Capítol 12

12 dies per Nadal

12 dies per Nadal

Capítol 12

12 dies per Nadal

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És avui, és avui!

It's today, it's today!

Sí, avui és el dia. Avui és el darrer dia abans de Nadal.

Yes, today is the day. Today is the last day before Christmas.

Avui acaben totes les històries.

Today all the stories end.

Ja ens queda poca cosa per veure, però potser és que ens afanyem.

We have very little left to see, but maybe we are rushing.

Àlex està a punt de donar-li el seu regal a l'Irene.

Àlex is about to give his gift to Irene.

Ja el veig. Està portant a l'Irene amb els ulls envenats.

I can see him. He's taking Irene with the poisoned eyes.

No em mataré, no?

I won't kill myself, will I?

No, ja gairebé hi som.

No, we’re almost there.

No podíem venir en cotxe?

Couldn't we come by car?

Home, és que llavors no era tan divertit.

Well, it wasn't that fun back then.



Falten només cinc minuts. Pots esperar un moment aquí?

There are only five minutes left. Can you wait here for a moment?

No m'atracaran?

Will they not mug me?

Sí, a punta de pistola. No traguis l'envenat dels ulls, eh?

Yes, at gunpoint. Don't let the poison out of your eyes, okay?



Jordi, tot a punt?

Jordi, all set?

Sí, estem tots preparats. Queden només tres minuts.

Yes, we are all ready. There are only three minutes left.

Gràcies a tots l'altre cop, de veritat.

Thank you all once again, really.

El dia que li hagis de demanar la mà, què faràs?

The day you have to ask for her hand, what will you do?

Tornar-vos a enredar.

To trick you again.

Va, Àlex, prepara't que queden només dos minuts.

Come on, Àlex, get ready because there are only two minutes left.

Què? Estan atracats?

What? Are they docked?

Ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha.

A veure si això...

Let's see if this...

Encara no. Un moment.

Not yet. One moment.

10, 9, 8...

10, 9, 8...

Espera, espera!

Wait, wait!

Acabes de parar el temps?

Did you just stop time?

M'estàs dient que també pots parar el temps?

Are you telling me that you can also stop time?

Si ara veiem això, ens perdrem una altra cosa que està passant ara mateix.

If we see this now, we will miss something else that is happening right now.



Però jo volia veure el regal de l'Àlex.

But I wanted to see Alex's gift.

El veuràs, el veuràs, però ara has de veure això.

You will see him, you will see him, but now you have to see this.

Al parc de Cangudó?

To the Cangudó park?

No, allà.

No, there.

Ah, el Jan.

Ah, Jan.

El Jan, no, a ella.

Jan, no, to her.





Sabia que series aquí.

I knew you would be here.

A aquesta hora ja no queda ningú al parc, és un lloc tranquil.

At this hour, there is no one left in the park; it is a quiet place.

Sempre t'ha agradat aquest parc, jo l'odio.

You've always liked this park, I hate it.

I què fas aquí?

And what are you doing here?

És de la guitarra que no en parles.

It's about the guitar that you don't talk about.

Home, que li dediquis una cançó a algú i marxi sense dir-te gràcies,

It's like dedicating a song to someone and they leave without saying thank you.

doncs em fa pensar que no té moltes ganes que li digui res, la veritat.

Well, it makes me think that he/she doesn’t really want me to say anything, to be honest.

És que sembla que no em coneguis.

It's just that it seems like you don't know me.

Què penses que passaria?

What do you think would happen?

No ho sé, la veritat.

I don't know, to be honest.

Jan, és que no ho puc entendre.

Jan, I just can't understand it.

Perquè no podem senzillament ser amics com abans i ja està.

Why can't we simply be friends like before and that's it?

Per què no puc, Júlia, no puc?

Why can't I, Julia, why can't I?

Perquè des de la primera vegada que et vaig veure a rugar al nas quan reies que estic penjat de tu

Because since the first time I saw you scrunch your nose when you laughed, I'm hung up on you.

i pensar que teníem alguna cosa especial.

And I thought we had something special.

Sí, potser sí.

Yes, maybe so.

No ho sé, Jan.

I don't know, Jan.

Joder, em coneixes, no em van aquestes coses.

Damn, you know me, those things don't suit me.

Però la que ha vingut fins aquí ets tu.

But the one who has come here is you.

És una cosa que la Júlia no hagués fet mai.

It's something that Júlia would never have done.

Em de que estàs tu, eh?

I'm wondering what you're up to, huh?

Però contesta'm una cosa.

But answer me one thing.

No t'agrado?

Don't you like me?

Ni una mica?

Not even a little?



Em sap greu tallar.

I'm sorry to cut in.

T'agrado aquí, però crec que hem de tornar a la rampa de l'església.

I like it here, but I think we need to go back to the church ramp.

Ara sí que l'espectacle és a punt de començar.

Now the show is about to begin.

No, no m'ho pots tornar a tallar.

No, you can't cut it for me again.

Xxxt, que està a punt de començar.

Xxxt, it's about to start.

Va, vine, que des d'aquí ho veurem perfecte.

Come on, come here, we'll see it perfectly from here.

Tres, dos, un...

Three, two, one...



















D'acord, noies. Preparades...

Okay, girls. Ready...



Déu meu!

My God!

En serem els focus!

We will be the focus!

Àlex, diós!

Alex, god!

Focs preparats!

Ready, set, go!

D'acord, noies. Quan digui 3.

Okay, girls. When I say 3.

1, 2 i 3!

1, 2, and 3!

Focs preparats!

Ready, set, fire!



Bon Nadal, Irene!

Merry Christmas, Irene!

Bon Nadal!

Merry Christmas!

Que heavy! Quina passada!

How awesome! What a trip!

Crec que l'Àlis ha fet molt bon regal de Nadal.

I think that Àlis has given a very nice Christmas gift.

Sí que té ganes de no anar a Portaventura.

He really doesn't want to go to Portaventura.

No, home! Veus que estimo la Irene.

No, come on! You see that I love Irene.

Però vaja, segur que ha guanyat ell.

But come on, he has surely won.

Hauràs d'esperar una mica per saber-ho.

You will have to wait a little to know.

Hem de tornar al parc de Cangudó.

We have to go back to Cangudó park.

Al final em marejaràs, eh?

In the end, you will make me dizzy, huh?

Però per què ho redueixes tot això?

But why do you reduce all this?

No es tracta d'agradar o no.

It is not about liking or not.

Et juro que no és cosa meva.

I swear it's not my fault.

És una cosa que et pega.

It's something that suits you.

Doncs no sóc jo. Però no m'has contestat.

Well, it's not me. But you haven't answered me.

No ho sé si m'agrades o no, Jan.

I don't know if I like you or not, Jan.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Mai m'ha agradat ningú, per tant, no ho sé.

I have never liked anyone, so I don't know.

A vegades penso que potser sí que sento alguna cosa.

Sometimes I think that maybe I do feel something.

Però m'ha fet una por només de pensar en el que vindrà després

But it has scared me just thinking about what will come next.

que deixo de pensar-ho ràpidament.

that I stop thinking about it quickly.

Doncs no ho pensis.

Then don't think about it.

Ostres, quina bona idea.

Wow, what a great idea.

Com no se m'havia acudit.

How had it not occurred to me?

Gràcies, apagaré l'interruptor.

Thank you, I will turn off the switch.

Però si només penses en el després, no penses en l'ara.

But if you only think about the after, you don't think about the now.

Ideal amb les frases de Mr. Wonderful.

Ideal with the phrases of Mr. Wonderful.

No puc. Senzillament no puc.

I can't. Simply I can't.

És molt complicat. Ni jo mateixa ho entenc.

It's very complicated. I don't even understand it myself.

Per què no intentar-ho?

Why not give it a try?

Jan, no entens que fer petons em costa?

Jan, don't you understand that kissing is hard for me?

Doncs sense petons.

Well then, no kisses.

Però com ha d'haver-hi una relació sense petons?

But how can there be a relationship without kisses?

És que tu li estàs posant les etiquetes, Júlia.

It's just that you are putting the labels on him, Júlia.

No em calen petons. No ho entens.

I don't need kisses. You don't understand it.

Que el que vull és estar amb tu.

What I want is to be with you.

Ja arribaran, si han d'arribar.

They will arrive if they are meant to arrive.

I si no surt bé?

And what if it doesn’t go well?

No ningú ha dit que sigui fàcil.

No one has said it is easy.

A part, aguantar-te tu ja té lo seu.

On top of that, putting up with you already has its own challenges.



No, però no el miris ara.

No, but don't look at him now.

Déu meu, he provat, Jan, he provat.

My God, I've tried, Jan, I've tried.

De veritat, és que ho sabia.

Really, I knew it.

Li ha fet un petó. La Júlia li ha fet un petó.

She gave him a kiss. Julia gave him a kiss.

Em deixarà sort, no cal que cridis.

It will leave me luck, no need to shout.

Ho estic veient.

I am seeing it.

Però els oients no.

But the listeners do not.

Crec que és un bon moment per tornar a la rampa de l'Església.

I believe it's a good time to return to the Church ramp.

No, ara no.

No, not now.

Tranquil, tornarem.

Calm down, we'll be back.

Déu meu, Àlex, tot això...

My God, Alex, all of this...

1. Menys de 20 euros.

Less than 20 euros.

N'he gastat 19,75.

I have spent 19.75.

He comprat uns torrons per donar per tots els voluntaris.

I have bought some nougat to give to all the volunteers.

2. Ha d'estar elaborat.

2. It must be elaborated.

3. Res de pistes.

3. No clues.

I 4. S'ha de comprar a tallar.

I 4. It must be bought to cut.



Aquest és el meu.

This is mine.

Carai, quina caixa més petita.

Wow, what a tiny box.

Potser és d'una gincama.

Perhaps it's from a scavenger hunt.

Fret, fred...

Chill, cold...

Però qui saps el que és?

But who knows what it is?

Ja ho sé tot.

I already know everything.

Què és? Una galeta en forma d'arbre?

What is it? A cookie in the shape of a tree?

1. Menys de 20 euros.

Less than 20 euros.

M'ha costat 3 euros.

It cost me 3 euros.

2. Ha d'estar elaborat.

It must be prepared.

Jo li he posat el fondant per decorar-la.

I have put the fondant on it to decorate it.

3. Res de pistes.

3. No clues.

I 4. S'ha de comprar a tallar.

I 4. It must be bought to be cut.

L'he comprat al fornou.

I bought it at the bakery.

No és per res, però crec que...

It's not for anything, but I think that...

No ho has entès.

You haven't understood it.

El què?

The what?

El regal.

The gift.

Què vols dir? Que és una galeta?

What do you mean? That it's a cookie?

Qualsevol regal seria millor que aquest.

Any gift would be better than this.

Qualsevol cosa que m'haguessis regalat superaria aquest regal.

Anything you would have given me would surpass this gift.

El meu regal és que anem 4 dies a la muntanya.

My gift is that we go to the mountains for 4 days.



Però no m'esperava que em fessis aquest regal.

But I didn't expect you to give me this gift.

Has liat a mig poble.

You have involved half the village.

És que el premi a mi realment m'era igual.

The prize really didn't matter to me.

Si he fet tot això és per tu.

If I have done all this, it is for you.

T'estimo, Irene.

I love you, Irene.

I jo.

Me too.



I així se n'acaba un altre.

And thus, another one comes to an end.

I crec que el pare s'ha d'acabar.

I believe that the father must come to an end.

I se n'està a punt d'acabar un altre.

Another one is about to finish.

Perdona, joder, l'emoció.

Sorry, damn, the emotion.

Pensava que no ho provaria mai.

I thought I would never try it.

Jo no ho dubtava pas.

I did not doubt it at all.

Tu no ho sabies.

You didn't know it.

El Carme.

The Carmelite.

Què passa? Que el Carme no existeix.

What's happening? That Carmen doesn't exist.

Una mica sí.

A little bit yes.



Llavors què?

So what?



Pensava que ja t'hauries oblidat.

I thought you would have forgotten by now.

Demà és Nadal.

Tomorrow is Christmas.

I què vols dir?

And what do you mean?

Que només poden passar coses bones.

That only good things can happen.



Però on anem? Que encara no ha acabat.

But where are we going? It’s not over yet.

Entén-m'ho que sí, petit.

Understand me that yes, small one.

Com? Ja està?

What? Is it done?

A vegades les històries no tenen final.

Sometimes stories have no ending.

Perquè senzillament no han acabat.

Because they simply haven't finished.

Però acaben junts, la Juli i en Jan.

But they end up together, Juli and Jan.

És una cosa que només ells podran saber.

It is something that only they will be able to know.

Doncs quin final.

What an ending.

Una mica fluixot, eh?

A bit weak, huh?

Pensava que seria més romàntic tot.

I thought it would be more romantic.

Vols un altre final?

Do you want another ending?

Queda alguna cosa per veure?

Is there anything left to see?

Va, vine. Et portaré a veure la darrera història.

Come on, let's go. I'll take you to see the latest story.

L'ana porta més de 30 minuts.

Ana has been gone for more than 30 minutes.

Aquí és segur d'escoltar música.

Here it is safe to listen to music.

Però el que passarà ara mateix, ni ella mateixa s'ho imagina.

But what will happen right now, not even she can imagine.



Martí, m'has espantat.

Martí, you scared me.

No sabia que portaves els cascos.

I didn’t know you were wearing the headphones.

Passa res?

Is something wrong?

Sí, sí que passa.

Yes, it happens.

I si no t'ho dic, rebentaré.

And if I don't tell you, I'll explode.

Mira, Ana, estic penjat de tu.

Look, Ana, I'm into you.

Ja sé que estàs amb la Martina i que no tinc res a fer,

I know that you are with Martina and that I have nothing to do.

però vull que sàpigues que per mi no va ser un polvo i prou.

But I want you to know that for me it wasn't just a one-night stand.

Que m'agrades, joder, i que no ho puc oblidar per molt que ho vulgui.

I like you, damn it, and I can't forget it no matter how much I want to.



I ara, si vols...

And now, if you want…

Fem com si res hagués passat.

Let's act as if nothing has happened.

Espero que siguis feliç amb la Martina, de veritat.

I hope you are happy with Martina, truly.

I sento deixar-te anar tot això així, però no aguantar més.

I'm sorry to let you go like this, but I can't take it anymore.

L'ana li ha fet un petó, però no deia que no sentia res.

Ana kissed him, but didn't she say she felt nothing?

Podem amagar els sentiments tot el que vulguem i més.

We can hide our feelings as much as we want and more.

Però ells sempre saben quan han d'intervenir.

But they always know when to intervene.

Així doncs, l'ana i en Martí tindran un final feliç.

Thus, Ana and Martí will have a happy ending.

Sembla que sí.

It seems so.

Veus, al final, tots han tingut el seu regal.

You see, in the end, everyone got their gift.

Però tu no has hagut de fer res.

But you haven't had to do anything.

Tu creus?

Do you believe?

Però si només hem estat mirant. No m'has deixat intervenir.

But we have only been watching. You haven't let me intervene.

Potser només necessitaven una mica de màgia nadalenca.

Perhaps they just needed a little Christmas magic.

No podem entretenir-nos més. Ho farem tard.

We can't linger any longer. We will do it later.

Com ho has fet? Estic segur que has fet alguna cosa.

How did you do it? I'm sure you did something.

Però si has estat mirant tota l'estona.

But you have been watching the whole time.

Sempre igual. Mai sabré com ho fas.

Always the same. I'll never know how you do it.

Oh, oh, oh, oh! Bon Nadal!

Oh, oh, oh, oh! Merry Christmas!

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

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