, jo he tingut un munt de malsons amb aquest...

Literally, I have had a lot of nightmares with this...



Amb aquest ente que me perseguia, i òbviament, com que no és sòlid,

With this entity that was chasing me, and obviously, since it's not solid,

jo me tancava en una porta i tal...

I locked myself in a room and such...

Podia passar.

It could happen.

I podia passar per sota la porta i no podia escapar d'ell, tio.

I could pass under the door and I couldn't escape from him, dude.

Però què era això? Aquest personatge del Super3?

But what was that? This character from Super3?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Saps què passa? Tenim algun vídeo, el podem ensenyar?

Do you know what’s happening? Do we have any video, can we show it?

D'aquest personatge del Super3.

Of this character from Super3.

Ah, però...

Ah, but...

És que ell no sap quin és.

It's just that he doesn't know which one it is.

El MegaZero.

The MegaZero.

Ell no sap quin és.

He doesn't know which one it is.

És un personatge... Sí, clar, és un personatge de quan nosaltres érem petits,

He is a character... Yes, of course, he is a character from when we were little.

que potser no sé si teníem l'edat per mirar-ho.

that perhaps I don't know if we were old enough to watch it.

Sí, clar, sí.

Yes, of course, yes.

I feia una mica de por, perquè era el Dolent, i era com una pantalla...

It was a little scary because it was the Bad Guy, and it was like a screen...

Era un ente flotant.

It was a floating entity.

Un ente flotant, però era molt informàtic, no? Era com una pantalla de televisió.

A floating entity, but it was very computer-like, wasn't it? It was like a television screen.

Era el típic de...

It was the typical of...

Sí, era com les típiques pantalles de telequadrades, quan no hi havia senyal,

Yes, it was like the typical square TV screens when there was no signal.

que sortien així, en blanc i negre, com la camisa de l'Ivan, similar.

that came out like this, in black and white, like Ivan's shirt, similar.

Quin mal rotllo.

What a bad vibe.



I era com una espècie de boira que flotava, i clar, tu t'escapaves d'allò, però és que podia travessar portes i...

It was like a kind of fog that floated, and of course, you escaped from that, but it could pass through doors and...

Flotava, clar.

It was floating, of course.

I de tot, i clar, doncs a mi això em...

And above all, of course, this makes me...

És no protocol.

It is no protocol.

A mi això em traumatitzó.

This traumatized me.

És no protocol.

It is not protocol.

Super3, demanda.

Super3, demand.

Home, ara el Super3 tanca.

Now, Super3 is closing.

Te l'envió Adam?

Did Adam send it to you?

Mira, sí, ai.

Look, yes, oh.

Mira, mireu-lo, mireu-lo, mireu-lo.

Look, look at him, look at him, look at him.

A veure?

Let's see?

Si no he vist mai.

If I have never seen.

És molt fort.

It's very strong.

Mira, mira, mira.

Look, look, look.

Hem de superar les pors.

We must overcome our fears.

Una cosa, és que...

One thing is that...

S'ha de tot respallar.

Everything needs to be brushed off.



Gràcies, Super3.

Thank you, Super3.

Això no té cap mena de sentit.

This makes no sense at all.

No té cap mena de sentit.

It makes no sense at all.

No he sentit res.

I haven’t heard anything.

Això tu li pots demanar a un nen de 3 anys i no en tinc...

You can ask this of a 3-year-old child, and I don't have one...

En fi.


És que...

It's just that...

Això no lo supero, eh.

I can't get over this, you know.

Bueno, doncs era aquesta mena de...

Well, it was this kind of...

No sé, de monstruositat, no?

I don't know, of monstrosity, right?

Que se menjava la pantalla d'un moment a l'altre.

That was eating the screen from one moment to another.

I clar, doncs, nosaltres que érem petits, tots...

And of course, when we were small, everyone...

Feia por.

It was scary.

Podem canviar-te...

We can change you...

Puede usted quitar eso, por favor.

Can you please take that away?

Venga, va, continuem.

Come on, let's continue.

Que mos quedem al puesto.

We stay at the place.

La segona.

The second.

La segona, jo crec que és la més complicada de totes.

The second one, I think, is the most complicated of all.



És la més complicada.

It is the most complicated.

Jo us diré una petita pista.

I will give you a little hint.


Come on.

Intentem no dir-ho amb igual de...

Let's try not to say it with the same...

Vale, sí.

Okay, yes.

És que...

It's just that...

Vale, perdó.

Okay, sorry.

Quan la tingueu, doncs ho debatim.

When you have it, then we'll discuss it.




It is...

En inglés.

In English.

Es podria dir...

It could be said...

Que és inglés.

What is English?

En inglés.

In English.



Pels que ens estan escoltant a la ràdio, que avui segurament s'estaran passant...

For those who are listening to us on the radio, who will surely be tuning in today...

Estan passant.

They are passing by.

Ens ho sabran passar...

They will make us enjoy it...

S'estaran passant molt bé.

They will be having a great time.

O en podcast.

Or in podcast.

En pantalla tenim un micròfon, un tic i un senyor.

On screen we have a microphone, a tick, and a gentleman.



I aquí, al xat, la gent està donant propostes de pel·lícules.

And here, in the chat, people are making movie suggestions.



La meno.

The less.







Aquí hi ha una persona que s'ha apropat molt.

Here is a person who has come very close.


Of course.





Ah, bueno, clar, si s'ha apropat molt.

Ah, well, of course, if he has gotten very close.

El nom complet volts?

Your full name, please?

Sí, aquí estem, dando la nota 3.

Yes, here we are, making a scene 3.

Dando la nota 3.

Giving the note 3.

És una bona opció.

It's a good option.

poc original, diu coses

not very original, it says things

que tampoc, diu coses originals

that neither, says original things

però tampoc, crec que no s'adecue molt

but also, I don't think it fits very well

al demòleg

to the demologist

que tu arribes a pensar

that you come to think

per què han fet tres pel·lícules

Why have they made three movies?

dando la nota, en plan, en quin moment

making a scene, like, at what moment

dando la nota una vez ya no está de prove

making a fuss once it is no longer useful

yo es que no ne he visto

I just haven't seen it.

Truman con micro

Truman with a microphone

ho puc dir, ho puc dir

I can say it, I can say it.

el show de Truman

The Truman Show

molt bé, ja que n'he dit

very good, since I've said it

a tope

full throttle

el tip de true, de veritat

the true guy, for real

i l'home

and the man

el show de Truman

The Truman Show

és molt bona

it is very good


let's continue

esta és la més senzilla de totes

this is the simplest of all

si no ho sabeu, intenteu-la, no ho dir-la

If you don't know it, try it, don't say it.

al mateix moment que la veieu

at the same moment you see her

perquè l'has dit

because you said it



una cosa

one thing

però per què no me l'he dit jo

but why didn't I say it to myself

has dit-ho?

Have you said it?

que estàs molt senzilla

that you are very simple

és molt senzilla

it is very simple

estàs molt senzilla

you are very simple

casa i paper

house and paper

hòstia, tia

Holy shit, girl.

la casa

the house

la casa con papeles

the house with papers



la casa de paper

the paper house

house of pergamín

house of parchment

mira, una cosa

look, one thing

és que m'agrada molt aquesta de house of pergamín

I really like this one from House of Pergamín.

és que estava pensant en pergamins

I was just thinking about scrolls.

home, una cosa

man, one thing

i house of cards també

And House of Cards too.

però no és cards, és cars

but it’s not cards, it’s expensive

house of cards

house of cards

la casa de paper

the paper house

però aquí podries posar un paper o alguna cosa

but here you could put a piece of paper or something

però és un paper

but it is a paper

és que és emojis, tot això són emojis reals

It's that it's emojis, all of this is real emojis.

i no existeix un emoji de paper

and there is no paper emoji

que bona aquesta

how good this is

i van, uau, molt bona

And they go, wow, very good.

i la última

and the last

és complicada

it is complicated

és la que has passat abans

it's the one you passed before

podria ser l'última que queda

it could be the last one left

a veure

let's see

ah, no, no, no

ah, no, no, no

no la diguis

don't say it

a veure

let's see

a veure, espera'm

let's see, wait for me

ui, ni idea, eh

Oh, no idea, huh?

hi ha una playstation

there is a playstation

hi ha una cadira

there is a chair

i hi ha

and there is

una corona

a crown

jo no ho sé, eh

I don't know, eh.



molt bé

very good

una estació jugable

a playable station

estic d'acord

I agree.

la game of thrones

the game of thrones

hola, que bona

hello, how good

molt bé, molt bé, Ivan

very good, very good, Ivan

molt bé, Ivan

very good, Ivan

molt bé, molt bé, Ivan

very good, very good, Ivan

podríem fer-ne més edicions d'aquest joc

we could make more editions of this game

que m'agrada

that I like

si no te fa res, a tu

if you don’t mind, to you

a mi m'agrada, eh

I like it, huh.



i a més és molt divertit fer-les

and besides, it's very fun to do them

buscar els emojis és molt divertit

searching for emojis is very fun

doncs superbé

so superbly

doncs m'ha molat molt

well, I've really liked it a lot

m'ha molat molt

I really liked it.

joc de tronys

game of thrones

joc de tronges

game of thrones

sí, total

yes, totally

doncs després

so later

d'aquest entretingut joc

of this entertaining game

què et sembla si anem a buscar un creador

What do you think if we go look for a creator?

un recomanat de la setmana

a recommendation of the week



va, ja va

come on, that's enough

doncs amb la sintonia

so with the tuning

l'única que escoltareu avui

the only one you will hear today

el creador de la setmana

the creator of the week

bueno, doncs aquesta setmana us porto

Well, then this week I bring you

més que un creador

more than a creator

creador us porto un

creator I bring you a

aquí estan fent spam

They are spamming here.

al xat, no?

in the chat, right?

el miro

I look at him.

com se treu això, tio?

How do you get this off, dude?

sé com va el demoderador

I know how the demoderator works.

m'hauràs d'ajudar

you will have to help me

perquè no recordo

because I don't remember

ara mateix el nom

right now the name

se me n'ha anat del cap

I've forgotten about it.



saps el que t'he dit?

Do you know what I told you?

no me'n recordo

I don't remember.

m'hauràs d'ajudar

you will have to help me

doncs aquesta setmana

so this week

en comptes de portar-vos un creador

instead of bringing you a creator

una creadora

a creator

us porto un grup

I bring you a group.

un grup que crea

a group that creates



un grup de teatre

a theater group

un grup que crea

a group that creates

i més concretament

and more specifically

no és per la gent jove

it's not for young people

com nosaltres

like us

sinó és per gent més jove

unless it's for younger people

i fins i tot més jove

and even younger

que la idea de tu

that the idea of you

per gent xica

for nice people

ah, vale

ah, okay

ara m'ha vingut

now it has come to me


find me

si em pots dir

if you can tell me

com pots tornar a repetir aquest nom

how can you repeat this name again

és per gent xica

it's for thin people

tornem a repetir

let's repeat it again

és un grup

it is a group

de versions musicals

of musical versions


above all

per un públic

for an audience



més infantil

more childish

més familiar

more familiar

però ei

but hey

que per gent gran

for elderly people





a més


mole molt

I annoy a lot.

perquè tenim una amiga

because we have a friend

que està allí

that is there

a formar part

to be part

de la banda

from the band

i es diu

and is called

versions per xics

versions for kids

que segurament

that surely

que els veureu

that you will see them

en qualsevol festa major

at any festival

això sí

that’s for sure

no és alhora

it is not at the same time

no és a les 12 de nit

it is not at 12 midnight

de nit

at night

però potser és a les 12 del migdia

but maybe it’s at 12 noon

no és l'hora del cubata

it's not cocktail hour

sinó és l'hora del vermut

unless it's vermouth time

del vermut

of the vermouth

i per això aquesta setmana

And for that reason this week.


we recommend

aquests creadors

these creators

que van començar

that started

fa molt poc

a little while ago

i la veritat

and the truth

és que fan versions

it's that they make versions

per xics

for kids



molt entretingudes

very entertaining



i la majoria

and the majority

són en català

they are in Catalan

i a més són gent jove

and moreover they are young people

que són com a nosaltres

that are like us



a tope

full speed ahead

amb això nois

with this guys



versions per xics

versions for kids

els podeu trobar a Instagram

you can find them on Instagram

i veureu

and you will see

el seu repertori

his/her repertoire

el que fan

what they do

i el que es dediquen

and what they are dedicated to

que és teatre

what is theater

teatre i música

theatre and music



teatre i música

theatre and music

tan picant

so spicy

tan bonica

so beautiful

i després d'aquesta

and after this





avui ens haurem

today we will have

de despedir

to say goodbye

tot i que


amb un sabor

with a flavor

així agredolç

thus bittersweet



és allò que tu estàs passant

it is what you are experiencing

super bé

super good

però no vols marxar

but you don't want to leave

doncs aquesta és la sensació

well, this is the feeling

que tenim avui

What do we have today?

no sé si ho podem fer

I don't know if we can do it.

hauríem de fer

we should do

més programes així

more programs like this

és que

it's that

teníem pensat

we had planned

fer 10

make 10

jo he dit

I have said.

abans de començar el programa

before starting the program



la braquet fight

the braquet fight

aquesta de les assignatures

this one of the subjects

ens ocuparà com a molt

it will take us at most

10 minuts

10 minutes

hem estat

we have been

tot el programa

the whole program

discutint assignatures

discussing subjects

a mi m'ha passat

it has happened to me

super ràpid

super fast

a mi també

me too

doncs ja està

so that's it

un dia que no vulguem fer guió

a day that we don't want to make a script

posaríem un tema

we would put a topic


of these



i ens estem tot el dia

and we are together all day



convidem l'Aibet

we invite Aibet

i ja està

and that's it

és que a més

it's that moreover



està tranquilote

he is calm



i el que ens agrada

and what we like

de fer el programa

to do the program

a part d'estar tan tranquilote

apart from being so calm

és que la gent comenti

it's that people comment

i busquem això

and we seek this

i per tant potser

and therefore maybe

la manera de fer

the way of doing

els programes

the programs

seria més així

it would be more like this




of interactivity

més de calma

more calm

més de braves

more than brave

que bones

how good


I love them.

ara sí que tinc una gana

Now I am really hungry.



si la gana

if the hunger

us ho deixem per aquí

we leave it for you here

i anem a fer unes braves

Let's go have some patatas bravas.

com a cada setmana

as every week

si tant

if so

ens veiem la setmana que ve

We'll see each other next week.

també en diumenge

also on Sunday

a les 12

at 12 o'clock





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