Catacroc - Episodi 12



Catacroc - Episodi 12


Cata Croc, els èxits de la música en català, a 21 Ràdio.

Cata Croc, the successes of music in Catalan, on 21 Radio.

Ens vam conèixer un dimecres fent cua al cine arcadín

We met on a Wednesday waiting in line at the Arcadín cinema.

i ens ha costat Déu i ajuda arribar fins aquí.

And it has cost us God and help to get here.

Li vaig oferir un carmelo, un vespre de sant,

I offered him a candy, one evening of saint,

i ens ha costat Déu i ajuda arribar fins aquí.

And it has cost us a fortune to get here.

Una amiga, molt amiga, venia massa sovint

A friend, very close friend, was coming too often.

i ens ha costat Déu i ajuda arribar fins aquí.

And it has cost us God and help to get here.

Arribar fins aquí.

Get to here.

Vols venir? Vaig preguntar-li a conèixer els meus padrins.

Do you want to come? I asked him to meet my grandparents.

Ens ha costat Déu i ajuda arribar fins aquí.

It has cost us God's help to get here.

I jo faig els plats de la nit,

And I do the dinner dishes.

i ens ha costat Déu i ajuda,

and it has cost us a fortune,

Arribar fins aquí.

Get this far.

Jo alimento els periquitos,

I feed the parakeets,

ell arregla el jardí

he fixes the garden

i ens acosta Déu i ajuda

and brings us closer to God and helps us

a arribar fins aquí.

to arrive until here.

Jo sempre compro menjagut,

I always buy food.

malgrat ella és més de bric

despite she is more into DIY

i ens ha costat Déu i ajuda

and it has cost us God and help

a arribar fins aquí.

to get here.

Jo soc un fan de l'estèric

I am a fan of the aesthetic.

i ell ja té.

And he already has.

Tots els tintins

All the tintins

ens acosta Déu i ajuda

God brings us closer and helps.

a arribar fins aquí.

to get here.

Prefereixo que no parli

I prefer that you do not speak.

del seu nòvio de París

from her boyfriend in Paris

que ens ha costat Déu

that has cost us God

i ajuda a arribar fins aquí.

and helps to get here.

Jo soc de ballar la conga

I am from dancing the conga.

i ell és de la ràbia.

And he is of the rage.

Ell és de la ràbia.

He is from anger.

Ella canta més pel turisme

She sings more for tourism.

ens acosta Déu i ajuda

God draws near to us and helps.

a arribar fins aquí.

to arrive until here.

Jo dic

I say

ets un ron amb cola

you are a rum with cola

i ella vol carta de vins

And she wants a wine list.

i ens acosta Déu

and brings us closer to God

i ens acosta Déu i ajuda

and draws us closer to God and helps.

a arribar fins aquí.

to get this far.

Ajuda a arribar fins aquí.

Help to get here.

Ei, mira que no estem i ja sóc despejat.

Hey, look that we're not there and I'm already clear-headed.

Tant bé ens acosta Déu i ajuda a arribar fins aquí.

God brings us so close and helps us get here.



Jo ja sé dues o tres coses, ella ja en sap quatre o cinc.

I already know two or three things, she knows four or five.

Que ens acosta Déu.

That brings us closer to God.

Déu i ajuda a arribar fins aquí.

God and help to get here.

Ella no deixa que em rasqui quan em piquen els mosquits.

She doesn't let me scratch when the mosquitoes bite me.

Que ens acosta Déu i ajuda a arribar fins aquí.

God brings us closer and helps us get here.



És reina de les festes, de sapurna m'ha avorrit.

She is the queen of the festivities, of sapurna she has bored me.

Que ens acosta Déu i ajuda a arribar fins aquí.

What brings us closer to God and helps us get here.

Jo la miro i m'espatlo en tu.

I look at her and I break down in you.



passaria tres vides pensant en ciutats

I would spend three lives thinking about cities.

de les quals fugiria saltant pels terrats

from which I would escape by jumping across the rooftops

a la manera més digna de robar un llençol

in the most dignified way to steal a sheet

que em servís com a tal o com a eina de vol

that would serve me as such or as a flying tool

Ben mirat, avui sóc viatger

Well looked at, today I am a traveler.

de la línia més corba del fum del cafè

from the most curved line of the coffee smoke

d'una idea que es clava quan no penso en res

from an idea that sticks when I don't think of anything

Ben mirat, si t'he de ser sincer

To be honest, if I have to be sincere.

navegant a derives m'ho passo prou bé

sailing to the derives I'm having a pretty good time

a la classe turista d'un cel estranger

in the tourist class of a foreign sky

Ara que no tinc paraules

Now that I have no words

Ara que s'esborra el temps

Now that time is fading away

Ara que visc a la lluna

Now that I live on the moon.

i no sé ben bé per què

and I don't really know why

pagaria tres vides comptant els detalls

I would pay three lives counting the details.

tan petits com les gotes que ens fan de mirall

as small as the drops that serve as our mirror

Cada peça perduda d'un lloc incomplet

Each lost piece of an incomplete place.

Les virtuts de la llana quan sé que tens fred

The virtues of wool when I know you are cold.

Ben mirat, estic la mar de vent

Well looked at, I am full of wind.

L'intangible és l'única forma que sé

The intangible is the only way I know.

jo que visc en un estre i no penso en res

I who live in a narrow space and don't think about anything.

Ben mirat, estic la mar de vent L'intangible és l'única forma que sé

Well looked at, I'm all wind The intangible is the only form I know

jo que visc en un estre i no penso en res

I who live in a strait and do not think about anything.

Ben mirat, si t'he de ser sincer

Well looked at, if I have to be honest with you.

navegant a derives m'ho passo prou bé

I'm having quite a good time sailing on the Derives.

a la classe turista d'un cel estranger

in the economy class of a foreign sky

Ara que no tinc paraules

Now that I have no words

Ara que s'esborra el temps

Now that time is fading away

Ara que visc a la lluna

Now that I live on the moon

i no sé ben bé per què

and I don't really know why

Ara que no som perfectes

Now that we are not perfect

i tenim el que sabem

And we have what we know.

Ara que visc a la lluna

Now that I live on the moon

i no, no passa res

And no, nothing happens.

i no hi un emball

and there is no packaging

elimino la lluna

I eliminate the moon.



i per això

and for that reason

per la malaltia

for the illness


the 57

uns 14

about 14

de presó

from prison

i definitiva

and definitive



Avui no sento passar el temps, no he escollit bé el camí.

Today I don't feel time passing, I haven't chosen the path well.

Hi ha històries que no acaben bé, també hi ha històries que no acaben.

There are stories that do not end well, there are also stories that do not end.

Històries que no acaben.

Stories that never end.

Bandera negra al mar i una calma que espanta.

Black flag at sea and a calm that frightens.

Em disposo a saltar, però trobo a faltar l'aire.

I am about to jump, but I miss the air.

No m'ha canviat la sort, topant sempre en el mateix lloc.

My luck hasn't changed, always bumping into the same place.

Seguint la teva pista, m'he perdut i torno a començar.

Following your trail, I got lost and am starting over.

Quan arribi el moment, sabré que ressonin els canons.

When the moment comes, I will know that the cannons resonate.

Pren el control del teu temps.

Take control of your time.

Molta per instint que les coses passen davant teu.

A lot by instinct that things happen in front of you.

Hi ha històries que no acaben bé, també hi ha històries que no acaben.

There are stories that do not end well, there are also stories that do not end.

Històries que no acaben.

Stories that don't end.

Sento soroll de freds, venen del carreró i alguna habitació.

I hear the noise of the cold, coming from the alley and some room.

I jo amb la meva sort.

And me with my luck.

Començo un altre joc, dóna'm la carta oberta.

I'm starting another game, give me the open card.

Vull veure el que tens, saber què m'amagues.

I want to see what you have, to know what you are hiding from me.

Hem cadenat el present, vull saber com acaba.

We have chained the present, I want to know how it ends.

Quan arribi el moment, sabré que ressonin els canons.

When the time comes, I will know that the cannons will resonate.

Pren el control del teu temps.

Take control of your time.

Molta per instint que les coses passen davant teu.

A lot by instinct that things happen before you.

Hi ha històries que no acaben bé, també hi ha històries que no acaben.

There are stories that do not end well, there are also stories that do not end.

Bandera negra al mar

Black flag at sea

i una calma que espanta.

and a calm that frightens.

Algú m'està mirant

Someone is looking at me.

i una porta que a mi m'està llançant.

and a door that is throwing me.

La porta que m'està llançant.

The door that is throwing me.

I una porta que es tanca, i una porta que es tanca, que es tanca.

And a door that closes, and a door that closes, that closes.

Quan arribi el moment, sabré que ressonin els canons, pren el control del teu temps lentament.

When the time comes, I will know that the cannons resonate, take control of your time slowly.

Molt de perill estic que les coses passen davant teu, hi ha històries que no acaben bé, també hi ha històries que no acaben.

I am very much in danger that things happen in front of you, there are stories that do not end well, there are also stories that do not end.

Històries que no acaben, històries que no acaben.

Stories that never end, stories that never end.



Avui l'Albert arriba a l'hora, em dóna el cava.

Today Albert arrives on time, he gives me the cava.



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Quan sona a taula, trec el sopar.

When the bell rings at the table, I take out dinner.

Un menjar exquisit, vull provar aquest vi.

A delicious meal, I want to try this wine.

Qui vol cafè? Hi ha gintòlics també.

Who wants coffee? There are gin and tonics too.

I juguem al joc d'aquelles nits d'estiu.

We play the game of those summer nights.

No parleu tan fort que la nena dol.

Don't speak so loudly that the girl gets upset.

I l'héctor diu, jo mai mai he desitjat

And Héctor says, I have never ever wished.

fer un petó a la Judit.

give a kiss to Judit.

I afegeix, jo mai mai he desitjat

And I add, I have never ever desired.

que deixés el seu marit.

that she would leave her husband.

Tothom em mira i ningú veu.

Everyone looks at me and no one sees.

I aquell d'art, em vaig dinar.

And that art, I had for lunch.

Se m'ha clavat el...

It has stuck in me the...

el cor i ho reconec.

the heart and I acknowledge it.

I faig un glob.

I make a balloon.

I veig que tots riuen de cop,

I see that everyone suddenly laughs,

però la Judit aixeca el got.

but Judit raises the glass.

Em mira i diu, jo mai mai no he pensat

She looks at me and says, I have never ever thought.

que seria més feliç al teu costat.

that would be happier by your side.

Jo mai mai no he pensat

I never ever thought.

que seria més feliç al teu costat.

that would be happier by your side.

I jo em congelo i ella veu.

And I freeze and she sees.

I ell veu.

And he sees.

Estiu dominant, existim perquè el món és de ball.

Dominant summer, we exist because the world is a dance.

Ja tenim els millors elefants, resistim perquè som de metall.

We already have the best elephants, we resist because we are made of metal.

T'has vestit, rebassat, s'ha nistat, ses actrius que el tapit han tentat.

You have dressed, rehearsed, the actresses who have attempted the tap dance.

Canta, triple salt immortal, vull que soni sa fauna celènica.

Sing, immortal triple jump, I want the celestial fauna to sound.

Canta, vull sentir respirar.

Sing, I want to feel you breathe.

Canta, vull sentir respirar, sa Amazònia i ses plautes d'Amèrica.

Sing, I want to feel the breath of Amazonia and the plants of America.

Canta, triple salt immortal, vull que soni sa fauna celènica.

Sing, immortal triple jump, I want the celestial fauna to sound.

Canta, vull sentir respirar, sa Amazònia i ses plautes d'Amèrica.

Sing, I want to hear breathe, the Amazon and the plants of America.

Canta, vull sentir respirar.

Sing, I want to feel you breathe.

Canta, vull sentir respirar, sa Amazònia i ses plautes d'Amèrica.

Sing, I want to feel the breath of the Amazon and the flora of America.

Estiu dominant, existim perquè el món és de ball.

Dominant summer, we exist because the world is dancing.

Ja tenim els millors elefants, resistim perquè som de metall.

We already have the best elephants, we resist because we are made of metal.

Canta, triple salt immortal.

Sing, immortal triple jump.

Vull que soni sa fauna celènica.

I want the Celestial fauna to sound.

Canta, vull sentir respirar, sa Amazònia i ses plautes d'Amèrica.

Sing, I want to hear the breathing of the Amazon and the plants of America.

Canta, triple salt immortal, vull que soni sa fauna celènica.

Sing, immortal triple jump, I want the celestial fauna to sound.

Canta, vull sentir respirar, sa Amazònia i ses plautes d'Amèrica.

Sing, I want to feel the breath of the Amazon and the leaves of America.

Canta, triple salt immortal.

Sing, immortal triple jump.

Vull que soni sa fauna celènica.

I want the celestial fauna to sound.

Canta, vull sentir respirar, sa Amazònia i ses plautes d'Amèrica.

Sing, I want to hear breathe, the Amazon and the plains of America.

Canta, triple salt immortal.

Sing, immortal triple jump.

Vull que soni sa fauna celènica.

I want the celestial fauna to sound.

No, no puc deixar de formar ja part del meu desastre.

No, I can't stop being part of my mess.

Sobreviu la lluerna, la terra subalterna.

The firefly survives, the subordinate land.

Feig l'hort a cada matí il·luminar-s'hi.

I tend the garden every morning to illuminate it.

Enmig la plaça al cor, travessa l'assagador.

In the middle of the square at the heart, the walkway crosses.

Així he après a desmuntar-me, a no creuar-me en senya de les vies.

Thus I have learned to disassemble myself, not to cross myself in the sign of the ways.

De les línies amb voli a situar-te.

From the lines with flight to position yourself.

Les casualitats i un ritme salten de vesprada.

The coincidences and a rhythm jump in the evening.

I acabem més morts entre la matinada, entre el silenci de les façaners.

And we end up more dead in the early morning, amidst the silence of the façaners.

Quan les veïnes no va de gent, i encara sonen les primeres campanades.

When the neighbors are not around, and the first bells are still ringing.

No puc deixar-te ara que ens hem mostrat les cartes.

I can't leave you now that we have shown each other our cards.

Mencis a revolcar-me a les teues entranyes.

I desire to roll in your innards.

I així no em parirem, però així estic, així vist.

And so I won't give birth, but this is how I am, this is how I dress.

Orgullós i agraït, el que em vol queres acollir.

Proud and grateful, the one who wants to welcome me.

I així no em parirem, però així estic, així vist.

And so I won't give birth, but this is how I am, this is how I dress.

En quatre cantons del món, al califat no hi ha malsons.

In four corners of the world, in the caliphate, there are no nightmares.

I avui, avui hem dit hem dur per poder aparcar les solituds i refer-me a esta menuda pàtria.

And today, today we have said we will carry in order to park the solitude and refer to this small homeland.

I cada dia es viu a mig camí de la desgràcia.

And every day is lived halfway to disaster.

Torna a casa sol i el ciment ens vol atrapar-lo a fer car a l'herba i xarxer.

He returns home alone and the cement wants to trap him to make him fall on the grass and chatter.

Haurem de fer més gran l'hort més fort, subentint-es al tancat de marxer.

We will have to make the garden bigger, keeping in mind to leave the enclosure.

Semmaletes i xiquets retronant a la calçada, banda sonora dels missies de tornada.

Little backpacks and children echoing on the sidewalk, the soundtrack of the returning missions.

De poble a poble entre les andaners.

From village to village among the wanderers.

No puc fugir d'este miracle.

I cannot escape this miracle.

Que m'ha donat tantíssimes bones jugades.

That has given me so many good plays.

No puc deixar-te ara que ens he mostrat les cartes.

I can't leave you now that I've shown you my cards.

Mencis a revolcar-me a les teues entranyes.

You mention rolling in your insides.

I així no em parirem, però així estic, així vist.

And so I won't give birth, but this is how I am, this is how I dress.

Orgullós i agraït, el que em vol queres acollir.

Proud and grateful, the one who wants to welcome me.

I així no em parirem, però així estic, així vist.

And so we won't give birth, but this is how I am, this is how I dress.

En quatre cantons del món, al califat no hi ha malsons.

In four corners of the world, in the caliphate there are no nightmares.

Així no em parirem, però així estic, així vist.

Thus we will not give birth to me, but this is how I am, this is how I dress.

En quatre cantons del món, al califat no hi ha malsons.

In four corners of the world, in the caliphate there are no nightmares.

以前 parlivesitaire.

Previously, you spoke.

Orgullós i agraït, el que em vol queres acollir.

Proud and grateful, the one who wants to welcome me.

I així no em parirem, però així estic, així vist.

And so I won't be born, but this is how I am, this is how I dress.

En quatre cantons del món, al califat no hi ha malsons.

In four corners of the world, in the caliphate there are no nightmares.

You know how I live here.

You know how I live here.

Si vol Nastia va, trucadita aquí.

If Nastia wants to go, a little call here.

Cueva a una Darrina.

Cave to a Darrina.

Com a Cristina?

How is Cristina?

Que se queda更 principalmente.

What stays more mainly.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Fes que s'encengui aquesta nit

Make it light up tonight.

Si estic amb tu sento que cada demà serà millor que ahir

If I'm with you, I feel that every tomorrow will be better than yesterday.

Fes que les nits s'allarguin hores i hores

Make the nights last hours and hours.

I que els dos cremem per dins

And that we both burn inside.

Somiem fent ballar les estrelles

We dream of making the stars dance.

El nostre compàs

Our compass

I és que tu fas que allà a l'entardida hi hagi un clima tropical

And it's that you make it so there is a tropical climate there at dusk.

Només amb la mirada t'arroques qualsevol imperi medieval

With just a glance, you can bring down any medieval empire.

Un somriure pot acabar amb el pitjor dels meus mals

A smile can end the worst of my ills.

Tu seràs la tempesta que s'endurà la por

You will be the storm that will take away the fear.

I que mai més tornarà

And it will never return again.

Seràs la meva sort

You will be my luck.

Tu seràs la conquesta dels dies que vindran

You will be the conquest of the days to come.

I seràs aquelles nits que mai hem oblidat

And you will be those nights that we have never forgotten.

Tu seràs la conquesta dels dies que vindran

You will be the conquest of the days to come.

I seràs la conquesta dels dies que vindran

And you will be the conquest of the days to come.

Només tu tombes tots els murs

Only you break down all the walls.

Tu fas fugir les penes

You make sorrows flee.

Tu fas que tot tingui un sentit

You make everything make sense.

Fas que s'encengui aquesta nit

Make it light up tonight.

Tu ho fas d'un dilluns a un divendres

You do it from Monday to Friday.

Fas brotar flors al desert

You make flowers bloom in the desert.

Fas reflotar el tritànic un altre cop

You make the Titanic rise again.

Perquè destrossi l'isaberg

Because it destroys the iceberg.

Fas que tres i cinc dies l'any siguin com primavera

You make three and five days of the year feel like spring.

I és que tata tata

And it's that tata tata

Tant sols tu ets capaç d'escalfar el meu hivern

Only you are capable of warming my winter.

Tu em fas pecar i després m'arrenques de les portes de l'infernís

You make me sin and then tear me away from the gates of hell.

I estic amb tu més igual que perdem l'últim tren

I am with you just as much as we lose the last train.

Tu seràs la tempesta que s'endurà la por

You will be the storm that will take away the fear.

I que mai més tornarà

And that it will never return again.

Seràs la meva sort

You will be my luck.

Tu seràs la conquesta dels dies que vindran

You will be the conquest of the days to come.

I seràs aquelles nits que mai hem oblidat

And you will be those nights that we have never forgotten.

Que mai hem oblidat

That we have never forgotten.

Jo feia caramelles els diumenges al migdia

I used to make caramelles on Sunday afternoons.

Que amb el llit la mestra ens deia

That with the bed the teacher told us

Que ens poséssim rectes com penjant d'un fil

"That we stand straight like hanging from a thread."

Els dilluns de Pasqua els nens amb barretina i faixa

On Easter Mondays, the children wear a traditional cap and sash.

Els nens amb barretina i faixa

The children with a traditional cap and sash.

Els nens de pobilles

The children of the poor girls

Cantaven per les places i els carrers

They sang in the squares and the streets.


He says

I a mesura que creixíem

And as we grew up

Les hormones s'excitaven

The hormones were getting excited.

Més cremats que una bengala

More burnt than a firework.

Componíem rebel·li

We composed rebellion.

Amb distorsió i amb quatre quintes

With distortion and with four fifths.

Ens creiem els més punquis

We believe we are the most punk.

Els més durs de la comarca

The toughest in the region.

Tot i que érem els més dolents de tots

Although we were the worst of all.

Jo volia cantar

I wanted to sing.


To sing

I si cal perdre-hi la veu

And if it is necessary to lose one's voice for it.

Amb la passió d'un sol moment

With the passion of a single moment.

On l'únic que m'importa és el present

Where the only thing that matters to me is the present.



Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom

Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

La postadolescència ens atrapa en el mestissatge

Post-adolescence traps us in hybridization.

I amb més voluntat que traça

And with more will than skill.

Ens atrevíem a mesclar tots els estils

We dared to mix all the styles.

I amb l'innocència pròpia dels autodidactes

And with the innocence typical of self-taught people.

Vam cometre mil errades

We made a thousand mistakes.

I d'alguna en vam aprendre la lliçó

And from some we learned the lesson.

Jo volia cantar

I wanted to sing.


To sing

I si cal perdre-hi la veu

And if it is necessary to lose the voice.

Amb la passió d'un sol moment

With the passion of a single moment.

Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

O l'únic que m'importa és el present

Or the only thing that matters to me is the present.



I si cal perdre-hi la veu

And if it is necessary to lose one's voice.

Amb la passió d'un sol moment

With the passion of a single moment.

O l'únic que m'importa és el present

Or the only thing that matters to me is the present.

Caramelles i sardanes

Easter songs and sardanas

Borrotxeres i guitarres

Borrotxeres and guitars

Els anys posen a prova el nostre afany

The years test our eagerness.

Però mentre no ens fallin les cames

But as long as our legs don't fail us

Seguirem cantant amb ganes

We'll keep singing with enthusiasm.

Ja que és aixó

What is this?

El que ens fa tirar endavant

What makes us move forward.

Caramelles i sardanes

Caramels and sardanes

Borrotxeres i guitarres

Borrotxeres and guitars

Els anys posen a prova el nostre afany

The years test our striving.

Però mentre no ens fallin les cames

But as long as our legs do not fail us

Seguirem cantant amb ganes

We will keep singing with enthusiasm.

Ja que és aixó

What is this?

El que ens fa tirar endavant

What drives us forward

Jo sols volia cantar

I only wanted to sing.


To sing

I si cal perdre-hi la veu

And if it is necessary to lose one's voice for it

Amb la passió d'un sol moment

With the passion of a single moment.

O l'únic que m'importa és el present

Or the only thing that matters to me is the present.


To sing

I si cal perdre-hi la veu

And if it takes losing your voice.

Amb la passió d'un sol moment

With the passion of a single moment

O l'únic que m'importa és el present

Or the only thing that matters to me is the present.

Eh el present

It's the present.



L'únic que m'importa és el present

The only thing that matters to me is the present.

By yusijc

By yusijc

Aquesta és la raó de la música reggaetonica

This is the reason for reggaeton music.

perquè he estat en una recerca

because I have been on a quest

La música reggaetonica

Reggaeton music

Donant allò que es pot donar

Giving what can be given

Això no és el vell final

This is not the old end.

Buscant un nou accés als vells camins

Looking for a new access to the old paths.

Que ningú ha txafat

That no one has stepped on.

Per donar dolçor a la nostra amargur

To bring sweetness to our bitterness.

I la nostra ràbia pintar-la de colors

And our anger to paint it in colors.

Per donar dolçor a la nostra amargur

To give sweetness to our bitterness.

I la nostra ràbia pintar-la de colors

And our anger to paint it with colors.

Música de verbena, de borratxera

Party music, drunkenness

D'assemblea jove i de festa major

From youth assembly and major festival

Per plantar la nostra ràbia

To plant our anger

Pintar la foguera amb lluna plena

Paint the bonfire with a full moon.

I botar-los focant tots els nostres malsons

I will set them on fire focusing all our nightmares.

Per donar dolçor a la nostra amargur

To give sweetness to our bitterness.

I la nostra ràbia pintar-la de colors

And our anger to paint it with colors.

Per donar dolçor a la nostra amargur

To give sweetness to our bitterness.

I la nostra ràbia pintar-la de colors

And our rage to paint it with colors.

Música per estimar

Music for loving

Per desfer-nos de posals

To get rid of deposits

Per donar dolçor a la nostra amargur

To give sweetness to our bitterness.

Mosega, mosega

Bite, bite

Ningú no podrà parar

Nobody will be able to stop.

Tota aquesta voluntat

All this will

D'evadir la pena

To evade the punishment.

Música per estimar

Music to love

Per desfer-nos de posals

To get rid of pests

Mosega, mosega

Bite, bite.

Ningú no podrà parar

No one will be able to stop.

Tota aquesta voluntat

All this will

Trecar-li la ràbia

Take away the anger.


Listen to me.

La prima s'ho deia a l'epicet

The cousin said it to the epicet.

Dona-li un amic al seu alcóol

Give a friend to his alcohol.

El que estimes

The one you love.

Si és igual que tu no ho leu

If it's the same as you, you don't read it.

Té patir per res

You have to worry for nothing.

La vida dona coses

Life gives things.

I tu les va rebent

And you receive them.

No oblides mai qui eres

Never forget who you are.

I tot anirà bé

And everything will be fine.

Dona-li un amic

Give him a friend.

Qualsevol cosa que estimes

Anything you love

Si és igual que tu no ho leu

If it's the same as you, you don't read it.

Té patir per res

It has to suffer for nothing.

Dona-li un amic

Give him a friend.

Qualsevol cosa que estimes

Anything you love.

Música per estimar

Music for loving

Estàs tan lluny de mi

You are so far away from me.

Com el meu poble del seu país

Like my people in your country.

Com la bohèmia de París

Like the bohemians of Paris

Com el meu dol del teu llençol

Like my sorrow of your sheet

Estic tan lluny de tu

I am so far from you.

Com l'amor és lluny de Roma

As love is far from Rome.

Com Nova York de la foscor

Like New York from the darkness

Com el meu front del teu pató

Like my forehead from your paw

Recorreré el món sencer

I will travel the whole world.

I el meu front del teu pató

And my forehead from your paw

Per intentar sentir-te a prop

To try to feel close to you

I quan no em quedi més a l'aire

And when I have nothing left in the air.

Seguiré promès a poc a poc

I will follow promised bit by bit.

Recorreré el món sencer

I will travel around the whole world.

Per intentar sentir-te a prop

To try to feel you close.

I quan no em quedi més a l'aire

And when I have nothing left in the air

Seguiré promès a poc a poc

I will continue to be promised little by little.

Estàs tan lluny de mi

You are so far away from me.

Com el baller del Sant Pauli

Like the dancer of Sant Pauli

Com Brussel·les del Paquistan

Like Brussels from Pakistan

Com el turista de l'immigrant

Like the tourist of the immigrant

Com el vasall del noble

Like the vassal of the noble.

Com el polític del seu poble

Like the politician from his village.

Com el refugiat de Malta

Like the refugee from Malta

Com els grusllavis de la teva galta

Like the wrinkles on your cheek.

Ploro i enyoro

I cry and I miss.

Tot allò que mai ha passat

Everything that has never happened

Però que sempre he imaginat

But I have always imagined

Ploro i enyoro

I cry and I miss.

Sempre ser a prop del teu costat

Always be close to your side.

Però que sempre he imaginat

But I have always imagined

Que la distància em té atrapat

That distance has me trapped.

Recorreré el món sencer

I will travel the whole world.

Per intentar sentir-te a prop

To try to feel close to you.

I quan no em quedi més a l'aire

And when I have no more left in the air.

Seguiré promès a poc a poc

I will continue to be promised little by little.

Recorreré el món sencer

I will travel the whole world.

Per intentar sentir-te a prop

To try to feel you close

I quan no em quedi més a l'aire

And when I have no more left in the air.

Seguiré promès a poc a poc

I will continue promised little by little.

I quan no em quedi més a l'aire

And when I have no more left in the air.

Ploro i enyoro

I cry and I miss.

Tot allò que mai ha passat

Everything that has never happened

Però que sempre he imaginat

But what I have always imagined.

Ploro i enyoro

I cry and I miss.

Sempre ser a prop del teu costat

Always be close to your side.

Però que sempre he imaginat

But I have always imagined

Que la distància em té atrapat

That the distance has me trapped.

I quan no em quedi més a prop del teu costat

And when I no have you closer to my side anymore.

Recorreré el món sencer

I will travel all over the world.

Per intentar sentir-te a prop

To try to feel you near.

I quan no em quedi més a l'aire

And when I have nothing left in the air.

Seguiré promès a poc a poc

I will continue promised little by little.

Recorreré el món sencer

I will travel the whole world.

I el món sencer

And the whole world

Recorrer el món, el món sencer, recorreré, recorreré i el món sencer.

Travel the world, the whole world, I will travel, I will travel and the whole world.

La lluna de dos cares, que brillen i confonen de nit,

The moon with two faces, that shine and confuse at night,

quan l'esteo és paraules, i tu llogues a vent el perit de les matinades.

When the east is words, and you rent the expert of the dawn to the wind.

La lluna de dos cares, que brillen i confonen de nit,

The moon of two faces, which shine and confuse at night,

quan l'esteo és paraules, de la nit al matí, quan tu vols portar-me a mi.

When the summer is words, from night to morning, when you want to take me.

Desconeguerem una nit de setembre, l'estiu de Sant Miquel,

We will uncover a night in September, the summer of Saint Michael,

a les terres de l'Ebre.

to the Ebro lands.

M'escaure com un toc fora el teu barany, mentre endornaves el teu xampany.

I fit like a touch outside your flannel, while you adorned your champagne.

Imaginava una nit memorable, parlàvem i reiem de coses banals.

I imagined a memorable night, we talked and laughed about trivial things.

Si volies algú biodegradable, jo estava en el lloc i el moment adequat.

If you wanted someone biodegradable, I was in the right place at the right time.

I m'esconara el meu cos a la ciència, tectònica de plaques i fricció fins a l'endemà.

I will hide my body in science, plate tectonics, and friction until tomorrow.

Les hormones en estat de predecència.

The hormones in a state of precedence.

Fam, tenia fam.

Hunger, I was hungry.

La lluna té dos clares, que brillen i confonen de nit,

The moon has two clear ones, that shine and blend at night,

quan les teues paraules, vos sereis meues cartes,

when your words, you will be my letters,

i tu jugues a ver del perill de les màfines.

And you play to see the danger of the muffins.

La lluna té dos clares, que brillen i confonen de nit,

The moon has two lights, that shine and confuse at night,

quan les teues paraules, vos sereis meues passes,

when your words, you will be my steps,

de la nit al matí, quan tu vols portar-me al llit.

from night to morning, when you want to take me to bed.

Comença a ser el dia.

It is starting to be day.

Segona actes tires i alces el teló, saps que la carn és dèbil i aprofites l'ocasió.

Second acts, you pull up the curtain, you know that the flesh is weak and you take the opportunity.

Ens trobem altra vegada en plena ebullició i consumem la fusió.

We meet again in full ebullition and consume the fusion.

És la caricatura sobre l'amor, de càleg de fracassos i de trios.

It is the caricature of love, full of failures and threesomes.

Una història bonica sobre el dolor, una crònica absurda.

A beautiful story about pain, an absurd chronicle.

La lluna té dos clares, que brillen i confonen de nit,

The moon has two clear ones, that shine and confuse at night,

quan les teues paraules, vos sereis meues cartes,

when your words, you will be my letters,

i tu jugues a ver del perill de les màfines.

And you play to see the danger of the mobs.

La lluna té dos clares, que brillen i confonen de nit,

The moon has two lights, that shine and bewilder at night,

quan les teues paraules, vos sereis meues cartes,

when your words, you will be my letters,

i tu jugues a veure del perill de les màfines.

And you play to see the danger of the mafias.

La lluna té dos clares, que brillen i confonen de nit,

The moon has two clear ones, that shine and confuse at night,

quan les teues paraules, vos sereis meues cartes,

when your words, you will be my letters,

i tu jugues a veure del perill de les màfines.

And you play to see the danger of the mafias.

La lluna té dos clares, que brillen i confonen de nit,

The moon has two clear ones, that shine and confuse at night,

quan les teues paraules, vos sereis meues cartes,

when your words, you will be my letters,

i tu jugues a veure del perill de les màfines.

And you play to see the danger of the mafias.

La lluna té dos clares, que brillen i confonen de nit,

The moon has two lights, that shine and confuse at night,

quan les teues paraules, vos sereis meues cartes,

when your words, you will be my letters,

i tu jugues a veure del perill de les màfines.

And you play to see the danger of the mafias.

Esteu a espaces, de la nit al matí, quan tu vols portar-me al dit.

You are in spacetime, from night to morning, when you want to lead me by the finger.

Vine a trena'm a casa, a jugar a l'escalestrit.

Come braid me at home, to play at escalet.

Faré més lalos frenètics, i cremaré més joysticks.

I will make more frenzied lalos, and I will burn more joysticks.

Vine a trena'm a casa, faré pastís de carabassa,

Come to braid me at home, I will make pumpkin pie,

i ompliré la vesprada, de suor i ressaca.

And I will fill the evening with sweat and hangover.

La lluna té dos cares, que brillen i confonen de nit,

The moon has two faces, which shine and blur at night,

quan Esteu es paraules, posen les meues cartes,

when you are words, put my cards,

i tu jugues a verte ferit entre les matinades.

and you play to see yourself wounded among the dawns.

La lluna té dos cares, que brillen i confonen de nit,

The moon has two faces, that shine and confuse at night,

i tu jugues a verte ferit entre les matinades.

And you play to see you wounded in the early mornings.

La lluna té dos cares, que brillen i confonen de nit,

The moon has two faces, which shine and confuse at night,

i tu jugues a verte ferit entre les matinades.

And you play to see yourself hurt among the dawns.

La lluna té dos cares, que brillen i confonen de nit,

The moon has two faces, which shine and confuse at night,

i tu jugues a verte ferit entre les matinades.

And you play to see you hurt among the dawns.

La lluna té dos cares, que brillen i confonen de nit,

The moon has two faces, that shine and confuse at night,

i tu jugues a verte ferit entre les matinades.

And you play to see you hurt among the mornings.

La lluna té dos cares, que brillen i confonen de nit,

The moon has two faces, which shine and confuse at night,

i tu jugues a verte ferit entre les matinades.

And you play to see yourself hurt among the mornings.

La lluna té dos cares, que brillen i confonen de nit,

The moon has two faces, which shine and confuse at night,

i tu jugues a verte ferit entre les matinades.

And you play to see yourself hurt among the dawns.

La lluna té dos cares, que brillen i confonen de nit,

The moon has two faces that shine and confuse at night,

i tu jugues a verte ferit entre les matinades.

And you play to see you wounded among the mornings.

Bona nit

Good night

F, G, H, I

F, G, H, I

Vine aquí

Come here

Ara amunt

Now up

Riu amunt


Balla així

Dance like this.

Canta amb mi

Sing with me.

Avanem-hi tots

Let's move forward together.


Let's move forward.

Avanem-hi tots

Let's all move forward.

Groc, roig, verd, blau, com belluga aquell gripau

Yellow, red, green, blue, how that frog moves.

Sol, foc, prat, cel estripat

Sun, fire, meadow, torn sky

Ara amunt, riu amunt, balla així, canta amb mi

Now up, river up, dance like this, sing with me.

Abanem-hi tots, abanem-hi tots

Let's all wave it, let's all wave it.

Abanem-hi, abanem-hi

Let's go for it, let's go for it.

Abanem-hi tots, abanem-hi tots

Let's all go for it, let's all go for it.

Abanem-hi tots

Let's all go for it.

Ara amunt

Now up

Abanem-hi tots

Let's all go for it.

Riu amor,

River of love,

banes i

banes and



All together now!

Tots junts ara!

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Ara tindrem un altre convidat.

Now we will have another guest.

Santi Sisa.

Santi Sisa.

Els farsans, la veritat, l'anticrist, terra sagrada.

The forgers, the truth, the antichrist, sacred land.

El vell músic se'n recorda i va fer por de la vegada

The old musician remembers and was scared at the same time.

que dins d'un cargol de mar no hi sentia cap onada.

that within a sea shell I could not hear any waves.

Un pagès té la tempesta, un actor la toma cap.

A farmer has the storm, an actor takes the shot.

Cada... els farsans, la veritat, l'anticrist, l'aigua del carme.

Each... the farce, the truth, the antichrist, the water of carmel.

El vell músic se'n recorda i va fer por de la vegada

The old musician remembers and was scared at the same time.

que dins d'un cargol de mar no hi sentia cap onada.

that inside a seashell, she could not hear any waves.

Cada... els farsans, la veritat, el cargol de mar no hi sentia cap onada.

Every... the seagulls, the truth is that the sea snail did not hear any wave.

La, la, la, la, la...

La, la, la, la, la...

La, la, la, la...

La, la, la, la...

Ja veus?

You see?

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...

ens alimenta molles, ja volem

it feeds us crumbs, we want

el pas sencer.

the whole step.

Tenim futur, tenim memòria,

We have a future, we have memory,

foc a les mans per teixir la història,

fire in the hands to weave the story,

portem en elles un llarg camí,

we carry a long journey within them,

viure vol dir prendre partit.

To live means to take a side.

No volem fum, no volem

We don't want smoke, we don't want.

dreseres, aquí no venim

Dreseres, we are not coming here.

a fer volar banderes,

to make flags fly,

comptem amb tu ara, no pots fallar,

we count on you now, you can't fail,

un dia o per tornar a començar.

one day or to start over.

Gent de mar, de rius

People of the sea, of rivers

i de muntanyes,

and of mountains,

ho tindrem tot

we will have it all

i es parlarà de vida.

And there will be talk of life.

Gent de mar, de rius

People of the sea, of rivers

i de muntanyes,

and of mountains,

ho tindrem tot

we will have it all

i es parlarà de vida.

And it will be talked about life.

Anem lluny,

Let's go far.

serem molts,

we will be many,

empenyent endavant,

pushing forward,

qui sembra rebel·liar

who sows rebellion

recull la llibertat,

gather the freedom,

que no ens banyi la por,

let fear not drown us,

el demà avui

the tomorrow today

és nostre,

it is ours,

tu i jo,

you and me,

agafant l'obritzó.

taking the opener.

Ara ja aquí és el moment del poble,

Now is the moment of the people.

no serà nostre si no hi som totes.

it will not be ours if we are not all there.

És part de tu, també és part de mi,

It is part of you, it is also part of me.

viure vol dir prendre partit.

To live means to take sides.

No tenim en les mans els problemes del món,

We do not have the world's problems in our hands,

no tenim totes les solucions,

we do not have all the solutions,

revenim amb coratge i amb somnis llegats.

we return with courage and with inherited dreams.

Tres problemes del món tenim les nostres mans.

Three problems of the world are in our hands.

Estar-nos altres per tot és tot,

Being there for each other is everything.

cada por i el racisme calar-hi fort.

Every fear and racism must be tackled strongly.

Qui treballa la terra se la mereix,

Who works the land deserves it.

lo poble mana, el govern ho ve.

The people command, the government sees it.

Nuestras manos serán nuestro capital,

Our hands will be our capital,

quien mueve el engranaje debe decidir.

He who moves the gear must decide.

Crear, construir, conciencia popular,

Create, build, popular awareness,

eterna divisa que nos guía a vivir libres o morir.

eternal badge that guides us to live free or die.

Gent de mar, de rius i de muntanyes,

People of the sea, rivers, and mountains,

ho tindrem tot

we will have it all

i es parlarà de vida.

And it will talk about life.

Gent de mar, de rius i de muntanyes,

People of the sea, of rivers, and of mountains,

ho tindrem tot

we will have it all

i es parlarà de vida.

And there will be talk of life.

Gent de mar, de rius i de muntanyes,

People of the sea, rivers, and mountains,

ho tindrem tot

we will have it all

i es parlarà de vida.

And it will be talked about life.

Anem lluny, serem molts,

Let's go far, we will be many,

empenyent endavant.

pushing forward.

Qui sembra rebel·lia,

Who sows rebellion,

recull la llibertat.

gather freedom.

Que no ens guanyi la por,

Let us not be overcome by fear,

que no ens guanyi la por,

that fear does not overcome us,

el demà avui és nostre.

Tomorrow today is ours.

Tu i jo,

You and I,

agafant l'horitzó,

taking the horizon,

serem lluny, serem molts,

we will be far, we will be many,

empenyent endavant.

pushing forward.

Som futur i alegria,

We are future and joy,

seguint el pas dels anys.

following the passage of the years.

Que no ens guanyi la por,

Let not fear conquer us,

el demà avui és nostre.

Tomorrow today is ours.

Tu i jo,

You and I,

agafant l'horitzó.

taking the horizon.

Gent de mar, de rius i de muntanyes,

People of the sea, of rivers, and of mountains,

ho tindrem tot

we will have it all

i es parlarà de vida.

and it will be talked about life.

Gent de mar, de rius i de muntanyes,

People of the sea, rivers, and mountains,

ho tindrem tot

we will have everything

i es parlarà de vida.

And it will be talked about life.

Gent de mar, de rius i de muntanyes,

People of the sea, rivers, and mountains,

ho tindrem tot

we will have it all

i es parlarà de vida.

And it will talk about life.

Gent de mar, de rius i de muntanyes,

People of the sea, rivers, and mountains,

ho tindrem tot

we will have it all

i es parlarà de vida.

And it will be talked about life.

Gent de mar, de rius i de muntanyes,

People of the sea, rivers, and mountains,

ho tindrem tot

we will have it all

i es parlarà de vida.

And it will be talked about life.

Gent de mar, de rius i de muntanyes,

People of the sea, of rivers, and of mountains,

ho tindrem tot

we will have it all

i es parlarà de vida.

And it will be talked about life.

Gent de mar, de rius i de muntanyes,

People of the sea, rivers, and mountains,

ho tindrem tot

we will have everything

i es parlarà de vida.

And it will be talked about life.

I es parlarà de vida.

And it will be talked about life.

Gent de mar, de rius i de muntanyes,

People of the sea, rivers, and mountains,

ho tindrem tot i es parlarà de vida.

We will have it all and it will be about life.

T'enriurà si et dic que jo no sé ballar,

You will laugh if I tell you that I don't know how to dance,

però a tu no et cal ningú que et marqui el pas.

but you don't need anyone to set the pace for you.

T'intimides els poetes i els soldats

You intimidate both poets and soldiers.

quan t'apartes els cabells amb una mà.

when you move your hair with one hand.

I de sobte em mires com,

And suddenly you look at me like,

si tinguessis la resposta,

if you had the answer,

la cura dels meus mals.

the cure for my ills.

I t'invento en el meu cap

I invent you in my head.

la valquíria implacable

the relentless valkyrie

que escriu el meu exàrt.

that my exart writes.

Em perdo en el teu mal,

I get lost in your pain.

Martina, Martina.

Martina, Martina.

Val, Martina, Martina.

Okay, Martina, Martina.

Val, Martina, Martina, Val.

Okay, Martina, Martina, Val.

Val, Martina, Martina.

Okay, Martina, Martina.

Em creuràs si et dic que el món se m'ha aturat,

You will believe me if I tell you that the world has stopped for me,

em veuràs com una distracció fugaz.

you will see me as a fleeting distraction.

Has vençut la força de la gravetat

You have overcome the force of gravity.

i una nova llei m'atrapa al teu voltant.

And a new law catches me around you.

Val, Martina, Martina.

Okay, Martina, Martina.

I de sobte em mires com, si tinguessis la resposta, la cura dels meus mans.

And suddenly you look at me as if you had the answer, the cure for my hands.

I t'invento en el meu cap la valquíria implacable que escriu el meu exàrt.

I invent in my head the unyielding valkyrie who writes my exart.

Perdona el teu mal, Martina, Martina.

Forgive your pain, Martina, Martina.

Que no s'acabi aquesta dansa, balla fins a la fi del món.

May this dance never end, dance until the end of the world.

Guia'm al cor de la batalla, balla fins a la fe.

Guide me to the heart of the battle, dance until faith.

Que no s'acabi aquesta dansa, balla fins a la fi del món.

May this dance never end, dance until the end of the world.

Guia'm al cor de la batalla, balla fins a la fe.

Guide me to the heart of the battle, dance until faith.

Ball, Martina, Martina.

Dance, Martina, Martina.

I en una altra vida vaig ser estudiant, tirant, tirant i anar tirant.

And in another life, I was a student, pulling, pulling, and just pulling.

Patada al cor, roba a la porta, m'hauré d'espavilar.

Kick to the heart, clothes at the door, I'll have to get my act together.

Vaig voler salvar cent vides amb el cas de bombers.

I wanted to save a hundred lives with the firefighters' case.

Però tots us en duia quatre, que el foc se m'endugué.

But you all took four from me, which the fire took away.

Serà que no he nascut per ser un heroi.

Perhaps I was not born to be a hero.

Serà el destí, serà la sort, ja no tinc solució perquè sóc el gat, el gat rombero.

It will be destiny, it will be luck, I have no solution because I am the cat, the alley cat.

Ni poeta ni estudiant, ni pagès ni acocat perquè sóc el gat, el gat rombero.

Neither poet nor student, neither farmer nor bent over because I am the cat, the roaming cat.

Ni bomber ni conseller de la Generalitat.

Neither firefighter nor counselor of the Generalitat.

Tirant, tirant i anar tirant.

Pulling, pulling and just pulling.

Sóc inconformista, o és que em falta la sítio.

I am a nonconformist, or is it that I lack the place.

He gastat tipides i ara...

I have spent my wits and now...

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